THE Lords of His Majesties Privie Councill, taking to consideration, That notwithstan­ding that it is statute and ordained by an act of the last Session of this current Parlia­ment, intituled an Act concerning such Benefices and Stipends as have been possest with­out presentation from the lawfull Patrone: That all Ministers who entred to the cure of any parish within Burgh or Land, in, or since the year of God 1649. (at, and before which time the Patrons were most injuriously dispossest of their Patronages) Have no right unto, nor uplift the Rents of their respective Benefices, modified Stipends, Manse, or Gleb, for this instant year of God 1662. Nor for any year following, unless they should obtain a Presentation from the lawfull Patron, and have Collation from the Bishop of the Dioces where he liveth, before the twenty of September last: As likewise, That it is statute and ordained, that the 29. day of May should be yearly keeped as a holy day unto the Lord, for a solemn anniversary Thanksgiving for his Majesties restauration to his royall Government: And that all Ministers of the Gospel should accordingly observe the same in their respective Paroches, under the pains therein contained. Yet several Ministers not only have contraveened the foresaids Acts of Parliament, but in manifest contempt of His Majesties royall authority, albeit they have justly forefaulted their right to the Benefices, modified Stipends, and others, continue to exerce the Function of the Ministery at their respective Churches, as of be­fore. Therefore they prohibite and discharge all Ministers who have contraveened the foresaid act of Parliament concerning the Benefices and Stipends, to exerce any part of the Function of the Ministery at their respective Churches in time coming, which are hereby declared to be vacand: And that none of their Parochiners who are lyable in any part of their Stipends make pay­ment to them of this instant Crop and year of God 1662. Or in time coming, as having no right thereto: And that they do not acknowledge them for their lawfull Pastor, in repairing to their Ser­mons, under the pain of being punished as frequenters of private Conventicles and Meetings. And Commands and Charges the saids Ministers to remove themselves and their Families out of their Paroches, betwixt and the first day of November next, and not to reside within the bounds of their respective Presbyteries. As likewise, that no Heretor or other lyable in payment of any part of the Ministers Stipend make payment to any Minister who have contraveened the foresaid Act of Parliament forkeeping the anniversary Thanksgiving, of any part of this years Stipend. And de­clares, That the Ministers who have contraveened the said Act, shall be lyable to the whole pains therein contained. And ordains these presents be forthwith printed and published by the Sheriffs of Shires, and Magistrates of Burghs, that none may pretend ignorance.

Pet. Wedderburn [...], Cl. sti. Consilii.

Printed by ROBERT SANDERS, P [...]inter to the Town of GLASGOW, 1662.

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