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SEVERAL Laws and Orders Made at the first Sessions of the GENERAL COURT FOR ELECTIONS Held at Boston, May 19th. 1680. And published by their Order; Edward Rawson Secr'.

AS an Explanation of the Order of this Court made in February last, respecting the Form of Military Officers Commissions,

This Court doth declare, Courts Decla­ration as to Mi­litary Officers Commissions, & Precedency, &c. that that Order intends, not only all Commissions following, but also preceding the same. And it is hereby Ordered, That the Secretary doe issue out, when they shall be demanded, new Commissions to all former Officers in the said Form. And that the precedency of Captains goe and be according to their former Settlement.

IN answer to the Petition of several of the Inhabitants of Boston, the Court considering the present inability of many Persons that have suf­fered great loss by the late Fire, The Law requi­ring Buildings to be Brick or Stone in Boston suspended for three years. to rebuild with Brick or Stone, Judg­eth it meet to suspend the executing and prosecuting the late Law Tit. New Buildings in Boston to be Brick or Stone, for the space of three years only, when it is to be in force, and all Persons are required then carefully to attend the same.

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IT is Ordered by this Court and the Authority thereof, That hence­forth the new Measures that are now come over from England by Mr. Foy shall be the Standard for this Colony of the Massachusets, Standard for Measures. which said Mea­sures are of Bell-mettal, the half bushel and the Peck for measuring of Corn, and other Grain, and Salt &c. And also one Quart, and one Pint for Beer or Ale, which are attested to by Daniel [...] Keeper of Guild-Hall, of the City of London, Yeoman of the Chamber thereof, and Sizer and Sealer of the Weights and Measures, to be just and right according to the Statute for measuring called Winchester Measure: together with a Standard of Brass to Size a Yard and an Ell: And also one Gallon, one Quart and one Pint, being Wine Measures according to the custome of London; And that all half Bushels and Bushels shall be sized by this half Bushel, and all other Measures shall be sized by these other Measures be­fore expressed: And that the Country Treasurer issue forth his Warrants forthwith to the Constable of every Town in this Colony, to bring in all the old Standards of the several Towns, to whom the Treasurer shall or­der, to be sized by the new Measures now allowed and approved of by this Court, within one month after Publication hereof: And that henceforth it shall not be lawfull for any Person whatever, to buy or sell by any other Measures then what are allowed of, and sealed by or according to the a­bovesaid Standard under the Penalty of five pounds to any Person that shal so doe, the one half to the Informer, and the other half to the Town they belong to; and if any Town or Constable thereof shall neglect their duty herein in not bringing in their Standards to be sealed according to the time appointed, they shall pay as a Fine to the Country ten Pounds.

And the new Seal for these measures shall be M NE


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