
SEVERAL SERMONS Wherein is shewed,

  • I. That JESUS CHRIST is a Mighty Saviour.
  • II. That GOD Converts His Elect some at one Age, and some at Another, Common­ly before Old Age.
  • III. That when Godly Men dye, Angels carry their Souls to another and a better World.

WITH A PREFACE in which there is a brief and true Character of the Reverend Mr. Thomas Bridge a Lately deceased Pastor in one of the Churches in Boston.

By Increase Mather, D. D.

2 Pet. i. 13.

I will endeavour, that you may be able after my decease, to have these things alwayes in remembrance.

Evangelizo Manu et Scriptione.

BOSTON: Printed by B. Green, for Benjamin Eliot, at his Shop. 1715.



I Shall not make any Apology for the Plainess of the Style in the Sermons Emitted here­with, Much less for my ha­ving Confirmed the doc [...] insisted on, with Scriptural De [...] strations, that having alwayes b [...] and ever shall be, Studiou [...] [...] deavoured by me.

There are Preachers in the World, wh [...] have little Citation of S [...] ­ture their Discourses, but [...] are Studied Harangues, Ca [...] to please the Phantasies, [...] awaken the Consciences of the [Page ii] Auditors. No Man of those few in the World to whom I am known, will Expect any thing of that Na­ture from me. I bless the Lord that in my Youth I did not so, be­cause of the fear of God, but have been willing to follow that Aposto­lical Precept, in Doctrine to shew In­corruptness, Gravity, Sincerity and sound Speech which cannot be con­demned. Much more does it be­come me to do so in my Old Age. I am grieved to see in a late Book which gives an Account of the pre­sent State of the Dissenters, Com­plaints, that many Ministers in Eng­land, among those that [...]o under the Name of Dissenters, are got into a Modish Way of Preaching; and tha [...] so they might be thought to be florid, they affect a Dramatick Style in their Sermons, and bring out Play house Phrases into the Language of the Pulpit. That [Page iii] Writer says, that Mr. Alsop (my worthy dear Friend, now among the Spirits of just Men made per­fect) when a Young Man Preach'd after the Modish Fashion, some com­mending his Sermon for a Fine Dis­course, in a just Indignation replyed, It was a Sermon for the Devil, for the Devil is pleased and God is offended with such Discourses in the Pulpit. A Learned Writer says of an Epistle, Ornamentum est Orna­mentis Car [...]re. It may much more be said so of a Sermon. Painting Serious Truths, spoyles their Effi­cacy. Quo imperitior Sermo, e [...] illustrior Ratio est, said one of the Ancients.

In one of the Subsequent Dis­courses, the Immortality of the Soul, and a Future State after Death is asserted: Which is a Truth that may be known by the Light of [Page iv] Nature, without Scripture Revela­tion. Some Philosophers (the Platonicks especially) have believed it; Plato having taught that when Men dye their Souls pass through the Air to Eternal Mansions, and he says, some have been restrained from wicked Practices, because they were Convinced of a Future Re­compence in another World. It is reported, that one having read what that Philosopher has Written concerning the Immortality of the Soul, was so affected with it, as to profess that he had rather suffer Death, than do a wicked thing. How inexcusable then will those Christians be that Live Ungodly [...] when they have the clear lig [...] of Scripture, to make known unto them, what will become of their Immortal Souls, when by Death separated from their Bodies, and they gone into ETERNITY; [Page v] And what Consolation must it needs afford to godly Souls, to be assured, that Holy Angels will be sent from Heaven, to Conduct them to Glory. There was a Book Printed at Lon­don, (1701.) being a Discourse Concerning Angels. It is a very Ju­dicious and Solid Treatise: The Authors Name is not prefixed; but the Bookseller (Mr. Parkhurst) has informed me that Mr. Saunders an Eminent Minister in Devon, wrote it. The Reader may find this Truth confirmed by that Author, as well as by many others, who Treat of Angels

If any would [...]e more, concer­ning the Elect being called, some at one Age, and s [...]me at Another, they may cons [...]t an Excellent Ser­mon (all his are Excellent) of out famous Mr. Ho [...]ker, [...]n that Subject.

[Page vi]The two first of these Sermons (altho' last Preached) are concer­ning Jesus Christ, as a Mighty Savi­our. As I begun my Ministry Eight and Fifty Years ago, with Preaching Christ, so would I con­clude it with Preaching Him. And the rather, because I see but little of Christ, in most of those Sermons which have of later Years been Pub­lished. Such Discourses are al­wayes seasonable, but they are so in a special manner, when there are Books Printed in which Arianism and Socinianism is contended for. It is a Marvellous thing, that Men who read the Scriptures & pretend to Believe them, should Question whether Jesus Christ is the True God, when there are no less than Fourteen Names or Appellations given to Him in the Scriptures, every one of which does declare his Deity, as Glassius has observed. They that trust in one, [Page vii] that is a Man only, for Salvation, Cursed is their Faith. Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm.

It might be expected, or how­ever, I my self might expect, that one who has (through the Patience and goodness of God) arrived to my Age, should be dismiss'd from Publick Labour, and enjoy rest in his Old Age, spending the remainder of his few dayes in Reading, and in Contemplations on another World. I cannot charge my self with having been altogether Idle [...] my Younger Years, and now when Age has ren­dred me uncapable of doing as once I could, why may I not plead the Priviledge of Miles Emeritus [...]? Neve [...]less, the wonderful Mercy of [...] for which I ought every [...] less his Name) having con­ [...] to me a greater Measure of [Page viii] Ability for Service, than is com­monly seen in Men of my Years, shall I not according to my poor Ability endeavour to bring forth Fruit in Old Age, and such Fruit as shall remain, when I can neither Write nor Speak any more? Let Death find me so doing.

I must acknowledge, that I have been incouraged by Letters, which several whom I have reason to re­spect, have sent to me, desiring that I would Preach seldom, but Tran­scribe more of my Discourses for the Press, because (they tell me) God has blessed those formerly Publish­ed for Good to many, in remoter Parts of the Country, who never had any Opportunity to hear me Speaking in the Name of the Lord. It is from free Infinite Grace, if it has been so.

[Page ix]It has been in my thoughts, to Write something concerning Old Age. Why may it not be proper for One that is past Seventy Six, to Miditate on such a Subject? Also, Concerning the Duty of Observing Divine Providences, in which I would take Notice of the singular and signal Providence of God over His Church, and over the English Nation, and in special over New-England, and this Populous Town of Boston. There have been many Remarkable Occurrences which ought not to be forgotten by us. The works of the Lord are great, sought out of all them that have pleasure therein.

These things (with some other) have been in my heart to do, if the God of my Life shall lengthen my days. But it is probable that a [Page x] speedy Death, which I have long Expected, will prevent me. When­ever that shall be, the loss will not be so great, as what these Churches have sustained, by the late Death of Worthy Mr. Thomas Bridge: He was a Kinsman of that famous Man of God, the Excellent Mr. William Bridge, whose Works praise him, and he will be had in Everlast­ing Remembrance. Many Years agoe there was a Testimonial sen [...] to me, concerning our Mr. Bridge, signed by Dr. Owen, Mr. Lee, and several other Eminent Ministers in London, who give him a great Cha­racter. Since my acquaintance w [...] him, I find that he has fully answered that Character, being One of an Excellent Spirit, Humble, Peaceable, and yet would not sell the Truth for Peace, and a very Experimental, Spiritual and Solid Preacher, and firm to the Order of [Page xi] the Gospel, Professed and Practised in the Churches of New-England, which are weakened by the remo­val of such a Pillar. Who could have thought that I should have Out-lived him? who was many Years (Seventeen) Younger than I am, and of a Strong, Healthy Constitution of Body: whenas I was alwayes Weakly, both as to Body and Soul, I [...]ali [...]ae vires ingeniumque mihi: The Death of my Friend, Calls upon me to pre­pare to follow. The good Lord grant that I may be always ready; and then let me dye as soon and as suddenly as CHRIST shall please.



THere is now in the Pre [...] [...]ok, En­tituled, Benedictus. Good Men de­scribed, and the Glories of their Goodness, declared. With some Character and History of One who belonged unto the Tribe; Namely, Mr. Thomas Bridge, A Late Pastor of the First-Church in Boston ▪ Who Expired [...] 6 d. VII. [...] Whereto there is added, An Instrument, which he wrote, when he [...]rew near his End, and Left as a Legacy to Survivers, relating some of his Experiences; And offering some Testimonies to the cause of Religion. By COTTON MATHER▪ D. D. Sold at the Booksellers Shops in Boston

[Page 1]

JESƲS CHRIST IS A Mighty Saviour.

Isaiah LXIII. 1.

Mighty to Save.

THE Prophet Isaiah be­ing in an Ecstasy, had a Vision of a glorious Conqueror. (1) He speaks of the Enemies that were subdued and destroyed by him [...]. The Edomites. Edom and [...] mentioned. Edom is [...] [...]ites the Posterity of [...] Edom. B [...]rah wa [...] [...] [Page 2] Capital City belonging to the Edo­mites: These are mentioned because they were next Neighbours to the Children of Israel, and the most inve­terate, and implacable, and are by a Synechdoche, put for all the implacable Enemies of the People of God. (2) The Prophet gives a description of the Conqueror which he had a Vi­sion of. He is described. [1.] From his Garments and Apparel: His Gar­ments were dyed, viz. dyed with the blood of his Enemies over whom he was Victorious, and therefore in the next Verse 'tis said, He was red in his Apparel: He is also described as Glori­ous in his Apparel; for so great Gene­rals and Conquerors are wont to be, especially when they have been Victo­rious. [2.] From the manner of his Marching along: He walked in State. Travelling in the greatness of his Strength. As a Lion that knows the greatness of his Strength, walks along in a state­ly manner. Thus is the Conqueror whom the Prophet had a Vision of described.

In this Verse, we have a Question, [Page 3] and the Answer to it. The Prophet propounds the Question, Who is this? This wonderful Conqueror that comes thus gloriously arayed, who is it? Christ Answers, It is I. In his Answer he gives a description of himself. (1.) From his Fidelity: I that speak in Righteousness: What he speaks, he does faithfully perform. He is always as good as his Word. He has promised Salvation to his People, and he does accomplish it: He has threatned Destruction to his implacable Enemies, and he does accomplish that also, and is Righteous therein. (2.) From his Power and Ability: He is Mighty to Save.

The Doctrine to be insisted on, is, DOCT. That the Lord Jesus Christ is a Mighty Saviour.’

For the Opening and Confirming the Truth before us, we shall.

1. Shew, How it does appear that Christ is a Mighty Saviour.

[Page 4]2. Who are the Subjects of that Salvation, which this Mighty Saviour is the Author of.

Quest. 1. How does it appear that Jesus Christ is a Mighty Saviour?

Answ. 1. The Scripture does abundant­ly declare this. The great design of the Book of God is to make known unto Men that there is a Saviour for them, and that Jesus Christ is He. We find in the Gospel, that Angels from Heaven have Preached this Doctrine. Luk. 2.10, 11. The Angel said, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all People, for unto you is born this day a Saviour which is Christ the Lord. And there was a great Mul­titude of the Heavenly Host, Praising God for it. The Names whereby Christ is called in the Scripture de­notes His being a Saviour. The Name of Shil [...] is given to Him, Gen. 49.10 Which imports His being a Saviour, and a Great Peace giver. The [Page 5] Latin Word Salus which signifies Sal­vation, is supposed to come from the Hebrew Shilo. And the Name of Jesus is given to Him. The Angel gave this Reason, why he should be called by that Name, Mat. 1.21. Thou shalt call His Name Jesus, for He shall Save His People from their Sins ▪ He is in the Scripture called Salvation it self, which imports his being a Sa­viour in the highest Degree. As soon as Simeon had seen the Lords Christ, he sayes, Mine eyes have seen Thy Salvation, Luk. 2.30. It was said, Salvation is of the Jews, because Christ w [...] of them, Joh. 4.22. The Scripture call [...] Him a Great Saviour, Isai. 19.20. Whoever might be Firstly and Typi­cally meant, Christ is the Saviour and the Great One there Chiefly intended. And not only in the Text before us, but in other Scriptures, He is said to be Mighty. Psa [...]. 24.8 Who is the King of Glory? The Lord Strong and Mighty, The Lord Mighty in Battel. 45.3. Gird thy Sword upon thy Thigh [...] O Mighty. And 89.19. I have laid [Page 6] help on One that is Mighty. It is meant of Christ Eminently.

2. Jesus Christ is the Mighty God. And therefore He is a Mighty Savi­our. Very often in the Scripture, He is said to be God; and we may not think that he is so in respect of His Office or Authority only, as Princes are said to be Gods, but in res­pect of Nature, He is called The Migh­ty God, Isai. 9.6. Unto us a Child is Born, a Son is given, His Name shall be called, that is he shall be, The Mighty God. And he is said to be The Great God. Tit. 2.13. The glorious appearing of the Great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ. He then is not only a Migh­ty but an Almighty Saviour. We all need such Salvations as no Creature, yea, as all the Creatures in the World cannot help us unto. But Christ has a Mighty Arm able to Save us, Isai. 59.1. Behold, the Lords Hand is not shortened that it cannot save Christ is that God which made the World. All things were made by Him, and [Page 7] without Him was not any thing made that was made. [...]e that made the World is able to save the World.

3. If we [...] Sa­viours, we shall [...] [...]ra­bly Greater and Migh [...] [...] any of [...]m all. God raised up Sa [...]s for His People Israel Neh 9 [...] Thou gavest them Saviours, who saved them out of the hand of their Enemies These were Types and Shadows of Christ, the great Saviour which was to come into the World M [...]ses was an Instru­mental Saviour to the Children of Is­rael. By that Prophet God brought Israel out of Egypt, and by that Pro­phet he preserved them. In that he was a Figure of Christ. It was Pro­phesied of the M [...]s [...]ah that he should be like unto Moses [...]. 17.15. The Hebrew Doctors [...] well, That Christ shall be like unto Moses only greater than he, w [...] was [...] greatest Pro­phet that ever was in the W [...]ld, un­ [...] Christ came [...] speaks the Apostle, Heb. 3.3. [...] Man [...] [Page 8] counted worthy of more glory than Moses. Moses did by Divine Appointment introduce a new Religion into the World, so did Christ, and in that re­spect was like unto Moses. No Man was ever admitted to such familiarity with God, as was Moses, but Christ much more. The Law was given by Moses, Grace and Truth came by Jesus Christ. No man hath seen God at any time, no not Moses himself so as Christ has, the only begotten Son which is in the Bosome of the Father He hath declared Him, Joh. 1.17, 18. Moses was a shadow of Christ. The shadow re­presents the Body whose shadow it is, so in Moses we see some Represen­tation of Christ shadowed to us. He was a Deliverer, but not comparable to Christ. The Judges in Israel were Saviours, and on that account Types of Christ. In a special manner Samp­son was so. Jacob in his dying Prophesy concerning the Tribe of Dan, breaks forth into this Expression, I have waited for thy Salvation, O Lord. Sampson was of that Tribe, he was a Type of Christ, [Page 9] whose Salvation was that which the holy Patriarch waited & longed for. Sampson signifies a Little Sun: Christ is a great Sun: He is the Sun of Righ­teousness, that has healing (Salvation) under his Wings: He is the Light of the World. Sampson saved his People with the loss of his own Life: At and by his Death he Conquered more E­nemies, than in all his Life. So has Christ by his Death Conquered the Enemies, and accomplished the Sal­vation of his People.

4. Jesus Christ is a Mighty Saviour in respect of the Multitude of Subjects which are saved by him. There are a World of them. Joh. 4.42. This is in­deed the Christ the Saviour of the World. No Saviour that ever was in the World, saved so many as Christ has done. Cyrus was an instrument in the hand of God, to accomplish a great Tem­poral Salvation for a whole Nation. He set at liberty Nine and forty thou­sand Captives at once, Ezra 2.64. But Jesus Christ has saved a far greater [Page 10] Number of the Captives of Hell; He is a Saviour not only of Jews, but of Gentiles dispersed throughout the World. Wherefore the Apostle says, 1 Joh. 2.2. He is a Propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only. Not for ours only who are Jews, but also of the whole World; meaning the Gentile World: Great Numbers among the Jews have been saved by Christ: In the Apostles days, there were Myriads of them. Act. 21.20. Many thousands of Jews believe: but far more thou­sands of that People shall ere long believe on Christ, and so become the Subjects of his Salvation. It is sup­posed by some Learned Men, that if the Jews which are scattered over the face of the whole Earth, were gathe­red together, they would be the most Numerous Nation in the World: but this Nation shall turn to the Lord, and then all Israel shall be Saved. But among the Gentiles Christ has had [...]r more Subjects than among the Jews. Many Millions of them have been Converted to Christ, and Saved [Page 11] by him. And among the Gentiles also, there are whole Nations that shall ere long become Christs Subjects. He will be their King, and he will Save them. All the Ends of the World shall turn to the Lord. The Lord shall be King over all the Earth; In that day shall there be One Lord and his Name One, Zech. 14.9. Then all the World will see and know and believe that Jesus Christ is a Mighty Saviour. His Elect, altho' they are but few com­pared with the Reprobate World, Ne­vertheless, in themselves considered they are a Mighty Number, and all Saved by Christ. Rev. 7.9. I beheld a great Multitude which no Man could Number, of all Nations, and Kindreds, and Tongues, clothed with white Robe [...]. They had never had those Robes of Salva­tion given to them, if it had not been for Jesus Christ. Well might the Angel say that Christs coming into World was matter of great Joy to all People, Luk. 2.10.

[Page 12]5. Jesus Christ is a Saviour of Souls, and therefore a Mighty Saviour. He is called the Shepherd of Souls, 1 Pet. 2.25. Sin has brought death not only on the Bodies of Men, but on their Souls. Ezek. 18.4. The soul that sinneth shall dy. And a woful death it is that Sin brings on the Souls of Men. In­deed the Soul does not dy a natural death as the Body does, but it may be a subject of great wo and misery, and that's death. Isal. 3.9. They declare their sin as Sodom, wo to their soul. But Jesus Christ saves both Soul & Body. Who is able to redeem a Body that is dead from the Power of the Grave? Jesus Christ the Son of God can do it, has done it, and will do it. Joh. 5.25. Verily, I say unto you, the hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the Voice of the Son of God, and they that hear shall live. But to quicken and save a Soul that has been dead in Trespasses and Sins, is a Mightier work, than to raise all the dead Bodies in the World, yet this Jesus Christ has Power to do. [Page 13] Therefore he says, Isai. 55.3. Come unto me, hear, and your souls shall live. Christ has redeemed Souls as well as Bodies by a Mighty Price. 1 Cor. 6.20. You are bought with a price, therefore glo­rify God in your body, and in your spirit. And what it that price, which has bought both Body and Spirit? It is the price of blood, and the most pre­cious blood that ever was, or that pos­sibly can be, the blood of Christ which is the blood of God. And as Christ has saved the Souls of his People by Price, so likewise by Power. His All-powerful Arm has vanquished all the Powers of darkness. Col. 2.15. Having spoiled Principalities and Powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them. He has led Captivity Captive: He has dis-armed the Devil and all his Angels and as it were tied them to his triumphal Chariot, and exposed them openly in the sight of Heaven and Earth: So has he set the Souls that were the Captives of Hell at Li­berty. The Salvation of a Soul is a Mighty thing. It is so, considering [Page 14] the worth of the Soul: One Soul is more worth than all this World. Has not Christ said, What is a man profited, if he gain the whole World, and loose his own soul? or; what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? Mat. 16.26. A Scripture which a Religious Man advised a King that he would think on it, a quarter of an hour every day, The Soul is of invaluable worth, con­sidering the Immortality of it. Every Man has a Mortal Body, and an Im­mortal Soul: A body that must dy, and shall dy, and a Soul that shall ne­ver dy. To Save such a Soul is a Mightier thing than to save all the Bodies in the World. To redeem one Soul is such a Mighty thing, as that all the Men on Earth, and all the An­gels in Heaven cannot do it. Psal. 49.8. The redemption of their soul is precious, and it ceaseth for ever. But what a Mighty Saviour then is Jesus Christ, who has Redeemed Thousands of Millions of Precious and Immortal Souls?

[Page 15]6. Christ Saves his People from the Mightiest Enemies, and from the greatest Evils, therefore he is Mighty to Save. The Miserable Captives of Hell were in woful slavery under Mighty Op­pressors. The Almighty Lord Jesus Christ has set th [...] at Liberty. Isai. 49.24, 25. Shall the prey be taken from the Mighty, or the lawful Captive be deli­vered? The Captives of the Mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible ones shall be delivered. Sinners are said to be lawful Captives, in that the Justice of God had delivered them in­to the hands of Satan, and his evil An­gels, who were terrible Ones. They had never been delivered from those terrible Ones, nor the prey taken out of the hands of the Mighty, if Christ had not done it. Satan is a powerful Enemy; the Scripture speaks of the power of that Enemy, Luk. 10.19. But this Conqueror whom the Text speaks of, has Conquered the Devil, and ta­ken his armour from him, in which he trusted. Heb. 2.14. He has destroyed [Page 16] him that had the power of death that is the Devil; not as to his Being, but as to his Dominion. We find in the Gos­pel, that Christ delivered many that were under bodily Possession by De­vils, thereby declaring that he would deliver Souls that were under Spiritual Possession by Evil Spirits. Spiritual Plagues are the greatest, therefore de­liverance from them is a Mighty Sal­vation. Blindness of Mind is a Spiri­tual Judgment. Sin and Satan has blinded the Minds of Men. 2 Cor. 4.4. The God of this World has blinded the Eyes of them that believe not. Jesus Christ saveth from this Spiritual Judg­ment. For one that is blind to have his sight restored to him is a Mighty thing especially if he was born blind. Joh. 9.32. Since the World began was it not heard, that any man opened the Eyes of one that was born blind: But Christ has opened the Eyes of many a one that was born blind; that came into the World with a dark Soul. To give sight to a dark Soul, is a greater thing than to restore sight to a dark Body: [Page 17] But to how many Thousands [...]s Christ done this? He was sent to Preach Deliverance to the Captives, and recovering of sight to the Blind, Luk. 4.18. Again, Hardness of Heart is a Spiritual Judgment; No Plague on Pharaoh was so great as that of the Hardness of his Heart. Who can deliver from this Evil? Who can turn an Heart of Stone into an Heart of Flesh? Can any Creature do it [...] No, but Jesus Christ can do it. Ma­ny a Rocky Heart, that has been as Hard as an Adamant Stone, He has broken it, and then healed it. He was sent to bind up the broken hearted, Isa. 61.1. Deliverance from the second Death is a mighty Salvation. There are some concerning whom it is said, Of such the second Death hath no power, Rev. 20.6. There is a first Death, which is a Death of the Body, no Man is exempted from that: What Man is there that lives, and shall not see Death. The second Death is that which follows upon the first, as to the Soul of the Sinner, immediately upon its [Page 18] separation from the [...]dy and of both Soul and Body in Hell after the day of Judgment, a part in that Lake which burns with fire and brimstone which is the second death. This is that which Sinners are condemned unto. If it had not been for Jesus Christ, no Sinner in the World had been delivered from that terrible death: But Jesus Christ the Son of God has saved a World of Perishing Souls from it. Joh. 3.17. God sent not his son into the World to condemn the World, but that the World through him might be saved. The most formidable Thing that can possibly be thought on, is the Wrath of the Infinite God. Who can save from it? It is too mighty for any Creature in Heaven or Earth to undertake. Who can quench that Devouring Fire? Christ has done it with his own Blood. Be­ing Justified by his Blood, we shall he sa­ved from Wrath through him, Rom 5.9. It is a Wrath to come, and will be Eter­nally coming. But Jesus has delivered us from the Wrath to come, 1 Thes. 1.10. [Page 19] And this He does by saving from Sin. Mat. 1.21. Thou shalt call his name Jesus, for he shall save his People from their sins. It is Sin that has caused the Displeasure of God against a sin­ful sinning World, and caused his Wrath to burn to the bottom of Hell. Christ by saving from Sin, has saved from Wrath, and from all the dread­ful direful Effects of that Wrath. Sin is the greatest Evil. He that saves from the greatest Evil is the greatest Saviour. Other Evils other Saviours may possibly deliver from, but Sin is that Evil which none but Christ can save from.

7. Jesus Christ is an Everlasting Sa­viour. No other Saviour is so. All others were but Temporal, Christ is an Eternal One. Heb. 13.8. Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and to day and for ever. He was a Saviour Yesterday, and is a Saviour to Day, and will be a Saviour for ever. He is the Savi­our of his People in all Ages of the World. They may for ever Trust in [Page 20] him. Isa 26 4. Trust ye in the Lord for ever, [...] Lord Jehovah is ever­lasting [...] There never was any Man [...] the World began, but [...] [...]ved by Jesus Christ. The Patri [...]hs under the Old Testament, were saved by Christ, as well as we in these Days of the New Testament. They did not obtain Heaven in one way, and we in another, but both by Christ. Heb. 11.40. That they without us should not be made perfect. The Redemption which he has ob­tained for us, is an Eternal Redempti­on, Heb. 9.12. The Life which he has purchased is not a Temporal, but an Eternal Life. He says concerning his Sheep, I give unto them Eternal Life, and they shall never perish, Joh. 10.28.

8. Jesus Christ is the only and alone Saviour of Men. As there is no God besides Christ; the Father and the Son are the same God, so there is no Saviour besides him, Isa. 43.11. I, e­ven I am the Lord, and beside me there is [Page 21] no Saviour. God has sent no other Sa­viour for Men but his Son Jesus Christ. Acts 4.12. There is none other Name un­der Heaven, given among Men, where­by we must be saved. They that will not own him shall Perish Eternally. Christ therefore said to the Jews, If you believe not that I am he, you shall die in your sins, Joh. 8.24. He is not on­ly a Saviour, but the Saviour, impor­ting that he only is so. Phil. 3.20. Our Conversation is in Heaven from whence we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. And as Christ, and no one else is the Saviour of the World, there is one God, and one Mediator between God and Man, the Man Christ Jesus, so he is such an one by himself alone, without the assistance of any Creature. Temporal Saviours have had many to assist them, or they could have done nothing. But Christ had no Man to assist him in the mighty Work of our Redemption. Isa. 9.16. He saw that there was no man, therefore His own arm brought Sal­vation to Him. In making satisfacti­on [Page 22] for the sins of his People, none joyned with him. The high Priest went alone into the Sanctuary, not with­out Blood, Heb. 9.7. By that signifying, that Christ alone by his Blood, has made Atonement for the sins of his People. No one else did in the least contribute towards that Salvation. Nor did any Man help him in con­quering the Enemies of our Salvation. He says in the Context before us, Isa. 63.3. I have troden the wine Press a­lone, and of the People there was none with me, I looked, and there was none to help. Hence it is said of Christ, that he saves to the uttermost, Heb. 7.25. For that he has not left any part of our Salvation to be accomplish'd by ano­ther, but he has done it all by himself alone. We see that Jesus Christ is a Mighty Saviour.

We proceed to the Second Enqui­ [...] viz.

Who are the Subjects of that Salvation which this Mighty Saviour is the Author of▪

[Page 23]Take the Answer in Three Parti­culars.

1. Fallen sinful Man is the Objects of Christ's Salvation. There is a World of Fallen Angels which kept ou [...] their first Estate; they are in Chain [...] of Everlasting Darkness. Christ is not a Saviour to them. The Son of God took not on him the Nature of Angels, but He assumed the Nature of Man, and is therefore a Saviour not of An­gels that have sinned, but of Men that have sinned. And His Salvation does extend to all sorts of sinful Men High and Low, Rich and Poor. Where­fore it is said, God our Saviour will have all Men, (meaning some of all sorts of Men) to be saved, [...] Tim. 2.4. There is not a Man in the World, but what needs a Saviour. For all Men are sinners. God in His holy Word de­clares that they are so. Gal 3.21. The Scripture has concluded all under sin. Now Christ came to save sinners. This is a saying worthy of all acceptation, that Jesus Christ came to save sinners. If Men were not sinners they would not [Page 24] need a Saviour. When the Pharisees said to the Disciples, [...]y Eateth your Master with Publicans and Sinners, Jesus said to them, The whole have no need of a Physician but the sick. I am not come to call the Righteous, but Sinners to Repentance, Mat. 9.12, 13. Men have gone astray in the way of sin. They are lost, their Souls are lost, in a woful Wilderness of sin & misery. But that Son of Man who is also the Son of God, came to seek and to save that which was lost, Luk. 19.10. The most wretched and forlorn sinners in the World, are not excluded from partaking in His Salvation. For unto such He does offer it, in the Gospel. To the Poor, the Maimed, the Halt, and the Blind, Luk. 14.21. There are some sinners which have a greater Load of Guilt upon their Souls than others have. Christ will be a Saviour to these, if they will come to Him for His Salvation, and He bids them all come. Mat. 11.28, 29. Come unto me all you that Labour and are Heavy Laden, and you shall find rest for your souls. Who can save from the [Page 25] heavy Burden of the Guilt of sin? That's a Burden intollerable to be born: a Burden that has broke the Backs of Million of Angels. Christ can deliver from it, though none but an Almighty Saviour can do it. He came to Save not only Sinners, but the Chief of Sinners. Nay, such as have been guilty of all sorts of sins. We read in the Gospel: Mat. 4 23. That he healed all manner of sickness, and all manner of diseases; thereby signify­ing that all sorts of sins, all manner of Soul-diseases should be healed by him. This notwithstanding, we may not suppose that all the Sinners in the World shall be Saved by Jesus Christ: Indeed he is able to Save them all. And there is Merit enough in his blood to make Atonement for the sins of the whole World, yea tho' there were a thousand Worlds Nevertheless, the greatest part of Men will not be Saved by him, because they will not obey him.


[Page 26]2. Believing Sinners are they unto whom this Mighty Saviour will be the Author of their Eternal Salvation. Their Salvation is begun as soon as they believe. He that believes has Ev [...] ­lasting Life. It is not only true [...] he shall have Everlasting Life, but he hath it already in the beginnings [...]f it, and is in respect of the Promise of God as sure of Heaven [...]s if he were there already. Joh. 3.16. God gave his only begotten s [...]n that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting Life. All Believers shall be saved, whoever they be. By him all that be­lieve are Justified and none else No Unbeliever dying in his state of Un­belief can be Saved. God has not only said but Sworn that Unbelievers shall not be Saved. Heb. 3.19. To whom [...] he that [...]e [...] should not enter into his m [...]st, but to them that believe not.

3. [...] the Elect of God shall be Saved by [...] [...]viour. For they either do o [...] [...]ll believe. Hence the Scrip­ture [Page 27] speaks of the Faith of Gods Elect, Tit. 1.1. Many of the Elect of God are already in Heaven: They were Believers on Christ before they came there. Many of the Elect still abiding on the Earth are Believers, and many of them are not as yet Be­lievers, but they shall be such. Christ therefore said, O her Sheep I have which are not of this fold, them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice. Joh 10 16. They are the subjects of Christs Inter­cession, and therefore shall be the sub­jects of his Salvation. Joh. 17.20. Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me. The Lords People Israel which he singled out from all the Nations of the World, did Typify Gods Elect, who are there­fore called, The Israel of God, Gal. 6.16. The Son of God, who is the King of Israel, is the Saviour of Israel. To thee be Glory, O thou Saviour of Israel, and the Hope thereof!

[Page 28]



IT is a dangerous and a destructive Er­ror for Men to seek Salvation in whole or in part in any thing besides Christ. And yet thus it is with a World of People. Wherefore the Prophet says, All People will walk every one in the Name of his God, Mic 4.5. To walk in the Name of God is to Pray to him, and depend on him for Salvation. There is an abundance of People that do so, but the God they put their trust in is an Idol that cannot save. This has been the practice of the Nations of the Earth generally. Thence it is that the greatest part of the Children of Men, yea, whole Nations of them are in a perishing condition. Psal. 9.17. The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the Nation, that forget God. Sal­vation they would have, and Salvation [Page 29] they hope for, but in vain because they hope for it without Christ. Jer. 3.23. Truly in vain is salvation hoped for from the hills and from the mountains. They worshipped their Idols on the Hills and on the Mountains; those Idols were not Christ, and therefore in vain was Salvation hoped for from them. There are many in the World that never heard of Christ: How should such depend on him for Salva­tion. Rom. 10.14. How shall they call on him in whom they have not believed, and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard, and how shall they hear without a preacher. A very great part of the Nations in the World, ne­ver had a Preacher of Christ among them. And many that have heard of him do not believe on him. Rom. 10.16. They have not all obeyed the Gospel, for Isaias saith, who has believed our re­port? The Jews do not believe that Christ is Christ, that Jesus of Nazareth is the promised Messiah; He came to them and offered himself to them to be their Saviour, but as the holy Pro­phets [Page 30] foretold that they would do, they despised and rejected him. Joh. 1.11. He came to his own, and his own received him not. They would be their own Saviours, they thought by a righ­teousness of their own to save them­selves, but therefore Salvation they never obtained, nor was it possible they should without Christ, or with­out Faith in him. They attained not Righteousness, they were not Justified: why? because they sought it not by Faith, but as it were by the works of the Law, Rom. 9.32. And there are many who own Christ to be their Saviour, but then they joyn other Saviours with him, as if this Mighty Saviour were not able to save them himself alone Christ sayes in the Context before us; Isai. 63.3. I have troden the wine press alone, and of the people there was none with me. They then who expect Salvati­on partly from Christ, and partly from something else, will be disappointed in their Expectation. Such Christians are too like the Samaritans of old, of whom it is said, that they Feared the [Page 31] Lord, and served graven Images. All Papists are such. They pretend that they hope for Salvation by Christ, yet they Pray for Salvation to this and the other Saint, to the Virgin Mary, to Saint Peter or St. Paul, more often than they do to Christ Himself: nay, to fictitious Saints of their own ma­king. The Pope will Canonize them, and the deluded People will Pray to them, though it may be they were wicked men, and their Souls now in Hell. Yea, they make a Crucifix their Saviour: They say of a Cross, Vnica spes, salusque nostra, thou art our only hope & salvation. And among those that are called Protestants, many build their hopes of Salvation on other things besides Christ. It may be on some righteousness of their own. Nothing i [...] more natural nor more dangerous than to do so. Thus it was with Paul before his Conversion: He was touching the righteousness of the Law blameless. A Man Zealous for the Ceremo­nies of Moses Law, and free from any Scandalous Immorality, and those things [Page 32] he accounted gain, Phil. 3.7. He made account that by this Righteousness he should gain Heaven. Is it not thus with many that go under the Name of Christians! Ask them a reason of their hope, they will presently say as the Pharisee did, I thank God I am not as many other men are, Extorti­oners, Unjust, Adulterers; and this Morality they depend upon for Sal­vation, especially if with a Sober Life they practise Religious Duties, they Pray and it may be Fast often; this form of Godliness they doubt not will save them. They Pray to God, they Read the Scripture, they Hear Ser­mons in Publick Assemblies, they go to Private Meetings. All this is well done: But is Prayer, Christ? Is Reading & Hearing the Word, Christ? Are Private Meetings Christ? Again, some build their hopes of Salvation on those Spiritual Priviledges which they are the Subjects of. They are baughty because of the holy mountain, Zech. 3.11. They are Church-Mem­bers, Baptised, admitted to the Lords [Page 33] Table; but had not the Children of Israel that which was Analogous to this: 1 Cor. 10.2, 3. They were all baptised unto Moses in the Cloud and in the Sea, and did all eat the same spiritual Meat, and did all drink the same spiritual Drink. Nevertheless, with many of them, God was not well pleased; be­cause they had only Sacraments, but not Christ in them, they missed of Eternal Salvation. Yet again, there are who think that because they are the Children of Godly Parents, and many Prayers have been made for them, that therefore they must needs be saved. But are thy Parents, Christ? or are their Prayers, Christ? The Jews had no words in their Mouths more frequently than Abraham Abinu, that is, Abraham is our Father: They set up Abraham in Christs Place, hoping to be saved because of their Relation to, and descent from that holy Patri­arch. John Baptist endeavoured to Convince them of this their fatal Er­ror. Mat. 3.9. Think not to say within your selves we have Abraham to our Father. [Page 34] Is there not a Parable in the Gospel which speaks of a Son of Abraham which was in H [...]ll? Not only to set other things above Christ, but to joyn any thing with him, as the Author of Sal­vation, is in Effect to renounce him. The Apostle said to the Galations, If you be Circumcised Christ shall profit you nothing Gal 5.2. Meaning, that if they did think to be justified & saved by the Law Christ would not be their Saviour, notwithstanding their calling themselves Christians. We must seek for Salvation in this Mighty Saviour only, if we would not miss of it. Have you not heard of the dying words of the blessed Martyr Lambert, Who in the midst of the flames of Martyrdom, said, None but Christ, None but Christ.


If Christ is a Saviour of Souls, then they who are the d [...]stroyers of Souls, are the m [...]st unlike to our Lord Jesus Christ of a [...]y [...] the W [...]ld. In this respect Christ and the Devil are most contrary: For [Page 35] the Devil is a Mighty Destroyer of Souls. And Sin which is worse than the De­vil, is a great Soul Destroyer. The Devil by causing Men to sin, destroys their Souls. He designed the de­struction of all the Souls that ever should come into the World, when he perswaded Adam, the common Parent of Mankind to sin a against God. This he did soon after the World be­gan, and is therefore said to be a Mur­derer from the beginning, Joh. 8.44. And he had obtained his bloody de­sign, if God had not sent his Son Jesus Christ into the World to be the Sa­viour of it. 1 Joh. 3.8. He that com­mitteth sin is of the Devil, for the Devil sinneth from the beginning. For this pur­pose the Son of God was manifested that he might destroy the works of the Devil. The Devils work was to destroy Souls, Christ's work is to save them. The Devil is still driving on his old cursed Trade. 1 Pet. 5.8. Your Adversary the Devil as a roaring Lion, walks about seeking whom he may devour. Writers say of the Leopard that he delights in [Page 36] nothing so much as in humane Blood. The Devil [...] a Lion and s [...] a Leopard he thirsts after nothing so much as the Blood of Souls. It is in­deed true, that he designs the de­struction of the Bodies of Men. He is the Angel [...]f Death. If God shall permit him, he'l poyson the Air, and destroy Multitudes with the noysome Pesti­lence he will raise bloody Wars, and set Nations upon destroying one ano­ther; but this he does, because when the Bodies of Men are destroyed, if they dye in their sins, their Souls are destroyed also. When there is a battel fought & many Thousands slain, if they are Christless their Souls fall into the Devils hands the great devourer of Souls, so unlike is he to Christ. And there are Men who are the Devils Chil­dren and most unlike to Christ, in that they are the destroyers of Souls. There are some that endeavour to hinder oth [...]s from Embracing the way of Truth, which is the way of Salvation. Such [...] one was Elymas, who sought to turn away Paulus Sergius from the [Page 37] Faith, to whom the Apostle Paul said, O thou Child of the Devil wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord, Act 13.10 They that corrupt others with fundamental Errors in Religion, are destroyers of Souls. There were many such in the Primitive Times of Christianity. And therefore if there are (as there are) many such in these days, it is not to be wondred at, who bring in damnable Heresies, denying the Lord that bought them, and bring up­on themselves swift destruction, and many follow their pernicious ways. How many Souls does one Herestarch destroy? How many Thousands, nay Millions were infected and their Souls poysoned with the Heresy of Arius, who maintained that Our Mighty Sa­viour was but a Creature? A World of Miserable Souls were ruined by that Error. It was [...]ns complaint that the whole World sighed and wondred to see it self become an A [...]n. The Christian Church was in Extreme danger of be­ing drowned in that [...]. It is not without reason supposed by Judicious [Page 38] Interpreters, that this is spoken of in the Revelation. The serpent cost cut of his mouth waters as a flood after the wo­man that he might cause her to be carryed away of the flood, Rev. 12.15. The Woman that had like to have been carryed away with the flood, is the Church. The Arian Heresy was a flood cast out of the Serpents Mouth. And how many Millions of Souls have been poysoned with the Mahometan Religion, which has prevailed over a great part of the Earth for these thousand years and more. Are not Mahometans des­cribed to have a King over them which is the Angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, and in the Greek Apollyon; both words signify a Destroyer: Rev. 9.11. Ma­homets doctrine came out of Hell, on which account he as well as the De­vil may be called the Angel of the bot­tomless pit. There are some who counsil and perswade others to those things that will prove destructive to their Souls. It is noted concerning Ahaziah, that they of the house of A­hab [Page 39] were his Counsellors after the death of his Father to his destruction, 2 Chron. 22.4. There are some who by their evil Example cause others to be guilty of those sins which prove the destructi­on of their Souls. Many Parents are in that respect guilty of the blood of their Childrens Souls: Jer. 2.35. In thy skirts is found the blood of the souls of the p [...]or innocents. They teach their Children to be Idolaters. The Children gather wood, and the Fathers kindle the fire, and the Women knead the dough, to make cakes to the Queen of heaven, Jer. 7.18. So there are Children that learn to Curse, and Swear, and to Prophane the Sabbath Day from the Example of their Parents. And great Men are oftentimes guilty of destroy­ing Souls, by their pernicious Example. It is said of Rehoboam, that he forsook the Law of the Lord, and all Israel with him, 2 Chron 12.1. How many thou­sands of ruined Souls, had that King to Answer for? And Jeroboam many more: He established iniquity by a Law. He commanded his Subjects to [Page 40] Conform to a Superstitious Worship, and the People went willingly after the Commandment. How often in the Scrip­ture is he branded with that Character, Jeroboam the son of Nebat that made Israel to sin. He set up Devils for them to worship. He was then like the Devil a great destroyer of Souls. Are there not those in the world that make Laws to compel men to sin, or else to destroy their bodies, if th [...]y will not consent to have their Souls destroyed. Many will sin against their Consciences be­cause of such Compulsory Laws, they that compel them to it must answer for the Souls ruined by them. There is a Law in Antichrists Kingdom, that if Men will confess the truth of the Gos­pel, which they call Heresy, they shall be burnt to death for it, or other pun­ishments as bad inflicted on them. How many have of late Years, & at this day, been cast into loathsome Dungi­ons, & cruel Gallies, for their Religion? Has not the Dragon of France boasted, that he caused Twenty hundred thou­sand Persons to renounce their Reli­gion. [Page 41] In doing so to Save th [...] Bo­dies and Estates, they have lost and destroyed their Souls. But who must answer for all those Souls, before the Judgment Seat of Christ, the great Saviour of Souls, in the Day when he shall judge the World in Righteous­ness?


Considering that Christ is such a Migh­ty Saviour, His People have cause to Re­joyce and to be of good Comfort. They need not fear what their Enemies can do against them, as long as they have such a Mighty One as Jesus Christ to be their King to Protect and Save them. Psal. 149.2. Let the Children of Sion be joyful in their King. He is Mighty in Counsel as well as in Power. And is therefore able to disappoint all the Machinations of Earth and Hell against His Church, be their E­nemies never so many or never so mighty. Why do the Heathen rage, and the People imagine a vain thing. The Kings of the Earth set themselves, [Page 42] and the Nations take Counsel together a­gainst the Lord and against his Christ. He that [...]its in Heaven shall laugh, the Lord shall have them in derision. The Devil and Wicked Men, have been design­ing the extirpation of the Church of Christ along time. Christ should not have an holy People on the Earth, if they could help it. Psal. 83.3, 4. They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones. They have said, come, and let us cut them off from being a Nation, that the Name of Israel may be no more in remem­brance. A thing which they could never [...]ccomplish, nor ever shall they, as long as the Church has such a Mighty Saviour to defend them. Our Lord Jesus Christ, who Rules the World, lets the Enemies of his People go on a great way, until they say of them, they are a ruined Party, and then [...] sudden he makes a mighty Re­ [...]tion, & crushes his Enemies under the Wheel of his Providence, as we see in what befel Haman, who plotted the destruction of all the Lord's Peo­ple, [Page 43] but it proved his own ruin. That Mighty Lord Jesus Christ, who saveth his People with an Eternal Salvation, is easily able to accomplish Temporal Salvations for them, when and so far as he pleaseth. Oft-times he has done so when his People have been reduced to the greatest extremity. When he sees that their Power is gone, and there is none shut up and left to be a Delieverer for them, his own Arm brings Salvation. When it is with them as it was with Isaac, the Knife was just made ready to cut his Throat, then the Angel called out of Heaven, Hold thy hand, Gen. 22.11, 12. Christ was that Angel. In the Mount, the Lord will be seen. When his People are brought into a Mount of the greatest difficulty and danger, then it will be seen what God can do, and will do for them. It has been Christs usual way, to save his People by such means, and at such a time as they least expected it. So when he brought them out of Aegypt, the Mountains did flow at his Presence, and he did [Page 44] terrible things which they looked not for. In special when they were at the Red Sea, rocky Mountains were on each side of them, which they could not possibly go over. Pharoah with a bloody Army was behind them. The Jewish Historians relate, that there was Fifty Thousand Horse, and Two Hundred Thousand Foot in that Army. The Sea was before them. Now Christ appears in this Extremity. The Angel of God steps in between Israel and the Aegyptians, and wrought a Miraculous Delive­rance. That Angel was Christ. The Lords People in Babylon, said, we are cut off, our hope is lost; then did Christ open their Graves, and caus'd them to come out of their Graves. And thus it has been with the Christian Church. The Emperor Dioclesian raised the greatest Persecution against Christians that ever was known, he endeavoured, and thought it was done, to have all the Bibles in the World Burned. He caused a Pillar to be Erected with that Inscription, [Page 45] D [...]leta Superstitione Christiana, he gloried that he had (as he imagined) extir­pated Christianity. Now was the time for Christ to appear. He rais­eth up Constantine, makes him Em­peror, and a Christian, then was the Power of Christ Magnified, and his People wonderfully Saved. Of this I conceive the Scripture speaks, Rev. 12.10. Now is come Salvation, and Strength, & the Kingdom of our God, and the Power of his Christ. But those com­fortable dayes for the Church were soon ended, and a very dark time quickly followed. Arianisme and Antichristia­nism has overwhelmed the Church, and covered it with worse than Aegyptian Darkness. But the Com­fort is that the Mighty Jesus will do yet greater Wonders for his People. A light Day of Salvation is hastening which shall have no Night following it. Isa. 60.20. Thy sun shall no more go down, neither shall the moon withdraw it self: for the Lord shall be thine Everlast­ing Light, and the Days of thy Mourning shall be ended. That will be a light [Page 46] and blessed Time indeed. The Church of Christ, shall be no more a Subject of Persecution. Ezek 28.24. T [...] shall be no more a p [...]ing brier to the House of Israel, nor any grieving Th [...]rn of all that are round about them. But the contrary to that. The People of God who are now kept under, shall be lifted up above the Hills, and be established on the Top of the Moun­tains. Dan. [...].18, 27. The Saints of the most High shall take the Kingdom, and possess the Kingdom for ever. The King­dom and Dominion the greatness of the Kingdom under the whole Heaven, shall be given to the People of the Saints of the most High.


If Christ is such a Mighty One, then w [...] to His Enemies. The mightiest of them all are nothing in his Almighty Hards. Devils are greater in Power and Might than Men are, but they cannot stand before the Power of C [...] The Disciple said, Lord, the [...] are Subject to us through thy Name, [Page 47] that is, through thy Power. They have sometimes cringed to Christ and begged Mercy of him. When there was a Legion of Devils entred into a miserable Man, the Master or Chief Devil among them, Cried with a loud voice, Jesus thou Son of God most high, I b [...]seech thee torment me not, Luk. 8.28. Christ is sometimes compared to a Lamb in the Scripture, he is so (as some have observed Twenty times in the Book of Revelations,) importing his Patience and Long-Suffering to­wards his Enemies. But he is also compared to a Lion, denoting his Strength. This Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Who shall stir him up? Wo to the Man or Men, that shall dare to do it. He will soon tear them in pieces. He will tread them in his Anger, and trample them in his Fury. He will crush them under his Feet, as Grapes in the Wine-Press, and make his Gar­ments Red with their Blood. Wo to the greatest of them, when Christ shall take them in hand. He shall strike through Kings in the day of his Wrath, and [Page 48] shall w [...]und be [...]d over many Countries, Psal. 110.5, 8. And has he not done so? Has not the Pagan World fallen before him, which was thought im­possible. When once the Day of his Wrath is come, the mightiest Men on Earth will cry bitterly. Rev. 6 15. The Kings of the Earth, and the great Men, and the chief Captains, said to the Moun­tains and Rocks fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that [...] on the Throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb, for the great day of his wrath is come, and who shall be ab [...]e to stand. Wa [...] there not a fulfilment of that Scripture, when Christ overthrew the Pagan Empe­rors? Lacta [...]tius who lived in those days, sayes particularly concerning the Emperor Maximinus, that he had a Vision, he thought he saw Christ sit­ting on a Throne, and many about him in White; he fell into despair, and in Anguish cryed, O Jesus Christ have Mercy on me▪ O Jesus Christ b [...] Mercy on me, and so Dyed; Prof [...]ng that if he might live, he would [...] more [...]e a Persecutor of Chris [...]. The [...]econd Psalm sayes, Be wise O ye [Page 49] Kings, Kiss the Son of God, Worship him, left you perish in the way, when his Wrath is kindled but a little. Did not the Emperor Julian (that infa­mons Apostate) perish in the way, when he swore that as soon as he returned from his Expedition against the Per­sians, he would Sacrifice to his Idols, in the Blood of Christians. Upon which a Pagan scoffingly and blas­phemously said to a Christian, What is the Carpenters Son doing now, Julian is resolved as soon as he comes home to make a Sacrifice of Christians. To whom the Christian replied, I'le tell you what he whom you blasphemously reproach for being a Carpenters Son, is doing, He is preparing a Coffin to put Julian in. He Prophesied right, for he never returned from that Ex­pedition. The Ancients tell us, that an Arrow from Heaven st [...]ck out his Bowels, and then in desperate rage he said, vicisti Galilaee vic [...]i, Thou Christ of Galilee, Thou hast overcome me, thou hast overcome me! Wo [...]o Edom. The old Edomites were a Type of the [Page 50] present Romanists. Wo to B [...]z [...]ab. The City of Rome is the B [...]zrab of the World at this day. It is the Learned P [...]cator his Observation on the Text before us, that as Boz [...]b was the chief City in the Kingdom of Edom, so is Rome the chief City in the Kingdom of Antichrist. What tho' that Cursed Kingdom has been gaining ground of later years, Christ can soon make a Mighty Revolution of Affairs, he can do it in One Day, he can do it by one Death. Have we not seen more than once that he has made a Mighty Change in Three Kingdoms in one Day, by one Death? He can by one Death make as great a Revolution in the greatest Kingdom in Europe, or on the Earth, and has many other ways to do it. If the Edomites are se­cure and confident, that is a sign that the things which shall come upon them make haste. When Babylon sayes in her heart, I set as a Queen and shall see no sorrow, then shall [...] [...]gues come in one day, for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her. The [Page 51] Mighty Saviour of his People, will be a Mighty Destroyer of their Enemies.


Christless Sinners are in a miserable Case. For they have no Saviour. None be­sides Jesus Christ is able to save a Soul. Act. 4.12. Neither is there Salvation in any other. To miss of Salvation is a doleful thing. For if not Salvation, what then is to be expected? The Gospel declares what, Mark 16.15, 16. Go and Preach the Gospel. And what must we say, when we Preach the Gospel? we must say, He that believeth shall be saved, and he that believeth not shall be damned. Every Soul of Man must be either Saved or Damned, and both these Estates are Eternal. Mat. 25.46. These, the Wicked, Christless Sinners will be found among them, shall go away into everlasting punishment, and the righteous into life eternal. If once in Hell, then forever in Hell. When once the Soul of a Sinner is gone to that Place, where other un­godly [Page 52] Souls have gone before him, shall he come out again? No, he shall not. Psal. 49.19. He shall go to the generation of his Fathers, they shall never see light. There is no hope that ever he should. No more hope of it, than there is of a Man who is Dead and in his Grave, that he should live again. Isa. 38.18. They that go down to the pit, cannot hope for thy truth. When they are in that Prison, they can't break Prison. Can they break the Bars of the Bottomless Pi [...]? They must not come out of that Prison un­til they have paid the whole Debt that was owing to the terrible Justice of God. Not until they have paid the uttermost Farthing, Mat. 5.26. But that can Never, Never, Never be. And altho' some Sinners shall have a deeper Damnation in Hell than others shall, yet they that shall have the least, will be miserable enough. Whatever their pain of sense shall be, to be sure the pain of loss which they shall be sub­ject to, will be Infinite. They shall never see the Face of God, they shall [Page 53] never enjoy His Favour. C [...]in, when a vein of Vengeance was let into his Soul, fell a roaring at the dismal thought of this. Gen. 4.14. From thy face I shall be had. So will it be with every Christless Sinner. But who do we thin [...] are they that shall receive the forest Damnation. Christ has sent me to you this Day to tell you who they are. Verily they are those that have had Christ offer'd to them in the Gospel, but have for all that Dyed in a Christless estate. Heb. 2.3. How shall we escape, if we neglect so great Sal­vation. No Mercy is to be expected for such Sinners. Heb. 10.28, 29. He that despised Moses law dyed without mercy; of how much sorer punishment suppose you shall he be thought worthy, that has troden under foot the Son of God. Will not those hor­rible Sinners which lived in Sodom and Gomorrah, have a fearful Damna­tion at the last Day? But Sinners who have had the Gospel Preached to them, and yet remain in a Christless estate, and live & dye so, shall have a greater Damnation: Witness what the Lord [Page 54] Jesus Christ has spoken, Mat. 10.15. Verily I say unto you, it shall be more tolle­rable for Sodom and Gomorrah, at the day of Judgment than for that City. But some will be ready to say, Who are Christless? Do you make Infidels of us? Are we not all Christians? I Answer; We are so nominally, but are we all so really? Would to God it were so; But alas! many call them­selves Christians, whom Christ will not own for such another day. Mat. 7.21. Not every one that sayeth unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; many will say have we not pro­phesied in thy name, and then will I profess unto them, I never knew you. Most cer­tain it is:

1. That there are but few in the World that have a true saving justi­fying Faith. Rom. 10.16. Who has be­lieved our report. Among those that enjoy the Gospel, who has believed? Among those that have Christ Preach­ed to them, who has believed? Faith is a rare Grace. Old Chrysostom was a­fraid that of the Christians under his [Page 55] inspection, not one of an Hundred was a true Believer. But they that are Faithless are Christless. For Christ dwells in the heart by Faith, Eph. 3.17. Nor is it every kind of Faith that gi­veth an Interest in him. It is not an Historical, or meer Doctrinal Faith, but a Faith that is attended with O­bedience, that is saving. Jam. 2.14. What does it profit my brethren, though a man say he has faith, he does but say so, the thing is not true, and have no works, can faith save him? No, such a Faith can never save him. A true saving Faith is a working Faith. It works by Love. By Love to Christ, and Love to his People, and Love to all his Com­mandments.

2. As for such as live ungodly lives, Christ will not be their Saviour, if they go on in their sins. Christ came to save his People from their sins, not to save them with or in their sins. Let every one that names the Name of Christ depart from iniquity. There are Men that call themselves Christi­ans, that live such wicked lives, that [Page 56] Christ esteems them a dishonour to his Name. They bring a reproach on his Name. Some of the Ancients tell us, that Pagans in their dayes, would say, If Christ was a good God, they that call themselves Christians would not be such wicked Men, as we see many of them are. So tis re­ported of the Indians, that they would not believe that Christ was a good God, because the Spaniards who pre­tended to Worship him were the worst of Men. Alas many that call them­selves Christians are voluptuous Per­sons, and scandalous Worldlings. Phil. 3.18, 19. For many walk, of whom I have told you often, that they are enemies to the cross of Christ, whose end is destructi­on, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things. There are among pretended Christians, those that indulge them­selves some in one Lust, some in ano­ther, some in Lusts of the Flesh, others in Lusts of the Mind. Christ will own and save none of them at the last Day. But he will say, I tell you, I know you not [Page 57] whence you are, depart from me all ye that work iniquity, Luk. 13.27. He will say to one, thou wast a Drunkard, thou wast a worker of Iniquity, de­part from me; He will say to another, thy life was among the Unclean, thou art a worker of Iniquity, depart from me; He will say to another, thou wast given to Lying, thou didst love and make a Lye, thou art a worker of Iniquity, depart from me. Oh that Sinners would think sadly of this, ei­ther they must depart from all their Iniquities, or Christ will say to them at the Great Day, depart from me.

3. They that live in disobedience to the known Commandments of Christ, have not an Interest in him. It is in vain for such to think, that this Mighty Saviour will save them. The Scrip­ture sayes, that He is the Author of e­ternal salvation to all them that obey him, Heb. 5.9. Then he will not be the Author of Salvation to them that con­tinue in their disobedience to him. What then will become of Prophane Sinners, that go on in their Trepasses? [Page 58] Does not Christ in his Word say, Swear not at all? How then can any profane Swearer think that Christ will save him? Does not Christ in his Word say, Bless and Curse not? How then can they who in their rage will Curse and Damn themselves and o­thers, think that Christ will save them from Damnation? And sins of Omission, contrary to the express commandment of Christ, may hinder Salvation as well as sins of Commission. Now say, has not Christ positively commanded Men to Pray in Secret? Mat. 6.6. When thou prayest enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut the door, pray to thy Father which is in secret. It may be the hour is yet to come, the day is yet to dawn, when thou hast done so. And are there not some who call themselves Christians, that have so little Religion in them, as not to Pray with their Families. What Lamen­tab [...]e Christians are they. Does not Christ by his Apostle say to Masters in Families, Continue in Prayer, Col. 4 [...], 2. Which words allude to the [Page 59] continual Offering which was to be Morning and Evening, daily. Masters in Families, see that you Worship God with your Families Morning and E­vening every day. And does not God by the Prophet awfully threaten Prayerless Families? How often have th [...]se Words been sounding in your Ears, Pour out thy fury on the Families which call not on thy name, Jer. 10 25. How can prayerless Sinners expect Salvation from Christ, on whose Name they do not call. There is not a true Christian in the World, but he is a praying one. They then that are Prayerl [...]ss, we may conclude that they are Christless.

I see the Hour is more than spent, yet I would mention in a few Words, One Use more. I have not spoken to you for several Lords Days; but God knows I have not been Idle, but do­ing that which I hope will be of some use to you and others, when I shall be gone to that World where I have for a long Time longed to be. I know that the Time of my departure out of this World is now very near at [Page 60] hand: Blessed be God that it is so. It needs must be so, considering that this Lords Day, Four and Fifty Years are past since I began to Preach the Gospel in this Place (not indeed to many of you then, for many of you, I suppose the most of you, were born into the World since that, but) to your Fathers and Grand-fathers: for so long a time have I been a very Un­profitable Servant. Nevertheless, I have (after my weak manner) been endeavouring to Preach Christ to you. And now that I am Preaching Christ, how glad should I be, if I might dye before I stir out of this Pulpit!

The VI. and Last USE shall be this,

Let every One that would be Saved make sure of a Christ.

I'le set before you, only two Motives.

Consider 1. The most guilty Sinners in the World may be Saved by him, He is [Page 61] a Saviour and a Great One. There­fore the greatest sinners may be saved by him. Notwithstanding the wounds of thy Soul are desperate as to all other Saviours. There is Balm in Gilead, there is a Physician there, will heal thee if thou wilt go to him, al­tho' thou hast no Money nor Price to offer him, do but go to him, and he will heal thee on free cost. Not­withstanding, thou hast stabbed thine own Soul to Death a Thousand times over, a Plaister of his Blood will heal all those wounds. Thou hast destroy­ed thy self, thou hast murdered thine own Soul, but in him is thy help. Suppose thy Soul to be fallen never so deep in Hell, the Arm of this Sa­viour can reach and reco [...] it As great Sinners as over live [...] in the World have been saved by [...]n. He never refused any that came to him, on the account of their having been great Sinners. O then make haste to him, and though thy sins have been as Scarlet, they shall be where as Snow, though they be red like Crimson, they shall [...] as Wool.

[Page 62]Consider 2. The day is coming when a Christ will be valued at a high rate. When an Interest in him will be thought more worth than a Thou­sand Worlds. When Sinners are on their Death-Beds, and see Hell gaping for them, then what would they not give for an Interest in Christ? How often do we see, that when a sinful creature is sick and like to dye, ask him, are you willing to dye, he will say, if I had an Interest in Christ I should be willing to dye, I would now part with all the World for that. Or, if their Hearts are hardened, and Conscience stupified, at their Death, to be sure at the Day of Judgment, an Interest in Christ will be valued above Crowns and Kingdoms, when Kings and Emperors, shall cry to the Rocks to fall on them, to hide them from the Wrath of the Lamb. What crying do we think there was among the Sinners of the Old World, when the Flood came, O that we were in the Ark! A more dismal cry will there be [Page 63] among Sinners at the Great Day. O that we were in Christ! O that he would be our Saviour! Nor will any thing be such a Terror and Torment to the Damned in Hell as this thought, I might have had a Christ, but I neg­lected so great Salvation and now it is too late. It was a sad speech of Francis Spi [...]a, who in his despairing Agonies said, The [...]hought of Christ is a torment to [...]e, because I know I have no Interest in him. Wherefore go to Christ every Soul, [...]o you not hear him call you. Joh. [...]. Jesus [...]d and cried, if any man [...]hir [...]ts [...]et him come to me and drink. Do you [...]hirst after the Waters of Salvation? Christ excludes not any. He has sent me this Day into this Assembly [...] offer Salvation in his Name. Oh be not like the Jews of whom Christ complains. Joh. 5.40. You will not [...] that you might have life. Will you not? Then Death and Damnation will be unavoidable. Go to Christ by Prayer. It is said in the Gospel, that his Disciples came and awoke him, saying, Lord save us we [Page 64] perish, Mat 8.25. Get alone, and say, Lord Jesus I have an Immortal Soul, which will perish Eternally, if thou do not save me. Lord save me or I perish. Go to him by Faith, give thy self to Christ. Joyn thy self to him in an Everlasting Covenant, to be his, and his only, and his for ever If thou doest so in sincerity, the Lord will say to thee as once he did to a great Sinner: Luk. [...] 5 [...]. Th [...] [...] hath saved t [...]ee, g [...] in p [...]a [...].

[Page 65]

GOD Converts His Elect, Some at one Age, and some at another, Commonly before Old Age.

Matthew XX. 5, 6.

Again he went out about the Sixth and Ninth Hour, and did likewise. And about the Eleventh Hour—

IN the beginning of this Chap­ter there is a Parable concerning a Housholder who being the Lord of a Vineyard, hi [...]ed Labourers to work therein. It was customary with the Jews for Men to go & stand in the Ma [...] Place [...] any would set them to w [...] which custom Writ [...] inform [...] is still [Page 66] practised in the Eastern Nations The Jews divided their dayes into twelve Hours, and th [...]se into four Stations, or Portions, containing each of them three Hours. First from Six to Nine, which was with them the third hour of the day, from that to Twelve was the Sixth Hour, from which to that which we call three a Clock in the afternoon, was by them called the Ninth Hour, from that to Five was the Eleventh or last Hour of the day. By the Vineyard in this Parable the Church of God is meant. By the Labourers in the Vineyard we may understand the Elect of God Called and Converted to him. By the seve­ral Parts of the day, the several Ages of the Life of Man, Youth, Middle Age, and Old Age are described.

The Text affords unto us this Doctrine.

DOCT. That GOD Calls and [...] His Elect some at [...] Age▪ [...] another, but most Commonly [...] Old Age.

[Page 67]As for the Reason why the Lord does so, it is sufficient to say, that in doing thus he shows his Sovereignty: He is not under any Obligation to give an account of his proceedings with men. Job 33.10, 13. God is greater then man▪ He gives not account of any of his matters. We may not find fault with him who may do what he pleaseth. We may justly find fault with Men, who de­serve to be faulted, but not with God, Isai. 45 9. Let the porsherds strive with the potsherds of the Earth, shall the cla [...] say to him that fashioned it what makest thou? Ther [...] are many who are ne­ver Called at all: They have not so much as the Out-ward Call of the Gospel, and many who have the Ex­ternal Call, have not that which is Internal, Effectual & Saving. Many are [...]lled & fe [...] chosen God declares his [...]overeignty in chusing some and refusing others He has mercy on whom be wi [...] have [...], and whom he will be ha [...]. His not the potter power over th [...] day, to make [...] to honour and a [...] [...] It is his Sovereign [Page 68] Will and Pleasure to Call some of his Elect at one hour, and others at ano­ther. And no one may say, Why did He call such an one at the Third hour, and another not until the Eleventh hour. When the Labourers had some of them a greater reward than others of them thought they should have had, the Lord silenced them by saying, May I not do with mine own what I will? Thus all Men are his own: They are his Creatures. Has not one God made us? Therefore he may call some and refuse others, and Call some sooner and others later, according to his Will and Sovereign Pleasure. Neverthe­less, the infinitely wise God has great and good Reason for what he does in this and in all the dispensations of his Providence.

We proceed then to clear the Truth before us by an Induction of particulars.

1. Some of the Elect of God are Con­verted in their Y [...]uth. Of this we have many Instances recorded in the Scrip­tures. Joseph was doubtless a Godly. [Page 69] Child before his Brethren Sold him into Aegypt, and yet then he was but Seventeen Years old. He was trou­bled at the Misdemenours of his Bre­thren, and informed his Father of them, that so he might use proper means for their Reformation, Gen 37.2. He was therefore a Pious Youth, Samuel also was a Godly Child: he had rare Communications from God in his [...]ender Years: Such as no one else had in those days when the Word of the Lord was precious: 1 Sam. 3.8 [...] that the Lord had called [...] Before he was come to his full [...]th there was a signal Presence of God with him, v. 19. Obadi [...]h could say, I [...] the [...] from my youth, [...] [...]ng 18.1 [...]. [...]sah in the Sixteenth Year of his age discove­red an extraordinary [...] and Zeal for God: While he was [...]ng he sought after G [...] [...] himself to make a [...] [...]gh Reformation throughout his [...]gd [...] thy is another Instance of Lu [...] Piety▪ He had Grace wrought in his Soul when [Page 70] he was a Child: 2 Tim. 3.15. From a Child thou hast known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto sal­vation, through faith which is in Christ Je­sus. He had a godly Grand-mother, and a godly Mother, under whom he had a Religious Education; and the Apostle seems to intimate that his young Soul had Grace wrought in it, by the blessing of the Lord on their In­structions, which doubtless were atten­ded with continual Prayer for him, 2 Tim. 1.5. Two Reasons may be men­tioned, why some of the Elect of God are Converted in their Youth.

1. Because some of them dye in their Youth. Therefore they must either be Converted in their Youth, or not at all. For there is no Con­version after Death, since every Mans Eternal State is then determin'd. After Death comes Judgment, Heb. 9.27. The Immortal Soul then returns to God that gave it, and is accordingly adjudged to its Everlasting State. Some that dye in their Youth, go to Heaven when they leave this World. [Page 71] Now the Glory of Heaven is begun in Grace. Without holiness none shall see the Lord. Wherefore it is neces­sary that Regenerating Grace should be wrought in them, in their young Years. Jeroboam tho' a very wicked Man had a Son which was a godly Child: 2 King. 14.13. In him there was found some good thing towards the Lord God of Israel. In the 17th verse, 'tis said, The Child dyed: Since he was to dye when a Child, it was necessary that a Good Thing, that Grace should be found in him before Death took him out of the World.

2. Some of the Elect of God are in his Eternal Purpose designed to do great Service for his Name. Most of those mentioned in the Scripture as Converted in their Youth, were in their Generation singular Instruments of Gods Glory, and of doing Service for his Name. That so Men may do Service for God, it is ordinarily requi­site that they should have an unblemish­ed Youth. Otherwise it is like to be with them as was Prophesied concer­ning [Page 72] Reuben, when his Youth had been blemished with an Incestuous Adulte­ry: Gen. 49.4. Thou shalt not excell, be­cause, &c. Such Sinners upon their true Repentance shall have their Sins forgiven and their Souls Saved: but tho' they shall go to Heaven they sel­dom excell on Earth. Scandalous Mis­carriages will be a lasting wound to a Mans Reputation. Wherefore God ordinarily when he designs a Person for special Service, seizeth him for himself whilest he is Young. It is true, that Paul before his Conversion had been a great Sinner; and yet af­terwards the most Serviceable Man in the World. But altho' he was a great Unbeliever and Persecutor, he was not guilty of such Sins as blemish a Mans Reputation in the esteem of the World. He was a very blameless Person. It is a very great Mercy to have an unblemished Youth; for that Scandalous Miscarriages in Youth, will stick upon a Man all his days after. Now if a Man has Grace wrought in his Soul whilest it is Early dayes with [Page 73] him, that will be a blessed means to preserve him from an unblemished Youth. Again, That so a Man may do much Service for Christ he must have time allowed him [...]o do the Ser­vices appointed for [...] Therefore are some of the [...]ect called into the Vineyard betimes, [...] so they may have time to finish [...] the work de­creed for them [...]fore their going out of the W [...] [...]dinarily they that must [...] [...]l of work must have [...] of time to do it in.

2. Some [...] of God [...] Called and Conver [...]d [...] [...]deres of their Childhood and [...] They are called at the [...] of the Day of their Life [...] Middle Age. [...] (afterw [...]ds [...] so. Some writers affi [...] [...] & thirty Years Old at the [...] Conver­ [...]n. Notwithstanding [...] called a Young Man; he was [...] young, or then the High [...]iest would not have employed him in such work as [...] which he Commissioned him for. [Page 74] It is most probable that Zacbeus, and the Jaylor, and the Thief on the Cross were in their Middle Age when Con­verted. Such are the fittest and most capable to work in the Lords Vine­yard, and therefore such are most commonly Called into it. Children or decayed Old Men are not so fit to be Labourers as Young Men, because of their Strength. 1 Joh. 2.14. I have written unto you young men because you are strong. An Eminent Divine of our own observes that, That Men of such an Age are the fittest Materials for the Frame of Grace to be Erected on. Altho' God can work with any Tools, yet He manifests his wisdom in chu­sing such as have the greatest fitness for the work he designs them for in his Vineyard.

3. There are some of the Elect of God Called and Converted in Old Age. There were some called into the Lords Vine­yard at the Eleventh Hour: When the day of Life is just Expiring, and they ready to drop into the Grave, God has looked on them, and had Mercy [Page 75] on them. It was Charitably spoken by the Martyr Julius Palmer, when one tempted him to recant, but seeing there was no perswading him to that, said, One of us twain must be damned, for we be of two Faiths, and certain I am that there is but one Faith that Leads to Life and Salvation. I hope (said the Martyr) that we both shall be Saved, For as it has pleased our Mer­ciful Saviour, according to the Gospel Pa­rable, to Call me at the third hour of the day, at the Age of Four and twenty Years, so I trust that he will Call you at the E­leventh hour of this your Old Age, and give you Everlasting Life for your Portion. This indeed is not usual, nevertheless, this sometimes happens, tho' very rarely. One thus Paraphrases on the Text before us, Why stand you all the day idle, you have lost the season of your, Work, and hope of your Reward. The day is almost spent, you have no reason to Ex­pect that I should hire you, or reward you, yet for this once I will do it, though I do not use to do it. God is pleased to Call some at all hours, that Sinners in all [Page 76] Periods of their Lives, might have some grounds of Encouragement to Repent, and Return to him. When there was in the Second Chapter of the Acts, three thousand Converted in one Day by one Sermon, no doubt but that there were some Elderly Per­sons among them. Men must have an Outward Call from the Word of God, before they have the Inward Call, wrought by the holy Spirit. How shall they believe on him of whom they have not heard? Faith c [...]mes by hear­ing, and [...]earing by the w [...]rd of God. When as there are some of the Elect of God, who have not the Outward [...]l before Old Age has overtaken them Abraham was Seventy & five Years old, when God called him, G [...]. 12 4 Indeed if Men have lived un­der the Light of the Gospel all their [...]es for the most part either they are Converted before Old Age [...] ne­ver [...] And yet now and then there [...] been [...]n Example of such Converted to God. We [...] One Instance of i [...] [...] in the Scrip­ture, [Page 77] viz. that of Manasseh. He had a godly Father, who taught him in the wayes of God, when he was a Child, Isai. 38.19 And he lived under the Ministry of the Evangelical Prophet Isaiah, nevertheless, he continued in his Rebellion until old Age, and then was brought home to God a little be­fore his Death, when he was about the Six [...]eth Year of his Age. The Glory of the Divine Attributes does appear wonderfully, when an Old Sin­ner is Converted. Therefore some such are Called. For,

(1.) There is then a glorious discovery of the Mighty Power of God. To make Bones that have been a long time dead and dry to live, no Power but that which is Almighty, can do it, Ezek. 3 [...].2, 3. When Lazarus had been dead but Four dayes, the glori­ous Power of God was minifested in rest [...]g him to Life. Wherefore Christ said to Martha when she object­ed [...]t her Brother had been dead Four dayes, Sa [...]d I not unto thee, that if thou wouldst believe thou shouldst see the [Page 78] glory of God; Meaning his Power, Job. 11.40 It is a greater discovery of the Power & Glory of God, when a Soul that has been threescore Years dead and perishing in a Grave of Sin and Misery, shall be made to live. Its an easier matter to bend a young twig than an old tree: So is it an easier matter to Convert a Young Sin­ner than an Old Sinner, which has got incurable habits of Sin, incurable by any Power less than Miraculous. Jer. 13.23. Can the Ethiopian change his skin? or the Leopard his spots, then may ye do good that are accustomed to do evil. According to humane judgment it cannot be, but with God there is no­thing impossible.

(2.) The Mercy of God does appear glo­riously in the Conversion of such Sinners. Misery is the object of Mercy. When God relieves such as are extreamly Miserable his Mercy is great. Now the most miserable Creature, on the face of the whole Earth, is an Ungod­ly Old Man. Therefore if such an one shall be Converted, Divine Mercy [Page 79] will be glorified. It is from Infinite Mercy that any Sinner in the World is Converted. 1 Pet. 1. [...]. According to his abundant Mercy be has begotten [...] again: but 'tis more abundant Mercy if an Old Sinner is begotten again. When God forgives a Sinner He has Mercy on him. Wherefore David Praying for the Pardon of his sins, sayes, Have mercy upon me, O God, accor­ding to the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions, Psal. 51.1. As for one that has continued many Years in his sins, what an Infinite Number of sins has he been guilty of? It may be said to him, Is not thy wick­edness great and thine iniquities infinite? Job. 22.5. How many Millions of times has an Old Sinner transgressed the Law of God? If th [...]n he is at last Converted, and al [...] his innumera­ble Sins forgiven, Men and Angels will see and say that the Lord is Gra­cious and Merciful, and abundant in Goodness, That's his Name.

(3) The Freen [...]ss & Riches of the Grace of God, is hereby declared, to the Ever­lasting [Page 80] Admiration of Saints & Angels. No great Service for the Lord of the Vineyard, can be Expected from an Old Man. He has not time to do much for God, if he would never so feign. He is come to his Eleventh hour. He has but one hour to work in, before his Sun is set, and his day is done: If the Lord shall call such an one into his Vineyard, he can expect little Work or Service from him. It must then proceed from free Grace and Goodness. When great Sinners are Converted, the Grace of God therein is illustrious. The Ephesians had been great Sinners: Idolaters, Magicians, and in other respects great Criminals. God Converted them, that so the riches of his Grace might be seen and admired in all succeeding Ages. Eph. 2.7. That in the Ages to come he might sh [...]w the exceeding riches of his Grace. The same is to be said, when an Old Sinner is Convered▪ for such are great Sinners. Altho some of them have not been guilty of such Sins as the World cries shame [Page 81] on, nevertheless, the multitude of ini­quities and guilt which they have in so many Years contracted, renders them great Sinners.

We proceed to the Improvment of the Doctrine before us.


We are to be Cautioned against judging the Final Estate of Men, or to conclude Preremptorily that they will never be Called, because they are not Called so soon as some others have been. Suppose a Sinner to be come to his Eleventh hour, who knows but the Lord may Call him then? We are to judge nothing before the Time. Life time is a time of Mercy, until that is ended we know not what God may do for miserable sinners. It is true, that we may judge of the present state of Men, we may certainly know that they are for the present in a sinful state, in which if they shall dye, they will perish Eternally, Peter said to [Page 82] Simon Magus, Thy heart is not right in the sight of God, for I perceive that thou art in the gall of bitterness and in the bond of iniquity, Act. 8.21, 23. And our Sa­viour Christ has said, You shall know them by their fruits, do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thirstles? Mat. 7.16. If a Tree does bring forth Thorns, we may know that it is not a Vine. So if Men live ungodly lives, we may know that they have not Grace in their Souls. Hence the Apostle says, In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the Devil, whosoever does not r [...]ghteousness is not of God, neither he that loves not his Brother, 1 Joh. 3.10. From that Scripture our Famous Hooker observes 1. That there are two sorts of Men in the World, the Children of God, & the Children of the Devil. 2. That these may be known. 3. That he that is a bater of Saints, and a worker of Iniquity, has a brand mark of a child of the Devil, whereby he may be discovered. But altho' we may judge of Mens present estate, we may not judge of their future and final estate. For that's a Secret known [Page 83] to God only. Now Secret things be­long to the Lord our God, those things which are revealed belong to us, Deut. 29.29. It is not for us to pry into the Ark of Gods secret Counsels, as if we had seen the Book of Election and Reprobation. But rather we should say as the Prophet did, when God proposed that Question to him, Ezek. 37.3. Can these bones live, he answered, O Lord God thou knowest. So if it be said, can such an Old Sinner live? He that has been an old Stan­dard bearer in the Camp of the Devil, shall he ever be a faithful Soldier of Jesus Christ? Thou Lord knowest whether it can be, whether it shall be.


Young Persons are to be called upon. Let them Now hearken to the call of God inviting them to come & Labour in his Vineyard. The wise Man saves, Re­member NOW thy Creator in the days of thy Youth. Outward calls you have had from the Word of God publickly [Page 84] dispensed in his Name. And many of you have been called upon by your godly Parents. All these calls will aggravate your Condemnation at the Last Day, if you obey them not. The Words of Wisdom are exceeding awful, Oh that they might sink down into your Ears and Hearts. Prov. 1.24 Because I have called and you refused, but have set at nought all my counsel, and would have none of my re­proof I w [...]ll laugh at your calamity, and mock when your fear cometh, when your destruction cometh as a whirlwind, when distress and anguish cometh upon you. Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer, they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me. Beware Young Men, in the fear of God beware that it be not thus with any of you. Therefore delay not your Repentance towards God, and making sure of an Interest in Christ. Do it Now. Jer. 25.5. Turn ye NOW. The Devil says not N [...]w. And thy own wicked Heart will joyn with him and say, not Now, another time will do as well, but God [Page 85] says NOW without any the least de­lay. Then say not as Young Persons are apt to do, that when Old Age has overtaken you, then you will turn to the Lord. But how dost thou know thou shalt live to Old Age? Where there is one that does so, there are many that do not. Have not Deaths been multiplied among Young Per­sons? How many have you known as likely to live as you, but Death has cut them off Some godly ones dye in Youth, but far more ungodly ones. Job 36.14. They dye in youth, and their life is among the unclean. When Young Men are very Wicked, they provoke the Lord to shorten their days. Prov. 10.27. The fear of the Lord prolongs days, but the years of the wicked shall be shortened. Then be not Wicked overmuch for why shouldst thou dye before thy time. Neither say, He Repent when Sickness and Death comes. But dost thou not know that Death-Bed Repentance is seldom true? Sinners will then flat­ter God and make fair Promises, but [Page 86] he that seeth into the Hearts of Men, knows when they are not sincere. Psal. 78.34. When he slew them, then they sought him, and inquired early after God. Nevertheless, they did flatter him with their mouths, and they lyed unto him with their tongue, for their heart was not right with him, neither were they stedfast in his covenant. Do we not often see it, that Sinners when they think they shall dye make great promises, that if God will spare their lives they will reform their Evil ways and yet after the Lord has mercifully spared them, they are as bad and worse than ever before. Moreover, how dost thou know that thou shalt lye on a Sick-Bed. It may be thou shalt be taken out of the World by a Sudden Death, and not have time to put up so much as One Prayer to God for the Pardon of thy sins, and the Salvation of thy Soul. So has it been with some Young Men in this Place. Therefore re­member thy Creator Now Repent Now, give thy self to Christ Now.

[Page 87] Consider 1. That if Young Persons will turn to the Lord, he will surely accept of them. They that give their first fruits to God please him wonder­fully. Prov. 8.17. They that seek me early shall find me. Wherefore whilst it is Early dayes with you, seek the Lord. You may seek Him too late: After Death has taken hold of you, it will be too late. Then although you seek him Early, you will not find him. Seek him Early in the Morning and you shall find him, but if you seek him Early in the Evening after the Eleventh hour is past, you shall not find him. Thus you may seek the Lord too late: but it is impossible for you to seek him too soon If Young Children will come to Christ, He will not re­fuse them. He said, Suffer little Chil­dren to come to me; and took some such into his arms and blessed them, Mar. 10.14. Were not these blessed Children thin [...] you? To see a godly Child is a bles­sed sight. To [...]e a Child of Seven Years old a Praying Child; A Child that will not Lye; A Child that fears [Page 88] God, and dare not sin: How welcome are such Children to him. And if they that are past their Childhood: If Young Men will come to Christ, and to God through Jesus Christ with a Penitent heart, He has Mercy in Store for them. If a Young Ephraim is become a Penitent Ephraim, the Lord will be Merciful to him. Jer. 31.19, 20. I have heard Ephraim bemoaning himself— I smote on my thigh, I was ashamed, yea, even confounded because I did bear the re­proach of my youth. Is Ephraim my dear son? Is he a pleasant Child, for since I spake against him, I do earnestly remember him still; therefore my bowels are troubled for him, I will surely have mercy upon him, saith the Lord.

Consider 2. They that turn to God betimes, may do a great deal of Good in the World. If they come into the Lords Vineyard betimes, they may do a great deal of work there. If the Lord continue their Lives to Old Age, how many thousands of Prayers will they pour out before him, for them­selves and others. It may be many [Page 89] will be the better for them, and for their godly & fruitful Conversation. There is a cursed Proverb which says, A Young Saint will [...]e an Old Devil; the contrary is true. [...] Young Saint, if the lives to be an Old Ma [...] ▪ will be a Venerable Christian Prov. 16.31. The hoary head is a crown of glory, if it be found in the way of righteousness.

Consider 3. They that turn to God in their Young Dayes will be glori­ously rewarded in another World. All their Secret Prayers will be re­warded. Mat. 6.6. Enter into thy closes, and when thou hast shut the door, pray to thy Father which is in secret, and thy Fa­ther which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. So concerning other works of Piety and Charity, they shall not go without a reward. Having had a long time to be working and doing good in the Lords Vineyard, all will come into the account and the reward must need be great and very glorious. Paul was Converted before he was an Old Man, and after he was set to work in the Lords Vineyard, he was [Page 90] exceeding Laborious, and continued therein until he became Paul the Aged. When near his Death, he was greatly comforted in Meditating on the crown which was reserved for him. As they that have lived long in Sin, will have the greater Damnation for it, so they that have faithfully Served God for a long time, will have the greater glory. Such Considerations as these should cause Young Persons to go to work in the Lords Vineyard N [...]w when he Calls them.


Let me speak a Word to those that are come to the Eleventh hour of the Day of their Life, and yet have not Obeyed the Call of God. Are there not Old Men who are still in their Natural Unregenerate Estate? Oh do not neglect the Great Salvation any longer Will it not awaken you to consider (I wish you would consider it) that you have but an Hour left you. The Glass of your Life will quickly be run out. Your [Page 91] Eternal Salvation depends on the im­provement of an Hour. You had need look about you and bestir your selves; your Case is ha [...]ardous, yet it is [...]o▪ desperate and hopeless. God has Called some at the Eleventh Hour, therefore 'tis possible that he may Call you. If you will now at last obey his Call, he will not reject you. Christ has said, Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast cut, Joh. 6.37. He does not say, except he is an Old Man. For all that, Let him come with his Heart and Soul, and Christ will re­ceive him. Therefore despair not. I have elsewhere taken notice that the Blessed Martyr Bilney when he heard a Preacher say in his Sermon, if you that are Old Men should return to God, Do you think that he will accept of you, after you have been serving the Devil so long? Do you think that God will take the Devils leavings? The Martyr was troubled at him, and said that Man did not Preach the Gospel. The Gospel offers Salvation to all Men, Old as well as Young, if any [Page 92] will Repent and Believe. Since God Calls you still, he will not refuse you, no not the Oldest Sinner among you all, if you will turn to him with all your Heart. We read in the Gospel concerning a poor Blind Man, that cryed to the Lord Jesus to have Mer­cy on him, Jesus stood still and commanded him to be called, and it was said to the Blind Man, Be of good comfort, he calls thee, Mat. 10.49. So there is this Crevis of hope & comfort left for thee, that hast continued in thy sins to Old Age, Behold, the Lord calls thee [...] come and work in his Vine­yard. Come then before the Sun is set, and thy Day is done. For thy Life delay not an Hour longer. Thy Time is limited to an Hour, yet if after so long a time of Disobedience, you will this Day hearken to the Voice and Call of God, happy art thou, otherwise Everlastingly Miserable. Think on that Scripture (Old & Young think of it) with which I conclude. Heb. 4.7 He limiteth a certain time, saying to day, after so long a time, To day if you will hear his voice harden not your hearts.

[Page 93]

When Godly Men dye, Angels carry their Souls to Another and a better World.


—The begger died, and was carried by Angels into Abrahams bosom:—

THESE words were spoken by the Lord Jesus Christ. In the Ninth Verse of this Chapter He Exhorts to Charity and Liberality. The Cove­tous Pharisees received his Doctrine. with the greatest contempt & scorn. Whereupon he entertained his Hear­ers with an awful Parable concerning a Rich Man, and a Godly Poor Man, declaring the State of each of them in another World, after this Life is [Page 94] Ended. The rich Man is not named, but he is described to be one that was clothed in Purple, and fared sumptu­ously every day, verse 19. He shewed more kindness to his dogs, than to the Poor Man, and the dogs were more friendly to him, than was their Matter. The Poor Man has the Name of La­zarus given to him, which is a Con­tract from Eleazer. Hence is that Ex­pression common among us, a poor Lazar. This Poor and Pious Eleazer as described. (1.) From his miserable condition in this life: He was as poor as a begger, and besides that afflicted with sore bodily diseases. (2.) He is described from his happiness after this life. It is said, that when he dyed An­gels carried him into Abrahams bosom. When 'tis said Angels carried him, the meaning is that they carried his Soul. By a figure called Synechache. [...] the whole is put for a part. T [...] [...] gels did not carry his Body, [...] Soul. Christ spake to the [...] specially to the Ph [...]ris [...] [...] [...] [...]ed that the [...] [Page 95] with their Bodies. It is a celebrated saying among their Doctors, That when Righteous Men dy Angels carry their Souls to Paradise, and into Eden. They tell [...]s that when a famous Rabbi dyed, ano­ther said of him, He is this day in Abra­hams bosom. The happiness of Hea­ven is set forth by that of a joyful Feast. Among the Jews they sat at their Tables in a discumbent postute. He that was the most beloved guest, [...]aid his head in the bosom of the Master of the Feast: which gives light to that Scripture: Joh. 13.23. There was leaning on Jesus bosom, one of his Disciples whom Jesus Loved. Abraham [...]s mentioned rather than any other Saint, because he was the Father of [...]he Faithful, the Promise was made to him, and he was Eminent for his Hospitality, contrary to the Covetous rich Miser whom the Parable speaks of. Moreover, Abraham had a faith­ful Servant whose Name was Eleazer, or Lazarus: That Godly Servant does now Feast with his Master Abraham after a celestial manner in another [Page 96] World. Wherefore the Doctrine to be insisted on, is, DOCT. That when Godly Men dye, sup­pose them to be never so Poor in this World, their Souls do not dye, but are carried by holy Angels into another and a better World.’

The Doctrine may be Opened and Confirmed in several Propositions.

PROP. I. Every Man consists of a Body and a Soul in respect of the one of which he is subject to Death, but not in respect of the other. These are the two essential Parts of Man. It was so in the first Creation, and it is so still. The first Man consisted of a Body and a Soul: Gen 2.7. The Lord God formed Man of the dust of the Ground, & breathed into his Nostrils the breath of Life, & Man became a living soul. Thus does every Man consist of an humane Body, and a rational Soul. That Creature which does not so, is not one of Mankind. Math. 10, 28, Fear not them which kill [Page 97] the body, but are not able to kill the soul, but rather fear him, which is able to de­stroy both soul and body in hell. These two are of very differing nature and properties. The Body does incur the outward Senses, but the Soul does not so. The Body may be seen and felt, but the Soul cannot be so; for it is a Spiritual substance. Christ said to the Disciples when he appeared to them after his Resurrection, & they thought he had been a Spirit, Handle me and see for a spirit has not flesh & bones as you see me have, Luk. 24.39. The Soul is of­ten called a Spirit. In the Scripture, Man, is distributed into Body and Soul, (as was shewed) and sometimes into Body and Spirit, 1 Cor. 6.20. It is in respect of the Body that Men dye, which is therefore called your Mortal Body, Rom. 5.14. And that being an Essential Part of Man, he is called Mortal Man, Job 4.17. Its usual a­mong Writers to call Men by the Name of Mortals. To dye is the fate of all the Men on the Earth. Godly Men as well as others. Lazarus as well as [Page 98] Dives must see Death There's a Sta­tutum est, a Statute Law for it: Heb. 9.27. It is app [...]nted for men to dye. We may see the Original Statute: Gen. 3.19. D [...]st thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return. But the Soul does not dye with the Body. Ecc [...] 12.7. The dust, that is the Body which was Original­ly dust shall return to the earth as it was, and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it. Man is made for Eternity, and not like Inferiour Creatures, whose Sensitive Souls dye with hei [...] bodies. This is a truth which Me [...] [...]ag [...]t to know, yet but few know [...] as they should do. Wherefore Solomon sayes, Who knows the spirit of a man that goeth upward, and the spirit of the beast that goes downward to the earth, Eccl. [...].21. The Soul of Man neither shall not [...]an dye. All the Men in the World, are not able to kill a Soul. To deny the Immortality of the Soul, is to destroy all Religion at once. For [...] [...]ullifies all the Promises & Threatnings con­tained in the Scripture, which are not fulfilled in this Life, therefore if there [Page 99] is not a future State, and so an Immor­tal Soul they will never be fulfilled. To say that Man is wholly Mortal, is an assertion not only contrary to the Scrip­ture, but [...] the light of Natural Rea­son. For it is irrational, to think that a Vicious Man is happier that a Ver­tuous Man: yet so it would be, if there is no other Life but this, or if the Souls of M [...]n dye with their Bodies. 1 Cor. 15.19. If in his life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most mi­serable. If there is no life but this, the best Men would be the unhappiest Men. What reasonable Man can believe that to be so? Blessed Re­wards are Promised to the Righteous; But in this life they see them not. There is one event to the Righteous and to the Wicked. Yea, many times they are subject to greater Miseries than others, and that all their life long. The holy Penman of the Seventy third Psalm, says, All the day long have I been plagued and chastened every morn­ing. Severe punishment is threatned, for those that have been great Sinners. [Page 100] Whenas many times they are not pu­nished in this World. The ungodly prosper in the World, they have more than heart can wish. From these Con­derations the Philosophers and Wise Men among the Gentiles, did believe the Immortality of the Soul, and that there is another World in which Good Men shall be Happy, and the Wicked Miserable. Balaam was so far in­lightned as to believe this. Where­fore he said, Let me dye the Death of the righteous, and let my last end be like his, Numb. 23.10. He knew that when Righteous Men dye, their Souls do not dye, but that afterwards, (as the Original Hebrew imports,) after Death they are happy. And this has been the Faith of all Righteous Men. It is therefore said, The righteous has hope in his Death, Prov. 14.32. He has hope of being made happy at and by his Death. The Martyr Stephen did not think that his Soul dyed with his Body, for then he would not when dying have said, Lord Jesus receive my spirit. The Faith of this, comforted [Page 101] the Martyrs, when their Persecutors threatened them with Death, they would say, kill our Bodies you may, but you shall never kill our Souls.

PROP. II. When Godly Men dye, their Souls go to another and a better World. Their Souls go to that World where Abraham now is. When Lazarus died he was in Abrahams bosom. When Good Men die they are no sooner dead as to their Bodies, but they are blessed in respect of their Souls. Rev. 14.13. Blessed are the dead that dye in the Lord. When they are taken out of this World, they go to rest, they rest from their Labours, and their works follow them. This is implied by their lying in Abrahams bosom. When La­zarus was dead, he was no more afflicted with poverty and pains. Saints de­parted this Life, enjoy a perfect free­dom from all evils whatsoever. Then, and not till then, will that Promise be fulfilled, Jer. 31.12. They shall not sor­row any more at all. And which is a greater happiness, they are fully and [Page 102] forever freed from sin. Rom. 6.7. He that is dead is freed from sin. There­fore does the Scripture speak of the spirits of just men made perfect, Heb. 12.23. They go to a place where they have nothing but comfort. When Lazarus was dead, it was said of him, Now he is comforted. Altho' their Bo­dies are not glorified before the Re­surrection, their Souls are as soon as they leave their Bodies. When the Cloathing of Mortality is put off, a Cloathing of Glory is put on. 2 Cor. 5.2, 3, 4 For in this we groan earnestly, desiring to be cloathed upon with our house which is from heaven, if so be that being cloathed we shall not be found naked. We that are in this tabernacle groan being bur­dened, not for that we would be uncloathed, but cloathed upon, that mortality might be swallowed up [...]f life. Their Souls do not remain in a naked condition, but in­stead of a Cloathing of Flesh, they have a Cloathing of Glory. It is said concerning the Souls under the Altar, viz The Christians that were Mar­tyred in the Primitive times, that white [Page 103] robes were given to every one of them, Rev. 6.11. White Robes are an en­sign of Glory. When the Priests were admitted into the inner Courts, White Robes were given to them. Thus the departed Souls of Believers when they first enter into the Heavenly Sanctu­ary, Robes of Glory are given to them. They then go to a blessed place. To a place of which Paradise and the Gar­den of Eden was a figure. It was a usual Prayer with the Jews, for an Is­raelite, Let his soul be in the Garden of, Eden. They say, when Abraham dyed he went to Paradise, and that when Mo­ses dyed, he went to Paradise. This is true not only of Abraham and Moses, but of all penitent Believers on Jesus Christ. It was therefore said to the Penitent on the Cross, To day thou shalt be with me in Paradise, Luk. 23.43. When they leave this World, their Souls go to Heaven. The Scripture speaks of some who Blaspheme them that dwell in heaven, Rev. 13.6. Idolatry is called Blasphemy. Papists worship Saints departed. They Pray to St. [Page 104] Peter and St. Paul, and to the Virgin Mary; to make Gods of them is Blas­phemy. So do they Blaspheme them that dwell in Heaven. We read of thing, in Heaven reconciled to God, Col. 1.20. The Elect Angels are in­deed things in Heaven, they are cal­led the Angels of Heaven, that's their Native Country▪ But they never needed to be reconciled to God, as not having sinned, nor did the Son of God shed his Blood for them. But there are Souls in Heaven, namely the Immortal Spirits of Holy Men de­parted this life, and those are the things in Heaven, which Christ has recon­ciled to God, by the Blood of his Cross. Good Men at their departure out of this world, go where they have blessed Communion with those holy Souls, which are gone to Heaven be­fore them. They go to Abraham as we have shewed. It was said to A­braham, that at his Death he should go to his Fathers, Gen. 15.15. He went to that World where Shem and Noah and other of his Fathers were [Page 105] gone before him. That sort of Peo­ple which served God as he had done, at the hour of his Death he was ga­thered to them, Gen. 25.8. They go to be with Angels. God said to the Prophet, If thou wilt walk in my ways, and keep my charge, I will give thee pla­ces to walk among these that stand by, Zech. 3 7. Were they not Angels that stood by? When the faithful Servants of God, have finished their work in this world, they go to be with Angels, and to walk with them in the walks of Heaven. They go to be with Christ. Phil. 1.23. I desire to de­part, and to be with Christ. They go to God. As long as they are in the Bo­dy, they are absent from the Lord, but when absent from the body they are present with the Lord, 2 Cor. 5.8. All this we see in one blessed Scripture, viz. that in Heb. 12.22, 23. We are come to the heavenly Jerusalem, to an in­numerable company of Angels, to God the judge of all, to the Spirits of just men made perfect, to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant.

[Page 106]PROP. III. When Godly Men dye, holy Angels carry their Souls to Heaven. They go to Abraham's Bosom, but who does Conduct them thither: Angels do it. Lazarus died, and Angels carried him to be with Abraham. As when Elijah was carried to Heaven Body and Soul, it was by the Ministry of Holy An­gels. There was seen a Chariot of Fire, and Horses of Fire, Holy Angels appear­ing in that Form, and Elijah went up to Heaven, 2 King. 2.11. And they shall carry the raised Bodies of the Saints to be with Christ at the Last Day, Mat. 24.31. He shall send his Angels with the sound of a Trum­pet, and they shall gather together his Elect from the four Winds, from one end of Heaven to the other. So do they do with the Souls of the Elect when their Bodies die. It was an Ancient Say­ing among the Jewish Writers, That none have right to Paradise, but the Just, whose Souls are carried thither by Angels. The Platonick Philosophers did not only believe, that the Souls of Men [Page 107] were Immortal, but that the Souls of Wicked Men at the Hour of Death, were by Evil Angels carried to a worse World than this, and the Souls of Good Men by Good Angels, to a better World. We may suppose that they had this Knowlege from the Jews, and that the Jews derived it from the holy Patriarchs and Prophets. To intimate this Truth, is a special scope and design of the Parable con­cerning Dives and Lazarus. And this has been the Faith of dying Saints. It is reported concerning the Famous Morney, that when dying he expres­sed himself after this manner. I am ta­king my flight to Heaven: there are An­gels standing, ready to carry my Soul into the Bosom of my Saviour. There was a Faithful Minister of Christ in New-England, (it was Mr. Newman, Pastor of the Church in Reho [...] he that wrote that excellent Concordance to the Bible, which commonly goes under the Name of the Cambridge Concor­dance) who perceiving the approaches of Death, he was not in the least [Page 108] concerned or afraid, but after he had spoke a few solemn Words to them about him, made an Apostrophe to the Angels; And now (said he) An­gels come and do your Office. Those Words were no sooner out of his Mouth but he dyed Angels were by, they heard what he said, and were ready to Conduct his Pious Soul to Heaven. Several Things may be mentioned which confirm the Doc­trine before us

1. Angels are by Divine appoint­ment, Guardians of such as belong to God. Psal 34 7. The Angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him. They are charged with them, Psal. 91.11, 12. He shall give his Angels charge over them. They shall bear them up in their h [...]nds. As tender Nur­ses do the Children which are com­mitted to their charge. An Heir of Salvation does no sooner come into the World, but Angels are charged to look after him. Nor does the great­est Angel in Heaven think it beneath him, to have such a Charge: Heb. 1. [Page 109] 14. Are they not all ministring Spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of Salvation. For the Devil stands ready to devour them as soon as they are born, as he would have done our Saviour Christ: Rev. 12.4. The Dragon stood before the Woman, which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her Child as soon as it was born: which Words altho' figurative, have respect to that which is really true. As soon as Christ was Born, the Devil stood ready to devour Him, by his Instru­ment Herod, but he was preserved from that Dragon, by the Ministry of an Angel, Mat. 2.13. So are the Elect of God under the Guardianship of Angels, whilest in a state of Infancy. The Scripture gives us to understand that [...] ones have their Angels, Mat. 18 10 And when they are arrived to Adult Age, still Angels have the charge of them. Wherever they are, whether by Sea or Land Angels are with them Thus from their Infancy, and to their Old Age, and to their dying Day. The Lord says of his [Page 110] People, They are born by me from the belly, and are carried from the womb, and even to your old age I am he, and even to hoar hairs will I carry you, even I will carry and deliver you, Isai. 46.3, 4. And how does God bear and carry them? He does it by the Ministry of holy Angels. Austin in his Meditati­ons, was affected with this thought, that from the time of his nativity to the end of his Life, Angels were appointed to be his Guardians. Can we think that Angels will take care of us all our life time, and then leave us at our Death.

2. Angels have a great love for godly Men. They rejoyce at their welfare. They sang when there was a Saviour born for Men. Luk. 2 13, 14. There was with the Angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, glory to God in the highest, and on Earth peace, good will toward men. When an Elect sinner is Converted it causes no little joy among the Angels of God in Heaven, Luk [...]0 10 They praise God for his everlasting mercies to [Page 111] Men that keep his Covenant. The Psalmist having spoken thus, calls up­on Angels to bless the Lord: Psal. 103.20, 21. Bless the Lord ye his An­gels, bless the Lord all ye his hosts, ye Mi­nisters of his that do his pleasure. God loves godly Men, and therefore An­gels do so, for it is natural for them to love what God loves. They love the Image of God wherever they see it. They are of the same Family with Believers on Christ, therefore they love them. Eph. 3.15. Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named. Angels in Heaven and Be­lievers on Earth belong to the same Family of God. They are fellow Ser­vants. The Angel said to John, I am thy fellow servant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus, Rev. 19.10. Their love to holy Men must needs be confirmed and encreased, by their having been their Companions and Guardians for so long a time. Kind Offices encrease love. We see that Nurses have a special affection for the Children that have been fostered [Page 112] by them. So have the Angels of Hea­ven for those Children of God who have been under their care, tuition, and education, and have been fostered by them from their Cradles to their Graves. Moreover, they know that godly Men shall live with them in Heaven forever, and therefore they must needs be willing to go with their Souls to Heaven when they leave this Earth.

3. The separated Souls of godly Men, stand in need of such Guardians to carry them to Heaven. For they pass through their Enemies Country. The Air is the Devils Territory. There is a power of those evil Spirits there. The Devil is called the prince of the power of the air, Eph 2 2. If Men are to pass through the midst of Pyrates, they need a strong Convoy to guard them. The Pyrates of Hell are waiting to seize upon the Souls of Men, as soon as they are out of their Bodies. Godly Souls need not fear them, because they have a Convoy of Angels to protect them, and to car­ry [Page 113] them safe to the blessed Country whether they are bound. And as they are carried thither by Angels, so when they a [...] there, Angels glad­ly receive them. They are in the Scripture represented as the Po [...]ters at the Gates of Heaven, Rev. 11.12. They will not keep those Gates shut, against any to whom Christ bids them open them.

PROP. IV. This Priviledge belongs to the poorest and meanest godly Men as well as to the richest and greatest. As the Psalmist speaks with respect to ano­ther dignity, [...] honour [...]ve all the Saints, Psal. 149.9. A poor beg­garly Lazarus having a godly Soul, is conducted to Heaven after this ho­nourable manner, with a glorious E­quipage. The greatest King on Earth, when he removes from one place to another, has not such a splendid Equi­page. Kings have Nobles to attend them, but poor Lazarus has Angels to accompany him, who are the Nobles of Heaven. The Soul of a poor Man, [Page 114] is as valuable as the Soul of a rich Man, more worth than the whole World. There are poor Men belonging to the Election of God, as well as rich Men. Nay, there are more poor than rich among those whom God has chosen. Jam. 2 5. Has not God chosen the poor of this world, rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom, which he has promised to them that love him. The Redemption of the Soul of a poor Man, has cost as great a price as the Redemption of the Soul of a rich Man viz. the precious Blood of Jesus Christ the Son of God. It was a Statute in Israel, that the rich shall not give more, and the poor shall not give less than half a sh [...]kel, when they give an offer­ing unto the Lord, to make a [...]o [...]ement for their souls, Exod. 3 [...].15 By which we are taught this truth, that an equal Price has been given for the Redemp­tion of Souls It cost as much to make an Atonement for the po [...] as for the rich Then Angel will not disdain, but be glad of the Office, to carry the god­ly Soul of a poor Lazarus, to be with A­braham in Paradise.

[Page 115]Thus for the clearing of the Doc­trine before us. We proceed to the Application.


We ought to bless God for the Benefit we receive by the Ministry of Holy Angels. For the Benefit we have thereby is great. We shall not know how great until we come to be with them in the Heavenly World. For the present their Ministry is Invisible, Angelical Apparitions are not so frequent in these dayes, as in the dayes of the Old Testa­ment. Nevertheless, their Ministry continues still, and will do so, as long as there shall be any Heirs of Salvation on the Earth. Many evils are we kept from, by their Means. If we keep in our way which God has Com­manded us to keep in, He has charged them to keep us, and to bear us up in their hands, that we dash not our feet against a stone, Psal. 91.11, 12. And many Mercies are conveyed to us, through their Agency: yet they do [Page 116] nothing for us, but by a Divine ap­pointment, Therefore the Praise of all is due to God, and not to them. As long as we are living on the Earth, they are doing for us, and when our Bodies are dead they befriend our Souls. And ought we not to bless God for the good we receive by their Ministry, both living and dying What tho' we know not particularly when they are at work for us? We know in general, that in life and in death they are our Attendants and our Guardians; and therefore, altho' we may not give Thanks to them, they all with one Voice say, Do it not, Rev. 22.9. we may and ought to give Thanks to God for what they do, and shall do for us.


Godly Men ought not to be afraid of Death, but rather to rejoyce at the thought of it. Death is indeed a frightful evil to Nature. The Philosopher calls it, Of all terribles the most terrible. And [Page 117] Bildad styles Death, The King of Terrors, Job 18 14. It exceeds other terribles as much as a King excels ordinary Men. A great Man among the Ro­mans was so terribly afraid of Death, as that he said he would be willing to be in any pain and misery, on condi­tion that he might but live. And since Godly Men have Nature remain­ing in them, the apprehension of Death is frightful to some of them. Through fear of Death they are kept in bondage all their life time. But believers ought not to be afraid of it. And we find in the Scripture that some of the Lords Servants, have been above the fear of Death. The Psalmist could say, Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. And why should he, when he had Angels to be with him? When Moses was told that he should go up Mount Nebo & there die, he was no more afraid than a Man would be to go up his Chamber, there to ly down & sleep. The Children of God who have Served him faithfully, should (with submission to his Will) [Page 118] rather be willing, nay, desirous of the hour of their death, than to be afraid of it: 2 Cor. 5.8. We are willing rather to be absent from the body & pre­sent with the Lord. Good old Simeon said, Now Lord let thy servant depart in Peace, Luk. 2.29. And the Apostle could say, I desire to depart, Phil. 1.23. Well may they be willing & desirous of the Day of Death, which will be better to them than the Day of their Birth, Considering that their Bodies are no sooner dead, but their Souls are in the hands of Angels, who will fly with them to Heaven. It is for Ungodly Men to be afraid of Death, and well they may, because of that which (as to them) shall follow Death, which what it will you may find in, Rev. 6.8. Behold a pale horse, and his name that sat on him was Death, and hell followed with him. An Ungodly Man is no sooner dead as to his Body, but his Soul is in Hell. Therefore let them fear death, and fear that God who does punish Sin with Death. Remember the awful words of Christ: Luk. 12.5. [Page 119] I will fo [...]wa [...] you whom you shall fear, fear him that after he has killed has power to [...] into be [...]; yea, I say unto you fear him. But as for Godly Ones, they ought to rejoyce at the thought of Death, because of that which shall fol­low with their Death, not Hell but Hea­v [...] They shall then be with Angels, and with Abraham, Isaac & Jacob in the Kingdom of Heaven, and which is far better, they shall be with Christ, to behold his Glory.


What do we think will be [...]me me of the Souls of Ungodly Men when their Bodies shall [...]? Will holy Angels carry them to Heaven? No, certainly; but evil Angels and carry them to Hell. One of the Ancients speaks of an Ungodly Youth that when he was dying, he cried out to his Father, O Father, I see Devils come to carry me away. So 'tis with those that dye in their sins, whe­ther they see it or no before they are dead; their Souls are no sooner out [Page 120] of their Bodies, but they are sensible of this. Where was the Soul of un­godly Dives when his Body was dead and buryed? Was his Immortal Soul carryed into Abrahams bosom? No, the next word to my Text says, In hell be lift up his eyes. And how was it with him there! was he not in flaming Tor­ment? Lazarus his Soul was in Pa­radise, but the Soul of Dives was in the place of Torment; and not one drop of any comfort there, how did he beg for one drop of Water to cool his Torment, but in vain. And how is it this day & for ever, with the Souls of those ungodly Men that lived in the Old World, before the Flood. Are they not in Prison? Does not the Scrip­ture say that the Spirits, the Immortal Souls of these who sometimes were disobedient in the days of Noah, are in prison, 1 Pet. 3.19, 20. They are in blackness of darkness forever. In a dis­mal Dungeon, where is nothing but misery. And where are the filthy Souls of the Sinners in Sodom? Does not Jude say, They suffer the vengeance of [Page 121] Eternal Fire? Suppose what is spoken in the Scripture concerning the Fire and Brimstone in Hell, to be Meta­phorical, since Spirits are not capable of being hurt by a material Fire, that proves the Torment which the Damned endure, to be more terrible than the hottest Fire upon Earth. No Fire to be compared with the Fire of God's Wrath. I have somewhere Read of a miserable Man in Horror of Consci­ence, who looking on the Fire, said, Do you see that Fire burn? To burn there, is but a Metaphor compared with what I feel in my Soul. True it is, that the Damned will be more Miserable after the Day of Judgment, than at present they are. As the Evil Angels shall; whence some of them said to Christ, Jesus thou son of God, art thou come to torment us before the time, Matt. 8.29. They know, that there will be a time, when they shall be in greater Tor­ment than as yet they are. The same is to be said of Damned Souls. At the last Day their Bodies as well as their Souls, as they have par [...]d to­gether [Page 122] in Sinning, will partake in E­verlasting Punishment. Neverthe­less their Eternal Misery begins as soon as their Souls are out of their Bodies. For then they are deprived of all those Earthly Comforts, in which they placed their Happiness. It was said to the Rich Fool in the Gospel, This night thy Soul shall be re­quired of thee, and then whose shall these things be: Thy Goods which thou hast laid up for many Years, thou canst not carry them into the other World with thee. The Rich Man that was cloathed in Purple, and fared Sumptuously every Day, after Death, had not delicious Fare, or cost­ly Garments to delight in. Nor will Sinners after Death has taken them out of this World, have any Friends to comfort them. If they shall meet with any of their old Friends in Hell, that will be little to their Comfort. The Rich Man had no Mind that his Brethren should come after him to Hell, Luk. 16.28. What, out of Charity to them? No, but he knew, that [Page 123] [...]f they should come into the Place of Torment, that would add to his Tor­ment. The sad remembrance of the Com [...] which once they enjoyed, will likewise add to their Misery. It was said to the Rich Man after he was Dead and in Hell, Remember, that thou in thy life time recei [...]edst thy good things. It is reported concerning one of the Popes, that he said. He could never Read those Words, or hear them mentioned, but it ca [...]sed Horror in his Soul. Much more will the Re­membrance of what Means of Grace they once enjoyed, be a Terror and a Trouble to them. What Offers of Salvation in the Gospel Pre [...] what Exhortations, w [...] A [...] ons, how often they were call'd up­on not to delay their Repen [...] The Remembrance of these Thi [...] will be dis [...] in Hell. So wi [...] Remembrance of what [...] [...] of, with all the [...] [...] them. Conscience [...] [...] all. For they [...] [...] Table of their [...] [Page 124] written with a Pen of Iron, and with the Point of a Diamond. Those Characters can never be blotted out by any thing but the Blood of Christ, which Sinners in Hell never had, nor ever shall have applied unto them. The Thought of the Day of Judg­ment will be Terrible to them. For the Souls in Hell, have a certain and a fearful Expectation of Judgment, and of that fiery Indignation which will devour them And the dismal Thought of ETERNIYT will be A­mazing. It was said to Dives in Hell, There is a great Gulf fixed. Eternity is a great Gulf; when once the Soul of a Sinner is out of his Body, it is [...]xed, it is Staked down for Eternity. A German Divine relates a strange Passage for a Truth, viz. That when [...]re was a Council at Constance, some [...] an Evening retired into a Wood [...]ar the City, hearing a Noise, one of them said, In the Name of God, what [...]art thou? Reply was made, I am [...] Damned Spirit confined to this Place [...] the Day of Judgment, when I sh [...] [Page 125] be in greater Misery; and so de­parted, crying out, O quam diuturna et immen [...] [...]st Eternitas, O how Long, O how Immense is Eternity. De­spair is Misery Enough. Francis Spira thought it was the chief Misery of Hell O (says he) might I e [...]d [...]re the Pains of Hell but for a Thousand Years, I should think my self Happy, but when I think of Eternity my Soul is Amazed. If Mad­ness was not in the Hearts of Sin­ners, they would not delay their Re­pentance one Day longer, for they know not but that they may be in E­ternity before to Morrow. They are as near to Eternity as they are to D [...]h which may be this Night. How cost thou know but that Death like a Baili [...]f, will come this Night, an [...] require thy Soul? The Devil i [...] Sam [...]'s likeness said to Saul, To mo [...] row thou [...]h [...]lt be with me. Ah! Si [...] ner, thou know'st not but that t [...] Morrow [...]hy Soul may be in Hell. If such Things as these were Consi­dered, there would be more among us that would make that Enquiry, [Page 126] What shall we do to be Saved? What shall we do that when Death comes, Holy Angels may carry our Souls to Heaven, and not Evil Angels carry them to Hell. The Answer must be, There is but One Way for our Im­mortal Souls to be Saved, and that [...] by making sure of an Interest in Christ by Faith in his Name. When the trembling Jaylor said, Sirs, what must I do to be Saved? The Answer (with which I conclude) was, Be­lieve on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be Saved.



PAge 73. line 2 read blemished Page 94 line 22 read Synechdoche. Page 100 l. [...] read Considerations.

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