[Page] [Page] Copy of the Orders for Repealing of several Acts.

AT THE Court at Whitehall. The [...] Day of August, 1695. Present, Their [...]encies the Lords Justices [...] COUNCIL.

  • Lord Arch Bishop of Canterbury
  • Lord Keeper
  • Lord Privy Seal
  • Duke of Shrewsbury
  • Earle of Oxford
  • Earle of Montague
  • Earle of Monmouth
  • Earle of Romney
  • Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer
  • Lord Chief Justice Holt
  • Sir Henry Goodrick
  • Mr. Smith.

WHEREAS by Powers granted under the Great Seal of England, the Governour, Council and Assembly of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New-England, are Authorized and Impowred to Constitute and Ordain Laws, which are to [...]inue & be in force unless His Majesties pleasure shall be signifyed [...] [...]he contrary. And whereas in pursuance of the said Powers, se­ [...] Laws have been made by the Governour, Council and Assem­ [...] of the said Province. That is to say,

An Act, For continuing the Local Laws to stand in Force till Novem­ber the 10 th. 1692.

An Act, For Erecting of a Naval Office

An Act, For Holding of Courts of Justice.

An Act, For Incorporating of Harvard Colledge at Cambridge in [...]-England.

An Act, For Setting forth general Priviledges.

An Act, For the quieting of Possessions, and setling Titles.

An Act, For the equal distribution of Insolvent Estates.

An Act, For the punishing of Capital Offenders.

An Act, For making of Lands and Tenements liable to the payment of [...].

An Act, Against the Counterfeiting, Clipping, rounding, Fileing and [...]ring of Coynes.

[Page] An Act, For the [...] of Judicatories, and Courts of Justice within this Province.

An Act, For the Establishing of Precedents and Forms of Writs and Processes.

An Act, Against Conjuration, Witchcraft, and dealing with Evil and Wicked Spirits.

An Act, For the better securing the Liberty of the Subject, and for Prev [...] of Illegal Imprisonment.

An Act, For the Reviving of an Act, for continuing of the Local Laws.

And one other Act, For sending of Soldiers to the Relief of the Neighbouring Provinces and Colonies.

Which said Laws having upon perusal of the Right Honou­rable the Lords of His Majesties most Honourable Privy Coun­cil, appointed a Committee of Trade and Plantations been presented to Their Excellencys the Lords Justices of England. Their Excel­lencies by the Advice of His Majesties Privy Council, have thought fit to signify Their Disapprobation and Disallowance of the same. And accordingly the said Laws are hereby repealed and declared void and of none Effect,

William Bridg [...]man.

At the Court at Kinsington, the 26. day of December 1695.

Present, The KINGS Most Excellent Majesty in COUNCIL.
  • Lord Keeper
  • Lord Privy Seal
  • Duke of Norfolk
  • Duke of Sconberge
  • Duke of Shrewsbury
  • Marquess of Winchester.
  • Lord Great Chamberlain.
  • Earle of Bridgewater
  • Earle of Stamford
  • Earle of Scarbarough
  • Earle of Romney
  • Lord Godolphin
  • Mr. Vice Chamberlain
  • Mr Secretary Trumbull
  • Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequor
  • Lord Chief Justice Holt
  • Mr. Russell
  • Mr. Boscawen
  • Mr. Smith.

WHEREAS by Powers granted under the Great Seal of England, the Governour, Council and Assembly of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-En­gland, are Authorized and Impowred to Consti­tute and Ordain Laws, Statutes and Ordinances, which are to continue and be in force until His Majesties Pleasure shall be signified to the contrary. And whereas in pursuance of the said Powers, two Laws have been made by the Governour, Council and Assembly of the said Province, Entituled,

[Page] An Act, For Coasting Vessels [...] And

An Act, To Restrain the Exports, [...] Hides and Skins out of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay: And for the better preservation and increase of Deer in the said Province.

His Majesty is pleased to signify his Disapprobation and Disallow­ance of the said Laws, and according to His Majesties Pleasure the said Laws are hereby Repealed & declared void and of none Effect.

William Bridgeman.


That the several Acts Entituled as follows, being disallowed of and repealed by Their Excellencies the Lords Justices of England in Council, have been Re-Enacted by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesties-Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New-England, with amendments, since the Receipt of the signification of the said Repeal, which was on the 13 th of July 1696.

That is to say,

An Act, Impowring Justices of the Peace to decide differences not ex­ceeding Forty Shillings.

An Act, For Establishing of Courts.

An Act, For the Revival and further continuing of the Act for Esta­blishing of Precedents and Forms of Writts and Processes.

An Act, For the equal distribution of Insolvent Estates.

An Act, For the making of Lands and Tenements liable to the payment of Debts.

An Act, For Incorporating Harvard Colledge at Cambridge in New England.

An Act, For ascertaining the value of [...] currant within this Pro­vince.

An Act, Against High Treason.

An Act, To prevent the Murthering of Bastard Children.

An Act, Against Murder.

An Act, Against Ravishment or Rape.

An Act, For the punishment of Buggery.

BOSTON in New-England.

Printed by Order of the Honorable the Lieutenant Governour and Council; by Bartholomew Green, and John Allen. 1697.

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