
The Blessings of a SOUL in Health and prospering to be supremely wish'd for.

A SERMON Deliver'd (in Part) at a Family-Meeting in private; Boston, Mar. 3. 1741, 2.

By Thomas Foxcroft.

Psal. 67.1.2.

God be merciful unto us, and bless us; and cause his Face to shine upon us: That thy Way may be known upon Earth, thy saving Health among all Nations

Psal. 118 25.

Save now, I beseech Thee, O Lord: O Lord, I beseech Thee, send now Prosperity.

2 Cor. 13 9.

This also we wish, even your Perfection.

BOSTON: Printed and Sold by S. KNEELAND and T. GREEN, in Queenstreet over against the Prison 1742.


The Best Wish, A Soul in Health & prospering.

III Epis. JOHN, 2.

Beloved, I wish above all Things that thou mayst prosper, and be in Health, even as thy Soul prospereth.

HAVING given the proper Direction at the Head of his Letter to his Friend Gaius, the Apostle proceeds to salute him in the Lord, and utters a pathetick Wish on his Behalf, as in our Text. This affectionate Comprecation is vari­ously understood by Expositors.

Some take it as a Wish for his Recovery of bodily Health; making the Prosperity of his Soul (which is here acknowledg'd) the Rule and Standard of that. And in this View of the Words, we might note from them, That such as have prosperous Souls may nevertheless have sickly and afflicted Bodies: And for the weakly and sick Servants of Christ, we should wish their Recovery of Health, as the greatest outward Blessing: And finally, it's a rare and admirable Case, when any one is visibly so blessed in Spirituals, as that we may venture to make the Measure of his Soul-Prosperity the Rule of our Wishes for his bodily Health. Alass, what Multitudes are there of neglected and unprospering Souls, even among Gos­pel-Professors, [Page 2] whether sick or well in Body! And as for such, to make the Apostle's Wish in this Sense, wou'd be a cursing, rather than blessing them, and wou'd imply a wishing them undone for both Worlds, miserable both in Body and Soul.—But I shall not con­sider the Text in this Light at present.

Others take it as a Wish for the Health and Prosperity of his Soul. And considering it in this View, the fol­lowing Observations may be made from it.

1. There is such a Thing as the Prosperity and Health of the Soul.

2. Soul-Prosperity and Health is the best Blessing we can wish to any.

3. The most healthy and prosperous Soul is capable of still further Improvements; and accordingly (whatever we wish any one) an Increase of spiritual Prosperity and Health is above all Things to be wished for him.

4. The Ministers of Christ should and faithful Ministers will (as they have Opportunity) be observant of the Symptoms of Soul-Prosperity and Health in others, readily acknowledge the same where it appears, and make it their most ardent Wish on behalf of their christian Friends, that they may increase herein.—But this last, being peculiarly a Lesson to myself, I shall reserve for the Subject of my own private Meditations; and em­ploy this Discourse on the three former, which are of more common Concernment.

DOCTRINE I. There is such a Thing as the Prosperity and Health of the Soul.—The Apostle ascribes it to his well-beloved Gaius; Even as thy Soul prospereth.


1. I shall briefly premise some Hints upon the Subject of this Prosperity and Health, the Soul of Man.

[Page 3]We read, Job 32.8. There is a Spirit in Man; and the Inspiration of the Almighty giveth them Understanding. The Scriptures every where suppose Man a Compound of Matter and Spirit. The Soul is an intelligent and undying Principle within us; a spiritual invisible think­ing Substance, distinct from our material and animal Part; survives the Body, and has an eternal Existence. [See Eccl. 12.7. and Matth. 10.28.] Hence holy Paul desired to depart, that he might be with Christ, that is, in his immortal Spirit. ( Phil. 1.23.) When the Man Jesus felt his Body dissolving, he committed his Spirit into his Father's Hand, and gave up the Ghost. (Luke 23.46.) So dying Stephen went out of the World calling upon the Lord Jesus, to receive his Spirit. (Acts 7.59.) —What are the Spirits in Prison (1 Pet. 3.19.) but Souls of wicked Men departed this Life, and doom'd to a State of Misery in the other World? And what are the Spirits of just Men made perfect (Heb. 12.23.) but the Souls of Believers discharg'd from the Incumbrance of their Clay-Tabernacles, and passed into Glory? — In a Word, what are we that dwell on the Face of the Earth, but Spirits that abide in the Flesh? (Phil. 1.24.) Hence the LORD is stiled the God of the Spirits of all Flesh. (Num. 27.16.) He is so, as he formeth the Spirit of Man within him (Zech. 12.1.) and as his Visitation preserveth our Spirit. (Job. 10.12.)

O let us all remember, and carry the Thought about with us continually, that we have Souls, as well as Bodies: Souls unspeakably preferrible to our Bodies; Souls, the Redemption whereof is precious (Psal. 49.8.) Souls, the Salvation whereof is the End of our Faith (1 Pet. 1.9.) And Souls, the keeping whereof we must daily commit to God, as to a faithful Creator, in well-doing (1 Pet. 4.19.) Not caring for the Things of the World, what we shall eat or drink, or wherewith be cloathed, but caring for the Things of the Lord, that we may be holy both in Body and Spirit (1 Cor. 7.34.) That we may glorify God in [Page 4] our Body, and in our Spirit, which are God's (1 Cor. 6.20.) As Strangers and Pilgrims, abstaining from fleshly Lusts, which war against the Soul; and living unto Righteousness, as those who were as Sheep going astray, but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of our Souls. (1 Pet. 2.11, 25.)

O my Brethren, the SOUL is the Man. God the Father of Spirits, he weigheth the Spirits, and judgeth of you by the hidden Man of the Heart. You ought also to judge of yourselves by this; and if you wou'd know what Manner of Persons you are, you must la­bour to know what Manner of Spirit you are of.—You must take Heed to your Spirit, denominate yourselves from this, and make this your principal Care. O let not the Flesh and the World have the Ascendant in your Esteem, and the Throne in your Hearts. Let not your Soul lie neglected, and bury'd in the Pleasures of Sense, or the Cares of this Life. What is a Man profited, if he gain the whole World, and lose his Soul? Or what shall a Man give in Exchange for his Soul? (Matth. 16.26.) Learn, I beseech you (my Friends) every one of you, to place a just Value upon your immortal Part, and to make your Soul your Care in the first Place. Think often and think solemnly, that you have a Soul made for Immortality, bound to an eternal World, and which in a little Time must be consign'd to an unalterable State of Happiness or Misery. And can any of you bear the Thought of going to Hell, or missing of Heaven at last! O see your Danger, and don't destroy your own Soul. Realise the Necessity of caring for your Soul; and look that you do not reward Evil to yourselves, thro' Presumption or Despair. Tremble to think what Indignation & Wrath, Tribulation & Anguish shall be upon every Soul of Man that doeth Evil. But remember, that the Soul of the Righteous shall inherit Glory, Honour and Peace everlasting. And altho' you may some of you be without any present Grounds for Hope of this, as having in you still the Soul of the [Page 5] Wicked, an evil Heart of Unbelief; yet thro' the Riches of divine Grace there's a Possibility of getting your Soul restored to Life, yea, to Health and Prosperity by Jesus Christ. Tho' your Soul be in a State of Perdition, yet not such as that of the Spirits in Prison. No, while the God of all Patience reprieves you from Hell, you ought to look on it as possible for you to escape the Wrath to come; possible for you to be born from above, and so to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. You have a Soul, tho' spiritually dead, yet capable of being raised into im­mortal Life by the Power of God, and of being made a Vessel of Mercy, prepared for Glory; yea, capable of a blessed Prosperity and Health in the present World, a spiritual Health and Prosperity, which is the Beginning and Earnest of everlasting Glory and Felicity.

This leads us,

2. To consider that Prosperity and Health, mention'd in our Text, as what the Soul is the Subject of.

Now if we view the Soul of Man in it's philosophical Notion only, it may be said to prosper and be in Health, when the Intellectuals are not in a diseas'd infirm Estate, but sound, regular and vigorous as to the common Ope­rations of Reason; the Wit sharp, the Judgment solid, the Memory tenacious, Ideas clear, and Arguings strong, Knowledge increasing, &c.—But this State of the human Understanding is common to Saints and Sinners; is but a partial and very defective, low Kind of Soul-Prosperity, and capable of existing separate from that intended in our Text. It may be called indeed rather the Health of the Brain, than of the Soul; at least it depends imme­diately upon the happy Texture of the Brain, a regular Circulation of the nervous Fluids, and Freedom of the animal Spirits, producing a lively Imagination, and assisting the intellectual Functions.

But the Apostle in our Text had a more exalted View, and wou'd be understood in a theological Sense. The Prosperity and Health of Soul, which he speaks of, is of a sublime and spiritual Nature, not merely intellectual, but moral; and refers not so much to an orderly State of the [Page 6] Head, considering Man merely as rational and social; but to the holy Frame of his Heart, his Conscience, Will and Affections, as well as Understanding, considering him in his Relation to GOD, as a Subject of moral Govern­ment, a Creature formed for religious Service, and de­sign'd for the glorifying and enjoying of God, his ulti­mate End.

Looking at Man in this Light, his Soul may be said to prosper and be in in Health, when his Powers as a moral Agent are reduc'd under a proper Regulation, and duly exercised on their respective Objects; so as that the Soul truly answers the End of its Being, and enjoys that inward moral and spiritual Happiness [...] was originally designed for. There is such a Thing as Prosperity and Health of the Soul in this Sense, actually existent in the Life which now is, tho' too uncommon.

Indeed considered as taking Place in the present World, it is not to be understood in a strict and absolute Sense, as if any Souls dwelling in Flesh had already attained, or cou'd attain a proper (legal) Perfection of Holiness and moral Happiness, exclusive of all Mixtures, and free from all Defects. For even inspir'd Prophets and Apostles renounc'd all Pretensions to this; as you may read both in the old Testament and New. [ Eccl. 7.20. Prov. 20.9.— Phil. 3.12, 13.—1 Cor. 13.9, 10.— 1 Joh. 1.8.]

Verily, since the Day of Adam's Fall, there never was an Example of complete unblemish'd Sanctity, or indefective moral Felicity; save only the Man Jesus, the second Adam, who being conceived in a miraculous Way, by the Power of the Holy Ghost, was exempt from the common Contagion of original Sin, and his Life (in Correspondence to his innocent Nature) holy, harmless, and undefiled. But excepting this single Instance, never was Man upon Earth whose Soul enjoy'd Prosperity and moral Health in a strict Perfection. This is reserved for the peculiar Priviledge of the coming World. And the Saints in the Earth, the most excellent of them, must be [Page 7] said to be in an unprosperous unhealthy State of Soul, compar'd with the perfected Spirits in Paradise.

However, there is a Sense, a lax and less proper Sense, in which some Souls still tabernacling in mortal Bodies of Flesh and Blood, may be said to prosper and be in Health.

I wou'd observe here distinctly,

1. In a comparative Light, as viewed in Contradistinction to unregenerate Sinners, all that are born again may be said to have Souls prospering and in Health.

The Righteous are represented as a peculiar People, a chosen Generation; whose spiritual State, moral Endow­ments, Soul-Privileges and Relations are all such as speak them the excellent in the Earth, more excellent than others. ( Psal. 16.3. Prov. 12.26.) The Ungodly are Strangers to those spiritual Blessings, which righteous Souls enjoy. They may prosper in the World, heap up Riches, and swim in sensual Pleasures, possess uninterrupted Health of Body, yea, and very improv'd Intellectuals too: But still their Souls do not prosper, in the Sense of our Text; no, their Souls are lean from Day to Day, in a starving pining perishing Condition.—Whereas now the Godly are such as have been born again, born of God, begotten to a new, a divine and heavenly Life; and have Meat to eat, which the World knows nothing of, whereby the divine Life is supported and nourish'd in them.

A regenerating Change indeed is the fundamental Thing. True Prosperity and Health of Soul implies an habitual State of moral Rectitude, restor'd to the Soul in the new Birth. Health presupposes Life: This is as the Foundation, and that as the Superstructure. Spiritual Life is the radical Principle; which the Soul must have put into it by the creating Hand of God, or it can never be said to prosper and be in Health. The Man in this happy Case is one whom the Law of the Spirit of Life, in Christ Jesus, hath made free from the Law of Sin and Death, in such a Measure, as that his Soul may be said truly to be alive unto God, to live in the Spirit, and to walk, not after the Flesh, but after the Spirit. He is no longer [Page 8] carnally minded, which to be is Death; but spiritually minded, which is Life and Peace.

The holy Scriptures, concurrent with the Experience and Observation of all Ages, do represent Mankind as in a fallen Condition; their Souls miserably out of Order, infeebled, deprav'd, and corrupted in all their Powers; so far from Health and Prosperity, that they are by Nature even dead in Sins. Indeed Man was at first form'd after the Image of God, in every Faculty possessing an excellent Rectitude. ( Gen. 1.27. Eccl. 7.29.) But by sinning against God, our first Parents fell from the Estate, wherein they were created; and all Adam's natural Posterity, being not only in his Loins, but included in the Covenant made with him, and so involv'd in the common Guilt of the first Transgression, do justly inherit the Pollution contracted and the Misery incur'd by his Apostasy. ( Psal. 58.3. Rom. 5.12, 19.)

But, blessed be the God of all Grace, who in his infinite Wisdom and Mercy has found out an admirable Expedient for our Recovery, and in the Fulness of Time sent his Son, incarnate in human Nature, to save his People from their Sins. He was wounded for our Transgressions, that by his Stripes we might be healed. (Isai. 53.5.) He gave himself for us, that he might purify unto himself a peculiar People. (Tit. 2.14.)

And such a People he actually hath in the World; which in Time past were not a People, but are now the Peo­ple of God, who by his Stripes are healed. (1 Pet. 2.10, 24.) Multitudes have experienc'd the purifying Efficacy of his Blood, the healing Virtue of his Cross, and the quickning Power of his Resurrection; even some of the greatest Sinners. (1 Cor. 6.10, 11. Tit. 3.3, 5.)

Now the Work of the Holy Ghost in applying the Redemption by Christ, for the quickning and healing of Men's Spirits, is one Thing imply'd in this Prosperity and Health of the Soul, as essentially necessary to it: and in regard of that, every believing Soul may be said to be in Health and prosper, if compar'd with what it was by [Page 9] Nature, or with what the Souls of such be as are yet unconverted.

Be the Faculties of the Soul, in its meer rational Con­sideration, ever so much enlarg'd and improv'd; be it inriched with all Knowledge; be its Chambers filled with Treasures of common Science and human Prudence: Yet if there be not a renewing Operation of the HOLY GHOST, producing a total Change in the moral Temper and Frame of the Soul, it is not a Soul prospering and in Health. No, 'tis a sickly, feeble, crazy, poor and perish­ing Soul, notwithstanding all its intellectual Furniture; yea, and notwithstanding any Ornaments of seeming Virtue, it may make a Shew of, which is merely Ethical, and reaches little higher than the sensitive Appetites.

The inner Man must be heal'd of all the spiritual Dis­tempers and Wounds it got by the Fall, and which have been increas'd and inflam'd by actual Sins from time to time: The Blindness of the Mind, the Hardness of the Heart, and Numbness of the Conscience, the Stubbornness of the Will, the Madness of the Passions, and every moral Disease must be bro't under an effectual Cure; or else the Soul can't be said to be in Health and prosper.

The Soul that may justly have this Character apply'd to it, is a Soul awaken'd out of its native State of spiritual Death, and restor'd to its true and genuine Life: A Soul, that has Christ formed in it, that is quicken'd toge­ther with him, and made conformable to him: A Soul re­newed by the Holy Spirit, in all its Powers; the Under­standing rightly inform'd, and the Judgment rightly fix'd; the Will rightly bent and resolv'd; the Conscience purg'd and rightly engag'd; the Affections placed on right Objects, and the Passions reduc'd under a right Govern­ment▪ A Soul, that has just Ideas impress'd upon it, and wise Thoughts prevailing in it; a Soul, that has its Views directed to the best Ends, and whose chief Study is to please and honour God; a Soul, that is weaned from this present World, that is cut off from the Love of Sin, and no longer makes Self it's Idol, is divorced from the Law, and subdu'd to the Gospel: A Soul, that has Repentance to­wards [Page 10] God, and Faith towards our Lord Jesus Christ; that lives by Faith, and brings forth Fruits meet for Re­pentance; that dwells in Love, and has its Conversation in Heaven; delights in the Service of God, and Com­munion with him: in a Word, a Soul attemper'd by Grace to the Performance of spiritual Duties, and to the Fruition of spiritual Blessings; humbled by a Sense of its own Unworthiness, and yet trusting in Christ Jesus, and longing for the Enjoyment of him in Glory everlast­ing. This, this is the Soul alive and in Health; and which only can be said to prosper.

This Soul has noble Lineaments of the moral Image of God upon it: This Soul is a Temple of the Holy Ghost; and has eternal Life commenced in it. This Soul has Heaven as it were bro't down into it. 'Tis bound for Heaven, & intitled to it, as its proper Inheritance; is in an habitual Preparedness for it, and shall for certain be finally put in Possession of it.—This Soul is furnish'd with those Gifts and Graces, that are the true Riches. This Soul is become Light in the Lord, and has found the Knowlege of the holy One, that Pearl of great Price. This Soul is a Partaker of his Holiness; a Partaker of the Divine Na­ture, in all its reveal'd and communicable moral Perfec­tions, tho' as yet in a very imperfect Degree.—This Soul obtains Peace in believing, and good Hope through Grace; and has everlasting Consolation, at least in the Principles and Grounds of it, or in Title and Reversion, if not in actual Enjoyment.—This Soul is admitted into all those divine and spiritual Relations, and relative Privi­leges, which are connected with true Prosperity, and which the Saints in Heaven esteem their Blessedness and great Glory. Such a Soul, being vitally and mystically united to Christ, is made the Righteousness of God in him, and has the Righteousness of God our Saviour imputed to him for his Justification; has Christ's Satis­faction placed to his Account, and his Debt to vindictive Justice cancel'd, no more to be remembred against him. His Guilt is totally and for ever blotted out; he's out of Debt; is made accepted in the Beloved, and stands unal­terably [Page 11] right in the Court of Heaven. This Soul is ally'd to Angels, espoused to Christ, reconciled to God, adopted into his Family, and appointed an Heir of Salvation with eternal Glory.—This Soul is in an habitual Readi­ness for all Events; and as no Evil shall come nigh to hurt it, so in its own Apprehension (while conscious of its blessed State,) nothing can happen amiss to it: For it has learnt to look with a sacrificing Eye upon all its dearest Enjoyments, and has the Assurance from God, that all Things work together for Good to them that love him.— This is the truly living Soul. Christ has given it eternal Life, and declar'd that it shall never perish, nor shall any of its Adversaries be able to pluck it out of his Hands. Being in Christ, there is no Condemnation to such an one. He is not of them which draw back unto Perdition, but of them which believe to the saving of the Soul: And nothing shall be able to separate him from the Love of God in Christ.—In a Word, such a Soul, washed, justify'd and sanctify'd as it is, hath a Title to and Meetness for the heavenly Inheritance. This is purchas'd for him, de­creed and promis'd to him, taken Possession of by the Forerunner in his Behalf, and an Earnest given him by the Spirit which dwelleth in him. He has Treasure in Heaven, and none can rob him of it.

Happy the Soul, in such a Case! How excellent its Cha­racter, how glorious its Condition! Such a Soul may be said truly to prosper and be in Health; at least in Compare with the Souls of others. Surely the ungodly are not so: But are empty of all truly moral and spiritual Good, wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked; condemn'd as Criminals by the Law, led Captive by the Devil, and pining to Death in their Chains.—Compar'd with them, every renew'd Soul, tho' but a Babe in Christ, a Weak­ling in Grace, and a Child in Understanding, compassed about with many Infirmities, may nevertheless be called a Soul prospering and in Health.

I shall now apply this Point in some proper REFLEC­TIONS, before I pass to the other Head.

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USE I. What has been said, ministers Occasion for a mournful Remembrance of Adam's Apostasy, and calls us to lament the ruinous State of human Nature since the Fall.

Had the first Man persever'd in his Obedience, he had for ever possess'd, and so had we, a Soul in Health and prosperous, with regard to intellectual and moral Perfections and Blessings.—But alass! By one Man's Disobedience many were made Sinners. By one Man Sin entred into the World, and Death by Sin; and so Death passed upon all Men, in that (or in whom) all have sinned. By the Offence of one, Judgment came upon all Men to Condemnation. Then were all dead.—'Tis the Scripture-Account of the Origin of that Darkness, Defilement, Disorder, and Death, which now disgraces human Nature; and which Mankind uni­versally had been everlasting Strangers to, if Adam (our first Father and federal Head) had stood in his primitive Character and Condition, wherewith a good God saw fit to honour and distinguish him.

O what Blushing and Shame, what Trembling and Sor­row become us, when we consider how awfully Man differs now from what he was originally, as he came out of his Creator's Hand! With what Tears of Confusion and Astonishment shou'd we lament our common Guilt and Fall in Adam! Verily Tears of Blood are not sufficient for us to shed on so fearful and melancholly an Occasion. The Crown is fallen from our Head: Wo to us that we have sinned! Alas, we were altogether born in Sin; and in this Sense, were Transgressors from the Womb. We brought into the World with us a carnal Mind, an evil Heart; and out of the evil Treasure in our evil Heart have pro­ceeded all our evil Thoughts, and evil Words and Actions. O how loathsome and forlorn our Case in a State of Na­ture! The whole Head is sick, and the whole Heart faint; there's no Soundness in us; but we are full of Wounds and Bruises and putrifying Sores, from the Crown of the Head to the Sole of the Foot, in moral and spiritual Respects. And well then may God's Soul abhor us in our natural [Page 13] State, even as our Soul loatheth him. Surely we were by Nature the Children of Wrath, even as others, being the Children of Disobedience. (Eph. 2.2, 3.)

Let us labour for a thorow Conviction of this Doctrine of Original Sin. 'Tis most evidently the Doctrine of Scripture: and abundantly confirm'd by the penitential Confessions of Believers in every Age. Nor can any of you, if you consult your own Experience, find just Occa­sion to dispute it. Do you not feel a Law of Sin working in you, and the Imagination of your Heart evil from your Youth up? (Gen. 8.21.) Were not the earliest Disco­veries of Reason in you attended with Out-breakings of Corruption? How can you account for the first evil and lustful Thought you had, but by assigning an evil Heart as the immediate Cause? Surely, it did not come from without but sprang from within, out of the Heart ( Mar. 7.21) Then when Lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth Sin. (Jam. 1.15.) And while we see Children so early, so universally mani­festing an Aversion to what is Good, and a Disposition to what is Evil, very often too against the Light of the best Instructions, against the Force of the best Examples, and notwithstanding all possible Restraints of a wise and holy Government over them, what other Cause can we resolve the sad Effect into, but the native Pravity of their own Mind and Conscience? This is the Root of Bitterness, which springing up betimes, doth so defile our Childhood and Youth. The Fruit being so early and constantly bad, argues the Tree to be bad. A good Tree cannot bring forth evil Fruit; neither can a corrupt Tree produce good Fruit: Wherefore by their Fruits ye shall know them. And by this Rule of judging, we know every one to be by Nature a corrupt Tree: not excepting even the rare In­stances of such as are said to be sanctify'd from the Womb. For these being sanctify'd but in part, do by the frequent breaking out of remaining Lusts discover, that they were originally corrupt Trees, even as others.

This Doctrine lies in the Foundation of the grand Scheme of Man's Redemption. For without the Supposi­tion of original Sin, what so great Need was there for the [Page 14] Mediation of the Son of God, or for the Sanctification of the Spirit? Might not merely the Restraints of Providence and common Grace have been sufficient to preserve Adam's Posterity innocent, if born free of all Participation with him in his Guilt and Pollution? And if so, what Occasion for all that Cost and Pains, which the only wise God has laid out in the Affair of Man's Salvation! But if that be consider'd, Things must needs appear in a very different Light to every impartial Inquirer.—Let this Thought teach you (my Friends) the Importance of the Doctrine of original Sin; and serve to settle you in the firm Perswasion of its Truth. Be upon your Guard a­gainst the impotent Cavils and perverse Disputings of Men of corrupt Minds. Let no Man deceive you with vain Words.

And being established in the Belief of the Truth, be often entertaining your Minds with serious Meditations upon it; applying it solemnly to your own Case, and bringing it home to your selves in particular. If any of you are among the happy Examples of early Piety, give God the Glory of his distinguishing Grace towards you, and be you very thankful: Yet never forget the abject Con­dition you were born in; guilty, polluted, and wretched, like the rest of the World. Nor have you quite shock off the old Man to this Day, but have a Body of Death, to be groaning under as long as you live on Earth; and the Sense of this must needs daily call back your Thoughts to the Day of your Nativity, when you lay in your Blood, cast out to the loathing of your Person.—But are not some of you only as whited Sepulchres? Perhaps by the Advantage of a religious Education, and early Strivings of the Spirit, you may have been kept from many grosser Follies, may have behav'd orderly, with something of moral Decency, yea, with an Appearance of real Piety, more than common, yet all this while remain unacquainted with vital Godliness, and your inward Part is very Wickedness. If still uncon­verted, your Heart is like the rest of the Sons of Men, full of Evil: having in it the Seeds of the worst Immoralities, which wou'd shoot up, and bring forth abominable Fruits, were [Page 15] it not for divine Restraints. Alas, the very best of you in a State of Nature, are but as the Lion in a Cage, whose native Fierceness is not mortify'd, tho' he appear cool and tame. Or you are as the Swine, tho' externally washed from its Filthiness, yet retaining still its natural Disposition to wallow in the Mire. Such as you, have greatest Need very frequently and solemlny to dwell in your Thoughts upon the deep Depravity of human Nature; lest you shou'd be impos'd upon by deceiving Appearances, and lose your Souls by a false Peace, for want of an effectual Sight of inherent Corruption.—And you who are now bearing the Reproach of your Youth, stained with open Impiety & Vice, while you mourn your earliest Crimes, as well as later Offences, see that you run up all to the Spring-head, as repenting David did, and bewail your unhappy Case as shapen in Iniquity and conceived in Sin. (Psal. 51.5.)

A mortifying and humbling Reflection this to us all! What can such base-born Wretches as we, have to glory in! How absurd for us, that are by Nature of so filthy and vile a Spirit, so guilty and miserable, to pride ourselves in the Beauty of our Bodies, in the Honour of our Parentage, in the Riches of our Inheritance, or even the Privileges of our Baptism and Education! O my Friends, the Con­sideration of original Sin shou'd hide Pride from Man, and darken the Glory of all our external Prosperity, and our in­ternal Advantages too, whether natural or acquir'd. O let us get and maintain a realising affecting Sense of in­dwelling Sin, which has so impoverished, deform'd, de­fil'd and degraded our Souls: And let the Thought of this subdue our Pride and Vanity, give a powerful Check to every self-exalting Imagination, humble us to the Dust, keep us low in our own Eyes, and make us even abhor our­selves before the holy God, with whom we have to do. To this End let us beg at the Throne of Grace, that a divine Light may shine into our Hearts, to lay them open to our View, and thorowly convince us of the evil Dis­ease, which cleaveth to us; else we shall never be duly humbled, and brought to repair to the Healer of Souls.

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USE II. We have Reason to admire the infinite Mercy of God, in raising up a second Adam, to restore our Souls from the Ruins of the Fall; and shou'd adore his amazing Wisdom and Power and Holiness in the Recovery of apostate Creatures.

O what Manner of Love is this, that when we had been ruin'd by Means of the Sin and Fall of the first Man, another Mediator shou'd be rais'd up, & sent to redeem us out of that State of Guilt and Misery we were plung'd into, and restore our Souls once more to Prosperity and Health! Had the blessed God seen fit, he might have glorify'd his Justice in our everlasting Destruction, without a Remedy; as he cast off the Angels which sinned. But O astonishing Distinction of sovereign Grace, in the Pro­vision for our Recovery by Jesus, the Lord from Heaven! Herein is Love; not that we loved God, but that God loved us, and sent his only begotton Son, that we might live thro' him. (1 Joh. 4.10.)—And O the amazing Con­descension of the Son of God, who though he was rich, yet for our Sakes became poor, that we thro' his Poverty might be rich. (2 Cor. 8.9.) O the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that he should come to restore that which he took not away; that he should suffer for Sins (the Just for the Unjust) in order to bring us unto God, that our Souls might live and prosper and be blessed for ever. Never was there such Love as this, seen amongst Men, or Angels. The Love of Christ passeth Knowledge. We cannot sufficiently admire it. — Nor can we eno' admire the Condescension and Grace of God the Holy Ghost, in undertaking the Office of applying the Salvation purchased by Christ to the elect People of God. O if we have been made Partakers of the Benefit, methinks we can't but sing the Praises of divine Love.

And surprizing is the Display of divine Wisdom in the Work of Redemption, as God has wonderfully suited his Salvation to the Nature of Man and the Reason of Things, to the Ends of his own Glory and our Felicity. He does not save Men in their Sins, but from them; and restores [Page 17] that moral Purity to the Soul, which is fundamental to the Happiness of reasonable Creatures, and was indeed our primitive Glory. In this he manifests his Holiness and his Wisdom together.

And how is the Power of God magnify'd in this so great Salvation! The SON of God display'd his Omni­potence in the obtaining eternal Redemption for us. And the SPIRIT of God reveals his almighty Arm in the Application of purchased Redemption. When any Soul is begotten to a new and spiritual Life, and begins to prosper and be in Health, it is by the Power of the Holy Ghost. Self-Conversion is as much an Impossibility to the Sinner, by his own solitary Strength, as Self-Resurrection to a breathless Corpse. Neither is this Work in the Power of Means and Instruments. No, the whole Efficiency is DIVINE. All created Holiness is but a Ray from the Sun of Righteousness, who ariseth on whom he will with Healing in his Wings. Only the same almighty Hand, which form'd Man at first after the Image of God, is able to restore it in the Soul. Upon a Survey of Man­kind in their lost and dead Estate, the Language of the Prophet might fitly be sighed over them, Can these dry Bones live! And it must be confessed, With Man it is unpossible: But all Things are possible with God. The converting and healing of a Soul, verily 'tis the LORD'S Doing. 'Tis spoken of as a creating Work, and com­par'd to raising the Dead (Eph. 2.5, 10.) Which imports an irresistible Omnipotence exerted in producing the blessed Effect.—Look off from Creatures, look above Men and Means, when you behold any Instance of Conver­sion, under the Ministry of the Word; and think not as though by our own Power or Holiness we had made this Man to walk. No, but the Power of the Lord was present to heal him.—And let me note to you by the Way, that all those Doctrines are justly to be suspected as false, which exalt the Power of Man, and deny the Necessity of a divine Influence, to work a regenerating Change in Sinners. The Case of the Woman (Luk. 8.43.) which had spent all her Living upon Physicians, neither could be healed of any, is [Page 18] a lively Emblem of the Case of an apostate Soul, without Strength to restore itself, and finding the whole Creation without any healing Medicines. The Asserters of Pelagian FREE-WILL, or the Sufficiency of our natural Faculties, by human Helps, without the immediate Operation of supernatural Grace, to the Ends of Holiness and Happi­ness, appear in my Apprehension very evidently removed from the Grace of Christ, unto another Gospel, which yet is not another. Our Lord has left us that express Assurance, WITHOUT ME YE CAN DO NOTHING. And if any Man teach otherwise, not consenting to wholesome Words, even the Words of our Lord Jesus Christ, he is proud, know­ing nothing.—Let us look on this Doctrine of Christ as a Doctrine according to Godliness: I trust you have (some of you) found it such by happy Experience, and you ought boldly to confess it; however profane Wits may explode and flout at it, in their vain Opinion of an Ability and Liberty in fallen Man, which derogates from the Honour of divine Grace, and perverts the Gospel of Christ.

O let the Sovereignty and Power, Wisdom, Holiness and Mercy of God in the Salvation of Souls, be equally our Meditation and Wonder and Praise continually. Let us daily steep our Thoughts and warm our Hearts in this heavenly Study, which will be the noble Employment of Saints and Angels throughout a blessed Eternity.

USE III. What Joy and Satisfaction shou'd we take in the Conversion of Sinners; and how ought we to mourn the Case of unconverted Souls?

In every Conversion a Soul is sav'd from Death. (Jam. 5.20.) 'Tis brought into a new and excellent Life, and put in a Way to glorious Prosperity, Health and Happi­ness. And shall we not rejoyce, when any are bro't to believe unto the saving of the Soul! Verily there's Joy in Heaven over one Sinner that repenteth. (Luk. 15.7.) Every new Conversion spread a fresh Transport of Joy all over Heaven; it puts a new Song into the Mouth of Angels; and is highly pleasing to God. The Holy Ghost rejoyces [Page 19] in a new Triumph of his Power and Grace: The Re­deemer rejoyces in a new Testimony to the Merits of his Cross and Efficacy of his Mediation: The Father rejoyces in a fresh Witness to his electing Love, the Birth of a­nother Heir, and a new Addition to his Family. This is emblematically represented in the Parable of the Pro­digal Son, in whose return his Father rejoyced, and killed the fatted Calf, because he had received him safe and sound. (Luk. 15.27.)—How do we rejoice in the Return of a Child or a Friend, thought to have been lost; and in his Recovery, after having been sick nigh unto Death! With what Pleasure do we receive such an one, as virtually rais'd from the Dead! And shall we not much more re­joyce and exult in the Return of a lost Sinner, in the Re­covery of a perishing Soul. Do's not Love to our Fellow-Creatures, and a Regard to the Honour of God and Interest of Christ demand this of us? Ought we not to imitate the Example of holy Angels? Are we not willing to participate in the Joy of Heaven on such an Occasion!

At the same Time we shou'd lament, that the truly living Soul is so rare a Spectacle: And should bemoan the unhappy Case of Sinners in their Unregeneracy. Alas, their Misery is great upon them. Be they Kings and great Men of the Earth, dwelling amidst the highest Honours, Riches and Pleasures of this World, yet so long as aliena­ted from the Life of God, what is the Life they live! mean and low, little better than brutal. The most prosper­ous and dignify'd Sinner is but a vile Person (Psal 15.4.) a brutish Person; he is like the Beasts that perish. (Psal. 49.10, 12.) Verily a rueful putrifying Corpse is not more horrible to the bodily Sight, than such a Person (dead in Sins) is to those who have Eyes to discern be­tween Good and Bad. O what an odious horrid Spectacle is the Sinner, with a rotten Heart and unclean Hands, with the Image of Death and the Smell of Hell-Fire upon him! — But how lovely, how glorious a Sight the humble Convert, with the Beauty of Holiness, the Re­semblance of Heaven, and the Presages of eternal Life [Page 20] upon him! While the other are our Grief, let these be our Delight. Let every new Conversion we see or hear of, open a fresh Spring of Joy in our Hearts, and fill our Mouths with Praise. As the Number of Converts in Zion, in this remarkable Day of divine Power and Grace, is on the increasing Hand, and much People are daily added to the Lord in one Place and another, how shou'd all that wou'd approve themselves Lovers of Christ and Souls rejoyce and give Thanks! Praise ye the Lord: Praise the Lord, O my Soul.—Whatever Darkness and Difficulty may hang about the Minds of any, let them take Example from Act. 11.18. When they heard these Things, they held their Peace, and glorified GOD.—O how shou'd we mag­nify the Lord with Thanksgiving, who is so marvellously at this Day visiting our Land, to take out of it a People for his Name, and in so extensive a Manner reviving his Work amongst us! May it spread still more and more, till the whole Land, yea the whole Earth, is filled with the Glory of the Lord! *

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USE IV. What has been said, shou'd put us all upon solemn Inquiry into the State of our Souls, whether it be a State of Conversion, or not.

[Page 22]In order to know whether your Souls prosper and are in Health, my Friends, it's necessary that you first exa­mine whether you have ever experienc'd that New-Birth, which is fundamental to all true spiritual Health and Prosperity. Let me speak freely to you: In Case you have not been made alive to God through Jesus Christ, you are vain Pretenders, and do but boast of a false Gift, in claiming the Character of prosperous and healed Souls. Alas, there are Multitudes in the professing World, to whom that pungent Rebuke is applicable, Matth. 9.12. They that be whole, need not a Physician. It seems spoken of the conceitedly whole, who imagine they want no Healing. Like those whom Solomon speaks of, Prov. 20.12. There is a Generation, that are pure in their own Eyes, and yet are not washed from their Filthiness.

Some there be, that are gross Sinners, but labouring of a stupify'd Conscience, they go on quietly in known ha­bitual Wickedness; tho' under the greatest Danger by fatal Wounds, yet insensible and utterly unconcern'd to get spiritual healing. These, if they were not Strangers to all serious Self-Reflection, must needs know themselves to be under the Power of unmortify'd Lusts, and in the Way to eternal Destruction. But the God of this World hath blinded their Mind, and seared their Conscience as with a hot Iron, that they feel no Impressions from God's Word or Providence, feel no Remorse or Shame for Sin, no Fear of Death or of Wrath to come. They are dead asleep, by the Force of Unbelief, by the Force of stupi­fying Errors, or prevalent Lusts, which make their Ears heavy, that they cannot hear, and their Eyes dark, that they cannot see; at least, in seeing they do not understand, and in hearing they do not perceive. As it is said of Ephraim, Hos. 7.9. Gray Hairs are here and there upon him, yet he knoweth it not. Thus many a Sinner, tho' the evident Tokens of Perdition are upon him, yet he knoweth it not; he is willingly ignorant: And when he heareth the Words of the Curse, still he blesses himself in his Heart, saying, I shall have Peace, though I walk in the Imagination of mine Heart, to add Drunkenness unto [Page 23] Thirst. Deut. 29.19. Sinners, that have their Conscience thus benumb'd and senseless, often are found trusting in their religious Parentage, external Profession and Cove­nant-Relation to God, as the unbelieving Jews, who glory'd in having Abraham to their Father, yet did not the Works of Abraham; and who made their Boast of GOD, yet were Children of the Devil. (Joh. 8.41, 44.) These are posting on to the Damnation of Hell, yet are so stupify'd as not to consider their Hazard, nor ever really apprehend their Necessity of a Saviour.

But others there be, of a more refin'd Character, yet equally in Danger of perishing by Means of a deluded Fancy, and false Hopes, from other Causes. I have in my Eye now such as are under the Power of a deceived and flattering Conscience; such as have taken up a ground­less Opinion of themselves, as if they were something in Religion, while indeed they are nothing. Some unhappily form a wrong Judgment of their State, by applying false Rules, and others by misapplying the true; and having enroll'd themselves among the Children of God, their confident Presumption breeds a Calm in their Breasts, lulls Conscience asleep; and sometimes an Imagination that the Bitterness of Death is past, produces a singular Satisfaction and Chearfulness of Mind. By Reason of some sensible Changes they've experienc'd in themselves, under the common and lower Operations of the Spirit, they fondly dream, that they are whole and need not a Physician. For Instance, they have been bro't under legal Awaknings (it may be, very strong Convictions, great Terrors, and long continu'd) and afterwards have emerg'd out of their Darkness and Distress, perhaps into a Light and Joy surprizing to them; have felt Enlarge­ments in Duty at Times, Meltings of Passion, and seem­ingly good Affections; have reform'd their external Practice to a great Degree; are grown warm Advocates in the Cause of Reformation, &c. Now here they rest, and build their Hope, at a Distance from Christ and Grace. On such Accounts as these, they flatter them­selves in their own Eyes, suppose themselves converted and [Page 24] healed, and think their Souls in a prosperous Way; while yet in Truth they remain under the Power of Death, some ineffectual Check only is given to their Disease, and their Wounds are but sooth'd for the present, by a meer pal­liative and superficial Cure. Indeed they never were truly broken-hearted, never thorowly wounded in Spirit, nor ever apply'd the true Gospel-Remedy. Conscience is over-rul'd and silenc'd; but not truly heal'd and pacify'd. What Convictions they had, are only worn off; they've quench'd the Spirit; and the Calm they possess, is but a temporary and false Peace; their Joy but a flashy and imaginary Pleasure. That awful Word is applicable to them, Isai. 44.20. He feedeth of Ashes; a deceived Heart hath turned him aside, that he cannot de­liver his Soul, nor say, Is there not a Lie in my right Hand! Alas, they still need the Physician, as much as ever; tho' their Heart thinketh not so.

Some who have passed under no remarkable Change, but appear'd hopefully pious from their Childhood, are little better than that young Jew in the Gospel (Matth. 19.) to whom our Lord Jesus said, One Thing thou lackest: And who, after solemn Protestations of his unblemish'd Morals, yet when put to the Trial chose to part with a Saviour and renounce Heaven, rather than sacrifice the World and deny his Lusts. Had this young Pretender a healed Soul, a clean Heart, and a right Spirit within him, think you! Nay, but a sick Soul, a foul Heart, and a false Spirit, under the disguise of a fair Profession and plausible Appearance. Is it not to be fear'd, that among Christian Professors many are but as that young Man, deceiving their Neighbours, cheating themselves, and mocking God by a fair Shew in the Flesh?

Others who have actually had a visible and perhaps very remarkable Change wro't upon them, may yet be no better Christians than that Simon, who from a noted Sorcerer became a Gospel-Professor, and doubtless for a time was look'd on by others (perhaps too by himself) as a notable Instance of converting Grace; but at Length his Hypocrisy being detected, he met with that awful Re­buke [Page 25] from an inspir'd Apostle, (Act. 8.) Thou hast neither Part nor Lot in this Matter: For thy Heart is not right in the Sight of God.—For I perceive, that thou art in the Gall of Bitterness, and in the Bond of Iniquity. So as to many a Professor, it may be fear'd, notwithstanding their glori­ous Pretensions as to inward Feelings, and a conspicuous Alteration in Externals, that after all their Heart is not right with God, is not sound in his Statutes, but still goeth after their Covetousness, or other foolish and hurtful Lusts. Their Corruptions are only under a present Restriction; but really retain a secret Power and Dominion. It is but an imperfect Work they've known, whether of Law or Gospel. Their boasted Experiences are essentially de­fective; their Graces but glittering Counterfeits; and all their Virtue but unregenerate Morality: they are aliena­ted from the Life of God; and have but the dead Car­case of Religion.—Indeed it becomes short-sighted fal­lible Man to be very cautious in applying so dreadful a Censure to particular Cases. I apprehend, the Word of God, which ought to be our governing Rule, forbids our explicitly condemning particular Persons in regard of their inferior State, and pronouncing positively against them the Charge of Hypocrisy, but upon notorious Evidence of bad Externals, inconsistent with a credible Profession. However, in general we have Reason sadly to fear, that many a forward and showy Professor is really but an empty Pretender; and at best no better than an Almost-Christian, in the Sight of HIM whose Eyes are as a Flame of Fire, which pierce thro' the thickest Vizors, and often see a wretchedly distemper'd Spirit under a beautiful Outside, and visible Form of Godliness.

O let us then (how candid soever we are in judging of others) be inclin'd rather to Severity in Self-Exami­nation and Self-judging. Let it be our Concern to get Conscience sufficiently inform'd by the Word and Spirit of God; and let an enlighten'd Conscience do its Office, in impartially trying and censuring us, that we may not by a deceitful Peace and a presumptuous Hope betray our immortal Souls into remediless Ruin. O consider, my [Page 26] Friends, you may have many commendable Attainments, in real Gifts and seeming Graces; you may have verily experienc'd admirable Changes in your Temper and Con­duct, that carry the Face of saving Conversion: and yet after all your Convictions, your Illuminations and your Humiliations, your Terrors and Comforts, your Tears, Confessions, and Amendments, you may still be but glistering Hyprocrites, and fail of the washing of Rege­neration, that purifying and healing Work of the SPIRIT on the hidden Man of the Heart. O beware of all those treacherous and false Rests, which Sinners in Zion are apt to lean upon, and which in the End will certainly prove broken Reeds, that shall pierce them through with many Sorrows; leaving them, after the short Pleasure of a deluded Hope, to sink down to Hell, under the Anguish of an amazing Disappointment, an irretrievable and eternal Disappointment! I beseech every one of you to take Warning, and see that you don't content yourselves with any but the surest Evidences of a real Work of saving Grace, in the restoring your Soul.

I shall now propound to you several Heads of Self-Examination, or Marks for Trial of your State: attend, and examine yourselves, each of you, as I go along.

1. Have you ever been made to know and feel the distem­per'd wounded and perishing State of your Soul by Nature?

It may be, you have felt Terrors of Conscience and Fears of Hell, with some Sense of Shame and Remorse for actual Sins, especially for scandalous Iniquities: But if you have experienc'd true evangelical Convictions, you have been made to see and mourn the Sin which dwelleth in you, to see and mourn the dead Condition you are in by Nature, and to know the Plague of your own Heart; as the Expression is, 1 Kin. 8.38. Well, reflect solemnly, and recollect what has been your Experience in this leading Point.

Have you ever had the extream Necessity and Exigence of your Case in a natural State, presented to your View in a powerful convincing and affecting Light? Have [Page 27] you seen your Nature overspread with the Leprosy of Sin, in Body and Soul; the Mind clouded, the Judg­ment distorted, the Will vitiated, the Passions corrupted, the Conscience depraved, the whole Man defiled? Have you seen your Life stain'd with actual Pollutions, from your Youth up, in numberless Instances, and all dread­fully aggravated! Have you seen all your Duties attended with abominable Mixtures of Corruption and sinful Im­perfection? Has the Badness of your Hearts appear'd to you, with singular Evidence, from the Filthiness of your very best Duties, when view'd in the Glass of the Com­mandment, which is spiritual, and holy and just and good?

Have you seen the Misery and Danger of your natural Condition, as under the Bondage of Corruption and Chains of Guilt; odious to the Holiness of God, and obnoxious to his Justice; expos'd to die eternally, by the moral Efficacy of your Disease, and by the righteous Sentence of the Law? Has Destruction from God been a Terror to you, and the Arrows of his Quiver enter'd in­to your Reins? Has Conscience been duly awaken'd to a Sense of the Wounds given by Sin? Have you been brought to look on Sin (particularly thro' the Glass of Christ's Sufferings) as the most malignant and hateful Evil, worse than the very worst of bodily Plagues? Have you not only felt the Pain of your distemper'd and wound­ed Condition; but under your spiritual Pollutions ap­pear'd a loathsome Spectacle in your own Eye? Has the Corruption of your Nature, as well as the Defilements of your Life, been Matter of Grief and Shame and Terror to you? Has the Enmity of a carnal Mind against God, an evil Heart of Unbelief, the Source of Disobedience, been deplored by you with many Confession, Prayers, and Tears and Fears? Made to know the Plague of your Heart, and deeply affected with a Sense of the absolute Need of your Spirit's being healed, have you been put upon earnestly inquiring after some proper and sufficient Remedy? Have your been bro't to desire the saving and healing of your Soul with more Solicitude than ever you wish'd for Recovery from bodily Sickness? Infinitely [Page 28] to prefer this spiritual Healing, before carnal Ease and false Rest, and to resolve you will seek the Blessing, and accept of it upon any Terms!

Have you been beaten off from Self-Confidence, and every Creature-Dependance; seeing your Wounds and Bruises and Distempers incurable by any Skill and Power of yours, or by all the Art and Application of Men and Means? Have you been reduc'd to an utter Despair of Relief from your own Sorrows, Reformations, Performances in Religion, by any Virtue in themselves; and from all human Helps whatsoever? Have you seen also your Unworthiness of divine Relief; and been convinc'd, that a holy God might justly abandon you as a Hell-deserving Wretch?— And has this Prospect of your distressed Case pull'd down the Pride of your Heart, subdu'd your haughty Spirit, and brought you to God's Foot; humbly acknowledging his Righteousness, if he shou'd spurn you away from his Presence, and yet resolvedly casting yourself on his free and sovereign Mercy in Christ? — Which brings me to another Inquiry.

2. Have you been effectually persuaded and enabled to apply to CHRIST, as the one only appointed and sufficient Healer and Saviour of Souls?

Sensible that you are dangerously sick, and need a Physician; convinc'd, that all Creatures are Physicians of no Value; finding, that in vain you have used many Medicines, that you have laboured in the Fire, and wearied yourself for very Vanity; and feeling yourself under the most pressing Necessity of a divine Physician, and a divine Remedy, have you been bro't with Agony of Heart to enquire after GOD the Saviour, and been made willing in the Day of his Power? Willing to sub­mit to God, and be healed by his medicinal Grace, as dispensed in and thro' Christ? Willing to be washed, to be sanctify'd, to be justify'd in the Name of the Lord Jesus, and by his Spirit? Willing to be saved by Grace through Faith? — Have you been divinely enlighten'd and assisted to believe the Record, which GOD hath given of his SON; and upon the Credit of his Testimony to [Page 29] receive CHRIST, as the Physician of Souls, the only au­thoriz'd, the only qualified, the only efficient Healer? Has Sin been such a Burden upon your Conscience, as to render CHRIST precious to you, and make you welcome this blessed Physician? Conquer'd and melted by the Consideration of his redeeming Love, have you yielded up yourself, as a poor strengthless worthless perishing Creature, to be made a Monument of his pardoning and renewing Grace? Have you had any such impressive View of his perfect Sufficiency and gracious Readiness to heal and save those that come to him, as hath by a pow­erful, yet pleasing Constraint, drawn you to put your Confidence in him, to fly for Refuge, and lay hold upon the Hope set before you? Have you carry'd your Complaints to him, open'd your Case without Reserve, thrown yourself upon his Compassion, and solicited his Help; most im­portunately begging, that he wou'd deliver and heal your Sin-sick perishing Soul; and this with a full Dependence on his Skill, Fidelity, and Ability, to save you to the uttermost, if he undertake for you? At the same time humbling yourself before him under a Sense of your deep Demerits, and confessing his Justice, if he shou'd reject you from his Care: But still from a believing Considera­tion of the Gospel-Report, adventuring upon his infinite Grace, committing you Soul into his saving Hands, as the Physician you need, and placing your whole Trust in him; yet however with adoring Thoughts of his absolute Sovereignty, resigning intirely to his Conduct, as to the Manner, Time and Circumstances of his own Operations upon you? — In a Word, approving the only Method of Cure, which infinite Wisdom has devis'd and revealed, namely FAITH IN THE BLOOD OF CHRIST, have you indeed been looking unto JESUS for the cleansing and healing Virtue of his BLOOD, receiving the Atone­ment, submitting yourself to the Righteousness which is of God by Faith; and with a full Consent to the Application of his remedial Grace, waiting upon him in the Ways of his Appointment? — Let it now be inquir'd,

[Page 30]3. What Symptoms are there of a Cure begun upon you? What Signs of Life and Health of Soul? What Evidences of spiritual Healing, from the Effects?

If the Blood of Sprinkling has been apply'd by the Hand of the SPIRIT, in the Gospel-Way of Faith to­wards our Lord Jesus Christ, there is without Controversy a healing Work wrought on your Soul, in all its Powers: And if you are really conscious of a Faith unfeigned dwelling in you, this may be a satisfying Evidence, that your Soul is in Health and prospers. Faith in the Blood of Christ is eminently the Medium, employ'd by the Spirit of Grace, in beginning and carrying on this blessed Work of spiritual Healing. As sure therefore as you are that you have Faith, so sure you may be that your Soul is actually under this blessed Work: Here's at least a strong presumptive Argument of it. But then in Order to judging whether you have the Faith of God's Elect, and whether you have indeed experienc'd the healing Virtue of the Blood of Christ apply'd by Faith, it is requisite that you examine what Fruit of the Spirit, what Work of Faith, what Signs of spiritual Life and Health you have upon you. Inquire then into the Influences and Effects discoverable upon you, both privative and positive, both inward and outward.

Can you say in Truth, I am crucified with Christ? Is your old Man crucify'd with him; the Flesh, with its Lusts, mortify'd; the World crucify'd unto you, and you unto the World? Have you an habitual Brokenness of Heart, and Tenderness of Conscience? Have you frequent Humblings and Breakings of Spirit for Sin, original and actual, former and later? Do you hate Sin, as Sin, and therefore every Sin? Are you afraid of sinning in any the least Instance, in the most secret Places, and even in Thought as well as Speech and Behaviour? Do you watch and pray, that you enter not into Temptation? Do you solicitously abstain from the Appearance of Evil, resist the very first Beginnings, and guard against all known Occasions of Sin? Is the Desire of your Soul after Sin-killing (as well as Sin-restraining) Grace? Do you [Page 31] labour the Mortification of that which is naturally your most beloved Lust, and find yourself by Grace habitually kept from your own Iniquity? Do you mourn the Re­mains of Corruption in you; thankful for any Degree of spiritual Healing; and earnestly panting for a thorow Cure; longing to have the very Principle and Root of your Diseases, in a corrupted Nature, quite destroyed, and your Soul translated to the World of Perfection, above the Influence of all those unhappy Objects, which here feed and nourish your spiritual Distempers? Are you thus dead to Sin, the Flesh, and the World?

And are you at the same Time dead to the Law? I mean not, as a Rule of Practice, but as a Covenant of Life. Is your Hope of Righteousness and Life by the Law, slain? Has that self-sufficient and self-righteous Principle, so deeply radicated in the Heart of proud Man, received a deadly Wound? And is it dying daily in you? Are you, while careful to do the Commandment, yet watchful against that legal Spirit, which will be as a dead Flie in the precious Oyntment? Not going about to establish your own Righteousness, nor leaning to your own Powers, do you daily depend upon a crucify'd JESUS, as the Lord your Righteousness and Strength? The Life you now live, is it by the Faith of the Son of God?—If you are become dead to the Law, by the Body of Christ, it is that you shou'd be marry'd to another, even to him who is raised from the Dead, that you shou'd bring forth Fruit unto God. Well, inquire whether from the Prin­ciple of a new Nature you have your Fruit unto Holi­ness, and are indeed serving God in Newness of Spirit.

Are you verily such as do live godly in Christ Jesus? Do you in Truth live, not to yourself, but to him that loved you and died for you and rose again? Have you those spiritual Senses, those spiritual Appetites and spiritual Faculties, which are essential to the new Man, evidential of the new Birth, and necessary to walking in Newness of Life? And do you feel a determinative divine Influence, exciting the Powers of your new Nature, drawing them [Page 32] into Exercise, and enabling you to maintain a Course of holy and spiritual Action?

What's your inward Life? Is it a Life of Repentance, and of Faith with Love in daily Exercise? Is it a Life of Dependance upon Christ, Desire towards him, Devoted­ness to him, Communion with him, and Satisfaction in him? Is it a Life fill'd up with holy Thoughts, and holy Affections, holy Designs, holy Resolutions, and holy Endeavours; cleaving to the Lord with Purpose of Heart, purifying your Soul in obeying the Truth through the Spirit, and herein exercising yourself always to keep a Conscience void of Offence, both towards God and to­wards Man?

What's your outward Life? Do you shew your Faith by your Works, and study to adorn the Doctrine of God your Saviour in all Things; doing common Actions after a godly sort, and diligently following every good Work? Do you live, not only a Life of Sobriety and Self-Denial, but of Devotion to God, and of Benignity to Men? What's the Life you live in Secret, in the Family, in your publick Appearance, Commerce, Conversation, and Business in the World? What's your Manner of Life on the Sabbath-Day? And what on common Days? What in Prosperity? What in Adversity? What in the several Relations and Capacities you sustain? Is it a Life becoming such as profess Godliness? Is it as becometh the Gospel? Adjusted to Gospel-Rules, con­ducted by Gospel-Principles, and directed to Gospel-Ends?

Is CHRIST the main Scope of your whole Life? Do you live upon him, live by him, live for him? Does Christ live in you, and his Image appear upon you? Is the Current of your Thoughts, Aims, Purposes and En­deavours from him and to him? Is it your earnest Ex­pectation and Desire, that Christ may be magnify'd in you? Do you go forth in his Strength daily to the La­bours of the Christian Life; by Prayers of Faith deriving vital Influences from him your Head, and fetching in that supply of the Spirit, which you continually need? [Page 33] Do you come to the Light, that your Deeds may be made manifest that they are wrought in God?

In fine, after all, and in the midst of all your Services for God, do you account yourself an unprofitable Servant, disclaim and detest all Pretension of recommending your self to the Favour of God by any Works of Righteousness, which you have done, and have your Eye singly to the Righteousness of Christ upon you by a gracious Imputa­tion, for Acceptance here and Recompence hereafter; determined to look for the Mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal Life, and to account all Things but Loss, that you may win Christ, and be found in him?

Thus, my Friends, I have interrogated you in a Variety of Particulars. Ask yourselves these important Questions again and again, in solemn Manner: and let Conscience give an upright Answer. Let Conscience report what has been your real Experience, what the prevailing Tem­per of your Hearts, and the general Tenor of your Lives; compare them with the Rule of the Word, and pass an impartial Judgment. O make a Business of this Self-Inquiry, and be afraid of Self-Delusion, in an Affair of such Consequence. Ought you not, as reasonable Crea­tures, to be concern'd to know the true State of your Souls, and to be afraid of losing your Souls by undoing Mistakes and self-flattering Dreams! Believe it, Multitudes think themselves something, while they are nothing; and fatally deceive themselves. Affect your Hearts with the Consideration, that you are as liable to be deceiv'd, as others; that it will be no Relief to you, to have the Com­pany of others, whosoever or how many soever, perishing with you under the same Deception; and that if you have been deceiving yourselves hitherto, it will be good for you to be undeceiv'd now in Time, while there is yet Room for the Hope and Use of an effectual Remedy.— But consider on the other Hand, if on due Self-Discussion you find sufficient Grounds to conclude, that your Souls are indeed renewed, and recover'd to a State of spiritual Life and Health, the Reflection on this will tend to fill you with Admiration of the distinguishing Grace of God [Page 34] towards you, to make you studious of honouring him by the best Returns of Gratitude, to sweeten the Comforts and alleviate the Troubles of Life, to fortify you against the Fears of Death and Judgment, and give you a chearful Expectation of Eternity; as knowing that the New-Birth is the Beginning of an endless Life, and spiritual Health in this World the earnest of everlasting Happiness in the next. Wherefore my Brethren, give Diligence to make your Calling and Election sure. 'Tis a Duty of vast Concern, and expresly enjoyn'd upon you by the Word of God, 2 Pet. 1.10.— Attend this momentous Duty, as you wou'd shew yourselves Men. And beg of God to search you.

I proceed now to another Head of Improvement.

USE V. Let it be a Word of Exhortation, suited to your various Characters and Cases, whether converted or unconverted, whether convinced or unconvinced.

To be distinct here, I wou'd speak,

1. To secure Sinners. And is there not Reason to fear, that some here present before the Lord, may have this black Imputation lying upon them? Are there none of you (elder or younger) at Ease and dwelling carelessly; al­together indolent and sottishly unconcern'd about the State of your Souls, whether they prosper or not; or else pleas­ing yourselves with the Thought of your Souls being in a prosperous and healthful Condition? who yet never knew by Experience what it is to be born of God, and to live according to God in the Spirit! Never knew what Faith and Repentance mean, in the Power and Practice of them! Never knew what it is to mortify the Deeds of the Body, to deny yourselves, and take up your Cross, and follow Christ! Never knew experimentally what a good Conversation in Christ means! And (in short) never knew so much as what Sin means, in the Sting of it, but are Strangers to a thorow Distress of Conscience for Sin; and never had your Hearts pricked, so as to have a Death-Wound given to every Lust, Self dethroned, the World cast out, and Christ alone exalted in your Souls! Verily if this be a just Description of the Case of any [Page 35] among you, I must tell such in the Name of God, You are in a deplorable, a dangerous and perishing Condition. You may have an undisturb'd and quiet Life of it for the present: but (alass) a wretched and forlorn, a languishing and dying Life it is at best. The Way of Peace you have not known: Destruction and Misery are in your Ways: And your End will be Destruction, inevitable and eternal Destruction, if you persevere and die in your present Condition. Hath not the God of Truth denounced WO to them that are at Ease in Zion! And forewarn'd you, That if you die in your Sins, it had been better you had never been born!

I call upon you in the Name of God our Saviour, the compassionate and only Physician of Souls, to consider before it is too late, and rouze out of your delusive, but beloved Dreams. Ah, will you chuse Death and refuse Life! Will you invade Hell, and rush on Damnation! Will you court your own Ruin! O how long shall vain Thoughts lodge within you! Hear, ye Sinners, whether old or young. Give over your self-flattering Conceits, your deceiving Hopes, and mad Delays. Behold, NOW is the accepted Time: NOW is the Day of Salvation. And O that in this Day of Visitation you may be made to know the Things of your Peace; lest ere long they be hid, everlastingly hid from your Eyes! Boast not of to morrow; for you know not what a Day or an Hour may bring forth. He that being often reproved, hardneth his Neck, shall sud­denly be destroyed, and that without Remedy.—Proud Sin­ners are apt to be angry at this plain Dealing, and fly in the Face of their friendly Monitors: like Persons some­times that are sick, who see not their Danger, and are fond of Life, they can't bear to be told of their Hazard, they can't endure to hear of a Physician, they loath the Mention of any Medicine for their healing. Very threatning Symptoms are these in the Case of bodily Sickness: and the like in Soul-Sickness are equally dangerous.—You that upon any serious and impartial Self-Reflection can't but be conscious of your having never passed from Death unto Life, let me persuade you [Page 36] to admit a Conviction (O may the Holy SPIRIT bear it in powerfully on your Mind!) of your being in a perishing Condition; sick, and needing a Physician. Think immediately, think closely and solemnly on your Guilt and Pollution, your Misery and Danger in a na­tural State. Realize your unhappy Case: and make that your solicitous Inquiry, with the trembling Jaylor, What must I do to be saved!

Believe it, if ever you convert and be healed, it's like to cost you many bitter Cries and Tears. The sooner there­fore you mind this grand Concern, the better.—O think of the Time of Waking: it certainly will come, either in this World, or the next. But if not in this, it will be too late: And if in this (I say again) the sooner, the better; the better upon all Accounts. Less of Pain, less Anguish and Difficulty will in all Probability attend the searching and healing your Wounds now than hereafter: and the sooner your Soul is restored, the greater Advan­tage and the longer Opportunity you will have, through Grace, to establish and advance your Soul's Prosperity, Health and Vigour; to work for God on Earth, and to lay up Treasure in Heaven. Therefore as the Holy Ghost saith, To Day, if you will hear his Voice, harden not your Heart. (Heb. 3.7, 8.) O Sinner, indulge no longer a false Peace & carnal Ease: give not Way to Excuses and Delays. What meanest thou, O Sleeper! Arise, and call upon God, if so be that God will think upon you, that you perish not.

I can't readily think of any more proper Advices to you in your present Case, than these. Immediately, as far as possible by the help of common Grace, break off your evil Customs, and strive to avoid every Conscience-wasting presumptuous Sin. — Immediately quit your immoderate Pursuit of the World, and set Bounds to your Business, Cares and Pleasures in it, that these may not prove fatal Impediments to your obtaining Conviction.— Im­mediately shake off your vain Companions, and betake yourself to the Acquaintance of serious Christians, whose Conversation may be instructive and quickning to you.— Immediately take up the Practice of Closet-Duties; or if [Page 37] statedly observ'd, be more afraid of trifling in secret Religion.— Resolutely meditate on awakning and melt­ing Subjects.—Daily read the Holy Bible. — Be swift to hear the Word preached, attend a faithful searching Ministry, and take heed how you hear.— And when under any Ordinance or Providence, you find Conscience begin to be touched, now watch and pray, that you may not lose the Impression, but that it may be thorowly set home upon you. Know it, after all the Means you can possibly use, it is the Work of the divine SPIRIT to convince Sinners: Yet he ordinarily does this in the Way of Means. O neglect not any appointed Means then: And yet have your Eye to the SPIRIT of Grace as the alone efficient Cause. Observe his Motions. Pray for his powerful Influences. Call for a Sight of Sin, and Sorrow for Sin: Call for Conviction, for Humiliation, for a broken Heart, as you regard the Life of your Soul: Call instantly for these, call aloud, pray and strive hard for these. Let mournful Reflections on your sick Condition, and awful Prospects of your amazing Hazard, be cherish'd and not repelled: yea, let them lie down and rise up with you, follow you into the World, and accompany you Day and Night, that you may seek Salvation in earnest, and never return to a fatal Rest in your Sins.—And when this comes to be the Case with you, happily you may be made ready for the Lord, prepared for the glad Tidings of the Gospel, be disposed to welcome the Physician, and by coming to him, have your Soul recovered to spiritual Life and Health.

But in the mean Time, whatever Comfort of Hope, you may enjoy, believe me, 'tis but the Hope of the Hypocrite, which shall perish as the Spider's Web, & leave you ashamed, in the Hour of Death and in the Day of Judgment, if you go out of the World with an unrenewed unhealed Soul.—Ah, how inexcusable will you be, if you perish from under the Light and Warnings of the Gospel! Your Blood will be upon your own Head, if you despise and reject the Physician of Souls. —You are sick nigh unto Death, the Graves are ready for you, Hell gapes to receive [Page 38] your guilty Spirit: And how can you escape, if you neglect so great Salvation! —The Physician you need, is knock­ing at your Door now, and waits that he may be gracious: But tho' he hath long Patience, he will not wait always. He may leave you, ere you are aware: and then how impossible your Recovery! No created Arm can relieve your Soul: Sink it must into eternal Perdition, and none can help it. O Inhabitant of Lebanon, that makest thy Nest in the Cedars, how comely shalt thou be when Pangs come upon thee, the Pain as of a Woman in Travail! For so it is written, When they shall say, Peace and Safety, then sudden Destruction cometh upon them, as Travail upon a Woman with Child; and they shall not escape. (1 Thes. 5.3.)—If Conscience never be roused against you in this World, it will awake with a Vengeance in the next; it will roar like a Lion, and tear you in Pieces. In Proportion to your Guilt shall be your Torment: And there will be none to deliver. The only Saviour will be turned against you; and He will make you as a fiery Oven in the Day of his Anger.—WO unto you that laugh now: for you shall mourn and weep. (The Mouth of the Lord hath spoken it, Luk. 16.25.) And if you wou'd prevent your mourning at the last, when sum­mon'd before the great God unto Judgment and when it will be too late to obtain Mercy, then hasten now, even to Day, while it is called to Day, hasten to get among the Mourners in Zion. O that I cou'd by any Means so re­present the Evil of Sin, & the Terrors of Death, Judgment and Wrath to come, as that these Things might appear in their Reality before your Eyes! O bethink yourselves, and consider what a Case you wou'd be in, if now you were taking your final Leave of the World, if now you were called before the awful Judgment-Seat, if Christ were this Moment revealed from Heaven in flaming Fire to condemn and punish impenitent Sinners! Let Conscience be startled at the tremendous Prospect. Instantly shake off vain Merriment; laugh no more in your pleasing Dreams, and mad Security: But let your Heart meditate Terror, and be bowed down heavily, at the Sight of your sinful Sickness, Misery and Hazard.

[Page 39]And now, supposing this to be the Case with some of you, I shall apply myself,

2. To convinced Sinners.

If there be any here present, whose Souls are not in Prosperity and Health, but who are now awaken'd to some Sensibility of your sick and perishing State, perhaps are deeply wounded in Spirit, and are crying out for a Physi­cian; to such I wou'd direct a few Words by way of Counsel, Caution and Encouragement.

Let me say here,

(1.) Look to it, that you don't miscarry in the first Step toward Conversion, by mistaking the Nature of true Conviction, and imagining yourselves in the full Experience of this, while yet perhaps essentially defective in it.— The SPIRIT, when he cometh, convinces of SIN, and of RIGHTEOUSNESS, and of JUDGMENT. (Joh. 16.8.) As Agent under and for CHRIST, in the Application of Re­demption, he works Conviction in a Way becoming his own Character as the Spirit of Grace and Truth, in a Way subservient to the Ends of his blessed Office, and pursuant to the Design of the Saviour's Undertaking; and in a Way accommodated to the intellectual Nature of Man, in its State of Apostasy; informing his Judgment, as well as influencing his Passions; working on his Hopes, as well as his Fears; encouraging him from the rich Provisions of Grace, as well as terrifying him by the flaming Sword of Justice; humbling and melting his Heart, as well as pricking his Conscience; directing him to a Physician, as well as affecting him with his Malady; and making Use of the Gospel, as well as of the Law, to these Purposes.

Examine now into your Experience; and take heed, that you don't deceive yourselves, by taking up contented with a partial and imperfect Work of Conviction. Know it, such a Work, for the Kind and for the Measure of it, as will make you thorowly feel your Soul-Sickness, and Need of a Physician; as will make you solemnly attentive to the Gospel-Report, reconcil'd to the Method of Salvation by Grace through Faith in the Blood of Christ, restless under the Burden of Sin, and disposed to welcome the Saviour, [Page 40] in his whole remedial Undertaking, and for all its Pur­poses, upon the most self-denying Terms, without Ex­ception or Reserve; such a Work, I say, and so much of it, there must be in your real Experience, if you wou'd not fail in Point of common Grace, usually previous and preparative to Conversion. O look to it, that with Re­gard to this introductory Work you do indeed begin in the Spirit, and that you do not end in the Flesh.

(2.) Then, beware of Apostacy from hopeful Beginnings of Conviction, & relapsing into Security.—True Conviction, in any Degree of it, is an Instance of divine preventing Mercy. It is the Fruit of the SPIRIT striving with you. O forsake not your own Mercies. Quench not the Spirit. (1 Thes. 5.19.) Don't slight Conviction, nor oppose it: but follow it on, fall in with it, and labour to promote its genuine Effects. As you love your Souls, be always in Care, that you do not turn the Grace of God into Wantonness; that you do not grieve and vex the Holy Ghost, by wilful Resistance or affected Stupidity under his Hand. A just God may by this be provoked to cut you down suddenly by Death; or he may swear in his Wrath, that his SPIRIT shall forever cease striving with you: and if either of these awful Events shou'd happen, you are undone, without Remedy.— O let this Reflection be as a Thunderbolt shot into your Conscience, to keep it awake: and let the dreadful Sound in your Ears put you upon fleeing for Refuge, to lay hold on the Hope set before you.

(3.) Beware of resting in Conviction. Alas, Conviction may proceed to a high Degree and to a great Length, and yet after all may leave you short of that Faith in the Blood of Christ, without which you will never experience its healing and saving Efficacy.—If you think to be your own Physicians, and expect Healing meerly by Virtue of your own Repentances, Reformations, and Practice of Duties; or if you go about to make a Righteousness of your Humiliation and religious Concern, expecting hereby to oblige the Divine Physician to pity and relieve you; in either Case you may procure to yourselves a Shew of Healing, but verily Christ shall profit you nothing. Without [Page 41] the Blood of Sprinkling apply'd to cleanse and heal your Souls, you must in the End be shut out of Heaven among the defiled and abominable, must descend with bleeding Wounds to the Place of unutterable Horror, and take your Lot with unpardon'd Devils and damned Ghosts, where the Fire is not quenched. Nay, the Memory of your past Experiences will dreadfully enrage your Wounds hereafter; and your practical Contempts of the Blood of Christ will make it serve only as Oyl further to inflame the Vengeance of eternal Fire. O take heed then, that you don't any of you stop at meer Conviction, nor rest in its best Effects, short of Gospel-Faith. Verily, no Change of Opinion, no Change of Passion, no Change of moral Disposition and Conduct will avail to the Ends of healing and saving your Souls, without a regenerating Change and Heart-purifying Faith. O dread a Delusion here, in the grand turning Point. Be not cheated by a fallacious Appear­ance. Don't deceive yourselves; and let no Man de­ceive you by vain Words. Consult not with Flesh and Blood in the Case. Turn away your Ear from the dan­gerous Flatteries, nor listen to the corrupt Advices of false Friends about you, but cease from the Instruction which causeth to err. Nature (I know) impatient of Trouble, and eager to shake it off, is apt to seek Ease by the nearest, tho' not the safest Methods. Let Conscience, directed by the unerring Word, set Bounds here: and resolve to seek and receive Healing only in the Gospel-Way, by Faith in the Blood of Christ.

(4.) To seek Christ and Healing in this Way of Faith, hasten as much as possible, and beware of indulging volun­tary Delays.—Every wilful Delay is a virtual refusing for the present, is utterly inexcusable, and very dangerous. The longer you cherish a dilatory Disposition, you will but set yourselves at a wider Distance from Christ and Healing; your Unbelief will contract a greater Stubbornness, and the Wounds of Conscience grow more difficult of Cure. Do you now stand off from Christ, and neglect so great Sal­vation, in Hopes of a more convenient Season? O foolish Presumption! Take Heed lest it betray you into fatal [Page 42] Security, by a final withdraw of the convincing SPIRIT from you; or else into horrible Despair, by the Tempter's telling you hereafter, that it's too late, as he do's now, that it is too soon. — But, you are acted perhaps by some other Views, in thus standing aloof from the Physician. Is it be­cause you think your selves unworthy to come to Christ? Here's the Shew of Humility: but it's a spurious Grace, the Issue of a haughty Mind. Do you stay away from Christ on the Prospect of coming to him ere long better recommended, by good Qualities in you, or good Works done by you, that may purchase his Favour, and intitle to the Benefits of his Redemption? If so, here's the Pride of your Hearts, & the Snare of the Devil. Obedience is the Daughter of Faith, and Good Works are a good Nurse to Faith: but if you make Works the Mother of Faith, that Faith is not right, it's but a Bastard-Faith. —Be it that you think (as many poor Souls do at such a Time) that you must not dare to believe, until your Agonies of Sorrow and Terror have risen up to the Height of others Experience, in some very remarka­ble Cases, singled out by you for a Standard; I must needs let you know, This is your Infirmity. Such as you, who (in the Measure of more common Experience) have tasted the Bitterness of Sin, and feel your perishing Condition without a Saviour, and are lamenting after him, but still defer the great Transaction of closing with or coming to him, for Fear of presuming; I must tell you, if you want further Conviction of any Thing, it is of the Sin & Mischief of your Unbelief, which holds you off from the Physician, hold you down upon the Rack of a tormenting Conscience, and keeps your Wounds open and bleeding. O labour for a deeply impressed Apprehension of the infinite Malig­nity and Guilt of UNBELIEF, the present and indispensable Obligation of FAITH, and the egregious Folly of DELAYS. And let this View of Things give Speed to the Motion of a trembling distressed Soul towards the desired Saviour. That Exhortation to the awak'ned Jaylor, shews what is the proper and immediate Duty of convinced Sinners, Act. 16.31. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved. O hasten the Flight of Faith towards our Lord Jesus [Page 43] Christ; as the Manslayer of old fled with swiftest Expedi­tion to the City of Refuge. Look instantly to JESUS, as the stung Israelites in the Wilderness were to look imme­diately to the brazen Serpent, for healing.

I know indeed, the Arm of the Lord must be stretched out, and this must draw you, or you'l never be able effectu­ally to come to Christ: yet, I beseech you, let not the Scriptures be wrested by you, in this Case, to your own De­struction. The Doctrine of Man's Inability will grosly be perverted, if you make it a Pretext for voluntary Delays and careless Neglects of incumbent Duty. Alas, Sinner, if you finally miscarry, a righteous God will charge you as the faul­ty Cause, nor will you have any Cloke for your Sin. Your spiritual Impotence will never serve you with any coloura­able Plea in apologizing for your wilful Unbelief & spiritual Sloth. If any is hugging himself in the Dream of imagi­nary Safety, from such an Excuse, let him know, His Dam­nation slumbereth not.— The Sense of your own Weakness and Insufficiency should rather put you in Fear, awaken your Care, and deter you from all Negligence. O let it have this Effect upon you. Agreably I proceed to say,

(5.) Under the Excitements and Aids of divine common Grace, be earnestly and diligently pursuing after saving spe­cial Grace, in a close Attendance upon the instituted Means of obtaining it; and beware of indulging any sinful Neglect, or slothful Management.

Ordinarily the blessed God worketh by his own appoint­ed Means. The common Work of the Spirit, whereby Sinners are brought under Conviction and Humiliation, is usually begun and carried on by the Means of God's Ap­pointment: and convinced Sinners must persevere in an unwearied Attendance upon the Means, if they hope to secure the End of that Work they are under, as preparatory to saving Conversion. Indeed it would bewray great Ig­norance & Presumption in you, to rest in meer Means, to depend on them to do the Office of the divine Efficient, or to depend on your own Endeavours in the Use of them, as deserving at his Hands. However, let it be consider'd also, it would bewray great Ingratitude to God, to slight the [Page 44] common Operations of his Spirit; and an unsufferable Affront to him, to receive his Grace in vain, or not to give Diligence, that under its Restraints and Assistances you may go the utmost Lengths, you are capable of in your present Condition, both from Sin and towards Duty.

Common Grace, tho' specifically different from saving Grace, yet is also the Fruit of the SPIRIT, an improva­ble Talent, good in its Place, and to its proper Ends and Uses. The SPIRIT is good; and all his Gifts and Influ­ences do participate of his Goodness. His common Grace is good in its Kind; and all its genuine Applications and Actings do partake of the Goodness of their Principle. Hence a Sinner, under the Government and in the Exer­cise of common Grace, tho' he cannot please God (in the Sense of that Scripture-Expression) yet he less displeases him, than the openly profane, or the careless Hypocrite. He is less abominable, when behaving as he should under Conviction and Humiliation, than in the Fulness of his Pride and Security. While, by the Help of the SPIRIT in his lower Operations, the Sinner is diligently and ear­nestly attending the instituted Course of Means, he certain­ly less provokes God, than if he totally neglected or but formally and coldly & occasionally attended them. Such an awak'ned inquiring Sinner may be said to be not far from the Kingdom of God; he keeps in the Way of the Blessing; and is doing what hath an instrumental Aptitude to promote the Soul's Preparation or Predisposition to Faith in Christ, by which Faith he may please the Lord.

While then you are justly cautious and afraid of resting in any Attainments intellectual or moral, that are the Result of meer common Grace, which neither are Conversion, nor can merit it; yet you must be cautious too of undervalu­ing and neglecting the SPIRIT in his common Influences. So likewise, while you are careful to look beyond your selves, and above all Means and Instruments, unto the FIRST CAUSE, from whom comes down every good and perfect Gift; you are, notwithstanding, to value the Means in their Place and Order, and be diligent in im­proving them, by the Help of common Grace, to their pro­per [Page 45] Purposes; never satisfied until you have got into the happy Number of Zion's Converts, and obtained like pre­cious Faith with them.— Be waiting at the Pool, thou Crip­ple, in a mournful Sense of thine Impotence: so altho' un­worthy, the compassionate JESUS may (ere thou art aware) appear for thy Help, and work a Miracle of Mercy upon thee.— Ply the Throne of Grace with your ardent and in­cessant Cries for Mercy and Grace to help you; in some such Language as that, Psal. 41.4. I said, Lord, be mer­ciful unto me; heal my Soul, for I have sinned against thee. Be following hard after God, in an Attendance upon all the Means (of his Institution) publick and private, in Sea­son and out of Season. Use them with an Aim at Con­version, and with an Eye to the Spirit of Christ, the sove­reign Author. Come to the Means "with Diligence, Pre­paration, and Prayer". O shake off spiritual Sloth: and let not that be your Condemnation (as it is written, Hos. 5.4.) THEY WILL NOT FRAME THEIR DOINGS TO TURN UNTO THEIR GOD.

In a Word, as active Conversion is a Duty of immedi­ate Obligation upon you, tho' an impossible Duty without a Strength above your own; therefore while GOD is say­ing, Turn ye, Turn ye, do you in the Fervour of your Affections, but still with a Dependance on divine Power to enable you, make your humble Attempts to answer the Divine Call. At your Lord's bidding, try to stretch out the withered Hand. Make Experiment what a gracious God will do for you. Peradventure, while employ'd in these your feeble Essays, the Spirit of Life may enter into you, and accomplish in you the Work of Faith with Power. Be therefore striving in Prayer and in the Use of Means; looking diligently lest you fail of the Grace of God.

6. Tho' a righteous God may put you to wait long for Help and Healing, yet beware that your Heart do not fret against the Lord, nor despond under your continuing Troubles.

Confess the Justice of God, and murmur not at his Se­verity. Adore his Wisdom, and wait his Time. Believe it but a necessary Discipline you are under; lie at the Foot of Divine Sovereignty; and while you dread the false Com­forts [Page 46] of Presumption, yet refuse not all Comfort of Hope from Mercy, infinitely rich and free. Whatever you do, keep Hope alive, by often reviewing & praying over those general Gospel-Encouragements, applicable to your distressed Case. Let no dark Reflections or gloomy Prospects pre­vail to silence Prayer, to dispirit unto Duty, or obstruct your Progress in the careful painful Use of all appointed Means. As, on the one Hand, you must be vigilant lest the Adversary of Souls should precipitate a superficial Healing of your bruised Spirit, in the Methods of Phari­saism or Self-Righteousness, and thus destroy your Soul by a false Peace and presumptuous Hope: So, on the other Hand, you must take Heed, lest he drive you to a wicked and damning Despair; by exasperating your Wounds, blinding your Eyes to the Gospel-Remedy, or representing it to you in a disparaging Light, and overwhelming you with the Terrors of Law and Justice.

For I must observe to you, altho' the Fears of awaken'd Sinners, so far as they have true Grounds and a proper Ope­ration, are certainly Products of the Holy SPIRIT, as the Spirit of Bondage; yet that Fear of Amazement, which hath a slavish hellish Torment, and that Desperation, which drives Men to put from them the Word of God, or makes them lie down in sullen Negligence, are Things that do not belong to the Work of the convincing SPIRIT, nor are the genuine Effects of any immediate Impressions of His upon their Souls: No, but they spring out of a corrupt Heart and guilty Conscience, and the Impressions of Satan, acting in the Form of a cruel Accuser and malicious Ter­rifier. O be not ignorant of Satan's Devices, lest he get an Advantage against you. He has his Affrightments, as well as Allurements: be upon your Guard against both. When provoked, under Impressions of Guilt & Wrath, to despond, and give over the Care of your Salvation as hopeless, look upon it as (what it is in Truth) a Temptation; and resist the Devil, who is a Liar and a Murderer from the begin­ning. O consider, you do but credit and please that wicked One, by all your unbelieving Fears, your resolute Deafness to Gospel-Encouragements, your sinful Demurs, [Page 47] Distrusts, Prejudices and Objections, whereby you thrust a­way all Hope, and deaden your Heart to Duty. This Tem­per and Conduct is derogatory to Gospel-Grace, a Reproach to the Father of Mercies, a Disparagement to the meek and compassionate Redeemer, a Grief to the Holy Spirit, the maddest Cruelty to your own Soul, and a Gratification of your Adversary the Devil, who goeth about as a roaring Lion, seeking whom he may devour; "whose Trade is to tear poor Souls in Pieces, and torture them all he can". Realise it, there is a Terror that is dangerous, unprofitable, unnecessary; arising from Unbelief, and desponding Tho'ts and Passions, under a Satanick Influence. Beware here. Tho' the Devil would fain perswade you, that the Day of Visitation is over with you, that your Case is unremediable, and hopeless like his own, yet believe him not. What tho' your Diseases and Wounds be truly immedicable, by all the Skill and Power of Creatures, and so your Case is hazardous & deplorable? Yet still it is not desperate. I this Day bring you the glad Tidings, that there is Balm in Gilead, and a Physician there.

Do you feel your selves sick and perishing? Do your Wounds smart and pain you? Do your putrifying Sores make you even stink in your own Nostrils? And are you afraid of dying by the Force of your malignant Maladies? O be thankful to God, who has open'd your Eyes to see your Danger, and awaken'd you to this Sensibility of your threatning Sickness and horrible Bruises. But, whatever the Devil and a deceitful Heart may say to affright you, don't give Way to despairing Apprehensions. Believe it, there is a Physician, and in him is Help to be found. He has a sovereign Remedy for every Malady, effectual Re­lief for every Grievance. Your Sin and Misery do not exceed the Sufficiency of your Physician, or the Virtue of his Remedies. He is able even to raise the Dead: He quick'neth whom he will: and his Compassion is equal to his Power. He is taking you in Hand; and if you don't repulse him in the Methods of his Wisdom and Grace, by Unbelief, Impatience & Dispondence, nor affront him by returning to Security and Presumption, there are promising [Page 48] Signs at present of a merciful Cure intended for you. Verily, there's Hope in Israel for you as concerning this Thing.

Tho' your Distress & Anguish of Conscience may be great and long continued, yet look upon the Dealings of your Divine Physician with you as but wholsome Severi­ties; submit to his wise & faithful Measures; attend his salutary Means; and hope, O trembling self-humbling Sinner, hope for a blessed Issue. The Day seems to be dawning upon your Soul; or if at present you are in the Horror of Darkness, nevertheless the Day-Light may be near approaching. The Sun of Righteousness may sudden­ly rise, and dart his healing Beams upon you. Yet a little while, and the Physician may come to bind up your broken Heart. Have you not seen many Instances of his healing Power & Mercy; and that in Cases as helpless & hopeless as yours? Let these Examples be your Encouragement: or they will render you the more inexcusable, and serve to aggravate your Self-Destruction, if you perish at last.

Let these Tho'ts make you resolv'd & unwearied in dili­gently seeking the Lord, while he may be found.—You have at least the Motive of a Who can tell? O cast your self on his sovereign Grace; and go on, go on seeking, if per­adventure He may be found of you. Seek JESUS that was crucify'd, whose Blood is an adequate Remedy, be your Case ever so bad. Here, here is your Remedy, distressed Soul! Methinks, if you have any true feeling of your Sickness and Wounds, it must something solace your aking Heart, to hear of this glorious effectual Remedy. O let it not lie neglected: keep it in your Eye and Thought: try, and never cease trying, to apply it by Faith. Have you not found all other Methods in vain Are you wil­ling to go out of the World with bleeding Wounds and broken Bones! Are not your Opportunities awfully un­certain, and very short! O hasten, hasten then to get your Soul healed by the Blood of Sprinkling. How know you but that a Day or an Hour's longer Delay may thrust you beyond Hope, and betray you into an Eternity of Horror and Despair! Or on the other Hand, if you will instant­ly set your Heart to this Thing, and with a distressed, but [Page 49] still encouraged Soul, cry to the Throne of Grace for the Blood of Christ to be applied to you thro' Faith, how know you but that while you are in this Care & Prayer, the SPI­RIT of the Lord may come mightily upon you, and in a Moment give you to taste the Pleasure of your Desire ac­complished! While the Words are in your Mouth, the SPIRIT of Grace may seize your Heart, infuse a Principle of Life, work Faith in you, and sprinkle you from an evil Conscience, by the Blood of CHRIST, which cleanseth from all Sin! After the Noise & Terror of stormy Wind, Earth­quake, and flaming Fire, you may at last suddenly hear the still small Voice, sweetly, yet powerfully, commanding Sal­vation to you. And thus in an Instant the Foundation may be laid for a Hope, that shall never make you ashamed. —God of his infinite Mercy, for Jesus sake, grant that this may be your happy Case!

3. Now in the last Place, I should have directed the Exhortation — to such as are already got into a State of Conversion.

You that have obtained the incomparable Blessing of a healed Soul, be thankful to your Divine Physician. Let not Men and Means, but God your Saviour, have the Praise. Admire his Skill, Power, & Compassion: and give him the Glory due to his great Name.— Be humble, under a Sense of remaining Corruptions & Infirmities.— Mourn every contracted Guilt & Defilement.— Have continual Recourse to the Lord Jesus Christ for fresh Applications of his Blood thro' Faith; and for new Anointings of the Spirit daily.— Aspire after a progressive Health & Prosperity of Soul, and all the Symptoms and Effects of it.—Be ambitious of the Honour & Comfort of a full Assurance, that your Soul is indeed deliver'd & healed.— Long for Heaven's Perfecti­on.—Pity such as are yet sick and perishing; and in the Arms of your Faith and Prayer, bring them to the Phy­sician of Souls. Warn the secure; assist the Awaken'd, by all the Means in your Power and within your proper Line of private Duty.

But these Hints must suffice here.— And thus I have largely consider'd (what I had my Eye principally to) the first Proposition.

[Page 50]I should have now gone on to the other.

PROP. 2. Regenerate Souls, as view'd in a Comparison of one with ano­ther (or of the same Souls, with themselves, at different Times) may in certain special Cases eminently be said to prosper and be in Health.

Here I might say,

(1.) One Case is, when there is a remarkable Proficiency in christian experimental Knowledge; singular Improvement in spiritual Wisdom and Understanding.

(2) Another Case is, when there's a distinguishing Growth in Grace, and Progress in the Divine Life; the new Man increasing in the Vigour and Activity of it's holy Principles & Powers of Operation.

(3.) When there's an inward pleasurable Sensation of this spiritual Life, and sweet Satisfaction resulting from its Exercise and Evidence, and from the Prospects of its future Perfection

In all these Respects there's a gradual Difference among vital Christians: and where any do excel, in all or either of these Points of superior Attainment, such may be said, by way of Eminence, to have Souls▪ prospering and in Health.

I must not stay to illustrate these several Heads: but shall now hint at some Reflections, by way of APPLICATION.

USE. 1. How lovely and venerable are all such Souls as prosper in this exalted Sense! —They are the wisest, and best, and most felicitous Souls on Earth. And how happy, how amiable the Place, that is full of these prosperous Souls!

USE 2. Let it be for a Lamentation, that the Number of such Souls in the professing World, and even among our selves, is so exceeding small. How few strong and lively, even among living Christians!

USE 3. Let us all examine into our Character, by the Rules here presented us— Do we make happy Advances in Christian Know­ledge and Experience, in Faith and Holiness, in Hope and Consola­tion? Then may our Souls be denominated truly, yea, eminently healthful and prosperous.

But I come to another general Note from the Text.

DOCT. II. Soul-Prosperity and Health is the best and most valuable Blessing we can wish any one.— I wish above all Things, &c.—

If we should consider the Nature and Dignity of the Soul of Man, or the Necessity and Advantages of this Prosperity and Health of Soul; if we shou'd consider the infinite Price and divine Power, by Virtue of which we obtain it; if we shou'd consider the united Suffrages of Believers, or even the Sentiments of Sinners themselves, in their dying Moments, or under Awaknings, &c. the Point wou'd easily receive a clear and full Confirmation.—But I must not dwell here.

USE. 1. Hence the vast Obligations of Thankfulness to God our Saviour, lying upon all true Believers; in that he hath given them this Blessing of Blessings, the Spirit of Love & of Power and of a sound Mind.

USE 2. Hence, when our Souls prosper and are in Health, what a just Allay must the Reflection on this be to all the Sorrows of bodily Sickness or other external Adversity? And what a powerful Corrective to those envious Thoughts and Passions, sometimes too prevalent even in good Men, upon seeing others (especially the Wicked) prospering in the World?

[Page 51]USE 3. Hence the amazing Stupidity and Folly of such as seldom or never wish to themselves or others this Prosperity of Soul: But they are ever making Provision for the Flesh, and panting after the Dust of the Earth. O the Madness of such! They are like Chil­dren or Fools, who prefer glittering Baubles to substantial Treasure, Shadows to Realities.

USE 4 Hence, they are deservedly to be look'd on as our worst Enemies, who wound and wrong our Souls, or hinder their Prosperity and Health. The Kisses of every such Enemy are deceitful, and shou'd be odious to us.

USE 5. On the other Hand, they are justly to be reputed our best Friends, who study to promote our Soul-Prosperity and Health; tho' it be sometimes by the harsh Method of Reproof. Faithful are the Rebukes of a Friend, tho' frequently very cutting. Let the Righteous smite me, it shall be a Kindness, an excellent Oil.

USE 6. Above all, we shou'd esteem CHRIST our greatest Friend, who is the sovereign Helper and Healer of the broken-hearted, and tho' sometimes in his Applications to wounded Spirits, he may use Corrosives, as well as Lenitives, yet such a compassionate Benefactor to Souls is our Lord, that we need not be afraid. Nay, tho' he take his sharpest Lance in Hand, we need not fear, since it is in the Hand of infinite Love and Tenderness.

USE 7. Be we all perswaded to a just Solicitude for our Souls, that we may secure the most excellent Prosperity and Health.— Ye unconcerned Sinners, O admit a Conviction of the transcendent Worth of your immortal Souls, the incomparable Value of spiri­tual Blessings, and the vast Importance of improving the present Opportunity, lest you should for ever lose them. — Ye awaken'd Sinners, take Heed that you don't deceive your selves, by mistaking the Nature of true Prosperity, and lose your Souls, through Pre­sumption upon uncertain Signs, or by Despair under pressing Diffi­culties and Oppositions in your Way. — Let Converts beware of staying at any present Attainments; but be solicitous to make the swiftest and highest Advances in Soul Prosperity and Health. Tho' now but Babes in Christ, see you be thriving Children. If any of you flatter your selves that you have suddenly got to Maturity, it's an ill Sign upon you.

USE 8 When we are wishing the Welfare of others, let us in the first Place wish them this best of Blessings, that their Souls may live and prosper and be in Health — This is my Heart's Desire and Prayer to God, for you, my dear Friends: and no better Wish can I desire you to put up on my Behalf—Ye Parents, what can you desire better for your selves, or your Children, than this Soul-Prosperity? O inculcate upon them the Care of their Souls; use all private Means with them for their spiritual Good; bring them betimes under the publick Means, and by your Example teach them to Honour these. ‘When you have been as a Sermon, perhaps you will sometimes despise what you have heard: but beware here. It wou'd be just in God, if he should leave your Children to despise your Admo­nition and private Means, after you have thus taught them to con­temn [Page 52] the publick Means.’ Above all be much in Prayer with and for your Children, that all Means may be blessed to their Soul-Prosperity.—And you that are Children, what better Blessing, than this, can you wish to yourselves, or your Parents! O be much at the Throne of Grace on this Errand. —And let other Relatives, Neighbours, and Acquaintance (rich or poor in this World) make the Wish in our Text for themselves and one another.— Let all that wish well to the Churches, pray that the Souls belonging to them, may be Souls bound up in the Bundle of Life, truly prospering and in Health, and that such may daily be added. This will bring on good and happy Times.—Adored be sovereign Grace, that we see at this Day many Souls coming in, under hopeful Symptoms.— Let us pray for this whole Town and Land, that our Health may spring forth speedily: Yea, for the whole World, that God would, send forth his Word, and heal the Nations every where.

But I hasten to the last Observation.

DOCT. III. The most prosperous and healthful Souls on Earth are capa­ble of still further spiritual Improvements; which accordingly we should wish for them.

Alas, the brightest and strongest Saints are not above the Need of this charitable and pious Wish for them: and indeed the more any Souls are really in Health, the more humble they will be, and so the more desirous of a kind Remembrance in the Prayers of Others.

Let us value and seek an Interest in the Affections and Prayers of the Saints; that by them (as well as by our selves) we may have this important Request daily put up to God for us, even that out Souls may prosper and be in Health.— And let us not be behind-hand with any, in our charitable Intercessions, or in those Offices of Christian Friendship proper to accompany them.

Let us never cease very earnestly making this devout and good Wish for one another, for our Families, for all our Relatives and Neighbours, for our Friends & Christian Brethren, that they which have spiritual Life and Health, may have it more abundantly; that their Souls, however prosperous already, may have yet more of Christ and Heaven in them; and that Grace may at length be compleated in Glory.

To conclude, Let us extend our good Wishes, to the whole Church of Christ every where: and look and long for the Time, even the set Time, to favour Zion; when the glorious Things foretold con­cerning the latter Days, shall have their full and most visible Accom­plishment. Let us all take up the Prophet's holy Resolution, Isai. 62.1. For Zion's sake will I not hold my Peace, and for Jerusalem's sake I will not rest, until the Righteousness thereof go forth as Brightness, and the Salvation thereof as a Lamp that burneth.


Page 7. lin. 7. read PROP. 1.- pag. 25. lin. 22. for Inferior, 1. Interior.

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