
George Keith ONCE MORE BROUGHT TO THE TEST, And proved A PREVARICATOR, Containing something of an Answer to his Book called THE SPIRIT OF RAILING SHIMEI, &c.

And shewing, that George Keith in his attempting, to prove the Spirit of Railing Shimei, &c. to be entred into Caleb Pusey; hath there by more manifested, that not only the Spirit of Railing, and Envy; but also of Confusion, about Doctrin's and Principles of Religion, is entred in to himself.

For where envying and strife is, there is confusion, and every evil work,

James [...].6.

That we henceforth be no more Children tossed to and fro, and car­ried about with every wind of Doctrine &c.

Ephe. 4:14.

Printed at Philadelphia by REINIER JANSEN.



Friendly and Impartial Reader.

I Hope upon thy deliberate consideration and reflection, upon the Series of things in these parts, within these Eleven or Twelve years past; relating to the difference, between our Friends and George Keith; thou may easily discern, that we in and through it all, have not affected controversies for Contro­versies sake, being still in the defensive part, casting off those Darts and Arrows, and wiping away those Calumnies and Re­proaches, that he and his Abettor D. L. from time to time, have cast upon our Christian Profession; both by Print and other ways, he and some Joining with him, having printed here at least Eight or Ten books, papers and Pamphlets against us, be­fore we Printed one line against Him.

In his title page, he compares me to Shimei the Railer, and in page 29 says, I am a continual Wrangler; which as it is false, so if true, would be very unfitly charged by him, who by the same manner of speach, as continually Railing and Wrangling.

As for his comparing me with Baals four hundred lying Pro­phets: Let but the candid Reader observe both our books, [...] may soon see, how proof [...]ss he hath been, in his attempts to prove m [...] such, though for a Proof of his own falseness, take here one instance from the following Certificate.

WHEREAS, G K. in p. 40. of his book Intituled, the Spirit of Railing Shimei &c. saith, ‘Upon application made by WILLIAM BRADFORD and JOHN M. COMBE to GOVENOUR FLETCHER, for enlargement from their Im­prisonment, he ex [...]mined into the cause of th [...]ir Commitment, & [...] it was upon a Relig [...] difference discharg'd the [...] &c.’

I do hereby certify, (being [...] of the Persons above named that G. K 's relation abovesaid is, [...]: For [...] the said WILLIAM BRADFORD and JOHN M COMBE were both set at liberty from the said Imprisonment, before ever the said Governour FLETCHER came into his Government of PENSILVANIA.

[Page] And I do Certify, that I never made Application to him, the said Governour FLETCHER, nor any other Person under [...], for my Liberty:

Witnes [...] my hand; JOHN M' COMB.

And now for a taste, of G. K's Railing, take these few things as part of the many more that might [...] brought; (viz.) in his Title [...]age, the Spirit of Railing Shimei▪ and of Baals four hundred Lying Prophets entred into Caleb Pusey. pa. 2. ‘the open Heathenism▪ and infidility of this C. P. pa. 3. seems al­most as void of good sence and reason as his Mill-Stones pa. 4. the Impud [...] of this C. P. pa. 14. Dull Fa [...]lacy pa. 17. his Dull Sophistry pa. 42. [...]f this C. P. be not as fast [...]ld in the N [...]w [...] as if he had a [...]hief in his Mil [...]: with much more [...]o tedious here to repeat.’

As for the Noise he hath made from pa. 47 to 51 about the Relation given in Proteus of his behaviour, in dis [...]b [...]g our Meetings on [...]h [...]d [...]sl [...]nd &c. giving [...] the Lye in divers particulars, he know [...] [...] g [...]ve that but as a relation. [...] Rhoad-Island. And [...] we had such Relation G. K. [...]o [...]h not so much as question the Truth of; and that up [...] occasion relations; though about matters of fact, from one Friend to another may be publish [...]d, if he be consistant with hims [...]lf; can­not deny, having [...]u [...] in his Quakers Politicks published, pas­sages ex [...]ract [...]d out of severall Letters of R. B. to himself; wherein [...]s severall Friends refl [...]cted on by name; and this without any pre [...]ence of having any other knowledge of the said matters, then from the said R. B. relation: however, not­withstanding what G. K. hath said to the contrary of the Road-Island rel [...]tion, I have no [...]ason to question the Truth at least, as to the substance of it; Fir [...]t, because it came from a credible hand there: Secondly [...]use of the lame defence G. K. hath made in his own V [...]ndication; as to instance two or three Par­ticulars: First, [...]hereas the relation saith he being in a Tur­bulent [...] called to the Governour in a Comm [...]nding way, that [Page] [...]e might be heard: To which G. K. says, it was in modera­tion and due Respect, that he desired the Governour to command them, to give him a hearing &c.

Now, what he may call in self defence, a desire with [...] Respect &c. indifferent person that heard it, may possibly [...], a commanding wa [...]; however, he owns, he would then have had our Friends been Commanded by the Governour, to have heard him.

In page 50. he cites from Proteus thus. ‘That I disturbed the Quakers Meetings, in all the other places in New-England and Long Island, into which I c [...]me; and then says, all is false: for what disturbance was made, was wholly made by them and never by me.’

A [...]s. I [...] seems then, that his coming into our peaceable Meetings, from place to place, and imposing upon us, though in the midst of our Horship, his reflecting discourses upon our Principles or Persons; and we but desiring to enjoy our Meet­ings peaceably; and pleading the right, we have so to do, or the like, is cou [...]ted by him a disturbance, made by us, but not by him; which the impartial will surely censure him for.

Again, because I said, he came not to Shrowsberry Meeting himself; but sent a rash Precipitant Person &c. G. K. to excuse it, says, the said Person came Voluntarily without his sending, for he had no Power to send him.

Ans. That it is to be understood, by what I said, that he sent him by a compelling Power; I suppose none are so weak [...]o imagine: And observe, he himself says in the same Paragraph, that Wee sent, Mark [SENT] him a Scurrilous Answer: Now, if the one be fa [...]e, so is the other; for the Person that carried that, which he calls Our Scurrilous Answer, went as Volunta­rily in that business, as George Keith's friend could do in hi [...]: but this is like the rest of his shifting and quibling. — As for the mistake about the day of the week, it must be, either by the Transcriber or Printer, for it is said the Fifth-day in the O­riginal relation, according to G. K's Observation.

[Page]Note Reader, that as much of G. K's Book (to wave direct Answers to mine) consist's of divers cita [...]ions from other Friends Writings, and p [...]verted to what sence he pleases; so they having been [...], if not most of them. Answered over and over by our Friends ▪ I have taken G. K's own method in his [...]reface, to draw u [...] what I thought fit to speak to; being what I think is Necessary at this time. One thing more I cannot but take notice of, (viz.) how poor, pittyfull and mean Spirit­ed it is in this G. K. to take part as he doth, with D. L. in his so manifestly abusing W. P. by saying, that in pa. 20. of Sandy Foundation, he called the Man Christ, the Finite Impo­tent Creature; and says in pa. 61. that it's vain and Idle in me, to clear W. P. of that horrid assertion.

Ans. Certain it's vain and idle in G. K. with his vain and nonsenceable consequences, drawn from some expressions, in other books of W. P's, that have no reference to the said pas­sage, so to charge W. P. for he may as soon prove a thing to be, which is not, as to prove that W. P. there called the Man Christ, the Finite Impotent Creature.

Again, Admit the Quakers were unsound, as he would ren­der them to be: Yet surely, he is a person very unfit to charge them with it▪ Or to charge them with false doctrine, who is so confused about his own Doctrine, as in Proteus, and in this book is shewn.

Again, observe in his Preface to his Retractations, he saith he hath not renounced any one assertion, contained in any of his former books, that ever was judged by him an Article of Faith; and whereas, I have in Proteus shewn him, both books and pages, wherein he in divers respects, had called several Doctrines, Fundamental Principles &c. and also shewed, that he hath now renounced those principles, and though he would put it off with saying, I no where remember, or I do not re­member, that I called them Fundamentals; or if I did call them so, it doth not follow, that they are so, or the like: I say, though he thus puts it off, & doth not, not in truth cannot deny, [Page]but that he did acknowledge them to be Fundamentals: yet in his [...]face we [...]ind; that he very confidently say's, I falsly chargeth on him, that they are acknowledged by himself to be Fundamentals, O the confusion of the Man!

Again, as to his being, an Apostate; we well know, how he hath called upon W. P. to give him an opportunity, to prove him an A­postate: As also in his challenge to our Friends at Rhoad-Island, He did the like. We [...]l, upon the term Apostate, hear him in his page 35. what he saith; (viz.) ‘If I have departed from Principles of Quakers, which either they or I held to be Fundamentals, but were no real Fundamentals of Christianity; but Dross and Rubish, built on the true Foundation, this will not prove me an Apostate from Christiani­ty, but only from the Dross and Dregs of Quakerism, or what is worse: And let them call me so if they will, in that sence; for we find in Scripture, the word Apostate, according to the Greek, used in a good sence: Whoever names the name of Christ, let them d [...]rt from Iniquity, (the Greek here is Apostate) i.e. let him Apo [...]t [...] from Iniquity:’ thus far G. K. All which puts me in mind. First, how he told his Auditory, before he went last to England, that if they heard, that he put on the Canonical Robe, and turned to the Church of England that then they might call G. K. an Apostate: Secondly, how he termed some Presbyterians, Apostates; for so do­ing: Thirdly, notwithstanding which, in his exact Narrative pa. 15. he is turned, and says, if we prove him not to have changed in any Fundamental Principle, he ought not to be charged as an Apostate; but now it seems, he is turned again, and allows us to call him an A­postate, though he will not own he is changed in any Fundamental Principle; though but 4 pages before he saith: he who cannot prove him varied in any one Fundamental of true Christianity, cannot prove him an Apostate. And besides Observe, if the word DEPART, and the word Apostate, be of the same signification, why then hath he been so long uneasie under our terming him an Apostate, since he owns he has DEPARTED from Principles of Quakers? But this is but to shew his confusion; as also further, to shew from his own Mouth, that we had ground enough to term him an Apostate.

Observe again, I having fully proved, that he hath DEPARTED from Principles, acknowledged by himself to be Fundamentals, to excuse it as above; he says, if I have departed from Principles of Quakers, which either they or I held Fundamentals, but were not so, but Dross, Rubish and Dregs &c. this will not prove me an Apostate from Christianity.

Ans. Surely to hold Dross, Rubish and Dregs to [...]o Fundamentals [Page]of Christanity; is to err Fundamentally: And yet in page 18. he says, that [...]ver he had any of their Fundamental Errors, he utterly de [...]ys▪ as if to hold Dross, Rubish and Dregs for Fundamentals, was not to have Fundamental Errors, and as if that, though he so held; yet he was always sound in Fundamentals, as he hath so long [...]oasted of.

Again, though he used so much to boast, that in his books, he did not contradict himself, and affirmed, we could never prove he did; but (saith he) on the contrary; I can prove a good consistancy of my present Doctrine with all my former and latter books; notwithstand­ing, the insinuation of some to the contrary. s [...] some Fundamentals pa. 13. Appeal pa. 5. but now in pa. 31. he says, that contradictions may be found in some of my former books, it's probable &c but wheth­er there be any consistancy, betwixt a good consistancy of his p [...]es [...]nt Doctrine, with all his former and later books and contradictions in his books; men of consistant sence and reason will soon determine▪ to conclude after all his noise; about Our and the Presbyterians, being un [...]ound in Fundamentals, as in Proteus pa. 49. I hinted; he [...]ells us, in pa. 34. that it's generally agreed amongst all true Christians, that the Apostles Creed, for the Simpliciter Credenda, contains all the Fun­damentals of Faith; and in pa. 31. he saith, it's not what men think to be Fundamental, that is always so; but what men think so from the certain knowledge, that they have, that they are so by warrant from the Holy Scriptures?

Ans. Very well; then this I know, that whatsoever warrant we have from the Holy Scriptures, concerning any or every Article of the said Creed; we hold our selves oblidged, as much as any faithful­ly, to believe; and we do accordingly believe them; and therefore by G. K's own confession, we are found in all the Fundamentals of Faith; and as to the said Creed, we do believe it to be (in the main) a good Christian Confession; to which our desire is, there may be day­ly added a good life, and Christian conversation; and that by the as­sistance, guidance and directance of the Holy Spirit, we may all be in­abled so to walk, as through the merits of our [...]lessed Saviour, to re­ceive the end of our Faith; even the Salvation of our Souls.

[Page 1]

GEORGE KEITH once more brought to the TEST.

FROM my affirming that the difference beween G. K. and our Friends begun by him▪ about 11 or 12 years agoe; was chiefly, about the Ʋniversall Necessity of the Faith and knowledge of Christ's Out­ward Death and Sufferings, in order to Salvation; He call's a manifest Falshood, and referr's not only to nameless▪ Manuscripts on our side, but also to Nameless Printed Books, and nameless Persons on his side. R. She [...] page 1.

Answer. I did not only say it, but in page 5 quoted 3 of his own books to prove it, to none of which do I find, that he hath made one word of an Answer; but says: The first and chiefest Controversie was, whether to Preach Faith in C [...]rist with­out us, as both God and Man, and also Christ within us as [...] the Eternal Word, was to Preach two Christs, which William Stockdal one of their chief Prachers did accuse me of; and which they could never be drawn to Condemn.

This he Assigns, as the first part of the chief Controversy.

Ans. As he hath Produced▪ Proof, that this was part of the chiefest Controversy; so his own books [...] th [...] contrary: And as for W. Stockd [...]l [...]; there might [...] some mistake in the Persons hearing [...]: [...]or [...]o [...]y [...]tain k [...]w­ledge he denyed that eve [...] he [...] [...]. K. of [...]reach [...] [Page 2] Christs; for I being much concerned, when I heard he had so spoken; and meeting with him in the Street, desired him to tell me how the thing was, wee both went into a house, and sate us down, where he very concernedly spoke to me after this manner: Caleb, what would G. K. have me to do? I could lay my self under his Feet, to do him Good; But as for those words, which he accuses me of, I never spoke them; only (said he) as we were speaking about G. K. how he so of [...]e [...] of late in his Preaching Rep [...]a [...]ed these words; Christ [...]ithin and Christ without, which might make some People think he Preach't two Christs: But not that he did Preach two Christs: And how this could be a main matter of Controversy; seing themselves then owned, that our Friends at a Meeting at the Yearly-Meeting-time declared that G. K's. Doctrine concerning Christ within and Christ without to be one Lord Jesus Christ was True. Some Reasons and Causes pa: 14.

And tho' they might have severall Meetings before it was done; yet our Friend's Judgment published by themselves, shews that the cause of it's delay was, G. K's. Ʋnruly behavi­our, and Extream Passion; which occasioned their Abruptly breaking up; And which Judgment also shewed, that wee de­nied the words so charged by G. K. True Copy. page 2. So that it behoved our Friends, surely, not to be too hasty in giving Judgment in such a case: And this I also know, that at a great publick Meeting at the Bank in Philadelphia, among a Promis [...]uous Multitude of them and us; one of G. K's Com­pany asked us, as he stood in the Gallery; whether to Preach Faith in Christ within and Christ without was Preaching two Christs? He was readily Answered on our behalf by a Ancient Ministring Friend of ours, NO, it is not: How then could that be the Main or any part of the Controversy, when both [...]ides own'd one and the same Doctrine to be true, as well as [Page 3]that the Person accused denyed the charge, (as I have heard) to his Dying day?

And, as for the Business, of the Light, it's being Sufficient without something else: That never came up to the above main matter of Controversy; for we then own'd that the Faith o [...] Christ's Outward Sufferings &c. was Indispensibly Necessary to OUR Salvation; and to all to whom it was made known and Re­vealed, as will be shewn here after: So that the Question a­bout the Light which G. K. expressly said, was God and Christ. Heres [...] and H [...]tred p. 14. Was, what the Light was Sufficient to d [...]e; not what was our duty to believe, concerning our Blessed Saviour's Sufferings and Death, in the outward; in or­der to Our Salvation; to whom it is made known and Revealed; for that he was told by one of our Ministring Friends, at the bank publick Meeting when they would be Introduceing dis­courses about those things, that That Faith was Indispensibly Necessary to all such, which was also consistant with our Ancient Friends Testimony: Se Rob. Barcklay's. Apol. 141. 4t [...]. Edi­tion.

But, that it may appear G. K. receiv'd this acknowledgment as insufficient; see his Truth and Innocency then Printed page 7. where he takes us up thus: And to say, this Faith is necessary to such to whom it is Preached to make them Christians &c. But not to such Pious Gentiles, to whom it is [...]ot Preached; as if they could be perfectly Christians &c. without i [...]: Th [...] most evidently doth contradict the Scripture. Again in Heresy & Hatred pa. 14. G. K. owns, that John Dellavall acknow­ledged that Faith in Christ, without as well as within, was ne­cessary to all such, to whom it is Preached, or declared for their eternall Salvation.

Now, doth not this clearly shew, that the Question betwixt G. K. and our Friends, was not whether Faith in Christ [...] [Page 4]was necessary to Our Salvation to whom it is made known; But whether it was Ʋniversally Necessary to all Mankind▪ as [...]n page 10. of his Truth and Innocency he affirm'd, and as he affirm'd in a very pressing manner at the Yearly Meeting 1691. Where he told our [...] Friend Thomas L [...]yd in Anthony M [...]rris's Chamber, when he was pers [...]ading with him after this manner; Ge [...]e, wh [...] [...]osr [...]ou [...] thus against i [...] about the Faith of Christ without us? For wee firmly be [...]eve all that is written in the Holy Scriptures; of Christ's Sufferings D [...]th &c. in the outward: To which G. K. presently Re­plied. Ay [...]; but is it Ʋniv [...]rsally Necessary to Salvation to Be­lieve it; and because he did not close with him in that, G. K. said, unl [...]ss he would own and acknowledge the Universall Necess [...]y of that Faith, he could not own him as his Ch [...]st [...]n brother; but said, he may be a devout Heathen. And at that Meeting, he in a great Fury told our Friends, he would expose them, he would Print them all over America, if not over Eu­rope, from all which I peceiv'd haveing, then took i [...] i [...] wri [...]ing ‘that according to G. K. it was us not Sufficient to believe in all that our Saviour Christ did, and suffered for us in the Outward, as written in the Holy Scripture; and the end for which he came both Inwardly and Outwardly; to wirt, to make an end of Sinn, and finish Transgression &c. And also, that by his one Offer­ing; He hath for ever perfected those that are Sanctified; and that he gave himself for us that he might Redeem us from all Iniquity &c. and which Offering the Lord was Pleased to Ac­cept of, on our account: And that by his Spirit and Power, it is made Effectuall for the Reconciliation of all those, that Repent of their Sins, and truely believe in his Name; and that God doth not Save any without Respect to that great Offerings; as wee all Grant and truely Believe: The Lord having ordained it so to be, as G. K. saith, Light of Truth page 6. But this [Page 5]we found, would not doe with him, unless we would make it an Article of Faith, to believe: that God would not Save any of Mankind, whether Pious Heathens or Infants, without the Faith of what Christ did, and Suffered for us in the Outward.

As for his Scripture [...] in page 2 to Prove that none can be Sound without that Knowledge of Chirst's outward Suffer­ing and Death in the outward. I have Examined them all▪ and does not find one of them make [...]out, that none are Saved with­out that knowledge; however in such cases, Doubtless as the Scripture says, whatsoever the Law saith, i [...] [...]aith to them that are under the Law; So also whatsoever the Gospell Outwardly saith, it saith to them that are under the Outward Administra­tion thereof: And have heard of it▪ even as we see when Christ had on the M [...]unt Preach'd to the People: many Peculiar Gospell-Precepts he ended with saying, Every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and do them not, shall be [...]ned [...]o a Foolish M [...]n &c. Where Mark, Christ doth not say, he is like a Foolish man who hath not heard; But he who haveing [...]eard; yet hath not Obeyed.

But in Page 3 he seems to Restrict the Necessity of that Faith, to such as are Capable of Actual Faith, which Infants are not: And that it's according to a good Rule in Law and Divinity; That words are to be taken according to the Subject matter:

Answer. Very we [...] the Subject Matter of this Difference then: was that of the Ʋniversal Necessity of the Faith in Christ in the Outward &c. [...]he Pleading That so hard to us, and also had Printed, that the Gospell was to be Preacht to all Mankind, that Ever lived in the World, one time or other, before the End of the World: Pretended Antidote pa. 105. And if to all Mankind, then to Infants; for the Infants are not Men; yet they are part of Mankind: But Pray observe, since accord­ing to G. K. himself, Infants many of which Dye such, and [Page 6]being part of mankind, and not capable of Actual Faith in Christ Crucified, and that the Gospell is to be preach'd to all Man­kind in order that all may have that Faith, where and when must they who Dye Infants have it Preacht to them, if they come not again in order hereto? It cannot according to his Good Rule be after Death; [...]ecause the Subject in such cases is, how wee shall be fitted for Heaven before Death.

Again in pa. 3. he saith, Note the Dullness of this Caleb Pusey, who seems to be as avoid of Good sence, and Reason, as his Mill-Stones; As if the Salvability of the Vertuous Heathen, could not consist with the Ʋniversal Neccesity of Faith, in Christ Crucified, but by the Notion of the 12. Revolutions, &c.

Ans. As Dull as he Renders me, I can easily enough see he is expert in Abusing me, by leaving out the last part of those words or Sentence in my Preface, which shewed that G. K. had also Printed of such Virtuous Heathen, that they could not Perish, tho' they Died in that State: And as I then laid down, 3 of his own Assertions, one of which as above he ve­ry runningly left out, so I shall shew them Briefly over again▪ and let him try his skill to Reconcile them if he can. The first is that Faith in Christ's Suffering and Death, in the outward, is U­niversaly Necessary in order to Man's Salvation and Perfection.

The Second is, that Virtuous Heathen cannot miss of Salvation.

The Third is, that such Virtuous Heathen can't Perish, al­tho' they Dye in that state: Refutation pa. 40. Now consider, if Virtuous Heathens cannot Perish, tho' they dye in a state with­out that Knowledge, and yet that Knowledge is Indispensibly Necessary; for them to have in order to their Perfection, where shall they have that knowledge: If he say that in order to their being made Perfect, they shall have it after Death in Heaven; that would be [...]atly opposite to what he offer's in p. [...]4. of his 4th. Narrative, where discoursing of Perfection he [Page 7] [...]aith; it must be at the instant of Death; and that is ( [...]aith he) neither before, nor after Death: Now I say, let him. Try his Skill to Reconcile these without the Revolutions; For if such Virtuous Heathen cannot Perish, tho' they Dye without that knowledge, and without which they can't be Perfect, and that the Instant of Death is the time of being made Perfect; How is it then that they cannot Perish, tho' they Dye in a state of not being made Perfect: Again, what, will now become of his saying round again, in his Shimei pa. 19. That in Heaven after this Life is M [...]n's Salvation Perfected▪ and not till then▪ perhaps if I should venture to call these things Contradictions; I might be call'd by him, Dull Sophister, or somewhat else; how­ever, I shall Venture to Appeal to the Candid Reader, whether they be not great Inconsist [...]nces and Confusions; neither did I as he, in pa. 2. Insinuates against me, make it an Error in him; (nor any else) to Preach Christ Crucified without us &c. I have been often much Comforted and Edified, when in the Power and Demonstration of Truth, I have (in our Meetings) heard Christ as in the outward Preacht and Declared of.

In page 3. He saith: If C. P. had but Common Discre­tion, he might know, that I had fully Answer'd that about the 12. Revolutions in my former books.

Answer. He should have told what Books; for I know of no book formerly of his, (tho' I have seen many) wherein he hath Denied that Doctrine.

But in page 13. of Shemei, he Implicitly owns he held it as an Hypothesys, and then say's; Will a Change of mind in that Re­spect prove me to be varied in a Fundamental &c?

Ans. Meer stuff; where did I ever Charge it upon him as a Fundamental? The Reader may see Proteus page 8. where I call'd it his Whimsical Imagination; but no where a Fundamen­tal that I know of.

[Page 8]In page 3. he saith, I can tell my Voucher told me that [...]e (G. K.) never made it an Article of his [...]aith.

Answer. Yes he did so but in the same sentence, also shew'd, that it was but a thift by G. Ks. won confession which was thus, When speaking that some things most hinge on the Revolutions, said he; We need not be so blunt, for when they tax me with it, I can sh [...]ft and say, it's Rational; for I never made it an Article of my Faith: So here by his own confession, it was but a shift to say he never made it an Article of faith; but that he did not therefore believe it to be [...]ound doctrine; it surely no way's follows; for he once believ'd that the Baptisme mentione'd Mathew the 28.18. was the Baptisme of the Spirit, and not with Water; but now, he hath renounced that beliefe, and yet says he hath not renounced any one Assertion, that ever was Judged by him an Article of Faith; so that what he may calf Articles of Faith to serve a turn who can tell.

in page 4, of Truth and Innocency where he was also shifting, about the Revolutions, he seem's to own it is a probable Opinion, tho' now he say's doth not own it, as such, and the Reason he renders is for that it is Inconsistant with the Resurrection of the Body, pa. 13.

Answer. Well Remembered at last, I say at last, because in the very Revolution Book, they had found a way as they Imagined to solve that difficulty, also it is in Q [...]ery 12 [...] thus: Does not that Soul when it receiv's it's first beginning of his body [...] womb by a Magne [...]ical or Attractive Virtue draw into it self [...] articles of it's own former Body; whatsoever Scattered in the while Uni­verse &c? Well, if he Disclaim these Whymzies now, (as possibly kind of Necessity hath driven him to do, that and other things h [...]ld by him) I say if he disclaim them, I hope to have done with th [...]m [...]oo unless h [...] or some for him give [...] occasion, however, by these kind of things the Cand [...] R [...]d [...] [Page 9]may perceive, what work in them days we must needs have with him, when he was so shifting to and again about these & his oth­er notions, for which see his Truth Advanced, where he may see plenty of them.

Well, back again to page 1, where he seek's occasion to tell how Samuel Jennings told the Auditory, the Question was not who was the best Christian, but who was the best Quaker.

Ans. But he hides the particular occasion for his so saying, which was, because G. K. at that time, to gain the more upon those he had Drawn aside, valued himself high, as that he was a Primitive Quaker, and that he was one with all Faithfull Friends and Brethren, and that he was consistent with all his former Books, and we but Revolters or Heathens; and told how Friends Letters from England, had lately then come over, and Confirmed his Doctrine in every particular, then in difference betwixt him and us, see Plea Innocent pa. 17. Well, things being thus, and we began to tell him of the In­consistency of his former and lat [...]er Books, as well as with other Friends Books, and that he could not prove so by us: then to shift and wave that, he would be t [...]lling us, what it was to be the best Christian, which might have been exceeding well in it's p [...]ce; or had he then denied the Quakers Doctrine to be Christian, it would have occasioned that to be the direct Question: But at that time, for the above reason, it did not seem so, tho' it was consequently, who was the best Christian; and indeed the Question at that time, was not at all, whether a Quaker was a Christian or not; that being granted on both sides; but it was whether G. K. or we, had m [...]st Reserv'd the Quakers Principles; and Consequently which had Retain'd best the Christians: For the Quakers Religion was own'd by him to be no other, but r [...]all Christianity▪ as he confest in his Pref [...]e to Serious Appeal.

As for his Accusing me, in his pa. 4. of a Notorious Fals­hood, [Page 10]about our difference about eleven years ago, it's fully detected above.

Well, I having accused both D. L. the Eight Ministers and G. K. of Attesting, and Publishing very false things: First, for my saying in Postscript, there is no such thing as D. Leeds, the Eight Ministers and G. K. had Alle [...]g [...]d against G. F. in page 28. of Great My [...]tery, which they quoted against him, nor in any other part of that book, that I know of whereupon G. K. ask's, will this that I know of, excuse him?

Ans. I needed not those word to excuse me, for they were more then I was oblidged to have said but what I said, was true both in saying so (and I have search'd divers other, places) & also in saying it was not in the place cited in the margent, though G. K. had said in that very broad sheet, that thay did exactly a­gree as cited in the margent; and as for page 28. being put for 47. what was that to me. I knew not the least of it.

Well, he further saith, Malice it self cannot fix it on the Eight Ministers.

Ans. No, how came D. L. and he to do it then? For t'was from them I had it, neither will that help him out to say, he said, Most of those Quotations are Attested with near 800 more in the 3d. and 4th. Narrative.

Ans. What is that to the purpose? For what could be un­derstood by the words (those Quotations) but those in that Sheet he said they had Attested? So let it be where or when it will, yet it was these in that Sheet that G. K. said they had Attested, and it could be understood no otherwise: But if Ma­lice it self can't fix a wrong Quotation on them, yet Truth it self can in the behalf of which I do tell him, that they have At­tested to that, in that very page 47. of Great Mystery, for G. F's. words, which are not his but his Adversary's words, and then G. K's and the Eight Ministor's Sence (by way of Consequence) [Page 11]put upon G. Fox's words; which is not fair; especially since G. K. would make the World believe, that the Quotations do exactly agree with the Books out of which they are taken, and offers to Prove it to our Faces; but what heed is to be ta­ken of what such a Lavish man says, he can Prove? for, tho' he hath cited his 4th Narrative, (the third I never saw) and five of the Eight Ministers have Attested to the Truth of them; yet I find in that very book, they have Quoted W. P. again wrong, and that Materially; for, as he did, in the Serious Call, Render W. Penn: to say Christ's Outward Manifestation is a Deadly Poy­son &c. So hath he, and five of the Eight Ministers who At­tested it, rendered him also there wrong, for W. P. truely Quoted, tho' not fully, is, Faith in the History of Christ's Outward Manifestation &c. So that they have all left out again the Words [the History of.]

Again, I find, that in Page 22, of the fourth Narrative, as also in G. K's Serious Appeal (as Corrected) they have also Attested to a False Quotation out of G. Fox's Great Mystery page 302. where they Cite him thus, ‘And the Scriptures, which signi­fies Writings, are not Infallible nor Divine, but Humane.

But G. Fox's words truely Cited is, ‘And the Scriptures, which signifies Writings, as you say, outward Writings, Pa­per and I [...]k, is not Infallible, nor is not Divine, but is Hu­mane. Here wee see that all of them, left out those words [As you say outward Writings, Paper and Ink] and yet have Attested it to be exactly done. And for a further proof, that they have all made false Citations in the said 4th. Narrative; see John Whiting's book called Judas and the Chief Priests &c. who hath de [...]ected them of divers more false Citations.

Nay, in the very Serious Call, where it's pretended to be Corrected; he hath more wrong Quotations; First, Steven Crisps works pa. 160. where he hath added to the word Light, [Page 12]the words [In us] which, are not S. C's words.

Next, on Edward Burrows works Pa. 205. whose words truely quoted are: And you are in the w [...]tchcraft, as they were ( Gal: 3) who take on things in your own wills, who observe Commands from without, from the Letter; whereas they have left out [As they were Gal: 3 who take on things in your own wills.]

As for what he says page 7. of my saying the word Anity, should be next after the word Manifestation; and is so Correct­ed in the Marg [...]nt, I doe really own, that was a mistake, for though the Word Christianity was Corrected; yet the par­ticle [S.] was too much, which I since saw, after it was too late.

Again, I observe he saith, page 11. If that Faith▪ meaning the Faith of Christ 's Outward Sufferings▪ be onely necessary to any, beacause it is Preacht or Declared in the Scripture; it would follow, that of Men left alone the Preaching of it &c. They sould does a kindness to their Children, by Preaching only [...]aith, and Obedi­ence to the Light within them for their Salvation. How doth G. K's way mend it? for by the same Rule, where he says, as above is shewn, that i [...] such who are Obedient to the Light within, though they Dye without that Faith, they cannot miss of Salvation; well, add however, what necessity is there to Preach any thing to our Children, but Obedience to the Light within for Salvation? according to G. K's Doctrine: besides, is G. K. wiser then the Scripture, which saith: The Ingrafted word is able to save the Soul. And that d [...]ers of the Law speaking of the Gentiles) shall be Justified; and yet, the Apostle saith, That the Jew that had the Scripture, had the Advantage of them, much every way, chiefly because to them were commended the Oracles of God, see James the 1.21. Romans the 3d. 1.2.

As for what he Quotes in page th [...] 8. and 9. about the Scrip­ture; and of this speaking, of their being a secondary and sub­ordinate [Page 13]cause; and means, or [...]nstrument▪ and about our be­lieving them &c: I never denyed either; meaning by believing in the Scripture, to believe the matters and things contained therein, to be certain Truth; and that they are able to make the man of God wise unto Salvation, through Faith in Christ Jesus. Mark [ [...]rough Faith in Christ Jesus] It is not said through Faith in the History, but Faith in Christ Jesus.

As for what he says in page 13. about Taxing D. L. with a m [...]quoted page; I have reviewed the place well, and the nearest [...] can make of it, is (as I said) pa. 40. But it being some thing blotted, makes me think it was Marred in the Printing▪ and tho' I mentioned it to D. L. yet I did not Render that as a Material [...]uit in him. But as to the Substance of the Charge, which I said upon him and D. L. for wrong Citation, that I stand by, tho' it was bu [...] for leaving out the word [And▪] now G K. to excuse it, says, the word [And] in that place, seems Super [...]uo [...]s See how he can take away a word, and pervert the meaning, to serve a turn; for that word, is also left out in the Corrected Copy of his Serious Call: and yet how he censures G. W. for but saying in defence of G. F. where he saith, as it there stands. He that hath the same Spirit that Raised up Jesus Christ is Equal with God; now says G. W. the word [He that hath] should be left out, as contrary to our sence and Principle: this G. K. censures, as not being Pro­ved; and also cry's out and says at this rate not onely both A­theism and H [...]r [...]sie, but the highest Blasphemy may be Defended.

Ans. How! what Atheism and Blasphemy defended by our denying of it to be according to our Principle! and therefore say, it should be left out, and possibly a Typographical Errour; Would G. K. be so Censured, for Correcting an Errour of his own book? which he calls Typographical viz. [ are not, that Prophets] to [ are not those Prophets.] See his Retr [...]ta­tion [Page 14]Book pa. 7. Also he tells, that there are divers Typogra­phicall Errors to be found in many or most of his former Books; Now would G. K. take it well, that any should accuse him, for excusing those Errors, and call it excusing Bl [...]sphemy, and put him to prove that they are Typographicall.

Next, as to what in Page 16. G. K. calls C. P's D [...]ll and Fallacious way of Defending W. P's saying, That the OUT­WARD PERSON was Properly the SON of GOD, We utterly deny it, hath been so often Answered, that I think it needless to say more of it, than to desire the Reader to compare notes with William Penn and him, about Christ's Outward Person, from G. K's Book, Refutation, pa. 37. not retract, thus, if Christ be onely and wholly restricted, to Christ's Outward Person, as he came into Flesh, then there was no Christ nor Saviour, nor Mediator, before Mary: But this is express Contrary to Scripture, in many places; which saith: By Jesus Christ all things was Created &c. And surely all the Faithfull in all Ages were par­takers of Christ, and he lived in them, as well as in Paul; ob­serve, surely the outward Person was not in them, nor in Paul neither.

I come now to examine a little, how he says to clear himself, (tho' in vain) of being varied about the Nine Fundamentalls, which I taxed him to be Varied about.

In page 19. he saith: Observe Reader, how he endeavours to Convict me of Contradiction for saying, the Express Knowledge and Faith of Christ as he Outwardly Suffered, is Necessary to the Perfecting of Mens Salvation, who have it not before Death.

Ans. Meer prevaricating [...], where did I ever go about, to fasten a Contradiction on him, for any such thing? What I charged on him, as a Contradiction, was? for saying in the year 1670. he denyed the Express Knowledge of Christ without &c. to be Necessary, save to whom it is Revealed, But in the year 1689. Indispensably Necessary to the perfecting mens.

[Page 15]Again, in the year 1692. the express knowledge was not Necessary, save to whom was Revealed.

Again, that in the year 1690. the distinct knowledge was Necessary to all.

But again, in the year 92. the distinct knowledge was not Necessary to all; see Proteus page 7. 8. 9. However it seems, whether before or after Death, he is now turned again, and holds the Express knowledge to be Ʋniversally Necessary some time, [...]et the Per [...]cting men's Salvation: But in his R [...]tra [...]ing-book pa. 17 he tells us; he still said, the Express knowledge, is not Ʋniversally Necessary. Nay, in pa. 43. he says; If any such thing can be found in his former books, he does Retract and Renounce it; bu [...] [...]ow it seems as if he hath Re­tracted that in page 2. [...] now seems in complyance with the Church of England, to restrict the Ʋniversall Necessity, of the knowledge and Faith of Christ's Death &c. to adult Persons, (viz.) such as are capable to receive it, which (saith he) In­fants and Idiots are not; yet in his further discovery writt a­gainst Samuell Jennings, who told G. K. that his then Doc­trine of the Faith in Christ without, it's being Necessary to all Mankind, would affect Infants, Deaf and Dumb Persons &c. to which G. K. Answered: I freely own it, that I have so affirmed, and do still affirm, see pa: 14.

Now is he not here Varied in Doctrine also. Well▪ in his page 19 he proceeds and says; That such who have had an Im­plic [...]t Faith in Christ, here in this World, and not an Express, for [...] of an Opportunity to have it Revealed, they shall have it in Heaven, after this Life; for then is mens Salvation Perfected, and not till then.

Ans. What does he mean by, for want of an opportunity of having it Revealed, does he not say in page 14. of Heresie and Hatred, that the Light within, being God and Christ, is abundantly Sufficient to the knowledge of Christ, both as he [Page 16] [...] [...]od and [...]an, and as he Dyed or our Sins, Rose again &c And that either with or without means. Also in his F [...]rther Discovery Pa. 17. writt against Samuel Jennings, he affirms that the Light within being God, the Word and Spirit) is able to give the Knowledge and Faith of Christ [...]s Death. But now, it seemeth, according to George Keith, that God and Christ want an Opportunity to reveal it Expresly, what strange work is here. Again, observe as [...]ove, he now says, M [...]ns SALVATION is not perfected till after [...]: But in his 4th N [...]r­rative, not above 3 years ago, he says, [...]hey are not Perfected after Death, but at the Instant of Death. Well, I can Source forbear to Call these things, Contradictions; but having not [...] the [...]rt of Logick, I shall content my felt to call them (as above) inconsistenc [...]e [...] and Con­fusions, tho' it may be he will call me (as he hath done) Dull S [...]ph [...]ster, Supine Ignorant, Miller Philosopher, or what not, for my p [...]ins.

In his pa: 19, he says, in opposition to me, That to say Co [...]ne [...]us had no Express faith of Christ, before St. Peter preach'd it to him, will not prove, that either in his former estate he had, or had not any Implicits of Christ &c. This is still meer stuff, and stu [...]le, he knows it was not I that said Cornelius had, or had not an Implicit saith, only as, Ad­ [...]ominem. Which in pa: 32 he tells me, binds my adversary, but not me. Which is very True: And a good use I may make of it against him, in this Case; for, tho' Cornelius might not, before Peter preach­ed to him, have any Faith at all in Christ Crucified; yet G. K. was Oblidged to believe, he had, because he said, he had not an Express knowledge of it: 2dly because he also said, that the Term Express) Implyed the Term [Implicit] see Proteus pa: 12, All which he [...]nswers, with his Logical terms, by meer shuffling. As to the 2 Fundamentals in pa: 20 G. K's But is the den [...]a [...] of the term humanity or humane, a Fundamental Error in Christianity.

Ans. I Charged, and Proved, that he spoke against the words Humane [...]esh, which he is now obliged to hold as a Fundamental; because the Athan [...]sius's Creed [...]ays, unless a men faithfuly be [...]ieve that [...] other things therein, he cannot be saved; therefore is G K varied in this Fundamental; because he now believes that Christ hath Humane flesh, which he did not believe before. The 2d Fundamental, Is the Light within: he begins in pa: 21. and makes a long needless [...]a [...]a [...]gue about it; but as he there denies it, not to be Fundamental; so my business here is to make it Appear, that he hath varied about this Fun­damental, and that from his Own way of arguing [...]id th [...]s. [...] [Page 17] and E. B: That the Light within every man, Is Sufficient without any thing else; which was never [...] Faith or P [...]eswasion: and Challenge any Man to prove against me.

Ans. I take him upon his Challenge; and prove it against him: consequently, by his own Argument, prove him to have [...] Funda­mentally, in his Light of Truth p 8. Robert Gorden speaking against the Spirit (as he words it that publisheth, that the Light that En­lighteneth every man, that comes into the World, is the true Christ, our onely Saviour, Mediator and Redeemer; and that there is not an­other: And, that Man is to) heed, and to be joined to this Light, as That, which Condemns him; so, is able of it [...]ell. Mark [of it self] to Save▪ and Redeem him, as he becomes Obedient thereunto &c. To which G. K immediately Answers thus; Here with open Mouth, thou speakest against our Principle, (Mark) [our Principle] even Je­sus Christ, the True Light, that Enlighteneth every Man that comes into the World, that all thro' him might believe. Observe, here G. K. assumes it as his Principle; that the Light, which Condemns Man, is able of it felt, to Save and Redeem Man, as he becomes Obedient thereunto, and if of it's self▪ then surely, without any thing else.

Again, as above, he calls the Light Within, GOD, CHRIST, the WORD and the Spirit; all which is surely sufficient, without any thing else. However, notwithstanding which, as G. K. in pa 1 [...]. Ibid. [...]was that Christ's Outward coming, hath a reall influence and Ser­vice in its place, in and upon all who are Saved, so he knows we own too.

As to his rendring Richard Claridge & me Contradicting each other, about G. K's setting God's Omnipotency and Wisdom at Variance; I say it really seems to me, as well as Richard Claridge, that G. K. doth so, for to say, the Light within is God and Christ, (as G. K doth) and yet to say, it's not Sufficient without something else; because of what he is pleased to do, according to the method that his Divine Wisdom had appointed, seems like setting God's Omnipotency and Wisdom at Variance; which in short seems to be to say, that God by his Omnipotency cannot do, what he could have done, had not his Wisdom took another Method, & his Divine Providence afforded other helps &c.

Again, p. 22. from Christ's words; Thinkest th [...] that I cannot. Pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than 12 [...]gi­ons of Angels But how then shall the Scripture [...]e fulfilled that thus it must be? H [...]e saith G. K. it's plaine, that both God & Christ, could have done [...].

[Page 18] Ans. Very true; and that's what wee say, as well as [...]e; but then Christ did not say, God and Christ; is not sufficient, without some­thing else.

And whereas G. K. in p. 25. says, My Labour is in vain, to prove him, & the Norfolk Minitters at Variance about the Light within.

Ans. It's surely in vain, for G. K. to say [...]o, for do not they vary, when G. K. saith, the Light within is God and Christ; the Word, and the Spirit; and those Ministers say of it, that it is Humane under­standing and Natural Conscience? see the Pricip [...]es Pa. 4: 5 N [...]w dareth G▪ K. say, that God and Christ is Humane Understanding, and Natural Conscience? Again, the N [...]k Ministers say; the Light in [...] is made; and to say i [...] is not made, is Blasphemy [...] Pa. 4. 5. But G▪ K. says [...] above that it is God and Christ▪ the Word and the Spirit also; that it is the Object of the Faith of the Gospel; that it hath its Perfections answerable, to those in God, of the Divine Nature; that those that believe in it, believe in Christ; and that it is the In­ward Nature, Virt [...], and Power that saves: See Universal Free Grace P: [...]5: 7▪ 29 & [...]0. Now areth G: K say That any thing Made is the Object of the Faith of the Gospel? or that any thing that is Made, is of the Divine Nature? or that to believe in any thing Made, is to believe in Christ? Now i [...] G. K & the N [...]rfolk Ministers be not at Variance, then it's Consistent with G. K & [...]ound D [...]ctrine to say, God & Christ, the Word and Spirit were made, and that which is made is Di­vine; and that to believe in something made, is to believe in Christ &c. Lastly, since he owns [...] Light to be a fundementall is a Whim [...]i [...]all "Witness Fetcht from T [...]rra Incognita, a fundamental of Christianity, behold the Unity of [...] men see pa: [...]7. of the Principles &c. Well, the 4th Fundamental is that of Perfection, he says in P: 24 [...]e no were remembers that ever [...]e called it a Fundamental of Christian Doctrine: Query: what Fundamental Doctrine then? But I cannot help his M [...]n [...]ry; I quoted him book and page, for it; Well, but saith he) if I did call it a Fundamental, it will not follow that it is One.

Ans. That's very true; but is he did call in One, he judged it then to be True, or else he was a Great Hypocrite; and he Judging it then to be a Fundamental, and since Renounces it, Let him Reconcile it if he can, with his Preface, to his Recantation book, where he says; ‘He hath not Renounced any one assertion, in any of his former books, that ever was judged by him an [...]rticle of Faith; for this of Perfec­tion, he hath not only called it an Article of Faith; but in Express words, calls it a Fundamental Truth and Principle of Christianty: [Page 19] Some Fundamentals pa. 10. And indeed, at this rate, he may [...] away any acknowledged Fundamental, and yet say, he is always [...]ound, and [...]ver varied [...] any Fundamentals.

Again, [...] ▪ whereas he saith; ‘It's certain, that many of their Friends have Dyed, and have not attain'd this Sinless Perfection.’

Ans. How does he know that, since (as above he says, that it's at­tained at the I [...]st [...]nt of Death; however, it follows not then, but some have attained it, and the Ministeriall G [...]ts, was given for the Protection of the Saints &c.

Again, his fifth Fundamental concerning Prayer, he mearly Prevari­cates what I chang'd him with, which was, that he had owned Prayer to be a Fundamental, and that it was not according to the will of God, that [...] [...]o [...]me [...] of Prayer should be used in the Church, as a common [...], and therefore, he was varied about it, by using such a way of Prayer [...] that was not according to the will of God.

As to the 6th. & 7th Fundamentals about Swearing, & [...]ing of [...] (saith he ‘I did not call them Fundamentals, as he Suggests, because they were mentioned in that book, called some Fundamentals &c.

Ans. I suggested no such thing, but because he expressly owned them, as also that of Prayer, to be Fundamental to the People cal­led Quakers; and he at that time professed himself to be one of them: But since he is now of another mind, is it not clear that he is Varied and Changed in Fundamentals? [acknowledged by himself to be such] as [...] pr [...]mised in the Title page, Proteus.

The 8th. Fundamental about Three Persons in the Trinity, he says; ‘This i [...] [...]s Dull Sophistry, as any of the former, and tells, that he never Disputed, nor opposed any of the substantial Doctrines concerning the Holy Trinity; but only bogled at the term, three Persons &c.’

Ans. How is it not substantial? Doctrine, to believe that the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, are three Persons? how is it then that the Athana­ [...]n [...], that whosoever will be Saved, must thus think of the Trinity? Therefore according to that Creed, it must surely he a Fun­damental; & therefore G. K. is Varied also in this acknowledged Funda­mental, and what he here hath said to the contrary, is (I will not say Duli S [...]phistry, but) expe [...]t [...]a [...]lacy..

As [...]or the ad [...] he hath made in pa. 27. of setting W. P's Syllogism in due [...]rm, may be, as Expert a L [...]gician as himself; may tell him, as he hath [...]tt it, it wants due form still: however, as he would not have the Sh [...]make [...] go beyond his [...]st, nor the Miller beyond his [...]; so it would doubtless he never the worse for him not [...] [Page 20] Apostle saith: Not many Wise Men after the flesh are called; but God hath chosen the Foolish things of this World, to confound the Wise▪ where then (saith he) is the Wise? where is the Disputer of this World? 1. Cor. 1.19.26, 27.

Well the Ninth and last Fundamental, is about the Resurrection; concerning which, I charged him with having Varied, by being joined to those who hold their Carnal conceptions of it, which he once denyed. He says, this proves no Change in the Fundamental of it; for he who believes it to be the same body for substance, tho' he hold it Gro [...]y and Carnally, cannot be said to Err in the Fundamental.

Ans. What is that to the purpose? The Question is, whether those Priests, and the Church of England too, (for I never heard but they ge­nerally agreed about that Doctrine, in matter and manner) do not in G. K's then sense differ so much, as that they that have those carnal C [...]n­ceptions, and G K. with his Whimsical Imaginations, [...] do not hold one and the same Body to Ri [...]e: For they say in their Confession, the Body of man retaineth to [...]ust▪ and sees Corruption; and that the Souls of the Righteous wait for the Redemption of them.

Well, but G. K saith, ‘Of that which Dissolves into Earth and Ashes, that is no proper part of mans Body; and therefore doth not Rise: they say; their Body's (which their Souls wait for the Redemp­tion of) see Corruption. G. K. say's "that That, which is to be Rais [...]d, neither consumes nor Corrupts.’

Again, he saith in Truth Advanced pa. 21. ‘Though God made man, of the Dust of the Ground; yet that dust was not common Dust, but much more Pure and Refined then that of which the Bo­dies since the fall are made up of, and in pa. 117 Tells us, "as the Body of man at first was made up of such Excellent Dust, so it shall be made up of the same again.’

Observe, it seems, according to this great Correction of Errors, men have not the same bodies now, that man had [...] the Fa [...]l: But made of anothee sort of Dust, and that such Dust they shall be made up of again at the Resurrection; these it's like, are the N [...]tions, by which he differs from those who hold the Carnal conceptions, as a­bove. Well, as far as I see; for all this, if they do but both sides say, it shall be the same for matter and substance, they own both sides the Fundamental of the Resurrection, tho' the one says, it's the Body that turns to Dust, and sees Corruption, that is to Rise; and the [...] Body; and the [Page 21]other, says it is not: Tho' the one says, It shall be this [...] Body that re­turns to this common Dust, & that it is It, from whence it was taken [...] the other says, it is not; but that it shall be such a Body, [...] before the Fall, which was made of another Dust, then such as are the Bodys of Men, since the Fall &c. Well however, as above▪ [...]t seems according to G. K. if both sides do but say, it shall be the same for matter and substance, they may be said to hold the Fundamental of not the Resurrection [MONSTRUM HORRENDUM [...]] and although G. K. produces, that of Paul 1. Cor. 15▪ his bringing the Si [...] ­tude of a Grain of Corn, in his discourse of the Resurrection; yet Paul doth not say, that the true Body of man Corrupts not: for the same [...] ­postle saith▪ that David Slept with his Fathers, and saw Corruption▪ surely G. K. will not say, that was Wrote in Respect to David's Soul▪ but then it must be in respect to his Body. As for what he says in his Antichrist & Sadduce, writt against me four years ago, My Friend L. P. presently replyed to that in his book called Keith against Keith, to which I refer the Reader.

Well, he says in pa. 29. From his saying, Many &c. had [...] Outward and Visible Sepulchre, that I Query, whether he can [...] clear o [...] the Notion of No Resurrection, But what's within Men.

Ans. I find to the said Query, he hath given no direct Answer [...] however, if he hath another Notion, as Notional, as that comes to [...] seems still but misty Mistical & hath not made (as I see) the least [...] to satisfie People, what that inward Grave or Sepulchre is▪ that the Saints purchased with those 400 Virtues; but brings comparison of Metals and Millstones, whose Bodies, he saith, lie, within in respect to the Dross &c. (tho' I think the Dross lyes as much within as with­out) however, he makes no application, in order to convince any, that therefore the Bodys of the Saints must have an inward Grave o [...] Sepulchre: but quickly concludes, saying; I beg my Readers leave, for Tempting his Patience, to read such Ignorant Objections Answered; Observe, after he hath Tempted his Readers Patience, then he begs leave to do it; had the Miller made such a Blunder, it's like he would have call'd it Sottish Ignorance, and as void of sence as his Mill-Stones, or the like. Well, it seems he soon had done with my long ci [...]tion from his book, about the Resurrection; and possibly, he might think it high time for him too: For when he speaks to it to the purpose, it will be expected, that he prove.

1st. Treat the Saint [...] have an Inward Grave o [...] Sepulchre.

2dly. That it's Purchased, and that with no less the [...] 400 Virtu [...] [Page 22]3dly. That▪ where the Saints shall be raised, [...] an Inward Land of Israel, of which the outward was but a Figure.

4thly. That men commonly have two Gra [...]es.

5thly. that the Body, that man was first made of, was not of this Visible Earth; but that it was of Golden Dust, tho' Metophorically understood.

6thly. Where the Scripture is his Rule, for these Notions?

Lastly, wether the Church, which he is now a Member of, be one with him about this Fundamental of the Resurrection.

Well in pa. 30 He hath framed a Syllogism, to Prove that he is not an Apostate &c.

Ans. My P [...]oving an Apostate, was from his own Definitions, Reason [...] and Arguments▪ see the Title page and that he is not so, I do not [...]ind he hath so much as attempted to Prove: and therefore, his long Harangue from pa. 32▪ to 34 is a meer Go by, and Derogation from the point. I come to his 5th. Section, about what he calls Per­secution, in his pa. 35 and 36. the matter and ground of offence, as [...] in the Querys out of their Appeal, he unfairly recites; for as he hath recited it, it says they hired Men to Fight, and reco [...] ­ered a Sloop by force of Arms, and gave a Commission so to do: but the Query truely cited saith; they hired Men to Fight, as accord­ingly they did, and Recovered a Sloop, and took some Privateers by force of Arms: which clause, to wit, & [accordingly they did, (Fight) and recovered a sloop &c.] was cunningly done by G. K. to leave out (it's like) calling to mind how, true citing it would, Contradict, what he had writ formerly [viz.] That it was Peter Boss, and one or two more with him, that in a little boat, took the Sloop, having nei­ther Gun, Sword nor Spear: see Antichrist and Saduce pa. 6. Observe, their Query saith, they did Fight, and recover a Sloop; whereas G. K. said, as above, it was took by two or three, without Gun, Sword or Spear.

Again, his said 9th▪ Query saith, that they gave a Commission to Right, signed by three Justices of the Peace whereof one was a Preach­er among them; whereas it was [...]ut a Warrant, in the nature of a Hue and Cry, to bring the Robbers Back to Justice, without any word of Fighting, Killing or Destroying in it: Secondly it was not Signed by three Justices that were Quakers; neither was any one of them a Preacher among us. another Falshood was, that the Ministers her [...], had ingrossed the Worldly Government; whereas there were divers [...] concerned in Government, not Ministers, nor Quakers neither [Page 23]Now, though Men may well enough publish Queries, about Religi­ous [...]; yet they should not speak untruths o [...] men, and espe­cially those [...]n Authority, by so Querying.

Again, G K. is not fair to leave out the rest for which the Autho­rity here was fastly offended with him, which was expressly men­tioned in the Proclam [...]tion, as he calls it, herein after mentioned, [viz] not only his calling a Magistra [...]e, Impudent Rascal; but also calling the Deputy Governour (who was well known to be a Sober Ju­di [...]us man Impudent Man; and at another time, telling him, that his name would Stinke, & that he was not fit to be a Governour, with ma­ny other S [...]g [...]ting Abusive expressions, both to him and the Magi­strates &c. besides what he said to the Deputy Governour in publick Meeting, as cited in state of the case page 55. (viz.) Thou art a Pitiful Governour; why doest thou not send me to Prison, or order me to be Whiped? my Back Itches for a whipping; & hath Long Icht for [...].

Well, but in page 37. he says it was a matter of Religion to us at that time, in no case to use a Carnal Weapon.

Ans. O! what Mighty matter of Religion it was to him, never to proceed in any Christian way, either by way of Rebuke or Exhortation to them, that were concerned in taking the said Sloop; but rather com­mend them for what they had done, no no! all was well, & the Friends concerned, his dear Friends and Brethren for about eight Months after that, and till for his ungovernable and Turbulent behaviour, and Sepa­ration &c. our Friends saw a necessity, of disowning him as a Minister of the Peaceable Gospel amongst us: then it was, and not till then, that he was Animated to accuse those, for doing that, for which before he had commended them.

Now, to Conclude, this, as it hath been the Quakers Principle from the beginning, to Cease from War; so it hath been always as much their Principle, that Government is an Ordinance of God, and that it ought to be [...]et up in all Countrys; for the Punishment of Evil Do­ers, and the Praise of them that do Well: se Edward Burro [...]s works pa. 754. and as Richard Huberthorn told KING CHARLES the Second, in Discourse with Him, that such Government we could Assist, [...]oth in B [...]y and Estate.

As to the noise he hath made from pa. 37. to 44. about another Presentment, then what I mention'd and Recited in my book, I have this to say in sincerity and Truth, that I never knew, nor so much as ever heard of any other, to the utmost of my Remembrance; neither hath G. K. produced any Proof; that there was another▪ neither do [Page 24] [...] understand that there's any such thing upon the Court Records, [...] ­sides what Presentment I spoke of, was taken from our own book of the Trial, giving an account what they called in it Persecution here, and which was published by them in the year 1693. but G. K. says, that Presentment against him, for which he says, they would have found him Guilty of Death, was in the year 92. see account Quakers Politicks pa. 28.

Well, how was it likely then, I should expect there was another Pre­sentment, & such a Severe one too, when their own book of their Tryals, published the next year, mentioned nothing of it? no, nor in any other book; as ever I heard of, was it ever published: but since G. K. does so positively affirm there was another, I shall not be positive against it; but as he hath produced no other, so I dare say, he never will be able to prove his charge in any other; viz. That they would have found him Guilty of Death, if the Government had not been changed, so that as to the substance of his complaint, I still say, a more Wick­ed, Malicious, and False assertion, could hardly have been Invented, against those then in Government.

Well, in pa. 41. he cryes out; ‘Now observe the Logick of this Caleb Pusey▪ the Presentment was Prosecuted and Tryed; therefore, there was no other Presentment.

Ans. He states the matter too short, which should be rather thus: The Presentment in the 10th. Month 92. was Prosecuted &c. therefore (as G. K. says in pa. 41. the other being not untill several Months after that of the 10th. Month 92.) there was no other Presentment in the year 92. But that of the 10th. Month 1692. and let him but prove, if he can, that there was any other Presentment in that year.

Well, however he says, he hath prov'd another, therefore, his proofs I shall examine: but first take notice, in pa. 36. how unfairly he mispresents the Magistrates Proclamation, as he there calls it, for the [...] Querys. He saith, they gave out, as is said, their Proclama­tion against him▪ and charged him and others with a seditious paper▪ tending to the subversion of the Government &c. Now after those words, [Subversion of the Government] G: K: stops, but the words following are [or to the Aspersing the Magistracy thereof.] Now this shows G. K.'s cunning (I will not say dull) Sophistry: for by those Last words it's clear, they did not positively Charge them with doing that, which Tended to the subversion of the Government. Now if G: K. had put in those last words, his charge against them would not have ap­peared so high by Far. Well as above, this g [...]e [...]t Logician calls out; [...] [Page 25]saith in page 41, he hath given sufficient Evidence, that there was an­other Presentment &c. But what is the Evidence? why, that [...] seems the Magistrates Charg'd him in a Proclamation in the 6th. mt▪ 92. (for then it was) And gave a hint of what they then intended against him, and others, in its proper place, for Publishing the above Paper; therefore there was another Presentment several months after the 10th. Mth. 1692. Well, in his pa. 42 hear him again thus: ‘Judge, n [...]w Reader if this C. P. be not as fast held in the Net as if he had a Thief in his Mill:’ But how so pray? Why, I had said▪ he was not accused in the Presentment, for Endeavouring to alter the Government; Yet it seems in the Proclamation, there were such words. Now again; behold G. K's Logick: He was accused of it in a Proclamation in the 6. Mth 92. therefore it was in the present Mth. several Mths after the 10: Mth. 92. take notice, as above, there was not such a Positive charge in the said Proclamation neither.

Well, in p 42. he says, ‘they wanted no will to have made him Guilty of Death, and That he had sufficiently proved by their severe Accusations against him, of speaking and w [...]ing what tended to the Subversion of the Kings Government as well as W. P's, which he took to be a capital Crime, and that such a Crime deserved Death &c.

Now Pray, observe his Logick again, as well as his baseness▪ he saith sufficiently proved (he says) they wanted no will, to have made him Guilty of Death, because he himself hath said, without any Proof, that he was charg'd for Speaking and Writing, what tended to the subversion of the Kings Government, as well as W. P's▪ But his putting in the Kings Government, is very base, and sign to Agravate his charge against the then Magistrates, as well as to clear himself of Abusing them; for there was no such words, as the Kings Government, in the Prolamation; neither hath he attempted to make any Proof, that he was charg'd any other where, For speak­ing what tended to the subversion of the Kings Government.

Well I n [...]w come to examine his proo [...]ess proofs, that they would have found him Guilty of Death, he recites from the Law made 1684▪ these words; ‘That who by speaking, or writing, do commit any act or d [...]ed, tending to the subversion of the present Government▪ shall Suffer Imprisonment for any time, not exceeding twelve Months and undergo such Corporal Punishment, as the Quality of the O [...]en­der, and nature of the Offence may require.’

Now says G. K. pa. 43. that they had a mind to make it Capital, is evident.

[Page 26] Ans. Now is it Evident? Nay, then he had done something; but Pray where is his Evidence? why, hear his following words, viz. ‘One of their own Profession, who knew their design, told me, they were preparing a Gibbet for me; this I can Attest upon Oath.

Ans. Pretty Logick again! G. K. says himself, in his own case, that one of our own Profession told him, they were preparing a Gibbet for him; therefore they would have made his crime Capital, viz. such as deserves Death, as he himself construes it, Ibid: when possibly, if the Truth of the matter were known, the Person that told him so, was no Quaker; but a great favourer of him: & that Person only told him so in Waggery, being Ben Waller, now of Burlington; for so I have been informed it was.

Well he proceeds, and tells pa. 43. 44. how he hath enquired at the ablest Lawyers here, (viz.) those recommended to him as the Ab­lest whether the Corporal Punishment in the said Act, might not by the Letter of the Law be construed, to extend to Death, seeing Death was but a Corporal Punishment? &c. and, says he, ‘the said Lawyers have Unanimously Answer'd me, that tho' they could not Hang me by Law, yet they could, if it was their will, cause to Whip me to Death: for it Whipping be the Corporal Punishment intended by the Law, there is no Limitation, as to the Number, or the severity of Lashes.

Ans. Whether this relation he gives, of the ablest Lawyers, be true or no, I kn [...]w not: but if true, I must tell him, I am with sub­mission to better Judgments of another opinion: for tho' that Law did not assigne the number of stripes, yet there was a Law made at the same Sessions, limiting the Stripes not to exceed twenty one, where they are not otherways assigned. Besides, I don't in the least question, but, if a Person was upon Tryal of his Life, upon that Law, the ablest of these Lawyers, for a small Fee, would undertake to prove that a man could not be put to Death by any such Law; and that so to do, would not be a doing of it by that Law; but by grosly perver­ [...]ing that Law.

Again He says, That One of the Gentlemen Lawyers, that was Rec­koned one of the Ablest in the Province, told him by that very Law, the Quaker Magistrates might have Oarified him (viz) as is said, was in­tended against Dr. Oats in England, (viz) Cause to Whip You with an in­tention, to Whip You till you Dyed.

Answ. a Severe Whipping! But I dare pass for it, upon an occasion that might happen about the like Law, wherein that Able Lawyer [...] [Page 27]mihgt be appl [...]ed to, by any Client, Especially, if he were b [...]t weighty in his application, he would soon shew a Retrogate opinion, upon that Law, to that above mention'd; Now suppose all this be true that he tells, the Lawyers said in the case, how does this prove G. K.'s charge, that they would have found him guilty of Death, if the Go­vernment had not been changed? why no way, but by his usual sort of Logick, (viz.) the Lawyers said, by that Law they might have put him to Death; therefore they would have found him Guilty of Death. O [...]e, reckoned one of the ablest Lawyers said, they might by that Law have Oatified him; therefore they would have found him Guilty [...] Death. For after all this, noise no greater Proof do I find he hath given, in all his rooks, then those proofless ones, above mention'd either that there was another Presentment, by which they intended to find him. Guilty of Death; or that they wanted not will so to have done; or that in other way they would have found him guilty or Death.

Well he says, Coll Markham, then Deputy Governour, Andrew Robinson, and other, Justice, sign'd a publick Writing, wherein they fully cleared him of all things the Quaker Magistrates [...]aid to his charge.

Ans. How did they clear him? from calling the Governour an Im­pudent Man? and telling him he was not fit to be a Governour? and that his Name should Stink? or from calling a Magistrate Impudent Rascall? or did they clear him from misrepresenting the Magistrates in their Printed Appeal? or did they clear him from his abusing another Magistrate, by falsly accusing him, for putting his hand under Wo­mens Pety Coates: Bid him go home to his Whores? If they did pretend to clear him of these things, it was not well done to be sure.

Well, in pa. 46. he will not own, that it would be any Persecution, for the Civil Magistrate, to Punish us, & use some outward Coercioth and Restraint, by hindring our Preaching in publick Assembly's &c.

Ans. Therefore I think soon to end this Head; for it plainly ap­pears, he is full Ripe for Persecution; (tho' under the pretence of Persecutors common charge (viz.) Vile Heresie) tho' the name, now, is so Odious amongst most English men, that he chuses rather it seems, to call it Punishing, then Persecuting.

Well in his Postscript, I find few or, no Citations, that are Mate­rial in themselves to be spoken do, but what have been Answered by our Friends, so often over and over, that I think it needless to spend much time, or Paper about them; yet I shall give a touch of some [...]s [...]ges in it, as First, his s [...]rt at Infallibility upon my [...] [Page 28] [...], he concludes, as if I came under G. F's Curse &c.

Ans. what G. F. said, was because the Priests Queried, whether it did not u [...]ing the Quakers under the Curse, their saying: ‘They Writ from the Spirit of the Lord, immediately and infa [...]ibly &c.’ And if to say, they writ from the Spirit of the Lord &c. [...]e to bring under the Curse, what will they make of the Holy Men of old, who wrote as they were moved by the Spirit of the Lord; and as saith the Apostle, if any man speak, let him speak as the Oracle o [...] God; and tho' G. F. sp [...]ke so of such, as got only the Words, and other mens Lines, made ready to their hands, as he there charged them, and de [...]yed the Teachings of the Spirit of the Lord &c. And so were not so much as in the Faith of it; yet it follows not, that he meant People were under the Curse, for every Mistake.

As for what he says aginst W. P. about Christ in us, offering up him­self a Living Sacrifice to God for us, by which the wrath of God is ap­peased to us.

Ans. I am satisfied, it was neither intended to deny or less [...]n the great Sacrifice of Christ on the Cross without us, any more then G. K. did when he said thus, ‘even at mans fall, the [...]eed of the Woman was given not only [...]o bruise the Serpents head, but also to be a Lamb or Sa­cr [...]fice to attone & pacifie the Wrath of God towards Men, & this is the Lamb that was slain from the foundation of the World; The way to the City of God, not Retracted pa. 125. besides it was a living Sacrifice, &c. not a Sacrifice to Death, on the Cross, as W. P. spoke of; and as I believe G. K. did not intend to lessen o [...] render it inconsistant with Christs offering up himself for the Sins of the World outwardly, no more I am satisfied, did W. P. As for that, about Robert Barclay's speaking against unlawfull Games, and super [...]uity in Apparel; it's [...]if [...]ing therefore I shall say no more of it, then to tell them that the Subject Robert Barclay treated of, was not about some mens wearing better cloathes then others; But about meer needless, costly and Super­ [...] Cloathings: nor about Children's playing in the Streets as he speaks [...]: But rather that when come to men, they should put away Child­ish things.

Well in pa. 58. he thinks to call Christ as man, Impotent, is very [...]arrantable, if not Blasphemous.

Ans. But I never found that W. P. ever termed Christ as man Im­potent.

[...] pa. 57. [...] me saying to D. L. did I ever take, or go about [...] only▪

[Page 29] Ans. That was because D. L. had so often charged W. P. for cal­ling Christ as Man, a [...] and Impotent Creature: But as one [...]hat was Concern'd, he could not make it [...]ear as he charged him from p. 20. for there is no such thing, so he [...]lipt over to pa. 2 [...]. where with leaving out the word Creature, and [...]endring the word Finite in that page, to signifie also Impotent, he cunningly strove though against the [...]eam to make good his charge there, by Consequence, for which I detected him, by using that word [only]

In p. 64. he says; ‘he never though or said that He (Christ) was Impotent, or a F [...]nite Impotent Creature; most unjust it is therefore, for C. P. to lay this at my door.’

Ans. I remember not, that ever I charged him with terming Christ as Man Impotent, but by way of ad homin [...]m to D. L. who would fallen it as above upon W. P. because he term'd Christ as Man, to be Finite▪ therefore in making satisfaction &c he was Impotent: see Rebuke [...] Rebuked in pa. 7. well consistant with which the Mill [...]r with­out any further pretence to the Logical art, frames this Syllog [...]sm: He that owns Christ as man to be Finite; Owns Christ as man to be Impotent: but G. K. owns Christ as man to be Finite: Ergo. Now if the Major proposition, nor conclusion pleases him not let him lay that at his great Friend D. L's door; for it is his, and not mine: And therefore, it behoves them to be [...]econciled between themselves, before they seek such a continual. Wrangling with us▪ for G. K. says, Christ as Man is Finite, but not Impotent: D. L. says, if Christ as a Man is Finite, Consequently Impotent: And also says, that persion of several Societies of Christians hold so too; and for his part, he dare not call it Blasphemy so to affirm, see ibid. p 9. 10. tho' in his Trumpet &c. he calls it Blasphemy in W. P. so to affirm.

As for what he says in his Preface about meeting him, and that the Truth can never be so well found out, as by having the Author books openly produced, and [...] read.

Ans. To read them ones self; and take some necessary time to read the Cort [...] [...] as well as the Text [...] and to see that we take a right the sub [...]ect treated on, in order to consider more certain the sence of the [...], that we may not miss the Truth nor wrong our Nighbour: Surely every free and impartial mind will say, this is the most sure way to find whether the things, so cha [...]ged against our Friends be so or not. And there­fore his saying wee cannot be so ease [...]y detected in writ; I [...]ay otherwise for the above reasons. And surely people cannot be so easily deceived, when like the noble Berrheans, they are willing to weigh & deli [...] [Page 30]matters as charged against us, and with an impartial E [...]e, where truly cited, compare them with the Holy Scriptures, as they may, when they only hear them brokenly read, and to as much disadvantage at all times, as they that read them think good. And as for his saying, Paper will not blush, what is that to the purpose? For the Innocent need not blush, neither is [...]lushing always a signe o [...] Guilt, I know [...]y Ex­perience; neither is Confidence always a signe of Innocency: which, if G. K would speak as it is, I believe He might say, He knows that by LARGE EXPERIENCE also.

And whereas in his page 49. he says, that at a Meeting with the Quakers by ag [...]eement, our Friends read the book called ONE WON­DER MORE; where he says, it's falsly charged on him, that he took the Scotch League and Covenant: To which I say, it's falsly so said by him; for there is no such Words in that book, that says he took it: But thus; that his Education, Judgment and Affection, in his Youth so dipt him in the Scotch Solemn League and Covenant, that he Glo­ries in it; and says, that by it prelacy was declared a Limb of Anti-Christ, the horrible thing set up in the land, and that he had V [...]w [...]d to the Most High God against it, and had kept his V [...]w &c. and quoted G. K.'s pa. 28. 39 of Help in time of Need, for what he said; but no such words is in that Wonder, as that he had took the Scotch League and Covenant; and therefore, his blunder in proving he was unca­pable of taxing it, saying in pa. 50 that the Covenant was taken in the year 1643 and 1644. when he was but five years old, might have been spared.

C. P.


SINCE the Preface to this, was in part Printed, I have had the oppor­tunity to speak with some Friends, about G. K.'s behaviour in our Friends Meeting on Rhoad Island, as mentioned in the said Preface, and denied by G. K. in his Railing Shimei; concerning which the said Friends give this following Testimony: (viz.)

WHEREAS our Friend CALEB PUSEY hath published in pa. 45. of his book called Proteus &c▪ And a relation from a Friend at [...] is accused for [Page 31]coming to our Meeting there; and in Meeting time being in a Turbu­lent Frame, called to the Governour in a Commanding way, that he might be heard, and that the Auditory might be compelled to stay, and hear him, or else he would Complain to the QUEEN; and that he called to the Justices, that they might Compell the People, and that the Meeting was disturbed by him; and that he said he had pow­er from the Bishop of London, to speak in our Meetings: All which we find G. K. to deny in his Railing Shimei: But we being all present at the said Meeting, doe Testify the said Relation of our Friend to be true; and to the full Truth of which we subscribe our Nat [...]s.


AND lastly, concerning the Disturbance, G. K. and his Compani­on, made at our Yearly Meeting; and concerning, which they have taken several depositions. The substance of that matter was on this wi [...]e: On the 21st. of the 7th. Month 1703. John Talbot, a protest Minister of the Church of England, G. K.'s Travelling Companion, came to our New Meeting house at Philadelphia, and in Meeting time, standing on the Threshold of the Door, begun to read a Paper, being (as himself has deposed on Oath) some observations, made upon the Solemne declaration of Samuel Jennings, Franc [...]s Devenport and George Deacon, Members of the QUEENS Council, the 19th. of Au­gust 1703, at Burlington, before Lord CORNBURY, and severall Members of the Council &c. upon the reading of which, there was some disturbance at the door, whereupon several of our Friends, who were [...]itting peaceably waiting upon God, stood up, and earnestly cau­tioned all Friends not to move; but to be still and quiet: But many people coming in and about the door about him; he it seems was thrust of the said threshold, where he finished reading the said paper, [...] one of them upon Oath deposed after which G K. came into the Meeting, and standing upon a bench, began to read the [...]me [...]aper, which occasioned a fresh Disturbance, and many crouding about him, all W R as is said, took the paper out of his hand, and G K a­m [...]g the cro [...]d, was some way presently moved of his standing; but [...] deposition upon Oath, does not to much as pretend he was any ways [...]: and indeed what was d [...]e to either of them, was [...] more then might be expected among [...] such a pr [...]miscuous and [...] [Page 32] [...] of people, which was then occasioned to be so by them. And however, though we were much troubled at that disturbance, occasion­ed by them as above, and also when we heard the paper was taken out of G. K.'s han [...]: Yet we never lookt upon ou [...] selves so far ob­liged as always to hear (without Interrupting) any common disturbers of our Peaceable Meetings, whether it be, by their Speaking, or by their Reading their Papers of Strife and Contention therein.

C. P.


Preface last leaf line 15: for books read former books, page 2. line 10. for which read [...]: l. 2 [...]. f. wer, W, S. p. 4. l. 31. f. as wer. we. p. 6. l. 5. f. hereto r. thereto p. 9. l. 28. f. Reserv'd r. retained. p. 10. l. 12. f. have r. had. l. 2 [...]. f. 800. r. 200. p. 11. l. 17. f. Appeal r. Call. p. 12. l. 8. f. anity r. Christianity. l. 22. f. add however r. therefore. l. 27. f. Apostle r. same Apostle. l. 29. f. commended r. committed. l. 32. f. this r. his. p. 14. l. 12. f. retract r. retracted. l. 1 [...]. f. into [...] in the. l. 21. f. says r: essays. l. 33. after 1689. r. it was. p. 15. l. 14. f. that [...] that again. Well. l. 23. after 14. r. 16. l. 33. after to r. reveal. p. 16. l. 17. after Implicit r. saith. l. 28. f. G. K. r. G. K. saith. pa. 20. l. 14. after much r. from him. l. 31. [...]. Correction r. Corrector. pa. 25. l. 13. after present r. ment. f. Mths r. Months. p. 26. l. 19. f. Law r. that Law. p. 27. l. 12. f. books r. book. [...] 26. f. bid r. biding. p. 28. l. 29. f. them r.

THE END. 1703.

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