
Mrs. JUDITH HULL, Of Boston, in N. E. Daughter of Mr. Edmund Quincey; late Wife of JOHN HƲLL Esq. deceased.

A Diligent, Constant, Fruitfull Reader and Hearer of the Word of GOD, Rested from her Labours, June, 22. 1695. being the seventh day of the Week, a little before Sun-set; just about the time She used to begin the Sabbath.

Anno Aetatis suae 69.


GReat Sarah's Faith; joind with Good Hannah's Prayer;
For Hearing of the Word, glad Maries Care;
Aged Elizabeths Just Walk; To dwell
Nigh Prophets, a true Shunamitish Zeal;
An Humble Soul, Trim'd with an High Neglect
Of Gay Things, but with Ancient Glories deck't;
All these Expir'd at once! Array'd with Them,
Our HULDAH's gone to Gods Jerusalem:
Without a Figure so, with her Last Breath
Shee Triumph'd o'er that Holophernes, DEATH.
Perfect in Thoughts, Words, Deeds, She soars on high,
Performing what her Name did signifie.

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