Mr. LILLIES A strologcal Predictions For the Year, 1677.

Wherein is plainly Expressed, and by the Rules of Astrology Proved; The Hap­py Condition of this our Nation for the year Ensuing.




And Fourthly, THE SAFE DELIVERY OF WOMEN WITH CHILDE, who will this Year be very Fruitful.

With Several other Questions for Young-men and Maids.


Printed for T. Passinger next door to th [...] sign of the Meir-maid in the New-buildings on London-bridge.

Of the Strange Revolutions for the present year, 1677.

I Refer the Curious Reader to our Yearly Pre­dictions, and shall omit any Respetiation of the actions in Flanders, Holland, Germany, and Poland, and other Countries, least you should condemn me for being tedious; I shall there­fore proceed to give you an account of my Astrolo­gical Predictions for the Year ensuing 1677.

And we must begin with the Suns ingress into Aries, and here you will find Scorpio ascending, and Mars Lord, yet still continuing in Cancer, which seems to dispose of the actions of your Spring into some unpleasant consequence, to forraign Nations e­specially. Experience tells us very often, that a Pla­net placed against ♌ opposite unto any of the hea­venly Houses, is of very bad significtion; Taurus [Page 2]and Mars to which Sol may be added, are the greatest designers of the grand transactions for the Vernal Quarter, and they seem to threaten many unto­ward accidents, as Robberies on Land, Man slaugh­ters, and Murthers, Piracies and Shipwracks at Sea, great loss to Forraign Nations by Sailors, and Rain as well as armies, the Souldiers in some places in­sult, and are very tumultuary, for which they shall receive condigne punishments: Many distempers are like to seize Mankind, as Feavers, Frenzies, Inflamations, with some pestilential Distempers, occasioned by too much and immoderate drinking, which God Almighty prevent yet the condition; of the common people is like to be very good and fortunate this Year, and they will be happy and peaceable; the Spring season seems to encourage the Ingenious Citizen in a very good trade, which seems to flourish more them some years past, the Wea­ther is very good for the Country-man, many happy showers refreshing the Corn, making his hopes in­crease for a happy crop.

But to proceed to the Summer Quarter, June the Tenth at Twenty Minutes past Midnight, is the Suns ingress into Cancer, and Mars ad­vanced into the 24 degree of Leo, I will not trouble my Reader with many ambiguous Words, but tell him briefly what are like to be the actions and Nego­tiations of this Quarter, if our rules fail not. Ju­piter is in opposition to Leo and Aquarius; the sword i [...] like to be dipped in more blood in Germany, and [Page 3]those parts, many quarrels at Sea and Land for Do­minion are like to arise; those diseases mentioned in the Spring Quarter are like to continue, if not increase in the Summer; but I hope God Almighty will protect England from any of those miseries, which other parts are threatened withall in most Nations in Europe matters will be carried very high, as some gain, others will loose ground; the Weather is like to prove very hot, Thunders and Lightnings very frequent; yet not to prevent a propitilous Harvest, the Country-man his heart is glad, and he huggs himself with the hopes of his succeeding Crop.

The Autumnal Quarter begins the 12th. of September, 3 hours, 57 minutes past midnight, then the Sun enters Libra, and who shall we find there but Mars, Venus, and Mercury; this figure something agrees with the Spring figure, many publick Negotiations are abroad in order to peace in forraign parts, and the Sword will not reap so great a share as in the two former quar­ters, by reason we find Jupiter Lord of the as­cendant in Aquarius Rhetrograde. Yet I per­ceive a Position of Four plainly in the Eighth house, which we usually call the house of Death: this should give us notice of some Malignant Distemper which will probably seize Man-kind in many parts of Europe: which will carry many to their long homes; although by our Predictions these Distempers do not seem to threaten any of his most Gracious Majesties Domini­ons, yet it is not safe to be too secure, and a timely



GOd's favour's like the Sun, whose beams appear,
To all that dwell in the Worlds Hemisphere;
Though not to all alike, to some they express
Themselves more Radiant, and to other less:
The other Planets to some propitious fall,
Yet all by Gods Decree, who Ruleth all;
Did not our interposed sins make Night,
It would be Day, and that Day alwayes bright;
We need not fear Plague, Poverty, or Sword
Nor e're be puzzled at so poor a word;
The Year would whirl about in happy mirth,
And O be joyful sung throughout the Earth;
Ʋnhappy sin! that did it so much deface,
The intended beauty of all Adams Race;
And laid us under God Almighties hand,
Whose mighty power none's able to withstand;
Let's now repent, least we too soon are hurl'd
Before next year into another World.
FIN [...]S.

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