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SEVERAL LAWS MADE AT THE General Court Called and Held at BOSTON on the seventh of February and Continued by Adjournment to the thirty first of March 1683.
And by their ORDER Printed and Published; By Edward Rawson Secretary.

I. WHereas by the Law, title Mines; It is Pro­vided that the fifth part of Gold and Silver Oar, which is found in this Colony, shall be paid to the Kings Majesty, his Heirs and Successors: and there being Rumors of such Mines found in this Jurisdiction; Law to pre­vent all deceit by opening of Mines &c that His Majesty may have his due, &c.

It is therefore Ordered by this Court and Authority thereof, that some moet Persons be appointed from time to time by this Court to make Enquiry after such Mines, and do their uttermost endeavour: that a fifth part of the said Oar be reserved for His Majesty, and that they take care that His Majesty may have his just due for the same, both in quantity and quality: And it is further Ordered, that if any Person or Persons shall make Discovery of any Royal Mine or Mines, [Page 98] of Gold or Silver, and shall Improve said Mine or any part of it to his own use and benefit before he hath given Account and Informa­tion to the Officer that shall be appointed as aforesaid, the Person so transgressing shall forfeit the treble value thereof, and shall be fined ten pounds for one Offence. And Mr. Ieremiah Dummer is Ap­pointed to be the Officer till this Court take further Order.

As an Addition to the LAw title NAVAL OFFICE.

IT is Ordered that the Port of Boston, to which Charlstown is an­nexed, and the Port of Salem, to which Marble-head, Beverly, Glocester, Ipswich, Rowley, Newbury & Salisbury are annexed as Mem­bers: Addition to the Law title Naval Office. are and shall be the lawful Ports in this Colony, where all Ships & other Vessels shall Lade or Unlade any of the Plantations enumerated Goods, or other Goods from foreign parts, and no where else, on penal­ty of the Confiscation of such Ship or Vessel, with her Goods, Tackle, &c. as shall Lade or Unlade elsewhere.

II. That no Ship or other Vessel Arriving from Forreign parts, shall break Bulk before Entry with the Governour and Naval Officer if they come into the Port of Boston, and in all other Ports not before Entry with the Naval Officer, on penalty of Confiscation of Ship and Goods, and when the Masters of said Ships or Vessels are not Inha­bitants in this Colony, then into whatsoever Port they Arrive, their Entry shall be made with the Governour and Naval Officer that be­longs to the Port where they Trade.

III. That no Ship or other Vessel shall Lade or Unlade any part of their Cargo in the night season, that is not of the growth of this Countrey, unless it be in case of necessity, and then notice to be given to His Majesties Officer upon the place, if any be there, on penalty of Confiscation of said Goods.

IV. That no Ship or other Vessel shall take on Board any of the enumerated Plantation Commodities more then their Ships Store, be­fore they have given Bond, or shew a Certificate that they have alrea­dy given Bond, as the Act of Parliament requires, on penalty of Con­fiscation of such Ship and Goods, unless they be such as pass from Port to Port of our own Jurisdiction; who are then to have a Permit signed by the Naval Officer.

V. And for the information and Satisfaction of all persons con­cerned: It is hereby Declared, that His Majesties Officer hath po­wer to sieze any Ship or Vessel he judges forfeited to His Majesty in order to her Trial, and that he hath liberty to search all Vessels, that are outward Bound, and to put Waiters on Board all Ships inward Bound.

VI. And that the time of Entring and Clearing at the Naval Of­fice be betwixt the hours of ten and twelve, in the Forenoon, and two and four in the Afternoon.

VII. That no Vessel of twenty Tonnes and upward, except such [Page 99] as fetch Wood, Board, Stones or Lumber, shall pass the Castle with­out a Let-pass from the Governour for the time being, if resident in Boston, and in his absence from the Deputy Governour, on penalty of twenty Pounds.

As an Addition unto, and Explanation of the Law title Ship­ping, Page 141. persons penal­to Trade with Ships on the Coast before come into the Harbour.

It is Ordered by this Court and Authority thereof, that no person shall Trade with any Ship or Vessel Arriving on our Coast until they are brought to Anchor in one of the Ports assigned and appoint­ed in the Law title an Addition to the Laws title Naval Office, on pe­nalty and forfeiture provided in the said Law title Shipping.

IT is Ordered by this Court and the Authority thereof, that the Law made October 15 th. 1673. Intituled as an Addition to the Law title Freemen, Section the third is hereby Repealed. Law in Page 73 as to Free­men Repealed

THis Court being informed that there are several Commission Officers in this Judisdiction that have not their Commission according to Law.

It is therefore Ordered by this Court, that each Clark belonging to the several Military Companies in this Colony, shall within one Moneth after the publication hereof, repair to the Secretary, and take out such Commissions as shall be wanting, and them to deliver to each Commission Officer belonging to their own Company, as they shall be directed; And so from time to time within one Moneth after any Commission Officer is Chosen and Appointed by this Court: Commissions to Military Of­ficers to be ta­ken out by the Clerks of Companies within one Moneth, &c. And if any Clerk shall neglect his Duty herein, he shall forfeit the sum of twenty shillings to the use of the Company.


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