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SEVERAL LAWS and ORDERS Made by the General Court, Held at Boston the 7 th of May, 1684.

Imposts on Wine & strong Liquors in force till June 10. 1685IT is Ordered by this Court and the Authority thereof, that the Laws title Imposts, and Impost on Wine and strong Liquors, with the Explanations and Additions made also thereunto, shall be and remain in full force from the tenth day of June next insuing, until the tenth day of June, which will be in the year one thousand six hundred eighty and five.

THere being Complaint made of great inconvenience by rea­son of Filth and Dirt cast into the Streets of Boston and other Towns, and of the neglect of Butchers to cleanse their Slaughter-houses and Yards of Blood and other Filth; Nusances to be removed within twelve hours on pe­nalty. although such Houses and Yards are scituate near Streets and Lanes much frequented:

This Court doth Order and Enact, that all Persons so of­fending shall forfeit twenty shillings to the use of the Town [Page 101] except such Annoyance be removed within twelve hours after Complaint thereof made to lawful Authority.

WHether Executions upon Judgments, How Executi­ons are to issue forth ought not to be issued forth according to the form of Process upon which said Judgments are founded, viz. against the Goods and for want thereof the Person; the Court resolves this Question on the Affirmative, as to personal Debts.

IN Answer to the Petition of Major Robert Pike; It is Or­dered by this Court, that Major Pike be allowed to Lyst so many Men for Troopers out of the three foot Companies of Haveril, Salisbury and Amesbury, in proportion to the number of the said Company as to make his Troop forty eight men besides Officers; Provided this Troop be under the Command of Major Robert Pike for their Captain; and Major Pike is ordered to present to the next Sessions of this Court the names of other Commission Officers to compleat the said Troop.

And in Lysting the said Addition out of the Foot Compa­nies; This Court doth dispense with qualification of the per­sons in point of estate paying in the Country Rate, Provided they be otherwise qualified with ability of body and sufficient Horse and Armes.

WH [...]ther it be not expedient for this General Court to ap­point a Seal for the Publick Notary of this Colony, Quere that so Writings Signed and Pas'd by him may find the more credit in forreign parts.

In Answer to this Quere, the Court thinks fit, Publick Nota­ry Seal. that a Buck with this Circumscription SIGIL. NOTAR. PUB. MASSA­CHUSET. be the Seal for the Office of the Notary Publick; and do accordingly Order the engraving the same in Silver at the Countries Charge.

IT is Ordered that Benjamin Gerrish be the Officer for Salem and the Ports annexed, instead of the late Mr. Hilliard Veren, to demand and receive the Powder Money of all Ma­sters of Ships and other Vessels, according to their respective Burdens, the said Gerrish giving an Account to the Surveyor General yearly or oftener as the Law directs.

IT is Ordered, that Nathaniel Clark of Newbury be the Na­val Officer for the Ports of Newbury and Salisbury.


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