Mathematical Divinity: OR, A Plain Demonstration From the Holy Scriptures, THAT The TIMES of this WORLD were Fore appointed by the Covenant made with ABRAHAM: AND Determined to be according to the Measure of the Age and Fulness of CHRIST.

Kept Secret since the World began, but is now made plain upon XII. Tables, in a SOLAR CALENDAR, as familiar to the Under­standing as any common Almanack.

With full Proof That this is the Last Generation, which shall not pass away till all things be fulfilled, and the Gates of Righteousness be Opened.

Being the Result of many Years Study.


Hab. 2. 2.
And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the Vi­sion, make it plain upon Tables, that he may run that reads it

LONDON, Printed for John Harris at the Harrow in the Poultrey. 1693. Price 1 s.

THE Revelation Unvailed: Or, an Essay towards the discovering, I. When many Scripture Prophecies had their Accomplishment, and turned into History. II. What are now fulfilling. III. What rest still to be fulfilled. With an Appendix, proving that Pagan Rome was not Babylon, Rev. 17. and that the Jews shall be Con­verted. By Samuel Petto, Minister of the Gospel at Sud­bury in Suffolk. Price 1 s. 6 d.

A Collection of Modern Relations of Matter of Fact concerning Witches, and Witchcraft upon the Persons of People. To which is prefixed a Meditation con­cerning the Mercy of God in preserving us from the Malice and Power of Evil Angels, written by the late Lord Chief Justice Hale, upon occasion of a Tryal of several Witches before him. Price 1 s.

Both sold by John Harris at the Harrow in the Poultrey.

TO King William and Queen Mary.

May it please your Majesties,

THis small Treatise, altho' it come from the Hand of one of the mean­est of your Subjects, yet it is a Collection of some of the Words of the Wise, and of their Dark Sayings, which declare the End of this World from the Beginning. They are given by one Shepherd, and the Measures of them are all equal and upright, for they are Words of Truth, and do jointly shew, that the Glory of this World is passing away as the Flower of the Field, which withers as soon as it is cut down. But the Word or Promise of our God shall be raised up by him, who Proclaims to the Ends of the World, and Commandeth that it be said to Jerusalem that her Warfare is Accomplished; and to Si­on, Behold thy Saviour comes, his Re­ward [Page] is with him, and his Work before him. These are the good Tydings which were promised to be sent to Jerusalem by an Evan­gelist that shows the former things and the lat­ter end of them, and declareth things to come

God that hath sent you to Deliver these Nations from Popery and Slavery, and hath Covered your Head in the Day of Battle, bless you with Wisdom of Discerning of Men, and with that understanding which the Men of Issachar had to know the Times, and what Israel was to do when David was to be made King. That Profaneness may be suppressed, and Oppression removed, Men of Truth fear­ing God and hating Covetousness may be Coun­tenanced, then shall your Light break forth as the Morning, the Lord shall go before you to destroy your Enemies, and the God of Isra­el, shall be your Rereward.

So Prayeth
your Majesties faithful Subject, Elias Palmer.


COmmon Experience tells us that the meanest Plant is influenced from Heaven as well as the greatest Oak or Cedar, tho' not so much, because it doth not take up so much room, nor is so useful in the World.

The Spirit of Christ is given to every Man to Profit withal, by him that distri­butes to every Man severally as he will. We can understand nothing so perfectly as that which we do understand by Num­ber, Weight or Measure; and it is for this Cause that God hath been pleased to give us the Knowledge of himself in an Holy Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, [Page] according to the Measure of the Age and Fulness of Christ, as it is Written, and easie to be read, Prov. 22. 20. Have not I written to thee Threes, or a Trinity in Coun­cil and Knowledge, to make thee know the cer­tainty of the Words of Truth: But all the things of God which are above this are out of our reach, for they are above our Un­derstanding beyond our Measure, and do exceed our Number, yet they are [...]ot contrary to our Reason, or contrary to our Faith, which comes to believe the Incomprehensibleness of God, as Eze­kiel was led into the Waters of the San­ctuary by Measure, 'till they came to be a River which no Man could pass over.

The Measure of Time used in Holy Scrip­ture are Seven and Ten Years, taken from the beginning of the Old or New Creation, and increased by an Arithmetick or Geo­metrical Progression of Years which are not to be reduced from a greater to a less Proportion, any more than the Four Months before Harvest can be computed with the Solar Year, in which the Jews did Celebrate but three Festivals.

Nor doth the Order of Melchizedeck consist in likeness only between him and Christ, as some Men may think, but in Order of Time, as he was first King of Righ­teousness, and after that King of Peace.

Typical Numbers that compute a Day for a Year have equal Warrant with the great Year of Redemption, which is graft­ed on the Solar Year, which was every Year Celebrated by the Jews, and with the Or­der of Melchizedeck, which is Ten Years for every Day, divided by 5 and 5 Years, Beginning at the Promise, and Ending with the last Day of Redemption, without any Day more or less.

Such as conclude the three Persons in Holy Trinity are denyed, are mistaken; but in regard some sharp Disputes have arisen in former times, they are here di­stinguished by the Holy Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit of God in Jesus Christ, that was, that is, and that is to come.

The Mistake of two Years in our Ac­compt may prolong the End of the Year of our Redemption from 1690. and half, to 1693. or more.

John Baptist brought in War, but the second Baptist brings in the Gospel of Peace, and whoever shall not hear the Words of that Prophet shall be destroy­ed from among his People.

Advertisement to the Reader.

THere were not Printed above two Sheets of this small Treatise before the Painful and Inquisi­tive Author dy'd, which has prevented thee of clear­er Explication of some Obscure and Allegorical Phra­ses, of further Proof of some doubtful Propositions; as that the Melchisedechian Order is not Likeness but Number; as also of much enlargement in com­paring all the Apocalyptick Numbers in Daniel and John with this Comprehensive and Fundamental one to Abraham.

CHAP. I.That the mea …


That the measure of the great Year of our Redemption, which is the Year of God's Promise and Performances, was shewed to Abraham Ten Years before the Covenant.

THe Promise that was made to Abraham in Christ was of a Kingdom. That he should be the Heir of the World, where­of the Land of Canaan was given him for a Type; yet from the time of the Promise to the time of Performance in giving him Possessi­on of the Land of Canaan, after he was re­turned from the Slaughter of the Kings, was Ten Years, consisting of 3650 dayes; which be­ing compared one Day for a Year, as the Pro­phet Ezekiel was commanded to reckon, did shew the time appointed for Fulfilling the Pro­mise to be 3650 Year, even Ten Year for eve­ry Day, as by the Computation of the Holy Scriptures in the several particulars thereof will most undeniably appear to be true, ac­cording to the Solar Calendar hereunto an­nexed.


That this great Year of Redemption is divi­ded into three Parts.

THis Year of Redemption hath three parts. The first part begins at the Promise made to Abraham in the 2078 Year of the World, and ended when Joseph was made Ruler in Egypt 210 Years after. This 210 Year is called in the He­brew Aleph Dor, the First Age, and in the Solar Calendar is the three first Weeks of the great Year, which endeth in the Year of the World 2288.

The Second part of this great Year is the Ten Years, which began when Joseph was made Ruler in Egypt, and ended when God went down with Jacob into Egypt, which was in the 2298 Year of the World, and 220 Year after the Promise, this space of time in the Solar Calen­dar is but one day.

The Third Part of this great Year contains the whole time of our Lord's Infancy, while he is put under the Tutors and Governors of this World until the time appointed of the Fa­ther, which is 70 Jubilees, or 3430 Years, which began at the time when God went down with Jacob into Egypt, and endeth at the measure of the Age and Fulness of Christ as a Perfect Man, which is the end of this World. And this space [Page 3] of time in the Solar Calendar is the 49 Weeks of Daniel, which are 49 times 70 Years, and end with the last day of the World, which is the 5728 Year of the World, and the 3650 Year after the Promise. But these Dayes are short­ned, as hereafter shall be shewed.


Of the Covenant made with Abraham.

BEfore I come to speak of the Measures of the Covenant, and of the Measures of the Age and Fulness of Christ, and the Fulness of the World in him, I thought it necessary to speak first of the Covenant made with Abra­ham, and of the four Symbols of that Covenant, and what they do signifie.

The Covenant was made with Abraham in the Land of Canaan Ten Years after the Pro­mise, which was made in Ʋr of the Chaldees in the 70 Year of the Life of Abraham, and in the 2078 Year of the World.

The Promise was made by God the Father, but the Covenant was made by God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, even the Holy Trinity of God in Jesus Christ of the one part, and with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob of the other part.

The Covenant was a Covenant of Sacrifice for the Death of Christ the Son of Abraham, [Page 4] and of all the Posterity of the First Adam in him, for he Dyed for all because all were dead.

The other Covenant is called the New Co­venant, or the Oath of God for the raising up of Christ from the Dead, a New Man, and of a New World in him, who is the beginning of the Creation of God, so that as in Adam all dyed, even so in Christ shall all be made alive in their proper Time and Order.


Of the four Symbols of the Covenant, and what they signifie.

THe Kingdom Promised to Abraham was en­tailed upon the fourth Generation, but be­cause Abraham had no Son when the Covenant was made, therefore the four Symbols did re­present, the four first Generations according to their Births, and they are called Aleph Dor, which is the First Age.

These Symbols of the Covenant were Beasts of the Earth and Fowls of Heaven; the Beasts of the Earth are Beasts of Sacrifice, and repre­sent Jesus Christ coming in the Flesh of the Jews to be a Sacrifice for the sins of the World, that Salvation might be of the Jews.

The Fowls of Heaven did represent Jesus Christ risen from the Dead, and all the Spiri­tual People in the dayes of the Gospel after his Resurrection.

The Beasts of Sacrifice were a Calf, and a Goat, and a Ram, which were as well num­bered as divided, or cut in twain: But the Fowls were neither numbered nor divided, be­cause they are the fourth Generation, and were included in the third. Our Translation saith they were a Turtle-Dove and a young Pigeon, but they were a Turtle-Dove and an Eagle, as the same Word is translated Deut. 32. 21. these dead Bodies being made alive, are called the Cherubims, whereof the Eagle is one.


Of the smoaking Furnace and the burning Lamp.

THrough these Female Carkasses the two Se­raphick Males do pass as the Law and Go­spel, like a two-edged Sword, the one Killing, the other giving Life, for they are living and powerful, piercing to the dividing in sunder the Soul and Spirit, the Joints and Marrow, and are the Judge of the Thoughts of the Heart, and a Discerner of the Intents thereof. Nor is there [Page 6] any Creature that is not manifest in his sight, but all things are Naked and Open to his Eyes, at whom or with whom the Word is for us or against us as a Witness; and this is the Word that is so very near us, in our Mouth, and in our Heart, that we may do it: This Word is called Conscience, and whosoever sins against Conscience sins against Christ.


That Jesus Christ was made a Priest by Oath of God, according to the Order of Mel­chisedeck.

THere is one thing farther to be Opened, be­fore we come to speak of the Measure of the Covenant, and that will be to shew how Christ was made a Priest by Oath of God, af­ter the Order of Melchisedeck.

The next Ten Years after the Promise hath in it the Order of Melchisedeck, which is an equal Division of those Ten Years between Abraham after the Flesh, and Abraham after the Spirit.

During the first of these five Years Abraham lived after the Flesh under the government of his Natural Father Terah, until Terah dyed in Haran. The other five Years Abraham lived [Page 7] after the Spirit; for when his Father Terah was dead, he was under the Conduct of the Father of his Spirit, who led him into the Land of Pro­mise, and at the end of the second five Years gave him Possession of the Land of Canaan, ac­cording to the Promise, and he was blessed of Melchisedeck, the King of Righteousness, who was afterwards King of Salem.

After this Order was our Lord made a Priest by Oath: The Oath of God is the 7 of God, for Shebang signifies Seven as well as to Swear an Oath. As there are two Fives in the Order of Melchisedeck, so are there two Sevens in the Oath of God, for every Oath consists of two Parts, a Blessing and a Curse; the Curse is our own by Nature, and is upon all the Posterity of Adam, but the Blessing cometh from God only, and that of his Free Grace.

Jesus Christ was made a Curse for us after this Order, that we might receive the Blessing in him.

1. As Abraham abode five Years under the Go­vernment of his Natural Father, until he dyed in Haran:

So did our Lord abide 7 times five, even 35 Years, under the Tutors and Governours of the World, which were the Natural Fathers of Christ, the Jews, until they Crucified him, and he dyed under the Curse due to our Sins at Je­rusalem, as Terah dyed under the first Covenant at Haran.

[Page 8]2. As Abraham was set free from the Govern­ment of his Natural Father when he was dead:

So was Christ and his Church set free from the Dominion of the Law, of Sin and Death, which was their first Husband or Ruler, that they might be Married to another Husband that dyed for them, and rose again, to Marry them to himself.

3. As Abraham was raised up by his Spiritu­al Father after Terah was dead, to enter into the Land of Promise, where he was blessed of Melchisedeck:

So our Lord after he was risen from the Dead received the Promise of the Father, which was the Holy Spirit of Promise shed forth upon his Body the Church at Pentecost; but the Harvest of it is reserved for the great Pentecost now at hand.

4. As Abraham at the end of the second five Years slaughtered the Kings in the Land of Canaan:

So our Lord Jesus at the end of 7 times 5, which was 35 Years from his Resurrection, did slaughter his Enemies, the Jews, by the Hand of Titus Vespasian, who laid Waste their Tem­ple, Worship and Government, as it appears at this day.


That the Measures of the Symbols of the Co­venant made with Abraham, did fore ap­point the Times in which Joseph the fourth Generation should be Ruler in Egypt 210 Year after the Promise.

THe Cutting of the Calf in twain Cut off Life from Death, made two Covenants of one. The first Covenant was Death, the other is the New Covenant of Life and Peace in Je­sus Christ.

These two Covenants of Life and Death were equally divided to us in Christ in the four first Generations before they were born, and before the World began, which was when God went down with Jacob into Egypt, as hereafter will be made more plainly to appear.

The Number of each Symbol sheweth the time when each of the said Generations should be produced, and the time when Joseph should be made Ruler in Egypt, and the said fore-ap­pointed times were thus limited.

First, Abraham Cuts the Calf in twain.

This Calf was three Years old, and when it was divided according to the Order of Mel­chisedeck, [Page 10] it was 3 times 5 Natural, and 3 times 5 Years Spiritual.

And it came to pass, that at the end of 3 times 5, which is 15 Years next after the Promise, Abraham takes Hagar the Bond­woman, or first Covenant, by whom he had his Natural Son Ishmael.

And it came to pass also, that 15 Years after Abraham had taken Agar, Isaac the Son of the Free-woman was born according to Promise.

Secondly, Abraham Cuts the Goat in twain.

This Goat was but 3 Years old, but being add­ed to the Calf of 3 Years old it is become 6, and by being Cut in twain it is doubled, that is to say it is 6 and 6.

Abraham multiplies the first 6 by the first 5 Years of Melchisedeck, and it becomes 30 for the first Covenant or Law of Nature.

And he multiplies the second 6 by the second five Years of Melchisedeck, and it makes 30 more under the New Covenant of Promise.

And it came to pass after Isaac had waited 60 Years; that is to say 30 Years under the first Testament, and 30 Years more under the New Covenant, which is 60 Years; at the end of the said 60 years Esau and Jacob are born.

Thirdly, Abraham Cuts the Ram in twain.

This Ram is but 3 years old, but because it is the double of the last, and contains the Third and Fourth Generations, it is called the Ram of Fulness. Therefore it must be fourfold double, that is to say 30, 60, 120, which 120 is four times 30, and it is the double of 60, making 12 times Ten, according to the Number of the 12 Tribes of Israel.

So that Jacob waited 12 times the first five Years of Melchisedeck under the First Covenant, and 12 times the second 5 years of Melchisedeck under the New Covenant, before Joseph was made Ruler in Egypt.

And it came to pass, that when Jacob was 12 times Ten, that is 120 Years old, his Son Joseph being the fourth Generation next after the Promise, was made Ruler in Egypt according to the Promise.

It is to be Noted that the Ram of Fulness is called so in the Hebrew, but in our Bibles it is called the Ram of Consecration.


That as the Measures of the four Symbols of the Covenant in the last Chapter are four­fold double in their Faith and Patience; that is to say, they waited 30, 60, 120 Years, even 3 times Ten, 6 times Ten, and 12 times Ten, which is 210 Years af­ter the Promise, until Joseph was made Ruler in Egypt.

Even so from the time that God went down with Jacob into Egypt unto Joseph, those four Symbols are made alive, and are call­ed the Cherubims, having their Generation also fourfold double from that Pattern or Fore-appointment of the Covenant, that is to say they are 12 times 70, twenty four times 70, and 48 times 70, which is 3360 Years, unto which if you add the 70 Year of Christ, the great Shepherd of the Sheep, that rideth between the Cherubims, leading Joseph like a Flock, it doth compleat the times of this World, from God's going down with Jacob into Egypt to the end of the World, as by the Solar Calendar, and by the 70 Weeks of Daniel will most plainly and un­deniably appear.

THe four Conjugations of the Symbols of the Covenant, were four dead Bodies slain by the smoaking Furnace of the Law in all the four quarters of the World, but they are made alive by the Lamp or Light of the Gospel, shining in their Hearts, so that as in Adam all Men dy­ed, even so in Christ shall all be made alive in their proper time.

Three of these Conjugations of dead Bodies were Earth, but the fourth were Fowls of Hea­ven: Even so three of the first Cherubims are Beasts of the Earth, and the fourth a flying Eagle.

Joseph the fourth Generation was advanced in Egypt at the end of 210 years next after the Promise made to Abraham, but Joseph was not Shepherd of Israel until Israel went down thi­ther, and that was Ten years after.

The Cherubims had each of them four Faces, that is, they had each of them four times the 210 years of the four first Generations, which is 840 years to each Cherubim, from the time that God went down with Jacob into Egypt un­to Joseph, leading Joseph like a Flock.

The second Cherubin had its four Faces, which was 840 years more, making 24 times 70, which is 1680 years from the time of God's going down with Jacob into Egypt unto the Birth of Christ, at the fulness of the appointed time.

The other two Cherubins are Fowls of Hea­ven, and are the Turtle-Dove and the Eagle, which are neither numbred nor divided, for [Page 14] they are the Cherubins of the Resurrection, and do contain 24 times 70, which is 1680 years more from the 70 years of Christ unto the end of the World.

Between these four Cherubins the God and Shepherd of Israel dwelleth, leading Joseph like a Flock, until before Ephraim, Benjamin and Ma­nasseh he stir up his strength and come and save us.

The Account of these Cherubins, compared with the Years of the World, standeth thus:
  Cherubins. In what Year of the World.
The First Cherubin with its four Faces of 840 years ended 840 3138
The Second Cherubin with its four Faces of 840 years ended 840 3978
The Shepherd of Israel leading us to death ended 035 4013
The Shepherd of Israel revi­ving our Souls ended 035 4048
The Third Cherub with its four Faces of 840 years ended 840 4888
The Fourth Cherub with its four Faces of 840 years ended 840 5728

These Cherubins of Glory overshadow the Mercy-Seat, they are the Hosts of the Natural and of the Spiritual Prince, which do struggle in every Man as well as in the World. They are like the Twins in Rellecka's Womb, who [Page] were a Type of these Combatants. But when the time is come Rebeckah shall be delivered, and they shall be separated the one from the other.


That the four first Generations are an Alle­gory of Jesus Christ under the two Cove­nants, as he was after the Flesh, and as he was after the Spirit.

AN Allegory is when one thing is spoken and something else is thereby intended to be understood.

Abraham had two Sons, Ishmael and Isaac; Ishmael was his First-born, the Son of Agar the Bond-woman, he was born after the Flesh; but Isaac was his younger Son, born of Sarah the Free-woman according to Promise.

These things were literally true, but as they were an Allegory, Ishmael the Son of the Bond­woman represents Jesus Christ born after the Flesh, the Natural Son and Heir of Abraham, born under the Law: But Isaac the Son of the Free-woman, born by Promise, represents Je­sus Christ raised from the dead, according to the New Covenant, the Son and Heir of God, who sets him King upon his Holy Hill of Sion. Hereupon Sarah the Free Church casts out the [Page 16] Bond-woman and her Son, that they may have no Inheritance with the Son of the Free-woman, for Justification by the Works of the Law, and Justification by Free-Grace may not stand to­gether.

Secondly, Isaac had two Sons, Esau and Ja­cob. Esau was the first born, whose Name doth signifie the Worker, a Man of Works. Jacob was the younger Son, he was a Perfect Man, dwelling in Tabernacles, for his Tabernacle was per­fect.

Esau was a Type of Christ after the Flesh, who fulfilled the Covenant of Works, but Ja­cob is called a Perfect Man.

Before Jacob and Esau were born, and be­fore they had done either Good or Evil, that the Purpose of God concerning Election of Men in Christ by a New Covenant of Grace and not of Works might stand; it was said to Rebeckah, The elder shall serve the younger, for Jacob have I loved, but I have hated Esau.

We are Chosen in Christ 1890 years before Christ came in the Flesh, according to the Cove­nant which was made with Abraham 200 years be­fore the World began, or the Foundations thereof were laid; for the Foundations of the World were laid according to the Number of the Sons of Israel, whose 12 Sons were not become 70 until God went down with Jacob into Egypt, and then they became like the 12 Fountains of Jacob and 70 Palm-trees.

Even so our Lord, as he was born after the [Page 17] Flesh, fulfilled the Righteousness of the first Co­venant, which was the first Testament under which he was rejected, when he was made sin for us, for then this Holy Nazarite lost those days. and was Baptized from the deadness and unprositableness of those Works of the Law, that he might fulfill all Righteousness, and be justified by the Free Grace of God only, accord­ing to the New Covenant of Promise.

Thirdly, Ruben was the first-born of Jacob, but the Birth-right and Blessing was given to Joseph, to fall upon the Head of this Shepherd at the utmost bounds of the Hills or Kingdoms of this World, as Jacob's Prophecy did foretell, Gen. 49. 26.


That the four first Generations are the Sam­ple or Pattern of the Coming of the King­dom of Christ into the World from the time of the Promise made to Abraham.

THese four first Generations our Translators have translated 1000 Generations, but the Original Words Aleph Dor signifie no more than the first or former Age; and Bildad the Shuite calls this Age Dor Roshim, the first or former Age, and sends Job to enquire after it, for saith [Page 18] he, Our dayes upon Earth are a shadow; as if he had said, The first Age is, as indeed it is, Gno­mon Mundi temporum, the Index of the times of the World.

This first Age is called the Bounds of the World, which our Fathers have made, and no Man can reduce or alter them, Prov. 22. 33.

Jacob calls them the utmost Bounds of the Hills or Kingdoms of this World; our Bibles translate them Everlasting Hills, Gen. 49. 26.

This first Age was Ordained in Joseph for a Witness of the time, when the First-born shall be Disinherited, as Ruben was, and Joseph re­leased from Prison to Rule the House of Pha­raoh, Psal. 81.

From this first Age the Measures of the Gene­rations of the Breast-plate of Judgment are ta­ken for the 12 Tribes of Israel.

Moses calls this first Age the Dayes of the World, because the Dayes of the World are from hence computed, and the End of the World is declared from this Beginning.

Joseph was a Type of Christ, he was made Ruler in Egypt at the end of 210 Years, but in the middle of those 210 Years Abraham dyeth.

So at the End or sooner Determination of 49 times 70 Year from the time that God went down with Jacob into Egypt, our Lord shall be King over all the World; but in the middle of these 49 times 70 years he dyed at Jerusulem, 1715 years after God went down with Jacob in­to Egypt.


A Second Evidence and Proof from the Breast­plate of Judgment, that the great Year of our Redemption cannot exceed 3650 Solar Years, from the time of the Promise made to Abraham to the End of the World.

ALL the Nations had their Inheritance di­vided to them in Christ according to the Number of the Sons of Isael, when God went down with Jacob into Egypt, for then the Foun­dations of the World were laid according to that Number of the Sons of Israel. In this Ac­compt of Time you have our Redeemer stand in the middle of the Years, as Aaron stood be­tween the Living and the Dead, and as the Ark of the Covenant stood between the Blessing at Mount Gerizim and the Curse upon Mount Ebal: So was our Mediator Crucified between two Thieves, the Jew and Gentile World, the one reviling him, the other Penitent.

God divivides the Inheritance of Death and Life with himself to the Church in the 70 Years of Christ, 35 years Death, 35 years Life.
  Years since God went down. Years of the World.
God went down with Jacob in the 2298 Year of the World. 2298 2298
Twelve times 35 years of Christs coming in the Flesh to dye the first square 0420 2718
Twelve times 35 years of his coming in the second square to dye 0420 2138
Twelve times 35 years more of his com­ing to dye in the third square 0420 3558
Twelve times 35 years more of his com­ing to dye in the fourth square 0420 3978
At 35 years end from John Baptist's Birth our Lord is Crucified 0035 4013
At 35 years end more Jerusalem is destroyed.    
Twelve times 35 years of Christs coming in the Flesh of the Gentiles 0420 4468
Twelve times 35 years of Christs coming in living Stones of the Gentiles 0420 4888
Twelve times 35 years of Christs spiritu­al coming in the Flesh of the Gentiles 0420 5308
Twelve times 35 years of Christs coming in the last square 0420 5728

Thus the Breast-plate of Judgment is four­fold double, it contains the 70 years of Christ [Page 21] in his Church 48 times, divided into 48 times 35 years Death, and 48 times 35 years Life, which makes 3360 years, and with the 70 years of Christ makes 3430 years; unto which if you add the 220 years before Jacob went down to Egypt, it Compleats the Year of our Redempti­on in 3650 years, and Confirmeth the Accompt, and had no day more or less, as in the Solar Ca­lendar is plain.


A third Evidence and Proof from Jubilees, that this World and the great Year of our Redemption cannot exceed 3650 Years from the time of the Promise made to Abraham.

EVery Jubilee was a Type of the End of this World; Deut. 15. 17. it is called Gnolam, which signifies the World. In the Year of Ju­bilee every Man returned to his Possession and to his Family, as at the End of the World, when every Man shall Reap what he has been Sowing, and return to his Family, whether of Heaven or Earth.

The first Jubilee was Celebrated by the Jews in the Land of Canaan 50 years after they came out of the Land of Egypt, and they kept their Accompts by Sevens, from 49 to 49 years, [Page 22] going forward, but the 50th. year was called by them the 8th. year, because it was one year above the Sevens, and it was always accounted the first year of the next succeeding Jubilee.

Now the third Evidence and Proof that God determined and fore-appointed the times of the World, and the Bounds of the Habitations of all Nations of Men that dwell upon the Face of all the Earth, not to exceed 3650 years from the time of the Promise made to Abraham, are the Measures of the 70 Weeks of Daniel, which are 70 Jubilees or 49 Weeks of 70 years to the Week, as they are placed in the Solar Calen­dar, for there is not one day more or less from the time of God's going down with Jacob into Egypt to the utmost end or Expiration of the Solar Calendar and of this World, for this is the whole space of Time appointed by the Fa­ther, in which the Heir being a Child, differs nothing from a Servant, tho' he be Lord of all, but is under the Tutors and Governors of this World, until he come to be a Perfect Man at the Measure of the Age and Fulness of Christ.

And for our better understanding of these Measures, the Holy Angel Gabriel directs Da­niel to understand them in a double sense, that is to say, Naturally upon his own People the Jews, and their earthly Jerusalem, and to understand them spiritually upon the Holy Peo­ple and the Jerusalem of the Gentiles, and there­fore he divided the Week or 70 Year of Christ [Page 23] in the middle, at which time the Sacrifice and Oblation was made to cease by the Sacrifice of Christ at the end of 49 times 35, which is 1715 years of Christ after the Flesh from the time that God went down with Jacob into Egypt:

And by the shortning of the last 49 times 35 years upon the Holy People of Christ after the Spirit in an overflowing of Righteousness; for he hath said, that except those dayes were shortned there could be no Flesh Saved:

Demonstration to the Sense is made hereof in the two Tables of the 70 Weeks of Daniel, whereof 49 times 35 are Death, and 49 times 35 years Life, Judgment is laid to the Line, and Righ­teousness to the Ballance, but those dayes are short­ned in Righteousness, and the hidden Waters of the Spirit shall overflow.


A fourth Evidence and Proof from the Mea­sure of the Age and Fulness of Christ, that he is the true Messiah and Saviour of the World, and that the great Year of our Redemption cannot continue 3650 years after the Promise made to Abraham.

THe Measure of the Age and Fulness of Christ, and the Measure of the Age and Fulness of this World is in Jubilees.

As 49 times 35 which is 1715 years did Com­pleat the World of the Jews, for it was the end of the World of the Jews, when Christ ap­peared to take away sin by the Sacrifice of himself:

So 35 Jubilees which is 1715 years from the time of God's going down with Jacob into Egypt, unto the Death of Christ, is the true Mea­sure of the Age and Fulness of Christ after the Flesh, as by the first Table of Daniel's 70 Weeks appears.

And 35 Jubilees, which is 1715 years from the time of his Resurrection, is the true Mea­sure of the Age and Fulness of Christ as a Per­fect Man, but these dayes are shortned, so that the Computation of the years of Christ after [Page 25] the Spirit begins at the Birth of Christ, other­wise the Gentiles had been deprived of that common Interest in Christ after the Flesh, in his Birth, Baptism, Death and Burial.

Every Jubilee of 49 years is the true Measure of the time of Christs Coming in the Flesh of the Jews, and it is the true Measure of the time of Christ's coming in the Flesh of the Gen­tiles by his Spirit, to compleat the Measure of the Age and Fulness of Christ as a Perfect Man, in 70 Weeks of 49 Years, or 49 times 70 Years, as by the two Tables of Daniel's 70 Weeks will appear, days of shortning only excepted.

It was at the end of the 48th. Jubilee that Christ was Born six Months after John the Bap­tist, which was 1680 Years after God went down with Jacob into Egypt.

It was at the end of the 48th. Jubilee that our Lord was Crucified and laid in a Grave, 1714 years after God went down with Jacob into Egypt.

And it was in the end of the 50 Jubilee which was 1750 years after God went down with Ja­cob into Egypt, that the Jews who had been the Church of God Ten times the Life of Abraham, were rejected, and had a Liberty proclaimed to them from the Service of God to reap what they had been sowing, and were delivered to the Sword, and scattered among all Nations.

The Measures of the World from the Crea­tion is 7 dayes.

The Measure of Christ from the Promise 10 years.

Seven times 7 compleats the Number of th [...] World in a Jubilee of 49 years.

Seven times 10 Compleats the Number [...] Christ in his 70 years.

And 70 times 49, which is 3430 years, com­pleats the 70 Weeks of Daniel.

To which if you add the 220 years next afte [...] the Promise, before God went down with J [...] cob into Egypt, it makes but 3650 Years, out [...] which the 35 years shortning is abated, and [...] this World cannot continue 3650 years.


Of the Angels Oath, that Time should be n [...] longer than a Time, two Times and a [...] half.

THat which our English Bibles have Translated a Time, two Times and a half, is i [...] the Original the Appointed Time, two Appointe [...] Times and an half.

The Appointed Time is 490 years, which time the Angel Gabriel gave Daniel for a Mea­sure of the Time that should be between th [...] Release of the Captivity of Babylon by Cyrus [Page 27] and the Birth of Christ, wh [...]m he calls Messiah the Prince.

The Man cloathed in Linnen which was over the Waters of the River, was Jesus the Media­tor, who had the Rain-bow upon his Head, and the little Book open in his Hand: He set his right Foot upon the Sea, and his left Foot up­on the Earth, and Sware by him that liveth for ever and ever that time should be no longer.

There were other two that stood, the one on this side, the other on that side the Lip of the River, which were his two Servants which en­quired of him the Time of the End: The Name of the great River was Hia [...]ekel, the third River of the Garden of Ede [...]; the two Lips of that River speak the Voice of Hidekel, which is the Voice of dark Sayings or Riddles, which none but the Mediator of God and Man could open, and he lifting up his Right Hand and Left to Heaven, did Swear by him that liveth for ever. it shall be for one Appointed Time, two Appoint­ed Times and an h [...]lf; that is to say, it shall be for seven Appointed Times divided in the middle, and when they shall have accom­plished to scatter the Power of the Holy People, all those things shall end or be ended.

The 7 Appointed Times divided in the mid­dle are 1715 years of the Holy People, as the other 1715 were of the Jewish Nation.

But their accomplishing to scatter the Pow­er of the Holy People shortens those dayes, and how much they are shortned of 1715 [Page 28] years, will appear in the Chapter of short­ning.


Of the Holy Trinity of God in Jesus Christ.

THe Revelation which God makes to us of himself, is not in any one Person, but in an Holy Trinity of God in Jesus Christ; nor is it made known in the Holy Scriptures to be ac­cording to what God is in himself, but accord­ing to what he was, what he is, and what he will be to every one of us in Jesus Christ.

For as he is in himself he is altogether in­comprehensible of us, he is above our Mea­sure and above our Understanding, one whom no Man ever yet saw or can see.

But he hath revealed himself to us in Jesus Christ in an Holy Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, made manifest to our Sense for the more full Assurance of our Faith, 1 Joh. 1. 1.

Nevertheless this Revelation is not made to us at once, but gradually in a threefold suc­cession of Time, past, present, and Time to come; that is to say, as he was, as he is, and as he will be, or as he is to come.

First, As he was to us in Christ under the First Covenant.

Secondly, As he is to us in Christ under a New Covenant.

Thirdly, As he will be to every Man in Christ, according to his Works in the Judgment of the great day.

First, He was Death unto Christ, and to eve­ry Man else in him, because of the Sins com­mitted against the First Testament.

Secondly, He is Life to Christ, and to every Man else that believeth in Christ, raised from the dead according to the New Covenant.

Thirdly, He will be Death or Life to every Man in Christ, when he cometh to Judge eve­ry Man according to his Works.


That the Holy Trinity was revealed at the first Creation by three Sabbaths.

ADam was Created Male and Female by Elohim, which is God the Fa­ther, the Male was called Adam, theAdam. Adamah. Female Adamah.

Upon the Sabbath of the 7th. day Elohim rested from all his Works which he had Crea­ted for making, that is for New Making, and so endeth the first Week.

Upon the first Day of the second Week be­gan [Page 30] the New Creation, which was Female, when Jehova Eloh [...]m did Regenerate Earth and Heaven, and whe [...] this Female Creation is per­fected with the end of the second Week,Ish. Ishah. then and not 'till then is the Male called Ish and the Female called Ishah.

The third Manifestation of God in Flesh shall be when the Holy Spirit shall be poured out upon all Flesh. This Holy Spirit is the Bridegroom, and the Female World his Bride, which is to be upon the first Day of the third Week, called the 8th. day. TheGnolam. Gnolmah. Isa. 7. 14. Eccl. 3. 11. Col. 1. 27. Male is then Gnolam, and the Female Gnolmah.

This Gnolam is Christ given into the Hearts of the Sons of Adam, without which the Adam could not find out the Work of God from the beginning to the end.


That the Holy Trinity is the threefold Wit­ness of God in Heaven and in the Earth.

WE cannot know Spiritual things, for they are invisible, unless they be re­vealed to us by Earthly Patterns or Similitudes, which bear Witness to our Senses.

There are three which bear Witness in Heaven, [Page 31] [...]he Father, the Word, and the Spirit, and these [...]hree are one: And there are three which bear Wit­ [...]ess on Earth, the Spirit, and the Water, and the Blood, and these three agree in one.

That which is Witnessed is this, That God so loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son, [...]hat whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have Everlasting Life; which is the Life promi­sed to the World in Jesus Christ.

Our Translation calls this Witness a Record, but a Record is generally taken for a Writing or a dead Letter, but a Witness is a living Testi­mony, and so is this Witness living and power­powerful in us. The Apostle John saith, This is the Witness, or the thing that is witnessed, [...]hat God hath given to us the Life of the World, and that this Life is in his Son, he that hath the Son hath Life, and he that hath not the Son, hath not Life; that is to say, He that Believeth not, hath not Life.

The Blood of Christ is the first Witness, tho' it be last Named: This Witness was given when the Paschal Lamb was slain in Egypt at the Redemption of Israel, and this was the daily Witness in the daily Sacrifice, until our Lord dyed for our sins 1505 years after causing that Sacrifice and Oblation to cease.

The second Witness upon Earth is Water, the Water of John's Baptism, which beareth Witness, that it is God in Christ Jesus that Washeth and Cleanseth his Church with Wa­ter and with the Word, which is the Spirit of [Page 32] Promise, that he might present it a glorious Church to himself without Spot or Wrinckles, Eph. 5. 27. John 3. 5. This Witness of Water began with John's Baptism, and is by the Com­mand of Christ to be continued to the end of the World, Matth. 28. 20.

The third Witness on Earth is the Witness of the Holy Spirit, that is promised to be poured forth upon all Flesh: I indeed, saith John Baptist, Baptize you with Water unto Repent­ance, but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose Shoes I am not worthy, or suited, to bear, he shall Baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with Fire, whose Fan is in his Hand, he shall throughly purge his floor, and gather the Wheat into his Garner, but will burn up the Chaff with unquenchable Fire.

This is the Sabbath of the 8th. day, on which the Sons of Belial, that is to say, as the Word signifies, those that would not rise with Christ that dyed for them, even all Unbelievers of the Witness of God, shall be as Thorns thrust away, because they cannot be taken with Hands, but the Man that shall touch them shall be filled with Iron and the Tree of Grace, and they shall be burnt a Burning; that is to say with Fire in the Sabbath: Our Translation mistakes in transla­ting the Word the same place instead of Sabbath.


That the Holy Trinity is revealed in a three­fold Generation or Manifestation of God in Christ.

IT is Written, To us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the Government shall be upon his shoulders. These Words do shew us the Holy Trinity of God in Jusus Christ. First, As he is the Son of God by Nature. Secondly, As he is the Son of God by Grace. Thirdly, As he is the King of Glory and Peace.

To be a Son by Nature, is to be a Son by na­tural Generation; and so our Lord was the na­tural Son of God, as the word Jeled signifies, only a Natural Generation; there was no other Male that quickned the Female Seed of the bles­sed Virgin, Mother of our Lord, but the Word of God, and so that Holy Thing born of her was called the Son of God.

To be born by Grace, is the Son that is given to us, when there was nothing of Nature to assist, nothing of Blood, nor of the Will of M [...]n, but a Son freely given to us of the Grace of God.

Such was the Resurrection of the Son of God, when he was regenerated from the dead, where he lay buryed under the Uncircumcision [Page 34] and uncleanness of our Flesh, being made Sin for us, he was a Man without Strength, free among the Dead in the Grave, and cut off from the hand of God for our sakes.

It was therefore the free Grace of God only that raised him from the dead, saying to him, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee; that is, this day have I raised thee from the dead according to Promise.

The third and last Manifestation of God in Christ, will be when he shall be revealed and declared to be the Prince of Peace, and shall have the Government of Peace upon his shoul­ders, after he hath broken the Rod of the Oppres­sor, as in the days of Midian, and out off the Chariot from Ephraim, and the Horse from Jerusalem, he shall speak Peace to the Heathen, and his Dominion shall be from Sea to Sea, and from the River to the ends of the Earth.


That the Holy Trinity is revealed in a three­fold Measure of Time, in the Generations of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

THis Revelation was made to Moses at the Bush, when God said, I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob; at which Moses hid his Face, and was afraid [Page 35] to look upon God, who said to him, This is my Name for the World, and this is my Maleship or Memorial for generation and generation, that is to say, according to the two Covenants made with Abraham.

First, He is the God of Abraham, that is to say, he is God the Father who offered Isaac his only begotten Son, in whom all his seed were called. Heb. 11. 18.

Secondly, He is the God of Isaac, that is, he is the Son of God raised from the dead, from whence Abraham received his Son Isaac in a figure, Heb. 11. 19.

Thirdly, He is the God of Jacob, that is, he is the God of Jacob and Israel, even the Holy Spirit, and King of Israel, which is King of the World.

This blessed Union of Heaven and Earth, makes our Earth or Humane Nature to be Adama Kodesh, holy Ground, and here Moses's Shooes, the Humane Governments of the World, must be drawn or plucked off.

This Holy Spirit comprehendeth all the dust of the Earth in these three, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; but our Translation is mistaken in call­ing it a Measure, instead of Threes. Is. 40. 12.


That the Holy Trinity is revealed in a Three­fold Body of Christ.

THE Holy Trinity is not limited to Abra­ham, Isaac and Jacob in so small a Circle of time, for they were all dead in less than 240 years after the Promise.

But this Revelation is made to the natural seed of Abraham the Jewes, of whom concern­ing the Flesh Christ came to be a Sacrifice for Sin, that so Salvation might be of the Jewes, Joh. 4. 22.

Secondly, This Revelation is made to the Gentiles, who are concorporated and of the same Body with the Jewes. Eph. 3. 6.

Thirdly, It is made to the whole World, which is the Universal Body of Christ, as it is written: Behold the Female World shall conceive, and bring forth a Son, and shall call his Name Im­manuel, which being Interpreted is God with us.

Then shall the Kingdom of Heaven be like unto leven, which a Woman takes and hides in three pecks of meal, till the whole be levened. (Matth. 13. 33. Gen. 18. 6.) And in that day shall Is­rael be a Third with Egypt and Assyria, even a blessing in the midst of the Earth, when the Lord of [Page 37] Hosts shall bless, saying, Blessed be Egypt my peo­ple, and Assyria the Work of mine hands, and Is­rael mine Inheritance.


The Holy Trinity was revealed by the Law of Moses, and by the Grace and Truth that is in Jesus Christ.

THE Law of Moses put Christ after the flesh to death for our sins.

The Gospel is the Gospel of the Resurrecti­on of Jesus Christ from the dead according to the free Grace of God, for as he dyed for our sins, so was he raised up for our Justification.

The Spirit of Truth is the Spirit that is pro­mised, and this is the third Manifestation of God in Jesus Christ, which will lead us into all Truth. This Holy Spirit of Christ will speak no more to us in or under the Shadows of Mo­ses's Law, or in the Parables of the Gospel, but shew us plainly of the Father in the truth of the performance of all his Promises, as it is writ­ten, Thou wilt perform the truth to Jacob, and the mercy to Abraham, which thou hast sworn to our Fa­thers in the days old, Mic. 7. 20.


That the Holy Trinity is revealed by three Homers of Bread.

THere were three Homers of Bread from Heaven. The first was the Homer of Man­nah in the Wiiderness. The second was the Homer of the First-fruits. The third was the Homer of Mannah which was laid up for their Generations.

These three Homers were gathered not at a certain rate every day, as our English Bibles have trarslated it in the Line, but as they have bet­ter transl [...]ted it in the Margin, the Word of the Day in its Day. Exod. 16. 4.

The Homer of Mannah in the Wilderness, which the Fathers did eat of and are dead, was the Law of Moses, but Moses did not give them the true Bread from Heaven, for it was not the Bread of Life.

The second Homer was the living Bread, the Bread of Life, which came down from Heaven, the Bread of the First-fruits,Joh. 6. 33. that Bread which gave Life to the World in Christ, when God raised him from the dead upon the day of First-fruits; and this is of the Free Grace of God, that gave [Page 39] us the Son of God, and he that hath the Son, hath this Life, which is continued to the World all the appointed weeks of the Harvest.

The third Homer is the third Manifestation of God in Christ, which is the Homer of the hidden Mannah laid up in the Ark, which is Christ, untill the day when the Son of Man shall be revealed. This Revelation shall be when the Ark of the Testimony or Wi [...]ness shall be opened in Heaven at Pentecost, which is the 50th day, when the 49 days are over, and this is called the 8th day.

As the First-fruits of the Spirit at Pentecost was a Pledge or Earnest that there shall be an Harvest at the end of the appointed Weeks: So the Homer of the First-fruits of the Spirit doth give an Assurance of the greatness of the Harvest from the hidden Mannah, when God shall pour out of his Spirit upon all Flesh, and the Gates of Righteousness shall be opened up­on the last and great day of the Feast of Ta­bernacles which is the 8th day, on which Jesus stands a while and crieth, That if any man thirst, he may come to him and drink: This he spake of the Waters of the Spirit, which they that believe in him shall then receive in all abun­dance.


That the Holy Trintty was revealed by these three, the Altar, the Sanctuary, and the Holy of Holyest.

THE Holy of Holyest is the third Heaven into which the Apostle Paul was caught up when he heard words unspeakable: Our Bi­bles say, they were not lawfull for a man to utter; but the Original Phrase doth not imply or in­tend any unlawfulness, but a Non-existence of them to be uttered; that is to say, there was not in his time any footing for them, because they did not relate to the former part of the Tabernacle, which represented Jesus Christ af­ter the Flesh, who was made a Sacrifice for our sins; there stood the Brazen Altar, whereon the Priests did daily administer according to the Law of Moses.

Nor did these unspeakable belong to the Se­cond part of the Tabernacle, called the Sanctu­ary, which did represent Christ risen from the dead, to be the Light and the Life of the World; and therefore here was the golden Al­tar, the Shew-bread and the Candle-stick which was all of Gold, this is Christ in his Church in the dayes of the New Testament, for they were compleat in him who is their Head.

But these unspeakable words did relate to the third part of the Tabernacle, which is the Holy of Holiest, representing the Holy Spirit of Truth, which is the Sanctifier of all them that shall be sanctified, not with the outward Holiness which was under the Law in a world­ly Sanctuary, nor with the Holiness which is begun under the Gospel, but with the Truth of Holiness.

Here was the Ark of the Covenant not then opened, the Pot of Mannah, which was then hidden, and the Rod of Aaron not then bud­ded; and therefore the Apostle saith, he could not speak those unspeakable words [...], according to this third Part, which is the third Heaven.


That the Holy Trinity is revealed by three Prophets.

THE Revelation of God in Christ Jesus, is not made by one Prophet, but by three, at three several Sabbaths or appointed times in the great year of our Redemption, each of them having the word of the day in its day. So that all these three Prophets may prophesie in course, and one of them, which is1 Cor. 14. 27. the last, must Interpret, and when [Page 42] any thing is revealed to another that sitteth by, the first must hold his peace, for he is super­seded; and thus the Righteousness of God is re­vealed from Faith to Faith.

The Prophets that make this Reve­lationNum. 11. 25. are three, Moses, Eldad and Me­dad. Moses and his 70 prophesied the Law, while the Spirit of Moses rested upon them, and afterward they ceased. These were under the Law of Moses, the first Covenant which God made with Israel, when he brought them up out of the Land of Egypt.

This Covenant had the Righteousness or Justi­fication of Works, and a worldly Sanctuary, or an external Holiness, which was but a sha­dow of the Truth of Holiness.

There are two others that prophesied in the Camp, the Name of the one was Eldad, and the Name of the Second Medad; these remain­ed and prophesied in the Scriptures, that is, the Writings of Moses and the Prophets, and went not into the Tabernacle, but they prophesied in the Camp.

Eldad is the second Prophet, whose Name sig­nifies the Beloved of God. This is Jesus Christ after he rose up out of the Waters of John's Baptism, he sent forth his Seventy before him, two and two into every City and Place where he himself would come.

He prophesied in the Scriptures, beginning at Moses, and he expounded to his Disciples the things concerning himself.

All this was done under the New Covenant or Gospel, which begun at John's Baptism, and had the R [...]ghteousness or Justification by Faith without the Works of the Law.

Medad is the third Prophet, his Name signi­fies the meafured. Our Bibles say the Name of the one was Eldad, and the Name of the other Medad, but in the Original it is thus, The Name of the one was Eldad, and the Name of the Second Me­dad.

We have but One Lord Jesus, but he hath two Names, the one is Grace; the other is Truth, as it is written, The Law was given by Moses, but Grace and Truth came by Jesus Christ.

Mercy and Truth was the Name often given to God in Christ under the Old Testament, and when God proclaimed his Name before Moses, it was, Abundant in Goodness and Truth.

These two Names of Mercy and Truth meet in Christ, when the Holy Spirit of Truth com­eth, and in, and by, and through Christ, they shall then meet together upon Men, as it is written, Mercy and Truth Psal. 85. 10. are met together, Rightcousness and Peace have kissed cach other. Truth shall spring out of the Earth, and Rightcousness shall look down from Heaven, and our Earth shall then yield her Increase.

It is a great Grace and Favour of God, to warm our Hearts with a sense of his Love in the dayes of the Gospel, which is the Day of Grace, but we have our Coolings and over­cloudings. [Page 44] But God will speak Peace to his People, and to his Saints, so that they shall not turn again any more to Folly, when the Spi­rit of Truth is come.


That the Holy Trinity is revealed by three Tongues.

THere are three Tongues, the Tongue of Men, the Tongue of Angels, and the Tongue of Interpretation, which is the Tongue of Truth, or New Tongue. Mark 16. 17.

The Tongue of Man is the Natural Tongue of all the Earth, for they have but one Lan­guage or Speech. The Law of Moses is the first Husband. The Tongue of the Mediator is a Cloven Tongue of Fire, that is, the Fire of the Law, and the Lamp or Light of the Gospel.

If any man speak in a Tongue, saith the Apo­stle, let it be by two, or at most by three, and let one interpret.

Interpretation belongs to God, it is the Third and last Tongue, it is a Perfection of Knowledge, when we see Face to Face, and be no more Children tossed to and fro, and led about with every wind of Doctrine, through the sleight of Men, but are come to the Unity [Page 45] of Faith, and the supernatural Knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect Man, at the mea­sure of the Age and Fulness of Christ, this is [...]he New Tongue of Truth.


That the Holy Trinity is revealed in the Na­tural, in the Spiritual, and in the Ʋniver­sal Kingdom of Shilo.

JAcob prophesied, that the Scepter should not depart from Judah, nor a Law-giver from be­tween his feet, till Shilo come, and that to him the gathering of the People should be. Gen. 49 10.

There is a threefold Kingdom, Natural, Spi­ritual, and Universal. The Natu­ral Kingdom began in David, and2 Chron. 6. 5. Psal. 45. 6. Acts 13. 32. ended in the Death of Christ.

Secondly, The Spiritual King­dom which God raised up according to his Pro­mise in raising up Christ to sit upon Davids Throne, Acts 2. 30, 31.

The third Kingdom is Shilo, when God shall be the God of all the Families of the Earth, then shall the gathering of the People be unto him, when the Deliverer shall come out of Sion, and turn away ungodliness from Jacob, all Israel shall be saved, and the Spirit of God, and the words which he put in the Mouth of Christ shall not depart from the Mouth of his Seed for ever.


That two parts of three shall expire and [...] cut off, and the third part shall be left.

IT is Written, Zachar. 13. 8. And it shall co [...] to pass, that in all the Earth, saith the Lor [...] two parts shall be cut off and dye, and the th [...] part shall be left therein. The three parts are th [...] Father, the Mother, and the Little Ones: Th [...] Father are the Jews, the Mother are the Churc [...] of the Gentiles, and the Little Ones are the Bab [...] and Sucklings.

This third part are the Babes and Sucklin [...] that are brought into the Fire, and refined [...] Silver is refined, and tryed as Gold is trye [...] they shall call upon the Name of the Lord, a [...] he will hear them, he shall say, It is my Peo­ple, and they shall say, the Lord is my Go [...] Then shall the Children of Judah and the Childr [...] of Israel be gathered together, and appoint the [...] selves one Head, and they shall come up out of t [...] Land, for great shall be the day of Jezreel.


That the Holy Trinity shall be one Lord, and his Name One.

THe Name of the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, was not intended to be for ever, but for the World, and so the word Gnolam doth import and signifie.

When our Lord came into the World, and had all the Power in Heaven and Earth given to him, he Commanded his Disciples to Teach all Nations, Baptizing them into the Name of the Fa­ther, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and He told them that He was with them to the end of this World.

God appeared to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, as God Almighty, but by his Name Jehova he was not known, 'till the Redemption from Egypt: Nor will God be known to us by the Name of the God of Truth until he hath per­formed all his Promises in Truth: And then when the Work of our Redemption is perfect­ed, God will be known by a New Name, and will be called the God of Truth.

Then shall the Gates of Righteousness be opened, and the Righteous Nation that keep­eth the Truth shall enter in.

Then shall this World be at an end, for the Lord shall be King over all the Earth, and the Lord shall be one, and his Name one.

Then shall the People of the God of Abra­ham, Isaac and Jacob be one in Christ, as God the Father, Son and Spirit are one, so shall they be one in Christ, He in them and God in him, that they may be made perfect in one, that the World may know that the Father sent Christ, and loved them as he loved Christ.


That there is a threefold Subordination of the Female to the Male.

THere is a threefold Subordination of the Fe­male to the Male in Christ, Personal, Con­jugal and Regal.

Personal Subjection is of the Female called Adamah to the Male called Adam, this is the sub­jection of the Sensual Appetite to the Law of the Mind.

The second is Conjugal, or the Subjection of the Woman called Ishah unto her own Husband called Ish.

The third is Regal, that is, the Subjection of the Female World called Gnolmah unto her Male which is called Gnolam.

The Apostle Paul writing to the Corinthians to hold fast the Ordinances or Traditions which were by him delivered, reciteth these three.

First, That God is the Head of Christ.

Secondly, That Christ is the Head of every Man.

Thirdly, That the Man is the Head of the Wo­man.

The Woman is the weaker Vessel, therefore she is put under the Conduct of the Man and his Government.

The Man of himself is Naked and Female, but his Femality is United and put under the Conduct and Government of the Male, which is the Prince as well Natural as Spiritual.

The Femality of the Prince is United and put in Subjection to the Conduct and Government of God, who is the supream Head and Lord of all, as it is written, The Lord is his Male or Re­membrancer.

Thus the Name of the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, is the Name of God for the World, and this is his Maleship or Memorial for generation and generation.


Of the three Sabbaths or Feasts in which the Holy Trinity of God doth appear.

THere are three Sabbaths, or Feasts of Di­vine Institution by the Law of Moses, two of which are Sabbaths of the seventh day, the former of them being Sabbath of the seventh day from the Old Creation its beginning. The other is the Sabbath of the seventh day from the beginning of the New Creation, which was the Day of Resurrection of our Lord Jesus from the Dead.

Both these Sabbaths are Commanded to be kept Holy by the Moral Law in these words, Remember the Sabbath-day to sanctifie it, the Sabbath of two sevens is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God.

It is also written in the Law of Moses, that three times in the Year shall all thy Males appear before the Lord; in the Feast of Ʋnlevened Bread, in the Feast of Weeks, and in the Feast of Taber­nacles.

The Feast of Unlevened Bread was the Sab­bath of the seventh Day. The Feast of Weeks hath the Sabbath of the first Day; and the Feast of Tabernacles hath the Sabbath of the eighth Day, every one of these Sabbaths hath the word of the Day in its Day.

First, The Sabbath of the seventh day hath the Word of the Law to shew us our sin, and the Judgment of Death due unto every Sinner, as it was Executed upon Christ, who was put to Death on the Day of the Passover, and lay in Grave on the Sabbath of the seventh day.

Secondly, The Sabbath of the first day, this hath the Word or Promise of the Gospel, to shew us our Reconciliation and Atonement by and in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, who dyed for our Sins, and was raised up again for our Justification, according to the Promise and Oath of God.

Thirdly, The Sabbath of the 8th. day, hath the Word or Promise of Judgment, and the appointed time in which it shall be execu­ted.

Our English Bibles miss the meaning of the Original, for it is not a certain Rate every day, but it is the Word or Promise of the Day in its Day. First, For Sabbaths. Secondly, For Chodeshim (not New Moons, but) New Sab­baths, for that was the antecedent word. Third­ly, For Magnedol, the Appointed Time, for so is that Word well Translated in our Bibles, Habac. 2. 2. Psal 102. 14.

Now the Sabbaths were the Sabbaths of the 7th. day, and the Renovation or Change of them was from the seventh to the first day of the Week in the Feast of Weeks. And the appointed time was the 8th. day of the Feast of Tabernacles, as the following Words will convince and con­firm [Page 52] you herein, viz. Three times in the Year, in the Feast of Ʋnleavened Bread, in the Feast of Weeks, and in the Feast of Tabernacles.


That these three Sabbaths or Feasts, are Signss.

GOD gave his Sabbath for a Sign between him and his People. The Sabbath of the seventh day was a Sign of our Uncleanness, every Leper was excluded the Camp seven days. Every Man Child is Polluted and Unclean se­ven days. The Altar was Unclean and Cover­ed seven; the Priests were Unclean seven days; and our Lord Jesus lay buried under the Uncir­cumcision and Uncleanness of our Flesh upon the Sabbath of the seventh day.

The Sabbath of the first day is a Sign, that God is the Lord that sanctifieth us upon this first day of the Week, which is also called the 8th. day from the beginning; upon this day the Pol­luted Man-Child doth receive Circumcision as the Seal of the Righteousness of Faith; upon this day every Leper is Cleansed, the Altar and the Priests are sanctified, and on this day our Lord was Circumcised by the Hands of the Cir­cumciser, and upon this day he was Circum­cised [Page 53] by a Circumcision made without Hands, when the Body of the Sins of our Flesh was de­stroyed and cut off by his being raised from the Dead, and all our Trespasses forgiven.


The Divine Institution of these three Sab­baths or Feasts.

THe Sabbath of the Passover was Instituted in Egypt at the time of Israel's Redempti­on, at that full Moon which was next after the Vernal Equinox.

Upon the 14th. day of this Moon the Paschal Lamb was slain, and all the First-born in Egypt dyed. Upon the 15th. day of this Month Nisan was the Sabbath of the Passover, and it was al­so the Sabbath of the 7th. day, upon which all Israel went out from the Land of Egypt, where­fore the Lord Commanded them to keep this Sabbath.

It is true indeed that for many Years the Sab­bath of the Passover did not fall out to be the Sabbath of the 7th. day, but upon some other day of the Week, for the Feasts of the Jews were moveable, and might fall out near a Month sooner or later in the Year, accord­ing to the Course of the Moon and the time [Page 54] of its Moon conjunction with the Sun.

Nevertheless it pleased the Holy Spirit of Prophecy to signifie before hand from Egypt, that our Lord Jesus the true Paschal Lamb should be slain upon the 6th. day of the Week, and lay in Grave upon the Sabbath of the 7th. day, which was 1505 years after: And it came to pass accordingly, for the Sabbath of the Pass­over did fall out to be upon the Sabbath of the 7th. day, when our Lord lay in Grave; and there­fore the Jews called that Sabbath a Great Day, because two Sabbaths fell in one day: Our Bibles call it an High Day.

Upon the 14th. of this Month the Passover was slain as is aforesaid. Upon the 15th. day was the Sabbath of the Passover, and the Mor­row being the first Day of the Week was the 16th. of Nisan, which was the day of First­fruits, and the Day of the Resurrection of our Lord; and this Day of First-fruits was not on­ly the first Day of the Week, but it was the first Day of the 49 Dayes, which are called the Appointed Weeks of the Harvest; and it is al­so the first Day of Daniel's 49 times 35 of Christ risen from the Dead, which end in Pentecost, which is the 8th. day, the end of the Harvest of this World.


Of the Messiah.

MEssiah is an Hebrew Word as Christ is a Greek, but they are both of one and the same signification, which is of a thing Co­vered or Anointed with Oyl.

First, You have Jacob's Stone Anointed with Oyl, when he poured Oyl upon its Head, and called it then Bethel, the House of God, which before was called Luz, an Apostate.

Secondly, You have the Oyl of the Messiah, called the Anoynting Oyl, wherewith Moses anoynted the Tabernacle and all its Vessels, to make them holy. Moses also anoynted the Al­tar of Burnt-Offerings, and all its Vessels, whereby it became an Holy Altar. He anoint­ed also Aaron and his Sons, to make them Ho­ly: But all this was done for a Witness or Testimony to the things that were to be spo­ken after, concerning Christ, of whom Moses wrote under these Shadows.

It may therefore plainly appear, that Messiah is some visible Person or Thing that is not ho­ly, but must be made holy by the Anointing for the Stone of Jacob was called Luz, an Apostate, before it was anointed, but when it wa [...] [Page 56] anointed, it was afterward called Bethel, the House of God.

Secondly, It may appear also, that no visible thing or Portion that is to be anointed, neither doth nor can anoint it self, but must be anoint­ed by some other that hath Power or Holiness to make Holy.

Thirdly, Any visible thing or Person thus anointed, is called the Messiah, or the Christ, as David was called, 2 Sam. 23. 1. Thus the Hu­mane Nature is anointed by the Divine, and Jacobs Stone is called Bethel, and the Stone of Israel.

Fourthly, Our Lord was made Sin for us, as he was Abraham's Stone; though in him there was no Sin, yet he bore our Sins, and was bu­ried under the Uncircumcision and Uncleanness of our Flesh. And therefore he was anointed when he arose up from his Burial under the Waters of Baptism. And he was anointed again with the Spirit of Holiness and Power, when [...]e was raised from the Dead.

God was the Priest, Humane Nature was the [...]acrifice. God was the Prophet, Humane Na­ [...]ure was taught of God: God was the King, [...]nd is the King of the World, Humane Nature the Subject, and thus he that anointed us God.


Of the Hypostatical Ʋnion of God and Man in Christ.

THE word Hypostasis is but four times used in the Holy Scripture: 2 Cor. 9. 2. Heb. 3. 19. in both which places it is translated Con­fidence, and in Hebr. 11. 1. it is translated Sub­stance, but in Heb. 1. 3. it is translated Person. But the word Hypostasis doth most properly sig­nifie the Subsidence or Settlement of any liquid thing in the bottom or lowest part, such is the Subsidence of Heaven upon the Horizon of Earth in any Countrey; for the Earth is the Hypo­stasis of Heaven, and the Union and Commu­nion of Heaven and Earth is an hypostatical Union and Communion. Such is the hyposta­tical Union and Communion of God and Man in Christ, as it is well expressed in the Hebrew Tongue, Anoki Tirgalti to Ephraim, I went on foot for Ephraim. Hos. 11. 3.

God was found in fashion as a Man, so that though his Throne be in Hea­ven,Isa. 66. 1. yet the Humane Nature of Christ and his Church is Earth, for that is the place where his feet do stand. The Earth is called Gods Footstool, and the Ark also, which was a [Page 58] Type of the Humane Nature, in whom God dwells, is also called his Footstool, Psal, 99. 1.

So that if the Translators had rendred that place, the character or expression of his subsidence or subsistence, it might probably have been as well if not better understood.

Jesus Christ is not altogether God, nor al­together Man, but he is both God and Man, or God manifest in the Flesh, as the Heavens are made manifest over the Earth, and the Earth is comprehended of the Heaven: So is the Hu­mane Nature comprehended of the Divine. And as Heaven and Earth make but one World, so God and Man make but one Christ.

The Divine Nature is far above the Humane, as the Heavens are far above the Earth, and the Heavens cannot be measured or known but by the Measures we take of them upon the Earth; even so we cannot know God but by the Measures we take of him in Christ, and we can go no further than when we are come to the Measure of the Age and Fulness of Christ, and to comprehend with all Saints, what is the breadth and length, the depth and heighth, and to know that Love of Christ which pas­seth Knowledge, when we are filled with all the fulness of God in him.

The Earth cannot comprehend Heaven, no more can the Humane Nature comprehend the Divine, yet all the Fulness that Humane Na­ture is capable of, dwells in Christ bodily.

The Humane Nature is influenced and govern­ed [Page 59] by the Divine, without which it could do nothing, but as the Earth at so great a di­stance is influenced and governed by the Light and Heat of the Sun: So is the Humane Nature influenced and governed by the Di­vine; and as the Rain comes downHeb. 6. 8. and the Snow from Heaven, and re­turnsIsa. 10. 17. 2 Sam. 23. 6. not thither, but waters the Earth, and makes it bring forth Herbs meet for the use of them of whom it is dressed, receiveth blessing from God; but that which bringeth forth briers and thorns is nigh unto cursing, whose end is to be burned.

From the Premises it may be observed, That all the Impotence, weakness and infirmity which Christ adscribeth to himself, was in his Humane Nature only, which was crucified through weakness.

Secondly, That all the Honour, Salvation, Glory, Power and Praise is to be given to God only in Jesus Christ, as it is written: And I John saw these things, and heard them, and when I had heard and seen, I fell down at the feet of him that shewed me these things, the feet of the Angel; and he said, See thou do it not, for I am thy fellow-servant, and of thy Brethren the Pro­phets, and of them that keep the sayings of this Book, worship God.


That Christ was made a Mediator by Oath.

IT was God in Christ that Mediatored or di­vided himself by Oath in the Death and Resurrection of Christ, for those are the two immutable things, or Matters of Fact, as the word signifies, wherein it was impossible for God to lye; because the Death and Resurrection of Christ were Deeds already done, and could not be re­called or undone, as some men will recall their word and break their Oath.

It is from the Impossibility of this Changing that the Heirs of Promise have strong Conso­lation, and do fly, as our Lord did, unto the Hope that is set before them in Christ.

But our Translation doth not make use of the meaning and true intentHeb. 6. 17. of the Greek word in that place; for they translated it, he confirmed it by an Oath, and in the Margin he interposed by an Oath; but it ought to have been translated, he mediatored or divided himself in the middle by an Oath; for God was in Christ that dyed, and therefore his Blood is called the Blood of God.

God was also in Christ that was raised from the dead, so that the same God that was God [Page 61] the Father, who gave his Son to dye, is now the Son of God, for he is Mediator of the Co­venant.

It was Gods work to give his Son to death, and it was Gods grace to revive his work in the midst of these 70 years, as it was in the midst of these 49 times 70, which is 3430; and so in wrath he remembred Mercy, Hab. 3. 2. The middle of these 70 years was the middle of 3430 years.


That Jesus Christ is Mediator of God and Man.

OUR Bibles have not that place well transla­ted, neither in the English, nor in the French Tongue, 1 Tim. 2. 5. for they read it, There is one God, and one Mediator between God and man, the Man Christ Jesus. But it ought to have been thus translated from the Original, There is one God and one Mediator of God and of Man; and it is another thing to be a Me­diator between God and Men: For to be a Medi­ator of God and Man, is to be both God and Man; but to be a Mediatour between God and Man, doth not describe one of the same Com­munity with God, and of the same Commu­nity [Page 62] with Men, as our Lord was; but doth rather suppose him to be a third Person, that interposeth himself between God and Man to make Peace. But this is a fundamental Error, that makes void the Free Grace of God; for it separates between the Grace of God and Man, it separates between God and Christ, and between Christ and Men, as if Christ were not of the same Communion with them both. This destroyeth Faith in the Atonement, which is made and perfected by the Death and Resur­rection of Jesus Christ, and leaves the Soul in continual fears, doubts and bondage. But if we hold fast our Faith, by which we are united unto Christ, we can never perish; for if we believe that we are one with him in his Death, so are we in his Resurrection; and because he liveth, we shall live also, for we are of the same Body, and it was in his Resurrection, that God forgave us all our trespasses.


Of the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

GRace is a Free Acceptation of Sinners in the Righteousness or Justification of Jesus Christ, who was delivered unto Death for our Sins, and raised up again for our Justification. [Page 63] Our Substance is in him, as the Oak is in the Acorn. He was the Homer, that is, he was the Tenth of the First-fruits, which under Moses Law was raised up before the Lord by the Priest to be accepted for us, Lev. 23. 11. Our Bibles do translate it waved.

If the First-Fruits be Holy, so is the Lump, and the First-Fruits or Tenths is accounted be­fore the Lord as the sole Increase of the Thresh­ing-floor, and as the Fulness of the Wine-press. So that every Believer hath the Answer of a good Conscience by the Resurrection of Jesus Christ; but if he had not risen, we had been yet in our sins.


Of Election and Reprobation.

ELection is God's Choosing Men in Christ according to the New Covenant and the Election of one doth always imply the Rejecti­on of another; for the one being taken, the other is left.

If there had been but one Covenant, there would have been no Election, for there would have been no Choice.

The old World is not chosen but is rejected, because it is under the old Covenant in its Blood [Page 62] [...] [Page 63] [...] [Page 64] and Wickedness, and therefore our Lord would not Pray for them. But the New Covenant makes a New World, a New Creation in the New Man Jesus Christ risen from the Dead, who calleth a Nation out of a Nation, and a New World out of the Old, to be Married and made Heirs with himself, in whom there is set before us Life and Death, and he bids us choose Life, but no Man is compelled to be Married unto Christ without his own Consent.


Of the Freedom of Man's Will.

THere is a Liberty in Beasts, which choose and refuse according to the Dictates of Sense, but the Freedom and Liberty which is given to Man lyes in his Understanding; for a Law is nothing else but a Restraint or Limita­tion of absolute Liberty. Beasts have no Law, because they have no Moral Choice; but Man hath a Law given him to Observe, and this is a good Evidence that Man hath a Liberty in his Mind to take or leave, and thence follow­eth his Will or Resolntion to this or that, and not to another; thus the Ordering of the Heart is Mans, Prov. 16. 1.

The Mind of Man is compared to the Air or [Page 65] Aether, which is the Seat both of Light and Darkness, this is the place in which our Grand­mother Eve did receive and debate the Tempta­tions of Sense from beneath as well as the Com­mands of God from above. It is not a Sin to be tempted, for Christ was tempted in all Points like unto us, yet in him was no Sin, but the Sin is when we yield to the Temptations which are contrary to the Commands and Laws of God: For the Question, Who is Lord in our Soul or Mind, whether it be the Serpent that now work­eth in the Children of Disobedience, or whether it be the Spirit of God that beareth Rule in our Soul? Know ye not, saith the Apostle, that to whom you yield your selves Servants, his Servants you are whom you obey, whether it be of Sin unto Death, or of Obedience unto Righteousness? Whosoever he be that Commits sin, is the Servant of Sin. That which determines the Question is our Heart or Love, for where our Heart is there goes our Will, whether it be to things upward, or down­ward to things of sense; for we need not go far to know whose we are, the Answer is at hand, the Word is very near us, even the Answer or a good Conscience by the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and of our being risen with him through Faith in his Resurrection: But if our Heart Condemn us, God is greater than our Heart and knoweth all things.


Of the Number of Years that are shortned from the 70 Weeks of Daniel.

IF there had been no time limited, there could have been no time shortned; the time limit­ed by the Holy Angel Gabriel was 70 Weeks, which he divided in the middle by the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ into 35 Jubilees of Death, and 35 Jubilees of Life, which made up the 70 Jubilees from the time that God went down with Jacob into Egypt.

But the Holy Angel told Daniel that those 70 Weeks were shortned, for the Chaldee Word Nechtac doth no where signifie determined but abbreviated, and so the Septuagint and the Vulgar Latin have translated the Word: The Chaldee Paraphrast also upon Cant. 2. 11. doth say, Be­hold the tune of Subjection, which is like Winter, is compleated, and the Years which I mentioned to Abra­ham between the Divisions are shortned.

The Number of Years that are shortned are the Number of the Years of Christ after the Flesh. We have but one Lord Jesus Christ, of whom the Gentiles must be Partakers as well as the Jews, for he Unites both into one Body, therefore the Gentiles are reduced, that they might have, as hath been said, their Common [Page 67] Interest in the Birth, Baptism, Death and Buri­al of Jesus Christ with the Jews.


That the joint Accompt of Jew and Gentile shall be shortned in Righteousness.

THe Joint Shortning is not of any farther Time, but of Things, it is a shortning of the Violence, Fraud and Cruelty of the Drunk­ards of Ephraim, the Crown of Pride among the Gentiles against the poor oppressed People.

The other Shortning that is joint, is of the Jews rejection, whose receiving again will be as Life from the Dead.

Now therefore saith the Prophet to these Drunkards of Ephraim, Be you not Mockers least your Bands be made strong, for I have heard from the Lord God of Hosts a Consumption is determin­ed upon the whole Earth: And the Apostle Paul, Rom. 9. 27. from Isa. 10, 22. saith, That tho' the Children of Israel were as the Sand of the Sea, a remnant shall be saved, for he will jointly shorten the Accompt in righteousness.

Hence it appears that the oppressed People shall be justified against the Spoils committed by the Drunkards of Ephraim: And the Jews shall be justified and received from their rejecti­on [Page 68] together before the great and terrible Day of the Lorld shall come, and then they shall cry, Hosannah, Blessed is he that cometh in the Nam of the Lord.


That the coming of Elias the Second Baptist will be in the same Order with the coming of John the Baptist.

JOhn the Baptist is also called Elias, he Bap­tised with Water in the 49th. Revolution of the 35 Years of Christ after the Flesh: And the Order of the coming of Elias to restore all things is in the 49 Revolution of the 35 Years after the Spirit.

These two 35 Years make but one Generati­on, of which our Lord saith, This Generation shall not pass 'till all these things be fulfilled.

As it is written, Behold I send you Elias the Prophet, before the coming of the great and dread­ful day of the Lord, and he shall turn the Heart of the Fathers to the Children, and the Heart of the Children to their Fathers, least I come and smite the Earth with a Curse.


Some brief Observations upon the 70 Weeks of Daniel.

THat as the Jews had a Natural Union with Christ, and were his Fathers according to the Flesh in those 1715 Years, even so the Gen­tiles have Spiritual Union and Communion with him by Faith, for the like space of 1715 Years, for he that is joined to the Lord is one Spirit, and the Head of every Man is Christ.

2. That as Christ is the Head of every Man, so we grow up unto him in all things, and the whole Body being fitly joined together, maketh increase of it self in Love, according to the measure of every part from 35 to 49, 'till we all meet together in the Unity of Faith, as a perfect Man, at the Measure of the Age and Fulness of Christ.

3. That to every one of us is given Grace ac­cording to the measure of the Gift of Christ, and it is of his Fulness that we all receive Grace for Grace.

4. That although the Death of Christ put an end to Sacrifice, for God had no pleasure in them, but God counter-numbered a like Bo­dy of 1715 Years, which are thirty five times 49 Years, for the Perfecting of the Saints at the [Page 70] Measure of Christ, Psal. 40. 6. Heb. 10. 4.

5. The 70 Weeks of Daniel divided in the middle, do not only shew the Creation of the Male and Female World in Christ, but doth shew also the Death of the Male, and the Re­surrection of the Female World in the New Man Jesus Christ risen from the dead the begin­ning of the Creation of God.

6. The Coming of the Comforter will be when Jerusalem hath received from the Lords hands in all her sins: The double which Jerusalem re­ceiveth from the Hands of the Lord in all her sins, is in her double Warfare between the Flesh and the Spirit, and her Conformity to her Sa­viour, who was twice Crucified, once in the Flesh by the Jews, and again he is Crucified in spiritual Sodom and Egypt by the Gentiles.

7. That when the Woman hath compassed the Man, that is, when the Female hath Com­passed the Male, then shall the New Creation of God begin, who is the Creator of the Ends of the Earth. Our Lord lived in the Flesh but 34½ Years, so that computing 49 for every Year, there will be 49 half Years abated, which is 24½ Years taken out of 1715, and there remaineth but 1690½ in the true Accompt; but because our common Account is mistaken two Years, as in the next Chapter, therefore the Womans Compassing the Man may not be ended until this present common Year called 1693.


That the common Accompt of Time from the Birth of Christ is mistaken two Years.

THE Lord buried Moses, so that no Man knoweth of his Sepul [...]hre to this day; and although he brought Christ into the World at the time of his Promise, yet there hath been no Record kept thereof from his Birth.

The Jews kept none, they rejected him, and despised his Meanness and Obscurity. The Ro­mans kept their Accompts of Time from the Building of their City, and from the R [...]igns of their Emperors, but not from the Birth of Christ.

Nor was the Aera of the Birth of Christ heard of for many Ages, No not for the space of 500 Years and upwards, until Dionysius Exiguus a Scythian by Nation, but a Monk by Profession, made the Paschal Cicle in the time of the Reign of Justinian the Emperor. This Dionysius was the first that brought in the Christian Era be­tween five and six hundred Years after the Birth, which he Computed to be upon the [Page 72] 25th. Day of December, in the Year of the World 3947. according to the common Ac­compt of the Years of the World, and from thence it began to spread it self over all Eu­rope.

But Calvisius, one of the best Chronologers, doth Astronomically and plainly demonstrate that our Lord was Born two Years later than the common Accompt, and this also seems to be Confirmed by Herod the King, who enquired diligently of the Wise Men the time, which if he had fully known, it is not likely that he would have extended his But cheries of the poor Innocents unto two whole Years and under, as he did. But we have a more sure Word of Prophecy that Christ should dye, and did dye at the End of 35 Jubilees, which is 1715 Years after Jacob went down to Egypt, this was at the end of 1935 Years after the Promise made to Abraham, and in the middle of the Year of the World 3978. as by the Solar Calendar will most plainly appear.


Of the Divine Authority of the Scriptures, and their Ʋse.

THat which declareth the whole flux of Time from the Beginning to the End, must be the Word of the ever-living God. Humane Nature is a Constitution of Heaven and Earth. The Lord that made our Outward made our Inward Man also, and hath suited the Revelation of his Will in the Holy Scrip­tures externally to our Ears of the Outward Man, and Internally to our Minds; for we are as a Book written on both sides, as well with­out as within, and therefore he hath laid the Foundation of our Faith in Sense.

Baptism is not only of Water, but of the Spirit; not only the putting away the Filthi­ness of the Flesh, but of the Spirit: Nor is our Outward man commanded to be fed with Bread and Wine, which becomes one with our Body; but our Inward Man is fed by the Faith of our Union with Christ, who dwelleth in us, and we in him, by whom we shall be raised up at the latter day, and so our whole Man, Body, Soul and Spirit, the whole Inheritance of God, rejoyce together.

Such as will be led by a Light within, with­out Scripture, fling away their Rule for Trial of Spirits, and forget that their Constitution is Earth as well as Heaven; they would be Angelical, but this was the Angels sin, they kept not their first estate, but left their proper Habitation.

That which God hath joyned together, let no man separate. No Scripture is of private Interpretation; there is a succession of Voices as well as a succession of Prophets, Moses, El­dad and Medad. Moses wrote in Shadows, and the seed that was sown by him in the Earth of the Text, lay hid and covered, and from thence it bringeth forth in its Time first the Blade, then the Ear, then the full Corn in the Ear for Harvest. Whatsoever was hid under the Shadowes of the Law of Moses, was ac­complisht in the Gospel, for Eldad the Beloved of God, prophesied in the Scriptures, and ex­pounded in them the things that did concern himself, for Moses wrote of him.

And whatsoever was spoken by our Lord under the Darkness of a Parable, or was whispe­red in the Ear, shall be spoken fully in the light, and preached over again upon the House­top, when the Building comes to be finished; for then Medad the holy Spirit of Truth in Christ, will speak no more in Parables, but will show us plainly of the Father. Nor doth this Holy Spirit lay aside the Scriptures, but prophesieth in them as Christ did: Nor will he speak any [Page 75] thing of himself, for a single witness is not true, but what he hears that he speaks, and will shew us Things. To the Law and to the Testi­mony, if they speak not according to this Word, it is because there is no Light in them. Isa. 8. 20.

This Spirit of Christ was a Preacher under Moses's Law: But he had an Over-plus of Wisdom, therefore he taught the People fur­ther Knowledge in the dayes of the New Testa­ment: And will now ballance and set in Order many Parables of Proverbs which are the Scrip­tures of Gasher, and they are words of Truth.


Of the Candlestick of Gold and its Sevens.

THE Candlestick which Zechary saw, was all of Gold, and shewed the Light and Life of Christ in his Church, which covered all their Darkness and Death; they receive this by Faith, which is more precious than Gold that pe­risheth.

This Candlestick is the Candlestick of the Appointed Time of the 70 Weeks of Daniel, it hath Seven Lights, which are Seven times 490, even 3430 year.

The 7 and 7 Pipes to the Light upon its Head, are Seven times the 35 years of Christ after the Flesh, and 7 times the 35 years of Christ after the Spirit; these being added to­gether are 7 times 70, and compleat the Num­ber of 490 years, which is the Appointed Time, and 7 of those Appointed Times makes up the Time appointed of the Father for Christ to be under the Tutors and Governours of this World, till he be a Perfect Man, at the Mea­sure of the Age and Fulness of Christ.

5   5
35   35
245   245
1715   1715

Thus are the Foundations of the World layd in Christ, since the Time that God went down with Jacob into Egypt.

He is the Holy Seed, the Sub­stance of the World, he is the Ten or Tenth divided after the Order of Melchizedeck, by 5 and 5, by 35 and 35, by 245 and 245, and by 1715 and 1715, as in the Margin.


That Jesus Christ our Mediator is the Shekel of the Sanctuary.

A Mediator is no more a Mediator of one Testament, than one Scale can be call­ed a Ballance that hath but one end; for it is called a Ballance, or Bilanx, à duabus lancibus. So a Mediator cannot be a Mediator of one, but there must be another Testament to make the Ballance even.

The Shekel of the Sanctuary is the Ballance of the Sanctuary; it is not, as some men think, double to the common Shekel, as Ten is double to Five, but it is equal, as 5 is equal to 5.

If we give our Fifth to him, he makes it Ten; for as he is the Mediator of the New Testa­ment, he doth counterballance the Old: So that as the first Adam brought us under a Curse, Jesus Christ turns that Curse into a Blessing: As it is written, I will lay Judgment, or Con­demnation, to the line, and Righteousness, or Justi­fication to the Ballance; but our Translators have unwarrantably translated the word Plum­met, Isa. 28. 17.


Of the Measure of Time used in Holy Scrip­ture.

THE first Measure of Time used in Holy Scripture is Seven, which is the Measure of the Sabbath day, as well from the beginning of the Old, as from the beginning of the New Creation, which was the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The Second Measure of Time is seven times greater than the former, for it contains seven times seven dayes, which is 49 times seven days, and then is Pentecost.

This second Measure was used by the Jews in the Celebration of their yearly Feasts. The Romanists and Rituists, that composed our Christian Almanacks, come somewhat near the Jews in their fixing of their Jewish and Roman Feasts. For they have in every year placed Easter-day for the day of the Resurrection of our Lord, which Day the Jews called the Day of First-fruits: And from Easter-day as from a Center they reckon 49 days backward, and call it Quinquagesima, or the 50th day; and they reckon 49 days forward, and call that Pente­cost, or the 50th day, which they also call White-Sunday. These last seven Weeks or seven Sab­baths are called in the Original Perfect, be­cause [Page 79] they are the Sabbaths of the Resurrection, or of the First Day, and the Seven Weeks are called the appointed Weeks of the Harvest; for Pentecost was always the last day of Harvest in the Land of Canaan. But the appointment and Observation of these days in the Gospel-times, is after the Commandments of Men, and not after Christ.

The Third Measure of Time is the Sabbati­cal Year, which is seven year for every day, and in every Sabbatical Year you have 369 Sab­baths, and not day more or less.

The Fourth Measure of Time is seven times the Sabbatical Year, even 49 Sabbaths of Years, which bring in the Year of Jubilee, which is the Year of Redemption.

The Fifth Measure of Time is Ten years for one day; but this Measure is not taken from the Old, but from the New Creation of the World in Jesus Christ, beginning at the Pro­mise, and compleats the Year of Redemption for them that seek the Lord, in this Time wherein he may be found. Every day of this is Ten years long, every Week is 70 year long, and the Year is 3650 years long.

This great Almanack of the World is a Solar Calender hereunto annexed, and may be made use of as easily as a common Almanack, for which end I have used the Familiar Names of the Months, that they may be better understood, until Heathenish Names shall be utterly taken away and abolished.


The Scriptures Computation of Time by Months.

THE Month of Israels Redemption from Egypt, is by Divine Commandment call­ed the first Month, which before was the Seventh Month.

Upon the 14th day of the first Month, the Paschal Lamb was slain, every year yearly, and was called the Passover. But the 14th day was neither the beginning of the Month, or of the Year; for they both had a Retrospection 14 dayes, to the day of the Conjunction of the Sun and Moon, at or about the Time of the Vernal Aequinox, from which the New Year as well as the New Moon took their beginning.

But there is another Month as well as ano­ther Year, which is not natural. The mystical Year hath Ten natural Years for one Day, and for every day in the Year. But there are two great Lights, which are set for Signs of Times, as well as for Days and Nights, and no man can alter their Accompt.

The natural Lunar Month consists of 30 days, but the mystical Month consists of 30 times 14 Years, which is 420 Year to the Month.

For Proof whereof take the Time of Jacob's going down to Egypt, which made Joseph to be the Shepherd of Israel under God; this is called the New Moon, or the appointed Time, and solemn Feast-day: This was the Statute or Gospel for Israel, and the Judgment for the God of Jacob; this Measure he put for a Testimony in Jacob.

  • Jacob went down to Egypt in the year of the World 2298
  • Add to this the 14th day of the Month, 14 times 15 year 0210
  • It shews the Time of Israel's Re­demption was in the Year of the World, 2508


Of the Four Months before Harvest.

IT is written, Joh. 4. 35. Are there not four Months, and then cometh the Harvest? It is very plain from the Context that these words are not to be understood Literally, but Mysti­cally: For common Experience tells us, that no Fields are white four Months before Harvest; therefore the Harvest is the End of the World.

There are two Worlds, which are so called, and have their distinct Harvests: The one is the World of the Jewes; their Harvest w [...]s the Barly Harvest; the Hebrew word signifies [Page 82] the Harvest of the Segniories. For the Jewes were the Fathers, or Male World, they cruci­fied Christ at the end of their World, Heb. 9. 26.

The other is the Wheat Harvest, or the Har­vest of Sinners, the Gentiles, that crucifie Christ in the Spirit.

The Jews had their Four Months before the Birth of Christ, four times 420, even 1680 years.

The Gentiles have their four Months, even four times 420, which is 1680 years: These two Fulnesses of time, make up 3360 years.


That the Creation of Adam Male and Fe­male, was a Work of two Weeks or four­teen Dayes.

ALtho' the Man be not without the Woman, nor the Woman without the Man in the Lord, (1. Cor. 11. 11.) for every Man is Male and Fe­male in himself, as Adam was in his first Crea­tion, yet it may seem strange to them that have not well observed Moses's History of the Creati­on, to say, That that Creation was a Work of two Weeks or fourteen Dayes.

But it is very evident that Moses, according to the Wisdom given him of the Spirit doth write much in little, for it may appear from the Iteration of Words, and the Duality of [Page 83] Numbers, that he wrote of a twofold Creation in a twofold Work: The first Work was the Creation of the Male, the second of the Female.

It is true indeed, that the first day is of the singular Number, and speaketh but of one; (Gen. 2. 4.) but there is another day of the same Number, after the Sabbath of the Seventh day is ended. And this is the first day of ano­ther week, which is the second Revolution of seven days, in which the Woman was formed, and being perfected in the second seven dayes, she is brought to the Man by God the Father upon the Eighth day, which is the fifteenth from the First day of the Old Creation; (Gen. 2. 22.) and then the Bridegroom, which is the Holy Spirit saith, The Female Adam of this Revolution is Bone of my Bone, and flesh of my flesh, for this cause she shall be called Woman, because she was taken from the Man.

This twofold Creation of Adam, Male and Female, in a twofold Work, may farther ap­pear from the Law of Parturition, by which it was commanded, that a Woman bringing forth a Male, shall be unclean seven dayes, but if she bring forth a Female, she shall be unclean two weeks, or 14 dayes. Lev. 12. 2. 5.

King Solomon and all Israel with him, held a Feast to the Lord seven dayes, and seven dayes, even fourteen dayes, and upon the eighth day, which was the fifteenth from the beginning, he sent the People away to their Tents joyful and glad of heart, and they blessed the King for all the good [Page 84] which God had done for David his servant, and Israel his People.


That the Creation of Jesus Christ Male and Female, was a work of Two Weeks in 70 Years.

THE first Adam was created Male and Fe­male in 14 natural dayes; but our Lord Jesus in two weeks, which had seven times five, even thirty five years for the Male; and seven times five, which is 35 years more for the Fe­male, and so those two Weeks do contain 70 Years, in the which the Male was created in the first Week, and the Female in the second was made and perfected.

The first Adam was, as the Apostle saith, the figure of him that was to come, which will more plainly appear, by comparing their several Cre­ations as follows.

1. As in the Beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth:

So in the Beginning, that is to say in the first of these 70 years God the Father did create the Heaven and Earth of the Natural Body of our Lord Jesus in the Womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary his Mother.

2. As Adam was created in the Image of God upon the Sixth day:

So in the fixth day of the Creation of our Lord, which was 6 times 5 years, that is to say in the 30th year of his Age, he was buried un­der the Waters of Baptism, and under the Un­circumcision and uncleanness of our Flesh. But when he arose up out of those Waters, the Heavens were opened to him, and the Holy Spirit descended in a bodily Shape, and lo! a Voice from Heaven, saying, Thou art my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.

3. As the Lord caused a Deep sleep to fall upon Adam on the Sabbath of the 7th. day:

So the deep Sleep of Death fell upon Christ in his Grave where he was laid to Rest, upon the Sabbath of the 7th. day, being the last day of the first 35th. of his 70th. year.

4. As upon the first day of the second Week Jehova Elohim did Regenerate the Earth and the Heaven:

So upon the first day of the second Week of 35, in the 70th. year of Christ, was the Earth or Humane Nature of our Lord Jesus be­gotten again from the Dead by the Second Adam who is the Lord from Heaven, and so he became the Son of God, as he was the Son of the Resurrection, for it written, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee.

5. As the Bridegroom forsakes his Father and his Mother, and cleaves to his Wife, and they twain shall become one flesh upon the 8th day:

So will the holy Spirit of Christ forsake his Father the unbelieving Jewes, and his Mother the [Page 86] unbelieving Gentiles, and will cleave to his Wife that believeth, and they twain shall be one flesh; for he hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them: As God did tabernacle in Christ in the days of his Flesh, so will he dwell in his People, and will be glorified in them, when he burns up the Chaff with unquenchable fire.


That the Creation of the Male and Female World in Jesus Christ, is a Work of Two Weeks, in 3430 Years.

THE Truth of this Proposition is demon­strable, from the Conformity which the Creation of the World hath to the Creation of Jesus Christ, from the time that the Foun­dations of the World were laid, when God went down with Jacob into Egypt with the whole Church, which then consisted of Seventy Souls.

1. As in the Beginning of the two Weeks, or 14 dayes, God created the Heaven and Earth of the first Adam.

2. As in the Beginning of the two Weeks in 70 years, God created the Heaven and Earth of his only begotten Son, in the Womb of his Virgin Mother Mary:

So in the Beginning of the two great Weeks, in 3430 year, that is to say upon the first day thereof, did God go down with Jacob and his [Page 87] 70 into Egypt, that so Israel his First-born might be redeemed from thence; as it is writ­ten, Out of Egypt have I called my Son. This Egypt was the Death and Grave of Christ.

1. As upon the Seventh day of the first Cre­ation, God rested from all his Works of the first Creation which he created, for making, that is for New making:

2. As a deep Sleep fell upon Adam on the Sabbath of the seventh day: As the deep sleep of Death fell upon our Lord in the grave upon the last day of his first 35th year, being the Sabbath of the 7th day:

So upon the last day of the first great Week of 49 times 35, which was the very same Sab­bath, and the very last day of 1715 years after Jacob went down to Egypt, did our Lord rest in the Grave according to the Commandment, from all the Works of Righteousness which ei­ther he or we had done: As his Father rested from all his Works of the first Creation, Joh. 5. 19.

1. As upon the first day of the Second Week of the first Creation, Jehova Elohim did Regenerate the Earth and the Heaven:

2. And upon the first day of the Second week of 35, in the 70th. year of Christ, God the Father did Regenerate the Humane Nature of Jesus Christ from the Dead:

So upon the first day of the Second great Week of 1715 years after God went down with Jacob into Egypt, did Jehova Elohim Regenerate upon this very day the Earth and Heaven o [...] [Page 88] Jesus Christ, and all their Generations, in the day that they were created, when the Lord God created the Earth and the Heaven. Gen. 2. 4. For then were we also, that were buried with him in Baptism, raised up with him, and made alive, or quickned together with him, having for­given us all our Trespasses. Coloss. 2. 12.

As the Gospel began at John's Baptism, who was sent to prepare the way of the Lord six Months before our Lord was baptized:

So the coming of Elias the Second Baptist, to restore all things, will be from and after the end of 49 times 34 ½ years, which will fall out in the year of our Lord, 1691. if the Computa­tion be made from John the Baptist. But it the Computation be made from the Birth and Baptism of our Lord, it will not be accomplish­ed untill the Year of our Lord 1692. and this falls out to be 49 times 6 Months, even 24 ½ years, before that great and terrible year of our Lord shall come, 1715 years from and after the Birth of our Lord Jesus. Mal. 4. 5.

The Apostle Peter exhorts the Jews to Repen­tance, and to convert, that their sins may be blotted out, when the times of Refreshing, or Re­viving, the Resurrection of the Witnesses, shall come from the presence of the Lord: And he shall send Jesus Christ, which before was preached unto them, whom the Heavens must contain untill the times of Restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the Mouth of all his Holy Prophets which have bin since the World began. For Moses said [Page 89] truly unto the Fathers, (Deut. 18. 18.) A Pro­phet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your Brethren, (that is of the Gentiles) like unto me; him shall you hear in all things whatsoever he shall say unto you. And it shall come to pass, that every Soul which will not hear that Prophet, shall be destroyed from among his People. Acts 3. 19, 20, 21, &c.

It was by a Prophet that God brought Israel out of Egypt, and it will be by a Prophet that Is­rael shall be preserved. Hos. 12. 13.

Then shall the Tabernacle of Witness be Opened in Heaven: And then will God speak to the Kings and Rulers of the Earth, that have ta­ken secret Counsel against the Lord and against his Anointed: Terrifying them in his hot dis­pleasure; saying, I have poured forth my King (that is my Spirit) upon Zion the Hill of my Ho­liness. I will Number at the Decree. The Lord said to me, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee.


That the Male World proceeds from the First, but the Female World proceeds from the Second Adam.

THere are two Worlds: The first is Natu­ral, because it proceeds from the Natu­ral Man, and may be seen. The other is Spi­ritual, and cannot be seen, because it is not in Possession, but in Promise.

The Maker of these two Worlds is God, but the first and second Adam are the two begin­nings of them, and therefore they are called in the Hebrew Adon, a Foundation, and in Greek [...], which is a Prince, or a Beginning or Prin­cipality; because from these two Princes all the Persons in the two Worlds do proceed; from the first by a Natural Generation, from the second by a Spiritual Regeneration, or New Birth.

It is a mistake in our Translation, that saith of Ishmael (who was Abraham's first-born) That he shall be a wild Man, his hand shall be against every Man, and every mans hand against him; for the Original speaketh thus, He shall be a fruit­ful man, and his hand shall be in every man, that is, to un [...]te them, and every mans in him, that is, to support and strengthen him, as he is their Prince.

And it is from this Politick or Royal Union of Head and Members, that the Hebrew word Ish, which signifies a Prince, is so often translated every man. Psal. 62. 9.

The first Adam was made of the Earth, and every one that proceeds from him is Earth; the glory of his Kingdom is an Earthly and pe­rishing Glory, and they themselves are called the Rulers of the Darkness of this World, which shall come to nothing. Eph. 6. 12. 1 Cor. 2. 6.

The second Adam is spiritual, he is the Lord from Heaven, whose Tabernacle in Man makes him to be called the heavenly or spiritual Man: [Page 91] The Kingdom of this second Adam is a Spiri­tual Kingdom, for it cannot be seen, because it is not in Possession but in Promise; and there­fore the Heirs of Promise wait for it; living by Faith, and rejoycing in hope of that Glory which shall be revealed at the Appearance of Jesus Christ.

These two Princes are Coordinate, and are under the same Covenants and Promises made to Abraham in Christ, for Life and Death, for Blessing and Curse. Isa. 55. 12, 13.

These are two Masters and Mediators of the World, but no man can serve them both, for they are contrary as Heaven and Earth, Light and Darkness, Flesh and Spirit; he that loves the one, hates the other, and he that cleaves to the one despiseth the other, for we cannot serve God and Mammon. Matth. 6. 24▪

These are two Neighbours, that dwell toge­ther under the same Roof: The one is the Out­ward Man, that perisheth: The other is the In­ward Man, which is renewed day by day in every one that believeth. The Outward man is of the first Adam, the Inward man is of the second Adam Jesus Christ: Our Neighbour did take part with us in Flesh and Blood, that thro' death he might destroy him that had the Power of death, which is the Devil, and deliver us. Heb. 2. 14. Is not this Neighbour to be loved by us as we love our selves? Is not he of our Communion, one that dyed for us and rose again, and calls us to be married to himself. Matth. 22▪ 39. Eph. 5. 25.

These two are Twins of the same Father and Mother, as those that struggled in Rebecka's Womb, untill the dayes be fulfilled when she shall be delivered, and then they shall be sepa­rated one from another, and the elder or great­er shall serve the younger or fewer, as was fore­told in that Allegory of Jacob and Esau, the Sons of Isaac and Rebecka.

The first Adam had the possession of his King­dom put into his hand, but he Ruined all by his Fall, and became Tenant at will, without any Lease or Assurance of his Kingdom, for the space of 2078. years, untill the Royal and Grand Charter was confirmed unto Abraham in Jesus Christ, who is the Head of all Principality and Power, and every Name that is named, not only in this World, but also in that which is to come. And it was in him that the Covenant was con­firmed for Ishmael, as well as for Isaac: And it was sworn to Isaac for Esau as well as for Ja­cob, for the whole time appointed by the Fa­ther, untill the Measure of the Age and Full­ness of Christ were made perfect, and not ex­ceeding 3650 years from the Promise, and with defeazance nevertheless of being shortned upon their War or Rebellion against the Lord.


Of the Fifth which every Man must give to the Lord for the Ransom of his Soul, Exod. 30. 12.

THe ten Years next after the Promise are the Order of Melchizedeck, whereof five are the Natural Man, and five Years the Spi­ritual Man, half Death and half Life, the one half Earth, the other half Heaven, as our Lord Jesus was the Mediator of God and of Man. He took part with us in Flesh and Blood that our Earth might be made Holy by him who is the Tenth, the Lord of the Earth, in which lyes all our Harvest and Increase. This Lord is called the Holy Lord, and is the Substance of it, as the Substance of the Oak lyes in the Acorn: So all things in Heaven and in Earth, in Life and in Death, are contained in Christ, who is the Book of God, in which all his Members were written either in Heaven or in the Dust of the Earth, and they are Num­bered in him who is their Overseer, the great Shepherd of their Souls: But every man must give a Ransom for their Soul to the Lord, and then there shall be no Plague in them when they are Numbered.

The Offering which they must give the Lord is themselves, or their Natural Man and all his Righteousness, which is the Bekah, or half the Shell in the Shekel of the Sanctuary: And this Offering of a Man's self to the Lord is the De­sire of Attonement: Our Bibles call it Attone­ment Money, and the Original Word which they do translate Money, doth signifie Desire as well as it signifies Silver, for that was but a shadow. We are not Redeemed with corrupti­ble things as Silver and Gold, but with the preti­ous Blood of Christ. The Rich give no more but themselves, and the Poor give no less than them­selves to be Redeemed, and so they are Saved by Faith, Desire and Hope.

If any Man will Redeem a Redemption from his Tenth, that is, if any Man desire to be sa­ved by Christ, he shall add his Fifth, Levit. 27. 31. which is, he must part with all that he hath or is his, he must sell all his own Righteousness, and then he shall have Treasure in Heaven, which is the Righteousness of God by Faith in Jesus Christ.

This is to follow Christ, who parted with his own Righteousness that we might be made the Righteousness of God in him.

This is the Traffique we are Exhorted unto, or the Conversation in Heaven for to make our Five Talents become Ten, Matth. 25. 10.

This Tenth is the Homer of First-fruits which the Priest under the Law raised or lifted up before the Lord for our Acceptation on the Day [Page 95] of First-fruits, which was the Day of the Re­surrection of Christ from the Dead: He is ac­counted for all them that believe as the Increase of the Threshing-floor, and as the Increase of the Wine-press, for God hath put all things under his Feet, and given him to be Head over all to his Church, which is his Body, the Ful­ness of him that filleth all in all; so that in the Lord we have Righteousness and Strength, Isa. 45. 24. and in Him all the Seed of Israel are Justified and shall Glory.


Some brief Observations concerning Justify­ing Faith.

TRue and Saving Faith is a Believing that God so loved the World that he gave his on­ly begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life.

2. That Christ is the Head of every Man by Grace of God, as Adam is the Head of every Man by Natural Generation.

3. That we are Justified by Faith when we believe our Union and Communion with Christ in his Death and Resurrection, as he is our Me­diator that dyed for our Sins, and was raised up again for our Justification; as it is written, they [Page 96] twain shall be one Flesh, and he that is joined to the Lord is one Spirit.

4. We are Justified by Faith when we believe our Union with Christ is as the Union of Branch­es to the Vine, so that He is One with Us, and We with him, for He dwelleth in Us and We in him, that We can never perish but be rais­ed at the last Day.

5. It is by Virtue of this Union and Commu­nion with Christ in his Death that we are set free from sin, because he dyed for our sins in our stead, and so he satisfied the Law for us. And by Vir­tue of our Union and Communion with him in his Resurrection we are made Partakers of the Free Grace of God in forgiving us all our Tres­passes, and giving us the Inheritance of Eternal Life with himself, not of Merit by Works, but of his Free and undeserved Grace.

6. We are by Virtue of this Union and Com­munion with Christ called Saints, but our Ho­liness doth not lye in our selves but in him who is our Head.

7. The Exercise of our Faith is a continual Warfare between the Flesh and the Spirit, between Faith and Unbelief, because of our sins; so that under Hope we are carried to believe above Hope, as Abraham did in the Uncircumcision and Uncleanness of his Flesh.

As to the Second Coming of Christ to Restore all things, it will be by his Spirit in his People in the Power of Elias, for he will be glorified in his Saints, and admired in all them that believe.

THE Solar Calendar, …

THE Solar Calendar, WITH All the DAYES, WEEKS, and SABBATHS, contained in the great Year of our Re­demption by Iesus Christ, consisting of 3650 Years.

Made plain upon Twelve Tables, which are Twelve Months in the common Yearly Almanack, with which every Day, Week and Sabbath is compared, as well as with every Year of the Promise, and every Year of the World.

Whereunto is added, Two Tables of the Seventy Weeks of Daniel: The one containing 1715 Years, from the Time that God went down with Jacob into Egypt, to the Death and Grave of Christ.

The other Table containing 1715 Years, from the Re­surrection to the end of this World.

Written as an Appendix to the Year of our Redemption.

Psal. 39. 4.
Lord make me to know my end, and the measure of my dayes what it is, and I shall know how frail I am.
Psal. 90. 12.
So teach us to number our dayes, that we m [...] apply ou [...] Heart to Wisdom.

London, Printed for John Harris, 1693.


A Calendar is a borrowed word, pro­perly belonging to the Moon, for the Calends of e [...]ery Month, are the first day of the Month, according to the Julian Year. But the Sun hath neither Months nor Calends, nor can the Motion of the Moon answer the Motion of the Sun by 11 dayes, which they call the Epacts in ev [...]ry year.

So that the Monthly Calendar of the Moon; tho it have its Column in th [...]se Tables, yet they can be of no Ʋse in the Measure of Time, because it holds no proportion with the Sun, which is the universal Standard for the Measure of the Time in the Scripture for the Year of our Redemption. Nevertheless, I thought fit to give it a place in this great Year; because there is scarce a man of any small business in Europe, but makes use of the common yearly Almanack, or Calendar, [Page] and is well acquainted with the Names of the Twelve Months, and with the Number of dayes in every Month, and that there are 52 Weeks or Sabbaths in every year, and one day overplus, which makes 365 dayes in the year.

So that this Solar Calendar is nothing else but a familiar comparing of the Dayes, Weeks and Sabbaths in the Yearly Almanack, which every Man knows, with the Dayes, VVeeks and Sabbaths in the great Year of our Redemption, which hath been kept secret since the VVorld began, but is now reveal­ed by the Holy Spirit to be as aforesaid Ten Years for every Natural Day, Seventy Years for every Natural VVeek, and 3650 Years for the great Year of our Redemption, as by this SOLAR CALENDAR will most plainly appear.

OF THE Construction and Use OF THE SOLAR CALENDAR.

THE Solar Calendar, or the Worlds Almanack, doth begin at the time of the Promise made to Abraham, in the 2078. year of the World, and in order 3650. years after, in the Year of the World 5728. It hath Twelve Months, and every Month hath Four Columns.

The First Column containeth the Num­ber of Dayes in each Month, beginning at the Aequinoctial, which is the Tenth day of March, having 365 dayes in the Year of XII. Months.

The Second Column contains the Years of the World since the Creation, and therein you may see, what year of the World answereth to the Year of Pro­mise.

The Third Column containeth the Years since the Promise was made, un­till the Year of our Redemption.

The Fourth Column is the broad Space, which contains some Divine Record of Time, and of things performed in that Time, as well in what Year of Promise, as in what Year of the World.

This Fourth Column contains also the Beginning and Ending of the 49 Weeks of Daniel, which are also called The 70 Weeks, they begin at the Time when God went down with Jacob into Egypt, and end with the last day of the Promise, and of the great Year of our Redempti­on, and of the present World, for there is no day more or less in the Accompt.


March. The First Month.
XXI. dayes in March. Years of the World. Years since the Promise.  
10 2078 0000 The Promise made to Abraham.
11 2088 0010  
12 2098 0020  
13 2108 0030  
14 2118 0040  
15 2128 0050  
16 2138 0060  
17 2148 0070 1 Week.]
18 2158 0080  
19 2168 0090  
20 2178 0100  
21 2188 0110  
22 2198 0120  
23 2208 0130  
24 2218 0140 2 Week.]
25 2228 0150  
26 2238 0160  
27 2248 0170  
28 2258 0180  
29 2268 0190  
30 2278 0200  
31 2288 0210 3 Week.] Joseph advanced in Egypt.
April. The Second Month.
XXX. dayes in April. Years of the World. Years since the Promise.  
01 2298 0220 Jacob goes down to Egypt.
02 2308 0230  
03 2318 0240  
04 2328 0250  
05 2338 0260  
06 2348 0270  
07 2358 0280 4 Week.]
08 2368 0290 The first of Daniel's Sevens ends.
09 2378 0300  
10 2388 0310  
11 2398 0320  
12 2408 0330  
13 2418 0340  
14 2428 0350 5 Week.]
15 2438 0360 The second of Daniel's Sevens ends.
16 2448 0370  
17 2458 0380  
18 2468 0390  
19 2478 0400  
20 2488 0410  
21 2498 0420 6 Week.]
22 2508 0430 Redemption from Egypt. Exod. 12. 40.
23 2518 0440  
24 2528 0450  
25 2538 0460  
26 2548 0470  
27 2558 0480 First Jubilee in Canaan.
28 2568 0490 7 Week.]
29 2578 0500 The Fourth of Daniels Sevens ends.
30 2588 0510  
May. The Third Month.
XXXI. dayes in May. Years of the World. Years since the Promise.  
01 2598 0520  
02 2608 0530  
03 2618 0540  
04 2628 0550  
05 2638 0560 8 Week]
06 2648 0570 The 5th. of Daniel's Sevens ends.
07 2658 0580  
08 2668 0590  
09 2678 0600  
10 2688 0610  
11 2698 0620  
12 2708 0630 9 Week.]
13 2718 3640 The 6th. of Daniel's Sevens ends.
14 2728 0650  
15 2738 0660  
16 2748 0670  
17 2758 0680  
18 2768 0690  
19 2778 0700 10 Week.]
20 2788 0710 The 7th. of Daniel's Sevens ends:
21 2798 0720  
22 2808 0730  
23 2818 0740  
24 2828 0750  
25 2838 0760  
26 2848 0770 11 Week.]
27 2858 0780 The 8th. of Daniel's Sevens ends.
28 2868 0790  
29 2878 0800  
30 2888 0810  
31 2898 0820  
Iune. The Fourth Month.
XXX. dayes in June. Ye [...]rs of the World. Years since the Promise.  
01 2908 0830  
02 2918 0840 12 Week.
03 2928 0850 The 9th. of Daniel's Sevens ends.
04 2938 0860  
05 294 [...] 0870  
06 2958 0880  
07 2968 0890  
08 2978 0900 1 Kings 6. 1.
09 2988 [...]910 13 Week.] Temples Foundation.
10 2998 0920 The 10th. of Daniel's Sevens ends.
11 3008 0930  
12 3018 0940  
13 3028 0950  
14 3038 0960  
15 3048 0 [...]70  
16 3058 0980 14 Week.
17 3068 0990 the 11th. of Daniel's Sevens ends.
18 307 [...] 1000  
19 3088 1010  
20 3098 1020  
21 3108 1030  
22 3118 1040  
23 3128 1050 15 Week.
24 3138 1060 The 12th. of Daniel's Seven ends.
25 3148 1070  
26 3158 1080  
27 3168 1090  
28 3178 1100  
29 3188 1110  
30 3198 1120  
Iuly. The F [...]fth Month.
XXXI dayes in July. Years of the World. Years since the Promise.  
01 3208 1130 The 13th. of Daniel's Sevens ends:
02 3218 1140  
03 3228 1150  
04 3238 1160  
05 3248 1170  
06 3258 1180  
07 3268 1190 17 Week]
08 3278 1200 The 14th. of Daniel's Sevens ends.
09 3288 1210  
10 3298 1220  
11 3308 1230  
12 3318 1240  
13 3328 1250  
14 3338 1260 18 Week.]
15 3348 1270 The 15th. of Daniel's Sevens ends.
16 3358 1280  
17 3368 1290  
18 3378 1300  
19 3388 1310  
20 3398 1320  
21 3408 1330 19 Week.]
22 3418 1340 Temple burnt. 2 Kings 25. 9.
23 3428 1350  
24 3438 1360  
25 3448 1370  
26 3458 1380  
27 3468 1390  
28 3478 1400 20 Week.]
29 3488 1410 Release of the Captivity by Cyrus.
30 3498 1420  
31 3508 1430  
August. The Sixth Month.
XXXI. dayes in August. Years of the World. Years since the Promise.  
01 3518 1440  
02 3528 1450  
03 3538 1460  
04 3548 1470 21 Week.]
05 3558 1480 The 18th. of Daniel's Sevens ends.
06 3568 1490  
07 3578 1500  
08 3588 1510  
09 3598 1520  
10 3608 1530  
11 3618 1540 22 Week.]
12 3628 1550 The 19th. of Daniel's Sevens ends.
13 3638 1560  
14 3648 1570  
15 3658 1580  
16 3668 1590  
17 3678 1600  
18 3688 1610 23 Week.]
19 3698 1620 The 20th. of Daniel's Sevens ends.
20 3708 1630  
21 3718 1640  
22 3728 1650  
23 3738 1660  
24 3748 1670  
25 3758 1680 24 Week.]
26 3768 1690 The 21th. of Daniel's Sevens ends.
27 3778 1700  
28 3788 1710  
29 3798 1720  
30 3808 1730  
31 3818 1740  
September. The Seventh Month.
XXX. dayes in September▪ Years of the World. Years since the Promise▪  
01 3828 1750 25 Week.]
02 3838 1760 The 22th. of Daniel's Sevens ends.
03 3848 1770  
04 3858 1780  
05 3868 1790  
06 3878 1800  
07 3888 1810  
08 3898 1820 26 Week.]
09 3908 1830 The 23th. of Daniel's Sevens ends.
10 3918 1840  
11 3928 1850  
12 3938 1860  
13 3948 1870  
14 3958 1880  
15 3968 1890 27 Week.]
16 3978 1900 Our Lord Jesus is born.
17 3988 1910  
18 3998 1920  
19 4008 1930  
20 4018 1940  
21 4028 1950  
22 4038 1960 28 Week.]
23 4048 1970 Jerusalem destroyed by the Romans.
24 4058 1980  
25 4068 1990  
26 4078 2000  
27 4088 2010  
28 4098 2020  
29 4108 2030 29 Week.]
30 4118 2040 The 26th. of Daniel's Sevens ends.
October. The Eighth Month.
XXXI. dayes in Oct [...]ber. Years of the World. Years since the Promise.  
01 4128 2050  
02 4138 2060  
03 4148 2070  
04 4158 2080  
05 4168 2090  
06 4178 2100 30 Week.]
07 4188 2110 The 27th. of Daniel's Sevens ends.
08 4198 2120  
09 4208 2130  
10 4218 2140  
11 4228 2150  
12 4238 2160  
13 4248 2170 31 Week.]
14 4258 2180 The 28th. of Daniel's Sevens ends.
15 4268 2190  
16 4278 2200  
17 4288 2210  
18 4298 2220  
19 4308 2230  
20 4318 2240 32 Week.]
21 4328 2250 The 29th. of Daniel's Sevens ends.
22 4338 2260  
23 4348 2270  
24 4358 2280  
25 4368 2290  
26 4378 2300  
27 4388 [...]10 33 Week.]
28 4398 2320 The 30th. of Daniel's Sevens ends.
29 4408 2330  
30 4418 2340  
31 4428 2350  
November. The Ninth Month.
XXX. [...]a [...]es in November. Years of the World. Years since the Promise.  
01 4438 2360  
02 4448 2370  
03 4458 2380 34 Week.]
04 4468 2390 The 31th. of Daniel's Sevens ends.
05 4478 2400  
06 4488 2410  
07 4498 2420  
08 4508 2430  
09 4518 2440  
10 4528 2450 35 Week.]
11 4538 2460 The 32th. of Daniel's Sevens ends.
12 4548 2470  
13 4558 2480  
14 4568 2490  
15 4578 2500  
16 4588 2510  
17 4598 2520 36 Week.]
18 4608 2530 The 33th. of Daniel's Sevens ends.
19 4618 2540  
20 4628 2550  
21 4638 2560  
22 4648 2570  
23 4658 2580  
24 4668 2590 37 Week.]
25 4678 2600 The 34th. of Daniel's Sevens ends.
26 4688 2610  
27 4698 2620  
28 4708 2630  
29 4718 2640  
30 4728 2650  
December. The Tenth Month.
XXXI. dayes in December Years of the World. Years since the Promise  
01 4738 2660 38 Week.]
02 4748 2670 The 35th. of Daniel's Sevens ends.
03 4758 2680  
04 4768 2690  
05 4778 2700  
06 4788 2710  
07 4798 2720  
08 4808 2730 39 Week.]
09 4818 2740 The 36th. of Daniel's Sevens ends.
10 4828 2750  
11 4838 2760  
12 4848 2770  
13 4858 2780  
14 4868 2790  
15 4878 2800 40 Week.]
16 4888 2810 The 37th. of Daniel's Sevens ends.
17 4898 2820  
18 4908 2830  
19 4918 2840  
20 4928 2850  
21 4938 2860  
22 4948 2870 41 Week.]
23 4958 2880 The 38th. of Daniel's Sevens ends.
24 4968 2890  
25 4978 2900  
26 4988 2910  
27 4998 2920  
28 5008 2930  
29 5018 2940 42 Week.]
30 5028 2950 The 39th. of Daniel's Sevens ends.
31 5038 2960  
January. The Eleventh Month.
XXXI. dayes in January. Years of the World. Years since the Promise.  
01 5048 2970  
02 5058 2980  
03 5068 2990  
04 5078 3000  
05 5088 3010 43 Week.]
06 5098 3020 The 40th. of Daniel's Sevens ends.
07 5108 3030  
08 5118 3040  
09 5128 3050  
10 5138 3060  
11 5148 3070  
12 5158 3080 44 Week.]
13 5168 3090 The 41th. of Daniel's Sevens ends.
14 5178 3100  
15 5188 3110  
16 5198 3120  
17 5208 3130  
18 5218 3140  
19 5228 3150 45 Week.]
20 5238 3160 The 42th. of Daniel's Sevens ends.
21 5248 3170  
22 5258 3180  
23 5268 3190  
24 5278 3200  
25 5288 3210  
26 5298 3220 46 Week.]
27 5308 3230 The 43th. of Daniel's Sevens ends.
28 5318 3240  
29 5328 3250  
30 5338 3260  
31 5348 3270  
February. The Twelfth Month.
XXVIII. days in February. Years of the World. Years since the Promise.  
01 5358 3280  
02 5368 3290 47 Week.]
03 5378 3300 The 44th. of Danie [...]'s Sevens ends.
04 5388 3310  
05 5398 3320  
06 5408 3330  
07 5418 3340  
08 5428 3350  
09 5438 3360 48 Week.]
10 5448 3370 The 45th. of Daniel's Sevens ends.
11 5458 3380  
12 5468 3390  
13 5478 3400  
14 5488 3410  
15 5498 3420  
16 5508 3430 49 Week.]
17 5518 3440 The 46th. of Daniel's Sevens ends.
18 5528 3450  
19 5538 3460  
20 5548 3470  
21 5558 3480  
22 5568 3490  
23 5578 3500 50 Week.]
24 5588 3510 The 47th. of Daniel's Sevens ends.
25 5598 3520  
26 5608 3530  
27 5618 3540  
28 5628 3550  
March. Part of the First Month.
Ten dayes in March. Years of the World. Years since the Promise.  
01 5638 3560  
02 5648 3570 52. Week.]
03 5658 3580 The 48th. of Daniel's Sevens ends.
04 5668 3590  
05 5678 3600  
06 5688 3610  
07 5698 3620  
08 5708 3630  
09 5718 3640 52 Week.]
10 5728 3650 The 49th. of Daniel's Sevens ends.
The Two TABLES of the Seventy Weeks of Daniel.
Years of the World since God went down with Jacob to Egypt. 35 Years of Christ. The Age of the Church in 35. The Measures of the Cre­ation and Life of Christ after the Flesh, and of his Death with his Church. Years of the World since the Resurrection of Christ. 35 Years of Christ. The Age of the Church since the Resurrection. The Measure of the Re­surrection and Life of Christ in his Church af­ter the Spirit.
2298 00 0000 Jacob goes down to Egypt. 4013 00 0000 Our Lord is risen.
2347 01 0049   4062 01 0049  
2396 02 0098   4111 02 0098  
2445 03 0147   4160 03 0147  
2494 04 0196   4209 04 0196  
2543 05 0245   4258 05 0245  
2592 06 0294   4307 06 0294  
2641 07 0343   4356 07 0343  
2690 08 0392   4405 08 0392  
2739 09 0441   4454 09 0441  
2788 10 0490   4503 10 0490  
2837 11 0539   4552 11 0539  
2886 12 0588   4601 12 0588  
2935 13 0637   4650 13 0637  
2984 14 0686   4699 14 0686  
3033 15 0735   4748 15 0735  
3082 16 0784   4797 16 0784  
3031 17 0833   4846 17 0833  
3180 18 0882   4895 18 0882  
3229 19 0931   4944 19 0931
3278 20 0980   4993 20 0980  
3327 21 1029   5042 21 1029  
3376 22 1078   5091 22 1078  
3425 23 1127   5140 23 1127  
3474 24 1176   5189 24 1176  
3523 25 1225   5238 25 1225  
3572 26 1274   5287 26 1274  
3621 27 1323   5336 27 1323  
3670 28 1372   5385 28 1372  
3719 29 1421   5434 29 1421  
3768 30 1470   5483 30 1470  
3817 31 1519   5532 31 1519  
3866 32 1568   5581 32 1568  
3915 33 1617   5630 33 1617  
3964 34 1666   5679 34 1666  
4013 35 1715 Our Lord dyes. 5728 35 1715  
Years since the Birth of Christ. Years since the Resur­rection of Christ.
1660 1625
1670 1635
1680 1645
1690 1655
1700 1665
1710 1675
1720 1685
1730 1695
1740 1705
1750 1715

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