
Upon Mr. Samuel Willard, his first coming into the Assembly, and Praying, after a long and dangerous Fit of Sickness; November 21. 1700. at 3. in the Afternoon, being a Day of Publick THANKSGIVING. Mr. Pemberton's Text, Psal. 118.27.

AS Joseph let his Brethren see
Simeon both alive, and free:
So JESUS brings forth Samuel,
To tune our hearts to praise Him well.
Thus He with beams of cheerful Light
Corrects the darkness of our Night:
His Grace assists us in this wise
To seise and bind the Sacrifice.
Distressing Fear caus'd us to Pray *
God help'd us; He will help us aye.
Let's then our Ebenezer raise,
And honour GOD with endless Praise.

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