

Written by JOSPH PIKE.

PHILADELPHIA: Re-printed, and Sold by B. FRANKLIN, and D. HALL, 1757.

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My dearly beloved Friends, and Brethren,

HAving been for some Time under a deep and mournful Sense of the States of many of the Churches of Christ, a weighty Concern came upon my Spirit, to communicate some of those Things to you which came under my Consideration, and I could not be easy until I had given up to do it; and as I foresee what I shall write will be long, and the longer by commemorating the Dealings of the LORD with us in this Nation, as well as by writing some Things new and old: So therefore, I desire you will bear its Length, it being, in Proba­bility, the last Time that ever I shall write to you, for I am but weak in Body, and ill able to write at this Time; and, in all human Prospect, not likely to continue long in this World. But however that [Page 4] may be, Oh! saith my Soul, that the Lord will be pleased to keep and preserve me near to himself to the End, that so in the End of my Time, I may at­tain to that everlasting Rest, that the ELDERS, who have gone before me, are already entred into.

And now, my dear Friends, I herewith send you the Salutation of my endeared Love in our LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST, which re­mains as fresh and fervent with me now in old Age, as in my Youth, more especially to you that tra­vel in Spirit, and are zealously concerned for the Welfare and Prosperity of SION, you are as near and dear to me as ever, and I have Unity with you, in the Covenant of Love and Life, whether you are old or young, rich or poor, for in this Love it is that we are bound up together in the Bundle of Life, being baptized by one Spirit into one Body, and in this Love which proceeds from the Spirit, the true Unity of the Church is kept up and main­tained in the Bond of Peace, whereby the whole Body is edified together in love, which you know is a stronger Bond and Tye than all outward Laws, Creeds, or Confessions of Faith without it.

And besides this Gift of the HOLY SPIRIT, which CHRIST has given us for our Salvation, he has given additional Means and Assistances con­ducive to that great End; thus he has afforded us the HOLY SCRIPTURES for our Information, Edification and Comfort, thro' the Spirit. He has sent us his Ministers and Messengers, whom he has furnished with the immediate Power of his Word: He has gifted ELDERS to oversee, advise and admonish us, and, by his holy Spirit, he has moved upon both Ministers and Elders, to give forth and leave us holy Instructions, for keeping godly Order [Page 5] and Discipline in the Churches of CHRIST, to be as an Hedge and Fence about us for our Preserva­tion (so far as Means can do) in this Unity of the Spirit, as well as to keep us from the In­roads of the Enemy, 1 Pet. 5. 8. who goes about con­tinually seeking whom he may devour.

Our gracious LORD has done all this for us in our Day and Time, as he did formerly, so that we may truly say with that holy Prophet Isaiah, who spoke from the Mouth of the Lord, say­ing, What could have been done more to my Vineyard that I have not done in it. And I pray God it may not be said of many of us now as he said to Israel then, viz. Wherefore, when I looked that it should bring forth Grapes, it brought forth wild Grapes. Isa. 5. 4.

Now, my dear Friends, that which bears the greatest Weight upon my Spirt at this Time, is, re­lating to godly Order and Discipline in the Churches of Christ: And tho' I well know that you, who have retained your first Love to God, and have kept your Habitations in his holy Truth, do not want any Information of mine to convince you of the Necessity and Service thereof; yet, as out of the Abundance of the Heart: the Mouth speaketh, so out of the abundant Concern I feel upon my Spirit for the Prosperity of Truth, I beseech you bear with me while I ease my Mind, if it but prove of the least Benefit to the Younger in your Meet­ing, by stirring up the pure Mind by Way of Remem­brance; for notwithstanding I am very sensible that some of you do want but little stirring up to your Duty, respecting Discipline, yet I believe many others do. Neither do you want to be convinced that our Womens, as well as Mens, Meeting for [Page 6] Discipline, were first set up by the Movings of the LORD's Power, through that worthy and faithful Elder GEORGE FOX; and also, that the Authority of these Meetings is to be kept up and maintained therein, you are living Witnesses there­of, because the LORD has often owned your Services in them by the Overshawdowings of his glorious Power.

Exod. 18. 4. You know also, that in the first Institution of these our Mens Meetings, the Members of them were to be faithful Men, who were to rule and govern for the LORD, Men fearing GOD, and hating Covetousness, agreeable to those in the Apostles Times, whom the HOLY GHOST had made Overseers in the Church of CHRIST; yet this does not exclude ho­nest minded young Men from being admitted to sit in those Meetings as Learners, who, growing in Truth, may at length come to have their spiritual Senses exercised, so as rightly to discern between Good and Evil, and Things that differ, tho' at first they may not see into Things so clearly as the faithful Elders did, yet as they grow in Truth, and follow them, as the Apostle Paul advises, the Lord in due Time will reveal such Things unto them. I can speak this from my own Experience; likewise, in a more general Way, as there are, and always will be, different Degrees of Growth in the Members of the Church of CHRIST, yet as all are growing in Truth, and drawing one Way, and aiming at the same Thing, namely the Honour of the LORD, and Prosperity of his holy Truth, there will be a general Condescen­sion and Submission to one another, but more espe­cially to godly Elders and Overseers; here the Phil. 3. 15. [Page 7] strong and Self-will of Man is kept out, and the Unity of the Spirit, in an heavenly Harmony, maintained in those Meetings, as well as among the whole Body, or Church of CHRIST.

And while Things remained in this Order, the true Watchmen for CHRIST, those Elders, were good Examples to the Flock themselves; they diligently watched them, lest the Enemy should steal in upon them; and when at any Time he made an Appearance, they gave the Alarm to the Flock to beware of the Devourer: Thus, if any Thing did appear contrary to Truth, of what Kind soever, then presently (without De­lay) those true Watchmen did endeavour to put a Stop thereto; then it was that Things went well in general in the Churches of CHRIST. I could enlarge abundantly upon the good Effects of it, but stop myself, and in a few Words say, That then the Disorderly were dealt with in due Time, ac­cording to the Nature of their Offences, and for their Good: And if they could not be reclaimed, they were set in their Places, Truth cleared, and they made as Examples to others, and then those Examples in some Measure became a Terror to such who were inclined and ready to follow their disorderly Steps, by which Means many, I believe, were deterred there from: And thus holy Discipline was kept in its right Chan­nel, and, above all, the LORD was pleased to own those Services with his heavenly Power.

But alas! alas! The State of Things continued in this Condition but a few Years before the Enemy of all Righteousness made Attempts to break down the Fence of Discipline, which had been set up by the Power of GOD, and even prevailed on some, who had been as leading Elders and Mini­sters, [Page 8] to be concerned therein (such who once knew better Things) but had departed from their first Love to Truth, and Zeal for it; these Men, with their libertine Company in our bordering Na­tion, did rise up against that Man of GOD, G. Fox, who had been made the Instrument, in the Hand of the LORD, to set up good Order and Discipline; they levelled their Rage and Malice against him in particular, with those who had kept their first Love in general: But their chief End was to lay waste, and destroy this good Order and Discipline, and leave every one to do as they pleased, and would have no Bounds set, with this plausible Pretence, that all must be left to the Light in their Consciences, and Friends must wait until they are convinced, that such and such Things were contrary to Truth, tho' even many of the Things they went into, the Light of CHRIST led the true Followers of it out of, and to testify against, in the Beginning. This was pleasing Doctrine to Libertines; it took with them, and they made use of it, and thereupon went into wrong Liberty, as Height, Pride, Fashions of the World, Stiff-neckedness, Strife, Centention, and so unruly, that they would not submit their Diffe­rences to Friends, with many other Things con­trary to Truth, too long to enumerate; and yet all this under a Pretence of Christian Liberty, and that they were not convinced by the Light in their Con­sciences to the contrary. In short, the Rebellion and Confederacy (against good Order in the Church) was very great and strong, and in some Places they set up separate Meetings; but the LORD brought a Blast upon that Spirit, and they came to nothing, as a Body of People; yet notwithstanding this, the Seeds, which they had sown in this Time of undue [Page 9] Liberty remained, and still remain amongst many, in some Places, and in this Time it was that some of those Seeds were brought into this Nation, by Examples from them, and in particular Height and Finery in Apparel and Houshold Stuff, with some o­ther Things, of which I am presently to speak.

Tho' I was but a young Man then, yet an Eye and Ear Witness of many of those Things, having been at several of the Meetings in England, wherein this libertine Spirit raised Contention, and then I clearly saw the Tendency thereof, that it would, if possible, lay waste the whole Heritage of GOD, and I bore my Testimony against it, as convenient Seasons and Opportunities offered.

I have written after this Manner to shew how good Order and Discipline was set up and establish­ed in a general Way, and what Spirit it was that opposed it then, and I greatly fear the same Spi­rit is at work now, in this Nation, tho' in a differ­ent Appearance, not by their opposing all Discipline in a general Manner as they did, but by breaking of Minutes, and weakening the Hands of the Faith­ful, who are zealously concerned in Spirit for the Promotion of Truth, and keeping up the Discipline thereof, in its right Line.

Now, in opening these Things, I find I shall be still led on in an historical Manner, and therefore desire your Patience, and tho' it tend not to the Information of you faithful Elders in Israel, who know them already, yet it may be to the Younger, by commemorating the kind Dealings of the LORD towards us, and stirring up the pure Mind in them, and that none of us may be ungrateful to him, for all the Benefits and Labour that he has bestow­ed upon us.

[Page 10] I have already said, that some of the Seeds, which that libertine Spirit had sown, were brought over into this Nation, and particularly that of Height and Finery in Apparel and Household Furni­ture, &c. And by exampling one another, they came to a great Height at last, tho' not to that Degree, as in the other Nation, but we are going fast into them.

Now, upon this Occasion, I must revive the Me­mory of that Worthy Elder William Edmundson, of this Nation, whose Memory and Labours live, and are sweet to the upright in Heart, and who (as most of you well know) was eminently instru­mental in the Hand of the LORD, not only in a powerful Ministry by Word and Doctrine, but also for establishing and maintaining good Order and Discipline in the Churches of CHRIST. He zealously and with undaunted Courage stood up faith­fully for the LORD and his Cause, and opposed all false Liberty, in its first Appearance, and was, to my certain Knowledge, much grieved, when he saw it growing in this Nation, and faithfully bore his Testimony against it, without Favour or Affec­tion, and tho' he did so, and that many Epistles and Minutes went forth from our Half-year Meet­ing, against that libertine Spirit of Height, Pride, and other Things, that had grown upon us, yet all did not prove fully effectual, until at last the LORD blest his unwearied Endeavours, with Success, as a chief Instrument in the Hand of GOD, for putting godly Discipline in due and close Execution, and by which Means a Stop was put to that Spirit, in great Measure, until he was taken from us, and it is now about out Thirty Years since the LORD raised up and spirited many godly Elders to join with [Page 11] him, as one Man, in this Work of Reformation, and thereupon Epistles were given forth from Half-years Meetings, which named Abundance of Su­perfluities, in Apparel, House Furniture, garnishing of Houses, &c. with numerous other Things relat­ing to Conversation and Behaviour, and running greedily after the Things of this World, too long to enumerate, and which may be seen in those Minutes, and for the more effectual performing this Work, they directed us to chuse out right spirited Friends, who had a Concern upon them for the Prosperity of Truth, and putting away all those Things that were as Nuisances in the Church, to visit every particular Family, to see, inspect and advise ac­cordingly, as they saw Occasion for it.

Now, about this Time, the LORD had also rais­ed a Concern in the Minds of the faithful Elders, in most Parts of this Nation, and, with them, had likewise been preparing the Hearts of a younger and middle aged Generation, to join in this Work, and when those Epistles and Minutes came down to this Province, there was a general Assent in the Minds of Friends to comply with the Advices they gave us, as seeing the Necessity of it; and indeed I must confess, I believe that we, in this City of Cork, were at that time as much concern­ed to take the Advice as any in the Nation; for tho' our Wives and Children dressed pretty plain, yet many of them wore rich costly Apparel, tho' of grave Colours, and many of our Houses were furnished with divers Superfluities, that were not agreeable to the Plainness of Truth, and as Truth (I am satisfied) led into, in the Beginning.

However, so it was that the LORD touched the Hearts of those also, and they joined Heart and [Page 12] Hand to the Work, in first cleansing their own Houses and Families from these Things, and after that, as Elders were appointed according to the Advice of the Half-year's Meeting to visit Families, so some of those, the Younger, were appointed a­mongst the rest; but I well know it was very hard for some them to give up to it, as thinking the Service too weighty for them, but having a Con­cern upon their Spirits, that the Work should go on, they at last complied, tho' in a Cross to their own Wills, they went in much Weakness, Fear and Trembling, but the LORD (I testify) was with and strengthened them in the Service. I write this for the Encouragement of all honest hearted young Persons, such who are concerned in Spirit for the Prosperity of Truth, and that think themselves very weak, and thereby are too backward in such Services, which the faithful Elders in the Church of GOD shall think them measurably capable of.

It is with me to let the Younger know how Friends proceeded in their Visits; and this I do, in order to stir up their Minds by Way of Informa­tion and Encouragement. The Visiters chosen first met together, and, in the Love of GOD, without Partiality, examined one another, how far they stood clear themselves, relating to the Things about which they were going to advise others; and, after due Examination, proceeded thus: When we came to a Family, we sat down with them, and first wait­ed a while upon the LORD, and then, as it arose in the Minds of any, we principally in the first Place directed them to the Gift of the LORD's Spirit in themselves, as that by which alone they could grow in the Truth, and which would lead them in outward Things, agreeable thereto, as to Con­versation, [Page 13] Behaviour and Plainness of Apparel and Speech, &c. as it led our Elders in the Begin­ning; and that altho' these Things were very com­mendable in their Places, yet told them, they would not do of themselves, except the Heart was also right in the Sight of the LORD: And having spoken what was in our Minds, according to the State of the Family we visited (sometimes all to­gether, and sometimes particularly apart, as we saw Occasion for it) we then came to the Minutes from our Half-year's Meeting, and spoke parti­cularly to them.

And this I may tell you of a Truth, that in all those Visits we made in this City at that time we met with no Opposition or Contradiction in any one Family or particular Person, that I remem­ber, but a general Condescension in all, and some­times a free and open Confession of Things that had been amiss, and that in great Tenderness, with Hopes of Amendment for the future; so that the Visiters and Visited had great Satisfaction in that Service; and this I may further tell you, above all, the LORD owned our Service, by favouring us with his holy Power therein, so that in some Families, where Things were well, the LORD overshadowed us by his living Presence, and melted us down together, as into one Lump; May my Soul never forget those Times, while I have a Day to live in this World!

Now, after those Visits were over in this City, in convenient Time most of those Visiters here did accompany some other faithful Elders in the Pro­vince, and they went through it, visiting the Fa­milies of Friends, like as they had done in this Ci­ty, which had much the same Effects as here, there [Page 14] being a general Condescension to comply with the Desire of the Half-year's Meeting; and ac­cordingly, in Time, there was (I think I may say) a pretty full and effectual Reformation in this Pro­vince in outward Things that had been amiss, and which that Meeting desired might be put away) and I understood the like Success attended that Service in other Parts of this Nation; and thus Things stood for several Years, and there was great Unity among Friends of this Province in particu­lar, as well as in general throughout the rest of the Kingdom, and the LORD was pleased there­with, which he manifested oftentimes by the Overflowings of his divine Power in the Meetings of Friends.

I confess, my dear Friends, my writing after this Manner looks rather like an History or Nar­rative than an Epistle, but I desire you will bear with me, it being to magnify the loving Kindness of the LORD in (rehearsing) his Dealings with us, and for the Information and Encouragement of the Younger, that they may follow the Steps of the worthy Antients, who have followed Christ, and shun and avoid that libertine Spirit, which I fear is now getting in, and has got in again, en­deavouring to throw down and lay waste what our godly Elders had reared up by the Power of the LORD, and from this Fear, I am led to query after this Manner.

Is there not (some) in Being, who not only saw those Times of outward Reformation, but also heartily joined therein, by putting away out of their Houses and Families those Superfluities in Fineness of Apparel and Houshold Furniture, &c. I am satisfied there are. Or is there any who, since [Page 15] that Time, have owned that Concern, and for a Time stood zealous for the Plainness of Truth? I am persuaded there are. And now I query, is there any of late Times, of both Sorts, who have lost that former Zeal, and suffered or permitted some of the same or greater Superfluities in Apparel and Dress to be worn by their Children, and in their Families; and likewise have suffered or permitted as fine or finer House Furniture and Garnishing to come into their own Houses, or their Childrens, which I am satisfied they might have prevented, by zealously standing against it; and moreover, have they not connived at others that have gone into such Things? I fear there are such.

Now, by these and the like Means, and by taking Examples from one another, the Seeds of Height, Pride and Vanity, have grown and spread more (among us) than ever they were before that Time of Reformation, to the Wounding and Griev­ing of the Souls of the upright in Heart. Oh! Friends ( Friends) I have this to say to you, from the Movings of the Spirit of the LORD in my Heart, how will you answer it in the Day of Ac­count? You, I say, that by your Easiness and Luke-warmness, have let in those offensive Things upon us again; for as our blessed Lord said, Whoso shall offend one of these little Ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a Milstone were hanged about his Neck, and that he were drowned in the Depth of the Sea. What will be the Portion of such as these? Therefore let all who are concerned herein repent, and do their first Works, before it be too late. Mat. 18. 6.

Again, besides Height, Pride and Fashions, which have (I fear) appeared in too many with a daring [Page 16] Face, is there not some that have very much lost, or been ashamed of, the plain Language, both in speaking and writing.

I further query, Are there not some, who have gone into undue Liberty of many Kinds, and o­thers that would be accounted something, who have gone into Contentions, Broils, and Differences, (through a covetous and selfish Spirit) to the Trou­ble of the Church? I wish there may not. But I cannot well pass by that evil Spirit of Covetous­ness without the following Remark. ‘It is an abominable Evil in the Sight of the LORD, CHRIST himself severely reprehended it, and cautioned to beware thereof; his holy A­postle called it Idolatry, and the former Pro­phets cried out against it; as did in like Manner that worthy Elder William Edmundson (herein before mentioned) often warning us to beware thereof; where it takes deep Root in the Heart, it is a merciless devouring Spirit, not only endeavouring to devour others, but even destroy that Man himself who gives Way thereto, and very little can stand before it, therefore beware thereof wherever it appears.’

And lastly, besides what I have queried above, I here query in a more general Manner, Are there not some who were once very zealous, and stood against all those Things I have mentioned, and if they had kept their Habitations in the LORD's holy Truth, might have been made serviceable Instruments in his Hand; and as bright Stars in the Firmament of his Power, and have joined Hand in Hand, and put Shoulder to Shoulder, in helping the Faithful to keep out those Things; and by which Means I am [Page 17] persuaded they would in great Measure have been kept out. I say, Is there not some of those (tho' I hope not many) that now of late Years have been faulty in some of those Things them­selves, and others who have stood easy, and uncon­cerned in Mind, while they have seen and beheld some that were going into them, and instead of helping the zealous and upright in Heart, have rather clogged and weakened their Hands, by openly or secretly abetting the Cause of the wrong Spirit­ed and the Disorderly, so far as they were able, and thereby have sometimes fended off the Stroke of Justice and Judgment, in the Way of Dis­cipline (and hindered the Line thereof) from be­ing stretched over such in due Time, according to the Nature of their Offences: For if right Times be not observed, right Services may be lost. Where­as, if true Discipline had been duly and rightly executed, it might probably have tended to the Good of such Offenders themselves; as well as the Dettering others from following their Steps; but, above all, it would have kept up, and established good Order and Discipline in its right Line in the Church of CHRIST.

The Breaking or Obstructing this right Line of Discipline has (I fear) produced a partial conniving amongst some; for have not the Easy, Luke-warm, and Indifferent (who have lost their first Love) daubed with untempered Mortar, while they have endeavoured to skreen and defend the Covetous, and Troublers of the Church? And, on the other Hand, have not such joined with the luke-warm Daubers, when they have been justly found Fault withal, and then [Page 18] both Sorts have been easy with the High, Proud and Libertines, who also in their Turn (as they had Opportunity) defended the rest; and thus they have strengthened one another, contrary to that most solemn Charge which the Apostle Paul gave to Timothy, in Relation to the Management of the Church Affairs, viz. I charge thee (says he) before GOD, and the LORD JESUS CHRIST, and the elect Angels, that thou observe these Things, without preferring one before another, doing nothing by Partiality, 1 Tim. v. 21. Such as these are Men for GOD, and right Judges for Him. They cannot swerve or be partial to any Party, Person, or even nearest Relations, for Fa­vour, Affection, or worldly Ends; but as to those who are easy, luke-warm, partial or cold, or such that are Troublers of the Church of GOD, and who once knew better Things, I have this in my Heart to say (if there be any such, as I fear there are) the LORD's Controversy is against them, whether they pretend to be Teachers of others, or as Elders, and he will dreadfully plead with such above others, for they may not only have their own Blood to answer for, but also the Blood of others; therefore repent in Time, before it be too late. If any one shall think me too sharp in what I write, I may tell them it is no pleasing Work to me, for I do it in a Cross to my own Will, but the Day calls for plain Dealing, and I must discharge my Conscience.

But as for you, my dear Friends, who have re­tained your first Love to GOD, and have stood zealous for the LORD and his Truth, whether you are Ministers or Elders, young or old, what [Page 19] I write touches you not; therefore I verily be­lieve you will not be offended at it, for you can discern from what Spirit I write: But notwith­standing I have enumerated so many hurtful Things which have prevailed upon some that have been unwatchful, yet I hope none will mi­stake me so far as that thereby I mean the Gene­rality of Friends, which I am far from doing; for I believe, and know, that the Lord has still a faithful People in this Nation, which I hope he will preserve to the End.

Moreover, I have this in particular to say to you that go mourning under the Burden of those Things I have mentioned, be not too much dis­couraged tho' some of your Brethren, that should have helped you, have left you, it was so of old; remember that great Servant of the LORD, Moses, how often he was brought into great Straits, by Oppositions he met with from re­bellious Israel, yet the LORD stood by him, and carried him through to the End. Remem­ber the Prophets, Elijah, Ezekiel, and Jere­miah, with others, who sometimes thought they stood alone, yet the LORD stood by them, and likewise carried them through. Remember Paul, who said to Timothy upon Occa­sion, that no Man stood with him, and all they of Asia turned from him, and he oftentimes met with great Opposition and Dis­couragements, yet the LORD stood by him, and carried him through: These may be as Exam­ples and Encouragements to you; therefore slack not your Hands, be not dismayed because of Op­positions and Discouragements you meet withal 2 Tim. 1. 15. [Page 20] stand your Ground, and be zealous for the LORD and his Testimony, and though you cannot do all you desire, yet do all you can for him, and the LORD will stand by you, as he did by them formerly.

Dear Friends, there is another Thing of great Consequence that I have not yet mentioned, which has done abundance of Mischief in the Church, and that is the Fondness and Indulgence of many Parents to their Children, in giving them their own Way and Wills so long, until the Root of Evil has grown and spread itself forth into many evil Branches, and at length they have been so alienated from Truth and Friends, that some of them have run quite out. I could en­large abundantly upon the evil Effects of this fond Indulgence, but that I have been so large already on other Matters, and that we have so many Minutes against it.

However I say, that tho' some godly Parents have discharged their Duty to their Children, which has not had the desired Effect, yet they will be clear of their Blood; but I believe too ma­ny have not performed their Duty, by which Ne­glect their Children have taken wrong Liberty, and fallen into hurtful Things; such Parents must be accountable for it in the Day of the LORD.

I have already spoken of admitting young Men into Mens Meetings, but have this to add (not as your Director) but as believing it is what Truth will lead all right spirited Friends into in every Quarter, viz. To be very careful not to admit of any unless they come under these following Qualifications. First, They should be [Page 21] sober and orderly in their Conversations. Second­ly, they should be plain, and exemplary in their Habit, Apparel and Dressing, likewise no Tatlers. And thirdly, that so far as Friends can have a Sense of their Spirits, that they will be condescend­ing to godly Elders, and not either in their Words or Spirits likely to oppose them, for I have ob­served in my Time, that some, who have been ad­mitted, without these Qualifications, have in Time proved great Troublers of the Church, especially if they have had fluent Tongues, which I have beheld in some Places (in my former Tra­vels,) to the Grief of my Soul.

Another Thing I may observe to you, that we have a great many young and middle-aged Men amongst us, who are orderly, in their Conversations, and also wish well to the Prosperity of Truth, and yet are (as I may term it) either indolent, or too much incumbred in the Things of this World, and thereby are backward in coming up into that Service for Truth, which otherwise they might be capable of, were their Spiritual Senses rightly exercised, but by their being so backward their Senses grow (as it were) dull, for want of Use, and I believe it will become the Duty of godly Elders in all the Meetings where such are, to stir them up to mind the Gift that is in them, or if Need be, even to rouse them up to their Duties, as well for their own Good, as the Service they may have for the Truth.

And now, dear Friends, I am come near to as End of this very long Epistle, and tho' I have been thus large already, yet one Thing more, bears [Page 22] Weight upon my Mind, and I could not be easy without touching upon it, which if it shall only tend to a Caution of the Younger, my End will be answered; and that is relating to the close Join­ing in Familiarity with any dark opposite and un­ruly Spirits; you know we have Minutes against it; and the Apostle Paul was of the same Mind, when he advised to have no Company with any who obeyed not their Word, by that Epistle, 2 Thes. iii. 14. 16. yet in that Case adviseth not to count such as an Enemy, but admonish him as a Brother, but positively commands, in the Name of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, to withdraw from every Brother that walked disorderly and not after the Tradition received of the Apostle, &c. 2 Thes. iii. 6. and likewise to have no Fellowship with the un­fruitful Works of Darkness, but reprove them.

Now, if any of those who walk orderly, and are in Fellowship with Friends, do contract a very intimate and unnecessary Familiarity with Persons of dark or opposite Spirits, I believe it will have these following bad Effects. First, It may rather strengthen them in that Spirit, than help to re­claim them from their Opposition. Secondly, It may harden them in Prejudice against those that can­not do the same. Thirdly, It may be of ill Ex­ample, and tend to the further Hurt of others, who are inclined to follow the Steps of the Unfaithful. But beyond all this, in my Time I have observed, that even the Orderly themselves have been greatly hurt, at last some of them lost thereby, for having these Opportunities of frequent Conversation to­gether; and by the continual buzzing Things against the Faithful, the Orderly have in length of Time [Page 23] lent an Ear to them, whereby Surmises and Jea­lousies have been begotten, then Hardness and Pre­judice have entered; and lastly, a joining in Con­federacy with dark Spirits against those who have nothing more in their View than the Honour of the LORD, and Good of Souls; and by this very Means (even to my own certain Knowledge) many who (at first) were orderly and honest mind­ed, were caught in this Snare in the Time of the Separation, and some taken in the same in this Nation also: Therefore, I hope the Orderly will observe our Minutes and the Advice and Com­mands of the Apostles, and if they have Occa­sion (as they may often) to converse with any of the other Sort, to keep upon their Watch, and carry towards them, as to such who are under Ad­monition, for I am sure Truth will lead thereto.

And now I shall conclude, in much brotherly Love, your dear Friend,


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