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SEVERAL ORDERS and LAWS Made at the Second SESSIONS of the General Court Held at Boston, Octob: 15th. 1684. And Printed by their Order: Edward Rawson Secr'.

IT is Ordered, that in case of Misdemeanour or ve­hement Suspition thereof, where no Court is at hand, any Magistrate, or Magistratical Commissi­oner, Magistrates & Commissioners power in case of Misdemea­nors suspected &c. by Warrant under his hand or being present by his command, may impower any person to make Search and Apprehend any Disorderly Person, whereby their Misdemeanours may be brought forth and punished, and further Evils of like kind prevented; which Man so Im­powred or Commanded, shall in the particular he is Im­ployed in, have equal power with a Constable for requiring Aid and Assistance.

IT is hereby Ordered; that it may and shall be lawful for the Clerks, or Recorders of any and every County Court of this Colony to direct any Execution by them [Page 111] drawn to the Marshal General, as well as to the Marshals of the County, Executions may be served by the Marshal Gen: in cases so that the person who shall obtain a Judg­ment, and take out Execution, may imploy which of them he shall see meet; Provided alwayes, when any such Exe­cution shall be delivered to the Marshal General, the cost of it shall not be greater than if it had been Served by the Marshal of the County where the Judgment was granted.

THe Consideration that the Countrey is at great Charges for transportation of Pay to Boston and Charlstown, from the remote parts of the Colony; as also great loss in Measure:

It is Ordered by this Court and the Authority thereof; Country debts to be paid to all parties in the several Towns they live in: that those to whom the Countrey is indebted for Salleries, or otherwise, shall have order from the Treasurer to receive their pay in the Towns where they live out of the Coun­try Rates, so far as it will reach, or by the next Towns ad­jacent for what is due in Countrey pay; Provided the Payments ordered by the Treasurer be conveyed to those who are to receive it by the Constables at the Countreys charge, to prevent so much loss and cost for carriage.

WHereas Complaint hath been made to this Court, that Wolves have been taken in one Town and afterward carried into another, and there killed; whereby such other Towns hath been unjustly charged.

This Court doth Order and Appoint, that no Town or County shall be liable to make any payment by vertue of the Law Title Wolves, Wolves to be caught & kil­led in the Town bounds or not to be paid for; except for such as shall be both caught and killed within their Bounds respectively; Any Usage to the contrary notwithstanding.


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