[Page 87]

SEVERAL LAVVS and ORDERS Made at the Several GENERAL COURTS Held in Boston in the Years 1680, 1881, And Published by their Order: Edward Rawson Secretary.

MARCH 16. 1680.

IT is Ordered by this Court and the Authority thereof; That the la [...]e Law Title Troopers, made at the GENERAL COURT at their Sessions, 13 th. Octob. last, shall and is hereby Repealed.

MAY. 11. 1681.

THis Court taking into their consideration the Law title Cattle rated in Octo­ber last, see cause to Repeal the same: And it is hereby Repealed to all Intents and Purposes so far as it relates to such as are in Confederation with us. Rates on Cat­tle Repealed.

[Page 88]

Constables and Clerks, how to Collect Rates.

Quest. WHither Constables in Towns, and Clerks of the Trained Bands, and such like Officers as may be appointed to Collect Rates, Courts resolve to the Quest. as to Constabl. and Clerks to collect Rates. or Fines, are not to Execute all Warrants from lawful Authority, for Levying of such Fines and Rates, if not committed to any former Officer, although due before such Consta­ble Clerk, or other Officer were sworn: The Court resolves this Question on the Affirmative.

Loaf-Bread Bakers.
OCTOBER. 12 th. 1681.

IN Answer to the Complaint of the Loaf-Bread Bakers. It is Ordered by this Court; that the Freemen of the Town of Boston, and such other Towns as shall have any considerable use of the Bakers Trade; shall Annually, or otherwise as they shall judge best, make choice of three or more meet Persons in their own Town, to inquire into the middle price of VVheat, how it is sold by quantities, and they or the major part of them in such Towns agreeing thereon, shall publish to all the Loaf-Bread Bakers, Order regu­lating Loaf-Bread Bakers. and Clerks of the Market in the Town, once every Moneth or as often as they see cause, the middle price of VVheat: At which price the said Bakers shall bake their Bread for the following Moneth, or until a new price be declared: and that when the Clerks of the Market do meet with crusty and sta [...]e Bread [...] shall not take it away, and price of Wheat. as forfeited, except it want one sixteenth part of the [...].

Quest. WHither a Judgement granted by a County Court held by Adjourn­ment where a stated Court hath intervened in the s [...]me County, Courts resolve as to the Que­stion about Judgement. though not in the same Town, be Legal: The Court resolves this Question on the Negative,

WHen an Obligation is put in Suit wherein persons stand bound joyntly and severally, and Judgem [...]nt comes thereupon: all being named in the Pro­cess; though but one Attached: whither Judgement ought not, according to the form of the Processe to be entred against all and either:

The Court Resolves this Questi [...]n on the Negative: for that Execution ought not to go against any Person not Summoned to Answer.

When Judgement is granted against a Person, and he dieth before Execution be taken out; whither that Judgement do not stand in force against h [...]s Heirs, Executors, or A [...] ­ministrators & whosoever of them is answerable in Law, How Execu­tion is to [...] out on a dead mans Estate. and Execution to be granted against such Executors or Administrators, &c. The Court resolves this Question on the Affirmative, and to prevent inconconvenience or wrong to such estates, the per­son against whom the Execution comes shall have liberty to review the same.

[Page 89]


IT is Ordered by this Court and the Authority thereof; that all Indians that be­long to this Jurisdiction except Apprentices or Covenant-Servants for years, are to li [...]e among, & under Government of the Indian Rulers of Natick, Punkepang or Wa­mesit, which are places allowed by this Court, and appropriated for [...]he Indians to live in; where there is Land sufficient to improve for many Families more than are of them: Order to Re­gulate Indians. and if any shall refuse to comply with this Order, It is referred to the Select men of every Town, by VVarrant under their hand, to send such Indian or Indians to the House of Correction or Prison, until he or they engage to comply with this Order.

February 15. 1681. FOR THE SATISFACTION OF HIS MAJESTY And the better Regulating of the NAVIGATION and TRADE of the JURISDICTION: And in Pursuance of a Law made October the tenth One thousand six hundred seventy seven, Referring thereunto.


IT is Ord [...]red and Enacted by thi [...] Court and the Authority thereof, that the Act of Parl [...]ament made [...]n the twe [...]th year of His Majesties Reign, Entituled an Act for encouraging and encrea [...]ng of Shipping and Navigation; and the Act made in the fiveteenth year of His Maj [...]sties Reign, Entituled an Act for the encou [...]agement of Trade, be forthwi [...]h Pub [...]ishe [...] in t [...]e Market Place in Boston, by beat of Drum; And that all Clauses in said Act Relat [...]ng to this Plantation be strictly taken notice of, and observed, as said Acts Require.

It is further O [...]dered by the Aut [...]ori [...]y aforesaid, that a Naval Office be forthwith Erected, and s [...]ttle [...] in the Town of Boston, for the Entring of Ships and other Ves­sels, Outward and [...]nwar [...] Bound, for the taking of Bonds, receiving and granting Certifica [...]es for th [...]i [...] Cleari [...]g, according as in said Acts is directed: Naval O [...] Erected in B [...]ston for Entri [...] Bonds, recei [...]ing and gran [...]ing Certifica [...] And all Com­manders and Maste [...]s of Sh [...]ps and other Vessels are required to take notice hereof, and to mak [...] the [...]r Entrie [...], to give Bonds and receive and produce Certificates in said Office as [...] resp [...]ct [...]ely Concerned, on the penalties in the aforesaid Acts of Parliament [...]prest.

[Page 90]Provided, such Vessels as pass to and fro within our Harbours, or Rivers, shall not be Obliged to Enter, and give Bond as abovesaid; nor such Vessels as pass from Port to port on the Main Sea, on the Coas [...] of New-England; Unless they take in for their own Stores, and Trade in some of His Majesties Colonies in New-En­gland more then one Tun of each of the Commodities enumerated in said Acts.

And for the due Execution of said Office:

James Russel Esq. Officer in Boston.It is Ordered, That James Russel Esqr. who was chosen by this Court, January the eleventh one thousand six hundred and eighty be the Officer, who shall have Com­mission under the hand of the Governour, or Secretary, and Seal of the Colony, and be [...]wo [...]n by said Governour to the faithful Discharge of the same; which Officer to Auth [...]rized, shall keep fair Books of all Entries, Certificates and Bonds, which shall alwayes reliable [...]o the view of any Officer, or other Person that may inform of the bre [...]ch o [...] said Acts; or other Laws in pursuance thereof, or referring to the Trade of this Jurisdiction.

And for the greater ease of the Town of Salem and adjacent Ports, [...] in [...] is appo [...]n [...]ed the Officer in the Town of Salem; [...]. Gerris [...] [...] Officer [...]. who shall [...]n like manner be Sworn and s [...]all make Entri [...]s, take Bonds, and receive and gra [...]t Cert [...]ficates, as the said Officer [...]n Boston, is obliged to do: & shall also once in six Moneths Return fair Copies of all Bonds by him taken, unto said Officer in Boston; who shall in like man­n [...]r from time to time, once in six Moneths deliver fair Copies o [...] all Bonds to the Gover [...]our: Fees as [...] of [...] Co. and shall receive for his Service referring to the Premises such Fees as by Law are allowed to Recorders and Clerks of County Courts.

And for the Governours Signing a Certificate for their Clearing, the Fee shall be two shillings.

[...] Fee for [...] a [...]ficate.It is further Ordered by the Authority aforesaid, that if any Person shall desire and obtein a Special Court for the Trial of any Case referring to the Premises, [...]e shall give in us [...]al Caution to respond all Costs, before Warrants be issued for [...]h, to assemble said Cour [...] and Jury; and if any person be d [...]mnified by false Infor­mat o [...], wrongful Searching, or seizing any Goods, Ship, or other Vessel, he may Recover the same by an Action of the Case, in any Court or Courts of Judicature, according to the usual course of Law.

And for the Encouragement of his Majesties Officer or Officers, and all Informers:

It is hereby Declared, That said Officer or Officers and Informers shall from time to t [...]me be aided and assi [...]ed by all Marshals, Constables and other Officers, by Warrant from the Governour, Deputy Governour, or any Magistrate, in the pro­secution of the breaches of said Acts of Trade and Navigation.

WHereas you J. R. are Chosen Naval Officer for the several Ports of the Massachusets Colony, Officers and have received a Commission from the Governour and Company of said Colony for the Execution of that Office, You do [...] by the Great Name of the ever living God, that you will carefully and duely attend the Execu [...]ion of the sa [...]d Office, accord [...]ng to the te [...]our and true intent of your Com­mission, and the Laws of this Jurisdiction: So help you God.



IT is Ordered by this Court and the Authority thereof; that henceforth the new Brass Weigh [...]s that are lately come from England, and have been Sealed at the Exchequ [...]r in W [...]tmin [...]ter as appears by a writing testimonial under the hand of Mr. John Low, Wei [...] and Mr. Nicholas Stuart principal Officers there and Sealers of the said Office are just and true A [...]erdu [...]oise VVeights, such as are used in London; divers of which are Bell-fashioned, viz. one fifty six pound [...], one twenty eight, one fourteen, one seven, one four one two and one pound; the rest are flat VVeights, and are one half pound, one quarter▪ one eighth part, and one sixteenth, or Ounce; as also one half ounce, one quarter of an [...], one eighth, and one sixteenth part of an Ou [...]ce, shall be the Standard [...] for [...]his Col [...]ny of Ma [...]achusets; by which all other Weights are to be Sized: and th [...]t the Country Treasurer issue forth his VVarrants forth­with to the Constables of every Town in this Colony to provide at their Town charge all the abovesaid VVeights of Brass or Lead, by the tenth of May next; which are to be brought into the said Tre [...]surer, or whom he shall apoint, to be Sized and Seal­ed by the af [...]es [...]id VVeights: and henceforth it shall not be lawful for any Person to buy or sell by [...]ny ot [...]er weights, or Steelyards, but such as are Se [...]ed by, and made agreeable with the afor [...]said Standard: and the penalty of such as neglect, or act contrary to this Order shall be the same, and disposed of according to the Order of this Court, made in May 1680. Title Measures.

IT is Ordered by this Court and Authority thereof, that the 12 th. Section of the Capital Laws title Conspiracy Rebell [...]on: and the [...]8 th Section of said Laws, title Rebellious Son, and also the Law referring to Christ mass, Page 57, 58. and the word ( Common-Wealth) where it imports Jurisdiction, is hereby Repealed; and the word Jurisdiction, is hereby inserted.



IF any Man Conspire and Attempt any Invasion, Insurrection, or Publick Rebel­lion against the KINGS Majesty, His Government here established, or shall en­deavour to Surprize any Town or Towns, Fort or Forts therein, or shall treache­rously and perfideously attempt the Alteration, and Subversion of our Frame of Polity or Government Fundamentally, he shall be put to Death.

AT A GENERAL COURT Held at Boston; May 24th. 1682.

THis Court taking into consideration the frequent Ex­portation of our New England Coyne out of the Country, whereby Commerce and Trade is very much Obstructed. As an Expedient to keep Money in the Country:

It is Ordered that all Pieces of Eight, as PILLAR, SEVIL, and MEXICO Coyne, that are good Silver, shall pass amongst us as currant Money of New-England accor­ding to their weight in the present New-England Coyne.

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