Short Christian RULES.

I. DEfer not your Conversion, or the performance of any Good Action, till the Mor­row; for the Morrow is uncertain, but Death is ever certain. Grace will Assist, where Man doth not Resist.

II. Defer not your Conversion, or the Performance of any Good Action, to your Old Age, but offer to God the Flower of your Youth: Uncertain is Old Age to the Young, but certain Destruction attends him that Dies Young without Repentance.

III. While you Live, Die daily to your Self, and to your Vices; so in Death may you expect to Live to God: You cannot Live to him, but according to the Measure as you are Dead to the Flesh.

IV. Commit not an Evil Action for the sake of any Man, for that Man whom you so much Respect, will not be your Judge.

V. Examine your Life every Day, whether you Increase or Decrease, in Charity, Humi­lity and Purity: Consider how in the Way of the Lord, you must either Increase or De­crease. To stand herein is to go back; stand not therefore but walk in the way of the Lord.

VI. Consider these Three Things Past, the Evil you have Committed, the Good you have Omitted, and the Time you have Mis-spent.

VII. Consider these Three Things Present, the Shortness of this Life, the Difficulty of being Born a-new by the Spirit, and the Smalness of Christ's Flock.

VIII. Consider these Three Things to Come, Death, than which Nothing is more Dread­ful, unless you take out its Sting; Judgment, than which Nothing can be more Terrible, unless you Judge your Self before▪ Hell, than which Nothing can be more Intolerable, un­less you Quench the Fire of it Kindled in your Breast.

IX. Three Times there are which you must not lose; when you see any one do a Ver­tuous Deed, you must not be Careless of Learning to Practice it; whenever an Opportu­nity of doing a Good Action presents it self, catch it fast, let it not slip for all the World; whenever an Occasion of doing Ill presents it self, guard your self with the fear of God, and lose not a Triumph.

X. God has Communicated himself wholly to you; do you Communicate your Self wholly to your Neighbour: And when you do any thing for another, do it with the same Zeal as if you did it for your Self.

XI. That's the Best Life which is wholly Imploy'd to the Benefit of others: Esteem not of Life any further than as it is serviceable and useful to the World.

XII. Think not with your Self what you have, but rather what you want. Be not Proud for what you have received, but be Humble for what you have abused.

XIII. Whatever you desire to have, ask it of God: Whatever you have already, attri­bute it wholly to God. As soon as you begin to find Nothing in your Self, you shall begin to find all Things in God.

XIV. Withdraw your Self while you can, and as much as you can from the World: As far as you are withdrawn from it, so much nearer are you drawn to God.

XV. Look not on Religion as a System of Orthodox Notions, or as a Rubrick of Forms, much less as a Charm laid to draw such and such Sinners into Heaven, but as an Inward Spirit, or Life, which enlivens and governs the true Christian, in performance of whatso­ever is suitable to his high Birth and Condition.

XVI. Give not the least Quarter to any Corrupt Affection; lest a Spark break out into a Fire, and consume you before you are aware: Above all thing, take heed not to Conse­crate your Vices, or to Hallow the Corruptions of the Satanical Life, taking them for Chri­stian Graces. Christen not that Holy Zeal, which is Bitter Wrath; or that Christian Se­verity, which is Sullenness or Pride; or that Humility, which is Cowardice; or that Cou­rage, which is an Affront offer'd to Superiours.

XVII. Take Care that you be not found in the Root and Principle of Hell, if you are a­fraid of its Flames: Take Care that you be found in the Root and Principle of Heaven, if you expect to partake of its Joys. Be sure to try your Root, and let not Luciser in you, transform himself into an Angel of Light.

XVIII. Use your Self to think on God as always Present; thus thinking on him, you will in some sort behold him; thus beholding him, you will become Like to him.

XIX. Render your Self worthy of Him who has vouchsafed for to own you for his Child; and remember in all your Deeds, that you have God for your Father. Never forget the High Character you bear.

XX. Begin every Thing that you do with God; End every Thing with him; and let the Thought of him and his Name, be as Familiar and Natural to you as your Breathing.

XXI. Strive To be, what you would be thought to be: As you desire to appear in the Day of Judgment, so appear at this present in the sight of God. Strive to be Great in Him, and Great in your Self: Strive to be greater than what you appear to others: Let the World be deceiv'd no otherwise in you, than they are in the Stars of Heaven.

LONDON▪ Re-printed in the Year, 1699.

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