The Cooper of Norfolk: OR, A True Iest o'th' Brewer & Cooper's Wife, AND How the Cooper served the Brewer in his kind.

To the Tune of, The Wiving Age, &c.
[woodcut of a man]

[woodcut of a man]
A Trend my Masters, and listen well,
Vnto this Ditty, which briefly doth tell,
Of a fine merry Iest in Norfolk befel,
A brave lusty Cooper in that Country did dwell;
And there he cry'd, Work for a Cooper,
Maids, ha'ye any work for a Cooper?
This Cooper he had a fair Creature to's Wife,
Which a Brewer i'th' Town lov'd as dear as his life;
But she had a trick which in some Wives are rife,
She still kept a sheath to another Man's knife,
And often cornuted the Cooper,
While he cry'd, &c.
It happen'd one morning the Cooper out went,
To work for his living it was his intent,
He trusted at home to his Wife's government,
And left her a bed to hee own heart's content;
While he cry'd, Work for a Cooper,
Maids, ha'ye, &c.
And as the Cooper was passing along,
Still crying and calling his old wonted song,
The Brewer, his Rival, both lusty and young,
Did think now or never to do him some wrong,
And lye with the Wife of the Cooper,
Who better sov'd him, &c.
He called the Cooper, and to him did say,
Go home to my house and make no delay,
I have as much work as thou canst do to day,
Whatsoever thou earnest i'll bountifully pay:
These tydings well pleased the Cooper,
O this was brave news, &c.
Away went the Cooper to the house of the Brewer,
Who seeing him hard at his labour to endure,
Thought he, now for this day the Cooper is sure,
I'll go to his Wife the green-sickness to cure,
Take heed of thy forehead good Cooper,
For now I must work, &c.
Then straightways he went to the Cooper's dwelling,
The good Wife to give entertainment was willing;
The Brewer and she like two pidgeons was billing,
And what they did else they bound me from telling;
He pleased the Wife of the Cooper,
Who better lov'd, &c.
But mark how it happened at last,
Their sun-shine of pleasure was soon overcast,
The Cooper did lack one of's tools in haste,
He ran home to fetch it, and sound the door fast;
Wife open the door (quoth the Cooper)
And let in thy Husband, &c.
Now when the good Wife and the Brewer did hear
The Cooper at door, affrighted they were,
The Brewer was in such a bodily fear,
That for to hide him he knew not where,
To shun the fierce rage of the Cooper,
He thought he should dye, &c.
The good Wife perceiving his woful estate,
She having a subtil and politique pate,
She suddenly whelmed a great brewing-fat,
And closely covered the Brewer with that;
Then after she let in the Cooper,
What's under this tub? &c.
She hearing her Husband that question demand,
She thought it was time to her tackling to stand;
Take heed how you move it, quoth she, with your hand,
For there's a live pig was left by a Friend;
O let it alone Iohn Cooper:
Thus she thought to couzen, &c.
Is it a osw-pig? the Cooper did say,
Let me ha't to my supper; the good Wife said, Nay;
It is a boar-pig, quoth she, by my fay,
'Tis for my own diet, 'twas given me to day;
It is not for you, Iohn Cooper,
Then let it alone, &c
I would it were in thy body, quoth Iohn,
Indeed (quoth the good Wife) so it shall be anon;
What e'er become of it, faith thou shalt have none,
Why stand'st thou here prating? I prithee be gone,
Make haste to thy work good Cooper,
Worse meat's good enough, &c.
Cannot a good Wife have a bit now and then,
But there must be notice taken by the good Man?
I'll ha't to my dinner, Sir, do what you can,
It may be I long to have all or none;
Then prithee content take good Cooper,
O go to thy work, &c.
The Cooper mistrusted some knavery to be
Hid under the brewing-fat; and therefore he,
Was fully resolved for his mind-sake to see;
Alas! said the Brewer, then woe be to me;
O what shall I say to the Cooper?
O would I were gone, &c.
You Whore, quoth the Cooper, is this your boar-pig,
He has been well fed, for he's grown very big,
I'll either have of him an arm or a leg,
I'll make him unable his tail for to wag,
Before he gets hence from Iohn Cooper,
I'll make him remember, &c.
O pardon me, Neighbour, the Brewer did say,
And for the offence I have done thee to day,
I am well contented thy wrath to ally,
And make restitution for this my foul play;
O prithee forgive me Iohn Cooper,
And i'll be a Friend, &c.
If for this offence thou wilt set me clear,
My bounty and love to thee shall appear,
I'll freely allow thee and thine all the year,
As much as ye'll drink, either strong ale or beer:
O prithee forgive me Iohn Cooper,
And i'll be a Friend, &c.
Oh no, (quoth the Cooper) i'll have you to think,
That I with my labour can buy myself drink;
I'll geld thee or lame thee e'er from me thou shrink:
These words made the Brewer with for fear to stink,
He feared the rage of the Cooper,
Yet still he intreated, &c.
This Cooper by no means would set go his hold,
The Brewer cry'd out to the Cooper, and told
Him, there was the key of his silver and gold,
And gave him free leave to take what he would;
O then be contented the Cooper,
These tydings well pleased, &c.
If thou, quoth the Cooper, wilt swear by an oath,
To do all thou tellest me, though I am loath,
I will be content to pardon you both.
Content, quoth the Brewer, I will by my troth,
Here take you my keys, Iohn Cooper,
Yea, with a good will, &c.
On this condition they both went away,
Both Iohn and the Brewer they both went I say,
Which opened the coffer where more mony lay,
Then Iohn the Cooper had seen many a day;
This is a brave sight, thought the Cooper,
I'll furnish myself, &c.
Iohn was so far in affection with that,
That he took up handfuls and filled his hat;
I will have my bargain, quoth Iohn, that is flat,
The Brewer shall pay well for using my fat;
I'll cry no more, Work for a Cooper;
Farewel to the trade, &c.
Thus mony can pacifie the greatest strife,
For Iohn never after found fault with his Wife,
He left off his adz, his saw, and his knife,
And after liv'd richly all days of his life:
He cry'd no more, Work for a Cooper;
O what a good Wife, &c.
And in this mercy mood oft-times he would say,
If I had hooped twenty tubs in one day,
I should not have had so much wealth by my fay,
Gra-mercy kind Wife, for thy wit found the way,
To make a rich Man of Iohn Cooper,
O what a good Wife, &c.
Let no married Couple that hear this Tale told,
Be of this opinion this Couple did hold,
To sell reputation for silver or gold,
For credit and honesty should not be sold:
Thus endeth the Song of the Cooper,
That cry'd, Ha'ye any work for the Cooper?

London: Printed by and for W. O. for A. M. and sold by the Boo [...]sellers of Pye-corner and London-brid [...]

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