Whereas upon Application made unto the Right Honorable His Highness Council in Scotland, for the Government thereof, by the Magistrates and Council of Edinburgh, concerning some abuse, disproportion and difference lately discovered to have been from the 24. of February, to the 28. day of April last, in the great and small Weights used in the publick Weigh-house in Leith, whereupon some inconveniences have arisen, and prejudice also to divers Merchants, and others; Upon Consideration whereof, his Highness said Council have thought it fit, that the Dammages susteined by particular persons by reason of the said Abuse, should be examined upon Oath, or any other legal way; and to that end, have ap­pointed me Commissioner in that behalf: Wherefore, to the intent that the tender care of his Highness said Council for the just relief and reparation of the Dammages occasioned as aforesaid, to any person or persons whatsoever, may not prove to them ineffectual, These are to give notice to all manner of persons concerned, who are any way damnified or prejudiced by the disproportion of the Weights, as above­said, that they are hereby desired, any time before the last day of this instant moneth, between the hours of Eight and Eleven in the morning, to exhibite before Me at my Habita­tion near the Abbey in Edinburgh, their Claims of Dammages susteined by them, with the Particulars how the same ari­seth, together with their Instructions for clearing the same; Whereby Report thereof may be made unto his Highness said Council at their next sitting.


EDINBƲRGH: Printed by Christopher Higgins, in Harts Close, over against the Trone-Church, 1657.

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