
Dr. Colman's SERMON at the North Church, January 25. 1731/2.


MINISTERS and PEOPLE under special Obligations to Sanctity, Humility & Gratitude; for the great Grace given Them in the Preached Gospel.

A SERMON On a Day of Prayer, Kept by the North Church in Boston on Tuesday January 25. 1731/2. To implore the Divine Direction in their Election of Another Pastor.

By Benjamin Colman, D.D. Pastor of a Church in Boston.

Galat. i. 15, 16.

But when it pleased GOD, who separated Me from my Mothers Womb, and called Me by his Grace, to reveal his Son in Me, that I might preach Him among the Heathen,—

BOSTON: Printed by S. KNEELAND & T. GREEN, for S. GERRISH in Cornhill. M,DCC,XXXII.

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Ministers and People Should be greatly affected With the great Grace given Them in the Preached Gospel.

EPHES. iii. 8.

Unto me, who am less than the least of all Saints is this Grace given; that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable Riches of Christ.

IN these humble and lofty Words the Apostle lays himself low, while he mag­nifies his Office, and exalts the free Grace of God that call'd him into it, qualify'd him for it and assisted him in it.

1. HE magnifies his Office as the Apostle of the Gen­tiles. It was a great Honour and special Dignity in the Kingdom of Christ and of Grace. With this the Chap­ter begins, ‘I Paul, the Prisoner of Jesus Christ for you Gentiles! If ye have heard of the Dispensation of the Grace of God, which is given me to you ward.’ The Gospel of the Uncircumcision was given to Paul, as that of the Circumcision was unto Peter. Not but that they both preached occasionally to Jews and Gen­tiles, but Peter's Mission was more especially to the [Page 2]One, and Paul's to the Other. When the LORD appeared to him in the Light from Heaven on the Way, he then declar'd him to be a chosen Vessel to bear his Name before the Gentiles. This was his Mitre and e­steemed Crown, this the mighty See into which he was chosen. 1 Tim. ii. 7. I am ordained a Teacher of the Gentiles in Faith and Verity. It is strange that the Gentiles should not magnify their own Apostle; that the Roman Church should give the Primacy to Peter. In this Paul came not a whit behind the very Chief of the Apostles, yet he was Metropolitan of the Gentiles, but not of Man, neither by Man, but by Jesus Christ and God the Father, Gal. i. 1.

THE Gentiles were alike Souls and Sinners, that need­ed a Saviour, as the Jews. The Jews indeed call'd them uncircumcised and unclean, and they had lost the Knowledge of God, and were defiled with abominable Idolatries and Impurities. Yet Moses and the Prophets had spoken abundantly of their Conversion; that CHRIST should be a Light to lighten the Gentiles, and for Salvation to the Ends of the Earth.

THE Gentiles were vastly more for Numbers, Power, Riches, Literature, worldly Name and Glory, than the few and feeble Jews were. They were mighty Nations, potent Kingdoms, populous Cities and vast Empires; while Judea was sunk into a tributary Province, or de­pendant Kingdom on proud Rome. The Gentiles were Rome, Athens, Corinth and the Schools of Greece, who then divided the Learning of the World among them. To convert These to the Faith of Christ was Paul called and sent from Heaven, and well might he say, — That to me this Grace is given! Wherefore

2. HE lays Himself very low, "To me, who am less than the least of all Saints is this Grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles &c.

‘HERE is a double Diminutive, says One; He was as little as could be in his own Eyes, and therefore writes himself so little as could not be; less than the least. Longe minimus; by far the least, Minimissimo; He was a Minim, an Animalcule in his own Eyes, after all that Heaven had done to aggrandize him. So before Honour [Page 3]is Humility, and true Humility increases with Worth and Excellency, and the Honours of Providence. The Apostle always look'd back on what he had been before his Calling into the Apostleship of Christ: 1 Cor. xv. 9. I am not meet to be called an Apostle because I persecuted the Church of God 1 Tim. 1.13. Who was before a Blas­phemer, a Persecutor and Injurious; but I obtained Mercy. He therefore speaks highly of himself in the Text, where he calls himself the least of Saints; if compar'd with what he says elsewhere, " I am the chief of Sinners.

YET in the Text, 1. He acknowledges himself thro' Grace among the Saints. And 2. Most highly honour­ed and dignified among them: 1. In his Mission to the Gentiles. 2. In his Ministry, to preach Christ and his Riches to them.

Now in all this the blessed Apostle is a shining Ex­ample and Monitor to all of us, both Ministers and Peo­ple; 1. That we should be Saints. 2. Yet always in our own Eyes the least of them, and less than the least. And 3. That we should be exceeding affected with the singular Grace of God to us, that we should be called into his Kingdom, whether to preach the unsearchable Riches of Christ to others, or to have the same preached to us.

LET the Doctrines then be,

  • 1. WE are all called to be Saints, both Ministers and People; and the Ministers of Christ are more especially bound to be so.
  • 2. THE best of Ministers and the best of Saints should be and will be in their own Eyes less than the least of 'em.
  • 3. HUMBLE Saints, whoever they be, whither Mini­sters or People, will be greatly affected with the Grace of God to them, that they should have Christ and his unsearchable Riches preached to them, or be called of God to preach Him unto others:

I can speak but little to these great Truths, within the Limits allowed me; I will endeavour to fill up that Little with the more Light and Heat; and crave the more diligent Attention from you.

[Page 4] I. DOCT. WE are all called to be Saints, both Mini­sters and People, and the Ministers of Christ are more especially bound to be so. To me the least of Saints; says the Apostle. He puts himself into this blessed Number; but he speaks of all the Congregations and Churches of Saints. The Minister to be sure implies the Christian, and if the Members of the Churches wear the Name of Saints, the Pastors of them should be nothing less.

MINISTERS should be holy Men of God, like the Prophet Elisha, in the Spirit of Elias; and like Aaron the Saint of the Lord, on the Front of whose Mitre was written, Holiness to the Lord. When Moses pray'd for the Tribe of Levi, his own Tribe, and for the House of his Brother chosen to the Priesthood; to the Mini­stry at the Sanctuary, and to teach Jacob God's Judg­ments and Israel his Laws; "LORD, said he, let thy Urim be with thy Holy Ones. Their Separation to holy Ministrations put the Name of Sanctity and Holiness upon them, was a Profession of it and strong Obligation to it. It could not indeed make them holy in Heart and Life, but it was a Bond upon their Soul. As Aaron was told in the Presence of all Israel, on a solemn Day and upon a most awful Dispensation; Lev. v. 3. I will be sanctified in Them that draw nigh Me.

GOD is Holy, infinitely holy. A Man in special Re­lation to God, solemnly devoted to Him and imployed for Him, to serve in his House and Worship, and to mi­nister under his Grace to the Sanctification and Salva­tion of Souls; is laid under the highest Engagements to be Himself holy. Ezek. xx. 41. I will accept you with your sweet Savour, and will be sanctified in You.

WELL therefore did the Apostle name Himself One among the Saints of God, the sanctified in Jesus Christ. Had he not been one of that Noble Order, he had not been meet to have been named an Apostle. The End and Scope of his Ministry was to make Men Saints, by the Power and Blessing of the Holy Ghost. He durst not deny what he was by the Grace of God. The Churches were Witnesses how holily & unblameably he behav'd before them. He would not be reputed unsanctified, unholy or profane. If he had not been sanctified from the Womb, like Jeremiah, and ordain'd a Prophet to the [Page 5]Nations; yet on the Day that the Heavenly Light struck him to the Ground, his Eyes were opened and his Heart was changed. Christ sent him qualified and spirit­ed as he had done the other Apostles; over whom and for whom He had prayed. Joh. xvii. 19. For their sakes I sanctify my self, that they may be sanctified. The un­clean Spirits therefore confess'd his Ministry & Saintship; " Jesus I know, and Paul I know.

AND if Ministers should be Saints, so ought Christian People also. They are called to be Saints, even all that in every place call upon the Name of Christ, 1 Cor. i. 2. All the Lord's Congregation should be Holy. They are under the Sign and [...]nd of Holy Baptism The LORD has loved the Church, and given Himself for it, to sancti­fy and cleanse it with the washing of Water, by the Word. These are the outward Sign & Means of Regeneration and inward Holiness. There is one Body and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one Hope; One Lord, one Faith, one Baptism: And if the ascended Jesus has received Gifts for Men, some Apostles, some Pastors & Teachers; and pour'd out his Sanctifying Spirit on them; It is for the Edifying of his Body, and to present unto Himself a glorious Church, not have [...] spot or wrinkle. This there­fore we wish (pray and preach for) your Sanctification! That the Offering of the Gentiles may be acceptable, being sanctified by the Holy Ghost; That the God of Peace may sanctify you wholly, in Body Soul and Spirit; and preserve you blameless to the Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

As soon as the LORD had formed a visible Church and Ministry, this was the Message to 'em and by 'em; Lev. xix. 2. Speak unto all the Congregation, and say to them, ye shall be Holy, for I the Lord your God am Holy. And again, xx. 7. Sanctify your selves,—for I am the Lord that sanctifieth you. And to the End of Scripture this is the Character of Christians. Heb. iii. 1. Holy Brethren, Par­takers of the Heavenly Calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our Profession, Jesus Christ. 1 Pet. i. 15. As He which has called you is holy, so be ye holy.

LET what has been said be an awful ADMONITION and constraining Motive to us all, both Ministers & People, to see to our Conversion to God; that a saving Change be passed on us; that we be regenerated and born again; [Page 6]that the good Work of God be indeed begun and going on in our Souls; that when the Lord our GOD shall come and all his Saints with Him, we may not be missed among them: after our visible Relation to him, & Pro­fession of his Name; and after we have so often heard and preached that Word of his Grace, which is able to build us up, and to give us an Inheritance among all them that are sanctified.

LET us lie in the Dust before the Holy One, and in the Presence of all his Saints, for all our Unholiness in Heart and Life, under our special Obligations, Advantages and Professions; and let us be abhorring our selves and re­penting in Dust & Ashes. Yea let us tremble as Isaiah did, when he saw the Holy Ones covering their Faces be­fore the Throne of Christ, and heard them cry before Him, Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts! Isai. vi. 5. Then said I, Wo is me, for I am undone! because I am a Man of unclean Lips, and I dwell among a People of un­clean Lips.

MORE particularly, I must take the Opportunity now given me of God to admonish those that are Candidates for the Ministry: Before and above all their preparatory Studies, and Amassment (by the Will of God) of proper Science and Literature; that they do in the first place seek of God this more necessary Foundation for a Gos­pel Minister, and more abundant Qualification for One; namely, a blessed Regeneration, and a sound Conversion to God; That you may be indeed Sanctified by the Spirit before you be Ordained to the Work of the Lord; And that you have an inward Call of God within your own Soul to His holy Ministry, before you accept of any Call from the People of God, to watch for their Souls as One that must give an Account. We pray Christ Jesus the Lord thus to enable you, counting you faithful, and putting you into the Ministry.

AND as for the People of God, here is a plain but most important Direction to them, in their Choice of a Pastor; Chuse One whom you have Reason to esteem a Saint, a converted and sanctified Person, who will follow after Holiness, and labour for your Conversion and Salvation; naturally caring for his own and your Souls, to save him­self and them that hear him — And so I dismiss the first Doctrine, "We are all called to be Saints, both Mini­sters and People.

[Page 7] II. DOCT. THE best of Ministers and of Saints, will be and should be in their own Eyes the least of all Saints. This becomes, adorns and exalts Those that most excel in Grace; " That to me who am less than the least of all Saints! This Humility and Lowliness of the great A­postle, magnify him for ever in the Eyes of all Saints, and leave him an Illustrious Example to them. Paul learn'd it of Christ, who has said to us all, " Learn of Me, for I am meek and lowly of Heart. When He saw the Begin­nings of Pride and Emulation among the Twelve, he took a little Child and set him in the midst of them, and said, " He that shall humble himself as this little Child, the same is greatest in my Kingdom. The Apostles never for­got this Teaching Action and mild Reproof, but three of the Evangelists have put it on Record. Truly the Signs of a Minister of Christ are these: "Serving the Lord with all Humility; Gentle among You & toward all Men; In Meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; Yea all [...] be subject one to [...] with Humility; " For the Servant of the Lord must not strive.

THE contrary to this is the special Character of the Devil and of Antichrist. Pride cast Satan down from his high Seat among the Angels of Light; And He that is entring on the Ministry of Christ is in particular warn'd of this Sin and Danger; "That he be not a "Novice (a conceited vain aspiring Youth, aiming at Prehemi­nence and Applause) lest he fall into the Condemnation of the Devil, 1 Tim. iii. 6. — You see the Danger that High Intelligences are in of this Sin. So Angels fell, and so Adam after them. Let our learned Youth beware of this early Sin, that easily besets 'em, betrays 'em and casts 'em down. Let the Angels of the Churches see their Danger in their high Station.

POOR and proud is a common and mean thing in a miserable World; too common in the Schools and in the Churches of our LORD JESUS. Such were the false Pro­phets of old, and he that struck Micaiah on the Mouth, seduced by a lying insolent Spirit. And such were the false Apostles, boasting of a false Gift, and thinking them­selves Something when they were Nothing; puff'd up with a fleshly Mind.

[Page 8] THE special Mark and Bloat of Antichrist is spiritual and worldly Pride blended together. This mixture forms the Beast, after which the World wonders. He wears the Name of Christ; and shows the Pride of Satan. You have his odious Face and monstrous Shape, 2 Thes ii. 3, 5. That Man of Sin and Son of Perdition, who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that He as God fitteth in the Temple of God, shewing Himself that he is God. This is plainly the Romish Hierarchy, that pretended Spiritual Dominion of Christ's erecting here on Earth, whereof the Pope is Head; calling himself the Servant of Servants, and yet claiming Lordship and Authority over the Minds and Consciences of Men, and also over the Kings & Poten­tates of the Earth. Such a Medley & Affectation of the Humility and Lowliness of Christ, and yet of worldly Power and Pomp, Riches and Glory, Dignities & Titles, Revenues and Temporalities; from the Cardinal's Cap to the Capuchin's Rope and Hair-cloth; could never have been shapen but in the Conclave of Hell. This is a Depth of Satan, and from Him this Mother of Abomi­nations had her Birth. It is of the bottomless Pit and going to it.

BUT thou, O Man of God, flee these things! Yea hate the Whore, and burn the Attire of the Harlot. Follow after Righteousness, Godliness, Faith, Love, Patience, Meek­ness. Study the true Example and Law of Jesus, and imitate it, obey it. He humbled Himself, and took the Form of a Servant. Be we not called Masters, for one is our Master in Heaven, even Christ, and we are Brethren. Let us not preach our Selves, but Christ Jesus the Lord, and our Selves the Servants of all for Jesus sake. Let us remember, that the Angels of Christ's Little Ones do behold the Face of their Heavenly Father; And let us de­sire to be like those Angels in our Ministrations to the least Soul within our Flocks. Let us feed Christ's Lambs, and be ready to wash one anothers Feet.

LET the Candidates for the Evangelical Ministry lay this low and deep and strong Foundation for it, in great Humiliation before God for Sin, and in a lowly Heart and Life toward and before all Men; That God who resists the Proud and giveth Grace to the Humble, may count you worthy of his Calling, and use & honour you among his People.

[Page 9] YEA-let all of us, who have the Honour to be among the humble Pastors of the Flocks of Christ in these Ends of the Earth, fall down before the Lord and his People, and say with the highest Gratitude as David did, when God took him from the Sheep-folds to feed Israel his People; "Who am I O Lord God, and what is my Fa­thers House! that thou hast brought me hitherto! It is not because we were better born, nor because we were Sons of brighter Parts, nor because we had better Hearts than Others the Companions of our Childhood, that we were selected by Providence, and enter'd into Collegiate Schools, and preferr'd to sit at the Feet of some Men of God, to hold Water to 'em while they wash'd their Hands; if so be we might receive a Portion of their Spirit and come into their Place. No; how many of us may ra­ther say in the humble Words of Amos, "I was no Pro­phets Son, but a Trades-man's or Herds-man's; and yet the Lord took me and said to me, "Go, prophecy to my People.

BUT this on the Second Doctrine, That the best of Saints and the best of Ministers will be and should be in their own Eyes less than the least of all.

SEE then what a glorious Grace this of true Christian Humility is, and of what a sweet Odour in the House of God. It is [...] Aarons priestly Garment for Glory and Beauty, and as the precious Ointment for Fragrancy, that ran down to the Hem of it. But it is far from the Sign and Spirit of a Minister of Christ, to be elated with a Conceit of his own Gifts or Sanctity, and to say unto Others, "Come not near me, I am holier than thou.

LET the Grace of Humility, among other Requisites and Ornaments, recommend a Person to a People's Choice into the Pastoral Office over them; that they may find a Moses or a Jeremiah in the Person called, who both an­swer'd the Divine Call with the most humble & sincere Excuses, "Lord, who am I? slow of Speech and of a slow Tongue! and Lord, I cannot speak for I am a Child!

BUT I come to the third and last Doctrine,

III. DOCT. THAT humble Saints, whoever they be, whether Ministers or People, will be greatly affected with the Grace of God to them, That they should have Christ and his unsearchable Riches preached to 'em, or be called them­selves to PREACH Him unto others. "That to me the least of all Saints is this Grace given.

[Page 10] First then, IT is a great Grace given to the Ministers of Christ, that they should be called to preach Christ and his unsearchable Riches unto others. And Secondly, It is in like manner the great Grace and Favour of God to People to have Christ and his unsearchable Riches preached to them.

BY Grace here we may understand, 1. The outward Favour of God on Spiritual Accounts, and in point of distinguishing Priviledges. And by Grace given is meant granted or shown to one more than to others who are in as much need of, and as much deserve the same Favour of God. But 2. Saving Grace is more especially here meant; for the Grace given to the Apostle was special and saving, and so it is to all Saints; and this it is that makes the Dispensation of the Gospel, committed to us, great and rich Grace indeed, both to Ministers & People.

To begin then with the Ministers of the Gospel, as my Text leads me,

I. IT is great Grace given to the Ministers of the Word, that they should be singled out and called to preach Christ and his unsearchable Riches unto others.

WE need the Heart of an Apostle to conceive, and the Tongue of one to speak of this Grace of God to sinful Man; and the Tongues of Angels would fall short of it.

  • 1. To preach
  • 2. To preach Christ.
  • 3. His Riches, his unsearchable Riches.
  • 4. To preach these to immortal perishing Souls for their Salvation.

What Honour and Grace is this to some among the sinful Sons of Men.

1. To preach. To speak in God's Name, his Words; to declare and publish his Will, his Good-will to Men! To be made His Mouth, as tho' He spake! How great a thing is it for One formed out of the Clay, and born in Sin! Well might a Moses plead his Unfitness for such a Work; and his Unworthiness of such a Mission! that he had neither Soul nor Tongue, Head or Heart for such a Ministry. When Paul was furnished for it with Gifts, and fortified by Grace, yet he needed a Thorn in the flesh to keep him from being exalted. Nay the Son of God himself, the Lord of Glory, speaks of the Fathers Grace to Him, even to Him, in his Anointing him to preach good Tydings to the Meek, Isai. lxi. 1.

[Page 11] ONLY let us speak as the Oracles of God, the Truth as it is in Jesus, the Doctrine which is according to God­liness. Let us not preach our Selves, our own Parts and Powers, natural or acquired; Our own Reason or Wit, our Philosophic or Poetic Genius, our own Fancies and Conceits, our Piques and Passions, Spleen and Wraths. But let us consecrate all our Talents and Abilities to the Service of Truth and Grace, to the Honour of Christ and the Good of Souls; preaching the pure Word of God with Plainess and Simplicity, Gravity and Authori­ty, feeding the Babes with Milk, and the Adult with strong Meat; keeping back nothing that is profitable to Souls, and being earnest and zealous in our Addresses to the Hearts and Consciences of Men.

2. To preach Christ. He is the Subject of Gospel Preaching, and how great a Grace it is to be accounted, that we may preach Him? CHRIST, in his Person, Na­tures, Offices, Benefits! Christ, in his Eternal God-head, in the Covenant of Redemption and Grace; in the Pro­mises, Prophecies and Types of Him! In his Birth, Life, Doctrines, Laws, Miracles, Sufferings and Death! In his Resurrection, Ascention to and Session at the right Hand of God; his Intercession and Second Coming to judge the World! In short, The Covenant of Salvation thro' Him. — This is a copious and wide Field for Gospel Preaching; and every Doctrine or Law of Natural Re­ligion with a direct Reference unto Him; as revealed "and enjoyned by Him, as performed only by his Grace, and acceptable only for his Sake, who is the End of the Law for Righteousness; that as inforc'd upon us by his Promises and Threatnings; yet He in all may be glori­fied, and the Grace of God thro' Him. —So it is noted in the Life of Mr. Philip Henry, that whenever he preached of Moral Duties, he would always bring Christ into his Sermon, his Life as the Pattern of the Duty, his Love as the grand Motive to it, his Merits as the great Atonement for our Defects in it.— This is primitive and Apostolic Preaching, and may it always be the Manner of our Preaching to You the Gospel of the Grace of God. We wou'd wear this as our Crown, and make it our Tri­umph: Rom. i. 15, 16. For I am not ashamed of the Gos­pel of Christ; for it is the Power of God to Salvation unto every one that believeth, to the Jew first and also to the Greek: For therein is the Righteousness of God re­vealed [Page 12]from Faith to Faith; As it is written, The Just shall live by Faith.

3. To preach the Riches, the unsearchable Riches of Christ! In Him are hid all the Treasures of Wisdom and Knowledge; He is the Pearl of great Price, and the Treasure hid in the Field, for the gaining of which a Man may well sell all that he has. His Fruit is better than Gold and his Revenue than choice Silver; He makes those that love him to inherit Substance, and he will fill their Treasuries. We read of the exceeding Riches of his Grace, and of the Riches in Glory by Jesus Christ. What a Treasure is this, put into earthen Vessels! for a mortal Man to minister for the inriching Souls in the saving Knowledge of Christ!

WHO can by Searching find out the Mystery of the Fa­ther and of the Son! Or what Eye has seen, or Ear heard, or what Tongue can speak the Things which Grace has prepared for those that believe! The SPIRIT Himself, who searches the deep things of God, seems to labour in the speaking of them: Ephes. ii. 18. " And what is the Riches of the Glory of his Inheritance in the Saints! and what the exceeding Greatness of his Power to us ward that believe! according to the working of his mighty Power, which He wro't in Christ, when he raised Him from the dead, &c.

ALL the Works of God are unsearchable, but most of all that of our Redemption and Salvation. O the Depth of the Riches both of the Wisdom and Knowledge of God, his Holiness and Grace. Justice and Mercy glorified to­gether in this Work! Which thing the Angels of Heaven desire to look into! They have looked long, with great Desire; intently look'd and learned much; but never have search'd it out, nor ever can; but are still bowing their Faces, with fixed Eyes, upon the Mercy-Seat. Unto Them, within the Vail, is made known by the Church the manifold Wisdom of God. [...], Multi­formis Sapientia: As in the Work of Creation there were a Multitude of Forms, and all unsearchable; so are there in the Mystery of Grace. Our Context calls it the Mystery, which passes Knowledge.

[Page 13] To speak only of that which is most plain and level to us, The Benefits of Christ are his Riches, and these are unsearchable. O what is the Price; what are the Riches of Pardon, Grace & Glory, to guilty condemned perishing Souls! Who can search out the immense Ri­ches of an Infinite Saviour! of an Eternal Salvation! of Salvation with Eternal Glory! It is high as Heaven, what canst thou do? and deep as Hell what canst thou know? the Knowledge thereof is immeasurable and incompre­hensible as Eternity, and Infinity!

4. O then the Grace! the great Grace shewn to some of us, the least and sinfullest among the Sons of Men, that we should be called to preach these Riches of Christ to Immortal, perishing Souls for their Salvation! That I should preach among the Gentiles, says the Apostle. And again, Rom. i. 5 By whom we have received Grace and Apostleship, for Obedience to the Faith among all Nations. for his Name.

BUT who are we, to have any like Honour put on us? Any like Heart and Inclination, Gifts and Graces, from the same Spirit of Promise, that came in Tongues of Fire from the Ascended Saviour on the Day of Pentecost! That we should be as Successors to Aaron and his Sons, to Moses and Elias, to Apostles, Prophets & Evangelists; not in their Inipiration, and immediate Mission and En­duing from on High, but in their common Spiritual Mi­nistry. For it is the self same Spirit, in his common Gifts and Operations, dividing to every Man severally as He will; and saying to us in his glorious Providence, " Soparate me this and the other unto the Work whereto I have called them. He gives us our Dispositions for Study, Promptness to learn, Invention and Judgment, and the Tongue of the Learned to speak a Word in Season; to speak with Art and Authority, to inform and affect, to give Light and Heat, to move the Affections and ad­dress the Conscience, and make Men's Hearts burn with­in them. He gives the holy, humble, serious, fervent Ministerial Spirit, that naturally cares for Souls, and is acted from pure and single Aims at the Glory of God, in our own and their Salvation.

Now that any of Us should be among these Gifts of God to Men, what a rich and free Act of Grace is it? [Page 14]As Daniel said after all his Preparations to stand before the King, and that he might be meet for God to use and honour him; " I thank thee and praise thee, O thou God of my Fathers! that hast given me Wisdom. With like religious Gratitude let us bow down at the Word of God, and run with Cushi, to carry good Tydings: If so be we may be made to Souls Ministers by whom they believe; Workers together with Christ, active Instruments in the Hand of the Spirit, Stewards of the Mysteries of God, faithful and wise Servants to give the Houshold their Meat in due season.

WHAT a distinguishing Grace will this be found in the Day of Christ, When they that are wise shall shine as the Firmament, and they that turn many to Righteousness, as the Stars for ever and ever.

O if our Souls were duly affected with the Grace of God to us as Paul was, it wou'd bring us into the holy Mini­stry, and carry us on in it with his gracious Spirit; where­of we read, Col. i. 25,—29. Whereof I am made a minister according to the dispensation of God, which is given to me for you, to fulfil the word of God: Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages, and from generations, but now is made manisest to his saints. To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus. Whereunto I also labour, striving accord­ing to his working, which worketh in me mightily.

BUT I come to say Secondly, and so draw to a Close,

II. IT is in like manner the great Grace and Favour of God to any People, to have Christ and his unsearcha­ble Riches preached to Them. Ministers and People are at last One, and equal in this Grace. I Paul the Mini­ster of Christ for You Gentiles. What were Apostles, and what are Pastors and Teachers, but Gifts for Men, that the LORD GOD may dwell among them. They are or­dained for Men, in things pertaining to God Are they Ambassadors from Christ? it is to beseech You in his Stead to be reconciled to God. Are they Servants of the most High God? it is to show You the Way of Salva­tion. [Page 15]Are they Workers together with God? You are God's Husbandry and his Building. Are they [...]gels of the Churches? it is to minister unto the Heirs of Sal­vation. Are they Watchman? it is to watch for Souls as those that must give an Account. Is there any Dispen­sation of Grace granted 'em? it is to You-ward; to save themselves & those that hear them. Are they Stewards? it is for the Houshold. And are they Shepherds, it is for the Flock.

THE Grace and Favour in the preached Gospel is therefore the same to People and to Ministers. Ministers are given for the People and to the People; Not they formed into Congregations and Churches for the sake of Ministers, 1 Cor. ii. 7. We preach the Wisdom ordained before the World unto YOUR Glory. 3.5. Who then is Paul? and who is Apollos? but Ministers by whom YOU believe; even as God gives to every Man. 2 Tim. 2.10. I endure all things for the Elects sake, that they may ob­tain the Salvation which is in Jesus Christ, with Eternal Glory. 2 Cor. vi. 11. Our Mouth is open to YOU, our Heart is enlarged; Be YE also enlarged.

THUS Ministers and People are One in the Grace of the preached Gospel. The Hearers of the Word are therefore to be now invited & admonished to say with­in Themselves, "That to us this Grace is given, to have Christ and his Riches preached to us!

IT is a distinguishing Priviledge, and it should be a saving Mercy.

1. IT is a distinguishing Grace of God to any People, and to Persons of whatever Rank & Degree, and they should be greatly affected with it. Few, very few are so distin­guished. The Line of Election is as it were drawn down to us, in the Mission of the Gospel to us. As God gave to Abraham the Promise of the glorious Seed, in Whom all the Families of the Earth should be blessed; So to us he has fulfilled the Promise & revealed the blessed Seed. and set all Spiritual and Eternal Blessings before us thro' Him. The Covenant He gave to Abraham, & his Blessing is come to us Gentiles thro' Faith. We have Moses and the Prophets read & preached to us every Sabbath-day. We have Moses unveil'd, and can look upon the Lustre [Page 16]of his Face, and see the Glory of Christ shining in all the Types & Shadows of the Law. We have Life & Death, the Blessing and the Curse set before us in the clearest Light. We have a Tribe, like that of Levi, separated to teach us God's Judgments. We have the Sanctuary of God in the midst of us, his Altar and his Court. We have his Sabbaths and Sacraments We have his more spiritual Worship, Statutes and Ordinances. The righ­teous Men of old desir'd to see the Things which we see, and to hear the Things which we hear They prophe­sied of the Grace that is come to us. God has provided the better Things for us, that They without Us should not be made perfect. Unto us they did minister the things that are now reported to You, by them that preach the Gospel. Wherefore gird up the Loyns of your Mind, and lift up your Hearts and Hands in the Sanctu­ary, for the Grace that is brought to You at the Reve­lation of Jesus Christ.— The Church of old saw Moses come down shining from the Mount, with the Tables in his Hands: But blessed are your Eyes and Ears that see and hear Jesus as it were preaching to the Multitudes on the Mountain, and transfigured in the Mount, with Moses and Elias in their Glory waiting on Him.— When Balaam prophesied of Him that should come out of Jacob, to have the Dominion, he concluded thus, " Who shall live when God doth this? We can tell him who shall: We live when God has done it! And O that it may be Life Eternal to us! — But in order to this

2. THIS very distinguishing Grace of God to us must become saving. And wo to us, if Christ and his unsear­chable Riches be preached to us, and preached by us, and we are not saved by it. If we come to plead in Vain, Lord we have prophesied in thy Name, and thou hast taught in our Streets. Where and what will the Grace and Favour then be to us? It is received in vain, & will but turn to our greater Wretchedness, Misery & Curse. As it is written, You only have I known of all the Fami­lies of the Earth, therefore will I punish you from your Iniquities. And thou Capernaum, which art exalted to Hea­ven shall be bro't down to Hell; For if the mighty Works done in thee had been done in Sodom, it would have repent­ed and remained. Wherefore it shall be more tolerable in the 'Day of Judgment for Tire and Sidon than for You.

[Page 17] LET it be therefore our earnest Care and Prayer that the Word preached be savingly profitable to our Souls; that we receive that special Grace which the Lord means us from his preached Gospel. It were below His Grace to give a revealed Word, to institute a Sabbath, to ordain a Ministry, to appoint Ordinances, for any less End. He would have us come to the Knowledge of the Truth and be saved. He sends his Ministers now, as He will his Angels hereafter, to gather in his Elect from the four Quarters of the Earth. The Election will receive his Grace, ob­tain his Mercy, while the rest are blinded; blindly re­ject it. Give your Ministers the Joy of saying to You, in the Words of the Apostle to the Thessalonians; "Know­ing, Brethren beloved, your Election of God! For our Gos­pel came not to You in Word only, but in the Power of the HOLY GHOST.

THIS, this is saving Grace and Mercy! what Sinners should seek, and what Saints may triumph in! what Mi­nisters should preach, and People hear for. Else what go ye forth to see? A Reed shaken with the Wind! Or what go ye forth to hear? The Songs of Children in the Market, in their idle Plays! For can any thing answer to the Incarnation, Dying and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus, but the Eternal Salvation of your precious Souls from Sin and Death and Hell? Or can the Holy Ghost be given from on High, but for the piercing Sinners to the Heart, and to set them a crying out, Sirs, What must we do to be saved! For what a Farce is this Solemnity of a preach­ed Christ and his unsearchable Riches turned into, if it have no Effect upon the Hearts & Lives of Men? if it effect no change of Souls here, nor turn to their Salva­tion in the Life to come? Let us throw up our Sabbaths, and cast away our Bibles, and lay aside the Order and Work of a Ministry; if they be not for the Conversion of Souls. But if this be the End and Fruit of a preached JESUS, how glorious is it and worthy of his blessed Name! whose Glory is infinite & eternal in our Salvation.

READ then the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ to us in his preached Gospel, and let it animate both Ministers and People, as it inspired holy Paul; "If by any Means I may save some! "I please all Men in all things, seck­ing their spiritual Profit that they may be saved! "Whe­ther we be afflicted or comforted, it is for your Consolation [Page 18]and Salvation! "Men & Brethren, Unto You is this Word of Salvation sent! "to You is preached the Forgiveness of Sins! "judge not your Selves unworthy of eternal Life! "For there is Salvation in no other.

I have thus endeavoured in as few & strong Words as I could to represent to You, the Grace given us in the Gospel preached to us. And what are we in this wide and wild World, that to Us this distinguishing, and (if it be not our own Fault) this saving Grace of God should be given and not to Others! or to Us more and in a better Manner than to many Others!

LET Ministers Examine and judge themselves before the Lord and his People: "How are we affected with the Grace of God to us, in his All-disposing Providence respecting Us, putting us into the Ministry! chusing for us our Lot & Station! giving us an early serious & humble Mind for the great Work it self, and furnishing us in any measure for our Places! granting us any Tokens of his Presence with us in our Ministrations to the Souls of our respective Flocks! any Seals of our Ministry, and Hopes of Glory with them at the Appearance of JESUS CHRIST! How do we, and how have we preached CHRIST & his Riches to our People! and to what Effect on our own and their Souls together!

LET Candidates for the Ministry learn with what Tem­per & Exercise of Soul, with what kind of Affections, they should prepare for & enter on it: beginning as they pur­pose (by the Grace of God) to hold on, preaching Christ and his unsearchable Riches unto Souls ready to perish; that the Spirit of Christ and his Glory may rest on 'em and shine in 'em, and be the Alpha & Omega, the first and the last with them, in their holy Studies and public Per­formances.

LET them learn of blessed Paul how & what to preach, and with what Aims at the Conversion and Salvation of Souls: And therefore let them look unto their own Souls first, & give Diligence to make their own Effectual Cal­ling sure: That they may be able to use such Words as these, "When it pleased God to call me by his Grace, and reveal his Son in me; that I should preach Him unto Others.

[Page 19] LET 'em give no Occasion to the Ministers & Churches from their public Discourses to fear or say, That they are going off to another Kind & Way of Preaching, and that the serious humble and earnest Preaching of Christ and his Riches, for the Salvation of lost Souls, is not the plain Aim and Scope of their Ministry. And if it be not let 'em know, that the End of the Ministry is not like to be reach'd by Them, either as to Themselves or those that hear them.

I turn me now to the Honoured Congregation and Flock of Christ, who have called us this Day to pray with Them and preach to 'em, that God may graciously direct Them in their Election of Another into the Pastoral Office over Them.

WE would have You greatly affected (you see) with the Grace of God to You, in that You have had Christ and his Riches preached to You, from your Beginning unto this Day. You & We are Witnesses for God, that He has been so by your Deceased excellent Pastors, now with Christ, both Father & Son. This was the lov'd Subject of their Preaching, with what Light and Flame & Power you all know. — And this is the Spirit & Manner of your present Pastor * His soft & still Voice breathes among You the same Christ and his Riches. May it be with like and greater Efficacy; for your Illumination, Excitation and Salvation! — I have been exhibiting to You the Spirit of Grace in his Ministry and Conversation among You: "That to Me, the least, this Grace is given, to preach unto You the riches of Christ.

YOU will doubtless desire the same Kind and Way of Preaching to be continued among You, & to your Chil­dren after You. And may it ever be so. Therefore |take this general Direction in the Choice before You, "Chuse Him, of Whom (after serious Seeking to God) You in your Consciences think, will most and best labour, with Affection and Joy, to preach Christ and his unsearchable Riches to You.

AND the Lord direct Your Hearts into such a Choice, of a Pastor after his Own Heart!

[Page 20] I conclude with those Words, from which your Aged venerable Pastor preached to the Church and Congrega­tion to Whom I minister, two and thirty Years ago, Heb. xii. 14. Follow Peace with all Men, and Holiness with­out which no Man shall see the Lord.

I think that Truth, Peace & Holiness have flourished together in this Church & Congregation from their Be­ginning. A most distinguishing Grace and Favour to it. May they still flourish among You! They hang one up­on another as Links in a Chain of Gold. Let not the Chain be broken, but still worn on your Hearts & about your Necks. I trust it is like to be so, however Provi­dence shall direct your Choice. And consequently that You must see it to be your Duty (every One of You) to acquiesce & unite in its Determination, and to continue together, waiting on God, under the Ministry of the Person that shall be chosen, till You see these Great Ends of the Gospel failing among You thro' his Deficiency: Which God forbid.

I conclude with that Apostolical Benediction, Ephes. vi. 23. Peace be to the Brethren, & Love with Faith from God the Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.



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