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SEVERAL LAVVS and ORDERS Made at the GENERAL COURTS IN May 3. August 1. & October 11. 1665.
PRinted and Published by Order of the General Court held at Boston the 11 th of October, 1665.

MAY the 3. 1665.

THere being a seeming contradiction between the Laws tit. Fornication, Addition to the Law of Fornication. pag. 33. and title Punishment, pag. 67. This Court doth Declare, That the former referring to a particular Crime, a shameful Sin, much increasing amongst us, to the great dishonour of God, and our Profession of his Holy Name, the punishment of that Sin shall be as is prescribed in the said Law, Any thing that may seem to restrain or limit the same, contained in the other Law tit. Punishment, notwithstanding. And in case any person legally convicted of that or any other shameful and vicious Crime, be a Freeman; It shall be in the liberty and power of the Court that hath the proper cognizance thereof, besides any other Penalty or Punishment, to adde Disfranchisement thereto.

THis Court understanding that several Gentlemen Merchants strangers, Order for Ra­ting strangers: Or, Order for As­sessments on strangers. in the beginning of every year frequently coming into these parts, and bringing great store of English and other Goods of all sorts to great value; and usually making up their Markets to their great advantage before the Sixth Moneth, when the Rates, or Order for the Collecting of them, by Law is to issue out, (not without a considerable disadvantage to the Merchants and Shop-keepers, Residents and Inha­bitants of this Colony, who have born the heat of the day, and are fain to be at all the Charge for supporting of the Government) and the said Merchants strangers taking the chief of the benefit of the Trade, and make their escapes without any [Page 2] payment to support the Government of this place, under, and by which they reap so great advantage to themselves: It is therefore Ordered, That it shall be hence­forth lawful for the Select-men of each Town, where such Strangers are, or shall be,, to assess all such Strangers, according to the Cargo's they shall bring into this Country: Or in case of their refusal to give a true Account of their Estate to the Select-men; then the said Select-men shall, and hereby are im­powered to make their Assessment on all such Strangers in any Moneth of the Year, yearly, in proportion to a single Rate by will and doom, as the Inhabi­tants of this Country are used to be rated; and for non-payment, by the Con­stables to levy their said Assessments, as in other cases, by Warrant from the said Select-men.

Directions to Court-officers to grant Co­pies, &c. REsolved upon the Question, That the words Rolls, Records, or Register of any Court or Office, contained in the Printed Laws tit. Records, &c. Sect. 3. pag. 69. are to be interpreted and understood onely of such acts of Court as concern particular persons in matters of Justice, License, Grant or Appro­bation; or of such Laws as are of publick concernment.

AVGVST 1. 1665.

THis Court being sensible, that through the wicked practices of many persons, who do prophane Gods holy Sabbaths, All Fines for Prophanation of the Sabbath as formerly to be to the Counties, &c. and contemn the publick Worship of his House, the Name of God is greatly dishonoured, and the Profession of his People here greatly scandalized, as tending to all Prophaneness and Irreligion; As also that by reason of the late Order of October 20. 1663. remitting the Fines imposed on such to the use of the several Towns, the Laws made for reclaiming such Enormities are become ineffectuall: Do therefore Order and Enact. That henceforth all Fines imposed according to Law for Prophanation of the Sabbath, Contempt or Neglect of Gods Publick Worship, Reproaching of the Laws, and Authority here Established according to His Majesties Charter, shall be to the use of the several Counties, as formerly; Any thing in the abovesaid Law to the con­trary notwithstanding. And in case any person or persons so sentenced, do neglect or refuse to pay such Fine or Mulct as shall be legally imposed on them, or give Security in Court to the Treasurer for payment thereof, every such person or persons so refusing or neglecting to submit to the Courts Sentence, shall for such his contempt be Corporally punished, according as the Court that hath cognizance of the case shall determine: And where any are Corporally punished, their Fines shall be remitted.

OCTOBER 11. 1665.

WHereas sundry Inconveniences do arise, by reason that Plaintiffs in Civil Cases do delay to Enter their Actions, to the great expence of much precious time, Rule for En­try of Actions. and damage to the Publick: This Court doth therefore Order, That henceforth no Action shall be Entred after the first day of the Court is ended. And in case any Plaintiff shall delay his Entry longer then the first Forenoon of the Courts sitting, every such person or persons shall pay double Entry-money. And all persons, whether Parties or Witnesses, are enjoyned to attend their respective Concerns in every Court of Justice, as well the first Forenoon of the Court, as afterwards; and shall present the whole Plea and Evidence before the Case be committed to the Jury, and no [Page 3] after-Plea or Evidence shall be admitted to any person, Any Law, Usage or Custome to the contrary notwithstanding. And for that end, all Marshals and Constables are enjoyned to make their Returns of Attachments by them served some time the first Forenoon of the Court that is to take cognizance of the Case concerned therein. Provided, That the double Entry-money be paid by him that so neglects his Entry, and not put the Defendant to unnecessary charge through his default.

AS an Addition to the Law tit. Inne-keepers: It is Ordered by this Court, and the Authority thereof, Addition to the Law of Inne-keepers. That where any person or persons what­soever shall presume to keep an house of Publick Entertainment, Ordinary, Cooks shop, or shall by Retail sell Wine, Strong Beer, Liquors or Cider, without License first had and orderly obtained; or having had License, and not renewed as the Law requireth, or being discharged for any Misdemeanour committed, or suffered to be done in their houses, or in or about the same: It shall be lawful for any Court or Magistrate, on complaint made to them of such Misdemeanour, to send for such person or persons before them, and be­ing legally convicted of any the abovesaid Offences, to require Bond, with sufficient Sureties for the good Abbearance of such person or persons, and in speciall for their Observance of the said Law: And in case of Refusall to give such Bond with Sureties as is required; The Court or Magistrate that hath cognizance of such Complaint, shall commit such person or persons con­victed as abovesaid to Prison, untill the next Court of that County.


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