
Invitations TO THE Gospel FEAST, OR, Free Offers of Salvation Through CHRIST. Eleven SERMONS, from Luke XIV. 16. — 24.

By Benj. Wadsworth, A.M. Pastor of a Church of Christ in Boston. N.E.

Prov. 9.1, 2, 4, 5, 6.

Wisdom hath builded her house — She hath killed her beasts, she hath mingled her wine: She hath also furnished her table — whoso is simple, let him turn in hither — Come eat of my bread, and drink of the wine which I have min­gled. Forsake the foolish and live, and go in the way of Understanding.

BOSTON: Printed by B. Green, for Benj. Eliot at his Shop on the North side of King's-Street. 1715.

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VERY Wonderful and Asto­nishing is the Divine Love and Gra [...]e, in the Redemption of Sinners thro' Jesus Christ. This Subject, justly calls for our highest Meditation & Admiration: we should so contemplate on it, as heartily to com­ply with it's Invitations in the Gospel. To move & quicken Sinners here-unto, is what's mainly aim'd at in the following Sermons. I hope every one who seriously Reads them, will (by Gods blessing) be clearly convinc'd, that Christ is fully able and willing to Save all Sorts of Sinners, that will Submit to Him on Gospel Termes. It's the Wisdom and Interest of all so to Submit, and Inexcu­sable folly and wickedness in any to refuse. I have Indeavour'd to answer several Ob­jections, which Sinners are apt to make a­gainst [Page ii] coming to Christ: they'll surely be Self-condemn'd if they refuse Him. And how shall any escape if they neglect so great Salvation! Here are offers of Salvation to Men and Women, to those of Various Nations, to Old and Young, High and Low, Rich and Poor, Bond and Free. I have here treated on sundry Subjects, I hope none Unprofitable to a diligent Reader. The Preaching of these Sermons, I hope was not fruitless; a number of the Hearers Spee­dily desired the Printing of them, and readily Subscrib'd to the doing it: I wish their Souls may be abundantly Profitted, by what they desir'd should be thus made Publick, the same I wish to the Souls of all that Heard them or may Read them. 'Tis my earnest desire, that my Poor Indeavours may be In­strumental to promote the Glory of Christ, and the goods of Souls; that these Ser­mons, and whatever else I have Printed, may be so, is what I Pray to God for, and hope I shall do so as long as I Live.

Benjamin Wadsworth.
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INVITATIONS to the Gospel Feast: OR, Free Offers of Salvation thro', CHRIST.


LUKE XIV. 16, 17.

Then said he unto him, A certain man made a great supper, and bade many:

And sent his servant at supper time, to say to them that were bidden, Come, for all things are now ready.

THESE Words here spoken by our Blessed Redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ, are the be­ginning of a Parable. For we have much the same Discourse as to the Scope and Substance of it (tho' differing in sun­dry [Page 2] Particulars) Mat. 22.2. v. &c. and there 'tis call'd a Parable. v. 1. Jesus answered and spake unto them again by Parables. The Para­ble which our Text is the beginning of, is of a Great Man (there call'd Lord, v. 21, 22. and King, Mat. 22.2.) making a great Supper, a great Feast, and by his Servants Inviting many Guests; the first that were Invited made Ex­cuses and would not come, v. 18. — 20. Here­upon, that Lord, whose kindness was thus des­pised, was Angry, and resolv'd that the despisers of his offered kindness, should not taste of his Supper; and so order'd his Servants to go into the Streets and Lanes, and to Invite others to the Feast, even the Poor, Maimed, Halt and Blind, and those also who were in the High wayes and Hedges, yea to Compell them to come in, that his House might be filled. It's very probably thought, that in this Parable one thing mainly intended by our Saviour was, to set forth the Rejection of the Jews for their refusing of Gospel Offers & Invitations, and the Calling in of the Gentiles. However, by a Man (a Lord, or King) here making a Feast and bidding many to it, we may understand God and Christ sending forth Ministers to Invite Sinners to believe in Christ, to accept the Benefits Offer'd in the Gospel; many refuse these Offers, they wont accept the Gospel-Blessings they're Invited to, such shall not taste of the Feast, they shall perish for ever. But tho' some thus refuse Gospel-Offers, God will make them to others, and would have his Servants, Ministers Compell them to come in, that is, be very urgent with them to accept the Benefits Offer'd in the Gospel. It [Page 3] seems our Saviour when He spake this Parable about a Feast, was then Himself at a Feast, v. 1. He went into the House of one of the chief Phari­sees to eat Bread on the Sabbath-Day. It's likely this was something more than an ordinary Meal, even a considerable Feast or Entertainment, where many Guests were, because 'tis said, v. 7. He marked how they chose out the chief Rooms; and thence caution'd them that when they were bidden to a Wedding, not proudly to seek for chief Places. When our Lord was thus at a Feast, He took occasion to Spiritualize the pre­sent Affair, to set forth Spiritual things under the Notion or Similitude of a Feast. So when He had Miraculously Fed many with a few Loaves, He took occasion to speak of the Meat that en­dures to Everlasting Life, Joh. 6.27. When He ask'd the Woman of Samaria for some Water to drink, He took occasion to speak about Living-Water — springing up unto Everlasting Life, Joh. 4.10, 14. From our Saviour's Practice herein, we should be quicken'd to Spiritualize the Mat­ters that occur, the Affairs before us; thence taking occasion to speak those things which may be of Spiritual use and advantage. Provi­dence gives us many fair Handles (or Oppor­tunities) for this, if we had but Wisdom and Grace to Improve them. If we were prudent and careful in this matter, we might frequent­ly and easily do much Good, without any more Cost or Labour than that of a few Words. Our Text, with the remaining part of the Para­ble, seem to be Introduc'd by way of Reply, to what was said by one at Meat with our Savi­our. Our Lord advis'd the Man who gave Him [Page 4] an Invitation to Eat, when he made an Enter­tainment, to Invite the Poor and Indigent who were not likely to Invite him again, nor make him any requital; if with a right Spirit he did thus, he should be Recompens'd at the Resur­rection of the Just, v. 12. — 14. Hereupon, one that sat at Meat and heard these things, said, Blessed is he that shall eat Bread in the Kingdom of God. To this saying, our Text is subjoined and annexed, Then said he unto him, that is, then spake Christ to him that had uttered those words (tho' in the hearing also of the rest) A certain Man made a great Supper, and bade many, &c. This Great Man Inviting many to a great Supper (or sumptuous Feast) may signifie (as was hinted before) God's Inviting Sinners to ac­cept Spiritual, Saving Benefits Offered to them in the Gospel. From the Words therefore we may observe this,

DOCTRINE. GOD'S Inviting Sinners to accept of Spiritual, Saving Benefits Offered in the Gospel; may be compared to a great Man's Inviting many Per­sons to a Sumptuous Feast.

Here I shall indeavour to set forth some Pa­rallel, or shew in some General Heads; where­in God's Offering Spiritual Saving Benefits to Sinners in the Gospel, may be compar'd to a great Man's Inviting many to a Sumptuous Feast.

1. Various Sorts of Persons, are commonly Invited to a Great and Sumptuous Feast. To such a Feast, [Page 5] it's common to Invite Persons of each Sex, Men and Women: Persons of different Age, some Younger some Older ones: Persons of diffe­rent Rank or Quality, some of an Higher and some of a Lower Station. So where the Gospel is Preached, God Offers Spiritual Saving Be­nefits to various Sorts of Persons, even to all Sorts be they who they will that sit under such Preaching: none are exempted or excluded. Col. 3.11. There is neither Greek nor Jew, Bar­barian, Scythian, Bond or Free, but Christ is all and in all. Gal. 3.28. Three is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither Bond nor Free, there is neither Male nor Female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. All these various Sorts of Persons are equally welcome to Christ, shall be equally Benefitted by Him as to all Saving Blessings; if they'l heartily accept of Him as Offered in the Gos­pel. I may therefore say, that Spiritual Saving Benefits are Offered to all Sorts of Persons, where the Gospel is plainly and Faithfully Preached. And to mention some particular Heads, I may say, such Benefits are offered,

1. Both to Men and Women. There's no diffe­rence between Male and Female, as to this mat­ter: both, as proceeding from Fallen Apostate Adam, are shapen in Iniquity and conceiv'd in Sin; a Seed of Evil doers, Children of Wrath by Nature. They're by Nature equally Sinful and Guilty, Heirs of Wrath, Obnoxious to Hell and Damnation. They equally need Christ, that on­ly Saviour of Sinners; and he Dy'd to Save those of each Sex. Act. 5.14. And of Belie­vers were the more added to the Lord, Multitudes both of Men and Women. Both Men and Women [Page 6] Believed and were Baptized, Act. 8.12. Those of each Sex, shall be equally welcome to Christ, if they'l come. Joh. 3.16. Whosoever believeth in him, shall not perish but have Everlasting Life. Tho' according to the different Usages and Customs of different Nations and Countreys, Men and Women are not equally capable of like Digni­ties and Priviledges among Men; yet as to better Dignities and Priviledges than any which Men can confer, even those that are Spiritual and Saving, there's no difference between them. Male and Female, one as well as the other are equally Invited to accept of Christ and Salva­tion thro' Him, and if they'l accept them on Gospel Terms they shall be equally welcome to them.

2. To Persons of various Nations. The Israeli­tish Nation were once God's peculiar People, distinguish'd by having the Divine Oracles com­mitted to them, while God dealt not so with every Nation. Psal. 147.19, 20. with Rom. 3.2. The Common Wealth of Israel had the Cove­nants of Promise, while others had not, Eph. 2.12. They had the Way of Life thro' the Promised Messiah made known to them, Salvation is of the Jews, Joh. 4.22. Thus they were Priviledg'd with these Revelations of God's Will, while o­ther Nations (generally speaking) knew but little or almost nothing of these things. And hence we find, all Mankind sometimes distin­guish'd or distributed into Jews and Gentiles. Rom. 3.29. Is he the God of the Jews only? Is he not also of the Gentiles? Yea of the Gentiles also. But now, that distinction which there once was between Jew and Gentile, as to the Covenant [Page 7] Priviledges, or nearness to God, is removed; The middle wall of Partition is broken down, Eph. 2.14. If an Israelite, and one of another Nation, heartily receive Christ; they shall be equally welcome to Him and Benefitted by Him. In this case, there's no difference between Jew and Gentile; for all have Sinned and come short of the Glory of God — It is one God which shall Justifie the Circumsicion by Faith, and the Uncircumsion thro' Faith, Rom. 3.22, 23, 30. Tho' while our Sa­viour dwelt in Flesh here on Earth, He Limi­ted the Commission of His Apostles as to their Preaching, Mat. 10.5, 6. Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any City of the Samaritanes enter ye not; but go rather to the lost Sheep of the house of Israel; Yet after His Resurrection from the Dead, He Inlarg'd their Commission saying, Mat. 28.19. Go teach (or Disciple, as the word signifies) all Nations Baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, &c. Christ has broken down (as was hinted before) the Wall of Partition between Jews and Gentiles. He's a Light to the Gentiles, as well as the Glory of his people Israel. Luk. 2.32. Wherever the Gospel comes, he now Commands all men every where to repent, Act. 17.30. And indeed, In every Nation he that fears God and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him, Act. 10.35. Therefore let Persons be of what Na­tion soever, of what Colour soever, whether White or Black; yet where the Gospel comes, it Invites them all to accept of Christ and Sal­vation thro' Him. Indians, Negroes, the blackest Ethiopians as well as any others, are equally welcome to Christ if they'l accept Him on Gos­pel [Page 8] termes. None shall be Pardoned on Earth or made happy in Heaven, meerly for their be­ing of this or that Nation, of this or that co­lour White or Black; nor shall any be rejected on any such accounts as these, Persons of all Nations whatsover, equally need Saving be­nefits by Christ; and shall be equally well­come to them and vested in them, if they will accept them as offer'd in the Gospel. Again, Saving benefits are offered,

3. Both to Persons Old and Young.

1. Old Sinners need a Saviour. And not­withstanding they have liv'd long in Wicked­ness, yet if they'll heartily Submit to Christ they shall be Saved. God extends His Pati­ence and Forbearance to some Sinners, a ve­ry great while indeed: They're Suffer'd to live Long tho' they live Wickedly. Wherefore do the Wicked live, become Old? &c. Job. 21.7. Tho' a Sinner do evil an hundred times, and his Days be prolonged, &c. Eccl. 8.12, 13. A Per­son's living to be Old, is no sure Sign that God is at Peace with him. Isai. 65.20. — The Sinner being an hundred Years Old shall be Accur­sed. If Persons are never so Old, yet if Unbe­lieving; then the Wrath of God abideth on them, Joh. 3.36. Yet if even such Old Sinners, who have spent their Youth, Health, Strength, all their many past Years in the Service of Sin and Satan, Provoking of God and Injuring of their own Souls; I say, if such will Sincerely Re­pent of Sin and Accept of Christ as Offer'd in the Gospel, they sha [...]l certainly be Pardon'd and Sav'd for ever. It's a Faithful Saying wor­thy [Page 9] of all Acception, that Christ came to save Sin­ners, even the Chief of them, 1 Tim. 1.15. Christ is able to Save to the Uttermost those that come to God by Him, Heb. 7.25. But is he Willing too? Yes Indeed, for He says, Joh. 6.37. Him that cometh unto me, I will in no wise cast out. Here's wondrous Grace indeed, that even the Worst, Oldest, Vilest Sinners, the Chief of them, if they'll Heartily come to Christ shall be Freely and Fully Saved by Him. If then there be any Old Unconverted Sinners in this Congregation, that have spent all their past time in Neglect and Contempt of God; if there be any such here, hearken to what I say, Full, Compleat Salvation thro' Jesus Christ is now once more Freely Offered to you. If you Old Sinners, Great Transgressors, who have so long Despis'd the Riches of God's Goodness, Forbearance, and Long-Suffering; will now once at last Sin­cerely Turn from your Sins to God in Christ Jesus, you shall then be Welcome to Christ, and be Saved by Him for ever. Oh, Admire at this Amazing Grace and Patience of God! Accept the Invitation, Defer no longer. Your Time on Earth can't be long, your Days must needs be near their End; you'll have but very few if any more Offers of the Gos­pel, your Old Age will soon be ended. Therefore to Day, after so long a Time as it is said to Day, if ye will hear his Voice, harden not your Hearts, Heb. 4.7. You that are Old Sin­ners, pray Consider these Things, they are for your Life, for the Life of your Souls: There­fore mind them most Seriously, before the Things of your Peace be Eternally hidden [Page 10] from your Eyes. And as Spiritual Saving Benefits are thus Offered to Old Sinners, so they are,

2. To Young Sinners also. Young as well as Old Sinners need a Christ, are Invited to Him, and should come to Him. According to the Laws and Customs of some Places, Persons must be of such or such an Age, so Old, be­fore they can Claim these or those Privi­leges; or in their own Persons Enter on and Possess their Estates. Gal. 4.1, 2. The Heir, as long as he is a Child, differeth nothing from a Servant, tho' he be Lord of all: but is under Tutors & Governours, until the Time appointed of the Father. But now, as to the best and greatest Privi­ledges and Benefits, even Saving Benefits; Per­sons as soon as capable of making a Rational Deliberate Choice (tho' never so Young) are Invited to Accept of them. Young Persons, yea Children are call'd upon to Believe in Christ, Fear God, Walk in the one only Way that leads to Life. Psal. 34.11. Come ye Chil­dren unto me, I will teach you the Fear of the Lord. Eccl. 12.1. Remember now thy Creator in the Days of thy Youth. Both Young Men and Maidens, Old Men and Children, let them Praise the Name of the Lord, Psal. 148.12, 13. Little Children should know the Father, 1 Joh. 2.13. It's evident therefore, that Young Persons, even Children are call'd upon to be Seriously and Practically Godly; which they can't be un­less they Accept of Christ by Faith; and if they so Accept Him they shall be Saved. Hearken then you Young Men, Young Women, Boys and Girls, you Children that are capable of [Page 11] Serious Consideration, and of making a Ra­tional Deliberate Choice (do you Hearken to what I say) the Great GOD your Maker, Lawgiver and Judge calls on you, Invites and Commands you (even every one of you) to repent of Sin and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. The Great God Invites you Young Ones, to come unto Christ for Life. He now Offers to be at Peace with you, Reconcil'd to you, to Par­don all your Sins if you'l accept of His Son Christ Jesus on Gospel Terms. He Invites you to accept the best of Blessings and Benefits, that possibly can be. He Offers to you Par­don of Sin, Grace, Glory, Durable Riches, Treasures which Moth can't corrupt, nor Thieves take away; an Everlasting Crown, Kingdom, Inheritance. Oh accept these Offers by submitting to Christ, refuse them not by neglecting Him. Young Persons are often con­cern'd about Setting up for themselves, about a good Settlement, about some Way or Business by which they may live comfortably. And would you indeed have some way, course or Method prescrib'd, that would be truly good, useful, profitable to you? Then I'l direct you to a good way, a right, useful, profitable way, the best way that can be; you'l find it so if you'l take it; 'tis this, heartily Imbrace Christ Je­sus as Offered in the Gospel. Take Him for your Prophet, to teach you by His Word and Spirit: for your Priest to reconcile you to God, and to render your Person and all your Sin­cere Performances acceptable to Him: for your King, to rule in and over you, defend, pro­tect and save you, from all your Spiritual Ene­mies. [Page 12] Thus submit to the Lord Jesus, and then you shall thrive and prosper after the best manner that can be. God who is Infinitely Wise, Powerful, Gracious, Faithful will be your God, Friend, Father, Portion, and will make all things work together for your good, Rom. 8.28. God will be to you a Sun and Shield, will give you Grace and Glory, and withhold no good thing from you, Psal. 84.11. Godliness hath the Promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come, 1 Tim. 4.8. Oh Young Ones, be thus wise for your selves. Be hearty and speedy, in chusing and accepting these Precious Offers made unto you. Most speedily and heartily re­pent of all your Sins, and Imbrace Christ Je­sus on Gospel Terms. Dont think 'twill be time enough to turn from Sin to God in Christ Jesus,

1. When you're grown Old. You dont know that you shall live to be Old, nor that you shall live a day longer. Boast not thy self of to morrow, thou knowest not what a day shall bring forth, Prov. 27.1. Your Life is a vapour that appears for a little while, and then vanishes away, Jam. 4.14. You that are Young, can't but know that you are Mortal. Can't you remem­ber that such and such much about your Age, yea many younger than you, have been snatch'd away by Death? You have no Assurance of your Lives, for one Month, Week or Day lon­ger. Again, don't defer the concerns of your Spiritual Welfare,

2. Till Sickness comes. Some are vainly apt to think, twill be time enough to Repent of Sin and believe in Christ, when they come to lye [Page 13] upon a Sick Bed. But tis unspeakable Folly & Wickedness, thus to defer present Duty. When Persons are Sick, they've commonly enough to do to grapple with their Illness and Pain; how do they turn, heave and throw to get a little rest and ease, and yet can't get it? They are scarce capable, of any serious deliberate Thoughts or Consideration. Yea they're often out of their Senses (as we call it) depriv'd of the use of Reason. It's unutterable Madness and Wickedness, to defer the concerns of Eter­nity till such a Distressed, Distracted Condition as Sickness often occasions. But besides all this, you know not that ever you shall be Sick; ma­ny Young Ones as well as others are taken out of the World, by some sudden Fall, Blow or some surprizing unthought of Accident or other, and you don't know but you may thus die, and be removed from Time into Eternity in a Mo­ment. And will you defer the concerns of your Everlasting welfare to such uncertainties as these are? Dont defer,

3. Till you have accomplished such and such world­ly Affairs which you have in view. Some are apt to think, Young Ones especially, that when they come to be Setled in the World, when they're got through such or such a difficult matter that is before them, when they are come into some good Way or Method of Business; then they shall have more time and leisure to mind their Souls, and then they'l mind them in good ear­nest: but dont be so Foolish, Mad and Wicked as to defer on any such accounts as these.


1. Your Souls▪ are of more Worth and Value, [Page 14] than any other things you can be concern'd about. Things of greatest Weight and Worth, should be Firstly and Chiefly minded, Mat. 6.33. Seek First the Kingdom of God and His Righteous­ness. What shall it Profit a Man, if he should gain the whole World & lose his own soul? Or what shall a man gave in exchange for his soul? Mat. 16.20. If we suppose a Man to gain this whole World, and to lose his Soul while he's Busied in doing it: he would indeed be a most Mise­rable Loser. The Welfare of the Soul is of more Weight, Worth, Value than all the Wealth Honours, Pleasures which this World can possibly afford. Surely then, you should mind your Souls Firstly, Christly; and other Things afterwards, or only in Subordination to God's Glory and your Spiritual Welfare. If by some grievous Fall, you should tear your Cloaths to Pieces, and Grievously tear your Flesh also, and break your Bones; doubtless in such a Case you would be more concern'd to Heal your Wounds than to Mend your Cloaths. Why? Why because the Body is of more Worth than the Cloaths, the latter being only for the Ser­vice and Benefit of the former. So your Souls being of Greatest Worth, you should be more concern'd for their Welfare, than for any or all Outward Affairs whatsoever: All other Things are but empty Bubbles and Trifles compar'd with your Souls. Consider,

2. You dont know that you shall ever attain to that Seiled Compos'd Condition in the World, which you aim at. You propose the minding of your Souls in Good Earnest, after you are Set­led in the World, got thro' these and those [Page 15] Difficulties, got into some Good Way or Me­thod of Business, &c. But Alas, you dont know that you shall ever obtain what you thus propose to your selves. Early Death may soon put an End to all those Proposals, which in your Mind you Frame to your selves. Some have been taken away by Death, in the midst of great Hurries of Business; some just as they were entring into such Business; some just as they were about Setling, or a little before In­tended Marriage; some presently after Marriage. The Worldly Settlement which many have proposed to themselves, has been prevented by their Settlement in the Grave. You dont know but it may be thus with you, & then what becomes of your Precious Immortal Souls, whose Welfare you purposely Deferred till after such Settlement as you never obtain? I believe there are vast Multitudes now in Hell, who once as really Thought and Designed as you do, to mind their Souls after such and such Worldly Matters were Accomplished; but Death Snatched them away before ever they had that Time and Leisure they promised to themselves. Therefore, Oh Young Persons, let no Conside­ration whatever make you Defer minding of God and your Souls; let nothing make you neglect the Great and Rich Offers made to you in the Gospel. Oh you Young Persons, I am greatly Concern'd for your Precious Souls; therefore I Beseech you hearken to the Coun­sels of God for your Good: Most carefully a­void, what might hinder your Speedy, Hear­ty Compliance with them. Dont allow your selves in any known. Sin of Omission or Com­mission; [Page 16] Sins against Knowledge terribly Blind the Mind. Harden the Heart, Grieve and Pro­voke the Holy Spirit of God. Dont Indulge your selves in any Wicked Words. Evil communi­cation corrupt good manners, 1 Cor. 15.33. Most carefully avoid Bad Company. Prov. 13.20. A Companion of Fools shall be destroyed. Dont In­dulge Idleness, tis the Devils School, the Inlet to numberless dangerous Temptations. Dont In­dulge Pride and Self-Conceit, twill render you hateful to God. God hates a Proud Look, Prov. 6.16, 17. As you should Watch against these (and [...]ndeed against all known) evils; So on the other hand be advised,

1. To maintain a constant course of seriously, di­ligentl [...] reading the Holy Scriptures. They are Able to make wise to Salvation, thro Faith in Christ Jesus; twas Timothy [...]s Commendation, that from a Christ he knew them, 2 Tim. 3.15. Be as much like Timothy in this, as ever you can. Make Gods Word, the Man of your Counsel, the Lamp of your Feet, and Light of your Paths: meditate on it Day and Night: hide it in your hearts that you may not Sin against Him, Psal. 119.9. Wherewith shall a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed thereto according to thy word.

2. D [...]l [...]gently attend on the Word Preached. Isai. 55.3. — Hear and your souls shall live —. Prea­ching of the Gospel — is (Instrumentally) the Power of God unto Salvation, Rom. 1.15, 16. The word Preached, when seriously attended on and accompanied with Gods efficacious blessing, begets Souls to Jesus Christ. Begotten by the [Page 17] Word of truth, Jam. 1.18. I have begotten you by the Gospel, 1 Cor. 4.15. Therefore diligent­ly attend on the Preaching of the Gospel.

3. Be Submissive to Family Order and Govern­ment. When Persons are Proud, Stubborn, Disobedient to Family Rulers, as Parents or Masters; they then rebel against God, highly Provoke Him, often expose themselves to shame and misery in this Life, and sometimes to an Untimely Judicial Death. Therefore as you regard Gods favour, your Temporal and Eter­nal Welfare, submit to Family Order and Go­vernment, dont be disobedient to Parents, Masters, Mistresses. Children, obey your Parents in all things — Servants, obey in all things your Masters according to the Flesh, Col. 3.20, 22. Cursed be he that setteth light by Father or Mother, and all the People shall say, Amen, Deut. 27.16.

4. Remember your Baptismal Covenant. Those of you that have been Baptized, have been solemnly given up in Covenant to God, con­secrated and dedicated to His holy Service: you're under Covenant Obligations heartily to Repent of Sin, believe in Christ, and lead lives of new and holy Obedience. Remember these bonds of God upon you, for your Incourage­ment and Quickening to duty. Gal. 3.27. For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ, have put on Christ.

5. Dont Resist the Stirrings and Motions of Gods Holy Spirit. Doubtless you Young Ones in your Tender Years, have many Awakenings, [Page 18] Convictions, Motions of the Spirit of God in you; Oh dont Stifle, Quench or Resist them. Dont Rebel and Vex the Holy Spirit, as they, Isa. 63.10. Dont Resist the Holy Ghost, as they, Act. 7.51. Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, Eph. 4.30. Dont Resist and Grieve the Holy Spi­rit, left God say, as Gen. 6.3. My Spirit shall not always strive with Man. Lest God give you up to your own Hearts Lusts to walk in your own Counsels, Psal. 81.11, 12. Never Indulge any known Sin, any thing that you know is Grie­vous to the Spirit of God; maintain a great Tenderness of Conscience.

6. Meditate much on Death, Judgment, Eter­nity. These are great Certainties and Realities, Meditate much on them, to Awe you from Sinning, and Quicken you to Repentance, Faith and Practical Godliness.

7. Meditate much on the Emptiness, Vanity, Uncertainty of Outward Temporary Enjoyments. Man in honour, abideth not, Riches cannot profit in the day of Wrath. The pleasures of Sin are but for a season, and they have the sting of Death in them too. Be not deceived and befooled with such Vanities.

8. Be earnest and constant in Secret Prayer. Mat. 6.6. Enter into thy Closet, and when thou hast shut thy door Pray to thy Father which seeth in Secret. Pray for converting Grace, that God would draw you to His Son Christ Jesus. Our Lord says: Joh. 6.44. No man can come unto me, except the Father which hath sent me, draw him. Faith is Gods gift, Eph. 2.8. Pray for Pardon of Sin thro' the Merits of Christ. Psal. 79.9. [Page 19] Purge away our sins for thy name sake. Pray for Grace to walk with God. Psal. 119.133. Order my steps in thy word, and let not any Ini­quity have dominion over me.

I have now been much longer in Speaking to you Young Persons, than I thought to be when I began my Meditations on this head; but I dont repent it, twill he time well spent if you heartily submit to these counsels of God. I'll now recommend to your serious consideration, the words of David to his Son Solomon: 1 Chron. 28.9. And thou Solomon my son, know thou the God of thy Father, and serve him with a perfect heart and with a willing mind: for the Lord searcheth all hearts, and understandeth all the imaginations of the thoughts: if thou seek him, he will be found of thee: but if thou forsake him he will cast thee off for ever.


TO proceed, I am yet upon this General Head, viz. That Spiritual Saving Bles­sings in the Gospel, are Offered to various Sorts of Persons; as they are Offered to Male and Female, to Persons of various Nations (all Nations where the Gospel comes) to Old and Young, so they are Offered,

4. To Persons High and Low: To those Incircled [Page 20] with Honour, and those Cloathed with Contempt. Some Persons are Much, and others Little Esteemed or Honoured in the World. Men are Distinguished into High and Low, Psal. 62.9. Surely Men of low Degree are Vanity, and Men of high Degree a Lie. Well, both High and Low are Invited to accept of Saving Benefits in the Gospel. Psal. 49.1, — 3. Hear this all ye People, give ear, all ye Inhabitants of the World: both Low and High, Rich and Poor together; my Month shall speak of Wisdom. The Counsels of Wisdom are given to High and Low: They are Invited to Walk in Wisdoms Ways. Those loaded with Honours among Men, have but a Flashy, Empty Enjoyment of it; yet such Honours (and love to them) keeps some from accepting Gospel Offers. They love the Praise of Men more than the Praise of God, Joh. 12.43. How can ye Believe, who receive Honour one from another, and seek not that Honour which cometh from God only? Joh. 5.44. But Misera­ble will be the Case of those, who for the sake of Worldly Honours Reject Gospel Invitati­ons. If they now pass for Gods, yet they shall Dye like Men; and hereafter come forth (of their Graves) to Shame and Everlasting Con­tempt, Dan. 12.2. God Invites them to True Honours. Those who Honour him, he will Ho­nour, 1 Sam. 30. Our Lord said, Joh. 12.26. If any Man serve me, him will my Father Honour. Tho' some who are highly Esteemed and Ho­noured in the World, Reject these Invitati­ons, yet all of them dont. 1 Cor. 1.26. Ye see your Calling Brethren, how that not many Wise Men after the Flesh, not many Mighty, not many [Page 21] Noble are Called. When tis said, not many such are Called, it implies that some such are And so we find when Paul Preached at Berea, many of them Believed, also of Honourable Women which were Greeks, and of Men not a few, Act. 17.12. Thus, some who are esteemed Honourable among Men, do more abundantly Honour themselves in accepting the Offers of the Gospel. Where-ever the Gospel comes, the Saving Benefits of it are Offered to the High, to those most Esteem­ed in the World; and they are also Offered to the Low, to those never so meanly Esteemed or greatly Despised. Not only those in the Streets and Lanes of the City, but also those mean Per­sons, who had their abode in High Ways and Hedges (no House to dwell in) were Invited to the Feast, Luk. 14.21, 23. Those who are most Overlooked, Despised, Contemned among Men, (I say, those as well as any others where the Gospel comes) are Invited to accept of Spiritual Saving Benefits thro' Jesus Christ. If any of you are meanly esteem'd or greatly des­pis'd by Men, yet God wont over-look or re­ject you on that account. If Men count you the basest abjects, the filth and off-scouring of all things; yet God offers great honours, dig­nities, benefits to you: He bids you believe in Christ, and if you heartily do so, then he'll pardon your Sins, make you his Adopted Chil­dren, this is a great honour. If you'll receive Christ on Gospel-termes, then you shall be his Brethren. Heb. 2.11. He is not ashamed to call them Brethren. You shall be the Temples of the Holy Spirit. The holy Angels, those bright Courtiers of the heavenly World who wait a­round [Page 22] Gods Throne, shall be your Guardians. They are Ministring Spirits, sent forth to Minister to the Heirs of Salvation, Heb. 1.14. They en­camp round about them that fear God, to deliver them, Psal. 34.7. GOD Himself will honour you, love you, number you among his Special Friends and Favourites, count you as his Jew­els, tender you as the Apple of his Eye; he'll make you his Heirs. Rom. 8.17. Heirs of God, and joynt Heirs with Jesus Christ. He will here­after bestow on you, not small honours but great ones, even a Kingdom, a Crown of Glory that never fades away: a far more exceeding and an Eternal Weight of Glory: an Inheritance Incorruptible, Undefiled, that fadeth not away, re­served in the Heavens for you. Thus (and much above what can be particularly expres­sed) shall all those be honoured, that heartily Imbrace Christ Jesus on Gospel termes. The most precious Gospel offers, are made both to High and Low.

Again, those precious offers are made,

5. Both to the Rich and to the Poor. Men are often distinguish'd from one another, by their different condition as to Out-ward Possessions. Some have much of the World, they're fill'd with Plenty, they Increase in Wealth, they have more than heart can wish; while others are very Poor, empty-handed, in strait circum­stances, scarce having any thing before hand. According to Persons different circumstances on these accounts, they're often differently esteem'd and treated among Men. Prov. 14.20. The Poor is hated even of his own Neighbour, but the [Page 23] Rich hath many friends. But these different cir­cumstances of Wealth and Poverty, dont exclude any from the Offers and Invitations of the Gospel. As for those Rich in the World, they need a Christ as much as any: their Riches can't Save their Souls, can't Profit them in the Day of Wrath: they can't be Redeem'd with Corruptible things, such as Silver and Gold. (Nothing but the Precious Blood of Christ can Redeem them) they'll be Miserably of it for Ever, Damn'd Eternally in the Unquenchible Flames of Hell, notwithstanding all their Riches, if they Die destitute of true Faith in Christ Jesus. But the true Riches are Offered even to such, even Durable Riches & Righteous­ness. The Great GOD, commands all the Great and Rich under the Gospel, to Believe in Christ, and if they do so He'll cause them to Inherit Substance: they shall be Rich in Faith and Heirs of the Kingdom. You that are Prosper'd by Providence, and are Possess'd of Outward Plenty; Oh dont think that you have enough, that you have a Satisfying Por­tion in these things, dont trust in them nor be proud of them. Miserable will your Case be, if you should have no other Portion but. Worldly Wealth. Your Riches are uncertain, you must part with them at Death if not be­fore; and when GOD takes away your Souls, than whose shall those things be which you have Provided. How Doleful and Dreadful will it be, to go from Rich, Prosperous, Flou­rishing Circumstances in the World, into a Burning Hell for Ever? To be turn'd out of your Fine, well Finish'd, well Furnish'd Houses; [Page 24] your Bodies into the Rotting Grave, and your Souls into Outer Darkness, even the Prison, the Dungeon of Hell? No heart can concieve the [...]orr [...]r of this change. You therefore that have Plenty of the World, Oh Hear and Obey the Calls of GOD. Lay not up for your selves T [...]easu [...]es on Earth, where Moth and Rust doth cor­rupt, and where Thieves break thro' and Steal: but lay up for your selves Treasures in Heaven, where nei­ther M [...]th [...]or Rust doth corrupt, and where Thieves do not break thro' nor Steal, Mat. 6.19, 20. Be not high minded, nor trust in uncertain Riches, but in the Living GOD, who giveth us all things richly to [...]njoy. Do Good, be Rich in Good Works, ready to Distribute, willing to Communicate, laying up in Store for your selves a good Foundation against the time to come, that ye may lay hold on Eternal Life, 1 Tim. 6.17 — 19. Behold, this is GOD's express Call and Invitation, to you that are Rich in this World.


Unto the Poor also, are Spiritual Saving be­nefits offered; even the best and truest Riches. Mat. 11.5. Unto the Poor is the Gospel Preached. No Man's Outward Poverty, shall ever keep him from heavenly Treasures. Tho' a Person is not worth one [...]arthing in the World, he's yet In [...]ed to Accept that which is more worth [...]an the whole World. He's Invited to Ac­cept that, which cannot be gotten for Gold, neither [...] [...]ilver be weighed for the price thereof. It cannot be valued with the Gold of Ophir, with the p [...]ec [...]us Onya, or the Saphir. The Gold and the Chrystal cannot equal it: and the exchange of it [...] [...]ot be for Jewels of fine Gold, Job 28, 15 — 18. [Page 25] Tis Wisdom, tis the true Fear of the Lord that is thus Precious, v. 28. New the Poorest as well as Others, are commanded to Fear God, to Depart from Evil, this is true Wisdom. The Wretched, Mi­serable, Poor, Blind and Naked; are Invited to buy Gold tried in the fire that they may be Rich, and white Raiment that the shame of their Nakedness may not appear, Rev. 3.18. This fine Gold tried in the fire, this white Raiment, signifie Spiritual Sa­ving blessings. Well, but how shall the Poor buy them, those who have nothing to give, no price to offer or lay down? Why they're Invited to Buy without Money and without Price, Isai. 55.1. They're Invited to Accept Salvation freely of­fered thro' Christ, tho' they have nothing to offer as a price for it, tho' they are utterly un­worthy of it. They should indeed see them­selves filthy, guilty, unworthy, perishing Sin­ners; and as Self-condemned, Self-loathing and abhoring for Sin, they should come to Christ, trusting wholly & only in his Me­ritorious Righteousness for Justification before God. This is the Call and Command of God in the Gospel to them. This Invitation from the Great GOD, is made to the Meanest and Poor­est wherever the Gospel comes, as well as to the Rich. You that are Poor, that complain the Times are Hard & you scarce know how to live; behold the Great GOD calls to you, even to you, and offers to you the best Riches & Trea­sures that can be: He offers CHRIST, and all Saving benefits, even Unsearchable Riches in and with Him. Are you Poor, have you no House of your Own, nor any thing to buy one with? Why the Great GOD offers you an House not [Page 26] made with Hands, eternal in the Heavens, whose Maker and Builder is God. Have you scarce Cloths to cover you, are you unable to buy any? God offers to you white Raiment, that the shame of your Nakedness may not appear. Are you Poor, not able to lay up a Stock or Store of Pro­vision, scarce able to buy a Meals Meat? Why the Great GOD offers you that Meat that en­dures to Eternal Life. We Read of, the Poor in this World, rich in Faith and Heirs of the Kingdom, Jam. 2.5. Notwithstanding all your Outward Poverty, God Offers you that which is better than all the Wealth of the World. He bids you heartily to believe in Christ, to receive Him as Prince and Saviour; if you do it, your Faith will Inrich you, and make you Heirs of the Kingdom of Glory. Such Faith is more precious than Gold that perisheth, tho' it be tried in the Fire, 1 Pet. 1.7. You that are Poor in this World, hearken to these Offers of God. You have not wherewith to Buy and Sell, to Trade and In­crease in Worldly Goods as others can; but if tis not your own Fault, you may grow Rich in Heavenly Treasures, God freely Offers them to you: Oh accept them on His Terms. How Woful would your case be, if you should neg­lect them? To Live a Poor, Indigent Distressed Life in this World; and to be Eternally Poor, Wretched, Miserable, Damned in that which is to come, no Tongue can express the horror of this. Be Exhorted therefore to mind your best Interest, to secure Heavenly Treasures while you may. No doubt but if one should say to a Poor Person,

Come Friend, I'll advise you how you may Gain, [Page 27] Thrive, grow Rich in the World; I say, no doubt but the Poor Person would diligently and reality hearken to what should be propos'd to him. Well, tho' I can't tell you, how you may cer­tainly grow Rich in this World, yet I can tell you of what's a Thousand times more profita­ble: I can tell you, how you may certainly, without fail, obtain what's Infinitely preferable to all Riches, Honours, Pleasures of this World, tis this, Sincerely Believe in Christ, Heartily Sub­mit to Him as Prince and Saviour, and there GOD, the Infinite Unchangible Fountain of all Good will be your Portion. He wont Suffer you to want any thing which He knows to be good for you: He'll make all things work for your good: all shall be yours. What a Large Catalogue, what a Rich Invoice of Blessings and Benefits is there belonging to the Saints? 1 Cor. 3.21—23. Therefore let no man glory [...] men, for all things are yours, whether Paul, or Apollo, or Cephas, or the World, or Life, or Death, or things present, or things to come; all are yours, and ye are Christ's, and Christ is God's. Surely, the Free Offer of these Riches, Benefits, Blessings, should Invite and Quicken you to an hearty speedy acceptance of them. Why should you neglect these Offers, or make any demur about accepting them? Isai. 55.2, 3. Wherefore do you spend Money for that which is not bread? And your Labour for that which satisfieth not? Hearken Dili­gently unto me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your Soul delight it self in Fatness. Incline your ear, come unto me, hear and your Soul shall live, and I will make an Everlasting Covenant with you, even [Page 28] the sure Mercies of David. Again, Saving Benefits thro' Christ, are Offered,

6. Both to Bondmen and Freemen. So Gal. 3.28. There is neither Bond nor Free, for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. You that are Freemen, that are at your own dispose, that are not in Ser­vitude to Men; nay possibly are Masters and Rulers among Men; even you are naturally the Servants of Sin, the Slaves of Satan, led Cap­tive by him at his will; you're under Bonds to sustain God's Wrath and Vengeance for ever, unless by Faith in Christ you are made Spiritually Free. Joh. 8.36. If the Son there­fore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed. You cannot be Spiritual Freemen, but by becom­ing the Sincere Servants of Christ. 1 Cor. 7.22— He that is called being free, is Christ's Servant. You that are Free, possibly you prize your Freedom, would not be in Servitude to any: Well, see to it that you be not the Servants of Sin, the Slaves of Satan. For that which you Sow, that shall you also Reap. He that soweth to the Flesh, shall of the Flesh reap Corruption, Gal. 6.8. See to it therefore that you become the Sincere Ser­vants of Christ, then you shall have the best Freedom, even Freedom from Spiritual Plagues, Curses, Miseries, and shall be happy for ever. So you that are Servants among Men, Spiritual Saving Blessings thro' Christ are Offered to you: Christ Invites you into His Service which is the best Freedom. 1 Cor. 7.22. He that is called in the Lord, being a Servant, is Christ's Freeman. You that are Servants, of what Nation soever you are, whether Servants by Indenture for a Term [Page 29] of Years, or Bought Servants, Indians or Negro's to Serve during Life; God calls upon you all to Submit Heartily unto Jesus Christ, and tells you if you do, you shall be Sav'd for ever. God Offers you what is better than the greatest Free­dom from Humane Servitude, Imbrace Christ as Prince and Saviour, and you shall be Fre'd from the Guilt of Sin, the Curse of the Law, the Tyranny of Satan, the Wrath of God, and Sin shall not have Dominion over you; but you shall Reign with Christ for ever and ever. Oh you Servants of Men, accept these Gracious Offers of the Great GOD. If you Heartily Submit to Christ, He'll now accept you, and hereafter graciously Reward you. Possibly when you serve your Masters after the best manner that you can, they'l sometimes be displeas'd with you (Masters as well as others, have their failings) but the Great GOD will be pleas'd with you, if you Sincerely Fear Him and hope in His Mercy, Psal. 147.11. See to it therefore, that you be­come the Sincere Servants of Jesus Christ, Trust in Him and Obey Him. And if you will put your Necks under Christ's Yoke, and Indeed take Him for your Lord and Master; then remem­ber this is one thing He requires of you, name­ly that you should be True, Faithful, Honest to your Masters according to the Flesh, Your becom­ing Christ's Servants, Intitles you to as great Spiritual Privileges and Blessings as your Masters can be intitled to; yet it does not at all free you from being Servants to your Masters. No, Christ requires those of His Subjects who are Servants to Men, to count their own Masters worthy of all Honour, that the Name of God and His Doctrine [Page 30] be not Blasphemed. 1 Tim. 6.1. That they be obedient to their own Masters, not answering again (not sawcily contradicting) not purloining (not Pilfering, Stealing from them, or hurting their Interest) but shewing all good Fidelity, that they may adorn the Doctrine of God our Saviour in all things, Tit. 2.9, 10. You that are Servants, should be Subject to your own Masters, not only to the good and gentle, but also to the froward, 1 Pet. 2.18. You should not be Eye-Servants, but should be Obedient and Faithful in doing Service, when your Masters are Absent, as well as when they are Present and looking on you. And if you are thus True and Faithful to your Masters, out of Hearty Conscientious Obedience to Christ your Great Lord and Master, then He'll reward you hereafter in Heaven for it. Tis said to Servants, with reference to their obeying of their Masters, Col. 3.23, 34. Whatsoever ye do, do it heartily as to the Lord and not to Men; knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the Inheritance, for ye serve the Lord Christ. So Eph. 6.8. What­soever good thing any Man doth, the same shall he receive of the Lord whether he be Bond or Free.

Thus I have gone thro' the First Head of Com­parison or Similitude, shewing, That the Offering of Saving Benefits to Sinners in the Gospel, may be Compar'd to A Great Man's Inviting many to a Suptuous Feast, Inasmuch as various Sorts of Per­sons are often Invited to such a Feast. So, where-ever the Gospel comes Saving Benefits are Offered to various Sorts of Persons, they're Equal­ly Offer'd to Men and Women, to Persons of any [...] every Nation, to Old and Young, High and Low, [Page 31] Rich and Poor, Bond and Free, none are Excluded. This is God's Commandment to every one of you, that you should believe in the Name of His Son Jesus Christ, 1 Joh. 3.23. And whosoever believes in Him, shall not perish, but have Everlasting Life, Joh. 3.16. I'll now proceed to another Ge­neral Head of Comparison or Similitude.

2. At a great Feast, there's commonly Variety of Entertainment; Things for Necessity and for Innocent Delight and Pleasure. So there's Va­riety of Blessings, Offered in the Gospel unto Sinners. The Gospel Invites them to, or Requires and Commands of them, those Things which are Absolutely Necessary; and which if Complied with, will yield them the Truest, Greatest Pleasure and Comfort.

1. Those Things which are Absolutely Neces­sary. When Persons are Invited to a Feast, tis in General to Eat and Drink. Cant. 5.1. Eat O Friends, Drink; yea Drink abundantly, O Beloved. As for Eating and Drinking, they are Absolutely Necessary to Sustain Life: If these Actions should be Omitted, Persons would soon Starve and Die. So what the Gospel Invites or Requires Person to do, is Absolutely Necessary in Order to the Life and Happiness of their Souls: Absolutely Ne­cessary in order to their escaping Eternal Wrath, and obtaining Eternal Glory. Thus 'tis absolutely Necessary for them,

1. To Repent of Sin. Saving Repentance Implies in it, Hearty Grief, Sorrow and Shame for Sin, a Turning from it with [Page 32] Loathing and Abhorrence. Ezek. 18.30. Re­pent and Turn from all your Transgressions, so In­ [...]quity [...]ha [...]l not be your Ruin. If Persons do not thus Repent, even in Turning from all their Transgressions, then Iniquity will be their Ruin. Luk. 13.5. Except ye Repent, ye [...] [...]kewise Perish. Men may Flatter and Deceive themselves if they will, but unless they have such Repentance as this they can­not be Saved. Tis not a meer Verbal Con­fession that is Sufficient. 1 Joh. 1.9. If we Confess our Sins, he is Faithful and Just to Forgive us our Sins; and to Cleanse us from all Unrighteous­ness. But this Confession of Sin Comprehends a Forsaking of it too; else there's No Mercy to be had, Prov. 28.13. It's only the Broken and Contrite Heart, that shall enter into the Strait Gate that leads to Life. Christ is Exalted at Gods Right Hand, to give Repen­tance and Remission of Sins. Act. 5.31. There must be Repentance of Sin, else there is no Remission of it. The Obstinate Rebel goes Unpardoned. The Root and Principle of this Repentance Insisted on, is Implanted in the Soul when tis Regenerated and Born of the Spirit (without which there's no seeing the Kingdom of God, Joh. 3.3.) and is Crea­ted in Christ Jesus. This Principle of Ho­liness Implanted in the Soul in it's Regenera­tion, Exerts it self (as in the Exercise of other Graces so) in the Exercise of the fore­mentioned Repentance, nor is any Salvation to be expected without it.

2 To Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. As a Person must Repeat of his Sins, so he must [Page 33] Trust in the Meritorious Righteousness of Christ for Justification before God, else he cannot be Saved. Whosoever Believeth in him, shall receive Remission of Sins, Acts 10.43. But he that Believeth not, is Condem'd already — The Wrath of God abideth on him — He shall be Damned, Joh. 3.18.36. Mark. 16.16. Sure­ly, Pardon of Sin is absolutely necessary in or­der to the escaping of Wrath. Pardoned Ones are Blessed, and none else: Psal. 32.1.2. Blessed is he whose Transgession is Forgiven, whose Sin is Cover­ed: Blessed is the Man to whom the Lord Imputeth not Iniquity. But such Pardon of Sin is not to be obtained but by Trusting in the Merits of Christ for it. Tis nothing but the Blood of Christ that Cleanseth from all Sin, 1 Joh. 1.7. Therefore the Apostle Paul desired to be found, not having on his own Righteous­ness which was of the Law; but that which was thro' the Faith of Christ; the Righteousness which was of God by Faith. Phil. 3.9.

3. Sincerely to Obey God. The Soul that has the True Habit and Principle of Faith and Repentance; has also the True Habit and Principle of Sincere Obedience to God: This is all Comprehended in the new Na­ture Implanted in him. Faith Purifies the Heart, Woks by Love (Acts 15.9. Gal. 5.6.) For Faith without Works is Dead, Jam. 2.26. That Faith will never prove Saving, which is not Purifying; and does not Prompt the Soul Sincerely to Obey God. Well, Sin­cere O [...]ience to God as the Fruit of True Faith ( [...] Life be spared after the Regenera­ting [Page 34] Change wrought) is Necessary in order to Eternal Happiness. Without Holiness no Man shall see the Lord, Heb. 12.14. They who Obey not the Gospel, shall be Punish'd with Ever­lasting Destruction, 2 Thes. 1.9. Thus we see, the Gospel Invites, Commands Requires Per­sons to Repent of Sin, Believe in Christ, Sincere­ly to Obey God; and Declares that if they do so they shall be Happy for ever, else they shall not. Therefore it Invites them to those Things which are Absolutely Necessary for them, as Necessary for the Welfare of their Souls, as Eating and Drinking are for the Welfare of their Bodies, Heb. 5.9. Christ became the Author of Eternal Salvation, to all them that Obey him. If they Heartily Obey Christ, they shall be Saved; if not, they shall be Damned. And as the Gospel Invites Sinners, to those Things Absolutely Necessary for them; so if they Comply with this Invitation, it will Yield them:


2. THE Truest, Greatest Pleasure and Com­fort. The Time of Feasting, is com­monly reckon'd a Time of Joy and Gladness. When Providence Wrought Wonderfully for the Jews, Delivering of them from Great Dan­gers, tis said, Esther 8.17. The [...] had Joy and Gladness, a Feast and a Good D [...]. The Gos­pel [Page 35] Invites Sinners to the best Feast that can be, to Accept of Christ and all His Saving Benefits; those who Comply and Accept this Invitation, thereby they are Interested in that which is Matter of the Truest Greatest Comfort and Delight. Tis truly Matter of great Joy,

1. That Sovereign Almighty Grace has enabled them to Accept this Invitation. He that truly Receives Christ on Gospel Terms, has the Washing of Regeneration, and the Renewing of the Holy Ghost: The Image of God in Righteousness and True Holiness is Created in Him. He's turn'd from Darkness to Light, from the Power of Satan unto God. His Eyes are Open'd to see his True Interest; the Tyranical Bonds of Sin and Satan where­in he was held are broken, he's brought to Hunger and Thirst after Righteousness, to Sa­vour and Relish Spiritual Nourishment, to throw of Satan's Yoke and Submit to Christ's, to Mortifie Sin, and Practice Holiness, to Forsake the Way of Destruction, and Walk in the Way of Salvation. Tis indeed proper Matter of great Joy, to have this Blessed Change Wrought in the Soul: To be ena­bled to chuse the Blessings Offered in the Gospel. The Person thus Favoured, is Free'd from the most Disgraceful Ignominious Tyran­ny and Slavery▪s He's brought into the most Noble, Excellent, Honourable Imployment that can be, viz. Willingly and Heartily to Seek and Serve his Glorious Creator, Pre­server, only Redeemer and Benefactor. And [Page 36] tis Infinite Sovereign Grace has Wrought this Change in him; even the Exceeding Greatness of Gods Power, according to the Work­ing of his Mighty Power, Eph. 1.19. By Grace ye are Saved, thro' Faith; and that not of your selves, it is the Gift of God, Eph. 2.8.

2. That their Sins are Pardoned. They who Receive Christ on Gospel Terms, are Pardoned thro' His Blood. Acts 10.43. Whosoever Believeth on him shall receive Remission of Sins, Eph. 1.7. In whom we have Redemption thro' his Blood, the Forgiveness of Sins, according to the Riches of his Grace. This Remission of Sins is a great Bles­sing, Incomparably Greater than all Outward Prosperity whatsoever. The Wrath of a King, is reckoned Terrible. Prov. 19.12. — The Kings Wrath is as the Roaring of a Lyon. What then is the Wrath of the LORD GOD Al­mighty? Who can stand before That? Who can Sustain or Endure it? The Earth Trem­bles, the Hills melt at His Presence, Psal. 97.4, 5. He tears to Pieces so that none can deliver: surely, tis a fearful thing to fall into the Hands of the Living God, Heb. 10.31. It must needs then be a very great Benefit, to be deliver'd from the Vindictive Anger, the Terrible In­supportable Wrath and Curse of this Almighty Jehovah. And every Pardoned one, is thus de­livered. GOD the Great Lawgiver (who a­lone can Save or Destroy) is at Peace with such an one, Reconcil'd to him by the Death of His Son, Rom. 5.1, 10. God receives him into special Favour, and will be his God and Friend and Helper. Pardon of Sin is an un­speakable [Page 37] great Benefit. From this Benefit, a Person is Denominated Blessed or Happy. Blessed is he whose Transgression is forgiven, Psal. 32.1. Tis not said, Blessed is he that has Health, Ho­nour, Riches, all manner of Outward Prosperity. A Man may have all this and yet be Cursed, under the Wrath and Curse of God for Sin. But he that is Pardoned is truly Blessed. If a Man should see an heap of strong Fetters and Chains all broken to Pieces, and think, that he was lately Bound with them, but now they're broken and he at liberty: or if he should look into an horrible Pit, the miry Clay, or a destructive Dungeon, and think▪ that he was lately rescu'd from Perishing in those dreadful Places; would not this be matter of Joy and Gladness to him? Yes indeed. But then it must needs be matter of Inconceavably greater Joy, if he thinks of the Prison of Hell, that Dungeon of Eternal Dark­ness, where the Worm never Dies and the Fire is never Quenched, and considers with himself, that he was lately Bound by the Condemning Sen­tence of Gods Law, to have his Eternal abode in those Matchless Miseries, but now by being Freely Pardoned he is freed from those Bonds. This deliverance from the Guilt of Sin, is In­comparably Greater, more Glorious and Bene­ficial than all Outward Temporary Deliveran­ces whatsoever. Christ once said to a Man Sick of the Palsie, Mat. 9.2.— Son, be of good cheer, thy Sins are forgiven thee. Our Lord design'd presently to cure his Bodily Maladies, which were so great that he could not go, he was carried by others; yet our Lord did not bid him Re­joyce on the account of such Healing Mercy pre­sently [Page 38] to be appli'd to his Body; but to be of Good Cheer and rejoyce that his Sins were Pardo­ned. Pardon of Sin, is matter of greater joy and comfort; than curing the worst bodily Maladies, or bestowing the greatest Outward Comforts that can be. To have a Miraculous Power to Cast out Devils, is not matter of so great [...]on; as to be Interested in the Pardoning Saving Mercy of God, Luk. 10.20. Yet every one that heartily complies with the Gospel Invitation to Imbrace Christ, is a Pardoned, and therefore a Blessed Person. To such persons, it's matter of comfort,

3. That they are the Adopted Children of GOD. Every one who receives Christ by Faith, is thus favour'd, honour [...]d, priviledg'd. Gal. 3. [...]8. Ye are all the Children of God, by faith in Christ Je­sus, 2 Cor. 6.18. I will be a Father to you, and ye shall be my Sons and my Daughters, saith the Lord A [...]mighty. This Relation (of being an Adop [...]ed Child) to the Infinitely glorious GOD, is un­speakably high, noble, honourable. For one who lately was a Child of the Devil (by bearing his Image, Imitating his Rebellious example▪ doing his Lusts) to be made an Adopted Ch [...]d of the Eternal GOD; Oh how great an hono [...]r and priviledge is this? Twas reckon'd a great thing, to be Son-in-Law to an Earthly King, 1 Sam. 18.23. But this is nothing, compar'd to the ho­nour and priviledge of being an Adopted Child of the Glorious God. Parents are commonly kind to their Children; but God is more kind un­loving to, and tender of His Adopted Children. If Earthly Parents know how to give good things [Page 39] to their Children; much more will God give good things, yea his Holy Spirit to them that ask Him, Mat. 7.11. Luk. 11.13. It's possible for a Mother to forget her Sucking Child, that she should not have compassion on the Son of her Womb; but God will not forget His Children, Isai. 49.15. Kind Parents if able, commonly give Portions to their Children (Children ought not to lay up for their Pa­rents, but Parents for th [...] Children, 2 Cor. 12.14.) and will the Infinite GOD (who has all the Ri­ches and Treasures of this World and of the next too, at His dispose) [...]urn off His Children without a Portion? No, Hell never do it, He'll give them a Goodly Inheritance. Rom. 8.17. If Children, then Heirs; Heirs of God and Joynt Heirs with Jesus Christ. But what are they Heirs to? Why, to an Inheritance Incorruptible, Unde­filed, that Fadeth not away, rese [...]ved i [...] Heaven for them, 1 Pet. 1.4. Verily then▪ tis both Ho­nourable & Profitable to be the Adopted Children of the Blessed God. All such are the Brethren of Christ; He is not ashamed to call them Brethren, Heb. 2.11. They are the Temples of the Holy Ghost too. 1 Cor. 6.19. What, know ye not that your Body is the Temple of the Holy Ghost that is in you, which ye have of God? Thus to be the A­dopted Children of God, the Brethren of Christ, the Temples of the Holy Ghost; contain matter of Great Joy and Comfort, and yet this is the Case of all that Heartily Comply with Gospel Invita­tions. It's matter of Comfort to them:

4. That their Spiritual Enemies shall never be able to Ruine them. Ordinarily when Men In­gage in War with one another, they know not [Page 40] the Event: neither the one Party nor the other [...] know whether they shall Conquer or be Conquered. The Life of Saints on Earth is Compared to a Warfare, they are bid to Fight the Good Fight of Faith, 1 Tim. 6.12. The Saints have Spiritual Enemies that would Ruin them if they could; the Devil and their own Lusts are such Enemies; yea Wicked Men often Seek to Ruine them. Our Lord said to his Disciples. Joh. 15.19. — Because ye are not of the World, but I have chosen you out of the World, therefore the World hateth you. Well, though the Saints have such Enemies, yet they shall never be utterly Ruined. Tho' their Enemies are never so Numerous, Politick, Watchful, Spiteful, Powerful; yet they shall never cause one Saint to miss of Glory. It's possible indeed, that Saints may have many Buf­fettings from some Thorn or other in the Flesh, many Smarting Wounds from Satan's Fiery Darts, and be too often led into Captivity by the Law of S [...]n in their Members, to the great Grief and Perp [...]ty of their Souls; yet none of them shall F [...]n [...] [...] [...]ish by their Spiritual Enemies. [...] not have Dominion over them, Rom. 6.14. Tho [...] while they are on Earth Sin Lives in them, yet it shall not Reign in them nor Ru­ine them. Satan also is a Conquered Enemy, their Redeemer is Stronger than that Strong Man Armed, has Destroyed him that has the Power of Death that is the Devil; Christ wont Suf­fer that Raging Lion of Hell to Devour any of His Sheep None shall ever pluck them out of h [...]s Ha [...]d, Joh. 10.28, 29. If the Saints are Wo [...]ted in any Particular Combat (as they too often [Page 41] are) yet they shall Overcome at the last. Their Glorious Shepherd will Restore their Souls, and lead them in the Paths of Righteousness for his Name sake, Psal. 23.3. If they Fall they shall not be Ut­terly Cast Down, the Lord will uphold them with His Hand. He'll never leave nor forsake them; He'll help, strengthen, uphold them with the Right Hand of his Righteousness, Isa. 41.10. They shall Renew their strength, Run and not be Weary, Walk and not Faint. God has set His most Free, Unchangible Love upon them, and will never suffer them to Perish. If their Enemies so Prevail as to Kill their Bodies, yet they can't Kill their Souls: But Blessed shall be the Dead who Die in the LORD. God whose Love is Unchangible, whose Power is Infinite, whose Veracity is Stedfast; will be to them a Sun and a Shield, He'll give them Grace and Glory, and no good Thing will he withold from them, Psal. 84.4. There is Matter of Comfort in all this. It is Matter of great Comfort to the Saints,

5. That they have Free Access to God in Prayer, and abundant Incouragement to that Profitable Duty. Men commonly reckon it a great Favour to have the King's Ear, to have free Access when they will to some Mighty Earthly Monarch, to lay their Re­quests before him: but the free Access the Saints have to God in Prayer, is a far greater Pri­viledge and Benefit. Thro' Faith in Christ they may come with humble Boldness to God, for every needful Blessing; and He's ready to hear them. Eph 3.12. In whom we have boldness and access with Confidence thro' the Faith of Him. Heb. 14.6. Let us therefore come boldly unto the Throne [Page 42] of Grace, that we may obtain Mercy, and find Grace to help in a time of need. And is God ready to hear the suitable Petitions of His Childrin? Yes indeed, more ready than Parents are to hear the Requests of their Children; as was hinted but now. Mat. 7.11. Luk. 11.13. The Eyes of the Lord are upon the Righteous, and His Ears are open to their Cry. Psal. 34.15. This is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask any thing ac­cording to His Will, He heareth us, 1 Joh. 5.14. Well, but may the Saints only in some Special straits and difficulties, or may they at all times and in all cases Petition to God for needful help, with hopes of obtaining Favour? Why such is the wondrous Grace of God, that He not on­ly allows but commands them, as Phil. 4.6. Be careful for nothing, but in every thing by Prayer and Supplication with Thanksgiving, let your Requests be made known to God. Well, but we Read of an unjust Judge who being frequently sought to by a Widow, said Luk. 18.5. Yet because this Widow troubleth me, I will avenge her (as she de­sires, v. 3.) lest by her continual coming she weary me. And wont the Great GOD be Troubled, Burthened, Wearied and Dissatisfied with the con­tinual Petitions of His Children? No indeed, He's always at leasure to hear them, His Ears are Open to their cry: the more they Pray to God, so much the more they please Him. The Prayer of the Upright is His Delight, Prov. 15.8. He says to them. Cant. 2.14— Let me hear thy voice, for sweet is thy voice. He bids them Call on Him in the day of Troble, in their Affliction (Psal. 50.15. Jam. 5.13.) cast their burdens and cares upon him (Psal. 55.22. 1 Pet. 5.7.) [Page 43] bids them Pray alwayes, Eph. 6.18. To bid them be thus constant in Praying to Him, and to tell them that t [...]ir Prayers are sweet and de­lightful to Him, and that He'll give them what­ever they ask according to His Will; this indeed is a vast Privilege and Benefit: the Saints esteem it so, they would not be without it for a World, it contains matter of unspeakable Comfort and Satisfaction to them. Again, It's matter of great Comfort to the Saints.

6. That all Things shall work together for the [...] Good. This Present World is full of Changes and Troubles; it is an Evil World to the Saints. They are Plainly told, that in it they shall have Tribula­tion, and that tis through much Tribulation they shall enter into the Kingdom of God, Joh. 16.33. Act. 14.22. Indeed they know not what Trou­bles and Changes, what Reproach, Contempt, Poverty, Sickness, Pain, Persecution, what grie­vous losses by the Death of Relatives, what numerous or heavy trials they may meet with while in this World; but yet they have that plain promise: Rom. 8.28. All things shall work to­gether for good to them that love God, and are cal­led according to his purpose. This promise is full of comfort, it contains more ground of Joy to a Saint, than his being Possess'd of this whole World could yield him. God is Infinitely wise, good & powerful; He can extract good out of evil, light out of darkness, medicine out of poy­son, gain out of loss; He can call things that are not as if they were. He can make those things profitable to the Saints, which for the present are not Joyous but grievous to them. [Page 44] When God in His Providence afflicts them, 'tis to purge away their Iniquity and take away their Sin. When He purges, prunes them, Lopping off luxruiant twigs or branches, taking away desireable Injoyments, 'tis to make them fruitful in holiness, and to keep them from be­ing condemn'd with the World. When He suffers the Wolves of Hell, to worry and af­fright his Sheep; 'tis that his Sheep may prize their Shepherd & their Fold the better. When He brings them into great Dangers, 'tis that [...]ey may not trust in themselves but in God that Raiseth the Dead. Indeed their sufferings of this present time, are to Wean them more from this World, and Ripen them more for a­nother. Their Light Afflictions which are but for a moment, shall work for them a far more exceeding and an Eternal weight of Glory, 2 Cor. 4.17. The true and faithful Promises of God assure them, that Neither Tribulation, Distress, Persecution, Famine, Nakedness, Peril, Sword, Death, Life, Angels, Prin­cipalities, Powers, things present nor things to come, neither Heigth nor Depth nor any other Creature, shall ever separate them from the Love of God which is in Christ Jesus, Rom. 8.33—39. What says the Apostle to the Saints? 1 Cor. 3.21, 22 23. All things are yours, whether Paul, or Apollo, or' Ce­phas, or the World, or Life, or Death, or things pre­sent or things to come; all are yours, and ye are Christ's, and Christ is God's. Here's indeed a large Catalogue of Benefits, a comprehensive Invoice of Blessings belonging to the Saints. In all their straits and difficulties, GOD Almighty yet stand [...] their Friend. He's their present help in time of Trouble: if Father and Mother for­sake [Page 45] them, yet the Lord will take them up: when they pass thro' Fire and Water, he'll sus­tain them. In matchless Wisdom, Power and Love, He'll Order all things for the best for them; so that they may boldly say, the Lord is mine helper, I will not fear what man shall do unto me, Heb. 13.6. If they look on their right hand, and refuge fails them, no man will know them, nor any care for their Souls; yet they may say to God, thou art my refuge and portion in the Land of the Living, Psal. 142.4, 5. If the Fig-tree does not blossom, and there is no fruit in the Vine; if all Creature helps fail them, if they despair even of Life; yet they may Rejoyce in the Lord and Joy in the God of their Sal­vation, Hab. 3.17, 18. Therefore they should not be disquieted, nor cast down in their Souls, but hope in God (Psal. 42.11.) who can do ex­ceeding abundantly above all that they ask or think, Eph. 3.20. Do not these blessings which the Saints are Interested in, contain matter of com­fort and delight? Yea verily, matter of more comfort than all Outward Prosperity whatso­ever. It's matter of comfort to them:

7. That the Holy Angels are Employ'd to Mini­ster for their good. Those bright Spirits who excel in Wisdom and Power; who are always on the Wing to do what their glorious Creator bids them (they do his Will, and hearken to the voice of his Word) they are Employ'd to do good for the Saints. Are they not all mini­string Spirits, sent forth to minister to them that shall be Heirs of Salvation? Heb. 1.14. The Angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear [Page 46] him, and delivereth them, Psal. 34.7. Number­less are the benefits, which the holy Angels by an Invisible Efficacy are Instrumental of to the Saints. This is an honour and favour to the Saints, that God Employs the Courtiers on Hea­ven who surround His glorious Throne, to pro­mote their good and wellfare. Indeed such are the benefits belonging to the Saints, and assur'd to them by the true and faithful Promises of God; that there's sufficient ground for that Precept, Phil. 4.4. Rejoyce in the Lord always, and again I say Rejoyce. It's marter of comfort to the Saints:

8. That great happiness is reserved for them in the future World. Whatever they meet with on Earth whether of Health or Sickness, Ease or Pain, Honour or Contempt, Riches or Poverty, however tis with them as to these things while they're Pilgrims in the World, yet at and after Death great blessedness will be their Portion. Great will be their blessedness:

1. At their Death. When their Souls are ab­sent from their Bodies, they go to be present with the Lord: They go to be with Christ, which is far better than being here; and therefore for them to die is gain, 2 Cor. 5.8. Phil. 1.21, 23. Unto them, the day of their Death is better than that of their Birth: They are blessed, they Rest from their Labours and their works follow them, Eccl. 7.1. Rev. 14.13. They are blessed Indeed,


1. They're for ever fre'd from all Outward Trou­bles and Afflictions. The most and worst that [Page 47] Men can do to them is, to Kill their Bodies, Mar. 10.28. Men can't hurt them after this, after the Body is dead; for then their Souls will be out of Mens reach, and if never so great Indignities are offered to their dead bodies, they'll not be sensible of any Pain or hurt thereby, but will be safely reserv'd to a glo­gious Resurrection. When the Saints are de­parted; then the Wicked cease to trouble them, and the weary are at rest, Job 3.17. The Saints when dead, are not capable of being afflicted by Pain, Sickness, Contempt, Reproach, Per­secution, &c. nor by seeing or hearing the a­bominations committed by the Children of Men. All their Tears and Sorrows are ended for ever. Tis only while in this World that they have their Evil Things, after Death they are Comforted, as was said of Pious Lazarus, Luk. 16.25.

2. They are freed from all the Temptations of Satan. Satan's Temptations are often Unspeak­ably Vexatious and Perplexing to the Saints while here on Earth: Oh the cursed hellish Suggestions, the fiery darts he often shoots in­to them! But when the Saints die, their Souls are out of the reach of these fiery darts; they go to be with Christ, and Satan's Temptations can never reach nor assault them there. Satan is Emphatically called the Wicked One, Eph. 6.16. But when the Saints die, the Wicked (it may comprehend Devils as well as Men) shall cease troubling them, as in the fore-cited, Job 3.17. When the Saints die, they die in the Lord, die United to Christ, and such are blessed for they Rest from their Labours, Rev. 14.13 Labours, [Page 48] may there signifie not only Toi [...]some fatiguing Work▪ but also Troubles and Distresses. So that when the Saints die, they're for ever fre'd from all the perplexing Assaults of Satan, their Mor­tal and Envious Adversary.


3. They're Eternally fre'd from all Disturbance from their Own Lusts and Corruptions. When a Person is truly Regenerated, born of the Spirit of God; the Reigning, Tyrannizing Power of Sin is then destroy'd in him: but tho' the Reig­ning Power of sin is destroyed, yet the List and Being of sin is never destroy'd while here on Earth. There's no such thing as perfect Sinless Purity and Holiness, to be obtain'd here in this World. There is not a Just man upon Earth, that doth good and Sinneth not, Eccl. 7.20. If we say we have no Sin, we deceive our selves and the truth is not in us, 1 Joh. 1.8. The best Saints on Earth, have sin living and warring, tho' not ruling and reigning in them. This remaining sin in them, draws back and strives to hinder them from every duty, it inclines and prompts to all manner of Wickedness. It Lusts against the Spirit, is contrary to it, so that the Saints cannot do the things which they would, Gal. 5.17. When they would do good, evil is present with them. Very often, the good which they would they do not, and the evil which they would not that they do: they find a law in their Members warring against the law in their Minds, and bringing them into Captivity to the law of sin that is in their Members. This is unutterably grievous and perplexing to them, it often makes them cry out as he, Rom. 7.24. [Page 49] Oh wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me from the body of this Death! This holy Apo­stle Paul, could bear his Outward Troubles Pati­ently, and say, None of these things move me, Act. 20.24. He had learned in every State (as to Outward Prosperity or Adversity) therein to be Content, Phil. 4.11. But his remaining Indwelling Corruption, and the cursed effects and essays of it, made him cry out (as One earnestly desirous of deliverance) Oh wretched man, that I am, who shall deliver me? Nothing in the whole World is so grievous, distres­sing, perplexing to the Saints, as the remains and workings of Sin in them. As for their Outward Troubles, they count them Light comparative­ly, and think they could bear them easily, if they could but find their Hearts stedfastly Meek, Humble, Penitent, Patient, Prayerful, Thankful, Trusting and Confiding in God, Submitting and Re­signing all to Him, Rejoycing in Him at all times as their Portion: They think if they could get and keep their hearts in such a temper as this, they could be quiet and easy as to all Outward Events: but that contrariety they find to God in their own Souls, that's the greatest Uneasiness they have in the World. This makes them go mourning & bowed down, sometimes doubting that they have no Grace in them, that they never yet took one right step in the way to Heaven; sometimes fearing, that there is no hope for them, that their day of Grace is end­ed, or that their Spiritual Enemies will finally be too strong for them. No Tongue can tell, the Perplexities of Soul the Saints often meet with from Indwelling Sin. Well, but when [Page 50] Death comes, they'll be eternally fre'd from these the greatest Perplexities of their whole Lives. As when they die, their Souls go to be Present with the Lord, 2 Cor. 5.8. So, they shall then be, the Spirits of Just Men made Perfect, Heb. 12.23. They shall be perfectly fre'd from all the remains of Sin, from the very life and be­ing of it; and being perfectly holy shall Serve God with the greatest joy and gladness. And as at Death the Saints shall be perfectly freed from all Outward Troubles, from Satan's Tempta­tions, from all their Own Corruptions; so,

4. They shall Possess that Joy, blessedness and glory which is at present Inconceivably great. There­fore the state of their Souls after Death, is said to be their Gain, and to be better than what it was here on Earth: Phil. 1.21, 23. They are said to be Comforted, Luke 16.25. The whole of their Condition is set forth by that word, Comfort, and so may Intimate that they shall have Good, Joy, Comfort and nothing else. They shall be Present with the Lord, and in His Pre­sence there is fullness of joy and pleasures for ever more, Psal. 16.11. And, as great will be the blessedness of the Saints at their Death; so,

2. Greater will be their blessedness at and for ever after the Resurrection. All the Dead shall live again. There shall be a Resurrection of the Dead, both of the Just and the Unjust, Acts 24.15. When this time comes, the happiness of the Saints shall be greatly Increased. Tho' their Souls in their Separate State were free from all Sin, Sorrow, Trouble, and entertain'd with [Page 51] Inexpressible Joys, yet it will be an Increase of their blessedness, when their whole Man Body and Soul shall be United in a most bliss­ful State. Their Bodies which consum'd and rotted in the Grave, and return'd to their Dust; shall be rais'd Incorruptable, Glorious, Powerful, Spiritual, 1 Cor. 15.42—44. Tho' their Bo­dies in this present State are liable to loathsome Diseases, and will be vile (or in an humbled State indeed) when corrupting and rotting in the Grave; yet these vile Bodies shall be fashion'd like to the Glorious Body of Christ, Phil. 3.21. When their Bodies are thus Rais'd in Glory, re­united to their happy Souls; Christ the Uni­versal Judge of all, Seated on His Bright Ex­alted Throne, Incompass'd with Matchless In­concievable Splendor and Majesty, will Open­ly own them for His; will say to them ( [...]nd how will their hearts leap for Joy at it?) Come ye Blessed of my Father, Inherit the Kingdom pre­pared for you from the Foundation of the World, Mat. 25.34. He'll then Recount and graci­ously Reward, all their Sincere Services per­formed here on Earth. Their Secret Prayers shall then be Openly Rewarded, Mat. 6.6. No Deed of Charity, tho' so small as the giving a Cup of Cold Water, shall then miss of being Rewarded, Mat. 10.42. Their Faith which is now more precious than tried Gold, shall then be found to Praise, Honour and Glory, 1 Pet. 1.6, 7. Yea, Whatsoever good thing they ever did, the same shall they then receive of the Lord, Eph. 6.8. This their Future Glory and Felicity, is set forth by things commonly much esteem'd by Men in this World; 'tis call'd a Crown, Kingdom, Inhe­ritance, [Page 52] &c. But indeed their Future Glory and Happiness, will be far greater than we can at present conceive of. The Apostle plainly says of it, 1 Joh. 3.2. It doth not yet appear what we shall be. The meaning is, Future Blessedness exceeds all present Conceptions and Appre­hensions. And this Future Inconcievable Blessedness of the Saints, will be Eternal too; 'twill never have an end nor cease to be, 'tis therefore set forth by such Epithets as Eternal, 2 Cor. 4.17. Everlasting, Joh. 3.16. Unfading, or that never fades away, 1 Pet. 5.4. All this Inconceivable good and glory at & after Death, is reserv'd for the Saints, and assured to them by the Unchangible Promises of the Lord Al­mighty. And it must needs be matter of great comfort and joy to the Saints, even at present, to think of & meditate on these things. They should Rejoyce in the hope of the Glory of God, Rom. 5.2. No Feast on Earth is so delightful to an hungry Person, as the belief and hope of future glory often is to the Saints. They Rejoyce with joy unspeakable and full of Glory, 1 Pet. 1.8. The blessings belonging to those that accept of Gospel Invitations, contain mat­ter of greater joy, than any Feast on Earth can yield to the Guests that partake of it. Yea I might further add, the more careful the Saints are to Live according to Gospel Invita­tions and Precepts, so much the clearer view they're likely to have, of their firm Title to fu­ture Matchless Glory: 1 Joh. 2.3. Herely do we know that we know him, if we keep his Com­mandments. The more they have of present Holiness, so much the more ordinarily of pre­sent [Page 53] Joy, 2 Cor. 1.12. This is our rejoycing, even the testimony of our Conscience, that in Simplicity and Godly Sincerity; not with Fleshly Wisdom but by the Grace of God, we have had our Conversa­tion in the World. The more they find of the Fruits of the Spirit in them, (Gal. 5.22.) So much the more likely to know in themselves, that they have in Heaven a better and an enduring sub­stance, Heb. 10.34. Indeed the ways of Wis­dom are ways of Pleasantness, and all her Paths are Peace. From what has been said under this Second General Head of Comparison, we may Infer,

1. The Saints should be thankful, for the great Blessings Divine Grace has provided for them, and intitled them unto. It well becomes them to say, as, Psal. 103.1, 2. Bless the Lord, Oh my Soul, and all that is within me Bless His Holy Name. Bless the Lord, Oh my Soul, and forget not all His Benefits. 1 Cor. 15.57. Thanks be to God which giveth us the Victory, through our Lord Jesus Christ.

2. The thoughts of this Future Blessedness reserved for the Saints should make them Patient under all their present Trials. They should imitate Moses, Heb. 11.25, 26. Choosing rather to suffer Affliction with the People of God, than to injoy the Pleasures of Sin for a Season: esteeming the Reproach of Christ greater Riches than the Treasures of Egypt, for he had respect to the Recompence of Reward. Yea they should imitate our Blessed Redeemer, who for the Joy that was set before Him, endured the Cross, despising the shame, &c. Heb. 12.2.

[Page 54]3. The Sai [...]s should diligently seek after Assu­rance of their Title to Heaven, that so they may re­j [...]yce (as they're bidden, 1 Thes. 5.16.) ever­more They should indeavour to have the mat­ter clear'd up, and evidenc'd to their own Souls, that they have indeed compli'd with Gospel In­vitations, that so they may rejoyce in the Blessings thereby belonging to them. The Joy of such Assurance, will more than countervail all the pains they can take for it; therefore they should d [...]ligently seek it. Phil. 2.12. Work out your Salvation with fear and trembling. 2 Pet. 1.10. Give diligence to make your Calling and Election sure.

4. Unutterably great is the folly of those, who suffer the vanities of this World to make them miss of Future Glory. Unto such an one God said, Luk. [...]2.20— Thou Fool, this night thy Soul shall be re­quired of thee; then whose shall those things be which thou hast provided?


WE may now proceed to another General Head of Comparison, God's Offering Spiritual Saving Benefits to Sinners in the Gos­pel, may be compar'd to a Great Man's Inviting many to a Sumptuous Feast.

3 Because in a Great and Sumptuous Feast, there's commonly Plenty, a Sufficiency for all that come. In [Page 55] such a Feast there's commonly Store and Plen­ty, enough for all that come: enough and to spare; so that it may be said as, Cant. 5.1— Eat, O Friends, Drink, yea Drink abundantly, O Beloved. So there's Saving Mercy enough in the Gospel, for all that will come and accept it as Offered to them. The Lord Jesus Christ with His Saving Benefits, is the Subject Matter of the Gospel Feast to which Sinners are Invited. There is Salvation in none other, neither is there any other Name given under Heaven among Men whereby we can be Saved, Act. 4.12. And as Christ is the only Saviour of Sinners, so He is an All-Sufficient Saviour of them. He's able to Save to the uttermost them that come unto God by Him, Heb. 7.25. None that came to Christ Hungring and Thirsting after Righteousness, were ever sent Empty away. There's a Fulness, a Sufficien­cy of Merit, Vertue, Power, Willingness in Jesus Christ, to Save all that come to Him and accept of Him on Gospel Terms. Here I might say—

1. There's enough in Christ to Save those of all the VARIOUS AGES of the World, that Believe in Him and Accept of Him as Reveal'd and Offer'd to them. Soon after our First Parents had Sinned, God made a Promise, Gen. 3.15. That the Seed of the Woman should break the Serpent's head. This was a Promise of Christ the Saviour of Sin­ners, He is the Promised Seed of the Woman, Gal. 4.4. All that were Pardoned and Sav'd under the Old Testament Dispensation, were Sav'd by the Fulness and Sufficiency of Christ who then was to come; for there is Salvation in none other. [Page 56] All the Explatory Sacrifices appointed by God before Christ's coming, were but Types, Sha­dows, Representations of Christ, who is (there­fore call'd) The Lamb Slain from the Foundation of the World, Rev. 13.8. The Lamb of God who takes away the Sin of the World, Joh. 1.29. For it is not possible that the Blood of Bulls and Goats should take away Sin, Heb. 10.4. Tho' the Blood of Beasts Slain in Sacrifice could not take away Sin, yet the Blood of Jesus cleanseth from all Sin, 1 Joh 1.7. Therefore all that Pardoning Saving Mercy which Old Testament Believers obtain'd, was in and thro' Christ who was then to come. All the Prophets of the Old Testament (as well as the Apostles of the New) bare Witness of Christ, that thro' His Name, whosoever believeth in Him shall receive Remission of Sins, Act. 10.43. This was the Unanimous concurrent Testimony of all the Old Testament-Prophets. There is Redemption tho' Jesus Christ, whom God hath set forth for a Propitiation thro' Faith in His Blood, to declare His Righteousness for the Remission of Sins that are past, thro' the forbearance of God, Rom. 3.24, 25. Christ by one Offering, hath perfected forever them that are Sanctified, Heb. 10.14. All the Sins of Old Testament Believers were forgiven, for the sake of that One Offering which according to God's Promise, Christ was afterwards to Offer. So all the Sins of Belie­vers under the New Testament hitherto, have been forgiven for Christ's Sake. In whom we have Redemption thro' His Blood, the forgiveness of [...] according to the Riches of His Grace, Eph. 1.7. He lo [...]ed us, and washed us from our sins in His own [...]lood, Rev. 1.5. And the Blood of Christ still [Page 57] continues of as much Force, Merit, Worth and Vertue for the Pardoning of Sin, as ever it was: [...]ea and so it will continue as long as the World stands. There will never need any o­ther Sacrifice besides what Christ has already Offer'd, to Redeem and save Sinners even to the End of the World. Christ has Instituted a Gospel-Ministry, to continue to the End of the World. Mat. 28.19, 20. The comprehen­sive Sum and Substance of their Proaching should be this, [...]e that Believeth and is Baptized, shall be Saved: he that believeth not shall be Damned, Mark 16.16. So that whosoever Believes in Christ, even in any Age or Generation of the World yet to come, shall certainly be Saved. Joh. 3.16. Whosoever Believeth in Him, shall not Perish, but shall have Everlasting Life. There are Unsearchable Riches in Christ, (Eph. 3.8.) Inexhaustible Treasures of Saving Mercy that can never be drawn Dry. He is a Fountain Opened for sin and for Uncleanness, Zech. 13.1. He is not a Cistern but [...] Fountain, a Living Spring that never fails; but from Age to Age, from one Generation to another (from the Fall of Adam to the World's End) has Power and Vertue sufficient, to Save all that come to Him. He's thus able to Save all that come, because He ever Lives to make In­tercession for them, Heb 7.25, 26. Christ is the sun of Righteousness, [...]al. 4.2. The Sun has in­lighten'd the World from the beginning of it, and thro' all Generations hitherto, and will do so to the World's End (for Day and Night shall not cease) it's Inlightening Warming Vertue, is nothing diminish'd by Time or Age. So Je­sus Christ from the Fall of Adam to the End [Page 58] of the World, retains full saving Vertue and Power; it never has been Diminish'd in any Measure, nor ever shall it be. As to His Abi­lity and Willingness to Save Sinners, He is the same yesterday, to day▪ and for ever, Heb. 13.8.

2. There's enough in Christ to save Sinners of every Nation, Rank, & Quality whatsoever. This has been spoken to, under the First General Head of Com­parison, whether Men or Women, Jews, Greeks, Barbarians, Scythians, Young or Old, High or Low, Rich or Poor, Bond or Free; there is enough in Christ to save them all if they will Accept Him on Gospel Terms. For He has said, Joh. 6.37. Him that cometh unto me, I will in no wise cast out. Having said so much before, I shall not Inlarge under this Head.

3. There's enough in Christ to Save the Greatest, Worst, Vilest Sinners if they'll come to Him by Faith. Some can pay small Debts, that cannot pay great Ones. Some possibly may Cure Slighty Superficial Wounds, that cant Cure such as are more Inveterate, Deep and Dangerous. But as to the Saving of Sinners, there is no Case too Hard or Difficult for Jesus Christ: if the Vilest Sinner on Earth Heartily comes to Christ, He has Vertue enough to Save him, and will most certainly do it. When a Woman for the Cure of a Bodily Malady, had spent all her Sub­stance on Physicians in vain, even growing Worse after all; yet upon one touch of Christ's Garment, Vertue went out of Him and Perfectly Cured her, Mark 5.25,—29. It is said of Christ, He went about — healing all manner of Sickness, and all man­ner [Page 59] of Disease among the People — and they brought unto him all Sick People, that were taken with di­verse Diseases, and Torments, and those which were possessed with Devils, and those which were Luna­tick, and those which had the Palsie, and he Healed them, Mat. 4.23, 24. He met with no Case too Hard or Difficult for his Divine Almighty Power. As it was thus in His Helping and Relieving the Bodies of Men; so he is as a­ble as Allsufficient to Relieve & Save the Souls of all that come unto Him. Though all Per­sons are equally Sinful and Guilty by Nature, as coming from Fallen Adam; yet some are Greater Sinners than others in Practice. Some have lived more Years and Sinned a longer Time than others; Some have been Guilty of more Open, Gross, Scandalous Transgressions than others; Some have Sinned against more Light, higher Means, better Advantages, greater Awakenings and Convictions than others; but whatever have been the Sins of any, how many or great soever, how long soever continued in, how greatly soever Aggravated; yet if they Heartily Repent of their Sins and Believe in the Lord Jesus, there is enough in Him to Save them, and they shall be Saved. Christ came to seek and to Save those that were Lost. He came not to call the Righteous, but Sinners to Repen­tance, Mat. 9.13. The Blood of Jesus Clean­seth from all Sin, 1 Joh. 1.7. There is no Sin if Truly Repented of, and Turned from, but it shall be Pardoned through the Blood of Christ. Indeed the Scripture mentions a Sin against the Holy Ghost which shall never be Forgi­ven, Mat. 12.31. This is not for want of [Page 60] Sufficient Saving Vertue in the Blood of Christ, but those Guilty of that Sin, will never Truly Repent and Believe in Christ Jesus. But the greatest Sins whatever, Truly Repented of and Turned from shall be Forgiven. Whosoever Con­fesseth and Forsaketh shall have Mercy, Prov. 28. 13. The Apostle mentions a Black and Large Catalogue of Gross Transgressions, viz. Fornicators, Idolaters, Adulterers, Effeminate, Abusers of them­selves with Mankind (that is, Sodomites) Thieves, Covetuous, Drunkards, Revilers, Extortioners. (Here is a Black List of Satan's Followers, they were his Children doing his Lusts, they lived in Contempt of God that made them, Trampled on His Authority, were great and High-Handed Transgressors indeed,) yet says he to the Corinthians, Such were some of you, but ye are Washed, but ye are Sanctified, but ye are Justifyed in the Name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God, 1 Cor. 6.9,—11. Their Greatest Abominations had Contracted no Stain too Deep for the Blood of Jesus to Wash out. God's People of Old were very Vile, They had Rebelled against him, were a Sinful Nation, a People laden with Iniquity, they had forsaken the Lord, provoked the Holy One of Israel to Anger, had gone away Backward: the whole Head was Sick, the whole Heart Faint. They were for their great Wickedness, called, Rulers of Sodom and People of Gomorrah — Their Hands were full of Blood (Murder.) They were so Hypocri­tical in their Religious Performances, that God said, Your New Moons, and your appointed Feasts my Soul hateth: they are a Trouble to me, I am neary to bear them, Isa. 1.1,—15. This sure­ly [Page 61] was a very Wicked People, what might one think that God would do to them? Might one not expect, that Terrible, Destructive Vengeance would presently fall upon them? Yet behold what God says, v. 16, 18. Wash ye, make you Clean: put away the evil of your Doings from be­fore mine Eyes, cease to do evil; learn to do Well, &c. Come now, and let us reason together saith the Lord; tho' your Sins be as Scarlet, they shall be as white as Snow; tho' they be Red like Crimson, they shall be as Wool. Such is the Wondrous Mercy of God through the Merits of Christ; therefore let none of you be Discouraged from coming to Christ for Salvation, because of the Greatness or Number of your sins. Whatever your sins be, yet they are but the Sins of Men, the sins of Finite Creatures. But the Blood of Christ is the Blood of GOD. Act. 20.28. — The Church of God which he hath purchased with his own Blood. The Blood of Christ is the Blood of GOD, of a Divine Person, and so of Infinite Merit, Worth, Value and Efficacy. Do any of you Doubt or Fear, that there is no Pardon to be Obtained for so great and vile Sinners as you are? Do you think there is no Hope for you? O dont Despair, your sins are not so Many, Great or Vile, but that if you Heartily Repent of them, they shall be Fully and Freely Pardo­ned through the Blood of Jesus. Dont take this upon my Word, dont believe it meerly be­cause I say it; but hear what the Infallible Word of GOD says: 1 Tim. 1.15. This is a Faithful Saying, and worthy of all Acceptation, that Jesus Christ came into the World to save Sin­ners, of whom (says the Apostle Paul) I am Chief. [Page 62] Christ came to save even Chief Sinners, this God assures us of; 'tis a True and Faithful Saying, worthy of all Acceptation, worthy to be Believed, Credited, Relied on by all that hear it. Whosoever (though the Greatest Vilest Sinner in the World) Believeth in him, shall not Perish, but have Everlasting Life, Joh. 3.16. Whoso­ever comes to Christ by Faith, shall escape Fu­ture Wrath and obtain Future Glory; his own Repented Forsaken Wickedness (though it has been never so Great) shall not Damn him. Isai. 55 7. Let the Wicked forsake his Way, and the Unrighteous Man his Thoughts; and turn to the Lord, and he will have Mercy upon him, and to our God for he will abundantly Pardon. If Men have been Abundantly Wicked, Unrighteous, have Abounded Greatly in Sin; yet there is Abundance of Pardoning Mercy for them, if they will Turn from their Wickedness, Psal. 51.1. — According to the Multitude of thy tender Mer­cies, blot out my Transgressions. There are Mercies, yea a Multitude of Mercies of Tender. Mercies with God; to Pardon all the Iniquities of Pe­nitent returning Sinners. Oh Sinners, seriously consider these true sayings of God; heartily and speedily submit your selves to Christ, there's enough in Him to Save you all if you'll hear­tily believe in Him. I might here say:

1. There's vertue enough in Christ's blood to Pardon all your Sins. For, as was said but now, His blood cleanseth from all sin, 1 Joh. 1.7.

2. There's might and strength enough in Christ to Save you. He's the Lord Almighty, has all Power [Page 63] in Heaven and Earth committed to Him. All things are put under his feet, He's head over all things to the Church, Eph. 1.22.

3. There's willingness enough in Christ to Save you, if you come. He has given his Infallible Divine Word for it saying: Joh. 6.37. Him that cometh unto me, I will in no wise cast out. Matt. 11.28. Come unto me, all ye that Labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you Rest.

There's enough in Christ to Save you from all following assaults of your Spiritual Ene­mies, if you heartily give up your selves to Him. Christ is stronger than Satan that strong man armed, and is able to defend and protect from Satan's destructive Rage, all that trust in him. He has said: Joh. 10.27, 28. My sheep hear my voice, and I know them; and they follow me. And I give unto them eternal Life, and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. And as no Man, so neither shall Devils be able to pluck Christ's Sheep out of his hand. For Christ has Suffered death, to destroy him that had the power of death, that is the Devil, Heb. 2.14. Thus we see, there's every way enough in Christ, to Save all that come to Him and trust in Him as offered in the Gospel. As there's commonly Plenty at a great Feast, enough for all that come; so there's Saving Mercy in Christ, and enough of it for all that sincerely come unto him. We may now proceed to another general head of Comparison.

[Page 64]4. When a Person makes a great Feast and In­vites many, It's commonly matter of considerable Cost and Charge to him. The Feast-maker, has commonly Plenty and Variety of Provisions. Mat. 22.4. I have prepared my Dinner, my Oxen and my Fatlings are Killed, all things are rea [...]y. Here's matter of cost and charge, to him that makes the Feast and gives the Invitation. So the Great GOD, the blessed Lord Jesus Christ, have been and are at great cost and charge (if we may so term it) to provide and bestow those Matchless blessings, which Sinners in the Gospel are Invited to.

1. It has cost God his only begotten Son. What has the Great GOD given, to prepare, and make way for, that Provision (Soul-saving Provision) which Sinners in the Gospel are invited to? Why He has given his only bogotten Son. Joh. 3.16. God so loved the World, as to give his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him, should not perish but have everlasting Life. Rom. 8.32. He spared not his own son, but delivered him up for us all. God laid the whole Scheme of Man's Salvation, in his Eternal Wisdom and Love. According to the Eternal Purpose which he purpo­sed in Christ Jesus our Lord, Eph 3.11. God commendeth his Love to us, in that while we were yet Sinners Christ Died for us, Rom. 5.8. As God laid the Scheme of the Salvation [...] Sinners; so He Called, Commissioned, Autho­rized his Only Begotten Son to Die for their Salvation, Prepared Him a Body (that He might Die in our Nature to Redeem us, Heb. [Page 65] 10.5. and 2.14.) and gave Him his Holy Spi­rit not by (but above) Measure, Joh. 3.34. God sent His Son into the World, to Die for the saving of Sinners. Hence, in this Affair of saving Sinners, Christ is called God's Ser­vant, Isa. 42.1. And is said to be Appointed by God, Heb. 3.2. For Christ came not to do his own will, but the will of him that sent him, Joh. 6.38.

2. It has cost the Son of God His own Life and Blood. The wages of Sin is Death, Rom 6.23. Christ came to save Sinners, the Sons of Death, the Children of Wrath; and if He would save such, He must suffer Death in their room and stead, Satisfie Gods Justice for their Offences, and so Purchase Pardon and Salva­tion for them: And this He has done. He gave himself a Ransom, 1 Tim. 2 6. He once suf­fered for sins, the Just for the Unjust that he might bring us to God. He has bought his People with a Price, (1 Cor. 6.20.) and a Dear, Costly Price it was to Him, even His own Blood, Act. 20.28. He suffered the Weight of that Divine Wrath and Vengeance, which the sins of His People Deserved. He was wounded for our Trans­gressions, he was bruised for our Iniquities: the Chastisement of our Peace was upon him, and with his stripes we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray, we have turned every one to his own way, and the Lord hath laid on him the Iniquity of us all. — He made his soul an Offering for sin, Isa. 53, 5, 6, 10. Unutterably great were the Sufferings of our Holy Lord Jesus, and why did He Undergo them? Why to Redeem and [Page 66] Save Sinners from that Wrath and Curse they had Deserved. Gal. 3.13. Christ hath Redeemed us from the Curse of the Law, being made a Curse for us. Tit. 2.14. He gave himself for us, that he might Redeem us from all Iniquity, and Puri [...]e unto himself a Peculiar People Zealous of Good Works. Surely then, it has cost our Blessed Redeemer very Dear, in making Provision to save Sin­ners, even in Purchasing their Salvation.

3. Christ is still continually Employed to Pro­mote the Salvation of Sinners. As to the Meriting and Purchasing Salvation for Sinners, our Lord finished that Work while He was here on Earth; He Purchased His Church with His own Blood which He shed on the Cross. But though the whole of their Salvation is fully Purchased and Paid for already; yet our Lord still Busies and Imploys Himself for the Applying of, and Giving forth Saving Be­nefits. He is Interceeding with God for the Giving forth of Purchased Saving Blessings. Our Lord Jesus is now Exalted in Honour, Dignity, Authority, Power above all Creatures, Eph. 1.21, 2 [...]. Yet He is not so taken up with all that Matchless Glory that Surrounds Him, as to be Unconcern'd about the Salvation of His People. No, their Case lies near His Heart, their Names are Written on His Breast-Plate. He appears in the Presence of God for them. He went to Prepare a Place for them. As their Forerunner He entred within the Vail, even into Heaven, Heb. 6.19, 20. And there He over lives to make Intercession for them, Heb. 7.25. This is the Work and Business our Saviour is continually Managing in Heaven, even ma­king [Page 67] Intercession for the giving forth Purcha­sed Benefits to Sinners. He is with the Fa­ther, as a Righteous Advocate, 1 Joh. 2.2.

4. Christ has appointed the Gospel Ministy, and Gospel Ordinances to further the Salvation of Sin­ners. Christ has appointed a Gospel Ministry, to continue to the End of the World, Mat. 28.19, 20. Gospel Ministers are His Ambassadors, and should Pray Sinners in His stead, to be Re­conciled to God, 2 Cor. 5.20. Tis Christ by His Holy Spirit (succeeding Ordinarily the use of Proper Means) that with Gifts and Graces Qualifies Persons for the Ministry. 1 Cor. 12.7. The Manifestation of the Spirit is given to every Man to Profit withal. Ministers are made Overseers, by the Holy Ghost, Act. 20.28. Now tis the Lord Jesus (to whom all Power in Heaven and Earth is Committed, Mat. 28.18.) that in His Providence Raiseth up Men from one Generation to another, and Fits and Qualifies them with Gifts and Gra­ces for the Work of the Ministry: That holds the Stars in His Right Hand; that sends them forth to Intreat Sinners to be Reconciled to God, and that gives them all the Success they have in Preaching, 1 Cor. 3.6, 7. The Preach­ing of the Gospel, is a Means appointed by Christ both for the Converting of Sinners and Edifying of Saints

1. For the Converting of Sinners. Tis there­fore called the Word of Reconciliation, 2 Cor. 5.19. Tis the Power of God to Salvation to every one that Believeth, Rom. 1.16. Of His own [Page 68] Will Begat He us, by the word of Truth, Jam. 1.18. I have Begotten you by the Gospel, 1 Cor. 4.15.

2. For the Edifying of Saints. Acts 20.32. — I commend you to God, and to the word of his Grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an Inheritance among all them which are Sanctifyed. 1 Tim. 4.6. Nourished up in the words of Faith, and of good Doctrine. 1 Pet. 2.2. Desire the sin­cere Milk of the Word that ye may grow thereby. Preaching of the Gospel is Instrumental to make the Saints grow in Spiritual Knowledge, Grace and Holiness. Tis the Lord Jesus that has Appointed, and does in His All-governing Providence Continue and Maintain a Gospel Ministry, to further the Salvation of Sinners. So the Sacraments of the New-Testament, Bap­tism and the Lord's-Supper; are Appointed by Christ to Promote the Spiritual Welfare of Poor Sinners. Mat. 28.19. Go and Teach all Nations, Baptizing them, &c. Of the Lord's-Supper He said, Luk. 22.19. This do in Remem­brance of Me. And these Ordinances are to con­tinue to the End of the World, as Means to further the Salvation of Sinners. And though these Means Appointed by Infinite Wisdom and Love, are Imployed and Applyed after the best Manner that can be; yet no saving Good can be wrought by them, unless the Spirit of Christ sets in to do it. 2 Cor. 10.4. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but migh­ty through God, to the pulling down of strong Holds, casting down Imaginations, and every High Thing that exalts it self against the Knowledge of God, [Page 69] and bringing into Captivity every thought to the Obedince of Christ. Those that are Converted, they have the washing of Regeneration, and the Renewing of the Holy Ghost, Tit. 3.5. Tis the exceeding greatness of Gods power, according to the working of his mighty power, that begets Faith in any Soul, Eph. 1.19. And tis nothing less than the same Almighty Power, that Maintains true Grace in the Soul, when tis there Implanted. They are kept by the power of God thro' faith unto salvation, 1 Pet. 1.5.

Thus there has been (and is) Cost and Charge (if we may so term it) on the part of God, of Christ, to Provide and apply that great Salva­tion, that glorious endless blessedness, which Sinners in the Gospel are Invited to accept of. It's often matter of great cost and charge to those, who make a Sumptuous Feast and Invite many to it; but never was any at such Cost for a Feast, as Christ has been at to purchase the Salvation Sinners are Invited to: this Sal­vation cost him His own most precious Blood for the purchasing of it. Ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold — but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a Lamb without blemish and without spot, 1 Pet. 1.18, 19. We may now proceed to another general head of Comparison, viz.

5. What Persons are Invited to at a Feast, is at free cost as to them. Tho' its commonly mat­ter of cost and charge to him that makes the Entertainment, yet it costs nothing to the Guests themselves; its kindness freely granted [Page 70] to them. Its given them, given freely, what they're Invited to eat and drink costs them no­thing, they pay nothing for it. The Inviter has a Mind to show his Love, Kindness, Boun­ty, in freely communicating his good things to those whom he Invites. So the saving bene­fits offer'd to Sinners in the Gospel, are offer'd freely. Whatever cost or charge there may have been, on the part of God or Christ, to provide or procure these saving benefits; yet there's no cost or charge on the part of Sinners that are Invited to receive them. Sinners as such are worthy of Death, Children of Wrath, deserve Hell and everlasting Vengeance: this is all they're worthy of at God's hand. They are utterly and altogether unworthy of all that saving Mercy, that's offer'd to them in the Gos­pel. Therefore tho' they're bid to buy tryed gold, and white raiment, Rev. 3.18. Yet they're bid­den to buy without money and without price, Isai. 55.1. That is, they're Invited to accept Spi­ritual Saving blessings, most freely offer'd to them. Tho' they have no price, no money to lay down; that is, no Merits, Worthiness, Righte­ousness of their own, nothing of their own to recommend them to Divine favour, yet they're Invited to accept full compleat Salvation freely offered to them. The gift of God is eternal Life, Rom. 6.23. Tis your Father's good plea­sure to give you the Kingdom, Luk. 12.32. Who­ever obtains Salvation, Eternal Life, will ob­tain it by way of free gift as from God, from Christ; and what can be freer than a gift? Nothing can be more freely offered, than Salvation is to Sinners in the Gospel. Here we may consider:

[Page 71]1. GOD needs not the Salvation of Sinners. Men will sometimes Ingage in great, costly, difficult affairs; when they think their own real welfare calls for it: very often necessity will make them venture hard. But God had no necessity at all, to concern Himself about the Salvation of Sinners. God's Compleat Essen­tial Blessedness, is Unchangible. With Him there is no variableness nor shadow of turning, Jam. 1.17. God's happiness can't be diminish'd by Mens Wickedness or Misery, nor be increas'd by their Holiness or Felicity. Job 35.6, 7. If thou sinnest, what doest thou against Him? Or if thy Transgressions be multiplied, what doest thou unto Him? If thou be righteous, what givest thou Him? Or what receiveth He of thine hand? If all Men had perished Eternally for their Wickedness, as all the fallen Angels shall; God's Essential Compleat Blessedness would not have been at all impaired thereby.

2. From all Eternity, God of His own heart con­triv'd the Scheme and Method of Sinners Salvation. Tis His Eternal Purpose, Eph. 3.11. Men could not be first movers in this Scheme, twas laid long before they had any being. The Motion there­fore was intirely, wholly, only from God, of His own heart, of His own meer good Will and Pleasure.

3. Twas of meer Love, that God gave Christ to Save Sinners. Joh. 3.16. God so loved the World, as to give His only Begotten Son, that whosoever Believeth in Him, should not perish but have Ever­lasting Life. Twas meer Love, Grace, Bounty, Good Will in the Heart of God towards Sin­ners (and not any need of them, or foreseen [Page 72] worthiness in them) that put Him on sending His Son on this Errand.

4. Twas of meer Love, that Christ Died for Sin­ners. In themselves consider'd they were Rebels, Traytors, Enemies, Children of the Devil, Heirs of Hell; yet from a free Love to, and Desire of, their Salvation, Christ Dyed for them. He loved us, and gave himself for us an Offering and a Sacrifice to God, Eph. 5.2. Rev. 1.5. So that this great Salvation Offer'd in the Gospel, is the most Gratuitous and Free that can be, with respect to those to whom tis Offer'd. There's no worthiness, merit, or good deserving re­quir'd in Sinners, in order to their accepting of it. Indeed both from the Nature of the thing, and from the Divine Constitution, it's necessary that they should be Sick of their Sins, Weary and heavy Laden with them, see their perishing undone Condition, their need of Christ in order to their obtaining Salvation by Him. But if they see, confess, bewail their own Sinful▪ Guilty, Perishing Undone Condition; and so see their need of Christ; they may then come empty-handed, in their Naked Forlorn state to Christ for the healing and saving of their Souls, and they shall be welcome to Him. Whosoever is athirst let him come, let him take the Water of Life freely, Rev. 22.17 If any Man thirst (be he who he will,) let him come unto me (says Christ) and drink, Joh. 7.37.


1. We should admire this Divine Love and Grace appearing to Sinners in the Gospel. Lord, what is [Page 73] Man, Vile, Sinful, Perishing Man; that thou shouldst be thus mindful of him. When the Apostle considers poor Sinners as United to Christ, and so made the Adopted Children of God and Heirs of Glory; he admires at the Divine Grace herein manifested. 1 Joh. 3.1. Behold what manner of Love the Father hath be­stowed upon us, that we should be called the Sons of God. Behold this, Look, Gaze, Wonder, be sur­priz'd at this Unparrallel Love and Grace.

2. Sinners should never suffer the sense of their own unworthiness, to hinder them from coming to Christ for Salvation. Tho' you are never so mean, base, vile unworthy in your own sight; yet be not discourag'd on this account (nor indeed on any other) from coming to Christ. Christ came to save none but the Unworthy, none but Sinners, (1 Tim. 1.15.) and all Sinners are worthy and deserving of Damnation, but not of any Good or Benefit from God. Your Unworthi­ness can never Damn you, if you'l accept the Salvation freely Offer'd you.

3. Terrible will be the Condition of those, who re­ject this Salvation freely Offered to them. Heb. 2.3. How shall we escape if we neglect so great Sal­vation? Is Salvation brought to our very Doors, as it were, and most Freely Offered to us; and yet we neglect and reject it, what Punishment can be too great for such ungrateful Rebels? Those who Obey not the Gospel of Jesus Christ, shall be Punish'd with Everlasting Destruction, 2 Thes. 1.9. We may now go on to another General Head of Similitude, and say:

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6. SErvants are commonly Imploy'd in Inviting to and attending at, a Great and Sumptuous Feast. This Practice is known to be common when a Person makes a great Feast, he com­monly sends Servants to Invite the Guests, &c. So in our Text, he that made a great Supper and bade many, sent his Servant to say, Come for all things are now ready. So the Great God, the Lord Jesus Imploys His Servants to In­vite Persons to the Gospel Feast, to accept the Blessings Offered in the Gospel; and to Dis­pense Sacred things to those who appear to ac­cept the Invitation. Such Servants were, un­der the Old Testament Prophets, Priests, Levites, such as were Imploy'd by God to make known His Will to His People: and under the New Testament, extraordinary Messengers such as Apostles, Prophets, Evangalists; and ordinary ones, Pastours and Teachers, Eph. 4.11. Our Text speaks of Servant, only in the Singular Number, not Servants, but Servant. Some observe from it, that all the Messengers or Ministers of Christ should be as one, with respect to the Sum and Substance of that Message they declare from God to Men. The Scope, Sum and Substance of all their Preaching should be, to bring Per­sons to Repent of Sin, Believe in Christ and Live Obediently to God. All his Servants the [Page 75] Prophets—said, turn ye again now every one from his evil way, and from the evil of your doings, &c. Jer. 25.4, 5. They all agreed in their Message, as to the main Scope of it; and so should all the Ministers of the Gospel, and so they may be collectively spoken of as a Servant. By th [...] Servant spoken of in our Text, we may under­stand God's Messengers, Ministers sent to In­vite Sinners to walk in the way of Salvation.

And here we may observe,

1. That Gospel Ministers are the Servants of God, of Jesus Christ. In a large sense, all God's Pro­fessed People are His Professed Servants; they call Him their Lord, Luk. 6.46. So God speaks of His Covenant People Israel, Isai. 41.8. — Thou Israel, art my Servant. But as for Gospel Ministers, they are in a more strict sense the Servants of God and Christ; they are so by their Office. The Work of a Bishop (or Gospel Minister) is an Office, 1 Tim. 3.1. They are called the Mini­sters of God, 2 Cor. 6.4. Ministers of Christ, and Stewards of the Mysteries of God, 1 Cor. 4.1, Am­bassadors for Christ, 2 Cor. 5.20.

2. These Gospel Ministers are oblig'd by Office, to Invite Sinners to accept of Christ and walk in the way of Salvation. We shew'd under a preceeding Head, that Christ has appointed a Gospel Ministry and Ordinances to further the Salvation of Sin­ners. And this is the comprehensive Substance of what Christ's Ministers should declare to Men, viz. He that Believeth and is Baptized shall be Saved, he that believeth not shall be Damned, Mark [Page 76] 16.16. They should tell Persons of their Sin and Danger, and urge them to comply with the Terms of Salvation Offer'd to them. The Word of Reconciliation is committed to them, and they should in Christ's stead Pray Sinners to be Reconciled to God, 2 Cor. 5.19, 20. They should do their utmost, to turn Persons from Darkness to Light, from the Power of Satan unto God: do what they can, to save themselves and those that hear them. Therefore they should not be slothful or heedless, but fervent and diligent in treating with Persons about their Everlasting Welfare. So in our Text, Come for all things are ready. They should exhort, press, urge, perswade Sinners to come to Christ, who is ready to receive all that come. Knowing the Terror of the Lord, they should perswade men, 2 Cor. 5.11. They should perswade them to flee from the Wrath to come, to mind the things of their Peace before they're hidden from their eves. Therefore they should deal very openly, plainly, thoroughly with them, about their Souls and their Duty; not shuning to declare all the Counsel of God, keeping back nothing that might be profitable to them, Act. 20.20, 27. They should rightly divide the Word of Truth. Not use flattering words, nor handle the Word of God deceitfully, but by manifestation of the Truth, commend themselves to every Man's Conscience as in the sight of God, 2 Cor. 4.2. More particularly, they should very plainly declare to Persons,

1. Their Perishing Undone Condition by reason of Sin. If they dont see their Danger they'll not [Page 77] seek to escape it. The whole need not a Phy­sician but the sick. Men must see their Mala­dies before they'll be concerned for Remedies If they are not convinced that they are Poor, Wretched, Miserable, Blind and Naked; then they wont come to Christ for tried Gold and white Rai­ment, Rev. 3.17, 18. Men should be plainly In­formed of their Danger. Hearken then, the great God, that one Lawgiver who alone can Save or Destroy, says, Rom. 6.23. The wages of sin is Death. This is the Truth of God, every Sin deserves Death, Eternal Death and Damna­tion in Hell. And we are all of us Sinners by Nature as coming from Fallen Adam, and so are liable to Death. Rom. 5.12. By one Man sin en­tered into the World, and Death by sin; and so Death hath passed upon all Men, for that all have sinned. We are all the Children of Wrath by Nature, Eph. 2.3. Oh Man, Woman, didst thou ever seri­ously Consider of this, and lay it home to thine own Heart and Conscience? Whoever thou art, thou, even thou in Particular as co­ming from Fallen Adam, art a Sinner, a Child of Wrath, an Heir of Death, Bound over by God's Law to suffer Everlasting Vengeance, Eternal Plagues and Punishments in Hell. This is thy State by Nature as coming from Apostate Adam, and a Doleful Dreadful Con­dition it is. Nay further, all thy Actual Per­sonal Transgressions in Thought Word and Deed, have increas [...]d thy Guilt, and deserv'd yet great­er Measures of Wrath, greater Degrees of the Insupportable Torments of Hell. Didst thou ever seriously Consider of, this thy Sinful Guilty, Perishing, Undone Condition?

[Page 78]2. Without True Repentance of Sin and Faith in Christ, there is no possibility of escaping this Endless Inconceivable Misery. GOD the Judge of all has Declared His Mind in this Matter. Luk. 13.5. Except ye Repent ye shall Perish. Mark 16.16. He that Believeth not shall be Damned. We must be heartily Asham'd of our Sins, Grieve and Mourn for them, turn from them with Abhorrence, and Trust in the Blood of Christ for Pardon, else we cannot be Saved. Be not Deceived, GOD is not Mocked, that which a Man Soweth, that shall he also Reap. You must Repent and Turn from all Your Transgressions, else Iniquity will be your Ruin, Ezek. 18.30. You must be Converted, else your Sins won't be Blotted out: Born Again, else you cannot see the Kingdom of God. You must be Practically Holy, else you cannot be Happy. Believe what God Himself says, 'tis His Word not Mine. Heb. 12.14. Follow Peace with all Men, and Holiness, with­out which no Man shall see the Lord. They are the Pure in Heart that shall see God, Mat. 5.8. Your Hearts must be Purifyed and Sanctifyed by Faith in Christ Jesus, else you must Perish forever. Have you felt, found, experienc'd a Regenera­ting Sanctifying Change in your Souls? If not, then the Guilt of Sin and Wrath of God still abide upon you. Whoever you are, whatever Character you bear, or Show you make among Men; tho' possibly you were Born [...] Professing Parents, Baptiz'd, well Catechiz'd and Instruct­ed, have liv'd Blamelesly to Outward Appear­ance, have made the Highest Profession, and have been often at the Lord's Table; if all this be True of you, yet if you have not had a Con­verting, [Page 79] Sanctifying Change wrought in you, ren­dring Sin Hateful, and Christ and Holiness Pre­cious to you, then you still abide Enemies to God, Condemn'd by His Law, and so you are every Moment in Danger of dropping into Hell-Strait is the Gate, Narrow is the Way that leads to Life. Your Sins or your Souls must Die. Rom. 8.13. If ye live after the Flesh ye shall Die.

3. The Lord Jesus is ready to Save all Sinners that will come unto Him. The Servant in our Text was bid to say, Come, for all things are now ready. So I say, Come to Christ, for all things are now ready; they are ready now, therefore come now, make no Delays. Behold, now is the accepted Time, behold, now is the Day of Salvation, 2 Cor. 6.2. To Day if you will hear his Voice harden not your Hearts, Heb. 4.7. As you should be plainly told of your Sin and Danger; so you should be as plainly told, where Help and Relief may be had: Well, there is enough of it in Christ. There is enough in Him to Save all your Souls, to supply all your Wants, to heal all your Wounds, to cover all your Unworthiness, to wash away all your Sins, if you will but come to Him as your Prince and Saviour. He's able to Save to the Uttermost all that come to God by Him: His Blood Cleanseth from all Sin. And he has said, Joh. 6.37. Him that comes unto me, I will in no wise cast out. So, Mat. 11.28. Come unto me all you that Labour and are Heavy Laden, and I will give you Rest. Oh what a sweet and blessed Invitation is this? Are you sensible of your Sin, Guilt, liableness to Wrath and Misery? Are your Sins a grievous Load and Burden to your Guilty Consciences? [Page 80] Would you fain be rid of your Sins, and es­cape the Wrath Deserved by them? Why, be­hold the Blessed Jesus Invites you, to accept such Needful Deliverance. He bids you come, promiseth Rest, Peace, Deliverance, Salvation if you will come. Then come, for all things we now ready. The Arms of a Merciful Redeemer are Open Ready to Receive you; His Blood is a Fountain Opened, Ready to Wash and Cleanse you; nothing shall be wanting on His Part, if you will but come unto Him. Come then to this Blessed Saviour, there is Salvation in none else, there is no Saviour like Him. Indeed none besides Him; therefore needs no other▪ for it hath Pleased the Father that all Fullness should Dwell in Him. He is, Truly, the Chief of Ten Thousand, the Altogether Lovely and De­sirable One. Nothing can hinder the Full Com­pleat Salvation of any of you all, but your Un­willingness to have Christ as Prince and Savi­our. Heartily Receive Christ as Offer'd in the Gospel, and He will most Readily and Certain­ly Save you from Sin and Misery, and make you Holy and Happy for ever. This Blessed Redeemer will be Abundantly Pleas'd with you, if you thus come to Him, Trust in Him for Salvation. He takes Pleasure in those that hope in his Mercy, Psal. 147 11. He's Glad when you (as it were) put Him upon doing His Office, upon doing the Work of a Saviour for you: 'Tis His Office-Work to save His People from their Sin, to Bless them in Turning them from their Iniquities, to Purify them and make them Zealous of Good W [...]ks, to save them from Wrath to come, and bring them to Endless Glory. You can't possi­bly [Page 81] Please, Gratify, Honour the Lord Jesus Christ in any thing like Firmly Trusting in Him for such Blessings as these, for this great Salvati­on. Therefore come to Him, for all Things are ready on His Part. But if you Refuse and Reject all such Offers and Invitations as these, this will Abundantly Displease, Dishonour, Pro­voke this most Glorious Redeemer He was Grieved for the Hardness of their Hearts, Mark 3.5. He Wept over Jerusalem, for not minding the Things of their Peace in the Season thereof, Luk. 19.41, 42. God has Made you, Preserves you, Loads you with all the Benefits you re­ceive (though you deserve none of them) you lie under Numberless Indispensible Obligati­ons to Please and Glorify Him; but this Blessed and Glorious God, you Disobey, Dsplease, Af­front, Provoke after the worst manner that can be, if you refuse the Gracious Invitations made to you in the Gospel. God is Wonderfully Provok'd with the Sin of Unbelief. The Lord was Wroth, so a Fire was kindled against Jacob, and Anger al­so came up against Israel. This was Terrible in­deed, What is the meaning of it? To find God Provok'd with Idolatrous Heathen, would not seem strange; But what could it be that could thus Incense Him against Israel, against His own Professing Covenant People? What means the Heat of this Anger, this Fiery Wrath and Indignation, against that People whom He had favour'd more than any other in the World? What was it that was thus Provoking? Why the next Verse tells us, viz. Because they Believed not in God, and Trusted not in his Salvation, Psal. 37.21, 22. This Sin, this Unbelief, this not Trust­ing [Page 82] in Gods Salvation; this was the Crime that kindled such Fiery Wrath in God against his own Professing People. And if any of you Finally Persist to Reject the Invitations of the Gospel, then be it known unto you, that Endless Eternal Miseries will be your Portion. That Merciful Redeemer who now waits to be Gra­cious to You, will count and treat you as Ob­stinate Rebels. He that Made you, will not have Mercy on you, and He that Formed you, will shew you no Favour; but will Glorify His Justice in your Eternal Ruin. He'll say, As for those Mine Enemies that would not that I should Reign over them, bring them hither and Slay them before me, The Wicked shall he turned into Hell, and all the Nations that forget God, Psal. 9.17. Thus, Gosp [...] Ministers should Invite Sinners to come to Christ for Savation.


4. They should Dispense Sacred Things, to those who appear to Accept the Invitation. Ministers should Indeavour, as to Convert Sinners, so to Edify and Build up Saints. They should Indea­vour, that those who Profess to Accept Gos­pel Invitations, should live as becomes the Gospel; Walk Worthy of the Vocation where­with they are Called: Walk Worthy of God un­to all Pleasing, being Fruitful in every good Work: that they should grow in Grace and in the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. They should strive to Confirm the Souls of the Disciples, exhorting them to continue in the Faith; and with full purpose of heart to cleave to the Lord, Act 11.23. & 14.22. They should [Page 83] dispense the sincere Milk of the Word (as well as administer Sacraments) that the Saints may grow thereby, 1 Pet. 2.2. Indeed they should Preach the Word, be Instant in Season, out of Season, Rebuke, Reprove, Exhort with all long Suffering and Doctrine, (2 Tim. 4.2.) Comfort the Feeble Minded, sup­port the Weak, (1 Thes. 5.14.) Exhort the Saints to run their Race with Patience, to Fight the good Fight of Faith; to be stedfast, unmoveable, al­ways abounding in the Work of the Lord, forasmuch as they know that their Labour shall not be in vain in the Lord, 1 Cor. 15.58. Thus Gospel Mini­sters as the Servants of God, of Christ, should Invite Sinners to come to Christ for Salvation; and as Faithful Stewards should dispense the Mysteries of God, to build up Saints in holiness. I have now according to my Office Duty, In­vited you to come unto Christ that you might have Life, shewing you, that all things are rea­dy on His part. I have this Day set Life and Death before you, I have deliver'd my own Soul: if you Perish, your Blood will be on your own Heads, you wont Perish for want of Faithful Warning. I should be glad to see all of you without Exception at Christ's Right Hand, in the Last Day; if any of you appear at His Left, twont be for want of Faithful Warning given to you. For I have told you of your Sin and Dan­ger, of your Malady, and of your Remedy too; that Christ is altogether Able and Willing, to Save to the Uttermost all that come unto God by Him. Therefore turn you, turn you from your evil Ways, for why will you Die? Now from the Office Work and Duty of Ministers, refering to Gospel Invitations, we may Infer a few things, viz.

[Page 84]1. We should count it a great Favour, to have the Ministers of Christ Faithfully Dispensing His Word to us. To have His Ministers plainly Declaring His Mind to us, telling us of our Danger & of our Only & Alsufficient Remedy, Inviting us to Escape the worst of Evils, and to accept the best of Blessings; this we should esteem a very great Favour indeed: we should be glad of it and thankful for it. Paul and Barnabas said to the Blaspheming Jews, Lo we turn to the Gentiles — tis added — When the Gentiles heard this, they were glad, Act. 13.46, 48. They were Glad, they Rejoyc'd when those Heraulds, those Ambassadors of Peace would Preach the Everlasting Gospel to them. Oh count it a very great Mercy, that your Eyes may see and your Ears hear your Teachers, that they are not driven into Corners, Psal. 89.15. Blessed is the People that hear the joyful Sound. Prize and Value the Preaching of the Gospel, yea Obey the Gospel lest God be Provoked to take it away.

2. We should not wonder that Ministers are in Ear­nest, that they are Pressing and Urgent with Sinners to come unto Christ. If Ministers even Travail in Birth, if they're most Earnest, Urgent, Pressing with you to Turn and Live; yet dont think strange of it. Their Office Duty obliges them to this: Christ sends them to Invite Sinners, yea, to Compel them to come in. They can't be Faithful in their Office, not Faithful to God, to their own Souls nor to yours, if they don't do their utmost to save themselves and those that hear them. If a Person saw a Blind Man walking Dangerously, within a few steps of falling into some Destructive Pit; would he not [Page 85] earnestly Cry aloud, stop, stop, or you will kill your self? Well, Sinners are in Danger of tum­bling into the Unquenchible Flames of Hell; don't wonder then if Ministers are Earnest and Urgent with them, to make them stop, not to go on in Wickedness, but that they would turn to God in Christ and live for ever. The Charge God has laid on Ministers, the Worth of Precious Immortal Souls, the Account Ministers must quickly give of their Stewardship, all these re­quire them indeed to be in good Earnest, migh­ty Sollicitous for the Salvation of all under their Ministry.

3. It's Ungrateful and Abominable, to abuse Gos­pel Ministers for the Faithful Discharge of their Office Work. Some can't bear to have Ministers Preach against and Condemn their Evil Practices. Ahab hated Micajah for thus testifying against his Wickedness, 1 King. 22.8. But it's Abo­minable to Abuse Ministers, for Faithfully Wit­nessing against sin. What, would you have them speak flattering Words, dawb with untempered Mortar; Cry, Peace, Peace, when their is no Peace? Would you have them thus deceive you, in the most Weighty Important Affars that can be? Would you have them heal your Wounds slightily, skin them over, and suffer them to fester at the Bottom to your Eternal Ruin? Would not this be the highest Unfaithfulness in them, and the greatest wrong they could do you? Would you not have them Obey God? His Command to them is, Isai. 58.1. Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy Voice like a Trumpet, and shew my People their Transgression, and the House of Jacob [Page 86] their Sin. Would you have Ministers Disobey this Command of God? God threatens them with the Guilt of Blood, to punish them as Guilty of the Blood, the Murder of those Souls, who perish for want of Faithful warning from them, Ezek. 33.8. When therefore Ministers Faithfully tell you of your sin and danger, Faith­fully warn you to forsake your Intemperance, Uncleanness, Prophaneness, Coveteousness, Lying, Pro­mise-Breaking, Fraud, Deceit, Oppression, Pride, Re­viling, Backbiting, &c. When they tell you that for these things sake, the Wrath of God comes on the Children of Disobedience: when they tell you, that if you live after the Flesh you shall Die: when they testify to you, Repen­tance towards God, and Faith towards our Lord Jesus Christ; declaring the absolute ne­cessity of holiness in Heart and Life, of having clean Hands and a pure Heart in order to your getting to Heaven; I say, when they deal thus plainly with you, will you be Angry and Dis­pleas'd with them? Will you Revile and Re­proach them, for condemning your beloved ways of Wickedness? Oh tis Abominable In­gratitude, thus to Abuse your Faithful Repro­vers and Instructors. Those who most Faith­fully indeavour to bring you off from all ways of Wickedness, and to quicken you in the Ways of holiness; are the best Friends you have in the World: they shew you the truest kindness, and for you to hate and abuse them for this, is to return Evil for Good, and that's a black and vile Crime indeed. Again, another General Head of Comparison may be,

[Page 87]7. Those Bidden to a Feast, should be Civil and Social in their Carriage one to another. Much of the Comfort of those Bidden to a Feast, does consist not only in Eating and Drinking, but also in their Free, Kind Converse with one a­nother. If they should be Jealous and Suspi­cious, Grudging and Contending, Watching for one another's Halting; they would have little or no True Comfort. But the more O­pen, Free, Kind Cordial they are in their Car­riage to one another; so much the more Plea­sure and Comfort they would have. So, those Invited to Accept of Christ and all Saving Benefits with Him, and who do Accept the Invitation; they should be very Kind, Loving, Courteous to each other. This is the Duty of all Christians. They should love God with all their Heart, Soul, Mind and Strength, and their Neighbours as themselves, Mat. 22.37, 39. They should Love one another, be Con­cerned for one another's Welfare, as they have Opportunity doing Good to all Men, especially to those of the Houshold of Faith, Gal. 6.10. There should be no Grudging or Envying be­tween them. Let all Bitterness and Wrath, and Anger and Clamour, and Evil Speaking be put away from you, with all Malice: and be ye Kind one to another, Tender Hearted, Forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath Forgiven you, Eph. 4.31, 32. They should have Compassion one of another, Love as Brethren, be Pitiful, Courteous, not rendring Evil for Evil, or Railing for Railing, but contrariwise Blessing, 1 Pet. 3.8, 9. And from a Principle of Love and Kindness, they should Watch over one another, Instruct, Counsel, [Page 88] Exhort, Reprove, Comfort each other as there is Occasion. Exhort one another Daily, while it as called to Day; lest any of you be hardened thro' the Deceitfulness of Sin, Heb. 3.13. Surely, Christians should Love one another with a Pure Heart Fervently. Brotherly Love should Continue among them. Our Lord said, Joh. 13.35. By this shall all Men know that ye are my Disciples, if ye have Love one to another.

The last General Head is,

8. Those who being Invited to a Feast, do Ac­cept the Bounty of the Inviter; should be [...]ery Thankful to him for it. This Truth will be readily Granted, by every one of any Common Ing [...] ­nuity. So those who Accept of Gospel Invi­tations, should be most Thankful to God, to Christ for the Bounty, Grace, Salvation they are Favour'd with. All Men should be Continually Thankful to God, for the Unwearied Instances of His Common Bounty unto them. Unthankful­ness to God for the Bounties of Common Pro­vidence is mention'd as a very great Sin in the very Heathen, Rom. 1.21. But the great­er Benefits any receive, the more Thankful they should be Surely then, of all Persons in the World, those United to Christ by T [...]u [...] Faith, should be the most Thankful. The Gospel, Covenant Blessings they are in Part Possessed of, and further Intitled to, are In­comparably Preferable to all the Crowns, Kingdoms, Riches, Honours which can be In­joyed in this World. Surely then, they have Reason to say, What shall I render to the Lord for [Page 89] all his Benefits? Bless the Lord, Oh my soul, and all that is within me bless his holy Name: Bless the Lord, Oh my soul, and forget not all his Benefits. Who Pardoneth all thine Iniquities, Healeth all thy Diseases, Crowneth thee with Loving Kindness and Tender Mercies, Psal. 103 1.—3. The whole Life of a Christian, should be a Life of Holy Gratitude unto God. [...] Thes. 5.18. In every thing give Thanks, for this is t [...]e Will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. Eph. 5.20. Giving Thanks always, for all things, to God and the Fa­ther, in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. They should be always Thankful to God, and Joyful in God, for His manifold Grace Vouchsafed to them. Phi [...]. 4.4 Rejoyce in the Lord always, and again I say Rejoyce.

Thus I have mention'd sundry General Heads of Similitude or Comparison, wherein God's Inviting Sinners to Accept Spiritual Saving Blessings in the Gospel, may be likened to a Great Man's Inviting many to a Sumptuous Feast. Would to God, that all who have heard these Things, would speedily and heartily Accept the Invitations God makes to them. God Invites you to a Noble Feast, A Feast of Fat Things full of Marrow, of Wines on the Lees well Refined, Isa. 25.6. He Invites you to the best Feast that can be, to Accept the best Offers that were ever made to Poor Mortals; O [...] be so Wise for your selves as to Accept them. There is a Price in your Hands to get Wis­dom, be not such Fools as to Neglect it. You may come and Welcome, come and re­ceive Freely the best of Blessings. You may [Page 90] come and Feast here without any Danger of being Grudg'd what you are Invited to, without any Danger of Surfeiting: The more Readily, Fully, Speedily you Accept the Offers made, so much the more it will be to your own Advan­tage. But if you should Finally Neglect and Refuse these Gracious Offers, 'twould have been good for you that you had never been Born. Therefore Heartily submit to Christ on Gospel Terms without any Delay; Oh come, for all Things are now Ready. Our Lord Jesus said, Rev. 3.20. Behold, I stand at the Door and knock: if any Man will hear my Voice and open the Door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him and he with me. Since Christ thus stands Knocking at the Door of our Hearts, let none be so Foolish and Wicked as to Bolt the Door against him. I'll now end with that Scripture, Rev. 22.17. The Spirit and the Bride say, come, and [...] that heareth, say, come. And let him [...]ha [...] is Athirst come; and whosoever will, let him take the Water of Life freely.

[Page 91]


LUKE XIV. 18, 19, 20.

And they all with one consent began to make Excuse: The first said unto him, I have bought a Piece of Ground, and I must needs go and see it: I pray thee have me Excused.

And another said, I have bought Five Y [...]ke of Oxen, and I go to Prove them: I pray thee have me Excused.

And another said, I have Married a Wife; and therefore I cannot come.

THESE Words contain a denial, or a Negative Answer made to the Invi­tation that was given them to the Feast, v. 16, 17. As these Objections against going to the Feast when Invited, or Desires to be Excus'd from going, may intimate the Un­belief of the generality of the Jews, they Re­jected Christ, Denyed the Holy One and the Just, and Desired a Murderer, Act. 3.14. Christ came to His own (those of His own Nation, His own by Covenant and Visible Profession) and [Page 92] His own received Him not, Joh. 1.11. I say, as these Objections may Intimate, the Unbelief of the Generality of the Jews; so they may Intimate also, the Backwardness, Unwilling­ness of all Men in General Naturally, to Ac­cept Gospel Offers and Invitations. Wherever the Gospel is Faithfully Preached, God Invites all to accept of Christ and Salvation thro' Him; but they are Naturally backward to accept the Invitation. From the Objections and Excuses here made, sundry Doctrines might be ob­served, viz.

DOCTRINE I. Men are Naturally apt to make Objections against accepting Gospel Invitations, Naturally back­ward and Unwilling to accept them.

An Invitation to Eat and Drink, is commonly acceptable to the Hungry and Thirsty: an Offer of Wealth, would be acceptable to the Poor and Beggarly: an Offer of Healing, would be accep­table to the Sick and Wounded. But, an Offer of Christ and Salvation to Poor Sinners, is more needful than all these Offers now mention'd; and yet Sinners are Naturally Backward and Unwilling to accept this best of Offers that can possibly be made. Our Lord Jesus said to the Wicked Jews, Joh. 5.40. Ye will not come unto me that ye might have Life. He said to Je­rusalem, Mat. 23.37.— How often would I have ga­thered thy Children together, as an Hen gathereth her Chickens under her Wings; and ye would not? Tis thus with all Men Naturally, they're Un­willing [Page 93] to have Christ on Gospel termes. Tis said in our Text, They all with one consent began to make excuse. They all agre'd in this, that they were Unwilling to come, tho' they made various particular excuses for not coming.

Here we may Inquire,

Quest. Whence is it, that all Men are naturally backward and unwilling to Accept of Gospel Offers and Invitations?

Answ. 1. It proceeds from the depravation and corruption of their Natures, from the prevalency of Sin in them. Our Lord Redeemer is call'd Je­sus, because he Saves his People from their Sins, Mat. 1.21. He was sent on this great errand, to Bless Men in turning them from their Iniqui­ties, Act. 3.26. Therefore when Persons are call'd upon to accept of Christ and Salvation with him; they're Indeed requir'd, not only to trust in his Meritorious Righteousness for Justification before God, but also to deny them­selves, take up their Cross and follow Christ whethersoever he goes. They're requir'd to conform to Gods Preceptive Will, as the only unalterable Rule and Measure of all their Thoughts, Words and Deeds. They're re­quir'd, to yield up themselves Intirely, Uni­versally, Continually, and without reserve to God, to Christ, to be for Him and for none other; to make his Word their Rule and his Glory their end in all they do. Now nothing can be more contrary than this is, to the de­praved, corrupted Nature of fallen Man. Adam [Page 94] in his first Apostasie, turn'd away from God a [...] his Sovereign Lord and his Supream Portion. He practically despis'd and trampled on Gods Au­thority, and this cursed temper and disposition is natural to all his Posterity as they proceed from him. They're shapen in Iniquity and con­ceiv'd in Sin, Psal. 51.5. Their hearts we deceit­ful above all things, and desperately wicked, J [...]. 17.9. In them, that is in their Flesh (their corrupt part, and they have nothing else natu­rally) there dwells no good thing. They're prone to back slide, to hold fast deceit and not to let it go. Their carnal Minds are enmity against God, not subject to his law, nor indeed can be, Rom. 8.7. So that all meer Men as coming from fallen Adam, have in them a root and principle of enmity a­gainst God & contempt of Him. Now this Root principle & habit of Sin Natural unto them, is a contrary to the calls, commands, offers & invita­tions of the Gospel as any thing can be. This root and habit of Sin, is a Principle & Spring of Unbelief (an evil heart of Unbelief in departing from the Living God, Heb. 3.12.) that's quite contrary to Faith. It's a Principle of Hating God▪ that's quiet contrary to the Loving of Him: a Principle of Rebellion, that's quite contrary to Obed [...]ence: This corrupt depraved Principle reigning in the Soul, is in general the cause of Mens backwardness and unwillingness to ac­cept of Gospel Invitations. This depraved dis­position of Soul, is it self very Sinful; and is the root and spring from whence all Actual Sins in Thought, Word and Deed do flow, Out of the heart do proceed evil Thoughts, Murders, Adulteries, Theifts, false Witness, Blasphemies, &c. [Page 95] More particularly, this backwardness and un­willingness in Men, to accept of Gospel Invi­tations, does proceed:

1. From their Blindness and Ignorance. All the faculties of the Rational Soul, are wonderfully deprav'd & vitiated by Sin. The Understand­ing is wonderfully weaken'd, darkned, blinded. The Holy Ghost in describing the depravation of fallen Men, says, Rom. 3.11, 17. There is none that Understandeth, there is none that Seeketh after God — the way of Peace have they not known. And so Unregenerate men are said to be in darkness; and Conversion is call'd an Opening of their Eyes, a turning them from darkness to light: a calling them out of darkness into marvellous light, Act. 26.18. 1 Pet. 2.9. Unregenerate Persons are so in the dark, that they have not a right view and understanding of things: they have not a right view and sense of the cursed nature and tendency of Sin, of their own Slavery to it, and liableness to misery for it. They dont rightly see and consider their own danger and hazard, the Suitableness and All-sufficiency of Christ to Save them, their absolute need of an Interest in Him by heart-purifying Faith. If they had a right understanding of these things, they would not be so easy, quiet, joyful in their Sinful Perishing Condition, as they often are. If they had a right, clear, realizing view of the endless Torments of Hell which wait for the Impenitent, and of the endless Matchless Glories which shall be the Portion of Sincere Saints; then they would not be so easy and quiet while liable to the former and uninter­rested in the latter, as they often are. Tis said, [Page 96] Psal. 9.10. They that know thy Name will put their trust in thee, for thou Lord hast not forsaken them that seek thee. Therefore tis very much from an Ignorance of God and Christ, and the absolute need of an Interest in his favour, that Sinners are so backward and unwilling to ac­cept of Gospel Offers and Invitations.

2. From the Hardness of their Hearts. They not only have a great Ignorance of God, and of the things of God, of the duties they owe to him, and the need they have of his favour; but there's also in them a base, vile contrariety of heart to that which they do know of God. Their hearts are so hard, so strongly set against Gods Authority, so bent to wickedness; that they often neglect to do what they know is Duty, and commit what they know is Sin. And so they are said to Love darkness rather than light — to hate the light, Joh. 3.19, 20. They hold the Truth in Unrighteousness — when they knew God, they glorified him not as God — Tho' they know that such and such things are worthy of Death, yet they not only do them, but take pleasure in those that do them, Rom. 1.18, 21, 32. They say unto God, depart from us; for we desire not the knowledge of thy ways, Job 21.14. Tis after their hardness and impenitent heart, that they trea­sure up to themselves wrath against the day of wrath, and the revelation of Gods righteous Judg­ment, Rom. 2.5. This backwardness to accept of Gospel Invitations, is often furthered:

3. By their accustoming themselves to Sin. The root, habit, principle of Sin in the Soul, which [Page 97] is commonly call'd Original Sin: is often streng­then'd, increas'd, confirm'd and establish'd (as it were) by a continued customariness in Sin­ning. The longer men live in Sin, the more they use and accustom themselves to it: so much the more they commonly love it: so much the more unwilling they usually are to leave and forsake it. He that has been long us'd to Drunkenness, is not easily brought to for­sake it. He that has been long us'd to filthy Unclean Practices, is not easily brought to be chast and pure. So those habituated to Lying, [...]tealing, Cheating, Defrauding, Blaspheming, &c. are not easily brought to forsake such Hellish Practices. Jer. 13.23. Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the Leopard his spots? then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil. So that in general, Mens backwardness and unwilling­ness to accept of Gospel Offers and Invitations. proceeds from the depravation and corruption of their Nature by the Fall, by Adam's Aposta­sie from God. It's a great evil, to refuse Gos­pel Offers; but the depravation of Man's Na­ture is the cause of all Moral evils, both of Omission and Commission. Indeed tis great part of the work of Gospel Grace, to cure this depravation in the Soul; but this Malady na­turally resists the remedy, till conquer'd, and subdu'd by Sovereign Almighty Grace. And again, this backwardness & unwillingness:

2. Is often much furthered by Satan. All the fallen, Apostate Angels are often comprehen­ded in this Collective Name, Satan, or the Devil. The Devil was the first Sinner. By his Temp­tations [Page 98] he drew Mankind into Sin which de­serves Death; and so he's justly call'd a Mur­derer from the beginning, Joh. 8.44. And as at first, Satan thus drew Mankind into Sin and Misery; so he does all he can to obstruct their Recovery and Salvation. He's an Enemy of all Righteousness, strives to pervert the right ways of the Lord. He does all he can to blind and darken the Minds of Men, to fill them with Errors, and with Prejudices against the Truths and Ways of God which lead to Salvation: 2 Cor. 4.3, 4. But if our Gospel be hid, tis hid to those that are lost; in whom the god of this World (that is, the Devil) hath blinded the Minds of those that believe not, lest the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ, who is the Image of God, should shine into them. When the Seed of the Gospel is Sown, — when the holy Saving Truths of God are Preached; Satan catches them away as much as possibly he can: he does his ut­most to hinder the good efficacy of them, Luk. 8.12. He is the Tempter, the Enemy, the Wicked one, the Abaddon and Apollyon (that is, Destroyer) emphatically so; who useth all his Subtlety, Power and Unwearied Malice, to hinder Persons from understanding the one on­ly way of Salvation, and from walking in it.

USE. We may hence infer,

1. We ought to consider and deeply bewail the Depravation and Corruption of our Nature. As we come from fallen Adam, we're wofully depra­ved [Page 99] in all the Faculties of our Souls; our Un­derstandings wofully darkened, our Wills per­verted, our Affections disordered. We're prone to put light for darkness and darkness for light, good for evil and evil for good, sweet for bit­ter and bitter for sweet: and God denounceth a Wo against those that do thus, Isai. 5.20. We're Naturally prone to hate God, whom we should love above all things; and to chuse and love the ways of Sin, which we should hate above all things. Indeed we're Naturally in a very depraved, woful, degenerate Condition. And tho' God of His Infinite Grace, has given His Son to save Sinners, and Invites us to ac­cept this Salvation; yet such it our Ignorance and Wickedness Naturally, that we are prone to neglect and reject this great Salvation. We are prone to reject this only and All-sufficient Remedy which is Offer'd us. We are Natu­rally Dead in Trespasses and in Sins. Surely we have abundant cause, to bewail and lament our wretched depraved state by the Fall. If Men lose their Credit, their Estate, their Bu­siness; if they lose their Health and Strength, especially if they lose the use of their Limbs, their Sight, their Hearing, they're apt greatly to bewail these Losses. But the loss of the I­mage of God in our Souls, and to have our Souls so darkened and corrupted by Sin as they are, is a much greater loss and much more to be lamented and bewailed.

2. Those should be very thankful to God, who are made willing to come to Christ. Has Powerful, Victorious Light broke into your Souls, show­ing you your sin and misery; convincing you [Page 100] of your Guilty, Perishing, Undone Condition; bringing you to grieve and mourn for your past Transgressions, heartily to hate, loath and strive against all known sin? Have you been perswaded and enabled to cast the burden of your Souls on Christ, to trust wholly and only in His Meritorious Righteousness for Justifica­tion before God; to give up your selves to Him, sincerely and constantly to Obey all His Commands? Has it been thus with you? If so, tis God of His Infinite Sovereign, Almigh­ty Grace has done these things for you. By Grace ye are Saved, thro' Faith, and that not of your selves, it is the Gift of God: not of Works lest any Man should boast, Eph. 2.8, 9. Tis the ex­ceeding greatness of Gods Power, the working of His Mighty Power, that has enabled you to believe, Eph. 1.19. You have nothing of your own to boast of in the matter, you are wholly In­debted to Sovereign Grace. Oh be thankful for this wonderful Gift of God. For delive­rance from distressing, dangerous Bodily Sickness, tis said, Psal. 107.21. Oh that Men would Praise the Lord for His Goodness, and for His Won­derful Works to the Children of Men. How thank­ful then should you be, for deliverance from the Reigning Power and Damning Guilt of Sin? This is a greater deliverance, than any outward deliverance whatsoever; and loudly calls for the greatest and most constant Gra­titude.

3. Sinners should Pray to God for Converting Grace. Tho' Unregenerate ones, have not such Knowledge and Understanding of Spiritual things, as true Converts have; yet by seriously [Page 101] Reading and Hearing Gods Word, and consider­ing what that says, they may by the help of God's common Grace be convinc'd that they are Sinners, that they deserve Eternal Ven­geance in Hell Fire, that Christ is the only Saviour of Sinners, that they must heartily believe in Him and obey Him as ever they expect Hap­piness: these things they may come to be con­vinc'd of, and being so, they should Pray that God would help them to trust in Christ and live unto Him. God can do what He will, nothing is to hard for Him. He's the Foun­tain of all Good and Grace, can inlighten the blindest Minds, humble and soften the proudes [...] and hardest Hearts. He open'd the Heart of Ly­dia, to give heed to the things spoken by Paul, Act. 16.14. He can open the Hearts of whom He will, to understand, approve and conform to His Holy Revealed Will. He can give un­to Persons to know the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God, Mat. 13.11. He can by the exceeding Greatness of His Power, according to the working of His Mighty Power, beget Faith in whom He pleaseth, Eph. 1.19. And such Faith is ab­solutely necessary in order to Eternal Salvation, for he that Believeth not shall be Damned. Since these things are so, surely Sinners should Ear­nestly Pray to God for Converting Grace, they should Pray that He would cure their Spiritual Maladies, take away their Blindness of Mind, their Hardness of Heart: that He would Open their Eyes to behold wondrous things in His Law; Open their Understandings more clearly to understand the Scriptures, and that He would Conform their Hearts to His Holy Re­vealed [Page 102] Preceptive Will therein: that He would create a Clean Heart, and Renew a R [...]ght Spirit within them. They should Pray that God would renew His Holy Image in them, in Knowlegde, Righteousness and true Holiness; that He would draw them to Christ; turn them and they shall be turned. They should Pray, that He would save them from Sin and Misery, make them Holy and Happy forever. If you were in Great, Eminent Outward Dangers, by reason of Enemies, Sickness or the like; would you not Cry Mightily to God for Deliverance? How Earnestly will many Cry and Pray in Dan­gerous Storms at Sea? But surely you should be yet more Earnest and Sollicitous, in Praying for Converting Saving Grace. Make that Prayer, Hos. 14.2— Take away all iniquity, and receive us graciously— Psal. 116.4 — O Lord, I beseech the deliver my Soul.

We now proceed to a

DOCTRINE II. When Persons Neglect and Reject Gospel Invita­tions; it is commonly because they are more Desirous of, and Affected to, some other Things.

So in our Text, those who Refus'd coming to the Feast when bidden, did not Directly and Absolutely say, I will not come; they were not thus Peremptory, but pretended they had other Affairs which they must attend to, and would be Excused from coming. One had [Page 103] Bought a Piece of Land, and must needs go see it. Another had Bought Oxen, and would go and Prove them. Another had Married a Wife, and said he could not come. Their Minds were more taken up about other Things, than a­bout the Invitation given them [...] the Feast. They prefer'd other Things to the Feast they were Invited to. 'Tis not here mentioned as Criminal for Men to Buy Land, Oxen, or to Marry Wives; but the Fault was, their Minds were so taken up with these Matters, as that on the Account of them they Neglected the Invitation given them to the Feast. So under the Gospel, many have their Minds so set upon, so taken with, some Things in them­selves Lawful to be Regarded, that thereby they are Hindred from Accepting Gospel Offers. They have a much greater Fondness for, Love to, and Desire after, Worldly, Temporary Injoy­ments, than they have to those Things the Gospel Invites them to. Some are so much Concern'd about their Lands, Fields Meadows, their Farm­ing Affairs; about their Oxen, their Cattel, a­bout Proving and Improving them to their World­ly Profit; some about their Trade and Merchan­dize, that they Neglect the Great Salvation Offered them in the Gospel. Some are so Concerned about being Married, about the Comforts and Pleasures they Propose to them­selves in that State, that they Neglect getting an Interest in Jesus Christ. Union to Christ by True Faith, is the Best Match that any Soul can ever make. All thus United to the Son of God, are fre'd from the Tyranny and Guilt of Sin, the Slavery of Satan, the Wrath and Curse [Page 104] of God: They are brought into the Liberty of the Sons of God, Advanced to High Honour and Dignity, Intitled to an Eternal Crown, Kingdom and Inheritance. Yet many are so taken with Sensual Pleasures and Delights, as to Reject an Invitation to, and Offer of, these Best of Blessings. Many Reject Gospel Invitations, because their Hearts are more ta­ken up with, and desirous of, other Things.

1. Some have their Hearts more taken up with Worldly Profits. They esteem Earthly Treasures above Heavenly, Gold above Grace and Holi­ness. Some have their Minds so Hurried and Concerned to get and manage Lands, Oxen, Ships, Shops or other Matters of Worldly Profit; that they can spare no Time, get no Leisure se­riously and thro'ly to mind their Souls, and secure to themselves a Durable Substance, an In­corruptible Inheritance. Thus it was with the Thorny-Ground Hearers; Mat. 13.22. The Cares of the World and the Deceitfulness of Riches, choke the Word, and it becometh Unfruitful. Their Hearts and Minds are so chok'd, stuff'd, fill'd with Worldly Cares and Concerns; that they Neg­lect the Welfare of their Precious Immortal Souls. They mind Earthly Things. Phil. 3.19. They so mind Earthly Things▪ as to neglect Heavenly Ones. Love to the World Ruins them: Their Hearts are so Glu'd to Worldly Things, that they Neglect Salvation, and Hurry them­selves into Endless Destruction. 1 Tim. 6.9, 10. They that will be Rich, fall into Temptati­on and a Save, and into many foolish and hurtful L [...]sts: which drown Men in Destruction and Per­dition. [Page 105] For the Love of Money is the Root of all Evil, which while some have coveted after, they have erred from the Faith, and Pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

2. Some have their Hearts more taken up with Worldly Honours. Some esteem the Honour which comes from Men, above that which comes from God. It seems in our Saviour's Time, some were Convinced that He was the Messi­ah, the promised Saviour, and so are said to Believe on Him; yet they did not Heartily Re­ceive Him by Faith Unfeigned; nor did they openly Own and Acknowledge Him, because their so doing would have been Inconsistent with that Worldly Honour, which they esteemed a­bove an Interest in Christ. Joh. 22.42, 43. Nevertheless, among the chief Rulers also, many Be­lieved on him: but because of the Pharisees they did not Confess him, lest they should be put out of the Synagogue: for they loved the Praise of Men more than the Praise of God. So our Lord said to some; Joh. 5.44. How can ye Believe, which receive Honour one of another, and seek not the Ho­nour that cometh from God only? They had an higher esteem for Honour and Reputation among Men, than for that Honour that comes Only from God and is Peculiar to the Saints. Pride, Ambition, Desire of Humane Applause, is the Tyrannizing, Domineering Lust in some, and there­fore all their other Affairs must buckle, bend and give way to the Gratifying of that Lust. If any Duties of Religion stand in the way of their Ambition, they shall for that Reason be Neglected and Discarded. Nay, Religion it [Page 106] self shall be used as a Tool or Medium, to Gratify their Ambition. So the Pharisees Fasted, Prayed, gave Alms, when their main Aim and Design in all was, to be seen of Men, and ob­tain Humane Applause. Mat. 23.5. All their works which they do, they do to be seen of Men. Some are so set upon Pleasing Men to be Ap­plauded by them, that they Neglect God, Christ, their Souls and Eternity, rather than forego any of their Ambitious Designs. They are more Desirous to please Men than God, and to Injoy the Good Will of Men than the Recon­ciled Favour of their Glorious Maker and Judge.

3. Some have their Hearts more taken up with Worldly Pleasures. True Religion, yields the tru­est and greatest Pleasures that can be; even Joy unspeakable and full of Glory, 1 Pet. 1.8. But many prefer Worldly, Carnal, Sensual Delights to all the Comforts and Pleasures to be Injoyed in the Favour of God. We Read of some, 2 Tim. 3.4. That are Lovers of Pleasures more than Lo­vers of God. They prefer the Pleasures of Sin, which are but for a Season, to the Pleasures of Piety, that last forever. Therefore they will not quit their Pleasures of Intemperance, Uncleanness, Bad Company, &c. No, though they Damn their Souls in pursuing of them. Thus 'tis evident, that many Refuse to Accept Gospel Offers and Invitations, because their Hearts are more Earnestly set upon, and desirous of, other Things. But herein they show Unutte­rable Folly and Wickedness: They Prefer Lying Vanities to their own Mercies. They have [Page 107] a Price in their Hands to get Wisdom, but have no Heart to it: They Feed on Ashes, a Deceived Heart turns them aside. They Prefer broken Cisterns, to the Inexhaustable, Unchan­gible Fountain of all Good. They're for the Fallacious flashes of Temporary Deceitful Ho­nours, Profits, Pleasures; rather than for Solid, Substantial Realities of Eternity Let none of us be so Foolish and Wicked; nor suffer any of the short liv'd empty Injoyments of time, to obstruct our pursuing and securing a better and an enduring Substance. Let us therefore make it our chief care, to secure Treasures, that can't be lost, and to lay a good Foundation against the time to come that we may lay hold on E­ternal Life. This is the Grand Affair, which our Souls should be most Earnestly and Constantly concern'd about. Phil. 2.12— Work out your own Salvation with fear and trembling.


We now proceed to another Observation, viz.

DOCTRINE III. Persons are apt to make excuses for their Sins.

WE find here, that when those bidden to the Feast refus'd coming; they did not directly say they would not, or ought not to come, [Page 108] but made Excuses for their neglect, some pre­tending one thing and some another for their not coming. So those that are Instructed in the Doctrines of the Gospel, and urg'd to ac­cept of Christ as Offer'd therein, and yet refuse so to Receive Him; they're apt to have Excu­ses in their own minds for not coming, or se­cretly (if not openly) to Object something or other, against their present, hearty submitting to Christ as they're in duty bound. It's Natural to the proud Hearts of Sinful Men, to make Objections against their Duty and Excuses for their Sins. When God came to deal with Adam about his eating the forbidden Fruit, Adam did not take any direct blame to himself for his Grand Rebellion, but rather excus'd himself laying the blame on his Wife: yea he seems to have remotely reflected on God Himself, saying to Him, Gen. 3.12. The Woman whom THOU gavest to be with me, she gave me of the Tree, and I did eat. The Woman also Excus'd her self saying, v. 13. The Serpent beguiled me and I did eat. Tho' both confess'd the Fact, that they did Eat the forbidden Fruit; yet they seem both to throw off the Fault and blame from themselves Personally, the Man blaming the Woman, and the Woman blaming the Serpent, as the Tempting Instru­ment. Thus they made Excuses, instead of taking shame and blame to themselves for their Offence. It's very Natural to the Proud Hearts of Sinners, thus to Excuse themselves (as Adam and Eve did) for their past Offen­ces: so they're apt also, to Object against, and Excuse themselves from, present Duty. Such were the Excuses in our Text, for not doing what [Page 109] they were bidden to do. They pretended necessity, I have bought Land (says one) and I must needs, [...] [...]e it, &c. They were Invited to a Supp [...] What, was the Evening, was Supper time, a proper Season to view Land, and to prove Oxen? These were vain, frivilous Excuses indeed. Well, tis very Natural for the sinful hearts of Men, thus to Object against and Excuse them­selves from their Duty. If they're mov'd and urg'd to Duty, not utterly thoughtless of it; yet they're prone to make some Excuses or other (at least in their own minds) for the neglecting of it. Since it is thus, the things contrary hereto should be Prayed for. Therefore we should Pray,

1. That God would give us an Openness, Readiness & Freeness of heart to confess our Sins. It's an ill thing to Deny the Sins we're guilty of, to pretend to hide them from God, to extenuate or lessen them in his Sight. Isai. 29.15. Wo unto them that seek deep to hide their counsel from the Lord, and their works are in the dark, and they say, who seeth us, and who knoweth us? God pronounceth a Wo against those, who pretend to hide their Sins from Him: and when they try to Excuse them, this is a sort of Essay to hide them. Men will gain nothing by such Methods, Prov. 28.13. He that covereth his Sins shall not prosper. But the more free and open Men are in confessing their Sins to God, taking the blame and shame thereof to themselves, and trusting in His Mercy in Christ for Pardon, so much the better twill be with them. The Psalmist express [...]d a lau­dable Temper when he said, Psal. 38.18. I will declare mine iniquities, I will be sorry for my Sin. [Page 110] When a Person is free, hearty and open in confessing his Sin to God, and in relying on his Mercy; then he's in the way of [...] [...]lessing. Psal. [...]2.5. I acknowledged my Sin unto [...] and mine Iniquity have I not hid: I said I will confess my Transgressions unto the Lord, and thou forgavest the Iniquity of my Sin. We should Pray there­fore, that God would Inlighten our Minds, Convince our Hearts and Consciences of our Offences, make us free and ready to confess them, and that He would help us to hope in His Mercy for Pardon. We should Pray like Him: Psal. 51.10. Create in me, a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Job 34.32. That which I see not, teach thou me: If I have done Iniquity, I will do so no more. Psal. 139.23, 24. Search me, O God and know my heart; try me and know my thoughts. And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way Ever­lasting. We should Pray

2. That God would incline and strengthen us to Duty. God is the Giver of every good Gift, Jam. 1.17. He's the God of the Spirits of all Flesh, He has all hearts in His Hand, and can turn them which way he will; I say, since tis so, we should Pray, that God would not leave us to our selves, to make vain frivolous Excuses, or Objections against Duty, but that He would incline and enable us to do duty. We should therefore Pray, Turn me and I shall be turned, draw me and we will run after thee. So Psal. 25.4, 5. Shew me thy ways teach me thy paths: lead me in thy truth and teach me. Psal. 86.11. Teach me thy way, O Lord, I will walk in thy truth, unite my [Page 111] heart to fear thy Name. Psal. 119.133. Order my steps in thy word, and let not any iniquity have do­minion over me. Let us thus Pray to God that He would keep us from making vain Excuses; that He would make us truly Penitent for past Sins; and strengthen us to great Sin­cerity, Constancy and Diligence in Duty for time to come.

DOCTRINE IV. Persons are apt to make VARIOUS Excuses for their Sins, or for Neglecting the Duties they are Obliged to.

Our Text tells us concerning those bidden to the Feast, they all began to make Excuse. Though all in General agre'd in this, even in making Excuses, yet every one did not make the same Objection: they did not all insist on one and the same Thing to Excuse their not coming. One made one Excuse and another made ano­ther; One had Bought Land another Oxen, a­nother had Married a Wife; and their Concerns about these things hindred their coming. So that there was a Variety of Impediments & Ob­structions, some hindring one Person and some another from their Duty. And thus it is, as to the Grand Affair of Coming to Christ. Many Neglect it, some on one Pretence and some on another. Yea possibly the same Particular Person, may have Various Pretences in his own Mind, to hinder him from Heartily Closing with Christ on Gospel Terms. Indeed Man's Heart Naturally is Deceitful above all Things and [Page 112] Desperately Wicked, who can know it? Jer. 17.9. There's no knowing all the Deceit and Wick­edness that is Naturally there. Who can Number up the Various Objections and Pretences they secretly have or make against the most Necessary Important Duty that can be? Besides the Natural Deceitfulness of their own Hearts, Satan makes use of Numberless Wiles, Methods, Stratagems to Blind their Minds, and Hinder them from Duty. It's doubtless impossible to reckon up, the many and various Excuses and Pretences Sinners often have (partly from their own Hearts, partly from Satans Temptations) to hinder them from heartily receiving Christ as Offer'd in the Gospel. However I'll menti­on some of them, and indeavour some Reply or Answer thereto. Possibly some will secretly think to Excuse themselves,

EXCUSE I. Because of the Difficulties and Hardships they must expect, if they Heartily Submit to Christ as Offered in the Gospel.

Strait is the Gate, Narrow is the Way that leads to Life. Those who would be the Sin­cere Disciples of Christ, and obtain Salvation thro' Him; They must Deny themselves, take up their Cross and follow him, Mat. 16.24. Our Lord said, Luk. 14.26 If any Man come to me, and hate not his Father and Mother, and Wife and Children, and Brethren and Sisters; yea, and his own Life also, he cannot be my Disciple. This Hating of his nearest Relatives and his own Life too, [Page 113] signifies his Loving of Christ more than them, as 'tis Explained, Mat. 10.37, 59. He that loveth Father or Mother more than me, is not worthy of me. — He that findeth his Life shall lose it. The plain meaning is, we must Love Christ a­bove all Creature Enjoyments whatever; so as to part with Liberty, Estates, all our Outward Com­forts, our Dearest Relatives, and Life it self too, rather than Deny Christ, Sin against or Dis­please Him. It means that we must Deny our selves, our most Beloved Lusts, tho' they have been Dear to us as a Right Hand or Right Eye; we must Deny and Forego all manner of Self-Interest, that is Inconsistent with Obeying and Honouring of Christ. We must cleave Close to Christ through Thick and Thin, through all Difficulties, Reproaches, Sufferings though of Death it self, that lye in the way of Obeying and Honouring Him. Thus must we do, if we would Approve our selves the Sincere Disciples of Christ. Now some are apt to Object a­gainst the Hardness and Difficulty of these Terms. They are ready to say with the Slothful Man, Prov. 22.13. There is a Lyon without, I shall be slain in the Streets. And as, Joh. 6.60. This is an Hard Saying, who can hear it? If none can be the True Disciples of Christ and Obtain Sal­vation thro' Him, but on the Fore-mentioned Terms; they are then ready to say as the Dis­ciples (when our Lord told them, It's easier for a Camel to go thro' the Eye of a Needle, than for a Rich Man to enter into the King­dom of God) Who then can be Saved? Mat. 19.24, 25. Indeed it is in the Wicked Hearts of Men to say, God's Ways are not Equal, Ezek. [Page 114] 18.29. And to charge Him with being an Hard Master, Mat. 25.24. They Reckon it Hard, Difficult, Unreasonable to comply with the Terms which God proposeth. They would be Excused from being Heartily, Throughly, Practi­cally Religious; because of the Difficulties and Hardships which do or may attend such a Course of Life. Now to these Things I would say Two Things by way of Concession; and then more Directly Reply or Answer to the Ob­jection.

1. It is truly an Hard Difficult Thing, to be a Sincere Practical Christian. A Christian Life is compar'd to Wrestling, Running a Race, Fighting; which Imply Difficulty and Opposition, and a Per­son's Exerting his Skill and Strength to the Utter­most. It is no easy Thing for a Person to be sincerely and steadily Watchful against his Spi­ritual Enemies, to with stand Satan's Temptati­ons, to subdue and m [...]ify his own Corruptions. Those most acquainted with Practical Christiani­ty, with the Power of Godliness; do know 'tis Difficult to Fight the good Fight of Faith. A Sleepy, Sluggish, Careless Frame of Spirit, is not fit for such Work as this. No, Persons must Watch and Pray, Watch and be Sober; Gird up the Loins of their Minds, put on and manage the whole Armour of God: They must steadily Resist their Spiritual Enemies. And indeed it is no easy Thing, to be in such a Temper as this, to Maintain it and Act accordingly. While we are here Cloathed with Flesh, it is no easy Thing to have our Affections Mortified to, and W [...]ned from Outward Injoyments; and to [Page 115] get and keep our Hearts Close with God, ma­king His Word our Rule, and His Glory our End in all we do. This truly is Difficult Work, and requires Abundance of Care, Prayer, con­stant Watchfulness and Diligence.

2. Those who will live as becomes True Disciples of Christ, may expect to meet with more or less of Difficul­ties & Sufferings from without. 2. Tim. 3.12. All that will live Godly in Christ Jesus, shall suffer Persecution. Though no doubt many Saints live long in the World, and Quietly go out of it at last, with­out suffering Bonds, Imprisonments, Banish­ments, loss of Goods, much less of Life for Christ's sake; yet there are no True Saints but what suffer something more or less, for the sake of the True Religion. If they are not Persecu­ted by the Hands, yet they are by the Tongues of some or other of the Wicked. It is com­mon for the Wicked to Hate, Revile, Reproach Godly Persons and Practices too. Our Lord said to His Disciples, Joh. 15.19. If ye were of the World, the World would love his own: but be­cause ye are not of the World, but I have chosen you out of the World, therefore the World hateth you. The Holy Prophets were Reviled, and had all manner of Evil spoken against them falsely for Christ's sake, Mat. 5.10,—12. All therefore that will make Conscience of their Ways, Walk Hum­bly and Closely with God, may expect to meet with Sufferings more or less for Religion's sake: they may expect (to say the least) to be Mock'd, Jear'd, Scoff'd at, if not grievously Slandered and Belyed by some or other of the Wicked. Having mention'd these two Con­cessions, [Page 116] we may now Answer directly to the Objection we are considering of, and say

1. Those who do not become the sincere Disciples of Christ, are yet liable to meet with Difficulties and Sufferings even here in this present World. Piety is not the only Practice, that meets with Difficul­ties and Sufferings. Those who are never Pi­ous, often meet with great Difficulties and Distresses. Evil pursueth Sinners—the way of Transgressors is hard, Prov. 13.15, 21. Those who think to escape Troubles, by being irre­ligious and regardless of God, are much mista­ken: they have no Promise of God to exempt them from Troubles, but are indeed under His terrible Threatenings. They're liable to and often meet with great Troubles, both Outward and Inward.

1. Outward Troubles. The irreligious Neg­lectors of God, are as liable as other Persons are, to be greatly Afflicted by Bodily Sickness and Pain, by the Death of Relatives, by Disappoint­ments in Business, by Outward Losses in their Estate, whether it be by Fire, Storms, Unseasonable Wea­ther, Common Thieves, Robbers, Publick Enemies, &c. As to things of this Nature, Gods Provi­dence often verifies that Word of His, Eccl. 9.1, 2. All things come alike to all, there is one E­vent to the Righteous and to the Wicked. And then further, an irreligious neglect of God, often pulls down heavy Outward Troubles on those guilty of it. Rom. 1.18. The Wrath of God is revealed from Heaven, against all ungodliness and un­righteousness of Men, who hold the truth in unrighte­ousness. [Page 117] When the Apostle had mentioned For­nication, Uncleanness, Covetousness, &c. he adds, for which things sake the wrath of God comes on the Children of Disobedience, Col. 3.5, 6. Tho' God sometimes suffers the Wicked to flourish a while in great Prosperity; yet on the other hand, He often witnesseth against their Sins, by pouring down His Wrath, even heavy Judg­ments for them. Nay further still, those who irreligiously neglect God, often take those Cour­ses which naturally tend to bring Outward Troubles and Mischiefs on them. Thus when they give themselves up to Idleness, Gaming, In­temperance, Uncleanness, &c. Such a course di­rectly tends to Impoverish them; besides the disgrace and sting of Conscience which they have into the Bargain. The Glutton and the Drunkard shall come to Poverty, and Drowsiness shall cloth a Man with rags, Prov. 23.21. Yea many Practi­ces of the Wicked, tends not only to bring Po­verty and Disgrace among Men, but also Bodily Pains, Sicknesses, and Immature Death. Prov. 5.11. And thou mourn at the last, when thy Flesh and thy Body are consumed. So that such Sinners, are often Martyrs (as it were) for the Devil and for their own Lusts; their serving of Sin and Satan, does as it were in a natural way bring these Evils on them. Are they afraid, lest Per­secutors should spoil them of their Goods and impoverish them for their Piety? Why their sinful Practices bring them to the same want and Poverty. Their Idling, Gaming, Drinking to excess and other vile Practices, wast and consume their Estates that they are not worth a Groat. Are they afraid, that if they should be seriously [Page 118] and practically Godly, they should be meanly esteemed, nay revil'd for being so? Why their vile Practices render them mean and contempti­ble, in the esteem of all who have any com­mon Honesty or Sobriety. Are they afraid lest they should suffer Bodily Punishments, Pains, Confinements for Religion sake? Why their vicious Practices often bring those Bodily Pains, those Confinements by Sickness which are very heavy and grievous. Nay, for their vi­cious wicked Practices they're often justly Im­prison'd, Fin'd, Whip'd and otherwise corporally Punish'd, yea sometimes put to Death. Thus many suffer Martyrdom (as it were) for their Lusts: their Indeavours to gratifie their Lusts, bring these Miseries on them. For the sake of gratifying their Lusts, they rob and spoil them­selves of their Health, Ease, Credit, Liberty, Estate, yea and often of their Lives too. Persons often procure to themselves by their wickedness, as grievous Sufferings (in themselves consider'd) as the Godly almost ever meet with from cruel Persecutors. And as the Wicked are thus lia­ble to (and do often meet with) great Out­ward Troubles; so they're liable to and often meet with,

2. Great Inward Troubles. Indeed some Sin­ners by long Practising of Wickedness, have in a Sort benum'd and stupifi'd their Consciences. Their Consciences are seared as with an hot Iron, 2 Tim. 4.2. Being past feeling, they give them­selves over to lasciviousness, to work all unclean­ness with greediness, Eph. 4.19. But Sinners dont presently arrive at such a degree of Stu­pidity, and Insensibility of Conscience as this [Page 119] is: they often meet with many a rub and sting of Conscience, as they go on in their evil courses. The very Heathen sometimes had their Thoughts accusing of them, Rom. 2.15. Nor is it easy to express the great Terrors of Soul, the amazing disquietments and horrors of Con­science, which the wicked often meet with for their Sins. Isai. 57.20. The wicked are like the troubled Sea when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire & dirt. Indeed the wicked often have a Sort of War between their own Lusts; tho' they have not grace & corruption opposing one another, (as the Saints have) yet their Lusts do sometimes so struggle with one another, as to occasion great disquietment to them. Griping Covetousness, pleads for Holding fast what they already have of the World; and love to vain Company, humane Applause, Uncleanness, Intemperance and other vici­ous Practices, pleads hard for disbursing what they have, for it's gratification. So that there's often a disquieting tumultuous War, even be­tween their own Lusts. Again, they're often Discontent, Murmuring, Repining, Fretting at the dispensations of Divine Providence; En­v [...]ng the Prosperity of others: now these things fill them with uneasiness and disquietment. And the reflections of Conscience they often have, the Self-condemnings for their ill-Practi­ces: these are unutterably perplexing to them. They're often so disrested by their accusing Consciences, that they're afraid of themselves (as it were) afraid to be alone, afraid to give way to any serious thinking. Nay they often get into vain Company, take to exces­sive Drinking, and to other ill Practices; on [Page 120] purpose to stiffle the noise, still the din, and dull the anguish and pain of their own Con­sciences. And yet all the Methods they use, sometimes can't give them any rest within; their amazing horrors are unutterable, and some­times wickedly put them upon laying violent hands on themselves, as did the Cursed Tray­tor Judas. Now these things which I have mention'd plainly show, that if any think to escape Difficulties and Troubles by neglecting to be seriously Religious, they greatly deceive themselves: for those who irreligiously neg­lect God, are liable to and often meet with great Troubles Outward and Inward, even in this present World, besides what they justly may look for in the next. Wherefore another Answer to the Objection, about the Difficulties and Sufferings of a Religious Life may be,

2. We are not sure, that we shall meet with great Outward Sufferings for the sake of Religion. Tho' if we are Seriously and Practically Godly, we may expect Scoffs and Jears (at least) from some of the Ungodly and Prophane; yet we dont know that ever we shall be Persecuted in our Liberties, Persons or Estates. God can grant to His Churches, such Rest as shall be for their Edifying and Multiplying, Act. 9.31. God can restrain the Wrath of Men, and often does so. If a Person becomes Practically Godly, and leads a long Life of true Piety, yet possibly God may preserve him from bitter and heavy Per­secutions all his days. Or possibly Death may sometimes remove the indangered Saint, and so take him away from the evil to come: Death [Page 121] puts the Godly beyond the reach of all Perse­cutors. So that although we should Love Christ above all Outward Injoyments, and should be willing and ready to part with all of them rather than displease Him; yet we dont certainly know that God will ever call us to such a Trial. The Holy Ghost does not testify to all the Saints, as it did to Paul; that Bonds and Afflictions abide them in every City, Act. 20.23.

3. If we should suffer never so much for Religion sake, yet those Sufferings will be but very short. In general, our whole Life on Earth is but very short, tis a Span, an Hand's Breadth, our days pass away like a swift Ship, like a Tale that's told, like a vapour that appears for a little while and then vanisheth away, Jam. 4.14. If our whole Life should be fill'd with grievous Per­secutions for Christ's sake, yet they would be but very short. They are called the Sufferings of this present time, (Rom. 8.18.) and said to be but for a Moment, 2 Cor. 4.17. What if our Houses, Lands, Estates should be taken a­way by Persecutors? Why if they were not thus taken away, yet Death would soon sepa­rate us from them. If our Lives should never be in Danger by Persecutors; yet Death would soon end them. We must soon part with all our Outward Injoyments, and Life it self too, whether Persecutors ever molest us or not; so that if Persecutors should take these away, we're only depriv'd of them but a little sooner than otherwise it might have been. However, all Persecutions for Christ's sake, will be but [Page 122] very short; therefore we should by no means be frighten'd from Duty thereby.

4. When the Saints meet with great Sufferings for Religion, they commonly have great Inward Con­solations at the same time. The Soul is the chief part of Man. It's very certain, that Inward Distresses are more Grievous than Outward ones: and so, Inward Rest, Ease, Quiet in the Mind is far preferable to any Outward Prosperity what­ever. Now when the Saints meet with Out­ward Sufferings for Religion's sake; they often have great Inward Ease, Quiet, Holy Joy and Satisfaction. The Apostles Rejoyced, that they were counted Worthy to Suffer Shame for the Name of Christ. Act. 5.41. As the Sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our Consolation also abound­eth by Christ, 2 Cor. 1.5. We Read of Persecu­ted Saints, who took Joyfully the spoiling of their Goods, knowing in themselves that they had in Hea­ven a better and an enduring Substance, Heb. 10.34. Though Paul and Silas were (for the sake of Religion) in Prison, with their Feet fastened in the Stocks; yet such Inward Joy they had, that even at Midnight they could Sing Prai­ses to God, as well as Pray unto Him, Act. 16.24, 25. Persecuted Saints, have Gloried in Tri­bulation, Rejoyced in their Grievous Sufferings. All the Scoffs, Jeers, Reproaches, Losses of Estate, Imprisonments, Banishments, Bodily Pains and Punishments they can possibly meet with for Piety's sake, are not so Grievous and Afflictive to them, as 'tis Pleasant and Joyful to their Souls, to have their Consciences Testify­ing, that they have had their Conversation in the [Page 123] World in Simplicity and Godly Sincerity; and their knowing in themselves, that they have in Hea­ven a better and an Enduring Substance. Hence they Chuse the Ways of Piety, with all the Suf­ferings that can possibly attend them; rather than all the Profits and Pleasures of an Irreligi­ous Life. This was Moses's Choice, Heb. 11.25, 26. Chusing rather to suffer Affliction with the People of God, than to enjoy the Pleasures of Sin for a season: esteeming the Reproach of Christ greater Riches than the Treasures of Aegypt; for he had respect to the Recompence of Reward. This was the Choice that Moses made; he Prefer'd a Life of True Piety with all the Sufferings that could attend it, to a Life of Wickedness attend­ed with the Pleasures of Sin, the Honours of a Court, and the vast Treasures of Aegypt.

5. It is Absolutely Necessary to be Seriously and Practically Religious, in order to escape Future End­less Miseries, and to obtain Future Endless Glories. There can be no reasonable Doubt or Dispute, about what's here Asserted. For He that Be­lieves not shall be Damned, Mark. 16.16. With­out Holiness no Man shall see the Lord, Heb. 12.14. Why do any Object against being Reli­gious, because of the Difficulties that attend such a Life? Alas, if they are not Sincerely Religious they must be Damned Eternally. Now all the Sufferings and Persecutions Persons can possibly meet with in this World, are meer Nothing compar'd to the Eternal Burnings of Hell, the Endless Torments of the Pit below, the Unquenchible Flames of the Wrath of God: Yet we must be Practically Godly, else we cannot [Page 124] possibly Escape Endless Inconceivable Mise­ries in the Future World. We have shewed but now, that when the Saints suffer for Righte­ousness sake, they often have great Inward Joys at the same Time; but besides all these pre­sent Joys, they shall have Rewards and Glories in the Future World too. Great shall be their Reward in Heaven, Mat 5.10,—12. If they suffer with Christ, they shall reign with Him, 2 Tim. 2.12. Now all the Persecutions any can possibly sustain in this World are Small, Light, Trivial, compared to the Happiness they shall have hereafter. Rom. 8.18. For I reckon that the Sufferings of this present time, are not worthy to be compared with the Glory which shall be revealed in us. So 2. Cor. 4.17. For our Light Affliction which is but for a Moment, worketh for us a far more Ex­ceeding and an Eternal Weight of Glory.

These Things which I have mentioned show, that the Objection, Excuse or Pretence against being Practically Religious, because of the Diffi­culties that do or may attend such a Course, have no Weight in them: they are Empty and Vain. It is our Wisdom and Interest to be Truly and Practically Godly, notwithstanding all the Sufferings we can meet with for being so. Mat. 5.10,—12. Blessed are they which are Per­secuted for Righteousness sake; for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Blessed are ye when Men shall Revile you, and Persecute you, and shall say all manner of Evil against you falsely for my sake. Rejoyce and be exceeding Glad; for great is your Reward in Heaven: for so Persecuted they the Prophets that were before you.

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NOw to proceed, another Excuse or Ob­jection which possibly Persons may secretly have in their own Minds against Hear­tily Accepting of Christ on Gospel Terms, may be:

EXCUSE II. They think they are safe and well enough al­ready.

They are so Righteous in their own Conceit, that [...]ey see no need of Really and Heartily submitting to Christ on Gospel Terms. I don't here suppose, that any Ordinarily who sit under the Faithful Preaching of the Gospel, and call themselves Christians, will directly Believe or Profess that they have no need of Christ, of Faith in Him, of Repentance of Sin, and the like; No, for they Profess to Repent of Sin, to Believe in Christ, to Obey God: And though they never Heartily Received Christ on Gospel Terms, yet they Ignorantly Think they are so Righteous, as that they are Intitled to Salvation and shall surely Possess it. In a Word, the Fond, Ignorant Conceit they have of their own Righteousness, keeps them from see­ing their need of Christ's Righteousness. The Con­ceit [Page 126] they have of their own Religion, keeps them from being Sincerely and Practically Religious. Those mentioned in our Text who Refused to come to the Feast, had enough of their own as they thought: One was Able to Buy Land, another Oxen, another had Married a Wife and might think of Feasting at Home. They made Light of the Invitation, one having a Farm, and another his Merchandize, (Mat. 22.5.) they were so well Supplyed themselves, that they did not see their Need of what they were Freely Invited to. Alas, Self-Ignorance, Self-Conceitedness, Ruins Multitudes. The way of a Fool is right in his own Eyes, Prov. 12.15. There is a way that seemeth right unto a Man, but the end thereof are the ways of Death, Prov. 16.25. There is a Ge­neration, that are Pure in their own Eyes, and yet is not washed from their Filthiness, Prov. 30.12. Some Trust in themselves that they are Righteous, Luk. 18.9. They think themselves something when they are nothing, and so Deceive themselves. On one Account or other (though they never Really Imbrac'd Christ on Gospel Terms) they think themselves safe and going to Heaven. Possibly they are thus Conceited of themselves, because they are the Children of the Covenant, were Born of Professing Parents. The Jews were apt to Trust in this, They had Abraham to their Father, Mat. 3.9. Or because of their Doctri­nal Knowledge. Rom. 2.17, 18, Behold thou art called a Jew, and restest in the Law, and makest thy [...]oast of God; and knowest his Will, and approvest the things that are more Excellent, being Instructed out of the Law, &c. Or because of their Free­dom from Gross, Scandalous Immoralities, like the [Page 127] Pharisee, God I thank thee that I am not as o­ther Men are, Extortioners, Unjust, Adulterers, or even as this Publican, Luk. 18.11. Or because of their Outward Acts of Piety and External Obe­dience to the Law; they are ready to Plead, that they Pray, Fast, give Tythes, &c. Luk. 18.10, 12. So the Generality of the Jews had a Zeal for God though not according to Knowledge, and being Igno­rant of God's Righteousness, and going about to esta­blish their own Righteousness, they submitted not themselves to the Righteousness of God, Rom. 10.2, 3. The Apostle Paul in his Pharisaical State was, Touching the Righteousness of the Law Blame­less, Phil. 3.6. And on this Account, he thought himself safe for Heaven. Therefore he says, Rom. 7.9. I was alive without the Law once. That is, before the Law in it's Spiritual Extensive Nature, came Powerfully, and Efficaci­ously home to his Conscience (showing him his great Sinfulness and Guiltiness) he thought himself alive to God, and in the way to Eter­nal Life. It's very likely that many who Perish under the Gospel, do Split upon this Rock. They Build much upon their Profession, upon calling Christ Lord, Lord, Mat. 7.21. They Profess the True Religion, they Pray to God, Read His Word and Hear it Preached, keep Sabbaths, attend on Ordinances, are free from Scandalous Immoralities; and they think, sure­ly they are in the Way to Heaven, surely God will save such Righteous Persons as they are; and yet possibly they never Heartily Imbrac'd Christ on Gospel Terms. Indeed they do not see their Real Absolute Need of Christ, but think themselves Well as they are. Now that Persons [Page 128] may no longer Deceive themselves, no longer be thus Obstructed from Heartily Receiving Christ on Gospel Terms; the Way to be taken with them is, To Indeavour their Conviction, the Inlightening and Instructing of them, that they may not be Ruined by Self-Deceivings.

To this End let it be Consider'd,

1. That all meer Men are Sinners, and so are liable to Eternal Death and Misery. All have Sin­ned and come short of the Glory of God. By one Man Sin entered into the World, and Death by Sin; and so Death hath passed upon all Men, for that all have Sinned, Rom. 3.23. and 5.12. All Men as coming from Fallen Apostate Adam, are Born Sinners, Sharers in the Guilt of Adam's First Sin, have Hearts full of Enmity and Re­bellion against God: They are Children of Wrath by Nature (Eph. 2.3.) Condemned by God's Holy Law to sustain Eternal Miseries.

2. Men cannot possibly be Justify'd before God, and Saved, by any Inherent Personal Righteousness of their own. They Deserve Death by the Righteous Law of God, and are not able by any Works of their own whatsoever, to Satisfie His Justice for the Crimes they are Guilty of; nor to Purchase, Merit or Deserve His Favour. By the Deeds of the Law, there shall no Flesh be Justifyed in his sight, Rom. 3.20. Indeed we Owe our selves, all that we are and have to God, and should Glorify Him with our Bodies and Spirits, with all our Inward and Outward Abilities, with our Whole Man we should [...] [Page 119] [...] [Page 130] Rom. 4. [...], 6. But to him that Worketh not, but Believeth on him that Justifieth the Ungodly; his Faith is counted for Righteousness. — Unto whom God imputeth Righteousness without Works.


4. A Person must be Convinced that his own Righteousness can never Save him, else he will not Trust in Christ's Righteousness for Justification. Christ came not to call the Righteous but Sinners to Repentance: the Whole need not a Physician but the Sick. Every Month must be stopped, and all the World become Guilty before God, Rom. 3.19. Men must see Sin to be a Load and Burden, else they will not come to Christ for Rest, Mat. 11.28. They must see themselves in Danger of God's Devouring Ven­geance, else they will not fly for Refuge to the Hope set before them, Heb. 6.18. If they are not Convinced, that they are Wretched, Poor, Miserable, Blind and Naked, they will not come to Christ for Tryed Gold, and White Raiment, Rev. 3.17, 18. Indeed Particular Persons must see themselves Sinful, Guilty, Obnoxious to Di­vine Revenging Justice, that their own Works or Righteousness can never Justifie or Save them, else they will never go out of themselves, Re­nounce all Confidence in the Flesh, count their own Righteousness as Flthy Rags, and Trust Wholly and Only in Christ's Righteousness for Justifi­cation before God. The Gospel Way of Saving Sinners, takes away all Matter of Boasting and Glorying from Men, and Ascribes the whole Glory to the Sovereign Grace of God in Christ. 'Tis of God's meer Mercy and Grace, that He Imputes Christ's Righteousness to us, on our [Page 131] Believing in Him, and so Justifies and Saves us. Not by Works of Righteousness which we have done, but according to his Mercy he saved us, Tit. 3.5. By Grace ye are saved, through Faith; and that not of your selves, it is the Gift of God. Not of Works, lest any Man should boast, Eph. 2.8, 9. If Abraham had been Justified before God by his own Works, he would have had whereof to Glory, but the Scripture tells us, He had not whereof to Glory before God, Rom. 4.2. Boasting is excluded — by the Law of Faith, Rom. 3.27. No Man has any Personal Works or Righ­teousness of his own to Boast or Glory of be­fore God; but to the Believing Sinner, Christ is of God made Wisdom Righteousness, Sanctifica­tion, and Redemption; that he that Gloryeth might Glory in the Lord, 1 Cor. 1.30, 31. These things do prove, that a meer External, Religious, Blameless Course of Life, a Freedom from Gross Scandalous Immoralities, is no sure E­vidence of a Person's being Interested in God's Reconciled Favour, and so Intitled to Eternal Life. Some Outwardly appear Righteous before Men, who are Inwardly full of Iniquity and Hy­pocrisy, Mat. 23.28. Therefore notwithstand­ing all our own Works (the best of which are Imperfect, and have Sin mixed with them) notwithstanding all our External, Religious Priviledges or Performances; we must yet see, that in and of our selves we are Sinful and Guilty, that we Deserve Eternal Damna­tion, that our own Works can never Justifie or Save us; and that we must Heartily Repent of Sin, Trust in Christ's Righteousness alone for Justification, as ever we expect to be Saved. [Page 132] Thus we must Receive Christ, or we can't be Happy. And if we have long since thus Trusted in Him, yet we ought to continue so doing as long as we live. And if we have such Faith as is True and of the Right Kind, 'twill Purifie the Heart, — and work by Love, (Act. 15.9. Gal. 5.6.) and put us upon yield­ing Steady, Unfeigned Obedience unto God. And yet if we have performed never so many Acts of such Obedience, they are not to be Trusted in, but Christ's Righteousness Only, as Meritorious of God's Favour. When we have done our Best, we must count our selves Un­profitable Servants. Again, some are ready to Ex­cuse themselves from coming to Christ, or Object against their Receiving of Him on Gospel Terms:

EXCUSE III. Because they Doubt there is no Saving Mercy to be had, for such Vile, Abominable Sinners as they are.

They Reckon the [...] Sinn'd so much, so long, so grievously, that there is no Mercy for them. They Despair of Salvation, they Think it would be in vain for them to Hope or Trust in Christ, Reckoning they should Gain nothing by it if they did; and so they Think they had as good take their Pleasure in their own Sinful Ways as long as they can. Thus 'tis said of some, Psal. 78.22. They Believed not in God, they Trusted not in his Salvation. So we Read of others who said, Jer. 2.25. There is no [Page 133] Hope, No, for I have loved Strangers, and after them I will go. Jer. 18.12. They said, there is no Hope, but we will walk in our own Devices, and we will every one do the Imagination of his Evil Heart. Now to Answer and Remove this Wicked Despairing Objection, the Best Way is, Plainly to set forth what the Scrip­ture says, about God's Readiness to Save the Worst of Sinners that Penitently Believe in Christ Jesus. We have already shewed, that wherever the Gospel is Faithfully Preached, Salvation is Offered to all Sorts of Sinners that will come to Christ; all Things are Ready on His Part. Yet in Reply to the present Objection, we may here Distinctly Con­sider,

1. That Christ Died on Purpose to save Sinners. The only Begotten Eternal Son of God, took our Nature into Personal Union which Him­self, and in our Nature Died on the Cross a Sacrifice to God's Justice, on purpose to save Sinners. He gave himself a Ransom for all, 1 Tim. 2.6. He once suffered, the Just for the Unjust that he might bring us to God, 1 Pet. 3.18. The Apostle Paul says, 1 Tim. 1.15. This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ came to save Sinners, of whom I am chief. Tis a most true and faithful saying (as well as most weighty) worthy to be Credited, Be­liev'd, Rely'd on by all that ever hear it, that Christ came to save Sinners, even chief Sinners. Christ came into the World and Died, on pur­pose to save poor, vile, abominable Sinners, such as deserv'd no favour, such as deserv'd [Page 134] nothing but terrible destructive Wrath and Ven­geance from God. Do you Doubt whether Christ will save vile Sinners? Why He Died on purpose to save such.

2. God sent His Son Christ Jesus into the World on this very Errand, even to save Sinners. Joh. 3.16. God so loved the World, as to give His only Begotten Son; that whosoever believeth in Him, should not perish, but should have Everlasting Life. God was justly Offended with Sinners, yet of His own Heart He had pity on them, a love for their Welfare: therefore that He might without any reflection on His Justice and Holiness make them happy, He sent His own Eternal Son on purpose to purchase Salvation for them. As to Sinners, this was God's End and Design, the thing He aim'd at, even their Salvation; tho' as to Himself, the Supream End He aim'd at was, the Glory of His own Sovereign Grace. Eph. 1.6. To the praise of the glory of His Grace. Now since twas God's declared End, Aim, De­sign in sending His Son into the World; Name­ly, that all who Believe in Him should be Saved, why should any Doubt of His Willingness to save such? Even Men, dont care to be put by what they studiously aim at and design; and surely God does not.

3. The Scripture plainly declares Christ's Ability and Willingness, to save all those that trust in Him. Heb. 7.25. He is Able to save them to the utter­most, that come unto God by Him. Christ is an Able Saviour, a Mighty Saviour, an Almighty Saviour. There's no Case can come before [Page 135] Him, that's too difficult for Him. There's Vertue enough in His Blood, to cleanse from the most heinous Transgressions that are truly Repented of, even from Scarlet Crimson-coloured Sins, Isai. 1.18. His Blood cleanseth from all Sin, 1 Joh. 1.7. And He is as Willing as He is Able, to save all that trust in Him. He has ex­presly said, Joh. 6.37. Him that cometh unto me, I will in no wise cast out. Him that comes, be he who or what he will, if the greatest Cri­minal in the World; if he comes to Christ by true Faith, shall by no means be rejected, but shall most certainly be Saved. Why then should any Doubt in this Case?

4. Great Sinners are strongly Invited to Christ, and Mercy promis'd to them if they'll come. Isai. 55.1. Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the Waters, and he that hath no Money; come ye, buy and eat; yea, come buy Wine and Milk without Money and without Price. This is an Invitation to Sinners, to come to Christ and accept Salvation freely Offer'd to them; tho' they have no Money (nor Money's worth) no Price to lay down for the Blessings Offer'd. Our Lord Redeemer said, Joh. 7.37. If any Man thirst (any Man, any Sinner whatsoever, tho' never so Vile and Cri­minal; if he thirst, thirsteth after Salvation in the Gospel way) let him come unto me and drink. So, Mat. 11.28. Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. All whose Sins are grievous and burthensom to them, are Invited to come unto Christ by Faith; and He promiseth them rest if they'l come. Rev. 22.17. — Let him that is athirst come. [Page 136] And whosoever will, let him take the Water of Life freely. What Invitation can be more Kind, Ge­neral or Extensive? Whosoever will, tho' never so great a Sinner, yet if he'll come to Christ he shall be fully and freely Saved. Does not this Invitation reach to the worst of Sinners, that will accept it? Yes indeed. If one should say to you, Here's Gold enough, Silver enough, who­ever will let him come and take of it, and supply him­self; I say, If any one should seriously make such an Offer, Doubtless none of you would think your selves Excluded. Well, the Gospel Invitation is as General and Extensive, and tis an Invitation to better things than Gold and Silver. Why then should any Despair? If the worst of Sinners will heartily come to Christ, they shall certainly be Saved. Isai. 55.7. Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous Man his thoughts; and let him turn to the Lord, and He will have Mercy upon him, and to our God for He will abundantly pardon. The Wicked, the Unrighteous, (without any Limitation, and therefore) tho' never so grosly and scandalously Wicked and Un­righteous, are call'd upon to turn to God. And here's God's Word for it, that He will abundantly pardon such if they do turn. And the God who says these things, is a God of Unchangible Truth, He cannot Lye, Tit. 1.2.

5. Very great Sinners have found Mercy and Fa­vour with God, upon their turning to Him. Manasseh was a very great Sinner, scarce any like him for wickedness, and great Afflictions were brought on him for his wickedness; yet when he hum­bled himself greatly and besought the Lord, the Lord [Page 137] was Intreated of him, 2 Chron. 33.12, 13. Paul was a very great Sinner, a Blasphemer, a fierce and bloody Persecutor; yet upon his Penitently trusting in Christ, he obtained Mercy. He ad­mires the Saving Mercy of Christ to himself a chief sinner, 1 Tim. 1.15. Great Sinners a­mong the Corinthians, such as Idolaters, Adulterers, Thieves, Drunkards, &c. obtain'd Pardoning Sav­ing Mercy with God thro' Christ, 1 Cor. 6.9. — 11.

6. None were ever known to be Rejected, that came to Christ for pardoning Mercy. The Lord has said, He would cast out none that come, Joh. 6.37. And twas never known that He acted contrary to this. There was never known so much as any one Person, in any Place, or Nation, or Age of the World, that ever came to Christ; that came Repenting of Sin and Trusting in Him, and was yet Rejected and sent away Unpardoned. There cannot be given so much as any one Instance, of any Person thus Rejected, among all the Millions of Persons that have been from the beginning of the World to this very day.

7. God is greatly pleased with those that Trust in Him, and pleased in showing Favour to them. God is so far from Rejecting any, that Peni­tently Trust in His Mercy through Christ; that indeed He is Pleas'd which them, and takes Pleasure in doing them Good. He takes pleasure in them that Hope in his Mercy, Psal. 147.11. God is Angry with those who Trust not in His Salvation, Psal. 78.21, 22. But He [Page 138] is most Pleas'd with those who most Humbly and Firmly Hope in His Mercy in Christ. Abraham's strong Faith Glorifyed God, Rom. 4.20. God takes Pleasure and Delight in Extending of His Grace and Goodness in a Gospel Way; He Glorifies Himself in doing it. When Mo­ses Pray'd to God saying, I beseech thee shew me thy Glory; God said, I will make all My Goodness pass before thee, and will Proclaim the Name of the Lord before thee; and will be Gracious to whom I will be Gracious: and will shew Mercy on whom I will shew Mercy, Exod. 33.18, 19. Moses desired to see God's Glory, and God tells Him He will make all His Goodness pass before Him, and will be Gracious, &c. God Glorifies Himself Abundantly, in Ex­tending of His Grace and Goodness to Return­ing Sinners. Therefore when God Proclaim­ed His Name to Moses, 'twas this, Exod. 34.6, 7. The Lord, the Lord God merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth, keeping Mercy for Thousands, forgiving Iniquity, Transgression and Sin. This is God's Name, Men are commonly known by their Names; God would be always known by this Name of His, even by His readiness to forgive Iniquity Transgression and Sin, to all Penitent Believing Sinners. God won't deny His Name, He would be known by it. To say, that God won't Pardon the Penitent Believing Sinner; is to Blot and Rase out His Name, and to hinder Him from being known a-right in the World. God will never Deny His Name, nor will He ever Break His Word, or Act contrary to His Oath. He has given His Word and His Oath, th [...] [Page 139] He will Pardon and Save all Penitent Believ­ing Sinners. Heb. 6.18. That by Two Immuta­ble things, in which it was Impossible for God to Lie, we might have strong Consolation, who have fled for Refuge to lay hold on the Hope set before us. The Apostle says, He that Believeth not God, hath made him a Liar, because he Believeth not the Record that God gave of His Son, 1 Joh. 5.10. And as such an one makes God a Liar, that is, car­ries it to Him as if He were a Liar; so he makes Him False to His Oath too, that is, carries it as if He really were so. Oh how Vile is this! No, God won't Deny His Name, Break His Word or Oath, but will surely Pardon all True Penitents. He takes Pleasure in doing it. Micah. 7.18. Who is a God like unto thee, that Pardoneth Iniquity, and passeth by the Transgression of the Remnant of his Heritage; he retaineth not his Anger for ever, because he delighteth in Mercy. Zeph. 3.17. The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is Mighty: He will save, he will [...]ejoyce over thee with Joy: He will rest in his Love, he will Joy over thee with Singing. Thus Pleased, Satisfied, De­lighted God is, in Extending of His Saving Mercy to those who Sincerely Trust in Him. Men can't possibly Please and Glorifie God in any thing, like Penitently Hoping in His Mercy through Christ for Salvation: When they do thus, they Approve, Acknowledge and Glorifie His Wisdom, Righteousness, Holiness, Grace, Faithfulness, even all His Attributes Shining in the Great Affair of Redemption; God takes Abundant Pleasure in Extending His Saving Mercy to such.

[Page 140]These Things being Seriously Consider'd and laid together, may suffice to show, that there is no Ground at all for Sinners (even the Chief of them) to Despair of God's Pardoning Mer­cy in Christ, if they will Penitently Trust in Him for it. They have no reason to fear, but that if they Penitently Trust in Christ for Salvation, they shall surely have it. To pro­ceed, some would Excuse themselves from coming to Christ:

EXCUSE IV. By Pleading their own Inability.

They say, they can't by any Power of their own Convert themselves; no Man can come to the Son except the Father draws him. They Plead their own Inability, and so think to Ex­cuse themselves from Heartily Submitting to Christ.

Answ. Though Sinners can't by their own Power Convert themselves; yet,

1. They may if [...]ey will, avoid many things which tend to [...] their Conversion. When Persons al­low themselves in Gross Crimes, in Bad Compa­ny-Keeping, in Repeated Acts of known Sin, &c. This tends to Harden them in Sin more and more. Now they may avoid such Things as these if they will.

[Page 141]2. They may if they will do many Things which have a Tendency to promote their Conversion. They may if they will, Diligently Read God's Word, and hear it Preached: Diligently Examine them­selves, Consider how Matters are between God and their Souls, and how 'tis like to fare with them. They may carefully chuse Good Com­pany, and shun bad, may studiously promote Pious Discourse, Speaking about the Nature and Necessity of Faith, Repentance, forgiveness of Sin; about the glories of Heaven and the torments of Hell. They may diligently and studiously do these things if they will, and these have a proper Tendency to promote their Spiri­tual Saving Good.

3. They should Pray earnestly to God for Con­certing Grace. He can take away the heart of Stone, and give an heart of Flesh: can create a clean heart and renew a right spirit within them: God can give them true Faith and Re­pentance. Surely then, since their Eternal Sal­vation is a matter of the greatest weight that possibly can be, all other Matters are meer no­thing compar'd to it; I say, since tis thus, they should most Earnestly and Importunately Pray to God for Converting Grace. They should Pray, as Hos. 14.2. Take away all iniquity and receive us graciously. Yea they should continue Praying till they do obtain. If they have Pray'd several times and not obtain'd, yet they should not give over Praying. Those who sought Corn of Joseph in time of Famine, they must wait his leisure for their obtaining it. If [Page 142] they had waited sometime and were not sup­plied, yet they must not go away in a pet, and think they would wait no longer. What would they have got by this? Why they must have gone without Corn, and starv'd and perish'd, for none but Joseph could supply them. Gen. 41.53 — 57. So Sinners should keep waiting on and Praying to God, for His Grace. Our Lord spake a Parable to this end, that Men ought always to Pray and not to faint, Luk. 1 [...].1. Surely then, Sinners should never Excuse their neglecting of Christ, under a pretence of their Inability to Convert themselves. Whatever they pretend of their Inabillity, yet they have Unwillingness at the bottom. Christ said to the Jews, Joh. 5.40. Ye will not come unto me that ye might have Life. Well, Pray to God, that He would work in you both to will and to do of his own good pleasure, Phil. 2.13. Was it ever known that any Sinner who did all he could for the saving of his Soul, and Importunately and Unweariedly Pray'd to God for Coverti [...] Grace; did yet miss of Salvation? There's [...] Instance can be given of this. Be Incouraged therefore to Pray. God has said, Prov. 8.17. They that seek me early shall find me. Mat. 7. [...]. Ask and it shall be given you: seek and ye shall find: knock and it shall be opened to you. From the readiness of Parents, to give good things to their Children that ask them; Our Lord says, Luk. 11.13. How much more, shall your heavenly Fa­ther give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him? Do these Scriptures stand for Cyphers in your Bibles? Is there no incouragement in them? You say you can't Convert your selves, Well, [Page 143] the more you see your need of the Strength and Grace of God, so much the more Importunate­ly and Incessantly Pray for it; and dont neg­lect Duty under a pretence of Inability. Sure­ly if you perish, your destruction will be of your selves: God and His Throne will be fear for ever. If you would do as much for the saving of your Souls, as you do to get Out­ward good things, your case would look hopeful. By all your Contrivance and Diligence, you can't obtain an Harvest from the Seed you sow, nor indeed can you obtain one Meals Meat, or have any good by what you do Eat, without the Blessing of God. And yet you will Think, Plot, Contrive, Labour and Toil for Outward good things; tho' you can't get one of them without Gods blessing. Surely then, If you should neglect Christ under a pretence of your own Inability, and so perish for ever; You will be condemn'd out of your own Mouths. Samson Pray'd for Strength to overthrow the house on which the Philistines were; and then try'd to exert the Strength Pray'd for, Judg. 16.28, 29. So, Pray that God would help you heartily to Repent and Believe; and then in his Strength set about these Duties. Ezek. 33.11. — Turn ye, turn ye from your evil wayes; for why will ye die, O house of Israel.

[Page 144]


LUKE XIV. 21, 22, 23, 24.

So that Servant came, and shewed his lord these things. Then the Master of the house being angry, said to his Servant, Go out quickly into the Streets and Lanes of the City, and bring in hither the poor, and the maimed, and the halt, and the blind.

And the Servant said, Lord, it is done as thou hast commanded and yet there is room.

And the lord said unto the Servant, Go out into the high wayes and hedges, and com­pel them to come in, that my house may be filled.

For I say unto you, that none of these men which were bidden, shall taste of my Supper.

IN the three Verses Immediately preceeding these, we find, that those Invited to the Feast excus'd themselves, and refus'd to come: they mention'd their excuses to the Servant that Invited them. In our Text now read, we find, that the Servant who receiv'd [Page 145] their Negative Answer (or Excuses) came and told his Lord of it, Inform'd him of what he had met with. Here upon, the Master of the house was angry, and resolv'd that those who refus'd his kind Invitation, should never taste of his Supper: he also orders his Servant to Invite others, since those first bidden refus'd to come. Tho' doubtless (as was hinted before) one principle scope or design of this Parable was, to set forth the Rejection of the Jews upon their refusing to believe in Christ, and the Calling of the Gentiles (whom the Jews esteemed as Poor, Lame, Blind despicable wretched Creatures) Yet this part of the Parable now read, may furnish us with various distinct and profitable Observations. viz.

DOCTRINE. I. Servants should Obey, and are accountable to their Masters.

The Servant mention'd in this Parable was ready to Go at his Master's Sending, and Do at his Bidding. v. 22. Lord, it is done as thou hast commanded. As he thus did what he was bid­den, so he as readily gave an account to his Master, of what he had done, and what he had met with in the business he was managing. Tho' what's said about the conduct of this Ser­vant, seems to be added to fill up the frame of the Parable, and to render the Parts of it harmo­nious and agreable; Yet it may plainly Inti­mate to us the behaviour that becomes Ser­vants, Yea the behaviour of Gods Messengers, [Page 146] Ministers who seem to be Principally Intended by the Servant here spoken of. We may there­fore under this Doctrine take notice:

1. That Servants ought to Obey their Masters. All Persons are not on a Level; order must be upheld in the World. The Superiors in a Family, should be Obeyed by their Inferiors: Parents, and Masters, by their Children and Servants. The Centurion witness'd for the ready Obedience of his Servants: Mat. 8.9. I say — to my Servant, do this, and he doth it. And truly such ready Obedience of Servants to their Mas­ters, is no more than what Gods word plainly requires. Col. 3.22. Servants, Obey in all things your Masters according to the flesh. Tit. 2.9. Ex­hort Servants to be Obedient to their own Masters, and to please them well in all things. Thus, God the Maker and Master of all Men, requires Servants to Obey all the Commands of their Masters; that is all lawful Commands. For if Masters or any Superiors among Men, should command their Servants or Inferiors to Lie, Steal or commit any wickedness; such com­mands ought not to be obeyed. It's a stand­ing rule for ever, concerning all Persons in the World, that they ought to obey God rather than men, Act. 5.29. But on the other hand, the lawful commands of Masters ought to be Obey'd by their Servants; and of those Servants who Obey them not, we may say as in ano­ther case: 1 Thes. 4.8. He that despiseth, des­piseth not Man but God. Those Servants who are Proud, Stubborn, disobedient to the law­ful commands of their Masters; they despise [Page 147] God, trample on His Authority, trample on that order that He has set up among Men: they deserve not only the displeasure of their Masters, but also the wrath of the Lord God Almighty.

2. Gospel-Ministers should faithfully convey the Message, and do the business that God Orders them. Those employ'd by God, to declare his Mind and Will to the Children of Men; are especi­ally Intended by Servants in this Parable. God requires Ministers to Invite Sinners to the Gospel-Feast, to Invite them to Christ, and Exhort them to live as becomes such. Mini­sters should faithfully Obey God, in delivering his Important Messages unto Men; they should deliver his whole Counsel to them, with-hold nothing from them that might be profitable to them, testifying both Repentance towards God and Faith towards our Lord Jesus Christ. They should teach them to deny Ungodliness and World ly Lusts, and to live Soberly, Righteously, Godly in this present evil World, Tit. 2.12. They should plainly tell Men from Gods word, That it shall go well with the Righteous, they shall eat the fruit of their doings; but wo shall be to the wicked, for the reward of their hands shall be given them. Isai. 3.10, 11. Indeed they should plainly tell Men of their Sin and danger, of their Duty and Incouragements to it: they should faith­fully declare Gods Mind and Message to them, whether they will hear or whether they will forbear, ( Ezek. 2.7.) And 'tis at their Peril if they neglect thus to warn them.

[Page 148]3. Servants are accountable to their Masters for what they do. As they ought to go where their Masters send them, do what they bid them, so they should as readily make a return, and give an account of what they have done. The Servant in our Text did so, v. 21. He shewed his Lord these things. So, Ministers of the Gos­pel are accountable to God for the whole of their management. Indeed God is the Maker, Lawgiver and Judge of all Men, and therefore every one of us must give an account of himself to God, Rom. 14.12. We must all appear before the Judgment Seat of God, that every one may receive the things done in the Body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad, 2 Cor. 5.10. Every humane Person is thus accountable to God, for the whole of his Behaviour. So Mini­sters as well as others are accountable to God for the whole of their Behaviour; yea for the whole of their management in their Office-work. They are Stewards of the Mysteries of God, and it is required of Stewards that a Man be found faithful, 2 Cor. 4.1, 2. And they must also give an account of their Stewardship; must be tri­ed by their Great Lord and Master whether they have been Faithful or not, and must be dealt with accordingly. If they have been Faithful in their Office-work, they have deli­vered their own Souls, and shall receive a gra­cious Reward. If they are Faithful, they are un­to God a sweet savour of Christ, in them that are Saved and in them that Perish, 2 Cor. 2.15. But if any Souls Perish for want of Faithful warn­ing, the Blood of those Souls will be required at the hands of their Watchmen, Ezek. 33.8.

[Page 149]And since Ministers are thus accountable to God for their Office Acts, all their Official Ad­min [...]strations; surely they should diligently ob­s [...]v [...] [...]hether their Indeavours for the Spiri­ [...] good of Men are Successful or not. If they find them Successful, they should be thank­ful to God for it. 2 Thes. 1.3. We are bound to thank God always for you Brethren, as it is meet, because that your Faith groweth exceedingly, and the Charity of every one of you all toward each o­ther aboundeth. And if their Indeavours are Un­successful with Sinners, this also they should take notice of, mourn for it, and bear the Mat­ter still on their hearts before God. Our Sa­viour was grieved for the hardness of Mens hearts, Mark 3.5. He Wept over Jerusalem, for their not minding the things of their Peace in the Season thereof, Luk. 19.41, 42. The Apostle said, Rom. 10.1. My hearts desire and Prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be Saved. Thus he Pray'd for them, altho' when he had Preach'd to them, some believed the things that were spoken by him and some believed not, Act. 28.24. Some were bettered by his Preaching, and some not. And doubtless tis thus, with most if not all the Faithful Ministers of Christ; some submit to the Divine Message they deliver, and some sub­mit not. But Oh, how doleful and dreadful will be the case of Unbelievers, when even their own Ministers must make such a report of them to God, as the Servant in our Text did, con­cerning those who being Invited to the Feast refus'd to come? How doleful when their Ministers thus testifie to God of them,

[Page 150] ‘Lord, I Invited these Persons to come to the Gos­pel Feast (as thou didst Order me) I urg'd them from thy Word to come to Christ, told them that all things were ready on His part; but yet they would not come: they made Excuses, they made light of the Invitation, and went away one to his Farm & another to his Merchandise▪ I did all I could to save their Souls, but they were so taken up with the Profits, Pleasures, Honours of a sinful World, that they would not comply with thy Message which I Faithfully deliver'd to them: as to any good done to these Sinners, I have laboured for nought and spent my strength in vain.’

Oh how terrible will it be to Sinners, to have Faithful Ministers thus testifying against them to the Great God! The Apostle says, Heb. 13.17. Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit your selves, for they watch for your Souls as they that must give an account; that they may do it with joy and not with grief, for that will be unprofitable for you. It's matter of Joy to Faith­ful Ministers, when their Indeavours are bless'd for saving good to Souls. 1 Thes. 2.19, 20. For what is our Hope, or Joy, or Crown of Rejoycing? Are not even ye in the Presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at His coming? For ye are our Glory and Joy. With what Triumphant Joy and Glad­ness will Faithful Ministers give up their ac­count of such Pious Souls at last? But when Persons refuse their wholsom Counsels, and go on obstinately in ways of Wickedness; this is very grievous to them, and the account they must give to God will be unprofitable to such Sinners. Unprofitable indeed, when their Faith­ful [Page 151] Ministers, as well as their own Consciences shall testify against them for their Wickedness. Hearken, Oh Sinners, the Great God sends His Ministers, His Messengers to you with this Message, viz.

‘Oh Repent of all your Sins, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, give up your selves intirely and conti­nually unto Him, that you may obtain Eternal Sal­vation by Him.’

This is Gods Message to you by His Mini­sters, and what return would you have them make to the Great GOD that sends them? When the Prophet brought a Message from God to David, he said to him, 2 Sam. 24.13— Now advise and see, what answer I shall return to him that sent me. So, Oh Sinner, let thine Heart and Conscience say, what Answer shall Mini­sters give to God, what Account concerning thy entertaining or refusing the Messag [...] [...] sends by them unto thee. Would you have them make unto God such a return as this? viz.

‘Lord, I faithfully declar'd thy Mind and Message, to these Sinners, but they would not hear. In thy Name I call'd to them, but they refus'd; I stretched out my hand, but they regarded not; they set at nought all my Counsels and would none of my Re­proof. I did beseech them to be Reconcil'd to God, to turn and live; but yet they turn'd a deaf Ear, they continu'd regardless of God, of Christ, of the Everlasting Welfare of their Precious Immortal Souls. They gave more heed to the Temptations of Satan, than to the sweet alluring Invitations of [Page 152] Christ: they always chose the Paths of Sin, would not be Reclaimed: they were always more con­cern'd to gratifie a Lust, than they were to Save their Souls; this, O Lord has been their Carriage.’

Well Sinner, wouldst thou have Ministers give to the Great GOD such an Account as this concerning thee. If they should be able (thro' thine obstinacy) truly to give such an Account of thee in the Judgment Day; sure I am, 'twould be Unprofitable to thee. For then thy Glorious Judge will treat thee as an obstinate unreclaimable Rebel. He will say of thee, as for that mine Enemy who would not that I should Reign over him, bring him hither and slay him before me. He'l say to thee, Depart thou Cursed one, into Everlasting Fire prepared for the De­vil and for his Angels. Oh Doleful Sentence!

DOCTRINE II. If some Sinners Refuse the Offers of Christ and Salvation through Him, this cannot hinder God from making the like Offers to others.

When the Servant in our Text told his Lord, that those Bidden to the Feast Refused to come; his Lord then sends him to Invite others, even the Poor, Maimed, Halt and Blind. God's Grace is Free, He may Offer it to whom He will: He may do what He will with His own. God may take away His Vine­yard from those who won't yield Him the Fruit of it, and may let it out to others. If the Jews Refuse Christ (He came to His own and His [Page 153] own Received Him not, Joh. 1.11.) God may Offer Him to the Gentiles. Through their Fall Salvation is come unto the Gentiles — The Fall of them is the Riches of the World — The casting away of them, is the reconciling of the World, Rom. 11.11, 12, 15. Is he the God of the Jews only; is he not of the Gentiles also; yea of the Gentiles also, Rom. 3.29. Paul and Barnabas said to the Contradicting Blaspheming Jews, It was necessary that the Word of God should first have been spoken unto you; but seeing ye put it from you, and judge your selves unworthy of Ever­lasting Life, lo we turn to the Gentiles, Act. 13.46. One Nation's Refusing the Gospel, can­not hinder God from sending it to another: One Town or Family Refusing of it, cannot hinder it's being sent to another. If Salva­tion through Christ be Refused by Parents or Masters, this cannot exclude Children or Ser­vants from the Offer of it: If Children or Servants Refuse it, this cannot hinder the Offer being made to their Parents or Masters. If Salvation be Refused by Sober, Civiliz'd Persons, this cannot hinder the Offer from being made to Publicans and Harlots, to the most Gross, Scandalous Transgressors: If it be Refused by one Neighbour, this cannot hinder the Offer of it to another.

And therefore,

1. Let none think that God would be really Ob­lig'd or Indebted to them, if they should Heartily Acce [...]t the Offers of the Gospel. God is Self-sufficient, A [...]sufficient, He needs none of His Creatures, nor any of their Services: They can­not possibly give to Him any thing but His [Page 154] own, but what He had a previous Unaliena­ble Right to. It's of His Pleasure, that all Things are and were Created, Rev. 4.11. It's of His Free, Sovereign, Overflowing Goodness that He has Made Men, that He Preserves them, bestows many Outward Be­nefits on them; and that He Offers to some of them Free Salvation thro' Christ. Let none think therefore, that God can be Really or Pro­perly Beholden or Indebted to them, for any Submission or Obedience they can possibly Yield to Him. Indeed He is Pleased with those who Heartily Submit to Christ: Takes pleasure in them that hope in his Mercy, Psal. 147.11. But it is of His Infinite Sovereign Grace that He does so, not that He is Really or Pro­perly Benefitted by their Hoping aright in His Mercy. O Sinner, if thou dost Heartily Receive Christ as Offered in the Gospel, thou art properly the Gainer (really Bettered and Benefitted) and not God; thou art Inconceivably Indebt­ed to Him, He not at all to thee. And don't think on the other Hand, that God would be Really and Properly a Loser by thee, if thou shouldst Refuse Christ. For if thou shouldst be thus Wicked, though God would be Disho­noured and Provoked thereby, yet He would Eternally Glorifie His Justice in thine Incon­ceivable Misery. And as for His Sovereign Grace in Christ, if that be not Glorifi'd in thy Salvation, because thou dost Wickedly Re­fuse it; yet God can and will Glorifie it in the Salvation of others. Thy Refusing His Offered Grace and Salvation, cannot hinder Him from Glorifying His Grace in the [Page 155] Salvation of many others. If thou wilt not come to Christ when Invited, don't think that God must therefore lose the Glory of His Grace. No, No, He can Offer it to others, to the Poor, Halt, Blind (and cause them to Accept it too if He will) He won't be Real­ly and Properly a Loser, a Sufferer by thee, if thou shouldst Refuse His Gracious Offers. If thou shouldst be thus Foolish and Wicked, He'll Damn thee for it; but He'll find other Ob­jects on which to Glorifie His Sovereign Grace.

2. Let not any Neglect coming to Christ meerly because others Refuse Him. In this Parable con­taining our Text, when some Refused the In­vitation given them to the Feast, the Servant was bidden to Invite others. Oh Sinner, are there such and such of thy Neighbours who Refuse Christ, do they refuse the Calls of God, the Gracious Invitations of the Gospel; go­ing on still in their Wickedness, Prophaneness, Drunkenness, Uncleanness, Dishonesty, or any Unholy Practice? Do they thus Refuse Christ? yet let not this hinder thee from coming. If they Finally Refuse Christ, they shall not Tast of God's Supper, of the Feast of Salvation they are Invited to, but shall Perish for ever; howbeit, God calls on thee to come. Their Refusal cannot Excuse thee, if thou shouldst Neglect coming Their ill Example, cannot Excuse thee if thou dost Imitate it. Exod. 23.2. Thou shalt not follow a Multitude to do Evil. If great Multitudes should Neglect Christ, yet do not thou follow them, do not thou [Page 156] Act like them. Have no Fellowship with the Unfruitful Works of Darkness. If none in the same Seat or Pew with thee should Submit to Christ, yet God bids thee Submit to Him. If those of the same Neighbourhood with thee, of the same Family with thee; yea if the Wife of thy Bosom should Refuse to Accept of Christ; yet God bids thee Accept of Him, and their Refusal cannot possibly Excuse thee if thou Neglect Him. If none in an whole Town or Congregation should Heartily Ac­cept of Christ, but only one Person; then that one would be in the right tho' alone, and all the rest tho' never so numerous, in the wrong. Therefore, Oh Sinner whoever thou art, Man or Woman, Young or Old, Rich or Poor; the Great GOD Calls, Commands, Requires thee, even thee in particular heartily to submit to Christ as Prince and Saviour. And whether all or any about thee, do submit to this Call or not, yet tis thine indispensable Duty to Obey it. If they should all Refuse, yet this cannot Excuse thee if thou shouldst Refuse: if they should all Perish for their Unbelief, yet if thou dost hear­tily submit to Christ, thou shalt surely be hap­py for ever. Whosoever believeth in Him, shall not Perish but shall have Everlasting Life, Joh. 3.16.

DOCTRINE III. God is very ready and earnect to offer unto Sin­ners Salvation thro' Christ.

When the Master of the House (in our Text) was Inform'd, that some Refus'd the [Page 157] Invitation to his Feast; he bade his Servant to go Quickly, and bring in others, call others to the Feast. Though he was Angry with those who refus'd his Offer'd kindness, yet he seems resolved to communicate his Bounty: he had made great and costly Provision, was unwilling it should be lost, and seems uneasy and in hast as it were, till he could find those who would accept his Offer'd Bounty. Indeed (as we shew'd but now) God needs not any of His Creatures, cannot be properly Indebted to those who accept Gospel Offers, nor really and pro­perly a Loser by those that refuse them. And further, we should not entertain unbecoming Conceptions of God, not think Him subject to any Uneasy, Restless, Troublesom Passions or Affections as Men are. His Essential Glory and Felicity is always the same. It can't be Interrupted, Diminished, or Increased. He is the Lord and changeth not — There's no variable­ness nor shadow of turning with him, Mal. 3.6. Jam. 1.17. Yet many things are spoken of and by God, after the manner of Men; the better to help our Conceptions of Him. So when the Master of the House (mention'd in our Text) says, go Quickly and call others to the Feast, it seems to Intimate,

‘As tho' Gods Heart were full of Love and Grace, as tho' He were Earnestly set and bent to commu­nicate of His Salvation to poor Sinners; as tho' He could scarce find Ease or Rest in Himself, till he could find some vent for His overflowing good­ness and Bounty, and find some who would open the Doors of their hearts, to let Christ and Salvation [Page 158] into them. Go Quickly, as if He should say, Tho' some Refuse my Gospel Grace, yet it shall not be in vain, I wont have it lost, it shall take Effect somewhere, go Speedily and make the Offers of it: I'm even in Travail and Pain, as it were, till I am extending and diffusing of my Gospel Grace to some or other.’

And indeed this is but agreable to other Scrip­ture Expressions, which tell us, God delights in Mercy, Mic. 7.18. He's greatly delighted and rejoyced, in the Communications of His Mercy. 2 Pet. 3.9. The Lord is not slack concerning His Promise, as some Men count slackness, but is long­suffering to usward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to Repentance. Isai. 30.18. And therefore will the Lord wait that He may be Gracious unto you, and therefore will He be exalted that He may have Mercy upon you; for the Lord is a God of Judgment, blessed are all they that wait for Him. The Lord waits that He may be gracious, watches and longs as it were, for an Opportu­nity to extend of His Saving Grace to Poor Sinners. And therefore those who Refuse it, are represented as grieving and troubling of Him. He's griev'd for the hardness of their Hearts, (Mark 3.5.) vex'd when they rebel, Isai. 63.10. He is pressed under them (by reason of their Sins and Rebellions) as a Cart is pressed that is full of Sheaves, Amos 2.13. Oh the amazing Love, Grace and Patience of God! Lord, what is Man that thou art thus mindful of him! How shall we escape, if we neglect so great Salvati­on, thus Freely and Frequently Offered? Let us therefore Speedily and Heartily submit to [Page 159] God's Call, Heb. 4.7— To day, after so long a time as it is said, to day if ye will hear His Voice, harden not your Hearts.


DOCTRINE IV. Ministers should be SPEEDY and URGENT in Inviting Sinners to Christ.

1. THey should be SPEEDY in this Work. We here find, v. 21. The Master of the House said to his Servant, go out Quickly into the Streets and Lanes of the City, and bring in the Poor, Maimed, &c. He must go Quickly, Speedily without any delay on this Im­portant Business. It may Intimate, that after the Jews generally refus'd Christ, the Gentiles were Quickly, Speedily Invited to accept Salva­tion thro' Him. And so it was. The Jews de­nied Christ, prefer'd a Murderer to Him, they Crucifi'd the Son of God. Act. 3.13. & 15. Soon after this, the Apostles were Commissioned to Preach to the Gentiles. Mat. 28.19, 20.— And the Gentiles were Soon, Quickly, enter­tained with Gospel Invitations; and many of them accepted the Call, (Act. 5.7, 19.) and that very gladly too, Act. 13.46. — 48. And as this Phrase, go Quickly, may Intimate the [Page 160] Speedy Calling of the Gentiles, after the Apparent Unbelief of the Generality of the Jews; so it may also Intimate to us in General, that Mini­sters should be Speedy and Vigorous in Inviting Sinners to Christ, and to live as becomes such, that they may obtain the happy Fruits of such a most reasonable Submission to the Son of God. There's great reason why they should be very Speedy and vigorous in this Work.

1. The more they are so, so much the more they themselves do Please and Glorifie God. The Great GOD sets them about this Work, their Hearts should be Intensely Ingag'd in it; the more they are so, so much the more speedy they will be in it, Abhorring of all Negligence and Delays. God loves to see them in Good Earnest and Speedy in what He sets them a­bout; that they don't do the Work of the Lord Negligently, but Willingly and of a ready Mind, 1 Pet. 5.2. They should be, not Sloth­ful in Business, but Fervent in Spirit serving the Lord, Rom. 12.11. When Paul was Converted (and Commissioned by God) he straightway (that is, speedily) Preached Christ, Act. 9.20. Immediately, he Conferred not with Flesh and Blood, but set about his Work of Preach­ing, Gal. 1.16, 17. In this Speed and Dili­gence, he shew'd his Love to God, Zeal for God, as well as Compassion to the Souls of Men: And this must needs Please and Glo [...]ifie God. We should not be Dull and Sluggish▪ [...]old or Backward in any Work God sets u [...] [...]bout. The Slothful Servant is a Wicked Ser­ [...]ant, Mat. 25.26.

[Page 161]2. The Weight and Importance of the Work, requires Speed and great Activity. In Matters of the greatest Weight and Importance, great­est speed and Diligence should be us'd. Now the bringing of Sinners to obtain Salvation through Christ is a Matter of the greatest Weight that can be.

1. The Glory of God is Greatly concerned therein. While Sinners are Estranged from Christ, they continue Despising of God, Rebelling against Him, Trampling on His Authority, Disho­nouring and Provoking of Him. But when they Heartily come to God on Gospel Terms, then they give Him the Glory of His Wisdom, Holiness, Grace, Faithfulness, &c. God is greatly Dishonoured by their Impenitence and Unbelief, and greatly Honoured by their Re­penting and Believing. Since 'tis so, surely Ministers should use Utmost Speed in Inviting Sinners to Christ. They should do their Ut­most, that Sinners may no longer continue Dishonouring and Provoking of God, but that [...]hey may forthwith come into those Ways that Please and Honour Him.

2 The Everlasting Welfare of Sinners is con­cerned therein. This also is a Matter of very great Weight. It's not a Matter of mighty Weight or Importance, whether Persons are Rich or Poor, Honour'd or meanly Esteem'd in this W [...]ld; because they're to continue in this World but a very little Time. But it's a Matter of the greatest Importance that can be [Page 162] for Sinners to escape Eternal Inconceivable Torments in Hell, and to obtain Endless In­conceivable Glories in Heaven: Yet they can­not Escape the former nor Obtain the latter of these, unless they Heartily Imbrace Christ on Gospel Terms. Verily then, since this Work is so Weighty and Necessary, Ministers should use Utmost Speed and Diligence to promote it.


3. The longer Sinners stay away from Christ, the more Difficult (Ordinarily) their coming to Him will be. 'Tis true, if the best Means are Dili­gently us'd with Young Sinners, before they are Accustomed to any open Way of known Wickedness, yet this cannot Convert them without the Co-operating Renewing Grace of God. Though the Word of Truth be never so Speedily and Diligently Preached to them, yet tis God of his own Will that must beget them (Jam. 1.18) if ever they are truly Converted. On the other Hand, if Persons have been long Accustomed to evil Practices, and much Har­dened therein, yet God can Convert even such Chief Sinners if He Will. But notwithstanding these things thus Granted, 'tis still true, that the longer Sinners stay away from Christ, Or­dinarily the more Difficulty there is in their coming to Him. Continuance and Customa­riness in Sin, tends to Blind the Mind, Stu­pify the Conscience, Harden the Heart: I [...] tends to render the Soul less Thoughtful of Spiritual Duties, of Eternal Concerns, and to strengthen it more in Wicked Practices which lead to Hell Torments. The longer Sin­ners [Page 163] continue Impenitent so much the Worse they grow: They grow more Averse to God and Godliness, more Prone to continue and go on in Sin. It's hard Healing an Old Sore, a Deep Wound of long Continuance. It's Difficult breaking off from long Continued ill Customs. When Israel had been long Accustomed to ill Practices, twas no easy Thing to Divert and Reform them, Jer. 13.23. Can the Ethiopian change his Skin, or the Leopard his Spots? Then may ye also do Good that are Accustomed to do E­vil. Nay, the more Persons are Accustomed to Sin and Hardened in it, so much the more Backward they commonly are, so much as to Hear Good Counsels or come in the way of them: They are ready to Hate those that would Faithfully Coun­sel and Advise them for their Good. Abab Ha­ted Micajah, for Testifying against his Wicked­ness, 1 King. 22.8. It's plain therefore, that as to Men and Means and the usual Process of Things; that the longer any continue in Sin, [...]e more Difficult tis to draw them to Christ. And since tis so, Ministers should use utmost need in indeavouring their Conversion to God: [...]or the longer tis Defer'd, ordinarily the more Difficult it is, if ever it be at all.

4. The Shortness and Uncertainty of Life, shou [...] [...]icken Ministers to use great speed in this Work [...] No Man has any lease of his Life his Life's [...] vapour that appears for a little time and [...]hen vanisheth away. No one knows what [...]all be on the Morrow.

1. The Lives of Ministers are Uncertain. In [...]eneral, their Lives are as short and uncertain [Page 164] as any others. Besides this, if they have a due and deep sense on their Hearts, of the great Weight and Importance of their work; and are suitably Studious, Prayerful, Labori­ous in their Office-Imployment; this tends greatly [...] exhaust their Spirits, weaken their Bodies and shorten their Lives, more than many other Callings do. Inasmuch therefore as they know not how soon they may be taken off their work, or out of the World; this should quicken them to greatest speed and diligence in their work. The Apostle Peter, considering that he must Shortly put off his Tabernacle, his Body; said, Wherefore I will not be negligent to put you in remembrance of these things, &c. 2 Pet. 1.12, — 14. When Ministers are Pray­ing among, or Preaching to their People, they don't know but it may be the Last Time, the Last Opportunity they may ever have for such work. And should they not then diligently take Every Opportunity, when it First comes into their hands, to do all the good they can for Souls? Yes, surely they should. And if they always bore on their hearts, a due sense of the Shortness and Uncertainty of their Lives; this might give wings to their Zeal and Dili­gence, and might abundantly Inliven and In­vigorate their Studying, Praying, Preaching, and Privately Discoursing; and so by the blessing of God, they might be more eminently useful in promoting the good of Souls. To Study, Pray, Preach like Dying Men, who expect but little time more, and dont know that they shall have any more for such work; how greatly would this quicken them?

[Page 165]2. The Lives of their Hearters are Uncertain. As Ministers done know how soon Death may take them away; so neither do they know, how soon Death may remove any of their Hearers. Those whom they see at Publick Worship on One Sabbath, they know not whe­ther ever they shall see them there again. The Elder Ones or Younger Ones which are now attending Gods Publick Worship, none knows who of them shall ever come here again. It would be no strange thing, not at all uncom­mon; if some that are now here, whether Old or Young, should be speedily seiz'd with Sick­ness, or impair'd by some Accident, and re­mov'd out of the World by Death, so as ne­ver more to have one opportunity of hearing a Sermon. This consideration also, should quicken Ministers to greatest speed and Dili­gence in their Work. They know not how soon any or all their hearers may be remov'd by Death, and then they'l have no more op­portunity forever, of doing any good to them. Therefore they should use utmost speed and Di­ligence in indeavouring the saving good of Souls, since tis a matter of the greatest Importance, and they know not how little time they have for it. Since tis thus, Ministers should walk circumspectly not as Fools but as Wise, Re­deeming the time. They should go quickly, should wisely imbrace and improve every opportunity for doing good to Souls. And as they should be very speedy in this Work, so

2. They should be very URGENT and Earnest in it. The Servant is here bidden, v. 23. to com­pel [Page 166] them to come in. Ministers should compel Sinners to come to Christ, that is, be very Sol­licitous, Pressing, Urgent with them to come. It does not mean, that they should use any Outward means of Force, Violence or Com­pulsion. Christ came to save men from their sins — to bless them in turning them from their iniqui­ties, Mat. 1.21. Act. 3.26. No Outward Force or Violence can do any thing in this Work. If by Outward Penalties, Fines, or any External Violence, Persons should be frighted and forced to Read God's Word, hear it Preach­ed, to attend Prayer, or any other Religious Exercises; yet all this Outward Force could not of it self effect any real change in their Souls, any Repentance of Sin, Faith in Christ or Union to Him. Neither are Ministers Au­thorized by Christ, to use any Outward For­cible means at all in this matter. The Gene­ral Method they are to take, is to Preach the Gospel, Preach the Word, 2 Tim. 4.2. They are to tell Sinners plainly from God's Word, that if they Believe and are Baptized they shall be Saved, if they Believe not they shall be Damned. So their Commission runs, Mark 16.16. When Christ sent forth His Ministers to Preach, and any refus'd to receive them or their Doctrine, even in that case they were not to use Out­ward Violence, but to leave them, Shaking off the Dust of their Feet as a Witness against them, Mat. 10.14, 15. This Method Paul and Bar­nabas took, when the Jews outragiously oppos'd them, Act. 13.51. They us'd no Outward Violence, the Apostle therefore declares, 2 Cor. 10.4. The Weapons of our Warfare are not [Page 167] Carnal, but Mighty thro' God to the pulling down of strong holds, &c. They us'd no Carnal Weapons, or Outward Violence to spread the Gospel and win Souls to Christ; but only de­clar'd the Revelations of God's Will, Urging Men to comply therewith, which Spiritual Means God bless'd (when He saw meet) to pull down the strong holds of Sin & Satan in the Souls of Men, and so to the Converting of Sinners to Christ. So that no Outward Force or Violence can be meant, by the Compulsion here spoken of. The Word here rendred Compel, comes from a Word that signifies necessity: Mi­nisters should necessitate Sinners to come to Christ; that is, they should indeavour to show them the absolute necessity of it, and so be Urgent and Sollicitous in Reasoning with them, in Ex­horting and Perswading of them to come to Christ for Life. We have already mention'd several Reasons, why Ministers should be speedy in Exhorting Sinners Heartily to give up them­selves to Christ; the same Reasons should quicken to be very Earnest, Pressing, Urgent in the Work. Therefore

1. They should plainly show Sinners the absolute ne­cessity of their coming to Christ. They should from the Scriptures, plainly declare to them the Holiness of God's Law, that it requires Perfect, Spotless, Constant Obedience in Heart and Life; and threatens Death, even Eternal Misery for the least Offence. The Wages of Sin it Death. Rom. 6.23. Cursed is every one that continues not in all things which are written in the Book of the Law to do them. They should strive [Page 168] fully to convince them, that they are sinful by Nature and Practice, and so do most justly de­serve Eternal Plagues and Punishments from God. That God, the one Lawgiver who alone can Save or Destroy, has given His Son Christ Jesus, to save Sinners; and has plainly stated the termes, declaring that Persons must Hear­tily Repent of their Sins, Believe in Christ Je­sus, trust in His Righteousness alone for Justi­fication, give up themselves to be constantly and heartily Obedient to Him, as ever they ex­pect to escape Hell and enter into Heaven. And therefore Ministers should declare to them, how absolutely, Indispensibly necessary tis for them to be Born again. Born of the Spirit, to become New Creatures, and to commence and maintain a constant Mortal War against all their Lusts and Corruptions; and to become Sincerely, Diligently, Constantly Holy in Heart and Life, showing them the absolute necessity of these things, they should Exhort, Urge, Perswade, Intreat them to be reconciled to God, to flee from the Wrath to come and lay hold on Eter­nal Life. To this end, they should set forth the Fulness of Christ, the All-sufficiency of His Meritorious Righteousness to save all that Peni­tently trust in Him, the Freeness and Readiness of Divine Grace to receive all such. They should Urgently Exhort and Direct them, to at­tend all proper means for their Spiritual Good, to avoid as carefully what tends to Blind Har­den and Destroy them; and to Pray most Earnest­ly and Constantly to God, for the efficacious saving Influences of His Good Spirit.

[Page 169]2. They should think no Pains too much, in this urging Sinners to come to Christ. They should nor grudge or think much of, Hard Laborious Reading, Studying, Praying, Preaching to pro­mote the good of Souls. They should be wil­ling to Spend and be Spent in this most Noble Excellent Work, 2 Cor. 12.15. They should give themselves wholly to their Work that their Profiting may appear to all Men, 1 Tim. 4.15. They should Study to shew themselves approved unto God, Workmen that need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth, 2 Tim. 2.15. They should carefully Teach the good Ways of God, by their Lives as well as by their Doctrine, 1 Tim. 4.12. — Be thou an Example of Believers, in Word, in Conversation, in Charity, in Spirit, in Faith, in Purity. And besides their Publick La­bours in Praying, Preaching, and other Admi­nistrations; they should not grudge to take all Opportunities they can in Private to promote the Good of Souls. The Apostle Paul at Ephe­sus, Taught Publickly and from House to House, Act. 20.20. The Servant in our Text was bidden to go into the Streets, Lanes, High-Ways and Hedges and bring in Persons to the Feast. If they would not come to him, he must go to them, seek them out and Invite them. Ministers should be as ready to look after Sinners, to go from Street to Street, from Lane to Lane, to go to them, and seek an Opportunity (if it can't otherwise be gotten) to speak to them and Counsel them for their Spiritual Good. They should not grudge to go into the meanest Hou­ses, the meanest Cottages to do Good to Souls. Neither should they grudge to take care of the [Page 170] poorest, meanest, vilest Sinners, (such as have no Place but High-Ways and Hedges to abide in) if they can do any thing for the Benefit of their Souls. The poorest Servants, yea the most mean Abject Slaves, have Immortal Souls, in their own Nature as Precious and Valuable as the Souls of any in the World. And Ministers as they can get Opportunity, should be as rea­dy to do good to the Souls of such as to any other. As to their Ministerial Office-Work, they should not Prefer one before another, they should do nothing by Partiality, 1 Tim. 5.21. The Servant in our Text, was bidden to Invite the Poor, Maimed Halt and Blind; if any are really in such Decrepit, Afflictive Circumstan­ces, Ministers should (notwithstanding their Outward Meaness) be as ready to promote the Good of their Souls, as the Souls of any other: Their Souls are in themselves as Pre­cious as any. They should indeed grudge no Pains, for the bringing of Souls home to Christ. Nay, they should desire and indeavour that ma­ny may come to Christ. When the Servant in our Text was bidden to bring in the Poor, Maimed, &c. He soon said, Lord, it is done as Thou hast Commanded, and yet there is room, v. 22. Though many were already brought in, yet the Servant of his own accord says, Yet there is room. It seems to Intimate, that the Servant himself Desired that his Master's House might be Filled with Guests, that more might come till empty vacant Places were filled up. So Mini­sters should desire and Indeavour, that many might come to Christ and be Saved. Notwith­standing all that have come to Him already, [Page 171] Yet there is room for more. There's room enough in the open Fountain of Christ's Blood, for more Sinners, many more to come and be Cleansed. There's room enough under Christ's Saving Wings, for many more Sinners to come and find Shelter from the Scorching Heat of Divine Vengeance. If many thousands of Mil­lions of Sinners will yet come to Christ by Faith; there is room enough for them in Hea­ven, notwithstanding the many Believers there already. Heaven is a Large Place, there are many Mansions there: There is room enough for all that will come to Christ, let them be never so many. Oh Sinners, be per­swaded all of you without Exception to come to Christ; there is room enough for you to be received into his Tender Arms, room enough to be receiv'd into the Number of his People, to partake of special Ordinances, room enough to receive you into the Heavenly Mansions for ever. Oh come, for there is yet room, room enough for all the Sinners in the World if they'l Heartily Submit to Christ. But inasmuch as this Servant said to his Lord, there is yet room, told his Master of it: it may Hint to us, that Ministers should Pray to God that He would bring more Sinners to Christ. May they not Expostulate with God in Pray­er, and say,

‘Lord, thou hast bidden us Invite Sinners to Christ, we have done it, some have accepted; but yet there is room for Multitudes more, Lord, let that room be filled up; therefore by thine Al­mighty Grace (without which, our Invitations will be ineffectual) draw many more Sinners unto Christ.’

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DOCTRINE V. No meaness of Outward Circumstances, can ex­clude or hinder any from Gospel Benefits, and Blessings.

Our Text tells us, the Poor, Maimed Halt and Blind were bidden to the Feast; yea those Destitute, Miserable Persons, who had no certain Dwelling Place, who when Evening (Supper-Time, v. 16.) came, were to be look'd for in the High-Ways and Hedges, v. 23. It's very likely, that by these Persons thus Describ'd by their Outward, Mean, Miserable Circumstances the Gentiles may be firstly and chiefly intended. The Jews were apt to Trust in, and Boast of their External Privileges, their Visible Covenant Relation to God, their being the Children of Abraham, Mat. 3.9. They rested in the Law, and made their Boast of God, Rom. 2.17. As they were thus Self-Conceited, many of them on the Account of their External Visible Privi­ledges, without seeking after Heart-Circumcision, Conformity of Soul to God's Preceptive Will; so they were as ready to Despise and Contemn the Uncircumcised Gentiles, counting them Blind, Poor, Miserable Wretches. They look'd on them­selves as God's Children, counting the Gentiles to be as Dogs: That this was a known, com­mon Sentiment or Opinion among them, seems evident from our Saviour's Saying to the Ca­naanitish Woman, It is not meet to take the Chil­dren's Bread, and cast it to Dogs, Mat. 15.22, 26. Well, however mean and vile the Gen­tiles [Page 173] were, either Really in Themselves, or in the esteem of the Jews; yet our Saviour, soon af­ter His Resurrection Commission'd His Disci­ples to Invite them to the Gospel Feast, to par­take of Saving Blessings: He sent His Apostles, to Teach (or Disciple) all Nations, Mat. 28.19, 20. Now though this Calling of the Gen­tiles (who were esteemed Mean and Despica­ble by the Jews) may possibly be chiefly in­tended in this Invitation given to the Poor, Maimed Halt and Blind; yet it may intimate to us also, that the Persons really in such Mean Out­ward Circumstances, are not thereby at all Ex­empted from Gospel Invitations and Blessings. Our Lord Himself Preached the Gospel to the Poor, and extended of His Powerful Goodness to the Blind, Lame, &c. Our Lord said to the Messengers sent to Him by John Baptist; Mat. 11.5. The Blind receive their Sight, and the Lame Walk, the Lepers are Cleansed, and the Deaf Hear, the Dead are raised up, and the Poor have the Gos­pel Preached to them. Since then our Lord Him­self Preached the Gospel to such Miserable Crea­tures (Mat. 4.23, 24.) Surely such Outward meaness in any can't hinder them from Gospel Saving Benefits.

1. Their Poverty can't [...]inder their obtaining Sa­ving Benefits. Their Poverty can't hinder their Piety on Barth, nor their Felicity in Heaven. Tho' they're never so Poor, yet Heavenly Trea­sures may be offer'd to them and accepted by them. Jam. 2.5. God hath ch [...]sen the Poor of this World, Rich in Faith and Hens of th [...] K [...]n [...] ­dom. If any are never so Poor in this World, [Page 174] this can't hinder them from obtaining an endu­ring Substance, an Eternal Crown of Glory.

2. Bodily Blindness, can't hinder the obtaining such Blessings. If they're Blind, this can't hinder their hearing the Gospel, nor their accepting the Sal­vation therein Offered. If they have no Bo­dily Sight, yet their Minds may be Illuminated, their Souls turn'd from Darkness to Light, from the power of Satan unto God: they may have an Eye of Faith to see Him that is Invisible, to look on the things that are not seen and are E­ternal; and may hereafter come to see God, that is, to be Eternally happy in His Favour. The pure in Heart shall see God, Mat. 5.8. And the Blindness of the Eyes can't hinder the Purity of the Heart.

3. If any are Maimed or Halt; if they were Born with any remarkable Defect or Deformity of Body, or have since met with any such thing thro' Age or by any Accidents; yet these things can't exclude them from Gospel Benefits. If they're so Maim'd or Halt that they can't Go, or Walk, this can't hinder them from Coming to Christ by Faith. If they're so Crippled that they can't Work with their Hands, (1 Thes. 4.11.) this can't hinder the Working out their Salva­tion with fear and trembling, Phil. 2.12. If they're as Poor as the Beggar Lazarus, and as full of Sores as he; this can't hinder them from the Duties of Piety in this World, nor keep them out of Abrahams Bosome in the next, Luk. 16.20, 22.

[Page 175]4. If Persons have no certain Dwelling Place, no better Place than High-ways and Hedges to abide in; this can't hinder them from Gospel Saving Benefits. Tho' the Foxes had Holes, and the Birds their Nests; yet our Lord Jesus had not where to lay His Head, Mat. 8.20. Those who wander a­bout in Mountains, Desarts, Dens and Caves of the Earth, may yet be such as the World is not worthy of, and may be Intitled to an House not made with Hands Eternal in the Heavens, Heb. 11.38. 2 Cor. 5.1. Indeed no Outward meaness can exempt from any Gospel Duties, nor exclude from any Gospel Privileges. And since tis so

1. Let us never despise or contemn any, for their Outward meanness, their Poverty, Blindness, Lame­ness, or any Bodily Infirmity or Deformity whatsoever. Who maketh thee to differ? Notwithstanding their Outward meaness, yet they may be far preferable to us on many accounts.

2. None should be Dejected or Desponding, meerly on the account of Outward meaness. The greatest Adversity on Earth, can't hinder them from matchless endless Felicity in Heaven.

3. Those Outwardly mean, should make sure of Gos­pel saving Blessings. Since they're Outwardly Poor, or otherwise Afflicted or Distressed; this should quicken them to secure for themselves true Prosperity in the Future World. Mat. 5.20. Lay up for your selves Treasures in Heaven, where neither Moth nor Rust doth corrupt, and where Theives do not break thro' nor steal.

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DOCTRINE VI. Ministers of the Gospel should be well Acquain­ted with the Fullness and Alsufficiency of Christ.

THis Observation I make from those Words in our Text, v. 22. Yet there is room. This was spoken by the Servant and by this Servant (as was hinted before) are chief­ly meant God's Ministers, Messengers whom He sends to declare His Mind to the Children of Men. After many were brought in to the Feast, the Servant said, Yet there is room, q. d. Though there are so many come already, yet there is room for many more. So, Ministers should be so well acquainted with the Fullness and Alsufficiency of Christ, as to be able to say, Though many Sinners are already brought to Christ, and delivered from the Guilt of Sin and Wrath of God, yet there is room enough in Christ for more, room enough still to Re­ceive all that will com [...]. A Living Spring is not Diminished or [...]mpoverished by Dayly Supplies it yields to those that come. So, though Christ has Communicated Saving Be­nefits to many, to vast Multitudes yet He's not at all Exhausted, He has yet an Infinite [Page 177] Fullness and Sufficiency in Himself. Our Lord once said, Luk. 8.46. I perceive that Vertue is gone out of me. Though He perceived, that Vertue went out to Heal that Woman that touch'd Him; yet He did not perceive that there was any thing less of Vertue remaining in Him. 'Tis said, Luk. 6.19. The whole Mul­titude sought to touch him: for there went Vertue out of him and he Healed them all. He had Vertue enough to Heal All that touch'd Him, yet this Vertue was nothing Diminish'd by it's Healing of Multitudes. Christ is full of Grace and Truth, Joh. 1.14. Many Things that are Full are capable of being Emptied; but Christ cannot be at all Emptied of Grace and Truth. Col. 1.19. It hath pleased the Father, that all Fullness should dwell in him. It Dwells, Abides, Continues in Christ; so that tho' He saves ma­ny, yet there is still as great a Fullness to save more, as ever there was to save any. Joseph in Aegypt had vast Stores and Treasures of Corn, yet they were bounded limited Treasures, though they lasted long and fed many, yet they could not last always nor feed all: The more was taken out of those Stores, so much the less remained in them. Tis not so with Christ, who has Stores of Food for the Souls of Men. There are Unsearchible Riches in Chrict, Eph. 3.8. There's no searching out the Compleat Height and Depth, Length and Breadth of the Fullness and Sufficiency of Christ.

All Old-Testament Saints, all New-Testa­ment Saints hitherto have been Washed, Justi­fied, Sanctifyed in the Name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God; and yet Christ is [Page 178] still as full and Able for such Work as ever He was. His Blood is as full of Saving Me­rit, Worth and Efficacy Now, as on the Day it was Poured forth on the Cross; or as it was when Three Thousand were Converted in one Day, Act. 2.41. The Blood of Jesus Cleanseth from all Sin, 1 Joh 1.7. This was a Truth in the A­postles Days, and tis as much a Truth now as ever it was: The Vertue of that most Precious Blood is nothing Diminished. Christ is able to save to the Uttermost, those that come to God by Him, Heb. 7.25. It may signify, not only His Ability to save a Sinner Perfectly, to Begin His Salvation and Carry it on till it's Compleat­ly Finished; but also the Continuance of His Abi­lity to save. He is fully able Evermore, or as long as the World stands, Compleatly to save all that come to God by Him, be they who they will, or never so many. His Blood is the Blood of God, it Purchased the Church, Act. 20.28. Not only a few Particular Sinners, but the Whole Church, the whole Number of all that e­ver have Believed or ever shall Believe in Him. If all Persons now in the World, would Heartily Repent of Sin and Believe in Christ, all their Sins should be fully Wash'd away in His Blood. Joh. 3.16. Whosoever Believeth in him, shall not Perish but have Everlasting Life. As there is Vertue enough in Christ's Blood, to Wash a­way the Sins of all True Believers; so Christ has Wisdom and Knowledge enough, to Lead and Guide all His Sheep through all the Dark­ness and Difficulties of this World, till he brings them to Glory. In him are hid all the Treasures of Wisdom and Knowledge, Col. 2.3. [Page 179] He also has Power and Might Sufficient, to Van­quish all His and His Peoples Enemies. He has Destroyed him that had the Power of Death, that is the Devil, — and Triumph'd over Him ( Heb. 2.14. Col. 2.15.) He is stronger than the strong Man Armed. The Gates of Hell shall never prevail against His Church: None shall ever pluck His Sheep out of His Hand. He can make the Weakest of His Saints, to be more than Conquerors. He can out of the Unsearchible Stores of Grace in Himself, give forth unwearied Recruits and Supplies to all His Saints, to all the Branches that are in Him. Paul could do all Things through Christ that strengthen'd him, Phil. 4.13. So the same Lord Jesus can strengthen all His Saints to Duty. They that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall run and not be weary, walk and not faint, Isa. 40.31. Their Redeemer can strengthen them with strength in their Souls; if they are ready to fall he can uphold them. He giveth Power to the Faint, and to them that have no Might he increaseth strength, Isa. 40.29. He has all Power in Heaven and Earth committed to Him, and therefore can Guide His Saints by Counsel till he brings them to Glory. Yea, He has a fulness of Love, Grace, Good Will thus to do for all that come to Him. He Loved them and Washed them from their Sins in His own Blood, Rev. 1.5. This most Free Love of His to them is Unchan­gible. Having loved His own, he loved them to the End, Joh. 13.1. He will never leave nor forsake them, but help, strengthen and uphold them by the Right Hand of his Righteousness, Isa. 41. [Page 180] 10. He can find Motive enough in Himself, in His own Bowel-Compassions to do this for them. He will restore their Souls, and lead them in Paths of Righteousness for his Name sake, Psal. 23.3. Oh the Amazing, Unsearchible Full­ness and Sufficiency of Jesus Christ! Ministers should strive to be as well acquainted there­with as possibly they can; and that for their own Support and Comfort as Christians; for their Support and Comfort in their Difficult Weighty Work as Ministers; and that they may be the better Fitted to Perswade Sinners to come to Christ, and to Comfort those under all their Troubles who have accepted of Him, 2 Cor. 1.3, 4. Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ the Father of Mercies, and the God of all Comfort; who comforteth us in all our Tribu­lation, that we may be able to Comfort them which are in any Trouble, by the Comforts wherewith we our selves are comforted of God.

DOCTRINE VII. God would have MANY Sinners come to Christ.

Verse 23. Compel them to come in, that my House may be filled. Though many were come already, yet there was room for more; and as the Servant desired that room might be filled with Guests, so did the Master too: They are the Master's Words, That my House may be filled. So there is room for many more to come to Christ, and God would have them come till Christ's Mystical Body is filled up. The [Page 181] Church is called Christ's Body, The fulness of him that filleth all in all, Eph. 1.23. Christ's Mystical Body that shall be Eternally Glorified, consists of all that ever have Believed and ever shall Believe in Him. All who thus Believe in Christ, were given to Him by the Father. All that the Father giveth me, shall come unto me; and him which cometh into me, I will in no wise cast out. — This is the Fathers will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up at the last Day, Joh. 6.37, 39. When all that the Father hath given to Christ to be saved by Him, are brought home to Him by True Faith, then His Mysti­cal Body will be filled up as to the Parts and Members of it; and then shall the End come. Well, but tis not filled up yet, there is still room for more to come to Christ, and God would have many come that his House, His Church, the Mystical Body of His Son may be filled up. Indeed (as we shew'd before) wherever the Gospel comes, God Commands all that hear it to come unto Christ. 1 Joh. 3.23. This is his commandment, that we should be­lieve in the Name of his Son Jesus Christ. God Commands All that hear of Christ (though they are never so Many or Numerous) to sub­mit to Him. Our Lord said to His Disciples, Mark 16.15, 16. Go ye into all the World, and Preach the Gospel to every Creature; he that belie­veth and is Baptized shall be Saved, he that belie­veth not shall be Damned. It's evident therefore that God would have many to come unto Christ, none are Excluded where the Gospel comes un­less they Exclude themselves by Unbelief. Oh [Page 182] Sinners, if any of you Neglect coming to Christ, you can't say, tis for want of Room, nor for want of an Invitation neither: You cannot say, that every Place is filled up, or that Christ would not receive you if you should come: You cannot say any such Thing as this.

DOCTRINE VIII. Those who refuse to come to Christ shall Perish for ever.

We find in our Text, when the Master of the House heard, that some who were Invited to his Feast, made Excuses and would not come; he was Angry, v. 21. and said of them, v. 24. None of those Men which were bidden shall Tast of my Supper. Since they would not accept the Invitation to his Supper, he resolv'd they should not Tast of it. So those who Refuse the Gracious Offers of Christ, shall not Tast of that Eternal Salvation, Blessedness and Glory they were Invited to. When the Master of the House said, They shall not Tast of my Supper, tis as if he had said, They shall have no Share nor Interest, no Part nor Portion in that Bounty and Kindness of mine, which I Offered them, but they Rejected. So those who Reject God's Offered Grace, and Utterly Refuse coming to Christ, though God Invites and Commands them; they shall have no Share, Interest, Part or Por­tion in that Compleat Blessedness which the Saints shall Injoy in God's Favour for ever. God is Angry with them for Rejecting His Offered Kindness, He will never bestow on [Page 183] them that Salvation that they Refuse and Neg­lect. They shall Eternally Perish and be Un­done. He that Made them will have no Mer­cy on them: He that Formed them will shew them no Favour. Their Woful, Perishing, Undone Condition is set forth, sometimes Ne­gatively and sometimes Affirmatively. It's set forth Negatively in our Text, They shall not Tast of my Supper. So, Heb. 10.38. — My soul shall have no pleasure in him. Those in whom God's Soul takes no Pleasure, whom He is not pleased to Favour with the Endless Injoyment of Himself; they are Undone, Miserable Crea­tures indeed and that for ever. Joh. 3.36. He that Believeth not on the Son, shall not see Life. 'Tis Everlasting Life, Eternal Blessedness that is spoken of in the next preceding Words; but he that Believes not on the Son, shall never See, Tast, nor Injoy that Life. Oh Wretched Miserable Creature, that is thus Destitute! But their most Wretched Miserable Condition, is likewise set forth Affirmatively. Joh. 3.36. The Wrath of God abideth on them. God is Angry with all those, who won't be perswaded to sub­mit to Christ; and His Terrible Insupportable Wrath will Abide and Continue on them for e­ver. If they draw back, His Soul has no Pleasure in them; and therefore they draw back to their own Perdition or Destruction, Heb. 10.39. As to Outward Things and Circumstances in the World, many are in a Middle State, not vastly Rich nor Extremely Poor. But there is no Middle State in the Future World: The True Believer shall be Saved, the Unbeliever Damned. Eve­ry Particular Person, will be Eternally and In­conceivably [Page 184] Blessed, or Eternally and Inconceivably Miserable. Christ will say, Come ye blessed, inhe­rit the Kingdom, or else, Depart ye cursed into E­verlasting Fire, prepared for the Devil and his An­gels, Mat. 25.34, 41. Therefore all that Re­ject Gospel Invitations, and will not come to Christ, they shall not Tast of that Supper, that Feast of Salvation Offered in the Gospel: They shall certainly Perish and be Damn'd Eternally. And surely, this Future State of the Damned, will be most Terrible, Doleful, Dreadfull; we cannot but think so, if we seriously Consider and Believe,

1. How it's Described in Scripture. The Fu­ture Misery of the Damned is set forth in Scrip­ture, by sundry Things which in our present Animal State, are look'd on as most Afflictive, Terrible and Distressing. As 'tis a Pleasant Thing for the Eyes to behold the Sun, so meer Darkness is Terrible and Afflictive: The Aegypti­ans found it so. Well, the State of the Dam­ned is set forth, by their being cast into outer Darkness, Mat. 8.12. Never to see the Light, but to be in the Disconsolate, Distressing Hor­ror of Darkness, is Terrible indeed. Oh how Dreadful will be the Execution of that Sen­tence? Mat. 22.13. Bind him Hand and Foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer Dark­ness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of Teeth. It's Terrible to have Worms continually Gnawing and Eating of us; yet 'tis said of the Damned. Mark. 9.44. Their Worm dieth not, and their Fire is not quenched. It's very Painful and Tor­menting to be Burnt with Fire, how Grievous [Page 185] do we find a small Burn when it happens to us? But as for the Damned, they shall go in­to Hell, into the Fire that shall never be quenched, Mark. 9.43. Fire that is fed with Brimstone, is very Fierce and Terrible. Yet the Damned shall have their Part in the Lake that burns with Fire and Brimstone which is the second Death, Rev. 21.8. To suppose a Lake or Sea of Fire, continu­ally fed and Flaming with Brimstone, and a Per­son cast into it, Incompassed and Wrapt all round with those Tormenting Penetrating Flames; this must needs be Unutterably Grievous and Terrible: No Tongue can Describe this Misery.

2. The Damned in Hell, will be Destitute of all Good and Comfort. Persons in this World though under sore Afflictions, yet often (yea always) have some Good mixed with their Evil; some Sweet with their Bitter. But the Damned in Hell, shall have no Good, no Comfort at all. God's Soul will have no Plea­sure in them, therefore He will bestow no Comfort on them. The Wicked Rich Man, who in this World liv'd in Plenty, and Fared Sumptuously every Day; yet when cast into Hell, he had no Comfort at all. When Scortch'd in the Flames of Hell, he desired that La­zarus might dip the tip of his Finger in Water, and therewith cool his Tormented Tongue; yet he could not obtain so small a Refreshing Comfort as that was. No, 'twas said to him, Thou in thy Life Time receivedst thy Good Things, now thou art Tormented, Luk. 16.22. — 25. All his Good Things, Comforts Benefits he had receiv'd in his Life Time, while he liv'd on [Page 186] Earth; after Death he had no more any Good Things, he was utterly Destitute of every Good Thing whatsoever, could not obtain so much as one Drop of Water to cool his Inflamed, Tormented Tongue. He had no Comfort, but was filled with Torment.

3. The Damned will have the worst Companions that can be in their Misery. The Damned will be ill Companions to one another, and Doubt­less (one way or other) help to promote each others Misery. The Wicked often love one another's Company in this World, but Doubtless they will rather dread it in Hell, but cannot avoid it. Will they not Dread to hear the Doleful Groans, Piercing Cries and Screetches of Damned, Tormented Wretches; and to hear the Curses and Upbraidings of their former Wicked Companions? But Damned Men must not only Company with one another which Doubtless will increase their Misery; but must also be Plagued and Tormented with Devils forever. The Devils are Apostate Spirits, Apostate Angels, Impla­cable Enemies to God and Men; they are full of Murder, Malice, Spite and most Cursed Rage; these Tygers, these Roaring Lions of Hell; Damned Men must be with for ever and ever. The Sentence to be Pronounc'd against them is that, Mat. 25.41. Depart from me ye Cursed, into Everlasting Fire prepared for the De­vil and his Angels. When the Angels Sinned, God was so Provoked with them that He spared them not; He presently put them into Chains of Darkness reserving them [Page 187] to the Judgment of the Great Day. And these Cursed Rebels, from the very first of their Apostacy till the Great Day of Judgment comes; are with all their Might, Power, Policy op­posing the Honour and Glory of God as far as possibly they can: And has not (think you) the Infinitely Holy and Powerful GOD, prepa­red Terrible Torments for such Early, Obsti­nate long Continued Rebels as they are? Yes most certainly. Well, with these Damned Devils, Damned Men must have their part for ever. How far these Tormented Devils will be Instrumental in Tormenting of Damned Men, no Tongue of Man can Declare. Doubtless these Devils full of all Spite Malice and Rage, will Inconceivably Vex, Plague and Torment them. When Satan was permitted, how Grievously did he Torment the Body of Holy Job for a while? When he was permitted to to take Possession of some Persons, he made them Wander about Night and Day, in Mountains and Tombs, crying and cutting themselves with Stones, Mark. 5.5. He often threw them into the Fire, and often into the Water, Mat. 17.15. And if his Limited, Chained Rage wrought such Terrible Effects as these; what will he do to the Damned in Hell, when all Restraints are taken from his Malice, and Damned Men intirely given up to suffer Vengeance? Doubtless, when God gives up the Wicked to the full Blow of His Holy Wrath and Vengeance, He'll suffer exas­perated Devils, to be Instrumental of Inconcei­vable Perplexity and Vexation to them. And as for those who Parish from under the Gospel, how Terribly may the Devil Twit them, Up­braid [Page 188] them, and Triumph over them? May they not say to them?

‘By our own Folly we have brought our selves into this Misery, but you are greater Fools than we. When are Sinned, no Remedy was proposed to us, no Salvation was ever Offered us; but you had Salva­tion through Christ Offered to you, and you would not Accept it. God waited to be Gracious to you, He used long Patience; He often call'd on you by you Parents, Masters, Neighbours, Ministers, by the checks and awakenings of your own Consciences, by the Motions and Strivings of His Spirit; but you refused all these. Salvation stood long (as it were) Knocking at your Door for Entrance, yet you would not Open and let it in, yet you Refused. We Devils never show'd such Folly as this, we ne­ver Refused Salvation for it was never Offered to us. Oh you Fools, you that miss'd of Salvation, of a Glorious Crown and Kingdom for the sake of empty Trifies; now reap the fruit of your own Folly, the fruit of your own doings, &c.

If the Devils should thus upbraid Damned Men, and their awakened Consciences bear the same testimony, and as a never dying Worm graw upon them, filling them with such Self-condemning Reflections; how unutterably Tormenting must this needs be?

4. They shall be Tormented in their whole Man, both Body and Soul. When the wicked die, their Souls go to Hell Torments, Luke 16.22, 23. But after a while, the Resurrection of the Dead and Day of Judgment shall come; and then both [Page 189] Body and Soul together shall be Punished. Mat. 10.28. — Fear Him who is able to destroy both Body and Soul in Hell. As for the obstinately Wicked and Impenitent, they shall have their Bodies and Souls thrown into Hell: they shall be Tormented in their whole Man in all their Parts and Powers. The Worm of Conscience gnawing within, and nothing but Vengeance from without; how terrible will this be? In this World, great extremity of Pain if in but one Tooth, one Finger, one Toe, any one Part or Joint of the Body; it's counted almost intol­lerable; what then will it be, when all the Parts of the Body and all the Faculties of the Soul shall be quite fill'd with Misery and Tor­ment? The Damned are call'd, Rom. 9.22. Vessels of Wrath fitted [...] Destruction. Vessels, as Pots or Cups are often denominated from what is put into them, or the use that is made of them (as a Wine-Cup, a Beer-Glass) so the Damned will be Vessels of Wrath, fill'd up with the Wrath of God. In this World they were Vessels of Sin, full of Sin, the Servants of it, their Members being Instruments of Unrighteousness (Rom. 6.13, 17.) wholly Imploy'd in Sin's Service: in the next World, they'l be Vessels of Wrath, fill'd brim-full with the Tormenting Wrath and Vengeance of the Lord God Almighty. And when thus Tormented in all their Parts, Powers, Faculties, how inconceiveably terrible will it be!

5. God will Glorifie Himself in Punishing and Tormenting of them. On the Judgment Day and for ever after, God will Eminently Glorify His Mercy on the Vessels of Mercy; and His Wrath [Page 190] on the Vessels of Wrath. That time therefore is called with respect to the Wicked, The day of Wrath, and the Revelation of the Righteous Judg­ment of God, Rom. 2.5. God will then fully, clearly, evidently Reveal Discover, Manifest to the whole World; that He's Infinitely Holy, Just Righteous in pouring out His most terrible Wrath and Vengeance on the Wicked. They shall be Punish'd with everlasting destruction, from the Presence of the Lord and from the Glory of His Power, 2 Thes. 1.9. God will then Display and Glorifie, His Infinite Justice and Power too, in Punishing the Unbelieving and Disobedient. In this World, He Glorifies His Patience and Forbearance to them; but then He'l Glorifie His Justice and Power in Tormenting of them. And when the Great [...]d sets Himself on pur­pose (as it were) to show the greatness of His Revenging Justice, and of His Power, will He not do it wonderfully beyond all we can conceive of? Yes indeed He will [...] When Men have a mind to give the brightest disco­veries of their Strength, Ingenuity, Skill in any matter; then they commonly stretch their Fa­culties (as it were) and exert themselves to the uttermost. Surely then, when God designs eminently to discover and glorify, His Reven­ging Justice and Great Power in Punishing the Wicked; their Punishment must be Inconcei­vably terrible indeed. He'l remember against them all their Sins in Thought, Word & Deed; all the Aggravations of them: and He'l Inflict the full weight of Wrath for every Sin. He'l abate them nothing, He'l Punish them accor­ding to their ways, and according to the fruit [Page 191] of their doings. When the promoting and manifesting His own Glory, is thus concern'd in Punishing, Plaguing, Tormenting of them; Surely He'l render them Inconceivably Mi­serable.

6. Their Punishment will be Eternal. In this World, it's often a relief to those in great Pain or Trouble, to hope that it wont last long: if it were not for hope the heart would break. Well, but the Torments of the Damned, will never have any end at all: they'l have no Intermission, Mitigation, nor Cessation for ever. Their Misery is call'd, Everlasting Punishment, Mat. 25.46. Everlasting Destruction, 2 Thes. 1.9. They must go into Everlasting Fire, their Worm never dies, their Fire is never quenched.

Thus I have indeavoured in some Measure to show, that the Future Misery of the Damned will be exceeding great; but how Great, how Terrible, no Tongue of Man can tell. The Scripture sets it forth by those things, which are most Terrible to the present apprehension of our Senses; but twill be never fully under­stood till fully endured. The Scripture some­times sets forth the Future Glory of the Saints, by those things which are commonly most va­lu'd and esteem'd by Men in this World, as by a Crown, a Kingdom, an Inheritance, &c. and yet it says, 1 Joh. 3.2. It doth not yet appear what we shall be. Notwithstanding all that's said about the Future Glory of the Saints; yet it does not fully appear at present, how Great [Page 192] and Eminent it will be. Eye has not seen, nor Ear heard, nor has it entred into the Heart of Man fully to conceive at present; the good things God has prepar'd for them that love Him, 1 Cor. 2.9. So, notwithstanding all that's said about the Future Misery of the Damned; yet it does not fully appear at present, how Great and Terrible it will be. Eye has not seen, nor Ear heard, nor can the Heart of Man at present fully conceive, what Rivers, what Tor­menting Floods of Divine Vengeance will for­ever be poured out on the Ungodly. Yet all this Inconceivable Misery, will most certainly be the Portion of all that refuse Christ, & neglect the Great Salvation Offer'd to them. Surely then we should bethink our selves, we should flee from this Terrible Wrath which is to come. If we should Perish from under the Gospel, our Condition will be more terrible than theirs of Sodom and Gomorrah. If we should Perish, how terrible will it be, to consider of and reflect on our own Folly and Wickedness. To consider how long we liv'd under the Gospel, how ma­ny Precious Offers of Salvation we had, how frequently and fervently we were urg'd to mind the welfare of our Souls, and yet that we Foolishly and Wickedly neglected the things of our Peace in the time of them; Sure­ly, no Heart can conceive the Anguish, Ter­ror, Horror that will be produc'd by such re­flections. To think, if we had heartily Obey'd the Gospel as many others did, we should now have been in Glory as well as they, with Abra­ham, Isaac, Jacob, the Holy Prophets and all Sin­cere Believers; but Fools, Wretches, Self-Destroyers, [Page 193] Self-Murderers that we were, we gave way to the Temptations of Satan, the Cor­ruptions of our own Hearts; were more fond of Shadows, Trifles, Momentany Vanities, than of Eternal Blessedness; by this our Folly and Wickedness, we have lost Inconceiveable Eter­nal Glories, and brought on our selves these In­tollerable Plagues that can never be got rid of; I say, such Reflections as these will be In­conceiveably Tormenting. Let all of us there­fore be in good Earnest about our Souls, search and try our ways and turn to the Lord. Let us with utmost Speed, Sincerity and Dili­gence, Repent of all our Sins, Submit to the Lord Jesus Christ on Gospel Terms, Imploying all that we are and have for Him: if we thus do, it shall be well with us for ever. If we thus do, then, When Christ who is our Life shall appear, we also shall appear with Him in Glory, Col. 3.4. But if we neglect Christ, our Doom is that, Psal. 9.17. The Wicked shall be turned into Hell, with all the Nations that forget God.


The Principal HEADS in this Book.

LUKE XIV. 16, 17.
  • THe Text Opened. p. 1.
  • DOCT. God's Inviting Sinners to accept of Spiritual Saving Benefits Offer'd in the Gospel, may be Compar'd to a Great Man's Inviting many to a Sumptuous Feast. p. 4.
  • 1. Various Sorts of Persons are com­monly Invited to a Great Feast; so, Saving Benefits are Offer'd in the Gospel. p. 4.
    • 1. Both to Men and Women. p. 5.
    • 2. To Persons of Various Nations. p. 6.
    • 3. To Persons Old and Young, p. 8.
      • 1. To Old. p. 8.
      • 2. To Young. p. 10.
      • Young Ones Advis'd and Directed in Thirteen Particulars. p. 12.
    • 4. To Persons High and Low. p. 19.
    • 5. To Rich and Poor. p. 22.
    • 6. To Bond and Free. p. 28.
  • [Page]2. At a Great Feast there's common­ly Variety of Entertainment, Things for Necessity, and for Innocent Delight and Pleasure: So the Gospel Invites Sinners to what's Necessary for them, and if they Comply they shall have the Truest and Greatest Pleasure. This set forth in Se­venteen Particulars, and Apply'd in Four. p. 31.
  • 3. In a Great Feast, there's com­monly Plenty, a Sufficiency for all that come: So there's enough in Christ to Save all that come to Him. This set forth in Six Particulars. p. 54.
  • 4. When a Person makes a Great Feast and Invites many, it's commonly Matter of Cost and Charge to him: So 'tis Cost and Charge to God and Christ, to provide the Blessings Sinners are In­vited to in the Gospel. Here are Six Particulars. p. 64.
  • 5. What Persons are Invited to at a Feast, is at Free-Cost as to them: So Sal­vation is Freely Offered in the Gospel. Here Seven Particulars. p. 69.
  • 6. Servants are Imployed in Inviting to a Feast: So Ministers are Employed in Inviting Sinners to Christ. Here [Page] Nine Particulars. p. 74.
  • 7. Those Bidden to a Feast, should be Civil and Social in their Carriage one to another: So Christians should be Kind and Loving to each other. p. 87.
  • 8. Those who come to a Feast, should be Thankful for the Bounty of the Invi­ter: So Christians should be most Thank­ful to God and Christ for Saving Be­nefits. p. 88.
LUKE XIV. 18.—20. p. 91.
  • DOCT. I. Men are Naturally apt to make Objections against accepting Gospel Invitations. p. 92.
    • This proceeds from the Corruption of their Nature, their Ignorance, Hardness of Heart, Customariness in Sin, from Satans Temptations. p. 93.
    • USE. We should Bewail the Depravati­on of our Nature. p. 98.
    • Saints should be Thankful for Renew­ing Grace, Sinners should Pray for it. p. 99.
  • DOCT. II. When Persons Neglect Gos­pel Invitations, it's commonly because they are more desirous of some other Things; as World­ly Profits, Honours, Pleasures. p. 103.
  • DOCT. III. Persons are apt to make Ex­cuses for their Sin. p. 107.
    • [Page]Therefore we should Pray, (1) That God would give us an openess and rea­diness of Heart to Confess our Sins. (2.) That He would incline and strengthen us to Duty. p. 109.
  • DOCT. IV. Persons are apt to make VARIOUS Excuses for their Sins, or the Neglect of their Duties. p. 111.

    Some would be Excus'd from coming to Christ and Living to Him,

    • 1. Because of the Difficulties and Sufferings attending such a Life. This Reply'd to in Nine Particulars. p. 112.
    • 2. They think they are safe and well enough already; this hinders their com­ing to Christ. p. 125.
    • Answer'd in Four Particulars. p. 128.
    • 3. Because they Doubt there's no Sa­ving Mercy for such Abominable Sin­ners as they are. p. 132.
    • This Answer'd in Seven Particulars. p 133
    • 4. They Excuse themselves by plead­ing their own Inability. This An­swered in Three Particulars. p. 140.
LUKE XIV. 21.—24. p. 144.
  • DOCT. I. Servants should Obey, and are Accountable to their Masters. p. 145.
  • Here Three Particulars. p. 146.
  • [Page]DOCT. II. If some Sinners Refuse the Offers of Salvation, this can't hind­der God from making the like Offer to others. p 152.
  • Therefore, (1.) Let no [...] think that God would be really Obl [...]ed or In­debted to them, if they sho [...]ld Heartily Accept the Offers of the Gospel. (2.) Let not any Neglect coming to Christ, meerly because others Refuse Him p 153
  • DOCT. III. God is very ready and earnest, to Offer unto Sinners Salvation thro' Christ. p. 156.
  • DOCT. IV. Ministers should be SPEE­DY and URGENT, in Inviting Sinners to Christ. p. 159.
  • Eight Reasons why they should be SPEEDY in this. p. 160.
  • They should be URGENT too, Com­pel them to come in; therefore they should show them the Absolute Ne­cessity of coming to Christ, and think no Pains too great in Inviting them. p. 165.
  • DOCT. V. No meaness of Outward Circumstances, can exclude or hinder any from Gospel Benefits. p. 172.
  • They can't be hindered by Poverty, Blindness, Lameness, or want of a Setled Habitation. p. 173.
  • [Page]Applyed in three Articles. p. 175.
  • DOCT. VI. Ministers of the Gospel should be well Acqainted with the Fulness and Alsufficiency of Christ. p. 176.
  • DOCT. VII. God would have MA­NY Sinners come to Christ. p. 180.
  • DOCT. VIII. Those who Refuse to come to Christ, shall Perish for ever. p. 182.
  • Their Misery must needs be great if we Consider,
    • 1. How 'tis Described in Scripture. p. 184.
    • 2. The Damned in Hell will be desti­tute of all Good and Comfort. p. 185.
    • 3. They will have the worst Compa­nions that can be in their Misery. p. 186.
    • 4. They shall be Tormented in their Whole Man, both Body and Soul. p. 188.
    • 5. God will Glorify Himself in Tor­menting of them. p. 189.
    • 6. Their Misery will be Eternal. p. 191.

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