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THE ROYAL CHARTER Granted to WILLIAM PENN, Esq Proprietary and Governor of Pensilvania.

CHARLES, by the Grace of GOD, King of England, Preamble Scotland, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith. &c. To all to whom these Presents shall come, Greeting. WHEREAS Our Trusty and Well-beloved Subject WIL­LIAM PENN, Esq Son and Heir of Sir WILLIAM PENN de­ceased, (out of a commendable Desire to enlarge our English Em­pire, and promote such useful Commodities as may be of Benefit to us and our Dominions, as also to reduce the savage Natives by gentle and just Manners to the Love of Civil Society and Chri­stian Religion) hath humbly besought Leave of Us to transport an ample Colony unto a certain Country herein after described, [...]n the Parts of America not yet cultivated and planted; and hath likewise so humbly besought Our Royal Majesty to Give, Grant, and Confirm all the said Country, with certain Privileges and Ju­risdictions, requisite for the good Government and Safety of the said Country and Colony, to him and his Heirs for ever:


KNOW YE THEREFORE, Considerati [...] of the Gra [...] That We (savouring the Petition and good Purpose of the said William Penn, and having Regard to the Memory and Merits of his late Father in divers Services, and particularly to his Conduct, Courage, and Discre­tion under our Dearest Brother IAMES Duke of York, in that signal Battle and Victory fought and obtained against the Dutch Fleet, commanded by the Heer Van Opdam, in the Year 1665: In Consideration thereof, of Our special Grace, certain Know­ledge, and meer Motion) have Given and Granted, and by this Our present Charter, for Us, Our Heirs and Successors, do Give and Grant unto the said William Penn, his Heirs and Assigns, all that Tract or Part of Land in America, with the Islands therein contained, as the same is bounded on the [...]ast by Dela [...]r River, [...] of G [...]ant. from Twelve Miles Distance Northwards of New [...]astle Town unto the Three and Fortieth Degree of Northern Latitude, if the s [...]id River doth extend so far Northward; but if the said River shall [Page 4] not extend so far Northward, then by the said River so far as it doth extend; and from the Head of the said River, the Eastern Bounds are to be determined by a Meridian Line, to be drawn from the Head of the said River, unto the said Forty-third De­gree. The said Land to extend Westward Five Degrees in Lon­gitude, to be computed from the said Eastern Bounds; and the said Lands to be bounded on the North by the Beginning of the Three and Fortieth Degree of Northern Latitude, and on the South by a Circle drawn at Twelve Miles Distance from Newcastle Northward, and Westward unto the Beginning of the Fortieth Degree of Northern Latitude, and then by a straight Line West­ward to the Limits of Longitude above-mentioned.


Free Passage &c. granted.WE do also Give and Grant unto the said William Penn, his Heirs and Assigns, the free and undisturbed Use and Conti­nuance in, and Passage unto, and out of all and singular Ports, Harbours, Bays, Waters, Rivers, Isles, and Inlets, belonging unto, or leading to and from the Country or Islands aforesaid, and all the Soils, Soils, Isles, Bays, &c. Lands, Fields, Woods, Underwoods, Moun­tains, Hills, Fenns, Isles, Lakes, Rivers, Waters, Rivulets, Bays, and Inlets, situated or being within, or belonging to the Limits or Bounds aforesaid, Fisheries. together with the Fishing of all Sorts of Fish▪ Whales, Sturgeon, and all Royal and other Fishes, in the Seas, Bays, Inlets, Waters, or Rivers within the Premisses, and all the Fish therein taken; Mines, Gems, &c. and also all Veins, Mines, Minerals, and Quarries, as well discovered as not discovered, of Gold, Silver, Gemmes, and precious Stones, and all other whatsoever, be it Stones, Metals, or of any other Thing or Matter whatsoever, found or to be found within the Country, Isles, or Limits afore­said.


AND him, the said William Penn, his Heirs and Assigns, We do by this Our Royal Charter, William Penn, &c. made ab­solute Proprie­tary; saving the Faith and Allegiance of Proprietary and Inhabi­tants, and the Sovereignty. for Us, Our Heirs and Successors, Make, Create, and Constitute the True and Absolute Proprietary of the Country aforesaid, and of all other the Premisses; Saving always to Us, Our Heirs and Successors, the Faith and Allegiance of the said William Penn, his Heirs and Assigns, and of all other Proprietaries, Tenants, and Inhabitants, that are or shall be with­in the Territories and Precincts aforesaid; and saving also, unto Us, Our Heirs and Successors, the Sovereignty of the aforesaid Country; TO HAVE, hold, possess, and enjoy the said Tract of Land, Country, Isles, Inlets, and other the Premisses, unto the said William Penn, his Heirs and Assigns, to the only proper Use and Behoof of the said William Penn, his Heirs and Assigns, for ever, To be holden in common Soccage, &c. to be holden of Us, Our Heirs and Successors, Kings of England, as of Our Castle of Windsor in Our County of Berks, in free and common Soccage, by Fealty only for all Services, and not in Capite or by Knights Service: Yielding and paying there­fore to Us, Our Heirs and Successors, Two Beaver Skins, to be delivered at Our Castle of Windsor on the First Day of Ianuary [Page 5] in every Year; One Fifth of all Gold and Silver Ore re­serv'd. and also the Fifth Part of all Gold and Silver Oar, which shall from Time to Time happen to be found within the Limits aforesaid, clear of all Charges. And of Our further Grace, certain Knowledge, and meer Motion, We have thought fit to erect, and We do hereby erect the aforesaid Country and Islands into a Province and Seigniory, Name. and do call it PEN­SILVANIA, and so from henceforth will have it called.


AND forasmuch as We have hereby made and ordained the aforesaid William Penn, his Heirs an [...] Assigns, the true and ab­solute Proprietaries of all the Lands and Dominions aforesaid, KNOW YE THEREFORE, That We (reposing special Trust and Confidence in the Fidelity, Wisdom, Justice, and provident Circumspection of the said William Penn) for Us, Our Heirs and Successors, do grant free, full, Power to mak [...] Laws, &c. with the Con­sent of the Freemen. and absolute Power (by Virtue of these Presents) to him and his Heirs, to his and their Deputies, and Lieutenants, for the good and happy Go­vernment of the said Country, to ordain, make, and enact, and under his and their Seals to publish any Laws whatsoever, for the raising of Money for publick Uses of the said Province, or for any other End, appertaining either unto the publick State, Peace, or Safety of the said Country, or unto the private Utility of par­ticular Persons, according unto their best Discretion, by and with the Advice, Assent, and Approbation of the Freemen of the said Country, or the greater Part of them, or of their De­legates or Deputies, whom for the Enacting of the said Laws, when, and as often as Need shall require, We will that the said William Penn and his Heirs, shall assemble in such Sort and Form, Assembly. as to him and them shall seen best, and the same Laws duly to execute, unto and upon all People within the said Country and Limits thereof.


AND We do likewise Give and Grant unto the said William Penn, and to his Heirs, and their Deputies and Lieutenants, Power to make Judges and other Officers for Probate of Wills, &c. full Power and Authority, to appoint and establish any Judges and Justices, Magistrates and other Officers whatsoever, for what Causes soever, (for the Probates of Wills, and for the Granting of Administrations within the Precincts aforesaid) and with what Power soever, and in such Form as to the said William Penn or [...] Heirs shall seem most convenient: Also to remit, release, par­don, Power of Par­doning or Re­prieving. and abolish (whether before Judgment or after) all Crimes and Offences whatsoever committed within the said Country against the sai [...] Laws, (Treason and wilful and malicious Murder only excepted, and in those Cases to grant Reprieves, until Our Pleasure may be known therein) and to do all and every other Thing and Things, which unto the compleat Establishment of Justice, unto Courts and Tribunals, Forms of Judicature, and Manner of Proceedings do belong, although in these Presents express Men­tion be not made thereof; and by Judges by them delegated, to award Process, hold Pleas, and determine in all the said Courts [Page 6] and Tribunals all Actions, What may be done by the Judges. Suits, and Causes whatsoever, as well Criminal as Civil, Personal, Real and Mixt; which Laws, so as aforesaid to be published, Our Pleasure is, and so We enjoyn, require, and command, shall be most absolute and available in Law; Obedience to the Laws en­joined. and that all the Liege People and Subjects of Us, Our Heirs and Successors, do observe and keep the same inviolably in those Parts, so far as they concern them, under the Pain there­in expressed, Proviso, that the Laws be not repugnant to the Laws of England. or to be expressed. PROVIDED nevertheless, That the same Laws be consonant to Reason, and not repugnant or contrary, but (as near as conveniently may be) agreeable to the Laws and Statutes, and Rights of this Our Kingdom of Eng­land; and saving and reserving to Us, Our Heirs and Successors, the Receiving, The Hearing of Appeals re­served. Hearing, and Determining of the Appeal and Ap­peals of all or any Person or Persons, of, in, or belonging to the Territories aforesaid, or touching any Judgment to be there made or given.


Power to make Ordinances, on emergent Oc­casions.AND forasmuch as in the Government of so great a Coun­try, sudden Accidents do often happen, whereunto it will be ne­cessary to apply Remedy before the Freeholders of the said Pro­vince, or their Delegates or Deputies, can be assembled to the making of Laws; neither will it be convenient that instantly upon every such emergent Occasion, so great a Multitude should be called together: Therefore (for the better Government of the said Country) We will, and ordain, and by these Presents, for Us, Our Heirs and Successors, do Grant unto the said William Penn and his Heirs, by themselves or by their Magistrates and Officers, in that Behalf duly to be ordained as aforesaid, to make and constitute sit and wholesome Ordinances, from Time to Time, within the said Country to be kept and observ [...]d, as well for the Preservation of the Peace, as for the better Govern­ment of the People there inhabiting; and publickly to notify the same to all Persons, whom the same doth or may anyways concern. Which shall be [...]inding▪ except in Cases of Liberty and Property. Which Ordinances, Our Will and Pleasure is, shall be observed inviolably within the said Province, under the Pains therein to be expressed, so as the said Ordinances be consonant to Reason, and be not repugnant nor contrary, but so far as conveniently may be) agreeable with the Laws of Our Kingdom of England, and so as the said Ordinances be not extended in any Sort to bind, change, or take away the Right or Interest of any Person or Persons, for or in their Life, Members, Freehold, Goods, or Chattels. And Our father Will and Pleasure is, That the Laws for Regulating and Governing of Property with­in the said Province, Property▪ &c. regulated by the Laws of England, till altered, &c. as well for the Descent and Enjoyment of Lands, as likewise for the Enjoyment and Succession of Goods and Chattels, and likewise as to Felonies, shall be and continue the same, as they shall be for the Time being by the General Course of the Law in Our Kingdom of England, until the said Laws shall be altered by the said William Penn, his Heirs or As­signs, and by the Freemen of the said Province, their Delegates or Deputies, or the greater Part of them.

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AND to the End that the said William Penn, or his Heirs, or other the Planters, Owners, or Inhabitants of the said Pro­vince, may not at any Time hereafter (by Misconstruction of the Power aforesaid) through Inadvertency or Design depart from that Faith and due Allegiance, which by the Laws of this Our Realm of England, they and all Our Subjects, in Our Dominions and Territories, always owe to Us, Our Heirs and Successors, by Colour of any Extent or Largeness of Powers hereby given, or pretended to be given, or by Force or Colour of any Laws here­after to be made in the said Provinc [...], by Virtue of any such Powers; OUR farther Will and Pleasure is, Duplicate of all Laws [...]o be transmitted to the Privy-Council, with­in four Years▪ That a Transcript or Duplicate of all Laws, which shall be so as aforesaid made and published within the said Province, shall within Five Years after the making thereof, be transmitted and delivered to the Privy Council, for the Time being, of Us, Our Heirs and Suc­cessors: And if any of the said Laws, within the Space of Six Months after that they shall be so transmitted and delivered, be declared by Us, Our Heirs and Successors, in Our or Their Privy Council, If repealed within six Months, to be void; other­wise in Force. inconsistent with the Sovereignty or lawful Pre­rogative of Us, Our Heirs or Successors, or contrary to the Faith and Allegiance due to the Legal Government of this Realm, from the said William Penn, or his Heirs, or of the Plan­ters and Inhabitants of the said Province, and that thereupon any of the said Laws shall be adjudged and declared to be void by Us, Our Heirs and Successors, under Our or Their Privy Seal, that then and from thenceforth, such Laws, concerning which such Judgment and Declaration shall be made, shall become void: Otherwise the said Laws so transmitted, shall remain, and stand in full Force, according to the true Intent and Meaning thereof.


FURTHERMORE, Grant of Li­berty to the King's Sub­jects, to trans­port them­selves, &c. that this New Colony may the more happily increase, by the Multitude of People resorting thither; Therefore We, for Us, Our Heirs and Successors, do Give and Grant by these Presents, Power, Licence, and Liberty unto all the Liege People and Subjects, both present and future, of Us, Our Heirs and Successors, (excepting those who shall b [...] espe­cially forbidden) to transport themselves and Families unto the said Country, with such conv [...]nient Shipping as by the Laws of this Our Kingdom of England they ought to use, and with fit­ting Provision, paying only the Customs therefore due, and there to settle themselves, dwell and inhabit, and plant▪ for the publick and their own private Advantage.


AND FURTHERMORE, that Our Subjects may be the rather encouraged to undertake this Expedition with ready and chearful Minds, KNOW YE, That We, of Our special Grace, certain Knowledge, and meer Motion, do give and grant by Virtue of these Presents, as well unto the said William Penn[Page 8] and his Heirs, as to all others, who shall from time to time repair unto the said Country, with a Purpose to inhabit, or trade with the Natives of the said Country, full Licence to lade and freight in any Ports whatsoever, of Us, Our Heirs and Succes­sors, ac [...]ording to the Laws made or to be made within Our Kingdom of England, and unto the said Country, by them, their Servants or Assigns, And their Goods, Mer­cha [...]dizes, &c. to transport all and singular their Goods, Wares and Merchandizes, as likewise all Sorts of Grain whatsoever, and all other Things whatsoever, necessary for Food or Clothing, not prohibited by the Laws and Statutes of Our Kingdom and Dominions to be carried out of the said King­dom, without any Let or Molestation of Us, Our Heirs or Suc­cessors, Paying the Customs. or of any of the Officers of Us, Our Heirs or Suc­cessors; saving always to Us, Our Heirs and Successors, the Le­gal Impositions, Customs, or other Duties and Payments, for the said Wares and Merchandizes, by any Law or Statute due or to be due to Us, Ours Heirs and Successors.


The Proprie­tor may divide the Country into Towns, Hundreds, and Counties, in­corporate Towns, con­stitute Fairs, grant Privi­l [...]ges, &c.AND We do further, for Us, Our Heirs and Successors, Give and Grant unto the said William Penn, his Heirs and Assigns, free and absolute Power, to divide the said Country and Islands into Towns, Hundreds and Counties, and to erect and incorporate Towns into Burroughs, and Burroughs into Cities, and to make and constitute Fairs and Markets therein, with all other conve­nient Privileges and Immunities, according to the Merits of the Inhabitants, and the Fitness of the Places, and to do all and every other Thing and Things touching the Premisses, which to him or them shall seem meet and requisite; albeit they be such as of their own Nature might otherwise require a more spe­cial Commandment and Warrant than in these Presents is ex­pressed.


WE Will also, and by these Presents, for Us, Our Heirs and Successors, We do give and grant Licence by this Our Charter, unto the said William Penn, his Heirs and Assigns, and to all the Inhabitants and Dwellers in the Province aforesaid, Licence grant­ed to import the Produce of the Country into England; both present and to come, to import or unlade, by themselves or their Servants, Factors or Assigns, all Merchandizes and Goods whatsoever, that shall arise of the Fruits and Commo­dities of the said Province, either by Land or Sea, into any of the Ports of Us, Our Heirs or Successors, in Our Kingdom of England, And to export them from thence within one Year; and not into any other Country whatsoever: And We give him full Power to dispose of the said Goods in the said Ports; and if need be, withi [...] One Year next after the Un­lading of the same, to lade the said Merchandize and Goods again into the same or other Ship [...], and to transport the same into any other Countries, either of Our Dominions or Foreign, according to Law; Paying Cu­stoms, and ob­serving the Acts of Navi­g [...]tion. provided always, that they pay such Customs and Impositions, Subsidies and Duties for the same, to Us, Our Heirs and Successors, as the rest of Our Subjects of Our King­dom of England, for the Time being, shall be bound to pay, [Page 9] and do observe the Acts of Navigation, and other Laws in that Behalf made.


AND FURTHERMORE, of Our ample and special Grace, certain Knowledge, and meer Motion, We do, for Us, Our Heirs and Successors, grant unto the said William Penn, The Proprietary impowered to constitute Ports▪ his Heirs and Assigns, full and absolute Power and Authority, to make, erect, and constitute, within the said Province and the Isles and Inlets aforesaid, such and so many Sea-ports, Harbours▪ Creeks, Havens, Keys, and other Places, for Discharging and Unlading of Goods and Merchandizes out of the Ships, Boats, and other Vessels, and Landing the [...] unto such and so many Places, and with such Rights, Jurisdictions, Liberties and Privi­leges unto the said Ports belonging, as to him and them shall seem most expedient; and that all and singular the Ships, Boats, W [...]ere all Ves­sels must lade and unlade. and other Vessels, which shall come for Merchandize and Trade into the said Province, or out of the same, shall be laden or un­laden only at such Ports as shall be created and constituted by the said William Penn, his Heirs or Assigns, (any Use, Custom, or Thing to the contrary notwithstanding.) Provided, Proviso, that the Officers of the King's Cu­stoms be ad­mitted. that the said William Penn and his Heirs, and the Lieutenants and Gover­nors for the Time being, shall admit and receive in and about all s [...]h Havens, Ports, Creeks and Keys, all Officers and their Deputi [...]s, who shall from time to time be appointed for that P [...]rpose by the Farmers or Commissioners of Our Customs for the Time being.


AND We do further appoint and ordain, Power to the Proprietary and People to assess Customs on Goods, &c. and by these Pr [...]nts, [...]or Us, O [...]r Heirs and Successors, We do grant unto the s [...]id William Penn, his Heirs and Assigns, That he, the said William Penn, his Heirs and Assigns, may from time to time for ever, have and enjoy the Customs and Subsidies, in the Ports, H [...]r [...]ours, and other Creeks and Places aforesaid, within the Pro­vince afor [...]said, payable or due for Merchandize and Wares there to be laded and unladed, the said Customs and Subsidies to be reaso [...]abl [...] assessed upon any Occasion, by themselves and the People there as aforesaid to be assembled, to whom We give Power by these Presents, for Us, Our Heirs and Successors, Saving to the Crown such Customs as are appointed by Act of Parlia­ment. upon just Ca [...]se a [...]d due Proportion, to assess and impose the same; saving [...]nto Us, Our Heirs and Successors, such Impositions and Customs, as by Act of Parliament are and shall be appointed.


AND it is Our farther Will and Pleasure, That the said Wil­liam Penn, his Heirs and Assigns, The Proprietary shall ap­point an Attorney, to reside in [...]: shall from time to time consti­tute and appoint an Attorney or Agent, to reside in or near Our City of London, who shall make known the Place where he shall dwell or may be found, unto the Clerks of Our Privy-Council for the Time being, or one of them, and shall be ready to ap­pear in any of O [...]r Courts at Westminster, to answer for any [Page 10] M [...]sd [...]meanor that shall be committed, To an [...] for any Mis [...]e­meanor. De­f [...]ult, [...]. or by any wilful De­fault or Neglect permitted by the said William Penn, his Heirs or Assigns, against the Laws of Trade and Navigation; and after it shall be ascertained in any of Our said Courts, what Damages We or Our Heirs or Successors shall have sustained by such De­fault or Neglect, the said William Penn, his Heirs or Assigns shall pay the same within One Year after such Taxation, and Demand thereof from such Attorney: In Case of Failure, the Crown may re­sume the Go­vernment; Or in case there shall be no such Attorney by the Space of One Year, or such Attorney shall not make Payment of such Damages within the Space of a Year, and answer such other Forfeitures and Penalties within the said Time, as by Acts of Parliament in England are and shall be provided, according to the true Intent and Meaning of these Presents; then it shall be lawful for Us, Our Heirs and Successors, to seize and resume the Government of the said Province or Country, and the same to retain until Payment shall be made thereof: But the Pro­perty of the People shall not be affected by such Re­sumption. But not­withstanding any such Seizure or Resumption of the Government, nothing concerning the Propriety or Ownership of any Lands, Tenements, or other Hereditaments, or Goods or Chattels of any of the Adventurers, Planters, or Owners, other than the re­spective Offenders there, shall any ways be affected or molested thereby.


No Correspon­dence shall be maintain'd with the Ene­mies of the Crown; nor shall War be made on any State in A­mity.PROVIDED always, and Our Will and Pleasure is, That neither the said William Penn, nor his Heirs, or any other the Inhabitants of the said Province, shall at any Time hereafter have or maintain any Correspondence with any other King, Prince, or State, or with any of their Subjects, who shall then be in War against Us, Our Heirs and Successors; nor shall the said Wil­liam Penn, or his Heirs, or any other Inhabitants of the said Province, make War or do any Act of Hostility against any other King, Prince, or State, or any of their Subjects, who shall then be in League or Amity with Us, Our Heirs and Suc­cessors.


AND, because in so remote a Country, and situate near many barbarous Nations, the Incursions as well of the Savages themselves, as of other Enemies, Pirates and Robbers, may pro­bably be feared; Power of a Captain-Ge­neral granted. Therefore We have given, and for Us, Our Heirs and Successors, do give Power by these Presents to the said William Penn, his Heirs and Assigns, by themselves or their Cap­tains or other their Officers, to levy, muster and train all Sorts of Men, of what Condition soever, or wher [...]so [...]ver born, in the said Province of Pensilvania, for the Time being, and to make War, and to pursue the Enemies and Robbers afor [...]said, as well by Sea as by Land, even without the Limits of the sa [...] Province, and by God's Assistance to vanquish and take them, and being taken to put them to Death by the Law of War, or to save th [...]m, at their Pleasure, and to do all and every other Thing whi [...]h unto the Charge and Office of a Captain-General of an Army [Page 11] belongeth or hath accustomed to belong, as fully and freely as any Captain-General of an Army hath ever had the same.


AND FURTHERMORE, of Our special Grace and of Our certain Knowledge and meer Motion, We have given and granted, and by these Presents, for Us, Our Heirs and Succes­sors, do give and grant unto the said William Penn, his Heirs and Assigns, full and absolute Power, Licence and Authority, Power to the Proprietary to alien the Pre­mises. that he, the said William Penn, his Heirs and Assigns, from time to time hereafter for ever, at his or their own Will and Pleasure may assign, alien, grant, demise, or enfeoff of the Premises so many and such Parts and Parcels to him or them that shall be wil­ling to purchase the same, as they shall think fit, to have and to hold to them the said Person and Persons willing to take and purchase, their Heirs and Assigns, in Fee-simple or Fee-tail, or for the Term of Life, Lives or Years, to be held of the said Wil­liam Penn, his Heirs or Assigns, as of the said Seigniory of Wind­sor, by such Services, Customs or Rents, as shall seem meet to the said William Penn, his Heirs or Assigns, and not immediately of Us, Our Heirs or Successors.


AND to the same Person or Persons, and to all and every of them, We do give and grant by these Presents, for Us, Power to the Purchasers to hold by the Proprietary's Grants. Our Heirs and Successors, Licence, Authority and Power, that such Person or Persons may take the Premises, or any Parcel thereof, of the aforesaid William Penn, his Heirs or Assigns, and the same hold to themselves, their Heirs and Assigns, in what Estate of Inhe­ritance soever, in Fee-simple or in Fee-tail, or otherwise, as to him, the said William Penn, his Heirs or Assigns, shall seem ex­pedient: The Statute made in the Parliament of EDWARD, Son of King HENRY, late King of England, Our Predecessor, (commonly called The Statute QUIA EMPTORES TER­RARUM, lately published in Our Kingdom of England) in any wise notwithstanding.


AND by these Presents We give and grant Licence unto the said William Penn, and his Heirs, Leave to erect Manors; and likewise to all and every such Person or Persons to whom the said William Penn or his Heirs shall at any Time hereafter grant any Estate or Inheritance as aforesaid, to erect any Parcels of Land within the Province aforesaid into Manors, by and with the Licence to be first had and obtained for that Purpose, under the Hand and Seal of the said William Penn or his Heirs; and in every of the said Manors to have and to hold a Court-Baron, with all Things whatsoever which to a Court-Baron do belong, And to hold Courts there­in; &c. and to have and to hold View of Frank-Pledge for the Conservation of the Peace and the better Government of th [...]se Parts, by themselves or their Stewards, or by the Lords for the Time being of the Manors to be deputed when they shall be erected, and in the same to use all Things [Page 12] belonging to the View of Frank-Pledge. The Person erecting a Ma­nor may grant his Land to others, in any Estate, so as no farther Te­nure be creat­ed, &c. AND We do further grant Licence and Authority, That every such Person or Per­sons who shall erect any such Manor or Manors, as aforesaid, shall or may grant all or any Part of his said Land to any Person or Persons, in Fee-simple, or any other Estate of Inhe­ritance to be held of the said Manors respectively, so as no farther Tenure shall be created, but that upon all further or other Alienations thereafter to be made, the said Lands so aliened shall be held of the same Lord and his Heirs, of whom the Aliener did then before hold, and by the like Rents and Ser­vices which were before due and accustomed.


AND FURTHERMORE Our Pleasure is, and by these Presents, for Us, Our Heirs and Successors, We do covenant and grant to and with the said William Penn, No Taxes &c. to be impos'd on the People, without their Consent, or Act of Parlia­ment. his Heirs and Assigns, That We, Our Heirs and Successors, shall at no Time hereafter set or make, or cause to be set or made, any Imposition, Custom or other Taxation, Rate or Contribution whatsoever, in and upon the Dwellers and Inhabitants of the aforesaid Province, for their Lands, Tenements, Goods or Chattels within the said Province, or in and upon any Goods and Merchandizes within the Pro­vincs, or to be laden or unladen within the Ports or Harbours of the said Province, unless the same be with the Consent of the Proprietary, or chief Governor, or Assembly, or by Act of Par­liament in England.


AND Our Pleasure is, and for Us, Our Heirs and Succes­sors, We charge and command, That this Our Declaration shall from henceforth from time to time be received and allowed in all Our Courts, This Declara­tion shall be deemed an Acquittance; and before all the Judges of Us, Our Heirs and Successors, for a sufficient lawful Discharge, Payment and Acquittance; commanding all the Officers and Ministers of Us, Our Heirs and Successors, And all Offi­cers &c. are enjoined not to withstand the Premises, but to aid the Pro­prietary and People, &c. in the full Enjoy­ment of this Charter. and enjoyning them upon Pain of Our highest Displeasure, that they do not presume at any Time to attempt any thing to the contrary of the Premises, or that do in any sort withstand the same, but that they be at all Times aiding and assisting, as is fitting, to the said William Penn, and his Heirs, and unto the Inhabitants and Merchants of the Pro­vince aforesaid, their Servants, Ministers, Factors and Assigns, in the full Use and Fruition of the Benefit of this Our Charter.


Twenty of the Inhabitants pe­titioning the Bishop of Lon­don, may have a Preacher, who shall re­side in the Pro­vince unmo­lestedAND Our farther Pleasure is, and We do hereby, for Us, Our Heirs and Successors, charge and require, That if any of the Inhabitants of the said Province, to the Number of Twenty, shall at any Time hereafter be desirous, and shall by any Writing, or by any Person deputed by them, signify such their Desire to the Bishop of London for the Time being, That any Preacher or Preachers, to be approved of by the said Bishop, may be sent unto them for their Instruction; that then such Preacher or [Page 13] Preachers shall and may reside within the said Province, without any Denial or Molestation whatsoever.


AND if perchance hereafter any Doubt or Question should arise, concerning the true Sense and Meaning of any Word, If any [...] concerning the true Sense of this Charter, should arise, it shall be con­strued in fa­vour of Wil­liam Penn. [...] Clause, or Sentence contained in this Our present Charter, We will, ordain, and command, That at all Times and in all Things, such Interpretation be made thereof, and allowed in any of Our Courts whatsoever, as shall be adjudged most advantageous and favourable unto the said William Penn, his Heirs and Assigns: Provided always no Interpretation be admitted thereof by which the Allegiance due unto Us, Our Heirs and Successors, may suf­fer any Prejudi [...]e or Diminution; although express Mention be not made in these Presents of the true yearly Value, or Certainty of the Premises, or any Part thereof, or of other Gifts and Grant [...] made by Us and Our Progenitors or Predecessors unto the said William Penn: Any Statute, Act, Ordinance, Provision, Pro­clamation, or Restraint heretofore had, made, published, ordained or provided, or any other Thing, Cause, or Matter whatsoever, to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding. IN WIT­NESS whereof We have caused these Our Letters to be made Patent: Witness OUR SELF, at Westminster, Date. the Fourth Day of March, in the Three and thirtieth Year of Our Reign, Annoque Domini One Thousand Six Hundred and Eighty-one.

By Writ of Privy Seal, PIGOTT.

CERTAIN CONDITIONS or CONCESSIONS Agreed upon by WILLIAM PENN, Pro­prietary and Governor of the Province of Pensil­vania, and those who are the Adventurers and Purchasers in the same P [...]ovince; the Eleventh of Iuly, One Thousand Six Hundred and Eighty-one.


THAT so soon as it pleaseth God, Ground for a [...] to be [...] that the abovesaid Per­sons arrive there, a certain Quantity of Land or Ground Plat shall be laid out for a large Town or City, in the most convenient Place upon the River for Health and Na­vigation; and every Purchaser and Adventurer shall, by Lot, [Page 14] have so much Land therein as will answer to the Proportion which [...]e hath bought or taken up upon Rent: But it is to be noted, that the Surveyors shall consider what Roads or Highways will be necessary to the Cities, Towns, or through the Lands. Great Roads from City to City not to contain less than Forty Foot in Breadth, Highways and Streets not to be less than 40 Feet wide. shall be first laid out and declared to be for Highways, before the Dividend of Acres be laid out for the Purchaser, [...] the like Observation to be had for the Streets in the Towns [...]nd Cities, that there may be convenient Roads and Streets preserved, not to be incroached upon by any Planter or Builder, that none may build irregularly to the Damage of another. In this, Custom gov [...]ns.


Land in Town to be laid out in Proportion to the Land taken up in the Country, &c.THAT the Land in the Town be laid out together afte [...] the Proportion of Ten Thousand Acres of the whole Country, that is, Two Hundred Acres, if the Place will bear it: However, that the Proportion be by Lot, and entire, so as those that desire to be together, especially those that are by the Catalogue laid together, may be so laid together both in the Town and Country.


No Purchaser to hold above 1000 Acres in a Place, un­settled, &c.THAT when the Country-Lots are laid out, every Pur­chaser, from One Thousand to Ten Thousand Acres, or more, not to have above One Thousand Acres together, unless in Thre [...] Years they plant a Family upon every Thousand Acres; but that all such as purchase together, lie together▪ and if as many as com­ply with this Condition, that the whole be laid out together.


Purchaser [...] of 5 [...]00 or 10000 Acres, des [...]ring to be together, shall be s [...]ted near navig [...]ble Water, & [...].THAT where any Number of Purchasers, more or less▪ whose Number of Acres amounts to Five or Ten Thousand Acr [...], desire to sit together in a Lot or Township, they shall have their Lot or Township cast together, in such Places as have convenient Harbours or navigable Rivers attending it, if such can be found; and in Case any one or more Purchasers plant not according to Agreement in this Concession, to the Preju­dice of others of the same Township, upon Complaint thereof made to the Governor or his Deputy, Purchasers not planting, others may be in­vested in their Land [...], &c. with Assistance, they may award (if they see Cause) that the complaining Purchaser may▪ paying the Survey-Money, and Purchase-Money, and Interes [...] thereof, be entitled, inrolled and lawfully invested in the Lands so not seated.


Ten Acre [...] in the City to be laid out for every Purcha­ser of [...]00.THAT the Proportion of Lands that shall be laid out in the first great Town or City, for every Purchaser, shall be after the Proportion of Ten Acres for every Five Hundred Acres pur­chased, if the Place will allow it.


THAT notwithstanding there be no mention made in the [Page 15] several Deeds made to the Purchasers, Grant of P [...]i­culars not mentioned in the Purchase-Deeds. yet the said William Penn does accord and declare, that all Rivers, Rivulets, Woods and Underwoods, Waters, Water-Courses, Quarries, Mines and Mi­nerals (except Mines Royal) shall be freely and fully enjoyed, and wholly, by the Purchasers into whose Lot they fall.


THAT for every Fifty Acres that shall be allotted to a Servant at the End of his Service, Quit-rent on the 50 Acres allotted to Ser­vants, &c. his Quit-Rent shall be Two Shillings per Annum, and the Master or Owner of the Servant, when he shall take up the other Fifty Acres, his Quit-Rent shall be Four Shillings by the Year, or if the Master of the Servant (by Reason in the Indentures he is so obliged to do) allot out to the Servant Fifty Acres in his own Division, the said Master shall have on Demand allotted him, from the Governor, the One Hundred Acres at the chief Rent of Six Shillings per Annum.


AND for the Encouragement of such, Gold-and Sil­ver-Mines, how to be di­vided. as are ingenious and willing to search out Gold-and Silver-Mines in this Province, it is hereby agreed, that they have Liberty to bore and dig in any Man's Property, fully paying the Damage done; and in Case a Discovery should be made, that the Discoverer have one Fifth, the Owner of the Soil (if not the Discoverer) a Tenth Part, the Governor Two Fifths, and the rest to the publick Treasury, saving to the King the Share reserved by Patent.


IN every Hundred Thousand Acres, Reservation of 10 Acres in every 100000. the Governor and Proprie­tary, by Lot, reserveth Ten to himself, what shall lie but in one Place.


THAT every Man shall be bound to plant or man so much of his Share of Land as shall be set out and surveyed, [...] within Three Years after it is so set out and surveyed, or else it shall be lawful for new Comers to be settled thereupon, paying to them their Survey-Money, and they go up higher for their Shares.


THERE shall be no Buying and Selling, Buying and Selling to be in publick Mar­ket only. be it with an Indian, or one among another, of any Goods to be exported, but what shall be performed in publick Market, when such Places shall be set apart or erected, where they shall pass the publick Stamp or Mark. If bad Ware, and prized as good, Forfeitures in Case of Deceit. or deceitful in Proportion or Weight, to forfeit the Value as if good and full Weight and Proportion, to the publick Treasury of the Province, whether it be the Merchandize of the Indian, or that of the Planters.


AND FORASMUCH as it is usual with the Planters, to over-reach the poor Natives of the Country in Trade, by Goods [Page 16] not being good of the Kind, or debased with Mixtures, with which they are sensibly aggrieved, it is agreed, whatever is sold to the Indians, Goods sold to the Indians, shall be exa­mined, &c. in Consideration of their Furs, shall be sold in the Market-Place, and there suffer the Test, whether good or bad; if good, to pass; if not good, not to be sold for good, that the Natives may not be abused nor provoked.


Indians not to be abused.THAT no Man shall, by any Ways or Means, in Word or Deed, affront or wrong any Indian, but he shall incur the same Penalty of the Law, as if he had committed it against his Fellow-Planter; Planter abused by Indians, shall complain to the Gover­nor, &c. and if any Indian shall abuse, in Word or Deed, any Planter of this Province, that he shall not be his own Judge upon the Indian, but he shall make his Complaint to the Governor of the Province, or his Lieutenant or Deputy, or some inferior Ma­gistrate near him, who shall, to the utmost of his Power, take Care with the King of the said Indian, that all reasonable Satisfac­tion be made to the said injured Planter.


Differences be­tween Planters & Natives, to be ended by 6 of each.THAT all Differences between the Planters and the Natives, shall also be ended by Twelve Men, that is, by Six Planters and Six Natives, that so we may live friendly together as much as in us lieth, preventing all Occasions of Heart-burnings and Mis­chief.


Indians have Liberty to im­prove their own Ground, &c.THAT the Indians shall have Liberty to do all Things re­lating to Improvement of their Ground, and providing Sustenance for their Families, that any of the Planters shall enjoy.


The Laws in several Cases to be as in England, till altered.THAT the Laws, as to Slanders, Drunkenness, Swearing, Cursing, Pride in Apparel, Trespasses, Distresses, Replevins, Weights and Measures, shall be the same as in England, till al­tered by Law in this Province.


All Cattle shall be mark'd, or else forfeited.THAT all shall mark their Hogs, Sheep and other Cattle, and what are not marked within Three Months after it is in their Possession, be it young or old, it shall be forfeited to the Gover­nor, that so People may be compelled to avoid the Occasion of much Strife between Planters.


One Acre of Wood to be left for every 5 cleared.THAT in clearing the Ground, Care be taken to leave One Acre of Trees for every Five Acres clear'd, especially to preserve Oak and Mulberries, for Silk and Shipping.


Ship-Masters shall give an Account of their Circum­stances, &c. to an Officer, &c.THAT all Ship-Masters shall give an Account of their Coun­tries, Names, Ships, Owners, Freights and Passengers, to an Of­ficer to be appointed for that Purpose, which shall be registred within Two Days after their Arrival; and if they shall refuse so to do, that then non [...] presum [...] to trade with them, upon Forfeiture [Page 17] thereof; and that such Masters be looked upon as having an evil Intention to the Province.


THAT no Person leave the Province, without Publication being made thereof, in the Market-Place, Three Weeks before, and a Certificate from some Justice of the Peace, of his Clear­ness with his Neighbours and those he hath dealt withal, so far as such an Assurance can be attained and given: And if any Mas [...]er of a Ship shall, contrary hereunto, receive and carry away any Person that hath not given that publick Notice, the said Master shall be liable to all Debts owing by the said Person so secretly transported from the Province. Lastly, that these are to be added to, or corrected, by and with the Consent of the Parties hereunto subscrib [...]d.

Sealed and delivered in the Presence of WILLIAM PENN.
William B [...]elham,
Harbert Springet.
Thomas Prudyard,
Sealed and delivered in the Presence of all the Proprietors who have hereunto sub­scribed, except Tho­mas Farrinborrough and John Goodson, in the Presence of Hugh Chamberlen,
R. Murray,
Harbert Springet,
Humphry South,
Thomas Barker,
Samuel Jobson,
John Joseph Moore,
William Powel,
Richard Davie,
Griffith Jones,
Hugh Lambe,
Thomas Far [...]inborrough,
John Goodson.

THE CHARTER of PRIVILEGES Granted by WILLIAM PENN, Esq to the Inhabitants of Pensilvania and Territories.

WILLIAM PENN, Proprietary and Governor of the Province of Pensilvania and Territories thereunto belong­ing, To all to whom these Presents shall come, sendeth Gree [...]ng. Preamble. WHEREAS King CHARLES the [...], by His L [...]tters Pa [...]ents, under the Great Seal of England, [...] D [...]te the [...] Day of M [...]rch, in the Year One Thousand [...] Hundred and [...]igh [...]y, was graciously pleased to give and grant [Page 18] unto me, and my Heirs and Assigns for ever, this Province of Pensilvania, with divers great Powers and Jurisdictions for the well Government thereof.

AND WHEREAS the King's dearest Brother, IAMES Duk of YORK and ALBANY, &c. by his Deeds of [...]eoffment, under his Hand and Seal duly perfected, bearing Date the Twenty-Fourth Day of August, One Thousand Six Hundred Eighty and Two, did grant unto me, my Heirs and Assigns, all that Tract of Land, now called the Territories of Pensilvania, together with Powers and Jurisdictions for the good Government thereof.

AND WHEREAS for the Encouragement of all the Free­men and Planters, that might be concerned in the said Province and Territories, and for the good Government thereof, I the said WILLIAM PENN, in the Year One Thousand Six Hundred Eighty and Three, for me, my Heirs and Assigns, did grant and confirm unto all the Freemen, Planters and Adventurers therein, divers Liberties, Franchises and Properties, as by the said Grant, enti­tuled, The FRAME of the Government of the Province of Pen­silvania, and Territories thereunto belonging, in America, may ap­pear; which Charter or Frame being found in some Parts of it, not so suitable to the present Circumstances of the Inhabitants, was in the Third Month, in the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred, delivered up to me, by Six Parts of Seven of the Freemen of this Province and Territories, in General Assembly met, Provision being made in the said Charter, for that End and Purpose.

AND WHEREAS I was then pleased to promise, That I would restore the said Charter to them again, with necessary Alterations, or in lieu thereof, give them another, better adapted to answer the present Circumstances and Conditions of the said Inhabitants; which they have now, by their Representative [...] in General Assembly met at Philadelphia, requested me to grant.

KNOW YE THEREFORE, That for the further Well-being and good Government of the said Province, and Terri­tories; and in Pursuance of the Rights and Powers before-men­tioned, I the said William Penn do declare, grant and confirm, unto all the Freemen, Planters and Adventurers, and other In­habitants in this Province and Territories, these following Liber­ties, Franchises and Privileges, so far as in me lieth, to be held, enjoyed and kept, by the Freemen, Planters and Adventurers, and other Inhabitants of and in the said Province and Territories thereunto annexed, for ever.


BECAUSE no People can be truly happy, though under the greatest Enjoyment of Civil Liberties, No Person be­lieving in One GOD, &c. shall be mo­lested on Ac­count of his Religious Per­suasion▪ if abridged of the Freedom of their Consciences, as to their Religious Profession and Worship: And Almighty God being the only Lord of Con­science, Father of Lights and Spirits; and the Author as well as [Page 19] Object of all divine Knowledge, Faith and Worship, who only doth enlighten the Minds, and persuade and convince the Under­standings of People, I do hereby grant and declare, That no Per­son or Persons, inhabiting in this Province or Territories, who shall confess and acknowledge One almighty God, the Creator, Upholder and Ruler of the World; and profess him or them­selves obliged to live quietly under the Civil Government, shall be in any Case molested or prejudiced, Nor be com­pelled to fre­quent or main­tain any Wor­ship contrary to his Mind, &c. in his or their Person or Estate, because of his or their consciencious Persuasion or Practice, nor be compelled to frequent or maintain any reli­gious Worship, Place or Ministry, contrary to his or their Mind, or to do or suffer any other Act or Thing, contrary to their reli­gious Persuasion.

AND that all Persons who also profess to believe in Iesus Christ, the Saviour of the World, Christians of all Denomina­tions are ca­pable of Offi­ces, promising Allegiance to the King, &c. shall be capable (notwithstand­ing their other Persuasions and Practices in Point of Conscience and Religion) to serve this Government in any Capacity, both legislatively and executively, he or they solemnly promising, when lawfully required, Allegiance to the King as Sovereign, and Fidelity to the Proprietary and Governor, and taking the Attests as now established by the Law made at New-Castle, in the Year One Thousand and Seven Hundred, entitled, An Act di­recting the Attests of several Officers and Ministers, as now amended and confirmed this present Assembly.


FOR the well governing of this Province and Territories, An Assembly shall be chosen yearly. there shall be an Assembly yearly chosen, by the Freemen there­of, to consist of Four Persons out of each County, of most Note for Virtue, Wisdom and Ability, (or of a greater Number at any Time, as the Governor and Assembly shall agree) upon the First Day of October for ever; and shall sit on the Fourteenth Day of the same Month, at Philadelphia, unless the Governor and Council for the Time being, shall see Cause to appoint another Place within the said Province or Territories: Their Powers and Privileges. Which Assembly shall have Power to chuse a Speaker and other their Officers; and shall be Judges of the Qualifications and Elections of their own Members; sit upon their own Adjournments; appoint Commit­tees; prepare Bills in order to pass into Laws; impeach Cri­minals, and redr [...]ss Grievances; and shall have all other Powers and Privileges [...] an Assembly, according to the Rights of the free-born Subjects of England, and as is usual in any of the King's Plantations in America.

AND if any County or Counties, shall refuse or neglect to chuse their respective Representatives as aforesaid, or if chosen, Two Thirds met shall have the Power of the whole. do not meet to serve in Assembly, those who are so chosen and met, shall have the full Power of an Assembly, in as ample Manner as if all the Representatives had been chosen and met, provided they are not less than Two Thirds of the whole Num­ber that ought to meet.

[Page 20] The Qualifica­tions of Elec­tors and E­lected.AND that the Qualifications of Electors and Elected, and all other Matters and Things relating to Elections of Representatives to serve in Assemblies, though not herein particularly expressed, shall be and remain as by a Law of this Government, made at New-Castle in the Year One [...]ousand Seven Hundred, entitled, An Act to ascertain the Number [...] M [...]mbers of Assembly, and to regulate the Elections.


Power to chuse Sheriffs and Coroners.THAT the Freemen in each respective County, at the Time and Place of Meeting for Electing their Representatives to serve in Assembly, may as often as there shall be Occasion, chuse a double Number of Persons to present to the Governor for Sheriffs and Coroners, to serve for Three Years, if so long they behave themselves well; out of which respective Elections and Present­ments, the Governor shall nominate and commissionate one for each of the said Offices, the Third Day after such Presentment, or else the First named in such Presentment, for each Office as afore­said, shall stand and serve in that Office for the Time before re­spectively limited; and in Case of Death or Default, such Vacan­cies shall be supplied by the Governor, to serve to the End of the said Term.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, That if the said Freemen shall at any Time neglect or decline to chuse a Person or Persons for either or both the aforesaid Offices, then and in such Case, the Persons that are or shall be in the respective Offices of Sheriffs or Coroners, at the Time of Election, shall remain therein, un­til they shall be removed by another Election as aforesaid.

Clerk of the Peace to be nominated by the Justices, &c.AND that the Justices of the respective Counties shall or may nominate and present to the Governor Three Persons, to serve for Clerk of the Peace for the said County, when there is a Vacancy, one of which the Governor shall commissionate with­in Ten Days after such Presentment, or else the First nominated shall serve in the said Office during good Behaviour.


Stile of the Laws.THAT the Laws of this Government shall be in this Stile, viz. By the Governor, with the Consent and Approbation of the Free­men in General Assembly met; and shall be, after Confirmation by the Governor, forthwith recorded in the Rolls Office, and kept at Philadelphia, unless the Governor and Assembly shall agree to appoint another Place.


THAT all Criminals shall have the same Privileges of Wit­nesses and Council as their Prosecutors. Criminals may have Council, &c.


THAT no Person or Persons shall or may, at any Time hereafter, be obliged to answer any Complaint, Matter or Thing [Page 21] whatsoever, relating to Property, None shall be be obliged to answer, but in ordinary Course of Justice. before the Governor and Coun­cil, or in any other Place, but in ordinary Course of Justice, un­less Appeals thereunto shall be hereafter by Law appointed.


THAT no Person within this Government, shall be licensed by the Governor to keep an Ordinary, Tavern keep­ers, &c. to be recommended before licensed. Tavern or House of publick Entertainment, but such who are first recommended to him, under the Hands of the Justices of the respective Counties, [...]igned in open Court; which Justices are and shall be hereby im­powered, to suppress and forbid any Person, keeping such Publick-House as aforesaid, upon their Misbehaviour, on such Penalties as the Law doth or shall direct; and to recommend others from time to time, as they shall see Occasion.


IF any Person, through Temptation or Melancholy, The Estate of Persons de­stroying them­selves, shall de­scend to their Heirs. shall de­stroy himself; his Estate, real and personal, shall notwithstanding descend to his Wife and Children, or Relations, as if he had died a natural Death; and if any Person shall be destroyed or killed by Casualty or Accident, there shall be no Forfeiture to the Go­vernor by Reason thereof.

AND no Act, Law or Ordinance whatsoever, shall at any Time hereafter, be made or done, to alter, No Law, &c. shall alter this Charter, with­out &c. change or diminish the Form or Effect of this Charter, or of any Part or Clause there­in, contrary to the true Intent and Meaning thereof, without the Consent of the Governor for the Time being, and Six Parts of Seven of the Assembly met.

BUT because the Happiness of Mankind depends so much upon the Enjoying of Liberty of their Consciences as aforesaid, The Article relating to Li­berty of Con­science, shall be inviolable for ever. I do hereby solemnly declare, promise and grant, for me, my Heirs and Assigns, That the First Article of this Charter relating to Liberty of Conscience, and every Part and Clause therein, ac­cording to the true Intent and Meaning thereof, shall be kept and remain, without any Alteration, inviolably for ever.

AND LASTLY, I the said William Penn, Proprietary and Governor of the Province of Pensilvania, and Territories thereunto belonging, for myself, my Heirs and Assigns, have solemnly de­clared, granted and confirmed, and do hereby solemnly declare, grant and confirm, That neither I, my Heirs or Assigns, The Proprieta­ry solemnly confirms this Charter. shall procure or do any Thing or Things whereby the Liberties in this Charter contained and expressed, nor any Part thereof, shall be infringed or broken: And if any thing shall be procured or done, by any Person or Persons, contrary to these Presents, it shall be held of no Force or Effect.

IN WITNESS whereof, I the said William Penn, at Philadelphia in Pensilvania, have unto this present Charter of Li­berties, set my Hand and broad Seal, Date. this Twenty-Eighth Day of [Page 22] October, in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and One, being the Thirteenth Year of the Reign of King WILLIAM the Third, over England, Scotland, France and Ireland, &c. and the Twenty-First Year of my Government.

Proviso, that the Province and Territories may separate in Legislation;AND NOTWITHSTANDING the Closure and Test of this present Charter as aforesaid, I think fit to add this fol­lowing Proviso thereunto, as Part of the same, That is to say, That notwithstanding any Clause or Clauses in the above-men­tioned Charter, obliging the Province and Territories to join to­gether in Legislation, I am content, and do hereby declare, that if the Representatives of the Province and Territories shall not hereafter agree to join together in Legislation, and that the same shall be signified unto me, or my Deputy, in open Assembly, or otherwise from under the Hands and Seals of the Representatives, for the Time being, of the Province and Territories, or the major Part of either of them, at any Time within Three Years from the Date hereof, that in such Case, the Inhabitants of each of the Three Counties of this Province, shall not have less than Eight Persons to represent them in Assembly, for the Province; and the Inhabitants of the Town of Philadelphia (when the said Town is incorporated) Two Persons to represent them in Assembly; and the Inhabitants of each County in the Territories, shall have as many Persons to repre­sent them in a distinct Assembly for the Territories, as shall be by them requested as aforesaid.

And shall ne­vertheless en­joy separately the Privileges granted to them jointly.NOTWITHSTANDING which Separation of the Pro­vince and Territories, in Respect of Legislation, I do hereby pro­mise, grant and declare, That the Inhabitants of both Province and Territories, shall separately enjoy all other Liberties, Privi­leges and Benefits, granted jointly to them in this Charter, any Law, Usage or Custom of this Government heretofore made and practised, or any Law made and passed by this General Assembly, to the Contrary hereof, notwithstanding.


Acceptation. THIS CHARTER of PRIVILEGES being distinctly read in Assembly; and the whole and every Part thereof, being approved of and agreed to, by us, we do thankfully receive the same from our Proprietary and Governor, at Philadelphia, this Twenty-Eighth Day of October, One Thousand Seven Hundred and One. Signed on Behalf, and by Order of the Assembly,

per Joseph Growdon, Speaker.
Edward Shippen, Proprietary and Go­vernor's Council.
Phineas Pemberton, Proprietary and Go­vernor's Council.
Samuel Carpenter, Proprietary and Go­vernor's Council.
Griffith Owen, Proprietary and Go­vernor's Council.
Caleb Pusey, Proprietary and Go­vernor's Council.
Thomas Story. Proprietary and Go­vernor's Council.
[Page 23]


WILLIAM PENN, Proprietary and Governor of the Province of Pensilvania, &c. To all to whom these Pre­sents shall come, sends Greeting. KNOW YE, That at the humble Request of the Inhabitants and Settlers of this Town of Philadelphia, Philadelphia incorporated at the Request of the Inhabi­tants. being some of the first Adventurers and Purchasers within this Province, for their Encouragement, and for the more immediate and entire Government of the said Town, and better Regulation of Trade therein, I have, by Vir­tue of the King's Letters Patent under the Great Seal of England, erected the said Town into a Burrough, and by these Presents do erect the said Town and Burrough of Philadelphia into a CITY; which said City shall extend the Limits and Bounds as it is laid out between Delaware and Skuylkill. Bound.

AND I do for me, my Heirs and Assigns, grant and or­dain, The Streets shall continue as laid out, and the Ends on Delaware free, &c. that the Streets of the said City shall for ever continue as they are now laid out and regulated; and that the End of each Street extending into the River Delaware, shall be and continue free for the Use and Service of the said City, and the Inhabitants thereof, who may improve the same for the best Advantage of the City, and build Wharfs so far out into the River there, as the Mayor, Aldermen and Common-Council, herein after mentioned, shall see meet.

AND I do nominate Edward Shippen to be the present Mayor, who shall so continue until another be chosen, First Mayor named▪ as is here­in after directed.

AND I do hereby assign and name Thomas Story to be pre­sent Recorder, Recorder. to do and execute all Things which unto the Of­fice of Recorder of the said City doth or may belong.

AND I do appoint Thomas Farmar to be the present Sheriff, Sheriff and Clerk, and Robert Assheton to be the present Town-Clerk, and Clerk of the Peace, and Clerk of the Court and Courts.

AND I do hereby name, Alderm [...]n▪ constitute and appoint Ioshua Car­penter, Griffith Iones, Anthony Morris, Ioseph Wilcox, Nathan St [...]bury, Charles Rea [...], Thomas Masters and William Carter, [Page 24] Citizens and Inhabitants of the said City, to be the present Alder­men of the said City of Philadelphia.

And Com­mon-Council-Men.AND I do also nominate and appoint Iohn Parsons, Wil­liam Hudson, William Lee, Nehemiah Allen, Thomas Paschal, Iohn Bud, Junior, Edward Smout, Samuel Buckley, Iames Atkinson, Pen­tecost Teague, Francis Cook and Henry Badcocke, to be the Twelve present Common-Council-Men of the said City.

Incorporating Clause.AND I do by these Presents, for me, my Heirs and Suc­cessors, give, grant and declare, that the said Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Common-Council-Men for the Time being, and they which hereafter shall be Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Common-Council-Men within the said City, and their Successors, for ever hereafter, be and shall be, by Virtue of these Presents, one Body corporate and politick in Deed, and by the Name of the Mayor and Commonalty of the City of Philadelphia, in the Province of Pensilvania: And them by the Name of Mayor and Commonalty of the City of Philadelphia, one Body politick and corporate in Deed and in Name, I do for me, my Heirs and Successors, fully create, constitute and confirm, by these Presents; and that by the same Name of Mayor and Commonalty of the City of Philadelphia, they may have perpetual Succession; and that they and their Successors, by the Name of Mayor and Com­monalty of the City of Philadelphia, be and at all Times hereafter shall be Persons able and capable in Law, Power to hold Lands, &c. to have, get▪ receive and possess Lands and Tenements, Rents, Liberties, Jurisdic­tions, Franchises and Hereditaments, to them and their Succes­sors, in Fee-simple, or for Term of Life, Lives, Years or other­wise; and also Goods, Chattels and other Things, of what Na­ture, Kind or Quality soever.

And to sell or dispose of the same, &c.AND also to give, grant, let, sell and assign the same Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments, Goods, Chattels, and to do and execute all other Things about the same, by the Name afore­said; and also, that they be and shall be for ever hereafter Per­sons able and capable in Law, to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, answer and be answered unto, defend and be de­fended, in all or any the Courts and other Places, and before any Judges, Justices, and other Persons whatsoever within the said Province, in all Manner of Actions, Suits, Complaints, Pleas, Causes and Matters whatsoever, and of what Nature or Kind so­ever.

Seal.AND that it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Mayor and Commonalty of the said City of Philadelphia, and their Successors, for ever hereafter, to have and use one common Seal for the Sealing of all Businesses touching the said Corpora­tion, and the same from time to time at their Will and Pleasure to change or alter.

AND I do for me, my Heirs and Successors, give, and by [Page 25] these Presents grant full Power and Authority unto the Mayor, Power of ch [...] ­sing a Mayor y [...]rly. Recorder and Common-Council of the said City of Philadelphia, or any Five or more of the Aldermen, and Nine or more of the Common-Council-Men, the Mayor and Recorder for the Time being, or either of them, being present, on the First Third Day of the Week, in the Eighth Month yearly for ever hereafter, publickly to meet at a convenient Room or Place within the said City, to be by them appointed for that Purpose, and then and there nominate, elect and chuse one of the Aldermen to be Mayor for that ensuing Year.

AND also to add to the Number of Aldermen and Com­mon-Council-Men, And adding to the Number of Aldermen and Common-Council. such and so many of those, that by Virtue of these Presents shall be admitted Freemen of the said City from time to time, as they the said Mayor, Aldermen and Common-Council shall see Occasion.

AND that such Person who shall be so elected Mayor as [...]foresaid, shall, within Three Days next after such Election, Mayor to be qualified before the Governor be presented before the Governor of this Province, or his Deputy for the Time being, and there shall subscribe the Declarations and Profession of his Christian Belief, according to the late Act of Parliament made in the First Year of King William's Reign, en­titled, An Act for exempting Their Majesties Subjects, dissenting from the Church of England, from the Penalties of certain Laws; and then and there the Mayor so presented, shall make his solemn Affirmation and Eng [...]gement for the due Execution of his Office.

AND that the Recorder, Sheriff, Recorder, &c. to be qualified before the Mayor Aldermen and Common-Council-Men, and all other Officers of the said City, before they or any of them shall be admitted to execute their respective Of­fices, shall make and subscribe the said Declarations and Profes­sion aforesaid before the Mayor for the Time being, and at the same time shall be attested for the due Execution of their Offices respectively; which Declarations, Promises and Attestations, the Mayor of the said City for the Time being, is hereby impowered to take and administer accordingly.

AND that the Mayor, Mayor, Recor­der and Alder­men, shall be Justices of the Peace, and of Oyer and Ter­miner. Recorder and Aldermen of the said City, for the Time being, shall the Justices of the Peace and Justices of Oyer and Terminer; and are hereby impowered to act within the said City and Liberties thereof accordingly, as fully and amply as any Justice or Justices of the Peace or Oyer and Terminer, can or may do within the said Province.

AND that they or any Four or more of them (whereof the Mayor and Recorder of the said City for the Time being shall be Two) shall and may for ever hereafter have Power and Authority, And have Power to hea [...] and enquire in­to all Crime [...]. & [...]. by Virtue of these Presents, to hear and enquire into all and all Manner of Treasons, Murthers, Manslaughters, and all Manner of Felonies and other Crimes and Offences, Capital and Criminal, [Page 26] what [...]oever, according to the Laws of this Province and of the Kingdom of England, And to deter­mine petty Larcenies, &c. and punish Drunkenness, &c. with Power also to hear and determine all petty Larcenies, Routs, Riots, unlawful Assemblies; and to try and punish all Persons that shall be convicted for Drunkenness, Swearing, Scolding, Breaking the Peace, or such like Offences, which are by the Laws of this Province to be punished by Fine, Imprisonment or Whipping; with Power also to award Process against all Rioters and Breakers of the Peace, and to bind them, and all other Offenders and Persons of evil Fame, to the Peace or good Behaviour, as any Justice or Justices of the Peace can do, Without being accountable to the Proprietary for the Fines. without being accountable to me or my Heirs, for any Fines or Amerciaments to be imposed for the said Offences or any of them.

Power to hold Courts.AND I do hereby impower them or any Four of them (whereof the Mayor and Recorder for the Time being shall be Two) with the City-Sheriff and Town-Clerk, to hold and keep a Court of Record Quarterly, or oftener, if they see Occasion, for the enquiring, hearing and determining of the Pleas and Matters aforesaid; and upon their own View, or after a legal Procedure in some of those Courts, to cause all Nuisances and Encroach­ments in the Streets of the said City to be removed, and punish the Parties concerned, as the Law and Usage in such Cases shall require.

AND I do by these Presents assign and appoint, that the present Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen herein before-mentioned, be the present Justices of the Peace, and Oyer and Terminer, within the said City; and that they and all others that shall be Mayors, Recorders and Aldermen of the said City for the Time being, shall have full Power and Authority, and are here­by impowered and authorized, without any further or other Commission, to be Justices of the Peace, and of Oyer and Ter­miner, within the said City for ever; and shall also be Justices of the Peace, Mayor, Recor­der and Alder­men shall be of the Quorum of the County-Courts, &c. and the Mayor and Recorder shall be of the Quo­rum of the Justices of the County-Courts, Quarter-Sessions, Oyer and Terminer, and Goal-Delivery in the said County of Philadel­phia; and shall have full Power to award Process, bind to the Peace or Behaviour, or commit to Prison, for any Matter or Cause arising without the said City and within the Body of the aforesaid County, as Occasion shall require; and to cause Kalen­ders to be made of such Prisoners, which, together with all Re­cognizances and Examinations taken before them for or concern­ing any Matter or Cause not determinable by them, shall be duly returned to the Judges or Justices of the said County, in their respective Courts where the same shall be cognizable.

Power to erect a Goal- and Court-House.AND that it may be lawful to and for the said Mayor and Commonalty and their Successors, when they see Occasion, to erect a Goal or Prison and Court-House within the said City.

[Page 27]AND that the Mayor and Recorder for the Time being, Power to take Recognizance of Debts▪ shall have, and by these Presents have Power to take Recogni­zance of Debts there, according to the Statute of Merchants, and of Action Burnel; and to use and affix the common Seal there­upon, and to all Certificates concerning the same.

AND that it be lawful to and for the Mayor of the said City for the Time being, for ever hereafter to nominate, And to appoint a Clerk of the Market, &c. and from time to time appoint the Clerk of the Market, who shall have Assize of Bread, Wine, Beer, Wood and other Things; and to do, execute and perform all Things belonging to the Clerk of the Market within the said City.

AND I will that the Coroners to be chosen by the Coun­ty of Philadelphia for the Time being, Coroners cho­sen by the County, shall be Coroners of the City, &c. shall be Coroners of the said City and Liberties thereof; but that the Freemen and Inha­bitants of the said City shall from time to time, as often as Occa­sion be, have equal Liberty with the Inhabitants of the said County, to recommend or chuse Persons to serve in the respective Capacities of Coroners and Sheriffs for the County of Philadel­phia, who shall reside within the said City.

AND that the Sheriff of the said City and County for the Time being shall be the Water-Bailiff, The Sheriff shall be the Water-Bailiff, &c. who shall and may exe­cute and perform all things belonging to the Office of Water-Bailiff upon Delaware River, and all other navigable Rivers and Creeks within the said Province.

AND in Case the Mayor of the said City for the Time be­ing, shall, during the Time of his Mayoralty, misbehave himself, Power of Re­moving the Mayor for Misbehaviour▪ or misgovern in that Office, I do hereby impower the Recorder, Aldermen and Common-Council-Men, or Five of the Aldermen and Nine of the Common-Council-Men of the said City of Phila­delphia for the Time being, to remove such Mayor from his Of­fice of Mayoralty; and in such Case, or in Case of the Death of the said Mayor for the Time being, And chusing another. that then another fit Person shall, within Four Days next after such Death or Removal, be chosen in Manner as is above directed for electing of Mayors, in the Place of him so dead or removed.

AND lest there should be a Failure of Justice or Govern­ment in the said City, in such Interval, I do hereby appoint, The eldest Al­derman to act as Mayor in the Interval. That the eldest Alderman for the Time being shall take upon him the Office of a Mayor there, and shall exercise the same till another Mayor be chosen as aforesaid; and in Case of the Disability of such eldest Alderman, then the next in Seniority shall take upon him the said Office of Mayor, to exercise the same as aforesaid.

AND in Case the Recorder, or any of the Aldermen or Com­mon-Council-Men of or belonging to the said City, for the Time being, shall misbehave him or themselves in their respective [Page 28] Offices and Places, Power of Re­moving the Recorder, Al­dermen, or Common-Council-Men; and chusing others. they shall be remov'd and others chosen in their stead, in Manner following, that is to say, The Recorder for the Time being may be removed (for his Misbehaviour) by the Mayor, and Two Thirds of the Aldermen and Common-Council-Men respectively; and in Case of such Removal or of the Death of the Recorder, then to chuse another fit Person skilled in the Law, to be the Recorder there, and so to con­tinue during Pleasure, as aforesaid. And the Alderman so misbehaving himself, may be removed by the Mayor, Recor­der and Nine of the Aldermen and Common-Council-Men; and in Case of such Removal or Death, then within Four Days after, to chuse a fit Person or Persons to supply such Vacancies; and the Common-Council-Men, Constables, and Clerk of the Mar­ket, for Misbehaviour, shall be removed and others chosen, as is directed in the Case of Aldermen.

Penalties on Refusing to serve in theOf­fices of Mayor, Recorder, Common-Council-Men, &c.AND I do also, for me and my Successors, by these Pre­sents, grant to the said Mayor and Commonalty, and their Suc­cessors, that if any of the Citizens of the said City, shall be here­after nominated, elected and chosen to the Office of Mayor, Al­dermen and Common-Council-Men as aforesaid, and having Notice of his or their Election, shall refuse to undertake and exe­cute that Office to which he is so chosen, that then, and so often it shall and may be lawful for the Mayor and Recorder, Al­dermen and Common-Council-Men, or the major Part of the Aldermen and Common-Council-Men for the Time being, ac­cording to their Discretion, to impose such moderate Fines upon such Refusers, so as the Mayor's Fine exceed not Forty Pounds, the Alderman's Five and Thirty Pounds, and Common-Council-Men Twenty Pounds, and other Officers proportionably, to be levied by Distress and Sale, by Warrant under the common Seal, or by other lawful Ways, to the Use of the said Corpo­ration. And in such Cases it shall be lawful to chuse others to supply the Defects of such Refusers, in Manner as is above di­rected for Elections.

Power of Sum­moning aCom­mon-Council.AND that it shall and may be lawful to and for the Mayor, Recorder, and at least Three Aldermen for the Time being, from time to time, so often as they shall find Occasion, to summon a Common-Council of the said City.

No Meeting shall be deem­ed a Common-Council, unless &c.AND that no Assembly or Meeting of the said Citizens shall be deemed or accounted a Common-Council, unless the said Mayor and Recorder, and at least Three of the Aldermen for the Time being, and Nine of the Common-Council-Men be present.

AND also that the said Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Common-Council-Men for the Time being, from time to time, at their Common-Council, shall have Power to admit such and so many Freemen into their Corporation and Society as they shall think fit.

[Page 29]AND to make (and they may make, ordain, Power to make Laws and Ordi­nances▪ constitute and establish) such and so many good and reasonable Laws, Ordi­nances and Constitutions (not repugnant to the Laws of England and this Government) as to the greater Part of them at such Com­mon-Council assembled (where the Mayor and Recorder for the Time being, are to be always present) shall seem necessary and convenient for the Government of the said City.

AND the same Law, Ordinances, And to put them in Exe­cution, revoke them, &c. Orders and Constitutions so to be made, to put in Use and Execution accordingly, by the proper Officers of the said City; and at their Pleasure to revoke, alter and make anew, as Occasion shall require.

AND also impose such Mulcts and Amerciaments upon the Breakers of such Laws and Ordinances, And to impos [...] Mulcts, &c. as to them in their Dis­cretion shall be thought reasonable; which Mulcts, as also all other Fines and Amerciaments to be set or imposed by Virtue of the Powers granted, shall be levied as above is directed in Case of Fines, to the Use of the said Corporation, without rendering any Account thereof to me, my Heirs and Succes­sors; with Power to th [...] Common-Council aforesaid, to miti­gate, remit or release such Fines and Mulcts, upon the Submis­sion of the Parties. Provided always, What Persons have Right to elect or be elected. That no Person or Persons hereafter shall have Right of Electing or being elected, by Virtue of these Presents, to any Office or Place judicial or ministerial, nor shall be admitted Freemen of the said City, unless they be free Denizens of this Province, and are of the Age of Twenty-One Year [...] or upwards, and are Inhabitants of the said City, and have an Estate of Inheritance or Freehold therein, or are worth Fifty Pounds in Money or other Stock, and have been resident in the said City for the Space of Two Years, or shall purchase their Freedom of the Mayor and Commonalty aforesaid.

AND I do further grant to the said Mayor and Commonalty of the City of Philadelphia, Market-Days. that they and their Successors shall and may for ever hereafter hold and keep within the said City, in every Week of the Year, Two Market-Days, the one upon the Fourth Day of the Week and the other upon the Seventh Day of the Week, in such Place or Places, as is, shall, or may be ap­pointed for that Purpose, by the said Commonalty or their Suc­cessors, from time to time.

AND also Two Fairs therein every Year, Fair [...]. the one of them to begin on the Sixteenth Day of the Third Month, called May, yearly, and so to be held in and about the Market-Place, and continue for that Day and Two Days next following; and the othe [...] of the said Fairs to be held in the aforesaid Place on the Sixteenth Day of the Ninth Month yearly, and for Two Days next after.

AND I do for me, my Heirs and Assigns, Philadelphia constituted a Port. by Virtue of the King's Letters Patent, make, erect and constitute the said City of Philadelphia, to be a Port or Harbour for discharging and unlading [Page 30] of Goods and Merchandize out of Ships, Boats and other Vessels; and for lading and shipping them in or upon such and so many Places, Keys and Wharfs there, as by the Mayor, Aldermen and Common-Council of the said City shall from time to time be thought most expedient for the Accommodation and Service of the Officers of the Customs, in the Management of the King's Affairs and Preservation of His Duties, as well as for Conveniency of Trade.

Extent of the Port.AND I do ordain and declare, that the said Port or Harbour shall be called the Port of Philadelphia, and shall extend and be ac­counted to extend into all such Creeks, Rivers and Places within this Province, and shall have so many Wharfs, Keys, Landing-Places and Members belonging thereto, for Landing and Shipping of Goods, as the said Mayor, Aldermen and Common-Council for the Time being, with the Approbation of the chief Officer or Office [...]s of the King's Customs, shall from time to time think [...]it to appoint.

The Landing-Places left open, with Li­berty to dig Docks, &c.AND I do also ordain, that the Landing-Places now and here­tofore used at the Penny-Pot-House and Blue Anchor, saving to all Persons their just and legal Rights and Properties in the Land so to be open, as also the Swamp between Bud's Buildings and the Society-H [...]ll, shall be left open and common for the Use and Service of the said City and all others, with Liberty to dig Docks and make Harbours for Ships and Vessels in all or any Pa [...] of the said Swamp.

Vacant Land to re [...]ain open for Pasture, un­til, &c.AND I do hereby grant, that all the vacant Land within the Bounds and Limits of the said City, shall remain open as a free Common of Pasture, for the Use of the Inhabitants of the said City, until the same shall be gradually taken in, in order to build or im­prove thereon, and not otherwise. Provided always, that nothing here­in contained, shall debar me or my Heirs in time to come, from fencing in all the vacant Lands that lie between the Center-Meeting-House and the Skuylkil, which I intend shall be divided from the Land by me allotted for Delaware Side, by a straight Line along the Broad-Street from Edward Shippen's Land through the Center-Square by Daniel Pegg's Land; nor shall the fencing or taking in of any of the Streets, happening to be within that Inclosure on Skuylkil, be deemed or adjudged to be an Incroachment, where it shall not interfere or stop any of the Streets or Passages leading to any of the Houses built or to be built on that Side, any thing herein con­tained to the contrary notwithstanding.

This Charter to be construed in favour of the Corpora­tion.AND I do grant, that this present Charter shall in all Courts of Law and Equity be construed and taken most favourably and beneficially for the said Corporation.

IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and caused my Great Seal to be a [...]fixed. Dated at Philadelphia the Five and Twentieth Day of October, Anno Domini One Thousand Seven Hun [...]red and One, Date. and in the Thirteenth Year of the Reign of King WILLIAM the Third, over England, &c. and the One and Twen­ti [...]th Year of my Government.



Published by Order of ASSEMBLY.


[Page 3]

At a GENERAL ASSEMBLY begun at New-Castle, the Fourteenth Day of October, and continued by Adjourn­ment until the Twenty-seventh Day of November, in the Twelfth Year of the Reign of King WILLIAM, and in the Year of our LORD 1700. On which Day the following ACTS were passed by WILLIAM PENN, Esq absolute Proprietary and Governor in Chief of the Province of Penn­sylvania, &c. That is to say,

CHAP. I. The Law concerning Liberty of Conscience.

Repealed by the Queen's Order in Council the 7th of February 1705: But in the same Year amended and re-enacted in the Words following, viz.

[Page 4]

The LAW concerning Liberty of Conscience.

ALMIGHTY GOD being only LORD of Conscience, Preamble. Author of all divine Know­ledge, Faith and Worship, who can only enlighten the Minds and convince the Under­standing of People; in due Reverence to his Sovereignty over the Souls of Mankind, and the better to unite the Queen's Christian Subjects in Interest and Affection, BE IT ENACTED by IOHN EVANS, Esq by the Queen's Royal Approbation Lieutenant Governor under WILLIAM PENN, Esq absolute Proprietary and Governor in chief of the Province of Pennsylvania, and Counties annexed, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Freemen of the said Province, in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, That no Person, now, To whom al­lowed. or at any time hereafter, dwelling or residing within this Province, who shall profess Faith in GOD the Father, and in JESUS CHRIST His only Son, and in the Holy Spirit, One GOD blessed forevermore, and shall acknowledge the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New-Testament to be given by Divine Inspiration, and, when lawfully required, shall profess and declare that they will live peaceably under the civil Government, shall in any Case be molested or pre­judiced for his or her consciencious Persuasion, nor shall he or she be at any time compelled to frequent or maintain any religious Worship, Place or Ministry whatsoever, contrary to his or her Mind, but shall freely and fully enjoy his or her Christian Liberty in all Respects, without Molestation or Interruption.

CHAP. II. An ACT against Riots, Rioters, and riotous Sports, Plays and Games.


CHAP. III. An ACT against Adultery, Fornication, &c.


CHAP. IV. An ACT against Rape or Ravishment.


[Page 5]

CHAP. V. An ACT against Incest, Sodomy and Bestiality.


CHAP. VI. An ACT against Bigamy.


CHAP. VII. An ACT against Robbing and Stealing.


CHAP. VIII. An ACT about Boats and Canoes.

BE IT ENACTED by the Proprietary and Governor, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Freemen of this Province and Territories, in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, That if any Person or Persons within this Pro­vince or Territories, shall fairly take up any Man's Boat or Canoe, the same being adrift, he shall receive, as a Re­ward, from the Owner thereof, the Sum of Five Shillings for a Boat, and Two Shillings and Six Pence for a Canoe. Five Shillings for taking up a Boat, and Two Shillings and Six Pence for a Canoe. AND if any Person or Persons shall, at any time after Publication of this Law, take, carry away or set adrift a Vessel, Boat or Canoe, from any Landing within this Pro­vince or Territories, without Leave or Consent first had and obtained from the Owner thereof, Penalty for taking a Boat, &c. from a Landing, &c. shall pay double the Value of such Vessel, Boat or Canoe; and the Property of the Vessel, Boat or Canoe so taken away or set adrift, as aforesaid, shall still remain in the Master or Owner thereof, and the Master or Owner of the same to have one half of the Penalty or Forfeiture.

CHAP. IX. An ACT against breaking into Houses.


CHAP. X. An ACT against firing of Houses.


[Page 6]

CHAP. XI. An ACT against forcible Entry.

BE IT ENACTED, &c. That whosoever shall violently and forcibly enter into the House or Pos­session of any other Person within this Province or Territories, being duly convicted thereof, shall be pu­nished as a Breaker of the Peace, and make such Satis­faction to the Party aggrieved, as the Circumstances of the Fact will bear.

CHAP. XII. An ACT against Menacing, and Assault and Battery.


CHAP. XIII. An ACT against Murther.


CHAP. XIV. An ACT against Sedition, spreading false News, and Defamation.


CHAP. XV. An ACT against removing Land-Marks.

FOR the greater Security and Certainty of the Boun­daries of Land, BE IT ENACTED, &c. That no Person in this Province or Counties annexed, shall cut, sell, alter or remove any certain bounded Tree, or other allowed Land-Mark, to the Wrong of his Neighbour or any other Person; under the Penalty of any Sum not less than Ten Pounds.

CHAP. XVI. An ACT against Defacers of Charters, &c.

WHEREAS the Security of Titles and Property in a great Measure depends upon the Safety and Certainty of Writing and Records, BE IT ENACTED, &c. That whosoever shall forge, deface, corrupt or imbezel any Charters, Gifts, Grants, [Page 7] Bonds, Bills, Wills, Conveyances or Contracts, or shall deface or falsify any Inrolment, Registry or Record, within this Province or Territories, Forgery, & ▪ how punish­ed shall forfeit double the Value of the Damage thereby sustained, one half thereof shall go to the Party wronged; and the Person so offending shall be discarded from all Places of Trust, and publickly disgraced, as a false Person, in the Pillory, or otherwise, at the Discre­tion of the Court before whom the Cause shall be tried.

CHAP. XVII. An ACT for County Seals, and against counter­feiting Hands and Seals.


CHAP. XVIII. An ACT for regulating the Interest of Money.

Altered and supplied.

CHAP. XIX. An ACT of Privileges to a Freeman.


CHAP. XX. An ACT against buying Land of the Natives.

BE IT ENACTED, &c. That if any Person shall presume to buy any Land of the Natives, within the Limits of this Province and Territories, without Leave from the Proprietary thereof, every such Bargain and Purchase shall be void and of none Effect.

CHAP. XXI. An ACT directing how petty Offences shall be punished.

WHEREAS many Times, Persons for Misde­meanors, the Fine of which is but small, be­ing presented by the Grand-Juries (which hath been the usual Course of Trials in such Cases heretofore) have been put to great Charges by Reason of the Fees that have accrued thereupon: For Prevention whereof, [Page 8] BE IT ENACTED by the Proprietary and Go­vernor, by and with, &c. That where the Fine doth not exceed Twenty Shillings, One Justice may deter­mine. one or more Justices of the Peace, upon due Proof of the Offence, or being committed in his or their Presence, may determine and give Judgment in every such Case, and issue Warrants to the Constable to levy the said Fine upon the Offender's Goods and Chattels by Distress and Sale thereof; or may commit the Offender to Prison, as the Law shall direct or require, except in such Cases where the Law leaves the Fine to the Discretion of the County Court.

CHAP. XXII. An ACT for the Names of Days and Months.


CHAP. XXIII. An ACT for the better Provision of the Poor, &c.


CHAP. XXIV. An ACT about the Recording of Deeds.


CHAP. XXV. An ACT for preventing clandestine Marriages.


CHAP. XXVI. An ACT about binding to the Peace.

BE IT ENACTED, &c. That whosoever shall threaten the Person of another, to wound, kill or de­stroy him, or do him any harm in Person or Estate, and the Person so threatned shall appear before a Justice of the Peace, One Justice may bind to Peace. and attest, That he believes that by such Threatning he is in Danger to be hurt in Body or Estate; such Person so Threatning as aforesaid, shall be bound over, with one sufficient Surety, to appear at the next Sessions or County Court, to be holden for the County where such Offence was committed, to be proceeded against according to Law; and, in the mean time, to be of his good Behaviour, and keep Peace towards all the King's Subjects.

[Page 9]

CHAP. XXVII. An ACT limiting the Presentments of the Grand-Iury.


CHAP. XXVIII. An ACT to ascertain the Number of Members of Assembly, and to regulate Elections.


CHAP. XXIX. The LAW about Attachments.


CHAP. XXX. An ACT for Naturalization.


CHAP. XXXI. An ACT for Ascertaining the Descent of Lands, and better Disposition of the Estates of Persons intestate.


CHAP. XXXII. An ACT for raising County Levies.

Altered and supplied.

CHAP. XXXIII. An ACT directing the Attests of several Officers and Ministers.


CHAP. XXXIV. An ACT for the better Attendance of the Iustices on the several Courts of Iudicature within this Province and Territories.

TO the End that the respective Justices of the several Counties within this Province and Territories, may give their due Attendance at the same Courts, that Business may speedily be effected, and People dispatch­ed to follow their respective Callings and Affairs, BE IT ENACTED, &c. That the Justices of the Peace, shall, at their respective County Courts, Penalty on Ju­stices not at­tending on Courts. give their Attendance, under the Penalty or Forfeiture of Thirty Shil­lings, one half to the Poor of the County, and the other to [Page 10] the Proprietary and Governor; to be levied by Distress and Sale of the Offender's Goods and Chattels, by Warrant un­der the Hands and Seals of the Majority of the Justices at the next subsequent Court, to be directed to the Sheriff of the County; unless such absent Justice shall give a sufficient Reason for such his Absence, to be allowed of by the said Court, at the next Sitting thereof.

CHAP. XXXV. An ACT against Iurors Absenting, being law­fully summoned to attend the several Courts of Iudicature within this Province and Territories.

BE IT ENACTED, &c. That all Persons, Free­men within this Province and Territories, being duly and legally summoned to appear at any Court, to serve upon the Jury, or any Inquest required by Law, and shall neglect or omit to give their Attendance, shall be fined by the respective Courts, Twenty Shil­ling Penalty for not ap­pearing on Ju­ries. where they were summoned to attend, in any Sum not exceeding Twenty Shillings, for the Use of the Poor of the County where such Offence shall be committed; unless, at the next succeeding Court, they render a reasona­ble Excuse for such their Absence, to be allowed of by the Judges or Justices then present.

CHAP. XXXVI. An ACT for Determining of Debts under Forty Shillings.


CHAP. XXXVII. An ACT to prevent immoderate Fines.


CHAP. XXXVIII. An ACT about Defalcation.


CHAP. XXXIX. An ACT against Speaking in Derogation of Courts.


[Page 11]

CHAP. XL. An ACT for the Appraisement of Goods.

BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That the respective County Courts within this Pro­vince and Territories, shall, and hereby have Power, as often as they shall see meet, to nominate and appoint three sufficient honest and discreet Persons, County Courts to nominate three Persons to be Apprai­sers. whom they shall attest to be Appraise [...]s, in their several and respective Counties, to value and appraise all such Goods and Chattels as shall be taken upon Executions, by any Process out of the respec­tive Courts of this Government, or as need shall require; which Goods shall not be sold till such Appraisement be made by them, as aforesaid, or any two of them, The Goods not to be sold within seven Days. nor till seven Days after the said Appraisement, to the End the Party or Parties concerned may be present at the Sale thereof, if they think fit; which Sale shall be made openly, and in publick Way and Manner, and the Overplus to be returned to the Owner. AND in Case the Goods appraised will not sell for so much as the same are appraised and valued to be worth by the said Appraisers, or any two of them as aforesaid, the Creditor shall receive them for his Pay, ac­cording as the same are valued and appraised, returning the Overplus as aforesaid. AND the said Appraisers shall have, as a Fee, Two Pence per Pound, and Two Pence per Mile, Journey-Fees.

CHAP. XLI. An ACT against Barrators.

BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Person within this Province and Territo­ries, in any Court within the same, be indicted, proved and adjudged a common Barrator, vexing others with unjust and vexatious Suits; he shall be adjudged a common Bar­rator, and his Suits and Actions rejected if the Court see Cause for the same, and be punished for his Barratry.

CHAP. XLII. An ACT to oblige Witnesses to give Evidence, and to prevent false Swearing.


[Page 12]

CHAP. XLIII. An ACT confirming Devises of Lands and Validity of nuncupative Wills.


CHAP. XLIV. An ACT to prevent the grievous Sin of Cursing and Swearing within this Province and Territories.

WHEREAS the Sins of Cursing and Swearing are odious and abominable to Almighty GOD, and all good Men, and may draw down GOD's Judgments upon any Nation, Country or Province, where such grand Offences go unpunished: For the Prevention whereof, and to deter and punish all such Persons, within this Province and Territories, as shall swear or accustom themselves to Swear­ing and Cursing;

BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Person or Persons within this Province and Territories, Common Swearers how convicted. from and after the Publication hereof, shall swear in his or her common Conversation, by the Name of GOD, CHRIST or JESUS, and shall be legally convict thereof, by one or more credible Witnesses, before any one Justice of the Peace of the Town or County where such Offence was committed; Five Shillings for the first Offence, or five Days Im­prisonment, &c. shall, for the first Offence, forfeit and pay the Sum of Five Shillings, for the Use of the Poor of the County where such Offence was committed, or suffer five Days Imprisonment, in the House of Correc­tion, at hard Labour, and be fed with Bread and Water during that time; and for the second Offence, Six Shillings, or six Days Imprisonment as aforesaid; For the se­cond Six Shil­lings, &c. and for the third Of­fence, Ten Shillings, or ten Days Imprisonment as aforesaid; and for the fourth Offence, shall be fined at the Discretion of the County Court, in any Sum not exceeding Five Pounds, or be compelled to work in Prison, at hard Labour, not ex­ceeding two Months, and shall be deemed a common Swearer, and shall be liable to be whipped and to receive Twenty-one Lashes once in every three Months, during the Sitting of the County Courts, for seven Years.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That whosoever shall swear by any other Name or Thing, and is legally convict thereof, [Page 13] shall pay, for every such Offence, half a Crown, or suffer three Days Imprisonment in the House of Correction, at hard Labour, and be fed with Bread and Water as aforesaid.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That whosoever shall wilfully, Blaspheme [...] of the Al­mighty, &c. forfeit Ten Pounds, and suffer Imp [...] ­sonment. premeditately or despitefully blaspheme or speak loosly and prophanely of Almighty GOD, or CHRIST JESUS, or the HOLY SPIRIT, or the SCRIPTURES of TRUTH, and shall be legally convict thereof, shall for­feit and pay the Sum of Ten [...]ounds, for the U [...]e of the Poor of the County where [...]uch Offence shall be committed, and suffer three Months Impri [...]nment, at ha [...]d Labour as afore­said, for the Use of the Poor. Cu [...]sers of themselves of others, forfeit 5 [...]. &c. AND whosoever shall at any time curse himself, or any other, or any thing be­longing to himself or any other, and is legally con­victed thereof, shall pay, for every [...]uch Offence, Five Shil­lings, or suffer five Days Imprisonment as aforesaid.

CHAP. XLV. An ACT to prevent Duelling, and Fighting of Duels, within this Province and Territories.

FOR the Prevention of Duelling and Fighting of Duels, within this Province and Territories, BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Person, within this Government, challenge the Person of another, to fight at Sword, Pistol, Rapier, or any other dan­gerous and destructive Weapon, [...]uch Person, so challenging, shall forfeit and pay (being lawfull [...] convict thereof) the Sum of Twenty Pounds, or suffer th [...]ee Months Imprison­ment, at hard Labour: Twenty Pound Fine for him that gives, and also for him that accepts [...] Challenge, &c. And the Person accepting such Challenge shall forfeit and pay the like Sum of Twenty Pounds, or suffer Imprisonment as aforesaid. The said For­feitures or Payments to be to the U [...]e and Behoof of the Proprietary and Governor, and to no other Use whatsoever.

CHAP. XLVI. An ACT for impowering Widows and Admini­strators to sell so much of the Lands of Intestates as may be sufficient to clear their Debts, &c.


[Page 14]

CHAP. XLVII. An ACT for the Preservation of the Person of the Proprietary and Governor.


CHAP. XLVIII. An ACT for taking Lands in Execution for the Payment of Debts, where the Sheriff cannot come at other Effects to satisfy the same.

TO the End that no Creditor may be defrauded of their just Debts, due to them by Persons of this Province and Territories, who have sufficient real Estates, if not personal, to satisfy the same, BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That all Lands and Houses what [...]oever within this Government, Real Estates liab [...]e to Sale for Payment of Debts. shall be liable to Sale, upon Judgment and Execution obtained against the Defen­dant, the Owner, his Heirs, Executors or Administrators, where no sufficient personal Estate is to be found; with this due Proviso, That the Messuage and Plantation, with its Appurtenances, How to pro­c [...]ed upon Judgment ob­tained, &c. upon which the Defendant is chiefly seated, shall not be exposed to Sale before the Expiration of one whole Year after Judgment is obtained; to the Intent that the said Defendant, or any other, on his Behalf, may endea­vour the Redemption of the same: And before any such Lands, Messuages or Houses, or any other Lands, or Houses whatsoever, taken in Execution, shall be sold, they shall be duly appraised by twelve honest and discreet Men of the Neighbourhood; and that then it shall and may be lawful for the Sheriff to make Sale of and convey the same under his Hand and Seal. After which Sale and Appraisement made as aforesaid, such Land and Houses shall be and re­main a free and clear Estate to the Purchaser or Creditor to whom they are so made over or sold, his Heirs and Assigns forever, as amply and fully as ever they were to the Debtor.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That lawful Interest shall be allowed to the Creditor for the Sum or Value he obtained Judgment for, In [...]erest shall be allowed the Creditor till Sale, &c. from the time the said Judgment was obtained till the time of Sale, or till Satisfaction made.

[Page 15]PROVIDED ALSO, The Creditor not obliged to take the whole Plantation, &c. That the chief Plantation or Messuage shall last be taken in Execution; and that where the Appraisement of the Lands taken in Execution amounts to more than the Debt, Co [...]ts and Damages, the Creditor shall not be obliged in such Case to take the Whole, and pay the Overplus; but only to take so much as to satis [...]y the Execution, and no more.

CHAP. XLIX. An ACT for the better Regulation of Servants in this Province and Territories.

FOR the just Encouragement of Servants in Discharge of their Duty, and the Prevention of their De­serting their Masters or Owners Service, BE IT ENACTED by the, &c. That no Servant, No Servant to be sold out of this Go­vernment, without his Consent, un­der Penalty of Ten Pounds, forfeited by the Seller. bound to serve his or her Time in this Province or Counties annexed, shall be sold or disposed of to any Person residing in any other Province or Government, without the Consent of the said Servant and two Justices of the Peace of the County wherein he lives or is sold, under the Penalty of Ten Pounds, to be forfeited by the Seller.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Nor assigned over except before a Ju­stice. That no Servant shall be assigned over to another Person, by any in this Province and Terri­tories, but in the Presence of one Justice of the Peace of the County, under the Penalty of Ten Pounds; which Penal­ty, with all others in this Act mentioned, shall be levied by Distress and Sale of Goods of the Party offending.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That every Servant that shall faithfully serve four Years, or more, shall, The Allow­ance to Ser­vants at the Expiration of their Servi­tude. at the Expiration of their Servitude, have a Discharge, and shall be duly cloathed with two compleat Suits of Apparel, whereof one shall be new, and shall also be furnished with one new Ax, one Grubbing-Hoe, and one Weeding-Hoe, at the Charge of their Master or Mistress.

AND for Prevention of Servants quitting their Masters Service, BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Servant shall absent him or herself [Page 16] from the Service of their Master or Owner, for the Space of one Day, Servants shall serve five Days for every Days Absence from their Master, &c. or more, without Leave first obtained for the same, every such Servant, shall, for every such Day's Ab­sence, be obliged to serve five Days, after the Expiration of his or her Time, and shall further make such Satisfac­tion to his or her Master or Owner, for the Damages and Charges sustained by such Absence, as the respective Coun­ty Courts shall see meet, who shall order, as well the Time to be served, as other Recompence for Damages sustained.

AND whoever shall apprehend or take up any run-away Servant, The Reward for taking up Run-aways, &c. and shall bring him or her to the Sheriff of the County, such Person, shall, for every Servant, if taken up within ten Miles of the Servant's Abode, receive Ten Shil­lings; and if ten Miles, or upwards, Twenty Shillings Re­ward of the said Sheriff; who is hereby required to pay the same, and forthwith to send Notice to the Master or Owner, of whom he shall receive Five Shillings, Prison-Fees, upon the Delivery of the said Servant, together with all other Disbursements and reasonable Charges for and upon the same.

AND to prevent the clandestine Imploying of other Men's Servants, BE IT ENACTED by the Au­thority aforesaid, That whosoever shall conceal any Servant of this Province or Territories, Penalty for concealing Servants. or entertain him or her Four-and-twenty-Hours, without his or her Master's or Owner's Knowledge or Consent, and shall not, within the said time, give Notice thereof to some Justice of the Peace of the County, every such Person shall forfeit Twenty Shil­lings for every Day's Concealment. AND in case the said Justice shall not, within Twenty-four Hours after Com­plaint made to him, Penalty on the Justice for Neglect. issue his Warrant, directed to the next Constable, for Apprehending and Seizing the said Servant, and commit him or her to the Custody of the Sheriff of the County, such Justice, shall, for every such Offence, forfeit Five Pounds. AND the Sheriff shall by the first Opportuni­ty, As also on the Sheriff. after he has received the said Servant, send Notice thereof to his or her Master or Owner; and the said Sheriff ne­glecting or omitting, in any case, to give Notice to the Owner or Master of the Servant being in his Custody as aforesaid, shall forfeit Five Shillings for every Day's Neglect after an Opportunity has offered; to be proved against him before the next County Court, and to be there adjudged.

[Page 17]AND for the more effectual Discouragement of Ser­vants Imbezeling their Masters or Owners Goods, BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Persons deal­ing clandes­tinely with Servants or Slaves, forfeit treble the Va­lue of the Goods dealt for, &c. That whoso­ever shall clandestinely deal or traffick with any Servant, White or Black, for any kind of Goods or Merchandizes, without Leave or Order from his or her Master or Owner, plainly signified and appearing, shall forfeit treble the Value of such Goods to the Owner; and the Servant, if a White, shall make Satisfaction to his or her Master or Owner by Servitude, after the Expiration of his or her Time, to dou­ble the Value of the said Goods: And if the Servant be a Black, he shall be severely whip'd in the most publick Place of the Township where the Offence was committed.

CHAP. L. An ACT for the Erecting and Establishing a Post-Office.

Supplied by an Act of Parliament.

CHAP. LI. An ACT for the Assize of Bread.

FOR the better Regulation of Bakers, and the Assize of Bread, BE IT ENACTED by the Au­thority aforesaid, Every Baker to set his Mark on Bread. That henceforth every Baker who makes any Bread for Sale, shall have a distinct Mark to be set on all the Bread he shall bake, and shall make it of the t [...]e Assize hereafter expressed, That is to say, When Wheat is ordinarily sold for Money at any of these several Rates hereafter mentioned, the several Sorts of Bread shall be re­spectively according to the following Table, by Troy-Weight.

Price of [...]heat per Bu [...]el. Penny white Br [...]d▪ Penny wheaten Bread Penn [...] hous [...]old Bread
s. d. Uz. Qr. Uz. Qr. Uz. Qr.
3 0 10 0 15 2 23 0
3 6 9 1 14 0 21 0
The Weight Bakers shall make their Bread.
4 0 8 2 12 3 19 0
4 6 7 3 12 0 17 0
5 0 6 3 11 1 16 0
5 6 6 0 10 2 14 3
6 0 5 2 9 3 13 3
6 6 5 0 9 1 12 0

[Page 18] And so proportionably, On Penalty, &c. under the Penalty of Forfeiting all such Bread as shall not be of the several Assizes before-mentioned, to the Use of the Poor where the Offence is committed, and otherwise, as is herein after expressed. And that each Bake [...] shall bake but three Sorts of Bread, And to make no more than three Sorts of Bread, &c. viz. White, Wheaten and Houshold, and no more; and the Loaves shall be a Penny Loaf or Roll, a Five Penny Loaf, and a Ten Penny Loaf; and that if any of these exceed the Assize in Fineness or Weight, it shall be equally seizable as if it were under the Fineness or Weight. And each Baker of soft Bread shall be allowed Six Pence on the Bushel above the Assize, That is to say, When Wheat is at Five Shillings per Bushel, they shall make their Bread as if Wheat were at Five Shillings and Six Pence. And Wheat being at Five Shillings per Bushel, the Penny white Bread shall weigh six Ounces, the Wheaten ten Ounces and a half, and the Houshold fourteen Ounces and three Quarters, and so pro­portionably, as if the Wheat were sold at Five Shillings and Six Pence.

AND for the better Execution of this present Law, BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, In every Town need­ful a Clerk of the Market shall be ap­pointed; That there shall be in every Market-Town, and in all other Towns needful, one Person com­missionated by the Proprietary and Governor, to be Clerk of the Market for each Market, who shall be attested duly to perform his Office therein. All which Officers are here­by authorized to enter into all Houses, either with a Con­stable, Who are to try the Weight of Bread and Butter▪ which if too ligh [...] shall be for­feited. or without, where they shall suspect or be informed of any Bread baked for Sale, as also to weigh all such Bread, as often as they shall see cause, and to seize all such as they shall find deficient; as also to weigh all Butter made up for Sale, or brought unto or being in the Town or Mar­ket to be sold by Weight, which, if found light a second time, once after Notice is given, shall be in like Manner for­feited; as also all Bread, made for Sale, not being duly marked as aforesaid: How the For­feitures shall be disposed of. Of all which Forfeitures, the said Officer shall have one third Part for his Trouble; the other two Thirds to the Use of the Poor as aforesaid.

AND for the more effectual Prevention of [...]rauds herein, BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That all Persons within this Province and Territories, who bake any Bread for Sale, shall, at all Times hereafter, have all their Bread that they bake, either for Sale, or to spend in their Houses, made of the due [Page 19] Assize, marked and yielded to Tryal of the said Officer, as is directed in this Act, under the Penalty of forfeiting all such Bread whatsoever as aforesaid.

CHAP. LII. An ACT for Priority of Payment to the Inhabi­tants of this Government.


CHAP. LIII. An ACT for the Regulating of Streets and Water-Courses in the Cities and Towns of this Government.


CHAP. LIV. An ACT for preventing Accidents that may happen by Fire in the Towns of Bristol, lately called Buckingham, Philadelphia, Germantown, Darby, Chester, New-Castle and Lewis, within this Government.


CHAP. LV. An ACT to impower the Iustices in each County to lay out and confirm all Roads, except the King's Highways and publick Roads.

BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That all the King's Highways or publick Roads, The King's High-ways to be laid out by Order of the Governor and Council. within this Province or Counties annexed, shall be laid out by Order of the Governor and Council for the time being; which Roads shall be recorded in the Council Book, with the Courses thereof, as near as may be done.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That the Justices of each County Court, within this Government, shall, and by Vir­tue of this Act, have Power, as often as they find needful, in open Court, to order and appoint six sufficient House-keepers of the Neighbourhood inhabiting near the Place where Complaint is made, for Want of a Road or Cart-way unto the publick Road, who shall view the said Place; [Page 20] and if the said House-keepers, And where it is necessary for a Cart [...]ay to the publick Road, upon Complain [...], by order of the Justices of the County Court. or any four of them, are sa­tisfied that there is Occasion for a Road or Cart-way to be laid out, according to the Complainant or Complainants Desire, then they shall and may lay out the same in and through such convenient Places as they shall think may be least to the Damage and Inconveniency of the Neighbours or Parties concerned, and least injurious to the Settlements thereabouts; and of such a Breadth as the Justices shall or­der and appoint, The Breadth not to exceed fifty Foot. so that it exceed not fifty Foot; and shall make Return thereof, under their Hands, to the next Coun­ty Court, after it is laid out: And if then and there the Justices approve the same, If approved of, to be en­tered upon Record. it shall, at the same Court, be entered upon Record, and, from thenceforth, be taken, deemed and allowed to be a lawful Road or Cart-way, from that time forward. Provided, That no such Road shall be carried through any Man's improved Lands, If thro' im­prov'd Lands to be paid for by theCounty. but where there is a Necessity for the same; and where that appears, the respective County Court shall appoint six indifferent Men to view and adjudge the Value of so much of such improved Lands as shall be taken up for the Use aforesaid, and the Value thereof shall be paid to the Owner of the said Lands out of the respective County Stock.

AND to prevent any Difference that may arise among Neighbours, about Roads or Cart-ways laid out by Order of the Governor and Council, or any of the County Courts in this Government, and which are or shall be entered upon Record, either before or after the making and publishing of this Act, BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Such Roads shall be free and open. That all such Roads and Cart-ways, as before­mentioned, shall be taken, deemed and allowed to be free, open and lawful Roads and Cart-ways, from the time they are so laid out and recorded as aforesaid.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Persons pre­suming to stop any laid ou [...]- Road, by falling Trees, &c. forfeit Five Pounds. That if any Person or Persons shall presume to stop or hinder any of the said High-ways, or other Roads heretofore laid out, or hereafter to be laid out and allowed of as aforesaid, and shall commit any Nu­sance therein, by falling of Trees, making Fences, or any other Way, and do not remove the same forthwith, such Person or Persons shall be fined in the Sum of Five Pounds, to be levied by Distress and Sale of the Offender's Goods and Chattels, to be imployed by the County Court for the clearing and removing of the said Nusances; and the Re­mainder thereof shall be imployed by the said Court in [Page 21] Repairing and Clearing other Roads within the Township where the Offence was committed, any Law, Custom or Usage to the Contrary hereof in anywise notwithstanding.

CHAP. LVI. An ACT for regulating and maintaining of Fences.

FOR preventing of all Disputes and Differences that may arise through the Neglect or Insufficiency of Fences in this Province and Counties annexed, BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That all Corn-Fields and Grounds kept for Inclosures within the [...]aid Province and Counties annexed, A lawful Fence shall be five Foot high. shall be well senced with Fence at least five Foot high, of sufficient Rail or Logs, and close at the Bottom; and whosoever, not having their Grounds inclosed with such sufficient Fence as afore­said, shall hurt, kill or do Damage to any Horse, Kine, Sheep, Hogs or Goats of any other Person, by hunting them or driving them out of or from the said Grounds, shall be liable to make good all Damage sustained thereby to the Owner of the said Cattle. Provided, That all Sorts of Swine going at large, Swine [...]un­ning at large not within this Act. contrary to the Intent of an Act made and passed this present Sessions, entituled, An ACT for restraining of Swine from running at large, shall not fall nor be deemed within the Construction of this Act. But if any Horse, Kine, Sheep, Hogs or Goats, or any kind of Cattle, shall break into any Man's Inclosure, the Fence being of the aforesaid Height and Sufficiency, and by the View of two Persons, for that Purpose appointed by the County Court, found and approved to be such, then the Owner of such Cattle shall be liable to make good all Damages to the Owner of the Inclosure: For the first Offence single Damages only, and ever after double the Damages sustained. AND all Persons having any unruly Horses, Mares or Cattle, that are not to be kept off by such Fences as afore­said, are ordered, and shall be obliged to take effectual Care to restrain the same from trespassing on their Neighbours Inclosures.

AND for the better ascertaining and regulating of Partition-Fences, BE IT FURTHER ENAC­TED by the Authority aforesaid, That where any Neighbours shall improve Lands adjacent to each other, [Page 22] or where any Person shall inclose any Land adjoining to another's Land already fenced in, A Division-Fence to be maintained by both Par­ties. so that any Part of the first Person's Fence becomes the Partition-Fence between them; in both these Cases the Charge of such Division-Fence (so far as inclosed on both Sides) shall be equally born and maintained by both Parties. To which End, and the others in this Act mentioned, The County Courts to no­minate Per­sons to be Judges of the Sufficiency of all Fences. each County Court, within this Province, shall nominate, and is hereby impowered and required to nominate and appoint so many honest and able Men as they shall think fit, for each County respectively, to view all such Fence and Fences about which any Dif­ference may happen to arise; and that the aforesaid Persons, in each County respectively, shall be the sole Judges of the Charge to be born by the Delinquent, or by both or either Party; and of the Sufficiency of all Fences, whether Partition-Fences or others. And where they judge any Fence to be insufficient, How the a­foresaid Jud­ges are to proceed. they shall give Notice thereof to the Owners or Possessors; and if any one of these Owners or Possessors, upon the Request of the other, and due Notice given by the said Viewers, shall refuse to make or repair the said Fence or Fences, or to pay the Moiety of the Charge of any Fence before made (being a Division-Fence) within ten Days after Notice given, that then, upon Proof thereof before two Justices of the Peace of the respective County, it shall be lawful for the said Justice to order the Person aggrieved and suffering thereby, to repair the said Fence or Fences, who shall be reimbursed his Cost and Charges from the Person so refusing to make good the said Partition-Fence or Fences; and that the said Costs and Charges shall be levied upon the Offender's Goods and Chattels, by Warrant from the said Justice, by Distress and Sale thereof, the Overplus (if any be) to be returned to the Party offending.

CHAP. LVII. An ACT for the Erecting of Bridges and maintaining Highways.

FOR the greater Conveniency and Ease of Travelling in and through this Province and Counties annexed, BE IT ENACTED by the Authority afore­said, CountyCourts to order Brid­ges to be erec­ted over small Creeks and Rivulets. That within twelve Months after the Rising of this General Assembly, Bridges shall be built and maintained over all small Creeks and Rivulets, where the respective County Courts shall see cause, from the Falls of Delaware [Page 23] to the utmost Parts of Sussex County, on the King's Road, ten Foot broad, with Rails on each Side; [ Altered by the County Levy-Act which County Courts shall with the Concur­rence of the Grand-Iury] agree with and appoint some Per­son or Persons to build such Bridges in their respective Coun­ties, who shall be paid for the same out of the respective County Stocks. Where a Creek is the Bounds of two Counties, the Bridge to be order'd by the Go­vernor and Council. AND where any Creek is the Bounds or Limits of two Counties, the Charge of a Bridge over such Creek shall be equally paid by each of the said Coun­ties: And to that End it shall be lawful for the Governor and Council to appoint and agree with Workmen to build such Bridges as aforesaid; and when built to certify the same, with the Charges thereof, to each of the said County Courts respectively, to be held next after such Bridges are finished; upon which the said Courts shall forth­with order the County-Treasurer to pay such Undertaker or Undertaker [...] their respective County Moieties for the same.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That all Trees, Stumps of Trees, and other Incumbrances, that lie in or cross any Highways, All R [...]ds to be kept clear. shall be cleared; and all Passages in or out of all Creeks, Runs and Branches in the King's Road, and all Passages in and out of all other Creeks, Runs and Branches, where other Roads are or shall be established, shall be made safe and easy both for Horse and Cart: Overseers of the Highways to be appoin­ted yea [...]ly for each Precinct. And to that End each respective County Court shall divide their County into as many Precincts as they shall think fit, and shall, every seventh Month yearly, nominate and appoint one Overseer of the Highways over every such Precinct, under the Penalty of Ten Pounds. AND every such Overseer shall summon all the Inhabi­tants of his respective Precinct, The Duty of such Over­seers. as from time to time he shall see Occasion, upon the Penalty of Five Pounds, to come to such Place or Places as he shall appoint, and be there ready at or before the Sun be one Hour high, and continue at Work thereat till within an Hour of Sun-set (Meal-Times excepted) upon the Penalty of Twenty Shillings for each wilful Absence or Neglect; and in case of Non-Payment, to be levied by Warrant from the Justices at the next County Court, directed to such Person as the said Court shall order and appoint, by Distress and Sale of Goods; which Distress shall be returned to next Court ensuing, to the Benefit of that Precinct, towards the defraying of the Charge of the Highways and Bridges therein.

[Page 24]PROVIDED ALWAYS, That the said Over­seer shall give each of the Inhabitants six Days Notice be­fore they are to go out as aforesaid. Bridges over Mill-Races by whom to be erected. AND if any publick Road now is or hereafter shall be laid out by Authority over any Mill-Race, which was cut before such Road was laid out, in such case, if it be the King's Road, there shall be a Cart-Bridge built and maintained over the said Mill-Race at the Charge of the County in Manner aforesaid. And if it be any other than the King's Road, then the Overseer of the Precinct wherein it is, shall order the making and maintaining such Bridge: But if any Mill-Race be cut through any publick Road, which was by Authority laid out before the cutting thereof, then the Owner or Owners of the said Mill-Race shall build such Bridge or Bridges as aforesaid, at his or their proper Cost or Charges.

CHAP. LVIII. An ACT against Wears cross Creeks and Rivers.

TO the End that all Persons inhabiting upon or near any Creeks or Rivers in this Province or Counties annexed, may enjoy all Privileges and Advantages that from them are to be reaped, BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That whosoever shall make a Wear or Wears from one Side of any Creek, in this Pro­vince or Counties annexed, to the other Side thereof, shall, for every such Offence, pay Ten Shillings, and the Wear or Wears shall be destroyed. Provided, That this Act shall not extend to Mill-Dams or Races, not to such as make Wears on their own Lands, so as they shall not be injurious to others.

CHAP. LIX. An ACT against unseasonable Firing of Woods.

FOR Prevention of Dangers and Damages that may ensue upon firing of Woods at unseasonable Times of the Year, BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That whosoever shall presume to set on Fire any Woods, Lands or Marshes in this Province or Territories, before the first Day of the first Month, yearly, o [...] after the first Day of the third Month, shall make good all Damages that shall thereby happen to any the Inhabitants thereof.

[Page 25]

CHAP. LX. An ACT about Erecting and Regulating the Prices of Ferries.


CHAP. LXI. An ACT for the Tryal of Negroes.


CHAP. LXII. An ACT to prevent sickly Vessels coming into this Government.

WHEREAS it hath been found by sad Ex­perience, that the Coming and Arriving of unhealthy Vessels at the Ports and Towns of this Province and Territories, and the Landing of their Passengers and Goods before they have lain some time to be purified, hath proved very detrimental to the Health of the Inhabitants of this Province, BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That from and a [...]ter the Publication hereof, no unhealthy or sickly Vessels, Sickly Vessels not to come within a Mile of Philadelphia, or other Town, with­out Licence, on 1 [...]0 l. Pe­nalty. coming from any unhealthy or sickly Place whatsoever, shall come nearer than one Mile to any of the Towns or Ports of this Province or Territories, without Bills o [...] Health; nor shall presume to bring to Shore such Vessels, nor to land such Passengers or their Goods, at any the said Ports or Places, until such time as the [...] shall obtain a Licence, for their Landing at Philadel­phia, from the Governor and Council; or from any two Justices of the Peace of any other Port or County of this Province or Territories, under the Penalty of One Hundred Pounds, for every such unhealthy Vessel so Landing as aforesaid, to the Use of the Proprietary and Governor. AND that suitable Provision be ordered by the Governor and Council for their Reception, if they be permitted to land or come on Shore.

CHAP. LXIII. An ACT for the Sitting of the Orphans Courts.


[Page 26]

CHAP. LXIV. An ACT requiring all Masters and Commanders of all Ships and Vessels, to make Report at the Town of New-Castle, that are or shall be bound to and from the Sea.


CHAP. LXV. An ACT for the Levying of Fines.


CHAP. LXVI. The LAW about Departers out of this Province.


CHAP. LXVII. An ACT against Mixing and Adulterating strong Liquors.


CHAP. LXVIII. The LAW against Scolding.


CHAP. LXIX. An ACT about killing of Wolves.


CHAP. LXX. An ACT concerning Bills of Exchange.

BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Person or Persons within this Province or Territories, shall draw or indorse any Bill or Bills of Exchange, upon any Person or Persons in England, or other Parts of Europe, and the same be returned back un­paid, with a legal Protest, the D [...]awer thereof, and all others concerned, shall pay and discharge the Contents of the said Bill or Bills, 20 per Cent. on protested Bills of Exchange. together with Twenty Pounds per Cent. Ad­vantage for the Damage thereof, and so proportionable for greater or less Sums, in the same Specie the same Bill or Bills were drawn, or current Money of this Province, equi­valent to that was first paid by the Drawer or Indorser.

[Page 27]

CHAP. LXXI. An ACT for Regulating Money Weights, &c.


CHAP. LXXII. An ACT appointing the Rate of the Money or Coin in this Province, &c.

Repealed by Her Majesty's Order in Council, the 30th Day of Iuly, 1703.

CHAP. LXXIII. An ACT for Regulating Weights and Measures.

BE IT ENACTED, &c. Standards of Weights and Measures to be kept in each County. That in each County of this Province and Territories, there shall be had and obtained, within two Years after the making of this Law, at the Charge of each County, to be paid out of the County Levies, Standards of Brass for Weights and Mea­sures, according to the King's Standards for the Exchequer; which Standards shall remain with such Officer in the Counties aforesaid as shall be from time to time appointed by the Governor, with the Advice of the Council: And an Offi­cer to be ap­pointed, &c. And every Weight, according to its Scantling, His Duty. and every Mea­sure, as Bushels, Half-Bushels, Pe [...]ks, Gallons, Pottles, Quarts and Pints, shall be made just Weights, and Mea­sures, and marked by him that keeps the Standards. All Weight [...] to be sealed, on Penalty of Fiue Shillings. And no Person within this Province and Territories, shall pre­sume to buy and sell by any Weights or Measures not sealed or marked in Form aforesaid, and made just according to the Standards aforesaid, by the Officers in whose Possession the Standards remain, on Penalty of forfeiting Five Shillings to the Prosecutor, being convicted by one Justice of the Peace, of the Unjustness of his Weights and Measures. AND that once a Year, at least, the said Officer, with the Grand-Jury, or the major Part of them, The Officer to try all Weights once a Year. or for Want of the Grand-Jury, with such as shall be allowed and appointed by the respective County Court aforesaid, for Assistance, shall try the Weights and Measures in the Counties aforesaid: And those Weights and Measures that are defective, to be seized by the said Officer and Assistants; His Fees. which said Officer shall have, for his Fees, for making each Bushel, Half-Bushel and Pe [...]k just Measure, and marking the same (that i [...] large enough when brought to his Hands, shall have [Page 28] T [...]n Pence; and for every lesser Measure Three Pence: For every Yard Three Pence: For every Hundred and half Hundred Weight, being made just and marked, Three Pence; for every lesser Weight, One Penny. And if the Weights and Measures be made just before they be brought to him, then to have but half the Fees aforesaid for marking the same. And if the Officer shall refuse to do any thing that is injoined by this Law, The Penalty on the Officer for Misbeha­viour. for the Fees appointed, and be duly convicted thereof, shall [...]orfeit [...]ive Pounds, to the Use of the Proprietary and Governor.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, AND IT IS HEREBY ENACTED, What shall be deemed law [...]ful Measures and Weights. That the brass Half-Bushel, now in the Town of Philadelphia, and a Bushel and Peck proportionable, and all lesser Measures and Weights coming from England, being duly sealed in London, or other Measures agreeable therewith, shall be accounted and al­lowed to be good by the aforesaid Officers, until the said Standards shall be had and obtained.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Altered by a later Act. That no Pe [...]son shall sell Beer or Ale by Retail, but by Beer-Measure, according to the Standard of England.

CHAP. LXXIV. An ACT to prevent the Sale of ill-tann'd Leather, and working the same into Shoes and Boots.


CHAP. LXXV. An ACT for keeping a Registry in Religious Societies.

BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That the Registry n [...]w kept, or which shall be here­after kept by any religious Society, in their respec­tive Meeting-Book or Books, of any Marriage, Birth or Burial, within this Province or Territories thereof, shall be held goo [...] and authentick, and shall be allowed of upon all Occasions whatsoever.

[Page 29]

CHAP. LXXVI. An ACT for Viewing Pipe-Staves.


CHAP. LXXVII. An ACT for the preventing of Swine Running at large.


CHAP. LXXVIII. An ACT that no Publick-House or Inn within this Government be kept without Licence.


CHAP. LXXIX. An ACT for the better Assessing and Raising of County-Levies for this present Year.


CHAP. LXXX. An ACT for the Ascertaining the Dimensions of Cask, and for the true Packing of Meat for Transportation.

WHEREAS it is the Interest of all Governments to exercise Truth and Uprightness in all their Trade and Dealings, which many Persons, for their private Interest, too often violate: To the End there­fore that the same may be observed in the Traffick and Commerce of this Province and Territories, and especially that the Commodities generally exported to foreign Mar­kets, may be good, in respect of their Quality, and com­pleat in respect of their Quantity, BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That all tight Cask for Beer, Ale, Cider, Po [...]k, Beef and Oyl, and all such Commodities, shall be made of good, sound, well-seasoned White-Oak Timber, and shall contain as followeth, viz. The Puncheon, The Contents of Cask. eighty four Gallons; the Hogshead, sixty three Gallons; the Tierce, forty two Gallons; the Barrel, thirty one Gal­lons and a half; and the Half-Barrel, sixteen Gallons, Wine-Measure, according to the Practice of our neighbour­ing Colonies: And that all Coopers set their Marks on the said Casks respectively, on Penalty of forfeiting the same.

[Page 30]AND to prevent the Exportation of un [...]ound and un­merchantable Beef, BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Altered and supplied b [...] an Act [...] the 13 th of George [...]. That no Person, after the Publication hereof, shall presume to ship any Beef or Pork before it be first viewed and packed or repacked by an Officer or Packer, to [...]e for that Purpose appointed; which shall, after the Officer's View and Approbation, be marked with the said Officer's Mark: And any Person or Persons that shall ship on board any Vessel, any Beef or Pork, in order to be transported, without the said Officer's Mark as aforesaid, he or they, for every such Cask, shall forfeit and pay the Sum of Ten Shil­lings. AND the Justices of the respective County Courts, within this Government, shall nominate and appoint such Officer or Packer as aforesaid; which Officer shall have Nine Pence for the Packing, Pickling and Heading of every Barrel.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, &c. That all Biscuit and Flower, Altered & sup­plied by the 12 th of George I. made for Transportation, shall be well made, and honestly and truly packed, for the En­couragement of our Trade and Credit; that those who pur­chase the same may not be cheated or defrauded. And all such Persons that make Flower or Biscuit for Transportation shall set their several Brand-Marks on each Cask before ship'd, on Penalty of Five Shillings for every Cask by them sold and unmarked as aforesaid. And if any Bread or Flower shall pass out of this Province or Territories false packed, and the same happen to be returned, in all such Cases the Persons offending shall pay to the Party wronged double Damages for the same.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That every Cooper, Baker or Bolter shall enter, or cause their respective Brand-Marks to be entered in a Book for that Purpose, to be kept by the said Officer or Packer.

AND for the better enabling Coopers to comply with this Act, BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Dimensions of Hogshead- [...]taves. That all Hogshead-Staves shall be three Foot and a half long, and three Inches broad, clear of Sap: Barrel-Staves, two Foot and four Inches long, and three Inches broad, clear of Sap; and that all Hogshead and Barrel-Staves, that are not of the aforesaid Dimensions, shall not be accounted merchantable, but be reckoned two for one.

[Page 31]AND that the Tobacco made and raised in this Go­vernment, may be, at least, Tobacco to be honestly handled and pack'd. in equal Reputation abroad with those of other Colonies, it is necessary that the Plan­ters and Makers thereof use Honesty in the Handling, and Faithfulness in the Packing thereof: BE IT THERE­FORE ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That all Tobacco-Hogsheads shall be made of good seasoned Timber, four Foot long, or within an Inch more or less, Of what Size Tobacco-Hogsheads shall be, &c. and thirty two Inches in the Head, equal with the Gauge of M [...]ry [...]and; four of which Hogshead: shall be accounted [...] Ton, and every Cask in which Tobacco is to be pack [...], shall be first [...]ared and marked with the true Tare thereof, by the Planter or Packer of such Tobacco, under the Pe­nalty of Twenty Shillings, to be forfeited by the said Planter to the Person that may be wronged thereby. Provided, That by reason of the Difference often sound between Steel­yards and Scales, no Person shall be liable to pay the Penalty aforesaid, where the Difference, in one Draught, is not above five Pounds Weight. And for every Tobacco-Hogshead, of the Dimensions aforesaid, the Buyer shall allow to the Planter or Seller Five Shillings, current Money of Penn­sylvania.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Person after the Publication hereof, wilfully and fraudulently pack, Penalty on Tobacco not being honest­ly pack'd. or cause to be packed into Hogsheads, and offer to Sale, any Tra [...]h or Seconds, rotten o [...] [...]rost-bitten Tob [...]cco, or such as shall be altogether unmerchantable, or otherwise than what shall appear upon the He [...]d or Out-Side of the said Tobacco when packed, and the same be discovered and found out before it be removed from the Place of Sale, being duly convicted thereof, shall pay for every such Hogshead so packed Forty Shilling [...], current Money of this Government, to the Poor of the County where the Offence shall be com­mitted, any Law, Usage or Custom to the Contrary not­withstanding.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Dimension [...] of Flower-C [...]sk. That no Bread of Flower Cask shall be made [...]or Transportation of larger Dimensions than double the Gauge os Wine-Measure above-mentioned, viz. The Half-Barrel not to exceed thirty one Gallons and a half; the Barrel sixty three Gallons, and so pro­portionably.

[Page 32]PROVIDED ALWAYS, That any Person may make Cask as much less as they please to suit any Market.

CHAP. LXXXI. An ACT about cutting Timber-Trees.

BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Person or Persons within this Province or Territories, shall be convict of Cutting or Falling any Black-Walnut-Trees upon another Person's Land, with­out Leave, he shall forfeit to the Owner thereof Five Pounds for every Tree so falled and cut; and for other Timber Fifty Shillings each Tree; and for Fire or Under-Wood double the Value thereof, to the Use aforesaid.

CHAP. LXXXII. The LAW against Drunkenness and Healths-Drinking.


CHAP. LXXXIII. An ACT for Bailing of Prisoners, and about Imprisonment.


CHAP. LXXXIV. An ACT against Pirates and Sea Robbers.


CHAP. LXXXV. An ACT for granting an Impost upon Wines, Rum, Beer, Ale, Cider, &c. imported, retailed and sold in this Province and Territories.


CHAP. LXXXVI. An ACT for raising of one Penny per Pound, and Six Shillings per Head, for Support of Government, and Payment of Debts, and De­fraying the necessary Charge thereof.


[Page 33]

CHAP. LXXXVII. An ACT for Granting and Raising to the Pro­prietary and Governor the Sum of Two Thou­sand Pounds, upon the real Value of all real and personal Estates, and upon the Polls of all Free­men within this Province and Counties annexed.


CHAP. LXXXVIII. An ACT for the effectual Establishment and Confirmation of the Freeholders of this Province and Territories, their Heirs and Assigns, in their Lands and Tenements.


CHAP. LXXXIX. An ACT for Erecting a Bridge over the Creek at Chester in the County of Chester.


CHAP. XC. An ACT about Country Produce to be current Pay in the Territories of the Province of Pennsylvania.

WHEREAS there is a Necessity, for the Sake of Commerce, that the Growth of Produce of the Territories annexed to the Province of Pennsylvania shall pass in the Lieu of Money: BE IT ENACTED, &c. That all merchantable Wheat, Rye, Indian-Corn, Bar­ley, Oats, Pork, Beef and Tobacco, shall be accounted cur­rent Pay, at the Market-Price, within the said Territories; except where Contract is made for Silver-Money, or other Specie. Provided, That where the Debtor hath divers S [...]ts of such Country Produce as aforesaid, it shall be in the Election of the Creditor which of them he will accept for his Debt.

CHAP. XCI. The LAW for continuing and confirming the Laws hereafter expressed.


[Page 34]

CHAP. XCII. The LAW about Court Proceedings and Summons.

Any Person may appear to plead his own Cause in all Courts.BE IT ENACTED, &c. That in all Courts, all Persons of all Persuasions may freely appear in their own Way, and according to their own Manner, and there personally plead their own Cause themselves, or if un­able, by their Friends: And that the first Process shall be the Exhibition of Complaint, The Method of proceed­ing. fourteen Days before the Tryal: And that the Defendant may be prepared for his Defence, he or she shall be summoned no less than ten Days before, and a Copy of the Complaint delivered him or her, at his or her Dwelling-House, to answer unto. But before the Complaint of any Person shall be received, he or she shall solemnly declare, in open Court, That he or she believeth in his or her Conscience that his or her Cause is just. And if the Party complained against, shall, notwithstanding, refuse to appear, the Plaintiff shall have Judgment against the Defendant by Default.

CHAP. XCIII. The LAW about Summoning of Iuries.

THAT due Preparation may be made for Dispatch of Justice, BE IT ENACTED, &c. That the Sheriff of every County, shall, ten Days before the Sitting of the ordinary Courts of Justice, summon a suffi­cient Number of Freemen, to attend the said Court, for the Service of the said County; and upon Neglect of his Duty herein, to pay double Damages to the Party or Parties grieved.

CHAP. XCIV. The LAW about Forms of Writs.

TO the End that Plainness and Brevity may be used, BE IT ENACTED, &c. That all Arrests and Summons to answer, &c. made according to the following Forms, shall be held legal and authentick within this Government.

[Page 35]


THESE are in the King's Name to command thee to arrest the Body of A. B. if found in thy Bailiwick, The Form of Writs. and him safely keep, and have at the next County Court, to be held, &c. on the — Day of the — Month next, as well to an­swer the Complaint of C. D. as to abide the Iudgment of the said Court; and make Return thereof, and of thy Doing there­in, at the said Court: Fail not at thy Peril; and for thy so Doing this shall be thy sufficient Warrant. Given under my Hand and Seal this — Day of the — Month, in the — Year of the Reign of William the IIId, &c. Anno (que) Dom.


THESE are in the King's Name to require thee A. B. to be and appear at the next County Court, And Sum­mons. to be held at [...] on the [...] Day of the [...] Month next, to answer the Com­plaint of C. D. and hereof fail not at thy Peril. Given under my Hand and Seal this Day [...] of the Month, in the Year of the Reign of [...] over England, Anno (que) Dom.

CHAP. XCVI. The LAW about Indian-Traders.

WHEREAS great Complaints have been made, that divers Persons who are Non-Residents and unsettled, come into this Province, and pri­vately and clandestinely deal and trade with the Indians; who by reason of their Non-Residence as aforesaid, and fre­quent Removal from one Province to another, are not care­ful to maintain a fair Correspondence with the said Indians, and often oppress and abuse them in their Way of Trading and Dealing with them; which may provoke and stir up the Indians to a Revenge of the said Abuses, to the great Prejudice and Disquietude of the Inhabitants of this Pro­vince, who are fixed therein, and have been instrumental in the settling, promoting and advancing the Welfare and Well-being thereof; BE IT ENACTED, &c. That no Person, Non-Resident, Non Resi­dents not to trade with the Indians on Penalty of 5 l. &c. either on Shore or on board any Vessel (except such as come here with their Families with an Intent to settle) deal or trade with any Indians within this Government, upon any Pretence whatsoever, upon the Forfeiture of Five Pounds, for every such Offence, and the [Page 36] Goods so purchased, one half to go to the publick Use of the County, and the other half to the Discoverer.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That no Inhabitant within this Province or Territories, Nor the In­habitants in the Woods, &c. from henceforth, under the Penalty aforesaid, presume to deal or trade with the Indians in the Woods, at their Towns or Wigwams after any private or clandestine Manner, but at their respective Mansion-Houses; which said Dwelling-Houses shall be adjudged so to be by the respective Court in each County, any Law, Custom or Usage to the contrary notwithstanding.

CHAP. XCVII. An ACT about Officers Fees.


CHAP. XCVIII. An ACT for Establishing Courts of Iudicature.


CHAP. XCIX. An ACT directing the Punishment of Larceny under Five Shillings.


CHAP. C. An ACT aboat Attachments under Forty Shillings.

See other At­tachments 4 Annae and 1 Georgii.WHEREAS by the Twenty-ninth Law of this Government, made at New-Castle, in the Year 1700, It was Enacted, That the Justices of the respective Counties should grant Writs of Attachment, which were to be served by the Sheriffs or Coroners: But forasmuch as by that Law no Attachments can be granted for a Debt under Forty Shillings; which could it be, the Charges thereof would amount to more than the Debt itself before the Cre­ditor receives the same: Therefore, for the Ease and Benefit of the People, BE IT ENACTED, &c. That if any Person shall absent him or herself out of this Government, not taking care to satisfy and pay his or her just Debts, it shall and may be lawful for any Justice of the Peace, where such Person's Effects are, to grant a Writ of Attachment for [Page 37] any Debt under Forty Shillings, directed to the Constable to attach the Goods and Chattels, or other Effects of such Per­son, to answer the Creditor: And if he or she shall make Proof of his or her said Debt, the Just [...]e shall award Exe­cution for the same; to be executed by the Constable, who shall have Two Shillings for serving the Writ of Attachment, and Three Shillings for serving the Execution; which said Goods or other Effects shall be brought to an Appraisment, but not sold until the Expiration of three Months next after, to the End that the Debtor may have time to re­deem them, if he see cause; any Act or Law in this Go­vernment to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.

CHAP. CI. An ACT for the Preventing of clandestine Marriages.

FOR the Preventing of clandestine, loose and unseem­ly Proceedings in Marriage, within this Provi [...]ce and Counties annexed, BE IT ENACTED, &c. That all Marriages not forbidden by the Law of GOD, How to be done. shall be encouraged; but the Parents or Guardians shall, if conveniently they can, be first consulted with, and the Par­tie [...] Clearness of all Engagements, signified by a Certificate from some credible Person where they have lived, or do live, produced to such religious Society to which they re­late, or to some Justice of the Peace of the County in which they live, and by their Affixing their Intentions of Marriage on the Court-House or Meeting-House Door in each respective County where the Parties do reside or dwell, one Month before Solemnization thereof; Marriage by Justice of the Peace. the which said Publication, before it be so affixed as aforesaid▪ shall be brought before one or more Justices of the Peace in the re­spective Counties to which they respectively belong, which Justice shall subscribe the said Publication, Witnessing the Time of such Declaration, and Date of the said Publication so to be affixed as aforesaid. AND that all Marriages shall be solemnized by taking each other for Husband and Wise be­fore twelve sufficient Witnesses; and the Certificate of their Marriage under the Hands of the Parties and Witnesses, at least Twelve, and one of them a Justice of the Peace, shall be brought to the Register of the County where they are married, and registered in his Office. AND if any Servant [Page 38] or Servants shall procure themselve [...] to be married without Consent of his or her Master or Mistress, If S [...]rvants m [...]ry, th [...]y serve one whole Year more, &c. such Servant or Servants, sha [...]l for such their Offence, each of them, serve their respective Master or Mistress one whole Year, after the time of their Servitude by Indenture or Engage­ment is expired. Penalty on a free Person's marrying a Servant, &c. AND if any Person being free, shall marry with a Servant as aforesaid, he or she [...]o Marrying shall pay to the Master or Mistress of the Servant, if a Man, Twelve Pounds, and if a Woman, Six Pounds, or one Year's Service; and the Servant so being married, shall abide with his or her Master or Mistress according to Indenture or Agreement, Penalty on Marrying contrary to this Act. and one Year after as aforesaid. AND if any Person shall presume to marry, or be Witnesses to any Marriage, contrary to this Act, such Person so married, shall forfeit Twenty Pounds to the Proprietary and Governor; and the Witnesses being present at such Marriage shall for­feit and pay each of them Five Pounds, to the Use of the Proprietary and Governor as aforesaid, and pay Damages to the Party grieved, to be recovered in any Court of Record within this Government.

Marriages in religious So­cieties, &c. excepted.PROVIDED, That this Law shall not extend to any who shall marry or be married in the religious Society to which they belong, so as Notice shall be given by either of the Parties to the Parents, Masters, Mistresses or Guar­dian, one full Month, at least, before any such Marriage be solemnized.

AND IT IS FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That no Licence or Dispensa­tion shall hinder or obstruct the Force or Operation of this Act, in respect of Notice to be given to Parents, Masters, Mistresses or Guardians as aforesaid.

[Page 39]

CHAP. CII. An ACT for preventing Accidents that happen by Fire in the Towns of Bristol (formerly called Buckingham) Philadelphia, Germantown, Derby, Chester, New-Castle and Lewes, within this Government.

BE IT ENACTED by the Authority af [...]resaid, That if within ten Days after the Publication hereof, Forty Shillings Penalty for Chimnies ta­king Fire▪ &c. any Person or Persons, within any of the said Towns, set on fire their Chimnie [...] to cleanse them, or shall suffer them, or any of them to be so [...]oul as to take Fire and blaze out at the Top, and be duly convicted thereof, by two c [...]e [...]ible Persons of the Neighbourhood, before some one Justice of the Peace, such Person or Persons shall forfeit, for [...]very such Offence, Forty Shillings.

AND for the further securing of Houses, and Prevent­ing of Fire from Destroying them in the said Towns, BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That every Owner or Tenant of every Dwelling-House within the said Towns, shall, Buckets, &c. to be kept by every Owner of a dwelling House▪ on Penalty, &c. within ten Days after the Publication hereof, provide and keep in or by his or her House a Swab▪ at least fou [...]teen Foot long, as also two Leather Buckets, within six Months at farthest after the Publication aforesaid, to be always ready against any Ac­cidents of Fire, under the Penalty of Ten Shillings for every respective Neglect hereof, to be convicted a [...] aforesaid.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That if any Person shall presume to smoke Tobacco in the Streets of Philadelphia, either by Day or Night, shall forfeit, One S [...]illing Fine for Smo [...]king in the Street. for every such Offence, Twelve Pence; all which said Fines shall be paid to the respective Justices of each Township, for the Use of the Town, and are to be imployed for buy­ing and providing Leather-Buckets, Hooks and other In­struments and Engines against Fires, for the publick Use of each Town resp [...]ctively.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That no Person, This Claus [...] al­tered by the Law for Erec­ting a Powder-House in Phi­l [...]delphia within the Town of Philadelphia, after six Months, next following the Publication hereof, presume to keep in their Houses, Shops [Page 40] or Ware-Houses more than six Pounds of Gun-Powder, at one time, unless it be forty Perches distant from any Dwel­ling House, under the Penalty of Ten Pounds, for every such Offence, to the Use aforesaid, to be convicted in Manner above express'd.

AND IT IS HEREBY FURTHER ENACTED, Hooks to be provided, and by whom, &c. That it shall and may be lawful for any one or more Justices of the Town of Philadelphia, to procure or cause to be made, four or six good sufficient Hooks for pulling down Houses in case of Fire (the said Justice or Justices taking to his or their Assistance two or more of the skilful Freeholders, for that Purpose.) The said Hooks to be paid for out of the Fines that shall or may accrue by this Act; or for Want thereof, out of any other Money that is or shall be raised in Philadelphia for the Use of said Town.

CHAP. CIII. An ACT against Swine running at large in several Townships, &c.


CHAP. CIV. An ACT for the Destruction of Black-Birds and Crows.

WHEREAS it manifestly appears, by the innu­merable Quantities of Black-Birds and Crows, that continually haunt in this Province and Ter­ritories, to the great Prejudice, Hurt and Annoyance of the Inhabitants thereof, being very destructive to all Sorts of Corn and Grain that is raised therein, so that the People's Labour is much destroyed thereby: And that the People may for the Future be the better encouraged in their La­bour and Industry, by Destroying such Birds, thereby to hinder the great Increase, BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Reward for killing Black-Birds, and Crows. That whosoever shall at any time hereafter kill either Black-Birds or Crows, shall, for all such Black-Birds that he or they shall so kill, have Three Pence the Dozen; and for every Crow Three Pence: Pro­vided, Vid [...] County Levy-Act. That such Person or Persons do and shall bring the Head [...] of all such Black-Birds or Crows to such Person or [Page 41] Persons as shall, by the respective County Courts in each County within this Province and Territories, be appointed to receive and take an Account of the same; which said County Courts are hereby impowered and required yearly to appoint, from time to time, as many Persons as they think convenient for that Service. And that such Person or Persons who shall be appointed to receive and take an Account of all such Black-Birds and Crows as aforesaid, shall have and receive for the same after the Rate of Ten per Cent. All which said Sum or Sums of Money, as the same shall amount unto, shall be defrayed and paid out of the publick Stock; to be levied and raised in such Manner and Form, in each County, as other publick Charges of this Government are used to be raised and discharged.

PROVIDED, That all and every such Person and Persons who are so appointed to receive and take an Ac­count of the Heads of all such Black-Birds and Crows that shall be brought to them by the Inhabitants as aforesaid, be attested to the faithful Discharge of their Duty therein, and to keep an exact Account thereof, which Account shall be deemed good and effectual: And that such Persons shall yearly bring their Accounts to the Court and Grand-Jury at such time as is by the Law appointed for Calculating the publick Charges of the County.

CHAP. CV. An ACT for the Sale of the Court-House and Prison in the County of Chester.


CHAP. CVI. An ACT against selling Rum and other strong Liquors to the Indians.

WHEREAS our Proprietary and Governor, and the Representatives of the Freemen of this Pro­vince and Territories in General Assembly met, are still desirous to induce the Indian Nations to the Love of the Christian Religion, by the gentle, sober and just Manners of prosest Christians (under this Government) to­wa [...]s them: And it being too obvious that divers Person [...] within this Province, have used and practised the selling of [Page 42] Rum, Brandy and other strong Liquors in such Quantities to the Indians; many of whom are not yet able to govern themselves in the Use thereof (as by sad Experience is too well known) that they are generally apt to drink to great Excess; whereby they are not only liable to be cheated, and reduced to great Poverty and Want, but sometimes inflamed to destroy themselves and one another, and terrify, annoy and indanger the Inhabitants. The Reason of this Act. AND forasmuch as several Sachims or Sachamacks, Kings of the Indian Nations, have, in their Treaties with the Proprietary and Governor, ear­nestly desired that no European should be permitted to carry Rum to their Towns, because of the Mischiefs before ex­pressed. AND since these evil Practices tend to the great Dishonour of GOD, Scandal of the Christian Religion, and Hindrance to the Embracing thereof, as well as draw­ing the Judgments of GOD upon the Country, if not timely prevented: For the Prevention whereof for the future, BE IT ENACTED▪ by the Authority afore­said, Ten Pound [...] Forfeiture for se [...]ling Rum, to the Indians. That if any Person inhabiting in this Province, or o­thers, shall, after the Publication hereof, directly or indi­rectly sell, barter, give or exchange, by themselves or others, any Rum, Brandy or other Spirits, mix'd or unmix'd, to or with any Indian within Province, and be lawfully convicted thereof, shall, for every such Offence, forfeit Ten Pounds, one half to the Use of the County wherein he is convicted, and the other half to the Discoverer and Prosecutor; to be recovered in any Court of Record within this Government, any Law, Usage or Custom to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.

AND WHEREAS it hath been very difficult to prevent this Evil, for Want of Proof against the Offenders, because they privately deal with the Indians, and very often back in the Woods, out of the View of any but themselves: THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, How to con­vict the Offen­de [...]s. That the Evidence of one profess'd Christian, with other probable Circumstances, to the Sa­tisfaction of the Court and Jury, shall be sufficient to con­vict the Offenders herein.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That all Rum, Brandy or other strong Liquors, Rum, &c. car­ried to their Towns to be forfeited. that shall be carried or offered to Sale or Disposal to or at any of the Indian Towns or Habitations, within the Bounds of this Province, the same shall be for­feit, and is hereby declared to be forfeited, one Third to [Page 43] the Governor, and two Thirds to such Person or Persons as shall seize the same. AND all Persons (as well Indians as others) are hereby impowered to seize and secure all such Rum, Brandy, and other strong Liquors, so found at any Indian Towns or Settlements as aforesaid.

AND WHEREAS some Persons in this Province have heretofore taken Match-Coats, Guns, Kettles and other Necessaries of Hunting and Cloathing in Pawn from the Indians; whereby (being disabled to hunt) they have been deprived of a necessary Subsistance: For Prevention whereof for the future, BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That no Person within this Province, No Person to take any Pawn of an Indian: shall, at any time hereafter, take or receive of any Indian any Pawn whatsoever, for any Rum, Brandy or other strong Liquors, or other Goo [...]s, under any Pretence whatsoever, under the Penalty of forfeiting of such Pawn to the Indian or Indians so Pawning the same as aforesaid, over and above the Fine of Ten Pounds aforesaid: The said Pawn, forfeited as aforesaid, to be seized by Warrant from the next Justice of the Peace, directed to the Constable of the Place where such Offenders shall live, upon Complaint and sufficient Proof made thereof to him as aforesaid.

[Page 44]

At a GENERAL ASSEMBLY begun at Philadelphia, in the Province of Pennsylvania, the Fourteenth Day of October, in the Fourth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lady ANNE, Queen of Great Britain, &c. Anno (que) Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and Five, and continued by Adjournments till the Twelfth Day of Ianuary, then next ensuing: On which Day the following ACTS were passed by IOHN EVANS, Esq Lieutenant Governor under WILLIAM PENN, Esq absolute Proprietary and Governor in chief of the said Province of Pennsylvania, &c. That is to say,

CHAP. CVII. The LAW concerning Liberty of Conscience.

[See Page 4.]

[Page 45]

CHAP. CVIII. An ACT against Murther and Manslaughter.

Altered and supplied by the Act for the Ad­vancement of Iustice, passed the 4 Georgii.

CHAP. CIX. An ACT against Burglary.

Supplied by 4 Georgii.

CHAP. CX. An ACT against Robbing and Stealing.

Supplied by 4 Georgii.

CHAP. CXI. An ACT to restrain People from Labour on the First Day of the Week.

TO the End that all People within this Province may with the greater Freedom devote themselves to re­ligious and pious Exercises, BE IT ENAC­TED, &c. That according to the Example of the Primi­tive Christians, and for the Ease of the Creation, every First Day of the Week, commonly called Sunday, all Peo­ple shall abstain from Toil and Labour, that whether Masters, Parents, Children, Servants, or others, they may the better dispose themselves to read and hear the Holy Scriptures of Truth at Home, and frequent such Meetings of religious Worship abroad as may best suit their respec­tive Persuasions. And that no Tradesman, Artificer, Penalty on Working up­on the First Day of the Week. Workman, Labourer, or other Person whatsoever, shall do or exercise any worldly Business or Work of their ordinary Callings, on the First Day, or any Part thereof (Works of Necessity and Charity only excepted) upon Pain that every Person so offending, shall, for every Offence, forfeit the Sum of Twenty Shillings, to the Use of the Poor of the Place where the Offence was committed; being thereof convicted before any Justice, either upon his View, Confession of the Party, or Proof of one or more Witnesses. And the said Justice shall give Warrant, under his Hand and Seal, to the next Constable where such Offence shall be committed, to levy the said Forfeitu [...] or Penalty by Distress and Sale of [Page 46] the Offender's Goods and Chattels, rendering to the said Offender the Overplus of the Money raised thereby.

Exception.PROVIDED ALWAYS, That nothing in this Act contained shall extend to prohibit the Dressing of Vic­tuals in Families, Cooks-Shops or Victualing-Houses, or to Watermen landing their Passengers on the First Day of the Week; nor to Butchers their Killing and Selling of Meat, or Fishermen from selling Fish on the First Day of the Week, in the fourth, fifth and sixth Months, called Iune, Iuly and August; nor to the Crying of Milk, before Nine of the Clock in the Morning, or after Five in the Afternoon.

No Person to be impeached ten Days af­ter the Of­fence com­mitted.PROVIDED ALSO, That no Person shall be impeached, presented or molested for any Offence before-mentioned in this Act, unless he or they be prosecuted for the same within ten Days after the Offence committed.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, No Writ to be served, ex­cept for Trea­son, &c. That no Person or Persons upon the First Day of the Week, shall serve or cause to be served or executed any Writ, Precept, Warrant, Order, Judgment or Decree, except in Case of Treason, Felony or Breach of the Peace; but that the serving of any such Writ, Precept, Order, Judgment or Decree shall be void to all Intents and Purposes whatsoever: And the Person or Persons so serving or executing the same, shall be as [...] to the Suit of the Party grieved, and to answer [...], to him for doing thereof, as if he or they had done the same without any Writ, Precept, Warrant, Order, Judg­ment or Decr [...]e at all.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Penalty on Persons who sit Tipling in Taverns, &c. on the first Day of the Week. That all Persons who are found Drinking and Tippling in Ale-Houses, Taverns, or other publick House or Place, on the First Day of the Week, commonly called Sunday, or any Part thereof, shall, for every Offence, forfeit and pay One Shilling and Six Pence, to any Constable that shall demand the same, to the Use of the Poor: And all Constables are hereby impowered, and by Virtue of their Office, required to search publick Houses and Places suspected to entertain such Tipplers, and them, when found, quietly to dispe [...]se; but in case of Refusal, to bring the Persons so refusing before the next Justice of the Peace, who may commit such Offenders to the Stocks, and [Page 47] bind them to their good Behaviour, as to him [...]all seem requisite. AND the Keepers of such Ale-Hou [...], Penalty on Innholders, &c. suffering Persons to [...]it Tipling on First Days. Ta­verns, or other publick House or Place, as shall countenance or tolerate any such Practices, being convicted thereof, by the View of a single Magistrate, his own Confession, or the Proof of one or more credible Witnesses, shall, for every Offence, forfeit and pay T [...]n Shillings, to be recovered for the Uses abovesaid.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, Exception: That nothing in this Act be const [...]ued to prevent Victualing-Houses, or other publick House or Place from supplying the necessary Oc­c [...]sions of Travellers, Inmates, Lodgers, or others, on the First Da [...] of the Week, with Victuals and Drink, in Moderation, for Refreshment only; of which necessary Occasion for Re­freshment, as also Moderation, the Magistrate before whom Complaint is made, shall be Judge; any Law, Usage or Custom, in this Province, to the contrary notwithstanding.

CHAP. CXII. An ACT against Rape or Ravishment.

Supplied by 4 Georgii.

CHAP. CXIII. An ACT against Incest.

FOR the Preventing of incestuous Marriages within this Province, BE IT ENACTED, &c. That all Marriages hereafter made within the Degrees of Consanguinity or Affinity, according to the following Table, Penalty on Marrying within the Degrees here­in mentioned. are hereby declared to be void, to all Intents and Purposes; and it shall be lawful for the Governor for the time being, to grant a Divorce from the Bond of Matrimony, and the Parties shall be fined to the Value of one third Part of their Estates.

AND if any Person or Persons shall be convicted of in­cestuous Fornication or Adultery, he, Imprisonment and Forfei­ture on inces­tuous Forni­cators. she or they so con­victed, shall suffer such Punishments as are by Law against Fornication and Adultery, and be fined to the Value of [Page 48] one third Part of their Estates; to be paid to the Proprie­tary and Governor, for the time being, for the Support of the Government and Defraying the contingent Charges thereof.

The Table of Degrees of Consangui [...]ity and Affinity, is as follows, viz.
Degrees of Consanguinity.   Degrees of Affinity.
A Man may not marry His Mother. A Man may not marry His Father's Wife.
His Father's Sister. His Son's Wife.
His Mother's Sister. His Son's Daughter.
His Sister. His Wife's Daughter.
His Daughter. The Daughter of his Wife's Son or Daughter.
The Daughter of his Son or Daughter.

Degrees of Consanguinity.   Degrees of Affinity.
A Wom [...]n may not marry Her Father. A Woman may not marry Her Mother's Hus­band.
Her Father's Brother.  
Her Mother's Brother. Her Daughter's Hus­band.
Her Brother.  
Her Son. Her Husband's Son.
The Son of her Son or Daughter. The Son of her Hus­band's Son or Daughter.

CHAP. CXIV. An ACT against Adultery and Fornication.

FOR the Preservation of Virtue, Chastity and Purity amongst the Inhabitants of this Province, and Pre­vention of the heinous Sins of Adultery and Forni­cation, BE IT ENACTED, & [...]. That if any Person or Persons shall commit Adultery, Penalty on Committing Adultery. and be thereof legally convict, such Person or Persons, shall, for the first Offence receive, on his or her bare Back, Twenty-one Lashes, well laid on, at the common Whipping-Post, and suffer Im­prisonment for one whole Year, at hard Labour, or be fined [Page 49] Fifty Pounds, one half to the Use of the Governor, and the other Half to the Use of the Poor, at the Election of the Party offending: And the injured Husband or Wife, shall have a Bill of Divorce, from Board and Bed, granted him or her, by the Governor or Lieutenant Go­vernor for the time being, if required, within one Year af­ter Conviction. AND if such Person or Persons shall offend a second time, and shall again be thereof convicted, such Person or Persons shall receive, on his or her bare Back, Twenty-one Lashes at the common Whipping-Post, and be imprisoned Seven Years at hard Labour, or pay One Hundred Pounds as aforesaid: And for the third, and every Offence af­ter, the same Punishment, and be branded with the Letter A.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Penalties on Fornicators. That if any Person or Persons shall commit Fornication, and be thereof legally convicted, such Person or Persons shall receive Twenty-one Lashes on his or her bare Back, well laid on, at the common Whip­ping-Post, or otherwise shall forfeit and pay, to the Pro­prietary and Governor, for the Support of the Government of this Province, and Defraying contingent Charges thereof, the Sum of Ten Pounds, at the Election of such Person convicted as aforesaid.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, What shall be Proof. That any single or unmarried Woman having a Child born of her Body, the same shall be sufficient Proof to convict such single or unmarried Woman of Fornication; and the Man by such Woman charged to be the Father of such Child, shall be the reputed Father; and she persisting in the said Charge in the time of her Extremity of Labour, or afterwards in open Court, upon the Tryal of such Person so charged, the same shall be given in Evidence, in order to convict such Persons of Fornication.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, A married Woman ha­ving a Child in the Absenc [...] of her Hus­band, how to be punished. That if any married Woman within this Province shall be convicted of having a Child born of her Body, in the Absence of her Husband, and shall not be able, by credible Evidence, to prove that her Husband has cohabited or been in Company with her, or has been in some of the Queen's Colonies or Plantations on this Continent, betwixt the Eastermost Parts of New-Eng­land and the Southermost Parts of North-Carolina, within [Page 50] Twelve-months before the Birth of such Child, such Wo­man shall be punished as an Adultress.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Any Woman bearing a Bast [...]rd Child, to be punished in the County where the Child is born, & [...]. That if an unmarried Woman absenting herself from the Place where she usually lived, shall come into any County within this Government, and there bear a Bastard-Child, she shall be liable to be punished in the County where the said Child is born, as she should or might have been, had the Child been there begotten. And whosoever, within this Government, shall knowingly entertain or shelter any such Woman, Penalty on Persons en­tertaining such Women. without giving No­tice thereof to some one Justice of the Peace, within three Days after her coming into his or her House to lodge, shall forfeit Five Pounds for every such Offence.

Judgment a­g [...]inst such m [...]rried Wo­m [...]n not to be pu [...] in Exe­cution till 12 Months after, &c.PROVIDED ALWAYS, That the Judgment or Sentence against such married Woman shall not be put in Execution till after the Expiration of Twelve-months, next after such her Condition, and shall remain in Prison during that time, unless she give Security to abide the Judgment. And in case her Husband shall, within the said Term, come and declare, That he had cohabited with his Wife within the said Term of Twelve-months, next be­fore the Birth of the said Child, and own and declare him­sel [...] to be the Father thereof, Execution shall be stop'd, and the Woman discharged.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That if any single Woman, being a Servant by Indenture or Covenant, A Servant Woman h [...] ­ving a Bastard Child shall serve, &c. bear a Bastard-Child within the time of her Servitude, she shall serve such further time beyond the Term in her Indenture or Cove­nant mentioned, as the Justices of the Peace, in their Quar­ter-Sessions shall think fit, as a Compensation to her Master or Mistress, for the Loss and Damage they had [...] by Reason of her bearing such Bastard in the time of [...] Servitude; Provided, it be not more than two Years, nor less than one.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That every Person being le­gally convict to be the reputed Father of a Bastard-Child, The reputed Father, &c to maintain the Child. shal [...] give Security to the Court, Town or Place where such Child was born, to perform such Order for the Main­tenance of such Child, as the Justices of the Peace in their Session shall direct and appoint.

[Page 51]

CHAP. CXV. An ACT against Bigamy.

BE IT ENACTED, &c. How punish­ed. That whosoever shall be convicted of having two Wives or two Husbands, at one and the same time, shall be whipp'd on his or her bare Back Thirty-nine Lashes, and be imprisoned du­ring Life, at hard Labour; and the second Marriage shall be void. AND if any Man or Woman, being unmarried, shall knowingly marry the Husband or Wife of [...]nother Person, such Man or Woman shall be punished as aforesaid; and the first Wife or Husband of the Person offending against this Act, shall have a Bill of Divorce, from Board and Bed, granted by the Governor for the time being, against the Husband or Wife so offending, if desired, within one Year after Conviction.

CHAP. CXVI. An ACT against Sodomy and Buggery.

Supplied by 4 Georgii.

CHAP. CXVII. An ACT against Burning of Houses, &c.

Supplied by 4 Georgii.

CHAP. CXVIII. An ACT against Drunkenness and Drinking of Healths.

FOR the Discouragement and Punishment of Drunk­enness, BE IT ENACTED, &c. Punished by Fine or Im­prisonment. That every Person disordering or abusing him or herself with ex­cessive Drinking unto Drunkenness; as also [...] who are instrumental thereto, by imposing strong Liquors, with drinking Healths, or otherwise, to provoke to the same; and every Person suffering any such Excess in their Houses, being convicted thereof, by one or more credible Witnesses, shall, for the first Offence, pay Five Shillings, or suffer five Days Imprisonment, at hard Labour; and for the Second, and every Offence after▪ Ten Shillings, or ten Days Impri­sonment as aforesaid.

[Page 52]

CHAP. CXIX. An ACT against riotous Sports, Plays and Games.


CHAP. CXX. An ACT against Riots and Rioters.

Punished ac­cording to the Laws of Eng­land.BE IT ENACTED, &c. That if any Persons, to the Number of three, or more, shall meet together with Clubs, Staves, or any other hurtful Weapon [...], to the Terror of any the peaceable People or Inhabitant [...] of this Province, and shall commit, or design to commit Violence or Injury upon the Person or Goods of any of the said Inhabitants, and shall be convicted thereof, such Per­sons shall be reputed and punished as Rioters, according to the Laws of England; and such Act of Terror or Vio­lence, or Design of Violence, shall be deemed and ac­counted a Riot.

CHAP. CXXI. An ACT for Limiting the Presentments of Grand-Iuries.


CHAP. CXXII. An ACT for Determining of Debts under Forty Shillings.


CHAP. CXXIII. An ACT for further securing the Administration of the Government of this Province.


[Page 53]

CHAP. CXXIV. An ACT for the better Confirmation of the Owners of Lands, and Inhabitants of this Pro­vince, in their just Rights and Possessions.

WHEREAS the late King Charles the Second, by his Royal Charter to William Penn, Proprietary and Governor of this Province, did declare, That the Laws for Regulating and Governing of Property with­in this Province, for Descent and Enjoyment of Lands, as likewise for the Enjoyment and Succession of Goods and Chattels, should be and continue the same as they should be for the time being by the general Course of the Law in England, until the said Laws should be altered by the said William Penn, his Heirs or Assigns, and the Freemen of the said Province, their Delegates or Deputies, or the greater Part of them.

AND WHEREAS divers Laws have been enacted in this Province, that made all Lands and Tenements (without any regard to the Fee-simple, or other Tenures by which they were held) as liable to pay Debts as Chattels, and be taken and sold upon Executions, or by Decrees in Courts of Equity, or to be sold by such Executors as had no Power by their Testators Wills for so doing, and in certain Cases to be sold by Administrators, as also to be divided, allotted and distributed amongst the Widows and Children of Intestates. In Pursuance of which Laws divers Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments in this Province have been sold, delivered, assigned, allotted or distributed accordingly. Now, to the End that those Sales, Deliveries, Assignments and Allotments, or Distributions, may have Effect according to the Tenor and true Meaning of the said Laws, and that the Possessors and Owners of the said Lands and Hereditaments so sold, delivered, assigned and distri­buted, and their Heirs and Successors may quietly, have, hold and enjoy the same;

BE IT ENACTED, &c. That all and singular the Bargains and Sales being made, bona fide, All Bargain S [...]les, &c. made accord­ing to the Tenor of sun­dry Laws, &c. are de­clared good. and for valuable Consideration, as all Assignments, Grants and Allotments or Distributions made to any Person or Persons whatsoever, of any Lands, Ten [...]ents or Hereditaments, in this Pro­vince, according to the Tenor and Direction, or the true [Page 54] Intent and Meaning of the said Laws in those Cases made and provided, shall be, and are hereby declared to be good and effectual, and shall stand and be taken, deemed and ad­judged good, sure and available in Law, against all Persons whatsoeve, [...]ccording to the Tenor and Effect of the same Bargains, [...], Assignments, Grants and Allotments or Distributions; And eve [...]y Per [...]on claim­ing by the said La [...]s, &c shall qui­etly enjoy, &c. and that every Person or Persons, Bodies politick and corporate, their Heirs and Successors, and all claiming by, from or under them, or any of them, for and according to [...]heir and every of their several Estates and Interests of, in and to the said Lands, Tenements and He­reditaments, with their Appurtenances, so as aforesa [...]d sold, delivered, assign [...]d or allotted, shall and may quietly or peaceably have, hold and enjoy the same Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments and Premisses, and every Part thereof, against all and every Person and Persons, their Heirs and Assigns, having, claiming or pretending to have any Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Claim or Demand whatsoever, of, in, or to the same: Saving never­theless to all Persons, &c. SAVING NEVERTHELESS, To all and every Person and Persons, Bodies politick and co [...]porate (others than to the Person or Persons for Payment of whose Debts, and Maintenance of whose Widows and Children, any of the said Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments have been sold, delivered or conveyed as aforesaid, and his and their Heirs; and others than to the Heirs at Law of the said Intestates, or any claiming under them, who shall at­tempt to avoid or annul the said Divisions, Allotments or Distributions which have been made of the said Intestates Lands and Hereditaments amongst their Widows and Children by Virtue or in Pursuance of the said Laws) all such Actions, Estates, Possessions, Rights, Titles, Interests, Rents, Profits and Demands, as they or any of them have, shall, may or ought to have of, in or to all or any the said Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, or any Part thereof, in such Manner and Form as if this Act had never been made: So that they do pursue their said Rights, Titles, Claims and Interest, by Way of Action or lawful Entry, before the first Day of October, which will be in the Year of our LORD, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ten.

L [...]nds, &c. w [...]ich have been distribu­ted according to these Law [...] shall be held by the Partie [...] as Tenant [...] in co [...]mon.PROVIDED ALWAYS, That all and every the Widows and Children of Intestates, to or amongst whom any Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments have been allot­ted or distributed by Virtue of the said Laws, and all and every Person and Persons to whom any Parts or Purparts of Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments have, as aforesaid, [Page 55] been, or hereafter shall be sold or delivered upon Executions, shall hold and enjoy their said respective Parts, Purparts or Allotments, in Severality, or as Tenants in common, and not as Joint-Tenants.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That no Deed, Grant, No Deed to be avoided for Want of Form, &c. Convey­ance or Assurance hereto [...]ore made of any Lands, Tene­ments or Hereditaments whatsoever, shall be judged or ta­ken to be defective, avoided or prejudiced, for or by Reason of any Want of Form, or formal or orderly Parts of a Deed, as, the Premisses, Habendum, Tenendum, Reddendum, the Clause of Warranty, the Conclusion, In Witness whereof, and Date, or for Mis-naming, Mis-recital o [...] Non-recital of any of the said Lands or Hereditaments, or for Mis-recital or Non-recital or not mentioning, or not true mentioning of the Gran­tor's Estates, of, in, or to the Premisses, O [...] Livery and Seisin, &c. or for Want of Livery and Seizin or Attournment, or Proofs of the Consi­deration-Money actually paid, or for not producing in Court, upon Tryal, any of the Deeds or Grants recited in the said Conveyances, or for not being recorded in the Rolls-Office: But that all and every the said Deeds, But are de­clared to be good not­withstanding. Grants and Convey­ances, Releases and Assurances shall be and are hereby de­clared and enacted to be good and available in Law, and shall be expounded as the Law of this Province was when they were made, and shall conclude all Strangers, as well as Privies to the same; Saving to every Person and Persons, Saving to all Pe [...]sons such Rights, &c. other than to the said Grantors, their Heirs and Successors, all such Rights, Titles, Estates, Claims and Interests as they or any of them had, or ought to have, of, in or to the said Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, or any Part thereof, at the time when such Deeds or Conveyances were sealed and delivered, so as they do pursue their said Rights, Titles, Claims or Interests by Way of Action or lawful Entry, before the first Day of October, which will be in the Year of our LORD, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ten.

[Page 58]

CHAP. CXXV. An ACT concerning the Probates of written and nuncupative Wills, and for confirming Devises of Lands.

Wills proved in this Pro­vince,BE IT ENACTED, &c. That all Wills in Writing, wherein or whereby any Lands, Tenement [...] or Hereditaments, within this Province, have been, are or shall be devised, being proved by two or more credible Witnesses, Or [...] in the Chanc [...]ry in England, &c. and the Copy and P [...]obate trans­mitted hither, &c. shall be good, &c. upon their solemn Affirmation, or by other le­gal Proof, in this Province; or being proved in the Chan­cery in England, and the Bill, Answer and Depositions trans­mitted hither, under the Seal of that Court, or being pro­ved in the Hustings or Mayor's Court in London, or in some Mannor-Court, or before such as have or shall have Power in England, or elsewhere, to take Probates of Wills and grant Letters of Administration, and a Copy of such Will, with the Probate thereof annexed or endorsed, being trans­mitted hither, under the publick or common Seal of the Courts or Offices where the same have been or shall be ta­ken or granted, and recorded or entered in the Register-General's Office in this Province; shall be good and availa­ble in Law, for the granting, conveying and assuring of the Lands or Hereditaments thereby given or devised, as well as of Goods and Chattels thereby bequeathed; And the Co­pies of all Wills, &c. under the Seals of, &c. where the same was ta­ken, are to be taken and deemed Mat­ter of Record. and that the Copies of all Wills and Probates, under the publick Seals of the Courts or Offices where the same have been or shall be taken or granted respectively (other than Copies or Pro­bates of such Wills as shall appear to be annulled, disproved or revoked) shall be judged and deemed, and are hereby declared and enacted to be Matter of Record, and shall be good Evidence to prov [...] the Gift or Devise thereby made; and that all such Probates, as well as all Letters of Admi­nistration granted out of this Province, being produced here under the Seals of the Courts or Offices granting the same, shall be as sufficient to enable the Ex [...]cutors or Ad­ministrators, by themselves or Attornies, to bring their Actions in any Court within this Province, as if the same Probates or Letters Testamentary or Administrations were granted here and produced under the Seal of the Register-General's Office of this Province.

[Page 57]PROVIDED ALWAYS, I [...] any Will shall happen to be revok­ed or altered, the Parties aggrieved may have th [...]ir Action, &c. That if any of the Wills (whereof Copies or Probates shall be so as aforesaid produced and given in Evidence) shall, within seven Years after the Testator's Death, appear to be disproved or annul­led before any Judge or Officer, having Conusance thereof, or shall happen to be revoked or altered by the Testator, either by a latter Will or Codicil in Writing, duly proved as aforesaid; that then and in every such Case, it shall and may be lawful for the Party aggrieved, or his or their Heirs, Executors or Assigns, to have their Action for what shall be taken or detained from them by Occasion of such Wills, or have their Writ or Writs of Error for Reversing the judicial Proceedings thereupon, as the Case shall require, any thing herein contained to the Contrary notwithstanding.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That from henceforth no nun­cupative Will be good where the Estate thereby bequeathed shall exceed the Value of Thirty Pounds, Sundry Cases where a nun­cupative Will is, and is not good. that is not proved by two or more Witnesses, who were present at the making thereof, nor unless it be proved that the Testator at the time of pronouncing the same, did bid the Persons present, or some of them, bear witness, That such was his Will, or to that Effect, nor unless such nuncupative Will be made in the time of the last Sickness of the Deceased, and in the House of his or their Habitation or Dwelling, or where he or she hath been Resident for the Spa [...]e of ten Days, or more, next before the Making of such Will, except where such Person was surprized or taken sick, being from his own Home, died before he returned to the Place of his or her Dwelling.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That after six Months past af­ter speaking of the pretended testamentary Words, no Tes­timony shall be received to prove any Will nuncupative, except the said Testimony, or the Substance thereof, were committed to Writing within six Days after the Making of the said Will.

AND BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Nuncupative Will not to pass the Seal, &c within 14 Days. That no Letters Testamentary or Probate of any nuncupative Will shall pass the Seal of the Re­gister-General's Office, in the respective Counties of this Province, till fourteen Days, at the least, after the Death of the Testator be fully expired; nor shall any [Page 58] nuncupative Will be at any time received to be proved un­less Process be first issued out to call in the Widow or next of Kindred to the Deceased, to the End they may contest the [...]ame if they please.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, No written Will [...]o be al­tered, &c. by Words only, except, &c. That no Will in Writing con­cerning any Goods or Chattels, or personal Estate, shall be repealed, nor shall any Clause, Devise or Bequest therein be altered or changed by any Words or Will by Word of Mouth only, except the same be in the Life of the Testator committed to Writing, and after the Writing thereof read unto the Testator, and allowed by him, and proved to b [...] so done by two or more Witnesses.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, That notwithstanding this Act, Any Mariner, &c. being ab­sent, may dispose of his personal E­state, &c. any Mariner or Person being at Sea, or Soldier, being in actual military Service, may dispose of his Move­ables, Wages and personal Estate, as he or they might have done before the Making of this Act.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That there shall be an Officer, called Register-General, A Register-General con­stituted, and to keep his Office in Phi­ladelphia; and shall appoint a Deputy in each County, &c. to be commissionated by the Go­vernor from time to time, for the Probate of Wills and granting Letters of Administration in this Province; which Register-General shall keep his Office at Philadelphia, and shall, from time to time, constitute a sufficient Deputy to officiate for him in each of the other Counties of this Pro­vince; who, being by him deputed, shall be and are by this Act impowered to take Probates of Wills, and grant Letters of Administration in the respective Counties, as fully and amply as the Register-General himself ever could, or can do, according to the Powers granted by the Royal Charter of the late King Charles the Second. Which Deputies shall have and use a common Seal, to be provided at the Char [...]e of the respective Counties where they serve, with the like Inscriptions as is or shall be upon the Receiver-General's Office at Philadelphia. Provided, That no Person who shall prove any Will, No Person obliged to prove Wills▪ or take Let­ters of Admi­nistration in more than one County. or take Letters of Administration, in any one of the Counties of this Province, shall be obliged to prove the same Will, or take Letters of Administration in any other of the said Counties, wherever such Testator's or Intestate's Estates may lie or be. But before any Register-General, or his Deputies shall enter upon their respective Offices, they shall be duly qualified, either before the [Page 59] Governor, TheRegister-General, and [...] Deputies [...] be qualifi­ [...]; how and when; and sh [...]ll give 200 l. Security. or the Orphans-Court of the County where they respectively officiate. And every Register-General, and every of his Deputies, shall find one or more sufficient Su [...]eties with himself, to become bound to the Governor for the time being, in a Bond of Two Hundred Pounds, for the true and faithful Execution of his Office, and for the Delivering up the Records, and other Writings belong­ing to the said Office, by him, his Heirs, Executors and Administrators, to his Successor in the said Office, whole and undefaced; which said Bond shall be recorded in the Orphans-Court, and be kept by one of the Justices of the said Court, as the Majority of the Justices for the time be­ing shall order; to be made use of for making Satisfaction to the Parties that shall be damnified or aggrieved, as is, or shall be directed by the Laws of this Province in such Cases. AND if the Register-General, or his Deputies, If the Regi­ster-General, o [...] his Depu­ties, shall act without gi­ving Security, or he refuse to constitute Deputie [...] ▪ he or they shall forfeit 200 l. or any of them shall officiate in the said Office before he hath given such Security, or if the Register-General for the time being, shall refuse or neglect to constitute a Deputy-Regi­ster in each County, according to the Direction of this Act, then and in every such Case he or they so offending shall forfeit the Sum of Two Hundred Pounds, to be recovered in any Court of Record in this Province; and the one Half thereof shall go to the Governor, for Support of Govern­ment, and the other Half to him or them that shall sue for the same.

CHAP. CXXVI. An ACT directing the Order of Payment of Debts of Persons deceased.

FOR the Preventing Disputes and Contests at Law, or otherways concerning the Order of Payment of Debts of Persons deceased, within [...] Province, BE IT ENACTED, The M [...]nner and Order [...] the same. &c. That all [...]ebts owing by any Person within this Province, at [...]he [...] his or her Decease, shall be paid by his or her [...] Admini­strators (so far as they have Assets) in Manner and Order following, That is to say, First, Physick and Funeral Ex­pences: Secondly, Debts and Duties to the Queen: Thirdly, Debts due to the Proprietary and Governor: Fourthly, Judgments: Fifthly, Debts due by Recognizances: Sixthly, Rents: Seventhly, Obligations, Bills penal, and protested [Page 60] Bills of Exchange: Eighthly, Single Bills: Ninthly, Servants and Workmen's Wages: Tenthly, Merchants and Traders Book-Debts, and Promises by Word, A [...]rears of Accounts, and such like. Which said Payments shall be good and available in Law against all Persons whatsoever.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That nothing in this Act contained shall prevent or damnify any Executors or Administrators fo [...] discharging the Decedent's just Debts, Twelve-Months after theParties de­cease, no [...]ri­ority ofDebts, &c. as the same shall come to his, her or their Knowledge, without Regard to the Priority of the same, in Payment, after the Expiration of Twelve-Months from the time of the said Decedent's Decease.

CHAP. CXXVII. An ACT for the better Settling of Intestates Estates.

Every Admi­nistrator to give Bond, &c.BE IT ENACTED, &c. That the Register-General and his Deputies, having Power to grant Letters of Administration of the Goods and Chattels of Persons dying Intestate, within this P [...]ovince, shall, upon their granting such Letters of Administration, take suffici­ent Bonds, with two or more able Sureties (respect being had to the Value of the Estate) in the Name of the Regi­ster-General, with the Condition in Manner and Form following, mutatis mutandis, viz. ‘THE Condition of this Obligation is such, That if the with­in [...]ounden A. B. Administrator of all and singular the Goods, With Condi­tion, & [...]. Chattels and Credits of C. D. deceased, do make or cause to be made, a true and perfect Inventory of all and singular the Goods, Chattels and Credits of the said Deceased, which have or shall come to the Hands, Possession or Knowledge of him the said A. B. or unto the Hands and Possession of any other Person or Persons for him; and the same, so wade, do exhibit, or cause to be exhibited into the Register's Office, in the County of — at or before the—Day of—next ensuing; and the same Goods, Chattels and Credit [...] of the said Deceased, at the time of his D [...]ath, or which at any time after shall come to the Hands or Possession of the said A. B. or into the Hands and Possession of any other Person or Persons for him, do well and truly [Page 61] administer according to Law: And further, do make or cause to be made a true and just Account of his said Administration, at or before the—Day of— And all the Rest and Re­sidue of the said Goods, Chattels and Credits which shall be found remaining upon the said Administrator's Account (the same be­ing first examined and allowed of by the Orphans-Court of the County where the said Administration is granted) shall deliver and pay unto such Person or Persons respectively, as the said Orphans-Court, in the respective County, by their Decree or Sentence, pursuant to the true Intent and Meaning of this Act, shall limit and appoint. And if it shall hereafter appear that any last Will and Testament was made by the said Deceased, and the Executor or Executors therein named do exhibit the same into the Register's Office, making Request to have it allowed and approved accordingly: If the said A. B. within bounden, being thereunto required, do render and deliver the said Letters of Administration (Approbation of such Testament being first had and made in the said Register's Office) Then this Obliga­tion to be void and of none Effect, or else to remain in full Force and Virtue.’

WHICH Bonds are hereby declared and enacted to be good, to all Intents and Purposes, and pleadable in any Courts of Justice; and also, that the said Orphans Court, And render Account to Orphan's Court. in the respective Counties, shall and may, and are hereby enabled to proceed and call such Administrators to Account for and touching the Goods of any Person dying Intestate; and upon Hearing, and due Consideration thereof, Who shall make Distri­bution of the [...] after [...], &c. [...] dischar­ged, in this Manner. to order and make just and equal Distribution of what remaineth clear (after all Debts, Funeral, and just Expences of every Sort, first allowed and deducted) amongst the Wife and Children, and Children's Children (if any such be) or other­wise to the next of Kindred to the dead Person, in equal Degree, or legally representing their Stocks, to every one his Right, according to the Laws in such Cases, and to the Rules and Limitations hereafter set down: And the same Distributions to decree and settle, and to compel such Ad­ministrators to observe and pay the same, by the due Course of the Laws of this Province: Saving to e­very one their Right of Appeal. Saving to every one (supposing him or themselves aggrieved) their Right of Appeal to the Provincial or Supream Court of this Province.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, The Manner and Form how Distribu­tions shall be made. That the said Or­phans Court in each County, which is by this Act enabled to make Distribution of the Surplusage of the Estate of any Person dying Intestate, shall distribute the whole [Page 62] Surplusage of such Estate or Estates in Manner and Form following, That is to say, One third Part of the said Surplu­sage to the Wife of the Intestate, and all the Residue, by equal Portions, to and amongst the Children of such Per­sons dying Intestate (allowing the eldest Son two Shares:) And to such Persons as shall legally represent such Children, in case any of the said Children be then dead (other than such Child or Children who shall have any Estate by the Settlement of the Intestate, or shall be advanced by him in his Life-time, by Portion or Portions, equal to the Share which shall, by such Distribution, be allotted to the other Children) to whom such Distribution is to be made. And in Case any Child who shall have any Estate by Settlement from the Intestate, or shall be advanced by the said In­testate in his Life-time by Portion not equal to the Share which will be due to the other Children by such Distribu­tion as aforesaid, then so much of the Surplusage of the Estate of such Intestate to be distributed to such Child or Children as shall have any Land by Settlement from the Intestate, or where advanced in the Life-time of the In­testate, as shall make the Estate of all the said Children to be equal as near as can be estimated, the eldest Son be­ing allowed two Shares as aforesaid. And in case there be no Children, nor any legal Representatives of them, then one Moiety of the said Estate to be allotted to the Wife of the Intestate, and the Residue of the said Estate to be dis­tributed equally to every of the next Kindred of the In­testate, who are in equal Degree to those who legally re­present them. Provided, That there be no Representatives admitted amongst Collaterals after Brothers and Sisters Chil­dren. And in case there be no Wife, then all the said Estate to be distributed equally to and amongst the Chil­dren, the eldest Son to have two Shares as aforesaid. And in case there be no Child, then to the next of Kindred, in equal Degree of or unto the Intestate, and their legal Representatives as aforesaid, and in no other Manner whatsoever.

No Distribu­ [...]n to be [...]de till one [...] after the [...]th of the [...]estate, and [...] to give [...] to re­ [...], &c.PROVIDED ALSO, And to the End that a due Regard be had to Creditors, that no such Distribution of the Goods of any Person dying Intestate be made till after one Year be fully expired after the Intestate's Death. And that such and every one to whom any Distribution and Share shall be allotted, shall give Bond, with sufficient Su­reties, in the said Orphans-Court, that if any Debt or Debts truly owing by the Intestate shall be afterwards sued for [Page 63] and recovered, or otherwise duly made to appear, that then, and in every such case, he or she shall respectively refund and pay back to the Administrator his or her rateable Part of that Debt or Debts, and of the Costs of Suit and Charges of the Administrator, by reason of such Debts, out of the Part or Share so as aforesaid allotted to him or her, thereby to enable the said Administrator to pay and satisfy the said Debt or Debts so discovered, after the Distribution made as aforesaid.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Administrati­on to be gran­ted, with the Testament annex'd as usual. That in all Cases where the Register-General hath used heretofore to grant Administration, with a Testa­ment annexed, he shall continue so to do; and the Will of the Deceased, in such Testament expressed, shall be per­formed and observed in such Manner as it should have been if this Act had never been made.

PROVIDED ALSO, No Claim to be good after seven Years. That all such of the In­testate's Relations, and Persons concerned, who shall not lay legal Claim to their respective Shares within seven Years after the Decease of the Intestate, shall be debarred from the same forever.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Lands, &c. of Intestates may be sold for Payment of Debts. &c. as the Orphans-Court shall direct. That if any Person or Persons shall die Intestate, being Owners of Lands or Tenements within this Province at the time of their Death, and leave lawful Issue to survive them, but not a sufficient personal Estate to pay their just Debts and maintain their Children, in such case it shall be lawful for the Administrator or Admi­nistrators of such Decedents to sell and convey such Part or Parts of the said Lands or Tenements, for Defraying their just Debts, Maintenance of their Children, and for putting them Apprentices, and Teaching them to read and write, and for Improvement of the Residue of the Estate (if any be) to their Advantage, as the Orphans-Court of the Coun­ty where such Estate lies, shall think fit to allow, order and direct, from time to time.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, Except Mar­riage-Settle­ments. That no Lands or Tenements, contained in any Marriage Settlement, shall, by Virtue of this Act, be sold or disposed, contrary to the Form and Effect of such Settlement; nor shall any Or­phans-Court allow or order any Intestate's Lands or Tene­ments [Page 64] to be sold, But not till the Admini­strator exhi­bits an Inven­tory, &c. before the Administrators, requesting the same, doth exhibit one or more true and perfect Inventories and conscionable Apprisements of all the Intestate's personal Estate whatsoever, as also a just and true Account, upon his or her solemn Affirmation, of all the Intestate's Debts which shall be then come to his or her Knowledge; and if thereupon it shall appear to the Court that the Intestate's personal Estate will not be sufficient to pay the Debts and maintain the Children until the Eldest of them attains to the Age of Twenty-one Years, And then how the Or­phan's Court shall proceed and order, &c. or to put them out to be Apprentices, and teach them to read and write, then, and in every such case, and not otherwise, the Court shall allow such Administrator to make publick Sale of so much of the said Lands, as the Court, upon the best Computation they can make of the Value thereof, shall adjudge necessary for the Purposes aforesaid, reserving the Mansion-House and most profitable Part of the Estate till the last. But before any such Sale be made, the Court shall order so many Writings to be made by the Clerk, upon Parchment or good Paper, as the Court shall think fit, to signify and give Notice of such Sales, and of the Day and Hour when, and the Place where the same will be, and what Lands are to be so sold, and where they lie; which Notice shall be deli­vered to the Sheriff or Constables, in order to be fixed in the most publick Places of the County or City, at least ten Days before the Sale; and the Sheriffs or Constables are hereby required to make Publication accordingly; and the Administrator that makes such Sale, shall bring his or her Proceedings therein to the next Orphans-Court after the Sale made. AND if it shall happen that any Lands be sold by Virtue of this Act for more than the Court's Computation of the Value thereof, And how the Administra­tor. then the Administrator shall be accountable for the same, as by this Act is required for Intestate's personal Estates.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, And the Sur­plusage of Lands, &c. not sold, &c. to be divided amongst, &c. That the Surplusage or re­maining Part of the Intestate's Lands, Tenements and He­reditaments not sold or ordered to be sold by Virtue of this Act, and not otherwise limited by Marriage-Settlement, shall be divided between the Intestate's Widow and Chil­dren, or the Survivors of them, who shall equally inherit and make Partition as Tenants in common may or can do. In what Me­thod, and to whom. But if the Intestate leaves a Widow and no Child, then such Widow or Relict shall inherit one Moiety, or half Part of the said Lands and Tenements, and the other [Page 65] Mo [...]ety shall des [...]nd and come to the Intestate's next Heir, according to the Course of the common Law. But i [...] the Intestate leaves no Widow nor Child living at the time of his D [...]th, or if the Chil [...]ren all die in their Minority, without Issue, the [...] the said Lands and Tenements shall de­scend and come to the [...] Heir at Law, according to the Cou [...]se a [...]oresaid. But if any of the Intestate's Chil­dren dying [...] the Int [...]ate, shall leave lawful Issue, such Issue shall equally inherit the Intestate's Lands and Tenement [...], with their Uncle [...] or Aunts, and make Par­tition as aforesai [...].

PROVIDED ALWAYS, The Widow or Child of any I [...]testate being provid­ed for, &c. [...]o h [...]ve no [...]hare of the [...], & [...]. That no [...] or Child of any Intestate having so much Land by Settl [...]ent from the said Intestate, as by the said Court's Computation of the Value thereof, shall be [...]qual to the Share or Purpart of the Intestate's Lands, which by this Act are to be allot­ted to any of the [...]ther Children in Manner aforesaid; then such Widow or Child, so p [...]ovided for, shall have no Share of the said Surplusage of the Int [...]tate's other Lands. But if the Value of the La [...]s, so settl [...] by the Intestate, shall not, by the Comp [...]tation [...], amount to an equal Sha [...], then th [...] said Cou [...]t shall allot to the Party so much [...] the said other Land as [...] make the Shares or Estate of th [...] Wi [...]ow, and all the said Children, equal, as near as c [...]n be estimated, the eld [...]st Son having a double Share as afo [...]e [...]aid.

PROVIDED ALSO, The Widow to have no [...] to [...] but [...] vita. That nothing in this Act contained shall give any Wid [...]w a Right [...] Claim to any Part of such Lands or Tenements [...]or her Dower or [...], as shall yield yearly Rents or Profits whereof her Hu [...]band died s [...]ized, for any longer time than the Term of h [...]r na­tu [...]al [...]; which Dower [...] sh [...]ll hold as Tenants in Dower do in England. And the said profitable Lands or Tene­m [...]nt [...], and the unimproved [...] [...]ough Land next a [...]jacent thereto, shall not be sold but [...]or Payment of the Intestate's Debts.

PROVIDED ALSO, No Parti [...]ion [...] of [...] the [...] Sha [...]es. That no Partition of the Lands or Ten [...]ments which are to be divided by this Act▪ shall be made by or for the Relict or younger Children of the Intestate, if the Heir at Law will, within the Space of Twelve-months, pay so much Money, or other Effects, to the Person or Pe [...]sons demanding such Partition, as their respective Shares [...] Purparts shall amount unto, by the [Page 66] Valuation of four or more Persons indifferently chosen by [...]oth Parties, or by an Inqu [...]st appointed by the Orphans-Court, to value the same, where the Parties cannot o [...]her­wise agree. And then the Hei [...] shal [...] en­joy the same. And the Person or Persons (whether Minor [...] or others) to whom or for whose Use Payment or Satisfac­tion shall be made for their respective Purpa [...]ts, by the Heir at Law, in Manner aforesaid, shall be forever debarred of all the Right, Title and Demand which he or they can or may have of, in or to such Share or Purparts, by Vi [...]tue of this Act; but the same shall be held and enjoyed by the Heir at Law, as freely and fully as the Intestate held the same.

AND in case such Intestate shall have no known Kin­dred, And if the Intest [...]te have no Kindred his Lands, &c. shall es [...]che [...]t to the L [...]ndlord, &c. and his Goods, &c. to the Proprieta­ [...]y, &c. then all this Lands, Tenements and Hereditament [...] shall escheat or go to the immediate Landlord of whom such Lands are held, his Heirs and Assigns; and if imme­diately held of the Proprietary, then to the Proprietary, hi [...] Heirs and Assigns; and all the Goods, Chattels and personal Estate whatsoever of such Pesron dying intestate, and without Kindred as aforesaid, shall go to the Proprietary and Gover­nor, his Executors or Administrators. But if any of the said Intestat [...]'s Relations shall appear and make their Claims to such Intestate's personal Estate within seven Years after the Decease of the Intestate, they shall be restored thereunto.

But if the Heir at Law t [...] such Lands shall appear in 21 Years, he may reco­ver the same.AND if the lawful Heir to any such Lands or Tene­ments shall at any time, within Twenty-one Years, after the Intestate's Decease, appear, he may traverse the Inqui­sition or Office [...]ound for the Land so escheated, and recover the same, paying the Lord or Person in Possession for the Improvements made thereupon, according to the Valuation of twelve Men.

CHAP. CXXVIII. An ACT for the Acknowledging and Recording of Deeds.


[Page 67]

CHAP. CXXIX. An ACT to ascertain the Number of Members of Assembly, and to regulate the Elections.

BE IT ENACTED, &c. The Freeme [...] and Inhabi­tants to meet on the first Day of Octob [...]r yearly to choose Repre­sentatives, [...]. That for the Well-governing of this Province, there shall be an Assem­bly yearly chosen, and for that End it shall and may be lawful to and for the Freemen and Inhabitants of the City of Philadelphia, as also for the Freemen and Inhabi­tants of the respective Counties of this Province, without any Writ or Summons, to meet on the First Day of October yearly, forever, at the most usual Place of Elections in the said respective Counties, That is to say, For the City and County of Philadelphia, Two for Phi­lad [...]lphia, and eight for each County. in or near the present Market-Place in the said City; and for the County of Bucks, upon the Court-House Ground in the Town of Bristol; and for the County of Chester, at or near the Court-House in the Town of Chester; and then and there choose their Repre­sentatives or Delegates, to serve them in Assembly, which shall consist of not less than two Persons for the said City of Philadelphia, and eight Persons for each County of this Province; or a greater Number, as the Governor and As­sembly shall at any time hereafter agree.

AND that the Members, so to be, Who shall sit in Assembly on the 14th Day of Octo­ber, at Phila­de [...]phia. Except. shall meet and sit in Assembly on the Fou [...]teenth Day of October, yearly, for­ever, at the City of Philadelp [...]ia, unless the Governor and Council, for the time being, shall see cause to appoint ano­ther Place, within this Province, to sit at. But when any of the said Days of Elections or Meeting of Assembly shall happen to fall on the first Day of the Week, called Sun­day, then such Election and Meeting shall be the next Day following.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, Who is qua­lified to elect or be elected in the Coun­tie [...]. That no Inhabitants of this Province shall have Right of Electing, or being elec­ted as aforesaid, unless he o [...] they be nat [...]al-born Subjects of Englan [...], or be naturalized in England, or in this Government, and unles [...] such Person or Persons be at the Age of Twenty-one Years, [...] upwards, and [...]e a Freeholder or Freeholders in this Provi [...], [...] have [...] Acres of Land, or more, well seated, and twelve Acres [...]reof, or more, cleared and improved▪ or be o [...]wise worth Fifty Pounds, lawful Money of this Province, clear Estate, and have been resident there­in for the Space of two Years before such Election.

[Page 68]AND to the End that Elections, upon which the Good of the Government so much depends, may not be corruptly managed or obtained, BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That all the Elections of the said Re­presentatives shall be free and voluntary, by Persons having Estates and being qualified as aforesaid, in the respective County or Counties for which he or they shall elect or be elected; And who in the City of Philadelphia. Provided, that the Electors and Elected for the said City of Philadelphia, shall have a Freehold Estate, or be worth Fifty Pounds, clear, personal Estate within the same City, and be otherwise qualified as aforesaid. And that the Elector who is not so qualified as aforesaid, or that shall receive any Reward or Gift for his Vote, shall forfeit his Right of Electing for that Year, and shall pay the Sum of Five Pounds, Penalty. one Half thereof to the Governor, and the other Half to him or them that shall sue for the same in any Court of Record within this Province.

AND that he or they who shall give, offer or promise any Reward to be elected, Buying of Vot [...]s or offer­ing to se [...]ve for nothing, is 5 l. Penalty. or shall offer to serve for nothing, or less Allowance than the Law prescribes, shall forfeit Five Pounds, the one Half thereof to the Governor, and the other to him or them that will sue for the same, in Manner afore­said, and be incapable to serve for that Year.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, The Method and Manner how the said Elections are to be made and carried on. That every Sheriff, or in his Absence, his Under-Sheriff, or such as he shall depute, or for Want of such Deputati [...]n, the Coroner, or such as he shall appoint, or for Want of such Appointment, any two of the Freeholders, who by the major Part of the Electors then and there present, shall be nominated and appointed Judges of the said Elections in the Absence of the Sheriff or Coroner, shall attend at the said Elections, and shall ap­point such Number of Clerks for taking the Poll or Votes of the Electors, as the Inspectors hereafter-mentioned shall appoint; who shall all take their said Poll or Names of the Electors in the Presence of the said Sheriff, Vide, 13 of King George. Coroner or other Judges, so nominated as aforesaid, or such as any of them, shall depute o [...] appoint, and shall make as many distinct Columns, on [...]air Paper, as there shall be Candidates voted for, as is herein after express'd; but before they begin every Clerk so appointed shall, by the said Sheriff or Coro­ner, or by some Magistrate then present, be attested or charged upon his solemn Affirmation, The Qualifi­cation of the Clerks who take the Poll. Truly and indiff [...]rently to take the said Poll, and set down the Names of each Freeholder [Page 69] and Elector and the Place of his Freehold or Estate, and to poll no Elector, who is not attested, if so required by the Inspectors of such Clerks. Which Inspectors are to be nominated by the major Part of the Electors as aforesaid.

AND every Person coming to elect Members for the City of Philad [...]lphia, Vide, Cou [...]ty Levy-Act of 11 th of King George I. and also every Person coming to elect Members for the said respective Counties, shall deliver in Writing the Names of those Persons for whom they vote, to the Sheriff, or some other of the said Persons so as afore­said appointed Judges of the said Elections, who shall open the Paper, if the Elector be illiterate, and read the Persons Names contained therein, ask such Electors, Whether these are the Persons for whom he votes? Which Paper, upon his Affirmative, shall be received and put with the rest of the Electors Papers in a Box, which every Sheriff is hereby required to provide for that Purpose.

BUT if the Elector brings no such Paper or Ticket, or if the illiterate Elector will not vote for the Persons con­tained in his Paper, then and in all such Cases the Elector shall verbally give in the Names of the Persons he mostly desires should be chosen, which Names shall be entered down by the said Clerks.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, That every Elector, before he be admitted to Poll (if required by any of the said Inspectors) shall, upon his solemn Affirmation declare, That he is Twenty-one Years of Age, and a Freeholder for the County of— and has fifty Acres of Land, or more, The Qualifi­cation of the Electors. well seated, and twelve Acres thereof, or more, cleared: Or, That he is otherways worth Fifty Pounds, Money of this Province, clear Estate, and hath been resident therein for the Space of two Years, and that he has not been before polled at that Election.

AND in case any Person, taking the said Affirmation, Penalty of making a false Affirmation. shall be lawfully convicted of wilfully and corruptly making a false Affirmation therein, or if any shall suborn any Per­son to take such false Affirmation, he or they shall incur the same Penalties and Forfeiture as by the Laws and Statutes of England a [...]e provided against Persons convicted of wilful and corrupt Perjury, and Subornation of Perjury respectively.

AND that the said Poll shall not be delayed, nor the Election adjourned to another Place or Part of the County, Th [...] Poll not to be delayed or adjourned▪ [Page 70] other than whe [...]e the same begins, but shall continue from Day to Day till the F [...]eeholde [...]s and [...]lectors then and there present shall be polled, And when the Poll is o [...]er, how to be c [...]st up, &c. and no longer. And when all the El [...]ctors then appearing shall have delivered in all their Papers or Names, the said Box shall be opene [...] by the She­riff, or some other of the Persons appointed by this Act to officiate as Judges of the said Elections, and the said Papers taken out in the Presence of the said Inspectors, and deli­vered, one by one, to the said Clerk or Clerks to enter the Names therein express'd in fair Columns, or otherwise, so that they shall cast up how many Times each Person's Name is repeated in the same, and set it down; and shall then pronounce publickly to the People, him whose Name is oftenest mentioned in the said Papers to be first elected, and so the next highest Number successively until the whole eight Persons for the County be pronounced elected by Majority as aforesaid. And the same Method shall be used concerning the two Members to be elected for the City of Philad [...]lp [...]ia.

AnyDeceit in [...] Ticket, the same to be re­jected.BUT if, when the said Papers are opened, there ap­pears more Names in any one of them, or more than one Paper deceitfully folded together, containing more Names than by this Act is allowed any one Elector to vote for, such Papers shall be rejected, and not accounted amongst the Votes.

The Names of the Repre­sentatives to be written in Indentures, & [...].AND after the said Representatives are so chosen as aforesaid, their Names (be they present or absent) shall be written in a Pair of Indentures, sealed, between the said Sheriffs, or other Persons officiating as Judges of the said Elections, and six, or more, of the said Choosers.

One of which Indentures to be delivere [...] to the Gover­nor, and the other to the Hous [...].AND every Sheriff, or other Person, officiating as Judges of the said Elections, shall, on the first Day of the Meeting of every Assembly, in Person, or by Deputy, pre­sent one Part of the said Indentures to the Governor for the time being, and the other Part thereof to the House of Representatives: Which said Indentures shall be deemed and taken to be the Sheriff's Return of the Representatives or Delegates of the Freemen of this Province, to serve and act in the Legislative or General-Assemblies of the same Province from time to time. And the Representatives so as aforesaid chosen shall yield their Attendance accordingly.

[Page 71]AND if any Person or Persons so chosen and returned to serve as aforesaid, Any Person so chosen, &c. refusing to serve for­feits 10 l. shall be absent from the Service for which he or they sh [...]ll [...]e so elected, he or they shall forfeit any Sum not exceeding [...], current Money; the one Hal [...] thereof to the Governor, and the other Half to him or them that shall sue for the same in Manner aforesaid; unle [...]s his o [...] [...] Excuse for such Absence shall be allowed of by the [...].

AND if any Person [...]o chosen and returned as aforesaid sh [...]ll [...] to di [...], or be wilfully absent, Vacancies by Death or o­therwise to be supplied by [...] new Choice, &c. and the Method of Proceeding in such Cases. or by Vote of the [...] disabled to sit or serve in Assembly, then and in ev [...]ry [...] Case the Secretary for the time being, shall, by the Speaker's Order, issue out Writs to the respective Sh [...]riff, of the County where there shall be occasion for elec [...]ing such new Members: But in Case the Secretary shall delay the Making [...] such Writs for the Space of two Days, next a [...]ter he has Notice of the Speaker's Order in that Behalf, it shall be lawful for the Speaker of the Assembly for the time being, to issue forth the said Writs, which shall be made in the Governor's Name, under the Hand and Se [...]l of the Speaker; whereupon every Sheriff, or other Officer to whom such Writ or Writs are directed, shall indorse the Day of his Receipt thereof on the Back, and with all convenient Speed, after he receives such Writ, shall cause publick Notice to be given of the Time and Place of Election, and proceed to elect thereupon in Manner aforesaid, within the Space of five Days after his Receipt of the said Writ, and give two Days Notice, at least, of the Day appointed for Election: Which Notice shall be given in Writing, and shall be proclaimed in the most publick Places of the capital Town or Place where such Election is to be, and the said Sheriff or other Officer shall cause Copies of such Notice or Advertisement to be posted upon some Tree or House in the Way leading from every Township or Precinct to the Town or Place where the said Election is to be, as also upon the Court-Houses and publick fixed Meeting-Houses for religious Worship in the said respective Counties.

AND when those Elections are made by Virtue of the said Writs in Manner aforesaid, the Sheriff, The Elec­tion being made, &c. the Names to be returned as before. or other Officer who shall officiate as Judges of the said Elections, shall write down the Names of the Persons so elected in a Pair of Indentures, sealed, and present one Part thereof to the Governor, and the other Part to the Assembly, on the [Page 72] Day of the Return of such Writs, which said Indentures shall be deemed to be the Sheriff's Return of such Re­presentatives.

All which Elections to begin be­tween ten in the Morning and two in the After­noon.ALL which said Elections shall begin between the Hours of ten in the Morning, and two in the Afternoon; and that no Person or Persons whatsoever, by Force o [...] Arms, or Menacing, shall disturb the Freemen of this Province in the free Election of their said Representatives, but that the same Election shall be freely and indifferently made.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Sheriff shall refuse or neglect to give Notice of the said Election, The Sheriff forfeits 100 l. for Refusal, &c to give Notice of such Elec­tions; and the Coroner 50 l. by Writs, shall forfeit One Hundred Pounds, Money aforesaid, one Half to the Governor, and the other Half to him that shall sue for the same in Manner aforesaid. AND upon such Ne­glect or R [...]fusal, the Coroner of the respective County where the same shall happen, is hereby required, by himself or his Deputy, to officiate and perform all that the said Sheriff or his Deputy ought to have done and performed at the said Elections, according to the Tenor and Directions of this Act, under the Penalty of Fifty Pounds, to be recovered as aforesaid, one Half to the Governor, and the other Half to him that shall sue for the same.

AND every Sheriff, or other Officer, not making good and true Returns of the said Elections of Representatives, And on not making true Returns, &c. forfeits 100 l or Members of Assembly, according to the Direction of this Act, or refusing, or wilfully neglecting to do and per­form what is hereby required to be done at and after the said Elections, shall forfeit, for every such Offence, the Sum of One Hundred Pounds, Money aforesaid; one Half thereof to the Governor, and the other Moiety to him that will sue for the same in Manner aforesaid.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, The Powers andPrivileges of an Assem­bly. That the Representatives so chosen and met, according to the Direction of this Act, shall be the Assembly of this Province, and shall have Power to chuse a Speaker and other their Officers, and shall be Judges of the Qualifications and Elections of their own Members, sit upon their own Adjournments, appoint Committees, prepare Bills in order to pass into Laws, impeach Crimi­nals and redress Grievances, and shall have all other Powers and Privileges of Assembly, according to the Rights of [Page 73] the Freeborn Subjects of England, and as is usual in any of the Qu [...]en's Plantations in Ameri [...]a.

AND if any County or Part of this Province shall re­fuse or neglect to choose th [...]ir respective Representatives as aforesaid, or if chosen, do not meet to serve in Assembly, If any County should refuse to chuse, & [...]. those who are so chosen and met shall have the full Power of an Assembly in as ample Manner as if all the Represen­tatives had been chosen and met; Provid [...]d, they are not less than two Thirds of the Whole that ought to meet.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, No Membe [...] to vote, & [...]. in the House till qualified. That no Person who shall be hereafter a Member of the Assembly, or House of Represen­tatives of this Province, shall be capable to vote in the said House, or sit there during any Debate, after their Speaker is chosen, until he shall make and subscribe the following Declarations and Profession of his Christian Belief, viz.

I A. B. do sincerely promise, The Qualifi­cation of eve­ry Member of Assembly. Alter [...]d by an Act pass'd in the 11 Geo. I. entituled, An Act prescrib­ing the Forms of the Decla­ration of Fi­delity, &c. and solemnly declare before GOD and the World, That I will be faithful and bear true All [...]giance to Queen Anne. And I do solemnly profess and declare, That I do, from my Heart, abhor, detest and re­nounce, as impious and hereti [...]al, that damnable Doctrine and Position, T [...]at Prin [...] excommunicated or deprived by the Pope, or any Authority of the See of Rome, m [...]y be deposed or mur­thered by their Subj [...]cts, or any other whatsoever.

AND I do declare, That no foreign Prince, Person, Prelate, State or Potentate h [...]th, or oug [...]t to have, any Power, Iuris­diction, Superiority, Preheminence or Authority ecclesiastical or spiritual, within the Realm of England, or the Dominions thereunto b [...]longing.

AND I A. B. do solemnly and sincerely, in the Presence of GOD, profess, testify and de [...]lare, That I do believe that in the Sacram [...]nt of t [...]e LORD's Supper there is not any Transubstantiation of t [...]e El [...]ments of Bread and Wine into the Body and Blo [...]d of CHRIST, at or after the Consecration th [...]reof, [...]y any Person whatsoever; and that the Invocation or Adora [...]ion of the Virgin Mary, or any other Saint, and the Sa [...]rifi [...]e [...]f the Mass, as they are now used in the Church of Rome, are superstitious and Idolatrous.

AND I do solemnly, in the Presence of GOD, profess, testify and d [...]lare, That I do make this Declaration, and every [Page 74] Part ther [...]of, in the plain and ordinary Sense of t [...]e Words read unto me, as th [...]y a [...]e [...] und [...]rstood [...]y English Pro­testants, without any Ev [...]sion, Equivo [...]ation or mental Reser­ [...]ation whatsoever, and wit [...]out any Dispensation already gran­ted me for this Pur [...]ose [...]y t [...] [...]ope, or [...]ny other Aut [...]ority or Person whatsoever, or without any H [...]pe of any su [...]h Dis­pensation from any Person or Authority [...], [...]r wit [...]out thinking I am or may be acquitt [...]d [...] GOD or M [...]n, or absolved of this Declaration, or any [...]art ther [...]f, although the Pope, or any other Person or Persons, or [...]ower whatsoev [...]r, should dispense with or annul the same, or d [...]lare that it was null or void from the Beginning.

AND I A. B. profess [...]aith in GOD the Father, and in JESUS CHRIST his eternal Son, the true GOD, and in the HOLY SPIRIT, one GOD, bless [...]d [...]er ev [...]r­more; and do acknowledge the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New-Testament to be given by [...]ivine Inspiration.

WHICH said Declarations and Profession of Faith shall be, How the same shall be made and when and where. in the next and every succeeding Assembly, to be held in this Province, solemnly and publickly made and subscribed, betwixt the Hours of Nine in the Morning and Four in the Afternoon, by every such Member of the House of Representatives, at the Table, in the Middle of their House, and while a full House of Representatives is there Sitting with their Speaker in his Chair; and during the Making and Subscribing thereof, all Business and De­bates in the said House shall cease.

AND the Clerk of the Assembly is hereby required to record the same in Rolls or Books prepared for that Pur­pose; Which Qua­lifications shall be re­corded by the Clerk of the Assembly. and every Member of Assembly shall pay the Clerk for recording thereof Five Pence, and no more. And that the Manner and Method of making the said Declarations shall be as followeth, to wit, The Speaker shall first read and subscribe the same, and after him every Member, as he is called over, shall either read and subscribe the said De­clarations, or else subscribe them as they shall be read unto him by the Clerk of the Assembly.

AND BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, No Member shall be de [...]ni [...]d to sit, &c th [...]t makes and subscribes the same. That no Person whatsoever, who at any time shall be elected Member of Assembly in this Province, and who shall make, and be willing and offer to make and sub­scribe the said Declarations in Manner and Form aforesaid, [Page 75] shall be rejected or denied to sit, debate and act in the House of Representatives or General Assembly of this Province.

PROVIDED NEVERTHELESS, That nothing he [...]ein contained shall extend to debar or hinder the House of Representatives to reject such Persons as are or shall be unduly elected Members to serve in Assembly, Except such as shall be un­duly elected, &c. such as the [...]ssembly, or major Part of them, shall see cause from time to time, by Vote, to expel, or disable to sit or serve there, by reason of ill Practice in Elections, or Mis­behaviour in the House.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Th [...]t every Member chosen, Members Al­lowance per Diem▪ Al­tered by an Act made th [...] 9 th Geo. I▪ entitu­led, An Act for Regula­ting, &c. Fees. or to be chosen, to serve in Assembly as aforesaid, shall be al­lowed the Sum of Six Shillings per Day, and the Speaker Ten Shillings per Day, during his and their Attendance in the Service thereof; and that every Member of Assembly shall be allowed towards his travelling Charges after the Rate of T [...]ree-Pence a Mile coming to and going from the Place where the Assembly is or shall be held.

See this A [...]t altered and explain [...]d, by an Act passed in the 13 Geo. I. Chap. CCXCIV. Entituled, A Supplemen­tary Act to the Act for Ascertaining the Number of the Members of Assembly, &c.

CHAP. CXXX. An ACT for selling Beer and Ale by Wine-Measure.

WHEREAS by a Law of this Province, for Regulating the Dimensions of Casks, &c. it is enac­te [...], amongst other Things, Th [...]t a Barrel shall contain Thirty-one Gallons Wine-Measure. And whereas by another Law of this Province, for Regulating of Weights and Measures, it is, amongst other Things, enacted, That none shall sell Beer or Ale by retail, but by Be [...]r-Measure, according to the Standard of England; by reason whereof the R [...]tailers of Beer and Ale are obliged to sell the same by far greater M [...]ure than they buy it: For Remedy whereof, BE IT ENACTED, &c. That from and [Page 76] after the Publication of this Act, all Persons which now are or which at any time or times hereafter shall be licensed to keep any Tavern, Taverns to sell Beer or Ale by Wine-Measure in their Houses, and Beer-Measure out of Doors, on 10 s. Penalty. Inn, Ale-house or Victualing-House within this Province, shall sell Beer and Ale by Wine-Mea­sure to all Persons as drink it in their Houses, and by Beer-Measure to all such Persons as carry the same out of their Houses, under the Penalty of Ten Shillings, to the Use of the Poor, for every Offence, being convict thereof by one or more Witnesses, before one or more of the Justices of the Peace of the County where the Offence is committed, any Law, Custom or Usage to the Contrary in anywise notwithstanding.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That the above recited Law, entituled, An Act for regulating Weights and Measures, and every Part and Proviso therein contained, except the last Cause thereof, relating to selling Beer and Ale by Beer-Measure, shall be and remain in full Force, any think herein contained to the Contrary notwithstanding.

CHAP. CXXXI. An ACT for the more easy and effectual Collecting of the Proprietary's Quit-Rents.

WHEREAS since the first Location of Lands in this Province, the Quit-Rents reserved upon the several Grants, as well before the Date of the Royal Charter to the Proprietary as since, have been very irregularly and uncertainly collected, not only to the great Loss of the Proprietor himself, who has thereby been kept out of his just Rights, but also to the great Inconveniency of the Freeholders, by having no certain and exact Ac [...]ounts of their Quit-Rents kept; and being suffered, upon their Negligence, to run far in Arrears, that the Payment of what would be easy yearly, becomes more grievous and burthensome when to be paid in one Sum. And further, that upon the Transferring of Lands incumbred with Quit-Rents, the whole Arrears often become an entire Loss to the Purchaser. For Remedy whereof, BE IT ENAC­TED, &c. That there shall be always in this Province a Receiver-General appointed by the Proprietary, his Heirs [Page 77] and Assigns, or (upon Failure thereof, A Receiver-General to be appointed by the Proprieta­ry; who shall keep an Of­fice, &c. or in case of Death or Removal) by those that represent the Proprietor, his [...] or Assigns in this Province, in Matters of Property, who shall hold an Office, which shall be called the Receiver-G [...]neral's Office for Pennsylvania; and either by himself or su [...]icient Deputies, or other Persons appointed by the Pro­ [...]tary, his Heirs or Assign [...], or such as do or shall repre­sent him or them in Matters of Property as aforesaid, by Commissions or Deputations, which with the present Re­ceiver-General's Commission, and his Deputations to the several Collectors of Quit-Rents, shall be recorded in the Office of Inrolment in each County of this Province, shall sit on some certain Day or Days in the first Month, And in March, yearly, [...] in each County, and give ten Days Notice there­of, to receive allQuit-rents▪ called Mar [...]h, yearly, at such Place or Places in the respective Counties as is by the Proprietor's Patents appointed, of which Time and Place ten Days Notice shall be, by the respective Receiver, given and published, by fixing Notes or Advertisements in Writing upon the Door of every publick Meeting-House for religious Worship in each County; and then and there receive all Quit-Rents due for such Lands in each County from all and every the Free­holders and others that possess and claim the same, who shall pursuant to their Tenures, be hereby obliged, at such Time and Place, to appear in Person, or by their Friends, and pay their Arrears of Rent. And shall en­ter, in a fair Roll, the se­veral Pay­ments, which Roll shall be subject to View, &c. And the said several Pay­ments shall be duly entered in a fair Roll, made and kept for every County within each Township in every County, and all the Lands therein according to the said Patents, in distinct Entries; which shall be subject to the View of every Person, as far as they relate to any particular Tract that such Person is or may be in anyways concerned, either in his own Right, or for or in Right of others.

AND in Case any Person, On Refusal of Payment may levy the same by Distress. who so holds and claims any Lands or Lots in this Province, shall neglect to appear as aforesaid and pay th [...]ir Quit-Rents (Notice being as afore­said given) the Receiver or respective Collector may levy the same by Distress, according as the Law of England impowers and directs to dis [...]ain for Rents. And if no Distress can be found, the Proprietary, his Heirs or Assigns, may sue for the Rent or Arrearages thereof in an Action of Debt at the respective County Court, and shall recover the same as any other Debt may be recovered by the Laws of this Government.

[Page 78]PROVIDED ALWAYS, That no such Action, if the Defendant fail of fully answering the Debt, shall af­terwards be a Bar to the Proprietary, his Heirs or Assigns, against recovering the same Arrears that were sued for, of the Land or Lots from whence they accrued, by all such lawful Means as might be done if such Action had not been commenced.

BUT where any Person holding Lands of the Proprietary is not by Patent, Deed or Contract obliged to pay his Rent at any certain Place, and after such Notice of Time and Place given by the Receiver or Collector as aforesaid, re­fuses to pay the same accordingly, it shall be lawful for such Receiver or Collector to distrain for the Rent due be­fore such Demand; or for Want of Distress, the same shall be sued for as aforesaid.

SAVING to all Persons that shall be wrongfully de­strained upon or sued by Colour of this Act, Saving to all Pe [...]s [...]n [...] their legal P [...]eas. all their legal Pleas and Remedies prescribed or allow'd in such Cases by the Laws of England.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, AND IT IS HEREBY ENACTED, That every Renter who is by Patent or Contract to pay his Rent in Wheat, Renters who are to pay Wheat, shall deliver the [...]me into a Mill within a Mile of [...]vi­gable Water. shall deliver the same in good merchantable Wheat into some convenient Mill within a Mile of any navigable Water, which may best suit the said Renter; and the Miller's Re­ceipt for the same being produced to the Receiver or Col­lector, shall be accounted and taken as sufficient Payment for so much as shall be therein mentioned, and the Renter shall be discharged thereupon accordingly.

Arrears of Rent not to be sued for till six Months after Demand or Notice gi­ven, &c.PROVIDED ALSO, That no Person shall be distrained upon or sued for any Rent, or Arrears of Rent heretofore due, until six Months be expir'd after the first Demand thereof shall be made, or Notice given as aforesaid, to the End that every one may have time to provide his Receipts and Proofs of Payments, if any be made; and for that Purpose he shall have Recourse to all Rent-Rolls, Books and Accounts of all the Receivers or Collectors of Quit-Rents that can be found, to make out the Payments where Receipts cannot be produced: Which said Receivers and Collectors, their Executors and Administrators, shall and are hereby required, before the Twenty-fourth Day of the Month called Iune, in the Year of our LORD [Page 79] One Th [...]usand S [...]v [...]n Hundred and Six, to bring into the Re­ceiver-General's Office, at Philad [...]lphia, al [...] the Accounts of Rents gathered, received or had by the said respective Re­ceivers or Collectors, or by their Order, or true Copies of such Accounts n [...]t already br [...]ught in; Where Re­ceipts cannot be [...]ound the Accounts of theReceivers, &c▪ shall be allowed by the Receiver-General. and if any Rents be thereby discovered, or otherwise made appear to be paid, or [...]cured by Obligation, or other Specialty for that Pur­pose, the same shall be allowed by the Receiver-General or his Deputy for the time being, or by such other Person as shall be appointed to collect the Proprietary's Rents a [...] aforesaid.

PROVIDED ALSO, No Proof ap­pearing, and the Party de­clare the Sum paid, &c. no Distress to be made, but the Pa [...]ties Affir­mation, &c▪ to be Proof. That where Receipts can­not be produced, nor any apparent Credit in or by any of the said Receiver's Rolls, Books or Accounts, or no other P [...]oof can be made of the Payment of the Rents, or Arrears of Rents heretofore due, to the Satisfaction of such Receiver or Collector, and yet the Party declares the same is paid or secu [...]ed as aforesaid, in Part or in all; then, and in such Cases, the Receiver or Officer shall not make Distress for such Rents or Arrears, but may sue for the same; and the Tenant or Debtor shall be allowed to give his own Affirma­tion, back'd with probable Circumstances, or Proof of oth [...]rs, in Evidence to the Jury, for his Discharge; and if such Evidence be not to the Satisfaction of the Jury, they shall find for the Plaintiff.

PROVIDED ALSO, And every Obligation gi­ven for Rent, [...] shall dis­ch [...]ge, & That every Obligation or Specialty which hath been or shall be given for Arrears of Quit-Rents, shall discharge the Oblig [...]rs of so much thereof, and be a Bar to any Action or Avowry for the same.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, The Rent fi [...]st re [...]e [...]ved shall be [...]ppo [...]tion­ed on the Di­vision of Lands, &c. That none of the said Quit-Rents shall be multiplied, but the Rent or Sum first re­served shall be appo [...]tio [...]ed; and no Person after he has given the Receiver or Collector a due Account of what Land he has alienated, and the same is entred in the Roll as is herein after directed, shall [...]e charged, distrained or sued for any more of the said Quit-Rents than what shall be really due, or ought of Right to be required or had, for the Quantity of Ground or Number of Acres which he or s [...]e resp [...]c [...]ively holds. No Person to pay more than his Share of Quit Rents. And no Person shall be charged or obliged to pay any Quit-Rents for such Pa [...]ts of his or her Lands or Lots as he o [...] she shall have alienated or conveyed to another who resides upon any Lands adjoining, upon the [Page 80] Account of which he or she was before entered into the said Roll; which the Receiver or Officer, upon due Notice had thereof, is hereby required to do.

No Proporti­ons of Rents to be less than 12 d. Ster▪ for new, and a Bushel of Wheat for old Rente [...]s.PROVIDED ALWAYS, That no Proportions or Parts of Quit-Rents for Lots or Lands sold or alienated after the Twenty-fifth of the Month called March, in the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred and Six, shall be less than twelve Pence Sterling for new Renters, and one Bushel of Wheat for old Renters; and upon Alienations before the said Twenty-fifth Day of March, the Receiver, or his De­puties, shall not be obliged to receive for any Part or Parcel of Lots or Lands, less than Three Pence Sterling yearly, or one Peck of Wheat. The Receiver to enter into hisRent-Rolls every Aliena­tion. And the said Receiver, or his Depu­ties, are hereby required to enter into the respective Rent-Rolls every such Alienation as aforesaid; for which the under Purchaser, who shall be so entred, shall pay One Shilling.

AND WHEREAS divers Persons, who are not resident in this Province, have procured their Lands to be located; where the same, by the Settlement of the neigh­bouring Inhabitants, are greatly improved in Value, and yet have not paid Quit-Rents nor publick Charges, for Want of some Person in the Place to answer for them; BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That from and after the Twenty-fi [...]th of the Month called March, which shall be in the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eight, Lands, &c in A [...]ears for three Years Quit Rents, or County-Levies, may be levied on in Manner as other Lands, &c. for Pay­ment of Debts. where any Tracts of Lands or Lots shall be in Arrears for Quit-Rents, yearly arising thereupon, or for the Provincial or County Rates assessed, or to be assessed, or made payable for the same, it shall be lawful for the Clerk of the County where such Land lies, in the Name of the Proprietor, to sue such Non-Resident in the respective County Court, as well for the Arrears of Quit-Rent as Taxes unpaid, for the Space of three Years, or more, next before such Suit; and if the Defendant doth not, by himself, or any other, appear to defend such Suit, and pay the said Arrears of Quit-Rents and Taxes, Judgment shall be given against the Defendant, and Execution shall be awarded, to be levied on so much of the said Lands as shall satisfy the Judgment, in the same Manner as other Lands, by the Laws of this Province, are to be taken and sold upon Execution for the Payment of Debts; and so much of the Money raised by such Sale as shall be due for Quit-Rents, shall be, by the Sheriff, paid [Page 81] to the Proprietor or his Receiver; and what shall be due for Taxes shall be paid to the Provincial or County Trea­surer respectively.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, W [...]its of Re­plevin gran­table▪ That it shall and may be law­ful for the Justices of each County of this Province, to grant Writs of Replevin in all Cases whatsoever where Replevins may be granted by the Laws of England, taking Security as the said Law directs, and make them returnable to the next respective Courts of Common-Pleas in the proper County, there to be determined according to Law.

CHAP. CXXXII. An ACT about Departers out of this Province.

BE IT ENACTED, &c. That every Person in­tending to depart or leave this Province, shall publish his or her Intentions in Writing, under one Justice's Hand, affixed on the Door of the County Court-House where he or she inhabits, thirty Days before his or her De­parture; and shall have a Pass under the Province or County Se [...]l. AND if any Master of Ship or Vessel, s [...]all presume to convey or transport any Person inhabiting in this Province out of this Government without such Pass, such Master or Person shall pay all Damages that shall happen thereby.

CHAP. CXXXIII. An ACT for the better Improving a good Correspondence with the Indians.


CHAP. CXXXIV. An ACT about Attachments.

WHEREAS the Laws of this Government have hitherto been deficient in respect of Attachments, Proceedings on Attach­ments rectifi­ed by the 9th Ge [...]. I. Chap. 251 [...]. (so that the Effects of Persons absenting are not [...]ally liable with those of Persons dwelling upon the Spot, [...] make Satisfaction for Debts contracted or owing within [Page 82] this Province) to the great Injury of the Inhabitants thereof, and Encouragement of such unworthy Persons as frequently, by Absconding, make an Advantage of the Defect afore­said: To prevent which Inconveniency, BE IT E­NACTED, &c. That the Justices of the respective County Courts within this Province shall, and are hereby impowered to grant Writs of Attachment; which Attach­ments so granted shall be duly served by the respective Sheriffs or Coroners, as the Case may require, upon the Goods and Chattels of such Person or Persons against whom the same shall be awarded, in whose Hands or Possession the same shall be found, returnable to the next succeeding Court respectively, where the Party may proceed to Trial, and shall have Judgment granted the third Court after the Effects are seized.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, The Manner of Proceeding on Attach­ments. That the Person or Persons whose Goods or Effects are so attached, shall be called The Defendant in the Attachment; and the Person in whose Hands or Possession the same Goods or Effects are attached shall be called The Garnishee, and shall be obliged to appear in Court at the Return of the Attachment, and answer what shall be objected against him, and abide the Judg­ment of Court, and shall be allowed, out of the Effects at­tached, reasonable Satisfaction for his Attendance. And that the Manner of Executing the said Writs shall be by the Officers going to the House, or to the Person in whose Hands or Possession the Defendant's Goods or Effects are supposed to be, and then and there declare, in the Presence of one or more credible Persons of the Neighbourhood, That he attacheth the same Goods or other Effects: From and after which Declaration the Goods, Money or Effects so at­tached, shall remain in the Officer's Power, and be by him secured, in order to answer and abide the Judgment of Court in that Case, unless the Garnishee will give Security therefor. And if the Plaintiff obtain a Verdict, Judgment and Executi [...]n for the Money and Goods in the Garnishee's Possession; y [...]t the Defendant, in the Attachment, may, at any time before the Money paid, put in Bail to the Plain­tiff's Action, upon which the Attachment is grounded; whereby the Garnishee will and shall be immediately dis­charged. And if an Attachment shall be made for Goods or Effects, and the Garnishee plead he had no Goods or Effects in his Hands at the time of the Attachm [...], or at any time after, and the Plaintiff prove the Contrary, the [Page 83] Jury in such Case being satisfied that the Proof is plain and full, shall find for the Plaintiff, and say what Goods or Effects they find in the Garnishee's Hands; whereupon Judgment shall be entred, that Appraisement may be made of the said Goods or Effects so found by the Jury, and a Precept shall be granted requiring the Sheriff to get the same appraised; and if the Garnishee will not produce them, Execution shall be forthwith awarded for the Value thereof according to Appraisement; to be levied of the Lands, Tenements, Goods and Chattels of the Garnishee.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, No Attach­ment to be granted a­gainst a Resi­dent, &c. T [...]t no Writ of At­tachment shall hereafter be granted against any Person or Persons Effects, but such only as at the time of Granting such Writs are not resident or residing within this Province, or are about to remove or make their Escape out of the same, and shall refuse to give sufficient Security to the Com­plainant for his Debt or other Demand before he departs the said Province.

PROVIDED ALSO, That after Judgment ob­tained by the Plaintiff upon any Attachments against Non-Residents, the Plaintiff shall before Sale, The Plaintiff after Judg­ment obtain­ed shall find Security, that if the Defen­dant, &c. and after Execution is awarded, find Security, who shall undertake for the Plaintiff, That if the Defendant in the Attachment shall, within a Year and a Day next following, by himself or Attorney, come into Court and disprove or avoid the Debt recovered by the Plaintiff against him, or shall discharge the same, with Costs, that then the Plaintiff shall restore to the Defendant the Goods or Effects, or the Value thereof, by the Plaintiff attached and co [...]demned, or so much thereof as shall be disproved or discharged, or else that they shall and will do it for him.

CHAP. CXXXV. An ACT for the Trial of Negroes.

WHEREAS some Difficulties have arisen within this Province, Vide po [...]ea, An Act, enti­ [...]uled ▪ An Act for [...]he better Regulating of Negroes, &c. 12 th Geo. I. Chap. 287. about the Manner of Trial and Pu­nishment of Negroes committing Murther, Man­slaughter, Buggery, Burglary, Rapes, Attempts of Rapes, and other high and heinous Enormities and capital Offen­ces: For Remedy thereof, and for the speedy Trial and condign Punishment of such Negroe or Negroes offending as aforesaid, BE IT ENACTED, &c. That it shall [Page 84] and may be lawful for two Justices of the Peace of this Province, Two Justices commissiona­ted by the Governor, with the As­sistance of six Freeholders, to tryNegroes for Murther, &c. who shall be particularly commissionated by the Government for that Service, within the respective Coun­ties thereof, and six of the most substantial Freeholders of the Neighbourhood, to hear, examine, try and determine all such Offences committed by any Negroe or Negroes: Which said Freeholders shall be by Warrant under the Hands and Seals of the respective Justices, commissionated as aforesaid, directed to the next Constable, summoned to appear at such Time and Place as the said Justices shall therein appoint: Their Quali­fication, and Manner of Proceeding ther [...]on. Which Freeholders the said Justices shall solemnly attest, Well and truly to give their Assistance and Iudgment upon the Trial of such Negroe or Negroes: Who shall hold a Court for the Hearing, Trying, Judging, De­termining and Convicting of such Negroe or Negroes as shall be before them charged or accused of committing any Murther, Manslaughter, Buggery, Burglary, Rapes, At­tempts of Rapes, or any other high or heinous Offence committed, acted or done in any of the respective Counties within this Province as aforesaid.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Their Duty and Power, to acquit or con­demn, &c. That upon the Holding of such Court by the said Justices and Freeholders as aforesaid, it shall and may be lawful for the said Justices and Freeholders to examine, try, hear, judge, determine, convict, acquit or condemn, according to Evidence and full Proof, any Ne­groe or Negroes, for any the Crimes or Offences aforesaid, or any other high or capital Offence; and, upon due Proof and Conviction, to pronounce such Judgment or Sentence in the Premises, as is agreeable to Law and the Nature of the Offence; or otherwise to acquit, free and discharge such Negroe or Negroes, in Case the Evidence shall not be sufficient for a Conviction therein.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, HowSentence shall be given and Executi­on done, &c▪ That where such Negroe or Negroes shall be convict, and Judgment or Sentence shall be pronounced by the respective Justices and Freeholders as aforesaid, and a Warrant by them signed and sealed, to be directed to the High-Sheriff of the County where the Fact was committed or tried, for the Execution of such Negroe or Negroes, the same shall be duly executed, or caused to be duly executed by the said Sheriff, on Pain of being disabled to act any longer in that Post or Office.

[Page 85]AND if any of the said Justices or Freeholders neglect or delay to do their Duty therein, Penalty: they shall be liable to be fined by the Governor and Council, in any Sum not exceed­ing Five Pounds; to be levied by Distress and Sale of the Goods and Chattels of such Justices or Freeholders so re­fusing as aforesaid.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Rape, &c punished by Death, and an Attempt▪ &c. by Whip­ping, &c. That if any Negroe or Negroes within this Province, shall commit a Rape or Ravishment upon any white Woman or Maid, or shall commit Murther, Buggery or Burglary, they shall be tried as aforesaid, and shall be punished by Death. And for an Attempt of Rape or Ravishment on any white Woman or Maid, and for Robbing and Stealing, or fraudulently taking and carrying away any Goods, living or dead, above the Value of Five Pounds, every Negroe, upon Conviction of any of the said Crimes, shall be whipp'd with Thirty-nine Lashes, and branded on the Forehead with the Letter [R] or [T] and exported out of this Province by the Master or Owner, within six Months after Conviction, never to return into the same, upon Pain of Death, and shall be kept in Prison till Exportation, at their Masters or Owners, or their own Charge. Stealing un­der 5 l. Value, by Whipping only, and the Master to pay, &c. And for Robbing or Stealing any Goods as afore­said, under the Value of Five Pounds, every Negroe, upon Conviction thereof, shall be whipp'd at the Discretion of the Justices, with any Number of Lashes not exceeding Thirty-nine; and the Master or Owner of such Negroe shall make Satisfaction to the Party wronged for the Value, and pay all Costs; to be levied by Distress and Sale of the said Master's or Owner's Goods, if he or they refuse or delay to answer it otherwise.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Negroes not allowed to carry a Gun, &c. That if any Negroe shall pre­sume to carry any Guns, Sword, Pistol, Fowling-Piece, Clubs or other Arms or Weapons whatsoever, without his Master's special Licence for the same, and be convicted thereof before a Magistrate, he shall be whip'd with Twenty-one Lashes on his bare Back.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Nor to me [...] above four its Company, on Penalty of Whipping. That for preventing Negroes meeting and accompanying together on the First-Days of the Week, or any other Day or Time, in great Companies or Numbers; that if any Person or Persons give Notice [Page 86] thereof, and to whom they respectively belong, to any Ju­stice of the Peace within this Province, the same being above the Number of four in Company, and upon no lawful Bu­siness of their Masters or Owners, such Negroes so offending shall be publickly whip'd, at the Discretion of one Justice of the Peace, not exceeding Thirty-nine Lashes.

CHAP. CXXXVI. An ACT to prevent the Importation of Indian Slaves. Vid. pos [...]ea Cap. 288.

WHEREAS the Importation of Indian Slaves from Carolina, or other Places, hath been observed to give the Indians of this Province some Umbrage for Suspicion and Dissatisfaction, BE IT ENACTED, &c. No Indian Slaves to be imported into this Province, on Penalty of being forfei­ted▪ That if, after the Twenty-fifth Day of March, in the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred and Six, any Person shall import, or cause to be imported, any Indian Slaves or Ser­vants whatsoever, from any Province, or Colony in America into this Province, by Land or Water, such only and their Children (if any) excepted, as for the Space of one Year before such Importation, shall be proved to have been menial Servants in the Family of the Importer, and are brought in together with the Importer's Family; every such Slave or Servant so here landed shall be forfeited to the Government, and shall be either set at Liberty or other­wise disposed of as the Governor and Council shall see cause.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, That no such Indian Slave as Deserting his Master's Service elsewhere (that shall fly into this Province) shall be understood or be construed to be comprehended within this Act.

CHAP. CXXXVII. The LAW about seven Years quiet Possession.

BE IT ENACTED, &c. That seven Years quiet Possession of Lands within this Province, which were first entred on upon an equitable Right, shall forever give an unquestionable Title to the same against all, during the Estate whereof they are or shall be possessed; except [Page 87] in Cases of Infants, married Women, Lunaticks, and Persons not resident within this Province and Territories.

CHAP. CXXXVIII. An ACT for the Killing of Wolves.


CHAP. CXXXIX. An ACT against mixing and adulterating strong Liquors.

FOR the Preventing of Fraud in mixing and adulte­rating Rum, Brandy, or such like Spirits, BE IT ENACTED, &c. The mixing Water with Rum, &c. to sell, is Forfei­ture thereof. That if any Person within this Province shall presume to sell Rum, Brandy, or such like Spirits, that is adulterated or mix'd with Water or any other Liquor, knowing the same to be so adulterated or mix'd, being convict thereof, by one or more credible Wit­nesses, he or she shall, for every such Offence, forfeit the said Rum, Brandy or Spirits to be exposed to Sale, and pay treble the Value thereof; one Moiety to the Support of Government and the other Moiety or Half to him that shall discover or sue for the same.

CHAP. CXL. An ACT for Mariners not to be trusted.

TO the End that no Mariners shall be arrested to hin­der their Voyage in any Ship or other Vessel to which they belong, bound out to Sea, BE IT ENAC­TED, &c. That no Person, Ordinary-keepers or others, Mariners not to be trusted above 5 [...] on 5 l. Penalty, &c. within this Province, shall trust any Mariner, belonging to any Vessel, above Five Shillings, unless the Master of the Ship or Vessel to whom such Mariner belongs, engage for the same; upon the Penalty of Losing what they so trust, and of the Sum of Five Pounds, over and above, for each Of­fence; one Moiety thereof to the Master or Merchant in­jured, and the other to the Governor; and shall further for­feit their Licence; except such Mariner have Goods on board the said Vessel, or otherways to answer the same.

[Page 88]

CHAP. CXLI. An ACT for County Seals, and against counterfeiting Hands and Seals.

BE IT ENACTED, &c. That there shall be a County Seal in every County in this Province, for the Use of each County; The Penalty on counterfei­ting Hand or Seal. and if any Person within the said Province shall be convicted of counterfeiting the Hand or Seal of another, with Intent to defraud such Per­son, shall suffer three Months Imprisonment, and be fined treble the Value he or she shall have defrauded, or attemp­ted to have defrauded thereby, to the Use of the Party wronged. Or the Privy or Broad Seal. AND whosoever shall counterfeit the Privy or Broad Seal of the said Province, being convicted thereof, shall suffer seven Years Imprisonment as aforesaid, and be fined at the Discretion of the Court where such Party shall be convicted, in any Sum not exceeding One Hundred Pounds, for the Support of Government.

CHAP. CXLII. An ACT for Defalcation.

Any Person sued upon Bond, Bill, &c may plead Payment of Part or the whole Debt, &c.BE IT ENACTED, &c. That if any two or more Dealing together, be indebted to each other upon Bonds, Bills, Bargains, Promises, Accounts, or the like, and one of them commence an Action in any Court of this Province, if the Defendant cannot gainsay the Deed, Bargain or Assumption upon which he is sued, it shall be lawful for such Defendant to plead Payment of all or any Part of the Debt or Sum demanded, and give any Bond, Bill, Receipt, Account or Bargain in Evidence; and if it shall appear that the Defendant hath fully paid or satis­fied [...] Debt or Sum demanded, the Jury shall find for the Defendant, and Judgment shall be entered, that the Plaintiff shall take nothing by his Writ, and shall pay the Costs. And if it shall appear that any Part of the Sum demanded be paid, then so much as is found to be paid shall be de­saulked, and the Plaintiff shall have Judgment for the Residue only, If the Jury find the Plain­tiff is over­paid, the Ver­dict shall be given for the Defendant. with Costs of Suit, But if it appear to the Jury that the Plaintiff is overpaid, then they shall give in their Verdict for the Defendant, and withal certify to the Court how much they find the Plaintiff to be indebted [Page 89] or in Arrear to the Defendant more than will answer the Debt or Sum demanded, and the Sum or Sums so certified shall be [...]ecorded with the Verdict, and shall be deemed as a Debt of Record; and if the Plaintiff refuse to pay the same, And how the Court shall proceed upon the same. the De [...]endant, for Recovery thereof, shall have a Scire facias against the Plaintiff in the said Action, and have Execution for the same, with the Costs of that Action.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, Where a Ten­der is made, and the Par­ty refuses, and afterwards sues, he shall recover no Costs. That in all Cases where a Tender shall be made, and full Payment offered by Discount, or otherwise, in such Specie as the Party by Contract or Agreement ought to do; and the Party to whom such Tender shall be made doth refuse the same, and yet afterward will sue for the Debt or Goods so tendred, the Plaintiff shall not recover any Costs in such Suit.

PROVIDED ALSO, The award of Referrees cho­sen in Court, by Consent of Parties, shall have the same Effect as a Verdict. That in all Cases where the Plaintiff and Defendant having Accounts to produce one against another, shall, by themselves, or Attornies, or Agents, consent to a Rule of Court, for Referring the Ad­ju [...]ment thereof, to certain Persons, mutually chosen by them in open Court, the Award and Report of such Re­ferees being made according to the Submission of the Parties, and approved of by the Court, and entered upon the Re­cord or Roll, shall have the same Effect, and shall be deemed and taken to be as available in Law as a Verdict given by twelve Men; and the Party to whom any Sum or Sums of Money are thereby awarded to be paid, shall have Judg­ment, or a Scire facias, for the Recovery thereof, as the Case may require, and as is herein before directed concern­ing Sums found and settled by a Jury; any Law or Usage to the Contrary of this in anywise notwithstanding.

CHAP. CXLIII. An ACT for Bailing of Prisoners, and about Imprisonment.

BE IT ENACTED, &c. All Perso [...] bailable, ex­cept for Felo­nies of Death. That all Prisoners shall be bailable by one or more sufficient Sureties, to be taken by one or more of the Judges or Justices that have Cognizance of the Fact, unless for such Offences as are or shall be made Felonies of Death by the Laws of this Province. And, at least every half Year, there shall be a [Page 90] Goal-Delivery in every County of this Province, where Im­prisonment is not the Punishment: And that Goalers shall not oppress their Prisoners; The Liberty of P [...]isone [...]s, and their Al­lowance. and that all Prisoners shall be free as to Room; and all Prisoners shall have Liberty to provide themselves with Bedding, Food and other Necessa­ries during their Imprisonment. And that the Publick-Allowance shall be Two Pence per Day, and no more. And that the respective Prisons shall be Work-Houses (until others are provided) for Felons, Thieves, Vagrants and loose and idle Persons; whereof one shall be in each respec­tive County of this Province. And that no Person or Per­sons shall be obliged to answer to any Indictment or Pre­sentment, unless the Prosecutor's Name be inserted thereon. And if any Person or Persons shall be imprisoned or prose­cuted without probable Cause, he, she or they shall have double Damages against the Informer or Prosecutor; to be recovered by Action at common Law.

CHAP. CXLIV. An ACT for taking Lands in Execution for Payment of Debts. Vide 13 Geo. I. post. Cap. 295. See Chap. 48. Anno 1700.

TO the End that no Creditor may be defrauded of their just Debts due to them from Persons who have sufficient real if not personal Estates to satisfy the same, Lands Tene­ments, &c. may be sold for the Pay­ment of Debts. BE IT ENACTED, &c. That all such Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments whatsoever, within this Province, where no sufficient personal Estate can be found, shall be liable to be seized and sold, upon Judgment and Execution obtained.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, That when any Debt is hereafter recovered, Except the Rents thereof will sati [...]fy such Debts in seven Years. and Damages awarded, or when any Debt is acknowledged before such as have or shall have Power to take Cognizance thereof, and Executions awarded thereupon, to be levied upon the Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments of any Person or Persons whatsoever, it shall not be lawful for any Sheriff, or other Officer, by Virtue of such Executions, or of any Writ or Writs thereupon, to sell or expose to Sale any such Lands, Tenements or He­reditaments, in this Province, which shall or may yield yea [...]ly Rents or Profits, beyond all Reprizes, sufficient, within the Space of seven Years, to pay or satisfy such Debts or [Page 91] Damages, with the Costs of Suit; but that all those Lands, And then to be extended. Tenements and Here [...]itaments shall, by Virtue of the Writ or Writs of Execution, be delivered to the Party obtaining the same, until the Debt or Damages be levied by a rea­sonable Extent, in the same M [...]nner and Method as Lands are delivered upon Writs of E [...]git in England.

PROVIDED NEVERTHELESS, That if the clear Profits of such Lands or Tenements shall not be sound by Inquest of twelve Men to be sufficient, And if not, and before the said Extent be out any Debts shall be reco­vered which cannot be sa­tisfied out of the said year­ly Profits, then said Lands shall be sold. within seven Years, to satisfy the Debt or Damages in such Exe­cutions; or if, before the Extent be out, any other Debts or Damages shall be recovered against the same Debtor or Defen [...]ant, his Heirs, Executors or Administrators; which, with what r [...]mains due upon that Extent, cannot all be sa­tisfied out of the yearly Profits of the Lands and Tenements so extended, within seven Years, then, and in every such Case, the Sh [...]riff, or other Officer, shall accordingly certify the same, upon the Return of such Executions; whereupon Writ or Writs of Venditioni exponas shall issue forth to sell such Lands or Tenements, for and towards Satisfaction of what shall so remain due upon such Extent, as also towards Satisfaction of all the rest of the said Debts or Damages, in Manner as is herein alter directed concerning the Sale of other Lands.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be law­ful for the Sheriff, or other Officer, How the She­riff is to pro­ceed therein. by a Writ of Levari facias, to seize and take all other Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments in Execution, and thereupon, with all con­venient Speed, either with or without any Writ of Vendi­tioni exponas, to make publick Sale thereof for the most they will yield, and pay the Price or Value of the same to the Party, towards Satisfaction of his Debt, Damages and Costs. But before any such Sale be made, the Sheriff, Notice to be gi [...]en ten Days before such Sales. or other Officer, shall cause so many Writings to be made, upon Parchment, or good Paper, as the Debtor or Defendant shall reasonably desire or request, or so many, without such Re­quest, as may be sufficient to signify and give Notice of such Sales or Vendues, and of the D [...]y and Hour when, and the Place where the same will be, and what Lands or Tenements are to be so sold, and where they lie, which Notice shall be given to the Defendant; and the said Parch­ments or Papers fix'd by the Sheriff, or other Officer, in the most publick Places of the County or City, at least ten [Page 92] Days before Sale; And after the S [...]le the She­riff to give the Buyer a Deed, &c. and upon such Sale, the She [...]ff, or other Officer, shall make Return thereof, indor [...]ed or annexed to the said Levari facias; and give the Buyer a Deed, duly executed and acknowledged in Court for what is sold, as has been heretofore used upon the Sheriff's Sale of Lands. But in Case the said Lands and Hereditaments so to be ex­posed, If the Lands, &c cannot be sold how the Sheriff shall proceed. cannot be sold, then the Officer shall make Return upon the Writ, That he exposed such Lands or Tenements to Sale, and the same re [...]ained in his Hand uns [...]ld for Want of Buyers. Which Return shall not make the Officer liable to answer the Debt or Damages contained in such Writ, but a Writ, And how the Debtor shall be satisfied, and hold the said Lands, &c. called Liberari facias, shall forthwith be awarded and directed to the proper Officer, commanding him to de­liver to the Party such Part or Parts of those Lands, Tene­ments and Hereditaments as shall satisfy his Debt, Damages and Interest, from the time of the Judgment given, with Costs of Suit, according to the Valuation of twelve Men; to hold to him as his free Tenement, in Satisfaction of his Debt, Damages and Costs, or so much thereof as those Lands, by the Valuation thereof as aforesaid, shall amount unto: And if it fall short, the Party may afterwards have Execution for the Residue against the Defendant's Body, Lands or Goods, as the Laws of this Province shall direct and appoint from time to time, concerning other Executions. All which said Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments and Pre­mises so as aforesaid to be sold or delivered by the Sheriff or Officer aforesaid, with all their Appurtenances, shall and may be quietly and peaceably held and enjoyed by the Person or Persons, or Bodies politick, to whom the same shall be sold or delivered, and by his and their Heirs, Suc­cessors or Assigns, as fully and amply, and for such Estate and Estates, and under such Rents and Services as he or they for whose Debt or Duty the same shall be so sold or delivered, might, could or ought to do at or before the taking thereof in Execution.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, That the Messuage, Lands or Tenements upon which the Defendant is chiefly seated, The chief Messuage, &c. not to be [...]old within a Year after Judgment, &c. shall not be exposed to Sale before the Expiration of one whole Year after Judgment is given, to the Intent that the Defendant, or any other for him, may redeem the same.

AND forasmuch as divers Persons have mortgaged their Lands and Tenements in this Province for securing the Payment of Monies, and some of them have died before [Page 93] the time of Payment, and left others to succeed them, that have proved Insolvent; and others have neglected to pay the Mortgage-Money, and so Mortgages are become no effectual Security, considering how low the annual Profits of Tenements and improved Lands are here, and the Dis­couragements which the Mortgagees meet with, by Reason of the [...]quity of Redemption remaining in the Mortgagers: BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Auth [...]rity aforesaid, The Mortga­ger, upon Non-Pay­ment of the Mortgage-Money, may, after one Y [...]ar, sue forth a Writ of S [...]ire facias, & [...]. That where Default or Defaults have been or shall be made or suffered by any Mortgager or Mortgagers of any Lands, Tenements, or other Heredita­ments, within this Province, or by his, her or their Heirs, Executors, Administrators and Assigns, of or in Payment of the Mortgage-Money, or Performance of the Condition or Conditions which they or any of them should have paid or performed, or ought to pay or perform, in such Manner and Form, and according to the Purport, Tenor and Effect of the respective Provi [...]oes, Conditions or Covenants com­prised in their Deeds of Mortgage or Defeazance, and at the Days, Times and Places in the same Deeds respectively mentioned and contained; that in every such Case it shall and may be lawful to and for the Mortgagee or Mortgagee [...], and him, her or them that grant the Deeds of Defeazance, and his, her and their Heirs, Executors, Administrators and Assigns, at any time after the Expiration of twelve Months next ensuing the last Day whereon the said Mortgage-Money ought to be paid, or other Conditions performed as aforesaid, to sue forth a Writ or Writs of Scire facias, which the Clerk of the Court of Common-Pleas for the County or City where the said Mortgage-Lands or Hereditaments lie and be, is hereby impowered and required to make out and dispatch, directed to the proper Officer, requiring him, by honest and lawful Men of the Neighbourhood to make known to the Mortgager or Mortgagers, his, her or their Heirs, Executors or Administrators, that he or they be and appear before the Magistrates, Judges or Justices of the said Court or Courts, to shew if any thing he or they have to say wherefore the said mortgaged Premises ought not to be seized and taken in Execution for Payment of the said Mortgage-Money, with Interest, or to satisfy the Damages which the Plaintiff in such Scire facias shall, upon the Re­cord, suggest, for the Breach or Non-Performance of the said Conditions. And if the Defendant, in such Scire facias, appears, he or they may plead Satisfaction or Payment of Part or all the Mortgage-Money, or any other lawful Plea, in Avoidance of the Deed or Debt, as the Case may require: [Page 94] But if the Defendants, in such Scire facias, will not appear on the Day whereon the same Writ shall be made returna­ble, then, if the Case be such as Damages only are to be recovered, an Inquest shall be forthwith charged to enquire thereof, and the definitive Judgment therein, as well as all other Judgments, to be given upon such Scire facias, shall be entered, that the Plaintiff in the Scire facias shall have Execution by Levari facias, directed to the proper Officer; by Virtue whereof the said mortgaged Premises shall be ta­ken in Execution, And take out Execution and expose to Sale the mort­gaged Premi­ses as above directed. and exposed to Sale in Manner aforesaid; and upon Sale, conveyed to the Buyer or Buyers thereof, and the Money or Price of the same rendered to the Mort­gagee or Creditor; but for want of Buyers, to be delivered to the Mortgagee or Creditor in Manner and Form as is herein before directed concerning other Lands and Heredi­taments, to be sold and delivered upon Executions for other Debts or Damages; and when the said Lands and Heredi­taments shall be so sold or delivered as aforesaid, the Person or Persons to whom they shall be so sold or delivered, shall and may hold and enjoy the same, with their Appurtenances, for such Estate or Estates as they were sold or del [...]ered, clearly discharged and free'd from all Equity and Benefit of Redemption, and all other Incumbrances made and suffered by the Mortgagers, their Heirs or Assigns; and such Sales shall be available in Law, And such Sales shall be available in Law, &c. and the respective Vendees, Mortgagees or Creditors, their Heirs and Assigns, shall hold and enjoy the same, free'd and discharged as aforesaid; but before such Sales shall be made, Notice shall be given, in Writing, in Manner and Form as is he [...]ein above directed concerning the Sales of Lands upon Executions; any Law or Usage to the Contrary notwithstanding.

PROVIDED ALSO, AND BE IT FUR­THER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That when any of the said Lands, Overplus to be returned to the Debtor where Lands, &c. are sold for more than will satisfy the Debts, &c. Tenements or Heredita­ments which, by the Direction and Authority of this Act, are to be sold for Payment of Debts and Damages in Man­ner aforesaid, shall be sold for more than will satisfy the same Debts or Damages, and reasonable Costs, then the Sheriff, or other Officer who shall make the Sale, must render the Overplus to the Debtor or Defendants; and then, and not before, the said Officer shall be discharged thereof upon Record, in the same Court where he shall make Return of his Proceedings concerning the said Sales.

[Page 95]PROVIDED ALSO, Such Sale not to create any further Estate th [...]n, &c. That no Sale or Delivery which shall be made by Virtue of this Act shall be extended to create any further Term or Estate to the Vendees, Mortgagees or Creditors than the Lands or Hereditaments so sold or delivered shall appear to be mortgaged for by the said respective Mortgagees or defeazible Deeds.

PROVIDED ALSO, The Lands, &c not to be restored upon the Reve [...]sion of such Judg­ments▪ &c. but the Price of such Lands, &c. shall be repaid. That if any of the said Judgments which do or shall warrant the Awarding of the said Writs of Execution, whereupon any Lands, Tene­ments or Hereditaments have been or shall be sold, shall, at any time hereafter, be reversed for any Error or Errors, then, and in every such Case, none of the said Lands, Te­nements or Hereditaments so as aforesaid taken or sold, or to be taken or sold upon Executions, nor any Part thereof, shall be restored, nor the Sheriff's Sale or Delivery thereof avoided, but Restitution in such Cases only of the Money or Price for which such Lands were or shall be sold.

CHAP. CXLV. An ACT about Arrests, and making Debtors pay by Servitude.

Repealed, by an Act pass'd 3 Geo. II. entituled, An Act for Relief of insolvent Debtors.

CHAP. CXLVI. An ACT for the Relief of the Poor.

FOR the better Relief of the Poor of this Province, BE IT ENACTED, &c. The Justices of the Peace of the respec­tive Counties to appoint O­verseer [...] of the Poor; how and when. That the Justices of the Peace of the respective Counties of this Pro­vince, or any three, or more of them, shall, upon the Five-and-Twentieth Day of March, yearly, (unless that shall happen on the First-Day of the Week) and then on the Day following, meet at some convenient Place within their County, and there nominate and appoint one, two, or more (as the Case may require) of substantial Inhabitants of the respective Townships, and where Townships are small and Inhabitants few, two or more (as the Justices think fit) may be joined together within their County, to be Overseers of the Poor of the said Townships for the Year ensuing.

[Page 96]AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Said Overseers to lay a R [...]te of 1 d. per Pound. That it shall and may be law­ful for the Overseer or Overseers of the Poor so nominated and appointed, to make or lay a Rate or Assessment, after the Rate of One Penny per Pound, clear Value, of the real and personal Estates of all and every the Freeholders and Inhabitants within their respective Townships, to be im­ployed for the Relief of poor, indigent and impotent Per­sons inhabiting within the said Township, in such Manner as by this Act is directed and appointed; and Four Shillings per Head on all Freemen not otherwise rated.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, To be allow­ed by three or more of s [...]id Justices. That the said Overseers, before they proceed to the Collecting of the said Rate, shall pro­cure the same to be allowed by three or more Justices of the Peace of the County wherein the said Tax is made. And if any Person or Persons, How the said Overseers are to proceed [...] collecting the s [...]me. so rated or assessed, shall re­fuse to pay the Sum or Sums on them charged, that it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Overseer or Over­seers (having first obtained a Warrant, under the Hands and Seals of two Justices of the Peace of the County where the said Assessment is made, who are hereby impowered to grant such Warrant) to levy the same on the Goods and Chattels of the Person or Persons so refusing; and in Case such Person shall not, within three Days next after such Distress made, pay the Sum or Sums on him ass [...]ssed, to­gether with the Charge of such Distress, that the said Over­seer or Overseers may proceed to the Sale of the Goods distrained, rendring to the Owner the Overplus (if any) that shall remain on such Sale, reasonable Charges first de­ducted: And in Case such Person or Persons have no Goods or Chattels whereby they may be distrained, that then it shall be lawful for the said Justices to commit the Offenders to Prison, there to remain without Bail or Mainprize until they have paid the same.

In Case of Aggrievances to appeal to the said Ju­stices.PROVIDED ALWAYS, That if any Person or Persons find themselves aggrieved with such Rate or Assessment, that then it shall be lawful for the Justices of the Peace, at their next General Quarter-Sessions, upon Pe­tition of the Party, to take such Order therein as to them shall be thought convenient, and the same to conclude and bind all Parties; and the Overseer or Overseers shall forbear such Distress till the same be determined in the Quarter-Sessions.

[Page 97]AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, The Over­seers to be guided by the County Asses­ment. That the said Overseers shall lay the said Rate according to the best of their Skill and Judgment, wherein they shall be guided by the County Assessment on other Occasions, having due Regard to every Man's Estate, without Favour or Aff [...]ction to any.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, F [...]thers, &c. are obliged to maintain poor, &c. That the Father and Grand-Father, Mother and Grand-Mother, or the Children of every poor, old, blind, lame and impotent Person, or other poor Person not able to work, being of sufficient Ability, shall, at their own Charges, relieve and maintain every such poor Person, as the Justices of the Peace, at their General Quarter-Sessions shall order and direct, on Pain of forfeiting Forty Shillings for every Month they shall fail therein.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Overseers to set to work poor Children and put them out App [...]n­tice. That it shall and may be law­ful for the said Overseers of the Poor, by the Approbation and Consent of two or more Justices of the Peace, to set on work the Children of all such whose Parents shall not be, by the said Justices, thought able to maintain them; and also to put such Children out Apprentices, for such Term as they, in their Discretion, shall see meet.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, No Person to receive Re­lief without Order, &c. That no Person or Persons shall be admitted or entred into the Poor's Books, or receive Relief from the Overseers of the Poor, before such Person or Persons have p [...]o [...]cured an Order from two Justices of the Peace for the same: And in Case the said Overseers shall enter into their Books, or relieve any such poor Person or Persons, without such Orders, they shall forseit all such Money or Goods paid or distributed, unless the Justices shall approve and allow them the same upon making up their Accounts.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That the Justices of the Peace of the said respective Counties shall, Overseers to settle their Accounts yearly and re­turn the Name [...] of two or more to succeed them. at least ten Days be­fore the Twenty-f [...]th Day of March, yearly, issue out their Warrants, directed to the Overseers of the Poor of the re­spective Townships, within their County, commanding their said Overseers to appear before them on the said Day, and produce their Accounts of what Money they received [Page 98] and disburs [...]d for the Use of the Poor, and also to return the Names of one, two or more (as the Place may require) of the sufficient Inhabitants of the respective Townships, to succeed them in that Office for the Year ensuing: Or serve ano­ther Year▪ o [...] forfeit, &c. And in Case the Overseers shall neglect to bring in such their Ac­counts, as also their Names of such suf [...]cient Persons to succeed them in that Office the Year ensuing, such Person or Persons so neglecting shall serve in that Office one Year longer, or otherwise forfeit any Sum not exceeding Fifty Pounds, And if any Person so cho­sen refuse to ser [...]e sh ll forfeit 5 l. and how to be re­covered. as the said Justices shall think fit and direct. And in Case the Person or Persons approved on and appointed by the said Justices to be Overseers of the Poor o [...] any Township within the respective Counties, shall refuse to take upon him or them the said Office, and to do his or their Duty therein, he or they shall forseit the Sum of Five Pounds each; which said Forfeitures shall go and be to the Use of the Poor of the Town or Place where such Neglect or Refusal shall be made, and shall be levied by the Con­stable, by Warrant from any two Justices of the Peace of the said County, under their Hands and Seals, on the Goods and Chattels of such Person or Persons so neglecting or re­fusing, and by the Constable sold within three Days next after such Distress made: And if there happen any Over­plus upon Sale thereof, the same shall be paid to the Person or Persons to whom the same shall belong, reasonable Char­ges first deducted. And if such Person or Persons so neglect­ing or refusing as aforesaid, shall not have Goods or Chattels whereby he or they may be distrained as aforesaid, that then the said Justices may commit the Offender or Offenders to Prison, there to remain without Bail or Mainprize till the said Forfeitures shall be by them fully satisfied and paid.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, The Mayor and Alder­men of the City of Phila­delphia have the same Pow­er within, &c. as the said Justices. That the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Philadelphia shall have the same Power and Authority, by Virtue of this Act, within the Limits and Precincts of their Jurisdictions, as well out of their Sessions as at their Sessions, as is herein limited, prescribed and appointed to the Justices of the Peace of the County.

[Page 99]

CHAP. CXLVII. An ACT for confirming the Sales of Lands by Attornies or Agents, and for ascertaining the Proof of Instruments or Writings made out of this Province.

WHEREAS divers Persons living out of this Province, are and have been Owners of Lands within the same, and such Persons have usually appointed Attornies to sell and dispose thereof: To the End therefore that those who have so purchased, and their Heirs and Assigns, forever hereafter be secured in their Titles and Estates, BE IT ENACTED, &c. That all Sales of Lands, Sale of Lands, &c. by At­tornies, shall be effectual in Law. Tenements and Hereditaments formerly made by any Attornies or Agents who have been appointed by any Person or Persons, who had Right so to do, and especially giving them Power or Directions therein to sell or convey Land, are and shall be deemed and ad­judged good and effectual in Law to all Intents, Construc­tions and Purposes whatsoever, as fully as if the said Owners of such Lands had, by their own Deeds, Bargains and Sales, actually and really sold and conveyed the same; and all and singular the Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments sold and conveyed as aforesaid shall be and remain to such Pur­chasers respectively, their Heirs and Assigns forever, as they wer [...] or ought to have been to the Owner or Owners of such Land and Premises so imploying his or their Attornies or Agents as aforesaid.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That all and every Bonds, Bonds, &c. proved by two Witnesses before any Mayor, &c. and certified under com­mon or publick Seal, &c. sufficient in Law. Specialties, Letters of Attorney, and other Powers in Wri­ting, which shall be produced in any Court, or before any Magistrate in this Province, the Execution whereof being p [...]oved by two or more of the Witnesses thereunto, before any Mayor or chief Magistrate or Officer of the Cities, Towns or Places where such Bonds, Letters of Attorney, or other Writings, are or shall be made or executed, and accordingly certified under the common or publick Seal of the Cities, Towns or Places where the said Bonds, Letters of Attorney, or other Writings, are so proved respectively, shall be taken and adjudged as sufficient in Law as if the Witnesses therein named had been present, and such Certi­fication shall be sufficient Evidence to the Court and Jury for the Proof thereof.

[Page 100]AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Sales of Lands▪ &c. hereafter by Power of At­torney, pro­ved in this Province, shall be good. That all Sales or Conveyances of Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments which shall here­after be made by Virtue of any Letters or Powers of At­torney or Agency duly executed, which do or shall expresly give Power to sell Lands or other Estates, and be certified to have been proved as aforesaid, or shall be proved in this Province before any Justice of the Peace, by one or more of the Witnesses thereto, shall be good and effectual in Law to all Intents, Constructions and Purposes whatsoever as if the said Constituent or Constituents had by their own Deeds, Bargains and Sales actually and really sold and con­veyed the same.

If such Sale be made while such Power be in Force.PROVIDED ALWAYS, That no Sale of Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments made by Virtue of such Power or Powers of Attorney or Agency as aforesaid, shall be good and effectual, unless such Sale be made and executed while such Power is in force; and all such Powers shall be accounted, deemed and taken to be in force until the Attorney or Agent shall have due Notice of a Counter­mand, Revocation or Death of the Constituent.

CHAP. CXLVIII. An additional ACT for the better preserving the High-Ways. See Chap. 55, and Chap. 57.

FOR the better Amending, Repairing and Preserving of the Highways, now generally spoiled by the extraordinary and unreasonable Lading of Waggons and other Carriages, and drawing the same with Horses at length, BE IT ENACTED, &c. That from and after the first Day of May, No Waggon, Cart, &c. to be drawn by more than three Horses at length. in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Six, no travelling Waggon, Wain, Cart, or other Sort of Carriage whatsoever, going from, or coming to the City of Philadelphia, between the Rivers of Delaware and S [...]huylkil, in the County of Philadel­phia, wherein any Burdens, Goods or Wares are or shall be carried, shall at any one time travel, or be drawn, or go in any common or publick Highway or Road with above three Horse Beasts at length. And if any Person or Persons shall cause any such Waggon, Wain, Cart or Carriage to be drawn with a greater Number of Horses or Oxen, then [Page 101] and in such Case the Horses or Oxen shall all draw in Pairs, That is to say, Two a-breast, for such a Number as they shall use, except one Horse; any Law, Statute or Usage to the Contrary notwithstanding.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, On Penalty of Forty Shil­lings. That every Owner of any Waggon, Cart, Carriage, Horse Beasts or Oxen offending contrary to this Act, being legally convicted before any one Justice of the Peace, by Proof of one credible Witness, or upon View of the Justice himself, shall forfeit for every such Offence the Sum of Forty Shillings, one half Part thereof to the Surveyor of the Highways where the Offence shall be committed, to be imployed in Repair of the said Highway, and the other Moiety to him that shall discover the same: Which Fine shall be levied by the Constable of such Place or Division, or by any other Officer, by Warrant under the Hand and Seal of such Justice of the Peace, upon the Goods and Chattels of the Person so offending, rendring the Overplus to the Owner thereof, all necessary Charges in Levying the same being first deducted.

CHAP. CXLIX. A Supplementary ACT to that about raising County Levies.

Supplied, by the 11 Geo. I.

CHAP. CL. An ACT to prevent the Running of Swine at large.

WHEREAS the Freeholders and Owners of Lands and Plantations, within this Province, have received great Damages and Spoil in their Corn-Fields, Meadows and Out-Lands, by Swine running at large without Rings and Yokes: For the Prevention whereof for the future, BE IT ENACTED, &c. That from and after the first Day of the twelfth Month, cal­led February, next ensuing the Publication hereof, No Swine to run at large withoutRings and Yokes, within four­teen Miles of Delaware, on Forfeiture of such Swine. no Swine shall be suffered to run at large without Rings and Yokes, under the Penalty of forfeiting Half the Value thereof, to the Use hereafter expressed: Therefore if any Person or Persons who shall find on his, her or their Lands, within [Page 102] fourteen Miles of the navigable Parts of the River Dela­ware, any Swine, Hog or Hogs, Shoat or Shoats, or Pigs, without Rings in their Noses, sufficient to prevent their turning up the Ground, and triangular or three corner'd Yokes or Bows about their Necks, and to extend at least six Inches from the angular Point or Corner, sufficient to keep them from Breaking through Fence, it shall and may be lawful for him, her or them, all such Swine, Hogs, Shoats or Pigs, to kill and take, or drive and take away, or cause them to be killed, taken, driven or carried away; and being so taken and carried away, How to act herein. the said Takers shall forthwith acquaint a Justice of the Peace thereof, and being by him legally attested, that the said Swine were taken as aforesaid without Yokes or Bows and Rings, the said Justice shall immediately appoint and order two indifferent Persons of the Neighbourhood to view and make a just and reason­able Appraisement of all such Swine, Hogs, Shoats or Pigs, and to make Return of their Value, Number and Marks unto the said Justice of the Peace, as soon as conveniently it may be done after such Appraisement, one Moiety or Half the Value whereof shall be forfeit to the Person or Persons Owners or Possessors of such Lands where found and taken; and he or they that shall take up such Swine as aforesaid shall pay unto the said Justice of the Peace, for the Use of the Owner or Owners of such Swine, the one Moiety or half Part thereof; and thereupon the Property of all such Swine shall be and remain in the said Owner or Possessor of Land as aforesaid, to his and their own proper Use forever.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, The Justices of Peace shall make Publi­cation of Swine taken up, &c. That such Justice of Peace shall make Publication thereof by a Paper affixed on his House, and on some Tree near the High-Road Side, decla­ring the Number, Marks and Appraisement of all such Swine, and by whom taken up, to the End that the Owners may have Notice thereof, unto whom the said Justice of the Peace shall pay the other Moiety or Half the Value of such Swine taken and appraised, he first Deducting out of the same Two Shillings for the Appraisers, and Two Shillings for the Justice's Clerk, for their Trouble therein. But if it so happen that the Moiety or half Part, as appraised, will not pay the said Four Shillings, then such Takers up shall pay what shall be wanting thereof.

[Page 103]PROVIDED NEVERTHELESS, And if no Owner appear in 12 Months, &c. That if no Person appear within twelve Months after Appraise­ment as aforesaid to claim the Moiety or half Part of such Swine, that then the said Justice shall pay what Money he hath received (the Charges as aforesaid first deducted) unto the Overseer or Overseers of the Poor of the Township where taken up, for the Use of the Poor of the said Town­ship, and the Owner of such Swine shall be thereupon de­barred from any Claim or Right to the same; any Law, Usage or Custom to the Contrary in anywise notwith­standing.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, No Swin [...] to go at large in Philadelphia, &c. on For­feiture. That it shall not be lawful for any Swine, Hogs, Shoats or Pigs to go at large in the Towns of Philadelphia, Chester or Bristol, whether yoked or ringed or not; but if any such shall be found Running at large after the first Day of the twelfth Month next ensuing, such Swine, Hogs, Shoats or Pigs shall be forfeited, one Half to him or them that shall take up the same, and the other Half to the Use of the Poor of the respective Towns, to be paid to the Overseer or Overseers accordingly, to the Use aforesaid: The said Town of Bristol being all the Space contained within half a Mile square from the Mill-Creek up the River Delaware.

CHAP. CLI. An ACT for Collecting the Arrears of Two Thousand Pounds granted to the Proprietary.


CHAP. CLII. An ACT directing the Qualifications of Magi­strates and Officers, as also the Manner of giving Evidence.


[Page 104]

See the Act pass'd the 3 Geo. II. enti­tuled, An Act for the Relief of insolvent Debtors, &c.CHAP. CLIII. An ACT for Regulating Elections of Sheriffs and Coroners.

BE IT ENACTED, &c. That the Freemen and Inhabitants of the City and County of Philadel­phia, Freeholders to elect She­riffs and Coro­ners for the re­spective Coun­ties; how and when. as also of the other Counties of this Province, at the Time and Place of Meeting for Electing their Re­presentatives to serve in Assembly, shall, or may, yearly, choose a double Number of Persons to present to the Go­vernor for Sheriffs and Coroners, in Manner following, That is to say, The Coroner of every County of this Pro­vince, or, in his Absence, the Persons appointed by the Electors of the said Representatives as Judges of their said Elections, without any other Warrant or Precept, as soon as the Elections of the Members of the Assembly is ended, shall, by the Consent of the said Freemen and Electors, or the greatest Part of them, cause a double Number of Persons to be chosen for Sheriff, by Majority of Votes; who shall be returned by Indentures between the Coroners or some other of the said Persons so officiating as Judges of the said other Elections, and six, or more of the Electors: Which Persons so elected for Sheriffs shall present themselves to the Governor, And a double Number be­ing chosen shall present themselves to the Governor, who shall nominate one on or before the third Day, or the first na­med shall stand. within two Days next after such Elections; and if the Governor will not, on or before the third Day after such Presentment, commissionate one of them so cho­sen and presented to him, the first Person named in the Return shall, by Virtue of this Act, stand and serve in the Office of Sheriff for one Year next after such Election, if he so long behave himself well, without any further or other Commission.

In Case of Refusal, Mis­behaviour, &c. the Go­vernor shall commissio­nate, &c.BUT in Case the Persons elected for Sheriffs shall re­fuse to accept of the Office, or if, after any Sheriff doth accept, he shall be convicted for Misbehaviour in his Office, or shall depart this Life before the End of the Term for which he is or shall be chosen, then another sufficient Person shall be commissionated by the Governor from time to time to supply the Place of such as shall so refuse, misbehave himself, or be deceased as aforesaid, who shall act and con­tinue in the Office of Sheriff to the End of the said Term of one Year, from the time he was commissionated, or until another be as aforesaid chosen in his stead.

[Page 105]AND that the Sheriff of every County of this Province, A double Number shall be chose for Coroners, &c. and present themselves, &c. or such other Person as shall be concerned to officiate as Judges of the said Election of Representatives, as soon as the Elections of the said Representatives and Sheriffs are ended, shall, in Manner aforesaid, cause a double Num­ber of Persons to be chosen for Coroners, who shall be re­turned and presented to the Governor within two Days after such Elections; and if the Governor will not commis­sionate one of them so presented, the first named in the Return shall, by Virtue of this Act, stand and serve in the Office of Coroner, for one Year next after such Election, if he so long behave himself well, without any further or other Commission: But in Case the Persons so elected for Coroner r [...]fuse to accept of the Office, or if the Coroner accepting shall be convicted of official Misbehaviour, or be deceased before the End of the Term for which he is or shall be chosen, then another sufficient Person shall be com­missionated by the Governor from time to time, to supply those Defects in Manner aforesaid.

BUT if the Freemen or Electors aforesaid shall at any time neglect or decline to ch [...]se Persons for either or both the said Offices, If the Free­holders ne­glect to chuse, the old She­or Coroner shall stand. then the Persons that are or shall be in the respec­tive Offices of Sheriff and Coroner at the time of the said E­lections shall remain therein until they shall be respectively removed by another Election, to be made in Manner aforesaid.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, The [...]heriff shall give Se­curity, [...]. That before any Sheriff shall receive his Commission, or exercise any Part of his said Office, he shall, by himself or his Deputy put in sufficient Sureties into the Office of the Master of the Rolls of this Province, and there shall enter into Bond or Obliga­tion, t [...] wit, The Sheriff of the City and County of Phila­delphia, in the Sum of Six Hundred Pounds, current Money of Pennsylvania; the Sheriff of the County of Bucks, in the Sum of Two Hundred Pounds, Money aforesaid; and the Sheriff of the County of Ch [...]ster, in the Sum of Two Hundred Pounds, of like Money, upon Condition, That he will well and faithfully perform his Duty and Trust in the said Office of Sheriff, according to the Tenor of the Affirmation, which he shall make for the due Execution of his Office. AND that all the Bonds so to be given for Security as aforesaid shall be taken in the Queen's Name, How the said Bonds shall be taken, &c. and sued. and entred upon Record in the Master of the Rolls-Office aforesaid; but are hereby declared to be only in Trust to and for the Use of the Per­son or Persons c [...]ncerned; and that when any of the said [Page 106] Bonds shall be put in Suit, and Judgment thereon obtained, the Judgment shall remain in the same Nature the Bond [...] were; and that no Execution shall issue out thereupon be­fore the Person or Persons grieved shall, by Scire facias, or other Process, summon the Person or Persons against whom the Judgment aforesaid is obtained, to appear and shew Cause why Execution should not issue upon the said Judg­ment. And if the Plaintiff in the Scire facias shall prove what Damage he hath sustained, and thereupon a Verdict be sound for him, the Justices, in such Cases, shall award Execution for so much as the Jury shall then find, and no more; and the former Judgment is hereby declared still to remain cautionary, for the Satisfaction of such other Person or Persons as shall legally prove themselves damnified, and recover their Damages as aforesaid by due Course of Law.

Every Sheriff and Coroner shall make and subscribe the Declara­tions and Pro­fessions, &c. before theGo­vernor, or in openQuarter-Sessions, &c.AND moreover, no Sheriff or Coroner whatsoever shall enter upon or exercise any Part of their said respective Offices until they shall respectively make and subscribe the Declarations and Profession of their Christian Belief in the Act, entituled, An Act to ascertain the Number of Members of Assembly, and to regulate the Elections, mentioned and required to be taken by Members of Assembly, and the solemn Affirmations and Declarations for the due Execution of their respective Offices, in Manner and Form as Sheriffs and Coroners by a Law of this Province, entituled, An Act directing the Attests of Officers, &c. are respectively required to take. All which Declarations, Tests and Affirmations shall be made, subscribed and taken before the Governor in chief, or Deputy for the time being, or in open Quarter-Sessions, or before any two Justices of the Peace out of Sessions in the respective Counties, where there may be Occasion to take the same. And the same Declarations, Tests and Affirmations so made and taken out of Sessions shall be, by the Justices, delivered into Court; and the Clerk of such Sessions is hereby required to record the same, as also those taken in Court, in Rolls or Books prepared for that Purpose.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Sheriff of the County of Philadelphia shall be She­riff of the said City, and Wa­ter Bailiff throughout the Province. That the Sheriff and Coroner of the County of Philadelphia, shall be Sheriff and Coroner of the said City; and the Sheriff of the City and County of Philadelphia for the time being, shall be Water-Bailiff, and may execute and perform all Things belonging to the Office of Water-Bailiff upon Delaware River, and all other [Page 107] navigable Rivers and Creeks within this Province; and shall reside within the City of Philadelphia aforesaid.

PROVIDED ALSO, AND IT IS HEREBY DECLARED, That no Elections shall be made for any Sheriff or Coroner before the time limited for those who are at present in those Offices respectively shall be expired.

CHAP. CLIV. An ACT for the better Proportioning the Rates of Money in Payments made upon Contracts, according to the former Regulation.


CHAP. CLV. An ACT for selling the old Court-House and Building a new Court-House and Prison in the County of Bucks.


CHAP. CLVI. An ACT for Raising a Supply of Two Pence Half-Penny per Pound, and Ten Shillings per Head: Also for Granting an Impost and Laying an Excise on sundry Liquors, and Negroes im­ported into this Province, for Support of Go­vernment and Defraying the necessary publick Charges in the Administration thereof.


[Page 108]

At a GENERAL ASSEMBLY begun at Philadelphia, in the Province of Pennsylvania, the Fourteenth Day of October, in the Seventh Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lady ANNE, Queen of Great Britain, &c. Anno (que) Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eight, and continued by Adjournments: The following ACTS were passed by CHARLES GOOKIN, Esq Lieute­nant Governor under WILLIAM PENN, Esq absolute Proprietary and Governor in chief of the said Province of Pennsylvania, &c. That is to say,

CHAP. CLVII. An ACT for Ascertaining the Rates of Money for Payment of Debts, and preventing Exactions on Contr [...]cts and Bargains made before the first Day of May, in this present Year One Thousand Seven Hundred and Nine.


[Page 109]

CHAP. CLVIII. An ACT for the better enabling divers Inhabi­tants of the Province of Pennsylvania to hold and enjoy Lands, Confirmed by the Queen in Council, Feb­ruary 20. Anno 1713. Tenements and Plantations in the said Province.

WHEREAS by the Royal Charter to the Pro­prietary, for this Province, Licence is granted to all such as are not specially forbidden to transport themselves and Families unto the said Province, in such Shipping as, by the Laws of England, they ought to use, and fitting Provision, paying only the Customs therefore due; and here to settle themselves, dwell and inhabit, and plant for the Publick and their own private Advantage. And by the same Charter, the said Proprietary has full and ab­solute Power to alien, grant or enseoff such Parts and Parcels of this Country as [...]e should think fit, to him or them that should be willing to purchase the same, To hold in Fee-simple, or oth [...]rwise, with Licence, Authority and Power to take the Premises so purchased of the said Pro­prietary, hold the same to themselves, their Heirs and Assigns, in what Estate of Inheritance soever, as to him the said Proprietary should [...]eem expedient, as by the said Royal Charter more fully appears.

AND WHEREAS divers of the Protestant or reformed Religion, who were Inhabitants of High and Low Germany, above Five-and-Twenty Years ago (out of a De­sire to c [...]me under the Power and Protection of the Crown of England, and partake of the Advantages proposed for the Encouragement of the Adventurers to settle in this new Colony) imbraced the Invitations they had from the said Proprietary, to transport themselves and Estates here; and [...] they came, did contribute the utmost of their Power to e [...]la [...]ge this [...] of the English Empire, and always be­have [...] t [...]mselves as dutiful and peaceable Subjects, and several of them have m [...]de a [...]d subscribed the Declarations and T [...]t by Law app [...]int [...]d, instead of the Oaths of Su­premacy: The Rest are ready and willing to do it when they are required or admitted so to do.

[Page 110]NOW, forasmuch as the Value of Lands in this Pro­vince being generally but the Effect of the People's Labour, their Plantations are deemed, by our Laws, but as Chattels to pay Debts, and Strangers have been rendred capable to hold what they purchased as fully and freely as if they had been natural-born Subjects of this Province; but since the Repeal of the late Laws, made after the Example of other Governments, for Encouragement of the Peopling and Set­tling of this Colony, some Doubts and Questions have arisen, whether the said Germans are capable to hold what they purchased as afore: For Removing of which Doubts, BE IT ENACTED by CHARLES GOOKIN, Esq by the Queen's Royal Approbation Lieutenant Governor under WILLIAM PENN, Esq Proprietor and Governor in chief of the Province of Pennsylvania, &c. by and with the Advice and Consent of the Freemen of the said Pro­vince in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, The Name [...] of the Pe [...]sons naturalized by this Act. That Francis Daniel Pastorius, Iohn Iawart, Cas [...]er Hoodt, Dennis Kunders, and his three Sons, Cunra [...] Cunrads, Matthis Cunrads and Iohn Cunrads, Dirk Keyser, and his Son Peter Keyser, Iohn Lucken, William Strepers, Abraham Tunes, Lenart Arrets, Reiner Tysen, Iohn Lenson, Isaac Dilbeck, and his Son Iacobus Dilbeck, Iohn Doed [...], Cornelius Siorts, Henry Sellen, Walter Simons, Dirk Iansen, jun. Richard Vander Werf, and his son Iohn Ro [...]loffs Vander Werf, Iohn Str [...]p [...]rs, sen. Peter Shoemaker, Iacob Shoemaker, George Shoemaker, Isaac Shoemaker, Matthis van Bebber, Cornelius [...]ander G [...]ge, Peter Clever, George Gottshick, Paul Engell, and his Son Iacob Engell, Hans Neus, Reinier vander Sl [...]ys, and his Son Adrian vander Sluys, Iacob Gaetshal [...]k, Vander Heggen, and his Son Gaetshal [...]k Vander Heggen, Casper Klein­hoof, Henry Buchultz, H [...]rmon Tuynen, Paul Klinupg [...]s, and his Son Iohn Klinupges, Iohn News, and his Sons Matthis News and Cornelius News, Claus Ruttinghuysen, Casper Stalls, Henry Tubben, William Hendricks, and his Sons Hendrick Hendricks and Lawrence Hendricks, Henry Kess [...]bery, Iohannes Rebenstork, Peter Verbynen, Iohn Henry Kirsten, Iohn Radwitzer, Iohn Conrads, sen. Iohn Gorgages, Senwes B [...]tells, and his Son Henry Bartells, Iohn Krey, and his Son William Krey, Cunrad Iansen, Claus Iansen, and his Son Iohn Iansen, William Ian­sen, Evert In H [...]ff, and his Sons Gerhard In Hoff, Herman In Hoff, and Peter In Hoff, Peter Iansen, Iohn Smith, Thomas Eckleswick, Iohannes Scholl, Peter Scholl, Gabriel Schuler, William Putts and Matthis Tysen, all of the County of Phi­ladelphia; and Iohannes Bleikers, of the Country of Bucks, in the said Province of Philadelphia; and every of them, [Page 111] who shall, within six Months after the first Day of September, Oone Thousand Seven Hundred and Nine, at some Court of Quarter-Sessions of the Peace for the County of Philadelphia, between the Hours of Nine and Twelve in the Forenoon, make and subscribe the Declarations and Profession of Faith, allowed to those that cannot swear, instead of Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance▪ or shall otherwise qualify themselves as the Court shall require and the Law directs in such Cases (the Taking of which Qualifications, and the Making and Subscribing of the said Declarations and Pro­fessions, shall be entred on Record in the same Court; for the Doing whereof One Shilling shall be paid to the Clerk, and no more) all and every such Persons shall be enabled, and are, and every of them, are hereby enabled and adjudged able and capable to all Intents, Constructions and Purposes whatsoever, as well to demand, ask, have, hold and enjoy and Lands, Tenements, Plantations, Rents and Heredita­ments, in this Province, to which they or any of them may or might in anywise be entituled, as if they were free and natural born Subjects and People of this Province: As also, that they and every of them shall and may be enabled to maintain, prosecute, avow, justify and desend all and all Manner of Actions, Suits, Pleas, Plaints, and other Demands whatsoever, in the said Province, as freely and fully, law­fully and [...]ecu [...]ely as if they and every of them had been natural-born Subjects and People of the same, or any other Person or Persons born within this Province may lawfully do; any Law or Usage to the Contrary notwithstanding.

[Page 112]

At a GENERAL ASSEMBLY begun at Philadelphia, in the Province of Pennsylvania, the Fourteenth Day of October, in the Ninth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lady ANNE, Queen of Great Britain, &c. Anno (que) Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ten, and continued by Adjournments to the Twenty-eighth of February: On which Day the following ACTS were passed by CHARLES GOOKIN, Esq Lieutenant Gover­nor under WILLIAM PENN, Esq absolute Proprietary and Governor in chief of the said Province of Pennsylvania, &c. That is to say,

CHAP. CLIX. An ACT for Establishing Courts of Iudicature in this Province.


[Page 113]

CHAP. CLX. An ACT for Regulating and Establishing Fees.


CHAP. CLXI. An ACT for the Acknowledging and Recording of Deeds.


CHAP. CLXII. An ACT directing an Affirmation to such who for Conscience-sake cannot take an Oath.


An ACT that no Publick-House or Inn within this Province be kept without Licence. This Act was confirmed by the Queen in Coun­cil 28 Februa­ry 1 [...]13. [See postea Chap. 234.]

FOR preventing of Disorders and Mischiefs that may happen by Multiplicity of Publick-Houses of Entertainment, BE IT ENACTED by CHARLES GOOKIN, Esq by the Queen's Royal Approbation Lieutenant Governor under WILLIAM PENN, Esq true and absolute Proprietary and Governor in chief of the Province of Pennsylvania, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Freemen of the said Province in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, That no Person or Persons whatsoever, within this Province, shall hereafter have or keep any publick Inn, Tavern, No Person to keep a pub­lick House, &c. without Recommen­dation to the Governor for Licence, on Penalty of 5 l. nor suffer Disorder, &c. under Penalty of 40 [...]. Ale-House, Tipling-House or Dram-Shop, Victualing-House or Publick-House of Entertainment, in any County of this Province, or in the City of Philadelphia, unless such Person or Persons shall first be recommended by the Justices in the respective County Courts, and the said City in their Quarter-Sessions or Court of Record for the said Counties and City respectively, to the Lieutenant Governor for the time being for his Licence for so doing, under the Penalty of Five Pounds. And that no Person so licensed as aforesaid shall knowingly suffer any Disorder, as Drunkenness or un­lawful Games whatsoever, in such his, her or their Houses, [Page 114] under the Penalty of Forty Shillings, for the first Offence; and for the second Offence, to be suppressed by the said Justices of the respective Courts; and that no such Inn­keeper, Taverner, or other Person as aforesaid, shall presume to continue such publick House of Entertainment of his own Accord after such Suppression, or the Expiration of his Licence, without new Licence as aforesaid, under the Penalty of Five Pounds, one Half thereof to the Governor for the time being, towards the Support of this Govern­ment, and the other Half to the Use of the Poor of the respective Township or City where the Offence shall be committed.

This Act not to debar the Magistrates of the City of Philadelphia of Fines, &c.PROVIDED ALWAYS, That nothing herein contained shall extend to debar or hinder the Magistrates of the City of Philadelphia to claim, have and enjoy all such Fines, Penalties and Forfeitures as shall be due or forfeited in the Quarter-Sessions or Court of Record to be held for the said City, which are granted them by Charter.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Innkeepers to keep good Entertain­ment, &c. That all such Innkeepers as aforesaid shall keep good Entertainment for Man and Horse, under the Penalty of forfeiting Forty Shillings, for the Use aforesaid.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, The Gover­nor to receive for Licences, &c. That the Governor shall have and receive for every Licence to be granted by him, pur­suant to this Act, to any Person to sell Wine, and other Liquors, in the City of Philadelphia, Three Pounds; and to sell all other Liquors in the said City (except Wine) the Sum of Forty Shillings. And for every Licence to any Per­son to sell Wine, and other Liquors, in the Towns of New-Bristol, Frankford, Germantown, Darby, Chester and Chichester, the Sum of Forty Shillings. And for every Licence to sell Wine, and other Liquors, in any other Part of this Province, the Sum of Thirty Shillings, and no more. And the Secre­tary shall have for Drawing such Licence, with the Seal, Six Shillings, and no more.

CHAP. CLXIV. An ACT of Privileges to a Freeman, &c.


[Page 115]

CHAP. CLXV. An ACT against riotous Sports, Plays and Games.


CHAP. CLXVI. An ACT to prevent Disputes which may here­after arise about the Dates of Conveyances, and other Instruments and Writings.

WHEREAS the Generality of the Inhabitants of this Province do conscientiously scruple to call the Names of the Months as they are usually called; but the Month which others call March, they call the First Month, and the Month, commonly called April, the Second Month, and so of the rest of the Months of the Year; and the Dates of many Deeds, Conveyances, and other Writings, as well as the Times of Payment of Money, are accordingly mentioned and expressed. Now forasmuch as Disputes and Controversies may hereafter arise concerning the Premises, BE IT THEREFORE ENAC­TED, &c. That all Deeds, Conveyances, Mortgages, The Names of Months distinguished by first, se­cond & third, &c. to be good and ef­fectual in Law. Letters of Attorney, or Powers of Agency, Commissions, Bonds, Bills, Charter-Parties, Leases, Releases, Contracts, Articles, Receipts, and all other Instruments and Writings whatsoever, wherein the Names of the Months are called First, Second, Third, Fourth, instead of March, April, May, Iune, and so of the rest, always accounting the Month called March to be the first Month of the Year, shall and are hereby enacted and declared to be as good and available, and may be pleaded, and shall be deemed, adjudged and taken in all Courts of Judicature, and elsewhere within this Province, to be as valid and effectual in Law, to all Intents, Constructions and Purposes, as if the Months in such Wri­tings had been set down and expressed by their usual Names; any Law, Custom or Usage to the Contrary thereof in anywise notwithstanding.

CHAP. CLXVII. An ACT for Priority of Payment of Debts to the Inhabitants of this Province.


[Page 116]

CHAP. CLXVIII. An ACT for the better Improving a good Correspondence with the Indians.

Expired, 28 February 1723.

CHAP. CLXIX. An ACT for Regulating of Party-Walls and Buildings in Philadelphia.


CHAP. CLXX. An ACT impowering Commissioners to compel the Collecting of all Arrearages of former Taxes.


CHAP. CLXXI. An ACT for Raising a Supply of Two Pence per Pound, and Eight Shillings per Head.


CHAP. CLXXII. An ACT for laying a Duty on Negroes, Wine, Rum, and other Spirits, Sider and Vessels.

Repealed and Expired.

An ACT pass'd in the Tenth Year of Her Majesty's Reign, in August, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eleven, viz.

CHAP. CLXXIII. An ACT for Raising Two Thousand Pounds for the Queen's Use, by a Tax of Five Pence Half-penny per Pound, and Twenty Shillings per Head.

Supplied by another Act pass'd the 27th of March, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirteen. Confirmed by the Queen.

[Page 117]

At a GENERAL ASSEMBLY begun at Philadelphia, in the Province of Pennsylvania, the Fifteenth Day of October, in the Tenth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lady ANNE, Queen of Great Britain, &c. Anno (que) Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eleven, and continued by Adjournments to the Seventh of Iune, One Thou­sand Seven Hundred and Twelve: On which Day the following ACTS were passed by CHARLES GOOKIN, Esq Lieutenant Gover­nor under WILLIAM PENN, Esq absolute Proprietary and Governor in chief of the said Province of Pennsylvania, &c. That is to say,

CHAP. CLXXIV. An ACT confirming Patents and Grants.


[Page 118]

CHAP. CLXXV. An ACT for the better ascertaining the publick Debts, and Collecting the Arrears of County Levies.

Repealed, by an Act pass'd the II Geo. I. postea Chap. 259.

CHAP. CLXXVI. An ACT for raising Money on the Inhabitants of the City of Philadelphia, This Act was confirmed by the Queen in Coun­cil 20 Februa­ry 1713. for the publick Use and Benefit thereof.

WHEREAS there is a great Occasion of a pub­lick Stock to pay the just Debts, and defray the necessary Charges of the said City, for building a Work-house of Correction, building and repairing Free-Wharffs and Bridges, Pitching, Paving and Regulating the Highways, Streets and Water-Courses, making and erecting new and convenient Stalls and Shambles to accommodate Butchers, and all others that bring Goods to sell in the said City: And forasmuch as the Incorporating the said City hath so far limited the Magistracy of the County of Phila­delphia that the Laws for Raising of the County-Levies cannot, without the Help of this Act, be so aptly and ef­fectually put in Execution within the said City as before, and the Rule and Government of the said City requiring a Charge which may not immediately concern the rest of the County; BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED, &c. The Freehol­ders of Phila­delphia to choose six Assessors, &c. That from henceforth the Inhabitants and Freeholders of the said City of Philadelphia, who are qualified by the Laws of this Province to elect or be elected Members of Assembly, at the Time and Place by Law appointed, or to be appointed for Electing their Representatives to serve in Assembly, or the Day following, unless it happen on the First-Day, and then on the Day next ensuing, shall or may choose six of the said Inhabitants and Freeholders to be the Assessors of the said City; and when so chosen the Sheriff of the said City shall take their Names in Writing, under the Hands and Seals of at least six or more of the said In­habitants and Freeholders, and return or certify the same to the Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen of the said City for the time being at their General-Sessions of the Peace next after such Election.

[Page 119]AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That the Mayor, The Mayor, &c. with the Assessors shall calculate the publick Debts, &c. and what Sums of Mo­ney are ne­cessary, &c. Recorder and Aldermen of the said City, at their General-Sessions of the Peace, to be held in the Month called April, yearly, or oftner, if occasion be, with the Assistance of the said Assessors for the time being, or any four of them, shall calculate the publick Debts and Charges of the City, allowing all just Dues and Demands wherewith the Persons and Estates within the said City are or may be chargeable from time to time; as also shall calculate what Sum or Sums of Money may be needful and necessary to be raised upon the Persons and Estates aforesaid from time to time, for the Building, Re­pairing, Regulating or Amending of any Houses, Bridges, Wharffs, Water-Courses, or other Uses, for the publick Service and Benefit of the said City; and shall also agree and settle, from time to time, as Occasion may require, what Sum or Sums of Money, or other Effects, shall be applied to the Service of every particular Matter or Thing which they, or the major Part of the said Magistrates, with any four of the said Assessors, shall agree on to be necessary to be raised for the Year ensuing: Which said respective Sums, with the particular Uses whereunto they shall be agreed on to be appropriated as aforesaid, shall be entred in a Book to be kept for that Purpose by the Clerk of the Peace of of the said City, who is hereby obliged to make such Entry from time to time, for which he shall be allowed what the Magistrates and Assessors shall think reasonable: And that the said Assessors shall, and then in six Weeks af­ter lay a Rate, &c. within six Weeks after every such Calculation, make or lay a Rate or Assessment upon themselves, and all other Persons and Estates aforesaid, to and for the aforesaid Uses, by Poll and Pound Rate, ac­cording to the Manner and Method now used in making Assessments in this Province for Raising of County Levies.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, The Consta­bles to bring in Returns, &c. and their Allowance for the same. That the Constables of the said City shall bring in Returns in Writing to the said Assessors, within five Days after Notice given them, of the Names and Estates of all Persons within their Wards; for which they shall be allowed Two Pence per Pound upon every Sum assessed in their said respective Wards: Which Assessment being equally and impartially laid and sign'd by at least four of the said Assessors, The Assessment to be allowed by the Mayor, &c. shall be allow'd and confirm'd by the said Mayor, Recorder, and any two of the Aldermen for the time being, under their Hands and Seals, and shall be paid by every Person and Estate so assessed, upon Demand [Page 120] thereof, by the Collectors; who shall, by the said Assessors, or in Case they neglect, then by the said Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen, be appointed to gather the same; and in Case of Refusal or Neglect, shall, by Warrant under the Hands and Seals of any three or more of the said City-Magistrates, be levied by Distress and Sale of the Goods of every Person so assessed, and not paying the same within fourteen Days after Demand; rendring the Overplus of the Value of the Goods so distrained to the Owner or Owners thereof, Deducting the Charge of such Distress: But for want of Distress the said Assessments to be levied by Im­prisonment of the Person so refusing or neglecting to pay as aforesaid.

Vide County-L [...]y Act.PROVIDED ALWAYS, That no such Assess­ment or Assessments to be made in any one Year shall exceed the Value of Two Pence in the Pound of the clear Value of the Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments and personal Estate so assessed; and Four Shillings per Head, in Propor­tion to One Penny per Pound Tax, on all single Men, Inha­bitants of the said City, not otherwise rated by this Act.

PROVIDED ALSO, That those who are not rateable or liable to be taxed for Relief of the Poor, within the said City, shall not be rated or assessed by this Act.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, The Assessors to appoint a Treasurer; and his Duty. That the said Assessors shall appoint a Treasurer in the said City; who shall keep a dis­tinct Book, containing a particular Account of all the Rates and Assessments made as aforesaid; as also all Disbursments and Payments, which he shall make by order of the Mayor, Recorder, and any four of the said City-Magistrates, whose Order to the said Treasurer from time to time shall be suf­ficient for the Payment of such Monies as shall come into his Hands from the said Collectors.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That the said Treasurer shall, on the Twenty-fifth Day of the Month called March, Who shall, yearly, adjust his Accounts The Magi­strates, &c. to allow for his Trouble. yearly, or oftner, if Occasion be, bring in his Accounts, and settle and make them up before the said Magistrates and Assessors, or such as they shall appoint: At the Auditing of which Accounts, all or any of the said Inhabitants and Freeholders, that are willing, may be present. And the said Treasurer shall have for his Trouble therein as much [Page 121] as the said Magistrates and Assessors shall agree to allow him. Allowance to the Assessors. And the said Assessors shall be allowed Three Pence per Pound for all the Sums levied, and to be collected by Virtue of this Act.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Collectors to pay the Mo­ney, &c. they gather, to the Treasure [...]. That the Money and Effects gathered and received by the said Collectors, within their respective Limits, by Virtue of this Act, shall from time to time be duly paid to the said Treasurer or Treasurers, whose Receipts shall be the Collectors sufficient Discharges.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, That the said Col­lectors shall forthwith, And giveNo­tice to the Freeholders of the Day of Appeal, & [...]. after every such Assessment made as aforesaid, give Notice to the said Freeholders and Inhabi­tants of the said City, or in their Absence, to some or one of their Families or Neighbours, of the respective Sums they are rated, and acquaint them with the Day and Place of Appeal, in Case they shall be aggrieved with such Assess­ment: Which said Day of Appeal shall be at some conve­nient Place in the said City, to be appointed by the Assessors that laid the said Tax, the same Day four [...] after the said Assessment is laid. And the said Assessors shall have due Regard to all such Appeals, and thereupon to abate or increase the said Assessment, according as the Appealants shall appear to be worth, either upon their own Attest, or Proof of others.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, After the Day of Appeal the Collectors to proceed to le­vy the said Rates. Their Allowance. That from and immediately after the said Appeals have been heard and considered as aforesaid, it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Collectors to proceed in Collecting and Levying the said Rates and Assessments; for the Collecting whereof they shall retain and keep in their Hands Six Pence in the Pound of all such Money as they shall so collect, and no more. And if the said Collectors, or any of them, The Penalty on Refusal or Neglect. shall refuse or neglect to collect the said Assessments respectively, or any Part thereof, and pay the same unto the Treasurer, within three Months after the said Appeals have been heard and consi­dered as aforesaid, every [...]uch Collector so refusing or ne­glecting shall forfeit and pay to the said Treasurer, for the Use of the said City, the Sum of Five Pounds, and shall also pay all the Arrearages of such Assessments which he was appointed to collect: Which shall be levied by a War­rant under the Hand of the Mayor for the time being, and [Page 122] Seal of the said City, directed to the Sheriff, who is hereby impowered and obliged to execute such Warrant upon the Goods and Chattels of the Party so offending. And in case Goods and Chattels, sufficient to make Satisfaction, cannot be found, then to imprison such Offender until Payment made. And every Collector being so distrained on, and ha­ving made full Satisfaction as aforesaid, is hereby impowered, without any other Warrant, to distrain, for his own Use, upon all such as shall refuse or neglect to pay the said Arrearages.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, On Neglect of choosing Assessors the Mayor, &c. shall act. That if at any time the Inha­bitants and Freeholders of the said City shall neglect to choose Assessors as aforesaid, or if when chosen, they do not attend their Service as above directed, then the Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen of the said City for the time being, together with the Grand-Inquest of the said City, may and shall perform the respective Offices and Duties of the said Asses­sors, as fully and amply as they might or could do by Virtue of this Act.

The Inhabi­tants of Phi­ladelphia, to be rated in Pro­portion with the County, in County-Taxes.PROVIDED ALWAYS, That nothing herei [...] contained shall exempt the Inhabitants of the said City from being rated or assessed in Proportion with the Inhabi­tants of the County of Philadelphia, to pay what is or shall be due for making and repairing of Bridges, in the Queen's High-Road, over any Rivers or Water where the Tide flows, within the said County, or from paying their Pro­portion of Assembly-Men's Wages due or to be due from the Inhabitants of the said County from time to time, over and besides their paying the two Members of Assembly chosen to represent the said City; or from paying for the Moiety of the Arrearages now due for Wolves Heads, wherewith the said County shall be justly chargeable; but that all Persons and Estates as aforesaid, within the said City, shall be liable to pay the respective Rates hereafter [...]o be assessed on them from time to time, for the Pur­poses aforesaid; any thing herein contained to the Contrary notwithstanding.

CHAP. CLXXVII. An ACT for the better Government of the City of Philadelphia.


[Page 123]

CHAP. CLXXVIII. An ACT concerning the Register-General s Office. This Act wa [...] confirmed by the Queen in Coun­cil▪ th [...] 20th of the 12th month 171 [...]. [ Vide Chap. 125, 188.]

WHEREAS by a Law of this Province made in the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred and Five, entituled, An Act concerning the Probates of written and nu [...]cupative Wills, and for confirming Devices of Land, it is among other Things enacted, that there should be an Officer called Register-General, to be commissionated by the Governor from time to time, for the Probate of Wills, and Granting Letters of Administration in this Province; which Register-General should keep his Office at Philadel­phia; and should from time to time constitute a sufficient Deputy to officiate for him in each of the other Counties of this Province: But inasmuch as no Register has been commissionated and Deputies constituted in each County, as the said Act directs: BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED, &c. The Proprie­tary to com­missionate a Register-Ge­neral. That the said Proprietary and Go­vernor in chief, or his Lieutenant Governor for the time being, shall, on or before the first Day of the Month called August next, commissionate a Register-General for the Pro­bate of Wills and Granting Letters of Administration in this Province. But in case of the Removal of such Register-General, by Death or otherwise, then another fit Person shall, within three Weeks after such Removal, be commis­sionated as aforesaid, in the Room of the Register-General so removed, who shall keep his Office at Philadelphia, Who shall keep his Of­fice in Phila­delphia, and appoint a De­puty in each County. as the said Act directs, and shall from time to time constitute [...] sufficient Deputy to officiate for him in each of the said other Counties; who, being by him deputed, shall be and are hereby impowered to take Probate of Wills and grant Letters of Administration in the respective Counties, and to have a common Seal, according to the Tenor and Di­rection of the said Act.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, The Proprie­tary refusing to commissio­nate, then his Commissio­ners, &c shall. That if the said Proprietary, or his Lieutenant Governor, shall refuse or ne­glect to commissionate a Register-General from time to time, as this Act directs, then the Commissioners, Agents or Stewar [...] of the said Proprietary, his Heirs or Assigns, who are or shall be impowered to act for him or them in Matters relating to the Seigniory or Propriety of this Pro­vin [...] shall commissionate a Register-General, within three Weeks after the time hereby appointed for the Governor [Page 124] to do the same. And if they refuse, then the Justices shall. But if the said Commissioners, Agents or Stewards shall refuse or neglect to do their Duty therein, according to the Direction of this Act, then the Justices of the Court of Common-Pleas for the said County of Phila­delphia for the time being, or the major Part of them, shall, as often as there may be Occasion, commissionate the said Officer, called Register-General, at Philadelphia; who shall be, and is hereby impowered and required to officiate as fully and effectually as any Register-General ever could or can do, according to the Powers granted by the Royal Charter, or by Virtue of the said Act.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, The Register-General shall give 500 l. Se­curity, &c. That before any Register-General, or his Deputy, shall enter upon their respective Offices, he shall find one or more sufficient Sureties together with himself, to become bound to the said Proprietary, his Heirs and Assigns, Proprietaries of this Province, in a Bond of the Penalty of Five Hundred Pounds, for the true and faithful Execution and Discharge of his Office, and for the Delivery of the Records, and other Writings, belonging to the same, by him, his Heirs, Executors or Administrators, to his Successor in the said Office, whole and undefaced: Which said Bond shall be entred on Record in the Office of the Prothonotaries or Clerks of the said Court of Common-Pleas in the said respective Counties, And the Bond to be entred upon Record. to be safely kept by them, and to be made Use of as the said Act directs.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, The Register, with two or more Justices, shall decide Caveats, set­tle Accounts and make Dis­tributions. That where Objections are made, or Caveats entred against the proving of any Will or Granting Letters of Administration; and where there is or shall be Occasion to take the final Accounts of Executors or Administrators, or make Distribution of Decedents Estates, the Register-General, and his Deputies, respectively, shall, in every such Case, call to their Assistance two or more of the Justices of the said Courts of Common-Pleas for the County where they are concerned, who are hereby impowered and required to give their Assistance accordingly, to decide the said Caveats and Matters in Controversy, settle the said Accounts, make Distributions, and do all other judicial Acts as do or shall belong, or ought of Right to be done by any Person or Persons having Power by Law to take Probate of Wills, and grant Administration.

[Page 125]AND when the Register-General or his Deputies for the time being are, by the Duty of their Office, Where the Register can­not admini­ster Oaths, he may apply to any Justice, &c. required to administer Oaths in any Case, and shall happen to be such who for Conscience-sake cannot administer Oaths, they shall apply to some of the said Justices in the proper County, who are hereby impowered and required to ad­minister the same; which shall be as effectual in Law as if it had been administred by the Register-General or his Deputies respectively.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, That nothing in this Act contained shall extend or be construed to extend to an­nihilate or make void the above recited Act, or any Part thereof, save only what is hereby expressly altered and sup­plied, but that the same Act, in every other Respect, shall remain and be in full Force and Virtue as the same ought to have been in, if this Act had not been made; any thing herein before contained to the Contrary in anywise notwithstanding.

CHAP. CLXXIX. An ACT for impowering Religious Societies to buy, hold and enjoy Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments.


CHAP. CLXXX. A Supplementary ACT to a Law about the Manner of giving Evidence.


CHAP. CLXXXI. An ACT for Establishing the Lower-Ferry on the River Skuylkil.


CHAP. CLXXXII. An ACT for Establishing and Regulating of of Ferries over Delaware-River and Neshaminy-Creek.

Expired, but supplied by other Acts.

[Page 126]

CHAP. CLXXXIII. An ACT to prevent the Importation of Negroes and Indians unto this Province.


CHAP. CLXXXIV. An ACT for the further securing the Admini­stration of the Government. This Act was confirmed by an Order of the Queen in Coun­cil, the 20th of the 12th month 1713.

WHEREAS it is of the greatest Importance to Well-being of any Country, to be provided of a regular and plenary Administration of Govern­ment in all Emergencies; and considering the Uncertainty of human Life renders all Government liable to Changes that may carry great Inconveniencies with them, unless due Provision be made against the same; BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED, Upon the Death of the Lieutenant Governor, the eldest Coun­sellor, with o­ther four shall have the full Power of a Governor, Legislation excepted. &c. That in Case it shall please Almighty GOD at any time, in the Absence of the Governor-in-chief of this Province, to remove his Lieutenant by Death, or otherwise, before such sufficient Provision be made by the Governor-in-chief for the full Administration of Government; the Governor's Council, that are in Place at the time of such Lieutenant's Death or Departure out of this Government, or so many of them as conveniently can, shall forthwith meet at Phila­delphia; and the first named or eldest Counsellor, or in case of his Absence or Refusal, such other Member of Council as a Majority then present shall chuse and appoint, with any four more of the said Counsellors, shall be a Quorum; and shall have the full Power and Authority of a Governor of this Province, as effectually as any Deputy or Lieutenant, commissionated by the Governor-in-chief, may or ought to have; and shall accordingly act and exercise all the Powers of Government as fully and amply as any Deputy or Lieu­tenant Governor of this Province may, can or ought to do, Legislation excepted, until the said Lieutenant Governor's Return again, or until another Person or Persons shall be duly commissionated and impowered by the said Governor in chief, or his Heirs, to act in their Stead.

[Page 127]AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That the President, And the Pre­sident, or el­dest Counsel­lor shall cause due Notice thereof to be transmitted home. or first named Member of Council, that shall succeed at the time of such Death or Absence as aforesaid, shall, at their first Meeting, order that due Notice thereof be transmitted by the first Opportunity to one of the Secretaries of State in Great Britain, and to the Board of Trade and Plantations; and also to the Governor-in-chief of this Province.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, That in case the Governor-in-chief shall not, If no Gover­nor be nomi­nated by, &c. in six Months, the Power of Lieutenancy to be lodged in theCouncil until, &c. within six Months after such Death or Absence of the Lieutenant Governor, nominate another Person to be his Lieutenant Governor, and obtain his Approbation from the Queen, o [...] her Successors; then the Power of Lieutenancy intended by this Act to be lodged in the Council, shall remain and continue, until the Governor-in-chief make further Provision as aforesaid, or until the Queen's Pleasure be known therein, and no longer.

PROVIDED ALSO, If the Gover­nor-in-chief die, thePower to continue to his Lieuten­ant until, &c. That in case the said Governor-in-chief shall happen to be removed by Death, or otherwise, then it shall and may be lawful for his De­puty or Lieutenant for the time being, to exercise all the Powers of Government as fully and amply as before, till further Order from her Majesty, her Heirs or Successors, or the Heirs of the said Proprietary and Governor-in-chief, which shall first happen.

CHAP. CLXXXV. A Supplementary ACT to an Act, entituled, An Impost Act, laying a Duty on Negroes, Rum, Wine, Spirits, Syder and Vessels, &c.


[Page 128]

At a GENERAL ASSEMBLY begun at Philadelphia, in the Province of Pennsylvania, the Fourteenth Day of October, in the Eleventh Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lady ANNE, Queen of Great Britain, &c. Anno (que) Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twelve, and continued by Adjournments to the Twenty-seventh of March, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirteen: On which Day the following ACTS were passed by CHARLES GOOKIN, Esq Lieutenant Governour under WILLIAM PENN, Esq &c. That is to say,

CHAP. CLXXXVI. An ACT for reviving, explaining and continuing several Laws in this Act mentioned.


[Page 129]

CHAP. CLXXXVII. An ACT for Limitation of Actions.

BE IT ENACTED by CHARLES GOOKIN, Esq Lieutenant Governor, &c. by and with the Advice and Consent of the Freemen of the said Province in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, That all Actions of Trespass Quare clausum fregit, all Actions of Detinue, Trover and Replevin, for taking away Goods and Cattle, all Actions upon Account and upon the Case (other than such Accounts as concern the Trade of Merchandize between Merchant and Merchant, their Fac­tors or Servants) all Actions of Debt, grounded upon any Lending, or Contract without Specialty, all Actions of Debt for Arrearages of Rent (except the Proprietaries Quit-Rents) and all Actions of Trespass, Assault, Menace, Bat­tery, Wounding and Imprisonment, or any of them, which shall be sued or brought at any time after the Five-and-Twentieth Day of April, which shall be in the Year of our LORD One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirteen, shall be commenced and sued within the Time and Limitation here­after expressed, and not after, That is to say: The said Actions upon the Case (other than for Slander) ar [...] the said Actions for Account, and the said Actions for Trespass, These Acti­ons to be sued within six Years after the Cause of such Actions, and not after. Debt, Detinue and Reple [...]in for Goods or Cattle, and the said Actions of Trespass Quare clausum fregit, within three Years after the said Five-and-Twentieth Day of April next, or within six Years next after the Cause of such Actions or Suit, and not after.

AND the said Actions of Trespass, of Assault, Menace, And those within one Year. Battery, Wounding, Imprisonment, or any of them, within one Year next after the said Twenty-fifth Day of April next, or within two Years next after the Cause of such Actions or Suit, and not a [...]ter; and the said Actions upon the Case for Words within one Year next after the Words spoken, and not after.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, If judgment be given for the Plaintiff, and reve [...]sed, he may com­mence a new Action with­in one Year. That if in any of the said Actions or Suits, Judgment be given for the Plaintiff, and the same be reversed by Error, or a Verdict pass for the Plaintiff, and upon Matter alledged in Arrest of Judgment, the Judgment be given against the Plaintiff, that he take nothing by his Plaint, Writ or Bill, then, and in every such [Page 130] Case the Party Plaintiff, his Heirs, Executors or Admini­strators (as the Case may require) may commence a new Action or Suit from time to time, within a Year after such Judgment reversed or given against the Plaintiff as aforesaid, and not after.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Where a Dis­claimer shall be allowed. That in all Actions of Trespass, Quare clausum fregit, hereafter to be brought, wherein the Defendant or Defendants shall disclaim in his or their Plea to make any Title or Claim to the Land in which the Trespass is by the Declaration supposed to be done, and the Trespass be by Negligence or involuntary, the Defen­dant or Defendants shall be admitted to plead a Disclaimer, and that the Trespass was by Negligence or involuntary, and a Tender or Offer of sufficient Amends for such Tres­pass, before the Action brought, whereupon or upon some of them, the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs shall be inforced to join Issue; and if the said Issue be found for the said Defendant or Defendants, or if the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs shall be non-suited, the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs shall be clearly barr'd from the said Action or Actions, and all other Suit con­cerning the same.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, In Action [...] of Slander whe [...]e the Damages is found un­der 40 [...] ▪ the Costs shall be the same. That in all Actions upon the Case for slanderous Words, to be sued or prosecuted by any Person or Persons, in any Court within this Province, after the said Twenty-fifth Day of April next, if the Jury upon Trial of the Issue in such Action, or the Jury that shall enquire of the Damages, do find or assess the Damages un­der Forty Shillings, then the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs in such Action shall have and recover only so much Costs as the Damages so given or assessed do amount unto, without any further Increase of the same; any Law or Usage to the Contrary notwithstanding.

An Action may be brought a­gainst one un­der Age, &c. within the time limited, after he come to Age, &c.PROVIDED NEVERTHELESS, That if any Person or Persons, who is or shall be entituled to any such Action of Trespass, Detinue, Trover, Replevin, Actions of Account or Debt, Actions for Trespass, for Assault, Menace, Battery, Wounding or Imprisonment, Actions upon the Case for Words, be, or at the Time of any Cause of such Action, given or accrued, fallen or come, shall be, within the Age of Twenty-one Years, Feme Covert, Non compos mentis, imprisoned or beyond Sea, that then [Page 131] such Person or Persons shall be at Liberty to bring the same Actions, so as they take the same within such Times as are hereby before limited, after their coming to or being of full Age, Discoverture, of sound Memory, at large, or returning into this Province, as other Persons.

CHAP. CLXXXVIII. An ACT for Establishing Orphans Courts.

WHEREAS by certain Laws of this Province now in force, See Chap 127. Act for settling Intestates E­states. several Matters of great Importance are directed to be done by the Orphans Courts, which being discontinued by the Repeal of the former Law of Courts, and not hitherto revived, nor effectually supplied by another Law, divers Orphans and Persons concerned for them, or intrusted with their Estates, labour under great Inconveniences; BE IT THEREFORE ENAC­TED, &c. That the Justices of the Court of General Quarter-Sessions of the Peace in each County of this Pro­vince, The Justices of the Court of Quarter-Sessions to hold the Or­phans Court. Their Power and Duty. or so many of them as are or shall be from time to time enabled to hold those Courts, shall have full Power, and are hereby impowered, in the same Week that they are or shall be by Law directed to hold the same Courts, or at such other Times as they shall see Occasion, to hold and keep a Court of Record in each of the said Counties; which shall be stiled, The Orphans Court, and to award Pro­cess, and cause to come before them, all and every such Person and Persons, who, as Guardians, Trustees, Tutors, Executors, Administrators, or otherwise, are or shall be in­trusted with or anywise accountable for any Lands, Tene­ments, Goods, Chattels or Estate belonging or which shall belong to any Orphans or Persons under Age, and cause them to make and exhibit, within a reasonable Time, true and perfect Inventories and Accounts of the said Estates; and to cause and oblige the Register-General, or such Per­son or Persons as for the time being shall have the Power of Probates of Wills and Granting Letters of Administration in this Province, or their Deputies, upon Application made in that Behalf, to bring or transmit into the Orphans Court true Copies or Duplicates of all such Bonds, Inven­tories, Accounts, Actings and Proceedings whatsoever, now or hereafter remaining or being in the respective Offices or elsewhere within the Limits of their Authority, as do or shall concern or relate to the said Estates, or any of them; [Page 132] and to order the Payment of such reasonable Fees for the said Copies, and for all other Charges, Trouble and Atten­dance which any Officer or other Person shall necessarily be put upon in the Execution of this Act, as they shall think equitable and just. And if upon Hearing or Examination thereof it appears to the Justices of the said Court, that any of the said Officers have misbehaved themselves to the Pre­judice of any Minor, or others concerned for them as afore­said, the said Justices are hereby required to certify the same accordingly, which shall be good Evidence for the Party grieved to recover his Damages at common Law.

Letters of Ad­ministration, without gi­ving Bond, are void. The Penalty for doing the sameAND where any Letters of Administration shall be granted, and no Bond with Sureties given as the Law in that Case requires, such Letters of Administration shall be and are hereby declared to be void and of none Effect, and that the Officer or Person that grants the same, and his Sureties, shall be, ipso facto, liable to pay all such Damages as shall accrue to any Person or Persons by Occasion of Granting such Administration. And the Party to whom the same shall be so granted, may be sued as Executor in his own Wrong, and shall be so taken and deemed in any Suit to be brought against him for or by Reason of his said Administration. Or if, upon such Examination, it appears that any of the said Officers have not taken sufficient Sure­ties, Where the Security ap­pears to the OrphansCourt not sufficient, they shall compel such Administra­tors to give bette [...]. where the Administrators may not be of Ability to answer or make good the Value of what the Decedent's Estate doth or shall amount to, then the said Justices of the Orphans Court are hereby required and impowered to cause all such Administrators to give better Security to the Register-General, by Bonds, in Manner and Form as the Law prescribes, and under such Penalties, and with such Sureties as the said Justices, after they have heard the Ob­jections of Creditors or Persons concerned (if any such be made to the Court) shall approve of. And if it appears that any of the said Administrators have imbezelled, wasted or misapplied or suffered so to be, any Part of the Dece­dent's Estates, or shall neglect or refuse to give Bonds, with Sureties as aforesaid, then, and in every such Case, the said Justices shall forthwith, by their Sentence, revoke or repeal the Letters of Administration granted them, and thereupon the said Register-General, or other Person then impowered to grant Administration as aforesaid, where such Occasion happens, are hereby required to grant Letters of Administration to such Person or Persons (having Right thereunto) as will give Bonds in Manner and Form aforesaid, [Page 133] who may have their Actions of Trover or Detinue for such Goods or Chattels as came to the Possession of the former Administrators, and shall be detained, wasted, imbezelled or misa [...]plied by any of them, and no Satisfaction made for the same.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, In case Mi­nors Estates be in Danger by Executors, &c. the Or­phans Court shall cause such to give Security. That when any Complaint is made to any of the said Justices, that an Executrix, having Minors of her own, or being concerned for others, is mar­ried, or like to be espoused to another Husband, without securing the Minors Portions or Estates, or that an Execu­tor, or other Person, having the Care and Trust of Minors Estates, is like to prove insolvent, or shall refuse or neglect to exhibit true and perfect Inventories, or give full and just Accounts of the said Estates come to their Hands or Know­ledge, then and in every such Case the same Justices are hereby required forthwith to call an Orphans Court; who shall cause all and every such Executors and Trustees, as also such Guardians or Tutors of Orphans or Minors as have been formerly appointed, or shall at any time hereafter be appointed by the said Court, to give Security to the Orphans or Minors, by Mortgage or Bonds, in such Sums, and with such Sureties as the said Courts shall think reasonable; conditioned for the Performance of their re­spective T [...]usts, and fo [...] the true Payment or Delivery to and for the Use and Behoof of such Orphans as they are concerned for (or such as shall legally represent them) the Legacies, Portions, Shares and Dividends of Estates, real and personal, belonging to such Orphans or Minors, so far as they have Assets, as also for their Maintenance and Education, as the said Court shall think fit to order, for the Benefit and Advantage of such Orphans, as is usual in such Cases.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That any of the said Executors, Minors Mo­ney may be put to Inte­rest, Administrators, Guardians or Trustees, may by the Leave and Direction of the Orphans Court, put out their Minors Money to Interest, upon such Security as the said Court shall allow of; and if such Security so taken bona fide, and without Fraud, shall happen to prove insufficient, it shall be the Minors Loss. But if no Person who may be willing to take the said Money at Interest, with such Security, can be found by the Persons so as aforesaid concerned for the Minors, no [...] by any others, then the said Executors, [Page 134] Administrators, Guardians or Trustees, shall, in such Case [...], be responsible, for the Principal-Money only, until it can be put out at Interest as aforesaid.

Not exceed­ing 12 months at one time.PROVIDED ALWAYS, That the Day of Payment of the Money so to be put out to Interest, at any one time, shall not exceed Twelvemonths from the Date of the Obligation, or other Security given for the same, and so Toties Quoties, when and so often as the said Money shall be paid or come to the Hands of the said Executors, Guardians or Trustees.

PROVIDED ALSO, That no Executors, Ad­ministrators or Guardians, shall be liable to pay Interest, but for the Surplusage of the Decedents Estates remaining in their Hands or Power, and belonging to the Minors, when the Accounts of their Administration are or ought to be settled and adjusted before the Orphans Court or Register-General respectively.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Further Au­thority of the Orphan [...] Court. That the Justices of the said Orphans Court in the said respective Counties, shall, by Virtue of this Act, have full Power and Authority to exercise all the Powers, Authorities and Jurisdictions granted or mentioned, or intended to be granted to the Orphans Court, in and by a Law of this Province, entituled, An Act for the better settling Intestates Estates, and to do, execute and perform all such Matters and Things as the Orphans Court in the said Act, or in any other Act or Law of this Province mentioned, might or ought to have done or per­formed, according to the true Intent and Meaning thereof; with Power also to admit Orphans or Minors, when, and as often as there may be Occasion, to make choice of Guar­dians or Tutors, and to appoint Guardians, next Friends or Tutors, over such as the said Court shall judge too young or uncapable, according to the Rules of the common Law, to make choice themselves; and, at the Instance and Request of the said Executors, Administrators, Guardians or Tutors, to order and direct the binding or puting out of Minors Apprentices to Trades, Husbandry, or other Imployments, as shall be thought fit. And that all Guardians and Prochein Amis, which shall be appointed by any of the said Orphans Courts, shall be allowed and received, without further Admittance, to prosecute and defend all Actions and Suits relating to the Orphans [Page 135] or Minors, as the Case may require, in any Court or Courts of this Province.

AND if any Person or Persons, Persons sum­moned and not appear­ing, &c. may be punished by Imprison­ment, &c. being duly summoned to appear in any of the said Orphans Courts ten Days be­fore the time appointed for their Appearance, shall make Default, the Justices may send their Attachments for Contempts, and may force Obedience to their Warrants, Sentences or Orders concerning any Matter or Thing cog­nizable in the same Courts, by Imprisonment of Body, or Sequestration of Lands or Goods, as fully as any Court of Equity may or can do.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, Persons ag­grieved may appeal to the Supream Court. That if any Person or Persons shall be aggrieved with any definitive Sentence or Judgment of the said Orphans Court, it shall be lawful for them to appeal from the same to the Supream-Court; which Appeal, upon Security given, as is usual in such Cases, shall be granted accordingly.

AND if any of the said Executors, Administrators, Discharges for Money, &c. by Exe­cutors, &c. are binding to the Orphans. Guardians or Trustees did or shall receive and give Dis­charges for any Sums of Money, Debts, Rents or Duties belonging to any Orphan or Minor for whom they were or are intrusted, IT IS HEREBY DECLARED AND ENACTED, That all such Discharges or Receipts shall be binding to and upon the Orphan or Minor when he or she attains to full Age, and shall be most effectual in Law to discharge the Person or Persons that take the same.

AND when any of the said Minors attain to full Age, Bonds how to be cancelled. and the Person or Persons so as aforesaid intrusted or con­cerned for them having rendered their Accounts to the Or­phans Court according to the Direction of this and the said other Acts, and paid the Minors their full Due, then such Minors shall acknowledge Satisfaction in the said Court: But in Case any of them refuse so to do, then the said Court shall certify how the said Persons concerned have accounted and paid; which shall be a sufficient Discharge to the Guardians or Tutors, and to the Trustees, Executors or Administrators who shall so account and pay, and thereupon all Bonds entred into, for Payment of such Orphans Portions shall be delivered up and cancelled.

[Page 136]PROVIDED ALWAYS, AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, What Persons may have the Charge of Or­phans or Mi­nors. That none of the said Orphans Courts shall have any Power to order or commit the Tuition or Guar­dianship of any Orphans or Minors, or bind them Appren­tices to any Person or Persons whose religious Persuasion shall be different from what the Parents of such Orphan or Minor professed at the Time of their Decease, or against the Minors own Mind or Inclination, so far as he or she has Discretion and Capacity to express or signify the same; or to Persons that are not of good Repute, so as others of good Credit, and of the same Persuasion, may or can be found.

Due Regard to be had to Wills, &c.PROVIDED ALSO, That the Justices of the said Courts, and all others concerned in the Execution of this Act, shall have due Regard to the Direction of all Last Wills, and to the true Intent and Meaning of the Tes­tators, in all Matters and Things that shall be brought before them concerning the same.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Bonds direc­ted to be gi­ven by any Law, &c. to be for the Use of the Persons concerned, &c. That all such Bonds or Obli­gations as are by this Act, or by any other Law of this Province, directed and required to be given to the Register-General, and all such Bonds as by any Law are directed to be given by the Register-General, or by any other Officers or Persons in Office whatsoever in this Province, for the due Execution of his or their respective Offices or Imployments, are hereby declared to be to and for the Use of and in trust for the Person or Persons concerned, and that the Benefit thereof shall be extended from time to time, for the Relief and Advantage of the Party grieved by the Misseazance or Nonseazance of the Officers that did or shall give the same.

AND that when any of the said Bonds shall be put in Suit and Judgment thereupon obtained, the Judgment shall remain in the same Nature the Bonds were, and that no Execution issue out thereupon before the Party grieved shall, by Writ of Scire facias, summon the Person or Per­sons against whom the said Judgment is obtained, to appear and shew cause why Execution shall not issue upon the said Judgment. And if the Party grieved shall prove what Damages he sustained, and thereupon a Verdict be found for him, the Court of Common-Pleas where such [Page 137] Suit is, shall award Execution for so much as the Jury shall then find, with Costs, and no more; and the former Judgment is hereby declared still to remain cauti [...]ary, for the Satisfaction of such others as shall legally prove them­selves damnified, and recover their Damages in Manner aforesaid.

AND the said Register-General, and all others in whose Hands the said Bonds shall be deposited or lodged, The Register-General, &c. required to give Copies of such Bonds, &c. are here­by required to give any Person injured, that requests the same, a true Copy of any of the said Bonds, he paying Three Shillings for the same, and to produce the Original in Court, upon any Trial that shall be had for the Breach of any of them, if required by the Court; and if the Per­son in whose Hands the said Bonds shall be lodged or come, shall refuse or delay to give Copies thereof, and produce the Original in Court as aforesaid, he or they shall forfeit and pay to the Party grieved treble Damages, to be reco­vered against the Officer that gave such Bonds, or his Sure­ties, by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information in any Court in this Province, where no Essoin, Protection or Wager of Law, or any more than or Imparlance shall be allowed.

CHAP. CLXXXIX. An ACT for Amending divers Laws therein mentioned.


CHAP. CXC. An ACT for the laying a Duty or Excise upon sundry Liquors; and also upon Hops, to answer several Exigencies of this Government.


[Page 138]

At a GENERAL ASSEMBLY begun at Philadelphia, in the Province of Pennsylvania, the Fourteenth Day of October, in the First Year of the Reign of His present Majesty King GEORGE, over Great Britain, France and Ireland, &c. Anno (que) Domini One Thousand Se­ven Hundred and Fourteen, and continued by Adjournments to the Twenty-eighth of May, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifteen: On which Day the following ACTS were passed by CHARLES GOOKIN, Esq Lieutenant Governour under WILLIAM PENN, Esq &c. That is to say,

CHAP. CXCI. An ACT of Privileges to a Freeman.


[Page 139]

CHAP. CXCII. An ACT directing Appeals to Great Britain. See the Act fo [...] Establishing of Courts, poste [...] Chap. 245.

BE IT ENACTED by CHARLES GOOKIN, Esq by the King's Royal Approbation Lieutenant Go­vernor under WILLIAM PENN, Esq Proprietor and Governor in chief of the Province of Pennsylvania, &c. by and with the Advice and Consent of the Freemen of the said Province in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, That no Judgment, Persons find­ing them­selves aggrie­ved by Judg­ment, &c. of the Supream or Admiralty Courts may appeal home. Sentence or Decree of any of the Supream-Courts, or Courts of Admi­ralty in this Province, shall be so final, but that the Party grieved therewith may appeal to the King, his Heirs and Successors, so that such Appellant does deposit the Sum or Sums recovered or decreed against him, or become bound, with one or more sufficient Sureties, to the Party for whom such Judgment or Sentence is given by Recognizance in double the Sum adjudged to be recovered by the Sentence, Decree or Judgment of the said Courts, or any of them, With Condition, That the Person or Persons appealing shall and will, within eighteen Months next after, prosecute his or their Appeal in Great Britain, with Effect; If the Judg­ment, &c. be affirm'd, &c. the Appel­lant shall pay all Debts, Da­mages, &c. and if the Judgment or Decree be affirmed there, or that the Appel­lant fails in the Prosecution of his said Appeal within the time aforesaid, then the said Appellant, or Party in whose Name the Appeal is made, shall pay all the Debts, Dama­ges and Costs adjudged upon the former Judgment, Sen­tence or Decree, and all such Costs and Damages as shall be awarded for delaying Execution; or they the Sureties shall do the same for him, whereto the Judges, before whom the Recognizance is given, shall subscribe their Hands; and then Execution shall stay, and the Appellant, if taken in Execution, shall be discharged.

CHAP. CXCIII. An ACT for establishing the Courts of General Quarter-Sessions in this Province.


CHAP. CXCIV. An ACT for Impowering religious Societies to buy, hold and enjoy Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments.


[Page 140]

CHAP. CXCV. An Affirmation ACT for such who for Conscience-sake cannot take an Oath.


CHAP. CXCVI. An ACT for Corroborating the Circular-Line between the Counties of Chester and New-Castle.


CHAP. CXCVII. An ACT for the better Recovery of Fines and Forfeitures due to the Governor and Government of this Province.

TO the End that all Fines, Forfeitures, Issues and Amerciaments, which were designed, and ought to be applied towards Defraying the necessary Charge of Supporting the Administration of this Government, may be duly estreated, levied and brought into the Provincial-Stock or Treasury, that so the same may go to the Uses intended; BE IT ENACTED by CHARLES GOOKIN, All Fines due after March 25. 1715. to be certified into the Su­pream Court at Philadelphia, Sept. 24. 1716. Esq &c. That all Fines, Issues, Amerciaments forfeited Recognizances, Sum and Sums of Money to be paid in Lieu and Satisfaction of them, or any of them, and all other Forfeitures whatsoever, which after the Twenty-fifth Day of March, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifteen, shall be set, imposed, lost or forfeited in the Supream-Court of this Province, or in any Courts of Common-Pleas, Gene­ral Quarter-Sessions of the Peace and Goal-Delivery, or be­fore any special Commissioners of Oyer and Terminer, in any County of this Province, Vide postea Chap. 245▪ An Act for e­stablishing Courts, &c. shall, by the Justices, Pro­thonotaries and Clerks of the said Courts respectively, be certified and estreated in and into the said Supream-Court, to be held at Philadelphia, on the Twenty-fourth Day of September, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixteen, expres­sing the Cause of the Loss, the Court, the Nature of the Writ, and the Names of the Parties betwixt whom the said Issues and Amerciaments are lost.

[Page 141]AND that all Fines, Issues and Amerciaments, All Fines, &c. to be [...]s­treated, into the Supream Court, on Pe­nalty, &c. forfeited Recognizances, Sum and Sums of Money to be paid in Lieu or Satisfaction of them, or any of them, and all other Forfeitures whatsoever arising in any of the said Courts, from the said Twenty-fourth Day of September, One Thou­sand Seven Hundred and Sixteen, in every Year, to the Tenth Day of April, in every Year, shall be, and are hereby or­dained and required to be certified and estreated in and into the said Supream-Court the last Day of every April Court, to be held at Philadelphia, in every Year, and from the Be­ginning of every April Court, in every Year, to the Begin­ning of every September Court there; on Pain that every Officer or Minister of or belonging to the said Courts, or any of them, who by this, or any other Law of this Pro­vince, ought to make Certificates or Estreats of any of the said Fines, Issues, Amerciaments and Forfeitures, making Default or offending therein, Penalty on Neglect. shall forfeit and pay Thirty Pounds, current Money of this Province, for every such Default that shall be made in Certifying and Estreating as aforesaid, the one Moiety to the Use of the Governor, for Support of Government, and the other Moiety to such Person or Persons as will sue for the same, to be recovered in any Court of Record in this Province, by Action of Debt, Bill or Information, wherein no Essoin, Protection or Wager of Law, and but one Imparlance shall be allowed.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That all Clerks of the Peace, Clerks of the Peace, &c. to deliver, year­ly, to the She­riff, a Sche­dule of Fines, &c. Town-Clerks, and every of them within this Province, shall make and deliver, yearly, to the Sheriff of the respec­tive County, City or Town corporate, where the Sessions of the Peace is or shall be kept, within ten Days after the first Day of November, in every Year, a true and perfect Estreat or Schedule of all Fines, Issues, Amerciaments, forfeited Recognizances, Sum and Sums of Money, and other For­feitures whatsoever, which shall happen to be imposed, set, lost or forfeited in any of the said Sessions of the Peace re­spectively, which shall be held before the said first Day of November, by or upon any Person or Persons whatsoever, due to the Governor or Government of this Province.

AND also, shall yearly and every Year, A Duplicate of all Sche­dules to be delivered in­to the Su­pream-Court on or before the tenth Day of April, make and deliver into the said Supream-Court a true and perfect Duplicate, Certificate and Estreat of all the Schedules so delivered to the said re­spective Sheriffs, that so they, on their Opposals in the [Page 142] said Supream-Court, may be charged with the Money le­vied and received by them respectively upon such Schedules delivered as aforesaid, on Pain that every Person and Per­sons offending herein, for every such Default or Failure made, Penalty on Neglect. shall forfeit and pay Thirty Pounds, current Money of this Province, the one Moiety to the Use of the Go­vernor for Support of Government, and the other Moiety to such Person or Persons as will sue for the same, to be recovered as aforesaid.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Justices of the Supream Court sh [...]ll a­ward P [...]cess for le [...]ing Fines, &c. That the Justices of the said Supream-Court shall award Process for levying, as well of such Fines, Forfeitures, Issues and Amerciaments as shall be estreated into the said Supream-Court, as of all Fines, Forfeitures, Issues and Amerciaments which shall be lost, taxed and set there, and not paid to the Uses they shall be appropriated.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, No Justice, &c. of the said Cou [...]t [...], to spa [...]e, con [...]cea, &c. any In [...]ictment, &c. unless it be by Rule of Court; nor miscertify any Fine▪ &c. o [...] Penalty of tre­ble the Value. That no Justice, Officer or Minister of or belonging to any of the said Courts, nor any Prothonotary or Clerk of the said Supream, or other Courts, Clerk of the Peace, Town-Clerk, nor any Officer or Mini­ster, under them, or any of them; nor other Person or Persons whatsoever; shall spare, take off, discharge, or wittingly or willingly conceal any Indictment, Fine, Issue, Amerciament, forfeited Recognizance, or other Forfeiture whatsoever, exhibited, set, imposed, lost or forfeited in any of the Courts above-mentioned, or before any of the Judges, Justices or Commissioners of or belonging to the same; o [...] any Sum or Sums of Money paid, or to be paid to any Officer or Officers, in Lieu or Satisfaction of any Fine or Forfeiture (unless it be by Rule or Order of Court where such Indictment, Fine, Issue, Amerciament, forfeited Re­cognizance or other Forfeiture is or shall be exhibited, set, imposed, lost or forfeited) nor shall any of the said Justices, Officers or Ministers aforesaid, or any other, wittingly or willingly miscertify or estreat in or into any of the said Supream-Courts, any Fine, Issue, Amerciament, forfeited Recognizance or other Forfeiture whatsoever, whereby the Process of the said Supream-Courts, for the levying thereof, may be made invalid and of none Effect: But every such Justice, Officer and Minister, and all and every other Per­son and Persons offending herein, shall, for every such Of­fence, forfeit and pay treble the Value of such Fin [...], Issue, [Page 143] Amerciament, forfeited Recognizance, Sum or Sums of Money, or other Forfeiture so spared, taken off, discharged, concealed, not certified, or miscertified, or estreated as afore­said; the one Moiety thereof to the Governor, for Support of Government, and the other Moiety to such Person or Per­sons as will sue for the same; to be recovered as aforesaid.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Estreats to be delivered in­to the [...]u­pream-Courts upon Oath or Affirmation. That all Clerks and Prothono­taries of the said Courts, Clerks of the Peace, Town-Clerks, and others to whom it belongs to make Return of Estreats into the said Supream-Court, shall deliver in all and every such Estreat and Estreats, upon their Oaths or Affirmations, to be administred by one or more of the Judges of the same Court, to the Effect following, That is to say, YOU shall declare, That these Estreats now by You de­livered, are truly and carefully made up and examined; and that all Fines, Issues, Ame [...]ments, Recognizances and For­feitures which were set, cost, imposed or forfeited, and in right and due Course of L [...]w ought to be estreated in the Supream-Court of Pennsylvania, are (to the best of Your Knowledge and Understanding) herein contained; and that in the same Estreats are also contained and expressed all such Fines and Amerciaments as have been paid into the Court from which the said Estreats are made, without any wilful or frau­dulent Discharge, Omission, Misnomer or Defect whatsoever.’

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Estreats shall be viewed by any two Judges of the Supream-Court; who in immode­ [...]te Fines, &c. may give Relief. That any two of the Judges of the said Supream-Court for the time being shall view all the said Estreats, and cause their Clerk to inrol them in the said Court; and shall hear and determine all Complaints brought before them concerning immoderate Fines, Issues or Am [...]rciaments estreated as aforesaid, and to give Relief to the Party grieved, as the Laws in Great Britain in such Cases doth or shall direct.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That where any Fine or Fines, Where any Fine, &c. shall be paid to any Sheriff, &c. and es­treated, Pro­cess shall is­sue out of the Supream-Court against them. Sum or Sums of Money, or other Forfeitures, due to the Governor or Government of this Province, after the said Twenty-fifth Day of March, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifteen, shall be paid to any Sheriff, Clerk, or other Officer or Minister whatsoever, belonging to any Court or Courts in this Province, and be, according to the Intent [Page 144] and Directions of this Act, ce [...]tified and estreated in or into the said Supream-Court; then, and in such Case, Process shall issue out of the said Supream-Court directed to the Sheriff or Coroner of the proper County, against such Officers and other Persons to whom such Fine or Fines, Sum or Sums of Money, or other Forfeiture is or shall be so paid, for levying and receiving the same, that so it may appear when, to whom, and how such Monies are received, answered and paid.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, All Fine [...], le­vied, except for the Poor, Highways, Bridges, &c. shall be paid to the Provin­cial-Treasu­rer; who shall pay to the Uses appro­priated. That all and every the said Fines, Sums of Money, or other Forfeitures (excepting such as are by Law appropriated to the Poor, or for Re­pairing Highways and Bridges, or any other particular Uses in the said respective Counties, or City of Philadelphia) which from henceforth shall be levied or received according to the Intent and Directions of this Act, shall be paid by the Sheriff, or other Officer or Minister who levied or re­ceived the same, to such Person as the Assembly of th [...] Province shall from time to time appoint Provincial-Treasurer; who shall pay the same to the Uses the same are or shall be respectively appropriated: And the said Treasurer shall from time to time lay an Account thereof before the Governor and Assembly for the time being; and shall deduct Five per Cent. for his Trouble in receiving and paying the same. His Allow­ance.

This Act shall not preju­dice the City-Charter.PROVIDED ALWAYS, That nothing in this Act contained shall extend to be anyways prejudicial to the Charter of the City of Philadelphia; but that the said City may have and enjoy the Fines and Forfeitures granted them by the said Charter as if this Act had not been [...]ade.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, The Secreta­ry shall, year­ly, give an Account to the said Trea­surer of Li­cences to pub­lick-Houses, under Penal­ty of Twenty Pounds. That the Secretary, or his De­puty, who draws Licences for keeping Publick-Houses, and selling Wine or other Liquors in any Town or Place of this Province, shall keep a true and just Account of the said Licences, expressing the Time when, the Persons Names to whom the same were granted, and where they live; and shall certify the same to the said Treasurer for the time be­ing, on the first Day of November, in every Year, upon Pain of forfeiting and paying the Sum of Twenty Pounds, Money of thi [...] Province, for every Default or Neglect in that Behalf; the one Moiety thereof to the Governor for [Page 145] Support of Government, and the other Moiety to him or them that will sue for the same, to be recovered as aforesaid.

CHAP. CXCVIII. An ACT for the Assigning of Bonds, Specialties and Promisory-Notes.

WHEREAS it hath been held, That Bonds and Specialties under Hand and Seal, and Notes in Writing, signed by the Party who makes the same, whereby such Party is obliged, or promises, to pay unto any other Person, or his Order or Assigns, any Sum of Money therein mentioned, are not, by Law, assignable or indorsable over to any other Person, so as that the Per­son to whom the said Bonds, Specialties, Note or Notes is or are assigned or indorsed may, in their own Names, by Action at Law, or otherwise, recover the same; therefore, to the Intent to encourage, Trade, Commerce and Credit; BE IT ENACTED by CHARLES GOOKIN, Esq &c. That all Bonds, Specialties and Notes in Writing, Bonds, &c. may be assign [...]ed to another Person. made or to be made, and signed by any Person or Persons, whereby such Person or Persons is or are obliged, or doth or shall promise to pay to any other Person or Persons, his, her or their Order or Assigns, any Sum or Sums of Money men­tioned in such Bonds, Specialties, Note or Notes, may, by the Person or Persons to whom the same is or are made payable, be assigned, indorsed and made over to such Per­son or Persons as shall think fit to accept thereof.

AND that the Person or Persons to whom such Bonds, Such Assignee may assign again. Specialties or Notes are or shall be assigned, indorsed or made over, their Factors, Agents, Executors or Assigns, may, at his, her or their Pleasure, again assign, indorse and make over the same, and so Tuties Quoties.

AND that it shall and may be lawful for the Person or Persons to whom the said Bonds, And sue in his own Name Specialties or Notes are assigned, indorsed or made over as aforesaid, in his, her or their own Name or Names, to commence and prosecute his, her or their Action at Law, for Recovery of the Money mentioned in such Bonds, Specialties or Notes, or so much thereof as shall appear to be due at the Time of such Assign­ment [Page 146] in like Manner as the Person or Persons to whom the same was or were made payable, might or could have done.

Plaintiff shall recover Da­mages and Costs; but if non-suited, &c. the De­fendant shall have Costs.AND in every such Action the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs shall recover his, her or their Damages and Costs of Suit▪ and if such Plaintiff or Plaintiffs shall be non-suited, or a Verdict be given against him, her or them, the Defendant or Defendants shall recover his, her or their Costs against the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs.

And may sue out Executi­on, &c.AND every such Plaintiff or Plaintiffs, Defendant or Defendants respectively recovering, may sue out Execution for such Damages and Costs in the like Manner as is usual for Damages and Costs in other Cases.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Within what Time Actions on Promisory-Notes shall be brought. That all and every such Actions on such Promisory-Notes shall be commenced, sued and brought within such Time as is appointed for commencing or suing Actions upon the Case by an Act of this Province, passed in the Eleventh and Twelfth Years of the late Queen Anne, entituled, An Act for Limitation of Actions.

No Power gi­ven by this Act to issue Notes than, &c.PROVIDED ALWAYS, That no Person or Persons shall have Power by Virtue of this Act to make, issue or give out any Bonds, Specialties or Notes by them­selves or Servants, than such as they might have made, issued and given out if this Act had never been made.

Assignments, &c. under Hand and Seal, &c.AND that all Assignments to be made of Bonds and Specialties shall be under Hand and Seal, before two or more credible Witnesses.

After Assign­ment the Assignor not to release.PROVIDED ALSO, That it shall not be in the Power of the Assigners, after Assignment made as aforesaid, to release any of the Debts or Sums of Money really due by the said Bonds, Specialties or Notes.

[Page 147]

CHAP. CXCIX. An ACT for Acknowledging and Recording of Deeds.

BE IT ENACTED by CHARLES GOOKIN, Esq &c. An Office of Record in each County for recording of Deeds. That there shall be an Office of Record in each County of this Province, called and stiled, The Office for Recording of Deeds; and shall be kept in some conveni­ent Place in the said respective Counties; and the Recorder shall duly attend the Service of the same, and, at his own proper Costs and Charges, shall provide Parchment, or good large Books of Royal, or other large Paper, well bound and covered, wherein he shall record, in a fair and legible Hand, all Deeds and Conveyances which shall be brought to him for that Purpose, according to the true Intent and Meaning of this Act.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That all Bargains and Sales, All Deeds and Convey­ances may be recorded in the said Of­fice after the Grantor, &c. have proved the Executi­on thereof, &c. Deeds and Conveyances of Lands, Tenements and Heredi­taments in this Province, may be recorded in the said Office; but before the same shall be so recorded, the Parties concer­ned shall procure the Grantor or Bargainer named in every such Deed, or else two or more of the Witnesses (who were present at the Execution thereof) to come before one of the Justice [...] of the Peace, of the proper County or City where the Lands lie, who is hereby impowered to take such Acknowledgment of the Grantor, if one, or one of of the Grantors, if more.

BUT in case the Grantor be dead, or cannot appear, If theGrantor be dead, the Witnesses to be uponOath, &c. then the Witnesses brought before such Justice shall be by him examined upon Oath or Affirmation, to prove the Execu­tion of the Deed then produced: Whereupon the same Justice shall, under his Hand and Seal, The Acknow­ledgment to be certifi'd on the Back of such Deed, by the Justice; and the Day and Number of theRoll by the Recorder. certify such Acknow­ledgment or Proof upon the Back of the Deed, with the Day and Year when the same was made, and by whom: And that after the Recorder has recorded any of the said Deeds, he shall certify, on the Back thereof, under his Hand and Seal of his Office, the Day he entred it, and the Name or Number of the Book or Roll and Page where the same is entred.

[Page 148]AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Deeds made out of this Province, proved & re­corded, shall be valid, &c. That all Deeds and Convey­ances made and granted out of this Province, and brought hither and recorded in the County where the Lands lie (Execution thereof being first proved by the Oath or Affir­mation of one or more of the Witnesses thereunto, before one or more of the Justices of the Peace of this Province, Vide [...]. Cha. 14 [...] [...] for confirm [...] Sales of Lands, &c. or before any Mayor or chief Magistrate or Officer of the Cities, Towns or Places where such Deeds or Conveyances are or shall be made or executed, and accordingly certified under the Common or Publick-Seal of the Cities, Towns or Places where such Deeds or Conveyances are so proved respectively) shall be as valid as if the same had been made, acknowledged and proved in the proper County where the Lands lie in this Province.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Deeds so ac­knowledged and recorded shall be of the same Force as Deeds of Fe­offment, or inrolled in Great Britain. That all Deeds and Convey­ances made or to be made, and proved or acknowledged and recorded as aforesaid, which shall appear so to be by Indorsment made thereon according to the true Intent and Meaning of this Act, shall be of the same Force and Effect here, for the giving Possession and Seizin, and making good the Title and Assurance of the said Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, as Deeds of Feoffment, with Livery and Seizin, or Deeds enrolled in any of the King's Courts of Record at Westminster, are or shall be in the Kingdom of Great Britain. Copies, &c. of such Deeds being certifi­ed by the Re­corder, shall be as valid as the Originals. And the Copies or Exemplifications of all Deeds so inrolled being examined by the Recorder, and cer­tified under the Seal of the proper Office (which the Re­corder, or Keeper thereof, is hereby required to affix thereto) shall be allowed in all Courts where produced, and are hereby declared and enacted to be as good Evidence and as valid and effectual in Law as the Original Deeds themselves, or as Bargains and Sales inrolled in the said Courts at West­minster, and Copies thereof, can be; and the same may be sued, pleaded and made Use of accordingly.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, In Deeds in Fee-simple, the Words Grant, Bar­gain, Sell, to be an express Covenant that the Estate was free from In­cumbrances, &c. That all Deeds to be recorded in Pursuance of this Act, whereby any Estate of Inheri­tance in Fee-simple shall hereafter be limited to the Grantee and his Heirs, the Words [ Grant, Bargain, Sell] shall be judged an express Covenant to the Grantee, his Heirs and Assigns, to wit, That the Grantor was seized of an indefea­zable Estate in Fee-simple, free'd from all Incumbrances [Page 149] done or suffered from the Grantor (excepting the Rents and Services due to the Lord of the Fee) as also for quiet Enjoyment against the Grantor, his Heirs and Assigns (unless limited by express Words contain'd in such Deeds) and that the Grantee, his Heirs, Executors, The Grantee may assign Breaches, &c. Administrators and Assigns may, in any Action, assign Breaches, as if such Covenants were expressly inserted.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, Leases at Rack-Rent, and not ex­ceeding 21 Years excep­ted. That this Act shall not extend to Leases at Rack-Rent, or to Leases not ex­ceeding One-and-Twenty Years, where the actual Possession goes with the Lease.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, The Penalties against For­gers of said Acknowledg­ments, & Per­sons guilty of Perjury. That if any Person shall forge any Entry of the said Acknowledgments, Certificates or Indorsements, whereby the Freehold or Inheritance of any Man may be charged, he shall be liable to the Penalties against Forgers of false Deeds, &c. And if any Person shall perjure himself in any of the Cases herein above-mentioned, he shall incur the like Penalties as if the Oath or Affirma­tion had been in any Court of Record.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That no Deed or Mortgage, No Mortgage good unless acknowledg­ed and recor­ded in six, Months. or defeazable Deed, in the Nature of Mortgages, hereafter to be made, shall be good or sufficient to pass any Freehold or Inheritance, or to grant any Estate therein for Life or Years, unless such Deed be acknowledged or proved, and recorded within six Months after the Date thereof, where such Lands lie, as herein before directed for other Deeds.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Mortgagee having recei­ved his Mo­ney shall en­ter Satisfac­tion on the Margin of the Record. That any Mortgagee of any real or personal Estate in this Province, having received full Satisfaction and Payment of all such Sum and Sums of Money as are really due to him by such Mortgage, shall, at the Request of the Mortgager, enter Satisfaction upon the Margin of the Record of such Mortgage recorded in the said Office; which shall forever thereafter discharge, defeat and release the same; and shall likewise bar all Actions brought or to be brought thereupon.

AND if such Mortgagee, by himself or his Attorney, Penalty on not making such Acknow­ledgment, &c. shall not, within three Mon [...] after Request and Tender made for his reasonable Charges, repair to the said Office, and there make such Acknowledgment as aforesaid, he, [Page 150] she or they neglecting so to do, shall, for every such Of­fence, forfeit and pay unto the Party or Parties aggrieved any Sum not exceeding the Mortgage-Money, to be re­covered in any Cout of Record in this Province, by Bill, Plaint or Information.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, What Persons shall be Re­corders of Deeds, until a Majority of the Justices appoint o­thers. That Charles Bro [...]kden, shall be Recorder of Deeds for the City and County of Philadelphia, and the several Prothonotaries or County-Clerks of Buck [...] and Chester, in this Province, shall be Recorders of Deeds for the said respective Counties, who shall continue in their said Office until a Majority of the Justices of the Courts of Quarter-Sessions, in the said respective Counties, shall s [...] Occasion to remove them, and appoint others in their Places. But before any of the said Recorders enter upon their repec­tive Offices, Recorders to give Security, &c. they shall find Sureties as follows, viz. The said Recorder of Deeds for the County and City of Philadelphia shall become bound to the Governor of this Province for the Time being, with one or more sufficient Sureties, in a Bond of Five Hundred Pounds, conditioned for the true and faithful Execution of his Office, and for Delivering up the Records and other Writings belonging to the said Office whole, safe and undefaced, to his Successor in the said Office: And the said County-Clerks of Bucks and Chester, shall each of them, with one or more Sureties, become bound as aforesaid, in a Bond of Two Hundred Pounds, conditioned as aforesaid. And to be filed in the Secretary's-Office, &c. Which said respective Bonds shall be filed in the Secretary's Office, and there safely kept in order to be made Use of for making Satisfaction to the Parties that shall be damnified or aggrieved, as is or shall be in such Cases directed by the Laws of this Province.

Penalty on the Recorder for entring on his Office be­fore Security given.AND no Recorder of Deeds whatsoever, now or here­after appointed as aforesaid, shall enter upon or officiate in the said Office, before he hath given such Security as afore­said, upon Pain of forfeiting the Sum of One Hundred Pounds, the one Half to the Governor, for Support of Go­vernment, and the other Half to him or them that shall sue for the same, to be recovered as aforesaid.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Fees allowed to the said Recorders. That the said Recorders, re­spectively, shall have and receive for Recording, and for Copying or Exemplifying all Deeds, Conveyances and Writings entred in the said Office, One Half-penny for every [Page 151] Line, containing not less than twelve Words; and for [...] Search One Shilling; and for every Acknowledging Satis­faction, in the Margin of a Mortgage, recorded as aforesaid, One Shilling; and shall have and receive for affixing the Seal to every Exemplification, One Shilling; and for the Seal of the Office and Indorsement of Certificate on each [...]eed acknowledged, and his Hand thereto, One Shilling and Six-Pence.

AND if any of the said Recorders shall exact or take more or greater Fees, he or they offending, shall, Penalty on Exacting. for every Offence, forfeit and pay the Sum of Five Pounds, one Half thereof to the Governor, for Support of Government, and the other Half to him or them that shall sue for the same, to be recovered as aforesaid.

CHAP. CC. An ACT for the Ease of such as conscienciously scruple to take the solemn Affirmation formerly allowed in Great Britain.


CHAP. CCI. An ACT for continuing a friendly Correspondence with the Indians.


CHAP. CCII. An ACT for better Determining of Debts and Demands under Forty Shillings, and for laying aside the two Weeks Court in the City of Philadelphia.

WHEREAS the several Laws of this Province for Determining of small Debts, without For­mality of Trial, were designed for the Ease and Conveniency of the Subject; but Complaint is made by many of the Inhabitants of the City and County of Phila­delphia, tha [...] the Manner of putting the same in Execution by some of the said City-Magistrates and Officers, proves very chargeable and inconvenient: For Remedy whereof, BE IT ENACTED by CHARLES GOOKIN, Esq &c. [Page 152] That upon Complaint made to any Justice of the Peace in this Province against any Person or Persons, Any Justice on Complaint may issue his W [...]rrant to t [...]e Constable for [...]bts un­der Forty Shil­lings. for any Debt or Demand under Forty Shillings, it shall and may be law­ful for such Justice, and he is hereby impowered and re­quired to issue forth his Warrant, in the Nature of a Sum­mons, Capias or Attachment, as the Case may require, directed to the Constable of the Township or District where the Defendant dwells or can be found, commanding him to bring, or cause such Defendant to come, with the Plain­tiff, And may give Judgment, which shall be final. before him, or the next Justice, forthwith; and when such Justice hath heard the Proofs and Allegations of both Parties (or such of them as will be present) he shall forth­with give Judgment in the Matter, which shall be final and conclusive to both Complainant and Defendant, with­out further Appeal. Justices to keep Entries of such Judg­ments. But the Justice that gives such Judg­ment, shall keep fair Entries of the Names of the Com­plainants and Defendants, and the Debt or Sum contained in such Judgment, with the Day and Year when the same was given. Execution to be awarded against Body and Goods. And Execution, if required, shall be awarded by the Justice, against the Body and Goods or Effects of the Defendant or Person refusing to comply with such Judgment, directed to the Constable; but if the Defendant produceth Effects sufficient to satisfy the Sum contained in such Execution, If Effects be produced, the Body not to be h [...]ld. his Body shall not be held any longer: But for want of such Effects, the Constable is hereby re­quired to take such Defendant into the Goal of the proper County; For want of Effects to be imprisoned, &c. and the Sheriff or Keeper of such Goal is hereby required to receive the Person so taken in Execution, and him safely keep, till the Sum recovered, with Costs, be paid, or Satisfaction made by Goods, or otherwise; which Goods shall, Goods to be [...]ld in three [...], return­ing the Over­plus. within three Days after, be sold at publick Vend [...]e, and the Overplus, if any, after reasonable Charges deducted, returned to the Owner.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, No Court to have Cogni­zance of any Debts under 4 [...] nor be be determin­ed any other way than this Act directs. That no Court in this Province shall have Cognizance of any of the said Debts or Demands under Forty Shillings, nor shall the same be determined by any Justice or Magistrate any other way than this Act di­rects; any Law, Ordinance or Usage to the Contrary in anywise notwithstanding.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Repe [...]l of the City Ordinan­ces, &c. That all and every the Ordi­nances and By-Laws of the said City, made, or pretended to be made, for the better executing the said Laws for [Page 153] Determining of small Debts, and for Erecting a Court or Courts for that Purpose, shall be and are hereby declared to be null and void; Forty Shillings Court dissol­ved. and that all and every the said Courts so erected, usually held by the Mayor or Recorder, with one or more of the Aldermen of the said City, commonly called The Forty Shillings, or T [...]o W [...]ks Court, or by what Name soever the same may be called; and all Jurisdiction and Authority belonging to or exercised in the said Courts, or by any of the Mag [...]trates or Ministers thereof, in Hearing and Determining Debts or Demands therein of Forty Shillings and under be clearly and absolutely dissolved, taken away and abolished.

AND that all the Laws or Acts of Assembly of this Province heretofore made for determining Debts of Forty Shillings or under (save a Law entituled, Repeal of all Laws for de­termining Debts under Forty Shillings, except, &c. An Act about At­tachments under Forty Shillings, pass'd in the Twelfth Year of the late King William the Third) and every Matter, Clause and Thing therein contained, shall be, and are hereby declared to be repealed, annulled, and forever made void, any thing in the said Acts to the Contrary in anywise notwithstanding.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, No Justice to hear any Debt for Rents or Contracts for real Estate. That nothing herein contained shall extend to enable any of the said Justices of the Peace within the respective Counties of this Province, nor any of the Magistrates of the City of Philadelphia, within the same City, to hear any Debt for Rents or Contracts for real Estates.

CHAP. CCIII. An ACT for Erecting a Supream Court or Pro­vincial Court of Law or Equity in this Province.


CHAP. CCIV. An ACT for Establishing the several Courts of Common-Pleas in this Province.


CHAP. CCV. An ACT for the better Ascertaining the Prac­tice of the Courts of Iudicature within this Province.


[Page 154]

CHAP. CCVI. An ACT for Raising a Supply of One Penny in the Pound, and Four Shillings a Head; and for Reviving other Acts therein mentioned.


CHAP. CCVII. An ACT for Regulating and Establishing Fees.


CHAP. CCVIII. An ACT for laying a Duty on Wine, Rum, Brandy and Spirits, Cyder and Hops, imported into this Province.


CHAP. CCIX. An ACT for laying a Duty on Negroes imported into this Province.


Two ACTS pass'd in the Second Year of His Majesty's Reign, in October, One Thousand Seven Hun­dred and Fifteen, viz.

CHAP. CCX. An ACT to enlarge the Time for putting in Execution a Law pass'd in the last Sessions of Assembly, held for this Province, entituled, An Act for raising a Supply of One Penny in the Pound, and Four Shillings a Head; and for Re­viving other Acts therein mentioned.


CHAP. CCXI. An ACT for Reviving of Actions and Process, lately depending in the Courts of the County of Chester, and for Supplying other Defects, relating to Proceedings at Law in all the Courts of Common-Pleas in this Province.


At a GENERAL ASSEMBLY begun at Philadelphia, in the Province of Pennsylvania, the Nineteenth Day of August, in the Fourth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE, King of Great Britain, &c. Anno (que) Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventeen, and continued by Ad­journment until the Twenty-fourth of the same Month: On which Day the following ACTS were passed by WILLIAM KEITH, Esq by the Royal Approbation Lieu­tenant Governor under WILLIAM PENN, Esq absolute Proprietary and Governor in chief of the said Province, That is to say,

CHAP. CCXII. An ACT for Raising a Supply of One Penny per Pound, and Four Shillings a Head.


[Page 156]

CHAP. CCXIII. An ACT for the better Regulating of Elections of Sheriffs, Of the Duty of Sheriffs, and their Elections, See postea 3 Geo. II. Chap. 303. i [...] the latter Part of the Act for Relief of insol­vent Debtors. Coroners and Assessors.

WHEREAS the Manner of carrying on the said Elections, differing from the peaceable Method established for chusing Members of Assembly, has occasioned some Disorders and Tumults, which should be avoided for the future: THEREFORE IT IS ENACTED by WILLIAM KEITH, Esq by the King's Royal Approbation Lieutenant Governor under WILLIAM PENN, Esq Proprietor and Governor in chief of the Pro­vince of Pennsylvania, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Freemen of the said Province in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, Who have Right of E­lecting or be­ing elected Sheriffs, Co­roners and Assessors. That such Persons as have no Right to elect or to be elected, according to a Law of this Province, made in the Fourth Year of the late Queen Anne's Reign, entituled, An Act to ascertain the Number of Members of Assembly, and to regulate the Elections, shall not have any Right of electing or being elected Sheriffs, Coroners or Assessors in or for any County of this Province.

Altered by the 11 th Geo. I.AND that all and every Person and Persons who, by Virtue of the said Act, shall from time to time come to elect Representatives to serve in Assembly, shall deliver, in Writing, to the Judges of those respective Elections, in one Piece of Paper, distinctly written, as well the Names of eight Persons for whom they vote to serve in Assembly, as also the Names of a double Number of such Persons as they would have to be Sheriffs and Coroners; and also the Names of six Persons to be Assessors, for each County in this Province.

Persons cho­sen to be Sheriffs, &c. how to be qualified.AND that the Persons who, by Majority of Votes given, according to the Direction of this Act, shall be cho­sen for Sheriffs and Coroners in the said respective Counties, shall be returned, presented and impowered to serve and act in their respective Offices, in Manner and Form, and under the Penalties, Qualifications and Directions specified in a Law of this Province, entituled, An Act for regulating Elections of Sheriffs and Coroners: And the Persons so as aforesaid chosen to be Assessors for the said respective Coun­ties, shall be returned and entred on Record at the Court of Quarter-Sessions in the proper County, next after every such Election, according to the Tenor and Intent of the [Page 157] Law, entituled, An Act for raising County Levies, and shall be enabled to act as Assessors, pursuant to the Powers given them by that or any other Act or Law of this Province.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, City of Phila­delphia how to choose their Assessors. That the Inhabitants and Free­holders of the City of Philadelphia, shall observe and use the same Method in choosing their Assessors, as is herein above directed for the Choice of other Assessors.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, The Acts re­cited herein concerning Elections to continue in Force. That all and every the above-mentioned Acts, and all other Acts of Assembly relating to the said Elections, and all the Powers, Provisions, Penalties, Clauses, Matters and Things therein contained (except only such Part and Parts thereof touching which other Provision or Alterations are hereby made) shall continue and be in full Force as if the same were repeated and re-enacted in the Body of this Act.

CHAP. CCXIV. An ACT for laying a Duty upon sundry Liquors retailed in this Province.


CHAP. CCXV. An ACT for the more effectual Raising of County Rates and Levies.


CHAP. CCXVI. An ACT for the Advancement of Iustice, and more certain Administration ther [...]of.

WHEREAS King Charles the [...]ond by his Royal Charter to William Penn, Recital of th [...] Royal Char [...]ter. [...] erecting this Country into a Province, did declare it to be his Will and Pleasure, That the Laws for Regulating and Governing of Property within the said Province, as well for the Descent and Enjoyment of Lands, as for the Enjoyment and Succession of Goods and Chattels, and likewise as to Felonies, should be and continue the same as they should be for the time being by the general Course of the Law in [Page 158] the Kingdom of England, until the said Laws shall be al­tered by the said William Penn, his Heirs or Assigns, and by the Freemen of the said Province, their Delegates or De­puties, or the greater Part of them.

The common Law of Eng­land extends hither.AND WHEREAS it is a settled Point, as the the common Law is the Birth-Right of English Subjects, so it ought to be their Rule in British Dominions: But Act [...] of Parliament have been adjudged not to extend to these Plantations, unless they are particularly named in such Act.

NOW forasmuch as some Persons have been encouraged to transgress certain Statutes against capital Crimes, and other Enormities, because those Statutes have not [...] hitherto fully extended to this Province:

Trials of High-Trea­son.THEREFORE lest there should be an [...] further Failure in that Behalf, may it please the Governor, that it may be enacted, AND BE IT ENACTED by WILLIAM KEITH, Esq by the King's Royal Approbation Deputy-Lieutenant and Governor under the said WILLIAM PENN, Esq Proprietary and Governor in chief of the Pro­vince of Pennsylvania, &c. by and with the Advice and Consent of the Freemen of the said Province in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, That all Inquests and Trials of High Treason shall be ac­cording to due Order and Course of the Common Law, ob­serving the Directions of the Statute-Laws of Great Britain, relating to the Trials, Proceedings and Judgments in such Cases.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Trials of Pe­ty Treason, Murther, and other capital Crimes. That the Inquiries and Trials of all Petty-Treasons, Misprisions of Treasons, Murder, Manslaughters, Homicides, and all such other Crimes and Misprisions, as by this Act or any other Act of Assembly of this Province, are or shall be made capital, or Felonies of Death (which have been or shall be done, committed, perpetrated or happen within this Province) shall be as by this Act is directed.

Trials in Eng­land upon Oath.AND WHEREAS the several Crimes declared by this Act to be Felonies of Death, are by the Course of the Laws of that Part of Great Britain called England, to be enquired of and tried by Justices, Juries and Witnesses upon their Oaths.

[Page 159]BUT forasmuch as the greater Part of the Inhabitants of this Province are such who for Conscience-sake cannot take an Oath in any Case; As the greater Part of the Inhabitants cannot [...]ake Oaths, all C [...]imes may be tried upon Oath o [...] Affir­mation. yet without their Assistance Justice cannot be well administred, and too great a Burthen will fall upon the other Inhabitants: BE IT THERE­FORE ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That all and all Manner of Crimes and Offences, Matters and Causes whatsoever, to be enquired of, heard, tried and determined by Virtue of this or any other Act or Law of this Province, or otherwise, shall and may be enquired of, heard, tried and determined by Judges, Justices, Inquests and Witnesses qualifying themselves according to their consci­entious Persuasion respectively, either by taking a corporal Oath, or by taking the solemn Affirmation allowed by Act of Parliament to those called Quakers in Great Britain.

WHICH Affirmation of such Persons as concientiously refuse to take an Oath, Affirmation to have the Effect of an Oath. shall be accounted and deemed in the Law to have the full Effect of an Oath, in any Case whatsoever in this Province.

AND that all such Persons as shall be convicted of falsly and corruptly affirming or declaring any Matter or Thing, which, if the same had been upon Oath, False Affir­mations to be punished as Perjury. would by Law amount to wilful and corrupt Perjury, shall incur the same Penalties, Disabilities and Forfeitures as Persons con­victed of wilful Perjury do incur by the Laws of Great Britain.

AND that upon all Trials of the said capital Crimes, UponTrial of capitalCrimes Challenges to be allowed & Council as­signed to Pri­soners, and P [...]oc [...]ss to bring in Wit­nesses for them. lawful Challenges shall be allowed, and learned Council assigned to the Prisoners, and shall have Process to compel Witnesses to appear for them upon any of the said Trials. But before such Witnesses shall be admitted to depose or give any Manner of Evidence, they shall first take an Oath or Affirmation, To say the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth, in such Manner as the Witnesses for the King are by the Laws of this Province obliged to do: And if convicted of any wilful Perjury in such Evidence, If such Wit­nesses be con­victed of Per­jury to be punished, &c. shall suffer all the Punishments, Penalties, Forfeitures and Disa­bilities which by any of the Laws and Statutes of Great Britain are or may be inflicted upon Persons convicted of wilful Perjury.

BUT if any of the said Prisoners shall upon their Ar­raignment for any of the said Crimes stand mute, Mute Persons suffer as Fe­lons convict, &c. or not [Page 160] answer directly, or shall peremptorily Challenge above the Number of Twenty Persons returned to serve of the Jury, he or they so offending shall suffer as a Felon convict; and shall lose the Benefit of Clergy, and of this Act, in the same Manner as he or they should have done if they had been indicted, arraigned and found Guilty, if it appear to the Justices, before whom such Felons be arraigned, by Evi­dence given before them, or by Examination, that the same Felonies whereon they are so arraigned, had been such Fe­lonies, by Reason whereof they should have lost the Benefit of their Clergy.

Persons con­vict to suffer as in England.AND when any Person or Persons shall be so as afore­said convicted or attainted of any of the said Crimes, they shall suffer as the Laws of Great Britain now do or here­after shall direct and require in such Cases respectively.

The Justices to give Judg­ment accord­ingly.AND it shall and may be lawful for the Justices of the Court where any of the said Attainders or Convictions shall happen, to give and pronounce such Judgment or Sentence against the Persons so attainted or convicted, as their Crimes respectively require, according to the Manner, Form and Direction of the Laws of that Part of Great Britain called England in the like Cases; and thereupon to award and order Execution to be done accordingly.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Persons con­vict of Sodo­my, &c. to suffer as Fe­lons. That if any Person or Persons shall commit Sodomy or Buggery, or Rape or Robbery; which Robbery is done by assaulting another on or near the Highway, putting in Fear, and taking from his Pers [...] Money or other Goods, to any Value whatsoever, he or they so offending or committing any of the said Crimes within this Province, their Counsellers, Aiders, Comforters and Abettors being convicted thereof as abovesaid, shall suffer as Felons, according to the Tenor, Direction, Fo [...] and Effect of the several Statutes in such Cases respectively made and provided in Great Britain; any Act or Law of this Province to the Contrary in anywise notwithstanding.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, It shall be Murther in Women to conceal the Death of their Bastards. That if any Woman shall be delivered of any Issue of her Body, Male or Female, which, being born alive, should, by the Law, b [...] deemed a Bastard, and that she endeavour privately, either by drowning of secret Burying thereof, or any other Way, either by herself [Page 161] or the procuring of others, so to conceal the Death thereof as that it may not come to Light, whether it were born alive or not, but be concealed; in every such Case the Mo­ther so offending being convicted thereof, according to the usual Course of Proceeding in capital Crimes within this Province, shall suffer Death, as in Case of Murder; except such Mother can make Proof, by one Witness at the least, that the Child (whose Death was by her so intended to be concealed) was born dead.

AND if any Person or Persons shall counsel, Access [...]ries to such Murder. advise or direct such Woman to kill the Child she goes with, and after she is delivered of such Child, she kills it, every such Person so advising or directing, shall be deemed accessary to such Murder, and shall have the same Punishment as the Principal shall have.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That the Statute against Stab­bing, The Statute against Stab­bing extend­ed hither. made in the first Year of the Reign of King Iames the First, Chapter the Eighth, entituled, An Act to take away the Benefit of the Clergy for some kind of Manslaughter, shall be duly observed and put in Execution in this Province, and be of like Force and Effect as if the same Act were here repeated and enacted; Access [...]ries. but that all such Persons as shall happen to be present and Aiding to the Stabbing another, which by the said Act is made Murder, shall not be deemed Principals, but Accessaries to such Stabbing.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Person or Persons, Persons con­victed of put­ting out an E [...]e, or dis­abling any Member shall suffer as Fe­lons. on Purpose, and of Malice-forethought, and by laying in Wait, shall unlawfully cut out or disable the Tongue, put out an Eye, slit the Nose, cut off the Nose or Lip, or cut off or disable any Limbs or Members of any of the King's Subjects, with Intention in so doing to maim or disfigure in any of the Manners before-mentioned, such his Majesty's Subjects, that then and in every such Case the Person or Persons so offending, their Counsellors, Aiders and Abettors, knowing of and privy to the Offence as aforesaid, shall suffer Death, as in Cases of Felony, without Benefit of Clergy.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That another Statute, Note, The Act of Parliament o [...] t [...]e 1 st Jac. [...]. is r [...]pea [...]d. made in the first Year of the Reign of King Iames the First, Chapter the Twe [...]th, entituled, An Act against Conjuration, Witch­cr [...]t and Dealing with evil and wicked Spirits, shall be [Page 162] duly put in Execution in this Province, and of like Force and Effect as if the same were here repeated and enacted.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Persons con­vict of Bur­glary shall suffer Death, without Bene­fit of Clergy. That if any Person or Perso [...] shall be so as aforesaid convict of Burglary; which is a Breaking and Entering into the Dwelling-House of anoth [...] in the Night-time, with an Intent to kill some reasonable Creature, or to commit some other Felony within the same House, whether the felonious Intent be executed or not, h [...] or they so offending within this Province, being convicted thereof as aforesaid, shall suffer Death, without Benefit [...] Clergy; any Law of this Province to the Contrary not­withstanding.

Persons con­victed of bur­ning Houses, &c. shall suf­fer Death:AND if any Person or Persons shall be so as aforesaid convicted of maliciously and voluntarily burning the Dwel­ling-House, Barn, Stable or Out-House of another, having Corn or Hay therein, he or they so offending within this Province, shall suffer Death; any Law of this Province to the Contrary notwithstanding.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, If the Princi­pal Offender stands mute, or challenges above 20 of the Jury, Ac­cess [...]ries may nevertheless be proceeded against, &c. That if any Principal Offender in any capital Crime (which by the Laws of this Province for the time being is made Felony of Death) shall be con­victed of any such Felony, or shall stand mute, or perempto­rily challenge above the Number of Twenty Persons re­turned to serve of the Jury, it shall and may be lawful t [...] proceed against any Accessary, either before or after the Fact, in the same Manner as if such Principal Felon had been attainted thereof, notwithstanding any such Principal Felon shall be admitted to the Benefit of his Clergy, par­doned or otherwise delivered before Attainder; and every such Accessary shall suffer the same Punishment, if he [...] she be convicted, or stand mute, or peremptorily challenge above the Number of Twenty Persons returned to serve of the Jury, as he or she should have suffered if the Principal had been attainted.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Concealers of Robbers, &c. if they pray the Benefit of this Act, not to suffer Death That if any Person or Persons shall receive, harbour or conceal any of the said Robbers or Burglars, Felons or Thieves, or shall receive or buy any Goods or Chattels that shall be feloniously taken or stolen [Page 163] by any such Robbers or Burglars, Felons or Thieves, know­ing the same to be stolen, and being so as aforesaid con­victed of either of the said Offences; if he or they pray to have the Benefit of this Act, in Lieu of Clergy, Judg­ment of Death shall not be given against them upon such Conviction, nor Execution awarded upon any Outlawry for such Offence, but they shall be burnt in their Hands, in Manner as herein after directed.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, Though the principal Fe­lon is not ta­ken, Accessa­ries may be prosecuted. That if any such Principal Robber or Burglar, Felon or Thief cannot be ta­ken so as to be prosecuted and convicted for any such Offence, nevertheless it shall be lawful to [...]osecute [...] punish every such Person and Persons, buy [...]g or receiving any Goods stolen by any such Principal Felon, knowing the same to be stolen, as for a Misdemeanor, to be p [...]nished by Fine and Imprisonment, or other such corporal Punishment as the Court shall think fit to inflict, altho' the Principal Felon be not before convict of the said Felony: Which Punishment shall exempt the Offender from being p [...]nished as Accessary if such Principal Felon shall afterwards be taken and convicted.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, If Persons in­dicte [...], &c. will not ap­pear, Capias shall be awar­ded. That if any Person or Persons who have been indicted or appealed, or hereafter shall be indicted or appealed for any of the said Crimes, did not, or will not appear to answer such Indictment or Appeal, the Justices before whom the same hath been or shall be taken, shall award a Writ called Capias against every such Offender, directed to the Sheriff of the County where the Party in­dicted or appealed are, by such Indictment or Appeal, sup­posed to be conversant or inhabit, returnable before the Justices of that Court where such Party is or shall be so indicted or appealed, at the Supream or Provincial Court next after the taking of such Indictment or Appeal; by which Writ of Capias the same Sheriff shall be commanded to take the Body of him or them so indicted or appealed, if he or they can be found in his Bailiwick: If not found, the Sheriff to make Procla­mation in Quarter Ses­sions, &c. And if he or they cannot be found, the Sheriff shall make Proclamation in every Court of Quarter-Sessions which shall be held for she said County where the said Party indicted or appealed [...] supposed to inhabit or be conversant as aforesaid, That he or they being so indicted or appealed shall appear before the said [...]ustices at the said Supream-Court, on the Day of the Return of the said Writ of Capias, to answer our Lord the King, or to [Page 164] the Party, of the Treason, Felony or Trespass whereof he or they are so indicted or appealed. Which Writ shall be delivered to the said Sheriff or Sheriffs three Months before the Return thereof; How the Jus­tices, after such Writ be­ing served & returned, and the Offender does not ap­pear, shall proceed, &c. after which Writ of Capias so served and re­turned, if he who is so indicted or appealed comes not at the said Day of Return of the said Capias, and yield his Body to the Sheriff, he shall be, by the Justices of the said Supream-Court, pronounced Out-law'd, and attainted of the Crime whereof he is so indicted or appealed as aforesaid. And from that Time shall forfeit and lose all his Lands and Tene­ments, All Forfei­feitures here­in mentioned shall, after the Criminals Debts are paid, go, one Half to the Governor, & the other Half to the Crimi­nals Wife and Children. If no Wife & Children, to the next of Kin; and if not claimed in; Years to the Governor. Goods and Chattels. Which Forfeiture, and all other Forfeitures expressed or implied by the Judgment to be given upon the said capital Offences mentioned in this Act, after such Criminals just Debts and reasonable Charges of their Maintenance in Prison are deducted, shall go, one Half to the Governor for the time being, towards Support of this Government, and for Defraying the Charges of Prosecution, Trial and Execution of such Criminals; and the other Half or Residue thereof shall go to such Cri­minal's Wife and Children equally: But if he leaves no Wife or Children, then to the next of his Kindred, not de­scending lower than the second Degree; to be cl [...]imed within three Years after the Death of such C [...]iminals; otherwise the same shall go to the Governor as aforesaid; any Law or Usage to the Contrary notwithstanding.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Persons con­victed of ca­pital Crimes liable to be ar­rested by their Creditors, and Executi­on may go a­gainst their Lands, &c. That where any Person or Persons charged, com­mitted to Prison, or convicted of any of the said capital Crimes, being justly indebted to any other Person or Per­sons, he or they so indebted may be arrested, or their Go [...]ds and Chattels attached to answer the Suits of their respective Creditors, who making due Proof that the Debts or Sums demanded are really and without Fraud due, shall recover Judgment for the same, and Executions may be awarded against the Lands, Goods and Chattels of such Defendants, as is usual in other Cases.

Breakers of Prisons.PROVIDED ALSO, That he or they who shall happen to break Prison, shall not have Judgment of Life or Member for breaking of Prison only, except the Cause for which he or they were taken and imprisoned did require such Judgment, had he been convict according to Law.

[Page 165]AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Persons con­victed of ca­pital Felonies, in which they ought to have the Benefit of the Clergy, may pray the Benefit of this Act; and, without Rea­ding shall be as Clerks con­vict, & burnt in the Hand. That if any Person be convic­ted of any such Felony as is hereby made capital, for which he ought by the Laws of Great Britain to have the Benefit of his Clergy, and shall pray to have the Benefit of this Act, he shall not be [...]equired to read, but without any Reading shall be allowe [...] taken and reputed to be and punished as a Clerk Convict, and burnt, if for Murder, with an [M] upon the Brawn of the left Thumb; and if for any other Felony, with a [T] in the same Place of the Thumb: Which Marks are to be made by the Goaler in open Court, as is usual in Great Britain; which shall be effectual to all Intents and Purposes, and be as advantageous to him as if he had read as a Clerk; any Law or Usage to the Contrary notwithstanding.

AND that the said Justices before whom such Offender or Offenders shall be tried and convicted, shall also, The Justices may award such Offen­ders to some House of Cor­rection, &c. at their Discretion, award and give Judgment, That such Offender and Offenders shall be committed to some House of Cor­rection, or Publick Work-House within the County, City, Town or Place where such Conviction shall be, there to re­main and be kept without Bail or Mainprize for such Time as such Justices shall then judge and award, not less than six Months, and not exceeding two Years, to be accounted from the Time of such Conviction, and an Entry thereof shall be made of Record, pursuant to such Judgment and Award; and such Offender and Offenders so judged and awarded to remain and be kept in such House of Correction or Publick Work-House, shall be there set at Work and kept at hard Labour, for and during such Time as shall be so adjudged and recorded: If the Offen­ders refuse to Work, then to be correc­ted. And in Case such Person or Per­sons shall refuse or neglect to work and labour as they ought to do, the Master or Keeper of such House of Cor­rection, or Publick Work-House respectively, is hereby re­quired to give such Persons such due Correction as shall be fit and necessary in that Behalf.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, If Offenders escape and be re-taken, not to be commit­t [...], &c. for less than Twelve-Months, no [...] above 4 Years That in case any such Offender or Offenders shall, after such Judgment given, escape out of Prison, or out of such House of Correction or Publick Work-House as he, she or they shall be committed unto as aforesaid, such Person or Persons being afterwards re-taken shall be brought before one or more of the Provincial Judges, or before two or more of the Justices of the Peace of such [Page 166] County, City, Town or Place where such Offender or Of­fenders shall be so re-taken; which Judge or Justices are hereby required to commit such Offender and Offenders to some House of Correction, or Publick Work-House, within such County, City, Town or Place where he, she or they shall be so re-taken, there to remain without Bail or Main-prize, for any Time not less than twelve Months, and not exceeding four Years, to be accounted from the Time of such Re-taking, and there be set at Wo [...]k, and kept at hard Labour, and receive such due Correction as aforesaid.

If the Master of such [...]ouse of Correction neglect his Duty, any Provincial Judge may re­move him.AND in case any Master or Keeper of any House of Correction, or Publick Work-House, shall neglect to do his Duty as above directed, any Judge or Justice of Goal Delivery, upon Complaint, and due Proof thereof, upon the Oath or Affirmation of one or more Witnesses, to him made, shall be and is hereby impowered to remove such Person from his said Office.

AND BE IT [...]URTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, A Woman convicted of Felony, may pray the Be­nefit of this Act, be [...] in the Hand, and kept in Prison, &c. That [...] a Man being con­victed of any Felony, for which he [...] the Benefit of his Clergy; if a Woman be [...] same, or like Offence, upon her Prayer to have [...] of this Act, Ju [...]me [...]t of D [...]th shall not be [...] her upon such Conviction or Execution awarded [...] Outlawry for such Of [...]nce, but s [...]all su [...]er the same P [...]nishment as a Man should suffer that has the Benefit o [...] hi [...] Clergy all [...]wed him in the like Case, That is to say, [...] be burnt in the Hand in Manner aforesaid; and further to be kept in Pri­son for such Time as the Justices in their Discretion shall think fit, so as the same do not exceed one Year.

Persons who had once the Benefit of this Act being a­gain convic­ted, &c shall suffer Death.BUT if any Man or Woman who have once the Benefit of this Act as aforesaid, and shall be again convicted of any other Felony hereby made Capital or Felony of Death, for which a Man might have the Benefit of his Clergy, every such Man and Woman shall be and are hereby t [...]tally ex­cluded from having any Benefit or Advantage of this Act, but shall suffer Pains of Death as in Cases where the Benefit of Clergy is by Law taken away.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Felonies com­mitted in one County, and Accessaries in another, In­dictment a­g [...]inst such Access [...]ry shall be effec­tual. That where any Murder or Felony hath been or hereafter shall be committed in one County of this Province, and one or more Persons shall be [Page 167] Accessary or A [...]cessaries to any such Murder or Felony in another County; that then an Indictment found or taken against any such Accessary or Accessaries, upon the Circum­stance of such Matter before Justices of the Peace, or other Justices or Commissioners, to enquire of Felonies in the County where such Offences of Accessary or Accessaries in any Manner have been or [...] be committed or done, shall be as good and effectual in Law, as if the said principal Offence had been committed or done within the same County where the Indictment against such Accessary hath been or shall be found.

AND that the Justices of the said Supream-Court, Justices of the [...] Supream-C [...]urt shall [...] to the [...] of the Records, to know whether such [...] h [...]s been convic­ted, &c. And it appe [...]ring that such Princip [...]l is [...], &c. they may pro­ceed [...] the Accessary. or two of them, upon Suit to them made, shall write to the Keepers of the Records where such Principal is or shall be hereafter attainted or convict, to certify them, whether such Principal be attainted, c [...]nvicted, or otherwise dischar­ged of such principal [...]elony: Who upon such Writing to them, or any of them directed, shall make sufficient Cer­tificate in Writing, under their Seal or Seals, to the said Justices, whether such Principal be attainted, convicted, or otherwise discharged or not. And after they who so have the Custody of such Records, do certify, that such Principal is attainted, convicted, or otherwise discharged of such Offence by the Law, then the Justices of Goal-Delivery or O [...]er and Terminer shall proceed upon every such Accessary in the County where he or they became Accessary, in such Manner and Form as if both the said principal Offence and Accessary had been committed and [...] in the same County where the Offence of Accessary was or shall be committed or done.

AND that every such Accessary, Every such Accessary to [...] and 3 d of Ed VI. Chap. 24. and other Offenders above expressed, shall answer upon their Arraignments, and receive such Trial, Judgment, Order and Execution, and suffer such Forfeitures, Pains and Penalties, as is used in other Cases of Felony; and as the Statute made in the Second and Third Years of King Edward the Sixth, Chapter the Twenty-fourth, entituled, An Act for the Trial of Mur­ders and Felonies committed in several Counties, doth direct in such Cases; which Statute shall be observed in this Pro­vince; any Law or Usage to the Contrary notwithstanding.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Penalties, &c. on [...] of Pe [...]jury. That every Person who shall unlawfully and corruptly procure any Witness to commit [Page 168] wilful and corrupt Perjury in any Matter or Cause depen­ding in Suit and Variance in any of the Courts of Judica­ture within this Province, or shall unlawfully and corruptly procure and suborn any Witnesses to testify upon Oath or Affirmation, in any Matter, Cause or Thing whatsoever, such Offender shall forfeit the Sum of Forty Pounds, one Half thereof to the Governor, for the Support of this Govern­ment, and the other Half to the Party grieved: But for want of Lands, Goods or Chattels to satisfy the said Forty Pounds, every such Offender, being convicted or attainted of Perjury or Subornation aforesaid, shall, for his said Of­fence, suffer Imprisonment by the Space of six Months, without Bail, and stand on the Pillory the Space of one whole Hour, in some Market or publick Place where the Offence was committed; and shall suffer all the other P [...] ­nishments, Penalties, Forfeitures and Disabilities which are inflicted upon such Offenders by any Law or Statute of Great Britain.

The Statute of 5 th of Eliz. Ch. 9. against Perjury shall be observed here.AND that the Statute made in the Fifth Year of Queen Elizabeth, Chapter the Ninth, entituled, An Act for Punishment of such Persons as shall procure or commit any wilful Perjury, shall be observed in this Province, and be duly put in Execution, as well against those who shall fal­sify their Affirmations, as those who shall falsify, their Oaths or be convicted of Subornation or Perjury.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That in all Cases where any Person or Persons have been or shall be found guilty of any of the said Crimes, Justices of Goal-Delive­ry to give Judgment of Death against Persons re­prieved. for which Judgment of Death should or may ensue, and shall be reprieved to Prison without Judg­ment at that Time given him, her or them so found guilty; that those who now are, or hereafter shall be assigned Justi­ces, or deliver the Goal where any such guilty Persons shall remain, are hereby impowered and authorized to give Judg­ment of Death, and award Execution against such Persons so found guilty and reprieved, as the same Justices before whom such Person or Persons was or were found guilty, might have done before such Reprieve.

No Process to be disconti­nued by, &c.And that no manner of Process or Suit made, sued, or had before any of the King's Justices of the Supream or Provincial Court, Goal-Delivery, Oyer and Terminer, Justi­ces of the Peace, or other the King's Commissioners, in this Province, shall not in any wise be discontinued by the [Page 169] making and publishing of any new Commission or Associa­tion, or by altering the Names of the Justices of the said Supream-Court, Goal-Delivery, Oyer and Terminer, Justi­ces of the Peace, or other the King's Commissioners; but that the new Justices of the Supream-Court, Goal-Delivery and of the Peace, and other Commissioners, may proceed in every respect as if the old Commissions and Justices, and Commissioners, h [...]d still remained and continued unaltered.

AND that no Proc [...]ss, Pleas, Plaints, Suits, Nor by the Death or Re­moval of the Proprietary, &c. Actions or Proceedings whatsoever, which now are, or at any Time hereafter shall be commenced, sued, brought or depending before any of the said Justices of the Supream-Court, Justices of the Courts of Common-Pleas, or other the King's Justices, Commissioners or Magistrates in this Province, shall be discontinued or put without Day, by Reason of the Death or Removal of the Proprietary or his Lieutenant-Governor of this Province, or by the Death, new Commis­sion, or not coming of the said Justices or Commissioners, or any of them; but shall stand good and effectual in Law to all Intents and Purposes, notwithstanding the Death or Removal of the said Proprietary and Governor, or of the Death, new Commission, Association, or not coming of the said Justices, or any of them.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Person or Persons, The Punish­me [...]t of Per­sons convic­ted of Larce­nies; for the fi [...]st Offence. after the First Day of October, in this present Year One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighteen, shall commit any simple Larceny, which is not by this Act made Felony of Death, and be duly convicted thereof at the Court of Quarter-Sessions of the Peace, to be held for the respective County where such Offence is committed, or where the Offender becomes Accessary in this Province, he, she or they so offending, their Aiders, Comforters and Abettors, shall, for the first Offence, restore the Goods and Chattels so stolen to the right Owner or Owners thereof, or shall pay him or them the full Value of such Goods, or so much of them as cannot be restored; which Value shall be set by such Persons as the Court, before whom such Offenders are convicted, shall appoint to do the same, upon their Oaths or Affirmation; and the said Offenders shall also [...]ay the Costs of Prosecution, with all such other Sums of Money as the same Court shall allow for such Owner or Owners Loss of Time, Charges and Disbursement in the Apprehending and Prosecution of such Offender.

[Page 170] Further Pu­nishment for the fi [...]st O [...] ­fence.AND moreover shall forfeit and pay the like Valu [...] of the Goods to the Governor, for the Support of this Govern­ment, and shall be committed to the common Goal of the County where they are convicted, there to remain till they make Satisfaction for all the Sums so to be adjudged or re­covered against them, and moreover shall be public [...]ly whipped on his or their bare Back with Stripes well, [...] on, not exceeding Twenty-one.

For the Se­cond.AND that he or they who shall so as aforesaid be con­victed of the second Offence, and his and their [...] Comforters and Abettors, shall pay to the right Owner▪ [...] Owners of the Goods and Chattels so stolen, the full Valu [...] of such Goods and Chattels, or of so much of them [...] are not restored; which Value shall be set as aforesaid [...] and the said Offenders shall also pay the Costs and Charg [...] aforesaid; to be allowed as above-mentioned.

AND moreover, shall forfeit and pay the double Va [...] of the said Goods to the Governor, for the Support of [...] Government, and shall be committed in the common [...] the County where they are convicted, there to remain [...] they make Satisfaction as aforesaid, and shall be publickly whipped on their bare Backs, with Stripes well laid [...] not less than Twenty-one, nor exceeding Forty.

For the third.AND he or they who shall be so as aforesaid convicted of the Third Offence, and his or their Aiders or Abetto [...] shall pay to the right Owner or Owners of such [...] Goods the full Value thereof, to be set as aforesaid, and [...] said Offenders shall also pay the Costs and Charges aforesaid to be allowed as aforesaid; and shall also forfeit and pay [...] like treble Value to the Governor, for the Support of [...] Government, and shall be committed to the County Goal there to remain till they make Satisfaction as aforesaid, and shall be publickly whipped on his or their bare Ba [...] ▪ with Stripes well laid on, not less than Thirty-nine, not exceeding Fifty.

Justices may send the Of­fenders to the House of Cor­rection.AND that the said Justices before whom such Offender [...] shall be tried and convicted of the Third Offence, shall also▪ at their Discretion, award and give Judgment, that such Offenders shall be sent to some House of Correction, or Publick Work-House, and there to be set at Work, cor­rected, and remain without Bail for such Time as the said Justices shall then judge and award, not less than twelve [Page 171] Months, and not exceeding four Years, to be accounted from the Time of such Conviction, and an Entry shall be thereof made accordingly, as is herein above directed in other Cases.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority afore­said, That none of the said Imprisonments hereby awarded, Imprison­ments, &c. not to stop Execution a­gainst their Estates. as Part of the Punishment of the said Offenders, or any of them, shall stop or avoid the Awarding or Taking out of Execution to levy so much of the respective Sums recovered against them as aforesaid, as such Offenders refuse or neglect to pay when such Writs are taken out. Which Exe­cutions are di­rected to the Sheriffs, &c. returnable to the Quarter-Sessions, and Lands sold as in otherCases. Which Executions shall be directed to the Sheriff or Coroner of the proper County, requiring him to levy the Sums due upon such Recoveries as aforesaid, of the Lands and Tenements, Goods and Chattels of such Offenders, returnable to the Court of Quarter-Sessions, next after the Date or Tests of such Writs; which shall be executed accordingly, and the Lands, Goods and Chattels thereby seized, shall be sold and conveyed by the said Officers; and such Sales shall be as available and [...] in Law as any other Sales of Lands taken and sold for Payment of Debts by Virtue of Writs of Execution, awarded out of the Courts of Common-Pleas in the said respective Counties.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, The Forfei­tures arising [...]rom Simple-Larcenies for Support of Government, shall be paid to the Provin­cial Trea­surer. That all the said Forfeitures [...] from Offenders who shall be convicted of the said S [...]ple-Larcenies, and by this Act directed to be applied for [...]upport of Government, shall be duly levied by the Sheriff [...] of the respective Counties, and shall be paid into the Treasury of this Province from time to time, as soon as the same be levied; and the Provincial-Treasurer for the time being shall keep true and just Accounts thereof, and shall issue and pay the same to the Use and publick Service of this Government.

PROVIDED, Excepting Philadelphia. That the Forfeitures arising from the said Simple-Larcenies committed within the City of Philadelphia, shall go as their Charter directs.

PROVIDED ALSO, AND IT IS HERE­BY ENACTED AND DECLARED, The Testimo­ny of Owners of stolen Goods to be Evidence. That the Testimony of the said Owners of stolen Goods shall be al­lowed and taken to be good Evidence to convict the said [Page 172] Felons for such Stealing: Repeal of two Laws. And that the Law of this Pr [...] ­vince, entituled, An Act against Robbing and Stealing, p [...]ssed in the Fourth Year of the late Queen Anne; and another Act directing the Punishment of Petty-Larceny under Five Shillings, shall be and are hereby repealed.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Such as com­pound for sto­len Goods for­feit twice the Value, &c. But may take the Goods back, &c. That if any Person or Persons shall agree or compound to take Satisfaction for any S [...] ­ing, or Goods stolen, such Person shall forfeit twice the Value of the Sums agreed for or taken: But no Person shall be debarred from taking his Goods back which are stolen, provided he prosecute th Felons.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, No Indict­ment, &c. now depend­ing shall be discontinued. That no Indictment, Presentment, or Inquisition, or any Process whatsoever, now depending in any Court within this Province for any of the Crimes or Offences mentioned in this Act, shall be discontinued, abated or quashed for or by Reason of this Act, or any thing therein contained; but that the Judges and Justices of the respec­tive Courts within this Province shall proceed to hear, try and determine the said Offences in such Indictments, P [...] ­sentments and Inquisitions, mentioned to be commi [...]ed [...] ­gainst any Act or Acts of Assembly of this Province as were in force at the Time of finding, making or taking the said Indictments, Presentments and Inquisitions, and there­upon to give Judgment, and award Execution, accord [...] to the Direction of the said respective Act [...] of Assemb [...], upon which the said Indictments, Presentments or Inq [...] ­tions are founded, as if the same Act or Acts of Assem [...] were by a special Clause in this Act continued for that Purpose; any thing herein contained to the Con [...]y notwithstanding.

[Page 173]

AT the Council-Chamber Whitehall the Twenty-sixth Day of May, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Nineteen: PRESENT Their Excellencies the Lords Iustices,

  • A. B. of Canterbury.
  • L. President.
  • L. Steward.
  • D. of Marlborough.
  • E. of Sunderland.
  • Mr. Secretary Craggs.
  • E. of Westmoreland.
  • B. of London.
  • General Wills.
  • L. Chancellor.
  • L. Privy-Seal.
  • L. Chamberlain.
  • D. of Roxbury.
  • E. of Barkley.
  • D. of Manchester.
  • E. of Ilay.
  • Mr. C. of the Dutchy.
  • E. of Halifax.

UPON Reading this Day at the Board a Re­presentation from the Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantations, dated the First of this Instant, setting forth their having had under their Consideration an Act passed at an Assembly in Pennsylvania, held in May, One Thousand [...] Hundred and Eighteen, entituled, An Act for the Advancement of Iustice, and more certain Administration thereof; and the said Commis­sioners, having taken the Opinion of Council learned in the Law touching the same, do hum­bly present the said Act as proper to be confir­med: Their Excellencies the Lords Justices in Council taking the same into their Consideration, are pleased (pursuant to the Powers reserved to his Majesty in the Charter of Propriety granted to William Penn, Esq) to declare their Approbation of the said Act, and according to their Excellencies Pleasure thereupon expressed, the said Act is hereby [Page 174] Confirmed, finally Enacted and Ratified: Whereof the Deputy-Governor, Council and Assembly of the said Province, and all others whom it may concern are to take Notice and govern themselves accordingly.


CHAP. CCXVII. An ACT for Supplying some Defects in the Law for the Relief of the Poor. Vide Chap. 146. antea, and Chap. 329. 3 Geo. II. postea

WHEREAS by a Law of this Province, entituled, An Act for the Relief of the Poor, it is provided; That the Overseers of the Poor for the respective Townships shall make Rates or Assessments for the Relief of the Poor, indigent and impotent Persons within the said Townships: But it is not ascertained what Settlement shall render one an Inhabitant relieveable by the said Act? BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by WILLIAM KEITH, Esq by the King's Royal Approbation Deputy-Lieutenant and Governor under WILLIAM PENN, Esq Proprietary and Governor in chief of the Pro­vince of Pennsylvania, &c. by and with the Advice and Consent of the Freemen of the said Province in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, That where any unmarried Person, not having Child or Children, If an unmar­ried Person be hired as a Ser­vant, & abide in the same Service one Year, it is a Settlement. is or shall be lawfully hired as a Servant into any City, Township or District in this Province, and did or shall continue and abide in the same Service during the Space of one whole Year, such Service shall be adjudged and deemed a good Settlement therein.

Apprentice­ship a good Settlement.AND if any Person shall be bound an Apprentice by Indenture, and inhabit in any City or Township in this Province, such Binding or Inhabiting shall be adjudged [...] good Settlement.

He that bears an Office for a Year, pays Taxes, &c. gains a Settle­ment.AND if any Person who hereafter shall come to inhabit in any of the said Townships or Districts, shall for himself, and on his own Account execute any publick annual Office or Charge in the said Township or District during one [Page 175] whole Year, or shall be charged with and pay his Share to­wards the County Taxes or Levies for the Poor of the said Township or District, then he shall be adjudged and deemed to have a legal Settlement in the same.

AND that no other Person or Persons whatsoever who shall come into any County, City, No other Per­son shall be deemed to have gained a Settlement, unless he take a Lease of a Tenement of 5 l. per Ann. or give Security. Township or District within this Province, shall be adjudged to have procured a legal Settlement in such County, City, Township or District, unless he or they shall really and bona fide take a Lease of a Tenement or Plantation, of the yearly Value of Five Pounds, or unless he or they give sufficient Security for the Discharge of the said County, City, Township and District, to be allowed by any two Justices of the Peace or Magistrates of such County or City.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, Persons come out of other Counties, &c. if required to return, &c. not to be deemed to acquire a Settlement by their continu­ance. That where any Per­son or Persons are come into any County, City, Township or District in this Province, out of any other County, City, Township or District, or out of any other Place or Province, and being likely to become chargeable to the Place where they are so come to inhabit; have been or shall be required by the Overseers of the Poor to return from whence they came, or give Security for the Discharge of the County, Township or Place where they are come to inhabit; he, she or they refusing or neglecting so to do, shall not be deemed to have acquired a legal Settlement by their Con­tinuance in the Place or Places where they are so come to inhabit; Such Persons refusing to re­turn, &c. two Justices may, by their War­rant, remove them to the Place where they last set­tled. but that upon Complaint made by the Overseers of the Poor of the proper Township or District, to any one or more of the Justices of Peace or Magistrates of the pro­per County or City respectively, where any of the said Persons (refusing or neglecting to return or give Security, or coming to settle in any Tenement or Plantation under the said yearly Value of Five Pounds, or not otherwise ob­taining a lawful Settlement, according to the true Meaning of this Act) shall reside or be found at the Time of such Complaint, it shall and may be lawful to and for any two Justices of the Peace of the County or City where any of the said Persons who are likely to be chargeable to the Township or Place where they reside or shall come to in­habit, by their Warrant, to remove and convey such Person or Persons to the County, City, Township or Place where he, she or they were last legally settled, either as Native, Housholder, Sojourner, Apprentice or Servant, unless he or they give sufficient Security for the Discharge of the [Page 176] said County, City or Township; to be allowed by the said Justices.

TheParty ag­grieved by such Order may appeal to the next Ses­sion [...].PROVIDED ALWAYS, That if any Person or Persons shall find, him, her or themselves aggrieved by any Order or Determination which any of the said Justices of the Peace or Magistrates shall make in any of the Cases abovesaid, such Person or Persons shall have Liberty to ap­peal to the next General Quarter-Sessions of the Peace for the County or City where such Determination shall [...] made: Who [...] [...] ­nally deter­mi [...] the sam [...], and a­ward [...] &c. Who upon Hearing of such Appeal shall have [...] Power finally to determine the same, and to award [...] as the Justices of the Peace at their Quarter-Session [...] [...] Gre [...]t Britain, by a Statute made in the Eighth and [...] Year of King William the Third, are impowered and [...] ­quired to do in such Cases.

TheOverseers whereto any shall be re­moved, are to receive them, on Penalty, &c.AND if any Person be removed by Virtue of this [...] from one County, City, Township or Place to another [...] Warrant under the Hands and Seals of two Justice [...] of [...] Peace or Magistrates as aforesaid, that the Overseers of [...] Poor of the Township or District to which the said Perso [...] shall be so removed are hereby required to receive the [...] Persons: And if any of the said Overseers shall refuse [...] neglect so to do, he or they so offending, upon Proo [...] thereof by one or more credible Witnesses, upon Oath [...] Affirmation before any one of the Justices of the Supream-Court of this Province, shall forfeit for each Offence the Sum of Five Pounds, to the Use of the Poor of the Township or District from which such Person was removed; to be le [...]ied [...] Distress and Sale of the Offender's Goods, by Warrant under the Hand and Seal of the Justices of the said Supream-Court, which they are hereby impowered and required [...] make, directed to the Constable of the Township where such Offender or Offenders dwell, returning the Overp [...], if any be, to the Owner or Owners: And for want of [...] ­ficient Distress, then the Offender to be committed to t [...]e Goal of the County where he dwells, there to remain wit [...] ­out Bail or Mainprize for the Space of Forty Days.

Persons ag­grieved with Judgment of the two Jus­tices may ap­peal to the Quarter-Ses­sions, who may deter­mine, &cPROVIDED ALWAYS, That all such Persons who think themselves aggrieved with any such Judgment of the said two Justices, may appeal to the next Gene [...]l Quarter-Session [...] of the Peace to be held for the County [...] City from which the said Person was so removed: And th [...] the Appeal against any Order for the Removal of [...] [Page 177] po [...] Person out of any Township [...]or Place shall be had, prosecuted and determined at the General or Quarter-Ses­sions of the Peace for the County, City or Place from whence such poor Persons shall be removed, doth lie, and not elsewhere.

AND to the End that the Money raised only for the Relief of such as are impotent and poor may not be mis­applied and consumed by the idle, sturdy and disorderly [...]eggars, BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Poor Persons relieved by any County, &c. to [...] a Badge, &c. That every such Person as from the Twenty-fourth Day of Iune, in this present Year [...] T [...]usand Seven Hundred and Eighteen, shall be upon the Collection, and receive Relief of any County, City or Place, and the Wife and Children of any such Person cohabiting in the same House (such Child only excepted as shall be by the Overseers of the Poor permitted to live at Home, in order to have the Care of, and attend an impotent and [...]elpless Parent) shall, upon the Shoulder of the right Sleeve of the upper Garment of every such Person, in an open and visible Manner, wear such Badge or Mark as is he [...]inafter mentioned and expressed, That is to say, a large Rom [...]n [P] together with the first Letter of the Name of the County, City or Place whereof such poor Person is an Inhabitant, cut either in red or blue Cloth, as by the Overseers of the Poor it shall be directed and appointed.

AND if any such poor Person shall at any time neglect [...] refuse to wear such Badge or Mark as aforesaid, Punishment on such poor Persons not wearing a Badge. and in Manner aforesaid, it shall and may be lawful for any Jus­tice of the Peace of the County, City or Place where any [...]uch Offence shall be committed, upon Complaint to him for that Purpose made, to punish every such Offender for every [...]uch Offence, either by ordering of his or her Relief, or [...] Allowance on the Collection, to be abridged, suspen­ded or withdrawn; or otherwise, by committing such Of­ [...]ender to the House of Correction, there to be whipped and kept at hard Labour for any Number of Days not exceed­ing Twenty-one, as to the said Justice shall seem meet.

AND if any such Overseer of the Poor shall relieve any such poor Person not having and wearing such Badge or Mark as aforesaid, being thereof convicted, If the Over­seers relieve such as [...] not the said Badge, shall forfe [...], & [...]. upon the Oath or Affirmation of one or more credible Witnesses, before any Justice of the Peace of the County or City where such O [...]ence shall be committed, shall forfeit, for every such [Page 178] Offence the Sum of Twenty Shillings; to be levied by Dis­tress and Sale of the Goods of every such Offender, by Warrant under the Hand and Seal of any such Justice▪ One Moiety thereof to the Informer, and the other to [...] Poor of the Township or Place where the Offence shall [...] committed.

CHAP. CCXVIII. An ACT to supply some Omissions in a [...] passed at the last Sessions of Assembly, h [...]ld for this Province, entituled, An Act for Raising [...] Duty of Tonnage upon Ships and Vessels.


CHAP. CCXIX. An ACT for the better Encouraging the Trade of this Province.


CHAP. CCXX. An ACT for laying a Duty on Wine, [...] Brandy and Spirits, Cyder, Hops and Flax, i [...] ­ported into this Province.


CHAP. CCXXI. An ACT concerning Feme-Sole Traders.

WHEREAS it often happens, That Marin [...] and others, whose Circumstances as well as V [...] ­cations oblige them to go to Sea, leave their Wives in a Way of Shop-keeping; and such of them [...] are industrious, and take due Care to pay the Merch [...]t [...] they gain so much Credit with, as to be well supplied with Shop-Goods from time to time, whereby they get a com­petent Maintenance for themselves and Children, and have been enabled to discharge considerable Debts left [...]npaid by their Husbands at their going away: But some of those Husbands have so far lost Sight of their Duty to th [...] Wives and tender Children, that their Affections are turned to those who in all Probability will put them upon Me [...] ­sures not only to waste what they may get abroad, bu [...] [Page 179] misapply such Effects as they leave in this Province: For Preventing whereof, and to the End that the Estates be­longing to such absent Husbands may be secured for the Maintenance of their Wives and Children, and the Goods and Effects which such Wives acquire or are intrusted to [...]ell in their Husband's Absence, may be preserved for Satis­fying of those who so intrust them, may it please the Go­vernor that it may be Enacted, AND BE IT E­NACTED by WILLIAM KEITH, Esq by the King's Royal Approbation Lieutenant Governor under WILLIAM PENN, Esq Proprietary and Governor in chief of the Province of Pennsylvania, &c. by and with the Advice and Consent of the Freemen of the said Province in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, That where any Mariners or others are gone or hereafter shall go to Sea, leaving their Wives at Shop-keeping, Who shall be adjudged to be Feme-s [...]le-Traders, and may sue and be sue [...]. or to work for their Livelihood at any other Trade in this Province, all such Wives shall be deemed, adjudged and taken, and are hereby declared to be as Feme-sole-Traders, and shall have Ability, and are by this Act enabled to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded at Law in any Court or Courts of this Province, during their Husbands natural Lives, without naming their Husbands in such Suits, Pleas or Actions: Debts being contracted by the Wife, in the Absence of the Hus­band, unless for Mainte­nance of her­self and Chil­dren, Executi­on to be awar­ded against her Goods & Chattels. And when Judgments are given against such Wives for any Debts contracted or Sums of Money due from them since their Husbands left them, Executions shall be awarded against the Goods and Chattels in the Possession of such Wives, or in the Hands or Possession of others in trust for them, and not against the Goods and Chattels of their Husbands; unless it be made appear to the Court where those Executions are returnable, that such Wives have, out of their separate Stock or Profit of their Trade, p [...]id Debts which were contracted by their Husbands, or laid out Money for the necessary Support and Maintenance of themselves and Children; then, and in such Case Exe­cution shall be levied upon the Estate real and personal of [...]ch Husbands, to the Value so paid or laid out, and no more.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Sales, &c. [...]. Lands made abroad by ab­sent Husbands are void, un­less sufficient Provision [...]e made for, & [...]. That if any of the said absent Husbands, being Owner of Lands, Tenements, or other E [...]tate in this Province, have [...]liened, or hereafter shall give, grant, mortgage or alienate from his Wife and Chil­dren any of his said Lands, Tenements or Estate, without m [...]ing an equivalent Provision for their Maintenance, in Lieu [Page 180] thereof, every such Gift, Grant, Mortgage or Alienation shall be deemed, adjudged and taken to be null and void.

The Husband being Ship­wreck'd may fell so much as to bring him home.PROVIDED NEVERTHELESS, Th [...]t if such absent Husband shall happen to suffer Shipwr [...]c [...] or be by Sickness or other Casualty disabled to maintai [...] himself, then and in such Case, and not otherwise, it shall be lawful for such distressed Husband to sell or [...] so much of his said Estate as shall be necessary to [...] him and bring him home again to his Family, any [...] herein contained to the Contrary notwithstanding.

The Lands of the Husband staying away, or living inA­dultery, may be seized and taken in Exe­cution.BUT if such absent Husband, having his Health [...] Liberty, stays away so long from his Wife and Childr [...], without making such Provision for their Maintenance [...] ­fore or after his going away, till they are like to bec [...] chargeable to the Town or Place where they inhabit [...] in case such Husband doth or shall live in Adultery, [...] cohabit unlawfully with another Woman, and refuses [...] neglects, within seven Years next after his going to [...] departing this Province, to return to his Wife and [...] with her again, then and in every such Case the [...], Tenements and Estate belonging to such Husbands, [...] and are hereby made liable and subject to be seized [...] taken in Execution, to satisfy any Sum or Sums of [...] which the Wives of such Husbands or Guardians of [...] Children shall necessarily expend or lay out for their [...] ­port and Maintenance: Which Execution shall be [...] upon Process of Attachment against such Estate, [...] the absent Husband shall be made Defendant; any Law [...] Usage to the Contrary in any wise notwithstanding.

CHAP. CCXXII. An ACT for continuing the Duty on N [...]g [...] brought into this Province.


CHAP. CCXXIII. An ACT for Raising a [...] [...]pon Tonnage of Ships and Vessels.


[Page 181]

CHAP. CCXXIV. An ACT for Erecting of Houses of Correction and Work-Houses in the respective Counties of this Province.

WHEREAS the Proprietary, and first Adven­turers, in their Principal Model of this Govern­ment, Preamble. proposed, That for Crimes inferiour to Murder, the Punishment might be by Way of Restriction, Fine, Imprisonment, and such like; and where the Offen­der proved not of Ability to make such Satisfaction, then he should be kept in Prison or House of Correction at hard Labour: But no effectual Care has been yet taken to erect such Houses; by Reason whereof many Evil-Doers e [...]cape unpunished, and Servants, who, for Neglect and Abuses, should be kept to Work in such Houses, are become incor­ [...]igible: Therefore may it please the Governor that it may be Enacted, AND BE IT ENACTED by WILLIAM KEITH, Esq by the Royal Approbation Deputy-Lieutenant and Governor under WILLIAM [...]ENN, Esq Proprietary and Governor in chief of the Pro­vince of Pennsylvania, &c. by and with the Advice and Consent of the Freemen of the said Province in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, That from and after the First Day of May, Justices of the Peace at the Quarter-Ses­sions have Power to make Orders for Building of Houses of Correction, &c. which will be in the Year of our LORD, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighteen, from time to time, it shall and may be lawful to and for the Justices of the Peace of the City of Philadelphia, i [...] Conjunction with the Justices of the Peace of the County of Philadelphia, and for the Justices of the Peace of other respective Counties of this Province, assembled at any Quarter-Sessions of the Peace within the same respective Counties, or major Part of them, to set down and make Orders for Building, Erecting, or Causing to be built and erected or provided, one or more Houses of Correction and Work-Houses, with convenient Back-sides or Yards there­unto adjoining, in some convenient Places within their se­veral Counties or Towns corporate: For the Doing and Performing whereof, and for the providing Stocks of Mo­ney, Goods, and all other Things necessary for the same, all such Orders as the said Justices, or the major Part of them, shall, from time to time, take, reform or set down in any of the said Quarter-Sessions, for Erecting or Providing such Houses, Raising the said Stocks, and Governing the same, [Page 182] as also for the Correcting and Punishment of Offenders to be committed there, shall be of full Force, and be duly performed and put in Execution. Their Use. Which said Houses shall be purchased, conveyed or assured unto such Person or Per­sons as by the Justices of the Peace, or the major Part of them, in the Quarter-Sessions of the Peace, to be holde [...] within every County of this Province, upon Trust, to the the Intent the same shall be used and imployed for the Keeping, Correcting and Setting to Work of all Rogues, Vagabonds, sturdy Beggars, and idle and disorderly Persons, who, by the Laws and Usage of Great Britain, or by the Laws of this Province, are to be kept, corrected or set at Work, in such Houses and Backsides.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, The Time li­mitted for the Building the said Houses in each of said Counties. That within the Space of three Years, after the Twenty-fifth Day of March, in the Year of our LORD, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighteen, a House of Correction or Work-House shall be built in the City of Philadelphia, at the Charge of the said City and County of Philadelphia; and a House of Correction or Work-House shall be built in Chester, at the Charge of the the County of Chester; and another House of Correction or Work-House shall be built in Bristol, at the Charge of the County of Bucks.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, The Officers to be elected and chosen. That by the major Part of the Justices of the Peace for the said City and County of Philadelphia, and for the Counties of Chester and Bucks re­spectively, in their respective Quarter-Sessions assembled, there shall be elected and chosen out of the most able and honest Inhabitants and Freeholders of the said City and County of Philadelphia, and of the said Counties of Chester and Bucks, respectively, a President, a Treasurer and Assis­tants for the Houses of Correction, Work-House or Work-Houses in the said City and respective Counties; and that upon the Vacancy, by Death or otherwise, of any of the said Presidents, Treasurers or Assistants in the said respec­tive Counties, the Power to elect others in their Room [...] shall be in the major Part of the respective Justices of the Peace, who in their General Quarter-Sessions, from time to time, shall accordingly supply vacant Places.

Who shall be accountable yearly, &c.AND the said President, Treasurer and Assistants for the Time being, shall be accountable for all their Disbursment [...] [Page 183] and other Proceedings, to the said Justices or the major Part of them, who, at every Quarter-Sessions, are hereby directed and required to examine and inspect the Accounts and all other Proceedings of the said President, Treasurer and Assis­tants; and in case any notorious Neglect, Imbezzlement or Breach of Trust, shall at any time appear to the Justices against all or any one of the said Officers by them appointed as aforesaid, then the said Justices are hereby impowered to dismiss and displace all such Offenders, and to elect others in their Room.

AND that nothing may be wanting to render effectual the good Intent of this Act in all its Parts, may it please the Governor to condescend that it may be further Enacted, AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That the said President, And are made Bodies poli­tick and cor­porate in Law; and have a perpe­tual Successi­on; may sue and be sued, &c and may receive Lands to the V [...]lue 300 l. per Ann. &c. Trea­surer and Assistants for the Time being, respectively, shall, forever hereafter, in Name and Fact, be Bodies politick and corporate in Law, to all Intents and Purposes; and shall have a perpetual Succession, and may sue or be sued, and plead or be impleaded, by the Name of the President, Treasurer and Assistants for the Poor of the said respective Counties, in all Courts of Judicature within this Province, and by that Name every of the said Corporations shall and may purchase or receive any Lands, Tenements or Here­ditaments, not exceeding the yearly Value of Three Hun­dred Pounds per Annum, of the Gift, Alienation or Devise of any Person or Persons, who are hereby enabled to transfer and grant the same, and any Goods and Chattel [...] whatsoever into or for the Use and Benefit of the Corpo­rations aforesaid.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That the said President, And shall give punctual and constant Attendance, to receive and execute all Orders, &c. Trea­surer and Assistants, or one of them, at least, in each County aforesaid, respectively, shall give punctual and constant At­tendance at the Work-Houses and Houses of Correction to which they respectively belong, there to receive and exe­cute the Orders given by the Commitments which shall happen to be made from time to time by any Justice of the Peace, or other Magistrate, having legal Power to commit and send to the said Work-Houses all Vagabonds, unruly Servants, and other idle or disorderly Persons, and the said Officers, in each County respectively, shall make Return to every Court of Quarter-Sessions, duly, of their Proceedings in the Premises.

[Page 184]AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Upon their certifying the Want of Stock▪ &c the said Justices may cause the same to be raised as County-Le­vies, to the Value of, &c. That when the President, Trea­surer and Assistants of any of the said Corporations shall certify, under their Hands and Seals, their Want either of present Stock for the Beginning of the Work, or for Supply thereof for the Future, and what Sum or Sums of Money they shall think fit for the same, to the Justices of the Peace of the said respective Counties, assembled in their Quarter-Sessions; the said Justices are hereby required from time to time to set down and ascertain such Sum and Sum [...] of Money as they shall deem competent for the Purposes aforesaid, and to cause the same to be raised as County Rates are usually levied, so that they do not exceed, for the City and County of Philadelphia, the yearly Value of Four Hundred Pounds; for the County of Chester, the yearly Value of Two Hundred Pounds; and for the County [...] Bucks, the yearly Value of One Hundred Pounds.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Under-Offi­ce [...]s to be cho­sen, &c. who are to be Aid­ing and Assis­ting, &c. That the President, Treasurer and Assistants of any of the said Corporations, or Houses of Correction or Work-Houses, are hereby impowered [...] choose and entertain all such Officers as shall be needful to be imployed in and about the Premises, and them, or any of them to remove as they shall see cause, and upon such Removal or Death of any of them, to choose others, and to make them reasonable Allowances for their Services out [...]f the said Stock; and that all Sheriffs, Constables, and all other Officers and Ministers of Justice, shall be Aiding and Assisting to the said Corporation or Corporations, and to all such Officers as shall be imployed by them in the Exe­cution and Performance of the said Service.

CHAP. CCXXV. An ACT for Erecting a Ferry to the Landing at or near the Land late of Daniel Cooper, de­ceased, and also to Gloucester, in the Western-Division of New-Jersey.


CHAP. CCXXVI. An ACT for establishing a Ferry over Delaware, at the Falls.


[Page 185]

CHAP. CCXXVII. An ACT for the Continuing the Ferry from Bristol, in the County of Bucks, to Burlington, in the Western-Division of the Province of New-Jersey.


CHAP. CCXXVIII. An ACT impowering the Iustices to settle the Prices of Liquors in Publick-Houses, and Pro­vender for Horses in Publick-Stables.

WHEREAS it has been the Practice of Tavern-keepers, Ale-House-keepers and Innholders, to exact excessive Rates for their Wine, Beer, Cyder and other Liquors, and also Provender for Horses, without Regard to the Plenty and Cheapness thereof: BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by WILLIAM KEITH, Esq by an [...] with the King's Royal Approbation Deputy-Lieutenant and Governor under WILLIAM PENN, Esq Proprietary and Governor in chief of the Province of Pennsylvania, &c. by and with the Advice and Consent of the Freemen of the said Province in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, That the Justices of the Peace of the respective Counties of this Province, as also the Mayor, Who are ap­pointed by this Act to set Prices on Li­quors, &c. the Method how and when. Recorder and Aldermen of the City of Philadelphia, shall have full Power, four Times in the Year, to wit, at the General-Sessions of the Peace held for the said Counties and City respectively, to set such reasonable Prices on all Liquors retailed in Publick-Houses, and Provender for Horses in Publick-Stables from time to time as they shall see fit: Which Prices shall be proclaimed by the Cryer at the Conclusion of their respective Sessions, and fixed upon the Court-Houses Doors, for publick View.

AND if any publick Ale-house-keeper, Tavern-keeper, Penalties on offending a­gainst their Orders. Innholder or publick Stable-keeper, exceed the Prices so set by the Justices, and be convict thereof, by Oath or Affirmation of one or more Witnesses, before one or more Justices of the Peace of the respective Counties of this Pro­vince or City of Philadelphia, every such Offender shall, for the first Offence, be fined in any Sum not exceeding Twenty Shillings, and for the second Offence Forty Shillings, and [Page 186] give Security for their good Behaviour; and for the third Offence, upon Conviction in the Quarter-Sessions of the respective Counties or City of Philadelphia, Five Pounds, and not be recommended to keep a Publick-House or T [...] ­vern for the Space of three Years after such Conviction.

An ACT pass'd in the Fifth Year of His Majesty's Reign, in April, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Nineteen, viz.

CHAP. CCXXIX. An ACT laying an Excise or Duty on all Wine, Rum, Brandy, and other Spirits, retailed in this Province.


[Page 187]

At a GENERAL ASSEMBLY begun at Philadelphia, in the Province of Pennsylvania, the Fourteenth Day of October, in the Seventh Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE, King of Great Britain, &c. Anno (que) Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty, and continued by Ad­journments until the Twenty-fifth Day of February following: On which Day the following ACTS were passed by WILLIAM KEITH, Esq Lieutenant Gover­nor under WILLIAM PENN, Esq absolute Proprietary and Gover­nor in chief of the said Province of Pennsylvania, &c. That is to say,

CHAP. CCXXX. An ACT for continuing several Acts therein mentioned, laying a Duty on Wine, Rum, Brandy, Spirits, Cyder, Hops and Flax, Negroes and Vessels, until the Fourteenth Day of May, in the Year 1722.


[Page 188]

CHAP. CCXXXI. An ACT for Erecting and Maintaining of Pownds.


CHAP. CCXXXII. An ACT for Regulating Party-Walls, Buildings and Partition-Fences in the City of Philadelphia.

WHEREAS divers Inconveniencies, Irregularities and Controversies have lately been, and still fre­quently happen, in Relation to Party-Walls and laying the Foundation of Buildings in the City of Phila­delphia: For the Remedying whereof for the Future, BE IT ENACTED by WILLIAM KEITH, Esq by the Royal Approbation Deputy-Lieutenant and Governor un­der WILLIAM PENN, Esq Proprietary and Governor in chief of the Province of Pennsylvania, &c. by and with the Advice and Consent of the Freemen of the said Province in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, No Founda­tion of any Building to be laid by any Person before applying to the Regula­tors; who are to be appoin­ted by the Mayor, &c. That no Person or Persons, Builder or Builders what­soever shall, from and after the Twenty-fifth Day of March, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty-one, lay the Founda­tion of any Building or Party-Wall within the said City, before they have applied themselves to the Surveyors or Regulators, to be appointed by the Mayor and Commonalty of the said City in their Common-Council; who are here­by impowered to appoint two or more discreet and skilful Persons for that Purpose.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That the said Surveyors or Regulators, Their Power. upon Application to them made, shall have full Power and Authority to enter upon the Land of any Person or Persons in order to set out the Foundations, and regulate the Walls to be built between Party and Party, as to the Breadth or Thickness thereof: Which Foundation shall be laid equally upon the Lands of the Persons between whom such Party-Wall is to be made; and the first Builder shall be reimbursed one Moiety of the Charge of such Party-Wall, or for so much thereof as the next Builder shall have occasion to make use of before such next Builder shall anyways use or break into the said Wall. The Charge or Value thereof to be set by the said Regulators.

[Page 189]AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Penalty on laying a Foundation without being viewed, &c. That if any Person or Persons shall, of their own Authority, presume to begin or lay the Foundation of any Party-Wall before the same be viewed and directed by the said Regulators, or some two of them, every such Person, as well Imployer as Master-Builder, shall forfeit the Sum of Five Pounds ▪ one Half to the Prosecutor or Informer, and the other Half to the publick Use and Benefit of the said City; to be recovered by Bill, Plaint or Information in the Court of Common-Pleas, to be held for the City and County of Philadelphia, wherein no Protection or Wager of Law shall be allowed, nor any more than one Imparlance.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority afore­said, Persons find­ing them­selves aggrieved, &c. may apply to the Mayor, &c. That if either Party between whom such Foundation or Party-Wall is to be made, shall find themselves anyways aggrieved, by Order or Direction of the said Regulators, he or they may appeal to the Mayor and Commonalty of the said City at their next Common-Council, who shall finally adjust and settle the same; which shall conclude and bind all Parties; the Costs whereof to be paid as the Mayor and Commonalty shall direct and appoint.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That the said Regulators or Surveyors, attending the said Service, The Regula­tors Reward. for their Pains and Trouble in and about the Premises, shall be paid by the Party or Parties concerned in such Foundation or Erecting such Party-Wall, the Sum of Three Shillings each.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That the Surveyors or Regu­lators, or any two of them, Who have Power to re­gulate Partiti [...]on Fences, & shall have full Power to regu­late Partition-Fences within the said City; and where the adjoining Parties do improve or inclose their Lots, such Fences shall be made in the Manner generally used, and kept in good Repair, at the equal Cost of the Parties, so that the Price for Making exceed not Forty Shillings for every Hundred Feet; unless the Owners or Possessors between whom such Fence is or shall be erected do agree otherwise.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That if either Party between whom such Partition-Fence is or shall be made, shall neglect [Page 190] or refuse to pay his Part or Moiety for the Repairing or Setting up of such Partition-Fence as aforesaid, Action at Law may be had against the Party re­fusing to re­pair, &c. that then the Party at whose Cost the same was so repaired or set up, may have either his Action at Law, or have the same de­termined as in Cases of Debts under Forty Shillings, as the Case may require.

CHAP. CCXXXIII. An ACT for the Trial and Punishment of Larceny under Five Shillings.

Preamble.WHEREAS small or Petty-Larcenies are fre­quently committed within this Province, by Per­sons unable to maintain themselves in Prison till Prosecution can be made, or to pay the Costs of such Pro­secution, or to make such Restitution and Forfeiture, upo [...] Conviction, as by Law is now required; by Mean [...] whereof a publick Charge is created, with many other great In­conveniencies: For the better preventing whereof, BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by WILLIAM KEITH, Esq by the King's Royal Approbation Deputy-Lieutenant and Governor under WILLIAM PENN, Esq Proprietary and Governor in chief of the Pro­vince of Pennsylvania, &c. by and with the Advice and Consent of the Freemen of the said Province in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, That if any Person or Persons, Punishment, &c. on any Person steal­ing under the Value of 5 [...]. from and after the Publica­tion hereof, shall be convicted, either by his, her or their own Confession, or the Testimony of other credible Evi­dence, before any two Magistrates of the City of Philadel­phia, or before any two Justices of the Peace in their re­spective Counties within thisProvince, of having feloniously stolen any Money, Goods or Chattels, the same being under the Value of Five Shillings, such Person shall have Judg­ment to be immediately and publickly whipped upon his or her bare Back not exceeding Fifteen Lashes, or be fined, for the first Offence, at the Discretion of the said Magistrates, in any Sum not exceeding Twenty Shillings, and to make Restitution, if able, to the Party wronged; and shall also pay the Charge of the Prosecution and Whipping, or shall be sent to the Work-House, to be kept at hard Labour: [Page 191] And for Want of such Work-House, to be committed to Prison for such Charges, for any Time not exceeding twelve Days; any Act of this Government to the Contrary notwithstanding.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That if the Person or Persons charg'd with such Larcenies be free, If Security be given for Ap­pearance, and they request to be tried at the General-Sessions, it shall be gran­ted. and shall request to be tried at the General-Sessions or Court of Record, to be held for the said City or Counties respectively, the same shall be granted by the said Magistrates, he or they giving Security for their Appearance to answer, or the Person so appealing shall be committed, as usual in such Cases. But if the Person charg'd with such Larcenies be a Servant, he or she shall not have any Appeal, unless the Master, Mistress or Friend of such Servant shall become Security for his or her Ap­pearance at the next Court, as is usual in such Cases.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Fair Records of Proceed­ings herein to be kept, &c. That one or more of the Ma­gistrates, who shall give Judgment by Virtue of this Act, shall keep fair Records of his or their Proceedings therein.

[Page 192]

At a GENERAL ASSEMBLY begun at Philadelphia, the Fourteenth Day of October, in the Seventh Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE, King of Great Britain, &c. Anno (que) Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty, and continued by Ad­journments until the Twenty-fifth Day of February following; and from thence, by Adjournments, till the Twenty-sixth Day of August One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty-one, in the Eighth Year of His said Majesty's Reign: On which Day the following ACTS were passed by WILLIAM KEITH, Bart. Lieutenant Gover­nor under WILLIAM PENN, Esq absolute Proprietary and Gover­nor in chief of the Province of Pennsylvania, &c. That is to say,

[Page 193]

CHAP. CCXXXIV. A Supplementary ACT to a Law of this Province, See before Caps 163. entituled, An Act that no Publick-House or Inn within this Province be kept without Licence.

WHEREAS divers Persons within this Province, Preamble. under Colour of retailing Rum and other strong Liquors without Doors, for the Conveniency and Supply of the Inhabitants in their Families; and for that End having obtained Permits from the Collector of the Excise, do fell in or about their Houses Drams and strong Liquors by small Measures, as well to Servants as others, contrary to the true Intent and Meaning of the Law [...] of this Province. AND WHEREAS divers Innholders or Tavern-keepers do [...]equently entertain and suffer Minors and Servants to be Tippling in their Houses: All which being to the great Damage of the Inhabitants, and manifestly ten­ding to the Corrupting of Youth, and Promoting Vice and Immorality: For preventing thereof, BE IT ENAC­TED by Sir WILLIAM K [...]ITH, Bart. by the King's Royal Approbation Deputy-Lieutenant and Governor un­der WILLIAM PENN, Esq Proprietary and Governor in chief of the Province of Pennsylvania, &c. by and with the Advice and Consent of the Freemen of the said Province in General Assembly met, and by the Authori [...]y of the same, No Recom­mendation to issued, &c. be­fore Security given, &c. That no Recommendation shall be issued by the Justices of the respective Counties of this Province, or the City of Philadelphia, in order to obtain Licence from the Governor for the Keeping any Tavern or Publick-House, as directed by an Act of this Province, entituled, An Act that no Publick-House or Inn within this Province be kept without Licence, before the Person or Persons desiring such Recommendation shall become bound in the Prothonotary's-Office unto the Governor for the Time being, with Securi­ty, if required, in any Sum not exceeding One Hundred Pounds, That he or she, on obtaining such Licence, shall, at all Times b [...] of good Behaviour, and observe all the Law [...] and Ordinances which are and shall be made relating to Innkeepers or Taverners within this Province.

[Page 194]AND whosoever shall keep a Tavern, Inn, or publick House of Entertainment be [...]ore he or she hath given Bond as aforesaid, such Person shall suffer the same Penalty as if the same had been done without Licence.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, No Persons but those qua­lifi [...]d can re­tail Liquors. That no Person or Persons within this Province, other than such who are or shall be qualified so to do by the above-recited Law, shall presume presume, by Virtue of any Permit from the Collector of the Excise, or under any other Colour or Pretence whatso­ever, to sell, barter with, or deliver any Wine, Rum, Brandy or other Spirits, Beer, Cyder, or any mix'd or strong Li­quors, which shall be used or drank within their Houses, Yards or Sheds, or which shall be, with their Knowledge, Privity or Consent, used or drank in any Shelter, Places or Woods near or adjacent to them, by Companies of Negroes, Servants or others; or to retail or sell to any Person or Persons whatsoever any Rum, Brandy, or other Spirits, by less Quantity or Measure than one Quart; nor any Wine by any less Quantity or Measure than one Gallon; nor any Beer, Ale or Cyder by any less Quantity than two Gallons: And the same Liquors respectively delivered to one Person, and at one Time, without any Collusion or Fraud contrary to the true Intent and Meaning of this Act, under the same Penalty mentioned in the said recited Act for keeping Publick-House, or selling Liquors without Licence.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That no Person or Persons keeping a Publick-House or Inn, Tavern keep­ers not to trust above the Value of [...]0 [...]. shall trust or give Credit to any Person whatsoever for Liquors, or any other Inn- or Tavern-Reckonings in any Sum exceeding Twenty Shillings, under the Penalty of Forfeiti [...]g and Losing any such Debt.

AND if any Innholder or Keeper of a Publick-House, or any Retailers of Liquors within this Province shall re­ceive, harbour, Minors not to be trusted. entertain or trust any Minor, under the Age of Twenty-one Years, or any Servant, knowing them to be such, or after having been cautioned or warned to the Con­trary by the Parent, Guardian, Master or Mistress of such Minor or Servant, in the Presence of one or more credible Witness or Witnesses, such Innholder, Keeper of Publick-House or Retailer of Liquors so offending shall, for the first or second Offence, being duly convicted thereof, forfeit and pay the Sum of Twenty Shillings for every such Offence, [Page 195] over and above the Loss and Forfeiture of any Debt, such Minor or Servant shall [...]r may contract for Liquors or En­tertainment: And, upon Conviction, for the third Offence, the Licence obtained by such Offender is hereby declared null and void, and the Person so repeatedly offending shall forfeit and pay the Sum of Five Pounds, and be forever after uncapable of keeping a Publick-House or Inn within this Province.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That no Person whatsoever, within this Province, Forfeitures on ha [...]bou [...]ing o [...] furnishing Slaves [...]ith Liquors. shall presume by any Means to fur­nish, supply or sell to any Negro or Indian Servants any Rum, Brandy, Spirits, or any other strong Liquors whatso­ever, mix'd or unmix'd, either within or without Doors, or shall receive, harbour or entertain any Negroe or Indian Servant in or about their Houses, without special Licence had and obtained, under the Hand of the Master or Mistress of such Negroe or Indian Servant respectively, under Penal­ty of Forfeiting and Paying, for the first Offence, Twenty Shillings, and for the Second, and every Offence after, Thirty Shillings; to be recovered before any one Justice of the Peace of the County where the Offence is committed, upon Proof of one or more credible Witness or Witnesses, or upon the View of any Magistrate within the respective Counties of this Province where the Fact shall be committed.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Any Person Suing for a Tavern Debt above 20 [...]. to be non­suited, and p [...]y double Costs. That if any Person or Persons keeping a Publick-House or Inn, or retailing Liquors as aforesaid in this Province shall trust or credit any Person for Liquors retailed, or other Expences, above Twenty Shillings as aforesaid, or shall presume to sue any such Person, or shall arrest or attach any Servant for any Debt contracted for Liquors or Accomodations, knowing such Person to be a Servant, and after they have been warned or cautioned not to entertain such Servant as aforesaid, all such Actions and Suits shall abate, and the Person sued, and the Master or Mistress, in Behalf of such Servant, or the said Servants themselves, being sued as aforesaid, shall and may plead this Act in Bar; and the Plaintiff in such Suit shall become Nonsuit and pay double Charges.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Fines how to be levied and disposed of. That the several Fines imposed by this Act shall be levied by Execution on the Offender' [...] [Page 196] Goods, or his or her Person be committed to the County-Goal, until the same be paid, upon Conviction of the Party before the Mayor or Recorder of the City of Philadelphia, for Offences against this Act committed in the City of Phi­ladelphia; and before any one or more of the Magistrates of the County, for Offences committed in the respective Coun­ties: And that all Fines and Forfeitures recovered by Vir­tue of this Act, which are not otherwise appropriated by any former Act, shall be applied in Manner following, That is to say, The one Moiety shall be paid to the Father, Mother, Guardian, Master or Mistress of the Minor or Ser­vant entertain'd as aforesaid, or to the said Servant, as the Magistrate shall direct; and the other Moiety shall be paid to the Overseers of the Poor of the City and County where the Offence is committed, for the Use of the Poor of the said City and County.

CHAP. CCXXXV. An ACT for preventing Accidents that may happen by Fire. See Geo. II. Chap▪ 314.

BE IT ENACTED by Sir WILLIAM K [...]ITH, Bart. Governor of the Province of Pennsylvania, &c. by and with the Advice and Consent of the Freemen of the said Province in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, That if any Master, or other Per­son whatsoever, Forfeiture of Fi [...] Pounds on Breaming any Vessel in P [...]i­l [...]lphia, ex­cept in a Place as shall be appointed, &c. shall bream any Ship, Sloop or other Vessel with blazing Fire, or cause the same to be done in any of the Docks, or at any of the Wharffs within the Limits of the City of Philadelphia, except in such Place or Places as shall from time to time be appointed for that Service by the Mayor and Commonalty of the said City: And if any Master, or other Person whatsoever, shall heat, or cause to be heated, with blazing Fire, any Pitch, Tar, Turpentine, Rosin, Oyl, Tallow, or any other sulphurous Matter, for the Use of any Ship or Vessel, other than such as shall be on the Stocks, except in such Places as shall be from time to time appointed as aforesaid; every such Master, or other Person whatsoever, doing or causing the same to be done, being convict thereof by one or more credible Witnesses, before the Mayor and Recorder, or any two Magistrates of the said City, shall forfeit and pay the Sum of Five Pounds for every such Offence, together with Costs of Prosecution; [Page 197] one Half whereof for the Use of the Person or Persons who shall sue or prosecute for the same, and the other Half to be paid to the City-Treasurer for the Use of the said City.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, No Fire to be kept on board any Vessel af­ter 8 at Night. That if any Master or other Person whatsoever, shall suffer any Fire to be kept (Candle excepted) after the Hour of Eight in the Evening, on board any Ship or other Vessel lying in any of the Docks, or at any of the Wharffs aforesaid, or in the Road before the said City, being convict thereof as aforesaid, shall, for every such Offence, forfeit and pay the Sum of Ten Shillings, for the Uses aforesaid.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, The Mayor of Philadelphia may permit a Fire on board a Vessel at Night. That it shall and may be lawful for the Mayor of the City of Philadelphia for the Time being, by Licence under his Hand, to permit the Master of any Vessel, lying in the Road of Philadelphia aforesaid, to use Fire on board such Ship or Vessel after the Hour of Eight aforesaid, in Case of Sickness, or any other extraordinary Occasion; any thing in this Act to the Contrary notwithstanding.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Forfeiture on fi [...]ing of Chimn [...]s. That if any Person or Persons within the City of Philadelphia, or Towns of Chester, Bristol, Germantown, Darby or Chichester, shall set on Fire their Chimnies to cleanse them, or shall suffer them, or any of them to take Fire and blaze out at the Top, and be duly convicted thereof, by one credible Witness, before any one Justice of the Peace of the said City or Counties, such Per­son or Persons shall forfeit and pay, for every such Offence, Twenty Shillings, for the Use of the said City or Towns re­spectively where such Offence shall happen. And the first Paragraph of an Act of Assembly of this Province, impo­sing a Fine of Forty Shillings upon every Person that shall fi [...]e or suffer their Chimnies to be fired, shall and is hereby declared to be repealed and made void.

AND WHEREAS much Mischief may happen by Shooting of Guns, throwing, casting and firing of Squibs, Serpents, Rockets, and other Fire-Works within the City of Philadelphia, if not speedily prevented: BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Person or Persons, of what Sex, Age, Degree or Quality soever, from and after Publication [Page 198] hereof, Fire Works not to be sold or fired in Philadelphia, without the Governor's Permission. shall fire any Gun, or other Fire-Arms, or shall make, or cause to be made, or sell, or utter, or offer to expose to Sale any Squibs, Rockets, or other Fire-Works, or shall cast, throw, or fire any Squibs, Rockets, or other Fire-works, within the City of Philadelphia, without the Governor's special Licence for the same, of which Licence due No­tice shall first be given to the Mayor of the said City, such Person or Persons so offending, and being thereof convicted before any one Justice of the Peace of the said City, either by Confession of the Party so offending, or by the View of any of the said Justices, or by the Oath or Affirmation of one or more Witnesses, shall, for every such Offence, forfeit and pay the Sum of Five Shillings; one Half to the Use of the Poor of the said City, and the other Half to the Use of him or them who shall prosecute and cause such Offen­der to be as aforesaid convicted: Which Forfeitures shall be levied by Distress and Sale of the Offenders Goods as aforesaid; and for Want of such Distress, if the Offender refuse to pay the said Forfeiture, he shall be committed to the Prison for every such Offence, the Space of two Days, without Bail or Mainprize.

Conviction to be made in 10 Days. Pun­ishment on a Slave offend­ing herein.PROVIDED, That such Convicton be ma [...] within ten Days after such Offence committed. AND if such Offender be a Negroe or Indian Slave, she shall, instead of Imprisonment, be publickly whipp'd at the Discretion of the Magistrate.

CHAP. CCXXXVI. An ACT to prevent the Killing of Deer out of Season, See a Suppl [...] ­men [...] to this Act 4 Geo. II. Chap 316. and against Carrying of Guns and Hunting by Persons not qualified.

BE IT ENACTED by WILLIAM KEITH, Bart. Governor of the Province of Pennsylvania, &c. by and with the Advice and Consent of the Free­men of the said Province in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, The Time which is fi [...]'d for killing Deer. That if any Person or Per­sons, after the Publication hereof, shall kill or destroy any Buck, Doe, Fawn, or any other Sort of Deer whatsoever, at any other Time or Season except only betwixt the First Day of Iuly, and first Day of Ianuary, he shall forfeit and pay for every such Buck, Doe, Fawn, or other Deer so one [Page 199] kill'd or destroy'd as aforesaid, the Sum of Twenty Shillings; one Half thereof to the Poor of the Township where the Offence is committed, and the other Half to him who shall inform or sue for the same, before any Justice of the Peace of this Province, who is hereby impowered and authorized to hear and determine the same, and to convict the Offen­der, by the Oath or Affirmation of one or more Witnesses.

PROVIDED, Conviction to be made in 2 Months. That such Conviction be made with­in two Months after such Offence committed.

AND for the better Convicting of Offenders against this Act, Selling green Deer-Skins or Venison, &c. deemed guil­ty of this Offence. BE IT FARTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That every Person in whose Custody shall be found, or who shall expose to Sale any green Deer Skins, fresh Venison, or Deer's Flesh, at any other Time of the Year than what is before excepted, and shall be convicted thereof as aforesaid; shall be deemed guilty of the said Offence: And that the same green Deer Skins, fresh Venison or Deer's Flesh so found as aforesaid shall be held to be good Evidence in the Cases aforesaid.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, Free native Indians ex­cepted. That nothing contained in this Act shall be deemed or construed to extend to any free native Indians carrying Guns, Hunting, Killing, and having in their Custody any Skins or Deer's Flesh for their own Use; any thing in this Act to the Contrary notwithstanding.

AND WHEREAS divers Abuses, Damages and Inconveniencies have arose by Persons carrying Guns and presuming to hunt on other People's Lands: For Remedy whereof for the Future, BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, None to hunt in inclosed Lands, &c. on Penalty, &c. That if any Person or Persons shall presume, at any time after the Sixteenth Day of November, in this present Year One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty-one, to carry any Gun or hunt on any improved or inclosed Lands of any Plantation, other than his own, unless he have Licence or Permission from the Owner of such Lands or Plantation, and shall be thereof convicted, either upon View of any Justice of the Peace within this Province, or by the Oath or Affirmation of any one or more Witnesses, before any Justice of the Peace, he shall, for every such Offence forfeit the Sum of Ten Shillings. None to hunt in open Woods ex­cept those qualified, on Penalty, &c And if any Person what­soever, who is not Owner of Fifty Acres of Land, and otherwise qualified in the same Manner as Persons are or ought to be by the Laws of this Province for Electing of [Page 200] Members to serve in Assembly, shall, at any Time after the said Sixteenth Day of November, carry any Gun, or hunt in the Woods or uninclosed Lands, without Licence or Permission obtained from the Owner or Owners of such Lands, and shall be thereof convicted in Manner aforesaid, such Offender shall forfeit and pay the Sum of Five Shillings for every such Offence.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Penalty on Killing any Pidgeon in Philadelphia. That no Person whatsoever shall presume to shoot at or kill with a Fire-Arm, any Pidgeon, Dove, Patridge, or other Fowl in the open Streets of the City of Philadelphia, or in the Gardens, Orchards and In­closures adjoining upon and belonging to any of the Dwel­ling-Houses within the Limits of the said City, upon the Forfeiture of Five Shillings for every such Offence, to be convicted in Manner aforesaid.

How the For­feitures are to be levied.ALL which Penalties and Forfeitures shall go, one Moiety to the Informer, and the other to the Poor of the Township where such Offence is committed: But if con­victed upon View of a Justice of the Peace, the whole For­feiture shall be to the Use of the Poor. And if the Offen­der refuse to pay, the same shall be levied by Distress and Sale of the Offender's Goods, by Warrant under the Hand and Seal of the Justice before whom such Offender shall be convicted, returning the Overplus, if any be, the Charge [...] Distraining being first deducted: And for Want of such Distress he shall be committed to Prison, where the Forfei­ture is Twenty Shillings, for the Space of ten Days; and, where the Forfeiture is Ten Shillings, for the Space of five Days; and, if the Forfeiture be Five Shillings, for the Space of two Days, without Bail or Mainprize.

[Page 201]

CHAP. CCXXXVI. An ACT for the well Tanning and Currying of Leather, and Regulating of Cordwainers, and other Artificers using and occupying Leather within this Province.

WHEREAS very great Abuses have been com­mitted by Tanners, Curriers, and other Persons Using and Working of Leather within this Go­vernment; and the Prices of Leather become very exorbi­tant and burthensome to the People of this Province: To the intent therefore that a reasonable and indifferent Course, for the true and well Tanning, Currying and Working of Leather, may be from henceforth established and appointed, and yet the Persons using the several Crafts and Mysteries aforesaid may not be more strictly bound and limited than the necessary Regard of the Welfare and general Commo­dity of all his Majesty's Subjects within the said Province requireth; BE IT ENACTED by Sir WILLIAM KEITH, Bart. Governor of the Province of Pennsylvania, &c. by and with the Advice and Consent of the Freemen of the said Province in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, Leather im­po [...]ted into this Province insufficiently tann'd, unless Security be given to ex­port the same unwrought, shall be for­feited. That from and after the Twenty-f [...]th Day of November next, in this present Year of our LORD One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty-one, if any Person or Persons using or which shall use the Mystery or Faculty of Tanning, or any Person or Persons importing, or who shall import any Leather into this Province, shall at any Time or Times hereafter offer or put to Sale any kind of Leather which shall be insufficiently and not thoroughly tann'd, so that the same, by the Triers of Lea­ther, lawfully appointed by Virtue of this present Act, for the Time being, shall be found insufficiently and not thoroughly tann'd, that then all and every such Person and Persons so offending, shall forfeit such Leather as shall be found insufficiently and not thoroughly tann'd, unless the Party importing the same will give Security to the Triers to be appointed by Virtue of this Act, to export the said Leather (so imported and being insufficiently tann'd) with­out Working, or Manufacturing, or causing the same to be wrought or manufactured in this Province.

[Page 202]AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Persons using the Trade of Tanning shall not occupy the Trades of Shoemaker or Currier. That no Person or Persons using the Mystery of Tanning of Leather, by him or them­selves, or any other Person or Persons, from and after the Twenty-fifth Day of November next, in the Year of our LORD aforesaid, shall, during the Time that he or they shall use the said Mystery of Tanning, occupy or use the Mystery of a Shoemaker or Currier, or any other Artifice [...] Using or Exercising the Cutting or Working of Leather, upon Pain to lose and forfeit all and every such Hide and Hides, Skin and Skins so by them, or any of them wrought or curried during the Time that he or they shall use the Mystery or Craft of Tanning, or the just Value thereof.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, None but Tanners shall buy or con­tract for Skins, except, &c. That no Person or Persons whatsoever, after the Twenty-fifth Day of November afore­said, shall buy or make any Contract for any unwrought Hides or Calf-Skins in the Hair, but only such Person or Persons as use the Trade or Mystery of a Tanner, or shall tan or taw the same, except such Persons as shall p [...]rchase them to be tann'd for their own private Use; or shall pur­chase salt or raw Hides for any Persons private Use, or the necessary Use of Ships or Vessels going to Sea.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, No Leather or raw Hides to be shipp'd or exported from this Pro­vince, except to, &c. on Pe­nalty of treble the Value, &c. That it shall not be lawful for any Person or Persons to lade, ship or carry in any Ship or Vessel, Entring and Lading in any Port of this Province, any Leather or raw Hides, with Intent to transport or carry the same into any Place or Places out of this Province, except such as may be carried to the Province of New-Ier­sey, and Counties of New-Castle, Kent and Sussex upon Dela­ware, to be wrought up there, and except Leather imported into this Province; upon Pain of Forfeiture of the said Leather or raw Hides so laden and transported, and treble the Value thereof to be forfeited by the Owner or Owners thereof: The Owner not being found, the Possessor is deem'd such, and shall pay. And if no Owner can be found, then the Person in whose Custody or Possession the same shall be found to incur the like Penalty of the treble Value as aforesaid. And the Owner or Owners of the said Ships or Vessels knowing of such Offence and not discovering the same, shall forfeit three Times the Value of the Leather and and Hides so shipped or exported. Forfeiture on concealing such Leather or Hides. And the Master or Mariners knowing of such Offence, and not discovering the same, shall forfeit the treble Value as aforesaid, or be [Page 203] imprisoned for any Time at the Discretion of the Justices of the Court of Quarter-Sessions, not exceeding six Months, without Bail or Mainprize.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, No Tanner to receive more than 9 d. lb. for well-tan'd Leather, on Penalty, &c. That from and after the Twenty-fifth Day of November, in the present Year of our LORD, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty-one, no Tanner or Tanners, Person or Persons whatsoever within this Province, shall sell for, or take or receive of any Person or Persons whomsoever within this Province, above the Rate of Nine-Pence, current Money of America, for a Pound of well-tann'd Leather, and so proportionably for a greater Quantity, on Penalty of Forfeiting the said Leather, and One Shilling for every Pound so sold above the Rate aforesaid.

AND that no Person or Persons within this Province shall, by any Means, No Leather to be used or work'd up be­fore it has been search'd and allow'd of, &c. occupy or put in any made Wares any curry'd Leather, before the same shall be searched and allow'd by the Sealer or Searchers, according to the Direction of this Act, to be well and sufficiently curried; and that every Shoemaker, and other Artificer and Cutter of Leather, shall forfeit for every Hide or Skin so used or occupied without Sealing and Searching as aforesaid, the Sum of Ten Shillings, and the Value of such Hide or Skin so used and occupied.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Boots, &c. to be made of Leather well-tann'd. That no Person occupying or using the Mystery of a Shoemaker, shall make or cause to be made any Boots, Shoes or Slippers for Sale, but of Lea­ther well and truly tann'd and curried, and well and suffici­ently sewed with good Thread well twisted and made, and well waxed; nor shall mingle the Over-Leather, That is to say, Part of the Over-Leather being of Neats-Leather and Part of Calves-Leather; nor shall put into any Boots, Shoes or Slippers for Sale any Leather made of Sheep-Skin, Bull-Hide or Horse-Hide; or into the upper Leather of any Shoes or Slippers, or into the Inner-Part of any Boots (the Inner-Part of the Shoe excepted) any Part of any Hide from which the Sole-Leather is cut, called The Womb's Neck, Shank, Flank, Powle or Cheek, upon Pain of Forfeiture of all such Shoes, Boots and Slippers, to be divided and applied in Manner directed by this Act.

[Page 204] Rates to be taken for Shoes.AND that no Shoemaker, or other Person, shall take or receive above the Rate of Six Shillings and Six Pence for a Pair of good well-made Men's Shoes, and Five Shillings for a Pair of good, plain, well-made Women's Shoes; and so proportionably for all smaller Shoes for any Person above four Years of Age, according to their several Sizes, to be set and rated by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Philadelphia, in their Quarterly-Court of Record, and by the Justices of the respective Counties within this Province, in their respective General Qua [...]ter-Sessions of the Peace, on Pain of Forfeiting all such Shoes as shall be sold above the Rates in this Act directed and limited, and above the several Rates that shall from time to time be set and rated by the aforesaid Mayor and Aldermen, and the said Justices in their respective Courts of Quarter-Sessions in Manner before­mentioned.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Justices, upon Penalty of Forty Pounds, shall once in two Years, or oftner, choose Sealers and Searchers of Leather. That the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Philadelphia for the Time being, and the Justices of the several Courts of Quarter-Sessions of the Peace for the Counties of Philadelphia, Chester and B [...]cks, upon the Penalty of Forty Pounds, to be recovered and im­ployed as other Forfeitures in this Act mentioned, shall at their next respective Courts of Quarter-Sessions, to be held after Publication of this Act, and afterwards once in every two Years, or oftner if need be, nominate and appoint [...] or more honest and skilful Person or Persons of their re­spective Cities and Counties, who shall be Sealers, and keep a Seal, to be prepared by the Directions of the said Justices, The Office and Duty of the Sealers and Searchers of Leather. for the Sealing of Leather: Which Sealers and Searchers shall also be sworn or affirmed before the Mayor and Aldermen aforesaid, and before the Justices of the said General Quarter-Sessions of the Peace in their respective Cities and Counties, to do their Office of Sealers and Sear­chers of Leather truly: Which said Sealers and Searchers shall view and search all Leather, and finding it sufficient­ly and thoroughly tann'd and dried, shall seal the same with the said Seal; for which the said Sealer and Searcher shall receive of the Owner or Owners of such Leather, for every Dicker of Hides so searched and seal'd One Shilling, and for every single Half-Dicker Eight Pence, and for any less Number than Half a Dicker Two Pence per Hide; and Four Pence for every Dozen of Calf-Skins by him so sealed. And that no Sealer and Searcher shall continue above two Years in his Office aforesaid at one Time. And that the [Page 205] said Searchers and Sealers shall, and by this Act are im­powered, to enter into any Tan-Yard, Shop, or other House or Place whatsoever, and search for Leather tanned or oc­cupied, and for Shoes, Boots, Slippers, Saddles, and all other Wares made for Sale, contrary to the Directions and true Intent and Meaning of this Act; and in Case of Opposition or Refusal, to break open Doors and other Obstacles, and the same Leather or Wares to seize; and after Seizure to bring the same to the Mayor of the City of Philadelphia, and to any of the Justices of the Counties aforesaid respec­tively, who shall forthwith appoint three honest and skilful Persons to be Triers, who shall openly, in some Market-Place or publick Place, try whether the same Leather, Boots, Shoes or other Wares so seized, be sufficient and ac­cording to the true Intent and Meaning of this Act: Which said Trial shall be made upon the Oath or Affirmation of the Triers; and if the same be found insufficient, then the said Leather, Shoes, Boots, Slippers, and other Wares, shall be forfeited and appraised, and disposed of as the said Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Philadelphia, and Jus­tices at their next respective Court of Quarter-Sessions in their several Counties shall direct. And that no Person or Persons shall buy any forfeited Wares to sell again, on Pain of Forfeiting three Times the Value thereof. And every Person or Persons resisting the Searcher or Searchers in any Part of their Duty injoined them by this Act, shall forfeit the Sum of Twenty Pounds, to be recovered and applied in the Manner and to the Uses in this Act directed.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That any Person or Persons, or Officer sued for any thing done by Virtue or in Pursuance of this Act may plead the general Issue, and give this Act and other special Matter in Evidence: And if the Prosecutor shall be cast or become Nonsuit, he shall pay treble Dama­ges to such Person or Officer, to be recovered in any Court of Record within this Province, by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Leather, when seal'd, to be suffici­ently curry'd, in six Days in Summer, and twelve in Winter. That no Currier shall refuse or neglect well and sufficiently to curry Leather within six Days in Summer, and twelve Days in Winter, after he shall or may take it in Hand; nor curry any Hide or Skin not seal'd by the Officer appointed by this Act, on Pain to forfeit, for every Hide or Piece of Leather not curried [Page 206] accordingly, Sealers and Searchers Al­lowance for traveling. Fifteen Shillings. And that the said Searchers and Sealers who shall travel from the Place of his or their Habitation to search or seal any Leather, shall be allowed and paid by the Tanner or Owner of such Leather Three Pence for each Mile. And that the said Sealers and Sear­chers, to be appointed by Virtue of this Act, shall, upon Request made unto them, forthwith search and seal all such Leather as shall be sufficiently tann'd which shall be brought unto them respectively, or shall be within the City of Phi­ladelphia; and shall, within one Day after Request made unto them, go to any Tan-Yard, or other Place, to search and seal Leather sufficiently tann'd, on Pain to forfeit Forty Shillings, for each wilful Neglect: Which Penalty, with all others mentioned in this Act, not otherwise appropriated, shall be, one Moiety to the Governor for the Support of Go­vernment, and the other Moiety to the Person or Persons that will inform or sue for the same. Forfeitures how to be re­covered. And that the Recovery of all Forfeitures and Penalties under Forty Shillings shall be heard and determined by the Mayor or any one or more of the Aldermen of the City of Philadelphia, and by one or more of the Justices of the respective Counties out of Sessions. And that all Forfeitures and Penalties ar [...]e the Value of Forty Shillings shall be recovered in any Court of Record in this Province, by Bill, Plaint or Information, wherein no Essoin, Protection, or Wager of Law, nor any more than one Imparlance shall be allowed.

No Prohibi­tion on Boots, Shoes, &c. being expor­ted.PROVIDED NEVERTHELESS, That this Act, or any thing therein contained, shall not extend to the Prohibiting the Exportation of Boots, Shoes, Slippers, Saddles, and other Wares, manufactured and made of Leather within this Province.

Tann'd Lea­ther may be exported when it is not above Eight Pence per lb.PROVIDED ALSO, That it shall and may be lawful for any Person or Persons to export tann'd Leather out of this Province when the Price does not exceed Eight Pence per Pound, a Permit being first had and obtained, for which there shall be paid One Shilling, and no more, by the Exporter or Owner of such Leather, from the Mayor and two of the Aldermen of the City of Philadelphia, for the said City, and from three or more Justices of the Peace for the respective Counties of Philadelphia, Chester and Bucks, certifying the common Price of well-tann'd Leather not to be no [...] have been above Eight Pence, for at least one Month before the Date of such Permit; which Permit shall be granted for no longer Time than the Space of on [...] Month, [Page 207] and if the same be granted for any longer Time, or in other Manner than in this Act is directed and limited, the same shall be void, and the Parties concerned in the Exportation of such Leather, shall be liable to all the Penalties of this Act as if no such Licence or Permit had ever been granted.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Butcher, Forfeiture on exposing to Sale any Hides or Calf-Skins▪ which are gash'd or impair'd. or other Person shall gash, slash or cut any Hide of any Ox, Bull, Steer, Cow, or Calf-Skin, in Fleaing thereof, or otherwise, so as the same shall be impaired or hurt, and shall expose or offer the same to Sale, such Offender shall forfeit Two Shillings for every such Hide of Ox, Bull, Steer or Cow, and Six-Pence for every such Calf-Skin.

AND if any Person shall offer or expose to Sale any putrified Hide or Skin, Forfeiture on off [...]ring pu­trified Hides or Skins to Sale. such Person shall forfeit for every such Hide so offered to Sale Three Shillings, and for every such Skin Nine-Pence; one Half of which Forfeitures shall be paid to the Tanner or Person purchasing such Hide, and the other Half to the Overseers of the Poor of the City or County where such Hide shall be cut, slash'd, gash'd and expos'd to Sale.

[Page 208]

At a GENERAL ASSEMBLY begun at Philadelphia, the Fourteenth Day of October, in the Eighth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE, King of Great Britain, &c. Anno (que) Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty-one, and continued by Adjournments until the Twenty-second Day of May One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty-two; the following ACTS were passed by WILLIAM KEITH, Bart. Lieutenant Governour under WILLIAM PENN, Esq absolute Proprietary and Governor in chief of the Province of Pennsyl­vania, &c. That is to say,

CHAP. CCXXXVII. An ACT for imposing a Duty on Persons con­victed of heinous Crimes, and imported into this Province as Servants, or otherwise.

Repealed by an Act pass'd 3 Geo. II. Chap. 305.

[Page 209]

CHAP. CCXXXVIII. An ACT for laying a Duty on all Wine, Rum, Brandy and Spirits, Melasses, Cyder, Hops and Flax, imported, landed or brought into this Province.


CHAP. CCXXXIX. An ACT for laying a Duty on Negroes imported into this Province.


CHAP. CCXL. An ACT for laying an Ex [...]ise or Duty on all Wine, Rum, and other Spirits, retailed in this Province.


CHAP. CCXLI. An ACT to prevent the Exportation of Flour not merchantable.


CHAP. CCXLII. An ACT for Encouraging the Making of good Beer, [...]ee p [...]st [...]a C [...]p 25 [...]. 9 Geo I. and for the Consumption of Grain in this Province.

WHEREAS it is found by Experience, that the Using of Melasses and other Materials herea [...]ter-mentioned, in Brewing Ale and Beer, doth very much hinder the Consumption of Malt; and so the Raising of Barley is hereby discouraged: Therefore may it please the Governor that it may be enacted, AND BE IT ENACTED by Sir WILLIAM KEITH, Bart▪ Governor of the Province of P [...]nnsylvani [...], &c. by and with the Advice and Consent of the [...]reem [...]n of the said P [...]ovince in General Assembly met, and by the Autho [...]ity o [...] the same, That if any common Brewer or Retail [...]r of Peer or Ale, shall, Penal [...]y o [...] B [...]ewe [...]s using Melasses, & [...]. i [...] [...]er; or taking it into their B [...]ew H [...]use. after the first Day of Iune next, ma [...]e [...]se of any Melasses, coarse Sugar or Composition [...] Extract of Sugar, Honey, foreign Grains, Guinea Pepper, or any Liqu [...]r or Syrup, boil'd up to the Consistency of Melass [...]s, or any unwholesome [Page 210] Materials or Ingredients whatsoever, in the Brewing, Ma­king or Working of any Beer or Ale: Or if any Brewer shall receive or take into his Brew-House any Melasses, coarse Sugar, Honey or Composition or Extracts of Sugar; every such Brewer and Retailer shall forfeit and lose for every such Offence respectively the Sum of Twenty Pounds: And every Servant of such Brewer, Also on their Servants, or others who aid or assist therein. and every other Person who shall be Aiding and Assisting in the Using any Me­lasses, Sugar, Honey, or any other of the said Materials or Ingredients, in the Brewing or Working of such Ale or Beer, or in Carrying or Conveying the same into the Brew-House belonging to such Brewer, shall also forfeit and lose, for eve y such Offence, the Sum of Twenty Pounds; and in Default of Payment thereof shall suffer three Months Imprisonment.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, None to keep Ale-houses, &c. except those that the Justices, in Sessions, ap­prove of. That no Person or Persons whatsoever, after the said first Day of Iune next, shall be admitted or suffered to keep any common Ale-House, Inn or Tipling-House, but such as the Justices of the Peace of the respective Counties of this Province and City of Phil [...] ­delphia for the Time being, or the major Part of them, in the open Sessions of the Peace in the same Counties and City respectively, shall, in their Discretion judge fit, as well by their Character of honest, civil and sober Behaviour, as the commodious Situation and Conveniency of their Houses for such Purposes.

Persons ap­proved of, to be licensed and give Bond to the Gover­nor.BUT that none be so admitted or licensed before they be bound, with one or more sufficient Sureties, by Recog­nizance to the Governor for the time being, in Twenty Pounds Penalty, with Condition, as well against Using any unlawful Games, as for the Using and Maintaining of good Order and Rule to be had and kept within the same: And also that they will not directly nor indirectly fell or utter, in or about their Houses or elsewhere, any Wine, Brandy, Rum, or other distilled Liquors, mix'd or unmix'd: And that the principal Party which shall be so bound shall pay to the Clerk of the Court, Fees for Li­cences. for all Fees to him relating to the said Licence, Five Shillings; and to the Justices Four Shillings, for every such Licence or Allowance to keep such Inn or Ale-house, and no more.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That the said Justices of Peace, [Page 211] within the said several Counties and City respectively, Justices have Power to sup­press selling Ale, Beer, &c. and cause Dis­orders to be punished. or a Quorum of them, shall have full Power within the Limits of their Authority, to remove, discharge and suppress common Selling of Ale, Beer and Wine in Taverns, Ale-houses, Inns and Tipling-Houses, and to cause all Disorders in such Houses to be punished by the Direction of this Act, and hear and determine the same by all such Ways and Means as by Law is usual in such Cases.

AND where the Keepers of any Inns or Ale-houses brew their own Beer or Ale, Innkeepers, who brew, not to put Melas­ses, &c. in their Beer. a Clause shall be added to the Condition of the Recognizance, That they will not make Use of any Melasses, or other Materials or Ingredients hereby forbidden to be used, in Brewing, Making or Working any of their Beer or Ale.

AND that from and after the said first Day of Iune next, all common Brewers shall, Brewers shall become bound to ob­serve what is required herein. in the open Sessions of the Peace, within the City or County where they respectively follow their Trades, become bound to the Governor for the Time being, with one or more sufficient Sure­ties, by Recognizance, in One Hundred Pounds Penalty, with Condition, That they will well and faithfully observe and obey all that is required of them by this Act: For every of which Recogniza [...]ces the Party shall pay Two Shillings and Six- [...]ence, and no more.

AND that the said Justices shall cause all the said Re­cognizances, Recognizan­ces to be en­tred of Re­cord, on Pe­nalty, &c. and also all other Recognizances to be given by the Direction of this Act, to be entred of Record in the respective Courts where the same are so taken as aforesaid, there safely to be kept and remain. And if the Justices or their Clerks [...]ail therein, he or they so offending shall forfeit and pay for every Recognizance taken and not entred of Record, as this Act requires, the Sum of Five Pounds; any other Act or Law of this Province to the Contrary hereof in anywise notwithstanding.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, Justices may recommend fit Persons to to be licensed to keep Ta­verns; such Persons be­coming bound, &c. That nothing herein contained shall debar or hinder the Justices of the said City and Counties to recommend such as live in fit Places, and as they shall deem fit Persons to keep Taverns for selling Wines, Brandy, Rum, and other Spirits, by retail; but that all such Persons so recommended may be licensed to keep such Taverns as heretofore hath been used, upon their paying the Fees formerly allowed for such Recommendations [Page 212] and Licences, and becoming bound with one or more suf­ficient Sureties, by Recognizance to the Governor for the Time being, in One Hundred Pounds, with Condition, as well against Using of unlawful Games, as for the Using and Maintaining of good Order and Rule to be had and kept within the same.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, The Officer appointed to put this Act in Execution, and recover the Forfei­tures. That Charles Read, of Phila­delphia, Merchant, shall be and is hereby appointed the Officer to put this Act in Execution, and to sue for and re­cover the Penalties or Forfeitures arising for not observing of this Act: Which Forfeitures, when recovered, shall be equally divided between the Governor and the said Officer.

AND as the true Design of this Act is, amongst other Things, to encourage the Raising of Wheat and Barley for the Brewing Trade, so it is expected that all Brewers may take special Care to bring their Beer and Ale to the Good­ness and Perfection which the same was formerly brought to; that so the Reputation which then was obtain [...]d (and is since lost) may be retrieved, BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Higher Prices may be allow­ed by the Jus­tices for Beer and Ale, ac­cording to the Goodness. That the Justices of the Peace of the respective Counties, and the Mayor, Recorder and Alde [...]men of the City of Philadelphia, when they set Prices upon Beer and Ale, pursuant to a Law of this Province, shall allow higher Prices than com­mon to be taken for such Beer and Ale as by the Judg­ment of Persons skill'd therein shall exceed in Quality and Goodness; any Law or Ordinance to the Contrary notwithstanding.

BUT to prevent the ill Designs of Brewers, Retailers, Victualers and Butchers, who combine to advance the Prices of the Grain and Provisions they respectively buy, beyond a due Proportion to the Rates they give, BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Statutes of Great Britain against Per­sons combi­ning to ad­vance the Pri­ces of Grain, to be put in Execution here. That all the Laws and Statutes of that Part of Great Britain called England, shall be put in Execution against all such Combinations and evil P [...]actices; so that such Offenders shall be brought to the like Punishments, and incur the same Penalties as those Laws and Statutes direct and appoint for Offenders in li [...]e Cases.

[Page 213]

CHAP. CCXLIII. A Supplementary ACT to the Act for the more effectual Raising of County Rates and Levies.


CHAP. CCXLIV. An ACT for establishing Courts of Iudicature in this Province.

WHEREAS the late King CHARLES the Second, Preamble. by his Royal Charter and Grant to William Penn, Esq of that Tract of Land called Pennsylvania, and for Erecting the same into a Province, did, for himself, his Heirs and Successors, grant, free, full and absolute Power to the said William Penn, and his Heirs, and to his and their Deputies and Lieutenants, for the good and happy Government of the said Country, by and with the Advice, Assent and Approbation of the Freemen of the said Country, or of the greater Part of them, or of their Delegates or Deputies, in Assembly, when and as often as need should require, to ordain, make and enact any Laws whatsoever, for the publick State, Peace and Safety of the said Country, or unto the private Utility of particu­lar Persons, unto their best Discretion: AND LIKEWISE, to do all and every Thing and Things which unto the compleat Establishment of Justice, unto Courts and Tri­bunals, Forms of Judicature and Manner of Proceedings do belong. And, by Judges, by the said William Penn, his Heirs, their Deputies and Lieutenants, appointed to award Process, hold Pleas, and determine in all the said Courts and Tribunals all Actions, Suits and Causes whatsoever, as well criminal as civil, personal, real and mix'd; Provided, the said Laws, so made and published, be consonant to Reason, and not repugnant or contrary, but as near as conveniently may be agreeable to the Laws, Statutes and Rights of the Kingdom of England; saving and reserving to the said King Charles, his Heirs and Successors, the Receiving, Hearing and Determining of the Appeal and Appeals of all or any Person or Persons, touching any Judgment, to be there made or given.

[Page 214]AND WHEREAS, by Virtue and in Pursuance of the said Grant, divers Acts and Ordinances have been made from time to time for the Holding of Courts and the Administration of Justice within this Province; which, by the Increase of Inhabitants and Change of Circumstance [...] of the Country, seem necessary to be alter'd and amended, BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by Sir WILLIAM KEITH, Bart. Governor of the Province of Pennsylvania, &c. by and with the Advice and Consent of the Freemen of the said Province in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, Court of Quarter-Ses­sions to be held, in each County, four Times a Year. That there shall be a Court stiled, The General Quarter-Sessions of the Peace and Goal-Delivery, holden and kept four Times in every Year, in each County of this Province, viz. At Philadelphia, for the County of Philadelphia, on the first second Day of the Week called Monday, in the Months called March, Iune, September and December: At Bristol, for the County of Bucks, on the eleventh Day following (inclusive) in every of the same Months: And at Chester, for the County of Chester, on the last third Day of the Week called Tuesday in the Months called May, August, November and February.

The Gover­nor to com­missionate Ju­stices; who are to hold the saidCourt.AND that there shall be a competent Number of Justices in every of the said Counties nominated and autho­rized by the Governor or Lieutenant Governor for the Time being, by Commission, under the broad Seal of thi [...] Province: Which said Justices, or any three of them, shall and may hold the said General Sessions of the Peace and Goal-Delivery according to Law, and as fully and ef­fectually as any Justice of the Peace, Justices of the Assize, Justices of Oyer and Terminer, or of Goal-Delivery may or can do.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That the said Justices of the Peace, or any three of them, may, And may hold private Sessions; and have Power to take Re­cognizances out of Ses­sions; which shall be cer­tified into the next Quarter-Sessions. pursuant to their said Commissions, hold special and private Sessions when and as often as Occasion shall require; and that the said Justices, and every of them, shall have full Power and Authority, in or out of Sessions, to take all Manner of Recognizances and Obligations, as any Jus­tices of the Peace of Great Britain may, can or usually do: All which said Recognizances and Obligations shall be made to the King and his Successors. And all Recogni­zances for the Peace, Behaviour, or for Appearance, which shall be taken by any of the said Justices out of Sessions, shall be certified into their said General-Sessions of the [Page 215] Peace, to be holden next after the Taking thereof: Recognizan­ces for Suspic­ions of Felo­ny to be cer­tified at the Court of Oyer & Terminer. And every Recognizance taken before any of them, for Suspicions of any Manner of Felony, or other Crime not tryable in the said Court of Quarter-Sessions of the Peace and Goal-Delivery, shall be certified before the said Justices of the Supream-Court of Oyer and Terminer, at their next suc­ceeding Court, to be holden next after the Taking thereof, without Concealment, Detaining or Imbezzling of the same. Forfeited Re­cognizances, and the Re­cord of the Default, shall be certified into the Su­pream Court. But in case any Person or Persons shall forfeit his or their Recognizances of the Peace, Behaviour or Appear­ance, for any Cause whatsoever, then the said Recognizance so forfeited, with the Record of the Default or Cause of Forfeiture, shall be sent and certified without Delay, by the Justices of the Peace, into the said Supream Court, as the Case may require, that thence Process may issue against the said Parties, according to Law. All which Forfeitures shall be levied by the proper Officers, and go to the Go­vernor for Support of Government.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED That all Fines and Amerciaments which shall be laid be­fore the Justices of the said Courts of General Quarter-Sessions of the Peace and Goal-Delivery, shall be tax'd, All Fines in the Quarter-Sessions to be set according to the Q [...]ality of the Of­fence, and be yearly estrea­ted in the Su­pream Court. offer'd and set duly and truly, according to the Quality of the Offence, without Partiality or Affection, and shall be yearly estreated by the Clerks of the said Courts respectively into the said Supream Court, to the Intent that Process may be awarded to the Sheriff of every County, as the Case may require, for Levying such of their Fines and Amer­ciaments as shall be unpaid, to the Uses for which they are or shall be appropriated.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, Quarter-Ses­sions to hold three Days in Philadelphia County, and two Days in each of the other Coun­ties. That the said Courts of of the General Quarter-Sessions of the Peace may be kept and continued for the Space of three Days in the County of Philadelphia, at any of the Times herein before appointed to hold and keep the same Courts and Sessions there; and for the Space of two Days in either of the said Counties of Bucks and Chester respectively, at any of the said Times herein before appointed to hold and keep the said Courts and Sessions there in Manner aforesaid.

PROVIDED ALSO, This Act not to lessen the Powers of the Corporation. That nothing herein con­tained shall deprive or abridge the Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen of the City of Philadelphia, of any Powers, Pri­vileges, Jurisdictions or Franchises granted them by Charter or the Laws of this Province.

[Page 216] Writs may be directed by the Magi­strates of one County to the Sheriff, &c. of another Coun­ty, for taking any Persons outlawed.AND to the End that Persons indicted or out-law'd for Felonies, or other Offences, in one County or Town cor [...] ­rate, who dwell, remove or be received into another Cou [...]y or Town corporate, may be brought to Justice, BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That the said Justices, or any of them, shall and may direct their Writs o [...] [...] ­cepts to all or any the Sheriffs or other Officers of th [...] [...] Counties or Towns corporate within this Province, wher [...] [...] shall be, to take such Persons indicted or out-law'd. And [...] it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Justices, Also Subpoena's and other Warrants for summoning Evidences. and [...] of them, to issue forth Subpoena's, and other Warrant [...], [...] their respective Hands and Seal of the County, into any Co [...] ­ty or Place of this Province, for summoning or bringing [...] Person or Persons to give Evidence in and upon any [...] or Cause whatsoever, now or hereafter examinable or [...] wise tryable by or before them, or any of them, under [...] Pains and Penalties as Subpoena's or Warrants of that [...] usually are or ought by Law to be granted or awarded [...]

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Persons ag­grieved with the Judgment of the Quar­ter-Sessions, may have their Writs of Error, retur­nable to the Supream-Court. That if any Person or [...] shall find him or themselves aggrieved with the Judg [...]t of any of the said Courts of General Quarter-Session [...] of the Peace and Goal-Delivery, or any other Courts [...] [...] ­cord within this Province, it shall and may be [...] to and for the Party or Parties so aggrieved, to have [...] their Writ or Writs of Error; which shall be granted them of course, in Manner as other Writs of Error are to be granted and made returnable to the said Supream [...] of this Province.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, That when any [...] of Error shall be granted upon any Judgment given or to be gi­ven for the said City of Philadelphia, Only the Te­nor or Tran­script of Writs pass'd by the Mayor, &c. for the City of Phila­delphia, to be certify'd by them into the Supream-Court. the Mayor, Recorde [...] and Aldermen of the said City of Philadelphia, and their [...], or any of them, shall not be compelled upon any of the said Writs, or any other Writ or Writs directed to them, or any of them, to remove, send or certify into the [...]id Supream Court, or elsewhere, any of the Indictme [...] or Presentments taken or to be taken before them, or th [...] [...] ­cord of the Judgments and Proceedings upon any such [...] and Presentments; but only the Tenors or Transcri [...] of the said Records under their common Seal. And [...] such Indictments are revers'd or affirm'd, or Causes law [...]ly removed from the said City-Courts are tried in the Supream Court, it shall and may be lawful for the Mayor, or Recorder [Page 217] and Aldermen, and their Successors, to proceed to Execution or otherwise, as shall appertain according to Law.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, A Court of Record to be held twice [...] Year at Phi­ladelphia, cal­led The Su­pream Court of Pennsylvania. That there shall be holden and kept at Philadelphia a Court of Record twice in every Year, That is to say, On the Twenty-fourth Day of September, and the Tenth Day of April, if the same Days, or either, do not happen to be the first Day of the Week; and in such case the said Court shall be held on the next Day following: Which said Court shall be called and stiled The Supream Court of Pennsylvania. And that there shall be three Persons of known Integrity and Ability, Justices to be commissiona­ted. commissiona­ted by the Governor or his Lieutenant for the Time being, by several distinct Patents or Commissions under the Great Seal of this Province, to be Judges of the said Court; one of whom shall be distinguished in his Commission by the Name of Chief Iustice. Who shall is­sue forth Writs of Ha­beas Corpus, &c. And every of the said Justices shall have full Power and Authority, by Virtue of this Act, when and as often as there may be Occasion, to issue forth Writs of Habeas Corpus, Certiorari and Writs of Error, and all Remedial and other Writs and Process, returnable to the said Court, and grantable by the said Judges by Virtue of their Office, in Pursuance of the Powers and Authorities hereby given them.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, Issues joined in the said Court shall be tried in the proper Coun­ty; and Jud­ges to go the Circuit twice every Year. That upon any Issue joined in the said Supream-Court, such Issue shall be tried in the County from whence the Cause was removed, before the Judges aforesaid, or any two of them, who are hereby impowered and required, if Occasion require, to go the Circuit twice in every Year into the respective Counties of Chester and Bucks, to try such Issues in Fact as shall be de­pending in the said Supream-Court, and removed out of either of the Counties aforesaid, That is to say, in the County of Bucks on the Fourteenth Day of April, and the Twenty-eighth Day of September; and in the County of Chester, on the Eighteenth Day of April, and the Second Day of October, in every Year: When and where they may try all Issues, join'd and to be join'd, in the same Supream-Court, and to do generally all those Things that shall be necessary for the Trial of any such Issue, as fully as Justices of Nisi Prius in England may or can do.

AND that the sai [...] [...]dges, or any two of them, Who are to hear all Cau­ses cogni [...] ­ble in the s [...]id Court, and all Causes remo­ved thither. shall have full Power to [...] said Court, and therein to hear [Page 218] and determine all Causes, Matters and Things cognizable in the said Court; and also to hear and determine all and all Manner of Pleas, Plaints and Causes which shall be re­moved or brought there from the respective General Quarter-Sessions of the Peace and Courts of Common-Pleas, to be held for the respective Counties of Philadelphia, Chester and Bucks, as also for the City of Philadelphia, or from any other Court of this Province, by Virtue of any of the said Writs: As also, to correct the Errors of the Justices, &c. And to examine and correct all and all Manner of Errors of the Justices and Magistrates of this Province in their Judgments, Process and Proceedings in the said Courts, as well in all Pleas of the Crown, as in all Pleas real, personal and mix'd; and thereupon to reverse [...] affirm the said Judgments as the Law doth or shall direct: And also to examine, And punish the De [...]aults of Officers, &c. correct and punish the Contempts, Omissions and Neglects, Favours, Corruptions and Defaults of all or any of the Justices of the Peace, Sheriffs, Coro­ners, Clerks and other Officers within the said respective Counties.

AND ALSO, shall award Process for Levying, [...] well of such Fines, And award Process to le­vy Fines. Forfeitures and Amerciaments as shall be estreated into the said Supream-Court, as of the Fines, Forfeitures and Amerciaments which shall be lost, tax'd and set there, and not paid to the Uses they are or shall be appropriated.

And general­ly minister Justice, as in the King's Courts in Britain.AND generally shall minister Justice to all Person [...], and exercise the Jurisdictions and Powers hereby granted concerning all and singular the Premises according to Law▪ as fully and amply to all Intents and Purposes whatsoever as the Justices of the Courts of King's Bench, Common-Pleas and Exchequer at Westminster, or any of them, may or can do.

Saving to all Persons the Right of Ap­peal to Bri­tain.SAVING to all and every Person and Persons, his, her or their Heirs, Executors and Administrators, their Right of Appeal from the final Sentence, Judgment or Decree of any Court within this Province, to His Majesty in Council, or to such Court or Courts, Judge or Judges, as by our Sovereign Lord the King, his Heirs or Successor [...] shall be appointed in Britain, to receive, hear and judge of Appeals from His Majesty's Plantations.

PROVIDED the Person Appealing shall, upon Entering his Appeal in the Court where the Sentence▪ [Page 219] Judgment or Decree shall be given in this Province, pay all the Costs before that Time expended in the Prosecution, or Desending the said Suit: The Appel­lant shall give Bond in 300 l. &c. And shall further enter into Bond, with two good and sufficient Securities, in the Sum of Three Hundred Pounds, to the Defendant in the Appeal, conditioned to prosecute the said Appeal with Effect, within the Space of eighteen Months after the Entry of such Ap­peal, and to satisfy the Judges of the Court from which he appeals: And further, to pay all such Costs and Damages as shall be adjudged to him to pay, in case a Sentence, Judgment or Decree pass against the said Appellant, or in case he, she or they fail to prosecute their Appeal with Effect.

AND that there shall be a fit Person nominated by the Judges, and commissionated by the Governor, Governor commission­ates the Pro­thonotary of the Supream-Court. to be Prothonotary or Clerk of the said Supream-Court, who shall keep and duly attend his Office at some convenient Place in the City of Philadelphia, and may be suspended, punished or amoved by the said Court for Misdemeanors in his Office.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That all the said Writs shall be granted of course, How Writs shall be gran­ted and bear Stile. and made i [...] the Name and Stile of the King, his Heirs and Successors, and shall bear Test in the Name of the chief Justice for the time being: But if he be Plaintiff or Defendant, in the the Name of one of the other Justices, and shall be sealed with the judicial Seal of the said Court, and made returna­ble to the next Court after the Date of such Writ.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, No Provin­cial Judge to sit in the in­ferior Courts. That none of the Judges of [...]he said Supream or Provincial-Court shall sit judicially in any of the said Courts of Common-Pleas, Quarter-Sessions, or any other inferior Court in this Province.

AND [...] IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, The said Jud­ges to deliver the Goals of all Treasons, Murthers, That the said Judges of the Supream-Court shall have Power, and are hereby authorized and impowered from time to time to deliver the Goals of all Persons which now are or shall hereafter be committed for Treasons, Murthers, and such other Crimes as (by the Laws of this Province) now are or hereafter shall be made Capital or Felonies of Death as aforesaid: And for that E [...]d from time to time to issue forth such necessary [Page 220] Precepts and Process, and force Obedience thereto as Jus­tices of Assize, Justices of Oyer and Terminer and of Goal-Delivery may or can do in the Realm of Gre [...] Britain.

Felo [...]ies com­mitted in [...] Out-Parts of the Province, to be tried in Philadelphia.AND ALSO, That all Manner of Offences already made or declared, or hereafter to be made or declared to be Capital orFelonies of Death by any Law or Act of Assem­bly of this Province, and done, perpetrated or committed, or hereafter to be done, perpetrated or committed by any Per­son orPersons within the Bounds and Limits of the same Pro­vince, and without the certain and known Bounds and Limit [...] of any of the Counties now or hereafter erected in the said Province, shall be from henceforth enquired of, heard and determined before the said Judges, by good and lawf [...]l Men of the City and County of Philadelphia, in like Man­ner and Form to all Intents and Purposes as if the said Offences and Felonies of Death had been done, perpetrated and committed within the said City or County of Phi­ladelphia.

Fees to be double in the said Court to what they are in the Quar­ter-Session [...].PROVIDED ALWAYS, That the Fees du [...] to the Judges and Officers of the said Court for Hearing and Determining any of the said capital Offences for any thing done there, shall be double the Fees usually taken i [...] the General Quarter-Sessions held in any of the said Coun­ties in this Province; any thing herein, or in any other Law, to the Contrary notwithstanding.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, County Cou [...]t to be held four Time [...] [...] Year. That a competent Number of Pe [...]sons shall be commissionated by the Governor or his Lie [...]tenant, under the Broad Seal of this Province, who shall hold and keep a Court of Record in every County, which shall be stiled and called The County Court of Common-Pleas, and shall be holden four Times in every Year, at the Places where the General Quarter-Sessions shall be respec­tively kept, viz. at Philadelphia, for the County and City of Philadelphia, on the Day called the first Wednesday after the Day appointed for the Quarter-Sessions to begin [...] there, in the Months called March, Iune, September and December: At Bristol, for the County of Bucks, on the eleventh Day following, inclusive: And at Chester, for the County of Chester, on the Day called the last Tuesday in the Months called May, August, November and February. Which [...]aid Justices, or any three of them (according to the Teno [...] [Page 221] and Direction of their Commissions) shall hold Pleas of Assizes, S [...]ire Facias, Replevins, and hear and determine all and all Manner of Pleas, Actions, Suits and Causes, civil, personal, real and mix'd, according to the Laws and Con­stitutions of this Province.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Autho [...]ity a [...]oresaid, Justices of the said Court to grant Reple­vins, &c. That every of the said Justices shall and are hereby impowered to grant, under the Seal of the respective Counties▪ Replevins, Writs of Partition, Writs of View, and all other Writs and Process, upon the said Pleas and Actions cognizable in the said respective Cour [...]s, as Occasion may require.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED That the said Justices of the said respective Courts s [...]ll and are hereby impowered to issue forth Subp [...]ena's [...]nder their respective Hands and Seal of the Counties, And issue S [...]b­paena's for E­vidences, &c. into any County or Place of this Province, for sum­m [...]ning or bringing any Person or Persons to give Evi­dence in or upon the Trial of any Matter or Cause whatsoever depending before them or any of them, under such Pains and Penalties as by the Rules of the common Law and Course and Practice of the King's Court at West­ [...]inster are usually appointed.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED That upon any Judgment obtained in any of the said Courts of this Province, Upon Judg­ment ob [...]n­ed & and the Party not to be f [...]und, or hath not Land [...], &c in that County, an al [...]as Ex [...] ­cution may [...] granted by the Court, di­rected to the Sheriff of ano­ther County. and Execution returned by the Sheriff or Coroner of the proper County where [...]uch Judgment was obtained, that the Party is not to [...]e found or hath no Lands or Tenements, Goods or Chattels in that County, and thereupon it is testifi­ [...], that the Party s [...]lks, or lies hid, or hath Lands, T [...]ments, Goods or Chattels in another County of this Province, it shall and may be lawful to and for the Court that issued out such Execution, to grant, and they are here­by required to grant, an alias Execution, with a Testatum, [...] to the Sheriff or Coroner of the County or Place [...] such Person lies hid, or where his Lands or Effects [...], commanding him to execute the same according to [...] Tenor of such Writ or Writs, and to make Return [...]ereof to the Court of Common-Pleas where such Recovery [...] had or Judgment given. And if the Sheriff or Coroner, Which if th [...] said She [...]iff re­fuse to exe­cute or [...]eturn he shall b [...] amerced, &c▪ [...] whom such Writ or Writs shall be directed, shall refuse [...] neglect to execute and return the same accordingly, he [Page 222] shall be amerced in the Court where he ought to retu [...]n it, and be liable to the Action of the Party grieved: And [...] said Amerciaments shall be duly and truly set according to the Quality of the Offence, and estreated by the Protho [...] ­taries of the respective Courts of Common-Pleas of [...] Province into the next Supream or Provincial Court [...] course, that thence Process may issue out against the Offe [...] ­ders, for Levying of such Fines and Amerciaments as shall be unpaid, to the Uses for which they are or shall be appropriated.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, The Defen­dant may have a special Court, in c [...]se of suddenDe­parture. That if any Defendant o [...] D [...] ­fendants in any Suit or Action, by Reason of his or [...] sudden Departure out of this Province, shall require a [...] speedy Determination in such Action or Suit than can [...]e obtained by the common or ordinary Rules of Proceedi [...] in any of the said Courts of Common-Pleas in this Provi [...]c [...], the said Justices, upon Application to them made, sh [...]ll grant to such Defendant or Defendants special Courts, [...] shall proceed to hear and determine the Premises accordi [...]g to the Course and Practice of the said Courts of Commo [...]Pleas, and for the usual Fees therein taken.

But shall give Bail to the Plaintiff's Ac­tion.PROVIDED ALWAYS, That before the said Justices shall grant such special Court, or proceed to [...] and determine the Premises, the Defendant shall give Bail to the Plaintiff's Action by Recognizance according to the Course and Practice of the said Court of Common-Pleas.

AND to prevent excessive Charges that have of late arisen upon Executing of Writs of Enquiry of Damages, BE IT ENACTED, Writs of En­quiry shall be made as easy of Charge as possible. That the Justices who give any Interlocutory Judgment, shall, at the Motion of the Plaintiff or his Attorney in the Action where such Jud [...] ­ment is given, make an Order, in the Nature of a Writ [...]f Enquiry, to charge the Jury attending at the same or n [...]xt Court after such Judgment is given, to enquire of the Da­mages and Costs sustained by the Plaintiff in such Action: Which Enquiry shall be made and Evidence given in ope [...] Court; and after the Inquest consider thereof, they shall forthwith return their Inquisition under their Hands and Seals; whereupon the Court may proceed to Judgment as upon Inquisitions of that Kind returned by the Sheriff.

[Page 223]AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, A competent Number of Atto [...]nies may be admitted; That there may be a competent Number of Persons of an honest Disposition, and learned in the Law admitted by the Justices of the said respective Courts, to practise as Attornies there; who shall behave themselves justly and faithfully in their Practice: Who Misbe­having, shall suffer the Pe­nalties, &c. as Attornies in Britai [...], &c. And if they misbehave themselves therein, they shall suffer such Penalties and Suspensions as Attornies at Law in Great Britain are liable to in such Cases; by which Attornies Actions may be entred, and Writs, Process, Declarations and other Proceedings and Records in all such Actions and Suits as they shall respectively be concerned to prosecute or defend from time to time, may be drawn, and with their Names and proper Hands signed: Attornies to f [...]le theirWar­rants of At­torney. Which said Attornies so admitted may practice in all the Courts of this Province without any further or other Licence or Admittance: And that the Attorney for the Plaintiff in every Action shall file his Warrant of Attorney in the Prothonotary's-Office the same Court he declares: And the Attorney for the De­fendant shall file his Warrant of Attorney the same Court he appears: And if they neglect so to do, they shall have [...] Fee allowed them in the Bill of Costs, nor be suffered to speak in the Cause until they file their Warrants respectively.

CHAP. CCXLV. An ACT to prohibit the Selling of Rum, and other strong Liquors, to the Indians, and to prevent the Abuses that may happen thereby.

WHEREAS the peaceable, Preamble. wise and prudent Measures which the late Honourable William Penn, Esq our most worthy Proprietor, took with the native Indians, at his first Coming into and Settling of this Province, has been, under GOD, the happy Foun­dation and Ground-Work of the Tranquility and perfect good Understanding hitherto preserved between the English Inha [...]itants of this Colony and their native Indians. AND WHEREAS the Misunderstandings and fatal Breaches, which have lately happened in some of the neighbouring Colonies, between the English and the adjacent Indian Nations, are well known to have proceeded from [Page 224] [...] Irregularaties and Abuses committed by those [...] t [...]avel into the Woods in order to trade promiscuously [...] [...]he Indians as they return from Hunting; whereby th [...]y have Opportunity, fi [...]st, to debauch the Natives with [...] Quantities of Rum and strong Spirits, and then cheat [...] of their Peltry: For the Prevention of which evil [...] wicked Practices for the Future, BE IT ENACTED by Sir WILLIAM KEITH, Bart. Governor of the Provinc [...] of Pennsylvania, &c. by and with the Advice and Consen [...] of the Freemen of the said Province in General Assembly met, No Rum, &c. to be sold to Indians under the Penalty of 20 l. and by the Authority of the same, That no Perso [...] whatsoever, otherwise than is herein after declared, [...] sell, barter or give to any Indian or Indians, or to any [...] Person for their Use, nor by any Means directly or in [...] ­rectly furnish, or cause to be furnished, an [...] Indian or Indi [...] with any Rum, Wine, or other strong Liquors, mix'd [...] unmix'd, under the Penalty of Twenty Pounds for each O [...] ­fence, one Half to the Governor, for Support of Gover [...] ­ment, and the other Half to the In [...]ormer, or such Person or Persons as will sue for the same; to be recovered in any Court of Record within this Province, by Action of De [...]t, Bill, Plaint or Information, wherein no Essoin, Protecti [...] or Wager of Law shall be allowed to the Defendant.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, No Rum, a­bove the Quantity of one Gallon, to be carried beyond the Inhabitants. That in case any Rum, [...] other Spirits, above the Quantity of one Gallon, be carrie [...] amongst the Indians at their Towns, or beyond the Christ [...] Inhabitants, the Person car [...]ing the same, or he in who [...] Possession the same shall be found, shall [...]orfeit and pay [...] Sum of Twenty Pounds, to the Uses aforesaid, to be recover [...]d in Manner aforesaid.

At Treaties, Rum may be given to the Indians.PROVIDED ALWAYS, That the Governor and Council, or Persons by them authori [...]ed and appoint [...] to hold Treaties with any Nati [...]n of Indians, may, at [...] Treaties, give any reasonable Quantity of Rum as by them shall be thought nec [...]ssary; any thi [...]g herein contained to the Contrary notwithstanding.

None shall trade with the Indian [...] but at their own Dwelling [...], without Li­cence.AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That no Person or Persons whatsoever, after the first Day of August next, under th [...] the Penalty of Twenty Pounds, to be recovered in Mann [...] and for the Uses aforesaid, shall trade or traffick with any Indian for any Commodity whatsoever, but at their own [Page 225] Dwelling-Houses and Places of Residence with their Fami­li [...]s, within some settled Township of this Province, with­out being first recommended to the Governor for his Li­c [...]nce, by the Justices of the County-Courts of Quarter-Sessions where he resides, or the next Quarter-Sessions within this Province to the Place of such Residence: And that no Person shall be so licensed without first giving Bond in the said Quarter-Sessions, with one or more substantial Free­holders of the same County to be bound with them in the Sum of One Hundred Pounds, conditioned, that he will duly observe the Laws of this Province for regulating the Trade with the Indians: Which Recommendations and Licences s [...]all be renew'd annually, in the Manner before directed; and shall further, by his Oath or Affirmation, oblige him­self, that he will not directly nor indirectly sell or dispose of any Rum, or other Spirits, mix'd or unmix'd, to any Indian whatsoever. For which Licence he shall pay the Sum of Thirty Shillings, and no more.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Person, The Person convicted not having Goods to satisfy the Fine, the Sum of 5 l shall be paid the In­former out of the publick Treasury. convicted for any Offence committed against this Act, have not Goods and Chattels sufficient to pay the Fine or Forfei­ture, in which he shall be condemned, the Justices or Judges before whom such Conviction is had, shall, at the Request of the Informer or Prosecutor, grant to him a Certificate of the Time and Place of such Conviction, and of such Person being the Informer or Prosecutor; which Certificate shall be directed to the Provincial-Treasurer, upon Sight whereof the said Treasurer shall and is hereby required to pay to such Person, his Executors, Administrators or Assigns, the Sum of Five Pounds. And the Person convicted, for Want of Estate to pay the Fine and Cost of his Prosecution, shall be committed to the publick Goal of the County, or House of Correction, there to continue at hard Labour for the Space of six Months, without Bail or Mainprize.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, No more than one 16th of a Quart to be given to an In­dian in twelve Hours. That nothing herein contained shall be deemed or taken to prevent any Inhabi­tant of this Province from giving unto any Indian at his Dwelling-House or Habitation any Quantity of Rum, or other Spirits, not exceeding One Sixteenth Part of a Quart at one Time, and that not oftner than once in twelve Hours.

[Page 226]AND because the good Intent of this Act shall not be frustrated by the secret and clandestine Practices of Persons for the Sake of private Advantage, BE IT FUR­THER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That from and after the first Day of August next, Magistrates may send for and examine suspicious Per­sons, and re­primand 'em. it shall and may be lawful for the Mayor or Recorder of the City of Philadelphia, or any two Justices of the Peace of this Province, as often as they shall think fit, to send for any Person or Persons whatsoever whom they shall suspect to offend against this Act, and severely to reprimand such Person or Persons for having given any Cause by their Conduct or Behaviour with and towards any Indians for such Suspicion: And upon a second Suspi­cion, may ad­minister to them an Oath, &c. But if the said Mayor or Recorder, or any two Justices of the Peace, shall again suspect the same Parties a second Time for having offended against the In­tent or Tenor of this Act, then it shall and may be lawful for the said Mayor and Recorder, or any two Justices of the Peace, to administer to such Person or Persons so sus­pected, an Oath or Affirmation, that he hath not directly nor indirectly, by himself, nor any other for him, after the said first Day of August, given, sold, or otherwise disposed of any Rum, Spirits, Wine, or other strong Liquors, mix'd or unmix'd, to any Indian or Indians, or to any other Per­son or Persons whatsoever, for them or any of them, con­trary to the true Intent and Meaning of this Act: Penalty on not appearing upon Sum­mons, or re­fusing to swear or attest. And every such Person or Persons so suspected as aforesaid not appearing upon Summons duly served, or appearing and refusing to take the aforesaid Oath or Affirmation, shall forfeit the Sum of Thirty-nine Shillings, or undergo Impri­sonment for the Space of three Months: The Forfeitu [...]e to be divided and disposed of in Manner aforesaid.

No Forfeiture to be inflicted 'til serving of the Summons be sworn or attested to.PROVIDED ALWAYS, That no Forfeiture or Imprisonment shall be levied or inflicted upon any Person whatsoever in this Behalf, for not appearing upon Sum­mons duly made, until an Oath or Affirmation be made of the due Service of the said Summons upon the suspected Person or Persons, before the Mayor, Recorder or Justices aforesaid; who are hereby impowered to administer such Oath or Affirmation to the Constable or Officer who hath served the same; any thing before to the Contrary thereof in anywise notwithstanding.

Conviction upon this Act may be plea­ed in Bar, &c.PROVIDED ALSO, That any Person or Per­sons being convicted for any Matter or Thing done or com­mitted against this Act, such Conviction may be pleaded [Page 227] in Bar to any other Suit or Prosecution, to be brought or prosecuted for Breach of any other Law of this Province made and provided against the same Offences.

CHAP. CCXLVI. An ACT for Encouraging the Raising of Hemp within this Province.


CHAP. CCXLVII. An ACT for Settling a Ferry at Solebury, in Bucks County, over Delaware to New-Jersey.


CHAP. CCXLVIII. An ACT to erect and establish a Ferry on the Land of Thomas Yardley, of Makefield Town­ship, in Bucks County.


CHAP. CCXLIX. An ACT for Regulating the Gauging of Cask in this Province.

WHEREAS great Abuses are daily committed in the Trade of this Province, Preamble. by importing Wine, Rum, and other liquid Merchandizes, in disproportionable Cask, which have been usually gauged by the Diagonal; which is known not to be an exact Rule to find the Contents of a disproportionable Cask; and the Persons selling such Commodities commonly refusing to submit to any other Method or Rule of Gauging, the Pur­chaser is thereby imposed upon, and often suffers great Loss in Want of just Measure: For the Redress of which Abuse for the Future within this Province, BE IT ENAC­TED by Sir WILLIAM KEITH, Bart. Governor of the Province of Pennsylvania, &c. by and with the Advice and Consent of the Freemen of the said Province in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, No Persons to sell Liquors before gau­ged by the Gaugers, un­der Penalty, &c. That if any Merchant or other Person whatsoever, shall utter, sell or put to Sale, any Butt, Tun, Pipe, Hogshead, Barrel, Rundlet, or other Cask of Rum, Wine, Melasses, or other [Page 228] liquid Merchandize, imported into any Port or Place within this Province, before the Gaugers hereafter-mentioned or their Deputies, shall have plainly and truly set down or mark'd, upon the Head of such Vessel, the Capacity and full Contents of the same, according to the Standard and Excise of Wine-Measure by the Gallon; such Person or Persons shall forfeit, for the Uses directed in this Act, the Sum of Ten Pounds, for every Cask so utter'd, sold or put to Sale.

Forfeiture on Liquors lack­ing the Quan­tity sold for.AND FURTHER, If any Merchant, or other Person shall utter, sell or put to Sale, any Rum, Wine, Melasses, or other liquid Merchandizes as aforesaid, within any Port or Place of this Province, in any Cask or Vessel, having the Number of Gallons set down and marked on the Head of such Vessel, and the same shall be found to lack of the Contents marked on the said Vessel, such Per­son shall forfeit and pay, to the Uses directed in this Act, the Sum of Ten Shillings for every Gallon marked or numbred on the said Cask more than it will truly contain.

AND to the End that all Persons dealing in such Mer­chandize may the more easily and readily be informed and assisted in discovering the true Quantity of such liquid Merchandize so imported as aforesaid, BE IT FUR­THER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That Nathaniel Griffitts and Benjamin Morgan of Philadel­phia, Gaugers Names, and how to be qualified. shall be and are hereby appointed Gaugers of all the Wine, Rum, Melasses, and other liquid Merchandize, im­ported into this Province for Sale. Which said Gaugers (before they enter upon their Office, shall take an Oath or Affirmation well and truly to execute the Office of Gaugers within this Province, between Buyer and Seller) are hereby impowered, by themselves or their proper Deputies or Assistants, to gauge all Rum, Wine, Melasses, or other li­quid Merchandize, imported in any Butt, Tun, Pipe, Hog­shead, Barrel, Rundlet, or other Cask, into any Port or Place of this Province, when they the said Gaugers, or either of them, shall be thereunto required.

Gaugers to mark the Cask, with the Contents, and enter it in a Book.AND that they shall mark and set down the true Number of Gallons, according to the English Standard and Excise of Wine-Measure, which each Cask or Vessel will truly contain, with their own Mark: All which Casks, with their true Marks and Numbers, and Owners Names, shall be entered in a Book or Books, to be kept for that Purpose [Page 229] by the said Gaugers, or their proper Deputies; to which, recourse may be had as Occasion may require: Fee for a Co­py, and for Gauging. For a Copy of which Entry they shall receive Four Pence; and for each Cask so by them gauged and marked, they shall receive the Sum of Four Pence, and no more.

AND if any Cask, or other Vessel, Penalty on false Gauging. gauged and marked by the said Gaugers, or their lawful Deputies, shall be found lacking one or more Gallons of the Quantity num­bred or marked on the said Cask or Vessel, the aforesaid Gaugers shall forfeit Ten Shillings for each Gallon lacking or exceeding the Number or Mark so set down on each Cask.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, How the Pe­nalties shall be appropri­ated & reco­vered. That all and every the Penal­ties and Forfeitures in and by this Act set and appointed, shall be, one Half to the Governor, for the Support of Go­vernment, and the other Half to the Informer, or him or them that will sue for the same: If under Forty Shillings, to be recovered as Debts under Forty Shillings are usually re­covered, and if above Forty Shillings, to be sued for and re­covered by Bill, Plaint or Information, in any Court of Record within this Province, wherein no Essoin, Protection or Wager of Law shall be allowed for the Defendant.

[Page 230]

At a GENERAL ASSEMBLY begun at Philadelphia, in the Province of Pennsylvania, the Fourteenth Day of October, in the Ninth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE, King of Great Britain, &c. Anno (que) Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty-two, and continued by Ad­journments until the Eleventh Day of May following: On which Day the following ACTS were passed by Sir WILLIAM KEITH, Bar [...] Lieutenant Governor of the said Province of Pennsylvania, &c. That is to say,

CHAP. CCXLV. An ACT for emitting and making current Fifteen Thousand Pounds in Bills of Credit. Postea Chap. 256 & Chap. 261.

Preamble.FORASMUCH as through the extream Scarcity of Money, the Trade of this Province is greatly les­sened and obstructed, and the Payment of the publick Debts of this Government rendred exceeding difficult, and [Page 231] likely so to continue, unless some Medium in Commerce be by Law made current instead of Money: For Remedy whereof, may it please the Governor that it be enacted, AND BE IT ENACTED by Sir WILLIAM KEITH, Baronet, Governor of the Province of Pennsyl­vania, &c. by and with the Advice and Consent of the Freemen of the said Province in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, That Bills of Credit to the Value of Fifteen Thousand Pounds, current Money of America, according to an Act of Parliament, made in the sixth Year of the late Queen ANNE, For ascertaining the Rates of foreign Coins in the Plantations, shall be printed within two Months next after the End of this present Session of Assembly, as followeth, to wit, Six Thousand Bills of Twenty Shillings Value each: Four Thousand Bills of Fif­teen Shillings Value each: Six Thousand Bills of Ten Shil­lings Value each: Six Thousand Bills of Five Shillings Value each: Four Thousand Bills of Two Shillings and Six-Pence Value each: Six Thousand Bills of Two Shillings Value each: Eight Thousand Bills of One Shilling Value each. Upon which Bills shall be impressed upon the left side of the said Bills, about the Middle of the Side, the Arms of Pennsylvania. And the said Bills shall be in the Form following: ‘THIS indented Bill of — current Money of Ame­rica, according to the Act of Parliament made in the f [...]th Year of the late Queen ANNE, The Form of the Bills. for Ascertaining the Rates of foreign Coins in the Plantations, due from the Pro­vince of Pennsylvania, to the Possessor thereof, shall be in [...] equal to Money, and shall be accepted accordingly by the Provincial-Treasurer, County-Treasurers and the Trustees for the General Loan-Office of the Province of Pennsylvania, in all publick Payments, and for any Fond at any Time in any of the said Treasuries and Loan-Office. Dated in Philadelphia, the — Day of — in the Year of our LORD One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty-three, by Order of the Governor and General Assembly.’

WHICH Bills shall be signed and numbred by Charles Read, Francis Rawle, Benjamin Vining and Anthony Morris, Signers Names. or the major Part of them. And the Sum of Money that each Bill shall be current for, shall be printed on the Top of each Bill.

[Page 232]AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Signers to take an Oath or Affirma­tion. That the said Persons appoin­ted for signing the said Bills of Credit, shall take an [...] or Affirmation before any one Justice of the Peace of this Province, for the true Signing and Delivering of all the said Bills of Credit, and no more than the Number men­tioned in this Act, to the several Officers and Persons herei [...] after mentioned and appointed to receive the same, accord­ing to the true Intent and Meaning of this Act: Fifte [...] Thousand Pounds of which Bills of Credit, being signed and numbred as aforesaid, shall be put into the Hands of Samuel Carpenter, The Trustees Names. Ieremiah Langhorne, William Fishbo [...] and Nathaniel Newlin, of this Province of Pennsylva [...], Gentlemen; who are hereby constituted Trustees of the General Loan-Office of the Province of Pennsylvania; who shall give their Receipt for such Bills as shall be by the [...] received.

AND the said Charles Read, Francis Rawle, Benj [...] Vining and Anthony Morris, Signers Re­ward. appointed by this Act to sign the aforesaid Bills of Credit, shall, for such their Service, have paid unto each of them, or each of their Executors or Assigns, by the Trustees aforesaid, in Bills of Credit, the Sum of Twenty Pounds, as a Reward for their Tro [...]ble in Signing and Numbring the Bills aforesaid. Trustees Sa­lary. And the aforesaid Trustees shall have allowed unto each of them the Sum of Fifty Pounds per Annum, for their Service and Trou­ble in the Execution of their Trust. Which Trustees, b [...] ­fore they receive the said Bills, or enter upon the Execution of their Trust, shall give Five Hundred Pounds Security each, to the Provincial-Treasurer for the Time being, for the true Performance of their said Office, and take the fol­lowing Oath or Affirmation before any one Justice of the Peace of the Province of Pennsylvania: Trustees Oath or Affirma­tion.I A. B. will, according to the best of my Skill and Knowledge, faithfully, impartially and truly demean myself in Discharge of the Trust committed to me by an Act of General Assembly of this Province, entituled, An Act for the Emitting and Making current Fifteen Thousand Pounds in Bills of Credit; according to the Purport and Tenor of the said Act, so as the Publick may not be prejudiced by my Consent, Privity or Procurement.’

AND for the better securing and supporting the Credit of the said Bills, BE IT ENACTED by the Autho­rity aforesaid, That the said Trustees, before they take or [Page 233] accept of any Lands, Trustees to inform them­selves of the Mortgage [...]s Estate in Fee-simple. Houses or Ground-Rents in Mort­gage for any of the said Bills, they shall inform themselves of the real Value of the said Lands, Houses and Rents; and also of the Title of the same, so as to be satisfied that the Person offering the same to Mortgage have a good, in­defeazible Estate in Fee-simple, in the Lands, Houses and Rents offered to Mortgage, and that the same be free from all Incumbrance whatsoever. And the said Trustees, 11 [...] l. to be let out at [...] per Cent or any three of them, being satisfied, as well of the Value as of the Title of the said Lands, Houses and Rents, and be­ing qualified, as by this Act is directed, have full Power and Authority, and hereby are authorized and impowered to let out the Value of Eleven Thousand Pounds of the said Bills upon Loan, at the Interest of Five per Cent. per Annum for the Term of eight Years, from the Date of the said Bills, in Sums not exceeding One Hundred Pounds, and not under Twelve Pounds Ten Shillings to any one Person; the said Trustees taking a Security by Way of Mortgage in at least double the Value of Lands and Ground-Rents, lying in this Province, and in (at least) three Times the Value of Houses within the Province aforesaid: Which Mortgage, Mortgages to be inroll'd. when executed in the Presence of two lawful Witnesses, and acknowledged before any Justice of Peace of this Pro­vince, shall be inrolled in a Book (to be kept for that P [...]r­pose by the said Trustees) at the Costs and Charges of the Mortgager: An attested Copy of which Deed so inrolled and certified under the Hands of the said Trustees, or any three of them, shall and is hereby declared to be Matter of Record, and shall be good Evidence to prove the Sale or Mortgage thereby made.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Where the General Loan Office is to be kept That there shall be one publick Office kept in the City of Philadelphia, which shall be cal­led, The General Loan-Office of Pennsylvania; where the said Trustees, or any three of them, shall duly attend every third and fourth Day, commonly called Tuesday and Wed­nesday, in each Week, for the first six Months, and after­wards the Attendance to be according to the Discretion of the said Trustees, for the due Execution of the Trust re­posed in them by this Act; and for the Ease of the Inhabi­tants of the Counties of Bucks and Chester, who may have Occasion to take upon Loan any of the said Bills of Credit, the aforesaid Trustees, or any three of them, shall attend, as Occasion may require, at the respective Towns of Bristol and Chester, for executing the Trust aforesaid, and shall [Page 234] give at least fourteen Days publick Notice at the respective Towns aforesaid of the Time and Place of their Meeting for the Purposes aforesaid. And the said Trustees, or some of them, shall, at their own proper Costs and Charges, provide good large Books of Royal or other large Paper, and well cover'd; wherein shall be recorded and inrolled all the Deeds of Mortgages to be taken for Bills of Credit to be let out upo [...] Loan, according to the Directions of this Act, in a fair [...] ­gible Hand; for which there shall be paid by the Mort­gager, his Heirs, Executors or Administrators, to the Person or Persons attending the said Office, in any of the Counti [...] aforesaid, for Recording or Inrolling every Deed or W [...]i­ting, Five Shillings; and for every Mortgage-Deed, if draw [...] by the Clerk, Twelve Shillings, and no more.

Trustees to choose a Clerk.AND for the more Ease and Conveniency of the Trus­tees appointed by this Act, they are hereby allowed and enabled to choose a fit Person to serve them in the Office of a Clerk, during the Continuance of their Trust. Which said Sums of Money so taken upon Loan shall be paid i [...] again, The Manner of Payment of Principal and Interest. with the annual Interest, in the said Bills of Credit, or current Money of America, to the said Trustees of the General Loan-Office aforesaid, in Manner following, That is to say, One eighth Part of the Sum borrowed, with the whole Interest of Five per Cent. per Annum, shall be annually paid by the Mortgager, his Heirs, Executors or Administrators, to the said Trustees; who shall indorse the Sum received, both Principal and Interest, upon the Back of the Mort­gage-Deed, and for each Indorsement made in Manner aforesaid, they shall be paid, by the Mortgager, the Sum of One Shilling, and no more: And at the last Payment of the said Money and Interest, the said Mortgage shall be released and delivered up by the said Trustees: From which Time the said Lands, Houses and Ground-Rents so mortgaged or en­gaged shall be forever clearly acquitted and discharged. And the said Trustees shall make an Entry in the Margin of the Inrollment of the said Mortgage, of the Day and Year of such Discharge and Release: For which they shall be paid, by the Mortgager, the Sum of One Shilling, and no more.

AND WHEREAS the aforesaid Bills of Credit are chiefly intended for the Benefit of the poor industrious Sort of the People of this Province, at an easy Interest to relieve them from the present Difficulties they labour un­der; which End cannot be so well performed if any one Person should be allowed to take up too great a Sum of the [Page 235] said Bills of Credit upon Loan: Therefore to prevent the Splitting of any one Man's Lands into sundry Parcels by alienating the same to divers Persons in Trust, thereby to get great Quantities of the said Bills for the Use of one Man, and to prevent committing of Frauds and Abuses in Mortgaging any Lands, Houses or Ground-Rents being under any former Mortgage and Incumbrance, which would in a great Measure frustrate the good End for which this Act is intended, BE IT THEREFORE ENAC­TED by the Authority aforesaid. Estates to be [...]ee of all In­cumbrances to the Mort­gager's Know­ledge. That the Person offer­ing any Lands, Houses or Ground-Rents to Mortgage for any of the said Bills, shall, at the Time of Executing the Deed of Mortgage, declare upon his or her Oath or solemn Affirmation, which the said Trustees, or any one or more of them, are hereby enabled to administer, That he or she is bona fide seized of the said Lands, Houses or Ground-Rents in his or her own Right, and to his or her own Use, and that the same were not alienated to him or her in Trust for the Use of any other Person, nor with Intent to raise any Sum or Sums of Money upon the same by Way of Loan, or otherwise, for the Use of any other Person or Persons whatsoever; and that the Lands, Houses and Ground-Rents mentioned in the Mortga [...] Deed by him or her to be executed, are free and clear from any other or former Gift, Grant, Sale, Mortgage or other Incumbrance, to his or her Knowledge. Which Oath or Affirmation the said Trustees administring the same shall indorse upon the Back of the Deed of Mortgage, together with the Day and Year of the Caption thereof.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, If any Part of the said Sum remain in the Office four Months after the Date of the Bills, 200 l. may be let out on Loan to one Person. That if any Part of the Sum of Eleven Thousand Pounds be remaining in the Office at the End of four Months, next ensuing the Date of the said Bills, and not taken out upon Loan, it shall and may be lawful to and for the aforesaid Trustees to lend out to any Person or Persons, upon the like Security as before is directed in this Act, and under the same Rules and Restrictions, any Sum or Sums of the said Money, so [...] the whole Sum advanced or lent to one Person exceed not the Sum of Two Hundred Pounds in the Whole.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Bills to be current for 8 Years, & pay all Debts whatsoever That the aforesaid Bills of Credit, to be made and issued by Virtue of this Act, shall be and continue current for and during the Space and Time of eight Years, from the Date of the said Bills, and no [Page 236] longer, and shall be received and paid for the same Value, and equal to the current Coin passing in this Province, for Goods or any other Thing bought and sold by all Persons whatsoever residing in and passing through this Province, according to their Rates; and the Tender of the said Bills of Payment for Discharging of any Debt or Debts, Bargain, Sale of Lands, or other Things, Bonds, Mortgages, Special­ties and Contracts whatsoever, already made, or hereafter to be made, either for Sterling Money, Silver Money of Ame­rica, Dollars, or any other Species of Gold or Silver, or any Quantity of Plate or Gold, shall be as effectual in the Law, to all Intents and Purposes, as if the current Silver Coin of this Province had been offer'd and tender'd for the Discharge of the same, or any Part thereof.

AND to prevent the Damage that may happen to any Person or Persons, who, at the Expiration of the said eight Years, may have any of the said Bills remaining in their Hands, BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That the aforesaid Trustees, and the Survivors and Survivor of them, Trustees to receive the said Bills of Credit fou [...] Months after the Expiration of 8 Years. shall be and hereby are obliged to receive the said Bills of Credit four Month [...] after the Expiration of the said eight Years, of any Person tendring the same, and thereupon, shall either pay unto the Owner of the said Bills the Sum or Sums of Money for which they are by this Act made current, or otherwise oblige themselves to pay the same unto the Owner [...] Owners of the said Bills within three Months after th [...] Bills are delivered to them, with the Interest of Five [...] Cent. per Annum, till the same be paid.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Persons refu­sing the said Bills shall lose the Debt. That if any Person or Persons, Creditor or Creditors, Obligee or Obligees, and Party or Parties to any Contract, Covenant, Bargain or Agreement whatsoever, already made or hereafter to be made, at any Time during the said eight Years, shall, upon Tender of all or any of their Debts, Dues and Demands whatsoever, in the Bills of Credit made current by this Act, refuse to ac­cept or receive the said Bills of Credit in Discharge of the said Debts, Dues or Demands, according to their Val [...] and Rates, he, she or they so refusing to accept the [...] Bills of Credit in Discharge as aforesaid, shall lose the [...] Debt or Debts, Sum or Sums of Money so refused; [...] they and every of them, their and every of their Hei [...] ▪ Executors and Administrators, shall forever be barred from [Page 237] bringing his or her or their Actions for the Recovery of the said Debt or Debts, Sum or Sums of Money so refused as aforesaid; and the Defendant may plead this Act in Bar to any Action or Actions that shall be so commenced.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Penalties on Persons offer­ing Goods cheaper for Silver o [...]Gold than the said Bills. That if any Person or Persons whatsoever within this Province, shall, during the said eight Years, offer to sell or expose to Sale, any Goods or Chattels, Lands or Tenements whatsoever, and deny or re­fuse to sell, or ask a greater Value for the same, unless Pay­ment be made in current Silver Money, Gold, Plate, Dol­lars, or other Specie whatsoever, and not in the said Bills of Credit (whereby the Credit of the said Bills may be im­paired) then and in such Case the Person so exposing to Sale, and refusing as aforesaid, shall, if the Goods or Chat­tels exposed to Sale be under the Value of Five Pounds, for­feit the Sum of Thirty Shillings for each Offence, to be recovered before any Justice of the Peace within this Pro­vince, upon the Oath or Affirmation of any two Witnesses: And if the Value of the Goods or Chattels, Lands or Tene­ments be above Five Pounds, and under Fifty Pounds, the Exposer to Sale shall forfeit the Sum of Five Pounds: And if the Goods or Chattels, Lands or Tenements be above the Value of Fifty Pounds, and under One Hundred Pounds, the Exposer to Sale shall forfeit the Sum of Ten Pounds: And if the Value of the Goods and Chattels, Lands or Tene­ments be above One Hundred Pounds Value, the Exposer to [...]ale shall forfeit Fifty Pounds; to be recovered by Action of Debt in any Court of Record within this Province, with Costs of Suit; the first two Forfeitures to the Use of any Person that shall sue for the same; the other two Forfei­tures, the one Half to the Use of such Persons as shall sue for and prosecute the same with Effect, the other Half to the Governor, to be applied towards the Support of the Government of this Province; any Law, Custom or Usage to the Contrary in anywise notwithstanding.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Penalties on Persons coun­terfeiting the Bills of Cre­dit. That if any Person or Persons whatsoever shall presume to counterfeit, or be Aiding or Assisting in Counterfeiting any of the said Bills of Credit, [...] utter or cause to be uttered any Bill or Bills (knowing [...] same to be false and counterfeit) of the Tenor or in Imitation of any of the said Bills of Credit made current by [...] Act, and be thereof legally convict, he, she or they [Page 238] so offending shall be set upon the Pillo [...]y in some open pub­lick Place, and there have both his or her Ears cut off and be publickly whipp'd on his or her bare Back with Thirty-one Lashes, well laid on; and moreover, shall for­feit the Sum of One Hundred Pounds current Money of America, to be levied of the Lands and Tenements, Goods and Chattels of such Offenders; and shall pay to the Party grieved double the Value of the Damage sustained by th [...] said counterfeit Bills, together with the Costs and Charges of Prosecution: And in Case the Person or Persons so con­victed have not sufficient to satisfy the Party for his or her Damages and Charges, and to pay the Forfeiture aforesaid, then and in such Case the Offender or Offenders shall, by the Order of the Court before whom such Offender [...] convicted, be sold for any Term not exceeding seven Years for Satisfaction of the same.

AND WHEREAS the true and regular Sinking of the said Bills of Credit will very much conduce to the Keeping up the Value of the same, BE IT FUR­THER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That a Committee of the Assembly of this Province, Committee of Assembly to audit the Ac­counts of the Trustees, &c. [...], once every Year, or oftner, as the Assembly shall think [...], be appointed to audit the Accounts of the Sums of Money in Bills of Credit, let out upon Loan to the Inhabitants of this Province, according to the Directions of this Act; and also the Sums of Money and Bills of Credit received by the said Trustees from the respective Mortgagers, their He [...], Executors and Administrators; and shall, within one We [...]k next after the said Accounts are audited, affix Adverti [...] ­ments in the most publick Places of the City of Phil [...] ­phia, setting forth what Quantity of Money has been [...] ­ceived and is in the Hands of the Trustees aforesaid, [...] and above what will pay the Interest due to the Publick, for the Loan of the said Bills of Credit let out upon Mo [...] ­gage by Virtue of this Act. Which Money shall, by the said Trustees, be given in Exchange for Bills of Cr [...]dle, made current by this Act, to any Person or Persons bring­ing in the same. And the said Bills of Credit received as Part of the principal Sum lent out of the said Office in Manner aforesaid, and remaining in the Hands of the Trus­tees, shall, within ten Days after such Audit, be sunk and destroyed in the Presence of the Committee who shall be appointed Auditors, they having first compared the [...] Bills of Credit with their Counterparts, and entered into a Book, to be kept for that Purpose, the Number and Value of each Bill of Credit so sunk and destroyed.

[Page 239]AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Annual Inte­rest, after Charges de­ducted, to be disposed of by the Assem­bly. That the annual Interest re­ceived for the Loan of the said Bills of Credit which shall be remaining in Money in the Hands of the said Trustees, after the Accounts audited as aforesaid, and after Salaries and Charges allowed by this Act are deducted, shall be dis­posed of in such Manner as the Assembly of this Province shall from time to time think fit to order and direct.

AND WHEREAS the Fonds provided for the Support of this Government, have proved deficient for these two Years last past, and sundry Debts, claimed as Debts due from this Province, remain yet unpaid: There­fore, in order to discharge the said Debts, BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That the Sum of Two Thousand Five Hundred Pounds, The Provin­cial▪ Treasu­rer to have 2500 l. to an­swer former Debts. in the Bills of Credit aforesaid, be delivered into the Hands of the Pro­vincial-Treasurer of this Province for the Time being, who shall give his Receipt for the same; and who shall forthwith apply the said Bills, or so much of them as shall be needful, to the Paying and Discharging the several Sums of Money [...] and owing by any Order of the Assembly of the Pro­vince of Pennsylvania, within two Years last past, where the Foods have not been sufficient to pay and answer the same. And that the aforesaid Sum of Two Thousand Five Hundred Pounds, in Bills of Credit, hereby directed to be paid into Provincial-Treasury of this Government, may be truly and [...] fide sunk, as the Fonds arising by Virtue of three Acts of Assembly, viz. An ACT for laying an Excise on all Wine, Rum, and other Spirits, retailed in this Province: An ACT for laying a Duty on all Wine, Rum, Brandy and Spirits, Melasses, Cyder, Hops and Flax, imported, landed or brought into this Province: And, An ACT for laying a Duty on Negroes imported into this Province; are paid [...]to the Provincial-Treasurer for the Time being; BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That a Committee of Assembly of this Province shall, once every Year, and oftner, if the Assembly shall think fit, audit the Accounts of the Money received by the Pro­vincial-Treasurer by Virtue of the Acts aforesaid, for laying [...] Excise on strong Liquors, &c. in this Province, and shall [...] and destroy the said Bills in the Manner before directed for Sinking the Bills of Credit received by the Trustees into the Loan-Office of this Province.

[Page 240]AND WHEREAS there are divers publick Works now undertaken to be done in the respective Co [...] ­ties of Philadelphia, Bucks and Chester, which cannot [...] be compleated for Want of a Stock of Cash in the [...] of the Treasurers of the respective Counties, BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, The Sum of 1500 l to be paid to the County-Trea­surers. That the Sum of One Thousand Pounds, in Bills o [...] Credit, made current by this Act, be delivered by the [...] Trustees into the Hands of the Treasurer of the County of Philadelphia: And the further Sum of Two Hundred Pounds, in the Bills aforesaid, into the Hands of the Treasurer o [...] the County of Bucks: And the further Sum of Three H [...] ­dred Pounds, in the said Bills, into the Hands of the Trea­surer of the County of Chester; to be applied by the re­spective Treasurers of the several Counties aforesaid in such publick Services as the Commissioners and Assessors of the respective Counties shall think fit to order and direct.

AND that the said Bills of Credit, to be paid to the respective County-Treasurers aforesaid, for the Uses afore­said, may be truly and bona fide sunk, BE IT ENAC­TED by the Authority aforesaid, That a Tax of O [...] Penny per Pound, over and above all other County-Charges▪ shall be annually raised and [...]evied by the respective Com­missioners and Assessors of the said Counties in the same Manner as County-Levies by an Act of Assembly of this Province, entituled, An Act for the more effectual Raising of County-Rates and Levies, are directed and appointed to be raised and levied, until all the Bills of Credit received [...] the respective County-Treasurers for the Uses aforesaid, be sunk and destroyed by the Tax aforesaid. Which said T [...] of One Penny per Pound, shall be paid into the Hands of [...] respective County-Treasurers, in Bills of Credit, or curren [...] Money of America, towards the Sinking the Bills of Cre [...] ▪ by them respectively received for the Use of the respective Counties aforesaid. And that a Committee of the Assem­bly of this Province, shall, once every Year, audit the A [...] ­counts of the Money received by the respective County-Treasurers, by Virtue of the said Tax of One Penny per Pound, and shall sink and destroy the said Bills of Credit in the Manner before directed for Sinking the B [...]lls [...] Credit received by the Trustees into the Loan-Officer of this Province.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, Tha [...] it shall and may lawful to and for the Trustees of the Lo [...]-Office aforesaid, [Page 241] or any three of them, to let out upon Loan, Trustees to let out Bills of Credit on Se­curity of good Pla [...]e, at 5 [...]. per Ounce. in such Man­ner as they shall think best, any Sum of the said Bills of Credit not exceeding the Sum of One Hundred Pounds to one Person, upon Security of good▪ Plate, to be delivered to them at the Value of Five Shillings current Money of Ame­rica, per Ounce, and at the Interest of Five per Cent. per A [...]um, to be paid in again to the said Trustees in the Space of Twelve-months, with the Interest aforesaid. And in case of Non-Payment, to sell and dispose of the said Plate for the most it will yield, returning the Overplus, if any be, to the Owner, after Payment of the Principal, Interest, and Charges accrued thereupon; any thing in this Act to the Contrary notwithstanding.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Any Trustee or Trustees dying the As­sembly of this Province to choose ano­ther. That in case of the Death or Removal of any of the aforesaid Trustees, the Assembly of this Province for the Time being shall, from time to time, during the Continuance of this Act, appoint some other fit Person or Persons in the Room, Place and Stead of such Trustee or Trustees so dying or being removed: Which Person or Persons, to be so appointed, shall give the like Securities, and lie under the same Obligations with those who are now named and appointed by this Act.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by [...] Authority aforesaid. On Default of Payment, the Mortgagers to be sued by S [...]ire [...]acias. That where Default shall be ma [...] or suffer'd by any Mortgager of any Lands, Rents or Houses (mortgaged by Virtue of this Act) his or her Heirs, Executors, Administrators or Assigns, of or in Payment of any of the annual Payments or Sums, whether in Part of Principal or Interest, which they or any of them should have paid, in such Manner and Form, and according to the Purport, Tenor and Effect of the said Deed or Deeds of Mortgage, and this Act of Assembly, and at the Days, Times and Places, in the same Deeds respectively mentioned and contained, That in every such Case, and upon any De­fault made in the Premises, it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Mortgagees or Trustees, and the Survivors and Survivor of them, and Heirs, Executors and Admini­strators of the Survivors of them, and they are hereby re­quired, after the Expiration of Two Months next ensuing any of the Days of Payment herein directed, in the said Mortgage contained, whereon any Part of the said Mort­gage-Money and Interest ought to be paid, to sue forth a Scire facias out of the Office of the Clerk of the Court of [Page 242] Common-Pleas for the County or City where the mort­gaged Lands, Ground-Rents and Houses lie, and be dire [...]ed to the proper Officer, requiring him, by honest and lawful Men of the Neighbourhood to make known to the Mort­gager or Mortgagers, his, her or their Heirs, Executo [...], Administrators and Assigns, that he, she or they be and ap­pear before the said Justices of the said Court of Common-Pleas, to shew, if any thing he, she or they have to say wherefore the said mortgaged Premises ought not to be sold for the Payment of the said Mortgage-Money, with the Interest due thereupon, together with such Costs and Damages as the Court shall assess by Reason of the Non-Payment of the Money aforesaid at the Time and Place whereon the same ought to have been paid: And if the Defendant or Defendants in the Scire facias neglect or refuse to appear, or be not to be found in the County; or if the said Defendant or Defendants appear, and do not pay down the Money and Interest in Bills of Credit, or current Money of Pennsylvania, then due upon the said Mortgage, together with the Costs of Suit; then the Court shall award Execu­tion by Levari facias, directed to the proper Officer, by Virtue whereof the said mortgaged Premises shall be taken in Execution, and exposed to Sale by publick Vend [...]e, within one Month after the awarding Execution aforesaid, and, upon Sale, conveyed to the Buyer or Buyers thereof, and the Money or Price of the same rendred to the Mort­gagee or Trustees. And when the said Lands and Heredi­taments shall be so sold or delivered as aforesaid, the Person or Persons to whom they shall be so sold or delivered [...] and may hold and injoy the same, with their Appurtenan­ces, for such Estate or Estates as they were [...] delivered, clearly discharged and freed from all [...] and Benefit of Redemption, and all other Incumbrances made and suffer'd by the Mortgagers, their Heirs or Assigns. And such Sales shall be available in Law, and the respective Vendees, their Heirs and Assigns, shall hold and injoy the same freed and discharged as aforesaid. But before such Sales shall be made, Notice shall be given in Writing, [...] is directed by one Act of Assembly of this Province, en­tituled, An Act for taking Land in Execution for Payment of Debts.

Overplus of the Sale of Mortgages to be returned to the Owners.PROVIDED ALSO, AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority afore­said, That when any of the said Lands, Tenements, He­reditaments or Ground-Rents, which by the Direction and [Page 243] Authority of this Act, are to be sold for Payment of Debts and Damages due to the Publick in Manner aforesaid, shall be sold for more than will satisfy the same Debt and Da­mages, and reasonable Costs; then the Sheriff, or other Of­ficer who shall make the Sale, must render the Overplus to the Debtor or Defendants; and then, and not before, the said Officer shall be discharged thereof upon Record, in the same Court where he shall make Return of his Proceedings concerning the said Sales.

PROVIDED ALSO, That no Sale which shall be made by Virtue of this Act, shall be extended to create any further Estate to the Vendees, than the Lands or Here­ditaments so sold or delivered shall appear to be mortgaged for, by the said respective Mortgages or defeazable Deeds.

PROVIDED ALSO, The Sheriff's Sale to be good, and not to be reversed for any Er­rors. That if any of the said Judg­ments which do or shall warrant the Awarding of the said Writ of Execution, whereupon any Lands, Tenements or He­reditaments have been or shall be sold, shall at any time hereafter be reversed for any Error or Errors; then, and in [...] such Case, none of the said Lands, Tenements or H [...]reditaments so as aforesaid taken or sold, or to be taken or sold upon Execution, not any Part thereof, shall be re­s [...]red, nor the Sheriff's Sale th [...]reof avoided.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That if after any Lands, Mortgagers having no good Right and Title, shall be sued by the Trus­tees for Value received. Ground-Rents or Houses are mortgaged to the aforesaid Trustees for any Bills of Credit, according to the Directions of this Act, it shall appear the Party Mortgager had no good Right and Title to the said Lands, Ground-Rents and Houses, or any of them, so that the Government may be in Danger of Losing the Monies, or any Part thereof, advanced in Loan upon the Credit of the said Lands, Ground-Rents and Houses, it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Trustees, and they are hereby required and impowered to prosecute any Action or Actions of Debt or Covenant upon the said Mortgage or Mortgages against the said Mortgager, his Heirs, Executors and Administrators, and the same to pro­secute to Judgment and Execution in any Court of Record within this Province, for the Recovery of the Monies due on the said Mortgage, with the Costs of Suit, by all lawful Ways and Means whatsoever.

[Page 244] Any Person at any Time paying Inte­rest and Prin­cipal the Mortgages to be dischar­ged.PROVIDED ALWAYS, That if any Person or Persons who shall take upon Loan any of the said Bill [...] of Credit, shall see Cause, at any time after the Making the said Mortgage, to pay down the whole Principal and Interest then due in like Publick Bills of Credit, or current Money of America; upon his or her so [...]oing such Mort­gage or Security shall be released and delivered in the Man­ner before directed, and the Lands, Ground-Rents and Houses, in the said Mortgage-Deed contained and mort­gaged, shall be forever discharged therefrom.

CHAP. CCLI. An ACT to rectify Proceedings upon Attachments. [...] a former Act, antea Chap. 84.

WHEREAS in the Execution of a Law of this Province, entituled, An Act about Attachments, divers Irregularities a [...]d fraudulent Practices have happened, to the Injury of such Creditors as were willi [...] to accept of an equal Share of their Debtors Effects, in Pro­portion to their Demands, and not have them wasted in needless Prosecutions, contrary to the true Design of the said Act: Therefore, to prevent such Practice for the Fu­ture, may it please the Governor that it may be enacted, AND BE IT ENACTED by Sir WILLIAM KEITH, Baronet, Governor of the Province of Pennsyl­vania, &c. by and with the Advice and Consent of the Freemen of the said Province in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, Writs of At­tachment not to issue out except Oath be made that the Person in­debted is not worth the Sum charged, or is absconded. That from henceforth no Writ or Writs of Attachment shall issue forth or be granted, before the Person or Persons requesting the same, or some other credible Person or Persons for him or them, shall, upon Oath or Affirmation, declare, That the Defen­dant in such Attachment is indebted to the Plaintiff therein named in the Sum of Forty Shillings, or more; and that the Defendant is and has been absconded from the Place of his usual Abode for the Space of six Days, with Design to defraud his Creditors, as is believed; and that the Defen­dant has not lest a clear Estate in Fee-simple within this Province sufficient to pay his Debts, so far as such Plaintiff or Deponent knows or believes. Which Oath or Affirma­tion the Officer that grants such Writs is hereby impowered [Page 245] and required to administer, and to file the same in the Court to which the said Attachment is returnable: And if any Attachments be granted or issued out otherwise or contrary to the true Intent and Meaning hereof, the Officer or Per­son so granting the same, shall, for every such Offence, forfeit the Sum of [...]ive Pounds; the one Half for the Use of him or her that will sue for the same, the other Half to the Governor, for the Support of Government.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Writs of At­tachment to be served by the Sheriff or Coroner. That all Writs of Attachments to be issued out as aforesaid, shall be directed to and served by the Sheriff or Coroner of the proper County; who shall attach all the Lands, Goods, Chattels and Effects whereof the Defendants, in every of the said Writs named, were possessed or reputed Owners at the Time of their Abscond­ing, in whose Hands [...]oever the same can be found: Chattels and Effects to be [...]thwith ap­praised, &c. And that all the said Chattels and Effects, attached by Virtue of such Writs, shall forthwith be appraised, inventory'd and secured by the Officer who executes the Writs, in such Hands as he shall answer for.

AND if any of the Defendant's Money, Defendant's Effects, gar­nished, shall also be at­tached. or other Ef­fects, happen to be garnished in other Hands, the same shall also be attached, and the Garnishees obliged to appear and answer at the Return of such Writs, and be proceeded against in such Manner as by the above-recited Act is dire [...]ed.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, No second Attachment to issue out. That no Second or other Attachment shall, under the Penalty aforesaid, be is­sued against or served upon the Estate or Effects of the same Defendant, unless the first Attachment be not execu­ted or happens to be diss [...]lved by the Court.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Justices ac­cepting the Offic [...]r's Re­turn of Writs, to nominate Men to audit Accounts and adjust De [...]mands. That as soon as the Justices of that Court where the said Writs of Attachment are retur­nable, accept the Officer's Return thereof, they are hereby impowered and required to nominate and appoint Three honest and discreet Men to audit the Accounts of all the Defendant's Creditors, and to adjust the Demands not only of the Plaintiffs in those Attachments, but of all the Rest of the Defendant's Creditors, and settle their Shares or Pro­portions of the Defendant's whole Estate, real and personal, and make true Report of their Proceedings therein to the [Page 246] Justices of the Court, next after such Appointment, which Justices are hereby impowered and required to allow rea­sonable Fees to the said Auditors, out of the Goods or Effects attached as aforesaid, as a Reward for their Trouble.

Auditors to examine Men upon Int [...]ro­gatories, &c.AND for the better Discovery of the fraudulent Prac­tices of the said Defendants, it shall be lawful for the Au­ditors, so as aforesaid to be appointed, or the major Part of them, to examine such Persons as they shall think fit, upon Interrogatories or otherwise, on Oath or Affirmation (which they are hereby impowered to administer) touching th [...] Lands, Tenements, Goods, Chattels or Effects of the said Defendants, and such other Things as may tend to disclose their Estates, or their secret Grants and Alienating of their Effects. And that the said Auditors may, by Warrants under their Hands and Seals, cause to be broke open any Houses, Chambers, Shops, Ware-houses, Doors, Trunks or Chests of the said Defendants, where their Goods or Effects shall be or reputed to be, and seize the same for the Use of their Creditors.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Auditors to make Sale of the Defen­d [...] [...]s Lands, &c. That it shall and may be law­ful to and for the said Auditors, or a Majority of them, to make Sale and Assurance of all the Lands and Tenements, Goods and Chattels belonging to such Defendants, or other­wise to order the same for Satisfaction of their Creditors, rateably, according to the Quantity of their respective Debts: And that every Direction, Bargain, Sale or Assign­ment done by the said Auditors concerning the Premises, pursuant to this Act, shall be good and ef [...]ectual in Law against the said Debtors, their Heirs, Executors and Assigns. And that it shall and may be lawful for a Majority of the said Auditors to grant and assign, And dispose of Debts due to the Defen­dants. or otherwise to order or dispose of all or any of the Debts due or to be due to and for the Benefit of the said Defendants, to the Use of their Creditors. And that the same Grant, Assignment or Dis­position of the said Debts so to be made, shall vest the [...], Right and Interest thereof in the Person or [...] of him, her or them to whom it shall be so granted, as­signed or ordered by the Auditors; so that such Assignees may sue for and recover the said Debts in their own Names, and detain the same to their own Use. And that after such Grant, Assignment or Disposition made of the said Debts, neither the said Defendants nor any other to whom such Debts shall be due, shall have Power to recover the same, nor to make any Release or Discharges thereof.

[Page 247]PROVIDED ALWAYS, Auditors to give 30 Days Notice before Sale of Ef­fects. That the Persons nominated as Auditors shall give publick Notice, thirty Days before the Sale or Disposition of such Goods or Effects as aforesaid, by a publick Advertisement in the Weekly Mer [...]ury, or affixed on the Doors of the respective Court-Houses of this Province.

AND if the said Defendants have heretofore granted, Any Lands conveyed or assured with Power of Re­demption may be sold by them, &c. convey'd or assur'd, or shall at any Time hereafter grant, convey or assure any Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments, Goods, Chattels, or other Estate, unto any Person or Per­sons, upon Condition or Power of Redemption at a Day to come, by Payment of Money, or otherwise, that it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Auditors, or a Ma­jority of them, before the Time of Performance of such Condition, to assign and appoint, under their Hands and Seals, such Person or Persons as they shall think fit, to make Tender or Payment of Money, or other Performance, ac­cording to the Nature of such Condition, as fully as the said Def [...]ndants ought to have done. And that the said Auditors shall, after such Tender, Payment or Performance, have Power to sell and dispose of such Lands and other Estates so assured, upon Condition to and for the Benefit of the Creditors as aforesaid.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, Overplus of Effects to be returned. That the Overplus of the said Debtor's Estate (if any be) after all their Debts and lawful Charges are deducted, shall be returned to such Deb­tors, their Executors or Administrators; any thing herein contained to the Contrary notwithstanding.

PROVIDED ALSO, This Act not to repeal the Law about Attachments. That nothing in this Act contained shall be deemed to repeal or disannul any thing in the Law, entituled, An Act about Attachments under Forty Shillings; any thing herein to the Contrary notwith­standing.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, Any Persons Goods, not In­habitants, [...] be at­t [...]hed. That nothing in this Act contained shall be construed, deemed or taken to ex­empt the Goods or Effects of any Person or Persons, not Inhabitants of this Province, from being attached according to the Directions of an Act of General Assembly of this Province, made in the Fo [...]h Year of the late Queen Anne, entituled, An Act about Attachments; any thing in this, or any other Act contained to the Contrary hereof in anywise no [...]withstanding.

[Page 248]

CHAP. CCLII. An ACT for reducing the Interest of Money from Eight to Six per Cent. per Annum.

BE IT ENACTED by Sir WILLIAM K [...]ITH, Bart. Governor of the Province of Penns [...]lvania, &c▪ by and with the Advice and Consent of the Freemen of the said Province in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, 6 l. per Cent. to be lawful Interest of Money, &c. That no Person shall, directly nor indirectly, for any Bonds or Contracts to be made after the Publication of this Act, take for the Loan or Use of Money, or any other Commodities, above the Value of S [...]x Pounds for the Forbearance of One Hundred Pounds, or the Value thereof, for one Year, and so proportionably for a greater or lesser Sum; any Law, Custom or Usage to the Contrary notwithstanding.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Person [...] ta­king more than 6 l. per Cent. forfeit the Money, or Things lent. That if any Perso [...] or Persons whatsoever, do or shall (alter the Publication of this Act) receive or take more than Six Pounds per Cent. per An [...]u [...], on any such Bond or Contract as aforesaid, upon Conviction thereof, the Person or Persons so off [...]nding shall forfeit the Money and other Things lent; one Half thereof to the Governor, for the Support of Government; and the other Half to the Person who shall sue for the same, by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information, in any Court of Record within this Province, wherein no Essoin, Protection or Wager of Law, or any more than one Imparlance shall be allowed.

CHAP. CCLIII. An ACT for respiting Executions upon certain Iudgments of Courts in this Province.


CHAP. CCLIV. An ACT for vesting the Lands and Lots, com­monly called the Lands of the Free-Society of Traders in Pennsylvania, in Trustees, to be sold for the Payment of such Sums of Money as were paid into the Publick Stock of the said Society for purchasing the said Lands and Lots, and carrying on the Trade designed by said Society.

[Page 249]

CHAP. CCLV. An ACT directing the Process of Summo [...] against Freeholders.


CHAP. CCLVI. A Supplementary ACT, to the Act, entituled, See before Chap. 250 & here­after Chap. 261. An Act for Emitting and Making current Fif­teen Thousand Pounds in Bills of Credit.

WHEREAS, for good Reasons, an Act of Gene­ral Assembly of this Province was made and pub­lished this Session of Assembly, entituled, An Act for the Emitting and Making current Fifteen Thousand Pounds in Bills of Credit; and because of the dubious Con­struction of some Words mentioned in the said Act, it is apprehended, the same will not answer the full Intent for which it was made: Wherefore, for better Explanation thereof, and to supply any Defect that may obstruct the good Ends and Purposes for which the said Act was made, BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by Sir WILLIAM KEITH, Baronet, Governor of the Province of Pennsyl­vania, &c. by and with the Advice and Consent of the Freemen of the said Province in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, Treasurer's Receipt suf­ficient for the Trustees De­livery of Mo­ney. That the Receipts en­joined to be given to the Trustees by the Provincial-Trea­surer and the respective County-Treasurers of Philadelphia, Bucks and Chester, for the respective Sums ordered to be paid to them, in Bills of Credit, by the said Act of Assem­bly, shall de deemed, taken and allowed to be good and sufficient Discharge to the said Trustees, their Heirs, Exe­cutors and Administrators, for the Sums in Bills of Credit in said Receipts mentioned to be received. And that after the aforesaid Sum of Eleven Thousand Pounds, in the said Bills of Credit, ordered to be let out upon Loan by the said Act, shall be accounted for by the said Trustees, and sunk ac­cording to the Directions of the Act of Assembly; the aforesaid Trustees, their Heirs, Executors and Administra­tors, and every of them, shall from thence forward stand and forever be clearly discharged and acquitted of and from all and all Manner of Securities, and other or further De­mands to be had or made for any thing by them done in Discharge and Execution of the Trust reposed in them by the said Act.

[Page 250]AND WHEREAS the Trustees are enjoined by the said Act to attend the Loan-Office at Philadelphia, tw [...] Days in every Week, for the first six Months after the Date of the said Bills: Which Attendance may prove burthensome to the said Trustees, and of no Service to the Publick, if all the said Sum of Eleven Thousand Pounds in Bills of Credit should be let out upon Loan in less Time than the Space of Six Months: BE IT THERE­FORE ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That the Attendance to be given at the said General Loan-Office, Trustees At­tend [...]ce to be at the [...] own Discre­tion. after all the said Bills of Credit are let out upon Loan, shall be at the Discretion of the said Trustees; any thing in the aforesaid Act to the Contrary in any wise not­withstanding.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Coin'd Gold to be current at 2 d. 3 q. per Grain. That Spanish Pistoles, or any Pieces of good coin'd Gold, shall pass in this Province, at the Rate of Two Pence Three Farthings per Grain, or Five Pounds Ten Shillings per Ounce, in all Pa [...]ments whatsoever, and shall be accepted accordingly in the General Loan-Office of this Province; and that no Person shall exact any higher or other Rates for the same under any Pretence whatsoever.

CHAP. CCLVII. An additional ACT to the Act, entituled, An Act for Laying an Excise or Duty on all Wine, Rum, and other Spirits retailed in this Province.


CHAP. CCLVIII. An ACT for the Encouragement of Trade.


CHAP. CCLIX. An ACT for regulating and establishing Fees.

FOR Preventing of Extortion and undue Exactions of Fees by the several Officers and Practitioners of Law in this Province; and to the End that all Fees may be limited and reduced to Certainty, BE IT ENACTED by Sir WILLIAM KEITH, Bart. Gover­nor of the Province of Pennsylvania, &c. by and with th [...] [Page 251] Advice and Consent of the Freemen of the said Provin [...]e, in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, That the Fees of the several Officers and Practition­ers of Law in this Province, shall be as herein after is as­ [...]ertained, limited and appointed, viz.

That the FEES belonging to the Keeper of the Great Seal of this Province, shall be as follows, viz.

For Affixing the Seal to

  • THE Lieutenant Governor's Commission,
    The Keeper of the Great Seal's [...]ees.
    to be paid by the Publick, Fifteen Shillings.
  • The Keeper of the Great Seal's Commission, to be paid by the Party, Twelve Shillings.
  • Any Body of Laws pass'd in any Session of Assembly, [...]o be paid by the Publick, Twelve Shillings.
  • Any Copy of such Body of Laws sent Home for the Royal Assent, to be paid by the Publick, Twelve Shillings.
  • Each private Law for Sale of Lands and Heredita­ments, to be paid by the Party, Six Shillings.
  • An Exemplification of such Laws, to be paid by the Party, Five Shillings.
  • The Master of the Rolls Commission, to be paid by the Party, Ten Shillings.
  • Every Provincial Judge's Commission, to be paid by the Publick, Six Shillings.
  • A Commission of Sheriff of the City and County of Phi­ladelphia, to be paid by the Party, Eight Shillings.
  • A Commission of Sheriff of Bucks and Chester, each, to be paid by the Party, Five Shillings.
  • A Proclamation by the Governor and Council, to be paid by the Publick, Four Shillings and Six Pence.
  • A Commission of the Peace, to [...]e paid by the County, Four Shillings and Six Pence.
  • The Attorney-General's Commission, to be paid by the Publick, Four Shillings and Six Pence.
  • The Secretary's Commission, to be paid by the Party, Four Shillings and Six Pence.
  • The Surveyor-General's Commission, to be paid by the Party, Four Shillings and Six Pence.
  • A Commission for Clerk of the County of Philadelphia, to be paid by the Party, Ten Shillings.
  • A Commission for Clerk of Bucks or Chester, to be paid by the Parties, Five Shillings.
  • The Register-General's Commission, to be paid by the Party, Ten Shillings.
  • [Page 252]Each Coroner's Commission, to be paid by the Party, Four Shillings.
  • A Charter for a City, to be paid by the Parties, Twenty Shillings.
  • A Charter for a Burrough or Town, to be paid by the Parties, Ten Shillings.
  • The Proprietor's Receiver-General's Commission, to be paid by the Party, Four Shillings and Six Pence.
  • Any single Law (other than private Acts) passed in any Session of Assembly, Four Shillings and Six Pence.
  • A special Commission, to be paid by the Publick, Four Shillings and Six Pence.
  • Each Patent for Land or Lots, to be paid by the Party, Four Shillings and Six Pence.

And that the FEES belonging to the Master of the Rolls shall be as follows, viz.

The Master of the Rolls.FOR

  • REcording the Laws of the Province, in a fair, close Hand, including Parchment or Book, for every Line, not less than Twelve Words, one with another, One Half-Penny.
  • Exemplification or Copying of all Laws under the Seal, for the Royal Assent, or for the several Counties of this Province, One Half-Penny per Line, as above.
  • Recording, Exemplifying or Copying all Patents, Commissions, Proclamations, and other Instruments, for each Line, as it stands recorded as above, One Half-Penny.
  • Recording Deeds, Writings, and Things appertaining to the Inrollment-Office, he finding Paper or Parch­ment, for each Line, as aforesaid, One Half-Penny.
  • A Copy or Exemplification of any Record in the said Of­fice, as it stands recorded, for each Line, One Half-Penny.
  • Searching any Roll or Record, One Shilling.
  • Indorsement of Certificate on each Deed proved o [...] acknowledged, and his Hand and Seal thereto, One Shilling and Six Pence.

And that the FEES belonging to the Iustices of the Supream-Court shall be as follows, viz.

Justices of the Supream-Court.FOR

  • ALlowing and Signing the Allocator of every Certi­orari, for removing of Indictments, Orders, &c. Four Shillings.
  • Every Cause brought into Court by Certiorari, or Writ of Error, Six Shillings.
  • [Page 253]Taking Bail to prosecute a Certiorari, Two Shillings.
  • Ju [...]gment on every Writ of Error, Noli prosequi, or other Matter, to the Bench, Six Shillings.
  • Every Rule of Court, Imparlance, Continuance, by Advisement or otherwise, Two Shillings.

And that the FEES belonging to the Governor's Secretary, or Clerk of the Council, shall be as follows, viz.


  • REading and Entring every Petition to the Gover­nor and Council, for Laying out High-Roads,
    Governor's Secretary.
    Two Shillings.
  • Entring their Order thereupon, for Laying out the Road, and Entring the Return thereof when laid out, Four Shillings and Six Pence.
  • A Copy thereof, if required, Three Shillings.
  • Reading and Entring every other Petition, and the O [...]der or Answer thereof, Two Shillings.
  • A Mediterran [...]an-Pass, or Let-Pass, if required, each, Three Shillings.
  • A Register of every Vessel, Four Shillings.
  • [...] of the Provincial-Judges Commission, or for Trial of Negroes, each, Five Shillings.
  • General Commissions of the Peace, to be paid by the County, Five Shillings.
  • A si [...]gle Commis [...]ion for a Justice or Coroner, to be paid by the County, Four Shillings and Six Pence.
  • A single Commission for Sheriff or Clerk, to be paid by the Party, Six Shillings.
  • A Warrant under the lesser Seal to affix the Great Seal to any Body of Laws or single Law pass'd here, Pro­vincial Judges Commission, Commission of the Peace, or an [...] other Comm [...]ssion, Proclamation, or other pub­lick Instrument, each, Two Shillings and Six Pence.
  • [...] for a Pardon, to be paid by the Party, Four [...]illings.

A [...]d that the FEES belonging to the Proprietary's Secretary shall be as follows, viz.


  • EVery Warrant of Land, directed to the Surveyor,
    Proprietary's Secretary.
    Two Shillings.
  • Every Patent for Lands, to be in Parchment, Seven Shillings and Six Pence.
  • Every Recital of Transference, or mentioning more than one Tract or Parcel of Land, Nine Pence each, over and above the said Seven Shillings and Six Pence.

[Page 254] And that the FEES belonging to the Attorney-General shall be as follows, viz.

Attorney Ge­neral.FOR

  • EVery capital Cause, where Life is concerned, Twenty-four Shillings, for the whole Prosecution, to be paid by the Party.
  • And if not found by the Grand-Inquest, Twelve Shillings, to be paid by the County.
  • Every other Matter by Bill of Indictment, Six Shillings.

And that the FEES belonging to the Sheriff of every County of this Province shall be as follows, viz.


  • SErving every Writ of Arrest, and taking into Cus­tody, Four Shillings and Six Pence.
  • Serving a Summons, Three Shillings.
  • Return of a Summons, Arrest or Attachment, One Shilling.
  • Delivery of a Copy of a Declaration, One Shilling.
  • Every Bail-Bond, Two Shillings and Six Pence.
  • Travelling-Charges for every Mile, Two Pence.
  • Summoning or serving a Witness with a Subpaen [...], be­sides Mileage, Nine Pence.
  • Summoning and returning a Jury in every Cause where Issue is joined, Two Shillings.
  • Returning an Execution for Land, Six Shillings.
  • Returning an Execution for Goods and Chattels, One Shilling and Six Pence.
  • Serving an Execution, and selling the Lands or Goods executed or delivered to the Creditor, and returning the Venditioni exponas or Liberari facias, for any S [...]m not exceeding One Hundred Pounds, Six Pence per Pound. If above One Hundred Pounds, Three P [...]c [...] per Pound, and no more. And that no Poundage be paid for more than the real Debt or Damage [...] to the Plaintiff named in the Execution.
  • The Turn-Key's Fees to be paid upon the Discharge of a Prisoner, Two Shillings and Six Pence. But if upon a Debt under Forty Shillings, Nine Pence.
  • Executing Writs of Enquiry of Damages, Attesting the Jury and making Return thereof, Nine Shillings.
  • Executing every Writ of Enquiry, and all Writs or Or­ders of Partition of Lands or Tenements, Attesting the Jury for any Matter or Thing to be done by him about such Partition, and making Return there­of, Twenty Shillings. But if the Business of the Par­tition exceed what the Jury can perform in one Day, [Page 255] then the Sheriff, for every Day more that he shall attend on the Jury about the said Partition, shall have Six Shillings per Diem.
  • Every Judgment in civil Causes, One Shilling.
  • [...]signing every Bail-Bond, One Shilling and Six Pence.
  • [...] criminal Cause, Ten Shillings.
  • [...] capital Cause, Twenty Shillings.
  • [...] Fines, Forfeitures and Amerciaments estreated and paid to the Treasurer, Six Pence per Pound, to be allowed by the Treasurer out of the same.

And that the FEES belonging to every Coroner of the Counties of this Province shall be as follows, viz.


  • VIewing a Dead Body, Ten Shillings.
  • Summoning the Inquest, entring the Verdict, and returning the Inquisition, Ten Shillings.
  • Summoning or Arresting the Sheriff, or any other Per­son for him, Four Shillings and Six Pence.
  • Travelling-Charges, each Mile, Two Pence.

And that the FEES belonging to the Iustices of Peace shall be as follows, viz.


  • WRiting, Signing and Sealing every Warrant,
    Justices of the Peace.
    Mit­timus, Recognizance, Certificate, Pass, or other Instrument, One Shilling and Six Pence.
  • Signing every Attachment, Arrest orSummons, One Shilling
  • Taxing every Bill of Costs, and Signing every Judg­ment of Court, One Shilling.
  • Every Judgment of Court, upon Confession, Default, Noli prosequi, or otherwise, Bench-Fees, Four Shillings.
  • Signing and Sealing every judicial Writ, One Shilling.
  • Respiting every Recognizance, Six Penc [...]
  • Writing the Assignment of a Servant▪ [...]gning it, and keeping a Record thereof, Two Shillings.
  • Taking a Deposition or Affidavit [...] of Court, One Shilling.
  • Every Warrant of Summons, Capias or Attachment, and Execution for Demand under Forty Shillings each, Nine Pence.
  • For every Judgment for such Debt or Demand, Nine Pence.

[Page 256] And that the FEES belonging to the Prothonotary or Clerk of the Supream-Court shall be as follows, viz.

Clerk of the Supream-Court.FOR

  • ENtring every Action or Cause there, One Shilling. Filing the Errors assigned in every Cause, One Shilling.
  • Every Retraxit, Discontinuance or Quashing of a Writ of Error, One Shilling.
  • Entring every Appearance, One Shilling.
  • Filing and Entring any Demurrer, Plea, Replication, and every other subsequent Plea and Issue, One Shil­ling and Six Pence.
  • Calling the Jury and Attesting them, One Shilling and Six Pence.
  • Attesting each Witness in every Cause, Nine Pence.
  • Recording every Verdict, One Shilling and Six Pence.
  • Recording every Judgment, One Shilling.
  • Entring every Continuance, One Shilling and Six Pence.
  • Entring the Arrest of Judgment, One Shilling and Six Pence.
  • Entring every Warrant of Attorney, Committatu [...] or Rule of Court, One Shilling.
  • Reading the Record, which is all the Proceedings be­low and above, Two Shillings.
  • Every Noli prosequi, One Shilling.
  • Filing a Declaration, One Shilling and Six Pence.
  • Reading every Affidavit, Nine Pence.
  • Acknowledging Satisfaction upon Record, One Shilling and Six Pence.
  • Every Subpaena to give Evidence, One Shillin [...] & Six Pence.

And that the FEES belonging to the Clerk of the Court of the General Quarter-Sessions of the Peace and Goal-Delivery i [...] every County and City of this Province shall be as follows, viz.

Clerk of the Quarter-Ses­sions.FOR

  • EVery Warrant of the Peace or Behaviour, requiring to bring Sureties, if drawn by the Clerk, Nine Pence.
  • Every common Warrant, Subpaena or Mittimus, if drawn by the Clerk, Nine Pence.
  • Every Deposition upon Examination, if written by the Clerk, Nine Pence.
  • Every Recognizance, if drawn by him, Nine Pence.
  • Every Indictment of Felony, Trespass, Assault, Battery, Riot, &c. if drawn by the Clerk, Three Shillings.
  • A Copy thereof, One Shilling.
  • [Page 257]Entring every Appearance to every Judgment or In­formation, Nine Pence.
  • Discharge o [...] every Person, upon Bail for the Peace, good Behaviour, Contempt, or the like, with a War­rant of Discharge thereon, One Shilling.
  • Awarding and making out Process against the Defendant upon an Information or Indictment, One Shilling.
  • Discharge of every Indictment upon Ignoramus, Nine Pence.
  • Every Plea of Not-guilty, Nine Pence.
  • Entring every special Plea or Demurrer, One Shilling.
  • Entring every Submission, Nine Pence.
  • Calling the Jury and Attesting them, Nine Pence.
  • Attesting each Witness in every Trial, Four Pence.
  • Entring every Verdict, Nine Pence.
  • Entring every Judgment, Nine Pence.
  • A Copy of every Judgment, Six Pence.
  • Every judicial Writ in criminal Cases, Two Shillings and Six Pence.
  • Respiting a Recognizance, Nine Pence.
  • Every Writ of Restitution, Two Shillings.
  • Drawing and Entring every Order of Sessions, NinePence.
  • Copying of every Order of Sessions. Nine Pence.
  • Reading and Entring every Petition, Nine Pence.
  • Entring the Return at large of a Road laid out, Two Shillings and Six Pence.
  • A Copy thereof, for every Sheet, containing Thirty Lines and Twenty Words in a Line, Two Shillings.
  • Making out the Estreats for levying Fines and Forfei­tures of each Session, One Shilling.
  • Entring Similiter to join Issue, Six Pence.
  • Relinquishing the Plea, and Entring Submission, Nine Pence.
  • A Venire facias, One Shilling.
  • Reading the In [...]ictment and Arraigning the Criminal, Nine Pence.
  • Continuing the Cause after Issue joined, Nine Pence.
  • Reading every Evidence upon Trial, Four Pence.
  • Allowing every Writ of Certiorari, Writ of Error or Pro [...]d [...]ndo▪ Six Pence.
  • Entring a Noli prosequi, Nine Pence.
  • Entring the Rule, upon a Motion to arrest Judgment, Nine Pence.
  • Entring the Arrest of Judgment, Nine Pence.
  • A Habeas Corpus, Two Shillings.
  • [Page 258]Drawing up and examining every Record of all the Proceedings upon Indictments or Informations, in Rolls of Parchment, not less than Ten Inches wide, for every Line containing Twelve Words, Three Farthings per Line.
  • A Copy and Signing thereof, if required, One Half-pen [...]y per Line.
  • Writing every Recommendation for a Licence to keep a Publick Inn or Ale-house, for selling Provision, and all Sorts of Liquors, and Making the Bond o [...] Recognizance, and Entring the said Licence, Bo [...]d or Recognizance, Five Shillings.

And that the FEES belonging to the Prothonotary or Clerk of the Common-Pleas, in every County of this Province, shall be as follows, viz.

Clerk of the Common-Plea [...].FOR

  • EVery Arrest, Attachment or Summons, Three Shil­lings and Four Pence.
  • Every Replevin, Three Shillings.
  • Entring every Action, Six Pence.
  • Filing the Declaration, Six Pence.
  • A Copy of the Declaration, in an Action of Account, Debt, Detinue, Trespass, Assumpsit, Trover and E­jectment, One Shilling.
  • A Copy of a Declaration in an Action of Slander, Co­venant or Waste, Two Shillings.
  • Withdrawing or Discontinuing every Action, Nine Pence.
  • Entring every Appearance, Six Pence.
  • Filing and Entring every Demurrer, Plea, Replication, and Pleas subsequent, and Issue in every Action, Six Pence.
  • Entring every General Issue, Six Pence.
  • A Copy of every Plea, Replication, or Pleas subsequent, Six Pence.
  • Calling the Jury and Attesting them, One Shilling.
  • Attesting each Witness, who shall give Evidence on every Trial, Four Pence.
  • Recording every Verdict, Nine Pence.
  • Entring the Judgment, Nine Pence.
  • Every Continuance, Nine Pence.
  • Entring a Committatur, Nine Pence.
  • Entring every Warrant of Attorney, and Filing, Six Pence.
  • Entring Remittitur for Debt or Damages, Nine Pence.
  • [Page 259]Drawing the Bill of Costs at large, Nine Pence.
  • Acknowledging Satisfaction of a Judgment upon Re­cord, Nine Pence.
  • Making out the Estreats for levying Fines and Forfei­tures in each Court, One Shilling.
  • Each Cause contained in the List of Issues, to be set up in the Clerk's-Office, and in Court when sitting, Three Pence.

And that the FEES belonging to the Register-General of this Province shall be as follows, viz.


  • GRanting and Making Letters of Administration,
    under the Seal of the Office, Registering the same, and taking Bond, Twelve Shillings.
  • Making and Granting Probate of a Will, with Copy of a Will under the Seal of the Office, and Register­ing the same, Fifteen Shillings.
  • A Copy of Letters of Administration, Four Shillings.
  • A Citation, Two Shillings.
  • Filing the Inventory, and Certifying the Time when it was brought into the Office on the Back of the Bond, or if no Bond, giving the Executors such Certificate, Nine Pence.
  • A Copy thereof, if it exceed not One Hundred Pounds, Three Shillings. But if it amount to more, Six Shillings.
  • A Search, One Shilling and Six Pence.
  • A Quietus, Four Shillings.
  • Every Caveat, One Shilling.
  • Filing and Entring a Renunciation, One Shilling.
  • A Copy of an Administrator's Account, if less than one Sheet, Four Shillings: If more, Three Shillings per Sheet.
  • A Copy or Exemplification of a Will under Seal, which does not go with the Probate, for every Line, not less than Twelve Words, One Half-penny.

And that the FEES belonging to the Attornies at Law in this Province shall be as follows, viz.


  • EVery Replevin, if drawn by the Attorney,
    Attornie [...]
    Thr [...] Shillings.
  • All Actions they shall undertake for Plaintiff or Defen­dant, with Declaration, Twelve Shillings.
  • Attending every Writ of Enquiry, Four Shillings.
  • [Page 260]Every Action brought to Judgment, Twelve Shillings.
  • Writing every Writ of Enquiry, Scire facias, Ve [...]ditio [...] exponas, or Execution, Three Shillings.
  • Drawing the Recognizance for prosecuting a Writ of Error, or Certiorari, in the Supream-Court, [...] Shillings and Six Pence.
  • Every Writ of Execution in that Court, Six Shilling [...].
  • Drawing every Warrant of Attorney, Six Pence.

And that the FEES belonging to the Constables within this Province shall be as follows, viz.


  • SErving a Warrant, One Shilling.
  • Travelling Charges, Two Pence per Mile.
  • Serving every Attac [...]ment, One Shilling.
  • Serving an Execution for a Debt under Forty Shillings, One Shilling.
  • Selling Goods taken in Execution, One Shilling.

And that the FEES belonging to all Iuries and [...] within this Province shall be as follows, viz.

Jurym [...]n.FOR trying all Actions upon Issue joined, Eight [...] per Man.

For every Inquisition on Writs of Enquiry of Damag [...], Elegit, Partition, or on any Inquest of Office, or othe [...] Enquiry, each Man, Two Shillings per Diem.

Witnesses.AND that every Witness shall have for every Day he spends in going, coming and attending to give Evi­dence in any Cause, Two Shillings per Diem.

Cryer.AND that the Cryer of every Court shall have for every Action called in Court, Nine Pence.

And that the FEES belonging to the Surveyor of [...] within this Province shall be as follows, viz.

Surveyor.FOR every single Hundred Acres or lesser Quantity, survey'd by him, Seven Shillings and Six Pence.

For Surveying any Tract of Land, above One Hundred Acres, for the first Hundred Seven Shillings and Six Pence, and for every Hundred Acres above, the Sum of Three Shillings.

For a whole Lot, with Return and Plot, Six Shillings.

[Page 261]Which said Fees respectively shall be paid upon their Delivering up the Draught or Plot, and Return of the Survey, signed with the Surveyor's own Hand, to the Owner or Possessor of the said Lands or Lots, and not before.

For Searching for a Warrant or Return, and Copy thereof, each, One Shilling an [...] Six Pence.

For Travelling-Charges, per Mile, Two Pence.

For a Search, if not foun [...], Nine Pence.

And the Surveyor shall, in fair Books, record the Warrant, and shall duly prove the Draught [...], and then record them.

For Recording the Prop [...]ietor [...] Warrant, Making a Return thereof, after the Survey, into his Secretary's [...], Re­cording the same, and for a Draught, Five Shillin [...]

Which Fees as aforesaid are to be in full of all Man­ [...]er of Fees that the Surveyor, or his Deputies, by any Means whatsoever, may hereafter pretend to claim or take for any Matter or Thing relating to his said Office.

AND that the Fees belonging to each Chain-Carrier shall be after the Rate of Three Shillings per Day, Chain-Car­rier. and the Owner of the Land to find a Marker.

AND that the Comptroller shall have, for every Ship or Vessel above One Hundred Tons, Six Shillings, Comptroller. and for [...] Vessels under, Four Shillings.

AND if any Attorney-General, Defective In­dictments to be drawn over again, gratis. Clerk of any of the said Courts, or other Person, draw any Indictment or Infor­mation defective, they shall draw new Bills or Informations gr [...]tis, or forfeit Five Pounds, with full Costs, to be recovered as hereafter directed.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Tables of Fees to be se [...] up. That all and every the respec­tive Officers and Attornies at Law, whose Fees are herein before respectively ascertained, limited and appointed, shall, and are hereby required to make fair Tables of their Fees respectively, according to this Act, and to publish and to set up the same in Manner following, viz. The Fees of the respective Courts in the said Courts from time to time, during the Sitting of the said Co [...]rts; and the Fees of other Officers, in their respective Offices, within Three Months after the Publication hereof, where it shall be constantly exposed to View and Inspection of all Persons who have Business in the said Offices.

[Page 262] Atto [...]nies▪ &c. demanding greater Fees, forfei [...], &c.AND if any Attorney at Law, or Officer herein before mention [...]d, shall neglect or delay to make and set up the Tables of their Fees, as herein before limited and appoin­ted by this Act; or shall, by Colour of any Law, Custom or Usage of this Province or Great Britain, take, dir [...]ly or ind [...]ectly, any more, greater or other Fees than is herein before appointed, for the Doing, Acting or Performing any of the Mattors or Things herein before enumerated; or shall make Demand of any Fees, without giving the Party of whom such Fees shall be demanded, a Bill of Particularis, signed by him, if demanded; or shall refuse, upon Demand, to give the Party a Receipt or Discharge, under his Hand, for the Fees, upon Payment thereof; every such Person or Officer shall forfeit and pay, for the first of every such Offence the Sum of Ten Pounds, current Money of thi [...] Province; and for the second Offence the Sum of Twenty Pounds, Money aforesaid; one Half to the the Governor, for the Support of this Government, and the other Hal [...] to him or them that shall sue for the same: Which, with the Penalties and Forfeitures aforesaid, shall be recovered in any Court of Record within this Province, by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information, wherein no Essoin, Pro­tection or Wager of Law, or more than one Imparlance, shall be allowed. And for the Third, and every other Offence, be liable to be displaced or removed out of hi [...] Office; any Law, Custom o [...] Usage to the Contrary not­withstanding.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, See b [...]fore 8 Ge [...]. I. Chap. 244. That no Attorney or Practitio­ner at Law shall be admitted to make any Plea at the Ba [...] (except in his own Case) without taking the following Qualification by Oath or Affirmation, viz. Attorney's [...]THOU shalt behave thys [...]lf in the Office of Attorney, within the Court, according to the best of thy Learning and Ability, and with all good Fidelity, as well to the Court as to the Cli [...]: Thou shalt use no Falshood, nor d [...]lay any Person's Cause for Lucre or Malice.’

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Assembly­men's Wages. That from and after the Publi­cation of this Act, the Wages of this present Assembly, and of all succeeding Assemblies, shall be Eight Shillings per Diem, for the Speaker, and Five Shillings per Diem, for each of the other Members.

[Page 263]

CHAP. CCLVIII. A Supplementary ACT to an Act, entituled, An Act to prevent the Exportation of Flour not merchantable.


CHAP. CCLIX. A Supplement to the Act, entituled, A [...]t Chap 252. S Geo. I. An ACT for the Making good Beer, &c.

WHEREAS by an Act of this Province, made in the Eighth Year of the Reign of King George, entituled, An Act f [...]r the Making good Beer, and for the Consu [...]ion of Grain in this Province, Prohibiting the Use of Mel [...]ss [...]s, c [...]arse Sugar, or Composition or Extract of Sugar, Honey, foreign Grains, Guin [...]a Pepper, or any Liquor boiled up to the Consistency of Melasses, &c. in the B [...]ewing, Making or Working of any Beer or Ale. And forasmuch as the good Design and Intent of the said Act is or may be [...]rustrated and [...]luded, by the Brewer or his Ser­vant, secretly and clandestinely Aiding and Assisting in the Using Melasses, &c. as aforesaid, in Manner aforesaid: For Prevention thereof, BE IT ENACTED by Sir WILLIAM K [...]ITH, Baronet, Governor of the Province of Pennsyl­v [...]ia, &c. by and with the Advice and Consent of the Freemen of the said Province in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, That every such Brewer, An O [...]th or Affi [...] mation to be taken by Brewe [...]s, not to use Melas­ses, &c in brewing Beer. by himself, Servant, or other Person concerned in Brew­ing strong Beer or Ale for Sale, before they are admitted or licensed, shall be qualified by Oath or Affirmation accord­ing to Law, That he or she will not directly or indirectly, to his or her Knowledge, Privity or Consent, use any of the said Ingredients in the Making, Brewing or Working of such Ale or Beer, or put any therein, either before or after the Brewing thereof, under the Pains and Forfeitures mentioned in the said recited Act: Which said Qualifica­tion sha [...]l be taken by all Persons who shall brew strong Beer or Ale for Sale, in the open Sessions of the Peace within the City or County where they respectively follow their Trades, under the Penalty of Five Pounds: And the J [...]ices of the said Sessions shall cause the same to be en­t [...]r [...]d on Record, according to the Direction, and under the Penalties of the before recited Act.

[Page 264]AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Collector of the Excise [...]o take their Bonds and S [...]curities. That the Collector of the Ex­cise for the Time being shall take the Bonds and other Se­curities to be given by the said Brewers in this and the said recited Act, for the Uses in the said recited Act mentioned, and demand for the same such reasonable Allowance [...] in the said recited Act is appointed; any thing in this, or in the said recited Act, to the Contrary hereof in anywise notwithstanding.

CHAP. CCLX. An ACT for establishing a Ferry over the River Schuylkil, at the End of the High-street of Philadelphia.

FOR the greater Conveniency of the Inhabitants o [...] the West Side of the River Schuylkil, travelling to and from the City of Philadelphia, BE IT E­NACTED by Sir WILLIAM KEITH, Bart. Govern [...] of the Province of Pennsylvania, &c. by and with the Ad­vice and Consent of the Freemen of the said Province [...] General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, That the Mayor and Commonalty of the said City of Phi­ladelphia, Mayor and Commonalty to erect a Fer­ry at the End of High-street. may and shall, at their own proper Cost and Charge, within Eighteen Months after the Publication of this Act, make or cause to be made a sufficient Causeway and Landing at the End of the said High-Street of Phila­delphia, on both Sides of the said River, and shall keep a [...]d maintain the same in good Repair, fit for Footmen, Horses and Carts to pass and repass, and also provide and maintain a good and substantial Ferry-Boat or Boats, and capable Ferry-men, who shall reside and dwell on the West Side of Schuylkil River, and duly and constantly attend the same as Occasion may require.

AND for the Support of the said Ferry, BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority afore­said, That the said Mayor and Commonalty, and their Successors, by their Deputies or Officers, to be appointed for that Purpose, shall receive and take for Ferriage over the said River, of all Persons (the Proprietor and Governor, and their Attendants, only excepted) the several following Rates, and no more, That is to say,

[Page 265] For each Person, One Penny. The Rates of Ferri [...]ge.

For each Hor [...]e, loaded or unloaded, One Penny.

For a Coach or Chariot, One Shilling.

For a Chaise of Four Wheels, Six Pence.

For a Chaise of Two Wheels, Four Pence.

For a Ca [...]t or Wagg [...] with their Loading, One Shilling. And without Loading, Six Pence.

For a Sled loaded or unloaded, One Penny. Besides the aforesaid Rates for each Horse belonging to, and Person accompanying such Coach, Chariot, Chaise, Cart or Waggon or Sled.

For every Cow, or other neat Cattle, boated or swam, Thr [...]e Half- [...].

For every live Sheep, One Half-penny.

And for every Hog or Swine, One Penny.

AND for the better Encouragement of the said Ferry, BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, None to keep a Ferry be­tween Roach' [...] and Bl [...]nston's. That no Person or Persons whatsoever shall keep or use any Boat or Canoe for transporting any Person or Persons, Creatures or Carriages, for Hire or pay, over the said River, in any other Place between those Ferries now called Roa [...]h's and Bl [...]nston's Ferries, on the said River, be­si [...]es the Ferry hereby established, under the Penalty and Forfeiture of Twenty Pounds, lawful Money of this Govern­ment, for each Offence, to be recovered in any Court of Record of this Province, one Half thereof to the Use of the In [...]ormer or Prosecutor, who shall sue for the same, and the other Half to the Use of the Mayor and Commonalty of the said City, wherein no more than one Imparlance shall be allowed.

PROVIDED NEVERTHELESS, That nothing herein contained shall be deemed or adjudged to annul or make void any Contract made between the said Corporation and any Person or Persons whatsoever, in Re­lation to the said Ferry, but that the said Contract is here­by declared as good and effectual to all Intents and Purposes [...] before the Enacting of that Law.

[Page 266]

CHAP. CCLXI. An ACT for the better and more effectual putting in Execution an Act of Assembly of this Province, See before Chap. 250. & Chap. 250. entituled, An ACT for the Emitting and Making current Fifteen Thousand Pounds in Bills of Credit.

Preamble.WHEREAS some Doubts have arisen, That by the Purport and Direction of the said Act, the Trustees of the General Loan-Office of this Pro­vince are restricted from Loan of the said Bills on Mortgage of Lands and Houses subject to any former or other In­cumbrances whatsoever; and the Persons offering to mort­gage are thereby required to declare on Oath or Affirmation, viz. That the Lands, Houses and Ground-Rents are free and clear from any other or former Gift, Grant, Sale, Mortgage, or other Incumbrance to his or her Knowledge. AND inasmuch as all or most of the Lands purchased of the Proprietary of this Province, are held of him, his Heir [...] and Assigns, under certain Rents and Reservations; and many of the Houses and Lots of Ground in the City of Philadelphia, and divers other Parts of this Province, are subjected to Rents and Reservations thence issuing to divers Persons, with Cla [...] ­ses and Covenants for securing the same Rents. AND in­asmuch as many well-meaning People in this Province called Quakers, who conscientiously scruple to take the Affir­mation in the usual Form, are debarred by the said recited Act from taking up of the said Bills of Credit as thereby di­rected; by Means of all which Matters and Things before recited, the good Ends intended by the said recited Act are in a great Measure obstructed: For Remedying whereof for the Future, BE IT ENACTED by Sir WILLIAM KEITH, Bart. Governor of the Province of Pennsylv [...]nia, &c. by and with the Advice and Consent of the Freemen of the said Province in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, Trustees may accept of Es­t [...]tes in Mort­gage, tho' in­c [...]mber'd w [...]th Grou [...]d-rents, &c. That it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Trustees, and they are hereby authorized and impowered, upon Loan of the said Bills, to accept in Mortgage any Messuages, Lots, Lands or Tenements in this Province, of all Manner of Persons whatsoever who have therein an inde [...]eazible Estate of Inheritance in Fee-simple, tho' the same Messuages, Lands or Tenements be held under or subject to any Reserve, Quit-Rent, Ground-Rent, [Page 267] or other incumbent annual, half-yearly or quarterly Payment whatsoever thence issuing: Trustees to inform them­selves of the clear Value of Lands, &c. But before the Trus­tees shall accept of any Mortgage of any Messuages, Lands or Tenements so incumbred with any Rent or Rents, they shall inform themselves of the clear Value of the same Messuages, Lands and Tenements, over and above the Va­lue of the Rent (not reckoning the said Rents at mo [...]e than Twenty, n [...]r less than Twelve Years Purchase) and shall let out upon Loan to the Mortgager one Third Part of the clear Value aforesaid, to the best of their Judgment, in Bills of Credit, on S [...]cu [...]ity of the same Messuages, Lands and Tenements, at the same Rate of Interest, for the same Term, in the same Manner and Form, subject to the same Provisoes and Conditions, and to and for the Ends, Intents and Purposes, as by the said recited Act is directed and appointed concerning other Houses, Lands, Rents or Hereditaments.

PROVIDED NEVERTHELESS, AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Any Quaker scrupling the Affi [...]mation, may sincerely declare, &c. That where any Person, being a Quaker, doth scruple to take an Affirmation in the usual Form, he or she shall be admitted by the said Trustees to mortgage, upon his or her solemnly or sincerely declaring to be true, That he or she is seized of the Lands, Houses or Ground-Rents so offered to be mortgaged, at the Time of Executing the Mortgage-Deed, in his or her own Right, to his or her own Use, and not in Trust; and that free and clear of any Gift, Grant, Sale, Mortgage, Arrearages of Ground-Rent, and all other Incumbrances, to his or her Knowledge (the Proprietary's Quit-Rents or other Ground-Rents then to accrue, and discovered to the said Trustees, only excepted.) And the same Exception shall be admitted by the said Trustees to all Persons Mortgagers, Swearing or Affirming in the usual Form, as required by the said recited Act; any Law, Usage or Custom to the Contrary notwithstanding.

PROVIDED ALSO, AND BE IT FUR­THER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That at any Time or Times after any Default shall happen to be made, in Payment of any Sum or Sums of Money, On Default of Payment the Trustees to sue, &c. by any Mortgager or Mortgagers, according to the Direc­tion of the said recited Act; or in the more especial Form and Manner specified in the Deeds of Mortgage respectively (whether the same Deeds have been already made and [Page 268] executed pursuant to the same Act, or shall hereafter be so made and executed) it shall and may be lawful to and for the Trustees of the General Loan-Office aforesaid, to s [...]e forth and prosecute any Action or Actions of Debt, for Re­covery of the Mortgage Monies, or any Part or Parcel thereof, either upon Bond (where Bonds have been or shall be taken for Performance of the Covenants contained in the Mortgage-Deed) or otherwise, as the Trustees shall think fit, to the [...]ses, Intents and Purposes mentioned and appointed by the said recited Act.

AND WHEREAS, by a Clause in the said reci [...]d Act, it is enacted, viz. That the Sum of Two Hundred Pounds, in the Bills aforesaid, are to be delivered into the Hands of the Treasurer of the County of Bucks, and the further Sum of Three Hundred Pounds, in the said Bills, into the Hands of the Treasurer of the County of Ch [...]ster, to be applied by the respective Treasurers of the several Counties aforesaid, in such publick Services as in the same Act men­tioned: But inasmuch as the Monies will not be wanted for those Services for a considerable Time; and to the End that a Circulation of the said Bills may be more speedily promoted: Therefore, BE IT FURTHER ENAC­TED by the Authority aforesaid, That the Rep [...]esenta­tives in General Assembly of the said respective Counties, shall receive of the respective Treasurers of the same Coun­ties, so much Monies in the Bills of Credit so delivered, or to be delivered pursuant to the said Act (which the Trea­surers are hereby required to pay pursuant to Orders of Assembly) as will amount to discharge the Assembly-men's Wages of the respective Counties, now due, or to become due during this present Session of Assembly.

[Page 269]

At a GENERAL ASSEMBLY begun at Philadelphia, in the Province of Pennsylvania, the Fourteenth Day of October, in the Tenth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE, King of Great Britain, &c. Anno (que) Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty-three, and continued by Adjournments until the Twelfth Day of December following: On which Day the following ACTS were passed by Sir WILLIAM KEITH, Bart. Governor of the said Province, That is to say,

CHAP. CCLXII. An ACT for the Emitting and Making current Thirty Thousand Pounds in Bills of Credit.

WHEREAS by Virtue of an Act of Assembly of this Province passed in the Ninth Year of His present Majesty's Reign, Preamble. Bills of Credit for Fif­teen Thousand Pounds were struck and emitted, which being [Page 270] being found by Experience to fall far short of a sufficient Medium in Trade, and could not supply the Wants of such as then had and still have Occasion to borrow upon the S [...] ­curities prescribed by the said Act: Therefore that those Deficiencies may be supplied, and a further Provision made for Support of this Government, may it please the Governor that it may be enacted, AND BE IT ENACTED by Sir WILLIAM KEITH, Bart. Governor of the Province of Pennsylvania, &c. by and with the Advice and Consent of the Freemen of the Province aforesaid in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, That indented Bills of Credit, 3 [...],00 [...] l. in Bills of Cre­dit to be printed. to the Value of Thirty Thousand Pounds, c [...] ­rent Money of America, according to an Act of Parliament made in the Sixth Year of the Reign of the late Queen Anne, entituled, An Act for ascertaining the Rates of foreign Coins in her Majesty's Plantations in America, shall be made and prepared before the first Day of the Month called March next: Which Bills shall severally contain therein the Sums hereafter respectively mentioned, and no other, That is to say, Number of Bills of each Sort. Eighteen Thousand of the said Bills the Sum of Twenty Shillings in each of them: Eight Thousand of the said Bills the Sum of Fifteen Shillings in each of them: Five Thousand of the said Bills the Sum of Ten Shillings in each of them: Six Thousand of the said Bills the Sum of Five Shillings in each of them: Six Thousand of the said Bills the Sum of Two Shillings and Six Pence in each of them: Si [...] Thousand of the said Bills the Sum of Two Shillings in each of them: Four Thousand of the said Bills the Sum of Eighteen Pence in each of them: And Seven Thousand of the said Bills the Sum of One Shilling in each of them.

AND the Trustees hereafter named shall (at the Charge of this Province, to be defray'd and paid in Bills of Credit) cause and procure the said Bills to be made and printed upon good Paper or Parchment, in the Form following, and not otherwise, viz. Form of the Bills.THIS indented Bill shall pass current for — i [...] all Payments, according to a Law of Pennsylvania. [...] the — Day of — in the Y [...]ar our LORD One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty-Three.

WHICH Bills shall be signed and numbred by Francis Rawle, Signers Names. Anthony Morris, Charles Read and Samuel Hudson, or a Majority of them. And the Sums of Money that every of the said Bills is to pass for shall be printed at the Top [Page 271] of each Bill, in Words at length, with the Arms of Penn­ [...]l [...]ania on the left, and the Signers Names subscribed on the other Side thereof.

AND that the Counterparts of all the said Bills shall be likewise printed, Counterparts of the Bills to be numbre [...] by theSigner [...], and delive [...]d to the Lo [...]n-Office and shall be numbred by the Signers, who shall deliver the same unsigned to the said Trustees for the Time being at the General Loan-Office hereby intended to be erected, where they shall remain in Books kept for that Purpose, under the Care and Charge of the said Trus­tees, for the trying the Truth of the original Bills whenso­ever there shall be Occasion. And the same Bills shall be so fashioned as may render them less liable to be counter­f [...]ited or fraudulently resembled, by putting the Figure or Shape of a Crown in Five Shilling Bills, two Crowns in Ten S [...]illi [...]g Bills, three Crowns in Fifteen Shilling Bills, and four Crowns in Twenty Shilling Bills. And the said Signers shall also deliver to the said Trustees, at the said Loan-Office, the Original of all the said Bills so made forth, numbred and signed as aforesaid, not exceeding the Number herein before respectively limited and appointed, taking the said Trustees Receipts for the same, and charging them respec­tively with the Monies contained in the Bills so delivered in order to be lent out as herein after directed. Signers to keep Accou [...]t of the Bills delivered And the said Signers shall cause to be kept a true Account of all the said Bills by them signed and delivered to the Trustees as aforesaid; and for their Trouble, Care and Diligence in doing what is required of them by this Act, they shall receive Thirty-five Pounds a-piece, payable to each of them, Their Salary. his Executors, Administrators or Assigns, in Bills of Credit, to be delivered to them by the said Trustees, within six Days after they deliver the said Bills and Counterparts in the Lo [...]n-Office as aforesaid.

BUT before the said Persons hereby appointed, Signers to take an Oath or Affirma­tion. or here­after to be appointed by Virtue of this Act, to be Signers of the said Bills of Credit, presume to act therein, they shall take an Oath or Affirmation before any one Justice of the Peace of the City or County of Philadelphia, who is hereby impowered and required to administer the same, charging them jointly and severally, That they will well and truly number, sign and deliver all the said original Bills of Credit, and truly number and deliver all the Counterparts of the same Bills, and keep a true Account of what Bills they sign and deliver, with the Counterparts thereof, according to the Direction of this Act.

[Page 272]AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Trustees Names. That Samuel Carpenter, Iere­miah Langhorne, William Fishbourn and Nathaniel Newlin, shall be and are hereby nominated and appointed Trustees for the holding and ordering of the said General Loan-Office, and for the Receiving and Issuing the said Bills of Credit and taking Securities for the same; and for the directing, managing and performing all other Matters and Things hereby injoined and required to be done and transacted by them in the said Office, and relating to the said Bills of Credit, according to the Direction and true Meaning of this Act.

How to be chosen in case of Death, &c.AND if any of the said Trustees shall happen to die or be removed for Misfeazance, or for not Acting, it shall be lawful for the Assembly of this Province from time to time, during the Continuance of this Act, to elect and ap­point some other fit Person or Persons in the Place or Places of such Trustee or Trustees so dying, misbehaving or re­fusing as aforesaid. But if no Assembly be then Sitting, it shall be lawful for such of the Trustees as survive and act, to choose others to supply such Vacancies until the Assem­bly sits: And that the Trustee or Trustees so from time to time elected and appointed, shall have the same Power and Authority as if they had been nominated and appointed by this Act.

How Trustees are to be sti­led, and their Power.AND that the Persons now or hereafter appointed Trustees by Virtue of this Act, shall be stiled The Trustees of the General Loan-Office of the Province of Pennsylvania, and by that Name shall have Succession during the Con­tinuance of this Act, and by the Name aforesaid shall be able and capable in Law to receive, take, hold, enjoy and retain to them, and their Successors in the said Trust, all such Lands, Tenements, Rents and Hereditaments, and all such Plate as shall be granted them in Mortgage, for secu­ring the Re-payment of such Sums of Money as they shall from time to time lend and issue in the said Bills of Credit, and also to sell, grant, alien and dispose of the same in De­fault of Payment, as in and by this Act is provided and di­rected in those Cases, and by the same Name to sue and implead, be sued and impleaded, answer and be answered, in all Cases relating to the said Trust, in all Courts and other Places whatsoever; and by the Name aforesaid to do and execute all other Matters and Things that to them shall or may appertain to do and perform, pursuant to this Act, [Page 273] subject to the Provisoes, Restrictions and Limitations herein expressed.

AND that the said Trustees for the time being, Trustees to attend at the Loan-Office. or any three of them, shall duly attend at the said Loan-Office every third and fourth Day, commonly called Tuesday and Wednesday, in every Week, until all Demands for borrowing Money in the said Loan-Office be answered; and afterwards at such Times as their Trust and Service of the Publick may require them, during the Continuance of this Act.

AND such of the said Trustees as shall undertake and execute the said Trust, Trustees Sa­lary. shall be allowed for their Service and Trouble therein, after the Rate of Twenty Pounds per Annum a-piece, added to the Fifty Pounds per Annum allowed them as Trustees, for Emitting the said Fifteen Thousand Pounds, during the Continuance of that Act; and after the Expiration thereof the Sum of Seventy Pounds per Annum a-piece during the Continuance of this Act, payable to each of them, his Executors, Administrators or Assigns, in the said Bills of Credit, during the Continuance of their Trust.

BUT the said Trustees before they receive the said Bills, Trustees to give Bonds to the Treasurer or enter upon the Execution of their said Trust, each of them shall enter into Bond to the Provincial-Treasurer for the time being, in the Penalty of One Thousand Pounds each, conditioned for the due Observance of all Things required of them by this Act, and true Performance of the Trust hereby reposed in them; and shall also take an Oath or Affirmation before any one Justice of the Peace of the City or County of Philadelphia, who is hereby impowered and required to administer the same, in these Words, to wit, ‘I A. B. will, according to the best of my Skill and Knowledge, Trustees Qualification. faithfully, impartially and truly demean myself in the Dis­charge of the Trust committed to me by an Act of General As­sembly of this Province, entituled, An Act for the Emitting and Making current Thirty Thousand Pounds in Bills of Credit, according to the Purport and Tenor of the said Act, so as none may be prejudiced by my Consent, Privity or Procure­ment.’

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Trustees to receive into the Loan Of­fice Bills and Counterparts, and give Re­ceipts, &c.. That the said Trustees, after they are so qualified, shall receive into the said Office all such and so many of the said Bills of Credit and Counter­parts [Page 274] thereof from the said Signers as they may have Oc­casion to lend out from time to time, and thereupon shall give their Receipts for the same, and keep true Accounts as well of the said Bills which they respectively receive and issue out, as also of the Money and Bills which they shall actually receive and pay pursuant to this Act: To which Ac­counts a Com­mittee of As­sembly shall have Access. To which several Accounts the Committee of Assembly, hereafter appointed to audit the said Trustees Accounts, shall have free Access at all seasonable Times, to the End they be satisfied that the Sums for which Bills may be issued pursuant to this Act, is not exceeded; and may be acquainted from time to time with the State of the whole Transactions and Affairs relating to the said Office.

AND forasmuch as the chief Intent of appointing the said Trustees, is in order to enable them to lend the said Bills on Securities of Lands at low Interest; Therefore, IT IS FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Trustees to lend 26500 l. of the said Bills on Land Security. That the said Trustees shall lend out the Value of Twenty-six Thousand Five Hundred Pounds of the said Bills, on Land Securities, at the Interest of Five per Cent. per Annum, for the Term of twelve Years and a Half, from the Date of the said Bills, in Sums not exceeding Two Hundred Pounds, nor less than Twelve Pounds Ten Shillings, to any one Person.

Which are to pass in all Payments.WHICH said Bills so lent shall pass in all Payments from any Person or Persons to any other Person or Persons, and shall be deemed to be good Payment for Debts, Rents, Goods, Chattels, Plate, Bargains, Sales, Specialties, Bonds and all other Demands whatsoever, as if the same were paid in the Coins mentioned, and at the full Rates ascer­tained in and by the said Act of Parliament; and shall be as effectual a Bar of such Suits or Actions as shall be brought for such Debts or Demands, as if the Money had been paid at the Day and Place, according to the Condition, Defe [...] ­zance or Contract, and had been so pleaded; and the Ten­ders and Refusal, or not receiving of the said Bills, shall be available and conclusive in Law and Equity, as if such Ten­ders were in the said Coins, or in current Coins of England, or in any other Coin or Specie mentioned in the Contracts upon which any such Tenders are made.

AND if at any Time pending an Action upon any Bond or other Writing obligatory, the Defendant shall bring into Court, where the Action shall be depending, all [Page 275] the Principal-Money and Interest due on such Bond or Writing, with all the Costs that have been expended in any Suit or Suits in Law or Equity upon such Bonds or Wri­tings, the said Money or Value thereof, in the said Bills of Credit hereby made current, so brought into Court and of­fered at the Value and Rates set upon them by this Act, shall be deemed and taken to be in full Satisfaction and Discharge of the said Bond or Writing, and the Court shall forthwith give Judgment to discharge every such Defen­dant off and from the same accordingly.

AND for the better Discovery of Incumbrances which may affect the said Securities, Searches to be free. it shall be lawful for the said Trustees, and such as they shall appoint from time to time, to make Searches in any Office in this Province; and, if there be Occasion, take Copies or Transcripts of the Dockets, or Notes of any Extents and Judgments, or of Mort­gages and Entails, kept in any of the said Offices, without paying any Fee or Reward for the same.

AND to the End said Trustees may be the better ena­bled to perform their said Trust, Trustees to inform them­selves of the clear Value and Titles of Land, &c. they shall inform them­selves as well of the clear Value as of the Titles of all the Lands, Houses and Ground-Rents which shall be proposed in Security for the said Bills, so as to be satisfied that the said Lands and Ground-Rents are at least double the Value, and Houses treble the Value of the Sums requested to be lent, and then they shall receive and take the same in Mortgage accordingly.

PROVIDED, That upon all the Loans hereby in­tended, the Trustees shall take Care that the Borrower has an indefeazible Estate in Fee-simple in the Lands, Tenements, Rents and Hereditaments by him proposed to be mort­gaged; and that they are free from former Sales, Gifts, Grants, Mortgages, Entails, and all other Incumbrances, [...]cept the Proprietary's Quit-Rents, or other Rents issuing out of the same.

BUT before the Trustees shall accept of any Mort­gage upon Messuages, Lands or Tenements, subject to the Payment of such Quit-Rents, Ground-Rents, Rent-Charge, or other annual Payments, they shall duly consider, and, ac­cording to the best of their Skill, find out the clear Value thereof, not reckoning the said Rents at more than Sixteen, nor less than Ten Years Purchase; and shall let out upon [Page 276] Loan to the Mortgager one third Part of the Value afore­said, in Bills of Credit, at the Interest, and for the Term aforesaid.

The Person offering Lands, &c. in Mortgage to take an Oath or Affirma­tion.AND that the Person offering any of the said Houses, Lands, Ground-Rents or Rent-Charge to mortgage for any of the said Bills, shall, at or before the Time of executing the Deed of Mortgage, declare upon Oath or solemn Affir­mation in the usual Form, but in case that be scrupled, then in the Form allowed by a late Act of Parliament to the People called Quakers in England, which the Trustees, or any one of them, are hereby impowered and required to administer, That he or she is really seized of the Premises in his or her own Right, and to his or her own Use, and that the same were not conveyed to him or her in Trust for the Use of any other Person, nor with Intent to raise any Sum or Sums of Money upon the same by Way of Loan, or otherwise, for the Use of any other Person or Per­sons whatsoever; and that the Lands, Houses and Ground-Rents, or Rent-Charge, mentioned in the Deed by him or her to be executed, are free and clear from any former or other Gift, Grant, Mortgage, or other Incumbrance, to his or her Knowledge, excepting the Proprietary's Quit-Rents or other Charges appearing in his or her Deeds then pro­duced: Which Oath or Affirmation shall be indorsed on the Back of the Mortgage, with the Day and Year of the Caption thereof; for which the Clerk shall receive Six Pence, and no more.

Trustees shall take and re­ceive Deeds of Mortgage in Fee simple.AND for securing the Payment of the Sums or Value so lent as above directed, the said Trustees, or any three of them, shall, in Pursuance of the Trust hereby reposed i [...] them, and as Trustees of the General Loan-Office aforesaid, and not otherwise, take and receive Deeds of Mortgage in Fee-simple for what they lend: Which being executed and acknowledged or proved, as herein after directed, shall transfer the Possession of the Lands, Houses and Heredita­ments thereby granted, to the said Trustees, and vest the Inheritance thereof in them and their Successors, as fully and effectually as Deeds of Feoffment, with Live [...]y [...]nd Seizin, or Deeds inroll'd in any of the King's Courts at West­minster, The general Words in Mortgages to be construed a [...] particular Covenants. may or can do in England. In all which Deeds, the Words [ Grant, Bargain and Sell] shall amount to and be construed and adjudged in all Courts of Judicature, to be express Covenants to the said Trustees, their Successors and Assigns, from the Bargainer or Mortgager, for himself, his [Page 277] Heirs, Executors and Administrators, that the Mortgager, notwithstanding any Act done by him, was, at the Time of the Execution of such Deed, seized of the Hereditaments and Premises thereby granted of an indefeazible Estate in Fee-simple, free from all Incumbrances (Rents due to the Lord of the Fee, with the other Rents and Reservations contained in their respective Deeds, only excepted) and for quiet Enjoyment thereof against the Mortgager, his Heirs and Assigns, and all claiming under him or the for­mer Owners thereof; and also for a further Assurance to be made by the Mortgager, his Heirs and Assigns, as the Case may require; so that those express Covenants are not to be set down at large in any of the Mortgages, but that the said Trustees and their Successors in the said Trust respec­tively, shall and may, in any Action to be brought, assign Breaches thereupon as they might do in Case such Cove­nants were expresly inserted in such Deeds.

AND that all the said Mortgages or defeazible Deeds, Mortgage [...] to be enter'd in Books, &c. being sealed and delivered to the said Trustees, or some of them, in Presence of two or more credible Witnesses, and proved or acknowledged before any Justice of the Peace in this Province, shall be fairly enter'd at the Charge of the Mortgagers, in large Books to be for that Purpose provided and kept by the said Trustees as herein after directed; An attested Copy thereof to be Matter of Record. an attested Copy of any of the said Deeds so enter'd and certi­fied under the Hands of the said Trustees for the time be­ing, or any three of them, shall be and is hereby declared to be Matter of Record, and shall be good Evidence to prove the Sale or Mortgage thereby mentioned to be made.

AND the said Trustees shall, at their own proper Costs and Charges, provide the said Books of Royal or other large good Paper, well bound and covered, wherein shall be re­corded all the said Deeds of Mortgage given in Security for the said Bills of Credit to be lent out as aforesaid.

AND for the more regular Management of the Affairs relating to the said Office, Trustees shall chuse [...] Clerk. the Trustees are hereby impowered to choose and imploy a fit and able Person (for whom they shall be answerable) to serve them as Clerk of the said Of­f [...]ce, during their Pleasure; who, for recording every one of the said Deeds shall have the Sum of Four Shillings, and for every attested Copy thereof Four Shillings, and no more, and for every Mortgage-Deed that he draws, the Sum of Eight [...]hillings, and no more; which said Sums are to be [Page 278] paid by the Mortgager, his Heirs, Executors or Adminstra­tors, in full Satisfaction of all Fees and Charges demandable by the said Clerk, for Drawing, Ingrossing and Recording the said Deeds, and inspecting the Title of the Lands and Premises thereby mortgaged.

The Clerk to prepare Bond and Warrant of Attorney, &c.AND the said Clerk shall also prepare a Bond of dou­ble the Mortgage Money for every Mortgager to execute along with their respective Deeds of Mortgage, conditioned for the Payment of the Money borrowed, with the Interest, according to the Proviso or Condition contained in every such Deed of Mortgage; and shall also prepare a Warrant of Attorney to be, at the same Time, signed and sealed by every Mortgager, impowering such Person or Persons as the Trus­tees shall nominate and appoint to acknowledge or suffer Judgment, which they the said Trustees are hereby requi­red to cause their Attorney to enter, in due Form of Law, in the Court of Common-Pleas for the proper County, against such Mortgager as shall make Default in the Pay­ment of the Mortgage Money, or any Part thereof, accord­ing to the Direction of this Act, and Times of Payme [...]t specified in the Proviso contained in his Mortgage Deed, either in Actions of Ejectment to gain the Possession of the mortgaged Premises, or in Actions of Debt to be brought upon any of the said Bonds for Non-Performance of the Conditions thereof, or in such Actions of Debt as the said Trustees are hereby required to bring for the Value of these Bills of Credit, which happen to be received by the Mort­gagers, whose Title to the Lands, Tenements or Heredit [...] ­ments by them mortgaged shall prove defective, together with the Interest hereby allowed upon such Loans, and Costs of Suit. And the said Clerk shall also insert a Re­lease of Errors in every of the said Warrants of Attorney: And for the said Bonds, Warrants of Attorney, and Release of Errors, the said Clerk shall have One Shilling and [...] Pence each, and no more.

BUT before any Person so chosen to be Clerk shall enter upon the Execution of his said Office, he shall take an Oath or Affirmation, before some Justice of the Peace of the City or County of Philadelphia, who is hereby im­powered and required to adminster the same, in these Word [...], Clerk's Qua­lificationI A. B. shall truly and faithfully perform and execute the Office and Duty that is directed and required of me, accor­ding to a Law of this Province, entituled, An Act for Emitting [Page 279] and Making current Thirty Thousand Pounds in Bills of Credit; and that I will keep a just and true Account of the Names of all such Persons as shall apply to the said Office for Bills of Credit, and will prepare and record their Deeds of Mortgage in the same Order of Time as their Applications are made, without any undue Preference, unnecessary Delays, or fraudulent Practice.’

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, How the Mo­ney lent shall be paid in. That the said Sums of Money so lent upon Mortgage shall be paid [...]n again, with the an­nual Interest, in the said Bills of Credit, or in current Money of America, or in any other Bills of Credit made current by a Law of this Province, to the Trustees of the General Loan-Office aforesaid, in Manner following, That is to say, One Twelfth Part and Half of the said Sum borrowed, with the whole Interest of Five per Cent. per Annum, shall be annually paid by the Mortgager, his Heirs, Executors or Administrators, to the said Trustees; who shall indorse the Sum received, both Principal and Interest, upon the B [...]ck of the Mortgage-Deed, and for each Indorsment made in Manner aforesaid they shall be paid, by the Mortgager, the Sum of Six Pence, and no more.

AND at the last Payment of the said Money and In­terest, the said Mortgage shall be releas'd and delivered by the said Trustees; from which Time the said Lands, How the Mortgage [...] are to be re­leased at the last Payment. Hou­s [...] and Ground-Rents so mortgaged or engaged shall be forever clearly acquitted and discharged; and the said Trus­tee [...] shall make an Entry, in the Margin of the Inrollment of the said Mortgage, of the Day and Year of such Discharge and Release; for which they shall be paid by the Mortga­ger the Sum of Six Pence, and no more. An attested Copy of which Entry of the said Discharge or Release of such Mortgages, signed by the Majority of the said Trustees for the time being, shall be as valid and effectual in Law, as their Re-conveyance of the mortgaged Premises made and exe­cuted in the usual Form, can be to the Mortgagers, their Heirs and Assigns.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, 500 l. m [...]y be lent out of the Loan-Offi [...]e to one Person after eight Month [...]. That if any Part of the said Thirty Thousand Pounds be remaining in the said Office at the End of eight Months, next ensuing the Date of the said Bills, and not taken out upon Loan, it shall be lawful to and for the said Trustees to lend out the same to any Person or Persons, in the same Manner, and upon the [Page 280] like Securities as herein before directed concerning other Loans, so as the whole Sum thenceforth to be advanced or lent to any one Person exceed not the Value of Five Hun­dred Pounds in the Whole.

PROVIDED ALSO, AND BE IT FUR­THER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That until some Default shall be made by the said respec­tive Mortgagers of or in Payment of the Mortgage-Money, The Mortga­ger to enjoy quiet Posses­sion until De­fault made. or some Part thereof, it shall be lawful for them and their Heirs to hold and injoy the mortgaged Premises, with the Appurtena [...]es; any thing in the Deeds of Mortgage, or in this Act contained, to the Contrary notwithstanding.

Trustees upon D [...]ault to sell the mor [...]ga­ged Premises, and no Re­demption to be had of the same.BUT if Default shall be made or suffered by any of the said Mortgagers, their Heirs, Executors, Administrator [...] or Assigns, of or in Payment of any of the said yearly Pay­ments or Sums, whether in Part of the Principal or Interest which they or any of them should have paid on the Days and Times and in Manner and Form as in and by their re­spective Deeds of Mortgage shall be specified, it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Trustees for the time be­ing, at their Discretion, either to take their Remedy by Course of Law, as herein above directed, and proceed to take the mortgaged Lands and Hereditaments in Execution as for other Debts; or, within two Months next after the Days whereon the same ought to be paid, according to the several Provisoes or Conditions in th [...] [...]id Deeds respecti [...]ely contained, to enter upon the Land [...], Houses, Rents and Hereditaments in the same Deed specified, and expose the same to a publick Sale; and thereupon sell and convey the same Lands, Hereditaments and Premises to the best Pur­chaser, and out of the Money arising by such Sale detain and keep the Monies to them due thereon, and all Cost [...] and Charges relating thereto, returning the Overplus, if any be, to the Owners of such Lands and Hereditaments; and that then and in such Case the Owners of such Lands and Hereditaments shall stand absolutely for-closed from all Equity of Redemption of the same.

Sheriff's Sale not to be avoi­ded or relea­sed.PROVIDED ALSO, That if any of the said Judgments, which Warrant the Awarding of any Writs for the Sale of the said Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, shall at any time hereafter be reversed for any Error or Er­rors, then and in every such Case none of the said Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments so as aforesaid taken or sold, [Page 281] or to be taken or sold upon Executions, nor any Part thereof, shall be restored, nor the Sheriff's Sale thereof avoided.

AND that no Sale, No Estate to go to the Ven­dee but what appears to b [...] mo [...]tgaged. which shall be made by Virtue of this Act, shall be extended to create any further Estate to the Vendees, than the Lands or Hereditaments so sold or delivered, shall appear to be mortgaged for by the said re­spective Mortgages or defeazible Deeds.

PROVIDED ALSO, Trustee [...] to let out Money on Pl [...]te Secu [...]i [...]y, and sell the same upon Default. That it shall and may be lawful to and for the Trustees of the Loan-Office aforesaid, or any three of them, to let out upon Loan, in such Man­ner as they shall think best, any Sum of the said Bills of Credit not exceeding the Sum of Two Hundred Pounds to one Person, upon Security of good Plate, to be delivered to them at the Value of Five Shillings current Money of Ame­rica per Oun [...]e, and at the Interest of Five per Cent. per Annum; to be paid in again to the said Trustees within the Space of twelve Months, with the Interest aforesaid: And in case of Non-Payment, to sell and dispose of the said Plate for the most it will yield, returning the Overplus, if any be, to the Owner thereof, after Payment of the Princi­pal and Interest, with the Charges accrued thereupon.

AND WHEREAS the Funds, provided for the Support of this Government, have proved deficient, and divers Sums claimed as Debts due from this Province remain yet unpaid: Therefore, BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, 13 [...] l. to the Provincial Treasurer. That the Sum of Thirteen Hundred Pounds in the said Bills of Credit be delivered to the Pro­vincial-Treasurer for the time being, who shall give his Receipt for the same; which Receipt shall be deemed, ta­ken and allowed to be good and sufficient Discharge to the said Trustees, their Heirs, Executors and Administrators, for the Sums in Bills of Credit mentioned and contained in such Receipts: Which said Bills, How to b [...] apply'd. or so many of them as shall be needful, the said Treasurer shall forthwith apply to the Paying and Discharging the several Sums of Money due and to be due and owing by an Order of Assembly of this Province And that the aforesaid Sum of Thirteen Hundred Pounds, How to [...] sun [...] hereby directed to be lent to the Provincial-Treasury, and the Sum of Two Thousand Pounds lent the [...] Treasury, in Bills of Credit, last Year, shall be truly [...]unk, as the Sum or Sums of Money due o [...] to be due to this Province, from the Collectors of the Impost and [Page 282] Excise, and by An Act for laying a Duty on Negro [...]s imported; and by An Act for imposing a Duty on Persons [...]onvicted of heinous Crimes imported into this Province, &c. and by an Act of this present Assembly for laying an Ex [...]ise on all Wine, Rum, Brandy, and other Spirits, retailed in this Pro­vince, are paid to the Provincial-Treasurer for the Time being.

AND WHEREAS the Assembly is given to un­derstand, on Behalf of the Commissioners and County-Trea­surer of Philadelphia, that the said County is indebted for Arrears of Assembly-Men's Wages, and other Demands for carrying on and finishing the Publick Buildings, which cannot be effected without an Addition to the last Year's Loan. And it being also represented by the Mayor and Recorder of the City of Philadelphia, that they want also to borrow Bills of Credit for the publick Service of the said City; BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Sums of Mo­ney to be lent to the City & County of Philadelphia; and how to be applied. That the Sum of One Thousand Pounds, in Bills of Credit made current by this Act, be de­livered by the said Trustees to the Treasurer of the said County of Philadelphia, who shall give his Receipt to the said Trustees for the same. And that the further Sum of Three Hundred Pounds, in the said Bills of Credit, be delivered by the said Trustees to the Mayor and Commonalty of the said City of Philadelphia, they giving their Receipts to the said Trustees for the same, and securing the Re-payment thereof, with Interest of Five per Cent. per Annum, by Obli­gation under their common Seal, to be given to the Trustees of the Loan-Office. And that the like Sum of Three Hun­dred Pounds be delivered to the Treasurer of the said City, without Interest, for four Years, to be by the Mayor and Commonalty applied towards the Building and Repairing of publick Wharffs and Bridges in the said City, they likewise giving their Receipts to the said Trustees for the same.

A Sum to be lent to the County of Chester.AND that the Sum of Four Hundred Pounds, in Bills of Credit, be delivered by the said Trustees to the Treasurer of the County of Chester, he giving his Receipt for the same: And that Three Hundred Pounds thereof be applied towards building a Court-House at Chester; and the other Hundred Pounds for Making and Repairing Bridges on the King's High-Road from Philadelphia to New-Castle, and towards other publick Charges.

[Page 283]AND that the further Sum of Two Hundred Pounds, A Sum to be lent to Bucks County. in Bills of Credit, be delivered to the Treasurer of the County of Bu [...]ks, he likewise giving his Receipt for the same.

AND that the said several Sums so lent, and not here­by already appropriated to particular Uses, shall be applied to such publick Services as the said Mayor and Common-Council sh [...]ll▪ within the Limits of the said City, and the Commis [...]ners and Assessors of the said Counties shall, with­in th [...]ir [...]everal Precincts, respectively order and direct. And that the said several Receipts shall be deemed and al­lowed to be good Discharges to the said Trustees, their Heirs, Executors and Adminstrators for the Sums respec­tively mentioned therein.

WHICH said Bills shall be sunk by such Proportions as other Loans are in this Act appointed by Taxes to be laid for that Purpose, How the same shall be sunk. in the same Manner that County and City Levies are usually raised and levied, until all the said Bills of Credit, so as aforesaid received on the Account and for the Use of the said City and Counties respectively, be sunk in the Manner hereby prescribed for sinking Bills of Credit in the said Loan-Office, and as the said Act for Emit­ting Fifteen Thousand Pounds in the like Cases directs.

AND WHEREAS the true and regular Sinking of the said Bills of Credit will very much conduce to the keeping up the Value of the same; BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Committee of Assembly to audit the Ac­counts of the Loan Office, &c. That a Committee of the As­sembly of this Province shall, once every Year, or oftner, as the Assembly shall think fit, be appointed to audit the Accompts of all the Monies so as aforesaid to be received by the Provincial-Treasurer, County-Treasurers and Mayor of Philadelphia, together with the Sums of Money, in Bills of Credit, let out upon Loan to the Inhabitants of this Pro­vince, according to the Direction of this Act, and also the Sums of Money and Bills of Credit received by the said Trustees from the respective Mortgagers, their Heirs, Exe­cutors and Administrators; and shall, within one Week next after the said Accompts are so audited, affix Advertise­ments on the most publick Places of the City of Philadel­phia, setting forth what Quantity of Money has been re­ceived and is in the Hands of the Trustees aforesaid, over and above what will pay the Interest due to the Publick for the Loan of the said Bills of Credit let out upon Mort­gage by Virtue of this Act; which Money shall by the [Page 284] said Trustees be given in Exchange for Bills of Credit made current by this Act to any Person or Persons bringing in the same. How the y [...]r­l [...] Q [...]ota [...] [...] to be sunk. And the said Bills of Credit, received as Part of the Principal Sum lent out of the said Office in Manner a­foresaid, and remaining in the Hands of the Trustees, shall, within ten Days after such Audit, be sunk and destroy'd in the Presence of the Committee, who shall be appointed Auditors, they having first compared the [...]aid Bills of C [...]e­dit with their Counterparts, and entred into a Book to be kept for that Purpose the Number and Value of each Bill of Credit so sunk and destroy'd.

After the Sum emitted shall be sunk the Trustees are discharged.AND that after the aforesaid Sum of Twenty-six Thou­sand Five Hundred Pounds, in the said Bills of Credit, order'd to be let out upon Loan by this Act, shall be accounted for by the said Trustees, and sunk according to the Direc­tion of this Act, the aforesaid Trustees, their Heirs, Exe­cutors and Administrators, and every of them, shall, from thence forwards, stand and forever be clearly discharged and acquitted of and from all and all Manner of Security, and other or further Demands to be had or made for any thing by them done in Discharge and Execution of the Trust re­posed in them by this Act.

The whole Principal and Interest being paid dischar­ges the Mo [...]t­g [...]ge.PROVIDED ALWAYS, That if any Person or Persons who shall take upon Loan any of the said Bills of Credit, shall see cause at any time after the Making the [...]aid Mortgage, and before the Forfeiture and Sale thereof, to pay down the whole Principal and Interest then due, in the like Publick Bills of Credit or current Money of Ame­rica; upon his or her so doing, such Mortgage or Security shall be released and delivered in the Manner before directed, and the Lands, Ground-Rents and Houses in the said Mortgage Deed contained and mortgaged, shall be forever discharged therefrom.

AND IT IS HEREBY DECLARED AND ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Sum or Sums shall be paid down, And the Trus­tees shall let out the same on Loan. pursuant to this Clause, or to the like Clause in the said Act for Emit­ting Fifteen Thousand Pounds, before or at other Days or Times of Payment, than what are or shall be mentioned or specified in the respective Mortgages, then and in every such Case it shall be lawful for the Trustees of the Loan-Office hereby and by the said Act erected respectively, and they are hereby required, in the Presence of the Committee [Page 285] of Assembly, to sink such Part or Parts of the Principal Sums due upon the said Mortgages, when such Payments are made as the said Acts respectively direct in other Cases, and thereupon emit or let out upon Loan all the Residue thereof, together with such other Sums as shall arise from the Sales of Estates forfeited and sold pursuant to the said Accompts. All which Sums so emitted shall be secured and made payable, with the Interest of Five per Cent. per Annum, at such Days and Times, and after such Manner as in and by this, and the said other Act, is respectively li­mited, and not otherwise, so that the Payments be propor­tioned to the Time [...]nexpired in the said respective Acts.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Interest of Bills of Credit to be dispose [...] of by t [...]e Assembly That the annual Interest re­ceived for the Loan of the said Bills of Credit, which shall be remaining in Money in the Hands of the said Trustees, after the Accounts are audited as aforesaid, and after Salaries and Charges allowed by this Act are deducted, shall be dis­posed of in such Manner as the Assembly of this Province shall from time to time think fit to order and direct.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Person or Persons whatsoever, within thi [...] Province, shall, Penal [...]s on Persons offer­ing Goods cheaper [...]or Silver or Gold th [...]n [...]id bills▪ during the said twelve Years and a Half, offer to sell or expose to Sale any Goods or Chattels, Lands or Tenements whatsoever, and deny or refuse to sell, or ask a greater Value for the same, unless Payment be made in current Silver Money, Gold, Plate, Dollars, or other Specie whatsoever, and not in the said Bills of Credit (whereby the Credit of the said Bills may be impaired) then and in such Case the Person so ex­posing to Sale, and refusing as aforesaid, shall, if the Goods or Chattels exposed to Sale be under the Value of Five Pounds, forfeit the Sum of Thirty Shillings, for each Offence, to be recovered before any Justice of the Peace within this Province, upon the Oath or Affirmation of any two Wit­nesses; and if the Value of the Goods or Chattels, Lands or Tenements, be above Five Pounds, and under Fifty Pounds, the Exposer-to-Sale shall forfeit the Sum of Five Pounds; And if the Goods or Chattels, Lands or Tenements be above the Value of Fifty Pounds, and under One Hundred Pounds, the Exposer-to-Sale shall forfeit the Sum of Ten Pounds; And if the Value of the Goods and Chattels, Lands or Tene­ments be above One Hundred Pounds, the Exposer-to-Sale shall forfeit Fifty Pounds, to be recovered by Action of Debt [Page 286] in any Court of Record within this Province, with C [...]sts of Suit. The first two Fo [...]feitures to be to the U [...]e of any Per [...]on that shall sue for the same; the other two Forfei­tures, the one Half to the U [...]e of such Persons as shall sue for and prosecute the same with [...]ffect, the other Half to the Governor, to be applied towards the Support of the Government of this Province; any Law, Custom or Usage to the Contrary in any wise notwithst [...]nding.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Penaltie [...] on Person [...] coun­te [...]fei [...]ing Bills. That if any Person or Persons whatsoever shall presume to forge or counter [...]eit, or [...]e Aiding or Assisting in Forging or Counterfeiting any of the [...]aid Bills of Credit, or utter or cause to be utter [...] or offered in Payment, any Bill or Bills (knowing the same to be ac­tually forged or counter [...]eited) with an Intent t [...] [...] any other Persons, and be the [...]eof legally convicted, he, [...]e or they so off [...]nding shall be set upon the Pillory in [...]me open publick Place, and there have b [...]th his or her [...] cut off, and be publickly whipp'd on his or bare Back with Thirty-one Lashes well laid on; and moreover shall [...] the Sum of One Hundred Pounds, current Money of Ame [...]ica, to be levied of the Lands and Tenement [...], Good [...] and Cha [...] ­tels of such Offenders, the one Ha [...] thereof to the Use of the Government, and the other Ha [...] thereof to the Disco­verer. And the Offender shall pay to the Party gri [...]ved double the Value of the Damage sustained b [...] the said coun­terfeit Bills, together with the Costs and Charges of P [...]o [...]e­cution. And in Case the Person or Persons [...]o convicted have not sufficient to satisf [...] the Party for his or her Dama­ges and Charges, and to pay the Forfeiture aforesaid, then and in such Case, the Offender or Offenders shall, by Order of the Court before which they were convicted, be sold [...]or any Term, not exceeding Seven Years, for Satisfaction of the same. And in such Case the Trustees of the said Loan-Office shall reward the Discoverer and Prosecutor of such insolvent Offenders to the Value of Five Pounds.

AND that all Magistrates, and others, into whose Hands any counterfeited Bills may happen to come, How counter­feit Bill [...] sh [...]ll be dispos'd of. shall forthwith deliver the same to one of the Trustees of the [...]aid Loan-Office, who shall cause the Names of those that de­livered them, and of the Persons from whom they were ta­ken, to be indorsed on the Back thereof; which Bills shall be safely kept in the said Office, and be forth-coming when there may be Occasion to make Use of the same.

[Page 287]AND IT IS HEREBY DECLARED AND ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid▪ That this present Act, and the said other Act for Emitting Fifteen Thousand Pounds, shall be taken and allowed in all Courts within this Province as publick Acts, all Judges, Justices and other Pe [...]sons concerned therein are hereby required to take Notice thereof as such, without Pleading the same specially.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, 400 l. may be set out upon Lo [...]n to Owen Roberts. That it shall be lawful for the said Trustees of the Loan-Office to lend unto Owen Ro [...]erts, Collector of the Impost, &c. the Sum of Four Hundred Pound [...], upon his giving Land Security, as is usual upon such Loans: Which Sum is to be delivered to the Provincial-Treasurer, towards paying the Arrears due from the [...]ai [...] Ow [...]n Roberts to the Treasury of this Province; any Thing herein contained to the Contrary notwithstanding.

CHAP. CCLXIII. An ACT laying an Excise on all Wine, Rum, Brandy, and other Spirits, retailed in this Province.


CHAP. CCLXIV. An ACT to improve the Breed of Horses, and regulate Rangers.

WHEREAS the Multitude of small-sized Stone-Horses, running at large in the Woods, have very much degenerated the Breed of good Horses, and is found very detrimental to the Inhabitants of this Pro­vince, it is thought necessary that some suitable Remedy be provided in that Behal [...]: We therefore pray that it be enacted, AND BE IT ENACTED by Sir WILLIAM KEITH, Bart. Governor of the Province of Penn­sylvania, &c. by and with the Advice and Consent of the Freemen of the Province a [...]ore [...]aid in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, The Size of Stone Horses that are suf­ [...]e [...]ed [...]o run in [...]he Woods. That from and a [...]ter the Publication of this Act, no Stone-Horse of above Eighteen Mo [...]ths [...] shall be suffered to run at large with­in this Province, unless such Horse be of a comely [Page 288] Proportion, and, by the Judgment of the Taker-up and one Freeholder in the Neighbou [...]hood where he is taken up, shall be full thirteen Hands high, from the Ground to the Withers, reckoning four Inches Standard Measure to one Hand.

Penalty on suffering Hor­ses of lesser Size to run in the Woods.AND in case any Stone-Horse, otherwise than is above described, shall be found loose and at large in the Woods, it shall and may be lawful for any Freeholder to take up and secure such Horse or Horses, in order to have them cut or gelt by a skilful Gelder, on the Risque of the Owner, or cause him or them to be detained until the Owner or Owners of such Horses (having speedy and convenient No­tice thereof) shall geld or cut, or cause them to be gelt or cut; for which taking-up and gelding the Owner or Owners of such Horse or Horses shall pay to the Person so taking up, securing and gelding, the Sum of Ten Shillings, to be recovered in like Manner before any Justice of the Peace a [...] a Debt under Forty Shillings.

Proviso.PROVIDED ALWAYS, That no Person shall be entituled to the said Sum of Ten Shillings, unless Proof be made, by one or more credible Witnesses, that the Horse so gelt was seen well one Month after the Time of gelding.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Stone-Horse or Horses shall be found at large above the Age aforesaid, and under fourteen Hands high, it shall and may be lawful for any Freeholder to take up such Horse or Horses, and with the Assistance of two other sufficient Freeholders of the Neighbourhood where such Horse is taken up, to view the said Horse or Horses, and if they shall judge such Horse or Horses not of comely Proportion or fit to [...]un at large, ac­cording to the Intent and Meaning of this Act, then it shall be lawful for the said Freeholders to order the same to be gelt by such a Person as is above directed. And all Person [...] whatsoever that are or shall be Owner or Owners of such Horse or Horses [...]o judged and geldt, shall pay the like Sum as above allowed (to be recovered in the same Manner) as is by this Act directed; any Law, Usage or Custom to the Contrary in anywise notwithstanding.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Horse or Colt shall be taken and gelt according to the Direction of this [Page 289] Act, and no Owner can be found in the Space of Twelve-months, that th [...]n and in such Case it shall and may be lawful for such Person or Persons, with the Advice and Con­sent of any two Justices of the Peace of the County to which they respectively belong, to sell the same by publick Ven­due for the most that can be got, and all and every such Person and Persons are hereby required to pay all the Mo­ney arising by such Sales (after the Deduction of all inci­dent Charges allowed by this Act) into the Hands of the County-Treasurer for the Time being, for the Use of the County.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That no Person, No Person t [...] r [...]nge the Woods with­out Licence. by Colour of Commission, or as a common Ranger, shall be allowed to range in the Woods or Forests after Horses or Mares, with­out Licence first obtained from the County Court where he lives, under the Penalty of suffering as a Horse-Stealer, for every Horse or Mare that such unlicensed Person shall take up, brand, mark, or dispose of.

AND forasmuch as it will be necessary for one or more Persons in the respective Counties of this Province, Justices at the Q [...]ter-Ses­s [...] to pay and satisfy the Ranger. to be licensed as Rangers in and for each County, who are here­by impowered and required to take up and secure all Hor­ses and Mares for which no Owner can be found, and all such Horses and Mares (after they have been posted in three or more publick Places within every County of this Province, at least one Year) to sell and dispose of in such Manner as is before by this Act directed; which said Li­cence the Justices at their General Quarter-Sessions of the Peace for the said respective Counties, are hereby im­powered and require [...] to grant, and make such Allowance to the said Rangers for taking-up and securing the Horses and Mares aforesaid as they shall think fit.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That in case any Person or Persons shall at any time be sued for any thing they do by Virtue of this A [...]t, they may plead the general Issue, and give this Act in Evidence.

[Page 290]

CHAP. CCLXV. An ACT for continuing a [...] est [...]blishing a Ferry over Neshaminey Creek, on the King's High-Road from Philadelphia to Bristol, in the County of Bucks.


CHAP. CCLXVI. An ACT to enable Trustees to sell the old Court-House and Prison belonging to the Burrough and County of Chester.


At a GENERAL ASSEMBLY begun at Phila­delphia, in the Province of Pennsylvania, the Fourteenth Day of O [...]tober, in the Eleventh Year of the [...] of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE, [...]ing of Great Britain, &c. Anno (que) Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty-four, and continued by Adjourn­ments 'til the Twenty-first Day of August, in the Twelfth Year of his said Majesty's Reign: The following ACTS were passed by Sir WILLIAM KEITH, Bart. Governor of the said Province, That is to say,

CHAP. CCLXVII. An ACT to prev [...]nt the Exportation of Bread and Flour [...]ot merchantable.

Repealed 7 Geo. II. Chap. 320.

[Page 291]

CHAP. CCLXVIII. An ACT to enable Jere [...]iah Langhorne, William Biles, Joseph Kirkbride, jun. Thomas Watson, Practitioner in Physick, and Abraham Chapman, to build a new [...] Prison in the County of Bucks.

WHEREAS it hath been represented to this House, Preamble. That the Courts o [...] General Quarter-Ses­sions of the Peace, and Common-Pleas for the County of [...], have of late been held at the Burrough of Bristol, in the said County; and that a great Number of the Inhabitants are settled many Miles back from that Place, which mak [...]s their Attendance at Courts very in­convenient and burthensome to the People living so re­mote; and that the Township of Newt [...]wn is near the Centre of the inhabited Part of the said County; and if a Court-House and Prison were erected in the said Township, it wou [...]d be very commodious, and much for the Ease of the In­habitants of the said County in general: May it therefore please the Governor that it may be enacted, AND BE IT ENACTED by Sir WILLIAM KEITH, Bart. Governor of the Province of Penn­sylvania, &c. by and with the Advice and Consent of the Freemen of the Province aforesaid in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, Persons ap­p [...]inted to buy Land, to build the Court-House, &c. That it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Ieremiah Langhorne, William Bil [...]s, Ioseph Kirkbride, jun. Thomas Watson and Abraham Chapman, or any three of them, to purchase, and take Assurance, to them and their Heirs, of a Piece of Land, scituate in some convenient Place in the said Town­ship of Newtown, in Trust and for the Use of the said County; and thereon to erect and build, or cause to be erected and built, a Court-House and Prison, sufficient to accomodate the publick Service of the said County, and for the Ease and Conveniency of the Inhabitants.

AND BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Commission­ers and Asses­sors to levy Money for the same. That for the Defraying the Charge of Purchasing the Land, Building and Erecting the Court-House and Prison aforesaid, it shall and may be lawful to and for the Commissioners and Assessors of the said County, or a Majority of them, who are hereby required [Page 292] to assess and levy so much Money as the said Trustees, or any three of them, shall judge necessary for Purchasing the Land and finishing the said Court-House and Prison. Provided always, Not exceed­ceeding 300 l. The Sum of Money so raised do not exceed Three Hundred Pounds current Money of the Province.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, TheCourts to be kept, and Elections to be m [...]de at the said Court-House. That when the said Court-House shall be erected as aforesaid, that from thenceforth the several Courts of General Quarter-Sessions of the Peace, and Goal-Delivery, and the Courts of Common-Pleas for the said County, shall be holden and kept at the said Court-House, when the same is built and erected in the Township of Newtown as aforesaid; and the Election of Representatives to serve in General Assembly, Assessors, and all other Offi­cers of the said County who are or shall be appointed to be annually elected, or otherwise shall be made and elected at the said Court-House; any Law, Custom or Usage to the Contrary in anywise notwithstanding.

CHAP. CCLXIX. An ACT for raising of County Rates and Levies. See a Supplem [...]nt to this Act 6 Geo. II. Chap. 326.

WHEREAS by the Help and Directions of a Law of this Province, passed in the fourth Year of his present Majesty's Reign, entituled, An Act for the more effectual Raising of County Rates and Levies, the Method of those Assessments are brought to a competent Certainty and Regulation; but inasmuch as by a Supple­mentary Act, passed in the eighth Year of this Reign, the Number of Commissioners appointed by the first Act was reduced, and the Manner of their Choice and Succession settled, it is now thought convenient that both those Acts should be reduced to one, omitting some Clauses, which at present may not be of absolute Necessity to insert; BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by Sir WILLIAM KEITH, Bart. Governor of the Province of Pennsylvania, &c. by and with the Advice and Consent of the Freemen of the Province aforesaid, in General Assembly met, The present Commissio­ners and Asses­sors to act. and by the Authority of the same, That the present Commissioners for putting the said Acts in Execution, to­gether with the Assessors of the respective Counties of Philadelphia, Chester and Bucks, now in being, shall continue [Page 293] in their several Places, and execute the Powers and Autho­rities given and required of them by the same Acts, for and during all the Time they were respectively appointed to serve, according to the Direction of those Acts.

AND in Regard it is intended, that three Commissio­ners shall be continued to execute this Act in every Coun­ty of this Province, and that the Eldest or First-chosen of them, shall be successively changed, by yearly Elections, in each County; IT IS THEREFORE ENAC­TED by the Authority aforesaid, The Time and Method of electing Members of Assembly, &c. and their Re­turns. That the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the said respective Counties, who are, by the Laws of this Province, qualified to elect and be e­lected Members of Assembly, shall, yearly and every Year, in a peaceable and quiet Manner, meet at the Time and Place appointed for such Elections, or the Day following, unless it be that called Sunday, and then on the Day next after; whereupon they shall choose, not only the said Commissioners, but also Persons to serve in Assembly, and to be Sheriffs, Coroners and Assessors of the said respective Counties, in Manner following, That is to say, all Persons who, by Virtue of the said Laws, have a Right to vote in Elections, shall deliver, in Writing, to the Judges of those Elections respectively, in one Piece of Paper, the Names of eight Persons for whom they vote to serve in Assembly, in one other Paper the Names of two Persons for Sheriffs, and two for Coroners; and in another Piece of Paper the Names of one Person to be Commissioner, and six to be Assessors for each of the said Counties: And when the said Commissioners and Assessors are so chosen, the Sheriff of the respective Counties shall take their Names in Writing, under the Hands and Seals of at least six or more of the said Freeholders, and certify the same to the Justices at their General Sessions of the Peace in each County, next after such Election: Which Return shall be entred on Re­cord, by the Justices Clerk, in their Sessions Minute-Book. And that the Returns of all the said other Elections shall be made as usual, according to the Manner and Form pre­scribed by the said Laws of this Province relating thereunto.

BUT before any of the said Commissioners and Assessors so chosen and returned, shall take upon them the respective Service and Duty by this Act required of them, they shall be qualified, to wit, the new elected Commissioner first, and the Assessors afterwards, by Oath or Affirmation, to the Effect following, That is to say, [Page 294] The Commis­sioners and Assessors Qua­lification.THOU shalt well and truly cause the County Debts to be speedily adjusted, and the Rates and Sums of Money by Virtue of this Act imposed, to be duly and equally assessed and laid, according to the best of thy Skill and Knowledge; and here­in thou shalt spare no Person for Favour or Affection, nor grieve any for Hatred or Ill-will.’

By whom to be administer­ed.WHICH Qualification or Engagement, any two or more of the Justices of the Peace in the proper County, or City of Philadelphia, where such Assessments are usually made, shall have Power, and are hereby required, under the Penalty of Five Pounds a-piece, to administer when re­quired: And the said Qualifications shall be put in Wri­ting, and signed by those that take them, and certified by the Justices, and filed by the Clerk of the Sessions along with the said Sheriff's Return of the Persons so qualified.

On Neglect to chuse, the old ones to stand.PROVIDED ALWAYS, That when the In­habitants of any of the said Counties refuse or neglect to choose Commissioners and Assessors according to the Direc­tions of this Act, then and in every such Case the Com­missioners and Assessors, who officiated the Year next pre­ceeding such Neglect, shall continue to officiate in their respective Stations until another Election be made, accord­ing to the Direction of this Act.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, To meet an­n [...]lly, and to calculate the public Debts, &c. That the said Commissioners and Assessors, or a Majority of them, as soon as conveni­ently they can, after they are qualified as aforesaid, shall annually meet at the Place where the Quarter-Sessions and other Courts are usually held, and then and there, or at such other Times and Places as the said Commissioners, or any two of them, may then after appoint, shall calculate the publick Debts and Charges of the said respective Coun­ties; allowing all just Debts and Demands which now are and hereafter shall be charg [...]ble upon the said respective Counties and City of Philadelphia; and shall from time to time adjust and settle the Sum and Sums of Money which ought of Necessity to be raised yearly, to pay for Repre­sentatives Service in General Assemblies, and to defray the Charges of Building and Repairing of Court-Houses, Pri­sons, Work-Houses, Bridges, and Causeways at the Ends of Bridges; or for destroying Wolves, Foxes and Crows, with such other Uses as may redound to the publick Service and Benefit of the said Counties respectively: And shall [Page 295] also ascertain and set down such competent Sum and Sums of Money as shall be yearly applied towards every of the said Services, together with such Sums as may be needful to make good Deficiencies in County Rates assessed and not yet collected, and to inforce the Collection thereof as Occasion may require.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That the said Commissioners, Commission­ers to [...]ssue their Precepts to the Con­stables to bring in Cer­tificates of all Taxables, &c. on Penalty, &c. or any two of them, in each County, shall, within six Days after their said annual Meetings, issue forth their Precepts, directed to the Constables of every Township, requiring them to bring to the said Assessors, within six Weeks next after the Date of such Precepts, fair and true Certificates in Writing, upon their Oaths or Affirmations, of the Names and Sir-Names of all and every the Persons dwelling or residing within the Limits of those Townships or Places with which they shall be charged, and the Names of all Freemen, I [...]mates, hired Servants, and all other Persons residing or sojourning in every of the said Townships, to­gether with an Account of what Tracts and Parcels of Land and Tenements they respectively hold in such Township; and how many and what Parts of those Tracts are settled, improved or cultivated, and how much of the same Land is sowed with Corn; and how many bound Servants and Negroes, with their Ages; and what Stock of Cattle, Hor­ses, Mares and Sheep they possess, without Concealment, Fear, Malice, Favour or Affection, upon Pain of Forfei­ture of any Sum not exceeding Five Pounds, to be levied as by this Act is appointed.

AND every of the said Constables shall, 3 d. per Pound for the Con­stable. by an Order from one or more of the said Commissioners, have and re­ceive from the Treasurer of the said respective Counties, Three Pence by the Pound, for their Care and Trouble in executing and returning the said Precepts in Manner afore­said.

AND that the Assessors for the said respective Counties, Assessors to meet at the Return of the Commission­ers Precepts. or any four of them, shall meet at the Day and Place where the Commissioner's Precepts are made returnable, and then and there receive the Constables Returns; and shall thereupon, by the Oaths or Affirmation of the said Constables, or other cre­dible Persons, or by any other lawful Ways or Means, inform themselves what Persons and Estates in their respective Counties are rateable by Virtue of this Act; and shall [Page 296] forthwith equally and impartially assess themselves, The Manner of Ass [...]ssing, and who are rateable, &c. and all others rateable as aforesaid, exempting out of such Assessments all unsettled Tracts or Parcels of Land, That is to say, such Tracts of Land as at the Time of the said Assessments making are unseated, altho' the same were for­merly accustomed to be rated in Assessments, and having due Regard to such as are poor and have a Charge of Chil­dren; and no single Man who at the Time of Assessment is under Twenty-one Years of Age, or hath not been out of his Servitude or Apprentiship six Months, shall be rated by this Act; but as to those single Men whose Estates shall not be rated at Fifty Pounds, they shall be assessed after the Rate of Three Shillings a Head, upon a Tax of One Penny per Pound, both for Poor Rates, and City and County Levies.

Proviso.PROVIDED ALWAYS, That no Assessments of County Rates, to be made by Virtue of this Act in any one Year, shall exceed the Value of Three Pence in the Pound, and Nine Shillings per Head.

Proviso.PROVIDED ALSO, That the Propri [...]y and Governor's proper Estate shall not be liable to b [...] rated or assessed by Virtue of this Act.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Persons who [...] Wolves and red Foxes in an inhabi­ted Part of the Country to bring their Heads to a Justice, and receive a Re­ward, &c. That whensoever any Wolves are killed within the inhabited Parts of this Province, and when red Foxes are killed by any Person or Persons (except Indians) within the said inhabited Parts, he or they who kill such Wolves or Foxes shall bring the Heads of them to some Justice of the Peace for the County where they are killed, who is hereby impowered and required to examine the Parties producing such Head, or at the Discretion of the Justice to charge him or them, upon Oath or Affir­mation, to declare where those Wolves or Foxes, whose Heads they so produce, were killed, and by whom; and if it shall clearly appear to the Satisfaction of such Justice, that those Heads were severed from Wolves or Foxes so as afore­said killed, by the Party producing the same, the Justices before whom such Examination is taken shall cause the Tongues and Ears of such Heads to be cut off▪ and upon Proof made as aforesaid, and not before, shall grant an Or­der upon the Treasurer of the County where such Wolves or Foxes are killed, reciting therein the Substance of the Proof, and requiring the Treasurer to pa [...] the Party after [Page 297] the Rates herein after appointed for each Head, That is to say,

For every grown Dog or Bitch Wolf, Fifteen Shillings. Price for kil­ling Wolves and Foxes.

Every Wolf Puppy or Whelp, Seven Shillings and Six Pence.

Every old red Fox, Two Shillings.

Every young red Fox or Whelp, One Shilling.

PROVIDED NEVERTHELESS, Indian killing of Wolves to have the Be­nefit of this Act. That Wolves Heads brought before a Magistrate by any Indian, to claim the Benefit of this Act, shall be attended with a Certificate, or other Proof of some Person in the Neigh­bourhood where such Wolf was killed, certifying, under his Hand, that he saw such Head when green.

AND whosoever kills any Crows, 3 d. per Head for Cro [...]s. he may bring them (but not less than six at a time) to the next Justice of the Peace, who shall see their Bills cut off, and then give the Party that brings them an Order upon the County-Trea­surer to pay him Three Pence per Head, for every such Crow.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Treasurers to enter Sums paid. That all the said respective Sums of Money, with the Names of those Persons to whom payable, and the particular Uses to which they are appro­priated, shall be entred in a Book to be kept for that Pur­pose by the Treasurers of the respective Counties, who are hereby required to provide Books, at their own Charge, wherein they shall make the said Entries accordingly. A Majority of Commission­ers to allow Accounts, &c. And that all Accounts of Debts and Demands, justly chargeable upon the said respective Counties, shall be allowed by a Majority of the Commissioners and Assessors of the same Counties for the Time being, who shall certify such Al­lowance accordingly, by Indorsement on the Accounts; and shall cause the Names of the Creditors, and the Sums so allowed them, to be entred in a Book, which the said Commissioners shall prepare and keep for that Purpose, at the Charge of the said respective Counties.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That the said Assessors shall, Counties to be divided into Districts, and and a Collec­tor to be ap­pointed in each. at the Return of the Commissioners Precepts above-men­tioned, divide the Counties wherein they act into Districts, and appoint some fit Person in every of those Districts to [Page 298] be Collector of the said Assessments from time to time, and shall cause fair Duplicates of the Assessments of each Dis­trict to be drawn; one Part thereof shall, by the Clerk that writes the same, be delivered to one of the said Commissioner [...] of the proper County, and the other Part to the Collector of each District, with Directions from the said Commissio­ners to every such Collector, indorsed on his Duplicate, or annexed thereunto, requiring him to demand of the Parties the respective Sums of Money wherewith they are charge­able, Notice to be given of the Day of Ap­peal, &c. and acquaint them of the Day of Appeal, which shall be appointed by the said Commissioners within one Month after the Assessments are made; but where any of the said Collectors cannot meet with the Party of whom Demand is to be made as aforesaid, he or they shall leave Notice in Writing with some of the Family, or at the Place of the Parties last Abode, signifying also the Day of Appeal; at which Day every of the said Collectors shall return their Duplicates, with the Names of such Persons, and Value of such Estates, as shall be concealed, underva­lued or omitted in the Constables Return.

The Party grieved may appeal.AND if any Person or Persons find him or themselves aggrieved with any of the said Assessments, supposing the same to be unequal, he or they may appeal to the Commis­missioners of the proper County.

Commissio­ners and As­sessors to meet on the Day of appeal, & examine those that appeal, &c.AND the said Commissioners are hereby required to meet on the said Day of Appeal, where the Assessors shall attend, and lay before the Commissioners all the written Certificates of the Names of the Taxables, and the Account of their Estates, returned by the Constables, as this Act re­quires, together with the particular Valuation set by the Assessors upon the Persons and Estates so returned: Where­upon the Commissioner shall take due Notice thereof, and strictly examine the Persons appealing, upon their Affirma­tions, or otherwise, concerning the Cause of their Appeal; and upon such Examination, or Proof of others, they are impowered to diminish or add to such Person's Rate or Assessment, as to them shall seem just and reasonable, with Power also to call before them such Persons, and take Notice of such Estates as they find are omitted in the said Assessments, in order to rectify it: And if the Persons so omitted refuse or neglect to appear and give an Account of the Value of their Estates, they shall pay double the Sum they should or ought to have been rated at by this Act.

[Page 299]AND the said Commissioners, Assessments being rectifi­ed, to cause theirClerks to give five Days Notice. upon hearing of the said Appeals, shall rectify and adjust the said Assessments, by abating or adding to the Sums contained in their said re­spective Duplicates, and cause their Clerks to give the Par­ties concerned, where Omissions are supplied or Additions made to their Assessments, five Days Notice to appear be­fore the Commissioners and make their Objections there­unto: And that the said Clerks shall, Sums total to be delivered to the Trea­surer. within ten Days next after the said Day of Appeal, deliver to the Treasu­rers of the said respective Counties a true Account of the Sums total which every Collector shall be charged with pursuant to this Act.

AND the said Commissioners shall cause their Clerks to draw fair Duplicates of the Assessments of the said re­spective Dist [...]icts so rectify'd as aforesaid, Duplicates to be delivered to the Collec­tors. and deliver them to the Collectors of those Districts where they belong, within twenty Days after the said Day of Appeal, with a Warrant annexed thereunto, under the Hand and Seal of one or more of the Commissioners who signed the Assess­ments, requiring them forthwith to collect and receive from the Persons assessed the several Sums in the said Duplicates respectively mentioned, either in ready Money, In what Spe­cies to be paid. Bills of Credit, or good merchantable Wheat, at Money Price, to be delivered at such Market, Mill or Mills in the said re­spective Counties, where the Charge of the Portage thereof to Philadelphia shall not exceed Three Pence per Bushel; and that the Miller's Receipt for the said Wheat being delivered to the respective Collector by the Persons paying or deli­vering the same as aforesaid, shall be taken by the said Collectors as Payment from the Persons by or from whom the same are delivered as aforesaid.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That the said Collectors shall, Collectors to account once in six Weeks, and pay the Whole in three Months. once in six Weeks at least, render a just and true Account of, and bring in and pay unto the respective County Trea­surers all such Sums of Money and Receipts for Wheat as they shall then have received, and shall pay the Whole and every of the Sums of Money assessed in their respective Duplicates, within three Months next after the said Days of Appeal; and the Treasurers shall give Receipts to the Collectors for what they shall so bring in and pay from time to time; which Receipts shall be the Collector's Dis­charge for so much.

[Page 300] Treasurers to acquaint the Commissio­ners of the Sums receiv­ed, and of the Collectors Neglect.AND that the said Treasurers shall from time to time signify, in Writing, to the said Commissioners, how much every Collector brings in and pays as aforesaid; and when any of the said Collectors are negligent or refuse to do their Duty in the Premises, the Treasurers are hereby re­quired forthwith to signify the same by Way of Complaint to the Commissioners where such Neglect or Refusal shall happen.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid▪ Persons refu­sing to pay in 30 Days after Demand, the same to be distrain'd for. That if any Person or Persons so rated or assessed by Virtue of this Act, shall refuse or [...] ­glect to pay the Sum or Sums so assessed, in ready Money, Bills of Credit, or Wheat delivered in Lieu thereof in Manner aforesaid, by the Space of thirty Days after Demand made as aforesaid, it shall be lawful for the said Collectors respectively, by Virtue of a special Warrant for that Pur­pose, signed and sealed by two or more of the said Com­missioners, who shall forthwith grant the same, and shall thereby impower the said Collectors to call to their Assis­tance, if Occasion be, any Constable or other Person, and in case of Resistance, to break open, in the Day-time, any House, Trunk, Box, Chest, Closet, Cupboard, or other Things, where any such Offender's Goods and Chattels, or other Effects are supposed to be, and make Distress and Sale thereof, rendering the Overplus, if any be, to the Owners, after reasonable Charges deducted.

For Want of Distress to take the Bo­dies.BUT if no Distress can be found by the Collector, and the Party refuses or neglects to shew them Goods or Chat­tels of his own forthwith to satisfy the Money then due, with reasonable Charges, then the Collector shall take the Body of every such Person, and bring him to the County Goal, and deliver him to the Sheriff or Keeper of the said Goal, who shall detain him in safe Custody, without Bail or Main prize, until Payment be made.

If Effects for Part, the De­linquent to be imprisoned for the Resi­due.PROVIDED ALWAYS, That where Effects cannot be found sufficient to answer the whole Sum in A [...] ­rear, with Charges as aforesaid, then Distress shall be made for so much as the Effects extend to, and the Party to be imprisoned only for the Residue thereof, with incident Charges: All which Charges of Distress, Assistance, and bringing to Prison, shall be adjusted and settled by any two or more of the said Commissioners, when such Occasion shall happen.

[Page 301]AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, I [...] Collectors neglect to pay, to be fined. That if upon Complaint of the Treasurer to the Commissioners▪ it shall appear that any of the said Collectors refuse or neglect to pay the said Sums of Money, or other Effects, which he or they shall be re­spectively charged to collect, or produce Receipts testifying the Payments or Delivery thereof as aforesaid, and deliver the Money or Receipts for Wheat in the Manner and at the Time by this Act required, retaining such Sums as is hereby allowed for collecting and paying the same, then the Commissioners of the proper County, or any two of them, shall fine every such delinquent Collector, in any Sum not exceeding Ten Pounds, and appoint others to act in his or their Stead.

AND moreover, Process to issue against de­linquent Collectors Estates▪ it shall be lawful for the said Com­missioners of the proper County, or any two of them, and they are hereby required, to meet and issue out their War­rants, under their Hands and Seals, directed to the Sheriff or Coroner of the proper County, requiring him to take the Body, and seize and secure the Estate, real and personal, belonging to such Delinquent, or which shall come into the Hands or Possession of his Heirs, Executors or Administra­tors, wherever the same can be discovered or found in this Province, and make Return of his Proceedings therein, at such Time and Place as the Commissioners shall appoint.

AND that the said Commissioners, Commissio­ners to ap­point a Gene­ral Meeting, and to issue theirPrecepts, to sell the said Estates, &c. who shall cause the said Lands and Estates to be seized and secured as aforesaid, shall be and are hereby impowered to appoint a Time for a General Meeting of the Commissioners of such County, and there do cause publick Notice to be given where such Meeting shall be appointed, six Days at least before such General Meeting; and the Commissioners then present at such Meeting, or the major Part of them, in case the Money detained by such Delinquent be not then paid or satisfied, shall and are hereby impowered and required to issue sorth their Warrants or Precepts to the Sheriff or Coroner of the proper County, impowering and requiring him to sell and dispose of all such Estates as shall be for the Cause afore­said seized and secured, or any Part thereof, and to bring the Money arising by such Sale to the Commissioners who granted such Warrants, in order to satisfy and pay unto the respective County Treasurers for the time being the Sum or Sums that shall be so unpaid or detained in the Hands of the said Collectors, or other Persons, their Heirs, [Page 302] Executors or Administrators respectively, with Damages for what shall be so unpaid, returning the Overplus (if any be) to the Owner, after all necessary Charges deducted.

The Title of which shall be by Deed from the She­riff or Coro­ner.AND when any Sale of Lands, Tenements or Heredi­taments shall be made by such Sheriff or Coroner respec­tively, pursuant to this Act, the Title and Conveyance thereof shall be by Deed, signed▪ sealed and delivered by the Sheriff or Coroner to such Person or Persons as shall purchase the same, in Fee-simple, or otherwise; which shall be most absolute and available in Law against the said Delinquents, and their Heirs and Assigns, and all claiming under them.

Gifts, &c. made after the Money should have been paid, are declared to be fraudulent.AND that all Gifts, Grants and Sales, which shall be made by any of the said delinquent Collectors, or other Officers respectively, of any of their said Estates, after the Time they should have paid the Money or Effects arising from the said Assessments (unless the Estate so seized be sufficient to answer what they are in Arrear) are hereby declared to be fraudulent, and shall not prevent or avoid the Seizure and Sales hereby appointed to be made thereof as aforesaid.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Freemen and hired Servants to be taxed, Housholders to give Ac­count of their Lodgers, &c. on Penalty, &c. That all Freemen, not being Housholders, nor having a certain Place of Abode; and all the said hired Servants, shall be taxed at the Place where they reside at the time of the Constables taking their Name [...] as aforesaid; and that every Housholder shall, at the Re­quest of the said Constables of the respective Township [...], Wards or Places, give an Account of the Names, Qualifi­cations and Estates of such Persons as shall sojourn, lodge or dwell in their respective Houses, under the Penalty of Forty Shillings, to be levied, charged and paid in Manner aforesaid.

On Non [...]pay­ment by Free­men, or Ser­vants, theCol­lectors may distrain upon the Imployer.AND if any such Freemen shall not be found at such Place of Residence, nor within the same Township where their Names are taken as aforesaid, at the Time when such respective Collectors shall come to receive such Housholders Assessment, then (unless such Freemen or Servant hath by himself or Friend paid, or unless such Housholders or Imployer doth pay the same for him upon Demand made thereof by the Collector) it shall and may be lawful for every such Collector to make Distress and Sale of the [Page 303] Housholder's or Imployer's Goods and Chattels for the same, rendring the Overplus to the Owner as aforesaid; and every such Housholder or Imployer shall recover the same from every such Freeman, with Charges, by Warrant from any Justice of the Peace of the proper County, as in case of Debts under Forty Shillings.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, The Commis­sioners on ne­glect of Duty to be fined, &c. That if any of the said Com­missioners shall refuse or neglect to do his or their Duty in the Premises, he or they so offending shall be fined by a Majority of the Justices of the Peace of the proper County for the time being, at their next Quarter-Sessions after the said Offence is committed, in any Sum not exceeding Ten Pounds, for every Offence; which▪ by Virtue of a Warrant under the Hands and Seals of the said Justices, or any two of them, directed to the Sheriff or Coroner of the County where such Offender or his Estate is at the Time of issuing of such Warrant, shall be levied by Seizure and Sale of Lands, Distress and Sale of Goods, or Imprisonment of Body, as the case shall require; In case of D [...]ath, &c. new Commis­sioners to be chosen. and from and after such Refusal or Neglect, or if any of the said Commissioners shall misbehave themselves, or happen to die, during the Time for which they are chosen, the other Commissioners and Assessors for the time being, at their next Meeting, next after such Death, Refusal, Misbehaviour or Neglect▪ shall, in every such Case, appoint others to act in their Stead.

AND if any of the said Treasurers shall refuse or ne­glect to do his Duty, as by this Act is required, The Treasu­rers to be fi­ned by th [...] Commissio­ners. he shall be fined by two or more of the Commissioners for the County where he is deficient of his Duty, in any Sum not exceeding Ten Pounds, for every Offence; which shall be levied as aforesaid, by Virtue of a Warrant under the Hand and Seal of two or more of the same Commissioners, directed as afore­said; and from and after such Refusal or Neglect, New Treasu­rers to be cho­sen on Death, &c. or if any of the said Treasurers shall happen to die, the Commissio­ners of the proper County, shall, in every such case, ap­point others to act in their Stead.

AND if any of the said Assessors shall refuse or neglect to do their Duty, as this Act requires, The Assessor [...] to be fined by Commissio­ners. the Commissioners of the proper County, or any two of them, shall fine every such Assessor, in any Sum not exceeding Ten Pounds, which shall be levied by one of the same Commissioners Warrant in Manner aforesaid.

[Page 304] Fines to be paid into the County Stock.ALL which Fines, with all other Fines and Fo [...]fei­tures mentioned in this Act, shall be levied as aforesaid▪ and shall be paid and added to the publick Stock of the respective Counties where they shall happen.

The Commis­sioners Allow­ance.AND the said Commissioners shall be allowed Four Shillings and Six Pence each, for every Days Attendance, besides Twelve Pence for every Precep [...] and Warrant they are to sign by Direction of this Act; which, with reasona­ble Charges to be allowed their Clerks for delivering the Duplicates and other Services, besides Writing, as the said Commissioners in their respective Counties, by Order under the Hand of two of them, shall think fit to allow, [...]all be paid by the respective County Treasurers.

The Assessors Allowance.AND the said Assessors for their Time and Labour i [...] the Premises, shall be allowed Six Pence per Pound for the whole Sum contained in the Rates of their respective Co [...] ­ties, after the Assessment is rectified and adjusted by [...] Commissioners according to the Directions of this Act; [...] be paid by the Treasurer upon Sight of the Commissio [...]e [...] Order for the same, and be equally divided amongst them [...] Which said Poundage shall be to the Assessors for the ti [...] being, in full Satisfaction for all the Service and Attenda [...] required of them by this Act.

The Collec­tors Allow­ance.AND the said Collectors shall retain in their Hands Twelve Pence per Pound for all Sums of Money by them [...]spectively collected, together with what they shall pay the Assessors as aforesaid.

The Clerks Allowance.AND those that officiate as Clerks shall, for their Pa [...] in writing the Duplicates, and all Warrants and Precepts relating to the Premises, have and receive as followeth, [...] The Clerk of Philadelphia, Four Pounds: The Clerk of Chester, Four Pounds: And the Clerk of Bucks, Three Pounds Ten Shillings: Which the respective County Trea­surer is hereby required to pay them accordingly.

Penalty on the Clerk's neglect of Duty.AND if any of the said Clerks shall neglect to do his or their Duty, as by this Act is required, he or they shall be fined by the Commissioners of the proper County in the Sum of Ten Pounds each; to be levied and paid as aforesaid And in case of Death or Neglect of any of the said Clerks, the Commissioners shall forthwith appoint others to act in their Stead.

[Page 305]PROVIDED ALWAYS, Persons sued, &c. to plead the general Issue, & [...] That if any Person or Persons be sued or prosecuted for any thing done in Pursu­ance of this Act, he or they may plead the general Issue, and give this Act and special Matter in Evidence for their Justification; and if the Plaintiff or Prosecutor become Nonsuit, or forbear Prosecution, or suffer Discontinuance; or if a Verdict pass against him in such Action, The Plaintiff if cast, to pay treble Costs. Suit or In­formation, the Defendant shall have treble Costs, to be recovered as in case where Costs by Law are given to Defendants.

PROVIDED ALSO, Prosecution to be within 12 Months. That no Person or Per­sons shall be sued or prosecuted for Neglect in the Execu­tion of this Act, unless he or they be sued or prosecuted within twelve Months after such Offence committed.

PROVIDED ALSO, No Suits to be staied or Fines pardoned. That no Proceedings pre­scribed or required by this Act against Collectors, and other Officers and Persons refusing or neglecting to comply there­with, [...]ll be staied by Noli prosequi, or otherwise; nor any Fines or Forfeitures arising by this Act pardoned or relea­sed, without Payment thereof made to the Uses hereby appointed; any Law or Usage to the Contrary notwith­standing.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Treasurers to be chosen by the Commis­sioners and Assessors. That the said Commissioners and Assessors of the said respective Counties for the time being, or the major Part of them, are hereby impowered and required, as often as there may be Occasion, during the Continuance of this Act, to choose a Treasurer for each County; which Treasurers, when so chosen, as well as the present County Treasurers, and every of them, are here­by impowered and required respectively to receive all the Money and other Effects arising as well from all the said Assessments, as also the Fines and Forfeitures which shall be imposed from time to time by Virtue of this Act.

AND that the said respective Treasurers for the time being, before they enter upon the Execution of their Offices, Who are to give Security to the Com­missioners. shall become bound to the Commissioners of the proper County, with one or more sufficient Sureties, to wit, The Treasurer of Philadelphia County, in an Obligation of One Thousand Pounds: The Treasurer of Chester County, in an Obligation of Eight Hundred Pounds: And the Treasurer [Page 306] of Bucks County, in an Obligation of Four Hundred Pounds, conditioned for the true Execution of their respective Offices and due Observation of this Act.

In case of Death, &c. the Commis­sioners to ap­point others.AND in case of Death or Removal of any of the said Treasurers, then the Commissioners and Assessors of the proper County for the time being, or the major Part of them, shall appoint others to supply the Places of such a [...] shall so die or be removed, from time to time, who shall give Security as above; Treasurers to keep Books, &c. which said respective Treasurers shall give Security in Manner aforesaid, and shall keep a distinct Book in each County, containing a particular Account of all the Rates and Assessments made or to be made as aforesaid; as also of all Disbursments and Payments made by Order of former Commissioners and Assessors; with such Payments as shall hereafter be made by Order of the Commissioners by Virtue of this Act.

And settle their Accounts yearly.AND that the Treasurers shall, yearly, at the next Quarter-Sessions after Midsummer-Day, in each County of this Province, bring in and settle their respective Accounts with the said Commissioners and Assessors, a Majority of whom shall give Attendance for that Purpose, and shall have Power to adjourn from time to time, till the Accounts be settled: Treasurers Allowance. And the Treasurers shall be allowed for their Trouble in receiving and paying all such Money as shall come into their Hands respectively by Virtue of this or the other Acts for raising County Levies, so much as the said Commissioners and Assessors, or the major Part of them, from time to time shall judge reasonable.

Treasurers re­moved to de­liver up th [...]ir Accounts, &c. to their Suc­cessors, on Pe­nalty, &c.AND where any County Treasurers shall be remov [...] from their Offices of Treasurers, they shall deliver up to the succeeding Treasurers all the Books, publick Accounts and Papers belonging to those Counties where they acted, whole and entire, and undefaced, under the Penalty of One Hundred Pounds; to be recovered in Manner and for the Uses herein above-mentioned. And where any County Treasurer hath been or shall be removed by Death, the Exe­cutors or Administrators of such Decedent shall deliver in like Manner all the Books and Papers relating to the said publick Accounts, to the succeeding Treasurers, under the same Penalties, to be recovered as aforesaid.

Repeal of for­mer Laws.AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That the said Acts for the [...]or [...] [Page 307] effectual raising of County Levies, made in the fourth Year of his present Majesty's Reign, and the said Supplementary Act, made in the eighth Year of the same Reign, and all other Acts made for raising and collecting Arrears of Coun­ty Levies, passed in the several Reigns of the late King William and Queen Anne, and every Article, Clause or Thing therein, or in any of them contained, shall be and are hereby repealed to all Intents and Purposes whatsoever.

CHAP. CCLXX. An ACT to regulate the Practice upon Writs of Summons and Arrest. A [...]te [...], Chap. 94 & 155.

WHEREAS it hath been the earnest Endeavours of the legislative Power of this Government, Preamble. to provide for the Liberty of the Subject, by Regu­lations of this Kind, without the least Design of protecting Me [...] Estates from Payment of their Debts; but so far as Justice would permit, to maintain the Freedom of their Persons, according to the ancient common Law of England, [...]hich suffered not the Body, in case of Debt, to be detained in Prison, but be at Liberty to follow his own Affairs and Business, &c. And it seems highly just that the same Rea­son should take Place in this new Colony, where Planta­tions are to be improved by hard Labour and great Diligence: Therefore may it please the Governor that it may be enacted, AND BE IT ENACTED by Sir WILLIAM KEITH, Bart. Governor of the Province of Penn­syl [...]ia, &c. by and with the Advice and Consent of the Freemen of the said Province in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, No Freehol­der to be ar­rested; and who shall be deemed such. That no Freeholder in­h [...]biting in any Part of this Province, who hath resided therein for the Space of two Years, and has fifty Acres of Land, or more, in Fee-simple, well seated, and twelve Acres thereof, or more, well cleared and improved, or hath a dwelling House worth Fifty Pounds current Money of Ame­rica, in some City or Township within this Province, clear Estate, or hath unimproved Land to the Value of Fifty Pounds, like Money, shall be arrested or detained in Prison by any Writ or Arrest, or Capias ad Respondendum, in any civil Action, unless it be in the King's Case, Except in the King's Case, &c. or where a F [...]e is or shall be due to the King, his Heirs or Successors; or unless they be such Freeholders as by this Act are made [Page 308] liable to be arrested; Process to be by Writ of Summons. but that the original Process against Freeholders shall be a Writ of Summons, under Hand and Seal of one of the Justices of the Court of Common-Pleas, directed to the Sheriff or Coroner there, as the Case may require, commanding to summons the Defendant: The Form of which Writ shall be as followeth, viz. The Form. GEORGE, by the grace of GOD, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. To the Sheriff of the County of — Greeting. We Command you, That you summon — so that he be and appear before our Iustices — at — at our Court of Common-Pleas, there to be held — Day of — next, to answer the Complaint of — of a Plea, &c. — Witness — Esq — Day of — at — in the — Year of our Reign.’

The Defen­dant not ap­p [...]aring the Officer to cer­tify the Court that he has summoned him; and the Plaintiff may proceed to Judgment & Execution. AND if the Defendant in such Writ does not appear at the Day of the Return thereof, but makes Default, and the Officer to whom such Writ was directed, or his lawful Deputy, doth certify to the Court, upon Oath or Affirma­tion, that on or before the Day of the Return of such Writ he hath summoned the Defendant (mentioning the Day he did so) or left Notice in Writing of such Summons at the House of the Defendant, in the Presence of one or more of his Family or Neighbours, signifying that the Defendant should be and appear according to the Contents of such Summons; upon which Return, if the Defendant has been so served ten Days, and the Plaintiff had filed his Declara­tion in the Office of the Prothonotary within the Space of five Days before the Court to which such Writ is returnable, it shall be lawful to and for the Plaintiff in such Action to file a common Appearance for the Defendant so making Default, and proceed to Judgment and Execution by Nihil Dicit.

Sundry Cases where a Free­holder may be arrested, and held to special Bail, the Plaintiff making ap­pear by Oath, &c. PROVIDED ALWAYS, That nothing herein contained shall exempt any Person from being arrested, or shall debar any Person from taking out Writs of Arrest, if the Plaintiff in every such Writ, or some-body for him, doth make appear by Affidavit upon Oath or Affirmation (which the Justice that grants such Writ is hereby impow­ered and and required to administer) testifying, That the Defendant in the same Writ named hath signified his In­tentions of going to Sea, or of removing out of this Province, [Page 309] or lurks in secret Places, or conceals himself in his own or others House; or that the Defendant in such Writs hath refused or neglected, upon Demand, to give either real or personal Security for the Debt, or refused, without Process, to appear and put in special Bail to the Plaintiff's Action for the Debt or Cause for which he complains; or that the Defendant suffered himself to be arrested or Judgment to be entred against him; or made over his Lands or Chat­tels to others, or suffered them to be attached, and made no proper Defence to such Proceedings; or where the Plaintiff can make appear, from Records or otherwise, that so much of the Defendant's Estate is mortgaged, aliened, intailed, or liable to one or more Judgments suffered or or­dered to be entred against such Defendant, so that the Value of his Fee-simple Estate, in Possession, clear of those and all other Incumbrances, will not (as the Deponent believes) be sufficient to satisfy the Debt demanded; or that the De­fendant in such Writ hath not been a Resident in this Pro­vince for the Space of two Years, next before the Date of the same Writ: In all which Cases, Writs of Arrest shall be granted, and the Defendant held to special Bail, if the Case requires it; and the Justices that grant the same shall cause all the Affidavits they take, as above required, to be filed by the Clerk of the Court where such Writs are returnable.

BUT if any Freeholder exempted from Arrest by Vir­tue of this Act, Freeholders arrested with­in the Intent of this Act, the Writ to abate, and the Defendant al­lowed Costs. shall happen to be taken by any Writ of Arrest, the Court where such Writ is depending shall forth­with, upon the Defendant's Motion, stay all further Pro­ceedings against him till they examine his Circumstances, and if they find he is such as by this Act is intended to be exempted, the Court shall of their own Accord, abate the Writ, and allow the Defendant Thirty Shillings Cost, to be paid by him or them that procured such Writ, and for Non-payment thereof the Court shall grant an Attachment as in other Cases where a Rule of Court is not complied with.

AND if any of the Justices or Clerks of the said Courts, Persons offen­ding against this Act to answer at the Supream-Court. or Practitioners at Law, shall contemn thi [...] Act, and wilful­ly proceed in the Premises, contrary to the Direction thereof, they shall be liable to answer, and be fined for the same at the Supream-Court of this Province, any Sum not exceed­ing Ten Pounds.

[Page 310]AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, A former Act of Summons repealed. That the Act directing the Process of Summons against Freeholders, and every Article, Clause or Thing therein contained, shall be and are hereby repealed to all Intents and Purposes whatsoever.

CHAP. CCLXXI. An ACT for continuing the Bounty upon Hemp.


CHAP. CCLXXII. An ACT prescribing the Forms of Declaration of Fidelity, Ratify'd and confirm'd by the King in Coun­cil, the 2 [...]th of March 1725. Abjuration and Affirmation, instead of the Forms heretofore required in such Cases.

WHEREAS divers Statutes having been made, con­cerning the Affirmations or Declarations allowed instead of Oaths to the People called Quakers; but the Inconveniencies to them and others (requiring their Testimony and Service in many Cases) not being suffici­ently avoided, by Reason of Difficulties which happened relating to the Forms of the Declaration, Affirmation and Abjuration prescribed by the said Statutes, it pleased the King and Parliament of Great Britain by another Statute (made in the eighth Year of the King's Reign) to grant further Ease and Relief in that Behalf, by enacting other Forms of Affirmation or Declaration for the said People. Now forasmuch as the Legislature of Great Britain, upon Five-and-twenty Years Experience, were pleased to ac­knowledge in the said Statute of the Eighth of King George, that the said People called Quakers had given Tes­timony of their Fidelity and Affection to his Majesty and the Settlement of the Crown in the Protestant Line, and had not abused the Liberty and Indulgence allowed them by Law; and since the like Testimony may be given con­cerning the said People inhabiting this Province, and that those that conscienciously scrupled the Forms of the Affir­mation or Declaration heretofore used, are Persons of like Probity and Justice with those who were not under that Scruple, and should be obliged to bear the Burthen of Go­vernment, and serve their Country as well as their [Page 311] Neighbours, it would be reasonable to put them in a Ca­pacity so to do; may it therefore please the Governor that it may be enacted, AND BE IT ENACTED by Sir WILLIAM KEITH, Bart. Governor of the Province of Pennsylvania, &c. by and with the Advice and Consent of the Freemen of the said Province, in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, That in all Cases where by Law any of the said People called Quakers is or shall be required or permitted to make and subscribe the Declaration of Fidelity, in the Form prescribed by the Sta­tute made in the first Year of the late King William and Queen Mary, entituled, An Act exempting their Majesties Protestant Subje [...]ts, dissenting from the Church of England, from the Penalties of certain Laws; or in the Form pre­scribed by any [...]aw of this Province; or to make the so­lemn Affirmation or Declaration in the Form prescribed by a Statute made in the seventh and eighth Years of the said late King William, entituled, An Act that the solemn Affir­mation and Declaration of the People called Quakers shall be accepted instead of an Oath in the usual Form; or in the Form prescribed by any Law of this Province; or to take the Effect of the Abjuration Oath in the Form prescribed by a Statute made in the first Year of the present King's Reign; every such Quaker shall, instead of such first-men­tioned Declaration of Fidelity, make and subscribe a De­claration of Fidelity in the following Words, viz. ‘I A. B. do solemnly and sincerely promise and declare, The Form of Declaration of Fidelity. That I will be true and faithful to King GEORGE; and do solemnly, sincerely and truly profess, testify and declare, that I [...]o from my Heart abhor, detest and renounce, as impious and heretical, that wicked Doctrine and Position, that Princes ex­communicated or deprived by the Pope, or any Authority of the See of Rome, may be deposed or murthered by their Subjects, or any other whatsoever: And I do declare, that no foreign Prince, Person, Prelate, State or Potentate hath, or ought to have, any Power, Iurisdiction, Superiority, Preheminence or Authority, ecclesiastical or spiritual, within the Realm of Great Britain, or the Dominions thereunto belonging.’

AND instead of the solemn Affirmation or Declaration in the Form prescribed by the said Act of the seventh and eight Years of the Reign of the late King William the Third, and by a Law of this Province, made in the first Year of King George, every such Quaker shall make the following solemn Declaration or Affirmation, to be administer'd by a Question put as followeth, viz. [Page 312] The Affirma­tion.DOST thou A. B. solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm;’

Adding the proper Words; which the Affirmant is to answer or assent unto, according as the Case or Occasion may require; which said Assent shall be expressed by the Affirmant's answering Yea or Yes.

AND instead of the Form prescribed by the said Act of the first Year of the present King's Reign, for the Effect of the Abjuration Oath, every such Quaker shall take the Effect thereof in the following Words, viz. The Effect of the Abju­ration Oath.I A. B. do solemnly, sincerely and truly acknowledge, profess, testify and declare, that King GEORGE is lawful [...]nd rightful KING of the Realm of Great Britain, and of all others his Dominions and Countries thereunto belonging; and I do solemnly and sincerely declare, That I do believe the P [...]r [...] pretending to be Prince of Wales during the Life of the late King James, and since his Decease pretending to be and taking upon himself the Stile and Title of King of England, by the Name of James the Third; or of Scotland, by the Name of James the Eighth; or the Stile and Title of King of Great Britain; hath not any Right or [...]itle whatsoever to the [...] of the Realm of Great Britain, nor any other the Dominions thereunto belonging. And I do renounce and refu [...] any Alle­giance or Obedience to him; and I do solemnly promise, that I will be true and faithful and [...]ear true Allegiance to King GEORGE, and to him will be faithful against all traiter [...] Conspiracies and Attempts whatsoever which shall be made a­gainst his Person, Crown and Dignity: And I will do my best Endeavour to disclose and make known to King GEORGE, and his Successors, all Treasons and traiterous Conspiracies which I shall know to be made against him, or any of them. And I will be true and faithful to the Succession of the Crown against him the said James, and all other Persons whatsoever, as the same is and stands settled by an Act, entituled, An Act declaring the Rights and Liberties of the Subject, and Settling the Succession of the Crown to the late Queen Anne, and the Heirs of her Body, being Protestants; and as the same by one other Act, entituled, An Act for the further Limitation of the Crown, and better securing the Rights and Liberties of the Subject, is and stands settled and intail'd after the Decease of the said late Queen, and, for Default of Iss [...] of the said late Queen, to the late Princess Sophia, Electoress and Dutchess Dowager of Hanover, and the Heirs of her Body, being Protestants. And all these Things I do plainly and [Page 313] sincerely acknowledge, [...]romise and declare, according to these express Words by me spoken, and according to the plain and common Sense and Understanding of the same Words, without any Equiv [...]cation, mental Evasion or secret Reservation what­soever. And I do make this Recognition, Acknowledgment, Renunciation and Promise, h [...]artily, willingly and truly.’

AND all Persons authorised or required to administer or tender eit [...]er the said former Declaration of Fidelity, All which are allowed to Quakers. or the said former solemn Affirmation or Declaration, or the former Effect of the Abjuration Oath aforesaid, shall be and are hereby authorised and required to administer and tender the same respectively to the said People called Qua­kers, in the Words by this Act respectively appointed.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That the Declaration of Fide­lity, and the Effect of the Abjuration Oath appointed by this Act for the said People called Quakers, instead of the respective Forms prescribed for the same by the above-mentioned Acts, shall respectively be adjudged and taken to be of such and the same Force and Effect, and no other, to all Intents and Purposes, in all Courts of Justice, and elsewhere, as if such Quakers had made and subscribed the Declaration of Fidelity, or had taken the Effect of the Abjuration Oath in the respective Form appointed by the said recited Acts.

AND that the Affirmation or Declaration by this Act appointed to be made instead of the Affirmation or Decla­ration in Form prescribed by the said Act of the seventh and eighth Years of the Reign of the late King William the Third, and instead of the Form prescribed by the said Law of this Province, made in the first Year of the present King's Reign, shall be made by the said People called Quakers, as Occasion may require, whether it be for giving Evidence, or for qualifying the Affirmants to serve in Ge­neral Assemblies, or to be Justices, Officers, Inquests or Jury-men, or for any other Matter, Cause or Thing what­soever, wherein Oaths are or shall be required: And that the said Affirmation or Declaration, by this Act prescribed, shall be adjudged and taken, and is hereby enacted and de­clared to be of the same Force, and as available in Law to all Intents and Purposes as an Oath, in all Courts of Justice, and other Places where by Law an Oath is required.

[Page 314] Persons cor­ruptly affirm­ing to s [...]ffer as Perjurers.AND if any Person making such Affi [...]mation or De­claration, as is appointed by this Act to be made, instead of the Affirmation in the Form prescribed by the aforesaid Act of the seventh and eighth Years of the Reign of the late King William the Third, and instead of the Form pre­scribed by our said Law, made in the first Year of King George's Reign, shall be lawfully convicted of wilful, false and corrupt Affirming or Declaring any Matter or Thing, which, if swo [...]n in the common or usual Form, would have amounted to wilful and corrupt Perjury, every such Person so offending, shall incur and suffer such and the same Pains, Penalties and Forfeitures, as are inflicted or enacted by the Laws and Statutes of England, against Persons convicted of wilful and corrupt Perjury.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, That nothing herein contained shall be deemed to repeal or disanul the Law of this Province, passed in the Fourth Year of the King's Reign that now is, entituled, An A [...]t for the Advancement of Iustice, and more certain Administration th [...]reof, except such Part thereof concerning which oth [...]r Provision is made by this Act.

PROVIDED ALSO, That this p [...]esent Act shall not be put in Execution until the King's [...]leasure be known concerning the same.

NEVERTHELESS IT IS HEREBY ENACTED AND DECLARED, That the said Statute made in the eighth Year of the present King' [...] Reign, entituled, An Act for Granting the People called Quakers such Forms of Affirmation or Declaration as may remove the Difficulties which many of them lie under, shall be duly observed and put in Execution in this Province, and be of like Force and Effect as it is in England, and as if the same were here repeated and enacted.

[Page 315]

CHAP. CCLXXIII. An ACT for the better securing the City of Philadelphia from the Danger of Gun-Powder.

FORASMUCH as the City of Philadelphia is destitute of any Magazine, or other suitable Reposi­tory for the safe-keeping of Gun-Powder, which be­ing a Commodity of good Consideration in the Trade of this Province, the Me [...]chants and Traders are frequently reduced to the Necessity of keeping it on Ship-board with­in the Port of the said City, or to deposite the same in Stores or Shops, too often within the Access of Sailors and Servants, to the manifest Danger of the People of the said City in their Persons and Estates: And forasmuch as Wil­lia [...] Chan [...]ellor, of the said City, Sail-maker, by the Re­commendati [...]n of divers of the Magistrates as well as Mer­chants, and others of the said City, hath undertaken to build a suitab [...] Powder-House or Store for the Receipt of of all the Gun-Powder which shall or may be imported into the said City, on a Piece of Ground he lately purcha­sed from Daniel Pegg, lying near the North-End of the said City, adjoining to a Swamp on the South-Side, and upon the King's High-Road on the East-End thereof, BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by Sir WILLIAM KEITH, Bart. Governor of the Province of Pennsylvania, &c. by and with the Advice and Consent of the Freemen of the said Province, in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, Wi [...]liam Chan­cellor appoin­ted to build a Powder Store within three Months. That the said William Chan [...]ellor, his Heirs, Executors or Assigns shall, at his and their proper Costs and Charges, cause to be well erected and built, a good, substantial, tight and secure Powder-House, or Store for Gun-Powder, of Brick or Stone, on the Piece of Ground afor [...]said, within three Months next ensuing the Publication of this Act; to be well boarded and covered, and so fit and capacious as may reasonably be expected will contain all the Gun-Powder to be from time to time imported into the said City: And to store all Gun Pow­der, and be accountable for the same. Wherein he the said William Chancellor, his Executors and Assigns, shall lay up and store all the Gun-Powder to be from time to time im­ported or brought into the said City, which shall come to his or their Receipt pursuant to the Direction of this Act; and for which he and they shall be accountable to the Owners or Deliverers thereof (Lightning, and other [Page 316] unavoidable Accidents excepted) And shall also cause daily Attendance to be given at the Powder-Store aforesaid, And attend daily. be­twixt the Hours of Nine and Eleven in the Morning, and One and Three in the Afternoon, for Delivering out the said Commodity, and also at all Times, on due Notice gi­ven, for Receiving thereof, at the nearest and most conve­nient Landing to the said Lot of Ground; and immediate­ly upon his receiving into his Custody any Quantity of Powder as aforesaid, he shall pass his Receipts in Writing for the same, expressing the Quantity of Powder, and de­scribing the Marks and Numbers of the Cask.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, No Person to keep in their Houses above 12 lb. of Gun-Powder, on Penalty, &c. That no Person whatsoever within the Precincts of the City of Philadelphia aforesaid, nor within two Miles thereof, shall, from and after the Time the Powder-Store aforesaid is so erected and finished, presume to keep in any House, Shop, Cellar, Store or Place of the said City, nor within two Miles thereof, other than the Powder-Store aforesaid, any m [...]re or greater Quan­tity, at any one time, than twelve Pounds of Gun-Powder, under the Penalty of Ten Pounds, for every Offence. And whatsoever Master, Every Cap­tain, &c. shall deliver his Powder, on Penalty, &c. Merchant, or other Person trading or bringing into the said Port any Gun-Powder (other than such as shall be specially licensed in that Behalf by the Governor of this Province for the time being, or shall be commissionated by the King's Majesty, or other Authority under the Crown of Great Britain) shall not within the Space of Forty-eight Hours from his first Arrival and com­ing to Anchor there, upon due Notice given him of the Purport of this Act by the said William Chancellor, or his Assigns, or any of his or their Deputies or Servants, deliver all the Powder so brought into the said Port aforesaid unto the said William Chancellor, his Executors or Assigns, he shall forfeit the like Sum of Ten Pounds, for every such Offence.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, The Price of Storage per Month. That the said William Chancel­lor, his Executors and Assigns, shall have and receive for Storage for Gun-Powder, at the Powder-Store aforesaid, Twelve Pen [...]e per Barrel per Month, and so proportionably for Half-Barrels, and other Cask, for the first six Month [...]; and Six Pence per Barrel per Month, and so proportionably for Half-Barrels, and other Cask, for every Month any of the said Powder remains in the said Store above six Months; [Page 317] and likewise shall have and receive for every twelve Pounds, or lesser Quantity, to be delivered at one time, Six Pence, over and above the said Storage.

PROVIDED ALWAYS NEVERTHE­LESS, AND BE IT FURTHER ENAC­TED by the Authority aforesaid, Proviso. That what Quantity of Powder soever of the Ship's Store of any Vessel, shall be so as aforesaid delivered to be kept at the said Powder-Store, and shall be re-demanded back again in order for its Exportation out of this Province, the said William Chancel­lor, his Executors or Assigns, shall cause the same to be re-delivered at the nearest and most convenient Landing to the Powder-Store, without exacting any other Perquisite for such Re-delivery than what is herein before allowed for Storage▪ And if the said William Chancellor, Penalty on his not giving At­tendance, & [...]. his Executors or Assigns, shall neglect to give due Attendance at the Powder-House aforesaid, as is herein before directed and appointed, or shall take or exact greater or larger Sum or Sums of Money for Storage and Delivery of said Powder than is herein before limited and appointed, he or they so offending shall, on due Proof thereof made by one or more credible Witnesses, before any one Justice of the Peace of the City or County of Philadelphia, forfeit and pay for every such Offence such Sum of Money as the said Justice shall think [...]it to award, not exceeding the Sum of Thirty Shillings, for any one Offence.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, How the Pe­nalties are to be recovered and applied That all and singular the Pe­nalties and Forfeitutes arising by this Act (excepting those under Forty Shillings) shall be recovered in any Court of Record in this Province, by Bill, Plaint or Information, wherein no Essoign, Protection or Wager of Law, nor any more than one Imparlance shall be allowed; the one Moie­ty of which Forfeitures and Penalties shall go to the Go­vernor, for the Support of this Government, and the other Moiety thereof to the Informer or Prosecutor who shall sue for the same.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, A Clause in the former Law repeal­ed. That the Clause in an Act of Assembly of this Province (entituled, An Act for preventing Accidents that may happen by Fire in the Town of Bristol, for­ [...]rly c [...]lled Buckingham, Philadelphia, Germantown, Derby, Chester, New-Castle and Lewes, within this Government) [Page 318] enacting that no Person within the Town of Philadelphia, within six Months next following the Publication of the same Act, presume to keep in their Houses, Shops or Warehouses, more than six Pounds of Gun-Powder at one time, unless it be forty Perches distant from any Dwelling, under the Penalty of Ten Pounds, for every such Offence, is hereby repealed and decla [...]ed to be null, void and of none Effect; This Law to continue 21 Years. and that this present Act shall continue in Force for and during the Term of Twenty-one Years, and no longer.

CHAP. CCLXXIV. An ACT for the better preventing Obstructions to the Navigation of Chester Creek, See before Chap. 56. & hereaf­ter 8 Geo. II. Chap. 328. and other navigable Creeks and Rivers in this Province.

Preamble.WHEREAS in the Year One Thousand Seven Hun­dred, it was thought necessary, for the better Accommodation of the Borough of Chester, in the County of Chester, and the Inhabitants of the lower Parts of the said County, as well as T [...]avellers, that the King's High-Road should be alter'd and brought nearer to the River, to pass through the said Borough with a Bridge over the said Creek there; and thereupon, in Consideration of the Owners of Lands, and especially of the Mills sci­tuate on the said Creek above the said Borough, which had been erected at great Charge, and required the same to maintain and support them for the Benefit of Trade, an Act was passed in the said Year that the Road should be laid out as aforesaid through the said Borough, and a Draw-bridge should be there built, and that a Person should attend the same to draw it up, that Sloops and Shallops might pass to and from the said Mills; and also, that for the Conveniency of Rafts of Logs passing to the said Mills the Space of twenty Foot at least should be left clear be­tween the Timber or Stone-Work; which Draw-bridge was accordingly erected, but now is gone to Decay, and requires to be rebuilt or repaired: THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by Sir WILLIAM KEITH, Bart. Governor of the Province of Pennsylvania, &c. by and with the Advice and Consent of the Freemen of the [...]aid Province, in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, That the Commissioners for the [Page 319] time being appointed for the said County of Chester shall cause the said Draw-bridge to be rebuilt or repaired within the Space of twelve Months, Commissio­ne [...]s to cause a Draw-Bridge to be built within one Year. next after the Publication hereof, according to the Dimensions in the said recited Act, and from time to time shall cause it to be continued in Repair [...]or the Accommodation of the said Mills, and of the Owners of Lands, and Inhabitants on the navigable Parts of the said Cre [...]k above the Borough aforesaid, and also for the Accommodation of all such Persons as have Occasion to pass and repass with any Mast-Vessel through the said Bridge; The Person going thro' obliged to raise & lo [...]er the Bridge, on Penalty, & [...]. who are hereby obliged carefully to raise and lower the said Draw-bridge, so as the same may receive no Damage thereby, under the Penalty of Five Shillings, for every Neglect or Offence therein.

AND WHEREAS the erecting of Bridges over Creeks or Rivers of Water, to the Obstruction of their Navigation where navigable, doth not only affect the Inte­rest of the Owners of Land upon and near navigable Wa­ters above those Bridges, but also the Trade of this Pro­vince in general: And the better to preserve the Navigation of those Rivers and Creeks, divers Laws of this Province have from time to time been enacted; but the same, upon Experience, have been found not fully to answer the Ends thereby intended; BE IT THEREFORE E­NACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That no Bridge, No Bridge to be built or [...]epa [...]red on navigable Cre [...]ks, [...]hat [...]ay hinder Navigation. Frame or Device whatsoever shall at any time to come be made, erected, upheld, sustained or repaired, over any Creek or River within this Province navigable for any Sloop, Shallop, Flat or other Craft, that shall or may anywise stop or hinder the Navigation of any such Sloop, Shallop, Flat, or other Craft, or Floats of Logs; any Law, Custom or Usage to the contrary thereof in anywise notwith­standing.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, Except. That nothing herein contained shall be deemed or construed to forbid or hinder the Maintaining and Repairing the Draw-bridge herein be­fore particularly mentioned, or any other Bridge erected by publick Authority; or the making of Dams, Mounds or Tide-Banks for the Draining of low Grounds, and im­proving of Meadows, by the Owners or Owner of the grea­ter Part of the Lands, low Grounds or Meadows included within the same Dams, Mounds or Tide-Banks; any thing herein contained to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.

[Page 320]

At a GENERAL ASSEMBLY begun at Philadelphia, in the Province of Pennsylvania, the Fourteenth Day of October, in the Twelfth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE, King of Great Britain, &c. Anno (que) Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty-five, and continued by Adjournments until the Twenty-fifth Day of August One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty-six, in the Thirteenth Year of his Majesty's Reign: The following ACTS were passed by Sir WILLIAM KEITH, Bart. Governor of the said Province, That is to say,

[Page 321]

CHAP. CCLXXV. An ACT for the Re-emitting and continuing the Currency of such Bills of Credit of this Province as by former Acts are directed to be sunk and destroyed, and for the Striking and Making cur­rent 10,000 l. in new Bills, to supply those that are torn and defaced.

WHEREAS by an Act of General Assembly of this Province, passed in the ninth Year of his present Majesty's Reign, Bills of Credit of 15000 l. Value were struck and emitted; which being found to fall s [...]ort of a Medium in Trade, and to supply the Exigencies of such as had Occasion to borrow upon Securities pre [...]cri­bed by the same Act; and to provide for the Support of of this Government, therefore, by one other Act passed in the tenth Year of his said Majesty's Reign, Bills of Credit of 30,000 l. Value were also struck and emitted. AND WHEREAS the annual Sinking and Destroying the said Bills, pursuant to the same Acts, hath already consider­ably reduced the Quantity of this Currency; and the Bills themselves (more especially of the lesser Denominations) daily impairing, many of them are scarce fit to pass; which Inconveniencies increasing, will shortly reduce the People of this Province to great Straits and Difficulties, unless some proper Remedy be provided; Therefore may it please the Governor that it may be enacted, AND BE IT ENACTED by Sir WILLIAM KEITH, Baronet, Governor of the Province of Pennsylvania, &c. by and with the Advice and Consent of the Freemen of the Province aforesaid, in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, That such yearly Quotas or Payments, No [...]a [...]t of the annual Quo [...]as, or Pa [...]ts of the principal Sum [...] former­ly lent, to be sunk or de­stroyed, &c. Par­cel of the principal Sums emitted in Bills of Credit of this Province, pursuant to the Direction of the said Acts respec­tively, and such other principal Sums which by Virtue thereof, or of any Mortgage-Deed or Assurance thereby directed to be taken, are, shall or may be paid, recovered or received from time to time, from and after the 17th Day of Ianuary 1725, and before the 16th Day of Ianuary 1731, shall not be sunk or destroyed; nor shall any Part o [...] Parcel of any such Quotas or principal Sums in Bills of Credit, payable within the Space aforesaid unto the Trus­tees, nominated or to be nominated pursuant to the [Page 322] Direction of those Acts, be sunk or destroyed as the same Acts or either of them direct; Trustees shall not be culpa­ble for not sinking the same. nor shall the said Trustees, or any of them, nor any other Person, be culpable for not Sinking or causing to be sunk or destroyed any Bills of Credit which they are by the same Acts respectively direc­ted to sink or cause to be sunk or destroyed.

THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER E­NACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Clauses of the two former Acts relating to Sinking the Quotas, are repealed. That neither the said Trustees appointed by the two Acts aforesaid, nor any of them, nor any other Person or Persons whatsoever, shall presume to sink or destroy any of the said Bills of Credit, otherwise or at any other time than is by thi [...] Act particularly directed and appointed; nor shall any of them or their Sureties, nor the Heirs, Executors or Administra­tors of any of them, suffer any Penalty, Forfeiture or Loss for not Sinking or Destroying the said Bills of Credit ac­cording to the Tenor and Direction of either of the said two Acts made for emitting the same, but that every such Part and Parts, Clause and Clauses of the said two Acts as are hereby altered, or concerning which any other Provi­sion is made by this Act, and so much of those Acts as doth or may concern or relate to the Sinking of the said Bills, and the Oaths or Affirmations required, administred and taken by the said Trustees for discharging their said Trusts, together with the said Oaths and Affirmations them­selves, shall be and are hereby repealed, utterly abrogated and made void to all Intents and Purposes whatsoever; any Law or Usage to the contrary in anywise notwithstanding.

Which Quo­tas, &c. shall be re-emitted by the T [...]us­tees.BUT the same yearly Quotas and principal Sum [...] in Bills of Credit so to be paid in unto and received by the said Trustees, or any of them, within the time before li­mited, whether payable by the Provincial or any of the County Treasurers, or by the Mayor or Treasurer of Phi­ladelphia, or by any Mortgager or Persons whatsoever, and every Part and Parcel of the same Sums, shall from time to time be re-emitted by the Trustees of the General Loan-Office of the Province of Pennsylvania, for the time being, upon Loans, as herein after mentioned and appointed.

AND IT IS HEREBY PROVIDED AND ENACTED, The respec­tive Treasu­rers, &c. are to bring in their Quotas, &c. That the said Treasurers, and Mayor of Philadelphia aforesaid, are hereby required to pay such of the yearly Quotas and Sums as by the said Acts they are directed to pay within the time aforesaid, unto [Page 323] the said Trustees, and none other; who are hereby required to give their Receipts for the same, which Receipts shall be sufficient Discharges in the Law; the same Acts or any thing therein contained to the contrary notwithstanding.

AND that all the yearly Quotas or Parcels of the prin­cipal Sums, arising upon those Re-emissions, The subQuo­tas, arising by Re emissions, to be re emit­ted, &c. which shall be paid into the General Loan-Office of the Province of Pennsylvania, on or before the 16th Day of Ianuary 1731, shall, by the Trustees thereof, for the time being, be re-emitted again on Securities as aforesaid; and so from time to time, until all principal Monies anyways accruing, that shall be paid unto them on or before the 16th Day of Ia­nuary 1731, shall be wholly re-emitted.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, All which Sums shall be lent on good Security, &c. That the Trustees of the General Loan-Office aforesaid shall lend out the Value of all the Bills of Credit that they shall receive to be re-emitted, as before in this present Act directed, in Sums not exceeding 100 l. not less than 12 l. 10 s. to any one Person, for and during all the Rest and Residue of the twelve Years and a half, in the said recited 30,000 l. Act limited, commencing from the Times of the same respective Loans by this present Act; to be made upon Securities of Messuages, Lands, Te­nements, Rents and Hereditaments in this Province, of which the respective Mortgagers stand seized in Fee-simple, clear of Incumbrances (the Proprietary's Quit-Rents, and other Rents discovered to the said Trustees, issuing out of the same Securities, excepted:) Of which Title and Clear­ness the said Trustees are to inform themselves the best they can, and to observe the same Directions in the Valu­ation thereof, and in proportioning such Valuation to the Sums requested to be lent, as the same 30,000 l. Act before recited directeth, upon Loans thereby made: Whereupon the said Trustees, in Pursuance of the Trust hereby com­mitted to them, shall, in the Name and Stile of the Trus­tees of the General Loan-Office of the Province of Penn­sylvania, and not otherways, take and receive Deeds of Mortgage in Fee-simple of such Messuages, Lands, Tene­ments, Rents or Hereditaments as aforesaid, for securing the Re-payments of the Sums they lend, to be made year­ly and every Year of the Remainder of the twelve Years and a half aforesaid, by even and equal annual Payments, and so proportionably for the Part or Parts of a Year, as Occasion may happen, together with the whole Interest [Page 324] at the Rate appointed by the said Acts. Which Deed [...] executed and acknowleged, or proved as herein after men­tioned, shall transfer the Possession and vest the Inheritance to and in the Trustees of the General Loan-Office aforesaid and their Successors in Trust, in the same Manner and Form, and as fully and effectually as the said 30,000 l. Act transferreth and vesteth the Possession and Inheritance o [...] and in Lands and Hereditaments thereby mortgaged; and the Words, grant, bargain and sell, in the Mortgage-Deed [...] hereby directed to be taken, shall amount unto and be con­strued and adjudged of the same Virtue, Force and Effect, to all Intents, Constructions and Purposes in the Law whatsoever, as the Words grant, bargain and sell, are in the same 30,000 l. Act mentioned and intended to be of, and that as fully and effectually as if here again particularly repeated and expressed.

Each Mort­ge [...] to give Bond▪ &c.AND that the said Trustees of the General Loan-Office, as such, and in Pursuance of the Trust hereby committed to them, shall also receive and take of each Mortgager, to­gether with his Mortgage-Deed, an Obligation and War­rant of Attorney, with a Release of Errors, in the same Warrant inserted, under his Hand and Seal, duly executed; the Obligation in double the Sum borrowed, and conditioned for Payment of the Mortgage-Monies, according to the Proviso or Condition of the Mortgage-Deed; and the War­rant of Attorney authorising and impowering such Person or Persons as the said Trustees shall direct, therein to be nominated for that Purpose, to acknowledge or suffer Judgment; which Judgment the said Trustees for the time being are hereby required to cause their Attorney to enter against such Mortgager as shall make Default in Payment of the Mortgage-Money, or any Part thereof, in the like Manner and Form, and as fully and effectually as the said 30,000 l. Act directeth to be entered against such Defaul­ters, in the Sense of the same Act to all Intents and Purposes.

The Mortga­ger's Oath, &c. to be indorsed on the Mort­gage-Deed.ON every of which Deeds of Mortgage shall be indor­sed the Mortgager's Oath or Affirmation, which the said Trustees, or any one of them, is hereby impowered and re­quired to administer. Which shall be of the same Tenor, Form and Efficacy, and have the same Exceptions as the said 30,000 l. Act prescribeth Borrowers of the Sums there­by emitted on Securities.

[Page 325]AND the same Mortgage-Deeds (for the better Pre­servation of Sec [...]riti [...]s h [...]reby directed to be taken) being [...]o executed as af [...]esaid, The Mort­gage Deed to be proved, & then recor­ded. and acknowledged by the Mort­gager, [...] proved by two of the Witnesses to the Execution thereof, b [...]fore any Justice of the Peace of any County of this Province, shall be ente [...]ed at large▪ in Books of Royal or other large Paper, well covered or bound, to be provi­ded and [...]ept by and at the proper Charge of the Trustees; which Deeds so entered shall be and are hereby declared to be Matter of R [...]cord, and an attested Copy of any such Entry, certifi [...]d under the Hands of the said Trustees for the time being, [...]r any three of them, shall be and is hereby declared to be good [...]vidence to prove the Sale or Mort­gage thereby mentioned to be made, and the same may be shewed, plea [...]ed and made use of accordingly.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Trustees Re­ceipt to be in­dorsed for each Paymen [...] That each Payment of Mort­gage-Monies i [...]erted in any Mortgage-Deed hereby direc­ted to be taken, being paid, the Trustees, or any of them, shall indorse on the Deed a Receipt for the same, under his or their Hand, and so from time to time until the whole Sum lent, with the Interest accruing, be fully paid and sa­tisfied; and upon full Payment and Satisfaction (which the Mortgager, his Heirs, Executors or Administrators, may make of the principal Sums lent, at any time before Fo [...] ­feiture and Sale of the mortgaged Premises, with Interest to the time of such Payment at the Rate aforesaid) the Mortgage shall be released and delivered by the Mortgagees thereof; from which Time the Lands and Hereditaments so mortgaged shall be forever acquitted and discharged, and the M [...]tgagees shall thereupon make an Entry in the Margin of the Inrollment of such Mortgage-Deed, of the Day [...] Time of such Release and Discharge, for which there [...]h [...]ll be paid by the Mortgager the Sum of Six Pence, and no more; an attested Copy of which Entry, certified by the Trustees of the said General Loan-Office, or a Ma­ [...]ority of them, shall be as valid and effectual as their Re­conveyance of the mortgaged Premises made and executed i [...] due Form of Law may or can be, to the Mortgagers, their Heirs and Assigns respectively.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, Premises to be held by the Mortgager' [...] Default in P [...]yment. That until some De­fault shall be made in Payment by the respective Mort­gagers, it shall be lawful for them, and their Heirs, to hold and enjoy the mortgaged Premises, with the Appurtenances; [Page 326] the Mortgage-Deeds, or any thing therein to contrary not­withstanding.

Upon Default how the Trus­tees are to pro [...]eed as in the 30,000 l. Act.BUT if any Default shall be made or suffered of or in Payment of any of the yearly Sums herein before-mentioned, whether in Part of Principal or Interest, which any of the Mortgagers (by this present Act) their Heirs, Executors, Administrators or Assigns, should or ought to have paid at any of the Days, Time or Place in and by their respective Mortgage-Deeds to be particularly specified, then and so often, and in any such Case, it shall and may be lawful for the said Trustees, for the time being, at their Discretion, to take their Remedy, and proceed for Recovery of the Mortgage Monies, according to the Provisoes or Conditions in the Mortgage-Deeds respectively contained; or by any such Ways or Means as are particularly directed in and by the said 30,000 l. Act, for Recover [...] of Sums thereby emit­ted, with and under all and singular the like Provisoes, Conditions and Limitations thereby directed, as if the same were here again particularly enumerated and expressed▪ And the Sales and Assurances by this Act to be made, shall be of the same Force and Effect to the Purchasers, and a [...] valid and conclusive against all other Persons, as any Sale by that Act directed to be made, may or can be, to all In­tents and Purposes in the Law whatsoever.

AND BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Bills to be printed under the Care of the Trustees. That indented Bills of Credit, to the Value of 10,000 l. current Money of America, according to an Act of Parliament made in the Sixth Year of the Reign of the late Queen Anne, referred to by the said two Acts, with Counterparts of the same Bills, shall be prepared and prin­ted before the 25th Day of March next ensuing, on good Paper; under the Care and Direction of the Trustees of the said General Loan-Office, but at the Charge of the Province, to be paid by the said Trustees or by the Pro­vincial-Treasurer by their Order.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That the said Bills shall several­ly contain therein the Sums hereafter respectively men­tioned, Denominati­ons of the said Bills. and no other; That is to say, Nine Thousand of the same Bills, the Sum of One Shilling in each of them: Ten Thousand of the same Bills, the Sum of One Shilling and Six Pence in each of them: Three Thousand of the same Bills the Sum of Two Shillings in each of them: Eight Thousand [Page 327] of the same Bills, the Sum of Two Shillings and Six Pence in each of them: Twenty Thousand of the same Bills, the Sum of Five Shillings in each of them: And Five Thousand of the same Bills, the Sum of Ten Shillings in each of them. And the said original Bills shall have the same Arms im­pressed thereon, and be of the same Tenor and Form, as original Bills of the Denominations respectively are directed and appointed to be of by the said recited Thirty Thousand Pound Act; save only the Difference in the Date, and Names of the Signers thereunto subscribed.

AND that all and singular the Bills which shall be made and issued in Pursuance of this present Act, and all and sing [...]lar other the Bills of Credit of this Province, issued in Pursuance of the said recited Acts of Assembly re­spectively, which hitherto remain unsunk, shall in all Re­spects have the same Currency, and be of the same Effect in Law and Equity, with respect to Payments, Tenders, or bringing the same into Court for Performance of any Con­tract, Bargain or Promise whatsoever, and to all other In­tents and Purposes, as any other Bills of Credit emitted by Virtue of the said [...]irty Thousand Pound Act may, can or ought to have and be of.

AND that Persons offering to sell Goods or Chattels▪ Persons [...] the samePenal [...]ies as per said [...] l. Act. Lands or Tenements, or refuse to sell, or ask a greater Value for the same, unless paid in Silver, Gold or other Specie whatsoever, and not in the Bills of Credit m [...]de current by this present and those former Acts, or any of them, shall incur the same Penalties as Persons in the like Cases ought to incur by the said Thirty Thousand Pound Act.

AND that whatsoever Person or Persons shall pr [...]sume to forge or counterfeit any of the said Bills of Credit, Counterfei­ters [...]o suffer as per 3 [...],000 l. Act. issued in Pur [...]uance of this present or either of the said former Acts; or shall be Aiding or Assisting therein, or shall en­large the Value or Sum expressed in any of the said Bills, or shall utter or cause to be uttered or offered in Payment any such Bill or Bills, knowing the same to be actually forged, counterfeited, or the Sum or Value therein altered, with an Intent to defraud any other Person, he, she or they so offending, and being thereof legally co [...]cted, shall, for every such Offence, incur and suffer the same Pains and Pe­nalties respectively, as Forgers or Counterfeiters of Bills are by the said Thirty Thousand Pound Act directed to incur and and suffer. And the Discoverer or Prosecutor, The Discov­erers Rewar [...] by Virtue [Page 328] of this present Act, shall be paid and satisfied his Damages, with Costs and Charges of Prosecution, in like Manner as the Discoverer and Prosecutor by Virtue of the same Thirty Thousand Pound Act is or ought to be paid and satisfied. And that no Suit or Prosecution whatsoever to be com­menced or brought against any Person or Persons, in order to recover any of the said Penalties, be stay'd before Judg­ment or Conviction.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That each of the said new Bills, to be made by Virtue of this Act, shall be signed and num­bered by the Persons hereby appointed Signers of the same Bills: The Signers Names▪ and how to be sup­plied in C [...]se of Death, &c. (to wit,) Evan Owen, Iohn Wright and Thomas Tresse. And if any of the said Signers shall happen to die, or be rendered uncapable of doing his Duty required by this Act, the Assembly, for the time being, shall appoint other Per­sons to supply such Deficiencies from time to time until all the Bills to the said Value of Ten Thousand Pounds shall be signed, and together with their Counterparts numbered and delivered as this Act directs.

Their Quali­fications.BUT before any of the Persons before nominated or hereafter to be appointed Signers of Bills of Credit, by Vir­tue of this Act, presume to act therein, they shall take an Oath or Affirmation before any one Justice of the Peace of the City or County of Philad [...]lphia, who is hereby impow­ered and required to administer the same, charging them jointly and severally that they will well and truly sign and number the said original Bills of Credit; and number their Counterparts that shall come to their Hands [...] that Purpose by the Direction of this Act; and the same [...]o signed and numbered will deliver or cause to be delivered to the Trustees of the General Loan-Office of th [...]s [...]rovince, pursuant to the Directions of the same Act

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, How the Tru­stees are to deliver the Bills to be signed. That the said Trust [...], within ten Days after the said new Bills and Counterpa [...] [...] [...]re­pared and deposited with them, as by this Act is d [...]e [...]ted, shall deliver out, at the Place where they keep the said Loan-Office, the Value of One Thousand Pounds, out of the said Ten Thousand Pounds, to the Signers hereby appointed; who having signed and numbered the original Bills so delivered them, and truly numbered the Counterparts thereof, shall immediately re-deliver them to the said [Page 329] [...], who shall thereupon give their Receipts for the [...].

[...] after the said Bills, to the Value of One Thousand [...] aforesaid, are exchanged by the said Trustees as this [...] [...]irects, then the Trustees of the said Loan-Office for [...] time being, shall, within ten Days next after, deliver [...] at th [...]ir sa [...]d Office, to the Signers of Bills for the time being, the further Value of One Thousand Pounds more of the said T [...]n T [...]nd [...]ounds: Who having signed and numbered the origin [...]l Bills so delivered them, and num­bered the Counterparts thereof, shall immediately re-deliver them to the Trustees; who shall thereupon give their Re­ceipts as abovesaid; and so from time to time till the whole [...] of the said Ten Thousand Pounds, by delivering, sign­ing, [...]mbering and re-delivering One Thousand Pounds Va­ [...] at a time, shall be exchanged as this Act directs; and the sai [...] C [...]unterparts so numbered and re-delivered as afore­ [...]id, sh [...]ll be kept by the said Trustees for trying the Truth [...] their Originals when there shall be Occasion.

[...]ND the said Signers shall cause to be kept a true [...] of all the Bills they so respectively sign and [...] aforesaid. The Signer [...] Reward. And for their Care and Trouble required [...] by this Act, the Signers of each Thousand Pounds [...] shall receive Three Pounds a-piece, in six Days after [...] Delivery thereof, with their Counterparts, as above [...]; to be paid by the Trustees for the time being [...] each Signer, his Executors, Administrators or Assigns.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED [...] t [...]e Authority aforesaid, Trustees S [...]il [...], Succession, & [...]. That the said Trustees shall [...] ▪ as heretofore, The Trustees of the General [...] of the [...]rovince of Pennsylvania; and shall have [...] and the same Capacities and Powers for putting this [...] and those two other Acts in Execution, to all [...] and Purposes, as in the said Thirty Thousand Pound Act [...] and settled, for putting the same in Execution: [...] nevertheless, to all and singular the Provisoes, [...], Limitations and Restitutions, in and by this [...] provided and enacted.

[...]ND IT IS HEREBY FURTHER [...]VIDED AND ENACTED, The two former Acts con­firmed, ex­cept, & [...]. That every [...], Cl [...]use and Sentence in the said two former Acts [...]ectively (except such Clauses and Parts thereof as are [Page 330] hereby altered, supplied, or concerning which other Provi­sion is hereby made) shall be and are hereby declared and enacted to be of full Force and Virtue in the Law.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Trustees shall give Bond, &c. That before any of the said Trustee or Trustees, for the Time being, shall be in or en­ter upon the Execution of the Trust by this Act required, they shall, each of them, enter into a Bond to the Provin­cial-Treasurer of this Province, for the time being, in the Penalty of Five Hundred Pounds, conditioned for the due Observance of all Things required of him, in Performance of the Trust reposed in him by this present Act; and shall each of them also make Oath or Affirmation before any Justice of the Peace of the City or County of Philadelphia, who is hereby impowered and requi [...]ed to administer the same; That, to the best of his Skill and Knowledge, he will faithfully, impartially and truly demean himself in the Discharge of the Trust committed to him by this present Act; as also, in the Discharge of the remaining Part of the Trust committed to him by the said two recited Acts, so as none may be prejudiced by his Consent, Privity or Procurement.

AND that the said Trustees assuming upon themselves the Execution of the Trust by this present Act req [...]i [...]ed of them, shall be allowed for their Service and Trouble therein at and after the Rate of Twenty Pounds per Annum each, added to their Salaries hereafter accruing by the [...]ai [...] former Acts, payable to each of them in Bills of Credit of this Province, for and during the Continuance of the said Thirty Thousand Pound Act: The time they are to give Atten­dance, &c. And that they the said Trus­tees, or any two of them, shall duly attend at the said Loan-Office the first third Day of the Week called Tuesday, in the Months called March, May, Iuly, September, November and Ianuary, yearly, for receiving the Sums to be paid in pursuant to this and the said two former Acts respectively, and for emitting the Sums to be lent by the Direction of this present Act, until all the Quota [...] to be paid in, pur­suant to this and the said former Acts, be re-emitted; and afterwards at such Times as the Trust and Service of the Publick may require them, during the Continuance of the said Thirty Thousand Pound Act: And that the said Trustees, or one of them, or some other Person under their Direction, and for whom they shall be accountable, shall duly attend at the Place where the said Office is kept, on [Page 331] the first fourth Day of the Week, called Wednesday, in every Month, then and there to deliver out new Bills of the Ten T [...]usand [...]ounds Value hereby directed to be struck, to such Persons as demand them in Exchange and in Lieu of such torn and d [...]fac [...]d Bill [...] as the said Trustees, or any of them, shall ju [...]g [...] to be [...] Bills of this Province, and of [...] Value with those they so give in Exchange, until [...] Thousand Pounds Value aforesaid be wholly [...]: Which torn and defaced Bills, being kept by the [...] Trustees, shall by them be produced for their Vou­c [...]er [...] to discharge th [...]mselves of the Ten Thousand Pounds [...], before any Committee of Assembly, to be ap­pointed Auditors of the said Trustees Accounts; who shall thereupon cause the said torn and defaced Bills to be sunk and destroyed.

AND that the Clerk herein after appointed, shall, once a Year, make out a List of the Securities by this Act directed to be taken, containing the Persons Names to whom the Sums are lent, and the Times when; and the same Li [...]t [...] shall submit and deliver to the Assemblies of this Province for the time being, from time to time, until all the Sums hereby directed to be emitted be wholly com­prehended and delivered.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED [...] the Authority aforesaid, A Committee of Assembly to be Audi­tors of the T [...]tees Ac­counts. That any Committee of As­sembly of this Province, being appointed Auditors of Ac­count, of the said Trustees, the same Auditors for the time being shall, once in every Year, or oftner, call the said Trustees to Account for all the Monies in Bills of Credit they shall receive, recover and pay, exchange or emit in Purs [...]ance of this Act, and all the Interest to be received upon S [...]curities hereby directed to be taken (whether the [...]me Interest accrue on or before the said sixteenth Day of Ianuary, Anno Domini 1731, or afterwards) being accoun­ted for, and the Salaries and Charges allowed by this Act Act b [...]ing deducted, they the said Trustees shall dispose ther [...]of as the Assemblies of this Province shall from time to time order and direct.

AND that all the yearly Quotas or Parcels of the principal Sums which shall or ought to be paid in into the [...]id Loan-Office aforesaid, The Quotas of all princi­pal Sums paid in after 1 [...]31, to be sunk and destroy'd. at any time after the said 16th Day [...] 1731, remaining in the Hands of the Trus­tees there [...] for the time being, shall, within ten Days [Page 332] after every such Audit, be sunk and destroyed by and in the Presence of the same Auditors respectively, they ha­ving first compa [...]ed the original Bills with their Counter­parts, as t [...]ey shall have Occasion, and entered the Num­bers and Value of each Bill so destroyed, into a Book to be kept for that Purpose.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Charles Brock­den nominated Clerk of the Loan-Offic. That Charles Brockden, of Phi­ladelphia, shall be and is hereby nominated and appointed to be Clerk of the General Loan-Office hereby erected, du­ring the Continuance of this Act, to advise and assist the Trustees thereof, in and about the Titles aforesaid, and for the devising and preparing of the Mortgage-Deeds and Writings of the Mortgagers herein before directed to be gi­ven, and for Recording of the same Mortgage-Deeds. And in case of the Removal of the said Charles Brockden, by Death or otherwise, the said Trustees for the time being shall appoint a fit Person to supply his Place, and so from time to time during the Continuance of this Act, as often as there shall be Occasion: Which Persons so to be nomi­nated, shall thereupon act in that Station until the General Assembly of this Province for the time being disapprove such Appointment, by nominating another in his Stead; any Law or Usage to the contrary notwithstanding. And that the said Clerk, for his Trouble, Care and Diligence, shall have and receive of every Mortgager, the like Fees and Perquisites as the said Thirty Thousand Pound Act spe­cifieth and directeth to be paid in like Cases, to the Clerk thereby directed to be chosen. But before the Person h [...]re­by nominated or hereafter to be elected Clerk aforesaid, shall enter upon the Execution of his Duty aforesaid, he shall enter into Bond to the Provincial-Treasurer for the time being, in the Penalty of Five Hundred Pounds, condi­tioned for the due Observance of all Things required of him by this Act; and shall also take an Oath or Affirma­tion before any one Justice of the Peace of the City or County of Philadelphia, who is hereby impowered and re­quired to administer the same; That he shall truly and faithfully perform and execute the Office and Duty that is directed and required of him by this present Act; and that he will keep a just and true Account of the Names of all such Persons as shall apply unto the Loan-Office aforesaid for Bills of Credit; and will prepare and record the Deed [...] of Mortgage in the same Order of time as their Applica­tions are made, without any undue Preference, unnecessary Delays, or fraudulent Practice.

[Page 333]AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, When the Trustees shall be fin [...] [...] dis­charged. That after all the Sums and Bills of Credit, to be received by the Trustees of the Ge­neral Loan-Office aforesaid, are so by them accounted for and sunk, pur [...]uant to the Direction of this Act, the same Trustees, and Trustees for the time being, their Heirs, Executors and Administrators, and every of them, shall, thenceforwards, stand and forever be clearly discharged and acquitted of and from all Manner of Obligations, Securities, Actions, Causes of Actions, and of and from all further or oth [...]r Accou [...]ts and Demands whatsoever, to be made or rendered by them of or for any Trust unto them commit­ted, or any thing by them done in Pursuance of this Act.

CHAP. CCLXXVI. An ACT for laying a Duty on Negroes imported into this Province.


CHAP. CCLXXVII. An ACT for the better enabling of Bernhard Vanleer, Arent Hassert, Michael Smiths, William Seliger, Arnold Bamberger, William Hilligart, and Ulrick Hageman, to trade and hold Lands in this Province.

WHEREAS by the Royal Charter of the late King Charles the Second to William Penn, Esq late Proprietary and Governor of the Province of Pennsylvania, Licence is granted to all Persons, not spe­cially forbidden, to transport themselves and Families into the said Province, in such Shipping as by the Laws of the of the Kingdom of England they ought to use, paying th [...] Customs therefore due, and here to settle themselves, dwell and inherit, and plant for the Publick and their own pri­vate Advantage; with Licence to purchase and hold Lands in Fe [...]-simple, or otherwise, of the said Proprietary, and his Heirs, with full Licence to all Persons who shall from time to time repair hither with a Purpose to inhabit [...] trade with the Natives of this Country, to load, height and transport all and singular their Goods, Wares and [Page 334] Merchandizes, not prohibited by the Laws and Statutes of England, into any Ports whatsoever of the said late King, his Heirs and Successors, according to the Laws made or to be made within the said Kingdom of England; SAVING ALWAYS to the said late King, his Heirs and Successors, the legal Impositions, Customs or other Duties due or to become due by any Law or Statute, for the said Wares or Merchandizes, as by the said Royal Charter (amongst other Things) may more fully appear. AND WHEREAS the said Bernhard Vanleer, Arent Hassert, Michael Smiths, William Seliger, Arnold Bamberger, William Hilligart and Ulrick Hageman, were born under the Allegiance of the Emperor of Germany, now in Amity with the King of Great Britain; and being of the Protestant or reformed Religion, and desirous to come under the Power and Pro­tection of his British Majesty, have transported themselves, with their Effects, into this Province; and duly considering the Happiness of being governed by a Constitution agree­able to the Laws, Rights and Liberties of England; and desiring to be made Partakers of these Immunities belong­ing to the natural-born Subjects of this Province, and be more effectually secured of those Privileges and Advantage [...] granted by his said late Royal Majesty King Charles the Second to Persons coming into this Province to settle and inhabit; they the said Berhard Vanleer, Arent Hassert, Mi­chael Smiths, William Seliger, Arnold Bamberger, William Hilligart and Ulrick Hageman, having on the 6th Day of December 1725, in the General Quarter-Sessions of the Peace of our Lord the King that now is, held at Philadel­phia, in the said Province, taken and subscribed the several Qualifications required by Law to be taken and subscribed by his Majesty's liege Subjects, obtained Leave to bring in this Bill to the present Assembly. Now forasmuch a [...] the Increase of People in these foreign Plantations is an Encouragement to the English Trade, and a Means of ad­vancing the Wealth and Strength of the English Empire; Therefore may it please the Governor that it may be [...]nacted, AND BE IT ENACTED by Sir WILLIAM KEITH, Bart. Governor of the Province of Pennsylva [...]ia ▪ &c. by and with the Advice and Consent of the Freemen of the said Province, in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, That the said Bernhard Vanleer, Arent Hassert, Michael Smiths, William Se [...]g [...]r, Arnold Bam­berger, William Hilligart and Ulrick Hageman, are hereby de­clared, and shall at all times hereafter, be esteemed and taken, to all Intents and Purposes, to be and to have been [Page 335] since their first Arrival in this Province, free and fully able and capable to trade, traffick, load, freight and transport all and all Manner of Goods, Wares and Merchandizes not by Law p [...]ohibited to be imported or exported, as if they the said Bernhard Vanleer, Arent Hassert, Michael Smiths, William Seliger, Arnold Bamberger, William Hilligart and Ul­ri [...]k Hageman, had been the natural liege People and Sub­jects of the King of Great Britain, born in this Province of Pennsylvania.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That the said Bernhard Vanleer, Arent Hassert, Michael Smiths, William Seliger, Arnold Bam­berger, William Hilligart and Ulrick Hageman, shall and are hereby enabled and adjudged able, to all Intents, Construc­tions and Purposes whatsoever, as well to demand, take, have, retain and enjoy any Privileges and Immunities be­longing to his Majesty's liege People and natural Subjects of this Province; as also to have and enjoy all Lands and Tenements, or other Hereditaments, by Way of Purchase, or Gift of any Person or Persons whatsoever; and also to prosecute, pursue, maintain, avow and justify all and all Manner of Actions, Suits and Causes, and all other Things to do as lawfully, freely and fully as if they the said Bern­hard Vanleer, Arent Hassert, Michael Smiths, William Seliger, Arnold Bamberger, William Hilligart and Ulrick Hageman, had been and were born natural Subjects of this Province, or as any other Person or Persons born within this Province, may lawfully in anywise do; any Law, Custom or Usage to the contrary thereof in anywise notwithstanding.

CHAP. CCLXXVIII. An ACT for the better Regulating of Negroes in this Province. See before Chap. 125.126.

WHEREAS it too often happens, Preamble. that Negroes commit Felonies, and other heinous Crimes, which by the Laws of this Province, are punisha­ble by Death; but the Loss in such Case falling wholly on the Owner, is so great a Hardship, that sometimes may in­duce him to conceal such Crimes, or to convey his Negroe to some other Place, and so suffer him to escape Justice, to the ill Example of others to commit the like Offences: [Page 336] For Remedy whereof, BE IT ENACTED by Sir WILLIAM KEITH, Bart. Governor of the Pro­vince of Pennsylvania, &c. by and with the Adv [...]e and Consent of the Freemen of the said Province, in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, That if any Negroe, Negroes convicte [...] of c [...] ­pita [...] Offe [...]ce [...], to [...]e [...]& [...]. [...] Owne [...] paid. owned by any of the Inhabitants of this Province, shall hereafter be convicted of any capital Crime fo [...] which he or she shall suffer Death, the Justices, with the F [...]eeholders, before whom he or she shall be convicted, sh [...]ll immediately upon such Conviction value such Negroe; which Value by them set shall be allowed and paid to the Owner out of the Duties, Fines and Penalties arising from this and one other Act, laying a Duty on Negroes impo [...]ted into this Province, and no otherways; and the Provincial-Treasurer is hereby impowered and required to pay the same, by Order under the said Justices Hands; which said Order they are hereby required to make, seal and deliver to the Owner of any Negroe executed as abovesaid.

AND BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, All Negroes impo [...]ed into thi [...] Province to be ent [...]ed, and ex [...]min'd whether they were s [...]nt hither for capi­t [...]l Offences, &c. That from and after the Twenty-fourth Day of Iune 1726, for every Negroe imported or brought into this Province, from the West-Indies, or any other Place, who shall or have been transported or sent away for being Pri [...] ­cipal or Accessary to any Felony, or grand or Petty-La [...] ­ceny, or other Misdemeanors, there shall be paid by the Owner, Importer or Possessor, the Sum of Five Pounds, over and above the Five Pounds Duty laid by an Act of Assem­bly of this Province, passed this Sessions: Which said Duty shall be paid to the Officer appointed to collect and receive the said Duty imposed by the said recited Act. And all Masters of Vessels, or others bringing into this Province any such Negroes, shall, within the Space of Twenty-four Hours, make Entry, and, upon Oath or Affirmation, give a true Account to the said Collector, of the Number of Negroes by him or them imported or brought in, and to whom they respectively belong; whereupon the said Offi­cer shall forthwith give Notice thereof, to any one or more of the Justices of the Peace for the City or County whe [...] such Negroes are or shall be imported; which Justice or Justices are hereby impowered and required immediately, by Warrant or otherwise, to call before him or them the said Master, Owner or other Person or Persons importing such Negroes as aforesaid, and to examine him or them upon Oath or Affirmation, in Order to discover which or how many of the said Negroes are liable to the said Duty [Page 337] of Ten Pounds per Head; and then the said Justice or Justices shall deliver, or cause to be delivered to the said Collector, a Certificate or List of the Number of Negroes so imported, which shall appear to them, or as they shall judge to be within the Meaning of this Act; and there­upon the said Officer shall proceed to collect and recover the said Duty, or take Bond for the same. And all Mas­ters of Vessels, and others, bringing into this Province any such Negroes; as likewise the said Collector, and all other Persons, shall and are hereby required to observe and com­ply with the Directions of the said Act in and about the Execution of this Part of this Act, and under the same Ex­ceptions, Restrictions and Penalties as is appointed and set down in and by the said recited Act, excepting where the same is hereby expressly altered or supplied.

AND WHEREAS 'tis found by Experience, that [...]ree Negroes are an idle, slothful People; and often prove burthensom to the Neighbourhood, and afford ill Examples to other Negroes: THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Master or Mistress shall discharge or set free any Negroe, Security to be given on set­ting a Negroe free. he or she shall enter into Recognizance at the respec­tive County-Court, with sufficient Sureties, in the Sum of Thirty Pounds, to secure and indemnify the City, Town­ship or County where he resides, from any Charge or In­cumbrance they may bring upon the same, in case such Negroe, by Sickness or otherwise, be rendered uncapable to support him or herself; but until such Recognizance be given, such Negroes shall not be deemed free.

AND [...] any Negroe be made free by the Will or Tes­tament of any Person deceased, Also, on set­ting them free by Will. then the Executor or Exe­cutors of the Deceased, or some other Person, shall enter into the like Recognizance as above, immediately upon proving the said Will, or otherwise the said Negroe shall not be deemed free.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That if any free Negroe, Free Negroes, neglecting to to work, to be bound out by the Year. fit and able to work, shall neglect so to do, and loiter or mispend his or her Time, or wander from Place to Place, any two Magistrates next adjoining are hereby impowered and re­quired, to bind out to Service such Negroe from Year to Year, as to them shall seem meet.

[Page 338] Free Negroe Children to be bound out, &c.AND if any Negroe be set free under the Age of Twenty-one Years, or where there be any Children of free Negroes, it shall and may be lawful for the Overseers of the Poor, and they are hereby ordered, with the Assent of two or more Justices of the Peace, to bind out to Service such Negroe or Negroes, a Man Child until he comes to the Age of Twenty-four Years, and a Woman Child to the Age of Twenty-one.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Penalty on free Negroes entertaining Slaves, &c. That if any free Negroe or Mulatto shall harbour or entertain any Negroe, Indian or Mulatto Slave, or Servant, in his or her House, without the Leave and Consent of their respective Master or Mis­tress, he or she shall forfeit and pay the Sum of Five Shil­lings, for the first Hour, and One Shilling for every Hour afterwards, they shall be so harboured or entertained.

Also on tra­ding with them.AND if any free Negroe or Mulatto shall barter, trade or anyways deal with any Negroe or other Slave, without Licence had as abovesaid, he or she shall make Restitution to the Party grieved, and also be publickly whipp'd, not exceeding Twenty-one Lashes.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, And not be­ing able to pay the Pe­nalties, Satis­faction to be order'd by Servitude. That i [...] any free Negroe or Mulatto shall refuse or be unable to pay his or her Fine or Forfeiture as aforesaid, it shall and may be lawful to and for the Justice before whom such Matter is tried to order Satisfaction by Servitude.

AND BE IT ENACTED by the Autho­rity aforesaid, Penalty on a­ny Person joining White and Black in Marriage. That no Minister, Pastor or Magi­strate, or other Person whatsoever, who according to the Laws of this Province usually join People in Marriage, shall, upon any Pretence whatsoever, join in Marriage any Negroe with any white Person, on the Penalty of One Hundred Pounds.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Forfeitures on White and Black cohabi­ting together. That if any white Man or Woman shall cohabit or dwell with any Negroe, under Pretence of being marry'd, such white Man or Woman shall forfeit and pay the Sum of Thirty Pounds, or be sold for a Servant, not exceeding seve [...] Years, by the Justices of the respective County Courts; and the Child or Children [Page 339] of such white Man or Woman shall be put out to Service as above directed, until they come to the Age of Thirty-one Years: And if any free Negroe Man or Woman shall intermarry with a white Woman or Man, such Negroe shall become Slave during Life, to be sold by Order of the Justices of the Qua [...]ter-Sessions of the respective County. And if any free Negroe Man or Woman shall commit Fornication or Adultery with any white Man or Woman, such Negroe or Negroes shall be sold Servant for seven Years as abovesaid; and the white Man or Woman shall be punished as the Law directs in Cases of Adultery or Fornication.

AND WHEREAS a good Regulation and sui­table Management of Negroes is very much conducive to the Safety and Peace, as well as Advantage of those Countries which are possess'd of any Number of them, THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Piunshment on Negroes tipling, from their Home, after Nine at Night. That if any Negroe shall at any time be found tipling or drinking in or near any House or Shop where strong Liquors are sold, or be found out of or absent from his Master or Mistress's House after nine a Clock at Night, without Licence from his said Master or Mistress, shall be whipp'd on his or her bare Back, at his Master's or Owner's own Cost, not exceeding ten Lashes, by Order of any Justice of the Peace.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Negroes found ten Miles from home, to be taken up, &c. That whoever shall take up any Negroe above ten Miles from his or her Master or Mistress's Habitation, who hath not Leave in Writing from his or her said Master or Mistress, or are not known to be on their Service, he, she or they so taken up shall be whipp'd by Order of any Justice of the Peace, on the bare Back, at the Owner's Charge, not exceeding ten Lashes; and the Taker-up shall have for his Reward Five Shillings, with reasonable Charge for carrying him or them home, paid by the Master or Mistress of the said Negroe.

AND BE IT ENACTED by the Autho­rity aforesaid, No Owner to permit his Negroe to seek his own Employ, on Penalty, &c. That no Master or Mistress of any Ne­groe shall hereafter, for any Reward, Sum or Sums of Money stipulated and agreed upon between them, or upon any other Pretence whatsoever, permit or suffer his or their Negroes to ramble about, under Pretence of getting Work, give Liberty to their Negroes to seek their own [Page 340] Employ, and so go to work at their own Wills, under the Penalty of Twenty Shillings, for every such Offence.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Penalty on any Person's entertaining a Slave. That no Person or Persons whatsoever shall imploy or knowingly harbour, conceal or entertain other People's Slaves, at their Houses, Out-houses or Plantations, without the Master or Owner's Consent, excepting in Distress of Weather, or other extraordinary Occasion, under the Penalty of Thirty Shillings, for every Twenty-four Hours he or they shall entertain or harbour him or them as aforesaid.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, How the Fines, &c. are to be recover­ed & applied. That all the Fines, Forfeitures and Penalties, arising by this Act, shall go, one Half there­of for and towards the Paying for Negroes executed for capital Offences, according to the Directions of this Act; to be paid into the Hands of the Provincial-Treasurer, and the other Half thereof to the Prosecutor: And shall be re­covered in Manner following, viz. all those under Forty Shillings, as other Debts of the like Value are recovered, and those above Forty Shillings, to be recovered in any Court of Record in this Province, by Bill, Plaint or In­formation, where no more than one Imparlance shall be allowed.

CHAP. CCLXXI [...]. An ACT for the better Regulating the Retailers of Liquors near the Iron-Works, and elsewhere.


[Page 341]

At a GENERAL ASSEMBLY begun at Philadelphia, in the Province of Pennsylvania, the Fourteenth Day of October, in the Thirteenth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE, King of Great Britain, &c. Annoq Domini, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty-six, and continued by Adjournment till the Twenty-fifth Day of August, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty-seven: The following ACTS were passed by the Honourable PATRICK GORDON, Esq Governor of the said Province, That is to say,

CHAP. CCLXXX. An ACT for the Establishing of Courts of Iudicature in this Province.


[Page 342]

CHAP. CCLXXXI. An ACT for the more effectual encouraging the Raising of good Hemp; and for continuing an Excise on all Wine, Rum, Brandy, and other Spirits, retailed within this Province.

Repealed, vid. 5 Geo. II. Chap. 325.

CHAP. CCLXXXII. An ACT for establishing a Ferry from the City of Philadelphia, to the Landing at or near the House of William Cooper; and another from or near the City-Bounds, to Gloucester in New-Jersey.


CHAP. CCLXXXIII. An ACT more effectually to prevent unfair Practices in the Packing of Beef and Pork for Exportation.

WHEREAS an Act was passed in this Province, in the twelfth Year of the Reign of the late King William the Third, entituled, An Act for the As­certaining the Dimensions of Cask, and for the true Packing of Meat for Transportation: AND WHEREAS the Frauds and Abuses provided against and intended to be pre­vented by the said Act, relating to the Package of Beef and Pork, and Dimensions of Cask, are still complained of: For the Preventing whereof, for the Time to come, BE IT ENACTED by the Honourable PATRICK GORDON, Esq Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Pennsylvania, &c. by and with the Advice and Consent of the Freemen of the said Province, in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, How much every tight Cask, made for exporting Beef & Pork, shall contain; the Cooper to brand his Cask, &c. and enter the Brand and his Name with the Offices, on Pe [...]alty, &c. That all tight Cask, made in this Province, for Beef and Pork for Exportation, shall be made of good, sound, well-seasoned white Oak Timber, and shall contain as follows, viz. The Ba [...]rel, Thirty-one Gal­lons and a half, Wine-Measure, and the Half-Barrel, six­teen Gallons: And every Cooper, residing or hereafter to reside within this Province, shall, each one for himself, provide and have a distinguishable Brand-Mark, and shall [Page 343] therewith brand each and every tight Barrel and Half-Barrel he shall make for containing of Beef or Pork for Exportation: But before any such Cooper shall brand any Barrel or Half-Barrel as aforesaid, he shall cause such his Brand-Ma [...], together with his Name and Place of Abode, to be entered with the Officer hereafter appointed by this Act; who is hereby required to enter the same in a Book provided and kept by him for that Purpose, for Entering of which the Officer shall have One Shilling each, and no more: And every Cooper offending in all or any of the Premises, on due Proof made, shall forfeit and pay the Sum of Ten Shillings, for every such Offence.

AND BE IT ENACTED by the Autho­rity aforesaid, How good Beef & Pork shall be pack­ed. That all Beef and Pork designed for Expor­tation, from and after the Twentieth Day of September, One Thousand Se [...]n Hundred and Twenty-seven, shall be found and merchantable Meat, well packed and secured with Salt and Pickle, and shall not have more than two Heads of Pork in one Barrel, nor more than one Head in half a Barrel.

AND BE IT ENACTED by the Autho­rity aforesaid, No Person to export Beef and Pork be­fore view'd by the Officer. That no Merchant or Person whatsoever shall lade or ship any Beef or Pork for Exportation out of this Province, before he shall first submit the same to the View and Examination of the Officer or his Deputy, ap­pointed by the Direction of this Act, who shall search the same, by opening, unpacking and repacking, in order to judge of the Sound [...]es [...] and true Package of the Meat, as well as the Contents of the Cask; and if the said Officer or his Deputy shall find the said Beef or Pork to be mer­chantable, and the Cask to contain, the Barrel Thirty-one Gallons and a half, Wine-Measure, and the Half-Barrel sixteen Gallons, according to the Direction of this Act; he shall, after the Packing or Re-packing and Heading, The Barrel to be branded thu [...], [figure] brand every such Barrel and Half-Barrel on the Quarter, with a Provincial Brand-Mark, which the said Officer shall have and provide for that Purpose, sufficient to impress, in a fair and distinguishable Manner, the Arms of the Province of Pennsylvania, as in the Margin.

PROVIDED ALWAYS NEVERTHE­LESS, On any Dispute arising, ho [...] to pr [...] ­ceed. That if any Dispute shall happen to arise be­tween the said Officer and Possessor of such Beef or Pork, concerning the Soundness o [...] Package of the same, or [Page 344] Contents of the Cask, Application being made to one of the Magistrates of the City or County where the said Dis­pute arises, who shall issue his Warrant to two indiffere [...] judicious Persons of Skill and Integrity, to view and search the said Beef and Pork, and make Report forthwith ac­cording as they find the same; and the said Magistrate is hereby impowered and required to give Judgment acco [...] ­dingly: And in case the said Beef or Pork is judged not [...] to be exported, the said Magistrate shall order it not to be exported, under the Penalty of Forfeiture of all such Beef or Pork; and shall also award and order the Owner or Pos­sessor of the said Beef or Pork, to pay the said Officer Five Shillings per Cask, for all such Beef or Pork as shall be ad­judged not fit for Exportation as aforesaid, with reasonable Charges. But in case the said Beef or Pork, upon Tri [...] shall be found to be good and merchantable, according to the Direction of this Act, the Charges of Prosecution shall be paid by the Officer.

AND BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, The Officer's Fee for [...]ack­ing. &c. That the Officer hereafter appointed, or to be appointed, or his Deputy, shall have and receive, for the Viewing, Searching and Packing, or Re-packing, Heading and Branding of every Barrel of Beef or Pork, One Shilling and Six-Pence, and for every Half-Barrel One Shilling, and no more; to be paid, one Half by the Buyer or Shipper, and the other Half by the Seller.

AND BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, The Officer's Power and Duty. That the said Officer, or his Deputies, shall have full Power and Authority by Virtue of this Act, and with­out any further or other Warrant, to enter on board any Ship, Sloop or Vessel whatsoever, lying or being in any Port or Place in this Province, and into any House, Store or Places whatsoever, within the Province aforesaid, to search for and make Discovery of any Beef or Pork shipp'd or intended to be shipp'd for Exportation; and if the O [...]ner or Possessor, or their Servants, or others, shall den [...] him or them Entrance; or if the said Officer or his Depu­ties shall be anyways molested in making such Discovery as aforesaid; or if such Merchant or Owner shall refuse to permit the said Officer, or his Deputies to view and exa­mine any Beef or Pork, or not permit him or them to brand the same, if merchantable, according to the Direction of this Act, every such Person so of [...]ending shall forfeit and pay the Sum of Ten Pounds: Or shall ship off any Cask or [Page 345] Casks of Beef or Pork not branded with the Provincial Brand-Mark aforesaid, every such Person so offending shall forfeit and pay the Sum of Ten Shillings for every Cask so shipp'd.

AND BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That Nathaniel Griffitts, of Philadelphia, Cooper, Who is ap­pointed Of­ficer, and in whose Power it is, in case of Death, &c. to appoint a­nother. shall be and is hereby appointed the said Officer for View­ing, Searching, Packing or Re-packing and Branding as aforesaid all Beef and Pork intended for Exportation, ac­cording to the Direction of this present Act. And if the said Nathaniel Griffitts, or other Person hereafter appointed to be the Officer aforesaid, shall, by any Accident be ren­dered uncapable, or neglect to execute the said Office, or shall happen to die before or after the Time of pu [...]ng this present Act in Execution, then, and so often, and from time to time, it shall and may be lawful to and for the Mayor, together with any two Aldermen, of the City of Philadelphia, to supply his Place by some other fit and capable Person; who shall thereupon be the Officer for putting this Act in Execution until the Assembly appoints a [...]other.

BUT before the said Nathaniel Griffitts, The Offices to make Oath or Affirma­tion. or any other Person so to be appointed the Officer aforesaid, shall do any thing in the Execution of his Office, he shall first make Oath or Affirmation before any Justice of the Peace of any County of this Province, faithfully and impartially to per­form his Duty and Trust to the best of his Capacity, ac­cording to the Direction of this present Act.

AND BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That the said Nathaniel Griffitts, And may ap­point Depu­ties. or any other Person appointed the Officer aforesaid, is hereby impowered to appoint Deputies in the respective Counties of this Pro­vince (for whom he or they shall be accountable) which said Deputies are hereby fully impowered to act as Deputy-Officers for the Viewing, Searching, Packing and Branding of Beef and Pork in Manner aforesaid, in their respective Counties, to all Intents and Purposes, as fully as [...]e said Nathaniel Griffitts could do by Virtue of this Act.

AND BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Penalty on counterfeit­ing the Brand-Mark, and using the same. That if any Person or Persons shall counterfeit the said Provincial Brand-Mark, or impress or brand the same on any Cask of Beef or Pork, he, she or they being [Page 346] thereof legally convicted, shall, for the first Offence, forfeit and pay the Sum of Five Pounds, for the second Offence the Sum of Ten Pounds, and for the Third, and every other such Offence, the Offender shall be committed to Goal, and sentenced to the Pillory, there to stand the Space of two Hours, on a Market-Day, in any City, Bur­rough or Town of the respective Counties of this Province where the Fact was committed.

AND BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, The Appro­priation of th [...] Fines, and h [...]w to be re­covered. That all and singular the Fines, Forfeitures and Penalties in and by this Act set and appointed, shall be, one Half to the Governor, for the Support of Government, and the other Half thereof to the Informer, or him or them that will sue for the same; if under Forty Shillings, to be recovered as Debts under Forty Shillings are usually reco­vered; if above Forty Shillings, to be sued for and recovered by Bill, Plaint or Information, in any Court of Record within this Province, wherein no Essoin, Protection or Wager of Law, nor any more than one Imparlance, shall be allowed.

CHAP. CCLXXXIV. A Supplementary ACT to the Act for Ascertain­ing the Number of Members of Assembly, Antea Chap. 1 [...]9. and to regulate Elections.

Preamble.WHEREAS by an Act of Assembly of this Province, passed in the fourth Year of the late Queen Anne, entituled, An Act to ascertain the Number of Members of Assembly, and to regulate Elections, amongst other Things it is enacted, that every Sheriff, or, in his Absence, his un­der Sheriff, or such as he shall depute, or for Want of such Deputation, the Coroner, or such as he shall appoint, or for Want of such Appointment, any two of the Freeholders, who, by the major Part of the Electors then and there present shall be nominated and appointed Judges of the said Elec­tions, in the Absence of the Sheriff or Coroner shall attend the said Elections, and shall appoint such Number of Clerks for taking the Poll or Votes of the Electors as the Inspec­tors in the said Act after mentioned shall appoint. AND WHEREAS by the said recited Act it doth not clearly appear what Number of Inspectors are to be nominated or [Page 347] chosen by the major Part of the Electors, nor are they [...] under any Oath or Affirmation for the true Discharge of the Trust in them reposed by the said Act, from whence some Disputes have arisen to the D [...]lay of the said Elections: For Remedy whereof, BE IT ENACTED by PATRICK GORDON, Esq Lieutenant Governor of the Pro­vince of Pennsylvania, &c. by and with the Advice and Consent of the Freemen of the Province aforesaid, in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, How the She­riff, &c shall proceed in the Election, &c. That when the Sheriff of every County of this Province, or his Under-Sheriff, or such as he shall depute, or for Want of such Deputation, the Coroner, or such other Person or Per­sons, who by the before-recited Act, or any other Law of this Province, are or shall be, in the Absence of the Sheriff or Coroner, appointed to be Judges of the said Elections respectively, are ready to proceed according to the Direction of the said Act, the Freemen of the respective Counties then and there present, and having Right to be Electors, or the major Part of them, shall immediately, preceeding every such Election of Representatives, nominate such substantial Freeholders, of the County where such Election is to be, for Inspectors of the ensuing Election, who at the Time and Place aforesaid shall be p [...]t up one by one, by the She­riff, or other Judges of the said Elections, until eight of those Freeholders so nominated shall be chosen for the County and City of Philadelphia, and six for the said City of Philadelphia, and the Number four for the Counties of Bu [...]ks and Chester respectively, by a fair Majority of the Electors, to be Inspectors as aforesaid, having Regard (as much as may be) in all Elections for the respective Coun­ties of this Province, to choose such Persons for Inspectors as, f [...]om their living in different Quarters of the said Counties, may have the most Knowledge of the Qualification or Abilities of the Electors.

AND the said Inspectors, when chosen as aforesaid, The Inspec­tors how to he qualified, &c. before they shall proceed to act in receiving the Poll or Votes at the said Elections, shall be qualified by Oath or Affirmation, by the Sheriff of the proper County, or other Judges of the Elections; who are hereby impowered and required to administer the same, That they will duly attend the ensuing Election, during the Continuance thereof, and will truly and faithfully assist the Sheriff, Coroner, or other Person who shall, by Virtue of the before recited Act, offi­ciate as Judges of the said Elections, to preven [...] all Frauds and Deceits whatsoe [...]er of Electors, or others, in the [Page 348] Management and carrying on of the same, and in causing the Poll or Votes at such Elections to be taken and cast up according to the Directions of the said recited Act.

An Oath or Affirmation to be admi­nistered to the Voter, [...]AND the said Inspectors are hereby authorized and re­quired to administer to every Elector or Person, who present [...] his Ticket for electing Representatives to serve an Assembly, an Oath or Affirmation, in the Words directed by the afore­said Act of the fourth of Queen Anne, viz. That such Elec­tor is of Twenty-one Years of Age, and a Freeholder for the County of — and has fifty Acres of Land or more, well seated, and twelve Acres thereof, or more, cleared, or that he is otherways worth Fifty Pounds, Money of this Province, clear Estate, and hath been resident therein for the Space of two Years, and that he has not been before polled at that Election; unless the Qualification of such Elector be generally well known, or some one or more of the Inspectors shall or will openly declare to the rest, that they know such Elector to be qualified as aforesaid; and the Votes or Tickets of such as offer to Poll, and refuse to take the said Oath or Affirmation, shall be openly rejected; and the Vote or Ticket of every Person who takes the said Oath or Affirmation shall be put into the Box, and no Ticket so received shall be suppressed.

PROVIDED, That nothing herein contained shall be deemed or taken to disannul, alter or make void the said recited Act, or any thing therein contained, but that every Clause, Article and Sentence therein, except what is hereby altered or supplied, shall be and remain in full Force and Virtue.

CHAP. CCLXXXV. A SUPPLEMENT to the Act for taking Lands in Execution for the Payment of Debts. [...] Acts before Chap. 144. & 48.

Preamble.WHEREAS sundry Lands, Tenements and He­reditaments have been taken in Execution and sold, pursuant to the Direction of the abovesaid Act, by some Sheriffs in this Province, who have been re­moved, by Death, or otherwise, before any Title made o [...] Deeds executed to the Purchaser for the said Lands or Here­ditaments so sold, by Reason whereof great Inconveniencies have aris [...]n both to the Purchaser and Debtor: For Remedy whereof▪ and to prevent such Inconveniencie [...] for the future, [Page 349] BE IT ENACTED by the Hon. PATRICK GORDON, Esq Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Pennsylvania, &c. by and with the Advice and Consent of the Freemen of the said Province, in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, That where the Sheriff, or other proper Officer hath heretofore taken in Execution, and either with or without a Writ of Venditioni exponas sold any Land or Hereditaments, and hath happened to die or be removed before a Title made or Deeds executed for the [...]ame, according to the Direction of the said Act; or when­ever it shall happen hereafter that any Sheriff, or other proper Officer, shall, pursuant to the said Act, take in Execution and sell any Lands or He [...]editaments, and shall happen to die or be removed from his said Office before the Deeds shall be executed or Title made for the same to the Purchaser, then, and so often, and upon all such Acci­dents, the Plaintiff, or Person in whose Behalf Execution was levied, may apply to the Court of Common-Pleas for the County where Judgment was obtained, and set forth to them his Case, with the Reasons why his Title was not duly perfected by the preceding or former Sheriff; and the said Court may thereupon, as they shall see Cause, and as Justice and Equity shall require, order and direct the Sheriff, for the time being, to compleat any such Title and execute such Deeds as aforesaid: And upon such Order obtained as aforesaid, and entered on the Records of the Court, it shall and may be lawful to and for the present and all succeeding Sheriffs, and they are hereby impowered and required (upon the full Discharge and Payment of the Money or Price of such Lands or Hereditaments, with such Charges as remain unpaid to the former Sheriff) to make, execute and deliver any Deed or Deeds duly executed and acknowledged in Court, and to perform and do all other Matters and Things which by the former Sheriff might, could or ought to have been done in and about the Pre­mises, according to the Direction of the said recited Act; which shall be deemed and adjudged as effectual in Law as if the [...]ame had been done and finished by the said preced­ing Sheriff; any Law, Usage or Custom to the contrary in any wi [...]e notwithstanding.

PROVIDED NEVERTHELESS, That this Act, or any thing therein contained, shall not ex­tend [...]o disannul, alter or make void the said recited Act, or any Part thereof: Save only, what is herein and hereby expressly altered and supplied.

[Page 350]

At a GENERAL ASSEMBLY begun at Philadelphia, in the Province of Pennsylvania, the Fourteenth Day of October, in the Second Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE the Second, King of Great Britain, &c. Anno (que) Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty-eight, and continued by Adjournment till the Tenth Day of May, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty-nine: The following ACTS were passed by the Honourable PATRICK GORDON, Esq Lieutenant Gover­nor of the said Province, That is to say,

CHAP. CCLXXXVI. An ACT for Erecting of Pownds in each Township of this Province.

BE IT ENACTED by the Honourable PATRICK GORDON, Esq Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Pennsylvania, &c. by and with the Advice and Consent of the Freemen of the said Province, in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, [Page 351] That it shall and may be lawful for the Inhabitants of the respective Townships within this Province, The Inhabi­tants of every Township to meet year­ly and choose a Pownd-kee­per; who may agree to e [...]ect a Pownd where there is none. who are Owners or Possessors of Land, to meet on the Twentieth Day of the Month called May, unless it happens on the fi [...]st Day of the Week, then on the next Day after, yea [...]ly, or at such other Time as the Majority of those that meet may appoint, at the most publick Place of each respective Town­ship, in every County within this Province, and there the Majority of those [...]o met shall choose a fit Person to be Pownd-keeper in each Township for the Year ensuing; which Pownd-keeper, where no Pownd is already erected, shall agree with some Person forthwith, to build or erect a good and sufficient Pownd, in some fit and convenient Place within the said Township, where the same shall be agreed upon by the Majority of the Persons aforesaid, being then present: A Memorandum or Minute of which Appoint­ment shall be taken and kept by the Constable of the said respective Townships, and returned to the next County Court to be held for the County in which the said respec­tive Townships do lie; the Clerk of which County Court shall enter the same among the Proceedings of the said Court, and shall forthwith affix publick Notice in Writing, Public No­tice to be gi­ven whe [...]e the Pownd is e­rected. on the Door of the Court-House, of the Name of each respective Pownd-keeper, and the Pla [...]es where the same are erected.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Creatures tresp [...]ssing, & the O [...]ner, if known, hav­ing had 24 Hours Notice thereof, and refusing Satis­faction, the Taker up to deliver them to the Pownd-keeper. That whoeve [...] shall take up any stray Horse or Horses, Cattle or Sheep trespassing within their Inclosures, within this Province, shall, within the Space of Twenty-four Hours after such taking-up, give Notice to the Owner or Owners of such Horse, Cattle, &c. if he or she can be readily found, and if the Owner shall, upon such Notice, neglect or re [...]use to make reasona­ble Satisfaction to the Party grieved, as by them shall be agreed upon, or if no Owner be found, then the Taker-up shall take or send such trespassing Creature or Creatures to the Pownd-keeper of the Township where the Trespass was committed, who shall receive the same immediately into his Custody, and shall feed them duly with Grass or good Hay and Water, during the Time of their Continuance in the Pownd; and shall pay to the Party grieved such Damages as shall be assessed by any two indifferent Neigh­bours living near to the Place where the Trespass was com­mitted, to be nominated by the Pownd-keeper.

[Page 352]AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, The Pownd-keeper to en­ter the Kind, Colour and Marks of the Creatures in a Book, an [...] give publi [...]k Notice within ten Days. That after any Horses, Cattle or Sheep shall be delivered to any Pownd-keeper, he shall forthwith enter the Kind, Colour and Marks of such Crea­tures in a Book, by him to be kept for that Purpose, to­gether with the Day of his Receiving the same, and from whom he received them, and thereupon shall, within ten Days send an Account in Writing to the Clerk of the County Court, where such Township lies, who shall affix the Notice in publick View in his Office; and the Pownd-keeper shall also affix Notice in Writing at the Court-House of the same County, of the Kind of Creatures [...]o impownded, together with their Marks described at large, to the End that the Owners of such trespassing Creatures may the more readily be informed of and restored to their Property: What Ra [...]es shall be taken by the Pownd-keeper. And if the Owner appear and make out his Right to the said Creatures, the same shall forthwith be delivered to him, he paying the Pownd-keeper the Sum of One Shilling for taking in and delivering out each Crea­ture, together with the Damages paid to the Taker-up of such trespassing Creatures, and the Sum of Six Pence a Hea [...] for Horses or horned Beasts, for each Day, and One Penny a Head for Sheep, for each Day, Charges allowed by this Act for Feeding the said Creatures and Publishing their Kind and Marks, in the Manner herein directed; and also the Sum of Six P [...]nce to the Use of the Clerk of the County Court, for Entring and Filing the Certificate of the Pownd-keeper. And if no Owner shall appear to claim the Creatures so impownded, No Owner appearing the Creatures may be sold, af [...]e [...] ten Days No­tice given thereof, and the Pownd-keeper may retain his Rates. within the Space of three Months a [...]ter im­pownding, it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Pownd-keeper, by Warran [...] from one Justice of the Peace of the said County, who is hereby required to grant the [...]ame, to expose s [...]h trespassing Creatures to Sale by pub­lick Vendue, for [...]he most that can be got for the same, after ten Days publick Notice given of the Time and Place of Sale; and, out of the Money arising by such Sale, the said Pownd-keeper shall and may retain to himself for pub­lishing and booking each Horse Two Shillings, for each horned Beast One Shilling and Six Pence, and for each Sheep Nine Pence; and likewise all such Monies as he hath pa [...]d to the Taker-up of such trespassing Creatures on Account of his Damages, or other Charges allowed by this Act: And shall likewise retain to himself the Sum of Six Pence for every Day he shall keep such trespassing Creatures in the Pownd, if the same be a Horse or horned Beast, and One Penny each Day for each Sheep. And the said Pownd-keeper shall [Page 353] moreover be allowed the Sum of Ten [...]er Cent. on all Sales made by him according to the Direction of this Act, and shall keep a plain Account of all his Pr [...]ceedings, An Account thereof [...]o [...]e [...] [...]o the Justices; and [...] Mo [...]ey to go the O­versee [...]s of the Poor. and re­turn the same, together with the Overplus Money (if any be remaining) to the Justic [...]s, at their next County Court, to be held [...]r the said County, who shall ord [...]r the same to be paid to the Overseers of the Poor of the Township where the C [...]eature was impownded, for the Use of the same Township, a [...]r the Cost paid to the Clerk for his Service therein.

PROVIDED ALSO, The O [...]ner appea [...]g, wi [...]hin [...] Months, and p [...]ving his P [...]operty thereto before the Justice [...] of the Coun [...]y Court, Re­pa [...]ment may be order'd. That if the right Owner of any Beast [...]old as aforesaid, appear within nine Months a [...]er Sale made as aforesaid, and prove his Property to any s [...]h Creature sold in Pursuance of this Act before the Jus­tices of the Peace of the sai [...] County, at the next Court, they shall thereupon or [...]er Repayment of the Money ari­sing by such Sale to the said Owner, all reasonable Charges first deducted.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Forfeiture on t [...]king away a C [...]e [...]ture im­pownded. That if any Person or Persons shall, by Force or otherwise, without the Leave of the Pownd-keeper, or by due Order of Law, take away any trespassing Creature impownded according to the Direction of this Act, and shall be legally thereof convicted, he, she or they shall forfeit the Sum of Fi [...]e Pounds, to be applied to the Use of the Poor of that Township, in which the said Creature was impownded. Overseers of the P [...] to asses [...] Money on the Inha­bitants for building a Pownd. And that it shall and may law­ful for the Overseers of the Poor of the respective Town­ships within this Province, and they are hereby injoined and required, to assess the Inhabitants of the respective Town­ships in the same Manner as they are directed by the Act for the Reli [...]f of the Poor, for such Sum or Sums of Money as may or shall be necessary for supplying the Charge of building and maintaining the said respective Pownds, and to collect the same, to be imployed as shall be [...]r [...]cted by the Majority of the Freeholders of the respect [...] Townships, at their Town-Meeting, for and towards [...] and maintaining of Pownds, and no other Use whatsoever: Persons refu­sing to pay, Distres [...] may be m [...]de on hisGoods, &c. And if any Person or Persons shall refuse to pay their re­spective Rates as taxed, that then the said Overseers shall make Complaint thereof to any one Justice within the said County where he resides, who is hereby required forth­with to issue out his Warrant to the Overseers of the Poor of the Township where such Default is made, to make [Page 354] Distress upon the Offender's Goods and Chattels, who shall immediately make Sale thereof, for paying the said Assess­ment and Charges of Distress, and return the Overplus (if any be) to the Owner.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, The Height [...] of lawful Fen­ces. That to prevent Disputes a­bout the Sufficiency of Fences, all Fences shall be esteemed lawful or sufficient though they be not close at the Bottom, so that the Distance from the Ground to the Bottom thereof exceed not nine Inches, and that they be four Feet and a half high, and not under.

AND BE IT LIKEWISE ENACTED, That the former Act made for erecting Pownds, The former Act relating to Pownds re­pealed. See 7 Geo. I. Chap. 231. passed in the seventh Year of the late King George the First, and every Part thereof, shall be made void and repealed by this Act; any thing in the said former Act contained to the contrary in anywise notwithstanding.

CHAP. CCLXXXVII. An ACT for laying a Duty on Negroes imported into this Province.

WE the Representatives of the Freemen of the Province of Pennsylvania, de [...]i [...]e that it may be enacted, AND BE IT ENACTED by the Honourable PATRICK GORDON, Esq Governor of the Province of Pennsylvania, &c. by and with the Advice and Consent of the Freemen of the said Province, in Ge­neral Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, That for every Negroe which shall be imported, Forty Shillings Duty, per Head, on all Negroes im­ported, ex­cept, &c. landed or brought into this Province, at any time after the Publica­tion of this Act, other than such Negroes as are actually shipp'd for Sailors, and shall continue in the Service of the Vessel they were brought in, and not be exposed to Sale in this Province, and other than such Negroes as shall be brought or sent into this Province upon their Masters im­mediate Business, and not to remain in the Province, and not for Sale, there shall be paid for the Uses hereafter men­tioned the Sum of Two Pounds, lawful Money of America.

[Page 355]AND that all Masters of Vessels, and others, who shall, Masters to make Entry of Negroes by them impor­ted, &c. within the Time aforesaid, bring into this Province, by Land or Water, an [...] Negroes, shall forthwith make Entry, and give or cau [...]e to be given, upon Oath or Affirmation, to the Person herein after appointed to collect the said Duty, or his lawful Deputy, a true and just Account of all the Negroes [...]o imported or brought in, and to whom they re­ [...]pectively belong; which the said Collector shall duly enter in a Book [...]or that Purpose, and thereupon shall grant a Permit, for which the Person obtaining the same, shall pay the Sum of Six Pen [...]e, for every Negroe contained in the said Permit, for landing them.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That every Master of a Vessel, Forfeiture on re [...]using or ne­glecting to make Entry or other Person who by this Act are obliged or ought to make such Entry as aforesaid, and shall refuse or neglect to make the same accordingly, within the Time and in the Manner directed by this Act, and being thereo [...] con­victed before any one Justice of the Peace, or before the Mayor or Recorder of the City of Phila [...]elphia for the time being, shall forfeit, for every Negroe, of which he ought to give an Account to the Collector of the Duties imposed by this Act, the Sum of Thirty-five Shillings, to be levied upon the Goods and Chattels of the Party offending, by Warrant under the Hand and Seal of the Justice, or of the Mayor or Recorder aforesaid, before whom the Party is convicted.

AND that every such Importer, Duty to b [...] paid before landing them. Owner or Claimer of such Negroes shall, before Landing of them, pay down the said Duty in ready Money, or otherwise become bound to the Coll [...]ctor for the time being, with one or more suf­ficient Sureties, or procure some other sufficient Person or Persons to be bound to the said Collector to answer and pay the said Duty hereby imposed upon such Negroes, within six Months, next after the Date of the said Obligation; for which the Collector shall receive of the Party One Shil­ling and Six Pence, and no more.

AND if any of the said Negroes shall be imported, Forfeiture on landing them before ma­king Entry, & [...]. landed or brought in, within the time aforesaid, without making Entry, and obtaining a Permit as aforesaid, or without paying or giving Security for Payment of the said Duty, in Manner aforesaid, that then all the Negroes so imported, landed or brought in (or the Value of them, if [Page 356] they cannot be found) shall be forfeited by the Importer or Owner; one Moiety, after the said Duty and all Cha [...]ges of Seizure and Prosecution are deducted, shall go the Go­vernor, for Support of Government, and the other Half, after the said Deduction, to the said Collector, or such other Person as will sue for the same in any Court of Record in this Province, by Bill, Plaint or Information, wherein no Essoin, Protection or Wager of Law, nor any more than one Imparlance shall be allowed.

The Officer's Power.AND that the said Collector of the said Duty arising by this Act, or his Deputy, shall have full Power and Au­thority, by Virtue hereof, without any further or other Warrant, to enter on board any Ship or Vessel, and into any House or Place whatsoever where he shall suspect any of the said Negroes to be conceale [...], and ma [...]e Searches, and do all other Matters and Things, which may tend to secure the true Payment of the said Duty, and the [...] and orderly Collection thereof; and in case of Opposition or Refusal, the said Collector or his Deputy, with the Assis­stance of the Sheriff, Water-Bailiff, C [...]nstable, or other Officer, who, without any further or other Warrant, are enabled and required, under the Penalty of Five-P [...]unds for every Neglect or Refusal in that Behalf, to be recovered as aforesaid, to be Aiding and Assisting unto the said Col­lector, to seize the said Negroes which shall be concealed, or endeavoured so to be as aforesaid; and for that End to break open Doors and other Things, and to do and per­form all other Act or Acts which by this Act is and are required to be done for collecting, receiving and recovering the said Duty, and the Penalties and Forfeitures herein mentioned, or for making Seizures of Negroes landed or brought in without making Entries and paying and [...]ecu­ring the said Duty, in as full and ample a Manner, to all Intents, as any of the Collectors or Officers of the King's Customs may or can do by the Laws of Great Britain.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That all Masters of Vessels and others trading in the River Delaware, Compliance to be made to this Act, by Masters tra­ding to and from the Har­bour, without Notice given. and coming into any Port or Place of this Pro­vince, having Negroes on board which by this Act are lia­ble to pay the said Duty, are hereby required to comply with the Directions of this Act as if such Vessels came from Sea directly; and that all Persons obliged by this Act to pay the said Duty, shall apply to the said Collector, or his Deputy, without any Notice given or Request made by him for their so doing.

[Page 357]AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That in case any Vessel shall arri [...]e at any Port, Member, Creek or Landing-Place in this Province with any Negroe or Negroes on board, and there remain the Space of Twenty-four Hours without making Entry, under Pretence of going to some other Port, or any other Pretence whatsoever, the Master or Ow­ner of said Vessel shall give a true Account of the Number of Negroes on board, and shall give Security to the said Collector that he shall not land any of the said Negroes without Entry made and Permit obtained from the said Collector, under the Penalty of Seizure and Forfeiture of the said Negroes, to be recovered as aforesaid.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, Three fourths of the Duty abated, on Negroes ex­ported. That if any of the said Negroes, for which the said Duty is paid or secured as aforesaid, shall, within the Space of six Months die or be exported, or carried out to Sea, then and in such Case three Fourths of the said Duty hereby imposed shall be abated for such of them as shall die or be exported as aforesaid; and on Payment of the remaining fourth Part, the Security given shall be delivered up and discharged; and the Officer shall and may deduct Five Shillings per Head, for his Care and Trouble therein.

PROVIDED ALSO, Proviso. That all such Negroes for which such Deduction shall be made, shall actually and bona fide be forthwith shipp'd off or sent out of this Pro­vince, so as not to return again without complying with this Act, under the Penalty of Seizure and Forfeiture as aforesaid.

PROVIDED ALSO, Persons com­ing hither to settle, and bringing Ne­groes, to pay no Duty. That if any Person or Persons shall, during the Continuance of this Act, transport him or themselves, with their Families and Negroes, i [...] or­der to settle in this Province, and shall, upon Oath or Af­firmation, declare before the said Collector or his Deputy, who are hereby impowered to administer the same, That such Negroes so brought in are for their own Service, and not for Sale, he or they shall not be liable to pay the said Duty for such Negroes, but shall forthwith give Security to the said Collector, which he is hereby impowered and required to take, by a Bond of the full Value of such Ne­groes conditioned for the Payment of the Rates aforesaid, in case such Negroes shall be sold, or the Property of them [Page 358] directly or indirectly altered, within the Space of sixteen Months after the Date of such Bond.

AND to prevent the clandestine Practice of landing or bringing in of Negroes into the remote Parts of this Pro­vince, by Masters of Vessels, Merchants, or others, without making Entry of and paying the Duty for the same accord­ing to the Directions of this Act, BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Constables to return Lists to the Quarter-Sessions, of the Neg [...]oes in their respec­tive Town­ships. That the Constables of the re­spective Townships, Hundreds or Wards, within this Pro­vince, shall and are hereby obliged, upon Oath or Affirma­tion, to bring in a List to the respective Courts of Quarter-Sessions for the City or County where they live, of all the Negroes that shall come or be brought into their respective Townships or Wards, and by whom the same Negroes were imported or brought in, and in whose Possession such Negroes are.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That Charles Read, The Officer appointed by this Act. of Philadelphia, Merchant, shall be and is hereby appointed the present Collector of the said Duty hereby imposed, and Receiver of all Fines, Forfeitures and Penalties herein before-mentioned to be set, imposed and levied by Virtue of this Act; which the said Collector, by himself, or his lawful Deputy, is hereby impowered to de­mand, collect, receive and recover of and from all Persons importing, landing or bringing in any Negroes during the Continuance of this Act; and shall from [...]me to time take all Bonds required to be given as aforesaid.

The Collec­to submit his Accounts, and pay the Mo­ney received to the Trea­surer.AND the said Collector shall keep true and fair Accounts, in Writing, of all such Transactions relating to the Premises; which he shall from time to time submit to the View and Inspection of the Provincial-Treasurer, and lay the same before the Assembly, when required; and once in six Weeks, or oftner, if required, during the Conti­nuance of this Act, pay into the said Treasurer's Hand [...] all such Sums of Money as he shall receive by Virtue of this Act, and shall deduct out of the same, for his own Use, Five per Cent. for all Sums so by him paid▪ and shall further be allowed by the said Treasurer, in the final Ad­justing of his Accounts, all reasonable Charges by him ex­pended in the Prosecution of the said Seizures and Recovery of any of the said Fines, Forfeitures and Penalties, [...] Pursuance of this Act.

[Page 359]PROVIDED ALWAYS, Collector to take an Oath, &c. That the said Col­lector, before he enter upon the Execution of his Office, shall be sworn or attested before some Justice of the Peace, and shall, with one or more sufficient Sureties, become bound, in an Obligation of Five Hundred Pounds, to the Treasurer, conditioned for the due and faithful Execution of his said Offi [...]e.

AND in case of the Death or Removal of the said Col­lector, the Provincial-Treasurer, for the time being, Who has the Power, in case of Death, &c. to choose a­nother. shall appoint an other in his Stead, to collect the said Duty, un­til some other Person be appointed for that Purpose by the General Assembly of this Province.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Person or Persons shall at any time be sued or prosecuted for any thing done in Pursuance of this Act, Persons sued, how to pro­ceed. such Person or Persons so sued or prosecuted may plead the General Issue, and give this Act and the special Matter in Evidence for their Excuse or Justification: And if the Plaintiff or Prosecutor become No [...]suit, or forbear Prosecution, or suffer a Discontinuance, or if a Verdict pass against him in such Action, Suit or In­formation, the Defendant shall have treble Costs, as in any Cases where Costs by Law are given to Defendants.

CHAP. CCXCVIII. An ACT laying a Duty on Foreigners, and Irish Servants, &c. imported into this Province.

Re­pealed, 3 Geo. II. Chap. 306.

CHAP. CCXCIX. An ACT for Erecting the upper Parts of the Province of Pennsylvania, lying towards Sasquehannah, Conestogoe, Dunnegal, &c. into a County.

WHEREAS a great Number of the Inhabitants of the upper Parts of Chester County, have, P [...]eamble. by their Petition, humbly represented to the Go­vernor and Assembly of this Province, the great Hardships [Page 360] they lie under by being at so great a Distance from the Town of Chester, where the Courts of Justice are held, and the publick Offices kept; and how hard and difficult it is for the sober and quiet Inhabitants of that Part of the County to secure themselves against the Thefts and Abuses almost daily committed upon them by idle and disolute Persons, who resort to the remote Parts of the Province, and by reason of the great Distance from a Court or Prison, do frequently find Means of making their Escape: For the Re­moving which Inconveniency, and Relief of the said In­habitants, BE IT ENACTED by the Hon. PATRICK GORDON, Esq Governor of the Province of Pennsylvania, &c. by and with the Advice and Consent of the Freemen of the said Province, in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, Boundaries. That all and singular the Lands within the Province of Pennsylvania, laying to the North­ward of Octoraroe Creek, and to the Westward of a Line of marked Trees, running from the North Branch of the said Octoraroe Creek, North-easterly to the River Schuylkil, be erected into a County, and the same is he [...]eby erected into a County, named, and from henceforth to be called Lancaster County; Its Name. and the said Octoraroe Creek, the Line of marked Trees, and the River Schuylkil aforesaid, shall be the boundary Line or Division between the said County and the Counties of Chester and Philadelphia.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, The Privi­leges, &c. granted it. That the said County of Lancaster shall have and enjoy all and singular the Juris­dictions, Powers, Rights, Liberties, Privileges and Immuni­ties whatsoever which any other County within the Province of Pennsylvania doth, may or ought to enjoy by any Charter of Privileges, or the Laws of this Province, or by any other Ways or Means whatsoever, excepting only in the Number of Representatives to serve in the General Assembly of this Province, in which Case, IT IS HER [...]BY PROVIDED AND ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That, until it shall be otherwise ordered by the Governor and Assem­bly of this Province, the Freemen and Inhabitants of the said County, qualified by the Laws of this Province to elect, shall annually meet at or near the Court-House of the said County, at the same Time the other Counties of this Pro­vince shall meet for such like Purpose, or at such Place where the Courts shall be held until such Court-House shall be erected, and there proceed to choose Inspectors, and to elect four Representatives or Delegates to serve [Page 361] them in Assembly, in the same Manner as by the said Charter and Laws of this Province is directed: Which said four Representatives, when so chosen, shall be Members of the General Assembly of Pennsylvania, and sit and act as such, as fully and freely as any of the Representatives for the other Counties within this Province do, may, can or ought to do.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Taxes alrea­dy laid in the said County, are to be col­lected, &c. That all Taxes already laid within the Bounds of the said County of Lancaster by an Act of General Assembly of this Province, which are not already paid, shall be collected by the respective Collectors within the Bounds aforesaid, and paid into the Hands of the Treasurer of Chester County; and that all Persons con­cerned in the Levying, Receiving and Paying the said Taxes, shall have the same Power and Authority, and be under the same Penalties and Restrictions for the Collecting and Paying the same, as by the said Acts by which the said Taxes were assessed are expressed and directed, until the Whole be collected and paid as aforesaid.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Courts when to be held for the said Coun­ty. That the several Courts of Ge­neral Quarter-Sessions of the Peace and Goal-Delivery, and the Courts of Common-Pleas for the said County of Lan­caster, shall be holden and kept on the first Tuesday in the Months of February, May, August and November, in every Year, at some proper Place within the said County, until a convenient Court-House shall be built; and when the same is built and erected in the County aforesaid, the said several Courts shall then be holden and kept at the said Court-House, on the Days before mentioned: And the Election of Representatives to serve in General Assembly, Election of Representa­tives to be held at the same time, & in like Manner as in the o­ther Counties. Assessors, and all other Officers of the said County who are or shall be appointed to be annually elected, shall be made and elected at or near the said Court-House, at the same Time and in the same Manner as by the Charter of Pri­vileges and Laws of the Province of Pennsylvania is directed to be done in the other Counties of this Province. And it shall be lawful for the Freemen of the said County, for the first Year, to choose three Persons for Commissioners for raising County-Rates and Levies for the said County.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be [Page 362] lawful to and for Cal [...]h Pearce, Trust [...]s up [...] to [...] and Prison. Iohn Wright, Thomas Edwards and Iames Mitchel, or any three of them, to purchase and [...]ake Assurance to them and their Heirs, of a Piece of Land si [...]uate in some convenient Place in the said County, to be approved of by the Governor, in Trust and for the Use of the said County, and there [...] to erect and build, or cause to be erected and built a Court-House and Prison, sufficient to accommodate the publick Service of the said County, [...] Ease and Conveniency of the Inhabitants.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, The Charge [...]e [...]of to be [...] by an Ass [...]ssment on the Inh [...] ­bita [...]ts. That for the Defraying the C [...]a [...]ges of Purchasing the Land, building and erecting the [...] House and Prison aforesaid, it shall and may be law­ [...]l [...] and for the Commissioners and Ass [...]ssors of the said County, or a Majority of them, who are hereby required to ass [...]ss an [...] levy so much Money as the Trustees, or any th [...]ee of them, shall judge necessary for purchasing the Land and finishing the said Court-House and Prison.

Not exceed­ing Three Hun­dred Pounds.PROVIDED ALWAYS, The Sum of Money so raised does not exceed Three Hundred Pounds current Money of the Province.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority a­foresaid, No Action now dep [...]nd­ing in Chester County against any In­habi [...]an [...] of Lancast [...]r, to be disconti­nued. That no Action or Suit, now commenced or de­pending in the County of Chester, against any Person li­ving within the Bounds of the said County of Lancaster, shall be staid or discontinued by this Act, or by any thing herein contained, but that the same Actions already com­menced or depending may be prosecuted, and Judgment thereupon rendered as if this Act had not been made: And that it shall and may be lawful for the Justices of Chester County to issue any judicial Process, to be directed to the Sheriff of Lancaster County, for carrying on and obtaining the Effect of their Suits; which Sheriff shall be obliged to yield Obedience in executing of the said Writs, and make due Return before the Justices of the Court of the said County of Chester, as if the Parties had been living and residing within the same.

[Page 363]

CHAP. CCC. An ACT for continuing and establishing a Ferry from the Landing-Place of Joseph Kirkbride, over Delaware River, at the Falls.


CHAP. CCCI. A SUPPLEMENT to that Part of the Act, See before [...] Geo. I. Chap. 2 [...]9. for ra [...]g County Rates and Levies, relating to the K [...]lling of Wolves.

WHEREAS by a Paragraph in an Act of Ge­n [...]l Assembly of this Province, ent [...]uled, An [...] for rais [...]g County Rates and Levies, it is pro­ [...]i [...]d and [...], That there shall be paid for every Dog or Bitch Wolf [...] S [...]illings, for every Wolf Puppy or Whelp [...] [...]hillings and Six Pence, killed within the in­h [...]bited Parts of this Province, according to the Directions of the said Act: BUT WHEREAS it is found by Experience, that a greater Encouragement for killing Wolves would much better answer the Intent of the said Law, and be of greater Service to the Inhabitants of this Province: BE IT ENACTED by the Hon­ourable PATRICK GORDON, Esq Governor of the Province of Pennsylvania, &c. by and with the Advice and Con [...]nt of the Freemen of the said Province, in Ge­neral Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, That there shall be paid for all Wolves killed in the Man­ner directed and prescribed by the aforesaid Act of Assem­bly, the further Sum of Five Shillings for every grown Dog or Bitch Wolf, and the further Sum of Two Shillings and Six P [...]nce for every Wolf Puppy or Whelp, killed after the Publication of this Act, over and above the Allowance mentioned in the said County-Levy Act, to be paid upon such Proof made, and in the Manner therein directed.

CHAP. CCCII. A SUPPLEMENT to the Act, entituled, See before Chap. 150. 4 Ann. An Act to prevent Swine running at large.

WHEREAS by the said Act the Relief provided for Persons suffering by Hogs trespassing in their Fields or Inclosures, is limited to the Extent of [...]ourteen Miles from the navigable Parts of the River [Page 364] Delaware: Now, forasmuch as the Country is become more populous, and it appears necessary to provide the same Remedy for the Inhabitants living in the other Parts of this Province: THEREFORE BE IT E­NACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That the same Penalties, Rules and Orders enacted and directed to be ob­served by the aforesaid Act, within fourteen Miles of the navigable Parts of Delaware River, shall, within one Month after the Publication hereof, be in force, and extended throughout the Province of Pennsylvania, as fully and amply as if the same Act were again herein repeated and enacted; any Limitation in the aforesaid Act, for preventing Swine running at large, to the contrary in anywise notwith­standing.

CHAP. CCCIII. An ACT for emitting of Thirty Thousand Pounds in Bills of Credit, for the better Support of Government and the Trade of this Province.

Preamble.WHEREAS the Bills of Credit, formerly emitted in this Province, are now very much lessened by sinking the same according to the Directions of the several Acts by which they were made current; and the Inhabitants of this Province being now become very numerous, by the great and constant Importation of Fo­reigners, as well as others, and our Trade also greatly increased, are hereby reduced to very great Difficulties for Want of Currency to enable them readily to discharge their Engagements to the English Merchants, and their Factors, trading here, who are no less affected in their Interest for Want of a sufficient Medium in Trade: Therefore, that these Deficiencies may be supplied, and the People relieved from the Inconveniences they at present labour under, and a further Provision made for the better Support of Govern­ment, which, without an Addition to our Currency, cannot be done by any Ways or Means practicable in this Province; May it please the Governor that it may be enacted, AND BE IT ENACTED by the Hon. PATRICK GORDON, Esq Governor of the Province of Pennsylvania, &c. by and with the Advice and Consent of the Freemen of the said Province, in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, That indented Bills of Credit to [Page 365] the Value of Thirty Thousand Pounds, current Money of [...], according to an Act of Parliament made in the sixth Year o [...] the Reign of the late Queen Anne, entituled, [...]n A [...]t for A [...]taining the Rates of foreign Coins in her Majesty's [...]lantation [...] in America, shall be made and prepared be [...]ore the Fi [...]teenth Day of September next: Contents and Number o [...] the Bills. Which Bills shall [...]everally contain the [...]ein the Sums he [...]eafter respec­tively ment [...]ed, and no other (That is to sa [...]) Fifteen Th [...]usand of the [...]aid [...]ills the Sum of Twenty Shillings in each of them: Two Thou [...]and of the said Bills the Sum of [...] Shill [...]ng [...] in each [...] them: Twelve Thousand of the [...] Bills the [...]um [...] Ten Shilling [...] in each of them: Sixteen Thousan [...] of the said Bills the Sum of Five [...]hillings in each o [...] them: [...] Th [...]sand of the said [...]ills the Sum of Two Shillings and [...] in each of them: Twelve Thousand of the said Bi [...]l the Sum of Two [...]hillings in each of them: [...] Thousand of the said Bills the Sum of Eighteen [...] [...]n each of them: And, Ten Thousand Five Hundred of the said Bi [...]l [...] the Sum of [...]ne Shilling in each of them.

AND the Trustees, hereafter named, shall, at the Charge of this Province, to be defrayed and paid in Bills of Credit, cause and procure the said Bills to be made and printed upon good Paper, in the Form following, and not otherwise, viz. ‘THIS indented Bill shall p [...]ss current for — in all Payments, according to a Law of Pennsylvania, The Form of the Bills. dated the — Day of — in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hun [...]d and Twenty-nine.

ALL which said Bills shall be signed and numbered by Thomas [...]resse, Edward Horne, Signers Names. Iohn Parry and Abraham Chapm [...]n, or a Majority of them. And the Sums of Money that every of the said Bills is to pass for shall be printed at the Top of each Bill, in Words at length, with the Arms of Pennsylvania on the Lest, and the Signers Names sub­scribed on the other Side thereof.

AND the bette [...] to prevent forged or counterfeited Bills, or any clandestine Practice, The Trustees to attend the Press, &c. during the Printing of the Bills of Credit hereby intended to be struck, they the said Trustees, or one of them, or some other Person under their Direction; and for who [...]e Care and Management they shall be accountable, shall personally attend the Press, during all the Time of the Printing the same Bills; and shall, [Page 366] nightly, and at such other Times as the Printing-Business is intermitted, receive into his or their Care and Charge all the Printing Plates, Types, Bills, Blotters and Papers printed off, and the same secure, in the best Manner, until the Printer proceeds in his Operation and Business aforesaid, and so from time to time until all the Bills of Credit afore­said shall be fully printed off, and be received by the said Trustees as aforesaid.

Counterparts how to be dis­posed of, &c.AND that the Counterparts of all the said Bills shall be likewise printed, and shall be numbered by the Signers, who shall deliver the same unsigned to the said Trustees for the time being, at the General Loan-Office hereby in­tended to be [...]rected; where they shall remain in Book [...] kept for that Purpose, under the Care and Charge of the said Trustees, for the trying the Truth of the original Bills whensoever there shall be Occasion: And the same Bill [...] shall be so fashioned as may render them less liable to be counterfeited or fraudulently resembled, by putting the Fi­gure or Shape of a Crown in Five Shilling Bills, two Crowns in Ten Shilling Bills, three Crowns in [...]ifteen Shilling Bills, and four Crowns in Twenty Shilling [...]ills. And the said Signers shall also deliver to the said Trustees, at the said Loan-Office, the Originals of all the said Bills so made forth, numbred and signed as aforesaid, not exceeding the Numbers herein before respectively limited and appointed, taking the said Trustees Receipt [...]or the same, and charging them respectively with the Monie contained in the Bills so delivered in order to be lent out, as herein a [...]ter directed. And the said Signers shall cause to be kept a true Account of all the said Bills by them signed and delivered to the said Trustees as aforesaid; Signers to keep an Ac­count of the Bills deliver­ed. and for their Trouble, Care and Diligence in doing what is required of them by this Act, they shall each of them receive Fifteen Shillings for every Thousand Bills by them so signed and numbred, Their Salary. to be paid to each of them, his Executors, Administrators or Assigns, in Bills of Credit, to be delivered to them by the Trustees within six Days after they deliver the said Bills and Counterparts in the Loan-Office as aforesaid.

Signers to take an Oath or Affirmati­on.BUT before the said Persons, hereby appointed, or hereafter to be appointed by Virtue of this Act, to be Signers of the said Bills of Credit, presume to act therein, they shall take an Oath or Affirmation before any one Justice of the Peace for the City or County of P [...]il [...]d [...]lphia, who is hereby impowered and required to administer the [Page 367] same, charging them jointly and severally, That they will well and truly number, sign and deliver all the said origi­nal Bills of Credit, and truly number and deliver all the Counterparts of the same Bills, and keep a true Account of what Bills they sign and deliver, with the Counterparts thereof, according to the Direction of this Act.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That Samuel Carpenter, Trustees Name [...]. William Fis [...]ou [...]n, Ieremiah Langhorne and Nathaniel [...]ew [...]in, shall be and hereby are nominated and appointed Trustees for the Holding and Ordering of the said General Loan-Office, and for the Receiving and Issuing the said Bills of Credit, and taking Securities for the same, and for the Directing, Managing and Performing all other Matters and Things hereby inj [...]ined and required to be done and transacted by them in the said Office, and relating to the said Bills of Credit, according to the Direction and true Meaning of this Act.

AND if any of the said Trustees shall happen to die or be removed for Mi [...]eaz [...]nce, or [...]or not Acting, How to be chosen in c [...]se of Death, &c. it shall be law [...]l for the Assembly of this Province, from time to time, during the Continuance of this Act, to elect and ap­point some other fit Person or Persons in the Place or Places of such Trustee or Trustees so dying, misbehaving or re­fusing as aforesaid. And that the Trustee or Trustees so [...]rom time to time elected and appointed, shall have the same Power and Authority as if they had been nominated and appointed by this Act.

AND that the Persons now or hereafter appointed Trustees by Virtue of this Act, shall be stiled, Their Stile, Power, &c. The Trustees of the General Loan-Offi [...]e of the Province of Pennsylvania, and by that Name shall have Succession, during the Con­tinuance of this Act; and by the Name aforesaid shall be able and capable in Law to receive, take, hold, enjoy and retain to them and their Successors in the said Trust, all such Lands, Tenements, Rents and Hereditaments, and all such Plate as shall be granted them in Mortgage for secu­ [...]ing the Re-payment of such Sums of Money as they shall from time to time lend and issue in the said Bills of Credit; and also, to [...]ell, grant, alien and dispose of the same Lan [...], Tenements, Rents, Hereditaments and Plate, in De [...]ault of Pa [...]m [...]t, as in and by this Act is provided and directed in those Cases: And by the same Name to sue [Page 368] and implead, be sued and impleaded, answer and to be an­swered in all Cases relating to the said Trust, in all Courts and other Places whatsoever, and, by the Name aforesaid, to do and execute all other Matters and Things that to them shall or may appertain to do and perform, pursuant to this Act, subject to the Provisoes, Restrictions and Li­mitations herein expressed.

TheDays the Trustees are to giveAtten­dance.AND that the said Trustees for the time being, or any three of them, shall duly attend at the said Loan-Office every third and fourth Day, commonly called Tuesday and Wednesday, in every Week, until all Demands for borrow­ing Money in the said Loan-Office be answered, and after­wards at such Times as their Trust and Service of the Pub­lick may require them, during the Continuance of this Act.

Trustees Salary.AND such of the said Trustees as shall undertake and execute the said Trust, shall be allowed for their Service and Trouble therein after the Rate of Ten Pounds per Annum added to their Salaries of Ninety Pounds each, allowed by former Acts during the Continuance of those Acts, and af­ter the Expiration thereof, the Sum of Fifty Pounds a-piece, during the Continuance of this Act, payable to each of them, his Executors, Administrators or Assigns, in the said Bills of Credit, during the Continuance of their Trust.

Trustees to giveBond, &c.BUT the Trustees hereby appointed or hereafter to be appointed, before they receive the said Bills, or enter upon the Execution of their said Trust, shall each of them enter into a Bond to the Provincial-Treasurer for the Time being, in the Penalty of One Thousand Pounds each, conditio [...]ed for the due Observance of all Things required of them by this Act, and true Performance of the Trust hereby reposed in them: And shall also take an Oath or Affirmation before any one Justice of the Peace for the City or County of Philadelphia, And take an Oath o [...] Affir­mation. who is hereby impowered and required to ad­minister the same in these Words, to wit. The Form.I A. B. will, according to the best of my Skill and Knowledge, faithfully, impartially and truly demean myself in the Dis­charge of the Trust committed to me by an Act of G [...]eral As­sembly of this Province, entituled, An Act for the Emitting and Making current Thirty Thousand Pounds in Bills of Credit, according to the Purport and Tenor of the said Act, so as none may be prejudiced by my Cons [...]nt, Privity or Pro [...]urement.’

[Page 369]AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That the said Trustees, after they are so qualified, Trustees Duty. shall re­ceive into the said Office, all such and so many of the said Bills of Credit and Counterparts thereof, from the said Signers, as they may have Occasion to lend out from time to time; and thereupon shall give their Receipts for the same, and keep true Accounts as well of the said Bills which they respectiv [...]ly receive and issue out, as also of the Money and Bills which they shall ac [...]ually receive and pay pursuant to this Act: To which several Accounts the Committee of Assembly, hereafter appointed to audit the said Trustees Accounts, shall have free Access, at all seasonable Times, to the End they be satisfied that the Sum for which Bills may be iss [...]ed pursuant to this Act is not exceeded, and may be acquainted from time to time with the State of the whole Transactions and Affairs relating to the said Office.

AND forasmuch as the chief Intent of appointing the said Trustees, is in order to enable them to lend the said Bills on Securities of Lands at low Interest, THERE­FORE IT IS FURTHER ENACTED, That the said Trustees shall lend out to the Value of Twen­ty-six Thousand Pounds of the said Bills on Land-Security, The Sum to be lent out o [...] Land Securi­ty. at the Interest of [...]ive per Cent. per Annum, for the Term of sixteen Years, from the Date of the said Bills, in Sums not exceeding Three Hundred Pounds, nor less than Twelve Pounds Ten Shillings to any one Person or Persons.

WHICH said Bills so lent shall pass in all Payments from any Person or Persons to any other Person or Persons, The said Bills to pass in all Payment [...], & [...]. and shall be deemed to be good Payment for Debts, Rents, Goods, Chattels, Plate, Bargains, Sales, Specialties, Bonds, and all other Demands whatsoever, as if the same were paid in the Coins mentioned, and at the full Rates ascertained in and by the said Act of Parliament, and shall be as effec­tual a Bar of such Suits or Actions as shall be brought for such Debts or Demands, as if the Money had been paid at the Day and Place, according to the Condition, Defeazance or Contract, and had been so pleaded; and the Tender [...] and Re [...]u [...]l, or not receiving of the said Bills, shall be a­vailable and conclusive in Law and Equity, as if such Ten­ders were in the said C [...]ins, or in the current Coins of Eng­land, or in any other Coin or Specie mentioned in the said C [...]ntracts upon which any such Tenders are made.

[Page 370] And in Dis­charge of all Bonds, &c.AND if at any time pending an Action upon any Bond, or any other Writing obligatory, the Defendant shall bring into Court, where the Action shall be depending, all the principal Money and Interest due on such Bond or Writing, with all the Costs that have been expended in any Suit or Suits in Law or Equity upon such Bonds or Writings, the said Money or Value thereof in the said Bills of Credit hereby made current, so brought into Court and offered at the Value and Rates set upon them by this Act, shall be deemed and taken to be in full Satisfaction and Discharge of the said Bond or Writing, and the Court shall forthwith give Judgment to discharge every such Defendant of and from the same accordingly.

Searches to be free.AND for the better Discovery of Incumbrances, which may affect the said Securities, it shall be lawful for the said Trustees, and such as they shall appoint from time to time, to make Searches in any Office in this Province, and if there be Occasion, take Copies or Transcripts of the Dockets, or Notes of any Extents and Judgments, or of Mortgager and Entails, kept in any of the said Offices, without Paying any Fee or Reward for the [...]ame.

Trustees to inform them­selves of the clear Value, and Titles of Land, &c. proposed in Security.AND to the End the said Trustees may be the better enabled to perform their said Trust, they shall inform them­selves as well of the clear Value as of the Titles of all the Lands, Houses and Ground-Rents which shall be proposed in Security for the said Bills, so as to be satisfied that the said Lands and Ground-Rents are at least double the Value, and Houses treble the Value of the Sums requested to be lent, and then they shall receive and take the same in Mortgage accordingly.

PROVIDED, That upon all the Loans hereby in­tended, the Trustees shall take Care that the Borrower ha [...] an indefeazible Estate in Fee-simple in the Lands, Tene­ments, Rents and Hereditaments by [...]im proposed to be mortgaged, and that they are free from former Sales, Gifts, Grants, Mortgages, Entails, and all other Incumbrances, except the Proprietary Quit-Rents, or other Rents issuing out of the same.

BUT before the Trustees shall accept of any Mortgag [...] upon Messuages, Lands or Tenements, subject to the Pay­ment of such Quit-Rents, Ground-Rents, Rent-Charge, or [Page 371] other annual Payments, they shall duly consider, and, ac­cording to the best of their Skill, find out the clear Value thereof, not Reckoning the said Rents at more than six­teen, nor less than ten Years Purchase, and shall let out upon Loan to the Mortgager, one third Part of the Value aforesaid, in Bills of Credit, at the Interest and for the Term aforesaid.

AND that the Persons offering any of the said Houses, Lands, The Persons offering Lands, &c. in Mortgage to take an Oath or Affirmati­on. Ground-Rents or Rent-Charge to mortgage for any of the said Bills, shall, at or before the Time of executing the Deed of Mortgage, declare, upon Oath or solemn Affir­mation, in the usual Form, which the Trustees or any one of them are hereby impowered and required to administer, That he or she is really seized of the Premises in his or her own Right, and to his or her own Use; and that the Lands, Houses and Ground-Rents or Rent-Charge, men­tioned in the Deed by him or her to be executed, are free and clear from any former or other Gift, Grant, Mortgage, or other Incumbrance, to his or her Knowledge (excepting the Proprietary Quit-Rents, or other Charges appearing in his or her Deeds then produced) which Oath or Affirma­tion shall be indorsed on the Back of the Mortgage, with the Day and Year of the Caption thereof, for which the Clerk shall receive Six Pence, and no more.

AND for securing the Payment of the Sums or Values so lent as above directed, the said Trustees, Trustees shall take and re­ceive Deeds of Mortgage in Fee simple. or any three of them, shall, in Pursuance of the Trust hereby reposed in them, and as Trustees of the General Loan-Office aforesaid, and not otherwise, take and receive Deeds of Mortgage in Fee-simple for what they lend; which being executed and acknowledged, or proved as herein after directed, shall transfer the Possession of the Lands, Houses and Heredita­ments thereby granted to the said Trustees, and vest the Inheritance thereof in them and their Successors, as fully and effectually as Deeds of Feoffments with Livery and Seizin, or Deeds inrolled in any of the King's Courts at Westminster may or can do in England: In all which Deeds the Words [ Grant, Bargain and Sell] shall amount to, The general Words in Mortgages to be construed as particular Covenants. and be construed and adjudged, in all Courts of Judicature, to be express Covenants to the said Trustees, their Successors and Assigns, from the Bargainer or Mortgager, for himself, his Heirs, Executors and Administrators, that the Mortga­ger, notwithstanding any Act done by him, was at the time of the Execution of such Deed, seized of the Hereditaments [Page 372] and Premises thereby granted, of an indefeazable Estate in Fee-simple, free from all Incumbrances (Rents due to the Lord of the Fee, with the other Rents and Reservations contained in their respective Deeds, only excepted;) and for quiet Enjoyment thereof against the Mortgager, his Heirs and Assigns, and all claiming under him or the for­mer Owners thereof; and also for a further Assurance to be made by the Mortgager, his Heirs and Assigns, as the Case may require, so that those express Covenants are not to be set down at large in any of the Mortgages, but that the said Trustees, and their Successors in the said Trust, re­spectively, shall and may, in any Action to be brought, assign Breaches thereupon, as they might do in case such Co-were expresly inserted in such Deeds.

Trustees to sign a Receipt for Writings.AND the said Trustees, or some one of them, upon Acceptance of any Mortgage by them taken, shall (at the reasonable Request and Charge of the respective Mortga­gers) sign a proper Receipt of all the Writings and Evi­dences of his Title and Estate to the mortgaged Premises left with the said Trustees.

Mortgages to entred in a Book, &c. an attested Copy thereof to be Matter of Re­cord.AND that all the said Mortgages or defeazable Deeds being sealed and delivered to the said Trustees, or some of them, in Presence of two or more credible Witnesses, and proved or acknowledged before any Justice of the Peace in this Province, shall be fairly entred, at the Charge of the Mortgagers, in large Books, to be for that Purpose provi­ded and kept by the said Trustees, as herein after directed; and an attested Copy of any of the said Deeds so entred and certified under the Hands of the said Trustees for the time being, or any three of them, shall be and is hereby declared to be Matter of Record, and shall be good Evi­dence to prove the Sale or Mortgage thereby mentioned to be made; which Mortgage Deeds being so entred, shall be kept by the Trustees, in some proper House or Place dis­tant from the Place of the Records thereof, for their better Preservation and Security against Accidents.

AND the said Trustees shall, at their own proper Costs and Charges, provide the said Books of Royal or other large good Paper, well bound and covered, wherein shall be recorded all the said Deeds of Mortgage given in Secu­rity for the said Bills of Credit to be lent out as aforesaid.

[Page 373]AND for the more regular Management of the Affairs relating to the [...]aid Office, Trustees shall choose a Clerk. the Trustees are hereby impowered to choose and imploy a fit and able Person, for whom they shall be answerable, to serve them as Clerk of the said Of­fice, during their Pleasure▪ Who, for recording every one of the said Deeds, shall have the Sum of Four Shillings, and for every attested Copy thereof Four Shillings, and no more; and for every Mortgage-Deed that he draws, the Sum of Eight Shillings, and no more: Which said Sums are to be paid by the Mortgager, his Heirs, Executors or Admini­strators, in full Satisfaction of all Fees and Charges deman­dable by the said Clerk, for Drawing, Ingrossing and Re­cording the said Deeds, and Inspecting the Title of the Lands and Premises thereby mortgaged.

AND the said Clerk shall also prepare a Bond of dou­ble the Mortgage-Money, The Clerk to prepare a Bond & War­rant of Attor­ney, &c. for every Mortgager to execute along with their respective Deeds of Mortgage, conditioned for the Payment of the Money borrowed, with the Interest, according to the Proviso or Condition contained in every Deed of Mortgage, and shall also prepare a Warrant of At­torney, to be at the same time signed and sealed by every Mortgager, impowering such Person or Persons as the Trustees shall nominate and appoint, to acknowledge or suffer Judgment against him, his Heirs, Executors and Admini­ [...]ators, which they the said Trustees are hereby required to cause their Attorney to enter, in due Form of Law, in the Court of Common-Pleas for the proper County, against such Mortgager, his Heirs, Executors and Administrators, as shall make Default in the Payment of the Mortgage-Money, or any Part thereof, according to the Direction of this Act and Times of Payment specified in the Proviso contained in his Mortgage-Deed, either in Actions of Eject­ments, to gain the Possession of the mortgaged Premises, or in Actions o [...] Debt, to be brought upon any of the said [...]nds for Non-Performance of the Conditions thereof, or in such Actions of Debt as the said Trustees are hereby re­quired to bring for the Value of the Bills of Credit which happen to be received by the Mortgagers, whose Title to the Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments by them mort­gaged shall prove defective, together with the Interest hereby allowed upon such Loan, and Costs of Suit. And the said Clerk shall also insert a Release of Errors in every of the said Warrants of Attorney; and for the said Bonds, Warrants of Attorney and Release of Errors, the said Clerk [...]ll have Two Shillings, for the Whole, and no more.

[Page 374] The Clerk to be qu [...]lified.BUT before any Person so chosen to be Clerk shall en­ter upon the Execution of the said Office, he shall take [...] Oath or Affirmation before some Justice of the Peace for the City or County of Philadelphia, who is hereby impowered and required to administer the same in these Words. The Form of the Oath of Affirmation.I A. B. shall truly and faithfully perform and execute the Office and Duty that is directed and required of me, accord­ing to a Law of this Province, entituled, An Act for emitting and making current Thirty Thousand Pounds, in Bills of Credit, for the better Support of Government, &c. And that I will keep a just and true Account of the Names of all such Persons as shall apply to the said Office for Bills of Credit, and will prepare and record their Deeds of Mortgage in the same Order of Time as their Applications are made, without any undue Preference, unnecessary Delay, or fraudulent Practice.’

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, How the Mo­ney shall be paid in, &c. That the said Sums of Money so lent upon Mortgage, shall be paid in again, with the annual Interest, in the said Bills of Credit, or in current Mo­ney of America (or in any other Bills of Credit made current by a Law of this Province) to the Trustees of the General Loan-Office aforesaid, in Manner following, That is to s [...]y, One Sixteenth of the said Sum borrowed, with the whole Interest of Five per Cent. per Annum, shall be annually paid by the Mortgager, his Heirs, Executors or Administration, to the said Trustees; who shall indorse the Sum received, both Principal and Interest, upon the Back of the Mortgage-Deed, and also upon the Back of the said Counterpart; for both which Indorsements, made in Manner aforesaid, they shall be paid by the Mortgager the Sum of Six Pence and no more.

How the Mortgages are to be released at the last Pay­ment.AND at the last Payment of the said Money and In­terest, the said Mortgage shall be discharged, and the Origi [...]l as well as Mortgage-Deeds delivered by the said Trustees▪ from which Time the said Lands, Houses and Grou [...]-Rents so mortgaged or engaged, shall be forever clearly ac­quitted and discharged; and the said Trustees shall make an Entry, in the Margin of the Inrolment of the said Mortgage, of the Day and Year of such Discharge, for which they shall be paid, by the Mortgager, the Sum of Six Pence, and no more; an attested Copy of which Entry of the said Discharge of such Mortgages, signed by the Ma­jority of the said Trustees for the time being, shall be a [...] [Page 375] valid and effectual in Law as their Re-conveyance of the mortgaged Premises, made and executed in the usual Form, can be to the Mortgagers, their Heirs and Assigns.

PROVIDED ALSO, AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, The Mortga­ger to [...]eep quiet P [...]ss [...]s­sion, until De­ [...]ault ma [...]e. That until some De­fault shall be made by the said respective Mortgagers, of or in Payment of the Mortgage-Money, or some Part thereof, it shall be lawful for them and their Heirs to hold and enjoy the mortgaged Premises, with the Appurtenances; any thing in the Deeds of Mortgage, or in this Act con­tained, [...]o the contrary notwithstanding.

BUT if Default shall be made or suffered by any of the said Mortgagers, their Heirs, Executors, The Trustees upon Default to [...]ell the mortgaged Premi [...]es. Administrators or Assigns, of or in Payment of any of the said yearly Payments or Sums, whether in Part of the Principal or Interest which they or any of them should have paid on the Days and Times, and in Manner and Form, as in and by their respective Deeds of Mortgage shall be specified, it [...]all and may be lawful to and for the said Trustees, for the time being, at their Discretion, either to take their Remedy by Course of Law, as herein above directed, and proceed to take the mortgaged Lands and Hereditaments in Execution as for other Debts, or within two Months [...]xt after the Days whereon the same ought to be paid, according to the several Provisoes or Conditions in their Deeds respectively contained, to enter upon the Lands, Houses, Rents and Hereditaments in the same Deeds spe­cified, and expose the same to a publick Sale, and there­upon sell and convey the same Lands, Hereditaments and Premises, to the best Purchaser, and out of the Money ari­sing by such Sale detain and keep the Monies to them due thereon, and all Costs and Charges relating thereto, retur­ [...]ing the Overplus (if any be) to the Owners of such Lands and Hereditaments; and that then and in such Case the Owners of such Lands and Hereditaments shall stand ab­solutely forclosed from all Equity of Redemption of the same.

PROVIDED ALSO, Sheriff's Sale not to be a­voided or r [...] ­leased. That if any of the said Judgments, which warrant the Awarding of any W [...]its [...]or the Sale of the said Lands, Tenements or Heredita­ments, shall at any time hereafter [...]e reversed for any Error or Errors, then and in every such case none of the said Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments so as aforesaid taken o [...] sold, or to be taken or sold upon Executions, or any [Page 376] Part thereof, shall be restored, nor the Sheriff's Sale thereof avoided.

No Estate to go to the Ven­de [...], but what shall appear to be mo [...]t­gaged.AND that no Sale which shall be made by Virtue of this Act, shall be extended to create any further Estate to the Vendees, than the Lands or Hereditaments so sold or delivered shall appear to be mortgaged for, by the said re­spective Mortgages or defeazable Deeds.

The Trustees to let Money on Plat [...]-Se­curity, &c.PROVIDED ALSO, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the Trustees of the Loan-Office aforesaid, or any three of them, to let out upon Loan, in such Man­ner as they shall think best, any Sum of the said Bills of Credit, not exceeding the Sum of Two Hundred Pounds to one Person, upon Security of good Plate, to be delivered to them at the Value of Five Shillings, current Money of America, per Ounce, and at the Interest of Five per Cent. per Annum, to be paid in again to the said Trustees, within the Space of twelve Months, with the Interest aforesaid: And in case of Non-Payment, within one Month after De­fault made, to sell and dispose of the said Plate for the most it will yield, returning the Overplus (if any be) to the Owner thereof, after Payment of the Principal and Interest, with the Charges accrued thereupon.

AND WHEREAS the true and regular Sinking of the said Bills of Credit will very much conduce to the keep­ing up the Value of the same, Committee of Assembly audit the Ac­counts of the Loan-Office, &c. BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That a Committee of the As­sembly of this Province, shall, once every Year, or o [...]tner, as the Assembly shall think fit, be appointed to audit the Accounts of all the Monies in Bills of Credit [...]o as aforesaid let out upon Loan to the Inhabitants of this Province, ac­cording to the Direction of this Act, and also the Sums of Money and Bills of Credit received by the said Trustees from the respective Mortgagers, their Hei [...]s, Executors and Administrators; and shall, within one Week next after the said Accounts are so audited, affix Advertisements on the most publick Places of the City of Philadelphia, setting forth what Quantity of Money has been received and is in the Hands of the Trustees aforesaid, over and above what will pay the Interest due to the Publick for the Loan of the said Bills of Credit let out upon Mortgage by Virtue of this Act: Which Money shall by the said [...] be given in Ex­change for Bills of Credit made current by this Act, to any Person or Persons bringing in the same; and the said Bills [Page 377] of Credit received as Part of the principal Sum lent out of the said Office in Manner aforesaid, How the year­ly Quotas are to b [...] sunk. and remaining in the Hands of the Trustees, shall, within ten Days after such Audit, be sunk and destroyed, in the Presence of the Com­mittee who sh [...]ll be appointed Auditors, they having first compared the said Bills of Credit with their Counterparts, and entered into a Book to be kept for that Purpose, the Number and Valu [...] o [...] [...]ach Bill of Credit so sunk and destroyed.

AND that after the aforesaid Sum of Thirty Thousand Pounds in the said Bills of Credit, After the Sum emitted sh [...]ll be sunk, the Trustees a [...]e discharged. ordered to be let out upon Loan by this Act, shall be accounted for by [...]he said Trus­tees, and sunk according to the Directions of this Act, the aforesaid Trustees, th [...]ir Heirs, Executors and Administra­tors, and every of them, shall from thenceforward stand and forever be clea [...]ly discha [...]ged and acquitted of and from all and all Manner of Security, and other or farther Demands, to be had or made for any thing by them done in Discharge and Execution of the Trust reposed in them by this Act.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, Any Person paying down the Principal and Interest discharges his Mortgage. That if any Person or Persons, who shall take upon Loan any of the said Bills of Credit, shall see cause, at any time after the Making the said Mortgage, and before the Forfeiture and Sale thereof, to pay down the whole Principal and Interest then due, in the like publick Bills of Credit, or current Money of Ame­rica, upon his or her so doing, such Mortgage or Security shall be released and delivered in the Manner before direc­ted, and the Lands, Ground-Rents and Houses, in the said Mortg [...]ge-Deed contained and mortgaged, shall be forever discharged therefrom.

AND IT IS HEREBY DECLARED AND ENACTED, And the Trus­tees shall let out the same on Loan. That if any Sum or Sums shall be so paid down, pursuant to this Clause, before or at any other Days or Times of Payment than what are or shall be mentioned or specified in the respective Mortgages, then and in every such Case it shall be lawful for the Trustees of the Loan-Office, by this Act directed, and they are here­by required, in the Presence of the Committee of the As­sembly, to sink such Part or Parts of the principal Sums due upon the said Mortgages, when such Payments are made, as by this Act is directed in other Cases, and there­upon emit or let out upon Loan all the Residue thereof, together with such other Sums as shall arise from the Sales of Estates forfeited and sold pursuant to the said Accounts: [Page 378] All which Sums so emitted shall be secured and made paya­ble, with the Interest of Five per Cent. per Annum, at such Days and Times, and after such Manner as in and by this Act is limited, and not otherwise, so that the Payments be proportioned to the Time unexpired.

AND BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Interest of Bills of Credit to be disposed of by the As­sembly. That the annual Interest received for the Loan of the said Bills of Credit, which shall be remaining in Mo­ney in the Hands of the said Trustees, after the Accounts audited as aforesaid, and after Salaries and Charges allowed by this Act are deducted, shall be disposed of in such Man­ner as the Assembly of this Province shall from time to time think fit to order and direct.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Penalties on Persons coun­terfeiting Bills. That if any Person or Persons whatsoever shall presume to forge or counterfeit, or be Aid­ing or Assisting in forging or counterfeiting any of the said Bills of Credit, or utter or cause to be uttered, or offered in Payment, any Bill or Bills, knowing the same to be ac­tually forged or counterf [...]ited, with an Intent to defraud any other Person, and be thereof legally convicted, he, she or they so offending shall be set upon the Pillory, in some open publick Place, and there have both his or her Ears cut off, and be publickly whipped on his or her bare Back with Thirty-one Lashes well laid on, and moreover shall forfeit the Sum of One Hundred Pounds current Money of America, to be levied of the Lands and Tenements, Goods and Chattels of such Offenders; the one Half thereof to the Use of the Government, the other Half thereof to the Discoverer; and the Offender shall pay to the Party grieved double the Value of the Damage sustained by the said coun­terfeit Bills, together with the Costs and Charges of the Prosecution. And in case the Person or Persons so convic­ted have not sufficient to satisfy the Party for his or her Damage and Charges, and to pay the Forfeitures aforesaid, then in such Case the Offender or Offenders shall, by Order of the Court by which they were convicted, be sold for any Term not exceeding seven Years, for Satisfaction of the same: And in such Case the Trustees of the said Loan-Office shall reward the Discoverer and Prosecutor of such insolvent Offenders to the Value of Five Pounds.

How counter­feited Bills shall be dis­posed of.AND that all Magistrates, and others, into whose Hands any counterfeited Bills may happen to come, shall forthwith [Page 379] deliver the same to one of the Trustees of the said Loan-Office, who shall cause the Names of those that delivered them, and of the Persons from whom they were taken, to be indorsed on the Back thereof; which Bills shall be safely kept in the said Office, and be forthcoming when there may be Occasion to make Use of the same, and afterwards delivered to a Committee as aforesaid to be destroyed.

AND IT IS HEREBY DECLARED AND ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, This Act to be taken and allowed in all Courts. That this pre­sent Act shall be taken and allowed in all Courts within this Province as publick Acts, and all Judges, Justices, and other Persons concerned therein, are hereby required to take No­tice thereof as such, without Pleading the same specially.

AND for the more Ease to the said Trustees in the At­tendance on their Duty required by this Act, and the better Settling their Accounts with the said Committee; BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority afore­said, All Payments to be made the 15th of October an­nually. That upon any future Emission of any Bills of Credit by Virtue of this Act, the Trustees are hereby directed and impowered so to devise the Mortgage-Deeds that the annual Quotas or Payments of the Money thereby secure [...] be made payable on the Fifteenth Day of October annually, during the respective Terms or Number of Years limited for Payment thereof. Trustees to give an Ac­count to the Auditors when they re­ceive in and remit the Money. And that as o [...]ten as the Whole or Remainder of any principal Sum emitted by Virtue of this or any other Act for emitting Bills of Credit in this Province, shall be paid in or recovered within the Time limited for Payment thereof by the Mortgage-Deed, the Trustees are hereby re­quired, in settling their Accounts with the Auditors afore­said, to render Accounts as well of the Days and Times of their Receipts thereof, as also of the Days and Times when the same Sums are emitted again.

AND WHEREAS the Funds provided for the Support of this Government have proved deficient, and di­vers Sums, claimed as Debts due from this Province, remain yet unpaid: THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, 1000 l. to be delivered to the Provincial Treasurer. That the Sum of One Thousand Pounds, in the said Bills of Credit, be delivered to the Pro­vincial-Treasurer for the time being, who shall give his Receipt for the same, which Receipt shall be deemed, ta­ken and allowed to be a good and sufficient Discharge to the said Trustees, their Heirs, Executors and Administrators, for the Sums in Bills of Credit mentioned and contained in [Page 380] such Receipts, which said Bills, or so many of them as shall be needful, the Treasurer shall forthwith apply to the Pay­ing and Discharging the several Sums of Money due and to be due and owing by any Order of Assembly of this Province. And the Residue (if any be) to be applied to the Payment of such Orders as shall be issued by this or any succeeding Assembly of this Province, and not otherwise.

How the same sh [...]ll be sunk.AND that the said Sum of One Thousand Pounds hereby directed to be lent to the Provincial-Treasurer, shall be sunk by an annual Sinking and Destroying of One Hundred Pounds Interest-Money, arising by this Act, by the said Truste [...]s, in Presence of a Committee of Assembly, in Manner here­by prescribed for sinking Bills of Credit in the said Loan-Office, and as this Act in like Cases directs, until the said One Thousand Pounds be sunk and destroyed.

AND WHEREAS it is represented by the Re­corder of the City of Philadelphia, in Behalf of the Mayor and Commonalty of the said City, the great Necessity there is for an Alms-House, and desiring the Loan of One Thou­sand Pounds in Bills of Credit, for the Pu [...]chasing a convenient Piece of Ground, and for building the same thereupon, within the City of Philadelphia, for the Use of the Poor of the said City: BE IT THEREFORE ENAC­TED by the Authority aforesaid, 1 [...]00 l. to the Mayor and Commonalty, to build an Alms-House. That the Sum of One Thousand Pounds, in Bills of Credit made current by this Act, be delivered by the said Trustees to the Mayor and Commonalty of the said City of Philadelphia, they giving their Receipts to the Trustees for the same, and securing the Re-payment thereof by Obligation, under their Com­mon Seal, to be given to the Trustees of the Loan-Office: Which said Bills shall be sunk by Taxes to be laid on the City for that Purpose, How the same shall be sunk. in the same Manner that County and City Levies are usually raised and levied, until all the said Bills of Credit so as aforesaid received on the Account and for the Use of the said City, be sunk in the Manner pre­scribed for sinking Bills of Credit in the said Loan-Office.

AND forasmuch as a House for the Representatives of t [...]e Freemen of this Province to meet and sit in General Assembly in the City of Philadelphia, is very much wanted: BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, 2000 l. to be delivered to Thomas Law­rence, &c. to build a State-House. That the Sum of Two Thousand Pounds of Bills of Credit made current by this Act, be delivered by the Trustees of the Loan-Office to Thomas Lawrence, Andrew [Page 381] Ha [...]ilton and I [...]hn Kearsley, who are hereby appointed for building and carrying on the same; who shall give their Receipt to the Trustees for the said Bills; which Receipt shall be deemed, taken and allowed to be a good and suf­ficient Discharge to the said Trustees, their Heirs, Execu­tors and Administrators, for the Sums in Bills of Credit mentioned and contained in such Receipts. And that the said Sum of Two Thousand Pounds, shall be sunk by an annual Sinking and Destroying of Two Hundred Pounds Interest Money arising by this Act, by the said Trustees, in Presence of a Committee of Assembly, in Manner here­by prescribed for sinking Bills of Credit, in the said Loan-Office, and as this Act in like Cases directs, until the said Two Thousand Pounds be sunk and destroyed.

At a GENERAL ASSEMBLY of the Province of Pennsylvania, begun and holden at Philadel­phia, the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty-nine, in the Third Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE II. by the Grace of GOD, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, KING, Defender of the Faith, &c. And from thence continued by Adjournment to the Twelfth of Ianuary, in the same Year; the following ACTS were passed, That is to say,

[Page 382]

CHAP. CCCIV. An ACT for the Relief of insolvent Debtors within the Province of Pennsylvania. Post 4 Geo. II. Chap [...]19. An Act for Am [...]nd­ment of this Act.

WHEREAS in Compassion to such unhappy Persons, as by Losses and other Misfortunes have been rendered unable to pay their Debts, it is pro­vided by an Act of Assembly of this Government, That if any Person be imprisoned for Debt, or Fines, within thi [...] Province, and have no sufficient Estate to satisfy the same, the Debtor shall make Satisfaction by Servitude, ac­cording to the Judgment of the Court; but there being no Provision made by the said Law to compel the Debtor to render any Account of his or her Estate, great Abuses have been committed by Persons claiming the Benefit of that Law, in concealing their Estates, or making them over in Trust so that no clear Discovery could be made of the same by the Creditors; and it being [...]ound by Experience that the Service of the Debtor has in nowi [...]e answered the End pro­posed in making the said Law: Therefore, for the Relief of such Prisoners who shall be willing to satisfy their Cre­ditors as far as they are able, BE IT ENACTED by the Hon. PATRICK GORDON, Esq Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Pennsylvania, &c. by and with the Advice and Consent of the Representatives of the Freemen of the said Province, in General Assembly met, and by the Au­thority of the [...]ame, That if any Person or Persons charged in Ex [...]cution for any Sum or Sums of Money, not exceed­ing in the Whole the Sum of One Hundred Pounds, from and after the Twenty-fifth Day of March, in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty, shall be minded to deliver up to his, her, or their Creditors, all his, her, or their Effects, towards the Satisfaction of the Debts where­with he, she or they stand charged, it shall and may be lawful for such Prisoner to exhibit a Petition to any of the Courts of Law within this Province, Prisoner to exhibit a Pe­tition, &c. from whence the Pro­cess issued upon which he, she or they was or were taken or charged in Execution, certifying the Cause or Cause [...] of his, her or their Imprisonment, and an Account of his, her or their whole real and personal Estate, with the Dates of the Securities wherein any Part of it consists, and the Dee [...]s or Notes relating thereunto, and the Names of the Witnesses to the same, as far as his, her or their Know­ledge extends thereto: And upon such Petition the Court may, and is hereby required, by Order or Rule of Court to cause the Prisoner to be brought up, and the several [Page 383] Creditors at whose Suit he, she or they stand charged as aforesai [...], and all other his or her Creditors that are or can be known to the Court, to be summoned to appear perso­nally, or by their Attorney, in Court, Creditors to be summoned to appear, &c. at a Day to be appointed for that Purpose; and upon the Day of such Appearance, if any of the Creditors summoned refuse or neglect to appear, upon Affidavit of the due Service of such Rule or Order, or upon Affidavit made that the Creditor or Creditors are not to be found, the Court shall in a summary Way examine into the Matter of such Petition, and hear what can or shall be alledged on either Side for or against the Discharge of such Prisoner; and upon such an Exami­nation the Court may and are hereby required to administer or tender to the Prisoner an Oath or Affi [...]mation to the Effect following: ‘I A. B. do solemnly (swear in the Presence of Almighty God) or, The Form of the O [...]th o [...] Affirmation. (sincerely and truly declare and affirm) that the Account by me delivered in to this Honourable Court in my Petition to this Court, doth contain a full and true Account of all my real [...]nd personal Estate, Debts, Credits and Effects whatsoever, which I, or any in Trust for me, have, or at the Time of my imprison­ [...]ent, had, or am, or was in any respect entitled to, in [...]osses­sion, Remainder or Reversion (except the Wearing-Apparel and Bedding for me or my Family, and the Tools or Instruments of my Trade or Calling, not exceeding Five Pounds in Value, in the Whole;) and that I have not at any Time since my Imprisonment, or before, directly or indirectly, Sold, Leased, Assigned, or other­wise disposed, or made over in Trust, for myself, or otherwise, other than as mentioned in such Account, any Part of my Lands, Estate, Goods, Stock, Money, Debts, or other real and personal Estate, whereby to have or expect any Benefit or Profit to my­self, or to defraud any of my Creditors to whom I am indebted.’

AND in case the Prisoner shall in open Court take the said Oath or Affirmation, and upon such Examination, and his or her taking the said Oath or Affirmation the Creditors shall be satisfied with the Truth thereof, the Court may im­mediately order the Lands, Goods and Effects contained in such Account, or so much of them as may be sufficient to satisfy the Debts wherewith he or she is or shall be charged, together with Costs of Suit, and the Fees due to the Keeper of the Goal or Prison from which the Prisoner was brought, to be by a short Indorsement on the Back of such Petition, signed by the Prisoner, assigned to the said Creditors, Prisoner to as­sign his Ef­fects to the Creditors, &c. or one or more of them in Trust for the rest of them, or to so some [Page 384] proper Person to be by the said Court appointed in Trust for all the Creditors; and by such Assignment the Estate, In­terest and Property of the Lands, Goods, Debts and Effect [...] so assigned, shall be vested in the Person or Persons to whom such Assignment is or shall be made, who may take Possession of, or [...]ue for the [...]ame, in his or their own Name or Names, in like Manner as Assignees of Commissioners of Bankrupts; to which Suit no Release of the Prisoner, his or her Execu­tors or Administrators, or any Trustee for him or her, subse­quent to such Assignment, And u [...]on such Assign­ment to be discharged. shall be any Bar. And immediately upon such Assignment executed, the said Prisoner shall be dis­charged out of Custody by Order of Court; and such Order shall be a sufficient Warrant to the Sheriff, Goaler or Keeper of such Prison, to discharge the said Prisoner i [...] detained for the Causes mentioned in such Petition, and no other; and he is hereby required to discharge and set him or her at Liberty forthwith without Fee; nor shall such She [...]iff or Goaler be liable to any Action of Escape, or other Suit or Information upon that Account: And the Person or Persons to whom the said Effects shall be assigned, paying the Fees to the Goaler or Keeper of the Prison, in whose Custody the Party dis­charged was, Effects to be divided a­mong theCre­dito [...]s, in Pro­portion to their respec­tive Debts. Creditors not being satisfied wi [...]h the Oath, &c. the Court may remand the Prisoner, &c. shall and are hereby required, to divide the Effects so assigned among the Creditors, and all the Per­sons for whom they shall be intrusted, in Proportion to their respective Debts. But in Case the Person or Person [...], at whose Suit such Prisoner was charged in Execution, or any other Creditor, shall not be satisfied with the Truth of such Oath or Affirmation, but shall desire further Time to inform himself of the Matters contained therein, the said Court may and shall remand the said Prisoner, and direct the said Prisoner, and the Person or Persons dissatisfied with such Oath or Affirmation, to appear at another Day to be appointed by the said Court sometime within the Term next following the Time of such Examination; and if at such second Day so to [...]e appointed, the Creditor or Creditors dissatisfied wich such Oath or Affirmation, shall make Default in appearing, or in case he or they shall appear, but shall be unable to discov [...] any Estate or Effects of the Prisoner omitted in such his or her Petition, or to shew any Probability of his or her having been forsworn or to have declared falsly in the said Oath or Affirmation, then the said Court shall immediately cause the said Prisoner to be discharged, upon such Assignment of hi [...] or her Effects in Manner as aforesaid; Creditors in­sisting on the P [...]isoner's be­ing detained, must pay, &c. towards hi [...] Maintenance. unless such Creditor or Creditors do insist upon his or her being detained in Prison, and do agree, by Writing, under his Hand▪ to pay and allow any Sum of Money that shall be assessed by the said Court, [Page 385] not exceeding Three Shillings per Week, unto the said Prisoner, to be paid the second Day of every Week so long as he or she shall continue in Prison at his, her or their Suits; on Fai­lure of the Payment of which weekly Sum at any Time, the said Prisoner shall forthwith, upon Application to the Court, or to any three Justices of the said Court in the Va­cation, be discharged by such Order as a [...]oresaid. But in ca [...]e the said Prisoner shall refuse to take the said Oath or Affirmation, or having taken the same, shall be detected of Falsity therein, he or she shall be presently remanded.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, NoPersondis­charged by this Act, to be hereafter imprisoned for any Debt, &c. due be­fore his Dis­charge. That no Person to be discharged by this Act, shall at any Time hereafter be imprisoned by reason of any Judgment or Decree obtained for Payment of Money only, or for any Debt, Damages, Contempts, Costs, Sum or Sums of Money, contracted, occurred, occa­ [...]ioned, owing, or growing due, before the Time of his or her Discharge; but that upon every Arrest upon every such Judgment or Decree, or for such Debts, Damages or Contempts, Costs, Sum and Sums of Money, it shall and may be lawful for any Judge of the Court where the Pro­cess issued, upon shewing the Duplicate of such Prisoner's Discharge or Discharges, to release and discharge out of Cus­tody such Prisoner or Prisoners as aforesaid, and the Judg [...] is hereby impowered so to do; so as every such Prisoner or Prisoners arrested or detained upon Execution or mes [...]e Process, do give a Warrant of Attorney to appear to every such Action, and to plead thereunto.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Action of Escape, Ju [...]ices, She­ [...]iff, &c. may plead the Ge­neral Issue, &c. or any Suit or Action be brought against any Justice or Ju­stices of the Peace, Sheriff, Goaler or Keeper of any Pri­son, for Performing their Office in Pursuance of this Act, they may plead the General Issue and give this Act in Ev [...] ­dence; and if the Plaintiff be nonsuited, or discontinue his Action, or Verdict pass against him, or Judgment upon De­murrer, the Defendant shall have treble Costs.

PROVIDED, That the Discharge of any Person by virtue of this Act shall not acquit any other Person from such Debt, Sum or Sums of Money, or any Part there­of; but that all others shall be answerable for the same in such Manner a [...] before the Passing of this Act.

[Page 386]AND PROVIDED, That this Act shall not extend to discharge any Person out of Prison who shall stand chargeable at the Suit of the Crown only.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, by the Authority aforesaid, Notwithstan­ding the Pri­soner's Dis­charge▪ Judg­ment to stand good against what he may hereafter pos­sess, &c. That notwithstanding the Discharge of the Person of such Prisoner or Prisoners as aforesaid, all and every Debt and Debts, due or owing from the said Prisoner or Prisone [...], and all and every Judgment or Judgments had and taken, and Decree obtained against him or her, shall stand and be good and effectual in the Law to all Intents and Purposes, against the Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments, Goods and Chattels of the said Prisoner so discharged as aforesaid, which he, she or they, or any other Person or Persons in Trust for him, her or them, at the Time of such Discharge hath or have, or at any Time hereafter shall or may be anyways seized or pos­sessed of, interested in or entitled to either in Law or Equity, except his, her or their Wearing Apparel, Bedding for his, her or their Families, and Working Tools and Impleme [...]ts necessary for his, her or their Occupations, not exceedi [...]g the Value of Five Pounds in the Whole; And the Cre­ditors may take out a new Execution, &c. and it shall and may be lawful to and for such Creditor or Creditors of such Prisoner or Prisoners so discharged as aforesaid, his, her o [...] their Executors or Administrators, to take out a new Exe­cution against the Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments, Goods and Chattels of such Prisoner or Prisoners (except as are before excepted) for the Satisfaction of his, her or their Debts, in such Sort, Manner and Form, as he, she or they might have done if the Person or Persons of such Prisoner or Pri­soners had never been taken in Execution; any Act, Sta­tute, Law or Custom to the contrary in any wise notwith­standing.

PROVIDED ALSO, AND BE IT FUR­THER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That if any such Person who shall take such Oath or Af­firmation as aforesaid, Prisoner con­victed of Per­jury, shall suf­fe [...], &c. shall, upon any Indictment for Per­jury in any Matter or Particular contained in the said Oath or Affirmation, be convicted by his or her own Confession, or by Verdict of Twelve Men, the Person so convicted shall suffer all the Pains and Forfeitures which may by Law be inflicted on any Person convicted of wilful Perjury; and shall likewise be liable to be taken on any Process de [...], and charged in Execution for the said Debt, in the same Manner as if he or she had never been discharged or taken [Page 387] in Execution before; and shall never after have the Benefit of this Act.

PROVIDED ALSO, AND BE IT FUR­THER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, T [...]at if the Effects so assigned shall not extend to satisfy the whole Debts due to the Creditors of the Person or Per­sons so discharged, and the Fees due to the Goaler, there shall be an Abatement in Proportion, and such Goaler shall come in as a Creditor for what shall be then due to him for his Fees, in Proportion with the other Creditors.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Where there are mutual Debts, one may be set a­gainst the o­ther, &c. That where there are mutual Debts between the Debtor or Debtors and his, her or their Creditors, or if either Party sue or be sued as Executor or Administrator, where there are mutual Debts between the Testator or Intestate and either Party, one Debt may be set against the other, and such Matter may be given in E­vidence upon the General Issue, or pleaded in Bar as the Nature of the Case shall require; so as at the Time of the Pleading the General Issue, where any such Debt of the Plaintiff, his Testator or Intestate, is intended to be insisted on in Evidence, Notice shall be given of the particular Sum or Debt so intended to be insisted on, and upon what Ac­count it became due, or otherwise such Matter shall not be allowed in Evidence upon such General Issue.

PROVIDED, Landlords may recove [...] one Year's Rent, as be­fore this Act. That where any Rent shall be due from any Prisoner or Prisoners at the Time of his or their respective Discharges, no Goods or Chattels then lying or being in or upon the respective Tenements or Lands so in Lease, or liable to be distrained, shall be removed or dispo­sed of without the Consent of the Landlord or Person to whom the Rent is due, until the same, not exceeding one Year's Rent, be paid or [...]atisfied; and that the Landlord may use all lawful Ways for the having and recovering his Rent, so as the same exceed not one Year's Rent, by Distres [...] or otherwise, as he might have had or could have done be­fore the making of this Act; any thing herein contained to the contrary in anywise notwithstanding.

AND PROVIDED ALSO, No abse [...]t o [...] distant Credi­tor barred by this Act. That this Act shall not bar any absent or distant Creditor, who had not Notice of the Prisoner's Application to the Court as aforesaid.

[Page 388]AND WHEREAS, by an Act of Assembly of this Province, entituled, An Act for better determining Debts and D [...]mands under Forty Shillings, Power is given to any one Justice of the Peace, to hear and determine any Debt or Demand under Forty Shillings, and upon Judgment given to award Execution against the Body and Goods or Effects of the Defendant; in Pursuance of the Execution of which Law many poor Persons have been taken and imprisoned a long Time for very small Sums of Money, to the utter Ruin of their Families, and without any real Benefit to the Creditors; And forasmuch as it will be a very great Hard­ship and Charge upon a poor Prisoner confined for a small Debt, to oblige him or her to apply to be discharged in the Manner directed by this Act for Persons imprisoned for a greater Sum; THEREFORE, for the Ease of such poor Persons, BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, How Prisoners for Debt un­der Forty Shil­lings may be relieved. That where any Person or Persons shall be charged in Execution for any Sum of Money not exceeding in the Whole the Sum of Forty Shillings, besides Costs of Suit, such Person or Persons may, by Petition, apply to any two Justices of the Peace of the County or City where he or she is impri­soned, and therein set forth the Truth of his or her Case, with a true Account of his or her whole Effects; which Justices shall thereupon give reasonable Notice to the Plaintiff or Cre­ditor to appear before them at a certain Day and Place, to shew if that the said Debtor or Debtors have some Ef­fects that he or she will not discover and yield up for Pay­ment of the Debt and Costs; at which Day the Defendant or Defendants shall make such Oath or Affirmation as in the Case of other Debtors is by this Act directed to be taken, the Word Five Pounds in the said Oath only excepted; and the Word Twenty Shillings in the Case of a single Person, and the Word Fifty Shillings in the Case of a married Per­son, to be taken or inserted instead thereof. And if the Plaintiff or Creditors shall, upon Notice given as aforesaid, neglect or refuse to appear, or appearing and not making out to the said Justices that the Debtor hath omitted to dis­cover some of his or her Effects in his or her Petition, or to shew any Probability of his or her being forsworn in the said Oath or Affirmation, then the said Justices shall imme­diately cause the said Prisoner to be discharged, upon his or making an Assignment to the Plaintiff, on the said Petition, of all the Effects contained therein, the Wearing Apparel, to the Value of Twenty Shillings, if a single Person, and to the Value of Fifty Shillings, if a married Person, only excep­ted; and the Persons of the Debtor or Debtors shall never after be arrested for the same Debt or Costs.

[Page 389]AND WHEREAS many Persons may suffer by the Oppression and Exactions of Goalers, and other inferior Officers in the Execution of Process for Debt: For Preven­tion whereof, BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That no Sheriff, Under-Sheriff, Sheriff, Un­der-Sheriff, &c. shall not carry Persons arrested to any Tavern, &c. without their Consent. Bailiff, or other Officer or Minister whatsoever, shall at any Time or Times hereafter, convey or carry, or cause to be conveyed or carried, any Person or Persons by him or them arrested, or being in his or their Custody, by Virtue or Co­lour of any Writ, Process or Warrant, to any Tavern, Ale­house, or other publick Victualling or Drinking House, or to the private House of any such Officer, without the vo­ [...]tary Consent of the Person so taken or arrested; nor [...]arge, demand, take or receive, or cause to be demanded, No [...] shall de­mand extra­vagant Fees or Rewards, &c. [...]ken or received, directly or indirectly, any other or gr [...]a­ter Sum or Sums of Money than is or shall be by Law al­lowed to be taken or demanded, for such Arrest, Taking, Detaining or Waiting till the Person or Persons so arrested or in Custody shall have given in an Appearance or Bail [...] the Case shall require, or agreed with the Person or Per­sons at whose Suit or Prosecution he, she or they shall be taken or arrested, or until he, she or they shall be sent to [...] proper Goal belonging to the County, City, Town or Place where such Arrest or Taking shall be; Nor shall keep Person [...] arrested in any publick or privateHouse, with or with­out their Con­sent above 23 Days. nor shall keep the Person or Persons so taken or arrested in any Tavern, Alehouse, or other publick Victualling House, or private House of any Officer, with or without the Consent of the Persons so arrested, above the Space of Twenty Days; nor [...]all exact or take any Reward, Gratuity or Money for keeping the Person or Persons so arrested or in Custody [...]t of Goal or Prison, nor shall take or receive any other or greater Sum or Sums of Money for one or more Night's Lodging, or for a Day's Diet, or other Expences, Justices of the Court of Com­mon-Pleas to make Orders for regulating Expences▪ &c. than what shall be allowed as reasonable in such Cases, by some Or­der o [...] Orders to be made by the Justices of the respective Courts of Common-Pleas within this Province, at some Court to be held for such County, City, Town or Place where such Arrest or Taking shall be; who are hereby au­thorised and required, with all convenient Expedition, to make some standing Order or Orders for ascertaining such Expences within their respective Counties or Cities.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That every Sheriff, Officers sh [...]ll permit Priso­ners to send for Necess [...]ie [...] where they please. Under-Sheriff, Goaler, Keeper of any Prison or Goal, or other Per­son or Persons whatsoever, to whose Custody or Keeping [Page 390] any one so arrested or taken shall be committed, on any Pretence shall permit and suffer him, her or them so arrested or taken, at his, her or their Will and Pleasure to send for and have any Beer, Ale, Victuals, or other necessary Food from what Place they please; and also to have an [...] use such Bedding, Linnen and other Things as he, she or they shall think fit, without purloining or detaining the same, or any Part thereof, or inforcing or requiring him, her or them to pay for the having or using thereof, or putting any Manner of Restraint or Difficulty upon him, her or them in using thereof, or relating thereto.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That no Fees shall be taken by any Goaler or Keeper of any Goal or Prison within this Province, for any Prisoner or Prisoners Commitment, or coming into Goal, or Chamber-Rent there, or Discharge from thence, or other Expences, than what shall be allowed by Law, until such Fees shall be settled and established by the Justices or Judges of the respective County-Courts, Justices shall settle Tables of Fees, &c. and other Courts of Record within this Province, for and in re­spect of the Counties and Courts to which they belong▪ who are hereby directed, impowered and required to settle and establish the same assoon as conveniently may be: And Tables shall be made of the respective Orders, Rules and Fees so settled and established, and signed by the Justices or Judges of the respective County-Courts, Courts of Ge­neral Quarter-Sessions of the Peace, and other Courts of Record for their respective Goals within their respective Ju­risdictions; and signed by the Mayor, Recorder and Alder­men, for and in respect of the Courts of Record held before the Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen of the City of Phila­delphia; Which Tables of Fees, &c. may be altered & amended; and shall be entered on Record. which Rules, Orders and Fees may from time to time be enlarged, reformed or altered and amended [...] Occasion shall require, by the Judges of the Supreme Court, by Rules and Orders of the said Court to be signed by the Judges of the same; and Duplicates shall be transmitted to the respective County-Courts, and other Courts of Record for which they are made, to be entred of Record and inrolled without any Fee to be taken for the Inrollment thereof.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Courts to en­qui [...]e concer­ning the Table [...] of F [...]e [...], &c. That the several Courts of Common-Pleas, and other Courts of Record in the several Counties and Cities of this Province, shall at every Time of the Sitting or Meeting of such Court or Courts, inquire [Page 391] whether such Tables of Fees, and such Rules as aforesaid, be hung up and remain publick and easy to be resorted to in the several Prisons to the Courts respectively belonging, and whether the same be duly complied with and observed; and cause eight Days Notice to be given to the Prisoners in the said Prison, of the Time appointed for such Inquiry; and shall inform themselves, touching the same, in the best Manner they can, and supply and redress whatever they find neglected or transgressed: And that the Judges of the Court of Oyer and Terminer, and General Goal Delivery, shall likewise make Enquiry of the Matters aforesaid, at all such Courts and Sessions of Goal Delivery within this Province, for and in respect of the Goals and Prisons within their respective Jurisdictions; and shall expresly give it in Charge to the Grand-Jury to inquire concerning the same.

AND for the more speedy punishing Goalers, Bailiffs, and others imployed in the Execution of Process, for Extortions or other Abuses in their respective Offices and Places; BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, How Go [...]lers, & [...]. [...] of [...], sh [...]l [...] be pu­nished. That upon Petition of any Prisoner or Person, being or having been under Arrest or in Custody, complaining of any Exaction or Extortion by any Goaler, Bailiff or other Officer or Person imployed in the keeping or taking Care of any Goal or Prison, or the arresting or apprehending of any Person or Persons, by Virtue of any P [...]ocess or Warrant, or any other Abuse whatsoever, committed or done in their respective Offices or Places, unto any of His Majesty's Courts of Record within this Province, from whence such Process issued, or under whose Power such Goal or Prison is; or to any two Justices of such Court in the Time of Vacation; or to the Judges of the Supreme Court, or any of them, in their respective Sessions of Oyer and Terminer or General Goal-Delivery; it shall and may be lawful for the said Court, Justices or Judges to hear and determine the same in a summary Way, and to make such Order thereupon for re­dressing such Abuse, and punishing of such Officer or Person complained of, and making Reparation to the Party or Parties injured, as they shall think just, together with the full Costs of such Complaint, and all Orders and Determi­nations which shall be made by the said Courts, or of the said Justices or Judges respectively, in such summary Way as herein prescribed, shall have the same Effect, Force and Virtue, to all Intents and Purposes, as any other Orders of the said respective Courts; and Obedience thereunto may be [Page 392] inforced, either by Attachments ordered by the said respec­tive Courts, or by Attachments to be issued under the Seal of the said Courts, by Direction of the Justice or Judge making such Order.

AND for the preventing Prisoners being imposed upon, by being under a Necessity of spending their Money in Pri­sons where strong Liquors are sold, BE IT ENAC­TED by the Authority aforesaid, No Sheriff, Under-Sheriff or Goaler, to keep any Ta­vern, &c. That no Goaler or Keeper of any Goal, or any Sheriff, or Under-Sheriff having the Care or Keeping of any Goal or Prison within the Pro­vince of Pennsylvania, shall keep or suffer to be kept any Tavern, Publick-house or Ale-house, or shall utter or sell to any Person or Persons under Arrest, or in Prison, any Wine, Rum, Beer, Ale, Cyder, Punch, or any other strong Liquors, other than what shall be allowed by the Justices as aforesaid for a Day's Diet or Expences by such Order to be made as aforesaid, on Pain of being removed from his or their Office or Offices of Sheriff, Under-Sheriff or Goaler, upon Complaint made, to be heard and deter­mined upon Petition in a summary Way as aforesaid, before the Justices in the respective Courts of Com­mon Pleas for the County to which such Goaler, Sheriff, or Under-Sheriff having the keeping of any Goal, does belong.

AND for the more effectual preventing Oppressions to His Majesty's Subjects within this Province; BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority afore­said, That no Sheriff within this Province shall continue in his Office of Sheriff, No Sheriff to continue in his Office a­bove 3 Years, or occupy the said Office above Three Years; and that no Man who hath been Sheriff or Under-Sheriff of any County by the Space of Three Years, shall be chosen Sheriff of that County again within Three Years next ensuing, upon Pain of forfeiting Two Hundred Pounds by him who shall occupy his Office contrary to the Effect and Intent of this Act.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, The Act for making Debt­o [...] pay by Se [...]vitude, re­pealed That one Act of General As­sembly of this Province, entituled, An Act about Arrests and making Debtors pay by Servitude; be, and is hereby re­pealed and made void.

[Page 393]

CHAP. CCCV. An ACT for lending the Sum of Three Hun­dred Pounds in Bills of Credit, for building a Prison and Court-House in Lancaster County, &c.


CHAP. CCCVI. An ACT imposing a Duty on Persons convicted of heinous Crimes, and to prevent poor and im­potent Persons being imported into the Province of Pennsylvania.

WHEREAS many Persons trading into this Province have, for Lucre and private Gain, Preamb [...]e. im­ported, sold or disposed of, and daily do import Passengers and Servants into this Province, who, by Rea­son of Age, Impotency or Idleness, have become a heavy Burthen and Charge upon the Inhabitants thereof; and likewise do frequently import divers Persons convicted of heinous C [...]imes, who soon after their coming into this Province do o [...]ten commit many Felonies, Robberies, The [...]ts and Burglaries, to the great Hurt of His Majesty's Subjects trading to and inhabiting the same: BE IT THERE­FORE ENACTED by the Honourable PATRICK GORDON, Esq Lieut. Governor of the Province of Pennsyl­vania, &c. by and with the Advice and Consent of the Freemen of the said Province, in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, That all Masters of Vessels, Mer­chants or others, who shall import, Importer of Convicts to pay 5 l. per Head. land or bring into any Port or Place belonging to this Province, at any Time af­ter the Publication of this Act, any Person in the Condition of a Servant or otherwise, within the Intent and Meaning of this Act, who hath been convicted of any Murder, Burglary, Rape, Sodomy, Forgery, Perjury, or any Felony, at any Time before such Importation or coming into this Province; shall, before the said Convicts be landed or put on Shore, pay the Sum of Five Pounds for every such Convict so im­ported or otherwise brought in; one Moiety thereof to the Governor for Support of Government, and the other Moi­ety to the Collector appointed by this Act, or the Infor­mer; and shall [...]urther become bound, with good and [Page 394] sufficient Security to the Treasurer of this Province for the Time being, in the Sum of Fifty Pounds, for the Good-Be­haviour of such convict Person, for the Space of one Year next after his or her Importation or coming into this Province.

AND WHEREAS it hath been a Practice for Masters of Vessels, Merchants and others trading into this Province, with Intent to avoid complying with the Pay­ment of the Duties, and giving the Security required by former Acts of Assembly of this Province, made to pre­vent the Importation of Convicts, and poor and impotent Persons, to land their Passengers, Servants and Convicts in some of the adjacent Governments; which Passengers, Ser­vants, impotent People and Convicts have afterwards been secretly brought into this Province; THEREFORE, to prevent such Practices for the future, BE IT E­NACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That if any such Convict as aforesaid, or Servant or Passenger being poor and impotent Persons, shall be imported into the River Delaware after the Publication of this Act, and shall be found within this Province at any Time within the Space of twelve Months next after their being imported as aforesaid, Convicts, &c. if found in this Province within twelve Months after their Impor­tation, may be apprehended and examin­ed, &c. whether such Persons were landed within this Government or elsewhere, it shall and may be lawful for the Collector of the Duties appointed by this Act, or his Deputy for the time being, and for any Justice of the Peace, or principal Magistrate or Magistrates of any City or Coun­ty or Town within this Province, to cause to be apprehend­ed, taken up, and to examine upon Oath or Affirmation, all such Convicts as aforesaid, or Passengers and Servants being poor and impotent Persons, and all other Persons who may be supposed to be able to make any Discovery of the Time and Manner of their being imported or coming into this Province, and from whence they came last; how long they have been come from Parts beyond the Seas; of what Country, and in what Vessel, and who was Master or Merchant of such Vessel, and whether such Vessel at the Time of such Person or Persons being shipp'd, or coming on board was bound to, or designed for Pennsylvania; and whe­ther such Person or Persons ship'd themselves with Intent to come into this Province; And if upon Examination it shall appear to any two Justices of the Peace within this Pro­vince, or to the Mayor and Recorder, or either of them, with any one of the Aldermen of the City of Philadelphia, that the said Persons were ship'd or took their Passages for [Page 395] Pennsylvania; then the said Magistrates before whom such Examination is taken, And shall be compelled immediately to comply with the Di­rection [...] of this Act. shall demand and compel the Per­sons, if Convicts, immediately to comply with the Direc­tions of this Act, by paying the Duties hereby imposed on them, and giving the Security, directed in the Case of Con­victs by this Act; and shall be, and are hereby impowered and required to send for the Master and Merchant of such Vessel, or either of them, in which the said Persons were supposed to be imported, and to examine such Master or Merchant upon their Oath or Affirmation, concerning the said Passengers, Servants or Convicts, and their Importation or coming into this Province: And if it shall appear that the said Persons so apprehended, or any other Persons being Convicts as af [...]esaid, were ship'd or taken on board to be imported into Pennsylvania, and put on shore, or permitted to go on shore by such Master or Merchant in any other Government upon the River Delaware, or upon any Place or Island within the said River, without making Report and complying with the Directions of this Act; then in such Case the said Master or Merchant shall be obliged forthwith to give Security for his Appearance at the next Court of General Quarter-Sessions of the Peace, to be held for the City or County where such Examination is taken; and if upon Presentment, or Information, he or they shall be le­gally convicted of such fraudulent Practice, he, she or they so offending, Penalty o [...] Master or Merchant convicted of acting contra­ry to this Act. shall forfeit the Sum of Twenty Pounds for ev­ery Person so by him or them brought in as aforesaid, and put, or permitted to be put on shore, and afterwards at any Time within the Space of Twelve Months next after their being landed or put on shore, shall be found within this Province, without making such Entry and paying the Du­ties, and giving the Security required by this Act; one half to the Governor, and the other to the Collector or Informer; and shall further pay the same Duties, [...]nd give the same Security for such Convicts as aforesaid, as if such Persons had been imported into this Province, and Report thereof made according to the Direction of this Act.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That upon Information given to the Mayor and Recorder of the City of Philadelphia for the Time being, or the Mayor, or Recorder, together with [...]e of the Aldermen of the said City, or to any two Ju­stices of the Peace of any County within this Province, that any old Persons, Infants, ma [...]med, lunatick, or any vaga­ [...]d or vagrant Persons are imported, come or are brought [Page 396] into this Province; the said Mayor, Recorder and Alder­men, or any two of them as aforesaid, or any two Justices of the Peace of the respective Counties where such Persons shall be found, shall cause such aged Persons, In [...]ants, or im­potent or vagrant Persons to be brought befo [...]e them; and if upon Examination, they shall judge that such Person or Persons are likely t [...] become chargeable to the City, Town, or County where they are found, or were imported, it s [...]all and may be lawful for the said Ma [...]or, Recorder and Alder­men, or any two Justices of the Peace as aforesaid, by War­rant or otherwise, to send for the Master, Merchant, or o­ther Person who imported any such Infant, lunatick, aged, maimed, impotent or vagrant Person or Persons, as afore­said, as are likely to become chargeable as [...]foresaid; and upon Proof made of their being the Importers or Owners of such infant, lunatick, aged, maimed, impotent or va­grant Persons, who shall be judged to be likely to become chargeable as aforesaid, the said Ma [...]or, Recorder and Al­dermen, or any two of them as aforesaid, or any two Jus­tices as aforesaid, shall and may compel the said Mas­ter, Merchant, Importer of Persons likely to become chargeable, shall give Se­curity to in­demnify the [...]rovince. or Importer of such Infant, lunatick, maim­ed, aged, impotent or vagrant Person or Persons, to give sufficient Security to carry and transport such In [...]a [...]t, lunati [...], maimed, aged, impotent or vagrant Person o [...] Persons, to the Place or Places from whence such Person or Persons were imported, or otherwise to indemni [...]y the Inhabitants of th [...] Province from any Charge that may come or be brought upon them by such Infant, lunatick, maimed, aged, impo­tent, or vagrant Person or Persons coming into or living within this Province.

Persons ap­pr [...]hending themselves aggrieved by the Jud [...]ment of Justices, may appeal to the Court of Quarter-Sessions.PROVIDED ALWAYS, That if any Person or Persons shall apprehend him or themselves agg [...]ieved with any such Order or [...]udgment of the Justice or Justices of the Peace, or other Magistrates who shall make the same, the Person or Persons so aggrieved may appeal to the next Court of General Quarter-Session [...] of the Peace to be held for the City or County where such Order shall be made, whose Judgment then shall be final; but before such Ap­peal be allowed of, the Person or Persons appealing shall en­ter into a Recognizance, with one good Surety at least, to pay the Costs and Charges of such Appeal, in case the said Order shall happen to be confirmed.

AND for the better Discovery of such Convicts, and poor and impotent or idle and vagrant Persons, who shall [Page 397] hereafter be importe [...] into, and shall be likely to become chargeable to the In [...]abitants of this Province; BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority afore­said, That all Ma [...]ters of Vessels, Merchants and others, M [...]sters of Vessels, Mer­chants, &c to give an Ac­count upon Oath of the Names of all Servants P [...]s­senger [...], & [...]. who shall hereafter bring into any Port or Place belonging to this Province, by Land or by Water, any Men or Women Pas­sengers, or Servants, shall within the Space of Twenty-four Hours after their Arrival into any Port or Place of this Pro­vince, forthwith make Entry, and give, or cause to be gi­ven upon Oath or Affirmation, to the Collector of the said Duty for the time being, a true and just Account of all the Names of the Serva ts and Passengers so imported or brought in; which Account the said Collector shall duly en­ter, and shall forthwith give Notice thereof to the Mayor of Philadelphia for the time being, if such Servants, Passen­gers, &c. are designed to be landed at Philadelphia; or to any two or more o [...] his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the Town or County where [...]uch Servants or Passengers shall be imported; and the said Mayor or Justices as aforesaid, are hereby impowered and injoined, immediately by War­rant or otherwise, to call before them the said Master, Mer­chant, or other Per [...]on or Persons importing such Servant or Servants, or Passengers as aforesaid, and to examine upon Oath or Af [...]irmation, the said Master, Merchant, and all o­ther [...]ersons who may be supposed to have any Knowledge of the Character and Circumstances of such Servants or Passengers, and thereupon shall grant unto the Master, Justices may give a Certifi­cate, contain­ing the Names of such Ser­vants or Pas­senge [...] as they judge fi [...] to be landed. Mer­chant or Owner, or other Person having the Charge or Care of any Servant or Servants, or Passengers so imported or brought into this Province, a Certificate containing the Names of all the Servants, or Passengers, which such Justices shall judge fit to be landed, or disposed of as Servants, and do not appear to them to have been formerly convicted of any of the Crimes mentioned in this Act; or such as do not appear to them to be such Infants, lunatick, maimed, aged, impotent or vagrant Persons, as they shall judge likely to become chargeable to the Inhabitants of this Province; for which Examination, Permit and Certificate, there shall be paid to the Mayor or Justices aforesaid, the Sum of Nine Pence per Head; and to the Collector, J [...]stices and Collectio [...] Fees. the Sum of Nine P [...]nce for every Person [...]o imported; and there shall likewise be paid to the Collector, for each Bond he shall take in Pursuance of an [...] thing required to be done by Virtue of this Act, the Sum of Two Shillings and Six-Pence, and no more.

[Page 398]PROVIDED NEVERTHELESS, And it is hereby further Enacted, Duty to be paid, &c not­withstanding the Certificate granted, if it afterward ap­pears that any [...] the Persons imported are Convict [...] That if after such Examination taken, and Certificate granted as aforesaid, it shall be made appear, that any of the said Persons so landed or imported are Convicts, the Master, Merchant, or other Person, who imported such Convict or Convicts, shall be liable to pay the same Duty, and give the same Security as if no such Exa­mination had been taken or Certificate granted; any thing in this Act contained to the contrary notwithstanding.

Penalty on M [...]ster, Mer­chant, &c. not complying with the Di­ [...]ections of this Act.AND if any Servant or Servants, or Convict, or other Person, shall be imported or brought into and landed in any Port or Place within this Province, without making such Entry as aforesaid in the Manner before directed, and paying the Duty and giving the Security required by this Act, and within the Time limited by this Act for that Pur­pose, and obtaining such Certificate from the Mayor or Justices as aforesaid, every such Master of a Vessel, Mer­chant, and other Person so importing, bringing in, or land­ing such Servants or other Persons, shall forfeit and pay for each Servant, or other Person so imported, brought in, or landed contrary to the Directions of this Act, the Sum of Ten Pounds; one Half, after the Charge of Prosecuti [...] de­ducted, to the Governor for the Support of Gover [...]t; and the other Half, after such Charges deducted as aforesaid, to the Collector, or to such Person or Persons who will sue for the same in any Court of Record in this Province, by Bill, Plaint or Information, wherein no Essoin, Protection or Wager of Law shall be allowed.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Persons obl [...] ­liged to make Entry shall apply to the Collector. That all Persons obliged by this Act to make Entry as aforesaid, shall apply to Charle [...] Read, of Philadelphia, Merchant, who is hereby appointed the present Collector of the said Duty hereby imposed, without any Notice or Request made by him for their so doing; and the said Collector is hereby further impowered to receive, collect, demand and recover from all Persons importing, landing or bringing in any Servant or Servants, or other Persons, into any Port or Place within this Pro­vince, all Forfeitures and Penalties herein before appointed to be set, imposed and levied by Virtue of this Act.

Two former Acts repealed. A [...]. Cap 298. 2 Geo. II.AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That one Act of General Assembly of this Province, enti­tuled, An Act for imposing a Duty upon Persons convicted of [Page 399] heinous Crimes, and imported into this Province, &c. and one other Act of General Assembly, entituled, An Act laying a Duty on Foreigners and Irish Servants, &c. imported into the said Province, be and are hereby repealed and made void.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, Duties, &c. now payable by former Acts, no [...] hereby dis­charged. That nothing herein con­tained, shall extend or be construed to extend to discharge any Sum of Money or other Duty payable by the aforesaid two recited Acts of Assembly, or either of them; but that the aforesaid Acts, as to the Recovery of any Sum or Sums of Money, Duty or Penalty, forfeited, become due, or pay­able before the first Day of this Instant Ianuary, by Virtue of or by Breach of the aforesaid Acts, or either of them, do and shall continue and remain in full Force, until the said Sums of Money, Duty, or Forfeitures be effectually levied, recovered a [...] received.

AND WHEREAS by a Law of this Province, For the better Regulation of Servants, it is provided, That no Servant shall be assigned over to any Person but in Pre­sence of one Justice of the Peace;

BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, All S [...]les or Assignments of Servants in Philad [...]phia, to be be [...]ore the Mayor, &c. That all Sales or Assignments of Servants within the City of Philadelphia, shall be made before the Mayor of the said City for the time being; or in Case of his Neglect or Absence, then before the Record­er of the said City, and before no other Person or Persons whatsoever; under the Penalty of Ten Pounds, to be levied as in the said Act is directed.

AND the said Mayor and Recorder shall, Who is to keep [...] Regi­ster, &c. and are here­by injoined, to keep a Register or Registers of the Names of such Servants, and by whom and to whom assigned, and the Term of Years mentioned in the Indenture, with the Date or Time of Assignment. And the said Mayor shall, at his going out of his Mayoralty, deliver the Register or Registers aforesaid to his Successor, to be carefully kept, to the End that all Persons concerned may readily have Access to the same.

CHAP. CCCVII. An ACT for continuing the Encouragement for raising good Hemp within this Province, and im­posing certain Penalties on Persons manufacturing or working-up unsound and unmerchantable Hemp into Cord [...]ge and Cables.


[Page 400]

CHAP. CCCVIII. An ACT laying an Excise on all Wine, Rum, Brandy, and other Spirits, retailed in this Pro­vince.


CHAP. CCCIX. A Supplement to the Act entituled, An Act for Preventing clandestine Marriages.

Preamble.WHEREAS the good Intention of an Act of Assembly of this Province, entituled, An Act for preventing clandestine Marriages, hath been very much eluded, by reason that no proper Penalty is by the said Law imposed upon the Justice of Peace or other Persons marrying or joining in Marriage any Persons contrary to the Intent and Meaning of the said Act; For the Remedying whereof,

BE IT ENACTED by the Honourable PA­TRICK GORDON, Esq Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Pennsylvania, &c. by and with the Advice and Consent of the Representatives of the Freemen of the said Province in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, That no Justice of the Peace shall subscribe his Name to the Publication of any Marriage within this Pro­vince, No Justice shall subscribe his Name to any Publica­tion of Mar­riage, unless, &c. intended to be had between any Persons whatsoever, unless one of the Persons, at least, live in the County where such Justice dwells, and unless such Justice shall likewise have first produced to him a Certificate of the Consent of the Parent or Parents, Guardian or Guardians, Master or Mistress, of the Persons whose Names or Banns are to be so published, if either of the Parties be under the Age of Twenty-one Years, or under the Tuition of their Parents, or be indented Servants, if such Parent, Guardian, Master or Mistress live within this Province, or can be consulted with; No Person to publish the Bann [...] of M [...] ­rimony, un­less, &c. And also that no Person or Persons of what Character or Degree soever he be, presume to publish the Banns of Matrimony or Intentions of Marriage between any Person or Persons, in any Church, Chappel, or other Place of Wor­ship within this Province, unless one of the Parties at least live in the Town, County or City, where such Publication shall be made; and unless the Person or Persons making or causing to be made such Publication, shall have received [Page 401] such Certificate of the Consent of the Parent, Guardian, Master or Mistress, as is herein before directed, if the Par­ties who ought to grant such Certificate live within this Province.

AND if any Justice of the Peace, Clergyman, Penalty on Justice, Cler­gyman, &c. acting contra­ry to the Di­rections of this Act. Mini­ster, or other Person, shall take upon him or them to join in Marriage any Person or Persons, or if any Justice of the Peace shall be present at and subscribe his Name as a Wit­ness to any Marriage within this Province, without such Publication being first made as aforesaid, such Justice of Peace, Clergyman, Minister, or o [...]her Person, taking upon him to sign, make, or cause to be made, any Publication contrary to the Directions of this Act, or shall marry or join in Marriage any Person or Persons not published, as in the aforesaid Act of Assembly and by this Act is directed, every Justice of Peace, Clergyman, Minister, or other Person so offending, shall, for every such Offence, forfeit the Sum of Fifty Pounds, Fifty P [...]ds. to be recovered in any Court of Record within this Province, by Bill, Plaint or Information, by the Person or Persons griev'd, if they will sue for the same; wherein no Essoin, Protection or Wager of Law, nor any more than one Imparlance shall be allowed.

PROVIDED, Marrying in Religious So­cieties not for­bid by this Act. so [...] No­tice be given, &c. That nothing herein contained shall be deemed to extend to any Person who shall be married in the Religious Society to which they belong, so as Notice be given to the Parent or Parents, Guardian or Guardians, Masters or Mistresses, of the Person or Persons so to be mar­ried (if such Parent, Guardian, Master or Mistress live within this Province) at least twenty Days before such Mar­riage be solemnized; nor that this Law shall extend to any Person marrying by the Authority of any lawful Licence, so as such Consent or Approbation in Writing of the Parent or Parents, Guardian or Guardians, Masters or Mistresses, Consent of Parents, &c. to be certified in Licenses. as by this Act is directed, be first had, and the same Consent be certified in the Body of the said Licence; any thing herein or in the aforesaid Act of Assembly contained to the contrary notwithstanding.

[Page 442]

CHAP. CCCX. A Supplementary ACT to an Act of Assembly of this Province, entituled, An Act against buying Land of the Natives.

Preamble.WHEREAS divers Laws have from time to time been enacted in this Province, for preserving Peace, and cultivating a good Understanding with the Indian Natives thereof: AND WHEREAS notwithstanding the Provision made by the said former Act against purchasing Land of the said Natives, without Leave from the Proprietor, the Peace of the Publick has been and may further be endangered by the Proceedings of some Per­sons, who, to elude the said Act now in Force against such Practices, do, contrary to the Intention thereof, pretend to take Land of the Natives on Lease or for Te [...]m of Years, or to bargain with the Indians for the Herbage, or for the Tim­ber or Trees, Mines or Waters thereof; and others who without any Authority have settled upon and taken Posses­sion of vacant Lands, as well to the manifest Controvention of the Royal Grant of the Soil of this Province from the Crown to the Proprietor and his Heirs, and the apparent Damage of such Persons who have Right to take up Lands heretofore granted to them within this Province, as to the laying a Foundation for Disputes, Misunderstandings and Breaches with the said Natives and others: For the Pre­vention whereof, BE IT ENACTED by the Hon. PATRICK GORDON, Esq Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Pennsylvania, &c. by and with the Advice and Consent of the Representatives of the Freemen of the said Province in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, No Land [...], &c to be he [...]eafter pur­chased of the Natives. That no Person or Persons, Bodies politick or corporate whatsoever, shall at any time hereafter, for any Cause or Consideration, or on any Pretence whatsoever, pre­sume to purchase, bargain, contract for, have or take, of or from any Indian Native or Natives, by any Manner of Gift, Grant, Bargain, or Sale in Fee-simple, or for Life, Lives, Terms of Years, or any Estate whatsoever, any Lands, Te­nements or Hereditaments within the Limits of this Pro­vince, or any Manner of Right, Title, Interest or Claim, in or to any such Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, or in or to any Herbage, Trees, Fishings, Rivers, Waters, Mines, Minerals, Quarries, Rights, Liberties or Privileges, of or belonging unto any such Lands, Tenements or Heredita­ments, [Page 443] without the Order or Direction of the Proprietary or Proprietaries of this Province, or of his or their Proprietary Commissioners or Deputies, authorised and appointed, or to be authorised and appointed for the Management of the Proprie­tary Affairs of this Province, for and in Behalf of the Pro­prietor or Proprietors thereof for the time being; and that every Gift, Grant, Bargain, Sale, All Contract [...] with them for Land [...], &c. t [...] be null and void. written or verbal Con­tract or Agreement, and every pretended Conveyance, Lease, Demise, and every other Assurance made, or that shall be hereafter made with any of the said Indian Natives, for any such Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, Herbage, Trees, Rivers, Waters, Fishings, Mines, Minerals, Quarries, Rights, Liberties or Privileges whatsoever, within the Limits of this Province, without the Order and Direction of the Pro­prietor or his Commissioners as aforesaid, shall be and is hereby declared and enacted to be null, void, and of no Ef­fect, to all Intents, Constructions and Purposes in the Law whatsoever: And that as well the Grantee, Bargainee, Lessee, Purchaser, or Person pretending to bargain or to have bargain'd or agreed with any Indian Native as aforesaid, contrary to the true Intent and Meaning of this Act, as all and every Person or Persons entring into and taking Possession of any Lands within the Province of Pennsylvania, not located or surveyed by some Warrant or Order from the Proprietary or Proprietaries, his or their Agents or Com­missioners as aforesaid, Person [...] p [...]ssessing L [...]nd not taken up by War [...]an [...] ▪ to be procee­ded against▪ &c. to the Person or Persons pos­sessing the said Lands, or to some Person or Persons under whom they claim, and upon reasonable Notice and Request, re [...] [...]ng to remove, deliver up the Possession, or to make Sa­ti [...]faction for such Lands, shall and may be proceeded against in such Manner as is prescrib'd by the several Statutes of that Part of the Kingdom▪ of Great Britain, called England, made against forcible Entries and Detainers; and that no Length of Possession shall be a Plea against such Prosecution.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, That nothing herein contained shall be deemed or construed to extend to any Person or Persons who have contracted or bargained with the Proprietary or Proprietaries, his or their Agents or Commissione [...]s as aforesaid, for the Lands in their Possession, altho' the Money agreed to be paid for the said Lands be not paid according to such Bargain or Contract.

[Page 404]

CHAP. CCCXI. An ACT for regulating Pedlars, Vendues, &c.

Preamble.WHEREAS of late many idle and vagrant Per­sons are come into this Province, and under Pr [...] ­tence of being Hawkers or Pedlar [...], and carrying Goods from House to House within this Province to sell, have greatly imposed upon many People, as well in the Quality as in the Price of the Goods, and under Colour of selling their Wares and Merchandizes, have entred into the Houses of many honest and sober People in the Absence of the Owner or Owners of the said Houses, and commit­ted Felonies and other Misdemeanors, to the great Prejudice of the Inhabitants of this Province: For remedying of which Inconveniences, and preventing such evil Practices, and to the Intent that no Persons may be admitted to follow the Business of Hawkers or Pedlars within this Province, b [...]t Persons of known Honesty and civil Behaviour, BE IT ENACTED by the Honourable PATRICK GORDO [...], Esq Lieut. Governor of the Province of Pennsylvania, &c. by and with the Advice and Consent of the Representatives of the Freemen of the said Province, in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, No Person to follow the Business of Ped­ling, &c. until, &c. That after the Twenty-fifth Day of March next, no Person or Persons whatsoever, shall follow, or employ him, her or themselves, in the Busi­ness or Employment of a Hawker, Pedlar or Petty-chap­man, or in going from Town to Town, or to other Men's Houses, and travelling with Horse or Horses, Ass or Asses, Mule or Mules, or otherwise, within the Province of Penn­sylvania (except as herein after is excepted) or carry to sell or expose to Sal [...] any Goods, Wares or Merchandizes within the Province aforesaid, until such Person or Persons [...]all have obtained a Recommendation from the Justices of the County-Court where he or she dwells, certifying their O­pinion of the Honesty of the Person recommended, and that he or she is a Liver within this Province, and intends to travel with one, two or more Horse or Horses or other Beasts of Burthen, or on Foot, and shall thereupon have ob­tained a Licence from the Governor, and shall have given Bond in the Prothonotary's-Office of the said County-Court, in his Majesty's Name, with one Surety at least, in any Sum not exceeding Forty Pounds, conditioned that such Person or Persons shall be of good Behaviour during the Continuance of the said Licence, and shall well and duly satisfy and pay all such Taxes and Duties as shall be legally assessed upon [Page 405] him, her or them, within the said County where he, she or they shall obtain the said Recommendation; for which Li­cence there shall be paid to the Governor the Sum of Twen­ty-five Shillings, by every Person obtaining a Licence to travel with a Horse, Ass, Mule, or other Beast of Burthen; and the Sum of Fifteen Shillings for every Person licensed to travel on Foot.

AND if any Person or Persons, Penalty [...] Pe [...]son [...] not qualified, that sh [...]ll be found travelling [...] Pedlars▪ & [...]. not being qualified as aforesaid, shall be found hawking, pedling, or travelling from House to House to sell Goods as a Hawker, Pedlar, or Petty-chapman, he or she so offending, if travel­ling with one or more Horses, shall forfeit the Sum of Fifteen Pounds; and if travelling on Foot, shall forfeit the Sum of Ten Pounds; one Moiety thereof to the Governor for the Support of Government; and the other Moiety to any Person who will sue for the same by any Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information, in any Court of Record within this Province, wherein no Essoin, Protection or Wa­ger of Law, nor more than one Impa [...]lance shall be allow­ed. And that every Person so trading, who upon demand made by any Justice of the Peace, Mayor, Constable or o­ther Officer of the Peace of any Town, Place or County within this Province, where he or she shall so trade, shall refuse to produce and shew unto such Justice or Officer of the Peace, his or her Licence for so trading, to be granted as aforesaid, that then the Person so refusing, shall forfeit Forty Shillings, to be recovered in Manner aforesaid; and for Non-payment thereof, shall suffer as a common Vagrant.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, Prod [...] [...] Manufactu [...]es of this Pro­vince may be [...]old, a [...] befo [...] this Act. And it is hereby further Enacted, That nothing herein contained shall extend or be construed to extend to hinder any Person or Persons from selling or exposing to Sale any Sort of Goods or Mer­chandizes in any publick Market or Fair within this Pro­vince, or to hinder any Persons from carrying about from Town to Town, and from House to House, any Goods, Wares or Merchandizes being of the Growth, Product or Manufacture of this Province; but that such Person or Per­sons may do therein as they lawfully might have done be­fore the making of this Act; any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding.

AND BE IT HEREBY FURTHER ENACTED, Any Dis [...]u [...]e a [...]ising▪ [...].That if any Dispute shall happen to arise concerning the said Goods, Wares or Merchandizes, the [Page 406] Person or Person so carrying about or exposing the same to Sale in Manner aforesaid, shall be obliged to declare upon Oath or Affirmation, before any Justice of the Peace, or o­ther Magistrate of the County, Town or Place where he, she or they shall carry about or offer the same to Sale, whether such Goods, Wares or Merchandizes be of the Growth, Product or Manufacture of this Province.

AND WHEREAS sundry Persons for Lucre of Gain, and in Contempt of the Laws of this Province, and the Ordinances and the good Rules of the City of Philadel­phia, have taken upon themselves to set up Lotteries, and also to sell and retail Goods, Wares and Merchandizes by small Parcels, by Way of Vendue, at unseasonable Times in the publick Streets of the said City of Philadelphia, in Deceit of the Buyers, and to the great Annoyance of its Inhabitants, by reason of the many idle and disorderly Persons assembling themselves together in the Night-time in the open Streets, at the said Vendues or publick Sales: For the Redressing of which Abuses, and the Preservation of the Peace within the said City; and to prevent the many Impositions which at­tend such Practices; BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Penalty on Persons presu­ming to make Lotteries, &c. That if any Person or Persons shall presume or take upon him, her or themselves, from and af­ter the Publication of this Act, upon any Pretence whatso­ever, privately or publickly to set up, exercise or keep any Lottery or Lotteries within the Province of Pennsylvania, and be thereof legally convict, he, she or they shall forfeit, for every such Offence, the Sum of One Hundred Pounds; one Moiety thereof to the Governor, and the other Moiety to any Person that will sue for the same.

AND BE IT HEREBY FURTHER ENACTED, How the Ven­due-Maste [...] is to be qualifi­ed. That no Person or Persons whatsoever (except as herein after is excepted) shall after the Publication of this Act, take upon him, her or themselves, to sell or expose to Sale by Way of Vendue or Auction, any Wares, Goods or Merchandizes within the City of Philadelphia, un­less such Person or Persons shall first be recommended by the Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen of the said City of Philadelphia (in their open Sessions) to the Governor of this Province; and shall have given Security to the Mayor of the said City for the time being, for the Use of the Cor­poration, in such Sum as shall be agreed upon by the said Mayor, Recorded and Aldermen, provided the same do not exceed the Sum of Five Hundred Pounds, for his or their honest [Page 407] and due Execution of the Office of Vendue-Master within the City of Philadelphia, and for the due Observation of the Ordinances of the said City touching the regulating Vendues, or publick Sales, or Auctions within the same, and shall thereupon obtain the Governor's Licence or Com­mission, according to the Tenor of, and for the Time li­mited in the said Recommendation, for executing the saidOf­fice of Vendue-Master. And there shall, at all Times here­after, be authorized and appointed in the City of Philadel­phia, a proper Person qualified for executing the said Office of Vendue-Master pursuant to the Directions of this Act. And if any Person or Persons shall be found selling or dispo­sing of any Goods, Penalty on Persons not qualified, ac­ting as Ven­due-Master. Wares or Merchandizes within the City of Philadelphia aforesaid (excepting as herein after is excep­ted) by Way of Vendue or Auction, without being recom­mended, and having given Security as aforesaid, such Per­son or Persons so offending, and being thereof legally con­vict, shall, for every such Offence, forfeit the Sum of Fifty Pounds, to the Use of the Corporation of the City of Phila­delphia: And moreover, it shall and may be lawful for the Mayor, Recorder, or any of the Aldermen of the said City, upon his or their own View, or upon the Testimony and Information of one credible Witness, to them, or any one of them given, of any Persons selling any Goods, Wares or Merchandizes by Way of Vendue or Auction as aforesaid (except as in this Act is excepted) within the said City, without such Recommendation and Bond given as aforesaid, to cause such Person or Persons so offending to be apprehend­ed, and may oblige him, her or them to find Sureties for his, her or their good Behaviours and Appearance at the next Court of Quarter-Sessions of the Peace, to be held be­fore the Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen of the said City: And it is further declared, That if the Party so bound over, shall, during the Continuance of his, her or their Recogni­ [...]ances, presume to sell or expose to Sale by Way of Vendue [...]s aforesaid, any Wares and Merchandizes within the said City, without being recommended and having given Bond [...]s aforesaid, such selling or exposing to Sale, shall be deemed, and is hereby declared, to be a Breach of the Good Be­haviour.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, AND IT IS HEREBY FURTHER ENACTED, Officer may sell by Ven­due Goods taken in Exe­cution, &c. That nothing herein contained shall extend, or be construed to extend, to hinder any Sheriff, Constable, or other Officer, to sell and dispose of by Way of Vendue, any Goods, Wares [Page 408] or Merchandizes taken in Execution, and liable to be sold by Order of Law; or to hinder any Person or Persons from selling or exposing to Sale by publick Vendue, or otherwise, any Goods or Chattels of any kind whatsoever, taken and distrained for Rent being in Arrear; or to prohibit any lawful Executor or Executors, Administrator or Admini­strators, to expose to Sale by Way of publick Auction, Ven­due or otherwise, any Goods or Chattels which were of their respective Testator or Intestates; but that all and every such Person or Persons may do therein as they might have done before the making of this Act; any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding.

CHAP. CCCXII. An ACT for the better enabling divers Inhabi­tants of the Province of Pennsylvania, to hold Lands, and to invest them with the Privileges of natural-born Subjects of the said Province.

WHEREAS by the Encouragement given by the Honourable William Pe [...]n, Esq late Proprie­tary and Governor of the Province of Pennsylvania, and by the Permission of his late Majesty King GEORGE the First, of blessed Memory, and his Predecessors, Kings and Queens of England, &c. divers Protestants, who were Subjects to the Emperor of Germany, a Prince in Amity with the Crown of Great Britain, transported themselves and Estates into the Province of Pennsylvania, between the Years One Thousand Seven Hundred, and One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighteen; and since they came hither have contributed very much to the Enlargement of the British Empire, and to the raising and improving sundry Commo­dities fit for the Markets of Europe, and have always be­haved themselves religiously and peaceably, and have paid a due Regard and Obedience to the Laws and Government of this Province. AND WHEREAS many of the said Persons, to wit, Martin Mylin, Hans Graaf, Christian Stoneman, Iacob Funk, Francis Neiff, Francis Neiff, jun. George Kindick, Iohn Burkholder, Iohn Burkholder, jun. Abraham Burkholder, Michael Bohman, Iohn Hess, Iohn Fre­derick, Christopher Preniman, Martin Harnist, Ioseph B [...]k­walter, Felix L [...]ndas, jun. Adam Preniman, Iohn Funk, Io [...] [Page 409] Bohman, Iohn Taylor, Henry Neiff, Michael Mire, Henry Bare, Peter Bumga [...]mer, Melcor Hufford, Melcor Erishman, Iohn Bru­baker, Iacob Nisly, Hans Snevely, Iacob Goot, Iohn Woolslegle, Iacob Mire, Christopher Sowers, Ioseph Stoneman, Daniel Ashle­man, Christian Peelman, Iohn Henry Neiff, Iohn Henry Neiff, jun. Abraham Hare, Iohn Ferie, Iacob Biere, Peter Yordea, Peter Leamon, Hans Iacob Snevely, Isaac Co [...]fman, Andrew Coff­man, Woolrick Rodte, Henry Funk, Roody Mire, Iohn Mylin, Iacob Bheme, Iohn Coffman, Michael Donedor, Charles Christo­pher, Andrew Shults, Iohn Howser, Christian Preniman, Iacob Miller black, Henry Carpenter, Emanuel Carpenter, Gabriel Car­penter, Daniel Herman, Christian Herman, Philip Fiere, Ma­thias Slareman, big Iohn Shank, Iacob Churts, Iacob Snevely, jun. Iohn Woolrick Houver, Iohn Croyder, Iohn Leeghte, Iohn Stampher, Martin Graaf, Peter Smith, Peter New [...]omat, Iacob Bare, jun. Iohn Henry Bare, Iacob Weaver, Henry Weaver, Iohn Weaver, David Longanickar, George Weaver, Abraham Mire, Woolri [...]k Houser, Iohn Mire, Henry Musselman, Michael Shank, Iacob Miller, Iacob Miller, jun. Martin Miller, Peter Aybe, Hans Goot, Christian Staner, Iohn Iacob Light, Adam Brand, Christopher Francis [...]us, Caspar Loughman, Frederick Stay, Iohn Line, Iohn Shwope, Bastian Royer, Ionas Lerow, Simeon King, Iohn Aybe, and Everard Ream, all of Lancaster County in the said Province; and Iohn Naglee, Bernard Re­sor, Iohn Wistor, Iohn Frederick Ax, Iohn Philip Bohm, An­thony Yerkhas, and Herman Yerkhas, of the County of Phila­delphia, in the same Province, in Demonstration of their Affection and Zeal for his present Majesty's Person and Go­vernment, qualified themselves by taking the Qualification and subscribing the Declaration directed to be taken and subscribed by the several Acts of Parliament, made for the Security of his Majesty's Person and Government, and for preventing the Dangers which may happen by Popish Re­cusants, &c. and thereupon, have humbly signified to the Governor and the Representatives of the Freemen of this Province, in General Assembly met, that they have purcha­sed and do hold Lands of the Proprietary, and others His Majesty's Subjects within this Province, and have likewise represented their great Desire of being made Partakers of those Privileges which the natural-born Subjects of Great Britain do enjoy within this Province; and it being just and reasonable that those Persons who have bona fide pur­chased Lands, and who have given such Testimony of their Affection and Obedience to the Crown of Great Britain, should as well be secured in the Enjoyment of their Estates, as encouraged in their laudable Affection to and Zeal for [Page 410] the English Constitution; BE IT ENACTED by the Honourable PATRICK GORDON, Esq Lieu­tenant Governor of the Province of Pennsylvania, &c. by and with the Advice and Consent of the Freemen of the said Province in General Assembly met, and by the Autho­rity of the [...]ame, That Martin Mylin, Hans Graa [...]f, Christian Stoneman, Iacob Funk, Francis Neiff, Francis Neiff, jun. George Kindick, Iohn Burkholder, Iohn Burkholder, jun. Abraham Burkholder, Michael Bohman, Iohn Hess, Iohn Fre­derick, Christopher Preniman, Martin Harnist, Ioseph Buck­walter, Felix Landas, jun. Adam Preniman, Iohn Funk, Iohn Bohman, Iohn Taylor, Henry Neiff, Michael Mire, Henry Bare, Peter Bumgarner, Melcor Hufford, Melcor Erishman, Iohn Bru­baker, Iacob Nisly, Hans Snevely, Iacob Goot, Iohn Woolsleg [...]e, Iacob Mire, Christopher Sowers, Ioseph Stoneman, Daniel As [...]le­man, Christian Peelman, Iohn Henry Neiff, Iohn Henry Neiff, jun. Abraham Hare, Iohn Ferie, Iacob Biere, Peter Yorde [...], Peter Leamon, Hans Iacob Snevely, Isaac Coffman, Andrew Coff­man, Woolrick Ro [...]te, Henry Funk, Roody Mire, Iohn Mylin, Iacob Bheme, Iohn Coffman, Michael Donedor, Charles Christo­pher, Andrew Shults, Iohn Howser, Christian Preniman, Iacob Miller black, Henry Carpenter, Emanuel Carpenter, Gabriel Car­penter, Daniel Herman, Christian Herman, Philip Fiere, Ma­thias Slareman, big Iohn Shank, Iacob Churts, Iacob Snevely, jun. Iohn Woolrick Houver, Iohn Croyder, Iohn Leeghte, Iohn Stampher, Martin Graaf, Peter Smith, Peter Newcomat, Iacob Bare, jun. Iohn Henry Bare, Iacob Weaver, Henry Weaver, Iohn Weaver, David Longanickar, George Weaver, Abraham Mire, Woolrick Houser, Iohn Mire, Henry Musselman, Michael Shank, Iacob Miller, Iacob Miller, jun. Martin Miller, Peter Aybe, Hans Goot, Christian Staner, Iohn Iacob Light, Adam Brand, Christopher Franciscus, Caspar Loughman, Frederick Stay, Iohn Line, Iohn Shwope, Bastian Royer, Ionas Lerow, Simeon King, Iohn Aybe, Everard Ream, Iohn Naglee, Bernard Resor, Iohn Wistor, Iohn Frederick Ax, Iohn Philip Bohm, Anthony Yerkhas and Herman Yerkhas, be, and shall be to all Intents and Purposes, deemed, taken and esteemed His Majesty's natural-born Subjects of this Province of Pennsylvania, as if they and each of them had been born within the said Province; and shall and may, and every of them shall and may, within this Province, take, receive, enjoy, and be entituled to all Rights, Privileges and Advantages of natural-born Subjects, as fully to all Intents, Constructions and Purposes whatsoever, as any of His Majesty's natural-born Subjects of this Province can, do, or ought to enjoy, by Virtue of their being His Ma­jesty's natural-born Subjects of His Majesty's said Province of Pennsylvania.

[Page 411]

Two ACTS pass'd in the Third Year of His Majesty's Reign, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty-nine, viz.

CHAP. CCCXIII. An ACT to prevent the Erecting of Wears, Vide S Geo. II. Chap. 332. Damms, &c. within the River Skuylkill.


CHAP. CCCXIV. An ACT to remove the Trustees of the General Loan-Office of Pennsylvania, and appointing others to execute the said Trust.

[Page 412]

At a GENERAL ASSEMBLY of the Province of Pennsylvania, begun and holden at Philadelphia, the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty, in the Fourth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE II. by the Grace of GOD, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, KING, Defender of the Faith, &c. And from thence continued by Adjournment to the Fourth of Ianuary, 1730.

[Page 413]

CHAP. CCCXV. An ACT for Re-emitting and continuing the Currency of such Bills of Credit of this Province as by former Acts are directed to be sunk and destroyed.

WHEREAS by two several Acts of General Assembly of this Province, P [...]eamble. made in the Ninth and Tenth Years of the Reign of our late Sove­reign King GEORGE the First, Bills of Credit to the Va­lue of Forty-five Thousand Pounds were struck and emitted, [...]o be let out upon Loan on Land-Security; and again to be paid in annually, and to be sunk and destroyed, accord­ing to the Directions of the said Acts: AND WHEREAS the Sinking and Destroying of the said Bills of Credit, pursuant to the Directions of the said several Acts, did [...] reduce the Quantity of the Currency of this Pro­vince; and thereupon the Representatives of the said Pro­ [...]e, in the second Year of the Reign of our present Sove­reign King GEORGE the Second, taking the same into their [...]onsideration, and being sensible of the great Difficulties the Merchants and People of Pennsylvania were reduced to [...] carrying on the Trade and Commerce of the Province for Want of a sufficient Currency, Bills of Credit to the Value of Thirty Thousand Pounds were by another Act of General Assembly of this Province, struck and emitted to be let out upon Loan on Land-Security, as in the said last [...]entioned Act is directed: AND WHEREAS by the Accounts of the General Loan-Office of this Province, it [...]ppears that the Bills of Credit emitted by Virtue of the said two first Acts of Assembly, and of one other Act of Assembly for the Re-emission of the said Bills of Credit, are now near expiring; and should the annual Quotas yet [...] due upon the said several Acts be sunk and de­stroyed, as by the said Acts is directed, it may again involve [...] Merchants, as well as Farmers and Tradesmen of this Province in new Difficulties, and lay them under a Neces­sity of making new Acts of Assembly for emitting more Bills of Credit to supply the Wants of the People: For preventing which Inconveniencies, BE IT ENACTED by the Honourable PATRICK GORDON, Esq Lieut. Governor of the Province of Pennsylvania, &c. by and with the Advice and Consent of the Representatives of the Free­men [Page 414] of the said Province in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, That such yearly Quotas or Payments (Parcel of the principal Sums emitted in Bills of Credit of this Province pursuant to the Direction of the said Acts respectively) and such other principal Sums, which by Virtue thereof, or of any Mortgage-Deed or Assurance, by any of the before-mentioned Acts directed to be taken, and which are or shall be paid, recovered or received from time to time before the Fifteenth Day of October, which will be in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty-seven, shall not be sunk or destroyed, nor shall any Part or Parcel of any such Quotas or principal Sums in Bills of Credit, payable, within the Space aforesaid, unto the Trustees nominated or to be nominated pursuant to the Directions of those Acts, or any other Act or Acts of Assembly of this Province, be sunk or destroyed, otherwise or at any other Time than is by this Act directed; nor shall the Trustees, or any of them, be culpable, or suffer any Pe­nalty or Forfeiture for not sinking the said Bills of Credit, as directed by the aforesaid Acts, any thing in the said Acts, or any of them, contained to the contrary notwith­standing; but the same yearly Quotas and principal Sum [...] in Bills of Credit so to be paid in unto and received by the said Trustees, or any of them, within the Time before li­mited, whether payable by the Provincial or any of the County-Treasurers, or by any Mortgager, Mayor or Trea­surer of Philadelphia, or by any Mortgager or Person what­soever, and every Part and Parcel of the same Sums shall from time to time be re-emitted by the Trustees of the General Loan-Office of the Province of Pennsylvania for the time being, upon Loans, as herein after mentioned and ap­pointed: And that all the yearly Quotas or Parcels of the principal Sums arising upon those Re-emissions, which shall be paid into the General Loan-Office of the Province of Pennsylvania on or before the aforesaid Fifteenth Day of October, in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty-seven, shall, by the Trustees thereof for the time being, be re-emitted again, on Securities as aforesaid, and so from time to time until all principal Monies, anyways ac­cruing, that shall be paid unto them on or before the said Fifteenth Day of October, 1737, shall be wholly re-emitted.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, In what Sums the Money s [...]ll be re-emitted. That the Trustees of the Ge­neral Loan-Office aforesaid, shall lend out the Value of all the Bills of Credit, that they shall so receive to be re-emitted [Page 415] as before in this present Act directed, in Sums not exceed­ing One Hundred Pounds, nor less than Twelve Pounds Ten Shillings to any one Person, for and during all the Rest and Residue of the sixteen Years in the said recited Thirty Thousand Pounds Act limited, commencing from the Times of the same respective Loans to be made by this present Act upon Securities of Messuages, Lands, Tenements, Rents and Here­ditaments in this Province, of which the respective Mort­gagers stand seized in Fee-simple, clear of Incumbrances (the Proprietor's Quit-Rents, and other Rents discovered to the said Trustees, issuing out of the same Securities, excep­ted) of which Title and Clearness the said Trustees are to inform themselves the best they can, and to observe the same Directions in the Valuation thereof, and in propor­tioning such Valuation to the Sums requested to be lent, as the same Thirty Thousand Pound Act before recited directeth, upon Loans thereby made: Whereupon the said Trustees, in Pursuance of the Trust hereby committed to them, shall, in the Name and Stile of the Trustees of the General Loan-Office of the Province of Pennsylvania, and not o­therways, take and receive Deeds of Mortgage in Fee-simple of such Messuages, Lands, Tenements, Rents or Heredi­taments as aforesaid, with Bonds and Warrants of Attorney, as by the said Thirty Thousand Pound Act is directed, for se­curing the Re-payments of the Sums they lend to be made yearly, and every Year of the Remainder of the sixteen Years aforesaid, by even and equal annual Payments, and so proportionably for the Part or Parts of a Year, as Occasion may happen, together with the whole Interest at the Rate appointed by the said Thirty Thousand Pound Act; which Deeds shall be executed and acknowledged, and the Oath or Affirmation of the Mortgagor to be thereon indorsed, as by the aforesaid Act is directed: Which Deeds so executed, &c. shall transfer the Possession, and be of the same Force and Effect, and the Words therein shall have the same Ope­ration in Law as the Deeds made or directed to be made and taken in Pursuance of the aforesaid Thirty Thousand Pound Act, to all Intents and Purposes whatsoever; and in Default of Payment of any of the Sums contained in the [...] Mortgage-Deeds, to sue for and recover the same in the [...] Manner as is directed by the said last mentioned Act, as fully and effectually as if here again particularly repeated. And for the better Preservation of the said Mortgage-Deed [...] being executed, as in the said Thirty Thousand Pound Act is appointed, the said Deeds sh [...]ll be entred at large in Books of Royal or other large Paper, and shall be of the [Page 416] same Force and Virtue as by the aforesaid Act of Assembly is provided and ordained.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Payments to be indorsed, &c. That all and every the Pay­ments made, whether principal Sums or Quotas, upon any Mortgage-Deed by this Act directed to be taken, shall be by the said Trustees indorsed and entred in the same Man­ner, and be of the same Force and Effect for Discharging a Part or the Whole of any of the said Mortgage-Deeds, [...] by the aforesaid Thirty Thousand Pound Act is directed and appointed, and that the Trustees shall receive the same Sums for Indorsements on the Mortgages, and other En­tries and Discharges, as by the aforesaid Act of Assembly is limited and appointed, and no more.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, That until some De­fault shall be made in Payment by the respective Mortga­gers, it shall be lawful for them and their Heirs to hold and enjoy the mortgaged Premises, with the Appurtenances; the Mortgage-Deeds, or any thing therein contained to the contrary notwithstanding.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That the said Trustees shall be stiled as heretofore, The Trustees of the General Loan-Office of the Province of Pennsylvania, and shall have Succession, and the same Capacities and Powers for putting this present and the before-mentioned Acts in Execution, to all Intents and Purposes, as in the said Thirty Thousand Pound Act is contained and settled for putting the same in Execution; subject nevertheless, to all and singular the Provisoes, [...], Limitations and Restrictions in and by this pre­sent Act provided and ordained.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That every Article, Clause and Sentence in the said former Acts respectively (except such Clauses and Parts thereof as are hereby altered, supplied, or concerning which other Provision is hereby made) shall be and are hereby declared to be and continue of full Force and Virtue in the Law as if this present Act had not been made.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That before any of the said [Page 417] Trustees for the time being shall enter upon the Execution of t [...]e Trust by this Act required, they shall each of them enter into a Bond to the Provincial-Treasurer of this Pro­vince for the time being, in the Penalty of 500 l. conditioned for the due Observance of all Things required of him in Performance of the Trust reposed in him by this present Act; and shall each of them also make Oath or Affirma­tion before any Justice of the Peace of the City or County of Philadelphia, who is hereby impowered and required to administer the same, That to the best of his Skill and Knowledge, he will faithfully, impartially, and truly de­mean himself in the Discharge of the Trust committed to him by this present Act; as also [...]n the Discharge of the remaining Part of the Trust committed to him by the said before-recited Acts; so as none may be prejudiced by his Consent, Privity or Procurement. And that the said Tru­stees, assuming upon themselves the Execution of the Trust by this present Act required of them, shall be allowed for their Service and Trouble therein, at and after the Rate of Ten Pounds per Annum each, Trustees Re­ward. added to their Salaries hereafter accruing by the said former Acts; payable to each of them in Bills of Credit of this Province, for and during the Term of Seven Years from the Commencement of this Act. And that the said Trustees, or any two of them, shall duly at­tend at the said Loan-Office the first Tuesday in the Months of March, May, Iuly, September, November and Ianuary, Time of Tru­stees Attend­ance. yearly, for receiving the Sums to be paid in, pursuant to this and the said former Acts respectively; and for emit­ting the Sums to be lent, by the Direction of this present Act, until all the Quotas paid in, pursuant to this and the said former Acts, be re-emitted; and afterwards at such Times as the Trust and Service of the Publick may require them, during the Continuance of the said recited Thirty Thousand Pound Act.

AND WHEREAS most of the Bills of Credit emitted by the several Acts of Assembly of this Province, before the Tenth Day of April, in the Year of our Lord, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty-eight, are so torn [...] [...]efaced, that the Currency thereof is almost stop'd, and the said Bills of Credit become useless to the People; For remedying of which Inconveniency, and yet that no Addition may or shall be made by this Act to the Sum of the Bills of Credit now current in this Province: BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, New Bills to be m [...]de. That indent­ed Bills of Credit to the Value of Forty Thousand Pounds [Page 418] current Money of America, according to an Act of Parlia­ment made in the Sixth Year of the Reign of the late Queen Anne, with Counterparts of the same Bills, shall be prepared and printed before the Tenth Day of April next ensuing, on good Paper, under the Care and Direction of the Trustees of the General Loan-Office, but at the Charge of the Province, to be paid by the said Trustees. And that the said Bills shall severally contain therein the Sums hereafter respectively mentioned, and no other; that is to say, Four Thousand of the same Bills the Sum of One Shilling in each of them; Four Thousand of the same Bills the Sum of One Shilling and Six-pence in each of them; Five Thousand of the same Bills the Su [...] of Two Shillings in each of them; Eight Thousand of the same Bills the Sum of Two Shillings and Six-pence in each of them; Twelve Thousand of the same Bills the Sum of Five Shillings in each of them; Ten Thou­sand of the same Bills the Sum of Ten Shillings in each of them; Eight Thousand of the same Bills the Sum of Fiftee [...] Shillings in each of them; and Twenty-four Thousand of the same Bills the Sum of Twenty Shillings in each of them: And the said original Bills, shall have the same Arms im­pressed thereon, and be of the same Tenor as original Bills of the Denominations respectively are directed and appoint­ed to be of by the said recited Act for emitting Thirty Thousand Pounds in Bills of Credit, save only the Difference in the Date and the Form, and the Names of the Signers thereunto subscribed; And that the said Trustees, or one of them, or some other Person under their Direction, and for whom they shall be accountable, shall duly attend at the Place where the said Office is kept, on the first Wednesday in every Month, New Bills to be exchanged for the old, &c. then and there to deliver out new Bills of One Thousand Pounds Value hereby directed to be struck, to such Persons as demand them in Exchange and in Lieu of such torn ragged and other Bills, directed to be exchanged by this Act, as the said Trustees, or any of them, shall judge to be genuine Bills of this Province, and of equal Value with those they so give in Exchange, until the whole Forty Thousand Pounds in this Act directed to be struck to be ex­changed for such Bills of Credit, be wholly exchanged; Which said torn and other Bills, being kept by the said Trustees, shall by them be produced for their Vouchers, to discharge themselves of the Forty Thousand Pounds Value a­foresaid, before any Committee of Assembly to be appoint­ed Auditors of the said Trustees Accounts, who shall there­upon cause the said Bills to be sunk and destroyed; and that the Sum of Twelve Pounds Ten Shillings shall be paid to [Page 419] the Trustee having the Custody of the said Bills, for every Ten Thousand Pounds Value of the said Bills of Credit which he shall [...]o exchange; Cl [...]rk to m [...]ke ours L [...]st, &c. And that the Clerk shall once a Year make out a List of the Securities by this Act directed to be taken, containing the Persons Names to whom the Sums are lent, and the Times when; and the same Lists shall sub­mit and deliver to the Assembly of this Province for the Time being, from time to time, until all the Sums hereby directed to be emitted, be wholly comprehended and deli­vered; and shall be under the same Restraints and Qualifi­cations, and shall receive the same Fees and Rewards for his Services, as by the aforesaid Thirty Thousand Pound Act is provided and allowed, and no other.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Commi [...]ee of Ass [...]mb [...]y to call Trustees to Account once a Year, &c. That any Committee of Assem­bly of this Province, being appointed Auditors of Accounts of the said Trustees, the same Auditors for the Time being shall once in every Year, or o [...]tner, call the said Trustees to Account, for all the Monies in Bills of Credit they shall receive, recover, and pay, exchange or emit, in Pursuance of this Act; and all the Interest to be received upon Secu­rities hereby directed to be taken being accounted for, and the Salaries and Charges, allowed by this Act, being deduc­ted, they the said Trustees shall dispose of the said Interest Money as the Assemblies of this Province shall from time to time order and direct. And that all and singular the Bills which shall be made and issued in Pursuance of this present Act, in exchange for torn or ragged Bills, or for any other Bills of Credit emitted before the said tenth Day of April, shall in all respects have the same Currency, and be of the same Effect in Law and Equity with Regard to Payments and Tenders, or bringing the same into Court for Performance of any Contract or Bargain, or Promise what­soever, and to all other Intents and Purposes as any other Bills of Credit emitted by Virtue of the said Thirty Thousand Pound Act may, can, or ought to have; Old Bills made before 1728 not to be current a [...]ter March 1731. and that none of the Bills of Credit emitted by Virtue of any Act or Acts of Assembly of this Province, before the said Tenth Day of April, in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty-eight, shall be current after the First Day of March, which will be in the Year of our Lord One Thou­sand Seven Hundred and Thirty-one.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Person or Persons [Page 420] shall presume to forge or counterfeit any of the said Bills of Credit, issued to be exchanged for torn Bills in pursu­ance of this Act, or shall be aiding or assisting therein, or shall inlarge the Value or Sum expressed in any of the said Bills, or shall utter, or cause to be uttered or offered in Payment any such Bill or Bills, knowing the same to be f [...]ged, counterfeited, or the Value or Sum therein altered, and being thereof legally convict, such Person or Persons so offending, Penalty on Counterfei­ters. shall suffer the same Pains and Penalties, and be prosecuted in the same Manner, as by the aforesaid Thirty Thousand Pound Act is directed.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That each of the said new Bills to be made by Virtue of this Act, shall be signed and numbred by the Persons hereby appointed Signers of the same Bills; viz. Iob Goodson, Signers Names. Iohn Parry, Ioseph Kirkbride and Thomas Griffitts: And if any of the said Signers shall happen to die, or be rendred uncapable of doing his Duty required by this Act, the Assembly for the Time being shall appoint other Persons to supply such Deficiencies from time to time, until all the Bills to the Value of Forty Thousand Pounds shall be signed, and together with their Counterparts numbred and delivered as this Act directs. But before any of the Persons before-named, or hereafter to be appointed Signers of Bills of Credit by Virtue of this Act, presume to act therein, they shall take an Oath or Affirmation, be­fore any one Justice of the Peace of the City or County of Philadelphia, who is hereby impowered and required to administer the same, Signers Qua­lification. charging them jointly and severally, that they will well and truly sign and number the said ori­ginal Bills of Credit, and number their Counterparts, that shall come to their Hands for that purpose, by the Direc­tion of this Act; and the same so signed and numbred will deliver, or cause to be delivered to the Trustees of the Ge­neral Loan-Office of this Province, pursuant to the Direc­tions of the same Act.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Method of delivering the Bills to be signed, &c, That the said Trustees within Ten Days after the said new Bills and Counterparts are pre­pared and deposited with them, as by this Act is directed, shall deliver out at the Place where they keep the said Loan-Office, the Value of One Thousand Pounds out of the said Forty Thousand Pounds, to the Signers hereby appointed, who having signed and numbered the said original Bill [...] so [Page 421] delivered to them, and truly numbred the Counterparts thereof, shall immediately re-deliver them to the said Tru­stees, who shall thereupon give their Receipts for the same; And after the said Bills to the Value of One Thousand Pounds aforesaid are exchanged by the said Trustees as this Act di­rects, then the Trustees of the said Loan-Office for the time being▪ shall within Ten Days next after deliver out at their said Office to the Sig [...]rs of Bills for the time being, the further Value of On [...] [...]housand [...]ounds; who having sign­ed and numbred the said original Bills to delivered to them, and numbered the Counterpa [...]ts thereof, shall immediately re-deliver them to the Trustees, who shall thereupon give their Receip [...] as ab [...]ves [...]d, and so from time to time 'till the whole Value of the said Forty Thousand Pounds, by de­livering▪ signing, numbering, and re-delivering One Thousand Pounds Value at a Time, shall be exchanged as this Act directs; and the said Counterparts, so numbred, Counterparts to be p [...]ser­ved. and re-de­livered as aforesaid, shall be kept by the said Trustees for Trying the Truth of their Originals when there shall be Occasion.

AND the said Signers shall cause to be kept a true Account of all the Bills they so respectively sign and deli­ver as aforesaid; Signers Re­ward. and for their Care and Trouble required of them by this Act, the Signers of each Thousand Bills shall receive Fifteen Shillings each in Six Days after their Delivery thereof, with their Counterparts, as above direc­ted, to be paid by the Trustees for the time being, unto each Signer, his Executors, Administrators or Assigns, out of the Interest-Money in their Hands.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That after all the Sums and Bills of Credit to be received by the Trustees of the Gene­ral Loan-Office aforesaid, are by them accounted for, and sunk pursuant to the Direction of this Act; the same Trustees for the time being, their Heirs, Executors and Administrators, and every of them, shall thenceforward stand and forever be clearly discharged and acquitted of and from all Manner of Obligations, Securities, Actions, Cau­ses of Actions, and of and from all further and other Ac­counts and Demands whatsoever to be made or rendered by them of or for any Trust unto them committed, or any Thing by them done in Pursuance of this Act.

[Page 422]AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Iohn Wright, Esq appoin­ted a Trustee. That Iohn Wright of Lancaster County, Gentlemen, shall be, and is hereby appointed one of the Trustees of the General Loan-Office of the Province of Pennsylvania, for the issuing out and receiving in again, the Bills of Credit lent out upon Loan by Virtue of this Act, and taking Securities for the same, and to render an Account of his Management in his said Trust, at the same Time, and in the same Manner, with the other Trustees of the General Loan-Office of this Province; and before he enter upon the Execution of his Trust, shall give Secu­rity to the Provincial Treasurer in the Sum of One Thou­sand Pounds, for the due Performance of his Trust; and shall take an Affirmation before any Justice of the Peace of the County of Philadelphia, His Qualifi­cation. that he will according to the best of his Skill and Knowledge, faithfully, impartially and truly demean himself in the Discharge of the Trust com­mitted to him by an Act of General Assembly of this Province, Entituled, An Act for Re-emitting and Conti­nuing the Currency of such Bills of Credit of this Province, as by former Acts are directed to be sunk and destroyed; accord­ing to the Purport and Tenor of the said Act, so as none may be prejudiced by his Consent, Privity or Procurement. And the said Iohn Wright shall attend at the General Loan-Office in Philadelphia, At what times he shall at­tend. at least Three Times in th [...] Year, to wit, the first Tuesdays in March, Iuly and November, and shall have allowed to him the Sum of Fifty Pounds per Annum for his Service and Trouble in the Execution of his said Trust. AND WHEREAS it is represented by the Commissioners and Assessors of the County of Lan­caster, that they have occasion for a Sum of Three Hundred Pounds, over and above the Sum first lent to the said County, to finish the Prison and Court-House of the said County,

BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That the Sum of Three Hundred Pounds in Bill of Credit of this Province be delivered to the Treasurer of Lancaster County, 300 l. to be lent to Lan­caster. he giving his Receipt for the same to the Trustees of the General Loan-Office aforesaid, which said Treasurer shall pay the same to the Order of the Trustees appointed to build the said Prison and Court-House, who shall annu­ally lay the Account of their Payments and Disbursements before the Commissioners and Assessors for the same Coun­ty, which said Bills of Credit shall be sunk by Taxes to be laid on the County of Lancaster, in the same Manner that [Page 423] County Levies are usually raised and levied, until all the Bills of Credit, so as aforesaid, received on the Account and for the Use of the said County, be sun k in the Man­ner prescribed for sinking Bills of Credit by this, and one other Act of Assembly of this Province, made in the Se­cond Year of his Majesty's Reign, for emitting and making Current Thirty Thousand Pounds.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, When the Payments are to be made, & [...]. That upon any Emission of Bills of Credit to be made by Virtue of this Act, the Tru­stees are hereby directed and impowered, so to devise the Mortgage-Deeds, that the annual Quotas, or Payments of the Money thereby secured, be made payable on the Fif­teenth Day of October annually; and the Trustees are here­by required, in settling their Accounts with the Auditors or Committees of the Assembly of this Province, to render an Account as well of the Days and Times of their Re­ceipts, as of the Days and Times when the same Sums are emitted again.

CHAP. CCCXVI. An ACT for the enabling Religious Societies of Protestants within this Province, to purchase Lands for Burying-Grounds, Churches, Houses for Worship, Schools, &c.

WHEREAS sundry Religious Societies of People within this Province, professing the Protestant Religion, have at their own respective Costs and Charges purchased small Pieces of Land within the Pro­vince of Pennsylvania, and [...] erected Churches, and other Houses of Religious [...], School-Houses and Alms-Houses, and inclosed part of the same Lands for Burying-Grounds: AND WHEREAS the said Lands were purchased, and paid for by the said resp [...]ctive Societies, in the Name or Names of Persons at that Time being of or professing themselves to be of the same Re­ligious Persuasion with the Societies who made Use of of the Names of the said Persons, as Trustees for and in Behalf of the saidSocieties:

AND WHEREAS some of the said Trustees or their Heirs having afterwards changed their Opinions, and joined themselves to other Religious Societies of a different [Page 424] Persuasion from the People by whom the said Persons were at first entrusted, and upon Pretext of their having the Fee-simple of the Lands so purchased in their Names, vest­ed in them, have contrary to the true Intent and Meaning of the first G [...]ant or Gift, attempted (by granting away the said Lands, Houses of Religious Worship and Burying-Grounds) to deprive the Society of People in Possession of the same, of the Right and Use of the said Houses of Wor­ship, and Burying Grounds, to the great Disquiet and Un­easiness of many of the good People of this Province; and others being intrusted in the like Manner may herea [...]ter do the same. For Remedy whereof, and for the better se­curing the several Religious Societies in the q [...]iet and peaceable Possession of their Churches, Houses of Worship, School Houses, and Alms-Houses, and Burying-Grounds within this Province,

BE IT ENACTED by the Honourable Patrick Gordon, Esq Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Penn­sylvania, and of the Counties of New-Castle, Kent, and Sussex on Delaware, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Representatives of the Freemen of the said Province in Ge­neral Assembly met; and by the Authority of the same; That all Sales, Gifts or Grants made of any Lands or Te­nements within the Province of Pennsylvania, to any Per­son or Persons in Trust, for Scites of Churches, Houses of Religious Worship, Schools, Alms-houses, and for Bury­ing-Grounds, or for any of them, shall be and are hereby ratified and confirmed to the Person or Persons to whom the same were sold, given, or granted, their Heirs and Assigns, in Trust nevertheless, and for the Use of the respective Religious Societies, for whose Use the same were at first sold, given, granted or purchased, according to the [...]rue Intent and Meaning of such Gifts or Grants: And that every Sale, Gift, Grant or D [...]ise of any such Trustee or Trustees, or any Person or Per [...] in whose Name or Names the said Lands for erecting Churches, Houses of religious Worship, Schools, Alms-Houses or Burying-Grounds, within this Pro­vince, were purchased, taken or accepted, or the Heirs or Assigns of such Trustees, shall be and are hereby declared to be for the sole Use, Benefit and Behoof of the said respective Societies who have been in the peaceable Possession of the same for the Space of Twenty-one Years, next before the T [...]nth Day of Iune, in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty, or for whose Use the same were at first given, granted or devised, and no other.

[Page 425]AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be law­ful to and for any religious Society of Protestants within this Province, to purchase, take and receive, by Gift, Grant, or otherwise, for Burying-Grounds, erecting Churches, Houses of religious Worship, Schools and Alms-Houses, for any Estate whatsoever, and to hold the same for the Uses aforesaid of the Lord of the Fee by the accustomed Rents.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority a­foresaid, That nothing in this Act contained, shall be deem­ed, taken, or con [...]trued to enable any of the said Religious Societies of People, or any Person or Persons whatsoever, in Trust for them, or to their Use, to purchase, take, or receive, any Lands or Tenements, by Gift, Grant, or o­therwise, for or towards the Maintenance, or Support of the said Churches, Houses of Worship, Schools or Alms-Houses, or the People belonging to the same, or for any other Use or Purpose, save for the Uses in this Act before­mentioned.

PROVIDED ALSO, That this Act, nor any Thing therein contained shall be deemed or construed to impeach the just Right or Title, which any Person or Per­sons may have to any of the Lands or Tenements herein beforementioned, so that they prosecute such their Right or Claim within the Space of Three Years next after the Publication of this Act.

CHAP. CCCXVII. An ACT for the better Prevention of Accidents that may happen by Fire in the City of Philadelphia, by Bake-Houses and Coopers-Shops.

FOR the further securing the Inhabitants of the City of Philadelphia, from [...] that may happen by Fire, BE IT ENACTED by the Honoura­ble PATRICK GORDON, Esq Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Pennsylvania, &c. by and with the Advice and Consent of the Representatives of the Freemen of the said Province in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same; That from and after the Space of Sixte [...] Months next ensuing the Publication of this Act, no Person what­soever within the said City, by himself, his Agents, Journey­men, [Page 426] or Servants, shall occupy the Trade of a Cooper or Baker, but in such Shops, or Places, as are built in the Manner herein respectively directed and appoint­ed, that is to say; That no Person after the Time afore­said, shall occupy the Trade of a Cooper, within the said City, How Coopers S [...]ops must be built. but in a Shop or Place built of Brick or Stone, with a large Chimney in the same, the Cieling thereof plaistered, no Stairs nor Passage up the Lost within such Shop, and the Floor thereof to be Earth, or laid with good Two-Inch Oak Plank. How Bake-Houses must be built. And that no Person after the time aforesaid, within the said City, shall occupy the Trade of a Biscuit, or Soft-bread-Baker, but in a Bake-House built of Brick or Stone, and arched over with Brick, if the Place will admit thereof, or otherwise to be well cieled with Plai­stering; the Floor of the said Bake-House paved with Brick or Stone; the Crown of the Oven to be secured by carrying up the Foundation-Walls square, and filling the same with Gravel or Sand, at least Six Inches higher than the Top of the Oven; and the Chimney to be arched in the said Bake-House, without any Timber in or near ad­joining to the same.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Person or Persons, from and after the Time aforesaid, shall presume by them­selves, their Agents, Journeymen or Servants, to occupy the Trade of a Cooper, or Biscuit or Soft-bread Baker, or either of them within the City aforesaid, in any Shop or Place other than is above directed, enjoyned and appointed; every Person so offending, for every Month he, she, or they shall occupy the Trades of Baker or Cooper, or ei­ther of them, in any Shop or Bake-House, contrary to the Directions of this Act, shall forfeit as herein after is pro­vided; that is to say, for the first Offence, the Sum of Twenty Shillings; Penalty on Offenders a­gainst this Act. and for the second Offence, the Sum of Thirty Shillings; and for the third, and every other Of­fence, the Sum of Forty Shillings; to be recovered upon Complaint made in the Name of the Clerk of the Mar­ket for the City of Phil [...]hia, or in the Name of any other Person who will give Information of the same, for and towards the Repair of Fire-Engines, and purchasing Leathern Buckets, before two Magistrates of the said City, whereof the Mayor for the time being to be one.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, That if any Person or Persons shall find him, her, or themselves aggrieved with any Judgment or Sentence of the said two Magistrates, it [Page 427] shall and may be lawful for the Person or Persons so aggrie­ved, to appeal to the next Court of Common Pleas, to be held for the City and County of Philadelphia aforesaid, whose Judgment therein shall be definitive.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Keeping of Hay and F [...]g­gots regulated. That no Person whatsoever within the City aforesaid, from and after the Tenth Day of May next ensuing, shall keep, or stack any Hay within One Hundred Feet of any Dwelling House, or other Build­ing (except it be in a Stable or other secure House) nor shall keep any greater Number of Faggots than Two Hun­dred, unless it be at a Distance of One Hundred Feet from any Dwelling House or other Building, under the Penalty of Ten Shillings for every Offence; which Penalties so ac­crui [...] shall be recovered, and applied in the Manner, and to the Use aforesaid, with Costs of Suit; and the Hay and Faggots so remaining against the Tenor of this Act, shall be liable to be removed, in such Sort, Manner and Form, as any Nusance may be by the Laws of Great-Britain, or this Province.

CHAP. CCCXVIII. An ACT for the Relief of Benjamin Mayne, with respect to the Imprisonment of his Person.

An ACT for Amendment of the Law, entituled, An Act for Relief of insolvent Debtors.

WHEREAS sundry idle and ill-disposed Per­sons who were indebted before the Commence­ment of an Act of Assembly of this Province, Preamble. Entituled, An Act for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors, An [...] 3 Geo 11, Chap. 3 [...]4. have very much abused their Creditors, and disappoint­ed the good Intentions of the Legislature in making the said Act; and especially single or unmarried Persons, who were indebted in small Sums of Money, which they could easily have paid by their Labour, have taken the Advan­ [...]ge of the said Act of Assembly, by procuring themselves to be discharged as Insolvent Debtors; by Means whereof, many Creditors of low Circumstances have lost their Debts and been obliged to pay the Costs of Suit. BE IT THERE­FORE ENACTED by the Honourable Patrick Gordon, Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Pennsylvania, &c. [Page 428] by and with the Advice and Consent of the Represen­tatives of the Freemen of the said Province in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same; That no Person or Persons whatsoever shall have any Benefit of the aforesaid Act of Assembly for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors, for any Sum or Sums of Money which they owed before the making of the said Act, Who shall have the Bene­fit of that Act. except such Persons as were actually Prisoners in some of the publick Gouls of this Province, on or before the First Day of August, in the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty, any Thing in the said Act to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, by the Authority aforesaid, Single Persons indebted for small Sums have no Bene­fit. That no Person or Persons, being unmarried and under the Age of Forty Years, having no Charge of Children; and being, or that shall be [...] to any one or more Persons in any Sum or Sums of Money in the whole not exceeding Twenty Pounds, shall have any Benefit of the aforesaid Act of Assembly; but such Person or Persons shall be liable to be arrested and im­prisoned for their respective Debts, as if the said Act of As­sembly had never been made.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority a­foresaid, That any Person or Persons within this Province, that shall be arrested and imprisoned for any Debt, Sum of Money or other Thing which was owing by them be­fore the First Day of August last past; and that any single Person under the Age of Forty Years aforesaid, having no Charge of Children, and whose Debts in the whole do not exceed Twenty Pounds, whether the Debts owing by such Person were contracted before the First Day of August last, or since that, or shall hereafter be contracted, and be­ing arrested or imprisoned for the same or any Part thereof, may at any succeeding Court to be held for the City or County where he or she is imprisoned, next after his or her Imprisonment, exhibit to the Justices of the said Court upon Oath or Affirmation, an Account of all their Effects, to which they have any Right in Law or Equity, and the Names of their Creditors, at whose Suit such Person is im­prisoned, and the Sums of Money which they owe, and when the same became due as far as his or her Knowledge does extend, and shall by Petition shew to the Court their In­ability to pay the Debts for which such Person is imprison­ed, and shall make an Assignment of their Effects to any Person that shall be appointed by the Court, in Trust for [Page 429] his or her Creditors, or for such of them as the said Court shall direct, and shall signify his or her Willingness to make Satisfaction by Servitude, for the Residue of the Debt, the Party petitioning shall be discharged, as by an Act of As­sembly of this Province, Entituled, An Act about Arrests, and making Debtors pay by Servitude, is provided: which said Act of Assembly is hereby revived, and declared to be and continue in full Force for the Purposes in this Act men­tioned, any Thi [...]g in the aforesaid Act of Assembly for Re­lief of Insolvent Debtors contained to the contrary notwith­standing.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Autho [...]ity aforesaid, That if any Person be impri­soned in any City or [...] o [...] this Province for any Debt under Fort [...] Sh [...]lings, h [...]ving no Effects to pay the same, and shall be willing to m [...]ke Satisfaction by Servitude, it shall and may b [...] lawful for any Two Magistrates, in any County or City within thi [...] Province where the Party is imprisoned, to proceed to relieve the Party so imprisoned, by judging such D [...]btor to make Satisfaction by Servitude.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, by the Authority aforesaid, That no Person or Persons who have not resided within this Province for the Space of two Year, next before his or her Imprisonment, [...]ew Comers [...] have no [...] Act shall have the Benefit of the aforesaid Act for Relief of Insolvent Debtors.

PROVIDED NEVERTHELESS, That if the Person at whose Suit any Person is arrested, shall re­fuse or neglect to give Security for Payment of such week­ly Allow [...]nce, for Maintenance of the Defendant, as the Justices of the Court where the said Suit is depending, shall direct and award, and also give Security that the said Defendant or Defendants, his or their Wife or Children, nor any of them shall become chargeable to the Town or County where such Person or Persons are imprisoned; It shall and may be lawful for the Justices of the said respec­tive Courts of Common Pleas within this Province, and they are hereby required in such Case, to cause the Action or Actions against the Person or Persons so imprisoned to be discontinued, and the Parties thereupon to be discharged.

AND WHEREAS some Doubts have arisen concerning the Meaning of some part of the aforesaid Act of Assembly for Relief of Insolvent Debtors, touching the Time of a Sheriff being capable to hold his Office in any [Page 430] County of this Province, and the Uses to which the Fine of Two Hundred Pounds, imposed on any Person occupying the Office of Sheriff contrary to the Directions of the said Act, shall be applied; therefore for the Removing any Doubts th [...]t have arisen, or may arise concerning that part of the aforesaid Act; BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Clause to the former Act explained. And it is hereby declared to be the true Intent and Meaning of the aforesaid Act of Assembly, that no Sheriff who had been elected, and who had occupi­ed the Office of a Sheriff or Under-Sheriff, in any County of this Province for the Space of Three Years at one Time, shall be again elected Sheriff for the said County, or serve or occupy the Office of a Sheriff in the same County, within the Space of Three Years next after his being Sheriff as afore­said. And it is hereby Enacted and Declared, That of the Two Persons elected for the Office of Sheriff and returned to the Governor, one being commissionated, the other shall not act as Under-Sheriff to the Person appointed Sheriff, during the Term of the said Sheriff's Commission. And that if any Sheriff or Under-Sheriff within this Province, shall be elected contrary to the true Intent and Meaning of this Act, and the aforesaid Act of Assembly, such his E­lection shall be null and void, and if any such such Sheriff or Under-Sheriff shall again enter upon and occupy the Office of a Sheriff contrary to the Directions and Provision made in and by this and the last mentioned Act of Assembly, shall forfeit and pay the Sum of Two Hundred Pounds, as in the said Act is directed, one Moiety thereof to the Person or Persons who will inform or sue for the same, and the other Half to be paid to the Provincial Treasurer, towards the Support of Government, to be recovered by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information, wherein no more than one Imparlance shall be allowed; and that no Pardon, Noli prosequi, or other Act of the Governor or Lieutenant Governor for the time being, shall be any Bar or Hind­rance to the suing for, Recovery and Levying the said Fine for the Uses aforesaid.

CHAP. CCCXX. A SUPPLEMENT to the Law, entituled, An Act to prevent the Killing of Deer out of Season, and against carrying of Guns and Hunting by Persons not qualified.

WHEREAS the said Law limits the Con­viction of Offenders against the said Act, to be within Two Months next after such Offence is committed, by the Oath or Affirmation of one or [Page 431] more Witnesses: But forasmuch as there is no Provision made against Hunting and Chasing Deer out of Season, nor any Person under any Obligation to prosecute, many Of­fenders pass with Impunity, and the good End and Pur­pose for which the said Act was made is eluded, and ren­dered not so beneficial as it otherwise might be;

THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Honourable Patrick Gordon, Esq Lieutenant Gover­nor of the Province of Pennsylvania, &c. by and with the Advice and Consent of the Representatives of the Freemen of the said Province in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, That if any Person or Persons shall after the Publication hereof, hunt, chase or follow a­ny Buck, Doe, Fawn, or any Deer whatsoever, at any o­ther Time or Season, excepting only between the first Day of Iuly, and the first Day of Ianuary, and shall be law­fully convicted thereof by the Oath or Affirmation of one or more Witnesses, or the Confession of the Party before one or more Justices of the Peace for the respective County where such Offence shall be committed, he or they shall forfeit and pay for every such Offence the Sum of Ten Shillings, to be recovered as aforesaid, and for the Uses in the aforesaid Act directed.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That the Constables of each respective Township in every County of this Province, hav­ing any Knowledge of any Offences against this and said recited Act, shall and are hereby required to present every such Offence to some one Justice of the Peace for the re­spective County where such Offences shall be committed, or before the Justices of the General Quarter-Sessions of the Peace for the same County, together with the Name or Names of all such Offenders: And the said Justice or Justi­ces of the respective Sessions aforesaid, are hereby impow­ered and required to hear and determine the same, and to convict the Offenders in the Penalties and Forfeitures men­tioned in this and the said recited Act, so that such Con­viction shall be within Four Months next ensuing after such Offence committed; any thing in the said recited Act or any other Law of this Province to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.

PROVIDED, That nothing herein contained shall be deem'd or taken to disannul, alter, or make void the [Page 432] said recited Act, or any thing herein contained; but that every Clause, Article and Sentence therein, except what is hereby altered or supplied, shall be and remain in full Force and Virtue.

CHAP. CCCXXI. An ACT to disable W. F. from holding any Office of Trust, &c.

CHAP. CCCXXII. An ACT for the better enabling divers Inhabitants of the Province of Pennsylvania to hold Lands; and to invest them with the Privileges of natural-born Subjects of the said Province.

WHEREAS by the Encouragement given by the Honourable William Penn, Esq late Pro­prietary and Governor of the Province of Penn­sylvania, and by the Permission of his late Ma­jesty King GEORGE the First, of blessed Memory, and his Predecessors Kings and Queens of England, &c. di­vers Protestants who were Subjects to the Emperor of Germany, a Prince in Amity with the Crown of Great-Britain, transported themselves and Estates into the Pro­vince of Pennsylvania, and since they came hither have con­tributed to the Enlargement of the British Empire, and have always behaved themselves religiously and peaceably, and have paid a due Regard and Obedience to the Laws and Government of this Province.

AND WHEREAS many of the said Persons, to wit, Peter Wentz, Martin Kolb, Dielman Kolb, Iacob Kolb, Michael Zeigler, Paul Fried, Iohannes Fried, Hans Datweiller, Valentine Hunsucker, Iacob Scheimer, I [...]han­nes Koocken, George Markl, Hubbard Kassel, I [...]hannes Leseber, Iacob Herman, Gerhard Clements, C [...]ris [...] pher Zimmerman, Iacob Metz, Bastian Smit, Mathias Geme­lin, Ulrich Mayer, Christian Bowman, Abraham, Schw [...]rtz, Hermanus Kuster, Iohn Ioder, Iohn Ioder, jun. I est Ioder, Philip Keilwein, Hans Hoch, Peter Endreas, Iohn Dietrich Kriener, Peter Balio, Abraham Levand, Isaac Levand, Nicholas Lescher, David Kouffman, Iean Bartolet, Hans Martin Gerich, Martin Schenkel, Iona­than Herbein, Iohn Bowman, Arnold Huffnagle, Iohannes Langenecker, Iohannes Buckwalter, Iohannes Extein, I­saac Vansintern, Iohannes Dewalt End, Iohannes Goerge Bentzel, Blassius Daniel Mackinet, Mathias Adams Hoger­moed, Hans Rup, Lorence Belitz, Iohan Nicholas Kress­man, Christopher Funk, Iohn Ioseph Schrack, Philip [Page] George Iager, Samuel Gouldin, Christopher Gouldin, Hen­ry Penn [...]ecker, Ha [...]s Sigfried, Peter Tre [...]ler, Henry [...]heat, Iacob Hottlestein, Daniel L [...]genecker, Ha [...]s Ia­ [...]b Bech [...]lay, Melchor Hoch, Iacob Hoch, George Hollen­ [...]ck, Iohn Iacob Schrack, Iohn George Reif, Iohn George Reif, jun. Iacob Re [...]f, Conrad Reif, Peter Reif, Antonius Hi [...]an, Henry Antis, Ger [...]ard Peters, Iohn Isaac Klei [...], Iohannes Mayer, Samuel Hoch, Iohn S [...]yder, George Bechtley, Ioest Hendrick Zaatzmentzhoussen, all of Philadelphia County; Marcus Kuhl, Iohn Keller, Iacob Kasdrop, Iohan Baker, Abraham Kintzing, of the City of Philadelphia; Iacob Klemmer, Iacob S [...]der, Philip Geifinger, George B [...]chman, Iohn Driessle of the County of B [...]cks; Christian Mary, Iohannes Roth, Cospar Acker and Iacob Acker, of the County of Ch [...]ster, in Demonstration of their Affecti­on and Zeal for his present Majesty's Person and Go­vernment, qualified themselves by taking the Qualification and subscribing the Declaration directed to be taken and subscribed by the several Acts of Parliament, made for the [...]ecurity of his Majesty's Person and Government, and for preventing the Dangers which may happen by Popish Re­cusants, &c. and thereupon, have humbly signified to the Governor and the Representatives of the Freemen of this Province, in General Assembly met, that they have purcha­sed and do hold Lands of the Proprietary, and others His Majesty's Subjects within this Province, and have likewise represented their great [...] of being made Partakers of those Privileges which the natural-born Subjects of Great Britain do enjoy within this Province; and it being just and reasonable that those Persons who have bona fide pur­chased Lands, and who have given such Testimony of their Affection and Obedience to the Crown of Great Britain, should as well be secured in the Enjoyment of their Estates, as encouraged in their laudable Affection to and Zeal for the English Constitution;

BE IT ENACTED by the Honourable PATRICK GORDON, Esq Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Pennsylvania, &c. by and with the Advice and Consent of the Representatives of the Freemen of the said Province in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, That Peter Wentz, Martin Kolb, Dielman Kolb, Iacob Kolb, Michael Zeigler, Paul Fried, Iohannes Fried, Hans Datweiller, Valentine Hunsucker, Iacob Scheimer, Iohan­nes Koo [...]ken, George Markl, Hubbard Kassell, Iohannes [Page 418] Leseber, Iacob Herman, Gerhard Clements, Christopher Zimmerman, Iacob Metz, Bastian Smit, Mathias Geme­lin, Ulrick Mayer, Christian Bowman, Abraham Schwartz, Hermanus Kuster, Iohn Ioder, Iohn Ioder, jun. Ioest Ioder, Philip Keilwein, Hans Hoch, Peter Endreas, Iohn Dietrich Kreiner, Peter Balio, Abraham Levand, Isaac Levand, Nicholas Lescher, David Kouffman, Iean Bartolett, Hans Martin Gerich, Martin Schenkel, Iona­than Herbein, Iohn Bowman, Arnold Huffnagle, Iohannes Langenecker, Iohannes Buckwalter, Iohannes Extein, I­saac Vansintern, Iohannes Dewalt End, Iohannes George Bentzel, Blasius Daniel Mackinet, Mathias Adams Hoger­moed, Hans Rup, Lorenc [...] Belitz, Iohann Nicholas Kress­man, Christopher Funk, Iohn Ioseph Schrack, Philip Schrack, Iohannes Shaffer, Iacob Seltzer, George Ro [...]se, George Iager, Samuel Gouldin, Christopher Gouldin, Hen­ry Pennebecker, Hans Sigfried, Peter Trexler, Henry Scheat, Iacob Hottlestein, Daniel Langenecker, Hans Ia­cob Bechtley, Melchor Hoch, Iacob Hoch, George Holle [...] ­back, Iohn Iacob Schrack, Iohn George Reif, Iohn George Reif, jun. Iacob Reif, Conrad Reif, Peter Reif, Antonius Hilman, Henry Antis, Gerhard Peters, Iohn Isaac Klein, Iohannes Mayer, Samuel Hoch, Iohn Snyder, George B [...]chtl [...]y, Ioest Hendrick Zaatzmentzhoussen, all of Philadelphia County; Marcus Kuhl, Iohn Keller, Iacob Kasdrop, Iohan Baker, Abr [...] ­ham Kintzing, of the City of Philadelphia; Iacob Klem [...]er, Iacob Souder, Philip Geisinger, G [...]rge Bachman, Iohn Driessle of the County of Bucks; Chris [...]ian Mary, Iohannes Roth, Caspar Acker and Iacob Acker, of the County of Chester, be and shall be to all Intents and Purposes, deemed, taken and esteemed His Majesty's natural-born Subjects of this Province of Pennsylvania, as if they and each of them had been born within the said Province; and shall and may, and every of them shall and may, within this Province, take, receive, enjoy, and be entituled to all Rights, Privileges and Advantages of natural-born Subjects, as fully to all Intents, Constructions and Purposes whatsoever, as any of His Majesty's natural-born Subjects of this Province can, do, or ought to enjoy, by Virtue of their being His Ma­jesty's natural-born Subjects of His Majesty's said Province of Pennsylvania.

[Page 419]

At a GENERAL ASSEMBLY of the Province of Pennsylvania, begun and holden at Philadelphia, the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Dom. One Thou­sand Seven Hundred and Thirty-one, in the Fifth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE II. by the Grace of GOD, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, KING, Defender of the Faith, &c. And from thence continued by Adjournment to the Tenth of Ianuary, 1731.

[Page 436]

CHAP. CCCXXIV. An ACT for reviving and continuing the Pro­ceedings of the Courts of Iudicature within this Province.

WHEREAS an Act of General Assembly of this Province, made in the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty-six, and in the Thirteenth Year of the Reign of his late Majesty King George the First, ofblessed Memory, Entituled, An Act for Establish­ing Courts of Iudicature within this Province, which Act, (supposed to supersede or repeal one other Act of Assembly of this Province, entituled An Act for establishing Courts of Iudicature within this Province, made in the Year One Thousand [...]even Hundred and Twenty-two) is since repea­led by the King in Council. And whereas without some Provision be made for the Confirmation of such Judgments as have been rendered since the Repeal of the said Act, and for the Continuance of such Process as are depending in the several Courts within this Province, many Suitors may be disappointed, and such Judgments may be reverst, and the Process upon Indictments or Informations, depending in the se­veral Courts of Pennsylvania, may be discontinued; It is there­fore humbly pray'd that it may be enacted, and BE IT ENACTED by the Honourable PATRICK GOR­DON, Esq Lieut. Governor of the Province of Pennsylvania, &c. by and with the Advice and Consent of the Represen­tatives of the Freemen of the said Province, in General As­sembly met, and by the Authority of the same, That no Indictment, Plea, Suit or Action, in which Judgment hath been rendered since the Repeal of the said last recited Act of Assembly, nor any Process thereupon, shall be abated, quash'd, revers'd, or judged null or void, for or by reason of the Repeal of the said Act of Assembly made in the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty-six; But that the said Judgments, Suits and Process, shall be and are hereby declared to be good and valid in Law, as if the said Act had never been repealed: And that no Indictment, Presentment, Action, Suit, Plea, Pro [...]ess, or other Mat­ter, now depending in any Court of Record within this Province, shall be discontinued, abated, quash'd, null'd or [Page 437] reversed, for or by Reason of the Repeal of the said last mentioned Act of Assembly only: But that the Judges and Justices of the respective Courts within this Province shall, by virtue of the said Act of Assembly made in the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty-two, now a­gain come in Force, by Repeal of the said Act of the Thir­teenth of King George the First, proceed to hear, try, and determine, all Causes Civil and Criminal, now depending; and the Proceedings of the several Courts of Judicature within this Province, be and are hereby confirmed; so that no Advantage shall be taken of or for any want of Autho­rity, Defect of Jurisdiction, or Error on such Proceedings, occasioned by such Repeal only; but that all such Defects and Errors, be and are hereby aided, according to the true Intent and Meaning of the said Act, as if the same had not been repealed; any Law, Statute or Usage to the contrary notwithstanding.

CHAP. CCCXXV. An ACT for repealing an Act, entituled, [...] Act for continuing the Encouragement for raising good Hemp within this Province, &c.

WHEREAS by an Act of Assembly passed in the Third Year of the Reign of his present Maje­sty, entituled, An Act for continuing the Encou­ragement for raising good Hemp within this Pro­vince, &c. it was, amongst other Things therein contained, enacted, that there should be paid out of the publick Reve­nue of this Province, by the Officer therein appointed, the Sum of One Penny Half-penny for every Pound of good, sound, well-ordered, and merchantable water-rated [...]emp, raised within this Province, from and after the Time of the pub­lication of the said Act, until the first Day of May, which will be in the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty-three.

[Page 438]AND WHEREAS it hath on Experience been found, that the Price to be had for the Commodity afore­said, is a sufficient Encouragement for the Raising thereof, without the Payment of so large a Bounty; And, that by by reason of the large Quantities of Hemp likely to be raised within this Province, the Continuance of so considerable a Premium would prove too great a Burthen for the Inhabi­tants to bear; THEREFORE may it please the Governor that it may be enacted, and

BE IT ENACTED by the Honourable PAT­RICK GORDON, Esq Lieut. Governor of the Pro­vince of Pennsylvania, &c. by and with the Advice and Consent of the Representatives of the Freemen of the said Province in General Assembly met, and by Authority of the same, That the Bounty aforesaid shall only be paid for such good, sound, well-ordered and merchantable water-rated Hemp, raised within this Province, which shall be imported in the City of Philadelphia, pursuant to the Te­nor of the Act aforesaid, on or before the first Day of Iuly next ensuing: And that from and after the Time last a­foresaid, the Premium aforesaid shall cease to be paid. And the Act of Assembly aforesaid, and every Clause, Part and Paragraph thereof, shall be void and of no effect, any thing therein contained to the contrary thereof notwithstanding.

[Page 439]

At a GENERAL ASSEMBLY of the Province of Pennsylvania, begun and holden at Philadel­phia, the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty-one, in the Fifth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE II. by the Grace of GOD, of Great-Britain, France and Ireland, KING, Defender of the Faith, &c. And from thence continued by Adjournments to the First Day of Iuly, 1732.

CHAP. CCCXXVI. A Supplementary ACT to the Act for raising County Rates and Levies.

WHEREAS it is found by Experience, that the Method for assessing the Inhabitants of the Province of Pennsylvania, and the Disposition of the Moneys raised by Virtue of an Act of Assem­bly of this Province, entituled, An Act for raising County Rates and Levies, has not altogether answered the good Ends proposed by that Act, and some Doubts have arisen concerning the Time of the Commissioners Continuance in their Office of Commissioner, and of the Powers of the said Commissioners and Assessors by the aforesaid Act. To the End therefore that those Doubts may be removed, and that it may be known how the Money raised by Virtue of the said Act of Assembly is disposed of, and to what Uses the same is applyed; BE IT ENACTED by the Hon. Patrick Gord [...]n, Esq Lieut. Governor of the Province of Pennsylvania, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Representatives of the Freemen of the said Province in General Assem­bly [Page 440] met, and by the Authority of the same, That no Per­son or Persons whatsoever who is or hereafter shall be cho­sen a Commissioner for any of the Counties within this Province, shall serve as a Commissioner for any longer time than the Space of three Years at one time; and if any such Person be re-elected in the same County where before he had served as Commissioner the preceding Year, such Election shall be void, and the next Person being qualified to be elected as the Law directs, having the greatest Num­ber of Votes for Commissioner, shall be, and is hereby de­clared to be the Commissioner legally elected, and shall be qualified and serve accordingly.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That the Commissioners, Asses­sors, and Treasurers of the several Counties within this Province, shall at the respective Courts of General Quarter-Sessions of the Peace to be held for the Counties of Phila­delphia, and Bucks in the Month of September, and at the re­spective Courts of General Quarter-Sessions of the Peace to be held for the Counties of Chester and Lancaster, in the Month of August, yearly exhibit to, and lay before the Ju­stices and Grand Juries of the said respective Counties to which they belong, as well the Books of Entries, and Ac­counts directed by the aforesaid Act to be kept by the Treasurers, as a true and particular Account of all the Mo­neys by them, or any of them, assessed and raised, by vir­tue of their several Offices, as also an Account to whom and for what Use or Uses the same Money and every part and parcel thereof was pai [...] out again, with the proper Vouchers, if required; which Books, Accounts, and Re­ceipts or Vouchers, being seen and examined by the Justi­ces and Grand Juries of the said respective Counties, the said Books, and Receipts or Vouchers, shall be delivered back safely, without Alteration, to the respective Treasu­rers; and the Accounts shall be filed, and kept among the Records and Proceedings of the said Court of General Quar­ter-Sessions of the Peace for such County.

AND WHEREAS by an Act of Assembly, made in the twelfth Year of the Reign of the late King William the third, entituled, An Act for erecting Bridges and maintaining Highways, &c. it is provided, that the County Courts with the Concurrence of the Grand Jury shall agree with and appoint some Persons to build Bridges in their respective Counties; And the Commissioners and Assessors [Page 441] having of late by colour of the aforesaid Act of Assembly for raising County Levies, claimed a Power of directing the Building of Bridges, and of agreeing with Workmen for doing the same, without the Concurrence of any Court or Grand-Jury, THEREFORE to prevent for the future any Mistakes or Misunderstandings concerning the Power of the Commissioners and Assessors▪ IT I [...] HEREBY FURTHER DECLARED AND ENACTED, that the Grand-Juries, Com­missioners and Assessors with the Concurrence of the Justices of the General Quarter-Sessions of the Peace, shall be the sole Judges of the Place where any Bridge shall be built and maintain'd over any Creek or Rivulet within the respective Counties to which they belong; and the Commissio­ners and Assessors with the Concurrence of the Justices of the said respective Counties, at their respective General Quarter-Sessions of the Peace, shall agree with Work­men for building, repairing and maintaining any Bridge or Bridges, ordered to be built or repaired as aforesaid, within their respective Counties; and that the Commissio­ners for the time being shall allow of, and pay the Moneys becoming due for the same accordingly.

CHAP. CCCXXVII. An ACT directing the Manner of Payment of Assembly-men's Wages.


[Page 442]

At a GENERAL ASSEMBLY of the Province of Pennsylvania, begun and holden at Philadelphia, the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno. Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty-three, in the Seventh Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE II. by the Grace of GOD, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, KING, Defender of the Faith, &c. And from thence continued by Adjournments to the Seventeenth of December, 1733.

CHAP. CCCXXVIII. An ACT for reviving an Excise on Wine, Rum, Brandy, and other Spirits.


[Page 443]

CHAP. CCCXXIX. An ACT to prevent the Exportation of Bread and Flour not merchantable.

WHEREAS by a Law of this Province made for preventing the Exportation of Bread and Flour not merchantable, Preamble the Credit of the said Province in one of its most considerable Bran­ches hath in some Measure been retrieved; But forasmuch as it becomes the Prudence of the Legislature to do all that in them lies to advance the Credit of this our Staple Commodity in foreign Markets, and it having been found by Experience that some farther Regulations may be neces­sary to promote the good Intention of the said Act, THEREFORE to the End that the said Credit of our Trade, and the Benefits thence arising may be continu­ed and improved, BE IT ENACTED by PA­TRICK GORDON, Esq with the King's Royal Approbation, Lieutenant-Governor under the Honourable Iohn Penn, Thomas Penn, and Richard Penn, Esqs; true and absolute Proprietaries of the Province of Pennsylvania, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Freemen of the Province aforesaid, in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, Bolters & Ba­kers to have B and-marks, &c. That every Bolter of Flour and Baker of Bread, residing, or (at any Time hereafter during the Continuance of this Act) to reside within this Province, shall each one for himself provide and have a distinguish [...] ­ble Brand-mark, and shall therewith brand each and eve­ry Cask of Flour or Bisket of his own Bolting or Baking, before the same shall be removed from the Place where the same was so as aforesaid bolted or baked, under the Penalty of One Shilling for every Cask so removed and not branded as aforesaid; but before any such Bolter or Baker shall bolt any Flour or bake any Bread for Exportation out of this Province, every such Bolter or Baker shall cause such his Brand-mark, together with his Name and Place of A­bode, to be entred with the Clerk of the Court of Quarter-Sessions for the County where he doth reside (if not already done) and so from time to time as often as any such Bolter or Baker shall move the Place of his Residence fro [...] one County of this Province into another, within the Space of one Month after [...]ch Removal, or any Alteration of his Brand-mark, he shall there cause his Mark, Name, and [Page 444] Place of Residence to be entred with the Clerk of the respe­ctive County; for recording whereof the Clerk shall have and receive One Shilling each, and no more; and every Bolter or Baker offending herein, shall forfeit and pay the Sum of Twenty Shillings for every such Offence.

AND BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That all Wheat-Flour bolted for Exportation, from and after the Publication of this Act, shall by the Bolter thereof be and be made merchantable and of due Fineness, without any Mixture of coarser and other Flour, and honestly and well packed in good strong Cask, well made, and of Staves thoroughly seasoned, with the Tare thereof thereupon marked, Flour, &c. to be honestly packed, weigh­ed and nailed. the Cask being first weighed by Weights try'd by or made agreeable to the Standard of Weights in this Province, wherewith the Bread and Flour packed shall be also weighed, and each and every Cask thereof (Bread in tight Casks excepted) shall be we [...]l and sufficiently nailed before the same be moved and carried from the Place where the same was made as aforesaid. And if any Bolter and Baker shall offend in all or any of the Pre­misses, he, she, or they shall forfeit and pay for every such Offence the Sum of One Shilling for each Cask.

AND BE IT ENACTED by the Authori­ty aforesaid, That if any Person or Persons shall put [...] false or wrong Tare on any Cask of Flour and Bread, to the Disadvantage of the Purchaser, he, she, or they shall for­feit and pay for every such Cask falsely tared as aforesaid, Penalty on false Taring of Cask. the Sum of Five Shillings. And the Officer for each County respectively, or his Deputy, upon Suspicion, or upon the Request of the Buyer, shall and are hereby required to un­pack any such Cask of Flour and Bread, in order to try the Tare thereof, and if the said Cask or Casks be found to weigh more than is mark'd thereon, the Baker or Bolter shall pay the Charge of unpacking and repacking over and above the Five Shillings for each Cask as aforesaid. But if the Tare thereon marked be found just and true, then the Officer (or Purchaser, if the Tryal be made at his Request) shall pay the Costs of Unpacking and Repacking.

Invoice to be delivered with Bread and Flour.AND BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That every Miller or Bolter of Flour, and eve­ry Baker of Bread for Exportation as aforesaid, shall deli­ver with the said Flour or Bread an Invoice of the Con­tents thereof with his said Brand-mark made thereon, toge­ther [Page 445] with his Name signed thereto, under the Penalty of Forty Shillings, for every Invoice delivered contrary to the true Intent and Meaning hereof. And if any Cask or Casks of Flour or Bread upon Tryal be found lighter than is set down in the said Invoice, every such Bolter or Ba­ker thereof shall forfeit and pay Threepence for every Pound of Flour or Bread the same is found wanting or lighter than invoiced. Penalty on Fraud [...]. And if any Person or Persons shall be convicted of any other wilful Fraud or Cheat in Packing of Flour or Bread, or of wilfully making a fraudulent Invoice of the Net Proceeds or Weight of any Flour or Bread, the Per­son offending therein shall forfeit and pay the Sum of Five Pounds for every such Offence.

AND BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That no Cart, Wain, Carts &c. to have good Co­vering. or Waggon shall be made Use of for the carrying or conveying of Flour or Bread from any Mill or other Place to the Place of Exportation, or to any Landing Place, but such as shall have and be provided with a good and sufficient Covering; and that no Flour shall be left at any Landing, or other Place, in order to be transported or carried to the Place of Exportation, except the same be put in a Store or Shelter sufficient to keep it dry; and that no Flour or Bread shall be carried or conveyed by Water from any Mill or Landing-Place to the Place of Exportation, in any open Boat, Flat or Shallop, without a good and sufficient Covering or Ta [...]paulin to se­cure the same in case of Rain.

AND BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That if the Owner or Possessor of any Cart, Wayn, Waggon, Boat, Flat, or Shallop, Penalty on suf­fering Flour to take Damage. cause or suffer any Flour or Bread to be wet or take Damage for want of due Care, or not being provided as aforesaid, in the moving, carrying, or transporting the same from any Mill or Land­ing-Place to the Place of Exportation, every such Person or Persons shall forfeit and pay for every Cask of Flour or Bread damaged as aforesaid, the Sum of One Shilling.

AND BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, No Flour to be Shipt before examined. That no Merchant or Person whatsoever shall lade or ship a [...]y Flour for Exportation out of this Province, be­fore he shall first submit the same to the View and Exami­nation of the Officer or his Deputy, of the respective Coun­ty from whence the same is intended to be shipt, who shall search and try the same, by boring the Head and piercing [Page 446] it through with an Instrument to be contrived for that Pur­pose, in order to prove whether it be honestly and well-pack'd, as also to enable him to judge of its Goodness, and shall afterwards plug up the Hole; and if the said Officer shall judge the same to be merchantable, according to Direction of this present Act, he shall brand every such Cask of Flour on the Quarter with the Provincial Brand­mark, which the said respective Officers shall each one for himself provide and have for that End and Purpose, suffi­cient and capable to impress in a fair and distinguishable manner the Arms of the Province of Pennsylvania, with the Letter P on one Side thereof; and to distinguish the Coun­ties, And branded. Philadelphia County Brand-mark shall have the Letter P, Bucks County the Letter B, and Chester County the Let­ter C on the other Side thereof; for which Trouble of the said respective Officer, he shall have and receive of the Shipper One Penny for each Cask, and no more.

PROVIDED ALWAYS nevertheless, that if any Dispute shall happen to arise between the said Officers and Possessor of such Flour, concerning the Fineness or Good­ness thereof, Indifferent Persons to judge Flour. &c. upon Application made to one of the Magi­strates of the City or County where the Dispute arises, he shall issue his Warrant to two indifferent judicious Persons of Skill and Integrity, to view and search the said Flour, and make Report forthwith according as they find the same, and the said Magistrate is hereby impowered and re­quired to give Judgment accordingly; and in case the said Flour is judged not fit to be exported, the said Magistrate shall order it not to be exported, under the Penalty of For­feiture of all such Flour, and shall also award and order the Owner or Possessor of the said Flour to pay the said Offi­cer One Shilling for each Cask, Penalty on Flour not fit for Exportati­on. for all such Flour as shall be adjudged not fit for Exportation as aforesaid, with rea­sonable Charges, who shall recover the said Costs and Char­ges from the Bolter or Maker thereof; but in case the said Flour upon Tryal shall be found to be good and merchant­able according to the Directions of this Act, the Charges of Prosecution shall be paid by the Officer; and in case a­ny Flour shall upon Tryal be found not merchantable or fit to be exported, the Officer shall take the Bolter's Brand and the Marks and Numbers of such Casks of Flour, and shall also note upon the Invoice of the said Flour, the Num­bers of so many of them as shall be found not merchanta­ble; and if the same Flour be afterwards shipt in order for Exportation, the Proof that it is not the said Flour shall [Page 447] lie wholly on the Owner or Shipper thereof▪ and shall not be incumbent on the said Officer.

AND BE IT ENACTED by the Autho­rity aforesaid, That the said Officer or his Deputies shall have full Power and Authority by Virtue of this Act, Officers im­powered to en­ter Ship [...], &c. and without any further or other Warrant, to enter on board any Ship, Sloop or Vessel whatsoever, lying or be­ing in any Port o [...] Place of this Province, and into any House, S [...]ore or Place whatsoever within the Province a­foresaid, to search for and make Discovery of any Flour shipped or intended to be shipped for Exportation; and if the Owner or Possessor thereof, or their Servants, or others shall deny him or them Entrance, or if the said Officer or his Deputies shall be any ways molested in making such Discovery a [...] aforesaid, or if such Merchant or Owner shall refuse to permit the said Officer or his Deputies to view and examine any Flour, or not permit him or them to brand the same, if merchantable, Penalty on molesting Of­ficers▪ according to the Di­rection of this Act, every such Person so offending shall forfeit and pay the Sum of Ten Pounds; or shall ship off a­ny Cask or Casks of Flour not branded with the Provin­cial Brand-mark aforesaid, every such Person so offending shall forfeit and pay the Sum of Five Shillings for every Cask of Flour so shipt.

AND BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That Samuel Carpenter of Philadelphia, Merchant, Officers Names. shall be and is hereby appointed the Officer for Viewing and Examining all Flour shipt or intended to be shipt di­rectly out of this Province from the City and County of Philadelphia; And that William Atkinson of Bucks County, Yeoman, shall be and is hereby appointed the Officer for Viewing and Examining all Flour shipt or intended to be shipt directly out of this Province from the County of Bucks: And Iohn Owen of Chester, Gent, shall be and is hereby appointed the Officer for Viewing and Examining all Flour shipt or intended to be shipt directly out of this Province from the County of Chester. And if any or either of the Officers hereby appointed, shall by any Accident be ren­dered uncapable, or neglect to execute the said Office, or shall misbehave him or themselves therein, or shall happen to die, then and so often, and from time to time, it shall and may be lawful to and for a Majority of the Justices of the Peace of the respective Counties, to supply his or their Place by some other fit and capable Person, who shall there­upon [Page 448] be the Officer for puting this Act in Execution for the respective County, until the Assembly appoints ano­ther. Officers to take an Oath or Affirmati­on. But before the said Officers hereby or hereafter to be appointed shall do any thing in the Execution of their said Office, they shall each of them take an Oath or Affir­mation before any one Justice of the Peace of any County of this Province, faithfully and impartially to perform his Duty and Trust to the best of his Capacity, according to the Directions of this present Act.

AND BE IT ENACTED by the Authori­ty aforesaid, That the said respective Officers hereby ap­pointed, or hereafter to be appointed, are hereby impow­ered to appoint Deputies in the respective Counties, Officers may appoint Depu­ties. for whom he or they shall be accountable; which said Depu­ties having taken the same Oath or Affirmation required to be taken by the Principals, are hereby fully impowered to act as Deputy-Officers in their respective Counties for the Searching and Branding Flour, and for all other Things required to be done by this Act, to all Intents and Purposes whatsoever.

BUT forasmuch as all the Endea [...]rs and Skill that can be used in the making of Flour goo [...], will prove inef­fectual, except due Care be taken in the Management of the Grain before it be ground, Therefore BE IT ENAC­TED by the Authority aforesaid, That every Owner, Possessor, All Wheat to be screened be­fore ground. or Occupier of any Grist-Mill, shall have and be provided with a Screen, wherewith all the Wheat to be ground into Flour for Exportation, shall be first screen'd; and if any Owner, Possessor, or Occupier of any Grist-Mill shall by himself, Servants or others, presume to grind or suffer to be ground into Meal for Bolting for Exporta­tion out of this Province, any Wheat before the same be screened as aforesaid, or shall grind or suffer to be ground any unsound, ill-dressed, foul or unmerchantable Wheat, to be bolted for Exportation as aforesaid, or shall bolt any Meal so ground before the same be thoroughly cooled and dried, he, she, or they so offending in the Premisses, shall forfeit and pay for every such Offence the Sum of Thirty-five Shillings, Penalty. on due Proof thereof made by one or more credible Witnesses, before any one Justice of the Peace of the County or Place where the Fact was committed.

BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That every Miller, Bolter, and Baker within this Province, [Page 449] is hereby required, within Six Months after the Publication of this Act, and afterwards once in every Three Years, to bring his or their Weights and Measures to the Standard in each County, to be examined and tryed, Weights and Measures to [...] brought to the Standard. and to have them made to agree with the Standard, and stampt and marked as directed by an Act of Assembly of this Province of the Twelfth of King William the Third, entituled, An Act for regulating Weights and Measures, under the Penalties and Fines impos [...]d by the same Act.

AND BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, that if any Person or Persons shall counterfeit the said Provin [...]ial Brand-Marks, or either of them, or impress or brand the same on any Cask of Flour, he, she or they be­ing thereof legally convicted, shall for the first Offence forfeit and pay the Sum of Five Pounds, Penalty on counterfeiting Brandmarks. and for the Second Of­fence the Sum of Ten Pounds, and for the Third and every other such Offence the Offender shall be committed to Goal [...] ▪ and Sentenced to the Pillory, there to stand the Space of Two Hours on a Market Day, in any City, Borough or Town of the respective Counties of this Province, where the Fact was committed.

AND BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That all and singular the Fines, Forfeitures and Charges mentioned in this Act, How the For­feitures are to be recovered & disposed of. w [...]re the same respective­ly exceed not Forty Shillings, the same shall be recovered in the same Manner as other Debts under Forty Shillings by the Law of this Province; and where the same exceed Forty Shillings, they may be sued for and shall be recovered in a­ny Court of Record in this Province, by Bill, Plaint or In­formation, wherein no Essoin, Protection, or Wager of Law, nor any more than one Imparlance shall be allowed. All which said Fines and Forfeitures not herein before di­rected how to be applied, shall be paid to the respective Officer or his Deputy aforesaid, who is hereby strictly en­joined and required to keep just and true Accounts there­of, and shall once every Year, at the Time of appointing Overseers of the Poor, deliver unto the Magistrates a true and exact List of all the Fines and Forfeitures arising from this Act for the Year past, in the respective Counties; the one half whereof he or they shall immediately pay into the Hands of the Overseers of the Poor, for the Use of the Poor of the Place where the Forfeitures happened, and the other he or they may detain to his or their own Use, as Prosecutor; and if any or either of the Officers as afore­said [Page 450] said shall refuse or neglect to account for and pay as afore­said, he or they shall forfeit their Office, any Law, Usage, or Custom to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, that the Officer herein appointed to examine and b [...]and Flour as aforesaid for the City and County of Philadelphia, Officers not to trade in Flour. nor his Deputies, nor any other Person or Persons to be appointed in their or either of their Places or Stead, shall during the Conti­nuance of this Act, by him or themselves, or by any other Person to his or their Use or by his or their Procurement, vend, barter, sell, exchange or trade in Flour, under the Penalty of Fifty Pounds, to be recovered by Action of Debt, Bill, Penalty. Plaint or Information, by any Person or Persons who will sue for the same to Effect, in any Court of Record in this Province, one half thereof to the Use of the Person or Persons so suing, the other half thereof to be paid to the Treasurer of this Province, towards the Support of Go­vernment. And the Person or Persons duly convicted of any such Offence or Offences against this Act, shall be and are hereby disabled from acting thereafter in their respec­tive Offices; and the Justices of the City and County of Philadelphia are hereby authorized and required to appoint another or others in lieu or stead of the Person or Persons so offending, who shall have the same Powers and Autho­rities, and be liable to the same Restrictions and Penalties, as the Officers in this Act named, until others are appointed by the Assembly of this Province.

AND BE IT ENACTED by the Autho­rity aforesaid, that the said Act, entituled, An Act to pre­vent the Exportation of Bread and Flour not merchantable, and every Article, Clause, or Thing therein contained, shall be and is hereby repealed to all Intents and Purposes what­soever.

CHAP. CCCXXX. An ACT for confirming the Repeal of divers Laws of this Province.

WHEREAS the late King CHARLES the Second, by his Royal Charter bearing Date at Westminster the Fourth Day of March, in the Thirty-third Year of his Reign, was graciously [Page 451] pleased, for the Consideration therein mentioned, to give and grant unto the late William Penn, Esq and to his Heirs and Assigns, all that Tract of Land now known and called by the Name of the Province of Pennsylvania. And by the same Royal Charter, the said late King did for himself, his Heirs and Successors, make, create, and constitute him the said William Penn, Esquire, true and absolute Proprietary of the said Country, saving always to the said late King, his Hei [...]s and Successors, the Faith and Allegiance of the said William Penn, Esquire, his Heirs and Assigns, and of all other the Proprietaries, Tenants and Inhabitants, that then were, or thereafter should be within the Territories and Precincts aforesaid; and likewise saving to the said late King, his Heirs and Successors, the Sovereignty of the a­foresaid Country, To have, hold, possess and enjoy the said Tract of Land, together with all the Islands therein con­tained, unto the said William Penn, Esquire, his Heirs and Assigns, to the only proper Use and Behoof of the said Wil­liam Penn, his Heirs and Assigns forever. AND whereas the said late King Charles the Second, reposing special Trust and Confidence in the Fidelity, Wisdom, Justice, and pro­vident Circumspection of the said William Penn, did further by his said Royal Charter, for himself, his Heirs and Suc­cessors, grant free, fall and absolute Power to the said William Penn, Esquire, and to his Heirs, and to his or their Deputies and Lieutenants, for the good and happy Govern­ment of the said Country, to ordain, make, and enact, and under his or their Seal to publish, any Laws whatsoever, for the Raising of Money for the publick Use of the said Province, or for any other End, appertaining either to the publick State, Peace and Safety of the said Province, or to the private Utility of particular Persons, according to his or their best Discretion, by and with the Advice, Assent, and Approbation of the Freemen of the said Country, or the greater Part of them, or of their D [...]ates or Depu­ties. But to the End that the said William Penn, or his Heirs, or other the Planters, Own [...] [...] [...]bitants of the said Province, might not at any Time [...], by mis­construction of the Powers aforesaid, through Inadvertency, or Design, depart from the Faith and due Allegiance, which by the Laws of the Realm of England, they, and all the said late King's Subject [...], in his Dominions and Territories, were always obliged to own to the said late King and his Successors, by colour of any Extent or Largeness of Pow­ers in the said Royal Charter given, or pretended to be given, or by Force or Colour of any Laws thereafter to be [Page 452] made in the said Province, by Virtue of any such Powers, the said late King was pleased to declare his further Will and Pleasure to be, that a Transcript or Duplicate of all Laws, which should be so as aforesaid made and published within the said Province, should within Five Years after the Making thereof, be transmitted and delivered to the Privy Council for the time being, of the said late King, his Heirs and Successors. And if any of the said Laws within the Space of Six Months after they should be so transmitted and delivered, should be declared by the said late King, his Heirs and Successors, in his or their Privy Council, inconsistent with the Sovereignty or lawful Pre­rogative of the said late King, his Heirs and Succes­sors, or contrary to the Faith and Allegiance due to the le­gal Government of the Realm of England, from the said William Penn, Esq and his Heirs, or from the Planters and Inhabitants of the said Province, and that thereupon any of the said Laws should be adjudged and declared to be void by the said late King, his Heirs and Successors, under his or their Privy Seal; That then and from thenceforth, such Laws concerning which such Judgment and Declara­tion should be made, should become void, otherwise the said Laws so transmitted should remain and stand in full Force, according to the true Intent and Meaning thereof▪ as by the said Royal Charter, relation thereunto being had, does more fully appear. AND WHEREAS in Right of, and by Virtue of the Powers granted to the said William Penn, Esq and his Heirs, in and by the said Royal Charter, many Laws and Ordinances have from time to time since the Settlement of the said Province been made by the said William Penn, Esquire, and his Heirs, and his and their Deputies and Lieutenants, by and with the Ad­vice and Assent of the Delegates or Representatives of the Freemen of the said Province in General Assembly met, and publish'd under the Great Seal of the said Province. AND WHEREAS divers of the said Laws after being made and published in Manner aforesaid, have accord­ing to the Directions of the said Royal Charter, been transmitted to the Privy Council of the said late King and his Successors, where the same have been by them in their Privy Council adjudged to be void: But forasmuch as the said Laws not having been declared void under the Privy Seal of the said late King or his Successors, according to the express Words of the said Royal Charter, some Doubts have arisen, whether the said Laws were by such Declara­tion actually made void and repealed. To the End [Page 453] THEREFORE that all Scuples touching the Re­peal of the said Laws may be effectually removed, and that no Doubts may hereafter be made concerning the same, BE IT ENACTED by PATRICK GOR­DON, Esq Lieutenant Governour by the King's Royal Approbation under the Honourable Iohn Penn, Thomas Penn, and Richard Penn, Esquires, true and absolute Pro­prietaries of the Province of Pennsylvania, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Freemen of the said Province in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, That all and every of the Laws, Ordinances, or Acts of Assembly of the Province of Pennsylvania, which at any Time before the Publication of this Act, have been transmitted to the Privy Council, and have been adjudged to be void by the said late King or his Successors in his or their Privy Council, though the same were not declared to be void under the Privy Seal (according to the Terms of the said Royal Charter) shall nevertheless be deemed, ta­ken and allowed to be void, to all Intents and Purposes whatsoever from the Time of such Declaration, in the same manner as if the said Laws had been adjudged and decla­red to be void by the said late King or his Successors, or any of them, under his or their Privy Seal, the want of the said Privy Seal, or any other Formality in such Decla­ration in any wise notwithstanding.

CHAP. CCCXXXI. An ACT the better to enable William Fish­bourn to discharge the Debt due from him to the Trustees of the General Loan-Office of this Pro­vince.


[Page 454]

At a GENERAL ASSEMBLY of the Province of Pennsylvania, begun and holden at Philadelphia, the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty-three, in the Seventh Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE II. by the Grace of GOD, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, KING, Defender of the Faith, &c. And from thence continued by Adjournments to the Twelfth of August, 1734.

CHAP. CCCXXXII. An ACT the more effectually to prevent the Erecting of Wears, Vide 12. Wm. Ill. Chap. 53. and 11. Geo. I. Chap. 274. Damms, &c. within the River Skuylkill.

WHEREAS by an Act of General Assembly of this Province, made in the Year One Thou­sand Seven Hundred and Thirty, for remedying the Inconveniences which the Inhabitants of the Counties of Philadelphia and Chester, living near the upper [Page 455] Parts of the River Skuylkill, laboured under in the Carriage of their Corn and other Commodities down the said River, by reason of Erecting Wears, Fishing Damms, and other Devices (for taking of Fish) within the said River or Creek; it was provided by the said Act, that all Wears, Fishing Damms, and other Devices or Obstructions what­soever, built, laid, or erected within the River Skuylkill, so as the Trade of the said Creek or River might be hin­dered or obstructed ther [...]y, should be removed within the Time in the said Act limited; and that if any such Ob­struction s [...]ould after the Publication of the said Act, be built, erected, or set up within the River or Creek afore­s [...]id, whereby the T [...]d [...] or Passage of the same might be impeded or hindred, all such Obstructions should upon Complaint made to two of the next Justices of the Peace, &c. be view'd, judged of, and removed, in the Manner in the said Act dir [...]d: BUT forasmuch as great Diffi­culties have arisen among the People living near the said River Skuylkill, and others, about the Meaning of these Words, Whe [...] [...] the Trade or Passage of the said River may be impeded [...]; and upon Experience the said Law being found [...]o be in a great Measure impracticable, by reason of the Remoteness of the Magistrates from the Pla­ces where such Nusances are commonly erected: For Re­medy whereof,

BE IT ENACTED by the Honourable PA­TRICK GORDON, Esq Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Pennsylvania, &c. by and with the Advice and Consent of the Representatives of the Freemen of the said Province in General Assembly met, and by the Au­thority of the same, That all and every Person and Persons who shall erect, build, set up, lay or maintain, or shall be aiding or assisting in erecting, building, setting up, lay­ing, or maintaining any Wear, Racks, Fishing Damm, or other Device or Obstruction whatsoever, within the Ri­ver Skuylkill, shall upon Complaint made to any Justice of the Peace in the County of Philadelphia, Chester, or Lan­caster, be bound to his or her good Behaviour, in the Sum of Twenty Pounds, and to appear at the next Court of Ge­neral Quarter-Sessions of the Peace, of the County where Complaint is made; and eve [...] [...]ch Person and Per­sons being thereof legally convi [...] [...]pon Indictment or In­formation▪ shall for every Offence forfeit and pay the Sum of Forty Shillings, one Moiety to the Use of the Work­house of that County where such Conviction shall be had [Page 456] and the other Moiety to the Person or Persons who will inform or prosecute for the same.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be law­ful to and for any Person or Persons whatsoever, to pull down, break or remove all or any Wear or Wears, Fish­ing Damms, Racks, or other Device or Obstruction what­soever, built, erected, set up, or laid, or to be built, erec­ted, set up or laid within the said River Skuylkill; And that every Person or Persons who shall assault, hinder or obstruct any Person in pulling down, breaking or remo­ving the said Wears, Racks, Fishing Damms, Devices or other Obstructions wi [...]hin the River Skuylkill afores [...]id, and being thereof legally convict, shall forfeit for every Offence any Sum not under Forty Shillings, nor exceeding Ten Pounds; one Moiety thereof to the Use of the Workhouse of the County where such Conviction is had, and the other Moi­ety to the Person or Persons assaulted or obstructed in pul­ling down, breaking or removing any such Obstructions as aforesaid.

AND WHEREAS Part of the Creek or River Skuylkill divides the Counties of Philadelphia, Chester, and Lancaster, some Doubts have arisen in which of the s [...]id Counties the Offences committed within the said River shall be tried; For removing of which Doubts, BE IT EN­ACTED by the Authori [...]y aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for the Person or Persons informing, prose­cuting, or complaining of any of the aforesaid Offences committed within the said River Skuylkill, to lay the same to be committed within the said River in the County of Philadelphia, Chester or Lancaster, and the same shall be heard and tried in either of the same Counties, joining on that Part of the River where the Offence i [...] committed, at his Election.

AND for the more speedy Removing such Obstructi­ons as are already made, or hereafter shall be made, it shall and may be lawful for any Justice of the Peace within the Counties of Philadelphia, Chester or Lancaster respectively, and they are hereby enjoined and required, to Issue forth their Warrant to the Surveyors of the High-Ways, of the Townships next adjacent to the Obstruction so erected (or to such Person or Persons as such Justice shall think fit) requiring them to summon the Inhabitants of the respect­ive [Page 457] Townships, or the nearest Inhabitants to the Damm or Device so erected or laid, by giving them six Days Notice to repair to and remove the said Obstruction; and any Person or Persons refusing or neglecting to appear and assist [...] removing such Obstruction at the Time appointed, shall for every such Offence forfeit the Sum of Five Shillings to [...] Use of the Poor of the Township where the Offence is committed, to be levied as Debts under Forty Shillings.

AND BE IT HEREBY FURTHER ENACTED, Th [...] an Act of General Assembly of [...]his Province, entituled, An Act to prevent the erecting Wears, Damms, &c. within the River Skuylkill, hall be and [...] [...]ereby repealed to all Intents and Purposes wh [...] soever.

At a GENERAL ASSEMBLY of the Province of Pennsylvania, begun and holden at Philadel­phia, the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty-four, in the Eighth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE II. by the Grace of GOD, of Great-Britain, France and Ireland, KING, Defender of the Faith, &c. And from thence continued by Adjournments to the Seventeenth Day of March, 1734▪

[Page 458]

CHAP. CCCXXXIII. A Supplement to the several Acts of Assembly of this Province for the Relief of the Poor. See before 4 Ann Chap. 146. and 4 Geo▪ I. Chap. 217.

WHEREAS it is found by Experience, that the Laws of this Province made for the Relief of the Poor, and for Removing and punishing Rogues, Vagrants, and other Idle and disorderly Persons wandring about the Country, have not proved effectual for the good Purposes for which they were intended; and for securing the Inhabitants of this Province from being op­pressed with great Charges arising by such idle and disorder­ly Persons coming from the neighbouring Colonies into, and concealing themselves in the City of Philadelphia, and the respective Townships of this Province, until they have either gained a Settlement, or become so sick and infirm that they cannot be removed; For Remedying which Inconveniencies, BE IT ENACTED by PA­TRICK GORDON, Esq Lieutenant-Governor, with the King's Royal Approbation, under the Honourable Iohn Penn, Thomas Penn, and Richard Penn, Esqrs; true and ab­solute Proprietaries of the Province of Pennsylvania, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Representatives of the Freemen of the said Province, in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, That no Person or Per­sons whatsoever coming into the City of Philadelphia, Who shall be deem'd to have gain'd no Set­tlement, unless, &c. or into any Township or County within this Province, Mariners and other healthy Persons coming directly from Europe only excepted, altho' such Person be an hired Servant and shall abide in such Service for the Space of one whole Year, and al­tho' any Person being an indented Servant, or be bound Apprentice by Indenture in the said City, or in any Town­ship within this Province, and shall continue in such Ap­prenticeship, or Servitud [...], for the Space of One Year, (which is hereby declared sufficient to gain such Apprentice and indented Servant a Settlement, upon Notice given as is hereafter directed in this Act, and not otherwise) or altho' [...]ny Person or Persons shall on his own Account, execute any publick annual Office or Charge in the said City, or any Township wi [...]hin this Province during One whole Year, or be charged and pay his Share towards the County Taxes or Levies for the Poor of the said City or Township, or shall have bona fide taken a Lease of a Tenement or Plantation, of the Yearly Value of Five Pounds or upwards within the [Page 459] City of Philadelphia, or any Township of this Province, shall be deemed to have gained a legal Settlement in the said City or in any such Township, unless such Person or Persons shall within five Days next after his or her coming into the City of Philadelphia, or into any Township within this Province, give Notice in Writing, which they are hereby re­quired to do, of the House of his or her Abode, and the Number of his or her Family, if any he or she have, to the respective Overseers of the Poor for the time being, of the said City or Township, into which he or she shall come; nor shall any hired or indented Servant or Apprentice, by Virtue of his or her being hired, bound or assigned over un­to any Person inhabiting the said City, Township or Coun­ty, as aforesaid, gain a Settlement within the same, unless Notice be given in Writing within Ten Days after such hi­ring or binding, as aforesaid, to the Overseers of the Poor of the City or Township where such Person shall come to reside, by the Person who shall take such Apprentice, hire a Servant, or purchase an indented Servant (or by the Per­son or Persons so hired themselves) within Ten Days next after such hiring; any Law, Custom, or Usage of this Pro­vince to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, Persons likely to become chargeable, re­fusing to give Security, may be removed, &c. That if upon Complaint made by the Overseers of the Poor of the City of Philadelphia, or of any Township within this Province, to such Magistrates as have a Right to hear the same, it shall be adjudged within the Space of Twelve-Months next after such Notice, that any Person or Persons is, or are likely to become chargeable to the City or Township where he or she is come to reside, shall upon his or her being required, neglect or refuse to give Secu­rity, that he or she shall not become chargeable to the Inhabi­tants of the said City or Township, into which he or she is come, that then such Person or Persons shall be liable to be removed to the last Place of his or her legal Settlement, the giving of Notice as aforesaid, or any other thing in this or any other Act of Assembly of th [...]s Province to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.

AND for the more effectual preventing Rogues, Vaga­bonds, and other idle and disorderly Persons concealing them­selves within the said City of Philadelphia, or in any Township or County within this Province, BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That if any House-keeper or Inhabitant of this Province, shall after the Publication of this Act, take into, receive, or entertain in his [Page 460] or her House or Houses any Person or Persons whatsoever (healthy Mariners, Every House-keeper to give Notice to the Overseers what Persons they entertain. and other Persons coming immediately from Europe into the said Province only excepted) not being Persons who have gained a legal Settlement in some City or Township within this Province, and shall not give Notice in Writing, which they are hereby required to do within Three Days next after the taking into, or entertaining any Person or Persons in his or her House within th e City of Philadelphia, to the Overseers of the Poor of the said City, and within the Space of Ten Days next after his or her taking into, or entertaining any Person or Persons in his or her House, in any Township within this Province, to the Overseers of the Poor of the Township where such Person dwells, such Inhabitant or House-keeper being thereof le­gally convict by the Testimony of One credible Witness, on Oath or Affirmation, before any two Magistrates of the said City of Philadelphia, whereof the Mayor or Recorder to be One, or before any Two Magistrates of the County where such Person dwells, shall forfeit and pay the Sum of Twenty Shillings for every Offence, On Penalty of Twenty Shil­lings. the One Moiety to the Use of the Poor of the said City or Township respectively, and the other Moiety to the Informer, to be levied on the Goods and Chattels of the Delinquent, in the Manner herein after directed; and for want of sufficient Distress, the Of­fender to be committed to the Work-house of the said Ci­ty or County, there to remain without Bail or Mainprize, for the Space of Ten Days; and moreover, in Case the Per­son or Persons so entertain'd or concealed shall become poor, and unable to maintain him or her self, and cannot be re­moved to the Place of his or her last legal Settlement, or shall happen to die, and not have wherewithal to defray the Charge of his or her Funeral, then in such Case the House-keeper or Person convicted of entertaining or concealing such poor Person, against the Tenor of this Act, shall be obliged to provide for and maintain such poor and indigent Person or Persons, And shall maintain them if they be sick, and bury them if they die. and in Case of such poor Person's Death shall pay the Overseers of the Poor so much Money as shall be expend­ed on the Burial of such poor and indigent Person or Persons; and upon refusal so to do, it shall be lawful for the Overseers of the Poor of the said City or Township respectively, and they are hereby required to assess a Sum of Money on the Person or Persons so convict from time to time by a week­ly Assessment, for maintaining such poor and indigent Per­son or Persons, or assess a Sum for defraying the Charges of such poor Person's Funeral, as the Case may be; and in case the Party convict shall refuse to pay the Sum of Money so [Page 461] assessed or charged, to the Overseers of the Poor, for the Uses aforesaid, the same shall be levied of the Goods or Chattels of the Offender in the manner herein after directed; but if such Person so convicted have no Goods or Chattels to sa­tisfy the Money so ass [...]s [...]'d for him or her to pay, that then it shall and may be lawful for the said Justices to commit the Offender to Pri [...]on, there to remain without Bail or Main­prise, until he or she have paid the same, or until he or she shall be discharged by due order of Law.

AND WHEREAS it is found by Experience, that many poor Person [...] within this Province cannot find Employment in the City or Township where they are legally settled, yet might find Work for themselves and Families in other Places within the Province, Poor Persons removed into another Town­ship, to take a Certificate. but not being able to give Security, if required, upon their coming to settle in any other Place, that they and their Families shall not become chargeable or burthensome to any City or Township where they come to dw [...]ll, and by that means are confined to their own City or Township, tho' their Labour may be wanted elsewhere; BE IT THEREFORE FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Person or Persons whatsoever, from and after the first Day of May, which will be in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty Five, sh [...]ll come out of the City of Phila­delphia, or any Township into another Township in this Pro­vince, or shall come out of any Township in this Province, into the City of Philadelphia, thereto inhabit and reside, shall at the same time procure, bring and deliver unto the Overseers of the Poor of the City or Township where he or she shall come to inhabit, a Certificate under the Hands and Seals of the Over­seers of the Poor of the City or Township from whence he, she or they remov [...]d, to be attested by two or more credible Witness [...], thereby acknowledging the Person or Persons men­tioned in the said Certificate, to be an Inhabitant or Inhabitants legally settled in that City or Township; every such Certificate, having been allowed of and subscribed by two or more Justices of the Peace of the City or County where such Township doth lie, shall oblige the said City or Township to receive and provide for the Person mentioned in the said Certificate, together with his or her Family, as Inhabitants of that Place whenever after he, she or they shall happen to become chargeable to, or be forced to ask Relief of the City or Township to which such Certificate was given, or into which he, she or they were received by Virtue of the said Certific [...]te, and then and not before i [...] shall and may be lawful for any such Person and [Page 462] his or her Children, tho' born in the City or Township, and his or her Servants and Apprentices not having otherwise acquired a legal Settlement there, to be removed, conveyed and settled in the City or Township from whence such Cer­tificate was brought.

AND WHEREAS it oftentimes happens that poor Persons come from the City of Philadelphia, into some Township or Place within this Province, and from some Place or Township of this Province, into the said City of Philadelphia, or into some other Township of this Province, and conceal themselves until they become sick or lame, and cannot be removed, and oftentimes die before they can be removed, by reason whereof the Inhabitants of the City or Township where such poor Person or Persons fell sick or died, are put to Charges, without any Means to relieve themselves from the Payment of the Moneys expended upon the Maintenance or Burying of such poor Person or Per­sons, BE IT THEREFORE FURTHER ENACTED, That if any poor Person or Persons shall come out of the City of Philadelphia into any Township within this Province, or shall come out of any Township or Place within this Province into the City of Philadelphia, or any other Township within this Province, and shall happen to fall sick or die before he or she have gain'd a legal Settle­ment in the City or Township to which he or she shall come, so that such Person or Persons cannot be remo­ved, and if upon Notice given by the Overseers of the Poor of the Place unto which such poor Person is come, or by one of them, to the Overseers of the Poor of the City, Township or Place where such poor Person or Persons had last gained a legal Settlement, or to one of them, of the Name, Circumstances and Condition of such poor Person or Persons, with Request that they or one of them may take order for the Relief and Main­tenance of such sick or lame Person during his or her Sickness, and for his or her being buried in case he or she should die, and if such Overseer or Overseers shall neglect or refuse so to do, that then and in such Case it shall be lawful for any two Justices of the Peace of the City or County where such poor Person had last gained a legal Settlement, and they are here­by authorized and required upon Complaint made to them, to cause all such Sum and Sums of Money as shall be neces­sarily expended on the Maintenance of such poor Person in his or her Sickness, or on his or her Burial, by Warrant under their Hands and Seals, to be directed to some Con­stable of their County, to be levied by Distress and Sale of [Page 463] the Goods and Chattles of the said Overseer or Overseers of the Poor so neglecting or refusing to take care and pro­vide for any such poor Person as aforesaid, after such Notice given to them or to one of them as aforesaid, and to be paid to the Overseer or Overseers of the City or Township where such poor Person happened to be sick or die as aforesaid, and the Overplus of the Moneys arising by Sale of such Goods remaining in the Constable's Hands, after the Sum of Money ordered to be paid, together with the Costs of Distress, &c. are satisfied, shall be restored to the Owner or Owners of the said Goods.

AND WHEREAS by an Act of Assembly of this Province, intituled An Act for the Relief of the Poor, it is provided, that it shall and may be lawful to and for the O­verseer or Overseers of the Poor, to make and lay a Rate of One Penny per Pound clear Value of Real and personal Estates of all and every the Freeholders and Inhabitants within their respective Townships, to be employed for the Relief of the Poor, &c. and Four Shillings per Head on all Freemen not o­therwise rated, but it being found upon Experience that the Number of the Poor within this Province are very much increased, and the Overseers of the Poor of this City of Philadelphia, and the respective Townships within this Pro­vince, have been obliged to lay several Rates of One penny per Pound in one Year, for Maintenance of the Poor within the City of Philadelphia, and the respective Townships within this Province, which has proved very troublesome as well to the Persons on whom the said Moneys are raised, as to the Persons who are obliged to collect the same; For the Reme­dying of which Inconveniency for the future, BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the Overseers of the Poor of the City of Philadelphia, for the said City, having first obtain­ed the Approbation of the Mayor or Recorder, with any two of the Aldermen of the said City, and for the Overseers of the Poor of the several Townships within this Province, having first obtained the Approbation of any two Magistrates liv­ing next to the Township where any Poors Tax shall be raised, Overseers may lay a Rate of Three Pence in the Pound, or Nine Shillings per Head. to make or lay any Rate not exceeding Three pence in the Pound at one Time, upon all the Estates liable to be rated, and in the manner directed to be raised and levied by the aforesaid Act of Assembly for the Relief of the Poor, and not exceeding Nine Shillings per Head on all Freemen not other­wise rated, any thing in the aforesaid Act of Assembly, or any other Law, Custom, or Usage of this Province to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.

[Page 464]AND for the more easy Discovery, certain Knowledge, and well Management of the Affairs of the Poor within this Province, and of what Moneys are raised for the Use of the Poor, and [...]o what Uses applied, BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That all and every Overseer and Overseers of the Poor of any City or Township within this Province, shall at their laying any Rate for the Relief of the Poor of their respective Cities or Townships, Overseers to deliver to a Jus­tice, a Dupli­cate of the Rate they lay; and a List of the Poor to their Succes­sors, &c. and they are hereby obliged to deliver to one of the Justices of the Peace, who allows such Rate, a fair Duplicate of the same, signed by such Overseer or Overseers, and shall likewise deliver to the respective Overseer or O­verseers who shall succeed them, fair and true Lists of the Poor of their respective City or Townships, with such Certi­ficates and Notices as shall be delivered or given to them upon the coming of any Person from the City of Philadel­phia into any Township of this Province, or of the coming of any Person from any such Township into the City of Philadelphia, or into any other Township within this Pro­vince, as by this Act is provided and directed; for which Trouble the Justices are hereby required to make such Allowance to the respective Overseer or Overseers of the Poor, within this Province, at their going out of their Office, a [...] to them shall seem reasonable, for their making such Dupli­cates of the Rates by them laid, and for the Charge and Trouble they may be at in making fair Lists of their Poor, and of the Notices and Certificates herein directed to be de­livered to their Successors, of which said Notices and Certi­ficates a Register or Entry shall be made, by the respective Overseers of the Poor to whose Hands the same shall come, in a Book for that Purpose to be by them provided and kept; which Book shall likewise be delivered by the Over­seers aforesaid to their respective Successors in the said Office.

AND WHEREAS Complaints have been made against Overseers of the Poor, who have supplyed the Poor with Necessaries out of their own Stores and Shops at exor­bitant Prices, and also against Overseers who have paid unreasonable Accounts to their Friends or Dependants, for Services done the Poor; AND WHEREAS the Twenty-fifth Day of March appointed by the aforesaid Act for the Relief of the Poor, is found by Experience not to be a sufficient time for Examining▪ and Settling the Accounts of the several Overseers, and for regulating and redressing the Abuses that may be complained of; BE IT THERE­FORE [Page 465] ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That the Magistrates of the respective Counties, Overseers Ac­counts to be examined and allowed by the Magistrates, &c. or any three of them, wi [...]hin this Province, for the said Counties, shall and may on the Twenty-fifth Day of March, and within three Days next after the said Day, and the Mayor or Recorder, with any two Aldermen of the City of Philadelphia, for the said City, shall and may on the said Twenty-fifth Day of March, and at any time within one Month after the said Day, annually examine and settle the said Overseers Accounts; and shall hav [...] full Power to allow such Accounts and Sums only, as to them shall seem just and reasonable.

AND WHEREAS the Alms-house built for the City of Philadelphia, may, if well regulated, be of Service, and help to case the Inhabitants of the Taxes yearly assessed on them for the Maintenance of the Poor, BE IT EN­ACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That the Mayor and Recorder, with any two or more Aldermen of the said City of Philadelphia, Alms House of Philadel­phia, who are to have the Government of it. shall from time to time have Power and Authority to chuse and appoint a sober and discreet Person to reside in the said Alms-house, for taking Care of the Poor therein, and, where it may be needful, to direct the Receiving into the said Alms-house such Poor, and to employ such Persons in the Service of the said House and care of the Poor, and generally to give such Orders and In­structions for the well-ordering of the said House, and the Poor of the said City, as to the said Mayor and Recorder, with any two or more Aldermen of the said City, shall seem just and reasonable, and to enjoin Obedience to the same.

AND WHEREAS the Overseers of the Poor of the City of Philadelphia, and the respective Townships within this Province, at going out of their Office, not only frequently neglect or refuse to deliver to the Justices, a fair and true Account of the Moneys by them received for the Use of the Poor, but likewise leave considerable Sums of Money by them assessed for the Maintenance of the Poor, uncollected, by which means it comes to pass that the Moneys remaining uncollected are lost, and the Burthen of maintaining the Poor falls heavy on such as have paid their Money; For remedying of which Inconveniency for the future, [...] to r [...]der a fair Account, at going out of their Office. BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That all and every the Overseer and Overseers of the Poor of the City of Philadelphia, and the respective Townships within this Pro­vince, shall, at their going out of their Office, render a fair and true Account to the Magistrates of the City of Phila­delphia [Page 466] for the said City, and to the Justices of the respective Counties in which they live, of all the Moneys assessed by them, or that hath otherwise come to their Hands, and how the same hath been disposed of, and also what part shall be remaining in their Hands, and to pay the same to the suc­ceeding Overseer or Overseers; and if any Overseer or O­verseers of any Poor within this Province, shall refuse or n [...]g­lect to render such Account to the Justices as aforesaid, and to pay what shall be remaining in their Hands, according to the Direction of the respective Magistrates who shall have the Right of Examining their Accounts, it shall and may be law­ful to and for the said Justices, or any three of them, to commit such Overseer or Overseers to the County Goal, without Bail or Mainprise, until such Overseer or Overseers shall render a true and fair Account, and pay such Moneys as shall appear to be remaining in his or their Hands, to the succeeding Overseer or Overseers of the Poor of the said City or Township to which they respectively belong.

AND if any Overseer or Overseers of the Poor of the City of Philadelphia, Penalty if they neglect or re­fu [...]e to collect and pay what is [...]ssessed. or of any Township within this Pro­vince, hath or have neglected or refused, or shall neglect or refuse to collect and pay to the succeeding Overseers, all such Sums of Money as is or shall be remaining in their Hands, or uncollected at their going out of his or their Office, which they are hereby enabled to collect by Warrant under the Hands and Seals of any two Magistrates within the said City or Counties, within the Space of Thirty Days after Notice and Request made to them so to do, by any Justice of the Peace, and being duly convicted thereof before any three Justices of the City or County to which they belong, it shall and may be lawful to and for the Mayor and Recorder, and any two of the Aldermen of the said City, and for any three Justices of the Peace of the County in which such Delin­quent Overseer or Overseers dwell, by Warrant under their Hands and Seals to commit such Delinquent Overseer or Overseers to the Goal of the County to which they belong, there to remain without Bail or Mainprise until the same shall be paid.

How new [...] ­verseers are to be appointed in Case of Death, &c.AND to the End that the Poor may not suffer for want of proper Persons to take due care of them in their Sickness or Necessities, BE IT ENACTED by the Autho­thority aforesaid, That in case of the Death or want of any Overseer of the Poor of the City of Philadelphia, or of any Township within this Province, it shall and may be lawful [Page 467] to and for the Mayor, Recorder, and any two Aldermen, or the Mayor or Recorder with any two Aldermen of the City of Philadelphia, for the City of Philadelphia, and any two Justices of the Peace of the County in which such Township lies, to appoint one or more Overseers of the Poor for the said City or Township as the Case may require, at any time when there shall be occasion; which Overseer or Overseers when so appointed, shall be subject to the same Rules and Penalties and obliged to the Performance of the same Duties and Ser­vices as if he or they had been appointed at the Time in the first recited Act of Assembly mentioned, any thing in the aforesaid Act, or any other Law of this Province to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That the several Fines, How the Fines and Forfei­tures, &c. are to be recove­red, &c. Forfeitures and Penalties, Sum and Sums of Money, imposed or directed to be paid by this Act, and not herein otherwise directed to be recovered, the same and every of them shall be levied and recovered by Distress and Sale of the Goods and Chattels of the D [...]linquent or Offender, by Warrant under the Hands and Seals of the Mayor and Recorder, or of the Mayor or Re­corder and one or more Aldermen of the City of Philadel­ph [...], for the said City, and under the Hands and Seals of any two or more Justices of the Peace of the County where the D [...]linquent or Offender dwells, or is to be found; and after Payment or Satisfaction made of the respective Forfei­tures, Fin [...]s, Penalties and Sums of Money directed to belevi­by such Warrant as aforesaid, together with such legal Charges as s [...]ll become due in the Recovery thereof, the Overplus, if any, to be returned to the Owner or Owners of such Goods or Chattels, his or her Executors or Administrators.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, That if any Per­son or Persons shall find him or themselves aggrieved with any Judgment of the Justices given out of their Sessions, in Pursuance of this Act, such Person or Persons may appeal to the next General Quarter-Sessions of the Peace for the County or City where such Judgment or Sentence was given, whose Decision shall in all such Cases be conclusive.

CHAP. CCCXXXIV. An ACT for confirming the Election of the Commissioners and Assessors for the County of Bucks.


[Page 468]

CHAP. CCCXXXV. An ACT to prevent the Damages which may happen by Firing of Woods.

WHEREAS by an Act of the General Assem­bly of this Province, past in the Twelfth Year of the Reign of King William the third, it is enacted, That whosoever shall presume to set on Fire any Woods, Lands or Marshes in this Province, or Territories, before the first Day of the first Month Yearly, or after the first Day of the third Month, shall make good all Damages that shall thereby happen to any the Inhabitants thereof; AND WHEREAS it hath on Experience been found that the setting the Woods on Fire at any Time hath proved rather hurtful than beneficial to this Province, and great Losses have happened by Occasion of such Fires; For preventi­on thereof BE IT ENACTED by PATRICK GORDON, Esq with the King's Royal Approbation Lieutenant Gover­nor under the Honourable Iohn Penn, Thomas Penn, and Richard Penn, Esqrs; true and absolute Proprietaries of the Province of Pennsylvania, and of the Counties of New Castle, Kent, and Sussex, on Delaware, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Representatives of the Freemen of the said Province in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, That the Act of Assembly herein before recited, and every Clause and Article therein, be and is hereby repealed to all Intents, Constructions and Purposes whatsoever.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That whosoever shall presume at any Time or Times hereafter to set on Fire, or cause to be set on Fire any Woods, Lands or Marshes whatsoever within this Province, so as thereby to occasion any Loss, Da­mage or Injury to any other Person or Persons, every such Person or Persons so offending, shall be and are hereby de­clared liable to make Satisfaction for the same, in any Action or Actions on the Case, to be brought by the Party or Par­ties grieved, in the Court of Common Pleas of the County where the Offence was committed.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority a­foresaid, That where the Party injured shall not Demand a­bove Forty Shillings for his Loss or Damag [...], it shall and [Page 469] may be lawful to and for such Person or Persons to apply to any Justice of the Peace of the County where the Offence is committed, who is hereby impowered and required by Warrant under his Hand and Seal, to cause the Party offending to be brought before him, or some other Justice of the Peace of the same Count [...], and if upon Examination it shall appear to such Justice by the Testimony of one or more credible Witnesses, that the Defendant is guilty of the Charge exhibited against him, then the said Justice shall issue forth his Warrant to two or more substantial Freehol­ders of the Neighbourhood, thereby commanding them in the Presence of the Defendant, (if he will be present) to view the Place or Thing damnified, or enquire into the Loss sustained by the Plaintiff, and to certify to the said Justice upon their Oath or Affirmation, what Damage in their Judgment the Plaintiff hath sustained by Occasion of the Premisses; and that upon Return of such Certificate to the said Justice, he is hereby impowered to grant Execution for the Recovery of the said Damages, together with such Costs of Prosecution, as is usual in the Recovery of Debts under Forty Shillings.

PROVIDED ALSO, That no Costs of Suit shall be paid to any Plaintiff, in any Suit to be brought for any Matter or Thing in this Act mentioned, if the Jury who shall try the Cause, do not assess above Forty Shillings Damage, any Law, Custom or Usage to the contrary, in any wise notwithstanding.

PROVIDED ALSO, That where any Offence shall be committed against the Tenor of this Act, by any Servant, Negro or Slave, without the Direction of his, her or their Master or Mistress respectively, and such Offender be thereof duly convicted by the Oath or Affirmation of one credible Witness, before any Justice of the Peace of the respective Counties, such Offender or Offenders, unless his or her Master or Mistress will pay the Damages sustained, with Costs of Suit, shall be whip'd with any Number of Stripes, not exceeding Twenty-one, on his or her bare Back, at the Discretion of the Justice, before whom the Party shall be convicted, and further shall be committed to the Workhouse of the County where the Offence is committed, there to re­main until the Costs of Prosecution shall be paid.

[Page 470]

CHAP. CCCXXXVI. An ACT for the better enabling divers Inha­bitants of the Province of Pennsylvania, to hold Lands, and to invest them with the Privileges of natural-born Subjects of the said Province.

WHEREAS by the Encouragement given by the Honourable William Penn, Esq late Proprietary and Governour of the Province of Pennsylvania, and by the P [...]rmission of our present Sovereign King George the Second, and his Predecessors, Kings and Queens of England, &c. divers Protestants, who were Subjects of the Emperor of Germany, and other Foreign Princes in A­mity with the Crown of Great Britain, transported them­selves and Estates into the Province of Pensylvania, and since they came hither have contributed to the Enlarge­ment of the British Empire, and to the raising and im­proving sundry Commodities fit for the Markets of Europe; and have behaved themselves peaceably, and paid a due Re­gard and Obedience to the Laws and Government of this Province:

AND WHEREAS many of the said Persons, to wit, Iohn Diemer, David Scholtze, Peter Hillegas, Wilhelm Ziegler, Paulus Kripner, Iacob Siegel, George Scholtze, Ul­rich Aller, Caspar Ulrich, Henry Van Aken, Iohn Iden, Adam Klamter, Anthony Ben [...]zet, of the City of Philadelphia, Anthony Bohm, Conrad Bensell, Adam Romich, Fredrick Rey­mer, Ioseph Graff, Henry Slingloff, Michael Berger, George Souber, Alexander Dihl, Iacob Bowman, Gottlieb Herger, Da­niel Schoner, Adam Galar, Nicholas Leisher, jun. Peter Souber, Conrad Reble, Hans George Weigert, Christopher Mink, Io­hannes Zirwer, Sebastian Reiff Schneider, Iacob Kemp, Iacob Hill, Iohn Souber, Abraham Zimmerman, Christian Weber, Nico­las Keyser, Martin Pitting, Conrad Keer, Conrad Kustor, Iacob Dubre, Anthony Zadouski, Hans Pingeman, Andreas Kraver, Lodwick Pitting, of the County of Philadelphia, Iohn George Kinkner, William Morey, Peter Schneider, Iohn Ioder, Christian Klimmer, Iohn Ioder, jun. Ioseph Eberhart, Michael Eberhart, Iohn Brecht, Henry S [...]hneider, George Zeitwitz, Michael We­ber, Ulrich Rubel, Iacob Kangweer, Diter Gauff, Henry Rin­ker, of the County of Bucks, George D [...]nat, Garr [...]t Brown­back, [Page 471] of the County of Chester, Iohn George Beard, Iohn Cas­p [...]r St [...]ver, Michael Weidler, Frederick Elberschidt, Peter Entz­minger, Iacob Kersberger, Iacob Byerly, Iacob Leman, and Mi­chael B [...]rl, in the County of Lancaster, in the said Province, in D [...]monstration of their Affection and Zeal for the Person and Government of Our present Sovereign King GEORGE the Second, have qualified themselves by taking and sub­scribing the sever [...]l Oaths and Declarations or solemn Affir­m [...]tions directed to be taken and subscribed by several Acts of P [...]li [...]ment made for the Security of the King's Person and Government, and for preventing the Dangers which m [...]y happ [...]n by popish Recusants, &c. and thereupon, ha [...]e h [...]mbly applied to the Governour and the Representa­tives of the Freemen of this Province, in General Assembly met, setting forth their great Desire of being made Parta­kers of those Priviledges, which the Natural-born Subjects of Great Britain do enjoy within this Province; and it being just and reasonable that those Persons who have given such Testimony of their Affection and Obedience to the C [...]own of Great Britain, should as well be secured in the Enjoyment of their Estates, as encouraged in their laudable Affection to, and Zeal for the English Constitution,

BE IT ENACTED by PATRICK GORDON, Esq with the King's Royal Approbation Lieutenant Gover­nor under the Honourable Iohn Penn, Thomas Penn, and Richard Penn, Esqrs; true and absolute Proprietaries of the Province of Pennsylvania, and of the Counties of New-Castle, Kent, and Sussex on Delaware, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Representatives of the Freemen of the said Province in General Assembly met, and by the Autho­rity of the same, That Iohn Diemer, David, Scholtze, Pe­ter Hillegas, Wilhem Zeigler, Paulus Kripner, Iacob Siegel, George Sch [...]ltze, Ulrich Aller, Casper Ulrich, Henry Van Aken, Iohn Iden, Adam Klamter, Anthony Benezet, of the City of Philadelphi [...] ▪ Anthony Bohm, Conrad Bensell, Adam Romich, Fredrick R [...]y [...]er, Ioseph Graff, Henry Slingloof, Michael B [...]r­ger, George Souber, Alexander Dihl, Iacob Bowman, Gottlieb Herg [...], Daniel Schoner, Adam Galar, Nicholas Leisher, jun. Peter Souber, Conrad Reble, Hans George Weigert, Christopher Mink, Iohannes Zirwer, Sebastian Reiff Schneider, Iacob Kemp, Iacob Hill, Iohn Souber, Abraham Zimmerman, Chris­tian Weber, Nicholas Keyser, Martin Pitting, Conrad Keer, Conrad Kuster, Iacob Dubre, Anthony Zadouski, Hans Pinge­man, Andreas Kraver, Lodwick Pitting, of the County of Philadelphia, Iohn George Kinkner, William Morey, Peter [Page 472] Schneider, Iohn Ioder, Christian Klimmer, Iohn Ioder, jun. Ioseph Eberhart, Michael Eberhart, Iohn Brecht, Henry Schneider, George Zeitwitz, Michael Weber, Ulrich Rubel, Ia­cob Kangwe [...]r, Diter Gauff, Henry Rinker, of the County of Bucks, George Donat, Garret Brownback, of the County of Chester, IohnGeorge Beard, Iohn Casper Stover, Michael Wied­ler, Fredrich Elberschidt, Peter Entzminger, Iacob Kersberger, Iacob Byerly, Iacob Leman, and Michael Byerly, of the County of Lancaster, in the said Province, be and shall be to all Intents and Purposes deemed, taken and esteemed the King's Natural-born Subjects of this Province of Pennsylva­nia, as if they and each of them had been Born within the said Province; and shall and may, and every of them shall and may within this Province, take, receive, enjoy, and be entituled to all Rights, Priviledges and Advantages of Natu­ral-born Subjects, as fully to all Intents, Constructions and Purposes whatsoever, as any of the King's Natural-born Sub­jects of this Province can, do, or ought to Enjoy.

At a GENERAL ASSEMBLY of the Province of Pennsylvania, begun and holden at Philadel­phia, the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty-five, in the Ninth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE II. by the Grace of GOD, of Great-Britain, France and Ireland, KING, Defender of the Faith, &c. And from thence continued by Adjournments to the Twelfth Day of Ianuary, 1735.

[Page 473]

CHAP. CCCXXXVIII. A Supplement to the Law for laying out High-ways and Publick Roads.

WHEREAS by a Law of this Province, ena­bling the Justices in each County to l [...]y out and confirm all Roads, except the King's High­way and publick Roads, it is provided that all Road [...] within [...]his Province, laid out by the Directions of the s [...]id Act, sh [...]ll be publick Highways, and shall be cle [...]r­ed and m [...]int [...]ined at the Charge or by the Inh [...]bitants of the Town [...]ip in which the said Road lies, and that if any Part of such Ro [...]d, altho' the same be laid out for the Conveniency of one or but few Persons, shall h [...]pp [...]n to be laid out th [...]o' the improved Ground of [...]ny Per [...]on, the said improv [...]d Ground is [...]o be v [...]lued as by the s [...]id Act is di­rected, and paid for out of the Coun [...]y St [...]k; which Parts of the said Law have, since the gre [...] Inc [...]se of our In­habitants, been found to be very inconvenie [...]t [...]nd bur­thensome as well to the Publick as to [...] P [...]rson [...]; For Remedying of which Inconv [...]nie [...]cy, BE IT [...] ­NACTED by PATRICK GORDON, Esq with the King's Royal Approbation Lieuten [...]n [...] Go [...]rnor [...]nder the Honourable Io [...]n P [...]nn, Th mas [...]enn and Richard P [...]nn, Esqrs; true and absolute [...] of th [...] Province of P [...]nn­sylvania, and of the Coun [...]i [...] of N [...]w-Cast [...]e, Kent and Suss [...]x on Delaware, by and with [...]he Advice [...]nd Consent of the Repr [...]s [...]ntatives of the [...] of the said Province in General Assembly met, and by the Au [...]hori [...] of the same, That upon the Application of any Per [...]on or Pe [...]so [...]s to the Justices of the Gener [...]l Qu [...]rter-Sessions of the Peace, for a Road to be laid out from or to the Plantation or Dw [...]lling-Place of any Person or Persons, to or f [...]om the Highway, the said Justices shall and th [...]y [...]re hereby im­powered to order and direct a View of the Pl [...]ce where the Road is requested to be laid, and Retu [...]n thereof to be made in the same M [...]nner as by the befor [...]mentioned Act of Assembly is directed and appointed; and if a Road shall be f [...]und necess [...]ry, the said Justices shall further order and appoint of what Breadth the said Ro [...]d shall be, so as the same exceed not thirty-three Foot.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Autho [...]ity [...]fo [...]es [...]id, That any Road or Cart-way laid out in pursuance of this Act, not exceeding Thirty-three [Page 474] Foot in Breadth, being first paid for, by the Person or Persons herein after directed to pay for the same, shall then be recorded, and from thence forward shall be allowed to be a common Road or Cart-way, as well for the Use and Conveniency of the Person or Persons at whose Re­quest the same was laid out, as for the Use and Conveni­ency of all such as shall have Occasion to travel to and from the Plantations or Dwellings of such Persons upon whose Application the same Road was laid out, and shall be cleared and maintained by the Persons using the same to and from their respective Dwellings; and if any such Person or Persons being summoned by the Overseers of the Highways to assist in clearing or maintaining any such Cart-way or Road, shall refuse or neglect to attend and give his Assistance in doing the same, shall be subject to the like Penalties, to be recovered in the like Manner as in and by an Act of Assembly of this Province, Entituled, An Act for the Erecting of Bridges and maintaining Highways, is provided and directed in Case of the Non-attendance of any Person summoned to work in repairing of Highways. And if it shall happen that the said Road shall be laid out thro' any Man's improved Ground, then the same shall be valued as in the aforesaid Act of Assembly is directed, and the Value thereof shall be paid to the Owner or Owners of the Land by the Person or Persons at whose Request and for whose Use the same was laid out, and by those who shall use the same as a common Road to and from their own Dwellings.

AND if the Owner or Owners of such Lands through which any such Cart-way shall be laid out, or if the Own­er or Owners of such Lands through which any Cart-way or Road has been already laid out in pursuance of the before­mentioned Act of Assembly, the same Road being only for the Use of a few Families, shall be desirous to hang Swinging-Gates upon such Roads, it shall and may be law­ful for the Justices aforesaid to appoint Persons in the Manner directed for laying out Roads in the aforesaid Act of Assembly, to enquire whether such Gate or Gates may [...]ithout much Inconveniency to the Persons using the said Road, be hung upon the same. And if the Persons ap­pointed to view the Place shall certify to the Justices a­foresaid, that a Gate or Gates may be hung according to the Prayer of the Party, without much Inconveniency to the Person or Persons using the [...], the Justices shall in such Case order and [...]ppoint that such Gate or Gates may [Page 475] be hung accordingly, and that the same shall be made and kept in good R [...]pair by the Owner of the said Land; and made easy for the Passage of the Persons using the said Road, the aforesaid Act of Assembly or any other Law of this Province to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.

CHAP. CCCXXXIX. An ACT for regulating Retailers of Liquors near the Iron Works.

WHEREAS the Erecting of Furnaces for Run­ing and M [...]l [...]ing Iron-Oar, hath proved success­ful and advantageous to the Trade of this Pro­vince in gener [...]l, and if duely encouraged and improved will render our Commerce with Great-Britain of Esteem there, and our Remittances more e [...]sy and benefi­ci [...]l to the Inhabitants here than the Methods heretofore used; AND WHEREAS the Act against Selling Rum and other Liquors near those Furnaces, hath been found useful and necessary to prevent many Inconveniences detrimental and injurious to the said Works, but the said Act is now expired; To the End therefore that the said In­conveniencies may be still prevented, and all due Encou­ragement given to the Undertakers of the said Works, BE IT ENACTED by PATRICK GORDON, Esq with the King's Royal Approbation Lieuten [...]nt Gover­nor under the Honourable Iohn Penn, Thomas Penn, and Richard Penn, Esqrs; true and absolute Proprietaries of the Province of Pennsylvania, and Counties of New Castle, Kent, and Sussex, on Delaware, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Representatives of the Freemen of the said Province in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, That no Person or Persons what­soever from and after the Publication of this Act, shall within the Distance of Three Miles to any Furnace now erected or hereafter to be erected within the said Province, keep a publick House, sell by Permit, or otherwise dispose of any Wine, Rum, Brandy, or other Liquors, (except he or they shall be specially recommended for a Licence or Permit to the Justices of the County where such Furnace is, by a Ma­jority of the Owners of such Iron-Works, near which he or they are desirous of Keeping a Publick House, or Selling Rum, Wine, Brandy or other Liquors) under the Penalty [Page 476] of Forty Shillings for every such Offence, being thereof con­victed by his or their own Confession, or by the Oath or solemn Affirmation of two or more credible Witnesses, be­fore any Justice of the Peace of the County where such Of­fence is committed, to be levied by Distress and S [...]le of the Offender's Goods, by Warrant under the Hand and Seal of the said Justice before whom such Conviction is made, which Warrant such Justice is hereby empowered and re­quired to make, seal and grant. And where Distress can­not be found to be made on the Offender's Goods, it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Justice of Peace, to commit such Offender or Offenders to the County-Goal where the Offence is committed, there to remain without Bail or Mainprize for the Space of Twenty Days.

AND BE IT ENACTED by the Authority a­foresaid, that the Justices of the Peace of the County in which any such Furnaces are erected, upon Complaint to them made, shall, and they are hereby required and en­joined, at any of the General Quarter-Sessions of the Peace to be held for any of the Counties aforesaid respectively, to direct and appoint the Rates or Prices to be taken by any Innkeeper, or other Retailer of Rum, Wine, Brandy, and other strong Liquors whatsoever, to be sold within the Limits or Distances of the Furnaces aforesaid. And if any Innkeeper or Retailer of strong Liquors within those Li­mits or Distances, shall exact, demand, and take any other and greater Prices for any of the Liquors aforesaid, than shall be so directed and appointed by the Justices as afore­said, and shall be thereof convicted [...]y the Oaths or Affir­mations of two credible Witnesses, before any one or more of the Justices of the Peace of the Counties aforesaid res­pectively, every such Offender shall forfeit and pay for each such Offence the Sum of Twenty Shillings to be applied to the Uses herein after directed.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED the Authority aforesaid, That all the Fines, Forfeitures and Penalties mentioned in this Act, shall be and are here­by appropriated, one Half thereof to the Overseers of the Poor of the Township where the Offence is committed, for the Use of the Poor of the said Township, and the other Half thereof to the Use of the Prosecutor.

AND this Act to continue in Force for Five Years, after its Publication, and from thence to the End of the next Sessions of Assembly, and no longer.

[Page 477]

CHAP. CCCXL. An ACT for Vesting the State-House and [...]ther Publick Buildings, with the Lots of Land wher [...]n the same are erected, in Trustees for the Use of this Province.

WHEREAS by the Directions of the Repre­sentatives of the Freemen of the Province afore­said, Andrew Hamilton and William Allen, Esqrs; made Purchase [...] of di [...]ers Lots of Land scituate and being on the South Side of Chesnut-Street in the City of Phi­ladelphia, lying contiguous to each other, and bounded as followeth, viz. Beginning at a Corner on the East Side of the Sixth-street from Delaware, and on the South Side of Chestnut-street, and ext [...]nding thence by the said Ches­nut-street South seventy-five Degrees East three Hundred and ninety-six Feet to a Corner on the West Side of the Fifth-street from Delaware, thence by the same South fifteen Degrees West three Hundred and thirty-seven Feet, thence by other Ground North seventy-five Degrees West one-Hundred forty-eight Fe [...]t and an half to a Line of a Lot of Ground reputed to be vacant, thence by th [...] same these three several Courses and Distances next following, [...]iz. North fifteen D [...]grees East eighty two Feet, th [...]nce Nor [...]h seventy-f [...]ve Degrees W [...]st ninety-nine Feet, thence So [...]h fifteen Degrees West eighty-two Fee [...], thence by o [...]her Ground North seventy-five Degrees West one Hund [...]ed forty-eight Feet and an half to the East Side of the Sixth-Street afores [...]id, thence by the same Nor [...]h fifteen Deg [...]es East three Hundred and thirty-seven Feet to the Pl [...]ce of Beginning.

AND WHEREAS since those Purchases made, a S [...]ate-House and other Buildings have been erected on the Ground afor [...]said at the Charge of the Province, but the Estate and Inheritance therein yet remain in the same An­drew Hamilton and William Allen; NOW to the Intent that the said State-House, Building [...] and Ground aforesaid, may be effectually secured to the Use of this Province, it is thought necessary the Estate in the Premises should be vested in Trustees for the Uses, Int [...]nts and Purposes here­in after specified; to which End BE IT ENACTED by PATRICK GORDON, Esq Lieutenant Gover­nor [Page 478] with the King's Royal Approbation under the Honour­able Iohn Penn, Thomas Penn, and Richard Penn, Esqrs; true and absolute Proprietors of the Province of Pennsyl­vania, and of the Counties of New-Castle, Kent, and Sussex on Delaware, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Representatives of the Freemen of the said Province in Ge­neral Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, That the aforesaid Andrew Hamilton and William Allen as soon as conveniently may be after the Publication of this Act, shall and they are hereby required by some good and sufficient Deed or Deeds, Assurance or Assurances in the Law, to grant, bargain, sell, enfeoff and convey unto Iohn Kinsey of the City of Philadelphia, Ioseph Kirkbride, jun. of the County of Bucks, Caleb Cowpland of the County of Chester, and Thomas Edwards of the County of Lancaster, Esqrs; the Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments aforesaid, and all and singular the Appurtenances thereunto belong­ing or in any wise appertaining, To have and to hold to them the said Iohn Kinsey, Ioseph Kirkbride, jun. Caleb Cowpland, and Thomas Edwards, and the Survivors and Survivor of them, and to the Heirs of the Survivor of them for ever, YET NEVERTHELESS to the Uses, Intents, and Purposes herein after specified, and to no other Use, Intent or Purpose whatsoever, That is to say, To and for the Use of the Representatives of the Freemen aforesaid, which now are, and from time to time hereafter shall be duly elected by the Freemen aforesaid; and to and for such other Uses, Intents and Purposes as they the said Re­presentatives at any Time or Times hereafter in General As­sembly met shall direct and appoint.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, and it is hereby de­clared to be the true Intent and Meaning of these Presents, that no Part of the said Ground lying to the Southward of the State-House as it is now built, be converted into or made use of for Erecting any Sort of Buildings thereupon, but that the said Gr [...]nd shall be enclosed, and remain a publick open Green and Walks for ever.

AND on this further Trust and Confidence, and to this further Intent and Purpose, that they the said Iohn Kinsey, Ioseph Kirkbride, jun. Caleb Cowpland, Thomas Edwards, and the Survivors and Survivor of them, and the Heirs of such Survivor, shall from time to time and at all times hereafter, permit and suffer such Suit or Suits, Action or Actions to be commenced and prosecuted in his or their [Page 479] Name or Names, and to make such Conveyance or Con­veyances of the Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments or any Part or Parcel thereof to the Uses aforesaid, as the Re­presentatives aforesaid in General Assembly met shall at any Time or Times hereafter direct and appoint, so always that they the said Iohn Kinse [...], Ioseph Kirkbride, jun. Caleb Cowpland, and Thomas Edwards, and their Heirs, Executors and Administrators, and every of them, be well and truly indemnified, saved and kept harmless of and from any Costs, Charges, Troubles or Molestations whatsoever, which may arise or happen for or by Reason of such Suit or Suits, Conveyance or Conveyances so to be commenced, prosecuted, made and executed.

At a GENERAL ASSEMBLY of the Province of Pennsylvania, begun and holden at Philadel­phia, the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty-seven, in the Eleventh Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE II. by the Grace of GOD, of Great-Britain, France and Ireland, KING, Defender of the Faith, &c. And from thence continued by Adjournments to the Seventh of August, 1738.

[Page 480]

CHAP. CCCXLI. An ACT for Laying an Excise on Wine, Rum, Brandy, and other Spirits.

PreambleWHEREAS the several Acts for laying an Ex­cise on Wine, Rum, Brandy and other Spirits, retailed within this Province, are now expired, Therefore to the End farther Provision be made for the Payment of the Publick Debts, and defraying the other necessary Charges of Government; BE IT ENAC­TED by the Honourable GEORGE THOMAS, Esq Lieutenant Governor, with the King's Royal Approbation, under the Honourable Iohn Penn, Thomas Penn, and Richard Penn, Esqrs; true and absolute P [...]oprietaries of the Province of Pennsylvania; by and with the Advice and Consent of the Representati [...]es of the Freemen of the said P [...]ovince in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same; That there shall be throughout this Province raised, levied, collected and paid, for all Rum, B [...]ndy, and other Spirits, sold, drawn or bartered, by any Person or Persons whatsoever, by any Quantity under Seventy Gal­lons, and for all Wine, sold, drawn or bartered under the Quantity of one Hogshead, and to be delivered at one Time, and to one Person, at any Time after the First Day of September, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty Eight, and before the First Day of September, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Forty Three; [...]our Pence per Gallon. the Rate or Sum of Four Pence per Gallon, and so proportionably for a greater or lesser Quantity.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That every Retailer of all or any of the said Liquors, before he or they draw, sell, or barter any of the said Liquors, shall enter his or her Name and Place of Abode, Retailer shall en [...]er his Name, &c. with the Collectors of the respective Counties herein after appointed, or their Deputies, in Books to be by them kept for that Purpose, and shall also take and have from the said Collectors, or their Deputies respec­tively, a Permit for drawing or selling such Liquors, for which Entry and Permit, they shall pay One Shilling, and no more.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, That no such Per­mit be granted to any Person or Persons, to retail the Li­quors [Page 481] aforesaid, the Rates and Duties whereof (by this Act imposed) do not amount to the Value of Three Pounds per Annum, and so in Proportion for a lesser Time, Not less than Three Pounds per Annum. unless such Retailer or Retailers, at the Time of their obtaining such Permit as aforesaid, will undertake and give Security (if thereunto required by the said Collectors respectively) well and truly to pay so much to the said Collectors as shall make up the Rates and Duties by this Act imposed, the Sum of Three Pounds per Annum, and so proportionably for a longer or shorter Time.

AND all such Retailers, and every of them, are here­by enjoined once in every Three Months, or oftner if re­quired, to make true and particular Entries with the Col­lectors or their Deputies aforesaid respectively, upon Oath or Affirmation, (which the said Collectors or their Depu­ties are hereby fully impowered to administer) of all Wine, Rum, Brandy and other Spirits, which they or any of them shall have vended, bartered or retailed within that time, and so from time to time during the Continuance of this Act: And shall and are hereby required to account and pay to the said Collectors or their Deputies, Retailers to make Payment once in 3 Mon. respective­ly, once in every Three Months or oftner if required, all such Sum and Sums of Money, as shall become due and payable by Virtue of this Act.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That all and every Retailer of all or any of the Liquors aforesaid, shall on the Entry of their Names and Places of Abode with the Officers afore­said, give unto the said Coll [...]c [...]ors or their Deputies, True Account of Liquors to be given the Col. an ex­act and true Account of all Wine, Rum, Brandy and other Spirits, which shall be in their Possession at the Time of Entry aforesaid, and of whom purchased; and shall also from time to time after the first Day of September next, be­fore they take into their Houses, Shops, Cellars, Vaults or Stores, any Cask or Quantity of Liquors liable to pay the Duties imposed by this Act, make Entry of all and every such Cask or Quantity of Liquors, with the Collectors a­foresaid or their Deputies, respectively, with the Marks, Numbers and Contents thereof, and of whom purchased; and shall receive from him a Certificate or Duplicate of such Entry, if required by the Party; for which Entry and Cer­tificate the said Retailer shall pay Sixpence, and no more.

[Page 482]AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Retailer shall pre­sume to retail, Penalty on Re­tailers not e [...] ­tering, &c. draw, sell or barter any of the Liquors a­foresaid, without having first entered his or her Name and Place of Abode with the Collectors or their Deputies, as this Act directs, every such Retailer shall forfeit and pay the Sum of Five Pounds, over and above the Duties for all such Liquors retailed by them as aforesaid. Or if after such Entry made, any such Retailer shall refuse or neglect to make true and particular Entries every three Months, as directed by this Act; or shall refuse or neglect to account with or pay to the said Collectors, or their Deputies, what shall appear to be due by this Act, upon the Entries made by them as aforesaid, once in every Three Months or oftener if thereunto required, every such Retailer shall forfeit and pay for so neglecting or refusing to enter the Liquors drawn every Three Months respectively, Penalties for neglecting to pay, &c. and to account and pay as aforesaid, for the First Offence the Sum of Forty Shillings, and for the Second Offence Five Pounds, and have their Per­mit or Licence taken away, and are hereby declared un­capable of Retailing or Selling any of the Liquors afore­said, during the Continuance of this Act. And if the Per­son or Persons liable to pay the Duties arising upon selling or retailing of the Liquors m [...]ntioned in this Act, shall neg­lect or refuse to pay the same in the manner and at the times herein limited and appointed, by the Space of Ten Days after the same ought to be paid, it shall and may be lawful for the said Collectors respectively, by Virtue of a special Warrant for that purpose, signed and sealed by any one Justice of the Peace of the City or County where the Offence is committed, to impower the said Collector to le­vy the same by Distress and Sale of the Goods and Chattels of the Offender, rendring the Overplus if any be, to the Owner or Owners, after reasonable Charges deducted.

Liquors not truly entred, to be seized.AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Person shall mak [...] short or fraudulent Entries of the Liquors in his or her Possession as aforesaid, or shall neglect or refuse to enter and take Permits for such Liquors as he or she shall receive in­to his or her House, Shop, Cellar, Vault, Store or other Place, after the said first Day of September next, all such Liquors not entred as aforesaid, shall be forfeited; and the Collectors hereafter named, or their Deputies, are hereby respectively impowered to enter at any time when they shall see convenient, the House, Cellar, Vault, Store or [Page 483] Shop of any R [...]tailer, and to compare the Liquors in such House, Cellar, Vault, Shop or Store with the Entries made, and to seize and take away all such Liquors as shall be found not truly entred as aforesaid.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Collectors may enter Hou [...]es, &c. to search, &c. That the said Collectors or their Deputies may enter into any House, Cellar, Vault, Store or other Room, to search, examine, and gauge the Li­quors of any Person retailing, with or without Licence or Per­mit, as often as he or they shall see fit; and upon their re­fusing him Liberty so to do, he may force and break open Doors to gauge and examine the same; and in Case of Op­position, if necessity requires, shall take to his Assistance the Sheriff or one or more Constables of the Town or County respectively, who without any other Warrant are hereby, under the Penalty of Five Pounds for every Refu­sal or Neglect, required to be aiding and assisting to the said Collectors, and their Deputies, therein, for the better and more effectual collecting the Duties, Penalties and Forfeitures imposed by this Act.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, That there shall be allowed by the Collectors or their Deputies, unto the seve­ral Retailers of the Liquors aforesaid, Allowance for Leakage, &c. Fifteen per Cent. for Leakage and Wastage; and if any Cask should happen to start or burst, no Duties shall be reckon'd for so much of the said Liquors as such Retailers shall prove was lost thereby.

AND BE IT ENACTED by the Autho­rity aforesaid, That Ioseph Wharton, of Philadelphia, Collectors Names. Gent. shall be and is hereby appointed Collector of the Excise, &c. within the City and County of Philad [...]lphia; and that William Atkinson of Bucks County, Gent. sh [...]ll be and is hereby appointed Collector of the Excise, &c. for the County of Bucks; and that Thomas Cummings of Chester County, Gent. shall be and is hereby appointed Collector of the Excise, &c. for the County of Chester; and that Iame Mitchel of Lancaster County, Gent. shall be and is hereby appointed Collector of the Excise, &c. for the Coun­ty of Lancaster; which said several Collectors are hereby se­verally impowered, by themselves, or their Deputies, to be by them duly constituted, and for whom they shall be ac­countable, to demand, collect, receive, and recover the Ex­cise appointed to be paid by this Act, of and from all and [Page 484] every Person or Persons (within their respective Counties and Places for which they are appointed) retailing or vend­ing any of the Liquors by this Act liable to pay the Duties aforesaid, and also to recover and receive all and every the Duties, Fines and Forfeitures laid or imposed, or that shall happen to arise or become due for any thing done contrary to the true Intent and Meaning of this Act.

AND the said Collectors are hereby required to keep true and fair Accounts in Writing, Collectors to keep fair Ac­counts. of all their Doings in the Premisses, which Accounts they shall, when thereunto re­quired, submit to the View and Inspection of the Provin­cial Treasurer, for the Time being; and thereupon settle and adjust the said Accounts, and also lay the same before the Assembly of this Province, when and so often as they shall be thereunto required.

AND the said Collectors and each of them shall once in Three Months, And to make Payment to the Treasurer. or oftener if required, pay unto the Provincial Treasurer all such Sums Money as they shall receive by Virtue of this Act, (to be disposed of as the Assembly of this Province shall think fit to direct) de­ducting out of the same Ten per Cent. for all Sums by them received in the Counties of Bucks, Chester, and Lancaster, and Seven and a Half for the County and City of Philadel­phia, for their Trouble and Care in Collecting and Paying the same, and deducting also one Moiety of all the Fo [...]fei­tures by them recovered for any Offence committed against this Act, after Charges paid and satisfied; and shall be fur­ther allowed in the final adjusting their Accounts with the Assemblies of this Province, all reasonable Charges which may have accrued in prosecuting Persons offending against this Act.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Collectors may be distrained on, and may also distrain. That if the said Collectors, or any of them, shall refuse or neglect to collect the said Ex­cise respectively, or any Part thereof, and pay the same unto the Provincial Treasurer within the Time limited in this Act, every such Collector, so refusing or neglecting, shall pay all the Arrearages of such Excise which he ought to have collected; which shall be levied by a Warrant un­der the Hand and Seal of any two Magistrates of the City of Philadelphia, for the time being (whereof the Mayor or Recorder always to be one) or of any two Magistrates of the respective Counties, where the Offence is committed, direc­ted [Page 485] to the Sheriff of the County, who is hereby impowered and required to execute such Warrant upon the Goods and Chattels of the Collectors so offending, and in Case Goods and Chattels sufficient to make Sattisfaction cannot be found, then to imprison such Offender until Payment be made; and the Collector being so distrained on, and ha­ving made full Satisfaction as aforesaid, is hereby impowered without any other Warrant, to distrain for his own Use up­on all such Persons as shall refuse or neglect to pay the said Arrearages.

AND the said respective Collectors, before they enter upon the Execution of their said respective Offices, are hereby required to give Bonds with two sufficient Sureties [...]o the said Treasurer for the time being, in manner following, Collectors [...] give Bond▪ &c. that is to say, that the said Ioseph Wharton, Collector of the Excise, &c. for the City and County of Philadelphia, in the Sum of Five Hundred Pounds; the said William Atkinson, Col­lector of the Excise, &c. for the County of Bucks, in the Sum of One Hundred Pounds; the said Thomas Cum­mings, Collector of the Excise, &c. for the County of Chester, in the Sum of Two Hundred Pounds; the said Iames Mitchel, Collector of the Excise, &c. for the County of Lancaster, in the Sum of One Hundred Pounds, for the faithful Dis­charge of their respective Duties, and for their respective accounting and paying all such Sums of Money as they shall from time to time receive, by Virtue of this Act.

AND the said Collectors are hereby required to give Pub­lick Notice by printed Advertisements fixed on convenient Publick Places, Collectors [...] publish Ad­vertisements. certifying the Time of the Commencement of this Act, and also the Duties hereby imposed, with No­tice to the Constables of their Duty, and full Directions how and when Entries are to be made in pursuance of this Act.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That in case the said Ioseph Wharton, Thomas Cummings, William Atkinson, and Iames Mitchel, or either of them, shall refuse to take upon him or them to be the Collector▪ or Collectors of the said Duties, or having taken the same upon him or them shall afterwards neglect or decline the same, or misbehave him or themselves therein, or die, during the Continuance of this Act; that then and in any such Case, Tr [...]surer may appoint new Officers, in c [...]se, &c. the Provincial Trea­surer shall appoint another or others in the Place or Stead of such Person or Persons so refusing, neglecting, mis-be­having [Page 486] or dying, who shall have the same Power and Au­thority, and shall be liable to the same Restrictions and Penaltie [...], as by this Act is given to the Collectors herein named, until others shall be appointed by the Assembly.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That no Person or Persons within this Province, shall during the Continuance of this Act, retail less than one Quart of Rum, Wine, Brandy, or other Spirits, to delivered at one time, and to one Per­son; unless such Person or Persons shall be regularly recom­mended to the Governor for the time being, and by him licenced, according to the Direction of an Act of Assembly of this Province, in that Case made and provided. And if any Person or Persons shall presume during the Continuance of this Act, to retail within this Province less than one Quart of Wine, Penalty on re­tailing less than one Quart with­out Licence. Rum, Brandy, or other Spirits, to be de­livered at one time and to one Person, without being legal­ly recommended and licensed as aforesaid, he, she or they so offending, shall forfeit and pay the Sum of Five Pounds over and above the Duties for all such Liquors by them re­tailed as aforesaid, or be committed to the Work-house or Prison of the respective County where the Offence shall be committed, there to be kept at hard Labour, for the Space of Five Months, any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That all and every such Person and Persons, who by Virtue of Licences obtained from the Governor, shall be allowed to retail Wine, Rum, Brandy, or other Spirits, in less Quantity than a Quart as afore­said, every such Retailer or Retailers, who shall apply him, her, or themselves to the Justices of the Court of Quarter-Sessions of the Counties to which he, she or they respectively do belong, for a Recommendation to the Go­vernor to renew their Licences, Condition of Recommenda­tion. for keeping a Publick-House or Houses, and retailing as aforesaid, every such Per­son and Persons, shall on every such Application, and be­fore any Recommendatio [...] obtained, produce Certificates from the Collectors of the said Counties respectively, to which he, she or they belong, of having discharged all Ar­rearages of Money due to the said Collectors, or any of them, for the Rates and Duties imposed; or otherwise the said Justices are hereby enjoyned and required not to recommend such Person or Persons for the Purpose aforesaid; [Page 487] and every such Person or Persons are hereby declared inca­pable of retailing any of the Liquors aforesaid in less Quan­tities than one Quart as aforesaid; and in Case any Person or Persons shall notwithstanding retail in less Quantities than one Quart as aforesaid, he she, or they so offending, shall be liable to such and the same Penalties and Forfei­tures as by this Act is imposed on other Persons.

AND for the better Discovery of Frauds and Abuses, BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for any Justice of the Peace in this Province upon Application made by any one of the said Collectors, or other Person, Justice [...] may summon Evi­dence. to summon any Person or Persons to appear before such Justice, at such Time and Place as he shall appoint, to give Evidence upon Oath or Affirmation, for discovery of Frauds and Abuses com­mitted against this Act. And if any Person or Persons summoned as aforesaid, shall neglect or refuse to appear and give Evidence as aforesaid, he, she, or they so offending, shall for every such Offence be fined by the Justice that issued out the Summons, in any Sum not exceeding Twenty Shillings, and be committed to Prison until paid.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, How Offences against this Act are to b [...] de [...]ermined. That all the Forfeitures and Offences, made, done, and committed against this Act, or any Clause or Article therein contained, shall be heard, ad­judged and determined by such Person or Persons, and in such Manner and Form as herein is directed, that is to say, All such Forfeitures and Offences made and committed within the City of Philade [...]phia, shall be heard, adjudged and determined by any two or more of the Aldermen of the said City; and all such Forfeitures and Offences made and committed within any of the Counties within this Pro­vince, shall be heard and determined by any two or more of the Justices of the respective Counties where such For­feitures shall be made or Offence committed.

AND if the Party finds him or herself aggrieved by the Judgment given by the said Aldermen or Justices, Party aggriev­ed may appeal. he or she may appeal to the Justices of the Peace of the next Court of General Quarter-Sessions of the Peace, to be held for the respective City or County where the Judgment shall be given, which Court is hereby impowered and authorised to hear and determine the same, and whose Judgment there­in shall be final.

[Page 488]PROVIDED ALWAYS, that no Alderman or Justice, who shall sit on the first Hearing of any such Cause, shall sit to hear and determine in the same Cause in case any Appeal shall happen to be made therein.

AND the said Aldermen and Justices of the said City and Counties of this Province, Justices are re­quired to take Cognizance of Offence [...] ag inst this Act. are hereby authorized and strictly enjoined and required, upon any Complaint or In­formation exhibited and brought of any such Forfeiture made and Offence committed contrary to this Act, to sum­mon the Party accused, and upon his or her Appearance or Contempt, to proceed to Examination of the Matters of Fact, and upon due Proof thereof, either by Confession of the Party, or by the Oath or Affirmation of one or more credible Witnesses, to give Judgment or Sentence as before is directed, And to issue out Warrant [...]&c. and cause Sale to be mode, &c. and to award and issue out Warrants under their Hands and Seals for the levying of such Forfeitures, Penal­ties and Fines as by this Act is imposed, for any such Offen­ces committed, upon the Goods and Chattels of such Offen­der; and to cause Sale to be made of such Goods and Chat­tels (if they are not redeemed within five Days) render­ing to the Parties the Overplus, if any be, the Charges of Distress and Sale being first deducted; and for want of suffi­cient Distress, to imprison the Party offending until Satis­faction be made.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That if the said Magistrate, Officer, or any Sheriff or Constable shall be sued and pro­secuted for any Thing done by them in pursuance of this Act, Officers, &c. sued may plead the general Is­sue, &c. he or they may plead the general Issue, and give this Act and special Matter in Evidence, for his or their Justi­fication; and in case a Verdict shall be given ag [...]inst the Prosecutor, or he shall become Nonsuit, or suffer a Discon­tinuance, the Defendant shall recover treble Costs, to be recovered as is usual in other Cases.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That all and every the Con­stables, of the respective Townships or Districts, in this Province, shall and are hereby required unde [...] the Penalty of the Forfeiture of Twenty Shillings for every Refusal or Neg­lect, to return on Oath or Affirmation unto the Court of Quarter-Sessions in their respective Counties, the Names and Places of Abode of all Persons in their several Town­ships or Districts, retailing or vending any Liquors liable to [Page 489] pay the Duties imposed by this Act; and that the Collec­tor of such respective County may and shall have Recourse to the Returns of the Constables for the better Collecting the Duties, Fines and Forfeitu [...]es arising upon this Act.

AND WHEREAS it has been the Practice of divers Persons who were not Retailers of the said Liquors, formerly to draw off certain Quantities of Wine, Rum and other Spirits, and distribute the same amongst their Neigh­bours, on purpose to [...]lude the Payment of Excise; For Prevention whereof for the future, it is hereby enacted and declared, That the Drawing, Sharing of Rum, &c. to be [...]eemed Re­ta [...]ling. Distributing or Sharing of any Rum, Wine, Br [...]ndy or other Spirits out of any Cask or Casks whatsoever in [...]o any Quantity or Quantities less than Seventy G [...]llons each, under Pretence of making it convenient for Carriage or otherwise, shall be deemed and taken to be Retailing within the meaning of this Act.

PROVIDED ALWAYS nevertheless, it shall and may be lawful to and for any Distiller, in this Province, Distiller [...] may sell 5 Gallons▪ &c. to sell to any Retailer or Retailers any Quantity of Spirits of his own Distilling, not less than Five Gallons to one Person, and to be delivered at one Time, first making Entry thereof with the Collector of the County where he resides, with the Retailer's Name and Place of Abode to whom sold, and Number of Gallons, and also at the same Time taking an Oath or Affirmation that the same Spirits by him sold as aforesaid, were bona fide distilled in this Province, and from Materials of the Growth or Produce of the said Province, and are clear of all Mixtures of Rum, or any other Foreign Spirits whatsoever, (and the said Retailer shall account for and pay the Duty thereof to the said Collector, pursuant to the Directions of this Act) any thing herein contained to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.

PROVIDED SALO, That the Collectors of the Excise aforesaid, or any of them, Collectors not to deal in Li­quors. nor their or any of their Deputies, nor any other Person or Persons to be appointed in their or any of their Places or Stead, shall during the Continuance of this Act, vend, barter, sell, exchange or trade in any of the Liquors aforesaid made exciseable by this Act, under the Penalty of Fifty Pounds, Penalty on Of­ficers trading Liquors. to be recovered by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information, by any Person who will sue for the same to Effect, one Half there­of to the Use of the Person so suing, the other Half there­of to be paid into the Provincial Treasurer aforesaid, towards [Page 490] the Support of the Government of this Province; and the Person or Persons duly convicted of any such Offence or Offences against this Act, is and are hereby disabled from acting any longer in their respective Offices; and the Trea­surer aforesaid is hereby authorized and required to name another or others in Lieu or Stead of the Person or Persons so offending, who shall have the same Powers and Authori­ties, and be liable to the same Restrictions and Penalties as the Collectors named in this Act, until others are appointed by the General Assembly of this Province.

AND WHEREAS there are sundry Sums of Money which became due by Virtue of the former Act of Excise, Treasurer to deliver Lists of old outstanding Debts to the new Officers to be recovered, &c. still outstanding, and not receiv'd by the former Collectors; BE IT ENACTED by the Authority afore­said; That the Provincial Treasurer for the Time being, shall deliver unto the Officers appointed by this Act, a true List of all such outstanding Sums of Money as became due upon the former Act of Excise, together with the Names and Places of Abode of the Person or Persons from whom the same are due; and the said Collectors are hereby autho­rized and impowered to demand, recover and receive the same, in the same Manner as the Excise arising upon this Act is directed to be received and recovered, and shall upon Receipt thereof pay the same to the Provincial Treasurer, for the Uses and in the Manner as the other Moneys are directed to be paid by this Act.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority afor [...]said, That this Act shall continue in Force until the First Day of September, which will be in Year OneThousandSeven Hundred FortyThree, and from thence until the End of the next Sessions of Assembly, and no longer.

CHAP. CCCXLII. An ACT to remove the Trustees of the General Loan-Office of Pennsylvania, and appointing others to execute the said Trust.

Preamble.WHEREAS in the Year of our Lord 1729, Andrew Hamilton, Charles Read, Ieremiah Lang­horne and Richard Hayes, were, by an Act of Ge­neral Assembly of the Province of Pennsylvania, [Page 491] nominated and appointed Trustees of the General Loan-Office of the said Province, in the Room and Place of Sa­muel Carpenter, Ieremiah Langhorne, William Fishbourne and Philip Taylor, the former Trustees of the said General Loan-Office, with full Power and Authority to execute the said Trust, by doing and performing all Matters and Things whatsoever, enjoined or required to be done or performed in the Execution of the said Trust, as fully and amply as if the said Andrew Hamilton, Charles Read, Ieremiah Lang­horne, and Richard Hayes had been expressly named, autho­rized and appointed in the Bodies of the several Acts of Assembly by which any Bills of Credit were emitted, re-emitted, or otherwise to be issued, paid or exchanged. AND WHEREAS in the Year 1733, it was resolved by the then House of Representatives, that the Trustees of the General Loan-Office should be removed once in Four Years for the future, altho' they may well behave themselves during that time in the said Office:

AND WHEREAS the said Charles Read is since deceased, and the said Andrew Hamilton requesting to be dis­charged from his Office of Trustee of the said General Loan-Office: It is therefore thought proper, in Pursuance of the said Resolve, to remove the present Trustees, and to appoint others in their Stead to execute the said Trust. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Honourable GEORGE THOMAS, Esq Lieutenant Governor with the King's Approbation, under the Honourable JOHN PENN, THOMAS PENN, and RICHARD PENN, Esqrs; true and absolute Proprietaries of the Province of Pennsylvania, and the Counties of New-Castle, Kent, and Sussex on Dela­ware; by and with the Advice and Consent of the Re­presentatives of the Freemen of the said Province in Ge­neral Assembly met: That after the Tenth Day of October, in the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty-eight, the said Andrew Hamilton, Ieremiah Langhorne, Richard Hayes, and every of them, be and are hereby discharged from executing the Office of Trustees of the General Loan-Office of Pennsylvania; and Iohn Kinsey, Ionathan Robe­son, Ioseph Kirkbride, and Caleb Cowpland, New Trustees appointed. are hereby no­minated and appointed Trustees of the said General Loan-Office of the Province aforesaid, to succeed the said present Trustees, and on the Tenth Day of October aforesaid, to en­ter upon the Execution of their said Trust, to which they are hereby appointed, for holding and ordering of the said General Loan-Office, and for receiving and issuing all Bills [Page 492] of Credit of this Province according to the Directions of any Act or Acts of Assembly of this Province, by which any Bills of Credit have been or shall be emitted and made cur­rent; and for the doing and performing all other Matters and Things enjoyned or required, or that shall be enjoyned or required to be done by the Trustees of the said General Loan-Office, in the said Office, by any of the Acts of As­sembly now made, or that shall be made, during the con­tinuance of the said Acts, or until they shall be legally re­moved from the said Trust, as fully and amply to all Intents and Purposes, as the present or former Trustees of the Ge­neral Loan-Office of the Province of Pennsylvania, now can, or might, or could have done, by virtue of any of the Acts of Assembly, by which the said Trustees therein named were appointed, and as fully as if the said Iohn Kinsey, Ionathan Robeson, Ioseph Kirkbride, and Caleb Cowpland had been no­minated and appointed Trustees in the Bodys of the said Acts of Assembly; each of the said Trustees, before they enter upon the Execution of their Trust, first giving Bond to the Provincial Treasurer for the time being, in the Sum of Three Thousand Pounds, according to the Directions of the said Acts of Assembly, with a further Condition to deli­ver up to their Successors in the said Trust, the Mortgage-Deeds, and all other Things belonging to the said General Loan-Office, when they shall happen to be removed [...]om their Trust, and taking the Oath or Affirmation therein enjoined to be taken by the Trustees, for the due Perfor­manc of their Trust.

Vacancy how to be supplied.AND if any of the Trustees shall happen to die, or be removed for Misfeazance, or for not acting, some other fit Person or Persons shall be appointed in the Place or Places of such Trustee or Trustees, in the Manner directed by the Thirty Thousand Pound Act, made in the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred and T [...]nty-nine.

AND the said Iohn Kins [...]y, Ionathan Robeson, Ioseph Kirkbride and Caleb Cowpland, are hereby further authorised and required, from and immediately after the said Tenth Day of October, to demand, take and receive of the said An­drew Hamilton, Ieremiah Langhorne and Richard Hayes, their Heirs, Executors and Administrators, and of every of them, and of every other Person concerned, all the Mort­gage-Deeds, Bonds and Warrants of Attorney, together with the Books of Records and Enrollments of the same, and all Deeds, Writings and Evidences relating to or con [...]erning [Page 493] the Right or Title of any Lands, Tenements or Heredita­ments, or other Things taken or received by the late Trus­tees into the said General Loan-Office, for Security of Pay­ment of any Sum of Money, and all the Bills of Credit remaining in their or any of their Hands, belonging to the said Loan-Office.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That all the aforesaid Mortga­ges, and Enrollments of the same, or other Deeds, Evi­dences and Writings relating to or concerning any Mort­gage or other Security, for Payment of any Money or Bills of Credit into the General Loan-Office of the Province of Pennsylvania, and all Plate, with the said Bills of Credit now remaining in their or any of their Hands; whether the same be to be re-emitted, sunk and destroyed, or ex­changed for torn Bills, or directed by any Act or Acts of General Assembly to be paid to any Persons for any par­ticular Uses, together with a Schedule or Inventory of the same, shall immediately from and after the said Tenth Day of Oc [...]ber, be delivered with all convenient Speed to the [...]rustees in this Act named, who are hereby impowered to account with the said late Trustees, and to receive the Mortgage-Deeds, Plate, and other Things so delivered, of the said Andrew Hamilton, Ieremiah Langhorne and Richard Hayes, late Trustees, or any other Person whomsoever, having the same in their Hands or Possession, and to lay the several Accounts before the General Assembly of this Province, when thereunto required. And that the Receipt of the said Trustees, by this Act appointed, or any three of them, shall be a sufficient Discharge to the said Andrew Ha­ [...]ilton, Ieremiah Langhorne and Richard Hayes, their Heirs, Executors and Administrators, for such Bills of Credit, Plate, Mortgage-Deeds and Enrollments of the same, or other Writings so delivered.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, that it shall and may be lawful for the late Trustees, or any of them, Late Trustees may have re­course to the Mortgage-Deeds, &c. at any seasonable Time or Times, to have recourse to, and Inspec­tion of all the Mortgage Deeds or Inrollments of the same, with their Indorsements, in order to enable them to account with the Assembly of this Province, or their Committees, or any other Persons to be appointed by the Assembly for that Purpose, if any such Account be required.

[Page 494] Trustees may chuse a Clerk.AND that the said Trustees are hereby impowered to chuse and employ a fit and able Person to be Clerk, for whom they shall be answerable, to serve them in the said Office, during their Pleasure, under the like Qualification enjoyned to be taken by the Clerk in the said Acts, before he enter upon his Office; who shall deliver to the Commit­tee of Assembly, when thereunto required, upon Oath or Affirmation, a true List of [...]ll Mortgage Deeds, taken ac­cording to the Directions of the aforesaid Acts of Assembly. And the Trustees shall themselves keep fair and exact Books of Account, And shall keep Books of Ac­count, &c. Tablewise, of all the Emissions of Bills of Credit, by them let out upon Loan, or otherwise issued out of the said Office, and of the Receipts of the Principal Sums, Quo­tas and Interests arising thereupon, of all the Monies to them paid in, upon all or any of the said several Acts of Assembly. To which Books of Account the Committee of Assembly hereafter to be appointed to audit the said Trustees Accounts, shall have free Access at all seasonable Times; and shall further have delivered to them for the Use of the Assembly, a fair Duplicate of the said Tables by the aforesaid Trustees, with a List of the Receipts of all such Monies paid in, with the Days of Payment; and like­wise have Access to the Mortgage-Deeds and Enrollments of the same, with the Bonds given by the Mortgagers, to the End they may be satisfied, that there is due Credit given to the Province for the Monies or Bills of Credit paid in, and that the same have been again let out, without Delay, to such Persons as have had Occasion to borrow; and that the said Committee may from Time to Time be acquainted with the State of the whole Transactions and Affairs be­longing to the said Loan-Office. Trustees Sa­lary. AND such of the said Trustees as shall undertake and execute the said Trust, shall each of them receive the same like Salaries as are allowed and appointed by the aforesaid several Acts of Assembly to be paid to the former Trustees.

[Page 495]

CHAP. CCCXLII. A Supplement to the Act, Entituled, An Act for imposing a Duty on Persons convicted of heinous Crimes, to prevent poor and impotent Persons being imported into this Province.

WHEREAS by an Act of the General Assem­bly of this Province, See 3 Geo. II. Chap. 310. past in the Third Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE the Second, Entituled, An Act for imposing a Duty on Persons convicted of heinous Crimes, and to prevent poor and im­potent Persons being imported into this Province; Charles Read, late of Philadelphia, Merchant, was appointed Collec­tor of the Duties by the said Act imposed, who is since de­ceased. AND FORASMUCH as the Circumstances of the Province require the said Act should be put in Exe­cution, and no Provision being therein made for appointing another Officer instead of the said Charles Read: THERE­FORE, for remedying that Defect, BE IT ENACTED by the Honourable GEORGE THOMAS, Esq Lieutenant Governor, with the King's Approbation, under the Honourable Iohn Penn, Thomas Penn, and Richard Penn, Esqrs; true and absolute Proprietaries of the Province of Pennsylvania; by and with the Advice and Consent of the Representatives of the Freemen of the said Province in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same; That Thomas Glentworth of Philadelphia, be, and he is hereby nominated and declared to be, Collector of the Du­ties imposed by the before-mentioned Act; and for the do­ing and performing all other Matters and Things appertaining to the said Office by Virtue of the said Act, as fully, amply and largely to all Intents and Purposes, as the said Charles Read in his Life-time was impowered to do, or could or might have done; and as fully as if the said Thomas Glent­worth had been expressly named and appointed Collector of the Duties aforesaid in the Body of the said Act; he thesaid Thomas Glentworth, before the entring upon the Execution of his Office, first taking an Oath or Affirmation before one of the Justices of the Peace of the County aforesaid, (which the s [...]id Justice on Application to him made, by the said Thomas Glentworth, is hereby authorized and enjoyned to ad­minister) for the faithful and impartial Discharge of the Trust by Virtue of this Act committed to him, according to the best of his Skill and Knowledge.

[Page 496]AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That if the aforesaid Thomas Gle [...]tworth shall by any Accident be rendred incapable, or neglect to execute the said Office, or shall misbehave him­self therein, or shall happen to dye, that then and so often it shall and may be lawful to and for the Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen of the City of Philadelphia, or the Majority of them, to supply his or their Place by some other fit and capable Person, who shall thereupon be the Officer for put­ting the Act aforesaid in Execution, until the Assembly shall appoint another.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, That before the said Officers, or either of them, shall do any Thing in Execution of their said Office, they shall each of them respectively take an Oath or Affirmation in Manner aforesaid, faithfully and impartially to perform the Duty and Trust committed to them, to the best of their Skill and Capacity, according to the Direction of the Act aforesaid.

At a GENERAL ASSEMBLY of the Province of Pennsylvania, begun and holden at Philadel­phia, the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty-eight, in the Twelfth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE II. by the Grace of GOD, of Great-Britain, France and Ireland, KING, Defender of the Faith, &c. And from thence continued by Adjournments to the First Day of May, 1739.

[Page 497]

CHAP. CCCXLIII. An ACT for Reprinting, Exchanging and Re­emitting all the Bills of Credit of this Pro­vince, and for striking the farther Sum of 11,110 l. 5 s. to be emitted upon Loan.

WHEREAS, Preamble. thro' the Scarcity of Silver and Gold in this Province, occasioned by remitting the same to Great-Britain, to pay for the Pro­duct and Manufactures of that Kingdom imported hither for the Use of the Inhabitants, sundry Sums of Money in Bills of Credit were formerly emitted, which, by Expe­rience, have been found to be very useful for carrying on the Trade and Commerce of this Province. AND WHEREAS in Pursuance of the Direction of former Acts of Assembly, by which the said Bills of Credit were emitted, a great Part of the same have been sunk and de­stroyed, so that there is not current in the Province at this Time, more than the Value of 68,889 l. 15 s. in the said Bills of Credit, which, since the great Increase of the Inha­bitants as well as the Trade of the Province, is found to f [...]ll short of a proper Medium for negotiating our Com­merce and supporting the Government. AND WHERE­AS it [...]ppears, that great Quantities of counterfeit Bills in the Likeness and Imitation of genuine Bills of Credit of this Province, have been imported among us; which has rendred it necessary to call in all our Bills of Credit, and to emit others of the same Value, but of a different Impression from the former.

TO THE END THEREFORE, That the Wants of those concerned in Trade may be supplied, and the Government supported, and to prevent the Peo­ples being imposed upon by the said Counterfeit Bills, made in Imitation of the present Bills of Credit of this Pro­vince; BE IT ENACTED by the Honourable GEORGE THOMAS, Esq with the King's Royal Approbation, Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Pennsylvania, and of the Counties of New-Castle, Kent, and Sussex on Delaware; under the Honourable Iohn Penn, Tho­mas Penn, and Richard Penn, Esqrs; true and absolute Pro­prietors of the said Province and Counties, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Freemen of the said Province [Page 498] in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same; That indented Bills of Credit of the Value of Eigh­ty Thousand Pounds of lawful Money of America (according to an Act of Parliament; 80,000 l. in Bills to be printed. made in the Sixth Year of the late Queen Anne, for ascertaining the Rates of foreign Coins in the Plantations in America) shall before the Tenth Day of August, next after the Passing of this Act, be prepared and printed on good strong Paper, under the Care and Di­rection of Iohn Kinsey, Ionathan Robeson, Ioseph Kirkbride, Caleb Cowpland and Iohn Wright, the Trustees of the Gene­ral Loan-Office of the Province of Pennsylvania, and at the Charge of the Publick to be defrayed out of the Interest Money arising or to arise upon the Loan of any Bills of Credit formerly emitted, or to be emitted, by any Trustees of the said General Loan-Office; which Bills shall be made and prepared in Manner and Form following, and no other, viz.

Form of the Bills. THIS Indented Bill shall pass current for within the Province of Pennsylvania, according to an Act of Assem­bly of the said Province, made in the Twelfth Year of the Reign of King GEORGE the Se­cond. Dated the Tenth Day of August, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty Nine.

AND the same Bills shall have such like Escutcheon as in the Margent hereof, with such other Devices on the said Bills as the said Trustees shall think fit, as well to pre­vent Counterfeits as to distinguish their several Denomina­tions; each of which Bills shall be of the several and respec­tive Denominations following, and no other, viz.

Number of Bills of each Sort. TEN Thousand of the same Bills, the Sum of One Shil­ling in each of them.

TEN Thousand of the same Bills, the Sum of One Shil­ling and Sixpence in each of them.

TEN Thousand of the same Bills, the Sum of Two Shil­lings in each of them.

TEN Thousand of the same Bills, the Sum of Two Shil­lings and Sixpence in each of them.

[Page 499] THIRTY Thousand of the same Bills, the Sum of Five Shillings in each of them.

FORTY Thousand of the same Bills, the Sum of Ten Shillings in each of them.

TWENTY Thousand of the same Bills, the Sum of Fif­teen Shillings in each of them; and

THIRTY-FOUR Thousand of the same Bills, the Sum of Twenty Shillings in each of them.

AND the said Trustees shall use the best of their Care, Attention and Diligence, during the Printing of the said Bills, that the Number and Amount thereof, according to their respective Denominations aforesaid, be not exceeded, nor any clandestine or fraudulent Practice use [...] by the Printer his Servants or Persons concerned therein.

AND for the perfecting the said Bills, to make them Current within this Province, according to the true Intent and Meaning of this Act; BE IT FUR­THER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That all and every of the said Bills shall be signed by the Persons following, or by Three of them at least, that is to say, Signer [...] [...] Thomas Leech and William Mon­ington of Philadelphia County, Abraham Chapman of Bucks County, Ioseph Harvey of Chester County, and Samuel Smith of Lancaster County, who are hereby nominated and ap­pointed to be the Signers of the said Bills; and shall before they presume to receive or sign any of the said Bills of Cre­dit, take an Oath or Affirmation to the following Effect, to wit. ‘THAT they shall well and truly sign and number all the Bills of Credit that shall come to their Hands for that Pur­pose, by the Direction of this Act, Signer [...] Quali­fication. and the same so signed and numbered will deliver or cause to be delivered unto the Trus­tees of the General Loan-Office of the Province of Pennsyl­vania, pursuant to the Direction of this Act.’

AND for avoiding the Danger of Embezzlement o [...] Misapplication of any of the said Bills of Credit; IT IS HEREBY FURTHER ORDAIN­ED AND PROVIDED, That the said Trustees, after the said Bills are printed, shall deliver them [Page 500] to the said Signers, to be signed and numbered by Parcels, for which the said Signers or some of them shall give their Receipt, Not more than 1000 l. to be delivered for signing at one tim [...]. that is to say, One Thousand Pounds value in the said Bills at one Time, and so from time to time, till all the said Bills of Credit shall be signed and numbered, yet so as that the said Trustees shall not deliver any other of the said Bills to the Signers aforesaid, whilst the Sum in their Custody unexchanged exceeds One Thousand Pounds; of all which Bills of Credit so delivered [...]o be signed by the Trustees, true Accounts shall be kept by the Signers. who upon their Re-delivery of each or any Parcel of the said Bills of Credit by them signed and numbred to the Trus­tees of the General Loan-Office, shall take the Receipt of the said Trustees to charge them before any Committee of Assembly to be appointed for that Purpose.

Signers Re­ward.AND the said Signers shall have Fifteen Shillings a­piece for every Thousand of the aforesaid Bills by them signed and numbered, within Ten Days after the Re-delive­ry thereof to the said Trustees, to be by them paid out of the Interest-Money in the said Trustees Hands.

AND if any of the Persons before nominated to be Signers, shall happen to die or be rendred uncapable of doing his or their Duty by this Act required, Signer dying, &c. the As­sembly to ap­another. the Assembly for the time being shall appoint some other Person or Per­sons in his or their Stead from time to time, until all the Bills hereby directed to be made, be wholly signed and numbred as aforesaid.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Trustees to give Attend­ance for ex­changing the old Bills. That the said Trustees, after the Receipt of any Parcel of the said new Bills, signed and numbred as aforesaid, or some fit Person for whom they shall be accountable, shall give due Attendance at their Office, on every Fourth Day of the Wee [...], and shall deli­ver out the same unto such Persons as shall demand them in Exchange for Bills of the same Value made and emitted by the Direction of any former Act of Assembly of this Province; which said old Bills shall be kept by the said Trustees for their Vouchers, to discharge them of so much of the aforesaid £80000 Value in new Bills as they shall have given in Exchange as aforesaid, before any Commit­tee of Assembly to be appointed for that Purpose, who having duly examined such old Bills so received in Exchange, shall cause the same to be burnt and destroyed in their [Page 501] Presence; Trustees Re­ward for ex­changing. and the said Trustees shall have for their Trouble and Care, in exchanging every 10,000 l. Value of the said old Bills, the Sum of 27 l. 10 s. to be defrayed out of the Interest Money aforesaid.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Limitation of the Currency of the old Bill [...] That all the aforesaid Bills of Credit made and emitted by any former Act of Assembly of this Province, shall, from and after the Tenth Day of Au­gust, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Forty, cease to be cur­rent Bills of this Province, and from thenceforth become null and void, and of no Effect, any Law, Custom or U­sage to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding.

AND the said new Bills hereby directed to be made and signed as aforesaid, to be emitted in Exchange or Loans, New Bill [...] when to b [...] ­come current. as this Act directs, shall from and after the Tenth Day of August, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty-Nine, be the current Bills of this Province, for the Payment and Dis­charge of all Manner of Debts, Rents, Sum and Sums of Money whatsoever, due, payable or accruing upon or by Reason of any Mortgage, Bill, Specialty, Bond, Note, Book-Account, Promise, or any other Contract or Cause whatsoever, as if the same were tendred or paid in the Coins mentioned in such Bond, or other Writing, Book-Account, Promise, Assumption, or in any other Contract whatsoever, and at the Rates ascertained in the said Act of Parliament, and shall be so receivedin all Payments by all Persons whatsoever.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Power of th [...] Trustees, &c. That the said Trustees shall be in and have Capacity and Power to take, hold and enjoy to them and their Successors in the said Trust, all such Lands, Tenements▪ Rents and Hereditaments, and all such Plate as shall be granted them in Mortgage, or which hath at any Time heretofore been granted to any Trustee or Trustees of the General Loan-Office of Pennsylvania, for se­curing the Re-payment of the Money or Bills, formerly lent, or hereby directed to be lent; and also to sell, grant, alien, and dispose of the same Lands, Tenements, Rents, Heredi­taments and Plate in Default of Payment, and also to do, execute, perform and suffer all other Things whatsoever, a [...] fully to all Intents and Purposes as any Trustees of the Ge­neral Loan-Office aforesaid, by any former Act of Assem­bly of this Province may or might have done, executed, [Page 502] performed and suffered: Any Truste [...] dying, the As­sembly to ap­point a new one. And upon the Death or Removal of any of the present Trustees, or of any other that shall be nominated and appointed hereafter, it shall and may be lawful to and for the General Assembly of this Province for the Time being, to appoint some other fit Person or Persons in his or their Place and Stead, who shall have the same Power and Authority as if they had been nominated and appointed by Virtue of this Act.

Trustees to continue in that Of [...]ce but 4 Years, &c.PROVIDED ALWAYS, AND IT IS HEREBY FURTHER ENACTED, That none of the Pe [...]sons herein before nominated or hereafter to be appointed Trustees of the General Loan-Office aforesaid, shall longer continue in the Exercise of the said Office than the Space of Four Years from the Time of such their no­mination as aforesaid, and from thence to the End of the then next Session of Assembly.

But not to be discharged till they have ac­counted, &c.PROVIDED ALSO, That none of the Trus­tees so as aforesaid nominated or to be nominated and ap­pointed according to the Direction of this Act, or any of them, or any of their Heirs, Executors or Administrators, or Securities hereby directed to be given, be acquitted o [...] discharged, for any Thing done or suffered in or about the Trust hereby committed to them, until they have account­ed for and paid and delivered up to the succeeding Tr [...]stees all Bills, Moneys, Securities and Writings belonging to the Loan-Office, and so from time to time during the Conti­nuance of this Act, any thing herein contained to the con­trary notwithstanding: But before any of the present Trus­tees, or such as shall hereafter be appointed Trustees, shall enter upon the Execution of their Trust, or any Part thereof▪ they shall each of them enter into Bond to the Treasurer of this Province, Trustees to give Bond to the Treasurer. in the Sum of Three Thousand Pounds, condi­tioned for the Execution of the Trust and Performance of all Things required of them by this Act, and shall take an Oath or Affirmation, before some Justice of the Peace, in the Words following, viz. Trustees Qua­lification. I A. B. will according to the best of my Skill and Know­ledge, faithfully, impartially and truly demean myself, in the Discharge of the Trust required of me by an Act of As­sembly of this Province, entituled, An Act for Reprinting, Exchanging and Re-emitting all the Bills of Credit of thi [...] Province, and for striking the further Sum of 11,110l. 5 s. to be emitted upon Loan, so as none may be prejudiced by m [...] [...], Privity or Procurement.’

[Page 503]AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That the said Trustees shall lend out the Value of 11,110 l. 5 s. in the Bills hereby di­rected to be made, for and during the Space, 11,110 l. 5 s. to be let out for 16 Years, upon Mortga­ges of Messua­ge [...], &c. and unto the full End and Term of Sixteen Years, from the 15th Day of October, in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hun­dred and Thirty-nine: All which Loans made by Virtue of this Act, shall be made in Sums not exceeding One Hundred P [...]unds, nor less than Twelve Pounds, to any one Person, upon Mortgages of Messuages, Lands, Tenements, Rents and Hereditaments in this Province, whereof the Borrowers stand seized in Fee-simple in their own Right, free from Incumbrances, the Proprietary Quit-Rents, and other Rents charged on the same, and discovered to the said Trustees, only excepted; of which Titles and Clearness, the Trustees are to inform themselves the best they can, by any of the Ways and Means heretofore granted and allowed to the for­mer Trustees of the said General Loan-Office, or to any of them, and shall inform themselves, as well of the clear va­lue of the Titles of all Lands, Houses and Ground-Rents offered in Security, so as to be satisfied that the Lands and Ground-Rents are held in Fee-simple, and are at least o [...] double the Value of the Sums requested to be lent▪ and tha [...] as to the Houses erected upon Ground subject to the Paymen [...] of Ground-Rent, offered in Mortgage, Care shall be taken by the said Trustees, that there be no Rent or Quit- [...]ent in Arrear at the Time of receiving the same in Mortgage, and that the Ground shall be near equal in Value, above the Ground-Rent, to the Sum lent, yet so that the House and Ground be of double Value, for the better Security of the Mortgage-Money. And thereupon the said Trustees, in pur­suance of the Trust hereby committed to them, shall in the Name and Stile of the Trustees of the General Loan-Office of the Province of Pennsylvania, and not otherwise, tak [...] and receive Deeds of Mortgage in Fee-simple of such Messu­ages, Lands, Tenements, Rents and Hereditaments, with the Appurtenances, to secure the Re-payment of the Sums they lend, to be made yearly on the 15th Day of October, by equal Payments, with the whole Interest accrued, at the Rate of Five per Cent. per Annum.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, Former Mort­gagors may re­new their Mortgage [...], &c. AND IT IS HEREBY FURTHER ENACTED, That the better to enable any of the Mortgagors, by any for­mer Act of Assembly, to discharge their Mortgages, it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Trustees, and they are [Page 504] hereby required, to permit those Mortgagors, or their Heirs, or such other Person or Persons to whom they have made o­ver their Right of Redemption and Estate in their mortgaged Messuages, Lands and Rents, to renew their Mortgages re­spectively, if they the said Trustees shall judge them a suffi­cient Security for the Sums thereon due and in Arrear, altho' the same exceed the Sum aforesaid limited to one Person, to be repaid according to the Proportions and wi [...]hin the Times by this present Act limited and appointed.

PROVIDED ALSO, That if any Mortgager of any Messuages, Lands or Rents by this Act directed, his Heirs, Executors or Assigns, shall be minded to pay off and discharge his Mortgage and Security at any other Time than according to the Time specified in his Mortgage-Deed, it shall be lawful for him or them so to do before Sale of the mortgaged Premisses, by paying down the whole principal Sum due and in arrear, together with the Interest and Char­ges then accrued.

Principal Sums &c. not to be sunk, other­wise than by this Act direc-AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That the principal Sums and all and singular the Parts, Parcels and Quotas thereof, or any them, payable to the Trustees of the said General Loan-Office, by the Provincial Treasurer, or any of the County Treasurers, or by the Mayor or Treasurer of the City of Philadelphia, or by any Mortgagor or Person whatsoever; as also the Quotas of the Sum appropriated for Building the State-House, shall not be sunk or destroyed, otherwise, or at any other Time than by this present Act is directed, limit­ted and appointed, any Law, Custom or Usage to the con­trary notwithstanding: But shall be re-emitted, &c. But the same principal Sums, and all other yearly Payments of principal Sums herein-before directed to be emitted on Loans as this Act directs, now in the Hands of the said Trustees, or hereafter to be recovered or received by them, before the Fifteenth Day of Oct [...]ber, Anno Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and Forty-Nine, shall be from Time to Time re-emitted on Securi [...]ies as herein before directed, for the Residue of the aforesaid Term of Sixteen Years. And also, so often as any Mort­gage-Monies, directed to be re-emitted as aforesaid, shall be recovered or received before the aforesaid Fifteenth Day of October, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Forty-Nine, the principal Monies thence arising, shall in like manner, from time to time, be re-emitted again on Securities as afor [...]said▪ And the said Trustees or some three of them, shall weekly [Page 505] attend at their Office on the Third and Fourth Days in eve­ry Week (commonly called Tuesdays and Wednesdays) until the aforesaid Sum of Eleven Thousand One Hundred and Ten Pounds, Five Shillings, shall be wholly emitted, as this Act directs: And afterwards, on the Third Day of the Second Week in the Months commonly called April, Iune, August, October, December and February, in every Year of the Conti­nuance of this Act, and at such other Times as their Duty and Trust shall require; which Deeds of Mortgag [...] shall be fairly entered in Books of large Paper▪ to be provided by the said Trustees, an attested Copy of which Deeds, so entered and certified by the said Trustees or any Three of them for the Time being, shall be and is hereby declared to be good Evidence, to prove the Mortgage thereby men­tioned to be made; Oath or Affi [...] ­mation to be taken by the Mortgagors▪ and on every of the aforesaid Deeds of Mortgage shall be indorsed or added an Oath or Affirmati­on, to be taken by the Mortgagor or Mortgagors, before some or one of the said Trustees, who are hereby impower­ed and required to administer the same, That he, she or they is or are seized of the Hereditaments and Premises thereby granted, in his, her or their own Right, and to his, her or their own Use, and that free from all Incumbrances to the Knowledge of such Mortgagor (the yearly Quit-Rents thence is­suing, payable to the Chief Lord or Lords of the Fee thereof, and such other Rents, if any, as are therein particularly men­tioned and discovered to the Trustees, only excepted); and the aforesaid Deeds being so executed and acknowledged, shall transfer the Possession and vest the Inheritance of and in such Mortgaged Premisses, to and in the said Trustees and their Successors, as fully and effectually as Deeds of Feoff­ment, with Livery and Seizin, or Deeds inrolled in any of the King's Courts of Westminster may or can do.

IN all which Deeds, the Words, Grant, Bargain and Sell, shall be, and be adjudged in all Places and Courts whatso­ever within this Province, to have the Force and Effect of a Covenant, that the Mortgagor notwithstanding any Act done by him, was at the Time of the Execution of such Deed, seized of the Hereditaments and Premises thereby granted▪ of an indefeasible Estate of Inheritance, free from Incumbrances, the Rents so as aforesaid to be discovered to the said Trustees only excepted.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Mortgagor [...] to execute a Bond and Warrant of Attorney▪ &c. That together with every of the aforesaid Mortgage-Deeds, the respective Mortgagor [Page 506] shall execute a Bond of double the Mortgage-Money, con­ditioned for the Payment of the Money borrowed with the Interest, according to the Proviso or Condition contained in each such Mortgage-Deed, and also a Warrant of Attor­ney, impowering such Person or Persons as the Trustee [...] shall appoint, to confess or suffer Judgment, which the said Trustees are hereby required to cause their Attorney to en­ter in any of the Courts of Common-Pleas of this Province, against such Mortgagor as shall make Default in Payment of the Mortgage-Moneys, or any Part thereof, on the said Bonds or Mortgages, for Non-Performance of the Conditions thereof, or in such Actions of Debt as the said Trustees are required to bring for the Value of the said Bills of Credit received by the Mortgagors, whose Titles shall happen to prove defective, together with the Interest and Costs of Suit; in every which Warrant of Attorney shall be inserted a Release of Errors by the Mortgagor.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, NEVERTHELESS, That until some Default be made in Payment of some Part of the Mortgage-Moneys by the Mortgagors respectively; it shall and may be lawful to and for them and their Heirs, to hold and enjoy the mortgaged Premisses, any Thing in this Act, or in their Mortgage-Deeds, to the contrary not­withstanding; but if Default shall be made or suffered in Payment of any Part of the Mortgage-Monies aforesaid, whether of the Principal or Interest, which the Mortgagors, their Heirs, Executors, Administrators or Assigns should or ought to pay, according to the Days of Payment, afore­said, and as in their respective Deeds of Mortgage shall be specified, it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Trustees for the Time being, Two Months after Defaul [...] in Payment Trustees may sell the mort­gaged Premis­ses. after two Months next after Default made as aforesaid, to enter upon the Messuages, Lands, Rents and Hereditaments, respectively in the Deeds of Mortgage specif [...]ed, and the same thereupon to sell and convey to the best Purchaser, and out of the Monies arising by such Sale, to detain and keep the Sums thereon due un­to them▪ with all Costs and Charges relating thereunto, re­turning the Overplus if any, to the Owners of such Lands and Hereditaments, who shall thereupon stand foreclosed of and from all Right of Redemption of the same.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, AND IT IS HEREBY FURTHER ENACTED, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Trustees or any three of them, at any Time or Times before [...]he afore­said [Page 507] Fifteenth Day of October, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Forty-Nine, to lend out in such Manner as to them shall seem best, any Sums in the Bills aforesaid, not exceed­ing One Hundred Pounds nor less than Twelve Pounds to one Person, Good Plate may be taken in Security by the Trustee [...]. on Securities of good Plate at the Value of Six Shil­lings per Ounce, to be repaid to the said Trustees within Twelve Months, with the Interest thereof at the Rate afore­said: And in Case of the Non-Payment to sell and dispose of such Plate for the most it will yield, returning the Over­plus, if any be, to the Owner, after Payment of the Sum [...]ent, with the Interest aforesaid, and all Charges thereupon accrued.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, That where any Part of the Mortgage-Monies hath been paid, the Trustees shall indorse upon the Writ of Execution the real Sum of Principal and Interest due to the said Loan-Office, and the Sheriff shall thereupon proceed as in other Cases of Sale of Lands, to sell so much of the mortgaged Premisses, as near as he can judge, as will be sufficient to pay the whole Debt and Costs; and if any Overplus remain in the She­riff's Hands after the Payment of the whole Monies due to the said Loan-Office, with the Costs and Charges accrued thereupon, the said Sheriff shall render the same to the Debtor or Defendant, his or their Executors or Administra­tors, and put the said Purchaser into peaceable and quiet Possession of the Messuages, Lands and Tenements so sold as aforesaid, who shall hold and enjoy the same to his Heirs and Assigns, as fully and amply as he or they for whose Debt the same shall be sold, might, could, or ought to have done at any Time before the taking thereof in Execution, freed and discharged from all Claim of Dower by any Person claiming under the Defendant for whose Debt the same was sold.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Trustees to in­dorse their Re­ceipts on the Mortgage Deeds, &c. That the said Trustees shall in­dorse upon each Mortgage-Deed their Receipts of all the yearly Quotas to be paid by the respective Mortgagors, which they shall also note on the Counterparts to them produced, when required; for which Receipts they shall be paid by the Mortgagors Six Pence each and no more; and upon the last Payment thereof, the said Trustees shall enter in the Margent of the Inrollment of the Mortgage-Deed the Time of the Discharge thereof, for which they shall receive of the Mortgage [...] Six Pence an [...] no more.

[Page 508] And shall keep fair Accounts, &c.AND the said Trustees shall keep distinct, fair and true Accounts of all the Sums they receive, by Virtue of this and the before recited Acts, respectively, and of what they lend, pay or emit, by Virtue hereof or by Orders of the Assembly, whether in Part of Principal or Interest Monies, and shall have and receive for their Trouble and Service the Sum of One Hundred and Ten Pounds a piece per annum, Trustees Sa­lary. du­ring the Continuance of their Re-emitting on Mortgage, as this Act directs, which will be until the Fifteenth Day of October, Anno Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and Forty-Nine; and afterwards the Sum of Eighty Pounds a piece per annum, during the future Continuance of this Act, which Payments shall be made in Bills of Credit of this Province unto each of them, his Executors or Administrators.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That the said Trustees shall once in every Year, Trustees to ac­count once a Year with Committes of Assembly, &c. or oftener, exhibit their Accounts afore­said unto the Committees of Assembly of this Province ap­pointed for that Purpose, with whom they shall from time to time settle and adjust: And all the Interest Money by them from time to time received being accounted for, and the Salaries and Charges allowed for, by this Act, being deducted, the Residue thereof shall be disposed of as the Assembly of this Province shall direct and appoint; and as for and concerning all yearly Quotas and Payments in the Bills aforesaid, (Part of the Principal Sums to be e­mitted or re-emitted upon Loans as this Act directs) which by Virtue hereof or of any Mortgage or Security heretofore taken or to be taken as aforesaid, shall be recovered or re­ceived, and remaining in the Loan-Office, on or after the Fifteenth Day of October, in the Year of our Lord, One Thou­sand Seven Hundred and Forty-Nine, the Trustees of the Loan-Office aforesaid shall from time to time as they come to their Hands, exhibit the same Bills to the aforesaid Com­mittees, Bills to be burnt, &c. who having duly examined and compared them, shall cause the same to be burnt and destroyed in their Presence.

AND the better to prevent Inconveniencies arising from indulging the Mortgagors to be behind in their Pay­ments hereby directed to be made: BE IT FUR­THER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That the Trustees for the Time being shall, Trustees to keep the Mort­gagors up to their annual Payments· and they are hereby required, to keep the Mortgagors, in pursuance of this Act, up to their annual Payments▪ as by the same Act [Page 509] is directed and appointed: And the Committees of Assem­bly to be annually appointed to audit the said Trustees Ac­counts are hereby directed not to allow of any Quotas in arrear and unpaid which have been due Twelve Months at the Time of the Settlement, excepting only such Sums for which the Trustees have commenced Suit, or otherwise have proceeded according to the Direction of th [...] Act, for the Recovery of the Money due.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, by the Authority aforesaid, That the said Trustees shall, Trustees to c [...]use a Clerk for the better r [...]gulating of their said Office, chuse and em­ploy a fit and [...]ble Person for their Clerk during their Plea­sure, for whom they sh [...]ll be answerable, who shall prepare the Deed [...] of Mo [...]tgage, with the Mortgagors Affidavits, Bonds, Warrants of Attorney, and Releases of Errors, and shall have and receive the following Fees, and no more, viz. for every Mortgage-Deed, recording the same, the Counter­part or Copy thereof, the Mortgagor's Oath or Affirm [...]tion indorsed on the Mortgage-Deed, and the Bond, Warrant of Attorney, and Release of Errors, Hi [...] Fee [...] an [...] Duty. the Sum of Twenty Shillings and no more, to be paid, by the said Trustees, out of the Interest Money aforesaid: And the said Clerk shall keep true Accounts of the Name [...] of all Persons applying to bor­row on Secu [...]ities, as this Act directs, and shall record their Deeds of Mortgage in the same Order of Time as they were executed. And shall once a Year make out a List of the Names of all Mortg [...]gors, by this Act directed, with the Sums they borrow, and Date of their Mortgage-Deeds; and the same List shall deliver to the Committees of As­sembly to be appointed Au [...]itors of the said Trustees Ac­counts: But before any Person, so chosen to be Clerk, shall enter upon the Execution of his Office, he shall take an Oath or Affirmation before some Justice of the Peace, Clerk's Quali­fication. That he will truly and faithfully perf [...]rm the Office and Duty that is directed and required of him by this Act, wherein he will make no undue Preference, unnecessary Delays or fraudulent Practice.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Penalty on [...], &c. That if any Person or Persons shall presume to counterfeit any of the said Bills of Credit, made current by this Act, or any Law of this Province, by printing or procuring the same to be printed, in the Like­nes [...] of the said genuine Bills of Credit; and also, if any Person or Persons shall [...]orge the Name or Names of the Signers of the true Bills of Credit, to such Counterfeit Bills, [Page 511] whether the counterfeiting of the said Bills or Names be done within this Province or elsewhere, or shall utter such Bills, knowing them to be so counterfeited as aforesaid, and being thereof legally convicted, by Confession, standing mute, or by the Verdict of Twelve Men, in any Court of Record within this Province, he, she or they shall suffer Death without Benefit of the Clergy: And the Discoverer or Informer shall have, as an Incouragement for his Disco­very, the Sum of Fifty Pounds, of the Goods and Chat­tels, Lands and Tenements of the Person convicted, and if no such Goods and Chattels can be found, then the Trus­tees of the General Loan-Office shall pay to such Inform­er or Discoverer, his Executors, Administrators or Assigns, the Sum of Ten Pounds. And if any Person or Persons, shall counterfeit any of the said Bills of Credit of this Pro­vince, by altering the Denomination of the said Bills, with Design to increase the Value of such Bills, or shall utter such Bills, knowing them to be so counterfeited or altered as aforesaid, and shall thereof be legally convicted, in any Court of Record in this Province, such Person or Persons shall be Sentenced to the Pillory, and to have both his or her Ears cut off and nailed to the Pillory, and to be pub­lickly whipt on his or her bare Back, with Thirty-one Lashes well laid on: And moreover, every such Offender shall forfeit the Sum of One Hundred Pounds lawful Money of Pennsylvania, to be levied on his and her Lands and Te­nements, Goods and Chattles, the one half to the Use of the Governor, and the other half to the Discoverer; and the Offender shall pay to the Party grieved double the Va­of the Damages thereby sustained, together with the Costs and Charges of Prosecution. And in Case the Offender hath not sufficient to satisfy the Discoverer for his or her Damages and Charges, and pay the Forfeiture aforesaid, in such Case the Offender shall, by Order of the Court where he or she was convicted, be sold, for any Term not exceeding Seven Years, for Satisfaction; and in such Case the said Trustees shall reward the Discoverer of such insol­vent Offender, to the Value of Five Pounds. And every such Counterfeit Bill shall be delivered to any of the said Trustees, to be made Use of upon the Tryal of the Person accused or suspected, and afterwards to be burnt or destroy­ed by the said Trustees, in the Presence of a Committee of Assembly.

AND IT IS HEREBY DECLARED AND ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, [Page 512] That this Act shall be taken and allowed in all Courts and Places within this Province as a Publick Act, and all Jud­ges, Justices and other Persons concerned, are hereby re­quired to take Notice thereof, as such, without pleading the [...]ame specially.

CHAP. CCCXLIV. An ACT for the more effectual preserving the Credit of our Paper-Money, and recovering the Proprietary Quit-Rents.

WHEREAS it has been found by Experience, That Bills of Credit emitted upon Land-Security as a Medium in Commerce, have been of great Service for carrying on the Trade and other Im­provements in this Province; and Money and Gold being now become a Commodity, and generally remitted to Great Britain, in Return for the Manufactures of that Kingdom imported hither;

AND it being objected by the Proprietors of the Pro­vince of Penns [...]lvania, That the Quit-Rents reserved to them and payable in Sterling-Money, are now greatly in Arrear, and that it would be a very great Disapointment to them to receive the same otherwise than in Silver-Money;

AND WHEREAS it would be a Hardship upon the Freeholders of this Province, to purchase Silver to pay their Quit-Rents, and the same might also greatly affect the Credit or Value of our Paper-Money, and render it of less general Use: To remove which Difficulties, and for the Preservation of the Credit of our Paper-Money, our Proprietors having condescended to accept of the Bills of Credit of this Province at the Rate the same are made cur­rent by Law in all Payments, for the Quit-Rents due or to become due to them, on Grants of Land and Lots made before the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty-two, during the Continuance of this Act; the Representa­tives of the Freemen of the Province of Pennsylvania, in Ge­neral Assembly met, in Consideration of the Premisses, have agreed to pay to them our said Proprietors the Sum of Twelve Hundred Pounds in Bills of Credit of this Province, at the Days and Times herein after mentioned, as also the Sum of [Page 512] One Hundred and Thirty Pounds annually, during the Re-emission of the Bills of Credit, to be made current by an Act of the General Assembly of thi [...] Province, past this Ses­sion of Assembly, entitled An ACT for Re-printing, Ex­changing and Re-emitting all the Bills of Credit of this Pro­vine, and for striking the farther Sum of 11,110 l. 5 s. to be emitted upon Loan.

THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by GEORGE THOMAS, Esq with the King's Approbation, Lieutenant Governor under the Honourable Iohn Penn, Thomas Penn, and Richard Penn, Esqrs; true and absolute Proprietors of the Province of Pennsylvania, and Counties of New-Castle, Kent and Sussex on Dela­ware, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Repre­sentatives of the Freemen of the said Province in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same; That there shall be paid to our Honourable Proprietors, or their Order, by the Trustees of the General Loan-Office of this Province, for the time being, out of the Interest-Money made payable to them by Virtue of the Act of Assembly a­foresaid, the Sum of Seven Hundred and Thirty Pounds in Bills of Credit, on the Twentieth Day of October, [...] will be in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hu [...]d and Forty, and also the further Sum of Se [...]en Hundred an [...] Thirty Pounds like Mon [...]y, on the Twentieth Day of October, which will be in the Year of our Lord, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Forty-one, and likewise the Sum of One Hun­dred and Thirty P [...]unds every Year after the said Twentieth Day of October in the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred and Forty-one, during the Re- [...]mission of the Bills of Credit a­fores [...]id, by the Act aforesaid: Which Payments so made, and Receipts for the same from the Prop [...]ietors, or their Or­der or Assigns, being produc [...]d, shall be deemed, taken and adjudg [...]d sufficient Vouchers to discharge them the s [...]id Trustee [...], their Executors and Administrators, of and f [...]om so much of the Interest Money p [...]yable into their Hands, by Virtue of the Act of Assembly afo [...]id.

AND WHEREAS the suffering the Q [...]it-Rents to lye so long in Arrear, has proved not only a real Loss to our Proprietors, but at this Time has brought a very great Charge upon the Province, which we judge may in a great Measure be owing to the t [...]dious and expensive Way provided for the Recovery of the said Rents. Fo [...] Remedying thereof, BE IT ENACTED by the [Page 513] Authority aforesaid, That in Case any Person or Persons holding or claiming any Lands or Lots within this Pro­vince, shall neglect to appear upon publick Notice given, as in and by one Act of General Assembly of this Province made in the Fourth Year of the late Queen ANNE, entitled An ACT for the more easy and effectual Collecting the Pro­prietaries Quit-Rents, is directed and provided, or within the Space of Ten Days after the Time limited by the afore­said Act of Assembly, a [...] pay the Quit-Rents that by him, her or them shall be then due to the Proprietors of Pennsyl­vania, in Bills of Credit of this Province as then current, upon Grants made before the Year One Thousand Seven Hun­dred and Thirty-two, and upon all Grants made afterwards, according to the Tenor of the said Grants; It shall and may be lawful to and for the said Receiver-General, or such Person as he shall appoint for that Purpose, to distrain the Goods and Chattels of the Owner or Possessor of the said Lands, for all such Rents as shall then be in Arrear, or ought to have been paid as aforesaid, and the Distress so ta­ken to carry, lead or drive away, and if such Goods or Chattels shall not be replevied within the Space of Five Days next after such Distress made, then to cause the said Goods and Chattels to be appraised and sold in such Man­ner, and the Money arising by such Sales to be distributed, as by an Act made in the Second Year of the late King Wil­liam and Queen Mary, entituled An ACT for enabling the Sale of Goods distrained for Rent▪ in Case the Rent be not paid in reasonable Time, is in that Behalf directed and appointed.

AND if upon such Suit the Person replevying shall dis­continue his Suit, become Non-suit, or a Verdict pass a­gainst him in the said Cause, the Goods distrained shall be restored by the Person who replevied the same, or he shall pay the Rent in Arrear with Costs of Suit, and such Da­mages only as shall be awarded by the Court.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That where no sufficient Distress can be found, or where the Owners of Lands are not resident within this Province, it shall and may be lawful for the said Proprietors, to cause a Summons to issue in the usual Manner as directed in the Case of Freeholders, against the Owner or Possessor of such Lands, and a Copy of the said Summons to be delivered by the Sheriff or his Deputy to such Owner or Possessor of the said Lands, or to some of his or her Family, Ten Days before the Court to which such Summons is returnable, or to [Page 514] leave a Copy of the Summons upon the Land, in Case there be no Person in Possession of the same, or that the Owner be a Non-Resident, at least Ten Days before the Day of the Return of the Summons, in the Presence of One Witness at least; and in Case of the Non-appearance of the Party by himself or lawful Attorney, then Judgment to be entered against the Defendant for the Rent due with Costs of Suit: And the better to avoid the Expence and Delay often occa­sioned by long and tedious specia [...] Pleadings, it shall and may be lawful and sufficient for the said Proprietors, where any Action or Suit shall be brought or Distress made for Quit-Rents due to them, to declare generally as Proprietors of Pennsylvania, upon an Insimul computassent in Debt or otherwise to avow as the Case may require for so much Quit-Rent due to them, out of the Lands or Lots, &c. for so many Years in Arrear, to which the Defendants may appear, and plead that he, or those under whom he claims, hath or have paid the whole or some Part of the Rents de­manded, as the Cause may be, or that he made a lawful Tender of all the Monies due for Rent in Arrear, and is still ready and offers to pay the same; and if Verdict or Judgment be given for such Defendant, he shall thereupon be discharged without Payment of Costs.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, That nothing here­in contained shall be deemed to repeal or disannul the a­foresaid ACT of General Assembly for the more easy and ef­fectual Collecting of the Proprietaries Quit-Rents, except such Part thereof as is hereby altered or other Provision made by this Act; and that this Act continue until the Fifteenth Day of October in the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred and Forty-Nine, and no longer.

CHAP. CCCXLV. A Supplement to the ACT for Electing Members of Assembly, &c.

[...]WHEREAS notwithstanding the just and impar­tial Method prescribed for Electing of Members of Assembly by the Charter of Privileges granted by the Honourable William Penn, See [...] Chap [...] and [...] Chap. [...]. Esq late Pro­ [...]tor and Governour in Chief of the Province of Pennsylva­nia, and Counties of New-Castle, Kent and Sussex on Delaware, to the Inhabitants thereof, and of the several Acts of General [Page 515] Assembly of the said Province made in Pursuance of the said Charter, for the more free, impartial and peaceable Election of Members to serve in the General Assembly of the said Province, and of Sheriffs, Coroners, Commissioners, Asses­sors, and of Inspectors to assist in the said Election: It hath nevertheless been found upon Experience, That the present Method prescribed by the Laws of this Province for choosing Inspectors to assist the Sheriff, and for receiving the Poll or Votes at the said Elections, hath not answered the good Purposes for which it was intended; but great Numbers of disorderly Persons, many of whom not being qualified to vote for Members of Assembly, &c. have mixed themselves among the Electors at the Time of choosing In­spectors, and have by their rude and disorderly Behaviour disturbed the Electors, and created Strifes and Quarrels, to the great Danger and Disquiet of the peaceable People there met together, and in Delay of the said Elections.

AND WHEREAS it often happens, that the said Inspectors are chosen most or all of them out of one Part of the Country, and by reason thereof cannot be so well acquain­ted with the Estates and Circumstances of all the Electors, which was the principal End of their first Appointment.

FOR remedying of which Inconveniencies for the fu­ture, BE IT ENACTED by GEORGE THOMAS, Esq with the King's Approbation, Lieu­tenant Governor, under the Honourable Iohn Penn, Thomas Penn, and Richard Penn, Esqrs; true and absolute Proprietors of the Province of Pennsylvania, and the Counties of New-Castle, Kent, and Sussex upon Delaware ▪ and with the Advice and Consent of the Representatives of the Freemen of the said Province in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same; That the Justices of the respective Counties within this Province, Justices to di­vide their Counties into eight Districts. shall at their next General Quarter-Sessions of the Peace to be held for the County to which they belong, next after the Publica­tion of this Act, proceed to divide their Counties into Eight Districts or Hundreds, allotting as near as may be an equal Number of the adjacent Townships to each District, and shall cause the Clerk of the Peace to enroll or preserve the same among the Records or Proceedings of the said Court, and to deliver to the Sheriff of the respective Counties an Account of the several Districts or Hundreds within the County, as directed by the Justices aforesaid, with the Names of the several Townships in each of the said Districts, [Page 516] all which the said Sheriff shall make known to rhe respec­tive Constables within his County with all Expedition, that they may thereby be the better enabled to discharge their several Trusts in Pursuance of the Directions of this Act.

Freeholders to meet in each Township, & nominate, &c.AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED That the Freeholders and others qualified to elect Members of Assembly, in each Township, shall meet on the Twenty-fifth Day of September yearly, but if the same shall happen upon a First Day of the Week, then upon the next Day fol­lowing, at some convenient▪ Placewithin their said respective Townships, to be appointed by the Constable of the said Township, or in Case of his Absence, Neglect or Refusal, then at such convenient Place within such Township as the Overseers of the Poor shall appoint; and the said Electors being qualified to vote for Members of Assembly, shall be­tween the Hours of Nine in the Forenoo [...] and Two in the Afternoon the same Day in the Presence of the Constable, and such two Freeholders as he shall call to his Assistance, or in his Absence, &c. the Overseer of the Poor, pro­ceed by a Majority of Voices to nominate one able and discreet Freeholder of the said Township, who may be sup­posed to be best acquainted with the Estates and Circum­stances of the Inhabitants, The Name of the Person no­minated to be given to the Sheriff, &c. the Name of which Person so nominated and chosen is to be taken down in Writing by the Constable or Overseer of the Poor, as the Case shall happen, with the Name of the Township for which he is chosen, and shall be delivered to the Sheriff of the County at the Place of Election, or to such Person or Persons as shall happen to be Judges of the Election, before the Hour of Nine in the Forenoon of the Day whereupon the Election of Members of Assembly shall happen: And the Sheriff or other Judge of the Election, having then and there re­ceived the Names of all the Persons chosen for the respec­tive Townships within his County, or so many of them as shall be delivered to him in Manner aforesaid, he shall call to his Assistance at least four Freeholders of the County, and in their Presence shall put all the Names of the Persons returned for each District into a separate Box to be provided by him for that Purpose; and shall likewise in the Pre­sence of the said Freeholders call some indifferent Person, who shall draw one Name out of each Box, and deliver the same to the Sheriff or other Judge of the Election, which being done, the Persons whose Names shall happen to be drawn and being present, shall for that Year be the Inspec­tors of the Election, and as such shall be published by the [Page 517] Sheriff in the Presence of the Electors, or so many of them as shall be present.

AND BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Inhabitants of each Ward in Philadelphia. to me [...]t, &c. That it shall and may be lawful for the Inhabi­tants of the respective Wards of the City of Philadelphia, qualified to vote for Members of Assembly, to meet toge­ther at the Time herein before mentioned for the Meeting of the Inhabitants of the respective Townships in this Pro­vince, and at some convenient Place within their respective Wards to be appointed by the Constable of the Ward to which he belongs, of which publick Notice shall be given in Writing, &c. by affixing the same upon the Court-House Door in Philadelphia at least Six Days before the said Twenty-fifth of September, and there shall in the Presence of the Constable of the Ward and such two Freeholders of the s [...]id Ward as he shall call to his Assistance, proceed by a M [...]jority of Voices, to nominate one substantial Freeholder of Ability and Integrity residing within the said Ward, whose Name when so chosen shall be taken in Writing, and certified by the Constable and Freeholders aforesaid, to the Sheriff of the County or other Judge of the said Election, in the Manner before directed for the Constables of Town­ships; and the Sheriff shall put the Names of all the Persons so to him returned into a Box, and shall call some indifferent Person who shall draw four of the said Names out of the said Box, and deliver the same to the Sheriff, who shall read the same publickly in the Presence of the Electors then pre­sent: And the four Persons whose Names shall so happen to be drawn, shall together with the Inspectors chosen out of the several Districts of the said County, be the Inspectors for that Year for the Election, and as such shall be qualified in the Manner before directed for other Inspectors, and the o­ther six Persons whose Names shall remain in the Box, shall be the Inspectors for that Year for the City of Philadelphia, and shall be qualified in Manner aforesaid.

BUT before they proceed to act in assisting the Sheriff to receive the Poll or Votes of the said Electors, [...] they shall be qualified by Oath or Affirmation by the Sheriff of the proper County, or other Judges of the Elections, who are hereby required and impowered to administer the same; That they the said Inspectors will duely attend the ensuing Election, during the Continuance thereof, and will truly and f [...]ithfully assist the Sheriff, Coroners or other Judges of the said [...], to prevent all Frauds and Deceipts what­soever [Page 518] of Electors or others in carrying on the same, and in causing the Poll or Votes at such Election to be taken and cast up according to the Direction of the before-recited Act.

Inspectors may qualify Electors, &c.AND the said Inspectors shall and are hereby autho­rised to administer to every Elector or Person who presents his Ticket, an Oath or Affirmation in the Words directed by the aforesaid Act of Assembly, unless the Qualification of such Elector be generally well known, and some one or more of the said Inspectors shall and will openly declare to the rest that they know such Elector to be qualified as in the aforesaid Act of Assembly is required; and the Votes or Tickets of such as offer to Poll and refuse to take the said Oath or Affirmation, shall be openly rejected, and the Votes or Tickets of every Person who takes the said Oath or Affirmation, shall with the other lawful Tickets or Votes be put into the Box, and no Ticket so received shall be suppressed.

Constables to give publick Notice, &c.AND to the End this Act may be duely executed and the Peace preserved; BE IT THEREFORE E­NACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That the Con­stables of the respective Townships within the several Coun­ties of this Province, or in case of the Death, Neglect or Ab­sence of the said Constables, then the Overseers of the Poor of such Township, or one of them, shall at least Ten Days before the said 25th Day of September in every Year, give publick Notice in Writing, by affixing the same at the most publick Places in the respective Townships, of the Place where the Inhabitants of the Township in which they live, shall meet, to nominate a fit Person, according to the Di­rection of this Act; and that the said Constable, or in his Absence the Overseer of the Poor as aforesaid, shall there attend at the Time appointed in this Act; and such Con­stable or Overseer of the Poor shall call to his Assistance two substantial Freeholders of the said Township, being there present, who shall assist him in judging of the said No­mination, or in taking the Poll, if need be, and who together with himself shall certify to the Sheriff of the County or other Judge of the Election, under their Hands, that such Person was nominated by a Majority of lawful Voices, by the Township to which he belongs; which Nomination so made as aforesaid shall be delivered to the Sheriff, &c. of the County to which they belong, in the manner herein be­fore directed.

[Page 519]AND if any Constable or Overseer of the Poor being the Judge of such Nomination as aforesaid, Penalty on Constables, &c. neglecting the Duty re­quired of them by this Act. shall neglect to do the Duty hereby enjoined him, or shall wilfully misbe­have himself in the Execution of his Duty, and being there­of legally convict, or if any of the Persons so nominated and returned, for any Township within this Province, in the manner before directed, shall neglect or refuse to give his Attendance at the Time and Place of Electing Members of Assembly, every such Person so offending in any of the Premises, shall forfeit the Sum of Five Pounds, to any Per­son who will sue for the same, to be recovered by Action of Debt in any Court of Record within this Province, with Costs of Suit; and if the Person whose Name shall happen to be drawn being called shall not appear, then the Name of another Person belonging to the same District shall be drawn, and shall be qualified and proceed to officiate as an Inspector, in the Manner before directed in this Act for In­spectors.

AND BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That an Act of Assembly of this Province, enti­tuled, A Supplementary ACT, to the Act for ascertaining the Number of Members of Assembly, and to regulate Elections, and every Article and Clause therein, shall be and is hereby re­pealed.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, That nothing here­in contained, shall be deemed or taken to alter or make void the said recited Act of General Assembly made in the Fourth Year of the Reign of the late Queen Anne, or any thing therein contained, but that every Clause, Article and Sentence therein, except what is hereby altered or supplied, shall be and remain in full Force and Virtue, as the same was before the making of this Act, or the aforesaid Supple­mentary Act hereby repealed.

THIS Act to continue for the Space of Three Years, and from thence to the End of the next Session of Assem­bly, and no longer.

[Page 520]

CHAP. CCCXLVI. An ACT for the more easy and speedy Reco­very of small Debts.

WHEREAS it is found by Experience, that a great [...]umber of the Law-Suits which are com­menced in this Province, Preamble. are brought against the poorer Sort of People, for small Sums of Money, who are unable to bear the Expences arising by the common Method of Prosecution; Therefore, for Remedying there­of,

BE IT ENACTED by GEORGE THO­MAS, Esq with the King's Royal Approbation, Lieute­nant Governor, under the Honourable Iohn Penn, Thomas Penn and Richard Penn, Esqrs; true and absolute Proprie­taries of the Province of Pennsylvania, and of the Counties of New-Castle, Kent and Sussex on Delaware, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Representati [...]es of the Freemen of the said Province in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, That all Actions for Debt or other Demand, Actions for Debt under 5 l. cognizable before any one Justice, &c. for the Value of Forty Shillings, and upwards, and not exceeding Five Pounds (except such Actions as are herein after excepted) shall immediately af­ter the Publication of this Act, be and are hereby made cognizable before any Justice of the Peace of any of the Coun­ties in this Province, in the County in which the Defendant shall be or reside; and the said Justices are hereby respective­ly impowered and required, upon Complaint to either of them made, for any such Debt or Demand, to issue a War­rant in the Nature of a Summons, or Capias, as the Case may require, directed to the Constable of the Township or Dis­trict where the Defendant dwells or can be found, com­manding him to bring or cause such Defendant to appear before him, at the Time and in the Manner following, (That is to say) In Cases where such Process shall be in the Nature of a Capias, forthwith after [...]he Service thereof; but where a Summons shall be issued▪ then on some certain Day tderein to be expressed, not les [...] than five nor exceed­ing eight Days from the Date of su [...]h Process; and at the Time appointed for the Hearing [...] any such Cause, the said Justice, himself, or at, the Requ [...]t of the Parties, by Audi­tors or Referees to that Purpose by him appointed, and [Page 521] approved of by the said Parties, shall proceed to hear and examine the Proofs and Allegations of the Plaintiff and De­fendant; and upon the Return of such Auditors, or other­wise, to give his Judgment thereupon, as the true Merits and Right of the Cause shall appear to him, with such Costs only as by the Laws of this Province are allowed in Debts under Forty Shillings.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, that the Process a­gainst a Freeholder shall be by Summons only, Process against a Freeholder to be by Sum­mons, &c. and Ser­vice shall be made thereof on the Person, or a Copy there­of lest at the House of the Defendant, in the Presence of one or more of his Family or Neighbours, or least four Days before the Time appointed for a Hearing; and in Case the Defendant does not appear at the Time appoin­ted, then on Oath or Affirmation made by the Constable, that the said Summons was duly served in Manner aforesaid, the Justice who granted the same Summons, may either then, or on such farther Day as he shall deem consistent with Reason and the Nature of the Case to appoint, and not otherwise, proceed to hear and determine such Cause or Causes in the Defendant's Absence, and give Judgment and award Execution thereupon, as if the Defendant had been personally present.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, After Judg­ment Execu­tion to be granted, &c. That after Judgment given in any of the Cases aforesaid, the Justice who pronounced the same, shall grant Execution thereupon, directed to the Constable aforesaid, commanding him to levy the Debt or Damages and Costs of the Defendant's Goods and Chattels (who by Virtue thereof shall within the Space of Ten Days next following expose the same to Sale by publick Vendue, returning the Overplus, if any be, to the Defendant) and for Want of sufficient Distress, to take the Body of such De­fendant into Custody, and him or her to carry and convey to the Common Goal of the County; and the Sheriff or Keeper of such Goal is hereby required to receive the Per­son or Persons so taken in Execution, and him, her or th [...]m safely to keep, until the Sum recovered, with Costs, be fully paid; and in Default of such safe Keeping, to be liable to answer the Damages to the Party grieved, in such Manner as by Law is provided in Case of Escapes. In Case no [...] on Land [...] [...]. BUT in C [...]se no Assets b [...]longing to the D [...]fendant, suffi­cient to pay the D bt and Costs, can be found, it shall and may be lawful for the Plain iff to apply to the justice who [Page 522] pronounced the Judgment, for a Transcript thereof, and on filing the same in the Prothonotary's Office of the Court of Common Pleas in that County in which the Recov ery shal be had, it shall and may be lawful for the Plaintiff to levy the Sum recovered, with Costs of Suit, on the Lands and Te­nements of the Defendant, either by Fieri facias, Venditioni exponas, or Extent, as the Case may require, in like Man­ner as by Law is provided in other Cases.

PROVIDED ALWAYS. That no such Execu­tion shall be issued against any Freeholder, No Execution to be issued a­gainst a Free­holder, in less than three Months, unless &c. in less than the Space of Three Months next after the Entry of such Judgment, unless the Plaintiff, or Somebody for him or her, shall on Oath or Affirmation declare, that he or she hath good Rea­son to believe that the Debt will by such Delay be lost, for that at the End of the said Term, or before it (he or she believes) the Defendant will not have sufficient Assets in the County on which the said Debt may be levied. And if any Judgment to be given as aforesaid, shall be against a Person not a Freeholder, such Person shall have the Execu­tion against him or her respited for like Term of Three Months, on his or her entering into Recognizance to the Plaintiff, with one sufficient Security in the Nature of Spe­cial Bail, on Condition to deliver the Body of the Defen­dant to the Sheriff of the County, at the Expiration of the Time so to be allowed, or that the Condemnation-Money shall then be paid; and in Default of giving such Security, shall be committed to the common Goal of the County, there to remain until the Debt and Costs shall be paid, or such Defendant otherwise legally discharged.

PROVIDED ALSO, That where the Plain­tiff in any Cause shall become nonsuit, or Judgment shall pass against him, then the Justice is hereby required to as­sess the Defendant his reasonable Costs, to be levied in Manner aforesaid.

PROVIDED ALSO, That it shall and may be lawful for the Justices of the respective Courts of Com­mon Pleas, Insolvent Deb­tors may be reliev'd, as be­fore. to give such Relief to any insolvent Debtor or Debtors prosecuted in pursuance of this Act, as they might have done by the Laws now in force, in case this Act had not been made.

PROVIDED ALSO, [...] Person or Persons shall conceive him, [...] aggrieved [Page 523] by any such Judgment so to be given, Persons con­ceiving them­selves aggriev­ed may appeal, &c. (Cases determined on the Return of Auditors or Referrees as aforesaid only ex­cepted) it shall and may be lawful for such Person or Per­sons at any Time within the Space of Six Days next fol­lowing the Giving of such Judgment, but not after, to appeal therefrom to the next Court of Common-Pleas to be holden for the County in which such Suit shall be com­menced, he, she or they first entring into Recognizance with at least one sufficient Security, at least in double Value of the Debt or Damage sued for, and sufficient to answer all Costs, to prosecute the said Appeal with Ef­fect, and to abide the Order of the said Court, or in default thereof to be sent by Mitimus, to the Sheriff of the County, by him to be kept, until he, she or they shall give such Se­curity, or be otherwise legally discharged.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Justices to m [...]ke fair E [...] ­tries in Books, &c. That the said Justices shall cause fair Entries to be made in Books by them to be pro­vided for that Purpose, of the Names of the Plaintiff and Defendant in all such Causes as may come before them, with the D [...]bt and Costs adjudged, and the time when the same Judgment was given; and upon any Appeal made from any such Judgment, the Justice who pronounced the same shall send a Transcript thereof to the Prothonotary of the Court of Common-Pleas of the County in which such Ap­peal is made, on or before the first Day of the Term next following any such Appeal; for which Transcript or any other obtained by Virtue of this Act, the Justice shall be al­lowed in the Costs to be taxed Eighteen Pence, and no more.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That at the Court to which any such Appeal shall be made, Method of Proceeding in Court upon Appeal. the Person so Appealing shall cause an Entry of his Suit to be made by the Prothonotary of such Court, and shall either have his Appearance entred, or give Bail to the Action, as the Nature of the Case may require; or on Neglect thereof, and Application of the Appellee to the Court for that End, the Ap­pellant's Default shall be recorded, the first Judgment affirmed with reasonable Costs, and Execution shall be issued out of the said Court against the Defendant's Body, Goods or Chattels, as is usual in other Cases. A [...] in Case the Defendant shall appeal or give Bail as aforesaid, the Plain­tiff or Defendant in the Appeal (as the Case may require) shall fil [...] his or her Declaration, and the adverse Party [Page 524] plead to issue in such Time as shall be directed by the Court, so always that the Cause be tryed by a Jury of the Country, in the usual Manner, either the Court to which such Appeal is made, or the next Term at farthest (unless the Court on Cause to them shewn, shall think fit to give the Parties a farther Day) and as the Verdict shall be ren­dered in any of the said Causes, the Court shall give Judg­ment thereupon, as the Nature of the Case may require, with Costs of Suit.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, That if the Parties Appellant and Appellee shall neglect or refuse to file his or her Declaration, or to plead to issue in such Time as shall be directed by the Court, a Nonsuit or Judgment by Default may be entered for want thereof as usual.

PROVIDED ALSO, That the Costs to be taxed in any such Suit, to the several Officers, and others concerned, [...] the Services by them respectively to be done, shall be two third Parts only of the Costs now usually taken in the said Courts of Common-Pleas.

PROVIDED ALSO, That none of the Jus­tices who by Virtue of this Act shall hear and deter­mine any of the Causes aforesaid out of Court, shall after­wards sit on the Hearing and Determining the same Cause on an Appeal made to any of the Courts of Common-Plea [...] aforesaid.

Penalty on commencing Suits made cognizable by this Act, in a­ny other Man­ner.AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Person or Persons whosoever, shall commence, sue or prosecute any Suit or Suits, for any Debts or Demands made cognizable as afore­said, in other Manner than is directed by this Act, and shall obtain a Verdict or Judgment therein for Debt or Damages, which without Costs of Suit shall not amount to more than Five Pounds (not having caused an Oath or Affirmation to be made before the obtaining of the Writ of Summons or Capias, and filed the same in the Prothonotary's Office re­spectively, that he, she or they so making Oath or Affir­mation, did truly belive the Debt due, or Damage sustain­ed, exceeded the Sum of Five Pounds) he, she or they so prosecuting, shall not recover any Costs in such Suit, any Law, Usage, or Custom to the contrary notwithstanding.

[Page 525]PROVIDED ALSO, That this Act, nor any thing herein contained, shall be deemed, construed, or un­derstood to extend to Actions of Debt for Rent, Debt upon Bonds for Performance of Covenants, to Actions of Cove­nant, to Actions of Replevin, or upon any real Contract; nor to Actions of Trespass on the Case for Trover and Con­version, or Slander; nor to Actions of Trespass for Assault and Battery, or Imprisonment; nor to such Actions where the Title of Lands shall any wise come in Question.

PROVIDED ALSO, That this Act shall con­tinue in Force for the Space of Three Years, and from thence to the End of the next Sessions of Assembly, and no longer.

CHAP. CCCXLVII. A Supplement to an Act of Assembly of this Pro­vince, entituled An ACT prescribing the Forms of Declarations of Fidelity, Abjuration and Af­firmation instead of the Forms heretofore requi­red in such Cases.


CHAP. CCCXLVIII. An ACT for the better enabling divers Inhabi­tants of the Province of Pennsylvania, to trade and hold Lands within the said Province.

WHEREAS, by the Royal Charter of the late King Charles the Second, to William Penn, Esq late Proprietary and Governour of the Province of Pennsylvania, Licence is granted to all Persons not specially forbidden, to transport themselves and Fami­lies into the said Province, in such Shipping as by the Laws of the Kingdom of England they ought to use, paying the Customs therefore due, and here to settle themselves, dwell and inherit, and plant for the publick and their own private Advantage; with Licence to purchase and hold Lands in Fee-simple, or otherwise, of the said Proprietary and his [Page 526] Heirs, with full Licence to all Persons who shall from time to time repair hither with a purpose to inhabit, or trade with the Natives of this Country, to load, freight, and transport, all and singular their Goods, Wares and Merchandizes, not pro­hibited by the Laws and Statutes of England, into any Ports whatsoever of the said late King, his Heirs and Successors, ac­cording to the Laws made or to be made within the said King­dom of England, saving always to the said late King, his Heirs and Successors, the legal Impositions, Customs or other Duties, due or to become due by any Law or Statute for the said Wares or Merchandizes, as by the said Royal Charter, among other Things, may more fully appear.

AND WHEREAS, Ioannes Dylander, Christian Grassold, Henry Shocklier, Michael Iansen Halling, Daniel Steinmetz, Iohannes Smith, David Deshler, Hans George Pas­sage, David Seesholz, Stephen Greiff, Hans George Hickner, Sebastian Mirry, Rudolph Bonner, Baltzazar Resser junior, Iohannes Zacharias, Charles Benzel junior, Daniel Mackned junior, Iustus Reebe Camp, Charles Reebe Camp, Iacob Gallete, Anthony Hinkel, Peter Righter, William Rerigh, Henry Shoub, Christopher Rhoab, Caspar Singer, Ludovick Knaus, William Hauke, Leonhard Cristler, Iohannes Wilhelm, Ludovick Cirkel, Ludovick Hinnige, George Creesman, Friedrick Gotshall, An­dreas Trombouer, Iacob Trombouer, Hartmann Dettermer, Philip Enghert, Leonhard Hartlein, Michael Kleim, Ioseph Cub, Henry Deenig, Iohan Dieterick Bauman, Iohan Kleim, Friedrick Marstaller, Matthias Koplin, Iohannes Bender, Henry Deeringer, Adam Moser, Peter Iarger, Samuel Gooldin, Hans George Iarger, IacobFrey, Christopher Witman, Andreas Geis­berts, Andreas Iager, Iacob Aister, Andreas Kepler, Bene­dictus Muntz, Iohan Eigster, Michael Herger, Philip Haan, Conrad Dotterer, Bernhard Dotterer, Herman Fischer, Fried­rick Hillengas, Philip Labar, Michael Knappenberger, Michael Dotterer, George Hubner, Conrad Kolb, George Philp Dotterer, Iohan, Miller, Iacob Freeh, Henry Smith, Leonhart Smith, Row­land Smith, Michael Kraus, Daniel Kr [...]tman, Abraham B [...]yer, MichaelGood, George Good, Henry Sneyder Adam Reed, Christo­pher Ottinger, Anthony Iager, Nicolas Iager, Iohan Henry Weeber, Iohan Iacob Roth, Iohann [...]s Geldbag [...], and Christian Gondy, Inhabitants of the City and County [...]f Philadelphia; Hen­ry Bernhard, Mickel Neace, and Adam [...], Inhabitants of the County of Bucks; Michael Albert, William Albert, Leon­hard Bender, George Miller, Iohn [...], Nichol [...] C [...]ndle, Iohn Hagey, Charles Keller, Stephen [...], Lu [...]vick Dettenburn, Iacob Bare junior, Iohn L [...]berger, M [...]c [...]el [Page 527] B [...]cker, Iohn Peter Cooher, Christian Lawer, Iohn Libough, BartholomewShaver, CasperStump, Iacob Becker, TobiasPickle, Peter Rutt, George Klein, Paul Tittenboffer, Matthias Tise, George Ludovick Horst, Sebastian Graff, Iohan Henry Basseler, Matthias Iung, Iacob Schloug, Henry Michael Immel, Felix Miller, Martin Weybrecht, Friedrick Eighelberger, Sabastian Fink, Hens Adam Schreiner, Christian Lang, Caspar Tiller, Anthony Bretter, Leonhard Ellmaker, Andreas Bersinger, Hans Graff, Iacob Hartman, Theophilus Hartman, Theophilus Hart­man junior, Benjamin Witmer, Adam Witmer, Iohannes Pink­ly, Turst Buckwalter, Henry Neaf junior, Valentine Hergelrat, Henr [...] Basseler, Iohan Stetler, L [...]onhard Romler, Leonhard Heyer, Peter Schell, Iohan Nobaker, Nicolas Miller, Iohan Hock, Thomas Kop [...]nheffer, Michael Kopenheffer, Christian L [...]man, Ge rge Unro [...]k, Iacob Scheffer, Valentine Keffer, Iacob E [...]s [...]berger, Herman Walburn, Caspar Reed, Christian Manu­smith, Nicholas Kutts, George We [...]rick, Christopher Ley, Iacob Lo [...]er, Hans Mo [...]r, Iohannes Blum, George Steitz, Erasmus Buckenme er, and George Graff, Inhabitants of the County of Lancaster; being of the Protestant or Reformed Religion, and Subjects of the Emperor of Germany, and other Princes, now in Amity with the King of Great Britain, having trans­ported themselves with their Families and Effects into this Province, and being desirous to be made Partakers of the Immunities, belonging to the natural-born Subjects [...] this Province; and to be more effectually secured of those Privi­leges and Advantages granted by his said late Majesty King Charles the Second, to Persons Coming into this Province to settle and inhabit, they having (as a Testimony of their Fidelity and Affection to his present Majesty King GEORGE the Second and the Crown of Great Britain) taken the Qualifi­cations to his Majesty and his Government by Law appoin­ted and enjoined to be taken, obtained Leave to bring in this Bill to the present Assembly.

THEREFORE may it please the Governor that it may be enacted; AND BE IT ENACTED by GEORGE THOMAS, Esq Lieutenant Governor with the Royal Approbation, under the honourable Iohn Penn, Thomas Penn, and Richard Penn, Esqrs; true and absolute Proprietaries and Governors of the Province of Penn­sylvania, That they the said Ioannes Dylander, Christian Grassold, Henry Schocklier, Michael Iansen Halling, Daniel Steinmetz, Iohannes Smith, David Deshler, Hans George Pas­sage, David Seesholz, Stephen Grieff, Hans George Hickner, Sebastian Mirry, Rudolph B [...]nner, Baltzazar R [...]sser junior, [Page 528] Iohannes Zacharias, Charles Benzel junior, Daniel Mackned junior, Iustus Reebe Camp, Charles Reebe Camp, Iacob Gallete, Anthony Hinkel, Peter Righter, William Rerigh, Henry Shoub, Christopher Rhoab, Caspar Singer, Ludovick Knaus, William Hauke, Leonh [...]rd Cristler, Iohannes Wilhelm, Ludovick Cirkel, Ludovick Hinnige, George Cree [...]man, Friedrick Gotshall, An­dreas Trombouer, Iacob Trombouer, Hartmann Dettermer, Philip Enghert, Leonhard Hartlein, Michael Kleim, Ioseph Cub, Henry Deenig, Iohan Dieterick Bauman, Iohan Kleim, Friedrick Marstaller, Matthias Koplin, Iohannes Bender, Henry Deeringer, Adam Moser, Peter Iarger, Samuel Gooldin, Hans George Iarger, Iacob Frey, Christopher Witman, Andreas Geis­berts, Andreas Iager, Iacob Aister, Andreas Kepler, Bene­dictus Muntz, Iohan Eigster, Michael Herger, Philip Haan, Conrad Dotterer, Bernhard Dotterer, Herman Fischer, Fried­rick Hillengas, Philip Labar, Michael Knappenberger, Michael Dotterer, George Hubner, Conrad Kolb, George Philp Dotterer, Iohan, Miller, IacobFreeh, Henry Smith, Leonhart Smith, Row­land Smith, Michael Kraus, Daniel Kreestman, Abraham Beyer, MichaelGood, George Good, Henry Sneyder Adam Reed, Christo­pher Ottinger, Anthony Iager, Nicolas Iager, Iohan Henry Weeber, Iohan Iacob Roth, Iohannes Geldbagh, and Christian Gondy, Inhabitants of the City andCounty of Philadelphia; Hen­ry Bernhard, Mickel Neace, and Adam Scheffer, Inhabitants of the County of Bucks; Michael Albert, William Albert, Leon­hard Bender, George Miller, Iohn Bushung, Nicholas Candle, Iohn Hagey, Charles Keller, Stephen Remsberger, Ludovick Dettenburn, Iacob Bare junior, Iohn Leiberger, Michael Becker, Iohn Peter Cooher, Christian Lawer, Iohn Libough, BartholomewShaver, CasperStump, Iacob Becker, Tobias Pickle, Peter Rutt, George Klein, Paul Tittenhoffer, Matthias Tise, George Ludovick Horst, Sebastian Graff, Iohan Henry Basseler, Matthias Iung, Iacob Schloug, Henry Michael Immel, Felix Miller, Martin Weybrecht, F [...]iedrick Eighelberger, Sabastian Fink, Hens Adam Schreiner, Christian Lang, Caspar Tiller, Anthony Bretter, LeonhardEllmaker, Andreas Bersinger, Hans Graff, IacobHartman, Theophilus Hartman, Theophilus Hart­man junior, Benjamin Witmer, Adam Witmer, Iohannes Pink­ly, Turst Buckwalter, Henry Neaf junior, Valentine Hergelrat, Henry Basseler, Iohan Stetler, Leonhard Romler, Leonhard Heyer, Peter Schell, Iohan Nohaker, Nicolas Miller, Iohan Hock, Thomas Kopenheffer, Michael Kopenheffer, Christian Leman, George Unrook, Iacob Scheffer, Valentine Keffer, Iacob Etshberger, Herman Walburn, Caspar Reed, Chris [...]ian Manu­smith, Nicholas Kutts, George We [...]rick, Christopher Ley, Iacob Lower, Hans Moor, Iohannes Blum, George Steitz, Erasmus [Page 529] Buckenmeyer, and George Graff, Inhabitants of the County of Lancaster; and every of them, are hereby declared, and shall at all Times hereafter be esteemed and taken, to all Intents and Purposes, to be and to have been, since their first Arrival in this Province, free and fully able, and capa­ble to trade, traffick, load, freight, and transport all and all Manner of Goods, Wares and Merchandizes, not by Law prohibited to be imported or exported, as if they and every of them had been the natural Liege People and Subjects of the King of Great Britain, born in this Province of Pennsyl­vania; and also they and each of them shall and are hereby enabled, and adjudged able to all Intents, Constructions and Purposes whatsoever, as well to demand, take, have and enjoy any Privileges and Immunities belonging to his Ma­jesty's Liege People, and natural Subjects of this Province, as also to have and enjoy all Lands and Tenements, and all other Hereditaments, by Way of Purchase or Gift, of any Person or Persons whatsoever; and also to prosecute, pur­sue, maintain, avow and justify all and all Manner of Ac­tions, Suits and Causes, and all other Things to do, as law­fully, freely and fully, as if they and every of them had been and were born Natural Subjects of this Province, or as any other Person or Persons born within this Province may lawfully in any wise do, any Law, Custom or Usage to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding.


At a GENERAL ASSEMBLY begun at Philaaelphia, in the Province of Pennsylvania, the Fourteenth Day of October, in the Sixteenth Year of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE the Second, King of Great Britain, &c. Anno (que) Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and Forty-two, and con­tinued by Adjournments 'till the Third Day of Ianuary, in the same Year: The following ACTS were passed by the Honourable GEORGE THOMAS, Esq Governor of the said Province, That is to say,

[Page 532]

CHAP. CCCXLIX. An ACT imposing a Duty on Persons convicted of heinous Crimes, brought into this Province, and not warranted by the Laws of Great Britain; and to prevent poor and impotent Persons being imported into the same.

Preamble.WHEREAS many Persons trading into this Pro­vince have, for Lucre and private Gain, imported and fold, or disposed of, and daily do import Pas­sengers and Servants into this Province; who, by reason of Age, Impotency or Idleness, have become a heavy Burthen and Charge upon the Inhabitants thereof; and likewise, do frequently import diversPersons convicted of heinous Crimes, who soon after their coming into thisProvince do often commit many Felonies, Robberies, Thefts and Burglaries, to the great Hurt of his Majesty's Subjects trading to and inhabiting the same: BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Honourable GEORGE THOMAS, Esq with the King's Royal Approbation Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Pennsylvania, and Counties of New-Castle, Kent and Sussex on Delaware, under the Honourable Iohn Penn, Thomas Penn and Richard Penn, Esqrs; true and absolute Pro­prietors and Governors in chief of the said Province and Counties; by and with the Advice and Consent of the Re­presentatives of the Freemen of the said Province, in Ge­neral Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, That all Masters of Vessels, Importer of Con­victs to pay 5 l. per Head. Merchants, or others, who shall import, land or bring into any Port or Place belonging to this Province, at any Time after the Publication of this Act, any Person in the Condition of a Servant, or otherwise with­in the Intent and Meaning of this Act, who hath been con­victed of any Murder, Burglary, Rape, Sodomy, Forgery, Perjury, or any Felony, at any Time before such Importa­tion or coming into this Province, shall, before the said Con­victs be landed or put on Shore, pay the Sum of Five Pounds for every such Convict so imported or otherwise brought in; one Moiety thereof to the Governor for Support of Govern­ment, and the other Moiety to the Collectors appointed by this Act, or the Informer, and shall further become bound, with good and sufficient Security, to the Treasurer of this Province for the time being, in the Sum of Fifty Pounds, for the good Behaviour of such convict Person, for the Space of one Year next after his or her Importation or coming into this Province.

[Page 533]AND WHEREAS it hath been a Practice for Masters of Vessels, Merchants, and others, trading into this P [...]ovince, with Intent to avoid complying with the Payment of the Duties and giving Security required by former Acts of Assembly of this Province, made to prevent the Importa­tion of Convicts and poor and impotent Persons, to land their Passengers, Servants and Convicts in some of the adjacent Governments; which Passengers, Servants, impotent People and Convicts have afterwards been secretly brought into this Province: THEREFORE, to prevent such or the like Practices for the future, BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That if any such Convict as aforesaid, or Servant, or Passenger, being poor and impotent Persons, shall be imported into the River Delaware, after the Publication of this Act, Convicts, &c. If found in this Pro­vince within 12 Months after Im­portation, may be apprehended and examined, &c. and shall be found within this Province at any Time within the Space of Twelve Months next after their being imported as aforesaid, whether such Persons were landed within this Government or elsewhere, it shall and may be lawful for the Collectors of the Duties appointed by this Act, or their Deputies for the time being, and for any Justice of the Peace or principal Magistrate or Magistrates of any City or County or Town within this Pro­vince to cause to be apprehended, taken-up, and to exa­mine, upon Oath or Affirmation, all such Convicts as afore­said, or Passengers and Servants, being poor and impotent Persons, and all other Persons who may be supposed to be able to make any Discovery of the Time and Manner of their being imported or coming into this Province, and from whence they came last, how long they have been come from Parts beyond the Seas, of what Country, and in what Vessel, and who was Master or Merchant of such Vessel, and whether such Vessel, at the Time of such Person or Persons being shipped or coming on board was bound to or designed for Pennsylvania, and whether such Person or Persons shipped themselves with Intent to come into this Province: And if upon Examination it shall appear to any two Justices of the Peace within this Province, or to any principal Magistrate aforesaid, or to the Mayor and Recor­der, or to either of them, with any one of the Aldermen of the City of Philadelphia, that the said Persons were ship­ped or took their Passages for Pennsylvania, or were shipped or came from any other Port or Place whatsoever, and were found within this Province; And shall be com­pelled immedi­ately to comply with the Direc­tions of this Act. then the said Magistrates before whom such Examination is taken, shall demand and compel the Persons, if Convicts, immediately to comply with the Directions of this Act, by paying the Duties hereby imposed [Page 534] on them, and giving the Security directed in the Case of Convicts by this Act, and shall be and are hereby impowered and required to send for the Master and Merchant of such Vessel, or either of them, in which the said Persons were supposed to be imported (if to be found within the Pro­vince) and to examine such Master or Merchant, upon their Oath or Affirmation, concerning the said Servants, Passen­gers or Convicts, and their Importation or coming into this Province; and if it shall appear that the said Persons so ap­prehended, or any other Persons being Convicts as aforesaid, were shipped or taken on board to be imported into Penn­sylvania, and put on Shore, or permitted to go on Shore, by such Master or Merchant, in any other Government upon the River Delaware, or upon any Place or Island within the said River, without making Report and complying with the Directions of this Act, then in such Case the said Master or Merchant shall be obliged forthwith to give Security for his or their Appearance at the next Court of General Quarter-Sessions of the Peace to be held for the City or County where such Examination is taken; and if, upon Present­ment or Information, he or they shall be legally convicted of such fraudulent Practice, he, she or they so offending shall forfeit the Sum of Twenty Pounds for every Person so by him or them brought in as aforesaid and put or permitted to be put on Shore; Penalty on Mas­ter or Merchant acting contrary to this Act. and for every such Person as afterwards at any Time within the Space of Twelve Months next after their being landed or put on Shore, shall be found within this Province without making such Entry and paying the Duti [...] ▪ and giving the Security required by this Act; one [...]alf to the Governor, and the other Half to the Collector of the County in which they shall be respectively imported or brought in, or Informer▪ and shall further pay the same Duties, and give the same Security for such Convicts as a­foresaid, as if such Persons had been imported into this Pro­vince and Report thereof made according to the Direction of this Act.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That upon Information given to the Mayor and Recorder of the City of Philadelphia for the time being, or the Mayor or Recorder, together with one of the Aldermen of the said City, or to any two Justices of the Peace, or other Principal Magistrate of any County or Town within this Province, that any old Persons, Infants, maimed, lunatick, or any vagabond or vagrant Persons ar [...] imported, come or brought into this Province, the said [Page 535] Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen, or any two of them as a­fore [...]id, or any two Justices of the Peace of the respective [...] where such Persons shall be found, shall cause such ag [...] Persons, Infants, impotent or vagrant Persons to be brought before them; and if, upon Examination, they shall judge that such Person or Persons are likely to become chargeable to the City, Town or County where th [...]y are found or were impo [...]ted, it shall and may be law­ful for the said Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen, or any two Justices of the Peace or principal Ma [...]istrate as aforesaid, by Warrant or otherwise, to send for the Master, Merchant or other Person who imported any such Infant, lunatick, aged, maimed, impotent or vagrant Person or Persons as aforesaid as are likely to become chargeable as aforesaid; and upon Proof made of their being the Owners or Importers of such Infant, lunatick, aged, maimed, impotent or vagrant Persons who shall be judged to be likely to become chargeable as aforesaid, the said Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen, or any two of them as aforesaid, or any two Justices or principal Magistrate as aforesaid, shall and may compel the said Mas­ter, Merchant or Importer of such Infant, lunatick, maimed, Imp [...]rter [...] of P [...] ­sons likely to be­come chargeabl [...], shall g [...]ve Securi­t [...] to indemni [...]y the P [...]ovinc [...]. aged, impotent or vagrant Person or Persons, to give sufficient Security to carry and transport such Infant, lunatick, maimed, aged, impotent or vagrant Person or Persons to the Place or Places from whence such Person or Persons were imported, or otherwise to indemnify the Inhabitants of this Province from any Charge that may come or be brought upon them by such Infant, lunatick, maimed, aged, impotent or vagrant Person or Persons coming into or living within this Province.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, Persons appre­hending them­selves aggrieved by the Judgment of Justices, may appeal to the Court of Quar­ter-Session [...]. That if any Person or Persons shall apprehend him or themselves aggrie­ved with any such Order or Judgment of the Justice or Ju [...]tices of the Peace or other Magistrates who shall make [...] same, the Person or Persons so aggrieved may appeal to the next Court of General Quarter-Sessions of the Peace, to be held for the City or County where such Order shall be made; whose Judgment then shall be final: But before such Appeal be allowed of, the Person or Persons appealing shall enter into a Recognizance with one good Security at least, to pay the Cost and Charges of such Appeal, in case the said Order shall happen to be confirmed.

AND for the better Discovery of such Convicts, and poor and impotent or idle and vagrant Persons who shall hereafter be imported into or likely to become chargeable [Page 536] to the Inhabitants of this Province, BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Master [...] of Ves­sels, &c. to give an Account upon Oath of the Names of all Ser­vants, &c. That all Masters of Vessels, Merchants, and others, who shall hereafter bring into any Port or Place belonging to this Province, by Land or Water, any Men or Women Passengers or Servants, shall, within the Space of Forty-eight Hours after their Arrival in­to any Port or Place of this Province, make Entry and give or cause to be given, on Oath or Affirmation, to the Collec­tor of the said Duty for the time being, a true and just Ac­count of all the Names of the Servants and Passengers so im­ported or brought in; which Account the said Collector shall duly enter, and shall forthwith give Notice thereof to the Mayor of Philadelphia for the time being, if such Servants, Passengers, &c. are designed to be landed at Philadelphia, or to any two or more of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace, or to the principal Magistrate for the Town or County where such Servants or Passengers shall be impor­ted; and the said Mayor or Justices as aforesaid are hereby impowered and injoined immediately, by Warrant or other­wise to call before them the said Master, Merchant or other P [...]son or Persons importing such Servant or Servants or Pas­sengers as aforesaid, and to examine, upon Oath or Affirma­tion, the said Master, Merchant, and all other Persons who may be supposed to have any Knowledge of the Characters and Circumstances of such Servants or Passengers, Justice [...] may give a Certificate, con­taining the Names of such Servants, &c. as they judge [...]it to be landed. and there­upon shall grant unto the Master, Merchant or Owner, or other Person having the Charge or Care of any Servant or Servants or Passengers so imported or brought into this Pro­vince, a Certificate containing the Names of all the Servants or Passengers which such Justices or other Magistra [...] afore­said shall judge fit to be landed or disposed of [...] [...]ervants and do not appear to them to have been formerly con­victed of any of the Crimes mentioned in this Act, or such as do not appear to them to be such Infants, lunatick, mai­med, aged, impotent or vagrant Persons as they shall judge likely to become chargeable to the Inhabitants of this Pro­vince: For which Examination, Permit and Certificate there shall be paid to the Mayor or Justices or Magistrates afore­said, Justices and Col­lector's Fees. the Sum of Nine Pence per Head; and to the Collector or his Deputy Twelve Pence per Head, one Half thereof to his own Use, for the Services enjoined him by this Act, and the other Half to be paid to the Trustees of the Province-Island for the time being, to be applyed to repair the Buil­dings there, to provide Conveniences for the Reception of such sick Persons as shall be sent thither, and for such other Uses as by them shall be found necessary in the Discharge [Page 537] of their Trust; for which Sums of Money so to be received, the said Trustees shall duly account in like Manner as for o­ther Money received in Pursuance of the Trust in them re­posed. And there shall likewise be paid to the said Collec­tor for each Bond he shall take in Pursuance of any thing required to be done by virtue of this Act, the Sum of Two Shillings and Six-Pence, and no more.

PROVIDED NEVERTHELESS, AND IT IS HEREBY FURTHER ENACTED, That if after such Examination taken, Duty to be paid, n [...]twithstan­ding the Certifi­cate granted, i [...] it afterward appear [...] that any of the Persons imported are Convict [...]. and Certificate gran­ted as aforesaid, it shall be made appear that any of the Persons so landed or imported are Convicts, the Master, Merchant, or other Person who imported such Convict or Convicts, shall be liable to pay the same Duty, and give the same Security, as if no such Examination had been ta­ken or Certificate granted, any thing in this Act contained to the contrary notwithstanding.

PROVIDED ALSO, That where the Master, Masters, &c. paying the Dutie [...] for Passengers, may recover it a­gain from them. Owner or Merchant shall pay the said Duties for any Pas­senger or Passengers, it shall and may be lawful for such Master, Owner or Merchant to recover the same of the said Passenger or Passengers, before any one Justice of the Peace in the respective County, City or Towns within this Pro­vince, in like Manner as Debts under Forty Shillings are re­covered, together with Costs of Suit.

AND if any Servant or Servants, or Convict, Penalty on Mas­ters, &c. not complying with the Directions of this Act. or other Person, shall be imported or brought into and landed in any Port or Place within this Province, without making such Entry as aforesaid, in the Manner before directed, and pay­ing the Duty, and giving the Security required by this Act, and within the Time limited by this Act for that Purpose, and obtaining such Certificate from the Mayor, or Justices, or principal Magistrate as aforesaid, every such Master, Mer­chant and other Person so importing, bringing in or landing such Servants or other Persons, shall forfeit and pay for each Servant or other Person so imported, brought in or landed contrary to the Direction of this Act, the Sum of Ten Pounds; one Half, after the Charges of Prosecution deducted, to the Governor for the Support of Government, and the other Half to the Collector or Collectors, or to such Person or Persons who shall sue for the same in any Court of Record in this Province, by Bill, Plaint or Information, wherein no Essoin, Protection or Wager of Law shall be allowed.

[Page 538] The Importation of Servants, &c. allowed by Laws of England, not h [...]ndred by th [...] Act.PROVIDED ALWAYS, That this Act, nor any thing herein contained, shall extend or be construed to extend to hinder the Importation of such Servants or others who by any Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain, or that Part of Great Britain called England, now in Force, can or may be legally imported into this Province.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Persons obliged to make Entry shall apply to the Collector. That all Persons obliged by this Act to make Entry as aforesaid, shall apply to Ioseph Pritchard, of the City of Philadelphia, Gentleman, who shall be and is hereby appointed Collector of the said Duty imposed by this Act, without any Notice or Request made by him for their so doing. Collector's Duty. Upon which Application and Entry so made with the said Collector, or at any time before, it shall and may be lawful for the said Collector and his De­puties, and he or they are hereby injoined and required to repair on board the Ship or Vessel in which such Passengers shall be imported, and to view their Condition in respect to Sickness or Health; and where he shall have just Cause to suspect any infectious Distemper is amongst them, if the same Vessel be in or near the City of Philadelphia, he shall forthwith apply himself to the Governor for the time being, or, in his Absence, and in all the other Counties within this Province, to any two Justices of the Peace of the said Coun­ties respectively, and give Information thereof, who shall thereupon direct some Physician, at the Cost and Expence of the Master or Owner of the Vessel, to go on board such Vessel so suspected, and after View and Enquiry into the Premises, to make Report of the true State in which he shall find such Passengers: And where it shall at any time happen, sick and infectious Passengers are in any Vessel, they shall be removed by Directions from the Governor for the time being, or Justices aforesaid, unto Province-Island, there to remain until they shall be restored to Health, and the Danger of Spreading the Infection, by their means, removed.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, His Power. That the said Collector or his Deputies to be by him duly constituted, and for whom he shall be accountable, may and shall (a Warrant being first obtained under the Hand and Seal of one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace) enter on board any Ship, Sloop or Vessel whatsoever, lying or being within any Port or Place of this Province, or into any House, Store, or Place whatso­ever, [Page 539] to search for and make Discovery of any such Convicts, Infants, Lunaticks, aged, maimed, impotent or vagrant Per­sons, landed or intended to be landed contrary to the Intent and Meaning of this Act: Penalty on mo­lesting the Col­lector in hisDuty. And if the said Master or Mer­chant, or their Servants or others, shall deny the said Officer or his Deputies, Entrance, or if he or any of them shall be any way obstructed or molested in making such Discovery as aforesaid, every such Person so offending shall forfeit and pay the Sum of Twenty Pounds, one Half thereof to the Go­vernor, and the other Half to the Collector, or Informer. And the said Collector is hereby further impowered to re­ceive, collect, demand and recover from all Persons impor­ting, landing or bringing in any Servant or Servants, or other Persons into any Port or Place within this Province, all For­feitures and Penalties herein before appointed to be set, im­posed and levied by virtue of this Act.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Penalty on the Collector's Ne­glect or Refusal to perform [...] Office. That if the said Ioseph Pritchard shall neglect or refuse, by himself or his sufficient Deputy or Deputies, to do, execute and perform the several Services by this Act enjoined him, he the said Officer shall forfeit and pay Fifty Pounds, the one Half thereof to the Trustees of the Province-Island aforesaid, for the Uses aforesaid, and the other Half to any one that will sue for the same, in the Court of Common-Pleas of the respective Counties, by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information.

AND WHEREAS it has been the Practice for Masters of Vessels, Merchants, and others, Importers of Servants into this Province, to sell and dispose of such Servants as are infirm, or afflicted with secret and loathsome Diseases, and so otherwise disabled as to become useless and burthen­some to the Purchasers, to the great Damage and Loss of the Purchasers themselves, and to the Province in general; For the Prevention whereof for the Future, IT IS HEREBY ENACTED AND DECLARED, That every Master, Masters, &c. sel­ling Servants af­flicted with secret Diseases, &c. li­able to pay Da­mages. Merchant, or other Person, who shall import and sell or dispose of any Servant or Servants, who at the Time of such Sale were with Child, or afflicted with such secret or other Diseases as shall render them incapable of performing the ordinary and reasonable Duties of Servants, such Master, Merchant or other Person or Persons so disposing of or Sel­ling such Servant or Servants, shall be liable to answer the Purchaser or Purchasers all Damages which he, she or they shall sustain by means of such Sale or Sales in an Action or [Page 540] Actions of the Case to be brought against such Seller or Sellers, in any Court of Record within this Province, to be recovered with full Costs of Suit.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Four former Acts [...]pealed. That one Act of General As­sembly of this Province, entituled, An Act for imposing a Duty on Persons convicted of heinous Crimes, and imported in­to this Province, &c. and one other Act of General Assem­bly, entituled, An Act for laying a Duty on Foreigners and Irish Servants, &c. imported into this Province; and one other Act of General Assembly, entituled, An Act imposing a Duty on Persons convicted of heinous Crimes, and to prevent poor and impotent Persons being imported into the Province of Pennsylvania; and one other Act of General Assembly, enti­tuled, A Supplement to the Act entituled, An Act for imposing a Duty on Persons convicted of heinous Crimes, and to prevent poor and impotent Persons being imported into this Province, be and are hereby repealed and made void.

Duties, &c. now payable by for­mer Acts, not hereby dischar­ged.PROVIDED ALWAYS, That nothing herein contained shall extend, or be construed to extend, to dis­charge any Sum of Money, or other Duty, payable by the aforesaid four recited Acts of Assembly, or either of them; but that the aforesaid Acts, as to the Recovery of any Sum or Sums of Money, Duty or Penalty, forfeited, become due or payable before the Publication of this Act, by virtue of or by Breach of the aforesaid Acts, or either of them, do and shall continue and remain in full Force, until the said Sums of Money, Duty or Forfeitures be effectually levied, recovered and received.

AND WHEREAS by a Law of this Province for the better Regulation of Servants, it is provided that no Servant shall be assigned over to any Person but in Presence of one Justice of the Peace; BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, All Sales or As­signments of Ser­vants in Phila­delphia, to be be­fore the Mayor, &c. That all Sales or Assignments of Servants, within the City of Philadelphia, shall be made before the Mayor of the said City for the time being, or in case of his Neglect or Absence then before the Recorder of the said City, and before no other Person or Persons whatsoever, under the Penalty of Ten Pounds, to be levied as in the said Act is directed. Who is to keep a Register, &c. And the said Mayor and Recorder shall and are hereby enjoined to keep a Regi­ster or Registers of the Names of such Servants, and by whom and to whom assigned, and the Term of Years men­tioned [Page 541] in the Indenture, with the Date or Time of Assign­ment. And the said Mayor shall, at his going out of his Mayoralty, deliver the Register or Registers aforesaid to his Successor, to be carefully kept and preserved, to the End that all Persons concerned may readily have Access to the same.

CHAP. CCCL. An ACT for the more easy and speedy Recovery of small Debts.

WHEREAS it is found by Experience, Preamble. that a great Number of the Law-Suits which are com­menced in this Province, are brought against the poorer Sort of People, for small Sums of Money, who are unable to bear the Expences arising by the common Method of Prosecution; THEREFORE, for Remedying thereof, BE IT ENACTED by the Honourable GEORGE THOMAS, Esq with the King's Royal Approbation Lieutenant Governor under the Honourable Iohn Penn, Thomas Penn and Richard Penn, Esqrs, true and absolute Proprietors of the Province of Pennsylvania, and of the Counties of New-Castle, Kent and Sussex on Delaware, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Representatives of the Freemen of the said Province, in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, Actions for Debt not [...] b [...]fore any one Justice, &c. That all Actions for Debt or other Demand, for the Value of Forty Shillings and upwards, and not exceeding Five Pounds (except such Actions as are herein after excepted) sh [...]ll, immediately after the Publication of this Act, be and are hereby made cognizable before any Justice of the Peace, of any of the Counties in this Province, in the County in which the Defendant shall be or reside. And the said Justices are hereby respectively impowered and required, upon Complaint to either of them made, for any such Debt or Demand, to issue a Warrant in the nature of a Summons or Capias, as the Case may require, directed to the Constable of [...] Township or District where the Defendant dwells or can be [...]ound, com­manding him to bring or cause such Defendant to appear be­fore him, at the Time and in the Manner following, That is to say, in Cases where such Process shall be in the nature of a Capias, forthwith after the Service thereof; but where a [Page 542] Summons shall be issued, then on some certain Day therein to be expressed, not less than five, nor exceeding eight Days from the Date of such Process; and at the Time appointed for the Hearing of any such Cause, the said Justice himself, or, at the Request of the Parties, by Auditors or Referrees to that Purpose by him appointed and approved of by the said Parties, shall proceed to hear and examine the Proofs and Allegations of the Plaintiff and Defendants; and upon the Return of such Auditors, or otherwise, to give his Judg­ment thereupon, as the true Merits and Right of the Cause shall appear to him, with such Costs only as by the L [...]ws of this Province are allowed in Debts under Forty Shillings.

Process against a Freeholder to be by Summons, &c.PROVIDED ALWAYS, That the Process against a Freeholder shall be by Summons only, and Service shall be made thereof on the Person, or a Copy thereof left at the House of the Defendant, in the Presence of one or more of his Family or Neighbours, at least four Days before the Time appointed for a Hearing: And in case the Defen­dant does not appear at the Time appointed, then on Oath or Affirmation made by the Constable that the said Summons was duly served in Manner aforesaid, the Justice who gr [...]n­ted the same Summons may, either then, or on such fu [...]ther Day as he shall deem consistent with Reason and the nature of the Case to appoint, and not otherwise, proceed to hear and determine such Cause or Causes in the Defendant's Ab­sence, and give Judgment and award Execution thereupon as if the Defendant had been personally present.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, After Judgment, Execution to be granted, &c. That after Judgment given in any of the Cases aforesaid, the Justice who pronounced the same shall grant Execution thereupon, directed to the Con­stable aforesaid, commanding him to levy the Debt or Da­mages and Costs, of the Defendant's Goods and Chattels (who by vertue thereof shall, within the Space of ten Days next following, expose the same to Sale by publick Vendue, returning the Overplus if any be, to the Defendant) and for Want of sufficient Distress, to take the Body of such Defen­dant into Custody, and him or her to carry and convey to the common Goal of the County; and the Sheriff or Keeper of such Goal is hereby required to receive the Person or Persons so taken in Execution, and him, her or them safely to keep until the Sum recovered, with Costs, be fully paid, and in Default of such safe Keeping to be liable to answer the Damages to the Party grieved in such Manner as by Law [Page 543] is provided in case of Escapes. In case no Assets can be found, the Sum recovered may be levied [...] Lands, &c. But in case [...] be­longing to the Defendant, sufficient to pay the Debt and Costs, can be found, it shall and may be lawful for the Plaintiff to apply to the Justice who pronounced the Judg­ment for a Transcript thereof, and on filing the same in the Prothonotary's-Office of the Court of Common-Pleas in that County in which the Recovery shall be had, it shall and may be lawful for the Plaintiff to levy the Sum recovered, with Costs of Suit, on the Lands and Tenements of the Defen­dant, either by Fieri facias, Venditioni exponas, or Extent, as the Case may require, in like Manner as by Law is pro­vided in other Cases.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, No Execution to be issued against a Freeholder, in less than three Months, [...]&c. That no such Execu­tion shall be issued against any Freeholder in less than the Space of three Months next after the Entry of such Judg­ment, unless the Plaintiff, or somebody for him or her, shall on Oath or Affirmation declare that he or she hath good Reason to believe, that the Debt will by such Delay be lost, for that at the End of the said Term or before it (he or she believes) the Defendant will not have sufficient Assets in the County on which the said Debt may be levied: And if any Judgment to be given as aforesaid, shall be against a Person not a Freeholder, such Person shall have the Execution against him or her, respited for like Term of Three Months, on his or her entering into Recognizance to the Plaintiff, with one sufficient Security, in the nature of special Bail, on Con­dition to deliver the Body of the Defendant to the Sheriff of the County, at the Expiration of the Time so to be al­lowed, or that the Condemnation-Money shall then be paid; and in Default of giving such Security, shall be committed to the common Goal of the County, there to remain until the Debt and Costs shall be paid, or such Defendant other­wise legally discharged.

PROVIDED ALSO, That where the Plaintiff in any Case shall become Nonsuit, or Judgment shall pass against him, then the Justice is hereby required to assess the Defendant his reasonable Costs, to be levied in Manner aforesaid.

PROVIDED ALSO, Insolvent Debtors may be relieved, as before. That it shall and may be lawful for the Justices of the respective Courts of Common-Pleas to give such Relief to any insolvent Debtor or Debtors, prosecuted in Pursuance of this Act, as they might have done by the Laws now in Force in case this Act had not been made.

[Page 544] [...] conceiv­ [...] themselves [...] may appeal, &c.PROVIDED ALSO, That if any Person or Persons shall conceive him, her or themselves aggrieved by any such Judgment so to be given (Cases determined on the Return of Auditors or Referrees, as aforesaid, only excepted) it shall and may be lawful for such Person or Persons, at any Time within the Space of six Days next following the giving of such Judgment, but not after, to appeal therefrom to the next Court of Common-Pleas to be holden for the County in which such Suit shall be commenced, he, she or they first [...]ntring into Recognizance, with at least one sufficient Secu­rity, at least in double Value of the Debt or Damages sued for, and sufficient to answer all Costs to prosecute the said Appeal with Effect, and to abide the Order of the said Court, or in Default thereof to be sent by Mittimus to the Sheriff of the County, by him to be kept until he, she or they shall give such Security, or be otherwise legally discharged.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Justices to make fair Entries in [...]ooks, &c. That the said Justices shall cause fair Entries to be made, in Books by them to be provided for that Purpose, of the Name of the Plaintiff and Defen­dant, in all such Cases as may come before them, with the Debt and Costs adjudged, and the Time when the same Judgment was given: And upon any Appeal made from any such Judgment, the Justice who pronounced the same shall send a Transcript thereof to the Prothonotary of the Court of Common-Pleas of the County in which such Appeal is made, on or before the first Day of the Term next following any such Appeal: For which Transcript, or any other ob­tained by vertue of this Act, the Justice shall be allowed in the Costs to be taxed Eighteen Pence, and no more.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Meth [...] of Pro­ [...]eding in Court [...]pon Appeal. That at the Court to which any such Appeal shall be made, the Person so appealing shall cause an Entry of his Suit to be made by the Prothonota [...]y of such Court, and shall either have his Appearance entered or give Bail to the Action, as the nature of the Case may require, or on Neglect thereof, and Application of the Ap­pellee to the Court for that End, the Appellant's Def [...]ult shall be recorded, the first Judgment affirmed, with re [...]son­able Costs, and Execution shall be issued out of the said Court against the Defendant's Body, Goods or Chattels, as is usual in other Cases: And in case the Defendant shall appeal or give Bail as aforesaid, the Plaintiff or Defendant in the Ap­peal (as the Case may require) shall file his or her Declara­tion, [Page 545] and the adverse Party plead to issue, in such Time as shall be directed by the Court, so always that the Cause be tried by a Jury of the Country, in the usual Manner, either the Court to which such Appeal is made, or the next Term at farthest (unless the Court, on Cause to them shewn, shall think fit to give the Parties a farther Day) and as the Verdict shall be rendered in any of the said Causes, the Court shall give Judgment thereupon, as the nature of the Case may require, with Costs of Suit.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, That if the Parties Appellant and Appellee shall neglect or refuse to fil [...] his or her Declaration, or to plead to issue in such Time as shall be directed by the Court, a Nonsuit, or Judgment by De­fault, may be entred for Want [...]hereof as usual.

PROVIDED ALSO, That the Costs to be taxed in any such Suit, to the several Officers, and others concerned, for the Services by them respectively to be done, shall be two third Parts only of the Costs now usually taken in the said Courts of Common-Pleas.

PROVIDED ALSO, That none of the Justices, who by vertue of this Act shall hear and determine any of Causes aforesaid out of Court, shall afterwards sit on the Hearing and Determining the same Cause on an Appeal made to any of the Courts of Common-Pleas aforesaid.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Penalty on com­mencing Su [...]ts made cognizable by this Act, in any other M [...] ­ner. That if any Person or Persons whosoever shall commence, sue or prosecute any Suit or Suits for any Debts or Demands, made cognizable as afore­said, in other Manner than is directed by this Act, and shall obtain a Verdict or Judgment therein for Debt or Damages, which, without Costs of Suit, shall not amount to more than Five Pounds (not having caused an Oath or Affirmation to be made before the obtaining of the Writ of Summons or Capia [...], and filed the same in the Prothonotary's-Office re­spectively, that he, she or they so making Oath or Affirma­tion did truly believe the Debt due or Damage sustained exceeded the Sum of Five Pounds) he, she or they so pro­secuting shall not recover any Costs in such Suit; any Law, Usage or Custom to the contrary notwithstanding.

[Page 546]PROVIDED ALSO, That this Act, nor any thing herein contained, shall be deemed, construed or un­derstood to extend to Actions of Debt for Rent, Debt upon Bonds for Performance of Covenants, to Actions of Cove­nant, to Actions of Replevin, or upon any real Contract; nor to Actions of Trespass on the Case for Trover and Con­version, or Slander; nor to Actions of Trespass for Assault and Battery, or Imprisonment; nor to such Actions where the Title of Lands shall anywise come in Question.

PROVIDED ALSO, That this Act shall con­tinue in Force for the Space of Three Years, and from thence to the End of the next Sessions of Assembly, and no longer.

CHAP. CCCLI. An ACT for continuing and amending the Act of Assembly, entituled, A Supplement to the Act for electing Members of Assembly, &c.

Pr [...]ble.WHEREAS notwithstanding the just and impar­tial Method prescribed for Electing of Members of Assembly by the Charter of Privileges, granted by the Honourable WILLIAM PENN, Esq late Proprietor and Governor in chief of the Province of Pensilvania, and Counties of New-Castle, Kent and Sussex upon Delaware, to the Inhabitants thereof, and of the several Acts of General Assembly of the said Province, made in Pursuance of the said Charter, for the more free, impartial and peaceable E­lection of Members to serve in the General Assembly of the said Province, and of Sheriffs, Coroners, Commissioners, Assessors, and of Inspectors to assist in the said Election; it was nevertheless found upon Experience, that the Method formerly prescribed by the Laws of this Province for chusing Inspectors to assist the Sheriff, and for receiving the Poll or Votes at the said Elections, did not answer the good Purposes for which it was intended; but great Numbers of disorderly Persons, many of whom not being qualified to vote for Members of Assembly, &c. mixed themselves among the Electors at the Time of chusing Inspectors, and by their rude and disorderly Behaviour disturbed the Electors, and created Strifes and Quarrels, to the great Danger and Disquiet of [Page 547] the peaceable People there met together, and in Delay of the said Election.

AND WHEREAS it often happened, that the said Inspectors were chosen most or all of them out of one Part of the County, and by reason thereof could not be so well acquainted with the Estates and Circumstances of all the Electors, which was the principal End of their first Appointment.

FOR remedying of which Inconveniencies, an Act of General Assembly of this Province was pas [...]'d in the Twelfth Year of the present Reign, entituled, A Supplement to the Act for electing Members of Assembly; which Act, with some Amendments, is thought necessary to be continued: THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Honourable GEORGE THOMAS, Esq with the King's Approbation Lieutenant Governor, under the Honourable Iohn Penn, Thomas Penn and Richard Penn, Esqrs; true and absolute Proprietors of the Province of Penn­sylvania, and the Counties of New-Castle, Kent and Sussex upon Delaware, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Representatives of the Freemen of the said Province, in Ge­neral Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, That the Eight several Districts into which the several Coun­ties within this Province have been divided by the Justices of the said Counties, The 8 Districts into which the Counties have been divided are to [...]ontinue, &c. in Pursuance of the Act of Assembly aforesaid, shall and do remain, and they are hereby declared to be and remain firm, stable and unalterable during the Continuance of this Act, except in such Cases as are herein after provided, for the Purposes herein after mentioned: And th [...]t if any new Township, since the Passing of the Act aforesaid, hath been or during the Continuance of this Act shall be erected out of several Districts within any of the said Counties, that it shall and may be lawful for the Justices aforesaid, respectively, at their Quarter-Sessions of the Peace, next after the Publication of this Act, and at the Quarter-Sessions of the Peace next following the Erecting such Town­ships, during the Continuance of this Act, and they are here­by enjoined and required to annex such Township or Town­ships to the District or Districts out of which the greatest Part of the said Townships respectively were taken, and to deliver to the Sheriff of the respective Counties an Account to what District the same Township or Townships are an­nexed, with the Names of all the new-erected Townships; all which the said Sheriff shall make known to the respective [Page 548] Constables of the said Townships with all Expedition, there­by to enable them to discharge their several Trusts, in Pur­suance of the Directions of this Act.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Freeholders to meet in each Township, and nominate, &c. That the Freeholders and others qualified to elect Members of Assembly in each Township, shall meet on the Twenty-fifth Day of September, yearly, but if the same shall happen upon a first Day of the Week, then upon the next Day following, at some convenient Place within their said respective Townships to be appointed by the Constable of the said Township, or in case of his Ab­sence, Neglect or Refusal, then at such convenient Place within such Township as the Overseers of the Poor shall appoint; and the said Electors being qualified to vote for Members of Assembly, shall, between the Hours of Nine in the Forenoon and Three in the Afternoon the same Day, during all which Time the Election shall continue, in the Presence of the Constable, and such two Freeholders as he shall call to his Assistance, or in his Absence, &c. the Over­seer of the Poor, proceed to elect by Balloting one able and discreet Freeholder, residing within the said Township, who may be supposed to be best acquainted with the Estates and Circumstances of the Inhabitants. The Name of the Person no­ [...]i [...]t [...]d to be given to the She­ri [...], &c. The Name of which Person so nominated and chosen is to be taken down in Writing by the Constable or Overseer of the Poor, as the Case shall happen, with the Name of the Township for which he is chosen, and shall be delivered to the Sheriff of the County, at the Place of Election, or to such Person or Persons as shall happen to be Judges of the Election, before the Hour of Nine in the Forenoon of the Day whereupon the Election of Members of Assembly shall happen, and the Sheriff, or other Judge of the Election, having then and there received the Names of all the Persons chosen for the respective Townships within his County, or so many of them as shall be delivered to him in Manner aforesaid, he shall call to his Assistance at least four Freeholders of the County, and in their Presence shall put all the Names of the Persons returned for each District into a separate Box to be provided by him for that Purpose, and shall likewise, in the Presence of the said Freeholders, call some indifferent Person, who shall draw one Name out of each Box and deliver the same to the Sheriff, or other Judge of the Election; which being done, the Persons whose Names shall happen to be drawn, and being present, shall, for that Year, be the Inspectors of the Election, and as such shall be published by the Sheriff, [Page 549] in the Presence of the Electors, or so many of the as [...]ll [...] pr [...]s [...]nt.

AND BE IT ENACTED by the Authority [...], Inhabitants of each W [...]rd in Philadelphia, to meet, &c. Th [...]t it sh [...]ll and may be lawful for the Inhabi­t [...]nts of the r [...]pecti [...]e Wards of the City of Philadelphia, qu [...]li [...]ied to vote for Member [...] of Assembly, to meet together at the Time herein before mentioned for the Meeting of the Inhabitants of the respective Townships in this Province, and at some convenient Place within their respective Wards, to be appointed by the Constable of the Ward to which he belongs, of which publick Notice shall be given in Wri­ting, &c. by affixing the same upon the Court-house Door in Philadelphia, at least six D [...]ys before the said Twenty-fifth Day of September, and there shall, in the Presence of the Constable of the Ward, and such two Freeholders of the said Ward as he shall call to his Assistance, proceed to chuse by Balloting one substantial Freeholder of Ability and Inte­grity, residing within the said Ward; whose Name, when so chosen, shall be taken in Writing and certified by the Constable and Freeholders aforesaid to the Sheriff of the County, or other Judge of the said Election, in the Manner before directed for the Constables of Townships. And the Sheriff shall put the Names of all the Persons so to him re­turned into a Box, and shall call some indifferent Person, who shall draw four of the said Names out of the said Box, and deliver the same to the Sheriff, who shall read the same publickly in the Presence of the Electors then present: And the four Persons whose Names shall so happen to be drawn, shall, together with the Inspectors chosen out of the several Districts of the said County, be the Inspectors for that Year for the Election, and as such shall be qualified in the Manner before directed for other Inspectors. And the other six Persons, whose Names shall remain in the Box, shall be the Inspectors for that Year at the Election of Burgesses and Assessors for the City of Philadelphia [...]nd shall be qualified in Manner aforesaid.

BUT before they proceed to act [...] A [...]isting the Sheriff to receive the Poll or Votes of the said Electors, Inspectors to [...] qualified, &c. they shall be qualified, by Oath or Affirmation, by the Sheriff of the proper County, or other Judges of the Elections, who are hereby required and impowered to administer the same; That they the said Inspectors will duly attend the ensuing Election, during the Continuance thereof, and will truly and faithfully assist the Sheriff, Coroners, or other Judges of [Page 550] the said Election, to prevent all Frauds and Deceits whatso­ever of Electors or others in carrying on the same, and in causing the Poll or Votes at such Election to be taken and cast up according to the Direction of the before-recited Act.

Inspectors may qualify Electors, &c.AND the said Inspectors shall and are hereby authorised to administer to every Elector or Person who presents his Ticket, an Oath or Affirmation in the Words directed by the aforesaid Act of Assembly, unless the Qualification of such Elector be generally well known, or some one or more of the said Inspectors shall and will openly declare to the Rest, that they know such Elector to be qualified as in the aforesaid Act of Assembly is required▪ And the Votes or Tickets of such as offer to poll and refuse to take the said Oath or Affirmation, shall be openly rejected, and the Votes or Tickets of every Person who takes the said Oath or Af­firmation shall, with the other lawful Tickets or Votes, be put into the Box, and no Ticket so received shall be suppress'd.

Constables to give publick No­tice, &c.AND to the End this Act may be duly executed, and the Peace preserved; BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That the Constables of the re­spective Townships within the several Counties of this Pro­vince, or in case of the Death, Neglect or Absence of the said Constables, then the Overseers of the Poor of such Township, or one of them, shall, at least six Days before the said 25th Day of September, in every Year, give publick No­tice, in Writing, by affixing the same at the most publick Places in the respective Townships, of the Place where the Inhabitants of the Township in which they live shall meet to elect a fit Person, according to the Direction of thi [...] Act; and that the said Constable, or, in his Absence, the Overseer of the Poor as aforesaid, shall there attend at the Time ap­pointed in this Act; and such Constable or Overseer of the Poor shall call to his Assistance two substantial Freeholders of the said Township, being there present, who shall assist him in Judging of the said Election, and in taking the Votes, and who, together with himself, shall certify to the Sheriff of County, or other Judge of the Election, under their Hands, that such Person was elected by a Majority of lawful Votes, by the Township to which he belongs; the Name of which Person so elected as aforesaid shall be delivered to the Sheriff, &c. of the County to which they belong, in the Manner herein before directed.

[Page 551]AND if any Constable or Overseer of the Poor, Penalty on Con­stables, &c. ne­glecting the Duty required of them by this Act. being the Judge of such Election as aforesaid, shall neglect to do the Duty hereby injoined him, or shall wilfully misbehave himself in the Execution of his Duty, and being thereof le­gally convict, or if any of the Persons so elected and returned for any Township within this Province, in the Manner be­fore directed, shall neglect or refuse to give his Attendance at the Time and Place of Electing Members of Assembly, every such Person so offending in any of the Premises shall forfeit the Sum of Five Pounds to any Person who will sue for the same, to be recovered by Action of Debt, in any Court of Record within this Province, with Costs of Suit. And if the Person whose Name shall happen to be drawn being called shall not appear, then the Name of another Person belonging to the same District shall be drawn, and shall be qualified and proceed to officiate as an Inspector, in the Manner before directed in this Act for Inspectors.

AND BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That an Act of Assembly of this Province, e [...]tuled, A Supplementary Act to the Act for ascertaining [...] Number of Members of Assembly, and to regulate Elections, pass'd in the Thirteenth Year of the Reign of King George the First, and every Article and Clause therein, shall be and is hereby repealed.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, That nothing herein contained shall be deemed or taken to alter or make void the said recited Act of General Assembly made in the Fourth Year of the Reign of the late Queen Anne, or any thing therein contained, but that every Clause, Article and Sen­tence therein, except what is hereby altered or supplied, shall be and remain in full Force and Virtue as the same was before the Making of this Act, or the aforesaid Supplemen­tary Act hereby repealed.

THIS Act to continue for the Space of Three Years, and from thence to the End of the next Session of Assembly, and no longer.

[Page 552]

CHAP. CCCLII. An ACT for vesting the Province-Island, and the Buildings thereon erected, and to be erected, in Trustees, for providing an Hospital for such sick Passengers as shall be imported into this Province; and to prevent the Spreading of infectious Distempers.

Preamble.WHEREAS by an Act of General Assembly of this Province, made in the Twelfth Year of the Reign of King William the Third, entituled, An Act to prevent sickly Vessels coming into this Government, it is among other Things enacted, That from and after the Pub­lication thereof, no unhealthy or sickly Vessels, coming from any unhealthy or sickly Place whatsoever, shall come nearer than one Mile to any of the Towns or Ports of this Province or Territories, without Bills of Health, nor shall presume to bring to Shore such Vessels, nor to land such Passengers, or their Goods, at any the said Ports or Places, without first obtaining Licence for the same, in such Manner as by the said Act is directed. But no Place, until of late, having been provided for the Reception of sick and distemper'd Passengers, they have been heretofore clandestinely landed and lodged within the City of Philadelphia and elsewhere, by Means whereof infectious Distempers have spread within the Province, and the good Ends intended by the said Act in great Measure frustrated: For Remedying whereof and making Provision for the Reception of sick Passengers im­ported into this Province, by Directions from the Represen­tatives of the Freemen of the Province, a Purchase was made of all that Island situate on the Southerly Side of the Mouth of Schuylkill River, in the County of Philadelphia, adjoining on Delaware River, heretofore known by the Name of Fisher's-Island, but hereafter to be called PROVINCE-ISLAND, containing about Three Hundred and Forty-two Acres of Land and Meadow, with certain Buildings thereon erected, and a Conveyance thereof taken from Ionathan Paschal and Mary his Wife, late Mary Fisher, Iohn Paschal and Henry Hodge, Executors of the Testament and last Will of Iohn Fisher, late Proprietor and Owner of the said Island (who were duly authorised to make Sale thereof) unto Io­seph Harvey, Thomas Tatnal, Ioseph Trotter, Iames M [...]rris, [Page 553] and O [...]ald Peel, Gentlemen; In Trust nevertheless and s [...]b [...]ct to such Uses as the Representatives of the Freemen of this Province, in Assembly, shall from time to time ap­point; and under this further Trust and Confidence, that th [...]y the s [...]id Trustees, and the Survivors and Survivor of them, and the Heirs of such Survivor should convey the said Isl [...]nd and App [...]rtenances, and transfer their said Trust to such other Person or Persons, and for such Estate and Estates as the Representatives aforesaid, in Assembly, should direct and appoint. Now to the Intent that the said Island may be effectually secured to the Uses aforesaid, and that the Inconvenienci [...]s which might happen from the Importa­tion of sick Passengers within the Province may for the fu­t [...]re be prevented, BE IT ENACTED by the Honourable GEORGE THOMAS, Esq Lieutenant Go­vernor, with the Royal Approb [...]tion, under the Honourable I [...]n Penn, Thomas Penn and Richard Penn, Esqrs, true and ab [...]olute Proprietors of the Province of Pennsylvania, and of th [...] Counties of New-Castle, Kent and Sussex on Delaware, by and wi h the Advice and Consent of the Representatives of the Freemen of the said Province, in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, Trustees Names. That the aforesaid I [...]eph Harve [...], Thomas Tatnal, Ioseph Trotter, Iames Morris and Oswald Peel, and the Survivors and Survivor of them▪ do stand seized, and they are hereby declared and enacted to stand seized of the Province-Island aforesaid, and the E­di [...]ices and Buildings thereon erected and to be erected, with their and every of their Appurtenances, to hold the said Island, and all and singular the Premises to them the said Ioseph Harvey, Thomas Tatnal, Ioseph Trotter, Iames Morris and Oswald Peel, and the Survivors and Survivor of them, and the Heirs of such Survivor forever; in Trust neverthe­less, and for the Uses, Intents and Purposes herein after spe­cified, and to and for no other Use, Intent or Purpose what­soever, That is to say, That they the said Trustees, and the Survivors and Survivor of them, do undertake and continue their Care and Management of the said Island, with the Ap­purtenances, and receive the Ren [...]s, Issues and Profits thereof, and duly to account for the same as herein after is directed, until such Time as the Representatives of the Freemen a­foresaid, in Assembly, shall appoint others to succeed them in the said Trust: And on this further Trust and Confidence, that they the said Trustees, and the Survivors and Survivor of them, and the Heirs of such Survivor, do and shall per­mit and suffer such Person and Persons so hereafter from time to time to be appointed, to succeed them in the Trust [Page 554] aforesaid to have the Care and Management of the s [...]id Island, and to receive and take the Rents, Issues and Profits thereof, to be accounted for and applied as herein after is directed.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Trustees impow­ered to lease the Island, &c. That it shall and may be lawf [...]l to and for the aforesaid Ioseph Harvey, Thomas [...], Ioseph Trotter, Iames Morris and Oswald Peel, or the grea­ter Number of them, during the Continuance of their Trust, and to and for such other Person and Persons as the Repre­sentatives of the Freemen aforesaid shall from time to time appoint in the Stead and Place of the said Trustee [...] before named, to grant, bargain and lease the Island aforesaid, or any Part thereof, for such Term and Terms of Years, not exceeding Seven, as to them shall seem expedient; so always as such Tenant or Tenants to whom the same shall be so leased be obliged to keep the said Buildings thereon erected, Banks, Dams, Fences, and other the demised Premises, in Repair, during the respective Terms for which the same shall be demised, and reserving always full Liberty to place and continue thereon, in the Manner herein after directed, any such sickly Persons imported into this Province, as Oc­casion shall require, in Pursuance of this Act: And also re­serving and excepting six Acres, Reserving Six Acres. Part of the said Island, ad­joining to the River Delaware, most commodious for erecting a new Hospital or Pest-House.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, That nothing herein contained shall affect, vacate or make void the Contract made by the Trustees before-named with Iacob Mellor, but that the said Contract and Lease of the said Province-Island shall be and remain as firm, valid and effectual to all Intents, Con­structions and Purposes as if this Act had not been made.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Trustees to ac­count, &c. That the Trustees of the said Province-Island herein before named, and such others as shall at any time hereafter be appointed in their or any of their Steads, shall well and truly account with and pay to the Treasurer of this Province for the time being, all such Sum and Sums of Money as they or any of them already have received or at any time hereafter shall receive from the Island aforesaid; to be disposed of in such Manner and for such Uses as the Representatives of the Freemen aforesaid, in As­sembly, shall from time to time direct and appoint. And [Page 555] if it shall at any Time or Times happen that the said Trustees, or any of them shall fail so to do, that then, and so often, and in every such Case, it shall and may be lawful for the Treasurer aforesaid to commence, prosecute and maintain an Action of Debt against such Delinquent or Delinquents, and to recover the Sum or Sums so to become due, in any Court of Record in the Province, with Costs of Suit.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Trustees shall suffer Suits to be commenced in their Names when necessary. That when any Lease or Leases shall at any time hereafter be made of the Province-Island aforesaid, or any Part of Parcel thereof, [...]nd the Rent re­served for the same, or any Part thereof, [...]all be in Arrear and unpaid, that then, and so often, and in [...]ery such Case, and in all other Cases wherein it shall be thought necessary, that they the before-named Trustees, and the Survivors and Survivor of them, and the Heirs, Executors and Admini­strators of such Survivor, shall permit and suffer all such Suit and Suits, Action or Actions to be commenced and prosecuted in his, her or their Name or Names, as the Re­presentatives aforesaid, in Assembly, shall at any Time or Times hereafter direct or appoint: So always that they the s [...]id Trustees, and every of them, and their Heirs, Executors and Administrators, and every of them, be well and truly indemni [...]ed, saved and kept harmless of and from any Costs, Charges, Troubles or Molestations whatsoever, which may arise or happen for or by Reason of such Suit or Suits so to be commenced and prosecuted.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Governor, &c may order im­ported infectious Persons to the Province-Island, &c. That when and so often as Oc­casion shall require, it shall and may be lawful for the Lieu­tenant Governor, or Commander in chief, for the time be­ing, or to and for any two J [...]stices of the Peace of any of the Counties within this Province respectively, to order and direct all sick and infectious Persons, at any time hereafter imported into this Province, to be transported to the Province-Island aforesaid, there to remain in such Places as shall be provided for them by the Trustees aforesaid, until it shall be judged by the Physician attending them, that they are free from any infectious Distemper. Their Nursing, Physick, Their Nursing, &c. to be paid for by the Importer. Main­tenance and Necessaries to be paid for by the Importer, Master or Owner of the Vessel in which such sick and dis­tempered Persons shall be imported; to be repaid to them out of the Effects of the said Passengers▪ respectively, if any they have.

[Page 556]AND for the better securing the Payment of the se­veral Sums of Money which shall become necessary to dis­burse in or about such sick and distempered Persons as shall be imported as aforesaid; BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for any one of the Justices of the Peace aforesaid, Upon Application of the Trustees, Importers of sick Persons shall be obliged to give Bond, &c. on the Application of any one of the said Trustees, and they are hereby enjoined, as Occasion shall require, to send for the Masters or Owners of the Vessels in which such sick and distempered Persons shall, at any time hereafter, be imported, or the Importer of such sick Person or Persons, and oblige him, them, or some, or one them, to give Bond, in a competent Sum of Money, together with one or more sufficient Sureties, to them the said Trustees, with Condition to be underwritten, to find and provide proper Food, Nur­sing, Physick, and other Necessaries for the sick People afore­said, or to pay for the same.

And refusing may be committed to Prison.AND in case any Master or Importer shall refuse so to become bound, that then, and in every such Case, it shall and may be lawful for the said Justices, respectively, to com­mit the Offender to Prison, there to remain in close Custody, without Bail or Mainprize, until he or they shall conform to the Directions of this Act.

AND BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Trustees to keep fair Entries in a Book, of the Names, &c. That the Trustees aforesaid shall keep or cause to be kept, in a Book to be provided for that Purpose, a fair Entry of the Names of every sick Person that shall be trans­ported to the said Hospital or Pest-house, and also the Names of the Vessel, Master or Merchant who shall im­port them into this Province.

AND BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, None to b [...] dis­charged fro [...] the Hospital without a Certificate. That after any such distempered Person hath re­covered his or her Health as aforesaid, they, or any of them, shall not be discharged from the Hospital or Pest-house but by a Certificate under the Hands of two or more of the said Trustees, certifying, That the Bearer (mentioning his Name) having remained in the Hospital for his Health until they the said Trustees judged him clear of any infectious Distem­per, they had discharged him from the said Hospital or Pest-house.

AND WHEREAS the Entertaining sick and dis­tempered Persons brought into this Province, has been attended [Page 557] with fatal Consequences, BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That no House-keeper, or other In­habitant of this Province, shall receive into his or their Houses or Out-Houses, or entertain any Person or Persons whatso­ever, knowingly, that have been ordered by the Governor for the time being, or by any two Justices of the Peace of any of the Counties within this Province respectively, to be transported to the Hospital or Pest-house, pursuant to the Direction of this Act, unless such Person hath been discharged from the said Hospital or Pest-house, and hath received from the Trustees, or any two of them as aforesaid, a Certificate, certifying, that the said Person or Persons is or are discharged from the said Hospital as aforesaid, Penalty on en­tertaining Persons who have been ordered to the Pest-house, &c. on Penalty of paying the Sum of Ten Pounds, for every Offence, and also of maintain­ing and providing for the said sick distempered Person during his, her or their Sickness; and, in case of Death, burying them at their own Expence. Which said Sum of Ten Pounds is hereby ordered to be paid to the Overseers of the Poor of the Township where such Delinquent may reside, for the Relief of the Poor of such Township; and to be recovered by the said Overseers, of the Person so offending, by a War­rant from any Magistrate, in the same Manner as Debts un­der Forty Shillings are recovered.

AND in case the Person harbouring or entertaining such sick and distempered Person [...] be poor, or alledge he or she is not of Ability to pay the said Fine of Ten Pounds, such indigent Person shall be confined to the Work-House or Prison for any time not exceeding one Month, as the Ma­gistrate or Magistrates of the respective County may direct.

CHAP. CCCLIII. An ACT for the more easy Recovery of Legacies within this Province.

FORASMUCH as the Laws of this Province, rela­ting to the Recovery of Legacies, are defective: There­fore, for Remedying thereof, BE IT ENACTED by the Honourable GEORGE THOMAS, Esq with the King's Royal Approbation Lieutenant Governor, under the Honourable Iohn Penn, Thomas Penn and Richard Penn, Esqrs; true and absolute Proprietors of the Province of Penn­sylvania, and of the Counties of New-Castle, Kent and Sussex [Page 558] upon Delaware, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Representatives of the Freemen of the said Province, in Ge­neral Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, That from and after the Publication of this Act, Legatee [...] may su [...] for their Le­gacies. it shall and may be lawful for any Person or Persons to whom any Le­gacy or Bequest of any Sum or Sums of Money, or other Goods or Chattels, have been or may be made by the last Will and Testament of any other Person or Persons legally made, to commence, sue and prosecute an Action of Debt, Detinue or Accompt-render, as the Case may require, for such Legacy after it becomes due, in any of the County Courts for holding of Pleas, in any of the Counties within this Province. And if it shall appear that the Legacy or Lega­cies is or are due, and there be sufficient Assets in the Hands of the Executors or Administrators with Testaments annexed, to discharge the just Debts of the Testator, and the Legacy or Legacies bequeathed, the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs shall reco­ver, with Costs of Suit; any Law, Usage or Custom to the contrary notwithstanding.

If there be not Assets enough, Abatement shall he made.PROVIDED ALWAYS, That where it shall so happen that there are Assets in the Hands of any Executors, or Admini­strators with Testaments annexed, to discharge all the Debts of the Testator, with an Overplus not sufficient to disch [...]rge all the Legacies which may be given, then an Abatement shall be made, in Proportion to the Legacies so given; unless it shall otherwise be provided by the Will. Legatee being under Age, may sue by Guardian, &c. And where any Legatee or Legatees are or may be under Age at the Time when such Legacy or Legacies shall become due, in such Case such Le­gatee or Legatees shall and may maintain an Action for their respective Legacies, by Guardian or next Friends, as fully, amply and largely as by Law they may do in any other Actions whatsoever.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Upon Plea of Want of Assets, Auditors shall be appointed. That the respective Courts where the said Actions shall be commenced, upon the Plea of the Want of Assets to pay all the Debts and Legacies, shall ap­point Auditors to examine the Accounts of the Executors, and Administrators with Testaments annexed; who, after full Hearing of the Parties, at such Times and Places as by them the said Auditors shall be appointed, with Notice to the Parties, shall report how the Accompts of the Executors or Administrators do stand, what Assets will remain after Payment of all the Debts, and what Part of the Remainder is the Proportion that ought to go towards paying of the [Page 559] Plaintiff's Legacies. For which Proportion only, unless it shall be otherwise provided by the Will, the Court shall then award Execution upon the Judgment to be had in the said Suit: Which Judgment shall remain a Security for the Pay­ment of the Remainder of the said Legacies and Costs, when sufficient Assets for the Payment thereof come to the Execu­tors or Administrators Hands. And where any Exceptions shall b [...] taken b [...] either of the Parties to the Report of the Auditors, it sh [...]ll and may be lawful for the Court in which the Action shall be depending, on hearing of the Parties, to correct and amend any Mistakes or Errors which may hap­pen in the Accounts so to be reported.

PROVIDED ALWAYS, No Suit to be maintained un [...]il reasonable De­mand made, & [...] That no such Suit shall be maintained for any such Legacy until reasonable Demand made of the Executor or Executors, or Administrators with Wills annexed, who ought to pay the same, and an Offer made of two sufficient Sureties to the said Executor or Exe­cutors, Administrator or Administrators aforesaid; who, if they think proper to accept thereof, shall become bound to them the said Executor or Executors, Administrator or Ad­ministrators aforesaid, in double the Sum of the Legacy given, with Condition underwritten, that if any Part or the Whole thereof shall at any time after appear to be wanting to dis­char [...]e any Debt or Debts, Legacy or Legacies which the said Executor or Executors, Administrator or Administrators shall not have other Assets to pay, that then he the said Le­g [...]tee will return his said Legacy, or such Part thereof as sh [...]ll be necessary for the Payment of the said Debts, or the Payment of a proportional Part of the said Legacies. And if the said Executors or Administrators shall not think proper to accept of such Bond, then the said Legatees shall file the same with the Clerk of the Court, before obtaining any Pro­cess against the Executor or Executors, Administrator or Ad­ministrators; otherwise, and in Default thereof, the Process issued shall abate.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, Court may award Costs, or no Costs, &c. That the Justices of the Courts aforesaid, respectively, upon Consideration of the Report of the Accompts of the Executors or Administrators shall, according to Justice and Equity, either award no Costs, or Costs out of the Testator's Estate; or in case the Executors or Administrators have been faulty in delaying to pay the Legacy demanded, or a proportional Part thereof, without sufficient Excuse, then out of the proper Estate of [Page 560] the Executor or Executors, Administrator or Administrators; any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding.

Each Legatee to return proportio­nally.PROVIDED ALSO, That where there are or may be several Legatees, and a Return of Part of the said Legacy sued for appear necessary, in such Case each Legatee shall only be compelled to return a proportional Part of his Legacy, so as to make up the whole Sum wanting.

Where no time is limited, Execu­tors, &c. to have a Year.PROVIDED ALSO, That where no Time in and by any Last Will and Testament is limited for the Payment of any such Legacies, that then and in such Case the said Executors or Administrators shall have the Space of one Year to discharge the same.

Limitation of this Act.AND BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That this Act shall continue in Force for the Term of Seven Years, and from thence to the End of the next Session of Assembly, and no longer.

CHAP. CCCLIV. An ACT for naturalizing such foreign Prote­stants as are settled or shall settle within this Province, who, not being of the People called Quakers, do conscientiously refuse the Taking of any Oath.

Preamble.WHEREAS by an Act of Parliament, pass'd in the Thirteenth Year of the Reign of our present Sovereign King GEORGE the Second, entituled▪ An Act for naturalizing such foreign Protestants and others therein mentioned as are settled or shall settle in any of his Majesty's Colonies in America, it is, amongst other Things, provided and enacted, that from and after the first Day of Iune, in the Year of our LORD 1740, all Persons born out of the Ligeance of His Majesty, his Heirs or Successors, who have inhabited and resided, or shall inhabit and reside for the Space of Seven Years, or more, in any of his Majesty's Co­lonies in America, and shall not have been absent out of some of the said Colonies for a longer Space than two Months, at any one Time during the said Seven Years, and shall take and subscribe the Oaths, and make, repeat and subscribe the [Page 561] Declaration appointed by an Act made in the first Year of the Reign of his late Majesty King George the First, entitu­led, An Act for the further Security of his Majesty's Person and Government, &c. or being of the People called Quakers shall make and subscribe the Declaration of Fidelity, and take and affirm the Effect of the Abjuration-Oath appointed and prescribed by an Act made in the Eighth Year of his s [...]id l [...]te M [...]jesty, entituled, An Act for granting the People called Quakers such Forms of Affirmation or Declaration as ma [...] remove the Difficulties which many [...]f them lie under, and also make and subscribe the Profession of his Christian Be­lief, appointed and prescribed by an Act made in the first Year of the Reign of their late Majesties King William and Queen Mary, entituled, An Act for exempting their Majesties Protestant Subjects from the Penalties of certain Laws; before the chi [...]f Judge, or other Judge of the Colony, wherein such Persons respectively have so inhabited and resided, or shall so inhabit and reside, shall be deemed, adjudged and taken to be his Majesty's natural-born Subjects, to all Intents, Constructions and Purposes; as in and by the said Act, among other Things, fully appears.

AND WHEREAS by an Act of Assembly of this Province, made in the Fourth Year of the Reign of the said late King George the First, and approved of by the Lords Justices, in Council, entituled, An Act for the Ad­vancement of Iustice, &c. it was, among other Things, e­nacted, That the Affirmation of such Persons (whether of the People called Quakers, or others) as conscientiously refuse to take an Oath, shall be accounted and deemed in the Law to have the full Effect of an Oath, in any Case whatsoever in this Province.

AND WHEREAS divers Persons born out of the Ligeance of our said present Sovereign King GEORGE the Second, from the Lenity of our Government, the Benefit of our Laws, the Advantages of our Trade, and the Security of our Property, have been induced to settle within this Co­lony, and altho' otherwise qualified according to the Tenour of the Act of Parliament aforesaid, are not of the People called Quakers, and do conscientiously refuse to take any O [...]th, and are thereby disabled from Partaking of the Benefit British Subjects in this Colony enjoy, and by the Act of Par­liament aforesaid is intended; THEREFORE, for Removing of these Difficulties and those of others who may h [...]reafter come amongst [...] in like Circumstances, [Page 562] BE IT ENACTED by the Honourable GEORGE THOMAS, Esq with the King's Approbation, Lieutenant Governor, under the Honourable Iohn Penn, Thomas Penn and Richard Penn, Esqrs, true and absolute Proprietors of the Province of Pennsylvania, and of the Counties of New-Castle, Kent and Sussex on Delaware, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Representatives of the Freemen of the said Province, in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, That from and after the Publication of this Act, all Persons, being Prote­stants, born out of the Ligeance of our present Sovereign King GEORGE the Second, his Heirs or Successors, who shall conscientiously refuse an Oath, and have inhabited and resided, or shall inhabit and reside for the Space of Seven Years, or more, within this Province, and shall not have been absent out of the same or some other of the Colonies, in the said Act of Parliament mentioned, for a longer Space than two Months, at any one Time during the said Seven Years, and shall make and subscribe the Declaration of Fi­delity, and the Profession of his Christian Belief, and take and affirm the Effect of the Abjuration Oath, before the chief Judge, or other Judge of the Supream Court of this Province, in such Sort, Manner and Form as in and by the said Act of Parliament is directed to be done and performed by the People called Quakers, shall be deemed, adjudged and taken to be the King's natural-born Subjects of this Province, to all Intents, Constructions and Purposes, as if they and every of them had been or were born within this Province: Which said Affirmations the said chief Judge or other Judge aforesaid is hereby enabled, impowered and re­quired to administer and take. And when administred and taken, an Entry thereof shall be made in the said Court and in the Secretary's-Office, and the Names of the Persons transmitted to the Commissioners for Trade and Plantations, yearly, in like Manner, as by the Act of Parliament herein before-recited is directed. And for administring the said Affirmations, and making Entries thereof, the Judges and Secretary aforesaid, respectively, shall be entituled to the like Fees and be under like Penalties as in and by the said Act of Parliament is directed and inflicted.


AN APPENDIX; CONTAINING A SUMMARY OF SUCH ACTS of ASSEMBLY As have been formerly in Force within this Province, For Regulating of Descents, And Transfering the Property of Lands, &c.

But since expired, altered or repealed.


[Page iii]



THE following Appendix contains a Col­lection of divers Acts of Assembly for­merly in Force within this Province, but since altered, expired or repealed. The Ne­cessity of preserving them in Print will be obvious to any one who will consider, that whatever is done by virtue of any Law whilst it was in Force, ought to remain valid, tho' the Law by which it was done after expires or be repealed.

Many Conveyances have been made by virtue of these Acts whilst they were in Force; and the Titles of the present Possessors of Lands depend on them: And no Person, how­ever [Page iv] ever skilful, can form a right Judgment of the Validity of the Title to those Lands, without being first well informed how the Law stood at the Time when the several Deeds, of which such Title is composed, were executed: Hence the Necessity and Useful­ness of preserving those Laws which have been made for regulating Descents and trans­fering the Property of Lands must be evident.

As to the ensuing Collection, the Reader may be assured it has been made with much Care and Difficulty; and it is hoped no such Mistakes will be form'd as to frustrate the good Purposes for which it is design'd.

[Page 1]


In the CHARTER granted by King CHARLES the Second, to William Penn, Esq late Proprietary and Governor of the Province of Pennsylvania, bearing Date the Fourth of March, in the 33d Year of his Reign, Anno 1681, it is, amongst other Things, provided in the Words following, viz.

AND our further Will and Pleasure is, OBSERVATION. ALTHO' it should be made a Ques­tion, whether the Statute Laws of England, by the Royal Charter, or o­therwise, did or do extend to this Pro­vince; yet as the Common Law is ge­nerally allowed to be in force here in such Cases wherein no Al­terations have been made by Acts of Assembly: And as it appears to have been re­solved in the Earl of Derby 's Case, 4 Inst. 284, That Land granted by Letters Patents from the Crown, tho' out of the Realm of England, should descend according to the Course of the Common Law. It is clear, that from the Date of the Charter, until Ac [...]s of Assembly were made to alter the same, Lands, within this Province, descended according to the Course of Common Law. That the Laws for regulating of Property, within the said Pro­vince, as well for the Descent of Lands, as likewise for the Enjoyment of Goods and Chattels, and likewise as to Felonies, shall be and continue the same as they shall be for the time being in our Kingdom of England, until the said Laws shall be alter'd by the said William Penn, his Heirs or Assigns, and by the Freemen of the said Pro­vince, their Delegates or Deputies, or the greater Part of them.

[Page 2]
Soon after the Grant made by the Royal Charter aforesaid, an Assembly of the said Pro­vince, and Three Lower Counties (then called the Territories) was called by the Proprietary and Governor aforesaid, which met at Chester, on the Seventh Day▪ of December, 1682; where the following Laws were pass'd, to wit.

Part of an Act, entituled, An Act of Union, &c.

OBSERVATION. 1. BY an Act made at an Assem­bly, held at New-Castle, Anno 1683, this is declared to be a fundamental Law. 2. It was conti­nued until the Year 1700; and then an Act of Assembly (Ch. 30) was made at New-Castle, of like import, which repea­led this Act. 3. The Act which repealed this was af­terwards repealed, by which, according to the Rule, Wood' s Inst. 9. this Act was revived, and remain­ed in force during the late Proprietor's Life.BE IT ENACTED by the Governor and Proprietary of the Province aforesaid, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Deputies of the Freemen thereof, in Assembly met, That all Persons, who are Strangers and Foreigners, that now do inhabit this Province and Counties aforesaid, that hold Land in Fee, in the same, according to the Law of a Freeman, and who shall solemnly promise, with­in three Months after the Publication hereof, in their respective County Courts where they live, upon Record, Faith and Allegiance to the King of England, and to his lawful Heirs and Successors, and Fidelity and law­ful Obedience to William Penn, Pro­prietary and Governor of these Pro­vinces, &c. and his Heirs and Assigns, acording to the King's Letters Patents, shall be held and reputed Freemen of the Province and Counties aforesaid, in as ample and full Manner as any Person residing therein. AND IT IS HEREBY FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That when at any Time any Person, that is a Foreigner, shall make his Request to the Proprie­tary of this Province for the aforesaid Freedom, the said [Page 3] Person shall be admitted on the Conditions herein expressed, paying at Admission Twenty Shillings Sterling, and no more, any thing in this Law, or any other Law, Act or Thing in this Province to the contrary in anywise notwithstanding.


AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, OBSERVATION. 1. So much of this Law which re­gards the Manner of giving Evidence, is, in Substance, the same with the 26 th Law agreed on in Eng­land. 2. By an Act, made at the Assembly held at New-Castle, in the Year 1683, it was declared a fun­damental Law. 3. By an Act pass'd at New-Cas­tle ( Chap. 91) this Act is declared to be in Force, and thereby continued without Limitation; but the Act for Continuance of this and other Laws was after re­pealed; yet a [...] a for­mer Law then was, and, for aught I find, yet is in being, the Repeal of the New-Castle Act does not seem to affect this Act; but it may be considered as an Act now in Force. &c. That there shall be two credi­ble Witnesses, in all Cases, in order to Judgment, and all Witnesses coming or called, to testify their Knowledge in or to any Matter or Thing in any Court or before any lawful Authority in the said Province or Territories, shall there give or deliver in their E­vidence, by solemnly Promising to speak the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth in the Matter or Thing in Question: And in case any Person so called to give in their Evidence shall afterward be convicted of wilful Falshhood, such Person shall after undergo such Damage or Penalty as the Person or Persons against whom he bare false Witness did or should undergo; and shall also make Satisfaction to the Party wronged, and be publickly ex­posed for a false Witness, never to be credited again in any Court, or before any Magistrate in the said Province. And whosoever shall lie in Conversa­sation, shall, for every such Offence, pay Half-a-Crown, or suffer three Days Imprisonment in the House of Cor­rection, at hard Labour.


AND BE IT ENACTED, OBSERVATION. BEFORE the Proprietary and the Adventurers con­cerned with him left England divers Laws were there a­greed on; the 15 th of which was the same with the present. This Act, as amended in the Fourth of Queen Anne, re­mains to this Day. &c. That Wills in Writing, at­tested by two sufficient Witnesses, shall be of the same Force to Lands and [Page 4] Tenements as other Conveyances, be­ing legally proved, in Forty Days, either within or without the Pro­vince.


AND BE IT ENACTED, OBSERVATION. 1. BY the 14 th Law made in England, all the Goods, and a Third of the Land only, where a Man had Issue, was liable to pay Debts, this Act renders Half the Lands in such Cases liable. 2. This Act cntinued to the 10 th of the Third Month, 1688: The 111 th Chap. postea, altered it; and then, by an Act pass'd at Philadelphia, all Lands were made liable to be taken in Execution, and sold for Payment of Debts, tho' there were Issue; which, under certain Regulations remains in Force to this Day. &c. That all Lands and Goods shall be liable to pay Debts, except where [...]here shall be legal Issue, and then all the Goods, and one Half of the Land only, in case the Land was bought before the Debts were con­tracted.

At an Assembly held for the Province and Territories aforesaid, at Chester, the Tenth Day of the First Month, 1683, the following Acts, among others, were pass'd, to wit.

CHAP. CX. An ACT for setling Intestates Estates; [which as it was explained by the 172d Chapter of the Laws, made at New-Castle the 10th Day of the Month called May, 1684, follows in these Words.]

OBSERVATION. 1. FROM the Passing of this Act the Course of the Descents of Land was altered: The eldes [...] Son, by this Act (where there were other Children) ta­king a double Share only. 2. By this Act, it seems, where there were no Children, the Brothers and Sisters, or their Children (where such there were) of the Intes­tate, took a joint E­state; and where there were none, the Parents took Half the Estate. 3. This Act con­tinued to the Year 1693, and then it received some Alter­ations; amongst o­thers, where there were no Children, Brothers or Sisters, or their Issue, were to inherit; and if there were none of these, it was to go to the Parents: And for W [...]nt of Kindred, one Half to the Governor, the other Half to the County Stock. 4. The last mentioned Act continued until 1700; which see postea.THAT the Estate of an Intes­tate shall be thus disposed of, That is to say, One Third of his personal Estate shall go to his Wife, and further, one Third of his [Page 5] Lands and Tenements to his Wise du­ring he [...] natural Life; the Remainder, with the other two Thirds of his Estate shall go to his Children, his eldest Son having a double [...]ar [...] or Share: And in case the Intestate leaves no Child, then Hal [...] the personal Estate to the Widow, and the Mo [...]ety of the real Estate, during her natural Life; the Remainder thereof to the next of her Husband's Kin. And if he leaveth no Wife, Child or Children, it shall go to his Brothers or Sisters, if any be, or to theChildren of such Brothers and Sisters, and in case no such be, one Half shall go to the Parents, and one Half shall go to the Governor, and for Want of Kin, one Half to the publick Stock of the County: And the Estate of an Intestate Widow shall go to her Chil­dren, to be shared as before; and if she leave no Child or Children, the Estate to be disposed of as aforesaid: And the Estate of a single Woman shall go to her Brothers and Sisters, if any be; and for Want of such, as be­fore limited: Provided, that his or her Debts be first paid, and that the Time of claiming be within Three Years after the Decease of the Intestate Party.


BE IT ENACTED, OBSERVAT. 1. THis Act seems to restrain the Power of devising more than one Third of the Lands of which a Man died seized. 2. This Law, for aught I find to the contrary, continued until the First of the the fourth Month, 1693; when a Law pass'd authorizing a Man to devise all his real Estate. &c. That whatever Estate any Person hath in this Province or Territories thereof, at the Time of his Decease, unless it appear that equal Provision be made elsewhere, shall be thus dis­posed of, That is to say, One third Part to the Wise of the Party deceased; [Page 6] one third Part to the Children equal­ly; and the other Third as he plea­seth; and in case his Wife be decea­sed before him, two Thirds shall go to the Children equally, and the other Third disposed of as he shall think fit, his Debts being first paid.

At an Assembly held at New-Castle, the 10th of the Third Month, 1684, it was enacted, amongst other Things.


THAT there shall be five Pro­vincial-Judges appointed by the Governor, OBSERVATION. 1. THIS Law con­tinued 'til the Year 1693, when a new Act was made, giving the County Courts a [...] equitable Power in Causes un­der Ten Pounds; and an Appeal from thence against Verdicts or Iudgments to the next Supreme-Court, &c. which last Law was continued by the 91 Chap. of the Laws made at New-Ca­stle, and remained in Force until the 26 th of October, 1701, when a new Act pass'd for establishing of Cour [...]s, &c. under the Great Seal of this Province; which Judges, or any Three of them, shall be a Pro­vincial Court, and sit twice every Year in the Town of Philadelphia; and any two of them at least shall, every Fall and Spring, yearly, go the Circuits into every respective County of this Province and Territories, and there hold a Provincial Court, which Court, whether fixed or circular, shall have the Hearing and Determining of all Appeals from inferiour Courts, also all Trials of Titles of Land, and all Causes, as well criminal as civil both in Law and Equity, not determinable by the respective County Courts; any thing in this Act, or in any other Act or Law of this Province or Territories, to the contrary in anywise notwith­standing.

At a General Assembly held at Philadel­phia, the 10th of the Month [...] May 1688, the following Act was pass'd, among others, viz.


BE IT ENACTED, OBSERVATION. THIS Act conti­nued to the Year 1693, which see hereafter, by which Executors and Administrators were authorised to sell without the Appli­cation here directed. &c. That any Person who died or shall die Intestate Owner of Land within this Province or Terri­tories, and hath left or shall leave a legal Issue, it shall be lawful for the Court of Orphans, with the Approba­tion of the Governor and Council, to impower the Widow or Administrator, in case of considerable Debts, [...]harge of Child or Children, to make Sale of such Parts an [...] Tracts of the said Land as the Council and Court shall judge meet, towards the De­fraying of such Debts, the Education of such Child or Chil­dren, Support of the Widow, and the better Improvement of the Remainder of the Estate to their Advantage; and that this Law be in Force for one whole Year, and no longer.

At a General Assembly held at Philadelphia, in the Year 1693, the Acts following were pass'd, viz.

I. The Laws about Factors, and their Imployers.

OBSERVAT. 1. A LAW of like Import with Part of this was agreed on in England, Numb. 36. 2. It was co [...]fir­med by the first As­sembly held in th [...] Year 1682, and con­tinued until the ma­king of this Act. 3. This Act being not limited, i [...] re­spect to Time, nor (that I have found) altered or repealed, by any subsequent Act, seems to be in Force at this Day.TO the Intent that the Estates of Factors or Correspondents shall make good all just Debts due to their Imployers, and that the Estates or Effects of Merchants or Imployers shall discharge all just Debts due to their Factors or Correspondents, BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That all Factors or Correspondents, in this Province or Territories, defrauding their Imployers shall make Restitution, and one Third over to the said Imployers. And in case any Factor shall die and shall not leave sufficient Estate to pay his Debts, it shall be lawful for the respective Court, or any two Justices of the Peace, to secure the Goods, proper Credits and Effects of his Imployer [Page 8] or Imployers, for his or their proper Use or Uses, and give due and speedy Notice thereof accordingly to the said Imployers, to the End that they may receive the Sum, paying neces­sary Charges, in case any Factor, Attorney or Correspondent shall contract any Debts, or really disburse any Sums of Mo­ney or other Things for the carrying on his Imployer's Af­fairs according to Order and Direction, either within this Province and Territories, or Pa [...]ts adjacent: And also, That if such Imployers shall order out, dispose of, or sell their Effects and Estates without making Satisfaction to their said Factors or Correspondents for all such Debts or Things due and laid out as aforesaid, unless Provision be thereupon made for the Payment thereof, such Sale shall be of no Ef­fect until the same be discharged; and that the respective County Courts, in all such Cases, upon Complaint entered and sufficient Proof made of such Debts and Dues, in open Court, may pass Judgment against such Imployers for the same, with Costs and Damages, and award Execution for the same.

II. The Law about Testates and Intestates Estates. Anno 1693.

OBSERVAT. THis Act continued to the Year 1694, when another Act was made, authori­sing Sales of Lands to be made by the Widow or Admini­strators, with the Leave of the Gover­nor and Council, or the County Court, where there were Debts to be paid, a Charge of Children, or it was necessary for the Improvement of the Residue of the Estate: Which last Law continued to the Year 1696. 2. But then the first Law was revived, which enabled Exe­cutors or Administrators to sell for Payment of Debts, and con­tinued in Force from the Year 1696 to the 27 th of Nov. 1700. 3. At which Time two Acts passed, the first, entituled, An Act for ascertaining the Descent of Lands, &c. whereby Executors and Administrators are authorised to sell their Tes­tators or Intestates Lands in Manner directed by this Act: The other Act which passed the same Session is entituled, An Act to impower Widows and Administrators to sell so much of the Lands of Intestates as may be sufficient to clear their Debts, &c. Which last mentioned Act provides, that Widows or Administrators may sell so much Lands of Intestates (where there is not sufficient personal Estate) as the Orphans Court shall think fit, for Payment of Debts, Education of Children, and Improvement of the Residue. 4. These Acts continued 'til the 13 th of the 12 th Mo. 1705, and then were repealed.AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That all real Estates, and Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, and all per [...]onal Estates, which any Person hath in this Province and Territories at the Time of his Decease, shall be liable, either by Conveyance or Bill of Sale, duly executed by the lawful Executor or Administrator of such Deceased, and approved and acknowledged in open Court according to Law, or by Judg­ment or Order of the respective Courts of Record, upon due Procedure therein had, to be seized and sold for Payment of the Decedent's just Debts, &c. which Sale and Seizures are hereby declared to be binding and conclusive against such Deceased, and their Heirs, and all claiming under them, &c.

[Page 9]
At a General Assembly held at New-Castle, the Fourteenth of October, and continued by Ad­journment to the 27th Day of November, Anno 1700, the following Act, among others, was passed, viz.

An Act for the effectual Establishment and Confirmation of the Freeholders, &c.

WHEREAS at the first lay­ing out and setling of Lands in this Province of Pennsyl­vania and Territories thereunto be­longing, OBSERVAT. 1. THIS Act con­tinued to the 13 th of the Twelfth Month, 1705, and was then repealed by by an Order of the Queen in Council. many great Neglects and Er­rors have been committed, through the Want of Experience and Care both in Officers and the People, as well to the Wrong of the Proprietary as the Insecurity of the said People, and the great Inconveniency of both: For Remedy whereof, and for the Safety of the said Province and Territories, in general, and that the In­habitants may be compleatly and absolutely settled, and ful [...]y secured in their Rights and Titles to Land, and all [Page 10] Occasions of Difference and Contest thereupon may forever hereafter be prevented and removed, BE IT ENAC­TED by the Proprietary and Governor, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Freemen of this Province and Territories, in General Assembly met, and by the Autho­rity of the same, That all Tracts and Parcels of Land taken up within this Province and Territories, and duly seated by virtue of Letters Patents or Warrants, obtained from Go­vernors or lawful Commissioners, under the Crown of Eng­land, before the King's Grant to the Proprietary and Gover­nor for the Province (except the same was had by Fraud or Deceit) shall be quietly enjoyed by the actual Possessors, their Heirs and Assigns: And that all Lands and Tracts of Land, duly taken up by virtue of Warrants obtained pur­suant to Purchases made and had from the Proprietary and Governor, or in Pursuance of any Commission or Power granted by the Proprietary to any other Person (except as before excepted, and except where the same does interfere with other Persons just Rights and Claims) shall be quietly and peaceably enjoyed by, and confirmed to the Possessor (according to the said Warrants) his Heirs and Assigns for­ [...]ver; and altho' no Patent hath been granted, yet, if peace­able Entry and Possession hath been obtaine [...], by Warrants, or otherwise, as aforesaid, and thereupon quiet Possession hath been held during the Space of Seven Years, or more, such Possession, or such Entry as aforesaid shall give an un­questionable Title to all such Lands, according to the Quan­tity they were taken up for, and shall be deemed and held good, and be confirmed by the Proprietary to the Seaters or Possessors thereof, their Hei [...]s and Assigns, forever. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That all Grants for Lands from the Proprietary, shall be henceforth under the Great S [...]l of this Province and Territories; which Grants shall give the respective Grantees an absolute Title for all the Lands therein to be granted or confirmed, be they more or less than laid out for, and shall never more thereafter be subject or liable to any further Survey. And that all Grants and Patents heretofore granted, whether under the broad or lesser Seal, either by the Proprietary himself or his Com­missioners as aforesaid, shall be firm and good, to all Intents and Purposes, for the Quantity of Land in such Grants ex­pressed, forever after the Time herein limited, without any further Dispute. AND WHEREAS several Mis­ta [...]es and Errors have happened through the Negligence, Ignorance or Fraud of Surveyors or Chain-Carriers, and [Page 11] many Surveys have thereby been made erroneous: For the Rectifying whereof, BE IT E­NACTED by the Authority aforesaid, OBSERVAT. 2. IT is probable divers Re-sur­veys have been made in Pursuance of the Power given by this Act: And tho' the Act be since repea­led, it does not inva­lidate what was le­gally done whilst the Act was in force. That it shall and may be lawful for the Proprietary and Gover­nor, and his Heirs, by his and their lawful Surveyors, at any time within the Space of two Years after Pub­lication hereof, to re-survey, or cause to be re-surveyed, any Person's Land within this Province or Territories; and if upon such re-survey, allowing four Acres in the Hundred, over or under, for the Difference of Surveys, there be more Land found in the Number of Acres than the said Tract so surveyed was laid out for, allowing also Six per Cent. for Roads and Highways, all such overplus Lands shall be to the Proprietary, and the Possessor thereof shall have the Refusal of it from the Pro­prietary, at reasonable Rates: And if the Proprietary and th [...] said Possessor do not agree, then, and in such case, the Proprietary shall choose two more, who shall either fix a Price on the said overplus Land, to be paid by the Possessor, or otherwise appoint where it shall be taken off for the Proprietary in one entire Piece, at an outside, saving to the Purchaser or Renter his Improvements, and best Convenien­cies; and three of whom agreeing shall be conclusive; and the Charges of Re-surveying such Lands shall be bore by him to whom the overplus Land shall [...]ll, if he buy the Overplus, or if not, by the Proprietary. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Purchaser or Tenant, having procured his Land to be again surveyed by any of the lawful Surveyor [...], shall find the same to be deficient of the Qu [...]ntity it was before laid out for and should contain (allowing for Diff [...]rence of Surveys, Roads and Highways being fir [...] made, as before expressed) all such Deficiencie [...] shall be made good by the Proprietary and Governor according as he receives for the overplus Land as aforesaid. And that the People in the said Sur­veys may have the greater Satisfaction, BE IT [...]UR­THER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That no Surveyor shall enter upon any Person's Land to make a Re-survey of the same, without giving Notice to the Owner or Possessor thereof, or leaving Notice at his House, if he dwell near the same, and if he do not know him, and the said Owner dwell not in the Precincts or [Page 12] Township, that then such Surveyor shall give Notice thereof to the two next Neighbours, under the Penalty of Twenty Pounds, to be forfeited to such Owner. And in case any Surveyor shall hereafter wilfully or negligently survey any Lands to the Prejudice of the Possessor or Owner, he shall make good double Damages to the Party grieved. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Autho­rity aforesaid, That the first Hundred Purchasers of Land in the Province shall be preferred, and have Liberty to take up their Lands before any other Purchasers, so that they make Application for the same within four Months after Publication hereof, AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, OBSERVATION. 3. THE Heir of a Ioyntenant, whose Ancestor died during the Continu­ance of this Act, seems to have a Right to claim and hold the Part of such Ances­tor against the sur­viving Ioyntenant, and his Heirs, not­withstanding this Act is since repea­led; not only because it would not be rea­sonable that a Fee-simple which vested whilst the Act was in force should be di­vested by the Repeal; but also because the Estate of such an Heir seems to be confirmed by a [...]i­table Construction of the Act, entituled, An Act for the bet­ter confirming the Owners of Lands, &c. pass'd in the Fourth of Queen Anne. That where any Lands have been purchased or taken up in Copartnership, and either of the Parties die before Division be made thereof, the Survivor shall claim his equal and just Share and Proportion, and the Heirs and Assigns of the deceased Partner shall hold and enjoy the Part belonging to such De­ceased as firmly as when all the Parties were living, unless it shall appear that there has been some Contract or Agree­ment made to the contrary. And whereas it may sometimes happen, that where some have purchased a Parcel of Land (for Instance, a Thou­sand Acres) and the same has been surveyed and laid out; but upon a Re-survey of such Tract it is found to contain twelve Hundred Acres, of which the Purchaser, having been wholly ignorant, hath sold either Part of it or the Whole to several Persons, or has given it to several Children, under the Notion of only a Thou­sand Acres, upon Re-survey of which, by the Proprietary's Order, the Over­plus may happen to fall within se­veral small Plantations, or to consist in­tirely of one of them, Be it therefore Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That in such Cases the Proprietary's Overplus shall not be taken of any [Page 13] one Particular of the said several Plantations, but of the rough Land remaining undisposed of in the whole Tract, if any such be; and if there be not any such, then to be taken off every particular Plantation proportionably: And the Charges of running the Division-Lines shall be always borne by the respective Owners of the several Plantations. And where the Overplus is taken in one entire Piece off the Whole, it shall and may be lawful for the first Purchaser to cause the several Tracts by him sold to any measne Purcha­ser or Purchasers to be re-surveyed by any lawful Surveyor; and the Overplus sound in such Tracts or measne Purchases above what they were sold or rented for, shall go the Per­son of whom they were bought, in the like Manner as the overplus Lands in general go the Proprietary and Governor. And whereas our Proprietary and Governor did formerly, in a Clause of our Charter of Privi­l [...]s, This Charter was called The Frame of the Government, &c, and bears Date in the Year 1683. Art. 23. give and grant to all and every [...] of the Inhabitants of this Province and Territories full and quiet Enjoy­ment of their respective Lands to which they had any lawful or equita­ble Claim, saving only such Rents and Services for the same as were or customarily ought to be reserved to the Proprietary, his Heirs and Assigns; which Clause, upon delivering up our Charter, was reserved, and our said Proprietary and Gover­nor was pleased to reserve to us; We therefore desire that it may be enacted, And be it Enacted by the Authority a­foresaid, That the said Clause shall be in as full Force, Power and Virtue as if the Surrender of the Charter as afore­said had never been made. Provided always, That nothing in this Act shall be construed to confirm any Lands to the Prejudice of the Right of Infants, married Women, Luna­ticks or Persons beyond the Seas; any thing herein to the contrary in anywise notwithstanding. And for the Satis­faction and Encouragement of Aliens coming into this Pro­vince or Counties annexed, Be it further Enacted by the Au­thority aforesaid, That if any Alien, who is or shall be a Purchaser, or doth or shall inhabit in this Province or Ter­ritories thereof, shall decease at any time before he can well be naturalized, his Right and Interest therein shall not­withstanding descend to his Wife and Children, or other his Relations, be he Testate or Intestat [...], according to the Laws of this Province and Territories thereof in such Cases provided, in as free and ample Manner, to all Intents and Purposes as if the said Aliens had been naturalized. [Page 14] And whereas divers Persons beyond Seas are and have been Owners of Land within this Province and Territories, and such Persons have usually appointed Attornies to sell and dispose of the same; to the End therefore that the several Persons that have so purchased, their Heirs and Assigns, may forever hereafter be secured in their Titles and Co­venants, BE IT ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, OBSERVAT. 4. THIS Part of the Act is sup­plied by an Act, en­tituled, An Act for confirming of Sales made by Attornies, &c. pass'd in the Fourth Year of the Reign of Queen Anne. That all Sales of Lands, Tenements and He­reditaments made by lawful Attor­nies, especially granted to sell such Lands, are and shall be deemed and adjudged good and effectual in Law to all Intents, Constructions and Pur­poses whatsoever, as if the said Owners of such Lands had by their own Deeds, Bargains and Sales actually and really sold, conveyed and executed the same; and all and singular the Lands, Tene­ments and Hereditaments sold and conveyed as aforesaid shall be and remain to such Purchasers respectively, their Heirs and Assigns forever, as they might or ought to have done to the Owner or Owners of such Lands and Premises so Imploying his or their Attorney or Attorneys as aforesaid. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments that hereafter shall be sold by virtue of any Letter of Attorney, shall be good and valid respectively to the Purchasers, their Heirs and Assigns, forever, as aforesaid; provided the said Letter of Attorney be attested before some Magistrate or publick Notary, where the same shall be made and executed, and certified under their respective Hands and publick Seals, and be proved within this Province or Territories viva voce, by two Witnesses at least.

At a General Assembly held at Philadelphia, in the Year 1705, an Act was pass'd, entituled, An Act for the acknowledging and recording of Deeds; which Act, among others, contained the Clause following, viz.

[Page 15]AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, OBSERVAT. 1. THIS Act con­tinued in force divers Years. By the Minutes of Assembly of the Second of the 11 th Mo. 1710, it appears it was then repealed, and an Or­der made for bring­ing in of a new Bill to amend the former. 2. Deeds made in Pursuance of this Act, whilst in force, are sufficient Bars to Estates Tail. 3. In the 28 th of the 12 th Mo. 1710, a new Act pass'd, in which there is a Clause of the same Import with this; which last Act continued in Force until the 20 th of the 12 th Month, 1713, and was the [...] repealed by Order of the Queen in Council. That all Deeds and Conveyances, made or to be made, proved, acknowledged and recorded according to the true Intent and Meaning of this Act, shall be of the same Force and Effect here for the Assurance of the said Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, and for docking and barring of Estates Tail, as Fines and Recoveries at common Law or Deeds of Feoffments with Livery of Seizin, or Deeds in­rolled in any of the Queen's Courts of Record at Westminster are or shall be in the Kingdom of England.

At an Assembly held at Philadelphia, the 15th of Octob. 1711, the following Act, among others, was pass'd.

An Act confirming Patents and Grants.

BE IT ENACTED by Charles Gookin, OBSERVATION. THIS appears to have been a short lived Act, it being repealed by Order of of the Queen in Council the 20 th of the 12 th Mo. 1713; and yet, as it is not improbable Re-sur­vey [...] may have been ma [...]e whils [...] the Act was in force, it seems necessary to preserve the Act in Print. Esq by the Queen's Royal Approbation Lieut. Governor under William Penn, Esq absolute Proprietary and Gover­nor in chief of the Province of Penn­sylvania, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Freemen of the said Province in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same, That all Lands and Hereditaments which any Person or Persons do hold and enjoy, or ought to have, hold and enjoy within this Province, as well by or under any Gift, Grant or Estate made or granted by the said Proprie­tary [Page 16] and Governor William Penn, or his Commissioners of Property and Agents, pursuant to the said Persons Right of Purchase, Demise or Grant from him the said Proprietary, as also by or under any old Grant, Patent or Warrant ob­tained or had from Governors or lawful Commissioners, un­der the Crown of England, before the Date of the late King Charles the Second his Letters Patents to the said Proprie­tary, or by any other legal or equitable Grant, Right, Title, Entry, Possession or Estate whatsoever, shall, by virtue of this Act, be h [...]ld and enjoyed by such Person or Persons ac­cording to the Purport and Intent of the respective Right, Grant, Patent, Purchase or Demise, and for and in the E­state or Estates thereby granted or intended to be thereby granted or settled. Provided always, That nothing herein contained shall be construed or adjudged to confirm any Lands taken up by virtue of the said old Grants and not duly seated or improved by the Grantees or their Assigns before the Year One Thousand Six Hundred and Eighty-two, nor to create or confirm any Right or Interest to any Per­son or Persons whatsoever for or to any more or greater Quantity of Lands, Marsh, Meadow or Cripple than shall appear, by Gi [...]t, Grant, Demise or Purchase from the said Proprietary, or his Commissioners or Agents, or from his Predecessors, the former Governors or Commissioners afore­said, to be the said Person or Persons just Due (over and above the six Acres of Land for Roads and Barrens, and the four Acres over or under, to be accounted for Difference of Surveys) no [...] shall create a Right to the Possessor or Claimer of any Lands that were not taken up or surveyed by virtue of a Warrant or Order from Persons impowered to grant the same, and by a Surveyor appointed for that Purpose; any thing herein, or in any Patent, Grant or Survey to the contrary in anywise notwithstanding. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all the Sales, Gifts, Grants, Surrenders, Assurances, Conveyances and E­states in anywise conveyed, had or made to or for the said Proprietary, by or from any Person or Persons whatsoever, of any Lands, Tenements or other Hereditaments, for or upon any Consideration whatsoever, shall stand, remain and be good and available in Law, according to the true Mean­ing and Purport of the same; Saving the Right, Title and Demand of all and every Person and Persons whatsoever, and of their Heirs and Assigns (other than such Person or Persons, and their Heirs, being Parties or Privies to such Grants, Surrenders, Conveyances or Assurances, or from whom the said Proprietary hath had, obtained or purchased [Page 17] any of the said Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments by Exchange, Surrender, Gift, Grant, Deed, or otherwise. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the said William Penn, his Heirs and Assigns, Proprietaries of this Province of Pennsylvania, either by him or them­selves, or by his present Commissioners or Deputies, or by Commissioners, Deputies or Agents, to be by them appoin­ted, shall and will from time to time, and at all Times hereafter, upon all reasonable Demands, make, do and exe­cute, or cause so to be, all and every such Patents, Grants or Assurances as may be necessary according to the Laws and Constitutions of this Province, to grant, assure and confirm all and singular the Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments in the said Province by him the said Proprietary or his Commissioners or Agents heretofore sold, granted or dispo­sed, or which by him, his Heirs or Assigns, or by his or their Commissioners or Agents shall hereafter be sold, gran­ted or disposed to any Person or Persons, Bodies politick or corporate, to hold the said Lands, Hereditaments and Premises, with their Appurtenances, to the Grantees or Persons interested therein, for such Estate or Estates, Term or Terms of Life, Lives or Years, and for such Uses, and under such Rents or Acknowledgments as the same Lands and Premises were, are or shall be sold, granted or disposed of as aforesaid: Saving to all Persons their Rights, Titles, Estates and Interest in Lands granted, derived or claimed by, from or under the said old Patents or Grants made be­fore the Date of the said Letters Patents, sealed and impro­ved as aforesaid.

AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority aforesaid, That all and every the Grants, Patents, Deeds or Conveyances of or for any Lands, Tene­ments and Hereditaments in this Province, hereto [...]ore made or given by the said Proprietary, his Heirs or Assigns, or by his or their Deputies, Commissioners or Agents, sealed with or under the Seal or Seals now used or here­after to be used for that Purpose, and entered upon Re­cord in the Patent or Rolls-Office (which is hereby declared to be an Office of Record) shall be good and available in Law, and shall be adjudged, deemed and taken, and are hereby declared to be Grants or Conveyances and Matters of Record, and to have no need of Delivery before Wit­nesses, Livery and Seizin, or Acknowledgments as Deeds of other Persons may or ought to have; and none shall be admitted to plead non est factum, or nul tiel Record, against them, or shall plead in Disability of the Person or Persons, [Page 18] in whose Names or stead they have been or shall be made or granted; but inasmuch as they are in the nature of Con­veyances, therefore, if any shall have Occasion to deny the Operation thereof, the Party may plead non conces [...]it, and prove in Evidence that he or they, in whose Name or stead the same Patents or other Deeds were made or grant­ed as aforesaid, had nothing in the Lands or Tenements so granted, or that the same Lands and Hereditaments did not pass by such Grant, Deed, Patent or Conveyance.

And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That no Grant, Patent or Conveyance of any Lands, Tene­ments or Hereditaments so as aforesaid made, or which shall at any time herea [...]ter be made or granted by the said Proprietary, his Heirs or Assigns, or by his or their said Commissioners or Ag [...]nt as aforesaid, to or for the Use of any Person or Persons, Bodies politick or corporate, shall be adjudged, or taken to be defective, avoided or prejudiced for or by reason of any Misnaming, Misrecital or Non-re­cital of any of the said Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments and Premises, or any Part thereof, or any lack of finding of Offices or Inquisitions of and in the Premises, or any part thereof, whereby the said Proprietary's Title therein ought to have been found, or for Misrecital or Non-recital or not mentioning, or not true mentioning of the said Pro­prietary's Estate or Estates of, in or to the Premises, or for misnaming or not true naming of the Counties or Pla­ce [...] where the said Lands and Premises lie or be, or for lack of the true naming of the Lands and Premises, or of the Natures, Kinds or Qualities thereof, or for any want of Form, or for not being formerly entered upon Record, or for want of being hithertofore sealed with the Great Seal, or for not being sealed and delivered before Witnesses, or for want of Livery and Seizin or Attornment, or for not mentioning the Consideration: But that all the said Gifts, Grants, Patents and Conveyances, with all the Warrants and Returns of Surveys, pursuant thereunto, and other Writings relating to the said Lands, Hereditaments and Premises, shall be, and are hereby declared and enacted to be, good and available in Law against the said Proprietary, his Heirs and Assigns, and against all others claiming or to claim under him or them, and against all and every other Person and Persons, that shall at any time inherit or enjoy this Province; and that the same shall be and remain in full Force, and be maintained and have Effect, according to the true Intent and Purport thereof, and shall be ex­pounded, deemed and adjudged most beneficially for the [Page 19] Patentees, Donees and Grantees of the same, and their Heirs and [...]ssigns, Executors and Administrators, according to the Wo [...]ds, Tenor and true Meaning of every of the said Gi [...]ts, Grants, Patents, Conveyance, Surveys and other W [...]itings.

And be it f [...]rther Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all and singular the said Lands, Hereditaments and Premises, and every Part thereof, which have been granted or confirmed by the said Patents or Conveyances passed under the Proprietary's Seal, and recorded, as aforesaid, as al [...]o all and singular the Lands and Hereditaments hereafter to be granted, conveyed or confirmed by Patents or other Conve [...]ances, which shall pass under the Seal of the said Proprietary, his Heirs or Assigns, and be entered of Record in Manner aforesaid; and every Part thereof shall be and continue unto the said Patentees, Donee [...] and Grantees, and such as shall legally represent them, free and clear, f [...]eely and clearly acquitted and discharged, or otherwise well and sufficiently saved harmless and indemnified by the said Proprietary, his Heirs and Assigns, of and from all Ind [...]an Claims, and from all other Gifts, Grants, Sales, Ti [...]l [...]s, Charges and Incumbrances whatsoever, heretofore had, made, done or suffered, or hereafter to be had, made, done or suffered by him the said Proprietary or his Heirs. Saving to all and every other Person and Persons, Bodie [...] politick and corporate, their Heirs and Successors, Execu­tors, Administrators and Assigns, all such Rights, Titles, Estates, Rents, Reversions, Commons, Profits, Interests, Tenu [...]e [...], Claims [...]nd Demands whatsoever, of what Na­ture, Kind or Quality soever, of, in and to, or out of the said Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, or any Part thereof, as they or any of them had or ought to have had before the making of this Act, in as large and ample Man­ner, Form and Condition, to all Intents and Purposes, as if this Act had never been made, any thing herein con­tained to the contrary notwithstanding.

Provided always, that nothing in this Act contained, shall extend to make Patents of any Office to be of any other Effect, than if this Act had never been made; nor shall this Act make good any Patent that shall be annihilated or made void by due Course of Law; nor shall any thing herein contained, oblige the Proprietary or his Heirs, to make good to any Purchaser of a Right or Rights to un­located Lands, who advertently or by Misinformation, did or may obtain a Patent or Confirmation of Lands which are discovered to be the prior Right of another Person, [Page 20] further or any more than the same Quantity of Land in the next advantageous Place, that such Purchaser shall chuse and discover to be vacant and free from all other Claims. But where any such prior Right shall appear and take Effect against any such Person or Persons who have purchased the said Tract or Parcel of Land of the Proprie­tary or his Commissioners or Agents, by a certain Name, or by any agreed Location in that particular Place, or the Warrant expressing the same accordingly; then and in such Case the Proprietary, his Heirs and Executors, shall refund and make good to such second Purchaser the full Sum or Value, which he, the said Proprietary or his Agents, did receive for the same, together with lawful Interest from the Time such Payment was made: And in both the above mentioned Cases, if the latter Purchaser, his Heirs or As­signs, shall have made any Improvements on the said Land, such Improvement shall be valued by two or more Persons to be indifferently chosen by each of the said Claimers or Purchasers, which both Parties are by this Act required to do, and such as they or the Majority shall agree to, under their Hands, shall be paid by the Claimer of the first Right, to such Improver for his Improvements accordingly.

And whereas several Persons before the Date of the late King's Royal Charter obtained Grants or Patents for more Lands than they had a Right unto by their Original War­rants or Orders for the Surveying or laying out the same, in which case it hath been the Method of the said Proprie­tary and Commissioners, by their Warrants to order Re­surveys of those Lands, and allot to the Possessors thereof, or to the Heirs or Assigns of the old Patentees or Grantees so many Acres of Land and Meadow or Marsh, as really belonged unto them by Virtue of the said respective Ori­ginal Warrants or Orders, or by the Right of Occupancy or Improvements, and confirm the same by new Patents, and dispose the Residue as other vacant Lands which had never been surveyed. Nevertheless no effectual Care hath been hitherto taken for vacating or annulling the Record of those old exorbitant Grants, Patents, Surveys or Locations, and for securing the new Patentees against the Demands of the old Patentees and Possessors, or such as claim by, from or under them; therefore be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That nothing herein contained shall extend to revive, make good or confirm any of the said old Grants or Patents, nor give to the Grantees or Patentees of the same, nor their Heirs, Executors or Assigns, any Right, Title, Interest or Estate, of, in, to or for any more or [Page 21] greater Quantity of Lands, Meadows, Marsh or Cripple, than were expressly granted, or really intended to be gran­ted, in and by the said Original first Warrants or Orders for Survey, to which the old Patents respectively relate: But that all and every the said old Grants and Patents, as to the Residue or Overplus of the said Lands and Heredita­ments contained therein, shall be, and are hereby declared to be null and void and of no Effect; and that all and every the Grants, Patents, Conveyances and Assurances made or to be made and granted for the said Residue or Overplus-Lands, to any Person or Persons whatsoever, and all the Estate or Estates, Rights, Interest and Possessions of any Person or Persons, or, in or to the said Overplus-Lands, shall, notwithstanding any of the said old Grants or Patents, be and continue, and are hereby declared to be good and available in Law, against the old Patentees, and against all other claiming or to claim the said Overplus-Land or any Part thereof, by, from or under them or any of them, as if the said Lands had never been surveyed or located before the Date of the said King's Letters Patents. Saving always to all and every Person or Persons (other than those who will set up or insist on any of the said old Grants or Patents to maintain or make good their Demands or Claims to any more of the said Overplus-Lands, than what they or those under whom they claim, have occupied, built upon or im­proved) all and every such Right, Titles, Interests, Use, Possession, Estate, Rents, Reversion, Commons, Profits and Advantages whatsoever, as he or they, or any of them, should or might have had before the making of this Act, any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding.

And Whereas by a late Law of this Province, passed in Year 1700, and confirmed in the Year 1701, it was (among other Things) enacted, That any Person's Lands in this Province should be re-surveyed; and if upon such Re-sur­vey (after Allowance of four Acres in the Hundred, over or under, for Di [...]erence of Surveys, and Six per Cent. for Roads) an Overplus should be found, the Possessors thereof should have the Refusal of it from the Proprietary, at rea­sonable Rates; and in case of Disagreement about such Rate [...], the Proprietary was to choose two Men, and the Possessor two more, who should either fix a Price on the said overplus Land, or appoint where it should be taken off for the Proprietary in one entire Piece at an Outside, ( [...]aving to the Purchaser or Renter his Improvements and best Conveniencies) any three of whom agreeing should be [Page 22] conclusive; and the Charges of Resurveying should be bore by the Purchaser or Renter of the main Tract, if he bought the Overplus, or if not, then by the Proprietary; and that Deficiencies should be made good by the Proprietary, ac­cording as he received for Overplus-Land as aforesaid.

In Pursuance of which Act, Resurveys have been made of divers Lands, wherein Overmeasure was found; but the Act expiring before the same could be cut off, or the Rates thereof settled as the said Law directed, the Proprietary is not satisfied for the Overmeasure, and the Owners of the Land want Confirmation of what is their just due; Be it therefore Enacted, That where any Overplus-Land has been found upon the said Surveys (after Allowances are made for Roads, and Difference of Surveys as aforesaid) the Pro­prietary, his Heirs and Assigns, and his o [...] their Commis­sioners or Agents, shall give the Possessor or Owner of such Land, the Refusal thereof at reasonable Rates; and in case of Disagreement with the said Possessor about such Rates, then the Proprietary, his Heirs or Assigns, or his or their Commissioners or Agents, shall forthwith chuse two Men, and the said Possessor or Owner shall at the same time chuse two more, which Persons so chosen, or any three of them, shall within Thirty Days after such Choice, either fix a Price on the said Overplus-Land to be paid by the said Possessor or Owner, or within the same time appoint where it shall be taken off for the Proprietary, his Heirs or Assigns, in One entire and convenient Piece, at an End or Outside; saving to the said Possessor or Owner his Improvements and best Conveniencies.

But in case the said Persons so chosen, as aforesaid, shall refuse or neglect to fix a Price on the said Overplus, or to cut off the same within the time herein before limited, then the Party aggrieved may apply to the Justices at the Court of common Ple [...]s for the County where the Land lies, who are hereby impowered and required to grant their Order in that behalf, to five indifferent and disinterested Persons of the Neighbourhood, requiring them, or any three of them, to perform what the said four Persons had refused or neglected to do.

And be it further Enacted, That where any Overplus shall be taken off as aforesaid, the Proprietary or his Commissio­ners shall confirm the Residue to the Possessor or Owner thereof, his Heirs or Assigns, saving the Rights of all others; but if the Proprietary, or his Commissioners or [...] to appoint two Persons on [Page 23] his behalf as aforesaid, or if after the said Overplus be taken off, shall refuse to confirm the Residue to the Posses­sor or Owner thereof, his Heirs or Assigns, within six Months after such Overplus is taken off, as aforesaid, and Applica­tion made for the same by such Owner or Possessor, then and in every such Case all such Possessors or Owners re­spectively shall stand, and be seized or possessed of the whole Tract, as if no such Re-survey had been made.

But if any of the said Possessors or Owners of Lands so re-surveyed as aforesaid, shall refuse or neglect to chuse two Men in his behalf, then the Persons so as aforesaid to be chosen by the Proprietary or his Commissioners, shall within the time aforesaid appoint where the Overplus shall be taken off, saving the Owner's Improvements and best Conveniencies, as aforesaid.

And if the Owners of any such Lands as have been re­surveyed as aforesaid, do not reside in this Province, and no Person in the actual Possession of those Lands, then and in every such Case the Proprietary or his Commissioners may appoint two Men of the next Neighbourhood to such Land, who are hereby impowered to appoint where the Overplus of such Lands shall be taken off as aforesaid, leaving to every such Owner the full Quantity belonging to him by Purchase and Location there, together with the Allowances for Roads and Difference of Surveys, and saving the Improvements and Conveniencies, as aforesaid.

And in all Cases where any such Overplus shall be cut, as aforesaid, in pursuance of this Act, the Proprietary or his Commissioners or Agents shall have full Liberty to dispose of, and grant such Overplus to any Person or Persons, that he or they shall think fit; any thing in this Act contained, or in any other Law, to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding.

And if upon the said Resurveys any Tract hath been found deficient in the Number of Acres for which it was at first granted after Allowances made, as aforesaid, all such Deficiencies shall be made good by the Proprietary, his Heirs or Assigns, after the same Rate he or they shall receive for such Overplus-Land in that Neighbourhood.

Provided always, That nothing herein contained shall be deemed or construed to be taken off any Overplus-Land out of any Tract, the Possessor or Owner whereof has Right, by his Purchase, to take up more Land over and above the Quantity such Tract was laid out for.

[Page 24] Provided also, That where any Lands have been resur­veyed, and such Allowances for Roads, Barrens and Diffe­rence of Surveys, has been made and allowed as aforesaid, the Possessor or Owner thereof shall not pay any Quitrents for such Allowance.

And be it further Enacted, That for all Lands hereafter to be taken up or surveyed in this Province, the Surveyor that lays out the same, shall allow for Roads and Barrens, after the Rate of Six Acres for every Hundred Acres to the Owner of such Lands, for which said Allowances of Six per Cent. no Rent [...] shall be paid to the Proprietary, his Heirs or Assigns.

[Page i]


ACCESSARIES, divers Clauses concerning them 4 Geo. 216 161
Actions, Time for bringing them, limited 11 Ann 187 129
Administration of Government, an Act concerning 10 Ann 184 126
Administration, Letters thereof granted abroad, good here 4 Ann 125 56
—when to be granted with the Will annexed   127 63
—to be taken in one County only   125 58
Administrators, how to pay Debts   126 59
—their Bonds, and how to account   127 60
—to account to the Orphans Court, & when 11 Ann 188 131
Adultery, the Punishment 4 Ann 114 48
Adulterers living abroad, their Lands here liable to pay their Wives Debts 4 Geo. 121 180
Affirmation, a sufficient Qualification for Iurors   216 150
Affirming falsely, how punished     159
See also 11 Geo. 272 314
Affirmations of Fidelity, &c. an Act prescribing the Form thereof     310
Ale, by what Measure to be sold 4 Ann 130 75
Ale-houses, Tippling therein, how punished   111 46
Appraisors how to be appointed 12 Wm. 40 11
Apprentices, Orphans 11 Ann 188 136
Appeals to Great Britain to be allowed 1 Geo. 192 139
— theTerms on which such Allowance may be had 8 Geo. 244 218
Assessors to be elected, and how 4 Geo. 213 156
11 Geo. 299 293
Assessments how to be made     300
Assembly-men how to be elected 4 Ann 129 67
— their Wages 9 Geo. 259 268
— A Supplementary for electing them 13 Geo. 284 346
— a further supplementary Act 12 Geo. 2 345 514
— a Continuance and Amendment of the said supplementary Act 16 Geo. 2 351 546
Assignment of Bonds and Notes, an Act concerning 1 Geo. 198 145
Assignor may not release them after an Assignment     146
Attachments under 40 s. an Act concerning 12 W. 3. 100 36
Attachments, Acts concerning them 4 Ann 134 81.
[...]tifying the Proceedings thereon 9 Geo. 251 244
Attornies at Law, ho [...] to be admitted   259 262
— their Qualifications     ibid
— taking undue Fees, the Punishment     ibid
Attornment need not be proved 4 Ann 124 55
Award of Referees chosen by the Court, &c. to have like Effect as a Verdict   142 89

Bailiff, Sheriff, appointed Water-Bailiff   153 106
Bailing of Prisoners   143 89
Bastards, putative Fathers to maintain them   114 50
— Death of such Child concealed, Murder 4 Geo. 216 160
Baron may not sell Lands, leaving his Wife unprovided   221 179
Barrators, their Punishment, and who they are 12 Wm. 41 11
Beef, how to be packed 13 Geo. 283 342
Beer to be sold by Wine-Measure 4 Ann 130 75
Beer, an Act for making thereof good 8 Geo. 242 209
— a supplementary Act concerning it 9 Geo. 259 263
Bills of Exchange, Damages recoverable in Cases of Protest — 12 Wm. 70 26
Bills how assignable 1 Geo. 198 145
Bigamy, the Punishment 4 Ann 115 51
Bills of Credit, £. 15,000 Act 9 Geo. 250 230
— refusing them in a Tender, Loss of Debt     236
— Counterfeiters of them, how punished     237
— Accounts concerning them, how to be audited     238
— Interest thereof how to be disposed of     239
— a supplementary Act   256 249
— an Act for putting the former in Execution   261 206
30,000 £. Act 10 Geo. 262 209
— Tenders made in them good     274
— Counterfeiters thereof how to be punished     286
— Act for re-emitting them, &c. 12 Geo. 275 321
— Act for emitting 30,000 l. for the better Support of Government 2 Geo. 2 303 364
— Re-emitting and continuing the Currency of Bills of Credit 4 Geo. 2 315 413
— an Act re-printing, exchanging, re-emitting &c. and striking the further Sum of 11,110l. 5s. to be emitted upon Loan 12 Geo. 2 343 497
— preserving the Credit of Money, and reco­vering the Proprietary Quit-Rents   344 511
Blasphemy, how to be punished 12 Wm. 44 12
Black-birds, an Act concerning them   114 4 [...]
Black-Walnuts ( See Timber)      
Boats taken-up, the Reward   8 5
— setting adrift, how punished     ibid
Bonds assignable, and how 1 Geo. 198 145
Bread, the Assize thereof   51 17
— unmerchantable, not to exported 7 Geo. 2. 329 443
Bridges, how to be erected 12 Wm. 57 22
Bribery how punished 4 Geo. 216 160
Burglary how punished 4 Geo. 216 162
Br [...]wers an Act concerning them 8 Geo. 242 209
Butchers an Act concerning them 8 Geo. 242 212
Brandy ( vide Excise)      

Cannoes taking-up, the Reward 12 Wm. 8 5
— taking away, the Penalty     ibid
Cask, their Dimensions   80 29
— Act to regulate the Gauging 8 Geo. 249 227
Challenges, when to be allowed 4 Geo. 216 139
— in capital Cases     162
Charters not to be defaced or counterfeited, & the Penalty 12 W. 3. 16 7
City of Philadelphia, the Manner of raising Money in it 10 Ann 176 118
Clergy, when to be allowed 4 Geo. 216 165 166
Commissioners, how to be chosen 11 Geo. 269 293
Conscience, an Act for the Liberty thereof 12 Wm. 1 4
Confirmation of Lands 4 Ann 147 99
Courts to be duly attended   34 9
— to have no Cognizance of Debts under 40 s. 1 Geo. 102 151
— a Law for establishing them 8 Geo. 244 213
— Proceedings therein revived and continued 4 Geo. 2. 324 436
Court-house, Bucks, an Act for erecting 11 Geo. 268 291
Councel to be assigned to Prisoners 4 Geo. 216 159
Correction, Houses to be established   224 181
Convicts, Acts relating to them 3 Geo. 2. 306 393
16 Geo. 2 349 532
— a Supplement appointing an Officer 12 Geo. 2 342 495
Court-Proceedings 12 W. 3. 92 34
Common Law extends 4 Geo. 216 158
Coroners, their Election 4 Ann 153 [...]04
— an Act for regulating them 4 Geo. 213 156
Counterfeiting Hands and Seals, the Penalty   141 88
Cordwainers, an Act regulating 8 Geo. 236 201
Crows ( See Black-birds) 11 Geo. 269 297
County-Levies   269 292
— a supplementary Act 6 Geo. 2. 326 439
Creeks not to be obstructed 1 [...] Geo. 274 318

Dams, &c. how to prevent them in Schuylkil 8 Geo. 2. 332 454
Debtors, capitally charged may yet be sued 4 Geo. 216 164
— insolvent, their Relief 3 Geo. 2. 304 382
— Amendment thereof 4 Geo. 2. 313 427
Debts under Forty Shillings, how recoverable 1 Geo. 202 151
— of Persons deceased, how to be paid 4 Ann 126 59
— publick, how to be collected 12 Geo. 269 292
— a Supplement 6 Geo. 2. 426 439
— small, an Act for the more easy Recovery of 12 Geo. 2 346 520
16 Geo. 2 349 54 [...]
Deeds not to be forged 12 Wm. 16 6
— defaced, the Penalty     7
— wanting habendum, &c. good 4 Ann 124 55
— recited, yet need not be produced     ibid
— sundry Defects therein aided     ibid
— to be expounded as the Laws were understood when such Deeds were made     ibid
— Deeds made out of the Province how to be proved 4 Ann 147 99
1 Geo. 199 148
— an Act for recording them     147
— a Recorder thereof how to be appointed     150
— an Act to prevent Disputes about their Dates 9 Ann 156 115
Declarations, when to be fil'd 11 Geo. 270 308
Deer, when to be kill'd 8 Geo. 236 198
— a supplementary Act 4 Geo. 2 320 430
Delaware River, Sheriff, as Water-Bailiff, may execute Writs on, &c. 4 Ann 153 106
Departers   132 81
Distribution of Intestates Estate   126 59
Defalcation   14 [...] 88
Dower   127 65
Duelling, how punished 12 Wm. 4 [...] 13
Drunkenness, how punished 4 Ann 118 51
Duty on Convicts and poor and impotent Persons imported 3 Geo. 2. 306 392
— a Supplement, appointing an Officer 12 Geo. 2 342 495
— a new Act repealing the former 16 Geo. 2 349 532

Entry forcible, how punished 12 Wm. 11 6
Engrossing ( See Ingrossing)      
Election of Assembly-men 4 Ann 129 67
— Supplementary Acts 13 Geo. 284 346
12 Geo. 2 345 514
— of Sheriffs 4 Ann 153 104
Ex [...]cutors how to pay Debts   126 59
— to accompt to the Orphan's-Court   1 [...]8 131
Estrays 10 Geo. 266 287
Excise on Rum, Brandy, &c. 12 Geo. 2 341 480
Escheats 4 Ann 127 66
Executions against Lands, and how 12 Wm. 48 14
4 Ann 144 90
— a supplementary Act concerning 13 Geo. 285 348
Evidence, Registry of Marriages &c. good 12 Wm. 75 28
See Deeds      

Fences, an Act for regulating them 12 Wm. 56 21
— what deem'd lawful 7 Geo. 232 118
Felony in cutting out of Tongues, putting out eyes, slitting of Noses, &c. 4 Geo. 216 161
— committed in one County, having Accessaries in another, how to be tryed     166
Feme-sole-Traders, an Act concerning   221 178
— whom such     179
Fees regulated 9 Geo. 259 250
Ferry over Schuylkil, the End of Highstreet, established   260 264
Firing of Woods, when prohibited 12 W. 3. 59 24
8 Geo. 2 335 468
Fire, and Accidents thereby 12 W. 3. 102 39
— how prevented 8 Geo. 235 196
Fines to the Government, how to be recovered 4 Geo. 2 317 425
1 Geo. 197 140
— how they may be moderated     143
Flour, to prevent Exporation, if not merchantable 7 Geo. 2 329 443
Forgery, &c. the Penalty 12 Wm. 16 6/7
Vide Counterfeiting 4 Ann 141 88
Fornication and Adultery   114 48
Foxes, the Reward for killing them 11 Geo. 269 296

Gauging Casle, an Act for regulating 8 Geo. 249 227
Goods, how to be appraised 12 Wm. 40 11
Guardians, how to be appointed 11 Ann 188 134
(Grant, bargain, sell) the Force thereof in Deeds 1 Geo. 199 148
Gun-powder, an Act for securing the City of Philadel­phia from the Danger thereof 11 Geo. 273 315
Government, an Act for further securing the Ad­ministration of 11 Geo. 184 126

Hemp, Repeal of a former Law [...] Geo. 2 325 437
Highways, how to be laid out 12 Wm. 55 19
— how to be maintained   57 22
— an additional Act about them 4 Ann 148 100
— a supplementary Law 9 Geo. 2 388 473
Horses, [...]n Act to improve the Breed 10 Geo. 264 287
Houses for Correction to be established 4 Geo. 224 181
Hunting on the Inclosures of others, how punished 8 Geo. 236 199
— in the Woods, by none but Freeholders     ibid
Hoggs (See Swine, post.)      
Husband not to sell Lands leaving his Wife unprovided for 4 Geo. 216 160

Impotent Persons, to prevent their Importation 16 Geo. 2 349 532
3 Geo. 2. 306 393
— a Supplement thereunto appointing an Officer 12 Geo. 2 342 495
Indian Tr [...]ders, a Law for regulating 12 Wm. 96 35
Indians, Rum not to be sold them 8 Geo. 106 41
245 223
— an Act against buying Land of them   20 7
— a supplementary Act 3 Geo. 2. 310 442
Indian Slaves not to be imported 4 Ann 136 86
Incest, what, and how punished   113 47
Ingrossing, the Penalty 8 Geo. 242 212
Intestates Estates, an Act for settling   127 60
Inns (See Publick-Houses) 9 Ann 163 113
Infants (See Minors)      
Indictments found, the Penalty not appointing Capi [...] directed 4 Geo. 216 163
Inspectors, the Choice of them 12 Geo. 2 345 515
Insolvent Debtors their Relief 3 Geo. 2. 304 382
— an Amendment thereof 4 Geo. 2. 319 427
Interest to be at the Rate of Six per Cent. an Act 9 Geo. 252 248
Iron-Works, regulating Retailers of Liquor near them an Act 9 Geo. 2. 339 475
Iustices not attending the Courts, the Penalty 12 Wm. 34 9
Iurors, duly summoned, not attending, the Penalty   35 10
— a sufficient Number to be summoned for each Court   93 34
Iustice, an Act for advancing 4 Geo. 216 157
Iustices may settle Prices of Liquors   228 185

Land-Marks, an Act against removing 12 Wm. 15 6
Land not to be bought of the Natives   20 7
— a supplementary Act 3 Geo. 2 310 442
Lands to be taken in Execusion where other Effects are not to be found 12 Wm. 48 14
4 Ann 144 90
— a supplementary Act concerning 13 Geo. 285 348
Labour, prohibited on first Day of the Week 4 Ann 111 45
Land, Purchases thereof, pursuant to former Laws, confirmed   124 53
Land divided amongst Intestate's Children, &c. to be held in Severality     54
Lands of Intestates to be sold for Payment of Debts 4 Ann 127 63
— how to be divided     64
— to whom they shall escheat     66
— sold by Power of Attorney, &c. confirmed   147 99
Lancaster County erected 2 Geo. 2 299 359
Larceny, how punished 4 Geo. 216 169
— Compounders thereof, how punished     172
— under Five Shillings, how punished 7 Geo. 233 190
Laws, Repeal of them confirmed 7 Geo. 2 330 450
Letters of Administration granted Abroad, good here 4 Ann 125 56
— need be taken in one County     58
Leather, an Act regulating 8 Geo. 236 201
Letters of Attorney, how to be proved 4 Ann 147 99
Levies (See County Levies) 11 Geo. 269 292
— a Supplement thereto 6 Geo. 2 326 439
Livery and Seizin need not be proved   124 55
Liberty of Conscience, an Act concerning 13 Wm. 1 4
Liquors not to be adulterated   139 87
— the Prices to be settled by the Iustices, &c. 4 Geo. 227 185
— not to be retailed but by Permit 9 Ann 163 113
— a Supplement thereto 8 Geo. 234 193
— not to be retailed near Iron-Works 9 Geo. 2 330 475
Limitation of Actions 11 Ann 187 129
Loan-Office, the Trustees removed 12 Geo. 2 342 490
Legacies an Act for the more easy Recovery of them 16 Geo. 2 353 556

Marriages, an Act for regulating 12 Wm. 111 37
— a supplementary Act 3 Geo. 2 314 400
Mariners not to be trusted 4 Ann 140 87
Measure of Beer and Ale   130 75
Measure, an Act for regulating Wm. 73 27
Mortgagees may sell Lands forfeited, and how   144 90
Months, how named 9 Ann 166 115
Minors, how to be aided where their Estates are in Danger 11 Ann 188 133
Mortgages to be recorded in six Months, or void 1 Geo. 199 149
Mortgagee receiving his Money, to acknowledge Satis­faction, and how, under a Penalty     ibid
Money, an Act for raising in the City of Philadelphia 10 Ann 176 118
(See Bills of Credit)      
— Gold and Silver, what Rate to be current 9 Geo. 156 249
— brought in Court, Act 4 & 5 Ann extended to Bills of Credit mentioned in 30,000 l. Act      
Murder, how to be tried 4 Geo. 216 158
Manslaughter, how punished     ibid
Murder by concealing the Death of Bastards 4 Geo.   160
— Accessaries thereto     161
— by Stabbing, the Statute extended     ibid

Naturalization of Foreigners, several Acts con­cerning 7 Ann 158 109
12 Geo. 277 333
3 Geo. 2. 312 408
4 Geo. 2. 322 432
8 Geo. 2 336 470
12 Geo. 2 348 525
— of such foreign Protestants as refuse to swear, &c. an Act 16 Geo. 2 354 560
Natives, Land not to be bought of them 12 Wm. 20 7
— a supplementary Act 3 Geo. 2 310 442
Negroes how to be tried, &c. 4 Ann 135 83
— their Punishment for divers Offence▪     85
— an Act for better regulating   321 354
Notice to be given by those who depart the Province   132 81
Nusances in obstructing [...]reeks 11 Geo. 274 318

Offences, Petty, how to be punished 12 Wm. 21 7
Orphans Courts, an Act for establishing 11 Ann 188 131
— may direct Sale of Intestates Estates, how & when     ibid
— may call Administrators to Account 4 Ann 127 61
Overseers of the Poor (vide Poor)   146 96

Party-Fences (See Fences)      
Party-Walls (See Walls)      
Pay in Country-Produce, good 12 Wm. 90 33
Packing of Beef and Pork, an Act 13 Geo. 283 342
Peace, Sureties to be found for it, and when 12 Wm. 26 8
Persons leaving the Province to give Notice 4 Ann 132 81
Perjury, what, and how to be punished 1 Geo. 199 146
— Subornation of it 4 Ann 216 167/168
Pedlars regulated 3 Geo. 2 311 404
Pounds, an Act for erecting them 2 Geo. 2. 286 350
Prisoners, when bailable   143 89
Pork, how to be packed 13 Geo. 283 342
Possession 7 Years, on an equitable Right, gives a Title 4 Ann 137 86
Poor, Acts to relieve   146 95
Poor, an Act for aiding Defects in former Laws 4 Geo. 2. 217 174
— what makes a Settlement     ibid
— or how removed     175
— relieved, to wear Badges, or not relievable     177
— a Supplement to former Acts 8 Geo. 2 333 458
Prisoners to be allowed Council 4 Ann 216 159
— to have Processes for Witnesses     ibid
— their Witnesses to be affirmed, &c. and convict how to be punished     ibid
— what is allowed by the Act to be deem'd convict     162
— standing mute, or challenging above what is al­lowed by the Act, to be deem'd convict     ibid
Process on Indictments, on Non-appearance a Capias     163
Prisoners not appearing when indicted, how to be out-law'd     164
— charged with capital Crimes may be sued for Debt     ibid
— may be reprieved, &c.     168
Prison-breakers, how punished     ibid
Process, the Discontinuance thereof aided in certain Cases     168
Proprietary Quit-rents, an Act for recovering 12 Geo. 2 344 511
Province-Island vested in Trustees 16 Geo. 2 352 552
Publick-Houses not to be kept without Licence 9 Ann 163 113
— a Supplement thereto 8 Geo. 234 193
vide Liquors An Account thereof to be given the Treasurer 1 Geo. 197 144
— not to be kept but with Licence 8 Geo. 234 193
— trusting upwards of 20 s. lose the Debt     194
— entertaining Servants     195

Quit-rent, an Act for Collecting 4 Ann 131 76
— how to to be paid     77
— how to be apportioned     79
— an Act for recovering them 12 Geo. 2 344 511

Rape, how to be punished 4 Geo. 216 160
Rangers, how to be appointed 10 Geo. 264 289
Rates and Levies in the County, an Act 11 Geo. 269 292
— a Supplement thereto 6 Geo. 2 326 439
Registry of Marriages, &c. kept by any religious So­ciety, authentick 12 Wm. 75 28
Register-General and his Deputies here constituted 4 Ann 125 58
10 Ann 178 123
— with two Iustices, may decide Caveats, &c.     124
Replevin, Writs, grantable 4 Ann 131 81
Referrees, their Awards, how binding   142 89
Recorders of Deeds appointed, their Fees, Duty, &c. 1 Geo. 199 150
Reprieve may be granted, and how 4 Geo. 216 168
Riot and Riots, what, and how punished 4 Ann 120 52
Robbery, how to be punished 4 Geo. 216 160
Robbers, those who receive them, how to be punished     162
Rum, [...] to be sold to the Indians 12 Wm. 106 41
8 Geo. 245 223
Rum (See Excise) 12 Geo. 2 341 480
Retailers of Liquors near Iron-Works prohibited [...]9 Geo. 2 339 475
River Delaware, Sheriff, as Water-Bailiff, may exe­cute Writs on 4 Ann 153 106
Repeal of divers Laws confirmed 7 Geo. 2 330 450
Re-emitting and continuing the Bills of Credit 4 Geo. 2 315 413
12 Geo. 2 343 497
Religious Societies enabled to purchase Lands within this Province 4 Geo. 2 316 423
Rates and Levies 11 Geo. 269 292
— a supplementary Act 6 Geo. 2 326 439
Roads (See Highways)      

Seals of the County and Province, not to be counterfeited 4 Ann 141 88
Servants, a Law for regulating them 12 Wm. 49 15
— their Marriages   101 37
— having Bastards, how to be punished     38
Schuylkil River, to prevent Wears and Dams therein 8 Geo. 2 332 454
Settlement of poor Persons, Law concerning 4 Geo. 217 175
Ships & Vessels, sickly, not to come into the Government 12 Wm. 62 25
Sheriffs how to be elected 4 Ann 153 104
— to be Water-Bailiff     107
— an Act for regulating them 4 Geo. 213 156
— not to continuea bove three Years in their Office 3 Geo. 2. 304 392
4 Geo. 2. 319 430
Sodomy, how to be punished 4 Geo. 216 160
Squibs, not to be made or fir'd 8 Geo. 235 196
Statutes, recited, to be adjudged not to extend 4 Ann 216 158
Statehouse and Land vested in Trustees 9 Geo. 2 340 477
Stabbing, the Statute 1 Jac. I. Cap. 8. extended 4 Geo. 216 161
Summons, and their Time 12 Wm. 92 34
— their Form   94 35
Swearing prophanely, how punished   44 12
Swine, not to run at large without Yokes and Rings within 14 Miles of Delaware, nor within the City of Philadelphia, &c. 4 Ann 150 101
— a supplementary Act 2 Geo. 2 302 363

Taverns (See Publick Houses) 9 Ann 163 113
8 Geo. 234 193
T [...]nning Leather, &c. an Act   236 201
Tender in the Species agreed, good, &c. Party suing after, to pay Costs 4 Ann 142 89
Theft (vide Larceny) 4 Geo. 216 169
Timber Trees, &c. the Cutting prohibited 12 Wm. 81 32
Tippling on first Days, the Penalty 4 Ann 111 46
Trespass involuntary, Parties may tender Amends, and disclaim, &c. 11 Ann 187 130
Treason, how to be tried 4 Geo. 216 158
— how punished     160
Trustees of the Loan-Office removed 12 Geo. 2 342 490

Vessels, sickly, not to come to the Province 12 Wm. 62 25
Vendues, Pedlars, &c. regulated 3 Geo. 2. 311 404

Walls, Party, how to be regulated 7 Geo. 232 188
Water-Bailiffs, who 4 Ann 153 106
Wears across Creeks or Rivers prohibited 12 Wm. 58 24
11 Geo. 274 318
8 Geo. 2 332 454
Weights and Measure [...], an Act for regulating 12 Wm. 73 27
Wills of Land, in Presence of two Witnesses, good 4 Ann 125 56
— Copy of, under Seal, with Probate, good Evidence     ibid
— nuncupative, when good, &c.     57
— in Writing, how to be altered     58
Witchcraft, the Statute 1 Jac. I. Chap. 12. extended 4 Geo. 216 161
Widows, their Rights to Land of Intestates 4 Ann 127 64
Wine (See Excise) 12 Geo. 2 [...]41 480
Woods not to be unseasonably fir'd 12 Wm. 59 24
— to prevent the firing them 8 Geo. 2. 335 468
Wolves, the Price of killing 11 Geo. 269 297
Writs, their Form 12 Wm. 94 35
— of Replevin 4 Ann 131 81
— of Summons and Arrests, an Act for regulating 11 Geo. 270 307

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