
Meditations ON DEATH·

Delivered in Several SERMONS, Wherein is shewed;

  • I. That some True Believers on CHRIST are afraid of Death but that they have 20 [...] Cause to be so.
  • II. That Good Men as well as o­thers may be taken out of the World by a Sudden Death.
  • III. That not Earth but Heaven is the Christians Home.

By I. Mather, D.D.

Heb. 11.16.

Now they desire a better Countrey, that is, an Heavenly.

Boston, in N. E. Printed and Sold by Timothy Green, 1707.


TO THE Reader.

IT becomes those who feel them­selves going out of this World, (as I considering the Advances of Old Age which have overtaken me cannot but do) to think much of Another. For which cause most of the Subjects in­sisted on in my Publick Ministry for several of the last Years of my life, have been such as are proper for one that knows he must shortly put off his Earthly Tabernacle, and be gone into the World of Souls. Therefore have I of late [...] time Discoursed so Largely concern­ing Death, the Resurrection, the Day of [Page] Iudgment, and of Heaven and Eternal Life. Some of my Hearers having desired my Meditations might be Pub­lished by the Press, and some of them having Contributed towards the Im­pression, I have singled out these few Sermons, and have Perused and Cor­rected the Notes, which were brought to me from one who wrote after me in Short-Hand. If there is in these a greater Inculcation and Laxness of Style, than in such as have been all written with my own Hand, the Can­did Reader will Excuse it; nor will that make them the less Edifying to them whose Edification is Chiefly in­tended by them.

If Preparation for Death, and a greater Willingness to leave this Earth, and Holy Longings in the Hearts of Believers (and yet patient waiting for the Lords Coming) to be at Home with CHRIST in Hea­ven, shall in any measure be the fruit of what is written, my Labour therein is not in Vain.

[Page]I knew an Aged and Eminent Minister of GOD, who for the space of Fourteen Years before his Death, continued Longing for his Dissolu­tion. I have seen the words I here Transcribe, written with his own Hand: Because (said he) God has l [...]t me see such Vanity and Emptiness in the best of those Comforts which this Life can afford, that I think I may truly say, that I have seen an End of all Perfection: Therefore if it were the Will of God, I should be glad to be removed hence, where the best that is to be had does yield so little Satisfaction to my Soul, and to be brought into His Presence in Glory, that there I might find (for there I know it is to be had) that Satisfying and Alsufficient Content­ment in Him, which under the Sun is not to be Enjoyed. In the mean time, I desire to stay the Lords Leisure. But, Thou, O Lord, how Long! Thus that Holy Man did Express his Holy Desires. This brings to mind Austin's Devout Reflection on those words, Exod. 33.20. There shall no man see [Page] me and Live. If it be so, then Lord let me Dye that so I may see thee.

Old Mr. Iohn Dod (whom Mr. Ca­pell was wont to call Iohn the Divine) would be often Expressing his Long­ings to be in Heaven: And altho' some said to him, they did not like a Servant that would have his wages be­fore his work was done, that did not make him of another mind. Mr. Sy­drack Sympson speaks of a Good man who was ever and anon saying, I wish I were in Heaven. Unto those that blamed him, supposing he did not do well so frequently to wish himself there, he replied, Whether I do well in it or no, I am sure I wish I were there. Is it ill done for a Christian (with a Patient Submission to the Will of God) to wish he were in a World in which there is no Sin, and where IESVS CHRIST is to be seen in all His Glory? Ioh. 17.24. Phil. 1.23. It is reported of the Apostle Andrew, that when some were willing to have Endeavour­ed the Redemption of his Life [...] [Page] of the hands of his Enemies, he de­sired them not to do it; and the reason he gave, was, that he did ex­ceedingly desire to be with CHRIST. The Good LORD give to me more of those Desires, and grant that both the Writer and the Readers, may Rejoyce together in the Heavenly & Eternal World. In the mean Time it is matter of the deepest Humiliation to me, That altho' I have (after a poor manner the Lord knows) been Preach­ing the Gospel (this Summer it will be) Fifty Years, I am not fully ripe for Heaven to this Day; For were I so, I should then be here no longer.


Meditations ON Death: And on the Believers Deliverance from the Fear of it.

Heb. II.xv.

And Deliver them, who through Fear of Death, were all their Life-time subject to Bondage.

THE Apostle in this Context, shews why it was necessary that the Son of God should Assume Humane Nature; Namely, that He might be capable of Suffering and Dying for the Salva­tion of His People. If He had been [Page 2] God only, He could not have suff [...]red. Eternity cannot Dye. Therefore i [...] was necessary that the Son of God should become the Son of Man. In this with the preceding Verse, he mentions two very Blessed Effects of the Death of Christ.

1. One is, That thereby the Devil is destroyed: He thro' Death has de­stroyed the Dev [...]. Not that he is de­stroyed as to his Being, but only as to his Dominion.

2. Another Effect of Christs Death is in the words read, Nam [...]ly, in that a Deliverance, a Salvation has there­by been accomplished. We may ob­serve in the words before us;

First, The Subject of this Deli­verance: He has delivered Them sayes the Apostl [...]; that is to say, The Chil­dren of God. He had before spoken of Christ as saying to God. Here am I, and the Children thou hast given to me. Those Children whom God has given to Christ in the Covenant of Redemp­tion, Them hath He Delivered.

Secondly, He shews what they are [Page 3] Delivered from: They are Delivered from Bondage. They were by the Curse of the Law in Bondage; bound over by the Law to suffer Death, not only Temporal but Eternal. But they are delivered from Eternal Death, and from the Curse of the First Death too. That Death is more obnoxious to them, than they are unto it; for by means of the Death of Christ it is a Co [...]quered Enemy.

Thirdly, Here is the Reason of that Bondage which they had been subject to▪ and are delivered from▪ viz The con­tinual Fear of Death, that held them, that bound them. Men who know that Death is their Enemy, and it is im­p [...]ble for them to avoid that Ene­m [...] ▪ must needs have many sad Re­flections & Fears in their minds about it. But this Believers on Christ ought not to have.

DOCTRINE. That the Children of God are Delivered from that Bondage, which through the Fear of Death Christless Sinners are subj [...]ct unto.

[Page 4]The Doctrine may be Cleared in Four Propositions.


That Death is a Formidable Evil. To Nature it is so. Altho' there are those in the world that through Faith and the Fear of God, are carried a­bove the fear of Death; Nevertheless, tis in it self considered a Formidable Evil; and is therefore called, The King of Terrors, Job 18.14. It exceeds o­ther Evils as much as a King exceeds other men. It is a most terrible thing: Job 24.17. They are in the Terrors of the shadow of Death. Look as there is nothing to Nature more pleasing and desirable than Life: Eccl. 11.7. Light is sweet; That is to say, the light of Life, that is sweet to Nature; and sayes Solomon, It is a pleasant thing to behold the light of the Sun: His mean­ing is, to live here in the world; For when men are in the dark Grave they behold the light of the Sun no more. So on the other hand, to be deprived of Life, to be subject to Death is the most unpleasant & undesirable thing to Na­ture [Page 5] that can be. And therefore it is that men Naturally do choose any thing rather than Death: Job 2.4. All that a man has will he give for his L [...]fe. Men had rather be Poor than Dye, rather be Sick than Dye; they had rather Live miserably than not at all: So then Death is a Formidable Evil.

The Enquiry may be, Whence is it so? How does it come to pass that Death is thus Formidable, that the thoughts of it does cause Fear and Dread to be upon the spirits of men naturally?

Answ. 1. A Cruel Enemy has by the Righteous Iudgment of God the Power of Death. The Devil is a Bloody E­nemy: In Rev. 12.3. he is called a Red Dragon, because he is a Bloody Devourer: And he has the Power of Death. And therefore the Jews of old were wont to call him by the name of the Angel of Death. The Angel that kills men they called by the name of Asmodaeus, which signifies a De­stroyer; and so does the Scripture call him by the same Name; 1 Cor. 10. [Page 6] 10. The Murmerers were Destroyed [...] the Destroyer. God let loose Sata [...] upon them to kill them. And the He [...]brews also called the Devil by tha [...] name of Abaddon, which signifies th [...] same thing: So does the Scripture ca [...] the Angel of the Bottomless Pit, Rev▪ 9.11▪ Yea, the Scripture sayes Ex [...]presly, that he has the Power of Death▪ Heb. 2.14. He that has the Power [...] Death, that is the Devil, sayes the A [...]postle; which words may not be [...] understood as if the Devil had [...] absolute Power of Death, to kill who [...] he will, and when he will; for if [...] were so, there would be no living [...] the world; The Devil and his [...] Angels under him would soon destro [...] all the men on the face of the Eart [...] ▪ But therefore his Power is limited [...] the most High God, that he can infli [...] Death on no one beside those [...] whom God gives him leave to do [...] We see it in Iob; he had power [...] take Iobs Estate away from him, [...] power given to him also to kill [...] Children every one of them by rais [...] [Page 7] a Storm; he had power to inflict a sore Disease on the Body of Iob, but yet could not take his Life away from him, which fain he would have done, when he said to God, all a man has will he give for his Life. God said, he is in thine hand, but spare his Life. He is said therefore to have the Power of Death for two Reasons.

1. In that it has been through his means that Death has come on the Children of men. The Devil has killed all the men in the world; he has been the Death of all the men in the world, namely by drawing them into Sin. No man had ever Dyed if it had not been for Sin. The Devil brought Sin into the world & so Death: He was the first Sinner that ever was, and he caused the first Man that ever was to Sin; and in so doing he Killed him. Yea he Murdered him in the day he caused him to Sin. Therefore Christ sayes, Joh. 8.44. The Devil is a Mur­derer from the Beginning; because he Murdered the first Man by introducing Sin into the world: And did then [Page 8] Murder all Mankind in one day. In as much as he has been able by hi [...] Temptations to cause men to Sin he has the power of Death; and so fa [...] forth as he has still power by hi [...] Temptations to draw men into Sin▪ he has the power of Death over them▪

2. He is said to have the Power o [...] Death, because of his being an Executi­oner. He does by the permission and appointment of the Sovereign Judge of all the world, Execute Death o [...] the sinful Children of men. As th [...] Executioner has the power of Deat [...] when the Malefactor is delivered into his hands, to deal with him according to the Law and the appointment o [...] the Judge; such a power of Death has the Devil▪ it is a Righteous thing with God when men have hearkene [...] to the Devil, and in compliance with him have sinned, to make him the In­strument of their Punishment. Thu [...] when there was a terrible Plague i [...] Egypt, in which not one Family esca­ped, tis said, Psal. 78.41. That th [...] Lord sent Evil Angels among them. Evi [...] [Page 9] Angels were the Instruments of the Providence of God in this Destruction. Now this adds to the Terror and Af­frightment of Death. It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of a mer­ciless Executioner. When David was doubtful lest he should fall into the hands of his inveterate Enemies, from whom he could expect no mercy, he said, The Terrors of Death are fallen upon me, Fearfulness and Trembling are come upon me, and Horror hath over­whelmed me, Psal. 55.4, 5. This must needs be a frightful thing. As Saul when he was told he should be with the Devil the next day, he was sore afraid, and [...]ell down on his face on the Ground. He swooned away with the Fear and Horror of it. This is one Reason why Death is so frightful to Sinners.

2. Death is a Sign of the Anger of God. It is a sign that man by Sin hath [...]ransgressed His Law, and so incurr'd His Displeasure. Now nothing can [...]e thought on so formidable as the Anger of God. The Devil who is [...]fraid of nothing else, trembles at the [Page 10] thoughts of the Infinite Wrath of God Therefore the greatest of Men and the strongest of Sinners may wel [...] tremble at it. We read of Great Men▪ Kings, Captains, and Mighty Men that Cry to the Rocks to fall on them▪ and the Mountains to cover them from the face of Him that sits on the Throne saying, The Great day of His Wrath [...] come, and who shall be able to stand ▪ There is no standing before the Al [...]mighty God when the Great Day o [...] His Wrath is come. The reason wh [...] some Sinners have no tremblings [...] heart at the thoughts of Death an [...] Wrath to come, is because Conscienc [...] is asl [...]ep; but that will wake soone [...] or later, and then they tremble: Isa▪ 33.14. The Sinners in Sion are afraid fearfulness has surprized the Hypocrites▪ Who among us shall dwell with the de [...]vouring Fire, who among us shall [...] with everlasting Burnings? The ange [...] of God is such: And how far will th [...] Fire reach▪ Deut. 32 22. He kind [...] a Fire in H [...]s A [...]ger▪ and it shall burn [...] the lowest Hell. Tho' some Sinne [...] [Page 11] are Fearless for the present, yet [...] are not so. There are Sinners that have dismal apprehensions of the An­ger of God. It is as formidable, and far more formidable than their sad­dest Fears concerning it. Psal. 90 11. As is thy Fear, so is thy Wrath. There are Sinners that have a servile Fear of the Great God in their minds, sayes M [...]ses, thy Wrath is according to tha [...] Fear. In some cases, the fear of Death is worse than the thing it self▪ but it cannot be said so of the Wrath of God, or of Death when it comes armed with that Wrath. It is the Wr [...]h of One that is of Infinite Pow­er; the Wrath of Almighty God: the Wrath of One that is Eternal. Now sayes the Apostle, Heb. 10.31. It is a fearful thing to fall into the Hands of the Living God. Sinners who Dye under His Wrath, must needs be ex­posed to fearful Misery, since He liveth for ever to Punish them. The though [...] of this causeth Fear.

3. Death does d [...]ssolve the Vnion be­ [...]ween the Soul and the Body; by means [Page 12] whereof the Body is subject to such Change as is dismal to Nature. Deat [...] makes a separation between the Bod [...] and the Soul▪ Eccl. 8.8. No man [...] power over the Spirit to retain the Spi [...]rit; neither [...] power in the day [...] death. Death comes like an Officer & sayes, Immort [...] Soul come forth! Luk▪ 12.20. Thy Soul shall be Required [...] thee. Death comes then as an Offi [...]cer, and Requires the Soul. Accord [...]ingly the Immortal Soul then leave [...] the Body when Death comes. [...] said of Rachel, Gen. 35.18. As [...] Soul was departing, for she dyed. [...] read of a Young Damsel of Twelv [...] Years old that Dyed, and was by th [...] Almighty Power of the Lord Jesu [...] Christ raised to Life again; tis said [...] her, Luk. 8.55. That her Spirit cam [...] into her again. Her Soul had bee [...] gone for some time out of her Body▪ Now to have that intimate Unio [...] which has been between the Soul an [...] Body for so many Years dissolved, [...] that which Nature dreads, and trem [...]bles at the thoughts of: For then [...] [Page 13] Body becomes subject unto a dismal Change. The Beauty of the Body turns into Blackness and Deformity. There was a Personable Young Man urged to have his Picture drawn; he refused it, but said to his Friends, I give you leave to do it after I am Dead a few dayes. They did so four dayes after he was Dead, but he was then a doleful Object, a rueful Spe­ctacle. Death turns the Body into Corruption. Tis said of King David, that he saw Corruption, Act. 13.36. After he was Dead his Body saw Cor­ruption. The Body becomes meat for the worms to feed upon, which is [...] dismal thought to Nature. Hence [...]ob said, a [...]ter my skin worms shall de­ [...]roy this Body. Worms must destroy [...]irst his skin, then the rest of his bo­ [...]y. In another place he sets this forth [...]ith a marvellous Elegancy of Ex­ [...]ression; Job 17.14. I have said to [...]orruption, thou art my Father; and to [...] Worm, thou art my Mother and [...]ster. As a Child bears the likeness [...] his Father, so I bear the likeness [Page 14] of Corruption. The Mother & Chil [...] dwells together in the same House; [...] sayes he, I and the Worms shall dwel [...] together in the House of the Grave▪ This makes Death frightful.

4. At Death the Soul goes into th [...] immediate Presence of the Great God▪ The Naked Soul appears before Go [...] the Judge of all. Now that is dreadful thing: For that Lord is Terrible God: Neh. 1.5. He is Great and a Terrible God. And [...] said, Job, 37.22. With God there [...] terrible Majesty. Men are oftentime [...] afraid to come into the presence [...] Earthly Majesty: Many would trem [...]ble to come into the presence of [...] King, or a Great Man. But then wha [...] is it to come into the presence of th [...] Terrible God? Job 31.23. Destructio [...] from God was a terror to me; and [...] reason of His Highness I could not e [...]dure. Now at Death the Soul come before His Highness. It is a dreadf [...] thing to have to do with God, altho [...] but Mediately in His Ordinances: Psa [...] ▪ 89.1. God is Greatly to be feared in [...] [Page 15] Assembly of His Saints. To come thus into the Presence of God is awful: But much more to have to do with God [...]mmediately. When the Lord appeared to Iacob in a dream, he was marvell [...]sl [...] affected with it; Gen. 28.16, 17. God is in this place, and I knew [...]. And he was afraid, and said, how drea [...]ul is this place? The Holy Prophet Isaiah when he had a Vision of God▪ se [...]ting as a Judge upon an high Throne, it was very terrible to him, he Cryed out, Wo is me, I am [...]ndone; for mine Eyes have seen the King, the Lord of Hosts, Isa. 6.5. h [...]e. [...] have seen Him as a Judge. A [...] Death when the Soul of a man or woman is gone out of the Body, they see the Great God sitting as a Judge upon a Glorious high Throne▪ Souls are therefore said to Return unto Him, [...]ccl. 12▪7. The Sp [...]rit returns to God that ga [...]e it. When the Body returns to the Earth, the Spirit, the immortal Soul returns into the hands of God, [...]o be Judged by Him, to receive a [...]entence from Him: Heb 9.27. Tis [Page 16] appointed unto men once to dye; but afte [...] this the Iudgment. Whenever any Dye, immediately they go to Judg [...]ment. The Great God passes tha [...] Judgment on them, that in the hearing of the whole world will be passed o [...] them at the Last Day.

5. At the Hour of death men enter int [...] Eternity. One of the Ancients call Death Ostium Aeternitatis, The Doo [...] of Eternity; for that it lets men int [...] Eternity. Then are they fixed dow [...] for ever and ever, in a state that i [...] unchangeable. Hence when [...] was dead, it was said to him, There [...] a great Gulf fixed. Eternity is a grea [...] Gulf, and at death men are fixed i [...] that Gulf, whence they shall not retur [...] into this world any more. They shal [...] go from whence they shall not return even into the Land of darkness and the shadow of death. If Sinners coul [...] live again after they are dead, deat [...] would not be so formidable to them▪ But of that there is no hope. Indeed the greatest part of those that dye [...] far would be glad if they might com [...] [Page 17] into this world again: But of that there is not the least hope; Isa. 38.18 They that go down into the Pit cannot hope for thy Truth. When men are gone down into the Pit of the Grave, how long sh [...]ll they continue there? Iob tells you, Job 14.12. Man lyes down, and riseth not till the Heavens be no more. He shall never rise till that day come when the Heavens shall be dis­solved. There can't be a more aw­ful Subject for men to meditate on, than that of Eternity; that at the Hour of death they must go into an Eternal State: They pass either into Eternal Weal or Wo. Now a man that knows this, and yet does not know which of them it shall be, may well be afraid to dye.


Christless Sinners have just cause to be afraid of Death. If they are afraid to dye and leave this world, who can [...]lame them? True it is, that some Christless Sinners are Fearless of death, [...] it proceeds from Ignorance: they [...]now not what an Enemy Death is [Page 18] unto them, and the mischief and m [...]sery it will bring upon them: [...] ▪ 28.15. They have made a Covena [...] with Death, & are at an agreement [...] Hell. They fear neither Death [...] Hell. Alas! Many of them [...] False Perswasions concerning the Happiness in another world, whic [...] makes them they fear not Death. The [...] have deluded hopes that it shall [...] well with them. Some are so vain [...] to think, if they can but say, Lor [...] have Mercy on me, when they come [...] dye, that will save them; and [...] then it shall be well with them. [...] Deluded Souls! Others there are [...] are meer Atheists: They hardly belie [...] that there is a God; Psal. 14.1. [...] Fool hath said in his heart, there is [...] ▪ Then they need not be afraid [...] Death: if there is no God, they [...] no [...] fear Eternal punishment. [...] some are so brutish as to think, [...] no difference between the Sou [...] a Man and a Bruit, and [...] that there is no Heaven nor [...] nor Judgment to come. Such [...] [Page 19] the Sadduces, who said there was no Angel nor Spirit, or immortal Soul. Why should such fear Death? One of the Popes being a great Atheist, [...] ready to dye uttered such [...] words as these, Now (says [...]) I shall know whether three things be true, that I could never Believe: (1.) I shall know whether there is a God or no. (2.) Whether I have an immortal Soul or no. (3.) Whether there is an Heaven and an Hell or no. Such Atheism as this makes Christless Sinners that they fear not Death. Yet it is not so with all of them. As for some, yea many of them, the pros­pect of Death is most dismal to them. I have Read of one going to dy, who Cry'd out, Oh that I might live, tho' it were the life of a Toad. Some great Men have been dismally afraid of Death. A Great Man in Rome, the Emperors greatest Favourite, was hor­ [...]ly afraid of Death. He profess he [...] be content to be in any misery, [...] loofe the use of all his Limbs, and [...] in Poverty [...] always in Pain, so [Page 20] he might live and not dye. One o [...] the Kings of France, the thoughts o [...] death was so dismal to him, that he Commanded on a great Penalty, that no man should mention Death in hi [...] hearing; and Charged his Physician that if he saw the symptoms of death on him▪ he should not dare to tell him of it So are Sinners kept in Bondage all their days, thro' Fear o [...] Death: And Christless Sinners have just cause thus to Fear it.


1. They are in Bondage to him that [...] the Power of Death. As Saton is a [...] Executioner they are under his pow­er; Act. 26.18 Paul was sent unt [...] the Gentiles for their Conversion▪ that they might be turned from the Power of Satan. So then Christless Sinner [...] are under the Power of Satan. H [...] is their Prince; They are his [...] Subjects, yea Slaves. The Dev [...] Subjects are all Slaves. He is [...] Prince of this world ▪ Christless Si [...]ners are his, he has Power over them▪ And no Prince in [...] [...]orld has suc [...] [Page 21] an influence upon his Subj [...]cts, as Sa­tan has over Christl [...]ss Sinners; Eph. 2.2. The Prince of the Power of the air works in the Hearts of the Children of disobedience. He works Evil desires in their Hearts. Sometimes he works horrid Fears in them; Especially when they are Dying, and Repentance is like to be too late. Some sinners when going out of the world, have thought they saw Satan standing at their Bed-side, ready to carry their Souls before the Tribunal of the most High. Tho' all sinners are not so sensible of it, yet it is true of them all that are in a Christless s [...]ate, that Satan stands by them, and is ready to devour them. As tis said of the Wo­man in the Revelation, who brought forth a Man-child, the Dragon (al­tho' he had no power over that Man­child, nevertheless,) stood by ready to devour him. So it is with a Christ­less sinner when he comes to d [...]e, the Dragon of the Bottomless Pit stands ready to devour him Then surely he has cause to be afraid of Death.

[Page 22]2. Death will deprive the Christle [...] Sinner of all that is good and desi [...]abl [...] Whatever his Heart is set upon deat [...] will take it from him. Some have Hous [...]s which they take delight [...] but when Death comes, thou shal [...] go out of thy House, and never com [...] into it more: Job 7.10. He shall re [...]turn no more to his House, neither sha [...] his Place know him any more. Other [...] have Estates, Riches which they ar [...] taken with, and their Hearts are se [...] upon them. Ay, but at Death the [...] enjoy these no more; Psal. 49.17▪ He carries nothing away with him, an [...] his Glory shall not descend a [...]ter him▪ It was said therefore to the Rich Foo [...] in the Gospel, when he boasted of hi [...] Great Estate, Thy Soul shall be Requi­red of thee, and then whose shall thes [...] things be? To be sure, they shall [...] thine no longer. Others there ar [...] that their Hearts are set upon thei [...] Friends, their Relations, their Chil [...]dren in a special manner, but whe [...] Death comes they are separated fro [...] them too, and sh [...]ll never see an [...] [Page 23] one of th [...]m in this world again. There are some whose Hearts are set upon Vanity and mad Mirth, among their Ungodly Companions. A Christless sinner as for Heavenly Joy he is a stranger to it; but as to his Earthly Joyes, Death puts an End to them all. The Destruction of Ba­bylon is set forth by that, Rev. 18.22. The Musician, the Trumpeter, the P [...]p [...]r shall be h [...]ard no more at all in thee; and the Light o [...] a Candle shall shine no mo [...]e at all in thee; and the Voice of the B [...]ideg [...]oom and the Bride shall be heard no more at all in thee. So it is when Death comes, all these things they are no more at all heard of. There­fore a Great Emperor when he saw [...] must dye, Cryed out d [...]lefully, O [...] tre [...]ula, quae tanden abitura [...] in loca. Nec solitos dabis jocos: Oh! my trembling Soul, whither art thou going now! Thou shalt never have any more sport; thou usest to [...]elight in merry Company, and in [...]assing Jokes, but now no more of [...]hem. And which is a much sadder [Page 24] thing, at Death the Christless sinne [...] is deprived of all means, and of a [...] offers of Grace and Salvation. H [...] shall never hear one Sermon more he shall never see one Sabbath more and the Holy Spirit of God will ne [...]ver strive with him any more. A [...] long as sinners are in this world the [...] is hope; Eccl 94. To him that is joyne [...] to the Living, there is hope. There is som [...] hope he may be Converted, and hi [...] Soul Saved. It may be some Sermon or some Providence will be blessed [...] as to awaken him unto a sincere Re [...]pentance. But when once he cease [...] to be among the Living, there is n [...] hope nor help for him. A Christle [...] sinner when once he is Dead, he is [...] the same condition with the Falle [...] Angels, for whom there is no hope.

3. Christless Sinners have cause to b [...] afraid of Death, in respect of that whic [...] shall follow. And what is that? Yo [...] see what it is, Rev. 6.8. I looked an [...] behold a Pale Horse, and his Name tha [...] sat on him was Death, and Hell followe [...] with him. So it is when a Christle [...] [Page 25] sinner dyes, Hell follows with Death. Therefore Christ sayes, Luk. 12.4, 5. Be not afraid of them that kill the Body, and after that have no more that they [...]an do, but fear Him that after He has [...]illed, has power to cast into Hell. So [...]t is with those that dye in a Christ­ [...]ess Estate, after their Bodies are kill­ [...]d their Souls are cast into Hell. If [...]here were only a First Death, there would be no great cause to fear; Aye but there is a Second Death. That is the most terrible Death in respect of the Painfulness of it. Some Bodily Deaths are very Painful, but no Death [...]f the Body is so painful as that of the [...]oul. Think, and Oh! that Sinners would think seriously of it; Suppose [...] man to be in such Pain as some have [...]ndured by a grievous Disease, sup­ [...]ose the Gout, or the Tooth-ake, [...]nd that Pain should continue to all [...]ternity, what a miserable Case would [...]ach an one be in? Aye, but the [...]ains of the Second Death are far [...]ore intollerable than any Diseases; [...]nd yet the Pain and Pangs of it will [Page 26] continue for ever. The Second [...] is that which the Sinners in Sodom [...] now suffering; of whom tis said, [...] 7. They suffer the Vengeance of [...] Fire. Sinners that dye in a Christl [...] Estate are cast into Hell, where [...] Worm dyes not, and the Fire [...] shall be quenched. Oh! the hardne [...] and the madness that possesses [...] hearts of the Children of men, [...] they can hear such Truths as th [...]se [...] from the infallable Word of Go [...] and yet dare go to sleep before [...] have made sure of an Interest [...] Christ. Let that be the Vse of [...] has been spoken.


Oh! Let Christless Sinners be Awa [...]ned to make sure of an Interest in Chri [...] that so they may be delivered from [...] in Bondage through the Fear of [...] Remember you are in danger Death continually. Yea, Young [...] are so. An Old Man sees Death [...] his Face, but a Young Mans [...] is a deceitful Enemy to him, it is [...] his Back, and knocks him [...] [Page 27] [...]nto the Grave e're ever he thinks of [...]t. The Jews have a Proverb among them, That there are Skulls of all sizes in Golgotha: That is, there are Persons of all sizes in the Grave; the Small as well as the Great are there. No m [...]n knows how, or which way Death will come upon him. Sometimes it is by [...]udden Strokes that they little think of. Some by Storms and Tempests [...]e carried into Eternity. Sea-faring men above others had need make sure of an interest in Christ, considering what dangers they pass through. Be [...] known to you, that if Death come [...]n you before you have made sure of [...]n interest in Christ, it had been bet [...]er for you never to have been Born: For none b [...]t Christ can deliver from De [...]th and the Fear of it. No one Else can deliver from the Curse of the [...]irst Dea [...]h, none Else can deliver from the Second Death. It is He that [...]a [...]eth fr [...]m Wrath. The Second Death [...] called W [...]ath, being the terrible Effect of the Wrath of God; and con­ [...]sting chiefly in the Impressions of [Page 28] the Wrath of God on the Soul [...] ever. It is Iesus that delivers from [...] Wrath to come.

Consider also; That if you be [...] Christ, you need not fear any Deat [...] ▪ For then you are delivered from [...] Second Death: On such the Secon [...] Death shall have no power. And suc [...] are delivered also from the Curse [...] the First Death; that it shall do the [...] no hurt in the world. If you are [...] Christ you may Triumph over Deat [...] ▪ You may say, Death! Oh! Death! Com [...] and Welcome; I should be glad [...] meet thee. If you are in Christ [...] may sing at the thoughts of Deat [...] with transport of Joy; yea and [...] to see the Face of Death. As [...] Martyr said, When I behold the amiab [...] Face of my Lord Iesus Christ, I can [...] Death in the face without any Fea [...] ▪ Therefore make sure of Christ, [...] then the day of thy Death will be [...] to thee than the day of thy [...] For it is said, Blessed are the Dead [...] dye in the Lord, they rest from their L [...]bours, and their Works follow them.

[Page 29]


The Fear of Death does cause Bondage. Especially the Fear of the Second Death does so. Fear is a servile thing. Hence Rom 8.15. the Apostle speaks of a spirit of Bondage unto Fear. And [...] may say of this Fear as 'tis said [...]oncerning the Sinai Covenant, Gal. [...] 24. It gendreth to Bondage. They [...] are under the Covenant of works, [...] Covenant does bind them over [...] Death, until they have an interest [...] the Covenant of the Gospel, which [...] declare that Believers are deli­ [...]ered from that Bondage, from that Fear. Of Believers only it is said, [...]hat they are not come to Mount Sinai, [...]o Blackness and Darkness and Tem­pest, Heb. 12.18. Several things [...]llustrate the Truth before us.

1. Bondage to an Enemy is Involuntary▪ [...] man is not willing to be in Bondage [...] an Enemy that hates him. He may [...] willing to be in Bondage to one [...]hom he loves. Sometimes a Servant [...]mong the Children of Israel would [...] be set free; for (said he) I love [Page 30] my Master, Exod. 21.5. But the [...] is otherwise as to being in Bonda [...] to an Enemy; that no one is willin [...] to be. Death is an Enemy, and th [...] fear of it is that which sinners woul [...] be rid of if they could. They are n [...] willingly afraid of Death.

2. They that are in Bondage [...] Enemies endeavour to be delivered fro [...] them. As they wish they were del [...]vered, so they will endeavour to [...] set at Liberty. Thus the Iews a [...]tempted to be delivered from the Bondage to the Romans from time [...] time. Sinners would be deliver [...] from the fear of Death, and therefo [...] attempt it, some in one way, some [...] another; altho' in vain. Some e [...] ­deavour to drown the fear of Dea [...] by overwhelming themselves with [...] World: So did Cain, Gen. 4.14▪ [...] said, every one that sees me will [...] me. Thus was he subject to Bonda [...] through the fear of Death all his [...] time. But then that so he [...] drown that Fear, he gives himsel [...] building of Cities. Others [...] [Page 31] put away the Fear of Death by Mirth & Musick. As we see in Saul: An Evil spirit from the Lord terrified him; the Devil was let loose on him, and terrified him with the Fear of Death; he sends for a Musician and an Harp, that he might be delivered from that Bondage. And some endeavour to be delivered from the Fear of Death by betaking themselves to Good Works, to External Devotions. Thus the Iews did; Mic 6.7. They say, Will [...]he Lord be pleased with Thousands of Rams, with Ten Thousands of Rivers of Oyl? Shall I give my First-born for my Transgression; the Fruit of my Body for the Sin of my Soul? They would ap­pease an angry Deity, and deliver themselves from the fear of Death & Wrath, by Sacrifices of their own. We know Papists will almost Fast themselves to Death, and cruelly af­flict their own Bodies, thereby think­ing to make satisfaction for their Sins, and so to deliver themselves from the fear of Death and Hell. In our own Nation, in the time of Popery there [Page 32] were Kings & Great Men, when the [...] had been guilty of Murder, and thei [...] Consciences terrified them with the fear of Hell and Eternal Punishment they would build Monasteries, and [...] take themselves to works that wer [...] accounted Meritorious, that they might be delivered from that Fear.

3. The thoughts of being in Bondage unto an Enemy it is Perplexing and Tor­menting. And so is this Fear: 1 Joh▪ 4.18. Fear hath Torment in it. The Fear of Hell and Wrath especially ha [...] Torment in it. And thus indeed th [...] Fallen Angels as well as Sinf [...]l Ma [...] are in Bondage, thro' the fear of Hel [...] and Wrath: Jude 6. ver. They are re­served in Chains of Darkness to the Iudg­ment of the Great Day. The disma [...] thoughts of the Day of Judgment i [...] a Terror to the Devils themselves. Those Chains of Darkness they ar [...] held in them, and can't get rid o [...] them. It is a Torment to them to think of the Judgment to come. Whe [...] they saw Christ, they Cryed out, Ar [...] thou come to Torment us before the time[Page 33] It is then a tormenting thing to those Evil Spirits to think of the Wrath of God, and the Hell that is reserved for them. Thus it is with some Sinners on Earth; they are alwayes on the wrack with fear of Death and Hell. That miserable Francis Spira said, that he did believe that the Torment of Hell could not be more grievous, than that Fear he was in of going to Hell. We see then that this Fear causes Bondage.


That altho' the Children of God are some of them subject unto the Fear of Death, they have no just cause to be so. Two Particulars are contained in the Proposition now before us.

1. That Gods Children are some of them subject unto Fear, by reason of Death. We find Examples of it in Scripture: Hezekiah was an Excellent Holy man, yet when the Prophet Isaiah came to him, and told him he should set his House in order, for (said he) thou shalt Dye and not Live, Isa. 38.3. He­zekiah wept sore. The tidings of his [Page 34] Death caused him to weep sore. [...] man was a very Pious man, yet [...] sayes, Psal. 88.3. My Soul is full [...] Trouble; my Life draws nigh unto [...] Gravepunc; The apprehension of his be [...]ing near unto the Grave, was a trou [...]ble to his Soul. And altho' Davi [...] when he wrote the Twenty Thin [...] Psalm was above the fear of Death as in the fourth Verse, I will not fea [...] altho' I walk in the valley of the shado [...] of Death: Yet at other times the ap [...]prehensions of Death was a terror [...] him; Psal. 55.4. The Terrors of Deat [...] are fallen upon me. And there are se [...]veral things which are the Reason [...] that fear of Death, which Gods ow [...] Children are sometimes subject unto▪

As now;

1. There is Nature in them as well [...] in other men: Heb. 2▪14. The Childre [...] are partakers of Flesh and Blood. The Children of God are Flesh and Bloo [...] as well as other men. Now N [...]tu [...] shrinks at Death. Tho' they hav [...] Grace in them▪ which does sometime [...] carry them above the fear of Death▪ [Page 35] yet th [...]y have Nature in them too, and that shrinks at it. Nature shrinks at the thoughts of the Souls being sepa­rated fr [...]m the Body: Therefore says the Apostle, 2 Cor. 5.4 Not that we would be Vncloathed: Not that we de­sire to have our Souls separated from our Bodies. It would be contrary to Na [...]u [...]e to desire Death for it self: But that M [...]rtal [...]ty might be [...]wal [...]ed [...] in Li [...]e: That our Souls might be United to an immortal Body. Espe­cially there are some kinds of Death, which Nature is averse from. As to Dye by the hand of an Enemy, Na­ture shrinks at that: Therefore when the Prophet Samuel was directed to go and an [...]int David to be King, he said, 1 Sam. 16.2. How can I do it? If S [...]ul know it, he will Kill me. So the Holy Prophet Ieremiah, Jer 37.20 Pe [...]i [...]i [...]r [...]ed the King that he might not be se [...]t to the House of Ionathan, to Dye there: To dye in Prison, to dye under the hand of a cruel Jaylo [...] Na­ture shrinks at it. So as to those Deaths that are very Painful, Nature [Page 36] shrinks at them. Therefore [...] the Holy Martyrs knew that [...] were to be Burnt to Death, or To [...]tured to Death but did not shrink [...] it, (as some of them did not) it [...] Supernatural, it was was from a m [...]raculous Work of the Spirit of [...] resting upon them, and operating [...] them. There are also some of [...] Children who are naturally of Mela [...]choly Tempers and Dispositions▪ [...] that dark humour causes Fear. [...] are apt to be frighted at an Evil [...] less formidable than Death.

2. The Blessed God [...] sometimes [...] Holy Ends suffer Satan to Terrify [...] own Children with the Fear of Deat [...] The Devil is a malicious and lyin [...] Spirit: He will say to his own Chi [...]dren, that they need not be afraid [...] Death, that it shall be well with the [...] after Death: And he will say the d [...]rect contrary to the Children of Go [...] ▪ Even as the False Prophets among [...] Iews, that were acted and influenced [...] Satan, Ezek▪ 13 23▪ did strength [...] the hands of the Wicked, that [...] [Page 37] should not return from their Evil wayes, and did promise Life unto them, and made the hearts of the Righ­teous sad. So does Satan do; promises Life unto the Wicked, [...] those that are in a state of Sin; this he does that so they might not repent and turn from their Evil wayes: And in the mean time he makes the Heart of the Righteous sad; he tells them that Death will bring them to Hell. When Satan was let loose upon Iob, he did sadly terrify him: Job 7.14. He complains that he was scared with Dreams, and terrified with Night V [...]si­ons. Satan was in it. And so does he oftentimes deal with the Children of God; he scares them & terrifies them with dark Visions of Death and Hell and Eternal Wrath; and tho' it is but a Dream & they need not fear, yet it is very perplexing to them. And God has very holy ends in permitting Satan thus to buff [...] His own Children. It is to hum­ble them & to make them more Pray­erful, and more careful to build upon [...] sure Foundati [...]n for Eternity.

[Page 38]3. Some who are true Believers [...] Christ, have not Assurance of their [...] Estate: Not a sensible Assurance of [...] God is their Friend, but they are [...]fraid He is their Enemy. Iob say [...] ▪ Job 33.10. He counts me for His [...]. God was his Friend, and intend [...] him nothing but Friendship in all [...] afflictions; but he thought otherw [...] in his dark Temptations. All [...] Attributes of God are Engaged for [...] Salvation of the true Believer; [...] yet some of them in their dark [...] have concluded the contrary; [...] 77.3. I remembred God, and was troubl [...] When he remembred the Mercy [...] God, he was troubled; as fearing [...] did not belong unto him; but [...] Gods Mercy was clean gone for [...] When he remembred the Power [...] God, he was troubled; as fearing [...] Power was engaged against him. [...] he remembred the Justice of God▪ [...] was troubled; as fearing that [...] would condemn him. It is true [...]deed as to some of Gods Child [...] they have a blessed Assurance of [...] [Page 39] Good Estate, and of their future Eter­ [...]al Happiness. Christ said to His Disciples, Rejoyce that your Names are [...]ritten in Heaven. There are some [...]f the Children of God, that by His Word and Spirit are assured that their Names are written in Heaven; and [...]en no wonder if the thoughts of [...]eath be exceeding Joyful unto them, [...] that they know full well that when [...] they leave this world, they shall [...]e in Heaven. But it is not so with [...]: Some who are Children of Light, [...] walk in Darkness. Isa. 50.10. Ye [...]at [...]ear the Lord, and walk in Darkness, [...]nd see no Light. Some that fear the [...]ord have not the light of His Coun­ [...]nance shining on them, and then [...]hey may well be afraid of Death; the [...]houghts of it may well be a frightful [...] unto them, when they know not [...]hat will become of them after Death [...] all Eternity. But then,

4. There is one thing more that is to [...] of the Children of God a cause of [...]heir being afraid of Death, and it is the [...]ddest cause that can be; they have gi­ven [Page 40] way to Temptations, and have [...] Souls within them. Guilt [...] Fear. When Adam had sinned, he [...] afraid and hid himself, and said [...] God, I heard thy voice, and was afra [...] ▪ The Guilt of Sin makes men afraid [...] look the Dreadful God in the [...] ▪ A man that has the Guilt of Sin [...] his Soul, is very unfit to Dye; or [...] draw near to God, as men do [...] they Dye: Heb. 10.22. Let us [...] near with a full assurance of [...] having our Hearts sprinkled from an [...] Conscience. If there is an [...] Conscience, then there is Fear: [...] such a one knows not how to [...] nigh to God. That may be the [...] of a true Believer; he may fall [...] some great Sin, and then the thoug [...] of Death must needs be terrible to hi [...] until he has renewed his Repentan [...] and Faith in the Blood of Christ. [...] it was with David in that matter [...] Vriah the Hirtite; he was lamenta [...] Estranged from God. If Sickness [...] then come on him, and Death had a [...]peared to him whilest he lay [...] [Page 41] [...]he guilt of those hainous sins, he must [...]eeds have trembled at the sight of it. Thus we see that Gods Children are [...]me of them afraid of Death. But,

2. As for Believers that walk with [...]od, they have no just cause to fear Death. [...]nd that is intended here in the Text, [...]hen it is said, We are delivered from [...] [...]ear of Death. Not that Believers [...] all of them delivered from fear­ [...]g Death, but from having any just [...] to fear it. They ought not to [...] it.


1. Death cannot be in the least Hurtful [...] them▪ It is a Serpent that has no [...] in it: 1 Cor. 15.55. O Death, [...]here is thy Sting? O Grave, where is [...] Victory? Death, hast thou a Sting? [...]here is it? Hast thou a Victory? Where is thy Victory? Thou hast no Victory over us, but we over thee. Thanks be to God, that giveth us the [...]ctory, through Iesus Christ our Lord. [...]esus Christ by His Death, has been [...]he Death of Death; and He there­ [...]re sayes, Hos. 13.14 I will Ransom [Page 42] them from Death; [...] from the Gra [...]e: O Death, I will [...] [...]lague; O Grave, I will be thy [...]. Christ has by His Death [...] His Children out of the [...] him that has the Power of [...] out of the hands of the Devil, [...] he can't lay a claim to them, he [...] [...]ay a finger on them; he would [...] fingering their Souls when [...] they are out of their Body, but [...] shall. As the Destroying [...] might not touch any of the [...] of Isr [...]el ▪ when the [...]lood of [...] Paschal Lamb was sprinkled on [...] Houses, so they that have the [...] of Christ sprinkled on their Souls [...] [...]eserved in Iesus Christ, even as [...] Children of Israel were preserved [...] the Destroying Angel, Iude 1. [...] Christ has both by His Death and [...] Almighty Power, rescued [...] of the J [...]ws of that [...] you may see a Type, [...] ▪ There was a Poor Lamb [...] the Paws of a Lyon, [...] and delivered the [...] [Page 43] destroyed the Lion. So that Lion that would devour the Children of God, Jesus Christ has destroyed him and delivered His Lambs. Yea, Christ hath saved them from that which makes Death formidable, namely, the Second Death. He sayes of the Be­liever, he shall not be hurt by the Second Death, Rev. 2.11. If he shall not be hurt by the Second Death, then the First Death shall do him no hurt. The Hell which follows Death makes it formidable, (as has been shewed) but this Believers are by Christ de­livered from. The Jaylor of Hell can't carry any thither, except he has leave from Christ to do it: For Christ has the Keyes of Hell & Death, and we may be sure that He who has the Power of th [...]se Keyes, will not give order for the Door of Hell to be opened for any Child of His to be [...]rried into that Everlasting Prison. Christ has obtained the Favour of God for them, and so delivered them from [...]he Power of Satan: Rom. 5.10. We [...] Reconciled unto God by the Death [Page 44] of His Son. Christ has satisfied [...] Law for them, therefore they cann [...] be Condemned. The Execution [...] can't take hold of them, since the [...] is satisfied. The sting of Death is Si [...] and the strength of Sin is the La [...] ▪ As for the Law, Christ has satisfi [...] it on the behalf of those that belie [...] on Him: Therefore they are safe. [...] Law is not for the Righteous: [...] Law cannot Condemn a Righteo [...] man: The Believer is Righteous, b [...]cause Christs Obedience is imput [...] to him: Rom. 8.1. There is no Co [...]demnation unto them that are in Chri [...] Iesus. So then Death cannot [...] them, why then should they fear it?

2. Death will be wonderfully [...] unto them: Phil. 1.21. For me to [...] is Gain. Death of an Enemy is b [...]come a Friend, yea a Good Friend [...] them. As when Ahimaaz was [...] a messenger to David, it was said [...] him, 2 Sam. 18▪27. He is a Good [...] and cometh with Good Tidings. [...] so the Believer may say concern [...] Death, it is my Good friend, & [...] [Page 45] to me with Good tydings! What do Believers gain by Death? They gain a perfect deliverance from all Evil. Death puts an end to all their Sins, and to all their Sorrows. Tis there­fore said of such, Eccl. 7.1. A Good Name is better than Precious Oyntment, and the day of a mans Death, is better [...]han the day of his Birth. If he is one that has a Good Name, the Name of a Righteous man, of an Holy man, and deserves that Name, then the day of his Death will be better than the day of his Birth. The day of his Birth brought him into a sorrowful trouble­some World, but the day of his Death puts an end to all his troubles. There­fore Believers are said to Rest when they Dye. The Righteous are taken away from the Evil to come. They [...]est in their Beds. Some of them have [...]ad but little rest in the world, but Death brings them a Writ of Ease. Then they fall asleep. They that sleep in Iesus God will bring with Him. When Believers Dye they Sleep in Jesus. Death delivers them not only from [Page 46] all their Afflictions, but which is i [...]finitely better, from all their Sins [...] Now they are freed from the Guilt [...] Sin, and from the Power of Sin, and [...] the hour of Death from the Being [...] Sin: Rom. 6.7. He that is Dead [...] freed from Sin. This is a most won [...]derful thing: For Sin brought Dea [...] into the world; but God makes Deat [...] to put an end to Sin, as to those tha [...] are His Children. After Death the [...] shall never be so much as one [...] ▪ Thought in their Hearts to Eternit [...] ▪ Thus are they delivered from Si [...] ▪ Why then should they be afraid t [...] Dye? Why should not Death be wel [...]come, that puts an end to all thei [...] Diseases both of Soul and Body?

And by Death they gain the great [...]est Good, as well as a deliverance from all Evil. A Child of God gains Hea [...]ven by Dying. As the Children o [...] Israel when they passed over the R [...]ver Iordan, that River was not to [...] a Flood to drown them, but a passag [...] into the Land of Canaan. So [...] is Death to a Child of God a passag [...] [Page 47] into the Heavenly Canaan: 2 Cor. 5.1. If our Earthly Tabernacle were dissol­ved, we have an House not made with [...]ands, Eternal in the Heavens. And in Heaven they gain a blessed Perfection. The Scripture therefore speaks of the [...]pirits of Iust men being made Perfect. The Souls in Heaven are made Per­ [...]ect in Holiness. There is a perfect Conformity unto the Will of God in Heaven; as in the Holy Angels, so in the Glorified Souls in Heaven which are like the Angels. And they have [...] wonderful Perfection in Knowledge: [...] Cor. 13 9. Now we know but in part, [...]ut when that which is Perfect is come, [...]hat which is in part shall be done away. There is no more comparison be­ [...]ween the Knowledge of the most [...]earned man on Earth, and of a Saint [...] Heaven, than there is between the [...]nowledge of a Man and of a Child. An Eminent Divine sayes, that the [...]oul of an Infant when separated from [...]he Body, has a far greater Knowledge [...] ever Solomon had. A Perfection [...] Knowledge as well as Holiness is [Page 48] desirable. If I may tell you my [...] thoughts, I sometimes think with [...] self, that if any thing in the [...] would make me desire to Live long [...] on the Earth it would be this, [...] by Reading and Meditation I mig [...] gain more Knowledge, — Especial [...] in the Mystery of CHRIST; but [...] I consider, if Christ bring me to He [...]ven, I shall know more in One Da [...] than I could gain by a Thousand [...] hard▪ Study in this World. The things shew that Death is Gainful. [...] Heaven Believers gain the sight [...] and a blessed conversation with [...] Friends that are gone thither befo [...] them; their Godly Parents, their Chi [...]dren, and other dear Friends: Ye [...] and with those that they never knew▪ They shall sit down with Abraha [...] ▪ Isaac and Iacob in the Kingdom [...] God; and so with the Prophets an [...] Holy Apostles. And which is in [...]nitely better and more desirable, [...] they gain a sight of IESVS CHRI [...] in all His Glory. They behold the [...] Christ Jesus at the Right Hand [...] [Page 49] God: They see Him as He is; and they see in the Humane Nature of Christ, more of God than is to be seen in all the Creation besides. In seeing of Iesus Christ they see God; and then they gain the utmost of Blessedness that can be gained: Mat 5.8 [...] are the Pure in Heart, for they shall see God. When they dye and leave this world they shall see God, and that is Blessedness So then Gods Children have no just cause to fear Death, which will be thus Exceeding Gainful to them.


Here is a Double EXHORTATI­ON.

I. Vnto those that have just cause to Fear Death. That indeed is the wo­ [...]ul Case of all that are in a state of Sin, they have just cause to be afraid of Death. Oh! [...], Do not rest in [...]our present State. It is not a condi­tion to be rested in. If you were [...]n Bondage unto Enemies as to your [...]odies, certainly you would not be at [...]est without Deliverance. The Lords [Page 50] People speak sadly, Neh. 9.37. [...] Kings whom because of our Sins thou [...] set over us, have Dominion over our B [...]dies, and we are in great Distress. [...] thou a Sinner because of thy sin▪ Spiritual Enemies h [...]ve Dominion [...] thee, thou art in Bondage to [...] of Terrors; in Bondage to [...] [...]lor of Hell, who has the Power [...] Death. Oh! Rest not in such a co [...]dition. Remember there is but [...] way to be delivered, and that is [...] going to Iesus Christ the Son of Go [...] ▪ Joh 8.36. If the Son does make you [...] shall be free indeed. Oh! then [...] to Jesus Christ the Son of God, [...] you may be delivered from that [...] [...]ondage which at present you are [...]

And Remember that there is D [...]verance to be h [...]d for the poor [...] of Hell: Isa. 49.24. Shall [...] [...]awful Captive be delivered? Shall [...] [...]rey be taken out of the hand of the [...]? Yea, sayes the Lord, they shal [...] [...]elivered out of the hand of the [...] one. The Devil is that [...] Christ has delive [...] [Page 51] Poor Undone Creatures out of the hand of that Enemy. The Souls that were a Prey to him, Jesus Christ has set them at Liberty, if they will be­come His Servants. But then you must be sensible of the Misery of the Bondage that you are in, so as to Cry to Heaven for Deliverance. As the Children of Israel when in Egyptian Bondage, they Sighed because of their Bondage, and Cryed, and their Cry came up to God. So thou a poor Creature, must be sensible of thy Bon­dage, [...] Slavery to Sin and Death and Hell, and Cry to God and to Je­sus Christ. Go to Him in a way of Prayer and Faith.

II. As for the Children of God, the Exhortation to you is, Live above the Fear of Death. It is true this Per­fection is not attained by all Gods Children. Some of them are too much afraid of Death, as has been shewed; but they are more afraid than hurt. And should therefore Chide themselves out of those Fears: As one of the Ancients did, saying, Egre­dere [Page 52] anima egredere, quid times. O [...] Soul, why art thou afraid to go out [...] my Body, go forth, and fear no [...] ▪ And many times when they come [...] Dye the fear of Death vanishes awa [...] ▪ I remember a Pious, Praying Hol [...] Woman who Dy'd many Years ag [...] ▪ was sorely afraid of Death, especial [...] of the pains & pangs of it that the [...] would be terrible, and she was Exe [...]cised with fears concerning her ow [...] future happiness, but when Deat [...] came she hardly felt any pain, & [...] last words she spake were these, [...] has not seen, nor has it entred into [...] Heart of man to conceive the things [...] God has prepared▪ And so she Dye [...] ▪ Well then be not afraid, be not [...] down with the fear of Death. An [...] in Exhorting you to this, I do no [...] Exhort you to a Perfection that is no [...] attainable. There have been Servan [...] of the Lord, who have been far fro [...] being afraid of Death. We have in [...]stances in the Scripture of it. Aaro [...] when God told him he should go [...] Mount Hor, and Dye there, he wer [...] [Page 53] readily. And Moses when God bid [...]im go up and Dye in Mount [...], made no more of Dying, than [...] man does of going up into his Chamber to fall Asleep. Good [...]ld Simeon said, Now lettest thou thy Servant depart in Peace. He was very [...]illing to Dye; was far from being a­ [...]aid to Dye. And the Holy Apostle [...]aul was not afraid of Death; sayes [...], I desire to depart. So in all [...] there have been those that have been far from being subj [...]ct to Bondage through the fear of Death. Some when Dying have said, Now is the [...] [...]me that I have long wish'd for. That Holy man Mr. Dod, when he was sick [...]nd like to dye, the Physician told [...]im the danger was over, he should [...]cover and live longer, Ah! (said [...]) You think you comfort me, but [...] [...]ouble me. I thought I had come to an [...]aven of Rest, must I put back again to [...]? Some poor weak Women who [...]re naturally of a fearful Heart, yet [...] been above the fear of Death. [...] Author relates concerning a [Page 54] Godly Woman, that when those [...] were about her told her there [...] the symptoms of Death on her. [...] you so? (said she) Am I Dying▪ Oh! Then Bless the Lord O my [...] all that is within me Bless His [...] Name. Death is more welcome [...] we, than all the Riches of this [...] would be. So then this Perfect [...] [...] attainable. And that we may [...] it▪

1. We should familiarize Death [...] dayly thoughts of it. We read in [...] Gospel concerning Ioseph of [...], that he had his Sepulchre [...] his Garden: If he did but step i [...] his Garden, he would be thinki [...] of Death, Ioh. 19.41. That Exe [...]plary Christian Mr. Ignatius Iorda [...] if he did but step out on any oc [...]sion into the City, would frequent [...] say, I am going into the Town [...] some Business, whether I shall [...] into my House again alive I do [...] know. How many occasions [...] we to think of Death? In my [...], they are strange persons [...] [Page 55] go to Sleep at Night and not think of Death; that can put off their Cloaths, and not think of putting off th [...] Earthly Tabernacle; that can lye down on their Beds, and not think of lying down in the Grave. Now if we Familiarize Death by frequent Meditations on it, that will help to take away the fear of it.

2. Think much on IESVS CHRIST. Think much on the Death of Christ. Christ has gone through the gates of Death; and shall we that are Christians be afraid to follow Him? And He has taken away the sting of Death. Think much on the Righ­teousness of Christ, and what He has purchased for us by His Obedience. An Eminent Minister in London when Dying said; If I look on my best Works, my Prayers, or the best Ser­ [...]ons that ever I Preached, I am trou­bled, and my spirit is cast down within me; but when I look on Christ and His Righteousness I live, I [...] not afraid of Death at all. I remem­ [...]er one of the Martyrs Expressed [Page 56] himself to the same purpose. An [...] then,

3. To Walk with GOD is the way [...] be above the Fear of Death. Tak [...] heed of giving way to Sin and Temp­tation, and bringing Guilt on your Souls. Great Peace have they that keep His Law, and nothing shall O [...]fend them. Be careful then to kee [...] even Reckoning with God ever [...] Day. If we are careful to be alway [...] serving God; alwayes doing tho [...] things that are Pleasing in His sigh [...] then Death will find us so doin [...] ▪ Blessed is that Man whom Dea [...] when it comes shall find so doing.

[Page 57]

Meditations ON Sudden Death.
Occasioned by several Late Sudden Deaths in Boston, as well as in seve­ral other Towns in New-England

Mark XIII.xxxvi.

[...]est Coming Suddenly, He find you Sleeping.

IN the Five Last Verses of this Chapter, we hear the Lord Jesus Christ Exciting and Exhorting His Disciples unto constant [...]atchfulness; and this He does three [...]mes over. It is a Duty of Univer­ [...]l Concernment. Christ therefore [...]ncludes His Discourse with saying, [...]hat I say to you, I say to all, Watch[Page 58] Not only you that are now present [...] hear me, but all others that may [...] of it; let them Watch. The Moti [...] from whence this Exhortation is urge [...] is, because men are uncertain & ign [...]rant of the time of the Lords Coming ver. 33. You know not when is the [...] therefore Watch and Pray. The Lor [...] knows the time, but you know it no [...] ▪ This is Illustrated by a Parable, v. 3 [...] [...] a Master of an House taking [...] [...]ourney into a far Countrey, and a [...]pointing to Each of His Servants the [...] several Employments; and comman [...]ed the Porter to Watch: To wat [...] that Thieves did not break into [...] House; to watch that none of [...] Servants did desert their Masters Se [...]ice. Now for the meaning of thi [...] Christ is the Master of the House, [...] Church on Earth is His House: H [...]ven is a far Countrey, into which [...] is gone, & will return. In the [...] time, He expects that His Servants [...]ligently attend the work He calls [...] to; and that they should not [...] themselves in Sleep and Sloth. [...] [Page 59] over again with the same Ex­ [...]tation, and with the same [...]; ver. 35. You know not when the [...]ster cometh; whether at Evening, or [...] Midnight, or at Cock-crowing, or in [...] Morning. These words have [...] unto the several Watches in use▪ [...]long the Iews. The first Watch [...] from the Sixth to the Ninth [...], called the Evening Watch. The [...] Watch began at the Ninth hour, [...] contined till Midnight. The [...] Watch began at Midnight, and [...]tinued Three hours longer, to the [...]ock-crowing, v [...]z. the second time [...] the Cock-crowing, who is observe [...] [...] to Crow louder▪ & with more [...] than at first. The fourth Watch [...] at the Sixth hour, when the [...] ▪ which is here called the [...] The Children of men know not [...] the Lord will call them out of [...] world, whether in their Child­ [...] Youth, Middle Age, or Old Age▪ [...] is further required [...]o [...], from Two very [...] Considerations.

[Page 60]1. In that the Lord may come Su [...]denly; they know not how soon, ho [...] suddenly.

2. If He should do so, there is da [...]ger lest they be found Sleeping▪ whic [...] would be very uncomfortable, sin [...] the Lord had Commanded them [...] Watch. For a Watch-man to [...] found Sleeping is a sad thing. [...] Christians are appointed Watch-men therefore should be careful that th [...] Lord may not find them Sleeping at [...] Coming. There is a Three-fold Coming [...] Christ intended here. There is His P [...]vidential Coming, to take Vengeanc [...] on the Iewish Nation. And there is [...] Personal Coming to Judge the World▪ And His Coming at the Hour of Deat [...] ▪ At present our Discourse will be [...] with respect to that Coming▪

DOCTRINE. Considering that Death may co [...] upon Men Suddenly, they should [...] Watchful and Careful lest the [...] then find them Sleeping.

[Page 61]Four Propositions will Clear the Doctrine.


That sometimes Death comes on men [...]ery Suddenly. It has ever been so in [...]ll Ages of the world; therefore if [...]f it be so in our Dayes, we need not wonder at it: Numb. 6.9. If a man Dye very Suddenly. Implying that men [...] Dye so. Death does often over­ [...]ake them when they no more think [...]f it than the Fishes of the Net, or the Bird of the Snare in which it is taken: Eccl. 9▪ 12. Man knows not his time; but [...] the Fishes are taken in an Evil Net, [...]nd the Bird in the Snare, so are the Sons [...]f men Snared in all Evil time, when it [...]alleth Suddenly upon them. It is true, [...]hat Death does sometimes give warn­ [...]g of its approaches, by lingering [...]ckness, by bodily Pains, by decayes [...]rough Age; but it is not always so: [...]. 21.13▪ They go down to the Grave [...] Moment. Ver. 23. One Dyes in his [...] strength, being wholly at Ease. And [...]etimes when Sickness overtakes [...], it makes quick work of them: It [Page 62] uses to be so when God visits a Peo [...]ple with the [...]l [...]gue. As in Egy [...] ▪ Psal. 78 50. God gave their Lives [...] to the Pesti [...]ence; and then at mid [...]night they were struck Dead in a Mo [...]ment. Thus in Davids time, 2 Sa [...] ▪ 24.15. Tis said, that from the morning [...] the time a [...]p [...]nted: which is supposed to intend the Evening Sacrifice▪ the [...] dyed by the Plague Seventy Tho [...]sand Men, in (as some compute it) [...]bout Twelve Hours time. Sometime [...] yea oftentimes, men are subject [...] Death▪ without any Sickness at [...] ▪ Some accident not thought of puts [...] end to their dayes. It may be an [...]n [...]expected fall brings sudden Death o [...] them. As it was with Eli, he [...] from his Seat, and that fall killed him▪ Sometimes a fall from an House e [...]poseth to Sudden Death. God the [...]fore Commanded the Children of I [...]rael that when they built an Hou [...] ▪ Deut. 22. [...]. they should make [...] on the Roof of it. Their [...] h [...]d Flat Roo [...]s; and the [...] would have Battlements, that is Bre [...] [Page 63] work there, lest thou bring Blood upon thy House if any fall from thence. The neglect of such a necessary provision to prevent it, might make them guilty of their Neighbours Blood. Some­times the fall of an House brings sud­den Death on those it falls upon. So it was with Iob▪ Children, a Tempest of Wind rose suddenly & blew down [...]he House, and all Iobs Children were killed in a Moment by the fall of that House upon them. And thus it was with the Philistines when they were in Da­ [...]ons Temple, and very merry, ma­ [...]ing themselves sport there, the House [...]ell and Three Thousand that were [...] the Roof, b [...]sides those that were [...]n the House were all killed. Not [...] Years since, when the Earth­ [...]kes were in Sicily, in one Town [...]hree Hundred persons with the Priest [...]ying Mass, were crushed to Death [...] the fall of the Church upon them▪ [...]nd in another Town above a Thou­ [...]nd men and women were killed [...]hilest they were at Divine Service, [...] the Houses falling on them. Some­times [Page 64] Death siezes on men at the very [...] when they are Worshiping Go [...] ▪ It was so with Eutichus, when amo [...] the Lords People hearing a Serm [...] falling a sleep he fell down from [...] high Loft and was taken up Dead. [...] Galileans, Luk 13.1. when they [...] Worshiping God they were Kill [...] suddenly. Pilate sent Souldiers [...] them that mingled their Blood [...] their Sacrifices. That is supposed [...] be the reason of the quarrel betwe [...] [...] was on the Governour of Iudea, and Herod [...] ▪ Galilee ▪ yet he comes into Herods J [...]risdiction, and kills the Galileans. Ho [...] many have there been in the wor [...] Hundreds of Thousands that hav [...] Dyed suddenly by the Sword? Whe [...] there was a Civil War in the [...] of Israel, between the Tribe of B [...]jamin and the other Tribes, in [...] day fell by the Sword Twenty [...] Thousand men; in another day Ei [...]teen Thousand men: and after [...] on another day, of the Benjamites [...] fell Dead Twenty Five Thousand [...][Page 65] And when there was W [...]r between Iereboam and Abijah, in Ier [...]boams Ar­ [...]y there were Slain Five Hundred Thousand Men. In Davids time when [...]bsolom Rebelled against the King his Father, 2 Sam. 18 7, 8▪ There fell Twenty Th [...]usand Men; and [...]he Wood devoured more than the [...]ord. How did the Wood devour [...]hem? It Exposed them to Sudden Death. Possibly the wild Beasts in the Woods si [...]zed on them, and sud­denl [...] destroyed them. As indeed it was often so in the Land of Canaa [...]. [...] kn [...]w not whether there is any Land in the world that the People in it are so s [...]ject to Destructi [...]n by Wild Creatures, as in that Land they were. Lev. 26.22 The Lord threatens them [...]hat He would send Wild Beasts them, that should rob them of the [...] Chil [...]ren; and that they should be [...]ew in number. It was a frequent thing for Lions, Bears, Le [...]pards suddenly to destroy People. We have an in­ [...]ance in the Samaritans, 2 King. 17. [...] They fea [...]ed not the Lord, therefore [Page 66] the Lord sent Lions among them that [...] them. And other ways men are ofte [...] taken out of the World by Sudde [...] Death. Sometimes by Drowning when they little think any such thing▪ So 'twas with the Egyptians, Exod. 1 [...] ▪13. The Egyptians whom you have [...] this day, you shall see them again [...] more for ever: That is, alive no [...] for Ever. They did see them [...] on the shoar next morning. Thoug [...] they are now alive pursuing of yo [...] (sayes Moses) before to-morrow the [...] shall be all dead: and so they wer [...] ▪ Sometimes by Thunder & Lightni [...] men are killed Suddenly. Thus [...] was with Iobs Servants: Job 1. [...]The Fire of God Consumed them. [...] it was with Two Companies of So [...]diers that were sent to Apprehen [...] the Prophet Elijah; 2 King. 1.1 [...]There came Fire down from God [...] Consumed them. And in Senacheri [...] Army, One Hundred and Eighty [...] Thousand Dyed in one Night. [...] Angel Slew them probably wit [...] Lightning. It seems to be with [...] [Page 67] to that awful Providence that those [...]ords were written, Isa▪ 33 14. The Sinners in Sion are [...]. Who among [...] shall dwell with the [...] Fire? And sometimes by Earthquakes men have dyed Suddenly: They have been well and in health, and in l [...]ss than a quarter of an hour Dead. It was so [...]ith the People of Sodom and Gomor­ [...]h, and with Corah and his Compa­ [...]y. Many such dismal instances there have been not only in former Ages, but in our Dayes also.

Quest. But whence is it that God does sometimes take men out of the world very Suddenly?

Answ. 1. God does sometimes send such awful Providences as signs of His Holy Displeasure. Altho' it is not al­ways so, nevertheless tis often-times so. And therefore when Corah and his Company were suddenly Destroy­ed, Moses said to the Children of Is­rael, that they might thereby under­stand that those men had provoked the Lord, Numb. 16.30. And truly it is [...] with all that Dye Unprepared▪ [Page 68] that Dye Suddenly before they are fit to d [...]e▪ it is from the displea­sure of God If Death take hold of them, they perish for Ever. There­fore sudden Death is threatned in the Word of God on such Sinners; Psal. 64.7. Suddenly shall they be W [...]unde [...] And, Prov. 29.1. He that being ofte [...] Reproved, hardens his Neck, shall Sud­denly be Destroyed. Thus is Babylo [...] threatned, Isa. 47.11. Desolation sha [...] come upon thee Suddenly. And if [...] Sudden death shall find men commit­ing some great Sin against the Lord▪ we may conclude that it comes as [...] sign of His Displeasure. As wit [...] Nadab & Ab [...]hu; t [...]ey offered strang [...] Fire to the Lord, and when they wer [...] doing that, Fire came from the Lor [...] and devoured them. A plain Evi­dence of their displeasing the Lord i [...] what they did. Thus it was wit [...] the Philistines; they were Worshipin [...] an Idol, and Blaspheming the God [...] Israel, and m [...]king themselves spor [...] with Sampso [...] ▪ and now the House [...] and slew them suddenly. Thus Zu [...]ri [Page 69] and Cozbi, a Javelin Wounded them to Death when in the very act of Wickedness. Thus Belshazzar, in the beginning of the Night was Carousing with his Companions; and tis said, Dan. 5.30. In that Night was Bel­hazzar Slain. A sudden death came on him as a sign of Gods displeasure for his Impiety. Thus it was with Ananias and Sapphira, that dyed with a Lye in their mouths. Thus when any shall be so desperately Wicked is to wish sudden destruction to them­selves, if they have done that which they know themselves Guilty of, and it shall happen to them accordingly. There have been such awful Exam­ples in the World. There was one in this Land who had done Wrong to his Neighbour and being Charged [...]ith it, he denyed it with Impre­ [...]tion, he wished to God that he might never speak more if he did that thing, and he fell down immediate­ly and never spoke more. So then such Sudden stroakes are sometimes a sign of Gods displeasure.

[Page 70]2. Such Awful Stroakes come [...] Warnings to others. The sudden dea [...] of a few, is sometimes a Warning [...] a Whole Town, to a Whole Land▪ It was so in Samaria; Amos 4.11. The Lord overthrew some of them, as [...] overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah: [...] is to say, very Suddenly: And [...] was a Warning to the Whole Land▪ Thus it was with▪ Ierusalem: Luk▪ 1▪4, 5. Think ye (sayes Christ) [...] those Eighteen on whom the Tower [...] Siloam fell and [...]lew them, were Sinne [...] above all men that dwelt in Ierusalem▪ I tell you, Nay; but except you Repent, [...] shall all likewise Perish. The f [...]ll [...] that Tower was Ominous of a sud [...]den downfal of their City and Nati [...]on; that the Tower of the City an [...] Temple would fall e're long. Suc [...] Providences are loud Calls to Repen­tance. If God singles out one Not [...] sinner and strikes him suddenly, it [...] a Warning to all the like sinners▪ [...] beware of doing as such a sinner [...] done. If a Notorious Drunkar [...] dyes suddenly, that is a Warning [...] [Page 71] all the Drunkards in the Countrey: Tis an Admonition to all that hear of it to Repent, that they may be prepared for death.


Not only other men, but the Faithful Serva [...]ts of the Lord Iesus Christ, may [...] taken out of the world by a Sudden [...]. Christ sp [...]ke th [...]se words [...]o His own Disciples: Therefore it is not impossible but that such may die suddenl [...]. Eli was a Good Old man, and yet he dyed suddenly. Eutych [...]s was a Pious Young man, yet he dyed sudd [...]nly. The Prophet Ezekiel [...]s Wife w [...]s no doubt an Holy Woman, but dyed suddenly. And we should be very Uncharitable if we should [...] concerning those Seventy Thou­sand that dyed of the Plague in Davids time, that there was no Good men [...]mong them.

Quest. Whence is it that the Lords Servants sometimes D [...]e Suddenly?

Answ. 1. It is possible that Godly men may be Guilty of such Si [...]s either as to Commission of Evil, or as to an Omission [Page 72] of Duty, as may provoke the Lord [...] visit them with Temporal Death, [...] that Suddenly too. It was so with V [...]zah, doubtless he was a Pious man▪ yet when he did rashly lay his han [...] on the Ark he dyed suddenly. Go [...] smote him for his Error, and in a mo [...]ment he dyed before the Lord. [...] it was with the Prophet, 1 King. 1 [...] ▪24 he did being deceived by a L [...]in [...] Prophet, Eat and Drink in the pla [...] of which the Lord did say, Eat [...] Bread and Drink no Water the [...] and because of that, when on [...] Road a Lion met him and slew hi [...] And many of the Corinthians d [...]ed fo [...] their undue and unprepared comin [...] to the Table of the Lord. Moses [...] in danger of being struck with sudde [...] Death, because he neglected to Cir [...]cumcise his Child, Exod. 4.24. The Prophet Ionah because he omitted [...] Duty in going to Nineveh, had lik [...] to have been Drowned; he was [...] Over-board, and had been Drowne [...] if the Lord had not by a Miracle [...] mercy preserved him.

[Page 73]2. Many times God out of Kindness & [...]ingular Love to His Servants, takes [...]hem away Suddenly. It was so with Moses; Deut. 32 50. Tho' an Old man, [...]e was not subject to decay with Age, [...]is natural force was not abated; but [...]e died suddenly. A sudden Death [...] those that are well prepared for it, [...] indeed rather a Mercy than a Judg­ment. Thereby the Servants of God [...]re delivered from things which are [...]ery undesirable. Ling [...]ing Pains are not desirable; a sudden Death pre­ [...]ents them. And the Temptations of Satan are thereby prevented▪ When [...]he Servants of God are Dying, their Adversary the Devil will (if God give [...]im leave) be sure to fall on them. [...]ome have had terrible Conflicts wi [...]h [...]atan when on Sick-beds, and Death- [...]eds. Now by sudden Death we [...]scape this Evil. It is a sad thing for [...] man to see his Relations weeping a­ [...]out him, because they see him goi [...]g from them. Paul said, Act 21 13. What mean you to [...] to bre [...]k [...] Heart? By a sudden D [...]ath the [Page 74] Lord keeps His Ser [...]nts from [...] sensible of that Affliction. Some in [...] world have put it into their Liturg [...]From Sudden Death Good Lord deliver▪ But a Good man need not make th [...] Prayer. Some Eminent Servants [...] God have Prayed (with submission [...] the Will of God) that they might [...] a Sudden, rather than a [...] Death. So did Mr. Brightman, [...] Eminently Holy and Learned [...] ▪ And the Lord granted his desire. [...] as he was on a Journey in a Coach, because he would lose no time, [...] a Book in his hand he was taken [...] a fainting Fit and dyed. And Mr. C [...]pel, he that wrote that Excellent [...] about Temptations, which I supp [...] some of you may have some, [...] often say, as Mr. Brightman did; [...] God gave him also his desire. [...] after he had Preached that Day, [...] performed Duties in his Family in [...] Evening, he went to Bed and [...] immediately. But we must leave [...] matter with God to Order the [...] and manner of our Death, as shall [...] most for His Glory, and not in [...] [Page 75] [...]ast be troubled, but rather rejoyce at [...]he thoughts of dying suddenly, if so [...]all be the Will of God.

3. God sometimes takes away His [...]rvants by Sudden Death, to prevent [...]is People from Praying for the conti­ [...]ance of their Life. The Lord has a [...]ery great value for the Prayers of [...] People, and would not have them [...]ressle with Him for that He is re­ [...]olved not to grant. There are some [...]ery useful Servants of Christ in the [...]orld, it may be the welfare of Thou­ [...]ds is concerned in such a mans life: [...] then he is sick and like to dye, ma­ [...]y will be very importunate with God for him. As when Peter was in [...]rison, tis said, Prayer was made [...] ceasing by the Church to God for him [...] 12.5. So there are, that if they [...] Gods Prisoners, kept within doors [...] Sickness, Prayer will be made for [...] without ceasing, to prevent which [...] Lord takes them away suddenly.


Sinners who delay their Repentance, [...] so their Preparation for Death pre­tending [Page 76] [...] [...]eir Sin and [...] ▪ Young People are very apt to do [...] ▪ But that then way is their Folly. P [...]paration for Death is a great [...] yet [...] that [...]an do [...] thing are conce [...]ned to do it. [...] that are too Young to Dye, let [...] put on their Repentance. The [...] have a famous Story of a Young [...] that came to a [...] ▪ and Prayed [...] to instruct him in the Law of Go [...] ▪ Said the Rabbi to him, thou art Child▪ and too Young. Oh▪ ( [...] the Child) I was in the Burying [...] and [...]here I [...]aw Graves which are short [...] than I am, altho' I am but Eight [...] Old; and therefore I don't know [...] may Dye too; and if I dye before I [...] instructed in the Law of God, what do [...] think will become of my Soul? [...] therefore whether they be Elder [...] Younger Ones, should put off [...] Repentance, since they may Dye [...] that Suddenly; and then what will [...] come of their immortal Souls [...] ever▪ There are [...] [Page 77] set before Delaying Sinners, which if [...]hey will shew themselves Men, if they [...]ill act like Rational Creatures, the [...]erious thought thereon, will make [...]hem resolve to delay this matter which is of the greatest Moment no [...]onger.

Consider 1. That for any to [...] that Repentance which is necessary [...] order to being Prepared for Death, [...] a great Provocation to God. Delayes provoke the Lord Exceedingly. For they are against His Express Command­ment, who does require men not only [...]o Repent, but to do it Now: Jer. 25. [...]Turn you Now from your Evil wayes. Eccl. 12.1. Remember Now thy Creator. And who then is it that sayes, not [...]ow but hereafter? Another▪ time will do as well as now. God says▪ Heb. [...].7. To Day if you will hear His Voice, [...]arden not your Hearts. But who is▪ [...] [...]hat sayes to you, Harden thy heart to [...]ay; To-morrow will be soon enough [...] Repent? Certainly it is the [...] that does suggest such things to [...] Sinners. Now then it must needs [Page 78] infinitely provoke God when Sinner [...] will hearken to the Devil, rather than to Him. The Language of thy [...] is, That for the present the service o [...] the Devil is better than the service o [...] God. What horrible Blasphemy woul [...] it be, if any man should speak such word, as to say the service of the De­vil is preferrable to the service [...] God? And yet every Sinner that d [...]layes his Repentance does Practicall [...] say so.

Consider 2. The Advantage that ther [...] is in a present Turning to God in Chris [...] and the Disadvantage of Delayes. [...] it now and you are sure to find acep [...]tance with God: 2 Cor. 6.2 Behold Now is the Accepted time; Behold, No [...] is the Day of Salvation. Now, No [...] ▪ come to God; Now the first thing yo [...] do, before to-morrow▪ and you ma [...] be sure God will accept of you. [...] Young Persons repent and turn to th [...] Lord, in case they live to Old Ag [...] they will have a longer time to serv [...] God in; and their reward will be th [...] greater. If a man serve God but [...] [Page 79] Year he shall be rewarded; but if he continue serving Him many Years, what a Glorious reward shall he have! What a Blessed thing will it be for a man to be able to say to God on his Death-bed, as Ohaniah said to the Pro­phet, 1 King. 18 12. I have feared the [...]ord from [...] Y [...]uth. But Delayes are very Disadvantageous: The longer you delay your Repentance, the more diffi [...]ult will the work be. If ever God give you an Heart to return to Him, it will grieve you Exceedingly to think you turned no sooner. Austin in his Confessions bewails it bitterly, that he repented no sooner. Tho' he did turn to God before he was Old, yet he had spent a great part of his Youth in Vanity; which made him mourn and say, Alas! That I served God no sooner. And alas! How many Sinners have by their Delayings got incurable habits of sin? Jer. 13.23. Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the Leopard his spots? Then may you that are accustomed to do ev [...]l, learn to do well: Intimating it will be a very hard [Page 80] work for those that continue long in sin, to repent and turn to God. We may say of the Conversion of an Old sinner, as Christ concerning the Sal­vation of a Rich man, Mat. 19.26. With men 'tis impossible; but with God all things are possible. Moreover, De­l [...]ying sinners give an Advantage to Satan. The Devil that sayes now tis too soon, will hereafter say now [...] too late: He will say to you▪ Do you think God will take my leavings. Therefore delay not an hour longer.

Consider 3. That Delayes in this matter are very Dangerous. Dangerous lest there be never any true Repen­tance: Dangerous because Death may come Suddenly, and then Repentance will be too late. Repentance is ne­cessary to Salvation: Except you Re­pent you shall Perish ▪ sayes Christ: But if a man don't Repent before Death, he cannot Repent at all▪ Psal. 115 17 The Dead cannot Praise thee. As for their Bodies they cannot speak a word; and for the Soul to Pray and Cry after Death, will signify nothing. [Page 81] The Lord will then say, You should [...]ave Repented sooner, then it had [...]een happy for you. [...] was Good Counsel that one gave to his Scholar, To be sure to Repent One day before he Dyed. If so, he must do it immedi­ately; for he did not know but the [...]ext day he might be Dead.

Consider 4. That Delayes have proved [...] Eternal Ruine of not a few. Many a Soul has been Ruined; and Perished Eternally, and Delayes have been the cause of it. GOD sayes, Seek ye the Lord while He may be found. Aye, but the sinner neglects God till finding time is past and gone; and then it is to no purpose: Luk. 13.24, 25. Ma­ny shall seek to enter in at the strait Gate, and shall not be able. The reason [...], the Door is shut; and then they cannot enter in. Sinners delay Re­pentance till the Door of Mercy is but, then they Cry as the Foolish Virgins did, Lord! Lord! Let us go to Heaven. Nay, but all Cries are in [...], because they delayed their Re­ [...]entance until the Day of Grace was [Page 82] past. It is with Sinners often in thi [...] respect, as with miserable Esau; he came for a Blessing, and sought it carefully with tears but was rejected b [...]cause he did not come soon enough▪ Thus Sinners delay their turning to God until it is too late; and after­wards they seek in vain. So that many have been undone by Delayes▪ How many Young Men have though [...] that they would Repent in Old Age [...] While they were Young they would walk in the sight of their Eyes, plea­sing themselves with a vain hope of Repentance in Old Age. Ah, Poor wretches! Death siezed on them in their Youth, and they are for ever Miserable. And how many have thought with themselves, When we come to lye on Sick-beds, then we will Repent, and Confess our sins and Forsake them. But alas, Sick-bed Repentance is seldom true: Psal. 78▪34. They sought the Lord when He slew them; but their Heares were up­right. Not One in an Hundred per­haps, of those that have been Sick and [Page 83] like to Dye, and then have made Pro­mises to God that they would Re­pent and become New Creatures, have kept their Vows to the Lord. We may thence conclude, that a Sick-bed Repentance is seldom true. Be­sides, how dost thou know thou shalt lye on a Sick bed? Death may come [...]uddenly. How many in this and in other Towns, have gone into Eter­nity when they little thought of it? They have been taken away on a sudden, without any Sickness to give them Warning of the approaches of Death. Many have been Drowned; and others snatcht out of the world by unexpected & awful Providences. Let none of us then be so Foolish as to delay Preparations for a Dying [...]our. Say not the Thief on the Cross Repented at the Last hour: And why may not I? There is but one such instance in all the Bible, and wil [...] thou presume on that? How dost thou know that the Thief on the [...]ross enjoyed the means of Grace; [...] that he Repented not at the first [Page 84] Call? Wilt thou then Presume o [...] that Example, considering thou [...] slighted so many Calls? How do thou know that thou shalt have s [...] long a time to Repent in, as that Thie [...] had? He had several Hours; but i [...] may be thou mayest not have one Hour, no not one Moment! Oh! the [...] Delay not this matter any longer▪ but Turn to the Lord, and prepa [...] for a Dying hour: And say with D [...]vid, Psal. 119 60. I made hast, [...] Delayed not to keep thy Commandments▪

We proceed to


That Men are very subj [...]ct to a Sinfu [...] Sleeping. Therefore Christ here [...] so Earnestly Caution His Disciples a­gainst it. He does no less than Three times one after another call upon them, Watch! Watch! Watch! In­timating that men are in danger o [...] Unwatchfulness; of Sinful Sleeping▪ There are but Two sorts of men in the world, and both of them are sub­ject to this Evil. All men in the world are either Sinners or Saints.

[Page 85]1. As for Sinners they are miserable [...]eepers: Rom. 13.11. It is high time [...] awake out of Sleep. Implying that [...] are in a deep Sleep: And [...]herefore the Apostle sayes, 1 Thes. [...].6. Let not us Sleep as do others. It [...] with a Sinner as it is with a Sleeper [...] many respects. Men that are [...] do not see, nor hear as those [...] are awake do. David came and [...] away Saul's Spear, and neither [...]aul nor any of his Servants saw it, [...]ecause they were all asleep; a deep [...] from the Lord was fallen upon [...]: 1 Sam. 20.12. So it is with [...]nners, their Spiritual senses are [...]: Rom. 11.8. The Lord has [...]iven them the spirit of Slumb [...]r; they [...] Eyes and see not; Ears and hear [...]. A man that is asleep ceaseth [...] work: So does the Sinner as to [...]orks of a Spiritual Nature; Tit. 1. [...]1. They are to every Good work [...]. They are no more able to do [...] Good work, than one that is asleep [...] able to attend the work of his [...]. Men that are asleep are very [Page 86] subject to vain Imaginations; to vai [...] and foolish Dreams. A poor man [...] his Sleep may dream he is vastly rich▪ may dream of Golden Mountain [...] ▪ Thus it is with Sinners, they are poo [...] and miserable, and yet dream tha [...] they are rich: Rev. 3 17. Thou [...] I am Rich▪ and stand in need of nothing when th [...]u art Poor and Miserable. [...] were in a Dream, and that [...] them think so Men that are Slumbrin [...] and Sleeping, many times are dis [...]pleased with those that disturb [...] awake them. So it is with Sinners▪ Therefore Solomon sayes, Eccl 9.1 [...]If thou reprove a Scorner he will [...] thee. Men that are asleep are won [...]derfully Secure: Tho` it may be the [...] are in imminent danger, they [...] fearless of their danger. A man tha [...] is asleep may be in danger of bein [...] Drowned, and yet have no fear con [...]cerning it. As Ionah, the Vessel tha [...] he was in was in extream danger [...] being Foundred in a Storm, but Iona [...] had no fear about it; he was asleep [...] the side of the Ship until the Maste [...] [Page 87] [...] the Vessel awoke him, saying, What [...]eanest thou, O Sleeper? Arise, and call [...] thy God. Thus Sinners are in [...]anger of being Drowned in the Sea [...] the Wrath of God, and yet are not [...]ensible of it; because they are asleep. [...]olomon compares Drunkards, Pr [...]v. [...].34 to a man that lyes asleep on [...] top of a Mast in the mid [...]t of the [...]. A man that is asleep, and that on [...]he top of a Mast, what danger is he [...]? One little Turn of the Vessel Drowns him for ever. Thus 'tis with [...]nners. One that is asleep, the House [...]ay be on [...] round about him, and [...] fearless and careless, and not ap­prehen [...]e of the danger because fast [...]leep. So it is with Sinners: The [...]ire of Gods anger is burning round [...]bout th [...]m, and they are not sensible [...]f it: Isa 42 25. He [...]et them on Fire [...] about, yet they knew it not, it bu [...]n [...]d them, yet they laid it not to hear [...]. They were asleep, that was the cause [...] it. There is a Sleeping that is Deadly: So it with the Sinner, he is [...] asleep Ep [...] [...] 14▪ Awake th [...]u [Page 88] that Sleepest, and arise from the [...]. A Sleeping Poyson is Deadly. There [...] some Poysons that will cause a man [...] Sleep himself to Death. Sin is [...] Poyson. It is compared to the Poy [...]son of Aspes, Rom. 3.17. The [...] is called Somnisera. Tis report [...] concerning Cleopatra, Queen of [...] that to escape falling into the [...] of Enemies, she set an Aspe to [...] Breast that the Poyson of it migh [...] make her Sleep to Death. Ther [...] are some Sleeping Diseases very dan [...]gerous: The Lethargy many times [...] so. It is a Sleeping Disease [...] proves Deadly to them that are take [...] with it; there is no awaking the [...] ▪ Thus many Sinners are subject to [...] dangerous & deadly Lethargy of Sou [...] It may be said of them, as 'tis said of [...] Babylonians, Jer. 51.57. They shall [...] a perpetual Sleep; they shall not awake.

2. It is also true that the Disciples [...] Christ may be too much subject [...] Sinful Sleeping. For Christ here speak [...] to His own Disciples, intimating [...] they▪ may be so. As to Natura [...] [Page 89] Sleeping, the Disciples of Christ as well as others may sin in that respect. When they indulge themselves in Sleep more than Nature calls for, they mis­ [...]end precious Time; they are then guilty of Idleness. And when they in­ [...]lge themselves in sleep, at a time when [...]hey ought to be awake: when they are [...]eeping when they should be Praying [...]at's sinful. Yet so it was with the Disciples. Christ said, Watch & Pray: [...]ut they fell Asleep. So when men [...]hould be Hearing the Word of God, [...]hen to be Sleeping is surely a very [...]nful thing. Eutychus a Pious Young [...]an was made an awful Example for [...]his. Much indeed might be said to excuse him; for that it was at Night [...]hen Paul was Preaching, & he Preach­ [...] a long Sermon, & continued till Mid­ [...]ght: Eutychus being in a window [...] asleep, and fell down and was ta­ [...]en up Dead. It was a sad thing that Death should find him Sleeping at a [...]ermon; Act. 20.9. But there is a [...]piritual Slumbring & Sleeping which Christians are subject unto. It is said [Page 90] concerning the Ten Virgins, Mat. 2 [...] ▪5. They all Slumbred and Slept. [...] only the Foolish Virgins, but the Wise Virgins were subject to sinf [...] Slumbering. It is true, they are no [...] subject to such a total fatal Sleep [...] Unregenerate men are. Neverthel [...] a sinful Sleepiness may prevail [...] them in too great a degree. I [...] the Spouse, but my Heart [...] ▪ Thus it may be with a Child of God, [...]e may Sleep tho' his heart Wak [...] Good Men may be too Secure, [...] then they are Asleep. They [...] Dream of that Earthly Happin [...] which they never shall enjoy; and [...] Dream discovers them to be asleep ▪ Thus it was with the Two Sons [...] Zebed [...]; they Dreamed of sitting [...] at the Right hand▪ the other at [...] Lef [...] hand of our Lord in His King [...]dom. And the Disciples said to Christ▪ Wilt thou at this time restore the King­dom to Israel? They Dreamed of [...] Earthly Kingdom▪ notwithstand [...] what Christ had said to the contr [...] ▪ And Gods own People may be [...] Ca [...]nally▪ confident. Peter was [...] [Page 91] [...] he said, Tho' all men deny the [...] [...] I won't. And not only he, bu [...] [...] the Disciples said they would d [...]e [...] than forsake Him. They were [...]leep, and that Carnal confidence was [...] Evidence of it. Altho' True Be­ [...]vers on Christ cannot live in sin, ye [...] [...]hey may fall into very scandalous sin [...] [...]nd this by reason of their not being [...] Watchful as they ought to be. [...] Ioah had been du [...]ly Watchful▪ he had [...] been overcome with Wi [...]e▪ No [...] [...] guilty of Incest. Nor David [...] [...]dultery. Some Godly men hav [...] [...] subject to such Falls as ha [...] caused [...] to go halting all their dayes [...] ▪ they have made [...] Ship­ [...]acks of their Reputation▪ their [...]eepiness and Unwatchfulness has [...] the cause of it.


Christians should be Watchful, lest when [...]eath comes, and the Lord comes they [...] found Sleeping.

1. Above all things. Men should be [...]atchful that Death do not find them [...] in a st [...]te of Sin. For a man [Page 92] that is appointed to watch to fall asleep is a very great Evil. If a Watchman Sleep he is Exposed unto shameful Punishment. Iewish Writers tell us, That when the Levites were set to Watch about the Temple, the chief Commander would sometimes come to see if any were asleep: If he found one waking and watching, he would say, Peace be unto you ▪ But if he found any one Sleeping▪ he would strike him a terrible blow, and cause his Gar­ments to be taken from him and torn in pieces; which was looked upon as a most Ignominious Punishment. This gives light to that Scripture, Rev. 16.15. Blessed is he that Watcheth, and keepeth his Garments, that the shame of his Nakedness do not ap [...]ear. So then Christians should be careful that the Lord when He comes find them not Sleeping in a state of Sin. Therefore they should be Careful that they do not imagine themselves to be in a Good Estate when they are not so. A man that Dreams he has that which he has not, is asleep An hungry man Dreams he i [...] eating, but when he a­wakes [Page 93] he finds himself hungry: A thirsty man Dreams he is drinking, but when he awakes he finds himself thirsty. Thus 'tis with many sinners, they Dream that they have the Bread of Life, and the Water of Life; that they have an interest in Christ, and yet deceive themselves. Now such [...] in Exceeding Danger of loosing their Souls i [...]recoverably: For as Death leaves a man, so will Eternal Judgment find him.

2. Christians should be Careful that they be not found in any Sleepy frame. For altho' a true Child of God can't be found Sleeping in a state of Sin, yet he may be found under such a Sleepy frame as will be very uncomfortable. To be k [...]pt from a Sleepy frame, is the way to be preserved from Scan­dalous f [...]lls into sin. If a Christian [...]hro' Unwatchfulness should fall into some g [...]ievous sin, and Death should come upon him suddenly, b [...]fore he has renewed his Rep [...]nance for that sin, [...]ow sad w [...]uld that be? If Death [...]ould find him with his spirit mise­rably [Page 94] out of frame; if Death should find him indulging himself in some In­temperancy, or drowned in the World and in Earthly Cares, how unwelcome would it be! Therefore Christians should often think on the words of Christ, Luk. 21.34. Take heed to your selves, lest at any time your Hearts [...] overcharged with Surfeiting & Drunken [...]ness, and Cares of this Life, and so the Day come upon you unawares. A Christian that keeps in a Wakeful frame, may bid Death welcome at a­ny time: For he is alwayes ready for it. And if Death finds him not only in an habitual but in an actual Readi­ness for the Lords coming, the sud­denness of his Death would be a sign of Gods favour to him. His Death would be a kind of Translation. We think that Enoch and Elijah were sin­g [...]larly favoured of God (and so they were) because Translated without Sickness. When the Servants of God are alwayes on their Watch, if they D [...]e Suddenly, they are in a sense Translated. Such a Death [Page 95] does very much Resemble a Trans­lation.


We may hence see, that Watchful­ness is at all times necessary for Christians. As long as the [...] k [...]ow not but Death may c [...]me sudden [...], Watchfulness is [...] for them. It is not only a Duty [...] on all Christian [...], but on them [...] Times. A man that [...] appointed to Watch, must never [...] the time appointed for his [...]. It is mentioned [...] of the Watchmen [...], [...]sa. 56 10 They are [...] S [...]umber. In a time of War, for a Watchman to Sleep is Death. A Commander finding a [...] Sleeping, he run him through with his Sword, and said, Dead I found [...] ▪ and Dead I [...]eave thee. And truly [...] alwayes a time of War with Christians: alw [...]es they are Engaged [...] a Spiritual Warfare: Therefore [...]ust ever be Waking, never be Sleeping.


1. They are in Danger by Spiritual E­nemies. [Page 96] Satan their great Adversary is alwayes Wakeful and Watchful [...] surprise them, and therefore they [...] need to be alwayes awake; 1 Pet. 5▪8. Be Vigilant, for your Adversary [...] Devil goes about like a Roaring Lion, seeking whom he may devour. Yo [...] have a watchful Enemy, therefore [...] watchful. It is said of the Lion tha [...] he seldom Sleeps: that no Animal live [...] with so little Sleep as he does. Bu [...] to be sure, the Lion of Hell never Sleeps at all. Christians then can [...] fall asleep but he will be upon the [...] presently, and get them into his Cruel snare. They cannot Sleep, but he will observe it, and fall upon them speedily. Watch that you enter not into Temptation. And the World i [...] an Enemy which Christians are always Endangered by. As for the Men of the world, they watch the servants of God as the Wolf the Sheep: Mat. 10.16. I send you as Sheep among Wolves. The Prophet Ieremiah complains, that there were those that watched for his Halting. There are men in the world [Page 97] [...] very wicked, as that they will do [...] they can to cause a Professor of [...]eligion to sin, that so they may have [...]mething to blemish him, and his [...]rofession. The Ungodly Samaritans [...]ould fain have brought Nehemiah to [...] an ill thing, that they might have [...] to Reproach him, Neh. 6.13. [...]he Things of the world also have [...] in them: Therefore be watch­ [...]l: 1 Tim. 6.9. They that will be [...], fall into a Snare. Many a man [...] lost his Soul for ever by pursuing [...] World. How many Professors of [...]eligion have lost their Souls by [...] Drowned in the World; that has [...] out the Heart of Religion. They [...] lost their Reli [...]n by being too [...]uch affected and addicted to the World. Was it not so with Demas? [...] Tim. 4.10. A Good man gave it a [...] [...] Dying advice to his Friends, [...] lest the World Ensnare you: I have [...] that my Great Enemy. But then [...] worst Enemy of all is Sin A [...] worst Enemies are within-doors; [...] are those of his own House, o [...] [Page 98] his own Heart. The deceitful I [...] that are there will betray him into [...] hands of Satan, if he be not exceed [...]ing Watchful. Therefore sayes [...] Aposte, Heb▪ 3.12, 13. Take heed [...] there be in you an Evil Heart of Vn [...]belief, in departing from the Living God▪ and lest your Hearts be hardened throug [...] the Deceitfulness of Sin.

2. There are Duties which Christian [...] must alwayes attend, which makes Watch [...]fulness to be alwayes Necessary. T [...] Watch ▪ is to perform Duty. [...] men become more remiss in Religiou [...] Duties than sometimes they have been they are Asleep. That great Duty of Prayer is that which Christians mus [...] alwayes attend [...] ▪ Luk. 18.1. Chris [...] [...]aught that men should Pray alwayes ▪ And Watchfulness is necessary in or­der to a due Performance of that Du­ty [...]: Eph. 6.18. Pray alwayes with [...] Prayer, and Watch thereunto. [...] another Apostle [...] sayes, Watch unt [...] Prayer. Christians should watch their own Hearts, lest they be out of frame so as to unfit for Prayer. They should [Page 99] [...] after Prayer, to see what [...]swers are given to their Prayers: [...] the Holy Prophet Habakkuk, having [...]ayed, said, I will stand on my Watch, [...] will Watch to see what Answer He [...] say un [...]o me, Hab 2. [...]. And in [...]earing the Word Christians should Watch. When they hear Sermons [...]ey should Watch, lest the Fowls of [...] Air come & devour the good Seed [...] the Word; and Watch against all [...]anderings of Heart when they should [...] unto what God is speaking to [...]. And Watchfulness is necessary [...] order to a due Sanctification of [...]he Sabbath Day: Remember the Sab­bath Day to keep it Holy. That Re­membring implies Watching, that so [...]ur Hearts may be in Sabbath-frames [...] the Sabbath Day. We must then [...] very watchful over every word. [...] sayes, Thou shalt not speak thy [...] [...]rds on my Holy Day. Be watchful [...]gain [...]t all worldly Discourses, which [...]ho' not suitable on Gods Holy Day, [...] very proper on other Dayes. [...] watch against worldly Thoughts [Page 100] on the Sabbath Day, that they don't get into your Hearts. O [...]ce more, The Lords Supper is an Ordinance that Christians must attend so long as they live, and it requires Watchfulness. The Primitive Christians had their Vigiliae, their Watchings before they came to the Lords Table. Many of them would sit up and Watch and Pray all the Night, that they might have Communion with Christ at His Table.

3. There is no Condition that men can be in, but Watchfulness is Necessary. If they be in an Afflicted state, they▪ should be Watchful; Eccl 7.14. In the Day of Advers [...]y C [...]nsider. That Consideration implies Watchfulness. Chri­stians should watch against all hard thoughts of God, as if He dealt too severely with them. They should be watchful that so no Discontented word, or murmuring Expression at the Providence of God proceed out of their mouthes. When David was in Affliction, he Prayed that God would set a Watch before his Mouth, & [Page 101] [...] the Door of his Lips, that so he [...] not speak one word displeasing [...] God, as men under great afflictions [...] in danger to do, Psal. 141.3. Some [...] Servants of God have done [...] and tis Recorded in Scripture for [...] end, that we might be the more [...]atchful. A Christian should think, such Eminent Servants of the Lord [...] Iob, Ieremiah, Ionah, when under [...] affliction did utter words un­ [...]coming them, what cause have I [...] have not that measure of Grace [...] they had, to be Watchful lest I [...] and worse? And in a time of [...]osperity Watchfulness is necessary. [...] then we are in great danger of [...] Asleep in a Bed of Security. [...] been too much so with Good [...] confesseth that it was so with [...], Psal. 30.6. In my Prosperity [...] never be moved. In a time [...] if men are not Watchful, [...] will forget God. When thou hast [...] full of Good things, then beware [...] forget the Lord, Deut. 6.12 [...] did so, when he [...] [Page 102] he forgat the God that formed him. And when men prosper in the world, if they grow Rich and Great they are apt to forget themselves too. There­fore does the Apostle say, Charge them that are Rich, that they be not high minded, & that they trust not in uncertain Riches. It is a great Folly in them that do so▪ For Death may come Suddenly, and then what becomes of their Riches▪ Or some other sudden Turn may de­prive them of all. We have Scrip­ture instances of it. Nebuchadnezz [...] was the Richest man on Earth, and had the greatest Honours, and he was taken with them: This (said he) i [...] Great Babylon, that I have made for th [...] Honour of my Majesty! He no sooner spoke the word, but there came a Voice from Heaven saying, Thy [...] departed from thee, Dan. 4.30. [...] a sudden downfal had Haman, from the Pinnacle of the highest Ho­nour, to an ignominious Death? And Histories abound with such like instan­ces. The Famous Great Bell [...]z [...]ri [...] [...] his Eyes put out, and sat begging [Page 103] [...] the high way. Date obolum [...], Give Poor Bellizarius one half- [...]enny. Among the Romans, a Great [...] in the Morning as he went to [...] Temple the People Worshiped [...], this very man before Night was [...] to the Goal, and made the Scorn [...] Contempt of all the Town. It is [...] unspeakable Folly for men to be [...]fted up with Prosperity. But if they [...] not Watchful they will be so.


Men should be alwayes in a Prepared­ [...] for Death. The Motive in the [...] is enough, viz. That Death may [...] Suddenly. You know not how [...]ddenly, therefore you ought to be [...]ver prepared for it. There is a [...]atural Disease, viz. the Ephial [...]es, [...]hich we commonly call the [...], (from the Gothic word [...] [...]nifying a Spirit) by reason whereof [...]any Persons have Dyed in their [...]. That very Apostolical man, [...] Thomas [...] did so▪ None of [...] [...]now▪ but it may be [...] to be [...] ▪ Suddenly out of the world. [...] [Page 104] has been the Lot of as Good men [...] we are. Eminent Servants of Go [...] have Dyed by Sudden Death; yea, and many Eminent Ministers of Christ too. I knew an Eminent Minister in London, when Death siezed on him, he had only time to speak these words▪ I am going out of the world, God show Mercy to my Family, and to my Congre­gation. I knew another Eminent Minister in the City of Exeter, who Dyed in the Publick Assembly, joyn­ing with the People of God in Sing [...]ing a Psalm; he went to Heaven Sing­ing. There was another that was t [...] have Preached the next day, but wa [...] found Dead in his Chamber, with hi [...] Spectacles in one hand, and his Ser­mon Notes in the other. Another Eminent man was to have Preached on the Lords Day, he spent the day before in Prayer with Fasting in hi [...] Study, in the Evening complained [...] found himself not well, and in [...] hours time he was in Heaven. An [...] we have seen such instances among o [...]selves, here in Boston? That Emine [...] [Page 105] [...] of God, Mr. Norton was taken [...] Death as walking in his House. [...]r. Oxenbridge when Preaching a [...]ecture-Sermon, was taken with the [...], went home and never came [...] of his Doors any more. And E­ [...]nent Magistrates have Dyed Sud­ [...]nly. Three Worthy Governours, [...]r. Hains the Governour in Connecti­ [...] Colony; Mr Eaton the Governour [...] New-Haven Colony; and Mr. Prince [...] Governour of Plymouth, all these [...]yed Suddenly. Then none of us are [...] but that it may be so with us. [...] we not then concerned to be al­ [...]ayes ready? If Death come Sudden­ [...] and find us unprepared, how [...] will it be? I remember a man [...] this place, who received a sudden▪ [...] by which he Dyed in a few [...], his doleful Cry was, Vnfit! [...]! Death has given me short [...]. Oh! I am not fit to Dye▪ Oh! [...]ink of it, and Labour to be always [...] to Dye.

Consier 1. That this is a matter of [...] Greatest Importance that can be▪ [Page 106] Nothing of greater Moment can b [...] laid before you. If a man be no [...] Prepared and if Death snatch him a­way Suddenly, there is no help for him. As the Tree falls so it lies; as Death finds him so must he be for ever. Eternity depends on a good Preparation for a Dying hour: For at that Moment when a man dieth when his immortal Soul goes out of his Body, it Launcheth into Eterni­ty. Think of that you that often see Ships Launched: Think, E're long this Immortal Soul of mine must Launch out into the Sea that has nei­ther Banks nor Bottom! It must Launch out into the infinite Ocean of Eternity. But then if Death find a man well Prepared, Blessed is he that ever he was Born into the world; he shall go into Everlasting Habita­tions of Glory. Death will minister to hi [...] an Entrance into the Everlast­ing Kingdom of our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ. But on the other hand, If Death come Suddenly and find him Unprepared, then he goes into a [...] [Page 107] [...] Eternity. Dives Dyed and was [...]uried, and the next thing we hear of [...]im is, Being in Hell he Cried out, I am [...] a place of Torment! Then how in­ [...]nitely are poor Mortals concerned [...] Prepare for Death, that they may [...]cape a Second Death, and be ready [...] a Blessed Eternity. 'Twas well [...]oken by one of the Ancients, who [...], Men should not be careful so [...]uch as to the time & manner of their Death, whether they Dye a Lingring [...] a Sudden Death, whether a Natu­ [...] or a Violent Death, as what will [...]come of them after Death, where [...]eir immortal Souls shall be disposed [...] when they Dye, and what shall be [...]eir Condition in another World to [...] Eternity.

Consider 2. That if a Sudden Death [...] find any of us Vnprepared, we [...] be very Inexcusable. The Provi­ [...]nce of God leaves us inexcusable▪ [...] has given us to see others taken [...] before our Eyes by Sudden [...] ▪ How many have we known [...] heard of? Many in former Years, [Page 108] and of late more than a few hav [...] Dyed Suddenly. And we shall be in­excusable if not Prepared, because Go [...] has given us Time to Prepare: [...] 2.21. I gave her space to Repent. [...] has the Lord given to every Soul [...] us, a Time to Repent in: To [...] He has given Ten Years; to other [...] Twenty, to some Forty Years [...] to Prepare for Death and Eternity▪ And as the Providence of God, [...] the Word of God will leave us Inex­cusable if Death find us Unprepared▪ For God in His Word has been [...] us in mind of our Mortality, [...] of our being subject to Sudden Death▪ God in His Word also has told [...] what we must do, that we may be Prepared, & alwayes ready for Death▪ Your Bibles tell you what you must do▪ They that have Bibles in their Houses if Death find them Unprepared for it, will be inexcusable. That [...] Death when ever it comes may [...] us Prepared for it,

1. Make sure that we be in Christ that Death find us in Him. Sayes th [...] [Page 109] [...]postle, That I may be found in Him [...] means that at the hour of Death [...] Judgment he might be found in [...]rist. Not having my own Righte­ [...]sness, but the Righteousness of Christ. [...]hat Delivers from the Second Death. [...]ove all things make sure of it, that [...] we Dye, and our Souls appear [...]fore the Dreadful Tribunal of the [...]orious God, we may have a Righ­ [...]usness to show that will Justify us [...]fore that Tribunal. There is no [...]her Righteousness but that of Christs [...] will or that can Justify in the [...] of God. But if we are found [...] Christ, Death will be a Blessed [...]riend to us: Rev. 14.13. Blessed [...] the Dead that Dye in the Lord. That [...]our greatest Concernment, to make [...] that we be in the Lord, that [...]eath find us in the Lord, so shall we [...] Blessed for Evermore.

2. That we may have not only an [...] Preparation for Death, which all [...] Believers have, but an Actual Pre­ [...]ation; let us be alwayes at work for [...]. A Christian must never be I­dle. [Page 110] When some would have per [...]aded Calvin because of his bodily Infirmities to have intermitted his Studying, and Reading and Writing▪ What (said he) would you have th [...] Lord find me Idle at His Coming? A Christian should never be Idle; [...] alwayes at work for God. You [...] say, Is this P [...]ssible? Truly it is very Possible. When Christians are fol­lowing their Particular Civil Callings, let them have respect to the Will of God and to His Commandment there­in: Let them be Diligent in their Callings, not meerly to get a Liveli­hood (tho' that they should aim a [...] too) but out of Obedience to God▪ Think, God has Commanded me t [...] be Diligent, therefore I will be so▪ If a Sudden Death comes on such a man when he is about the work of his Cal [...] ­ing, it finds him at work for God▪ Well then be alwayes doing some­thing for God. I Conclude with that Scripture, Luk▪ 12.43▪ Bless [...] is that Servant, whom the Lord at [...] Coming shall find so doing.

[Page 111]

Meditations ON DEATH, And on the Heavenly-Countrey Which Believers go into at the Hour of Death.

1 Chron. XXIX.xv.

[...] we are Strangers before thee, and Sojourners, as were all our Fathers: Our Dayes on the Earth are [...] Sha­dow, and there is none abiding [...].

IN this Chapter we have an ac­count of a very Liberal Collection which David and the Princes of Israel made toward [...] the Build­ing of the Temple, with Davids solemn [Page 112] Thanksgiving on that occasion. [...] the preceding Verse he shews that there was great reason for that Libera­lity; in-as-much as all the Estate and Riches Enjoyed by them, came from God: Of thine own (said he) we have given to thee. Altho' David and [...] Princes gave many Thousands [...] Pounds for the promoting of [...] work, yet they gave not one Penny, but what God had given to them. [...] God gives to us all that we Enjoy, it is but reason that we should make [...] return of some part of it to Him again. In this Verse there is another reason mentioned why it was very meet for them thus to dispose of some part of their Estate, viz. in that that they were Strangers and Sojourners on the Earth, as (said he) all our Fathers were. Their Fathers, Abraham, Isaac & Iacob were Strangers even before Men in the Land of Canaan, which is called the Land of their Pilgrimage wherein they were Strangers, Exod. 6.4. In their Dayes it was possessed by other Inhabitan [...]: But (sayes he) we are Strangers be­fore [Page 113] Thee. Notwithstanding the Chil­ [...]ren of Israel were then possessed of [...]he Land of Canaan, they were Stran­ [...]ers before God. As if he had said, [...]he Land is not our own, it is Gods [...]; we are only Tenants, and [...]enants at will, and must not continue [...] here. And then he adds, that [...] were S [...]journers: They were [...] and Travellers bound for ano­ [...]er Countrey. Therefore he does [...]rther Illustrate it, by saying their [...]ayes were like a Shadow. A Shadow [...] no abiding substance, but soon [...] away. Such is the [...]ife of [...] on the Earth. Therefore (sayes David) we cannot make a better use of our Estates than to give Liberally [...]wards the Building of a Temple [...] [...] God▪ who is able to Reward us, [...] that Eternally, by giving us: an [...]heritance in the other World [...] we are going and where we [...] for ever, after our short time o [...] [...] is finished.

[Page 114]

DOCTRINE. The Servants of God are very sensible that they are Strangers and Sojourners on the Earth, and that they have but a Little Time to be in this world.

Three Propositions are Contained in the Doctrine.


That the Servants of God are Stran­gers and Sojourners on the Earth.


1. Not the Earth, but Heaven is the Countrey they belong unto. And that indeed is the difference between the Servants of God and other men in the world. All other men are but Sojour­ners on the Earth; they are not at their long Home. But they can't say, that Heaven is their Countrey to which they do belong, and to which they are going. But this is that which the Children of God may truly say. Their Hearts are there, their Trea­sure is there, and all their Desires center there▪ 'Tis said of the holy [Page 115] [...]tria [...]ks, Heb. 11.16. They sought a [...]tter Countrey, that is an Heavenly one. [...]nd this is Evident from Several [...]hings.

1. In that Heaven is their Fathers [...]ouse. Heaven is compared unto an [...]ouse: We have an House Eternal in [...] Heavens. And it is Gods House. [...]hrist said unto the Disciples, Joh. 4.2. In my Fathers House there [...]re many Mansions. He is called, [...]ur Heavenly Father. Heaven is [...]is Dwelling-place. Now where [...] mans Father dwells, that is the Countrey, that is the Home to which he does belong. Ubi Pater [...] Patria. Thus it is as to the Chil­dren of God. If it should be asked, whither they are going? The answer must be, the [...] are going home, they are [...]oing to their Fathers House, to their [...]wn Countrey. And if it be asked [...]here is that? The answer must be, [...] is Heaven; they are going thither [...]very day.

2. As for the Children of God they [...] Born from Heaven. And then they [Page 116] have an High Birth indeed. The Greatest man in the world that is i [...] an Unregenerate Estate is not so High Born, as they are who are Heaven-Born. A Noble Roman that was put to Death for his Christianity, when some pityed him because of his High Birth, said, It is not the Blood of my Progenitors, but my Christianity that makes me Noble. Gods Children are Born from above, Gal. 4.26. I [...]rusalem which is above, is the Mother of us all. In the City of Ierusalem there was the Lower Ierusalem and the Upper Ierusalem, called the Ieru­salem above, viz. Zion, and that was a Figure of the Church of God, the Mother of all the Faithful▪ Psal. 87.5. Of Zion it shall be said, This and that man, that is every man is Born there. So of the Heavenly Zion, This and that man, every man that belongs to God has been born there. The Na­tural Birth is on the Earth; but the New Birth is from Heaven. Rege­nerating Grace does not spring out of the Earth, but comes down from [...] [Page 117] [...]. As 'tis said of that Grace of [...]piritual Wisdom, Jam. 3.17. It [...] from above. Even so, all the [...] of Gods Holy Spirit which [...]ntribute to make the New man, [...] descend from above. And there­ [...]re Believers in going to Heaven, do [...] go to their Native Countrey [...]hence they are Born.

3. As for the Children of God the [...] part of their Spiritual Kindred [...] in Heaven: That then and not the [...] is the Countrey they belong [...]. Their Father is there, Mat. 5. [...]. Your Father which is in Heaven. [...] their Elder Brother is there. Our [...]ord Jesus Christ is the First-born of [...] Brethren, and He is ascended [...] Heaven. In Luk. 19.12. We [...]ave a Parable of a Noble man that [...] into a far Countrey to receive [...] Kingdom. Our Lord Jesus Christ [...] intended by that Noble Man; and [...]eaven is the far Countrey: Thither [...] He gone to receive a Kingdom. And [...] of our Brethren, that are so in a [...]iritual sense are in Heaven. There [Page 118] is not any Godly man in the worl [...] but has more Friends, more Spiritua [...] Kindred in Heaven by far than he ha [...] on Earth. All the Righteous me [...] that have Dyed since Abel (the [...] Righteous man that Dyed) and un [...] this day, they are all in Heaven; an [...] they are the Brethren of Believe [...] here on the Earth. Yes, and the [...] Angels too who are the Nation [...] of Heaven, they look on Believers here on the Earth as their Younger Bre­thren; being Guardians to them the [...] are very tender of them. According [...]ly when Iohn was ready to fall down and worship the Angel, ('tis like [...] thought it was not an Angel [...] Christ,) Rev. 19.10. he said, Do [...]; I am thy Fellow Servant, and of thy Brethren the Prophets. Believers [...] on Earth, and the Angels in Heaven▪ have the same Father. God is th [...] Father of Angels in respect of Crea [...]tion and Similitude: And He is the Father of Believers in respect of Re­generation & Adoption. The Scrip­ture speaks of the whole▪ [...] [Page 119] and on the Earth. It is the same [...] of God; only those in Hea­ [...]n are in [...] [...]pper room▪ and those [...] Earth are [...]ill here below▪ So [...] the greatest part of their Kin­ [...]d [...]s in Heaven: That then is their [...].

4. Their inheritance is in Heaven. The [...] they have a right unto is there. [...] Pet. 1.4▪ An inheritance reserved in [...]eaven for you. Where a mans Inhe­ [...]tance is, that is his Countrey. Thus [...] is as to Gods Children, in Heaven [...] their Inheritance: They have▪ an [...] there that can never be taken [...] them; Heb▪ 10.34. You took the [...] of your Goods joyfully, knowing [...] in Heaven you have a better and a [...] [...]nd [...]ring Substance. Believers [...] an Estate there that will endure, [...] will never fail. The Richest [...] in the world has no Estate com­ [...]rable to what the meanest Saint has [...] another World. All the Riches & [...] of Solomon was nothing to what [...] intends for His Children; Eph▪ [...] 18. The Riches of the Glory of His [Page 120] Inheritance. They have a Treasur [...] laid up there, Mat. 6 20. Lay up for your selves Treasure in Heaven. There are but very few of them that have a­ny considerable Treasure here o [...] Earth, but then a vast Treasure is laid up in Heaven for them: There in­deed is their All. Paulinus an Emi­nent Minister in the City of Nola ▪ when His House was bur [...]t, and all his Estate taken from him, he looked an [...] pointed towards Heaven, and said, Ther [...] is my E [...]tate, there is my All.

5. Heaven is the place where they shall abta [...] longest: Therefore that is their Home, the Countrey which they be­long to. A Sojourner does not abide so long in the Countrey he passeth through, as in his own Countrey▪ There is no Comparison between our abode on the Earth, and in tha [...] World whither we are going. God Promised concerning His People o [...] Old, 2 Samuel 7.10. That they should have a Place of their Own, out of which they should not be removed. This is fulfilled unto the Elect of God. [Page 121] [...]eaven is a Place of their own: And [...]is a Place out of which they shall [...] be removed. As for their Earth­ [...] Habitations, they must be remo­ [...]d out of them never to come into [...]em any more: Job 7.10. He shall [...]urn to his House no more; neither shall [...] Place know him any more▪ But as [...] their House in Heaven, they shall [...] be removed out of that for ever­ [...]here they are in Everlasting Habita­ [...]ns, Luk 16.9. When once the Chil­ [...]en of God are got home, when once [...] are housed in Heaven, there they [...]all be to all Eternity. Therefore [...]avid could say, Psal. 23. ult. Good­ [...]ess and Mercy shall follow me all my [...]ayes, and I shall dwell in the House of [...] Lord for Ever. Heaven is that [...]ouse of the Lord in which His Chil­ [...]en shall dwell for ever. Thus we [...] that not Earth but Heaven is the [...] belonging unto the Servants of [...]; therefore they are said to be [...]angers here. The Believer may [...] this Earth Gershom, (as M [...]se [...] did [...] Son) saying, I am a Stranger in a [Page 122] Strange Land. But Heaven is thei [...] Countrey. It was well replied by one o [...] the Ancients▪ who when he was threat [...]ned with Banishment for his Religion You (said he to his Persecutors) can [...]not Banish me out of my own Countrey Not Earth but Heaven is my Countrey and Banish me out of that if you can▪ You may hasten me to my own Countrey but you can never turn me out of it.

2. As for Strangers and S [...]j [...]urners many times their Dignity and Worth [...] not known. Sometimes a Prince do [...] Travel Incognito in Forreign Countrie [...] and then he is taken to be but a [...] ordinary man. And thus it is wit [...] Gods Children, who are like Princ [...] in a Disguise in this world: [...] world little knows, little thinks tha [...] they are persons of such Worth [...] Dignity as indeed they are; Psal. 4 [...] 16. Thou makest thy Children to [...] Princes in all the Earth. The Chi [...]dren of Christ are Princes in the Eart [...] ▪ A [...]e, but they are not known to [...] such They are thought by the [...] not to be as indeed they are; as oft [...] [Page 123] [...] is with Strangers and Sojourners▪ [...] thus it was with our Lord JESUS [...]HRIST: He was as to His Humane [...]ature of the Royal Family of Da­ [...]d; and Born unto a Crown & King­ [...]m: Therefore the Wise men said, [...]. 2.2. Where is He that is Born [...] of the Iews? That they knew [...]deed by Divine Revelation: but o­ [...]ers did not know it. Christ was [...] King Messiah, whom God had pro­ [...]sed to send into the world to be [...] Saviour of it: The world did [...] take Him to be such an one; Joh. [...] ▪ 10. He was in the world, and the [...]rld knew Him not. And the Iews [...]emselves, altho' they did expect the [...]ming of the Messiah at that very [...] that Christ came, yet they did [...] know that our Lord Jesus was [...]. He came to His own, and His [...] received Him not. Nay, some of [...] own Relations, some that accord­ [...]g to the Flesh were near a-kin to [...], yet did not know that He was [...] King Messiah which they did ex­ [...]ct to come into the world. There­fore [Page 124] Christ sayes, Psal. 69.8. I am a Stranger to my Brethren, and an Alien to my Mothers Children. Had the world known that He had been such an One as He truly was, they would never have dealt by Him as they did▪ If they had known that He had been the Lord of Glory, they would not have Crucified Him. Our Lord Je­sus Christ with respect to His Person is the Eternal Son of God, but there were very few that knew Him to be so, while He was a Stranger and So­journer on the Earth. The Iews when they saw Him hanging on the Cross, mocked and derided at His being the Son of God, Mat. 27.40▪ He said He was the Son of God, Le [...] Him come down from the Cross, and we will believe Him. Thus did they mock Him. And thus it falls out with the Children of God, they are Strangers in the world on this account, for that the world knows not what they are▪ They are the Adopted Children of God, but the world knows not that they are so. They are Persons of the greatest Worth and Excellency of any [Page 125] [...]at live on the Earth, Psal. 16.3. The [...] are the Excellent in the Earth. [...] the world does not take them to [...] so, because their worth is not that [...]hich appears outwardly to a Carnal [...]. It is in the Grace which they [...] adorned with. The Righteous is [...] Excellent than his Neighbour. It [...] their Righteousness, their Holiness [...]at makes them more Excellent; [...]at's invisible, a Carnal Eye can't be­ [...]ld it. The Kings Daughter is all [...] within. Believers have an [...]ternal Glory, known to the Lord. [...]hey have not (it may be) Out­ [...]rd Ornaments to set them forth be­ [...]re the world, but they have that [...]nament which is of great Price in [...] sight of God; so are they the Ex­ [...]llent in the Earth. The most Wor­ [...]y men that have been on this Earth, [...] been no more regarded than [...]grims in Beggars Cloathes would [...] been, Heb 11.38. They [...] about in Sheep-skins▪ and [...]. The poor Servants of God [...] were fain to go in Leathern [Page 126] Cloathes, tis said▪ the world was not wor­thy of them. This evil world was not worthy that such men should live long in it. The holy Prophets were the worthiest men that lived on the Earth in their Dayes, and yet the world did despise them, and treat them very unworthily. The world did revile them, and speak all manner of evil of them. The holy Apostles were a­mong the Worthiest of men in the world in their Dayes, and yet they were not esteemed as such, but were treated as men of no worth; 1 Cor▪ 4.13. We are made the Filth of [...] world, and the Off- [...]ring of all things▪ So then they were l [...]ke Strangers and Sojourners, whose Worth was no [...] known.

3. Strangers, Pilgrims, Travellers use to be inquisitive concerning the way to the place whither they are going, [...] they should mistake the right way▪ And so it is with the Servants of God▪ they are inquisitive concerning th [...] way to Heaven: They [...]re asking after that way with great [...] [Page 127] of Soul; Jer. 50.5. They ask the way [...] Sion with their Faces thither-ward, [...]eeping as they go. Thus are the Chil­dren of God Enquiring the way to the Heavenly Sion, and that with great [...]are and mournful frames, lest they [...]hould mistake their way. They do [...]o sooner take one step in the way to [...]eaven, but they are very inquisitive [...]bout that matter. As we see in [...]he Converted Goaler, Act. 16.30. He was no sooner beginning to set [...]imself in the way to Heaven, but he [...]akes a very solicitous Enquiry. What [...]all I do to be Saved? What must I do [...]o get to Heaven? That I might take [...]he right way that will bring me thi­ [...]her? They know that the way of [...]he Commandment is the way to Hea­ [...]en, and therefore are very desirous [...]hat they might know that way, that [...] may be Revealed to them: Thus David, Psal. 119.19. I am a Stranger [...] the Earth, hide not thy Commandments [...]. As if he had said, Wilt thou [...] tell a Stranger the way? Any [...] that has common Ingenuity in [Page 128] him if a Stranger ask the way, he will tell him. I am a Stranger, and wilt thou not tell me the way to Heaven? Surely thou wilt. Oh! hide not thy Commandmens from me▪ since that is the way. These are the Desires of a Child of God. And when once they are set in the right way, they are ve­ry solicitous that they may not go out of it again: As in ver. 10. O let me not wander from thy Commandments. And if they have missed their way & gone astray, then are they exceeding de­sirous (as Travellers are won't to be) that they may be returned into their way again: Last ver. I have gone astray like a Lost Sheep, seek thou me. He Prayeth that he might be sought out, and set in the way in which he shoulds [...] go.

4. They that are not only Strangers but Sojourners, do not abide long where they are. And thus it is with the Ser­vants of God▪ they abide not long where they are: They are Sojourners, they are Travelling, there is none [...] [...]iding for them here: Mic. 2.18. [...] [Page 129] [...], depart ye; this is not your Rest. So [...]ust it be said to the Lords Servants [...] the Earth, This is not your Rest. [...] must depart from hence, and that [...]eedily; and therefore their Life on [...]rth is said to be a Pilgrimage; Gen. [...].9. Iacob said, The Dayes of my Pil­ [...]mage have been Few and Evil. The [...]fference between a Stranger & a Sojour­ [...] or Pilgrim is this; A Stranger may [...]ntinue longer in a place than a So­ [...]urner or Pilgrim. A Stranger one [...] another Nation, may settle in a [...]and that is not his Native Countrey. [...] is said to be a Stranger because [...] Born in the Land. But a Sojour­ [...]er or Pilgrim, is one that stayes but [...] a while: It may be he Lodgeth [...] a Night, and is gone the next day. [...] an one is a Way-faring-man, here [...] day, and gone to-morrow; Jer. 4.8. Why should thou be as a Stranger, [...] a Way-faring-man, that turns in & [...] for a Night? Thus it is with [...] Children here on the Earth, this [...]orld is only their Inn, not their [...]. As we shall see further in the [...] Proposition.

[Page 130]


That men have but a Little Time to be on the Earth. Here their Dayes are as a Shadow, and there is non [...] abiding; here they don't dwell, bu [...] only sojourn. The comparison of [...] Shadow is used to set forth the Elect­ing condition of men in this world. To the same purpose Solomon has [...] Eccl. 6.12. His Vain Life which he spend [...] as a Shadow. Yea, the Life of man is compared to a Declining Shadow; Ps. 102.11. My Days are like a Shadow [...] Declineth. When a Shadow begins t [...] Decline, it grows less and less by de­grees, and is quickly gone. Or, a [...] the Original word imports▪ a [...] that is Extended ▪ that is in E [...]ening Shadow. You observe▪ that when ti [...] almost [...] then is the greates [...] Shadow, and that Extended Shadow does in a very little time [...]nish into Darkness. Truly so it is as to the Life of man here in this world; it i [...] a Shadow that soon vanishes away▪ And the Life of man now is very shor [...] compared with what once it was. [...] [Page 131] [...]n the Beginning or first Ages of the [...]orld▪ lived much longer on the Earth [...]han they do now, or have done for these many Ages last past. Before [...]he Flood some Lived Seven, Eight, [...]ea Nine Hundred Years and more▪ The first man that ever was made did [...]bide on the Earth Nine Hundred & Thirty Years. Methuselah lived Nine Hundred and Sixty Nine Years. But [...]ithin Eight Hundred Years after the Flood, the Age of man was wonder­ [...]ully Contracted. In Moses's time, [...]hich was Eight Hundred Years after the Flood, & more than Three Thou­sand Years ago, Psal. 90.10. Our Dayes (said he) are Three-score Years and [...]en; and if they do amount to Four- [...]core, they are Sorrow and Trouble. [...]t is very rare for men to live longer [...]han that. Indeed, there have been [...]f Later Time some that have lived [...]bove an Hundred Years. Several in [...]ur own Nation, have lived above an [...]undred and Fifty Years. One that [...]yed lately in an Island belonging to [...]cotland, is said to have lived an Hun­dred [Page 132] and Eighty Seven Years. But such instances are exceeding rare Nay, where there is one that lives to Se­venty, there are many that attain no [...] to that Age. But if a man should live an Hundred Years and more, that is but a little while. Iacob when he was an Hundred and Thirty Years old said, Gen. 47 9▪ Few have my Da [...]es been. The Truth before us appears from several things.

1. The Duration of this world as to the [...] F [...]rm o [...] it, will soon be at an end: 1 Cor. 7.31. The [...]ashion of this world [...] away. The Scripture often speaks of a wonderful Change which this Visible world shall be sub­ject unto; Mat. 24.35. Heaven an [...] Earth sh [...]ll pass away: 2 Pet. 3.10, 11. The Heavens shall pass away with a grea [...] [...]; the Elements shall melt with Fer­ven [...] Heat: The Earth and the Works of it shall be bur [...]t up. All these things shall be Diss [...]lved. It will be so, and within a little time too. Some Di­vines have thought▪ [...] as the Earth is the place [...] men have Sinned, [Page 133] [...] that they who Dye with their Sins [...]npardoned, shall be Punished there: [...]hat the place of their Sinning shall [...] the place of their Torment; and [...]hat therefore this Earth shall be turn­ [...]d into Hell. And many Writers, [...]ot only Christians Ancient & Mo­ [...]ern, but the Jews also, have thought [...]is present world should not last a­ [...]ove Six Thousand Years, as it was [...]ade in Six Dayes; and if so, within [...] few Generations it comes to an end. [...]owever, it is but a few Days compared [...]ith Eternity. What is Six or Seven [...]housand Years, compared with Eter­ [...]ty? It is but as so many Dayes, nay [...] a few Hours; Psal. 90▪4. A Thou­ [...]nd Years is as One Day in the sight of [...]. Yea, as a Watch of the Night. [...] Watch of the Night, it is but for [...]ree or Four Hours; a Thousand [...]ears compared to Eternity are but as [...]: yea, less than that. David [...]erefore sayes concerning his own [...], Psal. 39.5. Thou hast made mine [...] as Nothing. So may we say of [...] Age of this present World, it [Page 134] is as nothing before the Eternal God.

2. The Experience of all Ages d [...]es Confirm the Truth before us. One Ge­neration goeth, and another comes; but there is no man does live thro'­out all Generations. How many have there been in the world that are dead and gone out of it? Some have made their Conj [...]cture, that there have been besides those now living▪ Twenty Thousand Millions of men in the world since the Creation. But of all those Thousands of Millions, there is not one of them to be seen upon the face of the Earth. And how many Mil­lions are there now living? Some late Writers have made their Conjectures about th [...]t also. The Learned V [...]ssius supposeth Two Hund [...]ed Millions▪ Another Three Hundred & Twenty Millions. Another, that there are Nine Hundred and Sixty Millions o [...] men in the world. How many there are is known to God, and to no man; but be their Number more or less they will all be gone in a very little time. Hence Io [...] speaking of the Grave [Page 135] sayes, Innumerable are gone before, and [...]very man is following, Iob 21.32. A Famous Emperor having a mighty Army▪ consisting of Seventeen Hun­ [...]red Thousand Souldiers, he ascended [...] Hill to view them, and when he [...]pok'd on them he fell a weeping▪ be­ [...]ause (said he) in less than an Hun­ [...]red Years every one of [...]ese men [...]ill be Dead. So that the Experi­ [...]nce of all Ages convinces men that [...]hey are but Sojourners on th [...] Earthpunc; Yea, and Experience teaches us, that Gods Servants are but Sojour [...]rs here. [...]hey as soon go out of the world as [...]ther men; Psal. 49.10 Wise men Dye as well as the Fool and Brutish person. Not only Brutish persons, that live as [...]f they had▪ no immortal Souls; that [...]ive as if there were no world bu [...] this▪ [...]ut Godly Wise men are subject by Death, to be removed ou [...] of this world as well as others: Your Fathers [...]here are they? And the Prophets▪ d [...] [...]hey Live for Ever? The Pro [...]ets, the [...]ervants of God do they live [...]or ever? No, on this Earth they are [...]ojourners[Page 136] and quickly remove. Men can not possibly preserve either their own life, or of those that are dear unto them, when once their appointed time is come. He can't by any means Re­deem his Brother, that he should live for ever, and not see Corruption. A man has not power in the day of Death, he can't retain his Spirit; he can't keep his immortal Soul in his Body any longer when once Arrested by Death.

3. The Scriptures do abundantly Testify concerning the Brevity of Life. Con­sidering that common Experience may convince men, one would be apt to think there should be no need of the Scriptures saying any thing about it▪ Aye, but Sinners are exceeding apt to Dream of a long time in this world, especially if they live at Hearts case▪ and have the world about them▪ Amos 6.3. Th [...]y put far away the Evi [...] Day, and drink Wine in Bowls. The day of Death will be an Evil day to Sinners that shall be found without an [...] Interest in Christ: But they put far [Page 137] [...]way this Evil Day. As the Rich [...]ool said, Soul be merry, thou hast Goods [...] up for many Years. I shall live a [...]ong life and a merry, thought he! Now because men are so apt to be [...]cure, & to build their Nests here, as [...]ho' they should never be removed out [...]f this world, the Scripture there­ [...]ore often puts them in mind of their [...]wn Frailty, and that they must soon [...] gone; 1 Cor. 7.29. This I say, [...]rethren, the Time is short. The time [...]f your being here on Earth is but [...]ort. And thence the Time here is [...]ckoned by that of Dayes, Psal. 90. [...]2. Teach us to Number our Dayes. [...]he longest liver in the world does [...]ot live so long, but it is an easy mat­ [...]er to number all his Dayes; to tell [...]ow many Dayes his Life has been. [...]he Scripture Illustrates this by Com­ [...]risons. Hence David sayes, Psal. [...]9 5. that his Dayes are but an Hands- [...]eadth. My Life (sayes he) is bu [...] [...] Span long. The life of man is com­ [...]red to a vanishing Vapour: Jam. [...] 14. What is your Life? It is even a [Page 138] Vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. Therefore men are compa [...]ed to Flowers, yea, to the Flower of the Field, Psal. 103▪15▪ A Flower is soon nipt and bl [...]sted an [...] the Flowers in the Field are more ex­posed to blasting than the Flowers in the Garden. The Life of man is said to Flee away, Job 14.1, 2. Man that is Born of woman is of few Dayes, [...]e comes forth as a Flower, and is cut down▪ he fleeth also as a Shadow, and conti­nues not. The Sojourners on the Earth are posting, yea flying out of it; Job 9.25, 26. My Dayes (sayes he) are swifter than a Post, or a Ship under Sail, or an Eagle hasting to the Prey. A man that goes Post quickly comes to his Journey's end. Ships at Sea, if they have a fair wind, and Sail Day and Night, quickly comes to the desired Haven. But then a Bir [...] [...]yes swifter than a Ship can Sail, or [...] Post can run or ride; and the Eagl [...] is the swiftest of all Birds, and whe [...] hastening to the Prey flies more swift­ly than ordinary. These Scriptur [...] [Page 139] [...]imilitudes are used to set forth the [...]hortness of mans time on Earth. And Iob has another Comparison, Job 7.6. My Dayes (sayes he) are swifter than Weavers Shuttle. The Weavers Shuttle [...]ies from one end of the Web to the [...]ther in a moment of time▪ This is spo­ken to shew how men are hastening out of the world; that they are Soj [...]urn­ers on the Earth, that their Dayes [...]re as a Shadow, and that there is none abiding.


The Servants of God are very Sen­ [...]ble of this. They are sensible that [...] is not their Home: That there [...]s another Countrey, and indeed ano­ther World that they are hastening [...]nto▪ They Esteem Heaven and not [...] as their Countrey. And there­fore they do on all occasions make a [...]ree open Confession of it. They are [...]ot (as they have no cause to be) [...]shamed of their Countrey. It is said of the Patriarks, that they Confessed they were Strangers & Pilgrims on the Earth, Heb. 11▪13. Abraham made that Con­fession [Page 140] before the Children of Het [...], Gen· 23.4. And Iacob made that Confession before King Pharoah and all his Courtiers, Gen. 47 9 The Years of my Pilgrimage: I have not attained to the Years of my Fathers in their Pilgrimage. I (sayes he) and my Fathers before me, Abraham and Isaac were Pilgrims here on the Earth, con­fessing their being bound for another Countrey. And David did often make this Confession: Not only in the Scrip­ture now under our Consideration; but in Psal. 39 12. I am a Stranger and a Sojourner, as all my Fathers were▪ And, Psal. 119 64. Thy Statutes have been my Song in the House of my Pil­grimage. He did not look on this world as his Home, but only as the House of his Pilgrimage. And there­fore the Servants of God are very sensible that they have but a little Time to be in this world. Thus Iob, Job 16. ult. When a few Years are come, I shall go the way whence I shall not return. And as Age comes upon them, the sense of this does and may well in­crease [Page 141] in them. Therefore Old Bar­ [...]llai said, 2 Sam. 19.34. How long [...] I to Live? That is to say, I have [...] long to live: I have but a very [...]ttle Time more to be here in the [...]orld The like we see in Isaac, Gen. [...] 2. I am Old, and know not the day of [...] Death. He did not know but that [...]e might Dye before another Day, [...] therefore would dispatch a matter [...] was of great moment that very [...]. It is true, that Isaac lived Forty Three Years after that, nevertheless [...]hen he considered his Old age, he [...] not expect to have lived so long. [...]nd we find that David Prayed that [...] might have more of the sense of [...] upon his own heart, Psal. 39.4. Make me to know mine End, and the [...]easure of my Dayes, and how frail I am. [...] is Faith in the Servants of God, that [...] them to have a sense hereof. [...] is said of Abraham, Heb. 11.9. That [...] Faith he Sojourned in the Land, as in [...] Strange Countrey. It was his Faith [...] made him sensible of his being [...] a Sojourner in the world as he [Page 142] was. Faith in Gods Children hath [...] Three-fold Good Effect upon them.

1. It makes them see the Reality an [...] Excellency of things that are Invisible▪ One has well observed that Earthly minded men are apt to believe nothing but what they see with their Bodily Eyes, and that what is spoken con­cerning an Invisible World, is [...] and not Reality. But to Faith Invis [...] ­ble things are as real as those that are Visible▪ Heb. 11.1. Faith is [...] Substance of things hoped for, and [...] Evidence of things not seen. Things belonging to the Invisible world▪ things that are of an Heavenly Na­ture, & that are not seen with Bodi­ly Eyes, Faith gives a Substance to them: It makes them Real. The Eye of Faith sees that which the Na­ [...]ral Eye cannot see. Moses by Fait [...] saw Him that is Invisible. That Hea­venly World which is the Countrey the Children of God do b [...]long unto it can't be seen by men here on the Earth. It is a far Countrey, and the sight of a Mortal Eye cannot reach so [Page 143] [...]; but then it is seen with an Eye [...]f Faith, so as that the Believer does [...]o more doubt that there is an Hea­ [...]en, than that there is an Earth which [...] Eyes behold, and his Feet tread [...]pon every Day; Heb▪ 11.3. By Faith [...] understand that the Worlds were [...]amed. The Worlds in the Plural [...]u [...]ber; not only the Terrestial [...]orld, but the Caelestial Wo [...]ld that out of sight, by Faith we know [...] there is such a World, and that is a Glorious World: Eph. 1▪18. Ha­ [...]ng your Understandings Enlightned, [...] you may know the Riches of the [...], &c. It is by Faith that the [...]ind of the Believer is Enlightned to [...] the Riches of the Glory of the [...]eavenly World. Yea, that it is so [...]lorious as is inexpressible & uncon­ [...]veable by mortal men; 1 Cor. 2. [...]Eye hath not seen, Ear hath not heard; [...] hath it entred into the Heart of [...], the things which God hath prepared [...] them that Love Him. The world-minded man sayes, 'tis good to be the Earth still; he would be always [Page 144] abiding here. But the Believer sayes of Heaven, as Peter said of being in the Holy Mount, when he was with Christ there, & with Glorified Saints, Mat 17▪4 It is g [...]od to be he [...]e. So sayes the B [...]li [...]ver concerning Heaven, It is [...] to be there. The Apostle thought that to be with Christ is m [...]ch be [...]ter tha [...] to be in t [...]is World. And the Psalm [...]t said, O [...]e Day in t [...]y C [...]urts is better t [...]an a [...] el [...]e-w [...]ere. So sayes [...] B [...]liever, his F [...]ith makes him t [...] [...] and say, One Day in Hea­v [...]n is b [...]ter th [...]n never so many here on E [...]rth.

2 [...]aith make [...] the Believer see & b [...] sensible of the Va [...]it [...] of al [...] th [...]ngs here be­low: T [...]at they [...]; Psa [...] ▪ 39 6. E [...]e [...]y man at hi [...] best [...] is altogether V [...]ity; they walk in a vain [...]: and they disquiet themselves i [...] Va [...]n. Vain Vain! (Sayes the Psal­mist) yea Vanity i [...] self, and altoge­ther so A [...]l the Pomp of this world is but an Empty show. Faith will m [...]ke [...] thus t [...] trample upon all [...] things as Vanity. [...] [Page 145] [...] the Church is re [...]r [...]sented, Rev. [...].1▪ as having the [...] under her [...]. There is a Vanity in all Earth­ [...] Enjoyments on a Double account: [...] in that they cannot Satisfy. [...] when they set themselves to seek [...]ese things, what do they do? They [...] for that which will not satisfy! [...]he Believer is sensible of it▪ he says, cannot find that here on Earth that know is in mine own Countrey: All [...]ings here below they can't satisfy [...]y Soul: But by Faith I have seen [...] in Heaven which will satisfy my [...]. God is there, and Christ is [...]ere; and with His likeness I shall be [...]isfied. And Faith will make a man [...] that these things are Vain, because [...] are Transitory: They soon come [...] an End. They are like a shadow▪ that th [...]y soon vanish & disappear, [...]. 119.96. I have seen an End of all [...]fection: But thy Commandment is [...] Broad▪ All Perfection, all the [...]ppiness that this world can afford▪ [...] soon come to an end. I have [...] (sayes D [...]vi [...]) that the Plea­sures, [Page 146] Riches, Honours of this world have no perfect Happiness to be found in them▪ But the Commandment di­rects men in the way to Heaven, that great Commandment, Believe on Ie­sus Christ the Son of God, sets men into the only way to Heaven, where Per­fect and Eternal Happiness is to be Enjoyed.

3. Faith puts the Believer upon prepa­ring for another and a better World. And that is a sure sign that he is sen­sible that he is a Stranger here: If he had not a sense of that, he would ne­ver prepare for another world so as he does: He would never make it his business to prepare for Heaven, if he did dream of a long abode here below. The Believer prepares for Heaven by Repenting of Sin, and by forsaking those things which render men that indulge themselves in them, altogether unfit for the Heavenly World: 1 Pet. 2.11. As Strangers and P [...]grims, abstain from Fleshly Lusts, which War against the Soul. You are Stran­gers & Pilgrims (sayes the Apostle) [Page 147] [...]oing to another Countrey, therefore [...]ust abstain from those things that [...]ould hinder you in your way. So [...]oes the Believer, he orders his Con­ [...]ersation as one that thinks of and [...]epares for another world. They [...] not by Sight, but by Faith ▪ 2 Cor. [...] ▪7. They don't see by Bodily Eyes [...]hat is in the other World, but by [...]aith they see those Glorious things, [...]nd therefore they Walk and order [...]heir Conversation accordingly. The [...]eliever is careful in some measure to [...]ve in Heaven, yea, to be daily Con­ [...]ersing with Heaven while on Earth: [...]hil. 3 20▪ Our Conversation is in Hea­ [...]en. If the Children of God had not [...] sense of their being Strangers and [...]ojourers on Earth, their Conversa­ [...]ion would not be in Heaven.



Instruct. I. This should teach us Con­ [...]ntation, and to Moderate our [...]ff [...]ctions [...] to all Earthly Enjoyments: Heb. 13. [...]Let your Conversation be without [Page 148] Covetousness, and be Content with such things as you have. The Considera­tion of the Vanity of the things here below, and that we are to be here bu [...] a little time, should make us Conten [...] if we have not much of this world. A Traveller if he has but enough to bea [...] his Charges till [...]e come home, that satisfies him. The Children of God are in a Journey to their own Coun­trey, and if they have but enough to support them until they come to their Journey's end, they should rest satis­fied: And Food and Raiment is E­nough. If they have that they ought to be Content. So sayes the Apostle, 1 Tim. 6.8 If we have Food and Rai­ment, let us therewith be Content. For we can carry nothing away with us. [...] a man have never so much of this world, he can't carry one Penny, one Farthing with him into the othe [...] World. And if he could, it wou [...]d be [...]f no use to him there. As a Martyr said, I am going to a Countrey where Money bears no Mastery: To Heaven where Gold and Silver signifies no­thing. [Page 149] Are you the Children of God? Then what if you have but a little of this world, be not Discontented; [...]ou will have Riches enough when [...]ou get home to your own Countrey. There you will enjoy no less Riches [...]han that of a Kingdom▪ Jam 2.5. God has Chosen this Poor of the world, [...]ich in Faith, Heirs of a Kingdom. Then [...] you have but little here below, what matters it; when you have a King­ [...]om reserved for you in the Coun­ [...]rey whither you are going. It was [...] to the Sons of Iacob, Regard not [...]our Stuff, for the good of all the Land of [...]gypt is yours, Gen. 45 20. So may it [...]e said to Believers, regard not much [...]he things of this world, (which are [...]ut poor Stuff) be willing to leave [...]hem behind you; for all the Good of Heaven is yours. And if you abound [...] Earthly Blessings, be moderate in [...]our Affections towards them: Psal. [...]2.10. If Riches increase, set not your [...]eart upon them. Remember you are [...]ravellers! When Travellers pass [...]hrough a Countrey, and see this and [Page 150] that desirable thing, they set not their Hearts on them: (Especially if they have better in their own Coun­trey;) Because going away from them. So are m [...]n in this world go­ing away from all their delightful En­joyments. On the other hand; [...] the Lords Servants meet with grea [...] Sorrow, they should moderate their Affections, because they are Sojourners and have no abiding here. Their Sorrows will all be over in a little time; Job 14.1. Man is of few Dayes and full of Trouble. This is some alle­viation of the trouble▪ that the days are b [...]t few. It may be there is a [...] heavy Cross imposed on them; well but they have but a little way to carr [...] it. They will soon be at their Jour [...]ney's end; and the consideration o [...] that should moderate their Griefs and keep them from Fainting: 2 Co [...] 4.16, 17. We faint not. Why? Ou [...] Light Affliction is but for a Momen [...] and that makes it light. This is th [...] Use that the Apostle makes of men being but a little time here in th [...] [Page 151] [...]orld, 1 Cor. 7 29. The Time is short: Therefore they that Possess should be [...]s tho' they Possessed not; and Re­ [...]oyce, & Weep as tho' they Rejoyced [...]ot, and Wept not. If you abound [...] sayes he) with Outward Comforts, [...] moderate your Affections; the [...]ime of your Enjoying them is short: And if you meet with great Afflictions, moderate your Sorrows; the time of [...]our bearing them is short.

Instruct. II. Hence they all whose Hap­ [...]iness is in Earthly Enjoyments are Mi­ [...]rable men. They whose Names are written on the Earth, and whose Por­tion is in things here below are Mi­serable men indeed; Psal. 17.14. The men of the world, whose Portion is in this Life. They whose Portion is in this life, suppose them to have never so great a Portion, if that be all, they are very miserable. As indeed for the most part it is so, that they who have much of this world given to them, that is their Portion; that is all the Good they must ever enjoy▪ therefore miserable are they. Christ sayes of [Page 152] Ungodly Rich men, Wo to them, for they have received their Consolation, Luk. 6.24 All the Comfort, all the Hap­piness that ever they are like to see, they have received it. It is all in the vain things of this world; then they must needs be miserable: For these things can never make the possess [...]r of them to be truly Happy. For a man may have them, and yet lose his Soul▪ and so be Eternally Miserable. Wha [...] if he should gain never so much when God takes away his Soul, what good will these things do him? Christ sayes, If a man should gain the whole World, and lose his Soul, what is he profited? A Re­ligious man did once advise a very Rich man, to remember those words of Christ, and to meditate on them every Day, tho' it were but for a [...] Quarter of an Hour. Nay, these things will add to a mans misery, if he Dyes in his Sins at the last; he will be the more miserable, because of the Earth­ly Felicity that once he had. As it was said to Dives, Remember in thy Life-time thou hadst thy Good things. [Page 153] That Remembrance made him the [...]ore miserable. There are some [...]hose Riches is Vnrighteous Mammon: And if they have got their abundance [...]y any way of Unrighteousness, by [...]ying, Oppression, Cheating, Gaming, [...]r by any such Ungodly Practices, the [...]emembrance of it in Hell will sting [...]hem, and aggravate their misery. [...]r if they have abused their Power [...]o Oppress the Poor, or their Riches [...]o nourish Pride and Voluptuousness, [...]hese Gifts of God will be brought as Witnesses against them, to aggravate [...]heir Codemnation at the Last Day. [...]ow terribly does the Apostle Thun­ [...]er against Ungodly Rich men? He [...]ids them weep and howl because of [...]he misery coming on them▪ in that [...]hey had defrauded the Poor, kept [...]rom the Labourer his hire, and that Cryed in the Ears of the Lord of Hosts against them, that they had laid [...]p a great deal of Gold and Silver▪ & [...]hat the Rust of that would witness [...]gainst them; and that they had lived [...] pleasure and been wanton, he tells [Page 154] then▪ they are like Bruit beasts, fat [...]e [...] for the Day of Slaughter, Iam▪ 5.1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Instruct. III. Here we see the Sin & F [...]l [...]y of those that demean themsel [...]es a [...] tho' they were not Sojourners on the Earth▪ As tho' they should continue in this world for ever: As indeed that is the inward wish and desi [...] of the most of men. They can't say as Iob did, Job 7.16. I would not live alwayes. If God should say to them, You shall have your Choice, either to live for ever on this Earth, or to be with Me in Heaven, the greatest part of the Chil­dren of men would choose to be here alwayes, rather than to go to the Heavenly world. They are not like the Holy Patriarks, that tho' they lived in one of the best Lands in the world, yet they Desired the Heavenly Countrey▪ Heb. 11.16. And if we may judge of the inward Thoughts of men by their actions▪ we must then Conclude, that they think they are not Sojourn­ers on Earth, but tha [...] they shall abide here for ever: Psal. 49 11.13. Their [Page 155] inward thought is, that their Dwell­ [...]gs shall continue to all Generations: [...]his their way is their Folly, yet their [...]bsterity after them approve of it. [...]herefore we see that men make very [...]eat Provision for this world; and it [...]ay be little or none at all for ano­ [...]er World. This their way is [...]heir Folly. If a man that is a Tenant [...] another, and his Lease almost out, [...]ould now go to Building, would [...]ot the world wonder at his Folly? [...]o is the Case here; Men are Tenants [...] will, the world they live in is none [...] their own: Yea, and their Lease is [...]most out; What then need they [...]ake such ado to get so much of this [...]orld? Man, the Lease of thy Life is [...]most out; why then dost thou set [...] Heart on the World as if thou [...] to be here for ever?

Instruct. IV. If men are to be but a [...] while in this World, if they are but [...]ojourners here, then they ought to be [...]ery ca [...]ful not to mispend their little [...]ime, but to improve it well. If a man [...]as a Commodity of great Worth & [Page 156] Value, and but a little of it, he will be careful not to squander it away. Ve­rily Time is such a Commodity: Time is more precious than Gold▪ If a man had all the Gold on Earth, [...] could not purchase one Day, one Hour of Time with [...] all. And men have but a little of this Precious Commo­dity: Then had they not need to be­ware that they squander none of it a­way. It is a sad thing to hear some men speak as if Time lay on their hands. They will say, we went into such an House, or into such Company to Pass away the Time. Alas for you! Go to pass away the Time▪ The Time will pass away fast enough whether you will or no. Time is go­ing and flying when men are do­ing nothing: Time is going when men are sleeping: Time is go­ing, and will soon be at an End. Men should be careful so to improve their Time, as to be able to give account of it to that God who gave it them; 1 Pet. 1.17. God will Judge men according to their works, with­out [Page 157] respect of Persons, Pass the time of [...]ur Sojourning here in Fear. You are [...]o Sojourn here but a little while; [...]herefore pass your Time so as you [...]ay be able to give a good account [...]o God the Judge of all. Think often with thy self, Why did God send [...]e into the world? And why has He [...]ontinued me therein? Has not the [...]ord allowed me so much time that I [...]ight Repent of Sin, and be prepared [...] another World before it is too [...]? The Lord said of Iezabel ▪ Rev. [...] ▪21. I gave her space to Repent, and [...] Repented not. God has given thee space for that End, that so thou [...]ayest Repent before Death puts an [...] to thy Time. And Time is given [...] that so they may Serve and Glo­ [...]fy God, and do good to men while [...]ere on Earth: Which after their [...]ime is ended they can't do as now [...] may; Isa. 38.19 They that go [...]wn to the Pit cannot Praise thee; but [...] Living, the Living shall Praise thee. [...] a man has a great work on his hands [...] but a few Hours in a short win­ters [Page 158] Day to dispatch that work in, it makes him bestir himself. You have but a short winters Day to be here on Earth, and that Day is far spent. Then are you not concerned to im­prove your Time with all possible diligence? Therefore remember those words of Christ, Joh 9.4. I must work while it is Day, for the Night comes in which no man can work. The Day of Life will soon be gone, and the Night of Death will soon be here. There­fore improve your Time with utmost Care and Diligence. Remember also those words of Christ, in Joh. 12 35. Walk while you have the Light, yet a little while and you have the Light; therefore walk lest Darkness come on you. The Light of Life is but for a little while, and the Darkness of Death will come. You will be in the Dark Grave quickly: You will be in the Land of Darkness, where the Light it self is Darkness. If a man live an Hundred Years, yet let him Remember the Dayes of Darkness, for they are many. Yea, let him so remember them [Page 159] [...]s to improve his Time, in preparing [...]or, & making sure of a better World. And the rather because a mans time may Suddenly be brought to a Period, [...]e knows not how soon. When the Morning comes, he knows not but that before Night his Time may be [...]rought to an End. Have we not [...]ately seen awful Instances of it, in [...]oth Old and Young? A man knows [...]ot when he comes to hear a Sermon, [...]ut that he may be Dead before the [...]ermon is Ended Very lately in a Town not far off, one came on the Lords Day well into the Meeting-House, and was carried out Dead. He was an Aged man. But let Young Men Hear the Word of the Lord. They are apt to think, We have time before us, there is no fear that we [...]hall Dye. Nay, but thou mayest Dye before many Old enough to be [...]hy Grand-father. Have you not seen [...]t? Was there not Two Dayes since, [...]n this Neighbourhood a Young Man who went well to Bed, and was found Dead in the Morning▪ This Provi­dence [Page 160] is a Sermon to Young Persons, calling them to Redeem their Time, to make sure of an Interest in Christ, and so Prepare for Death. Oh! that God would awaken Young People a­mong us, and make them wise to con­sider their latter End, and to consider that their Time may be at an end before they are aware; it may be be­fore another Week, or another Day.

Instruct. V. If men have but a little Time to be here in the world, then they should be thinking of that World where they must abide for Ever. They should be thinking of going Home: Here is not their Home. No man is not at the Home where he must dwell E­verlastingly, while he is in this world. Every man in the world is going home, and to a Long Home; Eccl. 12.5. Man goes to his Long Home. The Grave is a long home. Some have been Lodged there this Five Thou­sand Years and more. And then the Invisible World which men are going into, is an infinitely longer Home than the Grave. They must rise out of [Page 161] the Grave; but they are going to a World where they must continue to Eternity. All men are going to their Long Everlasting Home; tho' not to [...]he same Home: For they are not all going in the same way. Some are going in a narrow clean Way; others in a broad and foule Way. Some are going up hill, they that are going to Heaven do so. But they that are going to Hell, are going down hill: Like the Gada [...]ene Swine when the Devil was in them, they went down a [...]teep place and perished. So they that go on in their Sins, are going down [...]ill they perish in the Deep. Never­theless, all are going to another world, to an Eternal World; to a World that is not seen and is Eternal. It must needs be so, because the Souls of men are Immortal, and therefore must [...]bide for Ever in some world or other. They have Never Dying Souls, and because their Souls are Immortal they must be for ever either in a Happy, or in a Woful Wo [...]l [...]. As [...]or men that are in a state of Sin, and [Page 162] Dye in that Estate, when once their Souls are out of the Prison of their Bodies, what Prison are they in? It is said of the Souls of men who were Drown'd and Damn'd Thousands of Years ago, that they are in Prison, 1 Pet. 3.19 The Sinners who lived in the Old world before the Flood, their Spirits are in Prison, they are in a Dungeon. When wicked men dye, their Immortal Spirits go into a dis­mal and an Eternal Dungeon; Jude 13. ver. For them is reserved the Black­ness of Darkness for ever. How long must they be in that dark dismal World? It is said of Hell, There the Worm dies not, there the Fire never shall be quenched. As for the Servants of God when they Dye, they go to a bles­sed World, they go to Heaven: there is our House, there is our Home where we must be to all Eternity; 2 Cor. 5.1. We have an House Eternal in the Heavens. If Death find us believing in Christ, and serving God, we shall go to a City which has Foundations. All the Cities on the Earth shall pe­rish, [Page 163] but the Heavenly Jerusalem is a City, that shall abide for ever. There­fore should the Children of God be often thinking of it. As the Prophet said to the Lords People, Jer. 51.50. Let Ierusalem come into your minds. So should the Heavenly Jerusalem come into our minds. Heaven! Hea­ven! Heaven! should come into our minds every Day, and often in a Day.


Let the Servants of God make not the Earth but Heaven to be their Home.

Consider 1. How undesirable a world this is. This World is not Paradise now, but a Prison rather to the Chil­dren of God. Tis a Vain World: Vain because Vnprofitable. What profit has a man of all his Labour under the Sun? What profit when he has Laboured for the Wind? A great Emperor who had passed through many Offices, and at last obtained the whole Roman Em­pire, the mightiest that ever was, after all made this Protestation before the world, Omnia fui sed rihil profuit; I have been all things, but it profited [Page 164] me nothing at all. Could a man grasp the whole World into his hands, it would not yield satisfaction to his Soul. They say of Alexander the Great, that he wept because there was but one world for him to inlarge his Conquests in. The Eye is not satisfied with seeing. Some have Ex­pressed it too argutely when they have said, A round World will never fill a tri­angular Heart. But it is a serious Truth, that all the things of this world cannot satisfy the vast desires of an immortal Soul, but it will be wishing for something better than the best Earthly Enjoyments, or than them all. Solomon was as Competent a judge of what this world could afford as any man that ever lived in it. And the account which he gives of it, yea, the Sum Total is that in Eccl. 1.2. All is Vanity. Not only Vain, but Vanity it self. So that if a man could possess all the things that are in the world, they are Nothing, for he possesseth Vanity. 'Twas the Expression of a Famous man, If all the World were to [Page 165] [...] Sold, it is not worth a mans opening [...]is Mouth to say, I will not buy it. And [...]hall we make this world then to be [...]ur Home, when it is all Vanity? And [...]ot only so, but Vexation of spirit too, [...] Solomon there sayes. There is great Vexation oftentimes in Obtaining the [...]hings of this world. Alas! Many [...]et the world by wounding their own [...]onsciences, and that proves Vexation [...]o them. And there is great vexati­ [...] keeping the world. The Rich mans [...]bundance won't suffer him to sleep. [...] is reported that Cyrus made a poor [...]an vastly Rich, who found such [...]exation about the keeping and the [...]isposal of his Riches, as that he gave [...]he greatest part of them away, and [...]hose rather to have only a moderate [...]tate that so he might Enjoy him­ [...]lf, and live with greater Contenta­ [...]on. There is great Vexation in the [...]oosing the world. If a man has been [...]ich, and becomes Poor, he is more [...]iserable than if he had never had [...]uch Riches: So that they are vanity [...]nd vexation. But which is infinite­ly [Page 166] worse, this world is full of Sin; and that has made it like Hell. The terrible Judgment of God for the Sins of men, has suffered Satan to be the Prince of this world. He is not so by the Grace of God, but by the Wrath of God. The Devils are the Rulers of the Darkness of this world. And shall Gods Children make such a dark World their Home?

Consider 2. H [...]w Desi [...]able a Place that World is which Believers are going unto. Certainly when Christians are loth to leave this world, they do not meditate on Heaven so much as they should do, where there is nothing but what is good, and every thing that is good. Are Riches desirable▪ In Hea­ven & there only, are the true Riches to be found; Prov. 8.18. Durable Riches. Earthly Riches are not Du­rable; but Heavenly Riches are a Sub­stance that will endure to Eternity. There are Glorious Riches to be found in Heaven For JESUS CHRIST is there, who is an Inestimable and In­exhaustible Treasure. Does not the [Page 167] [...]cripture speak of the Unsearchable [...]iches of Christ? In Heaven the Infi­ [...]itely Glorious GOD is to be Enjoyed▪ [...] Him we have an infinite Treasure. [...]ea▪ all Good at once to satiate our [...]ouls: He is the Portion of His Chil­dren, and a greater Portion cannot be▪ David sayes, God is my Portion for ever. When [...]braham refused the Riches of [...]he King of Sodom, God said to him, Gen. 15.1. I am thy Exceeding Great Reward: Thou shalt have Riches e­ [...]ough in me. Now if we would make Heaven and not Earth our Home.

1. We should be willing to go Home. Should not a Traveller be willing to go home? Why then should no [...] Gods Children who are Strangers and Sojourners in the Earth, be willing to go to their own Countrey, when ever [...]t shall please the Lord, this Year ra­ther than the next Year if God will have it so. Such an Heart was in Old Iacob, Gen. 46▪30. N [...]w let me Dye, since I have seen thy Face. It becomes a Child of God to speak after that manner, since by Faith I have seen [Page 168] Christ, now let me Dye: As good Old Simeon also, when he had seen the Lords Christ, said, Luk. 2.29. Now let me depart in Peace. So the Believer that has by Faith an interest in Christ, it becomes him to say, Now Lord let me depart so soon as ever it shall please thee. It Exposeth our [...]eligion to the Censure of the world, when we are loth to change Earth for Heaven. The Turks say that Christians do not believe themselves when they talk of the Glory of Heaven: If they did (say they) why are Christians gene­rally so unwilling to Dye and go to Heaven? Iacob said to Laban, Send me away that I may go my own Place, and to my own Countrey, Gen. 30.25. And Laban said to him, Thou wouldest needs be gone, because thou sore longest after thy Fathers House, Gen. 31.36. So should the Children of God desire to be gone to their own Countrey, and long after their Fathers House.

2. If we would make not Earth but Hea­ven our Home, then let us get as much as possibly we can of that which we shall carry [Page 169] to Heaven with us. Travellers can [...]t carry Houses and Lands into their own Countrey with them, but if they can meet with Iewels they will carry them with them. There are Jewels to be had▪ that we shall carry to Hea­ven with us, if we can make our selves the owners of them. Grace in the Soul is a Jewel. The Grace of Saving Knowledge is a Jewel; that will go to Heaven with us. This is Life Eter­nal, to know Thee the only true God, and Iesus Christ whom thou hast sent. The Grace of Love is a Jewel▪ that will go to Heaven with us. Charity abides, it never fails. The Grace of Joy in the Holy Ghost, will go to Heaven with us. For there is fulness of Joy, & Plea­s [...]res for evermore. Then Labour after much of those Graces, much of those Jewels that will go with us out of this into the Eternal World.

3. We should abound in those thing [...] [...] which we shall have a Reward in [...] The more Good we do on Earth▪ [...] more Glory shall we have when [...] come to Heaven. Therefore sh [...]ld [Page 170] we do all the Good we can, in all the way [...]s we are capable of doing Good, Rev. 14.13. Blessed are the Dead which Dye in the Lord, they rest from their La­bour, and their Works follow them. Their Good Works follow them. Deeds of Charity to the Lords Poor will follow them to the Heavenly World. Christ said to a Rich man, Give to the Poor, and follow me, and thou shalt have Treasure in Heaven, Mat. 19▪21. And for Works of Piety, which have a tendency to promote the Glory of God, His Faithful Servants shall have a Reward in Heaven. Therefore Da­vid in the Context before us, did Con­tribute so Liberally to uphold the Worship of God: Shortly (sayes he) I shall be gone out of this world, and then I can do nothing towards build­ing an House for the Lord, and there­fore I have done it now. And he was [...] should be Rewarded in [...] ▪ Our Religious Duties and [...], our Secret Prayers will [...] in Heaven. Pray to your Fa­ther [...] Secret, and your Father that seeth [Page 171] [...] Secret will Reward you Openly. He [...]ill Reward you before all the An­gels in Heaven, and all the Saints that [...]re there That will be an Open Re­ [...]ard indeed▪ So then we should a­ [...]ound in Works of this Nature, and [...]n Every Good Work. I Conclude with that Scripture, 1. Cor. 15. last▪ [...]e you alwayes abounding in the Work [...]f the Lord, for as much as you know [...]hat your Labour shall not be in [...] the Lord.



[...] ▪ l. 19. for some r. seen. p. 128. [...] r. Mic. 2.10. p. [...]53. l. 15▪ r. Condemnation. p. 160. l. 16▪ dele not.


THE Contents.

MEDITATIONS on the Be­lievers being Delivered from [...] of Death.

  • Text. Heb. 2.15. Pag. [...]
  • [...]. That the Children of God are delivered from that Bondage which through the Fear of Death Christless Sin­ners are subject unto. pag. 3
  • Prop. 1. That Death is to Nature a formidable Evil. pag▪ 4
  • For, 1. A Cruel Enemy has by the Righteous Iudgment of God the Power of Death. pag. 5
  • What is meant thereby. pag. 7, 8.
  • 2. Death is a sign of the Anger of God. pag. [...]
  • 3. It dissolves the Vnion betwee [...] the Soul and Body. pag. [...]
  • [Page] 4. The Soul goes then int [...] the imme­diate presence of God. pag. 14
  • 5. At the Hour of Death men en [...]er into Eternity. pag. 16
  • Prop. 2. Christless Sinners have just cause to be afraid of Death. pag. 17
  • For, 1. They are in Bondage to him [...]hat hath the power of Death. pag. 20
  • 2. Death will deprive the Christless sin­ner of all that is good & desirable. pag 22
  • They have cause to fear death in respect of that which will follow death. pag. 24
  • Prop. 3. The fear of Death causeth Bondage: And this in several Re­spects. pag. 29, 30, 32.
  • Prop. 4. That some true Believers are afraid of death. pag. 33▪
  • The reasons of it. pag. 34, 36, 38, 39
  • That they have no just cause to fear Dea [...]h. pag 41.44
  • Use. A double Exhortation. 1. To those that have just cause to fear death. Rest not in your present condition▪ pag. 49.
  • 2. To Believers. Live above the fear of Death. pag. 51
  • How may we attain to this. pag. 54, 55, 56.

MEDITATIONS on Sudden Death, Occasioned by Diverse late Sudden Deaths in B [...]st [...]n, and in several other Towns in New-England.

  • Text. Mark 13.36. pag 57
  • DOCT. That considering Death may come upon men Suddenly, they should be watchful & careful lest the Lord then find them Sleeping. pag. 60
  • Prop▪ 1. That sometimes Death comes on men very Suddenly. pag. 61
  • The Reason of it. pag. 67, 70
  • Prop. 2. The Faithful Servants of the Lord Iesus Christ may be taken out of the World by a Sudden death. pag. 71
  • Use. Sinners who delay their Repen­tance, and so their Preparation for death pretending that they will do it hereafter, are to be convinced of their Sin & Folly. p 75
  • This is urged with four weighty Consi­derations. pag. 77, 78, 80, 81
  • Prop. 3. That men are very subject to a sinful Sleeping. pag▪ 84
  • Vnregenerates are in a dead sleep, p. 85
  • The Disciples of Christ are too much [Page] subj [...]ct to a sinful Sleeping, pag, 88
  • Use 1. Watchfulness is at all times necessary for Christians. p 95, 98, 100
  • Use 2. Men should be alwayes in a preparedness for death. Em [...]ent Ser­vants of Christ, Ministers in special [...]a [...]e been taken out of the World by Sud­den deaths. pag. 103, 104
  • Awakening Considerations and Di­rections. pag. 105, 107, 108, 109

MEDITATIONS on the Brevity of mans Life on Earth, also Me­ditations on the Heavenly Countrey which Believers go into at the Hour of Death.

  • Text. 1 Chron. 29.15. pag. 111
  • DOCT. The Servants of God are ve­ry sensible that they are Strangers and S [...]ourners on the Earth, and that they have but a Li [...]tle time to be in this world.
  • Prop. 1, That the Servants of God are Strangers and Sojourners on the Earth,
  • In what respects they are so, pag. 114, 115, 117, 119, 120, 122, 126, 128
  • [Page] Prop 2, That men have but a little time to be on the Earth, pag 130
  • Proved, pag, 132, 134, 136
  • Prop, 3, That the Servants of God are very sensible of this, pag, 139
  • It is Faith that makes them sensible of it, pag, 142, 144, 146
  • Use I, Instruct. [...] This should teach u [...] Conte [...]tati [...]n, & to moderate our affections as to all Earthly Enjoyments, p [...]g▪ 14 [...]
  • Instruct. 2, Hence they all whose Ha [...]piness is in Earthly Enjoyments are [...]pag▪ 151
  • [...] We see the Sin and [...]olly of those who [...] themselves as if they were to live here [...]pag, 154
  • Instruct, 4, Me [...] [...] very care­ful not to mispend their [...]hort Time, but to improve it well, pag, 15 [...]
  • Instruct, 5, We should be [...] of that World where we must abide fo [...] ever▪ pag, 160
  • Use II Exhortation: Let the Servant of God make not the Earth but Heav [...] their Home, pag, 163
  • Some Considerations to Enforce th [...] with directi [...]ns i [...] order t [...]ereunto, pag, ib [...] & 166, 167, 168, 169

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