
Dr. Colman's SERMON On the ROYALTY of GOD. Preached on the Lord's-Day, May 13th. 1733.



A SERMON Preached (in part) at Boston May 13. 1733. And now publish'd at the Desire of a Reverend Person then present, and at the Expence of his Friends, to whom he recommended it: Unto Whom it is therefore now presented and dedicated,

By Benjamin Colman, D. D. Pastor of a Church in Boston.

Psalm XLVII. 6, 7

Sing praises to our GOD, sing praises: Sing praises to our KING, sing praises: For GOD is the KING of all the Earth, sing ye praises with un­derstanding.

BOSTON: Printed by S. KNEELAND & T. GREEN, for T. HANCOCK at the Bible and Three Crowns in Ann street. MDCCXXXIII.

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For I am a GREAT KING, saith the LORD OF HOSTS.

THE Words are few, but very awful, and aw­fully to be regarded. Let us consider with great Reverence and Attention, Who it is that here speaks, who is spoken of, what is said, to whom and on what Occasion.

1. It is the LORD GOD OF HOSTS speak­ing of Himself. Let the Earth be moved, and all that dwell on it be silent and attentive.

The Stile of the true and living GOD, the Lord JEHOVAH, the GOD of Israel, is this — "His Name is the LORD OF HOSTS. The true GOD must be so; and HE that is the LORD of all Hosts must be the true GOD. For the Stile speaks and affirms supream, universal and absolute Dominion over all Worlds, and over all Things in Heaven and Earth. Isal. xxxvii. 16. O LORD GOD of Hosts, GOD of Israel, Thou art the GOD, even thou alone. It is the appropriate and incommunicable Name of the eternal, infinite, almighty and incomprehensible GODHEAD: And after the Name JEHOVAH there is none by which GOD has pleas'd to make Himself known, that is more Magnificent than this, THE LORD OF HOSTS. 1 Chron. xvii. 24. That thy Name may be magnified for ever, saying, The LORD OF HOSTS is the GOD of Israel even a GOD to Israel.

[Page 2] This mighty LORD, the blessed and only Potentate, here speaks of Himself: Himself the Speaker and Himself the Subject. He cannot speak of a Greater, and He only is fit to speak of Him­self, who only comprehends Himself. For the things of God know­eth no Man (nor Angel) out the SPIRIT OF GOD: As He pleases to reveal concerning Himself unto his Creatures. Job xxxvii. 19. Teach us what we shall say, for we cannot order our Speech by reason of Darkness.

2. Words worthy of Himself, truly great and glorious, are here spoken: I am a GREAT KING saith the LORD OF HOSTS.

He is a KING: that is the least that can be said of Him, tho' Kings are the greatest and highest Things we have on Earth: And because we have none greater here below, there­fore are Kings the shadows to us of the DIVINE MAJESTY.

But the LORD is a GREAT KING. How Great can't be said. The Potentates of this World are little parcels of Dust, and Worms before HIM. It is a small thing to say of the great GOD, He is higher than the Kings of the Earth. He is the great King of Heaven, the King of Glory. His Hests speak best how great his Dominion is: Psalm. xxiv. 10. The Lord of Hosts, He is the King of Glory. Jerem. xlvii. 18. As I live, saith the KING, whose Name is the LORD OF HOSTS.

3. To whom, and upon what Occasion, spake the Great GOD these Words of Himself? It was to his worshiping People, and to his Pricsts, the Ministers of Religion among them. It was to strike them with an awful Apprehension of his own Majesty and Greatness. It was to reprove them for and convince them of, their profane and contemptuous Carriage toward Him, in their pretended Worship. It was to arraign, terrify and humble a wicked, hypocritical, formal, professing People; to admonish them of his Power, Justice and Wrath, and that he was coming near unto them in Judgment. Cursed be the Deceiver that hath in his Flock a Male, and [...]oweth and sacrificeth to the LORD, a corrupt thing: For I am a GREAT KING, saith the LORD OF HOSTS, and my Name is dreadful. Psalm. xlvii. 2. For the LORD, most High, is nerrible; He is a great King over all the Earth.

I. GOD is a KING. He condescends to take this Stile to Him­self. It is necessary and essential to Him to be King of the World: King over all his Works and unto all, for his own Glory and their Good His is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory, by a natural unalienable Right, Propriety and absolute Authority. The CREATOR of all things must have the Sove­reign and inconcestible Dominion over all, and the Great [Page 3]PRESERVER of all things must exercise Government and Rule over all.

1. As a King GOD gives Laws to his Creatures. Isai. xxxiii. 22. The LORD is our Lawgiver, the LORD is our King. He has written his Law in Man, and he has publish'd it to him. He has pass'd it with Royal Majesty, "I am the LORD. He came down from Heaven in great Glory, and proclaim'd it with Sound of Trumpet, and a Discharge of the Artillery of Heaven. He gives Laws to Angels that are higher than we, and they do his Will, hearkning to the Voice of his Word. He has given his Law to the mighty Frame of the Universe, even to all the vast Globes in all their various Circles; and they con­tinue this day in their excellent Order and wonderful Motion, according to his Ordinance, for all are his Servants. In our lower Regions, Fire, Hail and Snow, Vapour and stormy Wind fulfil his Word. This is a Kingly Part to give Laws and Or­ders unto all, and to be obeyed.

2. As more than a King, He sustains and upholds all things in Being. He is the Breath of our Nostrils: Our Life and the length of our Days. In Him we live and move and have our Being. He preserveth Man and Beast. In his Hand is the Soul of every living thing, and the breath of all Mankind. How much more is this than the Protection, Defence or Main­tenance, that Princes and Governments on Earth can afford their Subjects. Should God remove his sustaining Hand, all Flesh would perish together, and all Worlds would fall into Ruine and Confusion. The Orbs of the Universe would dosh one against another, and run into their original Chaos, and Darkness would cover the Desolation for ever and ever▪ GOD hears up the Pillars of the Earth, or it and its Inhabitants would dissolve together, Psalm. lxxv. 3.

3. More than Princely or Kingly is his Royal Bounty and Munificence. He keeps the Table and Feast of a King. He feeds all his Creatures. He giveth Food to all Flesh. All Eyes wait on Him, and he giveth them their Meat in due Season. He fills 'em with Good, he satisfies the Desire of every liv­ing thing. The Earth is full of his Riches. All things come of Him, and it is of his own that we make our Returns to Him. This is more than Royal: it is a Glory truly Divine: 1 Chron. xxix. 11. Thine O Lord is the Greatness, and the Power, and the Glory, and the Victory, and the Majesty! for all that is in the Heaven and on the Earth is thine; thine is the Kingdom, O LORD, and Thou art exalted Head above all. Earthly Kings are supported in their Magnificence by their Subjects, but the Divine MAJESTY supplies all his Dominions with all they have, [Page 4]and gives them all things richly to enjoy. ver. 16. O LORD our GOD, all this store cometh of thy Hand, and it is all thine own.

4 As a King GOD judges, rewards and punishes. He doeth Judgment and Justice. These are the Habitation of his Throne. He reigns and rules in Righteousness. He is the just LORD in the midst of us. He governs by Law; just and right is He. He loveth Righteousness, and executeth Judgment in the Earth: He is excellent in Judgment, and in plenty of Justice: Holy in all his Ways and Works. There is no Iniquity with the LORD our GOD, nor Respect of Persons.

  • 1. As a King he rewards the Good. His Countenance be­holds the Upright. Verily there is a Reward for the Righ­teous. These He delights to honour; He dignifies and enobles them. He rewards like a King with a munificent Hand. Eye has not seen, nor Ear heard, neither hath it enter'd in­to the Heart of Man to conceive the things which GOD has prepared for them that love him. The LORD will render to every Man his Righteousness and Faithfulness; He will re­compence his Work, and a full Reward shall be given him. He blesses indeed, with all spiritual Blessings, in hea­venly Places. The LORD will give Grace and Glory, and no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly. He has Crowns and Kingdoms to give; the Crown of Life, a Crown of Glory that fadeth not away.
  • 2. As a King He punishes the Wicked, the Enemies of his Crown and Dignity. He will not hold them guiltless. He will render Vengeance to his Enemies, and destroy them that hate Him. He is able to save and to destroy. The wicked shall not go unpunished. His Power and his Wrath are a­gainst them that forsake Him. He seeth Wickedness, and will not acquit. He has appointed a Day, in which he will Judge the World in Righteousness. Then his Enemies, who would not have him to reign over them, shall be brought forth and slain before Him. They shall be turned into Hell, and all the Nations that forget GOD. Thus the LORD is our KING, the LORD is our JUDGE. He judges Men now, he will judge them in the last and great Day. His Reward is with Him.

5. As a King he leads his Armies to War, and fights his Battles. He has Enemies in War against Him; and his King­dom, People and Cause to defend. He is the GOD of Armies, the LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in Battle. He comes down to fight for Mount Zion, and for the Hill thereof. He musters the Hosts of Angels, and covers the Mountains [Page 5]with invisible Chariots and Horses of Fire. He commands the Stars in their Courses to fight against Sisera, and the Clouds to fire and thunder upon the Philistines. Again, He (the most Mighty) girds his Sword upon his Thigh, with his Glory and his Majesty; and in his Majesty rides pros­perously because of Truth and Meekness and Righteousness; and his right Hand doth terrible Things; His Arrows are sharp in the hearts of his Enemies, and the People fall under Him. He takes hold of Shield and Buckler, and stands up for the Help of his People; He draws out the Spear and stops the Way against their Persecutors. He presides over the great Events of War and Battles, and there is no King saved by the Multitude of an Host, a mighty Man is not deliver'd by his much Strength. He giveth Salvation unto Kings, and delivereth his Servants from the hurtful Sword.

6. As a King He has Princes under Him, and sends his Envoys and Ambassadors on Treaties of Peace, or to denounce War and Death; Or to promise Succour to the Distressed, and Salvation to them that are ready to perish.

He has his mighty Angels that stand in his Presence, and go on his Messages, and arm at his Word. They are his Glory and Court above; and are they not ministring Spirits sent forth to the World below? Whether they be Thrones, or Dominions, or Principalities, or Powers, they are alike his Ministers of Mercy or of Judgment, according to the Or­ders they receive from Him. Gabriel flies down to David on the Wings of Love, and Another draws on the Assyrian Host and slays an Army in a Night.

Kings on Earth are his Substitutes here below, their Hearts are in his Hand, and he turns 'em like the Rivers of Water, which wind thro' the Earth and enrich and adorn it. They propose and project, but GOD disposes, to Events contrary to their Intentions. He makes them his Rod and Sword, which He breaks or burns as soon as he has us'd The Pillars of the Earth are his, and he hath set the World upon them.

He has a peculiar Order of Men, whom He Calls and sepa­rates unto and for Himself, to be his Ministers and Messen­gers to a wicked World. Such were his Prophets in the Days of the Old Testament, and the Apostles of our LORD JESUS CHRIST afterward: Such were the Levites under the Law to Israel, and such are Pastors and Teachers, the Gifts of the As­cended SAVIOUR to his Church unto the End of the World His Commission to them is that, Matt. xxviii. 19. Go, teach all Nations, baptizing them in the Name of the FATHER, and of [Page 6]the SON, and of the HOLY GHOST; teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have Commanded you, &c. And the Diguity here­in put on them is that, 2 Corinth. v. 20. New then we are Ambassadors from CHRIST, as tho' GOD did beseech you by us, we pray you in CHRIST's stead, Be ye reconciled to GOD. These Men of GOD come to us in the Name of the Great King of Heaven, clothed with his Authority, with his Word in their Mouth, and they say to Zion, Thy GOD reigneth!, thy KING cometh, bringing Salvation. They bring the Alarm of War, and Denunciation of Wrath against the wicked and ungodly: And they bring Messages of Peace, a Proclamation of Pardon and Grace unto penitent believing Sinners. They come upon the most honourable and momentous Concern that can be, the Salvation of lost Souls; and how beautiful should their Feet be unto all to whom they are sent?

7. And lastly, As a King He receives Petitions, and claims Tri­bute, Worship and Obedience. He sits upon a Throne of Grace, with his golden Scepter in his hand, and to them that ap­proach him with a loyal Heart he holds it forth; for them to kneel down and kiss it. He is the rightful King that has justly forbidden Men to make Petition unto any God beside Him. He receives our Prayers by the Hand of his own SON, in whose Name he has bid us ask of Him. He says to the humble Petitioner, What is thy Request and it shall be given thee, even to a Kingdom? We have a Right thro' Grace, a Liberty of Access thro' CHRIST, to go and cry to the King: Psal. xx. 9. Save LORD! let the King hear us when we call.

He claims a Tribute of Duty, Honour and Service from us. Such as we have to give, which also we receive from Him, he accepts at our Hands. We are His, and all that we have. He requires us to present our Selves, Soul and Body, a living Sacrifice, which is our reasonable Service. We must love Him with all our Hearts, laud Him with our Lips, and glorify Him in our Lives. We must govern our Tho't, Words and Actions by his holy Law. We must regard his Will, act for his Glory, study his Pleasure, prize his Favour, consult his Honour and Interest, fear to offend Him, and humble our selves in deep Repentance, with Sorrow Fear and Shame, for every Sin whereby we have dishonoured and offended Him. We must believe in HIM whom GOD hath sent, looking for the Mercy of our LORD JESUS CHRIST unto Eternal Life. In all this we must shew ourselves his faithful Subjects. Deut. x. 12, 13, 14. And now Israel, what doth the LORD thy GOD require of thee? but to fear the LORD thy GOD, to walk in all his Ways, and to love Him, and to serve the LORD thy GOD with all thy Heart, and with all thy Soul; to keep the Command­ments [Page 7]of the LORD, and his Statutes which I command thee this day for thy Good: ver. 20. Thou shalt therefore fear the LORD thy GOD Him shalt thou serve and to Him shalt thou cleave, and shalt swear by his Name, for He is thy Praise. This Oath of Allegiance we have taken to the KING of Heaven, and this is the Tribute of Praise and Obedience that He has laid on us, and these are the Vows which we must be daily perform­ing to Him, in Acknowledgment of his Majesty and Dominion.

II. GOD is a GREAT KING. I am a Great King. saith the LORD OF HOSTS. GREATNESS is one of the High Attributes of GOD. Jerem. xxxii. 18. The Great, the Mighty GOD, the LORD of Hosts is his Name. Deut. x. 17. For the LORD your GOD is a GREAT GOD, a mighty and terrible. Isai. xii. 6. GREAT is the Holy One of Israel.

1. All that is in GOD is Great. He is Infinite, Immense in all Excellency and Perfection. Great is our LORD, and of great Power. Psalm. cxlvii. 5. He is GREAT in Counsel and ex­cellent in Working. Jerem. xxxii. 19. Great is his Faithfulness. Lamen. iii. 23. Very great are his Mercies

  • 1 Chron. xxi. 13. And great is his Wrath.
  • 2 King. xxii. 13.

2. The Works of the Lord are Great, and do declare his Greatness. He has made this great World which we behold: Made the Earth by his Power, and stretched forth the Heavens by his Wisdom. And his Providence which upholds and governs all declares Him to be very Great: Psalm. cxxxv. 5.6. For I know that the LORD is great, and that our GOD is above all Gods; Whatsoever the LORD pleaseth that doth He in Heaven, on Earth, in the Seas and in all deep Places: He causeth the Vapours to ascend from the Ends of the Earth, He maketh Lightnings for the Rain, He bringeth the Wind out of his Treasuries. Dan. iv. 3. How Great are his Signs! and how mighty his Wonders! As the Heavens for Height, and as the Earth for Depth, so is the Greatness of this King unsearchable.

1. He is the Great King, for He is the King eternal, and immortal. This is the Glory ascribed to Him, 1 Tim. i. 17. And a great Glory it is, and declares Him to be a great King. Kings on Earth were born but t'other day, and they die to morrow. They were Infants and Babes at the Breast but a few days ago. They have their Ancestors and Predeces­sors that have been before them, and they glory in their Line that are long since dead, and are proud of their Suc­cessors, descending from them; that their Family are like to reign after them. Ah poor and [...] Glory of mortal Princes, which shall not descend with them! Be they called Gods on [Page 8]Earth, yet they shall die like other Men, and a Grace among the Kings is their last Honour.

How Great would an Earthly King account Himself could he purchase for Himself Immortality upon his Throne! The Princes of this World do vainly dream of and aspire after an immor­tal Name, immortal Fame; build Pillars for Themselves while they live, and desolate Places for their dead Bodies.

But GOD only hath Immortality! He is King for ever and ever! He ever was so, is and will be so; He is without Beginning of Days, or End of Years! His Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom, and his Dominion is from Generation to Generation. So Nebuchad­nezzar, the great King of Babylon, spake of the MOST HIGH GOD, unto all People, Nations and Languages that dwell on the Face of the whole Earth: And so said Darius of the GOD of Daniel. Dan. iv. 3. I blessed the most High, and praised and honoured Him that liveth for ever and ever. vi. 26. He is the liv­ing GOD and stedfast for ever: His Kingdom is that which shall not be destroyed, and his Dominion shall be even unto the End.

The dying Kings of the Earth need the Prayers of their Sub­jects to the GOD of Heaven for their Life: And in a limited Sense it may be a pious Prayer for Them, " O King live for Ever! But it cannot be, how much soever it may sometimes be desired. They are gathered to their Fathers and see Cor­ruption. Even the House of David was so. There is a Mone written on the Wall against every Kingdom and Empire in the World; God hath number'd thy Kingdom and finish'd it. But GOD is the Everlasting King. This is his Greatness. What greater thing can be said of HIM? " I am the first and the last! I am He that liveth! I am Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End! which was, and which is, and which is to come! the same yesterday, to day and forever.

2. God is the Great King, for He is the Supream Being, the MOST HIGH. There are that are called Gods many, and Lords many; and they are great Names among the Creatures of GOD; they may be Thrones, Dominions, Principalities and Powers, some in Heaven and some on the Earth; But all these are subject to GOD and infinitely below Him. His Title is, KING of Kings and LORD of Lords. 1 Tim. vi. 15. How great a King is HE, by Whom Kings reign and Princes decree Judgment! and Whom all Dominion and Power serves and obeys!

When any of the Princes of this World conquer their Neigh­bour Kings, and add to Themselves their Dominions, then they account themselves Great, having Princes under them, and Kings [Page 9]doing them Homage. So the Assyrian when he had extended his Empire, and triumphed in many Victories over the Nations and their Gods, which were no Gods, then he assum'd the Stile of the Great King. 2 Kings xviii 19. But who gave Him his Greatness, and took it away again? the same GOD OF HEA­VEN, who afterward gave a Kingdom, Power, Strength and Glory to Nebuchadnezzar, and made Him a King of Kings: Dan. ii. 37. HE ruleth in the Kingdoms of Men, and gives 'em to whom he will, and sometimes to the basest of Men. He puts down one and sets up another. The Powers that be are ordained by Him. All the Kings of the Earth should fear His Glory, and kiss THE SON, HIS CHRIST, who is Higher than the Kings of the Earth; and there is given Him the Domi­nion, that all People, Nations and Languages should serve Him.

3. GOD is a great King, for He is the Universal King. This necessarily results from his Supremacy. His Kingdom ruleth over all. It is extended every where. It has no Bounds. Heaven is his Throne and the Earth his Footstool. Now the Extent of Empires makes Kings great. In the Multitude of People is the Kings Honour. This was the Persian Pride and Gran­deur: Esther i. 1. This is Ahasuerus which reigned from In­dia even to Ethiopia, over an hundred and seven and twenty Pro­vinces. How Great was this Man in his own Eyes, and in the eyes of the World! but GOD is infinitely greater in the Sight of Angels and Saints: 2 Kings. xix. 15. Hezekiah prayed be­fore the LORD, and said, O LORD GOD of Israel, Thou, even Thou alone, art GOD of all the Kingdoms of the Earth. Genesis xiv. 22. I have lifted up my Hand unto the LORD, the most High GOD, the Possessor of Heaven and Earth. 1 Chron. xxix. 11. For all that is in the Heaven and on the Earth is thine! thine is the King­dom O LORD, and Thou art exalted GOD above all.

4. GOD is the Great King, for He is Independent and Absolute. Kings, on Earth depend on GOD, from whom they derive their Being and their Power. Yea they depend on Others for their Exercise of Power and Rule. The King is served of the Field. He depends on the Husbandman for his sumptuous Table.

Kings are also limited by GOD both as to the Extent and Exercise of their Power. They may not act as they list, or do what they will. GOD is the only absolute Lord and Sovereign. Job. xxxiv. 13. Who hath given Him a Charge over the whole Earth? who hath disposed the whole World? who hath enjoyned Him his Way? or to whom giveth He any Account of his Matters? Kings reign by Contract and Covenant with their People! but God's Right is in Himself, eternal and unalienable, and his Power is irresistible. Daniel iv 35. He doeth according to his [Page 10]Will in the Armies of Heaven, and among the Inhabitants of the Earth! and none can stay his Hand, or say unto Him "What doest thou? Absolute Power is the true and real Greatness of Dominion, but can belong to ONE only, which is GOD. No Creature may pretend to it, or can be fit for it. It would be impious Insolence and Arrogance in the best and first of Angels to aspire after it. The Pride which was the Condem­nation of the Devil was, it may be, something akin to this. It is yet less Sufferable in Dust and Ashes to say, I will be like the most HIGH. It is not for Kings to say absolutely, I will. The Reason is because they are imperfect in Knowledge and Virtue, and may err and sin.

What a woful World would an Absolute Sinner make? Such a one as Pharaoh," I will pursue, I will satisfy my Lust, &c. Or like the Assyrian, the Rod of God's Anger and Execution­er of his Indignation, in whose Heart it was to destroy and cut off Nations not a few; and He said "Are not my Princes altogether Kings? shall I not do as I have done? Isai. x. 8, 10. This is for the Ax to boast it self against Him that heweth therewith, or for the Saw to magnify it self against him that saketh it. There neither can nor ought to be but one only Absolute Being, Isai. xlvi. 10. I am GOD, and there is none like me, I say, my Counsel shall stand and I will do all my Pleasure; I have spoken it and I will bring it to pass; I have purposed and also will do it. None may speak after this manner but only the GREAT KING, the One absolute Sovereign of Heaven and Earth.

5. GOD is the Great King, for He is the most perfect Being. And therefore is He indeed the Absolute LORD and Supream, because He is Perfect. For absolute Power should not be lodg­ed in any Hand but His who is perfect. And it is the only Security, Felicity and Safety, of the Universe to have it lodged in his Hand; for He can't err or do wrong.

It is a wise and celebrated Saying of an Ancient, "That if we could find One Man far excelling all others in Wisdom and Goodness, He ought to have the Government". To be sure true Greatness lies in the Perfection of the Soul. From thence only may we look for a perfect Administration. Vice and Folly set in high Dignity are but the more mischeivous and the more exposed. God made Meses Great for Wisdom, Piety, Goodness and Justice, and set him at the Head of Is­rael Samuel's Name shines for ever, while Saul's imprudent and irreligious Conduct sunk him below the meanest Israclite. But our Eyes behold the KING in his Grandeur and Beauty, while we meditate the perfect Goodness and Righteousness, the infinite Wisdom of GOD.

[Page 11] 1. GOD is Great in Wisdom, and therefore is the Great King. This princely Qualification makes Kings truly great. Solomon asked this of GOD, and He gave him a wise and un­derstanding Heart, to do judgment and Justice. It made him Great in the Eyes of the Nations round about Him, and his Name great to the End of the World. The greatest Princes reverenc'd Him, and came from far to hear his Wisdom. But a Greater than Solomon is before us, the Only wise GOD. Wisdom and Strength are His. He gives to good and great Kings their Largeness of Heart. It was a high Compliment to such a Prince, 'There is nothing hidden from my Lord the King, and he is wise as an Angel of GOD. But the wise and great GOD charges his very Angels with Folly. His Understanding is infinite, and therefore is He the Universal King. Known to Him are all his Works, all his Dominions, from the Beginning of the World. He looketh to the Ends of the Earth, and seeth under the whole Heaven. His Eyes are in every Place beholding the Evil and the Good. He puts Wisdom in Mans inward Parts, and giveth Understanding to the Heart. He gives Knowledge to them that know Understanding. This was the Spirit of GOD in Daniel, Light and Understanding and excellent Wisdom.

2. GOD is the Great King, for he is Great in Justice and Righteousness. Job. xxxvii. 23. Touching the ALMIGHTY we can­not find Him cut; He is excellent in Judgment and in Plenty of Justice. Psalm lxxxix. 14. Justice and Judgment are the Habita­tion of his Throne. This makes Kings great: Prov. xvi. 12. The Throne is established by Righteousness. This is the Glory of the SON of GOD, Psal. xlv. 6. The Sceptor of thy Kingdom is a right Scepter. Therefore is GOD Great in Zion, and High above all, Because the Kings strength leveth Judgment, he establishes Equity, he executeth Righteousness in Jacob: Exalt ye the LORD OUR GOD and worship at his Footstool, for the LORD OUR GOD is holy. Psalm xcix.

Saul's Injustice made him little: Why should the King sin a­gainst his Servant? and whom did the King of Israel pursue after in the Wilderness? was it after a Flea? So much did he de­base himself But Justice magnifies a Prince, as Solomon's Judg­ment magnified him: 1 Kings iii. 28. And all Israel heard of the Judgment which the King had judged, and they feared the King, for they saw that the Wisdom of GOD was in him, to do Judgment. This Prayer is therefore put into our Mouths for Kings and Princes, Psalm. lxxii. 1. Give the King thy Judgments, O GOD! and thy Righteousness to the Kings Son. If this be given, it will make a great King, a great Prince.

[Page 12] This is the Glory of the MESSIAH, as it was of Hezekiah a worthy Type of him, Isai. xxxii. 1. Behold a King shall reign in Righteousness, and Princes shall rule in Judgment, and a MAN shall be a hiding-place from the wind, and a Covert from the Tempest, and as Rivers of Waters in a dry Land, and as the shadow of a great Rock in a weary Land. Behold this admirable Work of GOD says the Prophet; admire this rare and great Thing in the Earth, this great Blessing to the World.

Such is the GREAT GOD to his Creatures, and such His Government over them. He loveth Righteousness and executeth Judgment in the Earth. Just and true are thy Ways, O King of Saints! There is none Holy as the LORD, for there is none beside HIM.

3. GOD is the Great King, for He is perfect in Goodness and Mercy. This is his GLORY. Thus he shewed his Face to Moses, and thus He proclaim'd his Name: Exod. xxxiv. 6. The LORD, the LORD GOD, merciful and gracious and abundant in Goodness. How great is a good King! Great in the eyes of God and Men! So an Arch-Angel would fill a Throne! so They shine upon their Thrones above.

Mercy and Truth adorn and preserve Kings, uphold and blazen their Thrones. These render 'em God like. And all that is great and excellent in the Kingdom of Nature is but a meet Comparison, whereby to illustrate their high Excellency. 2 Sam. xxiii. 4. And he shall be like the Light of the Morning, and as the clear shining after Rain.

GOD exercises Loving-kindness and Mercy in the Earth. His Goodness endureth continually. Every good and perfect Gift comes down from Him, the Father of Lights. There is none Good beside Him. How great is the Goodness which he has laid up for them that fear him, which he has wrought for them that trust in him! His Pardon is out to all the Trai­tors against his Government, Crown and Dignity. He forgiveth Iniquity, Transgression and Sin: He keepeth Mercy for Thou­sands. None are excepted, but all invited to repent. He waits to be gracious, and is a Long-suffering GOD. Dan. ix 9. To the LORD our GOD belong Mercies and Forgivenesses, tho' we have rebelled against Him. Micah. vii. 18. Who is a GOD like unto Thee, that pardonest Iniquity, and passest by Transgression, and de­lightest in Mercy.

Thus we have contemplated the Greatness of the LORD OUR GOD in his being the most perfect It is Wisdom Justice and [Page 13]Goodness that make Persons great, be They on higher Seats or lower Forms. But set the most perfect Man upon a Throne, and how would he Shine? Even the devant would be ready to fall down and worship this lively living Image of the DEITY. Or rather, They could not help admiring the GREAT GOD in him. 2 Samuel vii. 3. And Nathan said to the King, Go, do all that is in thy Heart, for GOD is with thee.

There can be but ONE most perfect, and how much Great­er must HE be than all other, that are finite and imperfect! Matth. v. ult. Our Father in Heaven is perfect. His therefore is the GREATNESS, and the Glory and the Majesty. Here there­fore I will break off my Contemplation of the GREAT KING: For what can be added to that which is PERFECT? the Greatness of his Kingdom can't be justly celebrated in any Words below those of David, in his royal Psalm of Praise, cxlv.

I might add many more Words to what has been said of the Greatness of GOD's Dominion, and might well begin a­new and cast the Argument into a various Method; GOD is great in the Kingdom of Nature and Providence, great in the King­dom of his Grace, and greater yet in the Kingdom of his Glory: so Great that all things are little and as nothing before Him. But I must come to the USE.

1. Is GOD a KING, and a GREAT KING? He is therefore greatly to be feared and had in Reverence in the Assembly of his Worshippers. Psalm. lxxxix. 7.

This is the Argument in our Context, which arraigns the Worshippers of GOD for their Irreverence towards Him.

Earthly Kings expect to be always treated with utmost Re­gard and Respect; to be approached, spoken to and heard with great Reverence. Offer less to thy Governour will he be pleased with thee or accept thy Person? And shall the GREAT KING demand or accept less from us. Levit. x. 3. I will be sanctified by them that draw nigh me. Psalm xcv. 3, 6. For the LORD is a great GOD, and a great KING above all God O come, let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker. Hebrews xii. 24. Let us find Grace, whereby we may serve GOD acceptably with Reverence and godly Fear.

1. In all our Prayers and Supplications. If we had a Peti­tion to present to our Earthly Prince, and might be admit­ed to the Royal Presence to offer it; with what an awful Care should we do it? More especially if it were to cry to Him for our Life, or the Lives of our People▪ as when Esther had her [Page 14]Request to make. With like and greater Apprehensions of the Majesty of GOD, should we pray to HIM in secret or in pub­lick. We should think with our Selves, "Whom am I go­ing to speak unto? and for what? — Is it to to the most High GOD, the King of Glory? for my Soul, and it's everlasting Interests? Wherewithal shall I come before the LORD? and bow my self before the most High GOD? O let not the LORD be angry that Dust and Ashes take upon them to speak unto Him.

2. This great King is fearful in Praises. The LORD is Great and greatly to be praised, He is to be seared above all Gods. Neither Angels, nor Saints can praise Him according to his excel­lent Greatness. Kings are commanded to serve Him with Fear and to rejoyce with Trembling The glorified Spirits that know his Greatness cover their Faces and fall down before the Throne, while they give him the Glory of His Holiness and Grace. Sec Isai. 1.1, — 5. Rev. iv. [...], — 11.

3. The Word and Law of this Great King must be read, preached and heard with great Reverence. Where the Word of a King is there is Power. When Kings speak, how are they listned to! The Voice of the LORD is full of Majesty. I will hear what GOD the LORD will say. Listen ye Isles from far.

He once spake by Angels, and the People quaked beneath the shaking Mountain. He came down that his Fear might fall on them, and He promited 'em from that Day to speak by the Mouth of Men. But what a great Thing is it to speak from the Great GOD, or to be spoken to in his Name? Preaching and Hearing are therefore awful Parts of Divine Worship. It should be to us as GOD Himself, the Great King, speaking from the excellent Glory. 1 Thess. ii. 13. Not as the Word of Men, but as it is indeed the Word of GOD.

4. The Positive Laws and Institutions of the Great KING should be carefully and reverently observed. These are the Statutes of our GOD, respecting his publick Worship. In his Majesty, Wisdom, Holiness and Grace He has enjoyned them. They are few and of great Significance and Importance, for the Glory of God and the Benefit of Souls.

1. In Honour of the Great KING of Heaven, and in Obe­dience to Him, we must religiously keep his Sabbaths. There is a Portion of Time which He has seperated to Himself, from the Creation of Man upon the Earth. There is no proper Reverence of Him as our Creator Redeemer and Sanctifier without the reverend Observation hereof. Levi. xxvi. 2. Ye shall keep my Sabbaths, and reverence my Sanctuary, I am the LORD [Page 15]Exod. xxxi. 13. Verily my Sabbaths ye shall keep, for it is a Sign between Me and You thro'out your Generations that I am the LORD that doth Sanctify you. It is a weekly Act of Homage to GOD as the Great King and Governour of the World. Kings are required thus to honour the KING of all the Earth. Ezek. xlvi. 2, 4 The Burnt-offering which the Prince shall offer upon the Sabbath-day shall be six Lambs without Blemish. He must bring a princely Offering, and give a royal Example to all his Sub­jects. The first Sabbath-breaker in the Camp of Israel died as a Traitor against the LORD his King. It was High Treason against the MAJESTY on High. He has no Birth-day for us to keep in Honour to his Name! but there is the Birth-day of this World of ours, and of Man upon it, and there is a Day wherein He raised up the SON OF MAN, the Prince of Life from the dead; and in solemn Remembrance of These He commands us to spend one Day in seven in Prayers and Praises to the Au­thor of our Being, the GOD of our Salvation. Thus it is that the Kingdom of our GOD, and the Power of His CHRIST is perpetuated and made glorious on Earth. Thus it is that we obey and answer to that Divine Call to us, Psalm xxiv. ult. Lft up your Heads, O ye Gates, and he ye lift up ye Everlasting Doors, that the KING OF GLORY may come in.

2. In Reverence to GOD as the Great King of his Church, we awfully observe the holy Ordinance of Baptism. He may en­joyn us what He will. Of old He gave to Abraham the Sign of Circumcision, and that day he circumcised Himself, his Son, and all the Men of his House. His Covenant was in their Flesh for an everlasting Covenant. When the Will of GOD was once declared, it had been high Presumption, a Contempt of His Ma­jesty and Grace, to have disobeyed, tho' it was a humbling and painful Institution. Excision from God and from his People was the Penalty incurred. It was of special spiritual Significancy to 'em; Deut. x. 16. Circumcise the Foreskin of your Hearts. xxx. 6. And the LORD will circumcise the Heart of your Seed to love Him, that thou mayest live. In like manner, the sacred Sacramental Washing with Water is significant of a Soul sprinkled from an evil Conscience. They are the Circumcision who worship GOD in the Spirit. Baptism is now the Livery of the Great King, which his Servants wear to signify their Relation to Him, and Dedication to his Service. Matth. xxviii. ult. Go teach all Nations baptizing them. The KING of the Church was Himself baptized, and the Heavens opened on the illustrious Occasion, and the SPIRIT descended as a Dove upon Him. The Mission of John was witnessed to from Heaven by the FATHER and the SPIRIT, and by the SON on Earth, He, the Elias of the New-Testament came baptizing with Water. It is a Solemnity much to be reverenc'd in the Christian Church to the End of the [Page 16]World. CHRIST'S Yoke herein is light, a Law of easy and pleasant Observation; and he must be very unreasonable who like Naaman the Leper thinks much of the Injunction were it to wash seven times. 2 Kings v. 13.

In Baptism we recognize our Seed as Subjects of CHRIST'S Kingdom. Did our Earthly King summon us to inrol our Names, and those of our Children, that He might know Us and Them as Candidates for the Honours and Preferments of His Court, we should crowd it may be to enter our Names. Or should He send us a Garter to wear in Token of his Favour and Grace to us, we should be proud to put it on. With like Gratitude should Christians think of their Baptism, and bring their Offspring to the Waters.

3. In Reverence and Obedience to the GREAT KING of the Church, we should be very careful in our Observation of the Lord's Supper. It is the Memorial of our CRUCIFIED KING, for so ran the Inscription over his Cross, "JESUS of Nazareth King of the Jews Him hath GOD set KING upon his holy Hill. He is LORD to the Glory of the FATHER. And as he went to his Cross he left us this Law, " This do ye in Re­membrance of Me.

The same GOD and KING that requir'd of old the Ordinance of the Passover, has appointed now this of the Supper; to give Him the Glory of his Redeeming Love, and to receive from Him a publick Token and Pledge of it. Shall we refuse? And say as in our Context," The Table of the Lord is contemptible! GOD fo bid. Is the Table of a great King so accounted among Men? Do or dare Men refuse to wait there, when required to do so? Or do they not think it a great Honour and Pleasure to be call'd up to it? And with what Reverence do they behave, who stand about their Princes Table? How do they dress and prepare on such Occasion? Yet in Religion Men too often are the Reverse of all this. The Case and Crime is justly re­presented in the Parable of the KING that made a Marriage Supper for his SON, Matth. xxii. Init. But those that were bidden made their paltry and criminal Excuses, till the King was wroth and protested they should never taste of his Feast. We read again of His coming in to see his Guests, and how He chal­leng'd him that came without a Wedding Garment, and cast him out into utter Darkness. It teaches us the equal Irre­verence of those that neglect and those that profane the Ordi­nance of the Supper. Many wont come at all at the Call of their KING, and too many come carelesly and without Reve­rence and Fear. The Institutions of our GOD may be prostituted by Humane Laws, and many an unfit polluted Soul find him­self [Page 17]under an evil kind of Constraint to approach them for carnal and filthy Ends: For the sake of their daily Bread they may sometimes unwillingly eat of the Bread of their GOD and drink of his Cup. And as long as partaking of the Sacrament is made a Test of Loyalty to our Earthly King, and a Qualification for Offices in Fleets and Armies, it will in this wicked World be necessarily profan'd to the Dishonour of the KING OF GLORY. HE has made it an Oath of our Allegiance to Himself, and we must take and make it with godly Fear; Swearing to Him in Truth, in Righteousness and in Judgment. Has our GREAT KING said to us, " Do this in Remembrance of Me! And shall we not do it? And He has said, Do it not unworthily! lest ye eat and drink Judgment to your Selves. We should be equally deterred from the Neglect, and from the careless Performance of the Duty.

But this for the first Use, which answers to the mighty Rea­son of the Words as they ly in our Context: Is GOD a Great KING? then with what Reverence and godly Fear is HE to be worshipped in one Ordinance of his House and in another? I shall be shorter in the remaining Inferences.

2. Is GOD a Great King? how great is the Evil of the least Sin! We must ever estimate the Evil of Sin from the Great­ness of the DIVINE MAJESTY. David's Heart smote him for cutting off Sauls Skirt, so should our Hearts smite us for the least Appearance of Sinning against the LORD our King. In every wilful Act of sin we are guilty of stretching forth our Hand against the KING of Heaven, and striking at his Crown and Government. Shall not Shimei die (said faithful Abishai) that has rail'd at and curs'd my Lord the King? We in Effect do this to the KING of Glory, and cast Stones at Him, in every sin we commit against the LORD OUR GOD. Shall a dead Dog do this and live! Sinners are no better before that BLESSED BEING whom their Sins bark at and blaspheme. A light Repentance can never suffice for the least sin against the Di­vine Majesty. 1 Sam. ii. 25. If a Man sin against the LORD who can entreat for Him? What Atonement can be made for an infinite Offence? We read of some, who being doubly damn'd, do curse their GOD and KING, and look upward. Isai. viii. ult.

3. If GOD be a great King, He can greatly Pardon. And it is therefore a great Thing for Him to pardon the least Sin. He cannot lightly pardon the Transgression of his royal and perfect Law. The glorious Honour of his Kingdom forbids it. He cannot de [...] Himself. But saving the Rights of his own Wisdom, Justice and Holiness, what cannot the Great King do? [Page 18] Moses well prayed, Numb. xiv. 17. Let the POWER of my LORD be great according as Thou hast said, the LORD is Long-suffering and of great Mercy, forgiving Iniquity, Transgression and Sin. A­bishai wondered at David's forgiving Shimei. But what was David's Throne if compar'd with GOD'S. To the LORD our GOD, belong Forgivenesses. This is the Glory wherein he passes before us Sinners.

4. What a great thing is it, for the GREAT KING of Hea­ven, to give his OWN SON to save us! His Only-begotten and Eternal SON! the Brightness of his Glory, and the express Image of his Person! by Whom He made the World, and by Him all things consist. What manner of Love and Grace is this to Rebel dust and ashes! Had all the Angels in Heaven, and all the Kings upon Earth, been offer'd up in one Sacrifice, these glo­rious Lives had been as nothing in Comparison of that single Life of the SON OF GOD in our Nature. A LIFE worth all these ten thousand times over.

It was accepted as a great thing by the GREAT GOD, when Abraham offer'd up his beloved Isaac to Him, at his Word, for a Burnt-Offering. But may we name it here? by no means. It was a more surprising thing and horrible, when the King of Moah driven to Despair by the victorious Arms of Israel, took his Eldest Son that should have reigned after him, and slew him on the Wall of the City. A salvage and brutish. Act! from Rage at his powerful Enemies, and worthy of their Detestation. But the Love of GOD in giving his Dear Son, to save his Enemies, is worthy of the Adorations of Angels and Men, while Devils gnash their Teeth and melt away.

5. What perfect Obedience is due from us to the Laws of the GREAT KING, and what Submission to Him in all his Provi­dences! GOD is absolutely to be obeyed and submitted to in all things. He is so in Heaven and it should be so on Earth. " Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. It was a wise and righteous Order, given by the Greatest Man on Earth, Ezra vii. 23, 26. Whatsoever is commanded by the GOD of Heaven, let diligently be done; for why should there be Wrath against us? GOD's Judgments must be resigned to with a perfect Acquiescence. As Shimei answered to Solomon, "The saying is good: As my Lord the King hath said, so will thy sevant do. We are happy un­der a perfect Government. As for GOD, his Work is perfect. This is enough to keep us always easie, thankful, joyful. Shall he that hateth Right govern, or is there Wickedness in the MOST HIGH? What Right have I (said injured Mephibesheth) to cry [Page 19]to the King? Our Times and Lives are in GOD's Hand. It is the LORD! let Him do what seemeth him good.

6. Is GOD a Great King? to him let us swear and to Him perform our Vows. Because He is the Greatest we swear by his Name, and He swears by Himself. Jerem. iv. 2. Thou shall swear, "the LORD liveth! in Truth and Righteousness: and the Nations shall bless themselves in Him, and in Him they shall glory. We must swear Allegiance and Fidelity to GOD, be­cause He is our King. So we have done in our Baptism, and so we do as often as we eat of his Bread and drink of his Cup. The Sacraments of Religion are Oaths of Loyalty and Sub­jection to CHRIST. And in all our solemn Prayers and Pro­fessions, and occasional Vows, we bind our Souls, as by Oath, to GOD. " O my Soul, thou hast said unto the LORD, Thou art my LORD. This is the Demand of the GREAT KING, and his Glory requires it: Isai. xlv. 23 I have sworn by MY SELF, that unto Me every Knee shall bow, every Tongue shall swear.

7. Is GOD a Great King? there is certainly a Tribute due to Him out of all that we are and have: from our Minds and Hearts, from our Lips and Hands, out of our Estates, and according to our Endowments and respective Stations. GOD is the King of Souls, and it is the Homage of the Heart that He requires and values. He gives us also our Wealth and claims an Offering out of that. " Honour the LORD with thy Substance, and with the First-fruits of all thine Increase. Kings are thus served, yea supported by their Subjects, and their Greatness depends on it. But the GREAT KING receives but of His own from us, and what He first gives to us. This, as was said before, is the Greatness and Glory and Majesty of His Kingdom, and His Exaltation above all: Both Riches and Honour come of Him, and in His Hand it is to make Great and to give Strength unto all! David therefore spake before the LORD, in the Day when He and his Princes made their princely Of­ferings toward the Temple; But who am I, or what is my Peo­ple that We should offer any thing to the GREAT GOD? for all things come of Thee and of thine own have we given Thee.

8. Let us pray for, rejoice in, and every way we can contri­bute unto the Glory of GOD'S Kingdom. AS CHRIST has taught us to pray, " Father in Heaven thy Kingdom come! and to as­cribe the Kingdom Power and Glory to GOD. O what an Ho­nour and Glory, Comfort and Joy will it be to us, if we may serve to advance the Kingdom of CHRIST in this World and a better, Now and for Evermore! Ministers in His Churches, ministring to the Conversion of Souls, and to their Subjection [Page 20]to the Gospel; to the everlasting Glory of GOD, in their E­ternal Salvation: Christians in their private Relations, in their Neighbourhoods, and more especially in their own Families: that the Souls under their Care may come into the Kingdom of GOD'S Grace, into his Church, and that the GREAT KING of the World may have Honour and Service from us and ours; a Revenue of Praise and Obedience thro' Time and Eternity.

Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed be the Kingdom of our LORD JESUS! Peace in Heaven and Glory in the Highest!


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