
Unfruitful HEARERS Detected & Warned: OR A Discourse Wherein the Danger of, and by, Unprofitable Hearing, is laid open and Cautioned against. As it was delivered, in the Course of his Ministry; By Mr. Nehemiah Walter, Pastor of the Church in Roxborough.

Published by some of the Hearers.

Ezek. 2.7.
And thou shalt speak my words unto them, whether they will Hear, or whether they will forbear.
Luk 8.18
Take heed therefore how you hear.

Boston, Printed by B. Green, & J. Allen. Sold by Michael Perry, at his Shop under the West End of the Town House. 1696.

Christian READER,

A S it is the greatest, & most Distinguishing outward favour, that God bestows on any Peo­ple, to give them his Word & Ordinances, Psal. 147. 19,20. So it must needs be the most Hei­nous Provocation offered to the God of Heaven, to slight or despise this Priviledge, & Consequently will procure for them that so do, the sorest Punishments, according to, Joh. 15 22. Math. 11. 21. &c. That all, who enjoy the best & clearest dispensation of the Gospel, do not Profit by it, is evident, both by the Parable of the Sower, Math. 13. begin. In which there are four sorts of hearers, & but one of them is the better by it; & by the frequent Observation of the Apostasy and Degeneracy of men, though the Ordinances continue in their Light & Purity among them, as it was with Ephesus, Rev. 2. begin. And no wonder, since there is an imbred Unbelief of, & Prejudice at the word of God, in all men naturally, which nothing but his mighty Grace can subdue. And it is observable, that this Unprofitableness is wont to steal upon men by degrees, and they are not aware of it, whiles they make a great noise, and flourishing show of a plausible Pro­fession, having a name to live, any yet are dead, as Sardis, Rev. 3. 1. There is therefore great need for Gods faithful Servants, to be often by way of Caution, and frequently by way of Conviction, calling upon their Hearers, to see to themselves, and rouse them up from their sloth on this Account And doubtless, these Churches in N. E. have as much need as any in the World, of being closely [...] this Account. How rich a Price we have had [...] our Hands to get Wis­dom, by Occasion of the free & faithful Preaching of the Word among us, must be Confessed, with admira­tion [Page] at the singular kindness of God in it: but if the frame of Spirit, and Conversation of this People be observed, it will too notoriously say, that we have too generally been those fools that have not an heart to it. And is it not time to rouse up to the Considera­tion of it, when God is walking through the Land in a course of Judgment, to the procuring of which this Sin hath had a great Share.

The Reverend Author of the ensuing Sermons, had this much upon his heart, & was accordingly stir­red up by God, to do the part of a Faithful Watch­man, in giving his Flock Solemn warning of it; which it pleased the Lord of the Harvest to follow so with his Blessing, as to affect the hearts of divers of his Hearers therewith, and to excite some of them to de­sire the Publication of them, for the more Common be­nefit of a People equally concerned; which they obtain­ed, though not without reluctancy of Spirit in him, who entertained a Modest & Undervaluing Opinion of himself, & his own Labours. For my part, I must Profess, that I took upon it to be a Word in Season, & never more needed, than in this day of carnal security, & vain confidence in the Temple of the Lord, while men little regard how they live up to the Truths that are constantly urged on them; and do heartily bless God, that he raisieth up such Labourers in his Vine­yard, & pray that he will still go on to bless us with such Plants, that may be for a Succession in the room of those whom he is Transplanting into his Heavenly Kingdom. And that the Following Discourse may he one help to recover us to our First Love & help us to Strengthen the things that are ready to dy, & accordingly be Words of Life to all that Read them, I commend both it & you to his Blessing, who Teacheth us to Profit, Who am, The least, & most Un­worthy of Ministers,

[Page 5]

Unfruitful HEARERS Detected & Warned:

Heb. 4. 2. The Word Preached did not Profit them.

THE Scriptures are not only Do­ctrinal, but also Historical; they contain matters of Fact, as well as Articles of Faith. Amongst the many matters of Fact Recorded, the Evils Committed, and the Evils Suffered by the People of God, are none of the fewest; their sins and punishments stand upon Record, and are handed down to Succeeding Generations: One great De­sign of God in Transmitting them to Af­ter ages is, that men might be Warned a­gainst falling into the like sins, least they [Page 6] fall under a like Dispensation of Wrath; this is the declared end of God in penning down the Sin and Destruction of the Israe­lites in the Wilderness, 1 Cor. 10. 11. All these things happened unto them for Ensamples and they are written for our Admonition, upon whom the Ends of the World are come. The Apostle Paul, in complyance with this De­sign of God, makes a Practical Improve­ment of the Israelites Unbelief and Exclu­sion from the Rest of God, in this Chap­ter, wherein is our Text, & the preceding; he tells us that the People of Israel had a Promise of Rest given unto them, but by reason of their Unbelief, they Entred not thereinto: He also tells us, That the same Promise of Rest given to them, is likewise given to us; and therefore cautions us a­gainst falling after their Example of Un­belief. That we have the Promise of Gods Rest remaining to us under the New Te­stament, the Apostle proves, from our be­ing Gospelized as well as they; the same Gospel that was Preached unto them, is Preached unto us; and consequently all the Promises of Spiritual and Eternal Rest appertaining thereunto, are given unto us.

In the managing of this Argument, the Apostle takes occasion, for our solemn Ad­monition, to set before us the ineffectual­ness [Page 7] of the Gospel Preached unto the Isra­elites, but says he, The Word Preached did not Profit them.

In the Text two things are asserted con­cerning the Israelites in the Wilderness.

1. That the Word was Preached unto them. In the Greek 'tis, The Word of Hearing; that is, the Word Dispensed unto the Sense of Hearing, besides a Typical Declaration of the Word to the Eye; they had also an Oral Declaration of it to the Ear; The Word was Preached unto them. This Word, was the Word of Reconciliation and Sal­vation, the Gospel of Grace. Moses was not only a Law giver, but an Evan­gelist; he Preached the Gospel to them as well as the Law; both were tempered to­gether, although the Law was the chief Ingredient. In the Prophecies of Moses, and his other Occasional Discourses, Jesus Christ and his Doctrines of the Gospel are very obvious and manifest. Christ and his Apostles Preached no new Doctrines, but the very same which were of old Preach­ed by Moses and the Prophets, unto whose Writings they do alwayes appeal for the vindicating their Doctrines from the Charge of Novelty; the same Gospel as to the Substance, was Preached to them, which is Preached to us; indeed it is more clearly, [Page 8] distinctly and fully Dispensed to us, then to them: however they heard the glad tidings and joyful sound as well as we: the way in which we go to Heaven, was the good old way, in which the Saints for­merly went to Glory.

2. That this Word Preached did not Profit them: this is not to be understood concern­ing them all, but a very great part of them; some did profit by it, Chap. 3. 16. but the generality did Reap no saving benefit there­by; the Word Preached did not become The power of God unto Salvation: They heard it, but to no Spiritual Advantage.


Many that Hear the Word Preached are not Profited thereby.


PROPOSITION I. The Word Preached is an Ordinance for Spiritual Profit. Some look upon Preaching as a needless work, and the occasion of more mischief than benefit. God however in his Infinite Wis­dom has seen it needful to Establish the Ministry in his Church through all Ages: under the Old Testament, God appointed men to Expound and Apply the Law unto [Page 9] the People: Under the New-Testament, Jesus Christ has appointed the Ministry of the Word, to be a Standing Ordinance in his Church unto the End of the World, and therefore has given a Promise of his perpetual Presence with it, Math. 28. 19,20. Go Teach all Nations—And lo I am with you to the End of the World. God and Christ have counted the Preaching the Word useful; and experience showes how needful it is to preserve, not only the life and pow­er, but also the very being of Religion in a place; without Controversy, the Word of God purely and faithfully Dispensed in the Ministry, is very Soul profiting.

It is Profitable to Sinners and so Saints.

1. To Sinners. Unto them it is many wayes profitable.

1. It is Profitable for Instruction.

The Ignorant are hereby Instructed in what they are to know, believe, expect & do. Many Blind Eyes have been opened, many Dark Minds Englightned, many Foo­lish Souls made wise to Salvation by the Ministry; the Apostle Paul as a Preacher, was sent to Open mens eyes, and to turn them [Page 10] from Darkness to Light, Acts 26. 17,18. and how wonderfully was the knowledge of Christ spread over the face of the Earth by the Ministry of the Apostles? through their Preaching, the Clouds of thick Dark­ness which hung over the Gentile World, were soon dispelled and scattered: and ever since the Apostles, God in his Provi­dence has ordinarily brought Light into the World by Gospel Ministers; by them he usually propagates and maintains the knowledge of Salvation' Hence in Scrip­ture, Ministers are called Teachers, because they are appointed to teach the good know­ledge of God: They are also called Lights, because they are set up by God to Enlight­en the Dark World.

2. It is Profitable for Conviction. The Spirit of God by the Preaching of the Word convinces Sinners both of their Sin­fulness and Misery.

(1.) Of their Sinfulness. Sinners are great Self-flatterers, and therefore 'tis one of the hardest things in the World to Convince them of their Sinfulness and guiltiness be­fore God. The Word of God however, when closely applyed, and set home upon Consciences, has a convincing power, which many times the Sinner cannot resist; he is constrained to fall before the force of Gods [Page 11] Word, and to cry out, Guilty, Guilty! The Word is therefore compared to a Sword, which opens the Ulcer, and lets out the Corruption, that the Sinner is sensibly con­vinced of his filthiness: many have thought themselves whole and clean, until the Word Preached has shown them their great un­soundness and pollution; the Jews thought they had committed no fault in Crucifying Christ; but when Peter in his Sermon, charged this Sin upon their Consciences, They were pricked at the heart, and cryed out, What shall we do? Acts 2. 37. The Spear with which they pierced Christ, now pier­ced their very Souls; they acknowledge themselves guilty of his blood; many times in a Sermon the Minister layes his finger upon the Sore, and the Sinner is touched to the quick, & says, I am the man.

(2.) Of their Misery They Natural Estate of Sinners, is a lost, undone and perishing Estate; and yet 'tis seldome they are sen­sible of it. Oftentimes they think them­selves in a good and safe Estate, when they are in a very sad and dangerous condition. Now, it pleases God, by the Word Preach­ed, to come in upon their Hearts, & shew them their danger: As they are really Lost, so he makes them sensibly Lost, that they cry out, What must we do to be Saved? [Page 12] They are brought to see their need of a Saviour▪

3. It is Profitable for Awakening. Secu­rity is the general frame of Sinners: They Sleep quietly in their Sins, without any fear of Wrath, or care about their Salvati­on. Many times, God by the Hammer of his Word, raps at the door of their Hearts, and awakes them out of their Sleep; the Voice of God by the Preacher, rouzes them out of their Security; they cannot lye still upon their Bed of Sloth as before; the Threatnings of the Lord solemnly De­nounced in their Hearing, and the Flashes of Sinai before their eyes, strike a dread upon their Consciences. When Paul Prea­ched to Faelix, about Temperance, Righteous­ness, and Judgment to come, that Intemperate and Unjust Person, Trembled, Acts 24. 25. His Soul was startled, in a very fright and agony. How often are Secure, Drowzy Sinners Alarmed by the Word, so far as to look about, and bestir themselves in the business of their Salvation? Conscience Awakened by the Word, oftentimes works an External and Partial Reformation.

4. 'Tis Profitable for Conversion. The Word Preached is the usual means of Con­version; by that God commonly Softens the hard Hearts, and Changes the Natures [Page 13] of Sinners: Three Thousand were Con­verted by one Sermon which Petter Prea­ched, Acts 2. 41. This was a more notable and illustrious work, than all the Miracles wrought by the Apostles: The Converting of three thousand Souls, is more than the Healing of three thousand Million of Lame, Blind, Deaf and Dumb; and yet this was the effect of Preaching the Word. The Word is the great Instrument used, in the Turning men from the Power of Sin and Satan, unto God, Acts 26. 18. The Word Preached, is that Immortal Seed, whereby Sinners are begotten unto Christ; 'tis that which is the general means of Faith, Rom. 10. 14, 17. Faith cometh by Hearing. Hence the Ministers of the Gospel are called Fa­thers, because they usually beget many to God, by the Preaching of the Word.

Thus 'tis Profitable to Sinners.

2. The Word Preached is Profitable to Saints. The most holy men on Earth, are not past benefit by the Word; none are so perfect, as to be above the use of this Ordinance: The Word Preached is Soul-food for the strong, as well as for the weak Christian.

It is Profitable to Saints

1. For Sanctification, Preaching not only [Page 14] Begins, but Carries on the Work of Grace in [...] heart: The Gospel Ministry is appointed for Edification, as well as Conversion, Eph. 4. 11, 12. He gave some Pastors and Teach­ers, for the perfecting of the Saints, for the work of the Ministry, for the edifying of the Body of Christ. The Word is the Spiritual Food, by which the Regenerate are nou­rished and promoted in their Spiritual Growth in Christ, 1 Pet. 2. 3. Hence Mini­sters are called Pastors, because they are to Feed the Flock of Christ, that they may grow thereby: They are also called Build­ers, because they are not only to lay the Foundation in a work of Grace, but also to Superstruct and Rear up the Spiritual Building of Christ: They are likewise called Vine-Dressers, because they are to dress and tend the Trees Planted in Gods Vineyard; that so they may thrive and flourish in Fruitfulness. Once more, they are compared to Clouds, which drop Rain, in order to Fruit bearing.

2. For quickning. The Saints are many times dull and drowzy; the Wise Virgins have their slumbring and sleeping fits, as well as the Foolish; they move very heavi­ly and slowly in the ways of God; their Spirit of Liveliness may, and sometimes does much abate: their Graces may not [Page 15] be so vigorously exercised, nor duties so conscientiously attended, as they ought to be, and sometimes have been: Saints may greatly Decay as to the Power of Godli­ness in their hearts, and the Practise of it in their Lives: Now God by his Faithful Messengers oftentimes Excites their Graces, and stirs them up to the Practise of Neg­lected Duties. David Lived several months without any inward Exercise of Godly Sorrow, or outward Expressions of Repen­tance, for his Notorious Sins of Murder and Adultery; but God sent his Servant Nathan the Prophet to him, and he Awakened him to a speedy and sincere Repentance, Psal. 51. the Title: That Penitent Psalm was Penn'd when Nathan came unto him, which was after the Birth of the unlawful­ly begotten Child: So long did he lye in Sin Unrepented. Sluggish, Loytering Chri­stians are quickened in their pace and mo­tion, by a zealous, lively and powerful Ministry.

3. For Consolation. The dear Children of God are many times Disconsolate and De­jected; their Spirits are full of heaviness and sorrow, almost to overwhelming, thro' the malicious Suggestions of Satan, through their own falls into some Sin, through the workings of Unbelief in the heart, and [Page 16] through divine withdrawments, their in­ward state of Soul may be very sorrowful­ly circumstanced. When the case is thus with them, God oftentimes by the Preach­ing of the Word, lets fall some Crumbs of Comfort unto them; the opening and ap­plying the Promises in the Ministry, yield great spiritual refreshing and consolation to their drooping Spirits; many a chearing Cordial is given to a fainting Soul, in and by the Word of Hearing; they have come to a Sermon with a sad and heavy heart, but have gone away with a glad and light heart; their doubts have been satisfied, their fears removed, and that joy created in their Souls, which they would not part with for a World. The Gospel Ministry, is one of the Wells of Salvation, out of which the Saints Draw Waters with Joy. Ministers are therefore said to be Helpers of the Saints Joy, 2 Cor. 1. 24.

4. For Confirmation and Establishment in Grace and Godliness. The Perseverance of Saints is most certain; they shall never wholly lose Grace, as to its Principles or Exercise; the Immutable Election of God, and the standing powerful Intercession of Jesus Christ, together with many other things, do infallibly secure them against any such Apostasy: A Child of God shall ne­ver [Page 17] become graceless and ungodly; one of those means which God makes use of for the confirming them in their Spiritual State and Life, is the Ministry of the Word▪ Supplies of strengthning Grace are commu­nicated by Ministerial Exhortations; 'tis therefore said of Paul and Barnabas, that by their Exhortations, they Confirmed the Souls of the Disciples, Acts 14. 22.

PROPOSITION II. Many however are not Profited by the Word Preached unto them Altho' the Ministry of the Word be an Ordinance exceedingly suited and adapted to Soul good, yet few there be that get good thereby: How few are awakened by the terrible Threatnings of God denounced and solemnly urged? How few are won by the sweet and gracious Promises opened and applied? How few follow the whol­some Counsels and Directions that are gi­ven▪ them? How few are Converted, or Reformed, or Live up to the Truths that they hear? The Gospel in the Preaching of it, has from the Beginning been a very unsuccessful Word: Noah was a Preacher of Righteousness; Christ by him Preached the Gospel to the First World; but what little good did he among that loose and corrupt Generation? The Prophets have often com­plained [Page 18] of the unsuccessfulness of their La­bours among the Professing People of God, Isa. 53. 1. Who hath Believed our Report? Our Lord Jesus was a Preacher, and the best of Preachers; for no man ever spake as he did, with that sweetness, clearness, gra­vity, majesty and authority; and yet how few profited by his Ministry? He himself complains, That He had laboured in vain, and spent his strength for nought and in vain; Isa. 49. 4. The Apostles, although they were great Instruments of Conversion, yet the generality of their Hearers, especially a­mong the Jews, rejected and opposed their Ministry. And all the ordinary Ministers of the Gospel ever since, have seen but lit­tle fruit of their Labours. Altho' we set before men the sufficiency, excellency and glory of Christ, yet few do prize him, or are ravished with him. Altho' we present men with a prospect of Heavens Blessed­ness, and Hells Torments, yet few Fly from the Wrath that is to come, or Seek the Kingdom of Heaven. Our Lord has given us a Para­ble, on purpose to shew us how few of our Hearers are Profited by the Word which we Preach, Math. 13. begin. Among four sorts of Hearers, only one is good; the odds is three to one: the generality of men▪ remain ignorant, unconvinced, secure, un­converted, [Page 19] under our Ministry. Some are profane Hearers, some negligent, some un­believing, some unpractical; but very few that are good.


USE. I. Of Information. The bare Hear­ing the Word is not sufficient to Save.

Hearing may be without Soul saving be­nefit. The Hypocrite and Moralist may toil in the External part of Religious Duties, and yet Lose their Souls, and Heaven at the last. Men may be much in Frequent­ing both the publick and private Preaching of the Word, and yet miss of Salvation af­ter all: Altho' we may be able in the Day of Judgment, to say, Lord, hast thou not Taught in our Streets? Yet 'twill be no Sa­ving Plea alone; Christ will notwithstan­ding that, bid us to Depart from him, Luke 13. 26, 27. Outward Attendance on the Word in a constancy, is but a Sandy Foun­dation to build the hopes of Salvation up­on, Math. 7. 26. to the end. Persons do but delude themselves, that think to get to heaven by hearing only, Jam. 1. 22. Be ye Doers of the Word, not Hearers only, deceiving your selves. O be more than Hearers now, or else you will be nothing less then Dam­ned hereafter.

[Page 20] USE II. Of Exhortation. Labour to Pro­fit by the Word of God Preached unto you: Be not content with the bare Hearing, but endeavour to feel the power of it, and to gain the good of it; do what you can, that the Word of God, may be a good Word to you.

Heads of Motive.

1. The first Head of Motives may be taken From the Preachers of the Word them­selves. In three or four particulars.

1. If you do not Profit by the Word Preach­ed, you will make them labeur in vain as to you. Indeed towards God we shall not la­bour in vain, Isa. 49. 4. Then said I, verily I have laboured in vain, I have spent my strength for naught, and in vain, [yet surely my judg­ment is with the Lord, and my work with my God.] How much soever we labour in vain as to man, yet not as to God; He will reward us according to our faithful­ness, and not according to our success. If Ministers be diligent and faithful in the discharge of their Duty, they shall be ho­nourably Recompenced, although none of their Hearers profit by them: If we so­lemnly warn Sinners, and they will not take the warning, we shall however Deli­ver our own Souls, Ezek. 3. 19. 'Tis not in [Page 21] our power to Convert Sinners; our teach­ing is only subservient to the effectual tea­chings of the Spirit; God therefore will not cut us short in our reward, because Sinners remain Unconverted and perish. In the great Day, Christ will say unto us, Well done, if we have been Good and Faith­ful Servants, although unsuccessful, Mat. 25. 21 If Sinners do not profit by us, it will be their loss, not ours; we are a sweet Savour to Christ in them that perish, as well as them that are Saved, 2 Cor. 2. 15. God will accept our Labours, though men be not advantaged by them.

But although we do not Labour in vain as to God, yet we shall as to you, if you be not profited by us: Unprofiting Hearers make us take pains to no purpose. O Sirs! will you support us? Will you set us on work? Will you call us to spend our time and strength? and all at last in vain? shall we beseech, entreat, command, charge, ex­hort, and in the issue lose our Labour! The Service of your Souls is one great end of our Ministry, and to lose this end, to miss of attaining it, is a most uncomfortable Disappointment and Frustration.

2. If you do not profit, you will damp their Spirits, and weaken their Hands in their work: There is not a more heart-breaking thing, [Page 22] to Holy and Faithful Ministers, then to see the unprofitableness of their Labours with a People: Our dear Lord was Griev­ed for the hardness of his Hearers hearts, Mar. 3. 5. He shed tears over Jerusalem, because of their Impenitence and Unbelief under his publick Ministry, Luke 19. 41,42. God­ly, Painful Ministers go up and down with an heavy heart, when they do little or no good to their Hearers: And when their Spirits are sunk, their hands grow weak in their work. 'Tis a great strengthning to a Preacher in his Ministry, when he per­ceives that he is useful, and a Blessing in his place; when those that are under his care do thrive and flourish: O how chear­fully does he go on in his work! but when he sees that few or none are the better for him, he moves heavily, and waxes weary of his work. Jeremy was ready to throw up his Ministry, and resolve against Prea­ching any more, because the Word of the Lord was despised, Jer. 20. 9. The Word of the Lord was made a reproach to me, and a derision daily: Then I said, I will not make men­tion of him, nor speak any more in his Name.

3. If you do not Profit, you will provoke God to Silence them by Sickness, Persecution or Death. God usually shuts the Preachers mouth, when Hearers shuts their Hearts: [Page 23] Sometimes by Persecution God drives Mi­nisters into Corners, because of a Peoples Unprofitableness▪ Sometimes God casts them upon Beds of Languishing, and sometimes he shuts them up in the Grave, because those that hoard them, did not Profit by them: God calls them home, & will not suffer them to Labour in vain any longer. One of the most ready ways to provoke God to put out a Light, is to play about it, and not to work by it: Many an excellent Preacher Dies before his time, because of the unworthiness and unfruit­fulness of a People. Are you minded to have God dismiss them from their work? Are you willing to be rid of them? would you have them speak no more to you in the Name of the Lord? If so, do not mind their Preaching, do not live accord­ing to their Directions. If Good be not gotten by a Faithful Ministry, God will soon put an end to it, or shew a miracle of Patience, or continue it in Judgment.

4. If you do not Profit, you will put them upon very unpleasing work: A work unplea­sing both to them and you.

1. You will put them upon complaining to God of you. 'Tis very undesirable to Af­fectionate Ministers, to carry Complaints to God against their Hearers; they would [Page 24] more gladly commend them to God, then complain of them; yet this they are ma­ny times constrained to do. Jeremiah cryes out to God of his being despised and abused by those to whom he was sent, Chap. 20. 8. The Prophet Ezekiel complains of his profane Hearers, who Scoffed at his Prophecies, and called them Riddles and Dreams, Ezek. 20. 49. Ah Lord God! they say of me, doth he not speak Parables? Dark Unintelligible Notions.

2. You will put them upon hearing witness against you in the Day of Judgment. Mini­sters and their Hearers must all appear be­fore the Judgment Seat of Christ, and then Ministers must give an Account to Christ, not only of themselves, but also of those that have been under their Care, Heb. 13. 17. Obey them that have the Rule [Ministe­rial Rule] over you, and submit your selves; for they watch for your Souls, as they that must give account: that they may do it with joy, and not with grief; for that is un­profitable for you. They will be called to give their Testimony for, or against you. Ministers Sent by Christ, are not only Officers, but Witnesses, Acts 26. 16. They do now bear Witness of Christ and his Doctrine, and will hereafter be Witnesses for Christ, against such as Disobey him. [Page 25] Ministers are Christ's Embassadours, that are sent to offer and propound Tearms of Peace to Sinners, and they must at the Great Day of Hearing, give an Account of their Embassy. Alas! How unwilling are they to be your Accusers? And yet they will be constrained in the Judgment, to say, Lord, We did according to the best of our Ability, declare thy whole Counsel and Mind unto them: We did earnestly Beseech them, faithfully Warn them, sharply Reprove them, seriously Exhort them; but they Regard­ed us not. Those very mouths that are opened unto you in the way of an Ordi­nance, will then be opened against you in way of Accusation.

5. If you do Profit, you will be a rejoycing to them now, and a Crown of Rejoycing to them at that Day.

You will Rejoyce them now. Ministers that unfeignedly Love the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Souls of men, do rejoyce in no­thing more, than the good success of the Gospel. The Apostle John had no greater joy, than to see his Children walking in the Truth, 3 Epistle v. 3, 4. Barnabas, an holy man of God, was glad when he saw the Grace of God in the Faith and Conversion [Page 26] of the People at Antiech, Acts 11 23. when Sinners are Converted, and Converts Edi­fyed under a man's Ministry, it is the greatest joy and comfort that he has in the whole World. When Timothy brought to Paul the tidings of the Faith and Chari­ty of the Thessalonians, (who were Con­verted by him) his Soul was greatly com­forted, revived and rejoiced, 1 Thes. 3. 6, 7, 8, 9. The Charity of Philemon, whom Paul Converted, was a great Joy and Con­solation to him, Philem. v. 7. 'Tis matter of abundant satisfaction to Christ's Ser­vants in the Work of the Gospel, to see the Travel of their Souls; to see that they have not Laboured in vain.

You will also be a Crown of Rejoycing to them at that Day, 1 Thes. 2 19, 20. What is our Joy, or Crown of Rejoycing? are not even ye in the Presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his Coming? so 2 Cor. 1. 14. What an Honour and a Joy will it be to Ministers when they shall be able to say, Lord there are we, and the Children which thou hast given us? Your Piety will be their Honour, your Holiness their Crown at the Great Day: This very thing the Apostle uses as an argument to quicken his Philippians, to an holy and [Page 27] blameless life, Phil. 3. 15, 16. Be blameless, be harmless, that I may Rejoyce in the Day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, nor laboured in vain.

This is the first Head of Motives.

2. A Second Head of Motives is, The Awfulness of our Standing under the Mini­stry. Bethel is a dreadful place, Gen. 28. 17. Such as Live under the Gospel Mini­stry, have their Standing in the House and Vineyard of God, which is a mat­ter of most awful Consideration. For,

1. The Ax lyes at the Root of every tree: So John the Baptist told those that came to his Ministry, Math. 3. 10. Wherever there are the means of Salvation, wherever the Word of God is Preached, at that ve­ry time, there is an Ax, an Instrument of Vengeance laid to the Root of every Tree. God stands ready to cut down every one that is Unfruitful under▪ the Means▪ of Grace: A Tree that is barren, in God's Enclosed and Well tended Vineyard, is in far greater danger, than one that is barren in the open, neglected Wilderness of the World. If we do not thrive and profit under profiting means, we stand in conti­nual [Page 28] jeopardy, and may expect the fatal blow to be given every moment; did men more frequently and seriously think of this, they would undoubtedly give more dili­gent heed unto the things which they hear; they would be more careful about profit­ing, then commonly they are. Remember, That while the Word of God is Preaching, God is walking in the midst of us, with his Ax in his Hand, threatning to hew down every careless fruitless Hearer.

2. We are upon our Tryal for Eternity. The time of the Gospel-Dispensation, is our Probation-time for Eternity. Certain­ly we shall Live in Eternity, and certainly our Eternity will be blessed or miserable; and as certain also it is, that the Everlast­ing Well or Ill fare of our Souls depends upon our present Well or Ill improving the Gospel-Administration. If we Profit by the Word of God now, we shall be Blessed for ever; but if we Live and Dye Unfruitful, we shall be accursed for ever, while God is using means with us, he puts us upon our great and last Tryal for Eternity: Now is our Day of Grace and Salvation, and if this present Season be let slip without Soul profit, God-will try us no more, we shall have no further op­portunity [Page 29] wherein to Secure a blessed Eter­nity; there will be no coming back from the Grave to mend what has been amiss. Nor will God send a Messenger after us to the Grave to continue the Treaty of Peace: No, no, The Grave is a place of Silence, and they that go down to it, hear not the Voice of the Charmer: Men must stand or fall to Eternity, as they accept or re­fuse the Message of Christ. Would Persons duely and seriously think hereon, their care of profiting would unquestionably be much greater than 'tis.

3. A Third Head of Motives, may be taken from The Evil Consequents of not Pro­fiting by the Word of God. Many awful and dismal things do follow hereupon.

1. Temporal Judgments. In time, in this present World, God usually punishes Un­profitableness. He many times visits them, both with Out ward and Spiritual Judgments.

1. Outward Judgments. Unfruitfulness is sometimes punished with sore External Calamities; because a People do not com­ply with the Gospel Treaty of Peace: God visits them with Wars, because they do not Flourish in Fruitfulness, under Gospel influ­ences. [Page 30] God blasts and blows upon the Fruits of the Earth, because they do not Feed upon their Spiritual Food: God brings upon them, A Famine of Bread and Water, because their Souls are not healthful and prospering under Soul-prospering means; God visits them with Bodily Sicknesses. The People of Israel in the Dayes of Zedeki­ah, mocked the Messengers of God, despised the Word of God spoken by them; and what was the event of it? Why, God flew mul­titudes of them by the Sword, and the rest he carried Captives into Babylon; the Temple was plundered and burnt, the Walls of Jerusalem were Demolished, and a dismal Destruction was brought upon them; 2 Chron. 36. 16, 17, &c. In the Dayes of our Lord Jesus, and his Apostles, the People of the Jews profited not by their Ministry; and for this they were made Desolate. The Romans Destroyed their City and Temple a second time, and laid their whole Countrey waste; and they are to this Day a banished, scattered People in the Earth.

2. Spiritual Judgments. These are most Awful, and yet very usual Dispensations of God; they are indeed of a Spiritual nature, and so more secret and less dis­cernable, [Page 31] but never the less common. 'Tis an ordinary thing with God in these Gos­pel times, to Lay Unprofiting Hearers un­der Spiritual Plagues.

1. God sometimes puts a Period to the Effi­cacy of the Word Preached. Though the Gospel may be continued as to the Out­ward Dispensation of it, yet 'tis without any Inward and Saving Efficacy upon their hearts: Unprofitable Hearers may have the Ministry of the Word continued to them, but no Blessing goes along with it, to the good of their Souls; the Ordinance abides, but its Efficacy and Power upon the heart ceases: thus it was as to the Jews of old, Isa. 6. 9, 10. and this is the case of many barren Hearers under the Gospel. God suffers the Word to be Preached to them, but he does not work with it; the Word Preached is judicially made a Lifeless word unto them; 'tis to be feared, that many have Lived so long unprofitably under the Gospel, as that God has said in Judgment, Let the Word Preached never profit them more, as God said of the barren Fig tree, Let no Fruit grow on thee hence forward for ever, Math. 21. 19. and how many are there that once felt something of the power of the Word, who are now altogether unaf­fected, [Page 32] unawakened, unhumbled, unrefor­med by it? It may be, the Seats under them are as much benefited and moved as they.

2. God gives them over to wax worse and worse. 'Tis a certain truth (as one says) That Barrenness under the Gospel is alwayes accompanied with an increase of Sin. If men do not grow better, they will grow worse under the Means of Grace. If the Word be not a Savour of Life, unto Life, it will be, a Savour of Death, unto Death, 2 Cor. 2. 16. Men are either softned or hardned, made better or worse by the Word: Believe it, the ground upon which the Rain of Gospel-Doctrines often falls, if it bring not sorth good fruits, it will bring forth Briars and Thorns, and Trash of all sorts. God in just judgment leaves barren Christians to abound and ripen in Sin; he says of them, Let them be unjust, let them be filthy still; let them go on in their Sins, and Filthiness without Restraint. O fear and tremble, least this should be your case; if it once come to this, it will be as easy for the very Devils, as for you, to escape the Damnation of Hell. And remember, that there is scarce a more ready way to provoke God to take off all Restraints from [Page 33] your Lusts, then to be regardless and care­less about Profiting by the Word of God Preached unto you, Psa. 81. 11, 12. My People would not hearken to my voice, so I gave them up to their own hearts lusts.

3. God sometimes brings upon them a Fa­mine of the Word Preached. When the Ministry of the Word is not attended to, with suitable Profiting, God deprives a People of it, Amos 8. 11. Behold, the Dayes come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a Famine in the Land, not a Famine of Bread, nor a Thirst for Water, but of Hearing the Words of the Lord. The cause of this Judgment was, their growing weary of Sabbaths, and Sabbath Ordinances, through an inordinate love to the World, verse 5. This Judgment is more terrible than a Fa­mine of Bread; for as much as the Soul is better than the Body, so much worse is a Spiritual, than a Bodily Famine; ten thousand times better it is, that our Bodies should starve, than our Souls: And yet sometimes God takes away Soul-food from a People, because of their Leanness of Soul under the Enjoyment of it. God threat­ned the Church of Ephesus, to Remove the Candlestick out of its place, Rev. 2. 5. and so he did. In this way God punished the [Page 34] Unfruitfulness of the Jews, according to the threatning solemnly denounced by our Lord, Mat. 21. 43. God Let out this Vineyard unto other Husbandmen. He Un­churched the Nation of the Jews, and sent the Gospel unto the Gentile World; and out of them gathered Evangelical Church­es: The Kingdom was taken from the Jews, because of their Unfruitfulness, and Given to a Nation that should bring forth the Fruits thereof, Math. 21. 43. If there­fore we would not have the Gospel take its leave of us, if we would not be with­out the joyful sound, if we would not have God remove his Tabernacle from a­mongst us, Let us Labour to Profit by the Word.

Thus for the First Evil that follows upon not Profiting.

2. A Second Evil Consequent is, A Bit­ter Lamentation at the last. The time will come, when we shall with tears bewail our present Unprofiting. We may little re­gard or lay it to heart now, but in the End it will be Bitterness unto us. When we are going out of this World, or at the furthest, when we are gotten into the o­ther World, we shall with heart piercing [Page 35] Cryes, Lament our not minding the Word of God more: Then shall we remember all the Instructions, Warnings, Reproofs, Counsels that have been seriously given to us, and shall with bleeding Souls bewail our disregard of them, Prov. 5. 11, 12, 13. And thou mourn at the last, and say, How have I hated Instruction, and my heart de­spised Reproof? and have not Obeyed the voice of my Teachers, nor inclined mine ear to them that Instructed me? Then shall we say, Oh! If we had hearkened to such and such of God's Faithful Servants, it had ne­ver been with us as it is; they told of this before hand, and besought and entreated us, but we would not hear: Had we lent an ear to them, and been obedient, we had ne­ver come to this pass. Thus shall we, when it is to late, repent of our present Felly.

3. A third evil Consequent is, A sad Reck­oning in the Day of the Lord. Certainly there will a day come, wherein God will call us to an account: The Judgment day will be a Reckoning day; then will Christ Reckon with us about the Talents we are entrusted withal. Among the many Ta­lents which are now committed to us, our Gospel enjoyments are none of the least. Verily, every Sermon which we have heard [Page 36] we must be accountable to God for: the hearing the Word is not only a Duty and Priviledge, but a Talent; Christ will in­quire, what Good we have gotten by the many Sermons which we have heard; and Oh! what a poor, miserable account will they be able to give, who have no­thing profited thereby! Did men believe that they must especially be accountable to God for their having opportunities, they would be more concerned about an useful improvement of them.

4. A most dreadful Damnation. If the Word of God do not become the In­strument of mens Salvation, it will be an occasion of their greatest Damnation. The enjoyment of the Gospel will be an aggravation of mens Sin and Punishment, where it is not [...] unto with profit. No Sinners shall be so miserably de­stroyed as those that remain fruitless un­der the Gospel dispensation: their Sins are incomparably greater than the sins of others; other mens sins are comparative­ly no sins to theirs. John 15. 22. If I had not come, and spoken unto them, they had not bad sin. The Publick Ministry of Christ among them made their sins greater by many degrees, than otherwise they [Page 37] would have been. And as their sins are incomparably greater than others, so will their punishments be: God will proportion mens Punishment to their Sins; the greatest Sinners shall be the greatest sufferers. The degrees of wrath will be according to the degrees of Sin. None therefore shall lye under so heavy a burden of Divine Vengeance, as those that go down to the Grave in their Sins, from under the clear and faithful dispensation of the Gospel. The People of Sodom and Gomorrah, al­though they were Monsters and Prodi­gies of wickedness, shall however fare better in the day of the Lord's wrath, than those that do not with Faith and Obedience entertain the Gospel of Christ Preached by his Embassadours, Math 10. 14,15. Whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words; when you depart out of that House, or City, shake off the dust of your feet. Verily, I say unto you, it shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomor­rah, in the day of Judgment, than for that City. How little is this believed or considered by the generality of Hearers?

4. A fourth head of Motives may be taken from the Benefits of Profiting by the Word. I shall mention but two of [Page 38] the most comprehensive and principal of them.

1. An Increase of Spiritual Blessings in this Life. Spiritual Blessings are the best and most excellent blessings, incompara­bly better than all outward blessings; Spiritual blessings are Soul blessings, others are only Bodily: Spiritual blessings are alwayes the fruits of Gods special Love, others may proceed only from his common Love: Spiritual blessings make us amiable in the sight of God, others do not: Spi­ritual blessings have a sure and insepara­ble Connexion with Glory, others have not.—Now profiting by the Word of God will cause us to abound in these blessings. God will increase the graces and fruits of a profiting hearer.

God will increase the Graces of such an one A larger stock of knowledge, love, humility, meekness, patience, faith &c. shall be given to him, Mark 4. 24. Unto you that bear shall more be given. 'Tis the wonted course of God to reward Grace with Grace: Such as exercise their Graces under an Ordinance, shall experience a growth in Grace.

God will also multiply the fruits of a pro­fiting hearer. Every tree that beareth [Page 39] fruit, the Heavenly Husbandman will purge it, that it may bring forth more fruit, Joh: 15. 2. Fruitfulness shall be blessed with Fruitfulness. The earth which drinks in the rain that cometh often upon it, and bring­eth forth Herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receiveth blessing from God, Heb. 6. 7. A blessing of increase shall be upon it.

O what a powerful Motive is this to look well to our profiting! To a true Child of God, to one that knows the real worth of Spiritual, blessings; there can scarce a more forcible consideration be propounded. A Saint indeed does most ardently desire a growth in every Grace and Good Work: the Weakness of his Graces and the Barrenness of his Conversa­tion are things which do mostly trouble him: 'Tis the longing desire of his Soul that he may be more holy in heart & life; that he may be more strengthned in the inward man, and more filled with the fruits of Righteousness.

2. A Reward of Infinite, Eternal blessing in the Life to come. Such as hear the Voice of Christ, to them he will give Eternal life, Jon. 10. 27,28. Every tree that is fruitful in Gods Vineyard, shall, when [Page 40] it is removed from hence, he transplanted into the Garden of God above. The Pro­mise is, Hear, and your Souls shall live. Christ ha's assured retentive, practical hearers of blessedness, Luk. 11. 28. Those that profit by the Word shall find it a Word of eternal Salvation unto their Souls. Of a certainty, those that thrive under the Ministry of Christ by men, shall at Death be placed under the im­mediate, personal Ministry of Christ in Heaven. And that which the Queen of Sheba said concerning them that stood before Solomon: may much more be said of them that stand before our glorious Solomon above, Happy are thy men, and hap­py are these thy Servants, which stand con­tinually before thee, and hear thy Wisdom.—Well then, if either the blessings of the Kingdom of Grace or of Glory be of any Consideration with you, be careful that the Word Preached be profiting to you.

Directions for Heairng the Word to Profit.

[Page 41]


Do not Harbour in your Hearts any Pre­judices against the Preachers of the Word. The Devil is very buisy to fill mens minds with Prejudices against Gospel Mi­nisters. There is no Profession in the World so directly subversive of the De­vils kingdom, as that of the Ministry: the proper work and business of Mini­sters is to destroy the interest of Satan, and to promote the interest of Christ; they are sent to turn men from Satan unto God, Acts 26. 18. The Devil there­fore has a peculiar spight against their Persons and Ministry: and if it be pos­sible he will create in the hearts of men ill will to, and prejudices against them; he knows that there is Scarce a more ready way to make the Word unsuccess­full, than for men to be prejudiced a­gainst the Preachers of it. If men are ill­willers or disaffected to a Minister, there is little likelihood of their getting good by his labours: See then that you watch against this.

Sometimes Persons are prejudiced against them because of their meanness as to pa­rentage [Page 42] or outward Circumstances. It pleases God oftentimes to call those to the Mi­nistry, that are of a low descent, and that make but a very little figure in the eyes of the World, 1 Cor. 1. 26,27,28. And al­though God consults his own greater Glory by putting the Gospel treasure into Earthen Vessels, yet on the account hereof, Persons, especially those that are of an Higher rank in the World, do not and cannot stand so well affected unto them. It was the outward meanest of Christs Person and Parentage which in a great measure prejudiced the Jews against him, and made them slight his Doctrine.

Sometimes men are prejudiced against them because of their Infirmities. God will not speak to us immediately himself, nor will he speak to us by Angels, but by men that have degrees of darkness and corrupti­on in them. Elijah a great Prophet of the Lord, was a man subject to like Passions with our selves, Jam. 5. 17. Ministers are liable to miss it in their Administrations and Conversations. Dont let your hears here­upon be prejudiced against them; let no contempt of them or ill-will unto them, be hereupon entertained. We do not plead for an allowance in any thing that is [Page 43] wicked, God forbid: We only ask a cha­ritable covering of such Infirmities as are common to the best: and that there may be no heart burnings against us, because of weaknesses. If you be not careful in this matter, we cannot expect to be in­strumental of Saving Good unto you. Let us Preach never so well, yet we shall be of little use, as long as mens hearts are against us and not towards us. 'Tis true, we should like the Word though we do not love the Man; we should entertain the Truth by whomsoever it is brought unto us: but experience showes, that Serious Reproofs, Prudent Counsels, and friendly Admonitions are little regarded, when Ad­ministred to us by such as we do not ho­nour, esteem or love. If the Person that speaks to us be not much regarded by us, we shall little mind what he sayes unto us.


Make Profiting the end of your coming to Hear the Word; desire to hear, that you may grow thereby, 1 Pet. 2. 2. Make this your aim and design: One reason why men profit not by the Word, is, because they do not propound this unto themselves, as their end; [Page 44] Spiritual Profit is not what they intend, but something else.

Some come to Hear that they may Carp and Espy Faults; 'tis not their own good, but the Preachers hurt which they aim at; Malice makes them present at a Sermon: For this end many were sent, and came to hear Christ, even, That they might find somewhat whereof to accuse him, Mark 12. 13.

Others come to hear, That they may Sport themselves, and make merry with what is delivered; this is the end which profane Scoffers propound. Let us hear, say they, What this Babler will say, Acts 17,18.

Others come meerly to Please their Fan­cies▪ expecting that some curious Discourse will be made, some quaint Notions start­ed, or some Elegant Stile used: Curiosity and Pleasure of mind bring them to a Sermon. Ezekiels Hearers called upon one another to come and hear him, only be cause he was a sweet and skilful Preacher he had a Pleasant Voice, and could Play well upon an Instrument, Ezek 30. 32.

[Page 45] Others come to Hear in complyance­with the Custom of the Times and Places, wherein they Live: 'Tis the fashion and mode of the Age, and they won't be sin­gular, to go to a Sermon is in common u­sage, and they do as others do, Ezek. 33. 31. They came as my People use to do.

Others come to Save their Credit. Non-Attendance upon the Ministry of the Word, would hurt them in their Reputati­on; they would suffer in their Name, Dis­grace would befal them, they would be­come the common talk of the World, if they should neglect the Publick Preaching of the Word.

Others come only to Furnish their minds with Knowledge: 'Tis the Enriching their Heads with Gifts, and not their Hearts with Graces which they aim at.

Others come To see and be seen, to show their Fine Apparrel, to observe the Fashi­ons, or lasciviously to gaze upon Lust-pleasing Objects; 'tis the satisfaction of their Lusts, and not the Salvation of their Souls that they aim at.

[Page 46] Finally, Others come meerly to Quiet Conscience. Conscience won't let them a­lone in the neglect of a known Ordinance, therefore to appease Conscience, and calm the rage of it, they do sometimes attend upon the Word.

While men come only with such ends as these, what reason can there be to expect a Blessing upon the Word? Indeed, God in Soveraign Grace may sometimes extra­ordinarily set home the Word Preached upon their Souls, to their Awakening and Saving Conversion: but in an ordinary way, this is not to be looked for: We must come to the Word with earnest de­sires and designs of Profiting by it, and then we may expect to find benefit, if we come to Get Good, 'tis very probable, God will Do us Good by the Word: Good Designs God is ready to close in with, and succeed.


Give Diligent Attention to the Word Preach­ed. 'Tis said, That the People were very Attentive to hear Christ, Luke 19. 48. Un­profitableness comes of Unattentiveness. [Page 47] How can good be gotten, when what is said is not minded? Attention implyes an Outward Listening of the Ear, and an Inward Application of the mind, unto what is spoken.

There must be a Listening of the Ear unto what is spoken in Order to Benefiting by it. If truths be not received in at the ear, how can they reach the heart by any Saving influence? Unto this outward At­tention a Drowziness and Sleep of body is directly opposite, and therefore to be stri­ven against. In sleep the Senses are lockt up; the door of hearing, is shut against the Word, that it can have no entrance to the Soul. Shake off therefore a Slumbring and Sleepy frame, and stir up your selves unto wakefulness. Do not be such drow­zy Disciples, as not to be able to watch with Christ one hour. Besides the unbe­coming Irreverence and visible contempt of God in Sleeping at a Sermon; there is also very great Soul loss sustained: 'Tis Shameful, Sinful and Damnifying: To a Sleeper, a Sermon is of a certainty lost in whole or in part, as to any good gotten by it; they might as well have been absent as present. If therefore we would not lose the blessing of this Ordinance it con­cerns [Page 48] us carefully to avoid whatsoever may dispose to Sleep. Do not run into the house of God from the toils of the World, or from a full Table: A wearied body and a Stomach charged with meats or drinks, dispose to Sleep; moderation is an help to Wakefulness; Be Sober, be Vigilant, 1 Pet. 5. 8.

Besides this Outward Listening of the Ear, there must also be an Inward Applica­tion of the mind to what is spoken: Not only must the Sound sink into the Ear, but the Sense into the Soul, in order to Profiting, Prov. 2. 2,5. My Son, Encline thine Ear unto Wisdom, and apply thine Heart to un­derstanding; then shalt thou understand the fear of the Lord. The Soul must be Bound to the Horns of the Altar, the mind be in­tent upon what is delivered, or else the Word Preached will signifie no more than water spilt upon the Rock. Unto this In­ward Attention, Distruction of mind, is di­rectly opposite, and therefore to be striven against; call in your hearts, and keep them closely applyed unto the Word Preached. How can you Profit, if you are thinking of one thing, and the Minister speaking of another thing? if mens Hearts go after their Coveteousness; if their minds are running [Page 49] upon their Farms and Merchandise; how can Divine Truths Delivered sink deep into their Souls? It is therefore necessary in order unto an Hearing to Profit; that a strict Watch be kept over the heart; no­thing is so vain and shifting as the mind of man; the very Quick-silver does not scat­ter and ramble more than the thoughts of the mind; insomuch that 'tis one of the hardest things in the World to keep our minds fixed to Spiritual Duties: Do not therefore of choice run into the House of God, from an hurry of Worldly Business. Give your minds some Diversion from Secular Affairs, that of you may leave the World behind you, when you come to the Wor­ship of God.

These things are spoken, as having their reference to the Word of God Dispensed Out of Season, as well as In Season, on our own Days as well as the Lord's.

As a farther standing help to this Duty of diligent Attention to the Word of God at all times, it will be good for us to Realize the Authority of God in a Sermon, and His Presence with it.

Gods Authority in a Sermon. If it be [Page 50] asked by what Authority Ministers lawful­ly Called, do Preach? It is answered, by the Authority of Christ, God in the Flesh. 'Tis he sends them; they Receive a Com­mission from him; 'tis in his Name that they speak unto men. In their Work they Represent Christ, 2 Cor. 5. 20. Now then, we are Embassadours for Christ, as though God [Incarnate] did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye Reconciled to God. When therefore Christ sent forth his Dis­ciples to Preach, he says unto them, He that heareth you, heareth me; and he that de­spiseth you, despiseth me, Luke 10. 16. Re­member then, when Christ's Ministers speak to you in the Discharge of their Office, 'tis as if Christ Himself spake unto you, they represent him in his Prophetical Office; the Words which they speak according to the mind and will of Christ, are not the words of man, but indeed the words of God▪ This duely and believingly thought on, would command & quicken our Attention.

Again, Realize Gods Presence with a Ser­mon. God in an especial manner is present at a Sermon, Acts 10. 33. We are all here present before God, to hear all things that are Commanded thee of God. In all parts of [Page 51] Worship, God looks upon us with a Jealous Eye. Let this be Realized, and it will help our Attention: Say to your selves, Of a truth, God is in this place, the Lord is in the midst of the Congregation of his People. Did we often in a Sermon put our hearts in mind of this, we should not be so Sleepy of Body, and roving in Mind, as we ordinarily are: Forgetfulness of God, is a main cause of carelessness in Worship.


Make a particular Applicarion of the Word unto your selves. Self Application is necessa­ry unto Profiting by the Word. The most excellent Plaister can do no good, unless applyed to the Sore. Men must look upon themselves as concerned in what is delivered, and bring it home to their own Souls, or else it will be of no use unto them: There is no Truth insisted upon, but it is of present, or may be of after Concernment unto us; some way or other it is belonging to us, and we should take it to our selves, as that which we do or may need. The misery of many Hea­rers is, that they hear for others, not for themselves; they are continually applying what is spoken, unto others, and put it a­way [Page 52] from themselves as not concerned therein? When any Sin is reproved or censured, and when any Duty is required or urged, they say, such and such persons will do well to mind what is said; not looking upon it as in any sort appertaining to them. Alas! if we do not take the Spiritual Food into our own mouths, if we don't lay our own lips unto the breasts of the Gospel, we can draw no nourish­ment from it. What Ministers Preach to all, every one should impartially apply to his own Soul, Job 5. 27. Hear, thou, and know it for thy good. Say of every Do­ctrine, this is my Lesson, I must Learn it: Of every Command, this is my Duty, I must Practise it: Of every Admonition, this is a Warning to me, I must take it: Of every Caution, this is a Watch-word to me, I must give heed unto it: Of every Direction, this is my Rule, I must follow it: And of every Promise, this is my Encouragement, I must live upon it. Such close Applications of things will much further their Saving Impression and Influ­ence upon our Souls.

[Page 53]


Mix the Word with Faith. In our Con­text, it is given as a reason why the Word Preached did not Profit the Israelites namely, Because it was not mixed mith Faith in them that heard it. Their Un­belief rendred the Word of God ineffect­ual and unprofiting. Without Faith the Word of God will not become Soul saving; Believers only are Saved in Hearing the Word: The Gospel of Christ is the power of God unto Salvation, to every one that believ­eth, Rom. 16. By the foolishness of Preach­ing it please [...] God to save them that Believe, 1 Cor. 1. 21. In Believers, and in them on­ly it is, that the Word of God becomes a Living, Operative Principle of Holy Obe­dience and Fruitfulness, 1 Thes. 2. 13. Ye Received the Word of God which ye heard of us; which worketh also effectually in you that Believes. The Word thus becomes a Soul­puritying, Fruit bearing, and Soul saving Principle, from its mixture with Faith: Faith brings into the Soul the Ideas or Ima­ges of good things held forth in the Promi­ses; and incorporates it self therewith, and thereby carries out the Soul in earnest de­sires, and diligent endeavours after them: [Page 54] The Glory of Christ and his Kingdom, which have a real Subsistence without us, are by Faith made to have a mental Sub­sistence within us; which is not a meer Con­ception or Apprehension of them, but such a lively Impression and Representation of them, as darkens the glory of this World, takes off the Affections from Earthly Things, and works up the Heart to a satisfying de­light in, longing desires after, and a rejoy­cing expectation of, beholding this Glory of Christ and his Kingdom: This is at large described in the Eleventh Chapter to the Hebrews. By Faith's thus mixing it self with the Promise, as holding forth such great and glorious things, the Word of Pro­mise becomes a Word of Salvation.

Faith also mixing it self with the Word of Threatning, apprehends the Terrours of the Lord, and realizes them to the Soul, whereby a person is awakened to Repen­tance, hastened to Christ, the great Recon­ciler; & excited to a careful watchfulness against, and abstinence from Sin.

Faith likewise mixing it self with the Word of Precept, apprehends the reasona­bleness, equity, purity and goodness there­ [...] whereby a Believer is quickned unto an [Page 55] holy care of universal conformity unto the Commandments of God.

Thus Faith as the Active Principle, and the Word Preached as the Moral Instrument of Salvation, mixing themselves together in Hearing, the Word becomes Soul saving.

Indeed, we must come to the Word Preached, as the way appointed for the Spirits Working; that so Faith may be wrought in us, in the exercise of which alone it is, that the Word will issue in our Eternal Salvation. 'Tis not Faith in the Habit, but Faith in Actual Exercise, that makes the Word Saving.


Receive the Truth in the Love of it. This is necessary to Soul Saving benefit by it, 2 Thes. 2. 10. They received not the Love of the truth, that they might be saved. Want of affection to Divine Truth hinders, their impression upon the heart. Some there be that hate the light, Joh. 3. 20. They cannot endure to have the light of some truths reflected upon them. The Proud person hates the lessons of Humility; the Earthly-minded man hates the doctrines of Mortification [Page 56] to the World, and Heavenly mindedness; the Hypocrite hates the doctrines of Sincerity; and the Revengful person the doctrines of Patient hearing of injuries, and requiting evil with good. Such an inward antipathy and detestation of truths, makes men reject them with indignation or derision. The Scribes and Pharisees, and People of the Jews hated the close, home and plain doctrines of Christ and his Apostles, insomuch that the Word Preached did not profit them, but on the other hand, enraged their lusts and corruptions. If men cannot bear to have their sins pointed at and reproved; if they hate to be roundly told their duty and danger, the Word cannot ad­vantage them: Every Truth without ex­ception ought to be entertained with Love. We should not love to be sooth'd up, flattered or let alone in our sins, but take it well when our evil wayes are publickly bor'n witness against. Let sharp and close doctrines be esteemed, as well as, yea, rather more, than soft and smooth words.

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Be much in Prayer. Praying is a princi­pal help to Profiting: the Word is Sanctified by Prayer. Men are generally Fruitless be­cause Prayerless. O then Pray!

In general,

Pray to God to Teach you to Profit. 'Tis God alone can give us this Spiritual Skill of getting good by the Word. 'Tis not in the power of the Preacher or hearer to make the Word effectual; the power of making wise to Salvation is Gods Prero­gative only: Isa. 48. 17. I am the Lord thy God which teacheth thee to profit. 'Tis the Lord only that can make us to profit by Providences or Ordinances. God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ do in­struct by the Holy Spirit, whose special Office it is to give a principle of spiritual discerning, so as to know and understand Divine things unto Salvation, Neh. 9. 20. Thou gavest also thy good Spirit, to instruct them. Look up therefore to God in Prayer that he would send the Holy Ghost to Sanctify and Save you by his truths.

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More Particularly. 1. Pray before Hearing.

Pray, that God would Assist and Direct the Preacher, unto the Providing some suitable word for your Souls. The hearts of Ministers are in the hands of the Lord, and many times he does secretly and powerfully direct their thoughts from one Subject and fix them upon another, in answer unto the Prayers of some par­ticular Persons. Prayer, although it can­not change the purpose of God, yet it may prevail with God to change the purpose of a Preacher, and send him with a Portion to us which he intended not.

Pray also, that God would Put your hearts into, and keep them in a good frame: The Preparation and Fixation of the heart are both from the Lord. 'Tis he must raise and keep up the flame of Devotion in our Souls, or else it will soon dye and go out; nothing is so deceitful as our hearts: When we have been labouring with God and them, to bring them into some suitable [Page 59] frame for Religious Worship, and are ready to think, that we are sure of their lively engagement therein; yet we often find, that the bow is presently unbent, and the good frame strangely lost before we come into the House of God; we had need therefore to beg of God, not only to Set our hearts right, but also to Keep them so.

Pray also, that God would Meet you and Bless you in the Ordinance of Preach­ing. Turn God's Promises into Prayer, and plead them with God. Say to him, Lord thou hast said, Where two or three are met together in thy Name, thou wilt be in the midst of them. Thou hast said, That wheresoever thou hast Recorded thy Name thou wilt come unto me, and bless me. O Lord! Be it unto thy Servant according to thy Word.

II. Pray in Hearing.

In the time of Hearing you should have your short Ejaculatory Prayers; these are no hinderances, but exceeding helps unto a Profitable Hearing the WORD. When any Duty is Pressed, say, Lord, [Page 60] help me to Practise this Duty! When any Sin is cautioned against, say, Lord help me to abstain from this Sin! When any Promise is opened and applyed, say, Lord help me to receive it, and live upon it!

'Tis exceeding useful thus to mix Pray­er with Hearing the Word.

III. Pray after Hearing.

Follow every Sermon with your Pray­ers to God for a Blessing on it. Pray, That God would cause his Word to dwell richly in you; that he would help you to Lay it up in your hearts, and to bring forth the fruits of it in your Lives. Pray God to forgive all your deadness, dulness and di­straction in Hearing. Do thus seriously, and not in formality, and you will find a Blessing by the Word.

Were this method of Prayer duely pro­secuted and attended, it would bring in a great stock of Spiritual Riches by Hearing the Word. See then that you do not neglect this great Duty of Prayer, which has such a general influence into all accep­table and useful Religion, If you do not [Page 61] Pray, Ministers had almost as good ne­ver Preach. If God do not hear from you, there is little ground to think that you should be benefited by Hearing from them.


Labour to retain as much as you can of what you hear. It can hardly be suppo­sed, that any can carry away the whole of a Sermon; but yet there is none who may not carry away some of it. The scope and drift of it we may remember, or something peculiarly proper for us to retain. Divine Things are the best things, and of greatest importance; therefore we should be careful to charge our Memories principally with them.

Indeed our Memories are corrupt as well as the other Faculties of the Soul, and therefore are more ready to let slip good things, and retain evil things: This how­ever should not satisfie us in our forgetful­ness of Divine Things; but rather beget in us a greater care of retaining them. The Apostle Paul calls upon us to Give a very earnest heed unto the things which we hear, loast at any time we should let them [Page 62] slip, Heb. 2. 1. and the Apostle James, charges us not to be Forgetful Hearers of the Word, Jam. 1. 25. 'Tis said of Mary, that she kept the glad tidings of a Saviour, Luk. 2. 19. Without something of this retentive faculty, we cannot profit by the WORD Preached. If Food be not kept in the Stomach it nourishes not; and if the Spiritual Food of the Word be not re­tained, but lost through forgetfulness, it will not nourish the Soul. If we go from a Sermon, and carry nothing at all of it away with us, but perfectly forget it, how is it possible it should be of a­ny use unto us?


Meditate upon what you have Heard, and Expostulate with your Souls about it. Dwell in your thoughts upon a Sermon: This is, as Chewing the Cud, which helps an easier Digestion, and more wholesome nourishment. Ponder upon the great Truths which have been spoken unto you; this will be a Preaching over again a Ser­mon unto your own Souls; by doing of which, the Truths delivered will be more fixed in your memories, and your hearts affected anew, and a more lasting Impres­sion [Page 63] left upon them. 'Tis said of Mary, That She Pondered those Sayings in her heart, Luk. 2. 19. See then that you do after a Sermon seriously consider of what has been said; by thus musing, your hearts will be Warmed a second time: And in Meditating upon them, Debate with your hearts about them.

To help you here:

Suppose you had heard in a Sermon, That Persons by neglecting Prayer, and the Lord's Supper, did greatly Sin against God, and wrong their own Souls.

Now when you go Home, you should seriously ponder hereon, and Discourse your Souls about it after this manner: ‘Surely, What I have heard this Day is true; I cannot Live Prayerless, I cannot Live Supperless, without giving great of­fence to God: while I live in the daily neglect of those Duties, I live in a course of daily provocation to God; nay, and not only do I sin against God, but I also wrong my own Soul infinitely. How many a Blessing have I lost, by going so seldome to the Throne of Grace, and never at all to the Table of the Lord?’

[Page 64] Again, Suppose you had heard in a Sermon, That Christ is of all things the most Precious, Then think with your selves, and say to this effect. ‘Verily, Jesus Christ is the Chief of ten thousand; he is the Fairest of the Sons of men; he is altogether Lovely. In himself he is the most excellent, but is he so to me? Do I prize him more than any Lust? more than the World? more than Relations? more than life it self? Do I so esteem him as to long to see him face to face, and count it my unhappiness to be absent from him?’

Once more, Suppose you had heard in a Sermon, That Indwelling Sin is a Be­lievers greatest burden. Then say, ‘Can I affirm this concerning my self? Do I groan more under the burden of in­ward Corruption, then the burden of outward affliction? Am I weary of my life because of my lusts? Do I Long to be dissolved, that I may to­tally and eternally be delivered from this body of Sin and Death? Is there nothing which so troubles and grieves me, as the experience of an indwelling [Page 65] principle of enmity against God, incli­nation to evil, and indisposition to that which is good?’

Did we thus think and discourse with our selves about what we hear, how great an influence would the word of God in an ordinary way have upon us? 1 Tim. 4. 15. Meditate upon these things, give thy self wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all. Jer. 15. 16. Thy words were found, and I did eat them, and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoycing of mine heart, for I am called by thy name, O Lord God of hosts. Psal. 1. 2,3. But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in his law doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that bringeth forth his fruit in his season his leaf also shall not wither, and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.


Give God all the Glory of whatever Good you receive by the Word. Ascribe the praise of all good experienced [...]. Have you been any thing awakened, or con­vinced or reformed by the Word? If [Page 66] so, render the praise to God alone: Have you been Savingly Converted or Sanctifyed by the Word? Give God all the Glory. Don't Sacrifice to your own [...]; Don't set the Crown upon the head of Instruments, but upon the head of Christ, Ministers say in this case, Not unto us, not [...] us, but unto God be the Glory. [...] Plant and Apollos Water, but 'tis God that gives the increase: They are no more than Instruments, 'tis God who is the Efficient of all Spiritual, Saving Good. To God alone you must Pray for a Blessing; and if you receive it, to God alone you must ascribe the Praise. If you thus Bless God, he will give you further cause to Bless him. A thankful receiver shall have more to be thankful for. The [...]ouncing the power of Moral Perswasions [...] the Ministry, and the power of Free Will in our own natures, together with an acknowledging the Sole efficiency of the Spirit of God in our Salvation, is one of the most effectual courses for the ob­taining Spiritual and Saving Good by the Word of God Preached. Say unto God, Lord! Ministers can, do nothing, Ordi­nances can do nothing, I can do no­thing, in point of Saving Communications; [Page 67] 'Tis thou that must do all, and all that has hitherto been done, 'tis, thou that hast done it. Say thus humbly and se­riously, and God will make thee to feel more of the power of His Spirit in the Ministry of His Word.

Consider what is said, and the Lord give you Understanding in all things, 2 Tim. 2. 7.

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THERE is now in the Press, and will speedily be Published, A Discourse concerning the Na­ture, and Power of the Holy Angels, and the great benefit which the True Fearers of God Receive by their Ministry, delivered in several Sermons: To which is added, A Sermon concerning the Sin and Misery of the Fallen Angels: Also a Disquisition concerning Angelical Apparitions, in answer to a Case of Con­science, shewing that Daemons oft appear like Angels of Light, and what is the best and only way to prevent deception by them: All considered according to the Scripture, Reason, Experience, and ap­proved History. By the Reverend and Learned Mr. Increase Mather, Praesident of Harvard Colledge in Cambridge, in N.E.

There is also ready for the Press, The Saints Victory and Triumph over Sin and Death. As it was Recommended in a Ser­mon, Preached to the Artillery Company at Boston: On their Day for Election of Of­ficers. By Mr. Peter Thacher, Pastor of the Church of Christ in Milton.


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