SERMONS Preached at …

SERMONS Preached at the Lecture in Boston, from Luke XI. 21, 22. SHEWING

  • I. That the Soul of Man is a noble Palace which the Great GOD built for Himself.
  • II. That it is now become as a Garison or strong Hold, which Satan keeps against GOD.
  • III. That there is a wretched Peace and cursed Quiet, which the carnal heart lies in under Satans Tyranny.
  • IV. That the Victorious SAVIOUR rescues whom He pleases, and will rescue all His Chosen, from Satans Power and Tyranny.

To which is added, A Discourse from Psalm CXXII. I.

I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into the House of the LORD.

By BENJAMIN COLMAN, Pastor of a Church in Boston.

BOSTON: Printed by B. Green, for S. Gerrish & D. Henchman, Sold at their Shops. 1717.


SERMON, 1. That the Soul of Man is a Noble Palace which the Great GOD built for Himself.

LUKE XI. 21, 22.

When a strong man armed keepeth his. Palace, his Goods are in Peace: But when a stronger than he shall come upon him and overcome him, He ta­keth from him all his Armour wherein he trusted, and divideth his spoils.

IN the Content our blessed Saviour is answering the blasphemous Imputa­tion of the Pharisees, who charg'd Him with casting out Devils by ver­tue of a Compact and Confederacy with Beelzebub, the prince of Devils. Our LORD argues the Absurdity and perve [...] Malice of that Objection; and he [...] copious and cogent in the Argument. A w [...] [Page 2]and good Man, whether Elias or even Moses, would have been ready to think such a spite­ful Contradiction, not worthy of any Con­futation, except the vengeance of Eternal fire to fall from Heaven on the Blasphemers: but the Meek and Merciful Lamb of God en­dured this Contradiction of Sinners against Himself, and tried to convince them by Rea­sonings that were plain and irresistible; at least for their sakes that stood by he did it, that this Venom of Hell might not enter in­to them.

He argues with them that surely Satan would not cast out Satan, and that a Kingdom divided against it self can never stand; that it must needs be by the singer of God that He cast out Devils, and that therefore the Kingdom of God was sensibly now come unto them: that it was Evident that He had a power over the Devil, and was Stronger than he and came to destroy his works; and therefore that He ought to be acknowledged by them to come from God, and as such to be submitted unto.

This He illustrates in the Words of my Text by comparing the Possession that Satan had of the Bodies and Souls of many Misera­bles, unto a strong Man armed keeping his Palace in peace and quiet; till there comes upon him One stronger than he and over­comes him, and spoils his house after he had disarm'd him. When a strong man armed keep­eth his Palace, &c.

In which Words we have,

[Page 3] 1. A Representation of the Devils quiet pos­session of Miserable Persons: The strong man armed keepeth his Palace and his goods are in peace. Now it appears by the Context.

  • 1. That Satan is this strong man armed. He is a Spirit of Mighty Strength and Power, and he is arm'd against God and us to do what mischief and hurt he can. On Earth there is not his like, and he is a King over all the Children of Pride. He is only under the restraints and check of Almighty God, and and of His Ho [...] Angels which remain in the perfection of the [...] Strength; and if it were not for this Blessed and Superiour Power Sa­tan would make a wretched World know his strength daily. We read of this wicked Power in Arms, and who he fights with: Rev. 12.7. And there [...]as war in Heaven; the Dra­gon and his Angels warring against Michael and his Angels This is the strong man armed that dares to make War with the Lamb; the Lion of Hell against the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.
  • 2. The Palace that he keeps possession of is the Hearts of the Sinful Children of Men. This he has usurp'd. God built it for Him­self and worthy of Himself. Sin betray'd it, by defiling it into Satans hands. There he keeps, rules and works; even in the Chil­dren of disobedience. Here he lords, and tyranises: and does what he can to fortifye the Soul against Christ, and keep him out of it. It was once the Peaceful Palace of God, [Page 4]now 'tis the strong hold and Garison of a Rebel-tyrant and Out-law, in a state of War.
  • 3. Satan quietly possesses the Impenitent Soul as if it were his Property. His Goods are in Peace. He calls it his Palace & his Goods. He pleads a long quiet possession, and the right of Conquest, if not Consent too. The Sin­ners Mind and Heart and Will are his; tamely yielded to him, wickedly used for him. ‘Satan rules without controul, his Lusts are done, and his Interest serv'd; and all the Powers of the Soul are employ'd by him in his Service.’ They are his Goods; and the Sinner is easy and unconcern'd about the matter, is secure and merry, servile and obe­dient, likes his Master and loves his Service; has no sense of misery, nor fear of danger. Thus the strong man armed keepeth his palace, and his goods are in peace: A just representation of the Devils quiet possession of miserable Souls.

II. There follows a more pleasing account of CHRISTS Rescuing the poor Soul out of Satans hands. But when a stronger than He shall come upon him, and overcome him, he taketh from him all his armour, &c. So then,

  • 1. There is a stronger than the strong man armed, even Christ If we speak of Strength, lo he is strong! Stronger than all is our Fa­ther in Heaven: and the Mediator there hath a P [...]ion divided to Him with the strong. [...]St [...] is [...] Lord God that Judges.
  • 2. [...] s [...]ll [...]me upon the Enemy. The cer­tainty [Page 5]of His doing so seems express'd, and the Manner of it by a way of surprize; sud­denly and unexpectedly; in His Peace and Se­curity, when all is quiet and he is least fear'd; when the Enemy thinks all is his own for ever. His hand shall find out all his Enemies.
  • 3. When he comes he will overcome. The Victory will fall to CHRIST. None ever exalted or hardned himself against God and prospered. Michael prevails.

Now the Evidences of this Victory are two.

  • 1. He taketh from him all his Armour wherein be trusted. What is that? What is Satans Armoury in which he puts his confidence, ac­counting himself sure of the Sinner? And how does Christ take it away? Why, He breaks the power of Sin and Corruption in the Soul, (sayes Mr. Henry) he rectifies its Mistakes, delivers it from its Prejudices. When the Eyes are opened, and the Heart is humbled and changed, then Satans Armour is taken away. "The Sword is first wrested out of Satans hand, and then the Scepter. Satan is bound and cast out himself. Satans Armour
    Pool in loc.
    wherein he ‘trusted was his keeping men in darkness, blinding them with Error and Superstition, seducing them into the love of sinful practices: Now Christ takes away this his Armour by scattering the darkness expelling Error and Superstition, [...]ching the way of God in truth, and [Page 6]bringing Souls into the love of it: taking away the chains of guilt and destroying the Power of Sin. Thus Souls are turned from darkness to light, and from the Power of Satan unto GOD.’
  • 2. He divideth his spoils; or as it is in ano­ther place; He spoils his House. This is easie to do after the Enemy is overcome and dis­arm'd. Upon Victory follows the taking the Spoils. The Conqueror possesses for himself the Palace, which he has taken, and from whence he has driven the Foe; or where he has taken him Captive. The Endowments of our Mind and Body, made use of before in the Service of Satan; our Powers and Inter­ests so before devoted and debased, are these spoils. Spoils wherein Satan once prided him, and spoils which God values and which should be Sacred to Him for ever. This is the Conquerors Reward, which he hangs up in the Temple of God for an Everlasting Tri­umph: Col. 2.15. And having spoiled Prin­cipalities and Powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it. His Cross.

Having thus at large opened this Copious Text, I would offer from it these Four Obser­vations.

  • I. That the Soul of Man is a Palace which the Great GOD built for Himself.
  • II. That it is now become as a Garison, or strong hold which Satan keeps against God.
  • III. That there is a wretched Peace and cur­sed Quiet which the carnal heart lies in un­der [Page 7]Satans Tyranny.
  • IV. That the Victori­ous Saviour rescues whom He pleases, and will rescue all His chosen from Satans Power and Tyranny.

Of these in their Order, as God shall Enable; and of the First at this time.

DOCTRINE, I. That the Soul of Man is a noble Palace, which GOD has built for Himself.

This is the Palace which the Text speaks of; even Mans Soul, and tho' it is not here spoken of as the Palace of God, but much the contrary; yet from the beginning and Ori­ginally it was His only. Every house has some Builder, but He that built all things in God: and for whom did He or could He make any thing, and every thing, but for Himself: for his pleasure they are and were Created. But above other things God made his Rational and Intelligent Creatures for his own posses­sion, use and propriety. This is common to Angels and Men; Heaven is His Throne, and the Earth His Footstool; but Angels the In­habitants of Heaven, and Men the People of His Pasture Earth, were His own designed Habitation and Residence. He made both one and other in His own Image, in His like­ness. The Realms above He prepared for Angels; this Earth a Paradise for Man, whom He placed an Imbodied Angel upon it, a Ce­lestial Mind clothed in flesh, crowned with [Page 8]glory and honour; and he walked with God, God visited him daily and conversed with him, yea dwelt in him. This was Mans First State; He was the Residence and Mansion of the Creator here upon Earth.

For what is a Palace? but some Dwelling of a Prince or King, which he builds for him­self, for the Honour of his Majesty, and to shew the Riches of his Kingdom. He builds it spa­cious and large to keep his Court there, and spares no Art and Cost to render it Magnifi­cent and Sumptuous. Such now is the Crea­ture Man, taking Body and Soul together. He is a Stately and curious, ample and rich Building of God. The King of Glory pitch'd this Tabernacle upon Earth. The Body he form'd & rais'd out of the dust, and breath'd into his Nostrils the breath of Life and made him this living Soul. The Body is a wonder­ful Structure, and was a much more Elegant piece of Workmanship at the first: but the Spirit therein tho' Invisible is a Creature of far more admirable and beautiful Powers. O the divine Art and Power, the Wisdom and Glory of God, Conspicuous and Asto­nishing in producing the one and the other!

In short;

If a King builds — What less than a Palace? And where a King dwells — What is it but a Palace? If then God made Man to reside in him, We are the Palace of the Great King.

And what find you in the Palaces of Kings here on Earth, which is not to be found in the Soul of Man.

[Page 9] 1. Here God meant to Reign and Keep His [...]. Here he Erected his Throne and Sea [...] of Judgment, in the Heart and Conscience, Here he appointed his Servants to stand in his Presence and Minister to him, even the [...] Powers & every Affection of the Soul. Here he gives Audience, and receives the humble Addresses of a loyal and dutiful Mind, and stoops to Converse with his Servants. The Kingdom of God is within you.

2. Mans Soul is a Palace for Space and Am­plitude. It is larger than the Circuit of the Heavens, whereon the ETERNAL rides. It scorns to be confined within the body or to be bounded by the Earth, or by the visible Hea­vens. It can compass the Ʋniverse in a Mo­ment, and one of its single Tho'ts is [...] than that: for I think of Him that is [...] MENSE, whom all worlds can not o [...] ­tain. In this Idea, this adoring Tho't [...] dwells. Here is a Palate for him [...] than the Heavens of Heavens. This [...] a living Image of his Immensity, and [...] Space is at last a dead and dull one. [...] among the Orbs of light is the [...] brightest Body, and nothing is [...] for beauty and velocity and ben [...] the Globes which it shines upon; but I [...] unto you this Eye and Light of the World [...] a small and dark and single Attome, [...] to the vaster Powers of a Batimal [...] of Tho'ts can in [...] and a brighter [...]ay [...] [Page 10] Throne of God, and there [...]ly Adoring, [...] delighting in and enjoying the Father of these Lights, and the Former of Spirits.

3. Again, In Kings Palaces do you look for rich Furniture? how rich are the Endow­ments of the Humane Mind? What are the carved Works and Gildings of the Rooms of State? What are the costly Pictures of the Galleries of Kings? What are the Tapestry and Imbroider'd Hangings, their Tables of Silver and vessels of Gold, the peculiar Treasures of the Provinces subject to them; compar'd to the Adorning and Magnificent furniture of a Humane Mind; the Treasures of Wisdom and Knowledge and Largeness of heart which their Great Ministers and Counsellors are adorn'd with, and without which Kings themselves do not shine in their Palaces and on their Thrones. For Instance, Nebuchadnezzars Reason and Princely Endowments for Em­pire was a far greater Glory than Great Baby­lon which he had built for the House of his Kingdom: Witness the day when the God of Heaven struck him for his Pride and took a­way his Princely Powers, and they drove him from among men; unfit any longer for his own Palace, he dwelt among the Beasts of his Park: But at the end of his dayes his Under­standing returned to him, and he lift up his Eyes to Heaven, and blessed the Most High GOD his Maker and his Judge, and prais'd and honour'd Him that Liveth for ever & ever. Now his Brightness return'd to him, his [Page 11] Counsellers and his Lords again sought to him and excellent Majesty was added to him, Dan. 4. ult. Verily, here was a sight much more. Magnificent than proud Babylon with all its Towers and Palaces could afford: Here was Majesty in its Excellency; A Wise & Mighty Emperor Contemplating, Adoring, Magnify­ing and Extolling the Immense and Eternal Majesty of Heaven; before whom the Inha­bitants of the Earth are reputed as nothing. This Princely Humane Mind now look'd vastly greater in an Act of Reason and Worship. than ever He had done before in Governing the Empire, or receiving the Homages of Prin­ces and Provinces. Draw this to the life, and let it for ever hang in the Palaces of Princes. Shall I go on and say,

4. In Kings Palaces do we look for Clean­ness and Purity, that there be no dust or soil to be seen there; for they that be in Kings Palaces go in soft Raiment, and every Apart­ment there will be swept and garnished: Such was the Soul and Body of Man as He came out of his Makers hands; He was in the Like­ness of GOD very Holy and Good, without the least spot or stain, the Glory of the Lord filled the House, which he had just finish'd and Consecrated: Man was full of Grace and Truth: the Glory of the Only-Begotten was to be seen in the measure proper to such a Crea­ture; Whose Delights were with the Sons of Men before Man was Created, or ever the Earth was.

And indeed without this Original Holiness [Page 12]Man could not have been designed the Dwel­ding of GOD: for what Communion has Light with darkness, or the Temple of God with Be­lial? But now, Man being made a Holy as well as a Living Soul, He was therefore ne­cessarily under a religious Consecration to God from the first Moment of his Existence: and his Posterity in Mans Primitive State of In­nocence & Sanctity could have been nothing else but so many Lively Stones in one Spiritual house; a Holy Building and a Holy Priesthood, as Believers now are again, to offer up Spiritu­al Sacrifices.

Thus the Palace becomes a Temple, proper­ly speaking: A Dwelling Sacred to God: not barely the Mansion of a great King, but a House Dedicated to the Worship of the E­TERNAL GOD-HEAD the Holy One. Such Man was made; His Heart an Altar for the Holy God; Spiritual Exercises and Holy Acts of Devotion and Obedience, the Sacrifices on that Altar holy Affections the Fire from Heave [...] [...]ng on the Sacrifice, in the Smoke whereof the Soul would (Angel­like) have been for ever Ascending; and in all this the Understanding and the Will, the trading and commanding Faculties of the Soul, were to do the part of the Lords Priests, and to be the Offerers.

Man being holy, God was Conversable with him, and indeed made him for Communion with Himself: He was made to know God, to love him and delight in him; to obey and [Page 13]serve Him, and finally for ever to Enjoy Him: Here and hereafter to live blessed in the fa­vour, care and love of God towards him. He made Man with a Capacity for and an In­clination after Communion with Himself; and doubtless therefore was he ready to ap­ply Himself to Man, and to communicate unto him in a way suitable to the Nature which he had given him: and could not fail "of doing so unless Man laid some Obstruction "in the way. It remains therefore only to say,

5. That the Creature Man was in his Ori­ginal and first Design a Dwelling worthy of the Eternal & Invisible King. Surely he would not make an Intelligent and Immortal Mind that should not be so! And I may say, surely Eternal Wisdom & Goodness could not make 'em unworthy of his own Habitation. For however one Rational Being may be of an Order a little lower than another, yet the lowest must be not unworthy of Himself. For if not unworthy of his own Making then certainly not of his own gracious Converse and Abode. The Wisdom of God could not Design Man better than he was made, nor the Power of God make him better. As for God his Work is perfect: and so he said of it when he had made Man upon the Earth. Wherefore,

1. "The Father of Spirits plac [...]d a Spirit in Man so agreeable to his own Spiritual Nature, on purpose that he might converse with him. The Inspiration of the Almighty gave him understanding for this very end. God his [Page 14]Maker taught him more than the beasts of the Earth, and made him wiser than the fowls of heaven that he might enquire and ask after Him. Where should the Eternal Mind and Spirit dwell without Himself, but in some Immortal Spirit, Mind and Reason of his own Creating? The Most High dwel­deth not in Temples made with hands: What House can we build Him for the Place of his Rest? truly none: but he has built Himself a proper Dwelling in the Spirit of Man, the Humane Mind.

2. The present Ruines of the Soul of Man show what a Structure it once was. Travellers be­ [...]vail the Desolation of many famous Cities and Palaces, the Heads of Mighty Empires and Royal Seats of Mighty Princes. Yet in their Ruines they often find stupendous Marks of their Antient Greatness. So whoso is wise and will observe his own Soul, tho' he cannot but find a vast Desolation upon it, yet in its present Weakness and Corruption he must needs perceive what a glorious Workmanship, what a Superiour Creature it once was. When these Powers were perfect; when this Mind was full of light and know­ledge, when this Will was subject to that light, and these Affections all regular, and obedient to it, and Conscience full of Peace and Joy in its own Integrity; what a Lovely and Venerable Form was this! how did it shine in Paradise, the favourite Creature, Vice-gerent & meet Representative of GOD [Page 15]here below; the Delight of God, the love of Angels its next Kindred, and commanding the Reverence and Homage of the Inferiour Creatures by an External Raye of Majesty and Beauty. All this is yet as plainly to be perceived within our selves that it once was, as when we have pass'd by demolish'd Hou­ses, that were sometimes Magnificent Structures; we look on the pieces of ragged Walls yet standing, the strong Foundation, its breadth and wide Circumference, the broken pieces of curious carved work, and say, — What a Sumptuous Building was this once! and how meet for some Princes Residence!

But then again,

3. The Rebuilding and Restoring of this Dwel­ling and Temple at such a vast Expence as the Blood of CHRIST, shews what it was in its first design, and yet is when rebuilt in the sight of God. When David drew the Plan of the Temple he had design'd, in doing which the Infinite Mind and Divine Artichec guid­ed him; he at the same time gather'd an Immense Sum of Riches, the spoils of many Countries in proportion to the vast Fabrick. He that had seen the Treasure amass'd and devoted, and counted the Sum, would have wonder'd how it should ever be expended; and it may be they that saw it finisht might wonder as much whence the Riches could be gather'd that should raise and adorn that costly Pile. Yet this is but a small Image of the Infinite Price which the GOD of Heaven [Page 16]has expended on the Repair and Rebuilding of his Palace in our Souls. For at what price shall we be able to value the least drop of the Blood of his own Son! For as much as ye know that ye were not redeemed with cor­ruptible things, as silver and gold, but with the precious blood of Christ as of a Lamb without ble­mish, who verily was fore-ordained before the foundation of the World, 1 Pet. 1.18. If we believe the Eternal Godhead, and the infinite Dignity and Glory of our Saviour, what a price are we bought with. Acts 20.28. The Church of God which he has purchased with his own blood. Heb. 9.14 The blood of Christ who thro' the Eternal Spirit offered up himself with­out spot to God. i. e. His own Eternal God­head gave the infinite price to the Offering and Sacrifice. A price which Angels cannot Estimate, nor are those Hosts of glorious Spi­rits to be weigh'd against it, nor the World, which it might well purchase, for He Him­self made them all.

But there yet remains one more Particular to be considered in the Argument before us, and I shall add no more, for the Tho'ts of Men or Angels can rise no higher,

And that is,

4. Let us view this Palace of the Blessed God, the Humane Nature, in the Person of Christ, God-Man, Emmanuel, God with us. God ma­nifest in our flesh, tabernacling in a Body of Gods preparing for him, the Second Adam, the Lord from Heaven, in whom we are made [Page 17]Alive; the singular work of God, conceived by the HOLY GHOST, the promis'd Seed of the Woman, born of a Virgin, the power of the Highest Overshadowing, whereby the First begotten was bro't into the World. The Commandment came forth at his Birth to the Spirits above, Let all the Angels of God worship Him; and down came the Multitudes of the Heavenly Host; they saw and ador'd and Sang — Glory to God in the Highest! They bro't us the glad Tidings of Great Joy, — To you is born the Saviour, and they yet desire to pry into the Ineffable thing.

In him dwelt the Fulness of the God-head Bodily, in him all the Treasures of Wisdom of Knowledge, of Holiness & Righteousness; for He received not the Spirit by Measure: He was Fairer than the Children of Men, Grace was Pour'd into his Lips, yea the bright Angels of God were dark, and the Heavens not clean in comparison of him; He was the LORD that was lookt for by them that were waiting for Redemption in Israel, and he came into his Temple, and by his divine Presence made the Glory of the Second Temple greater than the Glory of the Former: for in the first Temple he only gave a sign and token of his presence between the Cherubims in a Shechinah, or Body of light; but into this Second Temple he came Personally and Bodily, a GOD Incarnate; and being found in fashion as a Man, but Eternally in the Form of GOD and without robbery Equal with God; He Wor­shipt, [Page 18]he Obeyed, he fulfilled all Righteous­ness in our place and on our account; yield­ing such an Obedience to the honour of God, and to repair the dishonours which the Sin of Man had done to the Great God, as Adam and his Posterity if they had all stood in their first Purity and Perfection could never have been able to render to the Majesty of Heaven. For as the Altar Sanctifies the Gift, so the Divine Nature in the Person of the Re­deemer did his Obedience to the Law; and as thousands of Millions of things finite put to­gether can never make any thing like an In­finite, so all the Obedience of all Creatures for ever paid to God could never equal one Act of Obedience and Worship from Him who was Himself GOD: But moreover, the Son of God in our Nature humbled him­self yet further and became Obedient unto Death, even the death of the Cross, tasting death for every Man, and bearing the Curse of the Law: For it became Him for whom are all things and by whom are all things in bringing many sons unto glory to make the Captain of our salvation perfect thro' suffering; for both he that sanctifieth and they that are sanctifyed are all of one; for which cause He is not Ashamed to call them Brethren: — For as the Children are partakers of flesh and blood, He also Himself took part of the same, that thro' Death he might de­stroy him that had the power of Death, that is the Devil: — For verily He took not on him the Nature of Angels, but the seed of Abraham.

[Page 19] And now in this very Nature, being Risen from the dead, and being by the Right hand of God Exalted, this same glorious JESUS is set down on the right hand of the Majesty on High, in the Glory which he had with the Father before the World began; far above all Princi­palities and Powers and Might, and Dominion, and every Name that is named, not only in Hea­ven but on Earth.

Now let us but consider this Great Thing! this Palace and Temple of the Eternal God. head in the Man Christ Jesus! What was Adam in his Paradise to this glorious Person! What was the Glory of God in the burning Bush, or between the Cherubims to this glori­fied Jesus? What was the shining of Moses face, or the flames of Elijahs Zeal before this greater Glory! To which of the Angels said he at any time, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee! Has the great God ever ta­ken the Nature of Angels so near to Himself? No verily. Here then let us see the Glory of Humane Nature in the Person of the Re­deemer. God has seen meet to exalt and dignifye it; to do all this for it and in it! To make it His dwelling. His Temple, and the Light and Glory of Heaven it self: for the Lamb is the Light thereof. Well therefore did our Saviour turn off their Admiting Eyes who observed to Him the wonderful Stones of the Material Temple, and he pointed them to his own blessed Body, saying, Destroy this Temple of God and I will raise it up in three [Page 20]dayes! Twas done, and in it God reigns and his Glory resides there for ever and ever. And thus it appears that the Creature Man was in his Original and first design, and is in his Restoration and Recovery, a dwelling worthy of the Eternal and Invisible King.

I might add some other Reasons, why God has made his Rational and Intelligent Crea­tures for his own Dwelling; Namely, from his Delight and Pleasure in his own Glori­ous Workmanship, and in his Image on them: for the making his Creature happy and blessed by Communion with Himself: And for the display of his own Glory, Per­fection and Happiness in the Creature: Let us make Man in our Image, after our likeness, and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.


But I pass to the Ʋse and Improvement of the Doctrine; as the time may allow me.

1. See the Dignity and Honour of Man! God made him a little lower than the Angels, and crowned him with glory and honour. But in this he was ever as the Angels, that he was made the Living Temple of the Deity as well as they. And to this his Original ho­nour he is restored by a Redeemer: Rev. 21. [Page 21]3, 5. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold the Tabernacle of God is with men, and be will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. And he that sat upon the Throne said, Behold I make all things new.

‘What an honourable State is this? as Mr. How excellently sayes upon the Argu­ment; and what an excellent Creature does it imply to be Immediately Sacred to GOD and his own Converse! a Soul receptive of the Deity! able to entertain God by Knowledge and Contemplation, by Reve­rence and Love, by Adoration and Praise [...] a most delectable and pleasant State to be separated to this Entertainment of the Di­vine Presence.’

2. Let us see and admire the Condesc [...]nti [...] of God to Dust and Ashes. Will God in v [...] deed dwell with Man upon Earth? behold Heaven and the Heaven of Heavens cannot contain thee? Lord, what is Man that thou art mindful of him! What a low and mean and narrow, nay and dirty place are we be­come, to be ever again honoured with the Indwelling of the Divine Glory! Behold the Hea­vens are not clean in his eyes, and he chargeth this Angels with folly; how much less on them that dwell in houses of clay, whose foundation is in the dust, Job 4.19. This Grace of G [...] to us may well be in our Eyes His brighte [...] Glory. And thus God speaks of it Himself: Isai. 53.15. For thus saith the High and Lofty [Page 22]One that Inhabits Eternity, I dwell in the High and Holy Place, with him also that is of a hum­ble spirit.

3. What a cursed thing must Sin be, which defiles the Temple, and layes the Palace of God in ruine [...], and unfits as to be his Dwelling. God the rightful Lord and Owner is turn'd out of His own House; for Evil cannot dwell with Him. Not only is the Magnificence de­stroyed, and Man come short of the glory of God; but his Temple is turn'd into a Stew, and Stye, and a Cage of every unclean thing. They are altogether become filthy, the habita­tion of Devils and the hold of every foul spirit.

And here I cannot but Entertain you with a most affecting strain of Meditation, on this desolation of the Temple of God in Man, from the Pen of the late Excellent and Venerable Mr. How.

"Here God once dwelt, but He is now re­tir'd and gone! The Lamps are extinct! the Altar overturn'd! the Light and Love are now vanisht, which did the one shine with so heavenly brightness, the other burn with so pious fervour. The Golden Candlestick is dis­placed, to make room for the Throne of the Prince of darkness! the Sacred Incense, which sent rowling up in Clouds its rich Perfumes, are exchang'd for a poisnous hellish Vapour, and instead of a sweat savour there is a stench! The comly Order of the House is turn'd into Confusion, and the Beauties of holiness into noisome Impurities, the House of Prayer into [Page 23]a den of Thieves! and that of the worst and most horrid kind, Sacriledge! What have not the Enemies done wickedly in the Sanctuary!

Thus He.

4. Is the Soul of Man a noble Palace which God built for himself, See the Reason then why God has done so much for our Redemption. For what King would not recover his Palace out of the hands of Traitors and Rebels, that had Perfidiously seiz'd upon it? And what Ex­pence could be tho't too much, or what Force to imploy unto this End? In the Man Christ Jesus God prepared to Himself a most perfect Temple, and the glory of the latter House (the Second Adam) was Greater than the Glory of the first; For the first Man Adam was made a living Soul, the last Adam was made a quick­ning Spirit: In him we are again the Build­ing of God, a Spiritual House, and an Habi­tation of God thro' the Spirit. But when we contemplate the Only-begotten of the Father coming down from Heaven and Tabernacling in our flesh, for a time, and upon his return to Heaven, when we consider of the De­scent of the Eternal Spirit of Grace to make His Abode here for ever; we must needs En­quire for what Great End and Purpose the A­mazing Undertaking is? And here we find it —: 'tis to Repair and Rebuild the Palace of the Great God on Earth! To restore this fair part of the Creation of God! To Renew the face of the Earth, by restoring his lost Image in us! To this End it pleased the Father that in [Page 24]Christ should all fulness dwell, by him to reconcile all things to himself: And to this End is He Ascended that He might receive Gifts for Men, even for the Rebellious, That the Lord God might dwell among them, Psal. 68.18.

5. If the Soul of Man was originally de­signed, and is recovered by Grace, to be the Palace and Dwelling of God; then no doubt Good Men shall dwell with God, and God in them in the Life to come. There are Habitations for them in Heaven, Many Mansions in the Fa­thers House which Christ is gone to prepare for them, and will take them to; but there they shall be (together with the Angels) them­selves the Mansions and Habitation of God. We know that if our Earthly House of this Ta­bernacle be dissolved, we have a Building of God, an House not made with hands, eternal in the Heavens. There we know that the Redeemed are before the Throne of God, and serve Him Day and Night in his Temple, and He that sitteth on the Throne dwells among them.

6. And lastly; If the Soul of Man be a noble Palace which the Great God has built for Himself, Learn then the Duty thou owest to the blessed God. Restore Him the possession of thy Soul; which is his own, for he made it and gave it Being and all its Endowments. Yea He has also bought it and dearly paid for it. [Page 25]Wherefore I beseech you Brethren by the Mercies of God that ye present your Bodies a living sa­crifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. Let not Satan keep possession of you, neither yield ye your Members as In­struments of unrighteousness unto sin, but yield your selves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead; and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God. Let us say with the Redeemed Israelites, He is my God and I will pre­pare him an Habitation, my fathers God and I will exalt him. Yea let us swear unto the Lord and vow unto the mighty GOD, surely I will not come up into the tabernacle of my House, nor go up into my Bed; I will not give sleep unto mine Eyes, nor slumber to mine eye-lids, until I find out a place for the Lord, an Ha­bitation for the mighty God of Jacob. We have solemnly Consecrated our whole selves, Soul and Body, to the Lord; and we should with Great solemnity be often renewing the Act of Self-dedication.

Wherefore, Live as one holy and devoted. Let nothing common or unclean come into the holy Place. Remember what thou art, Know thy self, and how dreadful is the conside­ration! This is no other than the House of God, and Gate of Heaven. Kings are served in their Palaces, with great Respect and Alacrity; and God is to be Worship'd in his Temple with Reverence and Godly fear. So imploy all thy Powers to the Glory of God with the utmost [Page 26]devotion. Turn aside, with Moses, to see this Great Sight, God in the Bush, and that not consumed; and let an awful Reverence sieze thy Soul, for Thou and the Place where thou standest is holy Ground.


IT was a bright and pleasant MEDI­TATION we have been upon; which might well Engage and carry a Mans Tho'ts away a great Length: scil. That the Soul of Man is a Noble Palace which the Great GOD built for Himself. But I am now to pass into as dark and melancholly a CONTEMPLATION, where a Mans Mind may well be as much clouded and Oppressed.

DOCTRINE, II. That the Soul of Man is now become as a Garrison and Strong Hold which Satan keeps against GOD.

He the strong Man armed keepeth the Palace, and calls it his. He has the present Possession and Rule; he keeps it by force of Arms, as a Castle in Time of War.

[Page 27] Let us

  • 1. Consider the Fact, Satans pos­session.
  • 2. Whence that is?
  • 3. That he keeps it by Arms, and as a Garrison against GOD.

I. It is a sorrowful Matter of Fact, of easy Proof, and the sad Experience of the Children of Men, that Satan has and keeps possession of their Souls in their Natural and Unregenerate State. I speak of a Spiritual possession of the Souls of Sinners, which is a Case really much more deplorable than a Bodily possession by evil Spirits; but this last being less common, and falling under the Bodily senses and be­ing horrible to behold, is terrifying and af­frighting to us; while the other being only a Spiritual misery, is not apprehended or re­garded by stupid Men, tho' it be of more fatal and lasting Consequence.

In whomsoever Sin reigns, in and over them Satan rules, and has possession of them. He that committeth sin is of the Devil, for the Devil sinneth from the beginning. In this the Children of God are manifest and the Children of the Devil; whosoever doeth not Righteousness is not of God: And whosoever is not of God is a slave to Satan, 1 Joh. 3.8, 10.

He that is begotten of God keepeth himself, and that wicked one toucheth him not: These we know are of God, while the whole World lyeth in Wickedness, 1 Joh. 5.18, 19. [...], in the Wicked one; under his power and under his possession.

[Page 28] We are born in Sin, and Satan has the first possession in this State of Corruption and Apostacy; which remains thro' the whole Unregenerate Life. In the New Birth Satan is Ejected. If it be Enquir'd concerning any Person in that blessed hour, as it was concer­ning the poor Lad bro't to Christ, foaming and gnashing with an unclean and cruel Spirit; Mark 9.21. How long is it agoe since this came unto him? It must be answered — Even of Child; yea even from his Birth, and before.

The Habit of Sinful Actions, and the un­godly Courses of wicked People, shows the possession and Rule of Satan. They are acted by him. Joh. 8.44. Ye are of your Father the Devil, and the lusts of your Father ye do; Ye do the deeds of your Father. It is the Style of Sa­tan, that he is the God of this wicked world, the Prince of the power of the Air, the spirit that now ruleth in the Children of Disobedience, Eph. 2.2. And it is the wretched account of the State of the Ungodly, that they are in the snare of the Devil and taken Captive by him at his will, 2 Tim 2. ult.

To conclude, Some wicked Persons are possessed and acted by Satan more Visibly and Openly than others. The unclean Spirit shows it self to the World in the abandoned Wretches, & in their scandalous Courses which [...]e earthly, sensual, devilish. They are blinded and led blindfold by him: 2 Cor. 4.4. In whom the God of this world has blinded their [Page 29]eyes. As the Philistines of old put out Samsons Eyes and set him to grind; or as the Demo­niacks of old were wont to run staring over Rocks and Precipices, into the fire and into the water, whithersoever the furious spirit drove them.

Moreover, Satan hardens them in Sin, and his possession of them is to be seen in their Security & Fearlesness: for if the Devil were not in them, they would fear and tremble and be struck with horror at their own Actions and Dangers. They ly among the Tombs and know not that the dead are there. They cut and gnash themselves with Stones and feel it not, tho' they are so Cruel & Bar­barous to their own Souls.

I might be more particular and say,

He is a Deaf Spirit in them and they wont hear, a Dumb Spirit and they cant Pray, a Pro­fane Spirit & they Blaspheme God. Yea like the possessed in their Fits they are Insensible, and you would think 'em quite dead. The thunders from Sinai are not heard by 'em, nor the flashes of lightning seen, nor the sha­king Earth felt. Were they not in some strange Preternatural State they would ex­ceedingly fear and quake: Their Senses and their Reason are lock'd up as in a Swoon, and it is very hazardous whether they will ever come to themselves again and to a right Mind; or if they do it is to be feared that it will be by dreadful Convulsions, which may be terri­ble, if not equally dangerous as their present Stupidity.

[Page 30] II. Whence is it that Satan has possessed him­self of the Souls of Men? The Palace was Gods, built for Himself and actually his Dwelling and Residence: How then came Sa­tan into it?

Not to be sure by any Legal Right, but by Tyranical Ʋsurpation: Not by any power against God, or any freedom from his Power and Justice, but by the righteous permission of a holy God, in Judgment and Punishment for our Sin. The sorry Traitor, the foul and false Usurper boasts of a Right and Title, All these, and all this Power and Glory is mine; for to me they are delivered, and whatsoever I will I do with them. He claims as by Victory and Conquest over God, when as he only prevailed over weak Man by Subtlety and Fraud, and by the Judgment of a holy God is permitted to Possess and Tyrannize.


The Palace was betray'd into Satans hands by Mans Sin. Man delivered up himself to the Devil by a base and voluntary disloyal yielding to his Temptation. Sin was the cursed thing that made God forsake his Palace, for he cannot dwell with it; and this gave Sa­tan his possession. The first Order and Com­mand of God was, that Sin should not be permitted to enter into and defile his Palace, on pain of his Departure in Wrath. God made Man Holy, Inclin'd him well, disposed him only to that which is good, and to all [Page 31]that is so! He gave him an express Warning and Commandment, with a severe and dreadful Threatning in case of Transgression. The penalty was present Desertion and utter Destruction. Nevertheless the Devil by craft and subtlety beguiled and seduced Man into Sin. Man weakly, ungratefully, wilfully complied with Satans Motion. He treache­rously gave him the Keys of the Palace, and receiv'd him into his own heart. The Holy God then forsook his Earthly Tabernacle and Residence. He loath'd and abhorred the de­filed Place. He left miserable Man in those cruel and filthy hands which he had put himself into. The Traitor surrendred him­self into a Tyrants hand, and renounced God his righful Proprietor, and Gracious LORD. He revolted to the Devil at his first Motion, from God that made him. It was a volun­tary Resignation to the declared Enemy of God, who had appear'd to him bare fac'd, giving God the lye, and accused him of En­vying the Felicity of his Creature. He trans­gressed in a defying manner to God, and in­solently dar'd his Vengeance. God was far from willing or allowing Mans fall and ruine; He did all that was proper and rea­sonable to have restrained and prevented him: He forbid it under the pain of Death, his highest Displeasure and an Everlasting Excision from himself. This is the Rice and Support of Satans Kingdom here on Earth and his Dominion over Men. He [Page 32]tempted and Man yielded. God forsook and Satan usurped. Man renounced God, revolted to Satan, and God left him to the wretchedness and Curse he chose.

III. Satan now holds and keeps the wretched Soul as a Garrison in a time and state of War against the blessed God. The strong man Armed keepeth the Palace. We read of the Powers of Darkness, the Powers of the Air, Principalities and Powers and spiritual Wickednesses. The De­vils Empire is large and his Kingdom strong. The Hosts of Evil Spirits are many, and every single fallen Spirit is of Great Might. Their Name is Legion, for they are many; and any one of them can do dreadful things if God permit them. Satan and his Angels are the Great Enemy of God and in Arms against Him. They never laid down their Arms of Rebellion unto this day. From the day they left Heaven, from the day that God cast them down from it, they declar'd and still wage an Everlasting War with it, for they have an Irreconcilable Enmity, and a Rage which they can't suppress. Rev. 12.7. And there was War in Heaven; Michael and his Angels fought against the Dragon; and the Dragon fought and his Angels.

Tyrants have their Palaces as well as right­ful Princes; but they rule by force of Arms; by standing Armies. Usurpers and Rebel [...] have no other Security of their unjust pos­session.

[Page 33] God Arms for the Recovery of the Soul out of Satans hands. As the Captain of the Hosts of the Lord CHRIST has appear'd in his Church. The Eternal and Almighty Spirit of Grace has proceeded from Him, with his Sword drawn, His Blessed Word in the Ministry thereof. His Ministers have recei­ved their Commissions from Him to Inlist others in his Cause; with whom they are to War a good Warfare, as good Souldiers of Jesus Christ: Whom that they may serve faithfully they are called off from Entangling themselves with the Affairs of this World. The Weapons put into our hands are not Carnal but Mighty thro' God, to the pulling down of strong holds: 2 Cor. 10.4. The whole Armour of God is provided for us, wherein to go forth against the Goliah of Hell; and it fits every gracious Soul, for he has prov'd and tried it and been exercis'd therein; being skilful in the word of Righteousness, and experienced in Spi­ritual Graces & Duties. The Spirit of God Himself puts them on, and is in them that go forth in his Name to Animate, Strengthen and Prosper 'em. His Presence in his Word appears in Showers of Arrows, and darts thrown with a strong hand, that Peirce the hearts of his Enemies; and subdue them to be his willing People, while their Enmity is slain in the day of his Power. The Stars of Heaven also in their Courses fight against Sis [...]a, and Invisible Hosts of Angels Engage in the Cause of Christ, and for the Destruction of Satans Kingdom.

[Page 34] Thus more are with us than there are against us. Nevertheless the Rebels are Obstinate and Desperate; for they are never to be pardoned nor to find any Mercy. They hold on the fight, and renew the War, amidst all their Defeats, with impotent Spite and Malignity. They fall and are wounded and broken, and bite the ground, and gnash with their teeth, while they see a happy Number recovered to God, after whom nevertheless they cast their fie­ry darts, & give them many a painful wound. The Convictions of others they quench, and keep possession of them by prevailing with them to Confederate with them against God. Sinners side with the Devil, consent to his Motions, submit to his Rule, resist the Holy Ghost, and are found to fight against God. They have a Diabolical Nature of their own, which is Enmity to him, and natural­ly sides with the powers of Darkness. They are Seconds in the War, and count themselves Principal in it. It is the cause of their Lusts, whom they love and like, and can even fight and die for, rather than part with them. They are haters of God, and despiteful as well as He under whose Banner they appear. Alienation from the life of God & Aversion to it in the Corrupt Nature of Man, is the foundation of his Agreement and League with Hell. 'Tis the Seed of the Serpent: A Serpen­tine Nature, which loves its like, but hates God as its Opposite. The Law is Spiritual, but this corrupt Nature is carnal, Sold under Sin, Sold to do evil.

[Page 35] Hence is it that the Soul becomes such a Strong hold against God. The corrupted Soul is it self Enmity to God. There is a strong hold of Sin.

  • 1. In the corrupt Mind and carnal Reasonings.
  • 2. In the Will and Affections.
  • 3. In the defiled and corrupted Conscience.
  • 4. Sin has deeply Intrenched about & strongly fortified it self with many Outworks. And to finish all,
  • 5. Sometimes the foul Moat of Judicial Blindness and Ob­duracy encloses all.

1. There is a strong Hold of Sin in the cor­rupt Mind and carnal Reasonings of Men. Ig­norance of God, affected blindness, stupidity, Pride, Conceit, Vanity, Unbelief and Infi­delity are natural to Sinful Man. In these Consist the Kingdom of Darkness and the Power of darkness. Satan is the Ruler of the Darkness of this World, and as the God of this World, ( i. e. the Tyrant over it.) he blind­eth the Mind of them that believe not, lest the light of the Glorious Gospel should shine into them. The natural State of Man is Darkness: Eph. 5.8. Ye were sometimes darkness. The Under­standing is both disabled and depraved by the Fall, the Mind is defiled: if that be Evil the whole Soul must be full of darkness; if the light that is in us be darkness, how great is that Darkness? We read of the Chains of Darkness; and indeed chains are not more to the Liberty of the Body, than Darkness is to the noble Powers of the Mind: as the one are in the Imprisonment and Captivity of [Page 36]the Body, so is the other the Thraldom and Slavery of the Soul. What a dark Dungeon is to the Body, that is Spiritual Darkness to the Mind.

Well therefore when the Apostle speaks of the Weapons of our Warfare mighty thro' God to the pulling down strong Holds, the first of these Holds that he mentions is our Tho'ts and Imaginations, and every high thing that exalts it self against the Know [...]edge of God. 2 Cor. 10.4, 5. The Corruption of the An­gelick and Humane Mind is much alike: Angels and Men both fell by Pride, and Pride fastens the Chains of darkness on them. Vain Man will yet be wise, and wiser than God, tho' he be born like the wild Asses Colt. Are we blind also? Said the disdainful Pharisees; and therefore they were left in wilful Ignorance and Unbelief. The Mind of Man likes not to retain God in its knowledge. And its own natural Notions, Fancies, Pre­judices, it sets up in Opposition to the Reve­lation of God. Neither is there any stronger hold of Satan in Us than this Evil Heart of Unbelief in departing from the living God. Or when Men from the perverss reasonings of their own Mind, corrupt Opinions, Phyloso­phy & vain deceit fortifie themselves against the Convictions of the Word. Hence has arose the Infidelity, Atheism, Profaneness and Licentiousness of the present Ages. The de­sires of the Mind are Opposite to God as well as those of the F [...]sh. Eph. 2.3. Carnal Wis­dom [Page 37]is devilish. Jam. 3.15. And therefore the Soul by Sanctifying Grace is Renewed in the Spirit of the Mind. Rev. 12.2. The other Faculties of the Soul fight, like common Souldiers, for the Prey, (sayes one) but the Mind as the Leader of the Army fights for Vict [...]ry, and Superiority; freedom from the power of God, or for the Conquest of him. We are alienated and Enemies in our Minds, Col. 1.21. We are averss to the Knowledge of God, and say to him, Depart from us for we desire not the Knowledge of thy wayes. Conversion therefore begins in Illumination and the Opening Mens eyes, and they are transformed by the Renewing of their Mind. It was the Pride of Jews and Greeks that hin­dred them from submitting to the Gospel of Christ; 1 Cor. 1.23. We Preach Christ Cruci­fied, to the Jews a stumbling Block and to the Greeks Foolishness. A Crucified Saviour was a Stone of stumbling and a Rock of Offence to them; they fell on it and were broken to pieces. And so do many in our own dayes, in whose wise Eyes the Gospel is yet fool­ [...]ness, and they cannot stoop to the Simpli­city, Humility and Self-dental of its pure Laws, nor to the Righteousness which is of faith. Hence as it was from the beginning it yet is, Not many wise Men after the flesh are called. They test in Natural Religion after their study of Nature. But this Pride and Arrogance and high look God hates. This Pride of reason is Odious to God, as well [Page 38]as Averss to him, Not only does it turn from God, but God resists that. So that it brings a kind of Impossibility to be ever convinced; How can ye believe that receive honour one of another? and seest thou a Man wise in his own eyes there is more hopes of a fool than of him. God resisteth the proud and giveth Grace to the lowly. The want of a Spiritual Dis­cerning, and the power of carnal Apprehen­sion, is an effectual hindrance of Mens Salva­tion; and a strong Wile and Snare of the De­vil. So he began with Man, and so he holds on, and the Effect is the same now that it was at first; i. e. his Possession and Dominion is Establisht by it: Ye shall be as GOD's to know Good and Evil.

2. Satan finds a strong hold in the Corrupt Will and Affections of Men. They are his by Consent, and they are obstinate in their choice of sinful wayes, they delight in some or other lust under the power and rule whereof they live, and all expresses and issues in more and more Aversion to God, and their hatred of his wayes increases continually. The love and liking of Sin is the Establishment of Sa­tans Throne. The slave loves his cruel Master and will not go free, but will fight for the Tyrant. Such is the baseness of the once noble and free Soul.

There needs no more to give Satan a full and entire possession of our Souls than our own Consent to him. And indeed nothing but that can give him possession. The Soul [Page 39]is yet so free that he rules in none but by their own Will. In the day when their heart and will is changed, Satans throne is cast down and he is spoil'd of all his Armour. He en­ter'd by our consent, and he reigns by our tame submission and consent. And so long as thou art willing it is impossible but he should keep the Palace. Thy will is the Palace which he prides in, and gives him all his power. He would if he could keep his pos­session of the convinced Sinner against his will, but all the Devils in Hell can't do that. Every Sin (sayes one) is an Election of the Devil to be our Lord; so far as it has a voice it gives it suffrage or vote for him. Joh. 8.44. His Lusts ye will do. While the w [...] [...]ubborn­ly persists in its Disobedience [...] [...]od and to rebel against Him; the possession of Satan is secure. The Souls affections are his Guard while he sleeps within in peace and quiet. He has no trouble to keep the Palace, we keep it for him. Our love of Sin is all the Hold that Satan desires of us. Let that abide and he is sure of us. On this his Kingdom stands, for Satan can never cast out Satan. The two are agreed and can dwell together well. While God is hated as a Soveraign and as a Lawgiver; Satans dominion is E­stablish'd as much as it is in our power to do it. We are loyal to him and zealous Asser­tors of his right.

Here then is Satan power against God and over thee; thy own Will, choice, love and [Page 40]likeing. This is Invincibly set for Sin. God won't force thee to be his against thy will, nor accept of thee without thy Will, nor rule thee but by thy own Consent; Tho' he will judge and punish thee at last without it. And this is thy Guilt, and the Condemnati­on: you will not be rul'd and sav'd by Christ, and you love darkness rather than light. You have not the love of the Truth that you may be saved

3. Conscience is corrupted and perverted, and becomes another strong hold of Satan, whereby he keeps possession of us. Tit. 1.15 The Mind and Conscience is defited. This Substitute and Vice­garent which God set up within us to govern and to judge [...] is himself debauched into Sa­tans Interes [...]. No wonder then that the Fortress he was to have defended is betrayed and delivered up and that Satan has so quiet a possession. It is the Office, and only in the power of Conscience to disturb and disquiet him in his Tyranny. This should protest a­gainst the Usurpation, this should exclaim under the Oppression, this should draw up the Charge of Treason and Rebellion, this should judge and pass Sentence, this should Awaken Reason to its just Exercise, and sum­mon the Will to submit again to God. But if this be Silent, if this be Brib'd by the Ty­rant in possession, or if it be Aw'd and cow'd; If Conscience side with the Inclination to Sin, and judge in its favour from Partiality and Affection, if the Judge takes bribes and [Page 41]cryes Peace to the Inslaved Soul; or if it be tame and cowardly, sneaking and fordid, as a corrupt Judge is easily found in vicions Reigns, servile to the Tyrants Lust and Will; no won­der that Satan keeps possession then and his dominion stands. The Foundations are out of course, and there's all the Confusion and Ini­quity proper to the Reign of the Devil.

Indeed Natural Conscience has not power now to govern a blind Mind and an obstinate Will. The will often carries it against the judgment of Reason and the Convictions of Conscience. Conscience is not hearkned to, but hector'd and Insulted, oppos'd and re­sisted when he does condemn. But how of­ten is Conscience asleep, or dumb and con­niving at the [...]penitence Men live in; and so the hands of Sin and Satan are strengthned. Sometimes it Establishes Ini­quity by a Law and gives that for law that is not; calls evil good & good evil, and puts darkness for light and light for darkness, sometimes it covers, excuses, palliates, and appears an Advocate for wickedness and Villany. Sometimes it holds its peace & bears no Testimony at all. By all this the power of Sin [...]nd its Rule is upheld in the Soul.

Indeed Conscience must needs suffer to­gether with and by the corruption of the Un­derstanding and the Will: it wants the clea [...] light of the One to judge by, and violence is done it by the Other. But alas one Faculty is corrupted as well as the other. Conscience [Page 42] [...] both weak and false. It holds the Truth in Unrighteousness, the fall has made Ship­wreck of it, and sensual Men drown it with their Souls in the Sea of Lust. The Chancellor falls in with the wicked Ministry, and in­volves himself in their Crimes.

4. I might add, if you will not think that I stretch the Allusion too far, That there are many Outworks, by which Satan has deeply In­trench'd and [...]ortified about the Palace which he keeps: and every one of these lines he dis­putes and defends, that he may keep the Fort. Such are Evil Customs, worldly Prin­ciples and Maxims, evil Examples and wick­ed Tempters about us; the Errors and Preju­dices of Education, evil Habits, and sometimes even Lawful Liberties; but above all the baits of Sensual Pleasures, worldly Riches, and Earth­ly Honours; the Lust of the Eye, the Lust of the Flesh and the Pride of Life; all which are that friendship of the World which is Enmi­ty to God, and whereby Satans Seat and Em­pire is Enlarged and Established. The God of this World has with much hellish wis­dom for himself, and malice against God, thus formed as he could a corrupt World for his own possession. He has filled it with Snares for Souls, and Inticements to Sin, foolish and hurtful Lusts, that we may be taken captive by him at his will, and may never recover out of his hands. How many are his Stra­tagems and devices, and how subtle and very hidden his Arts! He is still the Serpent and [Page 43]an old one, and folds and twines, and shows himself in a thousand postures and forms; and we the poor Children of Eve are taken with his shining Skin, and glaring lies and promises; and take and eat and die. This present evil World is a strong Confederate with Satan, and joyns all its forces against God and our Souls.

5. And lastly, Sometimes there is the foul Moat of Judic [...] Blindness and Obduracy inclo­sing all. A line of Gods drawing in his Wrath and feirce Anger, and a deep ditch of the Sinners digging about himself. A great Gulph fixed of an Everlasting Separation be­tween God and the Soul. A righteous Sen­tence of Reprobation pass'd, which can never be revok'd. The tree Cursed before it is cut down, and from that Moment drying up at the root. An utter and final Rejection from God, and a delivery of the wretched Soul over to Satan as his for ever. So Satan en­ter'd with the Sop into Judas, and his heart Petrify'd within him, and turn'd into a Stone, and at last dissolv'd in despair, in the fire of Gods wrath. God sayes concerning the lost Soul, Let him be filthy still. God gives him up to vile affections, and unto strong delusions, that he may be damned, because he believed not the Truth, but had pleasure in Unrighteousness. The Sinner becomes past feeling, and gives himself over to work all Uncleanness with Greediness, as if his Conscience were seared with a hot Iron. [Page 44]From henceforth Satan has a sure possession of the miserable Soul, as sure as if he were already in Hell, and the bars of the pit about him for ever. No place can be found for Repentance, should he seek it carefully with Judas his Tears & Remorse; but he hastens to his own Place.

And thus I have endeavoured to represent the possession that Satan keeps of Impenitent Sinners; as a Garrison and strong Hold in a state of War against God.


Give me leave to make a Reflection or two on this deplorable Account of the matter.

1. See the lamentable Change that is come upon us by Sin. In the change of the Inhabi­tant, and in the change of State consequent there-upon. Once the Dwelling of God, now the Habitation of Devils & of every unclean thing. From a Princely Palace turn'd into a Garrison: From a Paradise of Pleasure, Peace and Liberty, driven into Captivity, Bondage and Misery: from the gentle Rule of a Rightful Gracious Prince, now the Usur­pation of a Cruel Enemy. Into what Evil Hands, and into what a forlorn Condition has our Apostacy from God bro't us?

2. See what Satans Motion to thee is in every Temptation unto Sin. It is this — Renounce God and Give thy self to me both Soul and [Page 45]Body, to be mine for ever. With this hor­rid Motion the Sinner complies, tho' he only thinks of Gratifying and Indulging himself. So Souls are kidnapt by the Devil; Entic'd over into the Gardens of sin & sense, as into some promis'd Paradise; but truly in the E­vent find themselves Sold into the vilest Slavery. If the Devil should appear to the Sinner and make the barefac'd Motion to him; "Soul, sell thy self unto me; come, Seal a Contract to be mine for ever; Let me Enter into thee and possess and act thee; — would the Soul Consent? No, but with Infinite horror would scream out and die away at the Motion. O believe it, Every Temptation to Sin, and unto Impenitence therein, is nothing better than this Cursed Motion: and this is thy State, and this thy Misery, while you [...]ly under the Power and Rule of any known Lust.

3. See the Cursed Nature of Satan and of Sin: His Enmity against us, and the Mischiefs he has bro't upon us: How he is to be hated and detested by us, and his Motions to be loath'd, abhorred and trembled at: what madness as well as how Impious it is to side with him, comply with him, and fight a­gainst God: But alas! What Homage, Obe­dience and Service has he? He sends his Imperious Message like some Haughty Benha­dad to some Servile Ahab, "Thou and thy Riches and all that thou hast is Mine: and [Page 46]the Sinner tamely returns answer,— "True Satan, I am thine and all that I have; and all shall be imployed for thee, and according to thy Will.

4. See then what a Mighty Saviour Sinners need, to deliver them from the Power and Pos­session of Satan. And a Mighty One God has raised up for us, (as if God will we may hear hereafter) even an Almighty One, His own Son in our Nature. He is manifested to destroy the works of the Devil, to break the Serpents head; to deliver us from the power of Satan unto the glorious Liberty of the Kingdom of God. He is able to save unto the uttermost, able to bruise Satan under our feet: The Devils tremble before him, confess him, and beseech him not to torment them; and they fly at his Presence and his Word. By Him all Devils shall be judged at the last day, and receive their Doom from his Lips to an Eternal Torment. He was tempted and is able to succour us; He has Ascended on High and has led Captivity Captive. He commandeth the unclean spirits and they obey him, and the very Devils are subject to us thro' His Name. What manner of MAN is this!

5. Let Sinners earnestly be Exhorted to seek and get Deliverance from the Possession & Power of Satan. Recover your selves out of the snare of the Devil, and be not led Captive by him at his Will. Now you must seek Deliverance,

[Page 47] 1. By Faith in Christ. Believe His Power and His Readiness to Save thee from all thy Spiritual Enemies and from the Hand of them that hate thee. Legions of Devils are nothing in His Hands. Beelzebub and all his Hosts are but as a swarm of flies which a Mans hand will drive away.

2. By Repentance. This Spues out the Un­clean Spirit, when you loath your self for Sin before the Holy God. He cannot bear the Moans and Agonies of a repenting Soul. The broken Spirit which is Gods Sacrifice, is Satans Abomination. Thy deepest Humilia­tion is his surest Ejection.

3. By Prayer. This also he abhors from. If he keeps thee from Prayer he will keep his Hold of thee, but by Prayer you bind him and carry him to Christ, and his Strength is gone. He may tempt and hurry you, but he does not possess you, if you are sincere and earnest in daily Prayer. Formality in it he bears well eno', and Indulges those in it whom he possesses; but Pray thou in Spirit and in Truth, with Constancy, holy Importunity and Fervency, and he can never endure it. Prayer has power with God; and is has power over Satan. It obtains help against him and power to resist him. God gives his Holy Spirit to them that ask Him, and He drives away the Evil Spirit. This is a singular part of our Spiritual Armour, and [Page 48]a weapon of our Warfare mighty thro' God to the pulling down strong holds, even — Praying alwayes with all Prayer, Eph. 6.18.

Pray for a Pure and Enlightned Mind; Pray for a Soft and Tender Heart. Pray for a Free and Faithful Conscience. Pray for a Conquer'd and Obedient Will. Pray for Spiritual and Holy Affections. Pray to be Saved from this E [...]il World. And Pray that God would never cast you from his Presence, nor take away his Holy Spirit from you.

Say unto God, O Lord I beseech thee deliver [...]y Soul. Yea carry your poor Soul [...] Christ, as she did her poor Daughter of old grievously vexed with a Devil, Matt. 15.22. Have Mercy on me O Lord, thou Son of David.

4. Another means of Satans Ejection is the reverent and diligent Study and Entertainment of Gods Word. The Devils Throne and King­dom Shakes before the Preached Gospel, and Millions of poor Souls have been delivered from his possession under the Ministry of the Word. This is the Sword of the Spirit, where­by he pushes and peirces the Enemies of our Salvation; and also slayes Sin in the Soul by wounding it. It is given us to wear about us, for our own Defence, and for the Offence of them that assault us in our way to Hea­ [...]en. It is Written, said our Saviour, and so put by the fiery darts of the Tempter, and he [...] from Him. If we did better Improve Gods Sabbaths and his Holy Ordinances, it [Page 49]would strangely weaken and break the power of Satan, and give us new strength and Sup­plies of Grace against Him. These are the Means of thy Deliverance.

The Last USE should have been a Word of Comfort to the Godly, and to the Tempted. But this will properly belong to the Af [...]e [...]- Proposition, when I come to consider, how the Victorious Saviour rescues whom He pleases, and will rescue all his Chosen, from Satant Power and Tyranny. If he has already done this for you, Rejoyce because your Name is writ­ten in Heaven. O thy Happiness, — while you look with so much Commiseration o [...] the Miseries of others. Such was your [...] once, but the Holy and Mighty One has [...] Great things for you. You once had the Le­gion in you, but they remain now only in the Swine and in the Abysse [...] Now you Sit at Je­sus feet, clothed and in a right Mind. En­treat Him to keep thee with him. Go home and tell how Great things the Lord hath done for thee, and hath had Compassion on thee.

[Page 50]


TWO Doctrinal Observations have been [...] spoken to; Namely,

  • I. That the Soul of Man is a Palace which the Great GOD built for Him­self.
  • II. That it is now become as a Garrison and strong Hold which Satan keeps against GOD. The strong Man Armed keepeth his Palace.

I now pass to a Third DOCTRINE.

III. That there is a wretched Peace and cursed Quiet which the carnal Heart often lies in under Satans Tyranny.

His Goods are in Peace. He calls them his Palace and his Goods, and seems to have a peaceable Possession. The Miserable Soul seems to Enjoy a profound Peace in its wo­ful Bondage. Satan has a quiet possession allow'd him. He conquer'd by Consent and so he rules. The Sinners Mind and Heart and Will are his; tamely yielded to him, wickedly used for him. "Satan rules with­out Controul; His Lusts are done and his interests served; and all the Powers of the Soul are Imployed by him in his Service. [Page 51]The Sinner is content they should be so; Easy and unconcern'd about the matter; is Secure and Merry, Servile and Obedient; likes his Master and loves his Service; has no sense of Misery, nor fear of Danger. Thus the strong Man Armed keepeth his Palace and his Goods are in Peace.

It is strange that it should be so, because the Soul is not in its native State of Recti­tude and Order. The foundations are out of course, and all things are in disorder and con­fusion. Whence then should come any qui­etness or rest in this Preternatural State? What Peace can there be under Guilt and Wrath? But however strange it be, it is in fact true and a thing undenia­ble, that there is a Carnal Security and Easi­ness which some of the most wretched and guilty among the Miserable Children of Men do stupidly ly in.

Concerning this, I shall

  • 1. Observe that the thing is True in Fact.
  • 2. That it is a very wretched and cursed thing in it self.
  • 3. Whence it comes. And so Apply the Doctrine.

I. In Fact we see it to be true, most pal­pable and very Evident to all the World, that there are many wicked and ungodly [...]ersons who are secure and in Peace in their Sins, as it there were no danger near them and they had nothing to trouble them. They seem either, 1. To have a good Opinion. [Page 52]of themselves, and to Entertain no doubt or scruple about the Goodness of their State: Or, 2. A Fearlessness and Unconcern tho' they know that it can't be well with them. They have neither any sense of their own Sinful­ness, nor any Dread of the Judgment to come.

The Scripture speaks of this wretched Peace of a carnal Mind: Psal. 36.2. He flattereth himself in his own Eyes until his Iniquity be found to be hateful. ‘He perswades himself either that he is guilty of little or no Sin, or that he shall scape well eno', and so goes on Impenitently in his Sinful wayes. He ei­ther doth not see, or will not own the Evil and danger of his wicked Courses.’ Pre­sent ease and quiet is all that most Men pro­pose to themselves, without any regard to futurity; and a present fleshly Indulgence all they crave without caring for the Conse­quence thereof. Sensual Objects inclose them without, and draw away their Eyes from future and distant, unseen & Eternal things; and an evil Heart of Unbelief within yields to the power and perswasion of se [...]se, and departs gladly from the living [...]. The Sinner is resolutely and obstinately bent to keep all easy within; shuts his [...] upon the flames, and stops his [...] the thunders of Gods Law; an [...] [...] Peace in himself let the Law declare [...] it pleases. He hears the Words of this [...]rse, [...] yet blesses himself in his heart, saying, [...] all [...]ve peace, tho' I walk in the Imagination, [...] my [Page 53]heart, to add drunkenness to thirst, Deut. 29.19. He faces the Curse, or turns away from it, and promises himself Impunity and safety, tho' he persist in his Impiety. There are Multitudes of such Men in the Professing World, who are under the Curse of God, and cannot but know it if they would but allow themselves to think of it, and yet bless them­selves; and the more ripe for ruine, the more resolute they are in promising Peace to them­selves.

There are Degrees of this Peace in Sin. Some seem to have it more and some less; yet 'tis so much a Cheat that they who s [...]em to have it most may indeed have least of it; tho' they hector Conscience and suppress it, or bear up against it as well as they can.

1. In some it is only a stupid Ʋnconcern, Careless­ness and Tho'tlessness: and then it is usually the dull quiet of the Ignorant and Untaught, who know and have heard or minded little of God or His Word: for a vain and loose Education must needs lay a foundation for unconcern about our Spiritual State.

2. In other it is a Presumptnous Hope. The vain Sinner will hope groundlesly, and if he can but co [...] [...]p the Word and corrupt Con­science to permit him this, he layes a sure foundation for a false Peace. ‘The World is full of hope without a Promise; said the De­vout Mr. Flavel. A Hope whereof a Man [Page 54]can never give a Reason. A groundless, dead, Christless, irrational, idle, absurd hope: Job. 8.54, 55. Of whom ye say that he is your God, and yet ye have not known him.

3. In others this false Peace rises into a false Joy. And this is natural 'eno, for as a pre­sumptuous hope cries Peace, Peace to the Sin­ner it must needs cheer him in his evil way. This fond delusion of self-love is sometimes so strong, that it may buoy the light and vain heart over the Billows of Adversity thro' this Life, and those of Death at the End of it. As bladders of Wind may make a shift to keep the head above Water. They are not in trouble and they have no Bands in their death. They die with some Expectation that it will be well with them hereafter.

Indeed many that live stupidly and quiet­ly in Sin die so too, and they that ignorantly and loosely take up fond hopes of their good Estate die with less fear and distress very often than many of the Godly themselves. To this length may security sometimes go.

But after all, It is not [...]eet to be called Peace of Soul, which is a Great and blessed thing whereof this is but the fiction. True Peace is a gracious Tranquillity and S [...]nity of Mind built on the solid principles of Religion, the un­changeable Promises and Covenant-faithfulness of God; the Experience of his Good Work in us, and the certain Exercise and Actings of Grace toward God. The Wicked are far from this, [Page 55]in their careless quiet or presumptuous hopes.

I go on therefore to the Second thing pro­pounded under the Doctrine; Namely, to observe,

II. That it must needs be a very wretched Peace and cursed Quiet which the carnal heart lies in under Satans Tyranny. Do you speak of Peace, O Sinner? What Peace can there [...] so long as thy reigning Sins, are so Many? and the power and Witchcraft of Satan over thee is so Strong? There is no Peace faith [...]y God unto the Wicked, Isai 57.21. God is not at Peace, not reconciled; and Conscience should not be easy, nor suffer the guilty So [...] to enjoy any quiet.

Peace is a Happy thing in it self, Greatly to be wisht for, Earnestly to be sought aft [...] and much to be priz'd and cherished by him that has it: But in some cases it is unnatural, unlawful, impossible, and the pretence of it the greatest Curse and Mischief. Peace in Six, Peace without Holiness, Peace without Re­conciliation to God, Peace without Pardon, — It is a most Irrational as well as Irreligious and prosane thing

Peace under Guilt and Condemnation, and quietness under the Wrath and Curse of God, what madness and distraction must it sup­pose? To be at Peace under Satans po [...] ru [...] [...]nd [...]y [...]nny! Under Spiritual-P [...] [...] [...]ss and on the brink of hell! To [Page 56]be quiet & at ease while God is our Enemy, and ready to damn and destroy both Body and Soul in Hell for ever. Job 12.6. And they that provoke God are secure.

A Peace not of Gods giving nor allowing! A Peace of Sutans soothing and deceiving in­to! A Stupor upon the Soul and Lethargy, which under the shews of fast and sweet Sleep, is the sure and fatal Symptom of approaching death.

The quiet which Impenitent Sinners have in their evil wayes is cursed in its Original, which is of Hell; and cursed in its End and final Issue, which is there from whence it took its rise. It is a woful Peace, cursed in its Causes and cursed in its Effects.

It comes of Infidelity and Unbelief, Pro­faness and Contempt of God, presumption and fearlessness, fleshliness and sensuality. It is earthly, sensual and devilish. And it hardens Mens hearts, blinds their eyes, de­prives them of understanding; stupefies, fears and makes Men Insensible of Good and Evil. It is a Root that beareth Gall and Worm­wood, as Moses saith: One of the strongest holds of Satan whereby he keeps Men in Im­penitence and fixeth them in an Everlasting Estrangement from God: It reserves the Soul in chains under darkness, as sure as those under which Devils are held, unto the Judg­ment of the Great Day.

This cursed quiet and security frustures all Awakning Means, receives all the terrors [Page 57]of God with mildness and unconcern; as an Arrow sinks silently into a Wall of Mud; or it roughly puts them away, as an Arrow blunts and breaks against a Wall of Stone. Finally, It provokes the Lord to Jealousy, and treasures up wrath against the day of wrath, and will make the Revelation of that wrath the more Surprising and Insupportable.

The Holy Ghost has therefore given us the Character and the Judgment of this Secure Sinner, his Way and his End, in diverss pas­sages which are very dreadful to read, but most necessary and profitable for us to weigh. The Character of the Impiety we have, Psal. 36.1,—4. The transgression of the wicked saith within my heart, that there is no Fear of God before his Eyes. For he flattereth himself in his own Eyes until his Iniquity be found to be hateful. The words of his Mouth are iniquity and deceit; he hath left off to be wise and to do good. He deviseth mischief upon his Bed, he setteth himself in a way that is not good, he abhorreth not evil. What a miserable account is here of the Person? Flattering himself on in wicked wayes without any regret or remorse? But what is the End of it? Can it last alwayes? No: but as the soft Oyl yields the most Ve­hement flame when it is set on fire, so this carnal Peace prepares and layes open a wret­ched Soul to the devouring fire of Gods wrath to fix and prey upon, when he comes forth to Judgment. So Moses tells us, Deut. 29.20, 21. The Lord will not spare him, but [Page 58]the Anger of the Lord and his Jealousy shall smoke against that man, and all the Curses that are written in this Book shall ly upon him, and the Lord shall blot out his Name from under Heaven: and the Lord shall separate him unto Evil, according to all the Curses of the Covenant. ‘There is scarce a Threatning in all the Book of God that sounds more dreadful than this; (sayes Mr. Henry on the Place) O that secure and presumptuous Sinners would but read it and tremble! For it is not a Bugbear to frighten Children and Fools, but a real Declaration of the wrath of God against the Unrighteousness and Ungodliness of Men. The Lord shall not spare him. The dayes of his Reprieve which he abuseth shall be shortned, and no Mercy remembred in the midst of Judgment. The Jealousy of the Lord, which is His fiercest Auger, shall Smoke as a Furnace a­gainst him. The Curses Written shall not only light upon him and terrifie him, but ly upon him and abide in all their weight, to sink him down into the lowest Hell. He shall be Separated unto Evil, which is the most proper Notion of a Curse; Cut off from all happiness, & all hope of it; and Mark'd out for Misery, without Remedy. And all this according to all the Curses of the Covenant, which are the most fearful Curses, being the Revenges of Abused Grace.’

This is the sure and certain End of pre­sent Security and Peace in Sin; and it comes [Page 59]alwayes with [...]prize and as a Snare that covers the unwary Bird while it feeds, or sings securely and merrily. As in the dayes that were before the Flood, they were Eating and Drinking — and knew not until the flood came and took them all away, Mat. 24.38. The height of the Sinners security is the time of his Instant Danger, that his folly may be the more manifest, and the warning to others the louder, and that the severity of the Punish­ment may awfully appear in the surprize it brings with it. 1 Thes. 5.3. For when they shall say peace and safety, then sudden Destruction cometh upon them, [...]s Travail upon a Woman with Child, and they shall not escape.

So in the Parable of the rich fool we have the Picture of Carnal security drawn in its true Features, and in most lively Colours, to­gether with the miserable End of it: Luke 12.19, 20. And I will say to my soul, Soul thou hast much goods lard up for many years, take thy ease, eat, drink and be merry: But God said un­to him, thou Fool, this night shall thy Soul be re­quired of thee. O the surprize in the midst of his Song, of many a secure day to come, wherein he propos'd to dwell at ease! In a day when he look'd not for it, and in the hour when least aware, is he cut asunder. Tho' while he liv'd he blessed his Soul, and his Nei'bours might praise him as projecting well for him­self, in a Moment he goes down to the dead, and lifts up his Eyes in Torments. It is a very [Page 60] wretched Peace and cursed Quiet which de­ceives Souls into this Miserable End.

III. Whence comes it? And how comes it to be so common a thing among ungodly Men? It is a Strange Infatuation, and Ʋnaccountable Madness in the hearts of the Children of Men: What possesses them? I answer,

1. Satan does. The God of this World hath blinded their heart, that the light of the Gospel may not shine into them. He keepeth the Pa­lace with a stronghand and with much skill. He keeps it in peace. His Agency in the mat­ter must be Acknowledged. It is the sign and proof of Satans power over the Soul, his strong hold in it. If he can lull and rock us Asleep in Sin his possession is s [...]ure. If we doze away our Life he has the [...]ress trouble to watch us, the less danger of losing us. It is a sure and easy way of keeping his hold, if he can perswade us to be quiet, that there's no danger near us, that we are safe and have nothing to fear. He takes away the good seed sown in the heart, quenches Convictions, puts off serious Tho'ts, and endeavours to keep the Soul from any concern or trouble about its Spiritual State and Interests. If he can keep thee quiet thou art his own for ever, for we must bestir our selves, and resist him, and fight for our Liberty and Lives if we would be deliver'd. Satan knows where thy strength lyes, and where his own hold of thee, and will find thee a Delilahs lap to sleep and [Page 61]be shorn in. There is not a more manifest Temptation of the Devil than this of security, which he beguiles unwary Souls into. So he began, and so he holds on; (a Liar and a Murderer from the beginning) Gen. 3.4. And the Serpent said unto the Woman, Ye shall not surely die.

2. Men are willing to be deceived. It is the Disease of the Carnal heart to love ease, to indulge stoth, and to avoid the pain and un­easiness of considering its own miseries and dangers Men naturally love quiet and hate to be disturb'd in their Evil Wayes. The carnal Mind agrees with the Unclean Spirit in his Outcry at the Sight of Christ, What have I to do with thee, thou Holy One? I beseech thee torment me not. ‘Every Man is unwilling (sayes Dr. Barrow) to entertain a bad Con­ceit of himself, and to pass a sad Doom up­on himself. No Man likes to be gall'd, to be stung, to be rack'd with a sense of Guilt, to be scar'd with a dread of Punishment, and the apprehension of Imminent danger; Gladly therefore would he shun that Doctrine which demonstrates him to be a grievous Sinner, which speaks dismal ter­ror and thunders ghastly woe against him.’ Seeing he can't find a heart to mourn for and part with his Sins he would fain be quiet in them. He flies from Convictions, as from a Spectre that haunts and I terrifies him; Hast thou found me O my Enemy; and art thou come to torment me before my time! Now there is [Page 62]but this one way to be easy in a sinful way, and that is Not to trouble ones self about it, but to live on securely without thinking, Considering and laying things to heart; or if troublesome tho'ts will arise to give them no Entertainment, but get rid of them again as soon as they can, being painful and unwel­come things.

3. The Security and Peace of carnal Men comes very much from Example, and the Evil Conversation of the Wicked. They see others easy and chearful in sinful wayes, and why should not they as well. They learn of their Betters too usually, their Superiours, their Parents it may be, and those that have more Knowledge, more Age, & make more Profession than they do. They see their Careless and Loose walk, and Unconcern about it, and are glad of the License (as they take it) to them­selves. More especially loose and evil Com­panions are ready to tempt and solicite others into their own Jollity and Carelessness. They think it strange if others are not as free and easy in Satans Bondage and Drudgery as themselves. They will laugh 'em out of a Serious look, or a thos'tful air; and speak evil of them if they will not run into the same Excess that they do. Isai. 56.12. Come ye (say they) I will fetch wine, and we will fill our selves with strong drink, and to morow shall be as this day, and much more abundant.

[Page 63] 4. Sometimes there is a Judicial Infatuation and Senslessness inflicted by GOD, whereby he gives such up to a Spirit of Slumber; Eyes that they should not see, and Ears that they should not hear unto this Day, Rom. 11.8. This Calm of a Sensual Heart is like that of the dead Sea, the Lake of Sodom, from the Curse of God up­on it: The less it is Agitated the more it Stagnates and gathers filth. God gives Men over to a Reprobate Mind, to work all un­cleaness with greediness & with fearlessness. He gives them up to their own hearts lusts and they walk in their own counsels. Si vult decipi decipiatur. The Plague of Darkness falls upon the Soul, and there is not a worse Curse that God has to inflict: Let their Eyes be darkned that they may not see, and bow down their back alwayes. Yea thou shalt be as one that lieth down in the midst of the sea, or as he that lieth upon the top of a Mast. i. e. as a Misera­ble Mad Man insensible of danger.

5. And lastly, One Reason of the wretched Peace of S [...]nners is, Satans Confidence and Secu­rity of his Interest in them & Power over them, and their object servility of Spirit and tame sub­jection to lust. This makes the devil easy a­bout them (if I may so speak) and keeps his house in Peace, for he sees no great danger of losing the secure Sinner. He trusts in his Armour, his past Conquests, and his long and quiet possession by the Sinners consent. The Sinner (he sees) has no Spirit or Resent­ment [Page 64]left, so much as to struggle for his freedom. Lust has taken away his heart, and he has no tho't of Liberty. It is not for Satans Interest to disturb the Sinner in his quiet, free, and easy subjection. By long Experience and many a Million sad Instances he has long since learn'd that it ordinarily holds. Were there any danger of losing the Soul the Devil would disrest him soon. So long as all is his own, and he sees his Slave easy, all is well and let him be easy. But yet, in this his Confidence Satan is sometimes taken; and the Strong Redeemer comes upon him unexpected, and takes from him all his Armour wherein he trusted and divideth his spoils.

To Conclude, There is a kind of Concord in Hell, and so between Satan and Sinners here, so long as they agree in Sin. Satan will not cast out Satan. As long as you will be quiet in Sin the Devil will willingly let you.


The Application and Improvement of the Doctrine may be in divers USES.

I. Of Conviction to Secure and Quiet Sinners: See the exceeding Sinfulness and the dreadful Danger of your wretched State. The Devil keeps you in this cursed Peace. Let this Con­vince you,

  • 1. Of the Wickedness, and
  • 2. Of the Folly of your Security.

[Page 65] 1. It is exceeding wicked and sinful in you, and a prodigious Guilt, and should so appear to you.

1. You don't believe Gods Word, and the Doctrines or Threatnings thereof relating to a State of Sin. There is surely a secret Disbe­lief and Infidelity which makes you say in your heart, There is no God, or I hope he is not that Holy, Just and Dreadful God which the Scripture represents him. Under all your profession of the Christian Belief you are cer­tainly guilty of secret Atheism, or you would not act so like an Infidel. So the Judge will at last surprize a secure World, as he did the stupid Jews in their last Destruction, and not find Faith in the Earth, Luk. 18.8. Now is the Time and here is the Place for Faith, even while we are here on Earth; and Sinners if they did believe would fear those Threat­nings of Gods Wrath, which else in a little time they shall be made to feel.

2. You highly Contemn God if you do partly believe the Truths and Threatnings of his Word. Psal. 10.13. Wherefore do the Wicked contemn God — Sinners cast great Contempt upon the Holy God by their sinful Courses. They contemn his Dominion, his Holiness, his Truth, his Power and Vengeance. " What an Impious and Absurd thing is this? Jer. 5.22. Will ye not fear me, saith the Lord? will Je not tremble at my Word? No, they wont: and in Effect they dare to tell God so. If you [Page 66]are but almost perswaded of the Being of God, and of the Revelations which he has made of his Wrath against all Unrighteousness and Ungodliness of Men, who hold the Truth in Unrighteousness, it were a horrible thing that you should be able to be secure and quiet in sinful wayes. Wherefore do you so Contemn that glorious and fearful Name, THE LORD THY GOD?

3. Consider the Aggravation of this thy Contempt of the Great GOD, under our Light, and the Means of Conviction & Awakning which we Enjoy. We are not of the Night nor of Darkness to excuse us: Not in the Night of Ignorance; nor under the Darkness of meer Nature and of Heathenism: These Times and Places God might wink at, but now he calls all Men every where to repent. This sound has gone out to all the World, and reached these Ends of the Earth What Presumption and Insolence must it be in us then to be secure and fearless in a State of Sin and Wrath? Who know the Judgment of God that they that do such things are worthy of Death? It is a hai­nous thing, however light we may now make of it, to do violence to Reason, and Conscience rising against us within, and despire unto the Spirit of God testifying against our Sins in his Word, and by that in our Consciences. Heb. 10.26, 27. For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the Truth, there re­maineth no more sacrifice for sins: But a cer­tain [Page 67]looking for of judgment and fiery indigna­tion, that shall devour the adversaries. Eph. 4.17, 18, 19. This I say therefore and testifie in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk in the vanity of their mind; ha­ving the understanding darkned, being alienated from the life of God thro' the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their Heart: Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all Uncleaness with Greediness. But ye have not so learned CHRIST.

2. Be Convinced of the exceeding Folly and desperate Madness of your Security and Peace un­der the Power and Guilt of Sin. Here we must apply our hearts, to know the wickedness of folly, even of Foolishness and Madness: Mad­ness is in their hearts while they live and after that they go to the Dead. Men shift off their fears as well as they can; compassing them­selves with Sparks of their own kindling; they walk in this poor Gleam of light for the Mo­ment that it lasts, and then ly down in Sorrow.

It is but a false shew of Peace; a Shadow, a Dream, an Imagination of it. It is inter­rupted with many a sting of guilt and fear. It does not at all put off, nor skreen thee from the Evil Day: No more than it secures a Person from the Lightning to shut his Eyes, or stop his Ears against the Thunder. Thou art every Moment liable to the Blow of God, tho' thou wilt not consider it. It is a fond [Page 68]and absurd kind of self love that makes thee promise thy self any safety. Satan is highly gratified in his Successful Beguiling thee into it. And nothing more shews his posses­sion of thee, or strengthens it more than thy Security, While Sin reigns in quiet, the Kingdom is strengthened in its hand. Lust has its undisturbed sway, and however Imperious It is in its will, it is Obsequiously obey'd. The Devil should not be allow'd this easy Do­minion. His Cunning lies (as Monsieur Lu­dolf sayes) ‘in keeping his Slaves from knowing their own Inward State. They fancy all is well in the midst of Misery. The Soul is one Spirit with the Devil and knows it not, tho' the sad Effects of that dark Union are manifest.’ So then you are bewitch'd and inchanted by sensual Lusts, or you would not be so quiet in your Sins. You have a Devil and art mad. And whenever Conscience awakes, this Guilt wilt rend and tear thee. God may give thee up to thy Se­curity and to Satan for ever. If he do not the pains of Repentance will be horrible unto thee. At last it will bite like a Serpent and sting like an Adder. Prov. 1.27. When your Fear cometh as Desolation and your Destruction as a Whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you. False Peace vanishes usual­ly at Death, Everlasting Torments begin. The foolish Virgins sleep on, and at Midnight there is a Cry made, Mat. 25.6. Midnight is the time of Security, when deep sleep falleth upon [Page 69]one. To be wak'd with an Outcry then is frightful indeed, and sets all the joynts a trembling. O the Consternation when Death Surprizes Sinners in their Security! The sting of death is si [...]. Sin throws away its [...]lask and Vizour when Death advances. It [...]ares him in the face whom it sooth'd before. The hope of the Hypoorite is given up with the Ghost. The Spiders Web is swept away with the Besome of Destruction.

This is the first Use, To convince Sinners of the Evil and Danger of their Security.

II. The next USE may be of Comfort to them that are under Spiritual Trouble, and Distressed on the Account of their Souls: who are Mourning, fearing and trembling on the account of their Sins. Peace be to you from Christ the Saviour: Let not your Hearts be troubled, neither be afraid. This Sorrow which hath fill'd your hearts is a thousand times better than to be at quiet in sinful wayes. The Fear and Distress which thy Convictions [...]ive thee are Necessary unto and [...]xcretratory for that Divine Peace which [...]es all Un­derstanding & which abides for ever. When the Comforter comes he does thus Convince of Sin. Godly sorrow worketh Repentance unto Sal­vation never to be repented of. Now [...]d rejoyce, not that you are made sorry, but that you sorrow to Repentance.

[Page 70] The Devil hates to see thee under this Concern. And now he will difrest & trou­ble thee as much as he can. But be of good cheer, this is the way of thy Deliverance and his Ejection. No wonder if he tear & rend thee when he is forc'd out after a long and too quiet a possession. But Christ is then near thee to take thee up and heal thee.

While you lay in: your Stupidity and Se­curity in Sin, Hell triumph'd over thee with Insult and cruel pleasure: but now in thy Repentance there is Joy in Heaven among the Angels of God. Hell rages at what God is doing for thy poor Soul. Satan will now desire to terrifie thee. But the High & Lofty One Looks to him that is of a poor and contrite Spirit and that trembleth at his Word. The God of Peace shall bruise Satan under your feet and do it shortly. Christ has Purchased Peace for, and Spoken it unto the Penitent. Let his Peace Keep thy Soul. Joh. 14.27. Peace I leave with you my Peace I give unto you; not as the [...] give I unto you: Let not your [...] [...]ed, neither be afraid. If He giveth [...], who can give trouble? A holy Serenity and Security of Mind becomes Believers in Christ. Isai. 32.17. The work of Righteousness shall be Peace, and the Effect of Righteousness quietness and assurance for ever. Psal. 4.8. I will both lay me down in peace and sleep, for thou Lord only makest me to dwell in safety.

[Page 71] III. Let the Last USE therefore be, To direct our feet in the way of Peace. See the Peace which you should be seeking after. It lies in a Deliverance from Satans Thral­dom, in Penitential Mourning for Sin, in Gods Speaking Pardon to us thro' Christ, in the Fruits and Evidences of our Regeneration, the Spirit of Christ in us, and his Witnessing with our Spirits that we are the Children of God.

Christ in our Peace. We must direct Sin­ners unto Him. You must have your Hearts sprinkled from an Evil Conscience. The Blood of Christ is this blood of Sprinkling. The Soul is purified, and the Conscience pacified, by Faith therein.

Wherefore Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead and Christ shall give thee Life. Ly no longer still in thy Sins, but ly at Jesus feet washing them with thy tears and wiping them with the hair of thy head. Weep and Love much, for much is to be forgiven thee. ‘He who has satisfied Gods Justice, can satisfy thy Conscience, and He only can do it. His Blood quenches Guilt, and Guilt it is that sets Conscience on fire.’

We may not dare to heal the hurt of your Souls slightly, saying peace, peace, when there is no Peace. You must Repent and Believe in Christ, or you will die in your Sins. You [Page 72]must see your perishing and lost Estate and need of a Saviour. You must go to him for deliverance from the Dominion of Sin, as well as from the Curse due to it. You must be Sanctified by the Spirit of Christ, and Justified by his Righteousness. You must be taught, and ruled and saved by him.

Then all the Malice and Powers of Hell shall not be able to over thr [...]w thy Peace. It is built upon a Rock. Thy Faith in thy Sa­viour shall quench all the fiery darts which the Enemy of thy Soul can throw at thee.

But let not the Believer in Christ be secure neither. Thou standest by faith, be not high minded but fear. The Wise Virgins are too apt to Slumber, but their Fnemy is wakeful. Tho' Christ has pray'd for them that their faith may not fail, yet if they do not watch and pray they may sadly fall and wound themselves and make work for bitter Repen­tance. If you have Peace take care to keep it. Do not sleep as do others, but watch and be sober.

We have need to be thus Exhorting one another daily while it is called to day, lest any be hardned thro' the deceitfulness of sin. See that your hopes be well grounded, and that you are able to give a Reason of them with meekness and fear: That they be such as purifie thy heart and quicken thee in Godly living. There is but one way of Peace to a Sinner, [Page 73]and that is to yield unto Christ the Saviour, upon the Terms of the Gospel.

‘Christ is now Storming the Sinners heart, he breaks the Truce and League with Sin and Death. He gives it terrible Alarms of Judgment & of Hell, Mr-Baxter. he batters it with the Ordnance of his Threatnings and Terrors; he sets all in a Combustion of fear and sorrow, till he force it to yield to his meer mercy.’ Now, wilt thou yield and submit to Him? To the Conditions of Peace which he offers? He will then be at Peace with thee: thy Peace may be made with God immediately thro' Him, upon the Surrender of thy self to him. Do this then: Lay down the Arms of thy Rebellion, throw thy self at his feet, take Him for thy LORD, submit to his Rule and Government. This is the only Basis of true and solid Everlasting Peace: Isai. 27.5. Let him take hold of my strength, that he may make peace with me, and he shall make peace with me.

I will Conclude with some very Pathetical Words of the Excellent Mr. Baxter in his Saints Everlasting Rest: "I should wonder, but that I know the desperate hardness of the heart of Man, how a Man that is not sure of his Peace with God, can eat, or drink, or sleep, or live in any Quiet. Well, if thou wert the nearest Friend that I have in the World, I could wish thee no Greater Good, [Page 74]than that God would break in upon thy careless heart, and shake thee out of thy false Peace, and cast thee into trouble, — and make thee ever read thy Sentence as if it were still written before thy Eyes; and which way so ever thou goest still meet thee full in the face with the sense of his Wrath, as the Angel did Baalam with a drawn sword; till he make thee cast away thy groundless Peace, and ly down at his foot, saying, Lord what wilt thou have me to do!


THREE Doctrinal Truths have been already Spoken to:

  • I. That the Soul of Man is a Noble Palace which the Great GOD built for Himself.
  • II. That it is by Sin become as a Garrison or Strong Hold which Satan keeps against GOD.
  • III. That there is a wretched Peace and cursed Quiet which the Carnal Heart lies in under Satans Tyranny. The strong Man armed keepeth his Palace and his Goods are in peace.

[Page 75] I proceed now unto the Fourth Doctrine.

IV. That the Victorious SAVIOUR rescues whom He pleases, and will rescue all his Chosen from Satans Power & Tyranny.

But when a stronger than he shall come upon him, and overcome him, He taketh from him all his Armour wherein he trusted, and divideth his Spoils.

According to the Phrases in the Text, I will speak to it in these Three Propositi­ons. 1. That there is a stronger than the strong Man armed. 2. That he will come upon him and Overcome him. 3. That CHRIST's Victory over Satan, in rescuing poor Souls from him, is the Most Perfect and Glorious, Compleat and Entire that can be He taketh from him all his Armour wherein he trusted and divideth his spoils.

I. There is a stronger than Satan, the strong Man Armed. This is a small Observation to make to them that believe in GOD THE FATHER Almighty, in the SON and in the HOLY GHOST. For who in the Heavens can be compared to the LORD? Who among the Sons of the Mighty can be likened unto our GOD! If we speak of strength, lo HE is strong. Our Father in Heaven is Great­er than all, and none can sna [...]ch us out of his Hand. Satan in his first and best state was [Page 76]but an Angel, Created by the power of God, and infinitely beneath that Power that made him and now judges him. Like the Angels of God he first excell'd in strength, but fallen he is became weak as we. A crawling Worm and Serpent, which 'tis beneath the power of God to trample on! Wherefore He treads him under our feet. Hell is Gods Dominion: He reigns over it, as the Prison belongs to the King. There the Devil is in Chains under darkness. limited and restrained and reserved to the Day of Judgment. He cannot stir without leave, no not to enter into a Swine.

The Lord JESUS is stronger than Satan; and to say so is scarce to speak with reverence eno' of the Son of God. Else he were no Sa­viour to us. Sampson was the Type of Him in his Great strength. He slew the Lion with his naked hand, and out of the Eater came forth Meat, and out of the Strong sweetness. He slew the Enemies of God and his Israel heaps upon heaps, with his single arm, and without a Weapon. He tore up the City Gates and bore away the Posts and Bars, when they tho't they had him sure. Yea he pull'd down the Hol Temple, bow'd the strong Pillars of the Mighty Stucture, and buried Dagon and his Worshippers in the vast Ruines together.

David was yet a more August Type of the Power of Christ, who without Sampsons mira­culous strength, yea with the weak arm of [Page 77]a Stripling slew the Lion and the Bear, and the fiercer Philistine, and delivered the Israel of God. The Son of David is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. Salvation and Strength came together.

Our LORD appeared stronger than all the Hosts of Hell in Arms and Battle Array in the day of his Temptation, when they assaulted him, were repuls'd and fled. He did more­over often cast out Satan; with Authority he commanded the Unclean Spirits and they obey'd him. They lay trembling before him, confes­sing, beseeching him, deprecating and as well as they could Adoring him. He again suffer'd them not to speak, and they rag'd and tore and shreik'd out. In his last Agonies, that hour of the power of darkness, they renew'd their As­saults only to their own Confusion.

The HOLY GHOST, the Infinite and Eternal Spirit of God is Greater and Stronger than Satan and all his Legions. It were a Blasphemy against Him never to be forgiven to say the contrary. If I by the Finger of God, i.e. His Spirit, cast out Devils —, said our Saviour. He the Holy GHOST endued the Apostles with power from on High, to tread on Scorpions and all the Power of the Enemy; the Dragon and the Lion to trample under foot. Satan had his lying Wonders, like the Magicians of Egypt, but how inf [...]riour to the Finger of God! How devour'd by the Rod of Moses! The in­spired Word is the Eternal Spirits Sword to [Page 78]peirce and push back the fallen Legions into their Pit, and he destroyes them with the Breath of his Mouth.

But to descend lower yet, and take an in­finite step for the Greater Debasement of Hell: The Holy Angels of God are now stronger than Satan. They excel in strength, hearkning to the Voice of God. In this their Great strength lieth, even in their Integrity and O­bedience to God, having preserv'd their Ori­ginal Purity and Holiness; while Satan is shorn and his strength departed from him. Wherefore in the last day Michael and his Angels will easily bind and bring the fallen Hosts to the Bar, and hale 'em from thence to the bottomless Pit and cast them in, to come forth no more: See an Image of the Superi­our strength of a standing Angel over those that are fallen: Rev. 20.1, 2, 3. And I saw an Angel come down from Heaven, having the Key of the Bottomless Pit, and a great Chain in his hand, and he laid hold on the Dragon, that old Serpent which is the Devil and Satan, and bound him, — and cast him in, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him.

But this Vision may as well, or rather, be interpreted of CHRIST, by his Ministers on Earth, as by the Ministring Spirits of Heaven. Wherefore to come down from Heaven to Earth, — Thro' the Spirit and Grace of Christ even WE are stronger than Satan. Even we Worms of the dust. The very Devils are [Page 79] Subject to the Grace of Christ in us, the Spirit of God in the Regenerate. He bruises Satan under our feet. He makes us more than Conque­rors. 1 Joh. 2.14. I have written unto you Young Men because you are strong, and the Word of God abideth in you, and you have overcome the Wicked One. In our selves we are wretchedly Weak, and crushed before the Moth. Yet we wrestle against Principalities and Powers and Spiritual Wickednesses, and they fall before us. We are strong in the Lord and in the power of his Might. He puts on us the whole Ar­mour of God. Our Faith quenches the fiery darts of the wicked one. In Prayer we cry to God and our Enemies turn back. The kind goes out at the glorious Name which we Invoke and plead. And his Word in our Mouth is a Power and Spirit which be cannot resist, or stand before. Thus there is a stronger than the strong Man Armed: which was the first Proposition.

II. He will come upon him and overcome him. Which speaks,

  • 1. The Certainty of the RE­DEEMERS Encountring the Enemy of Souls. He will come upon him.
  • 2. The Sud­denness and Sarprize where with he usually comes upon the Enemy in his Security and Peace.
  • 3. The certain Issue of the Combat, he shall overcome.

1. The Certainty of the Redeemers Encountring the Enemy of Souls is here supposed. He shall [Page 80]come upon him. And this is very sure as to the whole Election of Grace, and as to all that is necessary to be done for the delivering them all and every one of them from the power of Sin and Satan, and the translating them into the Kingdom of his Grace in this Life, and of Glory hereafter. This in his time & way, sooner or later, He shall shew who is the Blessed and Only Potentate, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords.

It is true that the most by far of the mise­rable Children of Adam are left at last under the possession, and in Captivity unto Satan, who is the Prince of this World; but the E­lection shall obtain Deliverance, even all Those whom the Father hath given unto Christ out of the World: For GOD has given him power over all flesh, to give Eternal life unto as many as he hath given him. These chosen Vessels of Mercy are fore-known & predestinated in the Eternal Counsels and Purposes of Grace, and so are the Wayes and Means of their Ef­fectual Vocation and Perseverance; and not one of them is lost.

It was promised from the beginning that there should be a Glorious Seed of the Woman, that should break the Serpents head, and that He should see his Seed. Long was he look'd for by them that were waiting for Redempti­on in Israel, and known in the Church by that Name and Style, O' [...], He that should come. In the Fulness of time He came, being manifested to destroy the works of the De­vil. [Page 81]And as to all the future times and sea­sons which he has spoken of, the Great Pe­riods for the Advancing his Kingdom on the Ruine of Satans, He that shall come will come and will not tarry.

2. He comes with suddenness and surprize upon the Enemy, in their security and peace. So it is commonly in the Conversion of Souls, and so as to the Great Events foretold respect­ing the Downfal of the Kingdom of Satan, and the Triumphs of the Church therein. The Soveraign and Irresistible Grace of God rescues Souls in the Day of his power, when very often there is the least Appearance and Probability of the thing, either to the Persons themselves, or to Others. When Satan least fears he is Ejected, and when the Soul some­times least expects it is delivered. The Power of GOD arrests some, like the Light from Hea­ven which struck down Saul in his evil way; and the free Grace of GOD unexpectedly meets others. as it did the Eunuch on the Road. So Unexpected was the Blow to the Kingdom of Darkness, when the Thousands were pricked to the Heart in an Instant: A surprize as astonishing to the Infernal Powers as it was unto the Men themselves.

But it may be 'tis much more so in all the Great Events of Providence, wherein the Greatest Blows are given to the Interests of Hell, in the Changes and Revolu [...]ions that happen among the Kingdoms of Men. It is [Page 82]not for us to know the Times and Seasons which the Father reserves in his own Power: Nor may we too Curiously ask, Lord wilt thou at this Time restore the Kingdom to Israel? The Kingdom of GOD cometh not with Observation. Wherefore least of all do the Great Expectanda come to pass at the Time and in the Way which Men are most Confident about; and when they are say­ing— Lo here, and lo there.

When the World by Wisdom knew not God it pleased God by the Foolishness of Preaching to Convert the World: As much it may be to the Confusion of Hell, as to the frustration of the wise Expectations of the Jewish Doctors: for the One no more seem'd Aware of the humble Means of that Great Event than the other: But Satan like lightning fell from Heaven, struck with the flash before he was aware, and down to the Abysse in a Moment. How strange and Inexplicable to them was it, to hear our Saviour say, Joh. 12.31. Now is the Judgment of this World, now shall the Prince of this World be cast out. Indeed the Great Events of the Kindom of Christ in their Accomplishments are high and dreadful, bright and surprizing, as the Lightning that passes from one part of the Heaven to the other; Conspicuous to all, sud­den and Irresistible.

3. When Christ comes upon the Enemy he Overcomes him. Victory over Satan is the cer­tain Issue. He has come and he Overcame. [Page 83]He is yet daily Conquering. And He will yet further overcome, and make his Victories compleat in an Everlasting Triumph.

1. In the dayes of his flesh our Lord came and overcame the Enemy. In his Temptation he conquer'd; and so in his whole Obedience and consummate Righteousness, in all his Sor­rows and Sufferings, and in his Death, where­in he made his Soul an Offering. He finished Transgression, and made an End of Sin, and bro't in an Everlasting Righteousness, and made Reconciliation for Iniquity. He con­demned Sin in the flesh, he destroyed him that had the power of Death, i. e. the Devil. He forgave Sins, he cast out Devils, he called whom he would and they came unto him. He pour'd out his Soul unto Death, and di­vided the Spoil with the strong. On his Cross'd he triumph'd, and having spoiled Principalities and Powers, he made a shew of them openly in his Resurrection & Ascen­tion. His rising again was the death of Death, and the utter breaking of Satans Head. He then Abolish'd death, which was the Curse. Then was bro't to pass the saying, O Death I will be thy Plague, O Grave I will be thy Destruction. When he ascended on high he led Captivity captive. He pass'd triumphant­ly thro' Satans Territories, the Prince of the powers of the Air, whose Hosts were in effect led in chains before his Chariot Wheels. Thus our Saviour conquer'd when he came.

[Page 84] 2. Ever since his Ascention he has been carry­ing on his Victories, and spreading his Conquest far and near. And this

  • 1. In the setting up his Visible Kingdom, which shall finally pre­vail.
  • 2. His Internal and Invisible Kingdom in the Souls of Men.

1. The Victorious Saviour has set up his Visible Kingdom in the World on the Ruines of Satan, and the Gates of Hell shall never prevail against his Church. This began gloriously in the Day when the Holy Ghost descended on the A­postles, endowed them with Power from an High, confirming the Word with Signs and Miracles, and accompanying it with his mighty Workings on the Souls of Men; whereby the Conversion of so great a part of the World to Christianity was most wonder­fully Effected. The Idolatries of the World, and the Wickedness and Ignorance wherein it lay, were Satans possession of it and Empire in it. In this respect he appear'd the God of this World, and might have some pretence to say of all the Kingdoms of the Earth, and the Glory of them, — all these are Mine. For the things which the Gentiles Sacrificed, they ignorantly Sacrificed to devils and not to GOD. And Agreably the Services which he imposed on them were like his own cursed Nature, barbarous and cruel, unclean and filthy. But Idolatry was soon exposed to Con­tempt at the Preaching of the Gospel of Christ, which came every where in power and in the Holy Ghost; and Men turned to GOD [Page 85]from Idols, to serve the Living and True GOD and to wait for his Son from Heaven whom He raised from the dead, even Jesus which delivereth us from the Wrath to come, 1 Thes. 1.9, 10.

From about the Time of our Saviours Birth and onwards the Devils Oracles were shuck dumb, his Responses ceas'd, his power of De­ceiving the Nations was restrained; "as the "rising Sun chases away the Birds of Night. In the Place of these was the Spiritual and Pure Worship of the true GOD restored and set up, the Holy Doctrines and Laws of the Gospel published thro' many Nations, Con­verts Multiplied, and in a while the Empire became Christian.

The Kingdom of our Lord first flourish'd in Asia and in Greece, and suffer'd less there by many Oppositions and Persecutions, than it soon did in Europe afterward by the Romish Apostacy. By that it was a long time horri­bly Obscured, and the Name of Jesus was ra­ther blasphem'd than worship'd for many Centuries of Darkness and Idolatry together; all which time the Devil seem'd as it were to have got back the Kingdom of Christ into his own Hands. At last came the Day of the Revival and Restoration of the Visible Kingdom of Christ, in the Happy and Glorious Reformation, which began in the days of La­ther, and prevailed wondrously in Spite of the rage of Rome and of the Imperial Power: since which day altho' a Sea of the Blood of the Martyrs hath been shed, yet the Reformed [Page 86]Religion lives, and we believe shall finally triumph in the Downfal of Antichrist.

For we koow that GOD has promis'd and foretold, and we according to his promise look for, a more glorious State of the Church, than hath been yet seen; in respect both of Extent and Enlargment, and of Knowledge, Holiness and Love. We believe that such a Dominion and Glory is to be given to Christ, that all People, Nations and Languages shall serve him. We believe that the Kingdom of Christ is that Stone cut out of the Mountains without hands, which shall it self become a Great Moun­tain and fill the whole Earth, and break in pieces and consume all other Kingdoms. We look for the Coming in of the Fulness of the Gentiles, the Conversion of the Jews, & the Destruction of the Man of Sin; whose Coming has been after the Working of Satan, with all Power, Signs and Lying Wonders; that Wicked One whom the Lord shall consume by the breath of his Mouth, and destroy with the bright­ness of his Coming. The Earth will be lightned with the Glory of that day, when the mighty Voice shall be heard, Babylon is fallen, is fallen.

In a word, we look for a New Heaven and a New Earth, and a Reign of Holiness, such as has never yet been; some most hap­py and flourishing State of the Church, ‘for Purity of Ordinances, for Increase of Light and Knowledge, for the Power of Godli­ness, for the Multitudes of Converts, for [Page 87]the open and publick Profession of the Truth, and for outward Peace and Tran­quillity.’ Then shall the Church have a long and singular Freedom from the power of Satan and his Instruments. This is the first Resurrection: i. e. The Churches Revival from its present State of Weakness, Sinfulness and Sorrow, unto a State of Power, Purity and Joy: And blessed and holy is He that hath part therein; whose lot it is to live in this happy time; when the Means of Holiness and the Measures of Holiness shall be more abundant. Satan shall be bound for that hap­py season, and after it he must be loosed for a little time.

To conclude, In every Period of the Ad­vancement of the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus, from the first Dayes of Christianity to the Consummation of it, is carried on Michaels War & Victories over the Dragon & his Angels; and the Casting down that old Serpent called the Devil & Satan, which deceiveth the whole World; and at every Period and great Event we may hear that loud Voice in Heaven, saying, Now is come Salvation and Strength, and the Kingdom of our God and the Power of his Christ! — and they over came him by the Blood of the Lamb, and by the Word of their Testimony. Thus our Lord has come upon the Enemy and overcame him. and shall yet further do so, in setting up his Visible Kingdom upon the Ruine of Satan.

[Page 88] 2. He more especially comes upon the Enemy and overcomes him in his Internal and Invisible Kingdom in the Souls of Men. This Eminent­ly is his Kingdom and Reign among Men, for the sake of which the Administration of Providence is put into his hands, and he has a Church in the World.

When therefore the Pharisees demanded of him, When the Kingdom of God should come, Luke. 17.20. He answered them and said, The Kingdom of God cometh not with Observation: Neither shall they say, Lo here, or lo there; for THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS WITHIN YOU. That is to say, The King­dom of God is in its true Glory and Efficacy an Inward & Spiritual thing, in the Heart, the Soul, the Conscience of Man; There look for the Messiabs Kingdom, even within your Selves. There is his Throne, in the Hearts of a free and willing and holy People, who are by his Divine Power bro't to believe in and obey him. The Seat of his Government and the Glories of it are to be sought within us. His Empire is over Souls, and like them Invisible, by the Secret Operations of his Spirit on the Mind and Conscience.

Thus there is a Spiritual Kingdom of Christ, set up in the hearts, his Government in the Souls of Believers; in the Soul that is Sanctified, that believes and obeys the Gospel. This Kingdom of Christ consists in the Conversion of Souls from Sin unto God, and the carrying on the Work of his Grace in them unto Sal­vation. [Page 89]It is the whole work of Sanctifica­tion, wro't and carried on in the Souls of the Elect, by the Preaching of the Gospel. Hence we read of the Kingdom of God and his Righteousness; and of the Word of the King­dom, the Gospel of the Kingdom, the Good Seed and the Children of the Kingdom.

Two Things might be very pertinent to ob­serve here,

1. That there is no Empire or Rule in Nature like that which is over the Soul and Spirit. God governs the World, we say; and very truly. All his Works are ordered, directed and managed by Him. The Sun, Moon and Stars obey Him (we say) in all their Motions. His Will is their Rule & Law which guides and limits them. But all this is not properly Government, nor strictly Obedience in them. The Creature knows not the Will of its Ma­ker, nor is sensible of its own Being and Mo­tion, Use and Service. Government is of the Superiour, Reasonable and Intelligent Crea­tures, Angels and Men These are capable of Law and of a free Subjection, and a willing Service. These have a Law written in their Nature. Over them therefore God reigns. These are His Subjects and the People of his Kingdom, being his Noblest Creation and Workmanship. He maketh his Angels Spi­rits, the Ministers of His Kingdom both of [Page 90]Providence & Grace; they excel in Strength, Knowledge and Holiness. He made Man like them a Living Soul; in His own Image, who is a Spirit and the Father of Spirits; and all Souls are His, and we are His OFF­SPRING.

Now here is the Perfection of Rule, of Know­ledge and Power; to know the Tho'ts of the heart, and search it, and turn and change it as it pleases GOD. Others can reach the Body, order and inspect our outward Beha­viour, and punish the Overt Transgression; but the Mind is free and not to be bro't under the Power of any. Humane Laws can pre­scribe only to the outward Life and Actions, and take Cognizance only of Mens Manners: But it is the Glory of God, his Laws, and his Government that he looks to the Heart within, requires the Love and Service of that, and will accept nothing less; but the Tho't of Wickedness is Sin before him and he judges therefor. Jer. 17.10. I the Lord search the Heart, I try the Reins.—.

Conscience within us is His Vicegerent. He has created it, endow'd and impower'd it, and to Him it is Accountable. He has given it Knowledge, and he Commissions it, and to Him it renders in its Register and Testimony. For the Spirit of Man is the Candle of the Lord, searching all the inward parts of the Belly, Prov. 20.27. This is GODS Government, where­by he rules over the Highest and the least. The Hearts of Kings are in his Hand and he [Page 91]turns them, & cuts off the Spirits of Princes. In this He appears to be the Blessed and Only Potentate; the King Immortal, Invisible and only Wise; from whose Spirit and Presence there is no hiding, no flying. Such Know­ledge is too wonderful for Man; it is High and he cannot attain unto it.

In a word, This Empire over Souls and Spirits takes in the Dominion of the vast Hades, the unseen World; the Key whereof is put into the Redeemers Hand: In Compa­rison whereof the Millions of Souls on our lit­tle Globe are but a small Number, and as a single Family. How many Millions of Im­mortal spritis pass out of this World of ours, in every Age of it, into this Hades? Besides the Myriads of Angels and Legions of Devils there before! What a Kingdom of God is here without limits, or any Number of its Hosts! this Empire over Souls or Spirits!

To these GOD has subjected the rest of his Glorious Creation, made them for Dominion, & put all things under their feet; reserving them to be his Own Dominion and Servants, because the Superiour Orders of Being.

This is the first Note which I commended to your serious Attention, That there is no Empire or Rule in Nature like that which is over the Soul and Spirit. The next Observa­tion I would make is,

II. That there is no Rule or Empire over Souls here on Earth like that which God displays [Page 92]in the Work of Sanctification, or his saving work of Grace wro't and carried on in our Souls by His Holy Spirit. There are other wonderful Proofs and Instances of GODS Go­verning the Spirits of Men in the common Rule of His Providence: there being indeed no such thing at all as a Providence over Humane Affairs, without a particular Know­ledge of and Power over Mens Spirits; di­recting and over-ruling them as the Alwise Governour of Heaven and Earth sees meet and necessary; Inclining or restraining them, and changing their Purposes and Counsels, accor­ding to his own Will & unto his own Glory. There is a powerful insensible Operation of Providence on the Spirits of Men, which puts no force on their Freedom, Liberty and Choice, but yet governs their Will to its own Purpose and Council. But now the Work of Grace, Conversion & Regeneration, and the progress of our Sanctification is a more manifest and Eminent Empire of GOD over our Spirits than all this.

1. It is Gods Glorious Efficiency. The Ex­cellency of the Power is of GOD and not of Man. The Word is the Power of GOD un­to Salvation. The Day of a Souls Conver­sion is the Day of GODS Power For who but GOD can change the Soul? give a new heart? renew the Mind and Spirit? form [Page 93]and make a New Creature? For there is a new Mind given, a new Will, new Affecti­ons, new Purposes and Resolutions, new Strength and Power, and so a newness of Life produced. This is Dominion, Rule and Government over our Spirits with a wit­ness: An Absolute Power exerted upon them, whereby they are reformed and restored, ac­cording to the Will, and into the Image of God, who worketh all in all. This is the Exceeding Greatness of His Power to Us-ward who believe, according to the Working of his Mighty Power.

2. It is all Efyected & Carried on in a way of Rule & Government: by a Divine Regency which is most Free and Gracious. An Act of true Dominion, bringing the Reasonable Crea­ture in a Way agreable to its rational Na­ture, Liberty & Faculties, into a chosen Sub­jection to God. To set this in a true light we need only consider the Means which the Holy Ghost uses, and the Method which he takes with us in this glorious Work: And this is such as is most proper to the Govern­ment of a Soul. That is to say, He works on the Soul by that Inspired Word and revealed Law which He hath given for our Govern­ment, to regulate us & to be Obeyed by us. His Word is the Rule of Holiness and of our Duty. It prescribes both to the Outward Life, and to the Inward Tho'ts, Affections & Desires. It is a Law to our Consciences, and it is quick & powerful as a Sword to peirce [Page 94]into the Inmost Soul; a Discerner of the Tho'ts and intents of the Hearts, and a judge of them. This Divine Word is the Ordinary Means which the Spirit of GOD uses in Convincing & Converting Sinners; and to that End the Ministry and Preaching of it is Ordained, and by the Blessing of GOD with it is made Instrumental & Efficacious. Now this is Agreable to our Nature and the pro­per Government of Reasonable Creatures. For God made Man to be rul'd by a Law and Precept. He wrote his Law in Mans heart at first, and some Remains of it abide in his Apostacy. He gov [...]rn'd Man in his Integri­ty by a Law and Commandment, requiring a perfect Obedience of him; by a Promise and a Threatning, by Hopes & Fears. And so he doth yet by the Written Law, Precepts and Prohibitions, Promises and Threats. He uses the proper Means, Humane and Ra­tional, to Inform Enlighten and Convince the Judgment, to perswade and overcome the Will, to move the Affections, Desire and Loa­thing, Love and Hatred, Hope & Fear, Grief and Joy; and by all to Alarm the Conscience, Encourage and Deter us, as His Glory and our Happiness do direct. In this way Sove­raign Grace gets the Dominion again in the Soul of Man, and in this way it maintains it: Which is the Way of a Rational Domini­on, the Governing by Law free & Intelligent Beings. The Divine Government in our Souls is upheld by the Law of the Kingdom. [Page 95] Faith comes by Hearing, and Hearing by the Word of God. Of His own Will be begets us by the Word of Truth. The Commandment comes and the Sinner dies So he is bro't to the foot of Christ, to kneel to the Scepter of his Grace.

Thus the Holy Ghost accompanies this Word of the Kingdom with an Invisible and Irresistible Blessing, whereby he subdues the Enmity of the Heart against the Divine Law, and brings it to submit freely thereunto.

3. Herein is the Kingdom of Satan in the Soul overthrown, and the Opposite glorious Reign of Holiness set up in its stead. Satan is dispos­sessed and Souls recovered from Sin unto God. The Dominion of Sin is broken, and the Scepter of Christ bow'd to, the Laws of Holiness obeyed. So that here is a proper Conquest and Reduction of the Soul from the Tyranny of Satan, and from Slavery to him into the Glorious Liberty of the Children of God. He that was sometimes alienated and an Enemy in his mind by wicked Works, now is Reconciled, Col. 1.21. Many Enemies are con­quer'd in the Souls Conversion, and all of them are fought with daily and resisted in the pro­gress of our Sanctification, and in the Saints Perseverance. Flesh, World and Devil are the Mortal Enemies of this blessed Work; for they well know that it tends to their Morti­fication and Destruction, and consists therein [Page 96]These are stubborn, fierce and irreconcilable Foes, subtle and strong, fighting for their life and for the Dominion which they have usurp'd over us. All the Powers of Hell are in Arms against every Souls Salvation, and every Soul has a treacherous corrupt Nature siding with the Powers of Darkness. It is now the Glory of GODS Grace to conquer these Powers, break their cruel and unjust Dominion, set up a Contrary Law and Rule in the heart, and bring the Soul to a willing Obedience unto the Holy Law which it once hated and violated, and unto a mortal hatred of that Tyranny and Cursed Way of Sin, from which the Grace of GOD hath deliver'd it. Thus the World is overcome, and this is the Victory even our Faith: The Flesh is Crucified with its Affections and Lusts, and Satan is resisted stedfastly and bruised under our feet. The Soul is turned from Darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God: It is de­livered from the Power of Darkness, and transla­ted into the Kingdom of his dear Son Col. 1.13.

4. And lastly, This delivery of Souls begun in this Life in the Work of Sanctification, from the Power of Satan, ends in their final Salvation and eternal Glorification in Heaven. At Death these Redeemed Souls are carried by Angels, in safety & in triumph, thro' Satans Territories into the Paradise of God. The Devils see them pass along thus guarded, to the Presence of Christ, to see his Glory, and to be glorified [Page 97]by him. They dare not come nigh 'em, to offend 'em, in this their Glorious Passage. They at a distance see it with Envy & Rage, and gnash and melt away. And whither they go Satan can never come: They go to those Realms and Seats of Glory which he ( Ac­cursed Spirit) left and fell from, and can re­turn to no more. The Crowns of Glory which fell from the Heads of these Apostate Spirits, the Redeemed Saints of Christ ascend to wear; and they reign in those Thrones, from which these were cast down to Hell. When Christ ascended on high He led Captivity Captive, and when Believers ascend after him they see the Captive Spirits in Chains all the Way they pass, Unable to offend them, Afraid to behold them. They fade away and are afraid out of their close places.

But then in the Resurrection of the Dead the Dominion of Sin and Satan will be more sensibly and fully broken. Then Death, the last Enemy will be destroyed, abolished, and Mortality it self swallow'd up of Life, swal­low'd up in Victory.

And yet in more formal manner will the Redeemers Conquest of Satan appear in the Judgment Day; both in the Condemnation of Satan Himself, and of all those that have s [...]v'd and obey'd him; and in the publick Justifi­cation of Believers in Christ.

For then Satan himself, the Devil and his Angels shall be bro't forth in Chains before the Judgment Seat of Christ, and shall be [Page 98]condemned by him to Eternal Torments: To that Everlasting Fire prepared for them. They believe this Day and tremble, they once shreik'd out before the Son of God on Earth and said, — Art thou come to torment us before our time? But in the last and great Day the Time of their Torment will be fully come, and the Man Christ Jesus (in the Glory of the Father, with all his Holy Angels) will be their Judge; Yea His Saints shall sit by him and judge Angels: 1 Cor. 6.3. And they shall be cast into the Bottomless pit, into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone, to be tormented Day and Night, for Ever and Ever, Rev. 20 10.

That is to say too, All those that have here Impenitently hearkened unto Satans Temptations and Delusions, and done his Lusts, shall be Adjudged and Condemned with him to one and the same Place of Tor­ments: Mat. 25.41.

But at the same time these Damned Spirits shall behold with Envy and Horror Millions of the Children of Adam, Redeemed from the the Earth, washed white in the Blood of Christ, openly Justified in their sight, and declared Heirs of Eternal Glories in Heaven. Satan shall behold this blessed Election of free Grace T [...]phing in that glorious Day; He the Object of their Contempt, Disdain and Ab­horrence, They of his Envy and Rage: He shall consider them as Sav'd from Sin & Hell, from his Malice and Hatred, by the Power and Grace of Christ, to the Everlasting En­joyment [Page 99]Adoration and Service of God, to Infinite and Unspeakable Blessedness in His Love and [...]our for ever and ever: He'll see it with Amazement and Anguish, Confusion and Shame, and down he'll Sink Blaspheming, with all the Sinful Ghosts a-round him, in Everlasting Despair.

And thus I have Meditated the Redeemers Conquest of Satan in the Rescue of Souls from him by the Power of his Grace. And this would have led me to a more particular Con­sideration of the latter Phrases in the Text, and the last Proposition thence resulting; He taketh from him all his Armour wherein he trust­ed and divideth his Spoils: It is a Victory the most Compleat and Entire, Perfect and Glo­rious that can be.

But I must proceed no further at this time.

[Page 100]


LUKE XI. 22.

— He taketh from him all his Armour wherein he trusted and divideth his Spoils.

THESE Phrases seem designed only to represent the Compleatness and En­tireness of the SAVIOURS Victory over Satan in our Redemption and Sal­vation. For the taking of the Enemy's Armour, and the Dividing the Spoil are the Fruits of Conquest and the Evidence of Victory; and serve unto the Generals Triumph and his Souldiers Reward. The Enemy must not only be beat and routed before the Spoil can be taken; but they must also be taken Captive or [...]lain before their Armour can be taken.

The Spoils are the Conquerors Recompence, and [...]he Dividing them is the Generals Ho­nour and Prerogative; and the Enemies Ar­mour is the noble Spoil that adorns the Con­querors Triumph. This has ever been and yet is the Usage of War, unto which these Phrases refer and by which they must be Interpreted.

[Page 101] Of old therefore Victory was sung of under this Phrase, — I will pursue, I will overtake, I will divide the Spoil. So the Mother of Sisera spake of his desir'd Return from the War, and her wise Ladies answer'd her in that part of the Martial Style which they best under­stood and relish'd, — Have they not sped? have they not divided the prey —? A prey of diverse colours of Needle-work, meet for the Necks of them that take the Spoil.

And thus the Victory and Triumph of the Messiah was greatly spoken of in Ancient Pro­phesies: I will divide him a Portion with the Great, and He shall divide the spoil with the Strong; (or of the Strong, as some read it). Isai. 53. ult. And thus our Saviours Death was spoken of by the Apostle, Col. 2.15. And having spoiled Principalities, and Powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.

Give me leave then for the Amplif [...]ie. on our Saviours Victory over the Enemies of our Souls, to stay a little on these Martial Phrases, which Methinks I should not be just to my Text, if I should wholly pass by. And first I will consider a little the Armour here spoken of, wherein Satan is said to trust, or put Confidence, and which Christ takes away from him. Secondly, The Spoils which our Victorious Saviour divides.

I. The Armour here spoken of, wherein Satan is said to Trust, or put Confidence, and [Page 102]which Christ is said to take away from him.

Now the things here represented seem to be these three.

  • 1. What a bold and confident Enemy we have.
  • 2. That there is an Armour that gives him his Confidence.
  • 3. That the Victorious Saviour takes that from him.

1. I observe, What a bold and confident Enemy we have. How he arms himself and comes out, like some Goliah defying the Armies of the living God; Confident in himself and in his own Strength; threatning what he can do and what he will. He makes show of Courage. Fearlessness and Security. He seems to des­pise Heaven, to pretend to hold his own, and maintain his Kingdom among Men, in spite of God. All these are Mine, said the bold and vaunting Spirit to our Saviour, and I do what I will with them. And if Heaven denies his Title he pretends to defend it; Rev. 12.7. And the Devil fought and his Angels.

Nevertheless all this is only Grimmace, and a face put on, which the heart gives the lie unto. He looks big and fierce; speaks Great, and roars like a Lion. But for all that he believes and trembles. He knows that his day is coming, and shreiks and flies at the tho't of the time of his Torment. As he fell in horror before our Saviour, and cried out, and tore and rav'd; and (as he cou'd) pray'd to his Judge; in the most abject and torturing fears that any weak mind can feel.

He is bold to us because Invisible. Could [Page 103]we but look into the World of Spirits, and see him before an Angel of Light, we should see something mean and dastard beyond any Comparison that we can find for it here on Earth. So a Wolf appears and is terrible to a Lamb, but what a cur is it before a Lion? How will the Wild Barking Dog fly more fear­ful than a Lamb?

So it is the property of an Insolent Spirit to Insult those that are Ignorant or Feeble; Whom it can deceive or fright, impose on and terrifie, it is always ready to hector and bully. Besides that our Enemy is false and impudent, as he is proud and cruel; He covers his own shame and weakness, fears and hor­rors with lies and folshood; and never ap­pears what he is. We have a bold and confident Enemy.

2. His Armour gives him his Confidence. He has something that he pretends to trust in, and incloses himself in as it were in Armour. The Allusion of War is here carried on; As Armour gives the Soldier Confidence, which he wears either for his own Defence, or for the Off [...]e of his Enemy; so there are some things that afford to the Enemy of Souls his boldness and security: They are to him as Goliahs Helmet of Brass and Coat of Mail, his Sword and Spear, added to his huge natural Bulk and Strength.

But have Spirits their Armour too? Yes, what [...] be Allusively so called, both good and bad have. There is the Armour of Light, [Page 104]and of Righteousness; and why not that of darkness & of Spiritual Wickedness, with which they fight against God and defend the Cause of Hell? For Tyrants have their Armouries, and rebel Hosts arm themselves for the War.

Now this Armour of Satan is the same with those Strong holds of his in a wicked heart, which I before spake of under the Second Doctrine, whereby he holds it as a Garrison against God, in a wretched and accursed Peace and Security.

The Mind of Man is corrupted and blind­ed by the Fall, and so are the Will and Af­fections, and by the Corruption of these Con­science is defiled and debauched; All these give Satan an easy Access unto the Soul and a mighty Power over it by his Temptations; and this is his chief Confidence having prov'd his own skill and power so very often and effectually upon us.

He is a Serpent and a Dragon, and what he cannot effect by force he does by wile and stra­tagem; and in his fraud and subtlety doth he most trust.

He trusts in the natural darkness [...]d blind­ness of our carnal minds, which renders us liable to be Imposed on by his craft and false­hood; and he hopes ever to keep us in Igno­rance, and Alienated from the Life of God thereby: that we may never see things as they are, but call evil Good, and God evil; never see how hateful and dangero [...] Sin is, or how good and lovely and ne [...] the [Page 105]Wayes of God are, and how Glorious the Methods of Grace in our Salvation.

He trusts to keep Men in the Mistakes and Prejudices, which they easily imbibe by Education, and by Traditions received from their Fathers, which are frequently Opposite unto the Truth and Power of Godliness. So he holds the Pagan World in their brutish Idolatries, the Mahometan in their Imposture and Infidelity, the Jews in their Obstinacy and Unbelief, the Romish Church in their infinite Superstiti­ons and gross Corruptions; and among the Reformed some in their External Forms, and some without any Form at all of Godliness, in their licentious Principles and loose Morals. For indeed there are but few in the World but who are early Prepossess'd one way or other against the Truths and Laws of pure Religion; and this is a strong and mighty part of Satans Armature wherein he trusteth.

He trusts much in a Carnal Heart, which is Enmity to God, and in a Stubborn Will which is Averss to his Holy Will, and bent to Sin. He trusteth in that natural and con­tracted [...]otence to Good, which he sees the Miserable Children of Men labour of, and which at last comes of an Invincible Disin­clination thereto. He trusteth in the Natural Deceitfulness of Mans heart, and its unknown desperate Wickedness, which it pleases him to see Mankind believe so little of.

He trusseth in the power of fleshly [...]sts and sensual Pleasures: in the Cares of this [Page 106]World and the Deceitfulness of Riches; to allure and draw away the Soul from God, Inchant and Infatuate it; to choke every aw­ful Conviction and serious Impression, and that the Earth and its Bars are about it for ever. He trusts in the League and Confederacy which he is in with a corrupt Nature and many treacherous Lusts within us, and with a cor­rupt and wicked World, whose Friendship is Enmity to God, and which is full of many hurtful and foolish Lusts that drown Men in Destruction and Perdition.

He trusts in the Habits of Sin and in the strong Chains of Guilt which he sees many of the Wretched Children of Men held under. He trust that One accustomed to do evil can never learn to do well; no more than the Ethiopian shall ever change his skin, or the Leopard his spots. He trusts that he shall ever keep them far from the Favour of God, and under his Wrath and Curse. He trusts that he shall keep them easy and singing in these chains of death, or drive 'em into despair when once they begin to Mourn under them.

Finally, he trusts in his pas [...] [...]ccesses a­gainst us, and that he shall yet prevail over the frail Sons of Adam and Dau'ters of Eve. He is grown vain and conceited of his own Subtlety and Force; and dares to attemptany thing; even what he knows he can never p [...]form. He trusts that he can deceive the very Elect. He dar'd to tell God when he spake graciously of his Servant Job, that if he [Page 107]might but have Permission to try him, he wou'd soon make him as very a Devil as himself, and he should curse him to his F [...] and doubtless he despised him in his He [...]; when Heaven bro't him forth for single Com­bat with the Prince of Devils, as the hu [...]e Philistine did the Stripling David. Nay. when the Son of GOD was manifested in the Flesh, the Tempter was so bold as to set upon Him; and after he had once and again found nothing in him, but had receiv'd an utter Defeat always, had been often Ejected by him and been forced to ly roaring and trembling before him, and confess him who he was, the Holy One of GOD; yet the bold Fiend continu'd to pursue him still even to his Cross, where the grovelling Serpent had his Head utterly broken, while he stung his Heel. No higher could the Snake reach his Head, yet meant all it's Poison into the very Bosome of God; presuming to have vanquish'd the Son of the Highest, as if he had been only the Son of Man.

Thus we have a bold and confident Enemy; and we see in part what it is he trusts in.

But then,

3. Christ takes away all this, by the Merits and Purchase of his Death, and by the Operation of his Holy Spirit on the Souls of his Chosen and Called. He saves us first by Price and then by Power. He has paid a Ransome for his Elect unto the Justice of God, and by his Spirit he sanctifies and rules in them for whom he died.

[Page 108] They are Justified by Faith in his Righte­ousness, and they are Sanctified by his Grace and preserved in Him. In the one Christ acts as the Lord our Righteousness, in the other as the Lord our Sanctifier and Ruler. And they are each equally Glorious to Him and Ne­cessary for us.

1. Our Salvation out of Satans hands, is by a Price of Redemption, and a Satisfaction to the Justice of God. To this was his first Regard. He had in his Eye (as Mr. Bradbury has just­ly and strongly represented the Matter, and whose Words on this Head I shall use, because of their light and force ) the Equity of a GOD whom we had offended, the Dignity of the Law which we had broken, the Eternal Morality and Life of the Covenant of Works under which we were planted. For there cou'd be no saving us with any Dishonour to these. It had not been a Redemption but a Plunder, to deliver the lawful Captive upon a­ny other Claim than a Satisfaction. We are therefore bought with a Price. Any other way wou'd have made the Saviour a Party with Sin and Satan. Sin had got the better of the L [...]w, if that could have been pardoned, whils [...] this remained violated, without any Rep [...]ration.

Our Salvation is not a meer Act of Pity and Favour without a wise and sufficient [Page 109]Reason; that were Sofiness and Imperfecti­on. Nor is it an Act of meer Power and Violence, without just regard to the most wise Rules and Measures of Government: But Wisdom, Holiness, Justice and Truth came in for a share in the mighty Produce of Glo­ry. There had been no great Work for De­sign, and consequently nothing so suitable to the Infinite Mind, had He only forc'd his way thro' all that oppos'd our Salvation: But this Honour and Harmony of all the Di­vine Attributes in our Salvation, is what the Angels desire to look into. The Cherubims are straining their Eyes to behold a Throne of Grace so near unto an Altar of Atonement: That there should be a Satisfaction for Sin, and yet all Mercy in the Forgiveness of it! a full Payment consistent with a free Gift! a full Revenge taken upon the Guilt, and yet a noble Excursion of Mercy for the Person!

In a Word, Here is a Righteousness declared in the Remission of Sin: One speaking in Righ­teousness and Mighty to save: One to defend us at the Bar, as well as to fight for as in the Field.

Satan trusted that this could never be; nor could the Anecls in Heaven suppose how it could be. And without this, Christ had not destroy'd the Works of the Devil. That Wickedness would have been yet Trium­phant, which is [...], Extinguish'd. For if you strip the Death of Christ of the great [Page 110]Atonement, the Works of the Devil had de­stroy'd him. But now by dying, he bound the strong Man. Thus we see Jesus in the suf­fering of Death crown'd with Glory and Honour, tasting it for us: We see the Captain of our Sal­vation made perfect thro' Sufferings, in bringing many sons to Glory. Therefore is a Portion di­vided him with the Great, and he divides the spoil with the strong: because he bare the sins of many.

This is the Strain and Current of the whole Gospel of our Salvation: It all re­turns into this Mystery and Depth of Grace from whence it flow'd; A Satisfaction to the Justice of God for our Sins. Christ our Great High Priest is HOLINESS TO THE LORD. For our sakes He sanctifyed Himself. In the midst of the Throne is a Lamb stain. We are come to the Blood of sprinkling. The Re­deemed are washed from their Sins in their Saviour's Blood, and so made Kings and Priests to GOD. They have washed their Robes and made them White therein; and so are before the Throne. They overcome by the Blood of the Lamb. *

Thus as the LORD OUR RIGHTE­OUSNESS, our Redeemer has broke the Chains of Guilt, and the Free Gift is come upon all unto the Justification of Life.

But then moreover,

[Page 111] 2. As the LORD our Sanctifier and Ruler, He pulls doxn the strong Holds of Sin within us, and implants the Powers and Principles of the Divine Life He renews us in the Spirit of our Mind, forms a new Creature, and puts on it the whole Armour of God, the Armour of Light, and of Righteousness, on the right hand and on the left. * He clothes us with that Divine Strength, and with those Divine Graces, whereby we may withstand the Wil [...]s of the Devil, resist him stedfastly in the Faith, Overcome the Wicked one, stand in the evil Day, and having done all to stand.

‘He breaks the Power of Sin and Corrup­tion in the Soul, rectifies its Mistakes delivers [...] from its Prejudices: And whe [...] the Eyes are opened, and the Heart is humbled and changed, and made serious and spiritual; then Satans Armour is ta­ken away. The Sword is first wrested out of his hand, and then the Seepter.

‘Satans Armour wherein he trusted, was his keeping Men in Darkness, blinding them with Error and Superstition, and seducing them into sinful Practices.’ But now Christ by the Gospel teaches the [...] of God in truth, and brings Souls into the love of it: He subdues the Soul to a [...] mission both to the Glorious Way of our Justi­fication [Page 112]by Faith in his Righteousness, and to the Glorious Way of Holiness as the only path of Life.

There needs only a Work of Sanctification to be wrought in us, whereby our Saviour restores in us an Enlightned Mind, an Obe­dient Will, a Faithful Conscience, Holy Af­fections, Pure Desires, Gracious Purposes, and Spiritual Abilities; to the spoiling and disarming Satan of all his Interest in us and Power over us. The Saviour rules that day in the midst of his Enemies, and they are made his footstool: It is the Day of his Power, in which his People are made Willing, under the Rod of his strength.

In short then, As the Armour wherein Sa­tan trusteth are principally these two, The power and strength of Sin in us, and the Chains of [...]ilt, whereby we are bound to suffer the Curse of God's Holy Law; so Christ takes away the one, by the Merits of his Death, [...] the other by the Power of his Renc [...]ing Grace.

And I cannot better compare and illustrate both the Confidence that Satan has of holding his Possession, and the Grace of Christ disarm­ing and spoiling him of his bold and vain Trust; than by that famous and Ancient Piece of sacred Story, which we have in the 2. Sam. 5 6, 7, 8. I mean the Story of Davids Conquest of the Jebusites, who held the strong Fort of Sion in Jerusalem, unto the Day wherein David received the Kingdom of Israel. [Page 113]These Jebusites had such a vain Opinion of the strength of their Fortification, that they set a parcel of Invalids, lame and blind People up­on the Walls, in scorn of David and his Ar­my, esteeming them sufficient to defend and secure them against all his Power.

Or rather these Jebusites seem to have had their Idols in whom they trusted, (as many Learned Men have tho't) and to whom they ascribed their long Protection and Preservati­on in the midst of Israel. Now the first Ex­ploit of David's Reign, (as became so Pious a King, and so Illustrious a Type of Christ) was to root out this Remnant of Idolatry, and of the Kingdom of Satan, left in the very Heart of the Church. But the Jebusites show'd him (we suppose) their Gods, their Idols from the Wall, their Palladium wherein they trusted, and defied his coming thither so long as these were there. But Holy David derided their fond Superstition, and foolish Confidence, calling their Idols the Lame and the Blind; for such they indeed wi [...]; Eyes had they but they saw not, Feet had they but they walked not. In just Indignation at the Affront offer'd to the GOD of Heaven, he declar'd these lame and blind Images to be the Hated of his Soul, and that the Man who should first scale and enter the Fort, and tumble down these sensless Deities from the Wall where they were perch'd up, should be the Chief and Cap­tain of his Army. Upon which Word the brave and valiant Joab went first up, and was deservedly the Chief.

[Page 114] From that Day Jerusalem became the Roy­al and the Holy City, the Seat of Worship and of the Government; the Head of Israel and the Type of the Gospel Church; that Jerusalem from Above which is the Mother of us all. Hither David bro [...]t the Ark of God in Triumph, in­to its Rest; and here Solomon built the Temple. So the Kingdom of Christ is Established where Satans seat was, and on its Ruins; and He ta­keth from him all his Armour wherein he trusteth.

But it is time that I pass unto the latter Phrase in the Text, and consider a little,

II. The Spoils which the Victorious Saviour di­vides. And divideth his Spoils; or as another Evangelist hath it, he spoileth his house.

This is easie to do after the Enemy is Over­come and disarmed, slain, routed, or taken Captive. Upon the Victory follows the taking the Spoil. These are the Conquerors Reward, these grace his Triumph, and these he hangs up in the Temple of God unto his Praise.

His Spoils: The Spoil that Satan had made is all the taken. As Abraham of old arm'd his valiant and trained Houshold, and pursu'd after the Kings that had taken Captive his Bro­ther Lot, and had carried away all his Goods: He smote them and brought back all, both the Captives and the Spoil. Or as David came upon the Amalekites that had spoiled Ziglag, and carried away his Wives: He found them spread abroad upon the Champian, eating and drinking and dancing, because of the great [Page 115]Spoil which they had taken; and David smote them from the Twilight even until the Evening, and recovered all that the Amalekites had carri­ed away.

I name these two Instances, because that doubtless Abraham and David were herein Types of Christ spoiling Principalities and Powers, and rescuing our precious Souls out of their cruel hands. ‘Our Lord Jesus was the Son of David and of Abraham, and they resembled him in this, His taking the Prey from the Mighty and the Terrible. We may look in upon our own Souls, if recovered by his Grace from Sin and Hell, and say of them as David's Soldiers did of that Drove which they set apart, and in the Van upon his Return from that noble Conquest, This is David's Spoil! These belong to the Conquering SAVI­OUR, the Purchase of his Blood and Acquest of his Sword, Whom he has redeemed from the hand of the Enemy.

For indeed Satan had made a Spoil of us. He had spoiled God of his Creature Man, and of any Service or Glory from him without a Redemption. He had also spoiled Man of his God and Heaven, of his Innocence and Peace and Glory. It was an Inva [...]able and Immense Treasure which he had spoiled God and Man of. These Immortal Souls of ours were of greater Price than all the World beside. This Rate God sets upon them, so nobly had he Endow'd his Creature, and such Riches had he expended in him! So Great was his [Page 116]Estimation of him, and such Account he made of him. For him he had Created and furnish'd this Great and pleasant Earth; And having made it a Paradice, and stor'd it with an Innumerable Bounty and Variety, and all very costly; He then said, — Let us make Man in our Image after our Likeness, and let him have the Dominion over all these: So he put them under his feet.

Now this Rational Mind, this Intelligent and Immortal Spirit, made in the CREATOR's Image, with Angelical Faculties and Powers, contained more Riches in a little, being a Jewel belonging to the Crown of Heaven, than all the rest of this lower Creation, tho' these in their several kinds are an Unsearchable and Inesti­mable Riches of Wisdom, Power and Good­ness. This therefore was the Spoil that Satan aim'd at; and in carrying this he knew that he should carry all, and become the God of this World. For God valued not the Earth, but for the sake of Man, that bare his Image here, and in whom were his Delights. He had gi­ven the Earth to him, and now he gave away himself from God that went with him. Sa­tan knew this, that in gaining Man he got all, and should spoil God of his lower World; and now he prides and vaunts himself in his Acquest,— All this is mine.

And now, shall the Prey be taken from the Mighty? and the lawful Captive, (for such were we become, Slaves by our free Consent as well as a just Victim to the Justice of God) [Page 117] be delivered? Yes: Thus hath the LORD said, Even the Captives of the Mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the Terrible shall be delivered; — And all Flesh shall know that I am thy Saviour and thy Redeemer, the mighty One of Jacob, Isai. 49. ult. So our Lord JESUS as a General after the gaining the Battle di­videth his Spoils. The Victor possesses for himself the Palace he has taken, and from whence he has driven the Foe, and all he finds there is his own, and disposed of to his own Use and Service, by his own Will and Pleasure.

For Instance,

1. He possesses and uses the Powers and En­dowments of the Soul and Body before de [...]ed to the Service of Satan, for Himself and unto [...] own Glory. Henceforth they are Sacred to [...]im, their only true Proprietor. His rightful Do­minion is restored; His Throne set up again in the Heart, and there he reigns for Ever. For having vindicated his Right, he asserts his Power, and maintains his Conquest. We may write upon the Man, He is Christ's: Wholly and entirely possessed by him, and devoted to him.

2. The Benefit of the Victory redounds to us, while the Glory is all His, and thus he divides the Spoil among his Redeemed. He needed not us, nor any thing of ours, nor can he receive any thing at our hands. If we be righteous what do we give him, or if we sin on what do we against him? Our Goodness extends not unto Him to benefit him, nor is our Mi­sery [Page 118]any damage to Him. Had we remain'd for ever in the Hand of Satan, what had He lost? And if we are snatch'd thence by the Power of his Grace what has he gain'd? Was he not the same God over all, blessed for Ever, Infinitely blessed in Himself, before Man had a Being, and since his Apostacy? And would he not have remain'd so, and the Interests of his Glory been all secure, had he reserv'd us with the Angels that sinned, in Chains under Darkness unto the Judgment of the Great Day. Now therefore, that he has descended into our low World and died, Ascended also hence and led Captivity Cap­tive, what is He enriched by it? Has He taken a Shoe-latchet of ours, that we should be able to say, — We have made him rich? as the Generous Abraham said to the King of Sodom, in the Day of his Return from the Conquest of the Kings, that he might be the more perfect Type of his SAVIOUR. We are indeed made free, we are restored to Li­berty, and the Creature it self shall e're long be deliver'd from the Bondage of Corruption: We are made Conquerors, and are to wear the Crowns of such, and He is glorified with the Glory which he had with the Father before the World was.

Thus the Benefit is entirely ours. The Generous Conqueror fought for our Ransome and Deliverance, and hath effected it. He divideth the spoils among his saved Ones. When he ascended on High, He received Gifts for [Page 119]Men, even for the Rebellious, that the Lord God might dwell among them.

This is his Name, Jehovah our Righteous­ness: which speaks (say One on that Text) a Happiness to us, a Glory to Himself: Our Happiness lies in Things, His Glory appears in a Name: What we get by Him is a Reali­ty, what he has from us, is only an Acknow­ledgement.

3. He distributes to every Man severally as he will, of the Abundance of Grace and Gifts of Righteousness; Graces and Comforts here in this Life, and Glory hereafter. These are the Un­searchable Riches of Christ, and who can count the dust of them? or number the Tenth part. either as to kind or measure? Eye hath not seen, nor Ear heard, neither hath it enter'd into the Heart of Man to conceive the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

1. Of his own Sovereign Will and free Grace, he divideth to Whom he will, and in what Por­tion he will. He hath Mercy on whom he will have Mercy, and hath Compassion be­cause he will have Compassion. Yea, the faint and spent, whose hearts are in his Cause, but their feeble hands can do nothing in it, shall come in for a share in the Spoil; as Da­vid in his Princely Piety and Justice, order'd with respect unto the two Hundred Men, that were so faint that they could not follow him to the War. Thus the lame take the Prey, when the Great Spoil is divided, Isai. 33.23.

[Page 120] 2. He divides with a Munificent Hand. He that has least has an Interest in a whole Christ, a whole Heaven for a whole Eternity. He par­takes in a compleat, Eternal Redemption; he attains a perfect Happiness, and shares in in­finite Blessedness; tho' there doubtless are De­grees of Glory, as well as Degrees of Grace, Service and Comfort now. Joh. 12.24. Fa­ther, I will that they whom thou hast given me be with me where I am, that they may behold my Glory.

3. A Respect is had to Eminence of Love and Zeal, and faithful Service. The old and beaten Soldiers, who have been forward and bold, active and couragious, have endur'd hardness, often fought and ventur'd Limb and Life, receiv'd Wounds, and it may be died in the Cause; They shall receive the greater Re­ward and the brightest Crown, They shall be advanced in Rank and Honour in the Heavenly World: Not of Works, nor for a­ny desert in them; but of the meer good Pleasure of the Sovereign GOD, who is Lord of his own Favour, and has made it a Sta­tute in Heaven for Ever. And accordingly we read of a Prophets Reward, and that they who turn many to Righteousness shall shine as the stars for ever and ever: Also, that he who sow­eth sparingly shall reap sparingly, and he that soweth bountifully shall reap bountifully; and that they who receive abundance of Grace and of the Gift of Righteousness, shall reign in Life by Je­us Christ.

[Page 121] Thus our Lord encouraged his Apostles, the General Officers in his Church Militant, and who were set in the Front of the Battle; Ye which have followed me in the Regeneration, when the Son of Man shall sit upon the Throne of his Glory, Ye also shall sit upon twelve [...]es, judging the twelve Tribes of Israel: A [...] e­ver hath forsaken Houses and Lands, &c. [...] my Name sake and the Gospel, shall receive an hun­dred fold in this Life, and in the World to come Life Everlasting. Wherefore the Apostle Pa [...] who had done, labour'd and suffer'd [...] more than others in the Cause of Christ, [...] pected of the free Grace of God a more distin­guishing Crown in the Heavens; 2 Tim. 4.7, 8. I have fought a good Fight, I have fi­nished my Course, I have kept the Faith, hence­forth there is laid up for me a Crown of Righte­ousness, which the Lord the righteous Judge shall give me at that Day: and not to me only but to all them that (in like manner) have his Appearing.


And now I have again prevented my self in the Application, which I hop'd to have made of this Doctrine: The USE should have been,

I. To teach us to give Glory to Christ our Sa­viour. He is the true Messiah; the promis'd Seed of the Woman to break the Serpent's Head; the Horn of Salvation raised up for us [Page 122]in the House of David, as was spoken by the mouth of all the Holy Prophets, which have been since the World began, that we should be saved from our Enemies, and from the hand of all that hate us. We should now go forth with Branches of Palm-Trees in our hands, to grace the Triumph of our Saviour, and shout, — Hozanna to the Son of David; Blessed be he that cometh in the Name of the Lord, Hozanna in the highest.

So in that great Day wherein the Philistine of Gath fell, and all the Enemies of Israel fled at his Fall, the lovely Conqueror and illustrious Type of the Conquering Saviour, came back with the Monster's Head in his hand, and he put his Armour in his Tent: While the Dau'ters of Israel prepar'd their Instruments of Musick, and met him with their Songs, — David his ten thousands!

What a mighty Lord and Conqueror is our REDEEMER, and on what a gracious Design has he arm'd to bring forth the Priso­ [...]ers, and proclaim Liberty to the Captives, after he has slain the Tyrant and the Oppressor! With what Admiration and Delight should we Contemplate this Appearance of the Son of God in our Nature, and all the Enemies of our Souls under his Feet? Isai. 63.1. Who is he that cometh from Edom, (like David after the Conquest of the Edomites at the valley of salt, whereby he got him a Name, 2 Sam. 8.13.) [Page 123] with died Garments from Bozrah? this that is glorious in his Apparel, travelling in the Great­ness of his strength? — I that speak in Righ­teousness, Mighty to save. Let the Divine An­swer the Prophet in the Vision he had of the Glorified Jesus, in the form of a Mighty Conqueror, Rev. 19.11, 12, &c. And I saw Heaven opened, and behold a White Horse, and he that sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in Righteousness he doth judge and make war, His Eyes were as a flame of Fire, and on his Head were many Crowns, and he had a Name written that no Man knew but He Himself And he was cloathed with a Vesture dipt in Blood; and his Name is called, The Word of God. And the Ar­mies which were in Heaven followed him, — and out of his mouth goeth a sharp [...]ord, that with it he should smite the Nations: And he shall rule them with a rod of Iron; and he treadeth the wine-press of the fierceness and wrath of Al­mighty God. And he hath on his Vesture and on his Thigh a Name written, King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Such a Vision of the Glories of the Victo­rious Saviour does the Text present us. As in the Day when David took Rabbah, the Royal City of the Children of Ammon; He came Himself and took it, lest it should be called after another's Name: And he took their Kings Crown from off his head, (the weight whereof was a Talent of Gold, with the precious Stones) and it was set on Davids head; and he [Page 124]brought forth the spoil of the City in great abun­dance. So we see JESUS Crowned, and Hell Spoiled, and all the Enemies of our Salvati­on put under saws and harrows and axes of Iron, 2 Sam. 12. ult.

II. The Second Use is of singular Comfort to the Believer in Christ.

1. In all Temptations and spiritual Annoy­ances form the Wicked One. Christ has over­come the Tempter: For in that He himself hath suffered being tempted, He is able to succour them that are tempted: for we have not an High­Priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our Infirmities; but was in all points tempt­ed like as we are, yet without sin, See Heb. 2.14, 18.4.15, 16.

2. Ʋnder the Burden of Indwelling Sin, and the tormenting Fears which the sorrowful Sense of it doth often create in the Children of God; Whether Satan be indeed cast out of them; whether Sin have not yet the Dominion over them; whether they shall not yet fall by the hand of their roaring Enemy without, and a treachercus Heart within-But be not discouraged; Christ says to you as he did to Peter, Satan has desired to sist you, but I have prayed for you. Read the Promise and the Prayer, Rom. 16.20 The God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly: The [Page 125]Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with You. Amen.

3. Let Believers be comforted under, and supported against all the Troubles and Per­secutions they may be annoyed with from Earth and Hell. It is a wicked World, and Sa­tan is the God of it. They therefore that will live Godly in Christ Jesus must suffer Persecution from it. Marvel not if the World hate you, for it hated Christ first. And he hath said to you, Be of good cheer, I have overcome the World. Read what the Spirit saith unto the Church in Smyrna, Fear none of these things: the Devil shall cast some of you into Prison that ye may be tryed, and ye shall have Tribulation ten dayes: Be thou faith­ful to the Death, and I will give you the Crown of Life.

4. In the low Estate of God's Church, and in all it's Sufferings, this is the support of God's People, that the Church is founded on a Rock, and the Gates of Hell shall not be a­ble to prevail against it. Our Lord has said to us, I beheld Satan as Lightning fall from Heaven. Read the Vision of the Church in its travailing and weak Estate, persecuted by Satan and the Powers of this World, but protected by her Saviour to the destruction of the Dragon and his Instruments: Rev. 12. The Church appears there as a Woman cloath­ed with the Sun, shining in Purity of Doc­trine [Page 126]and Holiness of Conversation; the Moon under her feet, trampling on all sublu­nary and earthly things; and on her head a Crown of twelve Stars, the Doctrine of the twelve Apostles worn as her Crown. She is represented as travailing in Birth, to propa­gate true Religion and Godliness. But to devour this her Holy Birth, appears a Great red Dragon. God caught up her blessed Off­spring to Himself and to his Throne. Mi­chael and his Angels fought against the Dragon, and cast him down. Yet he con­tinues to persecute the Woman and her Child, and Providence continues its Guard and Succour. The Dragon cast out floods, but even the Earth it self was made to help the Wo­man, and to swallow that Flood which might else have drown'd the Truth. Thus the Church is and shall be saved in spite of the Malice of Satan and his power. Her Redeemer is Mighty, and his little Flock need not fear. Let us believe, and look and pray for the Downfal of Satan's Kingdom more and more; and rejoyce over it thou Heaven, and ye holy Apostles and Pro­phets.

III Let the last Use be of Exhortation to us all, to submit to Christ and chuse Him for our Lord; to behave towards Him as right­ful King, and be his Servants. Let us all how our knees to his Scepter, let us kiss the Son, let us consent to his Covenant, [Page 127]and accept of his offered Grace. Let us renounce Sin and Satan, abjure the Devil and all his Works, and yield our selves up to the Government of Christ, his Word and Spirit.

It is most wilful in us, if we remain yet under Satans Power. We prefer him to the Son of GOD by a practical and vile choice of him, renouncing our Saviours Claim of us and Offers to us. And let Sinners consider, that they list into the conquer'd side, and must fall into their con­demnation.

But if Christ be our Lord now, He will be our Saviour for Ever. If he now rule in us and over us, we shall one day reign with Him. If we now give up our selves to him, He will hereafter take us to Him­self in Heaven. If we are now subject to Him as Prince and Saviour, we may know our selves to be chosen in Him before all Worlds, unto Eternal Glory.

Wherefore Return, O revolted Soul, from Satan unto Christ: And like Magdalen, out of whom be cast seven Devils, thou shalt be yet precious in his Eyes. Lay down the Weapons of thy Rebellion, and fight no more against GOD. Come in upon the Proclamation of a General Pardon which is issned out in the Gospel of Peace. See [Page 128]out the Pardon therein offer'd and secur'd to thee. Swear a future Allegiance and Fi­delity, and perform unto the Lord thy Sa­viour thy Christian Oath and Vow; thy Sa­cramental Engagement to Him.

Lift in the War denounc'd against Sin and Satan for Ever. For the Lord hath sworn that he will have War with this Amalek for evermore. Be strong in the Lord and in the power of his Might. Put on the whole Armour of God: for we wrestle not a­gainst flesh and blood, but against Principali­ties and Powers, against the Rulers of the dark­ness of this world, against spiritual Wickednesses in High places. Whosoever is born of God over­cometh them all, and this is the Victory, even our Faith.

Now thanks be to God who causeth us to triumph thro' Christ. He that conquers in this spiritual Warfare has an Eternal Tri­umph. Our Lord has said, I appoint you a Kingdom, as my Father hath appointed un­to me. And again, To him that overcom­eth will I give to sit down with me on my Throne, even as I also Overcame and am set down with my Father upon his Throne.

[Page 129]

A PARAPHRASE ON St. LUKE XVII. 21. The Kingdom of GOD is within you.

1. ETernal GOD! Thy Providence
Over all Worlds extends it Reign:
In Number they and Space Immense,
Thou the One Absolute Sovereign.
2. Within thy Church on Earth we are
The visible Kingdom of thy Grace:
Heaven is the State of Glory, where
Thy Saints shall Ever see thy Face.
3. The noblest Rule in Nature is
Thy unseen Empire over Souls:
No Pow'r may be compar'd to this,
Which our free Tho't and Will controuls.
4. This Rule, Blest GOD of Grace, Thou dost
Display in turning us from Sin;
A Souls Conversion shows it most,
Thy Throne and Kingly Reign within.
5. Almighty Pow'r renews the Mind,
While Satan, World and Fiesh oppose:
In Terrors arm'd, with Bowels kind
It headlong drives th' Infernal Foes.
[Page 130]
6. Majestick, on the Glorious Word,
Victorious Grace in Triumph rides;
And in the Purchase of its-Sword,
It's rescu'd Captives, highly prides.
7. Angles! behold what Grace has done!
A fallen Soul restor'd, renew'd;
A Soul worth many a World is won
From Sin, and to GOD's Will subdu'd.
8. Within my Heart, Almighty GOD,
Begin thy Reign, set up thy Throne:
From Sion send thy conquering Rod,
And Satan's cursed Seat pull down.
9. A willing Captive of thy Pow'r
Make me: My Songs that Powr shall praise
In Shouts of Grave from that bless'd Hour,
Thro' all my future happy dayes.
10. Into this Kingdom come my Soul;
Or rather let it come in thee:
Take (LORD) my Heart, my Name inroll;
Thou Son of David make me free.

A DISCOURSE OF THE Pleasure OF Religious Worship, IN OUR Publick Assemblies.


I was Glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the House of the Lord.

BOSTON: Printed by B. Green, for Samnuel Gerrish, & Daniel Henchman: Sold at their Shops. 1717.


To the READER.

WORSHIP is a Divine and Excellent Duty or Service. The Noblest Powers of the Soul are Exercised, in the most noble manner, upon the most Excellent Object. The Holy Dispositions which God hath created in the Regenerate, and the Divine Principles which he has implanted in them, as they are the things most plea­sing to the New Nature, so being Exerted by supernatural Assistances, they must needs yield it the Divinest Joyes.

Christians should have great Pleasure in the Society of one another in Acts of Worship. Solitary Worship is necessary, and in its season is pleasant to the Soul, and so is So­cial Worship. In Heaven it may be the Worship is all Open & Social: Every Breast is always full of Devotion, and ever running over. At present we need more the assistance of one another in our Devotion. As Iron sharp­ens Iron, so do the devout Faces of Christian Brethren hearten & brighten one another in the publick Solemnities of GOD's House.

Here are the most Excellent Persons, in their best Frames, Uniting in the most just & solemn Acts of their Lives, Confirming their Love to GOD and one another, Promoting each his own and every Man his Brother's Eternal Salvation. Here are the best Friends met together, the best, the greatest, and the [Page]wisest of Men; in Whom is the Spirit of the Holy GOD; who are of Angelical Tempers, and in Heavenly Frames; the most nobly Imploy'd that Created Spirits, Humane or Celestial, in Bodies or ou [...] of them, can possibly be. Souls — One in the Love, Admiration and Reverence of the High GOD, and breathing after the fullest Conformi [...]y to Him and Complacency in Him! Bre­thren — going hand in hand to Heaven! How pleasantly should they go, singing in the Ways of the LORD, and helping one another forward. It is meet that they shou'd make merry and be Glad. So when Barnabas saw the Worshipping Assem­blies of Christians as far as Antioch, he was glad, and Exhorted them that with full purpose of heart they would cleave to the LORD: And so the first Christians gladly received the Word, — and con­tinued stedfastly in the Apostles Doctrine and Fellowship, and in breaking of Bread and in Prayers:—They continued daily with one accord in the Temple, & break­ing Bread from house to house, did eat their Bread with gladness & singleness of heart; Praising GOD, and having favour with all the People; & the Lord added to the Church daily such as should be saved.

These few Words I tho't meet to prefix to the following Discourse.

[Page 135]



I was Glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the House of the LORD.

THIS Psalm is one of the Fifteen that are here plac'd together un­der the Ti [...]e of Songs of Degrees, or Songs of Ascents, as the Word properly signifies. Some have con­jectur'd that they are so called from their singular Excellency: as the Song of Songs signi­fies the most excellent Song, so a Song of Degrees may signify a Song excellent in the highest Degree. Others have conjectur'd, that these Psalms were appointed to be sung by the Le­vites on their Stairs and Ascents, whereof we read, Neh. 9.4. And so we might say of them, that they are Songs for the Pulpit.

[Page 136] Others would understand by Degrees, the Elevation of the Voice together with the Af­fections, unto a higher Strain and Note in the singing of these Psalms, and so suppose them called as they are from the Tune they were set to, or the Musical Instruments they were sung to, or the raising the Voice in sing­ing them; as we read of singing with a loud voice on high, and of the high-sounding Cim­bals.

There are some other Conjectures concern­ing the meaning of this Title, which I will not stay to mention; for both Jewish and Christian Expositors are at a loss to give the true Reason of this, as well as most other Titles of the Psalms.

To come then unto this particular Psalm. It seems to have been pen'd by David for the use of the People of Israel, when they came up to worship at Jerusalem, at the three So­lemn Feasts. And by the way, this is ano­ther Reason given, and not the least probable, why it is called a Song of Ascents; namely because it was to be sung by the Tribes (say some) as they were going up to Jerusalem to worship: for which Use it must be own'd the Psalm is exactly calculated: I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the House of the Lord. Our Feet shall stand within thy Gates O Jerusalem, whether the Tribes go up, the Tribes of the Lord unto the Testimony of Israel, to give thanks unto the Name of the Lord.

[Page 137] In the Text I would only observe,

  • 1. An Expression of holy Pleasure, Satisfaction and Delight: I was glad.
  • 2. The thing which was the Matter, Reason, Occasion and Cause of his Joy: When they said, Let us go into the House of the Lord.

It is the Publick Worship of God, according to his own Ordinance and Institution that is here spoken of. The Place, the Time, the Company, and the Call to God's solemn Pub­lick Worship.

  • 1. The House of God was the Place of Da­vid's delight.
  • 2. The Opportunity to go thi­ther was the time and season of his Pleasure.
  • 3. The Company and Society of the Faithful there, were the Helpers of his Joy. And,
  • 4. Their Call and Invitation to him to go along with them: I was glad when they said, &c.


  • 1. They us'd to call upon one ano­ther to go and worship God at the solemn and appointed Seasons.
  • 2. They did it with Alacrity: Let us go up.
  • 3. And so they en­tertain'd the Call too; they were glad when it it was said unto them, Let us go into the House of the Lord.

This was as became Israelites indeed; the pious Spirit of the Children of Zebulun: Deut. 33.19. They shall call the People unto the Moun­tain, there they shall offer Sacrifices of Righ­teousness.

[Page 138]

DOCTRINE. That we shou'd be very glad of every Opportuni­ty and Call we have to go up to the House of the Lord. The Liberty and Season of en­joying God's Publick Worship, shou'd be al­ways very welcome and pleasant to us.

The Reasons of the Doctrine may be taken,

  • I. From the Glorious Object of Worship: GOD.
  • II. The Acts of Worship.

To which I might have added, the Frame, Ends and Fruits of this holy Exercise.

1. If we consider the Glorious Object of Wor­ship, the Blessed GOD; it will easily appear that we should be very glad of every call we have to go up to his House. God is the most Delectable Object which the Soul of Man can converse with, being infinitely possessed of all possible Perfections, Excellencies and Glo­ries. Therefore to approach unto him shou'd be the highest Pleasure of our Souls; and if we were in our Original State of Rectitude it certainly wou'd be so. We have directly to do with God in our solemn Acts of Worship, Him we speak and address unto immediately, [...]d He speaks to us; to him we make our [...]rings, and of him we supplicate for Grace and Mercy. Now God is the supream Object of the delight of all Intelligent Beings, and the whole of Religion lies very much in [Page 139]that Precept, Psal. 33.4. Delight thy self in the Lord. If we were called to go to the Presence of our Earthly Ring, to ask and re­ceive any Favours from him, being assured that it wou'd be very acceptable to him to see and hear us with our Petition, with what Joy and Pleasure shou'd we go to present our selves before him? In like manner when we go to worship, we shou'd go unto God as our exceding Joy, Psal. 43.4.

And accordingly this has been the Frame of worshipping Saints. As they have had Joy in worshipping, so their Rejoycing has been especially in the Glorious Object they Adored. Psal. 9.2. I will be glad and rejoyce in thee, I will sing praise to thy Name, O wast High. Psal. 32.11. Be glad in the Lord and rejoyce ye Righteous.

Indeed if God were not infinitely to be delighted in on the account of his Essential Glories and Perfections, he wou'd not be the Object of worship, neither wou'd there be any Pleasure in worship. Make the Object of worship any other but God, and there is no Satisfaction in any Act of Adoration. For In­stance, What a dull and stupid thing must is be to worship a graven Image; a dumb and de [...]t and blind, a senseless and lifeless Deity? If people wou'd but use their Senses and Reason this wou'd appear to be the most sordid & sotrish Act of their lives. The Psalmist most justly re­presents the Satisfaction of worshipping the li­ving God, but the extream Lumpishness and Ab­surdity [Page 140]of Idol Pagan Worship. Psal. 115.3, 4, 5. Our God is in the Heavens, and hath done whatsoever he pleased: Their Idols are Silver and Gold, the work of men's hands; they have mouths but they speak not, eyes have they, &c. they have ears, &c. they have hands, &c.— they that make them are like unto them, so, &c. One wou'd think (that is) that the Worship­er had no more Understanding than the Stock which he adores, and that one was as insensible a piece of Wood as the other. The Prophet Isaiah amplifies with a great deal of holy Scorn and Sarcasm on this head: Isai. 44 9, 10, &c. Who hath formed a God that is profitable for nothing! they and their delectable things are vanity: the Carpenter stretches out his rule, marks it out with a line, fitteth it with planes, makes the figure of a Man, according to the beau­ty of a Man, warms himself with the chips, and then falls down and worships it, and saith to it, Deliver me, for thou art my God. Now to be sure there can be no more pleasure in the Adoring, than there was in the hewing and hacking the Log. Which is the most a Stock at last, the Image or its Adorer is lest doubt­ful. And as the Idol is insensible of any plea­sure in being worshipt, so must the fottish Man be in worshipping, v. 18. They have not known nor understood, for he hath shut their Eyes that they cannot see, and their hearts that they cannot understand.

So that all the Reason of Pleasure in wor­ship must be from the glorious Object, GOD. [Page 141]Because he is infinitely Wise & Holy, and Good and Righteous, and Powerful; and because he is the Eternal, Immense, Supream, Independent, unchangeably glorious and blessed Fountain of Be­ing, Perfection and Happiness; therefore is it an infinitely pleasant, good and blessed thing to worship him: Isai. 61.10. I will greatly rejoyce in the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God.

II. If we consider the Acts and holy Exer­cises of publick Worship, it will easily appear to be our duty to be very glad of every Call and Opportunity we have to go up into the House of God. Every Part of religious insti­tuted Worship is in it self highly pleasurable unto a Heart suitably disposed and prepared.

The Parts of Worship I wou'd name are These, Prayer, Singing, Hearing, the Sacraments, and receiving the Benediction.

1. Prayer is such a Duty as we shou'd be glad to wait upon God in his House in. His House is called the house of Prayer. The Taber­nacle, and Temple were such of old. There was the holy Oracle, and the Altar of Incense before the most Holy Place; which Incense was a Figure of the Prayers of the Saints, in the Clouds whereof (from the inflam'd Affecti­ons of the Soul) God wou'd be Approacked. The Jews worshipped & prayed toward the Temple, when they were distant from it. And the Prayers there made the Courts of the [Page 142]Lord long'd after by holy Souls, when they cou'd not be there.

Now Prayer is a large and comprehensive Word in the common use of it, and takes in Adoration and Praise, Thanksgiving and Blessing, penitential Confessions, Supplications for Grace and Mercy, holy Pleadings and Argu­ings at the Throne of Grace, Professions and Self-Consecration, and Intercession for others: All which are in themselves full of Delight to gracious Persons, and sweet to their Souls; and we shou'd sit down under the shadow of the wings of the Cherubims with delight, because that these are the Place of Prayer.

1. We shou'd be glad to go up to the House of God to Adore and Praise Him. Adoration is not a more awful than it is a delightful part of Worship. To contemplate, admire, and mention the transcendent Perfections of God, and give him the Glory of his Titles and At­tributes. In it the devout Soul is caught up with blessed Paul into the third Heavens, where it hears things neither lawful nor possible to be spoken. The Soul looks into the dazling Glory of God's Eternity, Immensity, Immutabili­ty, Alsufficiency, Soveraignty and Incom­prehensibility. It surveys all his glorious Works, and sees his Eternal Power and Godhead display'd in them: Hears Angels worship, and sees them cover their Faces. It worships with fear and trembling at the foot of the Mount, before the thick Darkness, and breaks not thro' the bounds to gaze into what can't [Page 143]be seen, nor born. It is pleasant to the ado­ring Soul to contemplate the Majesty and the Greatness of God, together with his Relations of Grace to us as our GOD and Father, to whom we may go with the freedom and boldness of Children. It lies before the Throne in Extasies of Wonder and Amaze­ment, as Moses under the hand of God while he passed by and proclaimed his Name to him, or as Elijah in the Mouth of the Cave with his Mantle wrapt about him.

2. We should be glad to go up to the House of God to give Thanks unto the Name of the Lord for his Goodness and Mercy expressed to­ward us, in his innumerable Favours & Benefits. It is a pleasure to an Ingenuous Mind to express his Gratitude to his Benefactor, & his sense of the Obligations he is under for undeserved Favours. Thanksgiving supposes a Soul delighted in the Goodness of God and in Love to him for it: Love is a pleasing Passion, and Goodness is a pleasant Object; and Benefits done us are alwayes acceptable to remember; and so much the more pleasant the more freely they are bestowed by some excellent and superiour Person. Psal. 92.1, 2. It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises un­to thy Name, O most High: To shew forth thy loving kindness in the morning: and thy faith­fulness every night. So begins the Psalm or Song for the Sabbath day: for as Thanksgiving and Praise are a special part of our Sabbath Wor­ship; [Page 144]so Joy is a special part [...] our Sabbath frame. Heaven is just such a Rest for ever.

3. We should be glad to go up to the House of God, if it were only to pour out our penitential Confessions, together with our servent Supplications for Grace and Mercy. These are a great and special part of our solemn Worship, and to be for ever joyn'd. Indeed if we were to confess and bewail Sin only, without the hope and assurance of finding Mercy upon our Re­pentance, it would be the blackness of darkness without the least Gleam of light. But now we draw nigh in the Name of a Great High Pri [...], Jesus the Son of God, and come with boldness to a Throne of Grace, in the full As­surance of Faith. Here then is pleasure and joy: scil. All that a State of Sin can admit of: 'tis not the joy of Innocents indeed that never Sinn'd, nor yet of the Spirits of Just Men made perfect; but 'tis the joy of Hope and Faith, which is unspeakable & full of Glory, even now, tho' it be not like that of theirs who are past Sin and all Tears are wiped a­way. We sow in Tears with comfortable hopes and prospect. We go to Gods House to pour out a sorrowful Spirit, and leave it there; we come away Glad with a word of Peace spoken to us in the Name of God by his Minister. See if Penitents have no joy: Psal. 32.5. I said I will confess my transgression unto the Lord, and thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin. Psal. 51.8, 14. Make me to hear joy & gladness: [Page 145]that the bones which thou hast broken, may re­joyce. Deliver me from blood guiltiness, O God, thou God of my salvation: and my tongue shall sing aloud of thy righteousness. Psal. 66.17. I will declare what God has done for my soul, I cryed to him with my mouth, and he was extolled with my tongue. So soon is Prayer turn'd into Praises, and the voice of Mourning into Re­joycing.

4. We should be glad to go up to the House of God, to improve the liberty we have of pleading and arguing with him in Prayer. We may go even unto his Seat & fill our Mouths with Arguments, which he has prepared for us in his Word and put into our Mouths, and bid us to use; and has taken them from his own blessed Nature, and formed them so di­rectly to his own Glory and our Comfort, that they bring a mighty pleasure along with them to the Soul that uses them. Now to ly & plead & prevail at the feet of Soveraign Grace is a most delightful thing to a gracious heart. So the Morning broke brightly upon Jacob when he had held the Argument, held the An­gel all Night, and had been blessed by him before he let him go. What tho' Jacob halted all his Life time after this happy Wrestling? It was only a Memorial of Joy, to bring to Re­membrance his power with God and interest in him. He wanted this Infirmity in his flesh to keep him humble ever after.

[Page 146] 5. Profession and Self-Consecration are other Acts in Prayer, which should make us glad of every Season of solemn Approach to Him. We should in our Prayers give our selves up to the Lord, lay hold on his Covenant, and re­new our own Engagements to be his; pay him our Vows, present our selves a Living Sacrifice, and bind our selves afresh to him. Our Baptism should be ever remembred by us, and we should rejoyce with fear; commending our selves to his Grace, and committing our Souls to his Keeping. Psal. 119.94. I am thine, save me. Psal. 116.13, 16. I will take the cup of salvation: and call upon the name of the Lord. I will pay my vows unto the Lord: now in the presence of all his people. O Lord, truly I am thy servant, I am thy servant, and the son of thy handmaid: thou hast loosed my bonds. So the pleased Servant among the Israelites went gladly to the door of his Masters house to bore his Ear there. It should be pleasant to us to Avouch the Lord in the most Publick and Explicit manner to be our God, and that we are his People; and to put in our Claims to the Blessings of his Covenant while we put our Names to the bonds of it. Isai, 3 2. And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the Mountain of the Lord, to the House of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his wayes, and we will walk in his paths.

[Page 147] 6. Intercession for Others is another part of Prayer, which should make it pleasant to us to go up unto the House of Prayer. Prayer is a Generous & Noble duty, breathing the most diffusive Love & extensive Charity. 1 Tim. 2. Init. I exhort therefore that supplications, prayers, intercessions & giving of thanks be made for all men;—for this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour, who will have all men to be saved and to come unto the knowledge of the Truth. How pleasant should it be to bear the World of Mankind thus in an Enlarged heart before God, for his Mercies & Blessings to be showred down upon them! How plea­sant by expressions of faith and love to testify our Communion with all that in Every place call upon the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours. How pleasant to keep and mani­fest the Unity of the Spirit, the Oneness of Saints all the World over! And to realize our selves interested in their Supplications at the Throne of Grace, while we embrace them in the chearful Arms of our love; as the Ex­cellent Ones in the Earth, in whom is all our de­light, and to whom our Goodness extends, at least in a hearty Benevolence and Good-will, tho' not in any actual Beneficence. Such kind and tender concern, such affection and esteem the Children of God have for one ano­ther, whose faces they are never to see in the flesh, but whom they hope one day to see in Heaven, that their hearts might be comforted [Page 148]being knit together in love, and unto all Riches of the full assurance of Understanding, to the Ac­knowledgement of the mystery of God, and of the Father and of Christ, Col. 2. Init. And how good & pleasant is it for Brethren thus to dwell together in love, their Prayers being promo­ted hereby; bearing one another like holy Re­latives on their hearts to the God of all Grace, in a gracious Sympathy and Care for each others Concerns both Temporal & Eternal. Phil. 1.2, 3, 4. Grace be unto you and Peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ. I thank my God upon every Remembrance of you; alwayes in every prayer of mine for you all making request with joy; for their fellowship in the Gos­pel from the first day until Now. Truly if there be any Consolation in Christ, if any Comfort of love, if any Fellowship of the Spirit, if any Bowels and Mercies, it is to be found in the Mutual Intercessions of Saints: Herein they ful­fill their own and others Joy, if they be like minded, having the same love, being of one ac­cord, of one mind. Phil. 2.1, 2.

Thus there is nothing but what is very pleasant in every part of Prayer. Only we must give our selves to the Duty, and get the Spirit of Prayer if we would experience this. For to be sure, a carnal and wicked heart, a careless and formal Spirit, a worldly & flesh­ly Mind, can never favour or experience these Truths.

But so much for the first and chief Act or Exercise of Divine Worship. I shall not En­large so much on those that remain.

[Page 149] II. We should be glad to go unto Gods House of Worship to Sing Psalms of Praise unto his Name. That this is a part, and a very excellent and pleasant part of Instituted Wor­ship, and has alwayes been accounted so, is very Evident thro' the whole of Sacred Scrip­ture. Psal. 105.2. Sing unto him, sing Psalms unto him. Psal. 69.30. I will praise the Name of God with a Song, I will magnifie him with Thansgiving. It is a chearful duty, and calls for holy gladness of heart; Psal. 30.12. Thou hast put off my sackcloth, and girded me with Gladness, to the end that my glory may sing praise to thee and not be silent. 2 Chron. 29.30. They sang praises with gladness, and bowed their heads and worshipped. The 47 Psalm tells us what should be our Worship in Gospel dayes, at and after the Ascension of Christ: God is gone up with a shout, the Lord with the sound of the Trumphet. Sing praises to God, sing praises: sing praises unto our King, sing praises. The Precept is to all Nations, when they are called into the Church, Psal. 68.32. Sing unto God ye Kingdoms of the Earth: O sing praises to the Lord. Selah. In the New Testament we find this Duty Established and Recommended by our Saviour, and by Express Precept. In the first Institution of the Lords Supper he Sang an Hymn with his Disciples. The Great A­postle in two of his Epistles Enjoyns the hea­venly duty: Speaking to your selves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs; singing with [Page 150]grace, and making melody in your hearts to the Lord Eph. 5.19. Col. 3.16. And holy Joy is prescribed in it; Jam. 5.13. Is any merry, let him sing Psalms.

It is a famous account that was given by a Heathen of the first Christians; that they met together and Sang a Hymn to Christ as God. And the History of the Reformation tells us how much it was promoted by this reli­gious Exercise. Conceive if you can the Raptures of Joy with which Moses Sang at the red Sea, Deborah on the Avenging of Isra­el, David at the bringing the Ark to Sion, the Virgin Mary her Magnificat, or Zecharias at the loos'ning his Tongue, or Simeon his Di­mittis, or Paul and Silas in the Stocks. When we lift up our Voices to make one sound in the Publick Assemblies, it should be even with like Joy. Psal. 98 4 Make a joyful Noise unto the Lord all the Earth; make a loud Noise and rejoyce and sing praise.

As our Tongues are made for Singing as well as speaking, so the faculty of Singing is given us to please and to express pleasure. It is so in a common use of the power, and surely should be rather so in a Religious One. Gracious Souls taste much of Heaven in this part of Worship. It sweetly dilates & opens the Soul to God, and he comes into it. Mu­sick has its charm where a person has [...] and so have Psalms their charm to [...] heart. Before this World was there [...] joy and Singing, and the one expressed in the [Page 151]other, the one inspired by the other: I mean when at the foundation of the Earth the Morning Stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy. And when this World ends Singing will continue with Everlasting Joyes; The song of Moses and of the Lamb. We hold communion now with Heaven, we are now preparing for Heaven, we already get some foretastes of Heaven, in the holy Exercise of Singing.

III. We should be glad to go up unto the House of the Lord if it were only to hear his Word Read and Preached to us. To hear the Joyful Sound, the Glad Tydings of Great Joy to all People, even the way of our Salvation, the things of our Everlasting Peace. It should be pleasant to us to hear from God, as well as to speak to him: for him to speak to us, not in the August Terrors of Sinai, but in the soft Voice of the Gospel. The Law of our God should be our delight; it is perfect and pure and right, and inlightning the Eyes and rejoy­cing the heart; and more to be desired than Gold, yea, than much fine gold, sweeter also than honey, and the honey-comb. It contains the most sublime, necessary, saving Truth. There is a true and solid pleasure in the Knowledge of God, and in the Meditation, Study & Practice of his Law. A truly devout Soul has a more exquisite Taste and Relish of this, than any sensual Heart can have of any Earthly Satis­factions. The 119. Psalm does most sweetly [Page 152]and abundantly express this. I have rejoyced in the way of thy Testimonies more than in all riches. I will delight my self in thy Statutes, and will not forget thy Word. Thy Testimonies are my delight and my counsellors. O how I love thy law, it is my meditation all the day. I re­joyce at thy Word as one that findeth great spoil. Thy Statutes are my songs in the house of my pilgrimage. I have longed for thy salvation, O Lord, and thy law is my delight.

If we could but bring such an Ear & such a Frame of heart to the Word as David did, we should find his pleasure in it.

This is the way to profit by the Word, and the sign & fruit of profiting thereby. When the Word has its Saving Effects it will be gladly Entertained. Acts 2.41. They that gladly received the Word, were baptized; and they continued daily with one accord in the Tem­ple, and did eat their bread with gladness and singleness of heart. When the Word Convinces of Sin, and humbles and breaks the heart in Contrition, it is most welcome to the Soul; for it brings its Comforts along with it, and while it wounds it heals. 1 Thes. 1.5, 6. For our Gospel came not unto you in word only, but in power and in the holy Ghost: And ye became fol­lowers of us and of the Lord, having received the Word in much Affliction, with joy of the Holy Ghost.

The Doctrines of the Gospel are full of sub­lime mystery and dazling light: they shine forth as the Morning, fair as the Moon, and [Page 153]clear as the Sun. The Precepts and Laws [...] the Gospel are full of Sancity, most holy just and good, and infinitely commend them­selves to the Consciences of all that consider them: for so it appears that the Holy God must needs govern us and seek our happi­ness, and so it is that Men must be govern'd and be happy. They are our Wisdom and our Life. The Promises of the Gospel are so full of Grace and Good to them that love God, they are so rich and precious in the Spiritual and Everlasting blessings they contain, that they afford the Strongest Consolations unto the Souls of Saints. On all accounts therefore it should be pleasant to us to sit at Jesus feet and hear his Words. To be taught, directed, ex­cited from the lively Oracles, should make the Sabbath of the Lord very welcome to us.

IV. We should be glad to go up unto the House of the Lord to wait upon him and obey him in the Instituted Sacraments of Reli­gion. These Injunctions of a Positive Nature are very awful and solemn, but very sweet, gracious and comfortable too in their sense and meaning. As David in the Text was glad when they call'd upon him to go up unto the Solemn Feasts; so should we be glad to honour Christ in the Observation of his holy Appointments and Institutions. They are few and full of Spiritual sense, and Benefit to our Souls. They are not diverse Washings and carnal Ordinances; like the Ceremonial [Page 154]Yoke of old to Isael; They are but the Sin­gle washing in Baptism, and the One Festival upon the Memorial of a Sacrificed Saviour And what should be more pleasant to us than in them to make the Consecration of our selves unto God, to Seal our Covenant En­gagements to him, and to receive the Pledges of his Grace. It was a pleasure to the Saints of God of old to bring their Peace-offerings, and feast before the Lord upon them; to Co­venant with him by Sacrifice: So should it be to us to avouch our Relation to God and clain an Interest in his Grace and Favour, according to the Summary of his Covenant, I will be unto you a God and to your Seed, and ye shall be my People.

For do but consider,

1. The Nature of the Christian Baptism, and say if it should not be pleasant to you to present your selves and your Children to God? Is it to be owned and acknowledged by God, and received into the Number and Commu­nion of his People? Or is it to own Him and submit to him as our Lord & our God? Is it to bind our selves unto holiness, in the way of finding the Spirit of Grace and Ho­liness? Is it that by the Mercies of God you are beso't to present your Selves & your Children to the Lord a living Sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasona­ble service? And will you not gladly com­ply with the offers of this Grace? It is not neither by a bloody Rite, as of Circumcision of [Page 155]old; only he saith unto thee Wash and be clean. So Naaman came back Adoring, his Soul being restored with his corrupted flesh. He repented that he had Undervalued the healing Waters, and now was ready to wor­ship the very Earth of Israel.

Nature assists Grace in the holy Joy of pre­senting our Children to God in Baptism. The Bowels of a gracious Parent are refreshed to be­hold his lov'd Offspring solemnly owned and ac­cepted and blessed by God. It is, as I have sometimes said to you, as when Joseph saw his two Sons at the knees of Jacob: (but O how far is the Comparison below the thing) and as Jacob said to him, Thy two Sons are mine: So the Great and High God sayes to us in the Baptism of our Children; Thy Children O Christian are Mine. It was most pleasant to Joseph to hear his Agel Fa­ther blessing his Children; God before whom my Father walked, the God which fed me all my life long unto this day, The Angel which redeem­ed me from all evil, bless the lads; and let my name be named on them, and the name of my Fathers Abraham and Isaac: and let them grow into a multitude in the midst of the Earth. Such is the pleasure that we may have and should have, while we behold the Blessing of Abra­ham coming on ours after us. And what more divine pleasure can a Parent have in the [Page 156]body? When Nathan bro't to David that gracious Message from God, — I [...]ll [...]t up thy seed after thee; and I will be his [...] and he shall be my Son; the overjoyed King [...]ent immediately before the Ark of God and wor­shipped, saying — Who am I O Lord God, and what is my Fathers house that [...]ho [...] hast brought me hitherto? Methinks that [...] we should feel and so should we say, when we go up unto the House of the Lord to offer up our Children to God, that his blessing may come upon them. So the Inspired Zecharias Sang with holy gladness at the birth of his Son; and so the Blessed Virgin saw Simeon take up her Holy Child into his venerable Arms, and heard him Sing his Nune Dimittis. What shall I say, — had we Faith and De­votion in their lively Exercise, as there is no Love more pleasing than a Parents to his Child, so there would be no Joy more ra­vishing than that of his dedicating his Chil­dren to God.

2. And if the Sacrament of Baptism mean so much delight to a holy Soul, surely the Sacrament of the Lords Supper means as much unto a heart suitably prepared. It is plea­sant to remember our Common Friends in their absence from us, and all the love they have sometimes shewn us; but how much more should we be glad of the Opportunities for the solemn Remembrance of the Love of Christ and all that he has done for our Sal­vation, [Page 157]even his dying to [...]hase it f [...] If the Eye affect the heart with grief in the Remembrance of Sin and the Curse, yet the en [...] and fruit of that Death is all comfort and peace; and tho' we cannot but with Te [...]s receive the Atonement for Sin, yet ne [...]her can we receive it without [...]tures of Jo [...] If it be pleasant to give up our selves to [...]st in Baptism, and to [...] for ours; surely it must be as pleasant [...]ene [...] the Dedication of our Selves to Christ at his Table! As a Feast is made for laughter, so is the Table of Christ for Spiritual delight and joy in him. We are the Circumcision that wor­ship God in the Spirit & rejoyce in Christ Jesus If ever we rejoyce in him, surely it will be when we do this in Remembrance of Him Here is the " Banquet of Wine, and the Sce [...] ­ter of Grace held forth, and tho' we come trembling for fear, yet the King sayes to us— What is thy Petition and it shall be granted thee. As some happy People keep with Joy the day of their Espousals, so is or should be the frequent Communion of Saints to them. [...] the Table of Christ; wherein they remem­ber the day of their Espousals, the day of the gl [...] ­ness of their hearts. Let this be thy [...]edding Garment, the Joy of thy Soul in Christ and in the Remembrance of his love. The Israelites were glad when the time came on for the keeping the Passover, tho' they were to eat it with bitter herbs and heavy bread the Salvation was Great which they remem­b [...]d, [Page 158]and that made all pleasant; but we have a Greater Salvation than that of the Church from Egypt to keep our Eye upon, and to draw forth our hearts in Enlarged Praises unto God. The Banner of Christs love is over you at his Table, and holy Souls should be there solacing themselves in his love. It is a Love-feast, and a frame of love to God is the most joyful one that can be. No Sabbaths in the Year are more welcome to prepared Souls than those wherein they have the Opportunity of waiting on Christ in this Ordinance. Then will I go unto the Altar of God, unto God my exceeding joy. The Mysteries and Marvels of Redeeming love are pleasant to Contemplate. The Pro­n [...]ises in Christ most pleasant to apply: And so the Means of Increase and growth in Grace to be in the use of. We are glad sometimes when our friends ask us to eat with them at their Tables, or when they come to eat with us [...]t ours; much more should we be [...]lad to [...] to Christs Table upon his Invita­tion, and to receive him into our Souls.

Thus the Sacraments of Christianity are such us we should be glad to go up to the House of the Lord, by Christ to offer the Sacrifices of Praise.

V. And lastly, We should be glad to go [...]p to the House of the Lord, to receive the Blessing there pronounced in the Name of the Lord. [...]s is a Short but a Sweet and Great [Page 159]Act or Solemnity in Publick Worship; even the Blessing the Congregation. It was appoin­ted to Israel of old that Aaron and his Sons should bless the People, and the Benediction was formed for them to use. See Numb. 6. 22,—27. And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, Speak unto Aaron and unto his sons, say­ing, On this wise ye shall bless the Children of Israel, saying unto them, The LORD bless thee, and keep thee: The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace. And they shall put my Name upon the Children of Israel, and I will bless them. This Honour God put upon his Ministers from the beginning, this Grace he shewed to his Peop­ple. Those whom he separated to his own Service, by them he would bless his Church. Aaron was thus honoured and Israel was comforted. Thus he honours his House and Worship, by commanding there the Blessing. And his Blessing will be Es [...]caciou [...] If an Sons of Peace are present it will c [...]e upon them. This was the Blessing of Levi that I was to bless his Brethren. Deut. 10.8. At that time the LORD se [...]rated the Tribe of [...]e [...] to bear the Ark of the Covenant [...] star before he LORD and Minister, and to bless in [...]is Name It is one most worthy End of th [...] Sepa [...]a [...] on of the Ministerial Order, and one most worthy part of Sacred Institution. The Peo­ple of old were wont to rejoyce [...] see th [...] Ministers of Religion, because they came [...] [Page 160] [...] them out of Gods House: Psal. 118.26. Blessed be he that cometh in the Name of the LORD; We have blessed you out of the House of the LORD.

Now this is certainly a pleasant Act in Publick Worship. A pleasant Conclusion of the Worship which should make us go home with a glad heart. It is grown so much into a Form that I fear we lose the Spiritual Im­port and Benefit intended, many of us: but he that with a devout heart and a pure mind waits for a Blessing from God, would not willingly go without that which is pronoun­ced. Pleasant it is to a gracious Minister to bless, and pleasant to a gracious Soul to be blessed. Not that the blessing from a poor Worm is any thing worth; No it is not Man that Blesses; and if you value the Blessing from the Lips of the Minister it is only as he speaks from God, and God by him. It is— The LORD bless thee and keep thee, the LORD make his face to shine upon thee: So we put Gods Name upon his People, and He will bless them.

The Blessing prescribed unto us in the New Testament is most sweet and pleasant for us to Contemplate. Christ came from Heaven [...] bless us; and as he was blessing his Disci­ples he was taken from them. He blessed [...]is own from the Holy Mount; he blesses us [...]t from his High Throne in Heaven. And [...]om he blesses are blessed indeed. His Apostles understood it to belong to their Commission [Page 161]to bless in his Name; and guided by his In­fallible Spirit they did it ex Officio; even as Aaron and his Sons had done before. Only the Form of Blessing alter'd with the new Form of Worship and State of the Church. And this is the blessed Form now to be used: Rom. 16.24. The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen. 2 Cor. 13. ult. The Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the Communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen. That is to say, Mr. Clark. ‘I wish you may partake of all those Benefits which Christ of his free Grace and Favour has purchas'd, which the Father of his free love has pur­posed, and which the Holy Ghost does ap­ply, communicate to and bestow upon the Elect.’ Gal. 6.18. Brethren, the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your Spirit. Amen. This is again more Enlarg'd and amplified: Eph. 6. ult. Peace be to the Brethren, and love with faith from God the Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ; Grace be with all them that love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. Amen. And yet again, shortest of all, Col. 4. ult. Grace be with you. Amen. That is, Christ be with you: and so it is Interpreted; 2 Tim. 4. ult. The Lord Jesus Christ be with thy Spirit; Grace be with you. Amen. Peters Blessing differs in a word from Pauls, but signifies just the same: 1 Pet. 5. ult. Peace be with [...] all that are in Christ Jesus. Amen. To have done, the Holy Bible concludes with this Be­nediction: [Page 162] The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

On this wise we are Authoriz'd yet to bless in the Name of Christ, and every Sabbath you are dismissed from the House of God with this Blessing. It is worth coming for, and waiting for, and happy are they that bear it away with them. How comprehensive are these sew words? Who can unfold all that is contained in them! What time would it require to do it in an Imperfect manner! Methinks there's no need to add a word to them. The words we add sink below them. May the full sense and Emphasis of them re­main, and the Blessing wish'd rest upon our Souls. How Amiable would this make Gods Tabernacles [...], and how Reverend his Mi­nistry, and how Pleasant his Sabbaths! How gladly should we go to and from his House at all times. What come we for, but for the Blessing? If we can carry that away we have all! Grace Mercy and Peace, from God the Father and from our Lord Jesus Christ.

As we are Baptised into the Name of the Ever blessed Trinity, so are we blessed in that Glorious and Fearful Name. In which blessing all that God is or can be unto his Creatures, all that he can do to make them blessed is wish'd unto us. This Blessing we wish you this Day, The LORD that made Heaven and Earth, bless you out of Sion I am sure then that you will b [...]ad to r [...]rn to Gods House again.

[Page 163] As the Word, so the Blessing is directed unto Every particular Person; and every one should stay gladly and reverently to hear it and receive it. So what God of old promi­sed he is yet fulfilling; Where-ever he records his Name, he meets his People and blesses them.

And thus I have considered the Acts of Divine Publick Worship; and that we should on the Account of one and another of them be glad when we are call'd upon to go up unto the House of the Lord. And indeed such a Savour of the Holy Ordinances should be the Blessing which we should seek after. Psal. 27.4. One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after, that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to enquire in his Temple.


Communion with GOD.

1. THrice Holy, Bless'd, Immortal Dove!
Spirit of Grace, and God of Love!
Cleave the high radiant Firmament,
And make thy promis'd swift Descent.
2. Fill every humble Soul with Grace,
Each contrite heart with Light & Peace:
Thy Power the Sinking Mind can raise
To unknown Joyes, & rapt'rous Praise.
3. Draw us, we'll run with strong Desire:
Life, light & love at once Inspire;
Brighten & warm us from Above,
Our Heads with light, our Hearts with love.
4. Teach us to Meditate and Pray,
Both how to Speak and what to say!
And while we Muse, or while we Speak,
Let Heav'nly light upon us break.
5. Thy blessed Earnest to us give,
Seal us, and let us know we live:
To us our Saviours Love reveal,
And let our Pardon pass thy Seal.
6. Then shall we spend our happy Dayes,
And brighter Nights, in chearful Praise:
Celestial Hymns we'll daily bring,
Such as the Heav'nly Chorus Sing.

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