

NEW-YORK: Printed for the AUTHOR. 1754.

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AS France has hitherto, by the Means of Great-Britain chiefly, been prevented from enslaving the World and Mankind, they are become of Course our implaca­ble and most inveterate Enemies, and of late every where our Competitors in Trade, and, as one of the Links of their grand System, Encroachers upon our Territories; regardless of all Faith, Oaths, or Treaties, their national Polity being one continued Train of Chicane and Deceit; witness, the late au­dacious Insult of an abandoned Crew of his Maje­sty's own Subjects, instigated and supported by that grand Monarch, upon the Liberties of Great-Bri­tain itself.

THEIR late Encroachments upon his Majesty's Rights and Territories, in the East and West-Indies, in Africa, and in Hudson's- Bay, with the most pro­voking Circumstances, are so well known, that I believe I need not mention them. And now they seem avowedly, and with much Assurance, to open the same shameful Scene upon this Continent, which they have indeed been long practising under­hand. Thus by System they are become the Di­sturbers of the Peace of Mankind, and worse than a Pest, for there is no End of it to every conti­guous Society; we are not the only Objects of their Resentment.

[Page 4] THAT vast Sums have been expended upon their royal Geographers, and Hydrographers, in order that their Maps and Sea Charts may quadrate with their political System of Encroachments upon the Territories of other Nations, is apparent to the whole World; and thus by establishing their imaginary Rights by Pen and Ink, they are determined to confirm their Accuracy by a forcible Possession. Another Piece of Finesse, or French Policy, is that of burying Leaden Plates up and down this Conti­nent, with certain Inscriptions, in order to form new Pretensions; but in this, I am told, they were discovered by some of our Indians, who, tho' not pleased, were diverted with the Whim, as I am confident the World must be with their other Pro­ject, being equally ridiculous. What Figure we are like to make in this Dispute; we, I say, who are so nearly concerned in the Event, and who must become, in all Probability, the first Sacrifice; we, to whom, in a great Measure, all this Impertinence is owing, who by an ill-judged Frugality meanly neglected the Preventing their first Intrusions at Crown-Point, and that important Pass at Niagara, and some more of the like Kind, together with a total Neglect of Indian Affairs, I shall not take upon me to determine; nor shall I enter into a Discussion of the Reasons of that Neglect, or to whom owing, at this Time; this is not the Time to retrospect, we must now look forward. Our Case at present is neither more nor less than this, viz. That the French are now drawing a Line along the Bor­ders of our Settlements in every Province, from the Mouth of St. Lawrence, to the Mouth of Missi­sippi, and building Forts to secure the most conve­nient Passes on the Lakes, that form the Commu­nication; by which they will effectually cut off all Intercourse and Traffick, between us and the In­dians [Page 5]inhabiting the inland Countries; and likewise compel those who are Neighbours and Allies, by reason of the absolute Dependance they must have on the French for every thing they want, as well as for their Liberty of Hunting and Fishing, to fall under their Subjection, or starve. It therefore, I think, behoveth us at this Time to exert our utmost Endeavours, by all the Means in our Power, to prevent so bad a Neighbourhood. It is a Maxim in England, to avoid, if possible, the Neighbour­hood of a great Lord; by the same Parity of Reason, what ought we then not to do, to avoid that of an ambitious, all-grasping Monarch, whose Will, often the Caprice of a Miss, or a Favourite, is the Law; For such is our Pleasure, is their whole Corpus Juris. One great Step, if not the greatest, to this grand Monarch's universal System, is that of being possess'd of this Northern Continent of Ame­rica, a Territory boundless as is his Ambition, in which he has made not a little Progress.

THE vast Anxiety the Court and Kingdom of France were under on the Loss of Cape-Breton, esteemed the Key and Dunkirk of North America, and which I doubt will be equally baneful to us as ever the other was to Britain, together with other numerous Circumstances, and indeed from every Step taken, may convince us, that the Plan for ex­tirpating the Subjects of Great-Britain out of Ame­rica, has been long in Agitation; the French lay their Plans of this Kind at a Distance, but seldom lose the Point in view.

THEY have for many Years been indefatigable in their Endeavours to seduce our Indians; we on the other Side, have been as indolent as they could wish; and if ever they succeed in this Point effec­tually, they will have little else to do.

[Page 6] REGULAR Troops are of little Use here, further than to fight from behind Walls; it is by Means of the Indians, and by them only, that any Stop can be put to those wicked Encroachments. And this is as yet very far from being either impossible or im­practicable, if all Hands set heartily about it; the very French themselves openly upbraid us with our Indolence, and Divisions, which they acknowledge to be their greatest Security. It is evident therefore I think to a Demonstration, that if we continue to neglect our Indians much longer, or, if this Plan of a Congress for a Confederacy should prove abor­tive through the Caprice of any Man, or Number of Men, or by any ill-judged Frugality, that we may from thence date the Commencement of the the Dissolution and Destruction of these Colonies: As for my own Part I sincerely believe the Indians will go off in a Body, and in that Case we shall most certainly be the first undone, Great-Britain will suffer, and all Europe will sooner or later feel the Effects of it. Those therefore, who are more immediately concerned, and with whom we have entrusted the Security of our Lives and Fortunes, have not a little to answer for to the present Gene­ration, as well as to those who are to come after us, for their Conduct upon this critical Occasion.

LET us for once suppose the French, by their Fortifications and Lines of Communication, abso­lutely Masters, either by Force, or Friendship of the Indians; how easy a Matter would it be for them with a small naval Force to put us between two Fires? A small Force of regular Troops to at­tack Albany, and New-York, at the same Time, while their Blood-hounds are burning and mas­sacring our Out-Settlements, is, in my humble Opi­nion, the Plan laid, and which they will put in Ex­ecution sooner or later, according as they become [Page 7]Masters of the Indians; and what a Catastrophe will this create!

WHERE is now that Champion of our Liberties, who so worthily exerted himself in the Cases of Rotten Row, and rotten black Gowns? Let him now stand forth, our All being at Stake, and display his Eloquence; a Philippic or two; for never were Cases more parallel than that of Greece and ours, when Demosthenes, by his powerful Eloquence, raised such a Spirit of Liberty in his Countrymen the A­thenians, ready to sink, and upon the Brink of De­struction, as saved his Country; a few Philippics, I say, in that Gentleman's perswasive Manner, I am serious, might have wonderful Effects, and eternize his Memory. And the Cases being so much alike, the same Reasoning, with a very few mutatis mu­tandis, will hold; we most certainly want the Assist­ance of our best Heads and Hands, to infuse some publick Spirit amongst us, and to raise us out of our present Lethargy.

LET us not, however, despair, we are not yet past Redemption; we have Hands, and I hope Hearts enough, if properly employed, to recover all our past Lapses and Misteps. But, as a worthy Patriot upon the like Occasion observes, this must indeed be very burdensome; for if the greatest State in Eu­rope, animated by the Prospect of universal Domi­nion, enabled by the absolute Power of its Govern­ment to draw every Shilling out of private Purses into the publick Purse; and assisted by the personal Service of all its People, through the national Va­nity, and martial Habit of the Country; if such a State will press the Ruin of its Neighbours with an obstinate Expence of all its Blood, and all its Trea­sure, no Man can think it is an easy Task to re­duce or resist a Power which shall act this Part: But you are to consider, says he, not so much the [Page 8]Difficulties you must now encounter to defend your­selves, in this Conjuncture, as the certain Impossi­bility of your ever being able to do it again in any other, if you lose the present Opportunity. I shall only therefore beg Leave to say as to the State of our Affairs, the Fact is this, that such is the Pow­er, such the Ambition, such the destructive Plan laid down by France; a plan to divide and enslave the World; a Plan pursued with the utmost Obsti­nacy through every Difficulty for above a Century past; so far my Author; how justly applicable to the present Situation of our Affairs, judge O Reader!

BUT as pointing out those impending Evils, without offering, or attempting to offer at a Reme­dy, a Practice too common, and is only doing Things by Halves, I shall beg Leave, with much Submission, to offer such Hints as have occurred to me from long Observation, which I hope some abler Hand will take up and improve with Candour (avaunt Criticism) I invite them, nay I challenge it, as they will answer the Contrary to their God, their King, their Country, and Posterity.

THAT we have lost, in a great Measure, all that sincere Friendship and Attachment which did once subsist between us and our Indians, upon which, from the Malevolence of a wicked Neighbourhood, our Being, in this Part of the World, chiefly de­pends, is notorious to the World; by what, or by whose Means, as before, I shall not take upon me to discuss, the Task is invidious; I shall only beg Leave to observe, that the injurious and villainous Treatment they have met with for these many Years, in their Way of Trade, and that with­out Redress, together with the proper Use our im­placable Enemies have made of it, who, by all Ac­counts, however they may treat their Indians in [Page 9]other Matters, in that of Traffick they are always honestly and justly dealt by, are the Sources of our Misfortunes. Now in order to regain their Affec­tions and Friendship effectually, it will be necessary, in my humble Opinion, in the first Place to establish some good and sufficient Laws for the Regulation of their Trade, and for summary and severe Justice in case of Abuses: Under the Government of Bo­ston, they have several, which appear to me very reasonable, and may be improved; one I shall here beg Leave to insert, it is but short.

BY an Act of the 12th of GEO, it is enacted, That Provisions, Cloathing, &c. suitable for carrying on a Trade with the Indians, not exceeding the Value of Nine Thousand Pounds, be procured at the Cost of the Province, and the Produce applied for supply­ing the Indians, by such Persons as shall be annually chosen, &c. who shall annually produce fair Ac­counts of their Proceedings; which Supplies shall be lodged at, &c. That a suitable Person shall be che­sen annually at each of the Places where any of the Goods are lodged; which Truck-masters shall be under Oath, and give sufficient Security for the faithful Execution of that Trust, and such Instructions as they shall receive from Time to Time; and shall keep fair Accounts of their Trade and Dealings with the In­dians, and shall return the same, with the Produce, to the Person or Persons who shall be appointed to supply them with Goods; and they shall not trade with the Indians, on their own Account. That the Truck­masters sell to the Indians at the Prices set in the In­voices sent them from Time to Time, without any Ad­vance thereon; and shall allow the Indians for their Furs, and other Goods, as the Market shall be at Boston, according to the last Advices from the Person or Persons that shall supply them with the same Com­modities of equal Goodness: Rum to be given to the [Page 10]Indians in moderate Quantities, by the Truck-masters only: No Person whatsoever, other than the Truck­masters, and they only as such, shall or may presume, by themselves, or any other for them, directly or indi­rectly, to sell, truck, barter, or exchange to any In­dian or Indians, any Wares, Merchandize, or Pro­visions, within six Miles of any Truck-house, on Pe­nalty of forfeiting Fifty Pounds, or six Months Im­prisonment, &c.

SOME good Laws of this Kind would go a great Way to answer all our Purposes, if duly executed. The French treat Indians much à la Cavalier, and often threaten to cut them off, if they do not join with them in their Excursions, and will be as good as their Words, so soon as they have compleated their Schemes; and of this the Indians are not with­out their Apprehensions, and therefore have still a Hankering or Leaning towards our Interest, which, if properly managed, will soon reconcile them; they are far from being insensible that it is their In­terest to be on our Side, or that they can at any Time, or any where, be so well supplied. They are at this Time upon the Ballance, between Hopes and Fears, and if we do not now fix them, I be­lieve we may bid them fairly adieu! What less can we expect from them? we, who have been cheat­ing and abusing them for so many Years, without Redress, in a most abominable Manner, of which take the following Specimen: Without affording them the least Assistance in any Shape, besides that of a few Presents from Time to Time, which in Reality are of no Manner of Use to them, being divided at Albany, the far greater Part remains with those conscientious Handlers there, for Rum, so that the Castles know little more of the Matter than that there was a Present made. These however are [Page 11]but Palliatives, there must be something more sub­stantial in the Case:

HAVING, as above, made proper Regulations for the Trade, and that they may be no longer so unmercifully imposed upon, both in Weight and Measure, as well as in Quality and Prices, which has almost alienated their Hearts from us; the next Step that I would advise should be taken, is, that of erecting proper Fortifications in or near every one of the Indian Castles, with a Garrison of about 15 or 20 Men in each, with an approved Sergeant, two or three of which may be Smiths, in double Pay, with a few Field Pieces, Spare Arms, Snow-Shoes (with which the French are always provided) small Hatchets, and some Dogs of a proper Kind, to prevent Surprizes in the Night.

THIS, I doubt not, the Indians would readily come into, as it would greatly incourage their Hunting, as well as their War Parties, and as it would be a Security for their old Men, Women, and Children, and a safe Retreat for themselves up­on all Occasions; without such Security, they are impatient when Abroad, and seldom care to go far; besides the Loss of Numbers to the Service, upon any Emergency, who are detained at home for that Purpose. These Forts might at the same time answer all the Purposes of Truck or Trading­houses, to be divided by Lot amongst the contri­buting Colonies as far as they will go; and which, if properly stored with Indian Goods, and regulated according to the Method in New-England, would very soon create such an Intercourse and Connection between the remote Indian Nations and ours. as would turn out greatly to our Advantage. And one single independent Company would garrison the whole; and what a Trifle of a Charge would this be, in Comparison to the Advantages we might [Page 12]hope for, and expect from it; and indeed it is my humble Opinion, that nothing less will effectually secure our Interest and Friendship with the Indians.

As it is agreed on all Hands, that a good strong Fort ought to be erected at or near the Wood Creek, in order to counter-ballance that of Crown Point, I shall make no Doubt but that those who are entrust­ed with the Care of our Security, will soon see that Part (as well as every other) of their Duty put in Execution, and I make as little Doubt but that his Majesty, upon a proper Application, would, out of his wonted Goodness, favour us with an indepen­dent Company of Highlanders; there seems to be so much Affinity both in their Disposition and Dress, (which I would have compleat Highland) with that of our Indians, that I am confident they would be highly pleased with them, and I doubt not, have a very good Effect. In case of enlisting for this Service, Care ought to be taken to avoid all Roman Catholicks; we have, I doubt, too many of that Kid­ney already from Ireland in these four Companies.

ONE Objection to this Scheme may be, the Ex­pence and Trouble attending the Victualling and Relieving: To which I beg Leave to say, that if the Indians approve of it, they will undertake to carry and escort Goods or Provisions, at an easy Rate: Or why may not those very Garrisons in a little Time, with proper Care, be induced to raise their own Provisions? Suppose the Victualling of twenty Men to cost the Government Two Hundred Pounds yearly, let those Men be encouraged, and set to Work to provide themselves, and let them have the Two Hundred Pounds besides their Pay, and a Title to all the Lands they do or can im­prove, and their Discharge when demanded; this would save the Trouble, the Risque, the Relieving and the Expence of carrying Provisions, and be the [Page 13]Means of better settling our Frontiers; there are those to be found, I doubt not, who would under­take, if properly encouraged. That of relieving Garrisons here, is in my humble Opinion but bad Po­licy; I would have none sent but some Tradesmen, all the rest should be only such as have been used to Husbandry and Labour: Had this Method been taken fifty Years ago, we should very probably have had many Thousand Families in the Seneca's Country at this Day.

THE Use of Garrisons here, are either to encou­rage and protect Settlements, or to secure import­ant Passes; the French have succeeded in the latter, we, I shall not say for what Reason, in neither.

THIS however is not all, if we intend to con­vince them that we are really in earnest, and that they should fight for us, we must fight along with them, and always to have some of our People to head their Parties; the French seldom fail of this Method: I should therefore advise the Establishing an independent Company or two, in time of War, of an Hundred good Men each, with an Addition of five Indians from each Nation, to be in constant Pay, Peace or War, as Rangers; one of the Com­panies from Connecticut would add Strength to the County of Albany; the Officers to be Men of some Distinction and Knowledge, and fully impow­ered to receive Complaints, and redress Grievances amongst the Indians; to be a Sort of a flying Camp, frequently moving from Nation to Nation, to head all Parties, and to command out as many Indians upon any Emergency as they may think proper; one Company of Rangers properly disposed, will be of more Use than three in Garrison. And here I shall beg Leave once for all to observe, that no Per­son employed in this Service be allowed to trade with the Indians, on the severest Penalties.

[Page 14] THUS our Indians being secured in an honest and fair Trade, their Castles secured, either for the Safety of their Families, or as a Retreat for them­selves; and being well assured of our being in Ear­nest to support them upon all Occasions, as we have in former Days done, it is not to be doubted but that we shall very soon get into their good Graces and Friendship.

THE King, the Parliament, and indeed every British Subject, being deeply concerned in the Event of this Congress at Albany, will doubtless scan the Conduct of our Colony Assemblies upon this Occa­sion; a hearty and generous Concurrence will have wonderful Effects, and I make no Doubt but that we shall be able in a little Time, by proper Mea­sures, to turn the Tables upon that faithless Na­tion, who have been long underhand endeavouring our Destruction, and who seem now, by their au­dacious Insults upon our Traders and Plantations, openly to avow it.

LET us not therefore, Gentlemen of the Assem­blies, by an ill-tim'd Frugality lose our All; would any of you, pray Gentlemen, lose a Sheep for a Halfpenny's worth of Tar? Surely not. Let us act like Britons, and with Unanimity; and here give me Leave to put you in Mind of the Fable

Of the LYON and the four BULLS.

FOUR Bulls which had entered into a very strict Friendship, kept always near one another, and al­ways fed together. The Lyon often saw them, and had as often a Mind to make one of them his Prey: But tho' he could easily have subdued any of them single, yet he was afraid to attack the whole Alliance, as knowing they would be too hard for him, and there­fore contented himself for the present with keeping at [Page 15]a Distance: At last perceiving no Attempt was to be made upon them as long as this Combination held, he took Occasion by Whispers and Hints to form Jealou­sies, and raise Divisions amongst them: This Stratagem succeeded so well, that the Bulls grew cold and re­served to one another, which soon after ripened into a downright Hatred and Aversion, and at last ended in a total Separation. The Lyon had now obtained his Ends; and, as impossible it was for him to hurt them while united, he found no Difficulty, now they were parted, to seize and devour every Bull of them, one after another.

SIR W. Temple observes, that in the Kingdom of Great-Britain, when the Romans first entered, it was divided into several Districts, each governed by its own Prince, or Governor, different in their Views and Councils, by which Means they became an easy Conquest: Dum singuli pugnabunt, universi vinceban­tur; while they fought singly, the whole Island was subdued. The French have little to fight for but the Glory of their Monarch; we have the Glory of Britain, our Religion, our Liberties and our Pro­perties, and upwards of a Hundred Years Labour in these wild Desarts, for the Sake of our Posterity; in short, it is pro aris & focis, that we are to struggle; and I doubt it is now or never. Should this Con­gress break up without answering the intended De­sign of it, I shall very readily advise my Children to look out in time for a safer Retreat.

LET us seriously consider what Desolation and Destruction our innocent Neighbours and Fellow Subjects have undergone from those barbarous Ca­nadeans, who are esteemed, even in France, a Race of Men lost to all those Principles of Honour upon which that Nation pique themselves; who, toge­ther with their Cannibals, take Pleasure in wantonly [Page 16]burning Cottages, and in the inhuman Murder, and excruciating harmless old Women and helpless In­fants; let us, I say, seriously consider what we have undergone, when the French were but a Handful, and our Indians our Friends: What must be our Fate when they are become more numerous, and they are daily increasing, and our Indians on their Side? I shudder to think of it.

LET us consider what Anxiety those poor People undergo, with what Uncasiness they go to their Beds, what Alarms and Heart beatings they are un­der upon the least Barking of a Dog, expecting every Moment to have their Scalps carried off, and their Bodies mangled; while we enjoy a profound Rest, without Care or Thought: Is this Truth, and will it not move you, Gentlemen?

LET us exert our best Endeavours to shew our Gratitude to our Mother Country, who has hitherto nursed and supported us at an infinite Expence, by preserving to them, and to them only, the Fruits of our Labour.

THE Time was when we had only to send to our Indians to discharge the French from building Forts, or making Encroachments; but we have lost it by a fatal Neglect of Indian Affairs. It is well known with how much Submission they begg'd Leave to erect but a small Hut, as a Resting-place only, at Niagara: How different the Times! The Execu­tion of this Scheme, or, indeed, any other, and some one or other there must be, will, no doubt, be at­tended with a very considerable Expence; but when the other Colonies, who are not less concern­ed in the Event, come in for their Proportion, to­gether with what Assistance his Majesty may be so good as to favour us with, it is to be hoped the Charge will become tolerably easy: Be that as it will we must launch out. And is there ever a British [Page 17]Subject amongst us, who alone know the true Va­lue of Liberty and Property, that will, upon this Occasion, grudge a few Pence upon every Hundred Acres, or a few Shillings for every Slave, to secure to him and his Posterity, all that is valuable in Life, or for which Life is valuable. Or why may not the Gentry pay for their Sash-windows upon such pres­sing Occasions, and — Shillings upon every Car­riage-wheel of Pleasure? This is all ready Money. And as the Gentlemen paid lately for their Wigs, why may not the Ladies, in their Turn, pay for their Hoops? After all, a gentle Land Tax, being the most equitable upon those Occasions, must be our dernier Refort. Trade is at present an Object of Compassion, and must be gently treated, as well as the poorer Sort of the People without Property: They must fight our Battles; which puts me in mind of the Fable,


AN old Fellow was feeding an Ass in a fine green Meadow; and being alarmed with the sudden Approach of the Enemy, was impatient with the Ass to put himself forward, and fly with all the Speed he was able. The Ass ask'd him, Whether or no he thought the Enemy would clap two Pair of Panniers upon his Back? The Man said, No, there was no fear of that. Why then, says the Ass; I'll not stir an Inch; for what is it to me who my Master is, since I shall but carry my Panniers as usual.

THAT parsimonious Disposition, in our Colony Assemblies, have had, and we now feel it, and ever will have fatal Effects.

OUR Fellow Subjects in Virginia have shewn us a noble Example, which has already put some Life into our Indians: Witness the Half King's Speech to the French Officer. And as the like Encroach­ments, as I understand, have been lately made up­on the People of New-England, it is not to be doubted, but that they will exert themselves with the [Page 18]same Spirit and Bravery they did at Cape-Breton. And shall we, like a Parcel of Poltroons, stand a­ghast, with our Hands on our Pockets; we, I say, who have cost the People of England, in nursing and protecting us, more, perhaps, than all the o­ther Colonies upon the Continent together; or grudge our Proportion of the Expence, adequate to the Importance it may be of to us? Let it not be told in Gath, or published in the Streets of Aske­lon.

IT has been observed, that Priests have been ge­nerally well received amongst the Indians, whether upon Account of their religious Principles, or that the Indians being eternally surrounded by a Parcel of Handlers or Pickpockets, and finding the Parson to avoid the Circle and the whole Sphere of Tran­sactions of this Kind, that they conclude him an ho­nest Man, I shall not take upon me to determine: I believe, however, the latter is the Case, as they ve­ry often take his Advice in Matters of Moment, while at the same time they have a very despicable Opinion of the others. It is by Means of the Priests, in a great Measure, that the French have succeeded so well in seducing our Indians, and confirming their own. I should therefore advise, that there should be a Parson appointed for each Castle, no matter of what Church, with a handsome Allowance: And why might he not act as a Commissary as well as a Missionary, and deal out the Goods of the Govern­ment as well as those of the Gospel? The Offices are not at all incompatible; Bishops have frequently been Lord Treasurers. I can by no Means agree in Sentiment with those Gentlemen who are for con­tinuing that, in my humble Opinion, pernicious Trade, carried on for so many Years, between Ca­nada and Albany, if there were no other Reason than that they seem really to want it, and that more than is generally imagined. I would fain know, whe­ther they, upon any Consideration, would allow us [Page 19]the same Liberties at Montreal or Quebeck? To see some Hundreds of French Indians, as Factors from Quebeck, trading for Indian Goods, who carry off not only Goods, but a large Share of our Spe­cie; nothing of late will go down with them but Spanish Dollars; while a poor Trader of ours, if he has the Misfortune to meet with any of the French, within what they are now pleased to call their Do­minions, is immediately hurried away Prisoner to Quebeck; This is a Contrast that I should be glad the Advocates for this Trade would account for.

IT is true, they take off of our Manufactures; but it is as true, that those Commodities would be taken off our Hands directly by the Indians them­selves, when they found they could not have them among the French. It is likewise said, if they had them not from us, they would find them elsewhere. To which I beg Leave to say, That the French know their Interest too well to trust an Affair of that Consequence so long to so precarious a Method of procuring them, as it is in our Power every Day to put a Stop to it: I therefore conclude, if they could have fallen upon any other Method of pro­curing those Commodities, they would have done it long ago, and have kept their Furs to themselves.

OUR selling our Indian Goods to the French, to trade for us with the Indians, and having in Return their coarsest Furs, is, in my humble Opinion, not less ridiculous than that of our formerly sending our Wheat to Boston, and having our Returns in Bran and some Flour. Besides, what is of the utmost Consequence to us, is, that the Cachawagas, our old Friends, and their best Indians, whom, coute qui'l coute, cost what it will, we ought to recover, are the sole Carriers and Managers in this Affair be­tween Canada and Albany, which has created such a Connection between them and the French, that till this Trade is abolished, it will be impossible to ac­complish.

[Page 20] NOR can I conceive the Remedy very difficult, as it may very naturally be brought within the very Letter of the Twelfth of CHARLES II. which de­clares, That no Person, not born within the Alle­giance of our Sovereign Lord the King, &c. shall trade in any of the Plantations, upon Pain of forfeiting all his Goods and Chattels, &c. A Law, however, here, perhaps, might answer better. I have but one Thing more to add, and that with great Submis­sion, being a Point that has not been as yet can­vassed, and that is, That a general Combination of all the Indians, sar and near, be formed, to demo­lish every Spot of fortified Ground in the Indian Countries on this Side Montreal, and the other Side of Schenectady, at least that they be brought to one determinate Number, never to be exceeded: By this Means the Trade will ever be kept open; nor need we apprehend further Encroachments. The French, I doubt, are too well fixed to come into any such Proposal; but it will have one good Effect at least, and that is, that it will convince the Indians, that we have no other Views but their Interest; while the French are endeavouring their Destruction, by cutting them off from all Communication with us, to be Masters of their Hunting-grounds, and of Course they must either become their Slaves, or starve.

How soon this may happen, God, and that great Monarch, can only tell: I am not, however, without Apprehensions, you may, if you please, call them Dreams, that the French are upon a Plan different, and a Crisis much nearer, I doubt, than what we imagine. I can by no Means think that they, who are noted for their Frugality, would at this Time put themselves to the Charge of raising an Army of 4 or 5000 Men, for the Sake of a pal­try Block-house or two upon a Branch of Ohio, or any where else, which they might have done as [...] Men, and without any Noise, [Page 21]according to their usual Method, in Matters of this Kind. I am further confirmed in my Opinion, that those Block-houses are not the sole Point which the French have in View, from the Sentiments of our Assembly in a late Representation to our Lieute­nant-Governor, in these Words, That the French have built a Fort at a Place called the French Creek, at a considerable Distance from the River Ohio; which may, but does not, by any Evidence or In­for mation, appear to us to be an Invasion of any of his Majesty's Colonies: This is roundly asserted, but as it in some Measure confirms my Opinion, I shall leave it to whom it more immediately con­cerns to discuss, hoping at the same time that our Enemies may not make an improper Use of it.

THOSE Block-houses therefore, I say, are not, in my humble Opinion, their sole Designs at present, they are rather imitating, as I conceive, those saga­cious little Animals, who, in order to divert your Attention from the proper Object, their little Habi­tations, gently lead you to a proper Distance, till they think themselves secure; and may not this be all Grimace, and a Feint, to draw our Attention and Troops from their proper Object, our Fron­tiers? to wit, What could be meant by a Num­ber of Troops passing Oswego in one Day, and re­turning in the Night, and the next Day passing again by the Fort? This is a very uncommon Piece of Conduct, and can mean nothing less than to draw our Attention and Troops after them into a Wild-goose Chase, with the View to make a Di­version somewhere else.

WHAT can they mean by declaring that they do not want the Assistance of the Indians, but to lull them into a Neutrality till they strike the Blow? If one may be allowed to form any Judgment at this Distance, of the Situation of our Publick Affairs at Home, a Rupture does not seem to be at so im­mense a Distance, but that a Monsieur Danville, or [Page 22]even that little Squadron, destined to chastise the Algerines, may bring us the first Account of it. And how soon are those Thousands upon the back of us, now under Arms, collected at Albany, with their Indians? Judge now, candid Reader, what a Situation we are in for such an Event: And whom have we to thank for it? Without an Indian, with­out a Fort, that can with any Propriety be called so; without Ammunition, without Arms, without Money, and I doubt (from the indifferent Treat­ment those Creditors of the Government have hitherto met with) without Credit. And should we want the Assistance of our Neighbours, we have but just shewn a very bad Example. Such is our Situation: And if such an Event should happen, I see nothing left, but to pray to the Lord to have Mercy upon us.

WHAT a Fatality seems to attend the Proceed­ings of a Neighbour Colony, who at this very cri­tical Point of Time treat the Decrees of Heaven, and the King, with great Contempt! They have the same Directions as the other Colonies have, to furnish their Quota's, and attend the Congress at Albany, for the Preservation of the Whole; but because Providence has been pleased to lay its Hand upon that good Gentleman the Governor, so as to disable him from attending the Assembly at Amboy, they are pleased to tell him, When he is well enough to attend them there, they will then consider what is to be done; in the mean time their Quota's and the Congress is evaded: What, for God's Sake, must be the Consequence of such Proceedings, when our All is at Stake? Will that trite Tale of, We your Majesty's most loyal Subjects, &c. protect them from his Majesty's Displeasure? Or do they trust to the Rioters to protect them, either from that or the Enemy? Must a whole People suffer for the Caprice of a few Assembly-men?. Caprice I call it, and have too much Reason to call it so, [Page 23]and shall ever think it such, till they are pleased to let us (in the most publick Manner) into the Rea­sons of their Conduct; this we have a Right to demand; but more properly they ought to give it us without demanding, as they are accountable to the People for every Step they take, and, in Matters of Moment, ought not to proceed without first consulting their Constituents. Here, Mr. Reflector, is an ample Field to expatiate in, and I would fain hope, from your pathetick Manner of Reasoning, the Eyes of the Obstinate, and Ignorant, may be opened, for their own Safety, as well as that of the Whole. I am still in the Jerseys: We have had a long Experience of his Majesty's Lenity, how far it may extend I know not; but this I will af­firm, that we have more to apprehend from a Par­liamentary Scrutiny, than has as yet entered into the Heart of any of us to conceive; can any Bo­dy imagine that this Trifling with his Majesty's In­structions, in an Affair of so much Consequence to the Trade and Interest of Great-Britain, and to every British Subject, will, according to the usual Cant, save the Country's Money? Will not the Commissioners from the several Colonies, and it is to be hoped a Majority will attend, in the first Place consider the Danger we are in at this Point of Time? 2dly, How to prevent it now, and for the future? 3dly, Will they not make a Compu­tation of the Expence? 4thly, Wild not those very Commissioners proportion that Expence; giving to each Colony its Quota? Does the Jerseys think to escape? This, of Course, will be laid before his Majesty, which, from the Fate his Instructions have hitherto met with from that Assembly, as well as from some others, he will naturally order it to be laid before the Parliament, with whom there is no contending; and who knows, when their Hands are in, but they may take it into their Heads to lay the Foundation of a regular Government a­mongst [Page 24]us, and taking it out of the Hands of the Assemblies, by fixing a Support for the Governor, and the other Officers of the Crown, independent of an Assembly? Nor can I see any great Difficul­ty in the Execution of it; it is only reviving our own Revenue Acts, to continue as long as his Ma­jesty, and his Parliament, thinks proper; there is nothing new in this, it is what we have been used to; those Funds have been thought proper, both by the King, and Subject, and the only Difference is, as to the Point of Time. That a Governor for himself, and the Support of the Dignity of the Government, or the other Officers in the executive Part of the Laws, and Government, should de­pend upon the Breath of a few capricious Country Gentlemen in an Assembly for their daily or yearly Subsistence and Support, or whether indeed they shall have any at all, is a Solecism in Politicks.

AND here I shall beg Leave to conclude with another Fable.

ABOAR stood whetting his Tusks against an old Tree; the Fox, who happened to come by at the same Time, asked him why he made those Preparations of whetting his Teeth, since there was no Enemy near that he could perceive? That may be, Master Rey­nard, says the Boar; but we should scour up our Arms while we have Leisure, you know; for in Time of Danger we shall have something else to do.

A WISE General has not his Men to discipline, or his Ammunition to provide, when the Trumpet sounds TO ARMS; but sets apart his Times of Exercise for one, and his Magazines for t'other, in the calm Season of Peace.

In Pace, ut Sapiens, aptabit idonea Bello.

The END.

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