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SEVERAL LAWS MADE AT THE General Court Called to Sit, and Held at Boston, Sept. 10th. 1684. And Published by their Order, Edward Rawson Secr.

WHereas it is found by Experience that the Provision made by the Law tit. Addition the Law Attaints. Jury's May 1672. for relief in case of apparent Corruption or Error in the Jury's gi­ving in their Verdict contrary to Law and Evidence is perverted to the burthening of the Countrey with un­reasonable trouble, Party At­tainting to give in wri­ting the cause of At­tainting be­fore it be allowed. the great wrong of Parties concerned with unjust refle­ctions made thereby upon the Jury's.

It is Ordered by this Court and Authority thereof; that in all Attaints before the Entry or Allowance thereof, that the party At­tainting shall give in writing under his hand for what cause, and shew how the same doth appear so to be. And in case upon a due [Page 108] Trial as the Law provides, the Verdict of the former Jury be con­firmed; [...] to the [...]untry 10. li. [...], and to the former [...] &c. 40 s. a­ [...]eice. such party so Attainting shall pay to the Countrey as a Fine for unnecessary trouble to the Court ten pounds in money, and to the Jury-men that gave in the former Verdict forty shillings a peice.

And in case the charge be for corruption, [...]nd also dou­ble Costs and interest to the [...]arty, &c. in [...] It shall be lawful for the Jury so Reproached, joyntly or severally to prosecute their Action of Slander as to them shall seem meet: And the Plaintiffe reproach­ing shall also be liable to such further Fine to the Countrey as the Court shall judge meet; Also in all Cases where the former Verdict is confirmed, the party concerned shall have double Costs, and also double Interest for being detained of his just Debt according to for­mer Verdict.

Form for Execution.

To the Marshal of S. or his lawful Deputy,

YOu are Required in His MAJESTIES Name by Virtue here­of to Levy in Execution of the money of A. B. of B. the Sum of [...] with two shillings more for this Execution, and deliver the same unto C. D. of [...] or his order, which is to satisfie a Judg­ment the said C. D. recovered against the said A. B. for so much in Money (including the Costs of Court) upon a Tryal between them before the County Court holden in B. the [...] of [...] Anno. and in want of the Money, or other Estate of the said A. B's to the satisfaction of the Creditor, you are alike Required to seize the Per­son of the said A. B. [...] for Exe­cutions: and him commit unto the safe keeping of the Prison-keeper in B. until he make payment according to this Exe­cution, or otherwise be released by the Creditor, or by order of Law, hereof fail not, as you will answer the contrary at your peril, and make return of your doings herein under your hand, as the Law directs, for which this shall be your sufficient Warrant; Dated in B.


Mutatis mutandis. According to the tenour of the Judgment.

THis Court being informed that the number of Persons allowed to be Licensed in Boston for keeping of Houses of Entertainment and Retailing Wine and Liquors, &c. without doors, are not sufficient for the accomodation of the Inhabitants and Trade of the Town, by reason whereof sundry Inconveniencies do accrew.

Do Order, that the County Court of Suffolk may License five or six more Publick Houses in Boston; the Select Men of the Town of Boston yearly approving of the Persons as meet and fit for that Imployment.

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AS an Addition to and Explanation of the Law Regulating the size of Bricks, made at the General Court, May 28. 1679.

It is Ordered by this Court and the Authority thereof; That [...]eforth all Bricks shall hold out, Addition to the Law for sizing Bricks: and be of the full size and di­mention expressed in the aforesaid Law, even after they be sufficient­ly Nealed or Burnt; And to that end all Moulds for Bricks shall henceforth be made of such a convenient size or scantling, that the said Bricks may and shall hold out, and be of the full Dimention pre­scribed when they are sufficiently Nealed or Burnt, as aforesaid; which shall be so judged and accounted Merchantable, when as at least three quarters of every parcel of Bricks be hard and through Nealed Ware, and not Samnell Bricks: and for the due observation hereof, every Town (where Bricks shall be made or sold, shall annually choose and appoint two or more able men, each of which shall have power to view, Two Cullers to be annually chosen, their Recompen [...] divide, and cull all Bricks from time to time, that shall be exposed to sale; who shall be Sworn to the faithful Discharge of their Office, and shall be allowed four pence for every thousand of good and merchantable Bricks they shall so Cull, one half thereof to be paid by the Seller, and the other half by the Buyer; And no Bricks shall be sold or made use of before they have been viewed and culled, as aforesaid, upon the penalty of paying twenty shillings in Money per thousand, one half thereof to the Town where such Bricks are made or sold, and the other half to the Informer.


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