In Petty-France Westminster, at a house with a black dore and a Red Knocker, between the Sign of the Rose and Crown and Jacobs-well, is a German who hath a Powder which with the blessing of God upon it, certainly cures the Stone, and hath in those that have designed to be cut for it: it wonderfully dissolves great Stones in the Kidnies and Blader, and brings them away by Urine, with much ease and safety, as many in and about this City to their great comfort can, and will sufficiently testifie. This Powder, will keep its Virtue, by Sea, or Land, many years.
He likewise Infallibly cures the Rickets (if curable) otherwise he will not undertake them, and since many pretenders in and about this City, have by Irregular Methods deceiv'd people of their Mony, without the least performance (the too frequent Practices whereof are great pity.) If any person of known Integrity will affirm that upon following their directions the cure is not perfected they shall have their Mony returned Therefore be not u [...]willing to come for help but suspend your Judgment till you have try'd, and then speak as you find.