IN HOLBORN Over against Fetter-lane, at the sign of the Last, liveth a Physitian that through Gods blessing, cureth these following diseases with honest Expedition and Concionable respect to the PATIENTS ability.
The FRENCH POX (to the cure of which there are many Pretenders, but few Performers, he cureth with Speed and Secresie, and so much ease, that they may follow their occasions, and not the nearest Relation take notice of the cure.
The ISSUE at the YARD, commonly called the Gonorrhea, or Running of the Reines, (not alwaies got by Women, as some think) he Cureth safely, and soundly, from future danger.
- Consumptious.
- All sorts of Feavers.
- Pain in the Head and Stomack,
- Such as cannot hold their Water
- Stone in the Bladder or Kidneys.
- Convulsions.
- [...]ckets.
- Ptisick, or shortnesse of breath.
- Red hair may be changed,
- Gouts several sorts.
- Wind Cholick.
- Sore leggs or old Ʋlcers.
- Dropsies, as Tinpany, &c.
- Barrennesse.
- Abortivenesse.
- Old Surfeits.
- Agues.
- Sinewes sprain'd.
- Pain in the Back or Limbs.
- Stoppage in the Ʋrins.
- Kings Evill.
- Falling sicknesse.
- Worms.
- Ruptures.
- Rhewmatick Defluctions.
- Yellow Joundice.
- Cankers,
- Ciatica.
- Loosenesse,
- Sore Ey [...]s,
- Freckles.
- Piles and Emrods.
- Obstructions of Women.
- Immoderate Fluxes, with many others, some not convenient, o [...]hers too tedious to be here inserted.
He is to be spoken with from Two till Six in the afternoon.