INSTRUCTIONS AND PROPOSITIONS Drawne up and agreed on by divers well affected persons in the City of London, and by them referred to the conside­ration of all the well affected persons of the Kingdome. Containing divers serious and weighty incouragements to all good men, to subscribe ac­cording to their ability, for the raising of an Army of ten thousand men of godly conversation, as additionall forces to the Army raised by both houses of Parliament, under the command of Robert Earle of Essex, for the defence of the true Protestant Religion, and the liberty of the Subject, and the proctection of the Parliament and City. A Worke worthy the consideration of all true and honest-hearted Christians, and will much advance and expedite the great affaires of the Kindome now in agitation.


Hen. Walley.

LONDON, Printed for T. Bates, and G. Tomlinson, and are to be sold at their shops, in the Old-baily, and Ludgate-hill. 1643.


IF there may be procured Authority from the high Court of Parliament, and the Earle of Essex his Ex­cellency, for the raising of an Ar­my of ten thousand Voluntier Souldiers for the deference of the High Court of Parliament and the Kingdome of England, and the pre­servation of the Kings Majesties peace, who are godly, or men of honest life or conversation, that will for the present either main­taine themselves, or take the pub­like Faith for their pay, or shall be [Page 2] maintained by others, who will go in person and see them paid week­ly, or send their Money for doing thereof by some of the Contribu­ters, who shall goe in person to see them paid, and that the Comman­der in Chiefe may be some godly Noble man, or other godly Man of worth, and that the Colonels, Captains, and all other Comman­ders and Officers may be godly, or men of honest life and conversati­on, who out of love to the mainte­nance of the true Reformed Pro­testant Religion, the good Lawes of our Land, the precious Liberty of the Subject, and just Priviledge of Parliament, and of all well-af­fected Protestants, which will goe voluntarily upon this Service, and aske no present pay; or if greater [Page 3] Commanders or Officers, a fourth part of their pay at most; or if in­feriour Officers and common Soul­diers part, and will take the pub­like Faith for the residue; and that the said Commanders and Officers may have all their Commissions (being brought ready with Wax so fixed) freely signed and sealed, without any Fees paid for them. Then we, whose names or marks are here under written for our selves severally, and our own parts onely, doe faithfully promise that we will lend on the publike Faith for doing thereof, such summe or summes of Money weekly, du­ring the space of six moneths, and also such Horse, Armes, and other provision for the said Army, as is or shall be subscribed under our [Page 4] severall hands, and that wee will either goe in person with the said Armes, and pay our said Monies to the said Soldiers our selves, or pay monethly one moneths pay­ment before-hand to some other of these Contributers, who shall goe in person with the said Army to see them paid.

Instructions for all those to observe, who re­ceive a Copy of the promise.
  • FIrst, to procure as many to subscribe as you can with speed.
  • 2. To make Copies of the pro­mise and also of these Instructions, and to disperse them into the hands of honest men, who will be active to receive those Instru­ctions both in the City and Country.
  • 3. To inquire out both Officers, Cap­taines and Commanders, and Soldiers, so qualified, as the Proposition requires who will goe in this service according to the Propositions or promise, and take their promise in writing thus: viz. J will serve as a Captaine, Lieutenant, &c. to this Proposition, and then subscribe his name.
  • 4. Write downe the names of all such to [Page 6] whom you disperse Copies of these Proposi­tions and Instructions, and also of all such Souldiers, Officers, or Commanders as pro­mise to goe, and of those Contributers who will goe onely to see the money paid.
  • 5. That they in the Country that receive these Instructions send up world to these in the City that sent them the Instructions what they have done therein, viz. What any have subscribed!
  • 6. That those who promise any money in this worke, must be told that this must not abate any payment they pay towards the maintenance of any payments already im­posed by the Parliaments authority.
  • 7. That every actor that shall send to get subscriptions shall first himselfe subscribe money, or promise to go as a Captaine or Of­ficer, or common Souldier in this service, to incourage those whom he shall aske sub­scriptions from.

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