Comit. Craven Edwardo Grey Armigero Philippo Mathews Baronetto, Edwardo Rich Milit. Thomas Robinson Armigero, Gulielmo Barker Armigero, & alijs So­cijs suis Justiciarijs, dicti Domini Regis ad pacem in Comitat. praed. conservand. nec­non ad diversa felonias transgressiones & alia malefacta in eodem Comitat. perpetrat. audiend. & terminand. assignatis.

IT is ordered by this Court that the Clark of the Peace of this County do in pursuance of the Statutes in such case made and provided forthwith Estreat all and singular the respective Fine and Fines formerly imposed by this Court at any Generall or Quarter Sessions of the Peace held for this County, on the Inhabitants of severall Parishes, Townships and Places in this County, for not amending the respective High ways within the said Parishes, Town-ships and Places in this County, which have not sufficiently repaired and amended the said High­wayes within the time therefore to them limited when the said Fine and Fines were Condi­tionally imposed (and for which the said Inhabitants, or any of them, are not otherwise yet discharged: For that they did not sufficiently repair and amend the said respective High-ways within the time therefore to them limited, as aforesaid, when the said respective Fine and Fines were Conditionally imposed. And this Court being informed, That severall Surveyors of the High-wayes of severall of the said Parishes, Town-ships, and places have expended several great Sums of Money towards the repairing the respective High-wayes within the respective Parishes, Town-ships, and places in which they are and were Surveyors of the High-wayes, as aforesaid, towards the reparation and amendment of the same High-wayes, and cannot receive or be reim­bursed their said Expences by the Inhabitants of the respective Parishes, Townships, and places wherein they are or were Surveyors of the High-wayes, as aforesaid, nor obtain any voluntary Rate to be made by the said respective Inhabitants, or Collected in order thereunto, to the said Surveyors great discouragement to perfect the works of sufficient reparation and amendment of the said High-wayes, do think fit, and hereby further order, That the said respective Fine and Fines, or so much thereof as will reimburse the said Surveyors, and the incident charges of Estreating and Levying thereof, and perfect the works of the amendment and repara­tion of the said respective High-ways be Levyed on such of the refractory persons in opposing, or most negli­gent persons in making voluntary rates for the reimbursement of the said Surveyors, and perfecting the works of reparation of the said High-wayes in the said respective Parishes, Town-ships, and places after such rates and proportions; and so much only of the said Fine and Fines, and no more, as shall be directed to the Clark of the Peace of this County in writing under the hands of two or more of His Majesties Justices of Peace of this County, in the repsective divisions in this County, wherein the said Justices are desired to take care for the repair and amendment of the respective High-wayes and Roads in this County, by a Printed order of this Court, made at a Generall Sessions of the Peace held for this County, the ninth day of December last; or in or by any subsequent order of this Court relating thereunto. And that the caid Clark of the Peace when he shall sign or deliver any of the said Estreats to the person or persons appointed by the said Statutes to Levy the said Fine and Fines, do together with the respective Estreats, signifie the direction of the said last mentioned Justices, and deliver unto such person or persons as aforesaid, appointed to Levy the said Fine and Fines, a true Copy of the names of the refractory or negligent persons, afore-mentioned, and what sums, and how much in the whole the said last mentioned Justices shall direct (under their hands as aforesaid) to be levyed by distress upon the said refractory or negligent persons afore-mentioned, or any of them: And that the said person or persons ap­pointed by the said Statutes, to Levy the Fine and Fines aforesaid, do levy the same on such refractory or neg­ligent person and persons above mentioned, and no others, after such proportions as the said last-mentioned Justices and Clarke of the Peace shall direct and signifie, as aforesaid. And it is further ordered by this Court, That the Clark of the Peace of this County take care that a competent number of Coppies be forth­with Printed at the charge of this County.

Per Curiam.

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