[Page 98]

SEVERAL LAWS MADE AT THE SECOND SESSIONS OF THE General Court Held at BOSTON October 10. 1683. And Published by their Order: Edward Rawson Secr.

IT is Ordered by this Court and the Authority thereof, That all the Laws under the Head or Title of Imposts; Impost on Wine & strong Liquors; Law as Pub­lick Charges Repealed from June 10 1684. Impost upon all goods & Provisions, with any Explanation or Addition made thereunto; and the Law Title Publick Charges, Section the third, referring to the Treasurer, issuing out Warrants to the Constables, for Collecting of Assessments yearly, shall be and remain in force for the present Year, and until the tenth day of June, which will be in the Year Sixteen hun­dred eighty and four, and for no longer time; Any Law, Usage or Custome to the contrary notwithstanding.

[Page 99] AS an Addition to the Law Title Schools:

This Court doth Order and Enact; That every Town consisting of more than five hundred Families or Housholders, shall set up, Addition to the Law for Schools both Grammar & Writing, &c and maintain two Grammar Schools, and two Writing Schools; the Masters whereof shall be fit and able to Instruct Youth, as said Law directs.

And whereas the said Law makes the Penalty for such Towns as provide not Schools as the Law directs, to pay to the next School ten pounds:

This Court hereby Enacts, that the Penalty shall be twen­ty pounds where there are two hundred Families or House­holders.

AS an Addition to the Law Title Inkeepers: Whereas the Law Section 3d. Imposes a Fine of five shillings on the Licensed Persons that are the breakers of that Law;

This Court doth Order, that the Penalty for the Breach of that Law shall henceforth be forty shillings.

FOr the Prevention of Deceit and Cousenage by Persons being taken by Execution, or delivering themselves over as Ser­vants unto any, thereby to prevent their Creditors taking hold on them.

It is Ordered and Enacted by this Court and the Autho­rity thereof, that henceforth no Person or Persons shall be taken or delivered over by Execution, or shall deliver up themselves to any one or more of their Creditors in way of Service for satisfaction of any Debt or Debts, owing by him or them, unless it be with the knowledge and approba­tion of the Court of that County where such Debtor or Creditor dwell, that they may receive satisfaction in the justness of the Debt, and likewise set the time that the Debtor shall serve; and that it may be publickly Declared that he is a Servant:

Provided this Order shall not be Interpreted so as to ob­struct the legal Procedure of any other Creditors, against any Person so disposed to Service, either formerly or here­after.


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