
THE CHARTER And the Several Laws, Orders & Ordinances Established by the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Assistants OF THE City of New-York Conven'd in Common Council, For the good Rule and Government of the Inhabi­tants of the said City.

Published this first Day of December, in the Mayoralty of Jacobus van Cortland, Esq Anno (que) Domini 1719.

Printed and Sold by William Bradford in the City of New-York, 1719.

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THE CHARTER OF THE City of New-York.

Thomas Dongan Lieutenant Governour & Vice Admiral of New-York and its Dependencies, under his Majesty James the second, by the Grace of God, of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, King, Defendor of the Faith, supream Lord and Proprietor of the Colony and Province of N ew-York, and its Dependencies in America, &c. To all to whom this shall come, sendeth Greeting.

WHEREAS the City of New-York is an antient City within the said Province, and the Citizens of the said City have antiently been a Body Politick and Corporate. And the Citizens of the said City have held, used and enjoyed, as well within the same, as else-where within the said Province, divers and sundry Rights, Liberties, Priviledges, Franchises, Free Customs, Prehemi­nencies, Advantages, Jurisdictions, Emoluments and Immunities, as well by Prescription, as by Charter, Letters Patents, Grants and Confirmations, not only of divers Governours and Commanders in Chief in the said Province, but also of several Governours, Directors, Generals and Commanders in Chief of the Nether-Dutch­Nation, whilst the same was or has been under their Power and Subjection. And whereas divers Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, Jurisdictions, Liberties, Immu­nities and Priviledges have heretofore been given and granted, or mentioned to be given and granted to the Citizens and Inhabitants of the said City, sometimes by the name of Shout Purger masters and Shepers of the City of New-Amsterdam, and some­times by the Name of Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the city of N ew-Y ork; sometimes by the Name of the Mayor, Alderman and Sheriff of the City of N ew-Y ork; [Page 2] sometimes by the Name of the Mayori and Aldermen of the City of N ew-Y ork, and by divers other Names, as by their several Letters Patents, Charters, Grants, Writings, Records and Minuments amongst other things, may more fully appear. And whereas the Citizens and Inhabitants of the said City have erected, built and appropriated, at their own proper Costs and Charges, several publick Buildings, Accommodations and Conveniences for the said City, That is to say, the City-Hall or State-house, with the Ground thereunto belonging, Two Market-houses, the Bridge into the Dock, the Wharffs or Dock, with their appurtenances and Con­veniences, and the N ew Burial-place without the Gate of this City, and have established and settled one Ferry from the said City of N ew-Y ork to Long-Island, for the accommodation and conveniency of Passengers, the said Citizens and Tra­vellers.

And whereas several the Inhabitants of the said City and of Manhattans Island, do Hold from and under his most Sacred Majesty respectively, as well by several respective Letters Patents, Grants, Charters and Conveyances, made and granted by the late Leiutenants, Governours or Commanders in Chief of the said Province, as otherwise, several and respective Messuages, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments upon Manhattans Island, and in the City of N ew-Y ork aforesaid, and that as well the said Mayor and Aldermen, and Commonalty of the said City, and their Successors, as also the Inhabitants of Manhattans Island and City of N ew-Y ork aforesaid, as their Heirs and Assigns respectively, may hold, exercise and enjoy such and the same Liberties, Priviledges and Franchises, Rights, Royalties, free Customs, Jurisdictions and Immunities, as they have antiently had, used, held and enjoyed, but also such publick Buildings, Accommodations, Conveniencies, Messuages, Tenements, Lands and Hereditaments in the said City of N ew-Y ork, and upon Man­hattans Island aforesaid, which as above-said, have been by the Citizens and In­habitants erected and built, or which have, as aforesaid, been held, enjoyed, granted and conveyed unto them, or any of them respectively.

Know Y e therefore, That I the said Thomas Dongan, by virtue of the commis­sion and Authority to me given, and Power in me residing, at the humble Petition of the now Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the said City of N ew-Y ork, and for divers other good Causes and Considerations me there unto moving, Have Given, Granted Ratified and Confirmed, and by these Presents, for and on the be­half of his most sacred Majesty aforesaid, his Heirs, Successors and Assigns, Do Give, Grant, Ratifie and Confirm unto the said Mayor, Aldermen and Commo­nalty of the said City, All and every such, and the same Liberties, Priviledges, Franchises, Rights, Royalties, Free Customs, Jurisdictions and Immunities, which they by the Name of the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty, or otherwise, have antiently had, held, used or enjoyed. Provided always, That none of the said Liberties, Priviledges, Franchises, Rights, Free Customs, Jurisdictions or Immu­nities be inconsistent with, or Repugnant to the Laws of his Majesties Kingdom of England, or any other the Laws of the General Assembly of this Province. And the aforesaid publick Buildings, Accommodations and Conveniences in the said City, that is to say, the aforesaid City-Hall or State-House, with the ground there­unto belonging, two Market-Houses, the Bridge into the Dock, the Wharffs or Dock, the said N ew Burial-Place, and the afore-mentioned Ferry, with their, and every of their Rights, Members and Appurtenances, together with all the Profits, Benefits and advantages, which shall or may accrue or arise at all Times hereaf­ter, for Dockage or Wharffage within the said Dock, with all and singular the Rents, [Page 3] Issues, Profits, Gains and Advantages, which shall or may arise, grow or accrue, by the said City-Hall or State-House, and ground there-unto belonging, Market Houses, Bridge, Dock and Burying place, Ferry, and other the above-mentioned Premises or any of them. And also, all and every the Streets, Lanes, High-Ways and Allyes within the said City of N ew-Y ork and Manhattans Island aforesaid, for the publick use and service of the said Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the said City, the Inhabitants of Manhattans Island aforesaid, and Travellers there; Together with full Power, Lisence and Authority to the said Mayor, Aldermen and Com­monalty, and their Successors forever, To establish, appoint, order and direct the establishing making, ordering, amending, repairing and laying out of all Streets, Lanes, Alleys, High-wayes, Water-Courses, Ferry and Bridges in and throughout the said City of N ew-Y ork and Manhattans Island aforesaid, necessary, needful and convenient for the Inhabitants of the said City and Manhattans Island, and for all Travellers and Passengers there. Provided alwayes, that this said Lisence, so as above granted for the establishing, making and laying out of Streets, Lanes, Alleys, High-ways, Ferry and Bridges, be not extended, or be construed to extend to the taking away of any Person or Persons Right or Property, without his, her or their Consent, or by some known Law of the said Province.

And for the Considerations aforesaid, I do likewise Give, Grant, Ratifie and Confirm unto all and every the respective Inhabitants of the said City of N ew-Y ork, and of Manhattans Island aforesaid, and their several respective Heirs and Assigns, All and every the several and respective Messuages, Tenements, Lands and Hereditaments scituate, lying and being in the said City and Manhattans Island aforesaid, to them severally and respectively granted, conveyed and Con­firmed by any of the late Governours, Lieutenants, or Commanders in Chief of the said Province, or by any of the former Mayors or Deputy Mayor and Alder­men of the said City of N ew-Y ork, by Deed, Grant, Conveyance, or otherwise howsoever, To hold to their several and Respective Heirs and Assigns forever.

And I do by these Presents Give and Grant unto the said Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the said City of N ew-Y ork, All the Waste, Vacent, Unpaten­ted and Unappropriated Lands, lying and being within the said City of N ew-Y ork and on Manhattans Island, as aforesaid, extending and reaching to the Low-Water­Mark, in, by and through all Parts of the said City of N ew-Y ork and Manhattans Island, as aforesaid; Together with all Rivers, Rivolets, Coves, Creeks, Ponds, Water, Water-courses in the said City and Island, or either of them, not heretofore given or granted by any of the former Governors, Lieutenants or Commanders in Chief, under some of their Hands and Seals, or Seal of the Province, or by any of the former Mayors or Deputy Mayors and Aldermen of the said City of N ew-Y ork, to some respective Person or Persons, late Inhabitants of the said City of N ew-Y ork, or Manhattans Island, or other parts of the said Province. And I do by these presents Give, Grant and Confirm unto the said Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the said City of N ew-york, and their Successors forever, the Roy­alties of Fishing, Fowling, Hunting, Hawking, Mineral and other Royalties and Privileges belonging or Appertaining to the City of N ew- york, and Manhattans Island, aforesaid (Gold and Silver Mines only excepted) To Have, Hold, and Enjoy all and singular the Premises to the said Mayor, Alder-men and Commonalty of the said City of N ew- york, and their Successors forever, Rendering and paying therefore unto his Most sacred Majesty, his Heirs, Successors or Assigns, or to such Officer or Officers, as shall be appointed to receive the same yearly forever hereafter, the annual Quit-Rent or Acknowledgement of one Beaver Skin, or the value thereof [Page 4] in Current Money of this Province, in the said City of N ew- york, on the 25th day of March yearly forever. And moreover, I will, and by these presents do grant, appoint and declare, that the said City of N ew- york and the Compass, Precincts and Limits thereof, and the Jurisdiction of the same, shall from henceforth extend to reach it self, and may and shall be able to reach forth and extend it self, as well in length and in breadth, as in Circuit, to the furthest extent of and in and through­out all the said Island Manhattan, and in and upon all the Rivers, Rivolets, Coves, Creeks, Water and Water Courses, belonging to the said Island, as far as low-water­mark.

And I Do also for and on the behalf of His most sacred Majesty aforesaid, his Heirs and Successors, firmly enjoyn and Command, That the afore-said Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City aforesaid, and their successors, shall and may freely and quietly Have, Hold, Use and enjoy the aforesaid Liberties, Autho­rities, Jurisdictions, Franchises, Rights, Royalties, Priviledges, Exemptions, Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments and Premisses aforesaid, in manner and form aforesaid, according to the tenor and effect of the aforesaid Grants, Patents, Customs and Letters Patents of Grants and Confirmation, without the Let, Hinderance or Im­pediment of me or any of my Successors, Governours, Lieutenants, or other Offi­cers whatsoever.

And also, I do for and on the behalf of his Most Sacred Majesty aforesaid, his Heirs and Successors, Grant to the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the said City of N ew- york and their Successors, by these presents, That for the better Go­vernment of the said City, liberties and precincts thereof, there shall be forever hereafter, within the said City, A M ayor and Recorder, Town Clerk, and six Alder­men, and six Assistants, to be appointed, nominated, elected, chosen and Sworn, as herein after is particularly and respectively mentioned, who shall be forever here­after called, The M ayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of N ew- york. And that there shall be forever One Chamberlain or Treasurer, One Sheriff, one Coroner, One Clerk of the M arket, One High-Constable, Seven Sub-Constables, and One M ar­shal or Serjeant at Mace, To be appointed, chosen and Sworn in manner hereafter mentioned. And I do by these presents, for and on the behalf of his Most Sacred Majesty aforesaid, his Heirs, Successors and Assigns, Declare, Constitute, Grant and Appoint, That the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Assistants of the said City of N ew- york for the time being, and they which hereafter shall be the Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen and Assistants of the said City of N ew- york for the time being, and their Successors forever hereafter, be and shall be, by force of these Presents, one Body Corporate and Politick, in deed, fact and name, by the name of The M ayor, Aldermen and C ommonalty of the City of N ew- york; and them by the name of The M ayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of N ew- york one Body Corporate and Politick, in deed, fact and name, I do really and fully create, ordain, make, Constitute and Confirm by these presents. And that by the Name of the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the said City of N ew- york they may have perpetual succession, and that they and their Successors forever, by the mame of Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of N ew- york, be and shall be forever hereafter Persons able, and in Law capable to have, get, receive and possess Lands, Tenements, Rents, Liberties, Jurisdictions, Franchises and Hereditaments to them and their Successors in fee-simple or for term of Life, Lives or Years, or otherwise; and also Goods and Chattels, and also other things of what nature, kind or quality soever, and also to give grant, let, set and assign [Page 5] the same Lands, Tenements, Hereditamants, Goods and Chattles, and to do and execute all other things about the same by the name aforesaid. And also, that they be, and forever shall be hereafter, Persons able in Law, capable to plead and be Implea­ded, answer and be answered unto, defend and be defended, in all or any the Courts of his said Majesty, and other places whatsoever, and before any Judges, Justices and other person or Persons whatsoever, in all manner of actions, suits, complaints, demands, pleas, causes and matters whatsoever, of what nature, kind or quality soever, in the same, and in the like manner and form as other People of the said Province, being Persons able, and in Law capable, may plead and be impleaded, answer and be answered unto, defend and be defended by any lawful wayes and means what­soever. And that the said Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the said City of N ew-Y ork, and their Successors shall and may forever hereafter, have one common Seal to serve for sealing of all and singular their affairs and businesses, touching and concerning the said Corporation. And It shall and may be lawful to and for the said Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the said City of N ew-Y ork, and their Suc­cessors, as they shall see cause to break, change, alter and New make their said Common Seal when and as often as to them it shall seem convenient.

And further, Know Y e, That I have Assigned Named, Ordained and Constitu­ted, and by these presents do assign, name, ordain and constitute Nicholas Bayard now Mayor of the said City of N ew-Y ork to be present Mayor of the said City, and that the said N icholas Bayard shall Remain and continue in the Office of Mayor there, until another fit Person shall be appointed and sworn in the said Office, accor­ding to the usage and Custom of the said City, as in and by these Presents is hereafter mentioned and directed. And I have assigned, named, ordained and constituted and by these presents do assign, name, ordain and Constitute, Create and Declare James Graham, Esq to be the present Recorder of the said City, To do and execute all things which unto the office of Recorder of the said city doth or may in any wise appertain or belong. And I have assigned, named, ordained and constituted, and by these presents do assign, name, ordain, constitute, create and declare John West, Esq Town Clerk of the said City, To do and execute all things which unto the Office of Town-Clerk may any wise appertain or belong. And I have named, assigned, constituted and made, and by these presents do Assign, Name, constitute and make Andrew Bown, John Robinson, William Beekman, John Delavall, Abraham Depyster and Johannis Kipp, Citizens and Inhabitants of the said City of N ew-Y ork, to be the present Aldermen of the said City. And also, I have made, assigned, na­med and constituted, and by these Presents do assign, name, constitute and make Nicholas Demeyer, Johannes van Brugh, John de Brown, Thennis de Key, Abraham Corbit and Wolfers Wobber, Citizens and Inhabitants of the said City, to be the pre­sent Assistants of the said City. And also, I have assigned, chosen, Named and Constituted, and by these presents do Assign, Choose, Name and Constitute Peter Delanoy, Citizen and Inhabitant of the said City to be the present Chamberlain or Treasurer of the City aforesaid. And I have Assigned, Named, Constituted and Appointed, and by these presents do assign, name, constitute and appoint John Knight, Esq another of the said Citizens there, to be present Sheriff of the said City. And have assigned, named and appointed, and by these presents do assign, Name, Constitute and appoint Jarvis Marshall, another of the said Citizens there, to be present Marshall of the said City.

And I do by these presents Grant to the said Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the [Page 6] said City of N ew- York, and their Successors, That the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Assistants of the said City, for the time being, or the Mayor, Recorder, or any three or more of the Aldermen, and any three or more of the Assistants for the time being, Be and shall be called, The Common Council of the said City; And that they, or the greater part of them, shall and may have full power and authority, by Vir­tue of these presents, from time to time, To call and hold Common Council within the Common Council house, or City Hall of the said City, and there, as occasion shall be, to make Laws, Orders, Ordinances and Constitutions in writing, and to add, alter, diminish or reform them, from time to time, as to them shall seem necessary and Convenient, not repugnant to the Prerogative of his most Sacred Majesty afore­said, his Heirs and Successors, or to any of the Laws of the Kingdom of England, or other the Laws of the General Assembly of the Province of N ew-Y ork, for the good Rule, Over-sight, Correction and Government of the said City and Liberties of the same, and of all the Officers thereof; And for the several Trades-men, Victual­lers, Artificers, and of all other the People and Inhabitants of the said City, Liber­ties and Precincts aforesaid; And for the better preservation of Government, and disposal of all the Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, Goods and Chattels of the said Corporation; which Laws, Orders, Ordinances and Constitutions shall be binding to all the Inhabitants of the said City, Liberties and Precincts aforesaid; And which Laws, Orders Ordinances and Constitutions, so by them made as afore­said, shall be and remain in force for the space of three Moneths, and no longer, un­less they shall be allowed of and confirmed by the Governour and Council for the time being. And I do further, on the behalf of his Sacred Majesty aforesaid, his Heirs and Successors, appoint and grant, that the said Common Council of the said City for the time being, as often as they make, ordain and establish such Laws, Orders, Ordinances and Constitutions, as aforesaid, shall or may make, ordain, limit, provide, set, impose and tax reasonable Fines and Amercements against and upon all persons offending against such Laws, Orders, Ordinances and Constitutions, as aforesaid, or any of them to be made, ordained and established, as aforesaid; and the same Fines and Amercements, shall and may require, demand, levy, take and receive, by Warrant under the Common seal, To and for the use and behoof of the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the said City, and their Successors, either by distress and sale of the Goods and Chattels of the Offendors therein, if such Goods and Chattels may be found within the said City, Liberties, and Pre­cincts thereof, Rendring to such offender and offenders the over-plus, or by any other lawful ways or means whatsoever.

And I do by these presents, Appoint and Ordain the Assigning, Naming and Ap­pointment of the Mayor and Sheriff of the said City, that it shall be as followeth, viz. Upon the Feast day of St. Michael, the Arch-angel, yearly, the Lieutenant Gover­nour or Commander in Chief, for the time being, by and with the advice of the Council, shall nominate and appoint such Person as he shall think fit, to be Mayor of the said city, for the year next ensuing. And one other Person, of sufficient Ability and Estate, and of good Capacity in understanding, to be Sheriff of the said City of N ew-Y ork, for the year next ensuing. And that such persons as shall be na­med, assigned and appointed Mayor, And such Person as shall be named, assigned and appointed Sheriff of the said city, as aforesaid, shall on the fourteenth day of October, then next following, take their several and respective Corporal Oathes before the Governour and Council for the time being, for the due Execution of their re­spective Offices, as aforesaid. And that the said Mayor and Sheriff, so to be nomi­nated, [Page 7] assigned and appointed, as aforesaid, shall remain and continue in their said respective Offices until another fit Person shall be nominated, appointed and sworn in the place of Mayor, and another person shall be nominated and appointed in the place of Sheriff of the said City, in manner aforesaid. And further, that ac­cording to the now usage and Custom of the said City, the Recorder, Town Clerk and Clerk of the Market of the said City, shall be persons of good Capacity and Understanding, and such persons as his most Sacred Majesty aforesaid, his heirs and successors shall in the said respective Offices of Recorder, Town-Clerk and Clerk of the Market, appoint and commissionate; and for defect of such appoint­ments and commissionating by his Most Sacred Majesty aforesaid, his Heirs and Successors, To be such Persons as the Lieutenant Governours or Commanders in Chief of the said Province, for the time being, shall appoint and commissionate; which Persons, so Commissionated to the said Offices of Recorder, Town Clerk and Clerk of the Market, shall have, hold and enjoy the said Offices according to the tenor and effect of their said Commissions, and not otherwise. And further, that the Recorder, Town Clerk and Clerk of the Market, Aldermen, Assistants, Cham­berlain, High-Constables, petty Constables, and all other Officers of the said City, before they, or any of them shall be admitted to enter upon and execute their re­spective Offices, shall be sworn, faithfully to Execute the same, before the Mayor, or any three, or more, of the Aldermen for the time being. And I do by these pre­sents, for and on the behalf of his Most sacred Majesty, his Heirs and Successors, grant and give Power and Authority to the Mayor and Recorder of the said City, for the time being, to administer the same respective Oaths to them accordingly. And further, I do by these Presents, grant, for and on the behalf of his Most Sacred Majesty aforesaid, his Heirs and Successors, that the Mayor and Recorder of the said City for the time being, and three or more of the Aldermen of the said City, not exceeding five, shall be justices and Keepers of the Peace of his Most Sacred Majesty, his Heirs and Successors; and Justices to hear and determine matters or Causes within the said City, and Liberties, and Precincts thereof; and that they, or any three or more of them, whereof the Mayor and Recorder, or one of them, for the time being, to be there, shall and may forever hereafter, have Power and Authority, by virtue of these presents, to hear and determine All and all manner of Petty Larcenies, Riots, Routs, Oppressions, Extortions and other Trespasses and Offences whatsoever, within the said City of N ew- York, and the Liberties and Precincts aforesaid, from time to time arising and happening, and which arise or happen, and any ways belong to the Offices of the Justices of the Peace, and the Correction and Punishment of the Offences aforesaid, and every of them, according to the Laws of England, and the Laws of the said Province; and to do and to exe­cute all other things in the said City, Liberties and Precincts aforesaid, so fully and in ample manner, as to the Commission assigned, and to be assigned, for the keeping of the Peace, in the said county of N ew- York, doth or may belong. And more­over, I do by these Presents, for and in behalf of his Most Sacred Majesty aforesaid, his Heirs and Successors, appoint, that the Aldermen, Assistants, high-Constables and Petty Constables, within the said City, be yearly chosen on the Feast day of St Michael, the Arch-Angel, forever, viz. one Alderman, one Assistant and one Constable for each respective Ward, and one Constable for each Division in the out­Ward, in such Publick place in the said respective Wards, as the Aldermen, for the time being, for each Ward, shall direct and appoint. And that the Aldermen, Assi­stants and petty Constables be chosen by the Majority of Voices of the Inhabitants [Page 8] of each Ward. And that the High-Constable be appointed by the Mayor of the said City, for the time being. And that the Chamberlian shall be yearly Chosen on the said Feast day, in the said City-Hall in the said City, by the Mayor, Alder­men and Assistants, or by the Mayor, or three or more of the Aldermen, and three or more of the Assistants of the said City for the time being. And I do by these presents Constitute and appoint the said John West to be the present Town-Clerk, Clerk of the said Peace, and Clerk of the Court of Pleas, To be holden before the Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen within the said City, and Liberties, and Precincts thereof. And further, I do by these Presents, for and on the behalf of his Most Sacred Majesty aforesaid his Heirs and Successors, require, strictly charge and Command, That the Sheriff, Town-Clerk, Clerk of the Peace, High-Constable, Petty Constables, and all other Subordinate Officers in the said City, for the time being, and every of them respectively, joyntly and severally, as cause shall require, shall attend upon the said Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen of the said City for the time being, and every and any of them, according to the Duty of the re­spective places, in and about the execution of such the Commands, Precepts, War­rants and Processes of them, and every of them, as belongeth and appertaineth to be done or executed. And that the aforesaid Mayor, Recorder, and Aldermen, and every of them, as Justices of the Peace, for the time being, by their or any of their Warrants, all and every Person or Persons, for High Treason or Petty Treason, or for Suspicion thereof, or for other Fellonies whatsoever, and all Male­factors and Disturbers of the Peace, and other Offenders, for other Misdemeanors, who shall be apprehended within the said City or Liberties thereof, shall and may send and commit, or cause to be sent and committed to the Common Goal of the said City, There to remain and be kept in fate Custody, by the Keepers of the said Goal, or his Deputy for the time being, until such Offender and Offenders shall Lawfully be delivered thence. And I do by these presents, for and on the behalf of his Most Sacred Majesty aforesaid, his Heirs and Successors, Charge and Require the keeper and keepers of the said Goal, for the time being, and his and their De­puty and Deputies to receive, take and in safe Custody keep all and Singular such Person and Persons, so apprehended, or to be apprehended, sent and committed to the said Goal, by Warrant of the said Justices, or any of them, as aforesaid, until he and they so sent and committed to the said Goal, from thence shall be delivered by due course of Law.

And further, I do Grant and Confirm, for and on the behalf of his Most Sacred Majesty aforesaid, his Heirs and Successors, That the said Mayor of the said City, for the time being, and no other, according to the usage and practice accustomed in the said city of New- York, in the time of my Predecessors, the several Lieute­nants, Governours and Commanders in chief of this Province, shall have Power and Authority to give and grant Lisences, annually, under the Publick Seal of the said city, to all Tavern-keepers, Inn-keepers, Ordinary-keepers, Victualers, and all Pub­lick Sellers of Wine, Strong-Waters, Syder, Beer, or any other sort of Liquors, by Retail within the city aforesaid, Manhattans Island, or their Liberties and Pre­cincts thereof. And it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Mayor of the said city, for the time being to ask, demand and receive for such Lisence, by him to be given and granted, as aforesaid, such Sum or Sums of Money, as he and the Person to whom such Lisence shall be given and granted, shall agree for, not exceeding the Sum of Thirty Shillings for each Lisence. All which Money, as [Page 9] by the said Mayor, shall be so received, shall be used and applyed to the publick use of the said Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the said City of N ew- york, and their Successors, without any account thereof to be rendered, made or done to any of the Lieutenants or Governours of this Province, for the time being, or any of their Deputies.

And know ye, that for the better Government of the said City, and for the well­fare of the said Citizens, Trades-men and Inhabitants thereof, I do by these Pre­sents, for and in the behalf of his Most Sacred Majesty, his Heirs and Successors, Give and Grant to the said Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the said City, and their successors, That the Mayor, Recorder, and Aldermen, or the Mayor and any three or more of the Aldermen for the time being, shall from time to time, and at all times hereafter, have full Power and Authority, under the common Seal, make Free Citizens of the said City and Liberties thereof, and no Person or Persons, whatsoever, other then such free Citizens, shall hereafter use any Art, Trade, Mystery, or manual Occupation, within the said City, Libertys and Precincts thereof, saving in the time of Fairs only. And in case any Person or Persons whatsoever, not being free Citizens of the said City, as aforesaid, shall at any time hereafter, use or Excercise any Art, Trade, Mystery or manual Occupation, or shall by himself, themselves or others, sell or expose to sale any manner of Merchandize or Wares whatsoever by Retail in any House, Shop, Place or Places, or Standing within the said City, or the Liberties or Precincts thereof, no Fair being then kept in the said City, and shall persist therein, after warning to him or them given or left by the appoint­ment of the Mayor of the said City, for the time being at the place or places where such Person or Persons shall so use or exercise any Art, Trade or Mystery, or manual Occupation, or shall fell, or expose to sale any Wares or Merchandize, as aforesaid, by Retail, then it shall be lawful for the said Mayor of the said City, for the time being, to cause such Shop Windows to be shut up, and also to impose such reason­able Fine, for such Offence, not exceeding five Pounds for every respective Offence; and the same Fine and Fines, so imposed, to levy, and take, by Warrant under the common seal of the said City, for the time being, by distress and sale of the Goods and Chattels of the Person or Persons so offending in the Premises, found within the Liberties or Precincts of the said City, rendring to the Party or Parties the over-plus, or by any other lawful ways or means whatsoever, to the only use of the said Mayor, Alder-men and Commonalty of the said City of N ew- york, and their Successors, without any Account to be rented, made or done to the Lieutenants, Governours or Commaners in Chief of this Province, for the same. Provided, That no Person or Persons shall be made free, as aforesaid, but such as are his Majesties Natural born Subjects, or such as shall first be naturalized by Acts of General Assembly, or shall have obtained Letters of Denization, under the hand of the Lieutenant Governour or Commander in Chief for the time being, and Seal of the Province. And that all Persons to be made free, as aforesaid, shall and do pay for the Publick Use of the said Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty of the said City, such Sum and Sums of Money as heretofore hath been used and accustomed to be paid and received, on their being admitted Free-men, as aforesaid, provided it is not exceeding the Sum of five Pounds.

And further, I do by these Presents, for and on the behalf of his most sacred Majesty aforesaid, his Heirs and Successors, Grant to the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the said City, That they and their Successors be forever Persons able and capable, and shall have power to purchase, have, take and possess in fee simple, [Page 10] Lands, Tenements, Rents, and other Possessions within or without the same City, to them and their Successors forever, so as the same exceed not the yearly value of One Thousand Pound per annum, the Statute of Mortmain, or any other Law to the contrary notwithstanding Land the same Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments and Premises, or any part thereof to demise, grant, lease, set over, assign and dispose at their own will and pleasure, and to make, seal and accomplish any Deed or Deeds, Lease or Leases. Evidences or Writings, for or concerning the same, or any part thereof, which shall happen to be made and granted by the said Mayor, Alder­men and Commonalty of the said City, for the time being.

And further, I do by these presents, for and on the behalf of his most sacred Ma­jesty aforesaid, his Heirs and Successors, grant to the said Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the said City, That they and their Successors, shall and may fore­ver hereafter, hold and keep within the said City, in every Week of the Year, Three Market days, the one upon Tuesday, the other upon Thursday, and the other upon Satur­day, weekly forever.

And also I do by these Presents, for and on the behalf of his most sacred Majesty, aforesaid, his Heirs and Successors, grant to the Mayor, Aldermen and Commo­nalty of the said City, That they, and their Successors and Assigns, shall and may at any time or times hereafter, when it to them shall seem fit and convenient, take in, fill and make up, and Lay out all and singular the Lands and Ground in and about the said City and Island Manhattans, and the same to build upon, or make use of, in any other manner or way, as to them shall seem fit, as far into the Rivers [...] and that encompass the same, as Low-water-mark aforesaid.

And I do by these Presents, for and on the behalf of his most Sacred Majesty, aforesaid, his Heirs and Successors, give and grant unto the aforesaid Mayor, Alder­men and Commonalty of the said City of N ew-Y ork, and their Successors, That they and their Successors shall and may have, hold and keep within the said City, and Liberties and Precincts thereof, in every Week, in every Year, forever, upon Tuesday. One Court of Common Pleas, for all Actions of Debt, Trespass, and Tress­passes upon the Case, Detinue, E [...]ctment, and other Personal Actions, and the same to be held before the Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen, or any three of them whereof the Mayor or Recorder to be one, who shall have Power to hear and deter­mine the same Pleas and Actions, according to the Rules of the common Law, and Acts of General Assembly of the said Province.

And I do by these Presents, for and on behalf of his most sacred Majesty afore­said, his Heirs and Successors, grant to the said Mayor, Alder-men and Commo­nalty of the said City of N ew-Y ork, and their Successors, That the said Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the said City, and their Successors, shall have and enjoy all the Priviledges, Franchises and Powers that they have and use attrohany of their Predecessors at any time within the space of twenty Years last past, had, took and enjoyed, or ought to have had by reason, or under any pretence of any former Charter Grant, Prescription, or any other Right. Custom or Usage, although the same have been so seited, lost, or have been ill used, or not used, or abused, or discontinued albeit they be not particularly mentioned. And that no Officer shall disturb them therein, under any pretence whatsoever, not only for their [Page 11] future, but their present enjoyment thereof. Provided always, That the said Pri­viledges, Franchises and Powers be not inconsistent with or repugnant to the Laws of his Majesties Kingdom of England, or other the Laws of the General Assembly of this Province, as afore-said. And saving to his most sacred Majesty aforesaid, his Heirs, Successors and Assigns, and the Lieutenants, Governours and Comman­ders in Chief, and other Officers under him and them in Fort James, in or by the City of NewYork, and in all the Liberties, Boundaries, Extents and Priviledges the­reof, for the maintenance of the said Fort and Garrison there, all the Rights, Use, Title and Authority which they, or any of them have had, used or exercised there, and also one Messuage or Tenement next the City Hall, and one Messuage by the Fort, now in the Possession of Thomas Coker, Gent the piece of ground by the Gate, called, The Governours Garden, and the Land without the Gate, called, the Kings Farm, with the Swamp next to the same Land, by the fresh Water. And saving the several Rents and Quit-Rents reserved and due, and payable from several Persons inhabiting within the said City and Island Manhattans, by virtue of former Grants to them made and given. And saving to all other Persons, Bodies Politick and Corporate, their Heirs, Successors and Assigns, all such Right, Title and Claim, Possessions, Rents, Services, common Emoluments and Interest in and to any thing which is theirs, save only the Franchises aforesaid, in as ample manner as if this Charter had not been made.

And further, I do appoint and declare, That the Incorporation to be founded by this Charter, shall not at any time hereafter do or suffer to be done any thing, by means whereof the Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, Stock, Goods or Chattles thereof, or in the hands, custody or possession of any the Citizens of the said City, such as have been set, let, given, granted or collected to and for Pious and Charitable Uses, shall be wasted or mis-imployed, contrary to the Trust or Intent of the Founder or Giver thereof, and that such, and no other Construction shall be made thereof, than that which may tend most to advantage Religion, Ju­stice and the publick Good, and to suppress all Acts and Contrivances to be in­vented or put in use, contrary thereunto. IN WITNESS whereof I have caused these Presents to be entered in the Secretary's Office, and the Seal of the said Province to be hereto affixed this 27th day of April, in the second Year of the Reign of his most sacred Majesty aforesaid, and in the year of our Lord God, 1686.

Thomas Dongan.
May it please your Honour;

THE attorney General hath perused this Patent, and finds nothing contained therein prejudicial to his Majesties Interest.

Ja. Graham.
Examined, Recorded in the Secretary's Office for the Province of New-York, in Lib. No. 1. Book of Patents, began 1684. from page 278. 309. J. Spragge, Secry.
[Page 3]

City of New-York, ss.
On the first Day of December, in the sixth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. The Mayor, Recorder, Alder-men and Assistants of the City of New-York, conven'd in Common­Council at the City-Hall of the said City, for the good Rule and Government thereof, did make, ordain, establish and publish these following Laws, Orders and Ordinances, and ordered the same to be Printed.

For the Observation of the Lords Day.

B E it Ordained by the Mayor, Recorder, Alder-men and Assistants of the City of New-York, conven'd in Common-Council, and it is hereby Ordained by the Authority of the same, That no manner of Servile Work be done on the Lords Day (Works of Piety, Charity or Necessity excepted) nor any Goods bought or Sold on that Day within the said City or Liberties thereof, under the Penalty of Ten Shillings for the first Offence, and for every Offence after, double that Sum.

No Children, &c. to play on the Sabbath.

And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That no Children, Youth, Maids, or other Persons whatsoever, do meet together on the Lords Day in any the Streets or Places within this City or Liberties thereof, and there sport play, make noise or disturbance, under the penalty of One Shilling for each Offence, to be paid by the Parents of all under Age.

Publick Houses not to sell Drink on Sundays.

And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That no Publick-Houses, Tap-Houses or Ordinaries within this City and Liberties thereof, do suffer their Doors to be kept open, or do entertain or receive any Company into their Houses, and to them sell any kind of Wine or other Liquors on the Lords Day in time of Divine Service or Preaching (unless to Strangers, Travellers, or those that lodge in such houses, for their necessary refreshment.) And no keeper of such publick­house, Tap-house or Ordinary is at any time to suffer any excessive drinking, or Persons to be drank in their houses, under the penalty of Ten Shillings for each offence.

Negro and Indian Slaves not above three to meet together.

And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That no Negro or Indian-Slaves above the number of three do assemble or meet together on the Lords­Day, [Page 4] or at any other time, at any place from their Masters Service, within this City and the Liberties thereof; and that no such Slave do go armed at any time with Gun, Sword, Club, or any other kind of Weapon whatsoever, under the penalty of being Whipt at the publick Whipping-post fifteen Lashes, unless the Master or Owner of such Slave will pay six Shillings to excuse the same.

Constables to take care the Sabbath be not broke.

And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That one of the Constables of the five Wards, on the South-side of Fresh-Water, do by turns succesively, on each Lords Day, in time of Divine Service and Preaching, walk through the Several Streets and Lanes of this City, with his Staff, and see the Orders before­written be duly observed and kept, and to that end he is like wise to enter into all or any publick-houses, Tap-houses or Ordinarys, and if any Company or Persons shall be found therein, or drink sold, contrary to the Orders aforesaid, he is to make complaint and presentment thereof, that the penalty may be inflicted accordingly.

Concerning Strangers.

Constables to enquire after Inmates and Strangers.

B E it Ordained by the Mayor, Recorder, Alder-men and Assistants of the City of New-York, conven'd in Common-Council, and it is hereby ordained by the Autho­rity of the same, That the Constables of each Ward and Division of the said City and Liberties thereof, do from time to time make a strict Search and enquiry, within their several Wards and Divisions, after all Strangers that shall come, reside or inhabit within their said Wards or Divisions, and give a List or account of their Names to the Mayor, or in his absence to the eldest Alder-man, that further examination may be made and order taken therein, to save the City from Charge.

Fine upon Constables that do not give an account of Strangers.

And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Stranger or Strangers whatsoever shall at any time hereafter come into any the Wards or Divisions of this City and Liberties thereof, and shall there reside and inhabit by the space of Forty Days, and a List or account or their Names shall not before that time be given to the Mayor or eldest Alder-man, as aforesaid, by the Con­stable of such Ward or Division, and any charge do fall on this City thereby, the Constable for his neglect shall forfeit and pay the sum of twenty Shillings.

Fine on House-keepers who entertain Strangers.

And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That all and every the House-keepers and Inhabitants within this City or Liberties thereof, that shall receive any Person or Persons to lodge or sojourn in their Houses above two days, shall, before the third day after his or their coming thither, give knowledge to the Constable of the Ward or Division where such Person or Persons shall be so received, of the Name, Sir-name, Dwelling-place and Trade of life, or place of Service of all such Person or Persons, and for what cause he or they came to reside there, under the penalty of twenty shillings for each Offence.

None to keep Publick-House without Lisence.

And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That none but such as are lisenced do presume to keep Publick Houses, or sell any Wine, Beer, or other strong Liquors by Re-tail, or a less quantity at one time than five Gallons, within this City and the Liberties thereof, under the penalty of five Pounds.

[Page 5]

Surveyors of the City.

B E it Ordained by the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Assistants of the City of New-York conven'd in Common-Council, and it is hereby ordained by the Authority of the same, That there be sworn Surveyors appointed for this City, by whose advice and directions the ground within this City shall be built, and that none do build before the front of their ground be viewed and laid out by them, as they shall direct, that a regular Order and Uniformity may be kept and observed in the Streets and Buildings; and that none pave before their houses but in such manner as appointed by the said Surveyors, with the consent of the Aldermen and Assistants of each Ward, under the penalty of six shillings; and that for the laying out of each House, Lot, and giving Certificate thereof, the said Surveyors shall have and receive from the owner thereof, the Sum of six Shillings.

To prevent Fire.

B E it Ordained by the Mayor, Recorder and Assistants of the City ofNew-York, convened in Common-Council, and it is hereby Ordained by the Authority of the same, That the Aldermen and Assistants of each respective Ward within this City do appoint two sufficient Persons in every Ward within the said City, to be Viewers of the Chimneys and Hearths, who shall view the same once in every Fourteen Days, and where they find any Defective, to give notice, that the same may be swept or Mended, at such time as, in their discretion, they shall think fit; And if any Person shall neglect or refuse their Direction herein, they shall Forfeit for each Offence the Sum of Three Shillings, one half to the City, and the other half to the said Viewers of the respective Wards. And that if any Chimney shall be on fire, after Notice given by the said Viewers for the cleaning of the same, the Dwel­ler in such House, to whom Notice thereof shall be so given, shall Forfeit for every Chimney that shall be so on fire, the Sum of Forty Shillings, for the use of this City. And if the said Viewers shall Neglect or Refuse to execute the Duty hereby required, shall, for each Offence, forfeit the Sum of Six Shillings, and that another be appointed in his place.

No Hay to be within ten Foot of a Chimney.

And be it further ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That no Person or Persons whatsoever within the said City or Liberties thereof, do lay any Hay, Straw, or other Combustible matter within their dwelling Houses in this City or Places adjoyning to the same, within ten Foot of a Chimney, under the penalty of ten Shillings for each offence.

Provision for Hooks and Ladders.

And be it further ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That Provision be made for Hooks, Ladders and Buckets to be kept in convenient Places within this City, for avoiding the peril of Fire.

Buckets to be in every House.

And be it further ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That the Inhabitants or Owner of every House within this City, that hath three fire Places, provide two leather Buckets, and every House of fewer fire-Places, one leather Bucket; every Brewer six, and every Baker three, to be ready in their houses, and the same to be found by the Persons inhabiting the said Houses, and to be allowed by the Landlord out [Page 6] of their Rent and the said Buckets to be mark'd with the Letters of the Land­lords Name, upon the forfeiture of six shillings for the use of this City, to be paid by the Tenant, if not provided as aforesaid.

Regulations for the Market.

What Places to be publick Markets.

B E it Ordain'd by the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Assistants of the City of New-York convened in Common-Council, and it is hereby ordained by the Autho­rity of the same, That the old Market-place in the Broad-way, the Market­Places at the Great and Little Bridges, the Slip at the east end of the Dock, the Market-house at Burgers-path, Wall-Street Slip, the Market-house at [...] and the North End of the Broad-Street between the City Hall of this City, and the Cross­Street which leads from the Broad-way to the Dutch-Church, be and are hereby appointed the Pulick Market Places of this City, and that all Flesh, Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Cheese, Roots, &c. that shall be exposed to sale in any other places within this City than the publick Market-places aforesaid, shall be forfeited to the Poor of the said City; and that it shall and may be lawful for the Clerk of the Market, the Sheriff, or any Magistrates of the said City to seize the same, and dispose thereof to the Poor afore-said.

No Hucksters to buy till after two Hours in the Market.

And be it further ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That no Hucksters, or Person to sell again, shall buy any Flesh, Fish, Fowl, Eggs, Butter or Cheese, or any other sort of Provision, [...], till it hath been two Hours in the Market, upon forfeiture of six Shillings, and also of what shall be bought or sold.

No Person to buy or cheapen any thing coming to the Market.

And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Person buy or cheapen any Flesh, Fish, Fowls, Butter, Cheese, Herbs, Fruit, Roots, &c. coming to the Market, shall forfeit Six Shillings.

None to fore-stall the Market.

And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That no Person shall fore­stall any Provisions or Victuals coming to the Market, as to buy in any private or other Place than the Market, under pain of forfeiture of the same, whether it be found in the Hands of the Buyer or of the seller.

None to Engross.

And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That no Person shall engross any Provisions or Victuals which is in the Market, or buy in the Market to retail there again, especially such as be known to be Hucksters, Butchers, or other People occupying their living by such Provision or Victuals as they would so engross, under the pains and forfeiture of such Provision and Victuals so engrossed. And that no Huckster shall engross any Poultry, Eggs or fresh Butter coming to the Market, under the pain of Forty Shillings.

No unwholsome Victuals to be sold.

And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That no unwholsom or stale Victuals shall be sold in the Market, under pain of Forty Shillings.

No blown Meat or leprous Swine.

[Page 7]Leprous Swine shall be sold in the Market, under the pain of forfeiting the same, and Forty Shillings.

Clerk of the Market's Fees.

And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That the Clerk of the Market receive for all Cattle killed for the Market, for each head, one Shilling. For every Hog or shoat bought or cut out for sale in the Market-house, three Peace. And for every Sheep, Calf and Lamb, two Pence. And that the Country shall pay nothing for what they shall bring ready kill'd.

Weights and Measures to be Sealed.

And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That all the Weights and Measures within this City be forth-with sealed, and that the Clerk of the Market have for the same one Penny a Piece, both great and small, and that the Marks of the Weights and Measures of this City, be according to the di­rections of the Act of General Assembly of this Province in that case made and provided.

A Law for Increasing the Market.

B E it Ordained by the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Assistants of the City of New-York, conven'd in Common-Council, and it is hereby ordained by the Autho­rity of the same, That from hence-forth the Country People, who frequent the Market of this Corporation, have Liberty to Expose their Meat to Sale in the publick Market by the Joynt, or otherwise, as they shall see convenient, first paying the Fees of the Clerk of the Market for the same; and that if any Flesh be exposed to sale by the Joynt, by any Country People, before the Fees of the Clerk of the Market are paid, the same shall be forfeited to the use of the Poor of this City, any former Law of this Corporation to the contrary hereof in any wise notwithstanding.

A Law for Marking of Bread.

B E it Ordained by the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Assistants of the City of New-York, convened in Common-Council, and it is hereby Ordained by the Au­thority of the same, That from hence-forth every Baker Within this City shall put a Mark, with the two Letters of his Name, upon all the Lost Bread he shall expose to sale within the said City, upon pain of Forfeiting all such Bread as shall be made and exposed to sale unmarked, as aforesaid, to be distributed to the Poor of the said City, by Order of the Mayor, Recorder, or any one of the Aldermen of the said City, who are hereby authorized to hear and determine the same.

A Law Prohibiting the sale of Meal by Measure.

B E it Ordained by the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Assistants of the City ofNew-York conven'd in Common-Council, and it is hereby ordained by the Authority of the same, That no Meal Whatsoever be hereafter sold in the Market of this City, by Measure, but that all Meal to be sold in the said Market shall be sold by Weight, and not otherwise, upon penalty of the Forfeiture of all such Meal as shall be sold by Measure, and the said Penalty to be paid by the Seller of such Meal, in the value of the Meal so sold by Measure, One half to the Informer, [Page 8] and the other half to the Use of the Poor of this City, to be Recovered before the Mayor, Recorder, or any one of the Aldermen of said City.

A Law for Regulating the sale of Beer and Cyder by Retail.

B E it Ordain'd by the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Assistants of the City of New-York convened in Common-Council, and it is hereby ordained by the Autho­rity of the same, That no Retailer or Retailers of Strong Liquors within this Corporation do hereafter sell any Beer or Cyder by Retail within this City, but by Wine Measure, duely sealed according to Law, under the Penalty of six Shillings for every Offence, one half to the informer, and the other half to the Use of this Corporation, to be Recovered before the Mayor or Recorder, or any of the Alderman of this City.

A Law Appointing a Place for the more convenient hiring of Slaves.

B E it Ordained by the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Assistants of the City of New-York, conven'd in Common-Council, and it is hereby Ordained by the Authority of the Same, That all Negro and Indian Slaves that are let out to hire within this City, do take up their standing in Order to be hired, at the Market-house at the Wall-street-Slip, until such time as they are hired, whereby all Persons may know where to hire Slaves, as their Occasions shall Require, and also Masters discover when their Slaves are so hired; and all the Inhabitants of this City are to take Notice hereof accordingly.

A Law for Regulating Negro and Indian Slaves in the Night time.

B E it Ordained by the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Assistants of the City of New-York convened in Common Council, and it is hereby Ordained by the Autho­rity of the Same, That from henceforth no Negro or Indian Slave, above the age of Fourteen Years, do Presume to be or appear in any of the Streets of this City on the South side of the Fresh-Water, in the Night time, above an Hour after Sun Set. And that if any such Negro or Indian Slave or Slaves, as aforesaid, shall be found in any of the Streets of this City within the Stockadoes or Fortifications, or in any other Place on the South side of the Fresh-Water in the Night time, above one Hour after Sun-Set, without a Lanthorn and lighted Candle in it, so as the Light thereof may be plainly seen, that then and in such case it shall and may be lawful for any of his Majesties Subjects within the said City, to apprehend such Slave or Slaves not having such Lanthorn and Candle, and forthwith carry him, her or them before the Mayor or Recorder, or any one of the Aldermen of the said City, who are hereby authorized, upon Proof of the Offence, to commit such Slave or Slaves to the Common Gaol, for such his, her or their Contempt, and there to remain until the Master, Mistriss or Owner of every such Slave or Slaves shall pay to the Person or Persons who apprehended and convicted such Slave or Slaves, the Sum of Eight Shillings current Money of New-York for his or their pains or trouble therein, with Reasonable Charges of Prosecution.

And be it further ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That every Slave or Slaves [Page 9] That shall be Convicted of the Offence aforesaid, before he or they be discharged, shall be whipped at the publick Whipping-Post Forty Lashes, save one, if desired by the Master or Owner of such Slave or Slaves, any thing before in this Law contained to the contrary hereof in any wise notwithstanding.

A Law prohibiting Burning Lime on part of the Commons.

B E it Ordained by the Mayor Recorder, Aldermen and Assistants of the City of New-York convened in Common Council, and it is hereby Ordained by the Autho­rity of the Same, That no Oyster-shells or Lime be burnt on the Commons of this City, or on any vacant Ground on the South side of the Wind-Mill, commonly called Jasper's Mill, under the Penalty of Forty Shillings for every Offence, to be paid by the Owner of such Shells or Line, one half to the Informer and the other half to this Corporation, to be Recovered before the Mayor or Recorder, or any one of the Aldermen of this City.

A Law against Trading with Soldiers for their Cloaths, Arms or Accoutrements.

B E it Ordained by the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Assistants of the City of New-York convened in Common-Council, and it is hereby Ordained by the Authority of the same, That from henceforth no Person or Persons whatsoever within this City do presume to buy of any Soldier or Soldiers of his Majesties Garrison within this City, any of their Arms, Accoutrements, or Cloaths of the Kings Livery upon any score or Pretence whatsoever, upon pain of forfeiting the Sum of Twenty Shillings for every Offence, one half to the Informer, and the other half to the Treasurer of this City for the Use of this Corporation, to be Recovered before the Mayor or Recorder, or any one of the Aldermen of this City.

A Law for Regulating and Establishing of Fees for the Inviters to Funerals.

B E it Ordained by the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Assistants of the City of New-York, convened in Common Council, and it is hereby Ordained by the authority of the same, That the Fees of the Persons who are Inviters to Funerals be, and are hereby Regulated and Estabished in Manner following ( viz.) for Inviting to the Funeral of every Person of Twenty Years of Age, and upwards, Eighteen Shillings; For every Person above Twelve years of Age, and under Twenty years, Twelve Shillings; And for every Person under Twelve years of Age, Eight Shillings cur­rent Money of New-York, and no more. And that the said inviters take Notice hereof, and conform themselves accordingly.

Assize of Bread.

B E it Ordained by the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Assistants of the City of New-York, convened in Common-Council, and it is hereby Ordained by the Authority of the same, That the Mayor and Aldermen of the said City for the time being, do once every three Moneths, or oftner, if they see cause, ascertain and establish the value and assize of Bread to be sold by the Bakers in this City, and cause the same to be publickly fixed on the City-Hall, that so all Persons may take notice [Page 10] thereof; and likewise to appoint fit Persons to be viewers of Bread, to inspect the goodness thereof, and see that the same be of full and due Assize; and all Bakers are to make their Bread good, and according to the Assize so established, under the Penalty of the forfeiture of all such Bread as shall be found not to be good, want of the due assize, as aforesaid, and Twenty Shillings Fine for each offence.

Regulations for Car-Men.

None to be Car-Men without Lisence.

B E it Ordained by the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Assistants of the City of New-York, convened in Common-Council, and it is hereby Ordained by the Authority of the same, That there be thirty Car-men appointed and allowed, for the service of this City, by the Mayor and Aldermen of the same, and so many more as they shall think fit to appoint; and that no Person do serve in that capacity for hire or wages, but who shall be so appointed and allowed, under the Penalty of Twenty Shillings, one half to the Informer, and the other half to the City.

Car-men to mend the Streets and High-ways, gratis.

And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That the Car-men appointed for this City shall and do fill up, amend and repair the breaches in the Streets and High-ways in and about this City, when required by the Mayor, gratis, upon penalty of being turn'd out of their places.

Size of Carts.

And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That each Cart imployed for the carrying of any Goods, Merchandize, Fire-Wood, &c. within this City, shall be two foot eight Inches wide, and three Foot high, under the Penalty of Three Shillings, one half to the Informer, the other to the City.

No Cart to drive in the Night.

And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That no Car-man ride of drive his Cart in this City after day-light, without special Lisence from the Mayor, or in his absence, of any Alderman, under the Penalty of Twenty Shillings, one half to the Informer, the other half to the City.

No Car-man to ride in his Cart.

And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That no Car-man ride in the Streets, in his Cart, within this City, under the forfeiture of six Shillings, one half to the Informer, the other half to the use of the City.

Car-men to observe the Orders of their Fore-men.

And be it further ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That the Several Car-men shall be observent to their Fore-men, and their Orders, from time to time, upon penalty of Three Shillings (or loosing their place) half thereof to the Informer, the other half to the City.

Car-men to divide themselves

And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That the Car-men shall daily divide themselves, one half to attend at the Water-Side, and the other half in the City, and take the same by turns, upon forfeiture of Three Shillings for each [Page 11] Car-men, one half to the Informer, the other half to the City.

No Boys or Negroes to be Car-Men.

And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That no Boys or Negroes do drive Carts, for wages, upon penalty of Three Shillings, half to the Informer, the other half to the City, without Lisence from the Mayor, to be paid, by the Owner of such Horse and Cart.

Penalty on Car-men that refuse to ride when required.

And be it further ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Car-man shall neglect or refuse to ride for any Person when required (when he is not otherwise imployed with his Horse and Cart) shall for every such offence forfeit the Sum of Six Shillings, with such costs and charges as shall accrew in the recovery thereof.

Car-men to drive their own Carts.

And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That no Car-man is to let out his Cart, but drive it himself, without first making address to the Mayor, upon penalty of Three Shillings, half thereof to the Informer, the other half to the City.

Car-men to ride Goods to the right Owner.

And be it further ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That every Car-man shall be obliged to ride to the right Owners their Goods, upon penalty of Forty Shillings to the City, besides the penalty of the Law.

Car-men to ride Goods subject to damage before any others.

And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That all the Car-men of this City shall be obliged to leave all imployments to attend the riding up of Wheat, Flower or any other Merchandize subject to damage, upon penalty of Twenty Shillings for each default, for the Use of the City.

Car-men not to engross Fire-wood.

And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That no Car-man within this City do engross or buy any Fire-wood within the same, to sell again, under the penalty of Forty Shillings for each offence.

Car-mens Wages for Carting.

And be it further ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That the said Car-men are to have and receive no more, for a load to any place within the Stockadoes of this City than Four Pence half Penny, unless for Wines, Lime, Pantiles, Bricks, (when plyed in their Cart) and great Cables, requiring long time and care to load and unload, for which they are to have Six Pence for each load; and for carting Coard-wood from the Boat to the Place of coarding, and after coarded to the Owners House, One Shilling and Six Pence the Coard; and from the Boat to the Owners house directly, (if not desired to be coarded) One Shilling and Six Pence for each, Coard, and so proportionably. And for each load as they shall carry to any other place without the Stockadoes of this City, double that Rate; and each Coard of Wood the like.

That the said Car-men have for Carting each load of Hay, One Shilling and Six Pence, and no more. And for carting each Pipe of Wine, Hogshead of Rum or Hogshead of Malosses, Nine Pence.

Car-men to ride good Loads.

And be it further ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That the said Carmen shall [Page 12] carry good and sufficient Loads (that is to say) as much as can be conveniently stowed on their Carts, and is reasonable for a Horse to draw, upon penalty of Three Shillings, one half to the informer, the other half to the City.

Car-men immediately to unload the Ferry-boat.

And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That when any Corn or other Goods is brought in the Ferry-boat to this City, the Car-men are immediately to unload and dispatch the same, under the penalty of Six Shillings, one half to the Informer, the other half to the City.

Car-men not to drive over the common Sewer.

And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That for the future no Car-man within this City do presume to drive his Cart over the common Sewer at the lower end of the Broad-Sreet of this City, upon penalty of Three Shillings for every such Offence, to be disposed of to such Person or Persons who shall give information and prosecute for the same before the Mayor, Recorder, or any one of the Aldermen of this City.

Car-men to behave themselves civilly, and to make Damages good.

And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That all the said Car-men shall behave themselves civilly to all Persons, and be careful of all goods they are imployed to carry; and if any hurt or damage happen to any Goods or Merchandize whatsoever, while under their charge, through their fault or want of care, they are to make satisfaction for the same.

Masters of Vessels to give account of their Passengers.

B E it Ordained by the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Assistants of the City of New-York convened in Common Council, and it is hereby Ordained by the Autho­rity of the Same, That if the Master of any Vessel or Boat shall transport any Strangers or Passengers into this City, and do not in the space of twenty four Hours, after his arrival, give an account of their Names to the Mayor, such Master shall forfeit Forty Shillings for the said default.

Common-Council to appear upon Summons.

AN d be it further Ordained, by the Authority aforesaid, That the Gentlemen belong­ing to the Court of Common Council of this City, do attend the same upon Sum­mons, precisely half an hour after the ringing of the Bell, upon penalty of Three Shillings for each default, unless hindred by sickness or some other reasonable cause: And also, That if any of the Members thereof shall rise from their places after the Court is set, without leave, to forfeit One Shilling and Six Pence, to be disposed of for the benefit of the Common-Council, as they shall think fit.

Guagers, Packers and Cullers.

And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That there be four Guagers, Packers and Cullers of this City: That the Mayor do accordingly administer an Oath to them, and also grant them Lisences for the said Office, they paying for the same, each, the Sum of Eighteen Shillings for the Use the City, with usual Fees, and to be renewed yearly.

No Beef or Pork to be shipped off till repacked.

And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That no Beef or Pork be [Page 13] shipped from this Port, but what shall be repacked by the sworn Packers of this City; and that they put their Mark to no Beef or Pork but what shall be good and wholsome Meat, fit for Transportation. under the penalty of five Pounds for each Offence, one half to the Informer, the other half to the City.

And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That the sworn Packers of this City shall not put the Packers Mark upon any Barrels of Pork, Beef or Fish, but what shall contain Thirty Gallons or more.

Packers and Cullers Fees, and what Beef, Pork, Staves and Heading shall be deemed Merchantable.

And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That from henceforth no Beef or Pork, Pipe-Staves, Hogshead-Staves or Heading for Cask be shipped off from this City for forreign Markets, but such as shall be Repacked and Culled by the sworn Packers and Cullers of this City; and that the said Packers and Cullers have for Packing and Marking each Barrel of Beef or Pork Nine Pence, and for Pickling every Barrel Four Pence half Penny. For Culling every Thousand of Pipe Staves and every Thousand Pieces of Heading, for each Thousand Two Shillings, and for every Thousand of Hothead-Staves or Barrel Staves One Shilling and Six Pence; and that no Pipe-Staves be allowed Merchantable but Such as are four Foot and a half long, and three Inches and a half broad, without sap. And a heart Stave three Inches broad, and three quarters of an Inch thick. Hogshead Staves to be three Foot and half long, three Inches and a half broad, without sap, and half an Inch thick; and that all Beef and Pork that is Merchannable and Repacked by the sworn Packers be by them Marked with a Brand Mark N.Y.

Free-Men and Apprentices.

B E it Ordain'd by the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Assistants of the City of New-York convened in Common Council, and it is hereby ordained by the Autho­rity of the Same, That no Person or Persons whatsoever within this City and Liberties thereof do keep Shop or sell any Goods or Wares by Retail, or exercise any Hand-craft Trade or Occupation, but such as are Free-men thereof, or so admitted by the Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen, or by the Mayor or any three or more of the Aldermen (after legal warning given) under the penalty of Five Pounds for each offence. And all Persons hereafter to be made free shall pay as followeth, Every Merchant, Trader or Shop-keeper the Sum of Twenty Shillings, and every Handy-craft Trades-man six Shillings current Money of New-York, with customary Fees on being made Free, as aforesaid, for the Use of this City. And that such as are not able to pay for the same, shall be made Free gratis.

Who to be deemed Free-men.

And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That all the inhabitants of this City, that are natural born, naturalized or Denizons, their Apprentices and Children that were in the said City at the time the Charter was granted, be allow­ed and deemed Free-men of this City, they Registering their Names in the Town­Clerks Office, for which each Person so registered shall pay Nine Pence.

A Law for Regulating Indentures of Apprenticeship.

For as much as great inconveniencies have arisen by Apprentices serving but four years, by reason whereof they are soldom Masters of their Trades; For Remedy whereof, Be it Ordained by the Mayor, Recorder, Alderman and Assistants of the City of [Page 14] New-York, conven'd in Common-Council, and it is hereby Ordained by the Authority of the same, That from henceforth no Merchant, Shop-Keeper or Handy craft Trades man shall take any Apprentice, to teach or instruct them in their Trade or Call­ing, without being bound by Indenture before the Mayor, Recorder, or any one of the Aldermen of the said City, and Registered in the Town-Clerks Office, and not for a less term than seven years, and at the expiration of the said Indentures, the said Apprentice shall be made free of the said City by the Master, if he have well and truly served him; and the Clerk shall have for registering each Indenture of Apprenticeship, the Sum of Three Shillings, to be paid by the Master of such Apprentice bound as aforesaid. And that all Indentures of Apprenticeship hereafter to be made within this City contrary to the true intent and meaning hereof, shall be void and of none effect, any former Law of this Corporation to the Contrary hereof in any wise notwithstanding.

Laws and Orders for the Government of the Dock and Slips of this City.

B E it Ordained by the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Assistants of the City of New-York convened in Common Council, and it is hereby Ordained by the Authority of the Same. That all Vessels belonging to this Port do pay yearly for lying in the Dock and Slips of this City, that is to say, on the 25th day of March, according to Regulation made and confirmed by the Common-Council.

And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That all Vessels not belonging to this Port, that come within the Mould, Dock or Slips of this City shall pay for every Voyage, according to Regulation.

And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That no Vessel whatsoever do lie in the Mouth of the Dock or near the Bridge in inconvenient Places, nor longer than a convenient time for loading and unloading, except in Winter time, or occasioned by stress of Weather. And if by accident any Vessel be run a ground in the Mouth of the Dock, they are immediately to remove as soon as a float, under the penalty of six Shillings each Tyde.

And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That no Vessels lying within the Dock or Slips, or near the same, do make or keep fire on board at any other time than from Day-light in the Morning till the Ringing of the Bell in the evening, under the Penalty of Twenty Shillings, besides what Damages may ensue.

And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That none do cast any Anchor, Grapling or Killick within or near the Mould, Dock or Slips, under the Penalty of ten shillings, besides paying all Damages

And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That none do cast any Dung, Draught, Dirt, or any thing to fill up or annoy the Mould, Dock or Slips, or the Neighbourhood there-abouts, or near the same, under the Penalty of Twenty Shillings.

And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That no Vessel whatsoever do lie at the out-side of the Dock or Mould, unless in fair weather, and then not longer than one Tyde, except with leave of the Haven-Master, under Penalty of Ten Shillings, besides all Damages.

And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That no Timber, Pipe-Staves, Wood or other Lumber be landed upon the Mould or Wharff, nor Carts to ride there without consent of the Haven-Master, under the penalty of Six Shillings.

[Page 15] And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That no Stones, Earth or Timber be taken or thrown off the Wharffs, under the Penalty of Ten Shillings, besides paying all Damages done to the said Wharffs.

And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That all Persons be directed by the Haven-Master to fit and convenient Births for their lying or fastening within or at the Mould, Slips and Wharffs belonging to the same, under the Penalty of ten Shillings, for being refractory, besides all Damages.

And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That the Haven-Master do take care to see the above Orders duly kept and observed, and do receive and collect all Penalties arising there-from, the one half of which he is to pay to the Treasurer for the Use of the City, and the other half to himself.

And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That no Ships, Sloops, Boats or other Vessels do lie in the Dock, or any of the Slips of this City, a longer time than for convenient loading and unloading, upon the Penalty of six Shillings for every Tyde they shall lie longer than such convenient time.

Regulations for paying Dock-Money.

A Nd be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That all Vessels, Sloops and open Boats belonging to this City, do pay for lying within the Dock or Mould, or any of the Slips of this City yearly, that is to say,

  • A Vessel or Boat of one Tun, to five Tuns, Six Shillings.
  • If above five Tuns, to ten Tuns, Nine Shillings.
  • From ten to fifteen Tuns, Twelve Shillings.
  • From fifteen to twenty five Tuns, Twenty Shillings.
  • From twenty five to fifty Tuns, Thirty Shillings.
  • All above fifty Tuns, Two Pound Ten Shilling.

And that all Ships or Vessels not belonging to this Port, and that come within the Mould or Dock, &c. shall pay for every Voyage, they lying there not longer than one Moneth, that is to say,

  • A Vessel of ten Tuns, or under, Six Shillings.
  • If above ten Tuns, to twenty Tuns, Twelve Shillings.
  • If above twenty Tuns, to thirty Tuns, Eighteen Shillings.
  • If above thirty Tuns, to fifty Tuns, Four and Twenty Shillings.
  • If above fifty, to one hundred Tuns, and upwards, Thirty Shillings.

And if they lie above one Month, to pay proportionably, and so for every Month.

And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That all Vessels belonging to any other parts of this Government, East-Jersey and Connectieut, as far as the East end of Fishers-Island, shall pay no more Dockage but yearly as the Ships or Vessels belonging to this Port pay.

A Law for Preserving the Bridge and Common Sewer in the Dock of this City.

B E it Ordain'd by the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Assistants of the City of New-York convened in Common-Council, and it is hereby ordained by the Autho­rity of the same, That from and after the Publication hereof, no Ship, Barque, Sloop or other Vessel whatsoever do make fast unto or haul down by or Careen by the Bridge, in the Great Dock of this City (after Notice given to the [Page 16] Contrary by the Dock-Master) nor unload any Ballast or other Lumber on the same Bridge, under the Penalty of Ten shillings for every Offence, to be paid by the Master or Owner of such Vessel, one half to the Informer, and the other half to the Trea­surer of this City, for the Use of this Corporation, and to be Recovered before the Mayor, Recorder, or any one of the Aldermen of this City.

Law against firing Guns in the Streets, &c.

B E it Ordained by the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Assistants of the City of New-York Convened in Common Council, and it is hereby Ordained by the Autho­rity of the same, That if any Children, Youth or other Persons do fire any Gun or Pistol at any Mark, or at Random, against any Fence, Pale or within any Orchard, Garden, or other Inclosure, or in any place where persons frequent to walk, on the South-side of the Fresh-Water of this City, shall for every such offence forfeit the Sum of Twenty Shillings current Money of New-York, to be recovered before the Mayor, Recorder, of any one or more of the Aldermen of the said City, one half thereof to the informer, the other half to the City.

Against killing Cattle any where but at the Slaughter-houses.

And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That no Butcher or other person do slaughter any Meat Cattle [...] City, but at the publick Slaughter­houses by the Water-side, under the penalty of ten Shillings for each offence, one half to the Informer, and the other half to the City, to be recovered before the Mayor or Recorder, or one of the Aldermen of this City; and that no Cattle be landed but at the nearest convenient place to the Slaughter-Houses, under the penalty of Three Shillings for each Offence, for the Uses aforesaid, and to be recovered in manner aforesaid.

A Law imposing a Fine on such as refuse to Watch.

And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That all such Persons as shall hereafter be summoned to do their Duty on the Constables Watch of this City, and shall refuse or neglect to do the same, shall for every such Offence forfeit the Sum of six Shillings current Money of New-York, to be recovered before the Mayor, Recorder, or any one of the Justices of the Peace of the said City, and to be levyed by Warrant under the Hand and Seal of any one of them, by distress and sale of the Goods and Chattles of the Person who shall make such default; and that the said Forfeiture be for the Use of the said Constable and Watch.

Law for cleaning the Streets, Lanes and Allyes of the said City.

B E it Ordained by the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Assistants of the City of New-York convened in Common Council, and it is hereby Ordained by the Authority of the same. That all and every the Citizens, Free-holders, House-Keepers and inhabitants living within the five Wards on the South-side of the Fresh-Water, shall on every Fryday, weekly, either by themselves or Servants, Rake and sweep all the Dirt, Filth and Soil before their respective Houses, upon heaps, and on the same day, or on the Saturday following, shall cause the same to be carried away, and thrown into the River, or some other convenient Place, under the penalty of six shillings for each neglect, refusal or default.

[Page 17]

No Guts, Garbidge, Dung, &c. to be laid in the Streets.

And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That if any person or Per­sons whatsoever shall at any time hereafter throw or lay in any of the Streets, Lanes and Allyes of this City any Carrian, Guts, Garbidge, Oyster-shells, Ashes, Dung, Rubbish, Grains, or any other kind of Filth or Dirt whatsoever, that may be noisom to any of the Inhabitants of this City, such Person or Persons so offending shall forfeit and pay for every such Offence the Sum of six Shillings current Money of New-York. And in case any such Offence shall be committed by any Servant or Slave, the Master of Owner of such Servant or Slave shall pay the said Forfeiture.

Car-mens Wages for carting Dirt out of the Streets.

And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That the respective Car-men within this City shall have, take and receive for carting every load of Dirt, Rubbish, Filth or Soil out of the Streets of this City, the Sum of Four Pence half Penny current Money of New-York. And if the said Car-men shall load their Carts themselves with the said Dirt, Rubbish, Filth or Soil, and carry the same away, that then the said Car-men shall have, take and receive the Sum of Seven Pence half Penny current Money of New-York, for each Cart load of Dirt, Rubbish, Filth or Soil which they shall fill and carry away, as aforesaid, to be paid them by the Person or Persons who shall imploy them to fill and carry away the same.

Penalty on Car-men who refuse to carry Dirt out of the Streets.

And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Car-man within this City shall neglect or refuse to carry away out of any of the Streets, Lanes or Allyes of this City on the south-side of the Fresh-water, any Carrian, Guts, Garbidge, Oyster-shell, Dunghills, Ashes, Dirt, Soil and Filth, being thereunto required by any of the Inhabitants of this City, shall for every such offence forfeit and pay the Sum of Ten Shillings current Money aforesaid.

Disposal of the Fines, and how to be Recovered.

And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That all the Pains, penalties and Forfeitures above-mentioned shall be recovered before the Mayor, Recorder or any of the Aldermen of the said City, and levyed by distress upon the Goods and Chattels of the Defaulters, and disposed of and paid to him or them who shall give Information of the Defaults aforesaid, any former Law or Usage of this Corporation to the contrary hereof in any wise notwithstanding.

No, Timber, &c. to lie in the Street.

And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That no Timber, Beams, Planks, Stones, Bricks or any other Lumber be pyled or left in any of the Streets or High-ways within this City, without leave from the Mayor of the same City, for the time being, under the penalty of six Shillings for each offence, one half to the Informer, the other half to the City.

No Ordures or Nestinses to be emptied in the Streets.

And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Person or Persons within this City do throw or empty any Tubs, Close-stools or Pots of Ordure or Nastiness in any of the Streets of this City, the Inhabitants of such House from whence the same is brought, shall be fined for the same at the discretion of the Mayor of the said City, not exceeding Forty Shillings for each offence, one half to the Informer, and the other half to the City. And that all Persons within this City do empty their Ordures into the River, and no where else, on the penalty aforesaid.

[Page 18]

A Law Prohibiting Sweeping the Streets in time of Rain.

B E it Ordained by the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Assistants of the City of New-York Convened in Common Council, and it is hereby Ordained by the Autho­rity of the same, That if any Person or Persons within this City shall hereafter, in the time of Rain or Floods, sweep the soyl or Dirt of the Streets into or near the Channel of any of the Streets of this City, so as the same may be carried away by the stream thereof, such Person or Persons so Offending, shall, for every such Offence, forfeit and pay the sum of Six Shillings current Money of New-York; and if such Offence Shall be committed by any Servant or Slave, such For­feiture shall be paid by the Owner, Master or Mistriss of such Servant or Slave, One half to the Informer, and the other half to the City, and to be Recovered before the Mayor, Recorder, or any of the Aldermen of the Said City.

A Law for Paving the Streets, Lanes and Alleys within the City of New-York.

FOr as much as the former Laws of this City, made for Paving the Streets within the same have been much neglected, whereby the Citizens and Sojour­ners within the said City are much annoyed, and the Intercourse of Trade among the Inhabitants thereby much Lessened; for Regulating whereof, Be it Ordained by the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Assistants of the City of New-York Convened in Common Council, and it is hereby Ordained by the Authority of the same,: That all and every the Citizens, Free-holders and Inhabitants that live in the Respective Streets, lanes and Alleys of this City, shall, from and after the Publication hereof (at the Charge of the Landlord) well and sufficiently pave or cause to be well and sufficiently paved, with good and sufficient Pibble Stones, suitable for Paving, all, or so much of the Streets, Lanes and Allyes within the said City, as shall front the Respective Buildings and Lots of Ground that belong to them, Respectively, as aforesaid, at such time or times, and in such Manner and Form, and according to such Dimensions, Quantity and Proportion as shall, from time to time, be unto them Respectively directed and appointed by the Alderman of each respective Ward aforesaid.

And for the more Effectual Paving of the Respective Streets, Lanes and Allyes aforesaid, it is hereby further ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Citizen, Inhabitant or Freeholder, as aforesaid, shall refuse, delay or neglect to make his or their Proportionable Pavement before their respective Buildings and Lots of Ground, as aforesaid, in Manner and Form aforesaid, shall for such, his, her or their default forfeit the Sum of Twenty Shillings current Money of New-York, to be recovered before the Mayor, Recorder, or any one or more of the Aldermen of the said City, and to be Levyed by Distress and Sale of the goods and Chattels of such Defaulter, the one half to the Informer, and the other half of the Treasurer of this City, for the Use of the Corporation. And all the respective Citizens, Inhabitants and Freeholders of the said City of New-York, are hereby required to render an entire Complyance accordingly.

A Law Prohibiting Swine to run at large.

B E it ordained by the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Assistants of the City of New-York, convened in Common Council, and it is hereby Ordained by the Authority of the same, That from and after the Publication hereof, it shall and may be lawful [Page 19] for any Person or Persons whatsoever to kill any Swine that shall be found run­ing at large in the Commons of this City, in the Out-ward of the same City, on the West side of the Sawkill-Bridge, or in any of the Streets or Commons of this City, on the South Side of the Fresh-Water, and Convert the same to his or their own Use, any former Law of this City to the contrary notwithstanding.

A Law for Regulating the Office of Chamberlain or Treasurer of the City of New-York.

B E it Ordained by the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen, and Assistants of the City of New-York convened in Common Council, and it is hereby Ordained by the Autho­rity of the same, That the Person hereafter to be Elected Chamberlain or Treasurer of the said City, shall be a Person of good Ability and Reputation, Inhabiting and Residing within the said City of New-York, and a Free-man of the said Corporation, who hath taken the Oath of a Free-man thereof; and that such Person so Elected, before he shall Enter upon or Officiate in the said Office of Chamberlain or Treasurer, shall give Bond to the Mayor, Aldermen and Commo­nality of the City of New-York, and their Successors, with sufficient Surety or sureties, to the liking of the said Corporation, in the Sum of One Thousand Pounds current Money of New-York, with Condition to the Effect or in the Form as herein after followeth (to wit)

WHereas the above Bounden A B. is now Elected into the Office and Place of Chamberlain or Treasurer of the said City, for the Year ensuing. Now the Condition of this Obligation is such, That if the said A.B. shall and do well, faithfully and truely perform, execute and do all things whatsoever which any ways touch or concern his said Office, and well and faithfully in all things behave him­self in the Execution of the said Office of Chamberlain or Treasurer of the said City of New-York, and shall in due Order and Method, in proper Books for that purpose, keep a true, exact and just Account of the several Branches of the Revenue, Rents and Incomes of the said Corporation; and in the like Orderly Manner discharge the same by due and Orderly Payments; and also, shall and do every three Months, or oftner (if he shall be thereunto requested) Render to the said Mayor, Aldermen and Commonality, their Successors and Assigns, a true and just Accompt of all his Receipts and Payments, Regularly stated in such proper Books for that purpose, and shall and do Observe all such Orders, Rules and Directions in the making of his Payments, as he from time to time, shall receive from the Common Council of the said City. And also, if the said A B his Executors and Administrators shall and do within the space and time of Fourteen Days next after the Determination or End of his said Office as Chamberlain or Treasurer, as aforesaid, be it by Death of the said A.B. or otherwise, well and truly render a true and just Accompt, fairly entred in Books for that purpose, at aforesaid, of all his Receipts and Payments, unto the said Mayor, Aldermen and Commonality of the said City, their Successors and Assigns, and well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said Mayor, Aldermen and Commonality of the said City, their Successors and Assigns, all such Sum and Sums of Money as shall be then in his or their Hands, or which he or they shall, upon such Accompt, be found to be in arrear. And also, shall and do, upon a sufficient Discharge in Law, to him to be given by the said Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonality, and their Successors, within the time aforesaid, well and truly surrender and deliver up unto the said Mayor, Aldermen and Commonality, their Successors and Assigns, all and singular the Books of Accompts belonging to the said Office, with all Warrants, Vouchers and Memorandums belonging to the same; and also, all and singular Bills, Bonds, Specialties, Leases, Grants, Deeds, Patents, and all other Papers and Writings whatsoever in any wise belonging to the said Corporation, without any Conceal­ment, Imbezelment or fraud, That then this Obligation to bevoid, otherwise to be and Remain in full force and virtae.

[Page 20] And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Person hereafter to be elected Chamberlain or Treasurer of the said City, shall neglect or Refuse to enter into such Security, as aforesaid, within the space of Fourteen Days next after his being so elected, such Election shall be, and is hereby declared to be null and void, to all intents and purposes whatsoever. And that the said Corporation may and is hereby Impowered to proceed to Elect another Person into the said Office, as it such Person so formerly Elected had never been Elected Chamberlain or Treasurer as aforesaid, and [...], when any Person so Elected shall neglect or Refuse to give such security as is aforesaid directed, any former Usage or Law of the said Corporation to the Contrary hereof in any wise notwith­standing.

And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Person hereafter to be Elected Chamberlain or Treasurer of the said City shall at any time after such Election take upon him the Execution of the said Office, or Officiate or do any Act, thing or things belonging to the same, before he hath taken the usual Oath for the due Execution of his Office, and given such Security as is herein before required, such Person so Offending in the Premises shall forfeit the Sum of Ten Pounds, to be Recovered before the Mayor, Recorder, or any one of the Alder­men of the said City, who are hereby Impowered to Levy the same upon the Goods and Chattels of such Offender, by Warrant under his Hand and Seal, and the same to be paid into the Treasury of this City, to and for the use of the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonality of the said City, and their successors; and that all such Act and Acts, Thing and Things so by such Person performed and done before such Oath taken, and such Security given, as aforesaid, shall be and is hereby declared to be Null and void to all latents and purposes whatsoever, any Usage of any former Chamberlain or Treasurer, or of the Corporation aforesaid, to the Contrary hereof in any wise notwithstanding.

Law Prohibiting Hawkers and Pedlers.

B E it Ordained by the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Assistants of the City of New-York convened in Common-Council, and it is hereby ordained by the Autho­rity of the same, That no Goods or Merchandize shall be sold by Retail or in Parcel within this City, but in Shops, Ware-houses, or in publick Market on Market-days. And that no Hawkers or Pedlars do carry any Goods or Mer­chandize up and down the Streets of this City to be sold, on penalty of Twenty Shillings for each offence, to be recovered before the Mayor, Recorder, or any one of the Aldermen of the said City, one half thereof to the Informer, and the other half to the Poor of this City.

A Law to Prohibit Digging holes and cutting Sods on the Commons.

A Nd be it further ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Person or Per­sons whatsoever within this City or Liberties thereof, shall at any time hereafter dig any holes in the Commons of this City, on the south-side of the Fresh-Water, or take or carry away any Earth or Mould, or shall cut, take or carry away any Sods or Turff off any part of the said Commons, shall, for every such Offence, forfeit and pay the Sum of Forty Shillings current Money of New-York, the one half to the Informer, and other half to the use of this Corporation; To be recovered before the Mayor or any one of the Aldermen of the said City, upon the Testimony of one or more sufficient Witnesses.

[Page 21]

For preventing Frands in Fire-Wood.

FOr as much as great Frands and Abuses have of late and still are daily com­mitted in bringing to this City, and exposing here to sale great Quantities of Fire-wood, commonly called Cord-Wood, not more than three Foot long (whereas the same ought to be four Foot long at the least) to the great oppression of the Poor of the said City, and the defrauding all others inhabiting the same, For Remedy whereof, and for preventing the like abuses for the future, Be it Ordained by the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Assistants of the City of New-York, convened in Common Council, and it is hereby Ordained by the Authority of the same, That if any Fire-wood, commonly called Coard-Wood, shall hereafter be brought into this City or Liberties thereof in any Sloop, Boat or other Vessel, which shall be less in length than Four Foot, English measure, the Master of such Boat, Sloop or other Vessel, or the Person who shall have the charge of such Sloop, Boat, Vessel and Fire-wood, shall for every such Offence forfeit and pay the Sum of Forty Shillings current Money of New-York, one half thereof to the use of him or them who shall give information of the default aforesaid, and the other half to the use of this Corporation; to be recovered by Plaint before the Mayor, Recorder or any two of the Aldermen of the said City.

For Supplying the Vacancy of Such Publick elective Magi­strates and Officers as may dye, remove or refuse to Serve, &c.

B E it ordained by the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Assistants of the City of New-York, convened in Common Council, and it is hereby Ordained by the Authority of the same, That for the future, upon the Death, Removal out of the said City, Refusal to Serve, or other Disability happening to any Magistrates, or other publick elective Officers of the said City of New-York, That the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Assistants of the same convened in Common-Council, shall order and appoint such convenient time as they shall think proper, throughout the whole year, for the Inhabitants of the said City, in such respective Ward or Wards where such vacancy shall happen, to meet together and make election of others to supply his or their room until the usual time of the annual Election appointed by the Charter of this Corporation; which Inhabitants are hereby authorized to make such Election in manner and form as is used in the anniversary Election, and which Magistrates and Officers, so chosen and elected, shall be sworn and have power to execute their respective Offices, as fully and in like manner as if they had been elected and sworn at the said anniversary Election.

Fine of Magistrates and Officers that refuse to serve.

And be it further Ordained, by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Person shall hereafter be elected to serve in any of the Offices hereafter mentioned, and shall neglect or refuse to take upon him the execution thereof, or serve in the same, shall pay the Fine hereafter mentioned and expressed, that is to say, Every Person elected an Alderman, the Sum of Ten Pounds; 'an Assistant, Seven Pound ten shillings; an Assessor, Three Pounds; and a petty Constable, Fifteen Pounds, to be levyed by Distress on the Goods and Chattels of the Person so neglecting or refusing to serve, by Warrant of the Mayor, under the common Seal of this City, directed to the Constable of the Ward Wherein such Person shall be so elected; which Fines shall be paid to the Treasurer of this City, for the publick use of the same.

[Page 22]

A Law for Regulating of Fences in the Bowry Division of the Out-Ward.

B E it Ordained by the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Assistants of the City of New-York convened in Common Council, and it is hereby Ordained by the Autho­rity of the same, That all the Fences in the Bowry Division of the Out Ward of this City, be made and uphold in Manner following ( viz.) The Out-side Fences to be of Four Rails, and Four Foot and a half high, and the Partition Fences to be of three Rails and Four Foot high, and not otherwise; and that all the Fences without the Stockadoes of this City be according to the said Regulation.

A Law for Regulating Midwifes within the City of New-York.

B E it Ordained by the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Assistants of the City of New-York convened in Common Council, and it is hereby Ordained by the Au­thority of the same, That no Woman whatsoever within this Corporation of the City of New-York, shall be Capable of or in any Manner whatsoever Use or Exercise the Office or Imploy of a Midwife, within the said Corporation, until she shall, before the Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen of the said Corporation, for the time being, or any one of them, take the Oath of a Midwife hereafter Mentioned, which Oath, they, or any One of them, have hereby power to Administer, in the Words following, ( viz.)

YOu shall Swear, first, That you shall be diligent and faithful, and ready to help every Woman labouring of Child, as well the Poor as the Rich; and that in time of Necessity you shall not forsake or leave the Poor Woman to go to the Rich.

Item, You shall neither cause nor suffer any Woman to Name or put any other Father to the Child, but only him which is the very true Father thereof indeed, according to the utmost of your power.

Item, You shall not suffer any Woman to pretend, feign or surmize her self to be delivered of a Child, who is not Indeed; neither to Claim any other Womans Child for her own.

Item, You shall not suffer any Womans Child to be Murthered, Maymed or otherwise hurt, as much as you may; and so often as you shall perceive any Peril or Jeapordy, either in the Women or in the Child, in any such wise as you shall be in doubt what shall Chance thereof, you shall thenceforth, in due time, send for other Midwifes, and expert Women in that Faculty, and use their Advice, Counsel and Assistance in that behalf.

Item, You shall not give any Counsel, or Administer any Herb, Medicine or Potion, or any other thing to any Woman being with Child, whereby she should destroy or miscarry of that she goeth withal, before her time.

Item, You shall not enforce any Woman, being with Child, by any Pain, or by any Ungodly Ways or means, to give you any more for your pains or Labour in bringing her a bed, than they would otherwise do.

Item, You shall not consent, agree, give or keep Counsel, that any Woman be delivered secretly of that which she goeth with, but in the Presence of two or three Witnesses ready.

Item, You shall be secret, and not open any Mystery appertaining to your Office, in the Presence of any Man, unless necessity or great urgent Cause do constrain you so to do.

Item, If You shall know any Midwife using or doing any thing contrary to any [Page 23] of the Premises, or in any otherwise then shall be seemly or Convenient, you shall forthwith detect and openly shew the same to the Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen of the City of New-York, for the time being or one of them.

Item, You shall use your self in honest Behaviour unto the Women being Lawfully admitted to the Room and Office of a Midwife, in all things accord­ingly.

Item, You shall not make or assign any Deputy or Deputies to excercise or Occupy under you, in your absence, the Office or Room of a Midwife, but such as you shall perfectly know to be of Right Honest and Discreet Behaviour, as also apt, able, and having sufficient Knowledge and Experience to Exercise the said Room and Office.

Item, If any Woman in Labour under your Core shall desire the advice or Assistance of any other Midwife or Midwifes, you shall readily Consent to the same, and use their Advise, Counsel and Assistance in that behalf, if in your Conscience you think it for the Benefit of such Woman in Labour.

Item, You shall not Conceal the Birth of any Bastard Child within the Cor­poration of the City of New-York, but shall forth-with, upon understanding thereof, give knowledge of the same to the Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen of the City of New-York, for the time being, or one of them, or to the Alderman or Chief Magistrate of the Ward where such Bastard Child shall be born. All which Articles and Charge, you shall faithfully observe and keep. So help you GOD.

And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That the Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen of the City of New-York, for the time being, or any one of them, before whom such Oath shall be taken, shall Certifie the taking of such Oath to the Mayors next Court, there to be Recorded.

And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Woman within the said Corporation of the City of New-York, shall after the Publication hereof, use, Occupy or Exercise the Office of a Midwife within the said Corporation of the City of New-York, before the Oath, before mentioned hath been duely Admi­nistred unto her, by the Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen of the said Cityof New-York, for the time being, or one of them, that then and in such case such Woman, so Using, Occupying or Exercising the Office of a Midwife within the said Corporation of the City of New-York for every Default shall Forfeit and pay the Sum of Forty Shillings of lawful Money of the Province of New-York, to be Recovered before the Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen of the said City of New-York, for the time being, or any one of them, by a sumary Proceeding; which Forfeiture shall be levyed by Distress and Sale of the Goods and Chattels of such Offender against the Tenor of this Law, by Warrant under the Hand and Seal of the said Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen of the City of New-York, for the time being, or any one of them, and shall be disposed of in Manner following, that is to say, One half of the said Forfeiture to the Treasurer of the City of New-York, for the time being, for the use of the Corporation of the said City of New-York, and the other half to the Person or Persons who shall sue for or prosecute the same And in case such Offender against the Tenor of this Law shall not have sufficient Goods and Chattels to be found within the said Corporation, to satisfie the said Forfeiture, then and in such case it shall and may be lawful for the Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen of the City of New-York, for the time being, or any One of them, by Warrant under Hand and Seal, to commit such Offender to the Common Gaol of the said City, there to remain without Bail or Mainprize for the space of Thirty Days after the date of such Warrant; Unless the said Forfeiture be in the Mean time paid and satisfied.

[Page 24]

Aldermen authorized to put the Laws in Execution.

A Nd be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That the Mayor, Recorder or any of the Aldermen of this City are hereby authorized and impowered to put the aforesaid Laws in Execution.

Officers to be Observent in the Execution of these Laws.

And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That the Sheriff, Constables and other Officers of this City, do take care and look after the due Observance and Execution of all the aforesaid Laws, Orders and Ordinances, and make Complaint and Presentment of the Breach thereof. And that all the Fines, Penalties and Forfeitures arising thereby (not expresly disposed of or appro­priated, shall be disposed of in manner following, that is to say, One half to be paid to the Treasurer for the Use of the City, and the other half to the said Sheriff, Constables, or other Officers or Persons that shall complain of or present the same.

The Oath of a Free-men of the City of New-York.

YE shall Swear, That ye shall be good and true to our Sovereign Lord King George, and to the Heirs of our said Sovereign Lord the King. Obeysont and Obedient shall ye be to the Mayor and Ministers of this City, the Franchises and Customs thereof. Ye shall maintain, and this City keep harmless, in that which in you is. Ye shall be contributing to all manner of Charges within this City, as Summons, Watches, Contributions, Taxes, Tallages, Lot and Scot, and all other Charges, bearing your part as a Free-man ought to do. Ye shall know no Forreigner to buy or sell any Merchandize with any other Forreigners within this City or Franchize thereof, but ye shall warn the Mayor thereof, or some Minister of the Mayors. Ye shall implead or sue no Free-man out of this City, whilst ye may have Right and Law within the same. Ye shall take no Apprentice, but if he be free-born, (that is to say) no Bond-mans Son, nor the Son of an Alien, and for no less term than for Seven years, without fraud or deceit; and within the first year ye shall cause him to be enrolled, or else pay such Fine as shall be reasonably imposed upon you for omitting the same; and after his term ends, within convenient time, being required, ye shall make him free of this City, if he have well and truly served you. Ye shall also keep the Kings Peace in your own Person. Ye shall know of no Gatherings, Conventicles or Conspiracies made against the Kings Peace, but you shall warn the Mayor thereof, or let it, to your Power. All these Points and Articles ye shall well and truly keep, according to the Laws and Customs of this City. So help you GOD.

Page 13. Line 7. after the word ( more) add And half Barrels Fifteen or more.

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