
Massachusetts in Agony: OR, Important Hints To the Inhabitants of the PROVINCE: Calling aloud for Justice to be done to the Oppressed; and avert the Im­pending Wrath over the Oppressors.

By Vincent Centinel.

Pleraque eorum quae homines [...] ARISTOT. 2. Pol. Cap. 7.
When Accusations proceed, NOT from MALICE, but a just and kind Zeal for the Honour and Safety of our Country, 'tis by all Means requisite to Hear, to well Examine them, [...] them as Informations [...]solutely [...] for [...] the State, for good [...] Rewards to those who would accuse his [...] Crime. D. D. S. Fax [...]rdo's [...]
—Sure some Ill approaches,
And some kind Spright knocks softly at my Soul,
To tell me Fate's at Hand.—
Don Sebastian.

BOSTON: Printed and Sold by D FOWLE in Queen-street. 1750.


JUST PUBLISH'D. And Sold by D. FOWLE in Queen street, Price 4s. O. Ten. each Number,

Memoirs of the Remarkable Life and Surprizing Adventures of Miss JENNY CAMERON, a Lady, who by her Attachment to the Person and Cause of the young Pretender, has render'd herself famous by her Exploits in his Service; and for whose Sake she underwent all the Severities of a Winter's Campaign. By the Rev. Archibald Arbuthnot.

☞ The Author of this entertaining HISTORY says, "I am encouraged to undertake the above WORK, as I am intimately acquainted with Miss [...] and her Family, and have known the Manner of her Life and [...] Junction with the PRETENDER; and therefore the Facts I shall relate of her may be depended upon as true.


Massachusetts in Agony.

What-e'er Assistance I have Pow'r to bring,
T' oblige my Country or to serve my King,
When-e'er they call, I'll readily afford,
My Tongue, my Pen, my Counsel, or my Sword.
Whoever thinks a perfect Piece to see
Thinks what ne'er was, nor is, nor e'er shall be.

THAT this Province is in a deplorable Situati­on, none can justly deny. How it came to be in such dreadful Circumstances, is an im­portant Inquiry; and how to REMEDY the Evils we now suffer, is Matter of the highest Concernment, of the utmost Consequence. Poverty and Discontent appear in every Face, (except the Counte­nances of the Rich,) and dwell upon every Tongue. Trade and Business, (as Birds leave an inclement Climate) are flying away.—Children leave their aged Parents and go off among Strangers, Provision [...] scarce, few Inhabitants, Taxes high, [...] Clothing dear, Fuel dear, CREDITORS [...] is our Condition that the Hand cannot feed the [...] and what is so Rebellious as the Belly! Hunger [...] break through Brick Walls—As in the Body Natural there is a Sickness unto Death, so in the Political Body, there may be a Distemper of equal Malignity—But be­fore Application is made, the Nature of the Disease must be inquired into, and known, and then the most likely Medicines must be duly administered, whether in a [Page 4] chyrurgical or physical Manner: For some Distempers are not to be cured by Mercurial Preparations, but by the Saw, and the Knife.—

WE are greatly Disordered, whatever Name you give the Disorder, our Right Hands, and our Right Eyes of­fend us, and in such a Case the GREATEST PHYSICIAN, ordered that the one should be cut off, and the other pluck'd out, for we had Infinitely better do so, than that our whole Body should perish forever.—

EVERY one must know in a political Sense, what is here meant by the right Hand, and right Eye, and what they denote in a figurative Sense.—

As our Distemper is not only Violent but Malignant, it therefore requires Means, and Application accordingly.

IF we examine closely into the Nature of our Difficul­ties, from what Cause and Source they Spring, trace them up to the Beginning; We shall find that they are not naturally brought upon ourselves, but absolutely forced upon us, by Cunning, and by Power; through Lust of Power, Lust of Fame, Lust of Money; through Envy, Pride, Covetousness, and violent Ambition. The Bite of a mad Dog is not more dangerous or incurable, than Ambition. Whenever you see any Sett, or Party of Men [...] Rich and Powerful, they immediately grow [...], and spurn at all beneath them, that [...] their immediate Slaves. Hence it is that [...], the Liberty and Happiness of the People of New-England which they have for so long a Time enjoy­ed, is so powerfully struck at.—It is unquenchable Torment, to an ambitious Man, who is pretty Rich, to behold his Neighbour happy, and free in the Enjoyment of a few Acres of Land, with his Cow, his Horse, and his Cart,—He actually wants this very Man on his own Farm, working very hard indeed, for just his daily Bread; [Page 5] except he allows him one single Moment to [...] one Glance of his Eye upon this Great Lord of the Mannor; his gilded Equipage, Party-coloured Attendants, and him­self besmear'd with Gold—If such Men had their Wills, there should no common Man own a Canoe, Fishing Boat, Sloop, or the like; but they should Fish, go a Coasting, cross the Seas as their Servants; nor should any Countryman own one Inch of improved Land between Boston and the Blue Hills—This Spirit has been reigning some Years; and as there was no way better to bring this Scheme about, than to deceive the People into Debt over Head and Ears, so they have contrived a Scheme, to have no Money amongst Us, but such as they can send away as fast they please; they frighten our Spinners and Weavers away; We can't make our own Cloths, and they Import all Sorts of Goods to get us into their Debts, then we must sell our Lands to pay them; then go, and Work upon their Farms, or Starve, or go to Sea as their Slaves, or go to—Jail.—

Such Humanity, such Generosity, such Brotherly Love may many soon expect to have conferred upon them from such Patrons of this Country.—When such Men by striving to be very Great, and despise being Good,—do they not commit a most sacrilegious Breach of Trust! ‘Such Men (says a noble Author) appear like Ministers of Divine Vengeance, and their Course through the World is mark'd by Desolation, Oppression [...] Po­verty and Servitude.’

There has been a Time, when the People of New-England were sober, frugal and honest, when there was actually the Power, as well as the Form of Godliness,—Brotherly Kindness, and real Charity, when the Produce, the Trade and Commerce of this Country were equal to all the Imports from foreign Parts: But in Proportion as any grew Rich, they grew Ambitious, and as Persons in a Dropsy, the more they drink, the greater their [Page 6] Thirst, so the more Money they got, the more they coveted, Covetousness being the Root of all Evils, brought on Hypocrisy, for they could not serve two Masters; but they actually served Mammon, and pretended to serve God—The bad Examples of these Demas's were very In­fectious; and soon spread through the Country, so that by and by, the Pride and Extravagance of the People increased with their Numbers, and the more Pride and Extravagance the more Idleness; and when Peoples Ambition is greater than their Purses, they soon get into Debt, and when in Debt, they are actually Servants to their Creditors, being then under their Power, and the more Servants, the greater the Lords.

The most critical Conjuncture, that ever happened in Favour of this Scheme was, the great Expedition against Louisbourg—the Covetous and Ambitious Sharpers had two Whip Rows in this Game! First, they knew that a great Sum of Money must be Emitted to Negotiate this important Affair; Money is the Sinews of War, the Blood in the Body of Trade, the Merchants Tools; in a Word, it answers all Things; Money must be paid for all the Baggage, Cloathing, Transportation, and the like—These material Articles were all in these Mens Hands, and these Men knew the Committee of War must purchase these Stores of them; and for fear the Expedition should not succeed, and the Parliament at home in such Case Re­imburse the Government, and so these Men put to some [...] make their Remittance in any thing—save [...] of the Country, which they sometimes loose by; to prevent these Things, they demanded a most exorbitant astonishing Price for their Commodities; and as a Salvo, violently exclaimed against the Government's Money, as good for nothing, that it would soon take a Cart Load of it, to buy a Cart Load of Hay!—But then Secondly, in Case the Expedition should succeed, then it was certain, or more than probable, the Government would be Reimbursed the greatest Part of the vast [Page 7] Expence they had been at in carrying on so prodigious an Affair, and as these Men had the Government's Bills chiefly in their Hands, consequently the Sterling Money would mostly center with them: and just so it has most fatally happened. They divided the Skin before they had caught the Beast, so that as bad as Old Tenor was in their Mouths, it is the best Money that ever was made for them; and we wish they themselves were one half as good as the worst of our Currency. Thirdly, We shall now shew how these Men improv'd this Paper-stuff. They immediately bought up all the Silver, Gold, Bills of Exchange, and every kind of Article that would pos­sibly sell in England, &c, to lodge Money there, to pay their Sterling Debts, in order to Enhance and Establish their Credit; so that they might the more freely import larger Quantities of Goods, to Intice and Cajole the more vain and silly part of the People, (which generally are the greatest part of all Communities,) out of their Old Tenor, which would be somewhat plenty for a little while—this they Effected, by Importing prodigious Quantities of English Goods, so that you saw no Body now, but what was topingly dress'd in Velvet, rich Race, Scarlet, Crimson, &c. &c.—Strange! that they should part with such things for Paper that was of such little Va­lue. But it must be so.—Now, they had collected vast Sums of this Old Tenor, (as it was called through very great Cunning and Subtilty,) what should they do with it? I'll tell you—they let it be well known, that as they had a pretty deal of Money, they would lend it out to any Body, that would hire it, giving Security for the in­terest; away come the Borrowers, take up many Score thousand Pounds of the New Tenor Money, which was Emitted, upon a better Promise than Old Ten, because they promised so many Ounces of Silver, wherefore they took Bonds for as many Ounces of real Coin'd Silver ab­solutely, full Security, and Interest enough—What is next to be done? why the next thing was, to settle all Accounts—they did so; and all those that were not [Page 8] immediately able to pay—them their Ballances, gave them their Bonds, for so many Ounces of real Silver Sterling Alloy, &c.—And what is next: Why, the next thing was all of a sudden, they stopt all CREDIT. As Bad, as Old, or Middle Tenor, or New Tenor, (or what Tenor you please,) as bad as these Tenors were, these SHARPERS, would not part with their Commodities with­out the Money down in hand ******* that it was not very long, before they Scrabled, Graspt, and Collected this D—d Paper Money into their own Possession.—

They had sold their Goods for two or three Hundred per Ct. Profit, and then let out their Money for good Silver, with stout Security, and so got all the Old Tenor quite clear in their Pockets!—[Sed Caput est in Omnia Rep. ut Legibus & Alia omnia Oratione provisum sit, ne qua facultas quoestus faciendi Magistratibus relinquatur, says ARISTOT.]

No Wonder such Men can build Ships, Houses, buy Farms, set up their Coaches, Chariots, live very splen­didly, purchase Fame, Posts of Honour, (if any besides themselves think there is any Honour in it,) no wonder such People want all to themselves; for generally speak­ing, the more Riches, the less Wisdom, and often the heavier the Purse, the lighter the Head; and when Peo­ple are light-headed, they make a queer Figure—

But to proceed.

[...]ay did not these Things open Peoples Eyes? Yes they did: and they opened them so wide, that the first Things they saw were Fetters, that they were bound Hand and Foot, utterly undone, both they, and their Children forever: and they cannot now close their Eyes, for weeping bitterly, now they feel, they feel as well as see!

We might now go on, and tell you, who are the Men, that carried on this deep Plot, and what were the Methods [Page 9] they used to bring it to such Perfection—As to the Men, we shall give no other Description of them, than by say­ing, they are all the Men in the P—v—ce of the Massa­chusetts that have grown very remarkably Rich and Great, High, and Proud, since the Year 1742.

As to the Methods they used, we shall just hint at them and so leave them—First, they frightened the G—C—by always telling them that their Prede­cessors were D—d, and gone to H—for not pro­mising Silver at so much an Ounce in their first Paper Money (commonly called Old Tenor,) they made them repent of this Sin of Omission, they sat the Clergy to Work to preach Repentance to the G—C—so that they might for the future make a Silver Promise instead of a Paper one, or rather no Promise at all; if the Clergy did this, then the Clergy would have their Salaries, and Stipends fixt, and for this Reason, they preach'd, and preached about it, and about it, till at last, it was actually done—And this was the very first Step towards our UNDOING: So that now, we need Repent of our Repentings.— ‘Pray what do you mean by Undoings? Is it the Undoing of a People to make them Honest? to oblige them to perform their Promises, and fulfil their Obligations? to oblige them to conform to the Laws of their own enacting and pub­lishing? To oblige them to return back again what they actually Borrowed; and obliged themselves to pay?—Is it undoing a People when they have so much Liberty, (as the People in this Country have) to confine them within narrower Bounds, to keep them under, to make them Labour, &c.?’ No: But it is the un­doing of a People, if clandestine, unjust, false, and frau­dulent Ways and Means have always been made use of, under the Disguise of Hypocrisy, Cant, Craft, to bring a People into all imaginable Distress, Tribulation and Want! Pray is not this undoing a People? Do you call your Ways of Management the Ways of Honesty! to deceive People into such a Trap, to give their Obligations [Page 10] for what they never had, and what you knew in your own Souls they could not possibly get, nor even you yourselves, with all your Cunning, could not get it, where it is not to be had. This is your Artifice of Returning back again what they actually Borrowed.—Have you the I—ce to say you actually lent Silver? and if you never lent any Silver, nor had any to lend, and yet took Bonds for Silver, although you paid down only Paper, Old Tenor—pray how is your private Credit better than the publick Faith and Credit! The Go—rn—nt promise Silver, but have none, (but expected to buy it of the Merchants, who should Import Silver and Gold)—these Men take Bonds for Silver but lend none, nor is there any for a Medium of Trade—

Is it Honest and Fair, to oblige me to get Silver, and pay it to you let it cost me ever so dear, when you did not lend me any, nor take of me the very Individual Bills I borrow'd of you, although I pay you a great Interest! If there is a Trick in all this, we hope the GOV—NM—T will do THEMSELVES JUSTICE; and in so doing, Justice will be done to many who are now under Bondage, Im­prisonment, Servitude, and every Calamity—And that there is an abominable TRICK in this Management, none can now dispute, seeing these very Men have got almost all the Money; I mean the Silver Money, the Hard Dol­lars, they have got almost all these very Dollars, for the D—d PAPER MONEY!—Is there no Trick in all this!—When the Sun shines out bright and clear, at Twelve o'Clock, Is it then Day!—O LIBERTY! O VIRTUE! O MY COUNTRY!

A Thousand secret Terrors rise in my Soul:
How shall I save my Friends.—
When Vice prevails, and Impious Men bear Sway,
The Post of Honour is a private Station.

O my Countrymen! wont you believe when you Feel! [Page 11] What fine Stories were told you about Liberty, Property, Money, Riches, and the like; how much of all these you were to have, and enjoy in case you would venture against Cape Br—n; you did venture, you did succeed, and there has been much Money paid for it—But who has got it! Have you got it! Have any of your Officers got it, that were upon the Spot, and underwent the intolerable Fatigue, the tremendous Difficulties to accomplish such an amazing Affair, an Action that has set all the World agape!—Pray out of the one hundred and eighty three thousand Pounds Sterling, out of above 733,000 Dollars, I say of all this Cape Br—n Money, that you freely spilt, your Fathers, Childrens, Brothers Blood for, and for what you did, they were granted, and here sent by his sacred M—sty King GE—GE! How many, I say again, how many have you received!—You Run, you Fought, you Bled,—you Conquer'd—Now—of all the Riches, Plunder, Stores, Armament, &c, &c. that by the Laws of Nature, Nations, and War were yours, have you receiv'd Plunder enough, to buy you a Gun, or a Sword, or even a Knap­sack!—And, are you to have no Satisfaction—Does the half Pay that is granted to a few Officers, amply re­ward and satisfy every one of you, so as that you are now ready to go to War again? If you yourselves have not yet received Benefit and Satisfaction, Do you think the Pr—v—ce, as a Pr—v—ce, has received any Advantage? If the Pr—v—ce, as such, nor the Men of the Army, our Soldiers, Captains, and fighting Men, have not received any—where is it, who has got, what is become of it! Is it Sunk, Burnt, Lost, or what is become of it—Speak, what do you say! out with it.—

Oppressors, Oppressors! who are they! where do they live!

Satisfaction, Satisfaction—

[Deditque jura quis pace & principe Uteremur, Acriora ex eo Vincula inditi Custodes— Tac. Ann. 3.

[Page 12] Such is the shocking Language of People in Agony, and great Distress—such alass is our fatal Case!—We know our Distemper; We know the dreadful Causes of it; And we now immediately want some able Physicians, faithfully to prescribe and administer the only proper and effectual MEDICINES, so that we may be healed, and re­cover our usual State of Health again before we go hence.

This kind of Plague of a Distemper, is Imported here, and spread amongst us, the Causes, and Instruments that have brought it amongst us, are Political and Commercial, through Covetousness and insatiable Ambition, from a love of Power, love of Prerogative, love of Money. And as these are the killing Causes of our CONSTITUTION, we never again can possibly be made whole, until these Instruments and Causes are finally removed, and we ab­solutely betake ourselves to a proper Regimen, by living regularly, temperately, frugally, use suitable Exercise, avoid bad Company, and bad Examples.

The first Thing then to be done, is immediately to cut off, and remove every one, from any Share, from any Hand or Assistance in the Rule and Management of our p—k A—s, that are greedy of Gain; for we may absolutely, and forever depend upon it, as an unerring Rule, and Axiom in Politicks, that the Sons of Lucre will forever strenuously oppose all Methods, Schemes and Laws of the G—ern—t, that in any manner of way tends to interfere and clash with their Views of INTEREST: and on the contrary, they will in the most eager, cunning and inde­fatigable Manner endeavour to bring about and effect all such Schemes and Laws, as will in any Shape have a tendency to augment and aggrandize their own Fortunes, for they little regard who sinks, if they swim. Every Stone they can turn, they certainly will turn, in order to gain their Point, and build themselves up, so as none can throw them down: and they are such Birds of prey, if they at last cannot find Carrion enough in one place, [Page 13] they will remove to another— Such Men are Enemies to all Communities—wherever they live; such Men there­fore should not be suffered to both L—e, and Rule too, wherefore it is infinitely necessary to remove such out of Posts in the G—ern—t, and never more suffer any such to Rule over others.

‘In an Election in the Roman State for a Governor of Spain, the Dispute lay between Sulpicius Galba and Aurelius Cotta: SCIPIO being ask'd his Opinion, Re­plied, he liked neither—One for having NOTHING, the other, for that he had NEVER ENOUGH.’

Interest will not Lie, and those who are Sanguine, in the pursuit of Gain, Riches, and Power, are dangerous Enemies in publick Councils, and Affairs of Government; GOD Almighty himself, who made the Heart of Man, and who alone knows it, solemnly cautioned and warned Moses to chuse only such Men, into places of Government and publick Trust, who HATED COVETOUSNESS.

How is it possible for him who seeks, and takes all Methods direct and indirect, to plunder every Body he can; how can such an one, ever administer Justice? Can the Ethiopian change his Skin?

Whoever Examines closely into our shocking Misfor­tunes, trace the Causes of our dying Condition, will be at the Pains to seperate, and untwist the Net we are cau't in, whoever does this, will find, that Ambition and Avarice, were the Grounds, and Foundation of bringing about the A—of the G—C—with regard to the Importa­tion of the Money granted the G—ern—t, to Reimburse the G—ern—t in part, for the Expence it was at in ne­gotiating that vastly important Affair—They will actu­ally see, as they now too sensibly feel, that this very A—and this very Money was the Means of bringing us into the dreadful Calamities we now, so miserably [...] under, [Page 14] and so justly complain of: They will be convinced, se­verely convinced, that this very A—and all the Mi­series consequent upon it, were effected and brought to pass by Men in TRADE and TRAFFICK, Sons of Ambition, Sons of Plutus, who sacrifice only to MAMMON:—This is the Truth, and this Truth we dare speak, we speak it to those, but only to those, who were actually in the—C—l, actually in the H—of R—, who then were, and who still are seeking their own Interest only—Who love Money, and Power, and Prerogative; who are strong and violent Promoters of a Silver Medium, in a Country in Debt, where Silver is as much a Commodity and Merchan­dize, as Cattle, as Fish, as Iron, Hemp, Corn, and Pork; and as these necessary Articles of the Life of the Body, and of Trade, rise and fall according to Quantity, and Demand; so they are fluctuating higher and lower, as they are wanted; so it will be forever in this Country, while Silver is only as a Commodity in Trade; and this will be OUR CASE, till we have more Produce than we can spend, and the Overplus we part with, to pay for such things as we do want, from other Countries—Who­ever says any thing directly contrary to this is a—and the Truth is not in him—Such Men cannot be said ever to die before THEIR TIME, for it is high Time they were already D—d.

" When by just Vengeance guilty Mortals perish,
" The Gods behold their Punishment with Pleasure.

The next Thing we humbly Propose, is, That whatever Quantity of Silver there is now remaining in the Treasury *, should be so ORDERED by the Go—n—nt, as to be kept still in the Treasury, for the sole Use of the Pro—ce, for a Fund, or Bank: And whatever Sum in any Year, should be taken out of the Treasury, for the Go—n—nt's Charges and Expences, should be taxed upon the Pr—nce to be [Page 15] paid into the Treasury in real Silver: That every Custom, Duty, and all and every kind of Shipping Charges what­soever, should be always paid down in real Silver or Gold: That all Cattle, Sheep, Oxen, Horses, Poultry, and all and every kind of LIVE STOCK, That were Shipp'd off and Exported, should pay such a Duty to the Government in Silver; as also the Price they are sold for by the Far­mers, should be paid by the Purchasers to the Farmers in Silver: That all Taxes upon Chaise, Coaches, Chairs, &c. Should be paid in Silver: That every Ton of English HAY that was Sold in the whole Province for Consump­tion in the Province, should pay a Drawback of 5 per Cent in Silver; and every Ton of English Hay that was exported out of the Government, to pay 10 per Cent, by the Purchasers for the Use of the Government: To so effectually promote and encourage our own Wheels and Looms, as to grant a handsome Bounty, to the Makers of the first finest Piece of Yard wide Linnen, the first finest Piece of Yard wide Woolen Cloth; the first finest Dozen of Worsted, Thread, and Cotton Stockings; the first finest Piece of Ozenbrigs, and Sail Cloth: To grant a handsome Bounty, for every Ton of good Hemp, and good Flax, raised in the Province: To grant a suitable Bounty, to every stout able Bodied Tradesman, and La­bourer, that will come and settle in this Province: To grant a suitable Bounty to every young Couple that shall lawfully marry, and settle in this Province; and give them a Reward of Twenty Pounds for their first Male Child, to be paid them the Day after he is christened.

To permit the Money of our Neighbouring Govern­ments to pass as a Currency with a just Discount.

To very greatly encourage our Commerce, and our most valuable FISHERY.

To levy a Tax of at least one per Cent on every Acre of good unimproved Land, throughout the Province.

These are important Things: We do therefore most se­riously propose, these, and such like Things, for the real [Page 16] GOOD, Safety, Strength, and future PROSPERITY of this our sinking P—v—ce. These Means will procure most happy Ends: Then we shall have Silver and Gold, and Peace, and Industry.

" He, who a wand'ring Man his Way has shown,
" Lights t' others Candle, and ne'er hurt his own."

But, now, as Truth, Justice and Honour, are most sa­cred Things; and as this G—ern—t is fast Bound under these strong Holds, with Regard to the immediate paying and delivering all the Silver Money ( now in it—) out of the Treasury, to the Possessors of the Bills of this Pro­vince; as this is actually the Truth of the Case, the Go­vern—t ought therefore in all Justice and Honour, to perform their Promise; lest they stab their Honour, and greatly Injure the Possessors of these Bills.—But then, in Case this is actually done immediately,—as these very Gentlemen, who have now already got by them these Bills, are perhaps principally trading Men, who most likely are in Debt abroad for foreign Commodities, as soon as ever they do receive the Dollars out of the Trea­sury, they will no doubt directly, (as they have a right, they think, to do as they please with their own Cash,) send it out of the Country: And then, as we are not yet in a good Way of IMPORTING of Silver and Gold from other Countries, for the actual Produce of our own Country, being the only right Means to procure a Silver Medium; And moreover, as this G—ern—t is obliged to burn up all the Paper Currency of the Massachusetts now extant, and not emit any more Paper Money; We shall then be in a very bad Situation, by Means of having no Medium for Trade; Being most solemnly Sworn, not upon any Consideration, (a prodigious Temptation to Perjury!) to touch any Bills emitted by any of our Neighbouring Provinces and Colonies, (a vast Damage to our own Trade;) and (in fine—) as Nothing in Trade and Busi­ness is, or can be done, without some Medium, some sort [Page 17] of Money.—Shall we not then, and in this Case, think ye, be in a most shocking, starving, and tu—m—l—tu—s Condition! Ponder these Things well; think of them again; they are of the weightiest Concernment, of the last Consequence.

But being under these Evils, being under such a per­plexing Dilemma—What is, what can be done—WIS­DOM and PRUDENCE teacheth—that of two Evils, chuse the least. Now the least of these Evils we humbly con­ceive, is, To absolutely Stop, and for the present Keep the Silver Money still in the Province Treasury—and pay and deliver out but one Fifth Part to each Possessor of said Bills YEARLY;—So that by Duties, Taxes, Im­posts, &c.—our Treasury may be always kept supplied, with a real Silver Fund or Bank FOR THE CREDIT OF THE GO—MT. And then, the Go—nt, by an Act of Ge—ral As—bly, to allow, and pay to each Possessor of the said Massachusetts Bills, lawful Interest for the DELAY of PAYMENT, and then lay a Tax upon the whole Pro—ce, for this very Interest.—This is just and right; it is Equity, and Judgment.

We shall then have suitable Time, by our Industry and Frugality, to provide Things thus Honest, and of good Report.—

—Thou now begin'st to speak thy Self—
Numidia's grown a Scorn among the Nations
For Breach of P bl c V—ws. Our Punic Faith
Is Infamous, and branded to a Proverb.
—We'll join our Cares, to Purge away
Our Country's Crimes, and clear her Reputation.
Happy the People that preserve their Honour.

'Tis wisely noted by a very great States-Man,— ‘That Casualities, which cannot be foreseen, accuse not the Action; and to blame a Man for doing his Endeavour, [Page 18] is Impudence. And though there are palpable Errors in some Resolves, and Executions, yet we ought to bear it Calmly; for what is once done, can't be un­done,—We ought to reflect upon past Actions for Instruction.—There is no Government free from Faults: The greatest Prudence can't give Counsel, which will be proper at all Times, which makes it so absolutely necessary, to alter RESOLUTIONS, REPEAL LAWS, STATUTES, &c. Thus He—’

Another most celebrated and eminent Author, in the most pointed and nervous Language, says— ‘It indeed is amazing, who thinks at all of the PUBLIC, should be indifferent about it; it is more amazing, that any Man who has a Stake in it, can avoid thinking of it, or be without Zeal for it: But it is most amazing, that great Men, Men of Dignity and Fortune, of Splendor and Title, all which can only be secure while the PUBLIC is so—that they should not always, in all Countries, be upon perpetual Guard against their own Ruin and Debasement, and continually studying to support public Liberty, which only must support them.’

What a severe Reprehension is this, to all those who have neglected their Duty in this Regard—As the Eyes of a Servant are unto the Hands of his Master, and as the Eyes of a Maiden are unto the Hands of her Mistress—So our Eyes are unto our Rep—s, our G—ar—ans, our Ru—s—But how can our Eyes be unto them, when they are not to be seen!—

If it is our Duty to serve God, and our Country, and if we know this to be our Duty, and know that those who do not their Duty, when they know it, and are called to it, ought to be beaten with many Stripes—then the Consequence is clear—If in the Multitude of Co—s—rs there is Safety; what Condition must those be in who cannot get the Co—s—rs together!— Ita Stulti, sunt [Page 19] ut amissa—Republica, piseinas suas saluas videntur.‘They were such Fools, (says the immortal CICERO,) to conclude, that tho' the Republick were LOST, their Fish Ponds would remain secure’—How nearly it Im­ports all Men to Love their Country! Our Duty abun­dantly increases, as our Difficulties increase. Oh! Save my Country! were the dying Words of a true PATRIOT. ‘But good Thoughts, (said that second MOSES, Lord Bacon) with regard to Men, are little better than good DREAMS, unless reduced to Action: Merit and good Works are the true End of Man's Labour, and Con­sciousness of the same, is the perfection of Rest. And the Lord looked, and beheld the Work of his Hands, and saw that all was Good: And then followeth the Sabbath. Thus, if a Man, can be a partaker of GOD's Work, he shall also be a partaker of his Rest.’

‘Thus did Hezekiah, throughout all Judah, and Wrote that which was Good, and Right, and Truth, before the Lord his God—And in every Work that he began, in the Service of the House—and in the LAW, and in the Commandments, to seek his GOD— He did it with all his Heart.—’

[Oh! Wise Men! "Is there not some chosen Curse,
"Some hidden Thunder in the Stores of Heaven,
"Red with uncommon Wrath, to BLAST the Man,
Who Owes his Greatness, to his Country's Ruin!]
[Page 20]

JUST PUBLISH'D, And Sold by D. FOWLE in Queen street, and D. GOOKIN in Marlboro street, a Book entitled,

Janua Coelestis: Or, the Mystery of the GOSPEL in the SALVATION of a SINNER, opened and explained; wherein the Nature of the Gospel Salvation is stated, the Possibility of the Sinner's being [...] illustrated, and the great [...] of every Soul is excited and enforced: In several DISCOURSES on ACTS 16. 30. By JOHN BARNARD, A. M. Pastor of the first Church in Marblehead.

JUST PUBLISH'D And Sold by D. FOWLE in Queen street,

Some Observations relating to the present Circumstances of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay; Humbly offered to the Consideration of the GENERAL ASSEMBLY.


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