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QUESTION Whether GOD is not Angry with the Country for doing so little towards the Conversion of the Indians?
This is spoken to in the following Discourse by the Reverend and Learned Mr. SOLOMON STODDARD of North-Hampton.

ROM. VIII. 19.

For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.

PETER tells us that in Paul's Epistles there be same things that are hard to be Understood, and this verse and three following may well be accounted of that number. There are two Interpreta­tions of this Text and Context, arising from the differing Ex­position that is given of the word Creature. Some by creature do understand the frame of the visible World, consisting of the Celestial, and Elementary Regions, the Heavens with the goodly furniture of Stars, and the Earth with its ornaments, and the other Elements. And so they say that the creature; do by a fixed Instinct desire that original perfection wherein they were created which shall be restored to them at the Time of the manifestation of the Sons of God; that is, at the day of Judgment: it follows, v. 20. For the creature was made subject to vanity not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the some in hope. The Earth is under a curse, Gen. 1.17. and the Hea­vens by their influence do infect the Air: the creatures are subject [Page 2]to be ab [...] of man, and are made subject to the lusts of un­godly [...] so serve, as it [...], to the good of man and the glory of God v. [...] of God. That is, that the creature shall be delivered [...] this sorrowful estate, and be brought into a better Condition; some of all [...] [...]all be presented after the day of Judgment, to [...] Mo­numents of the Power & Wisdom & Goodness of GOD. It follows, [...]. The Creature doth, as it were, long to be delivered from that Vanity and Bondage: They do wish, even long for the time, when some of every sort shall be delivered.

There be same things that may be objected against this: One is, that the frame of Nature will be destroyed at the day of Judgment: Psal. 102.25, 26. speaking of the Earth and the Heavens, he saith, They shall peris [...] [...], yea, all of them shall [...] all like a [...] change [...], and they shall be [...] This also is against it, that these Heavens, and the Farth seem to be the place where [...] men shall be punished; 2 Pet. 3.7. The Hea­ven & the [...] by the [...] against the [...].

But there is another Exposition of this Scripture: The foundation of it is that by [...] is meant the [...], it may [...] the [...]. so we read of every [...]: so in the Gr [...] the meaning is every Heathen Magistrate: They did not discern Christ explicitely, but they desired the Felicity which is to be had [...] in Christ: therefore Christ is called the desire of all [...]. The Period was [...] coming, when the Gospel was to be Preached to the Geatiles; now the time should be of manifesting the Sons of God. This was done among the Jews, who all pretended to that Title, by the Apostles Preaching to them. It follows. For the [...]. The Gentiles had been [...] by [...] into a m [...] estate of Ignorance and Idolatry, and vile Courses [...] so that it seemed impossible they should ever be happy. Tho' it may be understood of God that deserted them, and left them to them­selves; they were in a [...] of servitude to their lusts. This cames in a [...] it follows, in hope, because the Creature it self [Page 3] [...] from the [...]age of Corruption, into the glori­ [...] Children of God. There was some [...]e that they [...] the re [...] of the Gospel, when the Jews [...] with it. It follows, [...] For we know [...] [...]. It is very [...] Gentiles are very forward to receive the Gospel. While [...] it, the [...] World is as it [...]re in p [...]gs of [...] Christ's time till now; ready to bring forth the Son of God, when the Apostle shall preach to them, Acts 28.28. [...]. I don't take upon me to determine for this latter interpretation; but supposing it right I observe this Doctrine,


WHEN the Jews rejected the Gospel, God sent it to the Gentiles, and they received it.

Tho' there were [...] among the Jews that waited for Redemption [...] Jerusalem, [...] the Jews rejected him. This was fore­told in the Old Testament, Isa. 53.1, 2. Who hath believed [...] report? And those words are applied to Israel by Paul. Isai. 65.2. compare Rom. 10.21. To Israel he saith, as day long, I have stretched [...] hands [...] saying people. And long before by David, Psal. 2. and [...]. When Christ was here on earth, be foretold that the Jews would reject him; Luke 1 [...]. 1 [...]. They all with [...] excuse. Matth. 12.56. They [...] they [...] the [...]. And presently upon it, God sent it to the Gentiles, and they received it; the Gentiles were under great prejedices by reason of their Education; they had been nursed up in darkness, and addicted to all serts of Wickedness; yet they gave great Entertainment to the Gospel, it was foretold that they would do so. God has promised the heathen unto Christ, Psal. 2.8. I will give the heathen for [...] Inheritance. And Paul reckons many promises together, Rom. 15.10. Rejoyce ye Gentiles, [...] people. Ver. 11. Praise the Lord all ye Gentiles. 12. There [...] and he that shall rise is reign over the Gentiles, in him shall the Gentiles trust.

[Page 4] These promises were abundantly fulfilled, as we have an account in the Acts of the Apostles and in Epistles written to several Churches of the Gentiles. This was represented, Rev. 6.2. It sell out as it was foretold: Psal. 110.2, 3. God sent forth the red of his strength out of Zion, and made multitudes [...] in the day of his power.

1. Reas. Because it was [...] of old. God out of singular love to Abraham comforted him [...] the nations of the earth should be blessed in his seed, God delighted in his obedience, and promises that as a reward of it, Gen. 22.18. Abraham offered his son to God, and God rewarded him, giving a Son that should be the Saviour of Man­kind. So God promised it to Christ, as the reward of his Service; the Service that God called him to, was very great, it was a mighty un­dertaking to lay down his life for Sinners; for the Beloved Son of God to bear the wrath of God! And God promised a large Kingdom as the reward of that Service. Isa. 33.12. Therefore will I divide him a por­tion with the great, and he shall divide the spent with the stren [...]: because be poured [...]t his soul unto death. Isa 49.6. It is a light thing with me that thou shouldst be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, & to restore the preserved of Israel: I will also give thee for a light to the Gentiles, that [...] mayst be my salvation unto the end of the earth. And long before, He made a promise by Noah, Gen. 9.27. God shall enlarge Jap et, and he shall dwell in the tents of She [...]; he shall be incorporated with the Church. There were promises also to the Posterity of Hom. Isa. 39.24. In that day shall Isrect be the third [...]th Egypt, and with [...], &c. God remembred these promises, and shewed himself faithful to perform them.

2. It was much for the Honour of Christ. God has made him a King as well as a Prophet and a Priest, and will give a great Kingdom to him. The Honour of a King is in the multitude of his Subjects, and for his Honour he shall be King of Nations. He suffered a great deal of Repreach upon Earth, and God will make his Name great from the rising to the setting San. Psal. 72.17. Men shall be blessed in him; all nations shall call him blessed. Dan. 2.44, 45. In the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a Kingdom, which shall never be destroyed. &c. That is greatly for the Honour of Christ, that all Nations [...] ascribe their Redemption to him. Rev. 5.9. Thou hast re [...]emed us to God by i [...] blood, out of all nations. And ver. 12. Wor­thy [...], and riches, and wisdom, [...] and [...].

[Page 5] 2. It was very much that One Nation should not ingross the Mercy of GOD. God's Mercy is his Own, and He has the liberty to bestow it where he pleases: but there seems to be a condecency in it that He should offer this Grace to all Nations. If Grace had been offered only to the Jews, they would have swelled with Pride; and the poor Gen­tiles would have been discouraged. God is the Father of all Nati­ons, and it seems most suitable that his Mercy should expatiate it self, that he should show the extensiveness of it: that the Praises of God may refound from all Lands. Rom. 3.29. Is he the God of the Jews only, is he not also of the Gentiles? yea, of the Gentiles also.

USE. I Of Warning. That you dont reject the Gospel. The Jews re­jected it, and God gave it to other People that brought forth the fruit of it. Now we have the Opportunity, God offers the Gospel to our Nation and unto this Generation; this will be a foundation of eternal Life, if we dont reject it. Let it be your care to receive it: some People have not the offer of it. Do not as the Jews did!

There were two things that made them reject it,

1. A spirit of Slumber. They enjoyed a great deal of ease and out­ward Prosperity, and fell into a slumbering condition, Rom. 11.8. they wanted to be awakened to work out their salvation with fear and trembling: they set their hearts upon the World, Mat. 22.5. One had bought a piece of ground, and another had bought five yoke of Oxen, and they must be excused, Luk. 14.18, 19. A woldly spirit will ruine many men; the reverse to this is [...] of many, 2 Cor. 4.18. The love of the world besots many; they [...] like to get but little of the world, yet they loose their Souls for the sake of it: The seed of the Gospel is choked with the care of the world, Mat. 13.22. Worldly affections eat out their Religion. They say, It is good to be here; they do it seek that City that is to come.

2. They were Blinded. Rom. 11.7. besides their natural blindness, they had a vail upon their bearts, that was the law; they thought that would save them, Rom. 10.3. They went about to establish their own righteousness; they drunk in a conceit that that would do. They thought they did not need the Blood of a Redeemer, they thought the blood of Sacrifices would serve the turn: so, many among us are blinded with a proud conceit of their own excellency; their eyes are fixed upon that, they dont see their need of Christ, they dont see the glory of Christ. An hundred Arguments wont convince them; [Page 6]say what you will to them, they think they must have something to commend them: they are strangers to the Freeress of God's Grace, and they are washing of themselves to make themselves clean, and they are adorning of them to make themselves fine & beautiful; You cant beat them out of conceit of themselves. They think they are some­thing when they are nothing, Gal. 6.3. They prise their [...], and that is an hindrance, to their prising of CHRIST.

USE, II. Of Examination. Whether GOD is not Angry with the Country for not preaching the Gospel to the Heathen? That GOD is [...] with the Country, and has been these threescore years, has been evident by His sending Epidemical Discases and Devourers; And it greatly becomes us to enquire into the Causes of God's Anger: ma­ny things index are satisfyed in are the cause of Anger: if God is not angry for this; yet there is cause enough of Anger. But we have spe­cial Reason to enquire whether he is not angry for this; because it is taken notice of in England, and we are reflected on in Print, that we have little care of the Heathen; it was miles notice of above Forty Years ago. Another creation for enquiry i [...]. I hat God has made them a terrible scourge to [...] that by their joyning with the French; and in this present Wa [...]: These Wars have been very expensive, and bloody, and have made many Towns desolate, and many times the affliction carries the token of the sin; by the Punishment, sometimes Men may learn the [...]. They are instruments to punish us, it may be we have not done our duty to them.

1. CHRIST Commands us to Preach the Gospel to them. The Country is not lest at liberty, whether they will cause the Gospel to be preached unto them; it is not a matter of indifference, whether they will do it, or neglect it. I readily acknowledge that the Indians have shewed a very br [...]tish and settish spirit; that where a people lived among them that made a great profession of Religion, they did not enquire into it whether the Doctrine that they professed was [...], or not. They plainly manifested that they had very much of litera­ted the light of Nature: and made no tolerable use of their natural Conscience, that taught them that there was a glorious GOD, that made the World, that was to be worshipped and served; and that their Souls were Immortal. But that is no excuse or us; the com­mand of Christ to his Disciples was, To French the Gospel to every [Page 7] Creature, Mark [...]6.15. And to Go and teach all Nations [...] them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, Mat. 28.19. This Command was not given to the Apostles alone, but to their Suc­cessors also throughout all generations, for i [...] follows, v. 20. L [...], I am with ye [...] alway, even unto the end of the world. Hence it is evident, That it is the Mind of Christ, that Christian People as they have Op­portunity, do in all Generations, Labour to Christianize the Heathen. It is Expec [...]ed from those that are in Authority, who have Power to send Preachers, and to Maintain and Sub [...]st them in doing their Work; to take Effectual Care that the [...]ospel be Published. In the Time of the Jewish Church, this was not so required; for the Ordi­nances of God at that time were fitted only for One National Church: The Ceremmonial Law was as a partition wall between the Jews and Gentiles, The Church-state was fitted to One Nation: and yet the Jews did take a great deal of care to Proselyte the Heathen and to bring them to [...] knowledge of the True God. And there were many Proselytes [...]ong them as [...]. And the Jews that after the Captivity were Dispersed among the Gentiles, did bring many of them to the Profession of the True God, as we find in the [...] of the Apostles. And when the [...] Princes had Subdned the Ed [...]ites, they Compelled them to be Circumcised, and to make a Profession of the true God. But now we are under an Express Command to Teach all Nations.

2. We [...] to the Honour of JESUS CHRIST. We make a Profethos of Honouring him we know that He is Worthy of Honour, Rev. 5.12. [...] is the Lamb that was stain, to [...] [...], and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and [...]. It would have been well worth the while, for us to have honoured Christ in this way. A Spirit of Love to Christ, would have put us upon it to have Advanced his Honour in this way. Peo­ple are wont to be concerned for the Honour of their Princes. An Ancient Grecian was wonderfully [...]ffected when he saw Alexander sit on the throne of [...]. This is one of the Honours Promised unto JESUS CHRIST, [...], P [...]al. 72.17. And that [...] [...], Psal. 2.8. [...], Phil. 2. [...] And it would greatly have becomed us to have laid out our slves for the Accomplishment of these [...]. We owe more than this to Jesus Christ. And it would have been a great Consolation, to see there [Page 8] Indians, who had Worshipped the Devil, meeting together to Praise and Glorify CHRIST, and to hear them Discoursing of the Wonder­ful Love of God, in sending his Son to Dy for us. David rejoyced in that Men should abundantly utter the memory of his great goodness; and sing of his Righteousness, Psal. 145.7. And if a Spirit of Love to Jesus Christ had flourished in us, it would be the Joy of our Hearts, to see Congregations of Indians waiting on God in his House, joyning in Prayer, and hearing the Gospel, and Celebrating the Memory of the Death of Christ.

3. We ought to have done it out of Love to Mankind. Christ Jesus Died For the Saltation of Sinners, and it is a great thing to Save a Soul from Death, Jam. 5.20. It is matter of Humbling to think of the Damnation of Men, and to see Men go Ignorantly on in a way of Destruction. Our Hearts should yearn towards these Poor Heathen; it becomes us to Commiserate their Condition. It is a doleful thing to think, that from generation to generation, they go down to Hell. We know that none is able to bear it, to dwell with dev [...]ring Fire, To dweil with ever­lasting Burnings. And we should not think much of it, to be at some Expence for to Redeem Men from Destrustion. It is very great kindness to help Men to Heaven. It will be as intolerable for these Heathen to bear the Torments of Hell, as for any of us to bear them. And as we dread to go to Hell our selves, it should be awful to us to consider their Damnation. Love and Pity calls for it, that we should help them out of their Danger. We should pity [...] in Misery, much more Men: Tho they be Brutish Persons; yet, they are of Mankind, and so objects of Compassion. It is an act of Love to our own nature to seek their Salvation: If we can further that, we shall do them great Service.

4. The Profession of those that Adventured into this Country was, that it was their principal design, to bring the Indians to the knowlege of the true God and Saviour of Mankind, and the Christian Faith; as the King declares in the Charter: The like is expressed in the Charter for Connections. And it would have been the Honour of the Country, if they had answered that Profession. Indeed we gave the Heathen an Example; and if they had not been miserably besotted, they would have taken more notice of it. But we have done very little to Answer our Pro­fession. Some few pious persons, of their own accord, have taken some Pains, and had some Success. And some Money that has been [Page 9]contributed in England for the furtherance of that Design, has been faithfully expended that way: But the Country has been at very lit­tle Cost for the Conversion of the Heathen. Many Men have been more careful to make a booty of them, than to gain them to the practice of Religion. It puts me to a stand to conjecture what Excuse can be made for this Neglect. The Poverty of the Country will be no Apology for this Omission. We have great cause to be humbled, that we have answered our profession so poorly.

5. We our selves have been pitied, when we were in the like condition. The English Nation was formerly under heathenish darkness, as these Indians; they worshipped several Idols, [...]T [...]s [...], Woden, Thor and Frea. But there were those that pitied them, and brought the Gospel among them; * and tho' it was mixed with some Errors; and it was about Two hundred Years before they were all brought to a steady Profession of Chrissianity, and soon after they declined to Popery; yet the issue has been such, through the over ruling Hand of God, that we have cause to count it the greatest Mercy, that ever the Land did enjoy. Hereby God has laid a foundation for the Salva­tion of many Thousands of Souls; and God has raised up many Men that have been the glory of the Nation, and many that have suffered Martyrdom for the Faith of the Gospel. And what ever Declensions there be at the present; yet the Gospel is professed, and there is great Opportunity to come to Eternal Life. We should have been so sensible of this Mercy of God to us, as to pity these Indians, not know­ing but that God may have glorious Churches among them, and that in length of time, many of their Posterity may be glorious Witnesses unto Christ, and that His Kingdom may flourish among them.

6. The Examples of Others may make us A [...]amed. Besides what has been done by the English formerly in sending Preachers into Ger­many, there is at this day a great deal done in the East-Indies, by the Germans and Danes for the Propagation of the Gospel. Worthy Men are sent over; many are brought to the Profession of the Faith; the [Page 10]Bible is Printed in their own Language; great Contributions are sent over to advance that Work; and the Name of Christ i [...] renowned among them; and the people that have been in Darkness have seen great Light. And it is matter of Shame, that when others are carry­ing the Gospel many thousands of Miles, from their own Country; We suffer them that dwell among us, and that are Bor [...]erers to us; to lie in Darkness, and Afford them very little Help for their De­liverance.

7. The Activity of Papists for the spreading of their Religion, may greatly ashame us. The Spaniards, have done a great deal to bring the Indians in Peru and Mexico to their Religion: And the Portagueze. to bring the Indians in Brazil, and the Indies, to theirs. And the French, are diligent in Canada, and else where, to gospellize them. And do we fit still, without any hearty Endeavours for the Salvation of the Heathen among us? It may be said, they do them little service to bring them from one error to another; to take them out of the Pit. and lead them into a Snare. But however, they therein make Con­science to advance their own Religion; run great Ventures, and en­dare many Hardships, in order to it. And is it not a Shame to us to be backward to promote the true Religion? If [...] Zeal, and Prid [...], and vain glory, have a mighty influence upon them; it might be ex­pected that Love to God, and the Souls of Men, should stir up us to Propagate the Truth. We have abundantly more Reason to lay out our selves for the Truth; than others have, for their Errors and Su­perstitious doctrines.

3. If they should imbrace Religion, it would be a means to make them live more comfortably in this World. It is observable, that many Na­tions, when they were in their Heathenism, lived miserably as to this World. So the English, and the French, and others; But since their imbracing the Gospel, they are got into a flourishing condition. God leads them in ways of wisdom, to follow Husbandry, Trades and Merchandize, and to live honourably and plentifully. They have good Honses, handsome Clothing, and comfortable Diet; they live more like Men than they did in former Ages. It is said Christ is worthy of Riches, Rev. 5.12. God bestows them on Christ two ways, one is in giving Riches for the maintaining the Ordinances of Christ; the other is in giving Riches to the Professors of the Christian Reli­gion. And it is very hopeful, if the Indians did once imbrace the true [Page 11]Religion, they would by degrees, leave off their [...]ild and base way of living; learn Trades, improve Land; and govern themselves as civi­lized Nations do; they would relinquish this Savage way of living that they have been addicted unto.

9. If they should imbrace Religion, it might provoke us to [...]. We make an high Profession; but yet Religion runs low, and Iniquity doth abound. There is a great deal of Pride, Drunkenness, Injustice, Prophanness, and Korais [...] in the Land. And we need to say as David; Wilt thou not revive us again? Psal. 85.6. It is the conjecture of one learned Writer, that the Christians in America will Indianize and be­came that Gog and Magog spoken of, Rev. 20. I hope that will prove a Mistake. But if the Indians were prevailed with to receive the Gospel, it is hopeful, their Zeal may provoke us. If we observe a [...] of Faith, and Love, and [...] in the [...]; it may make us ashamed, and provoke us to Emulation. Paul hoped that the Conversion of the Gentiles would provoke the Jews to Emula­tion, Rom. 11.12. Its hopeful, if Religion should prevail among them, it may be a [...] to Revive it among us.

USE III. [...] for that it is a very desirable thing that the Heathen be brought to the Faith. There be many Promises of the Conversion of the Gentil [...] Isa. 47.6. And it has been Graciously Accomplished many times [...]. Nations are brought to Receive the Gospel, so they do it with Sincerity: and so they will be Blessed for ever, Act. 26.18. Private [...]ersons may help it forward, by their Prayers, as well as others; We should Pray for the Conversion of the Indians.

1. That will be for [...], than only to make Peace. If they continue in their Heathenism, there will be occasion of contention: There was abundance of Trouble between Israel and the Heathen that were about them: if they continue Heathens they will be apt to fall in with the Papists; if they continue Heathens, they will carry it Pro­vokingly; if they be contentious, they will be ready to run to Arms, and avenge themselves by making War: But if they be brought to Religion, then there will be Hopes of a Durable Peace: The People of Ekron fell out often with Israel; but when they were Con­verted, they were Serviceable and Helpful to them; Zech. 9.7. Ekron shall be as a Jebusite.

[Page 12] 2. That will be much better, than to Destroy them. Some men it their Rage, meditate nothing but utter Destruction; They th [...] Fire-brands, [...] and Death. They are like Edom, and the [...] that said, Let us [...] them off from being a Nation, that the Name of Israel may be us m [...]re in Remembrance, Psal. 83.4. These men [...] a Bloody Spirit: Tis much better to convert them: Then they will do good, they will serve and glorify God, they will help to enlarge his Kingdom, and be a benefit to their Neighbours.


Printed by B. Green, August 9th. 1723. And Sold [...] Samuel Gerrish at his Shop near the Old Meeting house.

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