Short Memorandum's upon the Deaths of M. Philip Evans and M. John Lloyd both Priests, who were Executed at Cardiff in Glamorganshire, the 22. day of July, 1679.

ABout Nine of the Clock in the morning, the Under-Sheriff M. Charls Evans came to the Cellar in the Goal, where the Gentlemen were kept, and immediatly a Smith was sent for to take off their Irons, which were so hard set on, that the Smith was above an hour in taking off Mr. Evans's alone, which, was not done without great pain to him; notwithstanding which he never gave the least signe of Impa­tience or trouble, but encouraged the Man to go on with his work, with­out fear of hurting him: When they were brought out of the Cellar, they desired to walk on foot to the place of Execution, but were refused▪ and put both upon one Cart; their arms pinnioned; all the way reading in their Books. When they arrived at the place of Execution, they followed St. Andrews Example, saying, Welcome good Cross, and falling upon their knees, kissed the Post of the Gallows, and remained praying there a good while: When they had done, they asked which was to die first, the Sheriff answered, Mr. Evans; He bowing, spake these few words.

I need not tell you why we are brought here to suffer; our sentence of Condemnation is a sufficient witness, that it was not for a Plot, or any o­ther Crime, but for being Priests; consequently I do die for Religion and Conscience sake: I shall not speak much of the goodness of my Cause, be­cause I think it will be needless▪ but [...] good▪ that I would not▪ give the happiness of dying for it, for all the Crowns of the World: Sure if a Man ever speaks truth, it must be at the hour of death, therefore I hope no body will doubt of what I say; If I have or had any Enemies in the World, which I do not know that ever I had any in my Life, I do heartily forgive them, for any thing done or said against me; and if I have offended any bo­dy I am heartily sorry for it, and ask them forgiveness; I pray God bless and prosper the King: I beg the prayers of all, and in particular of the Ca­tholicks here present; That done, he kneeled down again with some friends about him, and having said some Prayers▪ he took his leave of them, and went up the Ladder; upon which he spoke again these words, Sure this is the best Pulpit a Man can have to Preach in, therefore I cannot forbear to [...]ell you again, that I die for God and Religion sake, and I think my self so happy, that if I had never so many lives, I would willingly give them all for so good a Cause; if I could live, it would be but for a little time, though I am but young, happy am I that can purchase with a short pain an Ever­lasting Life; I do forgive all those that have had any hand in my death, ac­cusation or Condemnation: I ask again forgiveness of every body, I give thanks to all those that have been kinde to me, and to you M Sheriff; Adieu Mr. Lloyd, tho' for a little time, for we shall shortly meet again; pray for me all, and I shall return it, when it pleaseth God that I shall enjoy the beatifical Vision, if any of you that see me die thus willingly for my Religi­on, have any good thought upon it, I shall think my self happy; then he made a stop, and after a little while, said with a clear and cheerfull voice, [Page] In manus tuus, Domine, commendo Spiritum meum; and so giving the signe, the Executioner turn'd him over, and the Ladder being very short, it stirr'd with him, then Mr. Richard Jones one of the Sheriffs Bailiffs took his legs from it, and turn'd them after his body; all that were present can justify, that he never looked better, nor more cheerfull then he did then; All this will be testifyed (if need be) by credible Persons as well Protestants as Ca­tholicks.

DUring the time of Mr. Evans's Execution, Mr. Lloyd stood by with as much constancy and cheerfulness as any Man could have, and before he went up the Ladder, he said these words following more distinctly and heartily then ever he did in his Life, by the Report of those that have known him these many years. My fellow-sufferer has declared the Cause of our death, therefore I need not repeat it; and besides I never was a good speaker in my Life; I shall onely say, that I dye in the true Catholick and Apostolick Faith, according to these words in the Creed, I believe the Holy Catholick Church, and with those three Virtues, Faith, Hope, and Cha­rity, I forg [...]ve all those that have offended me; and if I have offended any body I am heartily sorry for it, and ask them forgiveness. I beg the prayers of all, and in particular of the Catholicks here present, desiring them to bear their Crosses patiently, and to remember that passage of Holy Scrip­ture, Happy are they that suffer persecution for Justice, for theirs is the King­dome of Heaven: Then he went up the Ladder, and there gave thanks to all those that had been kinde to him, and in particular to the Sheriff, then he made a little stop; after which he said; Mr▪ Carne, you have been always my benefactor, pray for me now: then he knocked his breast three time, and said in [...]atine, Lord have Mercy upon me a Sinner, and, Into thy hands, Lord, I recommend my Spirit▪ So gave the signe and was turned over.


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