The CASE of the Merchants & Clothiers of this Kingdom, And all others concerned, in the Free Exportation of the Woollen Manufacture of ENGLAND To Holland, Flanders, Brabant and Germany.

BY an Act, made in the first Year of Their Majesties Reign, en­tituled, An Act for the better preventing the Exportation of Wool, and encouraging the Woollen Manufactures of this Kingdom, it is for the better Encouragement of the Manufacture, as well as the Growth of Wool, enacted; that from thenceforward it should and might be lawful to and for any Person or Persons whatsoever to Buy any Cloth, Stuffs, Stockins, or other Manufacture of Wool, made in the Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, or the Town of Berwick upon Tweed: and the same freely, without any Molestation or Trouble whatsoever, to Export into any Parts beyond the Seas, paying the usual Customs.

Which Act passed the Royal Assent the Twentieth Day of August, 1689. and was to continue for three Years, and from thence to the End of the next Session of Parliament, which is this present Session.

Since the making of which Act there hath been Exported to Holland, Flanders, Brabant and Germany far greater Quantities of the Woollen Ma­nufacture of England, notwithstanding the Obstruction of Commerce, by reason of the present War, than was exported before, when the Trade was limited to the Members of the Hamborough Company only, as by the Entries in the Books of Their Majesties Customs plainly appears: By which Increase of the Woollen Manufacture exported, Their Ma­jesties Customs, and the Price of Wool, hath been considerably advanced, so that the Continuance of the said Free Trade will be very beneficial to Their Majesties and their Subjects; whereas if the Trade in the Woollen Manufacture be restrained, it will be very prejudicial, not only to the Merchants and Clothiers of this Kingdom, but to all other Persons, whose Commodities they Use and Consume.

It is the Interest of this Nation to invite all Persons to Buy and Export the Woollen Manufacture of England, for that a Pound of Wool, when wrought, yield then times the Value of the Wool, there being many Thousand Families maintained thereby, and several Trades that depend wholly on the Woollen Trade, viz. the Washer, Shearer, Picker, Comber, Karder, Reeler, Warper, Spinner, Knitter, Weaver, Clothworker, Tucker, Fuller, Drawer, Napper, Kalenderer, Dyer, Setter and Packer, besides several other Trades, whose Commodities they consume, as the Makers of Wyer, Cardmakers, &c.

It is therefore humbly hoped, That Leave will be given to bring in a Bill for the Continuance of the said Free Trade in the Woollen Ma­nufacture of England to Holland, Flanders, Brabant and Germany; and that the said Bill may be past into an Act of Parliament.

The CASE of the Merchants and Clothiers OF ENGLAND.

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