MErciful God and loving Father, we give Thee humble and hearty Thanks for Thy great Bounty bestow'd upon us of this Place by Alfred the Great, the first Founder of this House; William of Durham, the Restorer of it; Walter Skirlow, Henry Percy, Sir Simon Bennet, Charles Green­wood, especial Benefactors, with Others Exhibitors to the same; humbly beseeching Thee so to bless every one of us, that this Church and Commonwealth may be better'd by our Studies and Endeavours, and we our selves by the Merits of Jesu [...] Christ made partakers of the Joys of Heaven, there to live with Thee for ever and ever. Amen.

Set Communion-Days.
  • The First Sunday in Adven [...].
  • Christmas-Day.
  • The First Sunday in Lent.
  • Easter-Day.
  • Whit-Sunday.
  • The Second Sunday after the Act.
  • The First Sunday in September.
  • The Second Sunday in Michaelnas-Term.

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