HANNIBAL at the Gates: OR, THE PROGRESS OF Iacobitism. WITH THE Present Danger OF THE PRETENDER.

Pene occupatam Seditionibus
Delevit Urbem Dacus & Aethiops.

LONDON: Printed for J. Baker, at the Black-Boy in Pater Noster-Row. 1712. Price 6 d.

HANNIBAL at the Gates: OR, THE PROGRESS OF Jacobitism, &c.

How near the Brink of Ruin we have stood, and how often we have been rescu'd from impending Dangers by the very Fin­ger of Providence, the des­perate Struggles that have been made for Liberty, thro' the several Stages of the last Century, are sufficient Indications: Yet no sooner has the Tempest abated, and the Horrour of the Scene cool'd upon our Minds, but (as if we were fond of making [Page 4] Fatal Experiments) some restless and im­placable Spirits have troubled the Air afresh, and thrown us into the same hazardous Circumstances again. And what makes our Case the more deplorable, is, that the same stale Artifices, by which the people have been so often deluded, are, without the least Colouring or Varnish, trump'd up Success­fully at every turn, when either the Ambi­tion, or Necessities of a few pernicious Instru­ments are to be serv'd. A due Reflection upon the Easiness and Credulity of this Nation, has made me often Pronounce us the most unthinking Animals in Nature, and even below the sylliest Species of the whole Field, who are never caught twice in that Snare they have been once intangl'd in. It's really amazing, that in a Constitution so well guarded, and where People daily feast upon the Blessings of Liberty, that the Byass should run so strong to Slavery, espe­cially when the open and avow'd Enemies of Freedom, and the Protestant Interest, lye within so small a Grasp; but then, if we throw the Insensibility of some, the Indo­lence of others, the Obstinacy of a third, and, in fine, the Ductile Temper of the Generality, (tho' in most respects firm to the Essentials of our Constitution) into the Scale with those few, but watchful Agents, [Page 5] the wonder will soon abate. It was the Glory of Former Ages to have been always Furnish'd with a Set of bold and uncorrupted Patriots; who, upon the least Approach of Danger, spoke their Sentiments freely, and took all the Legal Precautions to secure themselves against a Domineering Faction. Even after the Restoration of Charles the Second, when so strong an Acclivity to Arbitrary Power run thro' the whole Na­tion, and the People were so perfectly tir'd out with the many Fantastick Schemes of a false Liberty, that the true Notion of Legal Right was, in a manner, turn'd into Ridicule: Even at that time, there was not wanting a set of Brave and Honest Men, of unblemish'd Loyalty, who Check'd the forward Humour of the Populace, and re­strain'd them from making an absolute Sur­render of their Liberties. The many En­chroachments that were made in that Reign, notwithstanding all the Precautions taken by some Good Men in Power, plainly shows, what an easy Prey we had fallen to Tyran­ny, if they had not timely oppos'd the Torrent; and tho' that Healing Parliament, which sat for so many Years after the King's Return, gave into the Imperious Measures of the Court so long, that they had scarce any thing left to make a free Gift of, least [Page 6] they should be thought to give so much as an Umbrage to Popular Complaints; yet the warm Expostulations they were forc'd to at last, explain to us their Modest Sense of the Grievances afoot: But Despotick Sway still increasing, and Tyranny ripening by their Neglect, the Parliament of Eighty began to search deep into the Wounds the State had receiv'd, and finding so many Siuus's on every hand, where the Malignity had spread, Resolv'd to lay all open.

The Mists which had hover'd so long about the Eyes of the People clear'd up, and the Nation began to see their Danger in a true Light, and every Man silently re­proach'd himself for being so prodigal of his Liberty. They then had the Mortifi­cation to see a Popish Plot in a Manner sti­fled, and only a few of the needy and low­er Rank of Parricides brought, with Diffi­culty, to Justice. Still the busy Part, the Abettors of Tyranny and Popery, acted in Di­verting the Stream of the Evidence, inspi­red the People with double Eagerness and Vivacity to put it in the right Channel, and were in a fair Way of putting a Period to the Hopes of that accursed Faction.

The Pulse of the Nation at that Juncture beat high for Liberty; and during the high Ferment which so many wicked At­tempts [Page 7] upon Liberty and Religion had rais'd in the Breasts of the People, the Necking Blow was just giving to Popery and Slavery, had the prudent Fore-sight of the Commons, in Preferring The Bill of Exclusion, been seconded by the Approba­tion of the Upper House. The unseasona­ble Indulgence at that Time granted to a Royal Branch, thro' an Excess of Loyalty, pav'd the Way to succeeding Miseries; and there were not wanting a Set of Un­dertakers, to give a wrong Turn to the Vi­gilance and bold Execution of that Trust repos'd in the Commons: And such was the Instability of the People, that in a short Process of Time, the Vein of Liber­ty had spent itself, and the Tide run so strong upward, that there was no Possibili­ty of Opposing it. This brave Attempt of the Commons drew down an unexpiable Displeasure upon some of the chief Lead­ers in the Enterprize, but it was their Glory to suffer in the justest Cause, to be in the first Rank of Martyrs for the Laws and Liberties of their Country, and their Ashes will be still Sacred to all in the true Interest of Britain.

In this State of Infatuation we continu'd, till the Prophetick Fears of these gallant Patriots were accomplish'd in a Popish Suc­cession. [Page 8] At length, after a Thousand Vio­lations of the Laws, and desperate Pushes at the whole Body of the Constitution, this poor deluded Nation were pleas'd to awake once more out of their long and lazy Dreams, and seem'd, by a lively Resent­ment of their former Credulity, and ill U­sage, never to be impos'd on again. The Scars which the short liv'd Rage of Popery and Tyranny had left behind, were deeply imprinted on the Minds of the Nation; and Men of the shallowest Speculations could tell you then, that Popery, under all the Oaths, Restraints, and Bridles, that could be laid upon it, was inconsistent either with Civil or Religious Liberty; nay even the rankest Clergy, who had made the Doctrine of Passive-Obedience a Scaffold to their Preferments, and coveted Dignities at the Price of their immortal Souls, asham'd of Practising with the People any longer, were so far from Enforcing this batter'd Topick, that they rather put them upon the Defensive Part. Then all Eyes crowded to their Deliverer, and mutually congratulated each other upon this seasona­ble Rescue. The Nation then plainly saw to what Extremities their foolish Quarrels and Distinctions had reduc'd them. Whigg and Tory, High and Low, were unfashiona­ble [Page 9] Names, lost in the prevailing Harmony of English Liberty and the Protestant In­terest. Moderation was then look'd upon as a laudable Quality, and most People had seen so much of a Zeal contrary to Know­ledge, that they could not approve of Fu­ry in any Dress. The most Orthodox Churchmen profess'd a true Primitive Una­nimity, and coming to such a Temper with all that dissented from them, as gave every sober Man a delightful Prospect from the first Opening of this happy Scene.

Family Revenges handed down to Poste­rity, thro' an Inveteracy of Principle, and heighten'd by a warm Reflection upon the ill Offices done to each other in those Bloody and Unnatural Wars, seem'd bury'd in Oblivion. In short, one Soul actuated the whole Nation, and all prepar'd to be happy in good earnest. Yet in those Days (and I believe most People then thought them the happiest that ever befell Eng­land) we happen'd all to be in the mo­dern Phrase, Antimonarchical, Republican, Heterodox Creatures, (or, in a more concise way of Talking) Whiggs, Detestable Whiggs; nay, even the Moderate Papists, and some of the first Class amongst the Non-Jurors. Sir E—d S—r was [Page 10] a Whigg, when he sign'd the Association at Exeter, tho' I am at a Loss to know what he was upon the Attainder of F—k. H—w was certainly a Whigg, when he accepted of the Golden Key, tho' there was soom Room to charge his Principle betwixt that and the Felonious Treaty. A certain P—r towards the North, was a Whigg, when he came to pay his Homage to King William, and it's Pity such a Convert was lost thro' a Failure in some Punctilio's in his Reception. Archbishop S—ft was no less than a downright Whigg, when he demanded the Keys of the Tower from Sk—n.

The Examples of this Kind are infinite, and therefore let no Man be startled, when I tell him that every Tory of Eminence has been a Whigg, at a convenient Time, tho' the Reproach is not convertible: How the Complection of the Kingdom came to change, and from this Unanimity against Popery and Tyranny the People split into different Interests, and have all along serv'd the Enemies of our Country and Religion, in the Quality of Auxiliaries, is no great labour to rehearse.

Tho', upon the Exit of King James, the the whole Nation seem'd to Centre in one Perswasion, and with a General voice pro­claim'd [Page 11] King William their Deliverer, be­cause the Majority run so strong on his side; yet several Mischievous Passions lay brooding, in Designing men, till they saw how far the Opportunity might be improv'd to their respective Interests. The Sticklers for a Regency, dazzled with the Image of Royalty, kept fair with the Times, in hopes, that if their Schemes succeeded, they should be powerfully re­commended by the Prince of Orange to the Guardianship of the Realm; But that Project once blasted, the Sense of the Deliverance soon cool'd in their Thoughts, and a Disgust at the Establishment took place of it.

Others over-bearing themselves upon some slight Merit in the Proceeding Reign, and who challeng'd their former Posts as their Right, not finding their Expectations answer'd, soon fell into Discontent, and endeavour'd to Blacken the Revolution.

Another Body, deeply involv'd in Guilt, and whose Crimes, in a less Merciful hand then King William's, could not have been pass'd over with Impunity, thought by double Application, to merit a Pardon; but once finding the danger past, return'd to their former Violence, and meditated fresh Mischief.

[Page 12]A different Class, who expected the Administration to be lodg'd in some pecu­liar Hands, and all others excluded from Trust, finding the Kings Favours extensive to good Men of all Perswasions, soon for­got the amicable Temper they had boasted of whilst the Storm was threatening their Liberties and Religion, and rang'd themselves with the other Malecontents.

These fiery Tempers rendring themsel­ves obnoxious to the State, by the Violence of their Proceedings, made Religion the Stalking Horse to their Ambition and Revenge. From these Narrow and selfish Principles they form'd a Separate Body, under the Character of Rigid Churchmen, who made it their Business to oppose the Moderate, in all their Undertakings for the good of the Publick; and to show their mortal Aversion to any Offers from the other side, went roundly into all Measures destructive of Liberty and the Protestant Interest.

With these Factious Spirits, not a few of the Clergy joyn'd; who, after taking a Premeditate Oath of Allegiance to the Go­vernment, cast about how to excuse them­selves from Perjury, and serve King William with an Half-Fac'd Devotion, by trumping up the Distinction of a King De Jure and [Page 13] De Facto. This cursed Distinction gave Rise to all the after Plots and Violences design'd upon his Royal Person; and how they will be able to acquit themselves from the Blood of those poor mistaken Wretches, who dy'd for the Intended Assassination, must be left (as one of their own Black Prophets Magisterially concludes) to an Higher Tribunal.

From these various Impulses, personal Disgusts, and Miscarriage of vain Hopes, the first Seeds of Contention sprung, which being Cherish'd by too indulgent Beams from the Throne, grew up to Rankness, and diffus'd their Suckers thro' the whole Land. Had a few of the Wil­dest been cut down in time, before they had gather'd such an Head, or been De­barr'd of the Vital Nourishment of State Places and Preferments, we had not at this time been plagu'd with their bane­ful Influences. But the Settlement was then in its Infancy, and Clemency being one of the King's chiefest Attributes, the Malignity, instead of being Cur'd by gentle Applications, grew Epidemical; when all these Humours were a-float, Good-Nature, Humanity, Religion, and a Sense of Liberty were born down by the several gusts of Passion and Revenge. [Page 14] The Days of their ancient Slavery were magnify'd; and the memorable Redemption in Eighty Eight was laid in the Dust. But when no Blemish could be fix'd upon the Administration, they brought out their Old Idol, the Church Bleeding, and in a desperate Condition; and giving out, that Presbytery was coming in like a Torrent, tho' the Ecclesiastical Promotions were under the Direction of those very Prelates, who had equally signaliz'd themselves against Popery and Presbytery. It would puzzle a Man of the nicest Penetration to account for the Actions of these Madmen: Nay, even when the Game was entirely in their own Hands, they suspected foul Play, and murmur'd at the Legal Indulgences, which others thought themselves sufficiently hap­py in. Of so Usurping a Nature is this Tory-Monster, that nothing but a Mo­nopoly of Wealth, Favour, and Interest, can glut his ravenous Appetite: The Pride and Oppression that is intermix'd with the Blood and Spirits of this de­structive Race, stifles all Acts of Benevo­lence in them, and makes them, by Sym­pathy, love Popery and Tyranny for the sake of Persecuting in their subordinate Stations. But to draw the Scene closer: Tho' all these Sparks of Rancour and Ma­lice [Page 15] against the present Establishment glow'd warm in the Breasts of these rest­less Animals, yet they had the Decency to smother them till the Protestant Suc­cession in the Illustrious House of Hanover was fix'd by Parliament: Then the Flame took Vent; all their Passions blaz'd; and every Tongue was set on Fire.

Before that Time, a Jacobite was of no great Importance in the Eye of the People; he had a Mark set upon him, and shunn'd by all who had the Welfare of their Country at Heart: In all Publick Debates, the Leading Men who favour'd that Par­ty, and were qualify'd by Law to do Mischief, were very tender of Pointing out the Subject of their Grievances on this Side, or the Object of their sincerest Wish­es on the other Side of the Water: It was a Point of too much Delicacy to be pro­fessedly handled, and therefore the best Service they could do their Colleagues, the Jacobites, was by indirect Means, re­mote Fetches, and Thwarting the Publick Spirited Attempts of all true Protestant Britons. Besides, the Succession, before that Act, being precarious after the Demise of our present Queen, (if they could have commanded their Tempers to wait so long) kept them up in flush Hopes, that during [Page 16] the Consternation, they might have a fair Chance for Accomplishing their Wishes: This notable Scheme of theirs was fully explain'd, when they were brought to the Test of Voting For or Against the Clause in Favour of the Hanover Succession; for maugre all their Attempts to stifle this Home Charge against them, and the printed Vindication of the Tory Members from any Suggestion of that Kind, the best Part of the Apology is altogether Sophistical and Evasive; for tho', in Point of Logical Truth, they did not divide upon the se­cond Amendment sent down by the Lords, in Order to strengthen the Interest of that August Family; and upon which the chief Stress of the Debate lay, yet the whole Management lay open to half an Eye.

The prime Leaders Proposing to give as little Offence as might be upon so tender a Point, went artificially to Work, and try'd the Force of Numbers upon the first A­mendment. That being carry'd against them, and being not of equal Importance with the second, which made it Treason for any one to oppose that Succession after the Demise of the Queen, they were afraid of Alaruming some of their own Party, who were unwarily drawn into the [Page 17] first Disagreement, and therefore had no great Stomach to divide upon the second Amendment, it not being usual for the weaker Side, upon Losing a previous Question, to divide upon a subsequent Clause intermix'd with the same Debate; so that if may be without any Breach of Charity, or Straining of Inferences, from the whole Course of the Debate; that they were against all the Amendments, tho' they only divided upon the first: If they had been sincere for the Interest of the Hanover Line, why did they not readily come into all the Provisional Securities for the Safety of that Illustrious House? Or rather, why did they insist on the Danger of Multiplying Treasons, and Aggravating the Inconveniencies that might arise from new Treason, &c. It's plain from that Minute the Pretender was in open View. If the first Act for Settling the Succession in the House of Hanover prompted them to curse that Legacy of King William, this strengthening Act transported them be­yond Measure; and since that Time they have not labour'd to conceal their Senti­ments. It was a very fashionable Expres­sion, I remember, at the Beginning of this Reign, viz. Retrieving the Honour of the English Nation. What Honour had been [Page 18] lost to the Nation, we know at whose Doors to lay the Waste: Indeed Popery and Arbitrary Power had been very much discountenanced in King William's Reign, and every Man enjoy'd a compleat Eng­lish Liberty; so that, the Meaning of that Phraze could signify nothing, except Re­viving the exploded Topick of Divine Tyranny of former Days, and all the Slavish Positions under which the Nation agoniz'd for some Ages. But they made their Court wrong, and in the Reign of a Princess who, from her first Accession to the Throne, declar'd how much she had the Ease and Liberty of her People at Heart. It was hop'd, that under an Ad­ministration they so much long'd for, these restless Spirits might have been compos'd, and fallen into a true English Interest, un­der the Influence of such an Example. But three Years were scarce elaps'd, when they revil'd the Person whom they former­ly call'd their Stay and Support, libelled a Protestant Ministry, attack'd the Supre­macy, and rose to all the Outrage of Threats and ill Language. Could an Enemy explain their Meaning to more Disadvantage than they themselves did upon these Occasions? Was it not a plain Indication of the Interest they were en­gag'd [Page 19] in? They quarrel'd with King William for his over-weaning Love to Presbytery; they spoke disrespectfully of the present Queen, for no other Reason but being too affectionate to the True Church: Who then could be the Person in view, that they thought would Support them better? Or what Church was it they Complain'd was not Supported? The Church of England, during these Complaints, was supply'd with Ortho­dox and Learned Prelates; the Queen had been Beneficent to a Prodigy. There was no Innovation so much as attempted, but all Discipline enforc'd with as much Zeal as the Times would bear: Well, then it's plain they had always another Church than that of England; and another Interest in view, which they expected should support their Authority by Arbitrary Measures.

This is what that Virulent Faction has always aim'd at, and never can, by their Principles, be Cordial Subjects to any Prince, who will not go the same des­perate Lengths they chalk out. And Let them Skin over their Resentments never so fair, they cannot, by their Complection, accord with the true Genius of England, For they are either Rebels in Disgrace: Or [Page 20] too Arbitrary for the Constitution, when once in Power. When we have abounded with such a Set of Men for many Ages past, I wonder how the Constitution has been kept together; and it still heightens my Surprize, that these Principles acuated, since the Revolution, by Disgusts, and confirm'd Antipathies, have not left us a Prey to every bold Invader.

Our Enemies wanted not Information, how loose they have always sat to the Government for some Years, even under the Restraint of a Triple Oath, and that when their Passions boil High: They stick at neither Honour, Conscience, or Bosom Friendship, to satiate their Re­venge. But if any thing has contributed to our Preservation from Popery, and Slavery, it is that our Enemies could not depend upon that Party's being Constant to any one Principle; so that their Malice has been render'd less Formidable by their Instability: If this was not some sort of Security to us, the many open and tacite Invitations that have been given to the PRETENDER, would not have been neglected.

As the Succession in the Protestant Line was the greatest Obstacle to their Dear Minion, the Pretender's Intrusion, so all [Page 21] the hopes of that Party Centring in the little Practisings they were able to carry on in the Course of a single Life, they were resolv'd to loose no Time in the Prosecution of their dire Attempt: But because the Topick was a little too harsh for any man to support, under any plau­sible Character, they pitch'd upon one under Legal Disabilities to begin the Quar­rel. As that Piquering succeeded, they resolv'd to manage the Combat. Accord­ingly one spawn'd out of the vilest Bog in the whole Kingdom of Ireland, was deputed to try the Force of his Arguments upon the Succession: Whether he kept pace with his Master's Sentiments upon every head he was pleas'd to descant on, we have no Warrant; but it's plain, that the sub­ject Matter of the Paper was a continued Thread of Treason.

The Usurpation of King William was the least Concern in the Question: His Reign, and the pretended Calamities, which had attended the Revolution, were but only Incidents of the Tragedy that had been acted. The Queen herself was Con­fess'd an Usurper; and with this Salvo, That she did well to hold the Crown, for her Life, in order to deliver it to the Righteous Heir's Possession.

[Page 22]This bold Charge pass'd with Impunity; and even when it was offer'd to try the Va­lidity of that pretended Trust, in Opposition to the Claim of the Illustrious House of Hanover, a good Witness is not wanting to prove, that a First Minister of State in Being at that time, turn'd cooly off from the Representation: I shall not run over some aggravating Circumstances, which, impartially consider'd, involv'd some peo­ple of pretended Merit in the same Guilt with the Author.

These Trayterous Positions, strengthen'd by Impunity, daily gain'd ground upon weak Tempers; and the Countenance vast Numbers of the Clergy gave to those Im­pious Reasons, made People receive them with less Horrour: And whenever any Perplexities happen'd to arise from a Point of that high and nice Nature, they were so far from lessening them to the Interest of the present Establishment, that they rather multiply'd Doubts; still Conclud­ing, with an Eye to the Pretender, that Right would take Place at last: But least these Insinuations should fail of having a due Effect upon the People, they exceeded all Common Measures of Impudence, and would fain have perswaded the World that the Queen was Joining in a Plot against [Page 23] herself, her Crown and Dignity; and covertly approv'd their Sentiments, under the Notion of a secret and reveal'd Will.

This, tho' whisper'd here, took freer Vent in a Neighbouring Kingdom, and oblig'd one of the Ministers of State to oppose and condemn so Base and Treaso­nable a Suggestion in a Publick Speech. It almost surpasses Belief, that those very Men who had taken all the solemn Oaths the Prudence of the Nation could enact, should break them and run into all the Excesses and desperate Notions of the most flagrant Papist or Nonjurer; but as their Familiarity with Oaths had render'd them inconsiderable, so, when the Abjuration of the Pretender came to be taken, they were so far from Hesitating about it, that (tho' there was no Room in the Oath left for Insincerity, and few suspected Persons were thought capable of abiding so strong a Test) they came into it readily, with this Jesuitical Salvo, That the Abjuration of any Right the Pretender might lay Claim to, was to be constru'd barely as Respecting his Legal Right; but that his Divine, or Birth-Right, was no ways vacated by that Oath.

As it is impossible to guard against such horrid Distinctions, by the most binding [Page 24] Form of Words, so this formal Renuncia­tion of the Pretender's Right, serv'd only to confirm those in their Zeal for his Ser­vice, who made it with that saving Re­striction: This came to a full Proof, when the first News of the Pretender's Expe­dition reach'd us. One might then have read in the Countenances of these Men, how much they were elated with the Prospect of that Enterprize. One might then have heard them explain themselves without the least Reserve or Caution, and congratulate each other upon their having prevaricated with the Government fo often for the Promotion of their Good Old Cause.

The French Court at that Time was so well inform'd of the Dispositions of these Men, as not to doubt of Numbers, who openly Pray'd and Acted for the Govern­ment, appearing in Vindication of that Abjur'd Right. The several Projects for Distressing the State, were as faithfully, as maliciously executed, by Endeavouring to make a Bankrupty of the publick Chest, whilst the Rampant Clergy were busy in Dis-arming the Protestant Britons, by Preaching up Non-Resistance to their Right­ful Prince, in Opposition to their Legal one, as may be charitably collected from [Page 25] their notable Distinctions: It was not want of Vigilance or In-activity in the late Loyal and Protestant Ministry, of happy Memory, that made them retard the March of the Forces for the North, but a prudent Fore-sight of the Distress which might have happen'd to this Part of the Government from Swarms of disguis'd Enemies: There were too many, upon the Signals given from the Non-Resisting Leaders, prepar'd to Resist according to their Sense of the Doctrine; and upon the first Sound of the Trumpet in Sion, ready to mount. But their Hopes being de­feated by the precipitate Flight of the Pretender, it was no difficult Matter to guess how they would have acted upon a nearer Approach of Danger, by their sub­sequent Behaviour: For when all the Resistance was past, which they had con­jur'd up, the Pulpits, without any manner of Call, or Provocation from the Necessity of our Affairs, sounded to Arms a-fresh, in their ironical Non-Resisting Cant, which, amongst that Class of Men, is the usual Watch-word for Rebellion. It's more than probable, that the Heads of the Faction were in Hopes of a second Invasion, and understood the first only as a Faint to try the Power of their Friends, and so were [Page 26] still Practising with the People upon the old Topick, to keep up the Principle warm upon their Imaginations.

When no Hopes appear'd from that Quarter, their next Attempt was made at Home; and flattering themselves with a Majority of the Nation on their Side, they essay'd to do the Work amongst themselves, without the Help of any Auxiliaries from Abroad.

Accordingly they pitch'd upon one of the most Common PROSTITUTES of Vertue and Modesty, in the three King­doms, (whose Memory will always be Sacred with the Admirers of Cain, He­rostratus, and Guido Faux) to raise Se­dition upon the old Passive Topick. Mat­ters, in their Opinion, were so ripe, that it was thought Loss of Time to conceal their impious Designs upon the Constitu­tion; so that, in plain Terms, this Parti­zan was appointed to fall directly upon the Government, defame the Administra­tion, and blacken the Revolution, with all the gallant Leaders concern'd in so Just and Evangelical a Work. Then the true Intent and Purport of this Mysterious Doctrine was obvious to every Protestant, when all the Arrows out of that Poyso­nous Quiver were levelled at the Queen, [Page 27] who had so great an Hand in that blessed Change: Yet the Faction, with their usual Impudence, would have fasten'd Contra­dictions upon the World, and made us be­lieve, that the Resistance the Queen abet­ted at that Time by her Gracious and useful Presence, was fatal to her Title in its Consequences, when that Case was urg'd with an Exception to the general Rule of Passive-Obedience, and never to be so much as attempted, but in the last ne­cessitous Circumstances, even no less than the entire Subversion of the Constitution. But it's plain, the unlimited Obedience there press'd, could never be design'd to the present Queen, her Title arising out of the Revolution, which was founded in Resistance, neither could it be any Com­plement to lodge such a Power with her, as she was never fond of, she Governing herself and Subjects, by the Laws of the Constitution. But the Pretender being in view, the Model of his Government was laid down, and recommended in that Arbi­trary way, he might be suppos'd to act; and by the Tenour of the Libel, even her Majesty was as much caution'd against Re­sisting the Lawful and Rightful Heir, as any of her Subjects.

Still, whatever malignant Planet rul'd, [Page 28] this impudent Prevarication met with Vo­taries, and what, in sober Times, would have cover'd such a Parricide with eternal Shame and Ignominy, gave him a larger Degree of Sufficiency than before, and turn'd to his Glory amongst the poor de­luded Rabble.

This Vein of Slavery and Jacobitism in­creasing, after the merciful Award, the Faction still kept feeding the popular Hu­mours, till at last they were neither afraid nor asham'd to tell the World, that they could not be satisfy'd with any Title below the degree of Indefeasible and Divine Right. These Terms which were almost grown obsolete, were renew'd, and cramm'd into many publick Addresses. I shall pass over the dubious Expressions, and plain Hints, which to every narrow Capacity seem ob­vious enough: In some Papers we find such an uncontroulable Power devolv'd upon the Crown, which (tho' our Gracious Queen never show'd the least Disposition towards Assuming) sufficiently explains into what Hands the Faction is willing it should fall. But amongst all the late Demonstrations of ardent Affection to the Queen, and present Establishment, it's a little shocking, that some have been so hardy to approach her Majesty without so much as the least No­tice [Page 29] of the Protestant Succession in the Se­rene House of Hanover, which the Queen has, upon all Occasions, profess'd she has so much at Heart. If those Persons were sincere in their Wishes for the Perpetuity of the Protestant Religion and Liberty in these Kingdoms, a small Clause in Favour of that House, could not well be omitted on a Subject which so naturally leads to it: Indeed SMUT, the Examiner, who has commenc'd Guide to some inferiour Com­munities, has given in his Verdict very learnedly upon this Head, and looks upon the Mention of that August House as Wri­ting a sort of Epitaph upon the Person in Possession: But, under Favour, I think that may be fil'd amongst the rest of his Blun­ders: For certainly no Repetition of that kind can be ungrateful to a Person whose chiefest Glory it is to lodge so sacred a Pledge in the Hands of a Family that will be sure to deliver it down pure and uncor­rupted to Posterity.

As her Majesty is the Parent of her Country, and indeed the Nursing Mother of the Protestant Cause, so it must be a Pleasure to one of her tender Sentiments, to think and hear that the Political Child, as well as the Religious Interest of her Country, is likely to be so well provided [Page 30] for, and secur'd in the Hands of so Good and Illustrious a Race. And where-ever that petty Scribler has learn'd his Politicks, he really disserves his Popish Cause by such weak Insinuations: It's in a manner Di­vesting her of that Compassion for the Wel­fare of her People, which is so natural to her, it's no less than Sowing Jealousy amongst her Subjects, as if she did not care to hear that Family mention'd: It's running count­er to her Majesty's Sentiments, who has always that Family at Heart; and can the Mention of any Thing that lyes so near one's Heart, give any Pain or Uneasiness? No sure, rather please the Ear, and gratify the Spirits; and tho' the Dislike to that Great Family appears but too open, yet, methinks, in pure Deference to her Ma­jesty's Esteem of it, at least a cool Mention might be made of the Name; but their Aversion being unconquerable, and the Bent of their Souls lying so strong to another Interest, they cannot put on so much as a specious Disguise upon their Rancour, but openly wearing the Livery of Lesly's Good Old Cause, pray that the Scepter may late drop into the Hands of the Rightful and Lawful Successor, which seems to be of no difficult Interpretation; with many other curious Phrazes too long to enumerate. [Page 31] If after this, we should reckon up the de­famatory Libels, Side-Reflections, and open Aspersions that have fallen from Pens and Mouths of the lowest Rank against that Illustrious House, and which have given just Occasion of Complaint, they would swell a Volume; all which in their natural Ten­dency, raise mean Apprehensions of that Family in the Minds of the People, alie­nate their Affections by degrees, and, in Consequence, dispose them to receive the Pretender. The Rigid Tories had some Difficulties in their way, which no sober Man thought masterable: It took them up some Time, and requir'd no small Artifice to wean the Generality from the high Esteem they entertain'd for the House of Hanover: That Point once gain'd, they had other Obstacles to get over, as Perswading the World into a Belief of the Legitimacy of the Pretender, which the Party from Time to Time have attempted, by Re-printing the Depositions lodg'd in Chancery, and Con­triving weak Answers to them, on purpose that Falshood might have the Advantage of a good Light; crying up the Vigour of King James, and making wrong Inferences of the Young Chevalier's Legitimacy, from a fresh Imposture, in the Person of a Daugh­ter, trump'd up since his Exile in France.

[Page 32]These weak Instances which were uni­versally exploded not many Years ago, ha­ving alate obtain'd some Countenance from great Numbers of People, there was still another Difficulty left to get over, with respect to Religion: And this Point has been solv'd with all the Reason and Ad­dress the Affair is capable of. For tho' se­veral were tolerably well inclin'd to the Pretender's Interest from wrong Postulata's of his Legitimacy, and the moving Topick of a Young Innocent's being debarr'd of his Right, yet the Interests of Religion stuck with many a great while: To obviate any Scruples about so tender a Point, the Party soon vamp'd up an Orthodox Saint who had lurk'd in Corners for Writing Treason against the present Government for seven Years together, and least his Character, un­der the Title of the Rehearsal, might be generally detested and odious, they gave him the new Name of White. When all Things were prepar'd for his intended Route, then the Excrements of the Party acquainted the World, that, in all Probabi­lity, there would be no great Need of any Come-Over's, or Hanover's, for that great Casuist, Mr. White, had undertaken a Jour­ney to Switzerland, to convert the Pre­tender. Such Assurances, from so reputable [Page 33] an Author, and Prospect of the young Gen­tleman's Conversion from so blessed a Missio­nary, in thoughtful times, no doubt, must have gain'd Credit equal to the Value of the Agents concern'd; but such was, and is the Delusion of too many at present, even from those Authorities, to believe him well dis­pos'd to Renounce his Religion and become a Protestant: Whilst others, less modest, of the Pretender's Party, openly arraign the Justice of Parliaments, and Scorning to pave his Way to the Throne by any popular Salvo's, put his Title upon the foot of Jus Sacrum, denying the Legislature a power of Excluding or Disinheriting any Prince of either real or pretended Right, upon the Account of his Religion, tho' destructive of the true Worship of God, and the Civil Rights of the Nation.

By such Impudent, False, and Unwar­rantable Positions, the poor credulous Mul­titude has been set a Madding, and drawn in to weigh an Imaginary Right in the Scale against Substantial Liberty, and reviv'd No­tions which have been bury'd in Oblivion for many Years, and conjur'd up at this time only to root out the Protestant Reli­gion, and ruin the best of Constitutions. And as the uninterrupted Progress of these wicked Opinions has given no small Con­fidence to the Promoters of them, so [Page 34] likewise has it strengthen'd many well-meaning People in the Belief of them, who forming their Judgment from the most popular and prevailing Cries grow more and more confirm'd, when they find such Principles not altogether Discounte­nanc'd by Authority.

I shall not insist upon the Penetration of the French Court, which, some time since, plainly saw where these Humours of the People where gathering, and occasion'd the Dauphin's Complementing the late Queen Mary upon some wonderful Change working on this side in her Favour, but am sorry the Prophecy seems so near at hand. The Pretender's Health which us'd Formerly to be softned with the Gloss of universal Charity, or drank under some By-Name, scorns such Reserves at present, and triumphs in it's full Title. The Protestant Reign of King William scarce finds a room in the Royal Line of Succession, but has been openly decry'd, for some Time, as a Successful Usurpation; nay to that high Pitch of Impudence has this Popish Faction lately arriv'd, as to interrupt the Publick Solemnizing that great Prince's Birth-Day, and the Mira­culous Deliverance of these three King­doms, nay even to insult the Gentlemen, and almost demolish an honest Protestant [Page 35] Vintner's House in Grace-Church-Street: Had this been done only by a needy Rabble instigated by Popish Partizans, and French Money, it had been more excusable; but when arm'd Authority appear'd, and, instead of discountenancing, joyn'd in with these foul Measures, it cannot but aggra­vate our Fears, and make us conclude, that our safety depends upon a very Precarious Title, when those who are the proper Guards against such Insolence, and should appear active in Suppressing such Riots, are the forwardest in Promoting them. But what will be ever remarkable upon this Occasion, and no doubt fix a Double Por­tion of Honour upon the Head of a certain wise Magistrate, when Affairs once come to be impartially debated, is, that one of the Gentlemen who met to pay Honour to the Memory of the late King William, was ask'd to find Security for his good Behaviour, and threaten'd to be bound over for so desperate an attempt; whereas in doing less, he had been guilty of Ingratitude to his Royal Bene­factor: But we are not at a loss for the Ma­gistrate and his Principles, and he who was openly charg'd upon the Pretender's Invasion, with making a Run upon the Bank, in order to ruin the National Credit, cannot be sup­pos'd to have reform'd his Principles much since that time, or to act less-strenuously in [Page 36] Favour of a cause, at a juncture when there is no manner of necessity for clearing him­self from such Imputations. It may, in a very little time, be reckon'd a mighty Indul­gence to mention the Name of King William in a dutiful manner, without Exposing one's self to the Reproach and Violence of the People; and if the Ring-leaders of the Facti­on are able to support the Spirit at present reigning in the Multitude to a convenient Op­portunity, it's probable they may have their long-expected Restoration of Popery and Sla­very, with as little Expence of Blood as in the late glorious Revolution we had our Redemp­tion from it. The several Jacobite Clubs which are said to be set up in all Quarters of the Town, are chang'd from their first In­stitution of Drinking Healths to the Impostor under feign'd Names: And at present are so many publick training Schools, where the Youth of the Nation are disciplin'd into an Opinion of the Justice of his Title, and taught to compassionate his Sufferings, all the Arbitrary Proceedings of his suppos'd Father are represented in Fading Colours, the acts of Violence, and Encroachments upon the Civil and Religious Rights of the Nation are imputed to the Headiness of a few Jesuits in direct Opposition to the Natural Temper and Tenderness of King James; that the Queen Mother's Bloody and Re­vengeful [Page 37] Temper, (meaning King James's Consort) is very much moderated by her past Sufferings, and the whole Court is re­solv'd to conduct Affairs by more temperate Maxims: In fine, that the King (in the Pro­testant Account, a Notorious Bastard) has so true a Scheme of the Disposition of his Loving Subjects, as never to bear upon the Laws or the Mildness of a Constitution they have been accustom'd to, and that having his Grand-Father's and Father's Sufferings always in his Eye, he is resolv'd only to assert his own Hereditary Right, and never to dispute any mans Legal one.

These are the Baits by which the Popish Faction ensnare the Youth who never saw the approaching Dangers before the Revo­lution, and think them much magnify'd by the Spleen of a malignant Party, with which, all in that cursed Interest asperse the true Protestants of the Kingdom, and even those who were Eye-Witnesses to the Oppression of former Days, have, thro' an Ease and Plenty of above 20 Years standing, grown so forgetful and cold in their Resent­ments of those Outrages which were daily of­fer'd to Protestants by the Missionaries in Black and Red, that they express very little Dislike of seeing that dismal Scene acted over again.

So strongly has the Poison work'd thro' [Page 38] the whole Nation, as to be, humanly speaking, Proof against the most Sovereign Antidotes; and tho' it is scarce possible to trace the Source of this great Evil thro' the several intricate Valves and small Vassels it runs, yet we cannot be so blind as not to discover it receives a Sup­ply from Men of a better Figure, and way of Thinking, than are to be met with amongst the middle Class of Mankind.

It's happy for this Nation at present, that we have such a Pure, Orthodox, and True Church of England Administration to ballance the gene­ral Inclination to Popery and Slavery; and stem the Majority of so many wicked Tempers: It must be an Argument of great Circumspection in Men of such high Characters, if they escape falling under the Lash of such virulent Tongues and Pens, and are not maliciously brought in as Abetting the Designs of this Popish Faction; af­ter they have gone such a length in their course of Impudence, some Time since, as to give out, That the Queen secretly favour'd their wicked Enterprizes, grounding their impious Asser­tions, without Dispute, upon her Royal Cle­mency, and their own Impunity. It is no great Complement at this Time to the Men in Power, neither do I believe they would be at all pleas'd, that so many of the Jacobite Party should assume to themselves so much upon the late Changes, or that they are every Day en­larging their Prospect from the present Posture of Affairs. One would be tempted to think, by their Confidence, that they had receiv'd some Assurances from the Great, but the Cha­racters of such a vigilant and faithful Ministry secures all good People from any Apprehensi­ons which might otherwise arise from the Ef­frontery [Page 39] of so daring a Faction: For we are told by the Author of the Review, and that is an Authority not to be question'd, That if Peo­ple will be quiet and set easy under this Admi­nistration, there is no Fear of the Pretender; but that if they will compass Sea and Land, and even go to the Centre, in Order to ruin it, then, according to the Principles of Flesh and Blood, the Ministry will, in all Likelyhood, make the best Terms to secure themselves. But let our Hopes from the Men in Power be never so well grounded, and the Expectations of the Jacobite Faction never so vain, yet it becomes eve­ry Protestant, at this Hour, to consider upon what a ticklish Bottom he is like to stand upon, from the Activity and Insolence of that Party; and it ought likewise to put him upon his Guard a­gainst being unwarily drawn into their wicked Associations under specious Pretences, to the Ruin of his Liberty, Religion, and Conscience. That idle Pretence of the Church's Danger has been lately made the Handle to Confusion; I wish, be­fore that Notion has throughly spent it self, it does not accomplish the Destruction of the State: For the cunning Managers of the Jacobite Interest will keep up that plausible Topick till the Danger is just at hand, and after having made an irreconci­lable Division amongst Protestants of all Perswa­sions, will urge Perseverance to those who have been led away by them from the true Protestant and National Interest; and from the Extremities they have reduc'd them to, will propose a total Apostacy as the only Expedient left for Safety, and Probation of their Merit upon a Change.

It's plain, to a Demonstration, that the Papists, ever since the 12th of Queen Elizabeth, have been playing the Rigid Church men against the Protest­ants [Page 40] of a more capacious Faith and Charity, and from those Split Interests have been near upon the point of determining the Controversies, and swal­lowing up all Distinctions between Protestants: But since, within these few Years, the sober and discreet Part of the Church of England, (which are the true and lively Ornaments of it) duly weigh­ing the National Interest of this Kingdom, both in Church and State, and seriously reflecting on the Causes of our unhappy Divisions, have fallen into Comprehensive Measures and a Primitive Temper of Forbearance; these Rigid Spirits have have set themselves at open Defiance with the Mo­derate, and drawn off so wide from the Protestant Interest, that they are become the most virulent of the Popish Faction: It therefore behoves every Protestant Briton to guard timely against the wicked Insinuations of these Men, who cry up the Hereditary Right of the Pretender, and come to this undeniable Maxim, That even upon a Supposition that this Impostor was the Legiti­mate Son of King James; the Nation is involv'd in less guilt by keeping him out then by receiving him upon the most plausible Terms and Circum­scriptions, because the Pretended or even the Real Right of one man, after so many bloo [...] Struggles for the Defence of our Liberty and [...] never compensate the Nation for the Slaughter and Devastation which must necessarily ensue upon such an Intrusion; for, let the Party soften the matter as much as they think fit, whenever that unhappy day comes we must prepare to meet him arm'd with a true Italian Revenge, bred up in all the destructive Principles of a Bigotted Mother, and the Tyrannical Notions of a French Master.


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