




  • II. Of Justification by CHRIST.
  • V. The Extent and Reasonableness of SELF-DENIAL.
  • VI. The Necessity and Benefits of RELIGIOUS SOCIETY.
  • VII. Intercession every CHRISTIAN'S Duty.
  • VIII. The great Duty of FAMILY RELIGION.
  • IX. The Heinous Sin of profane CURSING and SWEARING.
  • X. Thankfulness for Mercies received, a necessary DUTY.
  • XI. The Eternity of HELL-TORMENTS.
  • XII. Directions how to hear SERMONS.

By GEORGE WHITEFIELD, A. B. Of Pembroke College, Oxford.

PHILADELPHIA: Printed and Sold by B. FRANKLIN, in Market-street, 1740.

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  • SERMON I. 2 COR. V. 17. IF any Man be in CHRIST he is a new Creature. 1.
  • SERMON II. 1 COR. vi. 11. But ye are Justified. 22
  • SERMON III. ECCL. xii. 1. Remember now thy Creator in the Days of thy Youth. 40
  • SERMON IV. ACTS xxvi. 28. Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian. 57
  • SERMON V. LUKE ix. 23. And he said unto them all, If any M [...]n will come after me, let him deny himself. 76
  • SERMON VI. ECCL. iv. 9, 10, 11, 12, [...]
    • Two are better than One, because they have a good Reward for their Labour.
    • For if they fall, the One will lift up his Fellow. But wo [...] [...]e to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not anoth [...] [...] help him up.
    • Again, if Two lie together, then they have Ho [...] but how can One be w [...]rm alone?
    • [...] if One prevail against him, Two shall withstand him; and a Threefold C [...]rd is not quickly broken. 94
  • [Page iv] SERMON VII. 1 THESS. V. 25. Brethren, Pray for us. Page 118
  • SERMON VIII. JOSHUA xxiv. 15. As for me and my House, we will serve the LORD. 136
  • SERMON IX. MATTH. V. 34. But I say unto you, Swear not at all. 156
  • SERMON X. PSALM cvii. 30, 31.
    • Then are they glad, because they are at Rest, and so he bringeth them unto the Haven where they would be.
    • O that Men would therefore praise the LORD for his Goodness, and declare the Wonders that he doeth for the Children of Men! 173
  • SERMON XI. MATTH. xxv. 46. These shall away into Everlasting Punish­ment. 193
  • SERMON XII. LUKE viii. 18. Take Heed therefore how you hear. 210
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2 COR. V. 17. If any Man be in Christ, he is a new Creature.

THE Doctrine of our REGENERATION, or NEW BIRTH in CHRIST JESUS, tho' one of the most fundamental Doctrines of our Holy Religion; though so plainly and often pressed on us in sacred Writ, ‘that he that runs may read;’ nay, though it is the very Hinge on which the Salvation of each of us turns, and a Point too in which all sincere Christians, of whatever Denomination, agree; yet is so sel­dom considered, and [...] little experimentally un­derstood by the Generality of Professors, that were we to judge of the Truth of it by the Ex­perience of most who call themselves Christians, we should be apt to imagine they had "not so much as heard" whether there be any such Thing as Regeneration or no, It is true, Men, for the most Part are Orthodox in the common [Page 2] Articles of their Creed; they believe there is but one GOD, and one Mediator between GOD and Man, even the Man CHRIST JESUS; and that there is no other Name given under Heaven, whereby they can be saved, besides his: But then tell them, They must be REGE­NERATE, they must be BORN AGAIN, they must be renewed in the very Spirit, i. e. in the inmost Faculties of their Minds, e'er they can truly call CHRIST Lord, Lord or have any Share in the Merits of his precious Blood; and they are ready to cry out wi [...]h Nicodemus, ‘How can these Things be?’ Or with the Atheni­ans, on another Occasion, ‘What will this Babler say? He seemeth to be a Setter-forth of strange Doctrines, because we preach unto them CHRIST, and the New-Birth.’

That I may therefore contribute my Mite to­wards curing the fatal Mistake of such Persons, who would thus put asunder what GOD has in­separably joined together, and vainly expect to be justified by CHRIST, i. e. have their Sins forgiven, unless they are also sanctified, i. e. have their Natures changed, and made holy; I shall beg leave to enlarge on the Words of the Text in the following Manner.

  • First, I shall endeavour to explain what is meant by Being in CHRIST, "If any Man be in CHRIST."
  • Secondly, What we are to understand by being a new Creature: If any Man be in CHRIST, says the Apostle, he is a new Creature.
  • [Page 3] Thirdly, I shall produce some Arguments to prove Why we must be new Creatures e'er we can be in CHRIST▪.
  • Fourthly and Lastly, I shall draw some Infer­ences from what will have been delivered, and then conclude with a Word or two of Exhortation from the Whole.

And first then, I am to endeavour to explain what is meant by this Expression in the Text, If any Man be in CHRIST.

Now a Person may be said to be in CHRIST two Ways. First, only by an outward Profes­sion. And in this Sense, every one that is called a Christian, or baptized into CHRIST's Church, may be said to be in CHRIST. But that this is not the sole Meaning of the Apostle's Phrase now before us, is evident, because then ‘every one that names the Name of CHRIST,’ or is baptized into his visible Church, would be a new Creature. Which is notoriously false, it being too plain, beyond all Contradiction, that comparatively but few of those that are "born "of Water," are born of the Spirit" likewise; or, to use another Scriptural way of speaking, Many are baptized with Water, which were never, effectually at least, baptized with the Holy Ghost.

To be in CHRIST therefore, in the full Im­port of the Word, must certainly mean some­thing more than a bare outward Profession, or be­ing called after his Name. For, as this same Apostle tells us, ‘All are not Israelites that are of Israel, i. e. when applied to Christianity, [Page 4] all are not real Christians that are nominally such. Nay, that is so far from being the Case, that our Blessed LORD himself informs us, That many that have prophesied or preached in his Name, and in his Name cast out Devils, and done many wonderful Works, shall notwithstanding be dis­missed at the last Day with ‘a Depart from me, I know you not, ye Workers of Iniquity.’

It remains therefore, that this Expression, If any Man be in CHRIST, must be understood in a second and closer Signification, viz. to be in him so as to partake of the Benefits of his Suffer­ings. To be in him not only by an outward Profession, but by an inward Change and Purity of Heart, and Cohabitation of his holy Spirit. To be in him so as to be mystically united to him by a true and lively Faith, and thereby to re­ceive spiritual Virtue from him, as the Members of the natural Body do from the Head, or the Branches from the Vine. To be in him in such a Manner as the Apostle, speaking of himself, acquaints us he knew a Person was, I know a Man in CHRIST, says he, i. e. a true Christian; or, as he himself desires to be in CHRIST, when he wishes, in his Epistle to the Philippians, that he might be found in him.

This is undoubtedly the full Purport of the Apostle's Expressions in the Words of the Text; so that what he says in his Epistle to the Romans about Circumcision, may very well be applied to the present Subject, viz. That he is not a real Christian who is only one outwardly; nor is that true Baptism, which is only outward in the Flesh. [Page 5] But he is a true Christian, who is one inwardly, whose Baptism is that of the Heart, in the Spirit, and not merely in the Water, whose Praise is not of Man but of GOD. Or, as he speaketh in another Place, Neither Circumcision or Un­circumcision availeth any thing of itself, but a new Creature. Which amounts to what he here declares in the Verse now under Consideration, that if any Man be truly and properly in CHRIST, he is a new Creature.

What we are to understand by being a New Creature, was the next and second general Thing to be considered.

And here it is evident at the first View, that this Expression is not to be so explained as tho' there was a Physical Change required to be made in us, i. e. as tho' we were to be reduced to our primitive Nothings, and then created and formed again. For, supposing we were, as Nicodemus ignorantly imagined, to enter a "second Time into our Mother's Womb, and be born," alas! what would it contribute towards rendring us spiritually new Creatures? since that which was born of Flesh would be Flesh still, i. e. we would be the same carnal Persons as ever, being derived from carnal Parents, and consequently receiving the Seeds of all Manner of Sin and Corruption from them. No, it only means, that we must be so altered as to the Qualities and Tempers of our Minds, that we must intirely forget what Manner of Persons we once were. As it may be said of a Piece of Gold that was in the Ore, after it has been cleansed, purified and polished, [Page 6] that it is a new Piece of Gold; As it may be said of a bright Glass that has been covered over with Filth, when it is wiped, and so become transpa­rent and clear, that it is a new Glass: Or, as it might be said of Naaman, when he recovered of his Leprosy, and his Flesh returned unto him like the Flesh of a young Child, that he was a new Man; so our Souls, tho' still the same as to Essence, yet are so purged, purified and clean­sed from their natural Dross, Filth and Leprosy, by the blessed Influences of the Holy Spirit, that they may properly be said to be made anew.

How this glorious Change is wrought in the Soul, cannot easily be explained. For no One knows the Ways of the Spirit, save the Spirit of GOD Himself. Not that this ought to be any Argument against this Doctrine; for, as our Blessed LORD observed to Nicodemus, when he was discoursing on this very Subject, The Wind, says he, bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the Sound thereof, but knowest not whence it cometh, and whither it goeth; and if we are told of natural Things, and we understand them not, how much less ought we to wonder, if we can­not immediately account for the invisible Work­ings of the Holy Spirit? The Truth of the Mat­ter is this: The Doctrine of our Regeneration, or New Birth in CHRIST JESUS, is "dark and hard to be understood" by the natural Man. But that there is really such a Thing, and that each of us must be spiritually born again, before we can enter into the Kingdom of GOD; or, to keep to the Terms made use of in the Text, must [Page 7] be new Creatures before we can be in CHRIST, I shall endeavour to shew under my

Third general Head, in which I was to pro­duce some Arguments to prove, Why we must be new Creatures, in order to qualify us for being savingly in CHRIST.

And here one would think it sufficient to af­firm, that GOD himself, in his holy Word, hath told us so. For, not to mention many Texts that might be produced out of the Old Testament to prove this Point, (and indeed, by the way, one would wonder how Nicodemus, who was a Teacher in Israel, and who was therefore to instruct the People in the spiritual Meaning of the Law, should be so ignorant of this grand Ar­ticle, as we find he really was, by his asking our Blessed LORD, when he was pressing on him this Topick, "How can these Things be?" Surely, he could not forget how often the Psalmist had begg'd of GOD, to make him a new Heart, and renew a right Spirit within him; as like­wise, how frequently the Prophets had warned the People to make them new Hearts, and new Minds, and so turn unto the LORD their GOD. But not to mention these and such like Texts out out of the Old Testament) this Doctrine is so plainly and often repeated in the New, that, as I observed before, "He that runs may read." For what says the great Prophet and Instructor of the World himself? Except a Man (i. e. every one that is naturally engendred of the Offspring of Adam) be born again of Water and the Spi­rit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of GOD. [Page 8] And lest we should be apt to slight this Assertion, and Nicodemus - like, reject the Doctrine, because because we cannot immediately explain, How this Thing can be; our blessed Master therefore affirms it, as it were, by an Oath, Verily, verily, I say unto you, or, as it may be read, I the A­men; I, who am Truth itself, say unto you, that it is the unalterable Appointment of my heavenly Father, that unless a Man be born a­gain, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of GOD.

Agreeable to this are those many Passages we meet with in the Epistles, where we are com­manded to be renewed in the Spirit, i. e. as was before explained, in the inmost Faculties of our Minds; to put off the Old Man, which is cor­rupt; and to put on the New Man, - which is created after GOD, in Righteousness and true Holiness; That Old Things must pass away, and that all Things must become New; That we are to be saved by the Washing of Regeneration, and the Renewing of the HOLY GHOST. Or, methinks, was there no other Passage to be pro­duced besides the Words of the Text, it would be full enough, since the Apostle therein positive­ly affirms, that If any Man be in CHRIST, I must be a new Creature.

Now what can be understood by all those dif­ferent Terms of being born again, of putting off the Old Man, and putting on the New, of being re­newed in the Spirit of our Minds, and becoming new Creatures; but that Christianity requires a thorough, real, inward Change of Hear [...]? Do we think these, and such-like Forms of speaking, [Page 9] are mere Metaphors, Words of a bare Sound, without any real solid Signification? Indeed, it is to be feared, some Men would have them in­terpreted so; but alas! unhappy Men! they are not to be envied their Metaphorical Interpreta­tion: It will be well. if they do not interpret themselves out of their Salvation.

Multitudes of other Texts might be produced to confirm this same Truth; but those already quoted are so plain and convincing, that one would imagine no one should deny it; were we not told, ‘There are some, who having Eyes, see not, and Ears hear not, and that will not understand with their Hearts, or hear with their Ears, lest they should be converted, and CHRIST should heal them.’

But I proceed to a second Argument to prove, Why we must be new Creatures, in order to be rightly in CHRIST. And that shall be taken from the Purity of GOD, and the present cor­rupt and polluted State of Man.

Now GOD is described in Holy Scripture (and I speak to those who profess to know the Scripture) as a Spirit; as a Being of such infinite Sanctity, as to be of purer Eyes than to behold Iniquity; as to be so transcendently Holy, that it is said the very Heavens are not clean in his Sight; and [...] Angels themselves he chargeth wi [...]h Folly. On the other Hand, Man is described (and every Regenerate Person will find it true by his own Experience) as a Creature altogether conceived and born in Sin; as having no good Thing dwelling in him; as being carnal, sold [Page 10] under Sin; nay, as having a Mind which is Enmity with GOD, and such like. And since then there is such an infinite Disparity, can any one conceive how such a filthy, corrupted, pol­luted Wretch can dwell with an infinitely pure and holy GOD, before he is changed, and ren­dered, in some Measure, like him? Can He, that is of purer Eyes than to behold Iniquity, dwell with it? Can He, in whose Sight the Heavens are not clean, delight to dwell with Uncleanness itself? No; we might as well sup­pose Light to have Communion with Darkness, or CHRIST to have Concord with Belial. But I pass on to a

Third Argument to make good the Apostle's Assertion in the Text, which shall be founded on the Consideration of the Nature of that Happi­ness GOD has prepared for [...] that unfeign­edly love him.

To enter indeed on a minute and particular Description of Heaven, would be vain and pre­sumptuous, since we are told, that Eye hath not seen, nor Ear heard, neither hath it entred into the Heart of Man to conceive, the Things that are there prepared for the sincere Followers of the Holy JESUS. However, this we may venture to affirm in the general, that as GOD is a Spirit, so the Happiness he has laid up [...]or his People is spiritual likewise; and consequently, unless our carnal Minds are changed, and become spiritual­ized, we can never be made meet to partake of that Inheritance with the Saints in Light.

[Page 11] It is true, we may flatter ourselves, that, sup­posing we continue in our natural corrupt Es­tate, and carry all our Lusts along with us, we should, notwithstanding, relish Heaven, was GOD to admit us therein. And so we might, was it a Mahometan Paradise, wherein we were to take our full Swing in sensual Delights. But since its Joys are only spiritual, and no un­clean Thing can possibly enter those blessed Man­sions, there is an absolute Necessity of our being changed, and undergoing a total Renovation of our depraved Natures, before we can have any Taste or Relish of those heavenly Pleasures.

It is, doubtless, for this Reason, that the A­postle declares it to be the irrevocable Decree of the Almighty, that without Holiness, i. e. with­out being made pure by Regeneration, and ha­ving the Image of GOD thereby reinstamped upon the Soul, no Man living shall see the LORD. And it is very observable, that our Divine Mas­ter, in the famous Passage before referred to, concerning the absolute Necessity of Regeneration, does not say, unless a Man be born again, he SHALL NOT, but unless a Man be born again, he CANNOT enter into the Kingdom of GOD. For it is founded in the very Nature of Things, that unless we have Dispositions wrought in us suitable and answerable to the Objects that are to entertain us, we can take no Manner of Com­placency or Satisfaction in them. For Instance; What Delight can the most harmonious Musick afford a deaf▪ or what Pleasure the most excel­lent Picture give a blind Man? Can a tasteless [Page 12] Palate relish the richest Dainties, or a filthy Swine be pleased with the finest Garden of Flowers? No: And what Reason can be as­signed for it? An Answer is ready; Because they have neither of them any Tempers of Mind correspondent or agreeable to what they are to be diverted with. And thus it is with the Soul hereafter. For Death makes no more Altera­tion in the Soul, than as it inlarges its Faculties, and makes it capable of receiving deeper Im­pressions either of Pleasure or Pain. If it de­lighted to converse with GOD here, it will be transported with the Sight of his glorious Majesty hereafter. If it was pleased with the Communion of Saints on Earth, it will be infinitely more so with the Communion and Society of holy Angels, and the Spirits of just Men made perfect in Hea­ven. But if the Opposite of all this be true, we may assure ourselves, it could not be happy, was GOD himself to admit it (which he never will do) into the Regions of the Blessed. But it is Time for me to [...]asten to the

Fourth and last Argument, I shall offer to prove, that we must be new Creatures e'e [...] we can be in CHRIST, viz. because CHRIST's Redemption will not be complete without it.

If we reflect indeed on the first and chief End of our Blessed LORD's Coming, we shall find it was to save us from our Sins, to be a Propiti­ation for our Sins, to give his Life a Ransom for many. But then, if the Benefits of our Dear Redeemer's Death were to extend no further [...] barely to procure Forgiveness of our Sins, [Page 13] we should have as little Reason to rejoice in it, as a poor condemned Criminal that is ready to perish by some fatal Disease, would have in receiving a Pardon from his Judge. For Christians would do well to consider, that there is not only a legal Hindrance to our Happiness, as we are Breakers of GOD's Law, but also a moral Impurity in our Natures, which renders us incapable of en­joying Heaven, (as hath been already prov'd) 'till some mighty Change hath been wrought in us. It is necessary therefore, in order to make Christ's Redemption complete, that we should have a Grant of GOD's Holy Spirit to change our Natures, and so prepare us for the Enjoyment of that Happiness our Saviour has purchased by his precious Blood.

Accordingly the holy Scriptures inform us, that whom CHRIST justifies, i. e. (as we said before) whose Sins he forgives, those he also sanctifies, i. e. purifies and cleanses, and totally changeth their corrupted Natures. Nay, in one Place of Scripture, Sanctification is put before Justification, on purpose, as it were, to convince us that there is no Salvation to be had without it. But ye are washed, says the Apostle, but ye are sanctified; and then follows, but ye are justified. As the Scripture also speaketh in another Place, CHRIST is to us Justification, Sanctification and then Redemption. Let this therefore be admitted as another indisputable Argument why we must be new Creatures, e'er we can be in CHRIST, because without it CHRIST is dead in vain.

[Page 14] Proceed we now to the next general Thing proposed, viz. To draw some Inferences from what has been delivered.

And First then, if he that is in CHRIST must be a new Creature, this may serve as a Re­proof for some, who rest in a bare Performance of outward Duties, without perceiving any real inward Change of Heart.

We may observe a great many Persons to be very punctual in the regular Returns of publick and private Prayer, as likewise of receiving the Holy Communion, and perhaps, now and then too in keeping a Fast. And so far we grant they do well. But then here is the Misfortune, they rest barely in the Use of the Means, and think all is over, when they have just complied with these sacred Institutions; Whereas, were they rightly informed, they would consider, that all the instituted Means of Grace, as Prayer, Fasting, Hearing and Reading the Word of GOD, Re­ceiving the Blessed Sacrament, and such like, are no further serviceable to us, than as they are found to make us inwardly better, and to carry on the spiritual Life in the Soul.

It is true, they are Means, and Essential ones too; but then they are only Means, they are Part, but not the Whole of Religion: For if so, Who more religious than the Pharisee? who fasted twice in the Week, and gave Tythes of all that he possessed, and yet was not justified, as our Sa­viour himself informs us, in the Sight of GOD.

You perhaps, like the Pharisee, may fast often, and make long Prayers; you may, with Herod, [Page 15] hear good Sermons gladly; or as Judas himself, in all Probability, did, receive the Blessed Sacra­ment. But yet, if you continue vain and trifling, immoral or worldly-minded in your Conversati­ons, and differ from the rest of your Neighbours barely in going to Church, or in complying with some outward Performances, are you better than they? No, in no wise; You are by far much worse, because those that wholly neglect the Means, are answerable only for omitting the Use of GOD's Ordinances; whereas if you use them, and at the same Time abuse them, by not letting them produce their intended Effect, you thereby encourage others to think there is no­thing in them, and therefore must expect to receive the greater Damnation.

But, Secondly, If he that is in CHRIST must be a new Creature, then this may check the groundless Presumption of another Class of Professors, who rest in the Attainment of some Moral Virtues, and falsely imagine they are good Christians, if they are just in their Dealings, are temperate in their Diet, and do Hurt or Violence to no Man.

But if this was all that is requisite to make us Christians, Why might not the Heathens of old be good Christians, who were remarkable for these Virtues? Or St. Paul, before his Con­version, who tells us, That then he lived in all good Conscience, and was, touching the Law. blameless; and yet, after his Conversion, we find he renounces all Dependance on Works of this Nature, and only desires to be found in CHRIST, [Page 16] and to know the Power of his Resurrection, i. e. to have an experimental Proof of receiving the HOLY GHOST, purchased for him by the Death, and ensured and applied to him by the Resur­rection of JESUS CHRIST.

The Sum of the Matter is this: Christianity includes Morality, as Grace does Reason; but if we are only mere Moralists, if we are not inwardly wrought upon, and changed by the powerful Operations of the Holy Spirit, and our Moral Actions, proceed from a Principle of a new Nature, however we may call ourselves Christians, it is to be feared we shall be found naked at the Great Day, and in the Number of those, who vainly depend on their own Righteousness, and not on the Righteousness of JESUS CHRIST, imputed to and inherent in them, as necessary to their eternal Salvation.

Nor, Thirdly, will this Doctrine less condemn those, who rest in a partial Amendment of themselves, without going on to Perfection, and experiencing a thorough, real, inward Change of Heart.

A little Acquaintance with the World will furnish us with Instances of no small Number of Persons, who, perhaps, were before openly profane; but seeing the ill Consequences of their Vice, and the many worldly Inconveniencies it has reduced them to, on a sudden, as it were, grow civilized: and thereupon flatter themselves that they are very religious, because they differ a little from their former Selves, and are not so scandalously wicked as once they were; Whereas [Page 17] at the same Time they shall have some secret darling Sin or other, some beloved Dalilah or Her [...]dias, which they will not part with; some hidden Lust, which they will not mortify; some vicious Habit, which they will not take pains to root out. But wouldst thou know, O vain Man! whoever thou art, what the Lord thy God requires of thee, thou must be inform'd, that nothing short of a thorough, [...]ound Conversion will avail for the Salvation of thy Soul. It is not enough to turn from Profaneness to Civility, but thou must turn from Civility to Godliness. Not only some, but all Things must become new in thy Soul. It will profit thee but little to do many Things, if yet some one Thing thou lackest In short, thou must not be only only an almost, but altogether a new Creature, or in vain thou hopest for a saving Interest in CHRIST.

Fourthly and Lastly. If he that is in CHRIST must be a new Creature, then this may be pre­scribed as an infallible Rule for every Person of whatever Denomination, Age, Degree or Quality, to judge himself by; this being the only solid Foundation, whereon we can build a well grounded Assurance of Pardon, Peace and Happiness.

We may indeed depend on the broken Reed of an external Profession; we may think we have done enough, if we lead such sober, honest, moral Lives, as many Heathens did. We may imagine we are in a safe Condition, if we attend on the public Offices of Religion, and are constant in the Duties of our Closets. But unless all these tend to reform our Lives, and change our Hearts, [Page 18] and are only used as so many Channels of Divine Grace; as I told you before, so I tell you again, Christianity will profit us nothing.

Let each of us therefore seriously put this Question to our Hearts: Have we received the HOLY GHOST since we believed? Are we new Creatures in CHRIST, or no? At least, if we are not so yet, is it our daily Endeavour to become such? Do we make a constant and conscientious Use of all the Means of Grace required thereto? Do we fast, watch and pray? Do we not only lazily seek, but laboriously strive to enter in at the strait Gate? In short, Do we renounce our­selves, take up our Crosses and follow CHRIST? If so, we are in that narrow Way which leads to Life: We are, at least shall in Time, become new Creatures in CHRIST. The good Seed is sown in our Hearts, and will, if duly water'd and nourish'd by a regular persevering Use of all the Means of Grace, grow up to eternal Life. But on the contrary if we have only heard, and know not experimentally, whether there be any HOLY GHOST; if we are Strangers to Fasting, Watching and Prayer, and all the other spiritual Exercises of Devotion; if we are content to go in the broad Way, merely because we see most other People do so, without once reflecting whether it be the right one or not; in short, if we are Strangers, nay Enemies to the Cross of CHRIST, by leading Lives of Softness, Worldly-mindedness, and sensual Pleasure, and thereby make others think, that Christianity is but an empty Name, a bare formal Profession; if this [Page 19] be the Case, I say, then CHRIST is as yet dead in vain as to us; we are yet under the Guilt of our Sins; we are unacquainted with that true and thorough Conversion, which alone can intitle us to the Salvation of our Souls.

But Beloved, I am persuaded better Things of you, and Things that accompany Salvation, tho' we thus speak; and humbly hope, that you are fully and heartily convinced, that nothing but the Wedding Garment of a new Nature, can gain Admission for you at the Marriage Feast of the Supper of the Lamb; that you are sincerely persuaded, that he that hath not the Spirit of CHRIST is none of his; and that, unless the SPIRIT, which raised JESUS from the Dead, dwell in you here, neither will your mortal Bodies be quickned by the same SPIRIT to dwell with him hereafter.

Let me therefore (as was proposed in the last Place) earnestly exhort you, in the Name of our Lord JESUS CHRIST, to act suitable to those Convictions, and to live as Christians, that are commanded in Holy Writ, to put off their former Conversation concerning the Old Man, and to put on the New Man, which is created after GOD in Righteousness and true Holiness.

It must be owned indeed, that this is a great and difficult Work; but blessed be GOD, it is not impossible. Many Thousands of happy Souls have been assisted by a Divine Power to [...]ing it about, and why should We despair of Success? Is GOD'S Hand shortned, that it cannot save? Was He the GOD of our Fathers, is [Page 20] He not the GOD of their Children also? Yes, doubtless, of their Children also. It is a Task likewise that will put us to some Pain; it will oblige us to part with some Lust, to break with some Friend, to mortify some beloved Passion, which may be exceeding dear to us, and perhaps as hard to leave, as to cut off a right Hand, or pluck out a right Eye. But what of all this? Will not the being made a real living Member of CHRIST, a Child of GOD, and an Inheritor of the Kingdom of Heaven, abundantly make Amends for all this Trouble? Undoubtedly it will. Lastly, Setting about and carrying on this great and necessary Work, perhaps may, nay, assuredly will expose us to the Ridicule of the unthinking part of Mankind, who will wonder, that we run not into the same Excess of Riot with themselves; and because we may deny our sinful Appetites, and are not conformed to this World, being commanded in Scripture to do the one, and to have our Conversation in Heaven in Opposition to the other, they may count our Lives Folly, and our End to be without Honour. But will not the being numbered among the Saints, and shining as the Stars for ever and ever, be a more than sufficient Recompence for all the Ridicule, Calumny, or Reproach, we can possibly meet with here?

Indeed, was there no other Reward attended a thorough Conversion, but that Peace of GOD, which is the unavoidable Consequence of it, and which, even in this Life, passeth all Understanding, we should have great Reason to rejoice. But [Page 21] when we consider this is the least of those Mer­cies GOD has prepared for those that are in CHRIST new Creatures; that this is but the Beginning of an eternal Succession of Pleasures; that the Day of our Deaths, which the uncon­verted, unrenewed Sinner must so much dread, will be, as it were, but the first Day of our new Births, and open to us an everlasting Scene of Happiness and Comfort; in short, if we remem­ber, that they who are regenerate and born again, have a real Title to all the glorious Promises of the Gospel, and are infallibly certain of being as happy, both here and hereafter, as an All-wise, All-gracious, All-powerful GOD can make them; methinks, every one that has but the least Concern for the Salvation of his precious, his immortal Soul, having such Promises, such an Hope, such an Eternity of Happiness set before him, should never cease watching, praying, and striving, till he find a real, inward, saving Change wrought in his Heart, and thereby knoweth of a Truth, that he dwells in CHRIST, and CHRIST in him; that he is a new Cre [...]ture in CHRIST; that he is therefore a Child of GOD; that he is already an Inheritor, and will e'er long, if he endure to the End, be an actual Possessor of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Which GOD of his infinite Mercy grant, through JESUS CHRIST our LORD.

To whom, &c.

[Page 22]

Of Justification by CHRIST.

1 COR. vi. 11.
But ye are justified.
The whole Verse runs thus:— And such were some of you, but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by the Spirit of our God.

IT has been objected by some, who are so unhappy as to dissent from, nay, I may add by others also, who actually are Friends to the present Ecclesiastical Establishment, That the Ministers of the Church of England preach themselves, and not CHRIST JESUS our Lord, that they entertain their People with Lectures of mere Morality, without declaring to them the glad Tidings of Salvation by JESUS CHRIST. How well grounded such an Objection may be, is not my Business to enquire: All I shall say at present to the Point is this; namely, that when­ever such a grand Objection is urged against the whole Body of the Clergy in general, every honest [Page 23] Minister of JESUS CHRIST should do his utmost to cut off all manner of Occasion from those that desire an Occasion to take Offence at us; that so by hearing us continually sounding forth the Word of Truth, and declaring with all Boldness and assurance of Faith, that there is no other Name given under Heaven, whereby they can be saved, but that of JESUS CHRIST; they may be ashamed of this their same confident Boasting against us.

It was an Eye to this Objection, joined with the Agreeableness and Delightfulness of the Sub­ject (for who can but delight to talk of that which the blessed Angels desire to look into?) that induced me to discourse a little on that great and fundamental Article of our Faith; namely, our being freely justified from all our Sins by the precious Blood of JESUS CHRIST. But ye are washed, says the Apostle, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified, in the Name of our Lord JESUS CHRIST, and by the Spirit of our GOD.

The Words beginning with the Particle But, have plainly a Reference to something that went before; it may not therefore be improper, before I descend to Particulars, to consider the Words, as they stand related to the Context. The Apo­stle, in the Verses immediately foregoing, had been reckoning up many notorious Sins, such as Drunkenness, Adultery, Fornication, and such like, the Commission of which, without a true and hearty Repentance, He tells them plainly, would certainly shut them out of the Kingdom [Page 24] of GOD. But then, le [...]t the sincere Corinthian Converts, who we find were once infamous for most or all of these Vices, should either on the one hand grow spiritually proud by seeing them­selves differ from their unconverted Brethren, and therefore should be tempted to set them at nought, and to say with the self-conceited Hypocrite in the Prophet, Come not nigh me, for I am holier than thou: Or, on the other hand, by looking back on the Multitude of their past offences, should be apt to think their Sins were too many and grievous to be forgiven: He first, in order to keep them humble, reminds them of their sad Estate before Conversion, telling them in plain Terms, Such (or as it might better be read, these things) were some of you; that is, Not only one, but all that sad Catalogue of Vices I have been before draw­ing up, some of you were once guilty of; but then, at the same time, to preserve them from Despair, behold he brings them glad Tidings of great Joy: But ye are washed, says he, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the Name of our Lord JESUS CHRIST, and by the Spirit of our GOD.

The former Part of which Text, namely our being Sanctified, I did, in some measure, treat of, when I discoursed on the Nature and Neces­sity of the New Birth: I come now, as was before proposed, to enlarge on the latter Part of it, namely, of our being freely Justified from all our Sins, by the precious Blood of JESUS CHRIST: But ye are Justified in the Name of our Lord JESUS CHRIST.

[Page 25] From which Words I shall endeavour to con­sider these Three Things:

  • I. First, What is meant by the Word Justi­fied.
  • II. Secondly, I shall endeavour to prove, that all Mankind in general, and every indivi­dual Person in particular, stands in need of being justified.
  • III. Thirdly and Lastly, That there is no pos­sibility of obtaining this Justification, which we so much want, but by the precious Blood of JESUS CHRIST.
  • IV. First then, I am to consider what is meant by the Word Justified.

But ye are justified, says the Apostle; which is all the same as though he had said; You have your Sins forgiven, and are looked upon by GOD, as though you never had offended him at all: For that is the Meaning of the Word justi­fied, in almost all the other Passages of Holy Scripture where this Word is mentioned. Thus when this same Apostle writes to the Romans, he tells them, that whom GOD calls, those he also justifies; that is, forgives them their Sins: And again, speaking of Abraham's Faith, he tells them, that Abraham believed on HIM that justifies the Ungodly: That is, who forgives the ungodly Man his Sins: Which Expression the Apostle himself explains by a Quotation out of the Psalms; Blessed is the Man, says he, to whom the LORD i [...]puteth no Sin. From all which Proofs, and many others that might be urged it [Page 26] is evident, that being justified, or having our Sins forgiven, are the same as to Signification: So that what the Apostle here affirms of the Corinthian Converts, namely, that they were justified, amount to what all of us profess to hold when we just now repeated our Creed, and each of us declared in his own Person, I believe the Forgiveness of Sins. Which leads me directly to the

II. Second Thing proposed, namely, To en­deavour to prove that all Mankind in ge­neral, and every individual Person in par­ticular, stands in need of being thus justified, or having his Sins forgiven.

And indeed the Apostle supposes this in the Words of the Text: But ye are justified, says he, thereby implying, that the Corinthians (and consequently all Mankind, there being no Dif­ference, as will be shewn hereafter) stood in need of being thus justified.

But, not to rest in bare Suppositions, in my farther Enlargement on this Second Head, I shall endeavour to prove that we all stand in need of being justified, on two Accounts: First, as we stand chargeable with Original—Secondly, as we have been guilty of Actual Sin.

And first, I affirm that we all stand in need of being justified, as we are chargeable with Ori­ginal Sin: Which, though a Proposition that might be denied by a self-justifying Infidel, who will not come to CHRIST that he may have Life, and stoop to those Terms GOD has gra­ciously settled for his Salvation; yet can never be [Page 27] denied by any one who believes that St. Paul's Epistles were written by Divine Inspiration, where we are told, that in Adam all die; that is, Adam's Sin was imputed to all: And lest we should forget to make a particular Application, it is farther added in another Place, that there is none that doeth good (that is, [...] Nature) no, not one: That we are all gone out of the Way; namely, of Original Righteousness; and are by Nature the Children of Wrath. And even David, who was the Man after GOD's own Heart, and if any one could, might surely plead an Exemption from this universal Corruption, yet he confesses, that he was shapen in Wicked­ness, and that in Sin did his Mother conceive him. And, to mention but one more Text, as immediately applicable to the present Purpose, St. Paul, in his Epistle to the Romans says, that Death came upon all Men, for the Disobedience of one Man, namely, of Adam, even upon those says he, (that is, little Children) who had not sinned after the Similitude of Adam's Transgres­sion; or, had not been guilty of actual Sin, and therefore could not be punished with temporal, Death (which came into the World, as this same Apostle elsewhere informs us, only by Sin) had not the Disobedience of our first Parents been imputed to them. So that what has been said on this Point, seems to be excellently summed up in that Article of our Church, where she declares, ‘That Original Sin standeth not in the following of Adam, but it is the Fault and Corruption of the Nature of every Man, that naturally is [Page 28] ingendred of the Offspring of Adam; whereby Man is very far gone from Original Righte­ousness, and is of his own Nature inclined to Evil, so that the Flesh lusteth always contrary to the Spirit; and therefore in every Person born into this World it deserveth GOD's Wrath and Damnation.’

I have been the more particular in treating of this Point, because it is the very Foundation of the Christian Religion: For I am verily persua­ded, that it is nothing but a Want of being well grounded in the Doctrine of Original Sin, and of the helpless, nay, I may say damnable, Condition each of us comes into the World in, that makes so many Infidels oppose, and so many that call themselves Christians, so very Luke­warm in their Love and Affections to JESUS CHRIST. It is this, and I could almost say this only, that makes Infidelity abound amongst us so much as it does: For alas! we are mista­ken, if we imagine that Men now commence or continue Infidels, and set up corrupted Reason, in Opposition to Revelation, merely for want of Evidence, (for I believe it might easily be proved, that a modern Unbeliever is the most credulous Creature living;) No, it is only for want of an humble Mind, of a Sense of their Original Depravity, and an Unwillingness to own themselves so depraved, that makes them so obstinately shut their Eyes against the Light of the Glorious Gospel of CHRIST. Whereas, on the contrary, were they but once pricked to the Heart with a due and lively Sense of their [Page 29] natural Corruption and Liableness to Condemna­tion, we should have them no more scoffing at Divine Revelation, and looking on it as an idle Tale; but they would cry out with convicted Paul,—LORD, what wouldst thou have me to do? Or, with the trembling Jailor, on a like Occasion, Men and Brethren, what shall we do to be saved? It was an Error in this Fun­damental Point, that made so many resist the Evidence the Son of GOD himself gave of his Divine Mission, when he tabernacled amongst us. Every Word he spake, every Action he did, every Miracle he wrought, proved that he came from GOD. And why then did so many harden their Hearts, and would not believe his Report? Why, He himself informs us, when he tells us, They will not come to me that they may have Life: They will obstinately stand out a­gainst those Means GOD had appointed for their Salvation: And St. Paul tells us, that if the Gospel he hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the God of this World hath blinded the Minds of them which believe not, le [...]t the Light of the Glorious Gospel of CHRIST, who is the Image of GOD, should shine upon them.—2 Cor: iv. 3, 4.

But to return from this Digression, which I could not very well avoid making; if it be asked, How it suits with the Divine Goodness, to impute the Guilt of one Man's Sin, to an in­nocent Posterity? I should think it sufficient, to make use of the Apostle's Words: Nay, but O Man; Who art thou that replied against GOD? [Page 30] Shall the Thing formed say to him that formed it' Why hast thou made me thus? But, to come to a more direct Reply,—Persons would do well to consider, that in this first Covenant GOD made with Man, Adam acted as a Publick Person, as the common Representative of all Mankind, and consequently we must stand or fall with him. Had he continued in his Obedience, and not eaten the forbidden Fruit, the Benefits of that Obedience would doubtless have been imputed to us: But since he did not persist in it, but broke the Covenant GOD made with him, and us in him; who dares charge the righteous Judge of all the Earth with Injustice, for imputing that to us also? But I shall have an Occasion by and by, to vindicate the Divine Proceeding in this Point more particularly, and therefore I chuse to wave all farther Consideration of it in this Place, and proceed to the other Thing proposed under this Second general Head, namely,

II. To endeavour to prove, That we all stand in need of being justified, not only as we are chargeable with Original but as we stand convicted of Actual Sin.

That GOD, as he made Man, has a Right also to demand his Obedience, I suppose, is a Truth no one will deny: That He hath also given us both a natural and a written Law, whereby we are to be judged, cannot be questioned by any one who believes St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans to be of Divine Authority: For in this we are told of a Law written in the Heart, and a Law given by Moses; and that each of us hath broken these [Page 31] Laws, is too evident from our own sad and fre­quent Experience. Accordingly the Holy Scrip­tures inform us that there is no Man which liveth and sinneth not; that in many things we offend all; that if we say we have no Sin we deceive ourselves, and such like. And if we are thus found Of­fenders against GOD, it follows that we stand in need of Forgiveness for thus Offending Him; unless we suppose GOD should enact Laws, and at the same Time not care whether they are obeyed or no; which is as absurd as to suppose that a Prince should establish Laws for the proper Go­vernment of his Country, and yet let every Vio­later of them come off with Impunity, But GOD has not dealt so foolishly with his Creatures: No, as he gave us a Law, he demands our Obedience to that Law, and has obliged us universally to obey it, under no less a Penalty than incurring his Curse and eternal Death for every Breach of it. For thus speaks the Scripture: Cursed is he that continueth not in all Things that are written in this Book to do them; as the Scripture also speaketh in another Place, The Soul that sinneth, it shall die. Now it has already been proved that we have all of us sinned, and therefore, unless some Means can be found out to satisfy GOD'S Justice, we must perish eternally.

Let us here then stand a while, and see in what a deplorable Condition each of us comes into the World, and still continues, till we are put into a State of Grace. For surely nothing can well be supposed more deplorable than to be born under the Curse of GOD; to be charged with Original [Page 32] Guilt; and not only so, but to be convicted as actual Breakers of GOD'S Law, the least Breach of which justly deserves Eternal Damnation. Surely this can be but a melancholy Prospect to view ourselves in, and must put us upon con­triving some Means whereby we may satisfy and appease our offended Judge. But what must those Means be? Shall we Repent? Alas! there is not one Word mentioned about Repentance in the first Covenant: The Day that thou eatest thereof, says GOD, thou shalt surely die. So that if GOD be true, unless there be some Way found out to satisfy his Justice, we must perish, and there is no room left for us to expect a Change of Mind in GOD, though we should seek it with Tears. Well then, if Repentance will not do, shall we plead the Law of Works? Alas! By the Law shall no Man living be justified: For by the Law comes the Knowledge of Sin. It is that which convicts and condemns, and therefore can by no means acquit, much less justify us. Where­with then shall we come before the LORD, and bow down before the Most High GOD; in order to procure the Forgiveness of our Sins? Shall we come before him with Calves of a Year old, with Thousands of Rams, or ten Thousands of Rivers of Oil? Alas! GOD has shewed thee, O Man, that this will not avail. For he hath declared, I will take no Bullock out of thy House, nor He-Goat out of thy Fold: For all the Beasts of the Forest are mine, and so are the Cattle upon a Thousand Hills. Will not the LORD then be pleased to accept our First-born for our [Page 33] Transgression, the Fruit of our Bodies for the Sin of our Souls? Even this will not purchase our Pardon: For He has declared that the Children shall not bear the Iniquities of their Parents. Besides, they are Sinners, and therefore, being under the same Condemnation, equally stand in need of Forgiveness with ourselves. They are impure, and will the LORD accept the Blind and Lame for Sacrifice? O wretched Men that we are! Who shall deliver us from this. Body of Death? Why, I thank GOD, our Lord JESUS CHRIST. Which naturally leads me to the Third general Thing proposed, which was to endeavour to prove,

III. That there is no Possibility of our ob­taining this Justification, which we so much want, but by the precious Blood of our Lord JESUS CHRIST: But ye are justified in the Name of our Lord JESUS CHRIST.

But this having been in some Measure, proved by what has been said under the foregoing Head, wherein I have shewn that neither our Repen­tance, Works or Sacrifices could possibly take away, or make Attonement for our Sins; no­thing remains for me to do under this Head, but to shew that the Death of JESUS CHRIST has done it for us.

And here I shall still have Recourse to the Law and to the Testimony. For after all the most subtle Disputations on either side, nothing but the lively Oracles of GOD can give us any Satisfaction in this momentous Point: It being such an inconceivable Mystery, that the Eternal, [Page 34] only begotten Son of GOD should die for sinful Man, that we durst not have presumed so much as to have thought of it, had no [...] GOD revealed it in his Holy Word. It is true, Reason may shew us the Wound, but Revelation only can lead us to the Means of our C [...]re. And though the Method God has been pleased to take to put us in a Way of being happy, may be to the Infidel a Stumblick-block, and to the wise Opiniator and Disputer of this World Foolishness; yet Wisdom, that is, the Dispensation of our Redemption, will be justified, or approved of, and submitted to by all her truly wise and holy Children, by every sincere and honest Christian.

But to come more directly to the Point before us. Two Things, as was before observed, we wanted, in order to make our Peace with GOD.

  • 1. To be freed from the Guilt of Original Sin. And,
  • 2. From that Punishment we had most justly deserved for our actual Breaches of GOD'S Law.

And both these ( Thanks be to GOD for this unspeakable Gift) are abundantly secured to us by the Death and Passion of JESUS CHRIST. For what says the Scripture?

1. As to the first, or our being freed from the Guilt of Original Sin.—It informs us, that as in Adam all die, even so in CHRIST shall all be made alive. And again, As by the Disobedience of one Man, or by one Trasgression, namely, that of Adam, many were made Sinners, so by the Obedience of one, JESUS CHRIST, many were made righteous. And again, As by the [Page 35] Disobedience of one M [...]n, Judgment came upon all Men unto Damnation; that is, all Men were condemned, on having Adam's Sin imputed to them: So by the Obedience of one, that is, JESUS CHRIST, the Free Gift of Pardon and Peace came upon all Men unto Justification of Life. Which by the Way clears up (as I promised to do before) that seeming Disagreement between GOD's Attributes, in imputing Adam's Sin [...] us, (namely, his Justice and Mercy) and wholly takes off that Imputation of Injustice, which wicked and ungodly Men would blasphemously cast upon the Righteous Judge of all the Earth. Had GOD indeed imputed Adam's Sin to his innocent Posterity, and left them to perish in it: Had he looked upon and punished them all as Sinners, without providing them a Saviour, we might perhaps have had some Pretence to com­plain of his Severity, though we could not even then but acknowledge his Justice in the Punish­ment of Sin. But since He has not dealt with us after our Deserts, nor rewarded us according to our Iniquity; since the same Revelation acquaints us, that As in Adam all die, even so in CHRIST shall all be made alive: Since the same GOD that informs us that Death came even upon those who had not sinned after the Similitude of Adam's Transgression, declares likewise, that He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, or put into a State of Salvation: I say since these Things are so, What Reason have such Worms as we to quarrel with the most High GOD? Doubtless no more than a condemned Criminal has to find [Page 36] fault with his Judge for condemning him for breaking the Law, only that he might give him the Pleasure of a Reprieve. No; as for GOD, his Ways are perfect, and his Dealings with his Creatures are holy, just and good; and as in all his Dispensations, so more especially in our Recovery from our fallen Estate by the Death of JESUS, we may justly say, Mercy and Truth have met together, Righteousness and Peace have kissed each other. But,

2. Pardon for our actual Transgression of GOD'S Law was another Thing which we wanted to have secured to us, before we could be at Peace with GOD. And this the Holy Scriptures inform us is abundantly done by the Death of JESUS CHRIST. The Evangelical Prophet foretels that the promised Redeemer should be wounded for our Transgressions, and bruised for our Iniquities; that the Chastisement of our Peace should be upon him; and that by his Stripes we should be healed; Isaiah liii. 6. The Angel at His Birth says, that he should save his People from their Sins: And St. Paul declares, that this is a faithful saying, and worthy of all Acceptation, that JESUS CHRIST came into the World to save Sinners: And here in the Words of the Text, Such (or, as I observed before, these Things) were some of you; but ye are washed, &c.—And St. Peter, alluding to the aforementioned Passage of Isaiah, testifies of CHRIST, that His own Self bare our Sins in his own Body on the Tree, that we being dead to Sin, should live unto Righteousness; by whose Stripes, says he, ye are healed, 1 Pet. ii. 24. And in [Page 37] another Place the same Apostle says, Neither is there Salvation in any other; for there is none other Name under Heaven given among Men, whereby we must be saved, but the Name of JESUS CHRIST, Acts iv. 12. How GOD will be pleased to deal with the Gentiles who yet sit in Darkness and in the shadow of Death, and on whom the Sun of Righteousness never yet arose, is not for us to en­quire. What have we to do to judge those that are without? To God's Mercy let us recommend them, and wait for a Solution of this Point till the Great Day of Accounts, when all GOD's Dispen­sations, both of Providence and Grace, will be fully cleared up, by Methods to us, it may be, at present unknown, because unrevealed. However, this we know, that the Judge of all the Earth will, most assuredly, do right.

But it is Time for me to draw towards a Conclusion:

I have now then, Brethren, by the Blessing of GOD, discoursed on the Words of the Text in the Method I proposed; and have in as plain a Manner as I could, shewn you what is meant by the Word Justified, that it signifies our having our Sins forgiven: And have also in some measure proved that we all stand in need of being thus justified, as we are chargeable with Original, and have been guilty of Actual Sin: And lastly, that nothing but the Precious Blood of JESUS CHRIST has, or can procure this inestimable Priviledge for us.

Many useful Inferences might be drawn from what has been delivered; but as I have detained [Page 38] you, I fear, too long already, permit me only to make a Reflection or two on what has been said, and I have done.

If then we are freely justified by the Death of JESUS CHRIST, let us here pause a while; and as before we reflected on the Misery, let us now turn aside and admire the Happiness of Man. But alas! how am I lost to think that GOD the Father, when we were in a State of Enmity by Original, and of Rebellion by our Actual Sins, should notwithstanding yearn in his Bowels towards us his fallen, his apostate Creatures: And because nothing but an infinite Ransom could satisfy an infinitely offended Ju­stice, should send his only and dear Son JESUS CHRIST (who is GOD, blessed for ever, and who had lain in his Bosom from all Eternity) to die a cursed, painful, ignominious Death, for us and for our Salvation! O who can avoid crying out, on the Consideration of this great Mystery of Godliness,— Oh the Depth of the Riches of GOD's Love to us his wretched, miserable, undone Creatures! How unsearchable is his Mercy, and his Loving Kindness past finding out! Now know we of a Truth, O GOD, that thou hast lovest us, since thou hast not with-held thy Son, thy only Son JESUS CHRIST, from thus dying for us.

But as we admire the FATHER sending, let us likewise humbly and thankfully adore the SON coming, when sent to die for Man. But alas! what Thoughts can conceive, what Words ex­press the infinite Greatness of that unparalleled [Page 39] Love, which drew the Son of GOD down from the Mansions of his Father's Glory to die for sinful Man! The Jews, when he only shed a Tear [...] poor Lazarus's Funeral, said, Behold how he loved him: How much more justly then may we cry out, Behold how he loved us, when he did not spare to shed not only a Tear, but his his own precious Blood for us.

And can any poor returning Sinner, after this, despair of Mercy? What, can they see their Saviour hanging on a Tree, with Arms stretched out to embrace them, and yet, upon their truly believing on him, doubt of finding Acceptance with him? No, away with all such dishonourable, such desponding Thoughts.—Look on his Hands, bored with Pins of Iron; look on his Side, pierced with a cruel Spear, on Purpose to unloose the Sluices of his Blood, and open a Fountain for Sin, and for Uncleanness.—And then despair of Mercy if you can! No, do but believe on him with your whole Hearts; Do not crucify Him afresh, and put him again to open Shame, by leading wicked, lukewarm, ungodly Lives: In short, do but labour to attain that Holiness, without which no Man shall see the LORD; and then, though your Sins be as Scarlet, yet shall they be as Wooll; though they be as Crimson, yet shall they be whiter than Snow.

Which GOD of his infinite Mercy grant, &c.

[Page 40]


ECCL. xii. I. Remember now thy Creator in the Days of thy Youth.

THE Amiableness of Religion in itself, the innumerable Advantages that flow from it to Society in general, as well as each sincere Professor of it in particular, cannot but recom­mend it to the Choice of every considerate Person, and make even wicked Men, as they wish to die the Death, so, in their more sober Intervals, envy the Life of the Righteous. And indeed we must do the World so much Justice as to confess, that the Question about Religion does not usually arise from a Dispute whether it be necessary or not (for most Men see the Necessity of doing something for the Salvation of their Souls) but when is the best Time to set about it: Persons are convinc'd by universal Experience, that the first Essays or Endeavours towards the Attainment of Religion are attended with some Difficulty and Trouble, and therefore they would willingly defer the beginning such a seemingly ungrateful Work as long as they can. [Page 41] The wanton Prodigal, that is spending his Sub­stance in riotous Living, cries, A little more pleasure, a little more Sensuality, and then I'll be sober in Earnest. The covetous Worldling, that employs all his Care and Pains in heaping up Riches, tho' he cannot tell who shall gather them, does not flatter himself that this will do always; but hopes, with the rich Fool in the Gospel, to lay up Goods for a few more Years on Earth, and then he'll begin to lay up Treasures in Heaven. And, in short, thus it is that most People are convinced of the Necessity of being religious some Time or another; but then, like Felix, they put off the acting suitably to their Convictions, till (what they imagine) a more convenient Season: Whereas, would we be so humble as to be guided by the Experience and Counsel of the wisest of Men, we should learn that Youth is the fittest Season for Religion; Remember now thy Creator, says Solomon, in the Days of thy Youth. By which Word Remember, we are not to understand a bare speculative Re­membrance, or calling to Mind, (for that, like a dead Faith, will profit us nothing) but such a Remembrance as will constrain us to Obedience, and oblige us out of Gratitude to perform all that the LORD our GOD shall require of us. For as forgetting GOD, in Scripture Language, implies a total Neglect of our Duty, in like Manner remembring him signifies a perfect Performance of it: So that, when Solomon says, Remember thy Creator in the Days of thy Youth, it is the same as if he had said, keep GOD's [Page 42] Commandments; or in other Words, Be religious in the Days of thy Youth; thereby implying that Youth is the most proper Season for it.

  • I shall in the following Discourse, First, en­deavour to make good the Wise Man's Proposition imply'd in the Words of the Text, and to shew that Youth is the fittest Season for Religion.
  • Secondly, By way of Motive, I shall consider the many unspeakable Advantages that will arise from remembring our Creator in the Days of our Youth.
  • Thirdly and Lastly, I shall conclude with a Word or two of Exhortation to the younger Part of this Audience.

And First then, I am to make good the Wise Man's Proposition implied in the Words of the Text, and to shew that Youth is the fittest Season for Religion: Remember now thy Creator in the Days of thy Youth.—But in Order to proceed more clearly in this Argument, it may not be improper, first, to explain what I mean by the Word Religion. By this Term, then, I would not be understood to mean a bare outward Profession or naming the Name of CHRIST; for we are told, that many that have even prophesied in his Name, and in his Name cast out Devils, shall notwithstanding be rejected by him at the last Day: Nor would I understand by it barely being admitted into CHRIST'S Church by Baptism; for then Simon Magus, Arius, and the Heresiarchs of old might pass for religious Persons, for these [Page 43] were baptized; nor yet the receiving the other Seal of the Covenant, for then Judas himself might be canoniz'd for a Saint; nor indeed do I mean any or all of these together, consider'd by themselves; but a thorough, real, inward Change of Nature, wrought in us by the powerful Operations of the Holy Ghost, convey'd to and nourish'd in our Hearts, by a constant Use of all the Means of Grace, evidenc'd by a good Life, and bringing forth the Fruits of the Spirit.

The attaining this real, inward Religion, is a Work of so great Difficulty, that Nicodemus, a learned Doctor and Teacher in Israel, thought it altogether impossible, and therefore ignorantly asked our Blessed LORD, how this Thing could be? And truly to rectify a disorder'd Nature, to mortify our corrupt Passions, to turn Darkness to Light, to put off the old Man, and put on the new, and thereby to have the Image of GOD reinstamp'd upon the Soul, or in one Word, to [...]e born again, however light some may make of it, must, after all our Endeavours, be own'd by Man impossible. 'Tis true, in [...]ed, CHRIST'S Yoke is said to be an easy or a gracious Yoke, and his Burthen light; but then it is to those only who have been accustomed to bear and draw in it. For as the wise Son of Sirach observes, At first Wisdom walketh with her Children in crooked Ways, and brings them into Fear; and torments them with her Discipline, and does not turn to comfort and rejoyce them, till she has try'd them and proved their Judgment.—No; we must not flatter ourselves, that our depraved Natures can [Page 44] be renewed, unless we submit to a great many Difficulties. The spiritual Birth is attended with its Pangs, as well as the natural: For they that have experienc'd it (and they only are the proper Judges) can acquaint you, that frequent Acts of Self-denial must be exercised, a constant regular Discipline kept up, left, after all, when we come to the Birth, we should want Strength to bring forth.

But if these Things are so; if there are Diffi­culties and Pangs attending our being born again, and Discipline must be called in, what Season more proper than that of Youth; when, if ever, our Bodies are robust and vigorous, and our Minds active and courageous, and consequently we are then the best qualified to endure Hardness as good Soldiers of JESUS CHRIST.

We find in secular Matters People commonly observe this Method, and send their Children abroad among the Toils and Fatigues of Business, in their younger Years, as well knowing they are then fittest to undergo them. And why do they not act with the same Consistency in the grand Affair of Religion? Because, as our Saviour has told us, the Children of this World are wiser in their Generation, than the Children of Light.

But, Secondly, if pure Religion and undefiled consists in the total Renewal of our corrupted Natures, then 'tis not only a Work of Difficulty, but of Time: For, as the old was not, so neither is the new Creation compleated in a Day. No, good Men know, by certain Experience, that it is a long while e'er old Things can pass away, [Page 45] and all Things become new in them. The strong Man arm'd has gotten too great Possession of their Hearts to be quickly driven out, and they are obliged to combat many a weary Hour, e'er their Corruptions, which is the Armour in which the strong Man trusted, be wholly taken from him. Nay, they find their whole Lives short enough to perfect the Work of Regeneration, which they were sent into the World to do, and never expect to say 'tis finish'd, till, with their blessed Master, they bow down their Heads, and give up the Ghost.

And, if this be the Case, if the Renovation of our Nature be not only difficult, but requires so long a Space to compleat it in; then, it highly concerns every one to set about it betimes, and to work their Work while it is Day, before the Night cometh, when no Man can work.

Could we, indeed, live to the Age of Methusa­lah, and had but little Business to employ ourselves in, we might then be more excusable, if we made no other Use of this World, than, what too many do, take our Pastime therein; but since our Lives are so very short, and the working out our Salvation requires so much Time, we have no Room left for trifling, lest we should be snatched away while our Lamps are untrimmed, and we are entirely unprepared to meet the Bridegroom.

Did we know a Friend or Neighbour, who had a long Journey of the utmost Importance to make, and yet should stand all the Day idle, neglecting to set out till the Sun was about to go down, we could not but pity and condemn his [Page 46] egregious Folly: And yet it is to be feared most Men are just such Fools; they have a long Journey to take, nay, a Journey to Eternity, a Journey of infinite Importance, and which they are obliged to dispatch before the Sun of their natural Life be gone down; and yet they loiter away their Time allotted them to perform their Journey in, till Sickness or Death surprizes them; and then they cry out, What shall we do to inherit eternal Life? But, alas! is this a proper Season to ask such a Question? Is this a Time to begin their Journey, when they should be at the End of it; or to enquire what they must do, when per­haps they have hardly any Strength or Ability left to do any Thing to the Purpose, and when they should be waiting with humble Patience, in hopes of speedily receiving their Wages for Work already done? O foolish People and unwise! If you offer the Blind for Sacrifice, is it not evil? and if ye offer the Lame and Sick, is it not evil? Offer it now unto thy Governor, will he be pleased with thee, or accept thy Person? saith the LORD of Hosts. But leaving such to the Mercies of GOD, I pass on to

The Second general Thing proposed, viz. To shew the Advantages that will arise from Remembring our Creator in the Days of our Youth; which may serve as so many Motives to excite and quicken all Persons immediately to set about it.

And the first Benefit resulting from thence is, that it will bring most Honour and Glory to GOD. This, I suppose, every serious Person [Page 47] will grant, ought to be the Point in which all our Actions should centre; for to this End were we born; to this End were we redeemed by the precious Blood of JESUS CHRIST, that we should promote GOD'S Eternal Glory. And as the Glory of GOD is most advanced by paying Obedience to his Precepts, they that begin soonest to walk in his Ways, act most to his Glory: For the common Objection against the divine Laws in general, and the Doctrines of the Gospel in particular, is, that they are not practicable, that they are contrary to Flesh and Blood, and that all those Precepts concerning Self-Denial, Renunciation of and Deadness to the World, are but so many arbitrary Restraints imposed upon human Nature. But when we see mere Striplings not only practising, but delighting in such religious Duties, and in the Days of their Youth, when, if ever, they have a Relish for sensual Pleasures, subduing and despising the Lust of the Flesh, the Lust of the Eye, and the Pride of Life.—This, this is acceptable with GOD; this vindicates his injur'd Honour; this shews that his Service is perfect Freedom, that his Yoke is easy, and his Burden light.

But, Secondly, as an early Piety redounds most to the Honour of GOD, so it will bring most Honour to ourselves: For those that honour GOD, GOD will honour. We find it therefore re­mark'd to the Praise of Obadiah, that he served the LORD from his Youth: Of Samuel, that he stood, when young, before GOD in a linnen Ephod: Of Timothy, that from a Child he had [Page 48] known the Holy Scriptures: Of St. John, that he was the youngest and most beloved Disciple; and of our Blessed LORD himself, that at Twelve Years old he went up to the Temple, and sat among the Doctors, both hearing and asking them Questions.

Nor, Thirdly, will an early Piety afford us less Comfort than Honour, not only because it renders Religion habitual to us, but also because it gives us a well-grounded Assurance of the Sincerity of our Professions. Was there no other Argument against a Death-bed Repentance but the Unsatisfactoriness and Anxiety of such a State, that would be sufficient to deter all thinking Persons from deferring the most important Business of their Life to such a dreadful Period of it. For supposing a Man be sincere in his Professions of Repentance on a Death-bed (which is very much to be doubted) yet he can take no great Comfort in them, because he is uncertain whether his Convictions and Remorse proceed from a true Sorrow for Sin, or a servile Fear of Punishment. But a young Saint need fear no such Perplexity; he knows that he loves GOD for his own Sake, and is not driven to him by a Dread of impending Evil: He does not decline the Gratifications of Sense, because he can no longer bear the Voice of Singing-Men and Singing-Women; but willingly takes up his Cross, and follows his blessed Master in his Youth; and therefore must have great Confidence of his Sincerity towards GOD. But farther, as an early Piety shews the Heart of its Sincerity, so likewise it brings its present [Page 49] Reward with it, as it renders Religion, and all its Duties, habitual and easy. A young Saint, was you to ask him, would joyfully tell you the un­speakable Comfort of beginning to be good be­times: As for his Part, he knows not what Men mean by talking of Mortification, Self-Denial, and Retirement, as hard and rigorous Duties; for he has so accustomed himself to them, that they are now become even natural, and he takes infinitely more Pleasure in practising the severest Precepts of the Gospel, than a luxurious Dives in a Bed of State, or an ambitious Haman at a Royal Banquet. And, oh! how happy must that Youth be, whose Duty is become a second Nature, and to whom those Things, which seem terrible to others, are grown both easy and delightful!

But the greatest Advantage of an early Piety is still behind, viz. That it lays in the best Provision of Comfort and Support against such Times as we shall stand most in Need thereof, viz. all Times of our Tribulation, and in particular against the Time of old Age, the Hour of Death and the Day of Judgment.

This is the Argument the Wise Man make [...] Use of in the Words immediately following the Text: Remember now, says he, thy Creator in the Days of thy Youth, while the evil Days come not, nor the Years draw nigh, wherein thou shalt say, I have no Pleasure in them. Observe the Time of old Age is an evil Time, Years wherein there is no Pleasure; and ask those that are grown old, and they will inform you so. Cordials surely then most be exceeding proper to support our [Page 50] drooping Spirits: And, oh! What Cordial comparable to the grateful Review of a well-spent Life? When the Eyes, like Isaac's, are grown dim with Age; when the Keepers of the House, i. e. the Hands, shall tremble; as the Wise Man goes on to describe the Infirmities of old Age; when the strong Men bow themselves, i. e. when the Legs grow feeble; and the Grinders, i. e. the Teeth, shall cease to do their proper Office, because they are few; for a Person then to hear the Pre­cepts of the Gospel read over to him, and to be able to lay his Hand on his Heart, and to say sin­cerely, All these have I kept from my Youth: This must fill him with such unspeakable Comfort, that I want Words to express, & Thoughts to conceive it. But, supposing it was possible for us to escape the Inconveniencies of old Age, yet still Death is a Debt we all must pay; and what is worse, it generally comes attended with such dreadful Circumstances, that it will make even a Felix tremble. But as for the Godly, that have served the LORD from their Youth, it is not so with them; no, they look upon Death not as a King of Terrors, but as a welcome Messenger, that is come to conduct them to their wish'd-for Home. All the Days of their appointed Time have they waited, and it has been the Business of their whole Lives to prepare themselves for the coming of their great Change; and therefore they rejoyce to hear, that they are called to meet the heavenly Bridegroom. Thus die the early (I mean the early, if persevering) pious; whose Path has been as the shining Light that shineth mere and more, [Page 51] unto the perfect Day. But follow him beyond the Grave, and see with what an holy Triumph he enters into his Master's Joy; with what an hum­ble Boldness he stands at the dreadful Tribunal of JESUS CHRIST; and can you then forbear to cry out, Let me die the Death of the Righteous, and let my latter End, and future State, be like his?

Need I then, after having shewn so many Advantages to arise from an early Piety, use any more Arguments to persuade the younger Part of this Audience, to whom in the Third and last Place I address myself, to remember their Creator in the Days of their Youth?

What! will not a Desire of bringing Glory to GOD, Honour and Comfort to themselves; will not the Pleasure of an habitual Piety, and the comfortable Assurance of being sincere; above all, will not the Hopes of an honourable old Age, a peaceful Death, and a glorious Appearance at the tremendous Day of Judgment; will not these, I say, prevail with them to leave their Husks, and return home to eat of the fatted Calf? What will they thus requite their Saviour's Love? That be far from them! Did he come down and shed his precious Blood to deliver them from the Power of Sin; and will they spend their youthful Strength and Vigour in the Service of it, and then think to serve CHRIST, when they can follow their Lusts no longer? Is i [...] fit, that many who are endowed with excellent Gifts, and are thereby qualified to be Supports and Ornaments of our sinking Church, should notwithstanding forget the GOD that gave them, and employ them in [Page 52] Things that will not profit? O why will they not arise, and, like so many Phineas's, be zealous for the Lord of Hosts? Doubtless, when Death overtakes them, they will wish they had: And what hinders them, but that they may live as well now, as they will wish they had when they leave the World? Think you that any one yet ever repented that they began to be good too soon? But how many, on the contrary, have repented that they began to be good too late? May we not well imagine, that young Samuel now rejoices that he waited so soon at the Tabernacle of the LORD? Or young Timothy, that from a Child he knew the Holy Scriptures? And if you wish to be Partakers of their Joy, let me persuade you to be Partakers of their Piety.

I could still go on to fill my Mouth with Arguments; but the Circumstances and Piety of those amongst whom I am now preaching the Kingdom of God, remind me to change my Style; and instead of urging any more Dissuasives from Sin, to fill up what is behind of this Discourse, with Encouragements to persevere in Holiness.

Blessed, for ever blessed be GOD and the Father of our Lord JESUS CHRIST! I am not speaking to Persons inflamed with youthful Lusts, but to a Multitude of young Professors, who, by frequently assembling together, and forming themselves [...]nto religious Societies, are in a ready Way to be of the Number of those young Men who have overcome the wic [...]d [...]ne.

Believe me, it gladdens my very Soul, to see so many of your Faces set heavenwards; and the [Page 53] visible happy Effects of your uniting together, cannot but rejoice the Hearts of all sincere Christians, and oblige them to wish you good Luck in the Name of the LORD. The many Souls that are nourished weekly by the spiritual Body and Blood of JESUS CHRIST by your Means; the weekly and monthly Lectures that are preached by your Contributions; the daily Incense of Thanksgiving and Prayer which is publickly sent up to the Throne of Grace by your Subscriptions; the many Children which are trained up in the Nurture and Admonition of the LORD, by your Charities; and lastly, the commendable and pious Zeal you exert in promoting and encouraging divine Psalmody, are such plain and apparent Proofs of the Benefit of your Religious Societies, that they call for a publick Acknowledgement of Praise and Thanksgiving to our blessed Master, who has not only put into your Hearts such good Designs, but enabled you also to bring the same to good Effect.

It is true, it has been objected, ‘That young Mens forming themselves into Religious Socie­ties has a Tendency to make them spiritually proud, and think more highly of themselves, than [...] ought to think. And perhaps the imprudent imperious Behaviour of some Novices in Religion, who, though they went out from you, [...] not of you, may have given too much Oc­casion for such [...] Aspersion.

But you, Brethren, have not so learned CHRIST. Far, far be it from you to look upon yourselves as righteous, and [...] others, because you often [Page 54] assemble yourselves together. No, this, instead of creating Pride, ought to beget an holy Fear in your Hearts, lest your Practice should not correspond with your Profession, and that, after you have benefited and edified others, you your­selves should become Cast-aways.

Worldly-mindedness, my Brethren, is another Rock against which we are in Danger of split­ting. For, if other Sins have slain their Thou­sands of professing Christians, this has slain its ten Thousands. I need not appeal to past Ages; your own Experience, no doubt, has furnish'd you with many unhappy Instances of young Men who, after (as one would have imagin'd) they had escaped the Pollutions which are in the World thro' Lust, and had tasted the good Word of Life, and endured for a Season, whilst under the Tuition and Inspection of others; yet when they have come to be their own Masters, thro' a Want of Faith, and thro' too great an Earnestness in la­bouring for the Meat which perisheth, have cast off their first Love, been again entangled with the World, and returned like the Dog to his Vomit, and like the Sow that was washed to her wallowing in the Mire. You would therefore do well, my Brethren, frequently to remind each other of this dangerous Snare, and to exhort one another to begin, pursue, and end your Christian Warfare, in a thorough Renunciation of the World, and worldly Tempers; so that, when you are obliged by Providence to provide for yourselves, and those of your respective Housholds, you may continue to walk by Faith, and still seek first the Kingdom [Page 55] of GOD, and his Righteousness; not doubting but all other Things, upon your honest Industry and Endeavours, shall be added unto you.

And now What shall I say more? To speak unto you, Fathers, who have been in CHRIST so many Years before me, and know the Malignity of Worldly-mindedness, and Pride in the Spiritual L [...]fe, would be altogether needless. To you, therefore, O young Men (for whom I am di­stressed, for whom I fear as well as for myself) do I once more address myself in the Words of the beloved Disciple, Look to yourselves, that we lose not those Things which we have wrought, but receive a full Reward. Be ever mindful, then, of the Words that have been spoken to us by the Apostles of the Lord and Saviour. Give Diligence to make your Calling and Election sure. Beware, lest ye also being led away by the Error of the Wicked, fall from your own Stedfastness. Let him that thinketh [...]e standeth, take Heed le [...]t he fall. Be not high-minded, but fear. But we are persuaded better Things of you, and Things that accompany Salvation; tho' we thus speak. For GOD is not unrighteous, to forget your Works and Labours of Love. And we desire that every one of you do shew the same Diligence, to the full Assurance of Hope unto the End: That ye be not slothful, but Follower [...] of them, who thro' Faith and Patience inherit the Promises. 'Tis true, we have many Difficulties to encounter, many powerful Enemies to over­come, e'er we can get Possession of the promis'd Land. We have an artful Devil, an ensnaring World, and above all, the Treachery of our own [Page 56] Hearts, to withstand and strive against. For strait is the Gate, and narrow is the Way that leadeth unto eternal Life. But wherefore should we fear? since he that is with us is far more powerful than all who are against us. Have we not already experienced his Almighty Power, in enabling us to conquer some Difficulties which seemed as insurmountable then, as those we struggle with now? And cannot he who deliver'd us out of the Paws of those Bears and Lions, preserve us also from being hurt by the strongest Goliahs?

Be stedfast therefore, my Brethren, be immove­able. Consider the infinite future Rewards as well as present Comforts that attend an early Piety. Be not ashamed of the Gospel of CHRIST: For it is the Power of GOD unto Salvation. Fear not Man; fear not the Contempt and Revilings which you must meet with in the Way of Duty: For one of you shall chase a Thousand; and two of you put ten Thousand of your Enemies to Flight. And if you will be content to be abus'd for a short Time here, I speak the Truth in CHRIST, I lye not; then shall ye be exalted to sit down with the SON of Man, when he shall come in the Glory of his FATHER, with his holy Angels to Judgment hereafter. May Almighty GOD give every one of us such a Measure of his Grace, that we may not be of the Number of those that draw back unto Perdition, but of them that believe and endure unto the End, to the Saving of our Souls.

Which GOD of his infinite Mercy grant, &c.

[Page 57]


ACTS xxvi. 28. Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian.

THESE Words contain the ingenuous Confession of King Agrippa; which having some Reference to what went before, it may not be improper to relate to you the Sub­stance of the preceeding Verses, to which these Words are so closely connected.

The Chapter then, out of which the Text is taken, contains an admirable. Account the great St. Paul gave of his wonderful Conversion from Judaism to Christianity, when he was called to make his Defence before Festus and another Gentile Governor. Our blessed LORD had long since foretold, that When the Son of Man should be lifted up, his Disciples should be brought before Kings, for his Name's Sake, for a Testimony unto them. And very [...] was the Design of infinite Wisdom in thus o [...]aining, it: For Christianity being from the very beginning [...] a Doctrine of the Cross, the Princes and Rule [...] [...] of the Earth th [...]ght themselves too high to [...] [Page 58] instructed by such mean Teachers, or too happy to be disturbed by such unwelcome Truths; and therefore would have always continued Strangers to JESUS CHRIST, and him Crucified, had not the Apostles, by being Arraigned before them, gained Opportunities of preaching to them JESUS and the Resurrection. St. Paul knew full well that this was the main Reason, why his Blessed Master permitted his Enemies at this Time to arraign him at a publick Bar: And therefore, in Compliance▪ with the Divine Will, thinks it not sufficient, barely to make his Defence, but endeavours at the same Time to convert his Judges. And this he did with such Demonstration of the Spirit, and of Power, that Festus, unwilling to be convinced by the strongest Evidence, cries out with a loud Voice, Paul, much Learning doth make thee mad. To which the brave Apostle (like a true Follower of the Holy JESUS) meekly replies, I am not mad, most noble Festus, but speak forth the Words of Truth and Soberness. But in all Probability seeing King Agrippa more affected with his Discourse, and observing in him an Inclination to know the Truth, he applies himself more particularly to him: [...] King, says he, knoweth of these Things; before whom also I speak freely; for I am persuaded that none of these Things are hidden from him. And then, that if possible he might compleat his wished-for Conversion, he with an inimitable Strain of Oratory, addresses himself still more closely,— King Agrippa, believest thou the Pro­phets? I know that thou believest them. At [Page 59] which the Passions of the King began to work so strongly, that he was obliged, in open Court, to own himself affected by the Prisoner's Preaching, and ingenuously to cry out,— Paul, almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian.

Which Words, taken with the Context, afford us a lively Representation of the different Reception the Doctrine of CHRIST'S Ministers, who come in the Power and Spirit of St. Paul, meets with now-a-days in the Minds of Men. For notwithstanding they, like this great Apostle, speak forth the Words of Truth and Soberness; and with such Energy and Power, that all their Adversaries cannot gainsay or resist; yet, too many, with the most noble Festus before men­tioned, being, like him, either too proud [...] be taught, or too sensual, too careless, or too worldly-minded to live up to their Doctrine,—in order to excuse themselves, cry out, that much Learning, much Study, or, what is more unac­countable, much Piety, hath made them mad. And though, blessed be GOD! all do not thus disbelieve our Report; yet amongst those many others, who gladly receive the Word, and con­fess that we speak the Words of Truth and Soberness, there are so few, who arrive at any higher Degree of Piety than that of Agrippa, or are any farther persuaded than to be almost Christians,—that I cannot but think it highly necessary to warn my dear Hearers of the Danger of such a State. And therefore, from the Words of the Text, shall endeavour to consider these three Things:

  • [Page 60] First, What is meant by an Almost Christian. Secondly, What are the chief Reasons, why so many are no more than Almost Christians.
  • Thirdly, I shall consider the Ineffectualness, Danger, Absurdity, and Uneasiness that attends those that are but Almost Christians.
  • Fourthly, I shall conclude with a general Exhor­tation, to set all upon striving not only to be Almost,. but Altogether Christians.

I. And First I am to consider, what is meant by an Almost Christian.

An Almost Christian then, if we consider him in respect to his Duty to GOD, is one that halts between two Opinions, that wavers between CHRIST and the World; that would reconcile GOD and Mammon, that is, Light and Dark­ness, CHRIST and Belial. It is true, He has an Inclination to Religion, but then he is very cautious how he goes too far in it: His false Heart is always crying out, Spare thyself, d [...] thyself no Harm. He prays indeed, that GOD' s Will may be done on Earth, [...] it is in Heaven: But then, notwithstanding he is very partial in his Obedience, and fondly hopes that GOD will not be extreme to mark every Thing that he [...] ­fully does amiss; though an inspired Apostle has told him, that he that wilfully offends in one Point, is guilty of all. Above all, he is one that depends much on outward Ordinances, and upon that account looks upon himself as Righteous, and despises others; though at the same Time he may be as great a Stranger to the Divine Life as any other Person whatsoever. In short, he [Page 61] is fond of the Form, but never experiences the Power of Godliness in his Heart: He goes on Year after Year, feeding and attending on the Means of Grace; but then, like Pharaoh's Lean Kine, is never the better, but rather the worse for them.

If you consider him in respect to his Neigh­bour, he is one that is strictly just to all; but then this does not proceed from any Love to GOD or Regard to Man, but only out of a Principle of Self-Love; because he knows Dishonesty will spoil his Reputation, and consequently hinder his Thriving in the World.

He is one that depends much on being Nega­tively good, and contents himself with the Con­sciousness of having done no one any Harm; though he reads in the Gospel, that the unprofi­table Servant was cast into outer Darkness, and the barren Fig-tree cursed and dried up from the Roots, not for bearing bad, but no Fruit.

He is no Enemy to charitable Contributions, if not too frequently recommended: But then he is quite unacquainted with the kind Offices of Visiting the Sick and Imprisoned, Cloathing the Naked, and Relieving the Hungry. He thinks that these Things belong only to the Clergy, though his own false Heart tells him, that no­thing but Pride keeps him from exercising these Acts of Humility, and that JESUS CHRIST, in the 25th Chapter of St. Matthew, condemns Persons to everlasting Punishment, not for being Fornicators, Drunkards, or Extor [...]oners, but merely for neglecting these charitable Offices, [Page 62] When the Son of Man; says our blessed LORD himself, shall come in his Glory, He shall set the Sheep on his Right Hand, and the Goats on his Left. And then shall He say unto them on his Left Hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting Fire prepared for the Devil and his Angels: For I was an Hungred, and ye gave me no Meat; I was thirsty, and ye gave me no Drink; I was a Stranger, and ye took me not in; Naked, and ye cloathed me not; Sick and in Prison, and ye visited me not. Then shall they also say, Lord, when saw we Thee an hungred, or a-thirst, or a Stranger, or naked, or sick, or in Prison, and did not minister unto thee? Then shall he answer them, Verily I say unto you, inasmuch as ye have not done it unto one of the least of these my Brethren, ye did it not unto me: And these shall go away into everlasting Punishment. I thought proper to give you this whole Passage of Scrip­ture at large, because our Saviour lays such a particular Stress upon it; and yet notwithstand­ing it is so little regarded, that were we to judge by the Practice of Christians, one should be tempted to think there were no such Verses in the Bible.

But to proceed in our Character of an Almost Christian: If we consider him in respect of him­self: as before we said he was strictly honest to his Neighbour, so he is likewise strictly sober in himself: But then both his Honesty and Sobriety proceed from the same Principle of a false Self-Love. It is true, he runs not into the same Excess of Riot with other Men; but [Page 63] then it is not out of Obedience to the Laws of GOD, but either because his Constitution will not away with Intemperance; or rather because be is cautious of forfeiting his Reputation, or unfitting himself for temporal Business. But though he is so prudent as to avoid Intemperance and Excess, for the Reasons before mentioned; yet he always goes to the Extremity of what is lawful. It is true, he is no Drunkard; but then he has no Christian Self-Denial to plead for him. He cannot think our Saviour to be so austere a Master, as to deny us to indulge our­selves in some Particulars: And so by this Means he is kept out of a Sense of true Religion, as much as if he lived in Debauchery, or any other Crime whatever. As to settling his Principles as well as Practice, he is guided more by the World, than by the Word of GOD. As for his Part, he cannot think the Way to Heaven so narrow as some would make it: And therefore considers not so much what Scripture requires, as what such and such a good Man does, or what will best suit his own corrupt Inclinations. Upon this Account, he is not only very cau­tious himself, but likewise very careful of young Converts, whose Faces are set Heavenward; and therefore is always acting the Devil's Part, and bidding them spare themselves, though they are doing no more than what the Scripture strictly requires of them to do: The Consequence of which is, that he suffers not himself to enter into the Kingdom of GOD, and they that are entering in he [...]inders.

[Page 64] Thus lives [...] Almost Christian: Not that I can say, I have fully described him to you; but from these Out-lines and Sketches of his Cha­racter, if your Consciences have done their pro­per Offices, and made a particular Application of what has been said to your own Hearts, I cannot but fear that some of you may observe some Features in his Picture, odious as it is, too near resembling your own; and therefore cannot but hope, at the same Time, that you join with the Apostle in the Words immediately following the Text, and wish yourselves not only almost, but altogether Christians.

II. But it is Time for me to proceed to the Second general Thing proposed; namely, to consider the Reasons why so many are no more than Almost Christians.

1. And the first Reason I shall mention is, because so many set out with false Notions of Religion; and though they live in a Christian Country, yet know not what Christianity is. This perhaps may be esteemed a hard Saying, but Experience sadly evinces the Truth of it; For some place Religion in being of this or that Communion; more in Morality; most in a Round of Duties, and a Model of Performances; and few, very few acknowledge it to be, what it really is, a thorough inward Change of Nature, a Divine Life, a Vital Participation of JESUS CHRIST, an Union of the Soul with GOD; which the Apostle expresses by saying, He that is joined to the LORD is one Spirit. Hence it happens that so many, even of the most knowing [Page 65] Professors, when you come to converse with them concerning the Essence, the Life, the Soul of Religion, I mean our New Birth in JESUS CHRIST, confess themselves quite ignorant of the Matter, and cry out with Nicodemus, How can this Thing be? And no wonder then, that so many are only Almost Christians, when so many know not what Christianity is: No Marvel so many take up with the Form, when they are quite Strangers to the Power of Godliness; or content themselves with the Shadow, when they know so little about the Substance of it. And this is one Cause why so many are almost, why so few are altogether Christians.

2. A Second Reason that may be assigned why so many are no more than almost Christians, is a servile Fear of Man: Multitudes there are and have been, who, though awakened to a Sense of the Divine Life, and have tasted and felt the Powers of the World to come; yet out of a base sinful Fear of being counted singular, or con­temned by Men, have suffered all those good Impressions to wear off again. It is true they have some Esteem for JESUS CHRIST; but then, like Nicodemus, they would come to him only by Night: They are willing to serve him; but then they would do it secretly, for Fear of the Jews: They have a Mind to see JESUS, but then they cannot come to him, because of the Press, for fear of being laughed at, and ridi­culed by those with whom they used to sit at Meat. But well did our Saviour prophesy of such Persons, How can ye love me which receive [Page 66] Honour one of another? Alas! have they never read, that the Friendship of this World is Enmity with GOD; and that our LORD himself has threatned, Whosoever shall be ashamed of me or of my Words, in this wicked and adulterous Generation, of him shall the Son of Man be asha­med, when he cometh in the Glory of his Father and of his Holy Angels? But no Wonder that so many are no more than almost Christians since so many love the Praise of Men more than the Honour which cometh of GOD.

3. A third Reason why so many are no more than Almost Christians, is a reigning Love of Money. This was the pitiable Case of that forward young Man in the Gospel, who came running to our Blessed LORD, and kneeling be­fore him, enquired what He must do to inherit Eternal Life; to which our blessed Master replied, Thou knowest the Commandments, Do not Kill, Do not commit Adultery, Do not Steal: To which the young Man replied (Oh that every young Man here present could do so too) All these I have kept from my Youth. But when our LORD proceeded to tell him, Yet lackest thou one Thing, Go sell all that thou hast and give to the Poor,—he was grieved at that Saying, and went away sorrowful, for he had great Possessions! Poor Youth! he had a good Mind to be a Christian, and to inherit Eternal Life, but thought it too dear, if it could be purchased at no less an Expence than of his whole Estate! And thus many, both Young and Old, now-a-days come running to worship our blessed LORD in publick, [Page 67] and kneel before him in private, and enquire at his Gospel, what they must do to inherit Eternal Life: But when they find they must renounce the Self-Enjoyment of Riches, and forsake all in Affection to follow Him, they cry, The LORD pardon us in this Thing!—We pray Thee, have us excused.

But is Heaven so small a Trifle in such Men's Esteem, as not to be worth a little gilded Earth? Is Eternal Life so mean a Purchase, as not to deserve the Temporary Renunciation of a few transitory Riches? Surely it is. But however inconsistent such a Behaviour may be, this inor­dinate Love of Money is too evidently the common and fatal Cause why so many are no more than Almost Christians.

4. Nor is the reigning Love of Pleasure a less uncommon, or a less fatal Cause why so many are no more than almost Christians. Thou­sands and ten Thousands there are, who despise Riches, and would willingly be true Disciples of JESUS CHRIST, would parting with their Money make them so; but when they are told that our Blessed LORD has laid it down as an indis­pensable Condition, that Whosoever will come after Him must deny himself;—like the pitiable young Man before mentioned, they go away sor­rowful: For they have too great a Love for sen­sual Pleasures. They will, like Herod, perhaps send for the Ministers of CHRIST, as he did for John, and hear them gladly: But touch them in their Herodias, tell them they must part with [...] or such a darling Pleasure; and with wicked [Page 68] Ahab they cry out, Hast thou found us, O our Enemy? Tell them of the Necessity of Morti­fication, Fasting and Self-Denial, and it is as difficult to them to hear, as if you was to bid them cut off a Right Hand or pluck out a Right Eye: They cannot think our Blessed LORD requires so much at their Hands, though an inspired Apostle has commanded us to mortify our Members which are upon the Earth: And he himself, even after he had converted Millions, and was very near arrived to the End of his Race, yet professed that it was his daily Practice to keep under his Body, and bring it into Subjection, lest after he had preached to others, he himself should be a Cast-away!

But some Men would be wiser than this great Apostle, and chalk out to us what they falsely imagine an easier Way to Happiness. They would flatter us we may go to Heaven without offering Violence to our sensual Appetites; and enter into the strait Gate without striving against our carnal Inclinations. And this is another Reason why so many are only almost, and not altogether Christians.

5. The fifth and last Reason I shall assign why so many are only almost Christians, is a Fickless and Instability of Temper.

It has been, no doubt, the Misfortune that many a Minister and sincere Christian has met with, to weep and wail over Numbers of promi­sing Converts, who seemingly began in the Spi­rit, but after a while have fell away, and basely ended in the Flesh; and this not for want of [Page 69] right Notions in Religion, nor out of a servile Fear of Man, nor out of Love of Money or sen­sual Pleasure, but out of an Instability and Fickle­ness of Temper. They looked upon Religion merely for Novelty, as something which pleases them for a while; but after their Curiosity was satisfied, they have laid it aside again: Like the young Man that came to see JESUS with a Linnen Cloth about his naked Body, they have followed him for a Season, but when Temptations have come to take hold on them, for want of a little more Resolution, they have been stripped of all their good Intentions, and fled away naked. They at first, like a Tree planted by the Water-side, grew up and flourished for a while; but having no Root of themselves, no inward Principle of Holiness and Piety, like Jonah's Gourd, were soon dried up, cut down and withered. Their good Intentions are but too like the violent Motions of the Animal Spirits of a Body newly beheaded, which tho' impetuous, are not lasting. In short, they set out well in their Journey to Heaven, but finding the Way either narrower or longer than they expected,—through an Un­steadiness of Temper, they have made an eternal Halt, and so returned like the Dog to his Vomit, or like the Sow that was washed to her wallowing in the Mire!

But I tremble to pronounce the Fate of such unstable Professors, who having put their Hands to the Plow, for want of a little more Resolution, shamefully look back. How shall I repeat to them that dreadful Threatning, If any Man [Page 70] draw back, my Soul shall have no Pleasure in him: And again, It is impossible, that is, exceed­ing difficult at least, for those that have been once enlightened, and have tasted the good Gift of GOD's Holy Spirit, and the Powers of the World to come, if they should fall away, to be renewed again unto Repentance. But notwithstanding the Gospel is so severe against Apostates, yet many that begun well, through a Fickleness of Tem­per, (Oh that none of us here present may ever be such) have been by this means of the Num­ber of those that turn back unto Perdition. And this is the fifth and last Reason I shall give, why so many are only almost, and not altogether Christians.

But you, Brethren, have not so learned CHRIST. GOD forbid that a Fear of a little Contempt, a love of a little worldly Gain, or a Fondness for a little sensual Pleasure, or want of steady Resolution, should hinder you from entring into Eternal Life, or make you so sottish as to think you may compound Matters between GOD and your Souls.

III. Proceed we therefore now to the Third General Thing proposed, namely, to con­sider the Folly of being no more than an almost Christian.

And the first Proof I shall give of the Folly of such a Proceeding is,—that it is ineffectual to Salvation. It is true, such Men are almost good, but almost to hit the Mark, is really to miss it. GOD requires us to love him with all our Hearts, with all our Souls, and with all our Strength▪ [Page 71] He loves us too well to admit any Rival; be­cause so far as our Hearts are empty of GOD, so far must they be unhappy. The Devil, indeed, like the false Mother that came before Solomon, would have our Hearts divided, as she would have had the Child; but GOD, like the true Mother, will have all or none. My Son give me thy Heart, thy whole Heart, is the general Call to all: And if we do not perform this Condition, we never can expect the Divine Mercy.

Persons may indeed flatter themselves, that a partial Obedience will serve their Turn; but GOD at the Great Day will strike them dead, as he did Ananias and Sapphira by the Mouth of his Servant Peter, for pretending to offer him all their Hearts, when they keep back from him the greatest Part. They may perhaps impose upon their fellow Creatures for a while, but He that enabled Elijah to cry out, Come in thou Wife of Jeroboam, when she came disguised to enquire about her sick Son, will also discover them thro' their most artful Dissimulations, and if their Hearts are not whole with him—appoint them their Portion with Hypocrites and Unbelievers.

But secondly, What renders an half-way Piety more inexcusable is, that it is not only insuffi­cient to our own Salvation, but also most preju­dicial to that of others.

An Al [...]ost Christian is one of the most hurtful Creatures in the World: He is a Wolf in Sheep's Cloathing; he is one of those false Prophets our Blessed LORD bids us beware of in his Sermon [...] the Mount, who would persuade Men, that [Page 72] the Way to Heaven is broader than it really is; and thereby, as it was observed before, enter not into the Kingdom of GOD themselves, and those that are entring in they hinder. These, these are the Men that turn the World into a lukewarm Laodicean Spirit; that hang out false Lights, and so shipwreck unthinking benighted Souls in their Voyage to the Haven where they would be. These are they that are greater Enemies to the Cross of CHRIST, than Infidels themselves: For of an Unbeliever every one will be aware; but an Almost Christian, through his subtle Hypocrisy, draws away many after him; and therefore must expect to receive the greater Damnation.

But thirdly, as it is most prejudicial to our­selves and hurtful to others, so it is the greatest Piece of Ingratitude we can express towards our Lord and Master JESUS CHRIST. For did he come down from Heaven, and shed his precious Blood, to purchase these Hearts of ours, and shall we only give him half of them? Oh how can we say we love him, when our Hearts are not wholly with him? How can we call him our Saviour, when we will not endeavour sincerely to approve ourselves to him▪ and so let him see the Travail of his Soul, and be satisfied!

Had any of us purchased a Slave at a most expensive Rate, that was before involved in the utmost Miseries and Torments, and so must have continued for ever, had we shut up our Bowels of Compassion from him; and was this Slave afterwards to grow rebellious, or [...] [Page 73] giving us but half his Service: How, how should we exclaim against his base Ingratitude! And yet this base ungrateful Slave thou art, O Man, who acknowledgest thyself to be redeemed from infinite unavoidable Misery and Punishment by the Death of JESUS CHRIST, and yet wilt not give thyself wholly to him. But shall we deal with GOD our Maker in a manner we would not be dealt with by a Man like ourselves? shall we mete out a less Measure of Love to our Saviour, than we would have dealt to ourselves? GOD forbid!

IV. No, (that I may come to the last Thing proposed, namely, to add a Word or two of Exhortation to be not only almost, but altogether Christians) let us scorn all such base and treache­rous Treatment of our King and Saviour, nay our GOD. Let us not take some Pains all our Lives to go to Heaven, and yet plunge ourselves into Hell at last. Let us give GOD our whole Hearts, and no longer halt between two Opinions: If the World be GOD let us serve That; If Pleasure be a GOD let us serve That; but if the LORD He be GOD, let us, Oh let us serve Him alone. Alas! why, why should we stand out any longer? Why should we be so in Love with Slavery, as not wholly to renounce the World, the Flesh, and the Devil, which, like so many spiritual Chains, bind down our Souls, and hinder them from flying up to GOD. Alas! what are we afraid of? Is not GOD able to reward our entire Obedience? If he is, as the almost Christian's [...] Way of serving him seems to grant,—Why [Page 74] then will we not serve him entirely? For the same Reason we do so much, why do we not do more? Or do you think that being only half Religious will make you happy, but that going farther will render you miserable and uneasy? Alas! this, my Brethren, is Delusion all over: For what is it but this half Piety, this wavering between GOD and the World, that makes so many that are seem­ingly well disposed, such utter Strangers to the Comforts of Religion? They chuse just so much of Religion as will disturb them in their Lusts, and follow their Lusts so far as to deprive them­selves of the Comforts of Religion. Whereas on the Contrary, would they sincerely leave all in Affection, and give their Hearts wholly to GOD, they would then (and they cannot till then) expe­rience the unspeakable Pleasure of having a Mind at unity with itself, and enjoy such a Peace of God, which even in this Life, passes all Understanding, and which they were entire Strangers to before. It is true, if we will devote ourselves entirely to GOD, we must meet with Contempt; but then it is because Contempt is necessary to heal our Pride. We must renounce some sensual Pleasure; but then it is because those unfit us for Spiritual ones, which are infinitely better. We must renounce the Love of the World; but then it is that we may be filled with the Love of GOD: And when that has once enlarged our Hearts, we shall like Jacob when he served for his beloved Rachel, think nothing too difficult to undergo, no Hard­ships too tedious to endure, because of the Love we shall then have for our dear Redeemer. [...] [Page 75] easy, thus delightful will be the Ways of GOD even in this Life: But when once we throw off these Bodies, and our Souls are filled with all the Fullness of GOD, Oh! what Heart can conceive, what Tongue can express, with what unspeakable Joy and Consolation we shall then look back on our past sincere and hearty Services, which have procured us so invaluable a Reward! Think you then, my dear Hearers, we shall repent we had done too much; or rather think you not we shall be ashamed that we did no more; and blush we were so backward to give up all to GOD; when He intended hereafter to give us Himself?

Let me therefore, to conclude, exhort you, my Brethren, to have always the unspeakable Reward of an entire Obedience set before you: And think withal, that every degree of Holiness you neglect, every Instance of Piety you pass by, is a Jewel taken out of your Crown, a degree of Blessed­ness lost in the Vision of GOD. Oh! do but always think and act thus, and you will no longer be labouring to compound Matters between GOD and the World; but on the contrary, be daily endeavouring to give up yourselves more and more unto him; you will be always Watching, always praying, always aspiring after farther degrees of Purity and Love, and so consequently always preparing yourselves for a fuller Light and Enjoyment of that GOD, in whose Presence there is Fulness of Joy, and at whose Right Hand there are Pleasures for ever more. Amen! Amen!

[Page 76]

The Extent and Reasonableness of SELF DENIAL.

LUKE ix. 23. And he said unto them all, If any Man will come after me, let him deny himself.

WHOEVER reads the Gospel with a single Eye, and sincere Intention, will find that our blessed LORD took all Opportunities of reminding his Disciples that his Kingdom was not of this World; that his Doctrine was a Doctrine of the Cross; and that their professing themselves to be his Followers would call them to a constant State of voluntary or Self-suffering and Self-denial.

The Words of the Text afford us one Instance among many, of our Saviour's Behaviour in this Matter: For having in the preceeding Verses revealed himself to Peter, and the other Apostles, to be The Christ of God; le [...]t they should be too much elated with such a peculiar Discovery of his Deity or think that their Relation to so great a Personage would be attended with nothing but Pomp and Grandeur, He tells them, in the [...] [Page 77] Verse, that the Son of Man was to suffer many Things in this World though He was to be crowned with Eternal Glory and Honour in the next: And that if any of them or their Poste­rity would share in the same Honour, they must bear a Part with him in his Self-denial and Suf­ferings. For He said unto them all, If any Man will come after me, let him deny himself.

From which Words I shall consider these three Things:

  • I, First, The Nature of the Self-Denial recommended in the Text; and in how many Respects we must deny ourselves, in order to come after JESUS CHRIST.
  • II. Secondly, I shall endeavour to prove the Universality and Reasonableness of this Duty of Self-Denial.
  • III. Thirdly and Lastly, I shall offer s [...]me Considerations, which may serve as so ma­ny Motives to reconcile us to, and quicken us in the Practice of this Doctrine of Self-Denial.

I. And first then, I am to shew the Nature of the Self-Denial recommended in the Text; or in how many Respects we must deny ourselves in order to follow JESUS CHRIST.

Now as the Faculties of the Soul are distin­guished by the Understanding, Will and Affecti­ons; so in all these must each of us deny himself. We must not lean to our own Under [...] [...], being wi [...]e in our own Eyes, and prudent in our own Sight; but we must submit our short sighted [Page 78] Reason to the Light of of Divine Revelation: For there are Mysteries in Religion, which are above, though not contrary to, our natural Reason: And therefore we shall never become Christians unless we cast down Imaginations, and every high Thing that exalteth itself against the Knowledge of GOD, and bring into Capti­vity every Thought to the Obedience of CHRIST. It is in this Respect, as well as others, that we must become Fools for CHRIST' s Sake, and ac­knowledge we know nothing without Revelation as we ought to know. We must then, with all Humility and Reverence, embrace the myste­rious Truths revealed to us in the Holy Scrip­tures; for thus only can we become truly Wise, even Wise unto Salvation. It was Matter of our Blessed LORD's Thanksgiving to his Heavenly Father, that he had hid these Things from the Wise and Prudent, and had revealed them unto Babes. And in this Respect also we must be converted and become as little Children, teach­able, and willing to follow the Lamb into what soever Mysteries he shall be pleased to lead us; and believe and practise all Divine Truths, not because we can demonstrate them, but because GOD, who can not lye, has revealed them to us.

Hence then we may trace Infidelity to its Fountain Head: For it is nothing else but a Pride of the Understanding, an Unwillingness to submit to the Truth of GOD, that makes so many, professing themselve wise, to become such Fools as to deny the LORD, who has so dearly [Page 79] bought them; and dispute the Divin [...] of that Eternal Word, in whom they live, [...], and have their Being: Whereby it is justly to be feared, they will bring upon themselves sure, if not swift Destruction.

But to return: As we must deny ourselves in our Understandings, so must [...] deny, or, as it might be more properly rendered, renounce our Wills: That is, we must make our own Wills no Principle of Action, but whether we eat or drink, or whatsoever we do, we must do all, not merely to please ourselves, but to the Glory of GOD. Not that we are therefore to imagine we are to have no Pleasure in any Thing we do ( Wisdom's Ways are Ways of Pleasantness) but pleasing ourselves must not be the principal, but only the subordinate End of our Actions.

And I cannot but particularly press this Doc­trine upon you, because it is the Grand Secret of our Holy Religion. It is this, my Brethren, that distinguishes the true Christian from the mere Moralist and formal Professor; and which alone can [...] any of our Actions [...] in GOD's Sight: For if thine Eye be [...] our Blessed LORD, Matth. vi. 22, that is, if [...] aimest [...]mply to please GOD, without any regard to thy own Will, thy whole Body, that is, all thy Actions, will be f [...]ll of Light; agree able to the Gospel, which is [...] Light But if thin [...] Eye be evil, if thine Intention [...] v [...]ted any other Way, thy whole Body, all the Actions will be full of Darkness, unprofitable, [Page 80] and capable of no Reward. For we must not only do the Will of GOD, but do it because it is his Will; since we pray that GOD's Will may be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. And no doubt, the blessed Angels not only do every Thing that GOD willeth, but do it chearfully, out of this Principle, because GOD willeth it: And if we would live as we pray, we must go and do likewise.

But farther; as we must renounce our own Wills in doing, so likewise must we renounce them in suffering the Will of GOD. Whatsoever befals us, we must say with good old Eli, It is the LORD, let Him do what seemeth him good; or with one that was infinitely greater than Eli, Father, not my Will, but thine be done.—O JESU, thine was an innocent Will, and yet tho renouncedst it: Teach us, even us also, O our Saviour! to submit our Wills to thine, in all the Evils which shall be brought upon us; and in every Thing enable us to give Thanks, since it is thy blessed Will concerning us!

Thirdly and lastly, we must deny ourselves, as in our Understandings and Wills, so likewise in our Affections. More particularly we must deny ourselves the pleasurable Indulgence and Self-Enjoyment of Riches: If any Man will come after me, says our blessed LORD, he must forsake all and follow me. And again (to shew the utter Inconsistency of the Love of the Things of this World with the Love of the Father) he tells us, that unless a Man forsake all that he hath, he cannot be my Disciple.

[Page 81] Far be it from me to think that these Texts are to be taken in a literal Sense, as though they obliged rich Persons to go sell all that they have and give to the Poor, (for that would put it out of their Power to be serviceable to the Poor for the future) but however they certainly imply thus much, That we are to sit loose to, sell and forsake all in Affection, and be willing to part with every Thing, when GOD shall require it at our Hands: That is, as the Apostle observes, we must use the World as though we used it not; and tho' we are in the World, we must not be of it. We must look upon ourselves as Stewards and not Proprietors of the manifold Gifts of GOD; provide first what is necessary for ourselves and for our Housholds, and expend the rest, not in Indulgences and superfluous Ornaments, forbidden by the Apostle, but in cloathing, feed­ing, and relieving the naked, hungry, distressed Disciples of JESUS CHRIST. This is what our Blessed LORD would have us understand by forsaking all, and in this Sense must each of us deny himself.

I am sensible that this will seem an hard Saying to many, who will be offended because they are covetous, and Lovers of Pleasure more than Lovers of God: But if I yet pleased such Men, I should not be the Servant of CHRIST. No, we must not, like Ahab's false Prophets, have a lying Spirit in our Mouths, nor fail to declare (with St. Paul) the whole Will of God; and like honest Micajah, out of Pity and Compassion, tell Men the Truth, tho' they may falsely think we prophecy not Good, but [...] concerning them.

[Page 82] But to proceed: As we must renounce our Affection for Riches, so likewise our Affections for our Relations when they stand in Opposition to our Love of, and Duty to GOD: For thus saith the Saviour of the World: If any Man will come after me, and hateth not his Father and Mother, his Children, and Brethren, and Sisters, yea and his own Life also, he cannot be a Disciple.—Strange Doctrine this! What, hate our own Flesh! What hate the Father that begat us, the Mother that bare us! How can these Things be? Can GOD contradict himself? Has he not bid us honour our Father and Mother? And yet we are here commanded to hate them. How must these Truths be reconciled? Why, by interpreting the Word hate, not in a rigorous and absolute Sense, but comparatively: Not as implying a total Alienation, but a less degree of Affection. For thus our blessed Saviour himself (the best and surest Expositor of his own Meaning) explains it in a parallel Text, Matth. x. 37. He that loveth Father or Mother more than me, is not worthy of me: He that loveth Son or Daughter more than me is not worthy of me. So that when the Persuasions of such our Friends (as for our Trial they may be permitted to be) are contrary to the Will of GOD, we must say with Levi, we have not known them; or, agreeably to our blessed LORD'S Rebuke to Peter, Get you behind me, my Adver­saries; for you sav [...]ur not the Things that be of GOD, but the Things that be of Man.

To conclude this Head: We must deny ourselves in Things indifferent: For it might easily be shewn [Page 83] that as many, if not more, perish by an immode­rate Use of Things in themselves indifferent as by any gross Sin whatever. A prudent Christian therefore will consider not only what is lawful but what is expedient also: Not so much what degrees of Self-denial best suit his Inclinations here, as what will most effectually break his Will, and fit him for greater degrees of Glory hereafter.

But is this the Doctrine of Christianity? and is not the Christian World then asleep? If not, whence the Self-indulgence, whence the reign­ing Love of Riches which we every where meet with? Above all, whence that predominant Greediness of sensual Pleasure, that has so over-run this sinful Nation, that was a pious Stranger to come amongst us, he would be tempted to think some Heathen Venus was worshipped here; and that Temples were dedicated to her Service. But we have the Authority of an inspired Apo­stle to affirm, that they who live in such a Round of Pleasure, are dead while they live: Where­fore, as the Holy Ghost saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and CHRIST shall give thee Light. But the power of raising the spiritual Dead belongeth only unto GOD.—Do Thou therefore, O Holy JESUS, who by thy almighty Word commandedst Lazarus to come forth, tho' he had lain in the Grave so many Days, speak also as effectually to these spiritually dead Souls, whom Satan for these many Years has so fast bound by sensual Pleasures, that they are not so much as able to lift up their Eyes or Hearts to Heaven.

[Page 84] II. But I pass on to the Second general Thing proposed, viz. To consider the universal Obligation, and Reasonableness of this Doctrine of Self-Denial.

When our Blessed Master had been discoursing publickly concerning the Watchfulness of the faithful and wise Steward, his Disciples asked him, Speakest thou this Parable to all, or only to us? The same Question I am aware has been, and will be put concerning the foregoing Doctrine: For too many, unwilling to take CHRIST'S easy Yoke upon them, in order to evade the Force of the Gospel Precepts, would pretend that all those Commands concerning Self-Denial, renouncing ourselves and the World, belonged only to our LORD's first and immediate Followers, and not to [...]s or to our Children. But such Persons greatly err, not knowing the Scriptures, nor the Power of Godliness in their Hearts. For the Doctrine of JESUS CHRIST, like his blessed Self, is the same Yesterday, To Day, and for ever. What he said unto one, he said unto all, even unto the Ends of the World; If any Man will come after me, let him deny himself: And in the Text it is particular­ly mentioned that He said unto them all. And le [...]t we should still absurdly imagine that this Word all was to be confined to his Apostles, with whom he was then discoursing, it is said in ano­ther Place, that JESUS turned unto the Multitude and said, If any Man will come after me, and hateth not his Father and Mother, yea and his own Life also, he cannot be my Disciple. ‘When our blessed LORD had spoken a certain Parable, it is [Page 85] said, the Scribes and Pharisees were offended, for they knew the Parable was spoken against them: And if Christians can now read these plain and positive Texts of Scriptures, and at the same Time not think they are spoken of them, they are more hardened than Jews, and more insincere than Pharisees. *

In the former part of this Discourse I observed that the Precepts concerning forsaking and selling all did not oblige us in a literal Sense, because the State of the Church does not demand it of us, as it did of the Primitive Christians; but still the same Deadness to the World, the same abstemious Use of, and Readiness to part with our Goods for CHRIST'S sake, is as absolutely necessary for, and as obligatory on us, as it was on them. For though the Church may differ as to the outward State of it, in different Ages, yet as to the Purity of its inward State, it was, is, and always will be invariably the same. And all the Commands which we meet with in the Epistles, about mortifying our Members which are upon the Earth, of setting our Affections on Things above, and of [...] being conformed to this World; are but so many incontestible Proofs that the same Holiness, Heavenly-mindedness, and Deadness to the World, is as necessary for [...] as for our LORD's immediate Followers.

But farther, as such an Objection argues an Ignorance of the Scriptures, so it is a manifest Proof that such as make it are Strangers to the Power of Godliness in their Hearts. For since [Page 86] the Sum and Substance of Religion consists in our Recovery from our fallen Estate in Adam, by a New Birth in CHRIST JESUS, there is an absolute Necessity for us to embrace and practise the Self-denial before recommended. Because we have not only a new House to build, but an old one first to pull down; we must necessarily therefore be dead to the World, before we can live unto God. In short, all Things belonging to the Old Man must die in us, before the Things belonging to the Spirit can live and grow in us.

When JESUS CHRIST was about to make his publick Appearance, and to preach the glad Tidings of Salvation to a benighted World, his Harbinger John Baptist was sent to prepare his Way before him. In like Manner, when this same JESUS is about to take Possession of a converted Sinner's Heart, Self-denial, like John the Baptist, must prepare the Way before him: For we must mourn before we are capable of being comforted; we must undergo the Spirit of Bondage, in order to be made meet to receive the Spirit of Adoption.

Were we indeed in a State of Innocence, and had we, like Adam before his Fall, the Divine Image fully stamped upon our Souls, we then should have no need of Self-denial; but since we are fallen, sickly, disordered Creatures, and this Self-suffering, this Self-renunciation, is the indis­pensable Means of recovering our primitive Glory; methinks, in that Case, to endeavour to shake off and reject such a salutary Practice, on account of the Difficulty attending it at first, is but too like [Page 87] the Obstinacy of a perverse sick Child, who nauseates and refuses the Potion reached out to it by a skilful Physician or tender Parent, because it is a little ungrateful to the Taste.

Had any of us seen Lazarus when he lay full of Sores at the Rich Man's Gate; or Job when he was smitten with Ulcers, from the Crown of his Head to the Sole of his Foot: And had we at the same Time prescribed to them some heal­ing Medicines, which, because they would put them to Pain, they would not apply to their Wounds, should we not most justly think, that they were either fond of a distempered Body, or were not sensible of their Distempers? But our Souls, by Nature, are in an infinitely more deplorable Condition than the Bodies of Job or Lazarus, when full of Ulcers and Boils: For, alas! our whole Head is sick, and our whole Heart faint, from the Crown of the Head to the Sole of the Foot, we are full of Wounds and Bruises and putrifying Sores, and there is no Health in us. And JESUS CHRIST, like a good Physician, in the Gospel-Doctrine of Self-denial, presents [...] with a spiritual Medicine to heal our Sickness: But if we will neither receive nor apply it, it is a Sign we are not sensible of the Wretchedness of our State, or else that we are unwilling to be made whole.

Even Naaman's Servants could say, when he refused, pursuant to Elisha's Orders, to wash in the River Jordan, that he might cure his Leprosy, Father, if the Prophet had bid thee do some great Thing, wouldst thou not have done it? [Page 88] How much rather then, when he saith to thee, Wash and be clean? And may not I very pro­perly address myself to you in the same Manner, my Brethren?—If JESUS CHRIST, our great Prophet, had bid you to do some great and very difficult Thing, would you not have done it? Much more then should you do it, when he only bids you deny yourselves what would certainly hurt you if enjoyed, and behold, you shall be made perfectly whole.

But to illustrate this by another Comparison: In the 12th Chapter of the Acts, we read, that St. Peter was kept in Prison, and was sleeping between two Soldiers, bound with two Chains: And behold an Angel of the LORD came upon him, and smote Peter on the Side, saying, Arise up quickly: And his Chains fell off from his Hands. But had this great Apostle, instead of rising up quickly, and doing as the blessed Angel com­manded him, hugged his Chains and begged that they might not be let fall from his Hands, would not any one think that he was in love with Slavery, and deserved to be executed next Morning? And does not the Person who refuses to deny himself, act as inconsistently as this Apostle would have done if he had neglected the Means of his Deliverance? For our Souls, by Nature, are in a spiritual Dungeon, sleeping and fast bound between the World, the Flesh, and the Devil, not with Two but Ten Thousand Chains of Lusts and Corruptions. Now JESUS CHRIST, like St. Peter's good Angel, by his Gos­pel comes and opens the Prison Door, prescribes [Page 89] Self-denial, Mortification, and Renunciation of ourselves and the World, as so many spiritual Keys which will unlock our Shackles, make them fall off from our Hearts, and so restore us to the glorious Liberty of the Sons of GOD. But if we will not arise quickly, gird up the Loins of our Mind, and deny ourselves, as he has commanded, Are we not in Love with Bondage, and deserve never to be delivered from it?

Indeed I will not affirm that this Doctrine of Self-Denial appears in this just Light to every one. No, I am sensible that to the Natural Man it is Foolishness, and to the young Convert an hard Saying. But what says our Saviour? If any Man will do my Will, he shall know of the Doctrine, whether it be of GOD, or whether I speak of myself. This, my dear Friends, is the best, the only Way of Conviction: Let us up and be doing; let us arise quickly, and deny ourselves, and the Lord JESUS will remove those Scales from the Eyes of our Minds, which now, like so many Veils, hinder us from seeing clearly the Reasonableness, Necessity, and inex­pressible Advantage of the Doctrine that has been now delivered. Let us but once thu [...] [...] ourselves Men, and then the Spirit of GOD [...] move on the Face of our Souls, as he did [...] upon the Face of the great Deep; and cause [...] to [...]erge out of that confused Chaos, in w [...] they are most certainly now involved, if we [...] Strangers and Enemies to Self-Denial and Cros [...] of CHRIST.

[Page 90] But notwithstanding this Doctrine of Self-denial is, when rightly understood, so reasonable and beneficial; yet many, it is to be feared, like the young Man in the Gospel, are ready to go away sorrowful.

III. Proceed we therefore now to the Third and last general Thing proposed, viz. To offer some Considerations, which may serve as so many Motives to reconcile us to, and quicken us in the Practice of this Duty of Self-Denial.

1. And the first Means I shall recommend to you, in order to reconcile you to this Doctrine is, to meditate frequently on the Life of our blessed Lord and Master JESUS CHRIST. Oh! may we often think on Him our grand Exemplar! Follow him from his Cradle to the Cross, and see what a self-denying Life He led! And shall not we drink of the Cup that he drank of, and be baptized with the Baptism that He was baptized with? Or think we that JESUS CHRIST did and suffered every Thing in order to have us excused, and exempted from Sufferings? No, far be it from any sincere Christian to judge after this Manner: For St. Peter tells us, He suffered for us, leaving us an Example that we should follow his Steps. Had CHRIST, indeed, like those that sat in Moses' s Chair, laid heavy Burthens of Self-Denial upon us, (supposing they were heavy, which they are not) and refused to touch them himself with one of his Fingers; we might have had some Pretence to complain: But since he has enjoined us nothing but what he has first [Page 91] put in Practice himself, Thou art inexcuseable, O Disciple, whoever thou art, who wouldst be above thy persecuted self-denying Master: And thou art no good and faithful Servant, who art unwilling to suffer and sympathize with thy mortified, heavenly-minded LORD.

2. Next to the Pattern of our blessed Master, think often on the Lives of the glorious Company of the Apostles, the goodly Fellowship of the Prophets, and the noble Army of Martyrs; who by a constant looking to the Author and Finisher of our Faith, have fought the good Fight, and are gone before us to inherit the Promises. View again and again, how holily, how self-denyingly, how unblameably they lived: And if Self-denial was necessary for them, why not for us also? Are we not Men of like Passions with them? Do we not live in the same wicked World as they did? Have we not the same good Spirit to assist, support, and purify us, as they had? And is not the same eternal Inheritance reached out, as a Reward of our Self-denial and the Renunci­ation of the World, as was offered to them? And if we have the same Nature to change, the same wicked World to withstand, the same good Spirit to help, and the same Eternal Crown to reward our Obedience; why should not we lead the same Lives as they did? Do we think they did Works of Supererogation? If not, why don't we do as they did? Or why does the Church set a part Festivals to commemorate the Deaths and Sufferings of the Saints, but in order to excite us to follow them as they did CHRIST.

[Page 92] 3. Thirdly, Think often on the Pains of Hell [...] Consider, whether it is not better to cut off a Right Hand or Foot, and pull out a Right Eye, if they offend us (or cause us to sin) rather than to be cast into Hell, into the Fire that never shall be quenched; where the Worm dieth not, and the Fire is not quenched. Think how many Thousands there are now reserved with damned Spirits in Chains of Darkness unto the Judgment of the great Day, for not complying with the Precept in the Text. And think withal that this, this must be our own Case shortly, unless we are wise in Time, and submit to those easy Conditions our Saviour has prescribed us, in order to avoid it. Think you they now imagine JESUS CHRIST to be an hard Master; or rather think you not they would give ten thousand times ten thousand Worlds, could they but return to Life again, and take CHRIST'S easy Yoke upon them? and can we dwell with everlasting Burnings more than they? No, if we cannot bear this Precept, Come, deny yourselves, take up your Crosses; how shall we bear this irre­vocable Sentence, Depart from me, ye Cursed, into everlasting Fire, prepared for the Devil and his Angels? But I hope those, amongst whom I am now preaching the Kingdom of GOD, are not so disingenuous as to need to be driven to their Duty by the Terrors of the LORD, but rather desire to be drawn by the Cords of Love.

Lastly therefore, and to conclude, often meditate on the Joys of Heaven: Think, think with what unspeakable Glory those happy Souls are now incircled, who when on Earth were called to deny [Page 93] themselves as well as [...] and were not disobedient to that Call: Lift up your Hearts frequently to­wards the Mansions of eternal Bliss, and with an Eye of Faith, like the great St. Stephen see the Heavens opened, and the Son of Man with his glorious Retinue of departed Saints sitting and solacing themselves in eternal Joys, and with unspeakable Comfort looking back on the [...] past Sufferings and Self-denials, as so many glorious Means which exalted them to such a Crown. Hark! methinks I hear them chantin [...] forth their everlasting Hallelujahs, and spending an eternal Day in ecchoing forth triumphant Songs of Joy. And do you not long, my Brethren, to join this heavenly Choir? Do not your Hearts burn within you? As the Har [...] panteth after the Water Brooks, do not your Souls so long after the blessed Company of these Sons of GOD? Behold then a heavenly Ladder reached down to you, by which you may climb to this Holy Hill. [...] If any Man will come after them, let him deny himself and follow them. It was this, my Brethren, exalted the Holy JESUS himself, as Man, to sit at the Right Hand of his adorable Father. By this alone every Saint that ever lived ascended into the Joy of their LORD: And by this we, even we also may be lifted up into the same most blissful Regions, there to enjoy an eternal [...]est with the People of GOD, and join with them in singing Doxologies and Songs of Praise, to the Everlasting, Blessed, All-glorious, most Adorable Trinity, for ever and ever.

Which GOD of his infinite Mercy grant, &c.

[Page 94]

The Necessity and Benefits of RELIGIOUS SOCIETY.

ECCLES. iv. 9, 10, 11, 12.
Two are better than One, because they have a good Reward for their Labour.
For if they fall, the One will lift up his Fellow: But woe be to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up.
Again, if Two lie together, then they have Heat; but how can One be warm alone?
And if One prevail against him, Two shall withstand him; and a Threefold Cord is not quickly broken.

AMONG the many Reasons assignable for the sad Decay of True Christianity, perhaps the neglecting to assemble ourselves together, in Religious Societies, may not be one of the least. That I may therefore do my Endeavour towards promoting so excellent a Means of Piety, I have selected a Passage of Scripture drawn from the Experience of the wisest of Men, which [Page 95] being a little enlarged on and illustrated, will fully answer my present Design; that being to shew, in the best Manner I can, the Necessity and Benefits of Society in general, and of Religious Society in particular.

Two are better than One, &c.

From which Words I shall take Occasion to prove,

  • First, The Truth of the Wise Man's Asser­tion, viz. Two are better than One, and that in Reference to Society in general, and Religious Society in particular.
  • Secondly, To assign some Reasons why Two are better than One, especially as to the last Particular. 1. Because Men can raise up one another when they chance to slip: For if they fall, the One will lift up his Fellow. 2. Because they can impart Heat to each other: Again, if Two lie together, then they have Heat; but how can One be warm alone? 3. Because they can secure each other from those that do oppose them: And if One prevail against him, Two shall with­stand him; and a Threefold Cord is not quickly b [...]ken. From hence,
  • Thirdly, I shall take Occasion to shew the Duty incumbent on every Member of a Religious Society.
  • Fourthly and lastly, I shall draw [...] Inference or two from what shall have been said; and then conclude with a Word or two of Exhortation from the whole.

[Page 96] First then, I am to prove the Truth of the Wise Man's Assertion, viz. that Two are better than One, and that in Reference to Society in general, and Religious Societies in particular.

And how can this be done better than by shewing that it is absolutely necessary for the Welfare both of the Bodies and Souls of Men? Indeed, if we look upon Man as he came out of the Hands of his Maker, we imagine him to be perfect, entire, lacking nothing. But GOD, whose Thoughts are not as our Thoughts, saw something still wanting to make Adam happy. And what was that? Why, an Help meet for him. For thus speaketh the Scripture: And the LORD GOD said, It is not good that the Man should be alone, I will make an Help meet for him.

Observe, GOD said, It is not good, thereby implying that the Creation would have been imperfect, in some sort, unless an Help was found out meet for Adam. And if this was the Case of Man before the Fall; if an Help was meet for him in a State of Perfection, surely since the Fall, when we come naked and helpless out of our Mother's Womb, when our Wants increase with our Years, and we can scarcely subsist a Day without the mutual Assistance of each other, well may we say, It is not good for Man to be alone.

Society then, we see, is absolutely necessary in respect to our bodily and personal Wants. If we carry our View farther, and consider Man­kind as divided into different Cities, Countries, [Page] [Page 97] and Nations, the Necessity of it will appear yet more evident. For how can Communities be kept up, or Commerce carried on, without Society? Certainly not at all, since Providence seems wisely to have assigned a particular Pro­duct to almost each particular Country, on Pur­pose, as it were, to oblige us to be social; and hath so admirably mingled the Parts of the whole Body of Mankind together, that the Eye cannot say to the Hand, I have no Need of Thee; nor again, the Hand to the Foot, I have no Need of Thee.

Many other Instances might be given of the Necessity of Society, in Reference to our bodily, personal, and national Wants. But what are all these when weighed in the Ballance of the Sanctuary, in Comparison of the infinite greater Need of it, with respect to the Soul? It was chiefly in regard to this better Part, no doubt, that GOD said, It is not good for the Man to be alone. For, let us suppose Adam to be as happy as may be, placed as the Lord of the Creation in the Paradise of GOD, and spending all his Hours in adoring and praising the blessed Author of his Being; yet as his Soul was the very Copy of the Divine Nature, whose peculiar Property it is to be communicative, without the Divine All-Sufficiency, he could not be compleatly happy, because he was alone and incommunicative, nor even Content in Paradise for want of a Partner in his Joys. GOD knew this, and therefore said, It is not good that the Man should be alone, I will make a Help meet for him. And though this [Page 98] proved a fatal Means of his falling; yet that was not owing to any natural Consequence of Society; but partly to that cursed Apostate, who craftily lies in wait to deceive; partly to Adam's own Folly, in rather chusing to be miserable with one he loved, than trust in GOD to raise him up another Spouse.

If we reflect indeed on that familiar Inter­course our first Parents could carry on with Heaven, in a State of Innocence, we shall be apt to think he had as little Need of Society, as to [...] Soul, as before we supposed him to have, in respect to his Body. But yet, as GOD and the Holy Angels were so far above him on the one Hand, and the Beasts so far beneath him on the other, there was nothing like having one to converse with, who was Bone of his Bone, and Flesh of his Flesh.

Man, then, could not be fully happy, we see even in Paradise, without a Companion of his own Species, much less now he is driven out. For, let us view him a little in his natural Estate now, since the Fall, as having his Understanding darkened, his Mind alienated from the Life of GOD; as no more able to see his Way wherein he should go, than a Blind Man to describe the Sun: That notwithstanding this, he must re­ceive his Sight e'er he can see GOD: And that if he never sees him, he never can be happy. Let us view him, I say, in this Light (or rather this Darkness) and deny the Necessity of Society if we can. A Divine Revelation we find is abso­lutely necessary, we being by Nature as unable [Page 99] to know, as we are to do our Duty. And how shall we learn except one teach us? But was GOD to do this himself, how should we, with Moses, exceedingly quake and fear? Nor would the Ministry of Angels in this Affair be without too much Terror. It is necessary, therefore (at least GOD's Dealing with us hath shewed it to be so) that we should be drawn with the Cords of a Man. And that a Divine Revelation being granted, we should use one another's Assistance, under GOD to instruct each other in the Know­ledge, and to exhort one another to the Practice of those Things which belong to our everlasting Peace. This is undoubtedly the great End of Society intended by GOD since the Fall, and a strong Argument it is, why Two are better than One, and why we should not forsake the assembling ourselves together.

But farther, let us consider ourselves as Chri­stians, as having this natural Veil, in some mea­sure, taken off from our Eyes by the Assistance of GOD's Holy Spirit, and so enabled to see what he requires of us. Let us suppose ourselves in some degree to have tasted the good Word of Life, and to have felt the Powers of the World to come, influencing and moulding our Souls into a religious Frame: To be fully and heartily con­vinced that we are Soldiers lilted under the Banner of CHRIST, and have proclaimed open War at our Baptism, against the World, the Flesh, and the Devil; and have, perhaps, frequently renewed our Obligations so to do, by partaking of the Lord's Supper: That we are surrounded with [Page 100] Millions of Foes without, and infested with a Legion of Enemies within: That we are com­manded to shine as Lights in the World, in the midst of a crooked and perverse Generation: That we are travelling to a long Eternity, and need all imaginable Helps to shew us, and encou­rage us in our Way thither. Let us, I say, reflect on all this, and then how shall each of us cry out, Brethren, what a necessary Thing it is to meet together in Religious Societies?

The Primitive Christians were fully sensible of this, and therefore we find them continually keeping up Communion with each other: For what says the Scripture? They continued stedfastly in the Doctrine and Fellowship, Acts ii. 42. Peter and John were no sooner dismissed by the Great Council, than they haste away to their Companions. And being set at Liberty, says the Text, they came to their own, and told them all these Things which the High Priest had said unto them, Acts iv. 23. Paul, as soon as converted, tarried three Days with the Disciples that were [...] Damascus, Acts ix. 19. And Peter after­wards, when released from Prison, immediately goes to the House of Mary, where there were great Multitudes assembled, praying, Acts xii. 12. And it is reported of Christians in After-Ages, that they used to assemble together before Day­light, to sing a Psalm to CHRIST as GOD. So precious was the Communion of Saints in those Days.

If it be asked, what Advantage we shall reap from such a Procedure now? I answer, much [Page 101] every Way. Two are better than One, because they have a good Reward for their Labour: For if they fall, the One will lift up his Fellow; but woe be to him that is alone when he falleth, for he hath not another to help him up. Again, if Two lye together, then they have Heat; but how can One be warm alone? And if One prevail against him, Two shall withstand him; and a Three-fold Cord is not quickly broken.

Which directly leads me to my Second general Head, under which I was to assign some Reasons why Two are better than One, especially in Religious Society.

1. As Man in his present Condition cannot always stand upright, but by Reason of the Frailty of his Nature cannot but fall; one eminent Reason why Two are better than One, or, in other Words, one great Advantage of Religious Society is, That when they fall, the One will lift up his Fellow.

And an excellent Reason this, indeed! For alas! When we reflect how prone we are to be drawn into Error in our Judgments, and into Vice in our Practice; and how unable [...] how very unwilling, to espy or correct our own Miscarriages; when we consider how apt the World is to flatter us in our Faults, and how few there are so kind as to tell us the Truth; what an inestimable Privilege must it be to have a Set of true, judicious, hearty Friends about us, continually watching over our Souls, to inform us where we have fallen, and warn us that we fall not again for the future. Surely it is such a [Page 102] Privilege that (to use the Words of an eminent Christian) we shall never know the Value of, till we come to Glory.

But this is not all; for supposing that we could always stand upright, yet whosoever reflects on the Difficulties of Religion in general, and his own Propensity to Lukewarmness and Indiffe­rence in particular, will find that he must be zealous as well as steady, if ever he expects to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Here, then, the Wise Man points out to us another excellent Reason why Two are better than One. Again, says he, If Two lie together, then they have Heat; but how can One be warm alone?

Which was the next Thing to be considered under the Second general Head, viz. to assign a second Reason why Two are better than One, because they can impart Heat to each other.

It is an Observation no less true than common, That kindled Coals, if placed asunder, soon go out, but if heaped together, quicken and enliven each other, and afford a lasting Heat. The same will hold good in the Case now before us. If Christians kindled by the Grace of GOD unite, they will quicken and enliven each other; but if they separate and keep asunder, no marvel if they soon grow cool or tepid. If Two or Three meet together in CHRIST'S Name, they will have Heat; but how can One be warm alone?

Observe; How can One be warm alone? The Wise Man's expressing himself by way of Question, implies an Impossibility, at least a very great Difficulty, to be warm in Religion without [Page 103] Company, where it may be had. Behold here, then, another excellent Benefit flowing from Religious Society; it will keep us zealous, as well as steady, in the Ways of Godliness.

But to illustrate this a little farther by a Comparison or two. Let us look upon ourselves (as was above hinted) as Soldiers lifted under CHRIST'S Banner; as going out with ten thousand to meet One that cometh against us with twenty thousand: as Persons that are to wrestle not only with Flesh and Blood, but against Principalities, against Powers, and spiritual Wickednesses in high Places. And then tell me, all ye that fear GOD, if it be not an invaluable Privilege to have a Company of Fellow Soldiers continually about us, animating and exhorting each other to stand our ground, to keep our Ranks, and manfully to follow the Captain of our Salvation, though it be through a Sea of Blood?

Lastly, Let us consider ourselves in another View before mentioned, viz. as Persons travel­ling to a long Eternity; as rescued by the free Grace of GOD, in some Measure, from our natural Egyptian Bondage, and marching under the Conduct of our spiritual Joshua, through the Wilderness of this World, to the Land of our Heavenly Canaan. Let us farther reflect how apt we are to startle at every Difficulty; to cry; There are Lions! There are Lions in the Way▪ There are the Sons of Anak to be grappled with, e'er we can possess the Promised Land: How prone we are, with Lot's Wife, to look wish­fully back on our spiritual Sodom, or with the [Page 104] foolish Israelites, to long again for the Flesh-Pots of Egypt, and to return to our former natural State of Bondage and Slavery. Consider this, my Brethren, and see what a blessed Privilege it will be to have a Set of Israelites indeed about us, always reminding us of the Folly of any such cowardly Design, and of the intolerable Misery we shall run into, if we fall in the least short of the Promised Land.

More might be said on this Particular, did not the Limits of a Discourse of this Nature, oblige me to hasten,

3. To give a Third Reason, mentioned by the Wise Man in the Text, why Two are better than One; namely, because they can secure each other from Enemies without. And if One prevail against him, yet Two shall withstand him; and a Threefold Cord is not quickly broken.

Hitherto we have considered the Advantages of Religious Societies, as a great Preservative against falling (at least dangerously falling) into Sin and Lukewarmness, and that too from our own Corruptions. But what says the Wise Son of Sirach? My Son, when thou goest to serve the Lord, prepare thy Soul for Temptation: And that not only from inward, but outward Foes; particularly from those two grand Adversaries, the World and the Devil: For no sooner will thine Eye be bent Heavenward, but the former will be immediately diverting it another Way, telling thee thou needest not be singular in order to be religious; that one may be a Christian with­out going so much out of the Common Road.

[Page 105] Nor will the Devil be wanting in his artful Insinuations, or impious Suggestions, to divert or terrify thee from pressing forwards, that thou mayst lay hold on the Crown of Life: And if he cannot prevail this Way, he will try another; and, in order to make his Temptation the more undiscerned, but withal more successful, he will employ, perhaps, some of thy nearest Relatives, or most powerful Friends (as he set Peter on our blessed Master) who will always be bidding thee spare thyself; telling thee thou needest not take so much Pains; that it is not so difficult a Matter to get to Heaven as some People would make of it, nor the Way so narrow as others imagine it to be [...].

But see here the Advantage of Religious Company; for supposing thou findest thyself thus surrounded on every Side, and unable to withstand such horrid (though seemingly friendly) Counsels, haste away to thy Companions, and they will teach thee a truer and better Lesson; they will tell thee, that thou must be singular if thou wilt be religious; and that it is as impossible for a Christian, as for a City set upon a Hill, to be hid: That if thou wilt be an almost Christian (and as good be none at all) thou mayst live in the same idle indifferent Manner as thou seest most other People do: But if thou wilt be not only almost, but altogether a Christian, they will inform thee thou must go a great deal farther: That thou must not only faintly seek, but earnestly strive to enter in at the strait Gate: That there is but One Way now to Heaven as formerly, viz. [Page 106] through the narrow Passage of a sound Conver­sion: And that in order to bring about this mighty Work, thou must undergo a constant, but necessary Discipline of Fasting, Watching, and Prayer. And that therefore, the only Rea­son why these Friends give thee such Advice, is, because they are not willing to take so much Pains themselves; or, as our Saviour told Peter on a like Occasion, because they savour not the Things that be of GOD, but the Things that be of Men.

This then, is another excellent Blessing arising from Religious Society, that Friends can hereby secure each other from those that oppose them. The Devil is fully sensible of this, and therefore he has always done his utmost to suppress, and put a Stop to the Communion of Saints. This was his grand Artifice at the first planting of the Gospel; to persecute the Professors of it, in order to separate them. Which, though GOD, as he always will, over-ruled for the better; yet it shews what an Enmity he has against Christians assembling themselves together. Nor has he yet left off his old Stratagem; it being his usual Way to entice us by ourselves, in order to tempt us; where, by being destitute of one another's Helps, he hopes to lead us captive at his Will.

But, on the contrary, knowing his own In­terest is strengthened by Society, he would first persuade us to neglect the Communion of Saints, and then bid us stand in the Way of Sinners, hoping thereby to put us into the Seat of the [Page 107] Scornful. Judas and Peter are melancholly Instances of this. The former had no sooner left his Company at Supper, but he went out and betrayed his Master: And the dismal Downfal of the latter, when he would venture himself amongst a Company of Enemies, plainly shews us what the Devil will endeavour to do, when he gets us by ourselves. Had Peter kept his own Company, he might have kept his Integrity; but a single Cord, alas, how quickly was it bro­ken? Our blessed Saviour knew this full well, and therefore it is very observable, that he always sent out his Disciples Two by Two.

And now, after so many Advantages to be reaped from Religious Society, may we not very justly cry out with the Wise Man in my Text, Woe be to him that is alone; for when he falleth, he hath not another to lift him up: When he is cold, he hath not a Friend to warm him; when he is assaulted, he hath not a Second to help him to withstand his Enemy.

III. I now come to my Third general Head, under which was to be shewn the several Duties incumbent on every Member of a Religious Society, as such, which are three. 1. Mutual Reproof: 2. Mutual Exhorta­tion: 3. Mutual assisting and defending each other.

1. Mutual Reproof. Two are better than One: for when they fall, the One will lift up his Fellow.

Now, Reproof may be taken either in a more extensive Sense, and then it signifies our raising [Page 108] a Brother by the gentlest Means, when he falls into Sin and Error; or in a more restrained Signification, as reaching no farther than those little Miscarriages, which unavoidably happen in the most holy Men living.

The Wise Man in the Text, supposes all of us subject to both: For when they fall (says he, thereby implying that each of us may fall) the One will lift up his Fellow. From whence we may infer, that when any Brother is overtaken with a Fault, he that is spiritual (that is, regene­rate, and knows the Corruption and Weakness of Human Nature) ought to restore such a one in the Spirit of Meckness. And why he should do so, the Apostle subjoins a Reason considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted; i. e. considering thy own Frailty, lest thou also fall by the like Temptation.

We are all frail unstable Creatures; and it is merely owing to the Free Grace and good Provi­dence of GOD, that we run not into the same Excess of Riot with other Men. Every offend­ing Brother, therefore, claims our Pity rather than our Resentment; and each Member should strive who should be most forward, as well as most gentle, in restoring him to his former State.

But supposing a Person not to be overtaken, but to fall wilfully into a Crime; yet who art thou that deniest Forgiveness to thy offending Brother? Let him that standeth take heed lest be fall. Take ye, Brethren, the holy Apostles as eminent Examples for you to learn by, how you [Page 109] ought to behave in this Matter. Consider how quickly they joined the Right Hand of Fellow­ship with Peter, who had so wilfully denied his Master: For we find John and him together but two Days after, John xx. 2. And ver. 19, we find him assembled with the rest. So soon did they forgive, so soon associate with their sinful, yet relenting Brother— Let us go and do likewise.

But there is another kind of Reproof incum­bent on every Member of a Religious Society; namely, a gentle Rebuke for some Miscarriage or other, which, though not actually sinful, yet may become the Occasion of Sin. This indeed seems a more easy, but perhaps will be found a more difficult Point than the former: For when a Person has really sinned, he cannot but own his Brethrens Reproof to be just; whereas, when it was only for some little Misconduct, the Pride that is in our Natures, will scarce suffer us to brook it. But however ungrateful this Pill may be to our Brother, yet if we have any Con­cern for his Welfare, it must be administred by some friendly Hand or other. By all Means then let it be applied; only, like a skilful Physician, gild over the ungrateful Medicine, and endeavour if possible, to deceive thy Brother into Health and Soundness. Let all Bitterness, and Wrath, and Malice, and Evil-speaking, be put away from it. Let the Patient know his Recovery is the only Thing aimed at, that thou delightest not causelesly to grieve thy Brother; and then thou canst not want Success.

[Page 110] 2. Mutual Exhortation is the second Duty resulting from the Words of the Text.— Again, if Two lye together, then they have Heat.

Observe here again, the Wise Man supposes it as impossible for Religious Persons to meet together, and not to be the Warmer for each other's Company, as for two Persons to lie in the same Bed, and yet freeze with Cold. But now, how is it possible to communicate Heat to each other, without mutually stirring up the Gift of GOD which is in us, by [...] Exhortation? Let every Member then of a Religious Society write that zealous Apostle's Advice on the Tables of his Heart; See that ye exhort, and provoke one another to Love, and to good Works; and so much the more as you see the Day of the LORD approaching. Believe me, Brethren, we have Need of Exhortation to rouze up our sleepy Souls, to set us upon our Watch against the Temptations of the World, the Flesh, and the Devil; to excite us to renounce ourselves, to take up our Crosses, and follow our Blessed Master, and the glorious Company of Saints and Martyrs, who through Faith have fought the good Fight, and are gone before us to inherit the Promises. A third Part, therefore, of the Time wherein a Religious Society meets, seems necessary to be spent in this important Duty: For what avails it to have our Understandings enlightened by pious Reading unless our Wills are at the same Time inclined, and inflamed by mutual Exhortation, to put it [Page 111] in Practice? Add to this; that this is the best Way both to receive and impart Light, and the only Means to preserve and increase that Warmth and Heat which each Person first brought with him; GOD so ordering this, as all other spiritual Gifts, that to him that hath, i. e. improves and communicates what he hath, shall be given; but from him that hath not, i. e. does not improve the Heat he hath, shall be taken away even that which he seemed to have. So needful, so essentially necessary, is Exhortation to the Good of Society.

3. Thirdly and lastly, The Text points out another Duty incumbent on every Member of a Religious Society, viz. To defend each other from those that do oppose them. And if One prevail against him, yet Two shall withstand him; and a Threefold Cord is not quickly broken.

Here the Wise Man takes it for granted, that Offences will come, nay, and that they may prevail too. And this is no more than our Blessed Master has long since told us. Not indeed, that there is any Thing in Christianity itself that has the least Tendency to give rise to, or promote such Offences: No, on the contrary, it breathes nothing but Unity and Love.

But so it is, that ever since the fatal Sentence pronounced by GOD, after our first Parents Fall, viz. I will put Enmity between thy Seed and her Seed; He that is born after the Flesh, that is, the unregenerate unconverted Sinner, has in all Ages persecuted him that is born after [Page 112] the Spirit: And so it always will be. Accor­dingly we find an early Proof given of this in the Instance of Cain and Abel; and of Ishmael and Isaac; of Jacob and Esau afterwards. And indeed, the whole Bible contains little else but an History of the great and continued Opposition between the Children of this World and the Children of GOD. The first Christians were remarkable Examples of this; and though those troublesome Times, blessed be GOD, are now over, yet the Apostle has laid it down as a general Rule, and all that are sincere can expe­rimentally prove the Truth of it. That they that will live godly in CHRIST JESUS, must (to the End of the World, in some Degree or other) suffer Persecution. That therefore this may not make us desert our Blessed Master's Cause, every Member should unite their Forces, in order to stand against it. And for the better effecting this, each would do well, from Time to Time, to communicate his Experiences, Grievances, and Temptations, and beg his Companions (first asking GOD's Assistance, without which all is nothing) to administer Reproof, Exhortation or Comfort, as his Case requires: So that if One cannot prevail against it, yet Two shall withstand it; and a Threefold (much less a many-fold) Cord will not be quickly broken.

IV. But it is Time for me to proceed to the Fourth general Thing proposed, viz. To draw an Inference or two from what has been said.

[Page 113] 1. And first then, if Two are better than One, and the Advantages of Religious Society are so many and so great, then it is the Duty of every true Christian to set on Foot, establish and pro­mote, as much as in him lies, Societies of this Nature. And I believe we may venture to affirm, that if ever a Spirit of true Christianity is revived in the World, it must be brought about by some such Means as this. Motives, surely, cannot be wanting, to stir us up to this commendable and necessary Undertaking: For granting all hitherto advanced to be of no Force, yet methinks the single Consideration that great Part of our Happiness in Heaven will consist in the Communion of Saints; or that the Interest as well as Piety of those Sectarists that differ from us, is strengthened and supported by nothing more than their frequent Meetings; either of these Considerations, I say, one would think, should induce us to do our utmost to copy after their good Example, and settle a lasting and pious Communion of the Saints on Earth. Add to this that we find the Kingdom of Darkness establish­ed daily by such like Means; and shall not the Kingdom of CHRIST be set in Opposition against it? Shall the Children of Belial assemble and strengthen each other in Wickedness; and shall not the Children of GOD unite, and strengthen themselves in Piety? Shall Societies on Societies be countenanced for Midnight Revellings, and the promoting of Vice, and scarcely one be found intended for the Propagation of Virtue?—Be astonished, O Heavens at this!

[Page 114] 2. But this leads me to a second Inference; namely, to warn Persons of the great Danger those are in, who either by their Subscriptions, Presence or Approbation, promote Societies of a quite opposite Nature to Religion.

And here I would not be understood to mean only those Publick Meetings which are designed manifestly for nothing else but Revellings and Banquetings, for Chambering and Wantonness, and at which a modest Heathen would blush to be present; but also those seemingly innocent Entertainments and Meetings which the politer Part of the World are so very fond of, and spend so much Time in: But which notwith­standing, keep as many Persons out of a Sense of True Religion, as Intemperance, Debauchery or any other Crime whatever. Indeed, whilst we are in this World, we must have proper Relaxations, to fit us both for the Business of our Profession, and Religion. But then, for Persons who call themselves Christians, that have solemnly vowed at their Baptism, to re­nounce the Vanities of this sinful World; that are commanded in Scripture to abstain from all Appearance of Evil, and to have their Conver­sation in Heaven. For such Persons as these to support Meetings, that (to say no worse of them) are vain and trifling, and have a natural Tendency to draw off our Minds from GOD, is absurd, ridiculous, and sinful. Surely Two are not better than One in this Case: No; it is to be wished there was not One to be found concerned in it. The sooner we forsake the assembling [Page 115] ourselves together in such a Manner, the better; and no matter how quickly the Cord that holds such Societies (was it a Thousand-fold) is broken.

But you, Brethren, have not so learned CHRIST: But, on the contrary, like true Disciples of your LORD and Master, have by the Blessing of GOD (as this Evening's Solemnity abundantly testifies) happily formed yourselves into such Societies, which, if duly attended on and improved, cannot but strengthen you in your Christian Warfare, and make you fruitful in every good Word and Work.

What remains for me to do, but, as was proposed, in the last Place, to close up what has been said, in a Word or two, by Way of Ex­hortation from the whole, and to beseech you, in the Name of our Lord JESUS CHRIST to go on in the Way you have begun; and by a constant conscientious Attendance on your re­spective Societies, to discountenance Vice, en­courage Virtue, and build each other up in the Knowledge and Fear of GOD.

Only permit me to stir up your pure Minds, by Way of Remembrance, and to exhort you, if there be any Consolation in CHRIST, any Fellowship of the Spirit, again and again to consider, that as all Christians in general, so all Members of Religious Societies in particular, are in an especial Manner, as Houses built upon an Hill; and that therefore it highly concerns you to walk circumspectly towards those that are without, and to take heed to yourselves, that [Page 116] your Conversation, in common Life, be as be­cometh such an open and peculiar Profession of the Gospel of CHRIST: Knowing that the Eyes of all Men are upon you, narrowly to inspect every Circumstance of your Behaviour; and that every notorious wilful Miscarriage of any single Member, will, in some Measure, re­dound to the Scandal and Dishonour of your whole Fraternity.

Labour, therefore, my beloved Brethren, to let your Practice correspond to your Profession: And think not that it will be sufficient for you to plead at the last Day, LORD have we not assembled ourselves together in thy Name, and enlivened each other, by singing Psalms, and Hymns, and Spiritual Songs? For verily, I say unto you, notwithstanding this, our blessed LORD will bi [...] you depart from him; nay, that you shall receive a greater Damnation, if, in the midst of these great Pretensions, you are found to be Workers of Iniquity.

But GOD forbid that any such Evil should befal you; that there should be ever a Judas, ever a Traitor amongst such distinguished Fol­lowers of our Common Master. No, on the contrary, the Excellency of your Rules, the Regularity of your Meetings, and more espe­cially your pious Zeal in assembling in such a publick and solemn Manner so frequently in the Year, persuade me to think, that you are willing, not barely to seem, but to be in Reality, Christians: and hope to be found at the Last Day, what you would be esteemed [Page 117] now, viz. holy, sincere Disciples of a Crucified Redeemer.

Oh, may you always continue thus minded! and make it your daily, constant Endeavour, both by Precept and Example, to turn all you converse with, more especially those of your own Societies, into the same most Blessed Spirit and Temper. Thus will you adorn the Gospel of our Lord JESUS CHRIST, in all Things: Thus will you anticipate the Hap­piness of a future State; and by attending on, and improving the Communion of Saints on Earth, make yourselves meet to join the Communion and Fellowship of the Spirits of just Men made perfect, of the Holy Angels, nay, of the Ever Blessed and Eternal GOD in Heaven.

Which GOD of his infinite Mercy grant through JESUS CHRIST our Lord; to whom with the FATHER, and the HOLY GHOST, Three Persons, and One Eternal GOD, be ascribed, as is most due, all Honour and Praise, Mig [...], Majesty and Dominion, now and for ever.

[Page 118]


I THESS. V. 25. Brethren, Pray for us.

IF we enquire, why there is so little Love to be found amongst Christians, why the very Characteristick, by which every one should know that we are Disciples of the Holy JESUS, is almost banished out of the Christian World,—We shall find it, in a great Measure, owing to a Neglect or superficial Performance of that most God-like Part of secret Prayer Intercession, or imploring the Divine Grace or Mercy in behalf of others.

Some forget this Duty of Praying for others, because they seldom remember to pray for them­selves: And even good People, who are constant in Praying to their Father which is in Heaven, are often so constrained and selfish in their Addresses to the Throne of Grace, that they do not enlarge their Petitions for the Welfare of their Fellow Christians as they ought; and thereby fall short of attaining that Christian [Page 119] Charity, that unfeigned Love of their Brethren, which their sacred Profession obliges them to aspire after, and without which, though they would bestow all their Goods to feed the Poor, and even give their Bodies to be burned, yet it would profit them nothing.

Since then these Things are so, I shall from the Words of the Text (tho' originally intended to be more confined) endeavour to shew,

  • I. First, That it is every Christian's Duty to Pray for Others, as well as for himself.
  • II. Secondly, Who are Those that we ought to pray for, and in what Manner we should do it. And,
  • III. Thirdly, I shall offer some Motives to ex [...]ite all Christians to abound in this great Duty of Intercession.

I. First then, I shall endeavour to shew, That it is every Christian's Duty to pray for Others, as well as for Himself.

Now Prayer is a Duty founded on Natural Religion; the very Heathens never neglected it, though many Christian Heathens amongst us do:—And it is so essential to Christianity, that you might as reasonably expect to find a living Man without Breath, as a true Christian without the Spirit of Prayer and Supplication.—Thus, no sooner was St. Paul converted, but behold he prayeth, faith the Lord Almighty. And thus will it be with every Child of GOD, as soon as he becomes such: Prayer being truly called, The natural Cry of the New-born Soul.

[Page 120] For in the Heart of every True Believ [...] there is a Heavenly Tendency, a Divine Attraction, which as sensibly draws him to converse with GOD, as the Load-stone attracts the Needle.

A deep Sense of their own Weakness, and of CHRIST'S Fulness; a strong Conviction of their Natural Corruption, and of the Necessity of renewing Grace; will not let them rest from crying Day and Night to their Almighty Redeem [...], that the Divine Image, which they lo [...] in Adam, may through his All-powerful Mediat [...] and the Sanctifying Operations of his blessed Spirit, be begun, carried on, aud fully perfected both in their Souls and Bodies.

Thus earnest, thus importunate, are all sincere Christians in praying for themselves: But then, not having so lively, lasting, and deep a Sense of the Wants of their Christian Brethren, they are for the most Part too remiss and defective in their Prayers for them—Whereas, was the Love of GOD shed abroad in our Hearts, and did we Love our Neighbour in that Manner in which the Son of GOD our Saviour loveth us, and according to his Command and Example, we could not but be as importunate for their Spiritual and Temporal Welfare, as for our own; and as earnestly desire and endeavour that others should share in the Benefits of the Death and Passion of JESUS CHRIST as we ourselves.

Let not any one think, that this is an uncom­mon Degree of Charity; an high Pitch of Per­fection, which every one cannot attain unto; [Page 121] since it is no such Thing:—For if we are all commanded to Love our Neighbour (that is every Man) even as ourselves, nay to Lay down our Lives for the Brethren; then, it is the Duty of all to pray for their Neighbours as much as for themselves, and by all possible Acts and Expres­sions of Love and Affection towards them, at all Times, to shew their Readiness even to lay down their Lives for them, if ever it should please GOD to call them to it.

Our Blessed Saviour as He hath set us an Example, that we should follow his Steps in every Thing else, so hath he more especially in This:—For in that most Divine, that most Perfect and inimitable Prayer (recorded in the 17th of St. John) which he put up just before his Passion, we find but few Petitions for his own, though many for his Disciples Welfare▪ And in that most perfect Form which he has been pleased to prescribe us, we are taught to say,—not My, but Our Father,—Thereby to put us in mind, that, whenever we approach the Throne of Grace, we ought to pray,—not in our own Name alone, but in the Name of all our Brethren in CHRIST.

Intercession then is certainly a Duty incumbent upon all Christians.

II. Whom we are to intercede for, and How this Duty is to be performed, comes next to be considered,—under my Second general Head.

1. And first, our Intercession must be universal. I will, says the Apostle, that Prayers, Supplications [Page 122] and Intercessions, be made for all Men: For as GOD's Mercy is over all his Works, as JESUS CHRIST died to Redeem a People out of all Nations and Languages; so, we should pray, that all Men may come to the Knowledge of the Truth, and be saved. Many precious Promises are made in Holy Writ, that the Gospel shall be published through the whole World, that the Earth shall be covered with the Knowledge of the LORD, as the Waters cover the Sea: And therefore it is our Duty not to confine our Petitions to our own Nation, but to pray that all those Nations, who now sit in Darkness and in the Shadow of Death, may have the glorious Gospel shine out upon Them, as well as upon Us. But you need not that any Man should teach you this, since ye yourselves are taught of GOD, even of JESUS CHRIST himself, to Pray, that his Kingdom may come; Part of the Meaning of which Petition is, That GOD's Ways may be known upon Earth, and his Saving Health among All Nations.

2. Next to the Praying for all Men, we should, according to St. Paul's Rule, Pray for Kings; particularly, for our present Sovereign King GEORGE, and all that are put [...] Authority under him: That we may lead quiet Lives, in all Godliness and Honesty,—For, if we consider how heavy the Burden of Government is, and how much the Welfare of any People depends on the Zeal and godly Conversation of those that have the Rule over them: If we set before us the many [Page 123] Dangers and Difficulties, to which Governors by their Station are exposed, and the continual Temptations they lie under to Luxury and Self-Indulgence; we shall not only pity, but pray for them,—That He who preserved Esther, David, and Josiah, unspotted from the World, amidst the Grandeur of a Court, and gave Success to their Designs, would also preserve them Holy and Unblameable, and prosper all the Works of their Hands upon them.

3. But, Thirdly, you ought, in a more especial Manner, to pray for those, whom the Holy Ghost hath made Overseers over You. This is what: St. Paul begs, again and again, of the Churches to whom he writes:— Brethren, says he in the Text, Pray for Us; and again, in his Epistle to the Ephesians,—Praying always, says he, with all Manner of Supplication; and for me also, that I may open my Mouth boldly, to declare the Mystery of the Gospel. And in another Place, to express his Earnestness in this Request, and the great Importance of their Prayers to Him,—He bids the Church Strive, (or, as the original Word signifies, Be in an Agony) together with Him in their Prayers. And surely, if the great St. Paul, that chosen Vessel, that Favourite of Heaven, needed the most importunate Prayers of his Christian Converts; much more do the ordinary Ministers of the Gospel stand in Need of the Intercession of their respective Flocks.

And I cannot but in a more especial Man­ner, insist upon this Branch of your Duty, [Page 124] because it is a Matter of such Importance: For no doubt, much Good is frequently with-held from many, by Reason of their neglecting to pray for their Ministers, which they would have received, had they prayed for them as they ought. Not to mention, that People often complain of the Want of diligent and faithful Pastors.—But how do they deserve Good Pastors, who will not earnestly pray to GOD for such?

The Church has set a-part Four Seasons in the Year for this Purpose, and to call down a Blessing on those who are to be ordained to any Holy Function: But by how very few are the Ember Days observed! And if we will not pray to the Lord of the Harvest, can it be expected, he will send forth Labourers into his Harvest?

Besides, What Ingratitude is it, not to pray for your Ministers! For shall they Watch and Labour in the Word of Doctrine for you, and for your Salvation, and shall not you pray for them in Return? If any bestow Favours on your Bodies, you think it right, meet, and your bounden Duty, to pray for Them; and shall not they be remembred in your Prayers, who daily feed and nourish your Souls? Add to all this, that praying for your Ministers, will be a manifest Proof of your believing,—That though Paul plant, and Apollos water, yet it is GOD alone who giveth the Increase. And you will also find it the best Means you can use, to promote your own Welfare: Because GOD, in Answer to your Prayers, may impart a double [Page 125] Portion of his Holy Spirit to them, whereby they will be qualified to deal out to you larger Measures of Knowledge in Spiritual Things, and be enabled more skilfully to divide the Word of Truth.

Would Men but constantly observe this Direction, and when their Ministers are praying in their Name to GOD,—humbly beseech him to perform all their Petitions: Or, when they are speaking in GOD's Name to them,—pray that the Holy Ghost may fall on all them that hear the Word; we should then find a more visible good Effect of their Doctrine, and a greater Mutual Love between Ministers and their People. For Ministers Hands would then be held up by the People's Intercessions, and the People will never dare to vilify or traduce those who are the con­stant Subject of their Prayers.

4. Next to our Ministers, our Friends claim a Place in our Intercessions; but then we should not content ourselves with Praying in general Terms for them, but suit our Prayers to their particular Circumstances. When Meriam was afflicted with a Leprosy from GOD, Moses cried and said, LORD heal her: And when the Nobleman came to apply to JESUS CHRIST, in behalf of his Child, he said, LORD, my little Daughter lieth at the Point of Death, I pray th [...] come, and heal her. In like Manner, when any of our Friends are under any afflicting Circumstances, we should endeavour to pray for them, with a particular Regard to those [...]. For Instance, Is a Friend sick [...] [Page 126] We should pray, That if it be GOD's good Pleasure, it may not be unto Death; but if otherwise, That he would give him Grace so to take his Visitation, that, after this painful Life ended, he may dwell with him in Life everlasting. Is a Friend in Doubt in a Matter? We should lay his Case before GOD, as Moses did that of the Daughters of Zelophehad, and pray, That GOD's Holy Spirit may lead him into all Truth. Is he in Want? We should pray, That his Faith may never fail, and that in GOD's due Time he may be relieved. And in all other Cases, we should not pray for our Friends only in Generals, but suit our Petitions to their particular Sufferings and Afflictions; for otherwise, we may never ask perhaps for the Things our Friends most want

It must be confessed, that such a Procedure will oblige us sometimes to break from the Forms we use; but if we accustom ourselves to it, and have a deep Sense of what we ask for, the most illiterate Christians will not want Words to ex­press themselves.

We have many noble Instances in Holy Scripture of the Success of this Kind of parti­cular Intercession; but none more remarkable than that of Abraham's Servant, in the Book of Genesis,—who being sent to seek a Wife for his Son Isaac, prays in a most particular Manner in his Behalf.—And the Sequel of the Story informs us how remarkably his Prayer was answered. And did Christians now pray for their Friends in the same particular Manner, and with the same [Page 127] Faith as Abraham's Servant did for his Master; they would, no doubt, in many Instances, receive as visible Answers, and have as much R [...]n to bless GOD for them [...] he had.

5. But farther, as we ought thus to intercede for our Friends, so in like Manner must we also Pray for our Enemies. Bless them that Curse you, says JESUS CHRIST, and pray for them that despitefully use you, and persecute you. Which Commands he enforced in the strongest Manner by his own Example, when in the very Agonies and Pangs of Death, he prayed even for his Murderers,—Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do!—This, it must needs be confessed, is a difficult Duty, yet not impracticable to those, who have renounced the Things of this present Life, (from an inordinate Love of which alone all Enmities arise) and who knowing the terrible Woes denounced against those who offend CHRIST's Little Ones, can, out of real Pity, and a Sense of their Danger, pray for those by whom such Offences come.

6. Lastly, and to conclude this Head,—We should Intercede for all that are any Ways af­flicted in Mind, Body, or Estate;—for all who desire, and stand in need of our Prayers,—and for all who do not pray for themselves.

And Oh! that all who hear me, would set apart some Time every Day for the due Perfor­mance of this most necessary Duty!—In Order to which,

I shall now proceed to the Third general Thing proposed; namely,

[Page 128] III. To shew the Advantages, and offer some Considerations to excite you to the Practice of Daily Intercession.

1. And First, it will fill your Hearts with Love one to another.—He that every Day inter­cedes at the Throne of Grace for all Mankind, cannot but in a short Time be filled with Love and Charity to all: and the frequent Exercise of his Love in this Manner, will insensibly enlarge his Heart, and make him Partaker of that ex­ceeding Abundance of it which is in CHRIST JESUS our LORD! Envy, Malice, Revenge, and such like hellish Tempers, can never long har­bour in a gracious Intercessor's Breast;—But He will be filled with Joy, Peace, Meekness, Long Suffering, and all other Gifts and Graces of the Holy Spirit. By frequently laying his Neigh­bour's Wants before GOD, He will be touched with a Fellow-Feeling of them;—He will re­joice with those that do rejoice, and weep with those that weep.—Every Blessing bestowed on Others, instead of exciting Envy in him, will be looked on as an Answer to his particular In­tercession, and fill his Soul with Joy unspeakable and full of Glory.

Indeed I will not affirm, that this blessed Temper of Mind can be acquired all at once: No,—as other Graces, so must this Christian Love be obtained by Degrees. But do you a­bound in Acts of general and particular Interces­sions; and when you hear of your Neighbour's Faults, instead of relating them to, and exposing them before others,—Lay them in secret before [Page 129] GOD. and beg of him to correct and amend them. When you hear of a notorious Sinner, instead of thinking, You do well to be angry; beg of JESUS CHRIST to convert and make him a Monument of his Free Grace; and you cannot imagine what a blessed Alteration this Practice will make in your Heart, and how much you will increase Day by Day in the Spirit of Love and Meekness towards all Mankind!

But, further to excite you to the constant Practice of this Duty of Intercession; consider the many Instances given us in Holy Scripture, of the Power and Efficacy of it. Great and ex­cellent Things are there recorded as the Effects of this divine Employ. It has stopped Plagues, it has opened and shut Heaven; and has fre­quently turned away GOD's Fury from his People. How was Abimelech's House freed from the Disease GOD sent amongst them, at the Intercession of Abraham! When Phineas stood up and prayed, how soon did the Plague cease! When Daniel humbled and afflicted his Soul, and inter­ceded for the LORD's Inheritance, how quickly was an Angel dispatched to tell him, his Prayer was heard! And to mention but one Instance more, how does GOD own himself as it were quite overcome with the Importunity of Moses, when he was interceding for his idolatrous People,— Let me alone, says GOD!

This sufficiently shews, I could almost say the Omnipotency of Intercession, and how we may, like Jacob, wrestle with GOD, and by an holy [Page 130] Violence prevail both for ourselves and others. And no doubt 'tis owing to the secret and pre­vailing Intercessions of the few righteous Souls who still remain among us, that GOD has yet spared this miserably sinful Nation: For were there not some such Faithful ones, like Moses, left to stand in the Gap,—We should soon be destroyed, even as was Sodom, and reduced to Ashes like unto Gomorrah.

But, to stir you up yet farther, to this God­like Exercise of Intercession, consider that, in all Probability, it is the frequent Employment even of the glorified Saints: For though they are de­livered from the Burden of the Flesh, and restored to the glorious Liberty of the Sons of GOD, yet as their Happiness cannot be perfectly consummated 'till the Resurrection of the last Day, when all their Brethren will be glorified with them,—We cannot but think they are often importunate in beseeching our heavenly Father, shortly to ac­complish the Number of his Elect, and to hasten his Kingdom. And shall not we, who are on Earth, be often exercised in this divine Employ with the glorious Company of the Spirits of just Men made perfect? Since our Happiness is so much to consist in the Communion of Saints in the Church Triumphant above, shall we not fre­quently intercede for the Church Militant here be­low; and earnestly beg, that we may all be one, even as the Holy JESUS and his Father are One; that we may also be made perfect in one!

To provoke you to this great Work and La­bour of Love,—Remember that it is the never [Page 131] ceasing Employment of the holy and highly-ex­alted JESUS himself, who sits at the Right Hand of GOD to hear all our Prayers and to make continual Intercession for us! So that he who is constantly employed in interceding for others, is doing that on Earth, which the Eternal Son of GOD is always doing in Heaven.

Imagine therefore, when you are lifting up holy Hands in Prayer for one another,—That you see the Heavens opened, and the Son of GOD in all his Glory, as the Great High Priest of your Salvation, offering up and pleading for you, the all-sufficient Merit of his Sacrifice before the Throne of his heavenly Father!—Join then Your Intercessions with his, and beseech him, that they may through him come up as Incense, and be received as a Sweet-smelling Savour, ac­ceptable in the Sight of GOD! This Imagina­tion will strengthen your Faith, excite a holy Earnestness in your Prayers, and make you wrestle with GOD, as Jacob did, when He saw him Face to Face and his Life was preserved; as Abraham, when he pleaded for Sodom; and as JESUS CHRIST himself, when he prayed, being in an Agony, so much the more earnestly the Night before his bitter Passion!

And now, Brethren, What shall I say more, since you are taught of JESUS CHRIST himself, to abound in Love, and in this good Work of Pray­ing one for another?—However, I cannot but recommend to you one general Means in order [...] make your intercession more effectual, that [...] To [...] such Lives as may make your [Page 132] Prayers accepted in the Beloved. The effectual fervent Prayer of a Righteous Man availeth much, faith St. James. You shall go to my Servant Job, says GOD, and he shall pray for you. It is this, it is this, my Brethren, must make your Intercessions pierce the Clouds! For the Prayers of the Wicked are an Abomination unto the LORD. Would you therefore prevail with GOD for Others, Be holy even as GOD is holy yourselves: Labour daily after fresh Degrees of Grace, and your Intercessions will acquire fresh Degrees of Acceptance and Efficacy in Heaven. Do but walk as becomes the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST; Be but in Earnest about Working out your own eternal Salvation; and your Intercessions will then come forth as Incense before GOD, and the lifting up of your Hands be as an Evening Sacri­fice.—Though ever so mean, though as poor as Lazarus, You will then become Benefactors to all Mankind; Thousands, and Twenty-times Ten Thousands, will then be blessed for your Sakes! and after You have employed a few Years in this Divine Exercise here, You will be translated to that happy Place, where you have so often wish­ed others might be advanced; and be exalted to sit at the Right Hand of our All-powerful, All-prevailing Intercessor, in the Kingdom of His Heavenly Father hereafter!

However, I cannot but in an especial manner press this upon you now, because all Ye, amongst whom I have now been Preaching, in all Proba­bility will see me no more:—For I am now g [...] ­ing (I trust under the Conduct of GOD's Most [Page 133] Holy Spirit) from You, knowing not what shall befall me: I need therefore your most importu­nate Intercessions, that nothing may move me from my Duty, and that I may not count even my Life dear unto myself, so that I may finish my Course with Joy, and the Ministry I have received of the Lord JESUS to testify the Gospel of the Grace of GOD!

Whilst I have been here, to the best of my Knowledge I have not failed to declare unto [...] the whole Will of GOD:—And though my Preaching may have been a Savour of Death un­to Death to some; yet I trust it has been also [...] Savour of Life unto Life to Others; and there­fore I earnestly hope that those will not fail to remember me in their Prayers. As for my own Part, the many unmerited Kindnesses I have re­ceived from you, will not suffer me to forget You: Out of the Deep, therefore, I trust shall my Cry come unto GOD; and whilst the Winds and Storms are blowing over me, unto the LORD will I make my Supplication for You. For it is but a little while, and We must All appear before the Judgment Seat of CHRIST; where I must give a strict Account of the Doc­trine I have preached, and You of your Improve­ment under it. And Oh! that I may never be called out as a swift Witness, against any of th [...]se my dear Brethren in CHRIST, for whose Salvati­on I have sincerely though too faintly, longed and laboured!—

It is true, I have been censured by some as [...] and selfish View [...] [...] it is a [Page 134] small Matter with me to be judged by Man's Judgment;—I hope my Eye is single, but I be­seech you, Brethren, by the Mercies of GOD in CHRIST JESUS, pray that it may be more so!—and that I may increase with the Increase of Grace in the Knowledge and Love of GOD through JESUS CHRIST our Lord.

And now, Brethren, what shall I say more?—I could wish to continue my Discourse much longer; for I can never fully express the Desire of my Soul towards you!—Finally, therefore, Brethren, Whatsover Things are Holy, whatsoever Things are Pure, whatsoever Things are Honest, whatsoever Things are of Good Report: if there be any Consolation in CHRIST, if any Fellowship of the Spirit, if any Hopes of our appearing to the Comfort of each other at the awful Tribunal of JESUS CHRIST,— Think of the Things that you have heard, and of these which Your Pastors have declared and will yet declare unto You; and conti­nue under their Ministry to work out your own Salvation with Fear and Trembling:—So that whether I should never see you any more, or whether it shall please GOD to bring me back again at any Time, I may always have the Satis­faction of knowing that your Conversation is such as becometh the Gospel of CHRIST.

I almost persuade myself, that I could willing­ly suffer all Things, so that it might any ways promote the Salvation of your precious and im­mortal Souls;—And I beseech You, as my last Request, Obey them that have the Rule over You in the Lord; and be always ready to attend on [Page 135] their Ministry, as it is your bounden Duty. Think not that I desire to have myself exalted at the Expence of another's Character; but rather think this— Not to have any Man's Person too much in Admiration; but esteem all your Ministers highly in Love, as they justly deserve for their Work's Sake.

And now, Brethren, I commend you to GOD, and to the Word of his Grace, which is able to build you up, and give you an In­heritance amongst all them that are sanctified. May GOD reward you for all your Works of Faith, and Labours of Love, and make you to abound more and more in every good Word and Work towards all Men. May he truly convert all that have been convinced, and awaken all that are Dead in Trespasses and Sins! May he confirm all that are wavering! And may you all go on from one Degree of Grace unto another, till you arrive unto the Measure of the Stature of the Fulness of CHRIST; and thereby be made meet to stand before that GOD, in whose Presence is the Fulness of Joy, at whose Right Hand there are Pleasures for ever more! Amen! Amen!

[Page 136]

The Great Duty of FAMILY-RELIGION.

JOSHUA xxiv. 15. As for me and my House, we will serve the LORD.

THESE Words contain the holy Resolution of pious Joshua, who having in a most moving, affectionate Discourse recounted to the Israelites what great Things GOD had done for them, in the Verse immediately going be­fore the Text, comes to draw a proper Inference from what he had been delivering; and ac­quaints them, in the most pressing Terms, that since GOD had been so exceeding gracious unto them, they could do no less than out of Gratitude for such uncommon Favours and Mercies, dedicate both themselves and Families to his Service. Now therefore, says he, Verse 14. fear the LORD, and serve him in Sincerity and Truth, and put away the Gods which your Fathers served on the other Side of the Flood. And by the same engaging Motive does the Prophet Samuel afterwards enforce their Obedience [Page 137] to the Commandments of GOD, 1 Sam. xii. 24. Only fear the LORD, and serve him in Truth, with all your Heart; For consider (says he) how great Things he hath done for you. But then, that they might not excuse themselves (as too many might be apt to do) by his giving them a bad Example, or think he was laying heavy Burdens upon them, whilst he himself touched them not with one of his Fingers, he tells them in the Verse out of which the Text is taken, that whatever Regard they might pay to the Doctrine he had been preaching, y [...] he (as all Ministers ought to do) was resolved to live up to and practise it himself: Chuse you therefore, says he, whom you will serve, whether the Gods which your Fathers served, [...] the Gods of the Amorites, in whose Land [...] dwell: But as for me and my House, we [...] serve the LORD.

A Resolution this worthy of Joshua, and no less becoming, no less necessary for every true Son of Joshua, that is intrusted with the Care and Government of a Family in our Day: And, if it was ever seasonable for Ministers to preach up, or People to put in Practice Family Religion, it was never more so than in the present Age; since it is greatly to be feared, that out of those many Housholds that call themselves Christians, there are but few that serve GOD in their respective Families as they ought.

It is true indeed, visit our Churches, and you may perhaps see something of the Form of Godliness still subsisting amongst us; but even [Page 138] That is scarcely to be met with in private Houses. So that were the blessed Angels to come, as in the patriarchal Age, and observe our spiritual Oeconomy at home, would they not be tempted to say as Abraham said to Abimelech, Surely, the Fear of GOD is not in this Place? Gen. xx. 11.

How such a general Neglect of Family-Religion first began to overspread the Christian World, is difficult to determine. As for the primitive Christians, I am positive it was not so with them: No, they had not so learned CHRIST, as falsely to imagine Religion was to be confined solely to their Assemblies for publick Worship; but on the contrary, behaved with such Piety and exemplary Holiness in their private Families, that St. Paul often stiles their House a Church: Salute such a One, says he, and the Church which is in his House. And, I believe, we must forever despair of seeing a primitive Spirit of Piety revived in the World, till we are so happy as to see a Revival of pri­mitive Family-Religion; and Persons unanimously resolving with good old Joshua, in the Words of the Text, As for me and my House, we will serve the LORD.

From which Words I shall beg Leave to insist on these Three Things.

  • I. First, That it is the Duty of every Go­vernor of a Family to take Care, that not only he himself, but also that those commit­ted to his Charge, serve the LORD.
  • [Page 139] II. Secondly, I shall endeavour to shew after what Manner a Governor and his Hous­hold ought to serve the LORD.
  • III. Thirdly, and lastly, I shall offer some Motives in order to excite all Governors, with their respective Housholds, to serve the LORD in the Manner that shall be recommended.

And First, I am to shew that it is the Duty of every Governor of a Family to take Care, that not only he himself, but also that those committed to his Charge, should serve the LORD.

And this will appear, if we consider that every Governor of a Family ought to look upon himself as obliged to act in three Capacities: As a Prophet, to instruct; as a Priest, to pray for and with; as a King, to govern, direct, and provide for them. It is true indeed the latter of these, viz. their kingly Office, they are not so frequently deficient in (nay in this they are ge­nerally too sollicitous) but as for the two for­mer, viz. their priestly and prophetick Office, like Gallio, they care for no such Things. But however indifferent some Governors may be about it, yet they may be assured, that GOD will require a due Discharge of these Offices at their Hands. For if, as the Apostle argues, He that does not provide for his own House, in temporal Things, has denied the Faith, and is worse than an Infidel; to what greater Degree of Apostacy must he have arrived, who takes no Thought to provide for the spiritual Welfare of his Family.

[Page 140] But farther, Persons are generally very liberal of their Invectives against the Clergy, and think they justly blame the Conduct of that Minister who does not take heed to and watch over the Flock, of which the Holy Ghost has made him Overseer: But may not every Governor of a Family be in a lower Degree, liable to the same Censure, who takes no Thought for those Souls that are committed to his Charge? For every House is as it were a little Parish, every Governor (as was before observed) a Priest, every Family a Flock: And if any of them perish through the Governour's Neglect, their Blood will GOD require at their Hands.

Was a Minister to disregard teaching his People publickly, and from House to House, and to excuse himself by saying, that he had enough to do to work out his own Salvation with Fear and Trembling, without concerning himself with that of others; would not any one be apt to think such a Minister ro be like the unjust Judge, One that neither feared GOD, nor regarded Man? And yet, odious as such a Character would be, it is no worse than that Go­vernor of a Family deserves, who thinks himself obliged only to save his own Soul, without paying any Regard to the Souls of his Houshold. For (as was above hinted) every House is as it were, a Parish, and every Master is concerned to secure, as much as in him lies, the Spiritual Prosperity of every one under his Roof, as any Minister whatever is obliged to look to the Spiri­tual Welfare of every individual Person under his Charge.

[Page 141] What Precedents Men, who neglect their Duty in this Particular, can plead for such Omission, I cannot tell: Doubtless not the Example of holy Job, who was so far from imagining that he had no Concern, as Governor of a Family, with any one's Soul but his own, that the Scripture acquaints us, When the Days of his Children's Feasting were gone about, that Job sent and sanctified them, and offered Burnt-Offerings according to the Number of them all; for Job said, it may be that my Sons have sinned and cursed GOD in their Hearts: Thus did Job continually. Nor can they plead the Practice of good old Joshua, whom, in the Text, we find as much concerned for his Houshold's Welfare as his own. Nor lastly, that of Corne­lius, who feared GOD, not only himself, but with all his House: And were Christians but of the same Spirit of Job, Joshua, and the Gentile Centurion, they would act as Job, Joshua and Cornelius did.

But, alas! if this be the Case, and all Go­vernors of Families ought not only to serve the LORD themselves, but likewise to see that their respective Housholds do so too; what will then become of those who not only neglect serving GOD themselves, but also make it their Busi­ness to ridicule and scoff at any of their House that do? Who are not content with not entring into the Kingdom of Heaven themselves; but those also that are willing to enter in, they hinder. Surely such Men are Factors for the Devil indeed. Surely their Damnation slumbereth [Page 142] not: For altho' GOD, in his good Providence, may suffer such Stumbling-blocks to be put in his Children's Ways, and suffer their greatest Enemies to be those of their own Housholds, for a Trial of their Sincerity, and Improvement of their Faith; yet we cannot but pronounce a Woe against those Masters 'by whom such Offences come: For if those that only take Care of their own Souls can scarcely be saved, where will such monstrous profane and wicked Go­vernors appear?

But hoping there are but few of this unhappy Stamp, proceed we now to the

II. Second Thing proposed, viz. To shew after what Manner a Governor and his Houshold ought to serve the LORD.

1. And the first Thing I shall mention is reading the Word of GOD. This is a Duty incumbent on every private Person. Search the Scriptures, for in them ye think ye have Eternal Life, is a Precept given by our Blessed LORD indifferently to all: But much more so ought every Governor of a Family to think it in a peculiar Manner spoken to himself, because (as hath heen already proved) he ought to look upon himself as a Prophet, and therefore, agreeably to such a Character, as bound to in­struct those under his Charge in the Knowledge of the Word of GOD.

This we find was the Order GOD gave his peculiar People of Israel: For thus speaks his Representative Moses, Deuteronomy vi. 6, 7. These Words, that is, the Scripture Words, [Page 143] which I command thee this Day, shall be in thy Heart, and thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy Children, that is, as it is generally explained, Servants, as well as Children, and shall talk of them when thou sittest in thy House. From whence we may infer, that the only Reason [...] so many neglect to read the Words of [...] diligently to their Children is, because [...] Words of Scripture are not in their Hearts: [...] if they were, out of the Abundance of the Heart their Mouth would speak.

Besides, Servants as well as Children are, for the Generality, very ignorant, and mere Novices in the Laws of GOD: And how shall they know, unless some one teach them? And what more proper to teach them by, than the lively Oracles of GOD, which are able to make them wise unto Salvation? And who more proper to instruct them by these lively Oracles, than Parents and Masters, who (as hath been more than once observed) are as much concerned to feed them with spiritual as with bodily Bread, Day by Day.

But if these Things be so, what a miserable Condition are those unhappy Governors in, who are so far from feeding those committed to their Care with the sincere Milk of the Word, to the Intent they may grow thereby, that they neither search the Scriptures themselves, nor are careful to explain them to others? Such Fami­lies must be in a happy Way indeed to do their Master's Will, who take such prodigious Pains to know it! Would one not imagine that they [Page 144] had turned Converts to the Church of Rome; that they thought Ignorance the Mother of Devotion; that those were to be condemned as Hereticks who read their Bibles? And yet how few Families are there amongst us, who do not act after this unseemly Manner! But shall I praise them in this? I praise them not: Brethren, [...] Thing ought not so to be.

2. Pass we on now to the second Means whereby every Governor and his Houshold ought to serve the LORD, viz. Family Prayer.

This is a Duty, though as much neglected, yet as absolutely necessary as the former. Reading is a good Preparative for Prayer, as Prayer is an excellent Means to render Reading effectual. And the Reason why every Governor of a Family should join both these Exercises together, is plain, because a Governor of a Fa­mily cannot perform his Priestly Office (which we before observed he is in some Degree invested with) without performing this Duty of Family Prayer.

We find it therefore remarked, when men­tion is made of Cain and Abel's offering Sacri­fices, that they brought them. But to whom did they bring them? Why, in all Probability to their Father Adam, who, as Priest of the Family, was to offer Sacrifice in their Names. And so likewise ought every spiritual Son of the second Adam, who is intrusted with the Care of an Houshold, to offer up the spiritual Sacrifices of Supplications and Thangsgivings, acceptable to GOD through JESUS CHRIST, in the Presence [Page 145] and Name of all who wait upon, or eat Meat at his Table.

Thus we read our Blessed LORD behaved, when he tabernacled amongst us: For it is said often, that he was alone praying with his twelve Disciples, which was then his little Family. And he himself has promised a particular Blessing to joint Supplications: For wheresoever, says he, two or three are gathered together in my Name, there am I in the Midst of them. And again, If two or three are agreed touching any Thing they shall ask, it shall be given them. Add to this, that we are commanded by the Apostle to pray always, with all Manner of Supplication, which doubtless includes Family Prayer. And holy Joshua, when he set up the good Resolution in the Text, that he and his Houshold would serve the LORD, certainly resolved withal to pray with his Family, which is one of the best Testimonies they could give of their serving him.

Besides, there are no Families but what have some common Blessings, of which they have been all Partakers, to give Thanks for; some common Crosses and Afflictions, which they are to pray against; some common Sins which they are all to lament and bewail: But how this can be done without joining together in one common Act of Humiliation, Supplication, and Thanksgiving, is difficult to devise.

From all which Considerations put together, it is evident, that Family Prayer is a great and necessary Duty; and consequently, those Go­vernors that neglect it are certainly without [Page 146] Excuse. And it is much to be feared, if they live without Family Prayer, they live without GOD in the World.

And yet such an hateful Character as this is, it is to be feared, that was GOD to send out an Angel to destroy us, as he did once to destroy the Egyptian First-born, and withal give him a Commission, as then, to spare no Houses but where they saw the Blood sprinkled on the Lintel and Door-posts, so now to let no Families escape but those that called upon him in Morning and Evening Prayer; few would remain unhurt by his avenging Sword. Chri­stians shall I term such Families, or Heathens? Doubtless they deserve not the Name of Chri­stians; and Heathens will surely rise up in Judgment against such profane Families of this Generation: For they had always their Houshold Gods, whom they worshipped, and whose Assistance they frequently invoked. And a pretty Pass those Families surely are ar­rived at, who must be sent to School to Pagans. But will not the LORD be avenged on such profane Housholds as these? Will he not pour out his Fury upon those that call not upon his Name?

3. But it is Time for me to hasten to the third and last Means I shall recommend, where­by every Governor ought with his Houshold to serve the LORD, viz. by catechizing and instructing their Children and Servants, and bringing them up in the Nurture and Admonition of the LORD.

[Page 147] That this, as well [...] the two former, is a Duty incumbent on every Governor of an House, appears from that famous Encomium or Com­mendation GOD gives of Abraham. I know, sayes the Most High, that He will command his Children and his Houshold after him to keep the Way of the LORD, to do Justice and Judgment. And indeed scarce any Thing is more frequently pressed upon us in Holy Writ, than this Duty of Catechizing. Thus says God in a Passage be­fore cited, Thou shalt teach these Words diligently unto thy Children. And Parents are commanded in the New Testament to breed up their Children in the Nurture and Admonition of the LORD. The Holy Psalmist acquaints us, that one great End why GOD did so great Wonders for his People was, to the Intent that when they grew up they should shew their Children or Servants, the same. And in Deuteronomy, Chap. vi. at the 20th and following Verses, GOD stricty com­mands his People to instruct their Children in the true Nature of the Ceremonial Worship, when they should enquire about it, as he supposed they would do in Time to come. And if Servants and Children were to be instructed in the Na­ture of Jewish Rites, much more ought they now to be initiated and grounded in the Doctrine and first Principles of the Gospel of CHRIST: Not only because it is a Revelation which has brought Life and Immortality to a fuller and clearer Light, but also because many Seducers are gone abroad into the World, who do their utmost En­deavour to destroy not only the Superstructure, [Page 148] but likewise to sap the very Foundation of our most Holy Religion.

Would then, the present Generation have their Posterity be true Lovers and Honourers of GOD, Masters and Parents must take Solomon's good Advice, and train up and catechize their respective Housholds in the Way wherein they should go.

I am aware but of one Objection that can, with any Shew of Reason, be urged against what has been advanced; which is, That such a Procedure as this will take up too much Time, and hinder Families too long from their Worldly Business. But it is much to be questioned whe­ther Persons that start such an Objection are not of the same hypocritical Spirit as the Traytor Judas, who had Indignation against devout Ma­ry, for being so profuse of her Ointment, in an­ointing our Blessed Lord, and asked Why it might not be sold for Two Hundred Pence, and given to the Poor. For has GOD given us so much Time to work for Ourselves, and shall we not allow some small Pittance of it, Morning and Evening, to be devoted to his more immediate Worship and Service? Have not People read, That it is GOD who gives Men Power to get Wealth, and therefore that the best Way to pros­per in the World is to secure His Favour? And has not our blessed Lord himself promised, That if we seek first the Kingdom of God and his Righteousness, all outward Necessaries shall be added unto us.

[Page 149] Abraham, no doubt, was a Man of as great Bu­siness as such Objectors may be; but yet he would find Time, to command his Houshold to serve the LORD. Nay, David, was a King, and consequently had a great deal of Business upon his Hands; yet notwithstanding, He professes that he would walk in his House with a perfect Heart. And, to instance but one more, Holy Joshua was a Person certainly engaged very much in Temporal Affairs; and yet He solemn­ly declares before all Israel, That, as for him and his Houshold, they would serve the LORD. And did Persons but redeem their Time, as A­braham, David, or Joshua did, they would no longer complain that Family Duties kept them too long from the Business of the World.

III. But my Third and last General Head, under which I was to offer some Motives, in order to excite all Governors with their respective Housholds, to serve the LORD in the Manner before recommended, I hope, will serve instead of a Thousand Arguments, to prove the Weakness and Folly of any such Objection.

1. And the first Motive I shall mention is the Duty of Gratitude, you that are Governors of Families owe to GOD.—Your Lot, every one must confess, is cast into a fair Ground: Providence hath given you a goodly Heritage, above many of your Fellow-Creatures, and therefore, out of a Principle of Gratitude, you ought to endeavour, as much as in you lies, to make every Person of your respective Housholds [Page 150] to call upon him as long as they live: (Not to mention that the Authority, with which GOD has invested you as Parents and Governors of Families, is a Talent committed to your Trust, and which you are bound to improve to your Master's Honour.) In other Things we find Governors and Parents can exercise Lordship over their Children and Servants readily, and frequently enough can say to one Go, and he goeth; and to another Come, and he cometh; to a third, Do this, and he doeth it. And shall this Power be so often employed in your own Af­fairs, and never exerted in the Things of GOD? Be astonished, O Heavens, at this.

Thus did not faithful Abraham; No, GOD says, that He knew Abraham would command his Servants and Children after him. Thus did not Joshua: No, he was resolved not only to walk with GOD himself, but to improve his Authority in making all about him do so too: As for me and my Houshold we will serve the LORD. Let us go and do likewise.

2. But, Secondly, if Gratitude to GOD will not, methinks Love and Pity to your Chil­dren should move you, with your respective Families, to serve the LORD.

Most People express a great Fondness for their Children; nay so great, that very often their own Lives are wrapped up in those of their Offspring. Can a Woman forget her sucking Child, that she should not have Compassion on the Son of her Womb? says GOD by his Prophet Isaiah. He speaks of it as a monstrous Thing, [Page 151] and scarce credible. But the Words immedi­ately following affirm it to be possible, Yea, They may forget; and Experience also assures us they may. Father and Mother may both forsake their Children: For what greater De­gree of Forgetfulness can they express towards them, than to neglect the Improvement of their better Part, and not bring them up in the Knowledge and Fear of GOD.

It is true, indeed, Parents seldom forget to provide for their Children's Bodies, (though, it is to be feared, some Men are so far sunk be­neath the Beasts that perish, as to neglect even that;) but then how often do they forget, or rather when do they remember, to secure the Salvation of their immortal Souls? But is this their Way of expressing their Fondness for the Fruit of their Bodies? Is this the best Testimo­ny they can give of their Affection to the Dar­ling of their Hearts? Then was Daltlah fond of Sampson, when she delivered him up into the Hands of the Philistines: Then were those Ruf­fians well-affected to Daniel, when they threw him into a Den of Lions.

3. But, Thirdly, if neither Gratitude to GOD, nor Love and Pity to your Children, will prevail on you; yet let a Principle of common Honesty and Justice move you to set up the holy Resolu­tion in the Text.

This is a Principle which all Men would be thought to act upon. But certainly, if any may be truly censured for their Injustice, none can be more liable to such Censure than those who think [Page 152] themselves injured if their Servants withdraw themselves from their bodily Work, and yet they in return take no Care of their inestimable Souls. For is it just that Servants should spend their Time and Strength in their Master's Service, and Masters not at the same time give them what is just and equal for their Service.

It is true, some Men may think they have done enough when they give unto their Servants Food and Rayment, and say, Did not I bargain with thee for so much a Year? But if they give them no other Reward than this, What do they less for their very Beasts; But are not Servants better than they? Doubtless they are: And how­ever Masters may put off their Convictions for the present, they will find a Time will come, when they shall know they ought to have given them some Spiritual, as well as Temporal Wa­ges; and the Cry of those that have mowed down their Fields will enter into the Ears of the LORD of Sabaoth.

4. But, Fourthly, If neither Gratitude to GOD, Pity to Children, nor a Principle of common Jus­tice to Servants, are sufficient to balance all Ob­jections; yet let that darling, that prevailing Mo­tive of Self-Interest turn the Scale, and engage you with your respective Housholds to serve the LORD.

This weighs greatly with you in other Mat­ters: Be then persuaded to let it have a due and full Influence on you in this, and if it has, if you have but Faith as a Grain of Mustard-Seed, how can you avoid believing that promoting Family-Religion would be the best Means to promote [Page 153] your own temporal as well as eternal Welfare? For Godliness has the Promise of the Life that now is, as well as that which is to come.

Besides, you all, doubtless, wish for honest Ser­vants, and pious Children: And to have them prove otherwise, would be as great a Grief to you as it was to Elisha to have a treacherous Gehazi, or David to be troubled with a rebellious Absalom. But how can it be expected they should learn their Duty, except those set over them take Care to teach it them? Is it not as reasonable to expect you should reap where you had not sown, or gather where you had not strawed?

Did Christianity, indeed, give any Countenance to Children and Servants to disregard their Parents and Masters according to the Flesh, or represent their Duty to them as inconsistent with their en­tire Obedience to their Father and Master which is in Heaven, there might then be some Pretence to neglect instructing them in the Principles of such a Religion. But since the Precepts of this pure and undefiled Religion are all of them holy, just and good; and the more they are taught their Duty to GOD, the better they will perform their Duties to you; methinks then to neglect the Im­provement of their Souls, out of a dread of spending too much Time in religious Duties, is acting quite contrary to your own Interest as well as Duty.

5. Fifthly and lastly, If neither Gratitude to GOD, Love to your Children, common Justice to your Servants, nor even that most prevailing Mo­tive Self-Interest, will excite; yet let a Conside­ration of the Terrors of the Lord persuade you to [Page 154] put in Practice the pious Resolution in the Text. Remember the Time will come, and that perhaps very shortly, when we must all appear before the Judgment Seat of CHRIST; where we must give a solemn and strict Account how we have had our Conversation, in our respective Families in this World. How will you endure to see your Children and Servants (who ought to be your Joy and Crown of Rejoicing in the Day of our Lord JESUS CHRIST) coming out as so many swift Witnesses against you; cursing the Father that begot them, the Womb that bare them, the Paps which they have sucked, and the Day they ever entered into your Houses? Think you not the Damnation which Men must endure for their own Sins will be sufficient, that they need load themselves with the additional Guilt of being accessary to the Damnation of others also? Oh consider this, all ye that forget to serve the LORD with your respective Housholds, lest he pluck you away, and there be none to deliver you!

But GOD forbid, Brethren, that any such Evil should befal you: No, rather will I hope that you have been in some Measure, convinced by what has been said of the great Importance of Family Religion; and therefore are ready to cry out, in the Words immediately following the Text, God forbid that we should forsake the LORD; and again, Verse 21, Nay but we will, with our several Housholds, serve the LORD.

And that there may be always such a Heart in you, let me, to conclude, exhort all Governors of Families, in the Name of our Lord JESUS CHRIST, [Page 155] often to reflect on the inestimable Worth of their own Souls, and the infinite Ransom, even the precious Blood of JESUS CHRIST, which has been paid down for them. [...], I beseech you remember, that you are [...] Creatures, that you are by Nature lost to and estranged from GOD; and that you can never be restored to your pri­mitive Happiness, till by being born again of the Holy Ghost, you arrive at your primitive State of Purity, have the Image of GOD re-instamped upon your Souls, and are thereby made meet to be Partakers of the Inheritance with the Saints in Light. Do, I say, but seriously and frequently reflect on, and act as Persons that believe such important Truths, and you will no more neglect your Family's Spiritual Welfare than your own. No, the Love of GOD, which will then be shed abroad in your Hearts, will constrain you to do your utmost to preserve them: And the deep Sense of GOD's free Grace in CHRIST JESUS, (which you will then have) in calling you, will excite you to do your utmost to save others, especially those of your own Houshold. And though, after all your pious Endeavours, some may continue unreformed; yet you will have this comfortable Reflection to make, that you did what you could to make your Families religious: And therefore may rest assured of sitting down in the Kingdom of Heaven with Abraham, Joshua and Cornelius, and all the godly Housholders, who in their several Generations shone forth as so many Lights in their respective Housholds upon Earth.

[Page 156]

The Heinous Sin of Profane Cursing and Swearing.

MATTH. V. 34. But I say unto you, Swear not at all.

AMONG the many heinous Sins for which this Nation is grown infamous, perhaps there is no one more crying, but withal more common, than the abominable Custom of profane Swearing and Cursing. Our Streets abound with Persons of all Degrees and Qualities, who are continually provoking the Holy One of Israel to Anger, by their detestable Oaths and Blasphemies: And our very Children, out of whose Mouths, the Psalmist observes in his Days, was perfected Praise, are now grown remarkable for the quite opposite ill Quality of Cursing and Swearing. This cannot but be a melancholly Prospect for every sincere and honest Minister of JESUS CHRIST, to view his Fellow Christians in; and such as will put him on contriving some Means to prevent the spreading at least of so growing an Evil; knowing that the LORD (without Repentance) will assuredly visit for these Things. But alas! what can he do? Public [Page 157] Animadversions are so neglected amongst us, that where shall we find a common Swearer punished as the Laws direct? And as for private Admonition, Men are now so hardened through the Deceitfulness of Sin, that to give them sober and pious Advice, and to shew them the Evil of their Doings, is but like casting Pearls before Swine, they only turn again and rent you. Since Matters then are come to this Pass, all that we can do is this, that as we are appointed Watchmen and Ambassadors of the LORD, it is our Duty from Time to Time to shew the People their Transgression, and warn them of their Sin; so that whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear, we however may deliver our own Souls. That I therefore may discharge my Duty in this Particular, give me Leave, in the Name of GOD, humbly to offer to your most serious Consideration, some few Observations on the Words of the Text, in order to shew the Heinousness of profane Cursing and Swearing.

But before I proceed directly to the Prose [...]u­tion of this Point, it will be proper to clear this Precept of our LORD from a Misinterpretation that has been put on it by a Set of Men, who heedlesly infer from hence, that our Saviour prohibits Swearing before a Magistrate, when required on a solemn and proper Occasion. But that all Swearing is not absolutely unlawful for a Christian, is evident from the Writings of St. Paul, whom we often find upon some solemn Occasions using several Forms of Imprecation [Page 158] and Swearing, as, I call GOD to Witness,—GOD is my Judge,—By your rejoicing in CHRIST JESUS, and such like. And that our Saviour does by no Means forbid Swearing before a Magistrate, in the Words now before us, is plain, if we consider the Scope and Design he had in View, when he gave his Disciples this Command. Permit me to observe to you then, that our Blessed Master had set himself, from the 27th Verse of this Chapter, out of which the Text is taken, to vindicate and clear the Moral Law from the corrupt Glosses and Misconstruction of the Pharisees, who then sate in Moses's Chair, but were notoriously faulty in adhering too closely to the literal Expression of the Law, without ever considering the due Extent and spiritual Meaning of it. Accordingly they imagined, that because GOD had said, Thou shalt not commit Adultery, that therefore, supposing a Person was not guilty of the very Act of Adultery, he was not chargeable with the Breach of the Seventh Commandment. And likewise in the Matter of Swearing, because GOD had forbidden his People in the Books of Exodus and Deuteronomy, to take his Name in vain, or to Swear falsely by his Name; they therefore judged it lawful to Swear by any Creature in common Discourse, supposing they did not directly mention the Name of GOD. Our Blessed Saviour therefore in the Words now before us, rectifies this their Mistake about Swearing, as he had done in the Verses immediately foregoing that concerning Adultery, and tells the People, [Page 159] that whatever Allowances the Pharisees might give to swear by any Creature, yet he pronoun­ced it absolutely unlawful for any of his Fol­lowers to do so. You have heard, says he, that it has been said by them of old Time (namely by the Pharisees and Teachers of the Jewish Law) Thou shalt not forswear thyself, but perform unto the LORD thine Oaths: But I say unto you, (I who am appointed by the Father to be the great Prophet and true Law-giver of his Church) Swear not at all, in your common Conversation neither by Heaven, for it is GOD's Throne; and therefore to swear by That, is to swear by Him that sits thereon; neither by the Earth, for it is his Foot-stool; nor by Jerusalem, for it is the City of the Great King; neither shalt thou swear by thy Head, because thou canst not make one Hair white or black: But let your Commu­nications (which plainly shews that CHRIST is here speaking of Swearing, not before a Magi­strate, but in common Conversation, let your Communications) says he, be Yea, yea; Nay, nay, a strong Affirmation or Negation at the most; for whatever is more than this cometh of Evil; that is, cometh from an evil Principle, from the Evil One, the Devil, the Author of all Evil.

Which by the Way, methinks, should be a Caution to all such Persons, who, though not guilty of Swearing in the gross Sense of the Word, yet attest the Truth of what they are speaking of, though ever so trifling, by saying, Upon my Life,—As I live,—By my Faith,—By [Page 160] the Heavens, and such like: Which Expressions, however harmless and innocent they may be esteemed by some sorts of People, yet are the very Oaths which our Blessed LORD condemns in the Words immediately following the Text; and Persons who use such unwarrantable Forms of speaking, must expect to be convicted and con­demned as Swearers, at our Saviour's second Coming to judge the World.

But to return: It appears then from the whole Tenor of our Saviour's Discourse, that in the Words of the Text he does by no Means dis­annul or forbid Swearing before a Magistrate (which, as might easily be shewn, is both law­ful and necessary) but only profane Swearing in common Conversation; the Heinousness and Sinfulness of which I come now, as was above proposed, more immediately to lay before you.

And here, not to mention that it is a direct Breach of our Blessed Master's and great Law­giver's Command in the Words of the Text, as likewise of the T [...]rd Commandment, wherein GOD positively de [...]res, he will not hold him guiltless (that is, will assuredly punish him) that taketh his Name in vain: Not to mention that it is the greatest Abuse of that noble Faculty of Speech, whereby we are distinguished from the Brute Creation; and the great Hazard the com­mon Swearer runs, of being perjured some Time or other: Not to mention those Reasons against it, I say, which of themselves would abundantly prove the Folly and Sinfulness of Swearing:[Page 161] I shall, at this Time, content myself with instancing in four Particulars, which highly aggravate the Crime of profane Swearing; and those are such as follow.

  • I. First, Because there is no Temptation in Nature to this Sin, nor does the Com­mission of it afford the Offender the least Pleasure or Satisfaction.
  • II. Secondly, Because it is a Sin which may be so often repeated.
  • III. Thirdly, Because it hardens Infidels a­gainst the Christian Religion, and must give great Offence, and occasion much Sorrow and Concern to every true Disciple of JESUS CHRIST.
  • IV. Fourthly, Because it is an Extremity of Sin, which can only be matched in Hell.

I. The First Reason then, why Swearing in common Conversation is so heinous in GOD's Sight, and why we should not swear at all, is, because it has no Temptation in Nature; nor does the Commission of it, unless a Man be a Devil incarnate, afford the Offender the least Pleasure or Satis­faction.

Now here, I presume, we may lay it down as a Maxim universally agreed on, that the Guilt of any Crime is increased or lessened in Proportion to the Weakness or Strength of the Temptation by which a Person is carried out to the Commission of it. It was this Conside­ration that extenuated and diminished the Guilt [Page 162] of Saul's taking upon him to offer Sacrifice before the Prophet Samuel came, and of Uzza's touching the Ark, because it was in Danger of falling: As, on the contrary, what so highly aggravated the Disobedience of our first Parents and Lot's Wife, was, because the former had so little Reason to eat the forbidden Fruit, and the latter so small a Temptation to look back on Sodom.

And now if this be granted, surely the com­mon Swearer must of all Sinners be the most without Excuse, since there is no Manner of Temptation in Nature to the Commission of his Crime. In most of the other Commands, Persons perhaps may plead the Force of Natural Inclination in Excuse for the Breach of them: One, for Instance, may alledge his strong Pro­pensity to Anger, to excuse his breaking of the Sixth: Another, his Proneness to Lust, for his Violation of the Seventh. But now surely the common Swearer has nothing of this kind to urge in his Behalf: For though he may have a natural Inclination to this or that Crime, yet no Man, it is to be presumed, can say, he is born of a swearing Constitution.

But farther, as there is no Temptation to it, so there is no Pleasure or Profit to be reaped from the Commission of it. Ask the Drunkard why he rises up early to follow strong Drink, and he will tell you, because it affords his sensual Appetite some kind of Pleasure and Gratification, though it be no higher an one than that of a Brute. Enquire of the covetous Worldling, [Page 163] why he defrauds and over-reaches his Neighbour, and he has an Answer ready,—To enrich him­self, and to lay up Goods for many Years. But it must certainly puzzle the profane Swearer himself, to inform you what Pleasure he reaps from Swearing: For alas! it is a fruitless, tasteless Thing, that he sells his Soul for. But indeed he does not sell it at all: In this Case he prodigally gives it away (without Repentance) to the Devil; and parts with a blessed Eternity, and runs into everlasting Torment, merely for nothing!

II. But Secondly, what increases the Heinous­ness of profane Swearing, is, that it is a Sin which may so often be repeated.

This is another Consideration which always serves to lessen or increase the Guilt and Malig­nity of any Sin. It was some Excuse for the Drunkenness of Noah, and the Adultery of David, that they committed these Crimes but once: As, on the contrary, of the Patriarch Abraham's Distrust of GOD, that he repeated the Dissembling of Sarah to be his Wife two several Times. And if this be admitted as an Aggravation of other Persons Crimes, surely much more so of the Guilt of common Swearing, because it is a Sin which may be and is for the generality often repeated. In many other gross Sins it cannot be so: If a Man be overcome in Drink, there must be a considerable Time e'er he can recover his Debauch, and return to his Cups again: Or if he be accustomed to profane the Sabbath, he cannot do it every Day, but only [Page 164] one in seven. But alas! the profane Swearer is ready for another Oath almost before the Sound of the first is out of our Ears: Yea, some double and treble them in one Sentence, even so as to confound the Sense of what they say, by an horrid Din of Blasphemy! Now if the great and terrible Jehovah has expresly declared that he will not hold him guiltless, that is, will assuredly punish him, that taketh his Name but once in vain: What a vast Heap of these heinous Sins lies at every common Swearer's Door! It would be apt to sink him into an intolerable Despair, did he but see the whole Sum of them. And Oh! what a [...]eared Conscience must that Wretch have, that does not feel this prodigious Weight!

III. But Thirdly, what makes the Sin of pro­fane Swearing appear yet more exceeding sinful, is, that it hardens Infidels against the Christian Religion.

It is the Apostle St. Peter's Advice to the married Persons of his Time, that they should walk as became the Gospel of CHRIST, that those that were without, might be won to em­brace the Christian Religion, by seeing and ob­serving their pious Conversation coupled together with Fear. And what the Apostle presses on married Persons we find elsewhere enjoined each particular Member of the Church. Accordingly we are commanded by our Blessed LORD to let our Light so shine before Men, that they may see our good Works, and glorify our Father which is in Heaven: And the Apostle St. Paul bids us walk circumspectly towards them that are without, [Page 165] redeeming the Time, that is embracing all Oppor­tunities to do them good, because the Days are evil. But alas! in what a direct Contradiction does the profane Swearer live to this and such Precepts, who instead of gaining Proselytes to CHRIST from the unbelieving Part of the World, does all he can to oppose it! For how can it be expected, that Infidels should honour our GOD, when Christians themselves despise him; or that any should embrace our Religion, when Professors of it themselves make so light of one of its strictest Commands? No, to our Grief and Shame be it spoken, it is by reason of such Impieties as these that our holy Religion (the best and purest in itself) is become a By word among the Heathen; that the sacred Authority of the Holy JESUS and his Doctrine is despised; and GOD's Name, as it is written, blasphemed among the Gentiles.

These cannot but be sad Blocks and Offences in the Way of our Brethren's Conversion: But woe be to those Men by whom such Offences come: We may say of them, as our blessed LORD did of Judas, It had been better for such Men that they had never been born: Or, as he threatens in another Place, It shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah in the Day of Judgment than for such Sinners.

But this is not all; as prophane Swearing must undoubtedly harden those in their Infidelity that are without, so must it no less grieve and give great Offence to those honest and sincere Persons that are within the Church. We hear of David's complaining and crying out, Woe is me that I [Page 166] am constrained to dwell with Mesech, and to have my Habitation amongst the Tents of Kedar: That is, that he was obliged to live and converse with a People exceedingly wicked and profane. And St. Peter tells us, that Lot's righteous Soul was grieved day by day, whilst he saw and observed the ungodly Conversation of the Wicked. And no doubt it was one great Part of our blessed Master's Sufferings whilst on Earth, that he was com­pelled to converse with a wicked and perverse Generation, and to hear his heavenly Father's sacred Name profaned and scoffed at by unrigh­teous and wicked Men. And surely it cannot but pierce the Heart of every true and sincere Christian, of every one that does in any Measure partake of the Spirit of his Master, to hear the Multitude of Oaths and Curses which proceed daily and hourly out of the Mouths of many People, and those too whose liberal Education and seeming Regard for the Welfare of Religion, one would think, should teach them a more be­coming Behaviour. To hear the great and terrible Name of GOD polluted by Men, which is adored by Angels; and to consider how often that sacred Name is profaned in common Discourse, which we are not worthy to mention in our Prayers: This, I say, cannot but make each of them cry out with holy David, Woe is me that I am con­strained to dwell with Mesech, and to have my Ha­bitation amongst the Tents of Kedar. And though the blasphemous and profane Discourses of others will not be imputed to sincere Persons for Sin, so long as they have no Fellowship with such hellish [Page 167] Fruits of Darkness, but rather reprove them; nay, rather will be imputed to them for Righteous­ness, for thus lamenting the Wickedness of Sion: yet it will greatly enhance the present Guilt, and sadly increase the future Punishment of every profane Swearer, by whom such Offences come. For if, as our Saviour tells us, it had been better for a Man to have a Mill-stone tied about his Neck, than that he should offend one of his little ones, that is, the weakest of his Disciples, how much sorer Punishment will they be thought worthy of, who not only cause GOD's Name to be blasphemed among the Gentiles, and the Religion of our dear Redeemer to be abhorred; but who make his Saints to weep and mourn, and vex their righteous Souls from day to day, by their ungodly, profane and blasphemous Conversation? Surely as GOD will put the Tears of one into his Bottle, and recompense them with eternal Glory at the great Day of Retribution, so it will be just in him to punish the other with eternal Sorrow for all their ungodly and hard Speeches, and cast them into a Lake of Fire and Brimstone, where they shall be glad of a Drop of Water to cool those Tongues with which they have so often blasphemed the LORD of Hosts, and grieved the People of our GOD.

IV. But it is Time for me to proceed to give my Fourth and last Reason, why common Swearing is so exceeding sinful. And that is, because it is such an Extremity of Sin, that can only be matched in Hell, where all are desperate, and without Hope of Mercy.

[Page 168] The damned Devils and damned Souls of Men in Hell, may be supposed to rave and blas­pheme in their Torments, because they know that the Chains wherein they are held can never be knocked off: But for Men that swim in the River of GOD's Goodness, whose Mercies are renewed to them every Morning, and who are visited with fresh Tokens of his infinite unme­rited Loving-kindness every Moment: For these favourite Creatures to set their Mouths against Heaven, and to blaspheme a gracious, patient, all-bountiful GOD ▪ is a Height of Sin which exceeds the Blackness and Impiety of Devils and Hell itself.

And now, after what has been here offered, to shew the Heinousness of profane Cursing and Swearing in common Conversation, may I not very justly address myself to you in the Words of the Text, Therefore I say unto you, swear not at all; since it is a Sin that has no Temptation in Nature, nor brings any Pleasure or Profit to the Committer of it; since it hardens Infidels in their Infidelity, and affords sad Causes of Grief and Lamentation to every honest Christian; since it is a Sin that generally grows into a Habit; and lastly, such a Sin that can only be matched in Hell.

1. And first then, if these Things be so, and the Sin of profane Swearing, as hath been in some Measure shewn, is so exceeding sinful, what shall we say to such unhappy Men, who think it not only allowable, but fashionable and polite, to take the Name of GOD in vain; who imagine [Page 169] that Swearing makes them look big among their Companions, and really think it a Piece of Hon­our to abound in it? But alas! little do they think that such a Behaviour argues the greatest Degeneracy of Mind and Fool-hardiness that can possibly be thought of: For what can be more base than one Hour to pretend to adore GOD in publick Worship, and the very next Moment to blaspheme his Name: Indeed such a Behaviour from Persons who deny the Being of a GOD (if any such Fools there be) is not altogether so much to be wondered at: But for Men, who not only subscribe to the Belief of a Deity, but likewise acknowledge him to be a GOD of infinite Majesty and Power; for such Men, I say, to blaspheme his holy Name by profane Cursing and Swearing, and at the same Time confess, that this very GOD has expressly declared He will not hold him guiltless, that is, will certainly and eternally punish (without Repentance) him that taketh his Name in vain; is such an Instance of Fool-hardi­ness as well as Baseness, that can scarcely be parallel'd. This is what they presume not to do in other Cases of less Danger: They dare not revile a General at the Head of his Army, nor rouse a sleeping Lion when within reach of his Paw. And is the Almighty GOD, the Great JEHOVAH, the Everlasting King, who can consume them by the Breath of his Nostrils, and frown them to Hell in an Instant; is He, I say, the only contemptible Being in their Account that may be provoked without Fear, and offended without Punishment? No, though GOD bear [Page 170] long, he will not bear always: Time will come, and that too perhaps much sooner than such Per­sons may expect, when GOD will vindicate his injured Honour, when he will lay bare his Al­mighty Arm, and make those Wretches feel the eternal Smart of his Justice, whose Power and Name they have so often vilified and blasphemed. Alas! what will become of all their Bravery then? Will they then wantonly sport with the Name of their Maker, and call upon the King of all the Earth to damn them any more in Jest? No, their Note will then be changed; indeed they shall call, but, alas! it will be for the Rocks to fall on them, and the Hills to cover them from the Wrath of him that sitteth upon the Throne, and from the Lamb forever. It is true, Time was when they prayed, though without Thought perhaps, for Damnation both for themselves and others: And now they will find their Pray­ers answered.— They delighted in Cursing, there­fore shall it happen unto them; they loved not Blessing, therefore shall it be far from them; they cloathed themselves with Cursing like as with a Garment, and it shall come into their Bowels like Water, and like Oil into their Bones.

2. But farther, if the Sin of Swearing is so exceeding heinous and withal so common, then it is every particular Person's Duty, especially those that are in Authority, to do their utmost towards discountenancing and suppressing so ma­lignant a Crime. The Duty we owe both to GOD and our Neighbour requires this at our Hands▪ By the one we are obliged to assert our [Page 171] Maker's Honour; by the other to prevent our Neighbour's Ruin: Not to mention that it is the greatest Proof we can give of our undissembled Love to our Master, and is but doing as we would be done by, and as we ourselves act in Cases of lesser Consequence. Were we to hear either our own or our Friend's good Name vilified and tra­duced, we should think it our bounden Duty to vindicate the wronged Reputation of each: And shall the great, terrible and holy Name of our best and only Friend, our King, our Father, nay our GOD: Shall this, I say, be daily, nay every Moment defied and blasphemed; and will no one dare to stand up in Defence of his Honour and Holiness? Be astonished, O Heavens, at this! No, let us scorn all such base and treacherous Treatment: Let us, for once at least, resolve to support the Cause of Religion, and with a becoming prudent Courage manifest our Zeal for the Honour of the LORD of Hosts. Men in Authority have dou­ble the Advantages of ordinary Christians: Their very Office shews they are intended for the Pun­ishment of Evil Doers: And such is the Degene­racy of Mankind, that the generality of them will be more influenced by the Power of Persons in Authority, than by the most laboured Exhor­tations from the Pulpit. To such therefore▪ if there are any here present, I humbly address my­self, beseeching them in the Name of our Lord JESUS CHRIST, to do their utmost to put a stop to, and restrain profane Cursing and Swearing. And though it must be confessed that this is a Work which requires a great deal of Courage [Page 172] and Pains, yet they would do well to consider it is for GOD they undertake it, who certainly will support and bear them out in a due Execu­tion of their Office here, and reward them with an exceeding and eternal Weight of Glory here­after. But it is Time to draw towards a Con­clusion.

3. Let me therefore once more address my­self to every Person here present, in the Name of our Lord JESUS CHRIST; and if any amongst them have been any way guilty of this notorious Sin of Swearing, let me intreat them by all that is near and dear to them, that they would neither give the Magistrate the Trouble to pun­ish, nor their Friends any Reason for the future to warn them against committing the Crime; but keep a constant and careful Watch over the Door of their Lips, and withal implore the Di­vine Assistance (without which all is nothing) that they offend no more so scandalously with their Tongues. Let them seriously lay to Heart what with great Plainness and Simplicity has here been delivered: And if they have any Regard for themselves as Men, or their Reputation as Christians; if they would not be a publick Scan­dal to their Profession, or a Grief to all that know or converse with them: In short, if they would not be Devils Incarnate here, and provoke GOD to punish them eternally hereafter,—I say unto them in the Name of our Lord JESUS CHRIST, Swear not at all.

[Page 173]

SERMON X. Thankfulness for Mercies received a Necessary DUTY.

PSALM cvii. 30, 31.
Then are they glad, because they are at Rest, and so he bringeth them unto the Haven where they would be.
Oh that Men would therefore Praise the LORD for his Goodness, and declare the Wonders that he doth for the Children of Men!

NUMBERLESS Marks does Man bear in his Soul, that he is fallen and estranged from GOD; but no one gives a greater Proof of it, than that Backwardness, which every one finds within himself, to the Duty of Praise and Thanksgiving.

When GOD placed the first Man in Paradise, his Soul, no doubt, was so filled with a Sense of the Riches of the Divine Love, that he was continually employing that Breath of Life the Almighty had not long before breathed into him, in blessing and magnifying that all-bountiful, all-gracious GOD, in whom he lived, moved, and had his Being.

[Page 174] And the brightest Idea we can form of the Angelical Hierarchy above, and the Spirits of just Men made perfect, is, that they are continually standing round the Throne of GOD, and cease not Day and Night, saying, Worthy art thou, O Lamb, that was slain, to receive Power, and Riches, and Wisdom, and Strength, and Honour, and Glory, and Blessing, Rev. v. 12.

That then, which was Man's Perfection when Time first began, and will be his Employment when Death is swallowed up in Victory, and Time shall be no more, without Controversy, is part of our Perfection, and ought to be our frequent Exercise on Earth: And I doubt not but those blessed Spirits, who are sent forth to minister to them who shall be Heirs of Salvation, often stand astonished when they encamp around us, to find our Hearts so rarely enlarged, and our Mouths so seldom opened, to shew forth the loving Kindness of the LORD, or to speak of all his Praise.

Matter for Praise and Adoration can never be wanting to Creatures redeemed by the Blood of the Son of GOD; and who have such continual Scenes of his infinite Goodness presented to their View, that were their Souls duly affected with a Sense of his universal Love, they could not but be continually calling on Heaven and Earth, Men and Angels, to join with them in praising and blessing that HIGH and LOFTY ONE, who inha­biteth Eternity, who maketh his Sun to shine on the Evil and on the Good, and daily pours down his Blessing on the whole Race of Mankind.

[Page 175] But few are arrived to such a Degree of Charity, as to rejoice with those that do rejoice, and to be as thankful for others Mercies as their own. This Part of Christian Perfection, though begun on Earth, will be consummated only in Heaven; where our Hearts will glow with such fervent Love towards GOD and one another, that every fresh degree of Glory communicated to our Neighbour, will also communicate to us a fresh degree of Thankfulness and Joy.

That which has a greater Tendency to excite the Generality of us fallen Men to Praise and Thanksgiving, is a Sense of GOD's private Mercies and particular Benefits bestowed upon ourselves. For as these come nearer our own Hearts, so they must be more affecting; and as they are peculiar Proofs, whereby we may know that GOD does in a more especial Manner favour us above others, so they cannot but sensibly touch us; and if our Hearts are not quite frozen, like Coals of a Refiner's Fire, must melt us down into Thankfulness and Love. It was a Consideration of the distinguishing Favours GOD had shewn to his chosen People Israel, and the frequent and remarkable Deliverances wrought by him in Behalf of those who go down to the Sea in Ships, and occupy their Business in great Waters, that made the holy Psalmist break out so frequently as he does in this Psalm, into this moving, pathetical Exclamation, O that Men would therefore praise the LORD for his Goodness, and declare the Wonders that he doeth for the Children of Men!

[Page 176] His expressing himself in so passionate, fervent a Manner, implies both the Importance and Neglect of the Duty. As when Moses or another Occasion cries out, Oh that they were wise, that they understood this, that they woull practically consider their latter End? Deut xxxii. 29.

I say, Importance and Neglect of the Duty for out of those many Thousands that receive Blessings from the LORD, how few give Thanks in Remembrance of his Holiness? The Account given us of the ungrateful Lepers, is but too lively a Representation of the Ingratitude of Mankind in general; who like them, perhaps, when under any humbling Providence, can cry, JESUS Master, have Mercy on us, Luke xvii. 13. but when healed of their Sickness, or delivered from their Distress, scarce one in ten can be found returning to give Thanks to GOD.

And yet as common as this Sin of Ingratitude is, there is nothing we ought more earnestly to pray against. For what is more absolutely condemned in Holy Scripture than Ingratitude? Or what more peremptorily required than the contrary Temper? Thus says the Apostle, Rejoyce evermore, in every Thing give Thanks, 1 Thef. v. 16—18. Be careful for nothing: But in every Thing by Prayer and Supplication, with Thanksgiving, let your Requests be made known unto GOD, Phil. iv. 6.

On the contrary, the Apostle mentions it as one of the highest Crimes of the Gentiles, that they were not thankful. Neither were they [Page 177] thankful, says he, Romans i. 21. As also in another Place, he numbers the Unthankful, 2 Tim. iii. 2. amongst those unholy, profane Persons who are to have their Portion in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone.

As for our Sins, GOD puts them behind his Back; but his Mercies he will have acknow­ledged. There is Vertue gone out of me, says JESUS CHRIST, Luke viii.46. And the Woman who was cured of her bloody Issue, must confess it: And we generally find, when GOD sent any remarkable Punishment upon any particular Person, he reminded him of the Favours he had received, as so many Aggravations of his Ingra­titude. Thus when GOD was about to visit Eli's House, he thus expostulates with him by his Prophet, Did I plainly appear unto the House of thy Fathers, when they were in Egypt, in Pharaoh's House? And did I chuse him out of all the Tribes of Israel, to be my Priest, to offer upon my Altar, to burn Incense, and to wear an Ephod before me? Wherefore kick ye at my Sacrifice, and at mine Offering which I have commanded in my Habitation, and honourest thy Sons above me, to make yourselves fat with the chiefest of all the Offerings of Israel my People? Wherefore the LORD GOD of Israel saith, I said indeed, that thy House, and the House of thy Father should walk before me for ever; but now the LORD saith, Be it far from me, for them that honour me will I honour, and they that despise me, shall be lightly esteemed. I Sam. ii. 27, 28, 29, 30.

[Page 178] It was this and such like Instances of GOD's Severity against the Unthankful, that inclined me to chuse the Words of the Text as the most proper Subject I could discourse on at this Time.

For these four Months, my good Friends, we have now been upon the Sea in this Ship, and have occupied our Business in the great Waters. At GOD Almighty's Word, we have seen the stormy Wind arise, which hath lifted up the Waves thereof. We have been carried up to the Heaven and down again to the Deep, and some of our Souls melted away, because of the Trouble; but I trust we cried earnestly unto the LORD, and he delivered us out of our Distress. For he made the Storm to cease; so that the Waves thereof were still. And now we are glad because we are at Rest, for GOD hath brought us to the Haven where we would be Oh that you would therefore praise the LORD for his Goodness, and declare the Wonders that he hath done for us, the unworthiest of the Sons of Men.

Thus Moses, thus Joshua behaved. For when they were about to take their Leaves of the Children of Israel, they recounted to them what great Things GOD had done for them, as the best Arguments and Motives they could urge to engage them to Obedience. And how can I copy after better Examples? What fitter, what more noble Motives to Holiness and Purity of Living can I lay before you than they did?

[Page 179] Indeed I cannot say, that we have seen a Pillar of a Cloud by Day, or a Pillar of Fire by Night, going visibly before us to guide our Course; but this I can say, that the same GOD who was in that Pillar of a Cloud, and Pillar of Fire, which departed not from the Israelites, and who has made the Sun to rule the Day, and the Moon to rule the Night, has by his good Providence directed us in our right Way, or else the Pilot had steered us in vain.

Neither can I say, that we have seen the Sun stand still, as the Children of Israel did in the Days of Joshua. But surely GOD, during part of our Voyage, has caused it to with-hold some of that Heat which it usually sends forth in these warmer Climates, or else it had not failed but some of you must have perished in the Sickness that has been, and does yet continue among us.

We have not seen the Waters stand purposely on a Heap, that we might pass through, neither have we been pursued by Pharaoh and his Host, and delivered out of their Hands; but we have been led through the Sea as through a Wilderness, and were once remarkably preserved from being run down by another Ship; which, had GOD permitted, the Waters, in all Probability, would immediately have overwhelmed us, and like Pharaoh and his Host, we should have sunk as Stones into the Sea.

We may indeed, Atheist like, ascribe all these Things to natural Causes, and say, our own Skill and Foresight has brought us hither in [Page 180] Safety. But as certainly as JESUS CHRIST, that Angel of the Covenant, in the Days of his Flesh walked upon the Water, and said to his sinking Disciples, Be not afraid, it is I, so surely has the same everlasting I AM, who decketh himself with Light as with a Garment, who spreadeth out the Heavens like a Curtain, who claspeth the Winds in his Fist, who holdeth the Waters in the Hollow of his Hands, and guided the Wise Men by a Star in the East; so surely, I say, has he spoken, and at his Command the Winds have blown us where we are now arrived. For his Providence ruleth all Things, Winds and Storms obey his Word; He saith to it at one Time Go, and it goeth; at another, Come, and it cometh, and at a Third Time, Blow this Way, and it bloweth.

It is he, my Brethren, and not we ourselves, that has of late sent us such prosperous Gales, and made us ride, as it were on the Wings of the Wind, into the Haven where we would be.

O that you would therefore praise the LORD for his Goodness, and by your Lives declare, that you are truly thankful for the Wonders he hath shewn to us, who are less than the least of the Sons of Men.

I say, declare it by your Lives. For to give him Thanks barely with your Lips, while your Hearts are far from him, is but a mock Sacrifice, nay, an Abomination unto the LORD.

This was the End, the Royal Psalmist says, GOD had in view, when he shewed such Wonders [Page 181] from Time to Time to the People of Israel, that they might keep his Statutes and observe his Laws. Psal. cv. 44. and this, my good Friends, is the End GOD would have accomplished in us, and the only Return he desires us to make him, for all the Benefits he hath conferred upon us.

O then, let me beseech you, give GOD your Hearts, your whole Hearts, and suffer yourselves to be drawn by the Cords of infinite Love to honour and obey him.

Assure yourselves you never can serve a better Master, for his Service is perfect Freedom, is Yoke, when worn a little while, exceeding easy, his Burthen light; and in keeping his Command­ments there is great Reward, Love, Peace, Joy in the Holy Ghost here, and a Crown of Glory that fadeth not away hereafter.

You may indeed let other Lords have Domi­nion over you, and Satan may promise to give you all the Kingdoms of the World, and the Glory of them, if you will fall down and worship him; but he is a Liar, and was so from the Beginning; and has not so much to give you, as you may tread on with the Sole of your Foot; or could he give you the whole World, yet that could not make you happy without GOD. It is GOD alone, my Brethren, whose we are, in whose Name I now speak, and who has of late shewed us such Mercies in the Deep, that can give solid lasting Happiness to your Souls; and he for this Reason only desires your Hearts, because without him they must be miserable.

[Page 182] Suffer me not then to go away without my Errand; as it is the last Time I shall speak to you, let me not speak in vain; but let a Sense of the Divine Goodness lead you to Repentance.

Even Saul, that abandoned Wretch, when David shewed him his Skirt, which he had cut off, when he might have taken his Life, was so melted down with his Kindness, that he lifted up his Voice and wept. And we must have Hearts harder than Saul's, nay harder than the nether Milstone, if a Sense of GOD's late loving Kind­nesses, notwithstanding he might so often have destroyed us, does not even compel us to lay down our Arms against him, and become his faithful Servants and Soldiers unto our Lives End.

If they have not this Effect upon us, we shall of all Men be most miserable; for GOD is just, as well as merciful; and the more Blessings we have received here, the greater Damnation, if we do not improve them, shall we incur hereafter.

But GOD forbid that any of those should ever suffer the Vengeance of eternal Fire, amongst whom I have for these Four Months been preaching the Gospel of CHRIST, but yet thus must it be, if you do not improve the Divine Mercies; and instead of your being my Crown of Rejoicing in the Day of our Lord JESUS CHRIST, I must appear as a swift Witness against you.

But, Brethren, I am persuaded better Things of you, and Things that accompany Salvation, though I thus speak.

[Page 183] Blessed be GOD, some Marks of a partial Reformation at least, have been visible amongst all you that are Soldiers. And my weak, tho' sincere Endeavours, to build you up in the knowledge and Fear of GOD, have not been altogether in vain in the LORD.

Swearing, I hope, is in a great Measure abated with you; and GOD I trust has blessed his late Visitations by making them the Means of awa­kening your Consciences, to a more sollicitous Enquiry about the Things which belong to your everlasting Peace.

Fulfil you then my Joy, by continuing thus minded, and labour to go on to Perfection. For I shall have no greater Pleasure than to see, or hear that you walk in the Truth.

Consider, my good Friends, you are now, as it were, entring on a new World, where you will be surrounded with Multitudes of Heathens; and if you take not heed to have your Conver­sation honest amongst them, and to walk worthy the Holy Vocation wherewith you are called, you will act the Hellish Part of Herod's Soldiers over again; and cause CHRIST's Religion, as they did his Person, to be had in Derision of those that are round about you.

Consider farther, what peculiar Privileges you have enjoyed above many others that are entring on the same Land. They have had, as it were a Famine of the Word, but you have rather been in Danger of being surfeited with your Spiritual Manna. And therefore, as more Instructions have been given you, so from you [Page 184] Men will most justly expect the greater Improve­ment in Goodness.

Indeed I cannot say I have discharged my Duty towards you as I ought. No, I am sensible of many Faults which I have been guilty of in my ministerial Office, and for which I have not failed, nor, I hope, ever shall fail to humble myself in secret before GOD. How­ever, this I can say, that except a few Days that have been spent necessarily on other Per­sons, whom GOD immediately called me to write and minister unto, and the two last Weeks wherein I have been confined by Sickness, all the while I have been aboard, I have been either actually engaged in, or preparing myself for instructing you. And though you are now to be committed to the Care of another (whose Labours I heartily beseech GOD to bless amongst you) yet I trust I shall at all Sea­sons, if Need be, willingly spend, and be spent, for the Good of your Souls, though the more abundantly I love you, the less I should be loved.

As for your military Affairs, I have nothing to do with them. Fear God, and you must honour the King. Nor am I better acquainted with the Nature of that Land which you are now come over to protect; only this I may venture to affirm in general, that you must nece­ssarily expect upon your Arrival at a new Colo­ny, to meet with many Difficulties. But your very Profession teaches you to endure Hardship; be not therefore faint-hearted, but quit yourselves [Page 185] like Men, and be strong, Numb. xiv. Be not like those cowardly Persons, who were affrighted at the Report of the false Spies, that came and said, that there were People tall as the Anakims to be grappled with; but be like unto Caleb and Joshua, all Heart; and say, we will act valiant­ly, for we shall be more than Conquerors over all Difficulties thro' JESUS CHRIST that loved us.—Above all Things, my Brethren, take heed and beware of murmuring, like the perverse Israelites, against those that are set over you; and learn, whatsoever State you shall be in, there­with to be content. Phil. iv. 11.

As I have spoken to you, I hope your Wives also will suffer the Word of Exhortation.

Your Behaviour on Shipboard, especially the first Part of the Voyage, I chuse to throw a Cloak over; for, to use mildest Terms, it was not such as became the Gospel of our Lord JESUS CHRIST. However of late, blessed be GOD, you have taken more Heed to your Ways, and some of you have walked all the while, as be­came Women professing Godliness. Let those ac­cept my hearty Thanks, and permit me to intreat you all in general, as you are all now married, to remember the solemn Vow you made at your Entrance into the Marriage State; and see that you be subject to your own Husbands, in every lawful Thing: Beg of GOD to keep the Door of your Lips, that you offend not with your Tongues; and walk in Love, that your Prayers be not hin­dered. You that have Children, let it be your chief Concern to breed them up in the Nurture and [Page 186] Monition of the LORD. And live all of you so holy and unblameable, that you may not so much as be suspected to be unchaste; and as some of you have imitated Mary Magdalene in her Sin, strive to imitate her also in her Repentance.

As for you that are Sailors, what shall I say? How shall I address myself to you? How shall I do that which I so much long to do—touch your Hearts? Gratitude obliges me to wish thus well to you. For you have often taught me many instructive Lessons, and reminded me to put up many Prayers to GOD for you, that you might receive your spiritual Sight.

When I have seen you preparing for a Storm, and riefing your Sails to guard against it, how have I wished that you and I were both as care­ful to avoid that Storm of GOD's Wrath, which will certainly, without Repentance, quickly overtake us? When I have observed you catch at every fair Gale, how have I secretly cried, Oh that we were as careful to know the Things that belong to our Peace, before they are hid from our Eyes! And when I have taken Notice how steadily you eyed your Compass, in order to steer aright, how have I wished, that we as steadily eyed the Word of GOD, which alone can preserve us from making Shipwreck of Faith and a good Conscience! In short, there is scarce any thing you do, which has not been a Lesion of Instruction to me; and therefore it would be ungrateful in me, did I not take this Opportuni­ty to exhort you in the Name of our Lord JESUS CHRIST, to be as wise in the Things [Page 187] which Concern your Soul, as I have ob­served you to be in the Affairs belonging to your Ship.

I am sensible that the Sea is reckoned but an ill School to learn CHRIST in: And to see a devout Sailor is esteemed as uncommon a Thing, as to see a Saul amongst the Prophets. But whence this Wondering? Whence this looking upon a godly Sailor as a Man to be wondered at, as a speckled Bird upon the Earth? I am sure for the little Time I have come in and out amongst you, and as far as I can judge from the little Experience I have had of Things, I scarce know any way of Life, that is capable of greater Improvements than yours.

The continual Danger you are in of being over-whelmed by the great Waters; the many Opportunities you have of beholding GOD's Wonders in the Deep; the happy Retirement you enjoy from worldly Temptations; and the daily Occasions that are offered you to endure Hardships, are such noble Means of promoting the Spiritual Life, that were your Hearts bent towards GOD, you would account it your Happiness, that his Pro­vidence has called you, to go down to the Sea in Ships, and to occupy your Business in the great Waters.

The royal Psalmist knew this, and there­fore in the Words of the Text, calls more especially on Men of your Employ, to praise the LORD for his Goodness, and [Page 188] declare the Wonders, he doth for the Chil­dren of Men.

And oh that you would be wise in Time, and hearken to his Voice to Day, whilst it is called to Day! For ye yourselves know how little is to be done on a sick Bed: And how GOD has in an especial Manner of late invited you to Re­pentance. Two of your Crew he has taken off by Death, and most of you he has merci­fully visited with a grievous Sickness. The Terrors of the LORD have been upon you, and when burnt by a scorching Fever, some of you have cried out, What shall we do to be saved? Remember then the Resolutions you made, when you thought GOD was about to take away your Souls. And see, that according to your Promises, you shew forth your Thankfulness not only with your Lips, but in your Lives. For though GOD may bear long, he will not forbear always; and if these signal Mercies and Judgments do not lead you to Repentance, assure your­selves there will at last come a fiery Tem­pest from the Presence of the LORD, which will sweep away you, and all other Adver­saries of GOD.

I am positive neither you nor the Soldiers have wanted, nor will want any Manner of Encouragement to Piety and Holiness of living from those two Persons who have here the Government over you; for they have been such Helps to me in my Ministry, and have so readily concurred in every thing for your [Page 189] Good, that they may justly demand a publick Acknowledgment of Thanks both from you and me.

Permit me then, my honoured Friends, in the Name of both your People, to return you hearty Thanks for the Care and Tenderness you have expressed for the Welfare of their better Parts.

As for the private Favours you have shewn my Person, I hope so deep a Sense of them is imprinted on my Heart, that I shall plead them before GOD in Prayer as long as I live.

But I have still stronger Obligations to in­tercede in your Behalf. For GOD, for ever adored be his free Grace in CHRIST JESUS, has set a Seal to my Ministry in your Hearts. Some distant Pangs of the New-Birth I have observed to come upon you; and GOD forbid that I should sin against the LORD, by ceasing to pray, that the good Work be­gun in your Souls, may be carried on till the Day of our Lord JESUS CHRIST.

The Time of our Departure from each other is now at Hand, and you are going out into a World of Temptations. But though absent in Body, let us be present with each other in Spirit; and GOD, I trust, will enable you to be singularly good, to be ready to be accounted Fools for CHRIST's Sake: and then we shall meet ne­ver to part again, in the Kingdom of our Father which is in Heaven.

[Page 190] To You, my Companions and familiar Friends, who came over with me to sojourn in a strange Land, do I in the next Place address myself. For you I especially fear, as well as for myself; because as we take sweet Counsel together oftner than others, and as you are let into a more intimate Friendship with me in private Life, the Eyes of all Men will be upon you, to note even the minutest Miscarriage.—and therefore it highly concerns you to walk circumspectly towards those that are without.—I hope nothing but a single Eye to GOD's Glory and the Salvation of your own Souls, brought you from your native Country. Re­member then the End of your coming hither, and you can never do amiss.—Be Patterns of Industry, as well as Piety, to those who shall be around you; and above all Things let us have such a fervent Charity amongst ourselves, that it may be said of us, as of the Primitive Christians, See how the Christians love one another.

And now I have been speaking to others particularly, I have one general Request to make to all, and that with Reference to myself.

You have heard, my dear Friends, how I have been exhorting every one of you to shew forth your Thankfulness for the Divine Good­ness, not only with your Lips, but in your Lives: But Physician heal thyself, may justly be retorted on me, For (without any false Pretences to Humility) I find my own Heart [Page 191] so little inclined to this Duty of Thanksgiving for the Benefits I have received, that I had need fear sharing Hezekiah's Fate, who, because he was lifted up by, and not thankful enough for the great Things GOD had done for him, was given up a Prey to the Pride of his own Heart. I need therefore, and beg your most importunate Petitions at the Throne of Grace, that no such Evil may befal me,—that the more GOD exalts me, the more I may debase myself,—and that after I have preached to others, I myself may not be a Cast-away.

And now, Brethren, into GOD's Hands I commend your Spirits, who, I trust, through his infinite Mercies in CHRIST JESUS, will preserve you blameless, till his second Coming to judge the World.

Excuse my detaining you so long, it is the last Time I shall speak to you perhaps; my Heart is full, and out of the abundance of it, I could continue my Discourse till Midnight.—But I must away to your new World,—may GOD give you new Hearts, and enable you to put in Practice what you have heard from Time to Time to be your Duty, and I need not wish you any Thing better. For then GOD will so bless you, that you will build you Cities to dwell in; then will you sow your Lands and plant Vineyards, which will yield you Fruits of Increase, Psal. cvii. 36, 37. Then your Oxen shall be strong to labour, there shall be no leading into Captivity, and no complaining in [Page 192] your Streets; then shall your Sons grow up as the young Plants, and your Daughters be as the polished Corners of the Temple: Then shall your Garners be full and plenteous with all Manner of Store, and your Sheep bring forth Thousands and Ten Thousands in your Streets, Psal. cxliv. In short, then shall the LORD be your GOD; and as surely as he has now brought us to this Haven, where we would be, so surely, after we have passed through the Storms and Tempests of this troublesome World, will he bring us to the Haven of eternal Rest, where we shall have nothing to do but to praise him for ever for his Goodness, and declare in never-ceasing Songs of Praise, the Wonders he has done for us, and all the other Sons of Men.

To which blessed Rest, GOD of his infinite Mercy bring us all, through JESUS CHRIST our LORD; to whom with the FATHER, and the HOLY GHOST, he all Honour and Glory, Might, Majesty and Dominion, now, henceforth, and for evermore.

Amen. Amen.
[Page 193]


MATTH. xxv. 46. These shall go away into Everlasting Punishment.

THE Excellency of the Gospel [...]pensation is evidenced by nothing more, than those Sanctions of Rewards and Punishments, which it offers to the Choice of all its Professors, in order to invite or compel them to be obedient to its Precepts.—For it promises no less than Eternal Happiness to the Good, and denounces no slighter a Punishment than Everlasting Misery against the Wicked. On the one Hand, it is a Savour of Life unto Life, on the other, a Savour of Death unto Death. And though one would imagine the bare mentioning of the former would be sufficient to draw Men to their Duty, yet Ministers in all Ages have found it neces­sary frequently to remind their People of the latter, and to set before them the Terrors of the LORD, as so many powerful Dissuasives from Sin.

[Page 194] But whence is it that Men are so disinge­nuous?—Why, the Reason seems to be this.—The Promise of Eternal Happiness on our Well-doing, is so agreeable to the Inclinations and Wishes of Mankind, that all that call themselves Christians, universally and willingly subscribe to the Belief of it. But then there is something so shocking in the Consideration of Eternal Torments, and seemingly such an infinite Disproportion be­tween an endless Duration of Pain, and a short Life spent in Pleasure, that Men (some at least of them) can scarcely be brought to confess it as an Article of their Faith, that an Eternity of Misery awaits the Wicked in a future State.

I shall therefore at this Time beg Leave, to insist on the Proof of this Part of one of the Articles of our Creed; and endeavour to make good what our blessed LORD has here threatned in the Words of the Text, that These, that is, the Wicked, shall go away into Everlasting Punishment.

Accordingly, without considering the Words as they stand in Relation to the Context, I shall resolve all I have to say into this one general Proposition,— ‘That the Torments reserved for the Wicked hereafter are eternal.’

But before I proceed to make good this, I must inform you that I take it for granted,

All here present stedfastly believe, ‘They have something within them, which we call a Soul, and which is capable of surviving the Dissolution of the Body, and of being miserable or happy to all Eternity.’

[Page 195] I take it for granted farther, ‘That you believe a Divine Revelation; that those Books, emphatically called the Scriptures, were written by the Inspiration of GOD, and that the Things therein contained, are founded upon Eternal Truth.’

I take it for granted lastly, ‘That you believe, that the Son of GOD came down to die for Sinners; that there is but one Mediator between GOD and Man, even the Man CHRIST JESUS.’

These Things being granted (and they were necessary to be premised) proceed we now to make good the one general Proposition men­tioned before, and asserted in the Text, that ‘The Torments reserved for the [...] here­after are Eternal.’These, says [...] LORD, shall go away into Everlasting Pu­nishment.

The first Argument I shall advance to prove that the Torments reserved for the Wicked here­after are eternal (for I have taken it for granted, that you believe those Books, emphatically called the Scriptures, were written by the Inspiration of GOD, and that the Things contained therein are founded upon Eternal Truth) is, That the Word of GOD himself, assures us, Line upon Line, that it will be so.

To quote all the Texts that might be pro­duced in Proof of this, would be endless,—Let it suffice to instance only in a few.—In the Old Testament, in the Book of Daniel, Chap. xii. ver. 2. we are told, that Some shall awake [Page 196] to Everlasting Life, and others to Everlasting Contempt.—In the Book of Isaiah, it is said, that The Worm of those that have transgressed GOD's Law, shall not die, nor their Fire be quenched.—And in another Place, the Holy Prophet, struck, no doubt, with Astonishment and Horror at the Prospect of the Continuance of the Torments of the Damned, breaks out into this moving Expostulation, Who can dwell with Everlasting Burnings?

The New Testament is still fuller as to this Point, it being a Revelation which brought this and such-like Particulars to a clear Light.—The Apostle Jude tells us of the profane Despisers of Dignities in his Days, that for them was re­served the Blackness of Darkness for ever.—And in the Book of the Revelations it is written, that The Smoke of the Torments of the Wicked ascendeth for ever and ever—And if we believe the Witness of Men inspired, the Witness of the Son of GOD, who had the Spirit given him, as he was a Mediator, without Measure, is still far greater.—And he, in St. Mark's Gospel, re­peats this solemn Declaration three several Times. It is better for Thee to enter into Life maimed; that is, it is better to forego the Gratification of thy Lust, or incur the Displeasure of a Friend, which may be as dear to thee as a Hand, or as useful as a Foot, than having two Hands and Feet, that is, for indulging the one, or disobeying GOD to oblige the other, to be cast into Hell, where the Worm dieth not, and the Fire is not quenched.

[Page 197] And here again, in the Words of the Text, These, that is, the Wicked, says he, shall go away into everlasting Punishment.

I know it has been objected by some who have denied the Eternity of Hell Torments, ‘That the Words Everlasting and Ever and Ever, are often used in the Holy Scriptures, (especially in the Old Testament) when they signify not an endless Duration, but a limited Term of Time.’

And this we readily grant. But then we re­ply, ‘That when the Words are used with this Limitation, they either manifestly appear to be used so from the Context’—or are put in Opposition to some occasional Types which GOD gave his People on some special Occasions, as when it is said, it shall be a perpetual or ever­lasting Statute, or a Statute for ever, that is, a standing Type, and not merely transient or oc­casional, as was the Pillar of Cloud, the Manna, or such like—Or lastly, they have a Relation, to that Covenant GOD made with his spiritual Israel, which, if understood in a spiritual Sense, will be everlasting, though the Ceremonial Dis­pensation be abolished.

Besides, it ought to be observed, that, some of the Passages just now referred to, have neither of these Words so much as mentioned in them, and cannot possibly be interpreted so as to de­note only a limited Term of Years.

But let that be as it will, it is evident even to a D [...]onstration, that the Words of the Text however, will not admit of such a restrained [Page 198] Signification, as appears from their being direct­ly opposed to the Words immediately following, viz. That the Righteous shall go into Life eternal. From which Words, all are ready to grant, that the Life promised to the Righteous will be Eter­nal; and why the Punishment threatned to the Wicked should not be understood to be E­ternal likewise, when the very same Word in the Original, is used to express the Du­ration of each, no Shadow of a Reason can be given.

But Secondly, There cannot be one Argu­ment urged, why GOD should reward his Saints with everlasting Happiness, which will not equally prove that he ought to punish Sin­ners with Eternal Misery.

For, since we know nothing (at least for a Certainty) how he will deal with either, but by a Divine Revelation; and since, as was proved by the foregoing Argument, he hath as positively threatned eternally to punish the Wicked, as to reward the Good; it follows that his Truth will be as much impeached and called in Question, did he not inflict his Punish­ments, as it would be, if he did not confer his Rewards.

To this also it has been objected, ‘That though GOD is obliged by his Promise to give his Rewards, yet his Veracity could not be called in Question, supposing he should not execute his Threatnings, as he actually did not in the Case of Nineveh, which GOD ex­presly declared by his Prophet Jonah, should [Page 199] be destroyed in Forty Days; notwithstanding the Sequel of the Story informs us, that Ni­neveh was spared.’

But in answer to this Objection we affirm, ‘That GOD's Threatnings, as well as Pro­mises, are without Repentance.’—And for this Reason, because they are both founded on the eternal Laws of right Reason.—According­ly we always find, that where the Conditions were not performed, on the Non-performance of which the Threatnings were denounced, GOD always executed the Punishment threatned.—The driving Adam out of Eden,—The Destruc­tion of the old World by a Deluge of Water, and the Overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah, are, and will be always so many standing Mo­numents of GOD's executing his Threatnings when denounced, though, to our weak Appre­hensions, the Punishment may seem far to exceed the Crime.

It is true, GOD did spare Nineveh, and that because the Inhabitants did actually repent, and therefore performed the Conditions upon which it was supposed by the Prophet's being sent to warn them, the threatned Punishment should be with-held.

And so likewise in respect to Gospel Threat­nings. If Men will so far consult their own Welfare as to live [...] to the Gospel Terms, GOD certainly will not punish them, but on the con­trary confer upon them his Rewards,—But to [...] that HE will not punish, and that eter­nal [...] too, impenitent, obstinate Sinners, ac­cording [Page 200] as he hath threatned, if they do not perform the Terms of the Gospel, what is it, in Effect, but to make GOD like a Man, that he should lie, or the Son of Man that he should repent?

But the Absurdity of such an Opinion will appear still more evident from

The next and Third Argument I shall offer to prove, that the Torments reserved for the Wicked hereafter are eternal, viz. From the Nature of the Christian Covenant.

And here I must again observe, that it was taken for granted at the Beginning of this Dis­course, that, ‘You believe the Son of GOD came down to save Sinners; that there is but one Mediator between GOD and Man, even the Man CHRIST JESUS.’

And here I take it for granted farther (unless you believe the absurd and unwarrantable Doctrine of Purgatory) that you are fully per­suaded, that this Life is the only Time al­lotted by Almighty GOD for working out our Salvation, and that after a few Years are passed over, there will remain no more Sacri­fice for Sin.

And if this be granted (and who dares deny it) it follows that if a wicked Man dieth in his Wickedness, and under the Wrath of GOD, he must continue in that State to all Eternity.—For, since there is no Possibility of his being de­livered out of such a Condition but by and thro' CHRIST; and since, at the Hour of Death, the Time of CHRIST'S Mediation and Intercession [Page 201] for him is irrecoverably gone; the same Reason that may be given, why GOD should punish a Sinner that dieth under the Guilt of his Sins for a single Day, will equally hold good, why he should continue to punish him for a Year, an Age, nay, to all Eternity.

But I hasten to the Fourth, and last Argument, to prove, That the Torments reserved for the Wicked hereafter are Eternal, viz. Because the Devil's Punishment is to be so.

That there is such a Being whom we call the Devil, that he was once an Angel of Light, but for his Pride and Rebellion against GOD was cast down from Heaven, and is now permitted with the rest of his spiritual Wickednesses, to walk to and fro, seeking whom they may de­vour.—That there is a Place of Torment re­served for them, or, to use the Apostle's Words, that they are reserved in everlasting Chains under Darkness unto the Judgment of the Great Day, are Truths all here present were supposed to be convinced of, when it was taken fo [...] granted under the second Proposition at the Beginning of this Discourse, that you believed the Holy Scrip­tures to be written by the Inspiration of GOD, wherein these Truths are delivered.

But then if we allow all this, and think it no In­justice in GOD to punish those Glorious Spirits for their Rebellion, how can we think it unjust in him, to punish wicked Men for their Impeni­tency to all Eternity?

You will say perhaps, that they have sinned against greater Light, and therefore deserve a [Page 202] greater Punishment. And so we grant that the Punishment of the fallen Angles m [...] be greater as to Degree, than that of wicked Men. But then we affirm, it will be equal as to the Eternal Duration of it. For in that Day, as the lively Oracles of GOD inform us, shall the Son of Man say to them on his left Hand, Depart from me ye Cursed into Everlasting Fire prepared for the Devil and his Angels.—Where we find that im­penitent Sinners are to be cast into the same Everlasting Fire, With the Devil and his Angels,—And that too very justly.—For though they may have sinned against greater Light, yet Chris­tians sin against greater Mercy. Since CHRIST took not hold of, did not die for the fallen An­gels, but of the [...]eed of Abraham, for Men and for our Salvation. So that if GOD spared not those Excellent Beings, assure thyself, O obsti­nate Sinner, whoever thou art, he will by no means spare thee.

From what then has been said it plainly ap­pears, that verily [...]he Torments reserved for the Wicked hereafter are Eternal.—And if so, Bre­thren, how holy ought we to be in all Manner of Conversation and Godliness, that we may be accounted worthy to escape this Wrath to come!

But before I proceed to a practical Exhorta­tion, permit me to draw an Inference or two from what has been said.

And first, If the Torments reserved for the Wicked hereafter are Eternal, what shall we say to those, who make an open Profession in their [Page 203] Creed to believe a Life Everlasting, i. e. a [...]e of Happiness as well as Misery, and yet dare to live in the actual Commission of those Sins which will unavoidably, without Repentance, bring them into that Place of Torment? Thou believest the Punishments of the impenitently wicked in another Life, are Eternal: Thou doest well, The Devils also believe and tremble. But know, O vain Man, unless this Belief doth influence thy Practice, and makes thee bid Adieu to thy Sins, every Time thou repeatest thy Creed, thou doest in Effect say, I believe I shall be undone for ever.

But Secondly, if the Torments reserved for the Wicked hereafter are Eternal, then let this serve as a Caution to such Persons (and it is to be fear'd there are some such) who go about to dissuade others from the Belief of such an important Truth. There being no surer Way, in all Probability, to encourage and promote Infidelity and Prophaneness, than the broaching or maintaining such an unwarranta­ble Doctrine—For if the positive Threats of GOD concerning the Eternity of Hell Torments are already found insufficient to deter Men from Sin, what a higher Pitch of Wickedness may we imagine they will quickly arrive at, when they are taught to entertain any Hopes of a Future Recovery out of them, or, what is still worse, that their Souls are hereafter to be annihilated, and become like the Beasts that perish?—But Woe unto such blind Leaders of the Blind. No Wonder if they both fall [Page 204] into the Ditch.—And let such Corrupters of GOD's Word know, that I testify unto every Man that heareth me this Day, that if any one shall add unto, or take away from the Words that are written in the Book of GOD, GOD shall take his Part out of the Book of Life, and shall add unto him all the Plagues that are in that Book.

Thirdly and Lastly, if the Torments reserved for the Wicked hereafter are Eternal, then this may serve as a Reproof for those who quarrel with GOD, and say it is inconsistent with his Justice, to punish a Person to all Eternity, only for enjoying the Pleasures of Sin for a Season. But such Persons must be told, that it is not their thinking or calling GOD unjust, will make him so, no more than a condemned Prisoner's saying the Law or Judge is unjust, will render either duly chargeable with such an Imputation.—But knowest thou, O Worm, what Blasphemy thou are guilty of, in charging GOD with Injustice?— Shall the Thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus? And wilt thou presume to arraign the Almighty at the Bar of thy shallow Reasoning? And call him unjust, for punishing thee Eternally, only because thou wishest it may not be so? But hath GOD said it; and shall he not do it? He hath said it: And let GOD be true, tho' every Man be a Liar.— Shall not the Judge of all the Earth do right? Assuredly he will. And if Sinners will not own his Justice in his [Page 205] Threatnings here, they will be compell'd e'er long to own and feel them when tormented by him hereafter.

But to come to a more practical Application of what has been deliver'd.

You have heard, Brethren, the Eternity of Hell-Torments plainly proved, from the express Declarations of Holy Scriptures, and Conse­quences naturally drawn from them.—And now there seems to need no great Art of Rhetorick to persuade any understanding Person to avoid and abhor those Sins, which without Repentance will certainly plunge him into thi [...] Eternal Gulph.—The Disproportion between the Pleasure and the Pain (if there be any Pleasure in Sin) is so infinitely great, that supposing it was only possible, though not cer­tain, that the Wicked would be everlastingly punished, no one that has the Reason of a Man, for the Enjoying a little momentary Pleasure, would, one would imagine, run the Hazard of enduring Eternal Pain.—But since the Torments of the Damned are not only possible, but certain, (since GOD himself, who cannot lye, has told us so) for Men, notwithstanding to persist in their Disobedience, and then flatter themselves that GOD will not make good his Threatnings, is a most egregious Instance of Folly and Presumption.

Dives himself supposed, that if one rose from the Dead, his Brethren would amend their Lives; but Christians, it seems, will not repent, though the SON OF GOD has died [Page 206] and rose again, and told them what they must expect, if they still continue obstinate in Evil Doing.

Would we now and then draw off our Thoughts from sensible Objects, and by Faith meditate a while on the Miseries of the Dam­ned, I doubt not but we should, as it were, hear many an unhappy Soul venting his fruit­less Sorrows in some such piteous Moans as these.

‘O Wretched Man that I am, who shall deliver me from this Body of Death! O foolish▪ Mortal that I was, thus to bring myself into these never-ceasing Tortures, for the transitory Enjoyment of a few short-lived Pleasures, which scarcely afforded me any Satisfaction, even when I most indulged myself in them.—Alas! are these the Wages, these the Effects of Sin?—Are all the Grand Deceiver's inviting Promises come to this?—O Damned Apostate! First to delude me with pretended Promises of Happiness, and after several Years Drudgery in his Service, thus to involve me in Eternal Woe.—Oh that I had never hearkened to his beguiling Insinuations! Oh that I had rejected his very first Suggestions with the utmost Detestation and Abhorrence! Oh that I had taken up my Cross and followed CHRIST! Oh that I had never ridiculed serious Godliness; and out of a false Politeness, condemned the truly Pious, as too Severe, Enthusiastick, or Superstitious! For I then had been happy [Page 207] indeed, happy beyond Expression, happy to all Eternity yonder in those blessed Regions where they sit, cloathed with unspeakable Glory, and chanting forth their Seraphick Hallelujahs to the Lamb that sitteth upon the Throne, for ever.—But, alas! these Reflections come now too late: These Wishes now are vain and fruitless. I have not suffered, and therefore must not reign with them.—I have in Effect denied the LORD that bought me, and therefore justly am I now denied by him.’

‘But must I live for ever tormented in these Flames?—Must this Body of mine which not long since lay in State, was cloathed in Purple and fine Linnen, and [...]red sumptuously every Day, must this be h [...]e eternally confin'd, and made the Mock­ery of insulting Devils? Oh, Eternity! that Thought fills me with Despair. I cannot, will not, yet I must be miserable for ever.’

Come then, all ye self-deluding, self-deluded Sinners, and imagine yourselves for once in the Place of that truly wretched Man I have been here describing.—Think, I beseech you by the Mercies of GOD in CHRIST JESUS, think with yourselves, how racking, how un­supportable the never dying Worm of a self-condemning Conscience will hereafter be to you. Think how impossible it will be for you to [...]well with everlasting Burnings.

[Page 208] Come, all ye Christians of a Lukewarm Laodicean Spirit, ye Gallio's in Religion, who care a little, but not enough for the Things of GOD, O think, think with yourselves how deplorable it will be to lose the Enjoyment of Heaven, and run into endless Torments, merely because you will be content to be almost, and will not strive to be altogether Christians.—Consider, I beseech you, consider, how you will rave, and curse that fatal Stupidity, that made you believe any Thing less than a Life of strict Piety, Self-Denial, and Mortification, can keep you from those Torments, the Eternity of which I have been endeavouring to prove.

But I can no more—These Thoughts are too melancholly for me to dwell on, as well as for you to hear, and GOD knows, as Punishing is his strange Work, so denouncing his Threatnings is mine. But if the bare mentioning the Torments of the Damned is so shocking, Good GOD! how terrible must the enduring of them be!

And now are not some of you ready to cry out, These are hard Sayings, who can bear them?

But let not sincere Christians be in the least terrified at what has been delivered. No, for you is reserved, a Crown, a Kingdom, an Eternal and exceeding Weight of Glory. CHRIST never said the Righteous, the Upright, the Sincere, but the Wicked, Merciless, nega­tively good Professors before described, shall go into Everlasting Punishment. For you, who love him in Sincerity, a new and living Way [Page 209] is laid open into the Holy of Holies by the Blood of JESUS CHRIST. And an abundant Entrance will be administred unto you, at the great Day of Account into Eternal Life. Take heed therefore, and beware that there be not in any of you a Root of Bitterness springing up of Unbelief. But, on the contrary, stedfastly and heartily rely on the many precious Promises reached out to you in the Gospel, knowing that he who hath promised is faithful, and therefore will perform.

But let no obstinately wicked Professors dare to apply any of the Divine Promises to them­selves. For it is not meet to take the Childrens Bread and give it unto Dogs, No, to such the Terrors of the LORD only belong. And as certainly as CHRIST will say to his true Fol­lowers, Come, ye blessed Children of my Father, receive the Kingdom prepared for you from the Beginning of the World, so he will unalterably pronounce this dreadful Sentence against all that die in their Sins, Depart from me, ye Cursed, into everlasting Fire, prepared for the Devil and his Angels.

From which unhappy State may GOD of his infinite Mercy deliver [...]s all through JESUS CHRIT; to whom with Thee, O FATHER, and Thee, O HOLY GHOST, Three Persons and One Eternal GOD, be ascribed, as is most due, all Honour, Power, Might, Majesty, and Dominion, [...] and for evermore.

[Page 210]


LUKE viii. 18. Take Heed therefore how you hear.

THE Occasion of our LORD's giving this Caution was this: Perceiving that much People were gathered together, to hear him, out of every City, and knowing (for he is GOD, and knoweth all Things) that many, if not most of them, would be Hearers only, and not Doers of the Word, he spake to them by a Parable, wherein, under the Similitude of a Sower, that went out to sow his Seed, he plainly intimated how few there were amongst them who would receive any saving Benefit from his Doctrine, or bring forth Fruit unto Perfection.

The Application, one would imagine, should be plain and obvious: But the Disciples, as yet unenlightened in any great Degree by the Holy Spirit, and therefore unable to see into the hidden Mysteries of the Kingdom of GOD, dealt with our Saviour, as People ought to deal with their Ministers,—discoursed with him [Page 211] privately about the Meaning of what he had taught them in Publick, and with a sincere Desire of doing their Duty, asked for an Inter­pretation of the Parable.

Our blessed LORD, as he always was willing to instruct those that were teachable (herein setting his Ministers an Example to be courteous and easy of Access) freely told them the Signi­fication of it. And withal, to make them more cautious and more attentive to his Doctrine for the future, He tells them, that they were in an especial Manner to be the Light of the World, and were to proclaim on the House-Top what­soever he told them in Secret. And as their improving the Knowledge already imparted, was the only Condition upon which more was to be given them, it therefore highly concerned them to take heed how they heard.

From the Context then it appears, that the Words were primarily spoken to the Apostles themselves. But because they were the Repre­sentatives of the whole Church, and 'tis to be feared out of those many Thousands that flock to hear Sermons, but few comparatively speaking are effectually influenced by them; I cannot but think it very necessary to remind you of the Caution given by our LORD to his Disciples, and to exhort you with the utmost Earnestness to take heed how you hear.

In Prosecution of which Design I shall in the following Discourse,

  • I. First, Prove that every one ought to take all Opportunities of hearing Sermons. And,
  • [Page 212] II. Secondly, I shall lay down some Cautions and Directions, in order to your hearing them with Profit and Advantage.

I. And, First; I am to prove that every one ought to take all Opportunities of hearing Sermons.

That there have always been particular Persons set apart by GOD to instruct and exhort his People to practice what he should require of them, is evident from many Passages of Scripture.—St. Jude tells us, that Enoch the seventh from Adam prophesied, or preached, concerning the LORD's coming with ten Thousand of his Saints to Judgment. And Noah, who lived not long after, is stiled by St. Peter, a Preacher of Righ­teousness. And though in all the intermediate Space between the Flood and Giving of the Law, we hear but of few Preachers, yet we may reasonably conclude, that GOD never left him­self without Witness, but at sundry Times, and after divers Manners, spoke to our Fathers by the Patriarchs and Prophets.

But however it was before, we are assured that after the Delivery of the Law, GOD has constantly separated to himself a certain Order of Men to preach to, as well as pray for, his People; and commanded them to enquire their Duty at the Priests Mouths. And though the Jews were frequently led into Captivity, and for their Sins scattered abroad through the Face of the Earth, yet he never utterly forsook his Church, but still kept up a Remnant of Prophets and Preachers, as Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Daniel, [Page 213] and others, to reprove, instruct, and call them to Repentance.

Thus was it under the Law. Nor has the Church been worse, but infinitely better provi­ded for under the Gospel: For when JESUS CHRIST, that great High Priest, had through the Eternal Spirit offered himself as a full, per­fect, sufficient Sacrifice, Oblation and Satisfaction for the Sins of the whole World, and after his Resurrection had all Power committed to him both in Heaven and Earth, he gave Commission to his Apostles, and in them to all succeeding Ministers, to go and preach his Gospel to every Creature; promising to be with them, to guide, assist, strengthen and comfort them always, even to the End of the World.

But if it be the Duty of Ministers to preach (and Woe be to them if they do not preach the Gospel, for a Necessity is laid upon them) no doubt, the People are obliged to attend to them; for otherwise, wherefore are Ministers sent?

And how can we here avoid admiring the Love and tender Care which our dear Redeemer has expressed for his Spouse the Church? Who, because he could not be always with us in Person, on account it was expedient he should go away, and as our Fore-runner take Possession of that Glory he had purchased by his precious Blood, yet would not leave us comfortless, but first settled a sufficient Number of Pastors and Teachers, and afterwards, according to his Promise, actually did and will continue to send down the Holy Ghost to furnish them and their Successors with [Page 214] proper Gifts and Graces for the Work of the Ministry, for the perfecting of the Saints, for the edifying of his Body in Love, till we all come in the Unity of the Spirit, to the Fulness of the Measure of the Stature of CHRIST.

Oh! how insensible are those of this unspeak­able Gift, who do despite to the Spirit of Grace, who crucify the Son of GOD afresh, and put him to an open Shame, by wilfully refusing to attend on so great a Means of their Salvation? How dreadful will the End of such Men be? How aggravating, that Light should come into the World, that the glad Tidings of Salvation should be so very frequently proclaimed in this City, and that so many should loath this spiritual Manna, this Angels Food, and call it light Bread? How much more tolerable will it be for Tyre and Sidon, for Sodom and Gomorrah, than for such Sinners? For better Men had never heard of a Saviour's being born, than after they have heard, not to give heed to the Ministry of those, who are employed as his Ambassadors, to transact Affairs between GOD and their Souls.

We may, though at a Distance, without a Spirit of Prophesy, foretel the deplorable Condi­tion of such Men; and behold them cast into Hell, lifting up their Eyes, being in Torment, and crying out, How often would our Ministers have gathered us, as a Hen gathereth her Chickens under her Wings!—But we would not.—Oh that we had known in that our Day, the Things that be­longed to our everlasting Peace!—But now they are for ever hid from our Eyes.

[Page 215] Thus wretched, thus inconceivably miserable, will such be as slight and make a Mock at the publick Preaching of the Gospel.—But taking it for granted, there are but few, if any, of this unhappy Stamp, who think it not worth their while to tread the Courts of the LORD's House, I pass on now to the

II. Second general Thing proposed,—To lay down some Cautions and Directions, in order to your hearing Sermons with Profit and Advantage.

And here, if we reflect on what has been already delivered, and consider that Preaching is an Ordinance of GOD, a Means appointed by JESUS CHRIST himself, for promoting his Kingdom amongst Men, you cannot reasonably be offended, if, in order that you may hear Sermons with Profit and Advantage, I

First, direct or intreat you to come to hear them, not out of Curiosity, but from a sincere Desire to know and do your Duty.

Formality and Hypocrisy in any religious Exercise is an Abomination unto the LORD. And to enter his House merely to have our Ears entertained, and not our Hearts reformed, must certainly be highly displeasing to the Most High GOD, as well as unprofitable to our selves.

Hence it is, that so many remain Unconver­ted, yea, Unaffected with the most Evangelical Preaching; so that like St. Paul's Companions, they only hear the Preacher's Voice with their outward Ears, but do not experience the Power of it inwardly in their Hearts. Or like the [Page 216] Ground near Gideon's Fleece, they remain un­touched; whilst others that came to be fed with the sincere Milk of the Word, like the Fleece itself, are watered by the Dew of GOD's Heavenly Blessing, and grow thereby.

Flee therefore, my Brethren, flee Curiosity; and prepare your Hearts by a humble Disposition to receive with Meekness the engrafted Word, and then it will be a Means, under GOD, to quicken, build up, purify, and save your Souls.

A Second Direction I shall lay down for the same Purpose, is, not only to prepare your Hearts before you hear, but also to give diligent heed to the Things that are spoken, whilst you are hearing the Word of GOD.

If an earthly King was to issue out a Royal Proclamation, on performing or not performing the Conditions wherein contained, the Life or Death of his Subjects entirely depended, how sollicitous would they be to hear what those Conditions were? And shall not we pay the same Respect to the KING of KINGS, and LORD of LORDS, and lend an attentive Ear to his Ambas­sadors, when they are declaring in his Name on what Terms our Pardon, Peace, and Happiness may be secured?

When GOD descended on Mount Sinai in terrible Majesty, to give unto his People the Law, how attentive were they to his Servant Moses? And if they were so earnest to hear the Thun­drings or Threatnings of the Law, shall not we be as sollicitous to hear from the Ministers of CHRIST, the glad Tidings of the Gospel?

[Page 217] Whilst CHRIST was himself on Earth, it is said, that the People hung upon him to hear the gracious Words that proceeded out of his Mouth. And if we looked on Ministers as we ought, as the Representatives of JESUS CHRIST, we should hang upon them to hear their Word [...] also.

Besides, the sacred Truths that Gospel Mini­sters deliver, are not dry insipid Lectures o [...] Moral Philosophy, intended only to amuse u [...] for a while; but the great Mysteries of Godli­ness, which therefore we are bound studiously to listen to, lest through our Negligence we should either not understand them, or by any other Means let them slip.

But how regardless are those of this Direc­tion, who instead of hanging on the Preacher to hear him, doze or sleep whilst he is speaking to them from GOD? Unhappy Men! Can they not watch with our blessed LORD one Hour? What; Have they never read how Eutichus fell down as he was sleeping, when St. Paul conti­nued his Discourse till Midnight, and was taken up dead?

But to return. Though you may prepare your Hearts, as you may think, by a teachable Disposition, and be attentive whilst Discourses are delivering, yet this will profit you little, unless you observe a

Third Direction,—not to entertain any the least Prejudice against the Minister.

For could a Preacher speak with the Tongu [...] of Men and Angels, if his Audience was [Page 218] prejudiced against him, he would be but as a sounding Brass, or a tinkling Cymbal.

That was the Reason why JESUS CHRIST himself, the eternal Word, could not do many mighty Works, nor preach to any great Effect among those of his own Country; for they were offended at him. And was this same JESUS, this GOD incarnate again to bow the Heavens, and to come down speaking as never Man spake; yet if we were prejudiced against him, as the Jews were, we should harden our Hearts as the Jews did theirs.

Take Heed therefore, my Brethren, and beware of entertaining any Dislike against those whom the Holy Ghost has made Overseers over you. Consider that the Clergy are Men of like Passions with yourselves. And though we should even hear a Person teaching others to do, what he has not taught himself; yet that is no suffi­cient Reason for rejecting his Doctrine. For Ministers speak not in their own, but CHRIST'S Name. And we know who commanded the People to do whatsoever the Scribes and Pha­risees should say unto them, though they said but did not.

But, Fourthly, as you ought not be prejudiced against, so you should be careful not to depend too much on a Preacher, or think more highly of him than you ought to think. For though this be an Extreme that People seldom run into; yet preferring one Teacher, in Opposition to another, has often been of ill Consequence to the Church of GOD.

[Page 219] That, we read, was a Fault which the great Apostle of the Gentiles condemned in the Corin­thians: For whereas one said, I am of Paul; another, I am of Apollos: Are ye not Carnal, says he? For who is Paul, and who is Apollos, but Instruments in GOD's Hand by whom you believed? And are not all Ministers sent forth to be ministring Ambassadors to those who shall be Heirs of Salvation? And are they not all therefore greatly to be esteemed for their Work's Sake?

The Apostle, it is true, commands us to pay double Honour to those who labour in the Word and Doctrine. But then to prefer one Minister at the Expence of another (perhaps to such a Degree, as when you have actually entered a Church, to come out again, because he does not preach) is earthly, sensual, devilish.

Not to mention that Popularity and Applause cannot but be exceeding dangerous even to a rightly informed Mind; and must necessarily fill any thinking Man with a holy Jealousy, left he should take that Honour to himself, which is due only to GOD; who alone qualifies him for his Ministerial Labours, and from whom alone every good and perfect Gift cometh.

A Fifth Direction I would recommend is, to make a particular Application of every Thing that is delivered, to your own Hearts.

When our Saviour was discoursing at his last Supper with his beloved Disciples, and foretold that one of th [...] should betray him, each of them immediately applied it to his own Heart, and [Page 220] said, LORD, Is it I? And would Persons in lik Manner, when Preachers are dissuading from any Vice, or persuading to any Virtue, instead of crying, this was designed against such and such a one, turn their Thoughts inwardly, and say, LORD, Is it I? How far more beneficial should we find Discourses to be, than they generally are now?

But we are apt to wander too much abroad: Always looking at the Mote which is in our Neighbour's Eye, rather than the Beam which is in our own.

Haste we now to the Sixth and last Direction: If you would receive a Blessing from the LORD, when you hear his Word preached, pray to him, both before, in, and after every Sermon, to endue the Minister with Power to speak, and to grant you a Will and Ability to put in Practice what he shall shew from the Book of GOD to be your Duty.

This would be an excellent Means to render the Word preached effectual to the Enlightning and Enflaming your Hearts, and without this all the other Means before prescribed will be in vain.

No doubt it was this Consideration that made St. Paul so earnestly intreat his beloved Ephesians to intercede with GOD for him,— Praying always, says he, with all Manner of Prayer and Supplication in the Spirit; and for me also, that I may open my Mouth with Boldness, to make known the Mysteries of the Gospel. And if so great an Apostle as St. Paul, needed the Prayers [Page 221] of his People, much more do those Ministers, who have only the ordinary Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Besides, this would be a good Proof that you sincerely desired to do as well as know the Will of GOD: And it must highly profit both Mini­sters and People; because GOD through your Prayers will give them a double Portion of his Holy Spirit, whereby they will be enabled to instruct you more fully in the Things which pertain to the Kingdom of GOD.

And oh! that all that hear me this Day would seriously apply their Hearts to practise what has now been told them!—How would Ministers see Satan like Lightning fall from Heaven, and People find the Word preached sharper than a two-edged Sword, and mighty through GOD to the pulling down of the Devil's strong Holds!

The Holy Ghost would then fall on all them that heard the Word; as when St. Peter preach­ed. The Gospel of CHRIST would have free Course, run very swiftly, and Thousands again be converted by a Sermon.

For JESUS CHRIST, is the same Yesterday, to Day, and for ever. He has promised to be with his Ministers always, even unto the End of the World. And the Reason why we do not receive larger Effusions of the blessed Spirit of GOD, is not, because our All-powerful Redeemer's Hand is shortned, but because we are not prepared to receive them, and because we do not expect them, but confine them to the Primitive Times.

[Page 222] It does indeed sometimes happen that GOD to magnify his Free Grace in CHRIST JESUS, is found of them that sought him not; a notorious Sinner is forcibly worked upon by a publick Sermon, and plucked as a Fire-brand out of the Fire. But this is not GOD's ordinary Way of acting. No; for the Generality, he only visits those with the Power of his Word, who humbly wait to know what he would have them to do. And sends unqualified Hearers not only empty, but hardened, away.

Take heed, therefore, ye careless, curious Pro­fessors, if any such be here present, how you hear▪ Remember that, whether we think of it or not, we must all appear before the Judgment Seat of CHRIST, where Ministers must give a strict Account of the Doctrine they have delivered, and you as strict a one, how you have improved under it. And good GOD! how will you be able to stand at the Bar of an angry, Sin-avenging Judge, and see so many Discourses you have des­pised, so many Ministers who once longed and laboured for the Salvation of your precious and immortal Souls, brought out as so many swift Witnesses against you? Will it be sufficient then, think you, to alledge that you went to hear them only out of Curiosity, to pass away an idle Hour, to admire the Oratory, or ridicule the Simplicity of the Preacher? No, GOD will then let you know, that you ought to have come out of better Principles, that every Sermon has been put down to your Account, and that you must then be justly punished for not improving by them.

[Page 223] But fear not, you little Flock, who with Meekness receive the ingra [...]ted Word, and bring forth the peaceable Fruits of Righteousness; for it shall not be so with you. No; you will be your Minister's Joy, and their Crown of Rejoycing in the Day of our Lord JESUS, And they will present you in a holy Triumph faultless and unblameable to our common Redeemer, saying, Behold us, O LORD, and the Children which Thou hast given us.

But still take you heed how you hear. For upon your improving the Grace you have, more shall be given, and you shall have abundance. For He is faithful that has promised, Who also will do it. Nay, GOD from out of Sion shall so bless you, that every Sermon you hear shall communicate to you a fresh Supply of Spiritual Knowledge. The Word of GOD shall dwell in you richly; you shall go on from Strength to Strength, from one Degree of Grace unto another, till being grown up to be perfect Men in CHRIST JESUS, and filled with all the Fulness of GOD, you shall be translated by Death to see Him as He is, and to sing Praise before his Throne with Angels and Archangels, Cherubim [...] and Seraphims, and the general Assembly of the First-born, whose Names are written in Heaven, for ever and ever.

Which GOD of his infinite Mercy grant, &c.

The End of the First Volume.




  • I. Worldly Business no Plea for the Neglect of RELIGION.
  • II. The Marks of the NEW-BIRTH.
  • III. The Power of CHRIST'S Resurrection.
  • IV. The Duty of Searching the Scriptures.
  • VI. The Knowledge of JESUS CHRIST the best Knowledge.
  • VII. The heinous SIN of Drunkenness.
  • VIII. The Indwelling of the Spirit, the common Privilege of all Believers.
  • IX. The wise and foolish Virgins.
  • X. What think ye of CHRIST?

To which are added, Several PRAYERS.

By GEORGE WHITEFIELD, A. B. of Pembroke College, Oxford.

PHILADELPHIA: Printed and Sold by B. FRANKLI [...] [...], Market-street, 1740.



  • SERMON I. MATTH. Viii. 22. LET the Dead bury their Dead. 1.
  • SERMON II. ACTS xix. 2. Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed? 15
  • SERMON III. PHILIP. iii. 10. That I may know Him, and the Power of his Resurrection. 34
  • SERMON IV. JOHN V. 39. Search the Scriptures. 50
  • SERMON V. 2 CORINTH. ii. 11. Left Satan should get an Advantage over us; for we are not ignorant of his Devices. 65
  • SERMON VI. 1 COR. ii. [...]. I determined not to know any Thing among you, [...]ve JESUS CHRIST, and him crucified. 86
  • SERMON VII. EPHESIANS V. 6. Be not drunk with Wine, wherein is Excess; but be filled with the Spirit. 101
  • [Page iv] SERMON VIII. JOHN vii. 37, 38, 39.
    • In the last Day, that great Day of the Feast, JESUS stood and cried, saying, If any Man thirst, let him come unto me and drink.
    • He that believeth on me, as the Scripture hath said, out of his Belly shall flow River [...] of living Water.
    • But this spake he of the Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive. Pag. 120
  • SERMON IX. MATTH. xxv. 14. Watch therefore, for ye know neither the Day nor the Hour in which the Son of Man cometh. 143
  • SERMON X. MATTH. xxii. 42. What think ye of CHRIST? 172
  • A PRAYER for one entrusted with the Education of Children. 202
  • A PRAYER for a Servant. 206
  • A PRAYER for one under spiritual Desertion. 210
  • A PRAYER for one under the Displeasure of Relations for being religious. 214
  • A PRAYER for one desiring to be awakened to an Experience of the New-Birth. 218
  • A PRAYER for one newly a [...] [...]ened [...] a Sense of the Divine Life. 221
[Page 1]

Worldly Business no Plea for the Neglect of RELIGION.

MATTH. viii. 22. Let the Dead bury the Dead.

ST. Paul preaching at Athens, tells them, that as he passed by and beheld their Devotions, he perceived they were in all Things too superstitious. But was this Apostle to rise, and come publishing the Glad Tidings of Salvation in any of our populous Cities, he would see no Reason why he should charge the Inhabitants with this; but rather, as he passed by and observed the Tenor of their Life, say, I perceive in all Things ye are too Worldly minded; ye are too eagerly bent on [...]suing your lawful Business; so eagerly, as [...] [...]holly to neglect, or at least too heedle [...]ly [...] on the one Thing needful.

There cannot then be a greater Charity shewn to the Christian World, than to found an Alarm in the [...] [...], and to warn them of the inex­pressible Danger of continually grasping after the Things of this Life, without being equally, [Page 2] nay a Thousand times more concerned for their Well-being in a future State.

And there is still the more Occasion for such an Alarm, because Worldly-mindedness so easily and craftily besets the Hearts of Men. For out of a specious Pretence of serving GOD in labouring for the Meat which perisheth, they are insensibly lulled into such a spiritual Slumber, as scarce to perceive their Neglect to secure that which endureth to everlasting Life.

The Words of the Text, if not at first View, yet when examined and explained, will be found applicable to this Case, as containing an admirable Caution not to pursue the Affairs of this World at the Expence of our Happiness in the next.

They are Words of JESUS CHRIST himself: The Occasion of their being spoken was this,—As he was conversing with those that were gathered round about him, he gave one of them an immediate Summons to follow him: But he, either afraid to go after such a persecuted Master, or rather loving this present World, says, Suffer me first to go home and bury my Father, or, as most explain it, Let me first go and dispatch some important Business I have [...] in Hand. But JESUS said unto him, Let [...] Dead b [...] their Dead; Leave Worldly Business to Wordly Men, let thy secular Business be left undone, rather than thou shouldst neglect to follow me.

[Page 3] Whether this Person did as he was com­manded, I know not; but this I know,—That what CHRIST said here in Person, he has often whispered with the small still Voice of his Holy Spirit, and said to many here present, that rise up early and late, take Rest and eat the Bread of Carefulness, Come draw off your Affections from the Things of this Life, take up your Cross and follow me. But they, willing to justify them­selves, make Answer, LORD suffer us first to bury our Fathers, to dispatch our secular Affairs. I say unto all such, Let the Dead bury their Dead, let your Worldly Business be left undone rather than you should neglect to follow him.

From the Words thus explained naturally arises this Proposition,—That no Business, tho ever so important, can justify a Neglect of true Religion:

The Truth of which I shall first shew, and then make an Application of it.

I. First then, I am to prove that no temporal Business, though ever so important, can justify a Neglect of true Religion.

By the Word Religion I do not mean any Set of moral Vertues, and partial Amendment of ourselves, or formal Attendance on any outward Duties whatsoever: but a thorough real Change of Nature wrought in us by the invisible, yet powerful Operation of the Holy Ghost, preserved and nourished in our Souls by a constant Use of all the Means of Grace, evidenced by a good Life, and bringing forth the Fruits of the Spirit.

[Page 4] This is the true and undefiled Religion, and for the perfecting this good Work in our Hearts, the eternal Son of GOD came down and shed his precious Blood; for this End were we made, and sent into the World, and by this alone can we become the Sons of GOD. Were we indeed to judge by the common Practice of the World, we might think we were sent into it for no other Purpose than to care and toil for the uncertain Riches of this Life: But if we consult the lively Oracles, they will inform us, that we were born for nobler Ends,—to be born again from above,—to be restored to the Divine Likeness by JESUS CHRIST our Second Adam, and thereby be made meet [...] inherit the Kingdom of Heaven; and con­sequently, there is an Obligation laid upon all, even the most busy People, to secure this End; it being an undeniable Truth, that all Creatures ought to answer the End for which they were created.

Some indeed are for confining Religion to the Clergy, and think it only belongs to those who serve at the Altar: But what a fatal Mistake is this, seeing all Persons are indifferently called by GOD to the same State of inward Holiness? As we are all corrupt in our Nature, so must we all be renewed and sanctified. And though it must be granted, that the Clergy lie under double Obligations to be Examples to Believers in Faith, Zeal, Charity, and whatever else is commendable and of good Report, as being more immediately dedicated to the Service of [Page 5] GOD; yet as we have been all baptized with one Baptism into the Death of CHRIST, we are all under the Necessity of performing our Baptismal Covenant, and perfecting Holiness i [...] the Fear of GOD: For the Holy Scripture point out to us but one Way of Admission into the Kingdom of CHRIST,—through the narrow Gate of a sound Conversion: And he that does not enter into the Sheepfold, whether Clergy or Layman, by this Door, will find to his everlasting Confusion, there is no climbing up another Way.

Besides, what a gross Ignorance of the Nature of true Religiou [...], as well as of our own Happiness▪ does such a Distinction discover? For wh [...] does our Saviour by willing us to be religious require of us, but to subdue our corrupt Passions, to root out ill Habits, to engraft the Heavenly Graces of GOD's most Holy Spirit in their room; and, in one Word, to fill us with all the Fulness of GOD?

And will Men be so much their own Ene­mies, as to affirm this belongs only to those who minister in holy Things? Does it not equally concern the most active Man living? Is it the End of Religion to mak [...] Me [...] happy, and is it not every one [...] Privilege to be as happy as he can? Do Persons in Business find the Corruptions of their Nature, and Disorder of their Passions, so pleasing, that they care not whether they ever regulate or root them out? Or will they consent that Ministers shall be alone Partakers of the Inheritance of the Saints [Page 6] in Light?—If not, as they desire the same End, why will they not make Use of the same Means? Do they think that GOD will create a new Thing upon the Earth, and contrary to the Purity of his Nature, and Immutability of his Counsel, admit them into Heaven in their natural State, because they have been encumbred about many worldly Things? Search the Scrip­tures, and see if they give any Room for such a groundless Hope.

But farther, one would imagine there was something of the highest Concern and utmost Importance in our temporal Affairs, that they should divert so many from purifying their Hearts by Faith which is in CHRIST JESUS.

A covetous Miser, who neglects Religion by being continually intent on seeking great Things for himself and those of his own Hous­hold, flatters himself he herein acts most wisely, and at the same Time will censure and con­demn a young Prodigal, who has no Time to be devout, because he is so perpetually engaged in wasting his Substance by riotous Living and following of Harlots. But yet a little while, and Men will be convinced, that they are as much without Excuse who lose their Souls by hunting after Riches, as those who lose them by hunting after sensual Pleasures. For though Business may ass [...]ne an Air of Importance, when compared with other trifling Amusements, yet when put in the Ballance w [...] the Loss of our precious and immortal Souls, it is equally frivolous,—According to that of our Saviour, [Page 7] What shall it profit a Man, if he shall gain the whole World and lose his own Soul; or what shall a Man give in Exchange for his Soul?

And now what need we any farther Proof? We have heard the Decision out of CHRIST'S own Mouth. But because it is difficult to con­vince them of this important Truth, whose Hearts are blinded by the Deceitfulness of Riches, so that we had need cry out to them in the Language of the Prophet, O Earth, Earth, Earth, hear the Word of the LORD. I shall lay before you one Passage of Scripture more, which I could wish were written on the Tables of all our Hearts. In the xivth of St. Luke, the 18th and following Verses, our blessed LORD puts forth this Parable,— A certain Man made a great Supper, and bad many, and sent his Servant at Supper, Time, to call them that were bidden: But they all, with one Consent, began to make Excuse. The one said, I have bought a Piece of Ground, and I must needs go see it, I pray thee have me excused. And another said, I have bought a Yoke of Oxen, and I must needs go and prove them, I pray thee therefore have me [...]sed. So the Servant returned, and shewe [...]. Master all these Things.—And what follows [...] Did [...]he Master accept of their Excuses? No, the Text tells us the Good Man was angry, and said, that [...] of those which were bidden, should taste of his Supper. And what does this Parable teach more or less, than that the most lawful Callings [Page 8] cannot justify our Neglect, nay, that they are no longer lawful when they in any wise inter­fere with the great Concerns of Religion? For the Marriage Supper here spoken of, means the Gospel; the Master of the House is CHRIST; the Servants sent out, are his Ministers, whose Duty it is from time to time, to call the People to this Marriage Feast, or, in other Words, to be religious. Now we find those that were bidden, were very well and honestly employed. There was no Harm in buying or seeing a Piece of Ground, or in going to prove a Yoke of Oxen; but here lay their Fault,—They were doing these Things when they were invited to come to the Marriage Feast.

Without doubt, Persons may very honestly and commendably be employed in following their respective Callings; but yet, if they are engaged so deeply in these, as to hinder their working out their Salvation with Fear and Trembling, they must expect the same Sen­tence with their Predecessors in the Parable, that none of them shall taste of CHRIST'S Supper; for our particular Calling, as of this or that Profession, must never interfere with our general and precious Calling as we are Christians. Not that Christianity calls us entirely out of the World, the Holy Scriptures warrant no such Doctrine.

It is very remarkable, that in the Book of Life, we find some al [...]ost of all kinds of Occupations, who notwithstanding served GOD in their respective Generations, and shone as [Page 9] so many Lights in the World. Thus we hear of a good Centurion in the Evangelists, and a Devout Cornelius in the Acts; a Pious Lawyer; and some that walked with GOD, even of Nero's Houshold, in the Epistles; and our Divine Master himself in his Check to Martha, does not condemn her for minding, but for being cumbered or perplexed about many Things.

No, you may, nay, you must labour, out of Obedience to GOD, even for the Meat which perisheth. But then, that I may in the Second Place apply what has been said,

I beseech you, by the Mercies of GOD, in CHRIST JESUS, let it not be at the Expence of that which endureth to everlasting Life; for to repeat our Blessed Saviour's Words, What shall it profit a Man, if he shall gain the whole World and lose his own Soul; or, What shall a Man give in Exchange for his Soul?

Were we always to live in the World, then worldly Wisdom would be our highest Wisdom: But forasmuch as we have here no continuing City, and were only sent into this World to have our Natures changed, and to fit ourselves for that which is to come; then to neglect this impor­tant Work for a little worldly Gain, w [...] is it but with profane Esau, to sell our Birthright for a Mess of Pottage.

Alas! how unlike are Christians to Christianity, they are commanded to seek first the Kingdom of GOD and his Righteousness, and all other real Necessaries shall be added unto them; but [Page 10] they are fearful (O Men of little Faith) if they should do so, all other Necessaries would be taken from them: They are strictly for­bidden to be careful for the Morrow, and yet they rest not Night or Day, but are continually heaping up Riches for many Years, tho' they know not who shall gather them. Is this acting like Persons that are Strangers and Pilgrims upon Earth? Is this keeping their Baptismal Vow? Or rather, Is it not directly apostatizing from it, and deserting the Service of JESUS CHRIST, to list themselves under the Banner of Mammon?

But what will be the Hope of such World­lings, when GOD shall take away their Souls? What if the Almighty should say to each of them, as he did to the rich Fool in the Gos­pel, This Night shall thy Soul be required of thee; Oh then, what would all those Things profit them, which they are now so busy in providing?

Was Eternal Life, that free Gift of GOD in CHRIST JESUS, to be purchased with Money; or could Men carry their Stocks beyond the Grave to buy Oyl for their Lamps, i. e. Grace for their Hearts, when they should be call'd to meet the Bridegroom, there might be some Reason why GOD might well bear with them: But since their Money is to perish with them: since it is certain, as they brought nothing into the World, so they can carry nothing out; or supposing they could, since there is no Oyl to be bought, i. e. no Grace to be purchased [Page 11] when once the Lamp of their natural Life is gone out; Would it not be much more prudent to spend the short Time they have here allotted them in buying Oyl while it may be had, and not for Fear of having a little less of that which will quickly be another Man's, eternally lose the true Riches?

What think you? Is it to be supposed that it grieved that covetous Worldling before men­tioned, when his Soul sprung into the Worl [...] of Spirits, that he could not stay here till he had pulled down his Barns and built greater? Or think you not that all Things here below seemed equally little to him then, and he only repented that he had not employed more Time in pulling down every high Thought that exalted itself against [...] and build­ing up his Soul in [...] and Fear of GOD?

And thus it will [...] all unhappy Men, who like him are disquieting themselves in a vain Pursuit after worldly Riches, and at the same Time are not rich towards GOD.

They may, for a Season, seem excellently well employed in being sollicitously careful about the important Concerns of this Life; but when once their Eyes are opened by Death, [...] their Souls launched into Eternity, they [...] then see the Littleness of all sublunary [...] and wonder they should be so besotted to the [...]ings of another Life, while they were, it [...], applauded for their great Wisdom and [...] S [...]city in the Affairs of this World.

[Page 12] Alas! how will they bemoan themselves for acting like the unjust Steward, so very wisely in their temporal Concerns, in calling their respective Creditors so carefully, and asking how much every one owes to them, and yet never remembring to call themselves to an Account, or enquire how much they owed their own Great LORD and Master?

And now what should I say more? The God of this World, and the inordinate Desire of other Things, must have wholly stifled the Conscience of that Man, who does not see the Force of these plain reasonings.

Permit me only to add a Word or two to the Rich, and Persons that are freed from the Business of this Life.

But here I must pause a while, for I am sensible that it is but an ungrateful, and, as some may imagine, an assuming Thing, for such a Novice in Religion to take upon him to instruct Men in high Stations, and who perhaps would disdain to set me with the Dogs of their Flock.

But however, since St. Paul, who knew what best became a young Preacher, commanded Timothy, young as he was, to exhort and charge the Rich with all Authority. I hope none here that are so will be offended, if with Humility I beg leave to remind them, tho' they once knew, that if Persons in the most busy Employs are indispensably obliged to work out their Salvation with Fear and Trembling, much more ought they to do so, who are free from [Page 13] the Toils and Incumbrance of a lower Way of Life, and consequently have greater Opportuni­ties and Leisure to prepare themselves for a future State.

But is this really the Case, or do we not find by fatal Experience that too many [...] [...]ose whom GOD has exalted above their Breth [...] who are cloathed in Purple and fine Linnen and fare sumptuously every Day, by a sad Abuse of GOD's great Bounty towards them, think that their Stations set them above Religion, and so let the Poor who live by the Sweat of their Brows, attend more constantly on the Means of Grace than they.

But woe unto such rich Men! for they have received their Consolation. Happy had it been if they had never been born: For if the careless irreligious Tradesman cannot be saved, where will the luxurious and wicked Gentlemen appear?

Let me therefore, by way of Conclusion, exhort all Persons, High and Low, Rich and Poor, one with another, to make the Renewal of their fallen Nature, the one Business of their Lives, and to let no worldly Profit, no worldly Pleasure divert them from the Thoughts if it. Let this Cry, Behold the Bridegroom cometh, be ever sounding in our Ears; and let us live as Creatures that are every Moment liable to be hurried away by Death to Judg­ment: Let us remember that this Life is a State of infinite Importance, a Point between two Eternities, and that after these few Days [Page 14] are ended, there will remain no more Sacrifice for Sin; let us be often asking ourselves, How we shall wish we had lived when we leave the World? And then we shall always live in such a State as we shall never fear to die in. So that whether we live, we shall live unto the LORD; or whether we die, we shall die unto the LORD; so that living or dying we may be the LORD's.

To which End, Let us beseech GOD, the Protector of all them that put their Trust in him, without whom nothing is strong, nothing is holy, to increase and multiply upon us his Mercy, that he being our Ruler and Guide, we may so pass through Things Temporal, that we finally lose not the Things Eternal; through JESUS CHRIST, our LORD.

[Page 15]


ACTS xix. 2. Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye▪ believed?

TWO Constructions have been given us of these Words; some have supposed, that the Question here put, is, Whether these Disciples, whom St. Paul found at Ephesus, after he had passed through the upper [...]sts, had received the Holy Ghost, by Impo [...]tion of Hands at Confirmation.—Others think, that these Disciples had been already baptised into John's Baptism; but that not being attended with an immediate Effusion of the Holy Spirit, the Apostle here asks them, Whether they had recei­ved the Holy Ghost by being baptised into JESUS CHRIST? And upon their answering in the Negative, he first baptised, and then confirmed them in the Name of the Lord JESUS CHRIST.

Which of these Interpretations is most true, is [...]her easy nor very necessary to determine. Ho [...]er, as the Words contain a most important Enquiry, without any Reference to the Context, I shall from them draw these two general Heads of Discourse.

  • [Page 16]I. First, I shall shew who the Holy Ghost, here spoken of, is; and how we must all receive him before we can be stiled True Believers.
  • II. Secondly, I shall lay down some Scripture Marks, whereby we may know, Whether we have thus received the Holy Ghost, or not.
  • III. Thirdly, By Way of Conclusion, I shall address myself to several distinct Classes of Professors, concerning the Doctrine that shall have been delivered.

I. And First, I am to shew who the Holy Ghost, spoken of in the Text is; and how we must all receive him ere we can be stiled True Believers.

By the Holy Ghost here spoken of, is signi­fied the Holy Spirit,—the third Person in the e­ver blessed Trinity,—consubstantial and coeter­nal with the Father and the Son,—proceeding from, yet equal to them both.—He is emphati­cally called Holy, because infinitely Holy in him­self, and the Author and Finisher of all Holi­ness in us.

This blessed Spirit, who once moved on the Face of the great Deep, who overshadowed the Blessed Virgin before that Holy Thing was born of her, who descended in a bodily Shape like a Dove on our Blessed LORD, when he came up out of the Water at his Baptism; and lighted afterwards in fiery Tongues on the Heads of all his Apostles at the Day of Pentecost; this is the Holy Ghost, who must move on the Faces [Page 17] of our Souls; this Power of the Most High must come upon us, and we must be baptised with his Baptism and refining Fire, before we can be stiled True Members of its mystical Body.

Thus says the Apostle, Know ye not that Christ is in you? that is, by his Spirit, unless you are Reprobates? Now if any Man hath not the Spirit of CHRIST, he is none of his.—And again, says St. John, We know that we are his by the Spirit that he hath given us.

It is not indeed necessary that we should have it now given in that miraculous Manner in which it was at first given to our LORD's Apo­stles, by Signs and Wonders.—But it is absolute­ly necessary that we should receive the Holy Ghost in his sanctifying Graces as really as they did, and so will it continue to be till the End of the World.

For thus stands the Case between GOD and Man.—GOD at first made Man upright, or as the sacred Penman expresses it, In the Image of GOD made he Man, that is, his Soul was the very Copy, the Transcript of the Divine Nature.—He that before had by his Almighty F [...]at spoke the World into Being, breathed into Man the Breath of spiritual Life, and his Soul became adorned with all the Perfections of the Deity.—This was the finishing Stroke of the Creation: The Perfection both of the moral and material World,—and so near resembled its Divine Origi­nal, that GOD could not but rejoyce, and take Pleasure in his own Likeness—And therefore we read, that when GOD had finished th [...] ina­animate [Page 18] and brutish Part of the Creation, he looked upon it, and behold it was Good; but when that lovely Godlike Creature, Man, was made, behold it was very Good.

Happy then, unspeakably happy must Man needs be, who was thus Partaker of the Divine Nature; and thus might. we have still continued, had he still continued Holy.—But GOD had placed him in a State of Probation, with a free Grant to eat of every Tree in the Garden of Eden, except the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.—The Day he did eat thereof he was surely to die; that is, not only to be subject to temporal, but spiritual Death, and consequently to lose that Divine Image, that spiritual Life GOD had not long since breathed into him, and which was as much his Happiness as his Glory.

These, one would imagine, were easy Con­ditions for a finite Creature's Happiness to de­pend on. But Man, unhappy Man, being se­duced by the Devil, and desiring like him, to be equal with his Maker, eat of the forbidden Fruit, and thereby became liable to that Curse which the Eternal GOD, who cannot lie, had denoun­ced against his Disobedience.

Accordingly we read, that soon after Adam had fallen, he complained that he was naked.—Naked not only as to his Body, but Naked and left destitute of those Divne Graces, which before decked and beautified his Soul.—The un­happy Mutiny and Disorder which the visible Creation fell into, those Briars and Thorns which now sprung up and overspread the Earth, [Page 19] were but poor Emblems, but lifeless Represen­tations of that Confusion and Rebellion, those divers Lusts and Passions which sprung up in, and quite overwhelmed the Soul of Man imme­diately after the Fall.—Alas! he was now no longer the Image of the invisible GOD; but as he had imitated the Devil's Sin, he became Par­taker of the Devil's Nature, and from an Union with, sunk into a State of direct Enmity against GOD.

Now in this dreadful disordered Condition are all of us brought into the World.—For as the Root is, such must the Branches be.—According­ly we are told, that Adam begat a Son in his own Likeness, that is with the same corrupt Nature which he himself had sunk into after he had eaten the forbidden Fruit. And Experience, as well as Scripture proves, that we also are [...]l­together born in Sin and Corruption, and there­fore uncapable, whilst in such a State, to hold Communion with GOD.—For as Light cannot have Communion with Darkness, so GOD can have no Communion with such polluted Sons of Belial.

Here then appears the End and Design why CHRIST was made manifest in the Flesh.— viz. to put an End to these Disorders, and to restore us to that primitive Dignity in which we were at first created.—Accordingly he shed his precious Blood to satisfy his Father's Justice for our Sins, and thereby also he purchased again for us the HOLY GHOST, who should once more re-instamp the Divine Image upon our [Page 20] Hearts, and make us capable of living with and enjoying GOD.

This, I say, was the only End of our LORD's coming into the World—Nay, this is the only End why the World itself is now kept in Being. For as soon as a sufficient Number are sanctified out of it, the Heavens shall be wrapped up like a Scrowl, the Elements shall melt with fervent Heat, the Earth and all that therein is shall be burnt up.

This is that New-Birth mentioned by our blessed LORD to Nicodemus, without which we cannot see the Kingdom of GOD. This is what St. Paul calls being renewed in the Spirit of our Minds, and herein consists that Holiness without which no Man shall see the LORD.

In this manner then it is undeniably certain we must receive the HOLY GHOST e'er we can be st [...]ed true Members of CHRIST'S mystical Body.

II. I come now, in the Second Place, to lay down some scriptural Marks, whereby we may easily judge whether we have received the HOLY GHOST or not.

And the First Mark I shall mention is,—our having received a Spirit of Prayer and Supplica­tion:—For that always accompanies the Spirit of Grace.—No sooner was Paul converted, but behold he prayeth, says JESUS CHRIST. And this was urged as an Argument to convince Ana­nias that he was converted. And GOD's Elect are said to cry to him Day and Night.

[Page 21] For since one great Work of the Holy Spirit is to convince us of Sin, and to set us upon seek­ing Pardon and renewing Grace thro' the all-sufficient Merits of a crucified Redeemer, whoso­ever has felt the Powers of the World to come awakening him from his spiritual Lethargy, can­not but be always crying out, LORD what wouldst thou have me do? Or in the Language of the importunate blind Bartimeus, JESUS, thou Son of David, have Mercy upon me.

The blessed JESUS, as he received the Holy Ghost without Measure, so he evidenced it by nothing more than his frequent Addresses at the Throne of Grace. Accordingly we read, that he was often alone on the Mountain praying—That he rose a great while before Day to pray.—Nay that he spent whole Nights in Prayer.—And whosoever is made Partaker of the same Spirit with the HOLY JESUS, will be of the same Mind, and delight in nothing so much as to draw night unto GOD, and lift up holy Hands and Hearts in fervent and devout Prayer.

It must be confessed indeed that this Spirit of Supplication is often as it were sensibly lost, and decays for some Time even in those who have actually received the Holy Ghost. And they, thro' spiritual Dryness and Barrenness of Soul, find in themselves a Listlessness and Backwardness to this Duty of Prayer;—but then they take it as their Cross, and still presevere in seeking JESUS tho' it be sorrowing. And their Hearts notwithstand­ing are fixed upon GOD, tho' they cannot exert their Affections so strongly as usual, on [Page 22] Account of that spiritual Deadness which GOD for wise Reasons has suffered to benumb their Souls.

But as for the formal Believer, it is not so with him. No, he either prays not at all, or if he does enter into his Closet, it is with Reluctance—out of Custom—or to satisfy the Checks of his Con­science—Whereas the true Believer can no more live without Prayer, than without Food Day by Day. And he finds his Soul as really and per­ceptibly fed by the one, as his Body is nourished and supported by the other.

A Second Scripture Mark of our having re­ceived the HOLY GHOST, is—not commit­ting Sin.—

Whosoever is born of GOD, says St. John, sinneth not, neither can be sin because his Seed remaineth in him—Neither can he sin—This Expression does not imply the Impossibility of a spiritual Man's sinning. For we are told, that in many Things we offend all. It means only thus much; that a Man that is really born again of GOD, doth not wilfully commit Sin, much less live in the habitual Practice of it. For how shall he that is dead to Sin, as every converted Person is, live any longer therein?

'Tis true a Man that is born again of GOD may, thro' Surprize or Violence of a Temptati­on, fall into an Act of Sin: Witness the Adul­tery of David, and Peter's De [...]ial of his Master. But then, like them, he quickly rises again, goes out from the World, and weeps bitterly; washes the Guilt of Sin away by the Tears of a sincere [Page 23] Repentance, joined with Faith in the Blood of JESUS CHRIST; takes double Heed to his Ways for the future, and perfects Holiness in the Fear of GOD.

The Meaning of this Expression of the A­postle, that a Man that is born again of GOD, cannot commit Sin, has been * fitly illustrated in the Example of a covetous Worldling, to the general Bent of whose Inclinations, Liberality and Profuseness are directly opposite. But if, upon some unexpected sudden Occasion, he does play the Prodigal, he immediately repents him of his Fault, and returns with double Care to his Saving­ness again.—And so is every one that is born a­gain. To commit Sin is as contrary to the ha­bitual Frame and Tendency of his Mind, as Ge­nerosity is to the Inclinations of a Miser. But if at any Time he is drawn into Sin, he immedi­ately with double Zeal returns to his Duty, and brings forth Fruits meet for Repentance.

Whereas the unconverted Sinner is quite dead in Trespasses and Sins,—or if he does abstain from the gross Acts of it, from worldly selfish Motives, yet there is some Right Eye he will not pluck out; some Right Hand which he will not cut off; some specious Agag that he will not sa­crifice for GOD; and thereby he is convinced, that he is but a mere Saul; and consequent­ly, whatever Pretensions he may make to the contrary, he has not yet received the HOLY GHOST.

[Page 24] A Third Mark whereby we may know whe­ther or not we have received the Holy Ghost is,—our Conquest over the World.—For who­ever is born of GOD, says the Apostle, overcometh the World.—By the World we are to understand, as St. John expresses it, all that is in the World, the Lust of the Eye, the Lust of the Flesh, and Pride of Life,—And by overcoming of it is meant our renouncing these, so as not to follow or be led by them.—For whosoever is born from above, has his Affections set on Things above: He feels a Divine Attraction in his Soul, which forcibly draws his Mind Heavenwards; and as the Hart panteth after the Water-Brooks, so doth it make his Soul to long after the Enjoyment of his GOD.

Not that he is so taken up with the Affairs of another Life, as to neglect the Business of this. No, a truly spiritual Man dares not stand any Day idle: But then he takes Care, though he laboureth for the Meat which perisheth, first to secure that which endureth to everlasting Life. Or if GOD has exalted him above his Brethren, yet, like Moses, Joseph and Daniel, he notwith­standing looks upon himself as a Stranger and Pilgrim upon Earth.—Having received a Prin­ciple of new Life, he walks by Faith and not by Sight.—And his Hopes being full of Immortali­ty, he can look on all Things here below as Vanity and Vexation of Spirit.—In short, tho' he is in, yet is not of the World: And as he was made for the Enjoyment of GOD, so nothing but GOD can satisfy his Soul.

[Page 25] The ever blessed JESUS was a perfect Instance of overcoming the World. For though he went continually about doing Good, and always lived in a Press, yet wherever he was, his Conversati­on tended Heavenwards. In like Manner he that is joined to the LORD in one Spirit, will so order his Thoughts, Words, and Actions aright, that he will evidence to all, that his Conversation is in Heaven.

On the contrary, an unconverted Man being of the Earth, is earthly: And having no spiritual Eye to discern spiritual Things, is always seeking for Happiness in this Life, where it never was, will, or can be found. Being not born again from above, he is bowed down by a Spirit of natural Infirmity; the Serpent's Curse becomes his Choice, and he eats of the Dust of the Earth all the Days of his Life.

A Fourth Scripture Mark of our New Birth, or of our having received the Holy Ghost, is,—our loving one another.

We know, says St. John, we are passed from Death unto Life, because we love the Brethren.—And by this, says JESUS CHRIST, shall all Men know, that you are my Disciples, if ye have Love one towards another.—Love is the fulfilling of the Gospel, as well as the Law; for GOD is Love, and whosoever dwelleth in GOD, dwel­leth in Love.

But by this Love we are not to understand, a Softness and Tenderness of meer Nature, or a a Love founded on worldly Motives (for this a natural Man may have) but a Love of our [Page 26] Brethren proceeding from a Love towards GOD. Loving all Men in general, because GOD loves all Men, and loving good Men in particular, for the Grace we see in them, and because they love our Lord JESUS in Sincerity.

This is Christian Charity, and that new Commandment which CHRIST gave his Disciples. New not in its Object, but in the Motive and Example whereon it is founded, even JESUS CHRIST. This is that Love which the primi­tive Christians were so renowned for, that it became a Proverb.— See, how these Christians love one another.—And without this Love, tho' we should give all our Goods to feed the Poor, and our Bodies to be burnt, it would profit us nothing.

Farther, this Love is not confined to any par­ticular Set of Men, but is impartial and catholic. A Love that embraces GOD's Image where-ever it beholds it, and that delights in nothing so much as to see CHRIST's Kingdom come.

This is the Love wherewith JESUS CHRIST loved Mankind.—He loved all, even the worst of Men, as appears by his weeping over the ob­stinately perverse; but wherever he saw the least Appearance of the Divine Likeness, that Soul he loved in particular.—Thus we read, that when he heard the young Man say, All these Things have I kept from my Youth, that so far he loved him. And when he saw any noble Instance of Faith, though in a Centurion, a Syro-phoenician, Aliens to the Commonwealth of Israel, how is he said to marvel at it, as Man, to rejoyce in it, [Page 27] speak of, and commend it?—So also every spiritual Disciple of JESUS CHRIST will cordially embrace all that worship GOD in Spirit and in Truth, howsoever they may differ as to the Appendages of Religion, and Things not essen­tially necessary to Salvation.

I confess indeed that the Heart of a natural Man is not thus enlarged all at once; and a Person may really have received the Holy Ghost (as Peter no doubt had when he was unwilling to go to Cornelius) though he be not arrived to this.—But then we affirm, where a Person is truly in CHRIST, all Narrowness of Spirit decreases in him daily; the Partition-Wall of Bigotry and Party Zeal is broken down more and more; and the nearer he comes to Heaven the more his Heart is enlarged with that Love which there will make no Difference between any People, Nation or Language, but we shall all with one Heart, and one Voice, sing Praises to him that sitteth upon the Throne for ever.

But I hasten to shew a Fifth, and [...] last Scripture Mark of our New Birth, [...] shall at present mention,—Loving our Enemies.

I say unto you, says JESUS CHRIST, Love your Enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to those that hate you, and pray for them that despitefully use you and persecute you.—And this Duty of loving our Enemies is so necessary, that without it, our blessed LORD tells us, our Righteousness does not exceed the Righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees, nay, or of Publicans and Sinners: For if you do Good to them only which do [Page 28] Good to you, what do you more than others? What do you extraordinary? Do not even the Publicans the same?—And these Precepts our LORD confirmed by his own Example, when he wept over the bloody City; when he suffered himself to be led as a Sheep to the Slaughter; when he made that mild Reply to the Traytor Judas, Judas betrayest thou the Son of Man with a Kiss;—And more especially when in the Agonies and Pangs of Death, he prayed for his very Murderers, Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.

This is the most difficult Duty to the natural Man, but whosoever is made Partaker of that Promise of the Father, will find it practicable and easy. For if we are born again of GOD, we must be like him; and consequently delight to be perfect in this Duty of doing good to our worst Enemies in the same Manner, though not in the same Degree as he is perfect.—And he sends his Rain on the Evil and the Good, causeth his Sun to shine on the Just and Unjust: And herein more especially commendeth his Love towards us, that whilst we were his Enemies, he sent forth his Son, born of a Woman, made under the Law, that he might become a Curse for us.

Many other Marks there are scattered up and down the Scriptures, whereby we m [...]y know whether or not we have received the Holy Ghost. Such as to be carnally minded is Death, but to be spiritually minded is Life and Peace.—Now the Fruits of the Spirit are Joy, Peace, Long-suffering, [Page 29] Meekness, with a Multitude of Texts to the same Purpose.—But as most, if not all of them, are comprehended in the Duties already laid down, I dare affirm, whosoever, upon an impartial Examination, can find the aforesaid Marks upon his Soul, may be as certain, as though an Angel was to tell him, that his Pardon is sealed in Heaven.

And as for my own Part, I had rather see these Divine Graces, these Heavenly Tempers stamped upon my Soul, than to hear an Angel from Heaven saying unto me, Son, be of good cheer, thy Sins be forgiven thee.

For these are infallible Witnesses; these are Emanuel, GOD with and in us; these make up that white Stone, which none knoweth, saving he who receiveth it; these are the Earnests of the Heavenly Inheritance in our Hearts. In short, these are Glory begun, and are that good Thing, that better Part, which, if you continue to stir up this Gift of GOD, neither Men or Devils shall ever be able to take from us.

III. I proceed now, as was proposed, in the Third Place, to make an Application of the Doctrine delivered, to several distinct Classes of Professors.

And First, I shall address myself to those who are dead in Trespasses and Sins.—And here how could I weep over you, as our LORD wept over Jerusalem! For alas! how distant must you be from GOD, what a prodigious Work have you got to finish, who instead of praying Day and Night, seldom or never pray at all! And instead [Page 30] of being born again in GOD, so as not to commit Sin, are so deeply sunk into the Nature of Devils as to make a Mock at it. Or instead of over­coming the World, so as not to follow or be led by it, are continually making Provision for the Flesh, to fulfil the Lusts thereof. And lastly, instead of being endued with the Godlike Dispo­sitions of loving all Men, even your Enemies, have your Hearts full of Hatred, Malice and Revenge, and deride those who are sincere Followers of the lowly JESUS.—But think you, O Sinners, that GOD will admit such polluted Wretches into his Sight? Or should he admit you, do you imagine you could take any Pleasure in him? No, Heaven itself would be no Heaven to you: The Devilish Dispositions which are in your Hearts would render all the spiritual Enjoyments of those blessed Mansions ineffectual to make you happy.—To qualify you to be blissful Partakers of that Heavenly Inheritance with the Saints in Light, there is a Meetness required, to attain which ought to be the one Business of your Lives.

It is true, you, as well as the Righteous, in one Sense shall see GOD (for we must all appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ) but you must see him once. never to see him more. For as you carry about in you the Devil's Image, with Devils you must dwell. Being of the same Nature, you must share the same Doom. Re­pent therefore and be converted, that your Sins may be blotted out. See that you receive the Holy Ghost before you go hence: For [Page 31] otherwise how can you escape the Damnation of Hell?

Secondly, I shall apply myself to those who deceive themselves with false Hopes of Salvation. And because, through the Influence of a good Education, or other providential Restraints, they have not run into the same Excess of Riot with other Men, think they have no Need to receive the Holy Ghost, and flatter themselves that they are really born again.

But do you shew it by bringing forth the Fruits of the Spirit? Do you pray without ceasing? Do you not commit Sin? Have you overcome the World? And do you love your Enemies, and all Mankind, in the same Manner as JESUS CHRIST loved them?

If these Things, Brethren, be i [...] [...] abound, then may you have Confidence towards GOD: But if not, altho' you may be civilized, yet you are not converted. No, you are yet in your Sins. The Nature of the old Adam still reigneth in your Souls. And unless the Nature of the second Adam be engrafted in its Room, you can never see GOD.

Think not therefore to dress yourselves up in the Ornaments of a good Nature, and civil Edu­cation, and say with Agag, surely the Bitterness of Death is past. For GOD'S Justice notwith­standing that, like Samuel, shall hew you to Pieces.—However you may be highly esteemed in the Sight of Men, yet in the Sight of GOD you are but like the Apples of Sodom, Dunghills covered over with Snow, mere whited Sepulchres, [Page 32] appearing a little beautiful without, but inwardly full of Corruption and of all Uncleanliness.—And consequently will be dismissed at the last Day, with a Verily I know you not.

But the Word is profitable for Comfort, as well as Correction.

Thirdly, therefore do I address myself to those who are under the Drawings of the Father, and are going through the Spirit of Bondage, but not finding the Marks before-mentioned, are ever crying out, Who shall deliver us from the Body of this Death?

But fear not, little Flock; for notwithstand­ing your present Infant State of Grace, it shall be your Father's good Pleasure to give you the Kingdom.

The Grace of GOD, thro' JESUS CHRIST, that shall deliver you, that shall give you what you thirst after.—He hath promised he will also do it.—Ye shall receive the Spirit of Adoption, that Promise of the Father, if you faint not.—Only persevere in seeking it,—and determine to find no Rest in your Spirit, till you know and feel that you are thus born again from above, and GOD's Spirit witnesseth with your Spirits that you are the Children of GOD.

Fourthly and lastly, I address myself to those who have received the Holy Ghost in all its sanctifying Graces, and almost ripe for Glory.

Hail happy Saints! For your Heaven is begun on Earth.—You have already received the first Fruits of the Spirit, and are patiently waiting till that blessed Change come, when your Harvest [Page 33] shall be compleat.—I see and admire you; tho' alas! at so great a Distance from you.—Your Life, I know, is hid with CHRIST in GOD.—You have Comforts, you have Meat to eat, which a sinful, carnal, ridiculing World knows nothing of.—CHRIST'S Yoke is now become easy to you, and his Burden light: You have passed through the Pangs of the New Birth, and now rejoice that the Man CHRIST JESUS is spiritually formed in your Hearts. You know what it is to dwell in CHRIST, and CHRIST in you. Like Jacob's Ladder, although your Bodies are [...] Earth, yet your Souls and Hearts are in Hea [...] And by your Faith and constant Recollection, like the Blessed Angels, you do always [...] the Face of your Father which is in H [...].

I need not then exhort you to pr [...] [...] For you know that in walking by the [...]pir [...] there is great Reward. Rather will I exhort you in Patience to possess your Souls yet a little while, and JESUS CHRIST will deliver you from the Burden of the Flesh, and an abundant Entrance shall be administered unto you into the eternal Joy and uninterrupted Felicity of his Heavenly Kingdom.

Which GOD of his infini [...] M [...]y grant, through JESUS CHRIST our LORD; to whom with the Father, and the Holy Ghost, Three [...] and One GOD, be ascri [...]d all [...], Power, and Glory, for ever and ev [...].


PHILIP. iii. 10. That I may know Him, and the Power of His Resurrection.

THE Apostle, in the Verses going before the Text, had been cautioning the Philippians to beware of the Concission, i. e. of some Judaizing Teachers, who endeavoured to subvert the Simplicity of the Gospel, by telling them, they still ought to be subject to Circumcision, and all the other Ordinances of Moses.—And that they might not think he spoke out of Prejudice, and condemned their Tenets, because he himself was a Stranger to the Jewish Dispensation, he acquaints them, that if any other Man thought that he had whereof he might trust in the Flesh, i. e. seek to be justified by the outward Privileges of the Jews, he had more. For he was cir­cumcised the eighth Day, of the Stock of Israel, i. e. not a Proselyte, but a native Israelite, of the Tribe of Benjamin; the Tribe which adhered to Judah when the others revolted; an Hebrew [Page 35] of the Hebrews; a Jew both on the Father's and Mother's Side; as touching the Law, a Pharisee, the strictest Sect amongst all Israel.—And to shew that he was no Gallio in Religion, on account of his great, though misguided Zeal, he had persecuted the Church of CHRIST; and as touching the Righteousness of the Law, as far as the Pharisees Exposition of it went, he was blameless, and had kept it from his Youth.—But, says he, when it pleased GOD, who sepa­rated me from my Mother's Womb, to reveal his Son in me, what Things were Gain to me, those Privileges I boasted myself in, and sought to be justified by, I counted Loss for CHRIST. And that they might not think that it repented him that he had done so, he tells them, he was [...]ow more confirmed than ever in his Judgment. For, says he, yea doubtless (the [...] the Original rises with a holy Triumph) and even now I count all Things but Loss for the Excellency of the Knowledge of CHRIST JESUS my LORD.—And that they might not object that he said and did not, he acquaints them, he had given Proofs of the Sincerity of these Professions, because for the Sake of them, he had suffered the Loss of all his worldly Things, and still was willing [...] more; for, says he, I count them but Du [...] [...]o more than Off [...] thrown out to [...]) [...] that I may win, [...] have a saving Interest [...] CHRIST, and be found in him (as the Manslayer in the City of Refuge) not having my own Righteousness which is of the Law, not depending on having Abraham for my Father, [Page 36] or any Works of Righteousness which I have done, either to atone or serve as a Balance for my Evil Deeds, but that which is through the Faith of CHRIST, the Righteousness which is of GOD by Faith, i. e. A Righteousness of GOD's appointing, and which will be imputed to me, if I believe in CHRIST,—that I may know him, i. e. CHRIST, and the Power of his Resurrection; that I may have an experimental Knowledge of the Efficacy of his Resurrection, by feeling the Influences of his Blessed Spirit on my Soul.—In which Words two Things are implied.

  • First, That JESUS CHRIST did rise from the Dead.
  • Secondly, That it highly concerns us to know the Power of his Rising again.

Accordingly in the following Discourse I shall endeavour to shew,

  • First, That CHRIST is risen indeed from the Dead; and that it was necessary for him so to do; and,
  • Secondly, That it highly concerns us to know and experience the Power of his Resur­rection.

That JESUS should rise from the Dead was absolutely necessary, first on his own Account—For he had often appealed to this as the last and most convincing Proof he would give them that he was the true Messiah,— There shall no other Sign be given you, says he, than the Sign of the Prophet Jonas.—And again, Destroy this Temple of my Body, and in three Days I will build it up. [Page 37] —Which Words his Enemies remembered, and urged it as an Argument, to induce Pilate to grant them a Watch, to prevent his being stolen out of the Grave.— We know that that Deceiver said, whilst He was yet alive, After three days I will rise again.—So that had he not risen again, they might have justly said, We know that this Man was an Impostor.

Secondly, It was necessary on our Account,— He rose again, says the Apostle, for our Justification; i. e. that the Debt we owed to GOD for our Sins might be fully satis­fied and discharged.

It had pleased the Father (for ever adored be his infinite Love and free Grace) to wound his only Son for our Transgressions, and to ar [...] and confine him in the Prison of the Grave, as our Surety for the Guilt we had contracted by setting at nought his Commandments.—Now had CHRIST continued always in the Grave, we could have had no more Assurance that our Sins were satisfied for, than any common Debtor can have of his Creditor's being satisfied whilst his Surety is kept confined.—But he being released from the Power of Death, we are thereby assured that in his Sacrifice GOD was well pleased,—that our Attone [...]nt was finished on the Cross—and that he had made a full, perfect, and sufficient Sacri­fice, C [...]ation, and Satisfaction for the Sins of the whole World.

Thirdly, It was necessary that our Lord JESUS should rise again from the Dead, [...] assure us of the Certainty of the Resurrection of our own Bodies.

[Page 38] The Doctrine of the Resurrection of the Body was entirely exploded and set at nought among the Gentiles, as appears from the Athenians mock­ing at and calling St. Paul a Babler and a Setter forth of strange Doctrines, when he preached to them JESUS, and the Resurrection.—And though it was believed by most of the Jews, as is evident from many Passages of Scripture; yet not by all; the whole Sect of the Sadducees denied it. But the Resurrection of JESUS CHRIST put it out of Dispute.—For a [...] he acted as our Representative, if he our Head be risen, then must we also, who are his Members, rise with him.—And as in the first Adam we all died, even so in him our second Adam we must all in this Sense be made alive.

As it was necessary, upon all these Accounts, that our Blessed LORD should rise from the Dead; so it is plain beyond Contradiction, that he did. Never was any Matter of Fact better attested. Never were more Precautions made use of to prevent a Cheat.—He was buried in a Sepulchre, hewn out of a Rock, so that it could not be said that any digged under, and conveyed him away. It was a Sepulchre also wherein ne­ver Man before was laid; so that if any Body did rise from thence, it must be the Body of JESUS of of Nazareth.—Besides, the Sepulchre was sealed; a great Stone rolled to the Mouth of it, and a Band of Soldiers (consisting not of his Friends, but of his professed Enemies) was set to guard it.—And as for his Disciples coming by Night and stealing him away, it was altogether impossible. For it was not long since that they had all for­saken [Page 39] him, and they were the most backward in believing his Resurrection.—And supposing it was true that they came whilst the Soldiers slept; yet the Soldiers must be cast into a Deep Sleep indeed, that the rolling away so great a Stone did not awake some of them.

And our Blessed LORD's afterwards appearing at sundry Times, and in divers Manners, to his Disciples, when they were assembled together, when they were walking to Emmaus, when they were fishing; nay, and condescending to shew them his Hands and Feet, and his at length ap­pearing to above five hundred Brethren at once, put the Truth of his Resurrection out of all Dispute.

Indeed there is one Objection that may be made against what has been said,—That the Books wherein these Facts are recorded were written by his Disciples.

And who more proper Persons than those who were Eye-Witnesses of what they related, and eat and drank with him after his Resurrection. "But they were illiterate and ignorant Men." Yet as good Witnesses of a plain Matter of Fact, as the most learned Masters in Israel.—Nay, this rendered them more proper Witnesses.—For be­ing plain Men, they were therefore less to be suspected of telling or making a Lye,—particu­larly, since they laid down their Lives for a Testimony of the Truth of it. We read indeed of Jacob's telling a Lie, though he was a plain Man, in order to get his Father's Blessing. But it was never heard since the World began, that [Page 40] any Man, much less a whole Set of Men, died Martyrs for the Sake of an Untruth, when they themselves were to reap no Advantage from it.

No, this single Circumstance proves them to be Israelites indeed, in whom was no Guile.—And the wonderful Success GOD gave to their Ministry afterwards, when three thousand were converted by one Sermon, and twelve poor Fisher­men, in a very short Time were enabled to be more than Conquerors over all the Opposition Men or Devils could make, was as plain a De­monstration, that CHRIST was risen; according to their Gospel, as that a Divine Power, at the Sound of a few Ram's Horns, caused the Walls of Jericho to fall down.

But what need we any farther Witnesses? Be­lieve you the Resurrection of our Blessed LORD? I know that you believe it, as your gathering to­gether on this first Day of the Week in the Courts of the LORD's House abundantly testifies.

What concerns us most to be assured of, and which is the

Second Thing I was to speak to is,—Whether we have experimentally known the Power of his Resurrection; that is, Whether or not we have received the Holy Ghost, and by his powerful Operations on our Hearts been raised from the Death of Sin, to a Life of Righteousness and true Holiness.

It was this the great Apostle was chiefly de­sirous to know.—The Resurrection of CHRIST'S Body he was satisfied would avail him nothing, unless he experienced the Power of it in raising his dead Soul.

[Page 41] For another, and that a chief End of our Bles­sed LORD's rising from the Dead, was to enter Heaven as our Representative, and to send down the Holy Ghost to apply that Redemption he had finished on the Cross to our Hearts, by working an entire Change in them.

Without this, CHRIST would have died in vain. For it would have done us no Service to have his outward Righteousness imputed to us, unless we had an inward inherent Righteousness wrought in us.—Because being altogether con­ceived and born in Sin, and consequently unfit▪ to hold Communion with an infinitely pure and holy GOD, we cannot possibly be made meet to see or enjoy him, till a thorough Renovation has passed upon our Hearts.

Without this, we leave out the Holy Ghost in the great Work of our Redemption.—But as we were made by the Joint Concurrence and Consultation of the blessed Trinity. And as we were baptized in their Name—So must a [...] of them concur in rendring that Baptism effectual to our Salvation: As the Father made, and the Son Redeemed, so must the Holy Ghost sanctify and seal us, or otherwise we have believed in vain.

This then is what the Apostle means by the Power of CHRIST'S Resurrection, and this is what we are as much concerned experimentally to know, as that He rose at all.

Without this, though we may be Moralists, though we may be civilized, good natur [...] People, yet we are no Christians—For he is not a true Christian, who is only one outwardly; nor have [Page 42] we therefore a right Faith, because we daily pro­fess to believe that CHRIST rose again the third Day from the Dead. But he is a true Christian who is one inwardly; and then only can we be stiled true Believers, when we not only profess to believe, but have felt the Power of our blessed LORD's rising from the Dead, by being quick­ned and raised by his Spirit when dead in Tres­passes and Sins, to a thorough Newness both of Heart and Life.

The Devils themselves cannot but believe the Doctrine of the Resurrection and tremble—But yet they continue Devils, because the Benefits of this Resurrection have not been applied to them, nor have they received a renovating Power from it to change and put off their Diabolical Nature—And so likewise, unless we not only profess to know, but also feel that CHRIST is risen indeed, by being born again from above, we shall be as far from the Kingdom of GOD as they, our Fai [...] will be as ineffectual as the Faith of Devils.

Nothing has done more harm to the Christian World; nothing has rendered the Cross of CHRIST of less Effect, than a vain Supposition that Re­ligion is something without us—Whereas we should consider that every thing that CHRIST did outwardly, must be done over again in our Souls; or otherwise believing there was such a divine Person once on Earth, who triumphed over Hell and the Grave, will profit us no more, than be­lieving there was once such a Person as Alexander, who conquered the World.

[Page 43] As CHRIST was born of the Virgin's Womb, so must he be spiritually formed in our Hearts—As He died for Sin, so must we die to Sin—And as he rose again from the Dead, so must we also rise to a Divine Life.

None but those who have followed him in this Regeneration, or new Birth, shall sit on Thrones as Approvers of his Sentence, when he shall come in terrible Majesty to judge the twelve Tribes of Israel.

'Tis true, as for the outward Work of our Re­demption it was a transient Act, and was certain­ly finished on the Cross—But the Application of that Redemption to our Hearts is a Work that will continue always, even unto the End of the World.

So long as there is a Man breathing on the Earth, who is naturally engendred of the Off­spring of the first Adam, so long must the quick­ening Spirit which was purchased by the Resur­rection of the second Adam, that LORD from Heaven, be Breathing upon his Soul.

For tho' we may exist by CHRIST, yet we can­not be said to exist in Him, till we are united to him by one Spirit, and enter into a new State of Things, as certainly as He entred into a new State of Things, after that he rose from the Dead.

We may throng and crowd around about CHRIST, and call him LORD, LORD, when we come to worship before his Footstool; but we have not effectually touched Him, till by a lively Faith in His Resurrection, we perceive a Divine Virtue coming out of Him, to renew & purify our Souls.

[Page 44] How greatly then do they err who rest in a bare Historical Faith of our Saviour's Resurrec­tion, and look only for external Proofs to evidence it? Whereas were we the most learned Disputers of this World, and could speak of the Certainty of this Fact with the Tongue of Men and An­gels, yet without this inward Testimony of it in our Hearts, tho' we might convince others, yet we should never be saved by it ourselves.

For we are but dead Men, we are but like so many Carcasses wrapt up in Grave Cloaths, till that same JESUS who called Lazarus from his Tomb, and at whose Resurrection many that slept arose,—raise us also by his quickening Spirit from our natural Death, in which we have so long lain, to a holy and heavenly Life.

We might think ourselves happy, if we had seen the HOLY JESUS after He was risen from the Dead, and our Hands handled that LORD of Life. But more happy are they who have not seen him, and yet having felt the Power of his Resurrection, therefore believe in Him.—For many saw our Divine Master, who were not saved by him; but whosoever has thus felt the Power of his Resurrection, he has the Earnest of his Inheritance in his Heart, he has passed from Death to Life, and shall never, if he still stir up the Gift of GOD that is in him, fall into Condemnation.

I am very sensible that this is Foolishness to the Natural Man, as were many such like Truths to our LORD's own Disciples before he rose again. But when these natural Men, like them, have [Page 45] felt the Power of his Resurrection, they will then own that this Doctrine is from GOD, and say with the Samaritans, Now we believe not because of thy Saying, for we ourselves have experienced it in our Hearts.

And Oh that all Unbelievers, all Letter-learned Masters of Israel, who now look upon the Doctrine of the Power of CHRIST'S Resur­rection, or our New Birth, as an idle Tale, and condemn the Preachers of it as Enthusiasts and Madmen, did but thus feel the Power of it in their Souls,—They would no longer ask, [...] this Thing could be?—But they would be con­vinced of it as much as Thomas was when he saw the LORD's CHRIST; and like him, when JESUS bid him reach out his Hands and thrust into his Side, in a holy Confusion they would cry out My LORD and my GOD!

But how shall an Unbeliever, how shall [...] formal Christian come thus to know CHRIST, and the Power of his Resurrection?—That GOD who cannot lye has told us, I am the Resurrection and the Life, says JESUS CHRIST, whosoever liveth and believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.—Again, says the Apostle, By Faith we are saved, and that not of ourselves, it is the Gift of GOD.

This, this is the Way, walk in it.—This do, and ye shall live. You shall live in CHRIST, and CHRIST in you; you shall be one with CHRIST, and CHRIST with you.—But without this, your outward Goodness [...] Professio [...] will avail you nothing.

[Page 46] But then by this Faith we are to understand not a dead speculative Faith, a Faith in the Head; but a living Principle wrought in the Heart by the powerful Operations of the Holy Ghost,—A Faith that will enable us to overcome the World, and forsake all in Affection for JESUS CHRIST. For thus speaks our Blessed Master, Unless a Man forsake all that he hath, he cannot be my Disciple.

And so the Apostle, in the Words immediately following the Text, says, being made conformable [...] Death; thereby implying, that the know­ing the Power of CHRIST'S Resurrection cannot be without the being made conformable to him in his Death.

This we have shadowed out by the Custom of Baptizing by Immersion in the Primitive Church, and (which is also recommended by our own) their putting the Infants under the Water, signified their Obligation to die unto Sin; as their taking them out of the Water, signified their rising again to Newness of Life. To which the Apostle plainly alludes, when he says, We are buri [...] with him in Baptism.

If we can reconcile Light and Darkness, Heaven and Hell, then we may hope to know the Power of CHRIST'S Resurrection without dying to ourselves and the World.—But till we can do this, we might as well expect that CHRIST will have Concord with Belial.

For there is such a Contrariety between the Spi [...] of this World, and the Spirit of JESUS CHRIST, that he who will be at Friendship with [Page 47] the one, must be at Enmity with the other.— We cannot serve GOD and Mammon.

This may indeed seem a hard Saying, and many, with the young Man in the Gospel, may be tempted to go away sorrowful? But where­fore should this offend them? For what is all that is in the World, the Lust of the Eye, the Lust of the Flesh, and the Pride of Life, but Vanity and Vexation of Spirit?

GOD is LOVE; and therefore could our own Wills, or the World have made us happy, he never would have sent his own dear Son JESUS CHRIST to die and rise again, to deliver us from the Power of them.—But because they only torment, but cannot satisfy, therefore GOD bids renounce them.

Had any one persuaded profane Esau not to lose so glorious a Privilege merely for the Sake of gratifying a present corrupt Inclination, when he saw him about to sell his Birthright for a little red Pottage, would not one think that Man was Esau's Friend?—And just thus stands the Case between GOD and us.—By the Death and Resurrection of JESUS CHRIST we are new-born to an Heavenly Inheritance amongst all them which are sanctified, but our own corrupt Wills would tempt us to sell this glorious Birthright for the Vanities of the World, which like Esau's red Pottage, may please us for a while, but will soon be taken away from us.—GOD knows this and therefore bids us rather renounce them for a Season, than for the short Enjoyment of the [...] lose the Privilege of that glorious Birthright, to [Page 48] which by the Resurrection of JESUS CHRIST we are entitled.

Oh the Depth of the Riches and Excellency of Christianity! Well might the great St. Paul count all Things but Dung and Dross for the Excellency of the Knowledge of it.—Well might he desire so ardently to know JESUS, and the Power of his Resurrection.—For even on this side Eternity it raises us above the World, and makes us from Heavenly Places in CHRIST JESUS.

Well might that glorious Company of Wor­thies, recorded in the Holy Scriptures, supported with a deep Sense of their Heavenly Calling, despise the Pleasures and Profits of this Life, and wander about in Sheep-Skins, and Goat-Skins, in Dens and Caves of the Earth, being destitute, afflicted, tormented.

And oh that we were all like minded! that we felt the Power of CHRIST'S Resurrection as they did! How should we then count all Things as Dung and Dross for the Excellency of the Knowledge of CHRIST JESUS, our LORD! How should we then recover our primitive Dignity, trample Earth under our Feet, and with our Souls be continually gasping after GOD.

And what hinders but we may be thus mind­ed? IS JESUS CHRIST, our great High Priest, altered from what he was? No, he is the same Yesterday, to Day, and forever.—And though he is exalted to the Right Hand of GOD, is not ashamed to call us Brethren.—The Power of his Resurrection is as great now as formerly, and [Page 49] the Holy Spirit, which was assured to us by his Resurrection, as ready and able to quicken us who are dead in Trespasses and Sins, as any Saint that ever lived. Let us but cry, and that instantly, to him that is mighty and able to save.—Let us, in Sincerity and Truth, without secretly keeping back the least Part, renounce ourselves and the World—And then we shall be Christians indeed.—And though the World may cast us out, and separate from our Company, yet JESUS CHRIST will walk with and abide in us.—And at the general Resurrection of the last Day, when the Voice of the Archangel and Trump of GOD shall bid the Sea and the Graves give up their Dead, and all Nations shall appear before him, then will he confess us before his Father and the Holy Angels, and we shall receive that Sentence which he shall [...] pronounce to all that love and fear him, saying, Come ye blessed Children of my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the Beginning of the World.

Grant this, O FATHER, for the same thy dear Son's Sake JESUS CHRIST our LORD, to whom with Thee and the Holy Ghost, &c.

[Page 50]

The DUTY of Searching the SCRIPTURES.

JOHN v. 39. Search the SCRIPTURES.

WHEN the Sadducees came to our Blessed LORD, and put to him the Question, whose Wife a Woman should be in the next Life, who had seven Husbands in this? He told them, they erred, not knowing the Scriptures.—And if we would know whence all the Errors that have overspread the Church of CHRIST, first arose, we should find they in a great Measure flowed from the same Fountain, viz. An Ignorance of the Word of GOD.

Our Blessed LORD, though he was the Eternal GOD, yet as Man, made it his constant Rule and Guide.—And therefore, when he was asked by the Lawyer, Which was the great Commandment of the Law? He referred him to his Bible for an Answer, What readest thou?—And thus, when led by the Spirit, to be tempted by the Devil, he repelled all his Assaults, with It is written.

[Page 51] A sufficient Confutation this of their Opinion, who say, ‘The Spirit only, and not the Spirit by the Word, is to be our Rule of Action.’—If so, our Saviour, who had the Spirit without Measure, needed not always have referred to the written Word.

But how few copy after the Example of CHRIST? How many are there, who do not regard the Word of GOD at all, but throw the Sacred Oracles aside, as an antiquated Book, fit only for unlearned and illiterate Men?

Such Men do greatly err, not knowing what the Scriptures are, and for what they are de­signed.

I shall therefore in the following Discourse,

  • I. First shew that it is every one's Duty to search them. And,
  • II. Secondly, lay down some Directions how to search them with Advantage.

By the Scriptures I understand the Law and the Prophets, and all those Books which have in all Ages been accounted Canonical, and which make up that Book commonly called, The Bible.

These are emphatically stiled The Scriptures, and in one Place, The Scriptures of Truth, as though no other Books deserved the Name of true Writings or Scriptures in Comparison of them.

They are not of any private Interpretation, Authority, or Invention, but Holy Men of old wrote them, as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.

[Page 52] The Foundation of GOD's revealing himself thus to Mankind, was our Fall in Adam, and the Necessity of our New Birth in CHRIST JESUS. And if we search the Scriptures as we ought, we shall find the Sum and Substance, the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and End of them, has no other Tendency but to lead us to a Knowledge of these two great Truths.

All the Threats, Promises, and Precepts, all the Exhortations and Doctrines contained there­in, all the Rites, and Ceremonies, and Sacrifices appointed under the Jewish Law; nay, almost all the Historical Parts of Holy Scripture, sup­pose our being fallen in Adam, and either point out to us a Mediator to come, or speak of him as already come in the Flesh.

Had Man continued in a State of Innocence, he would not have needed an outward Revela­tion, because the Law of GOD was so deeply written in the Tables of his Heart. But having eaten of the forbidden Fruit, he incurred the Divine Displeasure, and lost the Divine Image, and therefore without an outward Re­velation could never tell how GOD would be reconciled unto him, or how he should be saved from the Misery and Darkness of his fallen Nature.

That these Truths are so, I need not refer you to any other Book than that of your own Hearts.

For unless we are fallen Creatures, whence come those abominable Corruptions which daily arise in our Hearts? We could not come thus [Page 53] corrupt out of the Hands of our Maker, because he being Goodness itself, could make nothing but what is like himself▪ Holy, Just and Good. And that we want to be delivered from these Disorders of our Nature is evident, because we find an Unwillingness within our­selves to own we are thus depraved, and are always striving to appear to others of a quite different Frame and Temper of Mind, than what we are.

I appeal to the Experience of the most learned Disputer against Divine Revelation, whether he does not find in himself that he is naturally Proud, Angry, Revengeful, and full of other Tempers contrary to the Purity, Holiness, and Long-Suffering of GOD.—And is not this a demonstrable Proof that some Way or other he is fallen from GOD?—And I appeal also whether at the same Time he finds these Hellish Tempers in his Heart, he does not strive to seem Amiable, Courteous, Kind, and Affable; and is not this as manifest a Proof that he is sensible that he is Miserable, and wants he knows not how, to be redeemed or delivered from it?

Here then GOD by his Word steps in, and opens to his View such a Scene of Divine Love, and infinite Goodness, in the Holy Scriptures, that none but Men of such corrupt and reprobate Minds as our modern Deists, would shut their Eyes against it.

For what does GOD in his written Word do more or less, than shew thee, O Man, how [Page 54] thou art fallen into that Blindness, Darkness, and Misery thou feelest and complainest of? And at the same Time points out the Way to what thou desirest, viz. How thou mayst be redeemed out of it,—by believing in, and copying after the Son of his Love.

For, as I told you before, so I tell you again, upon these two Truths hangs all Divine Revelation. It being given us for no other End but to shew us our Misery, and our Happiness; our Fall and Recovery; or, in one Word, after what Manner we died in Adam, and how in CHRIST, we may again be made alive.

Hence then arises the Necessity of searching the Scriptures. For since they are nothing else but the grand Character of our Salvation, a Revelation of a Covenant made by GOD with Man in CHRIST, a Light to guide them into the Way of Peace: It follows, that all are obliged to read and search them, because all are equally fallen from GOD, all equally stand in need of being informed what they must do to be restored to, and again united with him.

How foolishly then do the disputing Infidels of this Generation act, who are continually either calling for Signs from Heaven, or seeking for outward Evidence to prove the Truth of Divine Revelation? Whereas what they so earnestly seek for is nigh unto, nay, within them. For let them but consult their own Hearts, they cannot but feel what they want.—Let them but consult the lively Oracles of GOD, and [Page 55] they cannot but see a Remedy revealed for all their Wants, and that the written Word does as exactly answer the Wants and Desire of their Hearts, as Face answers to Face in the Water.—Where then is the Scribe, where then is the Wi [...], where is the Solidity of the Reasoning of the Disputers of this W [...] Has not GOD revealed himself unto t [...] [...] plain as their own Hearts could wish! [...] they require a Sign. But there shall no [...] be given them. For if they believe [...] Revelation every way so suited to their Wants, neither will they be persuaded though one should rise from the Dead.

But this Discourse is not designed so much for [...] them that believe not, as for them who both know and believe that the Scriptures contain a Revelation that came from GOD, and that it is their Duty, as being chief Parties concerned, not only to read, but search them also.

I pass on therefore, as was proposed, in the second Place, to lay down some Directions how to search them with Advantage.

And First, Have also in View, the End for which the Scriptures were written,—to shew [...] the Way of Salvation by JESUS CHRIST.

Search the Scriptures, says our Blessed LORD, for they are they that testify of me.—Look there­fore always for CHRIST in the Scripture. For he is the Treasure hid in the Field, both of the Old and New Testament,—In the Old you'll find [...] under Prophesies, Types, Sacrifices [Page 56] and Shadows; in the New, manifested in the Flesh, to become a Propitiation for our Sin, as a Priest; and as a Prophet, to reveal the whole Will of his Heavenly Father.

Have CHRIST, and to become a Principle then of a new Life to our Souls, thus always in view when you are reading the Word of GOD, and this, like the Star in the East, will guide you to the Messiah, will serve as a Key to every Thing that is obscure, and [...] to you the Wisdom and Riches of all the [...]teries of the Kingdom of GOD.

Secondly, Search the Scriptures with an humble Child-like Disposition.

For whosoever does not read them with this Temper shall in no wise enter into the Know­ledge of the Things contained therein. For GOD hides the Sense of them from those that are wise and prudent in their own Eyes, and reveals them only to Babes in CHRIST, who think they know nothing yet as they ought to know, who hunger and thirst after Righteousness and humbly desire to be fed with the sincere Milk of the Word, that they may grow thereby.

Fancy yourselves therefore when you are searching the Scriptures, especially when you are reading the New Testament, to be with Mary sitting at the Feet of the HOLY JESUS, and be as willing to learn what GOD shall teach You, as Samuel was, when he said, Speak, LORD, for thy Servant heareth.

And Oh that the Unbelievers would pull down every high Thought and Imagination that [Page 57] exalts itself against the Revealed Will of GOD! Oh that they would, like new-born Babes, desire to be fed with the pure Milk of the Word! then we should have them no longer scoffing at Divine Revelation, nor would they read the Bible any more (with the same Intent the Philistines brought out Sampson) to make Sport at it, but they would see the Divine Image and Superscription written upon every Line of it. They would hear GOD speaking unto their Souls by it, and consequently be built up in the Knowledge and Fear of him who is the Author of it.

Thirdly, Search the Scriptures with a sincere Intention to put in Practice what you read.

For a Desire to do the Will of GOD is the only Way to know it, If any Man will do my Will, says JESUS CHRIST, He shall know of my Doctrine whether it he of GOD, or whether I speak of myself. As he also speaks in another Place to his Disciples, To you, who are willing to practice your Duty, it is given to know the Mysteries of the Kingdom of GOD; but to those that are without, who only want to raise Cavils against my Doctrine, all these Things are spoken in Parables, that seeing they may see and not understand, and hearing they may hear and not perceive.

For it is but just in GOD to send those strong Delusions, that they may believe a Lye, and to conceal the Knowledge of himself from all such as do not seek him with a single Intention.

[Page 58] JESUS CHRIST is the same now as formerly. To those who desire to know from his Word, who he is that they may believe on and live by and to him, he will reveal himself as clearly as he did to the Woman of Samaria, when he said, I that speak to thee am he; or as he did to the Man that was born blind, whom the Jews had cast out for his Name's sake, He that talketh with thee is he. But to those who consult his Word with a Desire neither to know him or keep his Commandments, but either merely for their Entertainment, or to scoff at the Simplicity of the Manner in which he is revealed, to those, I say, he never will reveal himself, though he should search the Scriptures to all Eternity.—As he never would tell those whether he was the Messiah or not, who put that Question to him either out of Curiosity, or that they might have whereof to accuse him.

Fourthly, In order to search the Scriptures still more effectually, make an Application of every Thing you read to your own Hearts.

For whatever was written in the Book of GOD, was written for our Learning. And what CHRIST said unto those aforetime, we must look upon as spoken to us also: For since the Holy Scriptures are nothing but a Revelation from GOD, how fallen Man is to be restored by JESUS CHRIST, all the Precepts, Threats and Promises, belong to us and to our Children, as well as to those to whom they were immediately made known.

[Page 59] Thus the Apostle, when he tells us that he lived by the Faith of the Son of GOD, adds who died and gave himself for me, For it is this Application of JESUS CHRIST to our Hearts that makes his Redemption effectual to each of us.

And it is this Application of all the Doctrinal and Historical Parts of Scripture, when we are reading them over, that must render them profi­table to us, as they were designed for Reproof, for Correction, for Instruction in Righteousness, and make every Child of GOD perfect, thoroughly furnished to every good Work.

And I dare appeal to the Experience of every Spiritual Reader of Holy Writ, whether or no if he consulted the Word of GOD in this Manner, he was not at all Times and at all Seasons as plainly directed how to act, as though he had consulted the Urim and Thummim which was upon the High Priest's Breast.

For this is the Way GOD now reveals himself to Man: Not by making new Revelations, but by applying general Things that are revealed already, to every particular sincere Reader's Heart.

And this, by the Way, answers an Objection made by those that say, ‘the Word of GOD is not a perfect Rule of Action, because it can­not direct us how to act, or how to determine in particular Cases, or what Place to go to when we are in Doubt, and therefore the Spirit, and not the Word, is to be our Rule of Action.’

[Page 60] But this I deny, and affirm on the Contrary, that GOD at all Times, Circumstances and Places, though never so minute, never so particular, will, if we diligently seek the Assistance of his Holy Spirit, apply general Things to our Hearts, and thereby, to use the Words of the Holy JESUS, will lead us into all Truth, and give us the particular Assistance we want: But this leads me to a

Fifth Direction how to search the Scriptures with Profit. Labour to attain that Spirit by which they were wrote.

For the natural Man discerneth not the Words of the Spirit of GOD, because they are spiritually discerned, the Words that CHRIST hath spoken they are Spirit, and they are Life, and can be no more understood, as to the true hidden Sense and Meaning of them, by the mere natural Man, than a Person who had never learnt a Language can understand another speaking in it. The Scriptures therefore have not unfitly been com­par'd by some to the Cloud which went before the Israelites, they are dark and hard to be understood by the natural Man, as the Cloud appeared dark to the Egyptians, but they are Light, they are Life to Christians indeed, as that same Cloud which seem'd dark to Pharaoh and hi [...] Host, appeared bright and altogether glorious to the Israel of GOD.

It was the Want of the Assistance of this Spirit that made Nicodemus, a Teacher of Israel, Ruler of the Jews, so utterly ignorant in the Doctrine of Regeneration: For being only a natural Man. [Page 61] he could not tell how that Thing could be. It was the Want of this Spirit that made our Saviour's Disciples, tho' he so frequently conversed with them, daily mistake the Nature of the Doctrines he delivered; and it is because the natural Veil is not taken off from their Hearts, that so many who pretend to search the Scriptures, yet see no farther than into the bare Letter of them and continue entire Strangers to the hidden Sense, the Spiritual Meaning, couched under every Parable, and contained in almost all the Precepts of the Book of GOD.

And indeed how should it be otherwise; for GOD being a Spirit, he cannot communicate himself any otherwise than in a spiritual Manner to the Hearts of Men; and consequently i [...] we are Strangers to his Spirit, we must continue Strangers to his Word, because it is altogether like himself Spiritual. Labour therefore ear­nestly to attain this blessed Spirit, for otherwise your Understandings will never be opened to understand the Scriptures aright; and because Prayer is one of the most immediate Means to get his Holy Spirit,

Sixthly, Let me advise you before you read the Scripture, to pray that CHRIST, according to his Promise, would send his Spirit to guide you into all Truth; intersperse short Ejaculations whilst you are engaged in Reading, pray over every Word and Verse if possible, and when you close up the Book most earnestly beseech GOD, that the Words which you then have read [...] be inwardly engrafted into your [Page 62] Hearts, and bring forth in you the Fruits of Good Living.

Do this, and you will with an holy Violence draw down GOD's Holy Spirit into your Hearts, and you will experience his gracious Influences, and feel him enlightning, quickening and inflam­ing your Souls by the Word of GOD; you will then not only read, but mark, learn, and inwardly digest what you read, and the Word of GOD will be Meat indeed and Drink indeed unto your Souls; you then will be as Apollos was, powerful in the Scriptures, be Scribes ready instructed to the Kingdom of GOD, and bring out of the good Treasures of your Heart, Things both from the Old and New Testament, to entertain all you converse with.

One Direction more; which shall be the last, Seventhly, Read the Scripture constantly, or to use our Saviour's Expression in the Text, Search the Scriptures, dig in them as for hid Treasure, for here's a manifest Allusion to those who dig in Mines, and our Saviour would thereby teach us that we must take as much Pains in constantly reading his Word, if we would grow thereby, as those who dig for Gold and Silver. The Scriptures contain the Deep Things of GOD, and there­fore can never be sufficiently search'd into by a careless, superficial, cursory Way of Reading them, but by an industrious, close and humble Application.

The Psalmist therefore makes it the Property of a good Man that he meditates on GOD's Law Day and Night: And this Book of the Law, [Page 63] says GOD to Joshua, shall not go out of thy Mouth, but thou shalt meditate therein Day and Night, for then thou shalt make thy Way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good Success. Search therefore the Scriptures not only devoutly but daily, for in them are the Words of eternal Life; wait constantly at Wisdom's Gate, and she will then, and not till then, display and lay open to you her Heavenly Treasures; [...] that are rich are without Excuse if you do not▪ and you that poor ought to take heed that little Time you have; for by the Scriptures you are to be acquitted, and by the Scriptures you are to be condemned as the Last Day.

But perhaps you have no Taste for this despised Book; perhaps Plays and Romances, Books of polite Entertainment, suit your Taste better; but if this be your Case, give me leave to tell you, your Taste is vitiated, and unless corrected by the Spirit and Word of GOD, you shall never enter into his heavenly Kingdom; for unless you delight in GOD here, how will you be made meet to dwell with him hereafter.—Is it a Sin then, you will say, to read useless impertinent Books, I answer, yes: And that for the same Reason, as it is a Sin to indulge useless Conversation, because both immediately tend to grieve and quench that Spirit by which alone we can be sealed to the Day of Redemption; but you may reply, How shall we know this ? Why, put in Practice the Precept in the Text, [...] the Scriptures, in the Manner that has [...] [...]mmended, and then you will be [Page 64] convinced of the Danger, Sinfulness, and Unsa­tisfactoriness of reading any other than the Book of GOD, or such as are wrote in the same Spirit; you will then say, When I was a Child, and ignorant of the Excellency of the Word of GOD, I read other, what the World calls harmless Books, as other Children in Knowledge, though old in Years, have done, and still do; but now I have tasted the good Word of Life, and come to [...] more perfect Knowledge of CHRIST JESUS my LORD; I put away these childish trifling Things, and am determined to read no other Books but what lead me to a Knowledge of myself and CHRIST JESUS. Search therefore the Scriptures, my dear Brethren; taste and see how good the Word of GOD is, and then you will never leave that Heavenly Manna, that Angel's Food, to feed on those dry Husks, that light Bread, those trifling, sinful Compositions, which Men of false Taste delight themselves in; no, you will then disdain such poor Entertainment, and blush that yourselves once were fond of it. The Word of GOD will then be sweeter than Honey and the Honey-Comb, and dearer than Gold and Silver; your Souls by reading it will be filled, as it were, with Marrow and Fatness, and your Hearts insensibly moulded into the Spirit of its blessed Author; in short, You will then be guided by GOD's Wisdom here, and conducted by the Light of his Divine Word into Glory hereafter.

[Page 65]


2 CORINTH. ii. 11. Lest Satan should get an Advantage over us; for we are not ignorant of his Devices.

THE Occasion of these Words was as fol­lows: In the Church of Corinth there was an unhappy Person, who had committed such Incest, as was not so much as named among the Gentiles, in taking his Father's Wife; but either on account of his Wealth, Power, or some such Reasons, like many notorious Offender [...] now-a-days, had not been exposed to the Censures of the Church. St. Paul therefore, in his first Epistle, severely chides them for this Neglect of Discipline, and commands them in the Name of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, When they were ga­thered together, to deliver such a one, whoever he was, to Satan, for the Destruction of the Flesh, that his Spirit might be saved in the Day of the LORD; that is, in one Word, that they should solemnly excommunicate him; which was com­ [...] attended with some bodily Disease in­flicted [Page 66] by the Devil, under whose Power the ex­communicated Person was for some Time de­livered. The Corinthians, being obedient to the Apostle, as dear Children, no sooner received this Reproof, but they submitted to it, and cast the offending Party out of the Church. But whilst they were endeavouring to amend one Fault, they unhapply run into another; and as they formerly had been too mild and remiss, so now they behaved towards him with too much Severity and Resentment. The Apostle there­fore, in this Chapter, reproves this, and tells them, that sufficient to the Offender's Shame, was The Punishment which had been inflicted of many; that he had now suffered enough; and that therefore, lest he should be tempted to say with Cain My Punishment is greater than I can bear; or to use the Apostle's own Words, Lest he should be swallowed up with over much Sor­row; they ought, now he had given Proof of his Repentance, to forgive him, to confirm their Love towards him, and so restore him in the Spirit of Meekness; Lest Satan, says he, to whose Buffetings he was now given, should, by tempting him to Despair, get an Advantage over us; and so, by representing you as Merciless and Cruel, cause that Holy Name to be blasphemed by which you are called; for we are not igno­rant of his Devices: we know very well how many subtle Ways he has to draw aside and be­guile unguarded unthinking Men.

Thus then stand the Words in Relation to the Context; but as Satan has many Devices, as [Page 67] his Quiver is full of other poisonous Darts, be­sides those which he shoots at us to drive us to Despair, I shall consider them by themselves, and in the following Discourse shall,

  • I. First, Briefly observe who we are to un­derstand by Satan. And,
  • II. Secondly, point out to you, what are the chief Devices he generally makes use of, to draw off Converts from CHRIST, and prescribe some Remedies against them.

The Word Satan, in its original Signification, means an Adversary; and in its general Accep­tation, is made use of to point out to us the Chief of the Devils, who, for striving to be as GOD, was cast down from Heaven, and is now per­mitted, with the Rest of his spiritual Wicked­nesses in high Places, to walk up and down, seek­ing whom he may devour. We hear of him im­mediately after the Creation, when in the Shape of a Serpent he lay in wait to deceive our first Parents.—He is called Satan in the Book of Job; wherein we are told, that when the Sons of GOD came to present themselves before the LORD, Satan also came amongst them.—As the Scripture also speaketh in the Book of Chronicles, and Satan moved David to number the People.— In the New-Testament he goes under different Denominations; sometimes he is called the Evil One, because he is evil in himself, and tempts us to Evil.—Sometimes, the Prince of the Power of the Air, and the Spirit that now ruleth in the Children of Disobedience, because he resides chiefly in the Air; and the whole World, i. e. [Page 68] All that are not born of GOD, are said to lie in him.

He is an Enemy to GOD and Goodness—He is a Hater of all Truth; why else did he slander GOD in Paradice? Why did he tell Eve, You shall not surely die? And why did he promise to give all the Kingdoms of the World, and the Glories of them, to JESUS CHRIST, if he would fall down and worship him?

He is full of Malice, Envy and Revenge; for what other Motives could induce him to molest innocent Man in Paradice? And why is he still so Restless in his Attempts to destroy us, who have done him no Wrong?

He is a Being of great Power, as appears in his being able to act on the Imagination of our Bles­sed LORD, so as to represent to him all the Kingdoms of the World, and the Glories of them, in a Moment of Time. As also in carrying his sacred Body through the Air up to a Pinnacle of the Temple; and his driving a Herd of Swine so furiously into the Deep—Nay, so great is his Might, that, I doubt not, was GOD to let him use his full Strength, he could turn the Earth upside down, or pull the Sun from its Orb.

But what he is most remarkable for is, his Subtlety; for not having Power given from above to take us by Force, he is obliged to wait for Opportunities to betray us, and to catch us by Guile. He therefore made use of the Ser­pent, which was subtle above all the Beasts of the Field, in order to tempt our first Parents; [Page 69] and accordingly he is said, in the New Testament, To lie in wait to deceive; and here in the Words of the Text, the Apostle says, We are not igno­rant of his Devices; thereby implying, that we are more in Danger of being seduced by his Po­licy, than over-borne by his Power.

From this short Description of Satan, we may easily judge whose Children they are, who love to make a Lie, who speak Evil and slander their Neighbour, and whose Hearts are full of Pride, Subtlety, Malice, Envy, Revenge and all Uncharitableness.—Surely they have Satan for their Father—For the Tempers of Satan they know; and the Works of Satan they do. But were they to see either themselves, or Satan, as he is, they could not but be terrified at their own Likeness, and abhor themselves in Dust and Ashes.

But to return. The Justice of GOD in suf­fering us to be tempted is vindicated from these Considerations—That we are here in a State of Probation—That he has promised not to suffer us to be tempted above what we are able to bear—And not only so, but to him that overcometh, he will give a Crown of Life.

The Holy Angels themselves, it should seem, were once put to a Trial whether they would be faithful or not. The first Adam, was tempted even in Paradice. And JESUS CHRIST, that second Adam, though he was a Son, yet was carried, as our Representative, by the Holy Spirit into the Wilderness to be tempted of the [...]. And there is not one single Spirit in [Page 70] Paradice amongst the Goodly Fellowship of the Prophets, the glorious Company of the Apostles, the noble Army of Martyrs, and the Spirits of just Men made perfect, who, when on Earth, was not assaulted by the fiery Darts of that wicked one, the Devil.

What then has been the common Lot of all GOD's children, of the Angels, nay, of the Eternal Son of GOD himself, we must not think to be exempted from. No, 'tis sufficient if we are made perfect through Temptations, as they were.—And therefore since we cannot but be tempted, unless we could unmake Human Na­ture, instead of repining at our Condition, we should rather be enquiring, at what Time of our Lives Satan most violently assaults us? And what those Devices are, which he com­monly makes use of, in order to get an Advantage over us?

As the first Question, I answer, we must expect to be tempted by him, in some Degree or other, all our Lives long.—For this Life being a continual Warfare, we must never ex­pect to have Rest from our Spiritual Adversary, the Devil; or to say, our Combat with him is finished, till, with our blessed Master, we bow down our Heads, and give up the Ghost.

But since the Time of our Conversion, or first entring upon the Spiritual Life, is the most critical Time at which he most violently besets us, as well knowing, if he can prevent our setting out, he can lead us Captive at his Will; and since the wise Son of Sirach particularly [Page 71] warns us, when we are going to serve the LORD, to prepare our Souls for Temptation, I shall, in answer to the other Question, pass on to the

Second general Thing proposed; and point out, and withal give some Directions how to overcome those Devices, which Satan generally makes use of at our first Con­version, in order to get an Advantage over us.

But before I proceed to do this, let me ob­serve to you, that whatsoever shall be delivered in the following Discourse is only designed for such as have actually entred upon the Divine Life; and not for carnal almost Christians, who have the Form of Godliness, but never yet felt the Power of it in their Hearts. This being premised;

The first Device I shall mention which Satan makes use of, is, to drive us to Despair.

When GOD the Father awakens a Sinner by the Terrors of the Law, and by his Holy Spirit convinceth him of Sin, in order to lead him to CHRIST, and shew him the Necessity of a Redeemer; then Satan generally strikes in, and aggravates those Convictions to such a Degree, as to make the Sinner doubt of finding Mercy through the Mediator.

Thus, in all his Temptations of the Holy JESUS, he chiefly aimed to make him question, whether he was the Son of GOD? If thou be the Son of GOD, says he, do so and so. With many such desponding Thoughts, no doubt, he [Page 72] filled the Heart of the great St. Paul, when he continued three Days neither eating Bread or drinking Water; and therefore he speaks by Experience, when he says, in the Words of the Text, We are not ignorant of his Devices, how he will endeavour to drive the incestuous Person to Despair.

But let not any of you be influenced by him to despair of sinding Mercy. For it is not the Greatness or Number of our Crimes, but Impenitence and Unbelief, that will prove our Ruin: No, were our Sins more in Number than the Hairs of our Head, or of a deeper Die than the brightest Scarlet; yet the Merits of the Death of JESUS CHRIST are infinitely greater, and Faith in his Blood shall make them white as Snow.

Answer always therefore his despairing Sug­gestions, as your Blessed LORD did, with an It is written. Tell him, you know that your Redeemer liveth, ever to make Intercession for you; that the LORD hath received from him double for all your Crimes: And tho' you have sinned much, that is no Reason why you should despair, but only why you should love much, having so much forgiven.

Another Device that Satan generally makes use of, to get an Advantage over young Converts, is, to tempt them to presume, and to think more highly of themselves than they ought to think.

When a Person has for some little Time [...]asted the good Word of Life, and felt the [Page 73] Powers of the World to come, he is commonly (as indeed well he may) most highly transported with that sudden Change he finds in himself. But then, Satan will not be wanting at such a Time, to puff him up with a high Conceit of his own Attainments, as if he was some great Person; and will tempt him to set at nought his Brethren, as though he was holier than they.

Take heed therefore, and let us beware of this Device of our spiritual Adversary; for as before Honour is Humility, so a haughty Spirit generally goes before a Fall; and GOD is obliged, when under such Circumstances, to send us some humbling Visitation, or permit us to fall, as he did Peter, into some grievous Sin, that we may learn not to be too high minded.

To check therefore all Suggestions to Spiritual Pride, let us consider, that we did not apprehend CHRIST, but were apprehended of him.—That we have nothing but what we have received.—That the free Grace of GOD has alone made the Difference between us and others; and, was GOD to leave us to the Deceitfulness of our own Hearts but one Moment, we should become weak and wicked, like other Men.—We should farther consider, that being proud of Grace, is the most ready Way to lose it.—For GOD resisteth the Proud, and giveth more Grace only to the Humble. And were we endowed with the Perfections of Seraphims; yet if we were proud of those Perfections, they would but render us more accomplished Devils. [Page 74] —Above all, we should pray earnestly to Almighty GOD, that we may learn of JESUS CHRIST, to be lowly in Heart. That his Grace, through the Subtlety and Deceivableness of Satan, may not be our Poison. But that we may always think soberly of ourselves, as we ought to think.

A third Device I shall mention, which Satan generally makes use of to get an Advantage over [...]s, is to tempt us to Uneasiness, and to have hard Thoughts of GOD, when we are under Deadness and Dryness in Prayer.

Though this is a Term not understood by the Natural Man; yet, whosoever there are amongst you, who have passed through the Pangs of the New Birth, they know full well what I mean, when I talk of Deadness and Dryness in Prayer. And, I doubt not, but many of you, amongst whom I am now preaching the King­dom of GOD, are at this very Time labouring under it.

For when Persons are first awakened to the Divine Life, because Grace is weak and Nature strong, GOD is often pleased to vouchs [...]e them some extraordinary Illuminations of his Holy Spirit; but when they are grown to be more perfect Men in CHRIST, then he frequently seems to leave them to themselves; and not only so, but permits a horrible Deadness and Dread to overwhelm them; at which Times Satan will not be wanting to vex and tempt them to Impatience, to the great Discomfort of their Souls.

[Page 75] But be not afraid; for this in no more than your Blessed Redeemer, that [...] Lamb of GOD, has underwent before you: Witness his bitter Agony in the Garden, when his Soul was exceeding Sorrowful, even unto Death.—When he sweat great Drops of Blood, falling on the Ground; when the Sense of the Divinity was withdrawn from him; and Satan, in all Probability, was permitted, to set all his [...] in Array before him.

Rejoice therefore, my Brethren, when you fall into the like Circumstances; as knowing, that you are therein Partakers of the Sufferings of JESUS CHRIST.—Consider, that it is necessary such inward Trials should come, to wean us off the Love of sensible Devotion, and to teach us to follow CHRIST, not merely for his Loaves, but out of a Principle of Lo [...]e and Obedience.—In Patience therefore possess your Souls, and be not terrified by Satan's Suggestions.—Still persevere in seeking JESUS in the Use of Means, though it be Sorrowing, and though through Benumness and Bar [...]enness of Soul you may go mourning all the Day long.— [...] that the Spouse is with you, though behind [...] Curtain; as he was with Mary, at the Sepul [...] though she knew it not.—That he has wi [...] ­drawn but for a little while, to make his [...] more welcome.—That though he may [...] seem to frown and look back on you, as he did on the Syrophoenician Woman; yet if you like her, cry out so much the more earnestly, JESUS, thou Son of David, have Mercy on us [...] [Page 76] it will be made known unto you again, either in the Temple, by breaking of Bread, or some other Way.

But amongst all the Devices, that Satan makes use of to get an Advantage over us, there is none in which he is more successful, or by which he grieves the Children of GOD worse, than that

Fourth Device I am going to mention, viz. His troubling you with blasphemous, prophane, impious, unbelieving Thoughts; and sometimes to such a Degree, that they are as tormenting as the Rack.

Some indeed are apt to impute all such evil Thoughts to a Disorder of Body.—But those, who know any Thing of the Spiritual Life, can inform you with greater Certainty, that for the Generality, they proceed from that wicked One, the Devil▪ who, no doubt, has Power given him from above, as well now as formerly, to disorder the Body, as he did Job's; that he may, with the more Secrecy and Success work upon, ruffle and torment the Soul.

You that have felt his fiery Darts, can subscribe to the Truth of this, and by fatal Experience can tell, how often he has bid you, Curse GOD and die, and darted into your Thoughts a Thousand blasphemous Suggestions, even in your most secret and solemn Retirements; the bare looking back on which makes your very Hearts to tremble.

I appeal to your own Consciences; have not some of you, when you have been lifting up [Page 77] Holy Hands in Prayer, been pestered with such a Croud of the most horrid Insinuations, that you have been often tempted to rise off from your Knees, and been made believe your Prayers were an Abomination to the LORD? Nay, when, with the Rest of your Christian Brethren, you have crouded round the Holy Table, and taken the sacred Symbols of CHRIST'S most blessed Body and Blood into your Hands, instead of remembring the Death of your Saviour, have you not been employed in driving out evil Thoughts, as Abraham was in driving away the Birds, that came to devour his Sacrifice; and thereby been terrified, lest you have eat and drank your own Damnation?

But marvel not, as though some strange Thing happened unto you; for this has been the common Lot of all GOD's Children.—We read even in Job's Time, That when the Sons of GOD came to appear before their Maker, i. e. at public Worship, Satan also came amongst them, to disturb their Devotions.

And think not that GOD is angry with you for these distracting, tho' ever so blasphemous Thoughts: No, he knows it is not you, but Satan working in you, and therefore, notwith­standing he may be displeased with, and certainly will punish him; yet he will both pity and reward you. And though it be difficult to make Persons in your Circumstances to believe so▪ yet, I doubt not, but you are more acceptable to GOD, when performing your holy Duties in the midst of such involuntary Distractions, [Page 78] than when you are wrapped up by sensible Devotion, as it were, into the third Heavens.—For you are then suffering, as well as doing the Will of GOD at the same Time; and, like Nehemiah's Servants at the Building of the Temple, are holding a Trowel in the one Hand, and a Sword in the other.—But be not you driven from the Use of any Ordinance whatever, on account of those abominable Suggestions; for then you let Satan get his desired Advantage over you; it being his chief Design, by these Thoughts, to make you fall out with the Means of Grace; and to tempt you to believe, you do not please GOD, for no other Reason, than because you do not please yourselves.—Rather persevere in the Use of the Holy Com­munion especially, and all other Means what­ever; and when these Temptations have wrought that Resignation in you, for which they were permitted, GOD will visit you with fresh Tokens of his Love, as he met Abraham, when he returned from the Slaughter of the five Kings; and will send an Angel from Heaven, as he did to his Son, on Purpose to strengthen you.

Hitherto we have only observed such Devices as Satan makes use of immediately by himself; but there is a

Fifth I shall mention, that is not the least, viz. Tempting us by our carnal Friends and Relations.

This is one of the most common, as well as most artful Devices he makes use of to draw [Page 79] young Converts from GOD; for when he cannot prevail over them by himself, he will try what he can do by the Influence and Mediation of others.

Thus he tempted Eve, that she might tempt Adam.—Thus he stirred up Job's Wife, to bid him Curse GOD and die.—And thus he made use of Peter's Tongue, to persuade our Blessed LORD To spare himself, and thereby decline those Sufferings, by which alone we could be preserved from suffering the Vengeance of Eternal Fire. And thus, in these last Days, he often stirs up our most powerful Friends and dearest Intimates, to dissuade us from going in that narrow Way, which alone leadeth unto Life eternal,

But our Blessed LORD has furnished us with a sufficient Answer to all such Suggestions.— Get you behind me, my Adversaries; for otherwise they will be an Offence unto you; and the only Reason why they give such Advice is, because they savour not the Things that be of GOD, but the Things that be of Men.

Whoever therefore among you are resolved to serve the LORD, prep [...], your Souls for many such Temptations as those; for it is necessary that such Offences should come, to try your Sincerity, to teach us to cease from Man, and to see if we will forsake all to follow CHRIST.

Indeed our Modernisers o [...] Christianity would perswade us, that the Gospel was calculated [Page 80] only for about two hundred Years; and that now there is no need of hating Father and Mother, or being persecuted for the Sake of CHRIST and his Gospel.

But such Persons err, not knowing the Scriptures, and the Power of Godliness in their Hearts; for whosoever receives the Love of GOD in the Truth of it, will find, that CHRIST came to send not Peace, but a Sword upon Earth, as much now as ever.—That the Father-in-law shall be against the Daughter-in-law, in these latter, as well as in the primitive Times; and that if we will live godly in CHRIST JESUS, we must, as then, so now, from carnal Friends and Relations, suffer Persecution.

But the Devil has another Device, as dangerous as any of the former,— i. e. by not tempting us at all, or rather by withdrawing himself for a while, in order to come upon us at an Hour when we think not of it.

Thus it is said, that he left JESUS CHRIST only for a Season; and our Blessed LORD has bid us to watch and pray always, that we enter not into Temptation; thereby im­plying, that Satan, whether we think of it or not, is always seeking how he may devour us.

If we would therefore behave like good Soldiers of JESUS CHRIST, we must be always upon our guard, and never pretend to lay down our spiritual Weapons of Prayer and Watching▪ till our Warfare is accomplished [Page 81] by Death; for if we do, our spiritual Amaleck will quickly prevail against us. What if he has left us? It is only for a Season; yet, a little while, and, like a roaring Lion, with double Fury, he will break out upon us again.—So great a Coward as the Devil is, he seldom leaves us at the first Onset.—As he followed our Blessed LORD with one Temptation after another, so will he treat [...] Servants.—And the Reason why he does [...] [...]new his Attacks, is sometimes, because GOD knows we are yet weak and unable to bear them,—sometimes, because our grand Adver­sary thinks to beset us at a more convenient Season.

Watch carefully therefore over thy Heart, O Christian, and whenever thou perceivest thyself to be falling into a spiritual Slumber, say to it, as CHRIST to his Disciples, Arise my Soul, why sleepest thou? Awake, awake▪ put on Strength, watch and pray, or otherwise the Philistines will be upon thee, and lead thee whither thou wouldst not. Alas! Is this Life a Time to lay down and slumber in? Arise, and call upon thy GOD▪ thy spiritual Enemy is not dead, but lurketh in some secret Place, seeking a convenient Opportunity how he may betray thee. If thou ceasest to strive with him, thou ceasest to be a Friend of GOD; thou ceasest to go in that narrow Way which leadeth unto Life.

Thus have I endeavoured to point out to you [...] of those Devices, that Sata [...] generally [Page 82] makes use of to get an Advantage over us; many others there are, no doubt, which he often makes use of.

But these, on account of my Youth and Want of Experience, I cannot yet apprise you of; they, who have been listed for Years in their Master's Service, and fought under his Banner against our spiritual Amaleck, are able to discover more of his Artifices; and, being tempted in all Things, like unto their Brethren, can in all Things advise and succour those that are tempted.

In the mean while, let me exhort my young Fellow-Soldiers, who, like myself, are but just entring the Field, and for whose Sake this was written, not to be discouraged at the fiery Trial wherewith they must be tried, if they would be found faithful Servants of JESUS CHRIST. You see, my dearly beloved Brethren, by what has been delivered, that our Way through the Wilderness of this World to the Heavenly Canaan is beset with Thorns, and that there are the Sons of Anak to be grappled with, e'er you can possess the promised Land. But let not these, like so many false Spies, discourage you from going up to fight the LORD's Battles, but say with Caleb and Joshua, Nay, but we will go up, for we are able to conquer them. JESUS CHRIST, that Captain of our Salvation, has in our stead, and as our Representative, baffled the grand Enemy of Mankind, and we have nothing to do, but manfully to fight under his Banner, [Page 83] and to go on from conquering to conquer. Our Glory does not consist in being exempted from, but in enduring Temptations. Blessed is the Man, says the Apostle, that endureth Temptation; and again, Brethren, count it all Joy, when you fall into divers Temptations: And in that perfect Form our blessed LORD has prescribed to us, we are taught to pray, not so much to be delivered from all Temptation, as from the Evil of it. No, whilst we are on this Side Eternity, it must needs be that Temptations come; and, no doubt, Satan has desired to have all of us, to [...] us as Wheat. But wherefore should we fear? For he that is for us, is by far more powerful, than all that are against us. JESUS CHRIST, our great High Priest, is exalted to the Right Hand of GOD, and there sitteth to make Intercession for us, that our Faith fail not.

Since then CHRIST is praying, whom should we fear? And since he has promised to make us more than Conquerors, of whom should we be afraid? No, though an Host of Devils are set in Array against us, let us not be afraid; and though there should rise up the hottest Persecution against us, yet let us put our Trust in GOD.—What though Satan, and the Rest of his apostate Spirits, are power [...] when compared with us; yet, if put in Competition with the Almighty, they are [...] weak as the meanest Worms. GOD has th [...] all reserved in Chains of Darkness unto the [Page 84] Judgment of the great Day.—So far as he permits them, they shall go, but no farther; and where he pleases, there shall their proud malicious Designs be stayed. We read in the Gospel, that though a Legion of them possessed one Man, yet they could not destroy him; nor could they so much as enter into a Swine, without first having Leave given them from above. It is true, we often find they foil us, when we are assaulted by them; but let us be strong, and very courageous; for, though they bruise our Heels, we shall at length bruise their Heads.—Yet a little while, and he that shall come, will come; and then we shall see all our spiritual Enemies put under our Feet.—What if they do come out against us, like so many great Goliahs; yet, if we can go forth, as the Stripling David, in the Name and Strength of the LORD of Hosts, we may say, Oh Satan, where is thy Power? Oh fallen Spirits, where is your Victory?

Once more therefore, and to conclude, let us be strong, and very couragious, and let us put on the whole Armour of GOD, that we may be able to stand against the fiery Darts of the wicked One. Let us renounce ourselves, and the World, and then we shall take away the Armour in which he trusteth, and he will find nothing in us for his Temptations to work upon. We shall then prevent his malicious Designs, and being willing to suffer ourselves, shall need less Sufferings to be sent [Page 85] us from above. Let us have our Loins girl about with Truth; and for an Helmet, the Hope of Salvation, praying always with all Manner of Supplication. Above all Things, Let us take the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of GOD, and the Shield of Faith, looking always to JESUS, the Author and Finisher of our Faith, who for the Joy that was set before him, endured the Pain, despising the Shame, and is now sat down at the Right Hand of GOD.

To which happy Place may GOD of his infinite Mercy translate us all, through our LORD JESUS CHRIST.

To whom with the FATHER, and the HOLY GHOST, Three Persons and One Eternal GOD, be all Honour, and Glory, now and for evermore. Amen.

[Page 86]


1 COR. ii. 2. I determined not to know any Thing among you, save JESUS CHRIST, and him crucified.

THE Persons to whom these Words were written, were the Members of the Church of Corinth; who, as appears by the foregoing Chapter, were not only divided into different Sects, by one saying, I am of Paul, and another, I am of Apollos; but also had many amongst them, who were so full of the Wisdom of this World, and so wise in their own Eyes, that they set at nought the Simplicity of the Gospel, and accounted the Apostle's Preaching Foolish­ness.

Never had the Apostle more Need of the Wisdom of the Serpent, mingled with the In­nocency of the Dove, than now. What is the Sum of all his Wisdom? he tells them, in the Words of the Text, I determined not to know any [Page 87] Thing amongst you, save JESUS CHRIST, and him crucified.

A Resolution this, worthy the great St. Paul, and no less worthy, no less necessary for every Minister, and every Disciple of CHRIST, to make always, even unto the End of the World.

In the following Discourse, I shall

  • First explain what is meant by not knowing any Thing, save JESUS CHRIST, and him crucified.
  • Secondly, Give some Reasons why every Chri­stian should determine not to know any Thing else. And
  • Thirdly, Conclude with a general Exhor­tation to put this Determination into Prac­tice.

And First, I am to explain what is meant by not knowing any Thing, save JESUS CHRIST, and him crucified.

By JESUS CHRIST, we are to understand the Eternal Son of GOD. He is called JESUS, i. e. A Saviour, because he was to save us from the Guilt and Power of our Sins; and, like Joshua, by whom he was remarkably typified, to lead GOD's Spiritual Israel [...] the Wil­derness of this World, to [...] heavenly Ca­naan, the promised Inheritance of the Children of GOD.

He is called CHRIST, which signifies Anointed, because he was anointed by the Holy Ghost at [...], to be a Prophet to instruct, a Priest to make an Atonement for, and a King to go­ [...] and protect his Church.—And he was cru­cified, [Page 88] or hung (O stupendous Love!) till he was dead upon the Cross, that he might become a Curse for us: For it is written, Cursed is every Man that hanget [...] upon a Tree

The Foundation or first Cause of his Suffer­ing, was our Fall in Adam, in whom, as the living Oracles of GOD declare, We all died, i. e. His Sin was imputed to us all. It pleased GOD, after he had spoken the World into Being, to create Man after his own Divine Image, to breathe into him the Breath of Life, and to place him as our Representative in the Garden of Eden.

But he being left to his own free Will, eat of the forbidden Fruit, notwithstanding GOD had told him, the Day in which he eat thereof, he should surely die; and thereby he, with his whole Posterity, in whose Name he acted, be­came liable to the Wrath of GOD, and sunk in­to a spiritual Death.

But behold the Goodness, as well as the Se­verity of GOD! For no sooner had Man been convicted as a Sinner, but lo! a Saviour is re­vealed to him, under the Character of the Seed of the Woman, the Merits of whose Sacrifice was then immediately to take Place, and who should, in the Fulness of Time, by suffering Death, satisfy for the Guilt we had contracted; and by becoming a Principle of new Life in us, should bruise the Serpent's Head, destroy the Power of the Devil within us, and thereby re­store us to a better State than that in which we were at first created.

[Page 89] This is the plain Scriptural Account of that Mystery of Godliness GOD manifested in the Flesh; and to this our own Hearts unless blind­ed by the God of this World, cannot but yield an immediate Assent.

For, let us but search our own Hearts, and ask ourselves if we could create our own Chil­dren, whether or not we would not create them with a less Mixture of Good and Evil than we find in ourselves? Supposing GOD then only to have our Goodness, he could not, at first, make us so sinful, so polluted as we are. But supposing him to be as he is, infinitely good, or Goodness itself, then it is absolutely impossible that he should create any thing but what i [...] like himself, perfect, entire, lacking nothing.—Man then could not come out of the Hands of his Maker, so mi­serably blind and [...]ked, with such a Mixture of the Beast and D [...]l, as he finds now in him­self, but must have fallen from what he was; and as it does not suit with the Goodness and Justness of GOD, to punish the whole Race of Mankind with these Disorders merely for no­thing; and since Men bring these Disorders in­to the World with them; it follows, that as they could not sin themselves, being y [...] unborn, some other Man's Sin must have been imputed to them; from whence, as from a Fountain, all these Evils flow.

I know this Doctrine of our original Sin, or Fall in Adam, is esteemed Foolishness by the wise Disputer of this World, who will reply, How does it suit with the Goodness of GOD to [Page 90] impute one Man's Sin to an innocent Posterity? But has it not been proved to a Demonstration, that it is so? And therefore, supposing we can­not reconcile it to our shallow Comprehensions, that is no Argument at all: For if it appears that GOD has done a Thing, we may be sure it is right, whether we can see the Reasons for it or not.

But this is intirely cleared up by what was said before, that no sooner was the Sin imputed, but a Mediator was revealed; so that as in Adam all died, even so in CHRIST all might be made alive.

That CHRIST then, this GOD incarnate, who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, that he might be freed from the Guilt of our original Sin; who was born of the Virgin Mary, that he might be the Seed of the Woman only, who suffered under Pontius Pilate, a Gentile Gover­nor, to fulfil those Prophesies, which signified what Death he should die—This same JESUS, who was crucified in Weakness, but raised in Power, is that Divine Person, that Immanuel, that GOD with us, whom we preach, in whom you believe, and whom alone the Apostle, in the Text, was determined to know.

By which Word Know, we are not to under­stand a bare historical Knowledge (for to know that CHRIST was crucified by his Enemies at Jerusalem in this Manner only, will do us no more Service than to know that Caesar was in­humanly butchered by his Friends at Rome) but the Word Know, means to know, so as to [...]p­prove [Page 91] of him, as when CHRIST says, Verily, I know you not; i. e. I know you not, so as to ap­prove of you—It signifies to know him, so as to embrace him in all his Offices;—to take him to be our Prophet, Priest, and King; so as to give up ourselves wholly to be instructed, saved, and governed by him—It implies an experimental Knowledge of his Crucifixion, so as to feel the Power of it, and be crucified unto the World, as the Apostle explains himself in the Epistle to the Philippians, where he says, He counts all Things but Dung and Dross that he might know him, and the Power of his Resurrection.

This Knowledge the Apostle was so swallow­ed up in, that he was determined not to know any Thing else; that is, He was resolved to make that his only Study—the governing Prin­ciple of his Life, the Point and End in which all his Thoughts, Words, and Actions, should center.

Secondly, I pass on to give some Reasons why every Christian should, with the Apostle, determine not to know any Thing, save JESUS CHRIST, and him crucified.

And, First, Without this, our Persons will not be accepted in the Sight of GOD. This, and consequently this only, is Life Eternal, says our Blessed LORD himself, to know thee, the on­ly true GOD, and JESUS CHRIST, whom thou hast sent. As also St. Peter says, There is now no other Name given under Heaven whereby we can be saved, but that of JESUS CHRIST.

[Page 92] Some indeed, may please themselves in know­ing the World, others boast themselves in the Knowledge of a Multitude of Languages; but could we speak with the Tongue of Men and Angels, or did we know the Number of the Stars, and could call them all by their Names, yet, without this experimental Knowledge of JESUS CHRIST, and him crucified, it would profit us nothing.

The former, indeed, may procure us a little Honour, which cometh of Man; but the latter only can render us acceptable in the Sight of GOD: For, if we are ignorant of CHRIST, GOD will be to us a consuming Fire.

CHRIST is Way, the Truth, and the Life; no one cometh to the Father but through him—He is the Lamb slain from the Foundation of the World, and none ever were, or ever will be re­ceived up into Glory, but by an experimental Application of his Merits to their Hearts.

We might as well think to rebuild the Tower of Babel, or reach Heaven with our Hands, as to imagine to enter therein by any other Door than that of the Knowledge of JESUS CHRIST.

Other Knowledge may make you wise in your own Eyes, and puff you up; but this alone edi­fieth, and maketh wise unto Salvation.

As the meanest Christian, if he knows but this, though he know nothing else, will be ac­cepted; so the greatest Master in Israel, the most Letter-learned Teacher, without this, will be rejected. His Philosophy is mere Nonsense, his Wisdom mere Foolishness in the Sight of GOD.

[Page 93] The Author of the Words now before us, was a remarkable Instance of this; never, per­haps, was a greater Scholar, in all what the World calls fine Learning, than he: For he was bred up at the Feet of Gamaliel, and profited in the Knowledge of Books, as well as in the Jew­ish Religion, above many of his Equals, as ap­pears by the Language, Rhetorick, and Spirit of his Writings; and yet, when he came to know what it was to be a Christian, He accounted all Things but Loss, so he might win CHRIST. And, though he was now at Corin [...], that Seat of polite Learning, yet he was absolutely deter­mined not to know any Thing, to make nothing his Study, but what taught him to know JESUS CHRIST, and him crucified.

Hence then, appears the Folly of those who spend their whole Lives in heaping up other Knowledge; and instead of searching the Scrip­tures, which testify of JESUS CHRIST, and are alone able to make them wise unto Salvation, disquiet themselves in a Pursuit after the Know­ledge of such Things, as when known, concern them no more, than to know that a Bird drop­ped a Feather upon one of the Pyrenean Moun­tains.

Hence it is, that so many, who profess them­selves wise, because they can dispute of the Causes and Effects, the moral Fitness and Unfit­ness of Things, appear mere Fools in the Things of GOD; so that when you come to converse with them about the great Work of Redemption wrought out for us by JESUS CHRIST, of his be­ing [Page 94] a Propitiation for our Sins, and a Principle of new Life to our Souls, they are quite ignorant of the whole Matter, and prove, to a Demonstra­tion, that, with all their Learning, they know nothing yet as they ought to know.

But, good GOD! how must it surprise a Man, when the Most High is about to take a­way his Soul, to think that he has passed for a wise Man, and a learned Disputer in this World, and yet is left destitute of that Knowledge which alone can make him appear with Boldness be­fore the Judgment-Seat of JESUS CHRIST? How must it grieve him, in a future State, to see o­thers, whom he despised as unlearned and illi­terate Men, because they experimentally knew CHRIST, and him crucified, exalted to the Right Hand of GOD, and himself, with all his sine Accomplishments, because he knew every Thing, perhaps, but CHRIST, thrust down into Hell?

Well might the Apostle, in a holy Triumph cry out, Where is the Wise? Where is the Scribe? Where is the Disputer of this World? For, GOD will then make foolish the Wisdom of this World, and bring to nought the Wis­dom of those who were so knowing in their own Eyes.

I made this Digression from the main Point before us, not to condemn or deny human Lite­rature, but to shew, that it ought to be used only in Subordination to divine▪ and that a Christian, if the holy Spirit guided the Pen of the Apostle when he wrote this Epistle, ought to study no Books, but such as lead him into a farther [Page 95] Knowledge of JESUS CHRIST, and him crucified.

And there is the more Reason for this, be­cause of the great Mischief the contrary Practice has done to the Church of GOD: For, what was it but this Learning, or rather this Igno­rance, that kept so many of the Scribes and Pharisees from the saving Knowledge of JESUS CHRIST? And what is it, but this human Wis­dom, this Science, falsly so called, that blinds the Understanding, and corrupts the Hearts of so many modern Unbelievers, and makes them un­willing to submit to the Righteousness which is of GOD by Faith in CHRIST JESUS!

But, Secondly, Without this Knowledge our Performances, as well as Persons, will not be ac­ceptable in the Sight of GOD.

Through Faith, says the Apostle, that is, Through a [...] Faith in a Mediator hereafter to come, Abel offered a more acceptable Sacrifice than Cain. And it is through a like Faith, or an experimental Knowledge of the same di­vine Mediator, that our Sacrifices of Prayer, Praise, and Thanksgivings, come up as an In­cense before the Throne of Grace.

Two Persons may go up to the Temple to pray; but he only will return home justified, who, in the Language of our Collects, sincerely offers up his Prayers through JESUS CHRIST our LORD.

For it is this great Atonement, this all-suffi­cient Sacrifice, which alone can give us Bold­ness to approach with our Prayers to the Holy of Holies; and he that presumes to go without [Page 96] this, acts Korah's Crime over again—offers GOD strange Fire, and, consequently, will be rejected by him.

Farther, as our Devotions to GOD will not, so neither, without this Knowledge of JESUS CHRIST, will our Acts of Charity to Men be accepted by him.

For did we give all our Goods to feed the Poor, and yet were destitute of this Knowledge, it would profit us nothing.

This our Blessed LORD himself intimates in the 25th of St. Matthew, where he tells those that had been rich in good Works, That in as much as they did it unto one of the least of his Brethren, they did it unto him. From whence we may plainly infer, that it is seeing CHRIST in his Members, and do­ing good to them out of an experimental Knowledge of his Love to us, that alone will render our Alms-Deeds rewardable at the last Day.

Lastly, As neither our Acts of Piety nor Charity, so neither will our civil nor moral Actions be acceptable to GOD without this experimental Knowledge of JESUS CHRIST.

Our modern Pretenders to Reason, indeed, set up another Principle to act from; they talk, I Know not what, ‘Of doing moral and civil Duties of Life, from the moral Fitness and Unfitness of Things.’ But such Men are blind, however they may pretend to see; and going thus about to establish their own Righteousness, are utterly ignorant [Page 97] of the Righteousness which is of GOD by Faith in CHRIST JESUS.

For though we grant, that Morality is a sub­stantial Part of Christianity, and that CHRIST came not to destroy, i. e. not to take off the Force of the moral Law, as a Rule of Action, but to explain, and so fulfil it; yet we affirm, that our moral and civil Actions are now no farther acceptable in the Sight of GOD the Father, than as they proceed from a Principle of a new Nature, and an experimental Knowledge of, or vital Faith in his dear Son.

For the Death of JESUS CHRIST has turned our whole Lives into one continued Sacrifice; and whether we eat or drink, whether we pray to GOD, or do any Thing to Man, it must all be done out of a Love for, and Knowledge of him who died and rose again, to render all, even our most ordinary Deeds, acceptable in the Sight of GOD.

If we live by this Principle, if CHRIST be the Alpha and Omega of all our Actions, then our most indifferent ones are accepta­ble Sacrifices; but if this Principle be want­ing, our most pompous Services avail no­thing. We are but spiritual Idolaters—we sacrifice to our own Net—we make an Idol of ourselves, by making ourselves, and not CHRIST, the End of our Actions; and therefore such Actions are so far from being accepted by GOD, that, according to the Language of one of the Articles of our Church, We doubt not but they have the [Page 98] Nature of Sin, because they spring not from an experimental Faith in, and Knowledge of JESUS CHRIST.

Were we not fallen Creatures, we mig [...] then act, perhaps, from other Principles; but since we are fallen out of GOD in Adam, and are restored again only by the Death of JESUS CHRIST, the Face of Things is entirely changed, and all we think, speak, or do, is only accepted in, and through him.

Justly, therefore, may I, in the

Third and last Place, exhort you, to put the Apostle's Resolution in Practice, and beseech you with him to determine, Not to know any Thing, save JESUS CHRIST, and him crucified.

I say, determine; for unless you sit down first, and count the Cost, and from a well-grounded Conviction of the Excellency of this above all other Knowledge whatsoever, resolve to make this your chief Study, your only End, your one thing needful, every fri­volous Temptation will draw you aside from the Pursuit after it.

Your Friends and carnal Acquaintance, and, above all, your grand Adversary the Devil, will be persuading you to determine not to know any Thing, but how to lay up Goods for many Years,—to get a Knowledge and Taste of the Pomps and Vanities of this wicked World;—But do you determine not to follow; or be led by them—and the more they persuade you to [Page 99] know other Things, the more do you de­termine not to know any Thing, save JESUS CHRIST, and him crucified—For, this Know­ledge never faileth; But whether they be Riches, they shall fail—Whether they be Pomps, they shall cease—Whether they be Vanities, they shall fade away—But the Knowledge of JESUS CHRIST, and him cru­cified, abideth for ever.

Whatever, therefore, you are ignorant of, be not ignorant of this—if you know CHRIST, and him crucified, you know enough to make you happy, supposing you know nothing else; and, without this, all your other Knowledge cannot keep you from being everlastingly miserable.

Value not then the Contempt of Friends, which you must necessarily meet with upon your open Profession to act according to this Determination. For your Master, whose you are, was despised before you; and all that will know nothing else but JESUS CHRIST, and him crucified, must, in some Degree or other, suffer Persecution.

It is necessary that Offences should come, to try what is in our Hearts, and whether we will be faithful Soldiers of JESUS CHRIST, or not.

Dare we then to confess our Blessed Master before Men, and to shine as Lights in the World amidst a crooked and perverse Generation? Let us not to be content with following him afar off; for then we shall, [Page 100] as Peter did, soon deny him; but let us be altogether Christians, and let our Speech, and all our Actions, betray to the World whose Disciples we are, and that we have indeed determined not to know any Thing, save JESUS CHRIST, and him crucified. O then! well will it be with us, and happy, unspeakably happy shall we be, even here,—and what is infinitely better, when others that despised us, shall be calling for the Mountains to fall on them, and the Hills to cover them, we shall be exalted to sit down on the Right Hand of GOD, and shine as the Sun in the Firmament in the Kingdom of our most adorable Redeemer, for ever and ever.

Which GOD of his infinite Mercy grant, &c.

[Page 101]

The heinous SIN of Drunkenness.

EPHESIANS V. 6. Be not drunk with Wine, wherein is Excess; but be filled with the Spirit.

THE Persons to whom these Words were written, were the People of Ephesus, who being, as we are told in the Acts, Worshippers of the great Goddess Diana, in all Probability worshipped the God Bacchus also; at the Celebration of whose Festivals, it was always customary, nay, part of their Religion, to get drunk; as though there was no other Way to please their God, but by turning themselves into Brutes.

The Apostle therefore, in this Chapter, amongst many other Precepts more especially applicable to them, lays down that in the Text; and exhorts them, as they had now, by the free Grace of GOD, been turned from heathenish Darkness to the Light of the Gospel, to walk [...] Children of Light, and no longer make it [...]rt of their Religion or Practice to be drunk with Wine, wherein is Excess; but, on [Page 102] the Contrary, strive to be filled with the Spirit of that Saviour, after whose Name they were now called, and whose Religion taught them to abstain from such a filthy Sin, and to live soberly as they ought to live.

By the World being now Christian, and the Doctrines of the Gospel every where received, one would imagine, there should be no Reason for repeating the Precepts now before us. But alas, Christians! I mean Christians falsly so called, are so led captive by all Sin in general, and by this of Drunkenness in particular, that was St. Paul to rise again from the Dead, he might be tempted to think most of us were turned back to the Worship of dumb Idols; that we had set up Temples in Honour of Bacchus, and made it Part of our Religion, as the Ephesians did of theirs, to be drunk with Wine wherein is Excess.

Our civil Magistrates have not been wanting to use the Power given them from above, for the Punishment and Restraint of such evil Doings; and I wish it could be said this Plague of Drinking, by what they have done, had been stayed amongst us. But alas! though their Labour, we trust, has not been altogether in vain in the LORD, yet Thousands, and I could almost say, ten Thousands fall daily at our Right Hand, by this Sin of Drunkenness, in our Streets; nay, Men seem to have made a Covenant with Hell, and though the Power of the civil Magistrate is exerted against them; nay, and though they cannot but daily see [Page 103] the Companions of their Riot hourly by this, brought to the Grave, yet they will rise up early to follow strong Drink, and cry, To Mor­row shall be as to Day, and so much the more abundantly; when we awake, we will seek it yet again.

It is high Time therefore, for thy Ministers to lift up their Voices like a Trumpet, and since human Threats cannot prevail, to set before them the Terrors of the LORD, and try if these will not persuade them to cease from the Evil of their Doings.

But alas! how shall I address myself to them? I fear Excess of Drinking has made them such mere Nabals, that there is no speaking to them. And many of GOD's Servants have toiled all their Lifetimes in dissuading them from this Sin of Drunkenness, yet they will not forbear. However, at his Command, I will speak also, though they be a rebellious House Magnify thy Strength, O LORD, in my Weakness, and grant that I may speak with such Demonstration of the Spirit, and with Power, that from henceforward they may cease to act [...]o unwisely, and this Sin of Drunkenness may not be their Ruin.

Believe me, ye unhappy Men of Belial (for such, alas! this Sin has made you) it is not without the strongest Reasons, as well as utmost Concern for your precious and immortal Souls, that I now conjure you in the Apostles [...] [...] to be [...] with Wine, or any [...] wherein is Excess.

[Page 104] For, First, Drunkenness is a Sin which must be highly displeasing to GOD; because it is an Abuse of his good Creatures.

When GOD first made Man, and had breathed into him the Breath of Life, he gave him Dominion over the Works of his Hands, and every Herb bearing Seed, and every Tree, in which was the Fruit of a Tree yielding Seed, to him it was given for Meat; but when Adam had tasted the forbidden Fruit, which was the only Restraint laid upon him, he forfeited this Priviledge, and had no Right, since he had disobeyed his Creator, to the Use of any one of the Creatures.

But, blessed be GOD, this Charter, as well as all other Privileges, is restored to us by the Death of the second Adam, our LORD and Master JESUS CHRIST. Of every Beast of the Field, every Fish of the Sea, and whatsoever f [...]eth in the Air, or moveth on the Face of the Earth, that is fit for Food, we may freely eat, i. e. without Scruple take, and eat; but then, with this Limitation, that we use them mode­rately. For GOD, by the Death of JESUS, has given no Man License to be intemperate; but, on the contrary, has laid us under the strongest Obligations to live soberly, as well as godly in this present World.

But the Drunkard, despising the Goodness and Bounty of GOD, in restoring to us what we had so justly forfeited, turns his Grace into Wantonness; and as though the Creature was not of itself enough subject to Vanity, by being [Page 105] Cursed for our Sake, he abuses it still more, by making it administer to his Lusts; and turns that Wine which was intended to make glad his Heart, into a deadly Poison.

But thinkest thou, O Drunkard, whosoever thou art, thou shalt escape the righteous Judgment of GOD? No, the Time will shortly come that thou must be no longer Steward, aud then the Sovereign Lord of all the Earth will reckon with thee for thus wasting his Goods. Alas! wilt thou then wrest Scripture any longer to thy own Damnation? And because JESUS CHRIST turned Water into Wine at the Mar­riage Feast, to supply the Wants of his indigent Host, say, that it is therefore meet to make merry, and be drunken. No, thou shalt be silent before him; and know, that tho' thou hast encouraged thyself in Drunkenness by such like Arguments, yet for all these Things GOD will bring thee into Judgment.

But, Secondly, What makes Drunkenness more exceeding sinful, is, that a Man, by falling into it, sinneth against his own Body.

When the Apostle would [...]ade the Corinthians from Fornication, he [...] this as an Argument, Flee Fornication, says he, Brethren; for he that committeth Fornication, sinneth against his own Body. And may not I as justly cry out, Flee Drunkenness, my Brethren, since he that committeth that Crime, sinneth against his own Body? For, from whence come so many Disen [...] and Distemp [...] in your Bodies; Come they not from hence, even from your [Page 106] Intemperance in Drinking? Who hath Pains in the Head? Who hath Rottenness in the Bones? Who hath Redness of Eyes? He that tarries long at the Wine, he that rises early to seek new Wine. How many walking Skeletons have you seen, whose Bodies were once ex­ceeding fair to look upon, fat and well favoured; but, by this Sin of drinking, how has their Beauty departed from them, and how have they been permitted to walk to and fro [...] upon the Earth, as though GOD intended to set them up, as he did Lot's Wife, for Monuments of his Justice, that others might learn not to get drunk? Nay, I appeal to yourselves. Are not many, for this Cause, even now sickly among you? And have not many of your Companions whom you once saw flourishing, like green Bay Trees, been brought by it, with Sorrow, to their Graves?

We might perhaps, think ourselves hardly dealt with by GOD, was he to send to us, as he did to the Royal Psalmist, to choose one Plague out of three, whereby we should be destroyed. But had the Almighty decreed to cut off Man from the Face of the Earth, and to shorten his Days, he could not well send a more effectual Plague, than to permit Men, as they pleased, to overcharge themselves with Drunkenness; for tho' it be a slow, yet it is a certain Poison. And if the Sword has slain its Thousands, Drunkenness has slain its ten Thousands.

And will not this alarm you, O ye Trans­gressors? Will not this persuade you to spare [Page 107] yourselves, and to do your Bodies no Harm? What, have you lost the first Principles of human Nature, the fundamental Law of Self-preservation? You seem to have a great Fond­ness for your Bodies, why otherwise to gratify their inordinate Appetites, do you drink to Excess? But surely, if you truly loved them, you would not thus destroy them; and was there no other Argument to be urged against Drunkenness, the Consideration that it will destroy those Lives you are so fond of, one would imagine, should be sufficient.

I know, indeed, that it is a common Answer that Drunkards make to those, who, out of Love, would pull them as Firebrands out of the Fire, We are no Body's Enemy but our own. But this, instead of being an Excuse for, is but an Aggravation of their Guilt: For (not to mention that the Drunkenness of one Man has cloathed many a Family with Rags, and that it is scarce possible for a Person to be drunk, without tempting his Neighbour also) I say, not to mention these, and many other ill Consequences, which would [...]ve such an Excuse to be entirely false; [...] what is dearer to a Man than himself? [...] he himself be lost, what would all the whole World avail him? But how wilt thou stand, O Man, before the Judgment Seat of CHRIST, and make such an Excuse, when thou [...] [...]e arraigned before him as a Self-Mur [...]er▪ Will it then be sufficient, thinkest thou, [...] I was no Man's Enemy but my own? [...] [Page 108] GOD will then tell thee, that thou wast not thy own; that thou wast bought with the Price of his dear Son's Blood, and thou oug [...]test therefore to have glorified him with thy Spirit, and with thy Body, which were his. And since thou hast, by Intemperance, destroyed thy Body, he will destroy both thy Body and Soul in Hell.

But, Thirdly, What renders Drunkenness more inexcuseable, is, that it robs a Man of his Reason.

Reason is the Glory of a Man; the chief Thing whereby GOD has made us to differ from the Brute Creation. And our modern Unbelievers have exalted it to such a high Degree, as even to set it in Opposition to Revelation, and deny the LORD that bought them. But though in doing this, they greatly err, and whilst they profess themselves wise, become real Fools; yet we must acknowledge, that Reason is the Candle of the LORD, and whosoever puts it out, shall bear his Punishment, whosoever he be.

But yet, [...] the Drunkard does. Nebuchad­nezzar's Curse he makes his Choice, his Reason departeth from him, and then what is he better than a Brute?

The very Heathen Kings were so sensible of this, that, in order to deter their young Princes from drinking, they used to make their Slaves get drunk, and be exposed before them. And didst thou but see thine own Picture, O Drunkard, when, after having drowned thy [Page 109] Reason, thou staggerest to and fro, like one of the Fools in Israel, and seest thy very Companions making Songs upon thee, surely thou wouldst not return to thy Vomit again, but abhor thy­self in Dust and Ashes!

When David, in a Holy Ecstasy, was dan­cing before the Ark, Michal, Saul's Daughter, despised him in her Heart; and when he came home, she said, How glorious was the King of Israel to Day, who uncovered himself to Day in the Eyes of the Handmaids of his Servants, as one of the vain Fellows shamelesly uncovereth himself. And may not every one that meets a Drunkard, more justly say, How glorious does he, that was made a little lower than the Angels, look to Day, when unmindful of his Dignity, he has, by drinking, robbed himself of his Reason, and reduced himself to a Level with the Beasts that perish.

But what if GOD, in the Midst of one of these drunken Fits, should arrest thee by Death, and say unto thee, Thou Fool, this Moment shall thy Soul be required of thee. Oh! How wouldst thou appear in those filthy Garments before that GOD, in who [...] Sight the Heavens are not clean. And [...] knowest thou, O Man, but this may be thy Lot? Hast thou not known many, in thy Life-time, summoned at such an unguarded Hour; and what Assurance hast thou given thee, that thou shalt not be the next? Because GOD has forborn thee so long, thinkest thou he will forbear always? No, this is rather a Sign [Page 110] that he will come at an Hour thou lookest not for him; and since his Goodness and Long-Suffering has not led thee to Repentance, he will cut thee down, and not permit thee to cumber the Ground any longer. Consider this then, all ye that count it a Pleasure to turn yourselves into Brutes, lest GOD pluck you away by a sudden Death, and there be none to deliver you.

But, Fourthly, There is a farther Aggravation of this Crime, that it is an Inlet to, and Fore­runner of many other Sins; for it seldom comes alone.

We may say of Drunkenness, as Solomon does of Strife, that it is like the letting out of Water; for we know not what will be the End thereof. Its Name is Legion: For behold a Troop of Sins cometh after it. And for my own Part, when I see a Drunkard, I can scarce, with the holy Prophet, when he looked in Hazael's Face, forbear weeping, to consider how many Vices he may fall into, e'er he comes to himself again.

What ho [...]d Incest did righteous Lot com­mit with his own Daughters when they had made him drunk? And, I doubt not, but there are many amongst you, who have committed such Crimes when you have deprived yourselves of your Reason by drink­ing, that were you to hear of them, your Heart, like Nabal's, after he was told how he had abused David when he was drunk, would die within you. And had any one told you, [Page 111] when you were sober, that you would have been guilty of such Crimes, you would have cried out, with Hazael before mentioned, Are thy Servants so many Dogs, that they should do thus?

But no marvel that Drunkards commit such Crimes: For Drunkenness drives the Holy Spirit from them: they become mere Ma­chines for the Devil to work up to what he pleases; he enters into them, as he entred into the Herd of Swine; and no Wonder if they then commit all Uncleanness, and any other Crime, with Greediness. But this leads me to a

Fifth Consideration, which highly aggravates the Sin of Drunkenness, viz. That it separates the holy Spirit from us.

It is to be hoped, that no one here present need be informed, that before we can [...] Christians indeed, we must receive the Holy Ghost, must be born again from above, and have the Spirit of GOD witnessing with our Spirits, that we are the Sons of GOD. This, this alone is true Christianity; and without the Cohabita [...] of [...] Blessed Spirit in our Hear [...], our Righteousness does not exceed the Righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees, and we shall in no wise enter into the Kingdom of GOD.

But now Drunkards, do, in Effect, bid this Blessed Spirit depart from them: For what has he to do with such filthy Swine? No, they have no Lot or Share in the Spirit [Page 112] of the Son of David. They have chased him out of their Hearts, by defiling his Temple; I mean their Bodies. And he can no more hold Communion with them, than Light can have Communion with Darkness, or CHRIST have Concord with Belial.

The Apostle therefore, in the Words of the Text, exhorts the Ephesians, not to be drunk with Wine, wherein is Excess, but to be filled with the Spirit; thereby implying, that Drunkenness and the Spirit of GOD could never dwell in the same Heart. And in another Epistle, he bids them avoid unpro­fitable Conversation, as a Thing which grieved the Holy Spirit; whereby alone they could be sealed to the Day of Redemption. And if unprofitable Conversation grieves the Holy Spirit, at what an infinite Distance must Drunkenness drive him from the Hearts of Men?

But oh that you were wise! That you would consider what a dreadful Thing it is to have the Spirit of the Living GOD depart from you: For, assure yourselves, if you live without him, you live without GOD in the World. You are in the same miserable forlorn Condition as Saul was, when an evil Spirit of the LORD came upon him; and you are only so many Vessels of Wrath fitted for Destruction. But this brings me to the

Sixth and last Reason I shall urge against the Sin of Drunkenness, that it absolutely unfits a [Page 113] Man for the Enjoyment of GOD in Heaven, and exposes him to his Eternal Wrath.

To see and enjoy GOD, and to be like the blessed Angels, always beholding the Face of our Heavenly Father, in the Glories of his Kingdom, is such an unspeakable Happiness, that even wicked Men, though they will not live the Life of the Righteous, cannot but wish their future State to be like his.

But think you, O ye Drunkards, that you shall ever be Partakers of this Inheritance with the Saints in Light? Do you flatter yourselves, that you, who have made them often the Subject of your drunken Songs, shall now be exalted to sing with them the Heavenly Songs of Sion? No, as by Druukenness you have made your Hearts Cages of unclean Birds, with impure and unclean Spirits must you dwell.

A burning Tophet, kindled by GOD's Wrath, is prepared for your Reception, where you must suffer the Vengeance of an Eternal Fire, and in vain cry out for a Drop of Water to cool your Tongues. Indeed you shall drink, but it shall be a Cup of GOD's [...] the Hand of the LORD there [...] be a Cup of Fury, it will be full mi [...]d; [...] as for the Dregs thereof, all the Drunkards of the Land shall suck them out.

But perhaps you may not believe this Re­port. These Words may be looked upon by you as idle Tales, and I may seem to you as L [...]t did to his Sons-in-law, when he came to [Page 114] warn them to get up out of Sodom, as one that mocketh. But if you believe not me, believe eternal Truth itself, and he has posi­tively declared, that no Drunkard shall ever enter into his Kingdom.

And I call Heaven and Earth to Witness against you this Day, that as surely as the LORD rained Fire and Brimstone, as soon as Lot went out of Sodom, so surely will GOD cast you into a Lake of Fire and Brimstone, when he shall come to take Vengeance on them that know not GOD, and have not obeyed the Gospel of our Lord JESUS CHRIST.

Behold then I have told you before; remember you this Day were informed what the End of Drunkenness would be. And I summon you, in the Name of that GOD whom I serve, to meet me at the Judgment Seat of CHRIST, that you may acquit both my Master and me; and con [...]ess, with your own Mouths, that your Damnation was of yourselves, and that we were freed from the Blood of you all.

But, LORD, has no one believed our Report? Wilt thou suffer so many Words to be spoken in vain, i [...] it be yet in vain? No, methinks I see some pricked to the Heart, and ready to cry out in the Language of David to Abigail, Blessed be the LORD GOD of Israel, which sent thee this Day to speak unto us. For surely, unless he had sent thee, this Sin of Drunkenness had been our Rain. But now, since we find whither it will lead us, we are resolved to [Page 115] drink no Liquor to Excess while the World stands, lest we should be tormented in the Flames of Hell.

But alas! how shall we be delivered from the Power of this Sin? Can the Ethiopian change his Skin, or the Leopard his Spots? So hard, almost, will it be for us who have been accustomed to be intemperate, to learn to live sober.

But do not despair; for what is impossible with Man, is possible with GOD. Of whom then should you seek for Succour, but of him your LORD? Who, though for this Sin of Drunkenness, he might justly turn away his Face from you; yet if you pour out your Hearts before him in daily Prayer, and ask Assistance from above, he will endue you with Power from on high, and make you more than Conquerors through JESUS CHRIST that loved you. Had you [...] up Communion with him in Pr [...]er, you would not so long, by Drunkenness, have had Communion with Devils. And had you besought him instantly, that you might not be le [...] into Temptation, you would always have [...] delivered [...] the Evil of it. But, like [...], you have desired [...] be your [...]; you have lived without Prayer, depended on your own Strength; and see, alas! on what a broken Reed you have leaned. How soon have you made yourselves like the Beasts that have no Understanding? But turn ye, turn ye from your evil Ways. Come to him, with the repenting [Page 116] Prodigal, saying, Father we have sinned, we beseech thee, let not this Sin of Drunkenness have any longer Dominion over us. And lo! it shall happen to you even as you will.

But think not that GOD must do all▪ a [...]d you nothing. No; as we can do nothing without him, so he will do nothing without us. And if we pray that we may not be led into Temptation, we must take heed not to throw ourselves into it.

A second Means therefore I would recom­mend to you, in order to get the better of Drunkenness, is to avoid evil Company. For it is the evil Communications of wicked Men, that has drawn so many thousands into this Sin, and so corrupted their good Manners.

But you may say, If I leave my Companions, I must expect Contempt. For they will certainly despise me for being s [...]gular. And thinkest thou, O Man, ever to enter in [...] the strait Gate by a true Conversion, without being had in Derision of them that are round about thee? No▪ though thou mayst be despised, and no [...] to go to Heaven, yet thou canst not go to Heaven, without being despised: For the Friendship of the World is En [...]ity with GOD. And they that are born after the Flesh, will persecute those that are born after the Spirit. Let not, therefore, a servile Fear of being despised by a Man that shall die, hinder thy turning unto the living GOD. For what is a little Contempt? It is but a Vapour [Page 117] which vanisheth away, and cometh not again. Better be derided by a few Companions here, than be made ashamed before Men and Angels hereafter. Better be the Song of a few Drun­kards on Earth, than dwell with them where they will be eternally reproaching and cursing each other in Hell. Yet a little while, and they themselves shall praise thy Doings, and shall say, We, Fools, counted his leaving us to be Folly, and his End to [...] without Honour: But how is he numbered among the Sons of GOD, and his Lot among the Saints!.

But I hasten to lay [...] a Third Means for [...]ose who would over [...] this Sin of Drunken­ness,—to enter [...] of strict Self-denial and [...]. For this Kind of Sin goeth not [...] but by Prayer and Fasting. It is true, this may seem a difficult Task; [...] then, we [...]ust thank ourselves for it; For had we begun [...]oner, our Work would have been the easier. [...]nd even now, if you will but strive, the Yoke of Mortification will grow lighter and ligh [...] every Day.

And here, by way of Conclusion to this Dis­course, I cannot but [...], high and low, rich and [...], to practise a strict Self-denia [...] eating and drink­ing. For though the Kingdom of GOD con­sists not in Meats and Drinks, yet an abstem­ious Use of, and a frequent total Abstinence from GOD's good Creatures, are great Promo­ters of the spiritual Life. And perhaps there are more destroyed by living in a regular [Page 118] Sensuality, than even by that very Sin I have now been warning you of▪—I know, indeed, that many, who are only almost Christians, and who seek, but do not strive to enter into the Kingdom of GOD, urge a Text of Scripture to justify their Indulgence, saying, That it is not what entreth into the Man d [...]ileth the Man. And so we grant, when taken mode­rately; but then they should consider, that it is possible, nay, it is proved by daily Experience, that a Person may eat and drink so much as not to hurt his Body, and yet do infinite Prejudice to his Soul. For Self- indulgence lulls the Soul into a spiritual Slumber, as well as direct Intemperance; and though the latter may expose us to more Contempt among Men, yet the former, if continued in, will as certainly shut us out from the Presence of GOD. St. Paul knew this full well; and therefore, though he was the spiritual Father of Thousands, and was near upon finishing his Course, yet he says, it was his daily Practice to keep his Body under, and bring it into Subjection, no doubt, by a strict Abstinence and Fasting; not that he might arrive at higher Degrees of Perfection, but le [...]t after he had preached to others, he himself should be a Cast-away. But why urge I the Apostle's Example to excite you to a strict Temperance in eating and drinking? Rather let me exhort you only to put in Practice the latter Part of the Text, to labour to be filled with the Spirit of GOD, and then you will no longer search [Page 119] the Scriptures to find Arguments for Self-indulgence; but you will deal sincerely with yourselves, and fast as often as the Church enjoyns, if your Healths will permit; and eat and drink no more at any Time, than what is consistent with the strictest Precepts of the Gospel. O do but beg of GOD, that you may see how you are fallen in Adam, and must be renewed e'er you can be happy, by the Spirit of JESUS CHRIST! Let us be [...]eech him to enlighten us, to see the Treachery of our corrupt Hearts, and how pure and holy these Bodies ought to be, which are living Temples of the Holy Ghost, and then we shall shew ourselves Men. Abstain from all Appearance of any Thing that will quench this Holy Spirit, and do any Thing that will invite him into, or cause him to abide in our Hearts. And thus being made Temples of the Holy Ghost, by his dwelling in our Bodies here, tho' after Death, Worms may destroy them; yet shall they be raise [...] by the same Spirit at the general Resurrection of the last Day, to be fashioned like unto CHRIST'S glorio [...] [...].

Which GOD of his infinite Mercy grant, &c.

[Page 120]

The Indwelling of the Spirit, the common Privilege of all Believers.

JOHN vii. 37, 38, 39.
In the last Day, that great Day of the Feast, JESUS stood and cried, saying, If any Man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink.
He that believeth on me, as the Scripture hath said, out of his Belly shall slow Rivers of living Water.
But this spake he of the Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive.

NOTHING has render'd the Cross of CHRIST of less Effect, nothing has been a greater stumbling Block and Rock of Offence to weak Minds, than a Supposition, now current among us, that most of what is contained in the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST, was design'd only for our LORD's first and immediate Followers, and consequently calculated for one or two hundred Years.—Accordingly many now read the Life, Sufferings, Death and Resurrection of [Page 121] JESUS CHRIST, in the same Manner as learned Men read Caesar's Commentaries, or the Conquests of Alexander; as Things rather intended to afford Matter for Speculation, than to be acted over again in and by us.

As this is true of the Doctrines of the Gospel in general, so it is in particular of the Operations of GOD's Spirit upon the Hearts of Believers for we no sooner mention the Necessity of our receiving the Holy Ghost in these last Days, as well as formerly; but we are look'd upon by some, as Enthusiasts and Madmen; and, by others, represented as wilfully deceiving the People, and undermining the established Con­stitution of the Church.

Judge ye then, my Brethren, whether it is not high Time for the true Ministers of JESUS CHRIST, who have been themselves made Partakers of this heavenly Gift, to lift up their Voices like a Trumpet; and if they would not have those Souls perish for which the LORD JESUS has shed his precious Blood, to declare with all Boldness, that the Holy Spirit is the common Privilege and Portion [...] in all Ages; and that we also, as well as the first Christians, must receive the Holy Ghost e'er we can be truly called the Children of GOD.

For this Reason (and also that I [...] Answer the Design of our Church in [...] the present Festival) I have chosen the [...] of the Text.

They were spoken by JESUS CHRIST, when, as the Evangelist tells us, he was at the Feast of [Page 122] Tabernacles. Our LORD (herein leading all an Example) attended on the Temple-service in general, and the Festivals of the Jewish Church in particular.—The Festival at which he was now present, was that of the Feast of Tabernacles which the Jews observed according to GOD's Appointment in Commemoration of their living in Tents.—At the last Day of this Feast it was customary for many pious People to fetch Water from a certain Place, and bring it on their Heads, singing this Anthem out of Isaiah, And with Joy shall they draw Water out of the Wells of Salvation.—Our dear Lord JESUS observing this, and it being his constant Practice to spiritualize every Thing he met with, cries out, If any Man thirsteth, let him come unto me, rather than unto that Well, and drink.—He that believeth on me, as the Scripture hath spoken, (where it is said, GOD will make Water spring out of a dry Rock, and such like) out of his Belly shall flow Rivers of living Water.—And that we might know what our Saviour meant by this living Water, the Evangelist immediately adds, But this [...] of the Spirit, which they that believe on him [...] receive.

These last Words I shall chiefly insist on in the ensuing Discourse, and shall treat on them in the following Manner.

  • First, I shall briefly shew what is meant by the Word Spirit.
  • Secondly, I shall shew that this Spirit is the common Privilege of all Believers.
  • [Page 123] Thirdly, I shall shew the Reason on which this Doctrine is founded.
  • Lastly, I shall conclude with a general Ex­hortation, to believe on JESUS CHRIST, whereby alone we can be qualified to receive this Spirit.
  • And, First, I am briefly to shew what is meant by the Spirit.

By the Spirit, or the Holy Ghost, is to be understood the third Person in the ever blessed Trinity, consubstantial and co-eternal with the Father and the Son, proceeding from, yet equal to them both—For to use the Words of our Church in this Day's Office, that which we believe of the Glory of the Father, the same we believe of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, without any Difference or Inequality.

Thus says St. John, in his first Epistle, Chap. v. Ver. 7. There are Three that bear Record in Heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost, and these Three are one. And our LORD when he gave his Apostles Commission to go and teach all Nations, commands them to baptize in the Name of the Holy Ghost, as well as of the Father and the Son.—And St. Peter, Acts v. Ver.3. said to Ananias, Why hath Satan filled thine Heart to lie to the Holy Ghost? And, Ver.4. he says, Thou hast not lied unto Men, but unto GOD.—From all which Passages, it is plain▪ that the Holy Ghost, is truly and properly GOD, as well as the Father and the Son. This is an unspeakable Mystery, but a Mystery of GOD's revealing, and therefore to be assented to [Page 124] with our whole Hearts.—Seeing GOD is not a Man that he should lie, nor the Son of Man that he should deceive.

I proceed, Secondly, to prove that the Holy Ghost is the common Privilege of all Believers.

But, here I would not be understood of so receiving the Holy Ghost, as to enable us to work Miracles, or shew outward Signs and Wonders. For I allow our Adversaries, that to pretend to be inspired, in this Sense, is being wise above what is written. Perhaps it cannot be proved, that GOD ever interposed in this extraordinary Manner, but when some new Revelation was to be established, as at the first settling of the Mosaick and Gospel Dispensation.—And as for my own Part, I cannot but suspect the Spirit of those who insist upon a Repetition of such Miracles at this Time.—For the World being now become nominally Christian, at least, (though GOD knows, little of the Power is left among us) there need not outward Miracles, but only an inward Co-operation of the Holy Spirit with the Word, to prove that JESUS is that Messiah which was to come into the World.

Besides, it is possible for thee, O Man, to have Faith, so as to be able to remove Moun­tains, or cast out Devils; nay, thou mightest speak with the Tongue of Men and Angels, yea, and bid the Sun stand still in the midst of Heaven; yet, what would all these Gifts of the Spirit avail thee, without being made Par­taker of his sanctifying Graces? Saul had the [Page 125] Spirit of Government for a while, so as to become another Man, and yet was a Castaway.—And many, who cast out Devils in CHRIST's Name, at the last will be disowned by him. If therefore thou hadst only the Gifts, but was destitute of the Graces of the Holy Ghost, they would only serve to lead thee with so much the more Solemnity to Hell.

Here then, I say, we join issue with our Adversaries, and will readily grant, that we are not in this Sense to be inspired, as were our LORD's first Apostles. But unless Men have Eyes which see not, and Ears which hear not, how can they read the latter Part of the Text, and not confess that the Holy Spirit, in another Sense, is the common Privilege of all Believers, even to the End of the World?— This spake be of the Spirit, which they that believe on him [...] receive.—Observe, he does not say, they that believe on him for one or two Ages, but they that believe on him in general, i. e. at all Times, and in all Places.—So that unless we can prove that St. John was under a Delusion when he wrote these Words, we must believe [...] we even we also, shall receive the Holy Ghost, [...] we believe on the Lord JESUS with our whole Hearts.

Again, our LORD, just before his bitter Passion, when he was about to offer up [...] Soul an Offering for the Sins of the Wor [...] when his Heart was most enlarged, and he would undoubtedly demand the most excellent Gift for his Disciples, prays, that they all may [Page 126] be one, as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us.—I in them, and thou in me, that they be made perfect in one; that is, that all his true Followers might be united to him by his Holy Spirit, by as real, vital, and mystical an Union, as there is between JESUS CHRIST and the Father. I say all his true Followers▪—For it is evident from our LORD's own Words, that he had us and all Believers in View, when he put up this Prayer.— Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their Word; so that, unless we treat our LORD as the High Priests did, and count him a Blasphemer; we must confess, that all who believe in JESUS CHRIST, through the Word or Ministration of the Apostles, are to be joyned to JESUS CHRIST, by being made Partakers of the Holy Spirit.

There's a great Noise made of late, about the Word Enthusiast, and it has been cast upon the Preachers of the Gospel, as a Term of Reproach.—But every Christian, in the proper Sens [...] of the Word, must be an Enthusiast.—That is, must be inspired of GOD, or have GOD in him. For who dares say, he is a Christian, till he can say, GOD is in me? St. Peter tells us, we have many great and precious Promises, that we may be made Partakers of the Divine Nature.—Our LORD prays, that we may be one, as the Father and He are One; and our own Church, in Conformity to these Texts of Scripture, in her excellent Communion-Office, [Page 127] tells us, that those who receive the Sacrament worthily, ‘dwell in CHRIST, and CHRIST in them; that they are one with CHRIST, and CHRIST with them.’—And yet Christians in general, must have their Names cast out as Evil, and Ministers in particular must be looked upon as Deceivers of the People, for affirming, that we must be really united to GOD, [...] receiving the Holy Ghost. Be astonished, O Heavens, at this!

Indeed, I will not say, our Letter-learned Preachers deny this Doctrine in express Words.—But however, they do it in Effect.—For they talk professedly against inward Feelings, and say, we may have GOD's Spirit without feeling it, which is in Reality to deny the Thing it­self—And had I a Mind to hinder the Progress of the Gospel, and to establish the Kingdom of Darkness, I would go about, telling People, they might have the Spirit of GOD, and yet not feel it.

But to return,—When our LORD was about to ascend to his Father, and our Father; to his GOD, and our GOD; [...] Apostles this Commission, Go and [...]ea [...]h all Nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.—By the Term, All Nations, 'tis allowed, are [...] that should profess to believe on JESUS [...] even to the End of the World. And accordingly by Authority of this Commission, we do bap­tize them in this and every Age of the Church.—And [...] this be true, then the Proposition to [Page 128] be proved will be undeniable. For though we translate these Words, baptizing them in the Name; yet as the Name of GOD, in the LORD's Prayer, and several other Places, sig­nifies his Nature, they might as well be tran­slated thus, baptizing them into the Nature of the Father, into the Nature of the Son, and into the Nature of the Holy Ghost. And consequently, if we are all to be baptized into the Nature of the Holy Ghost, e'er our Baptism be effectual to Salvation, it is evident, that we all must actually receive the Holy Ghost, e'er we can say, we truly believe in JESUS CHRIST. For no one can say, that JESUS is my LORD, but he that has thus received the Holy Ghost.

Numbers of other Texts might be quoted, to make this Doctrine, if possible, still more plain.—But I am astonished, that any, who call themselves Members; much more, that many, who are Preachers of the Church of England, should dare so much as open their Lips against it. And yet with Grief, GOD is my Judge, I speak it, Persons of the establis [...] [...] seem, more generally to be ignorant of it, than any Dissenters what­soever.

But, good GOD! My dear Brethren, what have you been doing? How often have your Hearts given your Lips the Lie? How often have you offered GOD the Sacrifice of Fools, and had your Prayers turned into Sin, if you approve of, and use our excellent Church-Liturgy, and yet deny the Holy Spirit to be [Page 129] the Portion of all Believers? In the daily Absolution, the Minister exhorts the People to pray, that GOD would grant them Repentance, and his Holy Spirit.—In the Collect for Christ­mass Day, we beseech GOD, that he would daily renew us by his Holy Spirit.—In the last Week's Collect we pray'd that we may ever­more rejoice in the Comforts of the Holy Ghost.—And in the concluding Prayer, which we put up every Day, we pray not only, that the Grace of our Lord JESUS CHRIST, and the Love of GOD, but that the Fellowship of the Holy Ghost may be with us all evermore.

But farther,—A solemn Season is now approaching, I mean the Ember-Days, at the End of which, all that are to be ordained to the Office of a Deacon, are in the Sight of GOD, and in the Presence of the Congregation, to declare that they trust they are inwardly moved by the Holy Ghost, to take upon them that Administration.—And to those who are to be ordained Priests, the Bishop is to repeat these solemn Words, Receive thou the Holy Ghost, now committed unto thee [...]y the Imposition of our Hands.—And yet, Oh that I had no Reason to speak it, many that use our Forms, and many that have witnessed this good Con­fession, yet dare talk and preach against the Necessity of receiving the Holy Ghost now, as well as formerly; and not only so, but cry out against those, who do insist upon it, as Madmen, Enthusiasts, Schismaticks, and Underminers of the Established Constitution.

[Page 130] But you are the Schismaticks, you are the Bane of the Church of England, who are al­ways crying out, the Temple of the LORD, the Temple of the LORD; and yet starve the Peo­ple out of our Communion, by feeding them only with the dry Husks of dead Morality, and not bringing out to them the fatted Calf, I mean the Doctrines of the Operations of the blessed Spirit of GOD—But here's the Mis­fortune, many of us are not led by, and therefore no Wonder, that we cannot talk feol­ingly of the HOLY GHOST—We subscribe to our Articles, and make them serve for a Key to get into Church-Preferment, and then preach contrary to those very Articles to which we have subscribed—Far be it from me, to charge all the Clergy with this hateful Hypocrisy—No, blessed be GOD, there are some left among us, who dare maintain the Doctrines of the Reformation, and preach the Truth, as it is in JESUS—But I speak the Truth in CHRIST, I lye not—The Generality of the Clergy are fallen from our Articles, and do not speak agreeable to them, or to the Form of sound Words, delivered in the Scriptures—Wo be unto such blind Leaders of the Blind! How can you escape the Damnation of Hell? It is [...]ot all your Learning (falsely so called) it is not all your Preferments can keep you from the just Judgment of GOD—Yet a little while and we shall all appear before the Tribunal of CHRIST—There, there will I meet you—There JESUS CHRIST, that great Shepherd and [Page 131] Bishop of Souls shall determine, who are the false Prophets, who are the Wolves in Sheep's Cloathing.—Those who say, that we must now receive and feel the Holy Ghost, or those who exclaim against it, as the Doctrine of Devils.

But I can no more. It is an unpleasing Task to censure any Order of Men, especially those who are in the Ministry—Nor would any thing excuse it but Necessity: That Necessity which extorted from our LORD himself so many Woes against the Scribes and Pharisees, the Letter-learned Rulers and Teachers of the Jewish Church—And surely, if I could bear to see People perish for lack of Know­ledge, and yet be silent towards those who keep from them the Key of true know­ledge, the very Stones would cry out.

Would we restore the Church to its pri­mitive Dignity▪ the only Way is to live and preach the Doctrine of CHRIST, and the Ar­ticles to which we have subscribed. Then we shall find the Number of Dissenters will daily decrease, and the Church of England become the Joy of the whole Earth.

I am now, in the Third Place, to shew the Reasonableness of this Doctrine.

I say, the Reasonableness of this Doc­trine—For however it may seem Foolishness to the natural Man, yet to those, who have tasted of the good Word of Life, and have felt the Power of the World to come, it will appear to be founded on the highest [Page 132] Reason, and is capable, to those who have Eyes to see, even of a Demonstration—I say of a Demonstration: For it stands on this Self-evident Supposition, that we are fallen Creatures, or, to use the Scripture-Expression, Have all died in Adam.

I know indeed 'tis now no uncommon thing amongst us, to deny the Doctrine of original Sin, as well as the Divinity of JESUS CHRIST, who is GOD over all, blessed forever—But it is incumbent on those who deny it, first to disprove the Authority of the Holy Scrip­tures—If thou canst prove, thou Unbeliever, that the Book, which we call The Bible, does not contain the lively Oracles of GOD; if thou canst shew, that holy Men of Old, did not write this Book, as they were in­wardly moved by the Holy Ghost, then will we give up the Doctrine of original Sin—But unless thou canst do this, we must in­sist upon it, that we are all conceived and born in Sin; if for no other, yet for this one Reason, because that GOD, who cannot lye, has told us so.

But what has Light to do with Darkness, or polite Infidels with the Bible? Alas! as they are Strangers to the Power, so they are generally as great Strangers to the Word of GOD. And therefore, if we will preach to them, we must preach from their Hearts: For talking in the Language of the Scripture, is but like talking in an unknown Tongue. Tell me then, O Man, whosoever thou art, [Page 133] that deniest the Doctrine of original [...] if thy Conscience be not seared as with a [...]ot Iron! Tell me, if thou dost not find thyself by Nature to be a Motly Mixture of Brute and Devil? I know these Terms will stir up the whole Pharisee in thy Heart; but let not Satan hurry thee hence. Stop a little, and let us reason together. Dost thou not find, that by Nature thou art prone to Pride? Otherwise, wherefore art thou now offended? Again, dost not thou find in thyself the Seeds of Malice, Revenge, and all Uncharitableness? And what are these but the very Tempers of the Devil? Again, do we not all by Na­ture follow, and suffer ourselves to be led by our natural Appetites, always looking down­wards, never looking upwards to that GOD, in whom we live, move, and have our Being? And what is this but the very Na­ture of the Beasts that perish? Out of thy own Heart therefore will I oblige thee to confess, what an inspired Apostle [...] long since told us, that the whole [...] Na­ture lies in the Wicked One, i. [...] [...] Devil▪ that we are no better than those whom St. Jude calls Brute Beasts. For we have Tem­pers in us all by Nature, that prove to a De­mo [...]stration, that we are altogether Earthly, Sensual, Devilish.

And this by the Way will serve as another Argument, to prove the Reality of the Ope­rations of the blessed Spirit on the Hearts of Believers, against those false Profe [...]ors, who [Page 134] deny there is any such Thing as Influences of the Holy Spirit that may be felt. For if they will grant that the Devil worketh, and that so as to be felt in the Hearts of the Children of Disobedience (which they must grant, unless they will give an Apostle the Lie) where is the Wonder that the good Spirit should have the same Power over those that are truly obedient to the Faith of JESUS CHRIST?

But to return. If it be true then, that we are all by Nature a Motly Mixture of Brute and Devil, it is evident, that we all must receive the Holy Ghost, e'er we can dwell with and enjoy GOD.

When you read how the Prodigal in the Gospel was reduced to so low a Condition, as to eat Husks with Swine, and how Nebuchad­nezzar was turned out, to graze with Oxen, I am confident, you pity their unhappy State. And when you hear, how JESUS CHRIST will say, at the last Day, to all that are not born again of GOD, Depart from me ye Cursed, into everlasting Fire, prepared for the Devil and his Angels, do not your Hearts shrink within you, with a secret Horror? And if Creatures with only our Degree of Goodness cannot bear, even the Thoughts of dwelling with Beasts or Devils, to whose Nature we are so nearly allied, how do we imagine, GOD, who is infinite Goodness and Purity itself, can dwell with us, while we are Partakers of both their [Page 135] Natures? We might as well think to reconcile Heaven and Hell.

When Adam had eaten the forbidden Fruit, he fled and hid himself from GOD. Why? because he was naked; that is, he was alienated from the Life of GOD, the due Punishment of his Disobedience. Now we are all by Nature naked and void of GOD, as he was at that Time, and consequently, till we are changed, and cloathed upon by a Divine Nature again, we must fly from GOD also.

Hence then appears the Reasonableness of our being obliged to receive the Spirit of GOD. It is founded on the Doctrine of Original Sin. And therefore you will always find that those who talk against feeling the Operations of the Holy Ghost, very rarely, or very slightly at least, mention our Fall in Adam. No, they refer St. Paul's Account of the Depravity of Unbelievers, only to those of old Time. Whereas 'tis obvious, on the contrary, that we are all equally included under the Guilt and Consequences of our first Parent's Sin, even as others; and to use the Language of our own Church-Article, bring into the World with us a Corruption, which renders us liable to GOD's Wrath, and Eternal Damnation.

Should I preach to you any other Doctrine, I should wrong my own Soul; I should be found a false Witness towards GOD [...] And he that preaches any [...] Doctrine, howsoever dignified and distinguished shall bear his Punishment whosoever he be.

[Page 136] From this plain Reason then appears the Necessity why we, as well as the first Apostle, in this Sense, must receive the Spirit of GOD.

For the great Work of Sanctification, or making us holy, is particularly referred to the Holy Ghost. And therefore our LORD says, Unless a Man be born of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of GOD.

For JESUS CHRIST came down to save us not only from the Guilt, but also from the Power of Sin. And however often we have repeated our Creed, and told GOD we believe in the Holy Chost, yet if we have not believed in him, so as to be really united to JESUS CHRIST by him, we have no more Concord with JESUS CHRIST than Belial himself.

And now, my Brethren, what shall I say more? Tell me, are not many of you offended at what has been said already? Do not some of you think, though I mean well, yet I have carried the Point a little too far? Are not others ready to cry out, If this be true, who then can be saved? Is not this driving People into Despair?

Yes, I ingenuously confess it is. But into what Despair? A Despair of Mercy through CHRIST? No, GOD forbid; but a Despair of living with GOD without receiving the Holy Ghost. And I would to GOD, that not only all you that hear me this Day, but that the whole World was filled with this Despair. Believe me, my Brethren, I have been doing no more than you allow your bodily Physicians to [Page 137] do every Day. If you have a Wound in your Bodies, and are in earnest about a Cure, you bid the Surgeon probe it to the very Bottom. And shall not the Physician of your Souls be allowed the same Freedom? And what have I been doing but searching your natural Wounds, that I might convince you of your Danger, and put you upon applying to JESUS CHRIST for a Remedy? Indeed I have dealt with you as gently as I could; and now I have wounded, I come to heal you.

For I was, in the Last Place, to exhort you all to come to JESUS CHRIST by Faith, whereby you, even you also, shall receive the Holy Ghost. For this spake he of the Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive.

This, this is what I long to come to, Hitherto I have been preaching only the Law. but behold I bring you glad Tidings of great Joy. If I have wounded you before, be not afraid; behold, I now bring a Remedy for all your Wounds. For notwithstanding you are [...] now sunk into the Nature of the Beast. [...] Devil, yet if you truly believe on JESUS CHRIST you shall receive the quickening Spirit promised in the Text, and be restored to the glorious Liberties of the Sons of GOD. I say, if you believe on JESUS CHRIST. For by Faith we are saved; it is not of Works, left any one should boast. And however some Men may say, there is a Fitness required in the Creature, and that we must have a Righteousness of our own, before we can lay hold on the Righteousness of CHRIST; [Page 138] yet, if we believe the Scripture, Salvation is the free Gift of GOD in CHRIST JESUS our LORD; and whosoever believeth on him with his whole Heart, though his Soul be as black as Hell itself, shall receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost.—Behold then, I stand up, and cry out in this great Day of the Feast, Let every one that thirsteth come unto JESUS CHRIST and drink. He that believeth on him, out of his Belly shall flow not only Streams or Rivulets, but whole Rivers of living Water. This I speak, my Brethren, of the Spirit which they that believe on JESUS shall certainly receive.—For JESUS CHRIST is the same yester­day, to day, and for ever. He is the Way, the Truth, the Resurrection, and the Life.—Whosoever believeth on him, though he were dead, yet shall he live.—There is no Respect of Persons with JESUS CHRIST.—High and low, rich and poor, one with another, may come to him with an humble Confidence, if they draw near by Faith.—From him we may all receive Grace upon Grace.—For JESUS CHRIST is full of Grace and Truth, and ready to save to the u [...]termost all that by a true Faith turn unto him.—Indeed the Poor generally receive the Gospel, and GOD has chosen the Poor in this World rich in Faith. But though not many mighty, not many noble are called; and though it be casier for a Camel to go through the Eye of a Needle, than for a rich Man to enter into the King­dom of GOD, yet even to you that are rich do I now freely offer Salvation by JESUS CHRIST, if you will renounce yourselves, and come to [Page 139] JESUS CHRIST as poor Sinners. I say, as poor Sinners; for the Poor in Spirit are only so blessed as to have a Right to the Kingdom of GOD.—JESUS CHRIST calls none to him but those that thirst after his Righteousness, and feel them­selves weary and heavy laden with the Burden of their Sins.—JESUS CHRIST justifies the Un­godly. He came not to call the Righteous, but Sinners to Repentance.

Do not then say you are unworthy; for this is a faithful and true Saying, and worthy of all Men to be received, That JESUS CHRIST came into the World to save Sinners; and if you are the chief of Sinners; if you feel yourselves such, verily JESUS CHRIST came into the World chiefly to save you.—When Joseph was called out of the Prison-House to Pharaoh's Court, we are told, that he staid some Time to prepare himself; but do you come with all your Prison Cloaths about you; come poor, and miserable, and blind, and naked as you are, and GOD the Father shall receive you with open Arms, as he did the re­turning Prodigal. He shall cover your Naked­ness with the best Robe of his dear Son's Righ­teousness, shall seal you with the Signet of his Spirit, and feed you with the fatted Calf, even with the Comforts of the Holy Ghost.—Oh let there then be Joy in Heaven over some of you believing.—Let me not go back to my Master, and say, LORD, they will not believe my Re­port.—Harden no longer your Hearts, but open them wide, and let the King of Glory in.—Be­lieve me, I am willing to go to Prison or Death [Page 140] for you; but I am not willing to go to Heaven without you—The Love of JESUS CHRIST constrains me to lift up my Voice like a Trum­pet.—My Heart is now full—Out of the Abundance of the Love which I have for your precious and immortal Souls my Mouth now speaketh.—And I could now not only continue my Discourse till Midnight, but I could speak till I could speak no more.—And why should I despair of any? No, I can despair of no one, when I consider JESUS CHRIST has had Mercy on such a Wretch as I am.—However you may think of yourselves, I know that by Nature I am but half a Devil, and half a Beast.—The free Grace of CHRIST prevented me.—He saw me in my Blood, He passed by me, and said unto me, Live.—And the same Crace which was sufficient for me, is sufficient for you also.—Behold, the same blessed Spirit is ready to breathe on all your dry Bones, if you will believe on JESUS CHRIST whom GOD has sent.—Indeed you can never believe on, or serve a better Master, one that is more mighty, or more willing to save.—Indeed I can say the LORD CHRIST is gracious, his Yoke is easy, his Burden exceeding light.—After you have served him many Years, like the Servants under the Law, was he willing to discharge you, you would say, We love our Master, and will not go from him.—Come then, my guilty Brethren, come and believe on the LORD that bought you with his precious Blood.—Look up by Faith, and see him whom you have pierced.—Behold [Page 141] him bleeding, panting, dying!—Behold him with Arms stretched out ready to receive you all.—Cry unto him as the penitent Thief did, LORD, remember us now thou art in thy Kingdom, and he shall say to your Souls, Shortly shall you be with me in Paradise.—For those whom CHRIST justifies, them he also glorifies, even with that Glory which he enjoyed with the Father before the World began.—Do not say, I have bought a Piece of Ground, and must needs go and see it; I have bought a Yoke of Oxen, and must needs go prove them; I have married a Wife, I am engaged in an eager Pursuit after the Lust of the Eye, and the Pride of Life, and therefore cannot come.—Do not fear having your Name cast out as Evil, or being ac­counted a Fool for CHRIST's Sake.—Yet a while, and you shall shine like the Stars in the Firmament for ever.—Only believe, and JESUS CHRIST shall be to you Wisdom, Righteousness, Sanctification, and eternal Redemption.—Your Bodies shall be fashioned like unto his glorious Body, and your Souls fall into all the Fulness of GOD.

Which may GOD of his infinite Mercy grant, &c.

[Page 142]

The wise and foolish Virgins.

MATTH. XXV. 14. Watch therefore, for ye know neither the Day nor the Hour in which the Son of Man cometh.

THE Apostle St. Paul in his Epistle to the Hebrews, informs us, That it is appointed for all Men once to die; after that, says he, comes Judgment.—And I think if any Conside­ration be sufficient to awaken a sleeping drowsy World, it must be this.—That there will be a Day wherein these Heavens shall be wrapt up like a Scrowl, this Element melt with fervent Heat, the Earth and all the Things therein be burnt up, and every Soul, and every Nation and Language summoned to appear before the dreadful Tribunal of the righteous Judge of Quick and Dead, to receive Rewards and Punish­ments according to the Deeds done in their Bodies.—The great Apostle just mentioned, when brought before Felix, could think of [...] better Means to convert that sinful Man, than [...]o reason of Temperance, Righteousness, and more espe­cially of a Judgment to come.—The first might [Page 143] in some Measure affect, but I am persuaded it was the last Consideration, I mean of a Judgment to come, that made him tremble; and so bad as the World is grown, yet there are few have their Consciences so far seared, as with a red hot Iron, as to deny that there will be a Reckoning hereafter. The promiscuous Dispensations of Providence in this Life, wherein we see good Men afflicted, destitute, tormented, and the Wicked permitted triumphantly to ride over their Heads, has been always looked upon as an indisputable Argument, by the Generality of Men, that there will be a Day in which GOD will judge the World in Righteousness, and administer true Equity unto his People.—Some indeed are so bold as to deny it, while they are engaged in the Pursuit of the Lust of the Eye, and the Pride of Life.—But follow them to their Death-Beds, ask them, when their Souls are ready to launch into Eternity, what they then think of a Judgment to come? and [...] will tell you they dare not give their Conscien [...] the Lie any longer.—They feel a fearful Looking for of Judgment and fiery Indignation in their Hearts.—Since then these Things are so, does it not highly concern each of us, my Brethren, before we come on a Bed of Sickness, seriously to examine how the Account stands between GOD and our Souls, and how it will fare with us [...] Day? As for the openly Prophane, the Drunkard, the Whoremonger, the Adulterer, and such like, there's no Doubt of what will become of them,—without Repentance they [Page 144] shall never enter into the Kingdom of GOD, and his CHRIST: No; their Damnation slum­bereth not; a burning fiery Tophet, kindled by the Fury of GOD's eternal Wrath, is prepared for their Reception, wherein they must suffer the Vengeance of an eternal Fire.—Nor is there the least Doubt of the State of true Believers.—For tho' they be despised and rejected of natural Men, yet being born again of GOD, they are Heirs of GOD, and joint Heirs with CHRIST.—They have the Earnest of the promised Inhe­ritance in their Hearts, and are assured, that a new and living Way is made open for them, into the Holy of Holies, by the Blood of JESUS CHRIST, through which an abundant Entrance shall be administred to them at the great Day of Accounts. The only Question is, What will become of the almost Christian, one that is content to go, as he thinks, in a middle Way to Heaven, without being prophane on the one Hand, or, as he falsly imagined, righteous over­much on the other?—Multitudes there are in every Congregation, and consequently here pre­sent, of this stamp.—And what is worst of all, it's more easy to convince the most notorious Publicans and Sinners of their being out of a State of Salvation, than any of these.—Not­withstanding, if JESUS CHRIST may be our Judge, they shall as certainly be rejected and disowned by him at the last Day, as tho' they lived in open Defiance of all his Laws.—For what says our LORD in the Parable of which the Words of the Text are a Reddition or [Page 145] Conclusion, and which I intend to make the Subject of my present Discourse.— Then, that is, at the Day of the Judgment, which he had been discoursing of in the foregoing, and pro­secutes in this Chapter, shall the Kingdom of Heaven, i. e. the State of Professors in the Gospel Church, be likened unto Ten Virgins, which took their Lamps and went forth to meet the Bridegroom. In which Words is a manifest Allusion to a Custom prevailing in our LORD's Time among the Jews, at Marriage Solemni­ties, which were generally at Night, and at which it was customary for the Persons of the Bride-Chamber to go out in Procession, with many Lights to meet the Bridegroom.—By the Bridegroom then here spoken of, you are to understand JESUS CHRIST.—The Church, i. e. True Believers, are his Spouse,—he is united to them by one Spirit even in this Life; but the Solemnizing of these sacred Nuptials is reserved till the Day of Judgment, when he shall come to take them home to himself, and present them before Men and Angels, as his Purchase, to his Father, without Spot or Wrinkle, or any such Thing.—By the Ten Virgins we are to under­stand the Professors of Christianity in general.—All are called Virgins, because all are called to be Saints. Whosoever names the Name of CHRIST, is obliged by that very Profession to depart from all Iniquity. The pure and chaste in Heart are the only Persons that will be so blessed as to see GOD.—As CHRIST was born of a Virgin's Womb, so he can dwell in none [Page 146] but Virgin Souls, made pure and holy by the Cohabitation of his Holy Spirit. But what says the Apostle? All are not Israelites that are of Israel,—All are not Christians that are called after the Name of CHRIST:—No, says our LORD, in the 2d v. Five of those Virgins were wise, i. e. True Believers, and five were foolish, i. e. Formal Hypocrites. But why are five said to be wise, and the other five scolish?—Hear what our LORD says in the following Verses, They that were foolish took their Lamps and took no Oil with them: But the wise took Oil in their Vessels with their Lamps. They that were foolish took [...]eir Lamps, i. e. the Lamp of an outward Profession. They would go to Church, say over several Manuals of Prayers, come perhaps into a Field to hear a Sermon, give at a Collection, and receive the Sacrament constantly, nay, of [...]ner than once a Month.—But then here lay the Mis [...]e, they had [...] in their Lamps,—no true Principle or [...], no living Faith in their Hearts, without which tho' we should give all our Goods to feed the Poor, and our Bodies to be burnt, it would pr [...]t us nothing. In short, they were exact, nay perhaps superstitious Bigots as to the Form, bat all the while they were Strangers to, and, in effect, denied the Power of Godliness in their Hearts. They would go to Church, but at the same Time, think it no harm to go to a Bail or an Assembly, notwithstanding they promised at their Paptism, to renounce the Pomps and Vanities of this wicked World.—They were so [Page 147] exceeding fearful of being righte [...] overmuch, that they would even persecute those that were truly devout, if they attempted to go a Step farther than themselves. In one Word, they never effectually felt the Power of the World to come. They thought they might be Chri­stians without so much inward Feeling [...] therefore, notwithstanding their high [...] had only a Name to live.

And now, Sirs, let me pause a while, and in the Name of GOD, whom I endeavour to serve in the Gospel of his dear Son, give me [...] ask one Question. Whilst I have been draw [...] tho' in Miniature, the Character of th [...] foolish Virgins, have not many of your Consciences made the Application, and with a small, still, tho' articulate Voice, said, Thou Man, thou Woman, art one of those foolish Virgins, f [...]r thy Practice and Sentiments agreeth thereto? Do not stifle, but encourage these Convictions; and who knows but that LORD, who is rich [...] Mercy to all that call upon him faithfully, may so work upon you even by this Foolishness of Preaching, as to make you wise Virgins before you return home?

What they were you shall know immediately; But the wise, says our LORD, ver. 4. [...]ook Oil in their Vessels with their Lamps.— Observe, the wise, that is, the true Believers, had their Lamps as well as the foolish Virgins; for Chri­stianity does [...] require us to cast off all out­ward Forms. We may use Forms and yet not be formal: For Instance, it is possible to worship [Page 148] GOD in a set Form of Prayer, and yet worship him in Spirit and in Truth. And therefore, Brethren, let us not judge one another. The wise Virgins had their Lamps; herein did not lie the Difference between them and the foolish, that one worshipped GOD with a Form and the other did not: No; as the Pharisee and Publican went up to the Temple to pray, so these wise and foolish Virgins might go to the same Place of Worship, and sit under the same Ministry; but then the wise took Oil in their Vessels with their Lamps; they kept up the Form, but did not rest in it; their Words in Prayer were the Language of their Hearts, and they were no Strangers to inward Feelings; they were not a [...]a [...]d of searching Doctrine, nor affronted when Ministers told them they deserve to be damned; they were not self-righteous, but were willing that JESUS CHRIST should have all the Glory of their Salvation; they were con­vinced that the Merits of JESUS CHRIST were to be apprehended only by Faith, but yet were they as careful to maintain good Works, as tho' they were to be justified by them: In short, their Obedience flowed from Love and Gratitude, and wa [...] chearful, constant, uniform, universal, like that Obedience which the Holy Angels pay our Father in Heaven.

Here then let me exhort you to pause again; and if any of you can faithfully apply these Characters to your Hearts, give GOD the Glory, and take the Comfort to your own Souls; you are not false but true Believers. JESUS [Page 149] CHRIST has been made of GOD to you Wis­dom, even that Wisdom, whereby you shall be made wise unto Salvation. GOD sees a Diffe­rence between you and foolish Virgins, if natural Men will not. You need not be uneasy if one Chance and Fate in this Life may happen to you both. I say, one Chance and Fate; for ver. [...]. while the Bridegroom tarried, i. e. in the inter­mediate Space of Time which passed between our LORD's Ascension and his coming again to Judgment, they all slumbered and slept. The wise as well as foolish died, for Dust we are, and to Dust we must return. It's no Reflection at all upon the Divine Goodnes [...], that Believers, as well as Hypocrites, must pass thro' the Valley of the Shadow of Death; for CHRIST has taken the Sting out of it, so that we need fear no Evil. It is to them a Passage to everlasting Life. Death is only terrible to those that have no Hope, because they live without Faith in the World. Whosoever there are amongst you, that have received the First- [...] of the Spirit, I am persuaded you are ready to cry out with holy Job, We would not live here always, [...] long to be dissolved, that we may be with JESUS CHRIST; and tho' Worms must destroy our Bodies as well as others, yet we are content, being assured that our Redeemer liveth, that he will stand at the latter Days upon the Earth, and that in our Flesh we shall see GOD.

But it is not so with Hypocrites and Unbe­lievers beyond the Grave; for what says our LORD? And at Midnight; observe, at Mid­night, [Page 150] night, when all was hush'd and quiet, and no one dreaming any such Thing, a Cry was made; The Voice of the Arch-Angel and the Trump of GOD was heard sounding this general Alarm, To Things in Heaven, to Things in Earth, and to Things in the Waters under the Earth, BEHOLD—mark how this awful Summons is usher'd in with the Word BEHOLD—to engage our At­tention; Behold the Bridegroom cometh! even JESUS CHRIST, the Desire of Nations, the Bride­groom of his Spouse the Church! Because he tarried for a while to exercise the Faith of Saints, and give Sinners Space to repent, Scoffers were apt to cry out, Where is the Pro­mise of his coming? But the LORD is not slack concerning his Promise, as these Men [...] slackness—For Behold he that was to come now cometh, and will not tarry any longer: He cometh to be glorified in his Saints, and to take Vengeance on them that know not GOD, and have not obeyed his Gospel: He cometh not as a poor despised Galilean; not to be stabled in a stinking Manger; not to be despised and rejec­ted of Men; not to be blindfolded, spit upon, and buffeted; not to be nailed to an accursed Tree; not as the Son of Man, but as he really was the eternal Son of an eternal GOD: He cometh riding on the Wings of the Wind in the Glory of the Father and his Holy Angels, and to be had in everlasting Reverence of all that shall be round about him.— Go ye forth to meet him—arise, ye Dead, ye foolish as well as wise Virgins, arise and come to Judgment. Multi­tudes [Page 151] no doubt, that heard th [...] awakening Cry, would have rejoiced if the Rocks might fall on, and the Hills cover them from the Presence of the LAMB: What would they give, if as they lived as Beasts, they might now die like Beasts that perish? How would they rejoice if those same Excuses which they had made on this side Eternity for not attending on Holy Ordinances, would now serve to keep them from appearing before the heavenly Bridegroom! But as Adam notwithstanding his Fig Leaves, and the Trees of the Garden, could not hide himself from GOD, when arrested with an— Adam, where art thou? So now, the Decree is gone forth, and the Trump of GOD has given its last Sound, all Tongues, People, Nations and Languages, both wise and foolish Virgins must come into his Pre­sence, and bow beneath his Foot-stool; even Pontius Pilate, Annas and Caiaphas; even the proud persecuting High-Priests and Pharisees of this Generation, must now appear before him: For says our LORD, then, i. e. when the Cry was made, Behold, the Bridegroom [...] in a Moment, in the twinkling of an Eye, the Graves were opened, the Sea gave up its [...] all those Virgins, both wise and foolish, ar [...] and trimmed their Lamps, i. e. endeavoured to put themselves in a proper Posture to meet the Bridegroom.

But how may we imagine the foolish Virgins were surprised, when notwithstanding their high Thoughts and proud Imaginations of their Se­curity, they now find themselves wholly naked [Page 152] and void of that Inward Holiness and Purity of Heart, without which no Man living at that Day shall comfortably meet the LORD! I doubt not, but many these foolish Virgins whilst in this World, were cloathed in Purple and fine Linnen, fared sumptuously every Day, and would disdain to set the wise Virgins, some of which might be as poor as Lazarus, even with the Dogs of their Flock. These were looked upon by them as Enthusiasts and Madmen, as Persons that were Righteous overmuch, and who intended to turn the World upside down: But now Death hath opened their Eyes, and convinced them to their Eternal Sorrow, that he is not a true Christian who is only one outwardly. Now they find (tho' alas! too late) they, and not the wise Virgins, had been beside themselves. Now their proud Hearts are made to stoop, their lofty Looks are brought low; and as Dives entreated that Lazarus might dip the Tip of his Finger in Water, and be sent to cool his Tongue, so these foolish Virgins, these formal Hypocrites, are obliged to turn Beggars to those whom they once despised— Give us of your Oil—Oh! impart to us a little of that Grace and Holy Spirit, for the insisting on which we Fools accounted your Lives Mad­ness; for alas! our Lamps are gone out—we had only the Form of Godliness—we were whited Sepulchers—we were Heart-Hypocrites—we contented ourselves with desiring to be good, and tho' confident of Salvation whilst we lived, yet our Hope is entirely gone now GOD has taken away our Souls; give us therefore, [Page 153] Oh! give us, tho' we once despised you, give us of your Oil, for our Lamps of an outward Pro­session, transient Convictions, are quite gone out.

Comfort ye, comfort ye, my People, saith the LORD, with this.—My Brethren in CHRIST, hear what the foolish say to the wise Virgins, and learn in Patience to possess your Souls. If you are true Followers of the lowly JESUS, I am persuaded you have your Names cast out, and all manner of Evil spoken against you, for his Name-Sake; for [...] one ever did or will live godly in CHRIST JESUS, without suffering Persecution; nay, I doubt not, but your chief Foes are those of your own Houshold: Tell me, do not your carnal Relations and Friends vex your tender Souls Day by Day, in bidding you spare yourselves, and take heed lest you go too far: And as you passed along to come and hear the Word of GOD, have you not heard many a Pharisee cry out, Here comes another Troop of his Followers! Brethren, be not surprised, CHRIST'S Servants were always the World's Fools; you know it hated him be­fore it hated you. Rejoice and be exceeding glad. Yet a little while and Behold the Bride­groom cometh, and then shall you hear these formal scoffing Pharisees saying unto you, Give us of your Oil, for our Lamps are gone out. When you are reviled, revile not again: When you suffer, threaten not; commit your Souls into the Hands of him that judgeth righteously [...] For behold the Day cometh when the Children of GOD shall speak for themselves.

[Page 154] The wise Virgins, in the Parable, no doubt endured the same cruel Mockings as you may do; but as the Lamb before the Shearers is Dumb, so in this Life opened they not they their Mouths; but now we find they can give their Enemies an Answer: Not so, lest there be not enough for us and you; but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves. These Words are not to be understood as tho' they were spoken in an insulting Manner; for true Charity teaches us to use the worst of Sinners, and our most bitter Enemies, with the Meekness and Gentle­ness of CHRIST: Tho' Dives was in Hell, yet Abraham does not say, Thou Villain, but only Son remember: And I am persuaded, had it been in the Power of these wise Virgins, they would have dealt with the foolish Virgins, as, GOD knows, I would willingly deal with my most inveterate Enemies, not only give them of their Oil, but also exalt them to the Right Hand of GOD.—It was not then for want of Love, but for fear of wanting a sufficiency for themselves, that made them return this answer, Not so, lest there be not enough for us and you: For they that have most Grace have none to spare; none but self-righteous, foolish Virgins think they are good enough, or have already attained.—Those who are truly wise are al­ways most distrustful of themselves, pressing for­wards to the Things that are before, and think it well if after they have done all, they can make their Calling and Election sure— Not so, lest there be not enough for us and you; But go ye [Page 155] rather to them that sell, and buy for your selves: These Words indeed seem to be spoken in a triumphant, but certainly they were utter'd in the most compassionate Manner, go ye to them that sell and buy for yourselves:—Unhappy Virgins! you accounted our Lives Folly. Whilst with you in the Body, how often have you condemned us for our Zeal in running to hear the Word, and looked upon us as Enthusiasts, for talking about and affirming, that we must be led by the Spirit, and walk by the Spirit, and feel the Spirit of GOD witnessing with our Spirits, that we are [...] Children? But now you would be glad to be Partakers of this Privilege, but it is not ours to give. You contented your­selves with seeking when you should have been striving to enter in at the strait Gate.—And now go to them that sell, if you can, and buy for yourselves.

And what say you to this, ye foolish formal Professors? For I doubt not but Curiosity and Novelty hath brought many such, even to this despised Place, to hear a Sermon. Can you hear this Reply to the foolish Virgins, and yet not tremble? Why, yet a little while, and thus it shall be done to you. Rejoice and bolster your­selves up in your Duties and Forms; endeavour to cover your Nakedness with the Fig Leaves of an outward Profession and a legal Righteousness, and despise the true Servants of CHRIST as much as you please yet know, that all your Hopes will fail you when GOD brings you into Judgment. For not him who commendeth [Page 156] himself is justified, but he whom the LORD commendeth.

But to return; we do not hear any Reply the foolish Virgins make: No, their Consciences condemned them; like the Person in the Parable without a Wedding-Garment, they are struck dumb, and are now filled with anxious Thoughts how they shall buy Oil, that they may lift up their Heads before the Bridegroom. But whilst they went to buy, v. 10. i. e. whilst they were thinking what they should do, the Bridegroom, the Lord Jesus, the Head, the King, the Husband of his Spouse the Church, cometh attended with Thousands and Twenty times Ten Thousands of Saints and Angels, publickly to count up his Jewels; and they that were ready,—the wise Virgins who had Oil in their Lamps, and were sealed by his Spirit to the Day of Redemption, these having on a Wedding Garment of an imputed Righteousness, and a new Nature, went in with him to the Marriage.

But who can express the Transports that these wise Virgins felt, when they were thus admitted, in a holy Triumph, into the Presence and full Enjoyment of him whom their Souls hungred and thirsted after! No doubt they had tasted of his Love, and by Faith had often fed on him in [...]eir Hearts, when sitting down to commemorate his last Supper here on Earth; but how full may we think their Hearts and Tongues were of his Praises, when they see themselves sit down together to eat Bread in his Heavenly Kingdom! And what was best of all, the Door was shut, [Page 157] and shut them in, to enjoy the ever blessed GOD and the Company of Angels and the Spirits of just Men made perfect, without Interruption for evermore. I say, without Interruption; for in this Life, their Eyes often gushed out with Water because Men kept not GOD's Law; and they could never come to appear before the LORD, or to hear his Word, but Satan and his Emissaries would come also to disturb them; but now the Door is shut, now there is a perfect Communion of Saints, which they in vain longed for in this lower World; now Tares no longer grow up with the Wheat; not one single Hypocrite or Unbeliever can skreen him­himself amongst them.— Now the wicked cease from troubling, and now their weary Souls enjoy an everlasting Rest.

Once more, O Believers let me exhort you in Patience to possess your Souls. GOD if he has freely justified you by Faith in his Son, and given you his Spirit, has sealed you to be his; and has secured you as surely as he secured Noah when he locked him in the Ark. But though Heirs of GOD, and joint Heirs with CHRIST, and neither Men or Devils can pluck you out of your heavenly Father's Hands, yet you must be tossed about with manifold Temptations; but lift up your Heads, the Day of your perfect compleat Redemption draweth nigh.—Behold the Bridegroom cometh to take you to himself, the Door shall be shut, and you shall be forever with the LORD.

[Page 158] But I even tremble to tell you, O nominal Christians, that the Door will be shut, I mean the Door of Mercy, never, never to be opened to give you Admission, tho' you should continue knocking to all Eternity. For thus speaks our LORD, v. 11. Afterwards, i. e. after those that were ready had went in, and the Door was shut; after they had to their Sorrow found that no Oil was to be bought, no Grace to be procured, came also the other Virgins; and, as Es [...]u after Jacob had got the Blessing, cried with an ex­ceeding bitter Cry, bles [...] me, even me also, Oh my Father; so they came saying, LORD, LORD, open to us.—Observe the Importunity of these foolish Virgins, implied in these Words, LORD, LORD.—Whilst in the Body, I suppose they only read, but did not pray over their Prayers: If you would tell them, they should Pray with­out ceasing, they should pray from their Hearts, and feel the Want of what they prayed for; they would answer, They could not tell what you mean by inward Feelings; that GOD did not require us to be always on our Knees, but if a Man did justly, and loved Mercy, and did as the Church Forms required him, it was as much as the LORD required at his Hands.

I fear, Sirs, too many amongst us, are of this Mind. Nay, I fear there are many so polite, so void of the Love of GOD, as to think it too great a Piece of Self-Denial, to rise early to offer up a Sacrifice of Praise and Thanksgiving acceptable to GOD thro' JESUS CHRIST. If any such by the good Providence of GOD, are [Page 159] brought hither this Morning, I beseech you consider your Ways, and remember, if you are not awakened out of your Spiritual Lethargy, and live a Life of Prayer here, you shall in vain cry out with the foolish Virgins, LORD, LORD, open unto us, hereafter.—Observe, further, the Impudence, as well as Importunity of these other Virgins; LORD, LORD, say they,—as tho' they were intimately acquainted with the Holy JESUS. Like Numbers amongst us, who because they go to Church, repeat their Creeds, and receive the blessed Sacrame [...] [...] they have a Right to call JESUS the [...] [...], and dare call GOD their Father [...] they put up the Lord's Prayer. But JESUS is not your Saviour. The Devil, not GOD, is your Father, unless your Hearts are purified by Faith, and you are born again from above. It's not merely being baptized by Water, but being born again of the Holy Ghost that must qualify you for Salvation; and it will do you no Service at the great Day, to say unto CHRIST, LORD, my Name is in the Register of such and such a Parish.—I am persuaded the foolish Virgins could say this and more; but what Answer did JESUS make? He answered and said, v. 12. Verily, I say unto you: He puts the Word VERILY, to assure them he was in earnest.— I say unto you,—I who am Truth itself,—I whom you have owned in Words, but in Works denied, VERILY, I say unto you, I know you [...]. These Words must not be understood literally; for whatever Arians and Socinians may say to the contrary, yet we affirm that [Page 160] JESUS CHRIST is GOD, GOD blessed forever, and therefore knoweth all Things. He saw Nathaniel when under the Fig-Tree: He sees and is now looking down from Heaven his Dwelling-Place, upon us, to see how we behave in these Fields.—Brethren, I know nothing of the Thoughts and Intents of your Hearts, in coming hither; but JESUS CHRIST he knows who come like new-born Babes, desirous to be fed with the sincere Milk of the Word. And he knows who came to hear what the Babler says, and to run away with part of a broken Sentence, that they may have whereof to accuse him.—This Expression then, I know you not, must not be understood literally; No, it implies a Knowledge of Approbation, as tho' CHRIST had said, you call me LORD, LORD, but you have not done the Things that I have said; you desire me to open the Door, but how can you come in hither not having on a Wedding Garment? Alas, you are naked as you came into the World! where is my outward Righteousness imputed to you? Where is my inherent Righteousness wrought in you? Where is my Divine Image stamped upon your Souls? How dare you call me LORD, LORD, when you have not received the Holy Ghost, whereby I seal all that are truly mine? Verily, I know you not, depart from me, ye Cursed, into everlasting Fire, prepared for the Devil and his Angels.

And now he that hath Ears to hear, let him hear what Manner of Persons these were, whom JESUS CHRIST dismissed with this Answer.— [Page 161] Remember, I entreat you, remember they are not sent away for being Fornicators, Swea [...]ers, Sabbath-breakers, or Prodigals. No, in all Probability, as I observ'd before, they were, touching the outward Observances of the Mo [...]l Law, blameless;—they were constant as to the Form of Religion; and if they did no good, yet no one could say, they did any one any harm. The only Thing for which they were condemned and eternally banished from the Presence of the LORD (for so much is implied in that Sentence I know you not) was this, they had no Oil in their Lamps; no Principle of a true living Faith, and Holiness in their Hearts.—And If Persons may go to Church, receive the Sacrament, lead honest moral Lives, and yet be sent to Hell at the last Day, as they certainly will be if they advance no further, Where wilt thou, O Drunkard? Where wilt thou, O Swearer? Where wilt thou, O Sab­bath-Breaker? Where wilt thou that deniest Divine Revelation, and even the Form of God­liness? Where wilt thou and such like Sinners appear? I know very well where.—You must appear before the dreadful Tribunal of JESUS CHRIST: For however you may, like Felix, put off the Prosecution of your Convictions, yet you as well as others, must arise after Death, and appear in Judgment: You will then find to your eternal Sorrow, what I just hinted at in the Beginning of this Discourse, viz. that your Damnation slumbereth not: Sin has blinded your Hearts, and hardned your Foreheads now, but [Page 162] yet a little while and our LORD will ease him of his Adversaries.—Methinks already, by Faith, I see the Heavens opened, and the Holy JESUS coming, with his Face brighter than Ten Thousand Suns, darting Fury upon you from his Eyes!—Methinks I see you rising from your Graves trembling and astonished, and crying out, Who can abide this Day of his coming!

And now what Inference shall I draw from what has been delivered? Our LORD, in the Words of the Text, has drawn one for me, Watch therefore, for ye know neither the Day nor the Hour whe [...]e [...]n the Son of Man cometh.

Watch; that is, be upon your Guard, and keep your Graces in continual Exercise: For as when we are commanded to watch unto Prayer, it signifies that we should continue in­stant in that Duty; so when we are required to watch in general, it means that we should put on the whole Armour of GOD, and live every Day as tho' it was our last. And Oh! that the LORD, may now enable me to lift up my Voice like a Trumpet! For had I a thousand Tongues, or could I speak so loud that the whole World might hear me, I could not sound a more useful Alarm than that which is con­tained in the Words of the Text. [...] there­fore, my Brethren, I beseech you by [...] Mercies of GOD in CHRIST JESUS, Watch [...] upon your Guard; Awake, ye that sleep in [...] For ye know neither the Day nor the Hour [...] the Son of Man cometh. Perhaps to Day, perhaps [Page 163] this Midnight, the CRY may be made: For in a Moment, in the twinkling of an Eye, the Trump is to sound.—However, supposing the final Day of Judgment may yet be a great way off, yet the Day of Death is certainly near at Hand: For what is our Life? It is but a Vapour▪ it is but a Span long, so soon passeth it away and we are gone. Blessed be GOD we are all here well; but who out of this great Multitude dares say, I shall go home to my House in Safety? Who knows but whilst I am speaking, GOD may commission his ministring Spirits immediately to call some of you away by a sudden Stroke, to give an Account with what Attention you have heard this Sermon. You know my Brethren, some such Instances we have lately had given us—And what Angel or Spirit hath assured us that some of you shall not be the next? Watch therefore, for ye know neither the Day nor the Hour wherein the Son of Man will come—And it is chiefly for this Reason, that GOD has hid the Day of our Deaths from us—For since I know not but I may die to me [...] why, O my Soul, may each of us [...] thou not watch to Day? Since I [...] not but I may die the next Moment, w [...]y wilt thou not prepare for dying this?—Many such Reflections as these, my Brethren, croud in upon my Mind. At present, blessed be the LORD, who delights to magnify his Strength in a poor Worm's Weakness, I am at a stand, not so much about what I shall say, as what I shall leave unsaid—My Belly, like [Page 164] Elihu's, is as it were full of new Wines—out of the abundance of my Heart my Mouth speaketh. The seeing so great a Multitude standing before me, a Sense of the infinite Majesty of that GOD in whose Name I preach, and before whom I as well as you must appear to give an Account; and the uncertainty there is whether I shall live another Day to speak to you any more—These Considerations, I say, especially the Pre­sence of GOD, which I now feel upon my Soul, furnishes me with so much Matter, that I scarce know where to begin or where to end my Application—however, for Method sake by the Divine Assistance, I will branch it into three several particulars.

And first, I would remind you that are notoriously ungodly, of what our LORD says in the Text: For though I have said that your Damnation slumbereth not, whilst you continue in an impenitent State; yet that was only to set you upon your Watch, to convince you of your Danger, and excite you to cry out, What shall we do to be saved? I appeal to all that hear me, whether I have said the Door of Mercy should be shut against you if you believe on JESUS CHRIST: No, if you are the chief of Sinners; if you are Murderers of Fa­thers, Murderers of Mothers; if you are em­phatically the Dung and Offscouring of all Things; yet if you believe on JESUS CHRIST and cry unto him with the same Faith as the expiring Thief, LORD remember me now thou art in thy Kingdom; I will pawn my eternal [Page 165] Salvation upon it, if he does not shortly translate you to this heavenly Paradise. Wonder not at my speaking with so much Assurance: For I know this is a faithful and true Saying, and worthy all Acceptation, that JESUS CHRIST came into the World to save all truely convicted and believing Sinners: Nay so great is his Love, that I am persuaded, was it necessary, he would come again into the World and die a second Time for them on the Cross. But blessed be GOD, when our LORD bowed down his Head and gave up the Ghost, our Redemption was finished. It's not our Sins, but our want of a lively Faith in his Blood, that will prove our Condemnation: If you draw near to him by Faith, tho' ye are the worst of Sinners, yet he will [...]t say unto you, Verily I know you not—No, a Door of Mercy shall be opened to you. Look then, look then, by an Eye of Faith to that GOD-MAN whom ye have pierced—Behold him bleeding, panting, dying upon the Cross, with Arms stretched out ready to embrace you all—Hark! how he groans! See how all Nature is in an Agony! The Rocks rend, the Graves open; the Sun withdraws its Light, ashamed as it were to see the GOD OF NATURE suffer; and all this to usher in Man's great Redemption.—Nay, the HOLY JESUS, in the very Agonies and Pangs of Death, prays for his very Murderers; Father forgive them, for they know not what they do. What then, if you have [...] the Son of GOD afresh, and put him to an open Shame, yet do not despair, only believe and [Page 166] even this shall be forgiven: You have read, at least you have heard, no doubt, how three thousand were converted at St. Peter's preaching one single Sermon, after our LORD's Ascension into Heaven; and many of the Crucifiers of the LORD OF GLORY undoubtedly were amongst them, and why should you despair? For JESUS CHRIST is the same, yesterday, to Day, and for­ever. The Holy Ghost shall be sent down on you, as well as on them, if you do but believe; for CHRIST ascended up on High to receive this Gift, even for the vilest of Men.—Come then, All ye that are weary and heavy laden, with the sense of your Sins, lay hold on CHRIST by Faith, and he will give you Rest; for Salvation is the free Gift o [...] GOD to all them that believe. And tho' you may think this too good News to to be true, yet I speak the Truth in CHRIST, I lie not, this is the Gospel, th [...] is the glad Tidings which we are commissioned to preach to every Creature. Be not faithless then, but be­lieving. Let not the Devil lead you captive at his Will any longer; for all the Wages he gives his Servants is Death, Death often in this Life, Death everlasting in the next: But now the free Gift of GOD is eternal Life to all that believe in JESUS CHRIST— Pharisees are and will be offended at my coming here and offering you Salvation on such cheap Terms—but the more they bid me hold my Peace, the more will I cry out and proclaim to convicted Sinners JESUS, David's Son according to the Flesh, but David's Lord as he was GOD, will have [Page 167] Mercy upon all that by a living Faith truly turn to him—If this is to [...]vile, I pray GOD I may be more vile.—If they will not let me preach CHRIST crucified, and offer Salvation to poor Sinners in a Church, I will preach him in the Lanes, Streets, Highways and Hedges; and nothing pleases me better than to think I am now in one of the Devils strongest Holds—Surely the LORD has not sent me and all you hither for nothing; no, blessed be GOD, the Fields are white ready unto Harvest, and many Souls I [...] will be gathered into his heavenly Garner—It's true, it's the Midnight of the Church, especially the poor Church of England; but GOD has lately sent forth his Servants [...] cry, Behold the Bridegroom cometh: I beseech you, Oh Sinners, hearken unto the Voice! Let me espouse you by Faith to my dear Master; and henceforward WATCH AND PRAY, that you may be ready to go forth to meet him.

Secondly, I would apply myself to those amongst you that are not openly [...] by depending on a formal Round of [...] deceive your own Souls, and are only [...] Virgins.—But I must speak to your Conviction rather than your Comfort. My dear Brethren, do not deceive your own Souls,—You have heard how far the foolish Virgins went, and yet were answered with a verily I know you not: The Reason is, because none but such that have a living Faith in JESUS CHRIST, and are truly born again, can possibly enter into the Kingdom of Heaven: You may perhaps live honest and [Page 168] outwardly moral Lives, but if you depend on that Morality, or join your Works with your Faith, in order to justifie you before GOD, you have no Lot or Share in CHRIST'S Redemp­tion: For what is this but to deny the LORD that has bought you? What is this but making yourselves your own Saviours?—taking the Crown from JESUS CHRIST, and putting it on your own Heads? The Crime of the Devil some have supposed consisted in this, that he would not bow to JESUS CHRIST, when he came into the World as Mediator, and the Father commanded all the Angels to worship him; and what do you less? You will not own and submit to his Righteousness, and tho' you pretend to worship him with your Lips, yet your Hearts are far from him; besides you in Effect deny the Operations of his blessed Spirit, you mistake common for effectual Grace, you hope to be saved because you have good Desires, and a few short Convictions; and what is this, but to give GOD, his Word, and all his Saints the Lie? A Jew, a Turk, has equally as good Grounds whereon to build his Hopes of Salvation. Need I not then need to cry out to you, Ye foolish Virgins, Watch, beg of GOD to convince you of your Self-Righteousness, and the secret Un­belief of your Hearts; or otherwise whensoever the CRY shall be made, Behold the Bridegroom cometh, you will find yourselves utterly unpre­pared to go forth to meet him:—You may cry LORD, LORD, but the Answer will be, Verily, I know you not.

[Page 169] Thirdly, I would speak a Word or two by Way of Exhortation to those who are wise Virgins, and are assured that they have on a Wedding Garment. That there are many such amongst you, who by Grace have renounced your own Righteousness, and know that the Righteousness of the Lord JESUS is imputed to you, I make no doubt. GOD has his secret Ones in the worst of Times; and I am persuaded he has not lot so loud a Gospel Cry to be made amongst his People, as of late has been heard, for nothing: No, I am confident the Holy Ghost has been given to many at the Preaching of Faith, and has powerfully fallen upon many whilst they have been hearing the Word: You are now then no longer foolish but wise Virgins; notwithstand­ing, I beseech you also to suffer the Word of Exhortation; for wise Virgins are too apt, whilst the Bridegroom tarries, to slumber and sleep. Watch therefore, my dear Brethren, watch and pray, at this Time especially; for perhaps a Time of Suffering is at hand—The Ark of the LORD begins already to be driven into the Wilderness.—Be ye therefore upon your watch, and still persevere in following your LORD, even without the Camp, bearing his Reproach: The Cry that has been lately made, has awakened the Devil and his Servants: they begin to rage horribly; and well they may; for I hope his Kingdom is in Danger. Watch therefore, my dear Brethren, for if we are not always upon our Guard, a Time of [Page 170] Trial may overtake us unawares; and, instead of owning, like Peter we may be tempted to to deny our Master. Set Death and Eternity often before you. Look unto JESUS, the Author and Finisher of your Faith, and consider how little a While it will be, e'er he comes to Judgment; and then our Reproach shall be wiped away; the Accusers of us and our Brethren shall be cast down, and we all shall be shut in Heaven for ever, with our dear LORD JESUS.

Lastly; what I say unto you, I say unto all, WATCH: High and Low, Rich and Poor, Young and Old, one with another, I beseech you, by the Mercies of JESUS, whom I am now preaching, be upon your Guard: Fly, fly to JESUS CHRIST, that Heavenly Bridegroom: Behold he desires to take you to himself, mise­rable, poor, blind and naked as you are; he is willing to cloath you with his everlasting Righteousness, and make you Partakers of that Glory, which he enjoyed with the Father before the World began. Oh! do not turn a deaf Ear to me; do not reject the Message on Ac­count of the Meanness of the Messenger. I am a Child; a Youth of uncircumcised Lips; but the LORD has chosen me, that the Glory might be all his own.—Had he sent to invite you by a learned Rabbi, you might have been tempted to think the Man had done something; but now GOD has sent a Child that cannot speak, that the Excellency of the Power may be seen not to be of Man, but of GOD. Let [Page 171] the learned Pharisees then despise my Youth. I care not how vile I appear in the Sight of such Men: I glory in it. And I am persuaded, if any of you should be married to CHRIST by this Preaching, you will have no Reason to repent, when you come to Heaven, that GOD sent a Child to cry, Behold the Bridegroom cometh! Oh! my Brethren, the Thought of being instrumental in bringing one of you to Glory, fills me with fresh Zeal. My Brethren, once more I entreat you, WATCH, WATCH AND PRAY: For the LORD JESUS will receive all that call upon him faithfully. Let that CRY, Behold the Bridegroom cometh, be continually sounding in your Ears; and begin now to live, as though you were assured, this Night you were to go forth to meet him. I cou'd say more, but the other Business and Duties of the Day oblige me to stop. May the LORD give you all an hearing Ear, and obedient Heart, and so closely unite you to himself by one Spirit, that when he shall come in terrible Majesty, to judge Mankind, you may be found having on a Wedding Garment, and ready to go in with him to the Marriage.

Grant this, O LORD, for [...] dear SON's Sake.

[Page 172]

What think ye of CHRIST?

MATTH. xxii. 42. What think ye of CHRIST?

WHEN it pleased the eternal Son of GOD to tabernacle among us, and come preaching the glad Tidings of Salvation to a fallen World, different Opinions were entertained by different Parties concerning him.—As to his Person, some said he was Moses; others that he was Elias, Jeremias, or one of the ancient Prophets; few acknowledged him to be what he really was, GOD Blessed for evermore.—And as to his Doctrine, tho' the common People, being free from Prejudice, were persuaded of the heavenly Tendency of his going about to do Good, for the Generality, heard him gladly, and said he was a good Man; yet the envious, worldly-minded, self-righteous Governors and Teachers of the Jewish Church, being grieved at his Success, on the one Hand, and unable (having never been taught of GOD) to understand the Purity of his Doctrine, on the other; notwith­standing our LORD spake as never Man spake, and did such Miracles which no Man could [Page 173] possibly do, unless GOD was with him; yet they not only were so infatuated, as to say, that he deceived the People. but also were so blasphemous as to affirm, that he was in league with the Devil himself, and cast out Devils by Beelzebub the Prince of Devils.—Nay, our LORD's own Brethren and Kinsmen, according to the Flesh, were so blinded by Prejudice and Unbelief, that on a certain Day, when he went out to teach the Multitudes in the Fields, they sent to take hold on him, urging this as a Reason for their Conduct, viz. That he was besides himself.

Thus was the King and Lord of Glory judged by Man's Judgment, when made manifest in the Flesh: Far be it from any of his Ministers to expect any better Treatment.—No, if we come in the Spirit and Power of our Master, in this, as in every other Part of his Sufferings, we must follow his Steps.—The like Reproaches which were cast on him, will be thrown on us also.—Those that received our Lord and his Doctrine, will receive and hear us for his Name-sake.—The Poor, blessed be GOD, as our present Meeting abundantly testifies, receive the Gospel, and [...] common People hear us gladly; whilst those th [...] are sitting in Moses his Chair, and love to wear long [...]es, being ignorant of the Righteousness which is of GOD by Faith in CHRIST JESUS, and having never felt the Power of GOD upon their Hearts, will be continually crying out against us, as Mad-men, Deceivers of the People, and as acting under the Influences of evil Spirits.

[Page 174] But he is unworthy the Name of a Minister of the Gospel of Peace, who is unwilling, not only to have his Name cast out as evil, but also to die for the Truths of the Lord JESUS.—It is the Character of Hirelings and False Prophets, who care not for the Sheep, to have all Men speak well of them.— Blessed are you, says our LORD to his first Apostles, and in them to all succeeding Ministers, when Men speak all Manner of Evil against you falsely for my Name sake.—And indeed it is impossible but such Offences must come: For Men will always judge of others according to the Principles from which they act themselves.—And if they care not to yield Obe­dience to the Doctrines which we deliver, they must necessarily, in Self-defence, speak against the Preachers, lest they should be ask [...]d that Question, which the Pharisees of old feared to have retorted on them, if they confessed that John was a Prophet, viz. Why then did you not believe on him? In all such Cases, we have nothing to do but to search our own Hearts, and if we can assure our Consciences, before GOD, that we act with a single Eye to his Glory, we are chearfully to go on in our Work, and not in the least to regard what Men or Devils can say against, or do unto us.

But to return. You have heard what various Thoughts were handed about concerning JESUS CHRIST whilst here on Earth: Nor is he other­wise treated, even now he is exalted to sit down at the Right Hand of his Father in Heaven.—A Stranger to Christianity, was he to hear we all [Page 175] profess to hold one LORD, would naturally infer, that we all thought and spoke one and the same Thing about him. But alas! to out Shame be it mentioned, tho' CHRIST be not divided in him­self, yet Professors are sadly divided in their Thoughts about him; and that not only as to the Circumstances of his Religion, but also of those essential Truths which must necessarily be believed and received by us, if ever we hope to be Heirs of eternal Salvation.

Some, and that I fear a Multitude which no Man can easily number, there are amongst us, who call themselves Christians, and yet seldom or never seriously think of JESUS CHRIST at all. They can think of their Shops, and their Farms, their Plays, their Balls, their Assemblies, and Horse-races (Entertainments which directly tend to exclude Religion out of the World) but as for CHRIST, the Author and Finisher of their Faith, the LORD who has bought them with his pre­cious Blood, and who is the only Thing worth their thinking of, alas! he is not in all, at most in very few, of their Thoughts. But believe me, O ye earthly, sensual, carnally minded Professors, however little you may think of CHRIST now, or however industriously you may strive to keep him out of your Thoughts, by pursuing the Lust of the Eye, the Lust of the Flesh, and the Pride of Life, yet there is a Time coming, when you will wish you had thought of CHRIST more, and of your Profits and Pleasures less.—For the Gay; the Polite, the Rich also must die as well as others, and leave their Pomps, their [Page 176] Vanities, and all their Wealth behind them.—And oh! what Thoughts will you entertain concerning JESUS CHRIST, in that Hour.

But I must not pursue these Reflections: They would carry me too far from the main Design of this Discourse, which is to shew what those that are truly desirous to know how to worship GOD in Spirit and in Truth, ought to think concern­ing JESUS CHRIST, whom GOD hath sent to be the End of the Law for Righteousness to all them that shall believe.

I trust, my Brethren, you are more noble than to think me too strict or scrupulous, in thus at­tempting to regulate even your Thoughts about JESUS CHRIST: For by our Thoughts as well as our Words and Actions, are we to be judged at the Great Day. And in vain do we hope to believe in, or worship CHRIST aright, unless our Principles, on which our Faith and Practice is founded, are agreeable to the Form of sound Words deliver'd to us in the Scriptures of Truth.

Besides, many Deceivers are gone abroad into the World. Mere Heathen Morality, and not JESUS CHRIST, is preached in most of our Churches. And how should People think rightly of CHRIST, of whom they have scarcely heard? Do bear with me a little then, whilst, to inform your Consciences, I ask you a few Questions concerning JESUS CHRIST: For there is no other Name given under Heaven, whereby we can be saved, but his.

And First, What think you about the Person of CHRIST? Whose Son is he? This is the Qu [...] [Page 177] our LORD puts to the Pharisees in the Words following the Text; and never was it more necessary to repeat this Question than in these last Days. For Numbers that are called after the Name of CHRIST, and I fear, many that pretend to preach him, are so far advanced in the blasphemous Chair, as openly to deny his being really, truly and properly GOD. But no one that ever was Partaker of his Spirit, will speak thus lightly of him. No; if they are asked, as Peter and his Brethren were, but whom say ye that I am? they will reply without Hesitation. Thou art CHRIST the Son of the ever-living GOD. For the Confession of our Lord's Divinity, is the Rock upon which be builds his Church. Was it possible to take this away, the Gates of Hell would quickly prevail against it.— My Brethren, if JESUS CHRIST be not very GOD of very GOD, I would never preach the Gospel of CHRIST again. For it would not be Gospel; it would be only a System of moral Ethicks: Seneca, Cicero, or any of the Gentile Philosophers would be as good a Saviour as JESUS of Nazareth. It is the Divinity of our LORD that gives a Sanction to his Death, and makes him such a High-Priest as became us, viz. One who by the infinite Merits of his Suffering could make a full, perfect, sufficient Sacrifice, Satis­faction and Oblation to an infinitely offended Justice. And whatsoever Minister of the Church of England, makes use of her Forms, and [...] of her Bread, and yet holds not this Doctrine (as I fear too many such are crept in amongst us) such [Page 178] a one belongs only to the Synagogue of Satan.—He is not a Child or Minister of GOD: No; he is a Wolf in Sheep's Cloathing, he is a Child and Minister of that Wicked One the Devil.

Many will think these hard Sayings: But I think it no Breach of Charity to affirm, that an Arian or Socinian cannot be a Christian.—The one would make us believe JESUS CHRIST is only a Created God, which is a Self-Contradiction. And the other would have us look on him only as a Good Man, and instead of owning his Death to be an Attonement for the Sins of the World, would persuade us, that CHRIST died only to seal the Truth of his Doctrine with his Blood. But if JESUS CHRIST be no more than a mere Man, if he be not truly GOD, he was the vilest Sinner that ever appeared in the World.—For he accep­ted of Divine Adoration from the Man who had been born blind, as we read John ix. 38. And he said, LORD I believe, and worshipped him. Besides, if CHRIST be not properly GOD, our Faith is vain, we are yet in our Sins:—For no created Being, tho' of the highest Order, could possibly merit any thing at GOD's Hands.: No, it was our LORD's Divinity, that alone qualified him to take away the Sins of the World; and and therefore we hear St. John pronouncing so positively, that the Word, i. e. JESUS CHRIST, was not only with GOD, but was GOD.—For the like Reason, St. Paul says, that he was in the Form of GOD.—That in him dwelt all the Ful­ness of the Godhead bodily.—Nay, JESUS CHRIST himself assumes the Title which GOD gave to [Page 179] himself, when he sent Moses to deliver his People Israel. Before Abraham was, says he, I am.—And again, I and my Father are one. Which last Words, tho' our modern Infidels would evade and wrest, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own Damnation; yet it is evident, that the Jews understood our LORD, when he spake thus, as tho' he made himself equal with GOD; otherwise why did they stone him as a Blasphe­mer?—And now, why should it be thought a Breach of Charity, to affirm, that those that deny [...]e Divinity of JESUS CHRIST, in the strictest Sense of the Word, cannot be Christians? For they are greater Infidels than the Devils themselves.—They confessed that they knew who he was, he was even the holy One of GOD.—They not only believe, but which is more than all the Unbelievers of this Generation do, they tremble.—And was it possible for Arius or Soci­nus, those Arch-Hereticks, to be released from their Chains of Darkness, under which they are now reserved to the Judgment of the great Day. I am persuaded they would inform us, how Hell had convinced them of the Divinity of JESUS CHRIST, and that they would advise their Fol­lowers to abhor their Principles, left they should come into the same Place, and thereby increase each others Torments.

But, Secondly, What think you of the Manhood or Incarnation of JESUS CHRIST? For CHRIST was not only GOD, but he was GOD and Man in one Person.—Thus runs the Text and Context.— When the Pharisees were gathered together. [Page 180] JESUS asked them, saying, What think ye of CHRIST? Whose Son is he? They say unto him, the Son of David.— How then, says our Divine Master, does David in Spirit call him LORD? From which Passage it is evident, that we do not think rightly of the Person of JESUS CHRIST, unless we believe him to be perfect GOD and perfect Man, of a reasonable Soul and human Flesh subsisting.

For it is on this Account that he is called CHRIST, or the anointed, i. e. one who thro' his own voluntary Offer was set apart by the Father, and strengthened and qualified by the Anointing or Communication of the Holy Ghost, to be a Mediator between Him and offending Man.

The Reason or first Cause why the Son of GOD took upon him our Nature, was, the Fall of our first Parents.—I hope there is no one present so atheistical, as to think that Man made himself: No, it was GOD that made us, and not we ourselves.—And I would willingly think, that no one would be so blasphemous as to sup­pose, that if GOD did make us, he made us such Creatures as we now find ourselves to be. For this would be giving GOD's Word the lie, which tells us, that in the Image of GOD, not in the Image which we now bear on our Souls, made be Man.—Far be it from us to think thus: For as GOD made Man, so GOD made him perfect. He placed him in the Garden of Eden, and condescended to enter into a Covenant with him, promising him eternal Life, upon Condi­tion of an unsinning Obedience; and threatning [Page 181] eternal Death, if he broke his Law, and eat the forbidden Fruit.

Man did eat; and herein acting as our Re­presentative, thereby involved both himself and us in that Curse, which GOD, the righteous Judge, had said should be the Consequence of his Disobedience.—But here begins that Mystery of Godliness, GOD manifested in the Flesh. For (sing, O Heavens, and rejoice, O Earth!) the eternal Father, foreseeing how Satan would bruise the Heel of Man, had in his eternal Counsel, provided a Means whereby he might bruise that accursed Serpent's Head. Man is permitted to fall, and become subject to Death; but JESUS the only begotten Son of GOD, be­gotten of the Father before all Worlds, God of God, Light of Light, very God, of very God, offers to die to make an Attonement for his Transgression, and to fulfil all Righteousness in his stead. And because it was impossible for him to do this as he was GOD, and yet since Man had offended, it was necessary it should be done in the Person of Man, rather than we should perish; this Everlasting GOD, this Prince of Peace, this Antient of Days, in the Fulness of Time, had a Body prepared for him by the Holy Ghost, and became an Infant of a Span long.—In this Body he performed a compleat Obedience to the Law of GOD, whereby he, in our stead, fulfilled the Covenant of Works, and at last became subject to Death, even the Death upon the Cross; that as GOD he might satisfy, as Man he might obey and suffer; and being GOD and Man in [Page 182] one Person, might once more procure a Union between GOD and our Souls.

And now, What think you of this Love of CHRIST? Do not you think it was wondrous great? Especially when you consider that we were CHRIST'S bitter Enemies, and that he would have been infinitely happy in himself, notwith­standing we had perished for ever.—Whatever you may think of it, I know the blessed Angels, who are not so much concerned in this Mystery of Godliness as we, think most highly of it.—They do, they will desire to look into and admire it, thro' all Eternity.—Why, Oh why, ye Sinners, will you not think of this Love of CHRIST!—Surely it must melt down the most harden'd Heart.—Whilst I am speaking, the Thoughts of this infinite and condescending Love, fires and warms my Soul.—I could dwell on it forever.—But it is expedient for you, that I should ask you another Question concerning JESUS CHRIST.

Thirdly, What think you about being justified by CHRIST?—I believe I can answer for some of you.—For many, I fear, think to be justified or looked upon as righteous in GOD's Sight, with­out JESUS CHRIST.—But such will find them­selves dreadfully mistaken: For out of CHRIST GOD is a consuming Fire.—Others satisfy them­selves with believing that CHRIST was GOD and Man, and that he came into the World to save Sinners in general. Whereas their chief Thoughts ought to be, how they may be assured that JESUS CHRIST came into the World to save them in particular.— The Life that I now live in the Flesh, [Page 183] says the Apostle, is by Faith of the Son of GOD, who died and gave himself for me.—Observe, for me. For it is this immediate Application of JESUS CHRIST to our own Hearts, that renders his Merits effectual to our eternal Salvation.—An unapplied CHRIST will do us no Service at all.—Others there are that go still further: For they think that JESUS CHRIST is GOD-MAN, that he is to be applied to their Hearts, and that they can be justified in GOD's Sight in or thro' him; but then they make him only in Part a Saviour.—They are for doing what they can themselves, and then JESUS CHRIST is to make up the Deficiencies of their Righteousness. This is the Sum and Substance of our modern Divinity. And was it possible for me to know the Thoughts of most that hear me this Day, I believe they would tell me, this was the Scheme they had laid, and perhaps depended on for some Years, for their eternal Salvation. Is it not then high Time, my Brethren, for you to entert [...] quite different Thoughts concerning Justification by JESUS CHRIST? For if you think thus, you are in the Case of those unhappy Jews, who went about establishing their own Righteousness, and would not submit to, and consequently were deprived of that Righteousness which is of GOD by Faith in CHRIST JESUS our LORD. What think you then, my Brethren, if I tell you, that you are to be justified freely thro' Faith in JESUS CHRIST, without any Regard to any Work, or Fitness, foreseen in us, at all? For Salvation is the free Gift of GOD. I know no Fitness in Man, but [Page 184] a Fitness to be cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone forever. Our Righteousness in GOD's Sight is but as filthy Rags. He cannot away with it.—Our Holiness, if we have any, is not the Cause, but the Effect of our Justification in GOD's Sight.—We love GOD, because he first loved us. We must not come to GOD as the proud Pharisee did, bringing in as it were a Reckoning of our Services. We must come in the Temper and Language of the poor Publican, smiting upon our Breasts and saying, GOD be merciful to me a Sinner. For JESUS CHRIST justifies us whilst we are ungodly.—He came not to call the Righteous, but the Sinners to Repen­tance. The poor in Spirit, they who are wil­ling to go out of themselves, and rely wholly on the Righteousness of another, are only so blessed as to be Members of his Kingdom. The Righ­teousness, the whole Righteousness of JESUS CHRIST, is to be imputed to us, instead of our own. For we are not under the Law, but under Grace: And as many as walk after this Rule, Peace be on them; for they, and they only are the true Israel of GOD. In the great Work of Man's Redemption, Boasting is intirely excluded; which could not be if only one of our Works was to be joined with the Merits of CHRIST. Our Salvation is all of GOD from the Beginning to the End. It is not of Works, lest any Man should boast. Man has no hand in it: It is CHRIST who is to be made to us of GOD the Father, Wisdom, Righteousness, Sanctification and eternal Redemption.—His active as well as [Page 185] his passive Obedience, is to be applied to poor Sinners. He has fulfilled all Righteousness in our stead, that we might become the Righteous­ness of GOD in him.—All we have to do, is to lay hold on this Righteousness by Faith: And that very Moment we do apprehend him by a lively Faith, that very Moment we may be assured that the Blood of JESUS CHRIST has cleansed us from all Sin.—For the Promise is to us and to our Children, and to as many as the LORD our GOD shall call. If we and our whole Houses believe, we shall be saved as well as the Jaylor and his House: For the Righteousness of JESUS CHRIST is an everlasting as well as a perfect Righteousness.—It is as effectual to all them that believe in him now, as formerly; and so it will be, till Time shall be no more. Search the Scriptures as the Bereans did, and see whether these Things are not so. Search St. Paul's Epi­stles to the Romans and Galatians, and there you will find this Doctrine so plainly taught you, that unless you have Eyes and see not, he that runs may read. Search the Eleventh Article of our Church, ‘We are accounted righteous before GOD, only for the Merits of our LORD and Saviour JESUS CHRIST by Faith, and not for our own Works or Deservings.’

This Doctrine of our free Justification by Faith in CHRIST JESUS, however censured and evil spoken of by our present Masters of Israel; was highly esteemed by our wise Fore-Fathers: For in the subsequent Words of the forementioned Article, it is called a most wholesome Doctrine, [Page 186] and very full of Comfort; and so it is to all that are weary and heavy laden, and are truly willing to find Rest in JESUS CHRIST.

This is Gospel, this is glad Tidings, of great Joy to all that feel themselves poor, lost and undone damned Sinners. Ho every one that thirsteth, come unto the Waters of Life and drink freely; come and buy without Money and without Price.—Behold a Fountain opened in your Sa­viour's Side, for Sin and for all Uncleanness. Look unto him whom you have pierced. Look unto him by Faith, and verily you shall be saved, tho' you came here only to ridicule and blas­pheme, and never thought of GOD or of CHRIST before.

Not that you must think GOD will save you because, or on Account of your Faith: For Faith is a Work, and then you would be justified for your Works. But when I tell you, we are to be justified by Faith, I mean that Faith is the Instrument whereby the Sinner applies or brings home the Redemption of JESUS CHRIST to his Heart. And to whomsoever GOD gives such a Faith (for it is the free Gift of GOD) he may lift up his Head with Boldness, he need not fear, he is a spiritual Son of our spiritual David, he has passed from Death to Life, he shall never come into Condemnation.—This is the Gospel which we preach. If any Man or Angel preach any other Gospel, than this of our being freely justified thro' Faith in CHRIST JESUS, we have the Authority of the greatest Apostle to pro­nounce him accursed.

[Page 187] And [...], my Brethren, What think you of this Foolishness of Preaching? To you that have tasted the good Word of Life, and been enlight­ned to see the Riches of GOD's free Grace in CHRIST JESUS, I am persuaded it is precious, and has distilled like the Dew into your Souls.—And Oh! that all were like minded!—But I am afraid Numbers are ready to go away contradicting and blaspheming. Tell me, are there not many of you saying within yourselves, ‘This is a licentious Doctrine; this Preacher is opening a Door for Encouragement in Sin.’ But this does not sur­prize me at all, it is a stale antiquated Objection, as old as the Doctrine of Justification itself; and (which by the Way is not much to the Credit of those who urge it now) it was made by an Infidel. St. Paul in his Epistle to the Romans, after he had in the first five Chapters demonstrably proved the Doctrine of Justification by Faith alone; in the sixth, brings in an Unbeliever saying, shall we continue in Sin then that Grace may abound? But as he rejected such an Inference with a God forbid, so do I: For the Faith which we preach is not a dead speculative Faith, an assenting to Things credible as credible, as it is commonly defined. It is not a Faith of the Head only; but a Faith of the Heart. It is a living Principle wrought in the Soul, by the Spirit of the Ever-living GOD, convincing the Sinner of his lost, undone Condi­tion by Nature, enabling him to apply and lay hold on the perfect Righteousness of Jesus Christ freely offered him in the Gospel, and continually exciting him out of a Principle of Love and [Page 188] Gratitude, to shew forth that Faith by abounding in every good Word and Work.—This is the Sum and Substance of the Doctrine that has been delivered.—And if this be a licentious Doctrine, judge ye.—No, my Brethren, this is not destroying, but teaching you how to do good Works, from a proper Principle.—For to use the Words of our Church in another of her Articles, ‘Works done before the Grace of Christ, and the Inspiration of the Spirit, are not pleasant to God, forasmuch as they spring not of Faith in Jesus Christ—rather for that they are not done as God has willed and commanded them to be done, we doubt not but they have the Nature of Sin.’ So that they who bid you do, and then live, are just as wise as those who would persuade you to build a beautiful magnificent House, without laying a Foundation.

It's true, the Doctrine of our free Justification by Faith in CHRIST JESUS, like other Gospel Truths, may and will be abused by Men of cor­rupt Minds, Reprobates concerning the Faith: But they who receive the Truth of GOD in the Love of it, will always be shewing their Faith by their Works. For this Reason, St. Paul, after he had been telling the Ephesians, That by Grace they were saved thro' Faith, not of Works, lest any Man should b [...]ast, immediately adds, For we are his Workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good Works. And in his Epistle to Titus, having given him Directions, Ch. 3. v. 7. to tell People they were justified by Grace, directly subjoins, v. 8. I will that you affirm constantly, that they [Page 189] which have believed in God might be careful to maintain good Works. Agreeable to this we are told in our 12th Article, ‘That albeit good Works, which are the Fruits of Faith, and fol­low after Justification, cannot put away our Sins, and endure the Severity of God's Judg­ment; yet are they pleasing and acceptable to God in Christ; and do spring necessarily out of a true and lively Faith, insomuch that a lively Faith may be as evidently known by them as a Tree discerned by the Fruit.’

Oh what would I give, that this Article was duly understood and preached by all that have subscribed to it! The Ark of the Lord would not then be driven into the Wilderness, nor so many dissent from the Church of England.—For I am fully persuaded, that it's not so much on account of Rites and Ceremonies, as our not Preaching the Truth as it is in JESUS, that so many have been obliged to go and seek for Food elsewhere. Did not we fall from our established Doctrines, few, comparatively speaking, would fall from the establish'd Church. Where Christ is preached, tho' it be in a Church or Common, Dissenters of all Denominations have and do most freely come. But if our Clergy will preach only the Law, and not shew the Way of Salvation by Faith in Christ Jesus, the Charge of Schism at the Day of Judg­ment, I fear, will chiefly lie at their Door. The true Sheep of Christ know the Voice of Christ's true Shepherds, Strangers they will not hear.

Observe, my dear Brethren, the Words of the Article, good Works are the Fruits of Faith, and [Page 190] follow after Justification. How then can they [...]recede or be any ways the Cause of it? No; our Persons must be justified before our Performances can be accepted. God had respect to Abel before he had respect to his Offering: And therefore the Righteousness of Jesus Christ must be freely [...] [...]o, and apprehended by us thro' Faith, before we can offer an acceptable Sacrifice to God: For out of Christ, as I hinted before, God is a consuming Fire; and whatsoever is not of Faith in Christ, is Sin.

People's mistaking the Doctrine of free Justi­fication, I believe, is partly owing to their not rightly considering the different Persons St. Paul and St. James wrote to in their Epistles, as also the different Kind of Justification each of them writes about: The former asserts in Line upon Line, Argument upon Argument, that we are justified by Faith alone.—The latter put [...] this Question, Was not Abraham justified by Works? From whence many, not considering the different Views of these Holy Men, and the different Per­sons they wrote to, have blended and joined Faith and Works in order to justifie us in the Sight of God. But this is a Mistake all over: For St. Paul was writing to the Jewish Proselites, who sought Righteousness by the Works, not of the Ceremonial only, but of the Moral Law.—In Contradistinction to that, he tells them they were to look for Justification in God's Sight, only by the perfect Righteousness of Jesus Christ appre­hended by Faith.—St. James had a different-Set of People to deal with, viz. such who abused the [Page 191] Doctrines of free Justification, and thought they should be saved (as Numbers among us do now) upon their barely professing to believe on Jesus Christ.—These the holy Apostle endeavours wise­ly to convince, that such a Faith was only a dead and false Faith, and therefore it behoved [...] would be blessed with faithful Abraham, [...] forth their Faith by their Works as he [...] was not Abraham justified by Works, says he? i. e. Did he not prove that his Faith was a true justi­fying Faith by its being productive of good Works? From whence it is plain that St. James is talking of a declarative Justification before Men; shew me, demonstrate, evidence to me, that thou hast a true Faith, by thy Works. Whereas St. Paul is talking only of our being justified in the Sight of God; and thus he proves that Abraham, as we also are to be, was justified before ever the Moral or Ceremonial Law was given to the Jews: For it is written, Abraham believed in the Lord, and it was accounted to him for Righteousness.

Take the Substance of what has been said on this Head, in the few following Words.—Every Man that is saved, is justified [...]hree Ways. First, meritoriously, i. e. by the Death of Jesus Christ: It is the Blood of Jesus Christ alone that cleanses us from all Sin. Secondly, instrumentally, viz. By Faith; Faith is the Means or Instrument whereby the Merits of Jesus Christ are applied to the Sinner's Heart: Ye are all the Children of God by Faith in Christ Jesus. Thirdly, we are justi­fied declaratively; namely, by good Works, i. e. good Works declare and prove to the World, [Page 192] that our Faith is a true saving Faith.— Was not Abraham justified by Works? And again, Shew me thy Faith by thy Works?

It may not be improper to illustrate this Doc­trine by an Example or two. I suppose no one will pretend to say, that there was any Fitness for [...]lvation in Zacheus the Publican, when he came to see Jesus out of no better Principle, than that whereby perhaps Thousands are led to hear me preach, I mean Curiosity; but Jesus Christ prevented and called him by his free Grace, and sweetly, but irresistibly inclined him to obey that Call, as I pray God he may influence all you that come only to see who the Preacher is. Za­cheus received our Lord joyfully into his House, and at the same Time by Faith receiv'd him into his Heart. Zacheus was then freely justified in the Sight of God.—But behold the immediate Fruits of that Justification! He stands forth in the Midst, and as before he had believed in his Heart, he now makes Confession with his Mouth to Salvation.— Behold, Lord, the Half of my Goods I give u [...]to the Poor, and if I have taken any Thing from any Man by false Accusation, I restore him Four-fold.—And thus it will be with thee, O Believer, as soon as ever God's dear Son is re­vealed in thee by a living Faith, thou wilt have no Rest in thy Spirit, till out of Love and Gra­titude for what God has done for thy Soul, thou shewest forth thy Faith by thy Works.

Again, I suppose every Body will grant there was no Fitness for Salvation in the Persecutor Saul, no more than there is in those persecuting [Page 193] Zealots of these last Days, who are already breathing out Threatnings, and, if in their Power, would breath out Slaughter also, against the Disciples of the LORD.

Now our Lord, we know, freely prevented him by his Grace (and, O that he [...] effectually call the Persecutors of this Go [...] and by a Light from Heaven struck [...] Ground.—At the same Time, by his [...] pricked him to the Heart, convinced him of Sin, and caused him to cry out, Who art thou, Lord? Christ replies, I am JESUS whom thou persecutest. Faith then was instantaneously given him, and behold, immediately Saul cries out, Lord what wouldst thou have me to do? And so will every poor Soul that believes on the Lord Jesus with his whole Heart. He will be always asking, Lord what shall I do for thee? Lord what wouldst thou have me to do? Not to justify himself, but only to evidence the Sincerity of his Love and Thankfulness to his all-merciful High-Priest, for plucking him as a Firebrand out of the Fire.

Perhaps, many Self-righteous Persons amongst you, may flatter yourselves, that you are not so wicked as either Zacheus or Saul was, and con­sequently there is a greater Fitness for Salvation in you than in them. But if you think thus, indeed you th [...] more highly of yourselves than you ought to [...]nk:—For by Nature we are all alike, all equally fallen short of the Glory of God, all equally dead in Trespasses and Sins, and there needs the same Almighty Power to be ex­erted in converting any one of the most sober, [Page 194] good natured Moral Persons [...] present, [...] there was in converting the Publican Zacheus, o [...] that notorious Persecutor Saul.—And was it po [...]e for you to ascend into the highest Heavens, and to enquire of the Spirits of just Men made perfect, I am persuaded they would tell you this Doctrine is [...] God. But we have a more sure Word of Pr [...]cy, to which we would do well to give heed, as unto a Light shining in a dark Place. My Brethren, the Word is nigh you; search the Scriptures; beg of God to make you willing to be saved in this the Day of his Power, and you shall all be taught of God.—For it is not Fresh and Blood, but the Spirit of Jesus Christ, that alone can reveal these Things unto you.

Fourthly and lastly, What think you of JESUS CHRIST being formed within you? For whom Christ justifies, them he also sanctifies. Altho, he finds, yet he does not leave us unholy.—A true Christian may not so properly be said to live as JESUS CHRIST to live in him. For they only that are led by the Spirit of CHRIST, who is GOD, are the true Sons of GOD.

As I observed before, so I tell you again, the Faith which we preach is not a dead, but a lively active Faith wrought in the Soul and working a thorough Change, by the Power of the Holy Ghost, in the whole Man—And unless it be thus in you, notwithstanding you may be orthodox as to the foregoing Principles, notwithstanding you may have good Desires, and attend constantly on the Means of Grace; yet, in St. Paul's Opi­nion, you are out of a State of Salvation. Know [Page 195] you not, says that Apostle to the Corinthians, a Church famous for its Gifts above any Church under Heaven, that CHRIST is in you, viz. by his Spirit, unless you are Reprobates?

For Christ came not only to save us from the Guilt, but the Power of our Sins: Till he has done this, however he may be a Saviour to others we can have no Assurance, or well- [...]ded Hope, that he has saved us: For it is by receiving his blessed Spirit into our Hearts, and feeling him witnessing with our Spirits, that we are the Sons of God, that we can be certified of our being sealed to the Day of Redemption.

This is a great Mystery, but I speak of Christ and the New-Birth.—Marvel not at my asking you, what you think about Christ being formed within you? For either GOD must change his Nature, or we ours. For as in Adam we all have spiritually died, so all that are effectually saved by Christ, must in Christ be spiritually made alive. His only End in dying and rising again, and interceding for us now in Heaven, is to re­deem us from the Misery of our fallen Nature, and, by the Operation of his blessed Spirit, to make us meet to be Partakers of the Heavenly Inheritance with the Saints in Light. None but those that thus are changed by his Grace here, shall appear with him in Glory hereafter.

Examine yo [...]selves therefore, my Brethren, whether you are in the Faith; prove yourselves; and think it not sufficient to say in your Creed, I believe in Jesus Christ: For you do not believe, you are Liars, you are Reprobates, you are yet [Page 196] in a State of Death. You take God's Name in vain when you call him Father. Your Prayers are turned into Sin, unless you believe into Christ, so as to have your Life hid with him in God, and to receive Life and Nourishment from Him, as the Branches do from the Vine.

I know, indeed, the Men of this Generation deny there is any such Thing as Feeling CHRIST within them; but alas! to what a dreadful Con­dition would such reduce us, even to the State of the abandoned Heathens, who St Paul tells us were past Feeling.—The Apostle prays that the Ephesians may abound in all Knowledge and Spi­ritual Understanding, or as it might be rendered, Spiritual Sensation.—And in the Office for the Visitation of the Sick, the Minister prays, that the Lord may make the sick Person know and feel, that there is no other Name under Heaven given unto Men, in whom and thro' whom they may receive Health and Salvation, but only the Name of our Lord JESUS.—For there is a spiritual, as well as a corporeal Feeling, and tho' this is not communicated to us in a sensible Manner, so as to be subject to our Senses, yet it is as real, as any sensible or visible Sensation, and may be as truly felt and discerned by the Soul, as any Impression from without can be felt by the Body.—All that are born again of God, know that I lie not.

What think you, Sirs, did Naaman feel when he was cured of his Leprosy? Did the Woman feel Virtue coming out of Jesus Christ, when she touched the Hem of his Garment, and was cured [Page 197] of her bloody Issue? Did Elizabeth feel when the Babe leaped in her Womb? So surely mayest thou feel, O Believer, when Jesus Christ dwelleth in thy Heart. I pray God make you all know and feel this, e'er you depart hence.

Oh, my Brethren, my Heart is enlarged to­wards you. I trust I feel something of that hid­den, but powerful Presence of CHRIST, whilst I am preaching to you. Indeed it is sweet, indeed it is exceeding comfortable. All the Harm I wish you, that without Cause are my Enemies, is, that you felt the like. Believe me, tho' it would be Hell to my Soul, to return to a natural State again, yet I would willingly change States with you for a little while, that you might know what it is to have Christ dwelling in your Hearts by Faith. Oh! Do not turn your Backs. Do not let the Devil hurry you away. Be not afraid of Convictions. Do not think worse of [...] Doctrine, because preached without the Church Walls.—Our Lord in the Days of his Flesh, preached on a Mount, a Ship, a Field; and I am persuaded many have felt his gracious Presence here.—Indeed we speak what we know.—Oh do not reject the Kingdom of God against yourselves. Be so wise as to receive our Witness.—I cannot, I will not let you go. Stay a little, let us reason together.—However lightly you may esteem your Souls, I know our Lord has set an unspeakable Value on them. He thought them worthy of his most precious Blood.—I beseech you therefore, O Sinners, be ye reconciled to God. I hope you do not fear being accepted in the Beloved.—Behold [Page 198] he calleth you. Behold he prevents and follows you with his Mercy, and hath sent forth his Servants into the High-ways and Hedges, to compel you to come in. Remember then, that at such an Hour, of such a Day, in such a Year, in this Place, you were all told what you ought to think concerning Jesus Christ.—If you now perish, it will not be for lack of Knowledge.—I am free from the Blood of you all.—You cannot say I have been preaching Damnation to you.—You cannot say I have, like legal Preachers, been requiring you to make Brick without Straw. I have not bid you make yourselves Saints, and then come to God.—But I have offer'd you Sal­vation on as cheap Terms as you can desire.—I have offered you Christ's whole Wisdom, Christ's whole Righteousness, Christ's whole Sanctifica­tion and Eternal Redemption, if you will but believe on him.—If you say you cannot believe, you say right; for Faith as well as every other Blessing is the Gift of God: But then it is free to all that confess themselves Sinners, and sincerely ask it in his dear Son's Name. Ask then, and it shall be given you; seek and you shall find; knock and a Door of Mercy shall be opened unto you. For if CHRIST has given himself, will he not give you Faith, whereby alone his Merits can be ap­plied to your Hearts? Why do we not entert [...]in more loving Thoughts of CHRIST? Or do you think he will have Mercy on others, and not on you? But are you not Sinners? And did not JESUS CHRIST come into the World to save Sinners?—If you say you are the chief of Sinners; [Page 199] I answer, that will be no Hindrance to your Salvation, indeed it will not, if you lay hold on him by Faith. Read the Evangelists, and see how kindly he behaved to his Disciples who fled from and denied him. Go tell my Brethren, says he. He does not say, Go tell those Traitors; but, Go tell my Brethren; And Peter; as tho' he had said, go tell my Brethren in general, and poor Peter in particular, that I am risen. Oh, comfort his poor drooping Heart, tell him I am reconciled to him. Bid him w [...]ep no more so bitterly. For tho' with Oaths [...] Curses he has thrice deny'd me, yet I have died for his Sins, I am risen again for his Justification, I freely forgive him all.—Thus slow to Anger, and of great Kindness, was our all-merciful High-Priest. And do you think he has changed his Nature, and forgets poor Sinners, now he is exalted to the Right-Hand of God? No, he is the same Yesterday, to Day and forever, and sitteth there only to make Intercession for us.—Come then, ye Harlots, come ye Publicans, come ye most abandoned Sinners, come and believe on Jesus Christ. Tho' the whole World despise you and cast you out, yet he will not disdain to take you up. Oh! amazing, Oh! infinitely condescend­ing Love, even you he will not be ashamed to call his Brethren. And Oh! how will you escape if you neglect such a glorious Offer of Salvation? What would the damned Spirits now in the Prison of Hell give, if Christ was so freely offered to their Souls? And why are not we lifting up our Eyes in Torment? Does any one out of this [Page 200] great Multitude dare say, he does not deserve Damnation? If not, why are we left and others taken away by Death. What is this but an Instance of God's free Grace, and a Sign of his good Will towards us? Oh then, let God's Good­ness lead us to Repentance! Oh let there be Joy in Heaven over some of you repenting! Tho' we are in a Field, I am persuaded the blessed Angels are hovering now around us, and long, as the Hart panteth after the Water Brooks, to sing an Anthem at your Conversion. Blessed be God I hope their Joy will be fulfilled. An awful Silence appears amongst us. I have good Hope that the Words that the Lord has enabled me to speak in your Ears this Day, have not altogether fallen to the Ground. Your Tears and deep Attention are an Evidence, that the Lord God is amongst us of a Truth. Come ye Pharisees, come and see, in spight of your Satanical [...]age and Fury, the Lord JESUS is getting himself the Victory. And Brethren, I speak the Truth in CHRIST, I lie not, if one Soul of you, by the Blessing of God, be brought to think savingly of Jesus Christ this Day, I care not if my Enemies were permitted to carry me to Prison and put my Feet fast in the Stocks, as soon as I have deliver'd this Sermon. Brethren, my Heart's Desire and Prayer to God is, that you may be saved. For this Cause I follow my Master without the Camp. I care not how much of his sacred Reproach I bear, so that some of you be converted from the Errors of your Ways. I rejoice, yea and I will rejoice. Ye Men, ye Devils do your worst. [Page 201] The LORD who sent will support me. And when CHRIST, who is our Life, and whom [...] I have now been preaching, shall appear, I also, together with his despised little Ones, shall appear with him in Glory.—And then, what will you think of CHRIST?—I know what you will think of him. You will then think him to be the Fairest among ten Thousand. You will then think and feel him to be a just and Sin-avenging Judge. Oh then be ye persuaded to kiss him lest he be angry, and so you be banished forever from the Presence of the Lord. Behold I come to you, as the Angel did to Lot. My dear Brethren, flee, flee for Lives, haste, linger no longer in your spiritual Sodom; for otherwise you will be eternally destroyed. Numbers, no Doubt, there are amongst you, that may regard me no more than Lot's Sons-in-law regarded him. I am persuaded I seem to some of you as one that mocks.—But I speak the Truth in CHRIST, I lie not, as sure as Fire and Brimstone rained from the Lord out of Heaven, to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, so surely at the great Day shall the Vials of God's Wrath be poured on you, if you do not think seriously of and act agreeable to the Gospel of the Lord's CHRIST. Behold I have told you before,—I pray GOD, all you that forget him may seriously think of what has been said, before he pluck you away and there be none to deliver you.

Now to GOD the Father, &c.

[Page 202]


A PRAYER for one entrusted with the Education of Children.

O Dearest JESU, who gatherest thy Lambs into thy Bosom, and didst solemnly command thy Servant Peter, to feed thy Lambs; grant I may shew that I love thee more than all Things, by doing as thou hast commanded him.

LORD, who am I, or what is in me, that thou should thus put Honour upon me, in making me any way instrumental to the preparing Souls for thee? O Saviour, I have sinned against Heaven, and am no more worthy to be called thy Son, much less to be employed in the Service of thy Children.

But since thou hast been pleased in me to shew forth all thy Mercy, and hast called me by thy good Providence to this blessed Work, grant that I may always remember, that the little Flock committed to my Charge, are bought with the Price of thy own most precious Blood. And [Page 203] let it therefore be my Meat and Drink, to feed them with the sincere Milk of thy Word, that they may grow thereby.

To this End, I beseech thee of thy free Grace, first to convert my own Soul, and cause me to become like a little Child my­self, that from an experimental Know­ledge of my own Corruptions, I may have my spiritual Senses exercised, to discern the first Emotions of Evil that may at any Time arise in their Hearts.

O give me, I beseech thee, a discerning Spirit, that I may search, and try, and examine the different Tempers of their Sin-sick Souls; and, like a skilful Physi­cian, apply healing or corrosive Medicines, as their respective Maladies shall require.

Gracious JESU, let punishing be always my strange Work; and, if it be possible, grant that they may be all drawn to their Duty, as I would be drawn myself, by the Cords of Love. And when I am obliged to correct them, grant it may not be to shew my Authority, or gratify a corrupt Passion, but purely out of the same Motive from which thou dost correct us, to make them Partakers of thy Holiness.

Oh! keep me, I beseech thee, from being angry without a Cause: Permit me not rashly to be provoked by the [Page 204] infirmities and Perverseness of their Infant Years; but grant I may shew all Long­suffering towards them: And by exercising such frequent Acts of Patience and For­bearance, grant, I myself may learn the Meekness and Gentleness of CHRIST.

O thou, who taughtest thy Disciples how to pray, pour down, I beseech thee, the Spirit of Grace and Supplication into their Hearts, that at all Times, and in all Places they may both desire and know how to call upon thee by diligent Prayer.

Father, into thy Hands I commend my own and their Spirits: Look down from Heaven, the Habitation of thy Holiness, and bless them from thy holy Hill.

Keep them, oh keep them unspotted from the World; grant they may fly youthful Lusts, and remember thee, their Creator, in the Days of their Youth. Train them, I beseech thee, in the Way wherein they should go; and when they are old, let them not depart from it.

O thou, who didst sanctify Jeremiah from the Womb, and calledst young Samuel betimes, to wear a linnen Ephod before thee, Sanctify their whole Spirits, Souls and Bodies, and preserve them blameless, till the second Coming of our LORD JESUS CHRIST.

[Page 205] O thou, who didst endue Solomon with Grace, to chuse Wisdom before Riches and Honour; incline their Hearts to make the same Choice of thee, their only Good; and may they always renounce & triumph over the Lust of the Flesh, the Lust of the Eye, and the Pride of Life.

Finally, do thou, O blessed JESU, who at twelve Years old wast found in the Temple, sitting among the Doctors, both hearing and asking them Questions, grant that these Children may love to tread the Courts of thy House, and have their Ears opened betimes, to receive the Discipline of Wisdom, that so, if it be thy good Pleasure, to prolong the Time of their Pilgrimage here on Earth, they may shine as Lights in the World; or, if thou seest it best, to bring down their Strength in their Journey, and to shorten their Days, they may be early fitted by Purity of Heart, to sing eternal Hallelujahs to thee, the Fa­ther, and the Holy Ghost, in the King­dom of Heaven for ever.

Grant this, O Father, for thy Dear Son's Sake, CHRIST JESUS, our LORD, Amen, Amen.

[Page 206]

A PRAYER for a Servant.

O Thou HIGH and LOFTY ONE, who inh [...]bitest Eternity, yet art pleased to dwell with the humble Heart: O blessed JESU, who hast made of one Blood all Nations under Heaven, with whom there is no Respect of Persons, and who in the Days of thy I lesh didst go down to heal a Centurion's sick Servant; have Mercy, I beseech thee, on me, even me also a poor Servant. Stretch forth the Right Hand of thy Power, to heal all the Diseases of my Sin-sick Soul, and enable me by thy Holy Spirit, faithfully to discharge the several Duties of that Vocation, whereto I am called by thee my GOD. Give me Grace, I most humbly beseech thee, to obey my Master, according to the Flesh, in all Things; not with Eye-service, as a Man-pleaser, but with Singleness of Heart, as unto CHRIST; knowing, that whatsoever any Man doeth, the same he shall receive of the LORD, whether he be bond or free.

Make my Obedience to my Master on Earth, like to that which the holy Angels pay thee in Heaven. When I am commanded to go, may I go; when I am required to come, may I come; whatsoever I am bid to do agreeable to thy Will, may I do it heartily, as unto the LORD, and not unto Men. But if at any Time, O LORD, thou shouldst, to try what is in my Heart, [Page 207] permit me to be tempted to do any Wickedness, O do thou give me Grace, as thou didst Joseph, patiently to submit to a Prison and to Death itself, rather than sin against thee, my GOD. Knowing that it is Thank worthy, if a Man for Conscience towards GOD, endure Grief, suffering wrongfully. Enable me, O LORD, to shew good Fidelity in all Things committed to my Charge. Do thou, who blessedst Abraham's Servant, when he went to take a Wife for his Master's Son, Isaac; so bless me in all my Master's Business, that he may see, as Potiphar did, that the LORD maketh all that I do to prosper in my Hands.

Keep, O LORD, also the Door of my Lips, that I offend at no Time with my Tongue; let a false Tongue be far from me, and let me never lie unto my Master, as Gehazi did. O let no such Unfaithfulness cleave unto me; left by being a Partaker with him in his Crime, [...] [...]r­take also in his Punishment. Bridle also my Tongue from ever answering again: May all Sullenness and Peevishness of Temper be put away from me, with all Passion: May I learn of thee, O Holy JESU, to be meek and lowly in Heart; O make me patient of Reproof, willing to be taught, and subject with all Fear and Godly Reverence, not only to the Good and Gentle, but also to the Froward. Or if ever, through the Weakness of the Flesh, I should offend in this Point, as Hagar did against Sarah, enable me, I beseech thee, immediately to repent and to return again to my Obedience. [Page 208] Grant also, O LORD, I may behave holily and unblameably to my Fellow Servants: Let no corrupt Communication, nor foolish Talk­ing, or Jesting, which is not convenient, at any Time come out of my Mouth, but rather giving of Thanks; May our Conversation be always seasoned with the Salt of thy Holy Word, and such as may tend to the Edifying one another.

Endue us all with that Charity, which hideth a Multitude of Sins; and if ever, O LORD, thy Glory should call me to bring up an [...]ll Report to my Master against any of my Fellow Servants, which I beseech thee, of thine Mercies, I may never have Occasion to do; grant it may be done with Gentleness and Compassion, not to insinuate myself into my Master's Favour, but to prevent them sinning against thee, and thereby ruining their own Souls. Keep us, we beseech thee, from striv­ing among ourselves, as Abraham's and Lot's Herdsmen did, about any of the Concerns of this Life; but grant we may be always pro­voking each other to Love and to good Works. Preserve us, we beseech thee, from envying one another, either the Favour of [...]ur Master, or any Blessing whatsoever. Let us not seek our own, but each our Brother's Welfare, as Members of the same Body, as Disciples of the same LORD; when one of us suffers, let all of us suffer; when one of us rejoices, let all of us rejoice with him: Make us Pitiful and Tender-hearted to each other, and if at any [Page 209] Time we should have a Quarrel, enable us. O LORD, immediately to forgive one another, even as thou GOD for CHRIST's Sake, hast forgiven us.

Finally, O LORD, endue us with a deep Humility, that we may in Brotherly Love prefer one another, and in Lowliness of Mind each of us esteem his Brother better than him­self. O hear all our Prayers for our Master, and grant that he and his Houshold may faith­fully serve thee our LORD. O make him as devout as Cornelius, and us, like the Soldiers that waited upon him, devout also. That thus adorning thy Holy Gospel in all Things, we may at thy second Coming to judge the World, be rewarded according as we have improved the different Talents which we have received from thee, O glorious Redeemer, who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, ever one GOD, World without End. Amen, Amen.

[Page 210]

A PRAYER for one under Spiritual Desertion.

O Ever blessed and most compassionate Redeemer, who wast in all Things tempted like as we are, Sin only excepted—O thou Lover of Souls, who in the Days of thy Flesh didst offer up strong Cries and Tears, and wast heard in that thou fearedst—O thou Restorer of Man­kind, who wast in such an Agony in the Garden, that thou sweatest great Drops of Blood, falling to the Ground.—O thou Almighty High Priest, who, when thro' the eternal Spirit thou wast about to make thy Soul an Offering for Sin, hadst thy own Divinity withdrawn from thee, and didst cry ou [...] in the Bitterness of thy Soul, My GOD, my GOD, why hast thou forsaken me.—O thou, who now fittest at the Right Hand of the Father, continually to make Intercession for us. Look down, I beseech thee, upon me, thy unworthy Servant.—For thou hast turned away thy Face and lo! I am troubled.—Thou hast taken off my Chariot-Wheels, and I drive heavily.—Thou hast permit­ted a Cloud to overshadow me, and an [Page 211] horrible Darkness, Fearfulness and Dread, to overwhelm me, so that my Soul would be exceeding sorrowful, even unto Death, did I not believe thou wouldst yet turn again, and visit me.

Father, if it be possible, let this Cup pass from me; but if my Soul cannot be made perfect, unless I drink it, thy Holy, thy Blessed Will be done.

Lo here I am! Deal with me as it seem­eth good in thy Sight.—Only let thy Grace be sufficient for me; and in the midst of my Agony send down, I beseech thee, an Angel from Heaven to strengthen me.

LORD, thou knowest that Satan has desired to have me, that he may sift me as Wheat; O grant that my Faith fail not.

Suffer, O suffer him not to get an Ad­vantage over me, for thou art not ignorant of his Devices.—O let him not so prevail against me, as to make me entertain hard Thoughts of thee my most loving Master, and compassionate Redeemer: For I know thou of very Faithfulness hast caused me thus to be troubled;—And dost afflict me for no other Reason, but to make me Partaker of thy Holiness.

Give me, O give me, the Shield of Faith, and enable me to repel all the fiery blas­phemous Thoughts, that the wicked one [Page 212] shall at any Time dart into my Mind.—Let me drive them off as carefully as Abra­ham did the Birds that came to devour his Sacrifice.—And oh! Let him never tempt me to think, thou wilt impute them to me for Sin.

LORD, thou only knowest the present Dryness and Barrenness of my Soul, and how liable I am to be tempted to fret a­gainst thee, O LORD, and to seek Pleasure in the Creature, when I can find no sen­sible Satisfaction in thee, my great Re­deemer, who art GOD, blessed forever.

But, I beseech thee, keep my Soul quiet and composed, and for thy Mercy's Sake enable me only to take Pleasure in thee, and to sit down solitary in the Bitterness of my Soul, and patiently wait till I can draw Comfort from thee, the Foun­tain of living Waters, rather than hew out to myself broken Cisterns, that will hold no Water.

Never, never let me fall out with any of thy Ordinances, or think, I do not please thee in my holy Duties, because I have no inward sensible Pleasure in them myself.

Enable me to walk by Faith and not by Sight, and to seek thee in the Use of all appointed Means, though it be sorrowing; [Page 213] being assured that after three Days I shall find thee in the Temple; of that thou wilt make thyself known unto me, by breaking of Bread, or in some other Way.

LORD, I believe, help thou my Unbelief, that I am now talking with thee as cer­tainly, as Mary was, when thou didst con­verse with her at the Sepulchre; tho' she knew it not.—In thy due Time reveal thy­self again to me, as thou didst to her; and let me hear the Voice of my Beloved.

Thou hast promised, thou wilt not suffer us to be tempted above what we are able to bear, but wilt with the Temptation make a Way for us to escape, that we may be able to bear it.—Fulfil, O Lord, this thy Promise—And after I have suffered a while, strengthen, stablish, settle, and visit me, as thou didst thy Servant Abraham when he returned from the Slaughter of the five Kings.

LORD, lift thou up the Light of thy Countenance upon me; restore to me the Joy of thy Salvation; and when my Heart is duly prepared, and humbled by these inward Trials, grant me a feelin [...] Possession of thee, my GOD, for the Sake of thy dear Son, JESUS CHRIST, our LORD, Amen. Amen.

[Page 114]

A PRAYER for one under the Displeasure of Relations, for being Religious.

BLessed LORD, who hast commanded us to call upon thee in Time of Trouble, and thou wilt deliver us; and hast always shewn thyself to be a GOD, hearing Prayer, mighty and willing to save; hear me now, I pray thee, when I call upon thee; for Trouble is at Hand.

Thou seest, O LORD, how many of my Brethren, according to the Flesh, persecute me for thy Name's Sake; so that I must renounce them, or decline openly pro­fessing thee before Men.

But GOD forbid I should love Father or Mother, Brethren or Sisters, more than thee, and thereby prove myself not worthy of thee. No! I have long since given thee my Soul and my Body; so lo! I now freely give thee my Friends also.

For I now find by Experience, that as it was formerly, so it is now.—They that are born after the Flesh, do persecute those that are born after the Spirit.—That thou camest not to send Peace on Earth, but a Sword.—And that, unless a Man forsake all that he hath, he cannot be thy Disciple.

[Page 115] Lo! I come to perform this Part of thy Will, O my GOD; being assured that whosoever forsaketh Father or Mother, Brethren or Sisters, Houses o [...] Lands for thy Sake, or the Gospel, shall receive a hundred­fold in this present Life, with Persecution, and in the World to come Life everlasting.

I trust, O LORD, it is for thy Sake alone that I now make an Offering of the Favour of my Friends to thee; for thou knowest, O LORD, how continually they cry out, Spare thyself; tho' I am doing no more than thy holy Word strictly requires me to do.

But do thou, O Blessed Saviour, who saidst unto Peter, Get thee behind me Satan, enable me to stop my Ears to their false Insinuations, charm they never so sweetly; for they savour not the Things that be of God, but the Things that be of Men; and unless, O LORD, thou dost help, they will be an Offence unto me, and cause me to deny the LORD that bought me.

Far be it from me, O LORD, to be surprized, because of those Offences; for thou hast long since denounced Woe against the World because of Offences; and I find, it is needful for my Soul, that such Offences should come, to try what is in my Heart; and to try whether I love thee in Deed and in Truth.

[Page 216] Blessed therefore, forever blessed be thy holy Name, that I am accounted worthy to suffer for thy Name's Sake. O let me rejoice, and be exceeding glad, that my Reward shall be great in Heaven.

O let me never regard any of their Threatnings; for when my Father and Mother forsaketh me, thou, O LORD, I am assured, wilt take me up.

Take me, O take me into the Arms of thy Mercy; for henceforward know I no Man after the Flesh. And whosoever doth the Will of my Father, the same shall be my Brother, and Sister, and Mother.

I know, O LORD, I know, that this will expose me to the Derision and Persecution of those that are round about me.

But do thou, who didst seek for the poor Beggar, after he was cast out by the Jewish Council, and didst reveal thyself unto him, reveal thyself to me also, when my Name is cast out as Evil by my Friends and the World.—Though they curse, yet bless thou me, O LORD; and enable me, I most humbly beseech thee, to pray for them, even when they most despitefully use me, and persecute me; Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.

[Page 217] It is owing, O LORD, to thy free Mercy alone, that I have in any Measure been enlightned to know thee and the Power of thy Resurrection. O let the same Grace be sufficient for them also, and make thy Almighty Power to be known in their Conversion.

Thou didst once, O blessed Saviour, magnify thy Goodness in turning thy Servant Paul, from being a bitter Persecu­tor, to be a zealous Preacher of thy Gospel; and madest the trembling Jailor cry out, even to those whose Feet he had hurt in the Stocks, Sirs, what shall I do to be saved?

Look down therefore, I beseech thee, in Pity and Compassion, on those of my own Houshold; and after I am converted myself, make me, or some other, instru­mental, to strengthen these my weak Brethren; that tho' we are now divided amongst ourselves, two against three, and three against two, yet we may at last, all with one Heart and one Mouth, glorify thee, O LORD; that thou mayst come and abide with us, and love us as thou didst Lazarus, Mary, and her Sister Martha. Grant this, O Saviour, for thy infinite Merits Sake. Amen and Amen.

[Page 218]

A PRAYER for one desiring to be awakened to on Experience of the New-Birth.

BLessed JESUS, thou hast told us in thy Gospel, that unless a Man be born again of the Spirit, and his Righteousness exceed the outward Righteousness of the Scribes and Pha­risees, he cannot in any wise enter into the King­dom of GOD. Grant me therefore, I beseech thee, this true Circumcision of the Heart; and send down thy blessed Spirit to work in me that inward Holiness which alone can make me meet to partake of the Heavenly Inheritance with the Saints in Light.

Create in me, I beseech thee, a new Heart, and renew a right Spirit within me. For of whom shall I seek for Succour but of thee, O LORD, with whom alone this is possible? LORD if thou wilt thou canst make me whole. O say unto my Soul, as thou didst once unto the poor Leper▪ I will, be thou renewed. Have Compassion on me, O LORD, as thou once hadst unto blind Bartimeus, who sat by the Way-side begging.

LORD, thou knowest all Things, thou knowest what I would have thee to do.—Grant, LORD, that I may receive my Sight.—For I am conceived and born in Sin, my whole Head is sick, my whole Heart is faint, from the Crown of my Head to the Sole of my Feet I [Page 219] am full of Wounds and Bruises, and putrifying Sores. And yet I see not. O awaken me, tho' it be with Thunder, to a sensible Feeling of the Corruptions of my fallen Nature? and for the Mercies Sake suffer me no longer to sit in Darkness, and the Shadow of Death.

O prick me, prick me to the Hear [...] [...] down a Ray of that all-quickening Light [...] struck thy Servant Saul to the Ground [...] make me cry out with the trembling [...] What shall I do to be saved?

LORD, behold I pray; and blush, and a [...] confounded that I never prayed on this wise before.

But I have looked upon myself as rich, not considering that I was poor and blind, and naked. I have trusted to my own Righteous­ness.—I flattered myself I was whole, and therefore blindly thought I had no Need of thee, O great Physician of Souls, to heal my Sickness.

But being now convinced by thy free Mercy that my own Righteousness is as filthy Rags, and that he is only a true Christian who is one inwardly; behold, with strong Cryings and Tears, and Groanings that cannot be uttered, I beseech thee visit me with thy free Spirit, and say unto these dry Bones, Live.

I confess, O LORD, that thy Grace is thy own, and that thy Spirit bloweth where he liste [...]. And wast thou to deal with me after my Dese [...] and reward me according to my Wickedness, [...] had long since been given over to a reprobate [Page 220] Mind, and had my Conscience seared as with a red hot Iron.

But, O LORD, since by sparing me so long thou hast shewn that thou wouldst not the Death of a Sinner.—And since thou hast pro­mised that thou wilt give thy holy Spirit to those that ask it, I hope thy Goodness and Long-suffering is intended to lead me to Re­pentance, and that thou wilt not turn away thy Face from me.

Thou seest, O LORD, thou seest, that with the utmost Earnestness and Humility of Soul, I ask thy holy Spirit of thee; and am resolved in Confidence of thy Promise, who canst not lie, to seek and knock till I find a Door of Mercy opened unto me.

LORD save me, or I perish; visit, O visit me with thy Salvation.—Lighten my Eyes, that I sleep not in Death.—O let me no longer continue a Stranger to myself,—But quicken me, quicken me with thy free Spirit, that I may know myself even as I am known.

Behold here I am. Let me do and suffer what seemeth Good in thy Sight, only renew me by thy Spirit in my Mind, and make me a Partaker of thy Divine Nature.—So shall I praise thee all the Days of my Life, and give thee Thanks forever in the Glories of thy Kingdom, O most adorable Redeemer; to whom with the Father and the Holy Ghost, be ascribed all Honour and Praise, both now and forevermore. Amen.

[Page 221]

A PRAYER for one newly awakened to a Sense of the Divine Life.

O Almighty and everlasting Father, who in the beginning spake and it was done, say­ing, Let there be Light and there was Light.—O most adorable Redeemer, who when Adam had eaten the forbidden Fruit wast revealed as the Seed of the Woman, and didst in the Ful­ness of Time, die an accursed Death to save us from the Guilt and Power of our Sins, and there­by break the Serpent's Head.—O blessed and [...]ternal Spirit, who didst once move upon the Face of the great Deep, who didst overshadow the blessed Virgin, who didst descend on the Son of GOD at his Baptism, and didst come down after his Ascension in fiery Tongues upon the Heads of each of his Apostles.—O holy blessed and glorious Trinity, three Persons and one GOD, by whose Consultation we were first made, and into whose Name we have been again baptized—Accept my humble and hearty Sacri­fice of Praise and Thanksgiving for calling me out of Darkness into thy marvellous Light; for quickening me when dead in Trespasses and [...], and moving upon the Face of my polluted and disordered Soul.

Thou hast promised, O LORD, that th [...]n wilt not quench the smoaking Flax, or break [Page 222] the bruised Reed. And thou hast told us, that thy holy Spirit should be in us, as a Well of Water springing up unto eternal Life. Finish therefore, I beseech thee, the good Work begun in my Soul, and now thou hast called me, never let me lye down again.

Thou seest, O LORD, the good Seed sown in my Heart is yet but as a very small Grain of Mustard Seed.—O continue to water with the Dew of thy heavenly Blessing what thy own Right-Hand hath planted, and it shall become a great Tree.

Thou hast touched the Eye of my Mind by thy Divine Power, and I see Men as Trees walking. Let thy holy Spirit by his blessed Influences more and more remove the remaining Scales, till I at length see all Things clearly.

With Shame and Confusion of Face, O LORD, I confess I am unworthy of this and all other thy Mercies. For I have long since done Despite to the Spirit of Grace, crucified the Son of God afresh, and put him to open Shame. But do thou, who art rich in Mercy to all that call upon thee, in Faithfulness, forgive me what is past, and grant I may from henceforward work out my Salvation with Fear and Trembling, since thou hast so graciously wrought in me both to will and to do after thy good Pleasure.

I know, O LORD, that now thou hast begun to deliver me out of my natural and wo [...]se t [...]an Egyptian Bondage. I must expect to pass through a barren and dry Wilderness, that there are Lions [Page 223] in the Way, that the Sons of Anak are to be grappled with before I attain to the true Sabbath of the Soul.

But thou, Angel of the everlasting [...], who sentest thy ministring Spirits to rescue righteous Lot, who leddest thy Sheep by the Hands of Moses and Aaron; and didst appear in a Vision to Ananias, commanding him to go and lay his Hands upon thy Servant Soul. Send me alway a faithful and experienced [...], who may lead me by the Hand, and keep [...] from lingring in my spiritual Sodom, by his prudent Directions under thee, and preserve me from the Snares and Fury of my spiritual Adversaries, which otherwise may overtake and destroy my Soul.

O make me teachable like a little Child.—Convert my Soul and bring it low.—Grant I may be willing to learn what Things I ought to do, and also may have Power faithfully to fulfil the same.

Strengthen me, I beseech thee, by the holy Spirit, to cut off a Right Hand, to pluck out a Right Eye, lay aside every Weight, especially the Sin that doth most easily beset me;—to forsake Father and Mother, Brethren and Sisters, yea, and my own Life also, rather than not be thy Disciple.

O suffer me not to deceive my own Soul by a partial Reformation.—Search me and try me, and examine my Heart, and let no secret un­mortified Lust or Passion ever keep me from Life everlasting.

[Page 224] LORD, I am not my own. Thou hast bough me with the Price of thy Son's most precious Blood.

Thou hast often required, and lo! I now give thee my Heart, to the best of my Knowledge, without secretly keeping back the least Part. For whom have I in Heaven but thee, and what is there on Earth that I can desire in Comparison of thee!

O mould me into thy own most blessed Image, my LORD and my GOD. Fill me with thy Grace here, fit me for thy Glory hereafter. Even so, LORD JESUS. Amen and Amen.

The End of the Second Volume.

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