INJUNCTIONS Given by the KINGS MAJESTY TO THE Archbishops OF THIS REALM, To be Communicated by them to the Bishops and the rest of the Clergy.

Published by His Majesties special Command.



LONDON, Printed by Charles Bill and the Executrix of Thomas Newcomb deceas'd, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. 1694.

To the Most Reverend Father in God, Our Right Trusty and Right Entirely beloved Counsel­lor, Thomas Lord Archbishop of Canterbury: And to the Most Reverend Father in God, John Lord Archbishop of York.


MOst Reverend Father in God, Our Right Trusty and Right Entirely beloved Counsellor; and Most Reverend Father in God; We Greet you well. We being very sensible, that no­thing can more effectually conduce to the Honour and [Page 4]Glory of God, and the Sup­port of the Protestant Reli­gion, than the Protecting and Maintaining of the Church of England, as it is by Law esta­blished; which We are resol­ved to do to the utmost of Our Power; Have therefore upon mature Deliberation with you and other Our Bi­shops, by virtue of Our Roy­al and Supreme Authority, thought fit with the Advice of Our Privy Council to or­dain and publish the follow­ing Injunctions.

I. An. Do. 1603. THat the 34th and 35th Canons con­cerning Ordinations be strictly obser­ved.

II. That every Person to be admitted to [Page 5]Holy Orders do signify his Name and the place of his Abode to the Bishop fourteen Days before he is ordained, to the end that enquiry may be made into his Life and Conversation. And that he appear at the furthest on Thursday in Ember-week, that so such who upon Examination shall be found fit, may have time to prepare them­selves by Fasting and Prayer, before the day of Ordination.

III. That every Bishop shall be well satis­fied, that all Persons that are to be ordain­ed have a real Title with a sufficient Main­tenance, according to the 33th Canon, A. D. 1603. in which matter We require the Bishops to use an especial care.

IV. That a Certificate of the Age of the Person to be ordained, be brought, if it can be, out of the Parish Register, or at least a Certificate very well attested.

V. That the part of the 34th Canon, A D. 1603. which relates to the giving of Certificates con­cerning the Lives and Manners of those who are to be ordained, be strictly looked to. And that the Bishops lay it on the Con­sciences of the Clergy, that they sign no Certificates, unless, upon their own know­ledge, they judge the persons to be duly qualified.

VI. That every Bishop shall transmit, be­tween Michaelmass and Christmass, to the Arch-Bishop of the Province, a List of all such Persons as have been ordained by him du­ring that year, according to the Constituti­ons in the year 1584. Articuli pro Clero. in order to be put in a publick Register, which shall be prepared by you for that Vse.

VII. That the Bishops shall reside in their Dioceses, and shall take care to oblige their Clergy to such Residence as the Laws of the Land and the Canons do require, par­ticularly the 41st Canon. A. D. 1603.

VIII. That they who keep Curates, have none but such as are licensed by the Bishop of the Diocese, or in exempt Iurisdictions by the Ordinary of the Place having Episco­pal Iurisdiction, as is required both by the Act of Vniformity and the 48th Canon, A. D. 1603. that so when the Incumbent does not reside, the Bishop, or such Ordinary, may know how the Cure is supplyed; And that no Person shall presume to serve any Cure without Licence from the Bishop, or such Ordinary, upon pain of Suspension.

IX. That you use your most effectual en­deavours to suppress the great Abuses occa­sioned by Pluralities, and restrain them as much as you can, except where the Parishes lie near one another, and the Livings are [Page 7]small: That all Qualifications be careful­ly examined: We being determined to have no Chaplains to be qualified by Vs, but such as are admitted to attend upon Vs. And that due Caution be taken before any Fa­culty is granted. And that such Persons as are legally qualified shall reside at least two Months in the Year in each of their Li­vings; and provide a Curate to serve where they are not in person, with a due Mainte­nance to be determin'd by the Bishop of the Diocess, unless the two Parishes lie so near, that the Incumbent can constantly serve both Cures.

X. That the Bishops shall look to the Lives and Manners of their Clergy, that they may be in all things regular and exem­plary, according to the 75th Canon. A. D. 1603.

XI. That the Bishops do use their utmost Endeavour to oblige their Clergy to have publick Prayers in the Church, not only on Holy-days and Litany-days, but as often as may be, and to celebrate the Holy Sa­crament frequently.

XII. That the Bishops shall require the Clergy to use their utmost Endeavours, that the Lord's day be Religiously observed. That they set a good Example to their Peo­ple, and exhort them frequently to their Duty herein.

XIII. That the Bishops remind their Clergy to visit the Sick frequently, and require them to perform that Duty with great Care and Diligence according to the 67th Canon. A. D. 1603.

XIV. That Catechising be duly perform'd according to the 59th Canon. A. D. 1603.

XV. That the Bishops be careful to Con­firm, not only in their Tricunial Visitations, but at other convenient Seasons.

XVI. That care be taken, that the Arch-Deacons make their Visitations personal­ly; and that, as much as may be, they live within the Bounds of their Iurisdi­ction, and do their Duty according to the Canons.

XVII. That no Commutation of Pe­nance shall be made, but by the express Order and Directions of the Bishop him­self, which shall be declared in open Court. And that the Commutation-Money shall be applied only to pious and charitable Vses, according to the Articuli pro Clero made in the year 1584. and the Constitutions made in the year 1597.

XVIII. That no Licence for Marriage without Banns shall be granted by any Ec­clesiastical [Page 9]Iudge, without first taking the Oaths of two sufficient Witnesses, and also sufficient Security for performance of the Conditions of the Licence according to the 102d. and 103d. Canons. A. D. 1603.

THese Injunctions We do require you to transmit to the Bishops of your respe­ctive Provinces, to be by them communicated to their Clergy, and to be strictly ob­served, and often inquired after both by you and them. For as We Esteem it the chief part of Our Princely Care to promote true Religion, as it is established in this Church; and in order thereunto We have determin'd not to dis­pose [Page 10]of any Church Prefer­ments in Our Gift, but to such of Our Clergy as We shall have reason to believe do live most exemplarily, and preach and watch most faith­fully over the People com­mitted to their Charge; So We assure Our Self, that these Our pious Intentions will be effectually seconded by you and the rest of Our Bishops; And that you will without Favour or partial Affection, study to suppress Impiety and Vice, and to reform all Dis­orders, as far as in you lies; Well knowing that nothing [Page 11]will so much advance the great ends of Religion, and so certainly secure and establish this Church, as the exempla­ry Lives and faithful Labours of those who minister in it. And so We commend Our Self to your Prayers, and bid you very heartily Farewell.

By His Majesties Command, SHREWSBƲRY.

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