Columbia Vniversity in the City of New York






SHORT Notes and Observations DRAWN FROM The present decaying condition of this Kingdom in Point of TRADE, Laid down in TWELVE PARTICULARS Some of which might (if seasonably applyed) possibly contribute to our Recovery.

  • I. Against Transportation of our Wools, &c.
  • II. Reformation in our Manufactures.
  • III. To incourage our Fishings.
  • IV. All persons, as well Strangers as English, that shall contribute to the increase of our Manufactures, to be equally encouraged.
  • V. All Commodities imploy'd in our Manufactures, as well as our Manu­factures, to be free of Custome, or other Imposition whatsoever.
  • VI. Vain and unnecessary Commodities to be most laden with Duties.
  • VII. Foraign Commodities Exported, to have the whole Custome paid back.
  • VIII. Ireland to be incouraged in setting up of Woollen Manufactures.
  • IX. A free Trade to Virginia, is the only way to make that Countrey thrive.
  • X. His Majesties Revenue will be best laid for the Nation in general, where it shall least burthen or disturbe Trade.
  • XI. Of Officers to be imploy'd in the Management of His Majesties Revenue.
  • XII. To Restrain our great Excess in Apparel, &c.

LONDON: Printed in the Year, M DC LXII.

Short Notes and Observations drawn from the present decaying condition of this Kingdom, in Point of Trade, laid down in Twelve particulars; some of which might (if seasonally applyed) possibly contribute to our Recovery.

I. THat our Laws against the Transportation of our Note 1 English and Irish Wools, and Yarn, and Fullers-earth, may be further strengthened, where they are found deficient; because we are thereby at presenr robb'd of our best and most Staple-Trade. The French, Dutch, Flemings, and others, have at present those vast quantities and constant Supplies from us, as that they therewith give Imployment to at least 200000. The Dutch, French, &c. keep 200000 persons in work on our Wools. persons, whilest we must sadly look upon, and maintain as many of our own poor, who are rendred miserable for want of Work: And this destroyes and spoils our Trade every where, because they having our Wools in so great plenty, can make Cloth very much cheaper than we can deliver it to them, which otherwise 'twere impossible for them to do. This Evill being prevented, we should not only have opportu­nity to imploy our own Poor, but, sell so much the more of our Commodities in Forain parts; by which we should gain the whole Manufactury and benefit of our industry of so much Wool as they now steal from us, which would be of very high honour and advantage to these Kingdoms. Certainly, tis an Error in those Gentlemen, who are of an opinion, VVools the cheaper in Eng­land, because so much is Trans­ported. that they should not be able to make any thing valuable of their Wools, if there were not so much Transported (they will see no further then their present Market); but I am sure 'twere better for them, and for the Nation in general (if we have an overplus of Wool) to buy it up upon a publick [Page 2] Stock, and burn so much as we cannot work up, rather than 'Twere better for us to burn our Wools, then sell them to Strangers. to sell it to Forainers. The Dutch very prudently observe somewhat the same Method in another case, which is wor­thy here to be taken notice of. 'Tis well known that the East-India Company of Holland are at present Masters of the The Dutch in another case observe the like order in the East-Indies. Grand Spice-Trade in India; they consider and calculate what quantities of each sort they ought to bring home to furnish their several Markets; and in such a way and proportion of Importation, as to keep up the Price and Reputation of their Commodity; and therefore if they finde they have too great a Crop in India, they only bring home their just proportion, and burn all the rest, and yet lose not a penny thereby, but 'tis those that come to buy of them that pay for what is burned; because they not only save so much Fraight and Charges, but make as much or more of what they Import, than if they had brought home their full Crop, to glut or overlay the Market. From whence I think I might conclude, that our Wools are the less wor [...]h with us at home, and our Manufactures the less in esteem abroad; because so much Wool is Transported and Manufactured in Forain parts. There are good Laws already in force against this Evill, but either they are not well executed, or do not reach fully home; Somewhat is yet wanting which might be easily provi­ded for.

II. That the good old Laws for more faithful working of Note 2 our Woollen, and all other Manufactures, may be revived Strengthen our Laws for the more faithful working of our Cloth. and executed, according to their true intent and meaning; and may be further strengthened by such other new Laws, as our present condition may most require; wherein there will certainly want some Alterations and Amendments. We have been so grosly faulty herein, every way, that our Neigh­bours have, without any great difficulty, got ground of us; they being very exact in all their Manufactures; and we, on the contrary, have lost very much of our former reputation in Forain parts by our remisness. A well appointed Com­mittee would soon discover many abuses herein, and direct [Page 3] to a very good Reformation. There are at present many That all old Grants and Patents inten­ded for the be­nefit of our Manufactures may be more faithfully exe­cuted or made void. old Patents in force, which were at first granted upon just and honourable grounds; but at present, the only Design of them is, how to gather up the fees and dues allotted for the Officers or Undertakers; never taking care duely to visit the several Commodities, which they are bound to do: By which neglect (or, which is worse, Fraud) all persons are left at liberty to work and sell as they please. This, I am sure, is one of our grand National Concernments, and Grie­vances.

III. That our Fishings may be Protected and Incouraged, Note 3 by all good wayes and means: which will not only give a Incourage our Fishing. constant imployment to our Poor of both Sexes; but also, wonderfully inrich the Nation. His Majesty hath been very plentifully gracious in his late Grant for the propagating of this Honourable Design; every particular whereof, I am confident, will be very Religiously observed, how busie soever some would be to perswade His Majesty to deface his Com­mission, in that part of it which graunts the returns of Fish, as well as the Fish, to be Custom-free for seven years; whereby they would insinuate to His Majesty, how considerable his loss Some appear too busie in their indevour to perswade the King to deface His late Com­mission or Pa­tent. would be in his Customs, having no respect to the high and many advantages that His Majesty, and the whole Kingdom, will receive, by the imployment and industry of so many thousands of persons as will be concerned therein, abundant­ly transcending any such petty loss as they can make out will fall on the Customs. Besides, they will not consider, that if His Majesty lose it in his Customs, it goes not into per­ticular Purses, every Consumptioner having his share of it; and therefore His Subjects will be hereby the better able, and more ready, to double that sum to His Majesty upon all occasions. His Majesty knows very well, that great Designes are commonly attended with great Difficulties; this business of the Fishing is of high Concernment, the entrance upon it will require large Disbursments, and very great care and pains, and the profit is hardly to be discern'd at so great a distance; whosoever expects to be a gainer the three first [Page 4] years, may be mistaken; and therefore His Majesty out of His Royal Grace hath been pleased to invite his people to ingage in this honourable and charitable Work; by granting them great Immunities, and particularly that of freeing them from the Customs for seven years; as a part of the returns of all their pains and hazards to which they must necessarily be liable. But the true meaning and design of some herein is Tis by the Fi­shing chiefly that the Dutch are arived to that height of wealth and power by Sea and Land. (I fear) to stiffle this good Design, because it will threaten and unsettle their profit, as Officers, or Farmers, very much, and take off much of that opportunity, which they now have or may have by the Customs in their places, not only to wrong His Majesty, but the Kingdom in general. In a word, if we should yet be so unhappy as that his Majesty should be induced by the subtilty of such persons, to recal but that one clause, I should then remain but with very small hopes of any vigorous proceedings in that noble Fishing-design.

IV. To give Incouragement and Countenance to such Note 4 persons as shall contrive and endeavour the advantage and Incourage all persons as shall endeavour the increase of our Manufactures. increase of our Manufactures, in England and in Ireland, in imitation of other Countries whether it be by Natives, or by ingenious and industrious Forainers; And certainly I can­not but here take notice with what an unreasonable bitter­ness we generally inveigh against admitting of strangers to live amongst us; I am so much of another opinion, as that I am perswaded if we had 30000 or more able workmen, out Liberty to Fo­rainers to live and work in England. of France, Holland, and Flanders, incorporated and natura­lized with us, they would be so far from doing us hurt, as that they would be of very great advantage to these King­doms, in our general concernments in Trade and otherwise; and would not only be helpful to us, by what they themselves should work or contrive; but by their good example ingage our own Poor and idle people (who now live by begging and what is worse) to be more industrious, than now they are. And here likewise I meet with another fit occasion to offer to your serious consideration, How many thousands of persons in Holland, and elsewhere, have not a house wherewithal to [Page 5] cover their heads; and that in Holland especially, where so many Families live altogether in their Boats and other Vessels, flo­ting still upon the streams, sometimes in one place, and then in another; and being frequently driven, to very hard shifts. And then on the other side, when I consider, How many thou­sands of houses, we have lying void; and how much Land ly­ing waste, not only in our Inland Countrey, but also along our Sea-Coasts; I have by very good reason been perswaded to believe that many of those poor industrious people (who now live under sundry straights and oppressions) would casily be invited to remove their poor and wilde Habitations, if they might find entertainment with us. Certainly, if we did but seriously consider the infinite number of people there are in Holland, in comparison and proportionable to what we have in England, and the great freedom they give to all strangers, and that tis thereby they grow so potent in Trade and Wealth The Dutch grow rich by the mult [...]tude of people, and the great free­dom they grant to all persons. beyond other Nations (who are (otherwise) more advanta­giously scituated than they are): We must then conclude and confess, that tis not that we have already too many people in England, as indeed too many do not now only strangely, but strongly and passionately, indeavour to maintain; but rather that we want good Order and Government in the execution The Parlia­ments of Ire­land and Scot­land, by their late Acts, have granted great Immunities to strangers, for the encourage­ment and ad­vance of Trade. of our good Laws, whereby to keep our people well imploy­ed. And therefore if we would so far mind our own interest, as to admit and receive some of those industrious Forainers amongst us; I should have fair hopes, that we might not only thrive in our new Fishing design, to which His Ma­jesty on his part hath been so very gracious in giving large Incouragements; but also in all other parts of our Trade. We would very willingly be as rich and flourishing in Trade as the Dutch are: but we will not observe their Method, nor tread in their paths. Note 5

V. That all Commodities imployed in any kind, in per­fecting Our woollen Manufactures, and all Gom­modities im­ployed in the perfecting of them, to be free of Custom and Excise. of our Manufactures, may be free from Custom or Excise, or any other Imposition whatsoever; and that on such of our Manufactures as may be had in other parts, there may be no Custom charged; by which means we shall be able [Page 6] to sell our Goods the cheaper, to the prejudice and discou­ragement of other Nations, which at present, as we now stand, is the only way left us to inlarge our Exportation very much, and to regain our Reputation in Foraign parts; whereas when our Goods are dear and ill conditioned, they will accustom themselves to some other sorts of Clothing of their own inventions, as we have found by woful experience, and a Trade is sooner lost than gained.

VI. That if there be an absolute necessity that we must pay Note 6 high Customs, to which (I must confess) I am no friend, because 'tis so great an enemy, and obstructor of Trade, and thereby of the Nation in general, That Foraign Commodities, Imported and Expended by us, may be valued in the Customs or Excise, according and proportionable to the real want we have of them; That is to say, that Silks, and innumerable other Commodities, which serve more to please our various fancies, Those Com­modities which we want least, and which are most destru­ctive to our own Manu­factures, to be most laden with Duties. than to supply our necessities, and are most destructive to our own Manufactures, may be the highest charged with du­ties; whereby our own Manufactures, of the same nature, will find more Incouragement. This is known to be the practice and policy of other Countries; and this will be one grand means and motive to draw over Foraign Workmen to us: which, I am sure, will be more our advantage, than to have them send their Commodities to us. But some will say, That to charge fine Goods with high Duties, is the way to have none paid at all. And I should very willingly submit to their Opinion, if businesses were not better looked after, than it is at present; but yet, I will dare to say with boldness, that were there a thorough Reformation in the management The Custom or Excise of fine Goods to be se­cured, as well as Goods of greater bulk. of that part of His Majesties Revenue; the Customs of fine, rich Goods, might in some good proportion be as well secu­red, as of Commodities of the greatest bulk; wherein, I think, I could make appear there is as great fraud at present, as in any other; as to instance only Wine and Tobacco, which you will say cannot be easily conveyed ashore in a Pocket, or under a Cloak. By all which, we shall very much lessen the Importation of Forain Manufactures, and by so much the more incourage our own, and save our selves from a [Page 7] great deal of loss, which we now bear, far beyond what most persons are sensible of.

VII. That for the further and more effectual Incouragement Note 7 of Strangers to come and live, and incorporate amongst us; Forain Com­modities Ex­ported to have the whole Im­post paid back, which will draw a great Trade to us from all parts, and make Eng­land in a short time the grand Mart of the World. and make use of our Ports and Shipping, all manner of Goods Imported, and afterwards Exported, may have the whole Duty repaid them (reserving only so much as will defray the charge of Officers, &c.) this not to be the priviledge of one Port only (as is Dover at present, which will but help further to cheat the King of his Revenue, and destroy the Trade of other parts of the Nation, who do not enjoy the same liberty) but of all the Ports and Creeks of England and Ireland. This I am sure (next to the utter throwing down of the Customs, to which, I confess, I am most inclined) would draw a great Trade to us from all parts, and make England, in a short time, to be really that grand Magazin of Trade, now so much talked of, and desired by all persons. What at this time more loudly proclaims the decay of our Trade, than the dayly failing of so many persons in their Estates, who have been very well looked upon, and the filling of all our Gaols and Prisons; the great The multitude of our poor in England, do loudly pro­claim our decay in Trade. numbers of poor, miserable wretches who lie begging in every corner of the Nation; yea, many Starved to Death even in this great City of London: Certainly, whoever walks our streets, and are so tender hearted as to observe the several sad objects of Charity, of poor Men, Women, and hunger starved Chil­dren lying in every corner, and takes notice of their doleful groans and complaints, must bear me witness of this sad truth; To which I might also add another sort of Poor, who, God knows, are as necessitous as any others, and yet dare not, or are ashamed to discover their sad and languishing condition; and although their secret sighs and complaints are seldom heard here below, yet certainly they are of that nature, as that they do very often ascend up to heaven And if these be truths, then certainly 'tis worthy the consideration and care of the Great Council of the Nation, to provide for the relief and redress of those evils which so much threaten our utter destruction, by all good ways and means; for which nothing can be more proper, than to remove every thing that obstructs our Trade; and here­in I look upon the Customs to be very considerable.

[Page 8] VIII. That there may be somewhat of Tenderness and In­dulgence Note 8 used towards Ireland, for its improvement in Trade, That Ireland may not be di­scouraged in their setting up of wollen Ma­nufactures, be­cause otherwise 'twil be almost impossible to keep their Wools out of the hands of Strangers. and that particularly in their Wollen Manufactures; I fear the discouraging of them from working up their Wools, and, in lieu thereof, setting them upon a Linnen Manufacture, is not so strongly and prudently founded, as some will imagine; for if England will neither permit them to work up their Wools, nor yet take them off at moderate rates, I cannot understand but that 'tis very rational for them to sell them to Forainers; yea, certainly, let what Law will be made in England to the con­trary, I fear 'twill be hard to keep them out of the hands of Srtangers; and if this be granted me, then I know 'twill not be denyed, but that there can be no Wools transported out of Ireland into France, Holland, or Flanders, but must consequently tend to the destruction of our English Drapery, as we see it is at this day. I must confess, that I am of opinion, that if we did but keep our Wools in England and Ireland, and both take care in their Manufactury (leaving the Grand Trade of Linnens to other Nations, who thrive in it at present, and have been so many ages setled therein) we should find our accompt better than by making of Linnens; for, unless we can content our selves to exchange our Woollen for their Linnen (which else they will not be able to buy) I know not what Trade we shall drive with them: If we had all Commodities necessary within our selves, we should soon lose the honour we have gotten by our Navigation; Merchants, Seamen, and Ships would then signifie but little; whereas, at present, they have the honour to be styled Englands walls.

IX. That whereas some of our Forain Plantations are at Note 9 present but very ill furnished with Persons and Planters of our Liberty to Fo­rainers to trade and inhabit in some of his Majesties Plantations, especially in Virginia, where there wants nothing but able and indu­strous persons. 500 Frenchmen shall do more good in Virgi­nia, then 3000 of our English, such as we commonly send own Nation: Incouragement may be given to Forainers to Trade and Plant especially in Virginia, where there wants nothing but good Workmen, that Countrey giving so very fair hopes of producing several rich Commodities, far above Tobacco; which would be of very great benefit to those Plan­tations, as well as to his Majesties Kingdoms of England, Scot­land, and Ireland. If his Majesty would but admit a Trade with the French, only for some years, there would soon be [Page 9] Transported of all sorts of able Workmen from thence, fit for any imployment: whereas, we only (or generally) send thi­ther the very Rubbish and Off-scowring of his Majesties Domi­nions; Persons, for the most part bred up to nothing but Idle­ness, and all manner of vice. And from thence, I humbly conceive it is, that we reap no better fruits: But I durst not say more herein, because I have very good reason to believe, that the interest of those Plantations will be now pleaded for by those who know it far better, and are more nearly concer­ned; and likewise because it would strike at our Act of Navi­gation, which I must not adventure to Oppose.

X. That whatever revenue may be setled on his Majesty Note 10 that will be best for every degree of Persons in the Nation, That Revenue which shall be setled on his Majesty will be be best for the Nation, which will least di­strub Trade. which will least disturb or burthen our Trade, and which may be mannaged with the least Charge, and number of Officers, and will be subject to the least Fraud. A multitude of Officers (we know) strike deep in the spoiling and consuming of a Noble Revenue. I must confess, my thoughts are strongly fixt upon a kind of Excise, or Duty raised by way of Licence upon the Retailers of Beer, Ale, Wine, and other Liquours, An In-land Excise better than the Cu­stoms. and also upon Tobacco, and some other Inland Excise; which with a small Monthly Tax, and some other wayes, which I am informed are at present under Consideration, will be found a Revenue more certain and Honourable for his Ma­jesty, The Customs occasion a mul­titude of sins in the Nation, by bribery, ly­ing, perjury, and all manner of indirect and disingenuous wayes. than the Customs, and less grievous to the people: whereby the Salary of 10000 persons (at least) would be saved; besides the innumerable frauds that too many of them, and generally most other persons concern'd, now frequently practise; whereby his Majesty looses at least half of his Cu­stoms: those persons would then be forced to put themselves upon some more ingenious imployment, the return whereof 'Tis the Nobi­lity and Gen­try that suffer most by the Customs: they pay at least 2 s. in 20 s. more than if there were no Custom on all Forain goods. would be of better concernment to the Common-wealth, whereas at present some will adventure to say. that they are very unprofitable members. If our Nobility and Gentry would but be perswaded, that it is they who really bear the great burthen of the Customs, by paying (it may be) treble the Customs upon all the Goods they buy, of what really comes into the Kings Coffers; and that the Customs being [Page 10] taken off, they should buy all Commodities so much the chea­per, and that by a free Trade, their Lands would be advanced very much; I should then have some hopes that they would appear the Greatest Opposers of the Customs in the Nation.

XI. That his Majesties Revenue may be committed to the Note 11 care and mannagement of such persons as may be every way Care in pla­cing Officers for the Ma­nagement of his Majesties Revenue. qualified for so great a Trust; not only for their Faithfulness, but also for their Ability: wherein the purchasing of Offices is very unsafe, and frequently begets much corruption in Offi­cers; and that such Sallaries may be setled and allowed, as may (if possible) ingage Officers to resist every temptation. His Majesty, I am confident, knows ere this to His cost, that he hath gained little by this kind of Husbandry. A Sallary of 30 or 40 l. per annum to him that hath been accustomed to spend 2 or 300l. goes but a little way, and it must be raised one way or other. We see frequently, that persons well edu­cated, and who have known what it is to live well, by being reduced to a low and necessitous condition, are too apt to be tempted to some dishonourable action, to maintain their port.

XII. That some way may be found out to restrain our great Note 12 and sinful excess in Apparel, throughour all his Majesties Our great ex­cess and wan­tonness in Ap­parel, and all other Expences above other Nations, is one great cause of our decay in Trade. Dominions (at least until such time as we are better able to sup­port it) and that especially in persons of low [...]anck. That sin hath no other good in it, but to enrich our Neighbours, and ruine us in our Estates and Manufactures, and to lea [...] us into all other vices and disorders. And I am confident, that who­soever shall make a strict inquiry into the Causes of the sad decay we now complain of in our Trade, and the great scarsity of Money throughout these Kingdoms, will find that our Un­doing proceeds from nothing more, then our most abominable extravagant expences of all kinds (wherein we yet seem to glory in that which is our shame, and will perpetually lie as a reproach upon us, that we will exceed the proudest Nations in the World). And certainly, if it be true, that the French and other Nations have the advantage of us in the over-ballance of Trade; 'tis altogether as true, that this our vain humor (which cannot be satisfied with any thing but what costs dear and comes from far) is one great cause of it. We might still [Page 11] have from them so much of their Gallantry a la mode as might The French gain abun­dantly more in proportion in returns of their Mode, than by their more Sta­ple Commodi­ties, for we have in effect that which is li [...]tle berter than nothing for our ready mony, or, in­deed, that which is worse then nothing, because the Mode is a Ty­rant, and too often ruins he best servants by ingaging them into many other kind of expences and inconveni­encies. be fit for all persons who are fit to use them; and yet not Im­port by many hundred thousand pounds per annum, so much as now we do. This I am sure would help to set the ballance of Trade right betwixt us, and soon beget a greater plenty of Money in England; especially if together with this restraint, there were an absolute decry and prohibition against all gold and silver Lace, Cloth of gold or silver, Embroderies, gold and silver Ribbons, Fringe, Buttons, Hatbands, guilding of Coaches, and other the like undoing vanities; also, the waste and folly of Funeral gold Rings (now so highly in fashion, and so com­mon in the City of London). Our conveniences and advantages hereby would be very many, and very great, as may be obser­ved in the following Particulars.

1. When all persons shall be thus habited agreeable to their Q [...]ality, there must then necessarily follow a far greater expence and consumption of our own Manufactures, then at present; a good sarge Gown and a Hat will then serve for those who now think a plain Silk to be somewhat beneath their degree, and th [...]s will be one good means to keep our Wools from being Transported, and give imployment to so many thousands more of our own people, as our extravaga [...]cies maintain in Forain Advantage 1 Advantage by a restraint in Apparel. parts; whereby we may have hopes in few years to be come again the greatest Masters of all Wollen Manufactures in the World. Let us but incourage the we [...]ing of our own Manu­factures our selves, we should grow rich although the French or Dutch should not buy a pound of us in seven years, which they can never do▪ if we can keep our Wools from them.

2. Hereby we shall be able to buy all rich Silks and other Advantage. 2 costly Commodities, which we shall then want from Forain parts, abundantly cheaper than we can at p [...]esent; we know too well that they make us pay dear for our fancies, I am sure this will save to persons of Q [...]ality a great deal of Mony yearly.

3. By this means we shall turn our present want into a grea­ter Advantage. 3 plenty of Mony: Our gold and silver Lace, &c. will then go to the Mint, which is computed (by some who pretend to know most) to amount to, in England, Scotland, and Ireland, near Two Millions Sterling; whereas, I am sure at present, [Page 12] his Majesties Mint must expect but little work, as long as Goldsmiths can afford to give 2 d. per ounce for Bullion above the Mint rate, which then they would not be able to do. A plenty of Mony will set all the wheels of Trade going, and that will gain the hearts of the Commons to their Superiers, where­as at present, we are apt to murmur, and lay the blame of all our straights and miscariages upon our Magistrates.

4. This will also take off very much of that occasion of ex­pence Advantage. 4 to which many persons of Honour are now ingaged, a­bove and beyond their real abilities in point of fortune, whereby either to be distinguished from the inferiour sort of people, or in hopes thereby of some preferment or advantage; and by a plenty of Money, and their keeping within compass, preserve them from taking up Goods and Monies upon such disadvan­tagious and ruining terms, as they now do, whereby the Shop­keeper, the Usurer, the Scrivener, and the Broker, make a day­ly pray of them, constraining them either to sell or mortage their Estates upon very dishonorable terms, to the utter undo­ing of many good Families; by which means (besides the ill reputation they gain the basest Commons might again become their Masters: from the sad effects whereof we are but so lately delivered, as I think we have just cause to dread the very thoughts of it for time to come; and yet, although I must not dare plainly to charge any of our Nobility or Gentry, with any kind of Extravagancies; yet, I may be bold to say, that 'tis their G [...]llantry, &c. that not only gives example, but life and sup­port also to the Pride of the Commons; if they would be but more moderate in their Expences, they would buy all Commo­dities much cheaper, and pay better: the Commons (especially the Citizens) would soon be brought to know themselves better; and yet, all honest and serious men amongst them would be far more pleased, and honor the Court more then now they think they have reason to do.

5. This will also keep persons of low degree and inferiour Advantage. Trades in so good order, as they will be better able to provide for their Families, then now they do, because, at present, rather then not be in some kind accommodated, as well as their richer Neigbours, they will run in debt every where, for Meat, Drink [Page 13] and Apparel, which they take up of a certain sort of People in London at excessive rates, to pay by we [...]kly proportions, where­by they can never arive to any Estate, so as to leave their chil­dren any provision for their support and maintenance, so that the Parent dying, the Children are left in charge on the Parish, which falls heavy in many parts of the Nation▪ being worse than a Tax of A hundred thousand pounds per Mensem.

6. This good Order and Decency in Apparel will beget Advantage. 6 more faithfulenss in Servants, who now, too many of them, and too frequently rob their Masters, to support their Pride and other Vices which attend it. What will not some Men and Women now dare to attempt to satisfie their Ambition, and their lusts? 'tis sad to consider how vainly prodigal, and cor­rupt the generality of the Youth are in this age; and how little of good example can be expected they will be able to give their Children in the next age, if God doth not in mercy to us, direct our Magistrate to contrive some way for our Reformation.

7. By this Restraint and Order in Apparel, we shall know Advantage. 7 how to give honour to whom honour is due; we shall know the quality of the person (in some measure) by the habit, which, I am sure, we cannot now easily do, being disguised with too much Pride; that which now is thought hardly good enough for an ordinary Servant, will then become better persons, and each have more mony in their purses. Good English Sarge, or other of our English Stuffs, will be cheaper and wear three times as long as Silk will do.

8. By this good Order and restraint in Apparel, and Refor­mation Advantahe. 8 in our other concernments, as is before expressed, there will be so great a plenty of Mony, and so flourishing a Trade, that Lands will be valued very much higher, and all Forain Commodities be brought very much cheaper, than at present; which will be of great advantage and improvement in the Estates of all persons of Quality; and hereby also will your Tenants find themselves better able to pay their Rents, and all men generally be better able to pay their Debts, with­out being compelled to such dishonorable shiftings, as too many (otherwise Honourable persons) do now make use of.

[Page 14] 9. By this means also, the Merchant will not have so much Advantage. 9 occasion to use his Credit in Forain parts, for the buying of those superfluous Commodities, at so great disadvantage and loss; which for want of plenty of Mony, and good payment from his Debtors, he is forced to do by taking Credit, by ex­change from French, Dutch, Italian, and other Banquers, for which he payes after the rate of 20 per Cent. per annum. (which in truth is but a refined Extortion with a better name) all which goes at present out of our English Stock, and is one great means to undo so many good Merchants and Trades-men, as we see dayly fail, which would be then much remedied; whereas at present we are strangely become a prey to all the Nations round about us, they growing rich by our wantonness and ill husbandry.

10. And lastly, by all this his Majesties Revenue will come Advantage. 10 in more plentifully and cheerfully then we finde it doth at present; for when the Kingdom flourisheth in Trade, certainly the King can never want a Revenue, whereby the reproach and dishonour which now lies on the Court, & all that have relation to it (wherein indeed the good suffer with, or rather for, the unhandsome dealing of the bad, who lie so deeply in Debt, without taking any thoughts how to satisfie, but dishonourably sheltering themselves under a Protection) will then be very much taken off, to the gre [...]t Honour, Happiness, and satisfacti­on of his Majesty, and all his Loyal Subjects; and then the mouths of men of [...]ll Princ [...]ples and worse Affections to h [...]s Majesties Government will be stopped, whereas at present they are very zealously watchful to take hold of any occasion, whereby they may render the Court odious, and the [...]eby take advantage to debauch as many as they can from their Alleagi­ance; but yet, if God shall so far direct his Majesty, and his great Councel to such means as may tend to our Recovery and Prosperity, I doubt not but he will turn all the black designes, plots and contrivances of wicked and unpeaceable men upon their own heads, and that we shall yet live to injoy once more both the blessings of Peace and Plenty.

Which God grant.

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