THE CONTENTS Of the History of the Five Book's of MOSES; Namely,


Collected and gathered in so many Verses as there is Chapters in each Book very necessary and profitable for Education of youth, & acquain­ting them so far with the Scripture.

To which is added a Considering-glass o [...] Con [...]emplation, or Spirituall Poem upon rhe Consideration thereo.


Proverbs 22.6. Train up a child in the way he shall go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

London, Printed for T. Passenger, at the three Bibles on London-bridge. 1670.


To the Reader, an Acrostical Epistle upon the name of the Author.

Reader I here present unto thy looks
Only the History of Moses: Book's
Given out in shadows as he saw,
Even by the Ceremonial, the Morall Law:
Record that Law, that's Moral in thy heart,
Have thou a care from it not to depart.
Only consider this my Aim and mind,
Unto each Verse a Chapter thou mayst find.
Gain thou by this my labour, what thou may,
However for thy profit I will pray.
Regard the glass wherewith my labour ends;
Here I present it to my Christian friends.

To all my dear Related and Christian Friends, to whose hands this small Labour of mine shall come. Grace, mercy and peace to you be multiplied.


UPon the serious consideration of that which the Lord spoke to us by Moses; touching our obedience to the Morall Law: How exact we should be to keep it in our hearts; and to teach it to our Children: Recorded for our learning in Deuteronomie Chap. 6. vers. 6, 7, 8, 9. And also our duty to command our Children to observe and do all the words of the Law Deut. 32.46. I here present you with a short narrative of the Contents of the History of the five Books of Moses, although in a plain and simple dresse; yet my de­sign is that it may be usefull to all sorts of People, especially to young persons, that desire in obedience to set their faces towards Sion.

And although there is but a touch upon the Contents of the said Books, composed in so many verses as there is Chapters in each Book: yet [Page] upon the serious view of the Number of the verse thou readest, thou mayest turn thyself to the Scripture for thy satisfaction, and near or about that Chapter answerable to that verse in Num­ber, thou mayest be hold the whole matter. If this poor Mite of myne, cast into the rich Treasury of this Kingdome, shall find acceptance of my Christian Friends, I shall accompt it as a rich honour from the God of all mercies, that hath so far inabled me in the work. And shall follow this my poor labour, with my heartly prayers for the whole Israell of God, while I remain in this body.

Thyne in Christian obedience, ROGER HOUGH.

THE CONTENTS OF THE History of the First Book of MOSES; called GENESIS.

THe goodnesse of our gracious Lord
to us is very great:
What cause have we, now being fre [...]
his goodnesse to repeat.
First after his Image he man made,
in state holy and good,
And at his choice in Paradice,
he set man to have stood.
But Man from that did soon back slide;
the Serpent did beguile,
And did deceive our Mother Eve,
and Adam by a wy'le.
Yea in that state when man was fal'n,
Gods goodness then was shown;
He promised the Serpents head
should quite be overthrown.
And as by Adam all men fell,
by Christ are all redeemed
That do believe, God doth forgive,
them are his best esteemed.
Yea when the old Worlds wickedness
to mind our God did call;
His goodness so, was shew'd to Noah,
his must not with it fall.
But for his safeguard God did warn
him to provide an Ark
Of Gopher wood, against the flood,
wiyl'st wicked were in dark.
God [...] merci [...]s great and goodnesse to
his Servants we may show:
And a [...]so tell, how Israel
did all his goodness know.
With Abraham he a Covenant made,
and did renew the same:
That he should be, blessed and see
his seed encrease in fame.
Yea when Gomorah and Sodome,
he sent for to destroy;
He fetcht out Lot, and there would not
one of his Saints annoy.
He sent his Angels to forworn,
and did to Abra'm tell
What he would do, to overthrow
all those that did Rebell.
Yet for all this his anger great▪
at his Servants Request,
Even for ten, Righteous men
he would have sav'd the rest.
But yet he ma [...] a way for Lot
forth of Sodome to go;
When with brimstone, and fire alone
he did it overthrow.
And then his promise to Abra'm
he did in time fullfill,
And did alone, give him a Son
according to his will.
And after that unto Isaak
his mercies they were great.
He did indeed give holy seed
in Jacob most compleat.
In Jacob was Gods love bestow'd;
the blessings he obtain'd
Of Isaak sure, for to endure:
by God it was ordain'd.
To Padanaram as he went,
God did a vision send;
Which did him tell, even at Bethel,
he would be Jacobs friend.
Even at the Well of Haron then
he did with Rachel meet,
Whom to obtain, a Servants pain
he takes at Labans feet.
Twice seven years he service did,
for which he had two Wives:
Who for their Aids, gave their hand-maids,
that he in Children thrives.
Then to encrease his Wordly wealth,
a portion Laban gave
Out of his flock, the spotted flock,
and brown must Jacob have.
Then Jacob with green poplor rods;
Chesnut and Hazel wands
Contrives a plot, the best to spot,
of flocks within his hands.
When he had served twenty years,
from Laban's flock he went:
Ev'n straight away, as truth doth say,
without Labans consent.
He took his Wives, and Children all
which were a goodly train,
Ev'n all his stock, and spotted flock,
that he had got with pain.
Though Laban after him pursues;
God doth make him, to grant
From wrath to cease, and joyn in peace
with him in Covenant.
And when he was from Laban gone,
a Vision did him meete;
Mahanaim, appear'd to him,
Gods Hosts did there him greete.
Jacob in fear of Esau is,
yet minding, God by prayer:
For to prevent, he did present
Esau, God did him hear.
He restled with an Angell then,
at a Place call'd Peniel;
Who for his fame, did change his name,
and call'd him Israel.
For Shechem, then he did return,
he must to Bethell go,
In Canaans Land, at Gods command,
it was appointed so.
At Bethell he an Alter rear's,
and there doth purge his house,
His garments change, from Gods most strange,
And Gods Idolatrousse.
Then God at Bethell did him bless,
his Covenant he did tell:
Jacobs Kingdome, for time to come,
should be call'd Israell.
Then Jacobs wife even Rachell
did there in travel dye
Of Benjamin, neer Bethelem,
her body there doth lye.
Twelve Tribes then came of Jacobs loynes,
then he to Isaak came,
Whose age appears, just ninescore years,
and so he dyes in fame.
Then Israell in Canaans Land
was Joseph gone to grow;
He oft then dream'd, how God esteem'd,
and would him friend also.
His Brethren being angry at
his dreaming, they him sell,
Where he must be, Egypt too see,
with Potiphar to dwell.
Then Joseph in Potiphars house
was highly there esteem'd,
Till his Mistriss, her legeries
makes him to be misdeem'd.
Then suddenly he is accus'd,
and into the Prison cast;
But there our God, with him abode,
Untill he was releast.
Then Pharaoh dream'd, and 's troubled sore,
Joseph doth it interpret,
What shall befall, by his dreame's all,
and free from Prisons set.
Joseph now having favour found
in Pharaohs acceptation:
How now doth stand, and hath command
of Egypts preservation.
God had ordained this to be
for Israell his Election:
In Famine sore, there they had store,
through Pharaohs safe Protection.
Egypt hath store, now Canaan's Land
stands in want of relief:
Old Israell sends, his Sons as friends,
To buy Corn of Joseph.
Joseph's unknown to his Brethren,
yet doth them question sore,
And in that wise, takes them as spyes,
and Prisons them therefore.
And after three dayes Prisonment
he lets all losse but one:
His thoughts herein for Benjamin.
he doth keep Simeon.
Then Israells grief was very sore
to part with Benjamin,
Cause Josephs gone, he doth moan,
his sorrows doth begin.
Then down to Egypt they return,
Joseph doth them receive;
When he them spyes, his watery eyes,
Made then a secret streame.
Joseph then lets them understand
that he is their own Brother,
Which they did sell, to Ishmaell,
now they all stand together.
Now having made him known to them,
he for his Father sends;
That he may tell, old Israell,
Gods goodness he intends.
Then down to Egypt Israel goes,
and takes all his seed then:
Whose Persons were, numbered there
even threescore and ten.
Jacob in Egypts aged sore,
he blessed Josephs Sons,
His years therefore seven and seven score,
his Sons bury his bones.
When he his Children all had blest,
he yielded to the grave:
And did command, in Canaan's Land
his Funerall they should have.
Joseph his Children's Children sees
to his great joyes encrease:
His age was then, five score and ten,
and so he dies in peace.

THE CONTENTS Of the History of the Second Book of MOSES: Called EXODUS.

NOw after that Joseph is dead,
Israels Seed multiplies more:
Though sorely they are punished,
and have afflictions dayly store.
For then another Pharaohs King,
that never did good Joseph know:
Which unto ruin would them bring,
for to be Israels overthrow.
Now Pharaoh makes a sore decree,
all Israells seed to shiver,
That all their Males should drowned be
in an Egyptian River.
Moses is born free from slaughter,
hid in an Ark of Rushes;
And being found by Pharaohs Daughter,
she of her own cost nurses.
Then Moses grew in strength of years,
and is esteemed then as one;
When as his groath to man appears,
he's called Pharaohs Daughters Son.
Then as Moses kept Jethro's Flock,
the Lord did to him then appear;
Saying I am God of Israels stock,
draw near Moses and do not fear.
The bush did burn but not consume,
God there did tell Moses his name:
He must not start at Pharaohs fume,
I AM had sent, him tell the same.
Then Moses Rod a Serpent is,
great signes and wonders God did show:
His Judgments came and did not misse,
he stroak them with his threatning blow.
He turns there Rivers into blood,
and sends them Frog's in number store;
Egypt their sorrows like a flood.
with Lice and Flies are vexed sore.
With Murrain, Boils, and eke with blains,
be Egypts Kingdome sore afflicts,
And with Hail-stones her beauty staines,
Yet Pharaoh at these Judgments kicks.
The Locusts comes with an Eeast-wind,
Devouring all their Mineralls,
And after that thick darknesse blind,
And then by death their First-born falls.
Now Israels Seeds, the Egyptian spoils,
Before they did eat the Passover;
Their costly Jewels which their toiles,
Had gotten, they have altogether.
Now Israel out of Egypt goes
At time appointed, though in fears;
For they had surjourn'd with their foes
Just four hundred and thirty years.
Now Josephs Bones away they take,
God guids them both by Clouds and fire:
Their journey to the Sea they make,
Pharaoh against them doth conspire.
Pharaoh pursues them to'th Red Sea.
God hear's the Prayer of Moses sound:
With Rod he smites, the Seas obey,
The Egyptians follow and are drown'd.
Then through the Wilderness they pass,
From Shur to Marah as we see:
Whereas the water bitter was,
Heal'd by throwing in of a Tree.
But then at Elim they encamp,
And had there water plenty and store;
Twelve Wells most sweet without a damp,
And Palm-trees there ten and threescore.
Then God sends quailes by an East-wind,
And Manna rains from Heaven store,
The Israelits there do it find
Upon the ground, round, small and hoare.
From Sin to Riphidim they go,
The Rock in Horeb Moses smites,
Fresh waters out from thence do flow.
Israel against Ameleck fights.
Jehovah Nissi Moses rears,
The hand or the Trown of the Lord.
Of Moses same old Jethro hears;
His Councell to him hee'l record.
Then one Mont Sinai God appear'd,
His Message sent by Moses there;
The People to hear are prepar'd,
Yet God's presents doth make them fear.
Then in the Mount this Law he gave,
As he is Israels Heritage:
Saying no Gods but me thou'st have,
Worship thou no graven Image.
In vain take not Gods holy Name,
Keep holy thou the Sabbath day,
Give honour to thy Parents fame,
In murthering Acts go not astray.
Be not thou an Adulterer,
Nor do thou steal what others get,
False be not to thy near Neighbour,
Nor's House, nor's Wife do thou covet.
Then severall Laws God Moses tells,
For Men and Maids that Servants be;
Against such persons as man steals,
Such as curse Parents secretly.
All such as fight, or are hurt by chance,
All Gores, occasions of much harm,
All thefts, damage, and negligence:
Here's severall Laws these for to charm.
Then Moses to the Mountain goes,
Whereas Gods glory doth appear;
And in the Mount he tarry does,
Fourty nights and fourty dayes there.
A Tabernacle must be made,
The form of the Ark is shew'd him there,
A mercy seat there must be laid,
In gold two Cherubims appear.
Then severall Laws and Commandements,
About the furniture we see,
With Curtains, Coverings and garments,
That for the Priests appoint [...]d be.
Then Aron and his Son's are made,
And Consecrated Priests most high;
And holy garments as its said,
Appoint [...]d for them are truly.
There Sacrifice and Burnt off [...]ring [...],
God doth appoint them for to use;
And Altars rear, with other things
In Worship th [...]y must not ref [...]se.
Their holy Oyl, and swe [...]t persums
Was made of Spices sweet alone,
Which they in Worship did consume,
It was with Composition,
Bazaleel and a Holiab are
Appointed then for Workmanship:
The Sabboth day God doth declare,
His Worship in it must not slip.
When Moses in Mount Sinai is,
The People worship a Calf alone,
Which they had made; Moses sees this
The two Tables he breaks of stone.
The two Tables are then renew'd,
And God his Attributes doth show;
The Commandements are review'd,
And Israel must Gods Covenant know.
Then severall works are set about,
As the Curtaines of Cherubins,
Goats hair Borders, sockets, without doubt
They had store of Rams and Baggers skins.
The Ark of God, the Mercy seat,
The Table with their Vessels fine,
Their Candle-sticks with Lamps compleat,
Orders incense, worship Divine.
Then holy garments for the Priests,
The Ephod Robe, breast plate and Coates,
Ephods and Miters wrought in Criests,
The holy Crown then there promotes.
Moses doth all things well perform,
According to a just accompt,
And fears not any other storm;
Hee'l follow God's command i'th Mount
Now God the Tabernacle fil'd
With glory which did there appear,
And oft to stay they were compell'd,
Untill that Cloud removed there.

THE CONTENTS Of the History of the third Book of MOSES: Called LEVITICUS.

NOw in the barren Wildernesse
the Lord gives out his Law,
In Types and Shadows, that we may
his gracious goodness awe.
Burnt-offerings of severall things,
and Meat-offerings also;
Of the heard and of Flocks and Fowles,
in worship they bestow.
With Oyl, and Flower, and with incense,
baked in severalll wayes;
I'th Meat-offrings Beasts, Lambs, and Goats,
was usuall in those dayes.
Sins that were sins of Ignorance,
when they came to be known,
An offering for them must be made,
the Priests must them at one.
He that his knowledge doth conceal
in touching things unclean,
Or doth pronounce rash Oaths in vain,
his sin he shall sustain.
Known sin that any man hath done
by a deceitfull heart;
He must pay the whole principal,
and add too a fifth part.
Both trespass and Peace-offerings
of Thanks-giving and vow;
Or of free will is shewed here,
what God did Priests alow.
Then Aaron and his Sons are made,
and Consecrated Priests
By Moses hand, have put one
the fine garments and Creists.
Then Aarons offering here is shew'd,
for himself and the rest;
And afterwards the People are
by Moses and him blest.
Nadab and Abihu conspire,
and were consumed th [...]reby:
Wine and strong drink Priest [...] must refuse
in Gods Worship truly.
What was, and was n [...]t for Meat,
by that Law stablished.
Of Fish, and Fowls, and creeping things
is known and revealed.
Also for Women there's a Law
made for their cleansing, and
Purification from Child-birth,
by our good Gods command.
The Priests are guided by this Law
Leprosie to discern;
Which was a plague, let us thereby
our cleansing herein learn.
Then Sacrifice is made for them,
that herein cleansed be;
And signes are given for to know
the plague of Leprosie.
The unclean Issues of both Sexts
that Men and Women be,
Is here made known, likewise how they
from them shall be set free.
How the High-Priests must enter in
the holy Place for sin,
For to atone the yearly feast,
and scape Goats must come in.
The blood of Beasts for Sacrifice,
at Tabernacles gate,
It must be sprinkled by the Priests,
and no man must blood eate.
And then for Marriage there's a Law,
by Gods command brought in;
That none should lust, nor yet approach
to any neer of kin.
There is many Laws repeated here
Which Moses did record,
How Israel should walk here, in
Obedience to the Lord:
False Gods and Wiszards Israell must
in any wise refuse:
And with uncleanesse in no wise
themselves they must abuse.
The Priests must mourn in holinesse,
and cleanesse in their carriage,
And not be men of Blemisses,
but careful in their Marriage.
And as the Priests they must be clean,
so all Sacrifices
That offered were, must be without
any known blemishes.
Gods holy Feasts are here proclaim'd,
that Israel must adore:
And all the gleanings of the Fields
are given to the poor.
Their Lamps and shew bread in Worship,
with severall Laws are given:
And all such persons suffer must,
as blaspheme God of Heaven.
The Sabbath of the seventh year
seventimes seven ore,
A Jubile of Redemption is,
and freedom for the Poor.
A blessing is pronounc'd to them
that keep Gods Command'ments:
The breakers of them cursed are,
good's promis't Penitents.
Nothing devoted is redeem'd,
Tiths must not changed be:
In Sinais Mount, God Moses tells
his Laws and Soveraigntie.

THE CONTENTS Of the History of the Fourth Book of MOSES: Called NUMBERS.

THe People here, they Numbred were,
according to command.
Except Levie, he must be free,
encamping with the band.
The Tribes Order, in each border,
were set in their degree,
And made compleat, each Number great
Save Levies Tribe we see.
Levits we see, they stand and be
in stead of the First-born;
From a Moneth old, their Males are told,
the strength of Jacobs horn.
Of the Levits, and Koathites
their age and carriage here,
With Priests Office, and Services
is made for to appear.
For uncleanesse, and Trespasses
a stablish't rule we see:
Likewise you shall, the Laws Tryall,
behold for jalousie.
The Law that fits, the Nazarits,
is here plainly recorded:
Form'd in each thing, the Priests offring
is by command aforded.
The next great thing, is Prince offring,
at Tabernacle great,
And Altar fine, duties Divine
for them to dedicate.
From twenty five, the Levits thrive,
and consecrated be;
Till fifty years, as here appears,
and then they cease we see.
I'th Wildernesse, though in distresse
the Passover they eat;
God then in love, makes them to move
the Clou'd presents the gate.
When Trumpets blow, Isr'ell must know
by that sound what to do;
Their march compleat, in orders set,
each Tribe's appointed so.
The multitude was very rude,
and Angels food refused:
Through judgment great, much flesh they eat
untill they were abused.
Miriam she, with Leprosie
is smiten as you see;
And Aaron he, must not be free,
untill he humbled be.
The Spyes are sent, with good intent,
into the faithfull Land:
But slavish fear, did so appear,
the People murmuring stand.
Two of the Spyes, are strong and wise,
Caleb and Josua they
Still faithfull rest, and so are blest
when others disobey.
Here offerings of severall things
of meats, and drinks are owned:
And he that seeks, to gather sticks
on the Sabbath is stoned.
Rebellion, is here made known
of Korah and the rest,
The earth devowers, the plague ore powers
by Atonement it ceast.
Amongst the rest, Aaron is best,
his Rod doth bud and florish,
That he may be, and help to free,
and Israell for to nourish.
Levi [...] his charge, is given at large
by Ceremoniall Writs;
There portion eke, God doth outspeak
of the Priests and Levits.
Here we do find, if we do mind,
water of Separation;
Which was doubtlesse, for uncleanesse,
and there Purification.
The People in, Deserts of Zin,
for water they did chide [...]:
Then Moses strock, the stonny rock
a River out did glide.
Gainst Canaanits, Israel fights,
at Hormah they prevailed:
A Serpent was, then made of Brass,
that who look't at were healed.
Og Bashans King, God down doth bring;
Balak for Balaam sends;
His Asse did spy, and speak and cry,
and shews where the Angell stands.
The Angell he, then plain did see,
yet unto Balak came:
But he could not, hinder one jot,
nor Eclipss Israells fame.
Balaam likewise, he Prophesies
of Israels happinesse;
He then speaks far, of Jacob's star.
and freedom from distresse.
Then may we spy, the great folly
of Whoredome in the Tent;
That of Zimri, and of Cozbi,
that Phinehas did prevent.
In Moab plaines, by Jordan streams
the People numbred were:
Near Jericho, as they did go,
in sight of Canaan there.
Who shall succeed, Moses indeed
as Israells Generall:
Josua he, the man must be;
Moses gives him the call.
Then offerings here, they do appear,
with Sabbaths observation;
New Moons likewise, and sacrifice,
with holy Convocation.
When Trumpets blow, the People know
their solemn Feasting dayes;
Whereof the charge, was very large,
in Ceremoniall wayes.
The Law alows, that holy vows
performed sure shall be;
Who to the Lord doth so accord,
his vows perform must he.
The Israelites, gainst Midianites
engage, Balaam is slain,
The Souldiers they, divide the prey,
and cleansing must sustain.
The Rubinites, and the Gadites,
choose their inheritance
On this side, th' flood, yet think it good,
ore Jordan to advance.
Now Israell, their great travell,
fourty two Journeys there;
In their distresse, I'th Wildernesse,
is here made to appear.
Canaans Land, I understand
her Borders are made known;
Of each Tribe one, there was alone,
that each might have their own.
Eight and fourty, is for Levie,
of Cities set aside:
Of refuge six Cities are sixt,
for Manslayers in to 'bide.
The Tribes must not, out of their Lot
with Heretikes marry;
Least that perchance, th'inheritance,
another Name should carry.

THE CONTENTS Of the History of the Fifth Book of MOSES: Called DEUTERONOMIE.

NOw Moses he, we plain may see,
being near to Jordan side;
A Repetition did begin,
Gods promise he applide.
With Edomites, and Moabites
Israell may not engage:
But Sihon Heshbons Land, must be
for an inheritage.
Og Bashans King, they down did bring
that was a Gyant tall;
His Bed nine cupits was in length,
four cupits broad withall.
Now Moses he, might Canaan see,
one Pisgahs Mountain great;
Yet must not pass ore Jordan stream's,
his humour to compleat.
Obedience, is taught from hence,
the Law is here repeated:
The People promise to conform;
its wisht it were compleated.
Here Moses saw, what by the Law
is Morally commanded,
Must be obey'd, unto the end
for which it was intended.
Let all men fly, Idolatry,
and carefull be in Marriage,
That they do not dishonor God,
nor Religion disparage.
God hath done well, to Israell,
do not therefore forget:
Jehovah's goodnesse which he hath
In Jacob shew'd compleat.
Isr'ells alone, rebellion
is in this place repeated:
Their Worshiping the molten Calf,
which they as God conceated.
Moses did pray, God turns away
his wrath, and then did hark;
And gave himself, for to renew
his Commandments i'th Ark.
Obedience, by exper'ence
Israel's advis'd unto;
Gods promises, and threatings
is here made known also.
Idolatry, all men must fly,
and worship God most great:
In holy places of worship,
they holy things must eat.
They must be nice, none must entice
them to Idolatry;
Though of their kin, yet they must be
stoned untill they die.
What was for meat, for them to eat
was by the Law recorded,
Of flesh, and fish, and flying things,
and Levits, Tith's aforded.
They must in peace, give a release
every seventh year,
Unto their Brethren that were bound,
that free they might appear.
They must not swerve, but must observe
their holy Feasting dayes,
Of Passover, and seven weeks,
and Tabernacles phraise.
Hard Matters great, for to compleat,
Judges and Priests must end,
In Holy place of Justice steat,
as the Law doth extend.
A portion, is shew'd alone,
For Priests, and Levits there:
And false Prophets must have there doome
Till Shilo doth appear.
Cities must be, of refuge three,
Priviledg'd in the Land:
And witnesses two at the least,
to prove a cause in hand.
Likewise in War, we see how far
the Law doth here proceed;
And in a Siege men must preserve,
Fruit-trees whereon they feed.
The First-born he, must not we see
be disinherited:
Through fond affection, but he that
sins must be punished.
Several things, Moses here brings
of manners, and apparell;
Of slanders, rape, and of incest,
of Murther, and of quarrell.
Here who is fit, for to admit,
into the Assembly
Is plain recorded; and a Law
against false usury.
Moses doth tell, to Israell
The Ceremoniall Law;
What is commanded them to do,
That they may stand in awe.
Stripe must not be, above fourty
unto offenders used.
Nor Ameleck, is not forgot,
that Israell once abused.
The offering, is the next thing,
of the first fruits that be;
And then Gods Covenant is made known
to them in unitie.
Here Isr'ells tride, the Tribes divide
as Gods command them forces;
On Gerizin the blessers are,
Mount Eball shewes the curses.
Blessing we see, for them that be
just and obedient;
And curses here, pronounced are
to all impenitent.
Moses applies, former mercies
Which Israell had in want,
To move them to obedience,
and joyn in Covenant.
Great mercies we, in promise see
for every penitent;
And life and death was set to choose,
that all might death prevent.
The Law indeed, was set to read,
every seventh year:
And here Gods charge to Joshua,
was made for to appear.
Here Jes'runs King, doth praises sing,
being ready now to go,
To see the Borders of Canaan,
and dye one Mount Nebo.
Gods Majesty, here plain doth lye,
Moses the Tribes doth tell;
And in their Order, doth them bless:
Oh happy Israell!
Moses appears, ag'd sixscore years,
on Nebo's Mount indeed;
And there in secret yields to death,
and Joshua did succeed.

A CONSIDERING-GLASS OF CONTEMPLATION, OR Spirituall Poem upon the Consideration of Persons, qualified with divers graces: Paralleled with the want of them in our dayes, further added.

WHen Man at first created was,
He was in Eden sett:
After Gods Image he was made,
Man perfect and compleat.
But oh how soon did Man transgress
His Makers great command:
And did Rebell even at the first,
he could not thereby stand.
From Adam's Loyns we all did spring,
And of that stock are spriggs,
Rebellious sons, Transgressors great,
Of that wild Olive twiggs.
How few like Abell, have we that
with God by Prayer obtain?
But Oh how many sins have we?
goodnesse, Cain-like hath slain.
Few now like Enoch walk with God,
Who was from hence translated:
But many like the Old Worlds Sons,
With wicked sins are mated.
Few Noahs we have in these our dayes,
for to preach Righteousness:
But many now from God revolt,
and turn to Foolishnesse.
Few Sems and Japhets have we now,
there Fathers shame to cover:
But many Ham's are in these dayes,
Whose sins God will consider.
Oh whose a faithfull Father now,
that doth from Abraham spring,
Who's faith was prov'd by tryall great,
in his great offering.
Or who like Loth out of Sodom,
shall have protection:
But many like unto Loths wife
Look to destruction.
Oh who's a faithfull Mother now,
And Wife that doth accord:
Sarah like in obedience,
Calling her Husband Lord.
Or who like Isaak meditates,
On Naturall Mineralls;
But some to keep bad Company,
are subject to their calls.
Oh who like Jacob seeketh now
the blessing of the Up-right:
But many Esau like, make rack
And sale of their Birth-right.
Oh who like Joseph's fear'd of sin,
When tempted to accord:
And say, how shall I do this thing,
And sin against the Lord.
But oh how many do we see
in wickednesse increase;
Committing sin, and count it sport,
to talke of uncleanesse.
Or who like Moses, now is meek
Gods glory to advance;
To stand up for Jehovahs name,
and Saints deliverance.
Oh who like Phinehas now doth stand
Justice to execute,
While wickednesse doth so abound,
there's few will it confute.
How few good Calebs have we now
that wholly follow God;
But manny murmurers we have
that never heed his Rod.
Or who like Joshua courage takes,
Israell to lead, and bring
Trough Jordan streames, into the Land
of Spirituall being.
Now in this day of Jacobs fears,
good Lord Some Moses send,
That may hold up his hands to thee,
whilest Israel doth contend.

Courteous Reader, these Books following are sold by Tho. Passenger at the three Bibles on Lon­don-Bridge.

  • THe Christians Combate: Or, his true Spi­ritual Warfare. By C. Love, late Minister of Gods Word in the City of London.
  • The Sinners Warning-piece: Or, Heavens Messenger. By Tho. Robins B. of D.
  • Mans Chief Guide to Salvation. By T. R. B. of D.
  • The Scholars Winter Garment: Or, The Garment of Righteousness. By T. R.
  • A Wonder of Wonders: Or, Gods People the Worlds Wonder. By R. Hough.
  • The School of Learning: Being Prayers for Morning and Evening for every day in the Week; with Graces before and after Meat, and a short Catechism for Children.
  • The Vertuous Wife is the Glory of her Hus­band: Being a new Book, shewing the rare qualities of the truly vertuous Woman.
  • Now or Never: work out your Salvation with fear and trembling, &c.
  • Gods Call to Unconverted Sinners.
  • The School of Patience.
  • The Door of Salvation Opened.
  • Safe way to Saving Knowledge.
  • Gods hatred against sin. By R. Hough.
  • Christians Conquest.
  • Gospel Certainty.

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