Scripture Light About the Gospel Ordinance OF Baptism: In a LETTER to some Scru­pulous Friends about it.

By a Sincere Lover of the Christian Community.

LONDON, Printed for Tho. Parkhurst at the Bible and Three Crowns at the lower end of Cheap­side, near Mercers-Chappel, 1695.

Christian Reader,

THe Design of this Epistolary Exercitation, about what Light the Holy Scriptures alone give concerning the Gospel Ordinance of Baptism, is not to iritate the Spirits of any, but to yield help to them who are or will be Conversant with their Bibles about it. It was penned on a pri­vate Occasion of satisfieing some persons, who, I am afraid, were resolved what they would do, before they read it. It is now printed because of the restless Endeavours of such Busie-bodies to puzzle such as are under Conviction, or may be New Converts, (who were never acquainted with the true State of this Ordinance, as I do heartily wish themselves were, or any Controver­sie about it) telling them it is not impossible for them to be saved if they believe, but they shall most certainly be so if they be re-baptised. This therefore is designed to obviate such Insinuati­ons, and to help weak Christians to discern the way of Truth, that they may more comfortably walk in it. It is contracted into one sheet, that it might be with less Charge obtained, and with less Pains perused by those who need it, then larger Tracts. That it may therein succeed, thy Prayers are earnestly desired for the Lords Bles­sing on it, and on him who penned it, as thou hast heartily his for thy self, who would unfeign­edly approve himself to be

Thine and the Churches Servant for Jesus sake.

Grace, Mercy and Peace be to you, from God our Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ.


I Received yours on Lords-day Evening, and now heartily thank you for it: Though I have been exercised with Infirmities, and have much Work on my Hands this Week, yet I have taken what time I could spare to Consi­der of and to Answer your Letter to me. I hope what you have written is in the Uprightness and Integrity of your Hearts, and that you have not first resolved what to do, and then desire to be advised: If you have done so, it is not Ingenious, and I can expect no great Fruit as to what I write to you; however I'll perform my Duty, and clear my Conscience in this Matter to you, and what I shall Communi­cate I profess in the Presence of God is the Truth as it is in Jesus. That I may not be Confused in this Reply to what you write, I shall perform these four things:

1. Prove to you by Scripture that the Bap­tizing of Infants born in the Christian Church is a New-Testament Ordinance.

2. That the Baptizing of Infants in the Church, or the admitting of the Adult into it [Page 2]by Baptism, was not only, if at all, in Scrip­ture-times by Dipping.

3. That the Re-baptizing of such Believers as were Baptized in their Infancy, is unwar­rantable.

4. That whatever sweet Refreshments from the Holy Spirit, and Spiritual Graces you can expect to enjoy by being Re-bap­tised, you have no ground for it, and you may obtain them by renewed Acts of Faith on your Infant-Baptism.

In your reading of all I suggest to you on these Heads, I humbly request you to lay a­side all Prejudice, and to do as the Bareans did, Acts 17.11. take your Bibles and Search the Scriptures daily, whether these things are not so as they are here quoted, and represent­ed to you, and the Father of Lights give you a sound Understanding in this and in all other Truths.

First, That Infant-Baptism is a Gospel-Ordi­nance, or that Infants born in the Christian Church ought to be Baptized. This Truth is to be evinced from Scripture-Precept, Scrip­ture-Example, and Scripture-Reason.

1. Scripture-Precept for Infant-Baptism is laid down in Matthew 28.18, 19. Jesus spake unto them, All Power is given to me in Heaven and in Earth, going therefore, Disciple ye all Nations, Baptizing them into the Name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. These Nations, the Subject of this Ordinance, [Page 3]did consist of Humane Persons of both Sexes, and of all Ages, that is, of Men, Women and Children, which not only Scripture, as Isaiah 9.3. but the Common Language of all Nati­ons testifie. These are the Subjects of all God's Commands, Exod. 20. v. 1, to 18. Deu­teronomy 4.34, 40. and Ch. 5. v. 2, 3. and Ch. 29. v. 1, 10, 11, to 16. Of all God's Promises, Gen. 22.18. Psal. 67.2. & 82.8. Isaiah 2.2. Of all God's Threatnings, Psal. 9.17. our Lord useth the same word of Nations here, in the same Sense and Meaning as Moses and all the Prophets had done before him. These Nations must be Discipled by the Apostles, according to Christ's Precept, and they must make them Disciples after that Pattern that God had set them, in his discipling Abraham, and his House and Nation before, as that of all Believers from Adam down along before him; which was done by God's revealing to these Persons his Covenant, and teaching them his Will, which they believed and consented to, as Abra­ham, Gen. 12. v. 1, 2. & ch. 15. v. 1, 6. & ch. 17. v. 1.10, to 15. He discipled Abraham's House, Male-Children, Infants and Servants, by Circumcision, Ver. 24, 25, 26, 27. by which Sign and Seal of the Covenant he engageth them to himself, and their Parents to nurture them up in the Knowledge of it, Chap. 17.10. and Chap. 18.19. So were the Apostles to Preach the Gospel, and to offer Gods Covenant, the good Tidings of Grace and Salvation, to all [Page 4]Nations, to every rational Creature of them, Mark 16.15. Man, Woman and Child, the Understanding part of them received it not on­ly for their Persons, but being Parents for the Use and Benefit of their Seed, Infants and Children. So Paul and Barnabas Evange­lized the City of Derbo, and Discipled ma­ny, Acts 14. v. 21. The Fathers and Adult by Instruction, and their Infants by implicit En­gagement. For as God offered himself to be a God to them and their Seed, not any that received him to be their own God, but consented and received him to be the God of their Children, Acts 2.39. Infants therefore being thus discipled must be baptized. Pa­rents were not discipled in those Nations a­lone, but with their Infant Seed, whom they did virtually in themselves, actually and sa­cramentally in their Persons with themselves, dedicate and devote them unto God by Bap­tism; and without them Nations are not dis­cipled. The Apostles were to go instantly about this Work, according to their Commis­sion, and not to tarry till the Infants in all Nations were grown up. They are likewise as capable of being initiated and entred into all the Good of the Name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, as any of the Adult were, and by this Comand of Christ ought to be so initiated into it by Bap­tism. That they are so capable, is evident by the Fathers putting his own Name on them, [Page 5]as Jacob did on the Sons of Joseph, Genesis Ch. 48. v. 16. compared with Numb. Ch. 6. v. 27. by the Sons owning of them as Subjects to be blessed by him and his own Brethren, Psalm 22. v. 22. Isaiah Ch. 8. v. 18. Mark Ch. 10. v. 16. Hebrews Ch. 2. v. 12. by the Holy Ghost owning of them, and sanctifiying some of them in the Womb, Jeremiah Ch. 1. v. 5. and Luke Ch. 1. v. 15, 41. Galatians Ch. 1. v. 15.

2. Scripture-Example evinceth, that Infants in the Christian Church have been Baptized. Tho' I premise, that if there were no Infants Baptized in the Scripture Times, yet it follow­eth not thence that Infants ought not to be Bap­tized; the Omission of the Practice of it can­not null the Law for it, no more than the Omi­ssion of Circumcision by Israel for forty Years in the Wilderness disanulled that Law; or be­cause that the Name of Infants Baptized is not written in so many Letters, that therefore they were not Baptized, for by the same Reason no Woman must receive the Lords Supper, be­cause we read not in so many Syllables that a­ny did. It is evident then from Scripture that as our Lord commanded, the Apostles discipled and baptized Nations, and in them Children, who were as capable of Discipling as the Elder Persons. This is Positively confirmed in their baptizing Housholds or Families, for where they baptized Parents, there they baptized their Houses or Housholds, and not one of these were [Page 6]baptized without a Parent, Acts 16.14, 15. So was baptized Lydia and her Houshold; the Jai­lor and his House; He and all his, Ver. 31, 32, 33. Crispus with all his House, Acts 18.8. the Houshold of Stephanus, as 1 Cor. 1.16. Houshold or Family, His and House when spoken of Per­sons is an Hehrew Term, to set out the Children or Seed of the House, whether Infants or Adult Children. So is it said to Noah, Come thou and all thy House, Himself, Wife and Children, Gen. 7.1, 7. I shall be destroyed, saith Jacob, and my House, Gen. 34.30. Joseph said to his Bre­thren, and to his Fathers House, Gen. 46.31. Them and their Houses were swallowed up, Numb. 16.27, 32. Jerubbaal and his House, Judg. 9.16. and so concerning Eli's House, 1 Sam. 3.12, 13, 14. Scriptures multiply, where­in House, Houshold or Family, did signifie Chil­dren. If now Infants were not baptized in these Houses or Housholds instanced in to be baptized, it must be, either because they had no such In­fants in them, which can never be proved by Scripture, or that they were not Subjects capa­ble to be baptized, which hath been already proved by Scripture that they were. Parents and their Houses or Housholds do include In­fants, the Adult being for the most part at their own dispose, whilst Infants are at their Parents dispose. Amongst both Jews and Gentiles, where Parents were Converted and Baptized, they brought over their Children with them, as be­ing one Person in Law-sense with themselves, [Page 7]and so covenanting in and with them. There­fore mark it, an Husband might believe and not the Wife, the Wife might believe and not the Husband, yet is it not said to either of these Relations, believe thou Husband and thou shalt save thy Wife, believe thou Wife and thou shalt save thy Husband; but to Parents it is said, believe thou, and thou shalt be saved and thy House, Acts 16.31. which imports in it, the enjoyment of the outward means of Salva­tion, which to those who die in their Infancy may Seal to them their Eternal Salvation; and will so to those who survive it, if they neglect not so great Salvation. That Infants of believ­ing Parents are chiefly concerned in this, is evi­dent, because the Adult in every Family be­lieving should be saved, tho' their Parents did not believe, compare Asts 11.14. with Luke 19.9. And in the very Commission it self for baptizing, the Lord mentioneth as much In­fants, as he doth either Man, Woman, or Adult.

3. From Scripture-Reason it is evident, that Infants in the Church have right to be, and were baptized. For, all such who have due qualifi­cations for Baptism ought to be baptized, but all the Infants of believing Parents have such qualifications, and therefore they ought to be baptized. All that qualifieth for this Ordinance must refer either to Gods allowance of it, or the Persons capacity for it. 1. As to Gods allow­ance of it, I argue thus, all such with whom God [Page 8]hath made his Covenant, and never reversed it, are qualified for Baptism, and must be admit­ted thereunto, but God hath made his Cove­nant with the Infants of Believers, and never reversed it, therefore they are qualified for Baptism, and must be admitted to it. The Truth of this appears from the Connection there is between Gods Covenant and the initial Seal of it. Whoever by Covenant are taken into Gods Church must be initiated thereinto by the Seal of it, now there is no other initia­ting Seal but Baptism, Circumcision that was setled for a time a Seal of the Covenant is abro­gated long since. Gods Covenant was setled with Parents and Children in the Church from the fall of Adam, as appears by Sacrifice, Gen. 4.1, 2, 3, 4. compared with Ver. 25.26. and chap. 6.2. This was made more plainly known to Abraham, with an additional Seal to it, Gen. 17.10. This Covenant is still in force with Be­lievers and with their seed. The Redeemer hath under the Gospel altered the Seal, but not the Subjects of it, who are now to be baptized, as they were under the Old Testament Admini­stration to be circumcised. This Covenant can never be disannulled, Gal. 3.15, 16, 17. Those that are Subjects of it, both Parents and Children, are to be baptized, Acts 2.38, 39. As God hath made this Covenant with them, so Christ hath executed it to the Infants of believ­ing Jews and Gentiles, John 17.2. He hath fi­nished the Work God hath given him to do, [Page 9]which was to fulfil the Promise confirmed to Abraham, and to the Churches Infants, the Seed of Believers. The Apostle asserts it to the Gen­tiles, Rom. 15.8, 9. In the Translation of the Church of God from the Jews unto the Gen­tiles, into which Church he hath received Be­lievers and their Seed, as he hath rejected those Unbelievers and their Seed, Mat. 21.13. compare Rom. 11.11, 12, 13. And as God allowed this admittance of Church Infants to Baptism, by translating his Kingdom to the believing Gentiles, so Christ proselited or ga­thered these little ones into his Church or King­dom, Mar. 19.13, 14, 15. Mark 10.13, 14, 15. Luke 18.15, 16, 17. as they were Mem­bers of it, and therefore ought to be baptized. By the Redeemers appointment Infants were initiated into his Church under the Old Testa­ment by the Sign and Seal of his Covenant, Cir­cumcision, Gen. 17.10. but now under the Go­spel are they to be entred into it by Baptism, which succeedeth by his appointment in the room of the other, Col. 2.11, 12. Now if God hath ordered it to be done, and it was done, as is testified by the Spirit in 1 Cor. 10.1, 2. and this was never reversed by him, then God alloweth it to his Church at this day. 2. As to Infants capacity for Baptism, I argue thus, All who are Subjects capable of Baptism are to be baptized, but Infants born in the Church are capable of Baptism. This is evident by Scrip­ture instance, for they have a Covenant-capaci­ty [Page 10]for it which was never reversed, Gen. 17.10, 11, 12. compare Acts 2.39. Christ was the Mediator of the Covenant to Israelitish Pa­rents and Children, and so he is to believing Gentiles and their Infant-Seed, Isa. 49.6, 8. compare Rom. 15.8, 9. They have a capacity to be Gods Children, and are so owned by him, Isa. 8.18. Ezek. 16.20, 21. Rom. 9.4. Heb. 2.13. They are Christs Disciples, Asts 15.10. and to be received in Christs Name as such, Mat. 18.5. Mark 9.41. Luke 9.47, 48. They are Christs Servants, Lev. 25.54, 55. Subjects of his Kingdom, Mat. 19.14. Mark 10.14. Luke 18.16. The Infant Children of Believers being all these, are capable, or qualified Subjects for Baptism. They are also Church-Members, so setled in the Covenant of Grace from the first grant of it, and so continued throughout the times of Abraham, Moses, and all the Pro­phets, and were never since excluded from be­ing so. In all the changes in the Israelitish Church, the Essentials did always abide, the material part, of which were their Members. As Infants are Church-members, and so invi­ted to Baptism, they have also endowments fit for it. They are Believers in Christs own ac­count, Mat. 18.5, 6. Mark 9.36, 37. and made Patterns by him to Elder Persons, Mat. 18.2, 3, 4. Are to be received in his Name, and therefore have relation to, and an Interest in him. They are included in Believing Pa­rents, and are said to do what they profess, [Page 11] Deut. 29.10, 11, 12. They are Relative Be­lievers, born in, and belong unto the Houshold of Faith, Psal. 22.30. and are called such as the Israelites were. How many of them are of Gods Elect, and so have the Spirit of Grace and Faith in them; and whether not so ma­ny as of the Adult, is a secret to us, which Heaven only can reveal, Luke 1.15. Lastly, Infants in the Church are in the account of God the Spirit, Holy, as well as Believers, Exod. 19.6. Deut. 7.6. and Chap. 14.2, 21. Rom. 11.16. and 2 Cor. 7.14. Some of them posi­tively by the Infusion of Holiness into their Spi­rits, Jer. 1.5. External positive Sanctification or Consecration is by Covenant-constitution on all Church-Infants, Exod. 13.2. Whence God calls them His, Rom. 11.16. And so all the branches are Relatively Holy. Infants in the Church being thus Believers, and Holy, they have a right to, and ought to be baptized. In the close, I adde this, that there is not one Word in Scripture, forbidding the baptizing of the Infants of Believers; and if the Name of Infants is not exprest in the Commission for baptizing, no more are the Names of Men or Women, which shews, that it was so known and unquestionable Truth among the Jews, and in Scripture-times, as well as with all Conver­sant with their Customs, that there was no need to read it more expresly. No Person can be any more secure, that the Adult shall not Apostatize after Baptism, than Believers can [Page 12]that their Infant Seed shall not.

2. That the Baptizing of Infants in the Chri­stian Church, or the admitting of the Adult in­to it by Baptism in Scripture times, was nei­ther only, nor mostly, if at all, by Plunging the Person into the Water. As to what is pleaded for this from that Word the Commission Bap­tizing, Mat. 28.19. It can no where in the New Testament be clearly proved to signifie Dipping or Plunging the whole Person under the Water. The Word properly signifying Dip­ing in the New Testament is another Word, and so truly translated in Mat. 26.23. Mark 14.20. John 13.26. And the known use of this Word Baptize among Greek Authors them­selves, who best understood their own Lan­guage, doth confirm it to signifie washing. Bap­tizing is a general Word for Washing, by ap­plying Water several ways, either to Persons or things, as by Effusion of it on them, Exod. 30.18, 19. 2 King. 3.11. Luke 11.38. or sprinkling of them with them, Mark 7.4. The Application of the Element of Water to the Flesh of the Person is the thing that the Injunction of Christ doth inforce in Baptizing, 1 Pet. 3.20. Not only the Propriety of the Word Baptizing doth evacuate this work of Dipping, but from the presumed instances given of it, it can never be proved that those who were baptized by John the Baptist, or by Christs Disciples were so dipped. Thô it is said, that Jesus when baptized, went up straight-way out of the Wa­ter, [Page 13]it doth not appear that he was dipped or plunged into it, Mat. 3.13. It was not unlike­ly that he had water poured or sprinkled on him in it, for as soon as he came out of the Water he betook himself to Prayer, Luke 3.21. Which Work, if his Garments that covered him had been all wet, as they must have been by his plunging in the Water, would have been inconvenient, till they were shifted or dried, for Christ did not carry a Ward-robe with him. That he was baptized Naked can never be proved. He who dried his Disciples Feet, after he had washed them, John 13.4, 5. be­fore he instructed them in their Duty, would have taken some care of his own Person after such a dipping before he went to Prayer. Nei­ther the places where John or they did Bap­tize, did necessitate their dipping in them, as is surmised. As those who were baptized by John in Jordan, their going down into, and coming out of the Water, importing no more then their standing at the brink of the Water on dry ground, as the Priests that bare the Ark of the Lord before Israel in their passage over Jordan, when they came to the brink of the wa­ter of Jordan, did stand still in Jordan, Joshua 3.13, 15, 17. from whence the Waters had retired. This is much more probable, then his standing in the River and plunging so con­tinually Multitudes in it as the History declares, Mat. 3.5, 6. Neither doth Johns Baptizing in Aenon countenance his Dipping, because there [Page 14]was much Water there. The Words are, ma­ny Waters, and such as were uncapable of im­mersion or plunging into them. Whether Ae­non were the Name of a Town or Village, or plain Land, I shall not determine. It seems to be scituated in the South of Judah, which for the most part was a dry and barren Land, where were few or no Springs, as appears by the Daughters of Calebs request, Judg. 1.15. In this plain of Aenon there were many Springs of Water, from which Fountains might run many Streams or Rivulets of Water, for the accommodation of the Inhabitants about it, but not of such depth as to serve for this pretended use, as hath been testified by Persons that have seen them. Alike Fountain or Spring to which was that where Philip baptized the E­thiopian Eunuch, in Acts 8.36, 38. Yet were they never so capable, can it be demonstrated that the baptized Persons were dipped in them. Neither do the Allusions which the Holy Spirit useth in asserting the effects of Baptism, any way Countenance this Dipping, as in Rom. 6.4. Being buried with him by Baptism, and Col. 2.12. which signifieth no more than our having Communion with him in his Burial, as well as in his Death, as to the Death of Sin in us, by Baptism. It is evident in the General Custom of most Nations, that burying of Per­sons is not by dipping them into the Earth, but by pouring on, or casting Earth upon them, and until that be cast on them, they remain un­buried. [Page 15]So that whatever force these expres­sions have, of going down into, or coming up out of the Water, or burying by Baptism, it was impossible for Persons to be baptized by Dipping or Plunging them under the Water in many places, for neither were the three thou­sand Converts by dipping in one day, Acts 2.41. nor the Samaritan Believers, Acts 8.12, 13. nor Paul in the House of Judas, Acts 9.18. nor the Jailor and his House in the Prison, Acts 16.33. nor those baptized on the Graves of the Martyrs, 1 Cor. 15.29. nor the sick or diseased that were baptized in their beds. The Lords own Act in the baptizing of Israel, might satisfie any as to the manner or mode of this Work, and which by the Spirit is charged on all Christians, that they remain not ignorant of, but know and remember it for their own Imitation, in 1 Cor. 10.1, 2. That the Lord did baptize Israel by pouring down, or showr­ing Water out of the Clouds upon them, when they were passing on dry ground thorough the Red Sea, see Psal. 77.11. and 68.7, 9. This way of Effusion and Sprinkling with Water the baptized, is best resembling and signally exhibiting what was intended by our Lord in this Ordinance, both as to what was foretold of it by the Prophets in Prov. 1.23. and Isa. 44.1, 3. and Zach. 12.10. compare Mat. 3.11. Acts 2.1, 2, 3. Concerning the Effusion of his Spirit on them, and the sprinkling of them with his Blood, Isa. 52.15. and Ezek. [Page 16]36.24, 25, 26, 27. Fulfilled under the Gospel, in Heb. 9.14, 19, 23. and Chap. 12.24. com­pare Eph. 5.26, 27. Rev. 1.5. The pouring of this Water in Baptism on the Face of the Person baptized, is most proper, as a part sym­bolically sufficient to represent the whole Per­son, as well as the Feet, in John 13.10. As Christ taught there his Disciples. And by Face in Scripture is usually set out and exprest the whole Person, and one Person is distin­guished from another, read Gen. 48.11. Ecles. 8.1. Gal. 1.22. A Seal Confirming the last Will and Testament of any Person, is not done by applying the Testament to the Seal, but the Seal to the Testament, and to one part of it. And Baptism on the Face is the proper badge of those who are sealed his, and have his Fathers Name written in their Foreheads; by which the open Profession of being his Members and Servants is held out unto the sin­ful World, Rev. 7.3. Chap. 14.1.

3. That the Rebaptizing of such who are born in the Christian Church, and have been baptized in their Infancy, is unwarrantable.

This appeareth to be an unwarrantable Pra­ctise in some Christians, because there is no Precept for it, no Promise made to it, nor Example of it in all the Scripture. The initi­ating Sign and Seal of the Covenant, is but once to be applied to its proper Subject, and no more by Christs Institution, and there is a total Silence about any reversing it. Those A­dult [Page 17]Persons Recorded in Scripture were Con­verts, either from Judaism or Gentilism to Christianity, and were no Members of the Christian Church before they were baptized, and by Baptism they were initiated into it, as appears Acts 2.41. and Chap. 8.12, 13. and Chap. 10.48. and Chap. 16.31, 33. To such Adult strangers the rule was, to teach them first, and on their Profession of Repentance towards God, and Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, to bap­tize them. But no such Rule was for them born in the Church of Christ, they were discipled by baptizing in their Infancy, and where they were really and certainly so, Baptism was not to be repeated to them; if there were any De­fect in the Essentials of Baptism (which is not to be judged by Mens Fancies, but by the Word) then that might be supplied by the just and regular Administration of it.

4. That whatsoever sweet Refreshments by the Holy Spirit and spiritual Graces you can expect to enjoy by being re-baptized, you have no Ground for it, and you may obtain them by renewed Acts of Faith on your Infant-Baptism.

I suppose you do not intend by those En­joyments and Refreshments, the Effusion of the Gifts of the Holy Ghost, especially that of Tongues, which were to fit for Preaching­work the Persons who enjoyed them, as they were dispensed in the Primitive Times. These were given sometimes before Bap­tism, [Page 18] Acts Ch. 10. v. 45, 47, 48. and after Baptism by imposition of Hands, Acts Ch. 8. v. 15, 16, 17. Ch. 19. v. 6. But never in or by Baptism, as the Scripture testifieth: You must mean therefore by sweet Enjoyments of the Holy Ghost, and spiritual Refreshments which rebaptized Persons have felt, such spi­ritual Blessings as Peace, Joy, Righteousness, and the Love of God shed abroad in your Hearts by the Holy Spirit, as Romans Ch. 15. v. 13, 14. and Ch. 5. v. 1, 5. and Ch. 14. v. 17. and 1 Peter Ch. 1. v. 8, 9. Now you expect those to be wrought in you, or the sense of them, either by the work of Rebap­zing, for which you have no promise in Gods Word; or you expect them as they are Covenant Blessings, which the Ordinance of Baptism being a Sign or Seal of it may Seal to you. This is already done for you in your In­fant Baptism, you have had therein the Sign and Seal of the Covenant as fully as you can have by repeating it: Your Duty and Work therefore is not to repeat it, but to draw forth the Virtue of it by Faith for your own Comfort as all the Power in Heaven and Earth by the Institutor hath made it effectual thereunto. For instance, if

1. You are in Doubt of your Relation to God, or his to you, look to your Baptism as God sealing that Relation in his to you, Ga­latians Ch. 3. v. 27.

2. In Case of want of greater Measure of Sanctification, look to this Seal of it to you, Colossians 2.12.

3. In the sense of your want of spiritual Bles­ings made over to you in the Covenant, eye your Baptism securing your being blessed with them, Gen. 22.18. and Eph. 1.3.

4. In Case of flagging and falling short in Duty, look to your Baptism as a quickning Sign to stir you up to all Diligence, as Ro­mans Ch. 6 v. 4, 5, 11.

5. In Case of Doubts, and Want of Assu­rance, view your Baptisms confirming Gods Covenant and your Heart, Romans Ch. 4. v. 11. Hebrews Ch. 6. v. 17.18. and Ch. 10. v. 22. Colossians Ch. 2. v. 2, 7.

6. In Case of prevailing Corruptions, Mor­tification to them is sealed to you in your Baptism, Romans Ch. 6. v. 3, 6.

7. The Great Promise of the Holy Spirits dwelling in you, and your Participiation of its Operations is sealed to you in this Ordinance, Luke Ch. 11. v. 13. John Ch. 14. v. 16, 17, 26. and Ch. 16. v. 7, 13, 14. Compare 1 Corinthians Ch. 1. v. 12, 13.

8. In midst of Temptation of all Kinds and Degrees, Fear of Apostacy, of Death, or of coming short of Glory, look by faith on your Baptism as a Seal of Gods eternal Salva­tion to you, Mark Ch. 16. v. 16. 1 Peter Ch. 3. v. 22. and Ch. 5. v. 7. to 11. Renewed Baptism can convey no more to you as to the Covenant, then your Infant Baptism doth, and hath already done, and by Christs Law this Seal of it is once to be enjoyed and no [Page 20]more. If you have not those spiritual Refresh­ments from it, you have been wanting in Faith, Prayer, and Walking as to the Improve­ment of all these Blessings which God hath alrea­dy sealed to you, and which he is ready more fully to make you sensible of in the Enjoyment of, the other Seal of his Everlasting Testament conveying it, which must be often repeated and enjoyed by you, 1 Corinthians, ch. 11. v. 26. But Baptism must not.

I have wholly waved what is not scriptural in this Essay, as the constant Practice of the Churches of Christ throughout the successive Ages unto this day, in baptizing of the Churches Infants. There is no Person recorded in Hi­story opposing it for above 300 years after Christ. That the Catechumens preparing by Instructions for Baptism in the second Century were not persons born of Believers in the Church, but Converts from Heathenism to Chri­stianity. That as to Infants baptized when they were grown up, they were made Adult Members of the Church by solemn personal Covenant-renewing, and Confirmation by Pray­er and laying on of Hands. The use of Bap­tisteria first erected of Stone, and placed in their Temples in the 4th. Century, makes against dip­ing of the Persons of Adult in them, and however it might be of Infants in that degenerate Age from the Primitive Institutions; but I know one Word of Scripture is of more Weight with you than all Arguments drawn from An­tiquity. [Page 21]Having therefore given you Light from thence as to this Ordinance of Baptism, and your Duty about it, I humbly implore the Father of Lights to give you Eyes of Understanding en­lightned to see with, and further Degrees of Divine Light to see by, and to unvail this Myste­ry to you, and by his Holy Spirit guide you into all Truth. Christians have different De­grees of Light, yet ought to, and must live in Love one with another, wherein we have attained to walk by the same Rule, and mind the same thing, and where we have not at­tained, to wait on God to reveal it to us. I Salute you in the Lord, and humbly Pray to him that he would make you Partakers of all spiritual Blessings in Heavenly Things in Christ Jesus, and that your Families may prosper and be built up by him to the Perfecting of his own. In him I am,

A most sincere Lover of you and the whole Christian Commu­nity, and yours and theirs Servant for Jesus sake.

Mr. Turner's Postscript in the History Of all Religions.

THE General Consent, and almost Ʋniversal Practice, not only of all Christendom, but all the World, Jews, Gentiles, Mahometans, Christians of all Sects, Protestants, Papists, Greeks, Ar­menians, Muscovites, Mengrelians, In­dians of St. Thomas, Abissines, &c. in using, time out of mind, for hundreds of years, in places distant thousands of miles, some solemn initiating Ceremony at the first admission of Children (not adult) into the Society and Communion of their Religion, which intimateth this to be at first of divine Institution.


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