coram perhonorabili Roberto Dom' Lucas, Summo Gubernatore Turr' London. Jacobo Cardrow Arm' Johanne Cutler Milite & Bar' Carolo Lee Mil' Jacobo Smith Mil' Thoma Row Mil' Thoma Lane Mil' Samuele Buck, Lanceloto Johnson, Thomas Johnson, Thoma Hariot, Thoma Owen, Johanne Perry, Thoma Smyth, Theophilo Eyton, Johanne Wilson, Nicholao Grice, Gulielmo Underhill, Andrea Lawrence, Francisco Edwards, Gulielmo Withers, Ambrosio Isted, Gulielmo James, Johanne Robins, Gulielmo Allestree, Johanne Ward, Randolpho Hartley & Nehemiah Arnold, Armigeris, & aliis scciis suis, Ju­sticiar' Dictorum Dom' Regis & Dom' Reginae ad pacem in Com' praed' conservand' nec non ad divers' Felon' Trangrs' & al' Malefact', in eodem Com' perpetrat' audiend' & terminand' assign.

VVHEREAS the Queens most Excellent Majesty (whom God long preserve) has by Her most Gracious Letter, bearing Date the 9th. day of this instant July, been pleased to signifie to Us, Her consideration of the great and indispensable Duty incumbent upon Her, to promote and encourage a Reformation of the Manners of all Her Subjects, That so the Service of God may be advanced, and those Blessings be procured to these Nations, which always attend a Consciencious Discharge of Our Respective Duties, according to Our several Relations; and has therefore thought it necessary, in Order to the obtaining of this Publick Good, To recommend unto Us the putting in Execution with all Fidelity and Impartiality, those Laws which have been made, and are still in Force against the Prophanation of the Lords-Day, Drunkenness. Prophane Cursing and Swearing, and all other lewd, enormous and disorderly Practices, which by a long and continued Neglect, and connivance of the Ma­gistrates and Officers concerned, have universally spread themselves to the dishonour of God, and the scandal of our Holy Religion, whereby it is now become the more necessary for all Persons in Authority, to apply themselves with all possible care and diligence to the Suppressing of the same. And doth charge and require Us, to take the most effectual Method for putting the Laws in Execution, against the Crimes above mentioned, and all other Sins and Vices, particularly those which are most prevailing in this Realm; and, That especially in such Cases where any Officer of Justice shall be guilty of any of those Offences, or refuse, or neglect to discharge the Duty of his Place for the Suppressing them, that so such Officer by his Punishment, may serve for an Example to others; and to that end, doth require Us to be careful and diligent in encouraging all Constables, Church-Wardens, Headboroughs, and all other Officers and Persons whatsoever to do their Part in their several Stations, by timely and impartial Informations and Prosecutions against all such Of­fenders, for preventing those Judgments which are solemnly denounced against the Sins abovementioned, as being a Duty to which We are obliged by Oath, and are likewise engaged to the Discharge of, as We tender the Honour of Almighty God, the flourishing Condition of his Church in this Kingdom, the continuance of his Holy Religion among us, and the Prosperity of Our Country. WE therefore the Justices of the Peace for the said County, in the said Quarter Sessions assembled, in obedience to Her Majesties said Graciou, Letter; and to discharge and acquit Our selves of that great Duty to which we stand solemnly obliged by Our Oaths, Do unanimously resolve and declare, that WE will put all the Laws in Execution against Prophane Swearing and Cursing: All Prophanation of the Lords-Day, commonly called Sunday, by Peo­ples Travelling, Selling or Exposing any Thing to Sale, by Exercise of their ordinary Callings thereon, or by using other vain Imployments or Sports; and especially by Tipling thereon, or on any part thereof, and neglecting the Worship and Service of God. And also against the odious and loathsom Sin of Drunkenness, and against all Houses of Debauchery and evil Fame. IT is therefore Ordered by this Court, That all High-Constables, Petti-Constables, Church-Wardens, Headboroughs and other Officers, whom this may concern, do their Part diligently and carefully, for putting the said Laws respectively in Execution against all Offenders thereof: And on the Lords-Day particularly, That they be careful to Search for all Persons that shall continue Tipling in Taverns, Ale-Houses, and such like Places; and that they Seize both them, and the Masters of the said Houses, and all other Offenders against any of the said Laws; and That they bring them before some Justice of the Peace for the said County, or cause them to be convicted, and to undergo the Penalties by the said Laws appointed, and ordained for such Of­fences. And it is further Ordered, That all High-Constables, Petty-Constables, Church-Wardens and Headboroughs, do give an Account of their Proceedings herein at each Petty-Sessions, which We are resolved to hold frequently, within Our several Divisions for this Purpose. And forasmuch as it is the common Duty of all good Subjects, to endeavour by timely and Impartial Information, that the Laws against these particular Sins and Vices, which are most prevailing in this Realm, be duly Executed. And also, That even all such Officers of Justice as shall be guilty of any of the said Offences, or shall refuse or neglect to do their Duty in making Search for, or bringing to, due Punishment such Offenders, may themselves be duly Punished, for Example to others. IT is therefore by Us recommended to all good Christians, who have a Sense of the Honour of God, and are desirous to promote his Glory, that they would, in their several Stations, give due Information against the Offenders beforementioned; and also against all evil Persons, who shall by their evil Practices, deterr, affright or threaten, or otherwise dis­courage, or hinder them in the Prosecution of their Punishment of the said Vices, so hateful to God, and all good Men. In all which, WE will give them such Encouragment, as by Law WE may. And it is also Ordered by this Court, That the Clerk of the Peace for this County, do forth with cause this ORDER to be Printed, and affixed upon the great Gates of Hicks-Hall, the Church Doors, and all other Publick Places of each Parish, within the County; and distributed to the several High-Constables within this County, who are Ordered by this Court forth­with to send the same to the several Petty-Constables, Church-Wardens, and Headboroughs within their several Divisions, to the end, Publick Notice may be taken thereof.

per Cur' HARCOƲRT.

LONDON, Printed by Tho. Braddyll, 1691.

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