
THE BLESSED HOPE, And the Glorious Appearing of the Great GOD our SAVIOVR, Jesus Christ.

Opened & Applied, In Several SERMONS.

By Increase Mather, Praesident of Harvard Colledge in Cambridge, and Preacher of the Gospel, at Boston, in N.E.

2 Tim. 4.8.

Henceforth there is laid up for me a Crown of Righteousness, which the Lord the Righteous Iudge, shall give me at that Day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love His Appearing.

1 Pet. 1.13.

Wherefore gird up the loyns of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end, for the Grace that is to be brought unto you at the Re­velation of Iesus Christ.

Boston, Printed by Timothy Green, for Nicholas Boone, at his Shop over against the Old-Meeting-House. 1701.



AT the Time when (a few Months past) these Sermons were Preached, I had not the least thought of Printing them. But several of my Hear­ers have not only importuned my Consent thereunto, but brought me transcribed Copies as they were tak­en from me in Short-hand, with a desire that they might be sent to the Press; and that therefore I would first peruse them: which I have done; and must as­sure the Reader, that if he does expect any thing Curious or Critical in what is herewith emitted▪ he will find himself disappointed, There is nothing Elaborate therein more than what is usual in the or­dinary Course of my Ministry. Only the great saving [...]ruths of the Gospel are plainly delivered, wiib [...] Inculcations as I have thought might be proper and edifying in a Popular Auditory.

If CHRIST shall be Glorified, and the Souls of any of his Elect Benefitted by this Publication, I shall not repent of my Consenting thereunto, in the Bless­ed Day of His Appearing. Let Him Come Quickly.



COnscience the Best Friend upon Earth: Or the Happy Effects of keeping a Good Con­science.

By Henry Stubbes.

The Resolved Christian; pursuing the De­signs of Holiness and Happiness, in ordering, First his own Heart and Life, and then his Fa­mily. With further Directions upon the Great Points, of spending our Time, and of Minding our End, and of Behaving our selves well un­der all our Tryals.

The Good Linguist. Or, Directions to avoid the Sins of the Tongue; as well False Swearing and Vain Swearing; yea all False Speaking, & all Vain Spea [...]ing: The too Common Errors in mens Communication: As more especially. Mens Evil-Speaking, one of another.

Sold by Nicholas Boone, at his Shop, [...] against the Old-Meeting-House. 170 [...].

[Page 5]

The Blessed HOPE, And Glorious Appearing of JESUS CHRIST.


Tit. II.13.

Looking for that Blessed Hope, and the Glorious Appearing of the Great God, and our Saviour Iesus Christ.

THE Apostle in this, with the preceed­ing and following Verses, Exhorts Believers to adorn their Profession of the Gospel, with an Holy Con­versation. There are several Motives menti­oned, whereby this Exhortation is urged.

1. Be [...]ause the Gospel it self does so Teach [Page 6] men. The Grace of God which brings Salvation, the Gospel which is a Doctrine of Grace, and which does bring to men the Tidings of Sal­vation, teaches them to deny all Vngodliness, that they should be careful of being Guilty of Sins against the First Table of the Moral Law: and to deny all worldly Lusts, that they should Abstain from all Sins against the Second Table of that Law: and that they should Live Soberly in respect of themselves: i. e. that they should be Temperate, & Live Righteously in respect of men. And that they should Live Godly, which implieth the Exercises of Duties of Piety and Religion, which have God for their Object. This does the Gospel Teach men.

2. Another Motive the Apostle useth, is, in that such a Life is the way to Blessedness; as in the words which have been read. Ho­liness is the way to Happiness. They that bring forth Fruit to Holiness, shall in the End have Everlasting Life. Against this might be objected, we see Holy men many times mise­rable in Outward respects, and they that [...]ive Godly are Persecuted. The Gospel assures us, that we shall be exposed to Reproaches▪ and many Sufferings in this world. True, (sai [...]h the Apostle) but then you must remember, there another World besides this; & in that you shall [Page 7] be Blessed: In that other World, which [...] take place, at the Appearing of the Great God, and our Saviour Jesus Christ. The Great God, and our Saviour; The meaning i [...], the Great God, even our Saviour. The Greek word [...] which is translated Appearing, is not in Scripture Attributed to any, but the Second Person in the Trinity. There is a twofold Appearing of Christ.

1. His Incarnation is called His Appearing 2 Tim. 1.10. By His Appearing ▪ He has brought Life and Immortallity to light. The Son of God did appear in the form of a man to Save the world, and therefore to Dy, that He might accomplish Salvation for all that should believe on Him.

2. But then, there is a Second Appearing of Christ, which is yet to be expected, Namely, His Appearing to Judge the world. He has once Appeared to Save the world, He will again Appear to Judge the world. And this is by way of Eminency called His Appearing. The Original word signifies an Illustrious and Glorious Apppearing.

The words afford unto us Three Doctrines.

  • [Page 8]1. That there is a Blessed Hope, which Believers Look for.
  • 2. That Iesus Christ is the Great God, and our Saviour.
  • 3. That there will be a Glorious Appearing of Iesus Christ, when Believers on Him, shall en­joy their Hoped for Blessedness.

1. That there is a Blessed Hope which Believers Look for.

The Truth before us may be opened, by enquiring into three particulars.

  • 1. What is meant by this Blessed Hope?
  • 2. What is implyed in Believers looking for it?
  • 3. What Reason they have to look for it?

Q. 1. What is meant by this Blessed Hope?

For Answer, Hope is here put for the Good hoped for. 'Tis a Metonimical Expression usual in Scripture. So Fear is sometimes put for the thing most feared; as we read concerning Iacob, that when he took a solemn Oath, he did Sware by the Fear of his Father Isaac, Gen. 31.13. That [...] by that God who was the chief Object of the [...] of his Father Isaac, that God whom his [...]ther Isaac did fear above all things. So Love [...] sometimes put for the thing most loved, [...]ent. 2.7 Christ is called the Believers Love, [...] being the chief Object of his love. So the [Page 9] good contained in the Promises, is called the Promise Heb. 10.36. Tha [...] you might receive the Promise. The meaning is, the good contained in the Promise. Thus Hope is put for the good hoped for, Gal. 5.5. For we through the Spirit, wait for the Hope of Righteousness by Faith. By the Hope of Righteousness is meant the Righteousness which we hope for. We (sayes the Apostle) do by the assistance of the Spi­rit of God, Hope for a Righteousness that will Justifie us, that will make us appear Just and Righteous before God; not by our own works, but by Faith, Colos. 1.5. For the Hope which is laid up for you in Heaven. The meaning is, the good hoped for which is laid up in Heaven. And this is called a Blessed Hope, on a double account.

1. In respect of the Subject of it, Namely Blessed Ones. Such as are made partakers of Regenerating Grace, 1 Pet. 1.3. He has Be­gotten us again to a Lively Hope. None have a lively hope but such as are begotten again, and have a right unto the Inheritance which is Re­served in Heaven.

2. 'Tis called a Blessed Hope, in respect of the Object of it, Namely Blessedness: that is it which Believers hope for. They hope for a [...]reater Blessedness then that at present they enjoy. Their Blessedness is indeed, begun in [Page 10] this Life Joh. 3.36. He that Believeth has E­verlasting Life. He has it in the beginnings of it. A man whose Sins are Pardoned, is a Blessed man, Psal. 32.1. Blessed is the man whose Sins are forgiven, and unto whom God does not impute Iniquity. That man that has Spi­ritual Blessings bestowed on him, (in which Blessedness doth chiefly consist) is truly a Blessed man, That man that has Grace in his Soul, and that has a sure Title to an inheritance in Heaven, is a Blessed man. Nevertheless, though Believers here are as to their State Blessed, they are subject to many miseries, many afflictions and sorrows must they undergo while in this world; As Iob said, Job 2.10. Shall a man re­ceive good at the hands of God, and not evil. In this world Believers do not receive only good, but evil. But in the World to come, they shall then receive good & not evil. It was therefore said of Lazarus, Luk. 16.25. That in his Life time, he had his Evil things, but now he is Comfort­ed; now he is gotten into the other World, there is no more evil things attending of him, there is nothing but what is comfortable. But to speak more particularly, there are several things comprehended in this Blessedness, which is the object of the Believers Hope.

1 They hope for Salvation at the Appearing of the Great God our Saviour Iesus Christ. When He appears He will appear to them as a Savi­our. [Page 11] And all that Good, all that Blessedness which is contained in this Comprehensive word, Salvation is that they hope for, 1 Thes. 5.8. Putting on the Breastplate of Faith, and Love, and for an helmet, the hope of Salvation. There is Salvation in respect of Deliverance from outward Evils. This Believers hope for, Isa. 60.20. The dayes of thy mourning shall be ended. And there is Salvaton in respect of Deliverance from Spiritual & from Eternal Evils. Sin is a Spiritu­al evil; the temptations of Satan are spiritual evils; & the Torments of Hell are Eternal Miseries. There is the Worm that Dyes [...] & the Fire that never shall be Quenched. Believers hope for deliverance from this, Isa. 45.17. Israel shall be Saved in the Lord with an Everlasting Salvation. Deliverance from Everlasting Misery, is an Everlasting Sal­vation. And this is that which Believers ex­pect, at the Appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Salvation of them all, will not be perfect­ed till then, Heb. 9.28. He shall appear the Second time without Sin unto Salvation. The Redemp­tion of the Children of Israel out of Egypt, was a Type of this Salvation. Moses then said to them, (as in the 14. Exod. 1 [...]) The Egyptians which you have seen this day, you shall see them a­gain no more for eve [...]. So when Christ shall Ap­pear, those evils that have been Afflictive to His People, they shall see them no more for ever. Neither Temporal Evils, as Hunger, [Page 12] Thirst, no more Pain, no more Crying, nor a­ny Spiritual Evils, neither Sin nor the Temp­tations of Satan, shall molest them any more for ever. Now then this will be a Blessed Day, and therefore the hope of it is a Blessed Hope.

2. Believers hope that at the Appearing of the Great God our Saviour Iesus Christ, their dead bo­dies shall be restored to Life again. Isa. 26.19. Thy dead men shall live together with my dead body shall they arise. As for dead Believers, when the dead Bodies of the Prophets shall arise they shall arise too. The Resurrection of the Body is a special object of the Believers Blessed Hope. It was therefore a principle thing in the Doc­trine Paul Preached, & that he was Persecuted for, Act. 23.6. For the Hope of the Resurrecti­on of the dead am I called into Question. And a­gain, Act. 24.15. I have Hope towards God, that there shall be a Resurrection from the dead. Not­withstanding, their immortal Souls must be separated from their Bodies for some time, they know not how long, and in the mean time their bodies consumed in the rotting Grave. Believers hope that then they shall have the very same Bodies restored to them again, which their immortal Souls were in before Death made a separation, but wonderfully and glo­riously Changed as to the qualities thereof. 'Tis true also concerning Unbelievers, wicked [Page 13] men, that they shall rise out of their Graves, and enjoy the very same Bodies that they had in this world. We may not think, that the Bodies that have sinned, shall escape the Fire of Hell, and that another Body that never sinned, shall suffer instead of it. Thus as to Believers, they shall have the very same Bo­dies. That Body that did serve God and Glorifie Him in this world, shall be made to live again in that Day. As the Body of Christ now in Glory, is the very same which did lye in the Grave. That very Body that was Crucifyed, is now at the Right-hand of God. So shall it be as to Believers on Christ, 1 Cor. 15.53. For this Corruptible, must put on Incor­ruption, This Corruptible and not another. And the Resurrection of the Body which is the Blessed Hope of all Christians, will be at the Appearing of Christ, 1 Cor. 15.23 We shall rise every one in their own order, they that are Christs at His Coming. It will be at the Last Day. Martha said to Christ, when He told her that her Brother should rise again, Joh. 11.24 I know that he shall rise again, in the Resurrecti­on at the last day. And this is also signified & sealed to Believers in the Sacrament. When they partake at the Lords Table, this Glorious Truth is signified, and the Promise of it seal­ed unto them. Joh. 6.54 He that eats my flesh, and drinks my blood has Eternal Life, and I will [Page 14] Raise him up at the last day. That very Body, that did Sacramentally eat the Flesh of Christ, and that did drink of the Blood of Christ, He will Raise it up at the Last Day. And this blessed truth, has ever been the Faith and Hope of Believers, even in all ages of the world. This was that Iob did hope for and was assured of, Job 19.26 I know that my Redeemer Liveth, and that He shall stand on the Earth at the latter day, and though after my skin worms destroy this Body, yet in my Flesh I shall see God. It is as much as if he had said, I know that there will be a Glo­rious Appearing of the Great God my Saviour, and that though my Body be consumed in the rotting Grave, it shall be restored to Life in that Blessed Day.

3. Believers hope that at the Appearing of the Great God our Saviour Iesus Christ, their Bodies shall undergo a Blessed Change. Not only that they shall be restored to Life, but be Blessedly Changed from what they are. They are now subject to many infirmities, which will then be perfectly and forever removed from them Phil 3.21 He shall Change our vile Bodies. We look for a Saviour from Heaven that shall Change our vile Bodies: whatever it is makes our Bodies subject to vileness, to meaness, that shall be done away. There are Bodily infirmi­ties which are the fruit of Sin, and some part [Page 15] of the Curse. So are all Bodily Diseases. There are some Bodies subject to Chronical dis­eases, which are Ludibria Medicorum, all the Physicians in the world cannot cure them. Asa was Diseased in his Feet, and sought to the Physicians, and doubtless had the Advice of the Ablest Physicians in the Kingdom, but they could not help him. The Resurrection will Cure all Diseases. The Diseases which the Bodies of Saints carry to the Grave with them, shall not come out of the Grave, again. There are Bodily infirmities also, which are not the effect of Sin, which men would have been subject unto if they never had sinned; such as Hunger, Thirst, want of Sleep, and the like. If Adam never had sinned, his Body would have stood in need of Food, that so it might be continued in Life. Therefore be­fore ever he had sinned, God said to him, Gen. 2.16. That he might eat of all the Trees in the Garden of Eden, one only excepted. And we find Adam subject to Sleep before ever he sinned against God. But after the Resurrection, they shall be freed from the sinless infirmi­ties of Humane nature, Mat. 22.30. In the Re­surrection they are as the Angels of God in Heaven. Now the Angels of God in Heaven, never Sleep, Eat, Drink, nor need they any such thing to support their Natures. So shall it be with Believers after the Resurrection. They [Page 16] shall Hunger no more, neither Thirst any more. Their Bodies shall then be endowed and adorned with Glorious properties, which the body of Adam in his first Estate had not. They will be more happy in respect of their Bodies, then Adam in Paradise was. They will have a greater Glory on their Bo­dies than he had. 1 Cor. 15.43. The Body is [...]own in Dishonour, it shall be raised in Glory. That Glory may in special intend a Lustre, that the body will have on it; like that which was on the face of Moses when he had been with God in the Mount And like that which was on the Face of Christ, when transfigured in the Mount, and His Face did shine like the Sun. Their bodies shall have no Impediment to the operation of their Souls. Now their bodies are a great hindrance to the operation of the Soul. They will not be so after the Resur­rection. Yea, and they shall be Immortalized bodies. 1 Cor. 15.52, 53. The Dead shall be Raised incorruptible and we shall be changed. For this Corruptible, must put on Incorruption, and this Mortal must put on Immortality. In that re­spect also, they shall be more happy then Adam in his first Estate was. Luk. 20 36. They shall be Equal to the Angels, neither can they Dy any more. This is more then could be said of Adam. His body was not so immortal that it could not dye, for it did dye after he [Page 17] sinned. But as for Believers, at the Appear­ing of Christ, their Bodies shall be made like to that Body which Christ has now in Heaven. Phil, 3.21. He shall change our vile bodies, that it may be fashioned like unto His Glorious Body. Therefore it is said, they shall bear the Image of the Heavenly: 1 Cor. 15.49. As we have born the image of the Earthly, so also we shall bear the image of the Heavenly. As we have born the image of the Earthly Adam in respect of the Mortality of our Bodies, we shall bear the image of the Second Adam in respect of Im­mortality as to our Bodies.

4. Believers Hope that at the Appearing of the Great God our Saviour Iesus Christ, they shall see Him with exceeding Ioy. True it is, Unbelievers in that day shall see Christ: they that have slighted Him, despised Him, and would not believe the Gospel, they shall see Him in that day. Yea, all the men in the World, or that ever were, or shall be; they shall see Him in that day. The Iews that Crucified Him, Pilate that Condemned Him, shall see Him in that day; but little to their comfort. Rev. 2.7. Every Eye shall see Him, and all they that pierced Him, and all the Kings of the earth shall wail. They shall see Him to their Wo and Wailing, when then they shall think with themselves, This is He [Page 18] that we h [...]ve despised, now we see that He is the Great God, who will Judge us for all our slighting and despising of Him. Thus they will see Him to their Amazement and Everlasting Terror. But believers shall behold Him to their unspeakable Joy and Comfort. There­fore the Apostle having described the manner of Christ's coming to judge the world, adds 1 Thes. 4.18. Comfort one another with these words. This was that which comforted Iob under all his afflictions, that at the last day he should see Christ. Iob 19.27 In my flesh shall I see God, with these Eyes shall I see Him. That is one Reason why Believers shall have their bodily sight restored to them at the last day, that so with their bodily Eyes they may behold the Glorious Body of Jesus Christ. That is a blessed thing: to have seen Christ though in his state of Humiliation, was a blessed and desira­ble thing: therefore did Christ say Mat. 13.16, 17 Many Prophets and Righteous men have desired to see the things that you see and have not seen them. But blessed are your Eyes for they see, and your Ears for they hear. The holy Prophets desired nothing more then that (if it had been the Will of God) their Eyes might have seen the Son of God appearing in Flesh. But what a blessed thing will it then be, to see Him in His state of Exaltation? Ioseph knew it [...] be a joy to his Father to hear of his Glory, [Page 19] and therefore said to his brethren, Gen. 45.13 You shall tell my Father of all my Glory. What then will it be, not to hear of, but to see Christ in all His Glory? We have a blessed Promise, Isa. 33.17 Thy Eyes shall behold the King in His Beauty. Believers will at H [...]s Glorious Appearing see Him with exceeding joy.


1. He'll then Declare before all the world, that they are Faultless: That there is no Guilt on them. Iude 24. They shall be presented Fault­less before the presence of His Glory, with exceed­ing joy That must needs cause Exceeding joy, for them to be presented Faultless. Christ will say concerning them, as for their sins He has washed them away in His own Blood. And that although they were some of them Guilty of very grievous sins before their Con­version, and many infirmities after their Con­version, notwithstanding that, His Father for His sake, has forgiven them all. Acts 3.19 That your Sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord. Christ will then Declare before all Angels and Men, that their sins are blotted out. Were not their sins blotted out before Christs Glorious Appearing? Yes, but then all the world shall know that they were so. Their Absolution will then be Declared, their [Page 20] Pardon will then be Read before all Angels and Men. All the World shall then see Christ giving them the white Stone; See them placed at His Right hand, Mat. 25.33 which is a Declaring them to be acquitted. Amongst the Iews in their Judicatures, such persons as the Judge on tryal acquitted, were set at his Right-hand.

2. The Lord Iesus Christ, will with His own Blessed Mouth Commend them and Praise them in that day when He Appears. And therefore they will see Him with Exceeding joy. Christ will then Commend them for their Love and Fi­delity to Him, and to His Interest. We find in the 2 nd. Rev. that Christ did commend those Ministers of the Churches that were most Faithful to Him. Without doubt those Ministers, when they received such a Com­mendation from Christ in Heaven, by the hand of His Servant Iohn, were filled with joy. But what joy will the hearts of Believers at the Great Day be filled with, when they shall see and hear Christ Himself commending of them. Mat. 25.21 The Lord will say, Well done thou [...] and faithful Servant▪ Enter thou into the Ioy of thy Lord ▪ That is a Blessed thing indeed, to hear Christ say to a man, Well done thou Faithful Servant, I know that when thou wast in the world, thou wast faith­ful [Page 21] to me, and to my Truths, and to my People, well done thou faithful Servant▪ For a man to hear Christ speak thus to him in the hearing of the whole world, surely it is a blessed thing. Hence the Apostle sp [...]aks, as in 1 Pet. 1.7▪ That the tryal of your Faith, may be found to praise and honour at the appearing of Iesus Christ. When Jesus Christ appears for Him to praise you, for your Faith, and so for your Obedience, that will be blessed honour indeed. It was a happy day for Iacobs Chil­dren, when their Eyes did see Ioseph their Brother, and hear him speaking comfortable words unto them, Gen. 45.12 Ioseph said to them, your Eyes see, and the Eyes of my Brother Benjamin, that it is my mouth that speaketh to you ▪ But! O how Glorious will it be, when be­lievers shall see, their Eyes shall see the mouth of Christ speak unto them, and commend them for the Service they did for His Name while they were in the world.

3. Christ will Reward them. Therefore shall they see Him with Exceeding great joy. Rev. 22.12 Behold I come, and my Reward is with me. When He comes, He will give a Reward to his Servants. And what is that R [...]ward? It is no less than a Kingdom, Luk. 11.29 I app [...]nt unto you a Kingdom, as [...] Father has appointed unto me. They shall be [Page 22] advanced to no less a Glory, then that of sitting on a Throne, Rev. 3.21▪ I am sat down with my Father on His Throne. To him that overcomes, will I grant to sit with me on my Throne. 'Tis no less a Reward than that of a Crown, that Chr [...]st will then give unto them, 2 Tim. 4.8 He will give to me a Crown of Righteousness, and not to me only, but all that love Hi [...] Appearing. The day of Christs appear­ing will be to Believers their Coronation day. It may well then be a day of the Gladness of their hearts: they shall Reign then, they Suffer with him, and they shall also Reign with him. And what shall they reign over? Not over one Nation only, as Kings on the Earth are wont to do; but over the whole world. Dan. v.27. The Kingdom and Dominion, and the Greatness of the Kingdom under the whole Heaven, shall be given to the people of the Saints of the most high. Therefore does the Apostle say, The Saints shall judge the world. 1 Cor. 6.2 Know you not that the Saints Shall judge the World? Well shen, the Saints cannot but be filled with Exceeding Joy, when they see Christ appearing.

5 Believers Hope that at the Appearing of the Great God our Saviour Iesus Christ, when He has judged the world, and so finished his Reign here upon the Earth, they shall return with him [Page 23] into Heaven. Is [...]. 33.17 Thine Eyes shall see the King in his Beauty, they shall behold the Land that is very far off. Thus when Christ comes, Believers shall see the King in his Beauty, shall see Him in all his Glory, and shall go with him to the Land that is very far off. Heaven is the Land that is very far off. Christ has assured believers it shall be thus, John 14.2 In my Fathers House are many Mansions; that is in Heaven, which is compared to a Glorious Palace. I go [...]o prepare a place for you, and if [...] go I will come again, and take you to my self, that where I am you may be also. Sayes Christ, I will come again at the Last day, and take them to himself. He will not go back to Hea­ven and leave them behind him. No▪ they shall sit together with him in Heavenly places. The Armies of Heaven will follow him. When He shall come to judge the world, the Saints in Heaven will come with him; so when he has done judging the world, they shall follow him going into heaven. The Blessedness be­lievers hope for, is not an Earthly but a Heavenly blessedness, Col. 1.5 The hope which is laid up for you in Heaven. Heaven is a blessed place. Peter said when he had only a glimpse of heaven, 'Tis good to be here: So they in Heaven, are never weary of being there, they do not desire to change their place. Many a Child of God, has been weary [Page 24] of being on Earth, and hath longed to be gone from hence; but never did any one long to be out of Heaven that once got thither: For there 'tis that blessedness in the uttermost perfection of it, is to be enjoyed. Blessedness in the Perfection of it, is in the Bea [...]fick Vision, in having an immed [...]tate sight of the Great God, and the full enjoyment of his Glory, Mat. 5.8 Blessed are the pure in Heart, for they shall see God. That is blessed­ness in the perfection of it, for to see God. The happiness of believers here, is in that little that they see of God in his Ordinances: therefore said David, a Day in thy Courts is bet [...]er than a Thousand elsewhere. But in Heaven, they shall not have Communion with God in such Ordinances as here they have fellowship with him in. They shall have no need of Sa­craments there, but they shall have immedi­ate Communion with him, beholding of him face to face: as the Apostle sayes, here we see through a Glass darkly; the Glass of Gospel-Ordinances, but in Heaven we shall See Face to Face. We shall there with open face look on the Glory of God. It is Blessedness to be taken up for ever in the contemplation of that infinite Glory

6. Believers Hope that at the Appearing of the Great God our Saviour Iesus Christ, they [Page 25] shall enjoy this Blessedness to all Eternity. Tit 1.2 In hope of Eternal Life. Eternal Life is the Object of the believers hope and they hope that when Christ shall appear at the Great Day, they shall Appear with Him, & that they shall never be separated from him any more throughout the dayes of Eternity, 1 Thes. 4.17 We shall ever be with the Lord. The Glory they hope for in heaven, 'tis not like the Glory of this world Transitory; but it is that which will abide throughout Eternal Ages, 1 Pet. 5.10 Tis a Crown of Glory, that fades not away. The God of all Grace does call us to his Eternal Glory, by Jesus Christ. One hour in heaven, will make amends for all the Sorrows, Afflictions, and Miseries we meet with here in this vale of Tears: but what shall be said then, of an Eternity in heaven, and the Glory there to be enjoyed? In this respect, Believers are more blessed then Adam was before he fell: For Adam when in Para­dise, forfeited his Life, and his Right unto the Tree of Life: But it shall not be so as to believers, when once they are in the Heaven­ly Paradise, Rev. 22.14 They have a Right to eat of the Tree of Life. The Tree of Life, was to signify to Adam that if he did obey the Command of God, he should Live for­ever. In this respect also, Believers are more happy than ever were the Angels that sinned. [Page 26] They fell from their First Estate. They that are now Devils in Hell, were once in Heaven; but having sinned against the Great God, HE banished them forever from that holy place. But it shall not be so with believers, therefore did David say, Psal. 41.12. Thou wilt preserve me, and keep me in my Integrity, and set me before thy face forever. Thus you see what is meant by this Blessed Hope


Alas! For those that Look not for this Hope. And truly there are but few that do: The Generality of men, yea, and of those that call themselves Christians too, do not really believe that Christ will appear. If they did, they would not, they could not, Live such Unholy Lives as they do. 2 Pet 3.11, 12 What manner of persons ought you to be in all Holy Conversation and Godliness? Looking for the coming of the day of God. Ay, if men really Looked for that day, they would live after a more Godly manner than many do. When a Profane man said to a late Deist (or A­theist rather) that ridiculed the Scriptures, and all Discourses of Christs coming to Judge the world, That he wondred at his Incredulity; The other replied, I wonder at you more, for Living as you do; for (said he) if I did be­lieve [Page 27] that there is another World▪ and that there will be such a day of Iudgment, as you say you believe there will, I should be afraid to com­mit such Sins as you make light of. This was a sharp Reply: But sure it is, that a wick­ed Life is a sign of Unbelief reigning in the Heart. Alas, Sinners seldom think of Christs Glo [...]ious Appearing: They are far from being like that Ancient. who said, Wherever I go, and whether I eat or drink, or whatever I do, meth [...]nks I hear the last Trumpet Sounding, and that Voice, Arise you Dead and come to Iudgment. Oh! how many are there that live whole dayes together, without having so much as one thought in their hearts about the Glorious Appearing of the Great God our Saviour Iesus Christ? Much less do they wish for it. It is related concerning that Excellent Young man, and Young Scholar, Iohn Ianeway, that when there was a Discourse about the nearness of the Day of Judgment, and some discovered fear and a concernedness of Spirit about it; I wonder at you, (said he) If I were sure that Christ would come to judgment within this hour, my Heart within me would leap for joy. I doubt not, but that there are some in this Assembly, that can say after him. Nevertheless, I am afraid that there are more than a Thousand of you, that cannot say so. How many are there, that if they should hear that Christ would [Page 28] Appear before the next week, it would be sad News to them: It would fill them with dismal Horrour and Amazement, but they would not rejoyce at such Tidings.

And how few are there, that prepare for the Lords coming? They that prepare not for the Blessed Hope, do not Look for it, as should be more fully shewed the next op­portunity. In the mean time, I conclude▪ Let us Watch and Pray and be alwayes Ser­ving God. Blessed is that Servant whom the Lord when He cometh, shall find so doing.


We proceed unto the Second Enquiry.

2. Enqui. WHat is implyed in Believers Looking for this Hope?

Answ. 1. It does imply a firm belief con­cerning what is here expressed. For a man will not look for that which he does not be­lieve▪ Ever shall be▪ No more will they look [Page 29] for the appearing of Christ, that do not believe that he will appear This Hope is an assured hope. Believers so Hope for, so Look for Christs appearing, as that they are sure that they shall see him, Job 19▪25 I know that my Redeemer lives, and that He Shall stand on the Earth in the Latter Day, and that in my flesh I shall see God. The Apostle also sayes, 1 John 3 [...]2 We know that when he shall appear, we shall be like him. Tis true, that there are be­lievers who do not know their own interest in this Blessedness, that have Doubts and Fears, through the weakness of their Faith. Nevertheless, this they know and beli [...]e, and are sure of, that Christ will appear from heaven. They that do not believe this, do not look for the Blessed Hope.

2. This Looking for the Blessed Hope does imply frequent thoughts concerning it. As a person that looks for the return of an absent Friend, has frequent thoughs concern­ing him, so they that look for Christs coming, will have frequent thoughts concerning him▪ David sayes, Psal▪ 94▪19▪ In the multitude of my thoughts within me, thy Comforts delight my Soul· He had multitudes of thoughts, but there was one thought that did in a special manner delight his Soul, that did comfort him, [...] no thought did delight and comfort more [Page 30] than that of desiring the coming of the Messiah. A man that looks for this is still remembring of it. As the Psalmist speaks, Psal. 42.6 I re­member thee from the Land of Iordan, and of the Hermonites, from the Hill Missar. Iordan was Eastward of the land of Canaan, Hermon was Northward, Missar (as some observed) was Southward. Thus they that look for the ap­pearing of Christ, where ever they be, in what part of the world soever, thoughts concerning Christs Apppearing come into their mind.

3· This Looking for the Blessed Hope does imply a Longing for it· The man that looks as he ought to do for the Appearing of Christ, Loves that Appearing. 2 Tim. 4.8 He longs to see that Blessed Day. Believers in the dayes of the Old-Testament, who did look for the First Ap­pearing of the Son of God, they wished for, longed for, prayed for it continually, and did desire nothing more. Mat. 13.17 Many Pro­phets and Righteous men have desired to see those things which you see. That was to see the day when Christ would appear in the world. A­braham saw it and was glad· It was a joyful Meditation unto him, to think that Christ should come into the world. When God told him' that in Him all Nations should be Blessed: In which was implyed, a promise of the Messiah, that made his heart glad within him· So they [Page 31] that look for the Second Appearing of Christ, wish and long for it. 2 Pet. 3.12 Looking for, and hastning unto the Coming of the day of God. They that Look for it as they ought to do, hasten to it; that is with holy wishes and de­sires. Cant. 8.14 Make hast my Beloved, and be thou like to a Roe on the Mountains of Spices: The words are a Prayer for the coming of Christ. The Spirit and the Bride say Come; as in Rev. 22.20 Come Lord Iesus, come quickly. That is the Spirit of one that does aft [...]r a due manner look for the Blessed Hope, and the Ap­pearing of our Saviour Iesus Christ, his heart within him sayes, Come Lord Iesus, come quickly.


4thly. and Lastly, This Looking for, does imply a Preparing for the Blessed Appearance of the Lord Jesus Christ. As one that looks for another to come, especially if it be a Great person, he will make suitable preparation for him So they that look for the Appearing of the Great GOD our Saviour Jesus Christ, will make a suitable preparation. They are a People ready, a People prepared for the Lords coming. Mark 13.33 Watch and Pray for you, know not when the time is. You know not when the Lord will appear, therefore you must be alwayes upon your Watch, and alwayes Pray­ing, and live a life of Prayer, alwayes Watch [Page 32] against those things that would unfit you for the Appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ. Thus for the Second thing, pass we to the Third.

3. Enqui. What Reason have Believers to look for the Blessed Hope?

For Answ. 1. The Reason why they should look for this Blessed Appearing of Christ, is because of the Certainty of it. If it were a doubtful matter, they would not have so much reason to look for it. But it past all doubt▪ Their Hope is that that shall not be disappoint­ed, Rom. 5.5▪ Hope maketh not ashamed. When Believers hope for the coming of Christ, they shall not be ashamed by being disappointed. As for the time of Christs Appearance, and of their arriving at the Blessed Hope, it may be sooner than they look for, or longer; but as to the thing it self, they never shall be disappointed. The Anchor of their hope, tis an Anchor that will hold, Heb. 6.19 Hope is the Anchor of the Soul, su [...]e and stedfast. Therefore it is called a Good Hope, 2 Thes. 2·16 God has given us Everlasting Consolation, and good Hope through Grace. That is a good Hope, when a man hopes for good and shall certainly attain that good. Believers are as sure to enjoy their hoped for Blessedness, as if they now had it in actual possession. They are as sure to rise [Page 33] out of their Graves at the Last Day to Eternal Life, as if now it were done. They are as sure when the Judgment is over to go with Christ to Heaven, and to be with Him there to Eternity, as if now they were there. Eph. 2.6 He has raised us up together, and made us sit together in Heavenly places in Christ Iesus. We are as sure to be raised up together in that Bles­sed day, when the Great God our Saviour Christ shall appear, and as sure then to ascend into Heaven, as if now we were there. This is Evident from several things.

1. In that the Good and Blessedness which they hope for, is in a sure Hand and in a safe Place. In whose hands is it, but in the Hands of the Al­mighty God, 2 Tim. 1.12 I know whom I have believed, who is able to keep that I have commit­ted unto Him. What was that Paul had com­mitted to God? It was his Soul, his Salvation, and all that Good he hoped for in another World. He had committed it all into the Hands of God, whom he knew was able to keep it for him. As a man that has a Jewel, and is afraid of losing it, if it were in his own keeping, therefore does commit it to the keep­ing of a faithful Friend, that is more able to secure it for him· So it is here: And it is well for us that our Blessedness is not in our own keeping, for if it were, we should certainly [Page 34] lose it. Our First Father did so. Adam his Life was put into his own hands, and he lost it, and proved a bankrupt when the Stock of the whole world was in his hand. But now the Blessedness of Believers being in Gods hand, who has ingaged to keep it for them, they are sure of it. None shall deprive▪ them of it. As Christ sayes concerning His Sheep, they shall have Eternal Life, John 10.29 My Father is Greater than all, and none is able to pluck them out of His hands. As for Believers, and their Eternal Life, tis in the Hands of God. And as their hoped for Happiness is in a sure hand, so 'tis in a safe Place. That sure hand keeps it in a safe place▪ The Scripture speaks of a Treasure in Heaven, Mat. 6.20 What is that Treasure in Heaven? 'Tis that same thing with the Blessed Hope. There no Thief can break through and steal. 'Tis Laid up there, Col. 1 5 The hope which is laid up for you in Heaven· The Blessedness you hope for, is laid up in a safe place: 'tis laid up in Heaven for you. 'Tis therefore said to be Reserved there, 1 Pet. 1.4 An inheritance reserved in Heaven for you. This is mentioned as the reason why the Hope of Believers is so sure and stedfast, because what they hope for is out of sight. 'Tis in Heaven, Heb. 6.19 Here they are in a tempestuous Sea; but come what Storms can, they are safe e­nough, because of their Anchor-hold, which [Page 35] is within the Va [...]l, h. e. They cast Anchor in Heaven.

2. The Believers Hope of Blessedness is built upon a sure and never failing Foundation. And therefore, 'tis a sure Hope they have reason to look for it. For what is the Foundation of it?

1. God H [...]mself is the Foundation of the Believers Hope. The Blessed God is the Object of the Blessed Hope, Psal. 71.5 O Lord my God thou art my hope. Jer. 14.8 The hope of Israel and Sa­viour thereof, in the day of trouble. He is there­fore styled The God of Hope, Rom. 15.13 the God of hope, not only He that is the Author of the Grace of hope, but the Object of the Be­lievers hope. The Glorious Attributes of God, is the Foundation that the believers hope is built upon. Psal 147.11 He takes pleasure in them that hope in his Mercy. Then the Divine Mer­cy is the Object of their hope. Now the Mercy of God will not fail. Lam 3.22 His Com­passions fail not. Therefore the hope that is built thereon, will not fail. The Love of God is the Foundation of the Believers hope, and that is unchangeable. Jer. 31.3 I have Loved thee with an Everlasting Love. The Faithful­ness of God is the Foundation of the Believers hope, and that fails not. Psal 89.31 He will not suffer his Faithfulness to fail

[Page 36]2 The Word of God is the Foundation that the Believers hope is built upon. Psal 119.49 Remem­ber the word upon which thou hast caused me to hope The word of Promise, the Covenant of God is Unchangeable and Everlasting, Isa 55.3 I will make with you an Everlasting Covenant, even the sure Mercies of David. The Blessedness and Mercy which God has promised to Believers, shall surely be performed, because His Covenant [...] an Everlasting Covenant. Their hope is built not on the Covenant of Works, but on the Covenant of Grace. Their hope is Built [...] on that Covenant that does insist on perfect [...], but on that Covenant in which [...] has promised to forgive the Iniquity of [...] & to be Merciful to their [...] is the Covenant of the Gospel, that [...] is built upon, Col 1.23 The Hope of the Gospel. Were it not for a Gospel Covenant, they could have no hope: But that gives them sufficient ground of hope, since therein God has promised Eternal Life to them that truly beli [...]ve on Jesus Christ. As surely as they hope for nothing but what God has promised, they may be sure they shall have all the Blessed­ness they hope for. Tit 1.2 In hope of Eter­nal Life, which God that cannot Lie has promised Heb 6.17▪ 18 That by two immutable things in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might [Page 37] have a strong Consolation, who have fled for Refuge to la [...] hold upon the Hope set before us· What is that hope but the Covenant of God? And there are two immutable things in it, in which 'tis impossible God should Lie: there is the Promise of God, and the Oath of God. When God did Swear to Abraham that he would give the Land of Canaan to his Children, that was not all God intended by that Oath to Abraham, but he intended this also, that to Abrahams Spiri­tual Children, viz. Believers on Christ, He would give Everlasting Blessedness in the Heaven­ly Canaan, that was implyed in the Holy Oath of God unto Abraham

3 Christ is the Foundation of the [...] hope. He is therefore called Their hope [...] ▪ 1.3 Christ who is our hope. If it were [...] Christ no man in this world would [...] had any ground of hope for Salvation: [...] would never have promised Life to a sinner, if it had not been for Christ. That Covena [...]nt of Grace, which God has made with Believers is built up­on the Covenant of Redemption, which He has made with his Son Jesus Christ. Isa. 53.10 Notwithstanding the Mercy of God, they could have had no hope, had it not been for Christ, because God is Just as well as Merciful. And who could have satisfied the Justice of God? Who could have made Atonement for the sins [Page 38] of men? Yea, for the sins of all the men in the World, that shall believe on the Name of Christ? The Angels of Heaven could never have satis­fied the justice of God, for any one sin: Only Christ the Son of God could do it. And he has done it by the Price of his own Blood. Heb 10 19 We have boldness to enter in [...]o the holiest of all by the Blood of Iesus. We have good Hope that we shall be blessed in Heaven to Eternity because of the Blood of Jesus. Heb▪ 7.19 The Law made nothing perfect, but the bringing in of a better hope did. What is that but Christ? That Sacrifice Christ as our Priest has offered, is a better hope. That is it believers may build upon: they may safely venture their Souls on the merit of Christs most precious Blood; that has purchased for them all the blessedness they hope for. Moreover, the Resurrection of Christ is a ground of Hope to believers. For what can hinder men from being Blessed but only Sin? Now from the Resurrection of Christ, a believer may conclude his Sins are Pardoned: that God has been satisfied in the Death of Christ, otherwise He would never have been raised from the Grave. Therefore does the Apostle say, Rom. 4.25 He arose again for our Iustifi­cation. For Christ was brought to the Prison of the Grave as our Surety. Well, but in as much as God let Him out, and by an Almigh­ty Arm broke the gates of the Grave, and let [Page 39] the Prisoner go forth, we may conclude the Debt is paid; that Christ has made full satis­faction for all our Sins, and therefore we shall not fail of the Blessedness we hope for.

4. Believers hope is built upon their Vnion with Christ. Col 1.27 Christ in you the Hope of Glory. Therefore believers have a sure hope of Glory, because Christ is in them. Christ dwells in them by his Holy Spirit. He has taken an E­ternal possession of them. Were it not for this, notwithstanding all that Christ has done, men could not hope for Blessedness: But now the believer may say, in as much as Christ is in me and I in Him, therefore shall I live forever, Joh 14.19, 20 Because I live therefore you shall live also, you in me and I in you. I am United to you sayes Christ, therefore as sure as I live, you may conclude you shall live also. So long as a mans Head is above water, he cannot be Drowned. Christ is the Head of Believers: They are the Members of his Mystical Body, being by Faith United to Him▪ That Head lives forever, and is now in blessedness; and therefore [...] all they be also in Gods time. As long as their Union to Christ abides they need not fear, and that Union never shall be dissolved. Therefore it is set forth in Scripture by that of a [...]onjugal Relation, Hos. 2.19 I am betrothed to thee forever. So long as the Eter­nal [Page 40] Son of God, and the Immortal Soul of the Believer shall live so long shall the Relation between Christ and him continue.

2. Another Reason why Believers should look for this Glorious Appearing of Christ is, because of the Exceeding Greatness of that Blessedness which they thus hope for. Eph. 1.18 That being enlightned, you may kn [...]w what is the hope of His Calling, and what the riches of the Glory of His inheritance in the Saints. Riches of Glory is called an Inheritance, be­cause Saints have a right to it by vertue of being made Heirs. They are Adopted, God has Adopted them, so do they become heirs. Therefore the inheritance is theirs, and there is Riches in it. Men give Portions to their Children according to their Riches. Well, but the Portion that God will give to His Chil­dren, HIS Inheritance is Unspeakably great. Therefore should they Look for it, Wait for it▪ it is worth Waiting, Looking, and Pre­paring for. All the pains that can be taken, when it comes, it will infinitely make amends for. There is nothing more desirable than Life. This Blessedness is called Life, Rev. 2 10 I will give thee a Crown of Life. A Kingdom is the greatest Happiness men on Earth are capable of enjoying. Therefore this blessed hope is expressed by that of of a Kingdom, Jam. 2.5 [Page 41] The Poor of this world, Rich in Faith, Heirs of the Kingdom, which He hath promised to them that Love him. No Heart can conceive, no Tongue can express the Exceeding Greatness of this Glory: 1 Cor. 6.9 Eye has not seen, Ear hath not heard, neither hath it entred into the Heart of man to conceive, what God has Prepared for them that Wait for Him: that Look for this Blessed Hope. Thus we see the Doctrine Confirmed in the things that have been mentioned.


This instructs Believers on Christ, what manner of persons they ought to be, and how they should car­ry it.

1. They should be Patient under their Affl [...]ctions▪ 1 Thes· 1·3 Patience of Hope. They should wait patiently. They should be Patient in Tribulation, for this Blessed Hope will more than compensate for all Afflictions, that here we undergo. It does far surmount and tran­scend all evils of Afflictions. Our Light Af­flictions which are but for a Moment, shall work for us a far more Exceeding and Eternal weight of Glory.

2. They should be very Holy. For Blessedness and Holiness go together, Rev. 20.6 Blessed and Holy is he that has part in the First Resurrection. Believers from the consideration of the blessed [Page 42] hope, endeavour after much holiness There­fore the Ap [...]stle having spoken concerning the appearing of the Great God & our Sav [...]o [...]r Jesus Christ, 2 Pet. 3 11 sayes, What manner of per­sons ought you to be in all Holy Conversation and Godliness. Since we look for such things, let us give all diligence to be found of him without blame. A great part of the blessedness of Believers at the app [...]aring of Christ will con­sist in their perfect Holiness, Eph. 1.4 He has chosen us that we should be Holy. Therefore ought they now to strive if by any means they might attain to the Resurrection of the Dead.

3 They ought not to be dejected and desponding, but rather cheerful in their way & work. Thoughts of the Blessed Hope should make them Joyful in their Serving God. And if they be other­wise, it will be a blemish to Religion. If al­wayes dejected and discouraged, it will discou­rage others, and make them think that Reli­gion is a Malancholy thing. I have heard of two Eminent Ministers, Old Non-conformist Pu­ritans, who travelling together, as they came to an Inn in the Rode, they were very Chear­ful. The Inn-keeper wondred at it, and said to them, I thought such men as you are had alwayes been Sad and Malancholly: One of the Ministers replyed, Let them be so that must go to Hell when they Dye; we know that God has [Page 43] a Crnwn of Glory in Heaven for us, when Christ shall appear we shall appear with him in Glory, that makes us Chearful. At which words, the Inn-keeper was so affected, as that he became a Converted man, and a Puritan. Wherefore Believers should chide themselves out of Groundless dejections. Psal 42.11 Why art thou cast down O my Soul?


How Miserable are they that have not a well-grounded Hope of Blessedness. The greater the Blessedness the greater will their Misery be that shall not enjoy it, but be deprived of it. And alas! there are many such: All Christless Sin­ners are without a well-grounded Hope, Eph 2.12 Being without Christ having no hope. Ah Christ­less Sinner, thou hast no hope: 1 Thes. 4.13 That you sorrow not even as others that have no hope. They that have not an Interest in Christ are de­scribed to be such as have no hope. How should they have hope, that are not interested in Christ, who is the sure Foundation for all our hope to be built upon? If our hope is not built upon CHRIST, it is like a house built up­on the Sand. All that are in a state of Unre­generacy, have no well-grounded hope, 1 Pet 1.3 He has begotten us again to a lively hope. That man that has a lively hope, that has hope of Eternal Life in another World, if it be [Page 44] well-grounded, he is Begotten again. How should they that are in their Unregeneracy have a well-grounded hope, when Christ with his own mouth has said, Joh. 3:3 Verily, verily I say to you, that except you be Born again, you cannot enter into the Kingdom of God. Well then, all Unregenerate Souls have cause to tremble: And, O Lord God, how many are there here this day, that have cause to tremble as being in an Vnregenerate Estate, since the Lord has said, they cannot Enter into the Kingdom of God. So as for all Ungodly ones, that Live Ungodly lives; there is no hope that they shall be Blessed, if they go on in their Trespas­ses: 1 Joh. 3.3 He that has this hope in him, Purifies himself, as He is pure. Have they that live Unholy lives, a well-grounded hope? A Drunkard, has he any hope to be Saved? Poor Wretch, 'tis impo [...]sible. So as to every Vicious person. He that lives in Transgre [...]si­ons against the First Table: A profane Swearer, has he any hope to be Saved? Some Ungod­ly men Sware by their hope, in saying, As I hope to be Saved: Ah poor Wretch! hope to be Saved. if thou hadst any true hope to be saved, thou would not dare to Swear by thy Salvation. So they that live in a careless neg­lect of God, have they a well-grounded hope? They that live without Prayer: God knows how many such are here this Day. Some that [Page 45] do not Pray in their Families, others that do not Pray in their Closets▪ And what do they hope to be Saved? Do they hope for Blessed­ness; when the Lord has said, All that Forget God shall be turned down into Hell. As sure as this Bible is the Word of God, if they Repent not it will be so. And all that are in a state of Hypocrisy, have no well-grounded hope: Job 8.13 The hypocrites hope shall Perish. He may hope while he Lives: But when will his hope be when he comes to Dye? The Righte­ous indeed have hope in their Death: But the Hypocrite has none then. Job 27.8 For what is the hope of the hypocrite though he hath gained, when God taketh away his Soul? When Death come▪ and separates between his Soul & Body, what becomes of his hope then? Such will be most Miserable, because they Deceive them­selves with a False hope; and it may be were never sensible of it until their Souls were out of their Bodies, and dropt into Hell; and there the First Cry will be, What am I come hither! I hoped to have gone to a better place. How Dole­ful will that be?


1. Let Sinners be Exhorted to make sure of an Hope of Blessedness that will not fail them. Other hopes will fail If men make [Page 46] Gold their hope, that will fail them. If they make Creatures and worldly Comforts their hopes, they will also fail them; and if their hopes of Heaven fail them too, what a Condition will they be in? Know that Now, now is the time to make sure of a well-grounded hope To him that is joyned to the Living there is Hope. Yea, there is hope that he may make sure of an Interest in Christ, Repe [...]t of Sin, and be­come a New Creature, and so go to Heaven when he Dies. But when Life is gone, all hope is gone with it: Isa 38.18 They that go down into the Pit, cannot hope for thy Truth O think of it, Poor Sinful Creature; thou wilt ere long be gone down into the Pit: If thou make not sure that thy Hope of Blessedness shall not fail before that Day thou art lost fo [...]ever. Wherefore, make sure of your Ef­fectual Calling, Eph. 4.4 Even as you are Called in one hope of your calling. If you be Effectually Called, then may you Hope for Eternal Life, and Glory in another World.

2 Walk with God. Though true Believers cannot be deprived of their Hope, yet if they do not walk with God, they may be deprived of the Comfort of it. Live then Holy and Righte­ous Lives. The Crown of Life is Promised to those that have an Interest in the Righte­ousnes [...] [Page 47] of Christ. And that live Righteously as they that are in Christ do, & cannot but do. And if it be so with us, then may we say with the blessed Apostle, 2 Tim. 4.8 Henceforth there is laid up for me a Crown of Righteousness, which the Lord the Righteous Iudge shall give me at that day, and not to me only, but unto all them also that love His Appearing.


We proceed now to the Second Doctrine.

2. Doct. THat Iesus Christ is the Great God and our Saviour.

At this time, we shall Discourse on the first of these;

Namely, That Christ is the Great God.

Several things may be mentioned as Demon­strations of this great Truth.

1. The Scripture Declares that Christ is God, yea the Great God. Thus in the Text before us, HE at whose Appearing believers shall be Blessed, is said to be the Great God. Now the [Page 48] Scripture sayes, 1 Pet. 1.7 Your Faith shall be found to Honour and Glory, at the Appearing of Iesus Christ. Hence Christ is said to be the Strong and Mighty Lord: Psal. 24.8 He is the Lord, Strong and Mighty. And He is not only said to be God, but He is styled The Migh­ty God: Isa. 9.6 To us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, His Name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The Mighty God, the Everlasting Fa­ther, the Prince of Peace. And He is said to be God over all. Rom. 9.5 He is said to be Gods-Fellow: Zech. 13.17 Awake O Sword against the Man that is my Fellow, saith the Lord of Hosts. And he is said to be above all: Ioh. 3 31 He is above all Men, above all Angels, a­bove all Creatures▪ therefore is He the great God.

2 Christ is in respect of Nature God. And that is true concerning Him only, who is the great God. For those gods that the Gentiles Worshipped, had not the Nature of a Deity in them▪ Gal. 4.8 You did Service (sayes the Apostle) to those which by Nature were not Gods. There are Creatures that have the name of Gods given to them, but have not the nature of God in them. There are those who in re­spect of Similitude are said to be Gods: Psal 97.7 Worship Him all ye gods; that is to say, all ye Angels, who resemble God more than any other Creatures. And some are said to [Page 49] be Gods in respect of Office: So Magistrates, especially Soveraign Princes: Psal. 82.6 I have said you are Gods, but you shall Dye like men. There are those that are Gods in respect of Repu­tation and the vain Opinion of them that worship them, thereby making them to be Gods that are not so▪ 1 Cor. 8.5 There are Gods many, and Lords many; that is to say, who are reputed to be such. But there is but one that has the Nature of God in him· Only one that is the True God. Therefore the Israelites said when they saw the Miraculous Fire descending from God out of heaven, 1 King 18 39 The Lord he is the God, the Lord he is the God. That is to say, the true God that has the Nature of a God in him. Therefore others are not the Great God; That is a Style peculiar to the true God, and cannot be given to any other without Blasphemy. And to him must it be ascri [...]ed; Deut. 10▪ 17 The Lord is God of gods, and Lord of lords; a great God, Mighty and Terrible. Greatness, Infinite greatness, must be ascribed unto him. Great is the the Lord, and greatly to be Praised, his greatness is Unsearchable▪ Psal 145 3 But the Lord Jesus Christ is in respect of Nature God. Most true it is, that Christ in respect of his Nature is Man also, which is a won­derful thing. 'Tis an amazing Mystery, that the great▪ God should b [...]come a man; 1 Tim [Page 50] 3 16 Great is the Mystery of godliness, God ma­nifest in the Flesh. Jesus Christ is but one Pe [...]son, but he has two Natures belonging unto him; a Divine Nature and a Humane Nature; Phil 2.6, 7 He was in [...] form of God, and in the likeness of Man. There is an Essential form, an Essential likeness. Christ had in him the Essence both of God and also of Man· The Iews believed Christ was Man, when he did in the dayes of His Fle [...]h converse with them; therefore they could not believe that he was truly God, that he had the Nature of God in him, but they Blasphemously thought that Christ was guilty of Blasphemy, because he did De­clare himself to be God. For which cause they cast Stones at him. For which of my good Works said Christ, do you Stone me; Not for any good Works, (say they) Joh. 10.33 but for Blasphemy because thou being Man makest thy self God. But their Fore-Fathers, the holy Patriarks of Old, did believe and did take com­fort in the Faith of it, that God would Assume the Nature of man. Thus David believed, Psal. 110.1 The Lord said to my Lord. The Messiah was to be Davids Son, yet he calls him his Lord. So then, he did believe that his Lord would become a Man, that the great God would appear in Humane Nature, and that He should be of his Family too. And long before David, Iob had the same Spirit of Faith, [Page 51] he believed that God would appear in the Na­ture of man. Sayes Job 19.26 In my Flesh I shall see God. He did then believe that God would become a Man; for the Divine Nature cannot be seen with bodily Eyes. God is the Invisible God. Iob knew that with his bodily Eyes he should at the latter day see God, and therefore that God would assume the Nature of Man, in which he would become Visible to men. That Christ has the Nature of God in Him, is Evident;

1. In that the Essential Names and Titles of the True God are given to Him in the Scrip­tures▪ e. g. That glorious Name of JEHOVAH. None but the great God may be called by that Name. The 83 Psalm 18. He whose Name alone is Iehovah. But Christ is called by that Name. Gen 22.14 Abraham called the name of that place where Christ appeared to him Iehovah­jereh. Jehovah said to him, in Blessing I will Bless thee. That is not to be understood of God the Father, for He that is there called Ieho­vah, is also called the Angel of the Lord: the Father is never said to be an Angel, only the Son of God in respect of his Office, many times is so called in Scripture. Jer. 23.6 Christ is called Iehovah Tzidkenu, as 't [...]s translated, The Lord our Righteousness. In Rev. 1.8 He is said to be He that is, that was, & that is to come, which [Page 52] is an Explication or Interpretation of the Name Iehovah. Again, there is that title of I AM, which is peculiar to the true God. When Christ appeared to Moses, He assumed that Name, Exod. 3.14 I AM TH [...]T I AM, thou shalt say to the Children of [...]srael, I AM has sent me to you. Christ did assume that name to Himself, Joh. 8.58 Before Abraham was I am. So there is that Name of The Lord of Host [...], which is peculiar to the true God; and yet it is in Scripture given to the Lord Jesus Christ: Psal. 24.10 Who is the King of Glory? The Lord of Hosts is the King of Glory. The words are spoken concerning Christ These are Titles fit for none but the great God.

2. It is evident that Jesus Christ is in respect of Nature God, in that He is Gods own Son. Rom. 8.32 God spared not His own Son. Christ is not (as Believers are) the Adopted Son of God, but His Own Son in respect of Nature, in respect of Eternal Generation. And there­fore is styled in Scripture, The Begotten Son of God: Joh. 1.19 We beheld His Glory, the Glory as of the only Begotten of the Father. Now a Father and an own Son, are of the same Nature. So is Christ of the same Nature with the great God. And in that respect He is as great as God the Father: Joh· 5.18 He said that God is His Father, making himself equal with God. [Page 53] Christ in respect of his Humane Nature, is not Equal with God, but infinitely Inferiour to Him; and in respect of his Office as he [...] Mediator, though on that account, He is Supe­riour to all Men and Angels yet Inferiour to God. Therefore did Christ say, Joh. 14 28 My Father is greater than I. Considered as Mediator, the Father is greater than He. But then in respect of his Person, as he is the Son of God, so the Father and He are Equal: My Father and I am one. Ioh. 10.30 That is the Second Demonstration of the Truth before us.

3. The incommunicable properties of the Great God are to be affirmed of Iesus Christ. There are Properties and Attributes of God which are Communicable, such are Wisdom, Holiness, Goodness and the like. But they are not in Creatures in that proportion as they are in God. All the wisdom and goodness that is in all the Angels in Heaven, is like but as a drop of water to that which is in the Ocean, com­pared with that which is in God. But then, there are also Incommunicable Properties of the Divine Nature, which cannot be affirmed of any but the Great God.

As now, Eternity is an Incommunicable Pro­perty of the great God. Deut. 33.27 The Eter­nal God shall be thy Refuge. He alone is the Eternal God. That is Eternal, which has [Page 54] neither beginning nor ending. There are some Creatures which shall never Dy; Angels and the Souls of men are Immortal. But there is no Creature which has not had a beginning. But God is from Everlasting: Psal. 90.2 From Everlasting to Everlasting, thou art God. This must be said, and it is necessary unto Salvation that we should believe this, con­cerning Christ. We may not think that He was not, until he was born of the Virgin Mary. He was God in Heaven before he was Man on Earth. Therefore, Ioh. 6.62 What do you say, (sayes Christ) if you shall see the Son of Man ascend up where He was before? Christ was before in that Heaven whether he did ascend, even before ever he was seen among men in this world. Abraham lived about two thousand Years before Christ was born, and yet Christ was before Abraham: Joh. 8.53 Before Abra­ham was, I am, sayes Christ. He was then before he came into the world: when the world began Christ was. Time began with the world: but in Ioh. 1.1 it is said, In the Beginning was the Word, that is Christ, and the Word was with God. When the world began Christ was with God, yea before the world began: Joh. 17 5 The Glory which I had with thee before the world began. And therefore from all Eternity: Mic. 5.2 Whose goings forth hath been of Old, from Ever­lasting. [Page 55] Christ is from Everlasting, therefore He is the great God.

Again, Omnipotency is another Incommuni­nable Attribute of the Great God. There are Creatures which are said to be Mighty. Angels are styled Mighty Ones: Ioel 3.11 But there is no Creature which is Almighty: But Christ is so. Rev. 1.8 Christ there sayes, I am the Alpha and Omega. He is styled, the Lord God Omnipotent. When the day shall come (and it will come, and God grant it may come quickly) when Christ shall Reign Glo­riously before the whole World, then will it be said, as in Rev. 19 6 The Lord God Omni­potent Reigns. Christ is the Lord God Om­nipotent, and therefore He is the great God.

Again, Omnipresence is an Incommunicable Attribute of the Great God. Ier· 23.24▪ Do not I fill Heaven and Earth saith the Lord. That is peculiar to God to fill Heaven and Earth, to be in all places at the same time. And ye [...] this is to be affirmed concerning Christ: Joh. 3.9 None hath ascended into Heaven, but the Son of Man who is in Heaven. To be in Hea­ven and on Earth too at the same time, is pe­culiar to the great God: Yet it is true con­cerning Christ Therefore Christ said, in Mat. 18.20 Where there are two or three gathered to­gether in my Name, there am I in the midst of [Page 56] them. Where ever there are Christians Assem­bled together in the Name of Christ, there is He in the midst of them; yet they may be far distant one from another, it may be Ten Thousand Miles, as far as the East is from the West.

Again, Omniscience is an Incommunicable Property of the great God There are some men that know a great deal, that have very enlarged Understandings, and Angels know much more than they; but none of them knows all things: none of them has an Infinite Vnde [...] ­standing; that is proper to the great God, Psal 147.5 G [...]eat is the Lord, his Vnderstanding is infinite. But this must be affirmed of Christ, that he knows all things, as Peter confessed to him, Joh. 21.17 Lord (sayes he) thou know­est all things. To see what ever is in the hearts of men, is peculiar to the great God: 1 King. 8.39 Thou only knowest all the Hearts of the Children of men. And yet this is to be said concerning Christ: He knows how the hearts of men stand inclined and affected; He knows what ever is there. There is not a thought in the heart, but it is known unto Him. The Son of God has Eyes like to a flame of Fire. Rev. 2.23 He Searches the Reins and Heart: therefore he is the great God. That is the Third Demonstration.

[Page 57]4. Iesus Christ has done, does do, and will do such things, as none but the great God can do. He has done that which none but the great God can do. None but God can Create: Isa. 40.28 The Eternal God, the Creator of the Ends of the Earth. None but the great God is the Creator: But Christ is the Creator. There is is not any Creature in the world, but came out of his hands, it was made by him: Joh. 1.3 The world was made by him, and there was noth [...]ng made without him. All Creatures are either visible or invisible, belonging either to the upper or lower world, all of both those were made by Christ: Col. 1.16 He has Cre­ated all things that are in Heaven or on Earth, Visible and Invisible, by him and for him they were Created· So to be the Author of that which is a true and proper Miracle, is peculiar to God: Psal 136.4 He only does great Wonders. That God only who is the God of Nature, can change the course of Nature, and act above the Constituted order of Nature, when ever he shall please. But Christ has done glorious Mi­racles, and that by His own Power. The Iews had a marvellous expectation that when the Messiah came, he would do wonderful things; that he would be the Author of many Mira­cles. They had reason to expect it from the Scriptures of the Old Testament. And when [Page 58] Christ came, some said, When the Messiah comes, shall he do more Miracles than this man does? He did such Miraculous things, the like was never done in the world before. Ioh. 9.32 The man that had been Born blind, and was by Christ made to see, sayes, Since the world began it was never heard, that a man should open the Eyes of one born Blind. 'Tis true, the Apostles did Wonderful things, Miraculous things; but it was not they, but Christ by them that did them. Therefore Peter said to some, Acts 3.12 Why do you look on us, as though we had by our own Power done this. No, it was by ver­tue of the Power of Christ, that we did it sayes the Apostle· But when Christ did Miraculous things, they were done by him through his own Power. Therefore he said to the Leper, Mat. 8.3 I will be thou Clean. I will, none but the great God might speak such a word, or say I will that it shall be so. It shews, that Christ had an all Powerful Will; that he can do what ever he will do. And therefore He is the great God.

And there are such things done by Christ at this day, as do Declare him to be the great God. None but the great God can preserve and uphold the world in being. All Crea­tures would return to their first nothing, if the infinite Arm of God did not uphold them: Neh. 9.6 Thou even thou art Lord abo [...]e, thou [Page 59] hast made Heaven and Earth, and all things that are therein, and thou preservest them all. It is Gods work to preserve the Creatures that are in the world. Now this is true concerning the Lord Jesus Christ: Heb. 1.3 He upholdeth all things. The Son of God upholds all things by the Word of his Power; then he is the great God. Therefore Christ sayes, Joh. 17.5 I work hitherto. Namely in upholding the world, in preserving the world, in governing the world and all Creatures therein. Preservation is a continued Creation; and so does Christ work hitherto.

And He will do such things as Declare him to be the great God. For he will raise the Dead from their graves, and none but the great God can do that: Acts 26.8 Why should it be thought a thing incredible with you, that God should Raise the Dead? Were there not a God of in­finite Power, it were impossible as to those Bo­dies that have been devour'd by Fishes in the Sea, and by wild Beasts upon the Land, which has been the Fate of many a true Believer. It was a common thing in the dayes of the Roman Pagan Emperors, to throw Christians to the wild Beasts to Devour them. Now that those Bodies that have been Devoured by Beasts should be restored to Life, how incredible may it seem to carnal Reason? The Pagan Persecutors, would burn the bodies of Chris­tians [Page 60] many times, and throw the Ashes into the Rivers on purpose to confute their fancy, that their bodies would arise again. Who but an infinite God, can make those very bo­dies to come together and live again? But Christ can do it, and will do this very thing. Joh. 6.14 He that Believes (saith Christ) I will raise him up at the Last Day. When Laza­rus Died, and had been Dead and Buried four Dayes, Christ stood over his grave, Joh. 11 43 and said, Lazarus come forth; and he that was Dead did come forth at the word of Christ. So at the great Day (which Lord let it com [...] quickly!) Christ will stand over the Earth and say, Ye Dead come forth out of your graves And all the Dead shall come forth, every one in his own order· Therefore, Iohn 5.25 28 sayes Christ▪ The hour shall come when the Dead shall hear the Voice of the Son of God, and they that hear it shall Live; and all that are in their graves shall come forth. He then is the great God, that can command all the Dead to come to Life again. That is the Fourth Demonstra­tion of the Truth before us.

5. The great God only is the Object of Divine Worship. Matth. 4.10 Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and H [...]m only thou shalt Serve. God only is to be Served, that is with Religi­ous Service and Worship. But Christ is so. [Page 61] We have instances in Scripture, of those that Worshiped Christ: The wise men of the [...]ast, Mat. 2.11 and the Disciples, L [...]k. 24 52 W [...]r­shipped him. And so do we at this day, our being here is a worshipping of Christ▪ our observing the Christian Sabbath, is a worship­ing of Christ: And in our subjecting to Bap­tism and the Lords Supper, we wor [...]ip the Lord Jesus Christ. Baptism is to be Adminis­tred in his Name: Acts 19.5 They were Baptised into the Name of Christ. We may not Baptize into the Name of a Creature. So Prayer is a part of Religious worship. Christ is the Ob­ject of Prayer: Dying Stephen Prayed to Christ to receive his Soul: Acts 7.59 Lord Iesus re­ceive my Spirit. All Christians Pray to him: 1 Cor. 1.2 All that call on the Lord Iesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours. All christians do call on the Name of Christ; and there­fore, He is the Object of Religious Worship. Yea, and all the Angels in Heaven, are com­manded to worship him: Heb. 1.6 Worship him all [...] Angels. And they all do worship him. There [...]s not a Saint in glory, nor an Angel in heaven, but what does wors [...]p Christ co [...]tinu­ally: Rev. 5 13 All that are in Heaven are Singing, Blessing and Honou [...] [...] to Him that sitteth upon the Throne, and to the [...] for ever, and ever.

[Page 62]6. God only is the Churches Law-giver. Isa. 33.22 He is our King, he is our Law-giver. God alone has power over the Souls of men. Con­science is subject to him only: It was a wise Speech of a famous King, That to have an Em­pire over the consciences of men, is Gods Pre­rogative. But Christ has so: He is the Churches Law-giver. Nathaniel said to him, Joh. 1 49 Thou art the Son of God, the King of Israel. He is the King of the church: He has power to give Laws in the worship of God. There­fore, Mat. 28 20 Observe all things what ever I command you Christ has power to command what shall be Observed, and to appoint Ordi­nances for the worship of God, which shews that he is the great God

7thly. and Lastly. Only God has power to Forgive Sins. Who is like to thee? O Lord that Pardoneth Iniquity. The Pharisees were right in their Doctrine, though wrong in their Application: Mar▪ 2.7 Who can Forgive Sins, but God only? But Christ has this Power: Mat 9.6 He hath power to Forgive Sin. There­fore he himself sayes, Rev▪ [...].17 I will give him a white Stone. I will acquit and absolve: It belongs to him to Forgive Sin, and to none else: Rev. 1 18 He has the Keyes of Hell and Death. Has he not Power then to Deliver [Page 63] from Hell, and to send Sinners down into Hell? These things shew that Christ is the Great God.


If Christ is the great God, then it was an infinite Condescention in Him to become a Man. I do not say, that his Incarnation was part of his State of Humiliation, as his Sufferings were: For His State of Humiliation is now past, where­as His State of Incarnation continues, & will do so to all Eternity. But it was an act of condescention, & in that respect He humbled himself. God con­descends infinitely, if He does so much as look on any of his Creatures: If he does so much as look upon the most glorious Angel in Hea­ven, it is an infinite condescention in him; Psal 113.6 He humbles himself to behold the things in Heaven. He stoops down infinitely, to be­hold the Angels in Heaven. The Angels there, acknowledge that they are not worthy that the Son of God should look upon them▪ Isa. 6.2 they are represented as covering their Faces before His glory, thereby confessing, that they are not worthy that the Son of God should look upon them. If the Son of God should have assumed an Angel into Personal [...] with Himself, what an Infinite condescentio [...] would that have been? But he has conde­scended [Page 64] more than this; For men are beneath Angels. Christ in respect of his becoming a man, is made a little lower than the Angels· But then, Oh! how great was his condescention, in that He was willing to be not only a man, but a Poor mean man, in the Opinion of the world; 2 Cor 8.9 You know the grace of our Lord Iesus Christ, that tho' He was Rich, yet for our sakes He became Poor. He was Rich, all the Riches in the world belong to God. Christ the great God, though he were Rich, yet became Poor for our sakes. A Poor Man, one that had not where to lay his Head▪ One that was Mock­ed at, Scoffed at, Spit upon, Buffeted, Cruci­fied. That HE who is the great God should condescend to this, what a wonderful thing is it? That He should condescend not only to be a man, but to be Enosh, a Sorrowful Man. We read in the Gospel, of his Weeping; we never read of Christs Laughing, but of his Weeping more than once. He Wept over the grave of Lazarus; He Wept over Ierusalem. And we read of his Sighing; He fetch'd deep Sighs and Groans, several times. But we ne­ver read any thing of his Mirth. He was a Man of Sorrows, and acquainted with Grief. Sorrow was no stranger to him. Now, that God should condescend thus for our sakes, how wonderful is it?

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We see the Reason of several Glorious things which are to be Affirmed concerning the Lord Iesus Christ. As now, we see here the reason why Christ did not faint, and sink under that Burden of his Office, as Mediator ▪ It was be­cause He is the great God. Had any meer Creature had that burden on him, were it an Angel, he could not have subsisted under it. He is able to perform His Office of a Mediator in all respects· Christ is able to discharge his Prophetical Office, to Instruct all the Elect of God, in all Ages. There are Hundreds of Thousands, yea, Millions of Souls, that he has instructed as a Prophet: This is because he is the great God; otherwise if he had been no more then a man, then a creature, he could not have done it. Whence is it he did not sink under the weight of his Sufferings? Christ suffered such things, as no man in the world ever did the like. It is said, His visage was marred more than any of the Sons of men. Yet he did bear up under those sufferings. He suf­fered, not only in his Body, but also in Soul, when he made His Soul an Offerring for Sin. How should he have been able to bear up un­der the Wrath of the Father, that lay upon him when he was Surety for the Elect of God, [Page 66] but that he is God? And so his Divine Na­ture did support his Humane Nature, and made him capable of enduring such things, as never man did or could do. Likewise, we see the reason why the Sufferings of Christ were in­finitely Meritorious, viz. because he was God. That the Elect of God might be redeemed from Death, it was necessary that a Life should be given for them, yea, and a Life that was more worthy, then the Life of all Men and Angels was given for them; that is the Life of him who is God: 1 Joh. 3.16 God laid down his Life. That cannot but be a Life that is infinitely precious Some mens lives one of them is more precious then a hundred thou­sand of other men. Well, but the Life of Christ is of more value, then the lives of all the men in the world, because he is the great God. Therefore his Blood has infinite Merit in it. Acts 20 28 God has purchased his Church with his own Blood. God, that is Christ, who is the great God. That Blood which is the Blood of Him who is the great God, must needs be of infinite worth and value: Nothing else could Redeem one Soul; nothing but the Blood of him who is the great God; and that is of value sufficient to Redeem Thousands, yea Millions of Souls. Nothing else could make Atonement for Sin, no not for the least sin that ever was committed; but the Bloud of [Page 67] Christ, because he is the great God is enough to make Atonement for the greatest sins that ever men were guity of. Suppose they have been guilty of never so many sins, there is Merit enough in Christs Blood to obtain the Remission of them all, because he is the great God. This also is the Reason, why the Man Christ Iesus is exalted above all Men and An­gels: It is because that Man is one person with the Son of God, therefore is he set above all Angels, and Arch-Angels· Angels in heaven are all made subject to him. He did no soon­er ascend into Heaven, but God made him to sit down on his Throne: Rev. 3·21 I am sat down with my Fa [...]her on His Throne. He is sat down on the Right-hand of the Majesty on high. All the Angels in heaven are become Servants to this Lord. In respect of Christ there are wonderful things to be said. Our Nature is exalted and dignified above the Nature of An­gels. There is not an Angel in Heaven, of whom it can be said, that Angel is the great God. But there is a Man in heaven, a Man now at the Right-hand of God, of whom it may be said and must be said, that Man is the great God. This is marvellous indeed▪


If Iesus Christ is the great God, then Wo and [Page 68] ten Thousand Woes for ever, shall be to them that refuse the Lord Iesus Christ. Heb. 12.25 See that ye refuse not him that speaketh, for if they escaped not who refused him that spake on Earth, much more shall we not escape if we turn away from him that speaketh from Heaven, whose Voice then shook the Earth. It is Christ whose Voice shook the Earth. Moses tells us, that when the Lord came down from Heaven on Mount Sinai, the Mount quaked exceedingly; it was the Voice of the Son of God that made that Mountain to quake exceedingly. And shall not sinful Creatures quake before him, and be afraid to Disobey him? Who can stand before him who is the great God, when once he is Angry? Rev· 6.16, 17 There we may see how the great Ones, the Captains, the Mighty men Cryed to the Rocks to fall on them; O ye Mountains cover us from the Face of the Lamb, for the great Day of his Wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand? Wo to the hardness and blindness of the Hearts of men, who are less afraid of the great God than the Devils them­selves are. The Scripture sayes, that the De­vils believe and tremble. They believe that there is one God, and they tremble before him. They believe that Christ is the great God, and they tremble before him. The Gospel in­forms us how the Devils Prayed, and Begged that he would not cause them to be Torment­ed [Page 69] before their time. And what shall men that call themselves Christians, be worse than the Devils? It may be there are here some this Day, that never Prayed to Christ, that never said to him, Lord! let not me go down into Hell, into the place of Torment!

You will say, who is it that does not Obey the Voice of Christ? O that there were not many such! But has not Christ commanded men that they should Repent of Sin, and that at the Peril of their Souls: Luk. 13.3 Christ there sayes, Except [...]e Repent, ye shall all likewise Perish. Are there no Impenitent ones here this Day? Is there never a one in this Assembly, that has not Repented of Sin to this day? Well then, thou art the person that refusest to Obey Christ the great God. And has not Christ commanded men, that they shall live Holy and Righteous lives, as ever they would go to Heaven. Does not Christ say, Mat. 5 20 I say to you, except your Righteousness exceeds the Righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. But Oh, how many that hear me this day are there, whose Righteousness does not exceed the Righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees. You are they that refuse to Obey the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the great God. Has not Christ said, Pray in Secret every day, Mat. 6.26 Enter into thy Closet, (saith Christ) Pray [Page 70] to thy Father who is in Secret. But are there none here this day, who live in the d [...]ily neg­lect of secret communion with God? Young men, hear▪ the word of the Lord. Children, hear the word of the Lord, do you not live without secret Prayer? Be it known unto you, that you are they that Obey not the Voice of Christ, the great God. Now then, what do you think will become of your Souls for ever? Your Immortal Souls? The Word of the Lord, this Bible tells you what will be­come of them, Acts 3.23 It shall come to pass, that every Soul that will not hear him, shall be de­stroyed. That will come on it. Every Soul that will not hear Christ, that will not Obey the Voice of him who is the great God, every such Soul shall be Destroyed forever.


Lastly Let us then give unto the Lord Iesus Christ, that which is due to the great God alone. Let us give him our very Souls: Prov. 23.26 Give me thy Heart. That is the Voice of Christ, thy Heart, thy Soul, give it to me. We may not give our Souls to any Creature. But to Christ, we may and must, and trust him with the Salvation thereof. Depend we upon him for Eternal Life to be given to our Souls· And let us love Christ more than any creature [Page 71] in the whole world, for he is Worthy of it: He is the great God. It is impossible we should love God more then we ought to do. We [...]l then, we can never love Christ more then we ought to do. And if we do not love him more than any thing whatsoever, we are not worthy to be his Disciples. We should love Him with all our Heart, Soul and Might. And let us honour Christ above all: He is worthy of it, because he is the great God. We must give him that honour, that we give God the Father: For he is one with the Father. Joh 5.23 All judgment is committed to him, that so all men may Honour the Son as they Honour the Father. God would have us to do so. Let us then make the honour of Christ, the glory of Christ the great Design of our lives. What should we care to live in this sinful wo [...]l wo [...]ld for, but for this one thing▪ that we may Glorifie Christ, promote his Honour and In­terest in the world while we are here, which after we are Dead we cannot do. Well then, let that be our chief design, Phil. 1.21 For me to Live is Christ. That should be the reason why we should be willing to live, that we may do service for, and glorifie the Name of Christ. And that man that can say, For me to Live is Christ, may also say, For me to Dy shall be Gain

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We come now to speak to the latter part of the Doctrine;

Namely, THat Iesus Christ is our Sa­viour.

For Clearing the Truth before us, three Particulars may be Enquired i [...]to.

1. How it does appear that Jesus Christ is a Saviour?

2. What manner of Saviour He is?

3. For whom He is a Saviour?

Q. 1. How does it appear that Iesus Christ is a Saviour?

Answ· 1. It is Evident from the Names which are given to him in Scripture. This Name of SAVIOUR, is given to Him; 2 Pet. 3.18 Our Lord and Saviour Iesus Christ. Very often in Scripture is he described by this Name. Yea, he is called Salvation it self: Luk. 2 30 Simeon said, Mine Eyes have seen thy Salvation. Because he had with his Eyes seen Christ, whom he calls Salvation. Therefore the Name of [Page 73] Iesus is given to him. An Angel from hea­ven, did declare that he should be called by that Name, and for this reason, in that he should be a Saviour. Mat. 1.21 The Angel said to Ioseph concerning Christ, Thou shalt call his Name Jesus, for he shall Save his People from their Sins. Jesus signifies a Saviour. It comes from the Hebrew word, Iasha, Salvavit, as much as to say, He that Saveth. So that Name Shiloh is given to him: Gen. 49.10 Vn­til Shiloh come: that is until Christ come. Shiloh is as much as to say, one that is the Author of tranquility, and safety. And he is called by that Name of a Redeemer: Isa· 59 20 A Redeemer shall come to Zion· When Christ came into the world, then did a Redeemer come to Zion. And in the next words to the Text before us, it is said, He gave himself that he might Redeem us from all Iniquity. And he is called a Deliverer. Moses was a Typical De­liverer, whence Stephen said of him, Acts 7.35 That God sent him to be a Ruler, and Deliverer of the People. Moses was a Deliverer from Pharaoh, and from the Egyptians, but Christ is a Deliverer from the Pharaoh of Hell, and the Egyptians of Hell. It is from him that we are Delivered from the Powers of Darkness. Col. 1.13

2. Iesus Christ and he only, is a fit person to be a Saviour for the sinful Children of men. He [Page 74] that shall be our Saviour, must be both God and Man, which is true concerning Jesus Christ, and of him only.▪ Our Saviour must be God. The great God he is called a Saviour: Isa. 43 11 God sayes, I am the Lord, and besides me there is no Saviour. And in Isa▪ [...]5.21 He is a Iust God, and a Saviour. If Jesus Christ had been a man only, he could never have b [...]en the Saviour of one Soul Nor might we then have trusted to him for salvation: Psal. 146.3 Trust not in the son of man, in whom there is no help. If Christ had been the son of man only, there could have been no help, no salvation in him, or to be hoped for by him. It is said, Ier. 17.5▪ Cursed is he that trusteth in man, and that maketh flesh his arm. But therefore Christ is God. We are by reason of sin, fallen into the hands of mighty Enemies; such as all the men in the world could never have saved one soul out of their hands: Isa. 49.24 Shall the Prey be taken from the Mighty, or the lawful Captives be delivered? The Mighty had made a prey of the Souls of men: and no Mortal could take the prey out of the hands of those Mighty. Moreover, we were fallen into the hands of Almighty justice. And who could save us from the Omnipotent hands? God sayes, Deut. 32.39 I wound and I heal, neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand. He then that can deliver out of the hands of Di­vine [Page 75] Justice, by making Atonement for sin­ners, must needs be more than a man. And yet 'tis necessary, that the Saviour should be Man, that so [...]e might in a way of Suffering, make satisfaction for the sins of men. It was requisite that the same Nature that had sinned, should suffer that so satisfaction may be made for sin: Heb. 2.14 Forasmuch as the Children are partakers of Flesh and Blood, he also himself took part of the same: that through Death, he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is the Devil. He did not take to him the Na­ture of Angels, but the S [...]ed of Abraham; the same Nature that Abraham had. If Christ had been God only, then he could not have suffered for sin▪ for the God-head cannot suffer. 'Tis said, Acts 17.79 We ought not to think that the God-head is like unto Gold or Silver, or Stone graven by art and mans devices. So we ought not to think the God-head can suffer any thing. No▪ Eternity cannot Dye. Therefore God must become Man, that so he might be a Saviour for man. This is according to that Eternal agreement which was between God the Father and the Son, before the world be­gan; that the Son of God should assume the Nature of man, and be made a sacrifice for the sins of men. Heb. 10.5 It is said, Sacrifice and Offering thou wouldst not, but a Body hast thou prepa [...]ed for me. When 'tis said, God had no [Page 76] pleasure in sacrifices and offerings, the mean­ing is, that all the Sacrifices and Offerings ap­pointed by the Mosaical-Law could never ap­pease God, or satisfie Divine Justice. Could never purge the Consciences of men from the guilt of sin, it was impossible that they should; therefore a Body is prepared by God for Christ. The Son of God must therefore as­sume a Humane Body, and a Rational Soul; and that Nature must be made a sacrifice for the sins of men. And for such a Person as the Son of God to be sacrificed, is an infinitely greater thing then if all the men in the whole world had been made a sacrifice. Thus then Jesus Christ is a Saviour, being both God and Man.

3. Iesus Christ is vested with a Glorious Office, that so He might be our Saviour. There is a Sal­vation-Office that does belong unto him. And in respect of that, he is said to be not only Iesus, but Christ: Mat. 16.16 Thou art Christ the Son of the Living God. And he is said to be the Messiah: Joh. 1.41 We have found the Messiah, which is by Interpretation Christ. Messi­ah and Christ are words of the same significa­tion, only Messiah is an Hebrew word, and Christ a Greek word; and both of them signi­fie the Anointed: Psal 2.2 They imagine a vain thing against the Lord, and against His Anoint­ed. In the Hebrew it is against His Messiah[Page 77] which in our singing Psalms is well Translated, against His Christ. The Priests and Kings of Israel, who were Anointed with Oyl, were in that respect Types o [...] Christ; who was Anoint­ed not with any material Oyl, as they were; but with the Oyl of the Spirit of God This Anointing does imply both his call unto, and fitness for his Office. Psal 45.7 The Lord thy God has Anointed thee with the Oyl of Glad­ness, above thy Fellows. In respect of his Office, he is said to be a Shepherd: Joh. 10 11 I am (saith Christ) the good Shepherd. It belongs to a Shepherd to save his sheep from Wolves and Devourers. So Christ as the good Shep­herd, has saved his Elect from the Devourers of Hell, that would have Destroyed them. In respect of his Office, he is said to be a Bishop of Souls: 1 Pet 2.25 He is the Shepherd and Bishop of our Souls. A Bishop must endeavour to the uttermost of his power, the salvation of the souls of those under his care. And in respect of his Office, he is said to be a Messenger: Mal. 3.1 He is the Messenger of the Covenant. That Covenant of Grace, which speaks of salvation was made for Christs sake, is confirmed by his Death, and the salvation therein promised, is for his sake also bestow­ed. Again, on the account of his Office, he is said to be a Surety. He is the Surety of a better Covenant. Heb. 7 22 He has undertaken [Page 78] to perform all that was needful to be done in order to our Salvation; to pay our Debts, and to satisfy the Law for us; therefore is he called a Surety. In respect of his Office, he is said to be a Mediator: Heb. 12.24 Iesus the Mediator of the New-Covenant. He is the Mediator of the New-Covenant, because He doth interpose between God and Man, and in a way of Mediation ob­tains our salvation. And hence, he is said to be a Prophet; and by way of Eminency That Prophet: In Ioh. 6.14 He is That P [...]ophet that should come into the world. Sinners have Blind Minds, Darkned Understandings: they are out of the way unto salvation, and cannot of them­selves find the way. But therefore the Pro­phetical Office of Christ is a Remedy against that Misery. For Christ as a Prophet has in­structed us in the way unto Salvation; and has declared unto us all that is needful for us to know that we may be saved. The Woman of Samaria, could say, Joh. 4.25 When the Messiah comes He shall tell us all things. Christ as the Prophet of His Church, has told us all things, that are necessary to be known. No man needs to know any more, in order to his obtaining Eternal Life, then what Christ as a Prophet has Revealed. The Scriptures are able to make wise unto Salvation. Now Christ as the Great Prophet of His Church, [Page 79] has given the Scripture to His People. A­gain, Christ is said to be a Priest: Heb, 3·1 He is the High Priest of our profession. Aa [...]on was the high Priest of the Iewish Profession: Christ is the high Priest of our Christ [...]an Pro­fession. And he has therefore made Atone­ment for the sins of His People. Sin has made a breach between God and Man. No doubt when the Devil had caused man to sin, he hoped he had Ruined him for [...] and [...] question but the holy Angels stood amazed, and looked on man as a lost Creature, until they knew that the Son of God interposed and undertook to be a Priest for them, and to make Atonement for them by being Bruised, that so their sins might be satisfied for. By Him we receive the Atonement, and He is a Propitiation for our sins. It belonged to the Priest also to offer Incense, and to intercede for the People. So has Christ done, and in that way does he perfect our Salvation. Heb 7.25 He is able to Save unto the Vttermost, since he ever Lives to make Intercession. Christ has also a Kingly-Office belonging to Him. The Iews when they write of the Messiah, are wont to call him, the King Messiah. So does the Scripture say of Him that he is a King. Joh. 1.49 Thou art the Son of God, thou art the King of Israel. The Son of God is the King and Ruler of the Vniverse, but of Israel of his [Page 80] Church, of the People of God, in a peculiar manner. And therefore he is their Saviour ▪ Isa. 33.22. The Lord is our Law-giver, the Lord is our King, He will Save us. It belongs to a King to protect his Subjects against their E­nemies, to save them from those that would Destroy them. So does Christ do: Acts 5.31 He is a Prince and a Saviour. Inasmuch as He is a Prince, He is a Saviour. He is the Prince of Life, for that he is the Author of Life and Salvation, to those whom God has given to him. And this Office that Christ is vested with, it is God that has called him to it. He is the Christ of God: Hence Luk. 2.26 He is called, the Lords Christ. So that God has called him to this Office. And he is therefore said to be sent of God. The Father has sent his Son to be the Saviour of the world. 1 Ioh. 4.14 God has given him a commission under the great Seal of Heaven: Joh. 6.27 Him has God the Fa­ther Sealed. Christ did not undertake to be the Prophet of His Church, without a call from God thereunto. Deut 18.18 I (sayes God) will Raise up a Prophet, and will put my words into his Mouth, and he shall speak all that I shall Command him. Christ is the Prophet there spoken of. Nor did Christ make himself a Priest, without being called of God to that Of­fice: Heb. [...].4, 5 No man taketh this Honour to himself, but he that is called of God; so also Christ [Page 81] glorified not himself to be made a High Priest. He did not interpose in the Controversy be­tween God and man, until God called him to it. So as to that Office of a King, Christ was called of God unto it. Therefore, Psal. 2.6 God sayes, I have set my King upon my holy Hill of Sion. God calls Christ His King, as being appointed by Him to that glorious Office of a King, over the Souls of men. There­fore it is said, Psal. 4.3 Know that the Lord hath set apart him that is Godly for Himself· The words are partly indeed to be understood con­cerning Davids being set apart to the King­ly Office, but principally concerning Christ, who was set apart to be Prophet, Priest and King, God set him apart thereunto. In respect of this Office that Christ is vested with, in or­der to his being a Saviour, He is styled Gods Servant: Isa. 42.1 Behold my Servant, whom I uphold mine Elect, in whom my Soul delighteth. Gods Servant, for this was the greatest un­dertaking that could be. And Christ has done the greatest Service for God then ever was, in saving his Elect. Ioseph did great service for the King of Egypt, when he saved the Lives of all his Subjects. The Egyptians con­fessed to him, Gen. 47.25 Thou hast saved our Lives. In that Ioseph, was a Type of Christ, who has done wonderful service for God the King of Heaven; in that He has saved the [Page 82] Lives of all His Children, all His Elect. So then we see that Christ is a Saviour on the account of his Office.

4. Iesus Christ has purchased our Salvation, and therefore he is our Saviour. That is one way in which Captives are Redeemed, viz. when a Price is paid and their Liberty Pur­chased for th [...]m So it hath been here▪ We were all in miserable Servitude and Slavery, but Christ▪ hath laid down a Price, whereby he hath purchased our Freedo [...]: 1 Cor. 7.23 Ye [...] bought with a [...]rice, sayes the Apostle. With a Price, what was that Price? It must ne [...]ds be some great matter: For an Immor­tal Soul is more worth than all the world. Therefore must it be some great matter that shall Purchase the Redemption and Salvation of Souls. All Men and Creatures in Heaven and in Earth, were not able to lay down a Price sufficient, to Purchase the Redemption of a Soul: Psal. 49.8 The Redemption of their Soul is precious, and ceaseth forever. But Christ could do it, & has done it. He has laid down that which is a Price sufficient. He has given that for their Redemption, which is worth as much as all the Souls in the world are worth, and infinitely more. For in 1 Tim. 2.6 He gave Himself a Ransom for many. Himself is more worth than all the men in the world. [Page 83] They said to David, 2 Sam. 1 [...].3 Thou art worth ten thousand of us. Christ is more worth than Ten Thousand worlds. And yet he has given Himself to Purchase the salvation of his People. He has given his own Life for it: Mat. 20.28 He ga [...]e h [...]s Life a Ransom for man. And who can say what that Life is worth. For whose Life is it? The Apostle Iohn tells us, 1 Joh. 3.16 Hereby percei [...]e we the Love of God, because he laid down his Life for us. It is the Life of God. Christ has given his own Blood to Purchase our salvati­on: Acts 20.28 T [...]e Church of God which he has Purchased with his own Blood. That is which Christ who is the great God, has Pur­chased with his own Blood. The Blood of a man is a precious thing, of more value then the Blood of all inferiour Creatures. How Precious then is the Blood of that man, who is the Great God? We were in slavery to sin, but Christ by his Precious Blood, has Pur­chased our Redemption from that Captivity. 1 Pet. 1.19 Ye were Redeemed from your vain Conversation, not with Silver and Gold, but with the precious Blood of Christ. We were become the subjects of Satan, but Christ by Death, has Purchased our Deliverance from that mise­ry: Heb. 2.14, 15 Through Death he ha [...] destroy­ed the Devil, and delivered them that were in Bon­dage. We were miserably in Debt, and not [Page 84] able to pay our Debt; but were in the hands of a cruel Jaylor, that would hold us in Pri­son as long as possibly he might. But Christ Purchased our Liberty by paying the Debt for us. He payed the Debt not to the Iaylor, no, but to the supream Judge, who was also our Creditor: Eph. 15.2 He gave himself an Offer­ing to God. Christ has been offered to God. Now God the supream Judge being satisfied, because our Surety has answered the Law for us, the Jaylor must let the Prisoners go. He can hold them no longer▪ The Jaylor of Hell can hold the Prisoners no longer; Christ has paid their Debts, therefore they are set at Li­berty▪ By means hereof, instead of being Slaves to Satan, as once they were, they be­come the Servants of God. Rev. 5.9 Thou hast Redeemed us to God with thy Blood. So then, we see Christ has Purchased our Salvation, and there­fore He is our Saviour.

5thly▪ and Lastly, Christ has by His Almigh­ty Power, overcome and subdued the Enemies of our Salvation. That is also one way whereby Captives are Delivered. Sometimes by Price, and sometimes by Power. Christ has Redeem­ed those that are his, in both these respects. He has by the Price of his own Blood made Atonement with God for th [...]m, and he has by his Almighty Power subdued the Enemies [Page 85] of their Souls, and so Delivered them. There­fore does Christ say, in Isa. 63. [...]My own Arm shall bring Salva [...]ion. As the Children of Israel were Redeemed out of Egypt by a Migh­ty hand and the Out-stretched Arm of God. Exod. 32.11 So has Iesus Christ brought his Elect out of Spiritual Egypt with great Power, and by a Mighty hand▪ The Children of Is­rael were delivered by their Enemies being subdued. Exod. 15.6 Thy Right-hand is Glorious in Power, thy Right-hand O Lord has Dashed in pieces the Enemy. The Right-hand of God, the Power of God did dash in pieces Pharaoh and the Egyptians, and then his People were saved. So has the Right-hand of Christ, dash­ed in pieces the Enemies of our salvation. There [...] not one Enemy but Christ has sub­dued it. Sin is the worst Enemy we have, and Christ has caused it to be Condemned: Rom. 8.3 He has Condemned Sin. By shed­ding his Blood, he has caused sin to be Con­demned. And then by the Power of his Al­mighty Spirit, he subdues the sins of his People. Mic. 7.19 Thou wilt subdue our Iniquities, and wilt cast our Sins into the depth of the Sea. Pha­raoh and his Host were subdued by being cast into the depth of the Sea. Thus does Christ by his Almighty power, subdue the iniquities of his People. He Redeems us not from the Damnation of sin only, but from the Dominion [Page 86] of it. The World is an Enemy, but Christ has overcome it: Joh. 16.33 I have overcome the world for you. Death and Hell are our Ene­mies, Christ has overcome them too. Where is thy S [...]ng O Death? Where is thy V [...]ctory O Grave? We read of Sam [...]son, that he rose at midnight, and by his strength carried away the gates of the City. In that he was a Type of Christ, who in the Night arose out of the Grave, and carried away the gates of Death and Hell, and has obtain'd a glorious Victory over them. Satan and his Angels, are great E­nemies of our salvation. In respect of them, we had Enemies too strong for us. As David complained, Psal▪ 142·6 M [...] Enemies are stronger than I. So may we complain, the Enemies of our souls are stronger than we are. Well, but they are nothing in the hands of Christ our Saviour. They be nothing before his Al­mighty Power: Luk. 11.21, 22 The strong man keeps his Palace [...]ill a stronger then he comes. The strong man there spoken of is Satan; and the stronger then he is Christ: who can overc [...]me Satan and dispossess him, and subdue him when he will. Hence the Disciples came with great joy to Christ saying, Luk. 10.17 Lord, even the Devils are subject to us through thy Name; that is to say, through thy Power. The Devils cannot stand before the Almighty Power of Christ. He then has overcome that [Page 87] great Enemy, yea all the Powers of Darkness. Hence 'tis that Christ is represented in Scrip­ture, as a Mighty Wa [...]rior. Psal. 45.3 Gird thy Sword upon thy Thigh, O most Mighty. The words are spoken and to be understood of Christ. He is compared to a Great General. Ioshua saw a man appearing over against him with a drawn Sword in his hand, and he went to him, Iosh 5.13 and said, Art thou for us, or for our Ad­versaries? Nay, (sayes he) but as Captain of the Host of the Lord am I come. And Ioshua fell on his Face to the Earth, and worshiped him. For he then perceived that the person who appeared to him, was Christ the Son of God, that was to come into the world as the Captain of our Salvation. Heb. 2.10 The Glo­ry of our Salvation is all owing to Him that is our Captain General. If we had not had such a Captain, such a Lord-General, we should never have been Saved, but our Enemies would have Ruin'd us for ever. But Christ having overcome them all, is therefore represented as a Conquerer, and as one that does Triumph after his Victory. The Prophet Isaiah repre­sents him as having on him the Glorious ap­parrel of a Conquerer, returning from his Victo­ry with his Garments sprinkled with the Blood of his Enemies. Isa. 63.1 And the Apostle sayes, Col. 2.15 He has spoiled Principalities and Powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing [Page 88] over them in it. He has spoiled them, taken away the Prey from them, and Triumph'd o­ver them, made Captives of them that had made Captives of his People: Eph. 4.8 He has led captivity captive. Believers are said to be Conquerers But 'tis through Christ▪ that they overcome, Rom. 8.37▪ We are more then Conquerers through him that hath Loved us. 'Tis through him. So then we see that Jesus Christ is a Saviour.


If Christ be the Saviour, then what what is like to become of Christless Sinners, yea what will become of their Souls forever? They cannot be sayed, their is no hope for it. Eph. 2.12 Ye were without Christ and without Hope. As for Christless sinners▪ their is no hope that they should be saved, if they Dy in a Christ­less state. Those that were out of the Ark, when the flood came all perished, the Lord knows how many Millions of them; probably many Millions, and they Perished every soul of them. There was not a man out of th [...] Ark but Died. Only those in the Ark, those few, Noah and his Family were saved. So the case is here. Alas there are but few in the world that are in the Ark, that are in Christ, and those few shall be saved. But the [Page 89] greatest part of men are out of the Ark, out of Christ, and they are certain to Perish, so Living, and so Dying.

But, Who are they tha [...] have no Interest in Christ? Alas there are many in the world that are Ignorant of Christ. They know not any thing about Christ; though he is the only Saviour. The Gospel never came among them. Now sayes the Apostle, 2 Cor. 4.3 I [...] our Gospel be hid, 'tis hid from them that Perish. Oh! they are Lost Perishing souls that know not Christ. It is Life Eternal to know thee the only true God, and Iesus Christ whom thou hast sent. But ma­ny in the world know not the true God, nor Jesus Christ: How then should they have Life Eternal? But there are others that will Perish more terribly th [...]n they that never heard a Sermon Preached to them; Namely, all that live under the Preaching of the Gospel, but Obey it not. It is said, Heb. 5.9 That Christ is the Author of Salvation to all that Obey him. But he is not an Author of salvation to them that continue in their Disobedience. What will become of them, when the Great God our Saviour shall Appear to Judge the world? We see what will be their Portion then, 2 Thes. 1.8 He shall be Revealed from Heaven in flaming Fire, with his Mighty Angels, to take Vengeance on them that know not God, and on them that O­bey not the Gospel. Yea on them especially. [Page 90] There are Millions that know not God that will Perish in that day. But above others such as Obey not the Gospel, they know God, and know Christ, as to External knowledge, and Revelation of him, but they Obey not the Gospel. Oh! that there were not one soul here this Day concerned in what I am now speaking. That there were not one soul that did Disobey the Gospel, and the Voice of God and Christ therein. But my Friends, does not the Gospel require you to Believe? Is not this Gods Commandment, that we should Believe in the Name of his Son Jesus Christ? The great Commandment of the Gospel is, that men should go to Christ, give themselves unto him; look up to him, and depend on him for Pardon, Life, Grace, yea for all that their souls stand in need of. Well, then they that remain in a state of Unbelief cannot be saved. They are in a state of Damnati­on, and not of Salvation. He that Believes not is Condemned already. He is under a Sentance of Condemnation, and that sentance will most certainly be Executed upon him, if he con­tinues in his Unbelief. Does not the Gospel command men to Repent, and Turn to God? When Christ Preached the Gospel, he Preach­ed Repentance. It is said, Mat. 4·17 He be­gan to Preach the Gospel, saying, Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Then they that [Page 91] do not Repent o [...] sin, Obey not the Voice of Christ in the Gospel. They that never did mourn for sin, never unto this day. Are there not some h [...]r [...] of whom it may be truely said, that they never went into secret corners, there to mourn before God because of the sin they have been guilty of. Well then you ne­ver had Faith in Christ nor an Interest in him· Zach. 12 10 They shall Look upon me whom they have Pierced, and they s [...]all Mourn. They then that never did mourn for sin, never did look to Christ with an Eye of Faith. They are Strangers to him, and it is in vain for th [...]m to think to be saved by him, if they Repent not. They that do not confess their sin, that do not go alone and bewail th [...]ir sins before God, do they think their sins shall be Pardoned. The Blood of Christ indeed cleanses from all sin, but it is the sins of those that do with a Penitent heart conf [...]ss their sins, that the Soul-cleansing Blood of Christ is applyed un­to. Does not the Gospel command men to Live Soberly? Is it not said, The Grace of God that brings Salvation, teac [...]eth men to live soberly? They that are not sober and temperate in their Lives and Conversa [...]tions, never went to Christ, never believed on him; they cannot expect salvation by Christ. Drunkards, they have no interest in Christ. Unclean persons, they have no interest in Christ; for the Gospel sayes, [Page 92] Live Soberl [...]. And it sayes, Live Righteously. They then that are Unrighteous in their deal­ings, have not Faith in Christ. The Gospel sayes, Live Godly. They who are Prophaners of the Name of God, of the Sabbath of God, do not Live Godly. They that Live in the neglect of Duties towards God, Prayerless ones do not Live Godly. How then do they think that they have an interest in Christ? If they had Faith, it would make them Live Godly. Oh, consider of it, and let every soul be perswaded to go to Christ for salvation, and let that blessed word of his encourage you, Joh. 6 37 All that the Father has given to me, shall come to me, and him that comes to me, I will in no wise cast out.


We proceed to the Second thing to be Enquired into.

2. Enqui. WHat manner of Saviour is Iesus Christ?

An [...]w. 1. He is a Great Saviour. The Great God, and our Saviour. That Saviour who is [Page 93] the great God, and not a meer man, is a great Saviour. He is called a great One, a Saviour, and a Great One. Isa. 19.20 It is there Pro­phesied conc [...]rning the Egyptians, that God would send them a Saviour, and a Great One. We do not read neither in the Scripture, nor in other Writings, that the Egyptians had a Tem­poral saviour sent to them. No, but that Text is to be interpreted of Christ, who is a Saviour of Egyptians; that is to say, not only of Iews, but of Gentiles. God has laid help an One that is Mighty. Psal. 89.19 Christ is that Mighty one of Iacob. He is able to accomplish that work of Salvation, which has been undertaken by him▪ Those Temporal Saviours which are mentioned in Scripture, were only Types and Shadows of Him. Moses was so, he was a Temporal Saviour; yet but a shadow of the Lord Jesus Christ. Deut. 18 5 He said, the Lord shall raise up a Prophet like to me. So a Saviour like to him. A shadow has some resemblance of the body whose shadow it is. So Moses had some resemblance of Christ. Moses did save the Children of Israel from Pharaoh, and the Egyptians: But Christ has saved the Israel of God, from Satan ▪ and from all the powers of Darkness. Ioshua was a saviour, as his Name signifies; Ioshua and Iesus are the same Name; only Ioshua is the Hebrew, and Iesus the Greek Name; and it sig­nifies [Page 94] a Saviour: (as was formerly shewed.) The children of Israel were brought to the possession of the Land of Canaan, not by Moses but by Ioshua: To signify this Truth of the Gospel, that we possess Heaven, not by the Law, but by Christ. Not by our works, or by the Deeds of the Law, but by Faith in the Righteousness of Iesus Christ. The Judges in Israel of Old, were Saviours, and some of them great ones: Neh. 9.27 Thou gavest them Saviours, according to the greatness of thy mercy. Saviours▪ Temporal Saviours. Now, these were but Types and Shadows of the Lord Je­sus Christ. And in a special manner Sampson was so. Iacob in his Blessing of the Tribe of Dan, Gen. 49.18 sayes, I have waited for thy Salvation; that is to say, till a saviour shall come out of the Tribe of Dan. And who was that? It was Sampson: he was of that Tribe, and he was an Eminent Type of the Lord Je­sus Christ, who was indeed of another Tribe▪ not of Dan, but of Iudah. Sampson did save his people, by losing his own Life that he might save theirs, it cost him his Life to save his people. In that he was a Type of Christ, who by His Death, saved His People from their Spiritual Enemies. Sampson was a little Sun. That is the signification of the Name of Sampson. But Jesus Christ is a Great Sun, the [Page 95] Sun of Righteousness. Therefore He said, Joh. 8.12 I am the L [...]ght of the world. He is a great Light, able to give Light to the whole world. That the Lord Jesus Christ is the Greatest and most Glorious Saviour, that ever was in the world, Appears;

1. In that He Saves from the Greatest Ene­mies. He saves out of the hand of the Migh­ty. Satan is a Mighty and Powerful Enemy: Luk. 10.19 Christ nevertheless, has delivered and taken away the Prey out of his hands. A Sinner is no more able to deliver himself out of the hands of Satan, than a Lamb can deli­ver hims [...]lf out of the Mouth of the Lyon. But Jesus Christ has delivered us out of Satans hands, out of the hands of that Infernal Lyon. We read concerning David, 1 Sam. 17.34 that when there was a Lamb fallen into the jaws of a Lyon, David smote the Lyon, and de [...]ive [...]ed the poor Lamb. He was in that, a singular Type of the Lord Jesus Christ: For Satan is that Lyon, that th [...] Souls of men are fallen into his devouring Jaws; but Jesus Christ the true David ▪ has so far smitten that Lyon, as to deliver those Lambs. Spiritual Evils they are the greatest Evils, and most to be dreaded. A Blind Mind, and a Hard Heart are dreadful Evils, but Christ delivers from those Evils▪ Men by Nature have Darkned souls within [Page 96] them: 2 Cor. 4.4 The God [...]f this world has Blinded the Eye [...] of them that believe not. But Jesus Christ he makes blind men to see: Isa. 42 7 He was sent to open the Eyes of the blind. Those afflicted with Bodily blindness, Christ caused them to see. But especially to as those that have blind Soul, he causes them to see: And that shews him to be a Great Saviour. A man that was healed of that blindness he was Born with, Ioh. 9 32 said, Since the world be­gan it was not known, that a man should open the Eyes, of one that was born Blind. Aye, but Jesus Christ has opened the Eyes of many an one that has been born Blind. Many a Sinner that has been Born with a blind soul, Jesus Christ has opened the Eyes of that soul, and caused it to discern Spiritual Objects ▪ that others can­not discern. And Death is an Enemy, and a Dreadful one. But Jesus Christ saves from that Enemy: Joh· 11.25 If any man believe on me, though he were dead yet shall he live I am the Re­surrection and the Life, sayes Christ. The Se­cond Death that is a terrible thing, a terrible Ene­my indeed. The second▪ Death is an Ever­lasting Death; but Christ delivers from that▪ All the men in the world were Condemned to Dye, the Law of God has Sentenc'd them to Death, Temporal and Eternal; but Jesus Christ saves from all these Deaths: Joh. 3.17 The Son of God came not into the world to Con­demn [Page 97] it, b [...]t that the world through him might be Saved. God did not send His Son to Condemn the world, there was no need of that; for all the world was Condemned to death before the Son of God came into it. But therefore He came to save them from that Death, which they were Condemn'd unto. Eternal D [...]ath, Everlasting Burnings is the most terrible thing that pos­sibly can be thought of, and this Jesus Christ saves from▪ Rom. 5, 9 We are saved from wrath by him. And all this has Christ done, by save­ing His People from their sins. Mat. 1.21 His Name shall be called Iesus, for he shall Save his People from their Sins. He saves them from all that misery which is the woful fruit of sin. By saving them from their sin, He has saved them out of the hand of Divine Justice. As the Princes of Israel said to the Reubenites. Josh 22.31▪ You have delivered the Children of Israel out of the hand of the Lord. So Jesus Christ has delivered the Israel of God out of the hand of Divine Iustice, by satisfying Justice on their behalf; and therefore has Delivered them from Death, and Hell, and the Powers of Dark­ness; from all that Misery that sin has brought upon them.

2. Iesus Christ is a Saviour of Souls. 1 Pet 2.25 He is the Shepherd and Bishop of our Souls. Never did Shepherd take such care of the safe­ty [Page 98] of his Flock, as Jesus Christ has done for all that belong to His Flock. The Iewish Religion has Fundamental Errors in it. One is, That the Messiah is [...]et to come; and another is, That when the Messiah does come, He shall only be the Saviour of Bodies out of Bondage. T [...]ey don't suppose that he will b [...] a Saviour of Souls. But Christians know otherwise. They know that Christ saves the soul▪ And therefore Christ said, Mat. 11.29 Come unto me all ye that are heavy laden, and you shall find rest for your Souls. The soul that is heavy laden with the burden of sin, can never find rest, but by coming unto the Lord Jesus Christ. A soul disquieted with the guilt of sin, can never be at ease, but by coming to the Lord Jesus Christ: therefore He is a Glorious Sa­viour. For the Soul is of unspeakable worth and value; one soul is of more worth than all the bodies in the world. The soul is [...]m­mortal. There is [...] a soul but must be either in Happiness or in Misery, either in Heaven or in Hell, throughout the Dayes of Eternity. Therefore to save a Soul is a mighty thing. Well then, Christ is a saviour of souls, and therefore does Excel all other saviours, as much as the Soul does Excell the Body.

3. In that Christ has saved an infinite Number of Souls. That procames him to be a Great [Page 99] and Glorious Saviour. He has saved more than a few. When the Lord Jesus Christ did Institute that Ordinance of the Lords Supper, Mat. 26.28 He said, This is my Blood which is shed for Many. Not for you only, that are a few, not for you only, that are but [...]leven of you; no, it was shed for many. Christ saved many among the Iews: Acts 21.20· There were of the Iews many Thousand [...] of them tha [...] did be­lieve; and therefore were saved by Jesus Christ. But he has saved far more among the Gen­tiles: 1 Joh. 2.2 He is a Propitiation not for our sins only, but for the whole world. He not only saves us Iews, but the world, the G [...]n [...]ile world; and all the Elect of God that belong to that world, he has made a Propitiation for, and has wrought salvation on their behalf. But some will say, How many has Iesus Christ obtain'd S [...]vation for? I Answer, They are innumerable▪ Rev. 7.9, 10. They were a great multitude which no man could Number, & they said Salvation to our God, and to the Lamb. And 'tis said, their Robes were made white in the Blood of the Lamb. So then, the Blood of the Lamb has purchased salvation for a great Multitude, so many that they are Numberless. Then he must needs be a Great Saviour.

2. Iesus Christ is an Everlasting Saviour. Heb 13.8 Iesus Christ yesterday, & to day, and forever [Page 100] the fame. He was a Saviour Yesterd [...]y, He is a Saviour To Day, He will be a Saviour For-Ever. As long as any of the Elect of God do stand in need of salvation, He will be a saviour unto them. He is a Saviour unto his People, not in one Age of the world, but in all Ages thereof. No man was ever saved since the world began, nor ever shall there be, but Je­sus Christ must be his Saviour. He has saved not only New-Testament believers, but Old-Testament b [...]lievers, they also were saved by him. Heb. 11.40 They were not made perfect without us. The Old Testament believers did not obtain the Pardon of their sin, and the salvation of their souls in any other way, but what we have done; both we and they have obtain'd salvation through Jesus Christ. Other saviours are only for one Age, in the Age where­in they lived, only Temporal Saviours; as was said concerning the Priests, Heb. 7.23 They were not suffered to continue by reason of Death. But sayes the Apostle, He is a Priest for ever; and he ever lives to make Interces­sion for those that come unto him. He is able to save unto the uttermost. And the salvation that Christ is the Author of, it is an Ever­lasting Salvation. Heb. 5.9 He is the Author of Eternal Salvation: He saves from Everlasting Misery; He procures for those that are his, [Page 101] Everlasting Blessedness, He then is an Ever­lasting Saviour.

3. He is an Alone Saviour. Therefore, Isa· 59.16 He saw there was no man, then did his A [...]m bring Salvation. None did joyn with him in that Glorious work of making Atonement and Reconciliation for the sins of his People· Heb. 9.7 The Apostle observ [...]s, that the High-Priest went alone into the holy place, not with­out Blood. None did go with the high Pri [...]st, when he did carry Blood into the holy place: He went alone, and thereby this Glorious Miystery of the Gospel wa [...] signified to us, that Jesus Christ alone by his Blood, did make Atonement for sin. And as there was none that joyned with him therein, so neither did any man assist him in overcoming, and sub­dueing the Enemies of our salvation. Sin, Satan and Death, no man did assist him in overcoming those Enemies. Isa. 63.3 He has troden down his Enemies in the wine-press of the wrath of God; has done it Alone, of the people▪ there was None with him. ver. 5 He looked and there was none to help, therefore his own Arm brought Salvation. There is none but Christ to be the Saviour, for there is no other Me­diator b [...]sides him. 1 Tim 2.5 There is one God, and one Mediator between God and man, the Man Christ Iesus. No other Mediator but [Page 102] the Man Christ Jesus; that man who is God as well as man. God has not Appointed any other: Acts 4.12. Neither is there Salvation in any other Name given under Heaven where­by we must be saved. No Name but the Name of Jesus Christ is given whereby we must be saved. Therefore Christ is said not only to be a saviour, but the Saviour; that is the only one. Joh. 4.42 Christ is the Sa­viour of the world. There is no other saviour of the world, but only Jesus Christ: For there is none other can save, none other that is able to save an [...]mmortal Soul but only Christ. Thus we see what manner of Saviour He is.

But then;

3. Enqui. Whose Saviour is the Lord Iesus Christ? Or, to whom is He a Saviour?

The Text before us sayes, He is Our Saviour.

Answ. 1. He is a Saviour to us Men· In this respect, God has shew'd more love and kindness to Fallen Man, than to Fallen Angels. Tit. 3.4 The Divine Philanthropy, the Love & Kindness of God our Saviour towards man appears, in that Christ did not assume to himself the Nature of Angels. He did not undertake to be their saviour. Hence the Angel said to the [Page 103] Shepherd, Luk. 2.11 I bring you Glad Tidings, that unto you is born a Saviour, Christ the Lord ▪ Unto you Men, not unto us Angels. As for the Elect Angels, they never sinned, and there­fore did not stand in need o [...] a saviour; and as for the Fallen Angels, God did not appoint a saviour for them. When they sinned, they were not spared, but were cast down to Hell, and Res [...]rved in Everlasting Chains of Dark­ness, to the Judgment of the Great Day. When the Son of God did come into the world, it was not for the salvation of Fallen Angels, but for their destruction and confusion. 1 Joh 3.8 For this end was the Son of God manifested, that he might destroy the works of the Devil. All that the Devil had been doing for Four Thousand Years together, from the begining of the world until the coming of Christ into the world, Jesus Christ Destroyed it all in one Day. He has destroyed the Devil and his works too: Heb. 2.14 He through Death has destroyed the Devil. And this was but accord­ing to the Ancient Prophesy and Promise, the first that was made to Fallen man, Gen, 3.15 That the Seed of the Woman should bruise the Serpents head. Implying, that the Son of God [...]hould be born of a Woman, and should bruise the Serpents head, by being Himself bruised on the Cross, and that the Head of the Serpent, the Devil that is, should be broken to pieces [Page 104] thereby. Christ indeed is the Lord over the Fallen Angels, but he is not their Saviour. He is their Lord whether they will or no. The Disciples came to Christ, and said, the Devils are subject to us through thy Name; thro' thy Power. And unto his Name every Knee shall bow, not only those in Heaven, and on the Earth, but those under the Earth. All the Fiends in Hell shall bow to the Lord Jesus Christ, he has a Dominion over them all, though he be not a saviour to them. He is only a sa­viour to Men; and in some sense a saviour to all men: not only in respect of the infinite Meritoriousness of his Death. There is Merit enough in the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ to save Ten Thousand Worlds, had the pleasure of God been so: But in that, all men are put under the Dispensation of Divine Patience by his means; they are saved for a while. There had not been one man on the Face of the Earth, or out of Hell, had it not been for Jesus Christ. As the Dresser of the Vineyard said, Luk. 13 9, 10 the Sentence was, Cut it down; sayes the Dresser of the Vineyard, Let it stand these Three Years, and aft [...]r that cut it down. So has the Lord Jesus Christ said to God, concerning the Tree of Manki [...]d, as the Dresser concerning the [...]ig-Tree; Let it stand a few years longer, till all mine Elect are called home, then shalt thou Cut it down. [Page 105] There is a Salvation in respect of Temporal Preservation: 1 Tim. 4.10 God is the Saviour of all men, especially of them that believe. In respect of temporal preservation, he is the sa­viour of all men. And so is Iesus Christ the Saviour of all men.

2. As to Eternal Salvation, He is a Saviour to the Elect of God. In respect of the Efficacy of his Death, he is a Saviour to all them. Therefore Christ said to God, Ioh. 17.10 All thine are mine, and all mine are thine. All that do belong to God in respect of Electing Grace, do belong unto Christ in respect of his Re­demption. He has Redeemed them all; they are all given to him, that he might purchase Eternal Life for them. Ioh. 17.2 God has given him power over all Flesh, that he should give Eter­nal Life to as many as God has given to him. He came into the world to obtain their Sal­vation: Ioh. 10.11 He has laid down his Life for his Sheep. The Elect of God are his Sheep, and he has laid down his Life to obtain their salvation. Therefore when the Great God our Saviour Iesus Christ shall Appear, they shall all appear with him at his Right hand; all the Elect of God shall stand at his Right-hand in that Day. He shall set the Sheep on his Right hand, but the Goats on the Left: Mat. 25.33

[Page 106]3. Believers are they that have an actual in­terest in the Salvation of Christ. They may plead their right unto Eternal Life▪ by vertue of a Purchase which has been made for them: That Life has been merited for them by the Death of Christ. Ioh. 3.16 God so loved the world, that he sent His Son into the world, that whosoever believes [...]n him should not Perish but have Everlasting Life. The Gospel does not only Declare that there is a Saviour, but al­so that who ever Believes, Christ is become a saviour to that man. If a man has Faith, then he has an Interest in the Person of Christ: he is then Married to Christ, Vnited to Christ. Eph. 5.23 He is the Savi [...]ur of the Body. His Church consisting of true Believers, is his Body, and this Body being united to him, as the Natural body is to the head, he is the Saviour thereof. And having an Interest in Christs Person, we have then an Interest in his Righteousness, and to all the Saving Benefits obtained thereby. We are then Iustified: Rom. 5.1. Being justified by Faith, we have peace with God. We have then a Glorious Inheritance be­longing to us. Ioh. 1.12 To as many as Be­lieve, He has given power that they be called the Children of God. Therefore the Inheritance that belongs unto the Children of God; they have a right unto it: And that Inheritance [Page 107] is no less than the Glory of Heaven, & all that blessedness which is there to be enjoyed. This Believers have a right unto, & that by means of Iesus Christ their Saviour.



This should put us upon Examination, whether we have Christ to be our Sa [...]iour or no. It is worth more than all this worlds Goods, to be able upon good Grounds to say, as the Church did, Cant. 2.19 My [...]eloved is mine, and I am his. To be able to say with Paul, Christ Loved me, and gave Himself for me. Gal. 2. [...]0 Well, then Examine we whether Christ be our Savi­our? He is so in a General sense, & in respect of the profession we make of his Name; we all of us say Christ is our Saviour. But alas! Many a man that sayes so, will in the last Day, when the Great God, and our Saviour Iesus Christ shall appear, find himself utterly disappointed, and deceived, in his hopes of salvation. Christ has said, Not every one that sayes to me Lord, Lord; that is, that call themselves after my Name, shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. Many that call themselves Christians, and say, I hope to be saved by Jesus Christ▪ he will in that Day say unto them; I never knew you. [Page 108] It concerns us then to Examine whether we have an Interest in Christ as a Saviour? This is a Duty in special incumbent on believers, when they approach unto the Table of the Lord: 1 Cor. 11.28 Let a man Examine him­self, and so let him Eat of that Bread and Drink of that Cup. The Church of Christ ought to Admit none into their Communion, but such as can Examine themselves, and such as we may rationally hope do and will Examine themselves; Namely, whether they have a real Interest in Christ, yea, or no. Therefore we should Examine, what our Faith is, whether we have true Faith? 2 Cor. 13.5 Examine your selves, try your selves. This is a duty of great moment, Examine, Try whether you be in the Faith? Know you not that Christ is in you, except you be Reprobate? Would you know whether Christ be in you, whether you have a true and real Interest in Christ, Have you true Faith? You may know by that. Have you given your self to Iesus Christ, not your Names only, but your Hearts to Christ? Have you made with him an Everlasting Covenant, a Perpetual Covenant, never to be forgotten? Have you given your self to the Lord accord­ing to the Terms of the Covenant of Grace: Have you Accepted of Christ on his own Terms as he is offered in the Gospel? And has Christ saved you from the Dominion of sin? Then [Page 109] be it known unto you, that he has saved you, from the Damnation of sin. Is sin Mortified in you? 'Tis said, Rom. 6.5 The Old man is Crucified, and the Body of sin is Destroyed. If sin be Crucified in thee, it is certain that Christ has been Crucified for thee. They that are Christs, have crucified the Flesh with the af­fections and lusts, that they never had done if Christ had not been crucified for them. Again, have we the Spirit of the Lord Jesus? Rom. 8.9. If any man have [...]ot the Spirit of Ch [...]ist, he is none of His. Have we that Spirit? Has Christ by his Holy Spirit taken possession of us? The Spirit of Christ is that which Glo­rifies Christ. Do we above all things desire to Glorify him? His Spirit is a Spirit of Prayer: Gal. 4 6 God has sent forth the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, whereby we C [...]y, Abba Father. Have we that Spirit in us? can we come to God as to a Father? Is it Natural for us to pour out our complaints to God, as Children to a Father? In a word, do we obey Iesus Christ? Heb. 5.9 He is the Author of Salvation to all that Obey him. Have we re­ceived CHRIST the Lord? No man did ever receive Christ aright as a Saviour, but did at the same time receive him as Lord. He is a Prince and a Saviour. Well then, if he be our Saviour, he is our Prince also. Fi­nally, Do we keep his commandments? Rev. [Page 110] 22.14 They that keep his commandments have right to the Tree of Life. And do we conform to All his commandments? Joh 15.14 Ye are my Friends, if ye do all things whatsoever I Com­mand you. Is there a willingness in us so to do, to comply with All the commands of Christ? That is a sign that we have Faith, that we are among those unto whom CHRIST is their Saviour.


How are Believers indebted to the Lord Iesus Christ, in that he is their Saviour. And what is it he has saved them from? From going down into an horrible Pit: Job 23.10 He has delivered their Souls from going down intto the Pit. Their Souls were going down into the Pit, but he delivered them from that Pit. He has Delivered them from that, which all Men and Angels could never have saved them from; Even from the wrath of God. 1 Thes. 1.10 Iesus has Delivered us from wrath to come. Therefore he has saved us from the greatest Misery that can be imagined, yea greater than can be imagined. For no heart is able to conceive what a terrible thing the Wrath of God is. How great is that goodness that Ie­sus Christ has purc [...]ased, and that Iesus Christ by Saving thee will bring thee to the possession [Page 111] of? How great is that Good? Psal. 31.19 How great is thy Goodness that is laid up? How great? A Question is Propounded, but is not Answered, nor can be; How great? It is laid up; where? In heaven. How great is that Salvation, that Blessedness? None can ever say how great it is. It has not entred into the Heart of man to conceive, how great that Glory is, which Jesus Christ by being our Sa­viour, has obtain'd for us. If a Minister should spend his whole Life in Meditating on that Glory, he could not express a Million part of it. Therefore what do we owe to the Lord Je­sus Christ? And how are we indebted to Him? It cost Christ dear to obtain this Sal­vation for us: He has obtain'd it in no easie way. It has cost him his own Life and Blood: Eph. 1.7 We have Redemption, even the Forgive­ness of sins through [...] Blood. Never any of us had ever had the forgiveness of sins, if Christ had not shed his Blood: Not any of those Mil­lion of sins that we [...] been guilty of, had been forgiven to us, if Christ had not shed his Blood for us. Then what do we owe him? We owe him all possible [...]. The Angels Praise Christ, because of the Salvation tha [...] he has wrought out for us. Rev. 5.12 There is an innume [...]able c [...]mpany of Angels saying, wor­thy is the Lamb that was Slain to receive Honour, Glory and Blessing. Do Angels bless the Son [Page 112] of God because he has been slain on our be­half? And shall not we then do it too? Shall not we say as David, Psal. 103.1 Bless the Lord O my Soul, and all that is within me bless his Holy Name; who does forgive all thine Iniquities, and ransoms thy Life from Destruction. Our Life is Ransomed from Destruction, and Christ is he that Ransoms it from Everlasting De­struction. Then we ought to Praise him, and Bless his Name for ever. We owe to him all possible Service, we owe our selves to him, Body & Soul, and that forever to be his. 1 Cor. 6.20 You are not your own, you are bought with a Price, therefore Glorify God with your Bodies and Sp [...]rits which are his. Our bodies and spirits are his, who is the great God and ou [...] Sa [...]iour, who has bought them with the Price of his own Blood. Then we are under the greatest obligations that possibly can be, to Love him▪ Serve him, and Glorifie him, and that forever.


Lastly, Let us depend upon Iesus Christ alone for Salvation. What ever salvation we need or desire, we are to depend on Christ for it. Temporal Salvations we are to depend on him for. There is a dark Cloud impending o­ver this Land, a Dark Cloud, if it break many Lives will be lost▪ Seed time and Harvest will [Page 113] fail, and a terrible Famine come on us, and there will be no withstanding it. What shall we do then? Let us go to our Saviour Christ, and I am perswaded He will save us, notwith­standing all this Darkness that Threatens us. Mic 5.5 This Man shall be the Peace, when the Assyrian shall come in our Land. This Man, that is God as well as man: This Man whose goings are from Everlasting, shall be our Peace. We are safe enough no matter what Combi­nations are among our Enemies; if he who is our great Shepherd speak the word those Wolves shall not fall on his people. He is our great Shepherd, if he will but say, as, Isa. 54.17 No weapon form'd against thee shall prosper. All Designs and Combinations shall be blasted, if he that is our Saviour will but speak such a word on our behalf. We are then concerned to get into Christ above all things, and to take heed that we don't offend the Lord Jesus Christ; that we don't provoke him who is our Shepherd, to give us into the hands of Wolves to devour us. Would you know how these Churches may come to be saved? Let the Churches become such as once they were, and I dare boldly declare it, Christ will save them. And therefore we are concerned to hear what Christ sayes to the Churches, Rev. 2.4, 5 I have something against thee. Alas for us! Christ has something against the Churches [Page 114] in New-England; Repent and do thy first works, Remember whence thou art Fallen, or I will come quickly, and remove the Candlesticks. The Lord Jesus Christ; is Threatning to remove Candle­sticks out of their places, to make his House Desolate in New-England. The way to prevent it, is to consider from whence we are falle [...] and repent, and do our first works. Let [...] Churches be as once they were, and upon all the Glory, he will Create a Defence. Isa. 4.4 The saddest sign of all is, the Glory is sinned away. We have Despised the Glory, Young Men De­spise that Glory, and Young Preachers are risen up that Despise that Glory. And how then, can we but expect that Christ will appear against us, when we have sinned against the Glory. What is the Glory of Churches? But that they consist of Holy Members, of Regene­rate persons; and that great care be taken, that so far as men are able to judge, none but Godly persons be admitted into their Communion. But is it come to that, that we must not Enquire whether they are Godly, or put them upon relating their Spiritual Expe­riences? If such Principles so contrary to [...]he First-Works prevail, how can we expect Tem­poral Salvations? How can we think that the holy Lord Jesus Christ will not fulfil the Threat­nings of his Word, that such Churches shall be removed out of their places, and that [Page 115] quickly too. But especially, as to Eternal Sal­vation, we are to depend on the Lord Jesus Christ. We have no absolute promise of Tem­poral Salvation; but of Eternal Salvation, be­lievers have a promise. There was a Godly Minister Drowned on these Coasts, when cast on a Rock; Lord, sayes he, I can't challenge a Promise of the preservation of my Life, but ac­cording to thy Covenant, I challenge Heaven: im­mediately a Wave came and wafted him away to heaven. Therefore as to Eternal Salvat [...]on, we may & should depend on the Lord Jesus Christ: for that is that which God in his Covenant has assured to us, and it is Sealed to us in the Ordinance of the Lords Supper. Christ when he did Institute that Ordinance said, This is the New-Testament in my Blood, shed for the Re­mission of Sins. The Lord Jesus sayes to a true believer, when he partakes at his Table, as sure as Jesus Christ has shed his Blood, thy Sins are forgiven thee, and thy Soul shall be Eternally saved. Let us then repair to Christ with that Promise: that Promise, that Covenant shall never fail. For the Blood of Christ, is the Blood of the Everlasting Covenant. The Co­venant is sure, because Ratified in the Blood of Christ. And of this salvation, Christ will quickly make us possessors. When he appears the Second time, he will compleat this Salva­tion, [Page 116] we shall enjoy that Blessed Hope, when the Great God our Saviour shall Appear; and he will appear quickly, for he sayes, behold I come quickly, and my Reward is with me. AMEN, Lord Jesus, even so, come quickly.


We proceed now to the Third Doctrine.

3. Doct. THat there will be a Glorious Ap­pearing of the Lord Iesus Christ, when Believers shall enjoy their Hoped for Bles­sedness.

The Doctrine may be opened and confirm­ed, in several Propositions.


The Lord Iesus Christ will come again into this Visible world. Though He is gone into another World, into that Heaven which is to us un­seen, Heb. 7.26 He is made higher then the Heavens. Higher than these aspectable heavens which our mortal Eyes are able to behold; nevertheless he will return from thence. The [Page 117] Heavens must contain him, till the time of the Restitution of all things, and then will he come down from heaven. Therefore at the time when our Lord did ascend up into heaven, the Angel said to the Disciples, Acts 1.11 This Iesus who is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come as you have seen him go int [...] [...]ea [...]en. And before that, the Lord Jesus Christ did as­sure his Disciples that he would come again: Joh. 14.3 I will come unto you again. The Scripture speaks of a Double Personal coming, or appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ in this Lower world: Psal. 96. ult. He comes, He comes. A Converted Iew observes from those words, that in as much as they are doubled, He comes, He comes; that it was to intimate, that there shall be a Double coming or appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ: Heb. 9.28 He shall Appear the Second time. He has Appeared Once in the world already, but he shall Appear a Second time. When Christ did First Appear, it was to one Nation only, to the Iewish Nation only. Joh, 1.11 He came to his own, and his own re­ceived him not. But few of them that saw him when he was in the world, knew who he was. They were little aware that he was the E­ternal Son of God whom their Eyes beheld. Hence in ver. 10. He was in the world, and the world knew him not. But at his Second Coming, not only the Iewish Nation, but all Nations [Page 118] shall see him, and they shall All know who he is. Rev. 1.7 He comes in the Clouds o heaven, and every Eye shall see him, and they also that Pierced him. Not only the Iews, but all others shall see him then. When Christ came First into the world, the sins of his People were imputed to him, and then he Dyed to make Atonement for sin. It will not be so at his Second Coming. Heb. 9.28 He shall Appear the Second time without Sin: without having any sin imputed to him. At his first coming, his work was to Save his people by Dying for them. God sent his Son into the world, to be a Pro­pitiation for our sins. But his second coming shall be to Iudge the world. Thus both the First and Second Appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ, was by the Spirit of God Revealed un­to the Prophets. 1 Pet. 1.11 The Spirit which was in them did testifie before hand, conce [...]ning the Sufferings of Christ, and of the Glory that should follow. That implyes a Two-fold coming of Christ▪ Although in the Old-Testament, both these Appearings are spoken of without any express Di [...]tinction of a First and Secon [...] coming; nevertheless that is asserted which does necessarily imply it. For the Prophets speak of him as one that shall come to Dy for the sins of his People. Daniel sayes, that the Messiah shall be cut off; and yet he speaks of him as one that shall come in the Clouds of [Page 119] heaven to Iudge the world; which implyes two comings. So the Prophet Zechariah, speaks of the Messiah's being Crucified; and also that he shall come with all his Saints. These things Evidently imply a Two- [...]old coming of Christ. Yea, this Gospel was Preached in the very First Ages of the world. It was then Revealed that the Son of God should be made of a Woman, and that he should be bruised to Death, in order to the Salvation of his people. And yet, in the Age before the Flood, it was Revealed that he should come to judge the world. So did Enoch Prophesy above Four Thousand Years ago, as the Apostle Iude observes, 14, 15 verses: Enoch Prophesied, saying, that the Lord should come with Ten Thousand of his Saints, to Execu [...]e judgment. So that this Two-fold Appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ, is held forth unto us in the Scriptures, both of the Old and New-Testament.


That this Coming of the Lord Iesus Christ will be a Glorious Appearing. The Greek word [...] used in the Text, signifies an Illustr [...] ­ous Glorious Appearing. Thus, Mat. 24.30 He shall come with Powe [...], and Great Glory. And therefore the day of his Appearing, is called a Great Day: Jude 6. and the Terrible Day [Page 120] of the Lord. Acts 2.20 Christs First Appear­ing was in Meanness: His Second Appearing shall be with great Glory; with the Greatest and most Glorious Majesty. His first Appearing was in the form of a Servant, as if he was but a mean inconsiderable person. Phil. 2.6, 7· He made himself of no Reputation, and took upon him the form of a Servant. But at his Second Coming he will Appear like Himself, in the form of the Son of God; yea in the form of the Great God. As when the three Princes were cast into the Furnace; Nebuchadnezzar (Dan. 3 25) was astoni [...]hed; sayes he, there were Three men cast into the Furnace, and I see Four men, and the form of the Fourth is like the Son of God. So when Jesus Christ Appears again, the world shall be astonished, for he will Appear in the form of the Son of God. His Humane Na­ture will then Appear with such Divine Ma­jesty, as will Declare him to be what he is. It will shine with a greater Glory, than the Sun in the Firmament. And therefore Paul when travelling to Damascus, and Christ Ap­peared to him in the way, Acts 26.13 At Mid-day saw a Light above the Brightness of the Sun. The Humane Nature of Christ has a Glory attending it, above the Brightness of the Sun at Noon. We read, Rev. 18.1 of an Angel that came down from Heaven, and Lightned the Earth with his Glory. When Je­sus [Page 121] Christ shall come down from Heaven, he will Lighten the Earth with his Glory. The Glorious Appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ discovers its self in several things.

1. In respect of the Glorious Attendants that then he shall have. He shall have great Atten­dants to wait upon him, when he comes down from Heaven into this lower world a­gain. There shall attend him an Herauld who shall blow the T [...]umpet, and Summon the whole World to come and stand before his Judgment-seat; and this Herauld shall be no less then an Arch-angel, and as it seems the chief among the Arch-angels. 1 Thes. 4.16 The Lord shall descend from Heaven with a Shout, and with the Voice of the Arch-angel, and the Trumpet of God. Not only an Arch-angel, but an Innumerable company of Angels shall then come to wait upon him, and to do what service he shall see meet to appoint them unto. Therefore the Prophet Daniel did in a Vision see the Son of Man coming in the Clouds of heaven: Dan. 7.10 And there were Ten Thousand times Ten Thousand that Ministred unto him. Millions of Angels shall then wait upon him. Yea more, all the Angels in heaven, not an Angel in heaven but shall in that Illustrious Da [...] come to wait upon the Lord Jesus Christ, the Great God our Saviour. Mat. 25.31 When he shall sit on [Page 122] His Throne of Glory, and all the holy Angels shall come with him. Not some only, but all of them. And yet more, all the Saints in Glory shall then come down from Heaven to wait upon him. Zach. 14.5 The Lord thy God shall come, and all his Saints with him. The Apostle therefore prayes for the Thessalonians, 1 Thes. 3.15 that they may be found unblameable, at the coming of the Lord Iesus with all his Saints. That then shews that his Second Coming will be a Glorious Appearing.

2. It will be a Glorious Appearing in respect of the Illustrious and Terrible things which he will cause to be done then. For he will cause all that are Dead to come forth [...] of their Graves in that day, but every one [...] his own order. He shall no sooner Appear, but Be­lievers [...]hall rise out of their Graves: 1 Cor. 15.23 The Dead shall rise every one in his own order; Christ the first fruits, afterwards they that are Christs at his coming. And before the dis­pensation of judgment, which begins with the Glorious Appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ shall be finished, all that are Dead shall Rise, as well the Wicked as the Righteous. Joh. 5.28, 29 All that are in their Graves shall hear the Voice of the Son of God, and come forth, they that have done Good unto the Resurrection of Life, but they that have done Evil unto the [Page 123] Resurrection of Damnation. That is a Glori­ous thing; Christ will then be known to be the Son of God, when all the world shall see that he is able by speaking a word, to make the De [...]d to Live. When those that have been in their Graves and turned to Dust, above Five Thousand Years, shall then be made to Live by the quickning Voice of the Son of God. And another thing that he will do (and it is a Terrible thing indeed) is, He will set the world on Fire: set this Earth all on a light Fire and Burn it up. There has been one De­struction brought upon this sinful Earth already; whi [...]h was by Water, in the dayes of Noah, when the whole World was Drowned, all ex­cepting one Family consisting of Eight persons. But there is a more Terrible Destruction coming on this woful Earth, and that will be by Fire, at the Appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Pet. 3.7 The Heavens and the Earth which now are, they are reserved unto Fire at the Day of Iudgment. And ver. 10. The Ele­ments shall melt with fervent Heat, and the Earth and the works which are therein shall be Burnt up. The Appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ will begin with Flames of Fire, which sinners will be no more able to stand before it, then they can resist Thunder and Lightning. 2 Thes. 1.7 The Lord Iesus Christ shall be Reveal'd from Heaven in flaming Fire. He will bring [Page 124] a final Destruction on all his Enemies in the day of his appearing. As 'tis said particu­larly concerning Antichrist, who is a pretend­ed Friend of Christ, yet the greatest Enemy that has been in the world above this Thou­sand Years. It is said, 2 Th [...]s. 2.8 The Lord shall destroy him with the brightness of his coming. The Fire in which the Son of God shall be revealed from heaven, will cause it to be a Bright Day, and a Light Day, and the Bright­ness of his coming shall utterly Destroy that Enemy. Thus Daniel Prophesied, (Dan. 7.11) concerning Antichrist, that his body shall be given to the Burning Flame. And not only Antichrist, but other Enemies shall Pe­rish at this Glorious appearing. Isaiah has Prophesied of this Fire that Christ shall appear in. Isa. 66.11, 12 The Lord shall come with Fire, and shall render his Rebukes with Flames of Fire, with his Sword and with Fire i. e. with that Sword of Fire he will plead with all Flesh, and the slain of the Lord shall be ma­ny. This Fire is that which none of His Enemies shall escape: Mal. 4.1 The Day of the Lord shall burn like an O [...]en, & the proud, yea, and all that do Wickedly shall be as stubble, & the Day that comes shall burn them up. Is not this a Terrible and Glorious Appear­ing?

[Page 125]3. When Christ Appears the Second time, he will be Known and Owned as the King of the Vniverse. Psal. 96.9 All the Earth will fear him. It is a blessed Truth, that the Lord Jesus Christ shall have an Universal Kingdom, a Monarchy over all the World. His King­dom shall be the last that ever shall be in the world, and the greatest. The Prophet, Dan. 7.14 saw the Son of Man coming in the Clouds of Heaven; and a Kingdom was given to him, that all people should serve him. All the men in the world shall serve him. Most true it is, that the Lord Jesus Christ does now Reign: He has now a Kingdom, and he is now the Governour of the world; which is implyed in that Expression, of his sitting at the Right hand of God. The Man Christ Iesus is Co-partner with God in the Govern­ment of the World. He is installed in the very Throne of God: He is sat down with his Father on his Throne, and all Power in Heaven and Earth is given to him. Aye, but the World does not know this, nor see, nor b [...]lieve this. The whole Iewish Nation don't believe one word of this; but they shall believe, they shall see that it is so. There­fore when Chri [...] was Arraigned & Condemn­ed, Mar. 14.62) He said to the High Priest and the rest of the Jews, You shall see the Son [Page 126] of Man sitting at the Right hand of Power, & coming in the Clouds of Heaven. And not on­ly so, but all the World shall see it. There have been Millions in the world, that never in all their Lives heard of Jesus Christ, never did hear that Jesus Christ is the Great God, and that he is the King of all the World. But in this Day, they shall all hear of it; the whole Race of Mankind shall hear it. Every man that is, or has been in the world, or shall be, from Adam to the last man that shall be Born, will then see that Chri [...] is Lord of ALL, and will do Homage to him accordingly. Rom. 14.10, 11 We must all appear before the Iudgment-seat of Christ; as it is Written, every knee shall bow, & eve [...]y tongue confess to God. There is not a Tongue in the World, nor ever was, nor ever shall be, but in the Day of Christ's Appearing shall Confess that he is the true God, and the Lord of all. Christs Judging the World, is his Reigning over the World. Psal. 96.10, 13 Say among the Nations the Lord Reigneth, He shall Iudge the World in Righteousness. The Father Judges no man im­mediately, but he hath Committed all Judg­ment to His Son. He will Judge the World, by the Man whom he hath Ordained; that is IESVS CHRIST, and this will be at His Appearing. Then does He Reign, then does He come to the full Possession of the [Page 127] Kingdom that belongs unto Him. 2 Tim. 4 1 He shall Iudge the Quick and the Dead. The Quick, those that he shall find alive at his Coming; and all that are dead, He shall judge them at his Appearing and his Kingdom: So then, Christ shall have an Vniversal Kingdom, at the Day of His Appearing to Judge the world.


Then Believers shall enjoy their Hoped for Bles­sedness. The Blessed Hope look'd for, that (saith the Apostle) will be at the Appear­ing of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. He will then appear as a Saviour to Believers. Heb. 9.28 He shall Appear the Second time to Salvation. And what is it Believers do Hope for? It is Glory, Eternal Glory. They rejoyce in Hope of the Glo [...]y of God. And this Glory they shall have at the Appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ: Col. 3.4 When He shall Appear we shall appear with him in Glory. All and every one that has a true Faith in his Name, shall then have this Glory given to them. 1 Pet. 1.7 That the Tryal of your Faith may be unto Praise, and Honour, and Glory at the Appearing of the Lord Iesus Christ. So then, Believers shall in that Day enjoy what they hope for. All the Promises made unto the People of God, shall in that Day receive their full ac­complishment. [Page 128] The Scripture is full of Pro­mises, and those Promises shall all of them be performed to the utmost, in the Day of Christs Appearing. For what is it that the Lord hath Promised to Believers?

1. He has Promised that they shall have a Glorious Resurrection unto Eternal Life. That their Dead bodies shall Rise again. Christ proved against the Sadduces that there shall be a Resurrection of the Dead, because of the Co­venant of God. Mat. 22.31 As touching the Re­surrection of the Dead, have you not heard that God said, (He said it to Moses in the Bush) I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; he is not the God of the Dead, but of the Living. And therefore because of the Covenant, Abra­ham, Isaac and Iacob must Rise out of their Graves. Believers have given themselves to God, Body and Soul; they have not only given their Souls but their Bodies also to Christ. So then, God is in Covenant with them in respect of their bodies, as well as of their souls. As for the Soul, that is immortal, and by vertue of the Covenant their Bodies that are Dead, shall be Raised to Life again. And this is a great part of that Blessedness which believers hope for. They have hope towards God that there shall be a Resurrection from the Dead▪ Sayes Paul, for the hope of the Resurrection of [Page 129] the Dead am I called in Question. At the Resurrection, their bodies shall undergo a bles­sed glorious Change; they shall be made like to the Glorious body of the Son of God. Their bodies shall then be freed from all such Evils as at present they are subject unto. They shall never endure any Pain more, they shall never be subject to any Disease in the least any more. Aye, and they shall not be subject to Mortality any more. Luk. 20 26 The Children of the Resurrection are equal to the Angels of God, neither can they Dye any more. Their bodies are then so Immortalized as that they cannot Dy any more. And this Blessedness they shall have at the Appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore Iob sayes, Job 19.25 I know that my Redeemer shall stand on the Earth at the latter Day. And sayes he, although worms shall after my skin destroy this Body, yet in my Flesh I shall see God, at the latter day. Now that Latter Day is the same with the Day of the Appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ. Then is it that Iob and all be­lievers shall have a Glorious Resurrection vouchsafed to them.

2. The Lord has Promised that all their Obe­dience shall be Rewarded. They have not done any service for God and Christ, but it shall have a Glorious Reward; though never so [Page 130] small a matter, it shall have a great re [...]ard. Matth. 10.42. Sayes Christ, whoever shall give, if but a Cup of cold Water to a Disciple in the Name of a Disciple, he shall not lose his reward. Though never so small a matter, he shall be rewarded for it, if he has done it in Obedience to Christ. Much more then, they that have done great services for the Lord Jesus Christ shall be Gloriously Rewarded in that Day. If he that gives but a Cup of cold Water to a Disciple shall be rewarded, how will that man be rewarded that has been an instru­ment of much good to many a Soul? In that Day he shall shine as the Stars for ever & ever. So shall they that have Suffered for the Name of Christ: That man that has been Reproach­ed for his Faithfulness to the Interest of Christ, that man that▪ has been Reviled, and Evil spoken of for standing up in the cause of Christ, shall have a great Reward. Blessed are you sayes Christ, when men Reproach you and speak all manner of Evil of you, Great shall be your Reward. And when shall they have this reward? It shall be at the Appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ. Rev. 22.12 Behold I come, (saith Christ) and my Reward is with me. When Christ comes He brings his blessed Reward along with him. We must not look for Recompences whilest in this world, for what services we do for Christ in this [Page 131] world; but at the Day of His Appearing▪ then shall we [...]e Rewarded. Luk. 14.14 Thou shalt be Recompenced at the Resurrection of the Iust. When Christ Appears, then will be the Re­surrection. A Recompence for services you must not expect in this world, but in the Re­surrection world.


3. The Lord has P [...]omised a Kingdom to Be­lievers. No less than that, Jam. 2.5 [...] in Faith, Heirs of a Kingdom▪ And he has Promised they shall sit on a Throne, Rev. 3.21 To him that overcome, will I Grant to sit with me on my Throne. He has Promised they shall have a Crown, in the Day of his Ap­pearing: 1 Pet. 5.4 When the chief Shepherd shall A [...]pear, they shall receive a Crown of Glory which [...] not away.

4. The Lord has Promised that Believers shall be with him. John 12.26 Where I am my Servants shall be also. They shall be with him when he comes to Judge the World: they shall come with him▪ and never be se­parated from him any more. 1 Thes. 4.17 So shall we be ever with the Lord. And they shall sit with him on Thrones when he Judges the World, and after that go with [Page 132] him to his Fathers House. Therefore Christ sayes, John 14.2, 3. In my Fathers House there are many Mansions; and I will come to you again and take you to my self, and where I am there you shall be also ▪ Namely in my Fathers House. This is the Heaven of Heavens thus to be with Christ, to behold his Glory throughout the Dayes of Eternity. Mat. 25.34 Come you blessed of my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you, from the Foundation of the world. Believers shall be with Christ in that Heavenly King­dom forevermore.

We proceed to APPLY this Doctrine.


Here then we may see, that the Saints in Heaven are not so Happy as one Day [...] shall be. They shall have a greater Blessedness as to the Degrees of it, then at present they are made partakers of. Most true it is, that the Saints departed are in a Blessed state. The believer no sooner Dyes, but he is blessed: Rev. 14 13 Blessed are the Dead which dye in the Lord. They which Dy in the Lord, are no sooner Dead but they are Blessed. They are set at Liberty from all that is Evil. They are freed from Sin the worst of Evils. Rom. 6.7 He that is Dead is freed from Sin. Aye [Page 133] and freed from all Affliction too. Saints De­parted enjoy a blessed Tranquility, in that World of Souls where they are: Isa. 57.2 The Righteous are taken away from the Evil to [...]. They rest in their Beds; they enter into Peace. When their bodies rest in the Grave, their souls enter into Peace and Glorious Tran­quillity, and they are filled with Joy. They enter into the Joy of their Lord, into joy Unspeakable and full of Glory. It was there­fore said of Lazarus, that when he Died the Angels carried him into Abrahams bosome: and 'tis said, Luk. 16.25 Now he is comforted. There is ineffable Joy and Consolation, which filleth the Soals in Heaven. Nevertheless, they shall have a greater addition to their Blessed­ness, at the Appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ: For then shall they be brought to a full enjoyment of the Glorious Inheritance that is promised to them. Rom. 8.23 We wait for the Adoption, to wit, the Redemptio [...] of our Bodies. The Adoption▪ that is the Inheritance which we are Adopted to; the Inheritance which by vertue of our Adoption we have a right unto. This we shall have at the Re­demption of our Bodies, when our bodies shall be redeemed from the Power of the Grave. The Saints in Glory, are at present blessed only in respect of their Souls, but at the Ap­pearing of Chris [...] ▪ they shall be Glorious not [Page 134] only in respect of their Souls but of their Bodies too. Then shall they have a Kingdom which as yet they are not in the Possession of. Then shall they Reign. Rev. 5.10 We shall Reign on Earth, viz. at the Appearing of Jesus Christ, and during the Day of Judgment. Psal. 49.14 In the Morning the Vpright shall have Do­minion over them. In the Morning, that is in the Morning of the Resurrection, they shall have a Glorious Dominion, for they shall then Judge the world. 1 Cor. 6.2 Know you not that the Saints shall Iudge the World. At the Ap­pearing and Kingdom of Christ, they shall judge the world, and so have that Degree of Glory which at present they have not. And then also they shall be Cleared of all Reproaches cast upon them. They are many times charged with Crimes they are not guilty of, and their Innocence is not known, but at Christs Appear­ing it will be known. And in that Day all the world shall know that they belong to God. So that they shall then be made par­takers of a higher Degree of Blessedness then at present they enjoy, for all they are as to their Souls in Heaven.


If Believers shall enjoy their Hoped for Bles­sedness at the Day of Christs Appearing, then they [Page 135] have great reason to Long for [...] Day o [...] Iudg­ment. To long for that Day of the Glo [...]ious Appearing of the Great God our Saviour Jesus Christ. As the Saints of Old did long for the First Coming of Christ. Abraham by Faith saw that Day, and was glad; and many Prophets and Righteous men desired to see it. So Be­lievers should long for the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Pet. 3.12 Looking for and Hatning to the Coming of the Day of God. You must no [...] only Look for, not only Believe that such a Day will come, but you must Hasten to it, that is by earnest desires, by longing wishes; we should Pray for the coming of this Day. Thus Christ has taught us to Pray, Thy Kingdom Come. We must therefore Pray for the Day of Judgment. For the Kingdom of Christ will not come in all the Glory of it, before that Blessed Day. And when we Pray, Thy Will be done on Earth as in Heaven, we Pray for the Day of Judgment. For then and not till then will the Will of God be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Then will the Saints that shall come down from Heaven, the Saints in the New-Ierusalem do the Will of God with as much Perfection on Earth, as now it is done in Heaven. So then, we are to Pray for this Coming of the Lord. And great reason Believers have so to do, because of that perfect Salvation which they shall then [Page 136] be made partakers of. By Hope we are Saved. We hope for a perfect Salvation in that Day, therefore should long for that Day. 1 Pet. 1 13. Hoping for the Grace that shall be brought to you at the Revelation of Iesus Christ. Grace, that is Glory proceeding from the meer Grace of God, without any Merit of ours, shall be brought to us at the Revelation of Jesus Christ. When H [...] shall be Reveal'd from Heaven, we shall be Immortal then. Suppose w [...] Die and go to the Grave before this Glo­rious Appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ, yet He will R [...]ise us up in that Day to a blessed Immort [...]llity. Or, suppose Christ shall come quickly, as he will; but suppose so quickly as to be here while we are yet alive, when the Son of God comes down to judge the Earth, we shall in one Moment be made Im­mortal. All Believers shan't Die that shall be found alive at the appearing of Christ, but all shall be Changed in a Moment, in the twinkling of an Eye. 1 Cor. 15.51, 52. A Glorious Change will pass on them as to their Bodies, there­fore they have cause to Long for this Blessed Day.


Will the Appearing of the Lord Iesus Christ be a Blessed Day to Believers, what then will it be [Page 137] to Vnbelievers? Unto all Christless Sinners, to those whom Christ at His coming shall find without an Interest in him▪ it will be a Ter­rible Day to them. A Dreadful day it was when the Lord came down on Mount Sinai, it was a Day of Blackness, and Darkness and Tempest; the Mountain shook and was all on a light Fire. Well, but when the Son of God comes down from Heaven to judge those that have Transgressed that Law, what a Terrible Day will it be? 2 Cor. 5.11 We knowing the Terror of the Lord perswade men. The Day of judgment is called, the Terror of the Lord. No Tongue is able to Express, no Heart is able to Conceive the Terror of that Day. For when the Lord Jesus Christ the Great God and our Saviour shall Appear, all men must come before His Judgment-Seat: And as for Christless Sinners, their sins shall be discovered in the hearing of Heaven and Earth. All the world will hear what secret sins they have been guilty of Eccles. 12.14. God will bring every work with every secret thing into Iudgment, whether it be Good, or whether it be Evil. All the evil all the sins that wretched Creatures have committed in seeret, will then be told of. Many a Guilty sinner would be ashamed to shew his Head among men, if what he has done in secret should be told and spoken of before the world. Well, but at this Day of [Page 138] Christs Appearing, all the World shall be told of thy secret abominations, thy secret filthiness, and secret thefts will then be known. Now Sinners think to hide them [...]es by telling a Lye; Aye, but it will be in vain in that Day to go about to hide any thing from the Infinite and Omniscient God. And there will then be a Sentence passed upon all Christless Sinners, by the Mouth of the Lord Himself. And what will that Sentence be? It may make the Rocks to rend to hear what it shall be. They shall be Sentenced to be Burnt to Death, and that they shall continue in those Ever­lasting Burnings World without end. That is the Sentence Mat. 25.41. Then shall the King say, (the King Messiah, the Son of God he is the King of the world, He will say) Depart ye Cursed into Everlasting Fire. Will not this be a Dreadful day to Sinners? And as sure as the Sentence is passed, Execution will fol­low. For there is no Appeal from this Sen­tence to an higher Court. And the Judge by a words speaking, can cause the Executi­on to be done; He has Thousands and Milli­ons of Angels to Execute His Commands, and to do His Pleasure; more Angels then there are Men in the world, one of which is able to deal with Millions of men. Chr [...]st will in that Day come with all his Angels, and [Page 139] the Mighty Angels shall bind sinners up in Bundles, and throw them into the Fire.


Lastly, Oh! Let us make sure that we be Prepared for this Coming of Christ. And there­fore, let us often be thinking of it. Let this Glorious Day often come into our minds. O Sinner often think with thy self, if Christ should come down from Heaven this Night, what account have I to give to him? If He should call me before His Judgment-Seat this Night, what account can I give of what I have done for God and Christ in the world? Think, if the Lord Jesus Christ should come down from Heaven this day, what wo [...]ld He say to me? Would He say to me, Come thou Blessed? Or, would he not say to me, Away thou Cursed? And remember as Death leaves us, so will the Judgment which will be at the Appearing of our Lord Iesus Christ find us. We have no time to prepare for it, but while we live in this world. Heb. 9.27. It is ap­pointed unto men once to Dye, but after this the Iudgment. There will be a General judgment, but first a Particular judgment; So soon as ever t [...]e Immortal Soul of a sinner is parted from his Body, then a Iudgment is passed on him, and that Judgment will be proclamed at the [Page 140] Last Day, though now none knows what it is. And when the soul is separated from the body, either Christ will command His Angels to conduct that Soul to Glory in Heave [...], or permit Devils to carry it to the place of Tor­ment. Oh, then Prepare for this Coming, since Iudgment will find us as Death leaves us. God calls aloud to us all to Prepare, yea, to Young People as well as others. Does not God take away some of them, and that sud­denly? In the week past, Three Young Men as likely to live as any here this day, over Night were Well, and Dead the next day. There is a Voice of the Lord in that awful stroak of his. And what does the Lord say? The Voice of God unto you all is, Oh! Let every one be alwayes Prepared for the Ap­pearing of the Lord Jesus Christ. Every one, Young and Old, be alwayes Prepared for Death and Iudgment. Oh that Young Per­sons would think of that and do accordingly. And remember, that as Judgment leaves us, so must we be to all Eternity. Hebr. 6. [...] ▪ We read of Eternal Iudgment; because at the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ, men shall be Sentenced to an Eternal state of Happiness or of Misery. They must then be Sentenced either to Eternal Weal or to Eter­nal Woe. If Death and Iudgment find us in Christ, then shall we inherit Eternal Life; [Page 141] but if they find us out of Christ, then must we go away from His presence into Everlast­ing Punishment. Oh then think of these things. And if we would be Prepared for the appearing of Christ, we must make thorough work of it in Repentanc [...] for Sin, in turning from sin to God. Acts 17.31. Now God commands all men eve­ry where to Repent, because He has Appointed a Day wherein He will Iudge the World by the Man whom He has Ordained. In that Day if men be found among the Impenitent ones it will be a sad Day to them: better thou hadst never been Born. Therefore Sinner, Repent of every sin that thou hast been Guilty of. Live not another day in any sin: For believe it from the Lord, if there be any one Sin that Death shall come on thee before thou hast Re­pented of that Sin, at the Day of Judgment thou wilt wish thou never hadst been Born. And Oh, let us make sure that we be found in Christ▪ That was the Apostles great care, that Death and Iudgment might find him in Christ. Nothing else will stand a Man in stead in the Day of His appearing. It is not being found in the Church that will stand you in stead at that Day. It is [...] being found among Civil Moral men: at that Day many will be found among such, that will not be found in Christ at all. And if thou art not [Page 142] found in Christ, that Day will be a Dismal Day to the [...].

Finally, Let us endeavour to be like Jesus Christ. If we are like Him, when He appears we shall be more like Him. If we are lik [...] Him now in respect of Grace, we shall be like Him then in respect of Glory. Christ did alwayes the things that please God: If there be such an Heart in us, then may we Think of the Day of Judgment with Transports of Joy. 1. Ioh. 4.17. We may have Boldness in the Day of Iudgment; because as He is, so are we in this world.



Page 16. l. 16. for have read be, p. 17. l. 26. [...]. all r. also. l. 28▪ d. then. p. 30. l. 1. d. desiring. p. 81. l. 23. f. then r. that. p. 88. l. 11. d. what. p. 96. l. 6. f. to as r. as to. p. 98. l. 30. r. proclames.

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