

  • I. On the HUMANITY of CHRIST.
  • II. The Extensiveness of GOD'S good Design in Selling Joseph into Egypt.
  • III. CHRIST the KING sitting at his Table.
  • IV. Of the Love of CHRIST, and saving Knowledge of it.

WITH A Letter to a Friend, about the Affairs of his Soul.

By a Person unhappily taken off from his Ministry by bodily Disorders.

BOSTON: N. E. Printed by J. DRAPER, for D. HENCHMAN, in Cornhill. 1748.



THO' the pious and ingenious Author of the following Meditations will by no Means allow his Name to be published; yet we think convenient to signify, that he is a Person of Liberal Education, and had his Heart so set on the Work of the Ministry, as he voluntarily quit­ted several Offices of Usefulness and Honour in the Civil Order, to take the Care of Souls; and continued with great Acceptance in his ministerial Labours, 'till in the mysterious Providence of GOD, such bodily Disorders seized him as, to the great Sorrow of many, obliged him to leave this his most delightful Employment.

Nevertheless, as religious Contemplations are still his main Bent and Exercise; He has been prevailed upon by his particular Friends to write [Page] down several of his Tho'ts upon diverse Subjects, which they with Pleasure have occasionally heard him utter in private Conversation. Some whereof are the following Pieces, which after great Im­portunity, he has at length resigned to their Dis­posal, tho' with a positive Prohibition of divulg­ing his Name. And we are confident they will be very grateful, and by the Divine Blessing, hope will be useful to the serious Peruser, as they have been to many who have read them in Ma­nuscript.

May our most gracious GOD restore him to the free and full Exercise of all his former minis­terial Abilities with greater Power and Usefulness than ever, to the Advancement of the Kingdom of CHRIST, and Joy of many: And may the Reader add his Prayers, for the same Favour, and reap everlasting Benefit by these excellent Me­ditations.

[Page 1]


THE Manhood of JESUS CHRIST is not a Person, but a Nature. A Person is one that is conscious to himself with respect to his own Acts. That is, he can say, I did so and so: It was I, and not another. So in the Trinity, the Father can say, I begat the Son, and not another: The Son can say, I was begotten of the Father, I took humane Nature, and not the Father, nor the Spirit: And the Spirit can say, I, and not another, proceeded from the Father and the Son. So among Angels [Page 2] and Men, each has a Conciousness, a Sense or Apprehension within himself; I did so and so, and not another; the Praise or the Blame of such and such Things belongs to me, and not another. But thus it is not with the humane Nature of CHRIST, considered as distinct from the Divine. The Manhood in him can't say, I did so and so, and the Acts are to be appropriated to me, and to no other. No, the Words spoken come out of the Mouth of a humane Body, and are con­ceived by a humane rational Soul; but that Body and Soul do belong to a Person that subsisted be­fore all Worlds, even that WORD which was with GOD, and was GOD, &c. So, when the Man JESUS said, My Soul is exceeding sorrowful unto Death; I thirst, &c. the true Meaning of it is, not that any particular humane Person did so or so; but the Person of the Son of GOD did so or so in his humane Nature; or the humane Nature of the second Person in the Godhead did so.— Hence, the Doings and Sufferings of that Nature have their Value and Merit; for they properly belong to the Son of GOD. They are his personal Acts; tho' not the Acts of the Divine Nature, yet the Acts of a Divine Person in humane Nature, or the Acts of the humane Nature of a Divine Per­son. His Natures are two, Humane and Divine; his Person but one, even that same Divine Person [Page 3] that was with the First and Third Persons in the Godhead before all Worlds. Hence it was im­possible for the humane Nature to sin; because all it's Actions were the Actions of a Person per­fectly and infinitely Holy.— If it be objected, That by the same Way of Arguing, no natural Weaknesses and Infirmities could be attributed to the humane Nature of CHRIST, as Hunger, Thirst, Weariness, &c. to the Body Ignorance of some Things, Sorrow, &c. to the Soul; because the Person of the Son of GOD was infinitely above all these Imperfections: — It may be answered, That tho' it was impossible for a Divine Person to be subject to any of those innocent Infirmities in his Divine Nature; yet it was possible and much for his declarative Glory to assume a Nature sub­ject to these innocent Weaknesses; but it would be infinitely dishonourable, and so infinitely im­possible, that the humane Nature of a Divine Person should be subject to any sinful Imperfecti­on. And then the Person of the Son of GOD has his own humane Nature absolutely under his Power, and he can't possibly suffer it to sin. — Hence also the Man CHRIST JESUS, even when here on Earth in his Humiliation, speaks in Language sometimes proper only to the Divine Nature as, Before Abraham was I am; for tho' the Words were uttered by the humane Nature, [Page 4] yet the Person to whom that Nature belonged was really and truly GOD. — So the Man JESUS made no Scruple of receiving divine Worship and Adoration from Men, thereby making Himself equal with GOD; for he was conscious to him­self that He was truly and properly GOD, as well as Man.—

The humane Nature of CHRIST was every Way like the humane Nature of another Man, Sin only excepted. While it was on Earth it was (with that Exception) every Way like unto Men in their imperfect State: And it is no where asserted in Scripture, that I know of, (whatever Tradition has been pretended to hand down) that there was any Thing in his Countenance or outward Ap­pearance (except at his Transfiguration) that dis­tinguished him from his Brethren; unless that his Visage was more marred, &c. — And the Endowments of his humane Mind differed only in Degree from those of other holy Men: He had the same Kind of Knowledge, Wisdom, Love, Courage, &c, but only in an high. Degree He was always full of these Things; there was no sinful Deficiency: And these Endowments in­creased and grew in him as he grew in Years. There was a Time when he did not (as Man) know his Right Hand from his Left, nor his own Mother from another Woman; but he in­creased [Page 5] in Knowledge, Wisdom, &c, as other Children do, by the same Means and in the same Manner; but with this Difference, that he im­proved his Powers and Advantages to the utmost. Even when a Child he never omitted one Oppor­tunity of getting Increase in Wisdom, Knowledge, was never chargeable with the least Degree of Indifferency, Negligence or Carelessness; never spent one Moment's Time in Eating, Drinking, Sleeping, Recreation, but what ought to be so spent. And his Improvements were vastly quick and large, but still gradual as he grew in Age and Stature.

What Degree of Wisdom, Knowledge, &c, the humane Nature had more for it's Union with the Divine, was purely according to the Will and Pleasure of the Divine Person. As our bodily Sen­ses are in great Measure under the Command of a Spirit belonging to the same Person (the Body often sees, hears, tastes, &c, at the Will and Plea­sure of the Soul;) So the humane Nature knew and acted nothing beyond the Power and Reach of a mere humane Capacity, but only as the Divine Person was pleased to communicate. Ac­cordingly the humane Nature of CHRIST knew not but there were Figgs on the Figg-Tree, till he came near enough to see; and yet at another Time that same humane Nature knew and could [Page 6] answer the Thoughts of Men's Hearts, when the Divine was pleased to communicate that Know­ledge. So, the humane Nature while he did not know the particular Day and Hour of the last Judgment; and yet at the same Time he knew and could foretel the most remarkable Events that were to fall out, from the Time then present, to the End of the World, and the very Circumstances of the Last Judgment.

[By the Way, it is so far from being a Disho­nour to CHRIST'S Person, to speak of the inno­cent Imperfections of the humane Nature, accor­ding to Scripture Light, that it is the great Illus­tration of his condescending Love, that he would take the humane Nature into personal Union with the Divine, under such Circumstances.]

JESUS CHRIST had all the innocent Passions and Affections of the humane Nature; such as Love, Hatred, Joy, Sorrow, Anger, &c: and they were moved and wrought upon after the same Manner with those of other Men; still always ex­cepting any sinful Imperfection, which those who think aright of these Things, will continually bear in their Minds. To instance here only in one Par­ticular, instead of many: Tho' he knew the pre­sent State of Jerusalem, and was doubtless think­ing of it all along his Journey from Galiiee, yet we read not of any extraordinary Motion of the [Page 7] Passions, till his Eye affected his Heart: Then, 'tis said, He beheld the City and wept over it.— His Body also was exposed to all those Uneasinesses and Pains, that another humane Body is, and possibly much more sensible of them, as being prepared for that very Purpose to be the Seat of Sufferings. As the Senses of Man in Innocency were so con­trived as to be so many Avenues of Pleasure from every Quarter; so the bodily Senses of the LORD JESUS were designed as so many Conduits to con­vey into his Soul the bitter Waters of the Curse due to the Elect.—Whether the humane Nature of CHRIST were liable to a natural Death by Sick­ness, or Age or no, has been doubted; but we know it was subject to a violent one. And what there should be in his Constitution (who was made of a Woman) that should preserve him from the Decays of Age, and the mortal Diseases that Men in General are exposed to, is not revealed. It was by special Providence that he was preser­ved from Death, natural or violent, till his Hour was come.

And as the humane Nature of CHRIST was like unto sinful Flesh in this World; so I know of no Reason to think now it is in Glory, that there is any essential Difference betwixt that and those of Enoch and Elijah, that are there in their whole Persons, and what those of all the Saints will be [Page 8] after the Resurrection. The humane Nature of CHRIST in Heaven, considered as distinct from the Divine, is no more than a Man perfect in all created humane Excellencies. It still remains finite in every Power and Faculty and Endow­ment both or Body and Soul, and must necessarily do so forever.

Whatever Alterations there may be in his Body, on the Account of which it may be termed a spiritual Body; yet still it is a humane Body, and subject to the same Laws of Matter and Motion that other Bodies are. The Alterations that Bodies are subject to here below, are exceeding great and wonderful: To instance only in that of a Tallow Candle, Suppose an Inch of it, What a norrow Compass does it lie in? What a dull and motionless little Lump is it? yet do but touch it to another that is lighted and what a Change is there made? It flames and shines and diffuses it's Light, not only through the whole Room, discovering that which lay hid in Darkness there, but spreads itself far and wide, and lies (as they tell us, that Study those Things) after the Rate of some Millions of Miles, in a Minute. All this spreading shining Flame is no­thing but that same little Piece of Tallow that lay a Minute before covered in the same Darkness with other Things about the House, only putting [Page 9] on another Form, &c. — So the humane Body, tho' perhaps transformed into pure celestial Light, (which is most like Spirit or any material Sub­stance we can conceive of) so that it may possi­bly spread it self many thousands of Miles round in a Minute; and then in another Minute, con­tract itself into the narrow Compass of a few In­ches, and appear in what Shape the Soul pleases; as we read of his appearing sometimes in one Form and sometimes in another; yet still it is but the same Body in a different Form, that was confined within the Dimensions of an ordi­nary humane Body while here below, and could neither extend or contract it self into any other Limits, nor appear in any other Form.

And so whatever Change the humane Soul of CHRIST may have undergone by his Glorifica­tion; how vastly soever the Powers and Facul­ties thereof are enlarged, and all filled to the Brim with Knowledge and Grace, yea with all the communicable Fulness of the Godhead; yet still it is but a finite, humane Soul, infinitely be­low the Perfection of the Divine Nature, and must of Necessity continue so sorever.

As CHRIST'S humane Nature is in all other sinless Respects like other Men, so it has a humane Love. He had, when here, a natural Affection to his Relations, and a peculiar Love to some [Page 10] particular Persons, that either had no Grace at all, as the young Man in the Gospel, or that had no more Grace than some others, it may be as the beloved Disciple John. And he had a common Love to all Mankind: As he was in some Sense the Saviour of all Men, so he had strong Desires of the Salvation of every individual Person, with­out Distinction of Elect and Reprobate. Nor could he know, as Man, unless it were made known to him by special Revelation, who among the Unconverted were the chosen of GOD, and who were not; and therefore did, as his faithful Servants do, labour for the Good of all; and it was the Grief of his Heart that his Labours were no more successful. And this was no doubt (next to seeing his heavenly Father dishonour'd) one of the greatest Afflictions he met with while here, to see his Neighbours, (whom he loved as him­self, according to the Law he was made under) continually wounding and destroying their own Souls, and slighting and neglecting the only Re­medy. That same Affection that glowed in the Heart and flamed out of the Mouth of the Apo­stle Paul towards his Brethren according to the Flesh, was in a far higher Degree (the Sinfulness of it excepted) in the Heart of the Lord JESUS towards all Mankind, without Distinction: He did actually make himself a Curse for them. Tho' [Page 11] as GOD he had his Eye and Love in an especial Manner on the Elect; yet as Man (and that is the Nature we are speaking of) he was not capa­ble, as was said, of making the Distinction be­tween them and others. No, when he looked round from the Cross on the great Crowd of Peo­ple that were gathered together on that Occasion, he loved and pitied them all, without Distinction, except one of a thousand perhaps, whom he knew to be Converts by his personal Acquaintance with them. There was not one of that vast Multi­tude, that (as Man) he could know was not to be converted about six Weeks after, when the Spirit was to be poured out in such a wonderful Manner, unless it were particularly revealed to him, and unless there were some among them who he knew had committed the unpardonable Sin. And what large Additions, may we suppose it made to the Floods of Sorrow and Distress that were then pouring in upon him on all Sides, to see those whom he loved so as to be then actually dying for them; yea, some Thousands of whom he knew were eternally to reap the Benefit of his Sufferings, and to lie in his Bosom forever, all joining to mook and deride him in his Agonies, and like the Philistines over Sampson, to shout and triumph, as having got him whom they ac­counted the common Enemy of their Nation, [Page 12] nailed to the Cross, and dying the Death of the worst of Malefactors? It was a Man, the most loving, kind, tender-hearted Man, that ever was born of a Woman that saw all this; they were his own Flesh and Blood, and the dearly beloved of his Soul, who were the Actors in this bloody Tragedy.—

— The humane Nature of the Lord JESUS CHRIST is mentioned as one great Thing that qualified him to be the Judge of the World. All Judgment is committed unto him, because he is the Son of Man. GOD will judge the World in Righteousness by that Man whom he hath ordain­ed. The Judge will be, not only the Heart-searching GOD, but one that had, and still has all the essential Properties of the humane Nature: One that not only has the same Nature with the Per­sons to be judged; but one that loved them, many of them personally, with a real strong Affection.

The Saints will be peculiarly happy in the En­joyment of GOD in their own Nature. A great Part of the rational Creature's Happiness consists in Society that is suitable. Some have thought ‘this is so essential to Happiness, that a Plurality of Persons in GOD might be inferred from this Consideration alone; That to have Commu­nion in mutual Knowledge, Love and Enjoy­ment, is the very Essence of Felicity, and that [Page 13] a Being in all Respects perfectly single and alone, without any more Persons than one subsisting in his Essence, cannot be completely happy.’

In order to Society's being suitable, it must be between Parties that have the same Nature: So that tho' Adam, when he was first made might have Communion with GOD, and with the holy Angels, and had a World of Creatures round a­bout him at his Command; yet he was said to be alone, and it was not good for him to be so alone, and therefore GOD made him one of the same Nature to be an Help-meet for him. And when his Companion was brought to him, he takes particular Notice of it, that she was Bone of his Bone, and taken out of the Man, one of the same Nature with himself.

GOD having a Design to make Creatures ex­ceeding happy, probably far more so than the Angels, the happiest Creatures he at first made; was pleased, in order to this, to permit them to fall into the Depth of Misery (which was a Cir­cumstance greatly tending to inhance their Felici­ty) and then to advance them, not only to Com­munion with the Angels, of a Nature different from their own, and to Communion with Him­self, of a Nature infinitely above them; but to Communion with and Enjoyment of a Person that had really in Him all the Glory and Excellency and [Page 14] All-sufficiency of the Divine Nature (for He is really and truly GOD) and also all the Suitable­ness and Agreeableness of the Human Nature in the utmost Perfection; and that in as strict and close a Union with him, as 'tis possible for distinct Persons to be joined in, one to another, except­ing only the Persons of the blessed Trinity them­selves. So that, as far as we can learn, the Elect of Mankind are to be the happiest of all created Persons, and the happiest of all created Beings, except the humane Nature of CHRIST; who in all Things must have the Preheminence, and who is not a created Person, but one of the two Natures (as was said) in the uncreated Person of the eternal Son of GOD.

Though the humane Nature of CHRIST be now in a glorified State, and his present Happiness is great, far beyond our Conceptions; yet it seems, that it must needs be far short of that Per­fection which he will enjoy when he shall have the whole Body of his beloved Elect with him in Glory. According to our Way of Thinking, it cannot but be an Alloy to his Felicity, to think that so many Thousands of the Members of his mystical Body, more dear to him than the Eyes of his natural Body, are still left in such a dismal State of Sin and Sorrow, and are to continue so long in such a Condition; yea, that some of his Elect [Page 15] are at present in a State of Enmity against him, and under the absolute Tyranny of Sin and Satan, &c. — If it be said, That he knows it's best it should be so, 'tis agreeable to his Father's Will, and most for his Glory, and will finally issue in the best Good of all his Chosen; It may be replied, That he had the same Prospect of Things by Faith, when he was in his Agony in the Garden, and on the Cross: He knew that all was for the best, infinitely so; yet he was far from being then in the actual Enjoyment of per­fect Happiness; so far, that all his own Faith, which was sinless and perfect, and the Assistance of an Angel strengthening of him, was but just sufficient to preserve him from sinking under the amazing Weight that then lay upon him. And though his present exceeding great Glory, to­gether with a clear Prospect of what he, and all his, are shortly to enjoy together in Perfection, and for ever, is abundantly more than enough to over-ballance every less comfortable View and Prospect of Things, which he has more immedi­ately before him; yet one would be apt to think a finite humane Nature must needs be far less happy in the most realizing Belief of Things to come, than in the present Enjoyment of them. It is spoken of as necessary in order to the Perfection of Happiness, that what is in Part should be done [Page 16] away, that what is perfect may come; and that Faith and Hope should give Place to the perfect Rest of Love in actual Fruition.

It may be Matter of Doubt, whether any cre­ated Nature, even that of the Man CHRIST JESUS himself is capable of enjoying so much Happiness at any one set Time, as it may be by a Progression, or going forward; and whether it be not the in­communicable Property of the Divine Nature, to enjoy so much Felicity at once, that there can be no Addition made to it: And if so, Whether there is not Reason to believe, GOD will add this one Property more to the unspeakable Happiness of the humane Nature of CHRIST, that it shall be eternally Progressive, or growing and increasing forever; and that this will be granted to the Members, as well as the Head. Surely the blessed GOD is infinitely far from grudging to the hu­mane Nature of his own Son, and the Objects of his special Love, any Qualification in their Hap­piness that shall render it more desireable: Espe­cially considering, that he designs his own Glory in the Creature's Happiness, and that they are naturally and strongly inclined to give him all the Praise of it forever; and that he himself (as 'tis infinite Reason) will be never the less peerless and unrivalled in his own boundless Happiness, how far so ever any of his Creatures shall advance in [Page 17] their's. For let Creatures be advancing never so fast and never so far in Happiness, supposing that of all the Saints and Angels in Heaven were to be doubled to each particular Person every Minute to Eternity, yet this will never bring them one Hair's Breadth nearer in Degree to the Felicity of the blessed GOD: For Infinity has no Degrees. All Additions to what is Finite brings it no nearer to what is Infinite, than it was at first.

If it be asked, why it was necessary that the Two Natures in the Mediator should make but One Person? It is answered, That no other Being, but such a one, could perform what was to be done for the Elect's Salvation. For if you could suppose a Being consisting of two Persons, one humane, the other Divine, (as the Godhead sub­sists in three divine Persons,) such a supposed Being could not have been a suitable Mediator. For tho' the humane Person could have done and suffered what was proper, yet it would have been only of a finite Value, and so could not have an­swered the Needs of Sinners, who were infinitely indebted to Divine Justice; and what the Divine Person could have done, would not have been suitable, it being in another Nature than that of the Sinner's, and such a Divine Person could not have suffered at all.— But now, in the Person of CHRIST there is a humane Nature that is capa­ble [Page 18] of Doing and Suffering as much and more than any humane Person, supposing him perfect, could do, and all that is so done and suffered is really and properly the Act of a Person infinite and divine, and so of infinite Value; and that divine Person under no natural Obligations to do or suffer any Thing of this, and so it might be imputed to the Persons who needed it for their Justification and Salvation.


THE Extensiveness OF GOD's good Design IN Selling Joseph into Egypt, &c.

GEN. 50.20.

GOD meant it unto good.

GOD is Love: That is his Name, that is his Nature; and all his Actions in all Worlds, were there never so many Millions of them, proceed from Love: Are they Effects of almighty Power, infi­nite Wisdom, unspotted Holiness, severe Justice, [Page 20] inviolable Truth, they are all only the Work­ings of the manifold Love of GOD. Sin it self the worst of Evils, and Hell the next worst; the one was permitted, and the other was pre­pared for the more clear and full Display of the Love of GOD forever and ever. 'Tis mere pure unmixed Love that damns Angels and Men: Love to Justice and Holiness; Love to GOD'S own Elect, whose Injuries he avenges, and whose eternal Perseverance in Holiness and Happiness, as well as their high Degrees of Gratitude, may be more promoted by the Consideration of the Mi­sery that Sin has brought upon their Fellow-Creatures, than Men in their present imperfect State are capable of conceiving. And what in­numerable Worlds of rational Creatures are to take everlasting Warning by the forlorn State of the greatest Part of the Inhabitants of this little Spot of Clay, is known only to the Maker of them; at least, whoever knows, 'tis a Secret to us who are forbidden to be wise above what is written. And there is enough written to vindi­cate the Goodness of GOD to an humble believ­ing Soul in the most dark and severe Dispensations that are ordered out to any of the Children of Men here, or ordained for them hereafter. Of the former, Joseph the Person speaking in the Words above written was as eminent an Exam­ple [Page 21] as almost any we read of in Scripture; and perhaps no Instance in profane History does in any Measure equal it: Very few if any among mere Men deserved better from the Hands of his Fel­low-Creatures than he from his Childhood up, and few received worse. He was dutiful to his Parents, faithful, loving, obliging, and officious to his Brethren, and pious to his GOD from his very Childhood: And when he came to sustain new Relations and Circumstances vastly different, yea quite contrary to what he had been in before, yet still he exemplified in the whole of his Beha­viour the same Spirit of Wisdom and Grace that he had shewn before. But how was this extraor­dinary Person treated? He was envied, hated, mocked, sold for a Slave for Life, and very nar­rowly escaped being murdered by his obliged Brethren: He was reproved by his fond Father, when perhaps he did not deserve it; He was falsely accused after he had been wickedly tempt­ed by his first enamoured and then enraged Mis­tress; He was suspected, cast off, and imprison­ed by his Master, whose Conscience as well as his own had given Testimony to his universal Faith­fulness, the remarkable Presence of GOD with him, and His extraordinary Blessing upon all his Affairs for Joseph's Sake. And whatever Ho­nour, Favour, Liberty and Trust he had during [Page 22] his Confinement, yet it seems for some Part, and perhaps the greatest Part of the Time, (which was several Years,) he was laid in Affliction and Iron, yea the Iron did eat into his Soul: And after he was as it were tantalized with some Hope of De­liverance by the Interest at Court, he might in all Reason expect the Justice and Gratitude of the chief Butler would incline him to make for him, this Hope deferred made his Heart sick for two Years more. What the Distresses of his Heart, and what the more invisible Assaults and Tempta­tions of his grand Adversary were all this while, is not recorded; but besure his greatest and best Friend overuled and ordered it all, and yet — GOD meant it unto Good. — Joseph himself tells us so, and he was the greatest Sufferer, un­less you will suppose his tender Father (with whom you will easily conceive he bitterly sym­pathized) might possibly endure as much as he. His hard-hearted Brethren besure by all that is revealed, were very little affected, they sat down to eat and drink in the midst of their poor Bro­ther's Distress; and if they did not rise up to Play like the idolatrous Israelites, yet they did that which was worse: All their Concern was to con­trive a Device to cover their own Guilt, and to deceive, not to comfort, their poor Father, what­ever they pretended. I say Joseph himself who [Page 23] had the greatest Shew of Reason to complain of Severity, as the best of Men under extraordinary Afflictions have sometimes done, yet confesses as in the Words once and again repeated, GOD meant it unto Good:— He meant it for Good to Joseph himself; to his mourning disponding and almost dispairing Father; to his cruel Brethren; to the Egyptians, and Neighbour Nations; to the Church of the Jews; to the whole Catholick Church; to the World of Mankind; and to the holy Angels: All this may be easily gathered from Revelation; and what other Worlds do, and shall reap Benefit by this mysterious Dispensation of Providence is not for us to conjecture, we must leave it to GOD and Time or at least Eternity to discover.

(1.) GOD meant it for Good to Joseph him­self. It was to humble him and prove him, and do him good in his latter End.— He was by this Means early and effectually taken off from the Vanities and Follies which Youth are exposed to, and most of them forever undone by. For tho' his Circumstances in Egypt at first were such as abundantly supplied him with all the Delights of Sense, being soon made a Steward in the House of a rich Gentleman, yet it is plain enough that he was in a wonderful Degree cold and dead to those youthful Lusts that such a Condition might [Page 24] have exposed him unto. His early Piety was much improved and advanced doubtless by a Course of sore Affliction, and we have no Reason to think he was denied those inward Comforts and Refreshments which a gracious GOD is wont to allow to his afflicted Children. It was true then, as well as it has been often found by Ex­perience since, that Tribulation worketh Patience, Patience Experience, and Experience Hope, and Hope maketh not ashamed, because the Love of GOD is shed abroad in the Heart. As his Afflic­tions abounded, we may well suppose his Conso­lations in CHRIST, in the promised MESSIAH, in whom he believed, abounded also.—He was hereby prepared for great future Honour and Advancement, to be made the second Man in one of the greatest Kingdoms then in the World, even Ruler over all the Land of Egypt, to bind their Princes at his Pleasure, and to teach their Senators Wisdom. And his Afflictions were ordered for his Humiliation, and the Mortifica­tion of his Corruptions; without which Prepara­tion his Prosperity in all likelihood would have destroyed him, he would have been lifted up with Pride, and fallen into the Condemnation of the Devil. So his living first in a Courtier's Family, and afterwards conversing so long and so familiar­ly with two great Men his Fellow-Prisoners, was [Page 25] wisely ordered (as in the Case of David, Ne­hemiah and others) for his great Improvement in the Knowledge of State-Affairs, and so fitting him for the Post he was designed for. And he being an Interpreter of Dreams, and having his own always in his Mind, and so being apprehen­sive in some Degree what was before him; doubt­less made the best Improvement he could of all the Advantages he had put into his Hands to qualify himself for his future Advancement, and his being useful and serviceable therein: And be­ing thus in one Respect and another, prepared for his Enlargement and Exaltation; it was indeed good unto him, and really a Step towards the Crown of Glory reserved for him in the Heavens, and that extraordinary Recompence of Reward, that far more exceeding and eternal Weight of Glory, which his uncommon Sufferings and special Ser­vices done for the Church of GOD and the World, and the eminent Degrees of Grace exercised therein had wrought for him by working him up to a suitable Frame and Temper to receive and possess the same. This was the Good that GOD meant to Joseph: to say nothing particularly of the unspeakable Comfort and Satisfaction he had in manifesting himself to his Brethren, in sending such joyful Tydings to his dear Father; together with a plentiful Supply for his present pinching [Page 26] Necessity, in receiving him into his Arms when he came into Egypt, in requiting him for his seventeen Years tender Care over him in his Childhood and Youth, by nourishing him for the like Number of Years in his decrepid old Age; in rewarding Good for Evil to his penitent Brethren; (a godlike Pleasure!) in being a Father to Pha­roah and his People, and a sort of Saviour and common Benefactor to the World round about him; and which was the greatest Honour and Pleasure of all, (it may be) knowing himself to be herein a great and remarkable Type of CHRIST, who is the Saviour of all Men, especially of them that believe: or if he had not so clear and distinct a Knowledge how all the Steps of his Humiliation and Exaltation, his rough Carriage to his Brethren at first, and his kind Treatment of them after­wards, and being a common Deliverer, were to signify glorious spiritual good Things to come in the Fulness of Time; yet he has a perfect Un­derstanding of these Things in the heavenly World, which is the best of all: — He was also a large Sharer in the Good GOD meant more immedi­ately

(2.) To his Father Jacob. He had said in­deed in his Haste, All these Things are against me, and threatened that he would go down to the Grave mourning for his Son; but all those [Page 27] Things were made to work together for his Good. His darling Son, whom it is to be feared he had too much set his Affection upon, was taken away to make Room for his GOD to sit unrival'd on the Throne of his Heart; and reserved (against he was prepared for so great a Favour) to be the greatest Comfort and Blessing that ever a Son was to a Father. Instead of going to the Grave mourning for his Son, he was to enjoy him in the most happy Circumstances for many Years, to see his Children and Children's Children, and to bless them and the rest of his numerous and prosperous Offspring by the Inspiration of the Holy Ghost, wherewith he was filled in an extra­ordinary Manner on his dying Bed: and by the same Spirit also he was to see the Day of CHRIST'S Appearance, and be glad; and in the midst of these glorious Views to expire in the Embraces of his beloved Joseph, and with his Hands closing his Eyes, and to enter into the full Possession of that Salvation which his Soul waited for; while his surviving Son was embalming his Body and celebrating his Funeral in a princely Manner, and conveying his precious Dust into the Land of Promise, the Type of Heaven, where it is to rest with those of Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Rebecca, &c, who were laid to sleep before, and Joseph and the rest of his Sons, &c. who were to come [Page 28] after, when they had finished their Course, which was at present thro' a Scene of great Prosperity, to rest I say till the Resurrection of the Just, when they are all to be raised up in Glory. And they will then have a full and clear and ravishing View of GOD's wise and gracious Designs in all his Dispensations, and this dark Providence in par­ticular: they all, I say, for

(3.) GOD meant it for Good to Joseph's Bre­thren also. They meant it for evil: But GOD'S Tho'ts were not as their Thoughts, nor his Ways as their Ways; No, widely, infinitely dif­ferent; as high as the Heavens are above the Earth, so were his Tho'ts above their Tho'ts; as contrary as Heaven is to Hell, so were his Ways to their Ways. Some think they were good Men at the Time that they treated their pious loving Brother so treacherously and barbarously, and that they lay under the Guilt of that hor­rid Crime for twenty Years together. On what they build their large Charity I know not. Such a Superstructure had need have a solid Founda­tion. But whatever their State was at that Time, it is certain they were got into a very bad Frame. Any Man would have been tempted (that had seen what Pride and Envy, Malice and Revenge, unnatural Cruelty and diabolical Subtilty they were then a practicing) to have said unto them, [Page 29] Ye are of your Father the Devil, and his Works ye will do. Yet GOD meant it for good, even unto Them: For their temporal Good we are very sure: This was a necessary Means of saving their Lives when in extream Danger of Famishing, they and their Families, and of changing their outward Circumstances much for the better; even from the Condition of poor wandering Shep­herds in the Land of Promise, (where they had no Place of their own so much as to set their Foot on, except the Possession of a Burying-Place) into that of a comfortable Settlement in the best Spot of Ground in all the Land of Egypt, and to be employed in Places of Trust and Profit as Herdsmen to the King of that Country, under the Care and Nurture of a Brother, great and powerful like a King, and kind and tender as a Father or Mother. And 'tis generally concluded this was not the best of it neither: 'Tis thought they had Repentance given them for their high Crimes and Misdemeanours, and Remission of their Sins. And perhaps while the Lord of the Land was humbling them and distressing them, and afterwards forgiving, comforting, feasting them, and providing Inheritances for them, acting in all under a divine Impulse, and as a Type of the Lord JESUS CHRIST, the Saints once humbled but now exalted Brother; He [Page 30] (who was the principal Person offended and a­bused in all their ill Treatment of Joseph, and who loved them notwithstanding infinitely better than their natural Brother, loved them with an everlasting Love) was now drawing them with his loving Kindness, and by his Spirit acting over upon their Hearts and Consciences, what the Type was doing outwardly and visibly. Who can tell, but the LORD was now representing Himself to them as an offended, angry, holy, Sin-revenging Judge, and bringing their Sins to Remembrance, and setting them in Order before them? They seem to intimate as much, The Lord hath found out the Iniquity of thy Servants; we are verily Guilty, &c. And when Joseph put them in Prison, who knows but they had then a lively Sense, how they deserved to be laid in Chains of Darkness in the Dungeon of Hell for­ever? And when their Money was returned once and again in their Sacks-Mouth, at which they were so terrified; Who can tell but GOD might be flinging their Self-righteous Prayers and Tears and Vows which they poured out before him, as Dung in their Faces? And when they were sufficiently humbled under the preparatory Ope­ration of the Holy Ghost, which lasted for several Weeks, it may be, together; while they were held in Suspence how they should be at last dealt with [Page 31] by the Governour of Egypt, who then to their Surprize and Astonishment said unto them, I am Joseph your Brother, whom you sold into Egypt; might not the Governor of the Universe, who has all Power in Heaven and Earth committed into his Hands, discover himself to them as their reconciled Friend and Brother, fill them with Joy and Peace in Believing, Joy unspeakable and full of Glory, and give them a good Hope through Grace of an Interest in the Inheritance incorruptible, unde­filed, and that fadeth not away, reserved in Heaven for them? And when afterwards not only they, but all the Egyptians were obliged to go to Joseph for the Supply of their Wants; Who dare deny that the Holy Spirit might in his won­derful Way of Working, teach them savingly the Doctrine of the Mediation of CHRIST; how He is the Head of all Influences to the Church; how it hath pleased the Father that in Him all Fulness should dwell; and how of his Fulness all Believers receive and Grace for Grace, &c? Such Things as these are implied when it is supposed that these Patriarchs were true Saints; for all that are truly taught of GOD in all Ages do experience these Things, as to the Substance; and even the lesser Circumstances of the Experiences of Old-Testament and New-Testament Believers, may be more alike than Christians are now generally [Page 32] aware of. But the Benefit of this wonderful Providence was yet more extensive: For

(4.) GOD meant it for Good to the Egyptians and the Neighbour Nations. For had it not been for this, Egypt would have been destroyed; and the Famine was sore in all Lands, who also came to Egypt to buy Corn. And how useful such a Body of Herdsmen coming into a Country where that Art had been but little improved, might be, and how far by their Instructions and Exam­ples they might be Instrumental of bringing many of them to the Knowledge of the only true GOD, and Faith in the MESSIAH to come; we are left at Uncertainties: But certain we are from abun­dant Scripture-Evidence

(5.) That GOD meant it for Good to the Church of the Jews. For the whole Body of them was comprehended in that Handful of People that then went down into Egypt, as it had been be­fore in the smaller Families of Abraham and Isaac. The Church was now, as well as at many other Times, in imminent Danger; but GOD said con­cerning it, Destroy it not, for a Blessing is in it: A Blessing indeed, the Spring and Sum of all Blessings, even the MESSIAH, He of whom it is prophesied and promised that in Him all the Families of the Earth should be blessed: And so

[Page 33](6.) GOD meant it for Good to the whole Catholick Church, to the Body of the Elect in all Ages, and all Nations from the Beginning to the End of the World. The Saviour and so the Sal­vation of the whole Number of GOD'S chosen, was bound up in that Family of Jacob: If they had perished, the whole Project of Man's Salva­tion must have utterly failed and fallen to the Ground: If the Line of CHRIST could have been cut off before he came into the World, and so his Birth, Life, Death, Resurrection and Ascension, have been prevented; not one Soul could ever have been saved: Yea, those that had been al­ready admitted into Heaven must have been ex­pelled and sent down to suffer the Vengeance of eternal Fire; for divine Justice must be satisfied, and if the Surety had fail'd, the principal Deb­tors must have been siezed again, and the De­mands of the Law must have been answered, for not one Jot nor Tittle of the Law shall pass till all be fulfilled. But this was utterly impossible, and therefore so it was that Israel (in the Loins of some of whom CHRIST now was) should be cut off by Famine or any other Way: And did GOD in very Deed mean this by the strange Dis­pensations of his Providence toward Joseph? Well may it then be said, GOD meant it unto Good, For, who can tell? who can conceive, [Page 34] how great that Good is that is laid up for GOD'S Chosen, the Called according to his Purpose? Eye has not seen, nor Ear heard, nor hath entred into the Heart of Man, what GOD has laid up and prepared for those that love him; and yet in the same Place it is said, He hath revealed the same to his People by his Spirit. This Good com­prehends all Good that can possibly be desired; yea, it is GOD himself the Fountain and Author of all. The Happiness of the Blessed in Hea­ven is the same as the Happiness of GOD, as far as a Creature is capable of partaking of the same. GOD has no other Happiness, that we can conceive of, but to know and love, enjoy and glorify himself; and this is Happiness: This Honour have all the Saints, in their Measure; they are as full of it as they can hold. And then, this Good is everlasting, without any Intermissi­on, without any End. And if what many holy as well as learned Divines have thought to be true, viz, That the Happiness of Heaven is pro­gressive; this adds infinitely to every other Consi­deration we can make use of to raise our Ap­prehensions concerning the Greatness of it, even that of Eternity it self. For, the least Degree of Happiness to increase forever and ever, is in­finitely more desirable than the greatest fixed De­gree of Happiness of the same Kind that can be [Page 35] conceived of: for the least Measure will, if con­tinually increasing, come to be equal to the greatest that is fixed, suppose it were that of all the Hosts of Heaven put together; and then after it is arrived to that Measure, it has as long to remain increasing and growing, as when it first began. —But however this Matter be, there is enough revealed of the Good contained in this Salvation, this Saviour, to draw forth the utmost Desires and Endeavours of the largest Soul, with­out making any more Suppositions that are not so plainly sounded in the Word of GOD. This Good GOD meant to the Elect, in the Provi­dence we have been speaking of. And there was moreover,

(7.) A Design of good to all Mankind. For CHRIST, who as was said is included in the Pre­servation then granted to the Church, is the Sa­viour of all Men, tho' especially of them that believe. Never was there one of the Humane Race, but what received some Benefit by the Mediation of JESUS CHRIST. The Continuance of Life, if but for an Hour, under the Possibility of Salvation, and all the Comforts of Life which Men in general enjoy, and the special Privileges for the obtaining Grace and Salvation which some are favor'd with, are the Purchase of the Blood of CHRIST. The bare Offer of Salvation in the [Page 36] Gospel is a great Favour, as all they will find to their eternal Cost, who do not accept of it, and we find GOD every where speaks of it as such; tho' Men's Hearts reason to the contrary from the secret Purposes and Decrees of GOD, by vir­tue of which they say, it will be worse with Re­probates than if they never had those Priviledges: But such Persons know not what they say, nor whereof they affirm; by the same Rule that they thus under-value this greatest of all common Mercies, they may with-hold their Gratitude for every Favour they receive both from GOD and Man; for it is certain, they will turn to the Ag­gravation of the Misery of all that finally perish. Now this capital Mercy, the general Offer of Salvation, has been more than once bestowed on the World of Mankind. It was so in the Pro­mise revealed in the Garden; it was so in Noah's Time; and after CHRIST'S Resurrection the Dis­ciples were sent to preach the Gospel to all the World; and it is from the Negligence of Men, and not any Deficiency in the Providence of GOD, that the whole World is not now gospelized. And wherever the Gospel is preached, it is mere­ly the Will of Man, and nothing else that hin­ders the saving Efficacy of it; tho' it is only the Power of GOD that can subdue and conquer that Will of Man. Nor is this Good confined to the [Page 37] Inhabitants of this lower World only, But

(8.) GOD meant it for Good to the Angels of Heaven also. They are ministring Spirits sent forth to minister to those who are the Heirs of Salvation. They have a tender Concern for the good of Mankind, especialiy the Elect. They rejoice in the Conversion of every Soul, and in every Providence whereby the Glory of GOD and the good of Men is promoted; and especially in such remarkable Providences whereby the Glory of GOD is so greatly promoted and the tempo­ral, spiritual and eternal Good of so many Men is advanced. And 'tis good for them thus to re­joice, 'tis a Part of their Happiness.— It has been all along hinted, and is necessarily implied, that GOD means his own Glory in the whole of this; which is the greatest Good of all, and which he cannot but have in View as his last End in all his Dispensations towards all his Creatures, in all Worlds, in Time and to Eternity. Besides the Manifestation of the Glory of all GOD'S Attri­butes, in his bringing the Saviour into the World and accomplishing the great Work of the Elect's Salvation in general; In this Dispensation towards Jacob's Family (wherein the Salvation of Men was said to be so nearly concerned) there is dis­covered Abundance of the Wisdom, Power, Holiness and Justice of GOD, and his tender Care [Page 38] of his Children; yea of his general Goodness towards those of Mankind that are Aliens to the Common-wealth of Israel and without GOD in the World.

Now, If GOD meant all this for Good, cer­tainly every one that hears or reads this Passage of holy Scripture, should fall in with the De­sign of GOD, and endeavour to get what Good they can out of it. It seems more especially to direct it's Voice to such as are under any Dispen­sation of Providence peculiarly dark and difficult: They may be sure, (however Things may ap­pear to them,) GOD means it all for Good. E­specially if they belong to GOD, they may rest satisfied, not only that GOD aims at those great good Ends, his own Glory and the Benefit of his Church in general; but at their best Good in particular. All the Paths of the Lord are Mercy and Truth to such as they are. And he has en­gaged himself by Promise, that all Things shall work together for their Good. And he has al­ways been faithful and true to his Word, and has never once disappointed such as have put their Trust in him. And whatever dark and discou­raging Thoughts they have in the Time of their Difficulties, yet in the Issue they have been bro't to acknowledge, not only the Sovereignty, Ju­stice and Holiness of GOD, but even his Love [Page 39] and Faithfulness towards them therein; of which there are many Examples in the Word of GOD, and in other Church-Histories.

How happy are they who are in such a State, that they may be sure the great GOD means them Good in all his Dispensations. He never was, nor can be frustrated and disappointed in any of his Designs. Those whose Good he aims at, may be infallibly certain, that Good shall come unto them. It cannot possibly be otherwise.


How solicitous should every one be to get into such a Condition, and to make it sure to them­selves that they are so! No Man that has the due Exercise of his rational Powers and the Be­lief of the Being and Attributes of GOD and a Judgment to come, would be able to rest a Mo­ment at Uncertainty about what the Thoughts of the great and terrible GOD are concerning him in all his Dispensations towards him, whether mer­ciful or afflictive: He may believe that GOD means all for Good; but that Good, for ought he knows, may be the Glory of his own Power and Justice and Wrath in his eternal Destruction; and there­by also his making known the Riches of Mercy, on the Vessels of Mercy, which he had afore prepared unto Glory.

[Page 40] To conclude, The Children of GOD should imi­tate their heavenly Father in this, to see to it, that they mean all unto Good, that they set their Hearts or Hands unto. And particularly, when they are constrained in Conscience to do such Things, as may seem dark and strange and un­accountable to the World; then to be able to shew in the Meekness of Wisdom, how they meant it for Good, which they will not be able to do only by their own bare Assertion, that they meant well: This will not satisfy a rational In­quirer; but they must be able also to shew the Rule in the Word of GOD by which they have acted: For a good Meaning will never justify a bad Action.


CHRIST the KING sitting at his Table.

CANT. 1.12.

While the King sitteth at his Table, my Spikenard sendeth forth the Smell thereof.

THE Grace of GOD in the Soul of Man makes a great Alteration there, the greatest perhaps that the humane Soul is capable of: But still the Soul is essentially the same. There is not another Soul, nor any new Faculty put into the Soul; but only the same Faculties of the same Soul renewed and sanctified, and disposed to act aright towards their proper Objects. Nor does [Page 42] Grace destroy or wholly hide the particular natu­ral Temper of a Person, but only govern and regulate the same according to the Word and Will of GOD. When Grace is perfected in Glory there may possibly be the same Variety of Tem­pers that there is now, and each perhaps have their several Use in that World, where will be discovered more than ever has been before or else­where, the manifold Wisdom of GOD in the Works of Nature, as well as Grace. It is beyond all Doubt, that the Grace of GOD in holy Men here exerts and shews it self according to their vastly different natural Tempers and Dispositions. The same Degree of Grace appears and acts quite otherwise in one good Man than it does in ano­ther, and consequently they are fitted and pre­pared thereby, for several distinct Places and Ser­vices in the Church of GOD. One Man is naturally of a contemplative and tho'tful Soul, and Grace will incline him to be searching as far as he has Scripture Light into the deep Things of GOD, &c. Another is of an active, stirring Genius, and he will be full of Action here and there among his Fellow-Creatures, but still aiming at the Glory of GOD and the best Good of Mankind in all. And so we might go on.— Solomon the Penman of this divine Song of Love was (to say nothing of his na­tural Temper in other Respects) of a soft and loving [Page 43] Disposition; and being filled with the Grace of GOD, his Love flowed out in an extraordinary Manner towards the Messiah, the Bridegroom of the Church, and he was thereby the better prepared under the Inspiration of the Divine Spirit to write on that glorious Subject. He was now also in the Vigor of Youth, and in the Ardor of the Love of his Espousals to CHRIST, who had his first Affections before they were polluted, as they were too much afterwards by meaner Objects; for 'tis tho't when he wrote this Poem he was but about nineteen Years of Age.— 'Tis called the Song of Songs, as being the most excellent of all the many hundreds he wrote, and possibly the most excellent that was or will be written from the Beginning to the End of Time. It has been ob­served, that the most lively Saints in their most lively Frames, have had a peculiar Relish for this Portion of holy Scripture: Even such as have not understood, or at least have not been able to com­municate their Knowledge of much of the Mean­ing of this holy Allegory, yet have been delight­ed in Reading, Hearing or Singing of it. They have by a new spiritual Instinct as it were percei­ved the Voice of their Beloved in it, tho' they could not so fully take the Meaning of what he said. To allude to what the Apostle speaks a­bout praying in an unknown Tongue, their [Page 44] Spirit is moved, their Hearts are warmed with Love, though their Understandings be in a great Measure unfruitful.

'Tis thought that there is scarce any of all the different Frames of Spirit both good and bad that a Believer is in but is suited and expressed in some Part or other of this Song. And 'tis surprizing to see what a vast variety of spiritual and heavenly Matter some Expositors of eminent Experience in the divine Life have found in this Poem. It was the Saying of a good Woman, after she had been laid on a Bed of Sickness; That it seem'd to her, GOD had by that Affliction led her aside as it were out of the Hurries of the World to converse more freely with her than he had done for some Time; and particularly he then shewed her by his Holy Spirit so many excellent Gospel-Truths in this Book of the Canticles, and made them so plain to her that it seemed as impossible to her that ever she should read there again and not seem, as it would be to go at Noon-Day into a Garden full of Flowers, and over-look them all; but for all when she got out into the World again, and the Dust of it began to get into her Eyes, she found by sad Experience it was possible for her to read this Song of Love, and see little more in it, and be little more affected with it than with a common Ballad.— The Spouse of CHRIST, [Page 45] who is the Party speaking in this Verse, seems to be in one of her best Frames; in that Temper of Soul which has been often called a Being in the Mount with GOD: She was now in the Enjoy­ment of the sensible Presence of her Beloved, whom she here stiles the King, though she often speaks of him under a more familiar Title; as particularly in the very next Verse, where she calls him her Beloved: 'Tis perhaps to teach Be­lievers that how condescending soever their glo­rious Bridegroom is, and whatever Freedom and Familiarity he is pleased to admit them to, yet they are still to remember that he is the King. And as there is a wonderful Mixture of infinite Majesty and Authority with the most conde­scending Love and Sweetness in him; so that to answer this there should be an holy awful Fear and Reverence, as well as a conjugal Affection and humble Boldness and child-like Freedom in her. — The King — The Bridegroom of the Church is a glorious King. — He has all those royal Qualifications and Endowments that are necessary to fit him for that high Office. He is infinite in Wisdom and Knowledge. The first, and it may be one of the greatest Discoveries that Solomon made of his Wisdom, was the Sense he expressed of the Need he had of Wisdom to govern the large People of Israel: What Wisdom [Page 46] then does it require to govern and order the whole Body of the Elect, consisting of so many Millions in all Ages; and not only to rule the outward Man in their Behaviour one towards another, but to regulate all the various Thoughts and Passions of the Soul, with respect both to GOD and Man? He must make Laws to govern them, and then govern them according to those Laws; even the very Thoughts and Intentions of their Hearts. He finds them in the utmost Con­fusion of a willful Rebellion, with their Hearts full of reigning Enmity against him, and abso­lutely, but freely under the Tyranny of Sin and Satan: What Wisdom is there necessary to manage them, and bring them into Order and Subjection when they are in so forlorn a State? And then he has not only his Church to manage and order, but the whole World, yea other Worlds to order and govern for their Good: The Angels of Heaven, as ministring Spirits, must be guided by Him; all the wicked Men on Earth, and all the Devils in Hell must be under his Direction and Restraint, so as to do no real Damage, but a great deal of Good to the Church, though they mean not so, neither doth their Heart think so. There must not one Thing be suffered to be done, not one Word be spoken, not one Thought conceived, but shall be over-ruled for the Glory of GOD and [Page 47] the Good of the Elect. And his Wisdom is suf­ficient for all this. He is the Wisdom of GOD. He can manage all the great Affairs of his vast Dominions in all Worlds without any Difficulty at all. He has all Things every where in Time and to Eternity before him at once: and takes as exact a View of every Person, and all their Con­cerns, and every the least Motion of their Hearts, as if he had but one particular Action of one single Person to observe: And as he sees every Person and Thing, so he knows what is best to be done in every Case, be it never so perplexed and diffi­cult: He has had a thousand Cases before him that would have perplexed and nonplussed all the cre­ated Wisdom of Heaven and Earth for ever: Nay, there is no one Believer in the present State of Sin and Darkness, but what has Perplexities in his Case every Day and Hour, whether he be al­ways sensible of it or no, which the wisest Angel is not able infallibly to direct him in. — But this King is wise.—It would be endless to enlarge up­on every particular Qualification of this Royal Bridegroom, they are infinite in Number, infi­nite in Perfection, and can't be conceived of, much less expressed by any but an infinite Mind. —Only to hint briefly at a few Things.— He has the Authority of a King. He has it by Birth, for he is the only Son of the King eternal, immortal, [Page 48] invisible. He has it by Divine Constitution and Appointment, GOD has set him as King on his holy Hill of Zion: He has it by Conquest, he subdues Rebels, and makes them his Subjects: He has it by Merit, and has done more than enough to deserve his Royal Dignity: He has it by free Choice and Election, his People being made willing in the Day of his Power, do choose him for their King for ever to rule in them, and reign over them; they by Faith set him upon the Throne of their Hearts, and set the Royal Crown upon his Head in the Day of his Espousals, in the Day of the Gladness of his Heart.— He has the Power and Influence that be­comes such a King: He has such Majesty, a when he is pleased to display it, over-awes all Men and Angels, and Devils, and makes every Knee to bow before him, and every Tongue to confess that He is Lord to the Praise and Glory of GOD the Father. — He has not only Authority, but Power to execute that Authority, so as to have his Will accomplished in every particular Instance throughout the Universe. — He has the Righte­ousness of a King: 'Tis prophesied of Him, a King shall reign in Righteousness,—His Laws are holy, just and good, and they are all executed in Righteousness: He shall judge the World in Righteousness. Rewards and Punishments will be [Page 49] exactly distributed according to Men's Works, whether they have been good, or whether they have been evil, agreeable to the unnerring Rule of the Law and Gospel.— He has the Goodness that becomes such a King. His Name is Love: And he rules all by Love. His Laws are all contrived, as far as we can see, as much for the Good of his Subjects, as if he had no Eye or Regard to any Thing else in making them; and they all see it to be so when their Eyes are opened, so that they would not have one of them repealed or altered if they might. He shews his Love and Goodness in the whole Course of his Managements. He treats all his faithful Subjects as so many intimate Friends: They are all Fa­vourites: Yea, as to his Subjects among Men, he adopts them all to be his Children; yea, marries them, and takes them into all the near and dear Relations to himself, that it is possible for them to sustain; yea, such as none but infinite Wis­dom could have found out, or made possible.— He condescends to all Manner of kind Offices for the Good of his beloved Subject: Nay, to say all in a Word, he laid aside his Royal celestial Robes, took their Nature on him, when they were in a State of Sin and Rebellion; obeyed his Father's Law, suffered his infinite Wrath in all the amazing Effects of it; and even now in his [Page 50] glorified Estate, He is doing the Office of an Advocate for them, and is a Priest upon his Throne, making continual Intercession for them. He sends out his Ambassadors to beseech Rebels to be reconciled; yea, sends his Spirit to subdue their Hearts, and give them a loyal Spirit to walk in his Statutes, &c. And, to say no more, he makes it his own Happiness to make them happy, and to rejoice with them in their Happiness for ever.— He has the Truth and Faithfulness of a King. Lying Lips do by no means become a Prince. If the Word of a King may not be de­pended upon, all his Authority is gone at once. This King is Truth itself: He is the Amen: His Name is Faithful and True: And as his Name is so is He. His Titles are none of them empty (as 'tis often among Men) but all filled up with Substance and Reality. He always fulfils all his Promises and all his Threatnings, according to the true Intent and Meaning of them, to a Tittle: It will be said forever with Respect to both, Not one Word hath failed. All the Damned in Hell, all the Saints in Heaven will be eternal Monu­ments of the Truth and Faithfulness of this King. —And as He has all manner of Royal Excellen­cies and Endowments requisite in Himself, so He is an over-flowing Fountain, communicating as there is Occasion to others. By Him Kings [Page 51] reign, and Princes decree Justice, &c: Yea, He makes all his Subjects Kings, and endows them with all that Wisdom and Grace they need, to qualify them for that high Character and Station.— But broken Hints are all that must be expected.—

This is the King that sitteth at his Table. — This may signify the friendly Communion and Fel­lowship CHRIST has with his People.— It denotes Friendship: Enemies don't use to sit and eat and drink at the same Table; nay, 'tis made use of often as a Token of Reconciliation between those who have been at Variance, when they sit and eat or drink together; besure it is so here.— There was an awful Distance betwixt CHRIST and his Spouse: She was an Enemy in her Mind, thro' wicked Works; but she is now reconciled, and he holds Communion with her in Testimony of it. He uses this as an Argument with Sinners to be reconciled▪ — If any Man hear my Voice, and open the Door, I will come into him, and sup with him.— It betokens Freedom and Familiarity. If a great Person invites himself to the Table of one of meaner Rank, or invites him to his, it is taken as a Favour, and it is expected that he will be free when he comes there. It is so in this Case. There are Times when the Lord JESUS manifests himself to his People: He converses freely with them; He opens his very Heart [Page 52] to them, and lets them into the most secret Recesses of his Soul; He lets them know what his Thoughts were concerning them before the Foundation of the World; what passed be­tween his Father and Him, with Respect to their Salvation, in the Days of Eternity, And what his present Thoughts are concerning them, and how he stands affected towards them; what Love glows in his Heart, what his gracious De­signs and Purposes are, with Respect to Time and Eternity. And his Ear is open to hear what his Spouse has to say to him: She may at such Seasons pour out her whole Soul before him, un­bosom her very Heart; and the more free, full and unreserved she is, so much the better, always provided, she maintains a due Sense of the infinite Distance there is betwixt the King and herself, and how utterly unworthy she is of the Favour he now shews her:—Now she may make known her Requests to him; He does in Effect say to her as Ahasuerus to Esther, What is thy Petition? and it shall be granted thee; What is thy Request, and it shall be performed? Not to the Half of an earthly Kingdom; but to the whole of an heaven­ly one.— At a Table, especially at a King's Table, there is the best of Entertainment, and Abundance of it; not only for Necessity, but for Delight: 'Tis so here, in a transcendent [Page 53] Manner.— The Spouse is hungry, and hardly bestead, in a pining, famishing Condition, has not so much as a Sufficiency of Husks to fill her Belly with; she is ready to die with Thirst, and just giving up the Ghost, parched with earnest unsatiable Desires, parched and burnt up as it were with a Sense of the burning Wrath of GOD in her Soul, and can't come at so much as one Drop of Water to cool her Tongue: But here at this Table she finds Relief; here's Bread for Hunger, Bread enough, and to spare; Here's Water enough for her Thirst, Water enough, even a never-failing Fountain of it: Yea, Here are all Manner of rich and royal Dainties and Varieties: Here's Angel's Food; yea better Food than Angels were ever feasted with, the Flesh of the SON OF GOD, which is Meat indeed; the Bread of Life which came down from Heaven, and giveth Life, eternal Life to the Soul: Here's not only Water to quench the Thirst, and preserve from immediate Death; but Wine, royal Wine in Abundance, to raise and exhilerate the Spirits, and cause the Lips even of those that are asleep to speak.—

'Tis his Table, not her's. She attributes no­thing to herself: She was as poor as Penury it­self, she had no Place fit to entertain the King in; nothing to entertain him with: But He, of [Page 54] his royal Bounty and free Love, has provided all. This is the Case of a Believer: He must of Ne­cessity receive all from CHRIST; This is the Spirit of every Believer, to ascribe all to Him; Not unto us, not unto us, but to thy Name give Glory. The Spouse of CHRIST is free upon all Occasions to acknowledge that she was so far from making any Provision to entertain him at a Table of her own, that when he came to her Door, and stood knocking there, she bolted and barred it against him; yea, tho' he stood knock­ing and waiting with his heavenly Provisions to feast her with, she would not let him in, till He of his rich, free, sovereign Grace put in his golden Key, and turned back the Bolt, opened the Door, spread the Table, and supp'd with her, and she with, him; — And then it is, even while the King sitteth at his Table, says she, that my Spike­nard sendeth forth the Smell thereof.— Spikenard is a sweetly-smelling Herb; an Ointment made of it, we read, is very precious, and possibly that is meant here: The Meaning of this may be, that when Believers enjoy the special sensible Presence of the Lord JESUS with them in holy Ordinances, this draws forth the Grace that is in them into lively Exercise:—This is the Design of CHRIST'S gracious Visits, and this is the natural Effect of them. 'Tis the Design of them. There is no­thing [Page 55] more pleasing to him in the World, than to observe the lively Working of his People's Graces: 'Tis his Love makes it so: He loved her with a Love of Benevolence or good Will, from everlasting, and this Love has been exerting itself in a wonderful Manner in Time; but he has no Return. Tho' he wishes well to her, and is continually laying out himself for her, yet while she is in her natural State, he can take no Delight in her: She is a vile Creature, every way disagreeable, and infinitely odious and abominable to his holy Nature, and so she must continue totally, as to her State, till he is pleased to make her a gracious Visit by his Holy Spirit; and even after she is in Part sanctified, she will remain very much so, as to her Frame, till he is pleased to make her renewed Visits, and sit at his own Table, which he has furnished for himself and her in the Apartment of her Heart: This there­fore is his Design. And then the sensible Pre­sence of CHRIST has a natural Tendency to draw out Grace: This may appear by Instancing a little in some Particulars.— The sensible Presence of CHRIST draws out Faith: Here is the Object of her Soul's Confidence and Trust just before her Eyes; She sees Him in his All sufficiency and Suitableness, and can't but reach out after him; She hears the gracious Words that proceed out of [Page 56] his Mouth, and she can't help believing and de­pending on them: His very Looks speak his Sincerity: His Mouth is most sweet; she is sure within herself those Lilly Honey-dropping Lips can't possibly have any Guile in them: Nay, He so opens himself to her that she does, as it were, see into his very Heart, and compares the Copy of his gracious Words with the Original in his Breast: The Rock of Ages is now, as it were, at her very Elbow; and she can't but rest her weary Soul upon him, especially when he kindly invites her so to do: The Son of Man, the Antitype of the Brazen Serpent, is lifted up just before her Eyes; and she can't help looking on him, and so receiving his healing Influences: — In a Word, He is now actually accomplishing some of his sweet Promises to her; and this mightily strength­ens her Faith, as to the Fulfilment of the rest. My blessed Bridegroom, says she, told me, He would come into me, and sup with me, and I with him; and he is as good as his Word: Here he is, I see him, I eat and drink with him, &c: — The same Mouth has said, I will never fail thee, nor forsake thee: I will be with thee in six Trou­bles and in seven: I will guide thee by Counsel, and afterwards bring thee to Glory, and I will never doubt nor distrust any more. —

[Page 57]So her Love is also drawn out into lively Ex­ercise. Her Eye affects her Heart: The Sun of Righteousness does now as it were shine full upon her, shines through and through her, and is so near that it sets her very Heart all on a light Fire, and like the Disciples it burns within her. [This Instance of his Love to her calls to her Remem­brance all former Instances, and his ancient loving Kindness, and Love begets Love.] She sees his lovely Face; she hears his sweet Voice, and feels his dear Embraces, and this quite overcomes her. The Load-stone the nearer it is, the Stronger it draws. The nearer a heavy Body to its Centre, the swifter is it's Motion; so it is here.

The sensible Presence of CHRIST promotes Humility and holy Mourning under a Sense of Sin. The Soul says with Job, I have heard of thee by the hearing of the Ear; but now mine Eye seeth Thee, wherefore I abhor my self and repent in Dust and Ashes. When JESUS turned and looked on Peter, he went out and wept bitterly. O the Soul now blushes inwardly, and covers it's Face, and in the deepest Self-Abasement and Sor­row says within it self, "Is this the blessed SA­VIOUR, whom I have so much, so often, so long affronted and abused? Is this he that I suffered to stand knocking and calling and waiting with­out the Doors of my Soul, till his Head was fil­led [Page 58] with the Dew, and his Locks with the Drops of the Night? O I blush and am ashamed to lift up my Face to thee, O my GOD. Is this the glo­rious Person whom I have grieved and wounded by my Pride, my Worldliness, my horrid Ingra­titude and Hard-heartedness and Unbelief? Break, break, my Heart, Flow down, mine Eyes with Rivers of Tears for treating my dear SAVIOUR as I have done!"

This sensible Presence of CHRIST, draws forth holy Resolutions against Sin, and holy Purposes to cleave to CHRIST for the Time to come in Love and new Obediences.— She now feels a holy Re­venge working in her Heart: "Is this the bles­sed Saviour, says she, that my Sins have crucified afresh, and put to open shame before the World! O they shall die for it; they shall die the same cursed Death that my dear Redeemer did, Away with them, Crucify them! Crucify them! I will pursue them and search them thro' all the various Windings and secret Recesses of my Heart, till I have found, them out, and bro't them forth and slain them before him: I will never sleep any Day of my Life henceforward, till I have caused some or other of my vile Lusts to fall; I will wash my Feet in the Blood of these wicked Canaanites every Night before I sleep, &c." Again, says the Spouse, "Is this my GOD, from whom I have [Page 59] so often, and so far, and so wickedly departed; and is he again returned; and does he sit with me, and allow me to sit with him at his Table, and feast me with his Love? O I'll cleave to him as long as I live: I charge you, O ye Daughters of Jerusalem, do nothing, tempt me to do nothing that shall grieve him away or provoke him to depart! Shall I ever again leave the sweet Com­pany of my dear Jesus to go and commit Whore­dom with the World, the Flesh and the Devil? GOD forbid!" The Soul is now studying what it shall render to the LORD for all his Benefits. "How shall I express my Gratitude for what the Lord has done for my Soul! O I will proclaim his loving Kindness, and make Earth and Hea­ven ring and echo one to another, with the high Praises of my GOD. I will, by the Help of his Grace, lay out my self in his Service! Every Power and Faculty of my Soul, every Limb and Sense of my Body, shall be employed to their utmost Capacity in the Service, and for the Glory of him that has done and suffered so much for me, and is now kindly visiting me again. O my dearest Lord, here I give my self to thee, I offer my self as a living Sacrifice; O that it might be holy and acceptable to GOD, and I'm sure 'tis but a reasonable Service"! —The Spouse now sitting with the King at his Table, and beholding with [Page 60] open Face, as in a Glass the Glory of her Lord, is changed into the same Image from Glory to Glory, as by the Spirit of the Lord. The Sun of Righteousness as was said, drawing so very near and shining so intensely hot, the Heart is melted and flows into the Mold prepared for it in GOD'S Word. It receives the Impression of the divine Image in Knowledge, Righteousness and true Holiness. In a Word, The Soul now seeing the Amiableness and Excellency of Holiness, as ex­emplified in the bright and perfect Pattern now shining before her, in her SAVIOUR sitting with her at his own Table, falls in love with it; and ardently wishes and longs to be more and more conformed thereto, in Heart, Lip and Life. O she thinks, "Is there a Possibility, a Probability, yea, an absolute Certainty, that if I seek it with my whole Heart, I may attain to a Conformity unto this glorious Exemplar that now shines before me? Then I will seek it Night and Day, I will look to JESUS the Author and Finisher of Faith, till of his Fulness I receive and Grace for Grace: I will never rest till I find and feel the same Mind and Spirit dwelling in me, that dwelt in CHRIST JESUS; till I am enabled by his Grace so to walk, even as he walked. And though I know I must of necessity fall short in imitating every Letter of the fair Copy that is set before me, yet I will [Page 61] be aiming and striving to do as well as I can; I will get my many Blots washed out by the Blood of CHRIST, and endeavour to mend my Hand every Day." — Thus the Spikenard send­eth forth the Smell thereof, and every Room where the Spouse comes, is filled with the Savour of the Oyntment.

[Page 62]

Of the Love of CHRIST,

EPH. 3.19,

First Clause.

And to know the Love of CHRIST, which passeth Knowledge. —

THE Apostle Paul, the Penman of this, and twelve or thirteen more of the Epistles of the New Testament, if his Lot had been cast in these Days, and in a British Dominion, would have been called by many the greatest En­thusiast that ever was, and the very Ring-leader of a Sect every where spoken against. Any in­telligent, unprejudiced Reader, if he were an utter Stranger to the Christian Religion, and were to have the Journals of this Apostle as they lie in the Acts, and those of some late zealous Preachers, laid before him; would say they were both evi­dently under the Influence of the same Spirit and Principles, both aiming at the same End, and carrying on the same Design, and both acting by [Page 63] the same Rule. This great and good Man seems to be always full: Full to the Brim; yea, over­flowing with Light and Love. That Promise of the Lord JESUS was eminently fullfilled unto him; He that believeth on me, out of his Belly shall flow Rivers of living Water: That spake be of the Spirit. As the Dragon cast out of his Mouth a Flood of Rage and Malice, Revenge and Persecution after the Church: So on the contrary, this holy Man poured out of his Mouth a Flood of pure Gospel-Grace, a Flood of the River of the Water of Life, which flowed down like the Waters of Ezekiel, and communicated Life and healing Virtue wherever it came; turned the dry and parched Ground into Pools and Springs of Water, and the barren, sandy Wilder­ness into a fruitful Field; Yea, overflowed the Heathen World, overthrew their Temples, drowned their gods, and washed away all their idolatrous Ceremonies, and (as they complained) turned the World upside down. And his inspired Writings are a Fountain, from which the best of Preachers in all Ages have been filled with Know­ledge and Grace; which, by the Assistance of the Holy Spirit, they have communicated for the spiritual and eternal Benefit of Millions of Souls. CHRIST was the Favourite Subject of Paul's Preaching. His Heart was always full of him: [Page 64] and his Tongue always as the Pen of a ready Writer, to utter the Things which he was con­tinually making concerning this King of Glory. He was a Man of uncommon Parts and Learning, a great Moralist, a strict Pharisee, and of great Fame among his own Country-Men; but his high Esteem of, and his ardent Affection to a glorious CHRIST swallowed up all. He accounted every Thing else but Dung and Drofs, for the Excellency of the Knowledge of CHRIST JESUS.

The Copulative And, in the Words before us, point us back to the preceeding Context. He had, in the Beginning of this Chapter, entered upon a Sentence, which he does not finish, till he comes to the next Chapter. He was going to say, I Paul a Prisoner of Jesus Christ, beseech you, but having mentioned the precious Name of his dear JESUS, which was always to him as Ointment poured forth, the bright Images came thronging so thick and fast into his Mind, that he is lost (as it were) in a holy Maze and divine Confusion of Thought, and does not re­cover himself again, till he had sweetly wandered the Length of above twenty Verses, speaking of the Things concerning his beloved Saviour. —

And, by the Way, this Manner of Preaching and Writing which this Prince of Authors and Preachers does often run into, even though under [Page 65] immediate infallible Inspiration of the Holy Ghost, does excuse (if not justify and commend) the Practice of some fervent Preachers in their Di­gressions and Excursions; by some of which they may possibly do more Good, than by their more premeditated and methodical Performances. If the main End be answered; if CHRIST be preach­ed, and Souls convinced, converted and saved, all's well; for all is well that ends well. But to return from this Excursion. —

The Apostle had been telling the Ephesians in the preceeding Verses, what his Wishes and Prayers for them were, when in his Closet and on his Knees, pouring out his Soul before the Lord. He was now under Confinement, and it seems it was some how or other on their Account: and though he was exceeding joyful in all his Tribu­lations, experiencing (as thousands of others have done) most of his blessed Master's sensible and comforting Presence, when he was suffering most for his Sake; yet he was concerned for them, lest (as he expresses himself in another Case) they should be swallowed up of over-much Grief, lest they should faint at his Tribulations, (which he tells them Verse 13. was their Glory; 'twas an Honour to them that their dear spiritual Father should be counted worthy to suffer such Things for the Name of CHRIST:) he therefore asks of [Page 66] the great Physician, that which he knew by long Experience would be a reviving Cordial to their Spirits; viz. That he would grant them accor­ding to the Riches of his Glory, to be strengthned with Might by his Spirit in the inner Man, that Christ might dwell in their Hearts by Faith; that they being rooted and grounded in Love, might comprehend with all Saints, what is the Breadth, and Length, and Depth, and Height,— AND TO KNOW THE LOVE OF CHRIST WHICH PAS­SETH KNOWLEDGE.—

But is not this a Contradiction in Terms? How could they know that which could not be known? Does the Apostle pray for Impossibili­ties? So it seems. And indeed this Writer takes Delight to express himself in an uncommon and surprizing Manner; for his Ideas and Con­ceptions of Things were so extraordinary, that the usual Forms of Speech would by no Means express them to the Life. He spake as no mere Man ever spake, because he thought, perhaps, as no other besides himself ever tho't. And after all, his Words fell exceeding short of expressing his own high Conceptions to the Apprehension of others; and yet it must be confessed that the Things themselves were infinitely more above his Ideas, than these were above those of common Men.— However, the Phrase here may possi­bly [Page 67] admit of some intelligible Explication, so as to clear it of that Absurdity, that seems to appear in it upon the first reading. — The Love of CHRIST, being a spiritual and divine Mystery, does indeed pass the Knowledge of all natural Men; they can have no true Idea of it; and yet it is made Known to every, even the weakest Be­liever by the Teachings of the Spirit of GOD. —The Love of CHRIST passeth all the Know­ledge that any of the Saints have attained to; and yet they may still know more and more of it every Day they live, and by every Ordinance they attend.— The Love of CHRIST passeth all the Knowledge that any have attained, or can attain to, in the present State; and yet far more of it may be and will be known in the other World, that World of perfect Light and Knowledge.— Yea, may it not be added, that the Love of CHRIST passeth all the Knowledge that Angels and Men will attain for ever; and yet they may know more and more of it forever. In a Word, the Love of CHRIST is truely & properly bound­less and infinite; and the Nature of the humane Mind is such, that as far as we can judge of our own Powers, it will be forever capable of still new and fresh Discoveries. And not only may it be said, that the Soul can never know so much, but it may know more; but also, the more it [Page 68] knows, the more capable it is of knowing: As the Circles that are made by casting a heavy Bo­dy into the Water, not only go farther and far­ther, but still grow larger and larger: Or as a Snow-Ball not only increases as it rolls, but in­creases much faster the farther it goes: Or, to use a Scripture Comparison, as a Grain of Wheat, when sown produces Thirty, Sixty or an Hun­dred Fold, this sown again produces a vastly greater Quantity and so on — Thus, possibly, it may be in this Case: Believers may not only in this World, which the Apostle seems more immediately to mean, but forever, to their un­speakable Happiness, be knowing more & more of the Love of CHRIST which passeth Know­ledge.—

But, What is this Love of CHRIST? The Answer to this Question would lead us in­to a large Field, larger than the Universe, large as Eternity, yea large as the Immensity of GOD Himself; for, as was said, it is infinite.— 'Tis not only the Love of a Creature in the highest Degree of Perfection, and far beyond any other Instance of created Love, as the humane Nature of CHRIST is the Subject of it; but it is the Love of him that is truely and properly GOD; and so is no other than GOD himself, even the very Di­vine Nature unfolding and displaying it self in [Page 69] a Way of Mercy and Grace towards the Objects of this Love. —

All that can now be offered here will be at best, but some imperfect Hints that may serve to bring to the Remembrance of some Persons a few of those many Things they have heard on this Subject more largely, frequently and affectionate­ly treated of than any other; and possibly, as much and often spoken to, as in any other Place whatever, throughout the Land. —

The Love of CHRIST as Man was perfect in it's Kind; there was no Defect in any Respect, or at any Time whatsoever. It was always ex­ercised towards such Objects, in such a Degree, on such Occasions, from such Motives and in such a Manner, as a perfect humane Love should be. It answered the perfect Law of GOD, under which he was made exactly, in every Particular, continually. His Love was indeed the fulfilling of the Law. The piercing Eye of omniscient Justice it self could find no manner of Deficiency in it. — The Man CHRIST JESUS lov'd GOD his heavenly Father with all his Heart, and with all his Soul, and with all his Mind, and with all his Strength. He was as much concerned for his Honour and Glory; He took as much Delight in Communion with him; He mourn'd as much for the Dishonour done to [Page 70] his Name, by the Sins of Men and Devils; was as ready, chearful, constant and persevering in doing his Will and suffering whatever GOD was pleased to lay upon him (even to the laying down his very Life at his Command) as was possible. — There was no Intermission, no Remission or A­batement of the most intense Degree of Love, in any of these Respects. And tho' his Body was sometimes weary, and his Animal Spirits exhau­sted, so that he needed Refreshment by Sleep, &c. (as other Men do;) yet his Soul was always lively, always flaming in Love to GOD more than any of the Seraphims that are round about the Throne of GOD. His very Dreams, we may be sure, when his bodily Senses were locked up in a State of Inactivity, were nothing but holy and heavenly Meditations and Visions, of what was past, pre­sent, or to come, without the least Degree of Vanity or sinful Imperfection; still nothing but the pleasing or sorrowful Workings of perfect Love, according to the respective Objects of his innocent Fancy and Imagination.

He loved the Creatures, just as it was fit and becoming he should do, and loved them all just enough and idolized none of them. He loved the holy Angels full as much as they deserved. And with respect to Mankind, he always came up to the perfect Rule, Thou shalt love thy Neigh­bour [Page 71] as thy self. And he loved not in Word and in Tongue only, but indeed and in Truth. He loved all Mankind universally with a Love of Benevolence or Good-Will. Loved even his Enemies, the worst of 'em: He pitied them, he wept over them, he prayed for them, even when they were actually murdering of him. Father, forgive them, said he, they know not what they do. He loved some with a peculiar & distinguish­ing Love. He loved his earthly Parents with a filial Affection and was subject to them, tho' still in subordination to GOD. A remarkable Instance of his tender Concern for his Mother, was the Care he took of her in his dying Agonies; when one would have thought it impossible for him to take Notice of any Creature, being overwhelmed with a Sense of the innumerable Millions of the Sins of the Elect imputed to him, and the Wrath of an infinite GOD flaming against him for the same. He loved his Kinsmen according to the Flesh with an Affection exactly and perfectly sui­table to every Relation. In a Word, the whole Course of his Life, from his early Childhood to his dying Day, was nothing but one perpetual Scene of Love. He never gave the least just Oc­casion of Offence in Word or Deed. He always rejoiced with those that did rejoice, and wept with those that wept, as there was Occasion▪ [Page 72] He went about doing good, and was always ready to every good Work. And he suffered as well as acted from a Principle of pure Love to Man, as well as GOD. Was he a Man of Sorrows, and acquainted with Grief? Did he endure the Con­tradiction of Sinners against himself? Did he not hide his Face from Shame and Spitting? Did he bear the Sins of many in his own Body on the Tree, after he had sweat Blood in the Garden? In a Word, Did he pour out his Soul unto Death, and endure the hidings of his Father's Face, yea the very Pangs of Damnation? It was all from mere, pure, unmixed Love. Yea, when he sometimes did, as he could on proper Occasions, express his Anger and Indignation; it was nothing but pure Love in another Form and Shape as it were, even Love kindled into Zeal against Men for dis­honouring GOD, and so wounding and destroy­ing their own Souls; as a tender Mother is an­gry with her dear Child for cutting it's own Fingers, or needlesly exposing it's Life & Limbs, &c.

And as he shew'd all the Instances of a kind and tender human Affection his Life-Time, more especially towards his Disciples, whom he always treated, not as Servants, tho' he were their sove­reign Lord, but as Friends, communicating his Secrets to them, bearing with their many sinful [Page 73] Weaknesses and Infirmities, and putting the best Construction on them, the Case would admit, and making greater Allowances than they could expect, and than any besides himself would have done, and condescending to minister to them, even in the very meanest Offices, &c, in which it would be endless to particularlize; so he retains the same humane Love, even since his Resur­rection and Ascension, the Instances of which are known to every one that reads his Testament with Care and Observation. It must be acknowledged, that in some of the Particulars before-mentioned, there were Effects of Love beyond what was merely Humane, yea beyond all Examples of created Affection: For the Love of CHRIST was also

A Divine Love. And if in giving a few brief Hints of some of the Properties and Effects of CHRIST'S Love, as it is the Love of a GOD, some­thing should be said that may more properly belong to a created Affection, it may be no great Matter; for he is GOD and Man in one Person, tho' there be two distinct Natures. And the inspired Wri­ters themselves seem not to be at all scrupulous in distinguishing between the humane and divine Acts and Properties of the Person of the SON OF GOD. They tell us of the Blood of GOD, and of the Son of Man's being in Heaven, while CHRIST'S Soul & Body was on Earth, &c.

[Page 74]To say nothing of the mutual Love of the Father and Son, nor of the Love of the Son of GOD to the elect Angels, to whom he is in some Respects an Head; nor of his general Love of Beneficence to all Mankind, and his universal Goodness to all the Creatures, every one of which from the highest Angel in Heaven to the least Worm or Flie on Earth, or the worst Devil or damned Ghost in Hell, either has experienced, or does experience some Effects of the common Love of CHRIST; what follows is only, or prin­cipally what relates to his own chosen People, the Bride, the Lamb's Wife. And his Love to them is,

An everlasting Love, that is, it had no Begin­ning, and it will have no End.

He loved them in the Days of Eternity. There never was any Period, when he did not love them. He loved them as soon as he loved his Father. He loved them as soon as he loved him­self.

It is an endless Love. It will continue to E­ternity in the Acts and Exercise, in the Fruits and Effects of it. The Mountains shall depart, and the Hills shall be removed, but his Loving-Kindness will he not take away from his Chosen. Having loved his own, he loved them to the End; yea he loves them without End.

[Page 75]'Tis a free Love. He loved them because he would love them. He loved them when they were Nothing, yea when he foresaw they would make themselves infinitely worse than Nothing. He loved them when they were actually all over filthy and abominable, when they were full of Wounds and Bruises and putrifing Sores, cast out in their Blood to the loathing of their Persons, none Eye to pity them, &c. He loved them when they were condemned Traitors and Rebels, and doomed to suffer the Vengeance of eternal Fire. He loved them, when he knew they were full of Enmity against him, and could not en­dure him, and were not only every Thing else that was bad, and destitute of every Thing that was good to recommend them to his Love; but proud like the Devil, scorning the Offer of his Love, as if it were quite beneath them, to take any Notice of him. As if they sat as a Queen, or Princess, and he were a vile Beggar making Suit to them, that were not worthy to carry their Shoes after them; when he at the same Time is conscious to himself, that he is infinitely worthy of the highest Regards of Men and Angels; and at the same Instant that he makes Offer of Love to them in their forlorn Circumstances, he is adored by Millions of Angels, any one of which could and would, were it not for the Love CHRIST [Page 76] bears to these vile Creatures, and if permitted or commissioned, tear them in ten thousand Pieces, or tie them Hand and Foot and cast them into eternal Burnings for the horrid Affronts they offer to their dearest Lord. And as they have nothing personally to recommend them, but infinitely the Reverse, so they have (or at least when he set his Love upon 'em had) no Friend to recommend them, or speak a Word in their Favour; but it was of his own mere Motion, and free good Plea­sure. They stood in no Relation, that should lay him under the least Obligations to them. They were his Creatures indeed, but had brought them­selves into such a Condition, that he that made them might justly have no Mercy on them, and he that formed them, might, in all Reason, shew 'em no Favour. And his Love was also perfectly free, as to any mercenary Views he could have. He knew full well, that they would never be able to make him any Return for all his Love.—Yes, He does foresee that they will love him, and thank and praise him, and stir up others to assist them in doing so, that they will give themselves to him, and devote all they are, all they have and all they can do to his Service in Time, and to Eternity, and that they will make all Heaven ring with his Praises for ever and ever, that they will love him in Perfection, and serve him without ceasing Day [Page 77] and Night, as long as he and they have a Being; but all this he knows will be the Fruit of his own Grace, and the Purchase of his own Blood, and that the worst damned Sinner in Hell would have done the very same, had he been pleased to be­stow the same Grace upon them, and his Elect will see and acknowledge this for ever; as also that after they were made the Subjects of his spe­cial Grace, and knew themselves to be the Ob­jects of his electing Love, yet they were guilty of abundance of Pride, Covetousness, Ingratitude, Unbelief, and innumerable other Sins, whereby they were a continual Exercise to his Patience, and vexed and grieved his Holy Spirit, some of 'em forty Years long, some more, some less. Yea, he knew that the Sins of his own Elect, after Conversion would be in some Instances and in some Respects at least more heinous than the Sins of Reprobates, yea than those of the very Devils of Hell; as being committed against such Love, as neither of them, no nor the Angels of Heaven were ever the Objects of: For it is

A distinguishing Love. The comparatively few, (tho' collectively considered they are an ex­ceeding great Multitude which no Man can num­ber) that are the Objects of this Love, are distin­guished from all other Beings in the whole Crea­tion of GOD. They are distinguished from fallen [Page 78] Angels, whose Sins, as was said, are in sundry Respects less aggravated than their's: Distinguish­ed from Multitudes of fallen Men, who never were the special Objects of Divine Love, and who were, many of them, far less guilty in the Sight of GOD than many of those who are thus beloved. And they are distinguished from the elect Angels themselves: They are brought into a nearer and dearer Relation to CHRIST, and of Consequence exalted to higher Honour than any Angel in Heaven. 'Tis certain, they are repre­sented as ministring Spirits sent forth to minister to those who are the Heirs of Salvation in their present State of Sin and Imperfection; and it seems to be represented in Scripture, as if they would continue so to minister, even after the Saints are entered into Possession of their Inheri­tance in Glory. Rev. 4.4, We read of the four and twenty Elders sitting on Seats round about the Throne; this may intimate the near Com­munion the Saints are to have with GOD: Again Chap. 7.11, We read that all the Angels stood round about the Throne, and about the Elders. 'Tis certain all the Angels in Heaven never cost the SON OF GOD so dear as each Soul of his Elect among Men did: For

It was a most expensive Love that was exercised towards them. It cost him the veiling his divine [Page 79] Glory in Flesh, and a Service of hard Labour and Suffering for between thirty and forty Years to­gether; and at last a shameful, painful and ac­cursed Death, of which something has been said already. It was indeed at infinite Cost that he purchased his beloved Spouse from the Hands of Divine Justice into which she was fallen for a Debt of Ten Thousand Talents, and had not one Farthing to pay: And 'twas at infinite Expence that he redeemed the forfeited Inheritance; yet he went on with his gracious Design: For

His Love is unchangeable. Many Waters can­not quench it, neither can the Floods drown it, nor abate in the least Degree the Intenseness of it's Heat. It was Love without Measure from Eter­nity, and it will continue so for ever. It never alters in the least. It is the very same, in every Respect, under all the different Frames and Cir­cumstances his beloved is in, throughout all Time, and to Eternity. It was the same when Adam was rejoicing in Paradise, as it was when he was nothing, or a Handful of dry Dust; the same after his fearful and aggravated Fall, that it was before; the same when Sinners are in an Estate of Rebellion and Enmity, as it is after they are converted, and in part sanctified, and filled with Love to him, and godly Sorrow for their past Villany, and Gratitude and Praise for his wonder­ful [Page 80] Love; all this does not increase his Affection in the least Degree, for it was infinite before: And when afterwards they are forgetful of his Loving-Kindness, and grow cold in their Affec­tions, and slack in their Duty to him, yea go a whoring after other Lovers, tho' he sees all this, is present and looks on, and has them in his very Arms, when they turn away from him, and com­mit spiritual Adultery; it is very grievous to him indeed, and well it may, but it does not alienate his Heart from them.—All his Revenge is only in his Tears! He may hide his Face from her for a Moment, and chasten her severely for a Time; but 'tis all the Effect of the same unalterable Love. His Language to her still is, With everlasting Kindness will I have Mercy on thee, saith the Lord thy Redeemer; nay, I have sworn that I will not be wroth with thee, nor rebuke thee.—And when he shall have them with him in Heaven in Per­fection of Holiness and Happiness and Glory, a­dorned and beautified every Way as becomes the Royal Bride of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and he rejoices over her with Singing, and rests in his Love; it is but the same Love still which he had from everlasting. He had the same Satisfaction in his own infinite Mind in the Pros­pect (if we may so distinguish) that he has in the actual and eternal Enjoyment. Thus his Love is [Page 81] unchangeable, as it is in his Heart, tho' the Ex­pressions of it are various according to the vastly different State and Circumstances of the Object: It being

A wise, judicious Love; and not a fond and foolish Affection, which is always expressing it self according to the present Feeling of the Lover, without a due Regard to the future and best Good of the Persons beloved, rather than the present Pleasure and Gratification of both. For want of this Wisdom and Judgment in the Exercise of Affection, multitudes among the Children of Men have been ruined; Hophni and Phineas, Absalom, Amnon and Adonijah for Instance, and Millions more. But CHRIST'S Love is wise. He never ruined any of the Objects of his Love by imprudent Management. He always does that which is most for the spiritual and eternal Advan­tage of his Beloved. And accordingly, whom he loves, he rebukes and chastens, and scourgeth every Son whom he receiveth. If his Children forsake his Law and walk not in his Judgments, if they break his Statutes and keep not his Commandments; then will he visit their Transgressions with a Rod, and their Iniquities with Stripes, tho' he will not utterly take his loving Kindness from them, nor suffer his Faithfulness to fail. He looks for­ward and sees what the Consequences of Things [Page 82] will be Years and Ages hence, yea for ever and ever; and has infinitely more Regard to what his Elect will think of him and his Love far in Eternity, than what their present Sense and Ap­prehension is. Tho' he does not willingly grieve nor afflict the Children of Men, much less his own Spouse, whom he loves as Himself, yea better than his own Eyes or Life; yet for the sake of her real and eternal Advantage, he can bear to see her in all Manner of Sorrow and Affliction, outward and inward, for such a Space of Time as he sees best. He had rather she should weep now than howl for ever. He had rather she should cry out of broken Bones now, than be broken on the Wheel of his Father's Wrath to Eternity. He had rather shake her over Hell-Flames, tho' she shrieks and shivers, and is ready to die with Fear, than to let her fall in and lie there, World without End. Such Treatment makes her cling the faster to him and hang about his Neck, and take heed how she runs away next Time, &c.— It was said that the Love of CHRIST is not a changeable Love: but it is

A manifold Love. There is an endless beau­tiful Variety in the Acts and Exercises of it, accor­ding to the various Relations he is pleased to take upon him towards his chosen. They are all fil­led up with Love. Love exerts and displays it [Page 83] self in every one of them. Is he a King, a Fa­ther, a Brother, a Bridegroom, a Friend, a Phy­sician, a Head, &c. to his People? He is in­finitely the most kind and tender in every one of those Relations, that ever was, or can be.

These are some of the many and glorious Pro­perties of the Love of CHRIST. But how is this Love to be known by Believers? What is that Knowledge of the Love of CHRIST, which the A­postle sought of the Lord for his beloved Ephesians?

Doubtless he desired they should grow more and more in the doctrinal Knowledge of this Love. And therefore, as he prays for it, so he uses Means to promote it. He is large and particular, dis­tinct & clear & plain in his Writings, to instruct 'em in the Doctrine of CHRIST'S Love, and the various Properties and Effects of it, and the Influence it ought to have on their Hearts and Lives. This doctrinal Knowledge is necessary in order to a saving Knowledge. For we don't know that GOD does ordinarily communicate any Thing to the Heart, but what is first in the Head.

But it is

An experimental & saving Knowledge, which the Apostle principally intends. It needs no Proof that he designed this; or if he did, the Manner in which he brings it in, makes it very evident, that this was his Meaning. It is a Grant according [Page 84] to the Riches of Glory: It is accompanied with, or rather is the Effect of their being strengthned with Strength in the inner Man by the Spirit: 'Tis the Consequence of CHRIST'S dwelling in their Hearts by Faith, and their being rooted and grounded in Love; It is a Privilege peculiar to the Saints, and common to them all: It is the Know­ledge of CHRIST'S Love in all the Dimensions of it, Breadth, Length, Depth and Heighth: It is that which was to comfort them under their Af­fliction; and finally, it is that which was to fill them with all the Fulness of GOD: And all this surely can never be ascribed to a mere doc­trinal Knowledge.—

It is granted according to the Riches of the Glo­ry of the Giver. It is a rich Gift indeed, and such as does exceedingly shew forth the glorious Boun­ty and Liberality of him that bestows it. There is nothing that he gives to Men, separate from this, that is equal to it. It makes a vast Addition to the Happiness of the Angels of Heaven. This Discovery of the Love of CHRIST to fallen Men draws forth new Desires in, and gives new Gra­tifications to, those blessed Spirits. These Things the Angels desire to look into. The glorious Per­fections of GOD appear in quite a new Light to them, as they are displayed in this Love of CHRIST.

The First Arch-Angel never saw
So much of GOD before.

[Page 85] It is not revealed that GOD had any other Way to make known his rich and glorious Grace to such a Degree, as by making known to his Crea­tures this Love of CHRIST which passeth Know­ledge.

This Knowledge is the Operation of the HOLY SPIRIT, who was promised to lead CHRIST'S Disciples into all Truth. It is a Work of Al­mighty Power; it is done by a strong Hand. In order to the Soul's receiving of it, she must be strengthened with Might in the inner Man. Her Powers were weakened by the Fall, so that they are not able to receive this Divine Light. She is without Strength. This Light, if it could shine into the Soul in her natural State, would dazzle, over-power, confound and destroy it's Faculties. And therefore the SPIRIT OF GOD gives a new Understanding, capable of receiving this Knowledge of the Love of CHRIST.

This distinguishes it from that common Know­ledge, which may be taught by Man, and which the Soul is capable of receiving in the same Man­ner as she does other Mysteries of Art and Nature. Or, if there be some common Illumination of the Holy Spirit necessary in order to attaining that Knowledge, which some natural Men have, whereby they may know more about the Love of CHRIST, and be more affected with it, than [Page 86] they could otherwise have been, and than other Persons are; yet they have no such Renewing of the Understanding as the Saints experience. Their Knowledge is the same in Kind, though it differs in Degree, from what it was before. As a Man that is born blind may know much of the Philo­sophy of Light and Colours by humane Instructi­ons, and be greatly assisted and succeeded in his Studies on that Subject, by the common Influences of the Spirit of CHRIST, in whom are hid all the Treasures of Wisdom and Knowledge of every Kind; so that he shall be able to speak of these Things for the Instruction of others, and for the Glory of the GOD of Nature: Yet, after all, he has no such Idea of Light and Colours in his own Mind as every Man that sees has; but may be farther from it than he was at first, as he himself may see, when his Eyes come to be opened, tho' he could not be sensible of it before. He has formed all his Ideas of Light and Colours agreeable to Notions he had received into his Mind by his Hearing, Smelling, Tasting or Feeling; and whenever he thinks or speaks of Light and Co­lours, he does it as of something that he has heard, smelt, tasted or felt; and the oftner and the lon­ger he thinks and speaks of them, tho' he does it in the same Words that other Men do, yet his wrong Notions are but the more confirmed there­by. [Page 87] And so, when he hears of any glorious Sight that is seen in the Heavens, or elsewhere, with which others are much affected; why, he imme­diately forms an Idea in his Mind of some extra­ordinary Sound, or Savour, or palpable Substance, and is affected with it too, after his own Way; but still all his Conceptions are quite wrong, and as far from the Truth, as Darkness is from Light, or Tastes from Colours. So it is with the natu­ral Man: He hears, and reads, and talks about the Love of CHRIST, which passeth Knowledge; and may be therein assisted by the Spirit of GOD, and have some affecting Sense and Apprehension of it, in his Way; which may be somewhat useful, in some Respect, to himself, and of saving Benefit to some others, possibly: but he has no true Con­ceptions of CHRIST, or his Love, but is farther and farther from any such Thing, the longer he continues in his present Notions of Things. All the Progress he makes, be it never so great, is in a wrong Way; every Step he takes must be trod back again, and all his Notions and Apprehen­sions must be unlearnt, 'till he comes to be quite a Fool, if ever he be right; and the sooner, and the faster he goes back, and gets out of Conceit of his Attainments in Knowledge and Practice, the better. And then,

[Page 88]Those that have this saving Knowledge of the Love of CHRIST have him dwelling in their Hearts by Faith. The Soul has seen CHRIST, and been enamoured with him. She has been convinced of her own hopeless and helpless Condition by Nature, and of his All-sufficiency and Suitable­ness, and sees him freely offering himself to her in the Gospel. And hereupon the Heart opens to CHRIST; and he makes his glorious and solemn Entry into the Soul, turns out Sin and Satan, seats himself on the Throne of the Heart; and says, This is my Rest forever, here will I dwell, be­cause I have desired it. This is Love indeed! And now the Soul begins to know the Love of CHRIST, which passeth Knowledge. Now she cries out with Admiration, Joy and Thankfulness, "Is it indeed so? Has the King of Glory in very Deed open'd the everlasting Doors of my Soul? Has he purified my Heart by Faith, from all those filthy Lusts that polluted it? Has he pre­pared it, as a Palace, tor himself to dwell in? And do I see him, yea, feel him seated here? Nay, does he spread a Table before me in the Presence of my Enemies, and feast me with Royal Dainties? O this is the Love of CHRIST indeed, which passeth Knowledge!"

The Soul is also now rooted and grounded in Love. She feels her Heart drawn out in Affection [Page 89] to her Saviour, and to all that bear his Image. He is the Chiefest of ten thousand, even altogether Lovely to her; and they are the excellent of the Earth, in whom is all her Delight. Now her Heart burns within her! Now her most ardent Desires are drawn out! O, how shall she come to enjoy more and more of CHRIST, and his Love? How shall she be conformed more and more to him? How shall she spread his Fame, and be any way instrumental of diffusing the Savour of his good Oyntments, that the Virgins also may love him? How shall she secure his gracious Presence with her? What shall she do, that she may keep the House of her Heart sweet and neat and clean as a fit Mansion for her Beloved? How shall she do to prevent the Re-entry of those Goats and Swine, those unclean Lusts and Devils, that heretofore had the Possession of her Heart? She's full of Love. And she is now rooted & grounded in this Love. It grows more and more strong and firm; and she rests in her Love to him, as he does in his to her: The more she sees of her Beloved, and the more she is acquainted with him, the better she likes him. She likes her Choice too well to change, if she might. Her Love, tho' but a small Plant at first, takes Root downward, and bears Fruit upward; it flourishes like the Palm-Tree, or like a Cedar in Lebanon. And herein [Page 90] also she sees something more of the Love of CHRIST that passeth Knowledge. Surely, She thinks, if I love CHRIST, 'tis because he first loved me. Here's a surprizing, astonishing Change wrought in me! This is not the natural Frame and Temper of my Heart; far from it! I was an utter Stranger to such Feelings as these. I conceited once, I loved CHRIST and thought I knew something of his Love, and had always done so; but I found I was deceived. I had embraced an Image formed in my own Brain and Fancy, instead of a glorious CHRIST seen by Faith. The good Spirit was pleased to convince me of my Error, and to shew me, that I had no true Love to him; but was under the Power of Prejudice and Enmity against him. It was the Language of my Heart, I can see no Form nor Comeliness in him, why I should desire Him; neither will I have this Man to reign over me. But it is quite otherwise with me now. I'm fallen deeply in Love with him. I desire nothing in the World so much as to know more and more of him, and be more and more con­formed to him in Heart, Lip and Life; and that he should rule in me and reign over me for ever. Verily, This must be the Effect of that Love of CHRIST to me that passeth Knowledge!

And now she begins to consider the several Di­mensions of this Love, and to take a Prospect of it every Way, as she is able.

[Page 91]'Tis broad as Heaven and Earth; it compre­hends the whole Body of the Elect in all Nations and Ages. It's broad enough to cover a Multi­titude of Sins, each of them wide as the Sea; yea, Sins numberless & infinite in their Aggravations.

It's Length is infinite. It reaches from Ever­lasting to Everlasting. Look which way you will, you can see no End or Beginning to it. You are always at the Middle of this infinite Line, and al­ways will be. Yea, GOD himself always was so, and always will be so. He himself remembers no Beginning of the Love of CHRIST; for it never had any. He himself can see no End to it, for it never will have any. Herein, as well as in every other Respect, the Love of CHRIST differs from all created Love: For his is without any Limit at all. The Love of Angels and Saints will be endless, it will never come to any Period; but it had a Beginning. If it proceed never so far, yet you may always look back to a Time when there was none at all; for they themselves were once Nothing. Yea, with Respect to Men, it will always be true, that there was once En­mity instead of Love. The Creature's Love, as to the Length of its Duration, will always be short at one End. Yea, it will never be actually infi­nite. It will never be said, Now it has endured for ever. Tho' it will be for ever mending as to [Page 92] that Defect, if it may be called so; for it will be growing longer and longer to Eternity. [And here, by the Way, perhaps, a common Form of Speech might be amended, When instead of To Eternity, it is said, Throughout Eternity, or Throughout the endless Ages of Eternity. It may be queried, Whether such Expressions are not plain Contradictions, and whether the Scripture is not a Stranger to them.] But CHRIST'S Love (as was said) is properly infinite in Duration. There never was a Time, when himself, or his Love was not, or when he had Enmity to his E­lect instead of Love.— His Love has endured eternally already. Eternity to come will make no Addition, with respect to Eternity past, as we distinguish. With GOD there is no such Distinc­tion. That which we call Time, and Eternity past, and Eternity to come, are all present to him at once.

He fills his own eternal NOW,
And sees our Ages waste.—

Hence it is said, "From Everlasting to Ever­lasting thou art GOD": Not Thou hast been from Everlasting, and Thou wilt be to Everlast­ing. His Name is I AM; not I WAS, or I WILL BE. This is his Name, and this is his Son's Name; and as his Name is, so is he, and so is his Love.

[Page 93]The Saints see something of the Depth of the Love of CHRIST. 'Tis deeper than Hell: what can we do at fathoming of it? 'Tis a bottom­less Ocean. It drowns the largest Mountains of the most heinous Sin, as well as the least Sand; if any of those vast Mountains may be called Sands in Comparison of others. When Sinners were sunk down to the very Depth of Hell, as to their Frame and as to their Desert; this Love sunk down lower, and was beneath them. Yea, this Love in some Sense, extends so as to take in Hell it self. Tho' there are no Objects of his Love there; yet he himself is there, by his essential Presence, and infinitely beyond it: And he is Love, wherever he is. And his Love could swallow up Hell, and turn it into a Heaven of Holiness and Happi­ness in a Moment, if the Will of GOD were so. So deep is this Love, that though it will be the Business and Blessedness of Saints and Angels to be diving into it for ever and ever, yet they will never come any nearer to the Bottom of it: For, as was said, it is bottomless.

Believers apprehend something of the Height of this Love of CHRIST; tho' 'tis high as Heaven, what can we know? 'Tis Topless, as well as Bottomless. 'Tis infinitely above the highest Flights of the glorious Angels, 'tis far above their highest Thoughts, far above their highest Praises: [Page 94] You, high as the Most High himself; for 'tis the Love of the MOST-HIGH. In a Word, this Love is every Way boundless & infinite. 'Tis the Love of an immense Being, and it is itself pro­perly and absolutety immense. GOD fills an in­finite Space, an infinite Duration, and infinite Perfection of every Kind; and of equal Extent is the Love of CHRIST, who is GOD. To illus­trate this a little farther, with Allusion to the A­postle's Way of Speaking in the Context: Sup­pose an Angel to fly with the inconceivable Swift­ness of a Thought, either backward or forward, upward or downward, to the Right Hand or to the Left, take which Way he will, and let him keep on strait forward for ever and ever; yet will he never get one Hair's-breadth from the very Center of this Love; for 'tis all Center. The Middle is every where. The Circumference or outmost Bounds are no where. Yea, may we not venture to say, that GOD himself and his own infinite Mind is filled with the Love of CHRIST; For he was daily his Delight, before the Founda­tions of the World. The Love of CHRIST affords his Father an infinite and adequate Satisfaction. In Him his Soul delighteth, nor has, he any greater Delight. In Him he is ever well-pleased, nor has he any greater Pleasure. Well may it then be said, That the Saints who are filled with this [Page 95] Love, are filled with all the Fulness of GOD! If this Love dwells in them, then God dwells in them and they in GOD; as the beloved Disciple, who lay in CHRIST'S Bosom and knew much of his Heart, expresses it, Filled with all the Fulness of God! 'Tis a bold Expression, but 'tis an inspired one; and but parallel with some other Scripture Ex­pressions, and particularly that of the Apostle John, but now mentioned. It must needs imply something very great and glorious. There's no such Thing said of the Angels of Heaven; for to which of them said he at any Time, Ye shall be filled with all the Fulness of GOD? Certainly, it must imply, that the happy Subjects of this Priviledge me greatly enlarged us to then Capa­city. How capacious must that Creature be, that is to take in all the Fulness of GOD! — It must imply, that this Capacity, great as it is, shall be gloriously filled; for what so great and glorious as GOD, the Fulness of GOD, all the Fulness of GOD! Every Thing seems to conspire to confirm the Supposition, that Man, poor fal­len, sinful miserable Man, is to be exalted to the greatest Degree of Happiness, that any more Creature is capable of. The blessed GOD is so far from grudging his Creatures any Happiness, that he never thinks them happy enough (even some of the most vile, [...]-deserving, Hell-deserving of [Page 96] 'em all) till they come to have every Thing in them that himself has, as far as they are any Way ca­pable of receiving the same. He will have them be holy even as he is holy, and consequently happy as he is happy, as far as may be.

This is the Sum of the Apostle's Prayer for the Ephesians. And all this he wishes for them to [...] 'em under the Uneasiness he was afraid they were exercised with, on the Account of his Imprisonment. And it was abundantly sufficient to revive them, if the Lord were pleased to set it home, whatever their Trouble were; yea, tho' they were like Jonah, to their own Apprehension, o [...] out of GOD'S Sight into the very Belly of Hell. And 'tis likely, it had it's desired Effect. Pro­bably they were greatly affected, encouraged, rejoiced, edified by this and the other Parts of this Epistle. Possibly that Church might after this continue some Time in a flourishing Condition; and there are several Things taken Notice of to her Commendation, in the Epistle sent to her from her Saviour in Heaven by his Servant John (Rev. 2.) But she had in a great Measure left her first Love; for which she is there faithfully reproved, and severely and solemnly warned; which plain Dealing not being improved as it ought to have been, she (with the rest of the Seven Churches of Asia) degenerated and declined more and more, [Page 97] till CHRIST was provoked to remove the Candlestick out of its Place, and leave them to [...]er Desolation, for a Warning to all Professors to the End of the World, how they give Way to the Beginnings of Apostacy and Declension.

But however the Ephesians took what the A­postle here says to 'em, it is plain enough, that he himself was much affected with it. And he can't finish this song Digression, till he breaks out into a devout Doxology, with which the Paren­thesis and the Chapter concludes; Now to Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the Power that worketh in us, unto Him be Glory in the Church by Christ Jesus, throughout all Ages, World with­out END:



THE Copy of a LETTER, sent by ****** ******, deceased, to her Brother at the Eastward, writ­ten by one, at her Desire.


IT is an Exercise to me to think of the Troubles and Difficulties, which you and my dear Sister and the little ones are like to meet with in this Time of the Rumour of War: But I must confess, that is not my greatest Concern for you and them. No, since I hope, (through the infinite rich, free Grace of GOD to the vilest of Creatures) I have had my Eyes opened to see something of the Greatness and Certainty of the Things of another World; It seems to me, its not so much Matter what becomes of me or my friends in this World, provided it may be well with us for ever. O Brother, I cannot express to you how little, nothing, less than nothing and Vanity every Thing here looks, when I stand as it were on the Brink of Time, and by Faith look into the vast Ocean of Eternity. Eternity! O that great Word FOR-EVER, quite swallows me up and drowns my Thoughts: I am lost in Amazement and Astonishment. What if you or I, or our dear Yoke-Fellows, or Children should be carried into Captivity, [Page 99] and there suffer Hunger and Cold and Nakedness, and serve our Enemies in the Want of all Things, for many Years, and then be tied to Trees and roasted alive, as some better than we have been served? We shall scarce feel it at all, if we have the gracious Presence of GOD with us, and a lively Sense of the Love of CHRIST; we shall sing and rejoice and praise GOD in the midst of all, as Paul and Silas did, in the Prison, with their Feet made fast in the Stocks, and the Martyrs at the Stake. As our Sufferings abound, we have Reason to think our Consolations in CHRIST would abound also. And then all those light Afflictions, which are but for a Moment, would work for us a far more exceeding and eternal Weight of Glory. The Sufferings of this present Time are not worthy to be compared with the Glory that shall be revealed in us. But on the other Hand, What will it profit us to gain the whole World, and lose our own Souls? These were to me once only bear Words, and empty Sounds, and as a Tale that is told; but I have since seen them to be the greatest Realities. I hope you have also had something of the same Discovery. I was glad when I saw you last, to hear you speak so sensibly of spiritual Things. I was rejoiced to hear, that you spent one whole Night in Discourse with such a live Christian as Mr. S: for I concluded that your Talk must be about heavenly Things. But, O my dear Brother, you must forgive your loving Sister if I am jealous over you with a godly Jealousy. When I consider, that many are called, but few are chosen, that many shall seek to enter in at the streight Gate, and not be able; how far a Man may go, and yet, thro' one Temptation or another, fall short at last; that some are not far from the Kingdom of GOD, [Page 100] and yet never come thither; I am distressed for you, left all your Convictions should come to nothing. I tremble for fear you should be taken up with the Cares and Troubles of this present evil World, so as to neglect the one Thing needful. O consider you cannot serve two Masters, GOD and Mammon. If ever you escape that dreadful Hell, and obtain that blessed Inheritance among the Saints in Light; you must make a Business of Religion, you must be in earnest, and strive to enter in at the streight Gate; for many shall seek to enter in, and not be able. You may think a great deal about your Soul and Eternity; you may be glad to enquire of good People, What you shall do to inherit Eternal Life; you may hear the Word with Joy and much Affection, and do many Things; yea live in all good Conscience, as you may think, and yet lack one Thing. And therefore I must entreat and beseech you, as ever you expect to see the Face of GOD with Comfort another Day, that you will never rest till you are sure you have experienced a saving Change on your Soul. O cry to GOD Day and Night, that he would be pleased to shew you Things really as they are, and enable you to hate and abhor and forsake all Sin, and fly for Refuge to lay hold on the Hope set before you; that he would make a saving Discovery of CHRIST to you, and enable you to receive him as of­fered in the Gospel. And if you should knock and seek and strive for a while and find no Peace or Comfort, but rather more Terror, or, which is worse, feel nothing but Deadness, Coldness and Senselessness of Spirit, and in every Respect seem to grow worse and worse, and find Satan more busy with his Temptations than ever; yet be not discouraged by any Means, but hold on seek­ing [Page 101] and striving to the last Gasp: In due Time you shall reap, if you faint not. There's no thinking of looking bark: There's nothing but Death and Damnation there. The Avenger of Blood is close at your Heels. Flee! Flee! for your Life, or you are a dead Man, a damned Man: But before you is a blessed City of Refuge, and the dear compassionate JESUS pitying you, and praying for you, and with his Arms wide open to receive you, as he has done many of late. O press forward and get in, before the Door is shut; for then it will be too late for ever.

My dear Brother, entreat me not to leave you; I must cry after you to come to JESUS, come to the Marriage, yet there is Room. I hope, through mar­velous Grace, your poor unworthy Sister, and many of your Relations will be admitted to sit down with Abra­ham, Isaac and Jacob in the Kingdom of GOD. And can I bear to think my dear Brother should be cast out, bound Hand and Foot, and cast into a Lake of Fire, everlasting Fire, prepared for the Devil and his Angels? But how will you bear it? How can your Heart endure? How can your Hands be strong? — But I forget that I am speaking to a Brother, older, and for ought I know, every Way better than my self. If you have had your Eyes opened, you will not wonder, nor be offended with me for being so plain and earnest with you: And if you are yet out of CHRIST, it is impossible I should be too earnest. After all that I or any Man, or Angel, can say of the Danger of a Christless Estate, the Evil of Sin, the Dreadfulness of Hell-Torments, the Beauty and Excellency and All-sufficiency of CHRIST, the Blessed­ness of a Child of GOD, the Glory of Heaven, the Things themselves will be far above the highest Ex­pressions that can be us'd about them.

[Page 102]O my dear Brother, I am full of this Matter; the Spirit within me constraineth me to speak. I can hardly help beginning again. I long that all my dear Friends, and my dear Brother S, in particular should come and see what there is in CHRIST. O that you could know, what I poor Creature have known, of the Sweetness of Communion with GOD! All the Enjoyments of this World are meer Trash and Husks and Dogs Meat to it. I have enjoyed more solid Satisfaction in one Hour's Communion with GOD, and the ravishing Sense of the Love of CHRIST, than all the Comforts of this Life are worth, to be enjoyed for an Age as long as Methusalem. I have been so filled with spiritual Enjoyments, that I could have no Manner of Relish for any Thing else: Riches, Honours, Pleasures seemed like Dross and Dung to me, in Comparison of the Excellency of the Knowledge and Love of CHRIST JESUS my Lord. O sweet! Sweet! Sweet! Beyond all Expression and Comparison. Eight Days and Nights have I lain overwhelmed with Joy unspeakable and full of Glory, and have not slept one Wink, that I was sensible of, Day or Night. Still, still, the Joy of the Lord poured in upon me like a Flood, till Nature was quite overpowered, and Reason was in great Measure drowned: And no wonder; I rather admire that my poor feeble Frame could bear up so long as it did under the Pressure of such a Weight of Glory. I must confess, I have too much lost a Sense of these Things; but I firmly believe they came from GOD as a free Gift to one of the least of Mortals and vilest of Sinners, even your poor Sister T. And I expect a Re­vival again in GOD'S Time, and far more abundant Communication; if not in this World, yet when I [Page 103] come to be with CHRIST, which is best of all. Then, O then, I expect to have my Capacity enlarged, so as to drink in whole Rivers, Seas, Oceans of the Love of CHRIST for ever. — And my dear Brother, won't you go along with me? There's enough for you and me, and ten thousand Mission more such; and you are sincerely and earnestly invited to come and drink abun­dantly of the Wine of Consolation. The Spirit and the Bride say, Come; and whosoever will, let him take of the Water of Life freely. O, my dear Brother, take and drink and live for ever. What I say to you, I say to my dear Sister and Cousine. I hope the young ones will be early Seekers and sure Finders of CHRIST, as I trust, thro' free Mercy, the most of my Children have been; tho' I have Reason to [...] over my own and their Declensions. I leave you with a merciful GOD, hoping he will do more for you than I can ask or think; and desire your earnest Prayers for us all, and particularly for

Your loving Sister, ***** *****.

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