
Monthly Observations AND Predictions, For this Present Year, 1692. WITH Astrological Judgments On the whole Year.

All Taken from Mr. P atridge's ALMANACK:

To which is Added, an Account of a Plot Which was lately Discovered in England: And which was Foretold by the said John Patridge, in his this Years Almanack.

Published for General Satisfaction.

Printed at Boston: And are to be Sold by Benj. Harris, at the London-Coffee-House.


[Page 2]

Monthly Observations

Come mighty Muse! assist me once agen,
Touch thou my Crenium & Inspire my Pen;
And let the Black mouth'd Tribe again reflect,
Tho I don't Prophecy, I may Predict.
And that it may with Truth and Good be blest
Heaven guide my Hand, let mighty Jove assist.

January's Observation

It is now just a year since our May Plot was discove­red, when Passive Obedience was turned into Rebellious Resistance, and a design laid to destroy the bravest Prince in the World, and this done by those who in their publick Auditories had be-rebell'd all mankind but their own faction; by those, I say at whose Doors lies all the Blood and miseries of Ireland.

If we consider that the Ingress was attended with a Conjunction of the Sun and Mercury, and a Trine of Jupiter and the Sun; those things compared with the beginning of this month, seems to shew us much news discoursed of among all People; and especially about Peace, and such Affairs as relate thereunto, as Truces, Cessations of Arms, and the like; and do you think there is any thing in it? Vix Credo.

For the Sun and Moon are Cadent, and the old plotting Knave Saturn is in Opposition to Mars; from the third and ninth, the house of Religion: I hope we have no more holy Plots coming abroad again, and [Page 3] yet I dare venture a Wager there is something in it, but it will be smoothered in the Birth: he that plots for the Church plots safe.

The Councils of Europe very hush.

Of late, Heav [...]ns Cob [...]rts did each other greet,
And at their General Rendevouz did meet,
Mavors in Gemini; there still resides,
While Chronos on his Half-bors'd Bowman rides
Th' Effects lie snug and hush; and then begins,
When Sol and Stilborn do imbrace the Twins.

February's Observations

At the Ingress in December we find the Moon void of course, but the Sum is going to the Trine of Jupi­ter, and on the Cusp of the Ascendant in Taurus, but the Sun lately separated from the Opposition of Mars, and the Body of Mercury, and this so near the Tropick, that I fear will spoil the Influence of Jupiter's Balsa­ [...]uick Rays, which indeed tend to peace.

But here we find the Moon going to the square of Saturn and Mars, and toward the end of the month we shall see the Effects of it in London among the New Non-Cons, and the murmuring Crew, and it will be about some seditious thing in reference to the Go­vernment; perhaps meeting to affront the King and Queen, as they have done before; but I remember when a Gallows used to be the reward of such things in the two late pious Reigns; but the case is altered, the Murtherers then are the Traytors now.

It also shews some sudden surprize or treachery in [...]landers; perhaps the French Tyrant may go to mar­ [...]t about this time to take Towns after his usual way [Page 4] of fighting without Blood. And it also shews the death of old and aged People in and about London and this by some unusual Sickness and Accident.

With full career Sol to the Ram doth hie,
He being there the Judge of Equity.
But ere he doth his Regal throne possess,
Grim furious Mars disturbs his happiness.
Hence Feuds and Difference, hence too, Treach'ry flow
Perfidious friends are worse then open foes.

March's Observations.

At the Lunation now approaching we find both Sun & Moon in exact square to Mars from Pisces & Gemin [...] Lites Rixoe Inter factiones multas in [...]h [...]'tis Locis. Mar is in a humane Sign from whence we usually find Quar­rels and Contentions, as well Publick as Private, from whence also we shall hear of Duels and Murders, abou [...] this time in divers parts: also Skirmishing by Parties o [...] those Souldiers that guard the frontiers of Countries and Garrisons. We may also expect to hear of some Cru­elty, Murder or other villanies commited by the blood Ripparee Papists in Ireland. In short, mankind in Ge­neral are about this time inclin'd to Violence, and Vil [...] ­nies R [...]bberies, and Blood; as besides this Lunation the square of Saturn and Venus, and the square of the Sun and M [...]rs shews.

Whatsoever the discourse is about a Peace at th [...] time, will end in words and noi [...]e, and have no other effect, for I can see no real ground to judg any such thing, and besides the War hath not travelled its full Journey yet.

Much lying News spread abroad to the abuse o [...] [Page 5] the Credulous, and this about some considerable thing as they report. Clippers detected, an Eminent man br.

The Orbs and Stars how stedfastly they're hurl'd?
Those Arks whe [...]e Codli [...]s j [...]udgments for the world
That shake its Pillars, yet themselves w [...] s [...]d,
Beyond the Rage of Thun [...]er, [...] and wind
And when th'Almighty, th [...]ough these Trumpets calls
Po [...]r Totterig man h [...] staggers & he falls

April's Observations.

Holland seems active and early in their preparations for this Summers Affairs; and this as well for Land as Sea-service which is aptly enough shewed by Mars being in Cancer in Sextile to Jupiter, and the Moon applying.

Mars in Cancer a Northern Sign, with North Latitude free from all Affliction, and in Sextile to Mercury, Lord of the tenth, shews that, the Armies of Europe are endeavouring to take the Field betimes, and that the P rinces of Europe are making vigorous Preparations for the following Campain; and this the rather, because Mars is also Angular in the tenth house, and their ap­plying to the Sextile and Parallel of Jupiter, Lord of the 7th, which they say is the House of War. But this Appl [...]cation between Mars and Jupiter, seems also to shew some Propositions for Peace but I think it is for no other end, but to protract time till some other design is ready.

Is it possible there should be an Opposition of Sa­turn and Venus, from Gemini and Sagitarius, and no Knavish Villanies acted or discovereed in or about London at such a time! if there is any Roguery now against the Government, be sure there is a Woman up [Page 6] to the Ears in it; but be it what it will, 2 woman is at the bottom, and the thing is villanous.

As the Sun's Rays and heat without controul,
Dissolves the frozen Mountains near the [...]ole.
So 'tis his Beams refresheth Earth and air,
Excites to motion, calls our men of War.
In thy good time O Lord, let mankind be
From Rage, Oppression force, and madness free.

May's Observations

Some mighty Action near, of the nature of Mars that is, fighting either by sea, or land, notwithstanding the Sun is in Conjunction with Jupiter and Sextile to Mars and Jupiter in Sextile to Mars likewise. And I really judge the Arms of the victorious King of England is about this time successful against the Christian Turk, he I mean that scorns to be just or honest, the French Ty­rant; and I judg also, there is a probability of the Ef­fusion of much Blood, as well as a prospect of a vi­ctory.

On May 20, and 22. 1685. Dr. Oates was whipt; being tried by a Protestant Jury, and Protestant Judges, such as they were; and found guilty on Popish Evi­dence; he had 2256 Lashes with a Whip of six Thongs knotted, which amounts to 13536 Stripes: his Judges were Jefferies, Withins, Walcot &- Holloway.

There is now an Opposition of Saturn and the Sun; this makes a great Man frown, &c. There is work for the Messengers abroad if they will but look out sharp.

Saturn and Jove confront each other's rest,
One nature's States-man, t'other her High-Priest.
[Page 7] Thy fall at odds, ay, let them quarrel too,
If mankind suffer'd not for what they do.
They more and scatter what they have in store,
And snatch those joys away, they gave before.

June's Observations

The affairs of this Month seem to concern Spain in their Millitary and Martial Negotiations, France in every thing that relates to her Government and Quiet; Hun­ [...]ary and Da [...]natis, &c. are affected with some Dissen­t [...]ons, either about setling their Government, or about some poin's of Religion. London is also disturbed with some Divisions in her peculiar Government: uneasy [...] ­ [...]ing Spirits are still trying their Tricks to destroy their own Quiet, and the peace of all besides, Poor Men they want a Hobby Horse; but the best on't is, they are men of more Hope than Courage, &c. Is London [...] [...] credo.

[...]et all the Plagues of Murther now be flung
[...]n those curs'd Knaves from whence those Mis­chiefs sprung
There's ruffling work above; & hence must flow,
Mutations here; some Tyrants overthrow:
Tho at this distance, yet methinks I hear
Most pleasant News, some Abdication near.

Julys Observations

Altho' the Opposition of Saturn and Jupiter, [...]ve a large share in the Actions and Affairs of this [...]ner, as the other Rays and Lamations have; yet [...] to be considered differently from them, they [Page 8] being both of a slower Motion and greater Bodies than the rest; and always with their present Influx stamp a new face on the publick Affairs of the World, and at this time of Europe in particular, as a few Months hence will inform us; for there are three Oppositions as well as there were three Con­junctions.

But at present all things tend to Violence and Blood, the real Effects of War and Confusion: Pax queri­ [...] [...], after a Storm comes a Calm The quartile of Saturn and Mars, and Jupiter & Mars from Humane Signs, shews great Effusion of Blood by fighting; quando cum b [...]ste ma [...]us cons [...]rer [...]nt.

This Month is attended throughout with much News and In [...]elligence Some removes among the Clergy, &c. and a merry Couple much talk'd of.

Is London free from Traiters? is that Crew
Still seeking that, some years hath been their due
Alas Good men! the Passive cant's laid by,
And now Resistance is no Blasphemy.
Well! they are men of Noise, & so it proves
Pray ask abroad how the grand Tyrant moves

August's Observations

At the Lunation that begins this Month we find n [...] Planet angular; and therefore do I Judg no considera­ble thing that is really n [...]w can be expected at this tim [...] and notwithstanding the [...] so many Aspects in the Month, yet it will follow the fate and effect of the Re­volutional Ingress next proceeding and the Opposition [...] Saturn and Jupiter the Quartile of Saturn and Mercury [Page 9] from Libra and Sagitarius, gives abundance of l [...]ing al [...] News and Rumors, some about Sea-Affairs, [...], Merchandizing, and the like; and I [...] be [...]tive almost that there will be some n [...]t [...]ri [...]s pi [...]ce [...]f [...] acted and brought about under the [...] [...] M [...]sk of Religion.

The Quan [...]e of the Sun & Saturn creates abundance of Difference in London, Hears in their Councils, and [...] should be about something that relates to its Go­vernment, but it will be for the City's Advantage in [...]e Conclusion, and I think for the Establishment of [...] future Peace.

[...]ath Europe's Toes laid by their Murdering laws,
And the grand Murtherer dilown'd his cause?
[...]o Popish Projects with their Plots decrease,
And Noah's Dove bring in the Branch of Peace?
Pray then inquire; ask if it can be;
If England's Monarch says it, I agree,

Septembers Observation

The Quartile of the Sun and Saturn, and the Sun and Jupiter will in some measure influence September so, and yet I do not think it will give any considera­ble Action abroad either as to the Wars, by Sea or and, or to the state of Affairs and Councils of Eu­ [...]pe, and yet it seems to shew Difference and Quarrels, [...] they will be in and among private Companies and [...]cieties which may prove the cause of Duels, Murders, &c. The quartile of Saturn and Mercury as they are [...]alified at the last New Moon, shews the Death of [...]me Eminent Lady; and the Misfortunes and Trou­ [...]s of others. If Mars be in the seventh, as I do [...]lieve he is in Conjunction with Mercury, and both [...]regrine, he shews much Robbing and Mischiefs to­ward [Page 10] the end of the Month

There's mighty News abroad, 'tis come from far
About some King's affairs of Peace or War:
Jove's in the Twins: Methinks I hear the voi [...]
Of the curs'd Murmuring Crew the rest rejoice.
God save the King, and he that won't say so,
Burton and Graham's Blessing with him go:

Octobers Observations

At the Ingress of the Sun into Libra, we find a ve­ry peaceable position: the Moon who is in Opposition to the place of the last Conjunction in 1682. is [...] Trine to Jupiter, Mars and Mercury; why shou [...] there not be Propositions made for Peace about th [...] time, and that with success too? it seems very proba­ble God grant it may succeed, if it is for the advantag [...] of the true Protestant Religion, and the beating dow [...] of Tyranny, Popery, and all Arbitrary Power. And if is now effected, the Illustrious and Valiant King [...] England will be the only Man to do it.

Sol, Mars, and Saturn in a fiery Sign,
What e're their Project is do there combin [...]
Something they'll do, perhaps you'll wonder what
Why then Ill tell you tis some knavish Plot
And something else too, will by them be done
They reall in Quartile to the French Kings Son.

Novembers Observations

About the middle of the Month the Sun comes [...] the Conjunction of Mars, near that eminent fixe [...] Stur called the Storpions Heart, which gives villan [...] and treacherous Designs and Conspiracies against t [...] F [...]owers and Government of England in particular [Page 11] Here is some cursed piece of Roguery at the door, but judge it will be discovered; and the best way to pre­vent any more Plots, is to hang all you catch, by what Name or Title soever dignified or distinguished. But [...]his Month will but give a beginning to these Affairs, [...]nd therefore you must expect its further Management [...]nd Prosecution in the next.

Motion and Time, those Twins, older than Man;
When the Dark Chaos alter'd they began.
[...]hey lurk'd throughout the whole, but to appear,
God spoke them into being, and they were,
These are the two that work, tho' different ways.
And as they do begin conclude our Dayes.

Decembers Observations

'Tis ten to one but there may be a fine stroke of [...]usiness at the Old-Bayly this Sessions.

The Last Lunation is perhaps as remarkable a one [...] will happen again in many years: for here we find [...] falls upon an Opposition of Saturn and Jupiter, and [...]turn, Mars, the Sun and Moon all in Conjunction [...] Sagitarius and Jupiter near the Stars of Orion in [...]pposition to them all, he above the Earth in the tenth Reception with Mercury, and they all under the [...]arth peregrine: In a word, it shews Violence and [...]olent Deaths: Let the rebellious Party take it a­mong 'em.

Astrological Judgments

MArs just leaving the Sign Gemini, and going in­to Cancer direct and increasing in motion, shews [...]thinks as if those Armies who are now ready to [...] the Field are designed to attempt some new Stra­ [...]em, or else to transfer the Violence and Devastation [Page 12] of the War into some other Nation, Kingdom or Country; for the Armies seem to b [...] early at work this Spring, and as they are early out, so they will immediately fall to some considerable Act­ion both by Sea and Land; and I do really think thi [...] Year will give strange Changes in the publick Affair [...] of Europe, either in pulling down or setting up Prino [...] palitics and Powers, perhaps both. And seeing I have said so much, and also spoke before of the good Influ­ences a certain King in Europe is now under, pray give me also leave to recite one Paragraph out of Mr. W [...] Lilly's Monarchy and no Monarchy, pag. 62. Printed in the year 1651. ‘Were I intended (says he) to wea­ry my self in relating the woful Calamity which sha [...] in less than half a Century of years befal the French Nation, I might write a large Volume thereof, and tel [...] them a certain Prince, as religious as a Turk, sh [...] over-spread that Peoples most fruitful Territories, & all these Wa [...]s and Disolations will be occasioned by the unruly Nobility, who by their Civil Dissention shall'occasion the Ruine of the French Monarchy and if you would know near the time when thi [...] great Mutation shall be, it shall happen when [...] certain King called Henry, is twice made King, and [...] Duke of Florence turn'd Protestant.’ And at thi [...] time there is no King in Europe of that Name, but the Valiant and Illustrious King of England. William Hendrick Prins vast Orangien hu Koningh van Engelant E [...]de lk hope dat by sa [...] Koning van Uranckrick oock wo [...] ­den. And in the next Page after that before mention­ed, Mr. Lilly says, ‘The King of France shall be d [...] ­ven out of his Country by his own Subjects; fo [...] he shall exercise great Tyranny against his Subjects, [...] the Church of Christ, being-instigated and stirred [...] thereto by the Bishops and Priests of Reme [...] who sha [...] seduce him and betray him traiterously with Briber [...] [Page 13] of Mony: But those Misdemeanours he doth, shall seem to be done in favour of his Kinsmen or Allies. But when he shall be removed and like a false Man, forsaken and left alone in Exile, even by those in whom he confided: These things shall come to pass in the end of his second Ingress to the Kingdom.’


On the Fifth of this Instant August, Arrived at Boston, a Vessel that came from Hull in En­gland, Capt. Walley Commander. Which came from thence on the 19 th of May last, The News that he brings by Letters, is as followeth.

April, 21 st.

SEveral Papers said to be King Jame's Declarations have been scattered about the Streets, and on Sunday last, there were some of them sent to the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs and several other Persons, who carried them to White-Hall, to Her Majesty. Here has been a Discourse for these Two Days that the French were landing in the West, but there is no Credit given to it. All the Millitia, of the City and Suburbs, have Order to be compleated, and speedily Mustered, and to be in readiness upon all occasions. The Council sat late on Sunday night, and Three Persons were brought before them, Two French, and One Dutch. They are said to come from Portsmouth, being taken there­about for Spies their Examination is kept secret, and they again committed to the Custody of messengers. On Friday Nine persons were brought by messengers before the Council, Five English, [Page 14] and Four French, belonging to the Spye-Ship, that came to see what number of Ships we had; and what readiness we were in, which struck up­on the Goodwin Sands, and there they were ta­ken, they were there again Examined last Night. Capt. Medford Commander of the Pri­vateer, that struck upon the Goodwin Sands; being last Night Committed to New-Gate, I am credibly informed, He will make an Ingenious Confession to what he knows relating to the affairs of France. This Eve­ning several Messengers being assisted by Mus­quetiers, are gone out to take up Divers Persons Disaffected to the Government.

May, the Third. Her Majesty likewise recei­ved an Express from the King, which adviseth that he is so well informed of the Intreagues of the French Descent, that some Regiments that the [...] Countermanded from going to [...]nders; are Re-ordered to Embarque.

London 7 th. of May.

We are Alarmed with a Damn'd plot, and are taking up all those that are Informed against, & also all that are Suspected, Marlborough and Hun­tingdon, were sent to the Tower, two dayes since Fans [...]y and Salisbury this morning & several were sent to Newgate, several of our Officer [...] are in the Custody of some of our Messengers [...] Scotland Yard. May 5 th, The fa [...]a [...] Blow wa [...] to [...] given the Queens Majesty was [...] be Siez'd the Guards to be Murdered, and all Persons that w [...]re not of their Party to be knock'd on the head. [Page 15] The Guards are Doubled, the Great Guns drawn out, and about 16 more brought from the Tower to White-Hall. There are several Lords and others that have made their Escape, who were of the Damnable Conspiracy; and a Proclamation is Is­sued forth for [...] the apprehension of their Persons, 6 Lords, and two other Persons of Quality, are al­ready Committed to the Tower, besides many o­thers committed to New-Gate, amongst whom are several Officers, many more are siezed in the Country all about, and betwixt 39 or 40 Persons in and about North-Hampton, being all Strangers, and will give no account of themselves, Fifty French men of war, were seen yesterday a little off from Brest, and it is hoped our Fleet is by this time up with them. Just no [...] th [...] Beadle is going about to warn every House-Keeper to send a Watchman in every Parish to be upon Guard.

London May 5th. By an Express this Morn­ing, Her Majesty was Informed, That the French Fleet of Men of War, (but not King James's Transport Ships) were upon our Coasts at the Start Point; the News came from Dartmouth & Plimouth. They Report, their Number is up­ward of an Hundred Sail. Our Admirals, Sir Ashby Rook, and Sir Cloudesly Shouel, Sailed thro' the Downs. On Sunday Morning there was with them Twenty Sail of our Capital Ships, Forty Sail of Frigates, Tenders and Fireships, and Thirty Six Dutch Men of War. On Monday morning they joyned Sir Rulph Delavall with [Page 16] his Squadron and Carter; so that if the Pl [...]ets meet, and the French will stand a Fight, there is like to be her Service. God send us Victory.

By other hands we have Advice, That a Woman, none of the mearest Orb, was one of the Chiefest Conspirators: And God in his Providence was pleased so to Order it, that a Woman was the First Discoverer, not above two Days before the Designed Execution

God save the King, that King that sav'd the Land;
When James your Martyr [...]s Son, your Laws had shamm'd.
That sav'd your Babes, your Lands, Escates, and Wives,
And your own Threats too from dispencing Knives.
When bloody. Priests did expedite your doom,
And Castlemain in state was sent to Rome.
When plotting [...]ly felt His Master's Hate,
And Sawcy Pen and Peters rul [...]d the State.
'Twas then He say'd us from those Beasts of Prey,
Then wa: The Time, And That without delay.
He spar'd no T [...]il, no Danger did He dread,
He came and saw His foes with Terro [...]r fled
That Prince who never run, con boldly Fight,
Deserves a Crown, he dares defend His right.
Lord! let His Fort be wrapt in slavish Fears,
And Storms of Terrour rattle in their ears;
Confound their [...]lets, and Projects that they do,
And if need be confound their Persons too.
But let His Days be long, His Fame increase,
Add to His Conduct many Victories,
Lord, keep Him safe fixt in his Subjects love,
And to his Crown below, add one above.
Heaven bless his Arms, preserve Him in his own,
And God and Angels, guard his Tent and Throne.

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