Corporations Vindicated In their Fundamental LIBERTIES, From a Negative Voice, and other unjust Prerogatives of their chief Officer destructive to true FREEDOM. OR, A Discourse, proving that the chief Officer's assuming to himself the Power of

  • 1. Calling or dissolving of Meetings.
  • [...]. Proposing or refusing of questions offer'd to the debate.
  • [...]. Granting or denying of assent to the conclusions of the major part of the Ass [...]mbly,

At the sole pleasure of his own private discretion,

Is of right to be abolish't in all other Corporati­ons, as it hath been by this p [...] Parliament in the Supream Councel of the Nation, and Common Councel of the City of LONDON.

Argued first and more properly in the case of Peter-House in Cambridge, but is of a general import to all the bodies incorporated throughout the whole Nation; And of great conducement to the sure and more firm establishment of this Nation in form of a Commonwealth.

By C. Hotham, late Fellow of that Colledge.

Here [...]to is annext a true Narrative of the proceedings of the Com­mittee for the Universities against him for his Publication of the said Book, with the Grounds and Reasons of his Appeal to the Parliament against their censure.

And hi [...] Preface and Petition to the Honorable Parliament; In the former of which are largely set forth some of the chief grounds of his constant adherence to the Parliaments Cause.

LONDON, Printed for Giles Galvert, at the Black-Spead Eagle neer the West-end of Paul: 16 [...]1.

TO The Right Honorab …

TO The Right Honorable, The Parliament of the Commonwealth of ENGLAND.

Noble Senators,

THat after such a harsh re­jection of my former Book by some of that Committee to which it was once dedi­cated; I should adventure upon a new Dedication of both this unfortunate Essay, and its Vindication to your Honorable Patronage, will by all that consider the common carriage of humane affairs, be deem'd an act of a Philosophical folly, a childish pre­sumption of an unb [...]llanc'd integrity, not to be found in any Judicature within our subsolars sphere of Vanity, [Page 4] yet hop'd for by me in that tribunal, where not onely my adversaries them­selves, but many more upon several principles oblig'd (as is suppos'd) to uphold their repute must sit as Judges.

But having in my whole mange­ment of this controversie as in all my actings hitherto bottom'd my self upon a better perswasion; I cannot by any particular misadventure of mine, oc­casion'd by a small handful, not con­siderable to your whole body, suffer my self to be shaken in this my beleef, that the Parliament of the Common­wealth of England will do impartial Justice.

Besides, to the utmost of that fool­hardiness objected, I am not without the Apology of good Precedents; the one of the Apostle. Paul, appealing from the semipharis'd Judgement seat of Cesars D [...]puty, to Cesar himself; the other of three ancienter Appellants, one of which appeal'd from the Judge [...]leeping, to himself wakeing; another from his left ear to his right; the third from the partial censure of one ear to a fuller hearing of both.

And hence it is, that like the Pilot of [Page 5] a well timber'd ship, fearing no storms at open sea, but only the danger of wrack, upon a hostile or unhospitable shore; I have thought it no ill wisdom to set my Cause a floating in the grand Ocean of your more publick and su­pream cognisance.

In which, though I might justly pro­mise my self all the allowance of fa­vour Impartial Justice can condescend to, having from the very first breaking forth of these civil discords, to this very hour, willingly adventur'd my whole fortune to sink or swim in the sole and single bottom of the Justice of our Parliamentary Cause; but that person and interest I have stood up to oppose, appearing for the Commonwealth, upon a meer Ecclesiastick score; and that failing, now owne your fortune rather then you, as St. Christopher is said to have done Christ, upon the only principle of strength on which they stand vertible like a Weathercock, to face about with every wind of suc­cess, and may, if the Scots Cesar pre­vail, alledge that they did but in bend­ing like reeds for a while reserve them­selves unbroken for his better fortune: All this notwithstanding, I profess [Page 6] openly with him, whose pattern I fol­low in this my Appeal, that if in the management of your own principles in this very Controversie, I have trans­gres't any Law, Divine or Humane, or but the rules of common morality, I shall not repine to suffer such propor­tion of penalty as the Law hath de­sign'd for my offence, or your Justice shall think me worthy of: But if I ap­pear no wayes a Transgressor, I ought not to lie under the feet of an Arbi­trary censure, nor be remanded back to Jerusalem (where my adversaries are so prevalent) to be judged of these matters.

I have appealed to the Parliament.

The Printing of a Committees, or any Courts proceedings without their Licence, which is, I hear, the main thing objected against me, is, as far as I know, a thing neither forbidden by the rule of common Justice, nor any known Law of this Nation; by the plain and evident transgression whereof, and not by doubtful infe­rences a man is to be judg'd an offen­der; and when prov'd to be such, yet is not that man thereby made obnoxi­ous to whatsoever penalty the Judge [Page 7] shall please to inflict, but to that one­ly penalty allotted by the Law to such particular transgression; and whatso­ever Judge deviates from this rule, makes himself in that deviation the highest transgressor.

This is one of the main Characte­risticks of a free people, that they are govern'd by Laws, not the Wills of men; and 'tis a principle no less dan­gerous to the Parliament it self, and every member of that body, then de­structive to publike Liberty, to assert the Supremacy even of that supream Authority, as Paramount to the standing Laws of the Nation; so as to place in them a power of Judicature Independent of any Law, but that of their own wills. For how suddenly even in a moment may not onely pri­vate men, but many, even of the best members of that Society be surpris'd by a sudden vote of a major part in the House to a devesting them, not onely of their publick trusts, but their other legal priviledges and possessions? which sadly laid to heart, should, me­thinks, make an unlimited power in that body, not much less formidable to the members themselves, then any other [Page 8] particular man of the Nation.

I deny not the Legislative power to be an inherent priviledge of that Supream Authority; but the legislative, and the legis-violative: that of making or changing, and that of breaking of Laws, are distinct powers; the first is in the Parliament; the last, I conceive, in no mortal man, or lawful combi­nation of men whatsoever.

'Tis, not I hope, obliterated out of our memories, what a numerous ge­neration, of both legal and Evan­gelical Parasites this Nation once swarm'd with, who that they might be the larger sharers with him whose power they magnified, were not a­sham'd to extoll the Regal Preroga­tive, to an equality, almost with that of the Supream Lord of heaven and earth, Preaching and proclaiming e­verywhere, That the King could do no wrong, that he was above the Laws, an absolute Master of every mans estate and life; that we must be unmurmuringly subject to every beck of his Will; and that to disobey was damnation. And these you know were they that prov'd the late Kings most dangerous and deadly enemies; 'twas his not disclaiming, [Page 9] but rather owning these Prerogatives rais'd up that spirit of jealousie which alarum'd the people to make war a­gainst him, and dethrone him: And surely such are they, even the most in­veterate enemies to the subsistence of this Common-wealth, and its Parlia­mentary Government, who preach up an absolute unlimited subjection to these Higher Powers, magnifying their power and priviledges into a bottom­less and boundless Ocean, which can at its own pleasure overflow that Life, Li­berty, and property of every particular man of this Nation, which it was or­dained to preserve. These make the State, as they call it, Heir apparent to all the Kings either Revenues or Preroga­tives usurp't out of the peoples Rights, as the King upon his Renouncement of the Popes supremacy made himself of all the Papal usurpations. But surely 'twill not be to the Parliaments either Honour or Safety, to own the revival of those dead & rotten Doctrines, the prop and ruine of our former government.

But if besides this every Committee of Parliament shall assume to it self the like unbounded dominion, then is the danger encreas'd an hundredfold, and [Page 10] there will then want nothing whereon to bottom a perfect jealousie, but every single Parliament mans arrogating to himself the like incontroulable supre­macy; which will follow in the end, if wisdom give not a timely stop to the first beginning of exorbitancy.

These incommunciable attributes of the worlds supreme governor, absolute­ness and omnipotency when arrogated to themselves by temporal Princes in their Spheres, have alwayes prov'd like that fire Prometheus stole from Hea­ven; a corrosive to eat out their own bowels: And whosoever allur'd with the beauty of those spoils of the fallen Jerico, shall save them from that fire they were devoted to, to embezel them into their own treasuries, will with that Achan, the troubler of Israel, bring in the end a swift destruction upon own their heads.

For such an unweildy power, besides that it does commonly in a small time grow so insupportable, as to enforce the enrag'd Multitude by desperation, into conspiracles and attempts for their liberty (of which, History, both Ancient and Modern furnishes us with remark­able Presidents) when it comes to [Page 11] have no extern force to contest with, will inevitably fall foul upon it self, and prove like those Josephus tells of, who having shut themselves up into a Cave, drew lots who should be first kill'd; and so till it came to the last man, who was by Covenant to kill himself. Or like that Church which by differences and excommunications brought it self from two hundred, to a Duel of two men, and at last ended in the unity of a single person. Or lastly, like that series of the Roman Empe­rours, who rais'd to their Thrones by the sole Law of the Sword, and ruling by no other Law, had every one of them a period put, both to their power and lives, by the same fatall destiny that enthron'd them.

These things, as a Cordial friend to your publick interest, I humbly make bold to represent as an antidote against that sweet poison wherewith those tren­cher Chaplains, your own, and the Common-wealths deadliest enemies, would puff you up to your destruction, perswading you as the regal Sycophants did their Patron, to found your power and proceedings upon the principles not of Justice and common welfare, [Page 12] but only of strength & Conquest, and the people to an absolute submission by the same Tenor; whence our Parl party being look't at by the people leaven'd with such Doctrines only as prevailing Turks, or Popes, or Lord Danes; how sure a foundation is hereby lay'd in the peoples minds, of joyning with a prevailing Scot to set up a Kirk Presbytery in your chair, or themselves conspiring upon the first likely oppor­tunity to cut us all off in one day, I leave to any rational man to judge; and whether these Flatterers, and those other open enemies drive not on the same pernicious interest with this only difference, that the one makes his War like a generous enemy in the face of danger, and thereby gives you war­ning to take heed; but the other upon pretence of a fawning compliance in­sinuates himself into your strength, and there out of the danger of gun-shot digs a mine, layes in gun-powder, and leaves it to some fool-hardy Faux, up­on hopes of Canonization to give fire to his own, and your ruine. Therefore it much concerns you, and all involv'd in your interest, that these Doctrines of so pernicious consequence, whether [Page 13] from Press, or Pulpit, be disownd.

I speak not this as condemning in any man, especially a conquer'd Ene­my, a submission to that power he is not able to resist, but as a redarguti­on to their hypocrisie that under the penalty of bitter Curses, and al­most damnation could conjure up the honest people to a resistance of the for­mer Superiour Powers; and yet with the same mouth, and under the same penalties call for the same peoples obe­dience to the present powers upon that only bare title of Superiority by posses­sion and conquest. As likewise to give caution against their too facile credu­lity, who, upon these crowching com­pliances are prone to receive in such Ambidexters as the best friends into a copartnership of power and trust in the rearing up of our new Comon-wealth fabrick. I know your great wisdom stands not in need of my weak admo­nitions; and for me thus uncall'd to obtrude them upon you, may perhaps make me obnoxious to the just censure of presumption. But you that are no strangers to common Stories, can tell how one of the wisest Princes of old made choice of not a grave Augur, but [Page 14] a child, to put him in mind of his mortality. And for my own part, I should easily, from the natural bent of my private genius, have followed the dictate of the wise Cato, Ad Concilium ne accesseris antequam voceris. But be­ing now enforc't to flie unto you for refuge; and thereupon to say some­thing, My resolution is, by such free­dom of speech as becomes your oppres­sed friend, not by the fordid and ser­vile courtship of a fawning flatterer to merit your favour and protection.

And surely, if (which I must not doubt of) you be men of that gallantry of Spirit proportionable to the great­ness of your Power, and of the same mind and spirit with him whose Vice­gerents you should be on earth, an a­micable expostulation of known friends with you, about your Princi­ples, and the Justice of your proceed­ings, will be no wayes displeasing. Abraham did this with God himself, so far as to charge him with injustice, should he have done that which his first proposition of bringing an universal destruction upon Sodom without di­stinction might seem to import: which God was so far from being displeas'd [Page 15] with, that he rather acknowledges his principle, even to the gradation of an almost Mathematical exactness. See likewise what a difference God makes betwixt honest Job, and his Pharisaical friends. God, as it seem'd to Job, dealt out but hard measure to him, and he thereupon challenges him with it, offering to dispute his innocency; his friends labour to patch up the matter with excuses for God; he again tells them they ought not to speak unrighte­ously for God himself, nor to respect his person in Judgment. And what was the issue? Jobs Argument after redargution of some few passionate re­dundancies, is highly approv'd of, and their religious flatteries rejected as sin­full dross, not to be expiated, but by the intercession of his free and faithful servant Job.

An excellent Story we have in Plu­tarch to the same effect, To a poor Phi­losopher living in a maritim town; it seem'd once in a dream that Neptune was angry with him, because he was not daily, like his rich neighbours, lo­ding his altars with fat sacrifices; but that himself answered the God very roundly: Why Neptune art thou angry [Page 16] that I do not rob and cozen, cheat, or play the Pirate to scrape up wealth, and part stakes with thee, by bringing the spoils to thy Altars? Art thou the supreme Judg and Lord at Sea, as Jupiter is in Heaven and Earth? and dost thou command me to worship thee with impiety and in­justice? At which answer it seem'd to him, that Neptune was extreamly well pleas'd, so far as to promise a re­markable blessing to the whole City for his sake: And if my memory fail not, my Author says, that the event falling out accordingly, made it ap­pear, that it was no idle Dream, but a real Vision.

As is God himself, so are divine men; not like Nabal, such churles, that they cannot be spoke to, especially by those of their own houshold, but ea­sie to be treated with by those that drive on with them the same interest of com­mon good: well knowing that all their wayes will, upon the utmost trial of their seeming adverse reason, gain as gold by the fiery trial a greater re­finement.

Thus confident was that noble Tra­jan, as he durst, for the integrity of his wayes appeal to the judgemen [Page 17] even of his Vice-gerents, when deli­vering the Sword of Justice to the Pre­tor, he gave him this memorable charge, Take this Sword, and if I Go­vern well, draw it in my defence; if o­therwise, let it be unsheath'd against me. A speech much applauded in the be­ginning of these Divisions.

God himself requires our obedience and adoration of him as the best, not the strongest of beings; and not so much in relation to his own glory, which receives small, or no additament from us earth-worms, but mainly and prin­cipally in relation to our own good, because in his service of love we are possess'd of true freedom: But by put­ting our selves out of his service, we fall into subjection to that one tyrant and many other his substitutes that will make us everlastingly miserable. His great controversie, with his people, fal­ling from his worship, was, that they had forsaken him the inexhaustible fountain of living water, and digg'd to themselves cisterns, drie empty ci­sterns, that would hold no water; and challenges them but to give him a ra­tional account of their secession in tel­ling him freely what fault they had found in him.

'Tis the greatest happiness of intelli­gent creatures to know and consider, that 'tis not a fell, sturdy Gyant, with a iron Mace, or ireful fury, or Lord­ly self-seeking Nimrod made up of wrath, pride and coveteousness; that 'tis none of these dismal Spectrums, but the Supream, and most substanti­ally transcendent benignity and good­nese that creates and governs the Uni­verse; and that this Supream Being is (as a good man adventures to assert it) so far from applauding himself in his immensity of power, or seeking his own selfness in the government of his creature, that if 'twere possible for him to find out any other Being, more wise, more just, more absolutely good, more tenderly compassionate, more lovely every way then himself, he would, were it possible, resign up his own Throne and Scepter, all his power and Supremacy to that better Being, and command all his creatures to a­dore and obey it.

This saying, however it may by some God-and-man flattering Pharisees be hooted at as blasphemy, I cannot but with some zeal profess that, I rank it amongst the noblest expressions that [Page 19] ever proceeded out of the mouth of a meer man, and such as God, I think, will own in the last day, when those Trencher-scraping superstitions that paint him out as a false hearted dissem­bling Hypocrite, and a self-seeking Tyrant, shall be discarded, and thrown out as dross and dung.

Nay, for such Declarations of his mind, we shall not need stay so long as the last day: for besides, that many expressions, both of Scripture-Pen­men, and other excellent Writers, and large Series of Providences speak much-what to the same effect, That su­pertranscendent self-denial of the Son of God, in dethroning himself from the Seat of his Fathers Glory, and de­scending into the despicable condition of a servant, to redeem his poor crea­ture from the captivity it gron'd under, and exalt us into his own Glory, a­mounts to little less then a practical example of the Theory of this Axiome, demonstrating out of what he hath done, what further he would do in the point of self-inanition in any thing possible & needful that could be ima­gined to the welfare of his creature: shewing hence plainly, that the infinite [Page 20] love, goodness, mercy, are indeed the proper and pure God head; and those other attributes of Omniscience, Om­nipotence, and vindicative Justice, &c. are onely the subservient hands to that heart of the Deity. That God is Love, is an Axiome of his own mouth by St. John the deepest of Divines; but that o­ther receiv'd Canon of power, & all else you can attribute to God, being God himself is, but a notion of the Schools made Orthodox (as many were) by a reception into our modern Divinity.

After this instance, then which grea­ter cannot be given, of Gods being a creature-seeker, not self-seeker; that other admirable Declaration of our Saviour may well be added as a se­cond; that God is one who prefers Mercy above Sacrifice, and that in the last day he will ask, not who have plaid the best Slaves, or Courtiers in exalt­ing his outward Power and Domini­on, building him the most sumptuous Temples, forcing in the greatest mul­titudes vi & armis into his Sheepfold; but who have best demonstrated them­selves his genuine sons, by imitating their fathers goodness in relieving the oppressed, shewing mercy to the poor, [Page 21] and taking notice of that goodness ex­hibited to the meanest of his creatures as done to himself. And tis not (as Daniel expresses it) they that turn ma­ny to God as a person, but they that turn many to righteousness, that shall shine as the stars of the firma­ment: and our Saviour tels us, That not th [...]y that court him with a Lord, Lord, but they that work Righteousness shall be own'd by him, and makes every where the Kingdom of God, and the righteousness thereof, to walk hand in hand together.

Of this mind and spirit must you be, if you will be the lively images of that supream Lord, in whose stead you offi­ciate, the advancement of righteous­ness, should be esteem'd your advance­ment; and your own and the peoples interest should not be two but one flesh; and none accounted your friends, that are not really such to the publike Interest of Justice, and the Com­monwealth.

Such as these must be the arguments that honest Patriots must make use of, like that harp of Orpheus to charm the most vagrant and untam'd spirits of this Nation into a complacence in [Page 22] our present Magistacie, and free acquiescence in our true Common­wealth establishments; and 'tis of the greatest tendency to your own and the publike interest, that you la­bour to furnish your friends that own your quarrel, with good undeniable grounds for this perswasion that the de­sire of your hearts, and sole bent of all your proceedings, is the peoples free­dom and welfare, not your own domi­nion; and to take away all objections to the contrary, not by meer verbal De­clarations or Vindicative censures upon those that object them; but by such real and actual confutations as may make those asham'd that speak evil of you; and thus to stop the mouths of all Gaine-sayers, and turn even Balaams curse into a blessing.

One thing more, seeing I am now in a Prophetick posture, I desire like­wise to put you in minde of; viz. That you beware of that bane of all, both true Christianity and Honesty; that thing call'd Reason of State, which our Itallanated Infidels have alwayes much hugg'd themselves in, and would ne­ver believe 'twould be their ruine till 'twas too late; 'Tis by some nick­nam'd [Page 23] Discretion, Prudence, or Chri­stian Policy, and wisdom of the Ser­pent: but by others, and those no fools, ' [...]is christened, a Doing, or Suf­fering of Evil, that a good (often but pretended) may come of it.

Your Friend Politicus, Numb. 60. Pag. 959. hath in a nameless Letter from Leyden, limnd out to you its live­ly portraiture: which ingenious de­scription, lest it should grow out of date among other news tis crowded in with, I have thought it not amiss to translate it hither, as into a proper Sphere.

IN my last I told you, that our great Assembly would rise, and yet they fit still: They said they would sit no longer, and therefore I am excused for writing of it; Reason of State said, they should sit still and not rise yet; therefore they are excused in what th [...]y have said, and in what they have done, though their words and deeds seem contradictory; nor let this not seem strange what I tell you con­cerning Reason of State: It is the most soveraign command, and the most im­portant [Page 24] Councellor: Reason of State is the Card and Compass of the ship: Reason of State is now the Religion of the State, the Law, the life of the State, that which answers all objecti­ons and quarrels against mal-govern­ment, that which wages war, imposes taxes, cuts off offendors, pardons of­fendors, sends and treats Ambassadors; it can say, and unsay, do, and undo, balk the common rode, make by-wayes become high-wayes, and the furthest about to become the nearest cut. If a difficult knot come to be untied, which neither the Divine by Scripture, nor Lawyer by Case or PresidentNor any ra­tional and ho­nest man by unbias't rea­son. can untie: Reason of State, or an hun­dred wayes more, which Idiots know not, dissolve its this is that great Empress, which the Ita­lians call Raggione di stato; it can rant as a Souldier, complement as a Monsieur, trick it as a Juggler, strut it as a Statesman, and is as changeable as the Moon in the variety of her ap­pearances.

Thus far your own Weekly Remem­brancer.

But in opposition to this sandy foun­dation of State Policy, I humbly set before you another, and more firm rock to build upon, viz. A simple re­liance upon God in the vigorous and present acting of all righteousness, expres't by honest men in some plain language, to this effect; Fiat justitia, fractus illabatur orbis; Deal uprightly, walk close and real to your promises, and principles, though heaven and earths fabrick fall upon your heads; the God of heaven is able to support you; and he that has done so strange things for us, expects of us, at least so much faith in him as will counterpoise a grain of Mustardseed.

Besides, in following singly the principle of righteousness, you gain this great advantage, that you can go on boldly, with a mind free from that torturing sollicitude of successes; you either prosper to the great good and welfare of this Nation, or dye with ho­nour and triumph: But if you follow the other principle of humane inven­tion, you may live a while as Gods, but shall die like men, and perish like one of the Princes.

You have set before you fire and [Page 26] water, light and darkness; 'tis in your choice, which you will stretch forth your hand to. But

One of these two principles must be singly and sincerely followed; you cannot serve God and Mammon.

This I know will by some be startled at as the language of the beast; that formidable beast call'd the Leveller, so much dreaded and hated by all that drive on an interest eccentrick, and contrary to that of the publick. And because the Doctor my adversary hath, as I hear, in his clandestine whispers, endeavour'd to render me odious with some under that stile, thinking by that means to block up my just Petition from finding a propitious reception a­mongst you: I will so far second his design (if that will do it) as to render my self yet more vile and odious in an open and unreserv'd Declaration of my principle.

'Tis this in one word,

I am a Servant of the Respublica, not Curia, Romana, a votary to a true Commonwealth, not a Decemvirate.

In English thus.

I am not, I do both now and have alwayes profes't openly, for the [Page 27] change of our former limited, and mixt Monarchy, into the absolute Oligarchie of a Hogen Mogen. Nor am I (though I own the necessity of the first purge) for a new succession of Military purges. I am in this a little inclinable to their Superstition, who refuse cure by the Sword salve, be­cause there being a mystery of Na­ture in it, which they understand not, they fear it may prove the Devil in a box of pretended Balsam. 'Its true, those humors that are corrupt and clogs to the good reformation, being thus evacuated, the remaining body may go on with a more sprightly activity; and they that call or think themselves the only religious, or honest men, are then in a free capacity to work won­ders; but tis more probable that being mortal and corruptible as well as o­thers, they will drink themselves drunk of that Cup of fornications, an un­limited power, whence corrupted in their Understandings and Wills, they will grow careless of justice and com­mon good, and fall into the same dis­compos'd motions with those they cast out.

'Tis not such shadows of a free [Page 28] Commonwealth, are the object of my hopes or desires; but the true sub­stance, a right Republical Government of the Nation by its own Represen­tatives, or National meetings in Coun­cel from time to time, chosen and in­trusted for that purpose by the people.

And those that are scandaliz'd at my publike holding forth of this pro­fession, would, if they durst, call our faithful and valiant Souldiery, the grand crew of Levellers; Who in their Declaration. June 14. 1647. profess, That they are not for the settlement of an absolute Arbitrary power for con­tinuance in any persons whatsoever, no not of those who should appear most of their own Opinions or Prin­ciples, or of whom they might have the most personal assurance or interest in.

And after that having made a com­parison of those two wayes, viz. of continuing or purging of the old Par­liament, or dissolution of that, and entire election of a new.

They at last botton upon this He­roical Conclusion.

We therefore humbly conceive, that (of two inconveniences the less being to be chosen) the main thing to be inten­ded [Page 29] in the case (and beyond which humane Providence cannot reach, as to any assurance of positive good) seems this, viz. to provide, that how­ever unjust and corrupt persons of Parliament in present or future­may prove, or what ever it be they may do to particular parties, or to the whole in particular things du­ring their respective terms or periods, yet they shall not have the temptati­on or advantage of an unlimited power fixed in them, during their own pleasure, whereby to perpetuate in­justice, and oppression upon any with­out end or remedy, or to advance or uphold any one particular party, facti­on, or interest whatsoever to the op­pression or prejudice of the community, and the enslaving of the Kingdom unto all posterity, but that the people may have an equal hope or possibility if they have an ill choice at one time, to mend it in another; and themselvs may be in a capacity to taste of subjection as well as rule; and may be so inclined to con­sider of other mens cases, as what may come to be their own.

This we speak of in relation to the House of Commons, as being intrusted [Page 30] on the peoples behalf for their interest▪ in that great and supream power in the Commonwealth (viz. the Legislativ [...] power with the power of final judge­ments) which being in its own nature so Arbitrary, & in a manner unlimited, unless in point of time, is most unfit and dangerous as to the peoples interest, to be fixt in the persons of the same men during life, or their own pleasures, neither by the original constitution of this State, was it, or ought it to con­tinue so, nor doth it where ever it is and continues so, render that State any better then a meer Tyranny, or the people subjected to it any better then vassals.

These are a few Apothegmes out of that admirable Declaration, with which at 'its first comming out, I was, as some know, so far transported, as I could scatce contain my self from singing it as a heavenly Ditty in every Congregation, where I had occasion to speak of Commonwealth affairs; And as the convert Jew said of Isa. 53. Millies & millies legendo factus sum Christianus; so may I say of some Par­liament and Army Declaration, and of this above all the rest, that by their [Page 31] frequent and serious perusal, I was ex­alted above the vulgar sphear of a bare and simple Antiroyalism, and was made that which first the politick King and some of his party, (and after them all the Knaves or Fools of England, Scotland, and Irèland) have nicknam'd a Leveller. But to proceed.

The same principles they fully owne likewise in their Agreement of the people. Nor need I send you so far as the Army, now at many miles di­stance, to find out the owners of this principle, This present Parliament it self, having abundantly declar'd for the same, viz.

That they will put a period to the sitting of this present Parliament, and dissolve the same so soon as may pos­sibly stand with the safety of the people that hath betrusted them, and with what is absolutely necessary for the pre­serving and upholding the Government now setled in the way of a Common­wealth; and that they will carefully provide for the certain chusing, meet­ing, and sitting of the next and future Representatives; with such other circumstances of freedom in choice and equality in distribution of Members to [Page 32] be elected thereunto, as shall most con­duce to the lasting freedom, and good of this Commonwealth.

As for any other Levelling, I am far from owning it; for though I think were we a generation of men new sprung out of the earth, and now to be put into what frame we please, many things might be much better ordered; nay, and as things stand at present, that some few changes might be made to the great ennobling of the spirits of this Nation, and better provision for the comfortable subsistence of many lying under the oppression of a sad poverty, without the least impair­ment to any mans rightful possession; yet 'tis not my opinion, that upon pretence of new Models, and ad­vancements of common good, any man that hath not by some crime merited that forfeiture, ought to be dispossess'd of his property vested in him by the ancient standing Laws of the Nation, no not so much as to burn his House, or cut down his, Wood, take away his Horse, or press way his Servant, for the publike safety without reparation to him for his loss out of the common treasury.

No, 'tis not any mans rightful pro­perty, that is an eye-sore to honest men; but the thing that has made this Nation miserable, is the unlawful Mo­nopolies, and cheats of self-seeking men, that maintain their pride and sensuality out of the publick calami­ties, or endeavour to throw down those hedges and inclosures made a­bout each mans property, by the whole­some Laws of the Nation, and laying them all level to their unbridl'd lusts and wills. These are the pernicious Levellers whom the Parliament and Army have declar'd, and fought a­gainst throughout the whole series of these intestine Wars, and ought still to be oppos'd by all men that seek the good and freedom of this Nation, not those honest Patriots who contend for the preservation of liberty and proper­ty against these subverters and under­miners.

For this honest Levelling (and a­gainst the other in King, Lords, or Commons) I have alwayes declar'd; this disputed for every where, as I have been reasonably call'd forth to it; in secret corners have I whispered no­thing.

And if the scene be so far altered, as that to be thus minded, be to be mark't out for your indignation, and made uncapable of my property or trust in the Common-wealth, I freely profess, Christianus sum.

But for my own part I must not with those evil surmisers, who are prone to think you dissemblers like themselves, settle my heart into any such perswasion of you till I see good cause for it.

And now I have with such an unre­serv'd freedom laied open my principle in reference to my vindication against the backbiters private whispers: and having proclaim'd him not in a con­clave, but in publick, for a malig­nant and ungodly person,The Samaritans were, that people of a mixt Religi­on, half Jewish, half Pagan, who by Salmanezer trans­planted out of their native soile, into the place and Country of the ten Tribes, did for fear of the Lyons that made havock of them, request that some of the Jewish Priests might be sent to them to teach them the Worship of the true God, which yet they neither throughly, nor cordially em­brac't, but bore still in their hearts a most inveraterate hatred against their neighbors the true Jews, upon whom, in their adversi­ty, they were the fore-most to exercise all hostility: but in their pro­sperity they fawn'd upon the, pretended to be of their Religion, and to be desirous to comply with, & assist them, but all with designe to un­dermine, and betray them. and a Sa­maritan complier: I hope 'twill be [Page 35] expected that he, by some open, unreserv'd declaration of his prin­ciple will assay to vin­dicate himself from this imputation; which de­claration of his, I shall much wonder, if it a­mount to any better then that bare save­stake neutrality, so much declar'd against in the Covenant, of Credo ego quod ecclesia credit, i. e. in english, your Honors are wise, and whatso­ever you shall ordain while you have the sword in your right hands, and this world's wealth at your dispo­sing in the left, is the Command of God, though't should center in the d [...]struction of liberty, and even resto­ring of absolute Monar­chy; he will not, so you will but let him alone in his warm pluralities once hiss against you; but rather conjure all men [Page 36] to obedience under pain of damnationIf he grounds himself on meer formal Parlia­mentary Autho­rity, That when 'twas most for­mal having de­clar'd rather for accommodation with the King, then for his pu­nishment, he cannot with the same mouth own both your and their pro­ceedings.. But let let him de­clare his approbation of those heroick Par­liament proceedings in first impeaching Henretta Maria of High Treason, in bringing the Grand Delinquent to con­digne punishment, in removal of the Kingly Office and House of Lords; and all this in reference to an esta­blishment of the Na­tions Government in a stated succes­sion of its Representatives; Whether he does it ex animo, I shall not enquire: but let him, while the Wars success hangs yet in suspence, come out of that the Covenant stiles a detestable neutrality, and put off so much of car­nal policy, as by such declaration to adventure his whole fortune in a Par­liamentary bottom, and cut off from himself all hopes of facing about, and then we shall have some kind of [Page 37] ground to think he may in time prove an Israelite indeed, and no Samaritan complier; I shall then rejoyce that this contest hath occasioned the conversion of a sinner; yet when all this is done, I shall not fail, if he shall think fit to challenge me to it, to demonstrate that the Epithete I gave him of ma­lignant, was no efflux of malice or passion, but the words of knowledge, truth, and soberness.

As for his ungodliness, granting me but the principle (which no honest man will deny) that a dishonest man is an ungodly, i. e. an un-God-like-man, I think those his miscarriages I have already brought upon the publick stage, are enough to make good the imputation: yet I think I have not ut­ter'd the tenth part.

For as I did first take all ways be­comming a reasonable man and a Christian to hinder the publication of his faults, both by moderate admoni­tions in a befitting way, and by offe­ring him before the Committee (so we might have our liberties clear'd up and settl'd for the future) an amnesty of what was past; so after that, by his per­sisting in the maintenance of his evils [Page 38] and prerogatives, I have been engag'd to write something, yet hath it been no ways my scope to conjure out of the dust all that might be truly related to his defamation; but I have confin'd my self to such matter only as was per­tinent to those causes of the then pre­sent concernment. For I hold it a thing not becomming a Christian to speak evil however deserv'dly of any man, but upon a manifest subservi­ency to some good end.

But these are far from the total sum, which will see light, when either his answer in print to what hath been al­ready objected, shall occasionally draw them from me by peice-meal, or when I shall see it operae pretium, and my better leasure will permit me to do him the honor to write an entire narra­tive of his life and government among us; or when a season shall come that they may be drawn forth as arrows to be shot at a certain mark, not aiming at that sneaking up-shot of the defa­mation of a person so inconsiderable, but at a common good of considerable import, viz. the relief of the Colledge from those evils it hath long groan'd under, by the amotion of this unfaith­ful [Page 39] steward from his office, and asser­tion of Peter-house to a state of true Common wealth freedom.

But this is a task not to be by me accomplish't legally in our founders way without two or three of the Seni­ors joyning formally in the impeach­ment, upon whose sole denunciation (that being, as I conceive, by our Founder allow'd of as witness of suffi­cient credibility) without the usual formalities of a Court Judicature, he is, if the Crimes objected be of suffi­cient weight, to be amov'd from his government.

And so severe is our Founders con­stitution in this point, that though it appear his miscarriages proceed not from a purpos'd wickedness, but from an unskilfulness and simplicilyOf this he was never yet suspected to be guilty, except where blinded by a too heady prosecution of some self inte­rest.: yet be­cause by consulting with the Fellows he might have prevented that default, he is ther­fore to be amov'd not­withstanding; only in such case, if he will continue in the Col­ledge, and assist with [Page 40] his Councels, he is to have an allowance answerable to what others of the senior Fellows of the house receive; all which that you may be satisfied of, I have at the close of this preface annext our Colledg­statute which treats of that theam.

But our Seniors have been hitherto so wise, both of themselves, and by my harm, as however they are sensible enough of the burden, yet will they not be easily induc't to the attempt of an improbable remedy. For how should they hope for the amotion of his per­son, whose very prerogatives they see so much tendred, as that no effort of the strongest reason can force a removal of them? And these are the formalities I hint at in my preface as only wanting to my charge against him to his amo­tion. However that you may be con­vinc't that 'tis a common good, and not a private distast hath engag'd me against this man, and that in what I have declared of his miscarriages, I am no slanderer, all our seniour Fellows but one (who I will make good hath in our Colledge upon all occasions in private been the greatest declaimer against his wickedness, but loves not [Page 41] to appear above, board) have been so just as to give me their attestation of the truth of what I have writtenSee the page immediately preceding the Petition and Argument.: I am able yet further to bring good evidence of the whole Society unani­mously in one of the fullest meetings I have known in the Colledg, having decla'rd their deep resentment of his not fair dealing with us, in which neither my self, nor any of us, who now seem his adversaries, but one of whom he had never the least ground to think him his enemy, was the first mover.

But I shall at present supersede from troubling my self, or the world, with a further rehearsal of his obliquities.

Mean while, of all the worthy mem­bers of this Honourable Parliament, and every man that shall read my books, I desire but this equal fa­vour, that to his clandestine vindi­cations whisper'd into such of your ears as he hath access to, your beleef may be suspended, till he shall utter the same in print, that so I may have the opportunity of demonstrating their vanity, or falshood by a speedy [Page 42] reply. For I may well suspect, that that man will not scruple to vent un­truths in corners, who besides his un­faithfulness in the general series of his actings, hath uttered one or two mani­fest falshoods in my own hearing, and publike audience of the Committee. And I think there are those of our So­ciety can testifie of more.

I speak not any of these things to block up his way to equal Justice, a thing not to be denied to the veriest Turk or Pagan, but only to overthrow his Plea of Saintship, which some few of his Brethren of the long Robe, with some others that know him not, would entitle him to; as likewise that of his pretended Statism; by both which and his reverend Scribes assistance, he both claims and possesses such a strong interest in the favor and esteem of ma­ny, that I have found it a harder matter to contest with him in London then 'twas thought in former times to con­tend in Lancash [...]re with the E. of Darby.

But it not appearing by any declar'd principle or act of his, that he is one whit more faithful to the interest of the commonwealth of England, then that of Peterhouse, 'twill by all men be [Page 43] thought strange, that besides the new plantation of our Colledge most-what with those of his relations and interest, and their premature exaltation, by the Committee into place of Government among us, he should also have the favor to be suffer'd in contempt of the Law of Christian Religion, and Orders of the Committee of the Universities to reside at London, and in a flat contradi­ction both to common Reason, and our Founders express Will, to bear the Title, and reap the whole profits of our Mastership, of which another man is made to bear the burthen: And not this only, but that that insupportable power of a Negative voice (too large for even an honest man to be trusted with) should still be left in his hands to oppress us. To say nothing of some fundamental grievances, not yet so much as complain'd of.

All I have further to present you with, is, my humble request, That my chusing this way of publike address, ra­ther then that pack horse-roade of pri­vate sollicitations, may not be imputed to an humor of singularity or disre­spect. There are many Members of the Honorable House whom I could [Page 44] go far to do any real service for; yet am truly asham'd, in stead of a friend­ly salute, to betake my self to them in Forma Pauperis to beg their favour, to do this or that for me, as a Curte­sie, especially having not now the ten­derness of any other mans repute or interest involv'd with my own as a temptation to me to step out of my way.

Beatius est dare quàm accipere.

I receiv'd not my Fellowship at first as an Alms; nor will I regain it by precarious entreaties.

Besides, that Lacquey employment of officious attendances, and tedious trotting from place to place, the daily penance of those that have to do with men of great place, and much business, is a thing in my present happy con­dition of innocency, as much be­neath my spirit as above my bodily strength.

All I desire, is, but some good Em­pirical medicine that will speedily mend or end me. Delay of Justice is the worst of injustices, and makes the cure worse then the disease; To make addresses to your supream tribunal al­most impossibly difficult, and the re­dresses [Page 45] intolerably tedious, is in effect to make such Arbitrary or illegal judgements of your Committees final, and such sufferers plain vassals to them, or any five of them without end or remedy. This want of dispatch in matters depending before you, is (as men commonly talk) one of the Na­tions most fundamental grievances, which makes them even weary of our Patliamentary Government, and to linger again after Pharoah, and the flesh pots of Egypt.

It was once, a poor, but not unwise Plaintiffs Apothegm, [...]on vacat justitiam facere? Ne vacet regnare.’

If you cannot finde leasure to do Justice, be not at leasure to govern.

I speak not this upon any particular cause of complaint yet offer'd to my self in my Addresses, but only as a humble motive to request thus much of favour, that I may not be suffer'd to grow incurable by a too long wait­ing at the Pool of Bethesda.

As for this poor Fellowship I am dispossest of, had not the company ra­ther then place, together with some op­portunities of doing good induc't me [Page 46] to stay, I had long ago left it to some other whom the Master and Fellows should have thought most worthy of it: But having behav'd my self not un­faithfully in that Charge, I hope 'twill not be thought fit, nor to your selves ho­norable, that I should be thus causelesly, and ignominiously thrust out of it as a scandalous person, and an infringer of the Parliaments honor and priviledges, whereof I have been alwayes hitherto so faithful and constant an asserter.

Besides, I desire not to depart thence, 'till I have first left a substantial testi­mony of some real service done to that Community where I have receiv'd so much good: And therefore I do again humbly tender to your Wisdoms the necessity of some sure provision for the total abolition of the Masters Negative Voice, root & branch in our Colledge, & of the present Masters either amotion for his former prodigious non-residen­cies, or at the least, that he be for the fu­ture a constant Resident upon his charge, or remov'd from his Office eo nomine.

And lastly, I crave leave to present my humble Appeal from those by whose censure I conceive my self wrong'd, to your supream Justice in this following Petition.

TO The Supream Authority, The Parliament of the Com­monwealth of England. The Humble Petition of Charles Hotham of Peter-house in Cambridge.


THat your Petitioner on the 22th. of May last, appearing before the Hono­rable Committee for Reformation of the Ʋniversities, and owning a Book by him written, and Published, Entitled, The Petition and Argument of Mr. Hotham Fellow of Peterhouse in Cambridge, &c. against the Masters Negative Voice of that Colledge: The said Committee without calling your Petitioner to hear any charge of any scandalous expressions in the said Book, or any other crime whereunto he might have made his De­fence, Resolved that the writing and Publishing thereof was scandalous, and against the Priviledge of Parliament, and that your Petitioner be depriv'd of his Fellowship in the said Colledge.

That your Petitioner hath been con­stantly well affected to the Parliament, and to the Commonwealth of England, as may appear by the testimonial of many eminent and well known persons in the Ʋniversity, hereun­to annexed,See Page 29. of the latter part of this Treatise, Entitl'd, A true State of the Case, &c. and hath so express't himself throughout that very Book.

That by these pro­ceedings (as your Petioner humbly conceives) himself is much wrong'd, the Reformation of the Colledge obstructed, your Authority dishonor'd, and common Freedom shaken.

May it therefore please you to take his Cause into your own serious con­sideration, and to do therein, as shall to your Justice and Wisdom seem most expedient to the righting of your Petitioner, the good of that Colledge, and general interest of the Nation.

And your Petitioner shall ever pray, &c.
Charles Hotham.

STAT. 8. De amotione Magi­stri propter crimina, vel suos defectus.

UBi periculum majus esse dignoscitur, ibi cautiùs est agendum, & pleniùs consulendum; Cum igitur praedicti Magi­stri industria, honestas, & diligentia di­ctae domui sit prae caeteris necessaria, & etiam opportuna, possúntque per ejus neg­ligentiam (quod absit) vel insolertiam eidem domui imminere dispendia & peri­cula graviora, statuimus, & etiam ordi­namus, ut cum ipsius domus Magister, qui pro tempore fuerit, propter dilapida­tionem, vel aliam causam ad hoc suffici­entem, ad regimen ad quod praeficitur, reddatur inhabilis, & tanquam intolera­bilis & inutilis amovendus existat: Epis­copus Eliensis qui est pro tempore, ad deaunciationem, vel insinuationem duo­rum, vel trium seniorum scholarium di­ctae domûs (ad quam omnes, & singuli dictae congregationis scholares sub suae fi­delitatis & juramenti debito teneantur) summariè, & de plano, abs{que} judiciali [Page 50] strepitu, & figura judicii, (praesertim cùm bona dictae domus litibus deservire non debeant) de causis hujusmodi cog­noscat, ipsúm{que} Magistrum amoveat ju­stitiâ suadente, ac praedictae domus scho­lares, alium idoneum in ipsius amoti Ma­gistri locum, subrogandum nominent, & praesentent praedicto Episcopo, praesicien­dum in Magistrum abs{que} morae dispendio, prout supra in nominatione & praesenta­tione Magistri pleniùs annotatur: Quòd si Magister hujusmodi non propter de­lictum in committendo scienter, seu / sed in omittendo voluntariè, videlicet propter negligentiam simplicem, simplicitatem, vel imperitiam ab officio suo contigerit amo­veri; volumus, & etiam ordinamus, quod si aliàs in scholasticis bene se habu­erit, tunc gratiam, & misericordiam as­sequatur, quae in titulo de Magistro agrotante, sunt benigniter ordinata.

STAT. 8. Of the Removal of the Master for Crimes, or his Defects.

VVHere there is known to be grea­ter danger, there we should act the more warily, and consult more ful­ly. Therefore seeing the industry, ho­nesty, and diligence of the aforesaid Master is above all others of greatest necessity and convenience to the said House, and that by his negligence (which God forbid) or unskilfulness, losses, and dangers of an important nature may hang over the Colledge: We therefore Decree and Ordain, That when the Master for the time be­ing, for Dilapidation, or other cause sufficient to this end is render'd unfit for the G [...]vernment he hath charge of, and is as an intolerable & unprofitable person to be remov'd from his Office: The Bishop of Ely for the time being, at the Denunciation or Insinuation of two or three Senior Fellows of the said House (to which all and every of the [Page 52] Fellows of the said Congregation, are bound by the duty of their fidelity and oath) take cognisance of these causes plainly without any judicial noise, or form of Court Process (seeing the goods of the said House, should not be lavish't out in suit-formalities) and remove the Master from his Office, if Justice perswade.

And that the Fellows of the said House, without delay, name and pre­sent another fit man to the said Bishop to be substituted in the place of the Master so remov'd; as is more fully set down before, where that point of the nomination and Presentation of the Master is treated of. But if this Master shall happen to be remov'd, not for an offence committed knowingly, but / or of voluntary omission to wit, for a simple negligence, simplicity, or un­skilfulness; We Will and Ordain, That if he shall otherwise be well qualified, or have behav'd himself well in point of ScholarshipOr in Scho­lastick exerci­ses., that then he shall have that favour and mercy shewn to him, which are bountifully provi­ded by an Ordinance, Entituled as followeth.

STAT. 9. De Magistro aegrotante, vel impotente.

SI verò Magister praedictus bene & lau­dabiliter se gesserit, in administratione sua, & providè perseveraverit in eâdem, & postea aegritudine abs{que} culpa sua, se­nio, vel laboribus sit confractus, vel aliàs impotens, vel imbecillis adcò sit effe­ctus quòd ad dictae administrationis regimen sufficere nequeat, ut deberet: ex tunc cum hoc notoriè, vel also modo legitimo constiterit, hujusmodi autoritate constitutionis in locum illius, scholaris, qui in Magistrum praesicitur, succedat; cui in domo praedicta inter socios ejus­dem domûs provectiores & meliores scho­lares, vitae necessaria juxta vires, & fa­cultates ejusdem domûs competenter & decenter ministrentur, ad terminum vitae suae. Ipse verò negotia Domus praedictae tanquam propria salubri consilio suo, dum vixerit juvare tenebitur, suique corporis exercitio, quatenus commodè po­terit, promovere auxilias opportunis.

STAT. 9. Of the Master being sick, or weak.

BUt if the aforesaid Master shall have behav'd himself well and laudably in his administration, and providently persever'd in the same, and is after­wards without his own fault, so broken, or otherwise made impotent and weak, by Old-age or labours, that he cannot sufficiently attend as he ought to the regiment and care of his said admini­stration: Then from that time forward, when this shall notoriously appear, or by other lawful means become known, let one of the Fellows be made Master to succeed into his place by authority of this constitution. And to the re­mov'd Master still residing in the afore­said Colledge, let there be allow'd ac­cording to the Houses ability a com­petent and decent maintenance among the Fellows of best rank and Seniority to the end of his life. But he shall therefore be bound while he lives to help on all the Colledge-affairs with his best councels, as if they were his own, and shall further, not spare to promote them even wi [...]h his bodily la­bour in such opportune helps as his strength will permit.

Out of these Statutes we may make divers considerable collections;

1. That were the Mastership of our Colledge reduc't to its original consti­tution: and its usurpations, the negative Voice, and double Dividend taken a­way, a Statutable residence firmly en­joyn'd, and he made in some easier way responsible for his miscarriages (for our Visitor with full power of Oyer and Terminer, should come to us, not we to him) it would then be justly said of this Office,

Qui quaerit Episcopatum quaerit opus, [not opes] There would then be no­thing of temptation to any man, either ambition or covetousness, to make it desirable by self seeking men. 'Twould be, as all other Offices in our Col­ledge (which are annually elective) ra­ther studiously avoided then contend­ed for.

2. See how tender, even in those we call Times of Ignorance, Slavery, Su­perstition our Founders were of the welfare of a Community above that of a private man. As soon as ever a man, though not through his own fault, ap­pears unserviceable to the Community in his station, he is presently to be [Page 56] remov'd, and a serviceable man plac'd in his stead.

3. You may hence gather, That the Mastership of our Colledge was not intended as a Commenda, or Aug­mentation to a London Ministers Par­sonage: and how flatly 'tis against our Founders intention, that one or two men residing upon the place should bear the burthens of the Mastership, and another living at distance, and employed in another charge, should bear the title, and reap the profit due to that service; but that he who sup­plies the charge is to possess entirely all the profits and priviledges of the place. But Doctor Seaman, hath, as I said in my Book, not resided at all, but onely made a few short visits upon some ur­gencies; all which will not amount to one of the whole seven years of his en­joyment of that Mastership; during which time he hath laid near the whole burthen of his Office upon a Presi­dents shoulders, not allowing him one penny for his labour. Nay, hath not only swept away all the profits due to the Executor of that charge, but takes without any warrant of Statute, a double portion (which Doctor Wren [Page 57] did not) upon this only plea, that Doctor Cosins did the same; All which considered, he ought either forthwith to come down, and be resident upon his trust; or be remov'd from his Of­fice, and another chosen to supply the place.

Its true, our Statute enables him in case of long absence to chuse a Pre­sident; but the whole current of these Statutes is a clear demonstration, that 'tis upon supposition, his absence is with consent, upon Colledge affairs, not his own emolument.

If he will still plead his Assembly­manship; the main business of that place being now at an end, and there sitting but once a week a few of them for small dispatches, for which there are London Ministers enow wi [...]hout him; it must needs be thought by all men a depth of fraud for him to make use of that title to elude both our Founders Will, and the Parliaments intention in exemption of Ministers from their other charges during their attendance upon that employment.

4. You see by our Statute of Amo­tion, that even where the Masters re­moval hath been for simple negligence, [Page 58] want of skill, simplicity; and there­upon he will lay claim, at least to his subsistence among the Senior Fellows; yet 'tis in Domo praedicta, not extra Do­mum; in, not out of the Colledge-Precincts: besides, it must be upon plea of his making amends in learning for his failings in point of activity and prudence: But we have in that point found him most of all deficient; for though his Office not very many years before he attain'd this preferment, was (as we hear) a Country Pedagogue, yet has he not attain'd so much skill in the Latin tongue as to be able rightly to pronounce our Statutes: 'Thas been a common Observation, That when some passages were to be read in pub­like, he would upon pretext of quereing upon the sense, get some one or other of us privately to pronounce those places before him; and that when he hath adventured without this help, he hath most grossly faltered; nay, though he has since a little mended his skil by his study of the Porta Linguarum; yet has he, to the eternal disgrace of our Col­ledge, left such a miserable piece of La­tine upon publike Record in one of our Colledge Rowls, as Posterity imagi­ning it could not be written there [Page 59] without the Auditors consent, will brand us for strange Dunces, 'Tis this.

Solutiones pro fabricis Collegii non computantur hoc anno ratione dubiorum & exceptionum ex parte sociorum, A QƲIBƲS DEMANDATAE FƲERƲNT per Magistrum.

This his Latine is as hard for me (without Ignoramus his skill) to tran­slate, as our Colledge Statutes are for him to pronounce; yet because his Dulman is not here to help me, Ile use my best endeavor to give you his sence; which if not non sence, must be as follows.

The payments for the Colledge fabricks are not computed this year, by reason of some doubts and exceptions on the part of the Fellows OF WHOM THEY WERE DEMANDED by the Master.

The occasion of the Masters leaving upon Record this famous sentence, is a story too long now to be related. All I will say at present of that matter, is,

That this writing of his pleasure in our publike Records, without our com­mon consent, is a thing (I shall make appear) may prove of mischievous con­sequence, & must inter alia, be one day laid to his charge; Mean while let him be think himself.

WE whose names are u …

WE whose names are under­written, being Senior Fellows of Peter-House in Cambridge, have seriously perused the Book, Entituled The Petition and Argument of Mr. Ho­tham, &c. And do testifie that his Narrative of Colledge Transactions therein related, is, as we conceive, faithful and agreeable to Truth. And further, that for such other expressions as he hath there used concerning the Master of our Colledge, his behaviour in his Office; we have found by our constant observation of the same for many years, that there was good grounds for Mr. Hotham so to express himself. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our Hands this 17. of July 1651.

  • Senior Fellows.
    • Robert Quarles.
    • James Clark.
    • Francis Brook.
    • Edward Sammes.
  • Charles Mildmay.

THE PETITION AND ARGUMENT OF Mr. Hotham, Fellow of Peter-House in Cambridge, before the Com­mittee for Reformation of the Universities, April 10. 1651.

Against the Masters Negative Voice of that Colledge, and for a remedy to be granted the Col­ledge against the usurpations of Doctor Seaman the present Master, agreeable to what was granted by Parliament to the City of London, An. Dom. 1648. for the better ena­bling them, in case of need, to act as a free Body, without their chief Officers concurrence.

Printed in the Year, 1651.

To the Honourable, the Committee for Reformation of the Universities.

Right Worthy Senators,

THough by reason of a subru­stick pudor and love of ease (the two Cardinal vices of my Constitution) I have been always averse from action, never but by strong enforcement of duty appearing in publike view. And though I was never so well pleased with ought I could ever yet say or do, as to think it worth a rehearsal, much less of publicati­on, especially in these Pamphleting times, wherein the glut of Books hach rendred all mens Palats nauseous of what is not in its kind excellent and extraordinary: Yet have I been lately by a strong desire of removing those pressures our Colledge hath long groaned under, rouzed up out of my dearling rest, and native shamefast­ness, to appear a Petitioner before you in some causes of our commmon concern­ment; [Page 4] in all which, though wearyed with the discouragement of continual frustrations (which put both all those engaged with me, and others that would have otherwise appeared, into a resoluti­tion of no more addresses) yet could not I sit still as despairing, till I had made this one essay more, and deliverd my self of this last parturience.

This masculine birth was no sooner exposed to the light in your presence, but it was as you may well remember, by Doctor Seaman, whose prerogative it was born to oppose, endeavoured to be stifled with a deluge of vulgar slanders, viz. Malignity to his person, ambitious desire of private promotion, enmity to the establisht Laws and Government of the Ʋniversity, from all which the Petition was I think before your selves sufficiently asserted; but those light aspersions being easilyer born away on the wings of com­mon Fame, then that weight of reason I laid before you for its vindication, I held it convenient to send after them this par­ticular memorial of that days proceed­ings, that so his Calumnies, and th [...] Narrative being both heard speak to­gether, the Ʋniversity, which I know never yet esteemed me an enemy to its Go­vernment, [Page 5] may be the better enabled to give a true judgement.

But above all, being convinced by some present at that debate, that what I then delivered before you, if published, might possibly prove both a serviceable light and incentive to some generous spirits, to the contribution of their endeavors to that good reformation by you resolv'd upon, I could not, (being a most devoted servant to that publique end) but give way to their Counsels, though putting my slow Pen to the great pennance of extorting from my weak memory, and transcribing into a form fit for the Press, that rude draught of materials I had prepared for this work, together with an interserti­on here and there of some few perti­nencies in that tumultuary dispute, either omitted or fo [...]gotten.

I must confess I expected, that having the state of the Controversie, and great need then was of determining it, so clear­ly laid open before you, 1. In Doctor Seamans great unwillingness so much as to answer whether he laid claim to a negative voyce, 2. In his op [...]n discovery, when more pressly urged to it, of his a­vowance and claim to it. 3. In a full and satisfactory answer to all those Pleas [Page 6] he could produce in justification of this claim; That a Declaration of your, se [...]ses against his negative voice, with some certain provision against the use of it for the future, would have been the nar­rowest result of that dayes consultation.

And I further hoped that some Gentle­men of worth would so far have espoused a Commonwealth quarrel, as that, if the abolition of the Masters supremacy in calling of meetings, and proposing of questions at his own pleasure were not in the Committees power, the matter being of a high and publique concernment, should have been speedily reported to the house to provide a remedy.

But I will not make any foolish ex­pectation of mine, a rule whereby to judge of the resolutions of wiser men.

That Order you were pleased to make that day, of having a view taken of the Statutes of the whole Ʋniversity, and every particular Colledge, was a noble and a generous Resolve; and to suffer your selves, from the representation of a particular places grievances to be awakened into a positive activity to­wards an universal reformation, was a thing becoming men of enlarged spirits, and that Archipoimenal power you are [Page 7] entrusted with. And in that subsequent Order of those Gent [...]emen of the Sub-Committee, Dated April 25. I cannot but with all due reverence applaud their wise admittance of an intermixture of the experience of men best knowing in Colledge affairs with their own particu­lar wisdoms in this Reformation: you gaining by this means a threefold ad­vantage.

First, The due praise of your Honou­rable Condescent in not asserting us to our lost freedoms by an absolute power, till there first appear in our selves a di­sl [...]ke of our former Metamorphosis, and willingness to be restored.

Secondly, A true knowledge of the con­dition and temper of the Ʋniversity in the Geni [...]s of its part [...]cul [...]r Members, and how it stands aff [...]cted to the princi­ples of freedom.

And thirdly, Many considerable disco­veries, which your selves out of the bare Theory could never have made, of great subserviency to the clearing of your un­derstandings, not only in this point of freedom, but in all the other parts of your intended Reformation.

Yet give me leave in my rough Nor­thern Dialect to present before you some [Page 8] grand obstructions, which as to our Col­ledge (for I desire not to intermeddle further) may possibly hinder such due con­currence as might justly be expected.

The first is the Master of the Colledges residing at London, who though at that distance from his Charge, he ought to be lookt at as a non-significant Cypher, yet hath he thereby opportunity, by his great interest and acquaintance with many of your Members, to cast the prejudices of a private and partial information against whatsoever we shall present, especially if intrenching upon his prero­gative.

Secondly, Though himfelf should sit still and say nothing, yet his known Agent, that grave Seigniour, who stands alwaies at your elbow, and hath been permitted more then once to intermeddle in our Colledge affairs, even in the time of your private debates, when we of the Colledge, who are most concerned, were commanded to withdraw, and who, by the knowledge of your minds he thereupon pretends to, hath sometimes attempted to deprave your Orders from your sense, recorded by your publike Officer. This man still continuing in trust and respect with you, and I believe oft intruding [Page 9] his alloy into the penning of your Orders, cannot but administer us great ground of jealousie, that our best endeavous are in danger to prove abortive.

I speak not this without good ground; for when we had once at the beginning of these troubles a Petition to present to you; a prudent man of our Society, whose judgement we knew concurred with us, did refuse to appear above board upon this very ground; Our Petition he said was very just, and agreeable both to Reason, and the Colledge Statute, but the Tribe of Adoniram would be too strong for us.

A Gentleman being once to travel into France, took with him a raw Country-fellow to wait upon him; the Gentle­man being arrived at Paris, and some dayes after, going to see the Court, his man was very inquisitive of him to know which was the King: but being shewn him, would not believe it was he, and gave this for his reason, That sure the French were not such fools, when they had among them as he knew well, a grave, able, and learned Councellour to make choyce of (he meant a tall grim Switzer, with a great head, and a long beard, which he had observed waiting at [Page 10] the Kings Gate) to reject this wise man, and make choice of a young youth of not thirty year old to be their K [...]ng.

All the Application I made of it is but this one sober aviso, that you beware of too much depretiating your selves, and your Authority; The being but thought to Philippise, was once a great dishonour to the famous Oracle.

This reverend Switzer is I assure you lookt at as a great man, is adored by many, and few I think appear before you but sacrifice to him, at lest ne noceat, and the old Proverb of our Chronicle begins to be again remembred;

He that will England win,
With Scotland must first begin.

I know not whether this plain language may displease some; but I hope some in­dulgence will be granted to a poor Nor­thern man, who hath not yet learned to speak smooth English. And besides, it is more agreeable both to the rules of ho­nesty and your interest, that these things should be declared to you, then whispered of you. But I forget my self.

That this mans finger (though your selves I am confident are not aware of it) [Page 11] hath not been wanting to the penning of this Order, I do a little suspect. Because first, Only those members of Colledges en­trusted with the Government for the time being (which I think in most Col­ledges are only the Master & two Deans, and a Lecturer or two) are here called in to give their advice. Secondly, That mas­culine expression in your first Resolve of reducing the Statutes to such a state as may render them most conducing to the advancement of the interest of a Com­monwealth, being in this latter Order left out, and instead thereof, they only commanded to consider what Statutes, &c are prejudicial to the present Go­vernment: whereupon most men de­clining your intended sense (of which your first Resolve is the best Exposito [...]) will probably confine their understandings solely to the Consideration of the Oaths of Alleg [...]ance and Supremacy, or something of that nature, as fit to be abolished.

Third [...]y, In our Colledge, though the Master and Deans, with the Lecturer (and Bursar in some cases,) are solely in­trusted with the ex [...]cutive part of the governing power, yet is every member of the society by our Statute, equally in­trusted with the Legislative.

Now there are lately five Fellows put in by Order of this Committee, who though none of them have yet attained the degree of Master of Arts, and so are not yet men in an Ʋniversity account, yet must they (being by your special Or­ders made compleat Fellows a year before their time) though utterly ignorat of our Statutes, unexperienced in Colledge af­fairs, and besides, all but one of them, by their several relations to the Master, most devoted to his interest, have equal Votes in this grand Transaction with us of ancientest standing and experience, which must needs produce vast obstructi­ons, and perhaps returns of contradictory opinions before your Tribunal. And these young lads opinions, being in the most material points, sure to have the Masters, either private or publike abettance, accor­ding to whose private instructions they will assuredly act, 'tis not uneasie to judge by former successes what is like to be the event in this.

Fourthly, It being unlikely that you will finde in other Colledges, a number consi­derable to the major part to declare for any considerable mutation, where no op­pressive miscarriage of their chief Officer hath awakened them into a distaste of [Page 13] their present absolute Monarchy; its improbable our Colledge lying under such discouragements will adventure to be singular.

Fifthly, That which is likely to prove the main obstruction of all, is mens jea­lousies of those hazzards they may incur by a fruitless Declaration of their senses in points tending to the advancement of a Commonwealth interest, your selves ha­ving not yet declared your own senses in favour of the cause of Liberty, which makes some fear, that their profession of some free principles may (though un­doubtedly far from your honorable inten­tions) prove in the event, but an as­sembling themselves, though honest men, to the fate of Baals Priests, I mean the rage of that Samaritan, whose corrupt interest they oppose.

But if your selves, upon whose coun­tenances all men will look as the magne­tick Pole-stars of their motion, would but shew your selves so far propitious to the cause of Liberty, as to pass but by way of earnest, a previous Declaration of your senses against the prerogative of Pe­ters Chair, whose root lies already bare and disfastened by reasons, axes and mattocks, and wants but one stroke of [Page 14] your authority to lay it level with the ground; this would indeed give some incouragement to our fainting resoluti­ons.

But if the redress of our grievance must be deferr'd till a perfect new model of all those Statutes have waded through that infinitude of almost insuperable ob­structions it will meet with: I cannot but look at our Cause as neer desperate, or at least shall of poor Peter-house take up my Proverb, and say, Dum consulitur Romae, capitur Saguntum; while help from our friends of the Roman Repub­lick is delayed, our Liberties are left as a prey; and those that appear'd for it, as a scorn to the insulting enemy, who now having obtain'd his will in your ejection of one elected by the President and Fel­lows; of which you have an account annext to the latter end of this Relation, and his own Sizer a Londoner put by you into that Fellowship, though design'd by our Founder for a Northren man; and having lastly got this desired advantage of having this great c [...]ntroversie left in statu quo, and drown'd in that unfa­thomable Ocean of the universal view, and Reformation of the great body of our Colledge and Ʋniversitie Statutes (like [Page 15] that souldier, who being told he must answer for some-yards of cloth he had snatch't out of a Merchants-shop, at the day of Judgement, merrily retorted; that might he have so long a day given him, he would take the whole piece) puts the evil day afar off; and as I hear impo­tently boasts himself your onely Favorite, and the Society as a despised handful, not otherwise look't at then as a heap of dead stones, except when it shall please himself to animate us into a Fa­brick.

This I can attribute to nothing so much as those his Punick Ambusca'ds where­with he hath hitherto prevail'd against our more apert Roman Militia; I mean those secret whisperings instill'd, I fear into their ears, whom he hath free access to, of his being the author of all their essences in Peter-house, who now lift up their heels against him, of a Faction, and I know not what plot, to make way for building up another mans promotion out of his ruins; which groundless scandals, lying perhaps as a preposs [...]ssion in many mens belief, cannot but prove a heavy obstruction in their way who have done, or shall further appear his adversaries.

But I hope you will in time consider [Page 16] how usual a stratagem it hath alwaies been of tyrants, to defile those that ap­peared for Reformation with such like slanders.

And when Truths Story comes to be told in to your other ear, which I hope is reserved empty for us the Fellows; these daughters of Falshood will hide their faces, and vanish into nothing. I could my self with a little more of your patience rectifie your judgements of those preju­dices, were I sure there were need of it.

But I have detained you too long.

Be pleased to accept of these Remon­strances, which, lest the Publication might be misinterpreted an appeal to o­thers; I crave the boldness to Dedicate in all humility to your selves, not doubt­ing, but that that candid and favourable attention of yours, which honoured their first privater birth, will not deny its pro­pitious influence upon this their more publike production.

And that you will every way approve your selves answerably to that honourable Stile you bear, The Committee for Re­formation, is the confidence, And will alwaies be the Prayer of

Your meanest Servant, Ch. Hotham.

To my most dear and ever ho­noured friends, the Fellows of Peter-house in Cambridge.

Gentlemen of our ancient Society,

WHen I cast my eye upon your experien­ced great worth, and the unparallel'd hap­piness I have long enjoyed in my con­verses with you, I cannot but wish my self able to erect some lasting momument, whereon to engrave my deep sense of both to per­petuity.

But my short power sinking so infi­nitely beneath my own desire, and your desert. I am enforced rather then be altogether unfriutful, to present you with this barren Essay of my endea­vours for our common freedom; which coming now to see the publike light, is (next to our general Protectors, to [Page 18] whose Honourable inspection over us, we must needs say, we owe our pre­servation) devoted to your service and acceptance.

I know you will a little wonder at this opener appearance of this Petition and Argument, which I think you ne­ver looked I would have been so ad­venturous as to have fuffered to see so much light as it did in your view be­fore the Committee.

For, to appear against the interest of a man so generally befriended, by some upon point of ancient acquaintance, and opinion of his holiness; by others upon his high merit in the secession from his former Principles and party he was a head of, to an absolute com­plyance with the strongest sword, even to a preaching up the present powers Authority, out of the very same Texts and Principles which were for­merly made use of by the Regal Para­sites, to establish that blind ob [...]dience we all decla [...]ed and fought against; for a meer servant of principles to contend against a server of times, such a good loyall subject, and perfect tool of State, that hath like the com­plying Knight of old, confest even [Page 19] Boots and Spurs and all, and resolved all his former stiff principles into that one of a supple, servile obedience to the strongest sword, was, I know both you and all men else will say, a despe­rate attempt, and more smelling of ju­venile heat, then a sedate wisdom.

I confess, if my love of Justice, and honourable esteem of our Judges in­tegrity had not been much stronger then any humane hopes of success, I had never imployed my endeavours upon so improbable an adventure.

But you know my profest principle hath alwaies been, that a true Christi­ans motions should be guided by that one single internal principle of righ­teousness, that where duty cals to action, there our work is simply to contribute an endeavour, leaving successes to him that is Lord of all: That that man is not worthy the name of a Christian, nor fit to be an in­strument of any remarkable good, that will not prodigally adventure the loss of his repute, as well as labour in mis­carriages, for the possible accomplish­ment of a righteous end.

Whereupon some of you may pos­sibly remember, that when we were [Page 20] upon that first attempt of Petitioning the Committee against the Masters man, being made Fellow of our Col­ledge, and the intrusion of young Lads into the Colledge-government, though I both owned and cordially joyned with you in those (I think) just requests, yet I always said we were thus far comparatively unjust, in that we unbecomingly spent our pains in hewing at a few excrementitious branches, and did not rather lay the Ax to the root of the tree, viz. the Master himself, and his usurped prero­gative, who by denying us our right of elections, had been the true original of all those mischiefs.

For as for those youngsters, they having no trust upon them to the contrary, if they did a little over-eagerly seek their own promotion, it was but a private error, a sin of their age, rather then judgement.

But for Doctor Seaman, a Patriar­chiall pretender to Religion, and en­trusted with the Patronage of the Colledge rights, to betray them and us to his own corrupt design of new modelling the Colledge, and mold­ing up a party devoted to his own [Page 21] ends, was in him an unpardonable transgression, and in us especially, who had appeared against lesser offenders, not altogether excusable to suffer it without endeavouring a remedy.

Dat veniam Corvis, vexat censura Columbas.

But you perhaps not thinking fit to engage against an interest apparently too strong for us, or desisting upon other reasons best known to your wisdoms. I thought fit however to ac­quit my self from the blame of my own conscience by my single engagement against that destructive prerogative, which I was the rather willing to do upon my own single adventure, be­cause if I prevailed, the Community would be a gainer; if not, the loss of labour, and the disrepute was only my own.

Besides, I was sure you were all throughly perswaded of my souls can­dor in the attempt, and that none of those by respects our Malignant and ungodly Master charged me with, but onely the publike good was my sole and sincere aim, both in this and other [Page 22] transactions, wherein I have appeared cross to his designs. And so whatever error I might commit in the manage­ment of this affair, I promised my self from you, whose censure I only valued, an easie pardon.

Yet in all this prosecution of our cause of liberty, you see I have hitherto acted with such tenderness to him I opposed, as to aim onely at the re­moveal of his hurtful prerogative, not his person: but seeing he hath to his former miscariages added this Capital transg [...]ssion, of seeking to cast a pub­like disgrace upon the President and whole Society, whose honor and im­munities he was bound to defend. I hope it will not be thought injustice if that personal charge against him (which if produced before, would have come in onely as a needless supernu­merary motive to the enforce ment of my Petition) being reserved as yet in­tire, be in its due time, when some for­malities yet wanting shall be ready, produced against him to his amotion.

And if it should ever be our good hap to discharge our selves of so unne­cessary a burthen, I see for my own part no reason why the Kingly Office [Page 23] in Peter-House may not well be a­bolished, and he who shall as President be elected yearly to supply the place, content himself for his pains with the stipend allowed by the Founder, and so the State become exonerated of the charge of that augmentation.

Nor do I see why we should distrust that Government in our Corporation, of which all the Corporations through­out the whole Nation have such ample experience, especially we having found by a more then six years experience of our own, that all the good ends of Government have been attained with us by a President and Fellows in the Masters absence, much better then in his presence.

Yet I speak not this at all in relation to other Colledges, whose constitution may be different from ours, and who have perhaps found great benefit re­dounding to their Communities from their several Masters vigilancy and faithfulness to the common interest.

But I hope the Master of our Col­ledge will be so wise in his generation, as to cut off the Clue from these re­mote designs, by making use of that old Statute, de promotis, together with [Page 24] that present interest he hath in many Members of the Honorable Commit­tee, to rid me first out of his way; a thing most of you know he hath oft threatned me with, but could never yet by such means get me to bate him one Ace of my open opposition to his designs, where my judgement engaged me to it.

I know moreover what obstruction he is able to lay in my way (without once being seen in it himself) whenso­ever I shall come to lay claim to my Lancashire inheritance; but it is my resolution, God willing, to go on as Justice shall call, straight forward, without looking aside, either to the right hand or to the left.

Nor shall the hazard either of my Fellowship, or five or six hundred pounds a year to boot, deter me from doing ought wherein I may advance a publike good, with respect to that wor­thy Society, to whom I shall, while I enjoy life, endeavour to approve my self

A most affectionate and faithful Servant, Ch. Hotham.

An Act of the Commons of England in Parliament assem­bled, for removing Obstructions in the proceedings of the Common-Councel of the City of London.

THe Commons of England in Par­liament assembled, do enact and or­dain, and be it enacted and ordained by the Authority aforesaid, that in all times to come, the Lord Maior of the said City of London, so often, and at such time as any ten or more of the Common-Councel-men do by writing under their hands, request or desire him thereunto, shall summon, assemble, and hold a Common-Councel. And if at any time, being so required or desi­red, he shall fail therein, then the ten persons, or more, making such request or desire, shall have power, and are hereby authorized by writing under their hand to summon, or cause to be summoned to the said Councel, the members belonging thereunto, in as ample maner as the Lord Maior him­self usually hath done. And that the members appearing upon the same summons, being of the number of forty, or more, shall become a Common-Counsel. And that each Officer, whose duty it shall be to warn in, and summon [Page 26] the members of the said Councel, shall perform the same from time to time, upon the Warrant or Command of ten persons or more so authorized as a­foresaid. And it is further enacted and ordained by Authority aforesaid, that in every Common-Councel hereafter to be assembled, the Lord Major of the said City for the time being, or in his absence such Locum tenens as he shall appoint, and in default thereof, the el­dest Alderman present, if any be, and for want of such Alderman, or in case of his neglect, or refusal therein, then any o­ther person, member of the said Coun­cel, whom the Commons present in the said Councel shall chuse, shall be from time to time President or Chair-man of the said Councel, and shall cause and suffer all things offered to, or proposed in the said Councel, to be fairly and orderly debated, put to the Question, Voted and determined in and by the same Councel, as the major part of the members present in the said Councel shall desire, or think fit: and in every Vote which shall pass, and in the other proceedings of the said Councel, neither the Lord Major nor Aldermen, joynt or seperate, shall have any negative or distinct Voyce or Vote, otherwise then with and among, and as part of the rest of the members of the said Councel; and in the same manner as the other members have: And that the absence and withdrawing of the Lord Major or Aldermen from the said Councel, shall not stop or prejudice the proceedings [Page 27] of the said Councel. And that every Common-Councel which shall be held in the City of London shall sit and con­tinue so long as the major part of the Councel shall think fit, and shall not be dissolved or adjourned, but by, and ac­cording to the order or consent of the major part of the same Councel. And that all the Votes and Acts of the said common-Councel, which was held 13. Januarii last, after the departure of the Lord Major from the same Councel. And also all Votes and Acts of every Common-Councel hereafter to be held, shall be from time to time duly Registred as the Votes and Acts of the said Councel have used to be done in time past. And be it further enacted and ordained by the authority afore­said, that every Officer which shall sit in the said Councel, shall be from time to time chosen by the said Councel, and shall have such reasonable allowance or salary for his pains and service therein, as the Councel shall think fit. And that every such Officer shall attend the said Common-Councel: And that all Acts and Records, and Register-Books be­longing to the said City, shall be extant to be perused and searched into by eve­ry Citizen of the said City, in the pre­sence of the Officer who shall have the charge of keeping thereof, who is here­by required to attend for the same pur­pose.

Hen. Scobel Cler. Parliament.

TO The Honourable, the Committee for Reformation of the Ʋniversities. The Humble Petition of Charls Hotham, Fellow of Peter-House in Cambridge.


THat whereas in all Societies of men incorporate, great evils do usually arise from the too exorbitant power of their chief Officer, not annually elected to his Trust; the sad experience whereof our Colledge hath of late felt, the Master assuming to himself, or his President (if present) the sole power of Convocating and dissolving of publike Meetings, and proposing of Questions at his own pleasure; and sometimes refusing to act according to the determination of the major part; and all this onely for want of our Founders sufficiently expressing his [Page 30] minde in a Statute of our Colledge; wherein he Wills, that the Master should in the Arduous affairs of the Colledge, consult with the Fellows in Common, and stand to the determination of the major and sounder part, but hath through the uncertainty of the last expression, left a gap open to the exercise of an Arbitrary power; and besides, constituted no penal­ty to the Master at any time, upon sini­ster ends, refusing to do his duty in that kinde, nor provides the Colledge of any way for calling of Meetings, or making of Acts in form valid, without his, or his Presidents concurrence.

And seeing the Parliament hath always adjudged this unlimitted power in the supream Officer of the Nation, of a dan­gerous and destructive nature to the Weal publike, and hath further proceeded so far, as to restrain the same in the City of London, where yet the danger is not so great, as in our smaller Corporation, their chief Officer being annually change­able, and new elected to his Trust: but ours, one and the same during the whole term of his life.

May it therefore please this Ho­norable Committee, for prevention of future mischiefs, and for Cauti­on [Page 31] that this root of Corruption left in one of the ancientest Fountains of youths education do not spread out its pernitious branches to gangrene the whole Nation. To Ordain, That from henceforth the Master shall not assume to himself, or his President, such an exorbitant power, but that he or his Presi­dent, or the Senior Fellow of those present at home, shall at any time, upon the desire of two of the seven Senior Fellows, left with him in writing under their hands, call a meeting at some seasonable time, within forty eight hours after their desire so signified; and shall at that, and all other meetings propose to the Society such questions as the major part shall think fit, and not dissolve any meeting without con­sent of the major part: And lastly, shall not assume to himself any Negative or distinct voice, other­wise then as one member of the Assembly, and in the same manner as other members have, but shall according to the duty of his place duly and without delay put in ex­ecution the determination of the [Page 32] said major part, and all this to be establisht under a sufficient penalty; the want of which is the greatest encouragement to mortal men to offend: And that in case the Ma­ster or his President, or Senior Fel­low then present, shall refuse upon such desire of two of the Seniors, as abovesaid, to call a meeting, then they themselves to be autho­rized to call a meeting; and such of the Fellows as shall meet upon their summons, if there be above seven then at home, to be impowred to chuse a President for that time, and to be a Colledge Assembly to all intents and purpo­ses; And what shall pass in such Assembly so Convocated by the Se­nior Fellow of those present at home, or the two Seniors above said, to be reputed an Act of the Colledge, as valid, as if the same meeting had been Convocated by the Master or his President: And be­cause great inconvenience may oft ensue by the Master and his Presi­dent, being both absent together, our Statutes having in such case provided the Colledge of no Gover­nor [Page 33] in chief. Your Petitioner doth further pray, that it may be or­dained,

That in case the Master and his President, shall be both absent, that then the Senior Fellow of those present at home, may, till the Masters, or his Presidents return, be impowred as President, to all intents and purposes, as if he were by the Master nominated, and appointed to that Office.

And your Petitioner, with the whole Col­ledge, delivered from the oppressions and usurpations of an Ar­bitrary power, by the Wisdom and Justice of this Honorable Committee,

Shall ever pray, &c.

This Petition was first presented and read before the Committee March 27. at which time Doctor Seaman urg'd that this controversie would concern the whole University, and therefore was unfit to be singled out alone, but rather should fall in with the consideration of the whole bulk of the Colledge and University Statutes now under consideration of the Committee of Visitors at Cambridge; but the Com­mittee then looking at this as a dila­tory subterfuge, accepted of the Peti­tion, assign'd a day for taking it into further consideration, granting me summons for such of the Society as I desir'd for Witnesses in case of need. The Master having the like liberty to nominate whom he pleas'd, but pitch'd upon none. This was the Order.

ORdered, that the Petition of Mr. Charls Hotham, Fellow of Peter-house in the Ʋniversity of Cambridge, this day presented to this Committee, be taken into consideration on this day [Page 35] fortnight, and that Dr. Francius, Mr. Clerk, Mr. Brock, and Mr. Samms senior, Fellows of the said House, do in person attend this Committee, to inform this Committee of what they know con­cerning the matter of the said Petition, and that in the mean time the Master and Fellows of the said House have a Copy of the said Petition if they think fit.

James Chaloner.

On the day appointed, being April 10 being desirous to have the cause heard at as full a Committee as might be, I attended some time in the Hall with this following Petition for a re­vival of the business.

To the Honorable Committee for Reformation of the Ʋniversities. The Humble Petition of Charls Ho­tham, Fellow of Peter-House.


THat whereas your Petitioner on the 27. of March last past having re­presented to this Honourable Com­mittee the great inconveniencies re­dounding to that Colledge, of which [Page 36] he is a member, from the too exorbi­tant power exercised by the Master of the said Colledge, for want of our Founders sufficient declaration of his mind in a Statute, wherein he willeth that the Master shall in arduis Collegii, consult the Fellows in common, and stand to the judgement of the major and sounder part: For the more full and certain execution of which Statutes, your Petitioner did humbly pray, That such remedies as were in that Petition specified, might be ordained by the wisdom of this Honorable Com­mittee.

Upon which desire of your Peti­tioner, it was then Ordered, that the said Petition should be taken into consideration on that day fortnight, and that Dr. Francius▪ Mr. Clerk, Mr. Brock, and Mr. Sams, Fellows of the said Col­ledge, should be required to attend here in person, to inform this Honorable Committee what should be thought requisite concerning the matter of the said Petition.

Now therefore your Petitioner doth humbly pray, that this being the day appointed for the said hearing (and the Fellows of the Colledge [Page 37] which were summon'd being here in person, ready to attend the plea­sure of this Honorable Committee) that the said Petition may be again read, and your Petitioner may be heard to make good his Petition, by such proofs of reason, or witness, as the nature of the thing shall re­quire; And your Petitioner, as in duty bound, shall in all humility await such sentente, as shall upon full hearing of all parties con­cerned be awarded by the Wisdom and Justice of this Honorable Committee.

And shall ever pray, &c.

But this short Petition prov'd useless; for my former large Petition was resum d without any motion of mine, and much sooner then my expectation.

But after the first clause of the Peti­tion was scarce read, Doctor Seaman interpos'd a motion, that the further reading of it might be suspended, till a private business, which he said was the true original of all these commotions, were first heard. So the Petition was at his motion laid aside, and the private [Page 38] business first brought upon the stage: the issue of which, falling out strangely to his content, the Committee was made believe this was the substance of the whole controversie; there needed now no farther hearing of the publick Petition.

Now as for that private business, seeing he hath christened it with the name of publick, I have at the latter end of this Narrative made it publick for his sake.

But nothing discourag'd with this unexpected event of that dispute, I went in again to the Committee, in­formed a noble Gentleman there pre­sent, I had a Petition there of great concernment, which I desired might be read, and my self heard speak to it. So at his motion the Petition was resumed.

After 'twas read, Dr. Seaman, I think, first spake something to it; but to what effect, I have utterly forgotten, and shall be glad to be remembred of it by himself.

When he had done speaking, I mov'd the Committee, that for laying a clear foundation, whereupon to ground the debate, he might be askt the question, Whether he laid claim to a negative voyce, or not.

His answer was, first, that he did not desire to answer to any question, till commanded to it by the Committee; but pausing a while, and perceiving by a general silence of all the members, that a more full answer was expected, He still subtilly declining an answer to the question, tells them we had many sorts of Colledge-meetings; that the Master was sometimes to con­sult with the Deans onely, sometimes with 5 or 6 of the Seniors; but in the arduous affairs of the Colledge, he was to consult with the Fellows in com­mon, and to stand to the judgement of the major part. This now seem'd, at first view, a clear acknowledgement of his being bound up in the major part, in meetings of the whole Society present.

And any man not acquainted with his methods, would have thought the controversie had been at an end, and that the Doctor was scandall'd in my so much as intimating that he had laid claim to a negative voyce.

But as 'twill appear, he meant no­thing less. For first, though he acknow­ledged himself bound in arduis to con­sult the Fellows in common, yet nothing appear'd, but that he still re­serv'd [Page 40] the judgement of that arduity as a prerogative within his own brest; so that the Society for meetings, though never so much needed, must depend upon his pleasure, which was one of the chief grievances, against which a reme­dy was petition'd for.

Secondly, notwithstanding his seeming acknowledgement of being tied by the major part; yet being further urg'd to declare whether he did not from that additional expression in our Statute of the sounder part, challenge to himself a decisive judgement which was the sounder part, so as that he might judge the lesser part the sounder, and be thereupon absolv'd from standing to the judgement of the major part; he could then keep himself in the darkness no longer, but produc't two Statutes for his negative voyce. The one, ex­tending onely to the proof of his nega­tive voyce over the two Deans, was an interpretation made a hundred and fifty years, or more, after the first compiling of our Statutes. In these words, Item si aliquid ex Statuto sit determinandum per Magistrum, & Decanos concernens eorum officia, si Magister Collegii, & unus Decanorum [Page 41] aliquid decreverint, stabit pro rato, & si duo Decani decreverint, & Magister Collegii non concesserit, pro nullo ha­beatur. Moreover if any thing be to be determined according to Statute by the Master and Deans by vertue of their office: If the Master of the Colledge and one of the Deans decree any thing, it shall stand as valid: and if the two Deans shall decree, and the Master of the Colledge not Consent, it shall be accounted null and void.

But this prov'd not at all a negative voyce over the major part of the Fel­lows assembled in a meeting.

The other (being the main pillar of his cause) was the University Statute, which he read to the Committe in these words.

In omnibus & singulis electionibus tam Sociorum, Discipulorum, Scho­larium, Officiariorum, Lectorum, reli­quorùm{que} membro [...]um cujus{que} Collegii, quàm in omnibus & singulis locationi­bus, & concessionibus quibuscun{que}, necessariò requirendus est Magistri sive Praepositi illius Collegii assensus & consensus. Et quod bene licebit Magistris sive Praepositis Collegiorum, in suis Collegiis, si quando illis necessarium videbitur, omnes illas [Page 42] poenas exercere in delinquentes, quas aliquis Officiariorum illius Collegii per Statuta ejusdē Collegii imponere possit. In all and every election, as well of Fellows, Scholars, Officers, Lecturers, and other Members of every Colledge, an in all and every letting and conces­sion whatsoever, the assent and consent of the Master of the Colledge is neces­sarily to be required: and that it shall be lawful for the Masters or Provosts in their several Colledges to inflict up­on offenders all those penalties which any of the Officers of that Colledge may impose by the Statutes of the same Colledge.

These Statutes he said (but proved it not) were confirm'd by Act of Par­liament: To which 'twas answer'd, That its true, the University Charters were confirm'd by Act of Parliament, but as I believ'd, not the Statutes; no further confirmation that I know of ap­pearing, more then by the same Com­missioners, who reviewed our Col­ledge—Statutes; which as far as I knew, there was as good ground to believe were confirmed by Parlia­ment, as those of the Uuniversity.

He further added, that that which I [Page 43] charged as a fault upon him, viz. the relying upon his own wisdom, I was chiefly guilty of it my self, in prefer­ring a Petition of my own head, with­out first asking the advice and consent of the Fellows, who did not appear any way to own it: to all which allegati­ons of his, my answer, directed to the Chairman of the Committee, was as follows.


I acknowledge it may to this grave Assembly seem strange, and perhaps something smelling of presumption, that in a business wherein the good of the whole Colledg is pretended to, one man onely should appear to own it, and he neither the first nor second Se­nior of the Colledge, nor yet publickly employed by the Society for the mak­ing of such attempt: But I hope if the high consequence of the matter present­ed, and greatness of the person, or rather interest to be opposed, and how unwilling men of prudent and suffer­ing spirits have alwaies been to engage themselves in high contests, and how loth modest men are to ask that which they think may probably be denied [Page 44] them, be well considered, this wonder will soon cease. And to take away the imputation of presumption, I have onely this to say, that had I known of any man that would have taken upon him this task, I should most willingly, according to that man directions, either have sitten still, or seconded him in the meanest of services tending to the advancement of this cause. But I knew of none, & besides, had, above the rest of the Society, these special engage­ments obliging me to this endeavour.

1. First at the time of my presenting the Petition, I was one of the Deans of the Colledge, an Officer intrusted by the Founder, not onely as an assi­stant to the Master in the Colledge-Government, but likewise as one of the Ephori of Sparta, a Supervisor and Censor of his actions in some cases, to admonish him, if need were, and in case of his obstinate standing out against admonitions, to complain of him to a Superior Justice.

Secondly, our Colledge-statute requires every member of the Colledge, even after his departure, (much more during his abode) that in way of a grate­ful acknowledgement of that much [Page 45] good he hath received there, he should endeavour the preservation of the Col­ledge-rights to the utmost of his power.

Now there having been one of my own name, and Family, the third, or fourth successour to the Bishop of Ely that founded the Colledge, a great Benefactor to it (though the particulars wherein, appear not) and my self coming now in a more peculiar man­ner, and by a strange cast of provi­dence, to partake of the good fruits of his bounty; I held it a double obliga­tion upon me to a performance of this clause of our Statute, by endeavouring somewhat which posterity might reap the benefit of; which being at present not in a capacity to do, by gift of Lands, or any considerable sum of Money, all I had left within my power, was onely to appear here as the Col­ledges servant, in the vindication of our common—liberties, then which, ingenuous spirits know not a more precious treasure upon Earth.

Thirdly, 'Tis a thing well known to all I have ever converst with, that I have ever since the first beginning of these civill wars, and that in the most hazardous times, when the generality [Page 46] even of the Parliaments party stood inclinable to a defection, been to my poor ability, and in my narrow sphere, a zealous assertor of the Nati­ons liberty, against the prerogative of the supreme Officer of State, then in War against us: And therefore, if upon the same principle I now shew my self more then ordinarily forward in as­serting the liberties of our particular Common-wealth, against a parallel tyranny; I hope my boldness will find the easier pardon.

This I have been necessitated to premise, in answer to those evill sur­mises which you hear have been rais'd, and objected, as of great consequence against the Title of the Petition, and more might be added; but seeing this Committee hath been so just and ho­nourable, as waving all respect of persons, to take the matter it self into your grave considerations, I shall now wholly apply my self to the matter in hand.

The Petition is large, but may, in summe, be reduc't to these two heads.

First, a Preamble, consisting of a Concatenation of divers motives for enforcement of the Petition.

Secondly, The Prayer of the Petition it self.

The Motives are many, and of great weight.

You have in them,

First, a general Proposition of those great mischiefs which the common ex­perience of all Ages, Places, and Na­tions teaches us do arise from the chief Officer of any Corporations be­ing intrusted with a power distinct from, and superior to that of the com­munity. 'Tis both the true characteri­stical badge of slavery, and the chief fomenter of jealousies and contenti­ons: For wheresoever 'tis so, there's alwayes a particular interest of the governing power set up distinct from, and most what contrary to that of the publike, then which nothing can be more destructive to the welfare of any Community: the truth of which Maxime we have had a feeling proof of in the sad series of those evils which have lately sprung up in this Nation from the claim and exercise of this power by the chief Officer of Englands great Corporation: 'Twas that which had like first to have plung'd us into the depth of slavery, [Page 48] and did afterwards engage us in a bloudy war, the justice of which war can never be solidly maintained by the asserters of a Negative Voyce. For my own part, this was to me the great convincing Argument of the Scots Apostasie from their first Prin­ciples, and from the cause they were with us engag'd in, when I saw them in their Manifesto plead so openly for the upholding of this great branch, or rather stock, and bulk it self of the royal Prerogative.

2. You have for confirmation of this truth the judgement of the whole Re­presentative of England, and those that have most cordially appear'd with them in this cause, especially of the now governing power, which hath always declared this power in the King of a most dangerous and de­structive nature to the weale publike, and inconsistent with the Nations freedom. And the Army in parti­cular, when we were not yet attained to that wise and generous resolution of removing the Kingly Office as well as his Person, did in their grand Re­monstrance propound it as a neces­sary caution for the securement of our [Page 49] Liberties, that whosoever should, upon the removal of the late King, be ad­mitted, though but by election, to succeed him, should before his admis­sion disavow all claim to a Negative voice.

3. You have presented to your view a more particular declaration of this present Parliaments judgement in this point, in reference to a particular Corporation: Those evils which the whole Nation had formerly groan'd under, there was a critical time when the City of London felt the same pangs of the same disease arising from the same fountain of corruption: the chief governour of that City exercising that power in his own Corporation, which himself with others had declar'd and fought against in the supream Officer of the Nation; whereupon this Parlia­ment was pleas'd to remove that pre­rogative, and provide them this very way now petition'd for, of acting as a free Body in case of need, without the chief Officers concurrence.

4▪ The fourth motive humbly pro­pounded to your consideration, is the great mischiefs which have redounded to our small Corporation, from the ex­ercise [Page 50] of this arbitrary power by our chief Officer: But of this theme, be­cause 'tis very large, and will need much interlacing of proofs and exa­mination of Witnesses, I shall treat, if need be, in the last place.

5. The fifth, and that the most ge­nerally convincing motive of all, is from our local Statute which I read to you, when I was here last before this Committee, which runs in these words.

Quia quod à pluribus quaeritur, fa­ciliùs invenitur, & consulendo dicit Sa­piens, Omnia cum consilio fac, & minimè poenitebit: statuimus injun­gendo, nè cùm ardua domus emerserint negotia, Magister capitosè suae pruden­tiae imitatur, sed omnes Scholares con­vocet, & emersa negotia exponat eisdém, & super illis quaerat consilium singulorum, nedum seniorum, sed juve­num, cùm donet juniori Deus aliquoties quod non seniori: sed si in unam con­veniant sententiam, bene quidem sin autem, numero stetur majori, etiam & saniori. Because that which is sought of more is easilier found; and the wise man advises us, saying, [do all things with Councel, and it [Page 51] shall not repent thee.] We therefore ordain & enjoyn, that upon the emer­ging arduous affairs of the Colledge, the Master do not headily rely upon his own prudence, but that he con­vocate together all the Fellows, and lay open before them the emergent businesses, and ask the advice of eve­ry one concerning them, and this not of the Seniors only, but Juniors too; seeing God does sometime give that to a Junior, which he gives not to Senior. And if they agree all in one opinion, 'tis well, but if other­wise, let them stand to the deter­mination of the greater and sounder part.

Here you see our Lawgiver expresly declares his will, that the Master shall not prefer his private wisdom before the wisdom of the whole, or major part of the Society: and brands such proceed­ings of his with an imputation of headi­ness and rashness: Only supposing the conscience of that Oath which the Ma­ster was to take at his admission would be a sufficient tie to a strict perfor­mance of his will, thought it needless to establish his Law by any penalty, or to point us out a way of acting without [Page 52] him, which is the defect we now desire a supply of.

In those times, when a plain, honest, and conscientious simplicity bore sway in mens hearts, and wickedness was not so ingenious as it hath since proved in our times, a few rules sufficed to pre­serve righteousness and peace amongst men: The Laws were then (as the Mosaical Law) like those wide-win­dow'd Nets our National Statutes prescribe for hindering the destruction of the young fry of fish: but after­wards the corruption of mans nature spinning out it self to such a subtilty as to find easie Evasion through those spacious grates, 'twas found necessary in every Age to make an intertexture of new threds, and cross bars for the in­tangling of those subtiller Offenders: Now therefore this which is pro­pounded unto you being of this nature, not purely a new Law, but only a new way laid down (agreeable to what the wisdom of Parliament had prescrib'd in a parallel case) for the more sure and effectual execution of the old established Law of our Foun­der, ought in reason to find the easier admittance.

Only there is one Objection or two of some weight which I must crave the patience of this honourable Assembly, to give me leave to discuss, for the fuller clearing of all doubts, which may perplex the question.

The first is, that our Founder, where he saith the Master must numero stare majori, adds [etiam & samori,] whence some may perhaps infer that 'tis left to the Master to judge which is the soun­der part, and so if he relinquish the major part, and follow their advice whom he judgeth the sounder part, he transgresseth not. But that this was an exposition far from our Lawgivers in­tention, I shall demonstrate by these Reasons.

First, It's apparent the Founder in­tended this Statute mainly as a provi­sion against the Masters self-wisdom, upon which he sayes, he shall not rely. Now therefore if the Master refuse the major, and adhere to the minor part, only because in his judgement the sounder, he does in effect rely upon his own prudence, which is the thing our Founder forbids.

Secondly, If the judgement of the sounder part be left to the Master, [Page 54] the word majori may as oft as he pleases be made a meer non-signifi­cant Cipher. If the Master propound a business to the whole number of Fel­lows, which is fourteen, and can get but two or three (then which nothing is more easie) to side with him, he may call those few men the only sound men of the Society, all the other eleven or twelve shall be esteemed as factious or frantick, because of their advice not suiting with his ends; and so that ob­scure word [saniori] shall, like one of Pharaohs lean Kine, swallow up the word majori, though fairer and better liking, into its insatiable stomack. So shall the Master, contrary to the Foun­ders will be made by his own estimate the Solus sapiens, and supream Lord. The Fellows, they are flattered with a specious shew of liberty and co-part­nership in the Government, but are indeed like meer School-boys (such would the King have made the whole Parliament) called together to a po­sing, not voycing, in which they must either comply with the Masters will, or have their advice rejected with scorn, and themselves dismissed with infamy, as crack-brain'd and unsound men.

Therefore this being an interpre­tation so full of contradiction and inconsistency both to the general cur­rent of this Statute, and particular contexture of the sentence it self, the word saniori cannot be so understood, but is either a meer word of formality, or to say the most was added only as a Proviso, where 'twas impossible to determine which was the major part, as where the number of Fellows on both sides was equally divided, that there the Master might encline to that part which he should judge the sounder.

But that by the word saniori is not meant at all a reference to the Masters judgment, but that 'twas rather a meer word of form affected by the solemn gravity of those times, will appear se­veral ways. As,

First, From our eighteenth Statute, where our Founder, treating of li­cense to be given to two of our Fellows to travel, shuffles the Master and Fellows all into one pack, and says, that they (the Master & Fellows, or the ma­jor & sounder part of them,) shall have power to give this license. His words are these, Nos principaliter hoc attento, dictis Magistro, & Scholaribus potesta­tem [Page 56] & licentiam impartimur: quod ipsi vel saltem major pars, & sanior eorundem, si hoc Domui & Scholaribus expedire viderint, unum vel duos Scho­lares domûs hoc petentes, si ad hoc suo judicio fuerint habiles licentiare va­leant. We principally looking at this end, give this power and liberty to the said Master and Fellows, that they, or at least the greater and sounder part of them, if they shal see it expedient for the good of the House and Society, may give licence to such one or two of the Fellows as shall desire it, if in their judgement they shall see them, able and fit for it.

Here you see the Master is cleerly levell'd as one man with the rest of the Society: The expression runs not, as in some Statues, Magister & maior ac sanior pars Scholarium, but maior & sanior pars Magistri & Scholarium, not the Master and the greater and soun­der part of the Fellows, but the greater and sounder part of Master and Fel­low sput together: so the Master being here made a party in the Scrutiny, is in­capable of being a Judge in the same: & therefore in all probability the word sa­niori is, as I said, put in by the Founder [Page 57] only as a word of course, a meer Syno­nima, an expression affected by the gra­vity of those times in which he lived.

And further, that this is no bare con­jecture of mine, but rather a truth evi­denced with us by experience of all times, the first of all the University Statutes enituled, De modo Statuen­di, which I have here copied out of the Proctors Book, will make it very evident.

That De modo Statuendi runs thus:

Authoritate totius Ʋniversitatis Cantabrigiensis tam Regentium quàm non Regentium, ordinatum est, quòd in Statuendis rebus & negotiis utilitatem communem dicta Ʋniversitatis concer­nentibus solum illud pro Statuto habea­tur, quod de consensu majoris & sanioris partis dictorem Regentium, & de consensu non Regentium fuerit decre­tum per Statutum.

That de modo Statuendi Authoritate, of the manner of making Statutes, runs thus:

By the Authority of the whole Uni­versity, as well Regents as Non-Regents, 'tis ordain'd, That in the decreeing and determining of busi­nesses concerning the common profit [Page 58] of the said University, that only shall be reputed a Statute which is decreed by Statute, with consent of the greater and sounder part of the said Re­gents, and with consent of the non-Regents.

And I have here ready to produce, if need be, a sufficient number of presi­dents shewing the observation of this Statute in several sanctions from time to time, all which bear the stile of the major and sounder part of Regents and Non-Regents: yet the constant tenour of our University proceedings wit­nesses that the major and sounder part were never look'd at as two distinct notions, and left to the Vicechancellors or Proctors discretion to determine of; but that the major part was always (and as I can prove by another Statute ought to be) adjudged the sounder, and whatsoever was decreed by the major number of voices, past always for an act of the University without excepti­on. And for the truth of this assertion, I appeal not only to those of our Society, men of great standing, here present, but to all that ever have long resided as Masters of Art in the University: yea, and to Doctor Seaman himself, if he has [Page 59] seen so many Congregations as to make him a competent witness in this matter.

So the advantage of that expression for the assumption of a negative voyce being now I hope clearly remov'd, I shall proceed to the last objection urg'd, and chiefly relyed upon by the Master, which is, that the University Statute allows all Masters of Col­ledges a negative voice.

The Statute for your memories sake I shall again rehearse.

In omnibus & singulis electionibus tam Sociorum, Discipulorum, Scholari­um, Officiariorum, Lectorum, reliquo­rum{que} membrorum cujusque Collegii, quàm in omnibus & singulis locationi­bus, & concessionibus quibuscunque necessariò requirendus est Magistri sive Praepositi illius Collegii assensus & consensus. In all and every Election, as well of Fellows, Scholars, Offi­cers, Lectures, and other Members of every Colledge, as in all and every letting and concession whatsoever, the assent and consent of the Master of the Colledge is necessarily to be requir'd.

This is as much of the Statute as [Page 60] concerns the question in hand.

This Statute will, I know, to all that read it at first sight seem an Ar­gument invincible.

But I shall notwithstanding crave leave to say somewhat in answer to it, not doubting but before I have done I shall make it appear as contemptible, as now it seems formidable. As,

1. First, That every Colledge being a distinct Corporation by it self, and Laws prescribed for its Government by him that founded or endowed it, it may well be questioned whether those Laws of any of them can be taken away or superseded by any general Statute of the University: And this I do rhe rather question, because the University hath in former Statutes shown it self very tender of the in­fringement of the particular Statutes or Customs of private Colledges; as appears by the last clause of a Statute de expulsis in aliud Collegium non reci­piendis, Of expell'd men not to be receiv'd into another Colledge; which Statute though in it self most rational, and fit to have a binding power over all, yet did not the Univer­sity think fit to pass it without this [Page 61] additional Salvo, Ne{que} intendimus per praesens Statutum, Statutis, Con­stitutionibus, Compositionibus caeteris{que} Collegiorum, in aliquo derogare: Nor is it our meaning by this present Statute do derogate ought from the Statutes, Constitutions, and other Compositi­ons of particular Colledges.

Besides, it hath formerly been the declared Opinion of some of the wisest of our University, that the Vicechan­cellor, who is our chief Officer in the Government of the University, cannot exercise his Jurisdiction within the wals of a private Colledge.

Now it seems irrational to think that the University Statutes should claim a Power paramount to the local Statutes of those places, where yet the chief Officer entrusted with the execu­tion of those Laws that lay claim to this supremacy, can finde no en­trance.

2, Our Colledge Statute is of a far ancienter standing then this Uni­versity Statute; and therefore though this of the University seems to thwart it, yet being made without any clause of a non obstante, the Colledge Statute lies unrepealed, and therefore in [Page 62] full force, especially our Colledge Statutes being rivised and confirmed at the same time with the University Statutes, and by the same Visitors, as I shall, if it be thought needful, make it appear.

3. This Statute is none of our ancient Statutes of the University, but one of very late standing, no ancienter then the tenth year of Queen Elizabeths Raign, for in all our Statutes till that time (as I am well able to say, having lately searched the Proctors book to that purpose) there appears no footstep of it; nay not in the first new model of our Statutes, which was made primo Elizabethae. For our Reformers being then but newly come out of the furnace of the Marian persecution, were not yet mounted to that heighth of ambiti­on: but about ten years after growing warmer and fatter in their great pre­ferments, the Heads of Colledges did its likely upon plea, that our Univer­sity-statutes were not enough refin'd from Popery, and that new Diseases stood in need of new Remedies, got a revivall of the commission granted formerly Primo Elizabethae for another new modelling of them, in which, [Page 63] though for pomps sake the Commis­sioners appointed for that work were some of them, as Cecil, Cook, and Haddon, of the Queens privy Councel; yet the rest of them being Doctors of Law, Physick, and Divinity, and two of them Divinity Professors of the University, no man that is not blind, and knows not how little leisure those greater Statesment had to labyrinth their brains with all the tedious anfractus of that Theority, but will say that the main Engines, and the very both first and second movers in this last new Model, were the Heads of Colledges alone; and they having now gotten this ample power into their own hands, did, together with the publick Refor­mation, cunningly interweave their own private advancement; and in pur­purging us of Popery, did, like those medicamenta maledicta, emunge the bo­dy of the University of some of their most essential and fundamental privi­ledges.

As for example,

The choice of a Vice-Chancellor, which was before in the whole body of Regents, they got in this Reformation a Monopoly of it to themselves, so as [Page 64] the body of the University hath only left them a bare superficies of election, but the substance they got into their own hands; for by this new Refor­mation, they got themselves the no­mination of two, one of which the University is necessitated to elect, and if they doubted of him, whom they desired to have elected, 'twas but no­minating some one distasted or con­temned man for a stale, and then they were sure to carry it for such one of those two nominated, as they should think fittest.

2. Another great priviledge, whereof they deprived the Body of the Univer­sity, was the interpretation of Statutes, which before, except in a few cases, was as well as the making of Statutes in the body of the University; but in this new Modell, the heads got a Mono­poly of it Intirely to themselves.

And if I mistake not that strange Statute of the Caput Senatus, consisting of the Vice-Chancellour, and five others chosen by the heads of Col­ledges, and the two Scrutators out of fifteen persons nominated by the Vice-Chancellor, and Proctors, and all this choise without the least advice [Page 65] or privity of either of the two Houses, and these five men entrusted, every one with more then a Negative voice (for nothing, be it never so just or necessary to the common good, or of particular persons, can be so much as propounded to the Houses, till every single man of these hath given his positive consent) is of the same date. If but one of these deny, though giving no reason, the concurring voices of the vice-Chancel­lor, and the other four are of no force, the motion is stifled in the very cradle, a thing of no rare pra­ctise among us;Hence comes it, that the Ʋ­niversitie Of­ficers cannot without great difficulty hin­der an unwor­thy man of his degree: For that dunce or Rake­hells friends whom they desire to stop, shall oft procure some one of these absolute Seigniors to make use of his Negative in causlesly stopping all the Commencers of that whole year, till his Dulman be suffered to pass out among them. Now this Statute, if consi­dered in its full lati­tude, will I think, be found of no longer standing then that new model. Something there was of a like na­ture before, but if com­pared with this, will be [Page 66] found vastly different: For that had for its object onely tempus & for­mam, but this, Concessions of all natures: in that the negative was in three, here in any one.

And lastly, to fill up the measure of their iniquity, thy did likewise as much as in them lay, defraud those Societies, where the Founders had inricht them with that unvaluable treasure, of their precious liberties; and with their spoyls, sacrific'd to their own ambition, made every Master of a Colledge an absolute Monarch, and the Societies their Vas­sals.

Thus miserably were the poor Fel­lows of Colledges deluded and op­pressed; but to complain was no boot.

These mens potency at Court was such, & such was the reverend esteem had of them there, that to have spoken ought in derogation of them, or their proceed­ings, would have been deemed blas­phemy, but especially for one of no higher condition, then a Fellow of a Colledge to have appear'd in publick in his Russet-Coat against these grand silken Rabbies, had been to have ex­pos'd himself only to laughter or ruine.

But the Court-prerogative, the root of all these oppressions being now dig'd up, these excrementitious branches will, I hope, be thought fit to be re­mov'd with it; besides nature teaches us, that each evil is best cured by its contrary: therefore it having been laid open clearly before you, how the Monarchs connivence at the fraud and corruption of its Representatives was the cause of this distemper d mutation: We hope for cure from the vigilant sin­cerity of our true Republical-Magi­strates, by the anullment, if need be, of that Statute, and restauration of each Colledge to at least that ancient whole­some Crasis of Liberty it was created in by its first Founder.

I speak not this to cast any the least prejudice upon that good work of Re­formation in Religion, for which I cannot but say the Nation owes much thanks to the endeavours of all those Reverend divines, that were so happy instruments in it. But we see the ex­perience of that proverbial sentence, Nullum magnum ingenium sine mixtura insaniae; the best of men are but men. This Whole World, and the heart of every man in it, is nought else but a [Page 68] Champaigne, where good and evill, light and darkness contend for victory; and so where God hath his Church, the Devill will erect his Chappel as a Fort to lay battery against it. So in all Reformations the greatest instruments in it will alwayes (if they be not by themselves, or others narrowly look't to) carry on some design of their own private, an attendant at least, if not corrivall to that of the publick. Besides, we know how the people of God, who immediatly upon their deliverance from Pharoah, and the Red-Sea, did nothing, but in humility of heart, wor­ship and sing praises to God their Deliverer, were observ'd afterwards upon a little prosperity to have forgot­ten God, to have waxen fat and kick'd. And of our Reformers, about that Decade, it may justly be questioned, Whether their zeal in preserving the Reformation begun, were more to be commended, or their ambition in ob­structing its further progress and perfection to be condemned.

But above all I desire to be under­stood, not to intend any the least reflection of blame upon those reverend Gentlemen and Ministers, the present [Page 69] Heads of Colledges in our University, for as they had no hand in procuring of those incroachments; so neither that I know of, have they ever made ill use of that power which their Predecessors ambition had purchas'd to their hands: For though they have, by the last Sta­tute I told you of, the full power of interpretation of Statutes within them­selves, and there was a time, when they might have used it with applause, in that excellent interpretation of our University Oaths, whereby mens consciences, indanger'd to perjury upon every penal statute, were much eas'd, yet to my best remembrance, they did not assume to themselves, but yielded to the whole body of the Uni­versity the honour of alleviating this grievance.

Nay, this I must needs say, to the honour of all those Heads of other Colledges, except our own, that I con­ceive 'tis nothing but their honest and prudent carriage in their several charges, which is the cause that none of the University (none having the like particular cause of complaint) appear as yet in this cause to desire those pro­visions against Tyranny, petition'd [Page 70] for in our Colledge; For 'tis not evils in posse, though of the nearest proba­bility, but those in esse that stir up the generality of men to the invention of remedies. In other Colledges where the Masters have by statute or custome a negative voyce, yet they have chosen rather to wave sometimes their own, not interest onely, but judgement too, then make use of it, and in the very propositions of questions to be swayed by the publick reason of their Soci­eties.

And if our Head had behav'd him­self with the like candor and modera­tion in his Trust, you had not I think been troubled with these tedious disputes at this day: but our Head, though, as you have heard, denied a negative voice by our Law-giver, will yet usurp it, propounding only what he pleases himself, and after the vote past, following his own, not the common prudence of the Society, as shall be amply proved (if need be) in its proper place. Besides, we having in the general course of this mans Go­vernment, observ'd nothing of a pub­like Spirit, aiming at the common good, but rather a constant tenor of [Page 71] close dissimulation and greedy inten­tiveness upon all advantages of not onely holding fast in every punctill'o, but advancing still further the grand interest of his power and profit; and that as far as humane wit could guess of mans heart by its fruits, the two great poles of his whole revolution were dominion and covetousness (of which upon many sinister dealings of of his, there's not three men of all our Society that have been the constant observers of his Colledge-transactions this seven years, but have at one time or other exprest their deep resentment) this is that hath occasion'd this extra­ordinary petition for a just restraint of this exorbitancy of an assum'd power within those bounds our Law-givers wisdom had prescribed to it, with some concurrent helps for the surer execution of his declared will: 'Ex malis mori­bus ortae sunt bonae leges. 'Tis the greatest glory of good Magistrates, that they can, in imitation of him whose image they bear, bring forth good out of evil, light out of darkness; and like the Sun in the Firmament, produce good Laws an equivocal brood out of corrupt manners.

These things I thought it convenient by way of diversion to suggest, not that the cause stands in need of it, but one­ly to open your eyes, that you might see how this Antichristian mystery of the negative voice began its working betimes, even neer the Apostolick dayes of Reformation.

For to the very letter of the Statute as it stands, I am not without a very satisfactory answer.

For it says not possitively, that all Concessions, Elections &c. shall be Null which want the Prefects consent; but that in all Elections, Concessions, &c. the Prefects consent is necessarily to be required. Now we know that that word is of the same nature with Postulo in Latin, and so implies rather that the Prefects consent is to be re­quired of him de jure, as a right, then begg'd as an act of grace, as if the Societies consent without his Le Roy le veült were of no force.

And this answer in these times wherein all Statutes ought to be inter­preted in favour of liberty, as they were formerly in favour of Preroga­tive, might alone suffice. But I shall [Page 73] add another of more convincing evi­dence; which is this.

That granting the intent of this Statute was to make the Masters con­sent a necessary ingredient to the com­position of each Election or Con­cession, &c. yet it absolves them not from that obliging power which lies upon them by any of their local Sta­tutes to consent to what is advis'd by the major part of their Societies, but that by refusal of such consent they incur the guilt of perjury and breach of trust, or such other penalty as their Founders providence hath allotted for the establishment of that Law; and therefore this obligation to consent remaining still in full force, supposes in the major part the Prefects consent legally involv'd and included.

As to compare the greater with our smaller controversies, the Kings con­sent was alwayes suppos'd to be legally included in the major Vote, even of the most petit Tribunal, much more of the grand Judicatory of the whole Nation, though never so much perso­nally dissenting: which principle hath been always esteem'd one of the main pillars of our cause, upon which alone [Page 74] we might lay the whole stress, of not onely the justice and lawfulness, but even legality of our war. But this man who no doubt hath more then once with our once-Brethren of Scotland voted the King a man of Blood, and guilty of all the Bloodshed of this war, for endeavouring but to assert this power to himself (though far more favoured by the standing Laws of the Kingdom at that time, then with us by our Statute) yet hath not scrupled to do the same thing himself, both in his particular practise in the Colledge, and by his appearance here with all his interest and wit to maintain this prerogative.

But to return to the Point.

This Point having been fully clear'd up to you out of our local Statute, that our Master is bound to consent to the Vote of the major part, that ex­pression of the University Statute will now I hope create no prejudice.

And this answer may likewise satisfie another argument for the negative voice, which may possibly be drawn from our Statute of Elections, which requires Consensum Magistri, & majoris partis sociorum, and some [Page 75] others running in the same strain. For the true sense of that Statute de arduis being now fully clear'd, makes it ap­parent, that in the consent of the major part of the Society, the Masters consent alwayes is, or ought to be included.

And now having I hope removed all doubts and objections, I shall desire leave to speak a word to my sixth Motive for granting my Petition, viz. the danger lest this root of corruption left among us, should hence spread it self again to infect the whole Nation. This I confess may seem at first sight but a meer flourish of Rhetorick, or far-fetcht strain of Melancholy; but I shall make it appear there's much of reality in the assertion.

'Tis an humour you all know the most of mankind are much incident to, to labour the promotion and propagation of the forms, opinions, and customs of those places where they live, especi­ally where they have been train'd up in their younger years; and therefore it was the policy of the Contrivers of our former Government (as knowing that that Government could never be durable, which had not its image [Page 76] stampt upon the peoples affections) to set up the image of that universal Go­vernment of the State in every petty combination of men. Hence as a reflected image of the then-present Government by King and Councel, King and Lords, or King and Par­liament, was set up that Govern­ment of Corporations by Maior and Aldermen, Dean and Chapter, Master and Fellows; and in Corporations, Masters and Wardens of particular Companies; all which were nothing but the general frame of the State-Government contracted as to the mat­ter onely into a narrower compass; and this was that that fixt the love of Mo­narchy so fast in the affections of most Corporations, that had it not been that the King had displeased some of the greatest of them by hard Impositions upon them in way of their Trade, and withall let loose his Bishops to exercise their tyranny in trampling upon the faces of their reverenc'd Ministers, they had never been brought off to draw sword against their Prototype; and after they had done it, its observa­ble how prone the great ones among them were often to defection, and how [Page 77] zealous in shewing their distaste at the removal of that great Idol; of all which the King was very sagaciously sensible in the beginning of these wars, when in a proposal of his to part with the Militia upon some provisoes, yet would by no means consent to take the Militia's of Corporations out of their own hands: yet were not the Chiefs of those Corporations such perfect images of Monarchy, as ours, either for power, or durance; those were indeed but shadows of it: but ours in regard of their continuance in trust, during the term of their lives, were its living Images, wanting nothing but an esta­blishment of it in their posterity, which yet they bid fair for too, in that new Elizabeth-Reformation, wherein they did in a positive inhibition of Fellows from Marriage, handsomly imply a leave indulg'd to themselves.

But it may be some will look at this Argument as a great Mallet lifted up to kill a Fly: Our Corporations you will say are small, and inconsiderable, a meer Synedrion of young Youths, or handfuls of poor contemplative men system'd up for Orders sake into the form of a Corporation; what good [Page 78] or ill can redound from these to the whole Nation?

But I shall easily make this appear to be a misprision, and that there will be more and greater danger from neg­lect to remedy this evil in our smaller bodies, then from the most populous City of the whole Nation.

For our Corporations, though but small in bulk, are like those grains of Muster-seed our Saviour speaks of, of a vast, comprehensive and multiplying capacity. The members of those great Corporations, are men its true of abler purses, and stronger bodies for the present State-Service; but their abilities are confin'd all within the narrow bounds of their own territory; but ours are Seminaries of able wits which are sent to us from all parts of the Nation, in the very nick of their first emersion from the slavery of the Ferula into a state of liberty, at the first putting on of their considering caps, they being as yet abrasae tabula, smooth tables, prepar'd to receive of us those tinctures of good or bad prin­ciples; with which impressions stampt upon them, they afterwards spread themselves into every corner and [Page 79] quarter to leaven the whole Nation. No man educated among us, but goes away instructed for some publike trust, but is in capacity to be an Abraham, a Father of many Nations.

Therefore it concerns you very deeply, who desire not by arms onely, but by principles, to root up Regality, and mold the Nation into a true Commonwealth frame, to pull down (by taking away its destructive power) this image of it in those Fountains of Youths education, lest the youth of the Nation coming in their souls choicest pregnancy to drink of our waters, enamour'd of that Idol, con­ceive and bring forth its Antitype as heir male to their strongest aff [...]ctions and endeavours, to be promoted again to its lost inheritance, when time and opportunity shall serve.

And for the same reason does it deeply concern you to take special care of the Societies of Colledges, and not give away Fellowships, being you see places, though of small profit, yet of high trust to every begger that comes to you with a formal Certificate, much less to confer th [...]se high trusts upon Samaritans, and meer slavish com­pliers, [Page 80] but especially to tender their precious liberties as the apple of your eye, to which nothing can be more in­consistent, then a negative voyce plac'd in any one man; for let any of the Society approve himself never so active and industrious in promoting the Colledge good, and with his utmost pains and skill train up his Pupils to the most eminent proficiency in Piety and Learning, yet if he will not flatter, and fawn, crowch, and cringe, and comply with this one great Monarch, even to a betraying of the common Freedom to his corrupt ends of pride or covetousness, he lives an unservice­able man, and all those educated under his charge are put into an impossibility of ever attaining that preferment their deserts shall make them capable of. Though the whole community, or far greater part judge them worthy of it, one mans non placet shall blast all, and how great a temptation this will be even to some not dis-ingenuous men (being not willing to expose those under their trust to contempt and beg­gery) to worship the Image of that great beast, I leave to your wisdoms to judge; as likewise, whether such an [Page 81] impression of slavery fixt upon the spirits of Fellows of Colledges, be not like to impress its counterfeit up­on those educated under their trust, and by their means upon the greatest part of the Nation.

Another motive give me leave to present you with, which though omitted in my Petition, is of great consequence, being drawn from the Principles of universal reason, which will say, that every particular mans interest of the Society being every way equal to that of the Master, nay in some respects far greater, (for the Master is but one single person; but every Fellow having Pupils under his charge, is a kind of Corporation by himself) 'tis a thing contrary to common sense that his one voyce should be laid in the ballance to oversway the major part of the Society.

There was once a Custom in some Corporations (of which our selves have yet in our Colledge some shadows left) that not the Warden or Master onely, but every single man of the Society had a negative voyce, which upon this very ground, as contrary to the common Law of the Land, i. e. to [Page 82] common Reason, was taken away by an Act of Parliament, 33. H. 8. onely I conceive in tenderness to the Prero­gatives of Monarchy, much favour'd throughout the whole body of our Laws, the Statute was so pen'd, that the Mayor, Master or Warden had his negative left him; but now we have no Mo­narchy, whose Priviledges we ought to be tender of, and there's every way the same reason, nay far more, for deve­sting the single Warden of his nega­tive, then for taking it away from so many members conjunctim, as may amount to neer the half of the Society.

One word more I desire to add as an enforcement of my Petition, that of all Masters of Colledges in the Town, there's least reason the Master of our Colledge should claim to him­self this grand Prerogative of a negative voyce; for the whole burthen of the Colledge-government hath for all these seven years layd wholly upon the shoulders of the President and Fellows.

The Master hath held his place now for about seven years, yet he hath never once that I know of resided among us for six weeks, nay, not one moneth, [Page 83] seldom above a fortnight together at one time; hath seldom or never visi­ted us, but when he was necessitated to it, either to supply his course in the University-Church, or to audit our Accounts, and receive his money: All his short visits put together for this whole seven years, will not mount to one years continuance.

For which prodigious absence of his from his charge, all he can say is onely his being Benefic'd in London, or an Assembly-man, or that he hath been employed in Colledge affairs.

Now for Colledge-affairs, in those we have, its true, made some small use of his being at London, but never impow'red him to reside at Lon­don for that purpose; nor was there need; for nothing was ever done by him, which a common Solicitor for a small fee would not have performed as well, or better, especially being suffici­ently furnisht with his instructions or Letters to Councel at Law, or such great men as were to have addresses made to them in cases of need.

And for his Benefice and Assembly­man-ship, there's no reason either of them should be a protection to save [Page 84] him from an Arrest for that debt of Residence he owes the Colledge, from whence he has had so considerable sub­sistence; for one of them being a place (by common fame) of one, if not two hundred pounds a year, the other of four shillings a day; it seems not very reasonable, that one so much against Pluralities, should enjoy the revenue of all three places, and bear the burthen but of two. For he hath all this time of his discontinuance laid in a manner the whole burthen of his Colledge-Office upon the Presidents back, not allowing him for his pains so much as one penny.

Besides, it may be answered, that all the other Masters of Col­ledges, who yet were many of them Assembly-men as well as he, have been far more constant continuers at their respective charges, and have some of them as I think relinquish't consi­derable Benefices they were possest of otherwhere, that they might the more solely attend their charges at Cam­bridge: And I'am sure ours hath not wanted all the encouragement we could give him to enable him to it, having out of our common poverty [Page 85] conniv'd ever since our coming to the Colledge at his taking a double porti­on of our Dividend, though neither allowed him by our Statute, nor any constant precedent beyond the second year of Doctor Cosins his time.

Now that this man who is apparent­ly of no use to the Colledge, whose servant he should be by the constituti­on, but resides at London afar off, making use of the Colledge onely as a prey, and his title onely as a hook to draw power and profit to himself, knowing little but by hear say of the sufficiency, or insufficiency, good or ill behaviour of each Member of the Col­ledge, should be thought fit to have a power superior to the Society, who to their great charge reside upon the place, and bear the whole burthen, 'tis a thing beyond the comprehension of a vulgar understanding.

I have now done with all my motives.

As to the Prayer of the Petition: having so amply express'd my mind in it, I need not add much by way of Exposition or Apology.

Only this:

'Tis not, as some may perhaps sug­gest, [Page 86] a fancie or new Model of my own brain, but 'tis a Model approv'd of in a parallel case by the reason of the whole Nations Representative. It concerns every Member of this honour­able Assembly more then my self, to make it good; for 'tis nothing else from point to point, but a Series of such particulars as the wisdom of the whole Parliament judg'd necessary for the circumstantiating that freedom which the City of London were de­barr'd of through the like want of provision in their Law: change but the name of London for Peter-house, ten of their numerous Common-Councel for two of our seven Seniors, and their [at any time] for our within 48. hours, and this draught will prove wholly the same with that Act of Parliament.

Nor could less have been well desired for taking away that hurtful Prerogative I dispute against which is not the bare name of a negative voyce, but the substance, viz. that supremacy of power which our chief Officer claims above the whole or major part of the Community, which is of a Complex nature, and consists of these [Page 87] three powers, viz. 1. Of calling of meetings. 2. Of proposing of questi­ons. 3. Of acting the results of those meetings. Any one of which three powers remaining in the chief Officer, makes him as absolute as if invested with all three; and therefore the Parlia­ment saw well in the City of Londons Case, that for the removal of that great evil, an establishment of all these parti­culars was of absolute necessity.

For to return to our former parallel, grant but to our once-chief Officer of State the sole power of calling Parlia­ments, and binding them up to those questions onely which he shall think fit to propose, hee'l not much desire, or stand in need of a negative voice, seeing he is able by either of those two former powers, to crush in the egg any motion which he suspects may in the least infringe his prerogative, or other corruptions.

So in our lesser Commonwealth, though you should grant or declare in general terms that the Master shall have no negative voice, and leave him but this power (for want of provision to the contrary) that by delay of meetings when most necessary, or by [Page 88] making himself judge of that necessity, or in those meetings by refusing such questions as he likes not, he can keep us from ever coming to a voicing, or if after voicing he may refuse or delay to act our determinations, and yet neither he liable to a sufficient penalty for any of those refusals, nor we through the defect in our Statute inabled to meet, debate, or act any thing without him, he is an absolute Monarch, and has a most firm possession of a negative in reality, however denyed him in words. And for this reason it was that I have been so bold in the prayer of my Pe­tition to be so punctually parti­cular.

Now if any man object that these things granted would be a cause of much tumult, and factious disorders in our Colledge: I answer; The ex­perience of the same in the City of London shews the quite contary, where 'tis apparent nothing but the sweetest streams of untity, freedom and peace have issued out of this fountain: For it lies onely as a dormant proviso, like the major excommunicatio of the Pres­bytery, in terrorem, never like to be put into Act, except in cases of unheard- [Page 89] of obstinacie. Whereas on the contrary the want of this provision has been the original of all our divisions: nothing being the more natural fountain of contention amongst men or bodies politick, then the want of certain bounds assign'd to each man or bodies propriety; which made the wise Law­giver Moses to denounce such a fearful curse upon the remover of Land-marks; and religious Numa to place Terminus the God of boundaries among his principal Deities, and to erect him a Temple, as I remember next adjoyning to that of Concord.

As for the last clause, which concerns the Masters and Presidents absence, 'tis not only almost the same with that in the Act for London, but was more­over a proviso fitted more especially to the present constitution of our Col­ledge, which hath oft stood in great need of it, as I could instance in cases of Considerable consequence.

And besides that, the making of some such provision is a thing most agreeable to our Founders will, who says expresly that the Colledge should not defensore, & rectore carcre, the thing I aym'd at in this Proposal, was the [Page 90] Presidents ease, and the Colledges con­venience: for as I told you before, the Master being almost a constant non-resident, and having power by Statute to make President whom he pleases (which President is charg'd with the whole burthen of his Office) it will oft happen that this President must either necessarily suffer much prejudice in some affairs of his own, requiring his presence otherwhere, or the Col­ledge suffer much detriment for want of power to act as a living body in cases of emergent need. For that our Colledge-debates should be packe­ted up to London to a man sitting there in his regalia, and looking at us afar off, or that the life of our Assemblies should be derived from the spirit sent from London in a cloth-bag, is a thing disagreeable to common equity, and a flat contradiction to our Founders declared will.

All I have to say further, is, that in this draught of my Petition, however dis­pleasing to our reverend Master, I have had no ayms at his prejudice further then was of absolute necessity to state our freedoms, and vindicate them from his unjust usurpations. If I have herein [Page 91] prejudic'd any, 'tis rather the Society, by allotting the Master so much as an affirmative voice, which some of us are of opinion that by our Statutes, if well understood, he cannot lay claim to. But being desirous in this matter to walk in an indifferent way, giving each their reasonable due, and to follow close not mine own, but rather the publike wisdom of the Parliament for my pattern; I doubt not of finding from them an easie pardon of my error.

I have now done with the Petition.

There was one motive for its en­forcement refer'd to the last place, which was by shewing how the Master of our Colledge for want of these provisions here petition'd for, had debar'd us of our manifest rights of treating in a Colledge-way about some affairs neerly concerning the common good, and of having our Resolves put into due execution: And how both particular Members, and the whole Colledge had suffer'd much prejudice by those his usurpati­tions, which because I thought he might possibly deny, 'twas for this cause chiefly, that I troubled these [Page 92] Gentlemen of our Society to make their appearance before you. These being they, who (except our President, and one of our Deans left at home for the necessary affairs of our Colledge) make up the whole number of those now resident, who having been present at all our former and later transacti­ons, are best able to bear witness to those particulars I shall instance in.

Yet because I have I think already both overwearied your patience, and laid before you reasons enough of far greater consequence for the enforce­ment of my Petition, my desire is, that there may rather be a perpetual Am­nesty of all our forepast grievances, and that our liberties may be so setled for the future, as each part knowing their due bounds, a true Christian amity may be preserv'd among us, and this honourable Committee freed from further trouble. And therefore except this honourable Assembly, or our reverend Master, for the Vindication of his own repute, shall impose that task upon me, I shall wave this Ar­gument, and leave it to your wis­dom to judge what has been already spoken.

Onely to his Argument for the ne­gative voice in such particular cases wherein he is appointed to consult with the Deans onely, I can onely say, that 'twas not the prime Statute, but an interpretation of Statute made many years after by a single Bishop of Ely, which endowed the Master with this Prerogative. And it being be­sides against the Principles of common freedom, that an Officer constituted for term of life should have this vast pre-eminence of two of the greatest Colledge-Officers annually Elected to their trusts, I shall in this following Petition which I here present you with, as an appendix to my former, crave the assistance of your Authority for the solution of this knot.

TO The Honorable the Committee for the Reformation of the Universities.
The humble Petition of Charls Hotham Fellow of Peter-house.


THat whereas by our Colledge-Statutes there are about twenty par­ticular cases in which the judgement be­longs not to the whole Society, but either to the Master and five or six Seniors, or to the Master and Deans alone, and that in all cases wherein the Master and Deans are solely trusted, being many of them cases of great con­cernment, the Master had by an interpre­tation made by a Bishop of Ely betwixt one and two hundred years after the Foundation, a Negative voice conferr'd upon him, which however agreeable to the policy of those times, is contrary to the principles and grounds of our present Re­formation, and establishment of this Na­tion in form of a Commonwealth, and [Page 95] much prejudicial to the good and welfare of the whole Colledge:

You Petitioner doth further pray, that the Negative voice of one man in all our Assemblies may be taken a­way root & branch, and that in all Elections and Consultations what­soever of the Master with the Fel­lows, Seniors, Deans, Bursars, or any other, the determination of the major part of those who have voice in that Election, or consulta­tion, may be acquiesced in, as the Act of that Assembly.

And your Petitioner, with the whole Colledge, shall ever pray, &c.

This last clause and Petition con­cerning the Master and Deans were, though here inserted, yet forgotten to be delivered to the Committee.

My Argument ended, the Master made a long reply, the punctual repeti­tion of which I must leave to his own memory and pen. It touch'd nothing upon any material point of my Argu­ment, But was rather a descant upon [Page 96] my Petition, with some recriminations, consisting to my best remembrance of these heads.

That he had assum'd no power that was not his own by Statute: as was the calling of meetings, &c.

That he had never shewn any aversness from meetings, nor ever dissolv'd any, but when the time it self dissolved them.

That 'its true he had propounded que­stions according to his own sence, but offer'd to others the same liberty of pro­pounding questions in theirs.

That we must distinguish between the ma­jor part of the whole Society, & the major part of those present, which sometimes be­ing but few in number, were not fit to make Acts obligatory to the whole Colledge.

That the Fellows were the onely men averse from Meetings, whom he could not easily get together, but when there was some Lease to be let, &c.

That the party camplainant was him­self, though Dean, absent from the last anniversary meeting appointed for read­ing the Statutes.

That in the clause inserted in his Peti­tion concerning the Senior Fellow's being President, he aim'd at his own promo­tion, being the next Senior himself, and [Page 97] so desirous of this power, that in his or the Presidents absence he might assemble the Fellows about the making of new Models of Government.

This was to my best memory the sum of his reply. To which it might easily have been answered.

That this suggestion of my seeking the Presidentship for my self, was a most groundless scandal, It never having hapned all this seven years a­bove twice that I know of, that my self was the Senior Fellow resident, which lasted but for a few dayes neither.

Besides, the Office being a vast bur­then, and nothing in it desirable to such eye of ambition or coveteousness as he (measuring others by himself) suppos'd in me, nor my self in any probability of intermedling with that Office, being (contrary to his allega­tion) neither the first nor second Se­nior of the Colledge, both which, with the Master, must be all three absent, before I could be in capacity to act, and that for some longer time then ever yet had been, else no danger of at­tempting, much less of perfecting any new Model, especially there being but two times a year, wherein the Col­ledge [Page 98] is enabled to make new, or in­terpret old Statutes.

For my absence. That 'twas not a­bout any private pleasure or business of mine own, but was solely to seek a re­moval, and hinder the further progress of those evils brought upon the Col­ledge by his fraud and breach of trust, and those large opportunities he hath had of acting those treacheries by his own constant residence at London, and his Proctor with the reverend Beard standing always at the Committees elbows, and being admitted (when all others are withdrawn) to their private debates, and to speak in some cases when those most concern'd cannot come in to answer, in which though by reason of those vast disadvantages I have been unsuccessful, yet I esteem'd both my expence of time and pains, and the double my Colledge-revenue well imployed in the endeavour.

That his distinction of the major part of the whole Society, and those present, was a piece of empty Sophistry, himself well knowing there was never yet since our first coming to the Col­ledge (which is now almost seven years) a full meeting of the whole [Page 99] number of Master and Fellows toge­ther, nor can there well be, by reason of sickness, business, or travel allow'd of by Statute, perpetually occasioning some two or three mens absence; so that if he may be allowed this salvo for his Negative, he will never want one who shall be absent for his sake.

Besides, he always esteem'd the ma­jor part of those present, though not the whole society, valid enough to blind the Colledge where himself was present and consenting; an evident sign, 'tis his own only consent, not the number of those absent or present he chiefly values.

That his accusation of the Fellows as slack in coming to meetings, except in cases of Leases, &c. was a ground­less scandal, of which fault himself was onely guilty, having at those great se­mestrian meetings appointed for read­ing, and considering Statutes, been but twice, or at most, thrice present during all the time of his Mastership, and par­ticularly in the last great meeting, to which he summon'd all the Fellows, he staid not the reading out of one third part of the Statutes; nor indeed could ever be got from London to any Col­ledge [Page 100] —meeting, but when his quarter­ly course in preaching, or auditing the Accounts (being alwayes suspicious of the denial of his double Dividend at those times) enforc'd his presence.

That he hath been sometimes, when there was great cause of meeting, neer a fortnight together, not calling any meeeing till just a day or two at most before his departure, whereby himself was eas'd, and the President wholly charg'd with the cares of such businesses as should have been then dispatcht by himself.

That in meetings it hath been ob­servably his custome when he had a minde to dispatch a business in deed, to sit him down, and call us formally to the table, and to cut out his work for the debate, with all dexterity and expedition.

But when a business was to come on which he lik'd not, then to let us a­lone by the fire, or to leave his Chair, and us, to dispute at random, other­while to spin out the time with us in discourses of lesser affairs, or if prest to come home to the main business, then to fall a shuffling, and cutting, and winding us from the point by [Page 101] some non-significant, or dividing que­stions, of which Artifices he hath oft shewn himself a well skill'd Architect.

And for propounded of questions, his duty is, after the laying open be­fore us the businesses he hath to ac­quaint us with, not to lean upon his own prudence in proposing to us like School-boyes such questions as him­self onely shall think fit, but to be in that main point of the scrutiny rul'd by the advice of the whole or major part of the Society.

And therefore what he acknowledges, viz. that he did take upon him in the first place to propound questions of his own sence, was a great usurpa­tion; but that he gave others the like liberty, is an Apologie nothing to the purpose; for our Statute appropriating it to the Masters Office, to ask the Fellows advice; if any other do it but he, it renders the whole vote of the Society a meer nullity: Now its true, the Master once at a meeting, when one excepted against some litigious qu [...]stions of his propounding against the sence of the Society, promised he would afterwards propound those questions he had nam d in terminis, [Page 102] but when it came to the point, told the party, he might now propound those questions himself, if he pleased, (which he knew well had been a thing illegal and void) but refus'd utterly in pur­pound of his promise and duty to pro­suance them himself.

These things I know will to a super­ficial view seem but inconsiderable brangles; but to men of piercing judgements, and well vers'd in Parlia­mentary debates, that see daily what a King the Speaker would be, if solely intrusted with this Prerogative above the Parliament; and how great a weight of business is oft turn'd upon the hinge of one small punctill'o, in the stating of a question; these things cannot but appear of high concern­ment.

Yet I had very many materials of a much higher nature to charge him with, which being provok'd by his challenge, I was then as I told the Committee, ready to produce, having for witnesses most of the Senior Fellows then pre­sent before them to make them good. But as I was just entring upon that task, a worthy member of the Com­mittee propounded it as a question to [Page 103] be first debated by themselves, whether they should single out the point of Statute to be determined, as they should see just upon weighing the Ar­guments of both parties laid before them in theory, or take in with it the consideration of the practick, consist­ing of personal charge. Another Gen­tleman seconding him, propounded likewise as fit to be considered, whether they would admit of recriminations, which are like to be endless (each party still deeming himself oblig'd to reply and answer at large to each others, though non-pertinent objections) or rather as the fi [...]st Gentleman pro­pounded, would fall singly upon the point of Theory. This motion the whole Assembly seem'd to assent to; so according to the custome of the Committee we were commanded to withdraw, and the doors shut. The product of the private debate was this.


That a view be taken of the severa [...] Statutes of the Ʋniversities, and the [Page 104] Colledges and Halls therein respectively, to the end that they may be reduced to such a State as may render them most conducing to the advancement of true piety, and the interest of a Common­wealth.


That Mr. Rous, Mr. Martin, Mr. Moyle, Sir Hen. Mildmay, Mr. Olds­worth, Mr Thomas Chaloner, Mr. James Chaloner, Mr. Palmer, Mr. R. Darley, Mr. Love, Mr. Nevil, be a Sub-Committee for this purpose, and that any three or more of them do meet and con­sider thereof, and make Report to this Committee from time to time concerning the same, as there shall be cause: and the care of this busin [...]ss is especially referred to Mr. Oldsworth.

In pursuance of which resolve, some of those Gentlemen, Members of this Sub-Committee have since met, and past this following Order.

THe Parliament having resolved a thorow Reformation of the Vniversi­ties, [Page 105] and the Committee appointed for that purpose in Order thereunto having taken the same into consideration, do hereby desire and require the respective Heads of Colledges, and those Fellows that are interested in the Government thereof for the time being, to send up to this Committee true transcripts of the Statutes of the said Colledges, examined and attested under their hands respe­ctively; and they do specially recommend it to the care of the said Heads, Gover­nors, and Officers, to consider what Sta­tutes or any parts thereof are prejudicial to Religion, Learning, good Manners, or the present Government; and further, whether there be any defects in the same, and to propose their opinions concerning the supplying of the said defects; and that they give an account of the receipt hereof forthwith, and of their further proceed­ings concerning the same with all conve­nient speed.

James Chaloner, F. Rous, M. Oldsworth.
FINIS. [Page]

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